Resource Book


Resource Book
Resource Book
Asia-Pacific Youth Forum on Climate actions and Mountain Issues
8-12 August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Programme Agenda
Workshop Day 1: Monday 8 August 2011
Youth Forum inaugural programme
Chair: Dr Madhav Karki, DDG, ICIMOD
Chief Guest: Mr Gokarna Bista, Honourable Minister, Ministry of
Energy, Government of Nepal
Welcome remarks by Mr Daan Boom, Programme Manager, Integrated
Knowledge Management, ICIMOD
Introduction of the Youth Forum, objectives and expectations by Mr Tek Jung
Mahat, Node Manager, Asia Pacific Mountain Network
Keynote speech: Vision for Rio+20: Mobilizing Asia Pacific Youth Capital for
Promoting Sustainable Development by Dr Madhav Karki, Deputy Director
General, ICIMOD and Team Leader Rio +20 Assessment in the Asia-Pacific region
Inaugural speech by Mr Gokarna Bista, Honourable Minister, Ministry of Energy,
Government of Nepal
Vote of Thanks By Mr Utsav Maden, Youth Forum Organising Committee
Group Photo followed by tea break
Self introduction by participants
The institutional framework for sustainable development by Dr Michael Kollmair,
Programme Manager/Senior Social Scientist
Green Economy and Mountains by Dr Golam Rasul, Division Head, Economic
Analysis/Policy Development Specialist, ICIMOD
Lunch (ICIMOD cafeteria)
Youth Sustainability Leadership Basics by Prof Robert D Steele, Systainability
Asia, and
Video lecture on Ecoliteracy: First principles for radical change (Prof Stephan
Harding, Schumacher College, UK)
Refreshments will be served during the session
Reception dinner for participants and resource persons at Utsav Restaurant, Lal
Durbar, Durbar Marg
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Day 2: Tuesday 9 August 2011
Expert presentations and discussions (25 minutes presentation
followed by 30 minutes open discussion)
Warming planet, melting glaciers by Dr Arun Bhakta Shrestha, Climate
Change Specialist, ICIMOD
Nexus between Climate Change and Biodiversity by Dr Nakul Chettri, Acting
Programme Manager, Community Biodiversity Specialist, ICIMOD
10:50 -11:10
Tea break
Atmospheric Brown Clouds and Black Carbon by Ms Bidya Banmali
Pradhan, Environment Officer, ICIMOD
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management issues by Mr Hari Krishna
Nibanupudi, DRR Specialist and Mr Vijay Khadki, Assistant Project
Coordinator-HYCOS project, ICIMOD
Lunch (ICIMOD cafeteria)
Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge management and platforming – Session
managed by the Adaptation Knowledge Platform (AKP) and the Asia
Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN)
Day 3: Wednesday 10 August 2011
Expert presentations and discussions (25 minutes presentation
followed by 30 minutes open discussion)
Payment for Environmental Services (PES) and Reduced Emission from Deforestation
and Degradation (REDD) by Dr Bhaskar Karky, Resource Economist, ICIMOD
Community-based adaptation toolkits by Dr. Dhrupad Choudhury,
Programme Coordinator-IFAD, ICIMOD
Tea break
Application of GIS/RS and EO in developing climate solutions by Mr Birendra
Bajracharya, Senior GIS Specialist, ICIMOD
Transboundary Cooperation/landscape level conservation by Ms Bandana
Shakya Biodiversity Analyst and Dr Nakul Chettri, Acting Programme
Manager, Community Biodiversity Specialist, ICIMOD
Lunch (ICIMOD cafeteria)
Youth Sustainability Leadership exercises lead by Prof Robert D Steele,
Systainability Asia
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Day 4: Thursday 11 August 2011
Youth presentations on opportunities and emerging concepts
Youth exploring sustainable future by Mr Edgar Geguiento, UNEP–TUNZA
Asia Pacific Youth perspectives on Rio +20 by Mr Wilson Ang, Team Leader,
World Leadership Conference 2011 and Chair, Eco–Singapore
Youth Climate Change campaigning by Mr Chaitanya Kumar, South Asia
Uniting for collective actions by Mr Anil Chitrakar, Ashoka Fellow and leading
Social Activist
Youth engagement in the UNFCCC process by Ms Ivana Savic, CSD Youth
Caucus Coordinator (via videoconference)
Lunch (ICIMOD cafeteria)
Roundtable discussion and participant’s reflection
Roundtable discussion of youth on ‘searching common agenda for Rio+20
meeting’ (Facilitated by Robert, Wilson and Tek)
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Day 5: Friday 12 August 2011
Special event to celebrate the International Youth Day, 12 August
(including award and certificate distribution ceremony)
10:10 – 10:50
International Year of Youth and International Youth Day background (by MC)
Reading of the Message from the Director General of ICIMOD on the occasion of IYY
& IYD by Mr Tek Jung Mahat
Reading of the Asia Pacific Youth Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable
Development by Tanzima Shahreen, Bangladesh
Reading of the Asia Pacific Youth Position Paper Towards Rio +20 by Sameera Zaib,
Participants impression by ParthaSarathi Mahapatra, India
Certificate distribution to the winner of the ‘Youth and Climate Change Adaptation’
poster competition (facilitated by TJM) – Posters are displayed in the background
Certificate distribution to the winners of the top five posters submitted to the Youth
Forum 2011 (facilitated by TJM) – posters are displayed in the background
Certificate distribution to the Youth Forum 2011 participants (facilitated by TJM) –
picture and profiles are displayed in the background
Letter of appreciation to the Resources Persons (facilitated by TJM) – picture and
profiles are displayed in the background
Brief overview of the Adaptation Forum 2011 in Bangkok, and announcement of the
Youth selected to participate at the Forum by Ms Jihyun Kim
Prof Robert D Steele, Director, Systainability Asia
Dr Eklabya Sharma, Director of Programme Operations, ICIMOD on Climate
Change Adaptation
Dr Madhav Karki, DDG, ICIMOD (on Rio +20)
Mr Gagan Thapa, Honourable Member, Constituent Assembly Secretariat,
Government of Nepal, and Youth Icon
12:45 –
Mr. Daan Boom (Formal Closing of the Special event)
Lunch (ICIMOD cafeteria)
Developing solutions to emerging challenges (Sustainability Pyramid)
Youth Sustainability Leadership exercises Prof Robert D Steele, Systainability Asia
17:00 – 18:00
Mr Nicolò Wojewoda, Director of Road to Rio+20 project of Peace Child
International (via video conference), and farewell
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Important Contacts:
Team Leader: Mr Daan Boom, ICIMOD
Event Manager: Tek Jung Mahat, ICIMOD/APMN
Event Facilitators: Prof Robert D Steele, Systainability Asia, and Mr Tek Jung Mahat,
Emcee for special events: Ms Pavitra Rana, ICIMOD
Event Secretariat: Sanam Aksha, Utsav Maden, Sudas Sharma, Basudev Upadhyay
Email: [email protected]
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Special guests ............................................................................................................... 1
Mr Gokarna Bista ...................................................................................................... 1
Mr Gagan Thapa ....................................................................................................... 1
Featured presentations ................................................................................................... 3
Madhav Karki, PhD .................................................................................................... 3
Eklabya Sharma, PhD ................................................................................................. 4
Michael Kollmair, PhD ................................................................................................ 5
Golam Rasul, PhD ...................................................................................................... 5
About the resource persons............................................................................................. 7
Birendra Bajracharya ................................................................................................. 7
Dhrupad Choudhury, PhD ........................................................................................... 7
Nakul Chettri, PhD ..................................................................................................... 8
Anil Chitrakar ............................................................................................................ 8
Ajaya Dixit ................................................................................................................ 9
Stephan Harding, PhD ................................................................................................ 9
Hiromi Inagaki ......................................................................................................... 10
Bhaskar Singh Karky, PhD ......................................................................................... 10
Vijay Khadgi ........................................................................................................... 11
Jihyun Kim ............................................................................................................... 11
Hari Krishna Nibanupudi .......................................................................................... 12
Bidya Banmali Pradhan ............................................................................................ 12
Chaitanya Kumar ..................................................................................................... 13
Ivana Savic ............................................................................................................. 13
Bandana Shakya ..................................................................................................... 14
