High Precision - KMT Precision Grinding AB
High Precision - KMT Precision Grinding AB
High Precision by KMT Lidköping – grinding with extreme precision UVA Nomyline is the master of precision grinding The reason for KMT machines’ long lifecycle ELECTRO-TECHNOLOGY FOR INDUSTRY The whole world of industrial reliability for your advantage! 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With this magazine, KMT Precision Grinding would like to inform you about our company and our products. We are proud of our long history as one of the oldest company within this business. But mainly, we are proud of our leading position, the experiences and engaged staff that provides first class products and services. This issue shows you our contribution to the wind power producing more energy and car engines consuming less energy. You will get to know more about our machines, which have an unmatched sustainabilty and how it feels to work for our company. Welcome to KMT Precision Grinding – enjoy reading! Thomas Karlsson, Managing Director and CEO www.kmtgrinding.com www.kmtgrinding.com KMT LIDKÖPING Tel: +46 510-88 000, e-mail: [email protected] KMT UVA Tel: +46 8-634 75 00, e-mail: [email protected] KMT USA Tel: +1 508 634 4301, e-mail: [email protected] KMT China Tel: +86 10 652 20 515, e-mail: [email protected] KMT Germany Tel: +49 7152 35 9390, e-mail: [email protected] KMT India Tel: +91 981 082 4106, e-mail: [email protected] Publisher: Ann-Christin Sandin Almén Project manager: Jessica Olofsson Editor: Olle Hernegren Photos: Stefan Svensson, Anders Nilsson, KMT Layout: Örjan Folcke Ads: Sofia Fasth Mediasales: Maud Svensson, Maria Sveed Production: Roxx Communication Group, www.roxx.se Printing: JustNu, Lidköping 2011 High Precision Grinding | 3 4 | High Precision Grinding www.kmtgrinding.com Worldwide leader in the field of precision grinding KMT Precision Grinding has, today, subsidiaries all over the world. The branches in Boston, Leonberg, Lidköping, Bromma, Gurgaon and Beijing cover all time zones and provide a 24 hours support. KMT’s subsidiaries in the US, China and Germany are working with sales and aftermarket. The production sites for new machines, rebuilds and repair work are located in Sweden; rebuilds are also performed in Gurgaon, India. KMT Precision Grinding, today’s world leader in the field of precision grinding machines, is one of the oldest machine manufacturers in Sweden. The company is a merger of UVA International AB and KMT Lidköping, which were founded in 1928 and 1875 respectively as Nomy AB as well as Lidköpings Mekaniska Verkstad AB. Lidköping started off with the production of exterior lighting, park benches, ploughs and other agricultural products. The engine construction started in 1902 and in 1908, we became one of the first suppliers of SKF, which was established in 1907. UVA began production of hydrodynamic bearings as well as gearboxes for among other things railways. n Some important dates in KMT’s history: 1875 Lidköpings Mekaniska Verkstad (LMV) was founded 1928 Nomy, which became later UVA, was founded in Stockholm 1929 LMV is incorporated in SKF 1979 LMV starts cooperation with partners in the US 1982 KMT Precision Grinding GmbH (today’s name) starts business in Germany 1986 Lidköpings Mekaniska Verkstad AB (LMV) changes its name to Lidköping Machine Tools AB (LMT) 1996 UVA is incorporated in Karolin Machine Tools (KMT) 2000 SKF sells LMT to KMT 2000 KMT opens office in China 2006 LMT changes its name to KMT Lidköping 2006 KMT Production Machinery India starts business Gurgaon, India 2007 UVA and KMT Lidköping merge and the company changes its name to KMT Precision Grinding AB 2008 Nordstjernan takes over all shares of KMT 2008 KMT Beijing starts business in China 2009 KMT Precision Grinding Inc starts business in Boston, USA 2011 KMT has today approx. 180 employees, whereof 105 in Lidköping and 34 in Bromma as well as altogether 10 to 15 employees in China, Germany, the US and India. www.kmtgrinding.com High Precision Grinding | 5 Photo: BMW Sverige Grinding determines precision and thus friction 6 | High Precision Grinding www.kmtgrinding.com The accuracy during grinding of raceways is the most important parameter to obtain a minimum of friction and thereby a long lifecycle and reduced energy consumption. If the friction of all the world’s bearings could be reduced by ten per cent, energy consumption would decrease by what a country the size of Brazil consumes during a year. The KMT LIDKÖPING brand offers grinders that produce the required surface and shape. The wheels on cars and trains, turbines in all kinds of power stations, the compressor in your fridge - they all contain components that need to rotate with a minimum of friction, year after year, and often under heavy external pressure. The principle is a simple one: less friction, less energy. >>> www.kmtgrinding.com High Precision Grinding | 7 VÄ RL DE SVERIGES NS KORTASTE LEVERANSTIDER!!! PROBLEM MED KULSKRUV TILL ER CNC MASKIN ??? VI LEVERERAR PÅ TIMMAR - INTE VECKOR !!! SE VÅRT ODD(ONE DAY DELIVERY) th e SYSTEM. w FRÅN or EN RITNING ELLER EFTER EN BEFINTLIG