Untitled - Clarion Medical Technologies
Untitled - Clarion Medical Technologies
Evaluation of the SilkPeel" System in Treating ErythematoteIangiectatic andPapulopustular Rosacea Tejas D. Desai, DO; Lawrence S. Moy, MD; William Kirby, DO; Alpesh D. Desai, DO; Francisca Kartono. BS: Leah Roscoe Wepresenta studydesignedto evaluatethe efficacyof the SilkPeel systemin the treatmentof erythematotelangiectatic and papulopustular rosacea.The SilkPeel systemis an innovative formof microdermabrasion that exfoliates uniformlyand simultaneously allowssurfacepenetration of topicalinfusion agents, whichoptimizes therapywhilemaintaining structural integrity. Thirtyqualifiedpatientswith erythematotelangiectatic or papulopustular rosacea asdefinedby the National Rosacea Society underwentSilkPeel treatments bimonthlyfor 12weeks. papules, Significant clinicalreductions in erythema, andpustules werenotedasearlyasweek4 for allpatients(P<.03). osaceais a chronic inflammatorydermatitis basedtaxonomy becauseno histologic or laboratory markthat commonly consistsof facial erythema ers are availablefor diagnosis.More etiologic factorshave with visrbletelanglectases, papules,pustules, been studied and identified in rosacea.Nevertheless, the and sebaceous hyperplasialeadingto rhino- exactpathogenesis of this condition has yet to be discovphl*u. A comblnationof thesefeaturesis the eredand is poorly understood. norm, making classi[icatron difficult ar rimes.Additionally, Studiesto establishthe efficacyof treatmentsor combidiagnosticcriteriahavenot beenelucidatedand constantly nations of treatments for each rosaceasubtlpe still are are evolving.In 2002, the National RosaceaSocietystan- needed. Current treatmentsinclude avoiding triggers that dardizedrosaceainto 4 subtypes:erythematotelangiectaric,complicaterosacea,topical agents,oral antibiotics,and papulopustular, phlrnatous,and ocular.rThis is a clinically laser and light therapies.Overall, a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks of therapy is requlred before a patient may begin Drs. ID. Desai and Ku'by are Co-ChieJResidents,Westent to seeimprovement. Most rosaceatreatmentsare aimed at U niver sity/Pacific Lotrg Beach D ennatologt Progr am, Torr ance, decreasing the inflammationassociated with the disease.2-6 California. Dr. Moy is a Dermatologist, Marinttan Beaclr Conventionaltherapiesalso have been shown to induce Laser and Sltin Institute, CaliJonia. Dr. A.D. Desai is a long-term effects;antibioticspromote resistanceand varDermatologist,Dennatologyand SldnLaserCente4 SanMattos, lous topical agents can cause local skin irritation. Texas.Ms. Kartono is a Medical Snrdent,WestentUniversityoJ Rosaceadisrupts facial aestheticsand symmetry,which Health Sciatces,Pomona, CaliJontia.Ms. Roscoeis an Aestl.rctician, leads to psychosocial implications that may affect a CoastDermatologyClinic, Ton'ance. patlents quality of 1ife.Consequently,displeasedpatients The authorsreportno actual or potentialconJlictoJ interest itt return to their dermatologists requesting alternative relationto this article. treatmentmodalities. VoL. 19 NO. I . JANUARY 2006. Cosmetic Dermatology 5l SrlxPser Sysreu roR TnsRrrNcRosRcee Microdermabrasion has becomea popular dermatologic office procedure for a vaiety of conditions. However, the true benefits of traditional microdermabrasionare limited, and the proceduremay not produceconsisrentresults.The SilkPeelsystemis an innovative therapy that exfoliatesuniformly and simultaneously allows surface penerration of topical infusion agents for the treatment of specific skin disorders.lt slnchronizesmicrodermabrasion 2n61rlali.'o^' of soluble medicationsto optimize therapy Resultsof an isolated histologic study reveal rhat the SilkPeelsyslem abradesevenly to a depth of approximately 30 to 35 pm within the epidermisof preauricular skin (L.S.M.,T.D.D.,unpublisheddata,2005).This studl' aiso has shown that various soiutionspenetratethe stratum corneum during the SiikPeelprocedure,which produces cellular vacuolization of keratinocytes in the epidermis and dermal edema. Penetration of selected solutions is evident. Keratinosomes,the struciures responsiblefor producing the hydrophobicbarrier of skin beyond the epidermal deeperlayers,are left untouched; thus, the integrity of the skin structure rs maintalned becausethe SilkPeelsystemdoesnot seemto