Arun Bhakta Shrestha, PhD ........................................................................................ 14
Robert Steele ........................................................................................................... 15
Nicolò Wojewoda ................................................................................................... 16
About the organising committee .................................................................................... 17
Daan Boom ............................................................................................................. 17
Tek Jung Mahat........................................................................................................ 17
Bishwanath Sharma (Sudas) ...................................................................................... 18
Utsav Maden ........................................................................................................... 18
Sanam Aksha .......................................................................................................... 19
Basudev Upadhyay .................................................................................................. 19
About the participants .................................................................................................. 21
Afghanistan ................................................................................................................ 21
Mohammad Reza Ebrahim ........................................................................................ 21
Bangladesh ................................................................................................................ 21
Faruqul Islam ........................................................................................................... 21
Farida Khanam ........................................................................................................ 22
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tanzima Shahreen ................................................................................................... 22
Bhutan ....................................................................................................................... 23
Jigme Choki............................................................................................................. 23
Dorji Dema .............................................................................................................. 23
Netra Mani Gurung ................................................................................................. 24
Cambodia .................................................................................................................. 24
Tith Chandara ......................................................................................................... 24
China......................................................................................................................... 25
Rongkun Liu ............................................................................................................. 25
Tian Wang .............................................................................................................. 25
France........................................................................................................................ 26
Gautier Fabert ......................................................................................................... 26
Finland ....................................................................................................................... 26
Bibhuti Bista............................................................................................................. 26
India .......................................................................................................................... 26
Vaidehi Deosthali ..................................................................................................... 26
Sonia Grover ........................................................................................................... 27
Priyanka Kohli ......................................................................................................... 27
Parth Sarathi Mahapatra ........................................................................................... 28
Indonesia ................................................................................................................... 28
Zulfadhli Nasution .................................................................................................... 28
Mongolia ................................................................................................................... 29
Davaajargal Batdorj ................................................................................................. 29
Kazakhstan................................................................................................................. 29
Serik Dossayev ........................................................................................................ 29
Myanmar ................................................................................................................... 30
May Zin Thaw ......................................................................................................... 30
Nepal ........................................................................................................................ 30
Shreejana Bhattarai .................................................................................................. 30
Sikshhya Bhattarai.................................................................................................... 31
Ranjana Budhathoki ................................................................................................. 31
Dipesh Chapagain ................................................................................................... 31
Piyush Dahal............................................................................................................ 32
Kabita Gautam ........................................................................................................ 32
Sujata Mahat ........................................................................................................... 33
Sakunda Ojha ......................................................................................................... 33
Jeeban Panthi .......................................................................................................... 33
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Achut Parajuli .......................................................................................................... 34
Barsha Parajuli ........................................................................................................ 34
Sasmita Poudel ........................................................................................................ 35
Nistha Rayamajhi..................................................................................................... 35
Aastha Shrestha ....................................................................................................... 36
Suchita Shrestha ...................................................................................................... 36
Pakistan ..................................................................................................................... 37
Hamera Aisha ......................................................................................................... 37
Rabia Faridi ............................................................................................................ 37
Kamran Hussain ....................................................................................................... 38
Sameera Zaib .......................................................................................................... 38
Philippines .................................................................................................................. 39
Edgar Geguiento ..................................................................................................... 39
Singapore .................................................................................................................. 39
Wilson Ang ............................................................................................................. 39
Thailand ..................................................................................................................... 40
Watkana Thongrueng ............................................................................................... 40
Vietnam...................................................................................................................... 40
Hoang Duc Minh ..................................................................................................... 40
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Special Guests
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Special guests
Mr Gokarna Bista
Honourable Minister, Ministry of Energy, Government of Nepal
With almost two decades long experience in Nepalese politics, Honourable
Minister Mr Bista has established himself as a mature and reformative
political figure. He was recently appointed as one of youngest ministers in
the present cabinet, who have often remained in media for his good
initiatives and strategic plans. Within a very short period of time, his works
have found good space in the public leaving positive impacts behind.