EN S l!!! d , TILLVERKAR VI EN NY S KORTASTE LEVERANSTIDERKULSKRUV Sweden’S ??? - INTEPVECKOR !!! with roblemS ED KULSKRUV TILL ER RERAR PÅ TIMMAR T CNC ’S MASKIN ODD(ONE DAY DELIVERY) OMGÅENDE!!! cnc-machine??? the ballScrew in your we deliver in hourS – not weekS!!! SYSTEM. HYLSVÄGEN 8 721 30 VÄSTERÅS FRÅN ShorteSt delivery timeS!!! TEL: 021-184070 EN RITNING ELLER EFTER EN BEFINTLIG KULSKRUV , TILLVERKAR VI EN NY DĂŶƵĂůĂŶĚĂƵƚŽŵĂƚŝĐďĂůĂŶĐŝŶŐƐŽůƵƚŝŽŶƐ ŝƚƚĞů͛Ɛ ĞůĞĐƚƌŽŵĞĐŚĂŶŝĐĂů ďĂůĂŶĐŝŶŐ ŚĞĂĚƐ ĐĂŶ ďĞ ŝŶƐƚĂůůĞĚ ĞŝƚŚĞƌ ŝŶƐŝĚĞ Žƌ ŝŶ ĨƌŽŶƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŐƌŝŶĚŝŶŐ ǁŚĞĞů͘ dŚĞ ďĂůĂŶĐŝŶŐ ŚĞĂĚƐ ĂƌĞ ƌĞůŝĂďůĞ͕ ĐŽŵƉĂĐƚ͕ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ŝŶ ĚŝĨĨĞƌĞŶƚ ďĂůĂŶĐŝŶŐ ĐĂƉĂĐŝƚŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĐĂŶ ŽƉĞƌĂƚĞ Ăƚ ŚŝŐŚ ZWDƐ͘ dŽŐĞƚŚĞƌǁŝƚŚŝƚƚĞůĐŽŶƚƌŽůůŝŶŐ ĂŶĚĚƌŝǀŝŶŐĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐƐƚŚĞLJŝŶƐƵƌĞƚŚĞŐƌŝŶĚŝŶŐĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚŝƐĨƌĞĞĨƌŽŵ ƵŶĚĞƐŝƌĂďůĞ ǀŝďƌĂƚŝŽŶƐ͘ OMGÅENDE!!! 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The requirements regarding the production process are respectively high, not least due to the final shape of the bearings and the finish during grinding and polish. as e.g. on the fitting of the rotor blade, the turbine axe and the gear box. The better that bearing performs its job, the smoother is the turbine rotation and the lower the energy loss of the mechanic parts. The rotating rotor blades are connected to the turbine axes through a bearing showing a diameter of upto four meters. Bearing rings of that size are grinded by a LIDKÖPING vertical grinding machine type VTG4000 and through which the material gets is shape with the help of the optional combination of grinding and lathe. But there are also smaller sizes found in a wind power station, e.g. turbine axes and gear boxes. >>> Adjusts to the customer KMT Precision Grinding has been grinding components for the bearing industry during the last century and during this time KMT has continously made developments of its technology to adapt to different customer applications. Today, wind power is a growing industry and an area KMT is focusing on. – We follow our customers development in new markets, says Thomas Karlsson, CEO of KMT. When our customer was expanding in the area of wind power stations, new bearing types were needed. We were there and developed new machines covering their needs. VTG4000 Bearings are found in different locations in a wind power station turbine, such www.kmtgrinding.com – We adjust to the development of our customers in their markets, says CEO Thomas Karlsson. Urban Larsson and Marica Egerstad looking at a SUU 320. High Precision Grinding | 9 “The cooperation with Tube Control has worked perfectly! The technology consumes less than half the power and has better performance than other systems.” Rikard Löfgren, Development Manager at Pullmax The Way To The Goal Together with our customers, we refine system and components using the cutting-edge competence of our cooperation partners. This enables our customers to be leaders in their respective markets. Hydraulic stroke unit PRoDUCT aDVaNTaGeS: • High frequency • Programmable stroke length/time • Integrated measuring system • Optimised power consumption with accumulators • High precision, servo valves • Communication via interface APPLICATIONS: • Punching machines • Presses • Moulding • Nibbling • Trimming shears www.tubecontrol.se Tube Control is part of the stock exchange listed Addtech AB. ZIWA ZIWA MEKANISK TILLVERKNING MEKANISK MONTERING We have a long tradition as a proud supplier to the KMT Precision Grinding AB of precision machined parts. We produce everything from single prototype parts to parts for mass production. Most of our customers are machine builders to food and engineering industries. We know what quality our customers demand and delivers this at a competitive price. Box 55, SE-386 21 Färjestaden With years of experience, from industries including matches and fish processing, we are now in our own facilities or at customer site able to perform renovation and equipment installation work for the manufacturing industry. Together with ZIWA Mekanisk Tillverkning we guarantee a high quality of newly manufactured parts. If desired the same, we also support the assembly and disassembly instructions and more. We have en extensive network of partners both within Sweden and the Balkans. Postal Address Is a new company in the ZIWA Group. Phone +46 (0)485 345 65 E-Mail [email protected] >>> The rings for such bearings can be grinded by LIDKÖPING machines, which enable internal and external grinding at the same time in the LIDKÖPING grinding machine model SUUC600. The machine performs rough and fine grinding simultaneously and can therefore replace upto four machines in a conventional production line. The outer diameter of the bearing ring can also be grinded in a one pass operation in a Centerless grinding machine. The rings are loaded in one line on a workblade into the machine and are grinded by a shaped tool, the grinding wheel. The rings obtain