abradepast 35 pm of the epidermis.Thereare no reportsin the literature of clinical trials evaluatingthe efficacyof a mrcrodermabrasion system used as monotherapy for the treatmentof rosacea.The SilkPeelsystemmay be an effective treatmentalternativefor this condition. Microdermabrasiongenerally is not considered as a treatmentoption for patientswrth rosaceabecausedeep epidermal penetration causes increased angiogenesis, inflammatlon,and reactiveoxygenspecies,therebl'worsening the clinical outcome.T-rrr Traditional microdermabrasion systemshave been reported [o penetrateas deepas 100 pm usingpressures of up to t2 ro 20 psi.rrrr At these depths and pressures,epidermal layersbeyond the granular layer may be affected,causing the loss of Langerhanscells immunocompetence,desmosomes,and g a p junc t ions and c a u s i n g a n i n c re a s ei n v ari ous cytokinesresponsiblefor cell cycleregulationand wound healing. In addition, a minrmum of 5 to 10 days is required for renewalof deeperlevelsof the epidermis. In contrast,the SilkPeelsystemabradesto a depth of 20 to 35 pm (the approximatedepth of the upper granular layer) and transferssolutions at an averagefluid infusion of l0 to 12 ml-/min, with vacuum pressureof 3 to 4 psi. This achievesa characteristi.cbarrier recovery sequenceof no more than 72 hours. Furthermore, the SilkPeelsystemdoesnot causeintenseerythema,inflammation, granulomaformation,hypopigmentation,postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, and the potential for vesiculation,a1lof which are effectsof traditional micro(L.S.M.,T.D.D.,unpublisheddata,2005). dermabrasion 52 Cosmetic Dermatology . JANUARY 2006. VOL. 19NO. I METHODS Thirty qualified patientsrvith erythematotelangiectatic or papulopustular rosaceaas defined by the National Rosacea Societyr underwent SilkPeel treatments pntpr i no hi m nnthl v the c tr r dv "..'."......,/fnr I ) r v eel <c R pfnr p approvalfrom the InstrtutionalReviewBoard was obtained, and the patients provided written informed consent.Patientsolder than 65 yearswere excludedfrom the study Patientswere allowed to withdraw from the study at any time and were not permitted to use overthe-counterproductsduring the study perlod without the approvalof an inr.estigator. P ati entsw i th c;sts or tenderor overtl yw eepyl esi o ns were excluded from the study to prevent complications such as severepain and infection. Furthermore,patienis with symptomatic erythematotelangiectatic rosacearvho complained of a burning sensationwere excluded, as were patientswho used astringents,toners.and other products containing sodrum lauryl sulfates,menthol, or camphor becauseof the potential for adversereactions. Exclusion criteria also included the use of prescription medicatlonsfor rosaceawithin 4 weeks from the start of the study; patlents rn hyperestrogenicstates(eg, pregnancl',oral contraceptiveuse, estrogentherapy);patients (eg, w i th faci aler)themaresul ti ngl rom vari ousdi seases svstemiclunrrs ervthematosus)or certain medications (es ni aci n): and nati ents w i th moderate to seve r e rhytldes. In addition, patientswith undiagnosedlesions, skln cancers(eg, atypicalnevi), and activeherpesinfectron were excluded. The solutionsof choice consistedof 2oloerythromycin fo decreaseexisting and potential inflammation and 2o/o sallcylicacid to further aid exfoliation.The solutronswere prepared in sterile water and obtained from our pharmac;r Patientswere permitted to use a sunblock, moisl ttr i z er enl t oentl e el eens er thr nr r ohnr r t thp c tr r dv T he SllkPeelsystemwas apphedto the faceof eachpatient at each vlsrt, and each patient inltrally received a gentle abrasionwlth a fluid infusion of 10 to 12 mUmin and a vacuum pressureof 3 to 4 psl. Theseparameterswere tailored to achievea favorableclinical end point. Adverseeffectswere documentedat eachvisit to ensure quallty assurance.Informed consentoutlining the details of the study was receivedfrom each patient prior to the studyrCondltionsunder whlch patientswere permittedto withdraw from the study were fully explalned.At any tlme during the study, investigatorswere permitted to releasepatientswho did not abrdeby study protocolsor who desiredto lvlthdraw: Reasonsinvestigatorsreleased patientsfrom the study lncluded inability to keep scheduled ireatmentappointments,pregnancy,and use of cosmetlc agents that may have presentedas confounding SnxPrnl Sysrenr FoR TREATTNG RosACEA erythematotelangiectaticrosacea, and 14 patients (70'k) had papulopustular rosacea.Three patients became pregnant and were subsequentlydisqualified. The OE CL O' 5U O tr rc remaining 7 patlentswere lost to follow-up c,6 :: g)> zv for various reasons. The mean age for Ee 1q all patients was 42.I years (range, 31oc! 61 years).All of the study participanrswere s 8Fi white, and most were of lrish descent. 