UNM Hospitals - Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico


UNM Hospitals - Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico
Network Directory
Extended Network Plan
Health Benefits
for the employees of
July 2005
National Committee For Quality
Assurance (NCQA) Accreditation
HMO New Mexico, Inc., has been granted Commendable
status by the National Committee for Quality Assurance
(NCQA), effective October 16, 2002. HMONM was also
awarded Commendable Accreditation in 2000.
NCQA is an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated
to measuring the quality of America's health care. Achieving
an accreditation status of "Commendable" from NCQA is a
sign that a health plan is serious about quality. It is awarded
to plans whose service and clinical quality meet or exceed
NCQA's rigorous requirements for consumer protection and
quality improvement.
NCQA Accreditation criteria include:
Access and Service Do health plan members have
access to the care and services they need?
Qualified Providers Does the health plan assess each
doctor's qualifications and what health plan members say
about its providers?
Staying Healthy Does the health plan help members
maintain good health and detect illness early?
Getting Better How well does the health plan care for
members when they become sick?
Living with Illness How well does the health plan care
for members when they have chronic conditions?
Table of Contents
Network Plan
Summary of
Benefits ................. 3
Services &
Medical Group
Access Zip
Codes Listing ......... 5
Hospitals and
Urgent Care
Facilities ................ 6
Primary Care
(PCPs) .................... 8
Primary Care
Providers ............. 42
Specialists............ 47
Hematology/Oncology ................ 47
Allergy/Immunology .................... 47
Anesthesiology ........................... 47
Cardiology .................................. 47
Dermatology ............................... 47
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 47
General Surgery ......................... 47
Gynecology................................. 47
Hand Surgery ............................. 47
Hematology/Oncology ................ 47
Internal Medicine ........................ 47
Nephrology ................................. 48
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 48
Ophthalmology ........................... 48
Orthopedics ................................ 48
Physical Medicine ....................... 48
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 48
Radiation Oncology .................... 48
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery ....................................... 48
Urology ....................................... 48
Pagosa Springs
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 48
Allergy/Immunology .................... 49
Dermatology ............................... 49
General Surgery ......................... 49
Internal Medicine ........................ 49
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 49
Ophthalmology ........................... 49
Pediatrics .................................... 49
Anesthesiology ........................... 49
July 2005
Dermatology ............................... 49
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 49
Endocrinology ............................ 49
General Surgery ......................... 49
Hematology/Oncology ................ 49
Internal Medicine ........................ 49
Nephrology ................................. 49
Neurology ................................... 49
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 49
Ophthalmology ........................... 49
Orthopedics ................................ 49
Plastic Surgery ........................... 49
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 49
Radiation Oncology .................... 49
Sports Medicine ......................... 49
Urology ....................................... 50
Allergy/Immunology .................... 50
Anesthesiology ........................... 50
Cardiology .................................. 52
Cardiovascular Surgery .............. 54
Colon and Rectal Surgery .......... 54
Dermatology ............................... 54
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 55
Emergency Medicine .................. 55
Endocrinology ............................ 56
Family Practice ........................... 56
Gastroenterology ........................ 57
General Practice ........................ 58
General Surgery ......................... 58
Geriatrics .................................... 59
Gynecological Oncology ............ 59
Gynecology ................................ 59
Hand Surgery ............................. 59
Head and Neck Surgery ............. 60
Hematology/Oncology ................ 60
Infectious Diseases .................... 60
Internal Medicine ........................ 61
Medical Oncology ....................... 64
Neonatology ............................... 64
Nephrology ................................. 64
Neurology ................................... 65
Neurosurgery ............................. 66
Nuclear Medicine ....................... 66
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 66
Occupational Medicine ............... 68
Ophthalmology ........................... 68
Oral and Maxillofacial
Surgery ....................................... 69
Orthopedics ................................ 69
Pathology ................................... 71
Pediatrics ................................... 72
Perinatology ............................... 73
Physical Medicine ...................... 73
Plastic Surgery ........................... 74
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 74
Radiation Oncology .................... 74
Radiology ................................... 75
Rheumatology ............................ 79
Sleep Disorders .......................... 79
Spinal Surgery ............................ 79
Sports Medicine ......................... 79
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery ....................................... 79
Urgent Care ................................ 80
Urology ....................................... 80
Orthopedics ................................ 80
Gastroenterology ........................ 80
General Surgery ......................... 80
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery ....................................... 80
Cardiology .................................. 81
Dermatology ............................... 81
Nephrology ................................. 81
Gynecology ................................ 81
Cardiology .................................. 81
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 81
Gastroenterology ........................ 81
General Surgery ......................... 81
Hand Surgery ............................. 81
Hematology/Oncology ................ 81
Neurology ................................... 81
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................81
Ophthalmology ............................81
Pathology ....................................81
Physical Medicine .......................81
Pulmonary Medicine ...................81
Radiology ....................................81
Internal Medicine.........................81
General Surgery..........................82
Radiology ....................................82
Cardiology ...................................82
Ear, Nose, and Throat.................82
Family Practice ...........................82
General Surgery..........................82
Infectious Diseases .....................82
Internal Medicine.........................82
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................82
Ophthalmology ............................82
Pathology ....................................83
Pediatrics ....................................83
Pulmonary Medicine ...................83
Radiation Oncology.....................83
Radiology ....................................83
Family Practice ...........................83
Gastroenterology ........................83
General Surgery..........................83
Internal Medicine.........................83
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................83
Ophthalmology ............................83
Pulmonary Medicine ...................83
Radiology ....................................83
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................83
El Rito
Ophthalmology ............................83
Allergy/Immunology ....................84
Cardiology ...................................84
Ear, Nose, and Throat.................84
Endocrinology .............................84
General Surgery..........................84
Infectious Diseases .....................84
Internal Medicine.........................84
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................84
Ophthalmology ............................84
Pediatrics ....................................84
Pulmonary Medicine ...................84
Radiology ....................................84
Cardiology ...................................84
Ear, Nose, and Throat.................85
Emergency Medicine ..................85
Endocrinology .............................85
Family Practice ...........................85
Gastroenterology ........................85
General Practice .........................85
General Surgery..........................85
Internal Medicine.........................85
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................86
Occupational Medicine................86
Ophthalmology ............................86
Physical Medicine .......................86
Radiation Oncology.....................86
Radiology ....................................86
Rheumatology ............................ 86
Urgent Care ................................ 86
Anesthesiology ........................... 86
Cardiology .................................. 87
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 87
Emergency Medicine .................. 87
General Surgery ......................... 87
Infectious Diseases .................... 87
Nephrology ................................. 87
Neurology ................................... 87
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 87
Ophthalmology ........................... 87
Orthopedics ................................ 87
Pathology .................................... 87
Physical Medicine ....................... 87
Radiology .................................... 87
Urology ....................................... 87
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 87
General Surgery ......................... 87
Anesthesiology ........................... 87
Cardiology .................................. 87
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 88
Gastroenterology ........................ 88
General Practice ......................... 88
General Surgery ......................... 88
Hand Surgery ............................. 88
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 88
Orthopedics ................................ 88
Pathology .................................... 88
Physical Medicine ....................... 88
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 88
Radiology .................................... 88
Sleep Disorders .......................... 88
Urology ....................................... 88
Las Cruces
Allergy/Immunology .................... 88
Anesthesiology ........................... 88
Cardiology .................................. 89
Dermatology ............................... 89
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 89
Endocrinology ............................. 89
Gastroenterology ........................ 89
General Practice ......................... 89
General Surgery ......................... 89
Gynecology ................................. 89
Hematology/Oncology ................ 90
Internal Medicine ........................ 90
Medical Oncology ....................... 90
Nephrology ................................. 90
Neurology ................................... 90
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 90
Occupational Medicine ............... 90
Ophthalmology ........................... 90
Orthopedics ................................ 91
Pathology .................................... 91
Physical Medicine ....................... 91
Plastic Surgery ........................... 91
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 91
Radiation Oncology .................... 91
Radiology .................................... 91
Rheumatology ............................ 92
Sleep Disorders .......................... 92
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery ....................................... 92
Urology ....................................... 92
Las Vegas
Allergy/Immunology .................... 92
Anesthesiology ........................... 92
Cardiology .................................. 92
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 92
General Surgery ......................... 92
Neurology ................................... 92
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............... 93
Ophthalmology ........................... 93
Orthopedics ................................ 93
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 93
Radiology .................................... 93
Sports Medicine .......................... 93
Urology ....................................... 93
Ophthalmology ........................... 93
Table of Contents
Network Plan
Introduction .......... 1
Table of Contents
Los Alamos
Table of Contents
Allergy/Immunology ....................93
Anesthesiology ............................93
Cardiology ...................................93
Dermatology ................................93
Ear, Nose, and Throat .................93
Endocrinology .............................93
Gastroenterology ........................93
General Surgery ..........................93
Hematology/Oncology .................93
Internal Medicine .........................93
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................93
Ophthalmology ............................94
Pathology ....................................94
Physical Medicine .......................94
Radiology ....................................94
Rheumatology .............................94
Urology ........................................94
Los Lunas
Cardiology ...................................94
Radiology ....................................94
General Surgery ..........................94
Infectious Diseases .....................94
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................94
Rheumatology .............................94
Ranchos de Taos
Emergency Medicine ..................94
General Surgery ..........................94
Hematology/Oncology .................94
Internal Medicine .........................94
Ophthalmology ............................94
Radiology ....................................94
Rio Rancho
Infectious Diseases .....................94
Ophthalmology ............................94
Urology ........................................95
Allergy/Immunology ....................95
Anesthesiology ............................95
Cardiology ...................................95
Dermatology ................................95
Ear, Nose, and Throat .................95
Endocrinology .............................95
Gastroenterology ........................95
General Surgery ..........................95
Hematology/Oncology .................95
Internal Medicine .........................95
Nephrology ..................................95
Neurology ....................................95
Neurosurgery ..............................95
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................96
Ophthalmology ............................96
Orthopedics .................................96
Pathology ....................................96
Physical Medicine .......................96
UNM Hospitals - Extended Network Plan
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 96
Radiation Oncology .................... 96
Radiology .................................... 96
Rheumatology............................. 96
Sleep Disorders .......................... 96
Urology ....................................... 96
Family Practice ........................... 96
General Practice ......................... 96
General Surgery ......................... 96
Gynecology ................................. 96
Internal Medicine ........................ 96
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................ 97
Orthopedics ................................ 97
Pulmonary Medicine ................... 97
Radiology .................................... 97
Santa Fe
Allergy/Immunology .................... 97
Anesthesiology ........................... 97
Cardiology ................................... 97
Dermatology ............................... 97
Ear, Nose, and Throat ................ 98
Endocrinology ............................. 98
Family Practice ........................... 98
Gastroenterology ........................ 98
General Surgery ......................... 98
Hand Surgery .............................. 98
Hematology/Oncology ................ 98
Infectious Diseases ..................... 98
Internal Medicine ........................ 98
Medical Oncology ....................... 99
Nephrology ................................. 99
Neurology ................................... 99
Neurosurgery .............................. 99
Obstetrics/Gynecology ................ 99
Occupational Medicine ............... 99
Ophthalmology ............................ 99
Orthopedics .............................. 100
Pathology .................................. 100
Perinatology .............................. 100
Physical Medicine ..................... 100
Pulmonary Medicine ................. 100
Radiation Oncology .................. 100
Radiology .................................. 101
Rheumatology........................... 101
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery ..................................... 101
Urology ..................................... 101
Santa Teresa
Anesthesiology ......................... 101
Ophthalmology .......................... 101
Silver City
Anesthesiology ......................... 101
Dermatology ............................. 101
Ear, Nose, and Throat .............. 101
General Surgery ....................... 102
Neurology ................................. 102
Obstetrics/Gynecology .............. 102
Ophthalmology .......................... 102
Orthopedics .............................. 102
Pathology ................................. 102
Pulmonary Medicine ................. 102
Radiology ................................. 102
Urology ..................................... 102
Ophthalmology ......................... 102
Sunland Park
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery ..................................... 102
Cardiology ................................ 102
Emergency Medicine ................ 102
General Surgery ....................... 102
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............. 102
Ophthalmology ......................... 102
Orthopedics .............................. 102
Radiology ................................. 102
Sports Medicine ........................ 103
Urology ..................................... 103
Truth or Consequences
General Surgery ....................... 103
Ophthalmology ......................... 103
Family Practice ......................... 103
General Surgery ....................... 103
Internal Medicine ...................... 103
Ophthalmology ......................... 103
Radiology ................................. 103
General Practice ....................... 103
Denver City
Dermatology ............................. 103
El Paso
Allergy/Immunology .................. 103
Anesthesiology ......................... 103
Cardiology ................................ 103
Colon and Rectal Surgery ........ 104
Ear, Nose, and Throat .............. 104
Endocrinology ........................... 104
Gastroenterology ...................... 104
General Surgery ....................... 104
Geriatrics .................................. 105
Gynecology .............................. 105
Hematology/Oncology .............. 105
Infectious Diseases .................. 105
Internal Medicine ...................... 105
Medical Oncology ..................... 105
Nephrology ............................... 106
Neurology ................................. 106
Neurosurgery ............................ 106
Obstetrics/Gynecology ............. 106
Ophthalmology ......................... 106
Orthopedics .............................. 106
Pathology ................................. 107
Perinatology ..............................107
Physical Medicine .....................108
Plastic Surgery ..........................108
Pulmonary Medicine..................108
Radiation Oncology ...................108
Radiology ..................................108
Spinal Surgery...........................108
Urology ......................................108
Anesthesiology ..........................108
Cardiology .................................109
Cardiovascular Surgery.............109
Dermatology ..............................109
Family Practice..........................109
General Surgery ........................109
Hand Surgery ............................109
Hematology/Oncology ...............109
Internal Medicine .......................109
Medical Oncology......................109
Neurology .................................. 110
Obstetrics/Gynecology .............. 110
Orthopedics ............................... 110
Pediatrics .................................. 110
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery...................................... 110
Thoracic and Vascular
Surgery...................................... 110
Dermatology .............................. 110
Allied Health
Practitioners .......111
Services ..............156
Mesa Mental
Health Network ..174
Network .............189
Index ..................195
July 2005
Welcome to the Extended Network Plan
Welcome to the Extended Network Plan that is administered by HMO New Mexico (HMONM).
As an Extended Network Plan member you have access to our entire HMONM network
No PCP referral required to see a contracted Specialist
You do not need a Primary Care Physician (PCP) referral in order to receive benefits at the
Extended Network Plan level of coverage. You may visit any Extended Network Plan provider
and receive in-network benefits for covered services.
Accessing Providers affiliated with the Standard (LoboCare Network) Plan
You may see any HMONM provider under the Extended Network Plan however, by using
providers affiliated with the Standard (LoboCare Network) Plan you may have lower out-ofpocket expenses.
Prior Authorizations
Certain services require Prior Authorization. Examples of services requiring Prior Authorization
are Short Term Rehabilitation, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, etc. Please refer to your Benefit
Booklet or contact Customer Service at 1-800-423-1630 for a listing of these services.
Out-of-Network Benefits
You may choose to visit a provider who is not part of the Extended Network Plan however,
you will need to first meet a deductible and pay a percentage of covered charges (certain
exceptions, such as for emergency care are explained in the member’s Benefit Booklet). Outof-Network providers may bill you for amounts over the covered charge. The amount can
sometimes be significant, and is not applied to your out-of-pocket maximum (see your Benefit
Booklet for more details). In addition, some benefits are available only if received from
Extended Network Plan providers.
We’re also on the Web!
You can view the printable directory on-line on our Web site, www.bcbsnm.com. From the
home page select “UNM Hospitals – Extended Network Plan” from the “Are you a member of
one of our largest groups?” drop-down menu. UNM Hospitals’ customized provider directories,
forms and other information can be found here. Or you may contact Customer Service for
assistance at 1-800-423-1630.
Finding a Provider
This directory is for both members and physicians. All of the providers in this directory are innetwork providers. Remember, the fact that a provider is listed in this directory does not make
services received from that provider automatically eligible for benefits. Services must be
medically necessary and covered under your health plan in order to be eligible for any UNMH
Extended Network Plan Introduction - continued
There are several sections to this directory. Each lists providers alphabetically, within city and
specialty, in the following manner:
City Name
County Name
¾Provider Name
Provider Number: NM001234
‹ SPECIAL NOTE (if any)
„ Languages the provider speaks
(see last page for Provider Language Codes legend)
Group Practice Name
Street address, Zip
Although this directory is current as of the date at the bottom of each page, it is subject to
change without notice. To check if a physician/provider has been added to the network, or if
you have any questions about how to use this directory, please call an HMONM Customer
Service Representative at 1-800-423-1630.
For Our Providers
Please remember to contact your Network Services Department if there are errors in this
directory or to report a change in your physical or legal location. Phone: 1-800-567-8540
or 505-837-8800. Fax: 1-866-290-7718 or 505-816-2688.
The Provider Service Unit will take your calls concerning claims, eligibility, and benefits.
They can be reached by calling 1-888-349-3706, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m.
For Prior Authorizations, call our Health Services Department or fax your request.
Phone: 1-800-325-8334 or 505-291-3585. Fax: 1-800-835-8704 or 505-237-5252.
UNM Hospitals
Extended Network Plan
Summary of Benefits
This is a summary only that lists the deductible, out-of-pocket limit, and copayment and
coinsurance amounts, and provides a brief description of UNM Hospitals Extended Network Plan
UNM Hospitals Extended
Network Plan Benefits
Calendar Year Deductible
Member’s Share of Covered Charges
Standard Network
Extended Network
Out-of-Network *
$3,000 Family Aggregate
Calendar Year Out-of-Pocket Limit (Includes
coinsurance only. Does NOT include deductible,
noncovered charges, or penalty amounts.)
Annual and Lifetime Benefit Payment
$10,000 Family Aggregate
$4,600 per individual
$2,000,000 per member per calendar year and a lifetime benefit pay maximum of
$5,000,000 per member
Primary Care Physician (PCP) Office
$20 per visit
$30 per visit
Specialist Physician Office Visit
$30 per visit
$45 per visit
$30 per visit
$45 per visit
Office Surgery (including casts, splints, and
Maternity Prenatal & Post-Partum Visits
Lab Tests, X-Rays, EKGs, Other Diagnostic Tests
Allergy Injections, Serum
Allergy Testing
Preventive Care Services
Adult Wellness/Physical Exams
Well Child Care
Immunizations, Mammography, Pap Tests
Acupuncture (max. 20 visits/year) **
Chiropractic Services **
$20 (or $30 specialist) initial visit only $30 (or $45 specialist) initial visit only
$0 copay (included in office visit)
$0 copay (included in office visit)
$0 copay (included in office visit)
$0 copay (included in office visit)
Not Covered
$30 per visit
$45 per visit
Not Covered
$20 (or $30 specialist)/visit
$20 (or $30 specialist)/visit
$0 copay (included in office visit)
$30 (or $45 for specialist)/visit
$30 (or $45 for specialist)/visit
$0 copay (included in office visit)
Not Covered
$30 per visit
$45 per visit
Not Covered
Ground $50 or Air $100
Ambulance: Ground & Emergency Air
$100 per visit (waived if admitted)
$150 per visit (waived if admitted)
Urgent Care Facility
$50 per visit
$50 per visit
Home Health Care/Home I.V. Care (max. 100
visits/year) **
$20 per visit
$30 per visit
Hospice Services (lifetime max. $10,000; includes
up to 7 days of respite care) **
$0 copay
$0 copay
Emergency Room Treatment
Inpatient Hospital/Facility Services ** (See “Skilled Nursing Facility” for skilled nursing facility admissions. See “Psychotherapeutic Services” for inpatient
treatments related to mental health or chemical dependency. See “Transplant Services,” if applicable.)
Medical/Surgical and Maternity-Related Room
$200 per admission (no charge for
$600 per admission (no charge for
and Board and Covered Ancillaries
inpatient physician services)
inpatient physician services)
Psychotherapeutic Services – Inpatient **
40% Mental Health *
$200 per Mental Health admission $600 per Mental Health admission (no
Mental Health
charge for physician services)
(no charge for physician services)
50% Detox *
Chemical Dependency, Alcohol/Substance Abuse (up to
Rehab - Not Covered
30% Detox; 25% Rehab
30% Detox; 25% Rehab
30 days/year; 60 days/lifetime for rehab)
Psychotherapeutic Services – Outpatient **
40% Mental Health *
$30 per Mental Health visit
$45 per Mental Health visit
Mental Health
50% Detox *
Chemical Dependency, Alcohol/Substance Abuse (up to
30% Detox; 25% Rehab
30% Detox; 25% Rehab
– Not Covered
30 visits/year; 60 visits/lifetime for rehab)
Customer Service: (800) 423-1630
UNM Hospitals Extended Network Plan
Member’s Share of Covered Charges
Standard Network
$0 copay
$0 copay
Extended Network
$100 facility copay
$0 copay
Infertility Services, including drugs and injections (lifetime max. of
12 attempts per employee/spouse) **
Not Covered
Lab, X-Ray, PET Scans ** and Other Diagnostic Tests
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
$100 copay
$250 copay
$20 PCP visit
$30 Specialist visit
$30 PCP visit
$45 Specialist visit
Not Covered
Surgery (Outpatient/Ambulatory Surgical Center)
Skilled Nursing Facility (max. 60 days/lifetime) **
Medical Supplies, Durable Medical Equipment,
Prosthetics, Orthotics **
Smoking/Tobacco Cessation Counseling (90 minutes total
or 2 group sessions per calendar year)
Therapy, Outpatient Treatment Facility:
No charge
No charge
Chemotherapy, Radiation, Inhalation Therapy
Transplant Services ** (Must be received at a facility that contracts with a Standard or Extended Network provider for the transplant being received, including
a facility in the national transplant network.)
Cornea, Kidney, and Bone Marrow, Heart, HeartLung, Liver, Lung, and Pancreas-Kidney (Max. two
transplants per lifetime. Max. $5000 per transplant for lodging and
meal expenses and $5000 per transplant for travel expenses.)
Usual copays based on place of
treatment and type of service
Not Covered
Prescription Drugs, Insulin, Diabetic Supplies, Enteral Nutritional Products, Special Medical Foods, &
Smoking/Tobacco Cessation (Lesser of a 30-day supply, 120-unit dosage, or standard trade package)
Note: Deductible does not apply and copayments
are not applied to the out-of-pocket limit nor waived
once the limit is met. Certain drugs, nutritional
products/special medical foods, and certain
injectable medications require prior approval.
Covered drugs and other items must be purchased at
a pharmacy that participates in the Retail Pharmacy
or Mail Order Service programs. (HMONM has
contracted with a separate program for
administration of the prescription drug benefits.)
Generic Drug
Brand – Formulary Drug
Non-Formulary Drug
Specialty Medications (May require prior authorization)
Mail Order (Lesser of 90-day supply, 360 units, or three
standard trade packages for two copays)
Nonprescription enteral nutritional products and
special medical foods (prior authorization required)
20% or $250 whichever is less
* Member’s share of out-of-network covered services after deductible is met. Member also pays difference between the covered
charge, as determined by the Claims Administrator, and the provider’s billed charge.
** These services require prior authorization from HMONM (or Mesa Mental Health) or benefits wll be reduced or denied. See a
benefit booklet for full limitations and requirements.
Note: Extended Network Plan members have access to the entire HMONM statewide network, subject to normal plan provisions (prior
authorization requirements, etc.). However, by using providers affiliated with the Standard Network, you may have lower out-of-pocket
expenses. You do not need a PCP referral in order to receive benefits at the Extended Network or Standard Network level of
coverage. You may visit any Standard Network provider and receive Standard Network benefits for covered services. If you
choose to visit a provider who is not a member of the Standard Network, but is a member of the HMONM Network (Extended
Network), you will receive Extended Network benefits for covered services. If you choose a provider that belongs to neither
network, you will receive Out-of-Network benefits for covered services. However, you will have to first meet a deductible and
pay a percentage of covered charges (some exceptions, such as for emergency care are explained in the member’s benefit
booklet). Out-of-network providers may bill you for amounts that are over the covered charge. This amount can sometimes be
significant, and is not applied to your out-of-pocket limit. Also, some benefits are available only if received from Network (either
Extended or Standard) providers.
Note: BCBSNM and HMONM provide administrative claims payment services only and does not assume any financial risk or
obligation with respect to claims, except as may be specified in the Administrative Services Agreement.
BCBSNM is a Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, and Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
Customer Service: (800) 423-1630
Presbyterian Healthcare Services & Presbyterian Medical Group
In-Network Acces Zip Codes Listing
Zip codes for members living outside Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance
counties are listed here. The PHS and PMG providers will continue to be considered
in-network for specialty care.
Doña Ana
De Baca
July 2005
Los Alamos
Rio Arriba
San Juan
San Miguel
Santa Fe
Extended Network Plan
Hospitals and Urgent Care Facilities
La Plata County
Acute Care Hospitals
Mercy Medical Center
Provider ID #NM00A002
BlueLINK ID: 969544847
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-4311
Fax No. (970) 385-5374
Hospitals and Urgent Care
Otero County
Acute Care Hospitals
Gerald Champion Regional
Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000001
BlueLINK ID: 969545390
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 439-6100
Urgent Care Facilities
Immediate Care Clinic
Provider ID #NM00UCAW
BlueLINK ID: 5006947
1410 Aspen Dr., 88310
(505) 437-7000
Bernalillo County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with this special symbol
"¾", your visit will not be covered.
See the introductory section of
this directory for more details.
Acute Care Children's
Carrie Tingley Hospital
Provider ID #NM000062
BlueLINK ID: 969545520
University Physicians Associates
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Children's Hospital of New Mexico
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5437
Acute Care Hospitals
Albuquerque Regional Medical
Provider ID #NM010084
BlueLINK ID: 969545394
formerly known as St. Joseph Medical
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Heart Hospital of New Mexico
Provider ID #NM000082
BlueLINK ID: 969545431
504 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 242-5600
Fax No. (505) 246-9933
Lovelace Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000017
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
University Hospital
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2111
West Mesa Medical Center
Provider ID #NM010088
BlueLINK ID: 969545398
formerly known as St. Joseph West
Mesa Hospital
10501 Golf Course Rd. NW, 87114
(505) 727-2000
Women's Hospital
Provider ID #NM010090
BlueLINK ID: 969545391
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7800
Pediatric Urgent Care Center
Provider ID #NM00UCBI
BlueLINK ID: 6001116
Office Hrs: M-F 4:00 pm-8:00 pm;
weekends & holidays: 10:00 am-8:00
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 101,
(505) 727-6963
Eddy County
Kindred Hospital Albuquerque
Provider ID #NM000081
BlueLINK ID: 969545577
Sub-acute hospital
700 High St. NE, 87102
(505) 242-4444
Rehabilitation Hospital of New
Provider ID #NM01CR51
BlueLINK ID: 969544985
formerly known as St. Joseph
Rehabilitation Center
505 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 727-4700
Specialty Hospital of Albuquerque
Provider ID #NM000095
Long term acute care
235 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Urgent Care Facilities
Lovelace Journal Center Urgent
Care Center
Provider ID #NM00UCBG
BlueLINK ID: 5009775
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00am8:00pm; weekends & holidays:
Lovelace Journal Center Health Care
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3233
Fax No. (505) 262-3191
Lovelace Montgomery Urgent
Care Center
Provider ID #NM00UCBK
BlueLINK ID: 6003566
Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 4:00pm8:00pm; weekends & holidays:
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4259
Española Hospital
Provider ID #NM000026
BlueLINK ID: 969545405
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Urgent Care Facilities
Artesia General Hospital
Provider ID #NM000025
BlueLINK ID: 969545404
702 N. 13th St., 88210
(505) 748-3333
Española Hospital
Provider ID #NM00UCAM
BlueLINK ID: 969545405
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
Urgent Care Center
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
HealthSouth Rehabilitation
Provider ID #NM00CR04
BlueLINK ID: 969545447
7700 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 287-4526
Acute Care Hospitals
Acute Care Hospitals
Eddy County
Specialty Hospital
Rio Arriba County
Acute Care Hospitals
Carlsbad Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000032
BlueLINK ID: 969545410
2430 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 887-6633
Union County
Acute Care Hospitals
Union County General Hospital
Provider ID #NM000080
BlueLINK ID: 969545430
301 Harding St., 88415
(505) 374-2585
Fax No. (505) 374-8146
Curry County
Acute Care Hospitals
Plains Regional Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000022
BlueLINK ID: 969545401
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Urgent Care Facilities
New Mexico QuickCare
Provider ID #NM00UCAI
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E3, 88101
(505) 769-2533
Fax No. (505) 769-1735
Plains Regional Medical Center
Provider ID #NM00UCAR
BlueLINK ID: 5005609
Urgent Care Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-7139
Luna County
Acute Care Hospitals
Mimbres Memorial Hospital
Provider ID #NM000023
BlueLINK ID: 969545402
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-2761
See special note
San Juan County
Specialty Hospital
San Juan Regional Rehabilitation
Provider ID #NM00CR05
525 Schwartz Ave., 87401
(505) 327-3422
Urgent Care Facilities
Reliance Medical Group
Provider ID #NM007E07
511 E. 20th St., 87401
(505) 566-1915
SJRMC Urgent Care
Provider ID #NM00UCAL
BlueLINK ID: 5005741
4820 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-0459
McKinley County
Acute Care Hospitals
Rehoboth McKinley Hospital
Provider ID #NM000H16
BlueLINK ID: 969545397
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Cibola County
Acute Care Hospitals
Cibola General Hospital
Provider ID #NM000072
BlueLINK ID: 969545426
1016 E. Roosevelt Ave., 87020
(505) 287-4446
Lea County
Acute Care Hospitals
Lea Regional Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000079
BlueLINK ID: 969545429
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 492-5000
July 2005
Hospitals and Urgent Care Facilities
El Paso
Las Cruces
Los Lunas
Doña Ana County
Valencia County
Chaves County
Acute Care Hospitals
Memorial Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000096
BlueLINK ID: 969545411
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-4480
Mountainview Regional Medical
Provider ID #NM000083
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Fax No. (505) 522-3891
Mountainview Regional Medical
Center - Rehab
Provider ID #NM00CR31
Inpatient rehabilitation
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Urgent Care Facilities
First Care Clinic
Provider ID #NM00UCBC
BlueLINK ID: 5009125
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
New Mexico QuickCare
Provider ID #NM00UCAI
530 N. Telshor Blvd., 88005
(505) 532-2004
Las Vegas
San Miguel County
Acute Care Hospitals
Alta Vista Regional Hospital
Provider ID #NM000068
BlueLINK ID: 969545424
104 Legion Dr., 87701
(505) 426-3500
Fax No. (505) 425-2010
Urgent Care Facilities
Las Vegas StatCare, Inc.
Provider ID #NM007E01
1622 7th St., 87701
(505) 425-6283
Fax No. (505) 425-7196
New Mexico QuickCare
Provider ID #NM00UCAI
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 200, 87701
(505) 454-1109
Los Alamos
Los Alamos County
Acute Care Hospitals
Los Alamos Medical Center
Provider ID #NM010040
BlueLINK ID: 969545413
3917 West Rd., 87544
(505) 662-4201
July 2005
Acute Care Hospitals
Eastern NM Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000049
BlueLINK ID: 969545416
405 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-8170
Urgent Care Facilities
New Mexico QuickCare
Provider ID #NM00UCAI
1400 Main St., Ste. M, 87031
(505) 866-1692
Fax No. (505) 565-8199
Lincoln County
Acute Care Hospitals
Lincoln County Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000052
BlueLINK ID: 969545417
211 Sudderth Dr., 88345
(505) 257-7381
Lea County
Acute Care Hospitals
Santa Fe
Nor-Lea General Hospital
Provider ID #NM000024
BlueLINK ID: 969545403
1600 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-6611
Santa Fe County
Acute Care Hospitals
St. Vincent Hospital
Provider ID #NM000054
BlueLINK ID: 969545419
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 983-3361
Roosevelt County
Acute Care Hospitals
Roosevelt General Hospital
Provider ID #NM000077
BlueLINK ID: 969550460
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 359-1800
Fax No. (505) 356-9200
Colfax County
Acute Care Hospitals
Miners Colfax Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000020
BlueLINK ID: 969545399
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-2741
Rio Rancho
Sandoval County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with this special symbol
"¾", your visit will not be covered.
See the introductory section of
this directory for more details.
Urgent Care Facilities
Lovelace Rio Rancho Urgent Care
Provider ID #NM00UCBH
BlueLINK ID: 6001385
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 262-3233
Urgent Care Facilities
Provider ID #NM00UCBJ
BlueLINK ID: 6002828
707 Paseo de Peralta, 87501
(505) 989-8707
Fax No. (505) 737-5181
Urgent Care Santa Fe
Provider ID #NM00UCAV
BlueLINK ID: 5005444
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Fax No. (505) 474-3279
Santa Rosa
Guadalupe County
Acute Care Hospitals
Guadalupe County Hospital
Provider ID #NM000027
BlueLINK ID: 969545406
535 Lake Dr., 88435
(505) 472-3417
Fax No. (505) 472-3417
Silver City
Grant County
Acute Care Hospitals
Gila Regional Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000057
BlueLINK ID: 969545420
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4000
See special note
After Hours Family Healthcare
Provider ID #NM00UCAX
BlueLINK ID: 5005700
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 538-2824
Family Urgent Care
Provider ID #NM00UCBB
BlueLINK ID: 5008264
3202 Ridge Lp., 88061
(505) 388-5444
Fax No. (505) 388-5336
Socorro County
Acute Care Hospitals
Hospitals and Urgent Care
Specialty Hospital
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with this special symbol
"¾", your visit will not be covered.
See the introductory section of
this directory for more details.
Urgent Care Facilities
Socorro General Hospital
Provider ID #NM000069
BlueLINK ID: 969545425
1202 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-1140
Taos County
Acute Care Hospitals
Holy Cross Hospital
Provider ID #NM000076
BlueLINK ID: 969545427
Taos Community Healthplan
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
Truth or Consequences
Sierra County
Acute Care Hospitals
Sierra Vista Hospital, Inc.
Provider ID #NM000063
BlueLINK ID: 969545422
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-2111
Quay County
Acute Care Hospitals
Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital
Provider ID #NM000064
BlueLINK ID: 969545423
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
El Paso
El Paso County
Specialty Hospital
SCCI Hospital - El Paso
Provider ID #NM000085
1740 Curie Dr., 79902
(915) 351-9044
Fax No. (915) 351-9066
Extended Network Plan
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Physicians are professionals who have either an MD or DO degree and are licensed to practice
medicine. PCPs focus on the "whole person" and help you coordinate your health care, including
referrals. PCPs include General Practitioners (doctors who are licensed, but do not have
residency training), as well as physicians who have had residency training in these medical
specialties: Family Practice, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics. Additionally, some Obstetrician/
Gynecologists choose to serve as PCPs for their women patients.
Montezuma County
Family Practice
Barkhurst, Hope K., MD
Provider ID #NM009P29
BlueLINK ID: 4130608
Southwest Healthnet
2095 N. Dolores Rd., 81321
(970) 564-8086
Fax No. (970) 564-8087
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Bloink, Steven W., MD
Provider ID #NM00YP62
BlueLINK ID: 2178449
118 N. Chesnut St., 81321
(970) 565-5463
Fax No. (970) 564-9245
Fury, Dianna L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L99
BlueLINK ID: 3308420
Cortez Medical Clinic, Inc.
33 N. Elm St., 81321
(970) 565-8556
Fax No. (970) 564-1134
Johnson, Carolyn J., MD
Provider ID #NM013292
BlueLINK ID: 3143181
1413 N. Mildred Rd., 81321
(970) 565-4436
Fax No. (970) 565-2007
Internal Medicine
Demby, Karla J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P19
BlueLINK ID: 3242968
Southwest Internal Medicine
111 N. Park St., 81321
(970) 564-8730
Fax No. (970) 565-5430
Lippard, Tracy E., MD
Provider ID #NM009T60
BlueLINK ID: 4238661
Southwest Internal Medicine
111 N. Park St., 81321
(970) 546-8730
Fax No. (970) 565-5430
Page, Robin E., MD
Provider ID #NM009P14
BlueLINK ID: 4245275
Southwest Internal Medicine
111 N. Park St., 81321
(970) 564-8730
Fax No. (970) 565-5430
Pyle, Blair W., MD
Provider ID #NM00I958
BlueLINK ID: 3124510
1011 N. Mildred Rd., 81321
(970) 565-0813
Fax No. (970) 565-3940
Barkhurst, Hope K., MD
Provider ID #NM009P29
BlueLINK ID: 4130608
Southwest Healthnet
2095 N. Dolores Rd., 81321
(970) 564-8086
Fax No. (970) 564-8087
Fury, Dianna L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L99
BlueLINK ID: 3308420
Cortez Medical Clinic, Inc.
33 N. Elm St., 81321
(970) 565-8556
Fax No. (970) 564-1134
La Plata County
Family Practice
Casias, Luke J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P37
BlueLINK ID: 6003586
Durango Primary Care
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 103, 81301
(970) 247-2611
Fax No. (970) 259-4091
Cristol, Marjorie J., MD
Provider ID #NM00X750
BlueLINK ID: 3327099
Durango Primary Care
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-2611
Davidson, Adelia Marie, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH71
BlueLINK ID: 3223625
SW Women's Health Associates
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 210, 81301
(970) 247-0042
Fax No. (970) 259-8837
Jackson, Alison W., MD
Provider ID #NM01YV84
BlueLINK ID: 4147124
Durango Family Medicine
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-9850
Fax No. (970) 385-9854
Kearney, Patrick J., MD
Provider ID #NM009J90
BlueLINK ID: 3124964
Durango Family Medicine
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-9850
Fax No. (970) 385-9854
Lavengood, John S., MD
Provider ID #NM019A22
BlueLINK ID: 3223297
Durango Family Medicine
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-9850
Fax No. (970) 385-9854
Lewis, Megan E., MD
Provider ID #NM019765
BlueLINK ID: 4170845
Durango Primary Care
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 103, 81301
(970) 247-2611
Fax No. (970) 259-4091
Maxted, George H., MD
Provider ID #NM009753
BlueLINK ID: 4243729
Durango Primary Care
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 103, 81301
(970) 247-2611
Murphy, Joseph M., MD
Provider ID #NM01XU20
BlueLINK ID: 3184546
Durango Family Medicine
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-9850
Fax No. (970) 385-9854
Ochsner, Frederick O., MD
Provider ID #NM00XU80
BlueLINK ID: 3260277
Durango Primary Care
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-2611
Palko-Shraa, William, MD
Provider ID #NM01E56K
BlueLINK ID: 3328041
129 E. 32nd St., 81301
(970) 385-9193
Fax No. (970) 385-9194
Pirnat, Martin P., MD
Provider ID #NM009J61
BlueLINK ID: 3223295
Durango Family Medicine
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-9850
Fax No. (970) 385-9854
Internal Medicine
Cooke, W. Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM01XU83
BlueLINK ID: 3103448
Patients over age 13
Allergy & Internal Medicine Specialist
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 259-0780
Fax No. (970) 382-2620
Lifton, Lloyd, MD
Provider ID #NM00E109
BlueLINK ID: 3124431
Gynecology female patients
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 207, 81302
(970) 259-0701
Fax No. (970) 259-0707
Chaudhuri, Pakhi, MD
Provider ID #NM009T05
BlueLINK ID: 6003957
Patients birth to 18 years
1199 Main Ave., Ste. 205, 81301
(970) 259-7337
Fax No. (970) 259-7366
Fraley, Martha C., MD
Provider ID #NM009J91
BlueLINK ID: 3384762
Pediatric females ages 12-21
Southwest Childrens Health Clinic
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 101, 81301
(970) 247-4567
Fax No. (970) 259-4091
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Huffman, Brenda L., MD
Provider ID #NM009742
BlueLINK ID: 3271947
SW Childrens Health Clinic
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 101, 81301
(970) 247-4567
Fax No. (970) 582-1051
Hutt, P. Jesse, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ77
BlueLINK ID: 3341962
SW Childrens Health Clinic
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 101, 81301
(970) 247-4567
McGrath, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM00W998
BlueLINK ID: 3223260
SW Childrens Health Clinic
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 101, 81301
(970) 247-4567
Miller, Kelly L., MD
Provider ID #NM009A49
BlueLINK ID: 4262885
SW Childrens Health Clinic
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 101, 81301
(970) 247-4567
Fax No. (970) 582-1051
Zemach, Arthur M., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ76
BlueLINK ID: 4153036
SW Childrens Health Clinic
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 101, 81301
(970) 247-4567
Pagosa Springs
Archuleta County
Family Practice
Piccaro, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM009F33
BlueLINK ID: 3386556
Pagosa Springs Family Medicine
75 S. Pagosa Blvd., 81147
(970) 731-4131
Fax No. (970) 731-9384
Pruitt, James C., III, MD
Provider ID #NM00Y342
BlueLINK ID: 3124142
Pagosa Springs Family Medicine
75 S. Pagosa Blvd., 81147
(970) 731-4131
Fax No. (970) 731-9384
Weinpahl, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM009J54
BlueLINK ID: 3184565
Pagosa Springs Family Medical
75 S. Pagosa Blvd., 81147
(970) 731-4131
Fax No. (970) 731-9384
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Internal Medicine
Polczynski, Evette S., MD
Provider ID #NM009P01
BlueLINK ID: 4283260
Pagosa Springs Family Medical
75 S. Pagosa Blvd., 81147
(970) 731-4131
Fax No. (970) 731-9384
Las Animas County
Family Practice
Fabec, Sally, MD
Provider ID #NM00J864
BlueLINK ID: 3204703
328 Bonaventure, Ste. 5, 81082
(719) 846-4433
Fax No. (719) 846-4434
Jimenez, Joseph P., MD
Provider ID #NM009P64
BlueLINK ID: 3124753
St. Vincent's Primary Care, LLC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. A, 81082
(719) 846-2206
Fax No. (719) 846-7823
Internal Medicine
Rio Arriba County
Family Practice
Singleton, Tamara A., MD
Provider ID #NM009330
BlueLINK ID: 4120085
Las Clinicas del Norte
State Hwy. 84, Ste. 185, 87510
(505) 685-4479
Fax No. (505) 685-4532
Internal Medicine
Rojas, Rogelio E., MD
Provider ID #NM009330
BlueLINK ID: 4241538
Las Clinicas del Norte
State Hwy. 84, Ste. 185, 87510
(505) 685-4479
Fax No. (505) 685-4532
Otero County
Family Practice
Afridi, Zahid H., MD
Provider ID #NM009N53
BlueLINK ID: 4308803
Ben Archer Health Center
1501 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 443-8133
Fax No. (505) 443-8055
July 2005
Baker, Brad R., MD
Provider ID #NM009K33
BlueLINK ID: 3203417
Alamogordo Clinic, Ltd.
1410 Aspen Dr., 88310
(505) 437-7000
Singh, Jagdev I., MD
Provider ID #NM002584
BlueLINK ID: 3209298
1909 Cuba Ave., 88310
(505) 437-1900
Fax No. (505) 437-3322
Banikarim, Kay, MD
Provider ID #NM004370
BlueLINK ID: 4203145
Dan Moezzi, MD, PC
2814 Indian Wells Rd., 88310
(505) 443-0339
Fax No. (505) 434-5624
Thomas, Floyd O., MD
Provider ID #NM009N51
BlueLINK ID: 3135995
Alamogordo Clinic, Ltd.
1410 Aspen Dr., 88310
(505) 437-7000
Bankston, Chandi D., DO
Provider ID #NM014B53
BlueLINK ID: 5007566
923 9th St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 437-5716
Draluck, Debra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N06
BlueLINK ID: 4249148
Ben Archer Health Center
1501 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 443-8133
Fax No. (505) 443-8055
Grummert, Sandra E., MD
Provider ID #NM009224
BlueLINK ID: 2399581
Established patients only
Alamogordo Clinic, Ltd.
1410 Aspen Dr., 88310
(505) 443-8339
Heredia, Gilberto, MD
Provider ID #NM009956
BlueLINK ID: 4170479
White Sands Family Practice Clinic
2010 Pecan Dr., 88310
(505) 434-9737
Jones, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM009965
BlueLINK ID: 3124754
Alamogordo Family Practice
1909 Cuba Ave., Ste. 4, 88310
(505) 443-6262
Fax No. (505) 443-0672
Jun, Sungho, MD
Provider ID #NM001201
BlueLINK ID: 4140577
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. B, 88310
(505) 437-8828
Fax No. (505) 437-4122
Lugo, Fernando, DO
Provider ID #NM004B69
BlueLINK ID: 4271532
Osteopathic manipulation
Ben Archer Health Center
1501 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 443-8133
Fax No. (505) 443-8055
Martinez, Enrique, MD
Provider ID #NM001726
BlueLINK ID: 3135814
Ben Archer Health Center
1501 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 443-8133
Fax No. (505) 443-8055
Moezzi, Dan, MD
Provider ID #NM004493
BlueLINK ID: 4117564
2814 Indian Wells Rd., 88310
(505) 443-0339
Paul, Allan L., MD
Provider ID #NM002112
BlueLINK ID: 3209304
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. E, 88310
(505) 437-5595
Fax No. (505) 437-1330
Walcher, Joe B., II, MD
Provider ID #NM000381
BlueLINK ID: 3143345
Alamogordo Clinic
1211 8th St., Ste. C, 88310
(505) 437-7979
Internal Medicine
Abood, Ferial M., MD
Provider ID #NM019809
BlueLINK ID: 4254743
Internal Medicine Specialists of
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. C, 88310
(505) 443-0323
Fax No. (505) 443-1818
Aday, D. Brent, MD
Provider ID #NM002005
BlueLINK ID: 3214218
Alamogordo Clinic, Ltd.
1410 Aspen Dr., Ste. B, 88310
(505) 437-7000
Centenera, Leandro X., MD
Provider ID #NM009N50
BlueLINK ID: 4314683
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Draluck, Debra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N06
BlueLINK ID: 4249148
Ben Archer Health Center
1501 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 443-8133
Fax No. (505) 443-8055
Wenrich, Steven L., DO
Provider ID #NM004092
BlueLINK ID: 3312657
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Fax No. (505) 439-5705
Dennig, Dieter W., MD
Provider ID #NM004371
BlueLINK ID: 4210324
Critical care patients under age 18
Sierra Medicine & Pediatrics
50 High Sierra Dr., 88310
(505) 439-9845
Alqassem, Nasser J., MD
Provider ID #NM009D30
BlueLINK ID: 4199401
Internal Medicine Associates of NM
1101 9th St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 437-8411
Starr, Larry D., MD
Provider ID #NM012678
BlueLINK ID: 2398111
Alamogordo Pediatric Associates
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 434-1500
Fax No. (505) 434-1680
Anireddy, Giridhar R., MD
Provider ID #NM009B45
BlueLINK ID: 4182403
Alamogordo Internal Medicine
1212 9th St., Ste. C, 88310
(505) 434-2965
Fax No. (505) 439-8254
Starr, Nancy J., MD
Provider ID #NM012682
BlueLINK ID: 5003490
Alamogordo Pediatric Associates
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 434-1500
Fax No. (505) 434-1680
Ashdown, Franklin D., MD
Provider ID #NM000161
BlueLINK ID: 2397769
1301 Cuba Ave., 88310
(505) 437-4586
Austin, Arthur W., MD
Provider ID #NM000166
BlueLINK ID: 3135482
Established patients only
1101 9th St., Ste. B, 88310
(505) 434-4955
Draney, Donald F., MD
Provider ID #NM000759
BlueLINK ID: 2397725
Established patients only
1101 9th St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 437-8411
Fellers, Neal H., MD
Provider ID #NM009N55
BlueLINK ID: 3124216
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 443-0323
Hanumandla, Sarojana, MD
Provider ID #NM009B44
BlueLINK ID: 4160636
Alamogordo Internal Medicine
1212 9th St., Ste. C, 88310
(505) 434-2965
Fax No. (505) 439-8254
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Papari, Victor G., MD
Provider ID #NM009A09
BlueLINK ID: 4189667
328 Bonaventure, Ste. 5, 81082
(719) 846-4433
Fax No. (719) 846-8350
Bernalillo County
Family Practice
Bachofer, Sally, MD
Provider ID #NM004780
BlueLINK ID: 3135483
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Bair, R. Dean, DO
Provider ID #NM014047
BlueLINK ID: 3143023
Albuquerque Family & Sports
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 209, 87109
(505) 872-8727
Barnett, Angela L., MD
Provider ID #NM009M58
BlueLINK ID: 4135097
3924 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 855-5545
Fax No. (505) 855-5541
Bath, Barbara J., MD
Provider ID #NM012751
BlueLINK ID: 3209043
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alameda Clinic
7704 2nd St. NW, Ste. A, 87107
(505) 890-1458
Fax No. (505) 890-1599
Brown, Scott, MD
Provider ID #NM003683
BlueLINK ID: 3214210
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Beeson, Debra A., MD
Provider ID #NM029915
BlueLINK ID: 3222756
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Carlisle Family Medicine
3901 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-8500
Burke, Kathleen, MD
Provider ID #NM009U75
BlueLINK ID: 3143063
Developmental disabilities
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-5158
Bello, Damian R., MD
Provider ID #NM009R66
BlueLINK ID: 4204997
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alamosa Clinic
6900 Gonzales Rd. SW, Ste. I, 87121
(505) 831-2534
Fax No. (505) 831-4123
Berry, Lee Anne, MD
Provider ID #NM009567
BlueLINK ID: 3178801
Health Choices Unlimited
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 110,
(505) 892-4411
Fax No. (505) 792-0595
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Bocian, Edward S., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM029317
BlueLINK ID: 3252074
Established patients only
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
High Desert Medical Group
5041 Indian School NE, Ste. 400,
(505) 255-3110
Fax No. (505) 255-3667
Bohan, Juliane N., MD
Provider ID #NM003876
BlueLINK ID: 3213804
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Bretton, Elizabeth M., MD
Provider ID #NM009H46
BlueLINK ID: 3368495
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Carlisle Family Medicine
3901 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-8500
Brewer, Richard J., MD
Provider ID #NM050374
BlueLINK ID: 3285916
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Academy Family Medicine
8080 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 727-3400
Fax No. (505) 727-3444
Brown, David M., MD
Provider ID #NM019E25
BlueLINK ID: 3246464
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Academy Family Medicine
8080 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 727-3400
Fax No. (505) 727-3444
Canfield, Russell L., MD
Provider ID #NM009K81
BlueLINK ID: 4238464
3924 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 855-5545
Fax No. (505) 855-5541
Carbajal, Patricia, MD
Provider ID #NM009D98
BlueLINK ID: 3234974
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Carr, Quito Osuna, MD
Provider ID #NM014400
BlueLINK ID: 3252082
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 12, 87102
(505) 242-5373
Fax No. (505) 242-1221
Childers, Edward L., DO
Provider ID #NM00400E
BlueLINK ID: 2399446
Hands on Healthcare
3825 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-8020
Combs, Diane K., MD
Provider ID #NM003149
BlueLINK ID: 2149857
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Davis, B. J., DO
Provider ID #NM004181
BlueLINK ID: 3215912
3804 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 883-8099
Fax No. (505) 883-8060
Derksen, Daniel, MD
Provider ID #NM000674
BlueLINK ID: 3212606
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Dodson, William H., MD
Provider ID #NM009148
BlueLINK ID: 4116409
Obstetrics care available
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2900
Erickson, Stephen J., MD
Provider ID #NM020823
BlueLINK ID: 3252076
4824 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 115,
(505) 792-2815
Fax No. (505) 792-2815
Evanko, Mark A., DO
Provider ID #NM034184
BlueLINK ID: 3215926
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Old Town Family Medicine
1806 Lomas Blvd. NW, 87104
(505) 727-3200
Fax No. (505) 727-3505
Ferguson, Bruce G., MD
Provider ID #NM003047
BlueLINK ID: 3213798
1101 Medical Arts NE, Ste. 4B, 87102
(505) 242-1700
Fax No. (505) 242-1901
Finley, Margaret R., MD
Provider ID #NM004854
BlueLINK ID: 4197806
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Fitzpatrick, Anne A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R75
BlueLINK ID: 2397764
First Choice Community Healthcare
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 877-4400
Fitzpatrick, Anne A., MD
Provider ID #NM009H55
BlueLINK ID: 2397764
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
Galarza-Rios, Ximena, MD
Provider ID #NM009M38
BlueLINK ID: 6003001
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Westside Family Medicine
2929 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 839-2300
Galbreth, Jarrett L., MD
Provider ID #NM001015
BlueLINK ID: 3135643
Established patients only
1510 San Carlos SW, 87104
(505) 842-0720
Fax No. (505) 242-9046
Garcia de Ortega, Cecilia, MD
Provider ID #NM009629
BlueLINK ID: 3214216
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-7473
Ghuneim, Ghassan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009U38
BlueLINK ID: 4240397
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Gieri, Val Albert, MD
Provider ID #NM040911
BlueLINK ID: 4108135
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Academy Family Medicine
8080 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 727-3400
Fax No. (505) 727-3444
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Gopman, Sarah B., MD
Provider ID #NM009M34
BlueLINK ID: 6002973
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-7473
Goshy, Marianne, MD
Provider ID #NM031052
BlueLINK ID: 3135663
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Grebosky, James M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M71
BlueLINK ID: 3343137
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Greenberg, Jack J., MD
Provider ID #NM009H22
BlueLINK ID: 3246474
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Grenemyer, Timothy J., DO
Provider ID #NM044023
BlueLINK ID: 3333780
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
1901 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 727-4100
Fax No. (505) 727-4107
Gross, Thomas L., MD
Provider ID #NM000436
BlueLINK ID: 2390484
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Guinn, Nancy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009H60
BlueLINK ID: 4196685
Established patients only
1306 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, 87104
(505) 265-4943
Fax No. (505) 265-4986
Guinn, Nancy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009U49
BlueLINK ID: 4196685
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Famiy & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Guttman, John L., MD
Provider ID #NM009H45
BlueLINK ID: 3135683
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Family Medicine
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Heffron, Warren A., MD
Provider ID #NM001238
BlueLINK ID: 3135700
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Hennelly, Michael M., MD
Provider ID #NM009R96
BlueLINK ID: 2397828
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am. Fwy.NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Kaufman, Arthur, MD
Provider ID #NM001467
BlueLINK ID: 3143195
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Kazaras, Alexandra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009U52
BlueLINK ID: 4236490
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Hill-Mathews, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM009K09
BlueLINK ID: 3369358
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Kent, Martha J., MD
Provider ID #NM009G59
BlueLINK ID: 3135750
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center NE, 87109
(505) 262-3212
Holten, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM009G52
BlueLINK ID: 3143168
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Kilgore, David B., MD
Provider ID #NM009S44
BlueLINK ID: 4307079
Rio Grande Family Medicine
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 24, 87102
(505) 224-7400
Fax No. (505) 224-7404
Houle, James P., MD
Provider ID #NM009H14
BlueLINK ID: 3143170
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Kim, Ellen, MD
Provider ID #NM009117
BlueLINK ID: 4155811
Established patients only
Rio Grande Family Medicine
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 24, 87102
(505) 224-7400
Fax No. (505) 224-7404
Hughes, William J., II, DO
Provider ID #NM004A52
BlueLINK ID: 3226882
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Family Medicine
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Koenigsberg, Peter, MD
Provider ID #NM009H44
BlueLINK ID: 4205843
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Family Medicine
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Jacobi, Jay P., MD
Provider ID #NM001192
BlueLINK ID: 3161232
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Kulkarni, Bhalachandra, MD
Provider ID #NM000401
BlueLINK ID: 2397908
Patients over age 2
12836 Lomas NE, Ste. D, 87112
(505) 298-0230
Jones, Anne, MD
Provider ID #NM004789
BlueLINK ID: 4192048
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Kassicieh, Samir K., DO
Provider ID #NM004323
BlueLINK ID: 3143194
1010 Bridge SW, Ste. A, 87105
(505) 877-0212
Fax No. (505) 877-0139
Kaufman, Aaron B., DO
Provider ID #NM00400Q
BlueLINK ID: 3143002
No obstetric patients
Integrative Medicine Clinic of
8324 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 256-3648
Fax No. (505) 256-9778
July 2005
Lake, Anna, MD
Provider ID #NM004468
BlueLINK ID: 3388934
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 877-4400
Lee, Michelle Yeeting, MD
Provider ID #NM009670
BlueLINK ID: 4263316
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Leech, David C., DO
Provider ID #NM00400N
BlueLINK ID: 2396744
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 114, 87109
(505) 888-7770
Fax No. (505) 830-0846
Leggott, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E24
BlueLINK ID: 3354779
First Choice Community Healthcare
Rio Grande Clinic
2300 Arenal Rd. SW, 87105
(505) 873-0220
Leggott, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM003675
BlueLINK ID: 3354779
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Lemon, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM003635
BlueLINK ID: 3293594
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Lewis, Randal J., MD
Provider ID #NM003030
BlueLINK ID: 3208284
Family Physicians of Albuquerque
3825 Eubank NE, Ste. F, 87111
(505) 292-4080
Link, John G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L94
BlueLINK ID: 6003279
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Fax No. (505) 237-8703
Lopez-Colberg, Isabel, MD
Provider ID #NM009H99
BlueLINK ID: 4292179
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Montgomery Family Medicine
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4288
Lovato, Joseph M., MD
Provider ID #NM014807
BlueLINK ID: 4181433
Geriatrics Associates, PC
5353 Wyoming NE, Ste. 5, 87109
(505) 858-1222
Fax No. (505) 858-1224
Lundblad, Bruce A., DO
Provider ID #NM004A53
BlueLINK ID: 3248047
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Carlisle Family Medicine
3901 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-8500
Matthews, Preston H., DO
Provider ID #NM034351
BlueLINK ID: 3260271
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
1901 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 727-4100
Fax No. (505) 727-4107
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
McCabe, Melvina, MD
Provider ID #NM001837
BlueLINK ID: 3143234
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
McElrath, Patricia, MD
Provider ID #NM009D99
BlueLINK ID: 2282931
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
McGrew, Christopher A., MD
Provider ID #NM003726
BlueLINK ID: 3253398
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
McGrew, Martha, MD
Provider ID #NM000230
BlueLINK ID: 3287711
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Meuli, Christian, MD
Provider ID #NM009S13
BlueLINK ID: 2397974
Hands on Health Care, PC
3825 Eubank NE, Ste. C, 87111
(505) 298-8020
Fax No. (505) 292-5006
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Hickson, Amy, MD
Provider ID #NM009K01
BlueLINK ID: 2180906
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Family Medicine
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Leeman, Lawrence M., MD
Provider ID #NM004862
BlueLINK ID: 3210733
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Albuquerque Care Center
239 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 242-4116
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Integrated Specialty Hospital
239 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Ladera Nursing & Rehab Center
5901 Quay Rd. NW, 87120
(505) 836-0023
Fax No. (505) 836-5169
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Las Palomas Nursing & Rehab Center
8100 Palomas NE, 87109
(505) 821-4200
Fax No. (505) 822-0234
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Mano Care Heights
2216 Lester Dr. NE, 87112
(505) 296-4808
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Manor Care Camino Vista
7900 Constitution Ave. NE, 87110
(505) 296-5565
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Manor Care Sandia
5123 Juan Tabo NE, 87111
(505) 292-3333
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Penn, Sandra F., MD
Provider ID #NM009S26
BlueLINK ID: 5003537
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 877-4400
Pereira, Oswaldo L.T., MD
Provider ID #NM009G58
BlueLINK ID: 3269689
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Montgomery Family Medicine
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4288
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Mission Manor
10101 Lagrima de Oro, 87111
(505) 298-1231
Peterson, Dana W., MD
Provider ID #NM002195
BlueLINK ID: 2393517
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Paloma Blanca Health & Rehab
1509 University NE, 87102
(505) 836-0023
Phillips, Karen J., MD
Provider ID #NM009E57
BlueLINK ID: 4156196
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family Practice
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
The Woodmark at Uptown
7201 Prospect Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 881-0120
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Valle Norte Caring Center
8820 Horizon Blvd. NE, 87113
(505) 823-1558
Murnik, Mike, MD
Provider ID #NM004729
BlueLINK ID: 3337281
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Ortega, Ricardo J., MD
Provider ID #NM009630
BlueLINK ID: 3212632
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-7473
Palley, Toby, MD
Provider ID #NM003933
BlueLINK ID: 2190033
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Penn, Sandra F., MD
Provider ID #NM009S26
BlueLINK ID: 5003537
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Broadway Clinic
1316 Broadway SE, 87102
(505) 768-5450
Fax No. (505) 842-1185
Pickett, Kathrine S., MD
Provider ID #NM009864
BlueLINK ID: 4257867
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Rael, Ana-Marie Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009H15
BlueLINK ID: 4260439
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Ramos, Mary M., MD
Provider ID #NM009541
BlueLINK ID: 5007015
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Broadway Clinic
1316 Broadway SE, 87102
(505) 768-5450
Fax No. (505) 842-1185
Red, M. Carol, MD
Provider ID #NM009G56
BlueLINK ID: 4159923
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Montgomery Family Medicine
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4288
Robinson, Gwenn S., MD
Provider ID #NM002324
BlueLINK ID: 3135912
Established patients only
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 430,
(505) 821-2985
Robran-Marquez, Darcie L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S56
BlueLINK ID: 6003862
Albuquerque Family & Sports
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 209, 87109
(505) 872-8727
Fax No. (505) 872-8728
Rodriguez, Carmen R., MD
Provider ID #NM009M11
BlueLINK ID: 3214180
124 Alvarado Dr. SE, 87108
(505) 262-6500
Fax No. (505) 262-6400
Romero, Linda, MD
Provider ID #NM000231
BlueLINK ID: 3214217
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
Westside Family & Senior Health
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-6082
Romero-Leggott, Valerie L., MD
Provider ID #NM009M78
BlueLINK ID: 4178585
First Choice Community Healthcare
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-7444
Romero-Leggott, Valerie L., MD
Provider ID #NM014905
BlueLINK ID: 4178585
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Rossi, Cynthia L., MD
Provider ID #NM014393
BlueLINK ID: 4152689
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Rounds, Roger W., DO
Provider ID #NM004447
BlueLINK ID: 3215933
Heights Family Medicine Associates
10421 Montgomery Pkwy. NE, 87111
(505) 298-5444
Rounseville, Matthew L., DO
Provider ID #NM014451
BlueLINK ID: 2396814
Established patients only
3911 4th St. NW, 87107
(505) 345-3672
Fax No. (505) 345-5892
Royson, Margaret W., DO
Provider ID #NM014025
BlueLINK ID: 3340225
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 450,
(505) 823-1805
Fax No. (505) 823-1844
Saavedra, Laura K., MD
Provider ID #NM009131
BlueLINK ID: 3336575
Established patients only; offering
obstetrics services
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Sautter, Ronald E., MD
Provider ID #NM019G33
BlueLINK ID: 3194940
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Academy Family Medicine
8080 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 727-3400
Fax No. (505) 727-3444
Sava, Severio J., MD
Provider ID #NM003605
BlueLINK ID: 3301200
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
302 San Pablo SE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-5885
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Schlicht, Melinda, DO
Provider ID #NM004732
BlueLINK ID: 4162739
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Seeger, Kerrie, MD
Provider ID #NM000232
BlueLINK ID: 3228905
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Sharp, Cleveland J., MD
Provider ID #NM009H50
BlueLINK ID: 3247718
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Carlisle Family Medicine
3901 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-8500
Shelley, Brian M., MD
Provider ID #NM009701
BlueLINK ID: 4238558
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2700
Snyder, Tiffany M., DO
Provider ID #NM004A64
BlueLINK ID: 4294022
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1722
Solan, Brian, MD
Provider ID #NM004735
BlueLINK ID: 3252306
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Soto-Hernandez, Anti Nelly, MD
Provider ID #NM009L97
BlueLINK ID: 6003305
First Choice Community Healthcare
North Valley Clinic
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 345-3244
Fax No. (505) 344-4056
Soto-Hernandez, Anti Nelly, MD
Provider ID #NM009U70
BlueLINK ID: 6003305
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Steichen, Keith, MD
Provider ID #NM009G53
BlueLINK ID: 4124908
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Stern, Laura Rifka, MD
Provider ID #NM043460
BlueLINK ID: 3351902
2741 Indian School NE, 87106
(505) 255-8682
Fax No. (505) 265-9330
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Stoltze, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E32
BlueLINK ID: 2147683
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Strain, Thomas W., MD
Provider ID #NM009H43
BlueLINK ID: 3263655
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Family Medicine
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Thompson, Lee A., DO
Provider ID #NM004146
BlueLINK ID: 3247903
Heights Family Medicine Associates
10421 Montgomery Pkwy. NE, 87111
(505) 298-5444
Tomedi, Angelo, MD
Provider ID #NM004713
BlueLINK ID: 2398173
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
302 San Pablo SE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-5885
Umland, Berthold E., MD
Provider ID #NM002825
BlueLINK ID: 2142334
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Unverzagt, Mark E., MD
Provider ID #NM003560
BlueLINK ID: 3320195
Established patients only;
obstetrical services offered
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Vall-Spinosa, Barbara L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S55
BlueLINK ID: 6003861
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alamosa Clinic
6900 Gonzales Rd. SW, 87131
(505) 831-2534
Fax No. (505) 831-4123
Vall-Spinosa, Barbara L., MD
Provider ID #NM009U48
BlueLINK ID: 6003861
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Vasilion, George A., DO
Provider ID #NM034557
BlueLINK ID: 3260273
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
1901 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 727-4100
Fax No. (505) 727-4107
July 2005
Vega, Matias J., MD
Provider ID #NM009U62
BlueLINK ID: 2325747
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Wagner, Lana K., MD
Provider ID #NM009M35
BlueLINK ID: 6002974
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alameda Clinic
7704 2nd St. NW, Ste. A, 87107
(505) 890-1458
Fax No. (505) 890-1599
Wagner-Mogle, Carmen M., MD
Provider ID #NM009H97
BlueLINK ID: 5010169
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Westside Family Medicine
2929 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 839-2300
Walker, Dennis E., MD
Provider ID #NM009H52
BlueLINK ID: 3124650
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Westside Family Medicine
2929 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 839-2300
Williams, Byrch E., MD
Provider ID #NM013004
BlueLINK ID: 3136037
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-2165
Williams, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM004853
BlueLINK ID: 3233343
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Wilterding, James M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M95
BlueLINK ID: 4297276
2741 Indian School Rd. NE, 87106
(505) 255-8682
Fax No. (888) 726-8573
Wilterding, James M., MD
Provider ID #NM009U66
BlueLINK ID: 4297276
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Wong, Peter L., MD
Provider ID #NM009G57
BlueLINK ID: 4188671
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Montgomery Family Medicine
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4288
General Practice
Henderson, William G., MD
Provider ID #NM001249
BlueLINK ID: 3215921
Family Medicine
3825 Eubank NE, Ste. A, 87111
(505) 292-8575
McGrew, Martha, MD
Provider ID #NM000230
BlueLINK ID: 3287711
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1740
Pichler, Donald E., MD
Provider ID #NM002135
BlueLINK ID: 2254535
Family Physicians of Albuquerque
3825 Eubank NE, Ste. F, 87111
(505) 292-4080
Schneider, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM002553
BlueLINK ID: 3143293
1010 Bridge SW, 87105
(505) 873-4258
Fax No. (505) 873-4260
Shiveley, James R., DO
Provider ID #NM004475
BlueLINK ID: 3270034
1817 Central Ave. NW, 87104
(505) 243-7839
Fax No. (505) 768-0852
Barnett, Peter, MD
Provider ID #NM004770
BlueLINK ID: 3133756
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3830
Bennahum, David, MD
Provider ID #NM000285
BlueLINK ID: 3209284
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Dani, Roopa Prashant, MD
Provider ID #NM009E35
BlueLINK ID: 4268482
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Finley, Margaret R., MD
Provider ID #NM004854
BlueLINK ID: 4197806
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Forman, Walter, MD
Provider ID #NM009147
BlueLINK ID: 2300903
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Herman, Carla, MD
Provider ID #NM003626
BlueLINK ID: 3276671
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Lee, Michelle Yeeting, MD
Provider ID #NM009670
BlueLINK ID: 4263316
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Merck, Daniel M., MD
Provider ID #NM003975
BlueLINK ID: 4127232
Patients over age 18
SW Adult and Geriatric Associates
707 Broadway NE, Ste. 301, 87102
(505) 848-8413
Fax No. (505) 848-8414
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Albuquerque Care Center
239 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 242-4116
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Integrated Specialty Hospital
239 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Ladera Nursing & Rehab Center
5901 Quay Rd. NW, 87120
(505) 836-0023
Fax No. (505) 836-5169
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Las Palomas Nursing & Rehab Center
8100 Palomas NE, 87109
(505) 821-4200
Fax No. (505) 822-0234
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Mano Care Heights
2216 Lester Dr. NE, 87112
(505) 296-4808
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Manor Care Camino Vista
7900 Constitution Ave. NE, 87110
(505) 296-5565
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Manor Care Sandia
5123 Juan Tabo NE, 87111
(505) 292-3333
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Mission Manor
10101 Lagrima de Oro, 87111
(505) 298-1231
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Paloma Blanca Health & Rehab
1509 University NE, 87102
(505) 836-0023
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Tryon, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM053344
BlueLINK ID: 2227106
No OB, perinatal or newborn
4705 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 884-6742
Fax No. (505) 884-6845
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
The Woodmark at Uptown
7201 Prospect Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 881-0120
Barnett, Anna, MD
Provider ID #NM009K14
BlueLINK ID: 3135488
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Chongsiriwatana, Krisna, MD
Provider ID #NM000506
BlueLINK ID: 2397654
Established patients only
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Valle Norte Caring Center
8820 Horizon Blvd. NE, 87113
(505) 823-1558
Barnett, Peter, MD
Provider ID #NM004770
BlueLINK ID: 3133756
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3830
Comerci, George D., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM004791
BlueLINK ID: 3143804
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Roche, Richard J., MD
Provider ID #NM003812
BlueLINK ID: 3222726
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Rubin, Richard H., MD
Provider ID #NM002389
BlueLINK ID: 3254139
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Internal Medicine
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Adolphe, Allen, MD
Provider ID #NM010102
BlueLINK ID: 2378428
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Arndell, Cynthia L., MD
Provider ID #NM009C29
BlueLINK ID: 4165328
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Arora, Madhu, MD
Provider ID #NM003668
BlueLINK ID: 3373480
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2900
Baca, John, MD
Provider ID #NM010240
BlueLINK ID: 4103335
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Bali, Divya, MD
Provider ID #NM019F68
BlueLINK ID: 4102387
Patients in long term care
facilities only
Geriatrics Associates, PC
5353 Wyoming NE, Ste. 5, 87109
(505) 858-1222
Fax No. (505) 858-1224
Barkoff, Lara, MD
Provider ID #NM000482
BlueLINK ID: 4128237
Established patients only
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Beeley, Peggy Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM003526
BlueLINK ID: 3292655
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Bennahum, David, MD
Provider ID #NM000285
BlueLINK ID: 3209284
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Conlon, Christopher, MD
Provider ID #NM009K17
BlueLINK ID: 3337794
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Dani, Roopa Prashant, MD
Provider ID #NM009E35
BlueLINK ID: 4268482
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Benton, Charles, MD
Provider ID #NM009K16
BlueLINK ID: 3135506
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Davis, Grace B., MD
Provider ID #NM009D81
BlueLINK ID: 3324017
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3210
Bigney, Jessica Broderick, MD
Provider ID #NM003664
BlueLINK ID: 3391948
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Dominguez, David C., MD
Provider ID #NM003877
BlueLINK ID: 3203502
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Bordenave, Kristine K., MD
Provider ID #NM019005
BlueLINK ID: 4138138
Albuquerque Med PA
4640 Jefferson NE, Ste. B, 87109
(505) 883-1259
Fax No. (505) 883-3020
Email: [email protected]
Broyles-Snyder, Julie M., MD
Provider ID #NM003954
BlueLINK ID: 3354777
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Bryant, Patricia Lynn, MD
Provider ID #NM009353
BlueLINK ID: 3209276
Albuquerque Med PA
4640 Jefferson NE, Ste. B, 87109
(505) 883-1259
Fax No. (505) 883-3020
Castiglia, Clare, DO
Provider ID #NM02400P
BlueLINK ID: 3256070
Established patients only
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
High Desert Medical Group
5041 Indian School NE, Ste. 400,
(505) 255-3110
Fax No. (505) 255-3667
Donnellan, Michael J., MD
Provider ID #NM000743
BlueLINK ID: 2397723
200 Oak St. NE, 87106
(505) 242-8607
Fax No. (505) 242-2613
Easter, John E., MD
Provider ID #NM000796
BlueLINK ID: 3222740
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Fancovic, Edward R., MD
Provider ID #NM004737
BlueLINK ID: 3132835
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Ferraro, Robert T., MD
Provider ID #NM003137
BlueLINK ID: 3325679
Established patients only
SW Endocrinology Associates
4600 Jefferson NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 872-1002
Fax No. (505) 888-3708
Finch, Kathy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009D75
BlueLINK ID: 3310999
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3210
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Fontana, Matthew C., MD
Provider ID #NM009C13
BlueLINK ID: 4215559
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Forman, Walter, MD
Provider ID #NM009147
BlueLINK ID: 2300903
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Fotieo, Dana L., MD
Provider ID #NM003667
BlueLINK ID: 3388790
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Frederick, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM000969
BlueLINK ID: 3261230
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Broadway Clinic
1316 Broadway SE, 87102
(505) 768-5450
Fax No. (505) 842-1185
Frederick, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM009U58
BlueLINK ID: 3261230
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Ganga, Lakshmi, MD
Provider ID #NM000989
BlueLINK ID: 3135645
Patients over age 18
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 480,
(505) 821-0321
Fax No. (505) 821-0662
Garcia, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM004875
BlueLINK ID: 4137656
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Goade, Diane E., MD
Provider ID #NM003951
BlueLINK ID: 3252571
Established patients only; HIV/
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1312
Goldthwait, Jan, MD
Provider ID #NM009F78
BlueLINK ID: 2304015
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Gonzales, David V., MD
Provider ID #NM001086
BlueLINK ID: 3143139
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Gorvetzian, Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM009F80
BlueLINK ID: 3220975
Established patients only; limited
to infectious diseases only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Kamaromy, Miriam, MD
Provider ID #NM009M77
BlueLINK ID: 6003346
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alameda Clinic
7704 2nd St. NW, Ste. A, 87107
(505) 890-1458
Fax No. (505) 865-1062
Greces, Nancy, MD
Provider ID #NM033956
BlueLINK ID: 4149058
Established patients only
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Towers Adult & Geriatric Medicine
500 Walter NE, Ste. 301, 87102
(505) 727-2850
Fax No. (505) 727-6555
Kamaromy, Miriam, MD
Provider ID #NM009M77
BlueLINK ID: 6003346
First Choice Community Healthcare
North Valley Clinic
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 345-3244
Fax No. (505) 344-4056
Greenbaum, Paul J., MD
Provider ID #NM001108
BlueLINK ID: 3135672
6609 Beau Chene Ct., 87111
(505) 299-2193
Gregg, Stephen L., MD
Provider ID #NM001024
BlueLINK ID: 3135674
Established patients only
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. B, 87102
(505) 242-3335
Hashimoto, Frederick, MD
Provider ID #NM001179
BlueLINK ID: 3135697
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Herman, Carla, MD
Provider ID #NM003626
BlueLINK ID: 3276671
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Hernandez, Mathew R., MD
Provider ID #NM009M04
BlueLINK ID: 5010182
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3210
Hochstadt, Barry M., MD
Provider ID #NM009D67
BlueLINK ID: 3107933
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3210
Jernigan, Jennifer, MD
Provider ID #NM004808
BlueLINK ID: 4195285
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
July 2005
Kaufman, Arthur, MD
Provider ID #NM001467
BlueLINK ID: 3143195
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Keating, Julia, MD
Provider ID #NM009F81
BlueLINK ID: 3305203
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Kelly, Maureen, MD
Provider ID #NM004407
BlueLINK ID: 5004597
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 877-4400
Kroth, Philip J., MD
Provider ID #NM009S39
BlueLINK ID: 4193529
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2147
Kupferer, Carl F., DO
Provider ID #NM02400L
BlueLINK ID: 2396743
Patients over age 18
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Towers Adult & Geriatric Medicine
500 Walter NE, Ste. 301, 87102
(505) 727-2850
Fax No. (505) 727-2871
Ledesma, Steve D., MD
Provider ID #NM061608
BlueLINK ID: 3143212
718 Lomas Blvd. NW, 87102
(505) 842-0159
Fax No. (505) 764-9210
Leverance, Robert R., MD
Provider ID #NM002024
BlueLINK ID: 3359201
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2345
Libby, Edward, MD
Provider ID #NM001603
BlueLINK ID: 3247429
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Mertz, Gregory, MD
Provider ID #NM003833
BlueLINK ID: 3212581
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Mitchell, William J., MD
Provider ID #NM019E13
BlueLINK ID: 2364767
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Towers Adult & Geriatric Medicine
500 Walter NE, Ste. 301, 87102
(505) 727-2850
Fax No. (505) 727-3505
Montgomery, Lorene P., MD
Provider ID #NM004216
BlueLINK ID: 4127660
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Moore, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM009680
BlueLINK ID: 3146175
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Morrison, Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM009M61
BlueLINK ID: 3220332
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2900
Morrow, Patricia D., MD
Provider ID #NM004691
BlueLINK ID: 3203393
1203 Coal Ave. SE, Ste. A, 87106
(505) 244-9040
Fax No. (505) 844-9005
Noya, Diana D., MD
Provider ID #NM000181
BlueLINK ID: 2398008
500 Walter NE, Ste. 412, 87102
(505) 242-5222
Fax No. (505) 242-5221
Pergam, Steven A., MD
Provider ID #NM009448
BlueLINK ID: 4242919
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Prasad, Arti, MD
Provider ID #NM003617
BlueLINK ID: 3397321
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rajaee, Ali M., MD
Provider ID #NM002234
BlueLINK ID: 3213795
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 26, 87102
(505) 243-2883
Rhoades, Jody M., MD
Provider ID #NM029323
BlueLINK ID: 4154884
Established patients over age 16
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
High Desert Medical Group
5041 Indian School NE, Ste. 400,
(505) 255-3110
Fax No. (505) 255-3667
Roberts, Thomas C., MD
Provider ID #NM001946
BlueLINK ID: 3330206
Established patients only
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Fax No. (505) 848-3732
Roche, Richard J., MD
Provider ID #NM003812
BlueLINK ID: 3222726
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Rogers, Kenneth N., MD
Provider ID #NM002312
BlueLINK ID: 3135920
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Ross, Jeffrey P., MD
Provider ID #NM000185
BlueLINK ID: 3284996
Established patients only
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Rubin, Richard H., MD
Provider ID #NM002389
BlueLINK ID: 3254139
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Rudolph, Lance A., MD
Provider ID #NM004414
BlueLINK ID: 3135930
NM Clinical Research & Osteoporosis
300 Oak St. NE, 87106
(505) 855-5525
Fax No. (505) 884-4006
Russo, James F., DO
Provider ID #NM014171
BlueLINK ID: 3306373
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3210
Sears, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM009M83
BlueLINK ID: 6003375
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Family Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Halpern, Neal, MD
Provider ID #NM009F86
BlueLINK ID: 3135687
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Kapsner, Patricia, MD
Provider ID #NM001470
BlueLINK ID: 3212637
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Lewiecki, E. Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM011641
BlueLINK ID: 3135780
NM Clinical Research & Osteoporosis
300 Oak St. NE, 87106
(505) 855-5525
Fax No. (505) 884-4006
Sedas, Jorge, MD
Provider ID #NM009F79
BlueLINK ID: 3135951
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Thornton, Karla A., MD
Provider ID #NM003543
BlueLINK ID: 3375492
HIV/AIDS patients
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Shannon, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009F92
BlueLINK ID: 3135955
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Treeson, David M., MD
Provider ID #NM004705
BlueLINK ID: 4154882
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Sigala, Teresa J., MD
Provider ID #NM014235
BlueLINK ID: 3389390
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 12, 87102
(505) 242-5373
Fax No. (505) 242-1221
Vaughn, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM019560
BlueLINK ID: 4232224
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Simpson, Anne R., MD
Provider ID #NM004764
BlueLINK ID: 4175455
Established patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Snyder, Jerome S., MD
Provider ID #NM009D77
BlueLINK ID: 2260957
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Internal Medicine
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3210
Sollins, Jeffery S., MD
Provider ID #NM002607
BlueLINK ID: 2398108
Established patients only
3924 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 855-5545
Fax No. (505) 855-5541
Stryker, David W., MD
Provider ID #NM001062
BlueLINK ID: 3135990
Established patients only
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Suderman, Harold, MD
Provider ID #NM009F76
BlueLINK ID: 5009535
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Summers, William K., MD
Provider ID #NM001067
BlueLINK ID: 2144381
6000 Uptown NE, Ste. 308, 87110
(505) 878-0192
Fax No. (505) 878-0211
Tancik, Corey Alan, MD
Provider ID #NM009593
BlueLINK ID: 3259262
HIV/AIDS patients
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5666
Thomas, Elaine, MD
Provider ID #NM003665
BlueLINK ID: 3369184
HIV/AIDS patients
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Vining, Margaret, MD
Provider ID #NM009F84
BlueLINK ID: 3136011
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
Vining, Margaret, MD
Provider ID #NM009F84
BlueLINK ID: 3136011
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Inpatient Medicine Services
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8040
Voss, Carolyn, MD
Provider ID #NM002974
BlueLINK ID: 3212620
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Waitzkin, Howard, MD
Provider ID #NM004954
BlueLINK ID: 2142689
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1722
Williams, Steven Bruce, MD
Provider ID #NM002977
BlueLINK ID: 3232734
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Wilson, Bronwyn, MD
Provider ID #NM003007
BlueLINK ID: 3319526
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3930
Gordon, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM013138
BlueLINK ID: 3250694
1010 Lead SE, Ste. 4, 87122
(505) 842-5902
Hernandez-Burgos, Lisa, MD
Provider ID #NM009M37
BlueLINK ID: 4271890
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center OB/GYN
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3218
Hurley, Timothy J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R51
BlueLINK ID: 3285454
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Spearman, Maridee J., MD
Provider ID #NM009M10
BlueLINK ID: 5010176
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Velazquez, Maria D., MD
Provider ID #NM009R49
BlueLINK ID: 4268170
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Aceves, Javier, MD
Provider ID #NM003747
BlueLINK ID: 3271564
Established patients only;
specializing in pediatric chronic
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
306 San Pablo SE, Ste. A., 87108
(505) 272-2345
Aguirre, Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM000207
BlueLINK ID: 3214598
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
306 San Pablo SE, Ste. A, 87108
(505) 272-2345
Alderman, Sherri Louise, MD
Provider ID #NM004702
BlueLINK ID: 4149562
Established patients only; patients
under age 18
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Allison, David P., MD
Provider ID #NM007D67
BlueLINK ID: 5009490
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Pediatrics
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3219
Anaya, Theresa, MD
Provider ID #NM003962
BlueLINK ID: 3361591
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Anderson, Teresa T., MD
Provider ID #NM009C30
BlueLINK ID: 4161759
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Archuleta, Manuel, MD
Provider ID #NM010145
BlueLINK ID: 2396825
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Behnken, Annalisa, MD
Provider ID #NM003603
BlueLINK ID: 4106379
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Blewett, Elizabeth Hend, MD
Provider ID #NM004751
BlueLINK ID: 4173769
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
306 San Pablo SE, Ste. A., 87108
(505) 272-9242
Bloedel-Clark, Carla, MD
Provider ID #NM009D68
BlueLINK ID: 5009492
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Academy Family Medicine
8080 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 727-9400
Bradshaw, Elaine A., MD
Provider ID #NM010510
BlueLINK ID: 4118610
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Brandt, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM004917
BlueLINK ID: 3292711
Pediatric nephrology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6632
Campbell, Karen, MD
Provider ID #NM002047
BlueLINK ID: 4150072
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Chilton, Lance, MD
Provider ID #NM009H39
BlueLINK ID: 2397641
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Cohen, Stephen U., MD
Provider ID #NM004861
BlueLINK ID: 3135571
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Connors, Connie, MD
Provider ID #NM002050
BlueLINK ID: 3349368
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Cordova de Ortega, Loretta M.,
Provider ID #NM003501
BlueLINK ID: 3320263
Established patients only; Children
with special needs
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Crocetti, Guy, MD
Provider ID #NM009H36
BlueLINK ID: 5009497
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Pediatrics
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3219
Dani, Prashant S., MD
Provider ID #NM009571
BlueLINK ID: 4246949
Patients under age 21
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 823-2868
Dankert, Mark E., MD
Provider ID #NM009D73
BlueLINK ID: 2397702
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Pediatrics
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3219
De La Torre, Luis F., MD
Provider ID #NM000681
BlueLINK ID: 3298064
Patients under age 18
4201 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 247-1471
Fax No. (505) 243-3994
Dean, W. Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM009634
BlueLINK ID: 3257498
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-7473
Dehority, Walter N., MD
Provider ID #NM009R89
BlueLINK ID: 6003653
First Choice Community Healthcare
North Valley Clinic
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 345-3244
Dozeman, Lynn A., MD
Provider ID #NM004948
BlueLINK ID: 3387857
Patients under age 18
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alamosa Clinic
6900 Gonzales Rd. SW, Ste. I, 87121
(505) 831-2534
Fax No. (505) 831-4123
July 2005
Duban, Stewart, MD
Provider ID #NM003890
BlueLINK ID: 3135602
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Hardekopf, Libuse, MD
Provider ID #NM009R91
BlueLINK ID: 5004469
BeBe Care
3100 Monte Vista NE, 87106
(505) 266-3835
Fax No. (505) 266-3340
Fisk, James K., MD
Provider ID #NM004776
BlueLINK ID: 3135624
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Harris, Gillian, MD
Provider ID #NM004752
BlueLINK ID: 4171363
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
306 San Pablo SE, Ste. A., 87108
(505) 272-2345
Freedman, Marianne, MD
Provider ID #NM001692
BlueLINK ID: 5002956
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Gabay, Irwin, MD
Provider ID #NM009D4
BlueLINK ID: 5009551
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Academy Family Medicine
8080 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 727-9400
Gallagher, Isidora P., MD
Provider ID #NM000559
BlueLINK ID: 4276901
Pediatric Associates
3410 Indian School NE, 87106
(505) 265-7817
Fax No. (505) 266-1543
Gandhi, Sanjay M., MD
Provider ID #NM019278
BlueLINK ID: 4175029
Patients up to 18 yrs. Old
4201 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 247-1471
Fax No. (505) 243-3994
Gladwell, Jacqueline M., MD
Provider ID #NM009C20
BlueLINK ID: 5008324
Newborns to age 18
Pediatric Associates
3410 Indian School NE, 87106
(505) 265-7817
Fax No. (505) 266-1543
Gonzales, Janis L., MD
Provider ID #NM013386
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Grambort, Frederick D., MD
Provider ID #NM001088
BlueLINK ID: 5002630
Albuquerque Pediatric Associates
8308 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 293-1333
Han, Bebe, MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM000281
BlueLINK ID: 5002203
Bebe Care
3100 Monte Vista NE, 87106
(505) 266-3835
Handmaker, Stanley, MD
Provider ID #NM003989
BlueLINK ID: 2397815
Established patients only;
developmental disabilities
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hecht, Julia, MD
Provider ID #NM004747
BlueLINK ID: 4170842
Deaf children/children of deaf
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
306 San Pablo SE, Ste. A., 87108
(505) 272-2345
Hoffman, Benjamin, MD
Provider ID #NM004226
BlueLINK ID: 3391206
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Hsi, Andrew, MD
Provider ID #NM001363
BlueLINK ID: 3248046
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Jiminez, Lisa, MD
Provider ID #NM009H38
BlueLINK ID: 4263578
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Johnson, Courtney, MD
Provider ID #NM004293
BlueLINK ID: 2113319
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-2345
Knott, Randall, MD
Provider ID #NM001541
BlueLINK ID: 4106385
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Koil, Alwyn A., MD
Provider ID #NM009M06
BlueLINK ID: 5010172
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Kulasinghe, Hareendra P., MD
Provider ID #NM001539
BlueLINK ID: 3210740
Albuquerque Pediatric Associates
8308 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 293-1333
Leverance, Robert R., MD
Provider ID #NM004745
BlueLINK ID: 3359201
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2345
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Longfield, Lynn A., MD
Provider ID #NM001562
BlueLINK ID: 3252085
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Lord, Reginald O., MD
Provider ID #NM001619
BlueLINK ID: 2176724
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 211, 87109
(505) 888-1678
Marsh, Melinda, MD
Provider ID #NM009621
BlueLINK ID: 3343760
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Martz, Robert G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L26
BlueLINK ID: 5010122
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Mason, Melissa E., MD
Provider ID #NM009L78
BlueLINK ID: 6003190
Pediatric Associates
3410 Indian School NE, 87106
(505) 265-7817
Fax No. (505) 266-1543
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
D'Arrigo, Kathleen J., MD
Provider ID #NM014467
BlueLINK ID: 5004637
Albuquerque Pediatric Associates
8308 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 293-1333
Fax No. (505) 293-4357
Matthews, Elizabeth, MD
Provider ID #NM004786
BlueLINK ID: 3246456
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
McGrath, Jane, MD
Provider ID #NM003754
BlueLINK ID: 3287708
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
McNamara, Loretta L., MD
Provider ID #NM000843
BlueLINK ID: 5002502
Albuquerque Pediatric Associates
8308 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 293-1333
Moody, Irene J., MD
Provider ID #NM001962
BlueLINK ID: 3210767
Established patients only
Pediatric Associates
3410 Indian School NE, 87106
(505) 265-7817
Fax No. (505) 266-1543
Mosman, John O., MD
Provider ID #NM001961
BlueLINK ID: 3210748
Albuquerque Pediatric Associates
8308 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 293-1333
Napoleone, Robin M., MD
Provider ID #NM009G83
BlueLINK ID: 4255806
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Negrete, Sylvia, MD
Provider ID #NM004781
BlueLINK ID: 4101200
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Strasburger, Victor, MD
Provider ID #NM002715
BlueLINK ID: 3210752
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Ornelas, Renee, MD
Provider ID #NM000234
BlueLINK ID: 3258182
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6849
Sumner, Weston W., DO
Provider ID #NM004531
BlueLINK ID: 5004685
Patients under age 18
Pediatric Health Services
10110 Spain NE, 87111
(505) 294-5065
Overturf, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM003755
BlueLINK ID: 2190570
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Tang, Debra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009668
BlueLINK ID: 5007301
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Parveen-Jawadi, Nuzhath, MD
Provider ID #NM012717
BlueLINK ID: 5003510
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 206, 87109
(505) 855-6006
Upplegger, Jurgen H., MD
Provider ID #NM000382
BlueLINK ID: 2398202
4233 Montgomery NE, Ste. S140,
(505) 883-9570
Ridgway, Elizabeth W., MD
Provider ID #NM009U12
BlueLINK ID: 3306834
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Waymier, Gina, MD
Provider ID #NM009H35
BlueLINK ID: 4202959
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Root, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM003599
BlueLINK ID: 4106382
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Whisler, Sandra, MD
Provider ID #NM002641
BlueLINK ID: 3364527
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2345
Roveto, Christopher A., MD
Provider ID #NM002392
BlueLINK ID: 2398068
4201 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 247-1471
Fax No. (505) 243-3994
Saland, Joel, MD
Provider ID #NM002410
BlueLINK ID: 5003341
8012 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 296-5514
Scott, Susan M., MD
Provider ID #NM003884
BlueLINK ID: 3213815
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Seelinger, Gretchen E., MD
Provider ID #NM002474
BlueLINK ID: 3210723
Pediatric Associates
3410 Indian School NE, 87106
(505) 265-7817
Fax No. (505) 266-1543
Stoltzfus, Winona, MD
Provider ID #NM009340
BlueLINK ID: 5006924
First Choice Community Healthcare
North Valley Clinic
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 345-3244
Fax No. (505) 344-4056
Williams, Mareth, MD
Provider ID #NM003760
BlueLINK ID: 3320261
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Yager, Eileen, MD
Provider ID #NM003595
BlueLINK ID: 2250938
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Young, Valerie L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S04
BlueLINK ID: 4113769
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Fwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Zamora-Allen, Deborah, MD
Provider ID #NM009L85
BlueLINK ID: 6003235
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Angel Fire
Colfax County
Family Practice
Cohen, Dennis A., MD
Provider ID #NM000554
BlueLINK ID: 3143080
Moreno Valley Healthcare Clinic
11 Elliott Barker Ln., 87710
(505) 377-3301
Fax No. (505) 377-3991
Hidalgo County
Family Practice
Johnson, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D35
BlueLINK ID: 4269878
Animas Valley Clinic
#1 Panther Blvd., 88020
(505) 548-2742
Fax No. (505) 548-2793
Doña Ana County
Family Practice
Bahr, Paolo, DO
Provider ID #NM004B74
BlueLINK ID: 6000310
La Clinica de Familia
855 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-5706
Fax No. (505) 882-2909
Castrejon, Eduardo A., MD
Provider ID #NM000505
BlueLINK ID: 3207866
600 N. Main St., 88021
(505) 882-2118
Gomez, Lorena, MD
Provider ID #NM009B06
BlueLINK ID: 4269058
La Clinica de Familia
855 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-3607
Fax No. (505) 882-2909
Prezas, Roland, DO
Provider ID #NM004B76
BlueLINK ID: 6002932
La Clinica de Familia
855 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-5706
Fax No. (505) 882-2909
Internal Medicine
Attiogbe, Frances, MD
Provider ID #NM019B09
BlueLINK ID: 4266715
Patients over age 17
Solano Medical Associates
600 N. Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-2118
Fax No. (505) 882-3837
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
DeAnda-Ortiz, Jose L., MD
Provider ID #NM009K59
BlueLINK ID: 5010221
Patients up to age 20
St. Anthony Pediatrics
1265 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-2956
Fax No. (505) 882-1863
Ocaranza, Hector I., MD
Provider ID #NM004129
BlueLINK ID: 4231257
Patients up to age 20
St. Anthony Pediatrics
1265 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-2956
Fax No. (505) 882-1863
Salloum, Hassan, MD
Provider ID #NM009363
BlueLINK ID: 5004021
St. Anthony Pediatrics
1265 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-2956
Fax No. (505) 882-1863
Valenzuela, Manuel F., MD
Provider ID #NM009V04
BlueLINK ID: 4314684
Patients up to age 18
St. Anthony Pediatrics
1265 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-2956
Fax No. (505) 882-1863
Eddy County
Family Practice
Abalos, Jorge, DO
Provider ID #NM029197
BlueLINK ID: 3344952
Artesia Healthcare Professionals
612 N. 13th St., Ste. J, 88210
(505) 748-8356
Fax No. (505) 748-1360
Grafe, Michael J., DO
Provider ID #NM004243
BlueLINK ID: 3247425
607 W. Grand, 88210
(505) 746-3616
Fax No. (505) 748-2544
Moreno, Johnny C., MD
Provider ID #NM001892
BlueLINK ID: 3209302
No obstetric patients
612 N. 13th St., Ste. H, 88210
(505) 748-1266
Fax No. (505) 748-8822
Salgado, Jose, MD
Provider ID #NM029421
BlueLINK ID: 4168046
Artesia Healthcare Professionals
612 N. 13th St., Ste. J, 88210
(505) 746-3119
Fax No. (505) 746-4708
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
General Practice
Alaniz, Jerry, MD
Provider ID #NM003353
BlueLINK ID: 2396819
Artesia Health Resources
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1105 Memorial Dr., 88210
(505) 746-9848
Fax No. (505) 746-9840
Olmsted, Michelle, MD
Provider ID #NM013641
BlueLINK ID: 3385933
First Choice Community Healthcare
Belen Clinic
120 S. 9th St., 87002
(505) 861-1013
Fax No. (505) 861-1042
Internal Medicine
Ramoso, Jocelyn R., MD
Provider ID #NM009V03
BlueLINK ID: 6004008
Artesia Healthcare Professionals
612 N. 13th St., Ste. G, 88210
(505) 748-8372
Fax No. (505) 748-8551
Carson, Karen L., MD
Provider ID #NM004206
BlueLINK ID: 4219237
BCA Medical Associates
612 N. 13th St., 88210
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
San Juan County
Barkman, William R., DO
Provider ID #NM004038
BlueLINK ID: 2396739
102 Llano St., 87410
(505) 334-9441
Fax No. (505) 334-8750
Valencia County
Family Practice
Phillips, Karen J., MD
Provider ID #NM024709
BlueLINK ID: 4156196
First Choice Community Healthcare
Belen Clinic
120 S. 9th St., 87002
(505) 861-1013
Fax No. (505) 861-1042
Sanchez, Mark R., MD
Provider ID #NM002480
BlueLINK ID: 3135936
703 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(505) 864-7781
Sanchez, Roland K., MD
Provider ID #NM002404
BlueLINK ID: 3135937
703 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(505) 864-7781
Internal Medicine
Schneider, David D., MD
Provider ID #NM002745
BlueLINK ID: 3135942
101 N. 6th St., 87002
(505) 864-4646
Fax No. (505) 861-1843
July 2005
Sandoval County
Family Practice
Chacon, Gayle Dine, MD
Provider ID #NM004710
BlueLINK ID: 4135866
Established patients only; Native
American patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
481 Sandia Lp., 87004
(505) 867-4487
Firestone, Alan M., MD
Provider ID #NM000871
BlueLINK ID: 2397762
El Pueblo Health Services
121 Calle del Presidente, 87004
(505) 867-2324
Fax No. (505) 867-3511
Guerin, Peter T., MD
Provider ID #NM012548
BlueLINK ID: 3293418
No ob services
El Pueblo Health Services
121 Calle del Presidente, 87004
(505) 867-2324
Fax No. (505) 867-3511
Salsburg, Lee, MD
Provider ID #NM009J74
BlueLINK ID: 6003121
No ob services
El Pueblo Health Services
121 Calle del Presidente, 87004
(505) 867-2324
Fax No. (505) 867-3511
Reynolds, Meredith E., MD
Provider ID #NM019977
BlueLINK ID: 4263970
Native American patients only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
481 Sandia Lp., 87004
(505) 867-4487
San Juan County
Family Practice
Cantu, Jathan P., MD
Provider ID #NM009J23
BlueLINK ID: 2314154
Lifecourse Bloomfield Health Center
100 N. Church, Ste. C, 87413
(505) 632-1807
Fax No. (505) 632-9203
Internal Medicine
Saleheen, Kazi S., MD
Provider ID #NM004782
BlueLINK ID: 4226304
Valencia Health Professionals
2230 Bosque Blvd., Ste. B, 87068
(505) 866-9300
Fax No. (505) 866-9360
Eddy County
Family Practice
Barajas, Jorge, MD
Provider ID #NM009P50
BlueLINK ID: 6003642
No obstetrics
St. Francis Family Medical Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
105 N. Guadalupe St., 88220
(505) 887-2455
Fax No. (505) 992-4990
Gallegos, Marta C., MD
Provider ID #NM029792
BlueLINK ID: 4236491
No obstetrics
Family Practice
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6A, 88220
(505) 234-2008
Fax No. (505) 885-1075
Lark, Kim P., DO
Provider ID #NM004378
BlueLINK ID: 4118709
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 4A, 88220
(505) 234-9964
Fax No. (505) 234-9962
McHarney-Brown, Caryn, MD
Provider ID #NM009352
BlueLINK ID: 3214193
Pecos Valley of New Mexico
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6E, 88220
(505) 885-4623
Fax No. (505) 885-4647
Powers, Melinda S., DO
Provider ID #NM014B65
BlueLINK ID: 4177694
Patients over age 2 months
Plaza de Salud
104 W. Fox, 88220
(505) 887-2583
Fax No. (505) 628-8773
Rivero, Jacobo A., MD
Provider ID #NM019291
BlueLINK ID: 4155813
Santa Ana Family Health
1016 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 628-3244
Fax No. (505) 628-3296
General Practice
Alaniz, Jerry, MD
Provider ID #NM003353
BlueLINK ID: 2396819
St. Francis Family Medical Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
105 N. Guadalupe St., 88220
(505) 887-2610
Fax No. (505) 234-2945
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Internal Medicine
Ahmad, Mushtaq, MD
Provider ID #NM019N26
BlueLINK ID: 4236692
Patients over age 15
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6D, 88220
(505) 628-1589
Fax No. (505) 234-1813
Howard, Mark A.K., MD
Provider ID #NM001278
BlueLINK ID: 3143171
Patients over age 16
Family Practice
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6A, 88220
(505) 885-1970
Fax No. (505) 885-6383
Lodhi, M. Aslam Khan, MD
Provider ID #NM009505
BlueLINK ID: 4249908
2409 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 887-1282
Fax No. (505) 885-8992
Muñoz, Julio C., MD
Provider ID #NM009333
BlueLINK ID: 3358451
Pecos Valley of New Mexico
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 201, 88220
(505) 628-0598
Fax No. (505) 628-1490
Perkowski, Lisa J., MD
Provider ID #NM002984
BlueLINK ID: 3265047
Patients over age 16
2409 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 887-1282
Fax No. (505) 885-9923
Roberts, Martin S., MD
Provider ID #NM009324
BlueLINK ID: 4186721
Pecos Valley of New Mexico
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 105, 88220
(505) 628-3589
Fax No. (505) 628-3598
Sims, Michael J., MD
Provider ID #NM009K50
BlueLINK ID: 3137660
Pecos Valley of New Mexico
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 100, 88220
(505) 628-8837
Fax No. (505) 628-8848
Dara, Srichand S., MD
Provider ID #NM000683
BlueLINK ID: 5002413
110 S. Halagueno St., 88220
(505) 887-6556
Ramakrishna, Shila, MD
Provider ID #NM00JD38
BlueLINK ID: 4296558
Santa Ana Family Health
1016 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 628-3244
Fax No. (505) 628-3296
Raney, J. Kent, MD
Provider ID #NM004589
BlueLINK ID: 5004728
Pediatric Health Services
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 205, 88220
(505) 887-0530
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Family Practice
Bosque Farms
Valencia County
Sung, Kwok K., MD
Provider ID #NM009D17
BlueLINK ID: 2248396
Downtown Pediatrics
308 W. Church St., 88220
(505) 885-0805
Fax No. (505) 885-0793
Zink, Lori D., MD
Provider ID #NM009K74
BlueLINK ID: 4296689
Pediatric Health Services
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 205, 88220
(505) 887-0530
Fax No. (505) 885-6309
Santa Fe County
Family Practice
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Reininga, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM004426
BlueLINK ID: 2116452
Ortiz Mountain Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
8 Main St., Ste. A, 87010
(505) 471-6266
Fax No. (505) 471-5861
Umland, Berthold E., MD
Provider ID #NM001211
BlueLINK ID: 2142334
Ortiz Mountain Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
8 Main St., Ste. A, 87010
(505) 471-6266
Fax No. (505) 471-5861
Doña Ana County
Family Practice
Ko, Kyong Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009N44
BlueLINK ID: 6003646
La Clinica de Familia
510 Lisa Dr., 88081
(505) 824-0820
Fax No. (505) 824-1021
Lemez, Alma, MD
Provider ID #NM009N67
BlueLINK ID: 4323935
La Clinica de Familia
510 E. Lisa Dr., 88081
(505) 824-0820
Fax No. (505) 824-1021
Colfax County
General Practice
Hillman, Henry K., MD
Provider ID #NM003210
BlueLINK ID: 2265013
Cimarron Healthcare Clinic
9th & Washington, 87714
(505) 376-2402
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Union County
Family Practice
Serrano, Steven E., DO
Provider ID #NM009F48
BlueLINK ID: 4211626
Clayton Family Practice
301 Harding St., 88415
(505) 374-2585
Fax No. (505) 374-8146
Van Wormer, Mark E., MD
Provider ID #NM002858
BlueLINK ID: 3143339
Union County Medical Center
314 N. 3rd Ave., 88415
(505) 374-8311
Fax No. (505) 374-8825
Otero County
Family Practice
Montoya, Sylvia, MD
Provider ID #NM004390
BlueLINK ID: 3308451
Sacramento Mountain Medical
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
102 State Hwy. 82, 88317
(505) 682-2542
Curry County
Family Practice
Alexander, Lonnie D., MD
Provider ID #NM009215
BlueLINK ID: 3135474
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Conard, Shawn L., MD
Provider ID #NM009V02
BlueLINK ID: 4269066
Via Christi Medical Clinic of Clovis
1937 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 742-2500
Fax No. (505) 742-9878
Felberg, James P., MD
Provider ID #NM019936
BlueLINK ID: 4210700
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-4455
Fax No. (505) 763-4029
Graham, Oswald C., MD
Provider ID #NM001109
BlueLINK ID: 2397801
814 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 769-2674
Hannagan, Michele, DO
Provider ID #NM014119
BlueLINK ID: 4154263
Clovis Pediatric Clinic
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-4455
Haynes, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM001182
BlueLINK ID: 2397826
Associated Physicians & Surgeons of
2211 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 763-5585
Kwan, Albert M., MD
Provider ID #NM004128
BlueLINK ID: 2318086
1820 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-2207
Fax No. (505) 762-7108
Sawyer, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM013414
BlueLINK ID: 3219001
JR Sawyer Family Practice
2301 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.,
(505) 742-2200
Fax No. (505) 742-2220
Filizzola, Marcelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009K25
BlueLINK ID: 4288654
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 763-9154
Gaspar, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM004365
BlueLINK ID: 4100176
Clovis Family Healthcare Center
1937 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-5045
Fax No. (505) 762-8411
Sharma, Kiran, MD
Provider ID #NM004410
BlueLINK ID: 4167423
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 763-9154
Kumar, Krishna P., MD
Provider ID #NM009S89
BlueLINK ID: 6003911
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7595
Sheets, Harry K., MD
Provider ID #NM009K65
BlueLINK ID: 4181346
Trinity Family Medicine
810 E. 21st St., Ste. A-10, 88101
(505) 742-3033
Fax No. (505) 742-1133
Stalker, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM003469
BlueLINK ID: 3256234
Associated Physicians & Surgeons of
2211 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 763-5585
Sheets, Harry K., MD
Provider ID #NM009K64
BlueLINK ID: 4181346
Via Christi Medical Clinic of Clovis
1937 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 742-2500
Fax No. (505) 742-9878
Shrader, Jon M., MD
Provider ID #NM01400K
BlueLINK ID: 3343964
Clovis Family Healthcare Center
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-3480
Fax No. (505) 763-4029
Sievers, Joel W., MD
Provider ID #NM009K68
BlueLINK ID: 4209985
Trinity Family Medicine
810 E. 21st St., Ste. A10, 88101
(505) 742-3033
Fax No. (505) 742-1133
Torres, Maximo C., MD
Provider ID #NM000692
BlueLINK ID: 3319279
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 793-9154
Trance, Mario C., MD
Provider ID #NM000678
BlueLINK ID: 4123451
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 793-9154
Willmon, Brian E., MD
Provider ID #NM003009
BlueLINK ID: 2398268
Patients over age 15
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. W8, 88101
(505) 763-4479
Zaman, Mohammed Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009K31
BlueLINK ID: 4291045
Clovis Family Healthcare Center
1937 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-5045
Fax No. (505) 762-5242
General Practice
Cross, Bruce A., MD
Provider ID #NM009185
BlueLINK ID: 3143091
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Ghaffari, Ali M., MD
Provider ID #NM001051
BlueLINK ID: 2397783
1501 W. 7th St., 88101
(505) 762-6492
Fax No. (505) 769-8236
Layman, Richard J., DO
Provider ID #NM00400H
BlueLINK ID: 3125110
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Internal Medicine
Ferrari, Obadias, MD
Provider ID #NM000859
BlueLINK ID: 3135620
Established patients only
1833 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-2313
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Moore, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM009186
BlueLINK ID: 3326884
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
La Fata, Salvatore, MD
Provider ID #NM001570
BlueLINK ID: 5002886
2020 Sheffield, 88101
(505) 762-4507
Luu, Thien T., MD
Provider ID #NM001660
BlueLINK ID: 5002938
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E2, 88101
(505) 762-3726
Vickers, David B., MD
Provider ID #NM024200
BlueLINK ID: 4199127
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Pediatric Clinic
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-4455
Fax No. (505) 763-4029
Winters, Kathryn E., MD
Provider ID #NM022599
BlueLINK ID: 3326021
Clovis Pediatric Clinic
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-4455
Fax No. (505) 763-4029
Thal, Alyson P., MD
Provider ID #NM009531
BlueLINK ID: 2398153
No OB or hospital care; refers to
hospital intensivists
4436 Corrales Rd., 87048
(505) 792-3065
Fax No. (505) 792-4004
Sandoval County
Family Practice
Chacon, Gayle Dine, MD
Provider ID #NM001198
BlueLINK ID: 4135866
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Fax No. (505) 285-3648
Burke, Kathleen, MD
Provider ID #NM009029
BlueLINK ID: 3143063
Ben Archer Health Center
626 Taft St., 88029
(505) 531-2165
Fax No. (505) 531-2172
Garcia, Timothy N., MD
Provider ID #NM013240
BlueLINK ID: 3369468
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Fax No. (505) 285-3648
Luna County
Martinez, Enrique, MD
Provider ID #NM001726
BlueLINK ID: 3135814
Ben Archer Health Center
626 Taft St., 88029
(505) 531-2165
Venegas, Julian L., DO
Provider ID #NM004B80
BlueLINK ID: 6003468
Ben Archer Health Center
626 Taft St., 88029
(505) 531-2165
Fax No. (505) 531-2172
Internal Medicine
Komaragiri, Ramesh, MD
Provider ID #NM009K32
BlueLINK ID: 4289486
Ben Archer Health Center
626 Taft St., 88029
(505) 531-2165
Fax No. (505) 531-2172
Sandoval County
Family Practice
Fitzpatrick, William F., MD
Provider ID #NM009335
BlueLINK ID: 3313709
No OB or hospital care; refers to
hospital intensivists
10 Coyote Trail, 87048
(505) 792-3063
July 2005
Gibson, Lance R., MD
Provider ID #NM009J97
BlueLINK ID: 6003312
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Fax No. (505) 289-3648
Kozoll, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM011517
BlueLINK ID: 2397902
Los Piños Family Healthcare
6362 Hwy. 44, 87013
(505) 289-3326
Fax No. (505) 289-3390
Norman, Suzanne E., DO
Provider ID #NM012051
BlueLINK ID: 3279160
Los Piños Family Healthcare
6362 Hwy. 44, 87013
(505) 289-3326
Fax No. (505) 289-3390
Luna County
Family Practice
Hatol, Maria, MD
Provider ID #NM001224
BlueLINK ID: 2299504
1000 S. 8th St., 88030
(505) 544-4975
Fax No. (505) 544-4575
LaFon, George I., MD
Provider ID #NM001564
BlueLINK ID: 2397915
Florida Medical Clinic
850 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 544-2800
Lipana, Narcisa D., MD
Provider ID #NM002801
BlueLINK ID: 2239989
Mimbres Medical Center
1020 S. 8th St., Ste. A, 88030
(505) 546-1059
Fax No. (505) 546-8388
Lundy, John E., MD
Provider ID #NM000389
BlueLINK ID: 3135796
220 E. Hemlock St., 88030
(505) 546-2705
Venegas, Julian L., DO
Provider ID #NM004B80
BlueLINK ID: 6003468
Ben Archer Health Center
125 Chaparral, 88030
(505) 546-4800
Williams, George W., DO
Provider ID #NM00400D
BlueLINK ID: 3225949
Blue Skies Primary Care
1110 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-4811
Fax No. (505) 546-4821
Zischkau, Douglas D., MD
Provider ID #NM012741
BlueLINK ID: 2239975
Blue Skies Primary Care
1110 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-4811
Fax No. (505) 546-4821
General Practice
Tan, Manuel, MD
Provider ID #NM003017
BlueLINK ID: 2243661
Mimbres Medical Center
1020 S. 8th St., Ste. A, 88030
(505) 546-1059
Sultan, Syed A., MD
Provider ID #NM009K48
BlueLINK ID: 4292402
Mimbres Internal Medicine
122 S. Gold St., Ste. 3, 88030
(505) 544-7280
Fax No. (505) 544-7281
Internal Medicine
Aswad, Mohamed, MD
Provider ID #NM009V30
BlueLINK ID: 4295172
Mimbres Medical Center
1020 S. 8th St., Ste. A, 88030
(505) 546-3750
Fax No. (505) 546-2770
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Bassam, Al Homsi, MD
Provider ID #NM011036
BlueLINK ID: 4133277
Mimbres Internal Medicine
122 S. Gold St., Ste. 3, 88030
(505) 544-7280
Davenport-Reed, Laura D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D34
BlueLINK ID: 4168322
Silver Internal Medicine
900 W. Birch, 88030
(505) 546-4222
Fax No. (505) 544-4436
Kumar, Muskula P., MD
Provider ID #NM009380
BlueLINK ID: 4120585
Silver Internal Medicine
900 W. Birch, 88030
(505) 544-4422
Meyerowitz, Colicia M., MD
Provider ID #NM009K62
BlueLINK ID: 4293302
Silver Internal Medicine
900 W. Birch, 88030
(505) 544-4422
Fax No. (505) 544-4436
Sultan, Syed A., MD
Provider ID #NM009K48
BlueLINK ID: 4292402
Mimbres Internal Medicine
122 S. Gold St., Ste. 3, 88030
(505) 544-7280
Fax No. (505) 544-7281
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Family Practice
Emery, Michael R., DO
Provider ID #NM004149
BlueLINK ID: 4169920
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Fax No. (505) 285-3648
Jones, Joel M., DO
Provider ID #NM014085
BlueLINK ID: 3381266
Blue Skies Primary Care
1110 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-4811
Fax No. (505) 546-4821
Adesanya, Olubukunola, MD
Provider ID #NM009K99
BlueLINK ID: 6003125
Newborns to age 18
Mimbres Health Maintenance
850 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 544-2800
Fax No. (505) 546-6540
Adnan, Hasan, MD
Provider ID #NM004430
BlueLINK ID: 4142103
Patients under age 21
Rio Grande Medical Group
903 S. Gold, 88030
(505) 546-6577
Fax No. (505) 546-5418
Bader, Mohammad Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009N35
BlueLINK ID: 6003648
Patients up to age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
903 S. Gold, 88030
(505) 546-6577
Fax No. (505) 546-5418
Davenport-Reed, Laura D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D34
BlueLINK ID: 4168322
Silver Internal Medicine
900 W. Birch, 88030
(505) 546-4222
Fax No. (505) 544-4436
Chaves County
Family Practice
Arnett, Ana P., MD
Provider ID #NM009D08
BlueLINK ID: 4273422
Limited to family practice only
Valley Health Clinic of ENMMC
116 E. 2nd St., 88230
(505) 734-5817
Fax No. (505) 734-6550
Santa Fe County
Family Practice
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Ortega, Ricardo J., MD
Provider ID #NM009630
BlueLINK ID: 3212632
First Choice Community Healthcare
Edgewood Clinic
#8 Medical Center Rd., 87105
(505) 281-3406
Fax No. (505) 286-3329
Sava, Severio J., MD
Provider ID #NM009672
BlueLINK ID: 3301200
First Choice Community Healthcare
Edgewood Clinic
#8 Medical Center Rd., 87105
(505) 281-3406
Fax No. (505) 286-3329
Ma, Mary H., MD
Provider ID #NM000749
BlueLINK ID: 4276727
NM Primary Care & Midwifery
02 Eunice Ct, Bldg. B, 87015
(505) 281-4620
El Prado
Taos County
Family Practice
Ritchie, Elin M., MD
Provider ID #NM029F92
BlueLINK ID: 6002079
No obstetrics
Ritchie Medical
94 Hwy. 150, 87529
(505) 758-5884
Fax No. (505) 776-8535
El Rito
Rio Arriba County
Family Practice
Keith, Kathryn, MD
Provider ID #NM009386
BlueLINK ID: 3135742
1167 State Hwy. 554, Ste. A, 87530
(505) 581-0033
Fax No. (505) 581-0034
Singleton, Tamara A., MD
Provider ID #NM009331
BlueLINK ID: 4120085
Las Clinicas del Norte
State Hwy. 571, Ste. 28, 87530
(505) 581-4728
Fax No. (505) 581-4789
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Internal Medicine
Rojas, Rogelio E., MD
Provider ID #NM009330
BlueLINK ID: 4241538
Las Clinicas del Norte
State Hwy. 571, Ste. 28, 87530
(505) 581-4728
Fax No. (505) 581-4789
Rio Arriba County
Family Practice
Martin, Patrick A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P80
BlueLINK ID: 4320173
No deliveries
Health Centers of Northern NM
Embudo Clinic
Hwy. 68, 2243 Rinconada, 87531
(505) 579-4255
Rio Arriba County
Family Practice
Bjorklund, Mark D., MD
Provider ID #NM003423
BlueLINK ID: 2239922
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Fax No. (505) 753-8373
Comly-VanAndel, Cynthia, MD
Provider ID #NM009P82
BlueLINK ID: 4250871
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Fax No. (505) 753-8373
Hassemer, Donald W., MD
Provider ID #NM011171
BlueLINK ID: 2397819
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Hayes, Leslie A., MD
Provider ID #NM003424
BlueLINK ID: 3332380
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Fax No. (505) 753-8373
Khalsa, Silvia S., MD
Provider ID #NM034815
BlueLINK ID: 4195625
415 N. Paseo de Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-9645
Fax No. (505) 753-6853
Khalsa, Silvia S., MD
Provider ID #NM009L96
BlueLINK ID: 4195625
Española Multi-specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 367-0257
Fax No. (505) 367-0346
Maley, Kathleen E., DO
Provider ID #NM014543
BlueLINK ID: 3260274
Established patients only
LAMC Family Care Center
98 Coronado Ave., 87532
(505) 753-9292
Fax No. (505) 753-1866
Martin, Patrick A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P80
BlueLINK ID: 4320173
No deliveries
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Singleton, Tamara A., MD
Provider ID #NM001868
BlueLINK ID: 4120085
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Fax No. (505) 753-8373
Thatch, Leonard I., MD
Provider ID #NM019J68
BlueLINK ID: 2175310
LAMC Family Care Center
1302 Calle De Merced, Ste. E, 87532
(505) 753-9292
Fax No. (505) 753-1866
Van Andel, Brent J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P81
BlueLINK ID: 4312743
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
711 Bond St., 87532
(505) 753-9503
Fax No. (505) 747-1004
Vigil, Alfredo, MD
Provider ID #NM009P89
BlueLINK ID: 3143341
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Fax No. (505) 753-8373
Webster, Jennifer N., MD
Provider ID #NM009J43
BlueLINK ID: 4239167
Health Centers of Northern NM
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 579-4255
Fax No. (505) 579-4669
Internal Medicine
Kaplan, Adolfo E., MD
Provider ID #NM009540
BlueLINK ID: 4240394
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Ryan, W. Murray, MD
Provider ID #NM002366
BlueLINK ID: 3143290
835 Spruce St., Ste. C, 87532
(505) 753-7121
Wagner, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM002873
BlueLINK ID: 3136015
835 Spruce St., Ste. B, 87532
(505) 753-7499
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Wagner, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM009658
BlueLINK ID: 3136015
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 367-0340
Fax No. (505) 367-0346
Kirby, Chelsea D., MD
Provider ID #NM009578
BlueLINK ID: 4244594
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Trombley, Paul E., MD
Provider ID #NM009R95
BlueLINK ID: 6003584
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 367-0340
Fax No. (505) 367-0346
Torrance County
Family Practice
Stogner, Linda M., MD
Provider ID #NM002714
BlueLINK ID: 2398122
Esperanza Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
903 5th St., Ste. C, 87016
(505) 384-2777
Fax No. (505) 384-2204
San Juan County
Family Practice
Bliss, Ronald S., MD
Provider ID #NM004266
BlueLINK ID: 4145006
Piñon Family Practice
2300 E. 30th St., Ste. 102, 87401
(505) 324-1000
Fax No. (505) 324-1199
Brenner, John M., DO
Provider ID #NM014B01
BlueLINK ID: 2335350
No children under age 6 months
Farmington Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1001 W. Broadway, Ste. D, 87401
(505) 327-9149
Fax No. (505) 325-9113
Burns, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM000432
BlueLINK ID: 3135542
Farmington Family Practice
622 W. Maple St., Ste. B, 87401
(505) 327-4867
Fax No. (505) 327-5355
Calcote, Ronald M., MD
Provider ID #NM000650
BlueLINK ID: 2291137
No medicaid patients
Farmington Family Practice
622 W. Maple St., Ste. B, 87401
(505) 327-4867
Fax No. (505) 327-5355
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Fort Sumner
Cassidy, Margaret L., MD
Provider ID #NM002537
BlueLINK ID: 4163017
Established patients only
Southwest Family Practice
304 N. Locke St., 87401
(505) 324-1100
Mosley, Frederick J., MD
Provider ID #NM021780
BlueLINK ID: 3251967
Mesa Occupational & Sports Medicine
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. F, Ste. 1,
(505) 325-1100
Chiha, Mona B., MD
Provider ID #NM009J83
BlueLINK ID: 6003201
Farmington Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1001 W. Broadway, Ste. D, 87401
(505) 327-4746
Fax No. (505) 325-9113
Payne, George L., MD
Provider ID #NM004851
BlueLINK ID: 4177095
No medicaid patients
Farmington Family Practice
622 W. Maple St., Ste. B, 87401
(505) 327-4867
Fax No. (505) 327-5355
Crider, Ken, MD
Provider ID #NM000621
BlueLINK ID: 2397677
No medicaid patients
Farmington Family Practice
622 W. Maple St., Ste. B, 87401
(505) 327-4867
Fax No. (505) 327-5355
DeKay, Matthew T., MD
Provider ID #NM009021
BlueLINK ID: 3364297
Mesa Family Practice
2130 Farmington Ave., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 325-2323
Fax No. (505) 325-7172
Dunn, Dan A., MD
Provider ID #NM014513
BlueLINK ID: 3272826
Primary Health Care
505 E. 20th St., 87401
(505) 324-6300
Fax No. (505) 327-2218
Faherty, Sean, MD
Provider ID #NM004194
BlueLINK ID: 4150361
Established patients only
Piñon Family Practice
2300 E. 30th St., Ste. 102, 87401
(505) 324-1000
Fax No. (505) 324-1199
Gruber, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004264
BlueLINK ID: 3297734
Established patients only
903 W. Apache, 87401
(505) 326-5282
Fax No. (505) 326-5286
Harmon, Lance M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J18
BlueLINK ID: 4227976
Farmington Family Practice
622 W. Maple St., Ste. B, 87401
(505) 327-4867
Fax No. (505) 327-5355
McFarling, Harold K., DO
Provider ID #NM004340
BlueLINK ID: 2394592
607 E. Apache, 87401
(505) 326-1922
Fax No. (505) 327-4239
July 2005
Ruger, Jane A., MD
Provider ID #NM009162
BlueLINK ID: 4174977
Established patients only: no
obstetric patients
High Desert Family Medicine
4801 N. Butler Ave., Ste. 3102, 87401
(505) 325-9555
Fax No. (505) 325-9306
Rutledge, Michael J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P30
BlueLINK ID: 2226073
Mesa Family Practice
2130 Farmington Ave., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 325-2323
Fax No. (505) 325-7172
Schaefer, Daniel W., MD
Provider ID #NM009J85
BlueLINK ID: 6003257
Farmington Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1001 W. Broadway, Ste. D, 87401
(505) 327-4796
Fax No. (505) 325-9113
Tso, Wilbur A., MD
Provider ID #NM012811
BlueLINK ID: 2398185
903 W. Apache, 87401
(505) 327-9876
White, Jeri J., DO
Provider ID #NM024B02
BlueLINK ID: 4236631
High Desert Family Medicine
4801 N. Butler Ave., Ste. 3102, 87401
(505) 325-9555
Fax No. (505) 325-9306
Williams, Wetzel, MD
Provider ID #NM003013
BlueLINK ID: 3136041
608 E. Comanche, 87401
(505) 325-8332
General Practice
Rousseau, Marie T., MD
Provider ID #NM002373
BlueLINK ID: 3143287
804 E. Navajo St., 87401
(505) 327-5336
Fax No. (505) 326-9120
Abbott, Alice M., MD
Provider ID #NM009F44
BlueLINK ID: 3295758
SJR Internal Medicine Clinic
655 W. Piñon, 87401
(505) 326-5359
Fax No. (505) 326-2467
Barry-Prather, Eleanore A., MD
Provider ID #NM004695
BlueLINK ID: 4190937
Established patients only
William Cumberworth, MD
657 W. Maple St., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 325-5025
Cumberworth, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM004864
BlueLINK ID: 3135588
657 W. Maple St., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 325-5025
Glover, Donald K., MD
Provider ID #NM004040
BlueLINK ID: 2396741
657 W. Maple St., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 326-4546
Diedrich, Richard G., MD
Provider ID #NM010721
BlueLINK ID: 330753
Farmington Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1001 W. Broadway, Ste. D, 87401
(505) 327-4796
Fax No. (505) 325-9113
Drinko, Lynn, MD
Provider ID #NM009770
BlueLINK ID: 5007682
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., Ste. F, 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
Gelfand, Karen S., MD
Provider ID #NM009N29
BlueLINK ID: 6003507
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., Ste. F, 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
Gray, Suzanne C., MD
Provider ID #NM002159
BlueLINK ID: 3307096
228 N. Schwartz Ave., 87401
(505) 327-8881
Herrington, Preston, III, MD
Provider ID #NM012782
BlueLINK ID: 3399788
Established patients only
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
Kompare, Edward A., MD
Provider ID #NM000950
BlueLINK ID: 3258462
Established patients only
SJR Internal Medicine Clinic
655 W. Piñon, 87401
(505) 326-5359
Fax No. (505) 326-2467
James, Brenda L., MD
Provider ID #NM009J12
BlueLINK ID: 5009713
Established patients only
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., Ste. F, 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
Spence, James J., MD
Provider ID #NM002609
BlueLINK ID: 3135978
Internal Medicine Associates, PC
301 S. Lake St., 87401
(505) 325-7531
Fax No. (505) 326-2186
Rankin, R. Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM012687
BlueLINK ID: 4100523
Established patients only
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
Vaidya, Shilpa, MD
Provider ID #NM009A12
BlueLINK ID: 4251520
228 N. Schwartz Ave., 87401
(505) 325-8881
Vrushab, Basanti, MD
Provider ID #NM009F28
BlueLINK ID: 4279309
Patients over age 17 only
Gemstone Medical Corporation
903 W. Apache, 87401
(505) 326-5282
Fax No. (505) 326-5286
Vrushab, Rajesh, MD
Provider ID #NM009A01
BlueLINK ID: 4266001
Silver Summit Medical Corporation
810 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 564-8210
Clarke, Margaret M., MD
Provider ID #NM004932
BlueLINK ID: 5005014
Established patients only
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
DiGioia, Sabrina L., DO
Provider ID #NM009J27
BlueLINK ID: 4275778
GYN only, ages 14 and up
Farmington Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1001 W. Broadway, Ste. D, 87401
(505) 327-4796
Fax No. (505) 325-9113
Pope, Joseph P., MD
Provider ID #NM003000
BlueLINK ID: 3351053
Established patients only
Piñon Family Practice
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. B, Ste. 102,
(505) 324-1000
Fax No. (505) 324-1199
Internal Medicine
Tolliver, Peggy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009F53
BlueLINK ID: 5009333
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., Ste. F, 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
Fort Sumner
De Baca County
Family Practice
Roberts, Joyce A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N57
BlueLINK ID: 3209169
De Baca Family Practice Clinic
500 N. 10th St., 88119
(505) 355-2414
Fax No. (505) 355-7894
Internal Medicine
Kokoricha, Tobore G., MD
Provider ID #NM009N46
BlueLINK ID: 4319328
De Baca Family Practice Clinic
500 N. 10th St., 88119
(505) 355-2414
Fax No. (505) 355-7894
McKinley County
Family Practice
Amawi, Firas B., DO
Provider ID #NM004B10
BlueLINK ID: 4277373
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
610 N. 5th St., 87301
(505) 863-3120
Fax No. (505) 863-2961
Andrade, Aedra D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J29
BlueLINK ID: 5010061
No OB/GYN or prenatal
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
610 N. 5th St., 87301
(505) 863-3120
Fax No. (505) 863-2961
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Andrade, Lawrence, MD
Provider ID #NM009L08
BlueLINK ID: 4295627
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
650 Vanden Bosch Pkwy., 87301
(505) 726-6980
Fax No. (505) 726-6982
Arrowsmith, Janet N., MD
Provider ID #NM001000
BlueLINK ID: 3254581
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
650 Vanden Bosch Pkwy., 87301
(505) 726-6980
Fax No. (505) 726-6982
Fronterotta, Adelfio, MD
Provider ID #NM000932
BlueLINK ID: 2397773
Established patients only
517 E. Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-6603
Fax No. (505) 722-1310
Hunte, Esther J., MD
Provider ID #NM009631
BlueLINK ID: 4255345
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
650 Vanden Bosch Pkwy., 87301
(505) 726-6980
Martinez-Ferrate, Rodolfo S., MD
Provider ID #NM004568
BlueLINK ID: 4174976
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
650 Vanden Bosch Pkwy., 87301
(505) 726-6980
Fax No. (505) 726-6982
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Shipley, Janice A., MD
Provider ID #NM002564
BlueLINK ID: 3135962
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
610 N. 5th St., 87301
(505) 863-3120
Fax No. (505) 863-2961
Internal Medicine
Adeniyi, Oladipo A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R52
BlueLINK ID: 6003539
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
Care Services
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Braun, Charles R., MD
Provider ID #NM009570
BlueLINK ID: 3135528
Specializing in pulmonology
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-7329
Gonzaga, Christopher E., MD
Provider ID #NM004423
BlueLINK ID: 4154201
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Lim, Nelson T., MD
Provider ID #NM000814
BlueLINK ID: 4134108
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Nagaraju, Sivakumar, MD
Provider ID #NM009E22
BlueLINK ID: 4249701
Patients over age 18
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Robertson, Gerald R., MD
Provider ID #NM002282
BlueLINK ID: 3135911
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1989
McKenzie, David, MD
Provider ID #NM001855
BlueLINK ID: 3135832
Established patients only
1808 E. Aztec Ave., Ste. 6, 87301
(505) 863-9375
Fax No. (505) 722-7400
Robinson, Thomas E., MD
Provider ID #NM002302
BlueLINK ID: 3143279
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Ranin, Carlos A., MD
Provider ID #NM009561
BlueLINK ID: 4202731
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Whitfield, James W., MD
Provider ID #NM002964
BlueLINK ID: 3156620
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Abad, Maria, MD
Provider ID #NM000887
BlueLINK ID: 4134107
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Bautista, Mario C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R63
BlueLINK ID: 6003552
Patients under age 18
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Mezoff, Kathleen M., MD
Provider ID #NM001861
BlueLINK ID: 2397975
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1989
Poel, Mary L., MD
Provider ID #NM002153
BlueLINK ID: 2398033
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1989
Stam, Richard P., MD
Provider ID #NM002667
BlueLINK ID: 3135982
Established patients only
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1989
Stam-MacLaren, Michelle A., MD
Provider ID #NM004611
BlueLINK ID: 4175345
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Truex, Jonathan, MD
Provider ID #NM009S64
BlueLINK ID: 3302047
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Cibola County
Family Practice
Alexander, Vinu, MD
Provider ID #NM009H64
BlueLINK ID: 4218125
Pitts Medical Bldg.