Mr Gagan Thapa
Honourable Member, Constituent Assembly Secretariat, Government of Nepal
Mr Gagan Thapa is considered as one of the most articulate leaders and
progressive policy makers in Nepal. Mr Thapa has a BA in Sociology from
Tri-Chandra College. He has been member, secretary and president of Free
Student Union; president of Kathmandu Nepal Student Union (NSU); vicepresident, general secretary of NSU. A member of the Constituent
Assembly, Honourable Gagan Thapa is one of very few political voices that
consistently advocate the importance of viewing our socio-economic
policies though an environmental prism.
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Featured presentations
Madhav Karki, PhD
Deputy Director General, ICIMOD
Dr Madhav B. Karki, a Nepalese national, holds a PhD in Forestry from
Michigan State University, and a Master's degree in Range Management
from Colorado State University, USA. Dr Karki brings to ICIMOD over 28
years of professional experience in programme development, management,
and regional networking. He has held various positions in different national
and International organisations, including universities, and donor agencies.
He has served as Campus Chief and Assistant Dean of the Institute of
Forestry, Pokhara; and was Asia Programme Officer at Appropriate
Technology International, USA.
Prior to joining ICIMOD, Dr Karki worked as Regional Programme Coordinator of the Medicinal and
Aromatic Plants Programme in Asia (MAPPA), a multi-donor network based at the International
Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, and New Delhi. Dr Karki has experience in the fields
of natural resources management and network development in non-timber forest products (NTFPs)
including medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) in South Asia as well as in policy and partnership
development. His diverse academic qualifications and in-depth work experience will be useful for
managing ICIMOD's integrated programmes. Dr Karki has authored and edited over 80 professional
papers/articles and books including an ICIMOD publication on Community Forestry. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Eklabya Sharma, PhD
Director, Programme Operations, ICIMOD
Dr Eklabya Sharma is an ecologist with over 25 years of experience in
developing, managing, and implementing programmes, mainly in
sustainable management of natural resources in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan
Dr Sharma has a PhD in ecology from the Banaras Hindu University, India,
where he started his career in 1985 as a postdoctoral fellow. Between
1989 and 2001, he established the GB Pant Institute of Himalayan
Environment and Development in Sikkim, an autonomous regional research centre of the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India, as the founder Scientist In-charge. During this period,
he also spent some time in 1994 at the University of Glasgow as a visiting scientist under the
exchange programme between the Indian National Science Academy and Royal Society of Great
Britain. He joined ICIMOD in September 2001, first as Head of the Farming Systems Division, and
later as Programme Manager of Natural Resources Management and then of Environmental Change
and Ecosystem Services. In late 2010, Dr Sharma was appointed the ‘Director of Programme
Operations’ at the Centre.
Dr Sharma has received many national and international awards including the Young Scientist Award
of the Indian National Science Academy in 1988; Eminent Scientist Award from the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India for 1995; and Honourable Mention Paper Award from
the Soil and Water Conservation Society, USA for 1999. He was elected Fellow of the National
Institute of Ecology, New Delhi in 1994; and Fellow of The National Academy of Sciences, India in
1999. He has more than 120 publications to his credit, most in peer reviewed international journals
and including seven books. He was the Chief Editor of the Journal of Hill Research published from
Sikkim from 1992 to 1996, and has been Regional Editor for Asia of the Mountain Research and
Development journal published from Switzerland between 2002-2010, and is now on the editorial
board of this journal. He has supervised seven PhD theses on ecology, mostly dealing with natural
resource management of the Eastern Himalayas.
