Moldboard Plow Parts - Powell Equipment Parts
Moldboard Plow Parts - Powell Equipment Parts
AC/Duetz Allis Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWAC387164 WLWAC387184 WLWMEL7052 descriptiON Wt./cartON A.C. 387, 16”. 4 bolt, “dropped” front hole pattern. A.C. 387, 18”. 4 bolt, “dropped” front hole pattern. A.C. 387, 18”. 4 bolt, “in line” front hole pattern. **(Wiese drop ship) Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WAC13 descriptiON Wt./cartON 387 Series - 14”, 16”, 18”. AC # 347649. Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W819W W868W descriptiON Order NO. W347966SS Order NO. WF17157AC WF20177AC descriptiON 48 24 Wt. 387 series moldboard, fits 14”, 16”, 18”. Plow Coulters 24 Wt./cartON Landside inner plate for 386, 370, 387, 392 series. Wear Pad for W819W Inner plate. Plow Moldboards 54 57 57 descriptiON 30 Wt. each 17” fluted plow coulter, .157 thick. 6 bolt pattern. 20” fluted plow coulter, .177 thick. 6 bolt pattern. 41 11 16 Case (prior to Case-IH) Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWC14164 WLWO185 WLWO185HS* descriptiON Wt./cartON Case “EX” Series, 14” & 16”. Used on 3 bolt or 4 bolt. Case 18” 5 bolt. 400/500 - 7000/8000 series. Case 18” 5 bolt with hardface applied.**(Wiese drop ship) 48 54 54 *Hardsurfaced plow shares will be drop shipped from Perry, Ia. Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WC16 WO9 WO81 descriptiON Wt./cartON EX Series 16” (T6003). Wiese no. WCA16. Case 18” (T89974, T57747) Case 18” High back. Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W7000W W690W W790W W270WA descriptiON Order NO. WEX16SS* W61918SS W220746SS Wt./cartON EX Series front or rear (replaces 590W). EX Series Landside (sold by the piece - no hardware). EX Series Landside (sold by the piece - no hardware). 18” Landside. Plow Moldboards 28 22 24 descriptiON 30 7/pc. 8/pc. 60 Wt. each EX series 16” moldboard. **(Wiese drop ship) Case 18” moldboard. (T89974) Case 18” high back moldboard. 42 28 32 33 Case (prior to Case-IH) continued Plow Coulters Order NO. WF20177CA MF20177MLOL descriptiON EX series coulter, 20” x .177 thick, 6 bolt. Coulter, 20” x .177 thick, 4 bolt for Oliver/WFE bottoms. 16 16 Case-IH (also International Harvester) Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWI144 WLWI164 WLWI184 WLWI164HS* WLWI184HS* descriptiON Wt./cartON Super Chief plow share, 14” 4 bolt. Super Chief plow share, 16” 4 bolt. Super Chief plow share, 18” 4 bolt. Super Chief plow share, 16” 4 bolt, Hardsurfaced. **(Wiese drop ship) Super Chief plow share, 18” 4 bolt, Hardsurfaced. **(Wiese drop ship) 42 47 52 47 52 Orderi g f rmati : 14”, 16”, & 18” IH plow shares all use the same bolt pattern. Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WI25 descriptiON Wt./cartON Super Chief series, 14”, 16”, 18” . 24 Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W59057 W058UV descriptiON Wt./cartON Landside Inner Plate - All Super Chief series. Landside Wear Pad - fits W59057. 43 45 24 Case-IH Plow Parts continued. Plow Moldboards Order NO. W462313SS W462314SS WF17157IH WF20177IH WF20177IHN WF22197IHN Wt. each Super Chief moldboard, 14”. Super Chief moldboard, 16”, 18”, 20”. Plow Coulters Order NO. descriptiON descriptiON Wt. each Coulter blade 17” - Rectangular center hole. Coulter blade 20” - Rectangular center hole. Coulter blade 20” - Round center hole - 4 bolt. Coulter blade 22” - Round center hole - 4 bolt. Plow Coverboards - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WTBIH 30 33 descriptiON 11 16 16 22 Wt./cartON Coverboard, fits all Super Chief plows, 2 - 3/8” bolts. 