2007 ACRP Agenda 10-18B


2007 ACRP Agenda 10-18B
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Winter 2008
Annual Changing of the Guard
a message from the president:
As a fresh Board with five new members takes its turn at the helm of the Club the first order
of business is to wish all Club members and their families a happy, healthy and
prosperous 2008.
The Board is pleased to be able to advise that thus far into the millennium much progress
continues to be made with respect to improvements and maintenance to the
historic mansion, the pool area, the cottage and the grounds in general.
Within this beautiful environment, much good fellowship and camaraderie is enjoyed by members and guests who regularly attend and participate in a host of well-planned and organized social events on top of our full pool program- enhanced further with expanded hours, patio dining
and outdoor movies.
We, of course are pleased to receive unending positive compliments from our membership,
which fortunately continues to be at full capacity.
Importantly, and no small feat, this exponential activity is being accomplished within prudent
fiscal guidelines, allowing your Club to avoid adding any further debt obligation.
Going forward with “our watch” of your Club for 2008, it is your board’s goal to maintain the
momentum and direction that has been achieved- confident yes, but with equal caution.
Winter in Morristown typically turns bleakest in February, and that is exactly why the Club’s Annual Gala is planned to take place just when its members may be at their cold weather depths.
Responding to this perennial challenge, the Gala Committee offers you a Red Hot Salsa night- to
which hopefully you will say COUNT ME IN to this typically sold-out event.
Whether you happen to be a long-standing member or a new inductee, whether you are
young, middle-age, or have attained senior status, whether your family unit is as a single, a couple- with or without kids, your Club will continue to strive to sponsor events and activities that will
hopefully allow each of its members to find a niche.
Should you feel something still needs to be added, approach a board member
and share your thought- but be careful because your board is vigilant in its lookout quest
for volunteers.
Best regards, and I look forward to being with you at the Gala
Bob Knapik
board of governors
Bob Knapik
Scott Whitenaci
Vice President
Kathy Bednarz
David Goldhirsch
Todd Talarico
Barbara Whitenack
Christina Waggoner
Bernadette Pio
Lyn Cicero
Jim Galbraith
PR/Member Communications
Craig Gilgallon
Barb Gilgallon
President’s Cocktail Fundraiser
Dear Kellogg Club Members,
On the evening of Saturday, October 13, 2007, Maureen and Bill Diehl opened their
beautiful home for our second annual President’s Cocktail Fundraiser. The Diehl’s home,
on Normandy Parkway in Convent Station, was a great venue for this event. The evening
was co-chaired by Wendy Supron and Maureen Diehl, and the party went into full swing
as seventy members feasted on the wonderful hors’ dourves of David Ellis Catering. Karl
Werner, our President, addressed the membership in his final speech as his tenure is up
this year, and presented a beautifully crafted power-point presentation that was created
by Tricia and Tom Rosenkilde. Once again our membership showed their commitment
to the historic preservation and helped to raise $12,000.00 for continued projects on
the mansion.
Alice Cutler and Robert Bensley
Alice Lloyd
Anthony Allocco and Roger Groves
Barb and Craig Gilgallon
Barbara and Scott Whitenack
Barbara and Warren Leshner
Bernadette and Jeff Pio
Betsy and Tom Hollo
Debbie and Lou Petrucci
Diane and Peter Seuffert
Diane Storm
Donna McNamara and Larry Cohen
Greg Baird and Ned Wolfe
Gretchen Braunschweiger and Craig Gilbert
Gretchen E. and Herb Braunschweiger
Heather and Todd Talarico
Jane Kurek
Janet Hoch Torres and Joe Torres
Joan and Jim Galbraith
Joan Boyle-Dugue
Joann and Alan Painter
Judith and Karl Duchek
Karle and Michael Miller
Kathy and Jim Bednarz
Kathy Papke and John Szilezy
Kirsten and John Brady
Laura Baisch and Matt Fassnacht
Laurie and Joe Nosofsky
Linda and Wade Kirby
Linda Carrington
Lois Densky- Wolff and Chris Wolff
Lori and John Scotti
Louise Murray and Tom Hoffman
Lucille and Bob Knapik
Marcia Hunter
Mary Jane Robertson and Jock Clark
Maureen and Bill Diehl
Michelle and Robert Lucas
Patricia and Edward Seaman
Paulette Skibiel
Rebecca and Stephen Cheren
Robin Buchanan
Rose Mary and Karl Werner
Suzanne Lemieux and Henric Bjarke
Suzie Yawger
Tibbie and Bob Reynolds
Virginia and Michael Rich
Wendy and Greg Supron
I would like to thank the following Committee Members for giving their time and energy
in making this evening a great success:
Maureen Diehl
Wendy Supron
Todd Talarico
Jim Bednarz
Scott Whitenack
Tricia and Tom Rosenkilde
Diane Storm
Barb Gilgallon
Alan Painter
Roger Groves
Karl Werner
2007 Event Rental Recap
Club members sponsored eight Special Events during 2007 including three beautiful weddings, two
wonderful Bas Mitzvahs, and three special receptions. Abundant comments from attendees about how
they enjoyed the special ambience of a one-of-a-kind place…and so well preserved.
