GiAnts! - Tim Berg`s Alaskan Fishing


GiAnts! - Tim Berg`s Alaskan Fishing
Awarded “Best Fishing Destinations in the World” ...Times Mirror Magazines (see page 4)
Join The Action
For Reservations and More Information
Call Toll Free 1-800-548-3474
[email protected]
l ask a’
Land of the
Kenai 3
Derby 5
Resurrection Bay 6
New SeaBreeze 7
New SeaScape 8
Silvers and 9
Rainbow Trout and 10
Alaska 12
These are just some of the words used to
describe the legendary fishing found at Alaska’s
famed Kenai Peninsula. The waters surrounding this
area have established world records for both King
Salmon and Giant Pacific Halibut and consistently
produce unequaled sport fishing action for King,
Silver and Sockeye Salmon. The Kenai River produces more Trophy King Salmon and more world
records than any other river in the world. . . and it
is here angler’s can set new World Records!
How YOU Can
Be Part Of The
The Tia’ Rose, a 40’ super fast catamaran, is just one of Alaskan Fishing
Adventures’ vessels taking anglers to waters rarely fished by others.
Sportfishing on the Kenai Peninsula
continues to exceed every angler’s wildest
dreams. Whether you are in search of exciting
action for saltwater Kings, acrobatic Silver
Salmon, incredible size Halibut, huge Ling Cod,
line-breaking Sockeye Salmon, Trophy Rainbow
Trout or the wildest and largest King Salmon in
the world, we have the trip for you!
In fact, most of our guests enjoy fishing for
all of these exciting species during a single stay
at one of our elegant
lodges. Serving
discriminating anglers
for over three decades
and establishing several
world records and being
recently selected as
Alaska’s Best Fishing
Destination by Times
Mirror Magazines is your
assurance of a first-class
fishing vacation when
you stay with Alaskan
Fishing Adventures!
50 lb. Kenai River Kings make every
angler’s smile a little bigger.
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures Outdoor Writer Sets
New IGFA World Record!
(see story on page 2)
A pair of Giant Halibut, both in excess of 150 lbs., were
caught near Montague Island in June. If you are looking for
Big Halibut, we have the trip for you!!
It is here
can set
new World
Trevor Gowdy lifts this mint
bright 65 lb. King Salmon
during his recent stay.
Chris Boyd is dwarfted
by this incredible 350
lb.Trophy Halibut that
measured 94 inches in
length and took 2 hours
to bring to the surface.
Jim Frailioli nailed this
mighty 74 lb. Trophy Lingcod during a trip with his
son to Alaska.
1-800-548-3474 1
Outdoor Channel and
Versus Visit Alaska
Fish the
World Salmon Capital
Outdoor Channel Visits
New Sea Breeze Lodge
Mark Davis, host of the Outdoor Channel’s
highly acclaimed “Big Water Adventures”, visited
Alaskan Fishing Adventures in early June. You
don’t want to miss these shows as Mark landed an
incredible variety of Alaska’s Toughest Gamefish.
Trevor Gowdy, host of ‘Quest for the One”, airing
on Versus, had an action packed stay at Tim’s Trophy
Lodge. Trevor landed a 74 lb. King Salmon, a 440 lb.
Salmon Shark, Trophy Class Ling Cod and Halibut. If
you missed these shows....
Call us and we will send you a DVD
of Trevor’s Adventures with
Alaskan Fishing Adventures.
Mark Davis gets a quick photo with a huge 60 lb. Ling Cod
during his film shoot in Alaska.
We will be happy to send you a DVD
featuring Marks Adventures in Alaska.
Fuzzy Zoeller (middle) is all smiles as he holds up his 58 lb.
Kenai River King salmon during his stay at Tim’s Trophy Lodge.
“Tim - Everything you promised you delivered - 110%. This is not a plug but a true fact.