the right shape just in one operation. Critical processing Thomas Karlsson stresses how critical such process is: – It is determined during the grinding process how accurate the recess, in which the ball will be placed, has to be. The accuracy determines the friction and, consequently, the accuracy of the power generation. But well grinded bearings with high precision do not only offer the possibility to reduce the energy consumption, but also to improve the reliability. – If the rotor blades are positions in the wrong axe at high wind forces, this might lead to severe consequences, says Thomas Karlsson. The enormous power may loosen the blades and, that would be worst case, the complete wind power station may collapse. The global expansion of wind power has slightly reduced lately, even if China has expanded its wind power capacity by 75% in 2010 according to the report of the World Wind Energy Association. Sales manager Otto Jernström follows the development of the wind power market with interests and realizes: – The demand will return and that’s when we are ready and able to cover our customers‘ needs. n n Linear Encoders n Rotary Encoders n Angle Encoders n TNC Controls n Touch Probes n Digital Readouts n Length Gauges LANGED Industrial washers and advanced lego production. EFFICIENT ECONOMICAL ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY ® Långeds Mekaniska AB www.heidenhain.de www.kmtgrinding.com Tel. +46 (0)531 410 25 • Fax +46 (0)531 400 46 www.langed.com • [email protected] High Precision Grinding | 11 Technical Innovation improves KMT products KMT Precision Grinding produces machines with high durability – many try to copy that, but the mechanical parts work smoothly even in machines produced in the 1970’s. Fredrik Wikström, Technical Manager at KMT Lidköping. Urban Myrefors, Plant Manager at KMT Bromma. – There are many reasons to use hydrostatics, says the Technical Manager at KMT Lidköping, Fredrik Wikström. The have been using the technology for a long time and we have very strong solutions. One solution contains that the movable disc on which the tool holder has been mounted to, a so-called slide, is placed above a fix disc with a hydrostatic bearing in between. The bearing consists of a thin oil film determining the distance between the individual slides to about 0,025 mm. – Our construction leads to the fact that the force increases through the oil, says Fredrik Wikström. That means that, regardless of what is installed on the upper slide, the distance between the upper and the lower slide remains always the same. Therefore, the slide moves with a very low friction and, consequently, without any wear-andtear of the machine’s mechanical parts. Linear motor for fast action The slide’s movements are controlled by a linear motor, which has no movable parts. The combination of the linear motor and the hydrostatics leads to a solution, which basically shows no wear-and-tear. It is a robust solution when high precision grinding and capacity is required. In addition, the linear motor provides the possibility of fast acceleration and retardation. This requires that the machine is built stiffly. Resistance to forces is only then guaranteed and provides fast reaction time at movement of the spindle. – Our machines are designed for short cycle times and high precision, says Fredrik Wikström. Nomyline grinds small details Urban Myrefors is Plant Manager at Bromma, where the Nomyline machines are produced. He presents the measurement equipment controlling the parts for fuel injection in a Diesel engine. Less than one thousandth millimeters – that is the deviation allowed at precision grinded parts. There are different technical solutions in order to reach such values and which makes the difference between Nomyline and its competitors. – The direct operated chuck presents one of the characteristics. Earlier there was the belt-driven process, which could Customized sheet metal work is our specialty [email protected] www.jarpaskomp.se 12 | High Precision Grinding Sweden Tel. +46 (0)510-915 16 lead to vibrations. But as the motor is located directly on the chuck, the parts can be grinded with higher precision and less maintenance. Another technical solution, which Urban Myrefors likes to stress, it the so-called “Pivoting Spindle Holder“. A unit corrects the minimum bulge of the grinding tools during the grinding process, by placing the slide into such an angle that the contact with the hole in its full length remains. This guarantees that the holes to be grinded are cylindrical within the fraction of one miron (µ). Notion for technical innovation is the reason for the unique market position of KMT. n The slide moves with a very low friction and, consequently, without any wear-and-tear of the machine’s mechanic parts. Transmisson & Linearsystems WWW.ARATRON.SE PHONE + 46 8 40 41 600 www.kmtgrinding.com www.kmtgrinding.com High Precision Grinding | 13 Manufacturer of High Precision Grinding Machines LIDKÖPING LIDKÖPING VTG1500/4000 Machine VTG1500 VTG4000 Type Internal / External / Hard Turning DG300/400/500/600/700/800 Workholding Principle