Members continue to recognize that special sense of place which the Club offers as they plan and book
their special social event. As a member you are entitled to the privilege of renting the mansion for that
next important social event or gathering with your family or friends, we think creating a memorable
event. Your Club calendar for 2008 is currently filling in with 30 events or meetings already scheduled.
Inquire early so you may be assured of locking in a time that meets your needs.
Our Club administrator Heather Talarico looks forward to working with you to insure a successful event.
Complete details are contained within your Club Directory, including the following fee schedule:
$1600 Weekend- Fri, Sat or Sun
$900 Weekday- M/Th
$400 Weekday Community/Charitable event
$700 Weekend- Fri, Sat or Sun Community/Charitable event
Bookings accepted within 30 days of event and not exceeding 50 persons will be at the rates of
$600 weekday and $800 weekend
New Members
Please welcome our newest members
By Barbara Whitenack
Robert & Davala Crofford moved to the Rolling Hill section of Morristown from Pennsylvania a few
years ago. They have three young children, Katie, Bobby and Sarah.
Rob relaxes by spending time working outdoors. The whole family is looking forward to spending time at the Kellogg Club!
Happy holidays and best wishes,
Anthony Allocco
Fund Raising Chair
Joshua & Christine Vollertsen had already attended a few functions at the club as guests of the
Jeff and Bernadette Pio before they decided to join. They both work in NYC, and live on Brandywine Terrace in Morris Township.
Website Update
Annual Meeting
social corner
By Dave May
Our goal is to eliminate all mailings and use the website along with email as our only
source of communication. This will reduce greatly our cost and labor for mailings. This
should take place over the next 3-6 months. If you do not have email and or access to
the web you should let us know so we can continue to mail you communications.
What is available:
• Most of the site is not password protected only those pages that contain personal
information like names and pictures are protected.
o Sign in- Kellogg
o Password: kellogg123
• Calendar of all events with the ability to download the invitation
• Updates on all of the refurbishing to the dining room
• History of the mansion and the club
• Pics of past events with a short write up
• Lots and lots of pictures of swim meets, which you can download
• Much more, just browse around
House & Grounds
By Todd Talarico
We have had a very busy late Summer and Fall with the completion of Masonry work at the back house and repair work on the back wall, otherwise known as
the "Storm Wall", and the final completion of the dining room project which was our
major renovation for 2007. (See Picture) The project work took almost 4 months to
complete but it is a true show piece for the club. With the addition of new doors in
that room and a new one in the ballroom we have increased security in the club and
hopefully will manage our heating bill a little better this year. I want to thank Tom
Rosenkilde for his guidance and direction and Jim Bednarz and Scott Whitenack for
their countless hours at the club working on repair and electrical issues.
Our most recent project was the regrading and paving of the back driveway,
the addition of 3 parking spots for our back tenants, and adding another 75 feet to
the laneway. We had significant erosion issues and this should help improve our
plowing challenges around the club.
I also want to thank Rich Tranfield, Victor Tranfield, Dave May and Gaby Talarico for their hard work on our recent fall cleanup in which we removed several decaying trees on the property which should
open up opportunities for new growth.
At this point we look ahead to our
pending 08 projects. We will be getting
bids for the back deck of the house that has
considerable rot and bids for repair and repainting of the main hallway, library and ballroom. We will also be upgrading electric
where needed, adding appropriate lighting,
and redoing all the floors in these rooms. I'm
confident that once we complete these projects the house will shine even more for all to enjoy.