0 Baseline Week4 Week8 Clinical reduction in erythema, papules, Week12 and pustules was noted in all pati.entsas Figure 1. Percentageimprovement in erythematotelangiectaticrosaceaafter 12 weeks earlyas 4 weeks,with statisticallysignificant (P<.03) reductionby 12 weeks.By the end of b i m o n t h l y S i l k P e e l tr ' . e a tm e n ts. of the study, patients with erythemarorelanfactors in skin improvement. None of the participants giectaticrosaceahad a meanof 4I.7ok improvemenrin erywrthdrew or were releasedfrom the study becauseof thema(Figure1); patientswith papulopusrularrosacea had unsatisfactoryresults. a mean 690/odecreasein papules and 55o/odecreasein pusA quantlficationschemewas used at baselineand at 4, tules. The degree of erythema was defined as an overall B, and 12 weeks by one investigatorwho graded ery- reduction percentage.Percentageof improvement was th em a lev els . G r a d i n g [o r e ry rh e m a ro re l a n gi ecLaticalculated c as (end point score- baselinescore)/baseline rosacea was quantified clinically on a 4-point scale score- 100o/o . A meanof the percentages at eachend point (l=trace erythema; 2=mild erythema; 3=moderareery- was taken as the reportedvalue at 4,8, and 12 weeks. thema; 4=severeeryrhema). For the papulopustular Patientshad a mean startingscoreof 2.8 and a mean endgroup, lesions were divided into the gross number of treatmentscoreof 2. A wide spectrumof erythemaalong papulesand pustules.PatientsreceivedSilkPeeltreatment the scoring scalewas observed. on the entire face;no control siteson the facewere used More patientshad papules(meanstarringcount, 7.1) for comparison when grading improvement. However, than pustules(meanstaningcounr,3.1). Not all patients digital photographswere raken ar eachvisit and used as enrolled in the papulopustulargroup had pustules,but comparisonfor grading subsequentimprovement.physi- papuleswere noted ln all patients.The range of papules cian and patient global improvement was rated at was 1 to 9, and the rangeof pustuleswas I to 5. At week baselineand at 4,8, and 12 weeksusing a 5,poinr scale 12, the end-treatment papulecount decreased to 2.2, and (0 = no im pr ov em e n r. 1 = s l i g h r i mp ro v e ment; 2=mild improvemenr;3=moderate 8 improvement; 4=marked improvement). 7 Percentageof improvement was calculated as (end point score- baselinescore)/baseo line score- 100o/o. A mean of the percento_ ages at each end point was taken as the 45 .Es oo reportedvalue at 4, B, and 12 weeks.Physician grading for improvement was performed by one invesrigarorand did not include erythema. Patient satisfaction scoreswere evaluatedon a 4-point scaleat the studys end (0=dissatisfied;l=fair; 2=good; 3=excellenr).Patient sarisfacrion scorestook into consideratlontherapeutic efficacy, adverse effects, tolerability, and overallqualrty of life. I f It 0) + 4, G5 o = 2 1 0 B asel i ne Week 4 tr Pustules We e k 8 I We e k i 2 Papules RESULTS Twenty patients completed the l2-week study. Six patienrs (30olo)presentedwirh F ig u r e 2, Mean reducti on of papul es and pustul es after 12 w eeks of bi monthl y SilkPeel*treatments. VOL.19 NO. I . JANUARY 2006. Cosmetic Dermatology 53 SnxPeer Sysreu ron TmerrNc RosRcre s70 c 0 an Etu o 5u ct exacerbation of erythema with an averuge resolutiontime of 3 to 6 hours. None of the study participants experienced extreme pruritus, erythema,or other adverseeffects. COMMENT Studies to enhancetransdermal drug delivery processessuch as iontophoresis and i40 o! sonophoreslshave been equivocal.13The 'E 30 1ow permeability of the stratum corneum o resides in its hydrophobic nature, which Br o consistsof ceramides,cholesterol,and free d fatty acids.raThe SilkPeelsystemtemporarci ro z ily inhibits extracellular processing,preventi.nglipid precursors from transforming B ase lin e Week4 Week8 Week12 into the hydrophobic barrier. Histologic Patient Physician