Magnetic Chucking Work Piece Dimension ID OD min Ø 440 max Ø 1 450 min Ø 500 max Ø 1 500 min Ø 1 000 max Ø 3 800 min Ø 1 300 max Ø 4 000 Machine Grinding Wheel DG300 300 mm ø 5-160 max 80 DG400 500 mm ø 15-240 max 120 DG500 500 mm ø 20-250 max 80 DG600 600 mm ø 160-440 max 160 DG700 700 mm ø 190-610 max 250 DG800 800 mm ø 300-820 max 250 Slewing Bearing Windmill Hard turning/ grinding UVA Type Workholding Inner Ring DGBB Bearing - Face Inner RIng DGBB Bearing - Face Outer Ring DGBB Bearing - Face Joints Bearing - Face SUU240/320/600 Principle Work Piece Dimension OD Machine Type Workholding Principle Work Piece Dimension Width SUU240 UVAi Internal Chucking max ø 86 max 250 UVAiTwin Internal Chucking max ø 40 max 150 SUU320 UVAe External Chucking/ between centers max ø 80 max 150 SUU600 UVAie External/ internal Chucking max ø 40 max 150 Internal/ External/ Flange (Rib Face) Shoe centerless/ Centric chucking Gear Part Automotive Internal Valve Lifter Nozzle Grinding 14 | High Precision Grinding OD LIDKÖPING Nomyline Internal/Face/External Machine Work Piece Dimension ID Inner Ring SRB Windmill, Radar Station Hard turning/grinding External or Internal Inner Ring Gearbox, Large Crane Hard turning/ grinding External or Internal Principle OD Width ø 20-240 max 120 ø 100- 320 max 140 ø 150-600 max 200 Inner Ring Spindle Bearing - External Pump Head Pump Body Outer Ring Flange Inner Ring Truck HUB Bearing - Internal Bearing - External or Internal or Rib Face www.kmtgrinding.com LIDKÖPING LIDKÖPING CL630/660 SUUC240/600/800 Work Piece OD Wheel Width Wheel Ø (WORN) Machine CL630 ≤125 300 (400) 610/630 (380) SUUC240 CL630 ≤250 600 (700) 610/630 (380) Machine Principle SUUC600 Type External/ Internal/ Flange (Rib Face) Workholding Principle Shoe centerless SUUC800 Camshaft Automotive External Outer Ring Bearing External Work Piece Dimension ID/OD Width ID min ø 80 OD max ø 250 max 130 ID min ø 130 OD max ø 600 max 250 ID min ø 370 OD max ø 820 max 250 Joints Automotive External Outer Ring Truck HUB Bearing - External and internal Outer Ring Railway Bearing - External and internal Inner Ring SRB Bearing - External and Internal LIDKÖPING/UVA NANO ID Machine Nano Type Workholding Internal Shoe centerless/Centric Principle Work Piece Dimension OD Width min ø 8 max ø 72 max 64 KMT Lidköping KMT Leonberg KMT Boston KMT Bromma, UVA KMT Beijing KMT pmi www.kmtgrinding.com Bearing Cup Automotive Internal Outer Ring DGBB Bearing - Internal Inner Ring HUB Automotive Internal Inner Ring DGBB Automotive Internal High Precision Grinding | 15 ”We offer a number of upgrade packages, which help the customer to further extend his investment.” Björn Almgren, Manager Aftermarket 16 | High Precision Grinding www.kmtgrinding.com The Aftermarket offer supports the customer and extends the machine’s lifecycle KMT Precision Grinding offers a large number of products and services, which provides the customer with a maximum use of his investments. Training, upgrades and optimization present one part of the services provided. KMT‘s machines have a very long technical durability – this fact has been known for a long time. That is, among other things, connected to the hydrostatic slides eliminating a mechanic contact. As the customers’ needs change faster than the sustainability of the machines, the aftermarket department at KMT offers upgrade packages, which extend the machines’ lifecycle. Upgrading packages Björn Almgren, Manager Aftermarket at KMT Bromma, indicates what the company offers: – We offer a number of upgrade packages, which help the customer to further extend his investment. For example, the chuck’s belt transmission can be replaced by a direct drive. That improves the grinding result and reduces rejection. – An upgrade of the Uvatronic control system to the actual version 3 contains the exchange of the software, data, bus, amplifier and engines. The customer gains performance improvement and better handling. www.kmtgrinding.com – Furthermore, we offer optimization of the processes and machine control software, which lead to shorter cycle times and improved quality. KMT also offers different trainings for machine operators, process technicians and service staff. The training includes theory and practical work and offers the customers understanding and knowledge, which is necessary to use the machines in the best possible way. Service and spare parts are, naturally, part of the offer just as the online support, during which the KMT engineers are connected through internet with the machine and create a problem analysis. To make a long story short: an investment in the upgrade of the control system, pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanics increases the capacity and is quickly worth its money. n KMT also offers different trainings for machine operators, process technicians and service staff. High Precision Grinding | 17 UVA Nomyline big at small details 18 | High Precision Grinding www.kmtgrinding.com In Bromma, outside Stockholm, you can find the master of high precision and small measurements.This is the place, where the grinding machines are developed and