If anyone doubts this in any way, have them
e-mail me at [email protected] or call me
at my office at 978-764-3169. I am looking forward to my return trip next season for another
round with those brutal Salmon Sharks and a
try for a World Record Ling Cod. Tim - Thank
you again for making the hard work of filming
in the outdoors so enjoyable. It was your untiring preparation and attention to detail that
Football legend Larry Csonka (l), Tim Berg (c) and co-host
Audrey Bradshaw pose with a King Salmon after a day on the
Kasilof River. Larry was at the Trophy Lodge shooting a segment for his award winning series, “North To Alaska”.
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures allowed us to get footage never shot before.
All My Best” - Trev Gowdy.
1-800-548-3474 Alaska’s
Gamefish is
the mighty
Shark. 1st
cousin to the
Great White Shark,
these ferocious predators make spectacular
jumps and line-burning runs as they test your stamina
and fishing tackle to the max!! 2
Kenai River Home of the
World’s Largest King Salmon
Idaho Angler Lands 89 Lb. King
Angler Fred Houtman of Meridian, Idaho, pulled
this 89 lb. 4 ounce king salmon from the emerald
waters of the Kenai River on July 31st, the very last
day of king salmon season. As Yogi would say, “it
ain’t over till it’s over”. According to the Department of Fish and Game Records, this is the 9th
largest king salmon ever landed. The lucky angler
was staying at The Trophy Lodge on the Kenai River.
Fred also landed a 309 lb. halibut during his stay at
The Grande Alaska Lodge in Seward, another of the
Alaskan Fishing Lodges on the Kenai Peninsula.
(Below) Huge king salmon are a specialty at
Alaskan Fishing Adventures and have been for over 30
years. Tim was one of the original guides to work on
the Kenai River. “I started fishing the Kenai River back
in 1976. There were only a handful of guides in those
days, 6 or 7 at most. A lot of things have changed
since then, but one thing you can still count on is that
the very largest king salmon on earth are still in the
Kenai River. Nowhere else in the world produces big,
brawny king salmon like the Kenai River”. - Tim Berg
“Nowhere else in the world
produces big, brawny king salmon
like the Kenai River”
Record Smashing
Season for Kenai
If you want a big trophy size King Salmon for your
wall, look no further. The Kenai River is Undisputed
as the “very best place in the world” to catch king
salmon over 50 pounds. In fact, the 8 largest salmon
ever landed have all been pulled from the emerald
waters of the mighty Kenai River.
“the very largest king
salmon on earth are still
in the Kenai River”
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 3
Tim’s Trophy Lodge
voted ‘World Class’
“Top 20
in the World”
ttentive Service and
Culinary Excellence
-Times-Mirror Magazines
Being included in the
“Top 20 Fishing Destinations
in the World” is a great honor.
It is also a wonderful tribute
to the talented team at the
Trophy Lodge. Our lodge host,
office staff, activity planners
and superb culinary personnel
make every effort to create an
atmosphere of casual pampered
elegance. After nearly 30 plus
years our commitment remains
the same - to provide a top quality fishing experience
using only the very best equipment and professional
guides combined with lovely accommodations and
exceptional service worthy of the most discriminating
outdoor enthusiast.
Hospitality at the Trophy Lodge comes with a big smile!! Chef
Mindy takes great pride in the food service at the lodge
and she loves to fish too!
The self-service bar and wonderful appetizers, including smoked
Alaskan Seafood delicacies await
anglers at the Trophy Lodge after
an exciting day of fishing
The selection as Alaska’s premier destination
certainly is an incentive to our entire organization
to contiue to work even harder to make your Alaskan
Fishing Adventure the vacation of a lifetime!
- Tim and Carol Berg
Wine Events
Afternoon appetizers are a big hit and provides the
perfect setting for sharing “the fish story of the day.”
Don’t miss one of our
incredible wine events
each summer! Your
Alaskan prepared appetizers and dinners
are especially created
by our executive and
guest chefs and are
paired with amazing
wines from the Napa
Valley Region. Come
and enjoy one of
these fun filled and
informative events!
Now this
is an
Alaskan King
Crab Leg!
On the
banks of
the Kenai
Napa Valley’s Executive Chef Bob Hurley
speaking at our 3rd Annual Fireweed Festival.