31 Ford Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWF144 WLWF164 WLWO164 WLWO185 WLWO164HS* WLWO185HS* descriptiON Wt./cartON Ford General Purpose 14”, 4 bolt. Also works for 3 bolt. Ford General Purpose 16”, 4 bolt. Ford/White mfg. Bottom (S.B.P.) 16”, 4 bolt. Ford/White mfg. Bottom (S.B.P.) 18”, 5 bolt. Ford/White mfg. Bottom 16”, 4 bolt, Hardfaced. **(Wiese drop ship) Ford/White mfg. Bottom 18”, 5 bolt, Hardfaced. **(Wiese drop ship) 44 42 47 47 54 47 54 Ford continued Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WF3S WO9 WO81 descriptiON Wt./cartON General Purpose shin, 12” - 18”. Shin for WFE bottoms (SBP/WP74905), 16” & 18”. Shin for WFE bottoms with “high back” bottoms, 18”. Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W980W W981W W379W D919W descriptiON Order NO. W104412SS W61918SS W220746SS WF17157FD6 WF20177FD6 MF20177MLWROL descriptiON 36 60 60 11 Wt. each General Purpose bottom, 16”. **(Wiese drop ship) WFE bottom Raydex, 18”. WFE bottom, “high back”, 18”. Plow Coulters Order NO. Wt./cartON General Purpose front landside. **(Wiese drop ship) General Purpose rear landside. **(Wiese drop ship) Inner plate, SBP220379B. Wear pad for W379W (SBP220919B) sold each. Plow Moldboards 22 22 24 descriptiON 30 32 33 Wt. each General Purpose bottom 17” coulter. **Special Order**. General Purpose bottom 20” coulter. WFE/Oliver bottom 20” coulter. 45 11 16 16 John Deere Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWD144 WLWD164 WLWD185 WLWDM163 WLWDM183 WLWDM203 WLWD164HS* WLWD185HS* WLWDM183HS* descriptiON Wt./cartON 14”, 4 bolt share, fits HS or NU bottoms. 16”, 4 bolt share, fits HS or NU bottoms. 18”, 5 bolt share, fits HS or NU bottoms. 16” (400 mm), 3 bolt share for Metric bottoms. 18” (450 mm), 3 bolt share for Metric bottoms. 20” (500 mm), 3 bolt share for Metric bottoms. **(Wiese drop ship) 16” share, fits HS or NU bottoms, hardsurfaced. 18” share, fits HS or NU bottoms, hardsurfaced. 18” (450 mm) share for Metric bottoms, hardsurfaced. 42 47 52 55 57 60 47 52 57 *Hardsurfaced plow shares will be drop shipped from Perry, Ia. * All metric plow shares have the same bolt pattern. Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WD3 WD5 WD6 WD29 descriptiON Wt./cartON Shin to fit all NU bottoms. Shin for 14” HS bottoms. Shin for 16” HS bottoms. Shin for Metric bottoms. 26 23 25 28 46 John Deere Continued Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W493W W262W W862W W47716 descriptiON Backplate, fits all HS or NU series bottoms. Wear Pad for W493W. Wear Pad for Metric bottoms. Long Metric wear pad, 3 bolt. Plow Moldboards Order NO. WHS314SS WHS316SS WNU1036SS WNU1048SS W32209SS WF17177DKDMW WF20177JD WF20177DKDMW WF22197JDM descriptiON 26 32 32 38 39 descriptiON Wt. each 17” HS, NU, or Metric, fits JD 5 bolt and 6 bolt pattern. 20” HS or NU coulter blade (6 bolt) 20” blade, fits JD 5 bolt and 6 bolt pattern. 22” Metric 5 bolt pattern. Plow Coverboards - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WTBJD 30 24 36 51 Wt. each HS series 14” moldboard. HS series 16” moldboard. NU series 16” moldboard. NU series 18” moldboard. Metric series moldboard. Plow Coulters Order NO. Wt./cartON descriptiON 11 16 16 22 Wt./cartON Coverboard, fits all series plows, 2 - 7/16” bolts. 47 31 Massey Ferguson Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWMF144 WLWMF164 WLWMF184 WLWMF88184 descriptiON Wt./cartON N & N heavy duty 14” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) N & N heavy duty 16” 4 bolt share. N & N heavy duty 18” 4 bolt share. 800 series 18” 4 bolt share (fits 16” also). Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WMFS descriptiON Wt./cartON Shin for all 14”, 16”, and 18”. 