which, among other things, produce the very accurate parts controlling fuel injection in diesel engines. Diesel engines in cars, trucks, busses or any other vehicles, is a very sophisticated construction, not least when it comes to fuel injection management. The system is based on data controlled injection parts, which inject upto seven times per rate. The fuel forms different layers in the cylinder it ignites and the fuel explodes step-by-step. Extreme precision Such a sophisticated combustion process requires high precision in every operation mode. The injection quantity must be accurate, in quantity as well as in structure. In order to reach the correct result, the injector that distributes the fuel in the cylinder crucial. Go for any diesel engine in a bus, truck, car or any other vehicle – the chance is rather high that the inner part of the injector and the needle controlling the injection have been grinded by machines produced by KMT. The requirements are very high and the tolerances are measured in thousandth millimeters. The trademark of these machines is UVA Nomyline, a serie of modular built products, which were launched in 2003 and are known as high qualityproducts. Four well-tried base machines The trademark of the four machines is UVA Nomyline, a serie of modular built www.kmtgrinding.com procucts which were introduced 2003. • UVAi for internal grinding • UVAe for external grinding • UVAie for both internal and external grinding • UVAi Twin offers two parallel grinding processes. Sold to eleven countries 300 Nomyline machines were sold to eleven countries since their launch in 2003. The machines are modulary built and can be adjusted to the customer needs, e.g. regarding the handling for in-, and outfeed of the details. The machines can be configured to upto five internal grinding operations or to a combination of internal and rib face grinding. Furthermore, there is a UVAi Index, where an established technology have been integrated into a Nomyline machine. UVA Nomyline is a series of modular built machines, which stand for high quality. >>> High Precision Grinding | 19 www.meister-abrasives.com The challenge Efficient, assured production Bosch Rexroth The right solution for every technology Innovative mechanical designs! Rexroth is the world’s leading supplier of systems, components and services for industrial automation and mobile hydraulics. A complete product range, solid expertise and good service make us a reliable full-service supplier. We always select the best technology and the most effective solution for each individual application. Bosch Rexroth. The Drive & Control Company www.boschrexroth.se sharp by nature Pen Cutting Tools has been a supplier of precision tooling to KMT for over fifteen years. With in this time we have developed alongside KMT and with the support from them as a key customer now produce a wide range of tools covering all aspects of grinding. Throughout the 50 years we have been in business both KMT and SKF have become our key customers as we supply 80% of our tools into the bearing and grinding machine tool industry. We manufacture 100% in our purpose built factory in the UK and following the lead of our customers demands are at the forefront of tooling manufacture and design. Working close with our customers we strive to not only supply but improve the tooling performance. From precision hard turning and milling to grinding, wire erosion in special steels, carbide and PCD diamond we continue to develop with our customers. Pen Cutting Tools Ltd. | Bold Street, Attercliffe | Sheffield S9 2LR | Tel: +44 (0)114 243 0055 | Fax: +44 (0)114 243 0066 | www.pencuttingtools.co.uk >>> – We wanted to develop a Nomyline offering the customer a chuck, which can be indexed, says Per-Erik Pettersson, sales representative and responsible for the construction of the UVAi index. The solution implies that the machine is able to perform upto four grinding sequences by that the chuck with the detail is indexing to two different positions and these two details are being grinded parallely without a rechucking. For example, a nozzle for diesel can be grinded in one pass, including grinding of holes, lifts and a final face grinding. That solution was available in the older machine types UVA 88, which were sold to e.g. China and India; but these markets have expressed interest in indexed solutions for Nomyline. Now, here it is. We close co-operation – One of the reasons for our success is our way of how we co-operate with our customers, says Urban Myrefors, Plant Manager. We do not have a traditional supplier-customer relationship. We cooperate closely, Urban Myrefors, Plant Manager at KMT Bromma, stresses the meaning of a close cooperation with the customers. KMT staff have a high presence at the customer, which leads to continuous communication and troubleshooting. Cooperation with Bosch An example on such cooperation is found in Bromma. A machine type UVA U88 has been rebuilt to the new standard. The project leader of Bosch, Torsten Vogel, is visiting Bromma in order to perform several tests required for the final approval. The