1040 SakeLares Blvd., 87020
(505) 287-4489
Fax No. (505) 287-8441
Banks, Diane C., MD
Provider ID #NM000213
BlueLINK ID: 3212553
1041 Mesa Blvd., Ste. C, 87020
(505) 287-3135
Gibson, Monique H., MD
Provider ID #NM004693
BlueLINK ID: 4178318
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1217 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2958
Fax No. (505) 257-2403
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Kathard, Haresh M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J94
BlueLINK ID: 6003292
No OB patients
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1217 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2958
Fax No. (505) 992-4990
Shipley, Janice A., MD
Provider ID #NM002564
BlueLINK ID: 3135962
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1217 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2958
Fax No. (505) 989-4761
Valdivia, Arnold W., MD
Provider ID #NM002384
BlueLINK ID: 2322894
Grants Medical Center
1208 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-4474
Internal Medicine
Augenstein, H. Nicholas, MD
Provider ID #NM009146
BlueLINK ID: 2205034
Patients over age 18
Internal Medicine of Grants
1040 Sakalares Blvd., 87020
(505) 287-4489
Pitts, David B., MD
Provider ID #NM003218
BlueLINK ID: 2204472
Pitts & Pitts Medical
1040 Sakalares Blvd., 87020
(505) 287-4489
Pitts, Jane C., MD
Provider ID #NM003231
BlueLINK ID: 2258888
Pitts & Pitts Medical
1040 Sakalares Blvd., 87020
(505) 287-4489
Flores, Marisa C., MD
Provider ID #NM009L74
BlueLINK ID: 6003165
Patients up to age 18
Pitts & Pitts Medical
1040 Sakelares Blvd., 87020
(505) 287-4489
Doña Ana County
Family Practice
Lugo, Fernando, DO
Provider ID #NM004B69
BlueLINK ID: 4271532
Osteopathic manipulation
Ben Archer Health Center
255 Hwy. 187, 87937
(505) 267-3088
Fax No. (505) 267-1747
Martinez, Enrique, MD
Provider ID #NM001726
BlueLINK ID: 3135814
Ben Archer Health Center
808 W. Hall St., 87937
(505) 267-3088
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Lea County
Family Practice
Braswell, William N., MD
Provider ID #NM009154
BlueLINK ID: 4192049
Desert Medical Group
1801 N. Dal Paso St., 88240
(505) 393-0511
Fax No. (505) 393-0914
Bublis, Paul A., DO
Provider ID #NM009155
BlueLINK ID: 4177595
Desert Medical Group
1801 N. Dal Paso St., 88240
(505) 393-0511
Fax No. (505) 393-0914
Jones, Terry D., DO
Provider ID #NM004B56
BlueLINK ID: 3394911
Hobbs Family Practice
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 5, 88240
(505) 492-0045
Fax No. (505) 492-0086
Kernan, Jack, MD
Provider ID #NM001500
BlueLINK ID: 2397880
303 E. Taylor, 88240
(505) 393-0543
Fax No. (505) 397-2131
General Practice
Lele, Geeta E., MD
Provider ID #NM001628
BlueLINK ID: 2397925
921 N. Turner St., 88240
(505) 393-8562
Internal Medicine
Fonseca, Jesus J., MD
Provider ID #NM009390
BlueLINK ID: 3395520
Patients over age 18
The Medicine Clinic
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 22,
(505) 392-8943
Fax No. (505) 392-8960
Kankanala, Sambaiah, MD
Provider ID #NM001466
BlueLINK ID: 2397875
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 4, 88240
(505) 392-7537
Kernan, John B., MD
Provider ID #NM001503
BlueLINK ID: 2397881
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 13,
(505) 392-7798
Fax No. (505) 392-4928
Mankad, Naishadh A., MD
Provider ID #NM009793
BlueLINK ID: 4186724
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 12,
(505) 492-0220
Fax No. (505) 492-0429
July 2005
Driskill, Christopher S., MD
Provider ID #NM009K63
BlueLINK ID: 4292178
OB/GYN, females only
Hobbs Ob/Gyn Associates
5420 Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 433-4000
Fax No. (505) 392-7965
Gonzalez, Carmen R., MD
Provider ID #NM009988
BlueLINK ID: 3209375
Females only
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 24,
(505) 392-0123
Fax No. (505) 392-9988
Ranka, Prakash M., MD
Provider ID #NM014301
BlueLINK ID: 3135902
OB/GYN, females only
Hobbs Ob/Gyn Associates
5420 Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 433-4000
Fax No. (505) 392-7965
Ganeshan, Deepa, MD-MBBS
Provider ID #NM009K39
BlueLINK ID: 5010076
Lea County Children's Clinic
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 2, 88240
(505) 392-1503
Fax No. (505) 392-5698
Murillo, Sonia L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N38
BlueLINK ID: 6003600
Lea County Children's Clinic
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 2, 88240
(505) 392-1503
Fax No. (505) 392-5698
Reddy, Yaratha, MD
Provider ID #NM002855
BlueLINK ID: 5003587
Lea County Children's Clinic
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 2, 88240
(505) 392-1503
Sager, Wayne L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N85
BlueLINK ID: 3310839
Lea County Childrens Clinic
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste.2, 88240
(505) 392-1503
Fax No. (505) 392-5698
Salguero, Jose J.E., MD
Provider ID #NM019251
BlueLINK ID: 3395233
The Childrens Doctor & Family Care
2410 N. Fowler, 88240
(505) 492-2020
Fax No. (505) 492-9621
Jemez Pueblo
Sandoval County
Family Practice
Garcia, Timothy N., MD
Provider ID #NM004676
BlueLINK ID: 3369468
Jemez Valley Medical Clinic
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
8372 Hwy. 4, 87024
(505) 834-0802
Fax No. (505) 837-9315
La Loma
Guadalupe County
Family Practice
Gallegos, Frank V., MD
Provider ID #NM003252
BlueLINK ID: 3271494
Health Centers of Northern NM
La Loma Clinic
State Hwy. 84, 87724
(505) 427-5036
Stoltze, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM002594
BlueLINK ID: 2147683
Health Centers of Northern NM
La Loma Clinic
State Hwy. 84, 87724
(505) 427-5036
Las Cruces
Doña Ana County
Family Practice
Abramson, Mark A., MD
Provider ID #NM012258
BlueLINK ID: 3390168
Ben Archer Health Center
1600 Thorpe Rd., 88012
(505) 382-9292
Fax No. (505) 382-2061
Baker, William T., DO
Provider ID #NM004036
BlueLINK ID: 2363624
Established patients only
2020 S. Solano, Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-7313
Barbosa, Louis E., MD
Provider ID #NM009192
BlueLINK ID: 3115185
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88001
(505) 532-6054
Carmody, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM009078
BlueLINK ID: 3271496
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
General Practice
Castrejon, Eduardo A., MD
Provider ID #NM000505
BlueLINK ID: 3207866
1205 S. Solano, 88001
(505) 524-9119
Chibueze, Dom, MD
Provider ID #NM002489
BlueLINK ID: 4158138
Jal Clinic
101 E. Panther, Drawer Z, 88252
(505) 395-3400
Fax No. (505) 395-2781
Conty, Orlando, MD
Provider ID #NM014299
BlueLINK ID: 4185971
Ben Archer Health Center
1600 Thorpe Rd., 88012
(505) 382-9292
Fax No. (505) 382-2061
Lea County
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Draluck, Debra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N06
BlueLINK ID: 4249148
Ben Archer Health Center
1600 Thorpe Rd., 88012
(505) 382-9292
Fax No. (505) 382-2061
Duerksen, Susan D., MD
Provider ID #NM009378
BlueLINK ID: 4204204
Zia Family Medicine
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 208, 88011
(505) 532-1456
Fax No. (505) 522-6789
Ewing, Joseph G., MD
Provider ID #NM009K61
BlueLINK ID: 6001227
La Clinica de Familia
1160 Mall Dr., 88005
(505) 521-7181
Fax No. (505) 521-7199
Flores, Jose A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B01
BlueLINK ID: 4271295
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Gallardo, Benito, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009356
BlueLINK ID: 3238556
Occu-Care Medical Clinic
2170 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. C, 88001
(505) 524-8888
Garrett, Bertram D., MD
Provider ID #NM019957
BlueLINK ID: 2111184
MMC-Family Practice
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-5370
Fax No. (505) 521-5647
Gomez, Teresa R., MD
Provider ID #NM009N48
BlueLINK ID: 4277710
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Guerrero, Rene A., MD
Provider ID #NM000947
BlueLINK ID: 3213825
2301 Saturn Cir., 88012
(505) 382-0014
Fax No. (505) 382-0015
Haese, Wolfgang H., MD
Provider ID #NM009B10
BlueLINK ID: 3156914
2465 Bataan Memorial West, Ste. 2,
(505) 373-8415
Fax No. (505) 373-8416
Harrison, Norman D., DO
Provider ID #NM014249
BlueLINK ID: 3215932
225 E. Idaho, Ste. 26, 88005
(505) 647-5156
Fax No. (505) 647-5157
Hernandez, Guillermo, Jr., DO
Provider ID #NM004263
BlueLINK ID: 3247427
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 202, 88011
(505) 522-8193
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Lampley, Joseph C., DO
Provider ID #NM004B86
BlueLINK ID: 3267742
Sprocket Medical Management
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Bldg. 5, Ste.
3, 88240
(505) 392-1973
Fax No. (505) 392-2030
Las Cruces
Las Cruces
Kowalski, Gregory A., DO-PA
Provider ID #NM009429
BlueLINK ID: 3246475
Established patients only
2301 Saturn Cir., 88012
(505) 382-0014
Fax No. (505) 382-0015
LaFon, Fay A., MD
Provider ID #NM009103
BlueLINK ID: 3143208
2611 N. Main, 88001
(505) 525-3531
Fax No. (505) 525-3534
Landau, Marian, DO
Provider ID #NM004B77
BlueLINK ID: 6002934
La Clinica de Familia
9400 Hwy. 70, 88012
(505) 373-9202
Fax No. (505) 373-9592
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Leonardi, Denise, MD
Provider ID #NM011741
BlueLINK ID: 3212585
Family Care Associates
1135 S. Main St., Ste. B, 88005
(505) 525-4000
Fax No. (505) 525-4021
Marquez, Ramon L., MD
Provider ID #NM011788
BlueLINK ID: 3143233
1325 California St., 88001
(505) 524-9119
Fax No. (505) 525-1889
Martinez, Enrique, MD
Provider ID #NM001726
BlueLINK ID: 3135814
Ben Archer Health Center
1600 Thorpe Rd., 88012
(505) 382-9292
Fax No. (505) 382-2061
McCarthy, Shane E., DO
Provider ID #NM004B78
BlueLINK ID: 4297781
La Clinica de Familia
1160 Mall Dr., 88001
(505) 521-7181
Fax No. (505) 521-7199
Muralidhasan, Srirengam, MD
Provider ID #NM024997
BlueLINK ID: 4185230
1605 El Paseo Rd., 88001
(505) 527-2600
Fax No. (505) 527-5342
Murphy, Michael R., DO
Provider ID #NM004B89
BlueLINK ID: 6003703
Alergy, asthma & related primary
care illnesses
Allergy & Asthma Clinic
2100 S. Triviz, Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-6500
Fax No. (505) 522-0591
Paz, Conchita M., MD
Provider ID #NM012118
BlueLINK ID: 3289103
Family Care Associates
1135 S. Main St., Ste. B, 88005
(505) 525-4000
Fax No. (505) 525-4021
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Prickett, William R., MD
Provider ID #NM009Q13
BlueLINK ID: 2183717
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Rowley, Mildred H., MD
Provider ID #NM009095
BlueLINK ID: 3340669
2435 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-7798
Fax No. (505) 522-3415
Samuel, Roset D., MD
Provider ID #NM009140
BlueLINK ID: 4154225
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Schaefer, Stefan C., MD
Provider ID #NM009D15
BlueLINK ID: 4124065
Bone densitometry studies
Health Care Solutions, PA
2810 N. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-2033
Fax No. (505) 522-2045
Tellez, Cecilia M., MD
Provider ID #NM019D10
BlueLINK ID: 4257956
MMC-Family Practice
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-5370
Fax No. (505) 521-5647
Thomas, Susan D., MD
Provider ID #NM019B05
BlueLINK ID: 4179789
MMC-Family Practice
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-5370
Fax No. (505) 521-5647
Valenzuela, David M., MD
Provider ID #NM012843
BlueLINK ID: 2398244
1505 S. Don Roser Dr., Ste. A, 88011
(505) 521-9485
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Vigil, Isabel C., MD
Provider ID #NM012857
BlueLINK ID: 2398275
2803 Doral Ct., 88011
(505) 522-1628
Fax No. (505) 522-1686
General Practice
Garcia, Baldomero P., MD
Provider ID #NM001001
BlueLINK ID: 3135647
Med Associates
1200 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-7550
Garcia, Umberto I., MD
Provider ID #NM001002
BlueLINK ID: 2397788
Med Associates
1200 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-7411
Huerta, Sergio A., DO
Provider ID #NM011473
BlueLINK ID: 3215927
1505 S. Don Roser Dr., Ste. A, 88011
(505) 521-9485
Fax No. (505) 532-7000
Saavedra, Ramon A., MD
Provider ID #NM009205
BlueLINK ID: 3360044
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 522-5281
Internal Medicine
Andrews, Patricia J., MD
Provider ID #NM009313
BlueLINK ID: 3135478
Patients over age 18
Andrews & Johnson of the Mesilla
225 E. Idaho, Ste. 17, 88005
(505) 526-5525
Fax No. (505) 541-0498
Attiogbe, Frances, MD
Provider ID #NM019B09
BlueLINK ID: 4266715
Patients over age 17
Solano Medical Associates
1205 S. Solano, 88001
(505) 524-9119
Fax No. (505) 525-1889
Bass, Harry, MD
Provider ID #NM000242
BlueLINK ID: 3143033
2425 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-0330
Fax No. (505) 522-8620
Benevento, Louis M., MD
Provider ID #NM000263
BlueLINK ID: 2397248
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. G4, 88011
(505) 522-0423
Fax No. (505) 521-4829
Bradley, James P., MD
Provider ID #NM009N08
BlueLINK ID: 4298938
2735 Northrise Dr., 88011
(505) 522-3822
Fax No. (505) 532-4347
Caglia, Angelica A., MD
Provider ID #NM009440
BlueLINK ID: 3270017
1180 Mall Dr., Ste. C, 88011
(505) 532-5500
De La Vega, Osvaldo R., MD
Provider ID #NM002196
BlueLINK ID: 3304433
Southwest Health Services
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. B, 88011
(505) 521-1575
Fax No. (505) 521-1940
Flores, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM009953
BlueLINK ID: 3250889
Specializing in pain management;
Patients over age 15
Flores Medical Corp.
2902 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 522-5755
Fax No. (505) 556-1302
Ghei, Manisha, MD
Provider ID #NM009B83
BlueLINK ID: 4271906
Rush Green Medical Associates
2735 Northside Dr., 88011
(505) 532-4344
Fax No. (505) 532-4347
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Johnson, Gregory E., MD
Provider ID #NM009528
BlueLINK ID: 3135734
Patients over age 18
Andrews & Johnson of the Mesilla
225 E. Idaho, Ste. 17, 88005
(505) 526-5525
Fax No. (505) 541-0498
Kannaeganti, Prasad V., MD
Provider ID #NM009N36
BlueLINK ID: 6003647
Patients over age 13
La Clinica de Familia
Ste. 7, Onate Plaza, 88046
(505) 524-3571
Fax No. (505) 525-8089
Krupp, Jason A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N65
BlueLINK ID: 4291504
Patients over age 15
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 204, 88011
(505) 523-4344
Fax No. (505) 523-4434
Lopez, George E., MD
Provider ID #NM001764
BlueLINK ID: 3209275
Established patients only
2901 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 522-0300
Maslona, Andrew, MD
Provider ID #NM009795
BlueLINK ID: 4249909
Patients over age 12
La Clinica de Familia
8780 Hwy. 70, 88012
(505) 373-9202
Fax No. (505) 979-9592
Mercer, Ann S., MD
Provider ID #NM001860
BlueLINK ID: 3108431
Established patients only
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 12, 88011
(505) 522-6900
Nattakom, Shiney T., MD
Provider ID #NM009935
BlueLINK ID: 4254079
Internal Medicine Doctors of Las
1605 El Paseo Rd., 88001
(505) 524-2600
Fax No. (505) 527-5342
Pavia, Gaudencio O., MD
Provider ID #NM009N09
BlueLINK ID: 4263143
Adult patients 18 years and up
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. B, 88011
(505) 521-1575
Fax No. (505) 521-1940
Shanbhag, Sangeeth, MD
Provider ID #NM009B67
BlueLINK ID: 4264134
Bonita Plaza
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 14, 88011
(505) 521-8500
Fax No. (505) 521-8400
Sierra, Silvia M., MD
Provider ID #NM009808
BlueLINK ID: 4160761
Patients over age 18
Medical Associates
4141 Camino Coyote, Ste. B, 88011
(505) 522-1010
Fax No. (505) 522-7474
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Webb, Sidney, MD
Provider ID #NM019788
BlueLINK ID: 3136022
La Clinic de Familia, Inc.
9400 Hwy. 70, 88012
(505) 373-9202
Fax No. (505) 373-9592
Zahir, Azhar, MD
Provider ID #NM009392
BlueLINK ID: 4118117
Patients over age 2
Southwest Healthcare Associates
1605 El Paseo Rd., 88001
(505) 527-2600
Cooper, Frank C., MD
Provider ID #NM012892
BlueLINK ID: 2173057
Female patients over age 12
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Draluck, Debra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N06
BlueLINK ID: 4249148
Ben Archer Health Center
1600 Thorpe Rd., 88012
(505) 382-9292
Fax No. (505) 382-2061
Armendariz, Marina, MD
Provider ID #NM014305
BlueLINK ID: 5004530
Patients under age 18
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8200
Fax No. (505) 556-8230
Bader, Mohammad Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009N35
BlueLINK ID: 6003648
Patients up to age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 532-8974
Brown, Eileen L., MD
Provider ID #NM019786
BlueLINK ID: 4255343
Patients under age 18
Nuestro Futuro
2904 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 521-7227
Fax No. (505) 521-7233
Ciudad, Hernan, MD
Provider ID #NM014552
BlueLINK ID: 5004700
Patients under age 18
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8200
Fax No. (505) 556-8230
Crawley, Maria G., MD
Provider ID #NM014602
BlueLINK ID: 5004735
Patients under age 18
First Step Pediatrics
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8200
Fax No. (505) 556-8230
July 2005
Fresquez, Catherine T., MD
Provider ID #NM009K23
BlueLINK ID: 5007936
Patients up to age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 532-8963
Las Vegas
San Miguel County
Family Practice
Herndon, Timothy E., MD
Provider ID #NM001303
BlueLINK ID: 3144033
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Brady, Julie M., MD
Provider ID #NM001989
BlueLINK ID: 4137423
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Khan, Rizwan H., MD
Provider ID #NM009444
BlueLINK ID: 4255346
Patients under age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Cambron, Bradford, MD
Provider ID #NM001629
BlueLINK ID: 3368052
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Lichtenfels, Jennifer M., MD
Provider ID #NM014608
BlueLINK ID: 5004738
Patients under age 18
First Step Pediatrics
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8200
Fax No. (505) 556-8230
Lirio, Beverly Jane, MD
Provider ID #NM009437
BlueLINK ID: 4255112
Patients under age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Ray, Joanne M., DO
Provider ID #NM014060
BlueLINK ID: 4132384
Patients under age 18
Casa Alegre Pediatrics, LLC
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 407, 88011
(505) 532-5912
Fax No. (505) 532-5915
Suina, Rita M., MD
Provider ID #NM002897
BlueLINK ID: 4255113
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Talamantes, Roberto, MD
Provider ID #NM002731
BlueLINK ID: 5003515
1250 Hillrise Cir., 88011
(505) 521-1378
Torres, Catherine D., MD
Provider ID #NM020134
BlueLINK ID: 5002116
Patients under age 18
First Step Pediatrics
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8200
Fax No. (505) 556-8230
Williams, Jana R., MD
Provider ID #NM009370
BlueLINK ID: 4147259
Patients under age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Gallegos, Frank V., MD
Provider ID #NM000700
BlueLINK ID: 3271494
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Irwin, Alan, DO
Provider ID #NM004B13
BlueLINK ID: 4294790
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
3031 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Madrid, M. Eileen, MD
Provider ID #NM001632
BlueLINK ID: 3209318
Established patients only
419 Manzanares, 87701
(505) 425-6773
Fax No. (505) 426-9238
Olivares, Melquiades, MD
Provider ID #NM004689
BlueLINK ID: 2150990
Established patients only
260 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 425-6731
Fax No. (505) 454-9193
Schweigert, Daniel, MD
Provider ID #NM000765
BlueLINK ID: 3307243
Established patients only
1214 National Ave., 87701
(505) 425-7340
Fax No. (505) 425-7680
Stoltze, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM002594
BlueLINK ID: 2147683
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Zwahlen-Minton, Denise, MD
Provider ID #NM019409
BlueLINK ID: 4186043
HCNNM Las Vegas Clinic
3031 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Zwahlen-Minton, Denise, MD
Provider ID #NM019409
BlueLINK ID: 4186043
HCNNM Las Vegas Clinic
3031 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Internal Medicine
Elliott, David, MD
Provider ID #NM000771
BlueLINK ID: 3135609
Established patients only
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 300, 87701
(505) 425-9311
Fax No. (505) 425-9047
Kanode, Bradley A., MD
Provider ID #NM019118
BlueLINK ID: 4209709
Lifestyle Medicine
1301 8th St., 87701
(505) 425-2850
Fax No. (505) 425-2847
Lopez, G. Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM001568
BlueLINK ID: 3135788
Established patients only
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 300, 87701
(505) 425-9311
Miller, Franklin, MD
Provider ID #NM001926
BlueLINK ID: 3213797
1900 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-3596
Fax No. (505) 425-2789
Swan, G. V., MD
Provider ID #NM002719
BlueLINK ID: 2365310
Rio Vista Ob/Gyn
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 100, 87701
(505) 425-3569
Bunch, George P., MD
Provider ID #NM000458
BlueLINK ID: 3143061
Las Vegas Clinic for Children & Youth
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 425-3566
Fax No. (505) 425-3568
Dronen, Nancy, MD
Provider ID #NM009395
BlueLINK ID: 5007150
Las Vegas Clinic for Children & Youth
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 425-3566
Fax No. (505) 425-3568
Wiseman, Merle D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J50
BlueLINK ID: 4174705
1301 8th St., 87701
(505) 425-2850
Fax No. (505) 425-2847
Schipper, Mary S., MD
Provider ID #NM009N28
BlueLINK ID: 6003486
Las Vegas Clinic for Children & Youth
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 425-3566
Fax No. (505) 425-3568
Zapf, Rosemarie I., DO
Provider ID #NM004026
BlueLINK ID: 3265404
1900 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1400
Fax No. (505) 426-0362
Wright, Nancy, MD
Provider ID #NM009A25
BlueLINK ID: 4280402
Las Vegas Clinic for Children & Youth
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 425-3566
Fax No. (505) 425-3568
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Las Vegas
Hidalgo County
Family Practice
Johnson, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D35
BlueLINK ID: 4269878
Hidalgo Medical Services
530 Demoss St., 88045
(505) 542-8384
Fax No. (505) 542-8387
Sergeant, Michael C., MD
Provider ID #NM014261
BlueLINK ID: 3143303
Hidalgo Medical Services
530 Demoss St., 88045
(505) 542-8384
Fax No. (505) 542-8367
Los Alamos
Los Alamos County
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Family Practice
Bouquin, Erin Jones, MD
Provider ID #NM009T48
BlueLINK ID: 4157988
Medical Associates of Northern New
Mexico PA
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8961
Church, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000531
BlueLINK ID: 2397661
Patients over age 8
Medical Associates of Northern NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Cook, Roger H., MD
Provider ID #NM009P28
BlueLINK ID: 338511
No obstetrics
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Daly, Paul C., MD
Provider ID #NM010794
BlueLINK ID: 3392710
Medical Associates of Northern NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Hertzman, Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM001253
BlueLINK ID: 2397831
Los Alamos Family Practice
Los Alamos PHO
3917 West Rd., Ste. 130, 87544
(505) 662-2900
Fax No. (505) 662-4333
Mesibov, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P92
BlueLINK ID: 4147204
118 Central Park Sq., 87544
(505) 662-4798
Fax No. (505) 661-9637
Mulka, Linda Louise, MD
Provider ID #NM009P93
BlueLINK ID: 3135853
Established patients only
118 Central Park Sq., 87544
(505) 662-4798
Fax No. (505) 661-9637
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Taylor, Daniel F., MD
Provider ID #NM019F47
BlueLINK ID: 4193016
Patients over age 12
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Taylor, H. Tyler, III, MD
Provider ID #NM009T20
BlueLINK ID: 2209134
3491 Trinity Dr., Ste. D, 87544
(505) 661-2411
Fax No. (505) 661-2505
General Practice
Jackson, B. Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM011401
BlueLINK ID: 3135724
Urgent care only
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Internal Medicine
Barnard, Kathryn G., MD
Provider ID #NM009J14
BlueLINK ID: 4286610
Established patients only
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Ferris, Ann K., MD
Provider ID #NM009A31
BlueLINK ID: 3225487
Patients over age 12
Medical Associates of Northern New
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Goddard, Lawrence W., MD
Provider ID #NM001069
BlueLINK ID: 2397792
Patients over age 12
Medical Associates of Northern NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Linnebur, A. Carolyn, MD
Provider ID #NM001661
BlueLINK ID: 2397933
Established patients over age 12
Medical Associates of Northern NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Smith, Fredrica E., MD
Provider ID #NM002600
BlueLINK ID: 3209280
3917 West Rd., Ste. D, 87544
(505) 662-9400
Vosburg, Molly J., MD
Provider ID #NM004220
BlueLINK ID: 4204934
Patients over age 12
Medical Associates of Northern NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Ziomek, James J., MD
Provider ID #NM010805
BlueLINK ID: 3399906
Established patients only
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
Los Alamos PHO
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Csanadi, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM002134
BlueLINK ID: 5003198
Children's Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 128, 87544
(505) 662-4234
Fax No. (505) 662-7894
Romero, Melvin L., MD
Provider ID #NM009R67
BlueLINK ID: 6003557
First Choice Community Healthcare
Los Lunas Clinic
1259 Hwy. 314, 87031
(505) 865-4618
Fax No. (505) 265-1062
Walsh, Norah E., MD
Provider ID #NM004221
BlueLINK ID: 3136018
Rio Abajo Family Practice
111 Sandoval, 87031
(505) 565-4355
Fax No. (505) 821-5047
General Practice
Csanadi, Thomas A., MD
Provider ID #NM004550
BlueLINK ID: 5004698
Children's Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 128, 87544
(505) 662-4234
Fax No. (505) 662-7894
Aragon, Joseph R., MD
Provider ID #NM004210
BlueLINK ID: 2145930
Los Lunas Family Practice
127 Sandoval, 87031
(505) 865-3373
Krohn, Jacqueline A., MD
Provider ID #NM011552
BlueLINK ID: 3135764
Los Alamos Pediatric Clinic
Los Alamos PHO
3917 West Rd., Ste. 136, 87544
(505) 662-9620
Fax No. (505) 662-0024
Internal Medicine
Neal, John Bennett, MD
Provider ID #NM002010
BlueLINK ID: 5003141
Children's Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 128, 87544
(505) 662-4234
Nichols, Michael W., MD
Provider ID #NM002032
BlueLINK ID: 5003154
Children's Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 128, 87544
(505) 662-4234
Schoonover, Shelley P., MD
Provider ID #NM003241
BlueLINK ID: 5003808
Children's Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 128, 87544
(505) 662-4234
Los Lunas
Valencia County
Family Practice
Noce, Michael A., MD
Provider ID #NM009S09
BlueLINK ID: 3124763
Rio Abajo Family Practice
111 Sandoval, 87031
(505) 565-4355
Fax No. (505) 565-4360
Pentecost, Jennifer, MD
Provider ID #NM009E21
BlueLINK ID: 3370580
First Choice Community Healthcare
Los Lunas Clinic
1259 Hwy. 314, 87031
(505) 865-4618
Fax No. (505) 265-1062
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Saleheen, Kazi S., MD
Provider ID #NM004782
BlueLINK ID: 4226304
Valencia Health Professionals
311 S. Los Lentes, 87031
(505) 866-9300
Fax No. (505) 866-9360
Yamamoto, Kenneth A., MD
Provider ID #NM003089
BlueLINK ID: 3143365
No obstetric patients
First Choice Community Healthcare
Los Lunas Clinic
1259 Hwy. 314, 87031
(505) 865-4618
Fax No. (505) 865-1062
Olmsted, Michelle, MD
Provider ID #NM013641
BlueLINK ID: 3385933
First Choice Community Healthcare
Los Lunas Clinic
1259 Hwy. 314, 87031
(505) 865-4618
Fax No. (505) 864-4618
Lea County
Family Practice
Bains, Amar, MD
Provider ID #NM003360
BlueLINK ID: 3391122
Lovington Clinic
1600 N. Main, Ste. A, 88260
(505) 396-3529
Fax No. (505) 396-5640
Carver, Ronald C., MD
Provider ID #NM009B54
BlueLINK ID: 4122397
Lovington Clinic
1600 N. Main, Ste. A, 88260
(505) 396-3529
Fax No. (505) 396-5640
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Homer, Patrick J., DO
Provider ID #NM004865
BlueLINK ID: 4171450
Lovington Clinic
1600 N. Main, Ste. A, 88260
(505) 396-3529
Fax No. (505) 396-5640
Hopkins, Ronald D., DO
Provider ID #NM004102
BlueLINK ID: 3215924
Lovington Clinic
1600 N. Main, Ste. A, 88260
(505) 396-3529
Fax No. (505) 396-5640
Wagner, Lenard D., MD
Provider ID #NM022930
BlueLINK ID: 3136014
Lovington Clinic
1600 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-3529
Fax No. (505) 396-5640
General Practice
Flores, Walter, DO
Provider ID #NM004239
BlueLINK ID: 3215923
Flores Clinic
828 W. Jackson Ave., 88260
(505) 396-2474
Fax No. (505) 396-5712
Socorro County
Family Practice
Brady, Charles F., DO
Provider ID #NM00400M
BlueLINK ID: 3315034
Magdalena Area Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
108 N. Main, 87825
(505) 854-3161
Fax No. (505) 854-3160
Grant County
Family Practice
King, Shelby H., MD
Provider ID #NM019960
BlueLINK ID: 3135757
Hidalgo Medical Services
Mimbres Clinic
2743 Hwy. 35, Ste. B, 88049
(505) 536-3990
Fax No. (505) 536-3991
Mora County
Young, Lucien D., DO
Provider ID #NM004B12
BlueLINK ID: 3123346
Pecos Valley Medical Center
State Hwy. 50, 87552
(505) 757-6482
Fax No. (505) 757-2700
Internal Medicine
Gaspar, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM009771
BlueLINK ID: 4100176
Mora Valley Community Health
State Hwy. 518, 87732
(505) 387-2201
Fax No. (505) 387-9006
Smelser, Chad, MD
Provider ID #NM009P88
BlueLINK ID: 6003835
Mora Valley Community Health
Hwy. 518, 87732
(505) 387-2201
Fax No. (505) 387-9006
Torrance County
Family Practice
McLeod, Orrin K., DO
Provider ID #NM004844
BlueLINK ID: 3184408
Center For Aesthetic Medicine
1108 Central Ave., 87035
(505) 832-4434
Fax No. (505) 832-5024
Doña Ana County
Torrance County
Internal Medicine
Family Practice
Gismondi-Eagan, Carmella L., MD
Provider ID #NM004268
BlueLINK ID: 4195916
La Clinica de Familia
Oñate Plaza, Ste. 7, 88046
(505) 524-3571
Fax No. (505) 525-8089
Minnick, Deborah J., DO
Provider ID #NM00400R
BlueLINK ID: 4240203
Mountainair Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
105 E. Piñon St., 87036
(505) 847-2271
July 2005
San Miguel County
Internal Medicine
Webb, Sidney, MD
Provider ID #NM019788
BlueLINK ID: 3136022
La Clinic de Familia, Inc.
Oñate Plaza, Ste. 7, 88046
(505) 524-3571
Fax No. (505) 525-8089
Rojas, Rogelio E., MD
Provider ID #NM009330
BlueLINK ID: 4241538
Las Clinicas del Norte
Hwy. 285, Bldg. 35319, 87549
(505) 583-2191
Fax No. (505) 583-2192
Maslona, Andrew, MD
Provider ID #NM009795
BlueLINK ID: 4249909
Patients over age 12
La Clinica de Familia
Oñate Plaza, Ste. 7, 88046
(505) 524-3571
Fax No. (505) 541-9249
Internal Medicine
Ojo Caliente
Taos County
Family Practice
Fraker, Lesa D., MD
Provider ID #NM014104
BlueLINK ID: 2336392
Taos Community Health Plan
Peñasco Clinic
24 Hwy. 73, 87553
(505) 587-1833
Nolan, Kevin J., MD
Provider ID #NM009F41
BlueLINK ID: 4272488
Health Centers of Northern NM
Peñasco Clinic
15136 State Rd. 75, 87553
(505) 587-2205
Fax No. (505) 587-1944
Singleton, Tamara A., MD
Provider ID #NM001868
BlueLINK ID: 4120085
Health Centers of Northern NM
Peñasco Clinic
15136 State Rd. 75, 87553
(505) 587-2205
Fax No. (505) 587-1944
Pine Hill
Cibola County
Family Practice
Heath, Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM009139
BlueLINK ID: 5006090
Pine Hill Health Center
BIA Rural Route 125, 87357
(505) 775-3271
Fax No. (505) 775-3655
Taos County
Family Practice
Singleton, Tamara A., MD
Provider ID #NM009330
BlueLINK ID: 4120085
Las Clinicas del Norte
Hwy. 285, Bldg. 35319, 87549
(505) 583-2191
Fax No. (505) 583-2192
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Santa Fe County
Family Practice
Delgado, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM009726
BlueLINK ID: 4194899
Pojoaque Primary Care
5 Petroglyph Cir. Cities of Gold Rd.,
Ste. A, 87501
(505) 455-1962
Fax No. (505) 455-2355
Maestas, Charles J., MD
Provider ID #NM009161
BlueLINK ID: 2397949
Pojoaque Family Practice
5 Petroglyph Cir., Ste. B, 87501
(505) 455-2842
Fax No. (505) 455-2941
Pacheco, Mario F., MD
Provider ID #NM012107
BlueLINK ID: 3214593
Pojoaque Primary Care
5 Petroglyph Circle, Ste. A, 87506
(505) 455-1962
Fax No. (505) 455-2355
Roosevelt County
Family Practice
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Smith, Robert E., DO
Provider ID #NM004499
BlueLINK ID: 3215913
Smith Clinic
518 S. 11th St., 88260
(505) 396-5336
Alexander, Lonnie D., MD
Provider ID #NM020153
BlueLINK ID: 3135474
Eastern Medical Associates
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Donaldson, Leslie A., MD
Provider ID #NM019973
BlueLINK ID: 4259987
Eastern Medical Associates
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Lindo, Rolando J., MD
Provider ID #NM009367
BlueLINK ID: 4245007
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Patel, Amina, MD
Provider ID #NM009K35
BlueLINK ID: 6000721
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Sharma, Kiran, MD
Provider ID #NM004410
BlueLINK ID: 4167423
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Sievers, Joel W., MD
Provider ID #NM019972
BlueLINK ID: 4209985
Eastern Medical Associates
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Torres, Maximo C., MD
Provider ID #NM000692
BlueLINK ID: 3319279
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
General Practice
Green, Patricia J., MD
Provider ID #NM014966
BlueLINK ID: 4207024
Sparrow Family Medical Center
1402 S. Avenue O, 88130
(505) 356-2153
Fax No. (505) 356-2155
Internal Medicine
Filizzola, Marcelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009K25
BlueLINK ID: 4288654
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Sahay, Bhaskar, MD
Provider ID #NM019N10
BlueLINK ID: 6003264
Eastern Medical Associates
42142 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Sinha, Jayashree, MD
Provider ID #NM019B70
BlueLINK ID: 4270275
Eastern Medical Associates
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Trance, Mario C., MD
Provider ID #NM000678
BlueLINK ID: 4123451
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Al Saleh, Mazin A., MD
Provider ID #NM009V01
BlueLINK ID: 4310237
Female patients only
La Casa Family Health Center
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Arif, Khuram, MD
Provider ID #NM009790
BlueLINK ID: 4251816
Patients under age 18
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Taos County
Family Practice
Gomez, Anita Paiz, MD
Provider ID #NM013259
BlueLINK ID: 3207865
Questa Health Clinic
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
State Hwy. 522, Bldg. 2573, 87556
(505) 586-0315
Fax No. (505) 586-0234
Ranchos de Taos
Taos County
Family Practice
Cardasis, James P., DO
Provider ID #NM01400A
BlueLINK ID: 2207368
No obstetric patients
Taos Community Healthplan
Ranchos Health Center - Española
4151 Paseo de Pueblo Sur, 87557
(505) 758-4287
Colfax County
Family Practice
Caruana, Lee C., MD
Provider ID #NM000509
BlueLINK ID: 3252073
Family Practice Associates of Raton
411 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-3626
Fax No. (505) 445-8649
Duran, Michelle S., MD
Provider ID #NM009J33
BlueLINK ID: 4290833
Family Practice Associates of Raton
411 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-3626
Fax No. (505) 445-8649
Internal Medicine
Abdo, Wa'el M., MD
Provider ID #NM029F39
BlueLINK ID: 4166181
Patients over age 14
Raton Colfax Medical Services
166 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-4111
Fax No. (505) 445-2666
Conder, Loretta A., MD
Provider ID #NM001422
BlueLINK ID: 3284281
Established patients only
Internal Medicine Associates
166 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-4111
Fax No. (505) 445-2666
Naylor, Hugh E., III, MD
Provider ID #NM002014
BlueLINK ID: 3135860
Internal Medicine Associates
190 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-5563
Fax No. (505) 445-5566
Zmily, Misbah D., MD
Provider ID #NM013085
BlueLINK ID: 4116480
190 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-5563
Fax No. (505) 445-5566
Anderson, William W., MD
Provider ID #NM004404
BlueLINK ID: 3143012
Established patients only
1400 Barbara Lp. SE, 87124
(505) 892-9711
Fax No. (505) 892-5206
Zmily, Misbah D., MD
Provider ID #NM009P99
BlueLINK ID: 4116480
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Chelist, Edward R., MD
Provider ID #NM009F64
BlueLINK ID: 2397637
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Family Medicine
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
Tiku, Jameela Bai, MD
Provider ID #NM002749
BlueLINK ID: 2398171
130 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-5548
Catron County
Family Practice
Brady, Charles F., DO
Provider ID #NM004081
BlueLINK ID: 3315034
Catron County Medical Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1 Foster Ln., 87830
(505) 887-2610
Fax No. (505) 533-6767
Nebblett, Edwin, MD
Provider ID #NM009024
BlueLINK ID: 3232554
Catron County Medical Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1 Foster Ln., 87830
(505) 533-6456
Fax No. (505) 533-6767
San Miguel County
Family Practice
Gallegos, Frank V., MD
Provider ID #NM003251
BlueLINK ID: 3271494
Health Centers of Northern NM
San Miguel Clinic
Hwy. 3, 87560
(505) 421-1113
Stoltze, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM002594
BlueLINK ID: 2147683
Health Centers of Northern NM
San Miguel Clinic
Hwy. 3, 87560
(505) 421-1113
Rio Rancho
Sandoval County
Family Practice
Aamodt, Denise, MD
Provider ID #NM011199
BlueLINK ID: 4117595
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Family Medicine
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Garcia, Henry, MD
Provider ID #NM029319
BlueLINK ID: 3136886
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Rio Rancho Adult & Geriatric Medicine
1721 Rio Rancho NW, 87124
(505) 727-3500
Gibson, Lance R., MD
Provider ID #NM009J97
BlueLINK ID: 6003312
Rio Rancho Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1424 Deborah SE, Ste. 101, 87124
(505) 896-0928
Fax No. (505) 896-0585
Gibula, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM001050
BlueLINK ID: 2397787
1400 Barbara Lp. SE, Ste. G, 87124
(505) 792-2828
Hughson, Paula, MD
Provider ID #NM009P15
BlueLINK ID: 3135722
Rio Rancho Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1424 Deborah SE, Ste. 101, 87124
(505) 896-0929
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Rio Rancho Nursing & Rehab Center
4210 Sabana Grande SE, 87124
(505) 892-6603
Robak, Lee M., MD
Provider ID #NM002311
BlueLINK ID: 2101635
Westside Family Medicine
1316 Jackie Rd., Ste. 900, 87124
(505) 892-7518
Rodriguez, Ana Lisa, MD
Provider ID #NM009F65
BlueLINK ID: 4243231
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Family Medicine
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
Schmidt, Amy, MD
Provider ID #NM009667
BlueLINK ID: 3212598
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 823-6544
Valdez, Celia B., MD
Provider ID #NM009666
BlueLINK ID: 3202274
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 823-6544
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Vick, Jack, MD
Provider ID #NM029568
BlueLINK ID: 3349357
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Rio Rancho Adult & Geriatric Medicine
1721 Rio Rancho NW, 87124
(505) 727-3500
General Practice
Haines, Charles E., MD
Provider ID #NM003192
BlueLINK ID: 3307443
Rio Rancho Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1424 Deborah SE, Ste. 101, 87124
(505) 896-0928
Fax No. (505) 896-0585
Muraida, Gerard E., MD
Provider ID #NM031757
BlueLINK ID: 3256709
Southwest Geriatric Associates
Rio Rancho Nursing & Rehab Center
4210 Sabana Grande SE, 87124
(505) 892-6603
Internal Medicine
Fontana, Matthew C., MD
Provider ID #NM009C13
BlueLINK ID: 4215559
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Moore, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM009680
BlueLINK ID: 3146175
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Mpoy, Kanyinda K., MD
Provider ID #NM034170
BlueLINK ID: 4110742
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Rio Rancho Adult & Geriatric Medicine
1721 Rio Rancho NW, 87124
(505) 727-3500
Freedman, Marianne, MD
Provider ID #NM001692
BlueLINK ID: 5002956
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Good, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM011975
BlueLINK ID: 4260329
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Pediatrics
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
July 2005
Gutierrez-Barela, Kristina M., MD
Provider ID #NM009F66
BlueLINK ID: 4225449
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Pediatrics
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
Kasemsap, Pawitta, MD
Provider ID #NM014405
BlueLINK ID: 4155812
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Pediatrics
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
Feroze, Amna, MD
Provider ID #NM009K47
BlueLINK ID: 4293869
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7018
Raes, Daniel E., MD
Provider ID #NM013450
BlueLINK ID: 4100877
Roswell Clinic Corp.
115 E. 23rd St., 88201
(505) 625-1292
Fax No. (505) 625-1302
George, David M., DO
Provider ID #NM024B70
BlueLINK ID: 4387280
1621 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 625-8430
Fax No. (505) 625-8452
Renteria, Homero, MD
Provider ID #NM009232
BlueLINK ID: 4132512
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Leonardelli, Philip J., MD
Provider ID #NM021616
BlueLINK ID: 3223618
Patients under age 18
Dr. Phil Pediatrics
1704 Southern Blvd. SE, 87124
(505) 994-3256
Fax No. (603) 947-3608
Gilbreth, Jane M., MD
Provider ID #NM009229
BlueLINK ID: 3136909
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Longfield, Lynn A., MD
Provider ID #NM001562
BlueLINK ID: 3252085
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 823-6544
Herrin, Virgle O., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM013275
BlueLINK ID: 2350916
Alto Medical Services
2110 S. Main St., 88201
(505) 622-4328
Fax No. (505) 624-2862
Rolston, Richard, MD
Provider ID #NM009H42
BlueLINK ID: 5009501
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Pediatrics
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 869-8600
Snyder, Cynthia K., MD
Provider ID #NM009M85
BlueLINK ID: 6003015
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Jakins, Alan R., MD
Provider ID #NM001439
BlueLINK ID: 2397868
110 W. College, Ste. F, 88201
(505) 627-6849
Fax No. (505) 627-0080
Lashinsky, Dennis R., MD
Provider ID #NM019115
BlueLINK ID: 3263580
Choice Medical Clinic
1621 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 625-8430
Fax No. (505) 625-8452
Tang, Debra L., MD
Provider ID #NM009668
BlueLINK ID: 5007301
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho NW, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Linnell, Larry W., MD
Provider ID #NM004278
BlueLINK ID: 2286390
Eastern NM Family Practice
Residency Center
603 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 624-5622
Fax No. (505) 624-5603
Young, Valerie L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S04
BlueLINK ID: 4113769
Southwest Medical Associates
1721 Rio Rancho Blvd., Ste. B, 87124
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Martinez, Reynaldo R., MD
Provider ID #NM009975
BlueLINK ID: 4259337
313 W. Country Club Rd. Ste. 4A,
(505) 622-2882
Fax No. (505) 622-2883
Chaves County
Family Practice
Davis, Patricia L., MD
Provider ID #NM000659
BlueLINK ID: 3143100
1206 W. 2nd St., 88201
(505) 623-9330
Fax No. (505) 623-5651
Fenzi, Charles C., MD
Provider ID #NM000860
BlueLINK ID: 2397753
Established patients only
808 N. Union, Ste. A, 88201
(505) 622-1411
Nelson, Evan L., MD
Provider ID #NM009825
BlueLINK ID: 3214215
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Piñon, Richard, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM014491
BlueLINK ID: 4174978
Roswell Clinic Corp.
1717 W. 2nd St., Ste. 101, 88201
(505) 622-1841
Fax No. (505) 624-8711
Rader, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009233
BlueLINK ID: 3252084
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Saleemi, Muzaffar M., MD
Provider ID #NM009K27
BlueLINK ID: 4287531
La Casa Family Health Center
1511 S. Grand, 88203
(505) 623-3255
Fax No. (505) 625-9901
Tabrez, Salma A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N33
BlueLINK ID: 6003565
La Casa Family Health Center
1511 S. Grand, 88203
(505) 623-3255
Fax No. (505) 625-9901
Torrez, Ruben, MD
Provider ID #NM009N31
BlueLINK ID: 6003528
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-6322
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Vaillant, Karen, MD
Provider ID #NM001370
BlueLINK ID: 4120584
Eastern NM Family Practice
Residency Center
603 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 624-5622
Vega, Audrey M., MD
Provider ID #NM019177
BlueLINK ID: 4102771
Roswell Clinic Corp.
1717 W. 2nd St., Ste. 101, 88201
(505) 622-1841
Fax No. (505) 624-8711
Willis, Donald, DO
Provider ID #NM004126
BlueLINK ID: 3215925
313 W. Country Club Rd, Ste. 9, 88201
(505) 624-1333
Fax No. (505) 624-0303
General Practice
English, Frank A., MD
Provider ID #NM000804
BlueLINK ID: 2397743
Established patients only
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 4,
(505) 622-1761
Fax No. (505) 622-3005
Green, Patricia J., MD
Provider ID #NM009K75
BlueLINK ID: 4207024
Roswell Osteopathic Medical Clinic
111 W. Hobbs, 88201
(505) 623-3311
Fax No. (505) 622-1273
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Armstrong, Richard G., MD
Provider ID #NM009H78
BlueLINK ID: 2251237
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Family Medicine
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
Stiller, Gabriele, MD
Provider ID #NM003574
BlueLINK ID: 4173744
PRN Medical
1717 W. 2nd St., Ste. 115, 88201
(505) 627-5700
Fax No. (505) 627-9419
Bolaños, Karla P., MD
Provider ID #NM009K26
BlueLINK ID: 4289910
La Casa Family Health Center
1511 S. Grand, 88203
(505) 623-3255
Fax No. (505) 625-9901
Lowe, Kevin D., MD
Provider ID #NM001667
BlueLINK ID: 3135793
Established patients only
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-6322
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Internal Medicine
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Hobbs, Crit, MD
Provider ID #NM000597
BlueLINK ID: 2397838
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 15,
(505) 623-8021
Fax No. (505) 623-0193
Jinnah, Shehzad, MD
Provider ID #NM009796
BlueLINK ID: 4158469
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Yassa, Hany N., MD
Provider ID #NM009D51
BlueLINK ID: 4276903
Roswell Osteopathic Medical Clinic
111 W. Hobbs, 88201
(505) 623-3311
Fax No. (505) 622-1273
Mooney, Richard C., MD
Provider ID #NM001953
BlueLINK ID: 2367278
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-6322
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Bolaños, Karla P., MD
Provider ID #NM009K26
BlueLINK ID: 4289910
La Casa Family Health Center
1511 S. Grand, 88203
(505) 623-3255
Fax No. (505) 625-9901
North, Steven C., MD
Provider ID #NM002503
BlueLINK ID: 3330730
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-6322
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Denton, Margaret V., MD
Provider ID #NM011928
BlueLINK ID: 2153569
711 W. Alameda, 88203
(505) 623-4448
Fax No. (505) 623-9571
Peterson, Eric Y., MD
Provider ID #NM003464
BlueLINK ID: 4106581
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-6322
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Feroze, Hamid, MD
Provider ID #NM009827
BlueLINK ID: 3384388
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
French, Frederick, MD
Provider ID #NM009127
BlueLINK ID: 3135639
Established patients only
Southern NM Medical Association
303 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 623-1442
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Gillan, Muhammad M., MD
Provider ID #NM019976
BlueLINK ID: 4263575
La Casa Family Health Center
1511 S. Grand, 88203
(505) 623-3255
Fax No. (505) 625-9901
Herrera, Xavier, MD
Provider ID #NM009N62
BlueLINK ID: 6003685
Roswell Clinic Corp.
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 7,
(505) 622-0278
Fax No. (505) 622-2156
Carson, Karen L., MD
Provider ID #NM004206
BlueLINK ID: 4219237
BCA Medical Associates
813 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
Elliott, Beverley A., MD
Provider ID #NM003297
BlueLINK ID: 3385563
BCA Medical Associates
813 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
Liakos, William G., Sr., MD
Provider ID #NM001648
BlueLINK ID: 2397931
BCA Medical Associates
813 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
Seidel, Walter Ray, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM014436
BlueLINK ID: 3392709
Rio Pecos Family Practice of Lincoln
159 Mescalero Trail, 88345
(505) 257-3681
McKelvy, Warren D., MD
Provider ID #NM004205
BlueLINK ID: 2397964
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 13,
(505) 625-1371
Fax No. (505) 625-1490
Spence, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM009N81
BlueLINK ID: 3135979
Tall Pines Medical Inc.
121 El Paso, 88345
(505) 257-4061
Fax No. (505) 257-4445
McMahon, Scott W., MD
Provider ID #NM012635
BlueLINK ID: 3346143
Established patients only
Covenant Care Pediatrics
200 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. A, 88201
(505) 622-5956
Fax No. (505) 622-5452
Harding County
Family Practice
Gallegos, Frank V., MD
Provider ID #NM003250
BlueLINK ID: 3271494
Health Centers of Northern NM
Roy Clinic
Hwy. 120, P. O. Box 158, 87743
(505) 485-2484
Stoltze, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM003253
BlueLINK ID: 2147683
Health Centers of Northern NM
Roy Clinic
Hwy. 120, P. O. Box 158, 87743
(505) 485-2484
Lincoln County
Family Practice
Brown, Arlene M., MD
Provider ID #NM002060
BlueLINK ID: 3143056
Family Practice Associates of Ruidoso
1401 Sudderth Dr., 88345
(505) 257-7712
Clements, Michael P., MD
Provider ID #NM001701
BlueLINK ID: 2148611
1096 Mechem Dr., Ste. G5, 88345
(505) 258-3811
Fax No. (505) 258-3813
DiMotta, Francis J., MD
Provider ID #NM009126
BlueLINK ID: 2189667
Southern NM Medical Association
208 Porr Dr., 88345
(505) 630-1214
Garcia, Abelardo, MD
Provider ID #NM009B77
BlueLINK ID: 4270750
BCA Medical Associates
813 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
Martinez, Mary S., MD
Provider ID #NM012141
BlueLINK ID: 4159817
Established patients only
White Mountain Medical Clinic
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Fax No. (505) 257-4055
Liakos, William G., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM004356
BlueLINK ID: 4189739
BCA Medical Associates
813 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
Otero, Stephen J., MD
Provider ID #NM009N47
BlueLINK ID: 4302420
Immediate Care Clinic
721 Mechem Dr., 88345
(505) 630-5300
Fax No. (505) 630-5301
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
General Practice
Beechie, Roger A., MD
Provider ID #NM000333
BlueLINK ID: 3135499
White Mountain Medical Clinic
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Fax No. (505) 257-4055
Worthington, Dennis V., MD
Provider ID #NM009349
BlueLINK ID: 2149302
Established patients only
1701 Sudderth Dr., 88345
(505) 257-7600
Fax No. (505) 257-3497
Internal Medicine
Robinson, W. Christopher, MD
Provider ID #NM002310
BlueLINK ID: 2321173
Internal Medicine Associates
125 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-2151
Fax No. (505) 257-2153
Watson, Wayne K., MD
Provider ID #NM009673
BlueLINK ID: 3392671
Internal Medicine Associates
125 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-2151
Fax No. (505) 257-2153
San Miguel
Doña Ana County
Family Practice
Armistead, Daniel E., MD
Provider ID #NM004826
BlueLINK ID: 3258474
La Clinica de Familia
18424 S. Hwy. 28, 88058
(505) 233-3830
Fax No. (505) 233-4542
Crespin, Frank H., MD
Provider ID #NM000583
BlueLINK ID: 3246819
La Clinica de Familia
18424 S. Hwy. 28, 88058
(505) 233-3830
Fax No. (505) 233-4542
Serrano, Luz M., MD
Provider ID #NM009N63
BlueLINK ID: 6003687
La Clinica de Familia
18424 S. Hwy. 28, 88058
(505) 233-3830
Fax No. (505) 233-4542
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Santa Fe
Santa Fe County
Family Practice
Becker, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009749
BlueLINK ID: 2196178
Eldorado Family Practice
7 Avenida Vista Grande, Ste. B3,
(505) 466-6080
Fax No. (505) 466-6081
Berkowitz, Ira C., MD
Provider ID #NM020295
BlueLINK ID: 3135510
Established patients only
2019 Galisteo St., Unit J-1, 87505
(505) 820-0446
Fax No. (505) 820-6142
Bray-Morris, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J20
BlueLINK ID: 4187384
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Briggs, Philip D., MD
Provider ID #NM020408
BlueLINK ID: 2397514
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Fax No. (505) 474-4693
Chavez, Frances L., MD
Provider ID #NM019775
BlueLINK ID: 4256134
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B203, 87505
(505) 983-9366
Fax No. (505) 983-0661
Chavez, Gerzain H., MD
Provider ID #NM009008
BlueLINK ID: 4176384
Rodeo Family Medicine
4001 W. Rodeo Rd., 87507
(505) 471-8994
Fax No. (505) 473-1274
Cook, Roger H., MD
Provider ID #NM009P28
BlueLINK ID: 338511
No obstetrics
Allergy & Asthma Satellite Office
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 203, 87505
(505) 982-7533
Fax No. (505) 216-0028
Devitt, Neal F., MD
Provider ID #NM000698
BlueLINK ID: 2397715
Established patients only
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Devitt, Neal F., MD
Provider ID #NM000698
BlueLINK ID: 2397715
Established patients only
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
July 2005
Dodge, Rita J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P36
BlueLINK ID: 4279604
Anasazi Medical Associates
2055 S. Pacheco St., Ste. 600, 87505
(505) 473-0390
Fax No. (505) 473-0375
Kastendieck, Kurt D., MD
Provider ID #NM019748
BlueLINK ID: 4245888
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4599
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Lutz, James, MD
Provider ID #NM009P10
BlueLINK ID: 6003434
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Dunlap, Stephen A., MD
Provider ID #NM009F59
BlueLINK ID: 3268561
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Kastendieck, Kurt D., MD
Provider ID #NM019748
BlueLINK ID: 4245888
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Lutz, James, MD
Provider ID #NM009P10
BlueLINK ID: 6003434
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87507
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Katz, Sue, MD
Provider ID #NM000946
BlueLINK ID: 3212618
Monday/Tuesday only
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Maas, Janeen D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J62
BlueLINK ID: 3390172
Alan Rogers, MD, PC
530 Harkle Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-6911
Fax No. (505) 983-7212
Evans, S. Karen, MD
Provider ID #NM009A06
BlueLINK ID: 4259986
Alan Rogers, MD, PC
530 Harkle Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-6911
Fax No. (505) 983-7212
Fletcher, Christopher, MD
Provider ID #NM004585
BlueLINK ID: 3135629
Santa Fe Family Practice
2015 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 989-9144
Fax No. (505) 989-1550
Friedman, Diane E., MD
Provider ID #NM009P17
BlueLINK ID: 4135808
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B104, 87505
(505) 992-3334
Fax No. (505) 992-1998
Friedrichs, Carl C., III, MD
Provider ID #NM014420
BlueLINK ID: 3397481
Anasazi Medical Associates
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 600, 87505
(505) 473-0390
Fax No. (505) 473-0375
Giblin, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM000384
BlueLINK ID: 4102349
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Giblin, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM000384
BlueLINK ID: 4102349
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Gollub, Bruce E., MD
Provider ID #NM001092
BlueLINK ID: 2397793
Established patients only; also
providing obstetrical care
Isis Medicine
401 Botulph Ln., 87505
(505) 983-8387
Fax No. (505) 820-2735
Gregory, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM009P32
BlueLINK ID: 4299209
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Fax No. (505) 474-4693
Higginbotham, Debra K., MD
Provider ID #NM009051
BlueLINK ID: 4232052
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Fax No. (505) 474-4693
Katz, Sue, MD
Provider ID #NM000946
BlueLINK ID: 3212618
Monday/Tuesday only
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Kingston, Caroline, MD
Provider ID #NM014432
BlueLINK ID: 4162740
Anasazi Medical Associates
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 600, 87505
(505) 473-0390
Fax No. (505) 473-0375
Kullman, Frederick M., MD
Provider ID #NM001553
BlueLINK ID: 2397909
Family Practice Associates
433 St. Michaels Dr., 87501
(505) 988-1232
Fax No. (505) 984-1603
Law, John L., MD
Provider ID #NM019732
BlueLINK ID: 2334260
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Fax No. (505) 474-4693
Law, John L., MD
Provider ID #NM019732
BlueLINK ID: 2334260
Santa Fe Family Health Center
4001 W. Rodeo Rd., 87507
(505) 471-8994
Fax No. (505) 473-1274
Lopez, Leonora J., MD
Provider ID #NM011715
BlueLINK ID: 3143223
Established patients only
Santa Ana Medical Clinic
683 Harkle Rd., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 954-4422
Fax No. (505) 954-4433
Lundgren, Alston C., MD
Provider ID #NM009328
BlueLINK ID: 2196338
Santa Fe Medical Acupuncture
460 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 801, 87505
(505) 986-0910
Fax No. (505) 986-0904
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Macias, David M., MD
Provider ID #NM001703
BlueLINK ID: 3135798
Established patients only
1925 Rosina, Ste. D, 87505
(505) 984-8206
Fax No. (505) 984-8274
McCormick, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM001813
BlueLINK ID: 3143236
Established patients only; no
obstetric patients
Santa Fe Family Health Center
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 211, 87505
(505) 983-1003
Fax No. (505) 983-1008
Parke, Kristine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009P05
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Parke, Kristine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009P05
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja del Oro Grant Rd., 87507
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 425-5699
Press, Ron J., MD
Provider ID #NM023191
BlueLINK ID: 3135893
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B104, 87505
(505) 992-3334
Fax No. (505) 995-1998
Quay, Anthony G., MD
Provider ID #NM009F57
BlueLINK ID: 3229226
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Reininga, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM004427
BlueLINK ID: 2116452
MCHC Teen Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
2100 Yucca Rd., 87505
(505) 989-5577
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Bray-Morris, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J20
BlueLINK ID: 4187384
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87507
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
Reininga, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM004427
BlueLINK ID: 2116452
MCHC Teen Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
4851 Paseo del Sol, 87505
(505) 954-1081
Fax No. (505) 989-5579
Reininga, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM014425
BlueLINK ID: 2116452
Santa Fe Community Guidance
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
820 Paseo de Peralta, 87504
(505) 986-9633
Fax No. (505) 820-1209
Rigales, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM019779
BlueLINK ID: 4245779
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Rigales, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM019779
BlueLINK ID: 4245779
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3995
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Rogers, Alan S., MD
Provider ID #NM010320
BlueLINK ID: 3143281
530 Harkle Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-6911
Fax No. (505) 983-6911
Ruiz, Gloria, MD
Provider ID #NM009F62
BlueLINK ID: 2398076
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Sartorius, Fen, MD
Provider ID #NM022528
BlueLINK ID: 3246830
Rodeo Family Medicine
4001 W. Rodeo Rd., 87507
(505) 471-8994
Fax No. (505) 473-1274
Scher, Sandra, MD
Provider ID #NM009F52
BlueLINK ID: 4257471
1925 Aspen Dr., Ste. 201A, 87505
(505) 424-9602
Fax No. (505) 424-9205
Werenko, Debra D., MD
Provider ID #NM019757
BlueLINK ID: 4240035
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Fax No. (505) 474-3279
General Practice
Cies, Lucia, MD
Provider ID #NM000525
BlueLINK ID: 2397657
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 106, 87505
(505) 983-1213
Fax No. (505) 983-9546
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
McCanna, Charles B., MD
Provider ID #NM003278
BlueLINK ID: 3135822
Established patients only
Santa Fe Family Health Center
1486 S. St. Francis Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6774
Fax No. (505) 820-6760
Dickinson, Mark W., MD
Provider ID #NM009P55
BlueLINK ID: 3350797
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Center
2025 Galisteo, 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 946-3063
Ting, Mai, MD
Provider ID #NM001917
BlueLINK ID: 3251481
1037 W. Don Diego Ave., 87501
(505) 820-1200
Fax No. (505) 989-4860
Egli, Douglas R., MD
Provider ID #NM011936
BlueLINK ID: 3224283
Hospice patients only
The Hospice Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1400 Chama St., 87505
(505) 988-2211
Fax No. (505) 986-8299
Rhymes, Jill A., MD
Provider ID #NM009J48
BlueLINK ID: 3224548
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 114, 87505
(505) 983-9622
Fax No. (505) 983-9644
Internal Medicine
Abel, Louise, MD
Provider ID #NM010931
BlueLINK ID: 4136340
Adult Medicine Specialists of Santa Fe
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 400, 87505
(505) 984-7400
Fax No. (505) 986-8028
Amer, Lyle B., MD
Provider ID #NM020199
BlueLINK ID: 3214192
2212 Brothers Rd., 87505
(505) 983-9460
Fax No. (505) 983-0568
Atterbury, Boudinot T., MD
Provider ID #NM013461
BlueLINK ID: 4101760
Established patients only
Adult Medicine Specialists of Santa Fe
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 400, 87505
(505) 984-7400
Fax No. (505) 986-8028
Barkey, Elisabeth M., MD
Provider ID #NM009280
BlueLINK ID: 3271508
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A201, 87505
(505) 982-9282
Fax No. (505) 988-1106
Brown, Joshua S., MD
Provider ID #NM009F35
BlueLINK ID: 4210793
Internal Medicine Associates
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Crabtree, Rodney, MD
Provider ID #NM009F89
BlueLINK ID: 3261153
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Internal Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
DeStefano, Paul M., MD
Provider ID #NM014619
BlueLINK ID: 2258012
Patients over age 15
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 500, 87505
(505) 954-4290
Fax No. (505) 954-4058
Greene, Janet, MD
Provider ID #NM009383
BlueLINK ID: 3268354
Patients over age 18
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. N4, 87505
(505) 982-1910
Fax No. (505) 982-1473
Greenfield, Bruce M., MD
Provider ID #NM011105
BlueLINK ID: 2397800
Established patients only
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Harris, Gary D., MD
Provider ID #NM009774
BlueLINK ID: 3149689
Established patients only;
specializing in pulmonary disease for
patients over age 12
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Harris, Gary D., MD
Provider ID #NM009774
BlueLINK ID: 3149689
Established patients only;
specializing in pulmonary disease for
patients over age 12
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87502
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Kossmann, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM003322
BlueLINK ID: 3358137
Established patients only
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Kovnat, Paul J., MD
Provider ID #NM001519
BlueLINK ID: 2397900
Established patients only
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Kravitz, Thomas W., MD
Provider ID #NM001556
BlueLINK ID: 2397903
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B204, 87505
(505) 984-1141
Fax No. (505) 983-1679
Lawrence, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM009P43
BlueLINK ID: 6003611
1482 St. Francis Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 984-1981
Fax No. (505) 984-8971
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lenetsky, Allan M., MD
Provider ID #NM001769
BlueLINK ID: 2397926
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Levin, Lee S., MD
Provider ID #NM002957
BlueLINK ID: 3248470
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2212 Brothers Rd., 87505
(505) 983-9460
Fax No. (505) 983-0568
Rhymes, Jill A., MD
Provider ID #NM009J48
BlueLINK ID: 3224548
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 114, 87505
(505) 983-9622
Fax No. (505) 983-9644
Robles, Lisa S., MD
Provider ID #NM029745
BlueLINK ID: 4239410
Patients over age 12 years
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B104, 87505
(505) 992-3334
Fax No. (505) 992-1998
Seredowych, Mark G., MD
Provider ID #NM009096
BlueLINK ID: 3228635
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Shaffer, Bruce A., MD
Provider ID #NM000921
BlueLINK ID: 3222722
Established patients only
1925 Aspen Dr., Ste. 802A, 87505
(505) 473-2972
Fax No. (505) 473-1759
Suhre, E. Dow, MD
Provider ID #NM002709
BlueLINK ID: 2398139
Established patients only
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 105, 87505
(505) 984-2600
Fax No. (505) 983-7299
Thompson, Derek L., MD
Provider ID #NM009432
BlueLINK ID: 4238775
Patients over age 16
Adult Medicine Specialists of Santa Fe
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 989-7400
Fax No. (505) 986-8028
Trott, Justina, MD
Provider ID #NM003169
BlueLINK ID: 3136002
Women's Health Services
901 W. Alameda St., Ste. 25, 87501
(505) 988-8869
Fax No. (505) 982-7321
See Family Practice section
for physicians also providing
obstetrical care.
Friedman, Diane E., MD
Provider ID #NM009P17
BlueLINK ID: 4135808
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B104, 87505
(505) 992-3334
Fax No. (505) 992-1998
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Krell, Douglas J., MD
Provider ID #NM023426
BlueLINK ID: 3214196
Female patients only
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. G5, 87505
(505) 995-0505
Fax No. (505) 995-0670
Dickinson, Mark W., MD
Provider ID #NM009P55
BlueLINK ID: 3350797
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Center
2025 Galisteo, 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 946-3063
Edward, Robin M., MD
Provider ID #NM024401
BlueLINK ID: 3382111
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Pediatrics
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Gordon, Lowell A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P44
BlueLINK ID: 3317208
Solana Pediatric Care
907 W. Alameda, 87501
(505) 982-1117
Fax No. (505) 955-9493
Iturbe, Javier, MD
Provider ID #NM009F61
BlueLINK ID: 5009434
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Pediatrics
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Kleiner, Edward, MD
Provider ID #NM001515
BlueLINK ID: 2397890
Patients under age 21
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Patterson, Michael S., MD
Provider ID #NM009F60
BlueLINK ID: 5009433
Established patients only
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Pediatrics
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Rock, Alice L., MD
Provider ID #NM009P54
BlueLINK ID: 3326467
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 946-3063
Shandler, Laurence, MD
Provider ID #NM002567
BlueLINK ID: 2398095
Santa Fe Pediatric Associates
1418 Luisa St., Ste. 5, 87501
(505) 988-8024
Fax No. (505) 984-8967
July 2005
Skillman, Jennifer L., MD
Provider ID #NM009J71
BlueLINK ID: 6003119
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 820-5438
Stelzer, Matthew A., MD
Provider ID #NM009J47
BlueLINK ID: 4217318
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 820-5752
Stoller, Kenneth P., MD
Provider ID #NM004914
BlueLINK ID: 4273884
Patients under age 21
404 Brunn School Rd., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 820-6234
Fax No. (505) 982-1473
Email: [email protected]
Whitman, Cheryl, MD
Provider ID #NM003054
BlueLINK ID: 2398263
Patients under age 21
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Santa Rosa
Guadalupe County
Family Practice
Brown, Randal W., MD
Provider ID #NM004139
BlueLINK ID: 3361145
Santa Rosa Medical Clinic
533 Lake Dr., 88435
(505) 472-4311
Internal Medicine
Abriola, Sergio E., MD
Provider ID #NM009A32
BlueLINK ID: 4260409
Santa Rosa Medical Clinic
Guadalupe Hospital
535 Lake Dr., 88435
(505) 472-3417
Fax No. (505) 472-4587
Khawaja, Mubarak, MD
Provider ID #NM021964
BlueLINK ID: 4161209
Santa Rosa Medical Clinic
533 Lake Dr., 88435
(505) 472-4311
Santa Teresa
Doña Ana County
Family Practice
Juarez, Edward C., MD
Provider ID #NM001042
BlueLINK ID: 2178336
Santa Teresa Medical Care Center
5055 McNutt Rd., 88008
(505) 589-5005
Fax No. (505) 589-1333
General Practice
Gault, Dorothy, MD
Provider ID #NM001020
BlueLINK ID: 2397778
Doctors of Santa Teresa
5290 McNutt Rd., 88008
(505) 589-1144
Nichols, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM012037
BlueLINK ID: 3393620
1300 Country Club Rd., Ste. D, 88008
(505) 589-4000
Fax No. (505) 589-7225
Rivera, Emilio T., MD
Provider ID #NM011595
BlueLINK ID: 3213676
Doctors of Santa Teresa
5290 McNutt Rd., 88008
(505) 589-1144
Fax No. (505) 589-2008
Varela, Alfred B., MD
Provider ID #NM000966
BlueLINK ID: 3247836
Santa Teresa Medical Care Center
5055 McNutt Rd., 88008
(505) 589-5005
Fax No. (505) 589-1333
Internal Medicine
Juarez, Edward C., MD
Provider ID #NM001042
BlueLINK ID: 2178336
Santa Teresa Medical Care Center
5055 McNutt Rd., 88008
(505) 589-5005
Fax No. (505) 589-1333
Silver City
Grant County
Family Practice
Cummings, David L., MD
Provider ID #NM013214
BlueLINK ID: 3266704
2600 N. Silver St., 88061
(505) 534-3004
Fax No. (505) 534-3017
Fowler, William R., MD
Provider ID #NM010927
BlueLINK ID: 3209313
Copper Medical Center
3185 N. Leslie Rd., 88061
(505) 388-3393
Fax No. (505) 388-2696
Koury, Gregory K., MD
Provider ID #NM009V11
BlueLINK ID: 3252059
Zia Family Healthcare, PC
1000 N. Hudson St., 88061
(505) 388-9141
Fax No. (505) 538-9179
Meyer, David R., DO
Provider ID #NM004B60
BlueLINK ID: 4227773
No obstetric patients
SW Family Medicine
1318 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1913
Fax No. (505) 388-5176
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Murphy, Michael R., DO
Provider ID #NM004B87
BlueLINK ID: 6003703
Hidalgo Medical Services
Med Square
114 W. 11th St., 88061
(505) 388-1511
Fax No. (505) 388-3465
Sergeant, Michael C., MD
Provider ID #NM014261
BlueLINK ID: 3143303
Hidalgo Medical Services
Med Square
114 W. 11th St., 88061
(505) 388-1511
Fax No. (505) 388-3465
Smoker, Linda A., MD
Provider ID #NM004124
BlueLINK ID: 4155554
The Family Clinic
1280 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1242
Stanley, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM002659
BlueLINK ID: 2322178
SW Family Medicine
1318 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1913
Steinzig, Richard M., MD
Provider ID #NM002674
BlueLINK ID: 3135986
3201 Ridge Lp., 88061
(505) 538-2936
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Guggina, Thomas J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P35
BlueLINK ID: 6003569
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Center
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 820-5438
Silver City
Internal Medicine
Bell, John O., MD
Provider ID #NM000286
BlueLINK ID: 3135500
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Davenport-Reed, Laura D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D34
BlueLINK ID: 4168322
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 538-2484
Dye, Samuel D., MD
Provider ID #NM000766
BlueLINK ID: 2397730
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Hickey, Thomas, MD
Provider ID #NM013096
BlueLINK ID: 4163524
Patients over age 15
508 W. Broadway, 88061
(505) 388-4000
Fax No. (505) 388-4027
Kumar, Muskula P., MD
Provider ID #NM009380
BlueLINK ID: 4120585
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Silver City
Meyerowitz, Colicia M., MD
Provider ID #NM009K62
BlueLINK ID: 4293302
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Skee, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM000666
BlueLINK ID: 3135972
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Montoya, Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM003164
BlueLINK ID: 2393340
1290 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-3200
Nwachuku, Victor A., MD
Provider ID #NM009942
BlueLINK ID: 4228164
Female patients only
Cassie Health Center
1290 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1561
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Davenport-Reed, Laura D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D34
BlueLINK ID: 4168322
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 538-2484
Johnson, Donald F., MD
Provider ID #NM000375
BlueLINK ID: 5002257
Gila Pediatrics
1105 Pope St., Ste. 2, 88061
(505) 388-1956
McNew, Milo G., MD
Provider ID #NM001873
BlueLINK ID: 3362796
Gila Pediatrics
1105 Pope St., Ste. 2, 88061
(505) 388-1956
Mora, Barbara, MD
Provider ID #NM001407
BlueLINK ID: 5002799
Pediatric Care
3185 N. Leslie Rd., 88061
(505) 388-3393
Fax No. (505) 388-2696
Socorro County
Family Practice
Bhasker, Ravi, MD
Provider ID #NM000305
BlueLINK ID: 2397299
Bhasker Medical Clinic
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2940
Clancy, Naomi R., MD
Provider ID #NM009R81
BlueLINK ID: 6003585
Socorro Medical Associates
1204 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-0705
Fax No. (505) 835-3828
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Comstock, Eileen D., MD
Provider ID #NM001548
BlueLINK ID: 4130346
Socorro Medical Associates
1200 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-0705
Evans, Rachael B., MD
Provider ID #NM009P45
BlueLINK ID: 6003636
Socorro Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1300 Enterprise, 87801
(505) 835-4444
Fax No. (505) 835-1010
Markwell, Robert E., MD
Provider ID #NM001738
BlueLINK ID: 3135809
Socorro Medical Associates
1200 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-0705
Reid, Norman J., MD
Provider ID #NM002255
BlueLINK ID: 2398049
Socorro Medical Associates
1200 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-0705
Smith, Kameo L., DO
Provider ID #NM009P53
BlueLINK ID: 6003654
Socorro Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1300 Enterprise, 87801
(505) 835-4444
Fax No. (505) 835-1010
Internal Medicine
Din, Sabeen U., MD
Provider ID #NM009258
BlueLINK ID: 4232986
Bhasker Medical Clinic
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2940
Fax No. (505) 835-2216
Kirkhart, Beth E., MD
Provider ID #NM003200
BlueLINK ID: 3286468
Bhasker Medical Clinic
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2940
Johnson, Leslie S., MD
Provider ID #NM001434
BlueLINK ID: 3214211
Socorro Medical Associates
1200 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-0705
Colfax County
Family Practice
Gallegos, Frank V., MD
Provider ID #NM002251
BlueLINK ID: 3271494
Health Centers of Northern NM
Springer Clinic
400 Prospect Ave., 87747
(505) 483-0282
Rutschman, Robert F., MD
Provider ID #NM004630
BlueLINK ID: 3222711
Health Centers of Northern NM
Springer Clinic
400 Prospect Ave., 87747
(505) 483-0282
Fax No. (505) 483-0381
General Practice
Trujillo, Martin, MD
Provider ID #NM002550
BlueLINK ID: 2145240
714 3rd St., 87747
(505) 483-3046
Sunland Park
Doña Ana County
General Practice
Robledo, Laura L., MD
Provider ID #NM019B08
BlueLINK ID: 4263576
La Clinica de Familia
2625 McNutt Rd., 88063
(505) 589-0887
Taos County
Family Practice
Jaramillo, Cipry L., MD
Provider ID #NM004985
BlueLINK ID: 4198226
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
Schreiber, Larry, MD
Provider ID #NM002536
BlueLINK ID: 3209315
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
Schreiber, Lucas E., MD
Provider ID #NM009J52
BlueLINK ID: 6002994
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
Fax No. (505) 758-7002
Steinberg, Marc H., MD
Provider ID #NM002646
BlueLINK ID: 3320765
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
Warren, Ellen R., MD
Provider ID #NM002883
BlueLINK ID: 3136019
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
General Practice
Kilgore, William R., MD
Provider ID #NM001518
BlueLINK ID: 3143203
Taos Community Healthplan
404 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, Box 798,
(505) 758-4468
Internal Medicine
Doherty, Erin C., MD
Provider ID #NM019151
BlueLINK ID: 4227807
Specializing in women's health;
females over age 18
Taos Community Healthplan
Women's Health Institute
1329 Gusdorf Rd., 87571
(505) 758-5001
Fax No. (505) 737-5046
Foster, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009P31
BlueLINK ID: 4167892
Adult patients only
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-2224
Fax No. (505) 758-4903
Kaufman, Michael H., MD
Provider ID #NM001475
BlueLINK ID: 3135740
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., Box 5775, 87571
(505) 758-2224
White, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM001193
BlueLINK ID: 3260258
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., Box 5775, 87571
(505) 758-2224
Berryman, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009P34
BlueLINK ID: 2294055
Female patients only
1399 Weimer Rd., Ste. 300, 87571
(505) 758-5442
Fax No. (505) 758-7607
Anderson, Charles W., MD
Provider ID #NM000131
BlueLINK ID: 3143009
Established patients only
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Clinic for Children & Youth
123 Cruz Alta Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8651
Fax No. (505) 758-7811
Gilbert, Jonathan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J75
BlueLINK ID: 4170586
Patients under age 18
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Clinic for Children & Youth
123 Cruz Alta Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8651
Fax No. (505) 758-7811
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Ortiz y Pino, Loretta M., MD
Provider ID #NM002504
BlueLINK ID: 5003387
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Clinic for Children & Youth
123 Cruz Alta Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8651
Fax No. (505) 758-7811
Villarreal, Sylvia F., MD
Provider ID #NM004913
BlueLINK ID: 4141896
Patients under age 18
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Clinic for Children & Youth
123 Cruz Alta Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8651
Fax No. (505) 758-7811
Lea County
Family Practice
Bains, Amar, MD
Provider ID #NM003360
BlueLINK ID: 3391122
Tatum Clinic
204 N. Main, 88267
(505) 398-2111
Fax No. (505) 398-6112
McKinley County
Truth or Consequences
Sierra County
Quay County
Otero County
Family Practice
Family Practice
Family Practice
Kunz, David, DO
Provider ID #NM009438
BlueLINK ID: 4138152
Sierra Vista Community Health Center
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-2111
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Brown, Randal W., MD
Provider ID #NM004139
BlueLINK ID: 3361145
Quay County Medical Clinic
614 S. 2nd St., 88401
(505) 461-8631
Fax No. (505) 461-8633
Martinez, Enrique, MD
Provider ID #NM001726
BlueLINK ID: 3135814
Ben Archer Health Center
1960 N. Date St., 87901
(505) 894-7662
Fax No. (505) 894-7930
Faith, Johnny L., MD
Provider ID #NM009294
BlueLINK ID: 3308104
523 S. 2nd St., 88401
(505) 461-4509
George, Christiane, DO
Provider ID #NM009P51
BlueLINK ID: 6003643
Tularosa Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
111 Central Ave., 88352
(505) 585-1250
Fax No. (505) 986-8299
Spruce, Haruhuani C., MD
Provider ID #NM019K86
BlueLINK ID: 4294779
Ben Archer Health Center
1960 N. Date St., 87901
(505) 894-7662
Fax No. (505) 894-7930
Wilde, Olusegun, MD
Provider ID #NM009K66
BlueLINK ID: 4292300
Sierra Vista Community Health Center
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-3221
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Amawi, Firas B., DO
Provider ID #NM004B10
BlueLINK ID: 4277373
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
15 Navarre Blvd., 87323
(505) 863-7417
Fax No. (505) 862-8300
Internal Medicine
Andrade, Aedra D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J29
BlueLINK ID: 5010061
No OB/GYN or prenatal
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
15 Navarre Blvd., 87323
(505) 862-7417
Fax No. (505) 862-8300
Malcolmson, James F., MD
Provider ID #NM011750
BlueLINK ID: 3246448
Patients over age 17; no OB
Sierra Vista Community Health Center
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-7213
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Tierra Amarilla
Rio Arriba County
Family Practice
Gerling, M. Paige, MD
Provider ID #NM009750
BlueLINK ID: 4178921
La Clinica del Pueblo de Rio Arriba
US 84 CR 324, Ste. 14, 87575
(505) 588-7252
Fax No. (505) 588-7771
Internal Medicine
Schwartz, Howard N., MD
Provider ID #NM009P67
BlueLINK ID: 2278733
La Clinica del Pueblo
US 84 CR 324, Ste. 14, 87575
(505) 588-7252
Fax No. (505) 588-7771
July 2005
Mahindra, Anuj K., MD
Provider ID #NM009813
BlueLINK ID: 4251701
Ben Archer Health Center
1960 N. Date St., 87901
(505) 894-7662
Fax No. (505) 894-7930
Ortiz, David M., MD
Provider ID #NM009K60
BlueLINK ID: 4282459
Sierra Vista Hospital
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-3221
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Rivera-Rosales, Julio R., MD
Provider ID #NM009K21
BlueLINK ID: 4288653
Ben Archer Health Center
1960 N. Date St., 87901
(505) 894-7662
Fax No. (505) 894-7930
Wilde, Olusegun, MD
Provider ID #NM009K66
BlueLINK ID: 4292300
Sierra Vista Community Health Center
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-3221
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Saleemi, Mudassir M., MD
Provider ID #NM09J24
BlueLINK ID: 4296313
Quay County Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1302 E. Main St., 88401
(505) 461-2200
Fax No. (505) 461-2213
Saltz, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM002411
BlueLINK ID: 3135934
325 S. 1st St., 88401
(505) 461-2222
General Practice
Nguyen, Thanh V., MD
Provider ID #NM002043
BlueLINK ID: 3143255
309 E. Washington, 88401
(505) 461-2616
Internal Medicine
Alhazim, Dina, MD
Provider ID #NM009J30
BlueLINK ID: 4286611
Quay County Medical Clinic
220 S. 3rd St., 88401
(505) 461-8631
Fax No. (505) 461-8633
Khawaja, Mubarak, MD
Provider ID #NM021964
BlueLINK ID: 4161209
Quay County Medical Clinic
614 S. 2nd St., 88401
(505) 461-8631
Fax No. (505) 461-8633
Muralidharan, Sethu, MD
Provider ID #NM009J31
BlueLINK ID: 4284292
Quay County Medical Clinic
220 S. 3rd St., 88401
(505) 461-8631
Fax No. (505) 461-8633
Saltz, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM002411
BlueLINK ID: 3135934
325 S. 1st St., 88401
(505) 461-2222
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Wagon Mound
Mora County
Family Practice
Gallegos, Frank V., MD
Provider ID #NM002251
BlueLINK ID: 3271494
Health Centers of Northern NM
Wagon Mound Clinic
604 Catron Ave., 87752
(505) 666-2288
Stoltze, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM003255
BlueLINK ID: 2147683
Health Centers of Northern NM
Wagon Mound Clinic
604 Catron Ave., 87752
(505) 666-2288
White Rock
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Family Practice
White Rock
Los Alamos County
Csanadi, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM002134
BlueLINK ID: 5003198
Children's Clinic
White Rock Shopping Ctr., Ste. C,
(505) 672-3993
Csanadi, Thomas A., MD
Provider ID #NM004550
BlueLINK ID: 5004698
Children's Clinic
White Rock Shopping Ctr., Ste. C,
(505) 672-3993
Neal, John Bennett, MD
Provider ID #NM002010
BlueLINK ID: 5003141
Children's Clinic
White Rock Shopping Ctr., Ste. C,
(505) 672-3993
Nichols, Michael W., MD
Provider ID #NM002032
BlueLINK ID: 5003154
Children's Clinic
White Rock Shopping Ctr., Ste. C,
(505) 672-3993
Schoonover, Shelley P., MD
Provider ID #NM003241
BlueLINK ID: 5003808
Children's Clinic
White Rock Shopping Ctr., Ste. C,
(505) 672-3993
Andrews County
Family Practice
Nayak, Satish, MD
Provider ID #NM019D32
BlueLINK ID: 4157718
Also sees OB/gyn patients
714 Hospital Dr., 79714
(432) 523-3001
Fax No. (432) 464-2563
Internal Medicine
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Cala, Ruben G., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ43
BlueLINK ID: 2314070
1411 N. Main, 79714
(432) 523-3203
Fax No. (432) 523-6181
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Cotton, Christopher D., MD
Provider ID #NM009946
BlueLINK ID: 4101374
West Texas Medical Center
415 N. Avenue F, 79323
(806) 592-9501
Fax No. (806) 592-3052
Internal Medicine
Memon, Amir A.G., MD
Provider ID #NM009980
BlueLINK ID: 4202150
West Texas Medical Center
415 N. Avenue F, 79323
(806) 592-9501
Fax No. (806) 592-3052
Thepchatri, Bodindr, MD
Provider ID #NM009940
BlueLINK ID: 2226952
West Texas Medical Center
415 N. Avenue F, 79323
(806) 592-9501
Fax No. (806) 592-3052
El Paso
Wiltz, Armand L., MD
Provider ID #NM009V25
BlueLINK ID: 2323657
712 Hospital Dr., 79714
(432) 523-2565
Fax No. (432) 464-2566
El Paso County
Cala, Sylvia O., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ44
BlueLINK ID: 3148064
1411 N. Main, 79714
(432) 523-3203
Terry County
Tedford, Dennis Duane, MD
Provider ID #NM009B43
BlueLINK ID: 3228412
Covenant Medical Group
901 Tahoka Rd., 79316
(806) 637-2551
Crosby County
Family Practice
Hannel, Jeffrey Wayne, MD
Provider ID #NM009B23
BlueLINK ID: 4169754
Covenant Medical Group
710 W. Main St., 79322
(806) 675-7382
Fax No. (806) 675-7257
Denver City
Yoakum County
General Practice
Boyd, Larry C., MD
Provider ID #NM009944
BlueLINK ID: 3360484
West Texas Medical Center
415 N. Avenue F, 79323
(806) 592-9501
Fax No. (806) 592-3052
Family Practice
Aziz, Rommana, DO
Provider ID #NM004B88
BlueLINK ID: 4317353
Physicians Healthcare Associates
9870 Gateway North, Ste. B7, 79924
(915) 751-5245
Fax No. (915) 751-5255
Baker, Ronald F., MD
Provider ID #NM009N83
BlueLINK ID: 4292438
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Behrens, Kenyon R., DO
Provider ID #NM00E59P
BlueLINK ID: 3192704
No obstetric patients
7878 Gateway East Blvd., Ste. 102,
(915) 592-8223
Fax No. (915) 592-8328
Belocura, Jonnalyn R., MD
Provider ID #NM019225
BlueLINK ID: 4113574
Natural family planning, no
artificial birth controls
11345 Montwood, St. A1, 79936
(915) 921-5200
Fax No. (915) 921-5298
Culton, Reid E., DO
Provider ID #NM004B79
BlueLINK ID: 4159574
No obstetrics
6955 N. Mesa, Ste. 108, 79912
(915) 585-7016
Fax No. (915) 585-7340
Enriquez, Andres S., MD
Provider ID #NM009379
BlueLINK ID: 4191755
Franklin Medical Center
836 Redd Rd., 79912
(915) 833-8444
Fax No. (915) 833-8767
Jackson, George W., MD
Provider ID #NM00X979
BlueLINK ID: 3166622
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 833-1114
Brooker, Olmer R., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y066
BlueLINK ID: 2221520
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7500
Lopez, Hector, DO
Provider ID #NM00E601
BlueLINK ID: 2167345
Community Medical Clinic
9955 Dyer St., 79924
(915) 751-1249
Fax No. (915) 757-9454
Cardenas, Maria G., MD
Provider ID #NM01VG17
BlueLINK ID: 3343023
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7500
Molina, Melissa A., MD
Provider ID #NM009933
BlueLINK ID: 4237422
No newborns or prenatal patients
6955 N. Mesa, Ste. 102, 79912
(915) 842-0600
Fax No. (915) 842-0601
De Jesus, Eduardo M., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ36
BlueLINK ID: 4116163
No obstetric patients
7878 Gateway East Blvd., Ste. 102,
(915) 592-8223
Fax No. (915) 592-8328
Pitchford, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM01X095
BlueLINK ID: 2225533
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 584-6764
Remirez, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ30
BlueLINK ID: 2225874
El Paso Primary Care Associates
9530 Viscount Blvd., Ste. 2L, 79925
(915) 594-7787
Sands, Natasha A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N64
BlueLINK ID: 4254169
Physicians Healthcare Associates PA
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0057
Fax No. (915) 584-6764
Walker, Vernoy A., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ18
BlueLINK ID: 2323091
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-3478
Zegarra, Ted, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ31
BlueLINK ID: 2227815
El Paso Primary Care Associates
9530 Viscount Blvd., Ste. 2L, 79925
(915) 594-7787
Internal Medicine
Aboud, Ambrose, MD
Provider ID #NM00I093
BlueLINK ID: 2220761
St. Jude International Cancer
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 500, 79902
(915) 544-8844
Fax No. (915) 541-8585
Assi, Muneer E., DO
Provider ID #NM009141
BlueLINK ID: 4104688
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 1000, 79902
(915) 351-6200
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Famatigan, Maria G., MD
Provider ID #NM009K69
BlueLINK ID: 3384313
Guadalupe Medical Clinic
1250 E. Cliff, Ste. 5A, 79902
(915) 351-6100
Fax No. (915) 351-6112
Hunko, Gabriela, MD
Provider ID #NM009782
BlueLINK ID: 4134240
Patients over age 18
E P Premier Medical Group
10420 Montwood Dr., Ste. H, 79935
(915) 598-2721
Fax No. (915) 598-3289
Julian, Marilyn P., MD
Provider ID #NM009N76
BlueLINK ID: 3145484
Patients over age 16
1250 E. Cliff, Ste. 5B, 79902
(915) 533-7913
Fax No. (915) 533-7914
May, Robert P., MD
Provider ID #NM00W921
BlueLINK ID: 2318980
Patients over age 18
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 5000, 79902
(915) 532-7881
Fax No. (915) 532-0939
Pinaroc, Teresa R., MD
Provider ID #NM009D39
BlueLINK ID: 4126662
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 780, 79902
(915) 577-0111
Fax No. (915) 533-2568
Polanco, Daniel, MD
Provider ID #NM009D57
BlueLINK ID: 4242069
Patients over age 14; no complex
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7403 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 833-1114
Rovner, Sergio, MD
Provider ID #NM00YP72
BlueLINK ID: 4131225
E P Premier Medical Group
10420 Montwood Dr., Ste. H, 79935
(915) 598-2721
Fax No. (915) 598-3289
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Rovner, Sergio, MD
Provider ID #NM00YP72
BlueLINK ID: 4131225
E P Premier Medical Group
6065 Montana Ave., Ste. A2, 79925
(915) 771-7200
Fax No. (915) 771-7293
Soleja, Nusrat B., MD
Provider ID #NM00YT64
BlueLINK ID: 3394691
Patients over age 18
E P Premier Medical Group
10420 Montwood Dr., Ste. H, 79935
(915) 598-2721
Soleja, Nusrat B., MD
Provider ID #NM00YT64
BlueLINK ID: 3394691
Patients over age 18
E P Premier Medical Group
6065 Montana Ave., Ste. A2, 79925
(915) 772-7200
Tolbert-Bornstein, Natalie, MD
Provider ID #NM01UU99
BlueLINK ID: 2313624
Patients over age 18
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Velez, Carlos A., MD
Provider ID #NM00X738
BlueLINK ID: 2322961
2820 N. Stanton St., 79902
(915) 544-0817
Cordova-Hoy, Annette, MD
Provider ID #NM009N49
BlueLINK ID: 3371876
OB/GYN females only
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 620, 79902
(915) 521-1623
Fax No. (915) 838-0314
Ivy, Roy, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00Y335
BlueLINK ID: 2223714
Ob/Gyn Consultants
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 2000, 79902
(915) 532-4631
Levine, Neil M., DO
Provider ID #NM00E59L
BlueLINK ID: 2302237
Patients over age 14
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 833-1114
Phipps, Wendy D., MD
Provider ID #NM019N21
BlueLINK ID: 4264785
125 W. Hague, Ste. 360, 79902
(915) 544-9700
Fax No. (915) 544-9701
July 2005
Rosen, Andrew P., MD
Provider ID #NM009939
BlueLINK ID: 4249288
Female patients only
1600 Medical Center Dr., Ste. 307,
(915) 838-7940
Fax No. (915) 838-7936
Coleman, Scott Keith, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ59
BlueLINK ID: 4156539
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Rodriguez, Kim Veronica, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ61
BlueLINK ID: 3275051
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Villarreal, Jose Jorge, MD
Provider ID #NM00VG71
BlueLINK ID: 3236586
3100 N. Stantion St., Ste. A, 79902
(915) 532-9477
Fax No. (915) 545-4813
Covarrubias, Eduardo, MD
Provider ID #NM01VD39
BlueLINK ID: 3315222
Patients under age 18
1570 Lomaland Dr., Ste. A, 79935
(915) 590-4555
Fax No. (915) 590-4718
Rodriguez, Kim Veronica, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ61
BlueLINK ID: 3275051
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Akinjaiyeju, Akintoluwa A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N78
BlueLINK ID: 4323045
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Alpard, Allan Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM00V001
BlueLINK ID: 2312772
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Alpard, Allan Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM00V001
BlueLINK ID: 2312772
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Alva, Jose D., MD
Provider ID #NM00X953
BlueLINK ID: 2312787
2311 N. Mesa, Bldg. G, 79902
(915) 542-1751
Fax No. (915) 545-1660
Brower, Mary Carrizal, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ57
BlueLINK ID: 3250522
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Brower, Mary Carrizal, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ57
BlueLINK ID: 3250522
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Coleman, Scott Keith, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ59
BlueLINK ID: 4156539
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Frausto, Marcella A., MD
Provider ID #NM009D36
BlueLINK ID: 5008685
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 210, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Frausto, Marcella A., MD
Provider ID #NM009D36
BlueLINK ID: 5008685
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Ibarra, Miguel H., MD-PA
Provider ID #NM00Z902
BlueLINK ID: 3277193
1900 N. Mesa, 79902
(915) 532-8187
Fax No. (915) 532-8191
Kahn, Stuart Warren, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ58
BlueLINK ID: 3277867
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Kahn, Stuart Warren, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ58
BlueLINK ID: 3277867
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Liptakova, Helena H., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ20
BlueLINK ID: 4157284
Physicians Healthcare Associates
9870 Gateway North, Ste. B7, 79924
(915) 751-5245
Lodhi, Huma Y., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ21
BlueLINK ID: 4197528
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7590
Prieto, Jose, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ22
BlueLINK ID: 4185483
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Segapeli, Joseph Harry, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ60
BlueLINK ID: 3277552
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-1441
Fax No. (915) 532-5841
Segapeli, Joseph Harry, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ60
BlueLINK ID: 3277552
Patients under age 18
El Paso Pediatric Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Bldg. 2, 79925
(915) 593-2033
Fax No. (915) 595-3916
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Tran, Minh V., MD
Provider ID #NM009144
BlueLINK ID: 3331531
10500 Vista del Sol, Ste. E, 79925
(915) 591-6637
Fax No. (915) 591-6600
Parmer County
Family Practice
Conard, Shawn L., MD
Provider ID #NM009Q01
BlueLINK ID: 4269066
Farwell Medical Clinic
301 3rd St., 79325
(806) 481-1000
Fax No. (806) 481-1005
Conard, Shawn L., MD
Farwell Medical Clinic
301 3rd St.