Dr Sharma has expertise on mountain ecosystem studies and management; participatory natural
resource management; appropriate technology development, demonstration and capacity building;
biodiversity conservation including ecotourism; transboundary biodiversity landscape development;
mountain farming systems, especially agroforestry; biogeochemical cycling in ecosystems with a
special thrust on nitrogen fixation and phosphorous solubilisation; biological maintenance of soil
fertility; watershed management including land-use/cover change, hydro-ecological linkages, and
carbon dynamics; and climate change impact assessments and adaptation. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Michael Kollmair, PhD
Programme Manager/Senior Social Scientist
Sustainable Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction (SLPR), ICIMOD
Dr Kollmair has a PhD in Geography from Giessen University in Germany,
and was a Lecturer and Senior Researcher at the Human Geography
Division of the Department of Geography in Zurich, Switzerland before
joining ICIMOD. As a Project Coordinator for the SDC-supported National
Centre of Competency in Research (NCCR) North-South development
research project, he worked mainly in South and Central Asia. He has also
been associated with ICIMOD's PARDYP project since 2003 as a Scientific
Advisor. Working for more than 15 years in the region, especially in
Nepal, Dr. Kollmair has experience in a broad area of development studies and in the application of
qualitative and quantitative methods with interdisciplinary and intercultural teams. His main research
activities are in the social implications of nature conservation projects including questions of equity,
participation, marginalisation, and issues of international labour migration. He can be reached at
[email protected]
Golam Rasul, PhD
Division Head, Economic Analysis/Policy Development Specialist
Sustainable Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction (SLPR), ICIMOD
Dr Golam Rasul, Head, Economic Analysis Division, is a development
economist. He is a national of Bangladesh. Prior to his appointment as
Head of the Economic Analysis Division in August 2009, he served as a
policy development specialist at ICIMOD for approximately five years. Dr
Rasul holds a PhD in regional and rural development planning from the
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand. He worked for more than a
decade in the Bangladesh Civil Service in different ministries and in field
administration in different capacities where he was involved in the
formulation and implementation of development planning and programming. Along with development
work, he has been actively involved in research in areas that include agriculture, natural resource
management, poverty alleviation, and sustainable development in Bangladesh and the South Asian
region. His research findings have been published in many international journals and four of his
papers have appeared as ‘most read papers’ in their respective journals in Science Direct. Dr Rasul
will provide intellectual leadership to mainstream economic concepts, tools, and approaches in
ICIMOD’s three Strategic Programmes with a view to contributing to the achievement of the strategic
objectives of the Centre. He can be reached at [email protected]
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Resource Persons
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
About the resource persons
Birendra Bajracharya
Senior GIS Specialist, Mountain Environment Natural Resources’ Information Systems (MENRIS)
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Birendra Bajracharya joined ICIMOD in 1995 and works as a Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) Specialist in the Mountain Environment Natural
Resources’ Information Systems (MENRIS) division. He holds an MSc in
Geo-Informatics from the International Institute of Geo-Information Science
and Earth Observation (ITC), the Netherlands, an MBA from Tribhuvan
University, Nepal, and BE in Civil Engineering from University of Rajasthan,
India. He has vast experience in spatial data infrastructure, decision support
systems, and GIS and remote sensing (RS) applications in relation to natural
resources, biodiversity, conservation planning, and protected area management. He has also been
involved in developing various training courses on GIS/RS and has conducted training programmes
in all of ICIMOD’s eight regional member countries. Mr Bajracharya is currently the technical
coordinator of SERVIR-Himalaya, a joint initiative with NASA and the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) for developing an earth observation, monitoring, and visualisation
system that integrates satellite and other geospatial data for improved scientific knowledge and
decision-making. He can be reached at [email protected].
Dhrupad Choudhury, PhD
Programme Coordinator, ICIMOD/IFAD Technical Assistance Grant Programme
Sustainable Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction (SLPR), ICIMOD
Dr Dhrupad Choudhury, an Indian national, joined ICIMOD in March 2006
as Programme Coordinator of the International Fund for Agricultural
Development (IFAD) Technical Assistance Grant Programme. Dr Choudhury
has a PhD in Ecology from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom,
where he was an INLAKs scholar. Prior to joining ICIMOD, he was with the
GB Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment Development from 1991 to
2006 as Scientist In-charge of the North East Unit. Dr Choudhury also
served as Chief Natural Resource Management Adviser, North Eastern
Region Community Resource Management Project for Upland Areas (NERCORMP), a joint project of
IFAD and the Government of India. He has worked among ethnic communities in North East India on
issues of livelihood security and has a special interest in traditional practices in natural resource
management, access and control regimes, and livelihoods. During his tenure with the IFAD Project in
North East India, Dr Choudhury pioneered work in 'Participatory 3-Dimensional Modelling' in the
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
context of 'Perspective Landuse Planning for Managing Shifting Cultivation', an innovative approach
pioneered in the West Garo Hills of Meghalaya, India, in collaboration with ICIMOD. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Nakul Chettri, PhD
Action Area Team Leader, Biodiversity Conservation and Management
Environmental Change and Ecosystem Services (ECES), ICIMOD
Dr Chettri joined ICIMOD in 2002 as a Project Coordinator for
Transboundary Biodiversity Conservation and Management and was
subsequently promoted to Action Area Team Leader for Biodiversity
Conservation and Management in the Environmental Change and
Ecosystem Services (ECES) Programme. In this role he was responsible for
facilitating stakeholders to formulate strategic plans for conservation and
landscape management and for promoting regional cooperation in
conservation through participatory conservation planning, policy analysis,
and the development of a new policy framework at the landscape level in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas.
Dr Chettri has an MSc (1995) and a PhD in Zoology (2000) from North Bengal University, India. He
is currently leading a team of multidisciplinary professionals working on climate change science, the
economic valuation of ecosystem services, biodiversity informatics, and the up-scaling and promotion
of transboundary landscapes and trans-Himalayan transects. Before joining ICIMOD, Dr Chettri
served as a Fellow at the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment in its Eastern
Himalayan Programme. He can be reached at [email protected].
Anil Chitrakar
Ashoka Fellow
For 25 years, Anil has worked to improve the very fabric of Nepalese
society. He strongly believes that social projects should be designed for
economic, social and environmental sustainability. He also believes that
systemic change happens only if local communities embrace and drive it
themselves. He has used this philosophy to successfully mobilize Nepalese
communities over and over again to act on initiatives ranging from
preserving Nepalese history and culture, to re-engineering energy and
water supplies, to reversing deforestation. A detailed bio is available here
<>. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Ajaya Dixit
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nepal Water for Health, NEWAH
Dr. Ajaya Dixit is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nepal Water for
Health, a Nepali NGO that has built water supply scenes serving over
700,000 people in Nepal in partnership with community groups. He is also
Founder of Nepal Water Conservation Foundation and Editor of Water
Nepal a journal addressing interdisciplinary water and development issues.