21 Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W475W W058UV descriptiON Order NO. W660204SS WF17157MF WF20177MF 60 24 descriptiON Wt. each Moldboard, 18” for N and N Heavy Duty. Plow Coulters Order NO. Wt./cartON Landside Inner Plate, Front and Rear. Landside Wear Pad - fits W475W. Plow Moldboards 42 47 52 52 descriptiON 29 Wt. each Coulter blade 17”. Coulter blade 20”. 11 16 48 Melroe/DMI/Wilrich Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWMEL164 WLWMEL184 WLWMEL7052 WLWDMI164 WLWDMI184 WLWWR164 WLWWR184 WLWWR184DT descriptiON Wt./cartON Melroe general purpose 16” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) Melroe general purpose 18” 4 bolt share.**(Wiese drop ship) Melroe 987 series (in line holes) share.**(Wiese drop ship) DMI Hydrawide 16” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) DMI Hydrawide 18” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) Wilrich general purpose 16” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) Wilrich general purpose 18” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) Wilrich Deep-Till bottom 18” 4 bolt share. **(Wiese drop ship) 47 52 52 46 52 47 52 52 Orderi g f rmati : DMI164 & DMI184 have the same bolt pattern. Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WO9 WWR34 descriptiON Wt./cartON DMI Hydrawide, Melroe / Star, Wilrich General Purpose. Wilrich deeptill bottom. **(Wiese drop ship) Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W819W W868W W847W W6000W W4253W W4256W W20036W descriptiON 22 26 Wt./cartON Melroe back plate 987 series. Wear Pad for W819W Inner plate. Melroe/Star G.P. bottom wear pad. **(Wiese drop ship) Melroe/Star G.P. bottom inner plate. **(Wiese drop ship) DMI/Wilrich inner plate.**(Wiese drop ship) Wear Pad for W4253W & W20036W. **(Wiese drop ship) Wilrich “deep till” inner plate.**(Wiese drop ship) 49 48 24 24 60 54 24 48 Melroe/DMI/Wilrich continued Plow Moldboards Order NO. W61914SS W61916SS W347966SS WNU1036SS MF17177MLOL MF20177MLOL Wt. each Melroe 14” moldboard. DMI, Melroe, Wilrich general purpose, 16” moldboard. Melroe 987 Series moldboard. Wilrich deep till moldboard. Plow Coulters Order NO. descriptiON descriptiON 27 30 30 32 Wt. each Coulter blade 17”, .177 thick. Coulter blade 20”, .177 thick. 11 16 Oliver/White (WFE) Moldboard Plow Parts Plow Shares - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WLWO144 WLWO164 WLWO185 WLWO164HS* WLWO185HS* descriptiON Wt./cartON 14”, 4 bolt plow share. 16”, 4 bolt plow share. 18”, 5 bolt plow share. 16”, 4 bolt plow share Hardfaced.**(Wiese drop ship) 18”, 5 bolt plow share Hardfaced.**(Wiese drop ship) 42 47 54 47 47 Orderi g f rmati : O144 & O164 have the same bolt pattern. Plow Shins - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. WO7 WO8 WO9 WO81 descriptiON Wt./cartON Oliver Speedex, 919 series, 14”, 16”, 18”. **(Wiese drop ship) Oliver 625, 425 series, 14”, 16”, 18”. **(Wiese drop ship) Shin for WFE bottoms, 16” & 18”. Shin for WFE with “high back” bottoms, 18”. 50 27 19 22 24 Oliver/White continued Plow Landsides - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. W270W W270WA W379W D919W descriptiON 419, 619, 719 Landside prior to ’78-’79. 419, 619, 719 Landside prior to ’78-’79. Inner Plate Landside 549, 588, 598 - Newest. Wear pad for W379W sold each. Plow Moldboards Order NO. W61914SS W61916SS W61918SS W220746SS MF17177MLOL MF20177MLOL PFC20177OL PFC22197OL descriptiON descriptiON WTBUV 27 30 32 33 Wt. each Coulter blade 17”. Coulter blade 20”. 20” concave coulter, 4 bolt. Not fluted. 22” concave coulter, 4 bolt. Not fluted. Plow Coverboards - Sold 6 per box only. Order NO. 60 60 60 11 Wt. each Oliver 419, 619 Raydex moldboard, 14”. Oliver/WFE 419, 619 Raydex moldboard, 16”. WFE 619 series Raydex moldboard, 18”. WFE 548, 588, 598 series moldboard, 18” - 20”. Plow Coulters Order NO. Wt./cartON descriptiON 11 16 19 Wt./cartON Coverboard, 2 - 3/8” bolts on 2-7/8” centers. 