(806) 481-1000
Johnson, Ryan, MD
Provider ID #NM009D41
BlueLINK ID: 4234931
Farwell Medical Clinic
305 S. 3rd, 79325
(806) 481-1000
Fax No. (806) 481-1005
Johnson, Ryan, MD
Farwell Medical Clinic
305 S. 3rd
(806) 481-1000
Parmer County
Family Practice
Alexander, Robert S., MD
Provider ID #NM00YM40
BlueLINK ID: 2312686
Friona Rural Health Clinic
1307 Cleveland, 79035
(806) 247-2781
Fax No. (806) 247-2085
Dickson, Jeffery S., MD
Provider ID #NM009778
BlueLINK ID: 4227193
Friona Rural Health Clinic
1307 Cleveland, 79035
(806) 250-2781
Fax No. (806) 250-2088
Internal Medicine
Jubay, Felipe L., MD
Provider ID #NM00YM41
BlueLINK ID: 3109168
Friona Rural Health Clinic
1307 Cleveland, 79035
(806) 247-2781
Fax No. (806) 247-2085
Winkler County
Internal Medicine
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Choudhary, Smiriti D., MD
Provider ID #NM009N56
BlueLINK ID: 6003655
Winkler County Memorial Hospital
821 Jeffee Dr., 79745
(432) 586-5864
Fax No. (432) 586-5031
Choudhary, Smiriti D., MD
Provider ID #NM009N56
BlueLINK ID: 6003655
Winkler County Rural Health Clinic
828 Myer Ln., 79745
(432) 586-2040
Fax No. (432) 586-5031
Lubbock County
Family Practice
Allas, Jose, MD
Provider ID #NM02UU29
BlueLINK ID: 3282514
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 100, 79410
(806) 797-4422
Fax No. (806) 799-1817
Boynton, Steve, MD
Provider ID #NM009A70
BlueLINK ID: 4155888
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79424
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9500
Chen, Shen, MD
Provider ID #NM01J411
BlueLINK ID: 2314410
Covenant Medical Group
6502 Slide Rd., 79424
(806) 725-9900
Fax No. (806) 762-3701
Chungchansat, Porntip, MD
Provider ID #NM01YG13
BlueLINK ID: 2221856
Covenant Medical Group
416 Frankford, 79416
(806) 725-5410
Fax No. (806) 792-8905
Clemmons, Tom J., MD
Provider ID #NM01XW84
BlueLINK ID: 2221903
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9500
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Cole, Jeanetta, MD
Provider ID #NM009A66
BlueLINK ID: 4119837
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79424
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9650
Rozean, Randy, MD
Provider ID #NM01YM13
BlueLINK ID: 2321381
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 101, 79410
(806) 797-4422
Fax No. (806) 799-1817
Broselow, Andrew M., MD
Provider ID #NM009997
BlueLINK ID: 4190927
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 300, 79410
(806) 795-9020
Fax No. (806) 795-4726
Collier, Raymond Harvey, MD
Provider ID #NM009994
BlueLINK ID: 3394870
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79424
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9500
Sneed, Alvin L., MD
Provider ID #NM009A57
BlueLINK ID: 2226538
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9600
Burkholder, Duncan M., MD
Provider ID #NM01L157
BlueLINK ID: 2221590
Covenant Medical Group
2102 Oxford Ave., 79410
(806) 795-9300
Fax No. (806) 796-3466
Crow, Steven Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009A65
BlueLINK ID: 4134598
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 101, 79410
(806) 797-4422
Fax No. (806) 799-1817
Williams, Gary B., MD
Provider ID #NM009A58
BlueLINK ID: 3120416
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9500
Burley, Ronnele Sheri, MD
Provider ID #NM009995
BlueLINK ID: 4143736
Covenant Medical Group
2215 Nashville Ave., 79410
(806) 725-6977
Fax No. (806) 795-5863
Edwards, Patrick J., MD
Provider ID #NM01YG24
BlueLINK ID: 2315438
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 101, 79410
(806) 797-4422
Fax No. (806) 799-1817
Hammond, Debra Lyn, MD
Provider ID #NM009A67
BlueLINK ID: 4142688
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79424
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9650
Hendershot, Kerry, MD
Provider ID #NM019B19
BlueLINK ID: 4170176
Covenant Health System
7601 Quaker Ave., 79424
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9440
Hickle, Suzelle L., MD
Provider ID #NM01YG21
BlueLINK ID: 3274405
Covenant Medical Group
427 Slide Rd., 79416
(806) 725-5410
Fax No. (806) 792-8905
Hnatek, Joyce L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N11
BlueLINK ID: 6003265
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79424
(806) 725-9401
Fax No. (806) 725-9400
Hyde, Walter V., MD
Provider ID #NM01UO32
BlueLINK ID: 2317280
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9650
Johnson, Lowell S., MD
Provider ID #NM01W599
BlueLINK ID: 2317508
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9650
Lear, Kye, MD
Provider ID #NM009A68
BlueLINK ID: 2224283
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9650
Reynolds, Charles A., MD
Provider ID #NM01VZ50
BlueLINK ID: 2321022
Covenant Medical Group
7601 Quaker Ave., 79413
(806) 725-9444
Fax No. (806) 725-9650
Filippone, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y760
BlueLINK ID: 2222700
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 606, 79410
(806) 797-3456
Fax No. (806) 797-4491
Internal Medicine
Aguas, Enrico G., MD
Provider ID #NM01YG07
BlueLINK ID: 3334668
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 105, 79410
(806) 725-4130
Fax No. (806) 723-7137
Batra, Swaran L., MD
Provider ID #NM01YG16
BlueLINK ID: 3392343
Covenant Medical Group
416 Frankford, 79416
(806) 725-5410
Fax No. (806) 792-8905
Owens, Bruce A., DO
Provider ID #NM014077
BlueLINK ID: 3294003
2516 22nd Pl., 79410
(806) 725-6565
Fax No. (806) 723-6377
Patel, Nilesh, MD
Provider ID #NM01YG06
BlueLINK ID: 3378148
Covenant Medical Group
6502 Slide Rd., 79424
(806) 725-9900
Fax No. (806) 798-7567
Killeen, Joseph K., MD
Provider ID #NM009A64
BlueLINK ID: 3201640
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 502, 79410
(806) 725-6745
Fax No. (806) 723-3715
Nall, Brent B., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y005
BlueLINK ID: 2225082
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 502, 79410
(806) 725-6745
Fax No. (806) 723-6715
Owen, Michael F., MD
Provider ID #NM01L676
BlueLINK ID: 2320100
Covenant Medical Group
2102 Oxford Ave., 79410
(806) 795-9878
Fax No. (806) 795-2116
Weitlauf, Kayla D., MD
Provider ID #NM01YM15
BlueLINK ID: 3360713
Covenant Medical Group
2215 Nashville Ave., 79410
(806) 725-6977
Fax No. (806) 795-5863
Dickey, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM009A56
BlueLINK ID: 2315245
Covenant Medical Group
3802 21st St., Ste. B, 79410
(806) 795-6417
Fax No. (806) 795-7421
Robins, Scott, MD
Provider ID #NM01YQ17
BlueLINK ID: 2321151
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., 79410
(806) 788-1111
Fax No. (806) 788-1113
Alkul, Mohamad, MD
Provider ID #NM01YM09
BlueLINK ID: 3371861
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 305, 79410
(806) 799-0038
Fax No. (806) 780-7167
Tarafdar, Kaiser R., MD
Provider ID #NM019989
BlueLINK ID: 4263969
350621st St., Ste. 105, 79410
(806) 725-4130
Fax No. (806) 723-7137
Boris, Glenn, MD
Provider ID #NM01Y657
BlueLINK ID: 3344966
Covenant Medical Group
3204 44th St., 79411
(806) 795-1984
Broome, Edward, MD
Provider ID #NM01W549
BlueLINK ID: 2313813
Covenant Medical Group
2215 Nashville Ave., 79410
(806) 725-6977
Fax No. (806) 795-5863
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Farmer, Ray, MD
Provider ID #NM01YF85
BlueLINK ID: 3277061
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 207, 79410
(806) 799-8332
Fax No. (806) 797-7935
July 2005
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Gray, David A., DO
Provider ID #NM01E58U
BlueLINK ID: 4125728
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 207, 79410
(806) 799-8332
Fax No. (806) 797-7935
Pandya, Yogesh, MD
Provider ID #NM01XY58
BlueLINK ID: 3281290
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 302, 79410
(806) 797-1882
Fax No. (806) 797-3616
Guetersloh, Amanda, MD
Provider ID #NM009B58
BlueLINK ID: 4264933
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 102, 79410
(806) 796-1251
Fax No. (806) 796-0161
Reddy, Yasodhara M., MD
Provider ID #NM01YG19
BlueLINK ID: 2225830
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21th St., Ste. 309, 79410
(806) 725-1240
Fax No. (806) 792-8905
Haefner, Susan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009B61
BlueLINK ID: 4265420
Pediatric critical care
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 107, 79410
(806) 725-4566
Fax No. (806) 797-7935
Robins, Linda, MD
Provider ID #NM01YR42
BlueLINK ID: 2321150
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 303, 79410
(806) 725-3850
Fax No. (806) 723-7349
Hart, Merry B., MD
Provider ID #NM009N74
BlueLINK ID: 6003767
Covenant Pediatrics
3606 21st St., Ste. 107, 79410
(806) 725-0550
Fax No. (806) 723-0569
Iacuone, John, MD
Provider ID #NM01I779
BlueLINK ID: 2223680
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 102, 79410
(806) 796-1251
Fax No. (806) 796-0161
Landry, Joel, MD
Provider ID #NM009A62
BlueLINK ID: 4219932
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 100, 79410
(806) 797-4422
Fax No. (806) 799-1817
July 2005
Stripling, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM009998
BlueLINK ID: 4191264
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 200, 79410
(806) 725-0550
Fax No. (806) 791-0569
Bailey County
Family Practice
Claborn, Jobey, DO
Provider ID #NM009K34
BlueLINK ID: 3277532
Family Practice & Dermatology Clinic
708 S. First St., 79347
(806) 272-6825
Conard, Shawn L., MD
Provider ID #NM009V10
BlueLINK ID: 4269066
Muleshoe Area Medical
610 S. 1st St., 79347
(806) 272-7544
Fax No. (806) 272-5155
Johnson, Ryan, MD
Provider ID #NM009D41
BlueLINK ID: 4234931
Medical Clinic of Muleshoe
610 S. 1st St., 79347
(806) 272-7544
Fax No. (806) 272-5155
Johnson, Ryan, MD
Medical Clinic of Muleshoe
610 S. 1st St.
(806) 272-7544
Sheets, Harry K., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ54
BlueLINK ID: 4181346
610 S. 1st St., 79347
(806) 272-7544
Fax No. (806) 272-5155
Sheets, Harry K., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ54
BlueLINK ID: 4181346
Farwell Medical Clinic
301 3rd St., 79325
(806) 481-3200
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Smith, Thomas E., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ71
BlueLINK ID: 4231281
Medical Clinic of Muleshoe
717 W. 2nd St., 79347
(806) 272-4495
Fax No. (806) 272-5155
General Practice
Purdy, Bruce, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ62
BlueLINK ID: 2225695
Muleshoe Family Medicine
701 S. 1st St., 79347
(806) 272-7531
Yoakum County
Internal Medicine
Memon, Amir A.G., MD
Provider ID #NM009980
BlueLINK ID: 4202150
Plains Clinic
703 Avenue G, 79355
(806) 592-9501
Fax No. (806) 592-3052
Gaines County
Internal Medicine
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
Landry, Cheryl, MD
Provider ID #NM009A51
BlueLINK ID: 3391162
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 102, 79410
(806) 796-1251
Fax No. (806) 796-0161
Stripling, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009A53
BlueLINK ID: 3280934
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 200, 79410
(806) 792-2384
Fax No. (806) 791-0569
Conard, Shawn L., MD
Provider ID #NM009Q01
BlueLINK ID: 4269066
Medical Clinic of Muleshoe
610 S. 1st St., 79347
(806) 272-7544
Fax No. (806) 272-5155
Layman, Mark B., MD
Provider ID #NM009986
BlueLINK ID: 4205133
Patients over age 1
208 NW 8th St., Ste. 1, 79360
(915) 758-6363
Fax No. (915) 758-6550
Extended Network Plan
Primary Care Providers
Non-physician health care professionals such as Certified Nurse Practitioners who have had
additional advanced training in providing primary care. They focus on the "whole person" and
can coordinate your health care, including referrals.
La Plata County
Rakita, Barbara B., CNP
Provider ID: NM006959
BlueLINK ID: 7438994
Specializing in family medicine
Durango Family Medicine
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-9850
Fax No. (970) 385-9854
Otero County
Thomas, Terry S., CNP
Provider ID: NM006924
BlueLINK ID: 7200750
Specializing in family medicine
White Sands Family Practice
2010 Pecan Dr., 88310
(505) 434-9737
Waggoner, Christopher G., FNP
Provider ID: NM006356
BlueLINK ID: 5005321
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
1501 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 443-8133
Fax No. (505) 433-8055
Bernalillo County
Primary Care Providers
Baptista, Diane, CFNP
Provider ID: NM016344
BlueLINK ID: 7464682
Established patients only
University Physicians Associates
University Hospital
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Barnett, Karen A., FNP
Provider ID: NM006A23
BlueLINK ID: 7483613
Specializing in family medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 272-2158
Black, Keri D., CNP
Provider ID: NM006723
BlueLINK ID: 7463301
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Juan Tabo Internal Medicine
2121 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 237-8800
Eaves, Susette L., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006684
BlueLINK ID: 7159445
Specializing in family medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 272-2158
Evans, Elizabeth C., CNP
Provider ID: NM006666
BlueLINK ID: 7494364
Specializing in internal medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7731
Honeycutt, Mary, CNP
Provider ID: NM006840
BlueLINK ID: 7461425
Specializing in internal medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Leas, Candace, CNP
Provider ID: NM006741
BlueLINK ID: 5009750
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Montgomery Family Medicine
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4288
McCollum, Jeff P., CNP
Provider ID: NM006781
BlueLINK ID: 7176854
Specializing in pediatric medicine
Lovelace Journal Center Health Care
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3219
McGough, Nancy, CNP
Provider ID: NM006784
BlueLINK ID: 7447906
Specializing in internal medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Internal Medicine
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Newby, Marilyn A., CNP
Provider ID: NM006819
BlueLINK ID: 7467308
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Montgomery Internal Medicine
9101 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 275-4288
Parra, Melissa M., CNP
Provider ID: NM006818
BlueLINK ID: 7129909
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Albuquerque Care Center
239 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 242-4116
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Ladera Nursing & Rehab Center
5901 Ouray Rd. NW, 87120
(505) 836-0023
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Las Palomas Nursing & Rehab Center
8100 Palomas Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 821-4200
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Manor Care Camino Vista
7900 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 296-5565
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Manor Care Heights
2216 Lester Dr. NE, 87112
(505) 296-4808
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Manor Care Sandia
5123 Juan Tabo NE, 87111
(505) 292-3333
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Mission Manor
10101 Lagrima de Oro, 87111
(505) 298-1231
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Paloma Blanca Health & Rehab
1509 University NE, 87102
(505) 243-2257
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Valle Norte Caring Center
8820 Horizon Blvd. NE, 87113
(505) 823-1558
Umberger, Paul, CNP
Provider ID: NM006700
BlueLINK ID: 7439364
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend.
Wright, Barbara Anne F., CFNP
Provider ID: NM01R81B
BlueLINK ID: 7448703
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Angel Fire
Colfax County
Hand, Ruth A., CNP
Provider ID: NM006861
BlueLINK ID: 6003018
Specializing in family medicine
Moreno Valley Healthcare Clinic
11 Elliott Barker Ln., 87710
(505) 377-3301
Doña Ana County
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
755 Anthony Dr., 88021
(505) 882-3607
Fax No. (505) 882-2909
Eddy County
Kaydahzinne, Carol S., CNP
Provider ID: NM016316
BlueLINK ID: 7419485
Specializing in family medicine
Johnny Moreno, MD
612 N. 13th St., Ste. H, 88210
(505) 748-1266
Fax No. (505) 748-8822
Valencia County
Devine, Mary J., CNP
Provider ID: NM026A50
BlueLINK ID: 7170835
Specializing in family medicine
Devine Family Health Care, Inc.
103 N. 6th St., 87002
(505) 864-6311
Fax No. (505) 864-6323
Sandoval County
Mueller-Reuben, Gretchen, CNP
Provider ID: NM006944
BlueLINK ID: 6003274
Specializing in family medicine; no
OB/GYN care
El Pueblo Health Services
121 Calle del Presidente, 87004
(505) 867-2324
Fax No. (505) 867-3511
July 2005
Primary Care Providers
Steffens, Geoffrey, CFNP
Provider ID: NM006884
BlueLINK ID: 7499926
Specializing in family medicine; no
OB/GYN care
El Pueblo Health Services
121 Calle del Presidente, 87004
(505) 867-2324
Fax No. (505) 867-3571
Lincoln County
Smith, Kathleen, CNP
Provider ID: NM01RD03
BlueLINK ID: 7498366
Specializing in family medicine
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Rose Clinic
330 Smokey Bear Blvd., 88316
(505) 354-0057
Fax No. (505) 354-0056
Eddy County
Ryan, Marie E., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R94X
BlueLINK ID: 7457580
Pecos Valley of New Mexico
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6E, 88220
(505) 885-4623
Fax No. (505) 885-4647
Doña Ana County
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
510 E. Lisa Dr., 88081
(505) 824-0820
Fax No. (505) 824-1021
Williams, Gwen R., CNP
Provider ID: NM006799
BlueLINK ID: 7202650
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
510 E. Lisa, 88081
(505) 824-0820
Union County
Curry County
Fielden, Melvina E., CNP
Provider ID: NM006917
BlueLINK ID: 6003510
Specializing in family medicine
Associated Physicians & Surgeons
2211 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 763-5585
Fax No. (505) 762-9876
McCarty, Sherri L., CNP
Provider ID: NM006899
BlueLINK ID: 6003508
Specializing in family medicine
Associated Physicians & Surgeons
2211 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 763-5585
Fax No. (505) 762-9876
July 2005
Luna County
Borries, Cheryl D., CNP
Provider ID: NM006922
BlueLINK ID: 7226715
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
626 Taft St., 88029
(505) 531-2165
Fax No. (505) 531-2172
Luna County
Knoop, Sherron J., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R81K
BlueLINK ID: 33PP000
Specializing in family medicine
Deming Heath Clinic
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
205 E. Hemlock St., 88030
(505) 546-4663
Fax No. (505) 546-4844
Kuhlmann, Kristin L., CNP
Provider ID: NM006667
BlueLINK ID: 5009815
Specializing in family medicine
Deming Heath Clinic
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
205 E. Hemlock St., 88030
(505) 546-4663
Fax No. (505) 546-4844
Lenhardt, Randy M., CNP
Provider ID: NM006927
BlueLINK ID: 7312933
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
125 Chaparral NW, 88030
(505) 546-4800
Fax No. (505) 546-0685
Stansbury-Dunn, Kathryn A., CNP
Provider ID: NM006934
BlueLINK ID: 7217009
Specializing in family medicine;
patients over age 15
Ben Archer Health Center
125 Chaparral, 88030
(505) 546-4800
Santa Fe County
Fresquez-Chavez, Kathy R., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006A12
BlueLINK ID: 7199503
Specializing in family medicine
McLeod Medical Center
3 George Ct., Ste. C, 87015
(505) 286-2396
Fax No. (505) 286-2398
Lovett, Karen C., CNP
Provider ID: NM006227
BlueLINK ID: 5007514
Specializing in family medicine
NM Primary Care & Midwifery
1841 Hwy. 66, Ste. B, 87015
(505) 286-3100
Fax No. (505) 286-3102
San Juan County
Brown, Dawn M., CNP
Provider ID: NM006877
BlueLINK ID: 6003117
Specializing in family medicine
Farmington Community Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1001 W. Broadway, Ste. D, 87401
(505) 327-4796
Fax No. (505) 599-9351
Connelly, Carol G., CNP
Provider ID: NM006949
BlueLINK ID: 6003340
Specializing in pediatric medicine
San Juan Pediatrics
622 W. Maple St., Ste. F, 87401
(505) 327-2570
Fax No. (505) 324-4570
McKinley County
Costley, Casey, CNP
Provider ID: NM006251
BlueLINK ID: 7179687
Specializing in family medicine
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Duval, Patricia R., CNP
Provider ID: NM00R80T
BlueLINK ID: 5001103
Heavenly Health, Inc.
308 E. Hill Ave., 87301
(505) 722-6770
Fax No. (505) 722-6799
Liesveld, Judy A., CNP
Provider ID: NM006180
BlueLINK ID: 7313404
Specializing in family medicine
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Lynch, Durward, CNP
Provider ID: NM00BTI6
BlueLINK ID: 7301483
Specializing in family medicine
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
650 Vanden Bosch Pkwy., Ste. B,
(505) 726-6980
Fax No. (505) 726-6982
Cibola County
Iwan, Edith Ann, CNP-RN
Provider ID: NM00R82V
BlueLINK ID: 7467307
Specializing in family medicine
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1217 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2950
Fax No. (505) 287-2403
Doña Ana County
Greis, Lauri K., CNP
Provider ID: NM006355
BlueLINK ID: 7474992
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
255 Hwy. 187, 87937
(505) 267-3088
Fax No. (505) 267-4606
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend.
Locke, Janice E., CNP
Provider ID: NM006923
BlueLINK ID: 6003650
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
255 Hwy. 187, 87937
(505) 267-3088
Fax No. (505) 267-1747
Waggoner, Christopher G., FNP
Provider ID: NM006356
BlueLINK ID: 5005321
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
255 Hwy. 187, 87937
(505) 267-3088
Fax No. (505) 267-4606
Lea County
Lane, Barbara, RNCNP
Provider ID: NM02R95N
BlueLINK ID: 7301498
Specializing in family medicine
Hobbs Ob/Gyn Associates
5420 Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 433-4000
Fax No. (505) 392-7965
Montgomery, Cindy A., CNP
Provider ID: NM00R90P
BlueLINK ID: 5001245
Specializing in family medicine
Montgomery Health Offices of Lea
200 W. Lea St., 88240
(505) 391-7477
Fax No. (505) 391-9716
Lincoln County
Mallion, Katherine, CNP
Provider ID: NM00RD01
BlueLINK ID: 7381963
Specializing in family medicine
La Casa Family Health Center
70 Mile Marker 386, 88336
(505) 653-4830
Fax No. (505) 653-4833
Las Cruces
Doña Ana County
Alleman, Jennifer B., CFNP
Provider ID: NM016466
BlueLINK ID: 7427225
Specializing in family medicine
Health Care Solutions, PA
2810 N. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-2033
Fax No. (505) 522-2045
Carver, Angelina P., MSN-FNP
Provider ID: NM006312
BlueLINK ID: 7424961
Specializing in family medicine
Mesilla Valley Healthcare Associates
2020 S. Solano, Ste. C, 88001
(505) 523-4880
Fax No. (505) 523-1796
Ellison, Gail M., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006373
BlueLINK ID: 5009292
Specializing in family medicine;
providing women's health services
Terra Rosa Health Services
741 N. Alameda, Ste. 11, 88005
(505) 522-1100
Fax No. (505) 522-0100
Primary Care Providers
Fluhman, Jessie J., CNP
Provider ID: NM006651
BlueLINK ID: 5009163
Specializing in family medicine
Clayton Family Practice
301 Harding St., 88415
(505) 374-2585
Fax No. (505) 374-8146
Las Cruces
Las Cruces
Greis, Lauri K., CNP
Provider ID: NM006355
BlueLINK ID: 7474992
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
1600 Thorpe Rd., 88012
(505) 382-9292
Fax No. (505) 382-2061
Taylor, Lynn, CFNP
Provider ID: NM006972
BlueLINK ID: 6003981
Specializing in family medicine
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
3031 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
1160 Mall Dr., 88001
(505) 521-7181
Fax No. (505) 521-7199
Wayne, Susan K., CFNP
Provider ID: NM016274
BlueLINK ID: 7423529
Specializing in family medicine
New Mexico Quickcare Medical Group
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 200, 87701
(505) 454-1109
Fax No. (505) 454-1779
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
9400 Hwy. 70, 88012
(505) 373-9202
Fax No. (505) 373-9592
Ray, Kathryn P., CFNP
Provider ID: NM016368
BlueLINK ID: 7467309
Specializing in family medicine
Mesilla Valley Healthcare Associates
2020 S. Solano, Ste. C, 88001
(505) 523-4880
Fax No. (505) 523-1796
Udo, Regina G., CFNP
Provider ID: NM016614
BlueLINK ID: 7159890
Specializing in family medicine;
providing women's health services
Greeg Family Healthcare Services
2020 S. Solano, Ste. B, 88001
(505) 532-5700
Fax No. (505) 532-5733
Vancott, Christine, CNM-FNPC
Provider ID: NM016595
BlueLINK ID: 7442814
Specializing in family medicine
2905 Hillrise, Bldg. 2, Unit A, 88011
(505) 532-6061
Fax No. (505) 532-6063
Las Vegas
San Miguel County
Primary Care Providers
Primary Care Providers
Byers, Mary T., CNP
Provider ID: NM006881
BlueLINK ID: 7151251
Specializing in family medicine
New Mexico QuickCare Medical
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 200, 87701
(505) 454-1109
Fax No. (505) 454-1779
Mahoney, Moriah, CNP
Provider ID: NM006980
BlueLINK ID: 6004061
Specializing in family medicine
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
3031 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Quay County
Rogers, Martin J., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006646
BlueLINK ID: 5009040
Specializing in family medicine
Logan Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
600 Gallegos St., 88426
(505) 487-5488
Fax No. (505) 487-5489
Los Lunas
Valencia County
Hancock, Janet S., CNP
Provider ID: NM006A25
BlueLINK ID: 6003694
Specializing in family medicine
Rio Abajo Family Practice
111 Sandoval, 87031
(505) 565-4355
Fax No. (505) 565-4360
Lea County
Taylor, Carol Lee, CNP
Provider ID: NM006933
BlueLINK ID: 7478374
Specializing in family medicine
Rural Health Care LLC
399 Thorn Hill Rd., 88260
(505) 396-3589
Doña Ana County
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
Oñate Plaza, Ste. 7, 88046
(505) 524-3571
Fax No. (505) 525-8089
Mora County
Roosevelt County
Bunker, Mary T., CFNP
Provider ID: NM016404
BlueLINK ID: 7466611
Specializing in family medicine &
Agnes Martinez Family Health Clinic
State Hwy. 518, MM29, 87732
(505) 387-5503
Fax No. (505) 387-5503
Cullen, Johanna C., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006415
BlueLINK ID: 5007165
Specializing in family medicine
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Montaño, Elaine, CNP
Provider ID: NM006940
BlueLINK ID: 6003213
Specializing in family medicine
Mora Valley Community Health
Hwy. 518, 87732
(505) 387-2201
Fax No. (505) 387-9006
Thorsen, Martha J., CNP
Provider ID: NM006396
BlueLINK ID: 5006944
Specializing in family medicine
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Vigil, Geraldine, CFNP
Provider ID: NM006939
BlueLINK ID: 6003213
Specializing in family medicine
Mora Valley Community Health
Hwy. 518, 87732
(505) 387-2201
Fax No. (505) 387-9006
Ojo Caliente
Taos County
McClelland, Joan Q., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006864
BlueLINK ID: 7439697
Specializing in family medicine; no
prenatal care; no obstetrics
Las Clinicas del Norte
Hwy. 285, Bldg. 35319, 87549
(505) 583-2191
Fax No. (505) 583-2192
San Miguel County
Banks, Susan K., CFNP
Provider ID: NM009J34
BlueLINK ID: 5010207
Specializing in family medicine
Pecos Valley Medical Center
State Hwy. 50, 87552
(505) 757-6482
Fax No. (505) 757-6482
Rhoades, Clare D., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006883
BlueLINK ID: 6003175
Established patients only;
specializing in family medicine
Pecos Valley Medical Center
State Hwy. 50, 87552
(505) 757-6482
Fax No. (505) 757-2700
Grant County
Taos County
Sinden, Mary, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A54
BlueLINK ID: 7234156
Specializing in family medicine
Hidalgo Medical Services
Mimbres Clinic
2743 Hwy. 35, Ste. B, 88046
(505) 536-3990
Fax No. (505) 536-3991
Rizzo, Brandy M., CNP
Provider ID: NM006943
BlueLINK ID: 6003273
Specializing in family medicine
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Penasco Clinic
24 State Hwy. 73, 87553
(505) 587-1833
Fax No. (505) 587-1918
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend.
Colfax County
Ford, Amy C., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006668
BlueLINK ID: 7184948
Specializing in family medicine
Family Practice Associates of Raton
411 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-3626
Fax No. (505) 445-8649
Rio Rancho
Sandoval County
Conkling, Patricia, CNP
Provider ID: NM016863
BlueLINK ID: 7129907
Specializing in family medicine
Meadowlark Family Healthcare
4200 Meadowlark Lande SE, Ste. 2,
(505) 891-9990
Fax No. (505) 891-9007
Garcia, Jodie L., CNP
Provider ID: NM006663
BlueLINK ID: 7118458
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Family Medicine
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
Healer, Lynne T., CNP
Provider ID: NM006661
BlueLINK ID: 7463423
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Rancho Family Medicine
3801 Southern Blvd., 87124
(505) 896-8600
James, Harriet L., CNP
Provider ID: NM006225
BlueLINK ID: 7150115
Specializing in family medicine
Enchanted Hills Family Healthcare
4351 Jager St., Ste. C, 87144
(505) 771-1180
Fax No. (505) 771-2688
Sanchez, Clyde P., CNP
Provider ID: NM01R90R
BlueLINK ID: 7313481
Specializing in family & geriatric
Rio Rancho Nursing & Rehab Center
4210 Sabana Grande Ave., 87124
(505) 892-6603
July 2005
Primary Care Providers
Santa Fe
Chaves County
Santa Fe County
Hall, Toni C., CNP
Provider ID: NM006358
BlueLINK ID: 5005323
Specializing in family medicine
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-1410
Fax No. (505) 624-2453
McGuire, Mary Ann, CFNP
Provider ID: NM026436
BlueLINK ID: 5007850
Specializing in family medicine
711 W. Alameda St., 88203
(505) 623-4448
Fax No. (505) 623-9571
N.Caloor, S. Hassan, CNP
Provider ID: NM016464
BlueLINK ID: 5008254
Specializing in family medicine
Caloor Family Medical Practice
612 W. 8th St., 88201
(505) 623-6161
Fax No. (505) 623-6464
Whiteman, Jo Ann, CNP
Provider ID: NM016352
BlueLINK ID: 73A0425
Specializing in family medicine
Roswell Osteopathic Medical Clinic
111 W. Hobbs, 88203
(505) 623-3311
Fax No. (505) 622-1273
Lincoln County
Miller-Shultz, Marilyn D., CNP
Provider ID: NM016789
BlueLINK ID: 7186556
Specializing in family medicine
White Mountain Medical Clinic
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Fax No. (505) 257-4055
Nishitani, Marilyn D., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006381
BlueLINK ID: 7451064
Specializing in family medicine
Immediate Care Clinic
721 Mechem Sierra Mall, 88345
(505) 630-5300
Fax No. (505) 630-5301
Doña Ana County
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
18424 S. Hwy. 28, 88058
(505) 233-3830
Fax No. (505) 233-4542
Williams, Gwen R., CNP
Provider ID: NM006799
BlueLINK ID: 7202650
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
18424 S. Hwy. 28, 88058
(505) 233-3830
July 2005
Belinsky, Jacqueline, CNP
Provider ID: NM006950
BlueLINK ID: 6003370
Specializing in pediatric medicine
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Center
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 820-5483
Bregin, Mariann, CNP
Provider ID: NM006853
Specializing in family medicine
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Dowell, Donna L., CNP
Provider ID: NM016475
BlueLINK ID: 5007929
Specializing in family medicine
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-6097
Fax No. (505) 474-3279
Gonzales, Camille M., CFNP
Provider ID: NM009J86
BlueLINK ID: 6003258
Specializing in family medicine
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Gonzales, Camille M., CFNP
Provider ID: NM009J86
BlueLINK ID: 6003258
Specializing in family medicine
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87507
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Jung, Dennis J., CNP
Provider ID: NM006954
BlueLINK ID: 6003480
Specializing in pediatric medicine
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Center
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 946-3036
Kargul, JoAnn M., CFNP
Provider ID: NM00R84Q
BlueLINK ID: 576483
Specializing in family medicine; no
Eldorado Medical Care
1 Caliente Rd., Ste. C, 87508
(505) 466-1400
Fax No. (505) 466-3332
Salas, Barbara R., CNP
Provider ID: NM006043
BlueLINK ID: 7165868
Specializing in family medicine
Santa Fe Nurse Practitioners
1533 St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 982-2991
Fax No. (505) 982-4508
Sutter, Corey A., CFNP
Provider ID: NM016471
BlueLINK ID: 5007880
Specializing in family medicine
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. J., 87505
(505) 820-0446
Wayne, Susan K., CFNP
Provider ID: NM01R85F
BlueLINK ID: 7423529
Specializing in family medicine; no
Integral Healing & Wellness Services
2 Calle Medico, Ste. 1, 87505
(505) 984-8262
Fax No. (505) 984-1312
Silver City
Grant County
Brickley, Christine, CNP
Provider ID: NM026585
BlueLINK ID: 7310765
Specializing in family medicine
Hidalgo Medical Services
Med Square Clinic
114 W. 11th St., 88061
(505) 388-1511
Fax No. (505) 388-3465
Harsh, Alexis, CNP
Provider ID: NM006591
BlueLINK ID: 7476484
Specializing in family medicine
2592 N. Silver St., 88061
(505) 388-0664
Fax No. (505) 388-0663
Socorro County
Mills, Carol A., CNP
Provider ID: NM006855
BlueLINK ID: 5010165
Specializing in family medicine
Bhasker Medical Clinic
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2940
Fax No. (505) 835-2216
Sunland Park
Doña Ana County
Macklin, Lydia, CNP
Provider ID: NM006A53
BlueLINK ID: 7234155
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
2625 McNutt Rd., 88063
(505) 589-0887
Fax No. (505) 589-0898
Payan, Crista A., CNP
Provider ID: NM006804
BlueLINK ID: 6003026
Specializing in family medicine
La Clinica de Familia
2625 McNutt Rd., 88063
(505) 589-0887
Fax No. (505) 389-0898
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend.
Taos County
Beatty, Marcia L., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006474
BlueLINK ID: 5007926
Specializing in family & internal
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-2224
Fax No. (505) 758-4903
Purtee, Paula Jill, CNP
Provider ID: NM006376
BlueLINK ID: 5006103
Specializing in pediatric medicine
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Clinic for Children & Youth
123 Cruz Alta Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8651
Fax No. (505) 758-7811
Rizzo, Brandy M., CNP
Provider ID: NM006943
BlueLINK ID: 6003273
Specializing in family medicine
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Hospital ER
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 587-1833
Fax No. (505) 587-1918
McKinley County
Iwan, Edith Ann, CNP-RN
Provider ID: NM00R82V
BlueLINK ID: 7467307
Specializing in family medicine
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
15 Navarre Blvd., 87323
(505) 863-7417
Fax No. (505) 862-8300
Truth or Consequences
Sierra County
Moore, Wietske W., CNP
Provider ID: NM006796
BlueLINK ID: 7199937
Specializing in family medicine
Ben Archer Health Center
1960 N. Date St., 87901
(505) 894-7662
Fax No. (505) 894-7930
Quay County
Rogers, Martin J., CFNP
Provider ID: NM006646
BlueLINK ID: 5009040
Specializing in family medicine
Logan Family Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1302 E. Main St., 88401
(505) 487-5488
Fax No. (505) 487-5489
Vick, Jina R., CNP
Provider ID: NM009J49
BlueLINK ID: 7495288
Specializing in family medicine
303 E. Washington, 88401
(505) 461-4464
Fax No. (505) 461-4474
Primary Care Providers
San Miguel
Anllo, Pilar M., CFNP
Provider ID: NM01R83H
BlueLINK ID: 7448866
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. J, 87505
(505) 820-0446
Sisneros, Alice, CNP
Provider ID: NM006643
BlueLINK ID: 7489548
Specializing in family medicine
Santa Fe Medical Arts & Wellness
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 6, 87505
(505) 954-0003
Fax No. (505) 954-0008
Primary Care Providers
Winkler County
Primary Care Providers
Warren, Naomi R., FNP-LPA
Provider ID: NM006655
BlueLINK ID: 7104134
Specializing in family medicine
Winkler County Rural Health Clinic
821 Jeffee Dr., 79745
(915) 586-2040
Fax No. (915) 586-9136
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend.
July 2005
Extended Network Plan
Montezuma County
Barzdins, Atis, MD
Provider ID #NM009J87
BlueLINK ID: 6003272
Four Corners Oncology Hematology
1021 N. Mildred Rd., Ste. C, 81321
(970) 564-9098
Fax No. (970) 247-0902
La Plata County
Cooke, W. Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM01XU83
BlueLINK ID: 3103448
Allergy & Internal Medicine Specialist
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 259-0780
Fax No. (970) 382-2620
Allison, Timothy D., MD
Provider ID #NM00YN22
BlueLINK ID: 4177854
Durango SurgiCenter
316 Sawyer Dr., 81303
(970) 259-2525
Fax No. (970) 247-0421
Allison, Timothy D., MD
Provider ID #NM00YN22
BlueLINK ID: 4177854
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 259-2525
Fax No. (970) 247-0421
Edmiston, Mark S., MD
Provider ID #NM009A48
BlueLINK ID: 3186216
Edmiston Anesthesia Services, PC
1910 Main Ave., Unit A, 81301
(970) 247-3537
Fax No. (970) 247-1254
Mayer, David N., MD
Provider ID #NM009P41
BlueLINK ID: 4165949
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1380
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
McCallum, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM009P42
BlueLINK ID: 4245575
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1380
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
July 2005
Murphy, Mark T., MD
Provider ID #NM009P68
BlueLINK ID: 3338721
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-4311
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Miller, Eugenia M., MD
Provider ID #NM01XQ86
BlueLINK ID: 2335972
Four Corners Heart Clinic
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Rice, Randall B., MD
Provider ID #NM00XE65
BlueLINK ID: 3284722
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-4311
Miller, Eugenia M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J77
BlueLINK ID: 2335972
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Seeley, Neil R., MD
Provider ID #NM009J65
BlueLINK ID: 4159117
Anesthesiologist Partners of Durango,
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1380
Verow, Anthony F., MD
Provider ID #NM00YS69
BlueLINK ID: 4171444
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 259-2525
Fax No. (970) 247-0421
Andrea, Bruce E., MD
Provider ID #NM01XQ85
BlueLINK ID: 2284658
Four Corners Heart Clinic
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 112, 81301
(970) 247-1120
Fax No. (970) 247-1128
Andrea, Bruce E., MD
Provider ID #NM01XQ85
BlueLINK ID: 2284658
Four Corners Heart Clinic
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Andrea, Bruce E., MD
Provider ID #NM009J69
BlueLINK ID: 2284658
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Curtiss, Carl M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J40
BlueLINK ID: 3299059
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
DeRook, Frances A., MD
Provider ID #NM009F16
BlueLINK ID: 3256229
Four Corners Heart Clinic
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 112, 81301
(970) 247-1120
Fax No. (970) 247-1128
Miller, Eugenia M., MD
Provider ID #NM01XQ86
BlueLINK ID: 2335972
Four Corners Heart Clinic
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 112, 81301
(970) 247-1120
Fax No. (970) 247-1128
Gaughan, Lawrence J., MD
Provider ID #NM009T18
BlueLINK ID: 3128249
Durango Dermatology
523 S. Camino del Rio, Ste. B, 81303
(970) 247-1970
Fax No. (970) 259-1668
Gaughan, Mark D., MD
Provider ID #NM009T19
BlueLINK ID: 4210047
Durango Dermatology
523 S. Camino del Rio, Ste. B, 81303
(970) 247-1970
Fax No. (970) 259-1668
Sanders, Susan F., MD
Provider ID #NM01XJ59
BlueLINK ID: 2179631
Mercy Medical Center
3649 Main Ave., 81301
(970) 259-4131
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Wiley, Philip, MD
Provider ID #NM01XQ95
BlueLINK ID: 4131159
1165 S. Camino del Rio, 81303
(970) 247-2920
Williams, William T., MD
Provider ID #NM01WH76
BlueLINK ID: 3361959
Animas Ear & Sinus Clinic
1165 S. Camino del Rio, 81301
(970) 259-1669
General Surgery
Deaver, David C., III, MD
Provider ID #NM00L300
BlueLINK ID: 3124715
Southwest Surgical Associates
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102, 81301
(970) 247-4448
Fax No. (970) 247-0421
Desko, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM009F54
BlueLINK ID: 3208286
Southwest Surgical Associates
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102, 81301
(970) 247-4448
Fax No. (970) 382-1880
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Physicians who have taken additional training and provide specialty care. Examples include:
Surgery, Allergy & Immunology, Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Dermatology, Gastroenterology,
Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT), Endocrinology, Neurology, Nephrology (kidneys), Obstetrics/
Gynecology, Ophthalmology (eyes), Orthopedics, Pulmonology (lungs), and Urology.
Stern, Mark E., MD
Provider ID #NM02XP87
BlueLINK ID: 2183235
Southwest Surgical Associates
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102, 81301
(970) 247-4448
Fax No. (970) 247-0421
Irish, James M., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM01J720
BlueLINK ID: 3232538
Gynecology & infertility
1199 Main Ave., Ste. 218, 81301
(970) 382-9505
Fax No. (970) 382-9558
Hand Surgery
Chen, Li, MD
Provider ID #NM009P47
BlueLINK ID: 6003671
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Barzdins, Atis, MD
Provider ID #NM009J87
BlueLINK ID: 6003272
Four Corners Oncology Hematology
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 104, 81301
(970) 247-0777
Fax No. (970) 247-0902
Bush, Steven E., MD
Provider ID #NM000470
BlueLINK ID: 3143066
Durango Cancer Center
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 385-4746
Cathcart, Cynthia K., MD
Provider ID #NM009T08
BlueLINK ID: 2314310
Southwest Oncology Associates
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 385-7977
Heller, Henry M., MD
Provider ID #NM01I348
BlueLINK ID: 3206400
Four Corners Oncology Hematology
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 104, 81301
(970) 247-0777
Smith, Richard G., MD
Provider ID #NM009755
BlueLINK ID: 3169119
Southwest Oncology Associates
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 385-7977
Fax No. (970) 385-6727
Internal Medicine
Andrea, Bruce E., MD
Provider ID #NM009J69
BlueLINK ID: 2284658
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Curtiss, Carl M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J46
BlueLINK ID: 3299059
Four Corners Heart Clinic
1800 E. Third Ave., Ste. 112, 81301
(970) 247-1120
Fax No. (970) 247-1128
Lasich, Betty J., MD
Provider ID #NM009J78
BlueLINK ID: 3380067
Piñon Ob/Gyn
2243 Main St., Ste. 3, 81301
(970) 375-1352
Fax No. (970) 375-1372
Curtiss, Carl M., MD
Provider ID #NM009J40
BlueLINK ID: 3299059
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 382-1260
Fax No. (970) 382-1065
Priebe, Kimberly, MD
Provider ID #NM009P38
BlueLINK ID: 4295294
Four Corners Ob/Gyn
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 3C, 81301
(970) 382-8800
Fax No. (970) 382-0122
James, David S., MD
Provider ID #NM009J15
BlueLINK ID: 3291279
Four Corners Pulmonary & Critical
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-9122
Fax No. (970) 382-1077
Saddler, Mark C., MD
Provider ID #NM009P97
BlueLINK ID: 3346953
Providing services for inpatient
dialysis patients
Mercy Medical Center
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 201, 81301
(970) 382-1864
Fax No. (970) 382-1054
Salka, Carl, MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ93
BlueLINK ID: 4129753
Four Corners Infectious Diseases
Internal Medicine & Travel Health
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 203, 81301
(505) 382-1808
Saddler, Mark C., MD
Provider ID #NM009P97
BlueLINK ID: 3346953
Providing services for inpatient
dialysis patients
Mercy Medical Center
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 201, 81301
(970) 382-1864
Fax No. (970) 382-1054
Baca, Elizabeth H., MD
Provider ID #NM001844
BlueLINK ID: 3298084
Female patients over age 13
2243 Main St., Ste. 3, 81301
(970) 375-1352
Fax No. (970) 375-1372
Grossman, Richard, MD
Provider ID #NM001107
BlueLINK ID: 3123783
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 3C, 81301
(970) 382-8800
Fax No. (970) 382-0122
Jordan, LeAnne E., MD
Provider ID #NM01YM93
BlueLINK ID: 3399274
Female patients over age 18
Four Corners Ob/Gyn
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 3C, 81301
(970) 382-8800
Fax No. (970) 382-0122
Roach, Christopher J., MD
Provider ID #NM02W269
BlueLINK ID: 2321115
Female patients over age 18
Four Corners Ob/Gyn
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 3C, 81301
(970) 382-8800
Fax No. (970) 382-0122
Meyer, Eric C., MD
Provider ID #NM009751
BlueLINK ID: 4235201
Four Corners Eye Clinic
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 212, 81301
(970) 259-2202
Fax No. (970) 259-2837
Parkinson, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM01Z714
BlueLINK ID: 5002084
Four Corners Eye Clinic
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 212, 81301
(970) 259-2202
Fax No. (970) 259-2837
Blevins, Field T., MD
Provider ID #NM00YS80
BlueLINK ID: 3285582
Specializing in sports medicine
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 105, 81301
(970) 375-7786
Dvirnak, Paul D., MD
Provider ID #NM01YH31
BlueLINK ID: 4129270
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 105, 81301
(970) 375-7786
Fax No. (970) 259-9766
Forrest, Jennifer L., MD
Provider ID #NM009P00
BlueLINK ID: 6003338
Jennifer Forrest Orthopedics, Inc.
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 109, 81301
(970) 385-1883
Fax No. (970) 259-7091
Forrest, Jennifer L., MD
Jennifer Forrest Orthopedics, Inc.
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 109
(970) 385-1883
Furry, Kimberly L., MD
Provider ID #NM00YQ89
BlueLINK ID: 4209605
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Goodman, Robert F., MD
Provider ID #NM01I627
BlueLINK ID: 3128312
Mercy Medical Center
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 105, 81301
(970) 375-7786
Kircher, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM01WO60
BlueLINK ID: 2223982
575 Rivergate, Ste. 105, 81301
(970) 375-7786
Lawton, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM009A14
BlueLINK ID: 4152653
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Scott, Gary A., MD
Provider ID #NM01WX87
BlueLINK ID: 3124721
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Youssef, Jim, MD
Provider ID #NM01YK67
BlueLINK ID: 4146032
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Physical Medicine
Bohachevsky, Cyril A., MD
Provider ID #NM00YQ90
BlueLINK ID: 4217663
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Isser, Mara, DO
Provider ID #NM004B15
BlueLINK ID: 4289990
Durango Orthopedic Associates Spine Colorado
130 Rock Point Dr., 81301
(970) 382-9500
Fax No. (970) 375-0007
Marsh, Daniel R., MD
Provider ID #NM009A05
BlueLINK ID: 4240161
Durango Orthopedic Associates
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 200, 81301
(970) 247-5362
Fax No. (970) 259-6045
Silva, David R., DO
Provider ID #NM01E55A
BlueLINK ID: 3343152
SW Colorado Spine & Musculoskeletal
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 204, 81301
(970) 382-8292
Fax No. (970) 382-0073
Hallin, Gustav W., MD
Provider ID #NM00E110
BlueLINK ID: 3385873
Four Corners Pulmonary & Critical
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-9122
Fax No. (970) 382-1077
James, David S., MD
Provider ID #NM009J15
BlueLINK ID: 3291279
Four Corners Pulmonary & Critical
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-9122
Fax No. (970) 382-1077
Radiation Oncology
Bush, Steven E., MD
Provider ID #NM000470
BlueLINK ID: 3143066
Durango Cancer Center
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 385-4746
Fax No. (970) 259-5787
Elconin, Joel H., MD
Provider ID #NM009279
BlueLINK ID: 4224231
Durango Cancer Center
3801 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 385-4746
Fax No. (970) 259-5787
Thoracic and Vascular
Stern, Mark E., MD
Provider ID #NM02XP87
BlueLINK ID: 2183235
Southwest Surgical Associates
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102, 81301
(970) 247-4448
Fax No. (970) 247-0421
Forrest, Mark R., MD
Provider ID #NM009J17
BlueLINK ID: 4235223
Durango Urological Associates
1800 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 102, 81301
(970) 259-0440
Fax No. (970) 259-7091
Mayer, Frank J., MD
Provider ID #NM019F45
BlueLINK ID: 3362309
Durango Urological Associates
575 RiverGate Ln., Ste. 209, 81301
(970) 259-0440
Fax No. (970) 259-7091
Pulmonary Medicine
Pagosa Springs
Brown, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ59
BlueLINK ID: 2395833
Four Corners Pulmonary & Critical
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-9122
Archuleta County
Bustamante, Enrique, MD
Provider ID #NM00XU90
BlueLINK ID: 3376020
Four Corners Pulmonary & Critical
1810 E. 3rd Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-9122
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Jordan, LeAnne E., MD
Provider ID #NM01YM93
BlueLINK ID: 3399274
Female patients over age 18
Four Corners Ob/Gyn
95 S. Pagosa Blvd., 81147
(970) 382-8800
Fax No. (970) 382-0122
July 2005
Las Animas County
Gloria, Cesar J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P76
BlueLINK ID: 4282382
Ashok PC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. B, 81082
(719) 542-7222
Fax No. (719) 542-5034
Tolosa-Gloria, Caroline A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P78
BlueLINK ID: 4267204
Ashok PC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. B, 81082
(719) 542-7222
Fax No. (719) 542-5034
Gangadhariah, Raviindrakumar,
Provider ID #NM009P77
BlueLINK ID: 4295829
Ashok PC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. B, 81082
(719) 542-7222
Fax No. (719) 542-5034
General Surgery
Yeagle, Charles F., MD
Provider ID #NM009N34
BlueLINK ID: 3152618
General surgery only, no patients
under age 5
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. F, 81082
(719) 846-1700
Fax No. (719) 846-1704
Internal Medicine
Gangadhariah, Raviindrakumar,
Provider ID #NM009P77
BlueLINK ID: 4295829
Ashok PC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. B, 81082
(719) 542-7222
Fax No. (719) 542-5034
Coatney, Michael W., DO
Provider ID #NM004B11
BlueLINK ID: 3239568
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
2120 Freedom Rd., 81082
(719) 846-9236
Fax No. (719) 846-3768
Rastrelli, Paul D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J51
BlueLINK ID: 4115394
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
2120 Freedom Rd., 81082
(719) 846-9236
Fax No. (719) 846-3768
Tolosa-Gloria, Caroline A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P78
BlueLINK ID: 4267204
Ashok PC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. B, 81082
(719) 542-7222
Fax No. (719) 542-5034
Otero County
Beauchamp, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N75
BlueLINK ID: 4117592
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 443-7581
Richardson, Gregory B., MD
Provider ID #NM002271
BlueLINK ID: 3135908
Alamogordo Surgical Associates
1100 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-2244
Korec, Stefan, MD
Provider ID #NM009296
BlueLINK ID: 2293426
Otero Oncology
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. G, 88310
(505) 437-8126
Internal Medicine
Velasquez, Michael A., DO
Provider ID #NM009381
BlueLINK ID: 4200137
Alamogordo Nephrology
1211 Eighth St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 443-1001
Fax No. (505) 443-1771
Velasquez, Michael A., DO
Provider ID #NM009381
BlueLINK ID: 4200137
Alamogordo Nephrology
1211 Eighth St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 443-1001
Fax No. (505) 443-1771
Rolan, Terry D., MD
Provider ID #NM009216
BlueLINK ID: 7317152
New Mexico Brain Institute
108 Cottonwood Dr., 88310
(505) 434-0901
Fax No. (505) 437-1992
Toncray, Jennifer L., DO
Provider ID #NM009374
BlueLINK ID: 4185226
Tularosa Basin Dermatology
1212 9th St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 437-6700
Fax No. (505) 437-6644
Simmons, John P., MD
Provider ID #NM019949
BlueLINK ID: 4174374
New Mexico Brain Institute
108 Cottonwood Dr., 88310
(505) 434-0901
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Byers, Margaret J., DO
Provider ID #NM004B73
BlueLINK ID: 3307670
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Gloria, Cesar J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P76
BlueLINK ID: 4282382
Ashok PC
400 Benedicta Ave., Ste. B, 81082
(719) 542-7222
Fax No. (719) 542-5034
Frost, Timothy, MD
Provider ID #NM013135
BlueLINK ID: 3290692
Alamogordo Ear, Nose, Throat &
Plastic Surgery
1401 10th St., Ste. C, 88310
(505) 437-4533
Fax No. (505) 437-5009
Bowers, Marci L., MD
Provider ID #NM009F55
BlueLINK ID: 3272307
328 Bonaventure, Ste. 5, 81082
(719) 846-4433
Fax No. (719) 846-8350
Mishkin, Michael S., MD
Provider ID #NM009N22
BlueLINK ID: 3182541
923 9th St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 437-5716
Fax No. (505) 437-5733
General Surgery
Cortes, Jose, MD
Provider ID #NM010596
BlueLINK ID: 3213783
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Sampath, Ruthven N., MD
Provider ID #NM012432
BlueLINK ID: 3338413
Gyn only
Women's Specialty Services
2050 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 443-2999
Ham, Donald J., MD
Provider ID #NM001161
BlueLINK ID: 3135689
Alamogordo Eye Clinic
1124 10th St., 88310
(505) 434-1200
Fax No. (505) 437-3947
Yang, Michelle S., MD
Provider ID #NM009783
BlueLINK ID: 4117567
923 E. 9th St., Ste. B, 88310
(505) 437-9900
Fax No. (505) 437-5500
Bryant, Frank T., MD
Provider ID #NM022360
BlueLINK ID: 3143059
Southwest Orthopedics
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. F, 88310
(505) 434-1400
Fax No. (505) 434-1452
Dodson, Douglas R., DO
Provider ID #NM004006
BlueLINK ID: 3382233
Alamogordo Orthopedics & Sports
1401 10th St., Ste. 2, 88310
(505) 434-0639
Freeh, Eric J., DO
Provider ID #NM014064
BlueLINK ID: 3244888
Alamogordo Orthopedics & Sports
1401 10th St., Ste. 2, 88310
(505) 434-0639
Plastic Surgery
Frost, Timothy, MD
Provider ID #NM013135
BlueLINK ID: 3290692
Alamogordo Ear, Nose, Throat &
Plastic Surgery
1401 10th St., Ste. C, 88310
(505) 437-4533
Fax No. (505) 437-5009
Pulmonary Medicine
Fellers, Neal H., MD
Provider ID #NM009N55
BlueLINK ID: 3124216
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 443-0323
Radiation Oncology
Hadzic, Ejub Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM039200
BlueLINK ID: 3346293
Otero Community Cancer Center
2559 Medical Drive, Ste. G, 88310
(505) 437-8126
Sports Medicine
Rickman, Allan F., MD
Provider ID #NM011755
BlueLINK ID: 3277350
Alamogordo Orthopedics & Sports
1401 10th St., Ste. 2, 88310
(505) 434-0639
Pollard, William L., MD
Provider ID #NM009K90
BlueLINK ID: 4257112
Alamogordo Surgical Associates
1100 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-2244
July 2005
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Smaltz, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM009364
BlueLINK ID: 4243878
Alamogordo Urology
1315 12th St., 88310
(505) 437-4909
Bailey, Steven L., MD
Provider ID #NM009R19
BlueLINK ID: 6003464
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7724
Bernalillo County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Abernathy-Carver, Katherine, MD
Provider ID #NM003311
BlueLINK ID: 3395407
Pediatrics & adults
Allergy & Asthma Care Inc.
2509 Virginia NE, Ste. B, 87110
(505) 294-1471
Clayton, Michael H., MD
Provider ID #NM003358
BlueLINK ID: 3360043
2509 Virginia NE, Ste. A, 87110
(505) 296-5426
Fax No. (505) 296-1248
Feldman, Bruce H., MD
Provider ID #NM000857
BlueLINK ID: 3135616
Allergy & Asthma Associates
8010 Mountain Rd. NE, 87110
(505) 265-6782
Keslin, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009H01
BlueLINK ID: 2123298
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Allergy & Immunology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7905
Marosi, Alice, MD
Provider ID #NM009H41
BlueLINK ID: 5009500
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Mathew, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM004778
BlueLINK ID: 4114340
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Rosandich, Ronald J., MD
Provider ID #NM002355
BlueLINK ID: 2398062
Patients over age 10
8010 Mountain Rd. NE, 87110
(505) 268-2481
Tolber, Steven G., MD
Provider ID #NM002786
BlueLINK ID: 2398181
7121 Prospect Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 883-2574
Ballard, David E., MD
Provider ID #NM009H02
BlueLINK ID: 2313110
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Becich, Joan N., MD
Provider ID #NM009R68
BlueLINK ID: 6003560
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 2nd Flr., 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Berg, Adam E., MD
Provider ID #NM009C57
BlueLINK ID: 3135507
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Biazak, Gary J., MD
Provider ID #NM009C58
BlueLINK ID: 2397300
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Biazak, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C59
BlueLINK ID: 2282508
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Birgenheier, James A., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM019J60
BlueLINK ID: 4110997
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Blazek, Gerald J., MD
Provider ID #NM000325
BlueLINK ID: 3135518
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Brierley, Janet, MD
Provider ID #NM009865
BlueLINK ID: 3312339
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Brooks, Phillip M., MD
Provider ID #NM004176
BlueLINK ID: 2108344
1720 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 292-9200
Brown, Donald C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R18
BlueLINK ID: 6003463
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Brown, Douglas L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L15
BlueLINK ID: 4130741
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Burstrom, Ruth E., MD
Provider ID #NM009866
BlueLINK ID: 3367130
Geriatric anesthesiology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Castillo, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R13
BlueLINK ID: 6003442
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Chapman, Niels, MD
Provider ID #NM009868
BlueLINK ID: 3368760
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Compton, Clara H., MD
Provider ID #NM009H03
BlueLINK ID: 3300235
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Coy, David C., MD
Provider ID #NM019E17
BlueLINK ID: 4263744
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Culling, Robert D., DO
Provider ID #NM009H04
BlueLINK ID: 3248472
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Depper, Jane A., MD
Provider ID #NM009649
BlueLINK ID: 4149939
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Diana, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM009873
BlueLINK ID: 2330066
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Dixon, K. Todd, MD
Provider ID #NM001896
BlueLINK ID: 3139034
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Dominguez, Luis M., MD
Provider ID #NM001592
BlueLINK ID: 3143107
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Dominguez, William F., MD
Provider ID #NM009C60
BlueLINK ID: 3362982
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Doran, Nivine H., MD
Provider ID #NM009874
BlueLINK ID: 3367149
Intensive care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Dunagan, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM009E38
BlueLINK ID: 2287579
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Farley, Jon S., MD
Provider ID #NM009E89
BlueLINK ID: 3135614
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Ferguson, Will, MD
Provider ID #NM012338
BlueLINK ID: 2199759
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Fleischer, Jerry E., MD
Provider ID #NM009C61
BlueLINK ID: 2250419
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Fortner, Sally A., MD
Provider ID #NM009869
BlueLINK ID: 4183585
Cardiac anesthesiology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Furlong, Monica W., MD
Provider ID #NM009H73
BlueLINK ID: 2215114
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Gallagher, Christopher, MD
Provider ID #NM009U56
BlueLINK ID: 3374679
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Ganga, Choudary C., MD
Provider ID #NM009C62
BlueLINK ID: 3135644
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Garson, Leslie M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S65
BlueLINK ID: 3136891
Also specializing in critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
July 2005
Godwin, Earl R., MD
Provider ID #NM009C63
BlueLINK ID: 3135657
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Gonzalez, Diego J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R90
BlueLINK ID: 6003657
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Gonzalez, Herbert Francisco, MD
Provider ID #NM009M40
BlueLINK ID: 3333953
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Gonzalez, Herbert Francisco, MD
Provider ID #NM029553
BlueLINK ID: 3333953
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
NE Heights Anesthesiology
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7810
Fax No. (505) 727-7888
Gordon, Tracy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C64
BlueLINK ID: 4145957
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Gronert, Brian J., MD
Provider ID #NM005122
BlueLINK ID: 3257867
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Guaderrama, Lauro G., MD
Provider ID #NM009H11
BlueLINK ID: 3210759
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Hansen, Timothy E., DO
Provider ID #NM009E27
BlueLINK ID: 3332395
Pain management only
SW Intervential Pain Specialists
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 700, 87111
(505) 881-5080
Fax No. (505) 872-2306
Harding, James, MD
Provider ID #NM012542
BlueLINK ID: 3327098
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Herceg, Ivan, MD
Provider ID #NM009S92
BlueLINK ID: 4188451
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
July 2005
Hermes, Robin N., MD
Provider ID #NM009C66
BlueLINK ID: 4179166
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
King, Melinda, MD
Provider ID #NM009L46
BlueLINK ID: 4109425
Lovelace Sandia Health System
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
McMurry, Melanie B., MD
Provider ID #NM009E51
BlueLINK ID: 3384494
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Hinds, Ervin, MD
Provider ID #NM009C67
BlueLINK ID: 3135711
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Leachman, David P., MD
Provider ID #NM009R14
BlueLINK ID: 6003444
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Melbihess, Eric J., MD
Provider ID #NM009S93
BlueLINK ID: 6003952
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Leon, Raimundo F., MD
Provider ID #NM007986
BlueLINK ID: 4239377
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Merck, Daniel M., MD
Provider ID #NM003975
BlueLINK ID: 4127232
SW Adult and Geriatric Associates
707 Broadway NE, Ste. 301, 87102
(505) 848-8413
Fax No. (505) 848-8414
Hoefner, Ernest J., DO
Provider ID #NM004A67
BlueLINK ID: 6004021
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Lindgren, Penny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009C70
BlueLINK ID: 3246827
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Horowitz, Marc H., MD
Provider ID #NM009M98
BlueLINK ID: 3370783
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Mainzer, Jacob, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009M31
BlueLINK ID: 2397497
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Mickelsen, Phillip L., MD
Provider ID #NM009R60
BlueLINK ID: 6003549
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Hudson, Rick H., MD
Provider ID #NM009C68
BlueLINK ID: 3246826
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Malizzo, Michael F., MD
Provider ID #NM009M93
BlueLINK ID: 6003392
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pain Management
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7724
Fax No. (505) 262-3476
Hirst, Roger P., MD
Provider ID #NM01YQ51
BlueLINK ID: 6003415
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Isaacs, Irwin J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R83
BlueLINK ID: 4199908
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Jaime, Francisco, MD
Provider ID #NM009879
BlueLINK ID: 4192050
Obstetrical anesthesiology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Jaros, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM001476
BlueLINK ID: 3271477
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Kakumanu, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM009C69
BlueLINK ID: 2397873
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Khoshyomn, Mani, MD
Provider ID #NM009S99
BlueLINK ID: 6003958
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Manne, Kishore B., MD
Provider ID #NM009C71
BlueLINK ID: 3135801
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Margel, Stephen E., DO
Provider ID #NM004041
BlueLINK ID: 2396747
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Marler, Kenneth E., MD
Provider ID #NM009H13
BlueLINK ID: 3212613
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Marquez, Raul C., MD
Provider ID #NM009H89
BlueLINK ID: 3315273
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Martin, Hugh B., MD
Provider ID #NM009E50
BlueLINK ID: 3255188
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
McCullough, Tom, MD
Provider ID #NM009C73
BlueLINK ID: 327503
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Gerstein, Neal S., MD
Provider ID #NM009U45
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Moerman, David J., MD
Provider ID #NM009C74
BlueLINK ID: 2397984
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Moore, Brian D., MD
Provider ID #NM011947
BlueLINK ID: 3135848
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Moro, Michele A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E54
BlueLINK ID: 3232579
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Nairn, Craig S., MD
Provider ID #NM009L80
BlueLINK ID: 4144975
Pain Solutions
715 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 247-9700
Fax No. (505) 247-4333
O'Brien, Timothy, MD
Provider ID #NM009C53
BlueLINK ID: 4153759
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Orr, Joanne P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C75
BlueLINK ID: 2299046
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Pace, Charles F., MD
Provider ID #NM009L89
BlueLINK ID: 6003261
Interventional pain management
Interventional Pain Specialists of NM
4824 McMahan NE, Ste. 119, 87114
(505) 898-1595
Fax No. (505) 898-0846
Pham, Lang Ha, MD
Provider ID #NM009C77
BlueLINK ID: 3397301
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Rosenthal, Valerie A., MD
Provider ID #NM009H19
BlueLINK ID: 3212603
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Singh, Jai P., MD
Provider ID #NM009M57
BlueLINK ID: 3247974
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Whittier, Steven G., MD
Provider ID #NM009C93
BlueLINK ID: 4153696
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Phillips, Joyce F., MD
Provider ID #NM009H17
BlueLINK ID: 3252577
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Rosett, Randy Layne, MD
Provider ID #NM012309
BlueLINK ID: 3135926
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Skibba, Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM009E63
BlueLINK ID: 2285265
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Whittington, John S., MD
Provider ID #NM009H86
BlueLINK ID: 4269345
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Pivar, Neil, MD
Provider ID #NM002145
BlueLINK ID: 2398029
6301 Wilmington NE, 87154
(505) 828-1455
Rubin, Jeffrey N., DO
Provider ID #NM019565
BlueLINK ID: 3281459
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Solove, Gregg J., MD
Provider ID #NM009E90
BlueLINK ID: 3135976
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Wiesel, Saul, MD
Provider ID #NM009893
BlueLINK ID: 3361592
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Rudawsky, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM013849
BlueLINK ID: 3248032
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Styka, Phillip E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M41
BlueLINK ID: 2398126
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Wilks, David H., MD
Provider ID #NM009899
BlueLINK ID: 2329725
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Sady, Stanley P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C89
BlueLINK ID: 3359958
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Szabo, Eva Erzsebet, MD
Provider ID #NM009897
BlueLINK ID: 4240005
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Wills, John H. A., MD
Provider ID #NM009906
BlueLINK ID: 3213782
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Samper, Frances M., MD
Provider ID #NM009H20
BlueLINK ID: 3135935
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Topf, Norbert, MD
Provider ID #NM009R06
BlueLINK ID: 6003414
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Woog, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C94
BlueLINK ID: 3120978
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Poteet-Schwartz, Kim L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L84
BlueLINK ID: 4273405
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Prabhakar, Kusum R., MD
Provider ID #NM002180
BlueLINK ID: 3209272
1336 Wyoming NE, Ste. F, 87112
(505) 275-2442
Primm, Polly, MD
Provider ID #NM009C79
BlueLINK ID: 3303254
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Rask, John P., MD
Provider ID #NM009R61
BlueLINK ID: 3187595
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Rave, Bruce P., MD
Provider ID #NM019602
BlueLINK ID: 3252569
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Ray, David G., MD
Provider ID #NM009S32
BlueLINK ID: 6003778
Anesthesia Associates of NM, PC
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Rice, James H., MD
Provider ID #NM009E26
BlueLINK ID: 3271491
Pain management only
SW Intervential Pain Specialists
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 700, 87111
(505) 881-5080
Fax No. (505) 872-2306
Ritchie, William J., MD
Provider ID #NM009L48
BlueLINK ID: 4169847
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Rockefeller, James J., MD
Provider ID #NM009C54
BlueLINK ID: 4173179
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Sanders, John, MD
Provider ID #NM009894
BlueLINK ID: 3375381
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Schneidmiller, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R62
BlueLINK ID: 6003551
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Scott, James C., MD
Provider ID #NM009H21
BlueLINK ID: 2149214
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Shydohub, Alexander V., MD
Provider ID #NM009H25
BlueLINK ID: 3135964
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Siegel, David W., MD
Provider ID #NM009H24
BlueLINK ID: 3222721
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Vagh, Firoz S., MD
Provider ID #NM012803
BlueLINK ID: 3136006
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Vig, Sanjiv, MD
Provider ID #NM009C91
BlueLINK ID: 4195560
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Villescas, Ernie O., MD
Provider ID #NM009H23
BlueLINK ID: 2398236
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Whalen, Thomas J., MD
Provider ID #NM029262
BlueLINK ID: 3178526
8314 Kaseman Ct. NE, 87110
(505) 246-9190
Fax No. (505) 246-9617
Whalen, Thomas J., MD
8314 Kaseman Ct. NE
(505) 246-9190
Whalen, Thomas J., MD
8314 Kaseman Ct. NE
(505) 246-9190
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Yager, Eileen, MD
Provider ID #NM003595
BlueLINK ID: 2250938
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Yeo-Lee, Siang, MD
Provider ID #NM009C95
BlueLINK ID: 4108969
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Zolyomi, Arpad, MD
Provider ID #NM009E73
BlueLINK ID: 4212129
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Zuniga, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009907
BlueLINK ID: 3358959
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Abrams, Jonathan, MD
Provider ID #NM000151
BlueLINK ID: 3214202
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
July 2005
Cochran, Paul T., MD
Provider ID #NM009U36
BlueLINK ID: 3143079
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
German, Lawrence D., MD
Provider ID #NM004276
BlueLINK ID: 2199729
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
King, Alan S., MD
Provider ID #NM001522
BlueLINK ID: 3135756
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Baker, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009H28
BlueLINK ID: 4175910
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Constanin, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM019618
BlueLINK ID: 2102526
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Guerra, Ricardo, MD
Provider ID #NM009H32
BlueLINK ID: 3367895
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Kochukoshy, Koshy N., MD
Provider ID #NM009320
BlueLINK ID: 2397895
First Choice Community Healthcare
North Valley Clinic
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 345-3244
Fax No. (505) 345-4056
Baker, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009H28
BlueLINK ID: 4175910
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa Cardiology
4801 McMahon NW, Ste. 250, 87114
(505) 727-2233
Batty, John W., MD
Provider ID #NM000247
BlueLINK ID: 3135496
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Bendersky, Ruby G., MD
Provider ID #NM009R05
BlueLINK ID: 2136610
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
DuBroff, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM012906
BlueLINK ID: 2147250
New Mexico Heart Institute
4824 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 109,
(505) 792-1137
DuBroff, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM012906
BlueLINK ID: 2147250
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Federici, Robert E., MD
Provider ID #NM009299
BlueLINK ID: 3398675
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Berman, William, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM000293
BlueLINK ID: 3143049
Pediatric Cardiology Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 700, 87106
(505) 848-3700
Fax No. (505) 848-3703
Figueredo, Vincent M., MD
Provider ID #NM009U37
BlueLINK ID: 3274705
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Blake, Kathleen, MD
Provider ID #NM000347
BlueLINK ID: 2304246
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Figueredo, Vincent, MD
Provider ID #NM009H34
BlueLINK ID: 3274705
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Bujoi, Mihaela, MD
Provider ID #NM009L68
BlueLINK ID: 4191097
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Frankis, Mary B., MD
Provider ID #NM009S03
BlueLINK ID: 4114509
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Cadman, Christopher S., MD
Provider ID #NM009R16
BlueLINK ID: 4115717
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Fax No. (505) 262-7870
Cadman, Christopher S., MD
Provider ID #NM004708
BlueLINK ID: 4115717
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Charlton, Gerald Anthony, MD
Provider ID #NM003529
BlueLINK ID: 4132746
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
July 2005
Funk, Erik J., MD
Provider ID #NM009S06
BlueLINK ID: 3218220
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2931
Garcia, Ignacio, MD
Provider ID #NM001008
BlueLINK ID: 3143131
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 235,
(800) 228-1917
Garcia, Ignacio, MD
Provider ID #NM001008
BlueLINK ID: 3143131
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
715 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, Ste. 101,
(505) 248-1800
Gurule, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM002723
BlueLINK ID: 3225039
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 235,
(800) 228-1917
Gurule, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM002723
BlueLINK ID: 3225039
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
715 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, Ste. 101,
(505) 248-1800
Hoffman, Irwin, MD
Provider ID #NM009R87
BlueLINK ID: 3252072
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Fax No. (505) 262-7870
Holmes, Gerard, MD
Provider ID #NM013650
BlueLINK ID: 3249357
Pediatric Cardiology Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 700, 87106
(505) 848-3700
Fax No. (505) 848-3703
Kochukoshy, Koshy N., MD
Provider ID #NM009E77
BlueLINK ID: 2397895
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
Kuo, Lawrence, MD
Provider ID #NM009H30
BlueLINK ID: 5009484
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7110
Kuo, Lawrence, MD
Provider ID #NM009H30
BlueLINK ID: 5009484
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa Cardiology
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 250,
(505) 727-2233
Laskey, Warren K., MD
Provider ID #NM009U24
BlueLINK ID: 2330371
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Icenogle, Milton V., MD
Provider ID #NM003953
BlueLINK ID: 3367123
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Leach, John, MD
Provider ID #NM003804
BlueLINK ID: 3213811
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
Ierides, Loutsios K., MD
Provider ID #NM009285
BlueLINK ID: 2397865
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
715 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, Ste. 101,
(505) 248-1800
Liem, L. Bing, DO
Provider ID #NM004A60
BlueLINK ID: 6003418
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Jutila, Charlotte K., MD
Provider ID #NM011442
BlueLINK ID: 2397870
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Lovekin, William S., MD
Provider ID #NM001671
BlueLINK ID: 2397936
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Kedia, Anita, MD
Provider ID #NM009R22
BlueLINK ID: 6003465
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Fax No. (505) 262-7870
Kim, Charles, MD
Provider ID #NM009H29
BlueLINK ID: 3396963
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lueker, Richard D., MD
Provider ID #NM013274
BlueLINK ID: 2397939
New Heart, Inc.
601 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 881-8195
Fax No. (505) 830-4975
Madera, George J., MD
Provider ID #NM009M99
BlueLINK ID: 2192081
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Allen, Kathleen M., MD
Provider ID #NM014736
BlueLINK ID: 3327702
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Madonna, John T., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009M39
BlueLINK ID: 4137160
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Sandoval, Anthony B., MD
Provider ID #NM022954
BlueLINK ID: 3227822
New Mexico Heart
1101 Medical Arts NE, Bldg. 3, 87102
(505) 842-8321
Fax No. (505) 247-0368
Mowry, Frank, MD
Provider ID #NM001966
BlueLINK ID: 2398034
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Sheldon, Mark W., MD
Provider ID #NM009414
BlueLINK ID: 4245633
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Orchard, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM004982
BlueLINK ID: 4205374
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Taylor, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009173
BlueLINK ID: 4109679
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Ortiz-Palmer, Elizabeth, MD
Provider ID #NM013477
BlueLINK ID: 3271489
New Mexico Heart
1101 Medical Arts NE, Bldg. 5, 87102
(505) 842-8321
Fax No. (505) 247-0368
Osborn, Larry, MD
Provider ID #NM003810
BlueLINK ID: 3214208
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Piatek, Marek Z., MD
Provider ID #NM009S52
BlueLINK ID: 6003856
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Timm, Thomas Craig, MD
Provider ID #NM003818
BlueLINK ID: 3319527
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Vaidya, Kedernath A., MD
Provider ID #NM009326
BlueLINK ID: 4235083
New Mexico Heart Institute
1001 Coal Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 224-7033
Vos, Evert, MD
Provider ID #NM009M68
BlueLINK ID: 6003233
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
Raisher, Bradley D., MD
Provider ID #NM000953
BlueLINK ID: 3339708
Pediatric Cardiology Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 700, 87106
(505) 848-3700
Fax No. (505) 848-3703
Waldman, Jon Deane, MD
Provider ID #NM003597
BlueLINK ID: 2189506
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Raizada, Veena, MD
Provider ID #NM003834
BlueLINK ID: 3173186
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
West, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009H31
BlueLINK ID: 3222696
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Ramo, Barry W., MD
Provider ID #NM002235
BlueLINK ID: 3135899
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
White, Harvey J., MD
Provider ID #NM012913
BlueLINK ID: 2389851
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Ratliff, D. Michelle, MD
Provider ID #NM009U47
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Yabek, Steven M., MD
Provider ID #NM003064
BlueLINK ID: 2398279
Pediatric Cardiology Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 700, 87106
(505) 848-3700
Fax No. (505) 848-3703
Roldan, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM003546
BlueLINK ID: 3396127
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Zeman, Howard S., MD
Provider ID #NM001599
BlueLINK ID: 3285634
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Cardiovascular Surgery
Deane, William M., MD
Provider ID #NM000686
BlueLINK ID: 3143102
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Gerety, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM001037
BlueLINK ID: 3135652
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Walji, Salim M., MD
Provider ID #NM013497
BlueLINK ID: 3269371
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Abbott, William C., MD
Provider ID #NM010130
BlueLINK ID: 2396816
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 203,
(505) 884-6742
Fax No. (505) 884-6845
Dudley, Calvin, MD
Provider ID #NM010744
BlueLINK ID: 2397727
NM Colon & Rectal Surgery
500 Walter NE, Ste. 510, 87102
(505) 243-3514
Williams, James B., II, MD
Provider ID #NM013343
BlueLINK ID: 3216362
NM Colon & Rectal Surgery
500 Walter NE, Ste. 510, 87102
(505) 246-8283
Bang, Ran, MD
Provider ID #NM004758
BlueLINK ID: 4177290
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6222
Barkoff, Joel R., MD
Provider ID #NM000212
BlueLINK ID: 2397149
Albuquerque Dermatology Associates
4610 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 872-4700
Fax No. (505) 872-4709
Bommelaere, Gary L., MD
Provider ID #NM004730
BlueLINK ID: 2397434
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6222
Carey, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L30
BlueLINK ID: 8281078
Albuquerque Dermatology Associates
4610 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 872-4700
Fax No. (505) 872-4709
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Chapman, William G., MD
Provider ID #NM000511
BlueLINK ID: 3246813
Dermatology Consultants of
8316 Kaseman Ct. NE, 87110
(505) 292-5850
Connolly, Sky B., MD
Provider ID #NM009032
BlueLINK ID: 4123038
Albuquerque Dermatology Associates
4610 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 872-4700
Fax No. (505) 872-4709
Davis, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009D88
BlueLINK ID: 4175017
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Dermatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7097
Einhorn, Barbara L., MD
Provider ID #NM010266
BlueLINK ID: 3389348
Western Dermatology Consultants
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 100, 87109
(505) 855-5503
Fax No. (505) 855-5533
Einhorn, Barbara L., MD
Provider ID #NM010266
BlueLINK ID: 3389348
Western Dermatology Consultants
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 270,
(505) 897-1313
Fax No. (505) 897-2323
Flandermeyer, Kenneth L., MD
Provider ID #NM000902
BlueLINK ID: 2397765
7520 Montgomery NE, Ste. D4, 87109
(505) 881-0088
Fax No. (505) 881-8839
Fleischmann, Heidi E., MD
Provider ID #NM009D91
BlueLINK ID: 2151316
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Dermatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7097
Glass, Leslie A., MD
Provider ID #NM013112
BlueLINK ID: 3135654
Western Dermatology Consultants
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 100, 87109
(505) 855-5503
Fax No. (505) 855-5533
Glass, Leslie A., MD
Provider ID #NM013112
BlueLINK ID: 3135654
Western Dermatology Consultants
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 270,
(505) 897-1313
Fax No. (505) 897-2323
Harper, Kenneth E., MD
Provider ID #NM011225
BlueLINK ID: 3143153
New Mexico Dermatology Associates
7520 Montgomery NE, Ste. D5, 87109
(505) 884-7070
Harville, Donald D., MD
Provider ID #NM001227
BlueLINK ID: 2397818
8200 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 299-4414
Harville, Donald D., MD
Provider ID #NM009U50
BlueLINK ID: 2397818
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6000
July 2005
Smith, Edgar Ben, MD
Provider ID #NM004952
BlueLINK ID: 2321916
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6222
Jester, Beth A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R57
BlueLINK ID: 4179643
Dermatology Consultants of
8316 Kaseman Ct. NE, 87110
(505) 292-5850
Fax No. (505) 292-9724
Strange, Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM009982
BlueLINK ID: 3104457
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Mason, William Van H., MD
Provider ID #NM001781
BlueLINK ID: 3135817
200 Oak St. NE, 87106
(505) 842-1904
Fax No. (505) 842-4210
Strange, Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM004953
BlueLINK ID: 3104457
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6222
McKay, Marilynne B., MD
Provider ID #NM009D74
BlueLINK ID: 3140617
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Dermatology
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-7097
Thompson, Matthew, MD
Provider ID #NM009D90
BlueLINK ID: 4201529
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Dermatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7097
Mills, Sara A., MD
Provider ID #NM013368
BlueLINK ID: 3384794
Western Dermatology Consultants
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 100, 87109
(505) 855-5503
Fax No. (505) 855-5533
Willis, William F., MD
Provider ID #NM003002
BlueLINK ID: 3136042
New Mexico Dermatology Associates
7520 Montgomery NE, Ste. D5, 87109
(505) 884-7070
Mills, Sara A., MD
Provider ID #NM013368
BlueLINK ID: 3384794
Western Dermatology Consultants
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 270,
(505) 897-1313
Fax No. (505) 897-2323
Muscarella, Vincent A., MD
Provider ID #NM001997
BlueLINK ID: 3135857
Albuquerque Center for Dermatology
8100 Constitution NE, Ste. 3100,
(505) 293-5333
Padilla, R. Steven, MD
Provider ID #NM009981
BlueLINK ID: 3214206
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Padilla, R. Steven, MD
Provider ID #NM003825
BlueLINK ID: 3214206
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6222
Robison, J. Wendall, MD
Provider ID #NM002305
BlueLINK ID: 3135914
8400 Osuna NE, Ste. 3A, 87111
(505) 271-1866
Schneider, Brenda K., MD
Provider ID #NM009S75
BlueLINK ID: 6003912
Dermatology Consultants of
8316 Kaseman Ct. NE, 87110
(505) 292-5850
Fax No. (505) 292-9724
July 2005
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Beauchamp, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM009K07
BlueLINK ID: 3167378
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Otolaryngology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7905
Bennett, Erica C., MD
Provider ID #NM009S60
BlueLINK ID: 4269724
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Escudero, Ronald J., MD
Provider ID #NM003068
BlueLINK ID: 3282564
4100 Wolcott NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 855-5500
Fax No. (505) 855-5501
Fiber, Frederick M., MD
Provider ID #NM011153
BlueLINK ID: 2397763
New Mexico Ear, Nose and Throat
500 Walter NE, Ste. 210, 87102
(505) 243-8030
Fax No. (505) 842-1158
Gerencer, Roland Z., MD
Provider ID #NM024902
BlueLINK ID: 4196306
New Mexico Ear, Nose and Throat
500 Walter NE, Ste. 210, 87102
(505) 243-8030
Fax No. (505) 842-1158
Horn, Karl L., MD
Provider ID #NM001310
BlueLINK ID: 2146563
Albuquerque Otolaryngology
415 Cedar SE, 87106
(505) 224-7610
Fax No. (505) 224-7619
Lowell, Seth, MD
Provider ID #NM009D96
BlueLINK ID: 2265513
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Otolaryngology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7905
Matteucci, Raymond C., MD
Provider ID #NM004886
BlueLINK ID: 2397956
Albuquerque Otolaryngology
415 Cedar SE, 87106
(505) 224-7610
Fax No. (505) 224-7619
Silver, Harris, MD
Provider ID #NM019690
BlueLINK ID: 4100024
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Otolaryngology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7905
Sokol, Donald Z., MD
Provider ID #NM004722
BlueLINK ID: 4154881
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Spafford, Michael F., MD
Provider ID #NM004872
BlueLINK ID: 4156858
University Physicians Associates
Cancer Research Treatment Center
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Miller, Timothy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009U07
BlueLINK ID: 6003978
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Spafford, Michael F., MD
Provider ID #NM004872
BlueLINK ID: 4156858
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Morrison, Daniel Henry, MD
Provider ID #NM009E12
BlueLINK ID: 3286497
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Tipirmeni, Ajit, MD
Provider ID #NM009D95
BlueLINK ID: 4263317
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Otolaryngology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7905
Nagel, Barry D., MD
Provider ID #NM003124
BlueLINK ID: 3143253
Albuquerque Otolaryngology
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 302, 87106
(505) 224-7727
Fax No. (505) 224-7991
Wasylenki, Eugene W., MD
Provider ID #NM012885
BlueLINK ID: 2398255
New Mexico Ear, Nose and Throat
500 Walter NE, Ste. 210, 87102
(505) 243-8030
Fax No. (505) 842-1158
Neal, G. David, MD
Provider ID #NM009K08
BlueLINK ID: 2319803
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Otolaryngology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7905
Olson, Garth Trygve, MD
Provider ID #NM009588
BlueLINK ID: 4214066
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Pickett, Bradley P., MD
Provider ID #NM009759
BlueLINK ID: 4124691
Southwestern ENT Associates
1628 Alameda NW, 87114
(505) 890-5900
Fax No. (505) 890-6587
Raterink, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM019Q04
BlueLINK ID: 6003531
2741 Indian School Rd. NE, 87106
(505) 255-8682
Fax No. (505) 254-4985
Ray, Allyson M., MD
Provider ID #NM002015
BlueLINK ID: 412810
Albuquerque Otolaryngology
1020 Tijeras NE, Ste. 22, 87106
(505) 848-3124
Fax No. (505) 848-8077
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Icken, James, MD
Provider ID #NM009D89
BlueLINK ID: 2253759
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Dermatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7097
Emergency Medicine
Agostini, Irene, MD
Provider ID #NM003941
BlueLINK ID: 3222747
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Arguelles, Carlos A., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4269679
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Binder, Douglas S., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4132382
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Braude, Darren A., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4191278
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Brillman, Judith, MD
Provider ID #NM003864
BlueLINK ID: 2152843
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Cheney, Paul R., MD
Provider ID #NM003848
BlueLINK ID: 3252567
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Lemke, Don W., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3143215
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2241
Tandberg, W. Dan, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3210727
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Crandall, Cameron S., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3399566
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Macias, Darryl, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3285876
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Wachter, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4145224
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Doezema, David, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 2397720
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
McLaughlin, Steven, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4166659
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Doyle, M. France, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 2125769
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2241
Nufer, Kevin, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4203186
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Ernst, Amy, MD
Provider ID #NM009R31
BlueLINK ID: 3235560
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Richards, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4220141
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Hauswald, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM003896
BlueLINK ID: 3212622
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Rimple, Diane, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4149040
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Hazen, Justin L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S68
BlueLINK ID: 4323863
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Roth, Paul B., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3212563
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Huyler, Frank, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4204406
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Sapien, Robert E., MD
Provider ID #NM003863
BlueLINK ID: 3223413
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Kay, Laura S., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4124200
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Keisling, Doreen Teoh, MD
Provider ID #NM009U72
BlueLINK ID: 4222457
Pediatric emergency medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Kresovich, Kimberly A., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3324016
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Sklar, David P., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3212556
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Slishman, Samuel Hans, MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 4202958
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Small, Maureen D., MD
Provider ID #NM007471
BlueLINK ID: 3320641
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Weiss, Steven J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R30
BlueLINK ID: 3225180
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Wilson, Lance, MD
Provider ID #NM009U64
BlueLINK ID: 4225033
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Wilson-Ramirez, Gina, MD
Provider ID #NM009U65
BlueLINK ID: 4236217
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Boyle, Patrick J., MD
Provider ID #NM003787
BlueLINK ID: 3222743
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Burge, Mark R., MD
Provider ID #NM003938
BlueLINK ID: 3361078
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Colleran, Kathleen M., MD
Provider ID #NM004704
BlueLINK ID: 4123430
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5062
Edwards, Terry, MD
Provider ID #NM009D94
BlueLINK ID: 2150732
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Endocrinology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7455
Ferraro, Robert T., MD
Provider ID #NM003137
BlueLINK ID: 3325679
SW Endocrinology Associates
4600 Jefferson NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 872-1002
Fax No. (505) 888-3708
Gleeson, Jeremy, MD
Provider ID #NM009D92
BlueLINK ID: 3120376
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Endocrinology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7455
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Greger, Nancy Gay, MD
Provider ID #NM009598
BlueLINK ID: 3117308
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Kapsner, Patricia, MD
Provider ID #NM001470
BlueLINK ID: 3212637
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Schade, David S., MD
Provider ID #NM002456
BlueLINK ID: 3212626
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Scott, Susan M., MD
Provider ID #NM003884
BlueLINK ID: 3213815
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Seibel, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM002487
BlueLINK ID: 3135953
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 502, 87106
(505) 224-7700
Sood, Vidushi, MD
Provider ID #NM009551
BlueLINK ID: 4239315
Patients over age 18
SW Endocrinology Associates
4600 Jefferson NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 872-1002
Fax No. (505) 888-3708
Terlecki, Marta, MD
Provider ID #NM009D93
BlueLINK ID: 3287146
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Endocrinology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7455
Family Practice
Bachofer, Sally, MD
Provider ID #NM009M76
BlueLINK ID: 3135483
Hereditary cancer assessment
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
McConnell, William L., MD
Provider ID #NM019S20
BlueLINK ID: 3143235
7000 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 344-9478
McGrew, Christopher A., MD
Provider ID #NM003726
BlueLINK ID: 3253398
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2140
Mody, Sapan V., MD
Provider ID #NM009R76
BlueLINK ID: 6003579
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9599
July 2005
Mody, Sapan V., MD
Provider ID #NM009R76
BlueLINK ID: 6003579
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5151
Rodriguez, Magda, MD
Provider ID #NM003621
BlueLINK ID: 3270037
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Roth, Paul B., MD
Provider ID #NM002356
BlueLINK ID: 3212563
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Rothman, Emily, DO
Provider ID #NM004A55
BlueLINK ID: 4266886
Special interest in pregnancy
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C-2, 87102
(505) 242-7512
Fax No. (505) 242-0540
Shelley, Brian M., MD
Provider ID #NM009701
BlueLINK ID: 4238558
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2700
Umland, Berthold E., MD
Provider ID #NM009684
BlueLINK ID: 2142334
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 268-4350
Yates, Isaure E., MD
Provider ID #NM019G34
BlueLINK ID: 3305446
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Nursing Home Department
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
Adams, Gabrielle, MD
Provider ID #NM001949
BlueLINK ID: 3358596
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Agarwal, Vijay P., MD
Provider ID #NM003258
BlueLINK ID: 2158580
Albuquerque Gastroenterology
200 Oak St. NE, Ste. 3, 87106
(505) 766-5471
Fax No. (505) 766-6889
July 2005
Agarwal, Vijay P., MD
Provider ID #NM003258
BlueLINK ID: 2158580
Albuquerque Gastroenterology
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 235,
(505) 890-6609
Fax No. (505) 766-6883
Alcorn, Joseph M., MD
Provider ID #NM003784
BlueLINK ID: 3274241
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Arora, Sanjeev, MD
Provider ID #NM003948
BlueLINK ID: 2298019
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Barakat, Jehad, MD
Provider ID #NM009R36
BlueLINK ID: 6003498
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Bettinger, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM000306
BlueLINK ID: 3227745
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Bettinger, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM000306
BlueLINK ID: 3227745
SW Gastroenterology Associates
8020 Constitution NE, 87111
(505) 293-5505
Burdon, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM000426
BlueLINK ID: 3135541
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Burdon, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM000426
BlueLINK ID: 3135541
SW Gastroenterology Associates
8401 Constitution NE, Ste. E, 87110
(505) 293-5986
Danemann, Hershel A., MD
Provider ID #NM009596
BlueLINK ID: 2397705
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
DeFlice, John, MD
Provider ID #NM009K03
BlueLINK ID: 3143101
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Gastroenterology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7174
Dunkelberg, Jeffrey C., MD
Provider ID #NM009K04
BlueLINK ID: 3305239
Lovelace Medical Center
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
Dunkelberg, Jeffrey C., MD
Provider ID #NM009M27
BlueLINK ID: 3305239
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Dunkelberg, Jeffrey C., MD
Provider ID #NM009H74
BlueLINK ID: 3305239
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Fahl, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM004896
BlueLINK ID: 2241671
Pediatric Gastroenterology of NM
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 7, 87102
(505) 842-6601
Fahl, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM004896
BlueLINK ID: 2241671
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Gavin, Michael W., MD
Provider ID #NM013949
BlueLINK ID: 2200013
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Gastroenterology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7174
Gogel, Howard K., MD
Provider ID #NM001124
BlueLINK ID: 3135659
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Gogel, Howard K., MD
Provider ID #NM001124
BlueLINK ID: 3135659
SW Gastroenterology Associates
8401 Constitution NE, Ste. E, 87110
(505) 293-5986
Jakiche, Antoine F., MD
Provider ID #NM009S08
BlueLINK ID: 4132101
Patients over age 17
Southwest Gastroenterology
Associates, PC
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8039
Fax No. (505) 563-8012
Jakiche, Antoine F., MD
Provider ID #NM009S08
BlueLINK ID: 4132101
Patients over age 17
Southwest Gastroenterology
Associates, PC
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 563-8039
Fax No. (505) 563-8012
Jakiche, Antoine F., MD
Provider ID #NM009M65
BlueLINK ID: 4132101
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4756
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Kistin, Martin, MD
Provider ID #NM011511
BlueLINK ID: 2397889
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Mody, Sapan V., MD
Provider ID #NM009R76
BlueLINK ID: 6003579
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Fax No. (505) 858-0030
Klein, Martin S., MD
Provider ID #NM001533
BlueLINK ID: 3135760
Digestive Disease Consultants, PC
Maytag Bldg., Presbyterian Hosp.
1001 Silver SE, Ste. 200, 87106
(505) 224-7000
Lynn, Robert M., MD
Provider ID #NM001689
BlueLINK ID: 3135797
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Martinez, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM001752
BlueLINK ID: 3284182
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 702, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Martinez, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM001752
BlueLINK ID: 3284182
SW Gastroenterology Associates
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 727-6776
Fax No. (505) 727-6794
Mason, Andrew C., MD
Provider ID #NM009284
BlueLINK ID: 4210325
Patients over age 18
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Mason, Andrew C., MD
Provider ID #NM009284
BlueLINK ID: 4210325
Patients over age 18
SW Gastroenterology Associates
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 727-6776
Fax No. (505) 727-6794
McCarthy, Denis M., MD
Provider ID #NM009U69
BlueLINK ID: 3212615
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Mojtahed, Hossein, MD
Provider ID #NM011883
BlueLINK ID: 3359831
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Mojtahed, Hossein, MD
Provider ID #NM011883
BlueLINK ID: 3359831
SW Gastroenterology Associates
8020 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 243-8018
Fax No. (505) 843-6075
Parasher, Gulshan, MD
Provider ID #NM009E11
BlueLINK ID: 4276322
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4755
Pierce, Paul E., MD
Provider ID #NM002148
BlueLINK ID: 3135887
Digestive Disease Consultants, PC
Maytag Bldg., Presbyterian Hosp.
1001 Silver SE, Ste. 200, 87106
(505) 224-7000
Qaseem, Tahir, MD
Provider ID #NM009837
BlueLINK ID: 4187656
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Rose, Edward L., MD
Provider ID #NM003986
BlueLINK ID: 3212629
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Roy, Praveen K., MD
Provider ID #NM009U05
BlueLINK ID: 4324651
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Soni, Anurag, MD
Provider ID #NM009643
BlueLINK ID: 4247551
Albuquerque Gastroenterology
200 Oak St. NE, Ste. 1, 87106
(505) 766-5471
Fax No. (505) 766-6883
Spector, Monroe H., MD
Provider ID #NM009M29
BlueLINK ID: 2398114
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Spector, Monroe H., MD
Provider ID #NM004289
BlueLINK ID: 2398114
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
General Practice
Middleton, H. Huson, III, MD
Provider ID #NM009635
BlueLINK ID: 3209296
Nursing home residents
Geriatrics Associates, PC
5353 Wyoming NE, Ste. 5, 87109
(505) 858-1222
Fax No. (505) 858-1224
General Surgery
Gibel, Lawrence, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM003771
BlueLINK ID: 3210735
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Abbott, William C., MD
Provider ID #NM010130
BlueLINK ID: 2396816
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 203,
(505) 884-6742
Fax No. (505) 884-6845
Gooden, Michael A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R11
BlueLINK ID: 6003430
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Fax No. (505) 262-7371
Arredondo, H. David, MD
Provider ID #NM000155
BlueLINK ID: 2396828
715 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, Ste. 312,
(505) 246-0164
Fax No. (505) 246-0166
Azzie, Georges R., MD
Provider ID #NM009C31
BlueLINK ID: 4273388
Pediatric surgery
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Bowers, E. Diane, MD
Provider ID #NM009G24
BlueLINK ID: 3271026
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Brown, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C56
BlueLINK ID: 4183195
Patients over age 12
NM Colon & Rectal Surgery
500 Walter NE, Ste. 510, 87102
(505) 243-3514
Fax No. (505) 243-3451
Strickland, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009M30
BlueLINK ID: 3143324
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Chun, Karen, MD
Provider ID #NM004818
BlueLINK ID: 3364577
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5913
Strickland, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM003817
BlueLINK ID: 3143324
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Davis, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009586
BlueLINK ID: 4252813
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Volpicelli, Nicholas A., MD
Provider ID #NM002862
BlueLINK ID: 2398239
Digestive Disease Consultants, PC
Maytag Bldg., Presbyterian Hosp.
1001 Silver SE, Ste. 200, 87106
(505) 224-7000
Demarest, Gerald B., MD
Provider ID #NM004706
BlueLINK ID: 3213790
Trauma/critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Weiss, Barry, MD
Provider ID #NM009K06
BlueLINK ID: 3107839
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Gastroenterology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7174
Fry, Donald E., MD
Provider ID #NM003769
BlueLINK ID: 3246460
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Heywood, Glenroy, MD
Provider ID #NM009721
BlueLINK ID: 4187684
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Heywood, Glenroy, MD
Provider ID #NM009609
BlueLINK ID: 4187684
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6612
Hill, Carey Sue, MD
Provider ID #NM009E33
BlueLINK ID: 4269681
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Howdieshell, Thomas R., MD
Provider ID #NM009912
BlueLINK ID: 3129802
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Kwiatkowski, Linda D., MD
Provider ID #NM019288
BlueLINK ID: 4189538
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Last, Reuben E., MD
Provider ID #NM013093
BlueLINK ID: 4162298
2746 San Joaquin SE, 87106
(505) 615-8878
Fax No. (505) 524-2655
Lemon, David, MD
Provider ID #NM012164
BlueLINK ID: 2390232
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5913
Lopez, Joseph P., MD
Provider ID #NM011699
BlueLINK ID: 3135789
Vascular surgery
New Mexico Surgical Associates
711 Encino Pl. NE, 87102
(505) 843-7901
Fax No. (505) 843-6384
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lovato, Richard G., MD
Provider ID #NM004880
BlueLINK ID: 4196447
New Mexico Surgical Associates
711 Encino Pl. NE, 87102
(505) 843-7901
Fax No. (505) 843-6384
Lowe, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM011673
BlueLINK ID: 3143226
New Mexico Surgical Associates
711 Encino Pl. NE, 87102
(505) 843-7901
Fax No. (505) 843-6384
Lu, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM009135
BlueLINK ID: 4226399
Trauma/critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Massen, Richard J., MD
Provider ID #NM019L11
BlueLINK ID: 4219824
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Sandia Surgical Consultants
500 Walter NE, Ste. 406, 87102
(505) 727-4044
Fax No. (505) 727-4046
Mathis, Bruce V., MD
Provider ID #NM009S72
BlueLINK ID: 4301238
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Matteson, Brian, MD
Provider ID #NM009833
BlueLINK ID: 4213483
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Morris, Shari L., MD
Provider ID #NM009G37
BlueLINK ID: 4209825
Perez Surgical Care
201 Cedar NE, Ste. 304, 87106
(505) 224-7874
Fax No. (505) 224-7559
Nelson, Michael T., MD
Provider ID #NM009E55
BlueLINK ID: 3305777
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Peloso, Ole Anthony, MD
Provider ID #NM012133
BlueLINK ID: 2398024
Practice limited to phlebotomy
Vein Center of New Mexico
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C-12, 87102
(505) 247-4849
Fax No. (505) 247-4850
Perez, Timothy W., MD
Provider ID #NM013494
BlueLINK ID: 4107918
Perez Surgical Care
201 Cedar NE, Ste. 304, 87106
(505) 224-7545
Fax No. (505) 224-7559
July 2005
Wallace, Anne M., MD
Provider ID #NM009R93
BlueLINK ID: 4318242
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Knoefel, Janice Emma, MD
Provider ID #NM003553
BlueLINK ID: 2154942
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Graham, Susan B., MD
Provider ID #NM001085
BlueLINK ID: 3293889
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 102,
(505) 884-9488
Reddy, Gopal K. N., MD
Provider ID #NM002254
BlueLINK ID: 3143267
500 Walter NE, Ste. 204, 87102
(505) 842-5518
Fax No. (505) 247-8509
Westbury, Daniel B., MD
Provider ID #NM009457
BlueLINK ID: 4211537
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
McCabe, Melvina, MD
Provider ID #NM001837
BlueLINK ID: 3143234
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Halverson, Cordell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009023
BlueLINK ID: 2397813
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 425-3569
Russell, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM009M70
BlueLINK ID: 2364907
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Schermer, Carol, MD
Provider ID #NM004720
BlueLINK ID: 4144521
Trauma/critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Woods, R. John, MD
Provider ID #NM003025
BlueLINK ID: 3136048
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 8, 87102
(505) 243-4189
Fax No. (505) 766-6820
Wright, Jean, MD
Provider ID #NM009G29
BlueLINK ID: 3236761
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Seedman, Susan A., MD
Provider ID #NM010758
BlueLINK ID: 2398088
Breast surgery
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 16, 87102
(505) 248-1518
Fax No. (505) 248-1610
Yates, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009G30
BlueLINK ID: 3250631
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Smith, Linda Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM012617
BlueLINK ID: 3135973
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 330,
(505) 828-0404
Fax No. (505) 797-2850
Yates, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009G30
BlueLINK ID: 3250631
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa General Surgery Clinic
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 210,
(505) 727-2110
Strawn, Dale J., MD
Provider ID #NM009G25
BlueLINK ID: 2147952
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Syme, William C., MD
Provider ID #NM009G26
BlueLINK ID: 3252575
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Terry, Maria L., MD
Provider ID #NM009417
BlueLINK ID: 4220977
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Thomas, Marguerite J., MD
Provider ID #NM009G28
BlueLINK ID: 3214594
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Thomas, Marguerite J., MD
Provider ID #NM009G28
BlueLINK ID: 3214594
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa General Surgery Clinic
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 210,
(505) 727-2110
July 2005
Beck, Amanda, MD
Provider ID #NM003636
BlueLINK ID: 3234972
Patients over age 55
University Physicians Associates
Medical Arts Center
1101 Medical Arts Ave. NE, Bldg. 2,
(505) 272-6110
Ganga, Lakshmi, MD
Provider ID #NM000989
BlueLINK ID: 3135645
Patients over age 18
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 480,
(505) 821-0321
Fax No. (505) 821-0662
Herman, Carla, MD
Provider ID #NM003626
BlueLINK ID: 3276671
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Kitzes, Judith Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM009E30
BlueLINK ID: 4222380
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4761
Piñon, Suzanne M., MD
Provider ID #NM010580
BlueLINK ID: 4134849
Patients age 55 and over
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Qaseem, Sandra, MD
Provider ID #NM009U28
BlueLINK ID: 6004135
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Romero, Linda, MD
Provider ID #NM000231
BlueLINK ID: 3214217
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
Westside Family & Senior Health
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-6082
Simpson, Anne R., MD
Provider ID #NM004764
BlueLINK ID: 4175455
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Gynecological Oncology
Ampuero, Francisco, MD
Provider ID #NM000149
BlueLINK ID: 2396823
Gyn-oncology only
SW Gynecology & Oncology
St. Joseph Towers
500 Walter NE, Ste. 508, 87102
(505) 843-7813
Fax No. (505) 843-6947
Ritcher, Nick, MD
Provider ID #NM002273
BlueLINK ID: 2323426
Gyn-oncology only
SW Gynecology & Oncology
St. Joseph Towers
500 Walter NE, Ste. 508, 87102
(505) 843-7813
Fax No. (505) 843-6947
Carmona, Consuelo, MD
Provider ID #NM000538
BlueLINK ID: 3212596
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Jamison, Shauna F., MD
Provider ID #NM014846
BlueLINK ID: 3222736
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
719 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 268-4350
Reuss, Mary L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L79
BlueLINK ID: 2145630
Gynecology only, no obstetrics
Southwest Women's Sonography
4600 Montgomery NE, Ste. A105,
(505) 875-1583
Fax No. (505) 830-2023
Reuss, Mary L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L58
BlueLINK ID: 2145630
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 242-9743
Rogers, Rebecca G., MD
Provider ID #NM004909
BlueLINK ID: 4133230
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 268-4350
Williams, Karen A., MD
Provider ID #NM002971
BlueLINK ID: 3136039
883 Lead SE, Ste. A, 87102
(505) 843-7131
Hand Surgery
Baack, Brett, MD
Provider ID #NM003761
BlueLINK ID: 3271500
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Bernstein, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM001823
BlueLINK ID: 3248425
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Cheema, Tahseen A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E43
BlueLINK ID: 2128002
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Cuadros, C. Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM000545
BlueLINK ID: 3214596
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E1, 87102
(505) 243-7670
Pitcher, David E., MD
Provider ID #NM003905
BlueLINK ID: 3334436
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Mikola, Elizabeth A., MD
Provider ID #NM009612
BlueLINK ID: 4188504
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Moneim, Moheb S., MD
Provider ID #NM000993
BlueLINK ID: 3135844
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Veitch, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM009E40
BlueLINK ID: 2398222
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Head and Neck Surgery
Olson, Garth Trygve, MD
Provider ID #NM009588
BlueLINK ID: 4214066
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Agbemadzo, Bernard M., MD
Provider ID #NM009F67
BlueLINK ID: 4263403
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Ampuero, Francisco, MD
Provider ID #NM000149
BlueLINK ID: 2396823
Gyn-oncology only
SW Gynecology & Oncology
St. Joseph Towers
500 Walter NE, Ste. 508, 87102
(505) 843-7813
Fax No. (505) 843-6947
Binder, Mitchell, MD
Provider ID #NM009K12
BlueLINK ID: 2333147
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Butros, Linda J., MD
Provider ID #NM009S29
BlueLINK ID: 4300395
Pediatrics hematology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Clark, Douglas A., MD
Provider ID #NM004641
BlueLINK ID: 3246467
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Duncan, Paul R., MD
Provider ID #NM010778
BlueLINK ID: 3135604
Hematology-Oncology Associates
1001 Coal Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 938-5858
Fax No. (505) 938-5859
Frost, Jami Dalene, MD
Provider ID #NM003544
BlueLINK ID: 3392037
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Giudice, Richard O., MD
Provider ID #NM001035
BlueLINK ID: 3287706
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Haskins, Clark E., MD
Provider ID #NM001231
BlueLINK ID: 3135698
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Heideman, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM009852
BlueLINK ID: 4151402
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hochman, Ronald N., MD
Provider ID #NM009R72
BlueLINK ID: 6003570
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Hromas, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E87
BlueLINK ID: 2102830
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Hromas, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E86
BlueLINK ID: 2102830
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5837
Lee, Fa-Chyi, MD
Provider ID #NM004876
BlueLINK ID: 4150030
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5837
Liebmann, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM003666
BlueLINK ID: 3389693
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Lin, James T., MD
Provider ID #NM009M36
BlueLINK ID: 3266400
Patients age 18 and above
Hematology-Oncology Associates
1001 Coal Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 938-5858
Fax No. (505) 938-5859
Lyons, C. Rick, MD
Provider ID #NM009713
BlueLINK ID: 3349316
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Mangalik, Aroop, MD
Provider ID #NM009714
BlueLINK ID: 2397953
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Royce, Melanie E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M67
BlueLINK ID: 4166081
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Marshall, Natalie A., MD
Provider ID #NM009558
BlueLINK ID: 3370777
Patients over age 18
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Royce, Melanie E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M69
BlueLINK ID: 4166081
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Mathew, Prasad, MD
Provider ID #NM004779
BlueLINK ID: 3234867
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
McAneny, Barbara, MD
Provider ID #NM001832
BlueLINK ID: 3135820
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
McKinnell, James Vance, MD
Provider ID #NM009599
BlueLINK ID: 4253755
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Merin, Jan M., MD
Provider ID #NM034518
BlueLINK ID: 3375740
New Mexico Oncology Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Fax No. (505) 246-0684
Purdy, Malcolm H., MD
Provider ID #NM014805
BlueLINK ID: 3345629
Hematology-Oncology Associates
1001 Coal Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 938-5858
Fax No. (505) 938-5859
Rabinowitz, Ian, MD
Provider ID #NM009715
BlueLINK ID: 4152292
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Reichard, Kaaren K., MD
Provider ID #NM009H90
BlueLINK ID: 4292301
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Ritcher, Nick, MD
Provider ID #NM002273
BlueLINK ID: 2323426
Gyn-oncology only
SW Gynecology & Oncology
St. Joseph Towers
500 Walter NE, Ste. 508, 87102
(505) 843-7813
Fax No. (505) 843-6947
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Saiki, John H., MD
Provider ID #NM002396
BlueLINK ID: 3143291
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Sanchez, P. Lorraine, MD
Provider ID #NM013370
BlueLINK ID: 3386527
Hematology-Oncology Associates
1001 Coal Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 938-5858
Fax No. (505) 938-5859
Verschraegen, Claire F., MD
Provider ID #NM009E03
BlueLINK ID: 3372312
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Vigil, Victor V., MD
Provider ID #NM013320
BlueLINK ID: 3355283
Hematology-Oncology Associates
1001 Coal Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 938-5858
Fax No. (505) 938-5859
Weiler, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R17
BlueLINK ID: 3143351
Lovelace Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Wilson, Carla S., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM009E72
BlueLINK ID: 3389520
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Winter, Stuart, MD
Provider ID #NM003596
BlueLINK ID: 4106381
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Infectious Diseases
Albanese, Bernadette, MD
Provider ID #NM009594
BlueLINK ID: 3254065
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
July 2005
Quenzer, Ronald W., MD
Provider ID #NM009E37
BlueLINK ID: 3212602
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Associates
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Fax No. (505) 848-3730
Williams, Steven Bruce, MD
Provider ID #NM002977
BlueLINK ID: 3232734
HIV positive only
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Beeley, Peggy Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM003526
BlueLINK ID: 3292655
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Roberts, Thomas C., MD
Provider ID #NM001946
BlueLINK ID: 3330206
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Fax No. (505) 848-3732
Internal Medicine
Cerna, Felix, MD
Provider ID #NM009F71
BlueLINK ID: 3258023
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Infectious Disease & Travel Health
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3730
Chongsiriwatana, Krisna, MD
Provider ID #NM000506
BlueLINK ID: 2397654
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Goade, Diane E., MD
Provider ID #NM003951
BlueLINK ID: 3252571
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1312
Hickey, Sheila, MD
Provider ID #NM003602
BlueLINK ID: 4104634
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hodgin, Ulton G., MD
Provider ID #NM004281
BlueLINK ID: 2397842
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Ross, Jeffrey P., MD
Provider ID #NM000185
BlueLINK ID: 3284996
Patients over age 13
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Scully, Gail, MD
Provider ID #NM004881
BlueLINK ID: 3396024
Patients over age 16
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Fax No. (505) 848-3732
Sidney, David C., MD
Provider ID #NM019A40
BlueLINK ID: 4268484
Patients over age 17
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Associates
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Fax No. (505) 848-3732
Spyropoulos, Alex, MD
Provider ID #NM009F72
BlueLINK ID: 3367122
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Clinical Thrombosis Center
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3851
Irizarry, Lourdes M., MD
Provider ID #NM01AB40
BlueLINK ID: 3214205
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Stryker, David W., MD
Provider ID #NM001062
BlueLINK ID: 3135990
Patients over age 13
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Assoc.