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 The Trophy Lodge is
situated right on the
Kenai River, giving
our guests access to
the massive sockeye
salmon run just 50
feet from the lodge
dining area. Many
evenings anglers will
catch their 6 fish
limit of acrobatic
sockeye salmon after
dinner. 4
Tim’s BIG Fish
Wins SeWARD Derby
Giant Fish Wins By Over 140 Pounds!
By Joseph Robertia - Peninsula Clarion
Tim Berg, owner of Alaskan Fishing Adventures,
has seen a lot of halibut caught while guiding fishing charters for the past 31 years, He was amazed
by his own catch Tuesday, and even more surprised
that he caught it on light tackle. “It’s the biggest
fish I’ve ever caught on a salmon rod,” he said,
regarding the 319 pound, 9
ounce barndoor he boated
while fishing out of Seward
near the Montague Flats
area. This unforgettable
fish on light day began much like many
others, except Berg had
tackle was
decided to spend time
my biggest
fishing rather than guiding
accomplishment as a result of having some
friends up from California.
They were aboard Tim’s
boat, the Grande Alaska. “I don’t get to go out
much, so I took the day off and we all headed out
of Seward at 6 a.m.,” Berg said. “We put our lines
in the water; I decided to drop a salmon rod over
the side,” he said. Berg realized almost immediately that sometimes it pays off to be the odd man
out. “As soon as I hit the bottom I got something,”
he said, but Berg wasn’t sure what that something
was. As he pulled up on the line the rod bent like a
horseshoe, but he didn’t seem to move the unidentified item. “Everyone else thought it was a
snag, but I thought it was a fish, and then it
started making runs and we all knew it was a
fish.” Maybe it was a skate or maybe it was
a halibut. Berg wasn’t sure so he decided to
bring it up cautiously either way. “I couldn’t
put pressure on the fish. I had a 10 1/2’ rod
with a new Penn Torque 200 reel, with 40
pound test that was doubled over the whole
time. And with a light leader and a tiny hook,
I didn’t know if I’d be able to do it. I just
brought it up three to four inches at a time,”
he said. Berg fought the fish for 41 minutes
and said it helped that the massive creature
never made runs of more than 5 to 10 yards.
As Berg brought the behemoth up to a viewable level, all on board knew it was a big
halibut and not a stingray. “No one thought it
was going to be as big as it was, but as soon
as we could see it and see it was a halibut,
we all started scrambling,” he said. The
Tim Berg, left, Capt. Mike Schmahl and deckhand Brian Erickson
attempt to hold up a 319 pound, 9 ounce halibut caught by Berg on
fish was dispatched and all 88 inches were
Tuesday, June 24th, while fishing out of Seward near the Montague
brought on board with some heave-hoes from
Flats area aboard the vessel the Grande Alaska!
Berg and others. As much as it seemed his
halibut was the catch of a lifetime, Berg said he actu- plishment ever,” he said. Since Berg’s fish weighed
ally had caught an even bigger barndoor in the past,
more than the minimum of 250 pounds, he is eligible
but the experience didn’t compare to taking this most to receive a trophy fish certificate through the Alaska
recent fish on light tackle. “I caught a 360-pounder
Department of Fish and Game’s Trophy Fish program.
in the 80’s, but that was on halibut gear. Getting this
His halibut also makes him a favorite to win the 2008
incredible fish on light tackle was my biggest accomSeward Halibut Tournament.
Monsters of Montague
The month of
June catches the
“Big Flatties”
Happy anglers with huge catches of incredible halibut taken
from the shallow waters surrounding Montague Island. June
continues to be the “Very Best Month” for Anglers looking
for Big Flatties!!
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 5
Ling Cod Fishery
Ling Cod Fishery On Fire
Ling Cod
Alaska’s Top Gamefish
Guests of Alaskan Fishing Adventures just can’t
say enough about the excitement they experience
while fishing for the explosive Ling Cod. Best fishing
is found while drifting the offshore reefs and rockpiles in 80’ - 140’ of water. One of the most popular
techniques is jigging both metal jigs or lead-head jigs
with soft plastic bodies. The bone-crunching strikes
delivered by these aggressive predators while jigging
light tackle sets this fishery apart from others. It
makes this a must do for all anglers during their trip
to Alaska. “Ling Cod have to be considered as Alaska’s
Top Gamefish when you consider the bone-smashing
strike, electrifying runs and the super aggressive nature of these crocodile-like Predators.