51 31 Kverneland Moldboard Plow Parts Reversible plow share wear point, designed to fit all Kverneland plow bottoms. Sold in cartons of 6 with bolts and nuts. Order NO. WKV1 descriptiON Wt./cartON Repair point. 9” Long x 2.5” wide. Wiese no. 53090 15 lbs/Ct. Mini Moldboards Mini moldboards allow for deeper penetration and leave more residue on top of the ground. Order NO. WMBIH462314 WMBJD1048 WMBJD32209 WMBOL61918 descriptiON Case-IH plows. JD NU bottom plows, 18”. JD metric bottom plows, 14-24”. Oliver 18” 619 bottom. OrderiNg iNfOrmatiON: These will be drop shipped from Perry, IA Poly Coverboards UHMW Poly Coverboards are produced out of 1/2” thick UHMW Polymer, these coverboards wear far superior to injection molded trashboards currently produced by OEM suppliers. Fits the same application as Wiese number TBUV, Oliver, WFE, Late model Ford, and Case prior to Case-IH. Order NO. CFT211S CFT12112S descriptiON Spring Steel Support. Poly Coverboard - Specify Left or Right hand. Orderi g f rmati : New or first time purchasers of poly coverboards must order 1 spring steel brace for each coverboard purchased. 52 Poly Moldboard Plow Parts * 5 year warranty against breakage! * Less Friction than Steel. * Scours in all Soil Conditions. We produce our super slick moldboards out of solid 1/2” thick UHMW polymer. These are not merely moldboard covers, they are solid polymer moldboards. We carefully bevel the bottom of the moldboard so that it will match the thickness of the existing plow share. As this moldboard is 1/2” thick and most shins are 5/16” thick, we suggest that you replace shins at the same time you replace your old moldboards. We offer two shin options when using our poly moldboards. The first is a 1/2” thick poly shin and the other is a double thick steel shin. The double thick steel welded shin is 2 standard shins welded together with the leading edge having a liberal amount of hardface applied to it. Our super slick moldboards will Moldboards - Sold by the piece. Order NO. POLYBOARD 462314P 61918P NU1036P NU1048P 32209P wear as long as steel moldboards and twice as long as moldboard covers that others sell. Most standard domestic moldboards are available and in stock during seasonal requirements. We can, and do on a regular basis, make custom moldboards for customers. All we need is a steel sample moldboard to make the poly replacement. *Note: These are not manufactured by Powell Equipment Parts LLC* descriptiON 1/2” thick custom made moldboard. 1/2” thick Case-IH moldboard 16” - 18” Super Chief. 1/2” thick WFE/Oliver 18” moldboard. 1/2” thick Deere NU 16” moldboard. 1/2” thick Deere NU 18” moldboard. 1/2” thick Deere Metric moldboard, 450/500 mm. Shins - Poly and Double Welded Steel Order NO. POLYSHIN WAC13DS WD29DS WD29P WD3DS WD3P WD6DS WO81DS WO81P WO9DS WO9P descriptiON 1/2” thick Custom Made Poly shin. Double Welded Shin, AC 387 series. Double Welded Shin, JD Metric series. 1/2” thick Poly Shin, JD Metric series. Double Welded Shin, JD NU series. 1/2” thick Poly Shin, JD NU series. Double Welded Shin, JD 16” HS series. Double Welded Shin, WFE 18” deep till 549/588/598 series. 1/2” thick poly Shin, WFE 18” deep till 549/588/598 series. Double Welded Shin, WFE 16”-18” Raydex series. 1/2” thick poly Shin, WFE 16”-18” Raydex series. Order N te: All Double welded shins (DS part no.) include bolts and nuts. Please, when ordering, inform us if you are using trashboards as the shin will require a longer bolt for the top hole. 53
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