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Kellie, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM012794
BlueLINK ID: 3332190
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5666
Tancik, Corey Alan, MD
Provider ID #NM009593
BlueLINK ID: 3259262
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5666
Mertz, Gregory, MD
Provider ID #NM003833
BlueLINK ID: 3212581
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Thomas, Elaine, MD
Provider ID #NM003665
BlueLINK ID: 3369184
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Overturf, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM003755
BlueLINK ID: 2190570
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
July 2005
Thornton, Karla A., MD
Provider ID #NM003543
BlueLINK ID: 3375492
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
625 Truman St. NE, 87110
(505) 272-1312
Abrams, Jonathan, MD
Provider ID #NM000151
BlueLINK ID: 3214202
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Arndell, Cynthia L., MD
Provider ID #NM009C29
BlueLINK ID: 4165328
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Arora, Madhu, MD
Provider ID #NM003668
BlueLINK ID: 3373480
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2900
Arora, Sanjeev, MD
Provider ID #NM003948
BlueLINK ID: 2298019
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Baker, Bonita K., MD
Provider ID #NM031987
BlueLINK ID: 3361848
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
4705 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Baker, Bonita K., MD
Provider ID #NM031987
BlueLINK ID: 3361848
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
500 Walter NE, Ste. 206, 87109
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Bankhurst, Arthur, MD
Provider ID #NM003785
BlueLINK ID: 3210750
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Barakat, Jehad, MD
Provider ID #NM009R36
BlueLINK ID: 6003498
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Barol, Samuel, MD
Provider ID #NM009E10
BlueLINK ID: 3135489
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4661
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Baron, Sarah L., MD
Provider ID #NM019289
BlueLINK ID: 4231286
Kindred Hospital
700 High St. NE, 87102
(505) 242-4444
Fax No. (505) 242-4445
Allen, Sarah, MD
Provider ID #NM001927
BlueLINK ID: 3212616
HIV/AIDS patients
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Baron, Sarah L., MD
Provider ID #NM019289
BlueLINK ID: 4231286
Kindred Sandia
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8802
Fax No. (505) 727-8811
Baron, Sarah L., MD
Provider ID #NM019289
BlueLINK ID: 4231286
The Rehabilitation Hospital of NM
505 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Beaulieu, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R15
BlueLINK ID: 6003462
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Nephrology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7579
Beck, Amanda, MD
Provider ID #NM003636
BlueLINK ID: 3234972
Patients over age 55
University Physicians Associates
Medical Arts Center
1101 Medical Arts Ave. NE, Bldg. 2,
(505) 272-6110
Boivin, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009411
BlueLINK ID: 4275031
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4661
Boyle, Patrick J., MD
Provider ID #NM003787
BlueLINK ID: 3222743
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Burge, Mark R., MD
Provider ID #NM003938
BlueLINK ID: 3361078
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Busby, Helen, MD
Provider ID #NM004757
BlueLINK ID: 3340824
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Cadman, Christopher S., MD
Provider ID #NM009R16
BlueLINK ID: 4115717
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Fax No. (505) 262-7870
Chang, Betty, MD
Provider ID #NM009E31
BlueLINK ID: 4201472
Specializing in pulmonary critical
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Charlton, Gerald Anthony, MD
Provider ID #NM003529
BlueLINK ID: 4132746
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Fleet, Margaret E., MD
Provider ID #NM009S28
BlueLINK ID: 4248617
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Hromas, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E86
BlueLINK ID: 2102830
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5837
Colleran, Kathleen M., MD
Provider ID #NM004704
BlueLINK ID: 4123430
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5062
Frankis, Mary B., MD
Provider ID #NM009S03
BlueLINK ID: 4114509
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Icenogle, Milton V., MD
Provider ID #NM003953
BlueLINK ID: 3367123
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Crowell, Richard E., MD
Provider ID #NM003789
BlueLINK ID: 3212571
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
German, Lawrence D., MD
Provider ID #NM004276
BlueLINK ID: 2199729
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Iwamoto, Gary K., MD
Provider ID #NM003541
BlueLINK ID: 2102479
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Danemann, Hershel A., MD
Provider ID #NM009596
BlueLINK ID: 2397705
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Gerstein, Wendy H., MD
Provider ID #NM019214
BlueLINK ID: 5006262
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Inpatient Medicine Services
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8040
Fax No. (505) 727-8086
Jakiche, Antoine F., MD
Provider ID #NM009M65
BlueLINK ID: 4132101
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4756
Davis, Dana, MD
Provider ID #NM009316
BlueLINK ID: 3263658
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Dipprey, Trisha L., MD
Provider ID #NM024899
BlueLINK ID: 4152690
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
505 Walter NE, Ste. 206, 87102
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Gonzales, David V., MD
Provider ID #NM001086
BlueLINK ID: 3143139
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Harding, James, MD
Provider ID #NM012542
BlueLINK ID: 3327098
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Doezema, David, MD
Provider ID #NM003865
BlueLINK ID: 2397720
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Harford, Antonia, MD
Provider ID #NM009088
BlueLINK ID: 3135690
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1500 Indian School NE, 87102
(505) 272-4750
Doggett, John W., MD
Provider ID #NM009H61
BlueLINK ID: 3331013
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Center for Sleep Medicine
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 800, 87109
(505) 872-6000
Harkins, Michelle S., MD
Provider ID #NM004858
BlueLINK ID: 4119403
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Dorf, Jeffrey M., MD
Provider ID #NM039636
BlueLINK ID: 2252487
Chest Medicine of New Mexico
4273 Montgomery NE, Ste. 200E,
(505) 821-5992
Herman, Carla, MD
Provider ID #NM003626
BlueLINK ID: 3276671
Patients over age 65
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Dunkelberg, Jeffrey C., MD
Provider ID #NM009M27
BlueLINK ID: 3305239
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Hochman, Ronald N., MD
Provider ID #NM009R72
BlueLINK ID: 6003570
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Dunkelberg, Jeffrey C., MD
Provider ID #NM009H74
BlueLINK ID: 3305239
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Hromas, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E87
BlueLINK ID: 2102830
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Jutila, Charlotte K., MD
Provider ID #NM011442
BlueLINK ID: 2397870
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Kellie, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM012794
BlueLINK ID: 3332190
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5666
Ketai, Loren, MD
Provider ID #NM009E49
BlueLINK ID: 2302963
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Kistin, Martin, MD
Provider ID #NM011511
BlueLINK ID: 2397889
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Kitzes, Judith Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM009E30
BlueLINK ID: 4222380
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4761
Klepper, Diane, MD
Provider ID #NM003800
BlueLINK ID: 2397904
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Kloeppel, Beverly K., MD
Provider ID #NM009405
BlueLINK ID: 4242280
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Krakow, Barry J., MD
Provider ID #NM013850
BlueLINK ID: 3212625
Maimonides Sleep Arts & Sciences
6739 Academy NE, Ste. 380, 87109
(505) 998-7204
Fax No. (505) 998-7220
Leach, John, MD
Provider ID #NM003804
BlueLINK ID: 3213811
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
Lee, Fa-Chyi, MD
Provider ID #NM004876
BlueLINK ID: 4150030
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5837
Levy, Howard, MD
Provider ID #NM003805
BlueLINK ID: 3242670
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4751
Libby, Edward, MD
Provider ID #NM009712
BlueLINK ID: 3247429
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Lieberman, Margaret A., MD
Provider ID #NM042837
BlueLINK ID: 4164671
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2147
Liem, L. Bing, DO
Provider ID #NM004A60
BlueLINK ID: 6003418
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Lovekin, William S., MD
Provider ID #NM001671
BlueLINK ID: 2397936
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Lyons, C. Rick, MD
Provider ID #NM009713
BlueLINK ID: 3349316
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Ma, Thomas Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009M28
BlueLINK ID: 3304368
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Kochukoshy, Koshy N., MD
Provider ID #NM009E77
BlueLINK ID: 2397895
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Madera, George J., MD
Provider ID #NM009M99
BlueLINK ID: 2192081
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Madonna, John T., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009M39
BlueLINK ID: 4137160
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Moseley, Pope L., MD
Provider ID #NM003624
BlueLINK ID: 2102205
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Mulloy, Karen, DO
Provider ID #NM004738
BlueLINK ID: 3246125
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2900
Newville, Betty L., MD
Provider ID #NM019292
BlueLINK ID: 3317017
Kindred Hospital
700 High St. NE, 87102
(505) 242-4444
Fax No. (505) 242-4445
Newville, Betty L., MD
Provider ID #NM019292
BlueLINK ID: 3317017
Kindred Sandia
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8802
Fax No. (505) 727-8811
Newville, Betty L., MD
Provider ID #NM019292
BlueLINK ID: 3317017
The Rehabilitation Hospital of NM
505 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Olmstead, Francine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009R09
BlueLINK ID: 5006048
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9959
Olmstead, Francine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009R09
BlueLINK ID: 5006048
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Fax No. (505) 858-0030
Olmstead, Francine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009R09
BlueLINK ID: 5006048
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5151
Fax No. (505) 842-5676
July 2005
Osborn, Larry, MD
Provider ID #NM003810
BlueLINK ID: 3214208
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Raizada, Veena, MD
Provider ID #NM003834
BlueLINK ID: 3173186
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Schade, David S., MD
Provider ID #NM002456
BlueLINK ID: 3212626
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Osman, Farid, MD
Provider ID #NM014251
BlueLINK ID: 4225517
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Raj, Domonic, MD
Provider ID #NM004217
BlueLINK ID: 4223453
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Ott, Stephanie J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P83
BlueLINK ID: 4304679
Albuquerque Regional MC
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 366-2600
Rohrscheib, Mark Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM014707
BlueLINK ID: 4158875
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Schuyler, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM003679
BlueLINK ID: 3390813
Adult allergy
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Ott, Stephanie J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P83
BlueLINK ID: 4304679
Northeast Heights MC
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7800
Parasher, Gulshan, MD
Provider ID #NM009E79
BlueLINK ID: 4276322
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-4755
Parasher, Gulshan, MD
Provider ID #NM009E11
BlueLINK ID: 4276322
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4755
Piatek, Marek Z., MD
Provider ID #NM009S52
BlueLINK ID: 6003856
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Piñon, Suzanne M., MD
Provider ID #NM010580
BlueLINK ID: 4134849
Patients age 55 and over
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Qaseem, Sandra, MD
Provider ID #NM009U28
BlueLINK ID: 6004135
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Qaseem, Tahir, MD
Provider ID #NM009837
BlueLINK ID: 4187656
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Rabinowitz, Ian, MD
Provider ID #NM009715
BlueLINK ID: 4152292
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Roldan, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM003546
BlueLINK ID: 3396127
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Ross, Duane L., MD
Provider ID #NM033157
BlueLINK ID: 5003762
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Fax No. (505) 858-0030
Ross, Duane L., MD
Provider ID #NM033157
BlueLINK ID: 5003762
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5151
Fax No. (505) 842-5676
Ross, Jeffrey P., MD
Provider ID #NM009U61
BlueLINK ID: 3284996
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Roy, Praveen K., MD
Provider ID #NM009U05
BlueLINK ID: 4324651
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Royce, Melanie E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M67
BlueLINK ID: 4166081
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Royce, Melanie E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M69
BlueLINK ID: 4166081
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Saiki, John H., MD
Provider ID #NM002396
BlueLINK ID: 3143291
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Ma, Thomas Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009703
BlueLINK ID: 3304368
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Seibel, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM002487
BlueLINK ID: 3135953
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 502, 87106
(505) 224-7700
Serkland, Lori A., MD
Provider ID #NM009S40
BlueLINK ID: 4323920
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
Seyko, Robert S., MD
Provider ID #NM019300
BlueLINK ID: 3249655
Associated Hospitalists, PC
700 High St. NE, 87102
(505) 465-2879
Fax No. (505) 465-5424
Sheldon, Mark W., MD
Provider ID #NM009414
BlueLINK ID: 4245633
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Sibbitt, Wilmer L., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM002572
BlueLINK ID: 3212631
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Sklar, David P., MD
Provider ID #NM003882
BlueLINK ID: 3212556
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Spector, Monroe H., MD
Provider ID #NM009M29
BlueLINK ID: 2398114
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Spector, Monroe H., MD
Provider ID #NM004289
BlueLINK ID: 2398114
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Strickland, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009M30
BlueLINK ID: 3143324
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Strickland, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM003817
BlueLINK ID: 3143324
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Stutzman, Charles D., MD
Provider ID #NM009665
BlueLINK ID: 2398130
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-5622
Stutzman, Charles D., MD
Provider ID #NM014799
BlueLINK ID: 2398130
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Sun, Yijuan, MD
Provider ID #NM009M88
BlueLINK ID: 6003384
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Tandberg, W. Dan, MD
Provider ID #NM003904
BlueLINK ID: 3210727
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Taylor, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009173
BlueLINK ID: 4109679
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Timm, Thomas Craig, MD
Provider ID #NM003818
BlueLINK ID: 3319527
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Tzamaloukas, Antonios Helias,
Provider ID #NM009E36
BlueLINK ID: 4168815
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Vall Spinosa, Arthur, MD
Provider ID #NM019637
BlueLINK ID: 2398208
Manzano Medical Group
505 Elm NE, 87125
(505) 727-4919
Fax No. (505) 727-4915
Van Pelt, Jean E., MD
Provider ID #NM009R44
BlueLINK ID: 6003517
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
Vos, Evert, MD
Provider ID #NM009M68
BlueLINK ID: 6003233
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4253
Waitzkin, Howard, MD
Provider ID #NM004954
BlueLINK ID: 2142689
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1722
Weiler, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R17
BlueLINK ID: 3143351
Lovelace Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Wiener, Melissa, MD
Provider ID #NM009M42
BlueLINK ID: 6003030
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8855
Zager, Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM009087
BlueLINK ID: 2142279
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1500 Indian School NE, 87102
(505) 272-4750
Zamanian, Mahmood R., MD
Provider ID #NM029E28
BlueLINK ID: 4177592
Geriatrics Associates, PC
103 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 348-8300
Fax No. (505) 348-8270
Zamanian, Mahmood R., MD
Provider ID #NM029E28
BlueLINK ID: 4177592
Geriatrics Associates, PC
500 Louisiana NE, 87108
(505) 255-1717
Fax No. (505) 266-9362
Zerate, Calina B., MD
Provider ID #NM019G11
BlueLINK ID: 3397397
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Rehabilitation
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8040
Fax No. (505) 727-8086
Medical Oncology
Patt, Yehuda Z., MD
Provider ID #NM009U30
BlueLINK ID: 6004140
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Alverson, Dale C., MD
Provider ID #NM003837
BlueLINK ID: 3210741
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Gray, Susan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M32
BlueLINK ID: 3135671
Newborn to 18 months
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1994
Fax No. (505) 222-2346
Hallinan, Virginia, MD
Provider ID #NM001298
BlueLINK ID: 5002743
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1049
Fax No. (505) 841-3371
Lauriello, Naomi, MD
Provider ID #NM001273
BlueLINK ID: 5002729
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1049
Fax No. (505) 841-3371
Leonard, Rebecca, MD
Provider ID #NM001295
BlueLINK ID: 5002740
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-3371
Lopez, Suzanne M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M54
BlueLINK ID: 3273257
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Nederoff, Randy, MD
Provider ID #NM001274
BlueLINK ID: 5002730
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1049
Fax No. (505) 841-3371
Ohls, Robin K., MD
Provider ID #NM003600
BlueLINK ID: 3330830
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Papile, Lucille A., MD
Provider ID #NM003888
BlueLINK ID: 3212555
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Poland, Ronald L., MD
Provider ID #NM009601
BlueLINK ID: 2248318
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Savich, Renate D., MD
Provider ID #NM003758
BlueLINK ID: 3222723
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Swetnam, Sydney, MD
Provider ID #NM002700
BlueLINK ID: 3214219
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1049
Fax No. (505) 841-3371
Watterberg, Kristi, MD
Provider ID #NM003022
BlueLINK ID: 3255905
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Wilson, Odell, MD
Provider ID #NM009S85
BlueLINK ID: 6003930
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 563-6391
Fax No. (505) 222-2346
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Brandt, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM004917
BlueLINK ID: 3292711
Pediatric nephrology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6632
Chattopadhyay, Pranab K., MD
Provider ID #NM009L41
BlueLINK ID: 3253444
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Nephrology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7579
Fleet, Margaret E., MD
Provider ID #NM009S28
BlueLINK ID: 4248617
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Fox, Lucy, MD
Provider ID #NM013906
BlueLINK ID: 3331015
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Fax No. (505) 242-4462
Gabrys, Kirby D., MD
Provider ID #NM003328
BlueLINK ID: 3278806
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Harford, Antonia, MD
Provider ID #NM009088
BlueLINK ID: 3135690
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1500 Indian School NE, 87102
(505) 272-4750
Helms, Elizabeth J., MD
Provider ID #NM009G84
BlueLINK ID: 4279524
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Fax No. (505) 563-2821
Kundeling, Sonam P., MD
Provider ID #NM009047
BlueLINK ID: 4221373
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Fax No. (505) 563-2821
Miller, Robert B., MD
Provider ID #NM009304
BlueLINK ID: 4121285
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Osman, Farid, MD
Provider ID #NM014251
BlueLINK ID: 4225517
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
July 2005
Rohrscheib, Mark Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM014707
BlueLINK ID: 4158875
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Saddler, Mark C., MD
Provider ID #NM009025
BlueLINK ID: 3346953
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Fax No. (505) 563-2821
Saenz, Kristin K., MD
Provider ID #NM009E91
BlueLINK ID: 3347413
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Fax No. (505) 563-2821
Sanders, Leonard, MD
Provider ID #NM009F98
BlueLINK ID: 4172672
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Nephrology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7579
Sun, Yijuan, MD
Provider ID #NM009M88
BlueLINK ID: 6003384
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Tzamaloukas, Antonios Helias,
Provider ID #NM009E36
BlueLINK ID: 4168815
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Wong, Craig, MD
Provider ID #NM009206
BlueLINK ID: 4179310
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6632
Barrett, Douglas W., MD
Provider ID #NM010308
BlueLINK ID: 3135490
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Berger, Mark L., MD
Provider ID #NM000301
BlueLINK ID: 3135508
New Mexico Neurology Associates
St. Joseph Medical Towers
500 Walter NE, Ste. 306, 87102
(505) 727-7565
Fax No. (505) 727-7557
Berger, Mark L., MD
Provider ID #NM009E18
BlueLINK ID: 3135508
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Bicknell, Joseph M., MD
Provider ID #NM003734
BlueLINK ID: 3135512
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Carlow, Thomas J., MD
Provider ID #NM009582
BlueLINK ID: 3135552
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Chapin, John E., MD
Provider ID #NM009669
BlueLINK ID: 3383781
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Davis, Larry E., MD
Provider ID #NM009U73
BlueLINK ID: 32320234
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Edmonds, Elaine S., MD
Provider ID #NM009S27
BlueLINK ID: 3292465
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Zager, Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM009087
BlueLINK ID: 2142279
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1500 Indian School NE, 87102
(505) 272-4750
Ford, Corey, MD
Provider ID #NM003736
BlueLINK ID: 3101766
Multiple sclerosis
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Freedman, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM010981
BlueLINK ID: 3143124
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Adair, John, MD
Provider ID #NM003623
BlueLINK ID: 3290900
Specializing in alzheimers/
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
July 2005
Graham, Glenn D., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM004759
BlueLINK ID: 3230443
Cerebrovascular diseases
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Grigg-Damberger, Madeline M.,
Provider ID #NM011679
BlueLINK ID: 3115174
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Gurule, Manuel A., MD
Provider ID #NM009677
BlueLINK ID: 4245635
New Mexico Neurology Associates
St. Joseph Medical Towers
500 Walter NE, Ste. 306, 87102
(505) 727-7565
Fax No. (505) 727-7557
Harris, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM009F96
BlueLINK ID: 5009652
Lovelace Medical Center
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7250
Johnson, Mary Ida, MD
Provider ID #NM004282
BlueLINK ID: 3228372
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3342
Katzman, Joanna, MD
Provider ID #NM004726
BlueLINK ID: 3376812
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Keene, Camille, MD
Provider ID #NM009F95
BlueLINK ID: 3360634
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Neurology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7250
Knoefel, Janice Emma, MD
Provider ID #NM003553
BlueLINK ID: 2154942
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Marjama-Lyons, Jill, MD
Provider ID #NM009S48
BlueLINK ID: 3384243
Marjama, Inc.
7000 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 344-9478
Marjama-Lyons, Jill, MD
Provider ID #NM009U76
BlueLINK ID: 3384243
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Mladinich, E. Kenneth, MD
Provider ID #NM009M63
BlueLINK ID: 3207873
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Moravek, Jonathan F., MD
Provider ID #NM009R27
BlueLINK ID: 6003492
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Raj, Domonic, MD
Provider ID #NM004217
BlueLINK ID: 4223453
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Morrison, Leslie A., MD
Provider ID #NM003910
BlueLINK ID: 3334441
Pediatric neurology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Phillips, John Patrick, MD
Provider ID #NM004768
BlueLINK ID: 3222728
Pediatric neurorehabilitation
University Physicians Associates
Carrie Tingley Hospital
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Quintana, George J., MD
Provider ID #NM009L90
BlueLINK ID: 6003262
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Neurology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7250
Rosenberg, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM003741
BlueLINK ID: 3143285
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Seelinger, Donald F., MD
Provider ID #NM009060
BlueLINK ID: 2398089
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Shibuya, Daniel G., MD
Provider ID #NM012707
BlueLINK ID: 4104105
Patients over age 4
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Shih, Jerry J., MD
Provider ID #NM003979
BlueLINK ID: 3340649
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Snyder, Russell D., MD
Provider ID #NM003824
BlueLINK ID: 3143318
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Suter, Cary, MD
Provider ID #NM009F77
BlueLINK ID: 3135992
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Neurology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7250
Thompson, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM003742
BlueLINK ID: 3191055
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Sos, Alejandro, MD
Provider ID #NM009R74
BlueLINK ID: 2179851
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Vickers, Jennifer, MD
Provider ID #NM003658
BlueLINK ID: 3384793
Specializing in pediatric neurology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Turner, Paul T., MD
Provider ID #NM009671
BlueLINK ID: 3136003
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Yonas, Howard, MD
Provider ID #NM009U85
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Erasmus, Mark D., MD
Provider ID #NM019176
BlueLINK ID: 3143113
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Neurosurgery
522 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 247-4253
Hankinson, Hal L., MD
Provider ID #NM019175
BlueLINK ID: 2397814
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Neurosurgery
522 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 247-4253
Henderson, Brett R., MD
Provider ID #NM009600
BlueLINK ID: 4243271
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Keep, Marcus F., MD
Provider ID #NM009853
BlueLINK ID: 4120356
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
McMorrow, Christine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M81
BlueLINK ID: 6003358
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Neurosurgery
522 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 247-4253
Fax No. (505) 242-3414
Metzger, Andrew K., MD
Provider ID #NM029548
BlueLINK ID: 4202358
Southwest Neurosurgical Associates
500 Walter NE, Ste. 501, 87102
(505) 244-0080
Fax No. (505) 244-9048
Oldershaw, John, MD
Provider ID #NM009610
BlueLINK ID: 3113639
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Shields, Phillip T., MD
Provider ID #NM009S62
BlueLINK ID: 3311956
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3160
Nuclear Medicine
Agha, Farooq P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C34
BlueLINK ID: 2349305
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Akiya, Fredrick I., MD
Provider ID #NM009C35
BlueLINK ID: 3275004
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Lee, Ihn P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C41
BlueLINK ID: 3274963
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Boyd, Curtis W., MD
Provider ID #NM000353
BlueLINK ID: 3214177
Pregnant females
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C-2, 87102
(505) 242-7512
Fax No. (505) 242-0540
Bramanti, Henry R., MD
Provider ID #NM024647
BlueLINK ID: 2221455
Pregnant females
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C2, 87102
(505) 242-7512
Fax No. (505) 242-0540
Byrn, Francis, MD
Provider ID #NM003704
BlueLINK ID: 3178563
Reproductive endocrinology &
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1272
Chavez, Louisa G., MD
Provider ID #NM001900
BlueLINK ID: 3299561
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 102,
(505) 880-1234
Clapp, Nadine A., MD
Provider ID #NM002285
BlueLINK ID: 2397357
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 301,
(505) 888-0443
Meholic, Andrew, MD
Provider ID #NM009E52
BlueLINK ID: 3212587
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Connors, Carl J., DO
Provider ID #NM004926
BlueLINK ID: 3279131
Sandia Ob/Gyn Associates
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 105,
(505) 727-3280
Fax No. (505) 727-3282
Stevenson, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM009C43
BlueLINK ID: 3209305
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Cunnane, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM000606
BlueLINK ID: 3135590
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Williamson, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM003870
BlueLINK ID: 2346490
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Curet, Luis B., MD
Provider ID #NM003706
BlueLINK ID: 2284784
Maternal fetal medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Baskin, Harold F., MD
Provider ID #NM000221
BlueLINK ID: 2397175
1010 Lead SE, Ste. 2, 87106
(505) 843-6181
Bennett, John A., MD
Provider ID #NM010298
BlueLINK ID: 3143041
Assisting gynecology & surgery
8200 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 890-1730
Deyhle, Ronald R., MD
Provider ID #NM010682
BlueLINK ID: 2397712
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Dorin, Maxine H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G44
BlueLINK ID: 3212617
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Dorin, Maxine H., MD
Provider ID #NM009923
BlueLINK ID: 3212617
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Dorin, Maxine H., MD
Provider ID #NM013708
BlueLINK ID: 3212617
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Elder, Gileen G., MD
Provider ID #NM000468
BlueLINK ID: 4124379
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Espey, Eve L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L13
BlueLINK ID: 3311235
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-4511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Espey, Eve L., MD
Provider ID #NM002027
BlueLINK ID: 3311235
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Fernandez, Joseph I., MD
Provider ID #NM012505
BlueLINK ID: 3334433
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 822-8122
Fisk, Frances M., MD
Provider ID #NM010929
BlueLINK ID: 3246820
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. D5, 87102
(505) 242-5353
Fax No. (505) 242-9788
Flax, Michael G., MD
Provider ID #NM000908
BlueLINK ID: 3135626
8120 Constitution NE, Ste. 220, 87110
(505) 292-5534
Garcia, Amy L., MD
Provider ID #NM009C65
BlueLINK ID: 4235088
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Garcia, Elizabeth G., MD
Provider ID #NM004156
BlueLINK ID: 4191003
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
July 2005
Krell, Douglas J., MD
Provider ID #NM019L12
BlueLINK ID: 3214196
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Gough, Steven R., MD
Provider ID #NM009623
BlueLINK ID: 6316844
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Leeman, Lawrence M., MD
Provider ID #NM009L44
BlueLINK ID: 3210733
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-5976
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Harrison, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM001175
BlueLINK ID: 3135693
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 888-0443
Hopkins, Frederick W., MD
Provider ID #NM009R88
BlueLINK ID: 6003652
Pregnancy terminations through
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C-2, 87102
(505) 242-7512
Fax No. (505) 242-0540
Email: [email protected]
Jamison, Shauna F., MD
Provider ID #NM003713
BlueLINK ID: 3222736
Adolescent gynecology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Joffe, Gary M., MD
Provider ID #NM009U74
BlueLINK ID: 3263663
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4051
Kennedy, Kathleen, MD
Provider ID #NM004888
BlueLINK ID: 4181621
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Kerr, Nancy L., MD
Provider ID #NM003145
BlueLINK ID: 3135751
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 301,
(505) 888-0443
Fax No. (505) 888-1398
Komadina, Steven A., MD
Provider ID #NM009535
BlueLINK ID: 2397898
Women's Health Horizons
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 105,
(505) 893-2840
Komadina, Steven A., MD
Provider ID #NM009535
BlueLINK ID: 2397898
Women's Health Horizons
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 101,
(505) 893-2840
Komesu, Yuko, MD
Provider ID #NM009G66
BlueLINK ID: 2397899
Lovelace Medical Center
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
July 2005
Leonard, Lisa A., MD
Provider ID #NM009M07
BlueLINK ID: 5010173
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Leslie, Kimberly K., MD
Provider ID #NM009851
BlueLINK ID: 3290733
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Lewis-Bliehall, Cynthia, MD
Provider ID #NM009A42
BlueLINK ID: 4267561
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Magarelli, Paul C., MD
Provider ID #NM009M72
BlueLINK ID: 3385642
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3886
Mark, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM001727
BlueLINK ID: 3135807
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
McGinnis, Patrick, MD
Provider ID #NM014562
BlueLINK ID: 4214235
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center OB/GYN
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3218
Moore, Lisa E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M12
BlueLINK ID: 4221868
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Muller, Carolyn, MD
Provider ID #NM009U06
BlueLINK ID: 3326065
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Ogburn, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G90
BlueLINK ID: 4153757
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-4511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Ogburn, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM004717
BlueLINK ID: 4153757
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Okun, Rebecca C., MD
Provider ID #NM001759
BlueLINK ID: 3282950
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Padilla, Luis A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N40
BlueLINK ID: 4178393
Southwest Gynecologic Oncology
Associates, Inc.
500 Walter NE, 87102
(505) 843-7813
Fax No. (505) 843-6947
Padilla, Luis A., MD
Provider ID #NM009830
BlueLINK ID: 4178393
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Peng, Vicky, MD
Provider ID #NM009J04
BlueLINK ID: 4244593
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson OB/GYN
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7291
Penikas, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM009J03
BlueLINK ID: 3334565
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 302,
(505) 262-7291
Phelan, Sharon, MD
Provider ID #NM009203
BlueLINK ID: 3210726
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Pucka, Beverly A., MD
Provider ID #NM002210
BlueLINK ID: 2398039
1010 Lead SE, Ste. 1, 87106
(505) 842-8741
Quinama, Finda L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L32
BlueLINK ID: 4295938
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Musello, Kate M., MD
Provider ID #NM004142
BlueLINK ID: 2270052
881 Lead SE, 87102
(505) 242-6899
Fax No. (505) 247-9064
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rappaport, Valerie J., MD
Provider ID #NM003555
BlueLINK ID: 2193428
Maternal fetal medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-6611
Godinez, Milton, MD
Provider ID #NM001047
BlueLINK ID: 2346482
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 877-4400
Rayburn, William F., MD
Provider ID #NM004775
BlueLINK ID: 2268077
Maternal fetal medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Rogers, Rebecca G., MD
Provider ID #NM003537
BlueLINK ID: 4133230
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2319
Shelburne, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM009J01
BlueLINK ID: 3339461
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 302,
(505) 262-7291
Shoden, Rebecca J., MD
Provider ID #NM002681
BlueLINK ID: 3207884
883 Lead SE, Ste. A, 87102
(505) 247-8820
Fax No. (505) 247-9064
Smith, Harriet, MD
Provider ID #NM009716
BlueLINK ID: 3142253
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Smith, Harriet, MD
Provider ID #NM003717
BlueLINK ID: 3142253
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2839
Smith, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM009S58
BlueLINK ID: 6003871
Female pregnancy terminations
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C-2, 87102
(505) 242-7512
Fax No. (505) 242-0540
Teicher, Joel, MD
Provider ID #NM009J02
BlueLINK ID: 3317876
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson OB/GYN
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7291
Thompson, D. James, MD
Provider ID #NM009632
BlueLINK ID: 3143332
Reproductive endocrinology &
Center for Reproductive Medicine of
201 Cedar SE, Ste. LL20, 87106
(505) 247-3333
Fax No. (505) 224-7476
Van Someren, Julie K., MD
Provider ID #NM001792
BlueLINK ID: 4155551
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Villarreal, Analisa, MD
Provider ID #NM009534
BlueLINK ID: 4242918
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Lewis, Wood V., MD
Provider ID #NM009S12
BlueLINK ID: 3212584
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5151
Fax No. (505) 842-5676
Mulloy, Karen, DO
Provider ID #NM004738
BlueLINK ID: 3246125
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-2900
Waxman, Alan G., MD
Provider ID #NM009134
BlueLINK ID: 4227459
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Zepeda, Maria C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R40
BlueLINK ID: 3210743
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4750
Wills, Krista M., MD
Provider ID #NM010261
BlueLINK ID: 3212610
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Wurzel, James P., MD
Provider ID #NM009M19
BlueLINK ID: 4295174
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Ziwasimon, Andru, MD
Provider ID #NM009L86
BlueLINK ID: 4259332
Pregnant females
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C-2, 87102
(505) 242-7512
Fax No. (505) 242-0540
Zsemlye, Meggan, MD
Provider ID #NM004877
BlueLINK ID: 4202960
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Occupational Medicine
Cohn, Thomas G., MD
Provider ID #NM000641
BlueLINK ID: 5002394
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9599
Lewis, Wood V., MD
Provider ID #NM009S12
BlueLINK ID: 3212584
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9599
Lewis, Wood V., MD
Provider ID #NM009S12
BlueLINK ID: 3212584
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Fax No. (505) 858-0030
Allen, Richard Cutler, MD
Provider ID #NM009E34
BlueLINK ID: 4209677
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Avery, Robert B., MD
Provider ID #NM009R94
BlueLINK ID: 4310851
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Beaudette, Peter T., MD
Provider ID #NM009Q21
BlueLINK ID: 2135584
Southwest Eye Care Specialists
7110 Wyoming NE, 87109
(505) 346-0500
Fax No. (505) 346-0164
Bernitsky, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM010346
BlueLINK ID: 2397297
5501 Jefferson NE, Ste. 700, 87109
(505) 323-0800
Fax No. (505) 323-6621
Black, Randolph E., MD
Provider ID #NM004232
BlueLINK ID: 3135514
Eye & Facial Surgery of NM
6500 Jefferson St. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 875-0103
Fax No. (505) 875-0388
Cannon, R. Joe, MD
Provider ID #NM009Q14
BlueLINK ID: 3209294
Southwest Eye Care Specialists
7110 Wyoming NE, 87109
(505) 346-0500
Fax No. (505) 346-0164
Carlow, Thomas J., MD
Provider ID #NM000485
BlueLINK ID: 3135552
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Chang, Brian M., MD
Provider ID #NM009657
BlueLINK ID: 4254679
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Chiu, Mark T., MD
Provider ID #NM000562
BlueLINK ID: 3135563
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 243-3475
Graham, John E., MD
Provider ID #NM009G19
BlueLINK ID: 2316250
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Ophthalmology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3937
Cornelius, Curtis R., MD
Provider ID #NM009G18
BlueLINK ID: 3334522
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Ophthalmology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3937
Hepner, Paul E., MD
Provider ID #NM001246
BlueLINK ID: 3143163
8010 Mountain Rd. NE, Ste. 300,
(505) 266-8200
Das, Arup, MD
Provider ID #NM003594
BlueLINK ID: 3361138
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
De La Torre, Alfonso, MD
Provider ID #NM000691
BlueLINK ID: 3135593
303 Mulberry NE, Ste. E, 87106
(505) 247-0181
Fax No. (505) 247-1949
De La Torre, Alfonso, MD
Provider ID #NM009U09
BlueLINK ID: 3135593
Eye & Facial Surgery of NM
6500 Jefferson St. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 875-0103
Fax No. (505) 875-0388
DiMonaco, Michael L., DO
Provider ID #NM004045
BlueLINK ID: 2396740
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Durso, Frank, MD
Provider ID #NM000780
BlueLINK ID: 3114017
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 210, 87109
(505) 883-4294
Fax No. (505) 875-0160
Edwards, William O., MD
Provider ID #NM000770
BlueLINK ID: 3135608
New Mexico Eye Clinic
1100 Lead SE, 87106
(505) 842-1844
Friederich, Ronald, MD
Provider ID #NM000975
BlueLINK ID: 2397776
1235 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 292-2220
Huaman, Ana G., MD
Provider ID #NM002822
BlueLINK ID: 3263659
New Mexico Eye Clinic
1100 Lead SE, 87106
(505) 842-1844
Fax No. (505) 768-1360
Huaman, Ana G., MD
Provider ID #NM009M96
BlueLINK ID: 3263659
Southwest Retina
7110 Wyoming NE, 87109
(505) 346-0500
Fax No. (505) 346-0164
Hudson, Hal C., MD
Provider ID #NM009S88
BlueLINK ID: 3135720
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Email: www.eyenm.com
Hudson, Hal C., MD
Provider ID #NM009S88
BlueLINK ID: 3135720
Eye Associates of NM
5200 Eubank Blvd. NE, Ste. A4, 87111
(505) 298-4419
Fax No. (505) 298-0878
Email: [email protected]
Hudson, Hal C., MD
Provider ID #NM009S88
BlueLINK ID: 3135720
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 764-8796
Email: [email protected]
Lesher, Mark P., MD
Provider ID #NM003129
BlueLINK ID: 3322555
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 203, 87109
(505) 883-5082
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Goldblum, Kenneth P., MD
Provider ID #NM001056
BlueLINK ID: 2397798
Goldblum Family Eye Care Center
303 Mulberry NE, Ste. D, 87106
(505) 243-9739
Fax No. (505) 842-0650
Lovato, Alfred A., MD
Provider ID #NM009156
BlueLINK ID: 2153734
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1001 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87106
(505) 247-1073
Fax No. (505) 247-2153
Goldblum, Todd A., MD
Provider ID #NM003454
BlueLINK ID: 4101895
Pediatric opthamology
Goldblum Family Eye Care Center
303 Mulberry NE, Ste. D, 87106
(505) 243-9739
Fax No. (505) 243-9739
Lovato, Alfred A., MD
Provider ID #NM009156
BlueLINK ID: 2153734
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1414 Bridge SW, 87105
(505) 243-4066
Fax No. (505) 243-7476
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Melendez, Robert F., MD
Provider ID #NM009M97
BlueLINK ID: 4303134
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Ogawa, Gregory S. H., MD
Provider ID #NM004572
BlueLINK ID: 3364194
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 111, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Ogawa, Gregory S. H., MD
Provider ID #NM003642
BlueLINK ID: 3364194
Cornea & external disease
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Reidy, Kristin E., DO
Provider ID #NM004A00
BlueLINK ID: 4264237
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 764-8796
Reidy, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM002263
BlueLINK ID: 2287056
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 243-3475
Rodgers, Donald E., MD
Provider ID #NM002318
BlueLINK ID: 3135917
New Mexico Eye Clinic
1100 Lead SE, 87106
(505) 842-1844
Rosenberg, Arthur M., MD
Provider ID #NM002342
BlueLINK ID: 3143284
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Rothberg, Keith R., MD
Provider ID #NM009G31
BlueLINK ID: 3214183
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Ophthalmology
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Sandoval, Dennis, MD
Provider ID #NM004233
BlueLINK ID: 2226155
Eye & Facial Surgery of NM
6500 Jefferson St. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 875-0103
Fax No. (505) 875-0388
Schluter, Mark L., MD
Provider ID #NM002705
BlueLINK ID: 3135940
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
July 2005
Seligson, Michael S., MD
Provider ID #NM009U16
BlueLINK ID: 3356602
At this location one day per week
Eye Institute of Albuquerque, PC
1001 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87106
(505) 247-1073
Fax No. (505) 247-2153
Song, Mi-Kyoung, MD
Provider ID #NM004260
BlueLINK ID: 4169589
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 243-3475
Song, Mi-Kyoung, MD
Provider ID #NM004260
BlueLINK ID: 4169589
Eye Associates of NM
High Desert Laser Eye Center
1600 University NE, 87102
(505) 942-2020
Fax No. (505) 247-0245
Sonntag, Richard W., MD
Provider ID #NM002653
BlueLINK ID: 2398105
10433 Montgomery Pkwy. NE, Ste.
100, 87111
(505) 292-7994
Stinchcomb, David E., MD
Provider ID #NM002686
BlueLINK ID: 2398199
1701 Moon NE, 87112
(505) 296-9581
Teahan, John J., MD
Provider ID #NM012979
BlueLINK ID: 3307576
Southwest Eye Care Specialists
7110 Wyoming NE, 87109
(505) 346-0500
Fax No. (505) 346-0164
Weinstein, Arthur J., MD
Provider ID #NM002933
BlueLINK ID: 3136024
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 243-3475
Wiggins, Duane A., MD
Provider ID #NM009642
BlueLINK ID: 4255007
Eye Associates of NM
High Desert Laser Eye Center
1600 University NE, 87102
(505) 924-2020
Fax No. (505) 247-0245
Wood, Mark G., MD
Provider ID #NM003622
BlueLINK ID: 2143311
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Wyant, Frank W., Jr., DO
Provider ID #NM004657
BlueLINK ID: 2396760
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 243-3475
Oral and Maxillofacial
Jones, Jerry L., MD-DDS
Provider ID #NM008421
BlueLINK ID: 8140802
5900 Cubero NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 797-3530
Wagner, Jon D., MD
Provider ID #NM003588
BlueLINK ID: 4127554
Maxillofacial trauma
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Allen, Douglas C., MD
Provider ID #NM009L35
BlueLINK ID: 4264080
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Altman, Alan L., MD
Provider ID #NM000152
BlueLINK ID: 3135476
Orthopedic Bone & Joint Specialists
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 155,
(505) 843-7798
Fax No. (505) 247-3265
Altman, Alan L., MD
Provider ID #NM000152
BlueLINK ID: 3135476
Orthopedic Bone & Joint Specialists
700 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 843-7798
Fax No. (505) 247-3265
Archibeck, Michael J., MD
Provider ID #NM004258
BlueLINK ID: 4209291
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Atler, Edward J., MD
Provider ID #NM000164
BlueLINK ID: 2396830
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Babinski, Kari M., MD
Provider ID #NM009L70
BlueLINK ID: 4173685
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Balcomb, Teresa, MD
Provider ID #NM009G67
BlueLINK ID: 2221068
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Ball, Richard, MD
Provider ID #NM000187
BlueLINK ID: 3143025
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 455,
(505) 823-1145
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Becker, Jeremy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009L38
BlueLINK ID: 2153666
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Mares, Frank J., MD
Provider ID #NM001483
BlueLINK ID: 3135805
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Benson, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM000265
BlueLINK ID: 3143043
7520 Montgomery NE, Ste. D10,
(505) 883-5192
Bernstein, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM001823
BlueLINK ID: 3248425
Specializing in hand surgery
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Bosch, Patrick P., MD
Provider ID #NM009M20
BlueLINK ID: 4231168
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Burney, Dwight W., MD
Provider ID #NM000480
BlueLINK ID: 3143064
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Castillo, Richard N., MD
Provider ID #NM010549
BlueLINK ID: 3257497
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Cheema, Tahseen A., MD
Provider ID #NM009E43
BlueLINK ID: 2128002
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Chesnut, William J., MD
Provider ID #NM010587
BlueLINK ID: 3251948
Orthopedic Bone & Joint Specialists
700 Lomas NE, 1 Woodward Ctr.,
(505) 242-2764
Fax No. (505) 247-3765
DeCoster, Thomas A., MD
Provider ID #NM003722
BlueLINK ID: 2397710
Trauma/sports medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Durrani, Shakeel Farrukh, MD
Provider ID #NM009M13
BlueLINK ID: 4297481
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Echols, Paul G., MD
Provider ID #NM000782
BlueLINK ID: 2397734
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Epstein, Rosalind, MD
Provider ID #NM009G68
BlueLINK ID: 3230240
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Junick, Daniel W., MD
Provider ID #NM003307
BlueLINK ID: 3387195
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Orbon, Richard J., MD
Provider ID #NM019B32
BlueLINK ID: 2166382
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Ritchie, William L., MD
Provider ID #NM000528
BlueLINK ID: 2321095
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Felter, Jeffrie B., MD
Provider ID #NM009E23
BlueLINK ID: 2154192
Academy Orthopaedic Clinic
8301 Spain NE, 87109
(505) 821-6663
Legant, Paul M., MD
Provider ID #NM011631
BlueLINK ID: 2397923
Three Woodward Center
700 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Pachelli, Anthony F., MD
Provider ID #NM002120
BlueLINK ID: 2398013
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Franco, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R79
BlueLINK ID: 6003583
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
McCutcheon, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM001797
BlueLINK ID: 3135826
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Patton, Matthew W., MD
Provider ID #NM009H82
BlueLINK ID: 4294438
Specializing in orthopedic hand
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Rivero, Dennis P., MD
Provider ID #NM003894
BlueLINK ID: 3286269
Adult reconstruction
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Gehlert, Rick J., MD
Provider ID #NM014292
BlueLINK ID: 4173745
Specializing in trauma
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Gelinas, Allen R., MD
Provider ID #NM011022
BlueLINK ID: 2397779
700 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 353-0189
Gelinas, Claude D., MD
Provider ID #NM009654
BlueLINK ID: 4150607
Specializing in spinal conditions
Three Woodward Center
700 Lomas NE, 87120
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Grace, Thomas G., MD
Provider ID #NM009306
BlueLINK ID: 3135664
Academy Orthopaedic Clinic
8301 Spain NE, 87109
(505) 821-6663
Fax No. (505) 823-2683
Harvie, Keith W., DO
Provider ID #NM004247
BlueLINK ID: 2396742
Orthopedic Consultants
4325 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 883-1506
Harvie, Keith W., DO
Provider ID #NM014A05
BlueLINK ID: 2396742
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Orthopedic Consultants
4325 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 883-1506
Fax No. (505) 883-1507
Heckl, Frank R., MD
Provider ID #NM001176
BlueLINK ID: 2397821
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Hollinger, Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM001297
BlueLINK ID: 2397846
700 Lomas NE, 87109
(505) 242-2500
McEnnerney, Thomas, MD
Provider ID #NM009G71
BlueLINK ID: 2397966
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
McGinty, Laurel, MD
Provider ID #NM009G69
BlueLINK ID: 3300161
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
McKinley, Matthew, MD
Provider ID #NM014539
BlueLINK ID: 4169347
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa Orthopaedics
10501 Golf Course Rd. NW, 87114
(505) 727-2400
McRoberts, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM001827
BlueLINK ID: 2397969
Academy Orthopaedic Clinic
8301 Spain NE, 87109
(505) 821-6663
Fax No. (505) 823-2683
McRoberts, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM009E39
BlueLINK ID: 2397969
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2231
Mikola, Elizabeth A., MD
Provider ID #NM009612
BlueLINK ID: 4188504
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Miller, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM003727
BlueLINK ID: 3271498
Foot/ankle surgery
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Mitnik, Michael S., MD
Provider ID #NM001922
BlueLINK ID: 3135843
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 155,
(505) 893-2880
Moneim, Moheb S., MD
Provider ID #NM000993
BlueLINK ID: 3135844
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Pribyl, Charles, MD
Provider ID #NM013885
BlueLINK ID: 3212594
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Quinn, Robert H., MD
Provider ID #NM009R29
BlueLINK ID: 3248575
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Racca, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM009G82
BlueLINK ID: 4213535
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 727-2400
Racca, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM009G82
BlueLINK ID: 4213535
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa Orthopaedics
10501 Golf Course Rd. NW, 87114
(505) 727-2400
Rachelson, Herbert V., MD
Provider ID #NM002232
BlueLINK ID: 2398040
Northside Orthopedics
6100 Pan American Fwy., Ste. 420,
(505) 823-8170
Fax No. (505) 823-8175
Raducan, Viorel, MD
Provider ID #NM009M73
BlueLINK ID: 4107541
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87121
(505) 272-1623
Reyna, Jose R., MD
Provider ID #NM019310
BlueLINK ID: 4204931
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Richards, Allison Alexander, MD
Provider ID #NM009A46
BlueLINK ID: 4275032
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rock, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM002322
BlueLINK ID: 3135915
Rock Professional Associates
8012 Pennsylvania Cir. NE, 87110
(505) 256-9849
Schenck, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM009101
BlueLINK ID: 3236632
Specializing in sports medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Schillen, Jack D., MD
Provider ID #NM009U08
BlueLINK ID: 6003667
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Schwend, Richard, MD
Provider ID #NM004219
BlueLINK ID: 3301091
Pediatric orthopedics & spine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Sherman, Frederick C., MD
Provider ID #NM012568
BlueLINK ID: 3135960
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5271
Szalay, Elizabeth A., MD
Provider ID #NM009704
BlueLINK ID: 2326820
Specializing in pediatric
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5271
Tabet, Samuel K., MD
Provider ID #NM002732
BlueLINK ID: 2398140
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Turner, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009G70
BlueLINK ID: 3143337
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
July 2005
Veitch, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM009E40
BlueLINK ID: 2398222
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Wascher, Daniel C., MD
Provider ID #NM003732
BlueLINK ID: 3272956
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Weber, Richard R., DO
Provider ID #NM004542
BlueLINK ID: 2396756
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 105, 87109
(505) 727-7711
Welch, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM004911
BlueLINK ID: 3377406
Orthopedic Bone & Joint Specialists
700 Lomas NE, 1 Woodward Ctr.,
(505) 242-2764
Fax No. (505) 247-3265
White, Richard E., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM002947
BlueLINK ID: 2346374
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Avasthi, Pushpa, MD
Provider ID #NM009H10
BlueLINK ID: 3143021
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pathology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7131
Bocklage, Therese, MD
Provider ID #NM003873
BlueLINK ID: 3323508
Anatomic & clinical pathology;
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-2446
Burke, Theodore, MD
Provider ID #NM009G78
BlueLINK ID: 4100400
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pathology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7131
Cerilli, Lisa Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM009R41
BlueLINK ID: 4198702
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4548
Crookston, Kendall Paul, MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM009E45
BlueLINK ID: 4198167
Transfusion medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2448
July 2005
Elliott, James C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R34
BlueLINK ID: 6003496
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4548
Foucar, Mary Kathryn, MD
Provider ID #NM009871
BlueLINK ID: 3210760
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Garner, Ronnie J., MD
Provider ID #NM009U77
BlueLINK ID: 3314127
Anatomic & clinical pathology;
blood banking
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Joste, Nancy, MD
Provider ID #NM009880
BlueLINK ID: 3396614
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-2446
Reichard, Richard R., MD
Provider ID #NM009S70
BlueLINK ID: 4323603
Also specializing in neuropathology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4422
Key, Charles R., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM009882
BlueLINK ID: 3213824
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-5873
Rose, Judy, MD
Provider ID #NM009G74
BlueLINK ID: 3341395
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pathology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7131
Kornfeld, Mario, MD
Provider ID #NM009883
BlueLINK ID: 3212558
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-4814
Simon, Toby L., MD
Provider ID #NM009U29
BlueLINK ID: 6004139
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Gates, Lee, MD
Provider ID #NM009G75
BlueLINK ID: 5009682
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pathology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7131
Larson, Richard, MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM009884
BlueLINK ID: 4132757
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-5873
Griego, Janet E., MD
Provider ID #NM009U78
BlueLINK ID: 4143050
Anatomic & clinical pathology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Lipscomb, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM009886
BlueLINK ID: 5006084
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-9228
Harris, Alexis, MD
Provider ID #NM009875
BlueLINK ID: 4163933
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Luke, Matthew, MD
Provider ID #NM009888
BlueLINK ID: 4168976
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Hjelle, Brian L., MD
Provider ID #NM009U79
BlueLINK ID: 3222737
Clinical pathology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
McFeeley, Patricia J., MD
Provider ID #NM009U84
BlueLINK ID: 3212605
Anatomic, clinical & forensic
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Horvath, Andrew E., MD
Provider ID #NM009U81
BlueLINK ID: 3314778
Anatomic, clinical & radioisotopic
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Huser, Jeffrey W., MD
Provider ID #NM009U71
BlueLINK ID: 3314779
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Irani, Mehraboon S., MD
Provider ID #NM009U80
BlueLINK ID: 3358009
Anatomic & clinical pathology;
blood banking
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Mones, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009G48
BlueLINK ID: 3330729
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-6300
Fax No. (505) 727-8319
Nine, Jeffrey S., MD
Provider ID #NM009U82
BlueLINK ID: 4251702
Anatomic, clinical & forensic
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Reichard, Kaaren K., MD
Provider ID #NM009H90
BlueLINK ID: 4292301
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Spevecek, Sandra M., MD
Provider ID #NM009G50
BlueLINK ID: 4149145
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-6300
Fax No. (505) 727-8319
Stoddard, Lanu, MD
Provider ID #NM009G49
BlueLINK ID: 4209467
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-6300
Fax No. (505) 727-8319
Stuart, Thomas, MD
Provider ID #NM009G77
BlueLINK ID: 3135991
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pathology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7131
Viswanatha, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009E67
BlueLINK ID: 4109994
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
915 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-5873
Williams, Thomas M., MD
Provider ID #NM009900
BlueLINK ID: 3263606
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Willman, Cheryl, MD
Provider ID #NM009E70
BlueLINK ID: 3214182
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5622
Willman, Cheryl, MD
Provider ID #NM009U41
BlueLINK ID: 3214182
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2325 Camino de Salud NE, 87131
(505) 272-5622
Wills, Marcia L., MD
Provider ID #NM019E71
BlueLINK ID: 4173578
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pathology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7131
Fax No. (505) 262-7020
Veitch, Andrew J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R37
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Wilson, Carla S., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM009E72
BlueLINK ID: 3389520
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2445
Zhang, Gian-Yun, MD
Provider ID #NM009G51
BlueLINK ID: 5009370
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-6300
Fax No. (505) 727-8319
Zumwalt, Ross E., MD
Provider ID #NM009U83
BlueLINK ID: 3212577
Anatomic, clinical & forensic
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pathology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2444
Abernathy-Carver, Katherine, MD
Provider ID #NM003311
BlueLINK ID: 3395407
Allergy & Asthma Care Inc.
2509 Virginia NE, Ste. B, 87110
(505) 294-1471
Albanese, Bernadette, MD
Provider ID #NM009594
BlueLINK ID: 3254065
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Alderman, Sherri Louise, MD
Provider ID #NM004702
BlueLINK ID: 4149562
Patients under age 18
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Alverson, Dale C., MD
Provider ID #NM003837
BlueLINK ID: 3210741
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Armstrong, Margaret A., MD
Provider ID #NM003748
BlueLINK ID: 3287714
Pediatric chronic diseases
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-2345
Bashir, Naim S., MD
Provider ID #NM004866
BlueLINK ID: 3351094
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Bommelaere, Gary L., MD
Provider ID #NM004730
BlueLINK ID: 2397434
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Dermatology
1021 Medical Arts NE, 87102
(505) 272-6222
Brock, Sonja Gail, MD
Provider ID #NM009E80
BlueLINK ID: 4163119
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
1001 Yale NE, 87106
(505) 272-5002
Fuller, Janell, MD
Provider ID #NM009R50
BlueLINK ID: 4310855
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Butros, Linda J., MD
Provider ID #NM009S29
BlueLINK ID: 4300395
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Goens, M. Beth, MD
Provider ID #NM004889
BlueLINK ID: 4109942
Pediatric cardiology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Caffey, Laura F., MD
Provider ID #NM004767
BlueLINK ID: 4176386
Pediatric pulmonary medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Campbell, Karen, MD
Provider ID #NM002047
BlueLINK ID: 4150072
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Clayton, Michael H., MD
Provider ID #NM003358
BlueLINK ID: 3360043
2509 Virginia NE, Ste. A, 87110
(505) 296-5426
Fax No. (505) 296-1248
Clericuzio, Carol, MD
Provider ID #NM003839
BlueLINK ID: 3212627
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Coleman, Denise M., MD
Provider ID #NM003561
BlueLINK ID: 4145226
Critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Crowley, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM003749
BlueLINK ID: 3252572
Pediatric intensive care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Duban, Stewart, MD
Provider ID #NM003890
BlueLINK ID: 3135602
Child development
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Fahl, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM004896
BlueLINK ID: 2241671
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Frost, Jami Dalene, MD
Provider ID #NM003544
BlueLINK ID: 3392037
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Gray, Susan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M32
BlueLINK ID: 3135671
Newborn to 18 months
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1994
Fax No. (505) 222-2346
Greger, Nancy Gay, MD
Provider ID #NM009598
BlueLINK ID: 3117308
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Katz, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM003886
BlueLINK ID: 3246445
Critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Kong, Alberta, MD
Provider ID #NM004627
BlueLINK ID: 4150071
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Lattimore, Gwendolyn S., MD
Provider ID #NM009A44
BlueLINK ID: 4268007
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Ledman, Judy, MD
Provider ID #NM004783
BlueLINK ID: 3167040
Preschool & infant development
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Gustave, Jodi E., MD
Provider ID #NM009R73
BlueLINK ID: 6003341
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Leonard, Claire, MD
Provider ID #NM009844
BlueLINK ID: 3349711
University Physicians Associates
Carrie Tingley Hospital
1127 University NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hall, Deborah C., MD
Provider ID #NM001216
BlueLINK ID: 3212612
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2300 Menaul NE, 87107
(505) 272-2345
Lopez, Suzanne M., MD
Provider ID #NM009M54
BlueLINK ID: 3273257
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Handmaker, Stanley, MD
Provider ID #NM003989
BlueLINK ID: 2397815
Developmental disabilities
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Madhok, Ashish B., MD
Provider ID #NM009U53
BlueLINK ID: 4297077
Pediatric cardiology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2551
Hawk, William B., MD
Provider ID #NM009C14
BlueLINK ID: 5008273
Urgent care services only
After Hours Pediatrics
9201 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 298-2505
Fax No. (505) 298-2322
Heideman, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM009852
BlueLINK ID: 4151402
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hickey, Sheila, MD
Provider ID #NM003602
BlueLINK ID: 4104634
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Marosi, Alice, MD
Provider ID #NM009H41
BlueLINK ID: 5009500
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Mathew, Prasad, MD
Provider ID #NM004779
BlueLINK ID: 3234867
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Mathew, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM004778
BlueLINK ID: 4114340
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
McClain, Cate, MD
Provider ID #NM003984
BlueLINK ID: 3292653
Developmental disabilities
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
July 2005
Sebesta, Emilie A., MD
Provider ID #NM009S69
BlueLINK ID: 4323553
Also specializing in pediatric
critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
McLoughlin, Lucille C., MD
Provider ID #NM009M23
BlueLINK ID: 4108264
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Short-Bartlett, Sandra, MD
Provider ID #NM009R08
BlueLINK ID: 3368798
Newborns only
Pediatrix Medical Group
1100 Central Ave. SE, 87106
(505) 841-1994
Fax No. (505) 222-2346
Monge, Tito R., MD
Provider ID #NM009S30
BlueLINK ID: 4319459
Also specializing in pediatric
critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Ohls, Robin K., MD
Provider ID #NM003600
BlueLINK ID: 3330830
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Ornelas, Renee, MD
Provider ID #NM000234
BlueLINK ID: 3258182
Pediatric sexual abuse
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6849
Papile, Lucille A., MD
Provider ID #NM003888
BlueLINK ID: 3212555
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Perkett, Elizabeth, MD
Provider ID #NM004868
BlueLINK ID: 2199231
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Poland, Ronald L., MD
Provider ID #NM009601
BlueLINK ID: 2248318
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Root, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM003599
BlueLINK ID: 4106382
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Rose, Edward L., MD
Provider ID #NM003986
BlueLINK ID: 3212629
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Savich, Renate D., MD
Provider ID #NM003758
BlueLINK ID: 3222723
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
July 2005
Hurley, Timothy J., MD
Provider ID #NM002734
BlueLINK ID: 3285454
Perinatal Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 405, 87106
(505) 764-9535
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Joffe, Gary M., MD
Provider ID #NM013714
BlueLINK ID: 3263663
Perinatal Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 405, 87106
(505) 764-9535
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Physical Medicine
Garza, Ernesto, MD
Provider ID #NM019138
BlueLINK ID: 4153285
Patients 17 years and older
7000 Jefferson NE, 87122
(505) 563-4044
Fax No. (505) 341-0426
Pacheco, Eva C., MD
Provider ID #NM013227
BlueLINK ID: 3372982
Albuquerque Rehabilitation &
1617 University NE, 87102
(505) 341-4148
Fax No. (505) 345-9914
Patton, Christopher P., DO
Provider ID #NM004A59
BlueLINK ID: 4298535
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar Se, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 742-4384
Staples, Amy O., MD
Provider ID #NM009U40
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Ahmed, Altaf, MD
Provider ID #NM009E41
BlueLINK ID: 3347089
7000 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 563-4050
Fax No. (505) 345-6722
Strasburger, Victor, MD
Provider ID #NM002715
BlueLINK ID: 3210752
Adolescent medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Black, Pamela, MD
Provider ID #NM009655
BlueLINK ID: 3293885
Specializing in spinal conditions
3811 Commons Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 343-1711
Fax No. (505) 343-1862
Waldman, Jon Deane, MD
Provider ID #NM003597
BlueLINK ID: 2189506
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Cheng, Emil S., MD
Provider ID #NM009S10
BlueLINK ID: 4257799
New Mexico Spine
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Radecki, Richard T., MD
Provider ID #NM023654
BlueLINK ID: 3203479
Three Woodward Center
700 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Cohn, Thomas G., MD
Provider ID #NM000641
BlueLINK ID: 5002394
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9599
Ross, Barrie W., MD
Provider ID #NM003146
BlueLINK ID: 3361316
7301 Jefferson NE, Ste. E, 87109
(505) 341-0000
Fax No. (505) 341-1495
Winter, Stuart, MD
Provider ID #NM003596
BlueLINK ID: 4106381
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Wong, Craig, MD
Provider ID #NM009206
BlueLINK ID: 4179310
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6632
Aisenbrey, Gary A., MD
Provider ID #NM000205
BlueLINK ID: 3210751
Perinatal Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 405, 87106
(505) 764-9535
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Argubright, Kent, MD
Provider ID #NM000174
BlueLINK ID: 3210720
Perinatal Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 405, 87106
(505) 764-9535
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Hedstrom, Stephanie A., MD
Provider ID #NM011772
BlueLINK ID: 3386756
Southwest Perinatology
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 106, 87109
(505) 883-5657
McGrath, Jane, MD
Provider ID #NM003754
BlueLINK ID: 3287708
Adolescent medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Radecki, Richard T., MD
Provider ID #NM023654
BlueLINK ID: 3203479
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. A1, 87102
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Esparza, Carlos J., MD
Provider ID #NM009046
BlueLINK ID: 4136683
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. A1, 87102
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Santos, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM009616
BlueLINK ID: 4247031
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5202
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Esparza, Carlos J., MD
Provider ID #NM009046
BlueLINK ID: 4136683
Three Woodward Center
700 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 242-1711
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Sloan, John Henry, MD
Provider ID #NM002721
BlueLINK ID: 2106042
Manzano Medical Group
505 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 727-4919
Fax No. (505) 727-4915
Esparza, Carlos J., MD
Provider ID #NM009679
BlueLINK ID: 4136683
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 764-9770
Farr, Arnold W., MD
Provider ID #NM009S63
BlueLINK ID: 4308597
Manzano Medical Group
505 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 727-4919
Fax No. (505) 727-4915
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Stoller, Clifford R., MD
Provider ID #NM002692
BlueLINK ID: 3135988
6100 Seagull NE, Ste. 106, 87109
(505) 883-4395
Taylor, Denise E., MD
Provider ID #NM009H67
BlueLINK ID: 4292302
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Wellborn, J. William, MD
Provider ID #NM002907
BlueLINK ID: 3169247
Physical Rehabilitation Associates
5971 Jefferson NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 345-3686
Plastic Surgery
Baack, Brett, MD
Provider ID #NM003761
BlueLINK ID: 3271500
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Chen, Neil T., MD
Provider ID #NM004678
BlueLINK ID: 3251296
500 Walter NE, Ste. 308, 87102
(505) 842-8889
Fax No. (505) 842-8886
Cuadros, C. Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM000545
BlueLINK ID: 3214596
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E1, 87102
(505) 243-7670
Gallegos, Miguel L., MD
Provider ID #NM004890
BlueLINK ID: 4188984
Hermosa Clinic for Plastic &
Reconstructive Surgery
8004 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 924-2225
Fax No. (505) 924-1063
Mayberry, Aaron, MD
Provider ID #NM009D86
BlueLINK ID: 4121346
Lovelace Cosmetic Surgery Center
5006 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7777
Morehouse, Jeffrey, MD
Provider ID #NM009D87
BlueLINK ID: 3320051
Lovelace Cosmetic Surgery Center
5006 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7777
Wagner, Jon D., MD
Provider ID #NM003588
BlueLINK ID: 4127554
Maxillofacial trauma
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Pulmonary Medicine
Baker, Bonita K., MD
Provider ID #NM031987
BlueLINK ID: 3361848
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
4705 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Baker, Bonita K., MD
Provider ID #NM031987
BlueLINK ID: 3361848
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
500 Walter NE, Ste. 206, 87109
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Bashir, Naim S., MD
Provider ID #NM004866
BlueLINK ID: 3351094
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Boivin, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009411
BlueLINK ID: 4275031
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4661
Ray, Allyson M., MD
Provider ID #NM002015
BlueLINK ID: 412810
Albuquerque Otolaryngology
1020 Tijeras NE, Ste. 22, 87106
(505) 848-3124
Fax No. (505) 848-8077
Busby, Helen, MD
Provider ID #NM004757
BlueLINK ID: 3340824
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Ronel, Daniel N., MD
Provider ID #NM009R77
BlueLINK ID: 4124487
New Mexico Plastic Surgery
1020 Tijeras NE, Ste. 16, 87106
(505) 842-6868
Fax No. (505) 842-9325
Caffey, Laura F., MD
Provider ID #NM004767
BlueLINK ID: 4176386
Pediatric pulmonary medicine
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Ronel, Daniel N., MD
Provider ID #NM009R77
BlueLINK ID: 4124487
New Mexico Plastic Surgery
4801 McMahon NW, 87114
(505) 842-6868
Fax No. (505) 842-9325
Chang, Betty, MD
Provider ID #NM009E31
BlueLINK ID: 4201472
Specializing in pulmonary critical
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Sakura, Chester Y., MD
Provider ID #NM002405
BlueLINK ID: 3135933
New Mexico Plastic Surgery
1020 Tijeras NE, Ste. 16, 87106
(505) 842-6868
Shimanek, Jean M., MD
Provider ID #NM002557
BlueLINK ID: 2116106
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 214, 87109
(505) 883-6600
Fax No. (505) 883-0022
Crowell, Richard E., MD
Provider ID #NM009724
BlueLINK ID: 3212571
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Crowell, Richard E., MD
Provider ID #NM003789
BlueLINK ID: 3212571
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Davies, Lea, MD
Provider ID #NM009R48
BlueLINK ID: 4138367
Specializing in pediatric
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Dipprey, Trisha L., MD
Provider ID #NM024899
BlueLINK ID: 4152690
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
505 Walter NE, Ste. 206, 87102
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Dorf, Jeffrey M., MD
Provider ID #NM039636
BlueLINK ID: 2252487
Chest Medicine of New Mexico
4273 Montgomery NE, Ste. 200E,
(505) 821-5992
Economou, Peter, MD
Provider ID #NM009G35
BlueLINK ID: 3291278
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Center for Sleep Medicine
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 800, 87109
(505) 872-6000
Goldstein, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G36
BlueLINK ID: 3143138
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Pulmonary
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-7223
Guido, Peter S., MD
Provider ID #NM009H58
BlueLINK ID: 4114159
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Center for Sleep Medicine
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 800, 87109
(505) 872-6000
Levy, Howard, MD
Provider ID #NM003805
BlueLINK ID: 3242670
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4751
Magana, Eric, MD
Provider ID #NM009G21
BlueLINK ID: 4170526
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pulmonary
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7223
Moseley, Pope L., MD
Provider ID #NM003624
BlueLINK ID: 2102205
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Osafo Mensah, Kwaku A., MD
Provider ID #NM029533
BlueLINK ID: 4239151
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
500 Walter NE, Ste. 206, 87102
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Perkett, Elizabeth, MD
Provider ID #NM004868
BlueLINK ID: 2199231
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Poliner, James K., MD
Provider ID #NM009G22
BlueLINK ID: 3210729
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pulmonary
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7223
Harkins, Michelle S., MD
Provider ID #NM004858
BlueLINK ID: 4119403
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Sandoval, Vesta M., MD
Provider ID #NM014612
BlueLINK ID: 2283916
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Albuquerque Pulmonary Consultants
500 Walter NE, Ste. 206, 87102
(505) 727-3100
Fax No. (505) 727-3131
Iwamoto, Gary K., MD
Provider ID #NM003541
BlueLINK ID: 2102479
Critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Schuyler, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM003679
BlueLINK ID: 3390813
Adult allergy
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Katz, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM003886
BlueLINK ID: 3246445
Pediatric critical care
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0236
Taub, Lewis D., MD
Provider ID #NM009G23
BlueLINK ID: 4110113
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pulmonary
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7223
Klepper, Diane, MD
Provider ID #NM003800
BlueLINK ID: 2397904
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Radiation Oncology
Anders, Jon C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R82
BlueLINK ID: 6003401
Radiation Oncology Associates, PA
4650 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87103
(505) 727-7900
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
July 2005
Anders, Jon C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R20
BlueLINK ID: 6003401
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-4946
Anders, Jon C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R01
BlueLINK ID: 6003401
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-0086
Anthony, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM000168
BlueLINK ID: 3143015
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 883-8515
Berle, Lisa P., DO
Provider ID #NM004A63
BlueLINK ID: 6003693
Radiation Oncology Associates, PA
4650 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 727-7900
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Berle, Lisa P., DO
Provider ID #NM004A63
BlueLINK ID: 6003693
Radiation Oncology Associates, PA
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8240
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Bush, Steven E., MD
Provider ID #NM009309
BlueLINK ID: 3143066
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Elconin, Joel H., MD
Provider ID #NM009314
BlueLINK ID: 4224231
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Fleck, Ronda S., MD
Provider ID #NM022213
BlueLINK ID: 3284280
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 727-7900
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Fleck, Ronda S., MD
Provider ID #NM022213
BlueLINK ID: 3284280
Radiation Oncology Associates
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-7900
Fax No. (505) 727-7938
Goss, Bryan W., MD
Provider ID #NM009S14
BlueLINK ID: 6003720
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Fax No. (505) 796-3069
July 2005
Liem, Benny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009678
BlueLINK ID: 4244726
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Liem, Benny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009678
BlueLINK ID: 4244726
Radiation Oncology Associates
8300 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 291-2606
Fax No. (505) 291-2622
Liem, Benny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009661
BlueLINK ID: 4244726
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Liem, Benny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009702
BlueLINK ID: 4244726
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 889-9639
Lipsett, James, MD
Provider ID #NM003465
BlueLINK ID: 2138596
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 883-8515
Story, Amanda J., MD
Provider ID #NM001968
BlueLINK ID: 3262325
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 883-8515
Stutzman, Charles D., MD
Provider ID #NM002552
BlueLINK ID: 2398130
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 883-8515
Thompson, William R., MD
Provider ID #NM002758
BlueLINK ID: 3223289
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 883-8515
Wong, Gene, MD
Provider ID #NM003921
BlueLINK ID: 3262046
Radiation Oncology Associates
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 883-8515
Wong, Gene, MD
Provider ID #NM009710
BlueLINK ID: 3262046
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Wong, Gene, MD
Provider ID #NM009710
BlueLINK ID: 3262046
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
4650 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 272-8871
Agha, Farooq P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C34
BlueLINK ID: 2349305
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Akiya, Fredrick I., MD
Provider ID #NM009C35
BlueLINK ID: 3275004
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Ashby, Robert N., MD
Provider ID #NM009858
BlueLINK ID: 2243795
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Babel, Stephen G., MD
Provider ID #NM009C98
BlueLINK ID: 2251305
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Babel, Stephen G., MD
Provider ID #NM009C98
BlueLINK ID: 2251305
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Babel, Stephen G., MD
Provider ID #NM009C98
BlueLINK ID: 2251305
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Babel, Stephen G., MD
Provider ID #NM009C98
BlueLINK ID: 2251305
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Babel, Stephen G., MD
Provider ID #NM009C98
BlueLINK ID: 2251305
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Bahouth, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM009C36
BlueLINK ID: 3207431
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Barron, Scott, MD
Provider ID #NM009J09
BlueLINK ID: 3302238
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Bauman, Christopher G.W., MD
Provider ID #NM009R45
BlueLINK ID: 4263323
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Anders, Jon C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R82
BlueLINK ID: 6003401
Radiation Oncology Associates, PA
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8240
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Bernhardi, Louis A., DO
Provider ID #NM009R69
BlueLINK ID: 6003561
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Blackley, Fredric, MD
Provider ID #NM009J10
BlueLINK ID: 3320189
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Brock, Jack A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C37
BlueLINK ID: 3274960
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Brown, Garry M., MD
Provider ID #NM010398
BlueLINK ID: 3184977
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Brown, Garry M., MD
Provider ID #NM010398
BlueLINK ID: 3184977
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Brown, Garry M., MD
Provider ID #NM010398
BlueLINK ID: 3184977
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Brown, Garry M., MD
Provider ID #NM010398
BlueLINK ID: 3184977
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Brown, Garry M., MD
Provider ID #NM010398
BlueLINK ID: 3184977
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Burstein, Jerome, MD
Provider ID #NM009G81
BlueLINK ID: 3348388
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Burstein, Jerome, MD
Provider ID #NM009G81
BlueLINK ID: 3348388
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Burstein, Jerome, MD
Provider ID #NM009G81
BlueLINK ID: 3348388
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Campbell, Karien, MD
Provider ID #NM009G86
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Burstein, Jerome, MD
Provider ID #NM009G81
BlueLINK ID: 3348388
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Campbell, Karien, MD
Provider ID #NM009G86
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Burstein, Jerome, MD
Provider ID #NM009G81
BlueLINK ID: 3348388
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Campbell, Karien, MD
Provider ID #NM009G86
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Buschman, Dennis L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S78
BlueLINK ID: A06408
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Carmody, Phillip W., MD
Provider ID #NM009E61
BlueLINK ID: 3274961
Diagnostic radiology
National Clinical Technology
10400 Academy NE, Ste. 340, 87112
(505) 298-1558
Fax No. (505) 298-7012
Buschman, Dennis L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S78
BlueLINK ID: A06408
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Buschman, Dennis L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S78
BlueLINK ID: A06408
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Buschman, Dennis L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S78
BlueLINK ID: A06408
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-6689
Buschman, Dennis L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S78
BlueLINK ID: A06408
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B-6,
(505) 890-2818
Butler-Lewis, Renee J., MD
Provider ID #NM009C38
BlueLINK ID: 4155236
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Campbell, Karien, MD
Provider ID #NM009G86
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Campbell, Karien, MD
Provider ID #NM009G86
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Casey, Linda, MD
Provider ID #NM009J08
BlueLINK ID: 3306956
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Centenera, Luis V., MD
Provider ID #NM009L40
BlueLINK ID: 4249147
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Chaffey, Margaret H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G40
BlueLINK ID: 3333672
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Chaffey, Margaret H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G40
BlueLINK ID: 3333672
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Chaffey, Margaret H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G40
BlueLINK ID: 3333672
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Chaffey, Margaret H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G40
BlueLINK ID: 3333672
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Chaffey, Margaret H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G40
BlueLINK ID: 3333672
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Colvin, Agnew H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G02
BlueLINK ID: 3196133
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Dehadrai, Gaulam, MD
Provider ID #NM009M25
BlueLINK ID: 4296284
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Colvin, Agnew H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G02
BlueLINK ID: 3196133
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Dehadrai, Gautam, MD
Provider ID #NM009R43
BlueLINK ID: 4296284
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Colvin, Agnew H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G02
BlueLINK ID: 3196133
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Dell, Lance, MD
Provider ID #NM010722
BlueLINK ID: 3234967
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Colvin, Agnew H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G02
BlueLINK ID: 3196133
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Depper, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G03
BlueLINK ID: 3383130
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Colvin, Agnew H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G02
BlueLINK ID: 3196133
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Depper, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G03
BlueLINK ID: 3383130
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Crews, Michael A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C39
BlueLINK ID: 2314882
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Cronk, Roger L., DO
Provider ID #NM004A03
BlueLINK ID: 3293335
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Cronk, Roger L., DO
Provider ID #NM004A03
BlueLINK ID: 3293335
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Cronk, Roger L., DO
Provider ID #NM004A03
BlueLINK ID: 3293335
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Cronk, Roger L., DO
Provider ID #NM004A03
BlueLINK ID: 3293335
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Cronk, Roger L., DO
Provider ID #NM004A03
BlueLINK ID: 3293335
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Depper, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G03
BlueLINK ID: 3383130
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Depper, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G03
BlueLINK ID: 3383130
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Depper, Mark H., MD
Provider ID #NM009G03
BlueLINK ID: 3383130
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Dowdell, Timothy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009M50
BlueLINK ID: 6003069
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2269
Eberhardt, Steven C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R46
BlueLINK ID: 4246595
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Feldman, Laura, MD
Provider ID #NM009S16
BlueLINK ID: 2273784
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 332-6900
Fax No. (505) 332-6921
July 2005
Hammer, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM009M01
BlueLINK ID: 2344609
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 998-3089
Fax No. (505) 998-3107
Hart, Blaine L., MD
Provider ID #NM009877
BlueLINK ID: 3271507
Specializing in neuroradiology
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Hartshorne, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM007473
BlueLINK ID: 3214212
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Hayes, Amy S., MD
Provider ID #NM009G39
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Hayes, Amy S., MD
Provider ID #NM009G39
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Hayes, Amy S., MD
Provider ID #NM009G39
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Hayes, Amy S., MD
Provider ID #NM009G39
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Hayes, Amy S., MD
Provider ID #NM009G39
BlueLINK ID: 4226302
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Ichel, Daniel A., MD
Provider ID #NM009C21
BlueLINK ID: 2263983
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
July 2005
Ketai, Loren, MD
Provider ID #NM009E49
BlueLINK ID: 2302963
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Lowry, James L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L54
BlueLINK ID: 3293339
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Martinez, Gilbert, MD
Provider ID #NM009J05
BlueLINK ID: 4177640
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
King, Jerry N., MD
Provider ID #NM009C40
BlueLINK ID: 3105794
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Lowry, James L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L54
BlueLINK ID: 3293339
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Meholic, Andrew, MD
Provider ID #NM009E52
BlueLINK ID: 3212587
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Lee, Fa-Chyi, MD
Provider ID #NM009711
BlueLINK ID: 4150030
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-2151
Lowry, James L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L54
BlueLINK ID: 3293339
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Lee, Ihn P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C41
BlueLINK ID: 3274963
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Lowry, James L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L54
BlueLINK ID: 3293339
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87120
(505) 998-5925
Lill, Duncan W., MD
Provider ID #NM009C42
BlueLINK ID: 4209809
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Linver, Michael N., MD
Provider ID #NM009L72
BlueLINK ID: 3293338
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Linver, Michael N., MD
Provider ID #NM009L72
BlueLINK ID: 3293338
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Linver, Michael N., MD
Provider ID #NM009L72
BlueLINK ID: 3293338
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 889-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Linver, Michael N., MD
Provider ID #NM009L72
BlueLINK ID: 3293338
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-6689
Linver, Michael N., MD
Provider ID #NM009L72
BlueLINK ID: 3293338
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 890-2818
Lowry, James L., MD
Provider ID #NM009L54
BlueLINK ID: 3293339
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Mals, Robert S., MD
Provider ID #NM009M08
BlueLINK ID: 3187390
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Martin, Thomas P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C97
BlueLINK ID: 3355281
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Martin, Thomas P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C97
BlueLINK ID: 3355281
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution NE, Ste. 101, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Martin, Thomas P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C97
BlueLINK ID: 3355281
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Martin, Thomas P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C97
BlueLINK ID: 3355281
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Martin, Thomas P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C97
BlueLINK ID: 3355281
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Garcia, Jose F., MD
Provider ID #NM009E85
BlueLINK ID: 3212562
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Meints, Jeffery S., MD
Provider ID #NM009M09
BlueLINK ID: 3120856
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Miller, Kathryn, MD
Provider ID #NM009M03
BlueLINK ID: 3320192
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 998-3089
Fax No. (505) 998-3107
Mlady, Gary W., MD
Provider ID #NM009R47
BlueLINK ID: 4308908
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Mullen, Sean E., DO
Provider ID #NM004A01
BlueLINK ID: 4233656
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87110
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Nenoff, Richard S., MD
Provider ID #NM009M55
BlueLINK ID: 3303325
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution NE, Ste. 202, 87110
(505) 998-3096
Fax No. (505) 998-3100
Nisenbaum, Josef, DO
Provider ID #NM004A02
BlueLINK ID: 3326137
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87110
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Parker, Russell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4194639
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Parker, Russell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4194639
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Parker, Russell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4194639
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Patriquin, Lara M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S11
BlueLINK ID: 4241986
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B-6,
(505) 890-2818
Rupp, Frederick W., MD
Provider ID #NM009E59
BlueLINK ID: 3288211
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Phung, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009C12
BlueLINK ID: 4254782
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87110
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Sell, James J., MD
Provider ID #NM009896
BlueLINK ID: 3212570
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Williams, Arvis, MD
Provider ID #NM009R23
BlueLINK ID: 3165106
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B-6,
(505) 559-5800
Parker, Timothy W., MD
Provider ID #NM009G38
BlueLINK ID: 2106283
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Pohl, Jennifer, MD
Provider ID #NM009H69
BlueLINK ID: 4292404
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Spar, Jon, MD
Provider ID #NM009J07
BlueLINK ID: 3260270
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Williams, Kevin T., MD
Provider ID #NM009E69
BlueLINK ID: 4268481
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Parker, Timothy W., MD
Provider ID #NM009G38
BlueLINK ID: 2106283
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Rael, Jesse, MD
Provider ID #NM009J06
BlueLINK ID: 2289629
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Stella, John Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM009L47
BlueLINK ID: 6002924
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Radiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7115
Williamson, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM007473
BlueLINK ID: 2346490
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Redd, Bernadette A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4231253
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Stevenson, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM009C43
BlueLINK ID: 3209305
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Williamson, Susan, MD
Provider ID #NM003872
BlueLINK ID: 3117185
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Parker, Russell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4194639
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Parker, Russell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4194639
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Parker, Timothy W., MD
Provider ID #NM009G38
BlueLINK ID: 2106283
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Parker, Timothy W., MD
Provider ID #NM009G38
BlueLINK ID: 2106283
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Parker, Timothy W., MD
Provider ID #NM009G38
BlueLINK ID: 2106283
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Patriquin, Lara M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S11
BlueLINK ID: 4241986
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Patriquin, Lara M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S11
BlueLINK ID: 4241986
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Patriquin, Lara M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S11
BlueLINK ID: 4241986
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Patriquin, Lara M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S11
BlueLINK ID: 4241986
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-6689
Redd, Bernadette A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4231253
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Redd, Bernadette A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4231253
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Redd, Bernadette A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4231253
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Redd, Bernadette A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G05
BlueLINK ID: 4231253
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
Rio, Carlos E., MD
Provider ID #NM009E98
BlueLINK ID: 3167632
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Rosenberg, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009891
BlueLINK ID: 3214597
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Van Dyk, Edward O, MD
Provider ID #NM009G42
BlueLINK ID: 4244102
Patients over age 18
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
4901 Lang Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 842-8171
Fax No. (505) 246-0684
Wells, Stanley D., MD
Provider ID #NM009H70
BlueLINK ID: 2350743
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Wiest, Philip W., MD
Provider ID #NM009898
BlueLINK ID: 3334439
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
Williams, Arvis, MD
Provider ID #NM009R23
BlueLINK ID: 3165106
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Williams, Arvis, MD
Provider ID #NM009R23
BlueLINK ID: 3165106
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Williams, Arvis, MD
Provider ID #NM009R23
BlueLINK ID: 3165106
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Williams, Arvis, MD
Provider ID #NM009R23
BlueLINK ID: 3165106
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Wilson, Glen P., MD
Provider ID #NM009C44
BlueLINK ID: 4225447
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Winterkorn, Keith G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L53
BlueLINK ID: 3294923
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Winterkorn, Keith G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L53
BlueLINK ID: 3294923
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, 87110
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Winterkorn, Keith G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L53
BlueLINK ID: 3294923
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 998-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Winterkorn, Keith G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L53
BlueLINK ID: 3294923
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-5925
Winterkorn, Keith G., MD
Provider ID #NM009L53
BlueLINK ID: 3294923
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 559-5800
July 2005
Zimmer, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L69
BlueLINK ID: 3205293
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Breast Imaging Center
4630 Jefferson Ln. NE, 87109
(505) 998-1911
Zimmer, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L69
BlueLINK ID: 3205293
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
El Camino Imaging Center
8020 Constitution Pl. NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 998-1317
Fax No. (505) 998-1308
Zimmer, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L69
BlueLINK ID: 3205293
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Heights MRI Center
102 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 889-5925
Fax No. (505) 998-1907
Zimmer, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L69
BlueLINK ID: 3205293
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Medical Center MRI
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 998-6689
Zimmer, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L69
BlueLINK ID: 3205293
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
Northwest Imaging Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. B6,
(505) 890-2818
Bankhurst, Arthur, MD
Provider ID #NM003785
BlueLINK ID: 3210750
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5062
Cohen, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM010582
BlueLINK ID: 3143082
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Rheumatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7248
Dean, Jacqueline K., MD
Provider ID #NM009638
BlueLINK ID: 4110740
Albuquerque Rehabilitation &
1617 University NE, 87102
(505) 341-4148
Fax No. (505) 345-9914
Johnson, Courtney, MD
Provider ID #NM004293
BlueLINK ID: 2113319
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-2345
July 2005
Konstantinov, Konstantin N., MD
Provider ID #NM009U39
BlueLINK ID: 6004184
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Kumar, Vijayalkshmi, MD
Provider ID #NM009R42
BlueLINK ID: 6003516
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Rheumatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7248
O'Sullivan, Frank, MD
Provider ID #NM011162
BlueLINK ID: 2113045
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Rheumatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7248
Pacheco, Leroy A., MD
Provider ID #NM010537
BlueLINK ID: 3314762
Albuquerque Rehabilitation &
1617 University NE, 87102
(505) 341-4148
Fax No. (505) 345-9914
Sibbitt, Wilmer L., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM002572
BlueLINK ID: 3212631
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
Spencer-Smith, Elizabeth M., MD
Provider ID #NM009L82
BlueLINK ID: 6003211
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Rheumatology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7248
Fax No. (505) 262-3190
Sleep Disorders
Reyna, Jose R., MD
Provider ID #NM019310
BlueLINK ID: 4204931
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Sports Medicine
DeCoster, Thomas A., MD
Provider ID #NM003722
BlueLINK ID: 2397710
Specializing in trauma
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Galbreth, Jarrett L., MD
Provider ID #NM001015
BlueLINK ID: 3135643
1510 San Carlos SW, 87104
(505) 842-0720
Fax No. (505) 242-9046
McGrew, Christopher A., MD
Provider ID #NM003726
BlueLINK ID: 3253398
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
McGrew, Christopher A., MD
Provider ID #NM003726
BlueLINK ID: 3253398
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2140
Schenck, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM009101
BlueLINK ID: 3236632
Orthopedic surgery
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Boxer, Richard B., MD
Provider ID #NM009L39
BlueLINK ID: 5010167
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Center for Sleep Medicine
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 800, 87109
(505) 872-6000
Wascher, Daniel C., MD
Provider ID #NM003732
BlueLINK ID: 3272956
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Grigg-Damberger, Madeline M.,
Provider ID #NM011679
BlueLINK ID: 3115174
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Neurology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Wilson, Robert H., MD
Provider ID #NM002742
BlueLINK ID: 3334443
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4382
Spinal Surgery
Thoracic and Vascular
Durrani, Shakeel Farrukh, MD
Provider ID #NM009M13
BlueLINK ID: 4297481
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-4107
Ray, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009H80
BlueLINK ID: 4241515
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Arredondo, H. David, MD
Provider ID #NM000155
BlueLINK ID: 2396828
715 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, Ste. 312,
(505) 246-0164
Fax No. (505) 246-0166
Chandran, George, MD
Provider ID #NM000507
BlueLINK ID: 2397619
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 5, 87102
(505) 247-1744
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Deane, William M., MD
Provider ID #NM000686
BlueLINK ID: 3143102
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Dietl, Charles A., MD
Provider ID #NM009725
BlueLINK ID: 2294891
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-6337
Dietl, Charles A., MD
Provider ID #NM004870
BlueLINK ID: 2294891
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6901
Gerety, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM001037
BlueLINK ID: 3135652
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Jacob, T. Philip, MD
Provider ID #NM001393
BlueLINK ID: 3135725
SW Vascular & Thoracic Surgical
1010 Lead SE, Ste. 3, 87106
(505) 224-7500
Fax No. (505) 224-7505
Langsfeld, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM003773
BlueLINK ID: 3220533
Vascular surgery
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Levy, Paul S., MD
Provider ID #NM009073
BlueLINK ID: 3266442
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Lowe, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM011673
BlueLINK ID: 3143226
Vascular surgery
New Mexico Surgical Associates
711 Encino Pl. NE, 87102
(505) 843-7901
Fax No. (505) 843-6384
Marek, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM003518
BlueLINK ID: 3358532
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Matteson, Brian, MD
Provider ID #NM009833
BlueLINK ID: 4213483
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Nguyen, Hoang Chau, MD
Provider ID #NM009H12
BlueLINK ID: 4228762
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Wood, Gary L., MD
Provider ID #NM009C45
BlueLINK ID: 2269139
Radiology Associates of Albuquerque
4411 The 25 Way NE, Ste. 150, 87109
(505) 559-6266
Fax No. (505) 247-9108
Pett, Stuart B., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM003777
BlueLINK ID: 3212611
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6901
Reddy, Gopal K. N., MD
Provider ID #NM002254
BlueLINK ID: 3143267
500 Walter NE, Ste. 204, 87102
(505) 842-5518
Fax No. (505) 247-8509
Richardson, Kevin, MD
Provider ID #NM009574
BlueLINK ID: 5007138
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Talbot, William A., MD
Provider ID #NM009G27
BlueLINK ID: 3143327
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Walji, Salim M., MD
Provider ID #NM013497
BlueLINK ID: 3269371
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Wernly, Jorge A., MD
Provider ID #NM003830
BlueLINK ID: 3210739
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6901
Yassin, Said Fadi, MD
Provider ID #NM009U51
BlueLINK ID: 4295564
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Urgent Care
Bohan, Juliane N., MD
Provider ID #NM003876
BlueLINK ID: 3213804
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Dominguez, David C., MD
Provider ID #NM003877
BlueLINK ID: 3203502
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
Borden, Thomas A., MD
Provider ID #NM003826
BlueLINK ID: 3256243
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Conn, Richard, MD
Provider ID #NM009G64
BlueLINK ID: 3143086
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Urology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7275
Floyd, V. Taylor, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM000897
BlueLINK ID: 3213800
Albuquerque Urology Associates
718 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. B, 87102
(505) 242-3991
Ortolano, Vincent, MD
Provider ID #NM002203
BlueLINK ID: 2397555
8100 Constitution NE, Ste. 250, 87110
(505) 294-6979
Fax No. (505) 294-6315
Gibel, Lawrence, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM003771
BlueLINK ID: 3210735
Renal transplant
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Ortolano, Vincent, MD
Provider ID #NM009E06
BlueLINK ID: 2397555
Albuquerque Urology Associates
8100 Constitution NE, Ste. 250, 87110
(505) 294-6979
Fax No. (505) 294-6315
Gray, Todd, MD
Provider ID #NM009G65
BlueLINK ID: 3222755
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Urology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7275
Hanson, J. Alison, MD
Provider ID #NM004688
BlueLINK ID: 3347946
Urology Group of NM
4161 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 872-4090
Fax No. (505) 872-4097
Hanson, J. Alison, MD
Provider ID #NM004688
BlueLINK ID: 3347946
Urology Group of NM
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 225,
(505) 872-4090
Fax No. (505) 872-4097
Kammerer-Doak, Dorothy, MD
Provider ID #NM009D79
BlueLINK ID: 3322691
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Urology
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3224
Kaplan, Damara L., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM009E07
BlueLINK ID: 4240875
Albuquerque Urology Associates
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. C, 87102
(505) 242-3991
Fax No. (505) 243-8405
Kettwich, Donald L., MD
Provider ID #NM019E05
BlueLINK ID: 2397883
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E, 87102
(505) 245-5737
Fax No. (505) 245-5739
Lackner, Jonathan E., MD
Provider ID #NM004697
BlueLINK ID: 4188254
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. D, 87102
(505) 243-6624
Fax No. (505) 243-6527
Lackner, Jonathan E., MD
Provider ID #NM009E04
BlueLINK ID: 4188254
Albuquerque Urology Associates
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. D, 87102
(505) 243-6624
Fax No. (505) 243-6527
Ochadlik, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM009G63
BlueLINK ID: 5009502
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Urology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7275
Robbins, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009G62
BlueLINK ID: 3143276
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Urology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7275
Schomer, N. Scott, MD
Provider ID #NM002541
BlueLINK ID: 3327627
Urology Group of NM
4161 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 872-4090
Fax No. (505) 872-4097
Schomer, N. Scott, MD
Provider ID #NM002541
BlueLINK ID: 3327627
Urology Group of NM
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 225,
(505) 872-4090
Fax No. (505) 872-4097
Smith, Anthony Y., MD
Provider ID #NM009722
BlueLINK ID: 2321990
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Smith, Anthony Y., MD
Provider ID #NM003780
BlueLINK ID: 2321990
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5504
Snoy, Frederick J., MD
Provider ID #NM002631
BlueLINK ID: 2398100
Urology Group of NM
4161 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 872-4090
Fax No. (505) 872-4097
Snoy, Frederick J., MD
Provider ID #NM002631
BlueLINK ID: 2398100
Urology Group of NM
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 225,
(505) 872-4090
Fax No. (505) 872-4097
Thomas, Mark D., MD
Provider ID #NM000732
BlueLINK ID: 2322603
Albuquerque Urology Associates
718 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. B, 87102
(505) 242-3991
Wilson, Jason, MD
Provider ID #NM009589
BlueLINK ID: 4249149
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Zamilpa, Ismael, MD
Provider ID #NM009R92
BlueLINK ID: 4317998
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Surgery
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2336
Taos County
Rachelson, Herbert V., MD
Provider ID #NM002232
BlueLINK ID: 2398040
Taos Orthopedic Clinic
State Hwy. 196, 87512
(505) 758-7707
Eddy County
Tabrez, Shams S.M., MD
Provider ID #NM009365
BlueLINK ID: 4238583
612 N. 13th St., Ste. D, 88210
(505) 623-1442
Fax No. (505) 623-3835
General Surgery
Cimpean, Claudiu A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B76
BlueLINK ID: 4267449
Artesia Healthcare Professionals
702 N. 13th St., 88210
(505) 748-3751
Fax No. (505) 748-3160
MacFarlane, J. Ralph, MD
Provider ID #NM009350
BlueLINK ID: 3120370
Artesia Healthcare Professionals
702 N. 13th St., 88210
(505) 748-3751
Fax No. (505) 748-1360
Thoracic and Vascular
MacFarlane, J. Ralph, MD
Provider ID #NM009350
BlueLINK ID: 3120370
Artesia Healthcare Professionals
702 N. 13th St., 88210
(505) 748-3751
Fax No. (505) 748-1360
Vitale, Phillip J., MD
Provider ID #NM009D70
BlueLINK ID: 3136012
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Urology
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3224
O'Cleireachain, Feidhlim, MD
Provider ID #NM002074
BlueLINK ID: 3210746
8100 Constitution NE, Ste. 240, 87110
(505) 293-1660
Fax No. (505) 293-0083
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Valencia County
Garcia, Ignacio, MD
Provider ID #NM001008
BlueLINK ID: 3143131
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
704 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(800) 228-1917
Gurule, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM002723
BlueLINK ID: 3225039
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
704 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(800) 228-1917
Robison, J. Wendall, MD
Provider ID #NM002305
BlueLINK ID: 3135914
Belen Dermatology
711 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(505) 271-1866
Miller, Robert B., MD
Provider ID #NM009304
BlueLINK ID: 4121285
Renal Medicine Associates
Central NM Kidney Center
609 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(505) 861-1771
Lincoln County
Seaton, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM009U01
BlueLINK ID: 2202123
Rose Clinic
330 Smokey Bear Blvd., 88316
(505) 354-0057
Fax No. (505) 354-0056
Eddy County
Pearson, Clarence E., MD
Provider ID #NM009M02
BlueLINK ID: 3326901
New Mexico Heart Institute
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 204, 88220
(505) 234-1855
Fax No. (505) 234-2854
Tsiouris, Nikolaos J., MD
Provider ID #NM009L33
BlueLINK ID: 4236521
New Mexico Heart Institute
2430 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 234-1855
Fax No. (505) 234-2854
July 2005
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Physical Medicine
Davies, Richard J., DO
Provider ID #NM004169
BlueLINK ID: 3215922
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 3C, 88220
(505) 887-0771
Fax No. (505) 885-1993
Latif, Tahir, MD
Provider ID #NM009N39
BlueLINK ID: 4308290
Patients over age 17
Southeastern NM Internal Medicine,
Hematology & Oncology
2427 W. Pierce, 88220
(505) 885-3370
Fax No. (505) 885-1841
Nieves, Ricardo A., MD
Provider ID #NM009179
BlueLINK ID: 4112632
Patients over age 12
Carlsbad Spine, Pain & Sports Med.
2319 W. Pierce, 88220
(505) 628-1548
Fax No. (505) 628-1552
Overman, Mary A., MD
Provider ID #NM019D49
BlueLINK ID: 3296276
Pecos ENT
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 101, 88220
(505) 885-7326
Fax No. (505) 628-1219
Caos, Antonoio, MD
Provider ID #NM009N84
BlueLINK ID: 3162171
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 100, 88220
(505) 887-0692
Fax No. (505) 628-8848
Farooq, Omar, MD
Provider ID #NM009D53
BlueLINK ID: 2124349
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 5A, 88220
(505) 628-0926
Fax No. (505) 628-0493
General Surgery
Athigaman, Murugan, MD
Provider ID #NM009V18
BlueLINK ID: 4258156
The Surgery Group of Carlsbad
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 5B, 88220
(505) 885-0766
Fax No. (505) 887-3791
Bauer, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM011935
BlueLINK ID: 3372536
St. Francis Family Medical Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
105 N. Guadalupe St., 88220
(505) 887-2610
Fax No. (505) 885-2252
Levin, Jon I., DO
Provider ID #NM014B51
BlueLINK ID: 2167330
Pecos Valley of New Mexico
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 3A, 88220
(505) 885-7690
Fax No. (505) 885-7694
Robillard, David M., MD
Provider ID #NM009V19
BlueLINK ID: 2398058
The Surgery Group of Carlsbad
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 5B, 88220
(505) 885-0766
Fax No. (505) 887-3791
Hand Surgery
Baggs, William J., MD
Provider ID #NM000206
BlueLINK ID: 2396835
2410 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-2188
Fax No. (505) 885-6486
Ramasamy, Senthilkumar, MD
Provider ID #NM009K77
BlueLINK ID: 6002993
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 5C, 88220
(505) 887-7300
Fax No. (505) 887-5511
Pai, Ramnath K., MD
Provider ID #NM009801
BlueLINK ID: 3135872
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 104, 88220
(505) 887-5528
Fax No. (505) 885-3366
Secora, Charles L., MD
Provider ID #NM009220
BlueLINK ID: 3271492
Women's Health Services
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6F, 88220
(505) 887-6685
Fax No. (505) 885-0795
Lim, Michael G., MD
Provider ID #NM003136
BlueLINK ID: 3276621
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 1B, 88220
(505) 887-5325
Fax No. (505) 887-6449
Baca, Marshall G., MD
Provider ID #NM000178
BlueLINK ID: 3313673
Orthopedic Specialist
2410 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-2188
Fax No. (505) 885-6486
Baggs, William J., MD
Provider ID #NM000206
BlueLINK ID: 2396835
2410 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-2188
Fax No. (505) 885-6486
Ford, Joseph K., MD
Provider ID #NM023409
BlueLINK ID: 2122725
Orthopedic Specialists
2410 W. Pierce, 88220
(505) 885-2188
Nieves, Ricardo A., MD
Provider ID #NM009179
BlueLINK ID: 4112632
Patients over age 12
Carlsbad Spine, Pain & Sports Med.
2430 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 887-4570
Email: [email protected]
Ray, Thaddeus, DO
Provider ID #NM009N61
BlueLINK ID: 6003678
Patients over age 13
Carlsbad Spine, Pain & Sports
Medicine PC
2319 W. Pierce, 88220
(505) 628-1548
Fax No. (505) 628-1552
Pulmonary Medicine
Ahmad, Mushtaq, MD
Provider ID #NM019N26
BlueLINK ID: 4236692
Patients over age 15
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 6D, 88220
(505) 628-1589
Fax No. (505) 234-1813
Sullesta, Otoniel R., MD
Provider ID #NM002711
BlueLINK ID: 3207872
Medical Imaging of Carlsbad
2430 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 887-4580
Rybka, Sergio J., MD
Provider ID #NM004208
BlueLINK ID: 2398073
1031 N. Thomas, 88220
(505) 887-5542
Colfax County
Internal Medicine
Laursen, Abbie L., MD
Provider ID #NM009U23
BlueLINK ID: 4112491
Cimarron Healthcare Clinic
9th & Washington, 87714
(505) 376-2402
Zwiener, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM003107
BlueLINK ID: 3252079
1008 W. Pierce St., Ste. 1A, 88220
(505) 887-0412
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Union County
General Surgery
Jenkins, Michael L., MD
Provider ID #NM001406
BlueLINK ID: 3135731
315 N. 3rd Ave., 88415
(505) 374-2521
Fax No. (505) 374-2498
Van Wormer, Mark E., MD
Provider ID #NM002858
BlueLINK ID: 3143339
Union County Medical Center
314 N. 3rd Ave., 88415
(505) 374-8311
Fax No. (505) 374-8825
Karrer, John W., MD
Provider ID #NM002871
BlueLINK ID: 2397891
301 Harding St., 88415
(505) 374-2585
Curry County
Paladugu, Mythili, MD
Provider ID #NM009S66
BlueLINK ID: 6003855
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Paladugu, Mythili, MD
Provider ID #NM009S51
BlueLINK ID: 6003855
Plains Regional Medical Group
2200 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 769-7577
Fax No. (505) 769-7595
Siddiqui, Saud I., MD
Provider ID #NM009G07
BlueLINK ID: 4243118
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
Hassan, Mohammed, MD
Provider ID #NM009N80
BlueLINK ID: 6003814
Cardiology Associates
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 763-3666
Fax No. (505) 763-4029
Hurd, Howard P., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP13
BlueLINK ID: 2317246
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
2708 N. Prince, 88101
(505) 742-2200
Rizzo, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N23
BlueLINK ID: 2365194
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
2708 N. Prince, 88101
(505) 742-2200
Sharif, M. Alan, MD
Provider ID #NM009N04
BlueLINK ID: 4113259
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
2708 N. Prince, 88101
(505) 742-2200
Solis, Roberto E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N20
BlueLINK ID: 3387399
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
2708 N. Prince, 88101
(505) 742-2200
Brown, Donald, DO
Provider ID #NM024070
BlueLINK ID: 3394267
Clovis Dermatology
818 Parkland, 88101
(505) 762-8890
Fax No. (505) 762-8892
Ear, Nose, and Throat
General Surgery
Barnwell-Grayson, Anne B., MD
Provider ID #NM009S59
BlueLINK ID: 3275122
Plains Regional Medical Group
2200 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 769-7577
Fax No. (505) 769-7595
Haynes, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM001182
BlueLINK ID: 2397826
Associated Physicians & Surgeons of
2211 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 763-5585
Kwan, Albert M., MD
Provider ID #NM004128
BlueLINK ID: 2318086
1820 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-2207
Fax No. (505) 762-7108
Paladugu, Ramesh, MD
Provider ID #NM009S34
BlueLINK ID: 6003756
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Paladugu, Ramesh, MD
Provider ID #NM009S24
BlueLINK ID: 6003756
Plains Regional Medical Group
2200 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 769-7577
Fax No. (505) 769-7595
Stalker, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM003469
BlueLINK ID: 3256234
Associated Physicians & Surgeons of
2211 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 763-5585
Infectious Diseases
Rowley, Nicholas J., MD
Provider ID #NM002357
BlueLINK ID: 2398071
201 Commerce Way, Ste. 104, 88101
(505) 762-3385
Filizzola, Marcelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009K25
BlueLINK ID: 4288654
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 763-9154
Family Practice
Internal Medicine
Borno, Mounir Y., MD
Provider ID #NM00YQ01
BlueLINK ID: 3351679
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
2708 N. Prince, 88101
(505) 742-2200
Fax No. (806) 784-4202
Alter, Bruce R., MD
Provider ID #NM009L65
BlueLINK ID: 2291271
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Dhingra, Hemant, MD
Provider ID #NM009G89
BlueLINK ID: 5009716
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Grattan, James G., MD
Provider ID #NM019N16
BlueLINK ID: 2192332
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
2708 N. Prince, 88101
(505) 742-2200
Hillis, Timothy C., DO
Provider ID #NM01E620
BlueLINK ID: 5010168
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0766
Filizzola, Marcelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009U32
BlueLINK ID: 4288654
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Fuseini, Mahamadu A., MD
Provider ID #NM009U27
BlueLINK ID: 4221679
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Fuseini, Mahamadu A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R86
BlueLINK ID: 4221679
Plains Regional Medical Group
2200 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 769-7577
Fax No. (505) 769-7595
Hassan, Mohammed, MD
Provider ID #NM009S83
BlueLINK ID: 6003814
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Blas, Alfredo L., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009G85
BlueLINK ID: 4281975
Renal Medicine Associates
2301 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 762-9004
Fax No. (505) 762-9006
Manjunath, Guruprasad, MD
Provider ID #NM009C22
BlueLINK ID: 4232077
Renal Medicine Associates
2301 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 762-9004
Fax No. (505) 767-4000
Miller, Robert B., MD
Provider ID #NM009304
BlueLINK ID: 4121285
Renal Medicine Associates
Plains Regional Dialysis Center
2301 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-7115
Ogunro, Charles, MD
Provider ID #NM014992
BlueLINK ID: 2162198
Clovis Neurology Clinic
811 Lexington, 88101
(505) 769-3070
Fax No. (505) 762-7037
Sharma, Kiran, MD
Provider ID #NM004410
BlueLINK ID: 4167423
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 763-9154
Chang, Brian M., MD
Provider ID #NM009657
BlueLINK ID: 4254679
Eye Associates of NM
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. R1, 88101
(505) 763-3445
Fax No. (505) 762-2690
July 2005
Levy, Renny H., MD
Provider ID #NM009539
BlueLINK ID: 3356711
Eye Associates of NM
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. R1, 88101
(505) 763-3445
Fax No. (505) 762-2690
Ogawa, Gregory S. H., MD
Provider ID #NM004572
BlueLINK ID: 3364194
Eye Associates of NM
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. R1, 88101
(505) 763-3445
Fax No. (505) 762-2690
Watterberg, Tina M., MD
Provider ID #NM002884
BlueLINK ID: 2398277
Eye Associates of NM
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. R1, 88101
(505) 763-3445
Fax No. (505) 762-2690
Radiation Oncology
Anderson, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM01XZ72
BlueLINK ID: 3311163
Plains Regional Cancer Center
2219 Dillion St., 88101
(806) 796-1122
Al Hamad, Thanaa, MD
Provider ID #NM004988
BlueLINK ID: 4207481
Mimbres Internal Medicine
122 S. Gold St., 88030
(505) 544-7280
Fax No. (505) 544-7281
Neumann, Thomas R., MD
Provider ID #NM024796
BlueLINK ID: 3202152
Plains Regional Cancer Center
2219 Dillion St., 88101
(806) 796-1122
Rowley, Michael A., MD
Provider ID #NM002329
BlueLINK ID: 3135927
305 Pile St., 88101
(505) 762-5955
Wyant, Frank W., Jr., DO
Provider ID #NM004657
BlueLINK ID: 2396760
Eye Associates of NM
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. R1, 88101
(505) 763-3445
Fax No. (505) 762-2690
Haynes, Allan L., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM014203
BlueLINK ID: 3143159
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. W1, 88101
(505) 769-2689
Fax No. (505) 769-0075
Smith, Cynthia K., MD
Provider ID #NM014204
BlueLINK ID: 4154263
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
George, Jacob, MD
Provider ID #NM003483
BlueLINK ID: 2253035
2301 N. Thomas St., 88101
(505) 763-1197
Fax No. (505) 769-1998
Harris, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM001217
BlueLINK ID: 2103903
Professional Pathology Services
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-7257
Fax No. (505) 769-7252
Alcazar-Pesante, Lisa G., MD
Provider ID #NM009V31
BlueLINK ID: 6004107
Plains Regional Medical Center
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Arif, Khuram, MD
Provider ID #NM009H92
BlueLINK ID: 4251816
Presbyterian Heart Group
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Fax No. (505) 769-7337
Pulmonary Medicine
Bobadilla, Arnel Anthony S., MD
Provider ID #NM009C86
BlueLINK ID: 4274446
Plains Regional Medical Center
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
July 2005
Smith, Cynthia K., MD
Provider ID #NM014204
BlueLINK ID: 4154263
Plains Regional Medical Center
912 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-4455
Luna County
Al-Nouri, Mohammad, MD
Provider ID #NM009K24
BlueLINK ID: 4255114
Mimbres Memorial Hospital
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-2761
Fax No. (505) 543-6507
Family Practice
Gary, Clifford M., DO
Provider ID #NM014B67
BlueLINK ID: 2303165
Female patients only
Deming Women's Center
850 W. Florida, 88031
(505) 546-6548
Fax No. (505) 546-6540
General Surgery
Lindsey, Tom G., DO
Provider ID #NM004082
BlueLINK ID: 3278144
Mimbres Surgical Consultants
1110 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-5444
Fax No. (505) 544-3170
Aswad, Mohamed, MD
Provider ID #NM009K30
BlueLINK ID: 4295172
Mimbres Medical Center
1020 S. 8th St., Ste. A, 88030
(505) 546-1059
Fax No. (505) 546-8388
Internal Medicine
Aswad, Mohamed, MD
Provider ID #NM009K30
BlueLINK ID: 4295172
Mimbres Medical Center
1020 S. 8th St., Ste. A, 88030
(505) 546-1059
Fax No. (505) 546-8388
Gary, Clifford M., DO
Provider ID #NM014B67
BlueLINK ID: 2303165
Female patients only
Deming Women's Center
850 W. Florida, 88031
(505) 546-6548
Fax No. (505) 546-6540
Dahlstrom, Ralph, MD
Provider ID #NM009805
BlueLINK ID: 2397699
Deming Opthalmology
429 E. Olive, 88030
(505) 546-4115
Fax No. (505) 546-2205
Foster, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM000905
BlueLINK ID: 3143122
Southwest Orthopaedic Clinics
1515 S. 8th St., 88030
(505) 544-4627
Fax No. (505) 544-7379
Pulmonary Medicine
Stinar, Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM011920
BlueLINK ID: 2177834
122 S. Gold St., 88030
(505) 534-2631
Furlong, Joseph B., MD
Provider ID #NM019D37
BlueLINK ID: 4212747
Mimbres Memorial Hospital
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-5800
Fax No. (505) 543-6907
Lipana, Oscar N., MD
Provider ID #NM002639
BlueLINK ID: 2236994
Mimbres Medical Center
1020 S. 8th St., Ste. A, 88030
(505) 546-1059
Fax No. (505) 546-8388
Lipana, Oscar N., MD
Provider ID #NM002639
BlueLINK ID: 2236994
Mimbres Medical Center
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-2761
Silverthorne, Patrick E., MD
Provider ID #NM001280
BlueLINK ID: 2398102
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-2761
Santa Fe County
Rowe, Julian F., MD
Provider ID #NM004904
BlueLINK ID: 3293070
New Mexico Inner Wellness Center
1950 Old Route 66, Ste. C, 87015
(505) 286-1900
Fax No. (505) 281-5157
El Rito
Rio Arriba County
Dericks, Gerard H., MD
Provider ID #NM009B66
BlueLINK ID: 2398410
Arthroscopic surgery
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Clinic
of NM
710 S. Gold Ave., 88030
(505) 546-0770
Fax No. (505) 546-0900
Puro, Gary V., MD
Provider ID #NM009A34
BlueLINK ID: 3135895
Las Clinicas del Norte
State Hwy. 571, Ste. 28, 87530
(505) 581-4728
Fax No. (505) 581-4789
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Engstrom, Paul F., MD
Provider ID #NM009129
BlueLINK ID: 2222546
801 Parkland, Ste. B, 88101
(505) 762-9200
El Rito
Rio Arriba County
Schackel, Gregory M., MD
Provider ID #NM000429
BlueLINK ID: 3235359
Southwestern ENT Associates
1010 Spruce St., Ste. D, 87532
(505) 753-2050
Diamandopoulos, Laura A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R78
BlueLINK ID: 6003582
New Mexico Heart Institute
835 Spruce Ave., 87532
(505) 747-1234
Fax No. (505) 747-1236
Sandoval, Anthony B., MD
Provider ID #NM022954
BlueLINK ID: 3227822
New Mexico Heart
1009 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 747-1234
Fax No. (505) 742-1236
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Schackel, Gregory M., MD
Provider ID #NM000429
BlueLINK ID: 3235359
Southwestern ENT Associates
1010 Spruce St., Ste. D, 87532
(505) 753-2050
Perez, Vicente O., MD
Provider ID #NM00G80
BlueLINK ID: 5009692
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 367-0340
Fax No. (505) 365-0346
General Surgery
Azimuddin, Khawaja, MD
Provider ID #NM009563
BlueLINK ID: 5007124
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Bell, Lawrence C., MD
Provider ID #NM002450
BlueLINK ID: 3135501
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Infectious Diseases
Palestine, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004923
BlueLINK ID: 3100085
Espanola Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Internal Medicine
Aguilar, Jorge A., MD
Provider ID #NM009545
BlueLINK ID: 4227537
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Bratton, Angela R., MD
Provider ID #NM003195
BlueLINK ID: 3201491
Eye Associates of NM
412 N. Paseo de Oñate, Ste. 2, 87532
(505) 753-7868
Fax No. (505) 753-6459
Asad, Mohammad, MD
Provider ID #NM009L51
BlueLINK ID: 4263324
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0257
Asad, Mohammad, MD
Provider ID #NM009L51
BlueLINK ID: 4263324
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0257
Diamandopoulos, Laura A., MD
Provider ID #NM009R78
BlueLINK ID: 6003582
New Mexico Heart Institute
835 Spruce Ave., 87532
(505) 747-1234
Fax No. (505) 747-1236
Dickinson, Mark W., MD
Provider ID #NM001730
BlueLINK ID: 3350797
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Palestine, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004923
BlueLINK ID: 5005006
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Rojas, Rogelio E., MD
Provider ID #NM009G16
BlueLINK ID: 4241538
Espanola Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 367-0340
Fax No. (505) 367-0346
Ryan, W. Murray, MD
Provider ID #NM009G43
BlueLINK ID: 3143290
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 747-0369
Halverson, Cordell K., MD
Provider ID #NM009136
BlueLINK ID: 2397813
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Johnson, Dianne D., MD
Provider ID #NM001405
BlueLINK ID: 3257796
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
O'Connor, Anne M., MD
Provider ID #NM009681
BlueLINK ID: 4257866
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-8031
Fax No. (505) 753-7433
Puro, Gary V., MD
Provider ID #NM012209
BlueLINK ID: 3135895
Eye Care For You
110 N. Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7391
Fax No. (505) 753-2749
Reidy, Kristin E., DO
Provider ID #NM004A00
BlueLINK ID: 4264237
Eye Associates of NM
412 N. Paseo de Oñate, Ste. 2, 87532
(505) 753-7868
Fax No. (505) 753-6459
Auge, Wayne, MD
Provider ID #NM003079
BlueLINK ID: 4113491
Northern NM Orthopaedic Center
1009 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 747-4144
Fax No. (505) 747-3213
Wise, Arnold, MD
Provider ID #NM003084
BlueLINK ID: 2281638
Northern NM Orthopaedic Center
1009 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 747-4144
Fax No. (505) 747-3213
Dickinson, Mark W., MD
Provider ID #NM001730
BlueLINK ID: 3350797
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Pulmonary Medicine
Salvadeeswaran, MD
Provider ID #NM009S25
BlueLINK ID: 6003757
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0257
Salvadeeswaran, MD
Provider ID #NM009S31
BlueLINK ID: 6003757
Española Multi Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0257
Wagner, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM002873
BlueLINK ID: 3136015
835 Spruce St., Ste. B, 87532
(505) 753-7499
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Frasier, Robert W., III, MD
Provider ID #NM000974
BlueLINK ID: 3135637
Taos Community Healthplan
Medical Arts Bldg.
1010 Spruce St., Ste. G, 87532
(505) 753-6771
San Juan County
Bruerd, Charles E., DO
Provider ID #NM004B05
BlueLINK ID: 3233111
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Goldstein, David P., MD
Provider ID #NM009F03
BlueLINK ID: 3143977
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Gotta, Jan A., MD
Provider ID #NM009T46
BlueLINK ID: 4244109
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. A, 87401
(505) 326-7246
Fax No. (505) 546-2210
Gotta, Jan A., MD
Provider ID #NM009T46
BlueLINK ID: 4244109
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-5011
Fax No. (505) 599-6056
Latif, Shariq, MD
Provider ID #NM009T47
BlueLINK ID: 6004092
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-7246
Fax No. (505) 564-2210
Kapoor, Gaurav, MD
Provider ID #NM009P07
BlueLINK ID: 6003403
Silver Summit Medical Corp.
810 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 564-8210
Fax No. (505) 564-8148
Loveday, Gonzalo J., MD
Provider ID #NM009H85
BlueLINK ID: 4282457
New Mexico Heart Institute
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. 1, Ste. B,
(505) 324-6322
July 2005
Koelliker, Diana E., MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 4188702
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Schramm, Mark S., MD
Provider ID #NM012632
BlueLINK ID: 4123883
Adult cardiology
New Mexico Heart Institute
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. 1, Ste.