By Bob Knapik
Feb, 2008
9th - Winter Gala
March, 2008
22nd - Kids’ Easter Party
29th - Welcome Spring Cocktail
Ready to embark upon the 40th Year your Club conducted its Annual Meeting on Sunday, 11-25-07 with the change of guard
and full reports from Officers and Governors. Following are the highlights of the session, and for those members who may
wish further elaboration on a particular subject, we invite you to reach out to the individual who has volunteered to be the
steward of that area:
May, 2008
3rd - Cinco de Mayo Party
Six volunteers who contributed generously of their time are transitioning out of office, with much praise and thanks
extended to them. They are:
Karl Werner, President
Anthony Allocco, Fundraising
Gretchen Braunschweiger, Membership
Dave May, Pool
Diane Seuffert, Treasurer
Maureen Diehl, Nominating Committee
If you will, please take the time to approach these volunteers and express your appreciation for their mighty efforts
July, 2008
July Fourth Picnic
August, 2008
19th - Porch and Patio Party
September, 2008
Welcome Autumn Cocktail Party
October, 2008
31st - Kids’ Halloween Party
November, 2008
Adult Social Event (TBA)
December, 2008
7th - Tree Lighting Cocktail Partry
13th - Kid’s Christmas Party
Nominating Committee: Larry Cohen, Kathy Conlin, Marie Daly, Alice Lloyd (each with extensive volunteer experience at
Should you personally wish to become further involved with specific activities, or be interested in seeking a leadership position, we invite you to reach out to any of these volunteers with whom you are comfortable having a discussion. Remember,
each of these board spots will become available in the near future.
Each board member provided a summary of the activity that took place within their area of responsibility during 2007. Following are their summary statements:
Some dates may change during the year.
Incoming board member slate for 2008 will be:
President: Bob Knapik (previously VP)
Vice-President: Scott Whitenack (currently B&G team volunteer)
Treasurer: David Goldhirsch (new volunteer offering finance background)
Secretary: Kathy Bednarz (co-supporter of husband Jim, ex-B&G Governor)
Buildings & Grounds- Todd Talarico (continuing)
Communications/PR: Jim Galbraith (continuing)
Fundraising: Barb Gilgallon (very active committee volunteer)
Membership Co-Governors: Barbara Whitenack (continuing), Christina Waggoner (active committee volunteer)
Pool: Craig Gilgallon (previously Secretary)
Social: Bernadette Pio & Lynn Cicero (both continuing)
President Werner: Club was fortunate to enjoy advances and improvements in every area, and it has been both an
honor and privilege to serve
VP Knapik: Important revenue stream from in-house and special event rentals continued to provide Club with necessary fixed income; new Administrator brought forth best practices
Treasurer Seuffert: Profit & Loss Actual vs. Budget on-target; no surprises
Secretary C.Gilgallon (replaced Mike Carrington): continuity assured; procedures and processes under control
B&G Talarico: formed B&G team to assist with ongoing projects, particularly DR restoration and structural
improvements to ballroom floor. Club looks the best it has in 39 years!
Communications Galbraith: integration of website to augment newsletter and mailings
Fundraising Allocco: President Reception and Gala continue to be popular successes, and lot’s of fun!
Membership Braunschweiger & Whitenack: Fortunate to again enjoy full paying membership, with new members becoming active volunteers. Waiting list needs replenishment; expect the usual dozen openings to occur in the Spring
Pool-Guy May: Great safe year with increasing attendance, superior swim team results and added social value thru
addition of Friday nite movies, BBQs and special catering. Pool area/house improvements gain membership praise.
Dave also gets credit for upgrading Club website in attempt to improve membership communication
Social Pio & Cicero- Added two adult cocktail functions to bring 2007 complimentary events to seven- 3 for adults,
3 for kids and 4th of July. Expanded theme décor allows different looks for different events, with a new Cinco de
Mayo event planned for May
Nominating Committee (outgoing) Diehl: proudly wishes the incoming board as much success as the outgoing
board- very appreciative of everyone’s volunteer efforts
That’s a wrap, and you may have observed a possible overuse of the word volunteer. That’s intentional, because as members enjoy and expect the continuation of what the Club offers, such can only be sustained thru the efforts of its volunteers.
Great Summer at the pool!
By Dave May
The summer goes by quickly like a light breeze but even so we had a great season at the pool. Great weather,
great attendance- (50% over last year), great parties, and great friends getting together. We opened with the usual Memorial Day anticipation with some of our young members waiting at the gate. The first event was our monthly outdoor
movie with popcorn. Our usual trusty movie critics picked Meet the Robinsons. The annual 4th of July party was not
stymied by cloudy weather. The parade led by Morristown Police and Bob Reynolds in his vintage car was the usual right
of passage by many new bike riders and walkers in full red, white and blue decorations. The weather while not cooperating did not keep away over 200 plus members and guest and the rain held off ‘til late in the afternoon. Lots of hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken along with the many deserts and salads provided by our members – were consumed in record
Games, karaoke are the highlights of the day. Diving for coins, relay races and the fancy dive competition are a
blast for our young members. Many of our adults and Kids did their best imitation of Hannah Montana and Madonna to
the delight of all.