He has taught hydraulics and water resources engineering at Tribhuvan
University’s Institute of Engineering until 1989. He has also worked as an
analyst on water resources and environment issues in Nepal and South
Asia. He has been a member of government of Nepal’s Water and Energy Commission from 1993 to
1997.He is engaged with actors in development agencies and village-based Water Users Groups.
His current research is the study of adaptive approaches to floods and droughts in South Asia and the
study of impact of Global Environment Change on food systems. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Stephan Harding, PhD
Resident Ecologist and MSc Co-ordinator
Schumacher College
Stephan oversees the MSc in Holistic Science, teaching on the core models
and as part of several of the short courses at the College. Stephan was born
in Venezuela in 1953. He came to England at the age of six with his father
and housekeeper, with whom he spoke Spanish (his mother tongue) at
home. Since childhood Stephan has had a deep fascination with the natural
world, and his scientific cast of mind lead him to do a degree in Zoology at
the University of Durham and then a doctorate on the behavioural ecology of the muntjac deer at
[email protected]
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Hiromi Inagaki
Associate Programme Officer, Knowledge Management Support
Hiromi Inagaki joined the AIT-UNEP Regional Resource Centre for Asia and
the Pacific (RRC.AP) as an Associate Programme Officer, Knowledge
Management Support, in October 2009. Since then, Hiromi has been a key
member of the 3-year programme, Regional Climate Change Adaptation
Knowledge Platform for Asia, playing an active role in implementing a series
of capacity building activities aimed at enhancing climate change adaptation
planning for governments, researchers and civil society groups in Asia.
Hiromi has also conducted technical studies on impacts of, and vulnerability
and adaptation to, climate change in various sectors and developed a
proposal on a research and pilot project on ecosystem-based agricultural methods. Prior to her
engagement as an Associate Programme Officer, Hiromi contributed to the RRC.AP as a consultant as
well as an intern for about a year.
Hiromi grew up in Yokohama, Japan, and enrolled the Waseda University in Japan in 1998. While
in college, she attended an anthropology course at the San Diego State University in California, USA,
as an exchange student for a year. Her initial intention for a career path was not made for the field of
development or environment. However, after experiencing volunteering activities on forest
management and waste recycling in Chile and Cambodia respectively, she determined to pursue a
career that would span areas of livelihood development and environment management. In 2004, she
started her development-related work at the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan
(NFUAJ), conducting projects aimed at awareness raising for literacy education in Asian countries.
After 3 years of work experience at NFUAJ, she shifted her career focus to environmental issues. She
attained a M.A. in Development Studies with specialisation in Environment and Sustainable
Development at the Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands in 2009 and then joined the RRC.AP.
She can be reached at [email protected].
Bhaskar Singh Karky, PhD
Resource Economist, Economic Analysis Division
Sustainable Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction (SLPR), ICIMOD
Dr Karky was appointed as a Resource Economist working in the Economic
Analysis Division in 2010. He first joined ICIMOD in November 2007 as a
researcher and then as a coordinator for the REDD project implemented in
India and Nepal. Dr Karky is a Nepali national and holds a PhD in the
economics of climate change policy from the University of Twente, the
Netherlands. He has an MSc in Agricultural Development Economics from
Reading University, UK, and a BSc in Agriculture from the University of
Western Sydney, Australia. Prior to joining ICIMOD, he worked for the
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
National Trust for Nature Conservation, the Centre for Micro-Finance, and Danida in Nepal. Dr
Karky has published numerous papers focusing on climate policy, REDD, payment for environmental
services, micro-finance, and renewable energy. He is also an avid trekker and mountain biker. He
can be reached at [email protected]
Vijay Khadgi
Assistant Project Coordinator-HYCOS project
Integrated Water and Hazard Management (IWHM), ICIMOD
Mr Khadgi was appointed Assistant Project Coordinator and Network
Officer of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Hydrological Cycle Observation
System (HKH-HYCOS) Programme in January 2011. Mr Khadgi has a
Masters degree in business management from Kathmandu University. He
first joined ICIMOD in February 2004 and has held various positions, most
recently as ‘Network Officer’ for the regional study on ‘Local Responses to
Too Much and Too Little Water in the Greater Himalayan Region’. He has
been extensively involved in developing and implementing communication
strategies for projects on disaster reduction, climate change adaptation, and others; and has
managed projects and developed web-based information and communication platforms. In his new
role, he will be focusing in implementing the HKH-HYCOS project and will also develop its public
information strategy. He can be reached at [email protected].