machine will then be shipped to Nashik, India, to the plant of Bosch. As soon as the machine has arrived in India, Torsten Vogel will be on-site and perform the final approval tests. – Our cooperation is very good, says Torsten Vogel. There would have been other manufacturers to do the rebuild of our machines, but it seemed just natural to contact KMT, who is the original manufacturer of the machine. KMT has all the knowledge and competences we prefer. Our communication is very open and good. When it all comes together, it’s a matter of the people cooperating. n Project Manager Torsten Vogel of Bosch and Bengt Sandelowsky, Production Manager at KMT Bromma, are very happy with the cooperation of the two companies. Taking ideas to working solutions! Special purpose machinery, production equipment, qualified design resources. www.nederman.com www.kmtgrinding.com Contact CEO: Tomas Fridh | Tfn. +46 (0)510 42 58 11, +46 (0)708 72 72 41 | www.dma.se High Precision Grinding | 21 SlipNaxos years ofhistoria company SlipNaxosshows har en100 100-årig history withanställda 185 employees andomsättning a turnover med 185 och en of in 2010. 2010. på320 320MSEK mkr år Vår activity verksamhet består av utveckling, Our consists in development, production of grinding wheels produktionand ochsales försäljning av slipto worldwide industries. skivor till industrin över hela världen. Företaget ingår i den schweiziska The company is part of the Swiss group koncernen Winterthur Technology Winterthur Technology Group, which is owned Group som ägsthan av 3M med över by 3M with more 7500 employees within Research and and 7500 personer inomDevelopment Forskning och a total of approx. 80.000 Utveckling och runt 80 employees. 000 anställda. Största delen vårproduction produktion The largest part av of our consists består av kundanpassade slipskivor of custom-made grinding wheels, which som är utvecklade specifik have been developedför to en serve a specific slipoperation ellerormaskin. grinding operation machine.Med Thedet company’s large resources stora företagets resurser and och flexibility det lilla enables us to provide our customers företagets flexibilitet vill vi ge vårawith the best bästa possible serviceservice and theoch lowest kunder möjliga possible total costs. lägsta möjliga totalkostnad. At GMN, clocks aren’t ticking faster than elsewhere in the world. Considering the fact however, that we develop high frequency spindles reaching highest rpm per second, it might be assumed that our seconds last longer than usual. By now, we are developing materials and technologies that enable even higher frequencies. And maybe one day, we can even steer the rotating speed of the sweep hand. GMN Paul Müller Industrie GmbH & Co. KG Äußere Bayreuther Str. 230 · D-90411 Nürnberg Phone: +49 911-5691-0 · [email protected] www.gmn.de KMT’s Centerless machines stand for high productivity – year after year – Continuous improvement of our Centerless machines means ninety years of experience in the machines, says Otto Jernström, sales manager Machines, with pride. Otto Jernström sells customized solutions. The Mechanic Workshop Lidköping delivered already in 1922 their first grinding machine build according to the Centerless principle, which presented one of the first ones of that type in Sweden. Until to today, KMT has delivered between 7000 and 8000 machines of that type. Machines, which stand for long lasting, smooth operation. Otto Jerström says: – Lately we have experienced that old customers come back to us after trying other machine suppliers. Our competitors definitely show the same initial values as we do. But machines made by KMT keep that characteristic for years and years. Hardly any cleaning after 30 years – We recently got a grinding machine, which was used to grind bars in a steel mill, under heavy conditions for the past 30 years. The machine had to be cleaned, the mechanical parts, though, worked without any problems! That is one of the reasons, why machines made by KMT are so attractive to the market – regardless whether new or secondhand ones. The basic construction of the machine types CL630 and CL660 is www.kmtgrinding.com sophisticated as well as reliable. Just as the other KMT products, for which solutions are applied based on hydrostatics minimizing friction and, consequently, eliminating wear-andtear of the respective parts. The customer mainly use the machines to grind different components for the car industry. A 4-cylinder car engine presents approx. 