I I samples taken during the SilkPeel procedure show that solutions penetratethe straFigure 3. Physicianand patient evaluation of global improvement from baseline. tum corneum and thus produce dermal edemaand vacuolization of keratinocytesin the end-treatmentpustule count decreasedto I.4. Mean the epidermis(L.S.M.,T.D.D.,unpublisheddata,2005). reductionin papule and pustulecountsare shown in Fig- Under ideal conditions, one proposed mechanism of ure 2. No clinical exacerbations were reportedduring the action for the SilkPeel system involves the disruption of treatment period. Male patients in both groups took desmosomesin the corneal and often the granular layers, longer than femalepatientsto reacha clinical end point. while the keratinosomes,desmosomes, and gapjunctions Patient and physician global improvement assessments of deeper layers are left untouched. This preserves were closely correlated(Figure 3). There was an overall hydrophobic barrier function, epidermal scaffolding, and tendency toward improvement,with a 53.8o/oimprove- intercellular communicati.on. Furthermore, according to ment rating among patients and a 74o/oimprovement rat- the domain mosaicmodel, the hydrophobic barrier coning among physiciansat week 12. tains discontinuous aqueous pores arranged in the lacuPhotographstaken throughout the course of the study nae that have the potential to transform into continuous confirmed an overall improvement (Figures 4 and 5). pores. lnterconnectionsbetween adjacent lacunae are Patientsprovided positive feedbackregarding tolerability, formed by prolonged permeability, which promotes consatisfaction, and overall quality of life (Figure 6). The tinuity and thereby allows hydrophilic materials to penemost commonlv reported adverse effect was a rranslenr trate the stratum corneum.r5 A subclinical SilkPeel Figure4. A 57-year-old womanwith longstanding rosacearefractoryto standardformsof therapybefore(A)and erythematotelangiectatic (B) after 12weeksof bimonthlySilkPeel" treatments. 54 Cosmetic Dermatology . JANUARY 2006. VOL.19 NO. I StmPen Sysrnu FoR TREATTNG RosAcEA Figu r e 5 . A 4 2 - y e a r - o ldwo m a n with lo n g sta n d in g p a p u lopustul ar rosacea refractory to standard modes of therapy before (A) and after (B) l2 weeks of bimonthlv SilkPeel-treatments. treatment (i.e,using one pass for patients with sensitive skin or spot suction treatments)may act as the permeable stimulus necessaryfor continuity within the lacunaeso that a clinical end point can be reachedeven rhough rhe hydrophobic barrier persists. What makes microdermabrasioneffectivemay have norhing to do wirh abrasion; the vehicle'ssuction with concurrentsolution flow may provide the impetus for a unique treatment. Ficks first law of diffusion sraresrhar absorptionof a substanceacrossbarriers is directly proportional to the concentrationdifferenceacrossthat barrier.This law can be representedby the equationJ=KpCv,where Kp is rhe permeabilitycoefficientand Cv is rhe concenrrarionof rhe drug in any given vehicle. However, the permeability coefficientKp is a function of rhe partitlon coefficienrKm, the diffusion coefficientD, and the length of the diffusion p a thway L. T his e q u a ti o n m a y b e re w ri tten as J=(DKm/L)Cv.Theoretically,the mechanismof action of the SilkPeelsystemincreasesthe diffusion coefficientD and may causethe dlffusion pathway L to approximate zero, which createsthe potential for inflnite absorption. Therefore,though the SiikPeelsysremadministersmedications in a solution form that is diluted, only small quantitiesare required for increasedabsorption.Furthermore, the SilkPeelsystem minimizes the distancesthat medicinal solutions have to travel. which makes it an attractivevehicle. Tiaditionai microdermabrasionuses the mechanics of vacuum pressureand abrasives.Aluminum oxide microcrystalscommonly are used, but other types of substances servethe samefunction. Theseinsoluble microcrystalsare about I00 pm in size and are insrrumentalin the utility of lhe system.]6-ro Dependingon the circumstance. patients may receive fulI-thickness microdermabrasiontherapy from the corneallayer to the basalcell layer.o10.20-22 This can result in severalconsequencesif each epidermal layer (specifically, the spinous and basal cell layer) is affected. The spinouslayeris rich in desmosomes, and lossof cohesion