Jihyun Kim
Associate Programme Officer
Ms Jihyun Kim has been working with the Asian Institute of Technology –
United Nations Environment Programme Regional Resource Centre in Asia
and the Pacific (AIT-UNEP RRC.AP), supporting Regional Climate Change
Adaptation Knowledge Platform for Asia (AKP) as an Associate Programme
Officer. Ms. Kim’s current responsibilities include i) providing research
support for the development of information & knowledge product ii) liaison
with Platform & Network Knowledge Partners iii) organising and developing
Knowledge Management workshops, seminars and training activities iv)
communicating Platform & Network’s activities to necessary internal and external parties and v)
providing overall coordination support for the Adaptation Forum 2011. Ms Kim has obtained a
master degree in International Development and Environmental Analysis from Monash University in
Melbourne, Australia. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Hari Krishna Nibanupudi
Action Area Team Leader and Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist
Integrated Water and Hazard Management (IWHM), ICIMOD
Mr Hari Krishna Nibanupudi, an Indian national, joined ICIMOD in June
2010 as Disaster Risk Reduction Team Leader. Mr Nibanupudi has formal
qualifications in communication and business management, and has been
trained in environment education, natural resource management,
humanitarian assistance, and humanitarian law. He started his career with
the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) and the Institute of
Rural Management Anand (IRMA), followed by five years as Humanitarian
Manager for Southern India with Oxfam UK and five years as South Asia
Disaster Risk Reduction Specialist with Oxfam America. Before joining ICIMOD he completed a
consultancy with the World Bank Institute as disaster risk reduction advisor and was a faculty member
of the World Bank Institute web-based disaster management courses. Mr Nibanupudi has
implemented large projects on disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation, and natural resource
management; commissioned and coordinated more than 40 humanitarian research projects;
published disaster risk reduction toolkits, handbooks, training manuals, and videos; and held talks
and dissemination workshops in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Bidya Banmali Pradhan
Environment Officer, MENRIS
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Bidya Banmali Pradhan joined ICIMOD as an Environment Officer in June
1999. She holds two Master’s degrees in engineering, one in
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering from the Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, India, and the other in Environment Science and
Technology from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Prior to joining
ICIMOD, Ms Pradhan worked for the National Council for Science and
Technology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, and the Ministry of Science
and Technology, Nepal. She has contributed to many environment
publications and was involved in the preparation of the Global Environment Outlook 3 and 4. Over
the last decade, Ms Pradhan has worked extensively in the field of atmospheric pollution,
coordinating the Atmospheric Brown Cloud Project and the Malé Declaration on Control and
Prevention of Air Pollution and its likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia, giving her knowledge
and experience on air quality issues in South Asia and the Himalayan region. She can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Chaitanya Kumar
South Asian coordinator,
Chaitanya Kumar works as the South Asian coordinator with, an
international climate campaigns organization. Hailing from a middle class
family in Hyderabad, India, Chaitanya passed out as a computer science
engineer in 2008. Sensitive to various social issues since college, his interest
in climate change and environmental issues initially began with a keen
interest in energy and energy security for India. He joined the Indian youth
climate network, a youth led network across the country that works on education, advocacy, solutions
and policy on climate change. As a youth delegate to the fourteenth conference of parties in Poznan,
Poland in 2008, his interest in climate change issues peaked after interacting with fellow youth
delegates across the globe and negotiators at the conference. This interest translated into initiating an
IYCN chapter in Hyderabad and working on building and supporting more youth groups to work on
local environmental issues.
After working for a couple of years on education, advocacy and solutions projects around climate
change, his transition into the climate movement was a conscious decision evolving from the
realization that the climate crisis requires a lot more than small scale solutions and a global
movement is what can bring about any meaningful political change to address the widespread and
deep rooted environmental issues. His journey with began in early 2011 and his role as the
campaigns coordinator allows him to travel and meet various groups and partner organizations
doing amazing work in India and across the world. While continuing to learn about the challenge,
Chaitanya aims to bring in creative new age campaigning to South Asia and add renewed lobbying
strength to local environmental groups fighting climate change.
His other interests include world cinema and music along with travelling, photography and blogging.
He runs a few music and movie podcasts and blogs and has done a brief stint as a freelance
journalist. He can be reached at [email protected].
Ivana Savic
CSD Youth Caucus
“Young people are not useless, they are just used less!” says Ivana, a 24
year old lady from Serbia, is leading Youth Caucus global initiatives as one
of the coordinators. Welcome to the United Nations Commission on
Sustainable Development - Youth Caucus website: an interactive platform
for communication and collaborative efforts for the UN-CSD. The UN-CSD
Youth Caucus is an interface and international network of individual
activists and youth organizations, bringing together young people with a
desire to build a more sustainable world. At the UN and in our local
communities, we are changing the way the world works. We are designing the future. She can be
reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bandana Shakya
Biodiversity Analyst
Environmental Change and Ecosystem Services (ECES), ICIMOD
Ms Bandana Shakya is a Biodiversity Analyst working with the
Transboundary Biodiversity Management Initiatives of the Environmental
Change and Ecosystem Services (ECES) Programme. She especially
contributes to the research and knowledge development components of
these initiatives, as well as to project implementation. She holds two
Master’s degrees – Master of Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants from
University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom) and Master of Botany from
Tribhuvan University (Nepal) – securing top position in both. She has
knowledge of plant sciences, biodiversity conservation, natural resources management, and
herbarium/botanic garden management. Ms Shakya joined ICIMOD in 2005 as Research Associate
in Biodiversity Conservation and Management Action Area. Prior to this, she worked briefly with the
Mountain Forum Secretariat on revamping the Mountain Forum Online Library. Ms Shakya also has
four years of teaching experience at the Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.
She can be reached at [email protected].
Arun Bhakta Shrestha, PhD
Climate Change Specialist
Integrated Water and Hazard Management (IWHM), ICIMOD
Dr Arun Bhakta Shrestha is a Climate Change Specialist and Action Area
Team Leader for Strengthening Upstream Downstream Linkages (SUDL) with
the Integrated Water and Hazard Management (IWHM) Programme. He
has a PhD in Earth Sciences from the University of New Hampshire, USA,
and a Master's degree in Hydraulic Engineering from Minsk, former USSR.