120 movable parts and more than half of those parts have been grinded according to the Centerless principle. The construction of the Centerless machines is aligned to grind different types of axes. This might include grinding of bearing position of a camshaft for power steering, universal joints, or piston pins. If you drive a Volvo, Saab, Volks wagen, Ford, BMW or Mercedes – just to mention some of the brands – you will find components, which were grinded by KMT machines, in the engine, as the sub-suppliers mostly use established KMT machines. Extreme high performance machines Centerless Centerless machines are extreme high performance machines. The axes, pipes as well as the rings of the ball bearings are grinded, which leads to a very high throughput speed of several meters per minute. One single CL machine is able to supply single parts up to six internal grinding machines. – Our production development is subject to adjustment of the techno ogy, processes and software (PLC/NC). Today, we often have “fly to wire” machine types, the control becomes more and more intelligent, says Otto Jernström. We do our best to improve our products each year. In 1999, we shipped two machines to Volkswagen Argentina and can now ship another two ones. The customer has developed his own system and process through out the past years and we adjust the new delivery to the customer’s needs. The machine is not only a machine, but is part of the system, e.g. through toolings, peripherals, feeding unit and measurement equipment. We are not only talking cars. Bearing rings and rollers for a large number of different bearing types, piston for hydraulic cylinders with extremly high demands on roundness and diameter toolerances, steel bars and axes for electric motors. Diameters from 1 up to 275 mm – grinded with KMT Centerless machines. n High Precision Grinding | 23 YIT in Sweden Together we can do it YIT in Sweden is one of the biggest and leading company in automation, electrical services, power maintenance and total technical solutions. After several years of experience is our base of competence wide and solid. Robot based automation solutions for the manufacturing industry We also offer solutions for Fire alarm-, Burglar alarm-, Data/Telecom-, Safety- and Access Controlsystems. YIT Sverige AB Teknik Kvänum Torsplan 1, 535 30 Kvänum Telefon: +46 512 79 76 00 18 Together we can do it. www.yit.se Turn-key deliveries with full responsibility from idea to production start Together we make industry more efficient From single robot installations to complete production systems As cooperation partner of KMT, TOOLS supplies overall solutions for products and services for process, maintenance, repair and operations – we call that MRO More than 800 robot applications on the market since 1995 www.tools.se Artech Automation AB Laxå - Sweden a company within the Artech Group” KMT Precision Grinding has been part of the Lidköping industry through name changes, economic fluctuations and technical development. KMT Lidköping focuses on the future Jörgen Möller is Plant Manager at KMT Lidköping. He describes the intense product development of the past years as follows: – Until ten years ago, our machines were able to grind parts in sizes of upto 150 mm. Rings for ball and roller bearings are often details by which the needs of our customers have changed and due to the fact that bearings are used in new products. – Therefore, the development made huge steps and new machines have been developed during the past years. Those machines are able to grind round parts upto a diameter of four millimeters. That means that KMT’s machine rings for very large ball bearings, e.g. used in wind power stations, trucks and trains, can be grinded. Jörgen thinks that the wind power industry will strongly grow and that China will modernize its railway system – the need of machines producing large bearings will increase. Worldwide customers KMT Lidköping has customers all over the world and mainly in Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Brasil, Argentina, Mexico, USA, China and India. The sales department has been focusing on China and India for the past years. KMT Lidköping constructs and installs its machines in Lidköping. – This means that our field of activity is deep as well as wide, says Jörgen. Our staff is often involved in the whole project chain, starting with tender preparation followed by the delivery and ending at installation on-site. Rejuvenation of the staff KMT Lidköping needs well trained staff being skilled in machine and electrotechnology, meaning within the construction as well as engineering. 95% of the company’s production is being exported and, therefore, language skills are important as well as feeling comfortable within an international environment. www.kmtgrinding.com – We will have to rejuvenate our staff within the following years, as many of our employees are retiring, states Jörgen Möller. – Our field of activity is motivating as one is involved in numerous project stages and customer contacts. That creates a nice working atmosphere and high engagement within the company. Unique competence The machines are custom-made as configuration may vary. KMT does not have any product lines, all work independently and in their own responsibility. KMT experienced, just as the whole industry, many tuff years but Jörgen Möller is optimistic in regard to the future. – Our company shows a long history of competent and proud employees, who are willing to work. Originally, we were technical-oriented, but we are within a sound conversion phase towards a business oriented company with a unique technological expertise. n Jörgen Möller looks optimistic into the future. High Precision Grinding | 25 