B., 87401
(505) 324-6322
Fax No. (505) 324-6344
Koelliker, Paul D., MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 4160987
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Vaidya, Kedernath A., MD
Provider ID #NM009326
BlueLINK ID: 4235083
New Mexico Heart Institute
634 W. Piñon, 87401
(505) 841-1000
Vrushab, Rajesh, MD
Provider ID #NM009A01
BlueLINK ID: 4266001
Silver Summit Medical Corporation
810 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 564-8210
Curry, Mary Catherine, MD
Provider ID #NM004246
BlueLINK ID: 3135591
San Juan Medical Group
316 N. Locke St., 87401
(505) 327-6164
Fax No. (505) 327-6467
Graham, Jean Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM012425
BlueLINK ID: 4155809
Animas Dermatology
4801 N. Butler Ave., Ste. 9101, 87401
(505) 324-8375
Fax No. (505) 327-4638
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Eberhart, Jack H., MD
Provider ID #NM002437
BlueLINK ID: 2209651
Piñon Hills ENT Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 102,
(505) 327-4429
Fax No. (505) 327-4420
Emergency Medicine
Caplin, Daniel, DO
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 3379882
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Hill, Russell, MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 3327625
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Kester, Dale E., MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 2317829
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
July 2005
Novey, Walter, MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 3367140
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Paine, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 2320133
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Stradling, Kennard, MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 3281831
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Wilmes, Janet, MD
Provider ID #NM007E09
BlueLINK ID: 3324834
San Juan Reg. Med. Cntr. Emergency
801 W. Maple St., 87499
(505) 599-6102
Abbott, Alice M., MD
Provider ID #NM009F44
BlueLINK ID: 3295758
SJR Internal Medicine Clinic
655 W. Piñon, 87401
(505) 326-5359
Fax No. (505) 326-2467
Family Practice
Hoffman, Charles L., MD
Provider ID #NM014626
BlueLINK ID: 4120938
San Juan Regional Medical Center
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 564-6903
Colon, Francisco, MD
Provider ID #NM009066
BlueLINK ID: 2260700
Four Corners Gastroenterology
814 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-5552
Fax No. (505) 324-2299
Lopez De Victoria, Armando, MD
Provider ID #NM010310
BlueLINK ID: 3166844
Four Corners Gastroenterology
814 W. Maple, 87401
(505) 326-5552
Fax No. (505) 324-2299
General Practice
Peacock, George, MD
Provider ID #NM002114
BlueLINK ID: 2398026
304 S. Lake St., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 327-6026
Fax No. (505) 326-2773
General Surgery
Gibbs, Dwayne L., MD
Provider ID #NM002125
BlueLINK ID: 3269632
San Juan Surgical Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. C, 87401
(505) 327-9694
Fax No. (505) 327-7524
McCray, David W., MD
Provider ID #NM009P06
BlueLINK ID: 3107374
San Juan Surgical Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. C, 87401
(505) 327-9694
Fax No. (505) 327-7524
Robison, Dennis J., MD
Provider ID #NM002315
BlueLINK ID: 2398064
San Juan Surgical Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. C, 87401
(505) 327-9694
Fax No. (505) 327-7524
Yeats, Melania, MD
Provider ID #NM009J32
BlueLINK ID: 6000461
San Juan Surgical Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. C, 87401
(505) 327-9694
Fax No. (505) 327-7524
Begum, Hosne A., MD
Provider ID #NM009T23
BlueLINK ID: 6004050
San Juan Oncology
800 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 324-6851
Neidhart, Jeffrey D., MD
Provider ID #NM019A39
BlueLINK ID: 4164699
San Juan Oncology
800 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 324-6851
Fax No. (505) 599-6016
Smith, Richard G., MD
Provider ID #NM009S50
BlueLINK ID: 3169119
New Mexico Oncology Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
2300 30th St., Bldg. B, Ste. 104, 87401
(505) 327-7700
Fax No. (505) 324-0740
Internal Medicine
Begum, Hosne A., MD
Provider ID #NM009T23
BlueLINK ID: 6004050
San Juan Oncology
800 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 324-6851
Clark, Clifford, MD
Provider ID #NM009762
BlueLINK ID: 3135566
Specializing in palliative medicine
5500 Johnson Terrace, 87401
(505) 324-3371
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Kaur, Prabhjote, MD
Provider ID #NM009F42
BlueLINK ID: 4254275
Four Corners Nephrology Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. H, 87401
(505) 326-6521
Fax No. (505) 325-6699
Neidhart, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM009P70
BlueLINK ID: 2174373
San Juan Oncology
800 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 324-6851
Fax No. (505) 599-6016
Norman, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM009A50
BlueLINK ID: 3135865
Silver Summit Medical Corporation
810 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 564-8210
Fax No. (505) 564-8148
Bevan, Mark F., MD
Provider ID #NM000267
BlueLINK ID: 3124560
Four Corners Nephrology Associates
622 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6521
Isreb, Majd A., MD
Provider ID #NM009J98
BlueLINK ID: 6003333
San Juan Nephrology Associates
634 W. Piñon, 87401
(505) 564-9332
Fax No. (505) 564-9362
Kaur, Prabhjote, MD
Provider ID #NM009F42
BlueLINK ID: 4254275
Four Corners Nephrology Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. H, 87401
(505) 326-6521
Fax No. (505) 325-6699
Murphy, Marjorie G., MD
Provider ID #NM009007
BlueLINK ID: 3135856
San Juan Nephrology Associates
301 S. Lake St., 87401
(505) 654-9332
Fax No. (505) 564-9362
Rohloff, Walter, MD
Provider ID #NM009739
BlueLINK ID: 4231158
Four Corners Nephrology Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. H, 87401
(505) 326-6521
Voinescu, Catalina G., MD
Provider ID #NM009A33
BlueLINK ID: 4268008
Four Corners Nephrology Associates
622 W. Maple St., Ste. H, 87401
(505) 326-6521
Fax No. (505) 325-6699
Breeden, Richard L., MD
Provider ID #NM009027
BlueLINK ID: 2113657
Neurodiagnostics, Ltd.
4800 College Blvd., Ste. 102, 87402
(505) 326-7153
Fax No. (505) 326-7767
Ramneantu, Maria I., MD
Provider ID #NM009P24
BlueLINK ID: 6003472
Neurodiagnostics, Ltd.
4800 College Blvd., Ste. 102, 87402
(505) 326-7153
Fax No. (505) 326-7767
Norman, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM009A50
BlueLINK ID: 3135865
Silver Summit Medical Corporation
810 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 564-8210
Fax No. (505) 564-8148
Kloberdanz, Dennis R., MD
Provider ID #NM001536
BlueLINK ID: 2397892
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
Baca, Elizabeth H., MD
Provider ID #NM001844
BlueLINK ID: 3298084
Female patients over age 13
1390 E. 20th St., 87401
(915) 375-1352
Fax No. (505) 327-0898
Allen, Scott D., MD
Provider ID #NM003476
BlueLINK ID: 3398142
New Mexico Eye Clinic of Farmington
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. B, Ste. 105,
(505) 327-0406
Fax No. (505) 326-4691
Bradley, Elizabeth Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM024600
BlueLINK ID: 4170844
Northwest Womens Health Specialists
630 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1123
Fax No. (505) 325-3054
Chiu, Mark T., MD
Provider ID #NM000562
BlueLINK ID: 3135563
Eye Associates of NM
622 W. Maple St., Ste. E, 87401
(505) 325-4003
Fax No. (505) 327-6140
Cepeda, Sheila Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM014945
BlueLINK ID: 4203417
Northwest Womens Health Specialists
630 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1123
Fax No. (505) 325-3054
Durso, Frank, MD
Provider ID #NM000780
BlueLINK ID: 3114017
Eye Associates of NM
622 W. Maple St., Ste. E, 87401
(505) 325-4003
Fax No. (505) 327-6140
Chang, Daniel W., MD
Provider ID #NM014521
BlueLINK ID: 3398310
Northwest Womens Health Specialists
630 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1123
Fax No. (505) 325-3054
Huaman, Ana G., MD
Provider ID #NM004412
BlueLINK ID: 3263659
New Mexico Eye Clinic of Farmington
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. B, Ste. 105,
(505) 327-0406
Fax No. (505) 326-4691
Stemsrud, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM002675
BlueLINK ID: 2398116
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
Rodgers, Donald E., MD
Provider ID #NM003452
BlueLINK ID: 3135917
New Mexico Eye Clinic of Farmington
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. B, Ste. 105,
(505) 327-0406
Fax No. (505) 326-4691
Physical Medicine
Slack, Kenneth D., MD
Provider ID #NM009T26
BlueLINK ID: 4190888
FOGA Enterprises, LLC
656 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 327-2206
Fax No. (505) 325-4969
Szekely, Joseph C., MD
Provider ID #NM019A28
BlueLINK ID: 4273204
Northwest Womens Health Specialists
630 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1123
Fax No. (505) 325-3054
Vanderslice, Duane E., MD
Provider ID #NM002836
BlueLINK ID: 2398246
816 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 327-3634
Vassall, Alford N., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009T27
BlueLINK ID: 3143340
FOGA Enterprises, LLC
656 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 327-2206
Fax No. (505) 325-4969
Occupational Medicine
Mosley, Frederick J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P11
BlueLINK ID: 3251967
Animas Valley Back Center
2700 Farmington Ave., Ste. F, 87401
(505) 320-3121
Fax No. (505) 325-5044
Mosley, Frederick J., MD
Provider ID #NM021780
BlueLINK ID: 3251967
Mesa Occupational & Sports Medicine
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. F, Ste. 1,
(505) 325-1100
Whitehurst, Fred O., DO
Provider ID #NM009575
BlueLINK ID: 3123654
Eye Associates of NM
622 W. Maple St., Ste. E, 87401
(505) 325-4003
Fax No. (505) 327-6140
Wiggins, Duane A., MD
Provider ID #NM009642
BlueLINK ID: 4255007
Eye Associates of NM
622 W. Maple St., Ste. E, 87401
(505) 325-4003
Garard, Markus E., MD
Provider ID #NM009J26
BlueLINK ID: 4290629
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 327-3474
Grossheim, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM001137
BlueLINK ID: 3135678
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
Gurley, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009T49
BlueLINK ID: 3124709
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
Lehmer, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM001642
BlueLINK ID: 2397924
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
Lucas, Jason, DO
Provider ID #NM009P18
BlueLINK ID: 6003474
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
Bohachevsky, Cyril A., MD
Provider ID #NM00YQ90
BlueLINK ID: 4217663
Durango Orthopedic Associates
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. E, 87401
(505) 325-2323
Grant, Jeffrey S., MD
Provider ID #NM009J88
BlueLINK ID: 4204569
650 W. Main St., Ste. B, 87401
(505) 325-0072
Fax No. (505) 327-1739
Thompson, Carletta H., MD
Provider ID #NM009J39
BlueLINK ID: 4177118
San Juan Regional Rehabilitation
525 Schwartz Ave., 87401
(505) 327-3422
Fax No. (505) 327-6562
Radiation Oncology
Nguyen, Linh N., MD
Provider ID #NM009P20
BlueLINK ID: 4119830
Four Corners Radiation Oncology
800 W. Maple, 87401
(505) 599-6259
Fax No. (505) 599-6104
Ainbinder, Martin B., MD
Provider ID #NM009J89
BlueLINK ID: 4169045
Four Corners Radiology Associates
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1572
Fax No. (505) 327-4887
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Bliss, Lynn, MD
Provider ID #NM009A26
BlueLINK ID: 4249363
Four Corners Radiology Associates
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1572
Fax No. (505) 327-4887
Orbelo, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009F30
BlueLINK ID: 3358278
Four Corners Radiology Associates
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1572
Fax No. (505) 327-4887
Rizzi, John, MD
Provider ID #NM009F29
BlueLINK ID: 3270088
Four Corners Radiology Associates
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1572
Fax No. (505) 327-4887
Gray, Suzanne C., MD
Provider ID #NM002159
BlueLINK ID: 3307096
228 N. Schwartz Ave., 87401
(505) 327-8881
Urgent Care
Bynum, Marlene G., MD
Provider ID #NM00UCAL
BlueLINK ID: 3208014
SJRMC Urgent Care
4820 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-0459
Lewis, Megan E., MD
Provider ID #NM00UCAL
BlueLINK ID: 3322555
SJRMC Urgent Care
4820 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-0459
Sproston, Laura, MD
Provider ID #NM00UCAL
BlueLINK ID: 4214713
SJRMC Urgent Care
4820 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-0459
Weiss, Allegra, MD
Provider ID #NM00UCAL
BlueLINK ID: 3386814
SJRMC Urgent Care
4820 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-0459
Young, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM00UCAL
BlueLINK ID: 3162700
SJRMC Urgent Care
4820 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-0459
McKinley County
Agondon, Carmelita, MD
Provider ID #NM009E83
BlueLINK ID: 5009318
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
Care Services
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Fax No. (505) 863-5608
July 2005
Swaminathan, Anandan, MD
Provider ID #NM014614
BlueLINK ID: 4183235
New Mexico Heart Institute
501 E. Nizhoni Blvd., Ste. B, 87301
(505) 863-2208
Fax No. (505) 863-2236
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Elber, Erwin R., MD
Provider ID #NM009E29
BlueLINK ID: 2165977
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
Care Services
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Emergency Medicine
Beamsley, Alan C., DO
Provider ID #NM001550
BlueLINK ID: 2397210
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Fax No. (505) 863-5806
General Surgery
Collins, Kimberly, MD
Provider ID #NM009H62
BlueLINK ID: 4294437
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Fax No. (505) 863-5608
Guimaraes, Charles J. S., MD
Provider ID #NM004683
BlueLINK ID: 4191527
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Tempest, Peter, MD
Provider ID #NM002030
BlueLINK ID: 4143404
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Voss, Carol J., MD
Provider ID #NM002830
BlueLINK ID: 2398254
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Infectious Diseases
Gonzaga, Christopher E., MD
Provider ID #NM004423
BlueLINK ID: 4154201
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
July 2005
Khanna, Apurv, MD
Provider ID #NM009645
BlueLINK ID: 4255447
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Whitfield, James W., MD
Provider ID #NM002964
BlueLINK ID: 3156620
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Caballar-Gonzaga, Flor, MD
Provider ID #NM013076
BlueLINK ID: 4162569
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Fax No. (505) 863-1898
Cullum, Lawrence M., MD
Provider ID #NM000627
BlueLINK ID: 3123364
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Etsitty, E. Virgil, MD
Provider ID #NM009C04
BlueLINK ID: 4270931
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Kamps, Philip L., MD
Provider ID #NM001458
BlueLINK ID: 3143190
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Mezoff, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM001869
BlueLINK ID: 2397976
Eye Associates of NM
231 E. Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-2268
Fax No. (505) 863-2874
Rosenberg, Arthur M., MD
Provider ID #NM002342
BlueLINK ID: 3143284
Eye Associates of NM
231 Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-2278
Watterberg, Tina M., MD
Provider ID #NM002884
BlueLINK ID: 2398277
Eye Associates of NM
231 Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-2278
Whitehurst, Fred O., DO
Provider ID #NM009575
BlueLINK ID: 3123654
Eye Associates of NM
231 Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-2278
Wyant, Frank W., Jr., DO
Provider ID #NM004657
BlueLINK ID: 2396760
Eye Associates of NM
231 E. Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-2268
Fax No. (505) 863-2874
Forbes, Alvis R., MD
Provider ID #NM009R54
BlueLINK ID: 6003540
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
Care Services
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Kamps, Bryan S., MD
Provider ID #NM001455
BlueLINK ID: 4112283
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Webb, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM009562
BlueLINK ID: 3310692
Specializing in sports medicine
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Hathaway, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM001260
BlueLINK ID: 3323724
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 639-0931
Physical Medicine
Esparza, Carlos J., MD
Provider ID #NM009046
BlueLINK ID: 4136683
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7114
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Durham, Walter, DO
Provider ID #NM004A68
BlueLINK ID: 2398211
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
Care Services
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Arrowsmith, Steven D., MD
Provider ID #NM000894
BlueLINK ID: 3359338
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Grant County
Pulmonary Medicine
Stinar, Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM011920
BlueLINK ID: 2177834
411 Hwy. 11, 88038
(505) 535-2184
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Cibola County
Gandhoke, Ronnie, MD
Provider ID #NM009R53
BlueLINK ID: 4290437
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
Care Services
1901 Redrock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Fax No. (505) 863-5806
General Surgery
Gutierrez, Karl R., MD
Provider ID #NM001119
BlueLINK ID: 3246823
Gutierrez Medical Group
1010 Roosevelt Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2948
Lea County
Ayyagari, Suryaprakash, MD
Provider ID #NM009N82
BlueLINK ID: 3303142
Anesthesiology Associates of S.E.
New Mexico
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 492-5678
Fax No. (505) 492-5666
Rafique, Adnan, MD
Provider ID #NM009K85
BlueLINK ID: 6003014
Anesthesiology Associates of S.E.
New Mexico
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 20,
(505) 392-2533
Borno, Mounir Y., MD
Provider ID #NM00YQ01
BlueLINK ID: 3351679
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
812 E. Sanger, Ste. B, 88240
(505) 393-2316
Fax No. (806) 784-4202
Grattan, James G., MD
Provider ID #NM019N16
BlueLINK ID: 2192332
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
812 E. Sanger, Ste. B, 88240
(505) 393-2311
Hurd, Howard P., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP13
BlueLINK ID: 2317246
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
812 E. Sanger, Ste. B, 88240
(505) 393-2311
Rizzo, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N23
BlueLINK ID: 2365194
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
812 E. Sanger, Ste. B, 88240
(505) 393-2311
Sharif, M. Alan, MD
Provider ID #NM009N04
BlueLINK ID: 4113259
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
812 E. Sanger, Ste. B, 88240
(505) 393-2311
Solis, Roberto E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N20
BlueLINK ID: 3387399
Patients over age 15
Cardiologists of Lubbock, PA
812 E. Sanger, Ste. B, 88240
(505) 393-2311
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Farrell, George J., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009D16
BlueLINK ID: 3272166
ENT Associates of Southeastern NM
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Bldg. 5, Ste.
7, 88240
(505) 392-0495
Fax No. (505) 392-0562
Ruiz, Francisco R., MD
Provider ID #NM009368
BlueLINK ID: 3375076
Ruiz Digestive Disease
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 18,
(505) 392-8593
Fax No. (505) 392-1087
General Practice
Hurt, Allen V., MD
Provider ID #NM009N45
BlueLINK ID: 2184188
American Medical Group
2410 N. Fowler, 88240
(505) 392-2040
Fax No. (505) 392-4114
General Surgery
Jecius, Algimantas L., MD
Provider ID #NM009D27
BlueLINK ID: 3249856
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 23,
(505) 492-1561
Fax No. (505) 492-1564
McLaughlin, Jerry D., II, MD
Provider ID #NM019252
BlueLINK ID: 4106383
Female patients only
Hobbstetrics & Gynecology
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 25,
(505) 392-0077
Cahill, Daniel P., MD
Provider ID #NM009D26
BlueLINK ID: 3249728
Orthopaedic Center
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Bldg. 5, Ste.
4, 88240
(505) 392-7000
Fax No. (505) 392-7015
Fenner, Harold A., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009N72
BlueLINK ID: 3135618
Desert Medical Group, LLC
1801 N. Dal Paso, 88240
(505) 393-0511
Fax No. (505) 393-0914
Harmston, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM014983
BlueLINK ID: 2397816
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 15,
(505) 392-5191
Fax No. (505) 392-0008
Otteson, Scott P., MD
Provider ID #NM009D38
BlueLINK ID: 3361589
Hospital-based pathology
Southeastern NM Pathology
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 492-5000
Physical Medicine
Kankanala, Snehalatha, MD
Provider ID #NM001450
BlueLINK ID: 2397877
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 4, 88240
(505) 392-7537
Hand Surgery
Pulmonary Medicine
Fenner, Harold A., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM009N72
BlueLINK ID: 3135618
Desert Medical Group, LLC
1801 N. Dal Paso, 88240
(505) 393-0511
Fax No. (505) 393-0914
Kankanala, Sambaiah, MD
Provider ID #NM001466
BlueLINK ID: 2397875
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 4, 88240
(505) 392-7537
Techeira, Aemon R., MD
Provider ID #NM009947
BlueLINK ID: 4195925
Hospital radiology
Lea Regional Medical Center
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 492-5063
Fax No. (505) 492-5562
Callaghan, Kathleen M., MDFACOG
Provider ID #NM009N07
BlueLINK ID: 6003232
Females only
Hobbs Ob/Gyn Associates
5420 Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 433-4000
Fax No. (505) 392-7965
Sleep Disorders
Doggett, John W., MD
Provider ID #NM009K88
BlueLINK ID: 3331013
Sleep disorders only
Eastern NM Sleep Disorder Center
909 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 397-0006
Fax No. (505) 397-0077
Krakow, Barry J., MD
Provider ID #NM009031
BlueLINK ID: 3212625
Eastern NM Sleep Disorder Center
909 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 397-0006
Fax No. (505) 397-0077
Landrigan, Richard R., MD
Provider ID #NM009D76
BlueLINK ID: 3154465
1900 N. Dal Paso St., 88240
(505) 492-9675
Fax No. (505) 397-0218
Vallabhan, Girish C., MD
Provider ID #NM009064
BlueLINK ID: 3365563
Lubbock Urology Clinic
2410 N. Fowler, 88240
(505) 492-2000
Fax No. (505) 492-2006
Las Cruces
Doña Ana County
Khan, Rizwan H., MD
Provider ID #NM009444
BlueLINK ID: 4255346
Patients under age 18
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Ting, Stanislaus, MD
Provider ID #NM002744
BlueLINK ID: 3136000
1141 Mall Dr., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-2400
Eidel, James M., MD
Provider ID #NM009D28
BlueLINK ID: 3328855
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia, PC
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-7033
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Goldsworthy, Vernon P., MD
Provider ID #NM011816
BlueLINK ID: 2304279
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Gordon, Tracy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009V08
BlueLINK ID: 4145957
Las Cruces Surgical Center
1205 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Kafka, William J., III, MD
Provider ID #NM003069
BlueLINK ID: 3135737
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Koerper, Karl P., MD
Provider ID #NM003144
BlueLINK ID: 3354889
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Lopez, Fernando A., MD
Provider ID #NM000715
BlueLINK ID: 3281978
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Marketto, Don L., III, DO
Provider ID #NM004015
BlueLINK ID: 3377997
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
McComas, Timothy S., MD
Provider ID #NM009D04
BlueLINK ID: 2371495
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Owen, Philip G., MD
Provider ID #NM013372
BlueLINK ID: 3286109
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Pardillo, Armando A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B81
BlueLINK ID: 3178919
Memorial Medical Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-7033
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Pardillo, Armando A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B81
BlueLINK ID: 3178919
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7610
Fax No. (505) 556-7619
Perales, Gameliel, MD
Provider ID #NM002129
BlueLINK ID: 2204690
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Pritchard, David G., MD
Provider ID #NM01WA48
BlueLINK ID: 2225653
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Rave, Bruce P., MD
Provider ID #NM009V09
BlueLINK ID: 3252569
Las Cruces Surgical Center
1205 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Rivera, Emilio T., MD
Provider ID #NM009D02
BlueLINK ID: 3213676
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Rubin, Jeffrey N., DO
Provider ID #NM014A51
BlueLINK ID: 3281459
Las Cruces Surgical Center
1205 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
July 2005
Las Cruces
Nava, Guillermo, MD
Provider ID #NM009N30
BlueLINK ID: 6003500
New Mexico Cardiac Care
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 100, 88011
(505) 521-3270
Fax No. (505) 521-3504
Schavz, Alfredo, MD
Provider ID #NM009N54
BlueLINK ID: 4245809
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-6700
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Richards, Kent L., MD
Provider ID #NM002284
BlueLINK ID: 2321055
Associated Cardiology Consultants of
2405 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-5353
Fax No. (505) 522-7571
Shirsat, Kiran D., MD
Provider ID #NM003282
BlueLINK ID: 2290975
1205 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(615) 451-1198
Fax No. (614) 451-5846
Urias, Jorge A., MD
Provider ID #NM003172
BlueLINK ID: 3347667
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Velarde, Cesar A., MD
Provider ID #NM009D05
BlueLINK ID: 4219825
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Cannon, Craig F., MD
Provider ID #NM020756
BlueLINK ID: 631301
New Mexico Cardiac Care
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 100, 88011
(505) 521-3270
Gillihan, Matthew D., MD
Provider ID #NM009985
BlueLINK ID: 4260410
1130 Commerce Dr., 88011
(505) 521-3025
Fax No. (505) 521-3565
July 2005
Reynolds, John, MD
Provider ID #NM002350
BlueLINK ID: 3143272
2447 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-5805
Fax No. (505) 522-8117
Nattakom, Thomas V., MD
Provider ID #NM002291
BlueLINK ID: 3341668
Digestive Disease Consultants
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 15, Ste.
104, 88011
(505) 522-7697
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Meltzer, Richard S., MD
Provider ID #NM011965
BlueLINK ID: 2271904
Organ Mountains Cardiology
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 101, 88011
(505) 532-1155
Fax No. (505) 532-5771
Collins, Charles D., MD-FACS
Provider ID #NM009K22
BlueLINK ID: 5381532
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. G3, 88011
(505) 532-0880
Fax No. (505) 532-6466
Ondo, Andrew L., MD
Provider ID #NM001341
BlueLINK ID: 4155549
2930 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 521-7117
Fax No. (505) 521-7226
Main, Ronald H., MD
Provider ID #NM009V22
BlueLINK ID: 2148386
Cardiovascular disease only
New Mexico Cardiac Care
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 100, 88011
(505) 521-3270
Fax No. (505) 521-3504
Johnson, Gregory E., MD
Provider ID #NM009528
BlueLINK ID: 3135734
Andrews & Johnson of the Mesilla
225 E. Idaho, Ste. 17, 88005
(505) 526-5525
Fax No. (505) 541-0498
Williams, Nathan L., MD
Provider ID #NM002993
BlueLINK ID: 3136040
Mesilla Valley Anesthesia Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Leon, Guido, MD
Provider ID #NM001633
BlueLINK ID: 3135776
Southwest Cardiovascular Center
1255 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-0300
General Surgery
Hempstead, Richard W., MD
Provider ID #NM001245
BlueLINK ID: 2397830
509 S. Main St., Ste. B, 88001
(505) 525-0505
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Segal, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM013457
BlueLINK ID: 3110501
Dermatology Center
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 15, Ste.
200, 88011
(505) 522-3636
Fax No. (505) 522-0722
Hoekenga, David E., MD
Provider ID #NM011348
BlueLINK ID: 2397844
Cardiac Specialists of NM
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 14, Ste.
100, 88011
(505) 522-7247
Fax No. (505) 522-2029
Gorav, Ravi, MD
Provider ID #NM019B68
BlueLINK ID: 4270276
2477 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-7982
Fax No. (505) 522-7987
McMillan, Terry H., MD
Provider ID #NM013167
BlueLINK ID: 3204523
Rio Grande Ear, Nose & Throat, PA
1130 Commerce Dr., 88011
(505) 521-3025
Fax No. (505) 521-3565
Pai, Vittal T., MD
Provider ID #NM002086
BlueLINK ID: 2398021
2415 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-7977
Pai, Vittal T., MD
Provider ID #NM002086
BlueLINK ID: 2398021
2477 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-7982
Fax No. (505) 522-7987
Idriss, Imad, MD
Provider ID #NM001382
BlueLINK ID: 2397861
2427 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-1059
Podila, Prasad, MD
Provider ID #NM004464
BlueLINK ID: 3369325
Digestive Disease Consultants
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 14, Ste.
104, 88011
(505) 522-7697
Fax No. (505) 522-5136
Taylor, Celeste, MD
Provider ID #NM003312
BlueLINK ID: 3325842
2457 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-4690
Fax No. (505) 521-4699
Wong, Dominic K. H., MD
Provider ID #NM009D22
BlueLINK ID: 3304749
Memorial Medical Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Fax No. (505) 521-5450
Wong, Dominic K. H., MD
Provider ID #NM009D22
BlueLINK ID: 3304749
Mountainview Regional
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Fax No. (505) 526-7619
General Practice
Gaines, Eddie L., MD
Provider ID #NM004123
BlueLINK ID: 2126107
Allergy & Asthma Clinic Southern NM
2100 S. Triviz Dr., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-6500
Fax No. (505) 522-0591
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Friedman, David J., MD
Provider ID #NM009B63
BlueLINK ID: 3265735
Memorial Medical Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-7038
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Friedman, David J., MD
Provider ID #NM009B63
BlueLINK ID: 3265735
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
2810 N. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-2033
Fax No. (505) 532-2441
Kamali, Kamran, MD-FACS
Provider ID #NM009N68
BlueLINK ID: 4217378
4351 E. Lohman, Ste. 402, 88011
(505) 522-0329
Fax No. (505) 522-6228
Kamali, Kamran, MD-FACS
Provider ID #NM009N68
BlueLINK ID: 4217378
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(505) 556-7600
Kampe, Delmar F., Jr, DO
Provider ID #NM00400G
BlueLINK ID: 3116805
2021 Northpark Dr., 88005
(505) 524-4028
Fax No. (505) 524-4028
Ramirez, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM002280
BlueLINK ID: 3135898
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 402, 88011
(505) 522-0329
Fax No. (505) 521-3606
Vakselis, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM009426
BlueLINK ID: 2344380
2909 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 647-8366
Fax No. (505) 647-8381
Kemmer, Catherine T., MD
Provider ID #NM010415
BlueLINK ID: 3262049
Women's Medical Associates
2100 S. Triviz Dr., Ste. H, 88001
(505) 522-9793
Siebersma, Jan K., MD
Provider ID #NM009818
BlueLINK ID: 3342876
Women's Medical Associates
2100 S. Triviz Dr., Ste. H, 88001
(505) 522-9793
Fax No. (505) 532-9019
Schavz, Alfredo, MD
Provider ID #NM009N54
BlueLINK ID: 4245809
Memorial Medical Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Las Cruces
Medical Oncology
Nandhagopalan, Kugathasan, MD
Provider ID #NM009822
BlueLINK ID: 4253325
Patients over age 18
New Hope Cancer Care
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 209, 88011
(505) 522-5944
Fax No. (505) 522-0636
Fuller, M. Darvy, MD
Provider ID #NM012495
BlueLINK ID: 3148266
Patients over age 17
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 521-5900
Fax No. (505) 521-5959
Rauth, Bishnu J., MD
Provider ID #NM002240
BlueLINK ID: 2390624
New Hope Cancer Care
4351 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 522-5944
Fax No. (505) 522-0636
Lopez, Arsenio G., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009951
BlueLINK ID: 4128527
Patients over age 16
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 556-8600
Fax No. (505) 556-8700
Ross, Richard B., MD
Provider ID #NM002333
BlueLINK ID: 2321338
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 8, 88011
(505) 522-7118
Senyszyn, John J., MD
Provider ID #NM012796
BlueLINK ID: 2226352
Patients over age 16
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 556-8600
Fax No. (505) 556-8700
Internal Medicine
Nattakom, Thomas V., MD
Provider ID #NM002291
BlueLINK ID: 3341668
Digestive Disease Consultants
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 14, Ste.
104, 88011
(505) 522-7697
Podila, Prasad, MD
Provider ID #NM004464
BlueLINK ID: 3369325
Digestive Disease Consultants
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 15, Ste.
104, 88011
(505) 522-7697
Fax No. (505) 522-5136
Wash, Constance D., MD
Provider ID #NM009966
BlueLINK ID: 4131221
Patients over age 16
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 556-8600
Fax No. (505) 556-8700
Wong, Dominic K. H., MD
Provider ID #NM009D22
BlueLINK ID: 3304749
Memorial Medical Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-8641
Fax No. (505) 521-5450
Wong, Dominic K. H., MD
Provider ID #NM009D22
BlueLINK ID: 3304749
Mountainview Regional
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Fax No. (505) 526-7619
Lopez, Arsenio G., III, MD
Patients over age 16
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy.
(505) 556-8600
Rauth, Bishnu J., MD
Provider ID #NM002240
BlueLINK ID: 2390624
New Hope Cancer Care
4351 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 522-5944
Fax No. (505) 522-0636
Wash, Constance D., MD
Provider ID #NM009966
BlueLINK ID: 4131221
Patients over age 16
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 556-8600
Fax No. (505) 556-8700
Corro, Lucia T., MD
Provider ID #NM009L75
BlueLINK ID: 6003188
Renal Medicine Associates
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 208, 88011
(505) 521-0008
Fax No. (505) 521-0063
De La Vega, Osvaldo R., MD
Provider ID #NM002196
BlueLINK ID: 3304433
Southwest Health Services
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. B, 88011
(505) 521-1575
Fax No. (505) 521-1940
Aguilar, Mario R., MD
Provider ID #NM000150
BlueLINK ID: 3143004
1240 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. C, 88011
(505) 522-1212
Iqbal, Javed, MD
Provider ID #NM011959
BlueLINK ID: 3353912
Neurology Associates of Mesilla
3855 Foothills, 88011
(505) 532-8561
Fax No. (505) 532-8567
Jain, Pawankumar, MD
Provider ID #NM009152
BlueLINK ID: 4169284
Southwest Neurology Consultants
2467 S. Telshor Blvd., 88001
(505) 522-5558
Fax No. (505) 522-5561
Polsky, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM012154
BlueLINK ID: 3135888
Southwest Neurology Consultants
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. 101F, 88011
(505) 521-3662
Fax No. (505) 522-4338
Rehman, Atta U., MD
Provider ID #NM009382
BlueLINK ID: 4242175
Neurology Associates of Mesilla
3855 Foothills, 88011
(505) 532-8561
Fax No. (505) 532-8567
Castillo, Kristen, MD
Provider ID #NM009079
BlueLINK ID: 4224525
Female patients only
Ob/Gyn Consultants
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 401, 88011
(505) 522-4767
Fax No. (505) 522-3607
Duarte, Marco A., MD
Provider ID #NM000761
BlueLINK ID: 3135600
1765 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-4777
Levatino, Anthony P., MD
Provider ID #NM009B59
BlueLINK ID: 3102258
Ob/Gyn Consultants
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 401, 88011
(505) 522-4767
Fax No. (505) 522-3607
Lopez, Ismael P., MD
Provider ID #NM002774
BlueLINK ID: 3329316
Ob/Gyn Consultants
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 401, 88011
(505) 522-4767
Fax No. (505) 522-3607
Lopez, Steven J., MD
Provider ID #NM011697
BlueLINK ID: 3135790
Female patients only
La Clinica de Familia
1180 Mall Dr., 88011
(505) 532-2044
Love, Gene P., MD
Provider ID #NM009163
BlueLINK ID: 3135792
Mesilla Valley Women's Health
419 Bason Dr., 88005
(505) 526-5209
Fax No. (505) 524-7135
Ortiz, Joseph E., MD
Provider ID #NM009K58
BlueLINK ID: 4294435
OB/Gyn Consultants
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 401, 88011
(505) 522-4767
Fax No. (505) 522-3607
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Occupational Medicine
Delahoussaye, Brian P., MD
Provider ID #NM009210
BlueLINK ID: 2191547
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Kennedy, Edwin L., MD
Provider ID #NM009969
BlueLINK ID: 2103175
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Hall, J. Roger, MD
Provider ID #NM009780
BlueLINK ID: 2136327
Alamogordo Eye Clinic
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. C, 88001
(505) 522-3393
Fax No. (505) 522-3393
Ham, Donald J., MD
Provider ID #NM001161
BlueLINK ID: 3135689
Alamogordo Eye Clinic
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. C101,
(505) 522-3393
Fax No. (505) 522-3482
Hernandez, Edward, MD
Provider ID #NM004431
BlueLINK ID: 4168986
Southwest Eye Clinic
2030 S. Solano, 88001
(505) 521-1158
Fax No. (505) 521-1007
Lazaro, Richard W., MD
Provider ID #NM011622
BlueLINK ID: 2182921
Lazaro Surgical Center
1131 Mall Dr., 88011
(505) 522-7676
Fax No. (505) 522-8121
Levit, Roy A., MD
Provider ID #NM00W499
BlueLINK ID: 2318372
Specializing in retina & vitreous
Southwest Retina Consultants
2903 Hillrise Dr., 88001
(505) 522-4774
Fax No. (505) 522-4884
Metrikin, David C., MD
Provider ID #NM009963
BlueLINK ID: 3372519
Specializing in retina & vitreous
Southwest Retina Consultants
2903 Hillrise Dr., 88001
(505) 522-4774
Fax No. (505) 522-4884
Trubowitsch, Gregory, MD
Provider ID #NM009954
BlueLINK ID: 3295840
Specializing in retina & vitreous
Southwest Retina Consultants
2903 Hillrise Dr., 88001
(505) 522-4774
Fax No. (505) 522-4884
July 2005
Auleta, Douglas G., MD
Provider ID #NM009377
BlueLINK ID: 3375455
No spine surgery
675 Avenida de Mesilla, 88005
(505) 525-3535
Fax No. (505) 527-0217
Barham, Gary D., MD
Provider ID #NM000219
BlueLINK ID: 3135487
2911 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 521-9729
Campbell, Everett, MD
Provider ID #NM000488
BlueLINK ID: 3135548
2911 Hillrise Dr., Ste. B, 88001
(505) 522-5773
Davis, Alan C., MD
Provider ID #NM000137
BlueLINK ID: 3135592
3005 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 521-1122
Gelinas, Claude D., MD
Provider ID #NM009654
BlueLINK ID: 4150607
Specializing in spinal conditions
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Lindsey, Wayne, MD
Provider ID #NM009D46
BlueLINK ID: 2389262
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 200, 88011
(505) 532-9755
Fax No. (505) 532-8881
McGuire, Michael S., MD
Provider ID #NM000642
BlueLINK ID: 4107509
Las Cruces Orthopaedic Associates
675 Avenida de Mesilla, 88005
(505) 525-3535
Fax No. (505) 527-0217
Stack, Robert M., MD
Provider ID #NM002666
BlueLINK ID: 3135981
Las Cruces Orthopaedic Associates
675 Avenida de Mesilla, 88005
(505) 525-3535
Fax No. (505) 527-0217
Sweetser, Edward R., MD
Provider ID #NM009D23
BlueLINK ID: 3135993
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 200, 88011
(505) 532-9755
Fax No. (505) 532-8881
Watson, Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM01L780
BlueLINK ID: 3100674
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 200, 88011
(505) 532-9755
Fax No. (505) 532-8881
July 2005
Hall, Elisa R., MD
Provider ID #NM009B96
BlueLINK ID: 2316489
Pathology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 526-3625
Hall, Elisa R., MD
Provider ID #NM009B96
BlueLINK ID: 2316489
Pathology Associates
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 526-3625
Jones, Jack D., MD
Provider ID #NM011443
BlueLINK ID: 3265044
Organ Mountain Pathology
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-6707
Fax No. (505) 526-7112
Lopez, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM009B95
BlueLINK ID: 2334566
Pathology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 526-3625
Lopez, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM009B95
BlueLINK ID: 2334566
Pathology Associates
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 526-3625
Fax No. (505) 526-7112
Topalovski, Margarita, MD
Provider ID #NM009991
BlueLINK ID: 4255650
Pathology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 526-3625
Topalovski, Margarita, MD
Provider ID #NM009991
BlueLINK ID: 4255650
Pathology Associates
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 526-3625
Physical Medicine
Black, Pamela, MD
Provider ID #NM009655
BlueLINK ID: 3293885
Specializing in spinal conditions
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 7, 88001
(505) 522-3337
Delahoussaye, Brian P., MD
Provider ID #NM009210
BlueLINK ID: 2191547
Rehabilitation & Occupational
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Sloan, John Henry, MD
Provider ID #NM002721
BlueLINK ID: 2106042
Manzano Medical Group
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 932-5102
Plastic Surgery
Allan, Daniel M., MD
Provider ID #NM000112
BlueLINK ID: 2117658
780 S. Walnut St., Ste. 1, 88001
(505) 523-6554
Martin, Scot A., MD
Provider ID #NM019760
BlueLINK ID: 4231298
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 103, 88011
(505) 521-7111
Welsh, Clinton F., MD
Provider ID #NM001874
BlueLINK ID: 2113716
2930 Hillrise Dr., Ste. 6, 88001
(505) 521-1944
Pulmonary Medicine
Bass, Harry, MD
Provider ID #NM000242
BlueLINK ID: 3143033
2425 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-0330
Fax No. (505) 522-8620
Bradley, James P., MD
Provider ID #NM009N08
BlueLINK ID: 4298938
2735 Northrise Dr., 88011
(505) 522-3822
Fax No. (505) 532-4347
Feil, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM000863
BlueLINK ID: 3143117
2437 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-2777
Fax No. (505) 522-4532
Jabour, E. Rhett, MD
Provider ID #NM004386
BlueLINK ID: 3259193
Patients over age 5
2900 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 556-1300
Fax No. (505) 556-1301
Hadzic, Ejub Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM009307
BlueLINK ID: 3346293
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Ketting, Case H., MD
Provider ID #NM009811
BlueLINK ID: 3361205
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Khan, Kutub Mir, MD
Provider ID #NM001506
BlueLINK ID: 3135752
Radiation Oncology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Liem, Benny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009678
BlueLINK ID: 4244726
Radiation Oncology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Senyszyn, John J., MD
Provider ID #NM00XN58
BlueLINK ID: 2226352
Southern NM Cancer Care
150 Road Runner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 556-8600
Fax No. (505) 556-8700
Radiation Oncology
Stutzman, Charles D., MD
Provider ID #NM002552
BlueLINK ID: 2398130
Radiation Oncology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Anders, Jon C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R82
BlueLINK ID: 6003401
Radiation Oncology Associates, PA
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Thompson, William R., MD
Provider ID #NM002758
BlueLINK ID: 3223289
Radiation Oncology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Anthony, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM000168
BlueLINK ID: 3143015
Radiation Oncology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Wong, Gene, MD
Provider ID #NM003921
BlueLINK ID: 3262046
Radiation Oncology Associates
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Berle, Lisa P., DO
Provider ID #NM004A63
BlueLINK ID: 6003693
Radiation Oncology Associates, PA
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Beron, Phillip J., MD
Provider ID #NM009797
BlueLINK ID: 4140480
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Ellerbroek, Nancy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009799
BlueLINK ID: 3256197
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5800
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Alvi, Naveed, MD
Provider ID #NM019B46
BlueLINK ID: 4245006
Las Cruces Imaging
160 Roadrunner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 522-1802
Fax No. (505) 522-1178
Alvi, Naveed, MD
Provider ID #NM019B46
BlueLINK ID: 4245006
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Clarke, Delphia M., MD
Provider ID #NM009K57
BlueLINK ID: 2314532
Foothills Imaging
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Villalobos, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM002878
BlueLINK ID: 2204736
Southwest Eye Clinic
2030 S. Solano, 88001
(505) 521-1158
Fax No. (505) 521-1007
Las Cruces
Las Cruces
Cottingham, C. Sinclaire, MD
Provider ID #NM009K92
BlueLINK ID: 4152639
Foothills Imaging
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Devasthali, RamaKrishna, MD
Provider ID #NM010679
BlueLINK ID: 2347520
Las Cruces Imaging
160 Roadrunner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 522-1802
Fax No. (505) 522-1178
Devasthali, RamaKrishna, MD
Provider ID #NM010679
BlueLINK ID: 2347520
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Dobson, Carl L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N01
BlueLINK ID: 6003128
First Care Urgent Care
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Furlong, Joseph B., MD
Provider ID #NM009V06
BlueLINK ID: 4212747
Foothills Imaging
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Ghei, Puneet, MD
Provider ID #NM019D01
BlueLINK ID: 4242761
Las Cruces Imaging
160 Roadrunner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 522-1802
Fax No. (505) 522-1178
Ghei, Puneet, MD
Provider ID #NM019D01
BlueLINK ID: 4242761
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Lim, Felipe N., MD
Provider ID #NM011650
BlueLINK ID: 3143220
Sun View Imaging Services
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. 101, 88011
(505) 522-6236
Martinez, Eduardo J., MD
Provider ID #NM011707
BlueLINK ID: 3234971
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-1952
Moreno, Albert J., MD
Provider ID #NM012011
BlueLINK ID: 3232931
Sun View Imaging Services
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. 101, 88011
(505) 522-6236
Fax No. (505) 522-2157
Rogers, William, MD
Provider ID #NM012340
BlueLINK ID: 3293344
Las Cruces Imaging
160 Roadrunner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 522-1802
Fax No. (505) 522-1178
Rogers, William, MD
Provider ID #NM012340
BlueLINK ID: 3293344
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Fax No. (505) 522-1178
Shah, Biren, MD
Provider ID #NM019B99
BlueLINK ID: 4243780
Las Cruces Imaging
160 Roadrunner Pkwy., 88011
(505) 522-1802
Fax No. (505) 522-1178
Shah, Biren, MD
Provider ID #NM019B99
BlueLINK ID: 4243780
Mt. View Regional Medical Center
4311 E. Lohman Ave., 88011
(505) 556-7600
Singh, Heramb K., MD
Provider ID #NM009N24
BlueLINK ID: 3265425
Specializing in interventional
Memorial Medical Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-5848
Fax No. (505) 556-5897
Singh, Heramb K., MD
Provider ID #NM009N24
BlueLINK ID: 3265425
Specializing in interventional
Memorial Medical Center
2735 Northrise Dr., 88011
(505) 532-4320
Thibeaux, Albert, MD
Provider ID #NM009K42
BlueLINK ID: 3279511
Foothills Imaging
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6130
Fax No. (505) 532-6144
Fields, Roderick A., MD
Provider ID #NM021318
BlueLINK ID: 3135622
SW Urology
2701 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. B, 88011
(505) 521-3128
Fax No. (505) 521-3137
Snyder, Art R., MD
Provider ID #NM009394
BlueLINK ID: 3117585
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 14, 88011
(505) 521-3128
Fax No. (505) 521-3137
Sleep Disorders
Feil, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM000863
BlueLINK ID: 3143117
2437 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-2777
Fax No. (505) 522-4532
Thoracic and Vascular
Keller, Michael P., MD
Provider ID #NM009810
BlueLINK ID: 3366748
4351 E. Lohman, Ste. 402, 88011
(505) 532-7000
Fax No. (505) 532-7025
Khan, Khalid Y., MD
Provider ID #NM003134
BlueLINK ID: 2317843
530 N. Telshor Blvd., Ste. B, 88011
(505) 522-1974
Fax No. (505) 522-5209
Weinstein, Gerald S., MD
Provider ID #NM009337
BlueLINK ID: 3237766
New Mexico Cardiovascular
4351 E. Lohman, Ste. 403, 88011
(505) 522-6806
Fax No. (505) 521-8033
Bieri, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM004961
BlueLINK ID: 4167637
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 405, 88011
(505) 521-0121
Fax No. (505) 532-5949
Gormley, Thomas, MD
Provider ID #NM003023
BlueLINK ID: 4164753
SW Urology
2701 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88011
(505) 522-7880
Fax No. (505) 522-7226
Kolosseus, Ray C., MD
Provider ID #NM001504
BlueLINK ID: 2397896
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. R102,
(505) 522-5666
Kolosseus, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM009784
BlueLINK ID: 4210125
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. 102R,
(505) 522-5666
Fax No. (505) 522-5680
Las Vegas
San Miguel County
Brown, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000391
BlueLINK ID: 3143057
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Chaffee, William H., MD
Provider ID #NM004646
BlueLINK ID: 3205851
Advanced Anesthesia Care
1235 8th St., 87701
(505) 425-2095
Fax No. (505) 425-2008
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Garcia, Ignacio, MD
Provider ID #NM001008
BlueLINK ID: 3143131
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
105 Mills Ave., 87701
(800) 228-1917
Garcia, Ignacio, MD
Provider ID #NM001008
BlueLINK ID: 3143131
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Gurule, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM002723
BlueLINK ID: 3225039
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
105 Mills Ave., 87701
(800) 228-1917
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Brown, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000391
BlueLINK ID: 3143057
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
General Surgery
Igwe, Daniel, MD
Provider ID #NM009J70
BlueLINK ID: 3287963
Alta Vista Surgical Specialists
624 University Ave., Ste. 300, 87701
(505) 454-9499
Fax No. (505) 454-9907
James, Donovan C., MD
Provider ID #NM019689
BlueLINK ID: 4206369
Alta Vista Surgical Specialists
624 University Ave., 87701
(505) 426-8010
Fax No. (505) 426-8011
Sanchez-Geswaldo, Lilibeth, DO
Provider ID #NM004B14
BlueLINK ID: 6003725
Alta Vista Surgical Specialists
624 University Ave., 87701
(505) 454-9499
Fax No. (505) 454-9907
Dimmette, Wendy, MD
Provider ID #NM000764
BlueLINK ID: 4137984
1214 National Ave., 87701
(505) 425-7340
Fax No. (505) 425-7680
Williams, Jerry K., MD
Provider ID #NM009T07
BlueLINK ID: 3323565
Also specializing in pediatric
High Desert Neurology
2301 7th St., Ste. B, 87701
(505) 426-1200
Fax No. (505) 426-1202
July 2005
Levy, Renny H., MD
Provider ID #NM009539
BlueLINK ID: 3356711
Eye Associates of NM
248 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 426-8866
Reidy, Kristin E., DO
Provider ID #NM004A00
BlueLINK ID: 4264237
Eye Associates of NM
248 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 246-2622
Fax No. (505) 246-2478
Soloway, Mahlon R., MD
Provider ID #NM001819
BlueLINK ID: 3135977
Eye Associates of NM
248 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 426-8866
Das, Akhil K., MD
Northern NM Urology
2301 7th St.
(505) 454-4000
Das, Akhil K., MD
Northern NM Urology
2301 7th St.
(505) 454-4000
Lucero, Stephen P., MD
Provider ID #NM009295
BlueLINK ID: 2397937
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 100, 87701
(505) 425-3569
Hidalgo County
Apple, Neal L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N95
BlueLINK ID: 2147848
Hidalgo Medical Services
530 Demoss St., 88045
(505) 542-8384
Fax No. (505) 542-8367
Los Alamos
Los Alamos County
Conescu, Paul V., MD
Provider ID #NM019104
BlueLINK ID: 3129167
Alta Vista Surgical Specialists
624 University Ave., 87701
(505) 426-8010
Fax No. (505) 426-8011
Brown, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000391
BlueLINK ID: 3143057
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
3917 West Rd., Ste. 191, 87544
(505) 662-2464
Pulmonary Medicine
Miller, Franklin, MD
Provider ID #NM001926
BlueLINK ID: 3213797
1900 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-3596
Fax No. (505) 425-2789
Ozoude, Kingsley, MD
Provider ID #NM009A35
BlueLINK ID: 4265155
Gabrielle Radiology Associates
1235 8th St., 87701
(505) 425-2044
Fax No. (505) 425-2102
Honsinger, Richard W., MD
Provider ID #NM001301
BlueLINK ID: 3135714
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
Los Alamos PHO
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Kaufman, Paul W., MD
Provider ID #NM001459
BlueLINK ID: 3135741
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
3917 West Rd., Ste. 191, 87544
(505) 662-2464
Sports Medicine
Petrick, Maria M., MD
Provider ID #NM009T25
BlueLINK ID: 4276344
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Schweigert, Daniel, MD
Provider ID #NM000765
BlueLINK ID: 3307243
1214 National Ave., 87701
(505) 425-7340
Fax No. (505) 425-7680
Sussman, James H., DO
Provider ID #NM004B16
BlueLINK ID: 3234907
Allergy Partners of New Mexico
118 Central Park Sq., 87544
(505) 662-9870
Fax No. (505) 661-9935
Das, Akhil K., MD
Provider ID #NM009159
BlueLINK ID: 4181450
Northern NM Urology
2301 7th St., 87701
(505) 661-8500
Fax No. (505) 661-0096
Charsley, Margaret M., MD
Provider ID #NM009F37
BlueLINK ID: 3337634
Emcare Anesthesia Services
3917 West Rd., Ste. 321, 87544
(505) 662-9256
Fax No. (505) 662-9300
July 2005
Evans, Steven E., MD
Provider ID #NM013126
BlueLINK ID: 3143115
Emcare Anesthesia Services
3917 West Rd., Ste. 321, 87544
(505) 662-9256
Fax No. (505) 662-9300
Lopez-Romero, Jose, MD
Provider ID #NM009F36
BlueLINK ID: 5349901
Emcare Anesthesia Services
3917 West Rd., Ste. 321, 87544
(505) 662-9256
Fax No. (505) 662-9300
Linnebur, A. Carolyn, MD
Provider ID #NM001661
BlueLINK ID: 2397933
Patients over age 12
Medical Associates of Northern NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. A, 87544
(505) 661-8900
Fax No. (505) 661-8916
Sandoval, Anthony B., MD
Provider ID #NM022954
BlueLINK ID: 3227822
New Mexico Heart
3917 West Rd., Ste. 139, 87544
(505) 662-7611
Fax No. (505) 662-7507
Thomsen, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM012755
BlueLINK ID: 3135998
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Brown, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000391
BlueLINK ID: 3143057
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
3917 West Rd., Ste. 191, 87544
(505) 662-2464
Kaufman, Paul W., MD
Provider ID #NM001459
BlueLINK ID: 3135741
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
3917 West Rd., Ste. 191, 87544
(505) 662-2464
Thomason, Thomas B., MD
Provider ID #NM002776
BlueLINK ID: 2398167
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
3917 West Rd., Ste. 191, 87544
(505) 662-2464
Lahiri, Aparimita, MD
Provider ID #NM009P91
BlueLINK ID: 3367259
118 Central Park Sq., 87544
(505) 662-4798
Fax No. (505) 661-9637
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rowberry, Bradley B., MD
Provider ID #NM009F49
BlueLINK ID: 2226042
Patients over age 17
Northern NM Gastroenterology
3917 West Rd., Ste. 164, 87544
(505) 662-7244
Halverson, Cordell K., MD
Provider ID #NM001163
BlueLINK ID: 2397813
Assisting in surgery or tubal
ligation-no private practice
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 100, 87701
(505) 425-3569
Los Alamos
General Surgery
Barker, Rodney J., MD
Provider ID #NM019P61
BlueLINK ID: 3325161
Northern New Mexico Surgery, PC
3917 West Rd., Ste. 125, 87544
(505) 661-3030
Fax No. (505) 662-9024
Desko, Robert C., MD
Provider ID #NM014823
BlueLINK ID: 3208286
LAMC Family Care Center
3917 West Rd. 100, 87544
(505) 662-6747
Fax No. (505) 662-0666
Email: [email protected]
Jackson, B. Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009J44
BlueLINK ID: 3135724
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Parra, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM014824
BlueLINK ID: 2320235
LAMC Family Care Center
3917 West Rd. 100, 87544
(505) 662-6747
Fax No. (505) 662-0666
Lindberg, Peter J., MD
Provider ID #NM011653
BlueLINK ID: 2346152
LAMC Family Care Center
3917 West Rd. 100, 87544
(505) 662-3450
Internal Medicine
Sussman, James H., DO
Provider ID #NM004B16
BlueLINK ID: 3234907
Allergy Partners of New Mexico
118 Central Park Sq., 87544
(505) 662-9870
Fax No. (505) 661-9935
Carlos, Christine E., MD
Provider ID #NM000459
BlueLINK ID: 3135551
Los Alamos Women's Health Services
3917 West Rd., Ste. 250, 87544
(505) 662-4412
Fax No. (505) 661-6536
Email: [email protected]
Los Alamos
Combs, Patricia A., MD
Provider ID #NM013887
BlueLINK ID: 3296651
Los Alamos Women's Health Services
3917 West Rd., Ste. 250, 87544
(505) 662-4412
Fax No. (505) 661-6536
Email: [email protected]
McPherson, David D., MD
Provider ID #NM009A47
BlueLINK ID: 3189214
Female-adolescent to geriatric
3917 West Rd., Ste. 138, 87544
(505) 662-0032
Fax No. (505) 662-7360
Bratton, Angela R., MD
Provider ID #NM003195
BlueLINK ID: 3201491
Eye Associates of NM
3917 West Rd., Ste. 137, 87544
(505) 662-5444
Fax No. (505) 662-6109
Rogers, Lynn A., MD
Provider ID #NM001029
BlueLINK ID: 3295235
Santa Fe Pathology Services
3917 West Rd., 87544
(505) 991-9590
Physical Medicine
Barnard, Kathryn G., MD
Provider ID #NM009J14
BlueLINK ID: 4286610
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
3917 West Rd., Ste. 150, 87544
(505) 662-4351
Fax No. (505) 662-2932
Milroy, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM001912
BlueLINK ID: 2397980
Los Alamos PHO
3917 West Rd., Ste. 149, 87544
(505) 820-0484
Los Lunas
Valencia County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Garcia, Ignacio, MD
Provider ID #NM001008
BlueLINK ID: 3143131
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
601 Main St. SE, 87031
(800) 228-1917
Gurule, Michael E., MD
Provider ID #NM002723
BlueLINK ID: 3225039
Cardiac Care Consultants of NM
601 Main St. SE, 87031
(800) 228-1917
Lea County
Shippey, Dean U., MD
Provider ID #NM009804
BlueLINK ID: 2268690
1600 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-4371
Fax No. (505) 396-4465
Roosevelt County
General Surgery
Riether, Robert J., DO
Provider ID #NM009A30
BlueLINK ID: 2301510
New Mexico Diagnostic Imaging
3917 West Rd., 87544
(800) 222-8629
Fax No. (330) 832-7864
Jex, James P., MD
Provider ID #NM02XX38
BlueLINK ID: 3306357
Eastern Medical Associates
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Smith, Fredrica E., MD
Provider ID #NM002600
BlueLINK ID: 3209280
3917 West Rd., Ste. D, 87544
(505) 662-9400
Das, Akhil K., MD
Provider ID #NM009J59
BlueLINK ID: 4181450
Northern NM Urology
3917 West Rd., Ste. 137, 87544
(505) 661-8500
Fax No. (505) 661-0096
Infectious Diseases
Filizzola, Marcelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009K25
BlueLINK ID: 4288654
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Sharma, Kiran, MD
Provider ID #NM004410
BlueLINK ID: 4167423
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Sinha, Jayashree, MD
Provider ID #NM019B70
BlueLINK ID: 4270275
Eastern Medical Associates
42121 US 70, 88130
(505) 356-6652
Fax No. (505) 359-6827
Coatney, Michael W., DO
Provider ID #NM004B11
BlueLINK ID: 3239568
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
168 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-2789
Fax No. (505) 445-2780
Ranchos de Taos
Taos County
Emergency Medicine
Cardasis, James P., DO
Provider ID #NM01400A
BlueLINK ID: 2207368
No obstetric patients
Taos Community Healthplan
Ranchos Health Center
4151 Paseo de Pueblo Sur, 87557
(505) 758-4287
Colfax County
General Surgery
Gilliam, Paul E., MD
Provider ID #NM009T11
BlueLINK ID: 3291302
Specializing in trauma/critical
Raton Colfax Medical Services, PC
166 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-4111
Fax No. (505) 445-2666
Tiku, Omkar N., MD
Provider ID #NM002756
BlueLINK ID: 3209268
130 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-5548
Judson, Patrick H., MD
Provider ID #NM009T10
BlueLINK ID: 3382229
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Scott-Timperley, Leanna J., MD
Provider ID #NM009J55
BlueLINK ID: 4172448
Adult patients only
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Internal Medicine
Judson, Patrick H., MD
Provider ID #NM009T10
BlueLINK ID: 3382229
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rastrelli, Paul D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J51
BlueLINK ID: 4115394
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
168 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-2789
Fax No. (505) 445-2780
Karrer, John W., MD
Provider ID #NM002871
BlueLINK ID: 2397891
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-9367
Rio Rancho
Sandoval County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Infectious Diseases
Mpoy, Kanyinda K., MD
Provider ID #NM034170
BlueLINK ID: 4110742
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Rio Rancho Adult & Geriatric Medicine
1721 Rio Rancho NW, 87124
(505) 727-3500
Chang, Brian M., MD
Provider ID #NM009657
BlueLINK ID: 4254679
Eye Associates of NM
1740 Grande Blvd., Ste. B, 87124
(505) 892-3434
Fax No. (505) 891-2402
Edwards, William O., MD
Provider ID #NM000770
BlueLINK ID: 3135608
New Mexico Eye Clinic
1316 Jackie Rd., Ste. 300, 87124
(505) 891-0880
Huaman, Ana G., MD
Provider ID #NM002822
BlueLINK ID: 3263659
New Mexico Eye Clinic
1316 Jackie Rd., Ste. 300, 87124
(505) 891-0880
Huaman, Ana G., MD
Provider ID #NM009M96
BlueLINK ID: 3263659
Southwest Retina
1316 Jackie Rd., Ste. 850, 87124
(505) 891-0880
Fax No. (505) 891-5415
July 2005
Rodgers, Donald E., MD
Provider ID #NM002318
BlueLINK ID: 3135917
New Mexico Eye Clinic
1316 Jackie Rd., Ste. 300, 87124
(505) 891-0880
Graham, Jack L., MD
Provider ID #NM001087
BlueLINK ID: 3135666
1600 SE Main St., Ste. E, 88203
(505) 623-8100
Fax No. (505) 623-8101
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Watterberg, Tina M., MD
Provider ID #NM002884
BlueLINK ID: 2398277
Eye Associates of NM
1740 Grande Blvd., Ste. B, 87124
(505) 892-3434
Fax No. (505) 891-2402
Bailey, Peter, MD
Provider ID #NM002206
BlueLINK ID: 2139572
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 2,
(505) 623-4111
Fax No. (505) 623-2951
Hobbs, Jan D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D18
BlueLINK ID: 3124282
Roswell Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy
342 W. Sherrill Ln., Ste. A, 88201
(505) 622-2911
Fax No. (505) 622-2598
Floyd, V. Taylor, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM002938
BlueLINK ID: 3213800
4100 High Resort Blvd., 87124
(505) 891-1088
Chaves County
English, Frank A., MD
Provider ID #NM000804
BlueLINK ID: 2397743
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 4,
(505) 622-1761
Fax No. (505) 622-3005
Chadha, Amrita, MD
Provider ID #NM009K72
BlueLINK ID: 6002954
1600 SE Main St., Ste. F, 88201
(505) 622-4374
Fax No. (505) 623-1161
Adajar, Fundador L., MD
Provider ID #NM009699
BlueLINK ID: 4255006
New Mexico Heart Institute
115 E. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-2524
Feroze, Hamid, MD
Provider ID #NM009827
BlueLINK ID: 3384388
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Toth, Zoltan K., MD
Provider ID #NM009401
BlueLINK ID: 4243375
New Mexico Heart Institute
115 E. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 244-2524
July 2005
Carroll, Mary F., MD
Provider ID #NM009984
BlueLINK ID: 4264252
Diabetes and Endocrinology Center
601 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 202,
(505) 622-2273
Fax No. (505) 622-2259
Sood, Vidushi, MD
Provider ID #NM009N66
BlueLINK ID: 4239315
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Roswell Clinic
601 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-2273
Fax No. (505) 622-2259
Choudhary, Adil Mushtag, MD
Provider ID #NM009128
BlueLINK ID: 4197572
Southern NM Medical Association
303 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 623-1442
Fax No. (505) 623-3835
French, Frederick, MD
Provider ID #NM009127
BlueLINK ID: 3135639
Southern NM Medical Association
303 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 623-1442
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Hobbs, Crit, MD
Provider ID #NM000597
BlueLINK ID: 2397838
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 15,
(505) 623-8021
Fax No. (505) 623-0193
Soni, Anurag, MD
Provider ID #NM009N92
BlueLINK ID: 4247551
Surgical Specialist of Southeastern
Roswell Clinic
601 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 627-0535
Fax No. (505) 627-5590
Tabrez, Shams S.M., MD
Provider ID #NM009365
BlueLINK ID: 4238583
303 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 623-1442
Fax No. (505) 623-3835
General Surgery
Davis, Richard A., MD
Provider ID #NM009K51
BlueLINK ID: 2115669
Roswell Clinic Corp.
601 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 201,
(505) 627-0535
Fax No. (505) 627-5590
Wenner, Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM002921
BlueLINK ID: 3136028
1600 SE Main St., Ste. F, 88201
(505) 622-4374
Fax No. (505) 623-1161
Dayao, Zoneddy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009K28
BlueLINK ID: 4291749
Patients over age 17
Southeastern NM Internal Medicine,
Hematology & Oncology
407 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 627-9110
Fax No. (505) 624-8703
Soni, Anurag, MD
Provider ID #NM009N92
BlueLINK ID: 4247551
Surgical Specialist of Southeastern
Roswell Clinic
601 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 627-0535
Fax No. (505) 627-5590
Whitwam, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM002949
BlueLINK ID: 3136032
1600 SE Main St., Ste. F, 88201
(505) 623-3333
Fax No. (505) 623-1161
Sood, Vidushi, MD
Provider ID #NM009N66
BlueLINK ID: 4239315
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Roswell Clinic
601 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-2273
Fax No. (505) 622-2259
Dayao, Zoneddy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009K28
BlueLINK ID: 4291749
Patients over age 17
Southeastern NM Internal Medicine,
Hematology & Oncology
407 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 627-9110
Fax No. (505) 624-8703
Blas, Alfredo L., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009G85
BlueLINK ID: 4281975
Renal Medicine Associates
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 12,
(505) 627-5828
Fax No. (505) 627-5835
Khorsand-Sahbaie, Masoud, MD
Provider ID #NM001214
BlueLINK ID: 3380506
Southeastern NM Internal Medicine,
Hematology & Oncology
407 W. Country Club Rd., 88202
(505) 624-8723
Fax No. (505) 624-8703
Latif, Tahir, MD
Provider ID #NM009N39
BlueLINK ID: 4308290
Patients over age 17
Southeastern NM Internal Medicine,
Hematology & Oncology
407 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 627-9110
Fax No. (505) 627-4127
Sanyal, Amit, MD
Provider ID #NM014621
BlueLINK ID: 4182523
Southeastern NM Internal Medicine,
Hematology & Oncology
407 W. Country Club Rd., 88202
(505) 624-8723
Fax No. (505) 624-8703
Internal Medicine
Carroll, Mary F., MD
Provider ID #NM009984
BlueLINK ID: 4264252
Diabetes and Endocrinology Center
601 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 202,
(505) 622-2273
Fax No. (505) 622-2259
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Espino, Gustavo A., MD
Provider ID #NM004664
BlueLINK ID: 3366975
Renal Medicine Associates
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 3,
(505) 627-5828
Fax No. (505) 627-5835
Manjunath, Guruprasad, MD
Provider ID #NM009C22
BlueLINK ID: 4232077
Renal Medicine Associates
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 12,
(505) 627-5828
Fax No. (505) 627-5835
Van Pelt, James F., III, MD
Provider ID #NM002889
BlueLINK ID: 2250303
Pecos Neurosurgical Associates
313 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 10,
(505) 622-0816
Gutierrez, Mario A., MD
Provider ID #NM002189
BlueLINK ID: 3303920
313 W. Country Club Rd. Ste. 14,
(505) 625-0977
Fax No. (505) 625-1027
Melendez, Robert F., MD
Provider ID #NM009M97
BlueLINK ID: 4303134
Eye Associates of NM
1740 Grande Blvd. SE, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 892-3434
Fax No. (505) 891-2402
Osmani, Omar N., MD
Provider ID #NM009K91
BlueLINK ID: 4280628
115 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 622-7600
Fax No. (505) 622-3856
Neumann, Thomas R., MD
Provider ID #NM024796
BlueLINK ID: 3202152
Eastern NM Cancer Center
405 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 624-8738
Fax No. (505) 624-8758
Hale, Anne V., MD
Provider ID #NM020123
BlueLINK ID: 3358736
Roswell Clinic Corp.
808 N. Union St., 88201
(505) 622-8170
Fax No. (505) 637-7492
Atkinson, George A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B90
BlueLINK ID: 5008330
Pathology Consultants of NM
600 N. Richardson, 88201
(505) 622-5600
Fax No. (505) 622-3720
Durand, Phillip W., DO
Provider ID #NM004B61
BlueLINK ID: 2352050
Piñon Radiology Services
601 W. 2nd St., Ste. 18, 88201
(505) 625-0593
Fax No. (505) 625-0680
Reid, Randall J., MD
Provider ID #NM009N05
BlueLINK ID: 5364958
Roswell Clinic Corp.
808 N. Union St., 88201
(505) 627-4004
Fax No. (505) 624-8726
Koshy, Valsala C., MD
Provider ID #NM009B93
BlueLINK ID: 5008333
Pathology Consultants of NM
600 N. Richardson, 88201
(505) 622-5600
Fax No. (505) 622-3720
Physical Medicine
Delamater, Wayne A., MD
Provider ID #NM011578
BlueLINK ID: 2397709
1600 SE Main St., 88201
(505) 624-0370
Fax No. (505) 624-0376
Balkman, Karen, MD
Provider ID #NM009373
BlueLINK ID: 3388638
Adobe Medical
1 El Arco Iris, 88201
(505) 625-5512
Fax No. (505) 625-1013
Beale, Peter D., MD
Provider ID #NM013421
BlueLINK ID: 6001853
Roswell Clinic Corp.
808 N. Union St., 88201
(505) 627-0535
Fax No. (505) 627-5590
Engstrom, Paul F., MD
Provider ID #NM009129
BlueLINK ID: 2222546
204 W. 2nd St., Ste. 1, 88201
(505) 625-0123
Fax No. (505) 625-0131
Montgomery, Stephen W., MD
Provider ID #NM001943
BlueLINK ID: 2335340
101 N. Missouri, 88203
(505) 623-8420
Pennington, Robert E., MD-PhD
Provider ID #NM000144
BlueLINK ID: 4106580
Adobe Medical
1 El Arco Iris, 88201
(505) 625-5512
Fax No. (505) 625-1013
Sidd, Richard J., MD
Provider ID #NM002585
BlueLINK ID: 3135966
207 N. Union, 88201
(505) 622-7295
Ray, Thaddeus, DO
Provider ID #NM009N61
BlueLINK ID: 6003678
Patients over age 13
Carlsbad Spine, Pain & Sports
Medicine PC
1717 W. Second St., 88201
(505) 628-1548
Fax No. (505) 628-1552
Pulmonary Medicine
Boss, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM020364
BlueLINK ID: 3135523
115 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 622-7600
Fax No. (505) 622-3856
Chechani, Vijay, MD
Provider ID #NM009230
BlueLINK ID: 3224180
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Castle, James J., DO
Provider ID #NM014059
BlueLINK ID: 3286601
607 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 624-0100
Fax No. (505) 624-0303
Latimer, Earl, III, MD
Provider ID #NM023143
BlueLINK ID: 3143211
115 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 622-7600
Fax No. (505) 622-3856
Sasidhar, Madhu, MD
Provider ID #NM009366
BlueLINK ID: 4240395
Eastern NM Medical Center
601 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 102,
(505) 627-4074
Gillan, Muhammad M., MD
Provider ID #NM019976
BlueLINK ID: 4263575
La Casa Family Health Center
1511 S. Grand, 88203
(505) 623-3255
Fax No. (505) 625-9901
Ramage, Thomas D., MD
Provider ID #NM009234
BlueLINK ID: 3135897
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Sleep Disorders
Doggett, John W., MD
Provider ID #NM009K88
BlueLINK ID: 3331013
Sleep disorders only
Eastern NM Sleep Disorder Center
1717 W. 2nd St., Ste. 172, 88201
(505) 627-0006
Fax No. (505) 627-0008
Krakow, Barry J., MD
Provider ID #NM009031
BlueLINK ID: 3212625
Eastern NM Sleep Disorder Center
1717 W. 2nd St., Ste. 172, 88201
(505) 627-0006
Fax No. (505) 627-0008
Kiker, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM001597
BlueLINK ID: 3135754
Eastern Plains Medical Group
600 N. Union, 88201
(505) 622-7593
Fax No. (505) 622-5538
Nicholson, Thomas C., MD
Provider ID #NM001580
BlueLINK ID: 2142369
Eastern Plains Medical Group
600 N. Union, 88201
(505) 622-7593
Fax No. (505) 622-5538
Radiation Oncology
Lincoln County
Family Practice
DiMotta, Francis J., MD
Provider ID #NM009C49
BlueLINK ID: 2189667
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
208 Porr Dr., 88345
(505) 842-8171
General Practice
Fenimore, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM009315
BlueLINK ID: 2222684
123 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-3576
Fax No. (505) 257-3688
General Surgery
Hashmi, Syed, MD
Provider ID #NM009857
BlueLINK ID: 4256810
White Mountain Medical Clinic
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Rebstock, Juergen, MD
Provider ID #NM003177
BlueLINK ID: 2132745
123 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-3576
Seaton, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM019113
BlueLINK ID: 2202123
Female patients only
200 Sudderth, Ste. B, 88345
(505) 257-5611
Fax No. (505) 257-7069
Seaton, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM009S23
BlueLINK ID: 2202123
Lincoln County Medical Center
211 Sudderth, 88345
(505) 257-8200
Fax No. (505) 630-4233
Internal Medicine
Lee, Derrick O., MD
Provider ID #NM009S22
BlueLINK ID: 6003754
Internal Medicine Associates
125 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-2151
Fax No. (505) 257-2153
Lee, Derrick O., MD
Provider ID #NM009S22
BlueLINK ID: 6003754
Lincoln County Medical Center
211 Sudderth Dr., 88345
(505) 257-7381
Fax No. (505) 257-6808
Anderson, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM01XZ72
BlueLINK ID: 3311163
Eastern NM Cancer Center
405 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 624-8738
Fax No. (505) 624-8758
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Hewitt, Deborah J., MD
Provider ID #NM002625
BlueLINK ID: 3329077
159 Mescalero Trail, 88345
(505) 257-7505
Fax No. (505) 257-4888
Seibel, Mark, MD
Provider ID #NM009L95
BlueLINK ID: 4131859
White Mountain Medical Clinic
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Fax No. (505) 257-4055
Pulmonary Medicine
Jackson, Gary L., DO
Provider ID #NM014001
BlueLINK ID: 3257500
Internal Medicine Associates
125 El Paso Rd., 87125
(505) 257-2151
Fax No. (505) 257-2153
Keslin, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM009H01
BlueLINK ID: 2123298
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Schackel, Gregory M., MD
Provider ID #NM000429
BlueLINK ID: 3235359
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Sussman, James H., DO
Provider ID #NM004B16
BlueLINK ID: 3234907
Allergy Partners of New Mexico
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 8, 87505
(505) 820-9870
Fax No. (505) 983-1265
Bendixen, Eric V., MD
Provider ID #NM009F05
BlueLINK ID: 3135503
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Cunningham, John R., MD
Provider ID #NM009F06
BlueLINK ID: 3143095
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Wolfel, Donald A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B89
BlueLINK ID: 3275190
Lincoln County Radiology
211 Sudderth Dr., 88345
(505) 257-8292
Fax No. (505) 630-4294
Fishback, Peter J., MD
Provider ID #NM009F07
BlueLINK ID: 2397761
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Santa Fe
Santa Fe County
Brown, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000391
BlueLINK ID: 3143057
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87501
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Honsinger, Richard W., MD
Provider ID #NM001301
BlueLINK ID: 3135714
Los Alamos Medical Care Clinic
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 203, 87505
(505) 982-7533
Kaufman, Paul W., MD
Provider ID #NM001459
BlueLINK ID: 3135741
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
July 2005
Frank, Gary D., MD
Provider ID #NM010963
BlueLINK ID: 3135636
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Fullerton, Paul S., DO
Provider ID #NM014237
BlueLINK ID: 3287712
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Garson, Leslie M., MD
Provider ID #NM009P23
BlueLINK ID: 3136891
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants,
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 212, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Hinds, Ervin A., MD
Provider ID #NM011267
BlueLINK ID: 3135711
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Jacques, Frederick J., MD
Provider ID #NM011395
BlueLINK ID: 3135727
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Gernon, Craig F., MD
Provider ID #NM002690
BlueLINK ID: 4155552
Patients over age 14
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
Keller, Candace E., MD
Provider ID #NM009J67
BlueLINK ID: 3100981
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 212, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Seshadri, Niranjan, MD
Provider ID #NM009R07
BlueLINK ID: 6003419
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Mullican, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM009F08
BlueLINK ID: 3135854
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Pero, Barbara A., MD
Provider ID #NM009F09
BlueLINK ID: 3210364
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Rubenfeld, Paul I., MD
Provider ID #NM009F10
BlueLINK ID: 2398070
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Weiss, Carey I., MD
Provider ID #NM009F12
BlueLINK ID: 2169420
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Whitesell, Albert L., MD
Provider ID #NM009F13
BlueLINK ID: 3269420
New Mexico Anesthesia Consultants
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 983-3275
Fax No. (505) 983-4812
Ydens, Lawrence R., MD
Provider ID #NM004692
BlueLINK ID: 3301053
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Adkison, H. William, MD
Provider ID #NM000107
BlueLINK ID: 2396815
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87501
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
Cooper, Kyle Ann, MD
Provider ID #NM000352
BlueLINK ID: 3356989
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Harkins, Timothy J., MD
Provider ID #NM009R38
BlueLINK ID: 3295027
Obgyn only
White Mountain Medical Clinic
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Fax No. (505) 257-4055
Santa Fe
Soto, Sergio F., MD
Provider ID #NM009L43
BlueLINK ID: 2226578
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Stamm, R. Brad, MD
Provider ID #NM002551
BlueLINK ID: 3246457
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87501
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
Stout, Kimber M., MD
Provider ID #NM009L61
BlueLINK ID: 3104937
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Stuart, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM021194
BlueLINK ID: 3290060
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Wyndham, Christopher R.C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R10
BlueLINK ID: 6003424
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
Auerbach, James H., MD
Provider ID #NM000157
BlueLINK ID: 3135481
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 118, 87505
(505) 982-5504
Fax No. (505) 982-2390
Holmes, Thomas M., MD
Provider ID #NM001296
BlueLINK ID: 3135713
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 118, 87501
(505) 988-5120
Fax No. (505) 982-1812
Kaczmarek, Norman R., MD
Provider ID #NM009737
BlueLINK ID: 2397872
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. B, 87501
(505) 988-9769
Fax No. (505) 989-8078
Miller, Leon I., MD
Provider ID #NM001983
BlueLINK ID: 3191052
839 Paseo de Peralta, Ste. C, 87501
(505) 982-3111
Fax No. (505) 982-1148
Vitale, Stephen J., MD
Provider ID #NM009747
BlueLINK ID: 2109795
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 118, 87505
(505) 982-5504
Fax No. (505) 982-2390
Santa Fe
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Family Practice
Brown, David R., MD
Provider ID #NM000391
BlueLINK ID: 3143057
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Hawkins, Trevor N., MD
Provider ID #NM000390
BlueLINK ID: 3143156
HIV specialist
Southwest Care Center
649 Harkle Rd., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 989-8200
Fax No. (505) 989-8131
Kaufman, Paul W., MD
Provider ID #NM001459
BlueLINK ID: 3135741
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Mody, Sapan V., MD
Provider ID #NM009R76
BlueLINK ID: 6003579
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Ratcliff, Daniel J., MD
Provider ID #NM009J42
BlueLINK ID: 4289335
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Schackel, Gregory M., MD
Provider ID #NM000429
BlueLINK ID: 3235359
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Thomason, Thomas B., MD
Provider ID #NM002776
BlueLINK ID: 2398167
Including allergy
Southwestern ENT Associates
1620 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-4848
Fax No. (505) 984-1149
Bernstein, Robert M., MD
Provider ID #NM010294
BlueLINK ID: 3143050
Regional Endocrinology Associates
1533 S. St. Francis Dr., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 982-2860
Fax No. (505) 984-2900
Gleeson, Jeremy, MD
Provider ID #NM009D92
BlueLINK ID: 3120376
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Grant, Neville, MD
Provider ID #NM009J80
BlueLINK ID: 2112246
Adult endocrinology
Regional Endocrinology Associates
1533 S. St. Francis Dr., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 982-2860
Fax No. (505) 984-2900
Terlecki, Marta, MD
Provider ID #NM009D93
BlueLINK ID: 3287146
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Calzada, Ricardo, MD
Provider ID #NM009735
BlueLINK ID: 3323756
Patients under age 16
Northern NM Gastroenterology
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-5631
Fax No. (505) 982-5601
Dooley, Cornelius P., MD
Provider ID #NM001358
BlueLINK ID: 2129769
Northern NM Gastroenterology
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-5631
Fax No. (505) 982-5605
Hoverson, David, MD
Provider ID #NM001334
BlueLINK ID: 2397850
Northern NM Gastroenterology
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-5631
Fax No. (505) 982-5605
Pinkerton, Alfred W., MD
Provider ID #NM002139
BlueLINK ID: 3143260
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87501
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 995-0884
Quinn, Patrick G., MD
Provider ID #NM001687
BlueLINK ID: 3274641
Northern NM Gastroenterology
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-5631
Fax No. (505) 982-5605
Rowberry, Bradley B., MD
Provider ID #NM009F49
BlueLINK ID: 2226042
Patients over age 17
Northern NM Gastroenterology
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-5631
Fax No. (505) 982-5605
General Surgery
Bieniek, Edward J., MD
Provider ID #NM009A19
BlueLINK ID: 4268696
St. Vincent Surgical Group
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 110, 87505
(505) 983-6651
Fax No. (505) 983-6645
Cunningham, Elizabeth A., MD
Provider ID #NM009J84
BlueLINK ID: 4161144
St. Vincent Hospital Cancer Center
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-3967
Fax No. (505) 989-6466
Cunningham, Elizabeth, MD
Provider ID #NM009F51
BlueLINK ID: 4161144
St. Vincent Surgical Group
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 110, 87505
(505) 983-6651
Fax No. (505) 983-6645
Shapiro, Raphael I., MD
Provider ID #NM002490
BlueLINK ID: 3135956
Santa Fe Surgical Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. 200A, 87505
(505) 988-3975
Fax No. (505) 986-8001
Smith, Joseph M., MD
Provider ID #NM009360
BlueLINK ID: 2173068
St. Vincent Surgical Group
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 110, 87505
(505) 983-6651
Fax No. (505) 983-6645
Voltura, Anna M., MD
Provider ID #NM004622
BlueLINK ID: 4183236
Santa Fe Surgical Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. 200A, 87505
(505) 988-3975
Fax No. (505) 986-8001
Hand Surgery
Shapiro, Raphael I., MD
Provider ID #NM002490
BlueLINK ID: 3135956
Santa Fe Surgical Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. 200A, 87505
(505) 988-3975
Fax No. (505) 986-8001
Bagwell, John C., MD
Provider ID #NM009268
BlueLINK ID: 2221054
Patients over age 16
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Blitman, Maury N., MD
Provider ID #NM009J25
BlueLINK ID: 5010032
St. Vincent Hospital Cancer Center
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5233
Fax No. (505) 989-6466
Greenfield, Bruce M., MD
Provider ID #NM011105
BlueLINK ID: 2397800
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Judson, Patrick H., MD
Provider ID #NM009P87
BlueLINK ID: 3382229
Adult patients only
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 955-7923
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lopez, Timothy M., MD
Provider ID #NM010747
BlueLINK ID: 3273142
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Scott-Timperley, Leanna J., MD
Provider ID #NM009J35
BlueLINK ID: 4172448
Adult patients only
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Infectious Diseases
Hawkins, Trevor N., MD
Provider ID #NM000390
BlueLINK ID: 3143156
Southwest Care Center
649 Harkle Rd., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 989-8200
Fax No. (505) 989-8131
Lawrence, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM009P43
BlueLINK ID: 6003611
1482 St. Francis Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 984-1981
Fax No. (505) 984-8971
Lawrence, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM009T09
BlueLINK ID: 4307389
HIV/AIDs patients only
Southwest Care Center
649 Harkle Rd., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 989-8200
Fax No. (505) 989-8131
Palestine, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004923
BlueLINK ID: 3100085
1482 S. St. Francis Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 984-1981
Palestine, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004923
BlueLINK ID: 3100085
Southwest Care Center
649 Harkle Rd., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 989-8200
Fax No. (505) 989-8131
Email: [email protected]
Internal Medicine
Duarte, Ramon R., MD
Provider ID #NM019F74
BlueLINK ID: 3145249
Adult patients only
Monte Sol Medical Group
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 989-6130
Fax No. (505) 820-5408
Gernon, Craig F., MD
Provider ID #NM002690
BlueLINK ID: 4155552
Patients over age 14
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
Lawrence, Mary E., MD
Provider ID #NM009T09
BlueLINK ID: 4307389
HIV/AIDs patients only
Southwest Care Center
649 Harkle Rd., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 989-8200
Fax No. (505) 989-8131
July 2005
Palestine, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004923
BlueLINK ID: 5005006
1482 S. St. Francis Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 984-1981
Palestine, Michael D., MD
Provider ID #NM004923
BlueLINK ID: 3100085
Southwest Care Center
649 Harkle Rd., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 989-8200
Fax No. (505) 989-8131
Email: [email protected]
Pinkerton, Alfred W., MD
Provider ID #NM002139
BlueLINK ID: 3143260
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87501
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 995-0884
Ross, Duane L., MD
Provider ID #NM033157
BlueLINK ID: 5003762
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Seshadri, Niranjan, MD
Provider ID #NM009R07
BlueLINK ID: 6003419
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Sussman, James H., DO
Provider ID #NM004B16
BlueLINK ID: 3234907
Allergy Partners of New Mexico
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 8, 87505
(505) 820-9870
Fax No. (505) 983-1265
Wyndham, Christopher R.C., MD
Provider ID #NM009R10
BlueLINK ID: 6003424
New Mexico Heart Institute
1651 Galisteo St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 984-8012
Fax No. (505) 988-2612
Medical Oncology
Judson, Patrick H., MD
Provider ID #NM009P87
BlueLINK ID: 3382229
Adult patients only
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 955-7923
Kubica, Ronald P., MD
Provider ID #NM009265
BlueLINK ID: 3228906
Patients over age 18
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
433 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 992-1445
Fax No. (505) 992-1903
July 2005
Kubica, Ronald P., MD
Provider ID #NM009265
BlueLINK ID: 3228906
Patients over age 18
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Snyder, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM009256
BlueLINK ID: 3169126
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
433 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 992-1445
Fax No. (505) 992-1903
Snyder, David A., MD
Provider ID #NM009256
BlueLINK ID: 3169126
New Mexico Cancer Care Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 955-7900
Fax No. (505) 983-5364
Kossmann, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM003322
BlueLINK ID: 3358137
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Kovnat, Paul J., MD
Provider ID #NM001519
BlueLINK ID: 2397900
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Lenetsky, Allan M., MD
Provider ID #NM001769
BlueLINK ID: 2397926
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 200, 87505
(505) 982-4276
Fax No. (505) 983-7571
Baten, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM000183
BlueLINK ID: 2397186
Santa Fe Neurological Associates
531 Harkle Rd., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-8182
Fax No. (505) 983-7673
Guggenheim, Kathryn, MD
Provider ID #NM009094
BlueLINK ID: 3125929
2019 Galisteo St., Unit N-1, 87505
(505) 982-5261
Fax No. (505) 982-0441
LaKind, Elizabeth D., MD
Provider ID #NM002645
BlueLINK ID: 3345694
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 211, 87505
(505) 989-4600
Fax No. (505) 988-1370
Walsky, Paul, MD
Provider ID #NM002966
BlueLINK ID: 2398340
531 Harkle Rd., Ste. A2, 87501
(505) 982-3814
Fax No. (505) 983-1899
Wengs, William, MD
Provider ID #NM009T02
BlueLINK ID: 3326597
Patients age 18 and up
2009 Botulph Rd., Ste. 500, 87505
(505) 986-2890
Feldman, Robert A., MD
Provider ID #NM010852
BlueLINK ID: 3143119
Neurological Surgery Associates of
531 Harkle Rd., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 988-3233
Fax No. (505) 988-3562
Marchand, Erich P., MD
Provider ID #NM011721
BlueLINK ID: 2397961
Neurological Surgery Associates of
531 Harkle Rd., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 988-3233
Fax No. (505) 988-3562
Shields, Phillip T., MD
Provider ID #NM019207
BlueLINK ID: 3311956
Neurological Surgery Associates of
531 Harkle Rd., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 988-3233
Fax No. (505) 988-3562
Brown, D. William, Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM000453
BlueLINK ID: 3209297
546 Harkle Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-6467
Fax No. (505) 983-5394
De La Vallee, Cecilia "Cissy", MD
Provider ID #NM004136
BlueLINK ID: 4253263
Patients over age 9
Women's Health Services
901 W. Alameda St., Ste. 25, 87501
(505) 988-8869
Fax No. (505) 982-7321
Keller, Caroline S., MD
Provider ID #NM019180
BlueLINK ID: 3358752
2205 Miguel Chavez Rd., 87505
(505) 989-7222
Fax No. (505) 988-5119
Martinez, Lynore M., MD
Provider ID #NM009T01
BlueLINK ID: 4132991
405 Stereophile Way, 87505
(505) 988-4922
Fax No. (505) 988-4924
Pardue, Cleveland H., III, MD
Provider ID #NM002078
BlueLINK ID: 3143257
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 202, 87505
(505) 984-0303
Fax No. (505) 984-1116
Rodriguez, Maria L., MD
Provider ID #NM012331
BlueLINK ID: 3143280
Galisteo Ob/Gyn Associates
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 984-2300
Van Eeckhout, Barbara S., MD
Provider ID #NM009530
BlueLINK ID: 4225448
531 Harkle, Ste. B, 87505
(505) 982-4200
Fax No. (505) 982-4649
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Vigil, Debbie A., MD
Provider ID #NM002901
BlueLINK ID: 3222750
1692 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-8601
Fax No. (505) 982-4966
Olmstead, Francine M., MD
Provider ID #NM009R09
BlueLINK ID: 5006048
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Santa Fe
Wolfswinkel, Laura D., MD
Provider ID #NM013019
BlueLINK ID: 2398272
Galisteo Ob/Gyn Associates
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 984-2300
Occupational Medicine
Lewis, Wood V., MD
Provider ID #NM009S12
BlueLINK ID: 3212584
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Bradley, Mark S., MD
Provider ID #NM009F32
BlueLINK ID: 3296862
1630 Hospital Dr., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 982-8831
Fax No. (505) 983-2763
Bratton, Angela R., MD
Provider ID #NM003195
BlueLINK ID: 3201491
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Chiu, Mark T., MD
Provider ID #NM000562
BlueLINK ID: 3135563
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Cox, William V., MD
Provider ID #NM003377
BlueLINK ID: 2297451
5 Calle Medico, Ste. E, 87505
(505) 982-4555
Fax No. (505) 982-9225
Durso, Frank, MD
Provider ID #NM000780
BlueLINK ID: 3114017
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Levy, Renny H., MD
Provider ID #NM009539
BlueLINK ID: 3356711
Eye Associates of NM
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Littlefield, Jerald, MD
Provider ID #NM002735
BlueLINK ID: 2293608
1630 Hospital Dr., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 982-8831
Fax No. (505) 983-2763
Mares, Frank J., MD
Provider ID #NM001483
BlueLINK ID: 3135805
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Santa Fe
Ogawa, Gregory S. H., MD
Provider ID #NM004572
BlueLINK ID: 3364194
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Puro, Gary V., MD
Provider ID #NM012209
BlueLINK ID: 3135895
Eye Care For You
510 N. Guadalupe St., Ste. C, 87501
(505) 986-2020
Fax No. (505) 986-1764
Reidy, Kristin E., DO
Provider ID #NM004A00
BlueLINK ID: 4264237
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 983-0685
Reidy, Robert W., MD
Provider ID #NM002263
BlueLINK ID: 2287056
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Seligson, Michael S., MD
Provider ID #NM009P09
BlueLINK ID: 3356602
High Country Macula, Retina &
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 206, 87505
(505) 982-5716
Fax No. (505) 982-5718
Soloway, Mahlon R., MD
Provider ID #NM001819
BlueLINK ID: 3135977
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Weinstein, Arthur J., MD
Provider ID #NM002933
BlueLINK ID: 3136024
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Wyant, Frank W., Jr., DO
Provider ID #NM004657
BlueLINK ID: 2396760
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Chun, Samuel, MD
Provider ID #NM009P04
BlueLINK ID: 3344815
St. Vincent Hospital Orthopaedic
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 500, 87505
(505) 424-0200
Fax No. (505) 424-1056
Ellis, Oren H., MD
Provider ID #NM01VP02
BlueLINK ID: 5008680
St. Vincent Hospital Orthopedic Group
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 500A, 87505
(505) 424-0578
Fax No. (505) 424-1056
Gorman, Robert R., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009T51
BlueLINK ID: 4295100
St. Vincent Hospital Orthopedic Group
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 500, 87505
(505) 424-0578
Fax No. (505) 424-1056
Gossum, Robin S., MD
Provider ID #NM004893
BlueLINK ID: 4198951
Orthopaedic Associates of Northern
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 500, 87505
(505) 424-0200
Fax No. (505) 424-6608
Jones, William K., MD
Provider ID #NM001451
BlueLINK ID: 3143187
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
McGinty, Laurel, MD
Provider ID #NM009G69
BlueLINK ID: 3300161
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
McKinley, Matthew, MD
Provider ID #NM014539
BlueLINK ID: 4169347
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Weiner, Steven, MD
Provider ID #NM012919
BlueLINK ID: 3143352
Santa Fe Orthopaedic Associates
1630 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-5014
Fax No. (505) 982-2687
Bair, Brant A., MD
Provider ID #NM009385
BlueLINK ID: 4232343
Santa Fe Orthopaedic Associates
1630 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 982-5014
Fax No. (505) 982-2687
Bear, Jan V.T., MD
Provider ID #NM001491
BlueLINK ID: 3282152
Orthopaedic Associates of Northern
2055 S. Pacheco, Ste. 500, 87505
(505) 424-0200
Fax No. (505) 424-6608
Johnson, Frank Pierr, MD
Provider ID #NM001489
BlueLINK ID: 3290220
Santa Fe Pathology Services
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 115, 87505
(505) 986-8620
Becker, Jeremy R., MD
Provider ID #NM009L38
BlueLINK ID: 2153666
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Anderson, H. Clark, MD
Provider ID #NM000148
BlueLINK ID: 3288074
Santa Fe Pathology Services
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 115, 87505
(505) 986-8620
Lowry, Sandra P., MD
Provider ID #NM002188
BlueLINK ID: 3320643
Santa Fe Pathology Services
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 115, 87505
(505) 986-8620
Rogers, Lynn A., MD
Provider ID #NM001029
BlueLINK ID: 3295235
Santa Fe Pathology Services
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 115, 87505
(505) 986-8620
Fax No. (505) 820-2461
Zwemer, Jack E., MD
Provider ID #NM003087
BlueLINK ID: 3288075
Santa Fe Pathology Services
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 115, 87505
(505) 986-8620
Aisenbrey, Gary A., MD
Provider ID #NM000205
BlueLINK ID: 3210751
Perinatal Associates of NM
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 203, 87501
(505) 924-2560
Fax No. (505) 743-9646
Argubright, Kent, MD
Provider ID #NM000174
BlueLINK ID: 3210720
Perinatal Associates of NM
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 203, 87505
(505) 924-2560
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Hurley, Timothy J., MD
Provider ID #NM002734
BlueLINK ID: 3285454
Perinatal Associates of NM
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 203, 87501
(505) 924-2560
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Joffe, Gary M., MD
Provider ID #NM013714
BlueLINK ID: 3263663
Perinatal Associates of NM
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 203, 87505
(505) 924-2560
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Physical Medicine
Black, Pamela, MD
Provider ID #NM009655
BlueLINK ID: 3293885
Specializing in spinal conditions
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 983-2233
Esparza, Carlos J., MD
Provider ID #NM009046
BlueLINK ID: 4136683
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. E, 87501
(505) 983-2233
Fax No. (505) 242-0189
Genovese-Elliott, Theresa M., MD
Provider ID #NM014159
BlueLINK ID: 4175043
1630 Hospital Dr., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 820-1858
Fax No. (505) 820-1902
Santos, James A., MD
Provider ID #NM009616
BlueLINK ID: 4247031
New Mexico Spine
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 988-4446
Fax No. (505) 989-8880
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Schwartz, Belyn, MD
Provider ID #NM009445
BlueLINK ID: 3393218
Rehabilitation Medicine Associates of
Northern NM
1691 Galisteo St., Ste. E, 87505
(505) 983-2233
Fax No. (505) 983-2290
Pulmonary Medicine
Guido, Peter S., MD
Provider ID #NM009H58
BlueLINK ID: 4114159
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Family Medicine
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Riley, Charles A., MD
Provider ID #NM002288
BlueLINK ID: 3135910
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 104, 87505
(505) 982-8338
Radiation Oncology
Anthony, Paul A., MD
Provider ID #NM000168
BlueLINK ID: 3143015
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Beron, Phillip J., MD
Provider ID #NM009797
BlueLINK ID: 4140480
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
Richard M. Angle Cancer Treatment
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5327
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Bush, Steven E., MD
Provider ID #NM009309
BlueLINK ID: 3143066
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 983-3361
Fax No. (505) 820-5210
Elconin, Joel H., MD
Provider ID #NM009314
BlueLINK ID: 4224231
NM Oncology/Hematology
Consultants, Ltd.
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 983-3361
Fax No. (505) 820-5210
Ellerbroek, Nancy A., MD
Provider ID #NM009799
BlueLINK ID: 3256197
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
Richard M. Angle Cancer Treatment
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5327
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Fleck, Ronda S., MD
Provider ID #NM022213
BlueLINK ID: 3284280
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
July 2005
Ketting, Case H., MD
Provider ID #NM009811
BlueLINK ID: 3361205
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
Richard M. Angle Cancer Treatment
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5327
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Khan, Kutub Mir, MD
Provider ID #NM001506
BlueLINK ID: 3135752
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Liem, Benny J., MD
Provider ID #NM009678
BlueLINK ID: 4244726
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Lipsett, James, MD
Provider ID #NM003465
BlueLINK ID: 2138596
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Mayer, Eric G., MD
Provider ID #NM009812
BlueLINK ID: 3144225
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
Richard M. Angle Cancer Treatment
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5327
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Shina, Donald C., MD
Provider ID #NM019T57
BlueLINK ID: 3229640
St. Vincent Hospital Orthopedic Group
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5233
Fax No. (505) 989-6466
Story, Amanda J., MD
Provider ID #NM001968
BlueLINK ID: 3262325
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Stutzman, Charles D., MD
Provider ID #NM002552
BlueLINK ID: 2398130
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Thompson, William R., MD
Provider ID #NM002758
BlueLINK ID: 3223289
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
July 2005
Wong, Gene, MD
Provider ID #NM003921
BlueLINK ID: 3262046
Radiation Oncology Associates
490 W. Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 889-9639
Fax No. (505) 889-2978
Benjamin, Raphiel J., MD
Provider ID #NM009F17
BlueLINK ID: 3135504
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Buschman, Dennis L., MD
Provider ID #NM009S78
BlueLINK ID: A06408
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
X-Ray Associates of Santa Fe
490 Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-9139
Cohen, Eve K., MD
Provider ID #NM009F18
BlueLINK ID: 4126101
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Cohen, Larry L., MD
Provider ID #NM009F19
BlueLINK ID: 3135570
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Copeland, Jack A., MD
Provider ID #NM009A21
BlueLINK ID: 3177853
Santa Fe Family Health Center
2801 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B13, 87507
(505) 474-0120
Damron, James R., MD
Provider ID #NM009F20
BlueLINK ID: 3296130
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Gaupp, Robin J., MD
Provider ID #NM009F21
BlueLINK ID: 2397780
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Griste, John D., MD
Provider ID #NM009F22
BlueLINK ID: 3296943
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Linver, Michael N., MD
Provider ID #NM009L72
BlueLINK ID: 3293338
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
X-Ray Associates of Santa Fe
490 Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-9139
Ochadlik, Mary, MD
Provider ID #NM009G63
BlueLINK ID: 5009502
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Urology
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Litzenberg, William J., MD
Provider ID #NM009F24
BlueLINK ID: 3212586
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Robeson, Steven C., MD
Provider ID #NM012295
BlueLINK ID: 2398060
1630 Hospital Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 982-3534
Fax No. (505) 982-8458
Patriquin, Lara M., MD
Provider ID #NM009S11
BlueLINK ID: 4241986
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
X-Ray Associates of Santa Fe
490 Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-9139
Valencia, Regina A., MD
Provider ID #NM009F26
BlueLINK ID: 3284866
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Williams, Arvis, MD
Provider ID #NM009R23
BlueLINK ID: 3165106
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
X-Ray Associates of Santa Fe
490 Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-9139
Zimmer, William D., MD
Provider ID #NM009L69
BlueLINK ID: 3205293
X-Ray Associates of New Mexico
X-Ray Associates of Santa Fe
490 Zia Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-9139
Sokoloff, Murray C., MD
Provider ID #NM003458
BlueLINK ID: 2138966
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. A3, 87505
(505) 986-0044
Fax No. (505) 983-1755
Thoracic and Vascular
Goldstein, Lawrence J., MD
Provider ID #NM009J72
BlueLINK ID: 3351656
St. Vincent Surgical Group
465 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 110, 87505
(505) 954-8720
Fax No. (505) 954-8721
Kosir, Christopher C., MD
Provider ID #NM009F23
BlueLINK ID: 3293529
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Anderson, Eric W., MD
Provider ID #NM009A04
BlueLINK ID: 4261490
1630 Hospital Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 982-3534
Fax No. (505) 982-8458
Lehman, Jonathan D., MD
Provider ID #NM009F25
BlueLINK ID: 4192332
Santa Fe Radiology
1640 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 983-2611
Fax No. (505) 983-7145
Lucero, Stephen P., MD
Provider ID #NM009295
BlueLINK ID: 2397937
1650 Hospital Dr., Ste. 300, 87505
(505) 989-8325
Milroy, Michael, MD
Provider ID #NM001912
BlueLINK ID: 2397980
1630 Hospital Dr., 87505
(505) 820-0484
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Hadzic, Ejub Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM009307
BlueLINK ID: 3346293
Valley Radiotherapy Assoc. Medical
Richard M. Angle Cancer Treatment
455 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 820-5327
Fax No. (505) 556-5899
Silver City
Santa Teresa
Doña Ana County
Rivera, Emilio T., MD
Provider ID #NM011595
BlueLINK ID: 3213676
Doctors of Santa Teresa
5290 McNutt Rd., 88008
(505) 589-1144
Fax No. (505) 589-2008
Hernandez, Edward, MD
Provider ID #NM004431
BlueLINK ID: 4168986
Southwest Eye Clinic
1245 Country Club Rd., 88008
(505) 874-1988
Fax No. (505) 874-1402
Villalobos, Robert L., MD
Provider ID #NM002878
BlueLINK ID: 2204736
Southwest Eye Clinic
1245 Country Club Rd., 88008
(505) 874-1988
Fax No. (505) 874-1402
Silver City
Grant County
Donnell, Mark S., MD
Provider ID #NM003160
BlueLINK ID: 2147881
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4065
Fax No. (505) 538-4042
Arizaga, Gilbert, MD
Provider ID #NM000167
BlueLINK ID: 2396826
Sierra Dermatology
3060 Hwy. 180 East, 88061
(505) 388-2743
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Sparks, Twana L., MD
Provider ID #NM002363
BlueLINK ID: 3345497
Including allergy
Sparks Clinic
1000 N. Hudson, 88061
(505) 538-0486
Fax No. (505) 538-7919
Silver City
General Surgery
Kleinman, Russell, MD
Provider ID #NM003216
BlueLINK ID: 3212621
1304 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-3175
Fax No. (505) 388-4695
Vigil, Anthony R., MD
Provider ID #NM004535
BlueLINK ID: 4176385
1304 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-3175
Wendler, Frederick W., MD
Provider ID #NM002929
BlueLINK ID: 3230236
1304 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-3175
Fax No. (505) 388-4695
Bhothinard, Bhisit, MD
Provider ID #NM009N19
BlueLINK ID: 2111269
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Hanosh, Christopher R., MD
Provider ID #NM009376
BlueLINK ID: 4244552
Grant County Orthopedic Associates
1268 E. 32nd St., 88062
(505) 534-1919
Fax No. (505) 534-0135
Robinson, Brian, MD
Provider ID #NM004376
BlueLINK ID: 4195286
Grant County Orthopedic Associates
1268 E. 32nd St., 88062
(505) 534-1919
Fax No. (505) 534-0135
Blisard, Karen S., MD
Provider ID #NM013302
BlueLINK ID: 3250079
Gila Pathology Services
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4165
Capek, Pavel P., MD
Provider ID #NM014394
BlueLINK ID: 4194244
Gila Pathology Services
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4165
Pulmonary Medicine
Nwachuku, Victor A., MD
Provider ID #NM009942
BlueLINK ID: 4228164
Female patients only
Cassie Health Center
1290 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1561
Stinar, Donald, MD
Provider ID #NM011920
BlueLINK ID: 2177834
2584 N. Silver St., Bldg. B, 88061
(505) 388-0184
Fax No. (505) 388-0186
Apple, Neal L., MD
Provider ID #NM014201
BlueLINK ID: 2147848
Silver City Opthalmology Associates
1210 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-3721
Fax No. (505) 538-2207
Lanthiez, Pierre, MD
Provider ID #NM009B98
BlueLINK ID: 3300857
SW Radiology Associates
Gila Regional Medical Center
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4125
Boyle, Thomas M., MD
Provider ID #NM009B79
BlueLINK ID: 4249630
Silver City Opthalmology Associates
1210 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-3721
Fax No. (505) 538-2207
Mittica, Nicholas M., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM01PA61
BlueLINK ID: 4227044
Silver City Opthalmology Associates
1210 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-3721
Fax No. (505) 538-2207
Carreon, Jesus R., MD
Provider ID #NM009F99
BlueLINK ID: 3280449
Grant County Orthopedic Associates
1268 E. 32nd St., 88062
(505) 534-1919
Fax No. (505) 534-0135
McMullen, Dennis, MD
Provider ID #NM002038
BlueLINK ID: 3143240
SW Radiology Associates
Gila Regional Medical Center
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4125
Sunland Park
Doña Ana County
Thoracic and Vascular
Khan, Khalid Y., MD
Provider ID #NM003134
BlueLINK ID: 2317843
5690 Santa Teresita, Ste. 2, 88063
(505) 522-1975
Fax No. (505) 522-5209
Taos County
Ismail, Geilan, MD
Provider ID #NM009435
BlueLINK ID: 3361876
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., Ste. 200, 87571
(505) 758-2224
Fax No. (505) 758-4903
Leibowitz, Mark I., MD
Provider ID #NM009K82
BlueLINK ID: 3156764
1264 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 534-1444
Fax No. (505) 534-1449
Socorro County
DiMonaco, Michael L., DO
Provider ID #NM004045
BlueLINK ID: 2396740
Eye Associates of NM
801 California, 87801
(505) 835-2980
Fax No. (505) 835-2989
Puro, Gary V., MD
Provider ID #NM012209
BlueLINK ID: 3135895
Eye Care For You
1350 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 7,
(505) 737-0631
Fax No. (505) 737-0635
Bernardini, Brad J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P26
BlueLINK ID: 6003485
Taos Orthopedic Institute PC
1219 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. A, 87571
(505) 758-0009
Fax No. (505) 758-8736
Emergency Medicine
Guttmann, Dan, MD
Provider ID #NM009070
BlueLINK ID: 4260918
Specializing in shoulder & elbow
Taos Orthopedic Institute PC
1219 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. A, 87571
(505) 758-0009
Fax No. (505) 758-8736
Moller, Oskar, MD
Provider ID #NM001886
BlueLINK ID: 3121348
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Hospital
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
Lubowitz, James, MD
Provider ID #NM003324
BlueLINK ID: 3382909
Taos Orthopedic Institute PC
1219 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. A, 87571
(505) 758-0009
Fax No. (505) 758-8736
General Surgery
Cetrulo, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM000508
BlueLINK ID: 2140242
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Professional Bldg.
1399 Weimer Rd., Box 5780, 87571
(505) 758-3141
Hess, Brian D., MD
Provider ID #NM009J45
BlueLINK ID: 4294657
Stephen D. Cetrulo, MD, PC
Taos Professional Bldg.