Keith Farnham (right) lifts a huge 71 lb. Ling that hit a lead
head jig.
- Penn Tackle Pro-Staffer Mark Davis
Outdoor writer, Dave Vedder, with his 62 lb. 10 oz. I.G.F.A
World Record catch on 16 lb. test line.
Trevor Gowdy (left) with a
brawny 66 pound Ling Cod
he landed during his most
recent film shoot for “Quest
For The One”.
In Search of the
New World Record
Reknown Outdoor writer, Dave Vedder, on assignment with Saltwater Sportsman Magazine, ventures
North to Alaska in search of a World Record Ling
Cod. “I have been trying to set a World Record on
Ling Cod for almost two decades,” exclaimed Dave
after the official weigh-in put his mammoth fish
nearly 5 lbs. heavier than the existing record. Dave
was fishing onboard the vessel “Solo” in just 90’
of water when the big fish hit. Dave and his group
fished in Seward for two days in search of this new
World Record catch!!
Arizona Angler, Paul Wyatt,
with a pending Record
Class Ling Cod. Paul’s big
fish took a metal jig and
tipped the scales at 77 lbs.
Fishing for different species
is every Saltwater Angler’s Dream!
Multiple Species Trips!!
Expect Hot Action battling giant halibut,
ling cod, salmon, rockfish and more each day while
fishing the protected waters of Seward. Fishing
these waters
for a combination of different species is
every Saltwater Angler’s
Carol Rizzo with his State of Alaska Record Book 24 lb. 9 oz.
Yellow Eye!
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 6
SeaBreeze Lodge
Has it All!
and Incredible Views
The New
Lodge overlooks
the awe-inspiring Cook
Inlet with the rugged
Alaska Range in the
background. The view
from this property is
magical. It makes this
the perfect location
to relax and unwind
after an adventure
filled day exploring
Alaska. Listen to the
waves breaking on the
beach as you enjoy
a glass of wine with
wonderful appetizers
as your chef prepares
an unforgettable dinner. Limited to just 8 guests, The SeaBreeze Lodge
is perfect for couples or small groups looking for an
intimate setting. With just four beautifully decorated guest rooms, all with private baths, this lodge
was designed with the most discriminating traveler
The guest rooms offer a sensational view of Cook Inlet. Some
with your own private deck!
in mind. Your stay includes a full breakfast, a take
along lunch sure to please, late afternoon appetizers, beverages and a nightly gourmet dinner service.
The SeaBreeze Lodge offers satellite TV, cell service
and Wi-Fi throughout the lodge.
The SeaBreeze Lodge has it all!
Relax and enjoy a glass of wine on our outdoor decks which
overlook the Cook Inlet and the towering mountains of the
Alaska Range in the distance.
The Great Room has a commanding view of the
entire Cook Inlet. 20 foot high ceilings and grand
windows bring the true feeling and spirit of Alaska
inside this incredible room. Fine art and artifacts from
throughout Alaska are tastefully on display at the SeaBreeze Lodge. Comfortable seating, Satellite TV with
surroundsound, huge granite counter tops, wet bars
and spacious decks exists.
service each
evening is a
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 7
uperb Upscale
Ocean-front Accommodations
The SeaScape
Lodge captures
the true beauty
of Alaska’s
Situated on a bluff
overlooking the pristine
waters of Cook Inlet, this
location offers our guests
an awe-inspiring experience. Just outside the
The lodge decks are a favorite place to relax, read a book or enjoy your favorite
lodge, the waves crash on
beverage after a great day of fishing.
the beach as they have for
a million years as you relax in pampered surroundRange. With 20 plus hours of daylight, the sun will
ings. The waters before you are home to 10 million
barely set tonight. Welcome to Alaska! Welcome To
salmon annually. In the distance you view the three
The Great Land!!
towering volcanoes that are part of the mighty Alaska
Seven beautifully appointed guest rooms, some with
spectacular ocean vistas, offer comfortable elegance.