Priyank and his staff extend the lifetime of KMT machines No one knows the durability of a machine made by KMT Precision Grinding. The KMT machines produced under the brand names LIDKÖPING and UVA are in some parts indestructible. But even such machines become older and that is when KMT can offer a rebuild and essentially extend the durability of the machine. A large part of those measures were re-located to KMT’s plant in Gurgaon, India, three miles south-west of New Delhi. Photo: KMT India Priyank Garg is manager of a young Indian team. Project manager Anders Karlsson says: – It all started in 2006 as a main tenance program for one of our largest customer, who has a considerable activity on the Asian market. But all of our customers can profit from our rebuilding services. – A rebuild may be done in two ways, says Anders Karlsson. We have a “light” version, which is rebuilt on-site at the customer and which consists of replacement of the electrical control system with the electrical cabinet, push-buttons and wiring. The machines are functioning, most of the times, well in a mechanical parts, thanks to the hydrostatic technology, which eliminates friction at some parts. The electrical components do have a shorter durability, not least due to it being difficult to find spare parts for components being older than ten years. – Another alternative is the so-called ”full rebuild”, which includes demounting or repair work of and on mechanic parts, re-painting of the machine and giving it an impression of looking new. A full rebuild is performed on-site KMT. All machines located in Asia, are also rebuilt by KMT staff in India. The machines from other parts of the world are rebuilt in Lidköping, the responsibility, though, is always at India. In India since 2006 KMT started its activity in India in 2006 and was planning 25 rebuilds per year. After some start up difficulties following the establishment, there are now 30-40 rebuilds per year and inquiries are even exceeding that number. In order to meet with the increasing number of inquiries, the company relocated at the beginning of 2011 to Gurgaon. Priyank Garg is the General Manager KMT Production Machinery India. – Fifteen employees are working here, says Priyank Garg on the phone. It is a young team and the average age is 25–30 years. We have been moving to new locations lately and have now an area of approx. 1200 m2 available. Our equipment is complete and consisting of compressors, cooling system, hydraulics and traverses. We do have our own generator, which is needed in case of power failure. The machines are running on 100 kilowatt, which the net is unable to produce. The first international project was a light rebuild at a customer in Bulgaria in May 2011 and during which Priyank was personally present prior tobecome the company’s manager. In the mean- Custom tooling in tungsten carbide and PCD +46 19 611 96 90 www.robustus.se 26 | High Precision Grinding www.kmtgrinding.com Photo: KMT India Above: KMT’s staff and the new location in Gurgaon, India. To th left: A SGB before and after a rebuild. time, the plant has performed a complete rebuild of a machine for a customer in China and an order has been received for another three rebuilds. Several foreign projects The number of foreign project is increasing and orders are expected from Malaysia and Brasil. Many employees have never been abroad before and Priyank accepts the positive challenge. – Our competence is high and we are continuously building on that fact, says Priyank Garg. One part of our staff is trained in Lidköping, others get an on-the-job-training here in Gurgaon and additional training is performed through Swedish technicians visiting. We are increasing the number of our staff and assume to have 20 employees by the end of 2011. Anders Karlsson summarizes: – To be close to our customers and offer cost-effective service – this was the intention when starting the activity in India The development shows that it was the right thing to do. n Transmissions for all needs. Standard or special. Contact us and we will solve your transmission needs. Gear wheels • Worm wheels • Gear racks • Chains • Sprockets • Belts Pulleys • Clutches • Sintered, turned and/or milled details Vanlid Transmission AB | Ringugnsgatan 8, SE-216 16 Malmö Phone +46 (0)40 36 91 50 | [email protected] | www.vanlid.se www.kmtgrinding.com High Precision Grinding | 27 E20001-F610-P610-X-7600 With SINUMERIK, you’re on the road to success Increase your productivity during large-part production with Solutions for Powertrain In the automotive world, increased productivity puts you in the fast lane. Our open and flexible SINUMERIK 840D sl CNC is the perfect choice for automotive part production. Thanks to its compact and modular design, the SINUMERIK 840D sl can be embedded into any manufacturing configuration. As part of our automation concept called “Solutions for Powertrain”, Siemens offers you not only an integrated control solution, but you also benefit from comprehensive project management and services throughout the entire lifecycle of your machines. siemens.com / sinumerik