1399 Weimer Rd., Ste. 500, 87571
(505) 758-3141
Fax No. (505) 758-3165
Mohling, Shanti I., MD
Provider ID #NM009J38
BlueLINK ID: 4197251
Taos Community Healthplan
Women's Health Institute
1329 Gusdorf Rd., 87571
(505) 758-5001
Resnick, Scott A., MD
Provider ID #NM009J37
BlueLINK ID: 4183019
Taos Community Healthplan
Women's Health Institute
1329 Gusdorf Rd., 87571
(505) 758-5001
Fax No. (505) 737-5046
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rachelson, Herbert V., MD
Provider ID #NM002232
BlueLINK ID: 2398040
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Orthopedic Clinic
1399 Weimer Rd., Box 5776, 87571
(505) 758-8693
Thompson, Ian M., MD
Provider ID #NM009P25
BlueLINK ID: 6003484
Taos Orthopedic Institute PC
1219 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. A, 87571
(505) 758-0009
Fax No. (505) 758-8736
Webb, Darby, MD
Provider ID #NM009J16
BlueLINK ID: 4263572
Taos Orthopedic Institute PC
1219 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. A, 87571
(505) 758-0009
Fax No. (505) 758-8736
Smith, Douglas M., MD
Provider ID #NM002931
BlueLINK ID: 2301005
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Hospital
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
Terrell, Correna L., MD
Provider ID #NM009P75
BlueLINK ID: 4210857
Holy Cross Hospital
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
July 2005
El Paso
General Surgery
Bernardini, Brad J., MD
Provider ID #NM009P26
BlueLINK ID: 6003485
Taos Orthopedic Institute PC
1219 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. A, 87571
(505) 758-0009
Fax No. (505) 758-8736
Badshah, Nur, MD
Provider ID #NM009369
BlueLINK ID: 2367283
Badshah Surgical Clinic
310 S. 2nd St., 88401
(505) 461-7877
Fax No. (505) 461-1822
Internal Medicine
Cockburn, Alden G., MD
Provider ID #NM009M74
BlueLINK ID: 2166897
1399 Weimer Rd., Ste. 600B, 87571
(505) 751-0305
Fax No. (505) 751-0297
Alhazim, Dina, MD
Provider ID #NM009L60
BlueLINK ID: 4286611
Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-2349
Frasier, Robert W., III, MD
Provider ID #NM000974
BlueLINK ID: 3135637
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-2281
Truth or Consequences
Sierra County
General Surgery
Burger, Harry R., DO
Provider ID #NM004B75
BlueLINK ID: 5010223
Sierra Vista Hospital
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-2111
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Igwe, Daniel, MD
Provider ID #NM009993
BlueLINK ID: 3287963
Sierra Vista Community Health Center
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-2111
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Muralidharan, Sethu, MD
Provider ID #NM009L55
BlueLINK ID: 4284292
Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-2349
Ogawa, Gregory S. H., MD
Provider ID #NM004572
BlueLINK ID: 3364194
Eye Associates of NM
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-0141
Blakely, Ann E., MD
Provider ID #NM000343
BlueLINK ID: 3295709
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-2722
Hewett, Bernie G., MD
Provider ID #NM001266
BlueLINK ID: 2223469
518 Date St., 87901
(505) 894-7811
Andrews County
Quay County
Family Practice
Badshah, Nur, MD
Provider ID #NM009369
BlueLINK ID: 2367283
Badshah Surgical Clinic
310 S. 2nd St., 88401
(505) 461-7877
Fax No. (505) 461-1822
Saleemi, Mudassir M., MD
Provider ID #NM09I64
BlueLINK ID: 4296313
Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-2349
July 2005
General Practice
Jariwala, Natver J., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ45
BlueLINK ID: 3166629
714 Hospital Dr., 79714
(432) 523-3936
Fax No. (432) 464-2563
Denver City
Yoakum County
Paulger, Brent, MD
Provider ID #NM004352
BlueLINK ID: 4143745
Paulger Dermatology & Skin Cancer
410 N. Avenue F, 79323
(806) 797-1202
Fax No. (806) 797-4854
El Paso
El Paso County
Blumenfeld, Ronald J., MD
Provider ID #NM00V811
BlueLINK ID: 2313558
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
10470 Vista del Sol, Ste. 110, 79925
(915) 592-8666
Blumenfeld, Ronald J., MD
Provider ID #NM00V811
BlueLINK ID: 2313558
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 100, 79902
(915) 545-1484
Morton, R.A.D., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00J435
BlueLINK ID: 2319648
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
10470 Vista del Sol, Ste. 110, 79925
(915) 592-8666
Morton, R.A.D., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00J435
BlueLINK ID: 2319648
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 100, 79902
(915) 533-5461
Avila-Hernandez, Jorge, MD
Provider ID #NM009B86
BlueLINK ID: 2313016
El Paso Anesthesia Specialists
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 120, 79925
(915) 532-2222
Fax No. (915) 779-1754
Corral, Marta O., MD
Provider ID #NM009B88
BlueLINK ID: 3379742
El Paso Anesthesia Specialists
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 120, 79925
(915) 532-2222
Fax No. (915) 779-1754
Cunningham, Thomas, MD
Provider ID #NM00Z404
BlueLINK ID: 3148168
312 Amelia Dr., 79912
(915) 858-4950
Diaz, Jose A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B85
BlueLINK ID: 3133383
El Paso Anesthesia Specialists
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 120, 79925
(915) 532-2222
Fax No. (915) 779-1754
Stlo, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009B87
BlueLINK ID: 2226642
El Paso Anesthesia Specialists
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 120, 79925
(915) 532-2222
Fax No. (915) 779-1754
Vadi-Latiff, V. Helena, MD
Provider ID #NM009B64
BlueLINK ID: 2344985
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 120, 79925
(915) 779-1716
Fax No. (915) 779-1754
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Villarreal, Jose L., MD
Provider ID #NM019959
BlueLINK ID: 3383015
Specializing in pain management
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Wakefield, Cornelius W., MD
Provider ID #NM009952
BlueLINK ID: 2227397
No newborn anesthesia
Medical Billing Unlimited
5959 Gateway West, 79925
(915) 771-7261
Franco, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM00V801
BlueLINK ID: 2315708
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Franco, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM00V801
BlueLINK ID: 2315708
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 591-1491
Medrano, Rafael, MD
Provider ID #NM009934
BlueLINK ID: 3357239
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Medrano, Rafael, MD
Provider ID #NM009934
BlueLINK ID: 3357239
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-4889
Fax No. (915) 591-1491
Plowden, John S., MD
Provider ID #NM00YH96
BlueLINK ID: 3274624
Newborns to age 21
Children's Heart Center
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 314, 79902
(915) 533-5733
Fax No. (915) 533-5693
Quintana, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM00VF26
BlueLINK ID: 3210469
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Quintana, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM00VF26
BlueLINK ID: 3210469
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 591-1441
Sports Medicine
El Paso
Taveras, Juan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009823
BlueLINK ID: 3350768
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Garcia, Rafael I., MD
Provider ID #NM009N37
BlueLINK ID: 3365939
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 160, 79925
(915) 779-5866
Fax No. (915) 779-8604
Taveras, Juan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009823
BlueLINK ID: 3350768
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 591-1441
Goldman, Edward M., MD
Provider ID #NM00J461
BlueLINK ID: 2316206
100 E. Schuster Ave., 79902
(915) 542-3059
Velez, Carlos A., MD
Provider ID #NM00X738
BlueLINK ID: 2322961
2820 N. Stanton St., 79902
(915) 544-0817
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Gomez, Jamie R., MD
Provider ID #NM00YT23
BlueLINK ID: 3334687
El Paso Colon & Rectal Clinic
1225 E. Cliff, Ste. 2B, 79902
(915) 544-4042
Fax No. (915) 544-7508
Ear, Nose, and Throat
Arango, Jorge J., MD
Provider ID #NM00UK34
BlueLINK ID: 3134219
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
1600 Lee Treviño, Ste. A2, 79936
(915) 590-6486
Arango, Jorge J., MD
Provider ID #NM00UK34
BlueLINK ID: 3134219
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 160, 79925
(915) 779-5866
Blumenfeld, Ronald J., MD
Provider ID #NM00V811
BlueLINK ID: 2313558
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
10470 Vista del Sol, Ste. 110, 79925
(915) 592-8666
Blumenfeld, Ronald J., MD
Provider ID #NM00V811
BlueLINK ID: 2313558
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 100, 79902
(915) 545-1484
Bright, Kevin, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ32
BlueLINK ID: 4222194
Southwestern ENT Associates
1600 Medical Center, Ste. 101, 79902
(915) 544-1350
Fax No. (915) 544-6740
Garcia, Rafael I., MD
Provider ID #NM009N37
BlueLINK ID: 3365939
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
1600 Lee Treviño, Ste. A2, 79935
(915) 590-6486
Fax No. (915) 590-9647
Gomez, Patrick J., MD
Provider ID #NM00UU26
BlueLINK ID: 3333439
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
1600 Lee Treviño, Ste. A2, 79936
(915) 779-5866
Fax No. (915) 779-8604
Spier, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y091
BlueLINK ID: 2322123
Southwestern ENT Associates
1600 Medical Center, Ste. 101, 79902
(915) 544-1350
Fax No. (915) 544-6740
Weeks, Lyle D., MD
Provider ID #NM00X018
BlueLINK ID: 2227456
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 755, 79902
(915) 541-1225
Wegleitner, Mark J., MD
Provider ID #NM00X934
BlueLINK ID: 2327458
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 160, 79925
(915) 779-5866
Gomez, Patrick J., MD
Provider ID #NM00UU26
BlueLINK ID: 3333439
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 160, 79925
(915) 779-5866
Fax No. (915) 779-8604
Martinez, Hector R., MD
Provider ID #NM00W645
BlueLINK ID: 2318877
Patients over age 15
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 307, 79902
(915) 532-3877
Fax No. (915) 533-5969
Jamison, Rodney K., MD
Provider ID #NM00YU41
BlueLINK ID: 3318069
Southwestern ENT Associates
1600 Medical Center, Ste. 101, 79902
(915) 544-1350
Fax No. (915) 544-6740
Noble, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH89
BlueLINK ID: 4110874
Reproductive endocrinology
SW Center for Reproductive Health
700 S. Mesa Hills Dr., 79912
(915) 842-9998
Fax No. (915) 842-9972
Korzec, Kenneth R., MD
Provider ID #NM00YH25
BlueLINK ID: 3230061
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
1600 Lee Treviño, Ste. A2, 79936
(915) 779-5866
Fax No. (915) 779-8604
Korzec, Kenneth R., MD
Provider ID #NM00YH25
BlueLINK ID: 3230061
El Paso Ear, Nose & Throat
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 160, 79925
(915) 779-5866
Fax No. (915) 779-8604
Morton, R.A.D., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00J435
BlueLINK ID: 2319648
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
10470 Vista del Sol, Ste. 110, 79925
(915) 592-8666
Morton, R.A.D., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00J435
BlueLINK ID: 2319648
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 100, 79902
(915) 533-5461
Nanez, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM009D20
BlueLINK ID: 4269552
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
10470 Vista del Sol, Ste. 110, 79925
(915) 592-8666
Fax No. (915) 595-0902
Nanez, Gary, MD
Provider ID #NM009D20
BlueLINK ID: 4269552
Drs. Morton & Blumenfeld
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 100, 79902
(915) 533-5461
Fax No. (915) 544-1603
Rovner, Sergio, MD
Provider ID #NM00YP72
BlueLINK ID: 4131225
E P Premier Medical Group
10420 Montwood Dr., Ste. H, 79935
(915) 598-2721
Fax No. (915) 598-3289
Rovner, Sergio, MD
Provider ID #NM00YP72
BlueLINK ID: 4131225
E P Premier Medical Group
6065 Montana Ave., Ste. A2, 79925
(915) 771-7200
Fax No. (915) 771-7293
Golden, Stephen, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH65
BlueLINK ID: 2316197
Patients over age 16
Tures Golden Patel M.D., PA
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 4800, 79902
(915) 545-1252
Fax No. (915) 545-1278
Gupta, Tej P., MD
Provider ID #NM01VG48
BlueLINK ID: 3213765
Patients age 18 and older
1733 Curie Dr., Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 534-2500
Fax No. (915) 534-0001
Hernandez, Jesus, MD
Provider ID #NM00YL40
BlueLINK ID: 3323491
El Paso Gastroenterology Consultants
125 W. Hague Rd., Ste. 590, 79902
(915) 532-1620
Fax No. (505) 544-3852
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Karp, Alan J., MD
Provider ID #NM00YH55
BlueLINK ID: 3145812
Patients over age 16
El Paso Gastroenterology Consultants
125 W. Hague Rd., Ste. 590, 79902
(915) 532-1620
Fax No. (505) 544-3852
Kolli, Venkat R., MD
Provider ID #NM00YU88
BlueLINK ID: 3344134
Patients over age 16
Tures Golden Patel M.D., PA
1560 Lomaland Dr., 79935
(915) 545-1252
Fax No. (915) 545-1278
Kolli, Venkat R., MD
Provider ID #NM00YU88
BlueLINK ID: 3344134
Patients over age 16
Tures Golden Patel M.D., PA
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 4800, 79902
(915) 545-1252
Fax No. (915) 545-1278
Patel, Vinaychandra, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH64
BlueLINK ID: 3363373
Patients over age 16
Tures Golden Patel M.D., PA
1560 Lomaland Dr., 79935
(915) 545-1252
Fax No. (915) 545-1278
Patel, Vinaychandra, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH64
BlueLINK ID: 3363373
Patients over age 16
Tures Golden Patel M.D., PA
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 4800, 79902
(915) 545-1252
Fax No. (915) 545-1278
General Surgery
Crecca, Gerard F., MD
Provider ID #NM00I698
BlueLINK ID: 2222017
Patients over age 4
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 5300, 79902
(915) 542-2825
Fax No. (915) 542-1713
Dandade, Pritam B., MD
Provider ID #NM00V539
BlueLINK ID: 2222107
615 Schuster Ave., Ste. 8, 79902
(915) 545-1707
Fax No. (915) 544-1709
Gomez, Jamie R., MD
Provider ID #NM00YT23
BlueLINK ID: 3334687
El Paso Colon & Rectal Clinic
1225 E. Cliff, Ste. 2B, 79902
(915) 544-4042
Fax No. (915) 544-7508
Ramirez, Ruben G., MD
Provider ID #NM00X342
BlueLINK ID: 2320812
Las Nubes Women's Health Center
1250 E. Cliff Dr., Ste. 2E, 79902
(915) 532-4458
July 2005
Sheppard, Frank J., MD
Provider ID #NM00YH21
BlueLINK ID: 4102743
El Paso Colon & Rectal Clinic
1225 E. Cliff, Ste. 2B, 79902
(915) 544-4042
Tolbert-Bornstein, Natalie, MD
Provider ID #NM01UU99
BlueLINK ID: 2313624
Patients over age 18
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Noble, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH89
BlueLINK ID: 4110874
Gyn & reproductive endocrinology
SW Center for Reproductive Health
700 S. Mesa Hills Dr., 79912
(915) 842-9998
Fax No. (915) 842-9972
Aboud, Ambrose, MD
Provider ID #NM00I093
BlueLINK ID: 2220761
St. Jude International Cancer
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 500, 79902
(915) 544-8844
Fax No. (915) 541-8585
Ekery, Fred N., MD
Provider ID #NM00W425
BlueLINK ID: 2222489
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Ekery, Fred N., MD
Provider ID #NM00W425
BlueLINK ID: 2222489
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Herrada, Juan, MD
Provider ID #NM009B52
BlueLINK ID: 3347374
Patients over age 16
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Fax No. (915) 599-1701
Herrada, Juan, MD
Provider ID #NM009B52
BlueLINK ID: 3347374
Patients over age 16
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 544-6750
Fax No. (915) 532-4259
July 2005
Portillo, Raul M., MD
Provider ID #NM00VS62
BlueLINK ID: 2225602
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Portillo, Raul M., MD
Provider ID #NM00VS62
BlueLINK ID: 2225602
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Rivera, Ragene R., MD
Provider ID #NM00XE82
BlueLINK ID: 2321101
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Rivera, Ragene R., MD
Provider ID #NM00XE82
BlueLINK ID: 2321101
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Valilis, Panagiotis, MD
Provider ID #NM009B51
BlueLINK ID: 5119937
Patients over age 16
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Fax No. (915) 599-1701
Valilis, Panagiotis, MD
Provider ID #NM009B51
BlueLINK ID: 5119937
Patients over age 16
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 544-6750
Fax No. (915) 532-4259
Infectious Diseases
Antony, Suresh J., MD
Provider ID #NM001620
BlueLINK ID: 3222224
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Antony, Suresh J., MD
Provider ID #NM001620
BlueLINK ID: 3222224
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Internal Medicine
Armendariz, Eugenio, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ66
BlueLINK ID: 3133759
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Fax No. (915) 590-3031
Armendariz, Eugenio, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ66
BlueLINK ID: 3133759
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Fax No. (915) 532-2470
Franco, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM00V801
BlueLINK ID: 2315708
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Taveras, Juan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009823
BlueLINK ID: 3350768
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Franco, Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM00V801
BlueLINK ID: 2315708
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 591-1491
Taveras, Juan M., MD
Provider ID #NM009823
BlueLINK ID: 3350768
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 591-1441
Gonzales-Ayala, Emilio, MD
Provider ID #NM01YP73
BlueLINK ID: 4124987
No pediatrics
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Gonzales-Ayala, Emilio, MD
Provider ID #NM01YP73
BlueLINK ID: 4124987
No pediatrics
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Fax No. (915) 532-2470
Medrano, Rafael, MD
Provider ID #NM009934
BlueLINK ID: 3357239
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Medrano, Rafael, MD
Provider ID #NM009934
BlueLINK ID: 3357239
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-4889
Fax No. (915) 591-1491
Pinzon, Guillermo A., MD
Provider ID #NM00W271
BlueLINK ID: 2320539
Patients over age 18; children 8-18
endocrine disease
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 130, 79925
(915) 592-7662
Fax No. (915) 592-8080
Quintana, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM00VF26
BlueLINK ID: 3210469
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 570, 79902
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 542-2966
Quintana, Joseph A., MD
Provider ID #NM00VF26
BlueLINK ID: 3210469
Patients over age 21
Cardiology Care Consultants
7814 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 542-2352
Fax No. (915) 591-1441
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Santoscoy, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM009D09
BlueLINK ID: 4108205
Rio Grande Cardiovascular
1201 N. Mesa, Ste. A, 79902
(915) 533-9207
Fax No. (915) 534-7251
El Paso
Medical Oncology
Chesbro, Byron H., MD
Provider ID #NM00VS63
BlueLINK ID: 2221822
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Chesbro, Byron H., MD
Provider ID #NM00VS63
BlueLINK ID: 2221822
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Ekery, Fred N., MD
Provider ID #NM00W425
BlueLINK ID: 2222489
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Ekery, Fred N., MD
Provider ID #NM00W425
BlueLINK ID: 2222489
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Lopez, Arsenio G., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009951
BlueLINK ID: 4128527
Patients over age 16
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Fax No. (915) 599-1701
Lopez, Arsenio G., III, MD
Provider ID #NM009951
BlueLINK ID: 4128527
Patients over age 16
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 544-6750
Fax No. (915) 532-4259
Portillo, Raul M., MD
Provider ID #NM00VS62
BlueLINK ID: 2225602
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Portillo, Raul M., MD
Provider ID #NM00VS62
BlueLINK ID: 2225602
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Rivera, Ragene R., MD
Provider ID #NM00XE82
BlueLINK ID: 2321101
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
El Paso
Rivera, Ragene R., MD
Provider ID #NM00XE82
BlueLINK ID: 2321101
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 545-2506
Shahinian, Haroutioun, MD
Provider ID #NM00YU09
BlueLINK ID: 3343497
Patients over age 18
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 520, 79902
(915) 533-2888
Fax No. (915) 533-2568
Chavez, Alfonso, MD
Provider ID #NM00Z043
BlueLINK ID: 2314404
Patients over age 18
Nephrology Associates of El Paso
1225 E. Cliff, Ste. D, 79902
(915) 532-2693
Fax No. (505) 532-8985
Bakr, Aboubakr A., MD
Provider ID #NM00J514
BlueLINK ID: 3147889
Patients over age 12
1400 N. El Paso St., Ste. C, 79902
(915) 532-8197
Fierro-Stevens, Rodolfo, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH32
BlueLINK ID: 4114315
1400 N. El Paso St., Ste. B, 79902
(915) 544-4911
Kaim, Boris, MD
Provider ID #NM00W295
BlueLINK ID: 2223816
No infants
2311 N. Mesa, Bldg. F, 79902
(915) 544-6400
Cho, Paul H., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ65
BlueLINK ID: 4184094
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Henderson, Brett R., MD
Provider ID #NM019802
BlueLINK ID: 4243271
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Henderson, Brett R., MD
Provider ID #NM019802
BlueLINK ID: 4243271
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
9999 Kenworthy, Ste. C, 79924
(915) 759-7757
Fax No. (915) 751-7554
Masel, David L., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ68
BlueLINK ID: 3380686
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison, 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Vasquez, Luis F., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ73
BlueLINK ID: 2227268
West Texas Neurosurgical Center
2600 N. Oregon, Ste. 800, 79902
(915) 534-2531
Fax No. (915) 532-2192
Alcala, Patricia H., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y860
BlueLINK ID: 2220837
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
125 W. Hague, Ste. 260, 79902
(915) 533-7579
Fax No. (915) 533-6604
Alcala, Patricia H., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y860
BlueLINK ID: 2220837
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
1729 Weston Brent, Ste. B, 79935
(915) 533-7579
Fax No. (915) 533-6604
Daniell, Walter C., MD
Provider ID #NM01I621
BlueLINK ID: 2315009
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
125 W. Hague, Ste. 260, 79902
(915) 533-7579
Fax No. (915) 533-6604
Daniell, Walter C., MD
Provider ID #NM01I621
BlueLINK ID: 2315009
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
1729 Weston Brent, Ste. B, 79935
(915) 533-7579
Fax No. (915) 533-7579
Davis, Patricia M., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ17
BlueLINK ID: 3202186
Physicians Healthcare Associates
9870 Gateway North, Ste. B7, 79924
(915) 751-5245
Fax No. (915) 751-5255
De la Rosa, Antonio, MD
Provider ID #NM009V12
BlueLINK ID: 6004065
Female patients only
East Desert OB/GYN Associates, PA
10657 Vista Del Sol, Ste. F, 79935
(915) 594-9600
Fax No. (915) 594-9601
Gunter, Charles A., MD
Provider ID #NM01V936
BlueLINK ID: 2316390
Patients over age 17
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
2311 N. Mesa, Bldg. B, 79902
(915) 544-0480
Fax No. (915) 533-6381
Harlass, Frederick E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N59
BlueLINK ID: 3298828
OB/GYN females only
La Palmas Perinatal Clinic
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 620, 79902
(915) 521-1623
Fax No. (915) 838-0314
Harlass, Frederick E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N59
BlueLINK ID: 3298828
OB/GYN females only
THN Physician's Association, Inc.
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 330, 79925
(915) 593-9381
Fax No. (915) 593-6431
Loubriel, Carlos H., MD
Provider ID #NM009N17
BlueLINK ID: 3394305
Females over age 17
4242 Hondo Pass, Ste. 101, 79904
(915) 751-5571
Fax No. (915) 751-0951
Murtaza, Ghulam, MD
Provider ID #NM01Y100
BlueLINK ID: 2225046
Patients over age 17
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
1250 E. Cliff, Ste. 4A, 79902
(915) 544-0868
Fax No. (915) 544-8505
Padilla, Mario M., MD
Provider ID #NM00WL26
BlueLINK ID: 2398014
Female patients only
125 W. Hague Rd., Ste. 440, 79902
(915) 577-9090
Fax No. (915) 577-9092
Phipps, Wendy D., MD
Provider ID #NM019N21
BlueLINK ID: 4264785
125 W. Hague, Ste. 360, 79902
(915) 544-9700
Fax No. (915) 544-9701
Quezada, Oscar R., MD
Provider ID #NM009979
BlueLINK ID: 4210725
Gynecology patients over age 12
Las Nubes Women's Health Center
1600 Medical Center, Ste. 124, 79902
(915) 544-1100
Fax No. (915) 544-1104
San Miguel, George G., MD
Provider ID #NM01YV54
BlueLINK ID: 3187480
Patients over age 17
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
125 W. Hague, Ste. 260, 79902
(915) 533-7579
Fax No. (915) 533-6604
San Miguel, George G., MD
Provider ID #NM01YV54
BlueLINK ID: 3187480
Patients over age 17
Rio Grande Ob/Gyn Group
1729 Weston Brent, Ste. B, 79935
(915) 533-7579
Fax No. (915) 533-6604
Calderon, Marcos, MD
Provider ID #NM00V390
BlueLINK ID: 2314073
Patients 10 yrs and older;
specializing in retinal surgery
1717 N. Brown, Bldg. 3, 79902
(915) 544-0526
Fax No. (915) 544-2877
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Calderon, Marcos, MD
Provider ID #NM00V390
BlueLINK ID: 2314073
Patients 10 yrs and older;
specializing in retinal surgery
Laser Eye Surgery
9235 Dyer, 79902
(915) 751-8999
Fax No. (915) 755-1566
Levit, Roy A., MD
Provider ID #NM00W499
BlueLINK ID: 2318372
Specializing in retina & vitreous
Southwest Retina Consultants
1700 Curie, Ste. 3800, 79902
(915) 532-3912
Fax No. (915) 542-3436
Llamas-Sofora, Jorge F., MD
Provider ID #NM00I901
BlueLINK ID: 2224428
El Paso Eye Clinic
101 Arizona, 79902
(915) 533-5477
Fax No. (915) 533-9509
Metrikin, David C., MD
Provider ID #NM009963
BlueLINK ID: 3372519
Specializing in retina & vitreous
Southwest Retina Consultants
1700 Curie, Ste. 3800, 79902
(915) 532-3912
Fax No. (915) 542-3436
Rosen, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM00Z012
BlueLINK ID: 2321288
10400 Vista del Sol, Ste. 203, 79925
(915) 593-7291
Fax No. (915) 593-1563
Trubowitsch, Gregory, MD
Provider ID #NM009954
BlueLINK ID: 3295840
Specializing in retina & vitreous
Southwest Retina Consultants
1700 Curie, Ste. 3800, 79902
(915) 532-3912
Fax No. (915) 542-3436
Alicea, Jose A., MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ81
BlueLINK ID: 3386950
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Alicea, Jose A., MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ81
BlueLINK ID: 3386950
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79935
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Alost, Thomas E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N90
BlueLINK ID: 2265185
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
10525 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 206, 79925
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
July 2005
Bean, James W., MD
Provider ID #NM00VM27
BlueLINK ID: 2313296
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Bean, James W., MD
Provider ID #NM00VM27
BlueLINK ID: 2313296
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Bell, Robert R., MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ79
BlueLINK ID: 3394727
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Bell, Robert R., MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ79
BlueLINK ID: 3394727
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79935
(915) 533-7465
Boone, James B., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00VM28
BlueLINK ID: 3378125
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Boone, James B., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00VM28
BlueLINK ID: 3378125
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Cameron, Craig D., DO
Provider ID #NM00YJ64
BlueLINK ID: 4158162
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Campbell, Everett, MD
Provider ID #NM00U458
BlueLINK ID: 3135548
El Paso Orthopaedic Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 201, 79925
(915) 595-2700
Fax No. (915) 591-1012
Cromer, Barry L., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ69
BlueLINK ID: 3389692
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1720 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Cromer, Barry L., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ69
BlueLINK ID: 3389692
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 591-5513
Fax No. (915) 590-9075
July 2005
Dickason, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP01
BlueLINK ID: 2315238
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Dickason, John M., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP01
BlueLINK ID: 2315238
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
DiDonna, Michael L., MD
Provider ID #NM007F80
BlueLINK ID: 4263142
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1720 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
DiDonna, Michael L., MD
Provider ID #NM007F80
BlueLINK ID: 4263142
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 591-5513
Fax No. (915) 590-9075
Ghiselli, Antonio A., MD
Provider ID #NM00Y098
BlueLINK ID: 2222951
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Ghiselli, Antonio A., MD
Provider ID #NM00Y098
BlueLINK ID: 2222951
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Harrington, George D., MD
Provider ID #NM019302
BlueLINK ID: 3362313
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison, 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Harrington, George D., MD
Provider ID #NM019302
BlueLINK ID: 3362313
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 591-5513
Fax No. (915) 590-9075
Hazarian, Eduardo, MD
Provider ID #NM00W198
BlueLINK ID: 2223365
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
10525 Vista del Sol, Ste. 206, 79925
(915) 594-4650
Fax No. (915) 593-7355
Hazarian, Eduardo, MD
Provider ID #NM00W198
BlueLINK ID: 2223365
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 600, 79902
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
Hernandez, Alvaro A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N89
BlueLINK ID: 2316853
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
10525 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 206, 79925
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
Hernandez, Alvaro A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N89
BlueLINK ID: 2316853
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 600, 79902
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
Sides, Eric E., MD
Provider ID #NM01YH70
BlueLINK ID: 4123820
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 591-5513
Fax No. (915) 590-9075
Jackson, John S., DO
Provider ID #NM00XQ80
BlueLINK ID: 4103953
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Urrea, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ90
BlueLINK ID: 4136517
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
King, Barry G., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP04
BlueLINK ID: 2317880
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Urrea, Luis, MD
Provider ID #NM00XQ90
BlueLINK ID: 4136517
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
King, Barry G., Jr., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP04
BlueLINK ID: 2317880
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Westbrook, Richard S., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ70
BlueLINK ID: 2227503
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1720 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Klein, Terren D., MD
Provider ID #NM00YT57
BlueLINK ID: 3208327
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Misenhimer, Gregory R., MD
Provider ID #NM00W605
BlueLINK ID: 2224932
2150 Trawood, Ste. A150, 79935
(915) 595-1099
Fax No. (915) 595-2933
Neustein, Joseph, MD
Provider ID #NM00Z818
BlueLINK ID: 2225142
El Paso Orthopaedic Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 201, 79925
(915) 595-2700
Fax No. (915) 591-1012
Palafox, Andrew J., MD
Provider ID #NM009824
BlueLINK ID: 4152248
Del Norte Orthopaedic & Rehab
404 Executive Ctr. Blvd., 79902
(915) 542-1644
Fax No. (915) 542-0918
Penninck, Johan J., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP05
BlueLINK ID: 2225446
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Penninck, Johan J., MD
Provider ID #NM00VP05
BlueLINK ID: 2225446
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79935
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Sides, Eric E., MD
Provider ID #NM01YH70
BlueLINK ID: 4123820
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1720 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Westbrook, Richard S., MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ70
BlueLINK ID: 2227503
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 533-7456
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Zaltz, Charles, MD
Provider ID #NM01VP07
BlueLINK ID: 2227775
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
10525 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 206, 79925
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
Zaltz, Charles, MD
Provider ID #NM01VP07
BlueLINK ID: 2227775
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 600, 79902
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
McGee, William G., MD
Provider ID #NM009N58
BlueLINK ID: 3246982
Southwest Anatomic Pathology
Services, PA
1600 Medical Center, Ste. 222, 79902
(866) 351-9191
Harlass, Frederick E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N59
BlueLINK ID: 3298828
OB/GYN females only
La Palmas Perinatal Clinic
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 620, 79925
(915) 521-1623
Fax No. (915) 838-0314
Alost, Thomas E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N90
BlueLINK ID: 2265185
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 600, 79902
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
El Paso
El Paso
Harlass, Frederick E., MD
Provider ID #NM009N59
BlueLINK ID: 3298828
OB/GYN females only
THN Physician's Association, Inc.
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 330, 79925
(915) 593-9381
Fax No. (915) 593-6431
Physical Medicine
Boone, Michael K., MD
Provider ID #NM01UM90
BlueLINK ID: 3202213
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5289
Boone, Michael K., MD
Provider ID #NM01UM90
BlueLINK ID: 3202213
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 591-5513
Fax No. (915) 590-9075
Mrochek, Michael J., MD
Provider ID #NM00YH57
BlueLINK ID: 3386259
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1700 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Romagosa, Angelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009N91
BlueLINK ID: 3368672
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
10525 Vista Del Sol, Ste. 206, 79925
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
Romagosa, Angelo, MD
Provider ID #NM009N91
BlueLINK ID: 3368672
Orthopaedic Surgeons Associates
1700 N. Oregon, Ste. 600, 79902
(915) 533-1628
Fax No. (915) 533-1723
Sandberg, Kevin J., MD
Provider ID #NM01YJ25
BlueLINK ID: 4124992
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 411, 79925
(915) 598-8120
Fax No. (915) 598-8121
Plastic Surgery
Diaz, Gonzalo, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ67
BlueLINK ID: 2315227
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Fax No. (915) 590-3031
Diaz, Gonzalo, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ67
BlueLINK ID: 2315227
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Fax No. (915) 532-2470
Gonzales-Ayala, Emilio, MD
Provider ID #NM01YP73
BlueLINK ID: 4124987
No pediatrics
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Gonzales-Ayala, Emilio, MD
Provider ID #NM01YP73
BlueLINK ID: 4124987
No pediatrics
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Fax No. (915) 532-2470
May, Robert P., MD
Provider ID #NM00W921
BlueLINK ID: 2318980
Patients over age 18
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 5000, 79902
(915) 532-7881
Fax No. (915) 532-0939
Quesada, Jaime A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N18
BlueLINK ID: 4120927
No pediatrics
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Fax No. (915) 590-3031
Quesada, Jaime A., MD
Provider ID #NM009N18
BlueLINK ID: 4120927
No pediatrics
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Fax No. (915) 532-2470
Pulmonary Medicine
Tremper, Larry J., DO
Provider ID #NM004086
BlueLINK ID: 4146174
Specializing in pediatric
Pediatric Pulmonary Services
1201 E. Schuster Ave., Ste. 48, 79902
(915) 544-3229
Cortes, Erasto, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ47
BlueLINK ID: 3388664
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Fax No. (915) 590-3031
Vazquez, Genaro, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ53
BlueLINK ID: 2322946
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
10201 Gateway West, Ste. 140, 79925
(915) 590-1994
Fax No. (915) 590-3031
Chavez-Holguin, Pedro S., MD
Provider ID #NM00V150
BlueLINK ID: 2221800
1517 N. Mesa, 79902
(915) 533-0269
Cortes, Erasto, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ47
BlueLINK ID: 3388664
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Vazquez, Genaro, MD
Provider ID #NM00YJ53
BlueLINK ID: 2322946
El Paso Pulmonary Associates
1900 N. Oregon, Ste. 610, 79902
(915) 532-2477
Fax No. (915) 532-2470
Radiation Oncology
Spinal Surgery
Castro, Jesus Arturo, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH91
BlueLINK ID: 2314308
Columbia Regional Oncology Center
101 Rim Rd., Ste. 100, 79902
(915) 521-1647
Fax No. (915) 521-1680
Misenhimer, Gregory R., MD
Provider ID #NM00W605
BlueLINK ID: 2224932
2150 Trawood, Ste. A150, 79935
(915) 595-1099
Fax No. (915) 595-2933
Castro, Jesus Arturo, MD
Provider ID #NM00YH91
BlueLINK ID: 2314308
Columbia Regional Oncology Center
10460 Vista del Sol, 79925
(915) 629-3440
Fax No. (915) 598-9028
Gupta, Anuradha J., MD
Provider ID #NM007945
BlueLINK ID: 3212509
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Gupta, Anuradha J., MD
Provider ID #NM007945
BlueLINK ID: 3212509
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 544-6750
Horowitz, Ira A., MD
Provider ID #NM00XN57
BlueLINK ID: 3166578
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Fax No. (915) 599-1701
Horowitz, Ira A., MD
Provider ID #NM00XN57
BlueLINK ID: 3166578
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 544-6750
Fax No. (915) 532-4259
Senyszyn, John J., MD
Provider ID #NM00XN58
BlueLINK ID: 2226352
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-East
7848 Gateway East, 79915
(915) 599-1313
Senyszyn, John J., MD
Provider ID #NM00XN58
BlueLINK ID: 2226352
El Paso Cancer Trtmt. Center-West
1901 Grandview Ave., 79902
(915) 544-6750
Isuani, Hugo E., MD
Provider ID #NM00F542
BlueLINK ID: 2223711
Open MRI of West Texas
1700 Cliff, 79902
(915) 577-9200
Fax No. (915) 577-9288
Isuani, Hugo E., MD
Provider ID #NM00F542
BlueLINK ID: 2223711
Sun Imaging Consultants
2600 N. Oregon, Ste. 200, 79902
(915) 544-5550
Fax No. (915) 544-1901
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Rodriguez, Francisco R., MD
Provider ID #NM009167
BlueLINK ID: 3324742
1700 Curie Dr., Ste. 4400, 79902
(915) 577-0730
Fax No. (915) 577-0733
Lubbock County
Beltz, Louis J., MD
Provider ID #NM009D31
BlueLINK ID: 4169088
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Brown, Cynthia, MD
Provider ID #NM01Y418
BlueLINK ID: 3236537
B.G. Anesthesia
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Carter, Bonny L., MD
Provider ID #NM009N12
BlueLINK ID: 3288129
3420 22nd Pl., 79410
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6363
Coleman, Robyn G., MD
Provider ID #NM009D42
BlueLINK ID: 4159536
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-7878
Daly, Timothy A., MD
Provider ID #NM01YL71
BlueLINK ID: 4105737
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
DuBose, Clifton E., MD
Provider ID #NM009D59
BlueLINK ID: 2222377
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6363
Fincher, Cecil W., DO
Provider ID #NM009N13
BlueLINK ID: 3367929
3420 22nd Pl., 79410
(806) 799-2093
Fax No. (806) 799-8132
Gromov, Sergei A., MD
Provider ID #NM009K36
BlueLINK ID: 4291713
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
July 2005
Hnatek, Joe D., MD
Provider ID #NM009K80
BlueLINK ID: 3282730
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79410
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6028
Holmes, Stephen R., MD
Provider ID #NM01I551
BlueLINK ID: 2223558
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Holmes, Stephen R., MD
Provider ID #NM01I551
BlueLINK ID: 2223558
Covenant Medical Group
3615 19th St., 79410
(806) 725-1800
Manny, Ted, MD
Provider ID #NM01W488
BlueLINK ID: 2318756
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Nussbaum, Ralph E., DO
Provider ID #NM004B66
BlueLINK ID: 3264909
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Parikh, Nitin P., MD
Provider ID #NM009K41
BlueLINK ID: 2245871
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6363
Ricaldi, Carlos A., MD
Provider ID #NM012289
BlueLINK ID: 2398051
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 799-8132
Swenson, J. Emery, MD
Provider ID #NM009K79
BlueLINK ID: 4291929
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Pl., 79410
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Ali, Muhammed F.A., MD
Provider ID #NM009Q02
BlueLINK ID: 6003979
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 725-1801
Fax No. (806) 723-7530
Jinich, David, MD
Provider ID #NM009N77
BlueLINK ID: 3202544
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 725-1801
Fax No. (806) 723-7530
Levine, Marc J., MD
Provider ID #NM01VP15
BlueLINK ID: 2295338
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 792-1968
Moss, James B., III, MD
Provider ID #NM02VP17
BlueLINK ID: 3283675
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 792-1968
Walter, Paul D., MD
Provider ID #NM01VP20
BlueLINK ID: 2323139
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 785-5131
Weathers, Luther "Dusty" B., III,
Provider ID #NM009B56
BlueLINK ID: 3353146
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 785-5131
Wilkins, Charles E., MD
Provider ID #NM009B57
BlueLINK ID: 2323486
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 785-5131
Zias, John, MD
Provider ID #NM01VP23
BlueLINK ID: 2163483
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 792-1968
Cardiovascular Surgery
Tjia, Steve, MD
Provider ID #NM01Y217
BlueLINK ID: 3169189
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-6532
Bricker, Donald L., MD
Provider ID #NM02V167
BlueLINK ID: 2221491
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 792-1968
Trivino, Cesar D., MD
Provider ID #NM009D43
BlueLINK ID: 4280030
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 100, 79410
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 723-7878
Greenfield, D. Tyler, MD
Provider ID #NM009D45
BlueLINK ID: 3359260
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 792-5105
Fax No. (806) 792-1968
July 2005
Harrell, James E., MD
Provider ID #NM009A92
BlueLINK ID: 2129723
Specializing in pediatric cardiac
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 103, 79410
(806) 725-4425
Fax No. (806) 723-7347
McGill, Thomas W., MD
Provider ID #NM009V16
BlueLINK ID: 3332388
Specializing in pediatric surgery
Covenant Medical Group
Covenant Pediatrics
3506 21st St., Ste. 302, 79410
(806) 725-0237
Fax No. (806) 725-1030
Robinson, Andrew, MD
Provider ID #NM009A91
BlueLINK ID: 4125027
Specializing in pediatric cardiology
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 107, 79410
(806) 725-4412
Fax No. (806) 796-0161
Salem, Robert J., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y639
BlueLINK ID: 2321490
Covenant Medical Group
3615 19th St., 79410
(806) 725-0568
Fax No. (806) 723-7361
Wurts, Lynne, MD
Provider ID #NM009A77
BlueLINK ID: 2223444
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 602, 79410
(806) 725-4030
Fax No. (806) 723-7000
Family Practice
Lindgren, Cherrylene, MD
Provider ID #NM009A93
BlueLINK ID: 4152535
Covenant Medical Group
3615 19th St., 79410
(806) 725-0760
Rose, Christopher, MD
Provider ID #NM009A95
BlueLINK ID: 4197503
Covenant Medical Group
3615 19th St., 79410
(806) 725-0760
Higgins, James V., MD
Provider ID #NM01XE84
BlueLINK ID: 3375043
Specializing in pediatric
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 307, 79410
(806) 762-8500
Fax No. (806) 792-4842
General Surgery
Dickerson, Sandra D., MD
Provider ID #NM01YQ12
BlueLINK ID: 3342220
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 401, 79410
(806) 725-5120
Fax No. (806) 723-6057
Goldthorn, Jane F., MD
Provider ID #NM009A84
BlueLINK ID: 2223056
Specializing in pediatric surgery
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 302, 79410
(806) 725-0237
Fax No. (806) 725-1030
Hyacinthe, Micheline, MD
Provider ID #NM009D33
BlueLINK ID: 3344320
Surgical oncologist
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 406, 79410
(806) 752-6461
Fax No. (806) 723-6334
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Hand Surgery
Garcia, Melinda D., MD
Provider ID #NM014910
BlueLINK ID: 4200136
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 407, 79410
(806) 788-1111
Fax No. (806) 793-2226
Iacuone, John, MD
Provider ID #NM01I779
BlueLINK ID: 2223680
Specializing in pediatric
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 102, 79410
(806) 796-1251
Fax No. (806) 796-0161
Oblender, Melanie G., MD
Provider ID #NM01XZ76
BlueLINK ID: 2225220
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 304, 79410
(806) 793-6629
Fax No. (806) 795-9896
Internal Medicine
Mahan, Kerry E., MD
Provider ID #NM009V24
BlueLINK ID: 3266715
Covenant Healthcare Center
3506 21st St., Ste. 401, 79410
(806) 725-4130
Fax No. (806) 723-7137
Ukegbu, Ibidunni O., MD
Provider ID #NM009N79
BlueLINK ID: 4259880
Covenance Healthcare Center
3506 21st St., Ste. 401, 79410
(806) 725-4130
Fax No. (806) 723-7137
Medical Oncology
Cruz, Jose Carlos, MD
Provider ID #NM009A98
BlueLINK ID: 4114332
Covenant Medical Group
4101 22nd St., 79410
(806) 725-8000
Fax No. (806) 723-6031
DiNunno, Phillip, MD
Provider ID #NM009B11
Covenant Medical Group
4101 22nd St., 79410
(806) 725-8000
Fax No. (806) 723-6033
Hegde, Narayan L., MD
Provider ID #NM01Y114
BlueLINK ID: 3197392
Covenant Medical Group
3420 22nd Place, 79424
(806) 725-1800
Fax No. (806) 799-6908
Brown, Paul F., MD
Provider ID #NM01UQ48
BlueLINK ID: 3325229
Specializing in pediatric neurology
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 400, 79410
(806) 725-4115
Fax No. (806) 723-7007
Mandelbaum, Mark A., MD
Provider ID #NM009B60
BlueLINK ID: 2268541
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 400, 79410
(806) 725-4115
Fax No. (806) 723-7007
Blann, David W., MD
Provider ID #NM009B62
BlueLINK ID: 4135777
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 100, 79411
(806) 743-4342
Fax No. (806) 743-1775
Burke, Joanna L., MD
Provider ID #NM009K29
BlueLINK ID: 4286660
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 300, 79410
(806) 725-4850
Fax No. (806) 723-7902
Lawrence, Larry Britt, MD
Provider ID #NM009B03
BlueLINK ID: 4147579
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 503, 79410
(806) 725-6600
Fax No. (806) 723-6341
Page, Lola D., MD
Provider ID #NM02V131
BlueLINK ID: 2320129
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 412, 79410
(806) 725-6451
Fax No. (806) 799-4180
Burke, James, MD
Provider ID #NM009A80
BlueLINK ID: 3101770
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 202, 79410
(806) 725-4810
Fax No. (806) 725-4820
Casler, Travis, MD
Provider ID #NM01Z758
BlueLINK ID: 2221730
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 202, 79410
(806) 725-4810
Franks, Darrell J., MD
Provider ID #NM01YQ13
BlueLINK ID: 3230953
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 203, 79410
(806) 725-5100
Hensal, Frederick John, MD
Provider ID #NM011284
BlueLINK ID: 2397832
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 202, 79410
(806) 725-4810
Fax No. (806) 725-4820
Joshi, Atul, MD
Provider ID #NM009N73
BlueLINK ID: 4259841
Covenant Lubbock Diagnostic Clinic
3506 21st St., Ste. 203, 79410
(806) 725-4818
Smeyne, Robert, MD
Provider ID #NM01E760
BlueLINK ID: 3179653
Covenant Medical Group
3711 22nd St., Ste. A, 79410
(806) 797-9191
Fax No. (806) 797-9291
Oblender, Melanie G., MD
Provider ID #NM01XZ76
BlueLINK ID: 2225220
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 304, 79410
(806) 793-6629
Fax No. (806) 795-9896
Thoracic and Vascular
Hansen, Henry A., II, MD
Provider ID #NM009K78
BlueLINK ID: 3213764
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 725-1801
Fax No. (806) 723-7539
Midland County
Thoracic and Vascular
Crockett, Donald E., MD
Provider ID #NM009B12
BlueLINK ID: 2222032
Covenant Medical Group
2706 W. Cuthbert, Bldg. C, 79701
(915) 697-1061
Fax No. (915) 697-7089
Bailey County
Claborn, Jobey, DO
Provider ID #NM009K34
BlueLINK ID: 3277532
Family Practice & Dermatology Clinic
708 S. First St., 79347
(806) 272-6825
Hall, Harry, MD
Provider ID #NM01Z147
BlueLINK ID: 2316487
Covenant Medical Group
3506 21st St., Ste. 203, 79410
(806) 725-4810
Fax No. (806) 725-4820
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Extended Network Plan
Allied Health Practitioners
Non-physician specialists including Podiatrists, Optometrists, Certified Nurse Practitioners,
Chiropractors, Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA), Certified Nurse Midwives, Physical Therapists,
Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists, Nutritionists, Acupuncturists (Doctors of Oriental
Medicine in New Mexico), Audiologists, Licensed Midwives.
Montezuma County
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy and
Johnson, Najib C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q270
BlueLINK ID: 6003530
Johnson Physical Therapy & Rehab
1280 N. Mildred, Ste. 2, 81321
(970) 564-0311
Fax No. (970) 564-0313
La Plata County
Certified Nurse Midwives
Ginn, Amy E., CNM-MSN
Provider ID #NM006476
BlueLINK ID: 532588
Southwest Midwives
Riverside Medical Bldg.
375 Park Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-5543
Fax No. (970) 247-5545
Walton, Mary Louise, CNM
Provider ID #NM01YH34
BlueLINK ID: 5001860
Southwest Midwives
Riverside Medical Bldg.
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 303, 81301
(970) 247-5543
Fax No. (970) 247-5545
Certified Nurse
Errett, Cathleen, CNP
Provider ID #NM006473
BlueLINK ID: 3378658
SW Women's Health Associates
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 210, 81301
(970) 247-0042
Fax No. (970) 259-8837
Jones, Debra, CNP
Provider ID #NM006290
BlueLINK ID: 5000003
Four Corners Ob/Gyn
375 E. Park Ave., Ste. 3C, 81301
(970) 382-8800
Fax No. (970) 382-0122
July 2005
Randlemon, Annette L., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006648
BlueLINK ID: 5009082
Female patients only
Piñon Ob/Gyn
2243 Main St., Ste. 3, 81301
(970) 375-1352
Fax No. (970) 375-1372
Zink, Karen, CNP
Provider ID #NM006278
BlueLINK ID: 7318737
SW Women's Health Associates
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 210, 81301
(970) 247-0042
Fax No. (970) 259-8837
Junttonen, Randy J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q262
BlueLINK ID: 7455868
Integrated Physical Therapy
130 Rockpoint Dr., 81301
(970) 385-0644
Fax No. (970) 385-0620
McAward, John M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q247
BlueLINK ID: 6003016
McAward Physical Therapy
129 County Rd. 250, 81301
(970) 259-9366
Fax No. (970) 259-9367
Rakita, David N., PT
Provider ID #NM02N457
BlueLINK ID: 6003102
Rakita & Tomsic Physical Therapy,
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 97, 81301
(970) 259-0574
Fax No. (970) 259-0576
Bergfalk, Caroline, DC
Provider ID #NM00KG99
BlueLINK ID: 8243983
Pine River Chiropractic
175 S. Clover Dr., Ste. 5, 81301
(970) 889-9779
Fax No. (970) 884-0847
Rambo, Philip W., MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q261
BlueLINK ID: 7106965
Integrated Physical Therapy
130 Rockpoint Dr., 81301
(970) 385-0644
Fax No. (970) 385-0620
Jackson, David C., DC
Provider ID #NM01KK40
BlueLINK ID: 8262759
Also specializing in neurology
130 Rock Point Dr., 81301
(970) 382-0800
Fax No. (970) 382-0803
Schank, David, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q529
BlueLINK ID: 6004055
Durango Physical Therapy
3211 N. Main Ave., 81301
(970) 259-0482
Fax No. (970) 259-0062
Physical Therapy and
Angel, Ashlie A., MSPT
Provider ID #NM00Q085
BlueLINK ID: 5008513
McAward Physical Therapy
129 Country Rd. 250, 81301
(970) 259-9366
Fax No. (970) 259-9367
Angel, Luke J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q251
BlueLINK ID: 6003071
575 RiverGate Ln., Ste. 208, 81301
(970) 382-8776
Fax No. (970) 382-9746
Clapprood, Amy E., MSPT
Provider ID #NM00Q281
BlueLINK ID: 6003753
Advantage Physical Therapy &
801 Florida Rd., Ste. 3, 81301
(970) 259-7829
Cullum, Robert D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q290
BlueLINK ID: 6003945
The Training Room
1401 Main Ave., 81301
(970) 382-8776
Fax No. (970) 382-9746
Shuksteris, Joseph, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q263
BlueLINK ID: 6003270
Animas Physical Therapy & Training
Center, Inc.
1111 Camino del Rio, Ste. 5, 81301
(970) 259-6829
Fax No. (970) 259-6944
Testa, Michael T., MSPT
Provider ID #NM00Q267
BlueLINK ID: 6003170
Advantage Physical Therapy &
801 Florida Rd., Ste. 3, 81301
(970) 259-7829
Tomsic, Ellen, PT
Provider ID #NM01Q533
BlueLINK ID: 6004119
Rakita & Tomsic Physical Therapy
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 97, 81301
(970) 259-0574
Fax No. (970) 259-0576
Stilwell, Joseph G., DPM
Provider ID #NM007E24
BlueLINK ID: 8160338
Stilwell Foot & Ankle
575 RiverGate Ln., Ste. 95, 81301
(970) 259-5303
Fax No. (970) 259-3510
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Pagosa Springs
Archuleta County
Physical Therapy and
Zeigler, Mark H., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q244
BlueLINK ID: 5010095
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy,
35 Mary Fisher Circle, 81147
(970) 731-3303
Fax No. (970) 731-9193
Las Animas County
Low, Lawrence, DC
Provider ID #NM00KA43
BlueLINK ID: 5000132
Fishers Peak Chiropractic Center
165 E. 1st St., 81082
(719) 846-4990
Fax No. (719) 846-3505
Monteleone, Jeanette M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KG10
BlueLINK ID: 8237421
Chiropractic Healing Arts
712 E. 1st St., 81082
(719) 846-2219
Fax No. (719) 846-2210
Eickelman, James A., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA58
BlueLINK ID: 8188955
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
2120 Freedom Rd., 81082
(719) 846-9236
Fax No. (719) 846-3768
Rio Arriba County
Certified Nurse
Smith, Ann N., FNP
Provider ID #NM006409
BlueLINK ID: 62MB000
Las Clinicas del Norte
State Hwy. 84, Ste. 185, 87510
(505) 685-4479
Fax No. (505) 685-4532
Allied Health Practitioners
Carpenter, Julie M., OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q249
BlueLINK ID: 6003039
Johnson Physical Therapy & Rehab
1280 N. Mildred, Ste. 2, 81321
(970) 564-0311
Fax No. (970) 564-0313
Meyers, Deborah B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006370
BlueLINK ID: 5006098
SW Women's Health Associates
575 Rivergate Ln., Ste. 210, 81301
(970) 247-0042
Fax No. (970) 259-8837
Otero County
Certified Nurse Midwives
Allied Health Practitioners
Hendricks, Sharon L., CNM-MSNBSN-AD
Provider ID #NM006926
BlueLINK ID: 5006310
White Sands Family Practice Clinic
2010 Pecan Dr., 88310
(505) 434-9737
Humig, Lynn, CNM
Provider ID #NM006546
BlueLINK ID: 5006091
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Phillips, Valerie J., CNM
Provider ID #NM006925
BlueLINK ID: 6003645
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Smith, Terry V., CNMW
Provider ID #NM006794
BlueLINK ID: 7112968
Women's Health Center
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. D, 88310
(505) 434-2229
Certified Nurse
Hall, Judy, CNP
Provider ID #NM006377
BlueLINK ID: 7312903
Alamogordo Clinic, Ltd.
1410 Aspen Dr., 88310
(505) 437-7000
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Cravens, Thomas L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006615
BlueLINK ID: 5008623
Sunshine Daydreams Anesthesia
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(800) 243-8422
Greer, Kenneth G., CRNA
Provider ID #NM00RD19
BlueLINK ID: 5007437
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 443-7565
Jenkins, Phillip R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006064
BlueLINK ID: 5005289
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 443-7565
King, James D., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006068
BlueLINK ID: 5008315
Zia Anesthesia Services
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 443-7581
Zerger, Daniel M., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006470
BlueLINK ID: 5008621
White Sands Anesthesia
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(800) 243-8422
Blevins, Aubrey A., DC
Provider ID #NM00K215
BlueLINK ID: 5006341
Mitchell Chiropractic Life Center
901 Puerto Rico Ave., 88310
(505) 437-0350
Allied Health Practitioners
Mitchell, Donald R., DC
Provider ID #NM00K505
BlueLINK ID: 8140978
Mitchell Chiropractic Life Center
901 Puerto Rico Ave., 88310
(505) 437-0350
Mitchell, Elizabeth A., DC
Provider ID #NM00K891
BlueLINK ID: 8140979
Mitchell Chiropractic Life Center
901 Puerto Rico Ave., 88310
(505) 437-0350
Phillips, Thomas Dwain, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC99
BlueLINK ID: 8141001
Phillips Chiropractic
1201 Michigan Ave., 88310
(505) 434-2415
Salyer, Virgil C., DC
Provider ID #NM01KH07
BlueLINK ID: 8115708
Salyer Chiropractic
1013 Arapaho Trl., 88310
(505) 434-1455
Fax No. (505) 443-1007
Occupational Therapy
Gollobit, Michelle A., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q159
BlueLINK ID: 5010014
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Krcil, Liane M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q160
BlueLINK ID: 5010015
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Mason, Sharon L., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q167
BlueLINK ID: 5010204
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Busby, Leslie V., OD
Provider ID #NM00P251
BlueLINK ID: 8174934
1209 New York Ave., 88310
(505) 437-9326
Marquardt, Terry T., OD
Provider ID #NM00P012
BlueLINK ID: 8212277
903 New York Ave., 88310
(505) 437-7783
Fax No. (505) 439-0615
Physical Therapy and
Hoyt, Dan R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q133
BlueLINK ID: 5008313
Back in Action Therapy
1011 10th St., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 439-9878
Fax No. (505) 439-9876
Mazur, Andrew K., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q161
BlueLINK ID: 5010016
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
McDaniel, Tricia L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q174
BlueLINK ID: 6003198
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Pattillo, Robert J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q162
BlueLINK ID: 5010017
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Smith, Ginnie S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q163
BlueLINK ID: 5010018
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Smith, Lauren K., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q175
BlueLINK ID: 6003199
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Wallace, Michael L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q164
BlueLINK ID: 5010019
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Westermann, Julie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q155
BlueLINK ID: 5010010
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Anderson, John J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005A02
BlueLINK ID: 5008107
Alamogordo Orthopedics & Sports
1401 10th St., Ste. 2, 88310
(505) 434-0639
Speech Therapy
Biricocchi, Charlanne K., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q156
BlueLINK ID: 5010011
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Gallien, Pam, MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM01K42D
BlueLINK ID: 5000297
Gallien, Inc.
920 Hawaii, 88310
(505) 437-1967
Fax No. (505) 437-1008
Biricocchi, Ryan D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q157
BlueLINK ID: 5010012
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-3351
Garst, Diane M., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E275
BlueLINK ID: 6003649
Gallien, Inc.
920 Hawaii, 88310
(505) 437-1967
Hartenstein, Elise A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q194
BlueLINK ID: 6004217
Alamogordo Physical Therapy
1401 10th St., 88310
(505) 439-1397
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Bernalillo County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Arbel, Tamar, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH52
BlueLINK ID: 6003733
Yi Lin Medical Center
4775 Indian School NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 888-6700
Fax No. (505) 888-6701
Arellano, Yvette M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD49
BlueLINK ID: 6002360
Massage Therapy
Healthplex Chiropractic
8201 Golfcourse Rd. NW, Ste. C-2A,
(505) 792-3311
Fax No. (505) 792-3314
Email: [email protected]
Arellano, Yvette M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD49
BlueLINK ID: 6002360
Massage Therapy
Heights Acupuncture Center
9204 Menaul NE, Ste. 4, 87112
(505) 293-6366
Email: [email protected]
Boehme, Debra D., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH67
BlueLINK ID: 6004024
Yi Lin Medical Center
4775 Indian School NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 888-6700
Fax No. (505) 888-6701
Cameron, Cathy J., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RD58
BlueLINK ID: 6001149
6320 Riverside Plaza, Ste. B, 87120
(505) 897-2252
Fax No. (505) 897-7441
Email: www.wnwyndingthespirit.com
Chen, Ping, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD93
BlueLINK ID: 5008911
Yi Lin Medical Center
4775 Indian School NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 888-6700
Fax No. (505) 888-6701
Chu, Qi, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R464
BlueLINK ID: 5008400
Acupuncture & Herbal Center
3611 State Hwy. 528 NW, Ste. A,
(505) 898-6668
Cook-Lowry, Angelique S., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R481
BlueLINK ID: 5008678
Health Source
3924 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 884-3039
Fax No. (505) 883-8335
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Diesel, T. Sean, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH36
BlueLINK ID: 5009789
2724 Vassar Pl. NE, 87107
(505) 681-7362
Fax No. (505) 837-2052
Doyal, Karen E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH24
BlueLINK ID: 5009021
3924 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 884-3039
Fax No. (505) 883-8385
Eagles, Reba L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH57
BlueLINK ID: 6003849
3401 Carlisle NE, 87110
(505) 889-3333
Glina, Revital, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD79
BlueLINK ID: 5009391
11000 Spain NE, Bldg. B, 87111
(505) 307-4372
Fax No. (505) 323-0033
Hao, Jishun J., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R437
BlueLINK ID: 5006040
National Healthcare Center
10151 Montgomery NE, Ste. 2A,
(505) 822-9878
Fax No. (505) 822-9878
Hao, Linda Lingzhi, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R635
BlueLINK ID: 5000997
National Healthcare Center
10151 Montgomery NE, Ste. 2A,
(505) 822-9878
Fax No. (505) 822-9878
Heiser, Noel, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD50
BlueLINK ID: 5009344
6208 Montgomery NE, Ste. F, 87109
(505) 261-0406
Fax No. (505) 888-3011
Heiser, Noel, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD50
BlueLINK ID: 5009344
First Nations Community Healthcare
5608 Zuni Rd. SE, 87108
(505) 262-2481
Fax No. (505) 262-0781
Heuertz, John, DOM
Provider ID #NM01RH58
BlueLINK ID: 6003865
Jemez Health
2724 Vassar Pl. NE, 87107
(505) 220-2321
Fax No. (505) 837-2052
Email: [email protected]
Jay, Jan C., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD61
BlueLINK ID: 5008531
11000 Spain NE, Bldg. B, 87111
(505) 323-8100
July 2005
Jenk, Paul M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH48
BlueLINK ID: 6003523
4010 Carlisle NE, Ste. B, 87107
(505) 573-4652
Kaur, Arminder, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH45
BlueLINK ID: 6000189
Acupuncture & Wellness Center
623 Amherst Dr. NE, 87106
(505) 255-7404
Fax No. (505) 232-2408
Kerlinsky, Alicia, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD81
BlueLINK ID: 5009002
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. E3, 87109
(505) 884-0112
Fax No. (505) 828-1385
Khalsa, Gurusant S., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R980
BlueLINK ID: 5001290
Acupuncture Associates of America
2901 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. 117, 87112
(505) 275-9602
Fax No. (505) 275-9604
Kuchinski, Lynn M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R55A
BlueLINK ID: 5000964
10211 Montgomery NE, 87111
(505) 610-8999
Kuchinski, Lynn M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R55A
BlueLINK ID: 5000964
2902 Casa del Norte NE, 87112
(505) 610-8999
La Brier-Morton, Lee Ann, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH26
BlueLINK ID: 5009164
7400 Montgomery NE, Ste. 23, 87109
(505) 881-3165
Fax No. (505) 881-3168
Li, Linda, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R39T
BlueLINK ID: 5000906
Chinese Natural Health Clinic
1517 Eubank NE, 87112
(505) 294-7368
Fax No. (505) 294-7424
Linden, Janet A., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R60S
BlueLINK ID: 5007198
Acupuncture Care Center
3939 San Pedro NE, Bldg. B Ste. 2,
(505) 550-6972
Fax No. (505) 292-8221
Lu, Hong D., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH62
BlueLINK ID: 6000384
Yi Lin Medical Center
4775 Indian School NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 888-6700
Fax No. (505) 888-6701
Maddoux, Barbara T., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RD7K
BlueLINK ID: 5006384
NorthPointe Medicine
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 470, 87109
(505) 828-9642
Fax No. (505) 828-9191
Malaika, E. Sophia, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RJ06
BlueLINK ID: 5009793
Dartmouth Center
201 Dartmouth SE, 87106
(505) 610-7868
Fax No. (505) 345-9934
Marchi, Deborah L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH46
BlueLINK ID: 6002460
The Injury Recovery Center
4520 Montgomery NE, Ste. 3, 87109
(505) 280-5718
McKay, Patricia A., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R53Y
BlueLINK ID: 5000957
921 Valencia NE, 87108
(505) 459-7473
McLaughlin, Jamie S., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD90
BlueLINK ID: 5009374
Innovative Medicine
220 Copper NW, Ste. 450, 87120
(505) 250-8334
McLaughlin, Jamie S., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD90
BlueLINK ID: 5009374
Innovative Medicine
3311 Carlisle NE, 87111
(505) 250-8334
Fax No. (505) 837-1828
Orbach, Sharon, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH30
BlueLINK ID: 5009231
3924 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 884-3039
Fax No. (505) 883-8335
Polasky, Diane H., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R36Y
BlueLINK ID: 5009109
Heights Acupuncture Center
8307 Constitution Ave. NE, 87110
(505) 883-1011
Fax No. (505) 883-0629
Ragland, Aubrey E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD95
BlueLINK ID: 5008914
Yi Lin Medical Center
4775 Indian School NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 888-6700
Fax No. (505) 888-6701
Richardson, Phillip D., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RJ13
BlueLINK ID: 6003195
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 7, 87102
(505) 843-9636
Fax No. (505) 843-6277
Shelhav, Laura R., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD12
BlueLINK ID: 5009353
3609 Inca St. NE, 87111
(505) 604-4372
Fax No. (505) 323-0033
Silva, Jinlen V., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH92
BlueLINK ID: 6004132
Gambei Wellness Spa
143 Harvard SE, 87106
(505) 242-0492
Sirwinski, Neal P., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R47Q
BlueLINK ID: 5009705
3816 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 837-2335
Fax No. (505) 888-8857
Skoog, Robert E., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RH37
BlueLINK ID: 6000126
Alameda Acupuncture
1006 Aztec Rd. NW, 87107
(505) 385-0951
Fax No. (505) 890-1839
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Skoog, Robert E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH50
BlueLINK ID: 6000126
Lifetime Chiropractic
7007 Wyoming NE, 87109
(505) 822-0306
Skoog, Robert E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00KJ82
BlueLINK ID: 6000126
Lifetime Chiropractic
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. E-1, 87109
(505) 822-0306
Fax No. (505) 822-0316
Smart, Suzanne, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R79D
BlueLINK ID: 5009990
Nob Hill Acupuncture
3415 Silver SE, 87106
(505) 265-5087
Fax No. (505) 265-5803
Smith-Fassler, Mary Elizabeth,
Provider ID #NM00RJ02
BlueLINK ID: 5009313
Traditional Chinese Medical Services
10712 Rocky Mountain NW, 87114
(505) 899-0118
Fax No. (505) 899-3883
Stape, Dominic P., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RJ08
BlueLINK ID: 5009992
9809 Candelaria NE, Ste. 2A, 87112
(505) 350-8483
Takei, Quinn A., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RJ04
BlueLINK ID: 5009708
Oriental Medical Arts
10900 Menaul NE, Ste. F, 87112
(505) 306-3155
Fax No. (505) 332-4775
Talento, Louis V., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R501
BlueLINK ID: 5000941
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. A, 87102
(505) 243-8058
Fax No. (505) 243-8057
Talento, Val E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R501
BlueLINK ID: 5000941
Granada Medical Plaza
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. A, 87102
(505) 243-8058
Tapia, Lorella D., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH35
BlueLINK ID: 5009782
Acupuncture Associates of America
2901 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. 117, 87112
(505) 275-9602
Fax No. (505) 875-9604
Trujillo, Alexcia A., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH10
BlueLINK ID: 5009342
East West Acupuncture
135 Madison NE, 87108
(505) 265-6206
Wang, Jiang, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF49
BlueLINK ID: 5008723
1330 San Pedro NE, Ste. 103, 87110
(505) 265-5168
Fax No. (505) 265-5168
Allied Health Practitioners
Gehring, Constance J., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH59
BlueLINK ID: 6003449
Acupuncture Associates of America
2901 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. 117, 87112
(505) 275-9602
Fax No. (505) 275-9604
Wang, Yan, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH49
BlueLINK ID: 6003545
Patients over age 6
Yan Wang Chinese Natural Clinic
3705 Westerfield Dr. NE, 87111
(505) 299-6299
Fax No. (505) 294-7424
Allied Health Practitioners
Westphal, Nicolette N., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R50M
BlueLINK ID: 6002867
Jade Acupuncture
11000 Spain Rd. NE, 87111
(505) 271-1886
Fax No. (505) 294-7939
Wozniak, Deborah, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R97E
BlueLINK ID: 6002487
6501 4th St. NW, Ste. E, 87107
(505) 250-7173
Wu, Hua C., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RD46
BlueLINK ID: 5008399
Chinese Natural Therapy
3701 San Mateo NE, Ste. D, 87110
(505) 872-8238
Wu, Wen C., DC-DOM
Provider ID #NM00R462
BlueLINK ID: 8186424
Health Care Associates
2709 Wyoming NE, 87111
(505) 294-5486
Yeh, Chon-Chiun, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R689
BlueLINK ID: 5009395
605 Monroe NE, 87110
(505) 255-5155
Yu, Shaui-Lian, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RJ14
BlueLINK ID: 6003219
Dr. Eric Zhao's Acupuncture & Herbs
3909 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. 7, 87111
(505) 881-5299
Fax No. (505) 881-5231
Allied Health Practitioners
Lionbarger, John A., AUD
Provider ID #NM00E119
BlueLINK ID: 6003179
Hearing Health Care Centers
10555 Montgomery NE, Bldg. 1, Ste.
120, 87111
(505) 323-7373
Fax No. (505) 323-2668
Beach, Dorothy, CNM
Provider ID #NM006823
BlueLINK ID: 5009540
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Lionbarger, John A., AUD
Provider ID #NM00E119
BlueLINK ID: 6003179
Hearing Health Care Centers
415 Cedar SE, 87106
(505) 224-7373
Fax No. (505) 224-7368
Bensch, Tambra, CNM
Provider ID #NM006829
BlueLINK ID: 5009557
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Lionbarger, John A., AUD
Provider ID #NM00E119
BlueLINK ID: 6003179
Hearing Health Care Centers
5109 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. D, 87120
(505) 890-7373
Fax No. (505) 890-8621
Morykwas, Barbra S., AUD
Provider ID #NM00E384
BlueLINK ID: 6004176
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Sanchez, Stephanie, CF-A
Provider ID #NM00E184
BlueLINK ID: 5008785
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Smith, Steven B., AUD
Provider ID #NM00E379
BlueLINK ID: 6003603
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Certified Nurse Midwives
Zhao, Yu Eric, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R96G
BlueLINK ID: 5009999
Dr. Eric Zhao's Acupuncture & Herbs
2903 San Mateo NE, Ste. A, 87110
(505) 881-5299
Fax No. (505) 881-5231
Ansell, Carolyn, CNM
Provider ID #NM016568
BlueLINK ID: 5009517
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Zloto, Janis M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH27
BlueLINK ID: 5009165
Abundant Health Acupuncture
135 Madison NE, 87108
(505) 268-8056
Fax No. (505) 256-1284
Baca, Eunice P., CNM
Provider ID #NM006841
BlueLINK ID: 5008228
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Clifford, Carol L., MA-CCCA-FAAA
Provider ID #NM00K42W
BlueLINK ID: 5008186
Albuquerque Hearing Associates
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. E5A,
(505) 890-0003
Fax No. (505) 890-3330
Hattler, Karl, PhD
Provider ID #NM00K43A
BlueLINK ID: 7313315
Sonus Hearing Evaluation Center
4620 Jefferson NE, Ste. B, 87109
(505) 889-9000
Fax No. (505) 855-5561
Baca, Eunice P., CNM
Provider ID #NM006193
BlueLINK ID: 5008228
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, 87109
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-4503
Baca, Eunice P., CNM
Provider ID #NM006856
BlueLINK ID: 5008228
Women's Specialists of NM
8401 Constitution Ave. NE, Ste. 125,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 872-0079
Bishop, Lisa, CNM
Provider ID #NM006206
BlueLINK ID: 6244000
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6468
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Blaisdell, Shawn Millicent, CNM
Provider ID #NM006205
First Choice Community Healthcare
Rio Grande Clinic
2300 Arenal Rd. SW, 87105
(505) 873-4577
Capan, Virginia L., CNM
Provider ID #NM003522
BlueLINK ID: 5003973
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2248
Emerson, Michele H., CNM
Provider ID #NM006547
BlueLINK ID: 5006109
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Greulich, Mary Beth, CNM
Provider ID #NM006519
BlueLINK ID: 5005331
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Heath-West, Elizabeth, CNM
Provider ID #NM006824
BlueLINK ID: 5009541
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Johnson, Linda, CNM
Provider ID #NM016596
BlueLINK ID: 5009542
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Kayne, Martha A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006520
BlueLINK ID: 5005332
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Caspary-Schmidt, Terri, CNM
Provider ID #NM006828
BlueLINK ID: 5009553
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Kimmelman, Wendy S., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A21
BlueLINK ID: 6003626
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Women's Health
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 262-7291
Fax No. (505) 727-4625
Castillo, Yvonne, CNM
Provider ID #NM016562
BlueLINK ID: 5009742
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Kinnison, Ardenella L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A15
BlueLINK ID: 5009174
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Cox, Kim, CNM
Provider ID #NM006606
BlueLINK ID: 5006279
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Lanin, Abigail R., CNM
Provider ID #NM006766
BlueLINK ID: 6002996
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Craig, Ellen, CNM
Provider ID #NM006554
BlueLINK ID: 5005355
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Daniels, Susan, CNM
Provider ID #NM006830
BlueLINK ID: 5009558
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lawton, Robyn, CNM
Provider ID #NM006537
BlueLINK ID: 5005347
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Leeman, Rebecca M., CNM
Provider ID #NM016604
BlueLINK ID: 5006217
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Linder, Deborah, CNM
Provider ID #NM006198
BlueLINK ID: 5008329
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Rabon, Amy M., CNM
Provider ID #NM006765
BlueLINK ID: 5009382
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Shatar, Karen, CNM
Provider ID #NM016062
BlueLINK ID: 5009582
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Maestas, Amelia H., CNM
Provider ID #NM006782
BlueLINK ID: 5009539
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Radcliffe, Deborah, CNM
Provider ID #NM006559
BlueLINK ID: 5005359
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Stalls, Suzanne, CNM
Provider ID #NM006592
BlueLINK ID: 5006110
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Manocchio, Regina T., CNM
Provider ID #NM006692
BlueLINK ID: 7468194
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Migliaccio, Laura D., CNM
Provider ID #NM004750
BlueLINK ID: 5004851
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Miller, Nancy J., CNM
Provider ID #NM006593
BlueLINK ID: 5006111
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Mosier, Donna L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006603
BlueLINK ID: 5006214
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 462-8913
Murphy, Susan E., CNM
Provider ID #NM006224
BlueLINK ID: 5007413
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Murphy, Susan E., CNM
Provider ID #NM006224
BlueLINK ID: 5007413
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, Ste. 3A, 87112
(505) 265-5976
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Pino, Michelle, CNM
Provider ID #NM006199
BlueLINK ID: 5008354
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
July 2005
Rode, Martha, CNM
Provider ID #NM006572
BlueLINK ID: 5005367
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Rothfork, Gail L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006223
BlueLINK ID: 5007365
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, Ste. 3A, 87112
(505) 294-1477
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Ryan, Dympna M., CNM
Provider ID #NM006569
BlueLINK ID: 5005365
Low risk OB/GYN
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Schlinger, Hilary A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A33
BlueLINK ID: 5005329
Integrative Medicine Clinic
8324 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 256-3648
Fax No. (505) 526-9778
Schlinger, Hilary A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A19
BlueLINK ID: 5005329
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Schlinger, Hilary A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A19
BlueLINK ID: 5005329
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9808 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Schlinger, Hilary A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006517
BlueLINK ID: 5005329
Sage Femme Midwifery
520 Tomasita NE, 87123
(505) 266-8577
Fax No. (505) 232-8986
Sedler, Kay, CNM
Provider ID #NM006556
BlueLINK ID: 5005357
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Stetson, Victoria, CNM
Provider ID #NM006821
BlueLINK ID: 5009513
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Tarrant, Elizabeth H., CNM
Provider ID #NM006699
BlueLINK ID: 7153018
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-1623
Tiryaki, Martha, CNM
Provider ID #NM006825
BlueLINK ID: 5009543
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Williams, Jennifer A., CNM
Provider ID #NM009M43
BlueLINK ID: 6003031
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Women's Health
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 201,
(505) 262-7291
Certified Nurse
Allen, Katherine A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006854
BlueLINK ID: 5010163
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Anaya, Deborah, CNP
Provider ID #NM007499
BlueLINK ID: 7120396
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Antle, Emily J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006665
BlueLINK ID: 5009647
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Hematology/Oncology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7170
Baca, Janet G., ANP
Provider ID #NM00R79Z
BlueLINK ID: 5009752
1311 Camino Ecuestra NW, 87107
(505) 345-4647
Fax No. (505) 345-3127
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Benson, Erika L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006887
BlueLINK ID: 7136665
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Benson, Erika L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006887
BlueLINK ID: 7136665
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 268-4350
Benson, Erika L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006887
BlueLINK ID: 7136665
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
9809 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Bird, Martha B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006724
BlueLINK ID: 5009637
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Family Medicine
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Bishop, Barbara J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006233
BlueLINK ID: 5007648
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Bishop, Barbara J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006233
BlueLINK ID: 5007648
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Bishop, Barbara J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006233
BlueLINK ID: 5007648
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Blaisdell, Shawn Millicent, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006528
BlueLINK ID: 7114910
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Burmeister, Carol L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006677
BlueLINK ID: 7113469
Patients over age 18
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 563-8012
Allied Health Practitioners
Mancini, Felecia, CNM
Provider ID #NM006548
BlueLINK ID: 7451060
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Bartram, Joanne, FNP
Provider ID #NM006722
BlueLINK ID: 5009592
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pediatrics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7594
Burmeister, Carol L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006677
BlueLINK ID: 7113469
Patients over age 18
SW Gastroenterology Associates
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 727-6776
Fax No. (505) 727-6752
Allied Health Practitioners
Carruthers, Karen H., CNP
Provider ID #NM006895
BlueLINK ID: 6003357
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Carruthers, Karen H., CNP
Provider ID #NM006895
BlueLINK ID: 6003357
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 268-4350
Carruthers, Karen H., CNP
Provider ID #NM006895
BlueLINK ID: 6003357
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Chavez, Julia R., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006395
BlueLINK ID: 7412286
NM Clinical Research & Osteoporosis
300 Oak St. NE, 87106
(505) 855-5525
Fax No. (505) 884-4006
Claussen, Kathleen M., CNP
Provider ID #NM016713
BlueLINK ID: 5009385
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3850
Colombel, Cecilia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006374
BlueLINK ID: 5001176
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Cyphert, Debra L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A16
BlueLINK ID: 6003602
Geriatrics Associates, PC
5353 Wyoming NE, Ste. 5, 87109
(505) 858-1222
Fax No. (505) 858-1224
Dalen, Kerry A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006701
BlueLINK ID: 7413965
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Emergency Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2241
De Rego, Ruth, CNP
Provider ID #NM006682
BlueLINK ID: 7447361
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
1209 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-4400
DeMarrias, Colette M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006201
BlueLINK ID: 5008364
8200 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 299-4414
Allied Health Practitioners
Dominguez, Linda, CNP
Provider ID #NM006237
BlueLINK ID: 5007684
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Dominguez, Linda, CNP
Provider ID #NM006237
BlueLINK ID: 5007684
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Dominguez, Linda, CNP
Provider ID #NM006237
BlueLINK ID: 5007684
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Dork, Leslie A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006202
BlueLINK ID: 7144875
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Fax No. (505) 563-2821
Evans, Elizabeth C., CNP
Provider ID #NM006204
BlueLINK ID: 82237069
Patients over age 13
Infectious Diseases & Internal
Medicine Associates
500 Walter NE, Ste. 104, 87102
(505) 848-3730
Fax No. (505) 848-3732
Fiato, Karen-Lynn, ACNP
Provider ID #NM006B32
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3830
Finelli, Janis C., CNP
Provider ID #NM006896
BlueLINK ID: 6003364
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fryeweaver, Nancy, CNP
Provider ID #NM006839
BlueLINK ID: 7463305
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson OB/GYN
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7291
Fuller, Deborah J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006181
BlueLINK ID: 7122326
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Valley Clinic
2001 N. Centro Familiar SW, 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-4400
Gagnon, Suzanne, CNP
Provider ID #NM006B28
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Gallegos, Myrna M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006726
BlueLINK ID: 7463425
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Westside Family Medicine
2929 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 839-2300
Gilbert, Linda L., CNNP
Provider ID #NM006758
BlueLINK ID: 7191306
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hendrickson, Patricia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006780
BlueLINK ID: 7464683
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center OB/GYN
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3218
Goss, Lorraine A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006891
BlueLINK ID: 7459314
Patients 18 and over
Digestive Disease Consultants
1001 Silver SE, Ste. 200, 87106
(505) 224-7000
Fax No. (505) 224-7292
Hendrickson, Patricia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006234
BlueLINK ID: 5007649
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Harding, Judith M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006888
BlueLINK ID: 6003138
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Harding, Judith M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006888
BlueLINK ID: 6003138
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 268-4350
Harding, Judith M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006888
BlueLINK ID: 6003138
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
9809 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Harmon, Christine, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006852
BlueLINK ID: 5010123
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Pediatrics
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3219
Hawkins, Mary F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A29
BlueLINK ID: 6003834
University Physicians Associates
University Hospital
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-6901
Helmick, Carrie F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006239
BlueLINK ID: 5007699
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Helmick, Carrie F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006239
BlueLINK ID: 5007699
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Helmick, Carrie F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006239
BlueLINK ID: 5007699
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Hendrickson, Patricia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006234
BlueLINK ID: 5007649
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Hendrickson, Patricia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006234
BlueLINK ID: 5007649
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Huffine, Karen E., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A49
BlueLINK ID: 6004138
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2245
Hull, Cynthia G., CNP
Provider ID #NM006848
BlueLINK ID: 5010062
High risk obstetric patients
Perinatal Associates of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 405, 87106
(505) 764-9535
Fax No. (505) 843-9646
Johns, Carolyn, ANP
Provider ID #NM006719
BlueLINK ID: 7464688
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Johnson, Edalyn K., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006248
BlueLINK ID: 7447909
Natural Women's Health
1924 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. A, 87112
(505) 292-2222
Johnston, Sharon M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A28
BlueLINK ID: 6003804
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Johnston, Sharon M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A28
BlueLINK ID: 6003804
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Landen, Jenny B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006241
BlueLINK ID: 5007770
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Jones, Martha J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A26
BlueLINK ID: 6003698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87112
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Landen, Jenny B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006241
BlueLINK ID: 5007770
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Jorgensen, Ethel M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006238
BlueLINK ID: 5007698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Le Blanc, Laura, CNP
Provider ID #NM006A18
BlueLINK ID: 6003620
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Jorgensen, Ethel M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006238
BlueLINK ID: 5007698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Jorgensen, Ethel M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006238
BlueLINK ID: 5007698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Ketcheson, Donna A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006236
BlueLINK ID: 5007666
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Ketcheson, Donna A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006236
BlueLINK ID: 5007666
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Ketcheson, Donna A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006236
BlueLINK ID: 5007666
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Kingston, Patricia, CNP
Provider ID #NM06836
BlueLINK ID: 7463270
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Orthopaedics
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7161
Landen, Jenny B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006241
BlueLINK ID: 5007770
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
July 2005
Madden, Carol A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R93U
BlueLINK ID: 7447604
Rio Grande Family Medicine
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 24, 87102
(505) 224-7400
Fax No. (505) 224-7404
Martinek, Caroline R., CNP
Provider ID #NM006693
BlueLINK ID: 7499923
University Physicians Associates
University Hospital
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Mayo, Rebecca L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A47
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Internal Medicine
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3840
McCollum, Kaylene, CNP
Provider ID #NM006609
BlueLINK ID: 7123041
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
2400 Tucker NE, 87106
(505) 272-1734
Miller, Kenneth P., CNP
Provider ID #NM006695
BlueLINK ID: 7111790
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 272-2158
Moffatt, Billye, CNP
Provider ID #NM006748
BlueLINK ID: 5010026
Pediatric Health Services
10110 Spain NE, 87111
(505) 294-5065
Fax No. (505) 298-2731
Monagle, Leslie K., CNP
Provider ID #NM006242
BlueLINK ID: 590753
SW Gastroenterology Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 4600, 87106
(505) 563-8018
Fax No. (505) 563-8012
Monagle, Leslie K., CNP
Provider ID #NM006242
BlueLINK ID: 590753
SW Gastroenterology Associates
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 202,
(505) 727-7667
Fax No. (505) 727-6793
Mondragon, Carmela C., CNP
Provider ID #NM006184
BlueLINK ID: 5006249
First Choice Community Healthcare
South Broadway Clinic
1316 Broadway SE, 87102
(505) 768-5450
Fax No. (505) 842-1185
Rodgers, Sophia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006885
BlueLINK ID: 7463300
Vaspro II of New Mexico
10400 Academy Rd. NE, Ste. 340,
(505) 298-1558
Fax No. (505) 298-7012
Montanez, Lauri L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A20
BlueLINK ID: 6003623
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Fax No. (505) 262-7870
Rogers, Heidi, FNPC
Provider ID #NM006195
BlueLINK ID: 5008271
First Choice Community Healthcare
Alameda Clinic
7704 2nd St. NW, Ste. A, 87107
(505) 890-1458
Fax No. (505) 890-1599
Nipp, Julieann M., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006709
BlueLINK ID: 5009363
Albuquerque Family & Sports
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 209, 87109
(505) 872-8727
Fax No. (505) 872-8728
Pangan, Eliezer, CNP
Provider ID #NM006720
BlueLINK ID: 7141119
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Pelzl, Beverly R., RNFA
Provider ID #NM006315
BlueLINK ID: 6001198
1500 Boatright NE, 87112
(505) 884-1214
Fax No. (505) 884-8139
Peterson, Jay W., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A01
BlueLINK ID: 6003345
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Nephrology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7579
Pitkin, Coral, CNP
Provider ID #NM006200
BlueLINK ID: 7484701
Women's Specialists of NM
6320 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Sanchez, Claudia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006B33
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Schoenfeld, Patricia, FNP
Provider ID #NM006245
BlueLINK ID: 7437154
University Physicians Associates
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87106
(505) 272-2839
Schreurs, Kristin R., CNP
Provider ID #NM006379
BlueLINK ID: 5006190
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Servilla, Michael, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006710
BlueLINK ID: 7445007
University Physicians Associates
University Hospital
7801 Academy NE, 87109
(505) 272-2700
Sigler, Virginia A., ANP
Provider ID #NM006718
BlueLINK ID: 7467304
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Prak, Sopheavy S., CNP
Provider ID #NM006634
BlueLINK ID: 7154233
Manzano Medical Group
505 Elm NE, 87125
(505) 727-4919
Fax No. (505) 727-4915
Stapleton, James, FNP
Provider ID #NM006698
BlueLINK ID: 7462336
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Family & Community
1231 Candelaria NW, 87107
(505) 272-2158
Ralstin, Anita M., NP
Provider ID #NM00RD08
BlueLINK ID: 7443455
New Mexico Heart Institute
502 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 841-1000
Fax No. (505) 843-2584
Stebleton, Janet C., CNP
Provider ID #NM006725
BlueLINK ID: 7111540
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
NM Center for Sleep Medicine
4700 Jefferson NE, Ste. 800, 87109
(505) 872-6000
Reiter, Rebecca, CNP
Provider ID #NM006831
BlueLINK ID: 7463298
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson OB/GYN
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7291
Steffens, Geoffrey, CNP
Provider ID #NM006787
BlueLINK ID: 7499926
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Lovelace Medical Center
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7000
Rodgers, Sophia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006820
BlueLINK ID: 7463300
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson General Surgery
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7281
Stowe, Harvey O., CNMP
Provider ID #NM006B30
BlueLINK ID: 7129753
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Radiology
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2423
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Allied Health Practitioners
Jones, Martha J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A26
BlueLINK ID: 6003698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Tigges, Beth, CNP-PhD
Provider ID #NM00JJ68
BlueLINK ID: 7414487
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
Allied Health Practitioners
Tomky, Donna, CNP
Provider ID #NM006740
BlueLINK ID: 7129908
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Endocrinology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7455
VanSciver, Patricia, CNP
Provider ID #NM006783
BlueLINK ID: 7463271
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Pulmonary
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7223
Vigil, Gloria, CNP
Provider ID #NM006235
BlueLINK ID: 5007650
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
3625 Central Ave. NE, 87108
(505) 265-3722
Fax No. (505) 265-3724
Vigil, Gloria, CNP
Provider ID #NM006235
BlueLINK ID: 5007650
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
701 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 265-9511
Fax No. (505) 266-1017
Vigil, Gloria, CNP
Provider ID #NM006235
BlueLINK ID: 5007650
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
9809 Candelaria NE, 87108
(505) 294-1577
Fax No. (505) 294-0182
Walker, Donna, CNP
Provider ID #NM006197
BlueLINK ID: 7445510
Women's Specialists of NM
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 5640, 87106
(505) 843-6168
Fax No. (505) 247-9743
Walker, Sharon, CNP
Provider ID #NM006721
BlueLINK ID: 7499921
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Cardiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7451
Wheeler, Marianne, CNP
Provider ID #NM006851
BlueLINK ID: 5010114
Lovelace Sandia Health System
Tramway Family Medicine
13701 Encantado Rd. NE, 87123
(505) 237-8700
Wittenburg, Rebecca L., CNP
Provider ID #NM016607
BlueLINK ID: 7486702
SW Endocrinology Associates
4600 Jefferson NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 872-1002
Fax No. (505) 888-3708
Wood, Myrna, CNP
Provider ID #NM006267
BlueLINK ID: 7428838
Geriatrics Associates, PC
5353 Wyoming NE, Ste. 5, 87109
(505) 858-1222
Fax No. (505) 858-1224
Allied Health Practitioners
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Batson, Darlene L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006627
BlueLINK ID: 5008705
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Bendorf, Allan G., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A13
BlueLINK ID: 6003577
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services PC
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Boyd, Lisa K., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A11
BlueLINK ID: 6003567
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 2nd Flr., 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Brown, Pauline C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A10
BlueLINK ID: 6003550
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Carlson, David A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006892
BlueLINK ID: 6003209
Anesthesia only
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
DiLeo, Trudy, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006210
BlueLINK ID: 5008618
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Dobbs, Leslie C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006715
BlueLINK ID: 5007200
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Donovan, Marguerita R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006894
BlueLINK ID: 6003278
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Drendel, Mark, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006727
BlueLINK ID: 5009441
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
DuVall, Darryl J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016191
BlueLINK ID: 5008185
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
NE Heights Anesthesiology
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7810
Fax No. (505) 727-7888
Hensley, Sharon K., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006214
BlueLINK ID: 5007176
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Dyer, Elizabeth C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006728
BlueLINK ID: 7341865
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Hensley, Sharon K., CRNA
Provider ID #NM026911
BlueLINK ID: 5007176
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
NE Heights Anesthesiology
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7810
Fax No. (505) 727-7888
Edwards, Mark A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006730
BlueLINK ID: 5009732
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Hewitt, Wendolyn K., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006215
BlueLINK ID: 5008645
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Everhart, Michael R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006731
BlueLINK ID: 5009733
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Horanburg, Linda M., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006216
BlueLINK ID: 5008646
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Franic, Karmella M., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006732
BlueLINK ID: 5009734
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Humphrey, James G., CRNA
Provider ID #NM026913
BlueLINK ID: 5007185
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
NE Heights Anesthesiology
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7810
Fax No. (505) 727-7888
Frank, Lisa A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006733
BlueLINK ID: 7309021
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Frantz, Robert D., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006858
BlueLINK ID: 5010243
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Gautreaux, Doug, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006686
BlueLINK ID: 5006080
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Gillespie, Thomas James, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006211
BlueLINK ID: 5008637
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Gillespie, Thomas James, CRNA
Provider ID #NM009E47
BlueLINK ID: 5008637
University Physicians Associates
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
DuVall, Darryl J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006814
BlueLINK ID: 5007134
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Hanna, Paul Samuel, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006690
BlueLINK ID: 5006080
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
DuVall, Darryl J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016191
BlueLINK ID: 5008185
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-7860
Fax No. (505) 727-7888
Henderson, Gloria J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006849
BlueLINK ID: 7309025
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Kelly, Monica S., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006734
BlueLINK ID: 5009736
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Klein, Nancy H., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006652
BlueLINK ID: 5009167
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Koza, Marjorie S., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A14
BlueLINK ID: 6003578
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services PC
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Leckey, Beth, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006764
BlueLINK ID: 6002983
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
NE Heights Anesthesiology
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7810
McCormick, Anita K., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006735
BlueLINK ID: 5009737
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Meglan, Letitia A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006217
BlueLINK ID: 5008653
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Redlin, Patricia, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006624
BlueLINK ID: 5008692
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Montplasir, Jacque, CRNA
Provider ID #NM016218
BlueLINK ID: 5008656
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Reimann, Lawrence L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006738
BlueLINK ID: 5007940
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Nicholson, David L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A04
BlueLINK ID: 6003412
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Roberts, Raymond D., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006623
BlueLINK ID: 5008690
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Noltensmeyer, M. David, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006219
BlueLINK ID: 5008657
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Oase, Cynthia A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006736
BlueLINK ID: 7309023
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Obojski, Catherine A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006220
BlueLINK ID: 5008658
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Oglesby, Christopher J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006893
BlueLINK ID: 6003266
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Paul, Robert C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006737
BlueLINK ID: 5009739
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Pennington, Kathleen, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006221
BlueLINK ID: 5008661
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Perkins, Lola, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006696
BlueLINK ID: 5006080
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Raterman, Steven, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006622
BlueLINK ID: 5008688
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
July 2005
Sanford, Gerald L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006625
BlueLINK ID: 5007440
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Scherger, Dan M., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006813
BlueLINK ID: 5009334
Anesthesia Specialists of Albuquerque
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Shunick, Jennifer A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006255
BlueLINK ID: 5008557
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Swanson, John H., CRNA
Provider ID #NM009L71
BlueLINK ID: 3143154
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Vaughn, Terry K., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006626
BlueLINK ID: 5008699
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87110
(505) 260-4300
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Vaughn, Terry Kent, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006270
BlueLINK ID: 5005122
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Wagner, Laurie A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A09
BlueLINK ID: 5009310
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services PC
500 Walter NE, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
Wagner, Laurie, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006705
BlueLINK ID: 5009310
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Williams, Lynda A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A05
BlueLINK ID: 6003413
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Anesthesiology
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7197
Fax No. (505) 262-3159
Adams, Elaine, DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ78
BlueLINK ID: 8211542
Lifetime Chiropractic
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. E1, 87109
(505) 822-0306
Fax No. (505) 822-0316
Adams, Elaine, DC
Lifetime Chiropractic
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. E1
(505) 822-0306
Alexander, Blair T., DC
Provider ID #NM00K216
BlueLINK ID: 8243043
Alexander Chiropractic
3800 Wyoming NE, 87111
(505) 296-1639
Fax No. (505) 296-5610
Anderson, Carl L., Jr., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ45
BlueLINK ID: 5000129
10108 Menaul NE, Ste. M22, 87112
(505) 332-0557
Antonsen, Christian L., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ12
BlueLINK ID: 5009823
CareMore Chiropractic
3100 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 831-0022
Fax No. (505) 831-7158
Arnold, Tom, DC
Provider ID #NM00K061
BlueLINK ID: 8205895
Albuquerque Accident & Injury Center
214 San Pedro NE, 87108
(505) 268-1224
Fax No. (505) 255-8794
Atchley, Lyman S., DC
Provider ID #NM00K968
BlueLINK ID: 8140853
8004 Pennsylvania Cir. NE, 87110
(505) 265-5651
Fax No. (505) 268-0820
Bare, James E., DC
Provider ID #NM00K557
BlueLINK ID: 8140855
8005 Marble NE, 87110
(505) 268-4272
Bateman, Timothy A., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ10
BlueLINK ID: 8264656
CareMore Chiropractic
400 Louisiana SE, 87108
(505) 266-4211
Fax No. (505) 256-0000
Beatty, Herbert M., DC
Provider ID #NM00K530
BlueLINK ID: 8140859
8004 Pennsylvania Cir. NE, 87110
(505) 268-2465
Fax No. (505) 268-0820
Beresky, John, DC
Provider ID #NM01KA56
BlueLINK ID: 5009822
CareMore Chiropractic
2501 4th St. NW, 87102
(505) 247-4040
Fax No. (505) 843-6620
Berlin, John G, DC
Provider ID #NM01KB74
BlueLINK ID: 8218295
CareMore Chiropractic
1820 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 296-0296
Fax No. (505) 293-6701
Bonney, Donald E., DC
Provider ID #NM00K894
BlueLINK ID: 8140863
Accident & Pain Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. D1,
(505) 897-2682
Fax No. (505) 792-2348
Burns, Jennifer J., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC20
BlueLINK ID: 5006274
3636 Menaul NE, Ste. 307, 87110
(505) 883-5443
Fax No. (505) 883-5443
Byrd, Robert E., DC
Provider ID #NM01K682
BlueLINK ID: 8175019
Accident Back & Neck Care Center,
7611 Indian School NE, Ste. 104,
(505) 268-0808
Fax No. (505) 268-2458
Cannon, Gregory E., DC
Provider ID #NM01KC69
BlueLINK ID: 5008801
Sun Country Healthcare Network
8002 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 294-7646
Cecil, Christopher C., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ00
BlueLINK ID: 8192581
Albuquerque Neck & Back Pain
1415 University NE, Ste. A, 87102
(505) 243-1313
Fax No. (505) 842-5683
Claussen, John C., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ74
BlueLINK ID: 6003762
Bear Canyon Health Circle
4800 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. B, 87110
(505) 888-1795
Fax No. (505) 888-1904
[email protected]
Crivelli, Francesco N., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ61
BlueLINK ID: 5008655
6821 Montgomery NE, Ste. B, 87109
(505) 884-7402
Fax No. (505) 888-0027
DeFelice, Richard P., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ21
BlueLINK ID: 6003267
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Carlisle Chiropractic
3901 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-8500
Fax No. (505) 888-8503
Doggett, William H., DC
Provider ID #NM02K742
BlueLINK ID: 8140901
3500 Comanche NE, Ste. 1, 87107
(505) 884-0771
Fax No. (505) 884-0776
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Allied Health Practitioners
Meglan, Letitia A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006703
BlueLINK ID: 5008653
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Anesthesiology
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Allied Health Practitioners
Allied Health Practitioners
Esposito, Helen D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K43F
BlueLINK ID: 5006252
Sun Country Healthcare Network
3816 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-4847
Fax No. (505) 872-8777
Halsell, Nathan G., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ70
BlueLINK ID: 6002964
CareMore Chiropractic
2622 San Mateo NE, 87110
(505) 888-0331
Fax No. (505) 888-1414
Fitch, Jennifer L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ69
BlueLINK ID: 6003113
Lifetime Chiropractic
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. E1, 87109
(505) 822-0306
Fax No. (505) 822-0316
Hirning, James H., DC
Provider ID #NM01KC89
BlueLINK ID: 5000160
Unified Chiropractic
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. D, 87120
(505) 831-1115
Fax No. (505) 831-3625
Foreman, Merrilee, DC
Provider ID #NM00K992
BlueLINK ID: 8277859
Chiropractic Lifestyle Center
7700 Menaul NE, Ste. E, 87110
(505) 292-7700
Fax No. (505) 292-7700
Hodge, Robert J., DC
Provider ID #NM01KC55
BlueLINK ID: 6001355
3939 San Pedro NE, Ste. B1, 87110
(505) 878-0046
Fax No. (505) 878-0052
Marrich, Lawrence E., DC
Provider ID #NM00K603
BlueLINK ID: 8140968
Carlisle Health & Rehab Center
3401 Carlisle NE, 87110
(505) 889-3333
Hoffert, Mark K., DC
Provider ID #NM00K691
BlueLINK ID: 8140935
Hoffert Chiropractic
8421 Osuna NE, Ste. E, 87111
(505) 296-5455
Fax No. (505) 255-3838
Murray, Patrick J., DC
Provider ID #NM00K726
BlueLINK ID: 8140984
8100 Mountain Rd. NE, Ste. 104,
(505) 262-1641
Fax No. (505) 262-1651
Froehlich, Patrick L., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ65
BlueLINK ID: 5009820
CareMore Chiropractic
5111 San Mateo NE, 87110
(505) 880-1818
Fax No. (505) 881-4810
Frost, Vincent L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ22
BlueLINK ID: 8297675
Community Physician Center
1210 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, 87104
(505) 247-0466
Fax No. (505) 242-0968
Gallegos, Chris R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ76
BlueLINK ID: 6003864
Southwest Sun Acupuncture Clinic
2403 San Mateo Blvd., Ste. W140,
(505) 363-4386
Fax No. (505) 881-4386
Genter, Karen A., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ58
BlueLINK ID: 8268195
High Desert Chiropractic & Wellness
10900 Menaul NE, Ste. A, 87112
(505) 292-2226
Fax No. (505) 292-3181
Girod, Marc A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ63
BlueLINK ID: 5008797
Albuquerque Accident & Injury Center
214 San Pedro NE, 87108
(505) 268-1224
Fax No. (505) 255-8794
Girod, Marc A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ79
BlueLINK ID: 5008797
Lifetime Chiropractic
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. E1, 87109
(505) 822-0306
Fax No. (505) 822-0316
Greif, David B., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC02
BlueLINK ID: 5000188
8625 Golf Course Rd. NW, Ste. A2,
(505) 899-6600
Fax No. (505) 899-3262
Hale, Patrick, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC83
BlueLINK ID: 5000220
Sun Country Healthcare Network
7100 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 883-6420
Hubbard, Louis E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC82
BlueLINK ID: 5000219
Sun Country Healthcare Network
7100 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 883-1011
Jegtvig, Shereen K., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ51
BlueLINK ID: 8209772
Spine Centers of New Mexico
1101 Spain NE, Ste. C, 87111
(505) 294-7474
Fax No. (505) 294-7939
Kurucz, Roger J., DC
Provider ID #NM00K919
BlueLINK ID: 8140955
Kurucz Chiropractic Office
501 Wyoming NE, 87123
(505) 268-9440
Fax No. (505) 254-3670
Lee Jones, Yeon Joo, DC
Provider ID #NM00KP21
BlueLINK ID: 8260986
Integrative Medicine Clinic of
8324 Constitution NE, 87110
(505) 256-3648
Fax No. (505) 256-9778
Lehman, James J., DC
Provider ID #NM00K975
BlueLINK ID: 5009169
Spine Centers of New Mexico
10401 Montgomery Pkwy. NE, 87111
(505) 299-7077
Fax No. (505) 292-6369
Lehman, Thomas P., DC
Provider ID #NM00K889
BlueLINK ID: 8190071
3912 Juan Tabo NE, 87111
(505) 292-3003
Fax No. (505) 299-1861
Lovin, William R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ66
BlueLINK ID: 8102745
CareMore Chiropractic
2622 San Mateo NE, 87110
(505) 266-4211
Fax No. (505) 888-1414
Maggio, Michael S., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC37
BlueLINK ID: 5009127
Downtown Chiropractic
1100 Lomas NW, Ste. 1, 87102
(505) 242-8400
Fax No. (505) 242-4340
Manson, Kirk E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KH09
BlueLINK ID: 5000272
3212 Carlisle NE, 87109
(505) 884-0044
Fax No. (505) 881-7393
Oston, Javan R., DC
Provider ID #NM02KC42
BlueLINK ID: 5010094
Bear Canyon Health Circle
4800 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. B, 87110
(505) 888-1795
Fax No. (505) 888-1904
Peer, David W., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ13
BlueLINK ID: 5008536
7520 Montgomery NE, Ste. E-9,
(505) 888-6800
Fax No. (505) 888-6812
Peets, Lonnie L., DC
Provider ID #NM00K954
BlueLINK ID: 8204479
Lifetime Chiropractic
3901 Georgia NE, Ste. A7, 87110
(505) 883-4456
Fax No. (505) 881-0520
Peterson, Gary L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC80
BlueLINK ID: 8140998
Sun Country Healthcare Network
7100 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 883-5858
Peterson, Gretchen G., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB07
BlueLINK ID: 8209576
Sandia Chiropractic Care
3107 Eubank NE, Ste. 24, 87111
(505) 299-4446
Fax No. (505) 275-8505
Email: [email protected]
Phillips, Kathy L., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ52
BlueLINK ID: 5007697
Healthplex Chiropractic
8201 Golf Course Rd., 87114
(505) 792-3311
Fax No. (505) 792-3314
Purcaro, Lee F., DC
Provider ID #NM00KA52
4800 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. B, 87111
(505) 888-1795
Fax No. (505) 888-1904
Roberts, LaVern E., DC
Provider ID #NM01KJ09
BlueLINK ID: 5009824
CareMore Chiropractic
1664 Bridge SW, 87105
(505) 842-1664
Fax No. (505) 242-1664
Rozenblum, Michael E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK33
BlueLINK ID: 5000191
Gonstead Family Chiropractic
8001 Wyoming NE, Ste. D4, 87113
(505) 884-8584
Fax No. (505) 821-8594
Russo, Francesca M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ05
BlueLINK ID: 8262356
Specializing in atlas orthogonal
Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic of
2400 Louisiana NE, Ste. 540, 87110
(505) 881-0650
Fax No. (505) 881-0647
Schmidt, Leslie D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K536
BlueLINK ID: 8141021
809 San Mateo NE, 87108
(505) 884-1240
Shain, Paul R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ62
BlueLINK ID: 8256863
Albuquerque Accident & Injury Center
214 San Pedro NE, 87108
(505) 268-1224
Fax No. (505) 255-8794
Shoemaker, Laura L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ19
BlueLINK ID: 8288605
Family Chiropractic and Wellness
10900 Menaul NE, Ste. A, 87112
(505) 271-8888
Fax No. (505) 292-3181
Simmons, George R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KA08
BlueLINK ID: 8190072
10401 Montgomery Pkwy. NE, 87111
(505) 299-7077
Fax No. (505) 292-6369
Storrie, Bryce, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC78
BlueLINK ID: 8141032
Sun Country Healthcare Network
7100 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 883-5858
Fax No. (505) 833-0010
Stribling, George O., DC
Provider ID #NM00K587
BlueLINK ID: 8141034
Stribling Chiropractic
1933 San Mateo NE, 87110
(505) 255-4140
Fax No. (505) 255-4140
Plaman, Michael, DC
Provider ID #NM00K958
BlueLINK ID: 5010098
CareMore Chiropractic
1820 Juan Tabo NE, 87112
(505) 831-0022
Fax No. (505) 831-3758
Swedberg, Alfred W., DC
Provider ID #NM01JK56
BlueLINK ID: 8285648
Body Balance Chiropractic
3705 Westerfeld Dr. NE, 87111
(505) 275-6708
Fax No. (505) 275-6725
Plaman, Michael, DC
Provider ID #NM00K958
BlueLINK ID: 5010098
CareMore Chiropractic
3100 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 831-0022
Fax No. (505) 831-3758
Timm, Terence L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC93
BlueLINK ID: 5000227
The Chiropractic Care Center
3100 Carlisle NE, Ste. B, 87110
(505) 888-4533
Fax No. (505) 888-0179
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Trabold, William V., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ55
BlueLINK ID: 8246225
Accident & Pain Center
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. D1,
(505) 897-2682
Fax No. (505) 792-2348
Weiss, Martin A., DC
Provider ID #NM00K564
BlueLINK ID: 8141052
Spizzerinctum Health Center
7810 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 296-7333
Fax No. (505) 296-5494
Zipper, Jack D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC81
BlueLINK ID: 5000218
Sun Country Healthcare Network
8000 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 294-8889
Diabetes Counseling
Alley, Diana, RD
Provider ID #NM00RJ18
BlueLINK ID: 6003241
Albuquerque Regional Medical Center
Diabetes Education
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8423
Marroquin-Elizondo, Teresa, RD
Provider ID #NM00RJ21
BlueLINK ID: 6003282
Albuquerque Regional Medical Center
Diabetes Education
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8423
Novak, Janet A., RD
Provider ID #NM00RJ22
BlueLINK ID: 6003284
Rehab Hospital of New Mexico
Diabetes Education
505 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 727-4727
Omidvaran, Laura A., RD
Provider ID #NM00RJ19
BlueLINK ID: 6003293
Albuquerque Regional Medical Center
Diabetes Education
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8423
Young, Kim S., RD
Provider ID #NM00RJ20
BlueLINK ID: 6003281
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8423
Licensed Midwives
Knight-Williamson, Julia, LMW
Provider ID #NM006523
BlueLINK ID: 5005335
The Art of Birthing Center
123 Wellesley SE, 87106
(505) 254-4884
Chiulli, Stephen J., PhD
Provider ID #NM00NB60
BlueLINK ID: 5000463
Neuropsychological evaluations
Neuropsychology Associates
2201 San Pedro NE, Bldg. 1, Ste. 215,
(505) 889-0426
Fax No. (505) 883-7304
Gilboa, Monica, PhD
Provider ID #NM00JC85
BlueLINK ID: 5009323
Behavior Therapy Associates
9426 Indian School Rd. NE, Ste. 1,
(505) 345-6100
Fax No. (505) 345-4531
Gilboa, Monica, PhD
Provider ID #NM01JD23
BlueLINK ID: 5009323
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Behavioral Health Services
505 Elm St. NE, 87102
(505) 727-4918
Granados, Tomas R., PhD
Provider ID #NM00JK38
BlueLINK ID: 6000803
Patients over age 6
7000 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 797-0810
Fax No. (505) 797-0814
Email: [email protected]
Koltuska, Barbara, PhD
Provider ID #NM00JL68
BlueLINK ID: 5006288
Patients over age 16;
neuropsychological testing
11927 Menaul NE, Ste. 107, 87112
(505) 797-3834
Kreuch, Tony J., PsyD
Provider ID #NM00N995
BlueLINK ID: 5000748
Patients over age 6
7000 Jefferson NE, 87109
(505) 342-1992
Fax No. (505) 344-4790
Email: Kreuchtcaol.com
LeCaptain, Mary, EdD-ABPP-PhD
Provider ID #NM00JB56
BlueLINK ID: 5007989
Behavior Therapy Associates
9426 Indian School Rd. NE, Ste. 1,
(505) 345-6100
Fax No. (505) 345-4531
Nutritional Counseling
Baldwin, Ruth S., RD
Provider ID #NM00RJ23
BlueLINK ID: 6003307
New Heart, Inc.
601 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 881-8195
Fax No. (505) 830-4975
Clokey, Diana Eileen, RD
Provider ID #NM00RH28
BlueLINK ID: 5006249
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of OB/GYN
2211 Lomas NE, MSC10 5580, 1
University of NM, 87106
(505) 272-2245
July 2005
Cruz, Yvette Ann, RD
Provider ID #NM00RH23
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2345
DiTucci, Jennifer, RD
Provider ID #NM00RH20
BlueLINK ID: 5007809
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Pediatrics
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5551
Hitz, Betzi M., RD
Provider ID #NM006A32
BlueLINK ID: 6003909
Bear Canyon Therapy Associates
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. A2, 87109
(505) 823-2411
Fax No. (505) 858-0650
Email: [email protected]
Moore, Alice K., RD
Provider ID #NM006A17
BlueLINK ID: 6003619
Moore Nutrition
4520 Montgomery NE, Ste. 1A, 87109
(505) 294-8552
Fax No. (505) 884-0132
Spears, Beverly J., RD-CDE
Provider ID #NM00RH02
BlueLINK ID: 5006883
Renal nutrition & diabetes
Renal Medicine Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 800, 87106
(505) 563-2800
Vort, Kelle E., RD
Provider ID #NM00RF97
BlueLINK ID: 5009182
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Occupational Therapy
Anderson, Rebecca L., OT
Provider ID #NM00E376
BlueLINK ID: 6002985
Lovelace Sandia Home Care
5403 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 872-6500
Binyon, Gail, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E190
BlueLINK ID: 5008857
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Brannon, Julie, OT
Provider ID #NM00E169
BlueLINK ID: 5008750
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Cooper, Elizabeth D., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E373
BlueLINK ID: 5008731
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9599
Cooper, Elizabeth D., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E373
BlueLINK ID: 5008731
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 858-8526
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Cooper, Elizabeth D., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E373
BlueLINK ID: 5008731
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 200, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Cooper, Elizabeth D., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E373
BlueLINK ID: 5008731
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5751
Dillard, Elizabeth A., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q466
BlueLINK ID: 6003191
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Dillard, Elizabeth A., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q466
BlueLINK ID: 6003191
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Elison, Robyn, OT
Provider ID #NM00E203
BlueLINK ID: 5008879
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q073
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q073
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q073
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q245
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 884-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Fretz, Virginia R., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q117
BlueLINK ID: 5009119
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 884-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Glade, Michael S., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q056
BlueLINK ID: 5008564
Langford Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Allied Health Practitioners
Wu, Wen C., DC-DOM
Provider ID #NM00R462
BlueLINK ID: 8186424
Health Care Associates
2709 Wyoming NE, 87111
(505) 294-5486
Allied Health Practitioners
Allied Health Practitioners
Harris, Anne, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E201
BlueLINK ID: 5008877
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Martinez, Rebecca, OT
Provider ID #NM00E205
BlueLINK ID: 5008884
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Wavrick, Pat, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E202
BlueLINK ID: 5008878
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Hoeksema, Audrey, OT
Provider ID #NM00E170
BlueLINK ID: 5008751
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
McMaster, Sandra, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E199
BlueLINK ID: 5008876
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Williams Cay, Carla, OT
Provider ID #NM00E210
BlueLINK ID: 5008888
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Hoffman, Hope, OT
Provider ID #NM00E204
BlueLINK ID: 5008883
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Mncube, Patrick S., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E192
BlueLINK ID: 5008859
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Winkle, Melissa, OT
Provider ID #NM00E211
BlueLINK ID: 5008889
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Moedl, Denise, OT
Provider ID #NM00E168
BlueLINK ID: 5008749
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Huelsmann, Jan V., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E191
BlueLINK ID: 5008858
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Johnson, Veronica, OT
Provider ID #NM00E212
BlueLINK ID: 5008890
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Moody, Erin, OT
Provider ID #NM00E173
BlueLINK ID: 5008754
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Jones, Carleton B., PT
Provider ID #NM005222
BlueLINK ID: 5005160
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87102
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 764-9770
Oschner, Janine, OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q274
BlueLINK ID: 6003666
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod Rd. NE, 87109
(505) 884-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Kasch, Nancy, OT
Provider ID #NM00E213
BlueLINK ID: 5008891
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Kivitz, Ellen, OT
Provider ID #NM00E172
BlueLINK ID: 5008753
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Kolmbies, LeeAnn, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E200
BlueLINK ID: 5009328
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Kuhne, April, OT
Provider ID #NM00E214
BlueLINK ID: 5008892
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Lukes, James M., OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q048
BlueLINK ID: 5008827
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Patten, Kathy, OT
Provider ID #NM00E207
BlueLINK ID: 5008885
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Sleigh, Tim, OT
Provider ID #NM00E208
BlueLINK ID: 5008886
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Strade-Notz, Michelle, OT
Provider ID #NM00E171
BlueLINK ID: 5008752
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Tidman, Melanie M., MA-OTR/L
Provider ID #NM00E372
BlueLINK ID: 5009373
Pediatrics up to age 18
Tidman Therapy Services
521 Vineyad Rd. NE, 87113
(505) 344-5756
Fax No. (505) 341-4810
Tourek, Erin, OT
Provider ID #NM00E209
BlueLINK ID: 5008887
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Anderson, Peter, OD
Provider ID #NM00P955
BlueLINK ID: 8195859
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Optometry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3937
Andreatta, Mario J., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA09
BlueLINK ID: 8255909
Eye Associates of New Mexico
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 899-3589
Ang, Karlyn G., OD
Provider ID #NM00P944
BlueLINK ID: 8192017
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Fax No. (505) 298-2382
Barrett, David L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P530
BlueLINK ID: 8202941
Horizon Vision Center
4253 Montgomery NE, Ste. 110,
(505) 881-3744
Berry, Steven M., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA20
BlueLINK ID: 8287096
Albuquerque Vision Clinic
5343 Wyoming NE, Ste. 2, 87109
(505) 332-2020
Fax No. (505) 332-8343
Bigelow, Daryl W., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA10
BlueLINK ID: 8101117
Eye Associates of NM
5200 Eubank NE, Ste. A4, 87111
(505) 298-4419
Fax No. (505) 246-2478
Bigsby, William, OD
Provider ID #NM00P958
BlueLINK ID: 8175023
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Optometry
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Branson, Ashley D., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA13
BlueLINK ID: 6003776
Peak Vision Group, PA
10000 Coors Blvd., Ste. E201, 87114
(505) 890-2821
Fax No. (505) 890-6716
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Cano-Howes, Melinda A., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA16
BlueLINK ID: 8282446
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1001 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87106
(505) 247-1073
Fax No. (505) 247-2153
Cano-Howes, Melinda A., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA16
BlueLINK ID: 8282446
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1414 Bridge SW, 87105
(505) 243-4066
Fax No. (505) 243-7476
Casaus, Deidra M., OD
Provider ID #NM01P393
BlueLINK ID: 8230752
Advanced Optometric Concepts, PC
10600 Coors Bypass Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 792-1782
Fax No. (505) 792-1773
Chinisci, Frank T., OD
Provider ID #NM00P419
BlueLINK ID: 8174922
Sandia Vision Clinic
123 Palomas NE, 87108
(505) 265-3443
Chinisci, Frank T., OD
Provider ID #NM00P419
BlueLINK ID: 8174922
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Fax No. (505) 298-2382
Cohen, Michelle S., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA29
BlueLINK ID: 6003735
Invision Inc.
301 San Mateo SE, 87108
(505) 255-9410
Fax No. (505) 255-9875
Cohen, Michelle S., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA29
BlueLINK ID: 6003735
Invision Inc.
400 Eubank NE, Ste. A, 87123
(505) 293-0417
Fax No. (505) 293-4761
Dean, D.C., OD
Provider ID #NM01P287
BlueLINK ID: 8192582
Patients over age 4
8000 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 857-9918
Fax No. (505) 857-9919
DeBois, William, OD
Provider ID #NM00P523
BlueLINK ID: 5000845
6208 Montgomery NE, Ste. E, 87109
(505) 881-2073
Dudeck, Kirsten P., OD
Provider ID #NM02P497
BlueLINK ID: 8265359
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Dudeck, Kirsten P., OD
Provider ID #NM02P497
BlueLINK ID: 8265359
Eye Associates of NM
5200 Eubank NE, Ste. A4, 87111
(505) 298-4419
Fax No. (505) 246-2478
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Etre, James M., OD
Provider ID #NM00PB09
BlueLINK ID: 8195348
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Optometry
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Fitch, Patricia, OD
Provider ID #NM00P956
BlueLINK ID: 5009640
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Optometry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3937
Fite, William M., OD
Provider ID #NM00P260
BlueLINK ID: 8174911
4550 Eubank NE, Ste. 105, 87111
(505) 292-2626
Folkman, Jay S., OD
Provider ID #NM00P088
BlueLINK ID: 8175026
6821 Montgomery NE, Ste. C, 87109
(505) 881-7440
Gansel-Ang, Karlyn, OD
Provider ID #NM00PA07
BlueLINK ID: 8192017
Albuquerque Vision Clinic
5343 Wyoming NE, Ste. 2, 87109
(505) 332-2020
Gonzales, Mario J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P263
BlueLINK ID: 5000837
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1001 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87106
(505) 247-1073
Fax No. (505) 247-2153
Gonzales, Mario J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P263
BlueLINK ID: 5000837
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1414 Bridge SW, 87105
(505) 243-4066
Fax No. (505) 243-7476
Irons, Alissa M., OD
Provider ID #NM00P946
BlueLINK ID: 8288260
718 Lomas NW, 87102
(505) 247-3463
Fax No. (505) 842-0499
Jarrell, Robert L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P015
BlueLINK ID: 8174953
3901 Georgia NE, Ste. A2, 87110
(505) 883-4200
Fax No. (505) 889-2248
Johnson, Susan, OD
Provider ID #NM00P957
BlueLINK ID: 8195638
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Optometry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-3937
Jones, William L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P262
BlueLINK ID: 8278264
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1001 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87106
(505) 247-1073
Fax No. (505) 247-2153
July 2005
Jones, William L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P262
BlueLINK ID: 8278264
Eye Institute of Albuquerque
1414 Bridge SW, 87105
(505) 243-4066
Fax No. (505) 243-7476
Kwan, Mikela D., OD
Provider ID #NM01P281
BlueLINK ID: 8224142
6821 Montgomery NE, Ste. C, 87109
(505) 822-8387
Lavoie, Robert L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P937
BlueLINK ID: 8276800
Precision Eye Center
2433 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 291-1711
Fax No. (505) 298-0934
Lavoie, Romie S., OD
Provider ID #NM00P999
BlueLINK ID: 8276186
Precision Eye Center
2433 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 291-1711
Fax No. (505) 298-0934
Magnus, David E., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA01
BlueLINK ID: 8175006
Sandia Vision Clinic
123 Palomas NE, 87108
(505) 265-3443
Magnus, David E., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA01
BlueLINK ID: 8175006
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Fax No. (505) 298-2382
Martin, Carolyn J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P897
BlueLINK ID: 5007140
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 764-8796
Morris, Kevin L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P967
BlueLINK ID: 6003336
Sandia Vision Clinic
123 Palomas NE, 87108
(505) 265-3443
Morris, Kevin L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P967
BlueLINK ID: 6003336
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Fax No. (505) 298-2382
Neugent, Todd, OD
Provider ID #NM01P293
BlueLINK ID: 6001951
10224 Coors Bypass NW, 87114
(505) 898-2400
Fax No. (505) 898-2541
Onofrey, Bruce, OD
Provider ID #NM00P952
BlueLINK ID: 8195351
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Optometry
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Poy, Elaine D., OD
Provider ID #NM01PA17
BlueLINK ID: 6003868
8000 Academy NE, 87111
(505) 857-9918
Fax No. (505) 857-9919
Puro, Kazuko K., OD
Provider ID #NM00P085
BlueLINK ID: 8174985
Sandia Vision Clinic
123 Palomas NE, 87108
(505) 265-3443
Puro, Kazuko K., OD
Provider ID #NM00P085
BlueLINK ID: 8174985
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Fax No. (505) 298-2382
Quick, Robert H., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA06
BlueLINK ID: 8174932
Albuquerque Vision Clinic
5343 Wyoming NE, Ste. 2, 87109
(505) 332-2020
Quick, Robert H., OD
Provider ID #NM01P749
BlueLINK ID: 8174932
Quick Vision, Inc.