Lynn Cicero and her family of volunteers are to be congratulated on putting on a really great show!!
July is also Swim Team season and we go 6 days a week with 3 days of practice and 3 meets a week. I think the
parents are more tired than the kids. The best thing about our swim team is you don’t have to know how to swim and
again this year we had 3 young swimmers that within weeks are swimming in meets. And this year we hosted the
league’s championship with over 150 swimmer and 350 spectators. Thanks to all 35 volunteers that did every thing from
directing traffic to serving breakfast to all. Our neighbor Verizon, permitted us to use their parking lot and that reduced
the traffic on the streets- in keeping with our good neighbor policy. Look for a notice on the website for our winter swim
schedule at St E’s. You can also see lots of pictures from our meets on the website. This is password protected and the
sign on is Kellogg – Password: kellogg123
July also saw our second movie, which happened to fall on Friday July 13th, which means it needed to be a scary
movie. Our teenagers with some guidance on appropriate ratings picked Friday the 13th. And the Creamery, who are
club members, provided an ice cream cart for everyone to make their own sundaes- WoW! If July didn’t have enough
going on we also had one of the best Porch and patio events in years.
August which is usually a slow months didn’t hold to form- we had record attendance but it never felt crowded.
All during the season there was a large group of moms & dads and toddlers that congregated at the baby pool and had
their own social club.
Another hit for the season is the swim lessons we give our toddlers. We had such large numbers that we had to split the
age groups to accommodate all of the children. These lessons while fun also let every one feel a little safer around the
pool knowing that our kids can handle themselves in the water.
August also saw our third movie night that while rained out, we where able to move it inside the mansion. The
kids told us they wouldn’t come if we didn’t show the premier of High School Musical 2- so with a little effort we where
able to get cable service up to the house. The buffet was hosted by Primavera, Morris Plains- which donates a percentage of their profits to a city to city partnership in South America. The food was great and it’s a worthy cause.
As I write this we just finished our Labor Day party where the club provided hamburgers and hot dogs and member
brought salads. The plan is two stay open for at least 2 more weekends for our diehard pool friends.
See you all next Memorial Day!
Club Member Dossier
Ken Adler
Club member since: 2005
Family: Susan - wife
Stephanie, Molly and Rachel - daughters
Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
First job: Camp counselor- Honesdale, PA
Current vocation: Hematologist/Oncologist
If I couldn’t do my present job, I’d like to: Be mayor of New York
Favorite junk food: Popcorn
Favorite restaurant: The Red Inn, Provincetown, MA
Best vacation I’ve ever had: New Zealand (5 yrs. ago) China (2 yrs. ago)
My friends like me because: I think I’m funny
Behind my back they say: “I wonder if he’s had enough of what he does for a living?”
Current reading: When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of Africa, by Peter Gordon
Best advice I ever received: Do what you love to do.
The craziest think I’ve ever done: Extreme skiing in Mont Blanc, (1998)
To relieve stress, I: Spend time with my family and play tennis, golf and ski
I’d give anything to have dinner with (past or present): John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy
Most interesting place I’ve ever traveled: China
Monica Boswell
Club member since: 2002
Family: Joe - husband
Jordan - daughter
Cameron - son
Birthplace: Fairbanks, Alaska
Hometown: Seattle, WA
First job: Hostess at Sambos restaurant
Current vocation: Social Catering Sales Manager – Hyatt Hotel, Morristown
If I couldn’t do my present job, I’d like to: Be a winemaker
Favorite junk food: Hot fudge sundae with nuts
Favorite restaurant: La Campagna, Morristown
Best vacation I’ve ever had: Maui, Grand Wailea (’99)
My friends like me because: I’m trustworthy
Behind my back they say: I’m silly
Current reading: Katherine: The Classic Love Story of Medieval England, by Anya Seton
Best advice I ever received: Support your boss.
The craziest thing I’ve ever done: Went to Europe for 2 months but stayed for a year (1984)
To relieve stress, I: Workout
I’d give anything to have dinner with (past or present): My mom.
Most interesting place I’ve ever traveled: Yugoslavia