All rooms have their own private bathrooms.
Modern comfort and
spectacular vistas
Guest rooms at the SeaScape
Lodge offer guests wonderful vistas
from many different directions
and a trail from the lodge leads to
the beach. The lodge has a total
of 7 guest rooms and 8 bathrooms.
Modern comfortable furnishings, plus
marble and granite, compliment the
fashionable décor found throughout
this beautiful lodge.
Welcome To Alaska!
Welcome To The Great Land!
a packed lunch
and an
aray of late
appetizers and
beverages are included. A
good selection of local
restaurants are located
within a short driving
distance of the lodge for your
dinner dining experience.
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 8
Late Summer
Action Continues
Kasilof Salmon Action Sizzles
The Kasilof River, long recognized
for its outstanding action for King
Salmon, produced nice limits of silver
bright Coho Salmon this past season.
This shallow, glacier-fed river which
is located eleven miles from its big
brother, the Kenai River, is perfect
for MacKenzie-style drift boats. No
motors are used here, as the water
level is just too low. “That’s part of
the attraction of the Kasilof River,”
explained veteran guide Mike Price.
“To fish this river you have to get on
the oars. The only noise you hear are
the oars creaking, the loons calling
and the fish splashing,” continued
Mike who has guided for Alaskan Fishing Adventures for 12 years.
Big Bright Silvers begin showing up on the Kasi- strong through August. Come, get in on the acrobatlof River by the end of July and the run continues ic action all while enjoying the beauty of Alaska!
Sockeye and Silvers Flood Kenai
down to our private dock where you can wet a line
and catch a limit of Sockeyes! If you want to double
your Alaskan Fishing Adventure, plan your stay during
the first part of August and enjoy a limit of Silvers
and Sockeyes!
Silver Salmon continue to be a big hit for action
fishing on the Kenai River. The season starts heating up the first of August and continues well into
early Fall. Our weather during this time of summer
is excellent; mild temperatures and not much rain.
As a bonus you can also enjoy fishing the
annual migration of Sockeye Salmon which
begins somewhere around the middle of
June and continues through August. Some
guests stay at the Trophy Lodge which is
located on the banks of the famous Kenai
River. At this lodge you’re just a short walk
Sockeyes ranging from 8-12 lbs. are perfect for anglers of all ages!
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures Drift Boat Fishing
Tough to Beat!
Drift boat fishing on the Kasilof River has never
been better. The Kasilof River is the “little brother”
to the mighty Kenai River, which is located just 11
miles away. Healthy runs of Kings, Silvers and Sockeye Salmon make this fishery tough to beat!!
Tips for Fishing Sockeye Salmon
The preferred method is to use flies or special
beads which the sockeyes have a hard time
resisting. Fully-rigged rods are provided on the
Trophy Lodge dock.
The ideal rod is a medium action 8’ rod
matched with a level-wind reel filled with at
least 150 yards of 25 lb. test. A 2/0 or 3/0 quality
hook rigged on a 32 inch leader is ideal. Put your
pencil lead (just enough to bounce bottom) just
ahead of the leader and you are all set. A roll
cast just upstream and you are in business. The
fishing can be extremely fast and furious when
a large school is moving past the dock. Sockeye
fishing is great for rod-toters of all ages.
Large bright Silver
Salmon are abundant in
the Kenai River beginning in August. Silvers are the
most acrobatic of all the salmon
species and provide terrific
action and BIG smiles for all
1-800-548-3474 9
Wild Native
Rainbow Trout
Premier Trout Fishing
For the fisherman who prefers the challenge of
wild, native, rainbow trout, the upper headwaters
of the Kenai River is considered by many to be one
of the premier trout fishing streams in Alaska. Native
rainbows in the six to ten pound range are not uncommon and each year world-class fish in the eighteen
to twenty pound range are landed and released. We
adhere to a strict catch and release policy in order to
preserve this unique fishery. Trophy size Dolly Varden
(Arctic Char) as well as Sockeye Salmon are plentiful
throughout this region.