Before joining ICIMOD, Dr Shrestha worked for the Department of
Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal. His main areas of expertise include
climate change, glaciers and glacial hazards, glacial lake risk mitigation,
atmospheric environment, and hydrological modelling. Dr Shrestha has had several publications in
peer reviewed international journals, national journals, and magazines. He was involved in the Tsho
Rolpa Glacial Lake Outburst Flood Risk Reduction Project and was in the scientific team for the
preparation of the First National Communication of Nepal to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Dr Shrestha is on the editorial panel for Geomatics,
Natural Hazards and Risk (Taylor and Francis) and Journal of Hydrology Meteorology (Society of
Hydrologists and Meteorologists, Nepal). He can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Robert Steele
Systainability Asia
Robert Steele is Founder and Director of Systainability Asia, a Thailand
based regional consultancy that works closely with national and local
governments, NGOs, international agencies and private sector corporations
in the Asia-Pacific region on Education for sustainable development (ESD),
sustainable development assessment and planning at the organisation and
community level, and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Robert has been a Senior Associate with AtKisson Group
( since 2002 and is currently Head of AtKisson Group‘s ESD initiative called
Compass Education (including Compass Schools and Compass Universities) as well as being one of
the core faculty of AtKisson’s ISIS Academy, an international sustainability training and professional
development programme. Robert’s expertise lies in the fields of ESD, sustainability indicator
development, systems thinking and organisational change, organizational sustainability assessment,
strategic planning and communication, along with a strong background in earth sciences, ecology
and resource management.
Robert has been working in Asia for over 14 years, beginning in 1997, when he was invited by the
Thai Environment and Community Development Association (TECDA) to assist them in developing and
launching an innovative outdoor experiential learning program on the Chao Phraya River called The
Magic Eyes Chao Phraya Barge Program. Robert is most proud of the fact that this program was
recognized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one of six ‘best practice
Environmental Education programs’ in the Asia-Pacific region in 2001 In addition, its water ecology
and water quality testing program was honoured by Canada Fund as one of the top 25 funded
projects out of over 700 that they supported in Thailand during their time in Thailand.
Robert regularly works as a consultant and resource person for the UNEP, UNESCO (Bangkok,
Hanoi, IBE), UNDP, UNESCAP, the ASEAN Secretariat, Singapore‘s National Environment Agency,
the University of Science Malaysia, the Malaysia Federal Town and Country Planning Department,
the University of New South Wales’ Faculty of Built Environment, the Ministry of Environment &
Natural Resources – Thailand, the Ministry of Environment – Indonesia and many others. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Nicolò Wojewoda
Director, Road to Rio+20 project
Peacechild international
Nicolò Wojewoda is a global youth activist and strenuous advocate of
sustainability and participation. Born and raised in Italy, he has studied and
worked in Sweden, The Netherlands, China and USA. Following a history of
student activism on educational issues at local, EU and global levels, he now
works in the UK at Peace Child International, leading Road to Rio+20, a
global youth mobilization towards the UN Conference on Sustainable
Development. He can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
About the organising committee
Daan Boom
Programme Manager
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Mr Daan Boom, a Dutch national, joined ICIMOD in 2008 as Programme
Manager, Integrated Knowledge Management. Daan’s primary task at
ICIMOD is implementing ICIMOD knowledge and communication
framework as well as ensuring effective coordination among four divisions
of IKM: Human and Institutional Development (HID), Knowledge
Management and Information Technology (KM&IT), Communication, and
Mountain Environmental Natural Resources Information Systems (MENRIS).
Daan is also focal point for the Asia Pacific Mountain Network (APMN)
and the Asia Pacific Water Forum (AWPF). Prior to joining ICIMOD, Daan headed the Knowledge
Management Centre of the Asian Development Bank in Manila from 2003 to 2007. For the ADB, he
drafted and implemented a knowledge management framework covering improvement of internal
processes and an effective dissemination and outreach programme. Before joining ADB, he was
Director Knowledge Management at the international accounting firm KPMG. Daan graduated in
Library and Information Science from The Hague and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Tek Jung Mahat
Node Manager, Asia Pacific Mountain Network (APMN)
Knowledge Management and Information Technology (KM IT)
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Mr Tek Jung Mahat has actively advocated for the ‘mountain agenda’ since
2003 and currently serves as the core member Rio+20 preparation
committee at ICIMOD as well as leads ICIMOD’s youth initiative - Youth for
Sustainable Mountain Development (Y4SMD). He has authored over three
dozen papers, both online and in print, in the United Kingdom, Bolivia,
India, and Nepal. Since early 2007, he is managing the Asia-Pacific
Mountain Network (APMN) (the Asia-Pacific node of Mountain Forum).
Before that, he spent over four years teaching environmental issues to
undergraduate students in Nepal, and pioneered e-dialogues and e-networking among environment
professionals by establishing the ’Environment Professionals Group’ and a blog ‘Realising CHANGE’
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
in 2005. In 2007, he established ClimateHimalaya – an independent, informal, and informative
network of climate change professionals in the Himalayas. He has a Postgraduate Diploma in
Mountain Environment and Global Change from the University of Torino and an MSc in
Environmental Science from Tribhuvan University. He has attended special courses on climate action
and sustainability, information and communications technology, environmental communications, and
youth leadership in Hungary, Japan, Nepal, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. He can be
reached at [email protected]
Bishwanath Sharma (Sudas)
Information Centre Coordinator
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Mr Sudas Sharma, a Nepalese national, has been attached with ICIMOD
for over two decades, helping in implementing mountain development
projects in the region. He is particularly interested in knowledge generation,
documentation and as well as knowledge sharing with a wider audience.