between keratlnocyteswtll occur if abrasionis too aggressive. Spinouslayerdepletlonalsomll make the epidermis more prone to mechanrcalstresses. Gap junctions alsomay be affected,leadingto a lack of intercellularcommunication. The basal cell layer is seldom affected,but when destroyed,terminal differentiationand signalingwill not transpire,and abundant Langerhanscells will not execute adequateimmune surveillance.In addition, high molecularweightmicrodermabrasion particlesmay remain dormant on the skin, causing granuloma formation and eye changes,such as conjunctivitis,keratitis, and even I Excellent I cood I rait I Dissatisfied Fi gure 6. P ercentage of pati ents rati ng thei r sati sfacti on a s excellent, good, fair, or d issatisfied afer 12 weeks of bimonthly SilkPeel'"treatments. VOL.19 NO. I . JANUARY 2006. Cosmetic Dermatology 55 - SrlxPmr Sysreu roR TReenNc Rosacsa blindness. An unusual case of urticaria also has been attributable to the superficial exfoliation of the stratum reportedas a resultof deepmicrodermabrasion.2r corneum and the excellentdelivery of erythromycin to the Rosacea hasdeepdermalcomponenrs;thus,it is difficult deeperlevels of the epidermis and dermis. This combinato penetratethe stratumcorneumof patientswith rosacea tion discouragesinterferencewith the dermal vasculature, using conventionalvehicleswithout harming the epider- while erythromycin theoretically inhibits angiogenic mis. ct-Hydroxyacids (eg, low-percentage glycolic acids) growth factorssuch as fibroblast growth factor-l, vascular havebeen usedas keratolyticsbut commonly causeirrita- endothelialgrowth factor,and other cytokines.26 tion and may penetrateto the dermis.scr-Hydroxyacids Overall patient satisfactionwith the SilkPeel system dimlnish cellularcohesionat the lowestlevelsof the stra- was favorable.Only 5oloof patientswere dissatisfiedwith tum corneum whereas B-hydroxy acids such as salicylic the overall results of the SilkPeelsystem.In facr, most acid removelayer by layer from the outermost level down- patients preferred the SilkPeelsysremro rheir previous ward.15Therefore,salicylicacid applicationscan produce rosaceatreatments.Compliancewas excellentbecausethe favorable results for patients with sensltive skin such as procedurewas performedon-siteand resultedin minimal thosewith rosacea. downtime and no side effects. Another advantageof salicylic acid is irs inherently acidic nature, acidity malntainsbarrier homeostasis, pro- CONCLUSION motes differentiation,and hastensthe recoveryof kerat- Perhapsthe only limitation of the SilkPeelsystemis rrear2' Lower pH favorssequentialenzymaticsteps ing agedskin with multiple rhytides. inocytes.2j Looseor slack skin that lead to the formation of mature stratum corneum. posesa dilemma becauseproper procedureis difficult to Once SilkPeel treatments have strlpped rhe stratum perform in such cases.Treatmentsmay be cost-effective corneum,salicylicacid may acceleraterecoveryof barrier long term, especiallyif patientscontinue to stay disease function. Certai.nbacteria, including Propionibacteriuntfree during eachprocedure,as was the casein our study. acneswhich has been shown to contribute to rhe signs The SilkPeelsystem ailows the operator to modify the and symptoms of rosaceathrough direct invasion or by vacuum pressure,floq and choice of solutions. Future galvanizing the inflammatory process, cannot thrive at trends are being investigatedfor alternative therapies, low pH levels. though principles of barrier function may offer a distincTopical erythromycrn has been show to act as an tive advantage.The SilkPeel system can be used as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatoryagent in rhe treat- monotherapy for patients with erythematotelangiectatic ment of rosacea.In a study by Mills and Kligman,2+ and papulopustularrosacea. reduction of erythema and suppressionof papules and pustules occurred in i3 of 15 parients (87ok) after Acknowledgment-We thanh Raul Hipolito Jor his help 4 weeks of twice-daily treatments with a combined with the photographsand t'or his continuedsupport oJ 2olosalicylic acid and 2o/oerythromycin solution. CIin- this worh. damycin, tetracycllne, and sulfur solutions were not reported to produce more sarisfactoryresults than the REFERENCES 1. Wilkin J, Dahl M, Detmar M, et al. 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