2550 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 839-7711
Fax No. (505) 839-7713
Ritz, Nicholas B., OD
Provider ID #NM00P249
BlueLINK ID: 5000810
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 203, 87109
(505) 883-5082
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Robison, Edwin H., OD
Provider ID #NM02P245
BlueLINK ID: 8212009
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Robison, Edwin H., OD
Provider ID #NM02P245
BlueLINK ID: 8212009
Eye Associates of NM
5200 Eubank NE, Ste. A4, 87111
(505) 298-4419
Fax No. (505) 246-2478
Rorebeck, Warren, OD
Provider ID #NM00P953
BlueLINK ID: 8243042
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Optometry
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Sanchez, Roy D., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA18
BlueLINK ID: 6003903
University Physicians Associates
University Hospital
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Schafter, Jeffrey D., OD
Provider ID #NM00PB08
BlueLINK ID: 8216624
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Optometry
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Schmeltzer, Leonard J, OD
Provider ID #NM00PA05
BlueLINK ID: 8175004
Albuquerque Vision Clinic
5343 Wyoming NE, Ste. 2, 87109
(505) 332-2020
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Schmeltzer, Leonard J, OD
Provider ID #NM01P340
BlueLINK ID: 8175004
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Fax No. (505) 298-2382
Strosnider, Jeffrey C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P945
BlueLINK ID: 8285334
Eye Associates of NM
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 103, 87109
(505) 883-6800
Fax No. (505) 889-3589
Thompson, Randi M., OD
Provider ID #NM00P265
BlueLINK ID: 8269003
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2553
Torres, Richard C., OD
Provider ID #NM01P043
BlueLINK ID: 8174914
Barrett & Torres
4253 Montgomery NE, Ste. 110,
(505) 881-3744
Fax No. (505) 881-2374
Vise, David R., OD
Provider ID #NM00PB10
BlueLINK ID: 8261256
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Journal Center Optometry
5150 Journal Center Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 262-3937
Whitesides, Mark E., OD
Provider ID #NM00P966
BlueLINK ID: 6003332
Quick Vision, Inc.
2550 Coors Blvd. NW, 87120
(505) 839-7711
Fax No. (505) 839-7713
Wieland, William K., OD
Provider ID #NM02P032
BlueLINK ID: 8174935
Eye Associates of NM
5200 Eubank NE, Ste. A4, 87111
(505) 298-4419
Fax No. (505) 246-2478
Wieland, William K., OD
Provider ID #NM02P032
BlueLINK ID: 8174935
Eye Associates of NM
806 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 842-6575
Fax No. (505) 764-8796
Physical Therapy and
Almazan, Felipe M., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR35
BlueLINK ID: 5000579
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Almazan, Felipe M., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR35
BlueLINK ID: 5000579
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Rd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Allied Health Practitioners
Fite, William L., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA19
BlueLINK ID: 8174911
Sandia Vision Clinic
3701 Eubank NE, 87111
(505) 298-2020
Almazan, Felipe M., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR35
BlueLINK ID: 5000579
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 101,
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Allied Health Practitioners
Baca, Philip M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q068
BlueLINK ID: 5008893
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Baca, Philip M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q068
BlueLINK ID: 5008893
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Baca, Philip M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q068
BlueLINK ID: 5008893
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Balzis, Bethany S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q375
BlueLINK ID: 6003425
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Balzis, Bethany S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q375
BlueLINK ID: 6003425
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Balzis, Bethany S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q375
BlueLINK ID: 6003425
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Barkocy, Mary E., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q370
BlueLINK ID: 6003706
5006 Copper NE, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Barton, Theresa A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q055
BlueLINK ID: 5008563
Langford Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Bennett, Lori L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q017
BlueLINK ID: 5008468
Albuquerque Physical Therapists
7615 Indian School NE, 87110
(505) 888-7979
Fax No. (505) 888-8859
Bittner, Lynette, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q325
BlueLINK ID: 5008869
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Allied Health Practitioners
Bradford, Cathy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q049
BlueLINK ID: 5008828
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Davis, Gail, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q368
BlueLINK ID: 5008862
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Browning, Karen L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q459
BlueLINK ID: 6003093
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Davis, Gail, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q368
BlueLINK ID: 5008862
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
3301 Coors NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Browning, Karen L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q459
BlueLINK ID: 6003093
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 101,
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Davis, Gail, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q368
BlueLINK ID: 5008862
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Eckhardt, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q338
BlueLINK ID: 5008730
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5751
Edens, Nancy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q311
BlueLINK ID: 5008745
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Esparza, Ted J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q072
BlueLINK ID: 5008918
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Esparza, Ted J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q072
BlueLINK ID: 5008918
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Bryson, Jerri L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q351
BlueLINK ID: 6003350
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9959
Dennis, John P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q388
BlueLINK ID: 6003808
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Call, Tanya, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q314
BlueLINK ID: 5008748
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Dennis, John P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q385
BlueLINK ID: 6003808
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Call, Tonya, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q334
BlueLINK ID: 5008748
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Dennis, John P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q385
BlueLINK ID: 6003808
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
3301 Coors NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Carroll, Linda, MA-OTR-LCHT
Provider ID #NM00NQ80
BlueLINK ID: 5000566
Carroll Hand Therapy
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E6, 87102
(505) 248-1586
Fax No. (505) 248-1722
Dennis, John P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q385
BlueLINK ID: 6003808
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 879-3726
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q046
BlueLINK ID: 5008725
Academy Orthopaedic Clinic
5305 Heritage Ct., 87109
(505) 822-1706
Fax No. (505) 822-8888
Cook, Nella S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q396
BlueLINK ID: 6003970
Hands On Physical Therapy
9201 Montgomery NE, Ste. 302,
(505) 293-6262
Fax No. (505) 293-6622
Email: [email protected]
Dogin, Dina, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q310
BlueLINK ID: 5008744
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q074
BlueLINK ID: 5008729
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Dunbar, William A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q305
BlueLINK ID: 5008733
Bear Canyon Therapy Associates
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. A2, 87109
(505) 823-2411
Fax No. (505) 858-0650
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q074
BlueLINK ID: 5008729
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Eckhardt, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q338
BlueLINK ID: 5008730
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9599
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q074
BlueLINK ID: 5008729
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Craver, Lea M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q475
BlueLINK ID: 6003841
Langford Sports & Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Daniel, Monte F., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q352
BlueLINK ID: 6003361
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5751
Fax No. (505) 842-5676
Davis, Gail, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q318
BlueLINK ID: 5008862
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Eckhardt, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q338
BlueLINK ID: 5008730
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 858-8526
Eckhardt, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q338
BlueLINK ID: 5008730
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 200, 87109
(505) 823-9166
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Esparza, Ted J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q072
BlueLINK ID: 5008918
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Finson, Naomi, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q319
BlueLINK ID: 5008863
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Fraser, George S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q437
BlueLINK ID: 5009227
Fifty 'N Fit
11801 Menaul NE, 87112
(505) 271-9616
Fax No. (505) 271-8050
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Fraser, Patricia D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q438
BlueLINK ID: 5009228
Fifty 'N Fit
11801 Menaul NE, 87112
(505) 271-9616
Fax No. (505) 271-8050
Gieck, Elizabeth D., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q012
BlueLINK ID: 5008437
3301 Candelaria NE, 87107
(505) 872-2000
Fax No. (505) 858-8539
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q067
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q075
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q075
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q075
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Granados, Candace, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q076
BlueLINK ID: 5008936
New Mexico Physical Therapists West
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Granados, Candace, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q076
BlueLINK ID: 5008936
New Mexico Physical Therapists West
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Granados, Candace, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q076
BlueLINK ID: 5008936
New Mexico Physical Therapists West
4824 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 101,
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Grant, Deborah, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q326
BlueLINK ID: 5008870
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
July 2005
Harris, Helen, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q332
BlueLINK ID: 5008903
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Hartnett Rands, Barbara D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q412
BlueLINK ID: 5000963
3301 Candelaria NE, 87107
(505) 872-2000
Fax No. (505) 872-1572
Hatch, Frank V., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q291
BlueLINK ID: 5009129
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 884-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Hedeman, Kathleen, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q329
BlueLINK ID: 5008900
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Herzog, Robert V., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q367
BlueLINK ID: 6003681
5006 Copper NE, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Hile, Jean, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q312
BlueLINK ID: 5008746
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Hoerning, Michael R., PT
Provider ID #NM00N527
BlueLINK ID: 5009118
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Jordan, Julia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q402
BlueLINK ID: 5008939
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Jordan, Julia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q402
BlueLINK ID: 5008939
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Keahey-Oberdorfer, Linda, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q335
BlueLINK ID: 5009185
Fifty 'N Fit
11801 Menaul NE, 87112
(505) 271-9616
Fax No. (505) 271-8050
Kern, Terry J., PT
Provider ID #NM00N651
BlueLINK ID: 5000683
5971 Jefferson NE, Ste. 102, 87109
(505) 761-0016
Kidder, Julie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q306
BlueLINK ID: 5008734
Bear Canyon Therapy Associates
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. A2, 87109
(505) 823-2411
Fax No. (505) 858-0650
Kil, Judi A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q070
BlueLINK ID: 5008881
Socorro Physical Therapy
7520 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 883-7518
Fax No. (505) 883-8653
Kloer, Jeffrey M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q001
BlueLINK ID: 5008154
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 7650, 87106
(505) 724-4400
Fax No. (505) 724-4371
Isaacson, Kale R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q451
BlueLINK ID: 5008937
SW Orthopaeadic Physical Therapy
1334 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 292-3317
Fax No. (505) 292-3402
Knudsen, Sandy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q277
BlueLINK ID: 6003744
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod Rd. NE, 87109
(505) 884-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Jones, Beth A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q364
BlueLINK ID: 6003576
Langford Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Krech, Melody D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q304
BlueLINK ID: 5008732
Bear Canyon Therapy Associates
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. A2, 87109
(505) 823-2411
Fax No. (505) 858-0650
Jones, Laurel B., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q401
BlueLINK ID: 5008938
Concentra Medical Centers
North Pointe
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 200, 87109
(505) 858-8500
Fax No. (505) 858-8500
Jordan, Julia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q402
BlueLINK ID: 5008939
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Langford, MaryLou, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q054
BlueLINK ID: 5008510
Langford Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Maayan, Ruth J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q320
BlueLINK ID: 5008864
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Marshall, Danuta, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q327
BlueLINK ID: 5008871
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Mazur, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q116
BlueLINK ID: 5009117
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
McClanahan, Dan, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q301
BlueLINK ID: 5000565
Hands On Physical Therapy
9201 Montgomery NE, Ste. 302,
(505) 293-6262
Fax No. (505) 293-6622
Allied Health Practitioners
Gieck, Elizabeth D., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q012
BlueLINK ID: 5008437
4801 McMahan NW, Ste. 150, 87114
(505) 898-9700
Fax No. (505) 858-8539
McClanahan, Linda, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q300
BlueLINK ID: 5008728
Hands On Physical Therapy
9201 Montgomery NE, Ste. 302,
(505) 293-6262
Fax No. (505) 293-6622
McClernon-Haigh, Debi K., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q321
BlueLINK ID: 5008865
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
McGirt, Anne S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q322
BlueLINK ID: 5008866
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Middlebrooks, Peter K., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q051
BlueLINK ID: 5005160
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Miller, Christy A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q482
BlueLINK ID: 6004003
Langford Sports & Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Montgomery, Katherine J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q358
BlueLINK ID: 6003427
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Montgomery, Katherine J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q358
BlueLINK ID: 6003427
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Rd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Montgomery, Katherine J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q358
BlueLINK ID: 6003427
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Allied Health Practitioners
Allied Health Practitioners
Morrow, Jon B., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q047
BlueLINK ID: 5008818
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Page-English, Lisa R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q371
BlueLINK ID: 6003708
Fifty 'N Fit
11801 Menaul NE, 87112
(505) 271-9616
Fax No. (505) 271-8050
Moye, Al, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q330
BlueLINK ID: 5008901
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Plummer, Marybeth, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q404
BlueLINK ID: 5008941
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Navarro, Samantha W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q490
BlueLINK ID: 6004141
Bear Canyon Therapy Associates
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. A2, 87109
(505) 823-2411
Fax No. (505) 858-0650
Nunez, Alyssa K., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q363
BlueLINK ID: 5008867
Fifty 'N Fit
11801 Menaul NE, 87112
(505) 271-9616
Fax No. (505) 271-8050
Nunez, Alyssa, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q323
BlueLINK ID: 5008867
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Olson, Monica L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q403
BlueLINK ID: 5008940
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Olson, Monica L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q403
BlueLINK ID: 5008940
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Olson, Monica L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q403
BlueLINK ID: 5008940
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Ormsbee, Tracey L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q374
BlueLINK ID: 6003160
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Fwy., Ste. D, 87120
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Ormsbee, Tracey L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q465
BlueLINK ID: 6003160
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Otero, Jon C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q481
BlueLINK ID: 6004002
Langford Sports & Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Plummer, Marybeth, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q404
BlueLINK ID: 5008941
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Plummer, Marybeth, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q404
BlueLINK ID: 5008941
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Pollard, Christine, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q333
BlueLINK ID: 5008904
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Rusk, Tony L., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q425
BlueLINK ID: 5008942
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 764-9770
Scherrer, Laura A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q118
BlueLINK ID: 5009120
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Schlee, Nanette R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q380
BlueLINK ID: 6002927
New Mexico Physical Therapists, Inc.
3301 Coors Rd. NW, Ste. K-2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Shaleve, Hanna, PT
Provider ID #NM00NR61
BlueLINK ID: 5000588
New Mexico Myotherapy
North Point Office Complex
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 470, 87109
(505) 858-0008
Simmons, Gerald M., PT
Provider ID #NM01N618
BlueLINK ID: 5008467
Albuquerque Physical Therapists
7615 Indian School NE, 87110
(505) 888-7979
Fax No. (505) 888-8859
Polo-Traverso, Jose A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q356
BlueLINK ID: 6003421
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9959
Sipple, Tracie L., BS-LPT
Provider ID #NM00Q276
BlueLINK ID: 6001780
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Polo-Traverso, Jose A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q356
BlueLINK ID: 6003421
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 200, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Fax No. (505) 858-0030
Slevin, Denise C., PT
Provider ID #NM01N579
BlueLINK ID: 5000663
Southwest Lymphedema Services
10409 Montgomery Pkwy. NE, Ste.
101, 87111
(505) 323-8811
Fax No. (505) 323-8844
Polo-Traverso, Jose A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q356
BlueLINK ID: 6003421
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87109
(505) 842-5151
Fax No. (505) 842-5676
Smith Garner, Laurie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q302
BlueLINK ID: 5008729
Hands On Physical Therapy
9201 Montgomery NE, Ste. 302,
(505) 293-6262
Fax No. (505) 293-6622
Rich, Nancy J., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q455
BlueLINK ID: 5010179
N. Rich Physical Therapy
8005 Pennsylvania NE, 87110
(505) 872-3300
Fax No. (505) 872-2600
Robinson, Greg, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q309
BlueLINK ID: 5008743
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Romero, Robert, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q328
BlueLINK ID: 5008899
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Sylvester, Cynthia J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q467
BlueLINK ID: 6003192
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Torres, Maria C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q468
BlueLINK ID: 6003193
New Mexico Physical Therapists, Inc.
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Uhrich, Carlee R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q361
BlueLINK ID: 6003457
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5151
Fax No. (505) 842-5656
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Van Zelst, Jacobus G., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q052
BlueLINK ID: 5008833
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Vena, Darryl S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q472
BlueLINK ID: 6003349
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Vena, Darryl S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q473
BlueLINK ID: 6003349
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Vena, Darryl S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q473
BlueLINK ID: 6003349
New Mexico Physical Therapists
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Vena, Darryl S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q473
BlueLINK ID: 6003349
New Mexico Physical Therapists
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Vermette, Michelle R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q324
BlueLINK ID: 5008868
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Wagner, Mark A., MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q121
BlueLINK ID: 5009123
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Watson, Angelica F., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q278
BlueLINK ID: 6003745
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 884-2032
Fax No. (505) 837-2030
Wessel, Brenda D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q406
BlueLINK ID: 5008943
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Wessel, Brenda D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q406
BlueLINK ID: 5008943
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
3301 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. K2, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Wien, Jennifer, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q355
BlueLINK ID: 6003420
Concentra Medical Centers
3811 Commons NE, 87109
(505) 345-9959
Cohn, Michael R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005417
BlueLINK ID: 8141070
Albuquerque Podiatry Associates
3804 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 884-7800
Fax No. (505) 884-7931
Kerbleski, Gerard J., DPM
Provider ID #NM015369
BlueLINK ID: 8204479
Podiatry Associates of NM
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. G, 87102
(505) 243-7600
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Rabon, Steve E., DPM
Provider ID #NM009M94
BlueLINK ID: 6003395
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Podiatry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7285
Wien, Jennifer, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q355
BlueLINK ID: 6003420
Concentra Medical Centers
5700 Harper NE, Ste. 110, 87109
(505) 823-9166
Fax No. (505) 858-0030
Cornfield, James R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005333
BlueLINK ID: 5005213
8008 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 296-5454
Kerbleski, Gerard J., DPM
Provider ID #NM015369
BlueLINK ID: 8204479
Podiatry Associates of NM
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, 87122
(505) 797-1001
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Saye, Donald E., DPM
Provider ID #NM005293
BlueLINK ID: 5005188
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. F, 87102
(505) 842-1291
Wilkins, Jennifer L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q354
BlueLINK ID: 6003417
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar Se, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Zollars, Jean Ann, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q331
BlueLINK ID: 5008902
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Balkissoon-Castillo, Shanti M.,
Provider ID #NM005433
BlueLINK ID: 8272531
Podiatry Associates of NM
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. G, 87102
(505) 243-7600
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Balkissoon-Castillo, Shanti M.,
Provider ID #NM005433
BlueLINK ID: 8272531
Podiatry Associates of NM
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, Ste. 501, 87122
(505) 797-1001
Fax No. (505) 828-1571
Bartel, Phillip F., DPM
Provider ID #NM005353
BlueLINK ID: 8180295
Montgomery Family Foot Care Center
7520 Montgomery NE, Ste. D12,
(505) 881-9764
Fax No. (505) 881-9774
Brady, Chad D., DPM
Provider ID #NM005490
BlueLINK ID: 5009699
New Mexico Foot & Ankle Institute
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 115, 87109
(505) 880-1000
Fax No. (505) 880-1002
Bullock, Cindy E., DPM
Provider ID #NM005495
BlueLINK ID: 6003630
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
West Mesa Podiatry
10501 Golf Course Rd. NW, 87114
(505) 262-7285
Fax No. (505) 262-3988
July 2005
Fitzpatrick, William H., DPM
Provider ID #NM005311
BlueLINK ID: 8141075
7700 Menaul NE, Ste. D, 87110
(505) 299-4487
Frame, Brent, DPM
Provider ID #NM005A05
BlueLINK ID: 8221229
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Podiatry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7285
Fusco, Carmina M., DPM
Provider ID #NM005404
BlueLINK ID: 8253629
6313 Belcher Ave. NE, 87109
(505) 797-8108
Fusco, Carmina M., DPM
Provider ID #NM005432
BlueLINK ID: 8253629
Podiatry Associates of NM
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. G, 87102
(505) 243-7600
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Fusco, Carmina M., DPM
Provider ID #NM005432
BlueLINK ID: 8253629
Podiatry Associates of NM
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, Ste. 501, 87122
(505) 797-1001
Fax No. (505) 828-1571
Gustafson, Gay L., DPM
Provider ID #NM015413
BlueLINK ID: 8266743
7700 Menaul NE, Ste. D, 87110
(505) 299-4487
Fax No. (505) 299-4498
Haas, Mark, DPM
Provider ID #NM005346
BlueLINK ID: 5005222
Albuquerque Associated Podiatrist
121 Sycamore NE, 87106
(505) 247-4164
Ho, Andy N., DPM
Provider ID #NM015491
BlueLINK ID: 5009781
Sandia Health Institute, PC
4200 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 881-1585
Ivey, Nathan D., DPM
Provider ID #NM005485
BlueLINK ID: 5007746
New Mexico Foot & Ankle Institute
101 Hospital Lp. NE, 87109
(505) 880-1000
Fax No. (505) 880-1002
Kerbleski, Gerard J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005416
BlueLINK ID: 8204479
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Launer, Seth, DPM
Provider ID #NM005489
BlueLINK ID: 8266412
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Rio Bravo Podiatry
200 Rio Bravo SW, 87105
(505) 873-6400
Mirmiran, Roya, DPM
Provider ID #NM019358
BlueLINK ID: 8282188
Orthopaedic Bone & Joint Specialists,
700 Lomas NE, 87102
(505) 843-7798
Fax No. (505) 843-7798
Nelson, Gary, DPM
Provider ID #NM015349
BlueLINK ID: 8190670
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Podiatry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7285
Pacheco, Floyd L., DPM
Provider ID #NM005439
BlueLINK ID: 6003339
New Mexico Orthopaedic Associates
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Panek, John R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005328
BlueLINK ID: 5005209
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 797-2998
Parks, Robert, DPM
Provider ID #NM005A06
BlueLINK ID: 8141089
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Podiatry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7555
Puhl, Richard, DPM
Provider ID #NM005A07
BlueLINK ID: 8141091
Lovelace Medical Center
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7285
Puhl, Richard, DPM
Provider ID #NM005A07
BlueLINK ID: 8141091
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Gibson Podiatry
5400 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 262-7285
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Schimberg, Angela L., DPM
Provider ID #NM001234
BlueLINK ID: 8182006
101 Hospital Lp. NE, Ste. 214, 87109
(505) 883-6600
Fax No. (505) 883-0022
Shapiro, Faith C., DPM
Provider ID #NM005354
BlueLINK ID: 8189170
SW Podiatry Center
1903 Wyoming NE, Ste. C, 87112
(505) 298-7666
Simon, Janet E., DPM
Provider ID #NM005430
BlueLINK ID: 8189170
Podiatry Associates of NM
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. G, 87102
(505) 243-7600
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Simon, Janet E., DPM
Provider ID #NM005430
BlueLINK ID: 8189170
Podiatry Associates of NM
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, 87122
(505) 797-1001
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Sotelo, David R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005412
BlueLINK ID: 8247179
1925 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. D, 87112
(505) 275-4199
Fax No. (505) 299-0577
Varoz, Theodore L., DPM
Provider ID #NM005321
BlueLINK ID: 8141104
Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists
1204 Candelaria NW, Ste. C, 87120
(505) 345-8529
Fax No. (505) 345-6410
Walston, Sharon P., DPM
Provider ID #NM005436
BlueLINK ID: 5010096
Podiatry Associates of NM
711 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. G, 87102
(505) 243-7600
Fax No. (505) 243-6661
Walston, Sharon P., DPM
Provider ID #NM005436
BlueLINK ID: 5010096
Podiatry Associates of NM
8300 Carmel Ave. NE, Ste. 501, 87122
(505) 797-1001
Fax No. (505) 828-1571
Weinstein, Richard A., DPM
Provider ID #NM015335
BlueLINK ID: 8141105
1925 Juan Tabo NE, Ste. D, 87112
(505) 293-6290
Fax No. (505) 864-5438
Wrege, Steven S., DPM
Provider ID #NM005372
BlueLINK ID: 5005239
3908 Juan Tabo NE, 87111
(505) 271-9900
Allied Health Practitioners
Wien, Jennifer, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q355
BlueLINK ID: 6003420
Concentra Medical Centers
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. E12, 87102
(505) 842-5151
Fax No. (505) 842-5676
Dodder, Jason B., DPM
Provider ID #NM015493
BlueLINK ID: 5010170
Southwest Medical Associates
6100 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. 100,
(505) 823-1010
Fax No. (505) 823-4503
Wrege, Steven S., DPM
Provider ID #NM005372
BlueLINK ID: 8183673
University Physicians Associates
UNM Dept. of Orthopedics
4808 McMahon Blvd. NW, 87114
(505) 272-1754
Speech Therapy
Allied Health Practitioners
Basil, Brenda, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E367
BlueLINK ID: 5008894
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Brought, Betty, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E206
BlueLINK ID: 5008905
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Brow, Lisa S., MS
Provider ID #NM00E114
BlueLINK ID: 5008323
11306 Richfield NE, 87122
(505) 797-1952
Fax No. (505) 797-1952
Cohen, Mary T., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E228
BlueLINK ID: 5000301
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
4930 McLeod NE, 87109
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Danzing, Sydney, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E369
BlueLINK ID: 5008896
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
De la Rosa, Kim, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E193
BlueLINK ID: 5008860
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Gillen, Maria E., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E187
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language, &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Gregory, Patricia K., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E194
BlueLINK ID: 5008861
Integrated Specialty Hospital of
235 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 842-5550
Fax No. (505) 767-6460
Gregory, Patricia K., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E380
BlueLINK ID: 5008861
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
2607 Wyoming NE, 87112
(505) 296-9521
Fax No. (505) 296-2200
Allied Health Practitioners
Gregory, Patricia K., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E380
BlueLINK ID: 5008861
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
3301 Coors NW, Ste. K2, 87120
(505) 843-8700
Fax No. (505) 843-9103
Gregory, Patricia K., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E380
BlueLINK ID: 5008861
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
4824 McMahon NW, Ste. 101, 87114
(505) 897-3575
Fax No. (505) 897-3726
Grode, Wendy, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E381
BlueLINK ID: 6003866
Children from 0-18 yrs.
5006 Copper NE, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Hattler, Karl, PhD
Provider ID #NM00K43A
BlueLINK ID: 7313315
Sonus Hearing Evaluation Center
4620 Jefferson NE, Ste. B, 87109
(505) 889-9000
Fax No. (505) 855-5561
Hohl, Elizabeth, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E188
BlueLINK ID: 5008789
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Holt, Lynn, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E176
BlueLINK ID: 5008757
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Horness, Paula, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E174
BlueLINK ID: 5008755
5006 Copper NE, Ste. B, 87108
(505) 268-7988
Fax No. (505) 268-8021
Jenkins, Julie P., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E167
BlueLINK ID: 5008736
Bear Canyon Therapy Associates
7007 Wyoming NE, Ste. A2, 87109
(505) 823-2411
Fax No. (505) 858-0650
Jenkins, Julie P., SLP
Provider ID #NM00Q454
BlueLINK ID: 5008736
Langford Physical Therapy
4400 Lead SE, 87108
(505) 266-3655
Fax No. (505) 268-2771
Kelbley, Nancy B., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E383
BlueLINK ID: 6004077
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Lamb, Melissa C., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E185
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language, &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
McKenzie, Diane H., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00T908
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
3620 Wyoming NE, Ste. 100, 87111
(505) 296-1465
Fax No. (505) 296-1417
Certified Nurse
McKenzie, Diane H., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00T908
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language, &
Hearing Center
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Fax No. (505) 247-1772
Parker, Vicki B., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R80L
BlueLINK ID: 5001098
Moreno Valley Healthcare Clinic
11 Elliott Barker Ln., 87710
(505) 377-3301
Fax No. (505) 377-3991
Noel, Kristine, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E370
BlueLINK ID: 5008897
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Noordyk, Jessie, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E371
BlueLINK ID: 5008898
KidPower Therapy Associates
3530 Pan Am Frwy. NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 888-4469
Fax No. (505) 889-8142
Rice, Kelly, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E197
BlueLINK ID: 5008874
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Ross-Brennan, Laurie, MS-CCCSLP
Provider ID #NM01K456
BlueLINK ID: 5000315
Laurie Ross-Brennan & Associates
4210 Louisiana NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 268-5933
Fax No. (505) 268-0184
Spinar, Becky, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E198
BlueLINK ID: 5008875
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Thomas, Laurie, CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00N40T
BlueLINK ID: 5000626
5320 Palo Duro Dr. NE, 87110
(505) 884-1432
Uzdawinis, Dianna, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E195
BlueLINK ID: 5008872
Preferred Rehabilitation Services
11930 Menaul NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 271-5720
Fax No. (505) 271-5728
Surgery, Oral and
Christiansen, Stephen, DDS
Provider ID #NM018152
BlueLINK ID: 8266413
West Mesa Oral & Maxillofacial
4801 McMahon Blvd. NW, Ste. 230,
(505) 792-4788
Fax No. (505) 792-2533
Traub, Daniel J., DDS
Provider ID #NM008832
BlueLINK ID: 8186415
3900 Eubank NE, Ste. 12, 87111
(505) 294-6009
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Angel Fire
Colfax County
Doña Ana County
Certified Nurse
Eres, Mario C., CNP
Provider ID #NM006342
BlueLINK ID: 5005308
La Clinica de Familia
855 N. Main St., 88021
(505) 882-5706
Fax No. (505) 882-2909
Arroyo Hondo
Taos County
Licensed Midwives
Schochet, Julie A., LM-CPM
Provider ID #NM00R87A
BlueLINK ID: 6000726
Specializing in well women care/
Sacred Passage Midwifery
15 Bob Nieman Rd., Ste. B, 87513
(505) 737-3081
Fax No. (505) 776-1034
Eddy County
Burgess, Jillana G., DC
Provider ID #NM00K895
BlueLINK ID: 8140871
315 W. Washington, Ste. A, 88210
(505) 748-3305
Wallace, R. Larry, DC
Provider ID #NM00KK53
BlueLINK ID: 8239571
Wallace Chiropractic Center
612 W. Grand, 88210
(505) 748-2700
Fax No. (505) 748-3482
Battin, Jack L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P002
BlueLINK ID: 8174945
202 W. Texas, 88210
(505) 746-4832
Fax No. (505) 746-9737
Hamm, Diana W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P190
BlueLINK ID: 8218297
The Eye Site
1002 W. Main St., 88210
(505) 748-1225
Fax No. (505) 746-6454
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Hamm, Wayne F., OD
Provider ID #NM00P235
BlueLINK ID: 5000806
The Eye Site
1002 W. Main St., 88210
(505) 748-1225
Fax No. (505) 746-6454
Physical Therapy and
Kearney, Patricia J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q383
BlueLINK ID: 5009324
Artesia Physical Therapy
601 W. Mahone Dr., Ste. C&D, 88210
(505) 746-2566
Fax No. (505) 746-6260
Simonen, Elina, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q020
BlueLINK ID: 5008498
Artesia Physical Therapy
601 W. Mahone, Ste. C & D, 88210
(505) 746-2566
Fax No. (505) 746-6260
Smith, Tory J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q382
BlueLINK ID: 5008469
Artesia Physical Therapy
601 W. Mahone Dr., Ste. C&D, 88210
(505) 746-2566
Fax No. (505) 746-6260
Brady, Chad D., DPM
Provider ID #NM005490
BlueLINK ID: 5009699
New Mexico Foot & Ankle Institute
702 N. 13th St., Ste. F, 88210
(505) 748-8310
Fax No. (505) 880-1002
Ivey, Nathan D., DPM
Provider ID #NM005485
BlueLINK ID: 5007746
New Mexico Foot & Ankle Institute
702 N. 13th St., 88210
(505) 748-3333
San Juan County
Andersen, Katherine, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R303
BlueLINK ID: 5000871
606 S. Rio Grande Ave., Ste. B, 87410
(505) 334-2008
Certified Nurse Midwives
Ginn, Amy E., CNM-MSN
Provider ID #NM006476
BlueLINK ID: 532588
Aztec Wellness Center
410 S. Park Ave., 87410
(877) 371-2011
Fax No. (970) 247-5545
July 2005
Edwards, Richard M., DC
Provider ID #NM01KB49
BlueLINK ID: 6000406
Edwards Chiropractic
1415 W. Aztec Blvd., Ste. 4, 87410
(505) 334-5004
Niños, Frank M., DC
Provider ID #NM00K647
BlueLINK ID: 8140987
Aztec Chiropractic Center
318 E. Chuska, 87410
(505) 334-3633
Fax No. (505) 334-3633
Physical Therapy and
Farmer, David, PT
Provider ID #NM01N421
BlueLINK ID: 5000441
Physical Therapy of Northern NM
604 S. Rio Grande, 87410
(505) 334-9616
Fax No. (505) 334-7343
Mosiman, Sidney, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q098
BlueLINK ID: 5000441
Physical Therapy of Northern NM
604 S. Rio Grande, 87410
(505) 334-9616
Fax No. (505) 334-7343
Stockwell, Rick S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q257
BlueLINK ID: 7140003
Physical Therapy of Northern NM
604 S. Rio Grande, 87410
(505) 334-9616
Fax No. (505) 334-7343
Walker, Dean, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q097
BlueLINK ID: 5000441
Physical Therapy of Northern NM
604 S. Rio Grande, 87410
(505) 334-9616
Fax No. (505) 334-7343
Grant County
Certified Nurse
Seavers, Jane N., CNP
Provider ID #NM016601
BlueLINK ID: 7428684
Hidalgo Medical Services
Cobre Health Clinic
1107 Foy Hwy., 88023
(505) 537-5068
Fax No. (505) 537-5071
Physical Therapy and
Iniguez, Pedro, PT
Provider ID #NM01NR18
BlueLINK ID: 5000573
Iniguez Physical Therapy
609 Central Ave., 88023
(505) 537-1000
Fax No. (505) 537-1010
Morales, Ezekiel, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q148
BlueLINK ID: 5009366
Iniguez Physical Therapy
609 Central Ave., 88023
(505) 537-1000
Fax No. (505) 537-1010
Valencia County
Physical Therapy and
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Almazan, Felipe M., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR35
BlueLINK ID: 5000579
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Barry, Suzanne, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R77Z
BlueLINK ID: 5001079
Amrita Acupuncture Herbology Clinic
219 N. 4th St., 87002
(505) 861-0332
Certified Nurse Midwives
Manocchio, Regina T., CNM
Provider ID #NM006269
BlueLINK ID: 7468194
First Choice Community Healthcare
Belen Clinic
120 S. 9th St., 87002
(505) 861-1013
Fax No. (505) 861-1042
Certified Nurse
Ross, Anna M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006171
BlueLINK ID: 5007323
First Choice Community Healthcare
Belen Clinic
120 S. 9th St., 87002
(505) 861-1013
Fax No. (505) 861-1042
Barkalow, Lawrence S., DC
Provider ID #NM00K921
BlueLINK ID: 8140856
215 W. Reinken Ave., 87002
(505) 864-7657
Fax No. (505) 864-7699
Occupational Therapy
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q073
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Berry, Steven M., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA08
BlueLINK ID: 8287096
Dr. Daniel J. Dieterichs, Optometrists,
837 W. Castillo St., 87002
(505) 864-8992
Dieterichs, Daniel J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P502
BlueLINK ID: 8219169
851 W. Castillo Ave., 87002
(505) 864-8992
Fax No. (505) 864-8737
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Baca, Philip M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q068
BlueLINK ID: 5008893
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Balzis, Bethany S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q375
BlueLINK ID: 6003425
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Browning, Karen L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q459
BlueLINK ID: 6003093
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Byrd, Virginia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q460
BlueLINK ID: 6002941
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Davis, Gail, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q368
BlueLINK ID: 5008862
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Dennis, John P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q385
BlueLINK ID: 6003808
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Esparza, Ted J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q072
BlueLINK ID: 5008918
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q439
BlueLINK ID: 5008725
Center for Physical Therapy &
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q074
BlueLINK ID: 5008729
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q075
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Allied Health Practitioners
Morrison, David G., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q021
BlueLINK ID: 5009189
Artesia Physical Therapy
601 W. Mahone, Ste. C & D, 88210
(505) 746-2566
Fax No. (505) 746-6260
Granados, Candace, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q076
BlueLINK ID: 5008936
New Mexico Physical Therapists West
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Allied Health Practitioners
Jordan, Julia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q402
BlueLINK ID: 5008939
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Kennedy, David, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q395
BlueLINK ID: 6003906
Los Lunas Physical Therapy
221 S. Main St., Ste. 107, 87002
(505) 861-1200
Fax No. (505) 866-1220
Montgomery, Katherine J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q358
BlueLINK ID: 6003427
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Olson, Monica L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q403
BlueLINK ID: 5008940
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Plummer, Marybeth, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q404
BlueLINK ID: 5008941
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Tudur, Thomas G., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q442
BlueLINK ID: 5009336
Center for Physical Therapy & Sports
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Vanheyste, Pia Stephanie, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q443
BlueLINK ID: 5000584
Center for Physical Therapy &
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Vena, Darryl S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q473
BlueLINK ID: 6003349
New Mexico Physical Therapists
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Wessel, Brenda D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q406
BlueLINK ID: 5008943
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Allied Health Practitioners
Weinstein, Richard A., DPM
Provider ID #NM015335
BlueLINK ID: 8141105
609 S. Christopher Rd., 87002
(505) 293-6290
Fax No. (505) 864-5438
Speech Therapy
Gregory, Patricia K., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E380
BlueLINK ID: 5008861
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
201 Rio Communities Blvd., 87002
(505) 861-2210
Fax No. (505) 861-2168
Sandoval County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Sparks, Barbara D., CRNFA
Provider ID #NM006333
BlueLINK ID: 5005301
2402 W. Pierce St., Ste. 5B, 88220
(505) 885-0766
Fax No. (505) 887-3791
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Gutierrez, Jon M., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016155
BlueLINK ID: 5005298
Surgery Center of Carlsbad
2323 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 234-1343
Fax No. (505) 885-9243
Burnett, Peggy A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK56
BlueLINK ID: 8264401
Burnett Chiropractic
104 W. Fox St., 88220
(505) 234-9191
Fax No. (505) 887-7276
Henry, Kelly P., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC94
BlueLINK ID: 8271273
502 W. Bonbright, 88220
(505) 885-5808
Cameron, Cathy J., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RD58
BlueLINK ID: 6001149
269 Hwy. 44 East, 87004
(505) 897-7234
Email: www.wnwyndingthespirit.com
Medley, John M., DC
Provider ID #NM01K917
BlueLINK ID: 8140975
Medley Chiropractic Center
926 N. Canal St., 88220
(505) 887-0565
Fax No. (505) 885-5818
San Juan County
Glass, Robin L., DC
Provider ID #NM00K911
BlueLINK ID: 8140917
Bloomfield Chiropractic Center
308 N. First St., 87413
(505) 632-1111
Fax No. (505) 632-1111
Eddy County
Certified Nurse Midwives
Hobbs, Lisa M., CNM-BSN
Provider ID #NM016425
BlueLINK ID: 7135814
Female patients only
Women's Health Services
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 200, 88220
(505) 885-0995
Fax No. (505) 885-0870
Certified Nurse
Raney, Jane, CNP
Provider ID #NM006463
BlueLINK ID: 3135901
Patients under age 18
Pediatric Health Services
2420 W. Pierce St., Ste. 205, 88220
(505) 887-0530
Fax No. (505) 885-6309
Twitchell, Andrew, DC
Provider ID #NM01K134
BlueLINK ID: 8269209
Act Chiropractic
710 N. Canal St., 88220
(505) 887-3263
Fax No. (505) 887-6296
Wallen, Stephen L., DC
Provider ID #NM00K987
BlueLINK ID: 8141046
Wallen Chiropractic Health Center
1234 W. Pierce St., 88221
(505) 885-8859
Fax No. (505) 885-8850
Wheeler, George F., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC15
BlueLINK ID: 8252556
612 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-2440
Fax No. (505) 885-5101
Reber, Clay O., OD
Provider ID #NM00P355
BlueLINK ID: 5000824
Family Vision Center
201 W. Fox, 88220
(505) 234-9526
Fax No. (505) 885-1178
Reber, David B., OD
Family Vision Center
201 W. Fox
(505) 234-9526
Reber, Harold L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P885
BlueLINK ID: 8174969
Family Vision Center
201 W. Fox, 88220
(505) 234-9526
Fax No. (505) 885-1178
Reber, Harold L., OD
Family Vision Center
201 W. Fox
(505) 234-9526
Physical Therapy and
Bhatt, Radeshyam D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q146
BlueLINK ID: 5009296
Physician's Rehab Services
2427 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-3370
Fax No. (505) 885-1841
DeProost, Erik W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q154
BlueLINK ID: 5009121
Orthopedic specialized physical
Living Desert Physical Therapy
1101 W. Mermod St., Ste. B, 88220
(505) 234-1790
Fax No. (505) 234-1898
Kearney, Patricia, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q018
BlueLINK ID: 5009324
Carlsbad Physical Therapy
128 S. Canyon St., 88221
(505) 628-0503
Fax No. (505) 663-0386
Morrison, David G., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q377
BlueLINK ID: 5009189
Carlsbad Physical therapy
128 S. Canyon, 88220
(505) 628-0503
Fax No. (505) 628-3073
Simonen, Elina, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q376
BlueLINK ID: 5008498
Carlsbad Physical Therapy
128 S. Canyon, 88220
(505) 628-0503
Fax No. (505) 628-3073
Smith, Tory L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q019
BlueLINK ID: 5008469
Carlsbad Physical Therapy
128 S. Canyon St., 88221
(505) 628-0503
Fax No. (505) 663-0386
Reber, Clay O., OD
Family Vision Center
201 W. Fox
(505) 234-9526
Cohen, Michael D., DPM
Provider ID #NM005329
BlueLINK ID: 8204009
1002 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-3445
Reber, David B., OD
Provider ID #NM00P510
BlueLINK ID: 5000843
Family Vision Center
201 W. Fox, 88220
(505) 234-9526
Fax No. (505) 885-1178
Folsom, Lyle R., DPM
Provider ID #NM015A03
BlueLINK ID: 5008250
Southeast NM Podiatry Associates
1002 W. Pierce St., 88220
(505) 885-3445
Fax No. (505) 887-0163
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Cedar Crest
Bernalillo County
Otero County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Oddi, Jaclyn M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH55
BlueLINK ID: 6003782
East Mountain Acupuncture
12131 N. Hwy. 14, 87008
(505) 269-2599
Fax No. (505) 286-8387
Eatman, Gordon B., DC
Provider ID #NM01K907
BlueLINK ID: 8175002
49 Los Lunas Circle, 87008
(505) 573-8067
Fax No. (505) 573-8067
Santa Fe County
Certified Nurse
Wosick, Luann, CNP
Provider ID #NM006404
BlueLINK ID: 541785
Ortiz Mountain Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
8 Main St., Ste. A, 87010
(505) 471-6266
Fax No. (505) 471-5861
Colfax County
Certified Nurse
Parker, Vicki B., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R80L
BlueLINK ID: 5001098
Cimarron Healthcare Clinic
9th & Washington, 87714
(505) 376-2401
Fax No. (505) 376-2107
Union County
VanderMeer, Robert C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P166
BlueLINK ID: 8140692
315 N. 3rd Ave., 88415
(505) 374-2533
July 2005
Rasch, Bradley G., DC
Provider ID #NM00K142
BlueLINK ID: 6002714
Mountain Back Care
62 Curlew Pl., 88317
(505) 682-2283
Fax No. (505) 682-2299
Curry County
Lee, Lance L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD20
BlueLINK ID: 5007337
Acupuncture Medical Associates
1800 Sheffield, Ste. F, 88101
(505) 769-1929
Summers, Patricia L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R93P
BlueLINK ID: 5006515
2412 N. Main St., 88101
(505) 762-9885
Certified Nurse Midwives
Lubera, Cristi D., CNM
Provider ID #NM006800
BlueLINK ID: 6002968
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Certified Nurse
Brakebill, Cristy J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006458
BlueLINK ID: 7445403
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Dallas, Glynda M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006993
BlueLINK ID: 6003263
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Gutierrez, Edna G., CNP
Provider ID #NM006640
BlueLINK ID: 7313385
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
Holland, Carol E., CNP
Provider ID #NM006815
BlueLINK ID: 5009343
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Ashley, Larry W., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006208
BlueLINK ID: 50085855
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
Barker, Jesse C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006641
BlueLINK ID: 5008953
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0766
Gutierrez, Dennis R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006778
BlueLINK ID: 5009404
Clovis Anesthesia & Associates
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Jones, Royce E., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006028
BlueLINK ID: 5005280
Clovis Anesthesia & Associates
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Reyes, Marcus A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006776
BlueLINK ID: 5009401
Clovis Anesthesia & Associates
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Rogers, Ronald R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006777
BlueLINK ID: 5009403
Clovis Anesthesia & Associates
2100 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 769-2141
Romanow, Michael D., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006817
BlueLINK ID: 5009350
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
Velazquez, Frank A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006816
BlueLINK ID: 5009347
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Clovis Clinic
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. E1, 88101
(505) 763-0680
Fax No. (505) 763-0776
Martin, Tom W., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC88
BlueLINK ID: 5000225
Apple Chiropractic Center
2610 N. Prince St., 88101
(505) 762-9409
Fax No. (505) 762-6343
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Pope, Darcy A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK71
BlueLINK ID: 6003335
ABC Chiropractic Clinic
1120 E. Manana, 88101
(505) 742-2117
Fax No. (505) 769-1010
Smith, William J., DC-CCST
Provider ID #NM01K995
BlueLINK ID: 8210159
Certified cervical spinal trauma
Smith Chiropractic Center
124 W. 22nd St., 88101
(505) 763-3333
Fax No. (505) 356-4433
Washburn, Scott O., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB75
BlueLINK ID: 8226692
Washburn Chiropractic
1825 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 762-7676
Fax No. (505) 762-3397
Nutritional Counseling
Cortez, Lisa A., RD
Provider ID #NM01RH15
BlueLINK ID: 5007719
Renal Medicine Associates
2301 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 762-7980
Fax No. (505) 762-9006
Cox, Judy A., RD
Provider ID #NM00RE86
BlueLINK ID: 7153020
La Casa Family Health Center
1521 W. 13th St., 88101
(505) 769-0888
Fax No. (505) 763-9154
Cox, Judy A., RD
Provider ID #NM01RH16
BlueLINK ID: 7153020
Renal Medicine Associates
2301 N. Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 762-7980
Fax No. (505) 762-9006
Physical Therapy and
Holland, Joseph T., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q176
BlueLINK ID: 6003231
Zia Orthopedics & Sports Therapy
2301 Martin Luther King, 88101
(505) 762-7692
Fax No. (505) 769-8841
Stamm, Richard W., DPM
Provider ID #NM005342
BlueLINK ID: 8141100
120 W. 21st St., 88101
(505) 769-2200
Speech Therapy
Clayton, Starlia S., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E273
BlueLINK ID: 5010007
Specializing in speech language
Star Communications Disorders
1516 Grayson Ct., 88101
(505) 799-2270
Allied Health Practitioners
Lajoie, Stephen A., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH05
BlueLINK ID: 5006946
Body Mind Spirit
12129 N. Hwy. 14, Ste. 9, 87008
(505) 281-8446
Fax No. (505) 281-8447
Wilson, Roberta Lynn, CNP
Provider ID #NM00R95R
BlueLINK ID: 5006282
Women's Medical Center
2000 W. 21st St., Ste. A1, 88101
(505) 762-8055
Fax No. (505) 763-3351
Sandoval County
Luna County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Allied Health Practitioners
Allied Health Practitioners
Gallegos, Wendy J., MA
Provider ID #NM00R60U
BlueLINK ID: 7484174
420 Ashley Ln., 87048
(505) 898-2474
Fax No. (505) 898-2474
Lupowitz, Robert, DC
Provider ID #NM00K701
BlueLINK ID: 8140965
4436 Corrales Rd., 87048
(505) 897-2273
Physical Therapy and
Haratyk, Randall L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q464
BlueLINK ID: 6003610
Corrales Physical Therapy
600 Rincon Rd., 87048
(505) 899-1509
Fax No. (505) 899-9278
Sandoval County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Certified Nurse
Enyeart, Paula, FNP
Provider ID #NM00R81W
BlueLINK ID: 5001121
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Lewis, Hilma M., NP
Provider ID #NM00R82X
BlueLINK ID: 5001145
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Fax No. (505) 285-3648
Jarrell, Robert L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P264
BlueLINK ID: 8174953
Cuba Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
6349 Hwy. 550, 87013
(505) 289-3291
Fax No. (505) 285-3648
Certified Nurse Midwives
Urbanski, Patricia R.K., CNM
Provider ID #NM016459
BlueLINK ID: 5008164
Females 12 yrs. And older
Deming Women's Center
850 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-6548
Fax No. (505) 546-6540
Wood, Patricia L., CNM
Provider ID #NM016613
BlueLINK ID: 5008470
Females 12 yrs. And older
Demign Women's Center
850 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-6548
Fax No. (505) 546-6540
Certified Nurse
McIntire, Patricia A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006422
BlueLINK ID: 7313340
Silver Internal Medicine
900 W. Birch, 88030
(505) 544-4422
Fax No. (505) 544-4436
Schmidt, Deborah F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006931
BlueLINK ID: 5008632
Females 12 yrs. And older
Deming Women's Center
850 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-6548
Fax No. (505) 546-6540
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Dunnihoo, Madeline B., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006793
BlueLINK ID: 6000421
Mimbres Memorial Hospital
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-5800
Payne, Dale L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A56
BlueLINK ID: 5008760
Mimbres Memorial Hospital
900 W. Ash St., 88030
(505) 546-5800
Fax No. (505) 546-6907
Soulsby, Kenneth P., DC
Provider ID #NM00K528
BlueLINK ID: 8141026
909 S. Gold St., 88030
(505) 546-7331
Stevens, Joel B., DC
Provider ID #NM01KH64
BlueLINK ID: 8281011
Stevens Chiropractic Center
722 E. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-2555
Fax No. (505) 546-2725
Physical Therapy and
Byrd, Virginia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q470
BlueLINK ID: 6002941
Southwest Therapists, Inc.
118 S. Iron, 88031
(505) 546-2649
Fax No. (505) 546-2949
Stevens, Shannon M., MSPT
Provider ID #NM01Q136
BlueLINK ID: 5008417
Summit Rehabilitation
722 E. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-2555
Fax No. (505) 546-2725
Deetz, David L., DPM
Provider ID #NM025303
BlueLINK ID: 8112971
Rio Grande Foot Clinic
850 W. Florida, 88030
(505) 546-6548
Chaves County
Certified Nurse
Tulk, Phyllis A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006424
BlueLINK ID: 3214412
Valley Health Clinic of ENMMC
116 E. 2nd St., 88230
(505) 622-1309
Santa Fe County
Certified Nurse
Fuller, Deborah J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006181
BlueLINK ID: 7122326
First Choice Community Healthcare
Edgewood Clinic
#8 Medical Center Rd., 87105
(505) 873-7400
Fax No. (505) 873-4400
Jones, Ilah R., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006254
BlueLINK ID: 7492981
First Choice Community Healthcare
Edgewood Clinic
#8 Medical Center Rd., 87015
(505) 281-3406
Fax No. (505) 286-3329
Occupational Therapy
Steinberg, Kate A., OTR
Provider ID #NM01E374
BlueLINK ID: 5009800
Active Solutions
1916 Old Hwy. 66, Ste. A, 87105
(505) 286-7838
Fax No. (505) 286-8025
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Walker, Patria Dulce, OD
Provider ID #NM00P470
BlueLINK ID: 5000835
East Mountain Eye Clinic
Edgewood Plaza
1876 U.S. Hwy. 66, P.O. Box 400,
(505) 286-2020
Physical Therapy and
Fowler, Cheryl, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q336
BlueLINK ID: 5009505
East Mountain Physical Therapy
3 George Ct., Ste. A, 87015
(505) 281-8463
Fax No. (505) 281-8469
Fowler, James M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q337
BlueLINK ID: 5009504
East Mountain Physical Therapy
3 George Ct., Ste. A, 87015
(505) 281-8463
Fax No. (505) 281-8469
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q362
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
Active Solutions
1916 Old US Hwy. 66, 87015
(505) 286-7838
Fax No. (505) 286-8025
Speech Therapy
DiRaddo, Virginia L., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E375
BlueLINK ID: 5009801
Active Solutions
1916 Old U.S. Hwy. 66, Ste. A, 87015
(505) 286-7838
Fax No. (505) 286-8025
El Prado
Taos County
Physical Therapy and
Holmes, Ronald C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q013
BlueLINK ID: 5008439
Taos Physical Therapy
1307 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, 87529
(505) 751-0848
Fax No. (505) 751-0860
Yoshimine-Griess, Joanne, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q458
BlueLINK ID: 5007174
Taos Physical Therapy
1307 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, 87529
(505) 751-0848
Fax No. (505) 751-0860
El Rito
Rio Arriba County
Certified Nurse
Flores, Jose R., CNP
Provider ID #NM006973
BlueLINK ID: 7120997
Las Clinicas del Norte
Hwy. 571, Ste. 28, 87530
(505) 581-4728
Fax No. (505) 581-4789
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Elephant Butte
Sierra County
Physical Therapy and
Mannon, Kori R., MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q170
BlueLINK ID: 6003004
Mannon Motion
106 Warmsprings Blvd., 87935
(505) 740-0356
Fax No. (505) 894-0003
Rio Arriba County
Blaire, Paloma Terese, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R94S
BlueLINK ID: 5001082
Luz de Vida
804 S. Riverside Dr., Ste. 5, 87532
(505) 747-7242
Fax No. (505) 747-7241
Briggs, Jennifer L., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RG59
82 County Rd. 122, 87532
(505) 753-7576
Fax No. (505) 753-7676
Callen, Carol L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG21
BlueLINK ID: 6003061
Northern NM Health Care, LLC
82 County Rd. 122, Ste. A, 87532
(505) 753-7576
Fax No. (505) 753-7676
Chew, Kerrilyn, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF75
BlueLINK ID: 5008301
Luz de Vida
804 S. Riverside Dr., Ste. 5, 87532
(505) 747-7242
Fax No. (505) 747-7241
Khalsa, Gurumitar K., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R30H
BlueLINK ID: 5007114
FR 144, Ste. 830, 87532
(505) 753-7576
Fax No. (505) 983-0160
Khalsa, Jiwan Shakti Kaur, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R75Y
BlueLINK ID: 5001060
415 N. Paseo de Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-3369
Fax No. (505) 753-4006
Khalsa, Kartar S., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R73Y
BlueLINK ID: 5001055
GRD Acupuncture
415 N. Paseo de Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-3369
Fax No. (505) 753-4006
Moerth-Conrad, Esther B., DOM
Provider ID #NM02RG04
BlueLINK ID: 5009780
Northern NM Health Care, LLC
82 County Rd. 122, 87532
(505) 753-7576
Fax No. (505) 753-7676
July 2005
Rosenblatt, Anne B., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RG23
BlueLINK ID: 6003095
234 Paseo de Onate, 87532
(505) 984-0868
Certified Nurse Midwives
McLean, DeEdda L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006889
BlueLINK ID: 6003187
Española Multi-Specialty Clinic
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 367-0340
Fax No. (505) 367-0346
Certified Nurse
Bjeletich, Barbara J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006968
BlueLINK ID: 6003900
Health Centers of Northern NM
Española Clinic
620 Coronado St., 87532
(505) 753-7395
Fax No. (505) 753-8373
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Babeshoff, James, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006860
BlueLINK ID: 6003006
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0257
Carmen, Lori J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016426
BlueLINK ID: 5010196
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fitzpatrick, Sara A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006890
BlueLINK ID: 6003189
Española Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 753-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0257
Holtz, Peter G., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006869
BlueLINK ID: 5010197
Advanced Anesthesia Care
Espanola Hospital
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 750-7111
Fax No. (505) 367-0288
Lewandowski, Gregory P., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016168
BlueLINK ID: 5009760
Smiling Dragon
1010 Spruce St., 87532
(915) 533-3911
Bohsali, Salim, DC
Provider ID #NM00KH73
BlueLINK ID: 5000266
The Body Wise Health Center
234 Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-9296
Crawford, Michael C., DC
Provider ID #NM00K962
BlueLINK ID: 8221126
Santa Fe Pain Center
232 N. Paseo De Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-2000
Fax No. (505) 982-3737
Fox, John M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK26
BlueLINK ID: 8285701
Española Family Chiropractic
628 Riverside Dr., Ste. A, 87532
(505) 753-3001
Fax No. (505) 753-3052
Khalsa, Guruchander S., DC
Provider ID #NM00K689
BlueLINK ID: 8140947
GRD Health Center
415 N. Paseo de Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-3369
Fax No. (505) 753-4006
O'Keefe, Patrick J., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK42
BlueLINK ID: 5007932
Santa Fe Pain Center
232 N. Paseo De Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-2000
Fax No. (505) 982-3737
Perea, Bobby O., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL83
BlueLINK ID: 8285770
Alignment of Life, Inc.
232 Paseo de Oñate, 87532
(505) 753-2000
Fax No. (505) 982-6886
Rozenblum, Michael E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC05
BlueLINK ID: 5000191
Española Family Chiropractic
628 Riverside Dr., Ste. A, 87532
(505) 753-3001
Schneider, Linda D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KH63
BlueLINK ID: 5007220
Rt. 1, Box 394J, 87532
(505) 753-7576
Javid, A. J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P892
BlueLINK ID: 5007229
Eye Associates of NM
412 N. Paseo de Oñate, Ste. 2, 87532
(505) 753-7868
Fax No. (505) 753-6459
Johnson, Timothy J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P444
BlueLINK ID: 5000831
Eye Associates of NM
412 N. Paseo de Oñate, Ste. 2, 87532
(505) 753-7868
Fax No. (505) 753-6459
McCloskey, Yvonne A., OD
Provider ID #NM00P271
BlueLINK ID: 5000790
Optometrics, PC
612 N. Paseo de Oñate, Ste. C, 87532
(505) 753-7355
Fax No. (505) 753-7533
Meneakis, Michael H., OD
Provider ID #NM00P524
BlueLINK ID: 5000796
Optometrics, PC
612 N. Paseo de Oñate, Ste. C, 87532
(505) 753-7355
Fax No. (505) 753-7533
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Physical Therapy and
Adell, Leanne M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q341
BlueLINK ID: 6002981
Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 747-7113
Duty, Teresa N., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q025
BlueLINK ID: 5008502
Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 749-7113
Fletcher, Amy C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q350
BlueLINK ID: 6003154
Outpatient physical therapy
Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 747-7113
Allied Health Practitioners
Florek, Scott A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q345
BlueLINK ID: 6003149
Outpatient physical therapy
Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 747-7113
Kirby, Cindy L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q489
BlueLINK ID: 6004091
Outpatient physical therapy &
Rocky Mountain Orthopedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 747-7113
Sandoval, Gina, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q028
BlueLINK ID: 5008504
Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 749-7113
Schnepf, Charlotte A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q480
BlueLINK ID: 5008850
Rocky Mountain Orthopedics
518 W. Pueblo, 87532
(505) 747-3333
Fax No. (505) 747-7113
Email: [email protected]
Thompson, Robin, PT
Provider ID #NM01NP52
BlueLINK ID: 5008822
Española Sports Medicine
706 La Joya St., Ste. D, 87532
(505) 753-6550
Fax No. (505) 753-1219
King, Glenda L., DPM
Provider ID #NM009P39
BlueLINK ID: 6003598
Family Foot Care
528 N. Coronado Ave., 87532
(505) 753-3322
Fax No. (505) 753-9482
Allied Health Practitioners
Allied Health Practitioners
Meltzer, Evan F., DPM
Provider ID #NM005444
BlueLINK ID: 8192936
Family Foot Care
1010 Spruce St., Ste. D, 87532
(505) 753-3322
Fax No. (505) 753-9452
Randlemon, Annette L., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006648
BlueLINK ID: 5009082
Female patients only
Piñon Ob/Gyn
1390 E. 20th St., 87401
(915) 375-1352
Fax No. (970) 375-1372
Schulhofer, David, DPM
Provider ID #NM005429
BlueLINK ID: 8255924
415 N. Paseo de Oñate, 87532
(505) 983-7738
Sanchez, Louise M., RNFA
Provider ID #NM006882
BlueLINK ID: 6003111
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 327-3474
Tingle, Ryan W., DPM
Provider ID #NM007E30
BlueLINK ID: 5010066
Specializing in podiatric surgery
Northern NM Orthopaedic Center
1009 Spruce St., 87532
(505) 747-4144
Fax No. (505) 747-3213
Wilner, Joel M., DPM
Provider ID #NM005356
BlueLINK ID: 8141106
Northern NM Podiatry Associates
835 Spruce St., Ste. A, 87532
(505) 753-3005
San Juan County
St. Clair, Rhenna, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF18
BlueLINK ID: 5007357
Four Corners Oriental Medicine
2130 Farmington Ave., 87401
(505) 564-3242
Certified Nurse
Cheney, Lori M., RNFA
Provider ID #NM006876
BlueLINK ID: 6003111
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 327-3474
Colyer, Ellyn E., RNCNOR
Provider ID #NM006879
BlueLINK ID: 6003112
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 327-3474
Lucero, Loretta, RNFA
Provider ID #NM006488
BlueLINK ID: 5008642
Orthopedic Associates
2300 E. 30th St., Bldg. D, Ste. 101,
(505) 327-1400
Fax No. (505) 564-3202
McCoy, Denita, CNP
Provider ID #NM006472
BlueLINK ID: 7438164
Mesa Family Practice
2130 Farmington Ave., Ste. A, 87401
(505) 325-2323
Fax No. (505) 325-7172
Strain, Holly G., CNP
Provider ID #NM016401
BlueLINK ID: 5007039
New Mexico Heart Institute
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. I, Ste. B,
(505) 324-6322
Richardson, James L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006485
BlueLINK ID: 5008580
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Rowse, Jeremy, DC
Provider ID #NM00KL58
BlueLINK ID: 5009091
La Mesa Chiropractic Center
2904 N. Hutton Ave., 87402
(505) 327-4845
Fax No. (505) 327-6274
Richardson, James L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006485
BlueLINK ID: 5008580
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Rowse, Ryan T., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL59
BlueLINK ID: 5009096
La Mesa Chiropractic Center
2904 N. Hutton Ave., 87402
(505) 327-4845
Fax No. (505) 327-6274
Thurston, James L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006486
BlueLINK ID: 5008581
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Silseth, Chad R., DC
Provider ID #NM01K151
BlueLINK ID: 5000271
Mesa Occupational & Sports Medicine
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. F, Ste. 1,
(505) 325-1100
Fax No. (505) 325-5044
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Thurston, James L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006486
BlueLINK ID: 5008581
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Domrzalski, Mary Ann, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006482
BlueLINK ID: 5008576
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Woods, Dennis J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006487
BlueLINK ID: 5008584
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Domrzalski, Mary Ann, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006482
BlueLINK ID: 5008576
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Woods, Dennis J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006487
BlueLINK ID: 5008584
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Domrzalski, Steven, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006483
BlueLINK ID: 5008577
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Domrzalski, Steven, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006483
BlueLINK ID: 5008577
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Hanson, Lane T., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006948
BlueLINK ID: 6003319
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Lew, Stephanie, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006484
BlueLINK ID: 5008578
Four Corners Anesthesia
2300 E. 30th St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Lew, Stephanie, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006484
BlueLINK ID: 5008578
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Lott, Kirk E., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006947
BlueLINK ID: 6003318
Four Corners Anesthesia
801 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 326-6400
Fax No. (505) 326-4606
Bentley, Robert T., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL75
BlueLINK ID: 6003836
2901 E. 20th St., Ste. 105, 87402
(505) 564-8555
Fax No. (505) 564-8556
Brimhall, David T., DC
Provider ID #NM00K905
BlueLINK ID: 8140866
Sun Country Healthcare Network
6610 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 324-1111
Brimhall, David T., DC
Sun Country Healthcare Network
6610 E. Main St.
(505) 324-1111
Dees, Herbert, DC
Provider ID #NM00K705
BlueLINK ID: 8140899
1300 E. 20th St., 87401
(505) 325-4270
Fax No. (505) 325-4270
Leahy, Charolette P., DC
Provider ID #NM00K662
BlueLINK ID: 8140957
312 W. Apache, 87401
(505) 325-9208
Rowse, Clarence W., DC
Provider ID #NM00K973
BlueLINK ID: 8141016
La Mesa Chiropractic Center
2904 N. Hutton Ave., 87402
(505) 327-4845
Fax No. (505) 327-6274
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Smith, Martin A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB15
BlueLINK ID: 5000149
1707 E. 20th St., 87401
(505) 327-5086
Sussex, Erica, DC
Provider ID #NM00KL68
BlueLINK ID: 6003127
Sussex Chiropractic
4740 N. Butler Ave., 87401
(505) 325-2604
Fax No. (505) 327-1976
Sussex, Randall M., DC
Provider ID #NM00K566
BlueLINK ID: 8141036
Sussex Chiropractic
4740 N. Butler Ave., 87401
(505) 325-2604
Fax No. (505) 327-1976
Uphold, Phillip M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL79
BlueLINK ID: 6003991
Sussex Chiropractic
4740 N. Butler Ave., 87401
(505) 325-2604
Fax No. (505) 327-1976
Verstraete, Matthew, DC
Provider ID #NM00K747
BlueLINK ID: 8141043
2130 Farmington Ave., 87401
(505) 326-5475
Fax No. (505) 327-0159
Diabetes Counseling
Eyring, Michael C., PharmD-Phc
Provider ID #NM00RG39
BlueLINK ID: 6003450
804 E. Navajo, 87401
(505) 327-5336
Fax No. (505) 326-9120
Nutritional Counseling
Faherty, Denise M., RD
Provider ID #NM00RG57
BlueLINK ID: 6003874
Nutrition Solutions, Inc.
311 N. Behrend Ave., 87401
(505) 566-9090
Fax No. (505) 566-9093
Weitkunat, Susan D., RD
Provider ID #NM00RG56
BlueLINK ID: 6003873
Nutrition Solutions, Inc.
311 N. Behrend Ave., 87401
(505) 566-9090
Fax No. (505) 566-9093
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Occupational Therapy
Burrel, Tara E., OT
Provider ID #NM00E231
BlueLINK ID: 5009349
Mesa Occupational & Sports Medicine
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. F, Ste. 1,
(505) 325-1100
Fax No. (505) 325-5044
Noyes, Kim M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q233
BlueLINK ID: 5009351
Special K Fitness
906 San Juan Blvd., Ste. G, 87401
(505) 326-2460
Pickren, Stephanie A., BSPT
Provider ID #NM00Q250
BlueLINK ID: 6003068
Four Corners Physical Therapy
3832 E. Main St., Ste. E&F, 87402
(505) 564-2955
Fax No. (505) 564-2662
Pierce, Shantelle L., MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q084
BlueLINK ID: 5008401
Four Corners Physical Therapy
3832 E. Main St., Ste. E&F, 87402
(505) 564-2955
Fax No. (505) 564-2662
Witt, Christopher S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q365
BlueLINK ID: 6003604
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. C, 87401
(505) 326-0761
Fax No. (505) 325-7704
Herrera, Raymond P., OD
Provider ID #NM01P468
BlueLINK ID: 8251912
Classic Eyewear
113 W. Broadway, 87401
(505) 326-2020
Fax No. (505) 327-5530
Quick, Robert H., OD
Provider ID #NM01P749
BlueLINK ID: 8174932
Quick Vision, Inc.
4600 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-1606
Fax No. (505) 326-2756
Carpenter, Samuel C., DPM
Provider ID #NM005318
BlueLINK ID: 8141069
4801 N. Butler Ave., Ste. 9102, 87401
(505) 327-3338
Fax No. (505) 327-3339
Russell, Gordon D., OD
Provider ID #NM00P965
BlueLINK ID: 6003303
Quick Vision, Inc.
4600 E. Main St., 87402
(505) 326-1606
Fax No. (505) 326-2756
Physical Therapy and
Curry, Kathy K., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q103
BlueLINK ID: 5008972
Ob/Gyn patients only
Northwest NM Physical Therapy, Inc.
630 W. Maple St., 87401
(505) 325-1123
Fax No. (505) 325-3054
Deltscheff, Jordan W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q373
BlueLINK ID: 6003713
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. C, 87401
(505) 326-0761
Fax No. (505) 325-7704
Guerriero, John A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q082
BlueLINK ID: 5008219
Four Corners Physical Therapy
3832 E. Main St., Ste. E&F, 87402
(505) 564-2955
Fax No. (505) 564-2662
Norman, Brittney D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q369
BlueLINK ID: 6003702
HealthSouth Sports Medicine &
Rehabilitation Cntr.
2700 Farmington Ave., Bldg. C, 87401
(505) 326-0761
Fax No. (505) 325-7704
July 2005
Dorner, Denise, DPM
Provider ID #NM005371
BlueLINK ID: 8205552
Family Foot Health Specialists
817 W. Broadway, 87401
(505) 327-3650
Fax No. (505) 327-2350
Ritchie, J. Garey, DPM
Provider ID #NM005305
BlueLINK ID: 8141092
904 E. 20th St., Ste. C, 87401
(505) 327-0444
Fax No. (505) 327-0446
Speech Therapy
Montoya, Isabelle K., MA-CCCSLP
Provider ID #NM00E223
BlueLINK ID: 5008952
Speech & Language Services
701 W. Apache, 87401
(505) 327-7777
Fax No. (505) 327-7779
McKinley County
Edwards, Ahmed F., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R84U
BlueLINK ID: 5007291
Alternaid Health
404 E. Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 726-2800
Fax No. (505) 863-3201
Smart, Suzanne, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R79D
BlueLINK ID: 5009990
Acupuncture Associates
1204 E. Hwy. 66, 87301
(505) 385-2948
Fax No. (505) 265-5803
Kelly, Elizabeth J., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E378
BlueLINK ID: 6003416
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 863-1820
Certified Nurse Midwives
Forlines, Mary M., CNM
Provider ID #NM006605
BlueLINK ID: 7131402
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 863-7380
Sevene, Phyllis, CNM
Provider ID #NM00RF05
BlueLINK ID: 5006928
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Sevene, Phyllis, CNM
Provider ID #NM00RF05
BlueLINK ID: 5006928
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
2111 College Dr., 87301
(505) 722-4483
Fax No. (505) 863-1899
Van Asselt-King, Linda, CNM
Provider ID #NM00RF05
BlueLINK ID: 7465230
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Willis, Starla, CNM
Provider ID #NM00RF05
BlueLINK ID: 7473174
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1900 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7200
Fax No. (505) 722-6037
Certified Nurse
Heusel, Karen J., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R85N
BlueLINK ID: 7484700
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
610 N. 5th St., 87301
(505) 863-3120
Fax No. (505) 863-2961
Hurlbut, Jene M., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R86W
BlueLINK ID: 5001212
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
610 N. 5th St., 87305
(505) 863-3120
Fax No. (505) 863-2961
Sylvester, Linda S., CNP
Provider ID #NM006658
BlueLINK ID: 5009327
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
610 N. 5th St., 87301
(505) 863-3120
Fax No. (505) 863-2961
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Anderson, Renee, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A30
BlueLINK ID: 6003891
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Health
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Glass, Richard L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006017
BlueLINK ID: 5005784
Rehoboth McKinley Christian Clinic
1901 Red Rock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-7000
Berg, Ronald, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC74
BlueLINK ID: 8140862
Sun Country Healthcare Network
122 S. Boardman Ave., 87301
(505) 863-9555
Hite, Linda R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ72
BlueLINK ID: 6003651
Healing Hands Wellness Center
1808 E. Aztec Ave., Ste. 5, 87301
(505) 722-3979
Fax No. (505) 722-6040
Kirsten, Dennis W., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ71
BlueLINK ID: 6003526
Dine Healthcare PC
703 E. Hill Ave., Ste. B, 87301
(505) 722-0062
Fax No. (928) 871-3559
Marquez, Tracy, DC
Provider ID #NM01KC73
BlueLINK ID: 5006241
InLine Chiropractic
1204 E. Hwy. 66, 87301
(505) 722-2425
Fax No. (505) 722-3418
D'Orazio, Robert L., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA03
BlueLINK ID: 8175016
225 Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 863-5747
Fax No. (505) 863-5101
Strosnider, Jeffrey C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P945
BlueLINK ID: 8285334
Eye Associates of NM
231 Nizhoni Blvd., 87301
(505) 722-2278
Cornfield, James R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005333
BlueLINK ID: 5005213
1808 E. Aztec Ave., 87301
(505) 863-3774
Dorner, Denise, DPM
Provider ID #NM005371
BlueLINK ID: 8205552
Family Foot Health Specialists
1901 Redrock Dr., 87301
(505) 863-4455
Allied Health Practitioners
Adegite, Lawrence A. O., OD
Provider ID #NM009738
BlueLINK ID: 8231239
Rivers in The Desert Eye Clinic
306 S. Lake St., 87401
(505) 326-0552
Fax No. (505) 326-3308
Surgery, Oral and
Rogel, Laurence J., DDS
Provider ID #NM008405
BlueLINK ID: 8104824
1808 E. Aztec Ave., Ste. 2, 87301
(505) 863-4863
Fax No. (505) 863-6250
Cibola County
Allied Health Practitioners
Certified Nurse Midwives
Roop, Janna E., CNM
Provider ID #NM006746
BlueLINK ID: 5009784
Female patients only
Grants Medical Center
1208 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-4474
Fax No. (505) 287-8775
Certified Nurse
Heusel, Karen J., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R85N
BlueLINK ID: 7484700
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1217 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2958
Fax No. (505) 287-2403
Terriberry, Constance D., CNP-RN
Provider ID #NM00R82G
BlueLINK ID: 5001132
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1217 Bonita Ave., 87020
(505) 287-2958
Fax No. (505) 287-2403
Daugherty, Jack D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC98
BlueLINK ID: 5008131
Santa Fe Ave. Natural Health Clinic
815 W. Santa Fe Ave., 87020
(505) 287-8158
Fax No. (505) 287-8158
Rolwing, James P., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC97
BlueLINK ID: 5000230
Rolwing Chiropractic
1109 Mesa Blvd., 87020
(505) 287-2537
Fax No. (505) 287-2159
Email: [email protected]
Soulsby, William D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K584
BlueLINK ID: 8141027
Soulsby Chiropractic Life Center
824 N. 1st St., 87020
(505) 285-6639
Fax No. (505) 285-6639
Allied Health Practitioners
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Glade, Michael S., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q034
BlueLINK ID: 5008564
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Jenkins, Julie P., SLP
Provider ID #NM00Q453
BlueLINK ID: 5008736
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Menning, Terry W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P011
BlueLINK ID: 8174946
215½ N. 1st St., 87020
(505) 287-4833
Physical Therapy and
Barton, Theresa A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q033
BlueLINK ID: 5008563
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Craver, Lea M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q475
BlueLINK ID: 6003841
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Jones, Beth A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q372
BlueLINK ID: 6003576
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Langford, MaryLou, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q032
BlueLINK ID: 5008510
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Miller, Christy A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q496
BlueLINK ID: 6004003
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Otero, Jon C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q481
BlueLINK ID: 6004002
Cibola Sports & Physical Therapy
242 Mountain Rd., 87020
(505) 876-6030
Fax No. (505) 876-6151
Dorner, Denise, DPM
Provider ID #NM005371
BlueLINK ID: 8205552
Family Foot Health Specialists
1016 E. Roosevelt Ave., 87020
(505) 287-7949
Lea County
Lee, Lance L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD20
BlueLINK ID: 5007337
Acupuncture Medical Associates
2800 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-2712
Fax No. (505) 392-2743
Certified Nurse
Haynes, Loretta, RN-CNP
Provider ID #NM006619
BlueLINK ID: 5008955
Hobbstetrics & Gynecology
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 25,
(505) 392-0077
Fax No. (505) 492-1574
Martin, Mandy D., RN-CNP
Provider ID #NM01R95U
BlueLINK ID: 7438850
OB/GYN, females only
Hobbs Ob/Gyn Associates
5420 Lovington Hwy., 88240
(505) 433-4000
Fax No. (505) 392-7965
McGraw, Amanda R., CNP-MSNRN
Provider ID #NM016419
BlueLINK ID: 7473347
Desert Medical Group
1801 N. Dal Paso St., 88240
(505) 393-0511
Fax No. (505) 393-0914
Stevenson, Harry B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006371
BlueLINK ID: 7114672
5419 N. Lovington Hwy., Ste. 15,
(505) 392-5191
Braun, Ronald G., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC84
BlueLINK ID: 5000209
Sun Country Healthcare Network
3132 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-3561
Fax No. (505) 392-4771
Ditto, Vaughn R., DC
Provider ID #NM00K095
BlueLINK ID: 8202944
Apple Chiropractic Center of Hobbs
205 E. Sanger St., 88240
(505) 397-3356
Fax No. (505) 397-6107
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Klear, Gregg P., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK60
BlueLINK ID: 8289693
Family Wellness Chiropractic Center,
1010 N. Dalmont, 88240
(505) 393-4636
Fax No. (505) 393-6927
Smith, Misty L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK62
BlueLINK ID: 8274308
1819 N. Turner St., Ste. J, 88240
(505) 393-6544
Fax No. (505) 393-6544
Summers, Kathleen S., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK77
BlueLINK ID: 8116171
Summers Chiropractic Professional
703 E. Clinton, Ste. 103, 88240
(505) 391-6800
Fax No. (505) 391-6801
Summers, William W., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK76
BlueLINK ID: 8116174
Summers Chiropractic Professional
703 E. Clinton, Ste. 103, 88240
(505) 391-6800
Fax No. (505) 391-6801
Tabor, Jeff O., DC
Provider ID #NM00K635
BlueLINK ID: 8141038
923 N. Shipp St., 88240
(505) 397-7323
Fax No. (505) 397-7323
Hamm, Diana W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P168
BlueLINK ID: 8218297
The Eye Site
1811 N. Dal Paso St., 88240
(505) 397-3611
Hamm, Wayne F., OD
Provider ID #NM00P198
BlueLINK ID: 5000799
The Eye Site
1811 N. Dal Paso St., 88240
(505) 397-3611
Mayes, James D., OD
Provider ID #NM00P277
BlueLINK ID: 8174947
723 N. Turner St., 88240
(505) 393-4933
Fax No. (505) 397-4319
Reber, Clay O., OD
Provider ID #NM00P355
BlueLINK ID: 5000824
Family Vision Center
1315 Joe Harvey Blvd., 88240
(505) 392-8880
Reber, David B., OD
Provider ID #NM00P510
BlueLINK ID: 5000843
Family Vision Center
1315 Joe Harvey Blvd., 88240
(505) 392-8880
Reber, Harold L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P885
BlueLINK ID: 8174969
Family Vision Center
1315 Joe Harvey Blvd., 88240
(505) 392-8880
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Physical Therapy and
Las Cruces
Las Cruces
Doña Ana County
Moore, Todd, PT
Provider ID #NM01N601
BlueLINK ID: 5000670
Outpatient physical therapy
Hobbs Orthopaedic & Sports Therapy
3830 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-3971
Fax No. (505) 392-4169
Hoshimi-Wilkes, William, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RE47
BlueLINK ID: 5007360
Oriental Medicine Plus
120 W. Chestnut Ave., 88005
(505) 647-8077
Osborne, Kim L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q024
BlueLINK ID: 5008501
Therapy Services Associates P/T
2700 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-4129
Fax No. (505) 892-3835
Ryan, Timothy D., PT
Provider ID #NM00N601
BlueLINK ID: 5000671
Hobbs Orthopaedic & Sports Therapy
3830 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-3971
Fax No. (505) 392-4169
Sandoval, Stacy A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q023
BlueLINK ID: 5000553
Therapy Services Associates P/T
2700 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-4129
Fax No. (505) 892-3835
Schrank, Edward C., PT
Provider ID #NM00NP75
BlueLINK ID: 5000553
Therapy Services Associates P/T
2700 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-4129
Fax No. (505) 392-3835
Seaton, Shirlee S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q005
BlueLINK ID: 5008353
Therapy Services Associates P/T
2700 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-4129
Fax No. (505) 392-3835
Email: [email protected]
Cohen, Michael D., DPM
Provider ID #NM005329
BlueLINK ID: 8204009
1006 N. Linam St., 88240
(505) 393-2293
Jackson, Charles, DPM
Provider ID #NM005310
BlueLINK ID: 8253871
820 N. Dalmont St., 88240
(505) 393-9137
Fax No. (505) 391-3977
Speech Therapy
Jones, Shirley J., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E274
BlueLINK ID: 5010067
Therapy Plus, Inc.
726 E. Michigan St., Ste. 130, 88240
(505) 393-2257
Fax No. (505) 393-1392
July 2005
Hoshimi-Wilkes, Marie, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R46E
BlueLINK ID: 5000916
Oriental Medicine Plus
120 W. Chestnut Ave., 88005
(505) 647-8077
Nakano, Masaaki, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R32T
BlueLINK ID: 5000878
Oriental Medicine Clinic
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. 202F, 88001
(505) 647-0406
Fax No. (505) 523-8510
Ivey, Robert G., PhD
Provider ID #NM00E266
BlueLINK ID: 5007494
Rio Grande Hearing & Balance Center
1130 Commerce Dr., 88011
(505) 521-3025
Fax No. (505) 521-3565
Certified Nurse Midwives
Autrey, Kathryn M., CNM
Provider ID #NM01R82F
BlueLINK ID: 5001131
Women's Medical Associates
2100 S. Triviz Dr., Ste. H, 88001
(505) 522-9793
Bateman, Donna, CNM
Provider ID #NM016534
BlueLINK ID: 5005344
Female patients 13 yrs. and older
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Clark, Nancy, CNM
Provider ID #NM016557
BlueLINK ID: 5005358
Female patients 13 yrs. and older
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Cox, Rhonda, CNM
Provider ID #NM006988
BlueLINK ID: 6003227
Females only
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-3045
Fax No. (505) 521-3257
Doubrava, Margaret, CNM
Provider ID #NM016421
BlueLINK ID: 5007363
Female patients age 13 and older
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 566-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Logan, Deborah, CNM
Provider ID #NM016594
BlueLINK ID: 5005346
Females only
Birth and Beyond
2906 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 521-4273
Fax No. (505) 521-4010
McElroy, Diane, CNM
Provider ID #NM006545
BlueLINK ID: 5006136
Ob/Gyn Consultants
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 401, 88011
(505) 522-4767
Fax No. (505) 522-3607
McNamara, Stephanie, CNM
Provider ID #NM006995
BlueLINK ID: 6003283
Females only over 15 yrs. Old
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-3045
Fax No. (505) 521-3257
Simon, Kathleen, CNM
Provider ID #NM006602
BlueLINK ID: 5005351
Rising Moon Midwifery
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 10, 88011
(505) 532-9619
Taylor, Lisa M., CNM
Provider ID #NM006812
BlueLINK ID: 6003131
Females only
2100 S. Triviz Dr., Ste. H, 88001
(505) 522-9793
Fax No. (505) 532-9019
Weller, Elaine T., CNM
Provider ID #NM016530
BlueLINK ID: 5005340
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Wofford, Mary L., CNM
Provider ID #NM016531
BlueLINK ID: 5005341
Female patients 13 yrs. And older
First Step Women's Health
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Degraff, Priscilla, CNP
Provider ID #NM006367
BlueLINK ID: 5006049
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Dominguez, Linda, CNP
Provider ID #NM006237
BlueLINK ID: 5007684
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Eres, Mario C., CNP
Provider ID #NM006A63
BlueLINK ID: 5005308
1605 El Paseo Rd., 88001
(505) 527-2600
Fax No. (505) 527-5342
Fleming, Alice M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006361
BlueLINK ID: 5005326
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 522-0040
Foster, Catharine A., CNP
Provider ID #NM01R91D
BlueLINK ID: 7446367
Women's health services
Women's Medical Associates
2100 S. Triviz Dr., Ste. H, 88001
(505) 522-9793
Hauser, Jimmie K., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006A70
BlueLINK ID: 6004143
Health Care Solutions, PA
2810 N. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 532-2033
Fax No. (505) 522-2045
Helmick, Carrie F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006239
BlueLINK ID: 5007699
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Hendrickson, Patricia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006234
BlueLINK ID: 5007649
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Certified Nurse
Jorgensen, Ethel M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006238
BlueLINK ID: 5007698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Bishop, Barbara J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006233
BlueLINK ID: 5007648
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Ketcheson, Donna A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006236
BlueLINK ID: 5007666
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Allied Health Practitioners
Broom, Robin C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q387
BlueLINK ID: 6003847
Therapy Services Associates, PC
2700 N. Grimes, 88240
(505) 392-4129
Fax No. (505) 392-3835
Downey, Maj-Liz, CNM
Provider ID #NM01R85A
BlueLINK ID: 5001184
Female patients 13 yrs. and older
First Step Center
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 556-8175
Fax No. (505) 556-8180
Allied Health Practitioners
Las Cruces
Allied Health Practitioners
Landen, Jenny B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006241
BlueLINK ID: 5007770
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Ray, Sheila B., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006930
BlueLINK ID: 6003695
West Texas Obstetrical Anesthesia
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(505) 556-7610
Fax No. (505) 556-6909
Navarrette, Roberto, CNP
Provider ID #NM006809
BlueLINK ID: 6003115
Associated Cardiology Consultants of
New Mexico
2405 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-5353
Fax No. (505) 522-7571
Robbins, Dennis L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006810
BlueLINK ID: 7442267
West Texas Obstetrical Anesthesia
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(915) 543-2424
Fax No. (915) 533-2568
Sachs, Sheila L., CNP
Provider ID #NM000848
BlueLINK ID: 5002504
La Clinica de Familia
1160 Mall Dr., 88011
(505) 521-7181
Fax No. (505) 521-7199
Summers, Linda, CNP-CNS
Provider ID #NM016434
BlueLINK ID: 7434266
MMC-Family Practice
2450 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 521-5370
Fax No. (505) 521-5647
Vancott, Christine, CNM-FNPC
Provider ID #NM016595
BlueLINK ID: 7442814
Specializing in OB/GYN
2905 Hillrise, Bldg. 2, Unit A, 88011
(505) 532-6061
Fax No. (505) 532-6063
Vigil, Gloria, CNP
Provider ID #NM006235
BlueLINK ID: 5007650
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
1880 S. Espina, 88001
(505) 525-0414
Fax No. (505) 524-2302
Woodling, Anne E., CNP
Provider ID #M006774
BlueLINK ID: 5009375
Dermatology Center
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 15, Ste.
200, 88011
(505) 522-3636
Fax No. (505) 522-0722
Zecha, Laura L., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006803
BlueLINK ID: 6002982
Rio Grande Medical Group
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 301, 88011
(505) 532-8900
Fax No. (505) 532-8974
Zemek, Daniel J., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R95W
BlueLINK ID: 7446370
Cardiac Specialists of NM
2525 S. Telshor Blvd., Bldg. 14, Ste.
100, 88011
(505) 522-7247
Fax No. (505) 522-2029
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Portwood, Diane R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006994
BlueLINK ID: 7357166
West Texas Obstetrical Anesthesia
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(915) 543-2424
Fax No. (915) 533-2568
Utter, Frederick S., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006996
BlueLINK ID: 7357027
West Texas Obstetrical Anesthesia
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(915) 543-2424
Fax No. (915) 533-2568
Yaphet, Marco, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006920
BlueLINK ID: 7400126
Mountainview Regional Medical
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(505) 556-7610
Fax No. (505) 556-6909
Zerger, Daniel M., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006932
BlueLINK ID: 7398019
West Texas Obstetrical Anesthesia
4311 E. Lohman, 88011
(505) 556-7610
Fax No. (505) 556-6909
Bauer, Lane, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC85
BlueLINK ID: 8140857
Sun Country Healthcare Network
1265 S. Main, 88005
(505) 524-4494
Brown, M. E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB46
BlueLINK ID: 8140867
Rio Grande Chiropractic Center
755 S. Telshor Blvd., Ste. 102B,
(505) 522-8085
Carsner, Laura G., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK64
BlueLINK ID: 5008284
Carsner Chiropractic
2801 E. Missouri Ave., Ste. 26, 88011
(505) 521-0707
Carson, Carol A., DC
Provider ID #NM00K071
BlueLINK ID: 8208538
Carson Chiropractic Center
1001 N. Solano, Ste. C, 88001
(505) 523-8604
Fax No. (505) 523-8604
Cook, Karin, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC19
BlueLINK ID: 8257182
755 S. Telshor Blvd, Ste. 102F, 88011
(505) 521-9265
Harrison, Robert E., DC
Provider ID #NM009N98
BlueLINK ID: 8301674
225 E. Idaho, Ste. 26, 88005
(505) 647-5156
Fax No. (505) 647-5657
Hesser, Brian R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC87
BlueLINK ID: 8271750
Millennium Chiropractic &
3519 Foothills, 88011
(505) 521-0793
Fax No. (505) 532-1607
Mitchell, Ronald M., DC
Provider ID #NM00K722
BlueLINK ID: 8140980
Mitchell Chiropractic Life Center
816 Spruce Ave., 88001
(505) 525-0444
Fax No. (505) 525-0445
Nelson, J. Kent, DC
Provider ID #NM00KK79
BlueLINK ID: 8144188
Heritage Chiropractic Center
2455 E. Missouri Ave., 88001
(505) 532-1116
Fax No. (505) 556-8437
Nelson, Steven M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK84
BlueLINK ID: 6003478
Millenium Chiropractic
3519 Foothills Rd., 88011
(505) 521-0793
Fax No. (505) 532-1607
Short, Brian T., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK69
BlueLINK ID: 6003137
Precision Chiropractic
151 S. Walnut, Ste. A8, 88011
(505) 524-9195
Short, Brian T., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK69
BlueLINK ID: 6003137
Precision Chiropractic
2540 N. Telshor Blvd., Ste. C, 88011
(505) 524-9195
Williams, Richard A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK27
BlueLINK ID: 8287007
Helping Hands Chiropractic
1135 S. Main St., Ste. C, 88005
(505) 541-9288
Fax No. (505) 526-3828
Nutritional Counseling
Bhalla, Vijay S., PhD-RD-LDN
Provider ID #NM00NB34
BlueLINK ID: 5000460
2025 Hixon Dr., 88005
(505) 523-1146
Clayshulte, Beverly, NS-LN
Provider ID #NM00RE84
BlueLINK ID: 5009973
1115 Commerce Dr., 88001
(505) 496-1867
Occupational Therapy
Brown, Gloria Ann, OTR-LCHT
Provider ID #NM00Q140
BlueLINK ID: 5008979
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Lilley, Dearl X., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q384
BlueLINK ID: 6003807
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Visanko, Laura P., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q416
BlueLINK ID: 5008984
Del Valle Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 523-8080
Fax No. (505) 523-8861
English, Michael L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P080
BlueLINK ID: 8174955
Primary care in vision only
2001 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 130, 88001
(505) 575-3937
Fax No. (505) 525-8047
Paz, Thomas A., OD
Provider ID #NM00P540
BlueLINK ID: 8218404
Optometric Vision Center, PA
330 E. Boutz, 88005
(505) 526-3314
Fax No. (505) 526-1061
Paz, Thomas A., OD
Provider ID #NM00P540
BlueLINK ID: 8218404
Optometric Vision Center, PA
780 S. Walnut, Bldg. 4, 88001
(505) 523-5300
Fax No. (505) 523-5859
Quick, Robert H., OD
Provider ID #NM01P749
BlueLINK ID: 8174932
Quick Vision, Inc.
571 Walton Blvd., Ste. C, 88001
(505) 647-2020
Fax No. (505) 524-2756
Sandoval, L. Victor, OD
Provider ID #NM00PB14
BlueLINK ID: 6002053
700 S. Telshor, Ste. 1534, 88011
(505) 522-8334
Fax No. (505) 522-1065
Seacat, Mark, OD
Provider ID #NM00P454
BlueLINK ID: 5000832
2907 Hillrise Dr., 88011
(505) 521-1050
Shelley, Brent E., OD
Provider ID #NM00PB21
BlueLINK ID: 6003942
Southwest Vision Specialists, PA
1550 S. Valley Dr., 88005
(505) 526-5367
Tenorio, Adrian, OD
Provider ID #NM00PB15
BlueLINK ID: 8287036
Optometric Vision Center, PA
330 E. Boutz, 88005
(505) 526-3314
Fax No. (505) 526-1061
Tenorio, Adrian, OD
Provider ID #NM00PB15
BlueLINK ID: 8287036
Optometric Vision Center, PA
780 S. Walnut, Bldg. 4, 88001
(505) 523-5300
Fax No. (505) 523-5859
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Watson, Brenda L., OD
Provider ID #NM00PB07
BlueLINK ID: 6000637
Quick Vision, Inc.
571 Walton Blvd., Ste. C, 88001
(505) 647-2020
Fax No. (505) 523-2014
Physical Therapy and
Berg, Karen L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q040
BlueLINK ID: 5008588
Del Valle Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 523-8080
Fax No. (505) 523-8861
Bybee, Ryan A., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR52
BlueLINK ID: 5000582
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Byrd, Virginia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q471
BlueLINK ID: 6002941
Center for Physical Therapy & Sports
2445 Missouri, Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-8548
Fax No. (505) 521-4382
Campbell, Laurie Denise, PT
Provider ID #NM00N105
BlueLINK ID: 5008970
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Cantu Boncser, Gloria, OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q143
BlueLINK ID: 5008982
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Chacon, Virginia L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q144
BlueLINK ID: 5008992
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Craig, Patrick D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q142
BlueLINK ID: 5008981
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Figueroa, Mark A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q039
BlueLINK ID: 5008587
Del Valle Physical Therapy &
225 E. Idaho, Ste. 25, 88005
(505) 523-8080
Fax No. (505) 523-8861
July 2005
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q439
BlueLINK ID: 5008725
Center for Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-8548
Fax No. (505) 541-4382
Hipple, Lance L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q435
BlueLINK ID: 5009034
Del Valle Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 523-8080
Fax No. (505) 523-8861
Email: [email protected]
Horvath, Michelle A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q359
BlueLINK ID: 6003451
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
MacDonald, Kerry R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q469
BlueLINK ID: 6003226
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Merhege, Bradley, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q172
BlueLINK ID: 6003134
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 200, 88011
(505) 532-8500
Fax No. (505) 532-8501
Murphy, Charles T., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q348
BlueLINK ID: 6003152
Physical therapy - outpatient
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Noel, Greg S., PT
Provider ID #NM00N511
BlueLINK ID: 5000648
Millennium Chiropractic &
3519 Foothills, 88011
(505) 521-0793
Fax No. (505) 532-1607
Parra, Marlane D., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E377
BlueLINK ID: 6001703
Del Valle Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 523-8080
Fax No. (505) 523-8861
Email: [email protected]
Prickett, Dennis L., PT
Provider ID #NM00N491
BlueLINK ID: 5008420
Atrium Physical Therapy
1160 Commerce Dr., 88011
(505) 525-2450
Fax No. (505) 522-9075
Ryberg, Jan, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q171
BlueLINK ID: 6003133
Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine
4351 E. Lohman Ave., Ste. 200, 88011
(505) 532-8500
Fax No. (505) 532-8501
Skelton, Sabrina L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q436
BlueLINK ID: 5009056
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Smoor-Kolloffel, Raveele A.H., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q485
BlueLINK ID: 6004015
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
2404 S. Locust St., Ste. 5, 88001
(505) 521-4188
Fax No. (505) 521-3668
Steinmetz, Robert L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q131
BlueLINK ID: 5008218
Mirasol Lymphedema/Rehab Center
1180 Mall Dr., Ste. A, 88011
(505) 522-5852
Fax No. (505) 522-5850
Thome, Donald J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q038
BlueLINK ID: 5008582
Del Valle Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 523-8080
Fax No. (505) 523-8861
Email: [email protected]
Tudur, Thomas G., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q442
BlueLINK ID: 5009336
Center for Physical Therapy & Sports
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-8548
Fax No. (505) 521-4382
Vanheyste, Pia Stephanie, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q443
BlueLINK ID: 5000584
Center for Physical Therapy &
2445 Missouri Ave., Ste. A, 88001
(505) 522-8548
Fax No. (505) 541-4382
Cadena, Carlos A., DPM
Provider ID #NM005399
BlueLINK ID: 8256872
2800 Doral Ct., Ste. A, 88011
(505) 521-0055
Fax No. (505) 521-0077
Cadena, Rolando C., DPM
Provider ID #NM005397
BlueLINK ID: 8251198
2930 Hillrise Dr., Ste. 4, 88011
(505) 522-3330
Deetz, David L., DPM
Provider ID #NM025303
BlueLINK ID: 8112971
Rio Grande Foot Clinic
710 S. Alameda, 88005
(505) 523-8566
Dunlap-Cadena, Linda J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005398
BlueLINK ID: 8251197
2930 Hillrise Dr., Ste. 4, 88011
(505) 522-3330
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Fisher, David, DPM
Provider ID #NM005345
BlueLINK ID: 8141074
335 N. Solano, 88001
(505) 523-2503
Gillis, Douglas T., DPM
Provider ID #NM005364
BlueLINK ID: 8141078
Arroyo Foot and Ankle Clinic
780 S. Walnut St., Ste. 3, 88001
(505) 525-3980
Mullan, Robert B., DPM
Provider ID #NM015A04
BlueLINK ID: 8269962
2445 S. Telshor Blvd., 88011
(505) 522-2776
Fax No. (505) 522-2271
Yu, Hsiao-Ch'un, DPM
Provider ID #NM005365
BlueLINK ID: 8141108
Arroyo Foot and Ankle Clinic
780 S. Walnut St., Ste. 3, 88001
(505) 525-3980
Allied Health Practitioners
Barry, Monty D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q184
BlueLINK ID: 6003686
Rehabilitation & Occupational
Medicine LLC
3530 Foothills, Ste. N, 88011
(505) 532-6054
Fax No. (505) 532-0215
Las Vegas
Las Vegas
San Miguel County
Alaniz, Virginia L., DOM-LPCC
Provider ID #NM01RF06
BlueLINK ID: 5006072
Alaniz Acupuncture & Therapy
1620 7th St., 87701
(505) 454-7694
Fax No. (505) 454-7694
Freeman, James, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R79N
BlueLINK ID: 5001084
Dragonfly Clinic
725 7th St., 87701
(505) 454-1410
Fax No. (505) 454-1410
Hasson, Randy, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R79H
BlueLINK ID: 5001083
Advanced Chiropractic & Acupuncture
720 University Ave., 87701
(505) 425-5402
Fax No. (505) 425-8643
Stege, Peter E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R42D
BlueLINK ID: 5000912
2002 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-0003
Certified Nurse Midwives
Okoro, Theresa, CNM
Provider ID #NM016282
BlueLINK ID: 5007471
New Mexico Quickcare Medical Group
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 200, 87701
(505) 454-1109
Fax No. (505) 454-1779
Perkowska, Christine J., CNM
Provider ID #NM006880
BlueLINK ID: 6003120
New Mexico QuickCare Medical
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 200, 87701
(505) 454-1109
Fax No. (505) 454-1779
Withnall, Elizabeth A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006511
BlueLINK ID: 5005328
924 4th St., 87701
(505) 454-9618
Fax No. (505) 949-0106
Las Vegas
Withnall, Elizabeth A., CNM
Provider ID #NM006295
BlueLINK ID: 5005328
Rio Vista Ob/Gyn
105 Mills Ave., Ste. 100, 87701
(505) 425-3569
Fax No. (505) 425-9031
Certified Nurse
Allied Health Practitioners
Bakken, Lynn B., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R84B
BlueLINK ID: 5001167
Las Vegas Clinic for Children & Youth
501 7th St., 87701
(505) 425-3566
Fax No. (505) 425-3568
Osuchowski-Sanchez, Mary Ann
Kathryn, CNP
Provider ID #NM006417
BlueLINK ID: 5007250
Health Centers of Northern NM
Las Vegas Clinic
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 425-6788
Fax No. (505) 425-5408
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Ratlaff, Tracy C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006481
BlueLINK ID: 5005630
Advanced Anesthesia Care
1235 8th St., 87701
(505) 425-2098
Fax No. (505) 425-2130
Crawford, Michael C., DC
Provider ID #NM00K962
BlueLINK ID: 8221126
Santa Fe Pain Center
244 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 454-4600
Fax No. (505) 982-3737
Darling, Scott S., DC
Provider ID #NM00K942
BlueLINK ID: 8140896
Las Vegas Chiropractic Center
721 5th St., 87701
(505) 425-5530
Ignacio, Andrea, DC
Provider ID #NM00KL63
BlueLINK ID: 5009788
Advanced Chiropractic & Acupuncture
720 University Ave., 87701
(505) 425-5402
Fax No. (505) 425-8643
Nagakura, Tracy J., DC
Provider ID #NM00K589
BlueLINK ID: 8140985
Advanced Chiropractic & Acupuncture
720 University Ave., 87701
(505) 425-5402
Fax No. (505) 425-8643
O'Keefe, Patrick J., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK42
BlueLINK ID: 5007932
Santa Fe Pain Center
244 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 454-4600
Fax No. (505) 982-3737
Allied Health Practitioners
Occupational Therapy
Elian, Linda, OT
Provider ID #NM00Q532
BlueLINK ID: 6004110
Rainbow Road Therapies, inc.
721 1/2 7th St., 87701
(505) 426-8095
Fax No. (505) 426-8095
Mudd, Richard, OT
Provider ID #NM00E222
BlueLINK ID: 5008935
Las Vegas Center Outpatient
Restorative Services Program
3695 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1493
Fax No. (505) 454-0397
Winn, Rodney, OT
Provider ID #NM00Q272
BlueLINK ID: 6003573
Rainbow Road Therapies, Inc.
721 1/2 7th St., 87701
(505) 426-8095
Javid, A. J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P892
BlueLINK ID: 5007229
Eye Associates of NM
248 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 426-8866
Johnson, Timothy J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P444
BlueLINK ID: 5000831
Eye Associates of NM
248 Mills Ave., 87701
(505) 426-8866
VanderMeer, Robert C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P166
BlueLINK ID: 8140692
614 8th St., 87701
(505) 425-7201
Physical Therapy and
Bagley, Dale, PT
Provider ID #NM00QO89
BlueLINK ID: 5008921
Southwest Physical & Sports Therapy
2513 Ridge Runner Rd., 87701
(505) 425-1117
Fax No. (505) 454-7810
Crespin, Paul, PT
Provider ID #NM00E221
BlueLINK ID: 5008934
Las Vegas Center Outpatient
Restorative Services Program
3695 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1493
Fax No. (505) 454-0397
Herrera, Mark, PT
Provider ID #NM00E219
BlueLINK ID: 5008932
Las Vegas Center Outpatient
Restorative Services Program
3695 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1493
Fax No. (505) 454-0397
Holmes, Bruce B., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q269
BlueLINK ID: 6003513
Southwest Physical & Sports Therapy
2513 Ridge Runner Rd., 87701
(505) 425-1117
Fax No. (505) 454-7810
Llamas, Suzanne, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q091
BlueLINK ID: 5008926
Las Vegas Physical Therapy
508 University Ave., 87701
(505) 425-7762
Fax No. (505) 454-9880
McFall, Michael, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q093
BlueLINK ID: 5008929
Las Vegas Physical Therapy
508 University Ave., 87701
(505) 425-7762
Fax No. (505) 454-9880
Nakasone, Randy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q092
BlueLINK ID: 5008927
Las Vegas Physical Therapy
508 University Ave., 87701
(505) 425-7762
Fax No. (505) 454-9880
Stoklosa, Carolyn, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q090
BlueLINK ID: 5008923
Southwest Physical & Sports Therapy
2513 Ridge Runner Rd., 87701
(505) 425-1117
Fax No. (505) 454-7810
Vickery, Karen, PTA
Provider ID #NM00E220
BlueLINK ID: 5008933
Las Vegas Center Outpatient
Restorative Services Program
3695 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1493
Fax No. (505) 454-0397
Andersen, Bruce A., DPM
Provider ID #NM005351
BlueLINK ID: 8141064
Las Vegas Foot Specialists
109 Railroad Ave., 87701
(505) 425-9491
Blake, William J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005445
BlueLINK ID: 5007668
Foot & Ankle Associates
244 Mills, 87701
(505) 454-0123
Fax No. (505) 454-1185
Schulhofer, David, DPM
Provider ID #NM005429
BlueLINK ID: 8255924
1214 National Ave., 87701
(505) 454-9400
Williams, Edward D., DPM
Provider ID #NM025315
BlueLINK ID: 8178448
Foot & Ankle Associates
Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-0123
Speech Therapy
Haecker, Ernest, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E218
BlueLINK ID: 5008931
Las Vegas Center Outpatient
Restorative Services Program
3695 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1493
Fax No. (505) 454-0397
Hickethier, Debra Ann, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E217
BlueLINK ID: 5007823
Las Vegas Center Outpatient
Restorative Services Program
3695 Hot Springs Blvd., 87701
(505) 454-1493
Fax No. (505) 454-0397
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Linzie, William, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E233
BlueLINK ID: 5010211
Rainbow Road Therapies, Inc.
721 1/2 7th St., 87701
(505) 426-8095
Fax No. (505) 426-8095
Simpson, Adelaide, SLP
Provider ID #NM01K45F
BlueLINK ID: 5007149
Rainbow Road Therapies, Inc.
721 1/2 7th St., 87701
(505) 426-8095
Fax No. (505) 426-8095
Hidalgo County
Certified Nurse
Seavers, Jane N., CNP
Provider ID #NM016601
BlueLINK ID: 7428684
Hidalgo Medical Services
530 Demoss St., 88045
(505) 542-8384
Fax No. (505) 542-8367
Dunlap-Cadena, Linda J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005398
BlueLINK ID: 8251197
500 Dr. De Moss St., 88045
(505) 542-8385
Los Alamos
Los Alamos County
Cheng, Yushu, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R494
BlueLINK ID: 5000938
Acupuncture Clinic
3500 Trinity Dr., Ste. A3, 87544
(505) 661-4127
Claude, Christina R., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R95G
BlueLINK ID: 5000924
127 EastGate Dr., Ste. 211, 87544
(505) 930-8462
Fax No. (505) 661-8481
Email: [email protected]
Grubb, Susan L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG22
BlueLINK ID: 6003072
Specializing in Chinese herbal
1460 Trinity Dr., Ste. 8, 87544
(505) 661-1144
Hunt, Erica, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH47
BlueLINK ID: 6003483
Cottonwood Therapy
3250 Trinity Dr., Ste. C, 87544
(505) 662-1419
Johansen, Andrea, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R490
BlueLINK ID: 5000937
2610 Trinity Dr., Ste. 14, 87544
(505) 663-1339
Fax No. (505) 661-9683
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Los Lunas
Jones, Inez R., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG49
BlueLINK ID: 6003796
Cottonwood Therapy
3250 Trinity Dr., Ste. C, 87544
(505) 662-1419
Fax No. (505) 661-0055
Johnson, Timothy J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P444
BlueLINK ID: 5000831
Eye Associates of NM
1623 Central Ave., 87544
(505) 662-5444
Fax No. (505) 662-6109
Jones, Inez R., DOM
Cottonwood Therapy
3250 Trinity Dr., Ste. C
(505) 662-1419
Ratzlaff, Robert D., OD
Provider ID #NM01P205
BlueLINK ID: 5000800
Vision West
800 Trinity Dr., Ste. J, 87544
(505) 662-7000
Fax No. (505) 662-2949
Rosenblatt, Anne B., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RG23
BlueLINK ID: 6003095
127 E. Gate Dr., Ste. 211, 87544
(505) 660-9413
Salisbury, Mary E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG14
BlueLINK ID: 5010106
1460 Trinity Dr., Ste. 8, 87544
(505) 690-7142
Certified Nurse
Karns, James M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006971
BlueLINK ID: 6003980
Patients over age 17
LAMC Family Care Center
3917 West Rd., Ste. 225, 87544
(505) 662-3450
Fax No. (505) 661-9487
Lazarus, Kimberly R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL66
BlueLINK ID: 6002928
Los Alamos Chiropractic Clinic
2610 Trinity Dr., Ste. 22, 87544
(505) 662-3022
Lazarus, Kimberly R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL66
BlueLINK ID: 6002928
Los Alamos Fitness Center
771 Central, Ste. 28, 87544
(505) 662-5232
Fax No. (505) 662-5232
Savoia, Nancy, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC49
BlueLINK ID: 8258639
2610 Trinity Dr., Ste. 22, 87544
(505) 662-3022
Fax No. (505) 662-7371
Wisehart, Shane K., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC77
BlueLINK ID: 8230756
Sun Country Healthcare Network
35 Bonnie View Dr., Ste. 3, 87544
(505) 672-9774
Bond, Richard E., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA53
BlueLINK ID: 8174951
Vision West
800 Trinity Dr., Ste. J, 87544
(505) 662-7000
Fax No. (505) 662-2949
July 2005
Shin, Lisa, OD
Provider ID #NM00PA51
BlueLINK ID: 5008142
Los Alamos Family Eye Care
2101 Trinity Dr., Ste. U, 87544
(505) 662-9681
Fax No. (505) 662-2551
Thibodeaux, Dwight, OD
Provider ID #NM00P203
BlueLINK ID: 5000785
Vision West
Group 2132
800 Trinity Dr., Ste. J, 87544
(505) 662-7000
Fax No. (505) 662-2949
Physical Therapy and
Ellsworth, Sara R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q343
BlueLINK ID: 6003013
Jemez Physical Therapy
2101 Trinity Dr., Ste. N, 87544
(505) 661-6191
Fax No. (505) 663-0386
Gardner, Lorraine, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q036
BlueLINK ID: 5008836
Jemez Physical Therapy
2101 Trinity Dr., Ste. N, 87544
(505) 661-6191
Fax No. (505) 663-0386
Harris, Michelle P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q236
BlueLINK ID: 5009413
Rebound Physical Therapy
4717 Quemazon, 87544
(505) 662-2225
Fax No. (505) 662-2228
Lawton, Cindy M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q235
BlueLINK ID: 5009412
Rebound Physical Therapy
4717 Quemazon, 87544
(505) 662-2225
Fax No. (505) 662-2228
Pannucci, Leslie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q087
BlueLINK ID: 5009170
549 Todd Loop South, 87544
(505) 672-0455
Robey, Margaret, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q432
BlueLINK ID: 5009020
Jemez Physical Therapy
2101 Trinity Dr., Ste. N, 87544
(505) 661-6191
Fax No. (505) 663-0386
Weyrauch, Annette R., RPT
Provider ID #NM00N615
BlueLINK ID: 5000672
Physical Therapy Plus
1350 Central Ave., Ste. 105, 87544
(505) 662-3384
Sauer, Jeff, DPM
Provider ID #NM005363
BlueLINK ID: 8141095
Los Alamos PHO
3917 West Rd., Ste. 130, 87544
(505) 662-2020
Fax No. (505) 662-9501
Tingle, Ryan W., DPM
Provider ID #NM007E30
BlueLINK ID: 5010066
Specializing in podiatric surgery
Northern NM Orthopaedic Center
3917 West Rd., Ste. 200, 87544
(505) 661-9217
Los Lunas
Valencia County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Rael, Jane M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R93E
BlueLINK ID: 5007236
1512 Rio Grande Blvd. SW, 87031
(505) 864-2939
Certified Nurse Midwives
Greulich, Mary Beth, CNM
Provider ID #NM006268
BlueLINK ID: 5005331
First Choice Community Healthcare
Los Lunas Clinic
1259 Hwy. 314, 87031
(505) 865-4618
Fax No. (505) 864-1062
Certified Nurse
Sanders, Andrea, ANP
Provider ID #NM006252
BlueLINK ID: 5008492
14 Hermanos Ct., 87031
(505) 328-0797
Bender, Jeffrey L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KP19
BlueLINK ID: 5000182
209 N. Hwy. 85, 87031
(505) 865-7610
Woodruff, Robert J., DC
Provider ID #NM01KH72
BlueLINK ID: 8283332
CareMore Chiropractic
352 Main St., 87031
(505) 865-3333
Fax No. (505) 865-3840
Occupational Therapy
Dillard, Elizabeth A., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q466
BlueLINK ID: 6003191
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St. SE, Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q073
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Miller, Cortney, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E178
BlueLINK ID: 5008775
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Welch-Broach, Tawamda, OTR
Provider ID #NM00E179
BlueLINK ID: 5008776
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Physical Therapy and
Almazan, Felipe M., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR35
BlueLINK ID: 5000579
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Baca, Philip M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q068
BlueLINK ID: 5008893
New Mexico Physical Therapists South
2211 Main St. SE, Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Balzis, Bethany S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q375
BlueLINK ID: 6003425
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Browning, Karen L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q459
BlueLINK ID: 6003093
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St. SE, Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Byrd, Virginia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q460
BlueLINK ID: 6002941
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 266-1767
Davis, Gail, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q368
BlueLINK ID: 5008862
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
2211 Main St., 87031
(505) 866-1677
Dennis, John P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q385
BlueLINK ID: 6003808
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Esparza, Ted J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q072
BlueLINK ID: 5008918
New Mexico Physical Therapists South
2211 Main St. SE, Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Allied Health Practitioners
Liu, Li, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R21G
BlueLINK ID: 5009180
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
118 Central Park Square, 87544
(505) 984-8781
Fax No. (505) 661-7299
Allied Health Practitioners
Los Lunas
Allied Health Practitioners
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q074
BlueLINK ID: 5008729
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Sanchez, Donald J., MS-PT
Provider ID #NM00Q307
BlueLINK ID: 5000255
Los Lunas Physical Therapy
535 US Hwy. 314 SW, 87031
(505) 866-0055
Fax No. (505) 866-0057
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q075
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Vena, Darryl S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q473
BlueLINK ID: 6003349
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Granados, Candace, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q076
BlueLINK ID: 5008936
New Mexico Physical Therapists West
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Wessel, Brenda D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q406
BlueLINK ID: 5008943
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Jordan, Julia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q402
BlueLINK ID: 5008939
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Kennedy, David, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q395
BlueLINK ID: 6003906
Los Lunas Physical Therapy
535 US Hwy. 314 SW, 87031
(505) 866-0055
Fax No. (505) 866-0057
Kreutzer, Nancy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q317
BlueLINK ID: 5008773
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Martinez, Toni Ann, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q315
BlueLINK ID: 5008771
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Montgomery, Katherine J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q358
BlueLINK ID: 6003427
New Mexico Physical Therapists
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Olson, Monica L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q403
BlueLINK ID: 5008940
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Plummer, Marybeth, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q404
BlueLINK ID: 5008941
New Mexico Physical Therapists East
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Rael, Barbara, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q316
BlueLINK ID: 5008772
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Roe, Tommy G., DPM
Provider ID #NM015486
BlueLINK ID: 8289130
Valencia Associated Podiatrists
1003 Main St. SW, 87031
(505) 565-1155
Fax No. (505) 565-1166
Speech Therapy
Blair, Adriane, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E181
BlueLINK ID: 5008778
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Gregory, Patricia K., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E380
BlueLINK ID: 5008861
New Mexico Physical Therapists Inc.