Fly-Out Adventures
The vastness of Alaska is hard to image for people
unfamiliar with our state. One of the best ways to
explore this great land is by taking a flight on one of
Alaska’s “Bush Planes.” Alaskan Fishing Adventures
offers fully-guided daily fly-out trips to remote rivers,
streams and lakes for our guests who are looking for
exciting action and breath-taking scenery. We also
have wildlife sight-seeing tours available during which
you can expect to see moose, bear, caribou, dall
sheep, mountain goats, and more!
Our fly-out trips offer anglers an even larger variety of gamefish. Be sure to ask us about all of your options when planning
your Alaskan Adventure.
Float Plane Paradise
Alaska’s endless waterways create an ideal
situation for airborne anglers. Our fly-out trips
have become extremely popular for anglers
seeking top action for both sockeye and silver salmon. Grayling, char, rainbows and king
salmon are available as well.
The exact destination
varies every day,
depending on the
species and the
location of the
largest schools of
fish. Outstanding
scenery and bear
viewing combined
with excellent fishing make a flyout trip an absolute must during
your stay!
“Dear Tim, We had an outstanding stay at your new
SeaBreeze Lodge which greatly exceeded our expectations. Every day was a new and exciting adventure. Your
lodge staff, chefs, guides all excelled. Every detail was
taken care of for us. A week was just not long enough!
Thanks To All!” - Sandy Michaels
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 10
Homer, Alaska
Home of the HUGE Halibut
Halibut, Kings,
Lings Cod and more!
Homer has long been recognized for it’s incredible
halibut fishing. Anglers land more halibut here than
any other seaport in the world. For good reason.....
Homer is located right in the middle of the very richest tidal Marine Fishery in North America, producing
huge schools of bountiful bait that hungry halibut
feed on.
Generous bag limits make both Homer and Seward popular
choices for our anglers looking to fill their freezers. Two Halibut, two Ling Cod, four Rockfish and up to six Salmon per day!!
Big racks of brawny halibut are
brought in each day. Lucky anglers
pose beside their catches that are
soon to be filleted, packaged and
Mint bright feeder kings are abundant in Homer. Bill Walters
holds up a feisty 31 pound king he landed using cut plug herring.
Huge schools of king salmon, silver salmon,
ling cod and many varieities of rockfish also
inhabit these waters in huge abundance,
creating a virtual fishermans paradise.
New Location
on the Homer Spit!
The Grande Alaska, Homer’s fastest Charter
Vessel, will get you to the halibut grounds in
record time, allowing you more time to fish
these incredible waters.
Tim Berg’s Alaskan Fishing Adventures 1-800-548-3474 Our new
Office is
right on
the Homer
from the
Salty Dawg
Wild Alaskan Seafood
Delivered Overnight to Your Door!
Call Toll Free and Order
Fresh Alaska Seafood
360 Days a Year!
Yukon King
Being unloaded
from our Stateof-the-Art
Smokehouse. We
use real local
alder... not
liquid smoke.
We feature the very finest Wild seafood from the icy waters of the Gulf
of Alaska. These products are brought
Troll Caught White King Salmon
A gourmet delight - very delicate flavor!
from the local fisherman, processed
and shipped to restaurants and households throughout the U.S.
FREE Delivery
Coast to Coast Via
Fed-Ex Overnight Express
Service (Minimm 8 lb. orders)
Colossal “Dry” Sea Scallops
Colossal says it all...
only 8-10 per lb.
These are the very
finest available. No
moisture has been
Colossal Alaska King Crab Legs!! These are the World’s
Very Largest Legs... most legs weigh nearly a pound each!!
Holiday gift packs
Fresh Kalgin Island King Salmon being
processed in 1 lb. vacuum sealed pouches,
locking in all the freshness! These fish are
processed within hours of being
caught. You just cannot find a
fresher product unless you
catch it
Just a phone
call away.
Fed-Ex shipping
is included!*
Fresh halibut,
sockeye, coho
and king salmon..
we have it all!!
Order Fresh, Wild, Alaska
Seafood Direct From The
Source... 360 days a year!!
Toll Free 866-262-8846