2211 Main St., Ste. C, 87031
(505) 866-1677
Fax No. (505) 866-1767
Vallese-Brook, Janet, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E180
BlueLINK ID: 5008777
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Vigil, Malia, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E177
BlueLINK ID: 5008774
Los Niños Therapy Center
336 Luna Ave. SE, 87031
(505) 865-7955
Los Ojos
Rio Arriba County
McGaughey, Birgit, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF98
BlueLINK ID: 5010100
Blue Dragon Clinic
447 State Rd. 95 Rutheron, 87551
(505) 588-0264
Fax No. (505) 588-0008
Lea County
Socorro County
Halsell, Cecil B., DC
Provider ID #NM01KK54
BlueLINK ID: 8289027
Halsell Family Chiropractic
1601 W. Avenue I, 88260
(505) 396-5307
Fax No. (505) 396-5308
Reber, Clay O., OD
Provider ID #NM00P342
BlueLINK ID: 5000823
Family Vision Center
112 W. Avenue A, 88260
(505) 396-2522
Fax No. (505) 396-7655
Reber, David B., OD
Provider ID #NM00P509
BlueLINK ID: 5000842
Family Vision Center
112 W. Avenue A, 88260
(505) 396-2522
Fax No. (505) 396-7655
Reber, Harold L., OD
Provider ID #NM00P338
BlueLINK ID: 8174969
Family Vision Center
112 W. Avenue A, 88260
(505) 396-2522
Fax No. (505) 396-7655
Physical Therapy and
Broom, Robin C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q387
BlueLINK ID: 6003847
Therapy Services Associates, PC
1602 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-5227
Fax No. (505) 396-7193
Osborne, Kim L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q024
BlueLINK ID: 5008501
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1602 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-5227
Fax No. (505) 396-7193
Sandoval, Stacy A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q023
BlueLINK ID: 5008500
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1602 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-5227
Fax No. (505) 396-7193
Schrank, Edward C., PT
Provider ID #NM00NP75
BlueLINK ID: 5000553
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1602 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-5227
Fax No. (505) 396-7193
Certified Nurse
Jenness, Margaretha K., FNP
Provider ID #NM00R86F
BlueLINK ID: 7487182
Magdalena Area Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
108 N. Main, 87825
(505) 854-3161
Fax No. (505) 854-3160
Torrance County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Certified Nurse
Agnes, Linda S., CNP
Provider ID #NM016231
BlueLINK ID: 5007646
Center for Aesthetic Medicine
1108 Central Ave., 87035
(505) 832-4432
Fax No. (505) 832-5024
Physical Therapy and
Fowler, Cheryl, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q336
BlueLINK ID: 5009505
East Mountain Physical Therapy
2005 US Rte. 66 W, Ste. A, 87035
(505) 832-4011
Fax No. (505) 832-0434
Fowler, James M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q337
BlueLINK ID: 5009504
East Mountain Physical Therapy
2005 US Rte. 66 W, Ste. A, 87035
(505) 832-4011
Fax No. (505) 832-0434
Wrege, Steven S., DPM
Provider ID #NM005372
BlueLINK ID: 5005239
1108 Rte. 66, 87035
(505) 832-4434
Seaton, Shirlee S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q005
BlueLINK ID: 5008353
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1602 N. Main, 88260
(505) 396-5227
Fax No. (505) 396-7193
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Torrance County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Brooks, Charles W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P023
BlueLINK ID: 8112394
201 S. Abilene, 88130
(505) 359-1252
Fax No. (505) 359-2601
Physical Therapy and
Walker, William, DC
Provider ID #NM00K792
BlueLINK ID: 8191039
Chiropractic Natural High
117 W. Broadway, 87036
(505) 867-2300
Osborne, Kim L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q024
BlueLINK ID: 5008501
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1429 S. Avenue D, 88130
(505) 356-4888
Ojo Caliente
Taos County
Certified Nurse
Flores, Jose R., CNP
Provider ID #NM006973
BlueLINK ID: 7120997
Las Clinicas del Norte
Hwy. 285, Bldg. 35282, 87549
(505) 583-2191
Fax No. (505) 583-2540
San Miguel County
Chew, Kerrilyn, DOM
Provider ID #NM01RF82
BlueLINK ID: 5008301
La Rosa Wellness Center
HC 70 Box 320, 87552
(505) 757-2727
Fax No. (505) 757-2727
Roosevelt County
Hilliard, W. K., DC
Provider ID #NM00K860
BlueLINK ID: 8140933
Hilliard Chiropractic Life
112 E. 4th St., 88130
(505) 356-6982
Sandoval, Stacy A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q023
BlueLINK ID: 5000553
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1429 S. Avenue D, 88130
(505) 356-4888
Schrank, Edward C., PT
Provider ID #NM00NP75
BlueLINK ID: 5000553
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1429 S. Avenue D, 88130
(505) 356-4888
Seaton, Shirlee S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q005
BlueLINK ID: 5008353
Therapy Services Associates P/T
1429 S. Avenue D, 88130
(505) 356-4888
Email: [email protected]
Taos County
Certified Nurse
Lockwood, Judith A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R85S
BlueLINK ID: 5001198
Questa Health Clinic
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
State Hwy. 522, Bldg. 2573, 87556
(505) 586-0315
Fax No. (505) 586-0234
Colfax County
Smith, William J., DC-CCST
Provider ID #NM01K995
BlueLINK ID: 8210159
Certified cervical spinal trauma
Smith Chiropractic Center
1400 S. Avenue D, Ste. A, 88130
(505) 356-4440
Fax No. (505) 356-4433
Nutritional Counseling
Cox, Judy A., RD
Provider ID #NM00RE86
BlueLINK ID: 7153020
La Casa de Buena Salud
1515 W. Fir, 88130
(505) 356-6695
Fax No. (505) 356-5948
Haecker, Ernest E., CCCA
Provider ID #NM00E236
BlueLINK ID: 7313257
High Plains REC #3
144 S. First St., 87740
(505) 445-7090
Fax No. (505) 445-7663
July 2005
Marez, Daniel, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R472
BlueLINK ID: 5000925
210 Cook Ave, Ste. 203, 87740
(505) 445-1037
Fax No. (505) 445-1041
Brower, Marcia L., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006378
BlueLINK ID: 7453352
Family Practice Associates of Raton
411 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-3626
Fax No. (505) 455-8649
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Barker, Jesse C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006946
BlueLINK ID: 5008953
Miner's Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Cooper, Jimmy W., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006875
BlueLINK ID: 7313380
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Dyess, David E., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006492
BlueLINK ID: 5008758
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Griffin, Joseph A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006963
BlueLINK ID: 5005290
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Grissinger, Margaret, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006969
BlueLINK ID: 6003904
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-2741
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Payne, Dale L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006494
BlueLINK ID: 5008760
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Rutt, Wade Thomas, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006495
BlueLINK ID: 5008761
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Slater, Louise L., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006958
BlueLINK ID: 6003710
Miners Colfax Anesthesia
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-2741
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Cunico-Hatzenbeler, Chrissy F.,
Provider ID #NM00K138
BlueLINK ID: 8267094
Cunico Chiropractic Life Center
1187 S. 2nd St., 87740
(505) 445-8845
Fax No. (505) 445-9373
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
McGowen, Monty M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK32
BlueLINK ID: 5000229
McGowen Chiropractic
1800 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0222
Fax No. (505) 445-0222
Washburn, Bruce Wayne, DC
Provider ID #NM00KB98
BlueLINK ID: 5000185
Washburn Chiropractic
230 Galisteo Ave., 87740
(505) 445-8811
Washburn, Crystal Dawn, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC65
BlueLINK ID: 5000208
Washburn Chiropractic
230 Galisteo Ave., 87740
(505) 445-8811
Nutritional Counseling
Caruana, Anna C., RN-CDE
Provider ID #NM006866
BlueLINK ID: 5010101
Diabetes education
Family Practice Associates of Raton
411 S. 3rd St., 87740
(505) 445-3626
Fax No. (505) 445-8649
Caruana, Anna C., RN-CDE
Provider ID #NM00RG19
BlueLINK ID: 5010101
Diabetes education
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7875
McNees, Angela M., LD
Provider ID #NM00RG58
BlueLINK ID: 6003884
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7889
Richard, Mary A., LD
Provider ID #NM00RK08
BlueLINK ID: 6004190
Miners Colfax Medical Center
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-3661
Fax No. (505) 445-7708
Eickelman, James A., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA58
BlueLINK ID: 8188955
Rocky Mountain Eye Center
168 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-2789
Fax No. (505) 445-2780
Physical Therapy and
Armstrong, Debbie, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q041
BlueLINK ID: 5008589
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy
160 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0111
Fax No. (505) 445-0112
Armstrong, Eric, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q042
BlueLINK ID: 5008590
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy
160 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0111
Fax No. (505) 445-0112
Allied Health Practitioners
Certified Nurse
Baca, Brandon, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q043
BlueLINK ID: 5008779
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy
160 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0111
Fax No. (505) 445-0112
Allied Health Practitioners
Kamp, Theodore P., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q044
BlueLINK ID: 5008780
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy
160 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0111
Fax No. (505) 445-0112
Kamp, Traci R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q045
BlueLINK ID: 5008781
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy
160 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0111
Fax No. (505) 445-0112
Mueller, Christopher R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q360
BlueLINK ID: 6003452
Rocky Mountain Physical Therapy
160 Hospital Dr., 87740
(505) 445-0111
Fax No. (505) 445-0112
Blake, William J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005445
BlueLINK ID: 5007668
Foot & Ankle Associates
200 Hospital Dr., 87740
(888) 982-0123
Fax No. (505) 445-7785
Catron County
Certified Nurse
Mills, Carol A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006872
BlueLINK ID: 5010165
Catron County Medical Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
1 Foster Ln., 87830
(505) 533-6456
Fax No. (505) 532-6767
Rio Rancho
Sandoval County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Hernandez-Allen, Ilse P., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RJ12
BlueLINK ID: 6003052
4351 Jager Dr. NE, Ste. C, 87144
(505) 771-1180
Skoog, Robert E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH50
BlueLINK ID: 6000126
Lifetime Chiropractic
4111 Barbara Lp. SE, 87124
(505) 891-3111
Fax No. (505) 981-0106
Allied Health Practitioners
Certified Nurse
Blaser, Christine T., CFNP
Provider ID #NM026183
BlueLINK ID: 7447362
Physicians Group of Sandia Health
Rio Rancho Adult & Geriatric Medicine
1721 Rio Rancho NW, 87124
(505) 727-3500
Adams, Elaine, DC
Provider ID #NM00K073
BlueLINK ID: 8211542
Lifetime Chiropractic
4111 Barbara Lp. SE, Ste. C1, 87124
(505) 891-3111
Barber, James M., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB83
BlueLINK ID: 5000180
B & B Chiropractic
1400 Barbara Lp. SE, 87124
(505) 891-2667
Fitch, Jennifer L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ69
BlueLINK ID: 6003113
Lifetime Chiropractic
4111 Barbara Lp. SE, Ste. C1, 87124
(505) 891-3111
Fax No. (505) 891-0601
Garner, Curtis L., DC
Provider ID #NM00K005
BlueLINK ID: 8240913
Garner Chiropractic
2003 Southern Blvd., Ste. 109, 87124
(505) 892-2222
Fax No. (505) 892-4290
Nelson, David W., DC
Provider ID #NM00KJ16
BlueLINK ID: 5010098
CareMore Chiropractic
2109 Golf Course Rd. NW, 87124
(505) 891-2500
Fax No. (505) 891-2525
Peets, Lonnie L., DC
Provider ID #NM00K954
BlueLINK ID: 8204479
Lifetime Chiropractic
4111 Barbara Lp. SE, Ste. C1, 87124
(505) 891-3111
Walker, William, DC
Provider ID #NM00K792
BlueLINK ID: 8191039
Chiropractic Natural High
1316 Jackie Rd. SE, Ste. 400, 87124
(505) 891-3345
Fax No. (505) 891-3340
Andreatta, Mario J., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA09
BlueLINK ID: 8255909
Eye Associates of New Mexico
1740 Grande Blvd. SE, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 892-3434
Fax No. (505) 891-2402
Bigelow, Daryl W., OD
Provider ID #NM00PA10
BlueLINK ID: 8101117
Eye Associates of NM
1740 Grande Blvd. SE, Ste. B, 87124
(505) 892-3434
Fax No. (505) 891-2402
Planitz, Jennifer, OD
Provider ID #NM00PA15
BlueLINK ID: 6002080
Rio Eyecare, PC
4100 Crestview Dr. SE, 87124
(505) 891-2020
Fax No. (505) 891-2010
Strosnider, Jeffrey C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P945
BlueLINK ID: 8285334
Eye Associates of NM
1740 Grande Blvd., Ste. B, 87124
(505) 892-3434
Fax No. (505) 891-2402
Physical Therapy and
Black, Liza A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q347
BlueLINK ID: 6003151
Physical therapy - outpatient
Rio Rancho Physical Therapy
4100 Southern Blvd., Ste. 180A,
(505) 896-4978
Fax No. (505) 896-6179
Hogstrom, Jan H., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q007
BlueLINK ID: 5000555
Rio Rancho Physical Therapy
4100 Southern Blvd., Ste. 180A,
(505) 896-4978
Fax No. (505) 896-6179
Leftwich, Steele, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q393
BlueLINK ID: 6003895
Rio Rancho Physical Therapy
4100 Southern Blvd., Ste. 180A,
(505) 896-4978
Fax No. (505) 896-6179
Email: [email protected]
Meltzer, Evan F., DPM
Provider ID #NM005438
BlueLINK ID: 8192936
4351 Jager Dr. NE, 87144
(505) 771-1180
Fax No. (505) 771-2688
Pincus, Michael R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005331
BlueLINK ID: 8141090
2207 Golf Course Rd. SE, Ste. A,
(505) 823-4780
Speech Therapy
Gillen, Maria E., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E187
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language, &
Hearing Center
4100 High Resort Blvd., Ste. 205,
(505) 462-8676
Fax No. (505) 462-8677
Kelbley, Nancy B., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E383
BlueLINK ID: 6004077
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
4100 High Resort Blvd., Ste. 205,
(505) 462-8679
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lamb, Melissa C., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E185
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language, &
Hearing Center
4100 High Resort Blvd., Ste. 205,
(505) 462-8676
Fax No. (505) 462-8677
McKenzie, Diane H., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00T908
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
Albuquerque Speech, Language, &
Hearing Center
4100 High Resort Blvd., Ste. 205,
(505) 462-8676
Fax No. (505) 462-8677
Morse, Julie, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E189
BlueLINK ID: 5008790
Albuquerque Speech, Language &
Hearing Center
4100 High Resort Blvd., Ste. 205,
(505) 462-8679
Chaves County
Hengstenberg, Kate C., MA
Provider ID #NM00E268
BlueLINK ID: 626181
Audio Acoustics Hearing Centers
1000 W. 4th St., 88201
(505) 623-8474
Fax No. (505) 623-8220
Certified Nurse Midwives
Durand, Rachel T., CNM
Provider ID #NM00R87D
BlueLINK ID: 5006216
New Beginnings Women's Health
605 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 623-2229
Fax No. (505) 623-2530
Jones, Rebecca B., CNM
Provider ID #NM006543
BlueLINK ID: 5005353
Rio Pecos Medical Associates
305 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-6322
Fax No. (505) 622-6888
Certified Nurse
Crosby, Teresa C., CNP
Provider ID #NM016418
BlueLINK ID: 7140922
Virgle O. Herrin, MD
2110 S. Main St., 88201
(505) 622-4328
Fax No. (505) 624-2862
Hansen, Kimberly A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006467
BlueLINK ID: 5008297
Patients under age 22
Covenant Care Pediatrics
200 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste. A, 88201
(505) 622-5956
Fax No. (505) 622-5452
Parsons, Nancy A., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R94B
BlueLINK ID: 7313379
808 N. Union, Ste. A, 88201
(505) 622-1411
Fax No. (505) 622-0735
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Peterson, Kerry C., CNP-RN
Provider ID #NM006353
BlueLINK ID: 3385563
BCA Medical Associates
813 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-2606
Fax No. (505) 622-6645
Whitten, Barbara G., CNP
Provider ID #NM006400
BlueLINK ID: 7410227
Covenant Family Health Center
402 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 637-7000
Fax No. (505) 637-7019
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Elswick, Don, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006078
BlueLINK ID: 5005291
Professional Anesthesia Associates
113 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 625-9260
Fax No. (505) 623-1775
Elswick, Don, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006078
BlueLINK ID: 5005291
Professional Anesthesia Associates
405 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 625-9260
Jones, James O., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006170
BlueLINK ID: 5005295
113 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 624-2095
Jones, James O., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006170
BlueLINK ID: 5005295
Eastern NM Medical Center
405 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 622-8170
Landers, Robert T., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006468
BlueLINK ID: 5008319
Professional Anesthesia Associates
113 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 625-9260
Fax No. (505) 623-1775
Landers, Robert T., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006468
BlueLINK ID: 5008319
Professional Anesthesia Associates
405 W. Country Club Rd., 88201
(505) 625-9260
Cathey, Craig B., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK70
BlueLINK ID: 8290413
Cathey Chiropractic
713 W. Alameda, 88203
(505) 622-0902
Fax No. (505) 622-9146
Dalton, John D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC01
BlueLINK ID: 8250414
Pecos Valley Chiropractic
200 W. 1st St., Ste. 847, 88201
(505) 625-0039
Fax No. (505) 625-2252
July 2005
Gonzales, Christopher E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK61
BlueLINK ID: 8209890
Chiropractic Center, PC
811 N. Union, 88201
(505) 623-6691
Fax No. (505) 623-6144
Knoche, Dennis D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K936
BlueLINK ID: 5000386
1010 S. Sunset, 88201
(505) 623-4383
Fax No. (505) 623-7471
Mathison, Barry, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC92
BlueLINK ID: 5000226
Mathison Chiropractic Clinic
201 N. Nevada, Ste. A, 88201
(505) 623-2225
Fax No. (505) 623-1170
Reinecke, Lisa, DC
Provider ID #NM00K490
BlueLINK ID: 8187742
3506 LaJoya Rd., 88201
(505) 627-1361
Smith, Daniel, DC
Provider ID #NM00KH38
BlueLINK ID: 8274974
Smith Chiropractic Health Center
511 W. Walnut, 88201
(505) 622-6800
Fax No. (505) 622-6825
Todd, Terry W., DC
Provider ID #NM01K161
BlueLINK ID: 5006247
Liberty Chiropractic
1500 N. Washington, 88201
(505) 622-8118
Fax No. (505) 622-6946
Nutritional Counseling
Gillespie, Vernita, RD-LD-CDE
Provider ID #NM01R81C
BlueLINK ID: 5001108
Diabetes and Endocrinology Center
601 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 202,
(505) 622-2273
Fax No. (505) 622-2259
Occupational Therapy
Herrera, Patsy G., OT
Provider ID #NM00NR90
BlueLINK ID: 5000598
Roswell Hand Clinic & Occup.
Therapy Center
110 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 3,
(505) 623-2292
Fax No. (505) 623-2255
Serrano, Cynthia J., OTR-LCHT
Provider ID #NM00NQ39
BlueLINK ID: 5000559
Roswell Hand Clinic & Occup.
Therapy Center
110 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 3,
(505) 623-2292
Fax No. (505) 623-2255
Geldert, Maurice W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P315
BlueLINK ID: 8119523
Roswell Vision Source
200 W. Wilshire Blvd, Ste. D, 88201
(505) 523-5111
Fax No. (505) 623-9639
Leadingham, Ed E., OD
Provider ID #NM00P031
BlueLINK ID: 8174931
Leadingham Vision Center
1100 N. Main St., 88203
(505) 622-4250
Fax No. (505) 622-5170
Leadingham, Greg N., OD
Provider ID #NM00P423
BlueLINK ID: 8175028
Leadingham Vision Center
1100 N. Main St., 88203
(505) 622-4250
Fax No. (505) 622-5170
Leadingham, Ken D., OD
Provider ID #NM00P425
BlueLINK ID: 8175011
Leadingham Vision Center
1100 N. Main St., 88203
(505) 622-4250
Fax No. (505) 622-5170
Physical Therapy and
Bennett, Alicia Jan, PT
Provider ID #NM00NR91
BlueLINK ID: 5000599
Roswell Hand Clinic & Occup.
Therapy Center
110 W. Country Club Rd., Ste. 3,
(505) 623-2292
Fax No. (505) 623-2255
Elwell, Darrel A., PT
Provider ID #NM00NR93
BlueLINK ID: 5000601
800 W. 2nd St., 88201
(505) 625-9020
Fax No. (505) 625-9025
Rudolph, Grey M., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR73
BlueLINK ID: 5000590
115 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 622-7600
Shortall, Richard H., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q129
BlueLINK ID: 5008111
Sprint Sports Rehabilitation
113 E. College, 88201
(505) 622-6500
Fax No. (505) 622-9777
Antenucci, Mark, DPM
Provider ID #NM005357
BlueLINK ID: 8141065
109 W. 12th St., 88201
(505) 624-2398
Fax No. (505) 624-0655
Brower, Randall L., DPM
Provider ID #NM005494
BlueLINK ID: 8299963
New Mexico Foot & Ankle Institute
342 W. Sherrill Ln., Ste. B, 88201
(505) 622-2000
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Lincoln County
La Rosa, Janet, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R68D
BlueLINK ID: 5001010
101 Reese Dr., 88345
(505) 630-3739
Certified Nurse Midwives
Hendricks, Sharon L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A07
BlueLINK ID: 5006310
Lincoln County Medical Center
211 Sudderth, 88345
(505) 257-7381
Hendricks, Sharon L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006A06
BlueLINK ID: 5006310
White Mountain Medical Center
129 El Paso Rd., 88345
(505) 257-6500
Certified Nurse
Arnett, Kelly R., CNP
Provider ID #NM006457
BlueLINK ID: 5006953
Deborah J. Hewitt, M.D., FACOG, PC
159 Mescalero Trail, 88345
(505) 257-7505
Fax No. (505) 257-4888
Klinekole, Bruce, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC53
BlueLINK ID: 5000204
White Mountain Chiropractic
500 Mechem Dr., Ste. C, 88345
(505) 257-7970
Fax No. (505) 257-7970
Ogden, Jon D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK65
BlueLINK ID: 5008566
1096 Mechem Dr., Ste. G5, 88345
(505) 258-3725
Fax No. (505) 258-3238
Waters, Jack V., DC
Provider ID #NM00K679
BlueLINK ID: 8186419
206 Porr Dr., 88345
(505) 257-2626
Fax No. (505) 257-2939
Gutowski, Anatole F., OD
Provider ID #NM00P420
BlueLINK ID: 8174920
159 Mescalero Trail, Ste. 1, 88345
(505) 257-5029
Fax No. (505) 257-9096
McDonald, Bill G., OD
Provider ID #NM02P128
BlueLINK ID: 8174959
Lincoln County Eye Clinic
205 Sudderth Dr., 88345
(505) 257-5512
Fax No. (505) 257-2832
Allied Health Practitioners
Desjardins, Gerald G., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016018
BlueLINK ID: 5006363
Case Anesthesia
113 E. 19th St., 88201
(505) 622-8170
Sonnenmoser, Deborah J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P436
BlueLINK ID: 8174916
Family Vision Care Clinic
159 Mescalero Trail, 88345
(505) 257-5029
Fax No. (505) 527-9096
Physical Therapy and
Allied Health Practitioners
Radosevich, Lydia C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q152
BlueLINK ID: 5009763
The Ruidoso Physical Therapy Clinic
439 Mechem Dr., 88345
(505) 257-1800
Fax No. (505) 257-2319
Speech Therapy
Gallien, Pam, MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM01K42D
BlueLINK ID: 5000297
Gallien, Inc.
415 Wingfield Rd., Ste. A, 88345
(505) 257-5820
San Miguel
Doña Ana County
Certified Nurse
Austin, Kathleen Jo, CNP
Provider ID #NM00R91M
BlueLINK ID: 5001263
La Clinica de Familia
18424 S. Hwy. 28, 88058
(505) 233-3830
Fax No. (505) 233-4542
Santa Clara
Grant County
Morris, Luther D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K789
BlueLINK ID: 8140981
Morris Chiropractic Center
12087 Hwy. 180 East, Ste. A, 88026
(505) 537-2976
Fax No. (505) 537-2976
Santa Fe
Santa Fe County
Alsop, Anna C., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF99
BlueLINK ID: 5009294
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 982-5156
Fax No. (505) 982-2344
Becker, Cynthia, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R87H
BlueLINK ID: 5001218
433 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 988-1232
Fax No. (505) 484-1603
Benson, Robyn, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R49H
BlueLINK ID: 5000934
East By Southwest
2905 Rodeo Park Dr. East, Bldg. #3,
(505) 986-1089
Fax No. (505) 986-8874
Allied Health Practitioners
Bjorklund, Alix P., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R87W
BlueLINK ID: 5000914
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 982-5156
Fax No. (505) 982-2344
Bruce, Daniel J., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R31U
BlueLINK ID: 5000873
Amerasian Acupuncture
1301 St. Francis Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 988-5106
Fax No. (505) 757-2156
Email: [email protected]
Campbell, Robert V., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG13
BlueLINK ID: 5010087
Campbell's Herb & Acupuncture
2917 Camino del Bosque, 87507
(505) 424-9527
Fax No. (505) 474-5561
Canzone, J. David, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R95F
BlueLINK ID: 5001125
2074 Galisteo St., Unit A-2, 87505
(505) 989-7418
Fax No. (505) 986-8874
Canzone, Sandra P., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF90
BlueLINK ID: 5008706
2074 Galisteo St., Unit A2, 87505
(505) 989-7418
Fax No. (505) 986-8874
Chew, Kerrilyn, DOM
Provider ID #NM01RF82
BlueLINK ID: 5008301
1208 Luisa St., Ste. 2, 87501
(505) 988-2449
Fax No. (505) 988-2449
Chew, Kerrilyn, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG18
BlueLINK ID: 5008301
Women's Health Services
901 W. Alameda St., Ste. 25, 87501
(505) 988-8869
Fax No. (505) 987-7321
Claude, Christina R., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R95G
BlueLINK ID: 5000924
High Desert HealthCare
217 E. Palace, 87501
(505) 930-8462
Fax No. (505) 661-8481
Email: [email protected]
Cobb, Daniel C., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG03
BlueLINK ID: 5009406
No children under age 10
2074 Galisteo St., Ste. A4, 87505
(505) 988-5450
Duckworth, Fiquet Hanna, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R504
BlueLINK ID: 5000942
1510 S. St. Francis Dr., 87505
(505) 982-9626
Fax No. (505) 983-2320
Easton, Jade, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R31I
BlueLINK ID: 5000872
2585 Avenida de Isidro, 87505
(505) 983-9133
Fax No. (505) 424-0168
Eddy, Walter B., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF93
BlueLINK ID: 5008999
Acupuncture orthopedics
233 Johnson, 87501
(505) 986-1058
Fax No. (505) 992-1923
Fineberg, Leah, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R684
BlueLINK ID: 5001014
200 W. De Vargas St., Ste. 5, 87501
(505) 983-5387
Fax No. (505) 986-1190
Fiset, Elizabeth M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R88Y
BlueLINK ID: 6000361
2319 Calle Lumimoso, 87505
(505) 438-4308
Fax No. (505) 438-4308
Franklin, Emily M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG41
BlueLINK ID: 6003527
Patients over age 18
107 Temblon St., Ste. B, 87501
(505) 690-4828
Hafer, Marianne, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R62Y
BlueLINK ID: 5000993
11 Calle Medico, Ste. 6, 87505
(505) 986-0267
Fax No. (505) 989-9953
Hall, Tammy S., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG36
BlueLINK ID: 6003388
Life Transitions
110 Delgado St., Ste. D, 87501
(505) 982-4183
Fax No. (505) 982-9219
Hampton, Danielle, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R468
BlueLINK ID: 5000921
Eldorado Acupuncture & Herb Center
7 Avenida Vista Grande, Ste. D6,
(505) 466-2676
Fax No. (505) 466-3631
Hao, Jishun J., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R437
BlueLINK ID: 5006040
National Healthcare Center
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. C1, 87505
(505) 986-0542
Fax No. (505) 986-8984
Hao, Linda Lingzhi, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R635
BlueLINK ID: 5000997
National Healthcare Center
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. C1, 87505
(505) 986-0542
Fax No. (505) 986-8984
Higgins, Barbara C., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R99L
BlueLINK ID: 5001295
2074 Galisteo St., Ste. B1, 87505
(505) 988-7350
Fax No. (505) 820-6339
Jones, Inez R., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG53
BlueLINK ID: 6003796
4680 Westview Terrace, 87507
(505) 474-5597
Fax No. (505) 474-5597
Jones, Inez R., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG49
BlueLINK ID: 6003796
Cottonwood Therapy
4680 Westview Terrace, 87507
(505) 474-5597
Fax No. (505) 474-5597
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Kaur, Arminder, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH45
BlueLINK ID: 6000189
Acupuncture & Wellness Center
624 Agua Fiera, 87501
(505) 489-7106
Fax No. (505) 232-2408
Keefe, Gaynl, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R36X
BlueLINK ID: 5000898
2074 Galisteo St., Ste. B-1, 87505
(505) 988-7350
Fax No. (505) 820-6339
Khalsa, Gurusant S., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R980
BlueLINK ID: 5001290
Acupuncture Associates of America
1505 Llano St., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 984-3034
Fax No. (505) 982-9965
Khalsa, Kartar S., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R73Y
BlueLINK ID: 5001055
GRD Acupuncture
1505 Llano St., 87505
(505) 984-3034
Fax No. (505) 984-3034
Liu, Li, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R21G
BlueLINK ID: 5009180
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
1925 Aspen Dr., Ste. 300B, 87505
(505) 984-8781
Lundgren, Alston C., MD
Provider ID #NM009328
BlueLINK ID: 2196338
Santa Fe Medical Acupuncture
460 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 801, 87505
(505) 986-0910
Fax No. (505) 986-0904
Mandell, Janet P., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG09
BlueLINK ID: 6002061
1925 Aspen Dr., Ste. 302B, 87505
(505) 920-4725
Fax No. (505) 820-6339
Marino, Mary E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R434
BlueLINK ID: 6000167
Healing Arts Building
404 Brunn School Rd., 87505
(505) 455-0005
Email: [email protected]
McIlhon, Mary Jo, DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG45
BlueLINK ID: 6003632
521 Salazar St., 87501
(505) 984-8877
Robins, Maureen T., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RF34
BlueLINK ID: 6002168
823 Allendale St., 87505
(505) 988-1774
Fax No. (505) 988-8960
Rodriguez-Nieto, Juana I., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG01
BlueLINK ID: 5009319
Dynamic Balance Acupuncture Clinic
1494 S. St. Francis Dr., 87505
(505) 690-1084
Fax No. (505) 983-5017
Rosenblatt, Anne B., DOM
Provider ID #NM01RG23
BlueLINK ID: 6003095
The Healing Arts at the Pueblo of
Pojoaque Wellness
101 Lightning Lp., 87506
(505) 660-9413
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Ruther, David L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG02
BlueLINK ID: 6002198
801 Cerrillos Rd., 87505
(505) 988-8017
Fax No. (505) 988-8018
Swart, Stephen D., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG1
BlueLINK ID: 6003815
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Zhao, Kezhuang, L.Ac.-DOM
Provider ID #NM00R30Q
BlueLINK ID: 6002535
East Tao Corp.
2801 W. Rodeo Rd., Ste. F, 87507
(505) 438-7178
Fax No. (505) 438-1056
Bishop, Barbara J., CNP
Provider ID #NM006233
BlueLINK ID: 5007648
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Carruthers, Karen H., CNP
Provider ID #NM006895
BlueLINK ID: 6003357
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87504
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Dominguez, Linda, CNP
Provider ID #NM006237
BlueLINK ID: 5007684
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Certified Nurse Midwives
Harding, Judith M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006888
BlueLINK ID: 6003138
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
514 Oñate Pl., 87504
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Rothfork, Gail L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006223
BlueLINK ID: 5007365
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Helmick, Carrie F., CNP
Provider ID #NM006239
BlueLINK ID: 5007699
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Certified Nurse
Bennon, Robert, CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R85L
BlueLINK ID: 5001193
MCHC Teen Health Center
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
2100 Yucca Rd., 87505
(505) 989-5577
Benson, Erika L., CNP
Provider ID #NM005087
BlueLINK ID: 7136665
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Benson, Erika L., CNP
Provider ID #NM005087
BlueLINK ID: 7136665
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja del Oro Grant Rd., 87507
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 425-5699
Benson, Erika L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006887
BlueLINK ID: 7136665
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico,
514 Oñate Pl., 87504
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
July 2005
Helmstadter, Cristy, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006649
BlueLINK ID: 5009101
Women's Health Services
901 W. Alameda St., Ste. 25, 87501
(505) 988-8869
Fax No. (505) 987-7321
Hendrickson, Patricia A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006234
BlueLINK ID: 5007649
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Hull, Cynthia G., CNP
Provider ID #NM006848
BlueLINK ID: 5010062
High risk obstetric patients
Perinatal Associates of NM
1692 Hospital Dr., 87501
(505) 984-2560
Fax No. (505) 984-2541
Jorgensen, Ethel M., CNP
Provider ID #NM006238
BlueLINK ID: 5007698
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Ketcheson, Donna A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006236
BlueLINK ID: 5007666
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Landau, Naomi, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006277
BlueLINK ID: 7448865
Women's Health Services
901 W. Alameda St., Ste. 25, 87501
(505) 988-8869
Fax No. (505) 982-7321
Bright, Susan M., DC
Provider ID #NM00K688
BlueLINK ID: 8140865
1504 S. St. Francis Dr., 87505
(505) 984-1222
Fax No. (505) 984-1376
Landen, Jenny B., CNP
Provider ID #NM006241
BlueLINK ID: 5007770
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Buenviaje, Jerome D., DC
Provider ID #NM019A24
BlueLINK ID: 8290721
New Mexico Family Chiropractic
3600 Rodeo Ln., Ste. D2, 87505
(505) 984-0821
Fax No. (505) 984-0168
Marx, Alan J., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R85E
BlueLINK ID: 5001187
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Buenviaje, Melanie D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL61
BlueLINK ID: 8290722
New Mexico Family Chiropractic
3600 Rodeo Ln., Ste. D2, 87505
(505) 984-0821
Fax No. (505) 984-0168
Marx, Alan J., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R85E
BlueLINK ID: 5001187
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Nowers, Judith A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006660
BlueLINK ID: 7468847
Gynelogical care only
1161 Siler Rd., 87507
(505) 473-1849
Fax No. (505) 473-1884
Purcell-Collin, Holly T., CNP
Provider ID #NM006644
BlueLINK ID: 5009018
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Ross, Linda R., CNP
Provider ID #NM006408
BlueLINK ID: 7426172
Specializing in family medicine
Rodeo Family Medicine
4001 W. Rodeo Rd., 87507
(505) 471-8994
Fax No. (505) 473-1274
Sierocinski, Joan R., RNFA
Provider ID #NM016292
BlueLINK ID: 5007628
Neurological Surgery Associates of
531 Harkle Rd., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 988-3233
Fax No. (505) 988-3562
Vigil, Gloria, CNP
Provider ID #NM006235
BlueLINK ID: 5007650
Planned Parenthood of New Mexico
514 Oñate Pl., 87501
(505) 982-3684
Fax No. (505) 982-7204
Bohoskey, Michael J., DC
Provider ID #NM01KH57
BlueLINK ID: 8278010
Bohoskey Chiropractic
1264 Rodeo Rd., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 310-5815
Fax No. (505) 438-4288
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Calico-Hickey, B., DC
Provider ID #NM00K883
BlueLINK ID: 8140878
714 Calle Grillo, 87501
(505) 984-0972
Fax No. (505) 984-0360
Carter, Windy G., DC
Provider ID #NM00KH66
BlueLINK ID: 8282441
Winds of Choice Chiropractic Center
2948 S. Richards Ave., 87507
(505) 424-9114
Fax No. (505) 438-6615
Cobb, James A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB12
BlueLINK ID: 8224141
1214 Hickox St., 87505
(505) 986-0887
Connerly, John C., DC
Provider ID #NM01KC34
BlueLINK ID: 8258505
Connerly Chiropractic Services, Inc.
801 Cerrillos Rd., 87505
(505) 988-8017
Fax No. (505) 988-8018
Crawford, Michael C., DC
Provider ID #NM00K962
BlueLINK ID: 8221126
Santa Fe Pain Center
1 Calle Medico, Ste. 3, 87505
(505) 983-3037
Fax No. (505) 982-3737
Feldman, Sydele E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL53
BlueLINK ID: 5008997
1911 5th St., Ste. 205, 87505
(505) 995-8851
Fax No. (505) 995-8658
Feldman-Bohoskey, Wendy B., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL87
BlueLINK ID: 8278009
Life Enhancement Chiropractic, Inc.
2274 Calle Pulido, 87505
(505) 474-4815
Fax No. (505) 424-9938
Gregory, Richard J., III, DC
Provider ID #NM00K596
BlueLINK ID: 8140926
1300 Luisa St., Ste. 4, 87505
(505) 988-4821
Fax No. (505) 982-5540
Gutierrez, Ernest D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K933
BlueLINK ID: 8140929
422 Medico Ln., 87505
(505) 988-4829
Allied Health Practitioners
Swart, Stephen D., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RG1
BlueLINK ID: 6003815
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Santa Fe
Allied Health Practitioners
Santa Fe
Allied Health Practitioners
Hazen, Stephen H., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC86
BlueLINK ID: 8140931
Sun Country Healthcare Network
Route 8, 87505
(505) 473-0000
Fax No. (505) 473-5315
Steinberg, Harold, DC
Provider ID #NM00KC30
BlueLINK ID: 5008168
St. Francis Chiropractic Health Center
1400 Maclovia St., Ste. 1, 87505
(505) 473-0057
Fax No. (505) 473-7974
Hemphill, Vito, DC
Provider ID #NM00K229
BlueLINK ID: 8140932
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B204, 87505
(505) 982-6665
Fax No. (505) 820-6339
Unverferth, Peter W., DC
Provider ID #NM00K158
BlueLINK ID: 8247730
1919 5th St., Unit M, 87505
(505) 984-0934
Fax No. (505) 955-0526
Morgan, Mark A., DC
Provider ID #NM00K128
BlueLINK ID: 8268842
Morgan Chiropractic
1904 Kiva Rd., 87505
(505) 820-0706
Fax No. (505) 992-1151
Nunnally, Michael J., DC
Provider ID #NM00K768
BlueLINK ID: 8140988
Specializing in orthopedics
1482 S. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 982-7339
Fax No. (505) 982-5911
Perea, Bobby O., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL83
BlueLINK ID: 8285770
Alignment of Life, Inc.
1310 Osage Ave., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 982-6886
Fax No. (505) 982-6886
Perlstein, Stephen E., DC
Provider ID #NM00K232
BlueLINK ID: 8140997
Family Chiropractic Center
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. M-6, 87505
(505) 984-0006
Fax No. (505) 995-0884
Rogowskey, Thomas A., DC
Provider ID #NM01KC14
BlueLINK ID: 8152373
Office Hrs: M-W-F 9:00-12:00;
1925 Aspen Dr., Ste. 300A, 87505
(505) 820-1728
Fax No. (505) 438-8228
Rosengren, David B., DC
Provider ID #NM00K716
BlueLINK ID: 8141015
Rosengren Chiropractic Center
310 Garfield St., 87501
(505) 983-1513
Fax No. (505) 983-2215
Schatzle, Chaz, DC
Provider ID #NM00K052
BlueLINK ID: 8218184
Back to Health Chiropractic
1919 5th St., Ste. N, 87505
(505) 690-4057
Fax No. (505) 955-0526
Schneider, Linda D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KH63
BlueLINK ID: 5007220
573 W. San Francisco St., 87501
(505) 690-6161
Fax No. (505) 753-7676
Silverman, Robin L., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC07
BlueLINK ID: 8188760
Silverman Family Chiropractic
1401 Maclovia St., Ste. B, 87505
(505) 474-5701
Fax No. (505) 474-5704
Nutritional Counseling
Byers, Elisabeth E., LD-CDE
Provider ID #NM00RF94
BlueLINK ID: 5009062
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-8440
Byers, Elisabeth E., LD-CDE
Provider ID #NM00RF94
BlueLINK ID: 5009062
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87501
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Deutsch, Jerome C., MS-LN
Provider ID #NM00RG46
BlueLINK ID: 6003634
147 Calle Ojo Feliz, Ste. 7, 87505
(505) 955-0922
Fax No. (505) 954-4234
Dougherty, Nina E., MS-RD-LDN
Provider ID #NM00R59Y
BlueLINK ID: 5000983
Nutrition Care
28 General Sage Dr., 87505
(505) 988-1899
Fax No. (505) 983-5569
Farina, Carole M., RD-LD
Provider ID #NM00RG28
BlueLINK ID: 6003208
Care Educational Enterprises
2606 Calle Primavera, 87505
(505) 438-2886
Fax No. (505) 438-2886
Gibbs, Marianne, RD-LD
Provider ID #NM00RF74
BlueLINK ID: 5008292
Patients under age 21
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 820-5752
Gonzales-Pacheco, Diana M., RD
Provider ID #NM00RG35
BlueLINK ID: 6003308
La Familia Medical Center
1035 Alto St., 87501
(505) 982-4425
Fax No. (505) 982-6280
Gonzales-Pacheco, Diana M., RD
Provider ID #NM00RG35
BlueLINK ID: 6003308
La Familia Medical Center
2145 Caja de Oro Grant Rd., 87507
(505) 438-3195
Fax No. (505) 424-5699
Lewis, Wyn, MPF
Provider ID #NM00R792
BlueLINK ID: 5001089
214 Sereno Dr., 87501
(505) 983-3635
Vort, Kelle E., RD
Provider ID #NM00RF97
BlueLINK ID: 5009182
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Fretz, Virginia R., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q117
BlueLINK ID: 5009119
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Vort, Kelle E., RD
Provider ID #NM00RF97
BlueLINK ID: 5009182
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Hamby, Lynette, OT
Provider ID #NM00E224
BlueLINK ID: 5009067
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Occupational Therapy
Borowska, Danusia, OT
Provider ID #NM00E239
BlueLINK ID: 5009128
Lifespan Therapy Services
1800 Old Pecos Tr., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 954-9940
Fax No. (505) 954-9946
Caruthers, Adele S., OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q417
BlueLINK ID: 5008991
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Cooper, Elizabeth D., OTR
Provider ID #NM00E373
BlueLINK ID: 5008731
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Currier, Daphne D., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q059
BlueLINK ID: 5008841
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Dukeminier, Aimee T., OT
Provider ID #NM00E227
BlueLINK ID: 5009070
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Ford, Carolyn M., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q245
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2037
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Ford, Carolyn M., OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q418
BlueLINK ID: 5008919
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Fretz, Virginia R., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q253
BlueLINK ID: 5009119
All Care Rehabilitation
1401 Maclovia St., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 471-0818
Fax No. (505) 471-0822
Email: [email protected]
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Kamins, Angela M., OTR
Provider ID #NM01N595
BlueLINK ID: 5000668
Hand & Upper Extremity Rehab
1751 Old Pecos Trail, Ste. N, 87505
(505) 988-1644
Fax No. (505) 988-1644
Oschner, Janine, OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q274
BlueLINK ID: 6003666
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 474-8836
Oschner, Janine, OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q274
BlueLINK ID: 6003666
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 St. Francis Dr., Ste. A North,
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Welch, Karen L., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q386
BlueLINK ID: 6003845
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87505
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Botwin, Mark A., OD
Provider ID #NM00P547
BlueLINK ID: 8160822
4250 Cerrillos Rd., Ste. 1000B, 87505
(505) 884-8722
Fax No. (505) 438-6061
Carver, Stephen F., OD
Provider ID #NM00P261
BlueLINK ID: 8200899
2008 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 983-4709
Fax No. (505) 954-0707
Herrera, Michael D., OD
Provider ID #NM00P049
BlueLINK ID: 8174961
2019 Galisteo St., Ste. G5, 87505
(505) 989-9600
Fax No. (505) 982-3616
Javid, A. J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P892
BlueLINK ID: 5007229
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Johnson, Timothy J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P444
BlueLINK ID: 5000831
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Maiers, Ann T., OD
Provider ID #NM00P132
BlueLINK ID: 8175009
Eye Associates of NM
2947 Rodeo Park Dr., 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 986-9984
Quick, Robert H., OD
Provider ID #NM01P749
BlueLINK ID: 8174932
Quick Vision, Inc.
3251 Cerrillos Rd., 87507
(505) 438-7002
Fax No. (505) 438-4574
Reid, Fred M., OD
Provider ID #NM00P515
BlueLINK ID: 8174919
Masters Eye Associates
3530 Zafarano Dr., Ste. C1, 87507
(505) 471-0798
Tachau, Paul A., OD
Provider ID #NM01P398
BlueLINK ID: 8175025
Accent on Vision
1409 Luisa St., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 984-8989
Fax No. (505) 984-8892
Thibodeaux, Dwight, OD
Provider ID #NM00P121
BlueLINK ID: 5000800
Accent on Vision
1409 Luisa St., Ste. D, 87505
(505) 984-8989
Fax No. (505) 984-8892
Walker, Stephen C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P942
BlueLINK ID: 3200145
Dr. Stephen Walker & Associates
4250 Cerrillos Rd., Ste. 1272, 87505
(505) 438-3431
Fax No. (505) 438-0620
Wu, Wende W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P964
BlueLINK ID: 8292191
Quick Vision, Inc.
3251 Cerrillos Rd., 87507
(505) 438-7002
Fax No. (505) 438-4574
Physical Therapy and
Adell, Leanne M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q341
BlueLINK ID: 6002981
Rocky Mountain Spine Institute
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 204B, 87505
(505) 984-8881
Fax No. (505) 984-1551
July 2005
Bott, Patricia J., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q095
BlueLINK ID: 5007881
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Bott, Patricia J., PT
Provider ID #NM01QO78
BlueLINK ID: 5007881
Santa Fe Sports Medicine &
104 Old Las Vegas Hwy., 87505
(505) 992-4995
Fax No. (505) 992-4985
Boudreaux, Lisa, PT
Provider ID #NM01E234
BlueLINK ID: 5010230
Santa Fe Sports Medicine &
104 Old Las Vegas Hwy., 87505
(505) 992-4995
Fax No. (505) 992-4985
Bryson, Jerri L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q351
BlueLINK ID: 6003350
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9840
Byrd, Virginia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q339
BlueLINK ID: 6002941
NovaCare Outpatient Rehabilitation
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Caldwell, Ellem-Amba M., PT
Provider ID #NM00N024
BlueLINK ID: 6002579
Body Moves Physical Therapy
132 Romero St., Ste. 4, 87501
(505) 699-0272
Fax No. (603) 484-5372
Chalmers, Harry C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q060
BlueLINK ID: 5008842
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Cook, Deborah S., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q271
BlueLINK ID: 6003537
All Care Rehabilitation
1401 Maclovia St., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 471-0818
Fax No. (505) 471-0822
Daniel, Monte F., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q352
BlueLINK ID: 6003361
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Diehl, Kenneth L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q394
BlueLINK ID: 7139509
Rocky Mountain Spine Institute
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. B201, 87505
(505) 984-8881
Fax No. (505) 984-1551
Eckhardt, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q338
BlueLINK ID: 5008730
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Eidson, Charles A., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q079
BlueLINK ID: 5007920
Santa Fe Sports Medicine &
104 Old Las Vegas Hwy., 87505
(505) 992-4995
Fax No. (505) 992-4985
Ellsworth, Sara R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q286
BlueLINK ID: 6003013
All Care Rehabilitation
1401 Maclovia St., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 471-0818
Fax No. (505) 471-0822
Fagan, Carolyn L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q061
BlueLINK ID: 5008843
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Fagan, Thomas H., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q062
BlueLINK ID: 5008844
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Flanagan, Teresa A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q288
BlueLINK ID: 6003910
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Flanagan, Teresa A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q288
BlueLINK ID: 6003910
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Fletcher, Amy C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q350
BlueLINK ID: 6003154
Outpatient physical therapy
Rocky Mountain Spine Institute
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 201B, 87505
(505) 984-8881
Fax No. (505) 984-1551
Florek, Scott A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q345
BlueLINK ID: 6003149
Outpatient physical therapy
Rocky Mountain Spine Institute
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 201B, 87505
(505) 984-8881
Fax No. (505) 984-1551
Frantz, Clyde W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q419
BlueLINK ID: 5008725
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Gershon, Susan T., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q065
BlueLINK ID: 5008849
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Getz, Barbara M., PT
Provider ID #NM01N514
BlueLINK ID: 5009130
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Gove, Valerie A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q420
BlueLINK ID: 5008851
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Hansen, Denise, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q058
BlueLINK ID: 5008839
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Hatch, Frank V., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q125
BlueLINK ID: 5009129
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Hatch, Frank V., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q291
BlueLINK ID: 5009129
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 474-8836
Hatch, Frank V., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q291
BlueLINK ID: 5009129
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 St. Francis Dr., Ste. A North,
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Hoerning, Michael R., PT
Provider ID #NM00N527
BlueLINK ID: 5009118
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Hoerning, Michael R., PT
Provider ID #NM00N527
BlueLINK ID: 5009118
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Jordan, Julia A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q422
BlueLINK ID: 5008939
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Allied Health Practitioners
Martin, Carolyn J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P897
BlueLINK ID: 5007140
Eye Associates of NM
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 983-6613
Fax No. (505) 987-9984
Santa Fe
Santa Fe
Kirby, Cindy L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q489
BlueLINK ID: 6004091
Outpatient physical therapy &
Rocky Mountain Spine Institute
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 201B, 87505
(505) 984-8881
Fax No. (505) 984-1551
Allied Health Practitioners
Knudsen, Sandy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q277
BlueLINK ID: 6003744
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 474-8836
Knudsen, Sandy, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q277
BlueLINK ID: 6003744
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 St. Francis Dr., Ste. A North,
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Lentz, Jeff C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q283
BlueLINK ID: 6003831
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 474-8836
Lentz, Jeff C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q283
BlueLINK ID: 6003831
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Allied Health Practitioners
Olson, Monica L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q423
BlueLINK ID: 5008940
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Plummer, Marybeth, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q424
BlueLINK ID: 5008941
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Polo-Traverso, Jose A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q356
BlueLINK ID: 6003421
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Powers, Elizabeth E., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q527
BlueLINK ID: 6004031
Sun Physical Therapy
1503 Llano St., Ste. A, 87505
(505) 699-3128
Fax No. (505) 983-8298
Robertson, Heather A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q063
BlueLINK ID: 5008845
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Rose, Lauren E., PT
Provider ID #NM00NR42
BlueLINK ID: 6002618
9 Frasco Way, 87508
(505) 466-0244
Fax No. (505) 466-6505
Marcellus, Gary W., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q254
BlueLINK ID: 6003087
All Care Rehabilitation
1401 Maclovia St., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 471-0818
Fax No. (505) 471-0822
Schaefer, Colleen E., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q486
BlueLINK ID: 6004027
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87502
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Mazur, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q116
BlueLINK ID: 5009117
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Scherrer, Laura A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q118
BlueLINK ID: 5009120
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Mazur, Bruce A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q116
BlueLINK ID: 5009117
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Scherrer, Laura A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q118
BlueLINK ID: 5009120
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
McGhee, Constance J., PT
Provider ID #NM00NQ56
BlueLINK ID: 5000560
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Schlee, Nanette R., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q456
BlueLINK ID: 6002927
NovaCare Outpatient Rehabilitation
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Schnepf, Charlotte A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q066
BlueLINK ID: 5008850
New Mexico Sports & Physical
2954 Rodeo Park Dr. West, 87501
(505) 424-0131
Fax No. (505) 424-1299
Wien, Jennifer, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q355
BlueLINK ID: 6003420
Concentra Medical Centers
720 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 438-9402
Fax No. (505) 471-9240
Schnepf, Charlotte A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q480
BlueLINK ID: 5008850
Rocky Mountain Spine Institute
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. 201B, 87505
(505) 984-8881
Fax No. (505) 984-1551
Email: [email protected]
Spurgeon, Dacotah J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q426
BlueLINK ID: 5008994
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Bullock, Cindy E., DPM
Provider ID #NM005495
BlueLINK ID: 6003630
Lovelace Sandia Health Systems
Santa Fe Podiatry
440 St. Michaels Dr., 87505
(505) 995-2400
Fax No. (505) 995-2403
Swearingen, F. Scott, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q124
BlueLINK ID: 5009145
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Goodman, Steven R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005299
BlueLINK ID: 8141081
Family Foot Care
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 988-8863
Fax No. (505) 988-5940
Upton, Ingrid, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q114
BlueLINK ID: 5009066
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Wagner, Mark A., MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q121
BlueLINK ID: 5009123
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Wagner, Mark A., MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q121
BlueLINK ID: 5009123
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Watson, Angelica F., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q278
BlueLINK ID: 6003745
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 474-8836
Watson, Angelica F., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q278
BlueLINK ID: 6003745
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 St. Francis Dr., Ste. A North,
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Wessel, Brenda D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q427
BlueLINK ID: 5008943
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Blake, William J., DPM
Provider ID #NM005445
BlueLINK ID: 5007668
Foot & Ankle Associates
1 Calle Medico, 87505
(505) 982-0123
Fax No. (505) 982-5714
King, Glenda L., DPM
Provider ID #NM009P39
BlueLINK ID: 6003598
Family Foot Care
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 988-8863
Fax No. (505) 988-5940
Meltzer, Evan F., DPM
Provider ID #NM005444
BlueLINK ID: 8192936
Family Foot Care
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 988-8863
Fax No. (505) 988-5940
Schulhofer, David, DPM
Provider ID #NM005429
BlueLINK ID: 8255924
665 Harkle Rd., 87505
(505) 983-7738
Stess, Marc A., DPM
Provider ID #NM005317
BlueLINK ID: 8141101
Family Foot Care
539 Harkle Rd., Ste. C, 87505
(505) 988-8863
Fax No. (505) 988-5940
Williams, Edward D., DPM
Provider ID #NM025315
BlueLINK ID: 8178448
Foot & Ankle Associates
1 Calle Medico, 87505
(505) 982-0123
Fax No. (505) 982-5714
Wilner, Joel M., DPM
Provider ID #NM005356
BlueLINK ID: 8141106
Northern NM Podiatry Associates
665 Harkle Rd., 87501
(505) 983-7393
Fax No. (505) 983-7249
Speech Therapy
Cohen, Mary T., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E228
BlueLINK ID: 5000301
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
2521 Camino Entrada, 87507
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Cohen, Mary T., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E228
BlueLINK ID: 5000301
Turquoise Trail Physical Therapy &
786 N. St. Francis Dr., Ste. A, 87501
(505) 984-2032
Fax No. (505) 984-0738
Hayden, Deborah A., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E230
BlueLINK ID: 5009211
The Prompt Institute
4001 Office Court Dr., Ste. 305, 87507
(505) 466-7710
Fax No. (505) 466-7714
Jebb-Tracey, Jeanne F., SLP
Provider ID #NM00Q080
BlueLINK ID: 5008044
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Kessler, Joan Y., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E116
BlueLINK ID: 5008993
Center for Physical Therapy &
435 St. Michaels Dr., Ste. A101, 87505
(505) 982-8860
Fax No. (505) 989-7204
Lacey, Karen F., SLP
Provider ID #NM00E232
BlueLINK ID: 5009357
McGhee Therapy Services
1807 2nd St., Ste. 101, 87505
(505) 982-8561
Fax No. (505) 989-1740
Smitheran, Judith, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E225
BlueLINK ID: 5009068
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Van Hecke, Deborah, SLP
Provider ID #NM00E226
BlueLINK ID: 5009069
Arroyo Chamiso Pediatric Clinic
2025 Galisteo St., 87505
(505) 995-4901
Fax No. (505) 989-6483
Wilson, Melissa, MA-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E238
BlueLINK ID: 6003732
Lifespan Therapy Services
1800 Old Pecos Tr., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 954-9940
Fax No. (505) 954-9946
Santa Rosa
Guadalupe County
Certified Nurse
Postl, Antje, CNP
Provider ID #NM006407
BlueLINK ID: 5006329
Santa Rosa Medical Clinic
533 Lake Dr., 88435
(505) 472-4311
Fax No. (505) 472-4313
July 2005
Bauler, John M., DC
Provider ID #NM02K714
BlueLINK ID: 8140858
Santa Rosa Medical Clinic
533 Lake Dr., 88435
(505) 472-4311
Fax No. (505) 472-4313
McCloskey, Yvonne A., OD
Provider ID #NM00P304
BlueLINK ID: 5000790
Optometrics, PC
111 S. 4th St., 88435
(505) 472-3352
Meneakis, Michael H., OD
Provider ID #NM00P303
BlueLINK ID: 5000796
Optometrics, PC
111 S. 4th St., 88435
(505) 472-3352
Physical Therapy and
Fowler, Cheryl, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q336
BlueLINK ID: 5009505
East Mountain Physical Therapy
415 Coronado Ave. West, 88435
(505) 472-2002
Fowler, James M., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q337
BlueLINK ID: 5009504
East Mountain Physical Therapy
415 Coronado Ave. West, 88435
(505) 472-2002
Santa Teresa
Doña Ana County
Occupational Therapy
Brown, Gloria Ann, OTR-LCHT
Provider ID #NM00Q140
BlueLINK ID: 5008979
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
5312 Rio Bravo, Ste. 6, 88008
(505) 997-0137
Fax No. (505) 997-0167
Physical Therapy and
Bybee, Ryan A., PT
Provider ID #NM01NR52
BlueLINK ID: 5000582
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
5312 Rio Bravo, Ste. 6, 88008
(505) 997-0137
Fax No. (505) 997-0167
Campbell, Laurie Denise, PT
Provider ID #NM00N105
BlueLINK ID: 5008970
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
5312 Rio Bravo, Ste. 6, 88008
(505) 997-0137
Fax No. (505) 997-0167
Cantu Boncser, Gloria, OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q143
BlueLINK ID: 5008982
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
5312 Rio Bravo, Ste. 6, 88008
(505) 997-0137
Fax No. (505) 997-0167
Chacon, Virginia L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q144
BlueLINK ID: 5008992
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
5312 Rio Bravo, Ste. 6, 88008
(505) 997-0137
Fax No. (505) 997-0167
Craig, Patrick D., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q142
BlueLINK ID: 5008981
Southwest Sport & Spine Center
5312 Rio Bravo, Ste. 6, 88008
(505) 997-0137
Fax No. (505) 997-0167
San Juan County
Van Buskirk, William J., DC
Provider ID #NM00K046
BlueLINK ID: 8218403
Shiprock Chiropractic Clinic
Shiprock Shopping Center
Hwy. 491, 87420
(505) 368-4568
Fax No. (505) 368-4502
Silver City
Grant County
Campbell, Kathleen M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RE90
BlueLINK ID: 6003828
Massage therapy
Cienega Spa
101 N.Cooper St., 88061
(505) 534-1600
Fax No. (505) 534-1256
Certified Nurse
Brickley, Christine, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006366
BlueLINK ID: 7310765
SW Family Medicine
1318 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1913
Fax No. (505) 388-5176
DeGenevieve, Karen, CFNP
Provider ID #NM006435
BlueLINK ID: 7452030
W. R. Fowler, MD
Copper Medical Center
3185 N. Leslie Rd., 88061
(505) 388-3393
Fax No. (505) 388-2696
McIntire, Patricia A., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00UCAJ
BlueLINK ID: 7313340
After Hours Family Health
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Muñoz, Teresa M., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006802
BlueLINK ID: 6002978
Hidalgo Medical Services
Med Square Clinic
114 W. 11th St., 88061
(505) 388-1512
Fax No. (505) 388-1465
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Dannecker, Alison, CRNA
Provider ID #NM016792
BlueLINK ID: 6002100
Gila Regional Medical Center
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4000
Lutz, David J., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006427
BlueLINK ID: 7349327
Gila Regional Medical Center
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4000
Stuetzer, Paul H., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R57J
BlueLINK ID: 5000975
Silver Alternative Medicine
1301 Virginia St., 88061
(505) 388-8858
Fax No. (505) 388-8858
Moore, John A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006A58
BlueLINK ID: 7211684
Gila Regional Medical Center
1313 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-4000
Certified Nurse Midwives
Stamler, Gail B., CNM
Provider ID #NM006600
BlueLINK ID: 7380132
The Family Clinic
1280 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 388-1242
Fax No. (505) 534-1859
Email: [email protected]
Carter, Jeptha W., DC
Provider ID #NM00K551
BlueLINK ID: 8140951
Carter Chiropractic Center
2580 N. Silver St., 88061
(505) 538-5511
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Allied Health Practitioners
Holifield, Julie C., MA-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00E240
BlueLINK ID: 6003987
Lifespan Therapy Services
1800 Old Pecos Tr., Ste. G, 87505
(505) 954-9940
Fax No. (505) 954-9946
Silver City
Robertson, Scott A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC56
BlueLINK ID: 5000205
Silver City Chiropractic
2100 Memory Ln., 88061
(505) 538-0000
Rogers, John A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC79
BlueLINK ID: 8141012
Sun Country Healthcare Network
1205 West St., 88061
(505) 538-2558
Silver City
Occupational Therapy
Ferrin, Scott D., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q173
BlueLINK ID: 6003166
Pro-Therapy, Inc.
209 Hwy. 180 West, 88061
(505) 534-1280
Fax No. (505) 534-9734
Allied Health Practitioners
Ford, Melanie A., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q430
BlueLINK ID: 5009015
Pro-Therapy, Inc.
209 Hwy. 180 West, 88061
(505) 534-1280
Fax No. (505) 534-9734
Vezina, Tracy L., OT
Provider ID #NM00Q431
BlueLINK ID: 5009016
Pro-Therapy, Inc.
209 Hwy. 180 West, 88061
(505) 534-1280
Fax No. (505) 534-9734
Coon, Michael W., OD
Provider ID #NM00P034
BlueLINK ID: 8174933
1024 N. Hudson, 88061
(505) 538-2994
Fax No. (505) 538-2996
Physical Therapy and
Adams, Jennifer A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q429
BlueLINK ID: 5009014
Pro-Therapy, Inc.
209 Hwy. 180 West, 88061
(505) 534-1280
Fax No. (505) 534-9734
Henderson, Kaylin S., PT-CWS
Provider ID #NM00Q181
BlueLINK ID: 6003377
Specializing in woundcare
2600 N. Silver St., 88061
(505) 538-5632
Fax No. (505) 534-3017
Iniguez, Pedro, PT
Provider ID #NM01NR18
BlueLINK ID: 5000573
Iniguez Physical Therapy
1310 N. Pope St., 88061
(505) 388-0430
Fax No. (505) 388-0460
Morales, Ezekiel, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q148
BlueLINK ID: 5009366
Iniguez Physical Therapy
1310 N. Pope St., 88061
(505) 388-0430
Fax No. (505) 388-0460
Noel, Greg S., PT
Provider ID #NM00N511
BlueLINK ID: 5000648
Millennium Chiropractic &
310 W. 11th St., 88061
(505) 534-1187
Fax No. (505) 534-1439
Allied Health Practitioners
Thomas, Suzanne, MPT
Provider ID #NM00Q183
BlueLINK ID: 7136072
Millennium Physical Therapy & Rehab
310 W. 11th St., 88061
(505) 534-1187
Fax No. (505) 534-1439
Email: [email protected]
Speech Therapy
Goforth, Phillip D., DC
Provider ID #NM00KC59
BlueLINK ID: 8261447
Goforth Chiropractic
826 W. Hwy. 60, 87801
(505) 835-9288
Brook, Janet V., MS-CCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00K433
BlueLINK ID: 5000308
1565 Bosquecito Rd., P. O. Box 1842,
(505) 835-2118
Fax No. (505) 835-1125
Occupational Therapy
Deetz, David L., DPM
Provider ID #NM025303
BlueLINK ID: 8112971
Rio Grande Foot Clinic
875 Silver Heights Blvd., 88061
(505) 538-5100
Etheredge, Chama, OTR
Provider ID #NM00Q398
Bodywise Therapy Services
824 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Fernandez, Richard C., SLP
Provider ID #NM00N648
BlueLINK ID: 5000681
Positive Outcomes, Inc.
1115 N. California, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Gough, Adam C., DPM
Provider ID #NM00F66D
BlueLINK ID: 5006966
Silver Internal Medicine
1600 E. 32nd St., 88061
(505) 538-2981
Fax No. (505) 388-3373
Socorro County
Dixon, Jeanne M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RD35
BlueLINK ID: 5007522
1115 N. California, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Eagles, Reba L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH57
BlueLINK ID: 6003849
200 School of Mines Rd., 87801
(505) 889-3333
Edwards, Ahmed F., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R84U
BlueLINK ID: 5007291
Alternaid Acupuncture
911 N. California, Ste. B, 87801
(505) 863-3209
Fax No. (505) 863-3201
Shepherd, Aileen M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH64
BlueLINK ID: 6004000
Bodywise Therapy Services
824 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Cramer, Marianne, MS-CCC-A
Provider ID #NM00E382
BlueLINK ID: 6003916
Socorro General Hospital
1202 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-1140
Fax No. (505) 835-8703
Certified Nurse Midwives
Campbell, Sue L., CNM
Provider ID #NM006608
BlueLINK ID: 5008365
Female patients only
Socorro Medical Associates
1204 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-0705
Fax No. (505) 835-3828
Martinic, Linda S., PT
Provider ID #NM00NR96
BlueLINK ID: 5000603
Bhasker Medical Clinic
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2940
Fax No. (505) 835-2216
Physical Therapy and
Kil, Judi A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q070
BlueLINK ID: 5008881
Socorro Physical Therapy
911 N. California, Ste. B, 87801
(505) 838-1000
Fax No. (505) 838-2000
Murphy, Cheryl L., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q479
BlueLINK ID: 6004001
Bodywise Therapy Services
824 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Murphy, Cheryl L., PT
Provider ID #NM00N648
BlueLINK ID: 5000681
Positive Outcomes, Inc.
1115 N. California, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Stephens, Kelby H., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q379
BlueLINK ID: 6003742
Socorro Physical Therapy
911 N. California, Ste. B, 87801
(505) 838-1000
Moeller, Fritz A., DPM
Provider ID #NM004637
BlueLINK ID: 5004759
Socorro General Hospital
1200 Hwy. 60 West, 87801
(505) 835-8364
Fax No. (505) 835-8368
Shapiro, Faith C., DPM
Provider ID #NM005354
BlueLINK ID: 8141098
Southwest Podiatry Center
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2940
Sotelo, David R., DPM
Provider ID #NM005412
BlueLINK ID: 8247179
Bhasker Medical Clinic
200 Neel Ave. NW, 87801
(505) 835-2920
Fax No. (505) 299-0571
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Jaramillo-Marquez, Tara, MACCC-SLP
Provider ID #NM00N648
BlueLINK ID: 5000681
Positive Outcomes, Inc.
1115 N. California, 87801
(505) 838-1100
Fax No. (505) 838-0394
Sunland Park
Doña Ana County
Certified Nurse
O'Neil, Terese A., CNP
Provider ID #NM007691
BlueLINK ID: 5005813
La Clinica de Familia
101 Edgewood, 88063
(505) 589-0887
Fax No. (505) 589-0898
Taos County
Brouwer, Astrid, DOM
Provider ID #NM01R31X
BlueLINK ID: 600543
Specializing in Chinese herbology
623 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. A,
(505) 770-5918
Christian, Keith E., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R76G
BlueLINK ID: 5001061
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Chiropractic Health Center
813 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, 87571
(505) 758-8498
Ciceri, Christine, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R340
BlueLINK ID: 5007318
224 Cruz Alta Rd., Ste. G, 87571
(505) 751-1616
Colonna, Caroline L., DOM
Provider ID #NM00R97Z
BlueLINK ID: 5007871
The Willow Clinic
205 Hinde St., 87571
(505) 758-5070
Wagner, Carl E., DOM
Provider ID #NM01R55U
BlueLINK ID: 5000966
White Crane Clinic
1332 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. C, 87571
(505) 758-2700
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Certified Nurse
Ford, Diane K., CNP
Provider ID #NM006981
BlueLINK ID: 7481426
Patients age from birth to 21
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Hospital
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
Fax No. (505) 758-5749
Harrison, Mary E., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R82N
BlueLINK ID: 5001138
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Clinic for Children & Youth
123 Cruz Alta Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8651
Fax No. (505) 758-7811
Obert, Jeanne A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006478
BlueLINK ID: 5008233
Taos Community Healthplan
Taos Medical Group
1399 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-2224
Fax No. (505) 758-4903
Teagle, Beverly E., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R83K
BlueLINK ID: 5001157
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
Fax No. (505) 758-7010
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Brenno, Dane A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006491
BlueLINK ID: 5008735
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Anesthesia
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
Brenno, Dane A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM007961
BlueLINK ID: 5005912
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Anesthesia
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8267
Griffin, Joseph A., CRNA
Provider ID #NM006962
BlueLINK ID: 5005290
Holy Cross Anesthesia
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 737-3388
Jones, James E., Jr., CRNA
Provider ID #NM007961
BlueLINK ID: 5005912
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Anesthesia
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8267
July 2005
Christian, Donavon F., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK34
BlueLINK ID: 8140884
Taos Chiropractic Health Center
813 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, 87571
(505) 758-8498
Christian, Douglas P., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK30
BlueLINK ID: 8262651
813 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, 87571
(505) 758-8498
Hilliker, Susan R., DC
Provider ID #NM01KL72
BlueLINK ID: 6003256
Blue Mountain Chiropractic
401 Acoma, 87571
(505) 770-1660
Manson, Kirk E., DC
Provider ID #NM00K152
BlueLINK ID: 5000272
Colinias Chiropractic Center
98 Hwy. 150, Ste. 7, 87571
(505) 776-1117
Fax No. (505) 776-1119
Trabold, William V., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL71
BlueLINK ID: 8246225
East West Health Clinic
1027 Salazar Rd., Ste. 1, 87571
(505) 751-0108
Fax No. (505) 751-4670
Ward, Darcy M., DC
Provider ID #NM00K160
BlueLINK ID: 5000276
Colinias Chiropractic Center
98 Hwy. 150, Ste. 7, 87571
(505) 776-1117
Fax No. (505) 776-1119
Whyte-Ferguson, Lucy, DC
Provider ID #NM00KB78
BlueLINK ID: 5000177
Colinias Chiropractic Center
98 Hwy. 150, Ste. 7, 87571
(505) 776-1117
Fax No. (505) 776-1119
Licensed Midwives
Andrew, Martha C., LMW
Provider ID #NM006612
BlueLINK ID: 5007241
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Midwifery Center
1331 Maestas Rd., 87571
(505) 758-1216
Fax No. (505) 758-2683
Figurski, Kiersten A., LMCPM
Provider ID #NM006951
BlueLINK ID: 6003371
Pregnancy, intra/postpartum,
newborn & well women
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Womens Health & Birth
1331 Maestes Rd., 87571
(505) 758-1216
Fax No. (505) 758-2683
Gemmell, Emily Anne, LMW
Provider ID #NM006611
BlueLINK ID: 5007240
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Midwifery Center
1331 Maestas Rd., 87571
(505) 758-1216
Fax No. (505) 758-2683
Norris, Joan D., LM
Provider ID #NM00R81P
BlueLINK ID: 5001116
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Midwifery Center
1331 Maestas Rd., 87571
(505) 758-1216
Fax No. (505) 758-2683
Nutritional Counseling
Tousley, Debra L., RD
Provider ID #NM00RG61
BlueLINK ID: 6003905
Taos Community Healthplan
Holy Cross Hospital
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8883
Occupational Therapy
Jones, Deborah L., OTR
Provider ID #NM00N647
BlueLINK ID: 5000680
1337 Gusdorf Rd., Ste. G, 87571
(505) 758-4337
Fax No. (505) 751-1890
Ratzlaff, Robert D., OD
Provider ID #NM01P941
BlueLINK ID: 8266175
1128 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, 87571
(505) 758-3215
Fax No. (505) 751-9280
Thibodeaux, Dwight, OD
Provider ID #NM00P247
BlueLINK ID: 5000801
Visionwest, Inc.
Group C143
1128 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, 87571
(505) 758-3215
Fax No. (505) 758-3215
Physical Therapy and
Alcon, Kathleen A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q243
BlueLINK ID: 5010071
Morning Light Physical Therapy
1350 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, 87571
(505) 751-9500
Fax No. (505) 751-3013
Email: [email protected]
Anderson, Morley, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q280
BlueLINK ID: 5008440
Taos Center for Rehabilitation &
Sports Medicine
1398 Weimer Rd., Ste. 203, 87571
(505) 737-0304
Fax No. (505) 737-0383
Bishop, Norah K., PT
Provider ID #NM00NR36
BlueLINK ID: 5000580
Taos Community Healthplan
Physical Therapy Services
111 Doña Ana St., 87571
(505) 737-0715
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Flutze, Timothy J., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q230
BlueLINK ID: 5009149
Taos Center for Rehab & Sports
1398 Weimer Rd., Ste. 203, 87571
(505) 737-0304
Fax No. (505) 737-0384
Holmes, Ronald C., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q013
BlueLINK ID: 5008439
Taos Physical Therapy
414 Sipapu, 87571
(505) 758-3761
Fax No. (505) 751-0448
Knight, Damian M., PT
Provider ID #NM01Q126
BlueLINK ID: 5009146
Taos Center for Rehab & Sports
1398 Weimer Rd., Ste. 203, 87571
(505) 737-0304
Fax No. (505) 737-0383
Miller, Wade, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q127
BlueLINK ID: 5009148
Taos Center for Rehab & Sports
1398 Weimer Rd., Ste. 203, 87571
(505) 737-0304
Fax No. (505) 737-0384
Ready, Marcia L., PT
Provider ID #NM01NA02
BlueLINK ID: 5009149
Taos Center for Rehab & Sports
1398 Weimer Rd., Ste. 203, 87571
(505) 737-0304
Fax No. (505) 737-0384
Yoshimine-Griess, Joanne, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q458
BlueLINK ID: 5007174
Taos Physical Therapy
414 Sipapu, 87571
(505) 758-8761
Fax No. (505) 751-0440
McKinley County
Certified Nurse
Heusel, Karen J., CNP
Provider ID #NM00R85N
BlueLINK ID: 7484700
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
102 E. 1st St., 87323
(505) 862-7417
Fax No. (505) 862-8300
Sylvester, Linda S., CNP
Provider ID #NM006658
BlueLINK ID: 5009327
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
15 Navarre Blvd., 87323
(505) 862-7417
Fax No. (505) 862-8300
Terriberry, Constance D., CNP-RN
Provider ID #NM00R82G
BlueLINK ID: 5001132
Western NM Medical Group
PMS is not affiliated with Presbyterian
Healthcare Services
102 E. 1st St., 87323
(505) 862-7417
Fax No. (505) 989-4761
Allied Health Practitioners
Hamilton, Sandra G., CFNP
Provider ID #NM00R83L
BlueLINK ID: 5001158
Taos Community Healthplan
Family Practice Associates of Taos
630 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, Ste. 150,
(505) 758-3005
Fax No. (505) 758-7010
Mitchell, James C., CRNA
Provider ID #NM007961
BlueLINK ID: 5005912
Taos Community Healthplan
Northern NM Anesthesia
1397 Weimer Rd., 87571
(505) 758-8267
Allied Health Practitioners
Tierra Amarilla
Rio Arriba County
Certified Nurse
Allied Health Practitioners
Barton, Ian L., CNP
Provider ID #NM006873
BlueLINK ID: 7170245
La Clinica del Pueblo de Rio Arriba
US 84 CR 324, Ste. 14, 87575
(505) 588-7252
Curt, Calvin K., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006289
BlueLINK ID: 7312893
La Clinica del Pueblo de Rio Arriba
US 84 CR 324, Ste. 14, 87575
(505) 588-7252
Fax No. (505) 588-7771
Bernalillo County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Gurule, Anna M., DOM
Provider ID #NM00RH54
BlueLINK ID: 6003760
Back to Health
11792 Hwy. 337, 87059
(505) 286-8434
Fax No. (505) 286-8432
Truth or Consequences
Sierra County
Certified Nurse
Harned, Sharon H., CNP
Provider ID #NM006388
BlueLINK ID: 7454674
Sierra Vista Physicians Clinic
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-3221
Fax No. (505) 894-7659
Brock, Dean R., DC
Provider ID #NM00KH75
BlueLINK ID: 5007592
Sierra Chiropractic
455 S. Foch St., 87901
(505) 894-9355
Fax No. (505) 894-9355
Brown, M. E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KB46
BlueLINK ID: 8140867
Rio Grande Chiropractic Center
405 Broadway, 87901
(505) 894-2002
Physical Therapy and
Digesu, Mario, PT
Provider ID #NM00NR69
BlueLINK ID: 5000589
T or C Physical Therapy
500 Main St., 87901
(505) 894-8029
Fax No. (505) 894-8029
Negron, David E., DPM
Provider ID #NM005316
BlueLINK ID: 5005204
Sierra Vista Hospital
800 E. 9th Ave., 87901
(505) 894-2111
Quay County
Certified Nurse
Kraft, Kathleen A., CNP
Provider ID #NM006975
BlueLINK ID: 6004034
No obstetrics patients
325 S. 1st St., 88401
(505) 461-2222
Fax No. (505) 461-2255
Umberger, Paul, CNP
Provider ID #NM00R80G
BlueLINK ID: 5001094
Quay County Primary Care Clinic
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0175
Fax No. (505) 461-0160
Willis, Lajuana D., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006976
BlueLINK ID: 6004035
325 S. 1st St., 88401
(505) 461-2222
Fax No. (505) 461-2255
Bauler, John M., DC
Provider ID #NM02K714
BlueLINK ID: 8140858
Quay County Clinic
220 S. 3rd St., 88401
(505) 461-8631
Hastie, Ross E., DC
Provider ID #NM00KL57
BlueLINK ID: 5009009
Powers Chiropractic Center
1723 S. 1st St., 88401
(505) 461-3228
Fax No. (505) 461-3228
Powers, Phillip D., DC
Provider ID #NM00K988
BlueLINK ID: 8141005
Powers Chiropractic Center
1723 S. 1st St., 88401
(505) 461-3228
Fax No. (505) 461-3228
Gutowski, Anatole F., OD
Provider ID #NM00P420
BlueLINK ID: 8174920
Family Vision Care Clinic
301 E. Tucumcari Blvd., 88401
(505) 461-4233
Sonnenmoser, Deborah J., OD
Provider ID #NM00P436
BlueLINK ID: 8174916
Family Vision Care Clinic
301 E. Tucumcari Blvd., 88401
(505) 461-4233
Strosnider, Jeffrey C., OD
Provider ID #NM00P945
BlueLINK ID: 8285334
Eye Associates of NM
301 E. Miel de Luna Ave., 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-0160
White Rock
Los Alamos County
Certified Registered
Nurse Anesthetists
Hooper, William R., CRNA
Provider ID #NM016454
BlueLINK ID: 7427925
Dan C. Trigg Hospital Physicians
301 Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-2349
Cheng, Yushu, DOM
Provider ID #NM00R494
BlueLINK ID: 5000938
Acupuncture Clinic
50 Lantana Dr., 87544
(505) 672-3420
Lazarus, David, CRNA
Provider ID #NM009J95
BlueLINK ID: 7336219
Dan C. Trigg Memorial Hospital
301 E. Miel de Luna, 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-2349
Lazarus, David, CRNA
Provider ID #NM006956
BlueLINK ID: 7336219
Pain Management Services
614 S. Second St., 88401
(505) 461-0141
Fax No. (505) 461-1405
Terry County
Certified Nurse
Sevigny, Pete, FNP
Provider ID #NM006456
BlueLINK ID: 7130860
Covenant Medical Group
901 Tahoka Rd., 79316
(806) 637-2556
Fax No. (806) 637-4283
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
El Paso
El Paso County
Certified Nurse
Agapito, Annabelle, FNP
Provider ID #NM009K54
BlueLINK ID: 5010199
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Cavallaro, Cheryl A., CPNP
Provider ID #NM016350
BlueLINK ID: 5005315
Patients over age 18
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 833-1114
Davis, Carolyn S., FNPC
Provider ID #NM006A55
BlueLINK ID: 7419934
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 584-6764
Gonzalez, Connie R., CFNP
Provider ID #NM006364
BlueLINK ID: 7460395
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7590
Leyva, Louie, FNP
Provider ID #NM006797
BlueLINK ID: 6002957
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79912
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Limberg, Teresa F., LNP
Provider ID #NM006362
BlueLINK ID: 7470863
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7590
Ozuna, Linda, FNP
Provider ID #NM006798
BlueLINK ID: 6002958
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Ramirez, Magdalena, CNP
Provider ID #NM006617
BlueLINK ID: 7165894
Women only
Physicians Healthcare Associates
9870 Gateway North, Ste. B7, 79924
(915) 751-5245
Fax No. (915) 751-5255
Reveles, Kathryn A., CPNP
Provider ID #NM006999
BlueLINK ID: 7481218
Pediatric nurse practitioner
Physicians Healthcare Associates
9870 Gateway North, Ste. B7, 79924
(915) 751-5245
Fax No. (915) 751-5255
July 2005
Allied Health Practitioners
Rojas, Maria, FNP
Provider ID #NM006413
BlueLINK ID: 7120906
Patients over age 12
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Steele, Sandra I., FNP
Provider ID #NM006A61
BlueLINK ID: 7226078
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 584-6764
Vasquez, Bertha R., CNP
Provider ID #NM00YJ72
BlueLINK ID: 5007246
West Texas Neurosurgical Center
2600 N. Oregon, Ste. 800, 79902
(915) 534-2531
Fax No. (915) 532-2192
Aguayo, Fred, DC
Provider ID #NM00KK58
BlueLINK ID: 5007768
Sime Chiropractic Clinic
255 Shadow Mtn., Ste. E, 79912
(915) 581-5745
Fax No. (915) 581-5979
Keith, Kathryn L., DC
Provider ID #NM00K613
BlueLINK ID: 8114143
6512 N. Mesa, 79912
(915) 833-7797
Fax No. (915) 833-7239
Sime, David A., DC
Provider ID #NM00KK57
BlueLINK ID: 5007687
Sime Chiropractic Clinic
255 Shadow Mtn., Ste. E, 79912
(915) 581-5745
Fax No. (915) 581-5979
July 2005
Nutritional Counseling
Bhalla, Vijay S., PhD-RD-LDN
Provider ID #NM00NB34
BlueLINK ID: 5000460
5959 Gateway West, Ste. 557, 79925
(915) 772-9889
Finley, Kristin, MA-RD-LD
Provider ID #NM00RE59
BlueLINK ID: 5007762
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 591-4531
Cox, Randall B., OD
Provider ID #NM00P554
BlueLINK ID: 8112808
Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
4801 Alberta, 79905
(915) 545-7520
Fax No. (915) 545-0950
Physical Therapy and
Carrillo, Patti A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q132
BlueLINK ID: 5008247
Physicians Healthcare Associates
7430 Remcon, 79912
(915) 584-0051
Fax No. (915) 833-1114
Hancock, Floyd, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q139
BlueLINK ID: 5008421
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
1720 Murchison Dr., 79902
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Hancock, Floyd, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q139
BlueLINK ID: 5008421
El Paso Orthopaedic Surgery Group
2400 Trawood, Ste. 200, 79936
(915) 533-7465
Fax No. (915) 534-5220
Haribhai, Parul, PT
Provider ID #NM00Q137
BlueLINK ID: 5008418
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7590
Jones, Robert, PT
Provider ID #NM00N050
BlueLINK ID: 5000607
Thomas K. Waugh & Associates
7500 N. Mesa, 79912
(915) 585-1888
Fax No. (915) 585-1889
Jones, Robert, PT
Provider ID #NM00N050
BlueLINK ID: 5000607
Thomas K. Waugh & Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Ste. 3C, 79925
(915) 593-8555
Fax No. (915) 593-2422
Prieto, Lester O., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q135
BlueLINK ID: 5008416
Prieto Physical Therapy
1717 N. Brown, Bldg. 2-A, 79902
(915) 544-2981
Fax No. (915) 542-0575
Roth, Kathleen A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q168
BlueLINK ID: 5010224
Thomas K. Waugh & Associates
7500 N. Mesa, Ste. 215, 79913
(915) 585-1888
Fax No. (915) 585-1889
Roth, Kathleen A., PT
Provider ID #NM00Q168
BlueLINK ID: 5010224
Thomas K. Waugh & Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Ste. 3C, 79925
(915) 593-8555
Fax No. (915) 593-2422
Waugh, Thomas K., RPT
Provider ID #NM00N050
BlueLINK ID: 5000607
Thomas K. Waugh & Associates
7500 N. Mesa, 79912
(915) 585-1888
Fax No. (915) 585-1889
Waugh, Thomas K., RPT
Provider ID #NM00N050
BlueLINK ID: 5000607
Thomas K. Waugh & Associates
9398 Viscount Blvd., Ste. 3C, 79925
(915) 593-8555
Fax No. (915) 593-2422
See special note
„See last page for Provider Language Codes legend
Zuniga, Ceasar A., DPM
Provider ID #NM005A01
BlueLINK ID: 8275559
Del Norte Orthopaedic & Rehab
404 Executive Ctr. Blvd., 79902
(915) 542-1644
Fax No. (915) 542-0918
Lubbock County
Certified Nurse
Allied Health Practitioners
Suarez, Cerena H., FNP
Provider ID #NM006365
BlueLINK ID: 5006204
Physicians Healthcare Associates
2260 Trawood, 79935
(915) 591-4436
Fax No. (915) 590-7590
Hart, Marie, FNP
Provider ID #NM006443
BlueLINK ID: 7453766
Covenant Medical Group
4102 24th St., Ste. 502, 79410
(806) 725-6745
Fax No. (806) 723-6715
Houghton, Michelle, MSN
Provider ID #NM006439
BlueLINK ID: 7130829
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 200, 79410
(806) 796-1251
Fax No. (806) 796-0161
Jarrell, Lynda, CNP
Provider ID #NM016445
BlueLINK ID: 7132234
Cardiology Associates
3514 21st St., 79410
(806) 725-1801
Fax No. (806) 723-7530
Paniagua, Jose R., NP
Provider ID #NM006449
BlueLINK ID: 7155242
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 303, 79410
(806) 725-0237
Fax No. (806) 725-1030
Stennett, Randall, FNP
Provider ID #NM006446
BlueLINK ID: 5008052
Covenant Medical Group
3606 21st St., Ste. 102, 79410
(806) 725-0779
Fax No. (806) 723-7339
Extended Network Plan
Ancillary Services
Facilities that provide services such as Radiology (X-rays), Durable Medical Equipment,
Home Health, Dialysis Centers, Laboratories, and MRI centers.
Montezuma County
Tricore Reference Lab
Provider ID #NM007528
BlueLINK ID: 5005752
2095 N. Dolores Rd., 81321
(970) 565-6677
Fax No. (970) 565-6686
La Plata County
Ambulatory Surgery
Animas Surgical Hospital
Provider ID #NM000098
575 Rivergate Ln., 81301
(970) 247-3537
Fax No. (970) 385-2355
Ancillary Services
Durango SurgiCenter
Provider ID #NM00H381
BlueLINK ID: 969550007
316 Sawyer Dr., 81303
(970) 259-3818
Fax No. (970) 259-9553
Mercy Medical Center
Provider ID #NM00A002
BlueLINK ID: 969544847
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-4311
Fax No. (970) 385-5374
Edminston Anesthesia Service
Provider ID #NM00Y723
BlueLINK ID: 5007014
Animas Surgical Center
1910 Main Ave., Unit A, 81301
(970) 259-2525
Fax No. (970) 259-8291
Edminston Anesthesia Service
Provider ID #NM00Y723
BlueLINK ID: 5007014
Mercy Medical Center
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 259-2525
Fax No. (970) 259-8291
San Juan Hearing Center
Provider ID #NM00K43G
BlueLINK ID: 5000285
833 E. 2nd Ave., 81301
(970) 247-0808
CAT Scan Centers
Mercy Medical Center
Provider ID #NM00A002
BlueLINK ID: 969544847
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-4311
Fax No. (970) 385-5374
Durable Medical
Equipment Suppliers
Four Corners Limb & Brace
Provider ID #NM00T134
BlueLINK ID: 5006509
1199 Main Ave., Ste. 226, 81301
(970) 259-2340
Fax No. (505) 326-6325
Tricore Reference Lab
Provider ID #NM00RG37
BlueLINK ID: 5005752
575 RiverGate, Ste. 106, 81301
(970) 247-5515
Fax No. (970) 247-4544
Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Centers
Mercy Medical Center
Provider ID #NM00A002
BlueLINK ID: 969544847
375 E. Park Ave., 81301
(970) 247-4311
Fax No. (970) 385-5374
EdgePark Surgical
Provider ID #NM00W936
BlueLINK ID: 5006971
Mail order ostomy, urological and
wound care supplies
Main office located @
1810 Summit Commerce Park
Twinsburg, OH 44087, 87107
(800) 321-0591
Fax No. (330) 963-6172
EMPI, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T24Y
BlueLINK ID: 5001326
Bone growth stimulators
Main office located @
599 Cardigan Rd., St. Paul, MN
55126, 87107
(800) 328-2536
Fax No. (651) 415-7536
Joint Active Systems, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00TA89
Main office located @
2600 S. Raney St., Effingham, IL
62401, 87107
(217) 342-3412
Fax No. (217) 347-3384
United Seating & Mobility
Provider ID #NM00TA02
BlueLINK ID: 5007571
Custom wheelchairs & specialty
seating system
Main office located @
4815 Hawkins NE, Ste. A7,
Albuquerque, NM 87109, 87107
(505) 338-6100
Fax No. (505) 242-2373
Statewide Home Health
Coram Healthcare
Provider ID #NM00T13A
BlueLINK ID: 5001300
Main office located @
1551 Mercantile, Ste. B Albuquerque,
NM 87107, 87107
(800) 523-4042
Fax No. (505) 883-4719
Statewide Home I.V.
MiniMed Distribution Corporation
Provider ID #NM00T20D
BlueLINK ID: 5001316
Insulin pumps & supplies
Main office located @
18000 Devonshire St. Northridge, CA
91325, 87107
(800) 933-3322
Fax No. (800) 421-4810
Coram Healthcare
Provider ID #NM00T13A
BlueLINK ID: 5001300
Main office located @
1551 Mercantile, Ste. B Albuquerque,
NM 87107, 87107
(800) 523-4042
Fax No. (505) 883-4719
Animas Diabetes Care, LLC
Provider ID #NM00T26Z
BlueLINK ID: 5007528
Main office located @
200 Lawrence Dr., West Chester, PA
19380, 87107
(610) 644-8990
Fax No. (610) 644-8717
Orthofix Inc.
Provider ID #NM00TA29
BlueLINK ID: 5007550
Main office located @
1720 Bray Central Dr. McKinney, TX
75069, 87107
(800) 527-0404
Fax No. (469) 742-2589
Statewide Laboratories
Disetronic Medical Systems
Provider ID #NM00T966
BlueLINK ID: 5001391
Insulin pumps & supplies
Main office located @
11800 Exit Five Pkwy., Fishers, IN
46038, 87107
(800) 280-7801
Fax No. (888) 810-0755
Provider ID #NM00TB41
Bone growth stimulators
Main office located @
1275 W. Washington St. Tempe, AZ
85281, 87107
(888) 624-5450
Fax No. (877) 772-1464
Statewide DME Suppliers
DJ Orthopedics
Provider ID #NM00TB42
Main office located @
2985 Scott St., Vista, CA 92081,
(800) 321-9549
Dynasplint Systems, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00TB43
BlueLINK ID: 6003330
Dynamic splints
Main office located @
770 Ritchie Hwy., Ste. W-21, Severna
Park, MD 21146, 87107
(800) 638-6771
Fax No. (410) 544-9281
Eagle Air Med Corporation
Provider ID #NM01R152
BlueLINK ID: 6002036
Provide air ambulance service for
San Juan Regional Medical Center
Main office located @
212 W. Freedom Way, Blanding, UT
84511, 87107
(928) 368-6799
Fax No. (928) 368-8776
Sandia Wheelchair Solutions
Provider ID #NM00T28K
BlueLINK ID: 5007072
Custom power & manual
Main office located @
6120 Signal NE, Albuquerque, NM
87113, 87107
(505) 883-2817
Fax No. (505) 888-4552
Smith & Nephew, Inc./Exogen
Provider ID #NM00T28J
BlueLINK ID: 5007011
Low intensity ultrasound devices
Main office located @
1450 Brooks Rd. Memphis, TN 38116,
(800) 821-5700
Fax No. (800) 854-1409
Smiths Medical MD, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00TB39
BlueLINK ID: 6002948
Insulin pumps & supplies
Deltec, Inc.
Main office located @
1265 Grey Fox Rd., St. Paul, MN
55112, 87107
(800) 826-9703
Fax No. (800) 209-2145
See special note
Athena Diagnostic, Inc.
Provider ID #NM009T12
Main office located @
377 Plantation St., Four Biotech Park,
Worcester, MA 01605, 87107
(800) 394-4493
Fax No. (508) 753-5601
Home Healthcare Laboratory of
Provider ID #NM00RG44
Main office located @
320 Premier Court, Ste. 220, Franklin,
TN 37067, 87107
(615) 771-0300
Fax No. (615) 771-0319
Quest Diagnostics, Inc.
Provider ID #NM007F00
Main office located @
8933 Interchange Dr., Houston, TX
77054, 87107
(713) 667-5829
Fax No. (713) 746-8087
Statewide Radiology and
LifeWatch, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00R86E
BlueLINK ID: 5000998
Cardiac monitors
Main office located @
1351 Abbott Court, Ste. A Buffalo
Grove, IL 60089, 87107
(800) 343-6311
July 2005
Ancillary Services
Statewide Skilled Nursing
Las Cruces Nursing Center
Provider ID #NM01M539
BlueLINK ID: 969545225
Main office located @
2029 Sagecrest Crt., Las Cruces, NM
88011, 87107
(505) 522-7000
Fax No. (505) 522-8981
Sunshine Haven at Lordsburg
Provider ID #NM01M225
BlueLINK ID: 969545215
Main office located @
603 Hadeco Dr., Lordsburg, NM
88045, 87107
(505) 542-3539
Fax No. (505) 542-8131
Otero County
Ambulatory Surgery
Alamogordo Eye Clinic
Provider ID #NM00SS06
BlueLINK ID: 969545344
1124 10th St., 88310
(505) 434-1200
Gerald Champion Regional
Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000001
BlueLINK ID: 969545390
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 439-6100
CAT Scan Centers
Dialysis Centers
Gerald Champion Regional
Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000001
BlueLINK ID: 969545390
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 439-6100
Renal Care Group South New
Provider ID #NM00H160
2578 Medical Dr., 88310
(505) 437-9731
Fax No. (505) 434-8753
Durable Medical
Equipment Suppliers
American Homepatient, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T678
BlueLINK ID: 5001357
1001 10th St., 88310
(505) 434-3778
Fax No. (505) 439-0633
Choice Medical Supply Alamogordo
Provider ID #NM00T24P
BlueLINK ID: 5001324
1515 10th St., 88310
(505) 434-6900
Comfort Mobility, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T28N
BlueLINK ID: 5006392
700 E. 1st St., Ste. 708, 88310
(505) 439-1545
Fax No. (505) 439-1554
July 2005
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics,
Provider ID #NM00T20Y
BlueLINK ID: 5006305
1401 10th St., Ste. 2, 88310
(505) 521-3928
Fax No. (505) 521-3876
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics,
Provider ID #NM00T20Y
BlueLINK ID: 5006305
2559 Medical Dr., Ste. F, 88310
(505) 521-3928
Fax No. (505) 521-3876
Lincare, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T21Y
BlueLINK ID: 5001321
804 E. 10th St., 88310
(505) 437-6155
Fax No. (505) 437-0020
Skilled Nursing
Casa Arena Blanca Nursing Center
Provider ID #NM01M090
BlueLINK ID: 969545199
205 Moonglow Ave., 88310
(505) 434-4510
Fax No. (505) 434-4513
The Evangelical Lutheran Good
Samaritan Society
Provider ID #NM00M095
Betty Dare Good Samaritan Center
3101 N. Florida Ave., 88310
(505) 434-0033
Fax No. (505) 434-0975
Home Health Care
Alamogordo Home Care/Hospice
Provider ID #NM000H11
BlueLINK ID: 969545105
505 11th St., 88310
(505) 437-3500
Fax No. (505) 437-2399
Hospice Care
Alamogordo Home Care/Hospice
Provider ID #NM000H11
BlueLINK ID: 969545105
505 11th St., 88310
(505) 437-3500
Fax No. (505) 437-2399
Alamogordo Clinic Lab
Provider ID #NM007139
BlueLINK ID: 5005466
1410 Aspen Dr., Ste. A, 88310
(505) 437-7000
Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Centers
Bernalillo County
If you reside within this county
and choose to visit a provider
marked with special symbol "¾",
your visit will not be covered. See
the introductory section of this
directory for more details.
Southwest Endoscopy
Provider ID #NM00SS17
BlueLINK ID: 969545097
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 204,
(505) 727-6767
Fax No. (505) 727-6793
Air Ambulances
Provider ID #NM00R22R
BlueLINK ID: 969593782
University Hospital
2211 Lomas NE, 87131
(505) 272-3116
Med Flight Air Ambulance
Provider ID #NM00R167
BlueLINK ID: 969545309
2301 Yale SE, Ste. D3, 87106
(505) 842-4433
Fax No. (505) 842-4436
Newborn Transport - UNM/HSC
Provider ID #NM00R21R
BlueLINK ID: 969593036
Children's Hospital of NM
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-3116
PHI Air Medical/Lifeguard
Provider ID #NM00RC23
BlueLINK ID: 6003082
2505 Clark Carr Lp. SE, 87106
(505) 247-1562
Ambulatory Surgery
Albuquerque Ambulatory Eye
Surgery Center
Provider ID #NM00SS87
5901 Harper NE, 87109
(505) 823-8545
Fax No. (505) 823-8549
Gerald Champion Regional
Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000001
BlueLINK ID: 969545390
Mobile unit
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 439-6100
Radiology and X-Ray/
Alamogordo Imaging Center, LLC
Provider ID #NM007H02
BlueLINK ID: 6004090
2539 Medical Dr., Ste. 101, 88310
(505) 343-1535
Cordisonics Diagnostic Imaging
Provider ID #NM007E80
BlueLINK ID: 5008373
Cardiac ultrasound examinations
1410 Aspen Dr., 88310
(505) 437-7000
Fax No. (505) 434-5665
New Mexico Spine
Provider ID #NM005222
BlueLINK ID: 5005160
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 242-5205
Fax No. (505) 724-4300
Sandia Health Systems Eye
Surgery Center
Provider ID #NM00SS05
BlueLINK ID: 969545091
AHS Albuquerque Medical Center
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8454
Regional Medical Supply
Provider ID #NM00T15K
BlueLINK ID: 5006507
700 Fairgrounds Rd., 88310
(505) 437-0202
Fax No. (505) 437-5744
New Mexico Orthopaedic
Provider ID #NM005222
BlueLINK ID: 5005160
201 Cedar SE, Ste. 6600, 87106
(505) 724-4300
Fax No. (505) 724-4384
Albuquerque Regional Medical
Provider ID #NM010084
BlueLINK ID: 969545394
formerly known as St. Joseph Medical
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Healthsouth Albuquerque
Surgical Center
Provider ID #NM00SS01
BlueLINK ID: 969545090
1720 Wyoming NE, Ste. 5501, 87112
(505) 292-9200
Heart Hospital of New Mexico
Provider ID #NM000082
BlueLINK ID: 969545431
504 Elm NE, 87102
(505) 242-5600
Fax No. (505) 246-9933
See special note
University Hospital
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2111
Women's Hospital
Provider ID #NM010090
BlueLINK ID: 969545391
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7800
Anesthesia Associates of New
Provider ID #NM005122
BlueLINK ID: 5005122
Anesthesia Associates of NM
1720 Louisiana NE, Ste. 401, 87103
(505) 266-8704
Fax No. (505) 260-4338
Anesthesia Specialists of
Provider ID #NM007986
BlueLINK ID: 5005924
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Services
Provider ID #NM007D06
BlueLINK ID: 5008484
500 Walter NE, Ste. 409, 87102
(505) 243-7729
Fax No. (505) 243-4804
UNM Department of
Provider ID #NM007470
BlueLINK ID: 5006080
University Physicians Associates
2701 Frontier NE, 87106
(505) 272-2610
Albuquerque Hearing Associates
Provider ID #Aud001
10200 Corrales Rd. NW, Ste. E5A,
(505) 890-0003
Albuquerque Speech, Language,
& Hearing Center
Provider ID #NM00T908
BlueLINK ID: 5001388
1011 Buena Vista Dr. SE, 87106
(505) 247-4224
Ancillary Services
Gerald Champion Regional
Medical Center
Provider ID #NM000001
BlueLINK ID: 969545390
2669 N. Scenic Dr., 88310
(505) 439-6100
Hearing Health Care Centers
Provider ID #NM00K41O
10555 Montgomery NE, Bldg. 1, Ste.
120, 87111
(505) 323-7373
Fax No. (505) 323-2668
Hearing Health Care Centers
Provider ID #NM00K41O
415 Cedar SE, 87106
(505) 224-7373
Fax No. (505) 224-7368
Hearing Health Care Centers
Provider ID #NM00K41O
5109 Coors Blvd. NW, Ste. D, 87120
(505) 890-7373
Fax No. (505) 890-8621
Sonus Hearing Evaluation Center
Provider ID #Aud002-01
4620 Jefferson NE, Ste. B, 87109
(505) 889-9000
Fax No. (505) 855-5561
Sonus Hearing Evaluation Center
Provider ID #Aud002
8400 Menaul NE, Ste. F, 87112
(505) 293-4327
Fax No. (505) 271-9505
Bone Density Testing
New Mexico Osteoporosis Center
Provider ID #NM007099
BlueLINK ID: 5005440
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 888-0035
Fax No. (505) 727-8870
Ancillary Services
Cancer Treatment
UNM Cancer Center
Provider ID #NM000048
BlueLINK ID: 5005090
University Physicians Associates
900 Camino de Salud NE, 87131
(505) 272-6337
CAT Scan Centers
Albuquerque Regional Medical
Provider ID #NM010084
BlueLINK ID: 969545394
formerly known as St. Joseph Medical
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Carrie Tingley Hospital
Provider ID #NM000062
BlueLINK ID: 969545520
University Physicians Associates
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Children's Hospital of New Mexico
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5437
University Hospital
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2111
Women's Hospital
Provider ID #NM010090
BlueLINK ID: 969545391
4701 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 727-7800
Ancillary Services
Albuquerque Orthotics &
Provider ID #NM00TA31
4909 Ellison NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 342-0333
Fax No. (505) 342-0336
Diabetes Counseling
Diabetes Network, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00R79B
BlueLINK ID: 5001081
4108 Alcazar NE, 87109
(505) 830-0100
Fax No. (505) 830-4199
Diabetes Self-Management
Center, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00R34Y
BlueLINK ID: 5000891
717 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. 29, 87102
(505) 338-4801
Fax No. (505) 338-4808
Email: [email protected]
Southwest Regional Diabetes
Provider ID #NM00R82M
BlueLINK ID: 5001137
4600 Jefferson NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 872-1002
Fax No. (505) 888-3708
Dialysis Centers
Albuquerque Regional Medical
Provider ID #NM010084
BlueLINK ID: 969545394
formerly known as St. Joseph Medical
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Carrie Tingley Hospital
Provider ID #NM000062
BlueLINK ID: 969545520
University Physicians Associates
1127 University NE, 87102
(505) 272-5200
Children's Hospital of New Mexico
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-5437
University Hospital
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2111
Durable Medical
Equipment Suppliers
American Homepatient, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T15X
BlueLINK ID: 5001307
300 Central Ave. SE, 87102
(505) 243-5664
Fax No. (505) 243-3309
Apria Healthcare Group
Provider ID #NM00T243
BlueLINK ID: 5001328
4401 McLeod NE, Ste. C, 87109
(505) 881-9111
Best Orthopaedic Services &
Sales/B.O.S.S., Inc.
Provider ID #NM00R42A
BlueLINK ID: 5000911
Breast prosthesis
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. A16, 87102
(505) 248-1338
Fax No. (505) 244-3857
Center for Prosthetics & Orthotics
Provider ID #NM00T828
BlueLINK ID: 5001389
1600 University NE, Ste. B, 87102
(505) 244-0404
Fax No. (505) 244-0708
Nursefinders of Albuquerque
Provider ID #NM000H61
BlueLINK ID: 969545236
4411 McLeod NE, Ste. A1, 87109
(505) 884-1111
Fax No. (505) 889-3484
OmniSleep Sleep Disorders
Provider ID #NM007359
BlueLINK ID: 5006020
801 Encino Pl. NE, Ste. F1, 87102
(505) 843-8754
Fax No. (505) 843-8759
Option Care
Provider ID #NM00TA01
4900 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 888-4325
Fax No. (505) 888-6273
Option Care Enterprises, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00HH85
BlueLINK ID: 5007561
4900 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 888-4325
Fax No. (505) 888-6273
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics,
Provider ID #NM00T20W
BlueLINK ID: 5006305
3900 Georgia NE, 87110
(505) 881-8245
Fax No. (505) 883-6243
Ortho Rehab, Inc.
Provider ID #NM01TB30
BlueLINK ID: 5007510
8300 Wyoming NE, Ste. 1111, 87113
(505) 797-3333
Fax No. (505) 797-3003
Hill Rom Company, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T12B
2720 Broadbent Pkwy. NE, Ste. B,
(505) 345-0095
Hi-Tech Desert Wheelchairs
Provider ID #NM00T20K
BlueLINK ID: 5006193
Wheelchairs & ambulatory aids
4001 San Mateo NE, Ste. A&B, 87110
(505) 296-0440
Fax No. (505) 296-5337
Integrity Clinical Systems
Provider ID #NM00T646
BlueLINK ID: 5009783
1510 Wyoming NE, Ste. A, 87112
(505) 293-1200
Fax No. (505) 330-1268
Active Life, Inc.
Provider ID #NM01T818
BlueLINK ID: 5001381
1406 San Pedro NE, 87110
(505) 266-1700
Fax No. (505) 266-1705
New Mexico CPM, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T257
BlueLINK ID: 5001333
1524 Eubank NE, Ste. 1, 87125
(505) 292-2508
Fax No. (505) 292-2509
Choice Medical Supply Albuquerque
Provider ID #NM00T24P
BlueLINK ID: 5001324
5617 Menual NE, Ste. C, 87190
(505) 242-1552
HME Specialists
Provider ID #NM00TA28
3600 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 888-6500
Fax No. (505) 888-6505
A & R Medical Supply
Provider ID #NM00T836
BlueLINK ID: 5001385
5010 Lomas NE, 87110
(505) 256-1610
Matria HealthCare, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T19J
BlueLINK ID: 5001315
4253 Montgomery NE, Ste. 130,
(800) 559-9106
Fax No. (505) 880-0068
Advanced Hearing Clinics
Provider ID #NM00T226
2533 Virginia NE, Ste. B, 87110
(505) 296-7987
Fax No. (505) 293-6785
J Carlton Enterprises
Provider ID #NM00T958
BlueLINK ID: 5009785
3715 Hawkins NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 344-9933
Fax No. (505) 244-9955
Albuquerque Eye Prosthetics, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T835
BlueLINK ID: 5006482
Ocular prosthetics
4117 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 884-2927
Fax No. (505) 884-2672
Lincare, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T21Y
BlueLINK ID: 5001321
101 Sin Nombre NE, Ste. B, 87113
(505) 344-6760
Fax No. (505) 344-6559
Major Medical Supply
Provider ID #NM00TA08
BlueLINK ID: 5008852
4201 Yale NE, Ste. D, 87107
(505) 343-8761
Fax No. (505) 343-8783
See special note
Pacific Pulmonary Services
Provider ID #NM00T824
BlueLINK ID: 5001383
6811 Academy Pkwy. East NE, Ste. B,
(505) 341-4141
Fax No. (505) 341-0111
Pharmacare Health Services
Provider ID #NM005949
BlueLINK ID: 5010029
3807 Academy Pkwy. S. NE, 87109
(505) 345-9299
Fax No. (505) 345-9902
Provider ID #NM00TA36
BlueLINK ID: 6004144
2720 Broadbent Pkwy., Ste. A, 87107
(505) 343-1113
Fax No. (505) 343-9769
Pneu Mexico Respiratory, LLC
Provider ID #NM00TA32
102 Mountain Park Pl. NW, Ste. A,
(505) 898-8808
Fax No. (505) 898-3479
Professional Nutrition Solutions,
Provider ID #NM00TA33
BlueLINK ID: 6003470
3200 Carlisle NE, Ste. 119, 87110
(505) 889-4594
Fax No. (505) 889-4598
Rolling Throne Specialties, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T20H
BlueLINK ID: 5001317
Custom wheelchairs
5210 Constitution NE, Ste. A, 87110
(505) 232-0272
Fax No. (505) 232-0272
July 2005
Ancillary Services
Samuel Weisberg Prosthetics
Provider ID #NM00T378
BlueLINK ID: 5001340
1018 Coal Ave. SE, 87102
(505) 248-0303
Fax No. (505) 248-1611
Professional Home Health Care
Provider ID #NM000H60
BlueLINK ID: 969545114
7301 Jefferson NE, Ste. D, 87109
(505) 242-6236
Fax No. (505) 341-0271
Odyssey Healthcare of
Provider ID #NM00HH99
5600 Wyoming NE, Ste. 10, 87109
(505) 884-8857
Fax No. (505) 884-8895
SED Medical Laboratory
Provider ID #NM007550
BlueLINK ID: 5005762
3825 Eubank NE, Ste. H, 87111
(505) 292-8488
Fax No. (505) 293-7416
Sandia Surgical
Provider ID #NM00T13P
BlueLINK ID: 5007097
6120 Signal NE, 87113
(505) 883-2817
Fax No. (505) 888-2590
Sandia Home Health Care
Provider ID #NM00HS11
BlueLINK ID: 969545054
3800 Midway Pl. NE, Ste. A, 87109
(505) 884-2273
Fax No. (505) 875-0175
SED Medical Laboratory
Provider ID #NM007550
BlueLINK ID: 5005762
3901 Carlisle NE, 87107
(505) 888-8514
Fax No. (505) 888-8543
Sole Comfort Shoes, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00T20B
BlueLINK ID: 5006192
11200 Montgomery NE, Ste. 6, 87109
(505) 296-1645
Fax No. (505) 296-1647
University Home Health Care and
Provider ID #NM000006
BlueLINK ID: 969545392
University Physicians Associates
4001 Indian School NE, Ste. 300,
(505) 272-6700
Quality Continuum Hospice
Provider ID #NM000H24
BlueLINK ID: 969545360
8001 Mountain Rd. NE, Ste. 200,
(505) 881-3937
Fax No. (505) 232-4783
United Seating & Mobility
Provider ID #NM00TA02
BlueLINK ID: 5007571
Custom wheelchairs & specialty
seating system
4815 Hawkins NE, Ste. A7, 87107
(505) 338-6100
Fax No. (505) 242-2373
Walgreens Health Initiatives
Provider ID #NM00T25S
BlueLINK ID: 5001332
3809 Hawkins NE, 87109
(505) 345-3099
Fax No. (505) 345-1521
Westside Orthotics
Provider ID #NM00TA34
BlueLINK ID: 6003572
3615 Hwy. 528, Ste. 203, 87114
(505) 792-0554
Fax No. (505) 792-4546
Home I.V. Services
Apria Healthcare Group
Provider ID #NM00T243
BlueLINK ID: 5001328
4401 McLeod NE, Ste. C, 87109
(505) 881-9111
Coram Healthcare
Provider ID #NM00T13A
BlueLINK ID: 5001300
1551 Mercantile, Ste. B, 87107
(505) 344-0900
Fax No. (505) 883-4719
Albuquerque Regional Medical
Provider ID #NM010084
BlueLINK ID: 969545394
601 Dr. M. L. King Jr. NE, 87102
(505) 727-8000
Nursefinders of Albuquerque
Provider ID #NM000H61
BlueLINK ID: 969545236
4411 McLeod NE, Ste. A1, 87109
(505) 884-1111
Fax No. (505) 889-3484
Home Health Care
Advantage Home Care, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00M665
4308 Carlisle Blvd. NE, Ste. 205,
(505) 828-0232
Fax No. (505) 823-1051
Coram Healthcare
Provider ID #NM00T13A
BlueLINK ID: 5001300
1551 Mercantile, Ste. B, 87107
(505) 344-0900
Fax No. (505) 883-4719
Option Care Enterprises, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00HH85
BlueLINK ID: 5007561
4900 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 888-4325
Fax No. (505) 888-6273
Walgreens Health Initiatives
Provider ID #NM00T25S
BlueLINK ID: 5001332
3809 Hawkins NE, 87109
(505) 345-3099
Fax No. (505) 345-1521
Hospice Care
Heritage Home Healthcare, Inc.
Provider ID #NM01HH28
BlueLINK ID: 969545037
8512 Louisiana NE, 87113
(505) 232-3300
Fax No. (505) 232-3334
Crossroads Hospice Care, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00HH89
2522 Morningside Dr. NE, Ste. B,
(505) 884-7532
Fax No. (505) 884-7555
Maxim Healthcare Services
Provider ID #NM00HH92
8500 Menaul NE, Ste. A120, 87112
(505) 298-7771
Fax No. (505) 298-7772
Heartland Hospice Services
Provider ID #NM00HH94
10801 Lomas NE, Ste. 110, 87112
(505) 323-1464
Fax No. (505) 323-1465
Nursefinders of Albuquerque
Provider ID #NM000H61
BlueLINK ID: 969545236
4411 McLeod NE, Ste. A1, 87109
(505) 884-1111
Fax No. (505) 889-3484
Hospice of New Mexico
Provider ID #NM00HH95
4015 Carlisle NE, Ste. E, 87107
(505) 872-2300
Fax No. (505) 888-4667
Option Care Enterprises, Inc.
Provider ID #NM00HH85
BlueLINK ID: 969552341
4900 Menaul NE, 87110
(505) 888-4325
Fax No. (505) 888-6273
July 2005
Lovelace Sandia Hospice
Provider ID #NM010H96
5403 Gibson SE, 87108
(505) 343-6374
UNM Hospice
Provider ID #NM00HH93
University Physicians Associates
2211 Lomas NE, 87106
(505) 272-2111
VistaCare Family Hospice
Provider ID #NM000H92
BlueLINK ID: 969545118
5201 Venice NE, Ste. A, 87113
(505) 821-5404
Fax No. (505) 821-5449
Zia Hospice
Provider ID #NM00HH91
4147 Montgomery NE, 87109
(505) 830-2978
Fax No. (505) 830-2988
Quest Diagnostics, Inc.
Provider ID #NM007830
BlueLINK ID: 5005850
7510 Montgomery NE, Ste. 105,
(505) 883-3899
Fax No. (505) 883-4194
Rio Grande Pathology Associates
Provider ID #NM017761
BlueLINK ID: 5005831
5601 Office Blvd. NE, 87109
(505) 727-8380
SED Medical Laboratory
Provider ID #NM007550
BlueLINK ID: 5005762
Open 24 hours/7 days a week
10501 Golf Course Rd. NW, 87114
(505) 727-2070
Fax No. (505) 898-1314
SED Medical Laboratory
Provider ID #NM007550
BlueLINK ID: 5005762
Open 24 hours/7 days a week
4705 Montgomery NE, Ste. 303,
(505) 727-7720
Fax No. (505) 727-7710
SED Medical Laboratory
Provider ID #NM007550
BlueLINK ID: 5005762

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