He has been supporting ICIMOD’s youth and capacity building initiatives
for many years. He can be reached at [email protected].
Utsav Maden
Consultant, APMN, Knowledge Management and Information Technology (KM IT)
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Mr Utsav Maden is currently on assignment with APMN, supporting
ICIMOD’s youth initiative - Youth for Sustainable Mountain Development
(Y4SMD), while backstopping e-discussions and assisting in information
capture and synthesis. He has been working with the IKM programme at
ICIMOD on numerous assignments including development of a contacts
database. Prior to ICIMOD, he was on an internship programme of UNEP
Regional Resource Centre for Asia Pacific (RRC.AP through TUNZA, UNEP’s
programme for youth in 2006. He is also an associate member of the South
Asia Youth Environment Network. In 2007, he contributed as editor to two sub-regional documents:
“Youth for Clean Air” and “Sub-regional Sustainable Development Strategy (SSDS) Youth, - We Hold
Our Future" for SAYEN. Utsav holds a Bachelor’s (Honours) degree in Environmental Science from
Kathmandu University. An avid social media enthusiast and intermittent blogger, he is available
@utsavmaden on Twitter and Facebook. He can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Sanam Aksha
Consultant, APMN, Knowledge Management and Information Technology (KM IT)
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Mr Sanam Aksha is a Nepalese citizen who graduated in Environmental
Science from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He holds another Masters degree
in Sociology and Anthropology from the same university. He has over six
years of working experience on water, water related hazards and
information and knowledge management. At ICIMOD, he is now assisting in
implementation of Rio+20 as well as ICIMOD’s youth initiative - Youth for
Sustainable Mountain Development (Y4SMD). He is also working as a parttime lecturer at College of Applied Sciences, a graduate level programme
affiliated to TU. He can be reached at [email protected].
Basudev Upadhyay
Consultant, APMN, Knowledge Management and Information Technology (KM IT)
Integrated Knowledge Management (IKM), ICIMOD
Mr Basudev Upadhyay is a Nepalese citizen and holds Masters Degree in
Environmental Science with specialisation in Mountain Environment along
with another Masters in Social Science with specialisation in Sociology. His
expertise is in Sustainable Mountain Development concerning Climate
Change Policy, Adaptation and Mitigation Issues. He is also involved in
research and training. At ICIMOD, he is now assisting in implementation of
Rio+20 as well as ICIMOD’s youth initiative - Youth for Sustainable Mountain Development (Y4SMD).
He has recently completed a blended learning programme on “Science and Policy of Climate
Change” jointly organised by The Energy and Resource Institute, Institute for Global Environment
Strategies, Tokyo Development Learning Centre and The World Bank. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
About the participants
Mohammad Reza Ebrahim
Mohammad Reza Ebrahim, an Afghan national, is currently
undergoing a Master on Human and Natural Resource Studies
Centre at Kathmandu University School of Arts in Nepal under the
Human Capacity Building of Afghan universities. He is currently
working on his thesis entitled -”Sustainability of Village Tourism: Case
Study of Dhampus Village in Nepal”. He joined Bamyan University,
Afghanistan as an instructor of Sociology and taught for two and half
years after receiving his BA from Kabul University. He has attended
various workshops and conferences at the local and national levels
related to Sustainable Development, Human rights, Good
Governance and environment. Reza is also part of various social and
oral history research groups and has completed three such researches. Mr Reza also worked as a
Regional Coordinator of Independent Election Commission of Afghanistan for six months during PrePresidency election on 2008. He can be reached at [email protected].
Faruqul Islam
Mr Faruqul Islam is a fresh graduate in Law, majoring in International
Environmental Law from Bangladesh. He is also involved with United
Nations Youth student Association of Bangladesh (UNYSAB) and is
currently working for youth development throughout the country
'Leadership through Volunteerism' and has organised a Youth Summit
on Climate change in Dhaka last year. He has recently completed a
specialized course on International Law through the Indian Academy
of International Relation and Diplomacy, New Delhi where he was
awarded with 'Best Participant' award. He has also been awarded
with “Best Speaker” award by British Council Chittagong on the occasion of Commonwealth Day. Mr
Islam runs an independent organisation "Spondon” that works for youth empowerment and creating
awareness on sustainable development of environment. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Farida Khanam
Ms Khanam has been involved with different social activities since
college. But her passion shifted towards environment and
development particularly, when she started her undergraduate
studies in geography and environment. She has undergraduate and
masters’ degree in geography and environmental studies from
Jagannath University (Dhaka, Bangladesh). Currently, she is working
with Mr Saleh Ahmed (‘Sapienza’ University of Rome, Italy) in
Bangladesh. Farida has worked on various projects with government
and non-government organizations addressing the humanenvironment interactions issues. Apart from these, she volunteered with Greenpeace-Karlsruhe,
Germany in 2006 and is actively involved in Save the Environment Movement in Bangladesh. She
has participated in different high level international trainings and conferences: Youth Encounter on
Sustainability “YES” 2009 in Braunwald, Switzerland; 4th Annual Conference of the GARNET
NETWORK 2009 on ‘Food Security and Sustainable Development at the IFAD Headquarters in
Rome, Italy and Swiss International Summer School Gender Studies 2010 ‘Gender and Politics –
Gendered Politics’ in Bern, Switzerland. She is an avid learner of language and always enthusiastic
of knowing different places, peoples and cultures. Most of her present research works are focused on
different human development challenges in the mountainous areas of Chittagong Hill Tracts region,
Bangladesh. She can be reached at [email protected].
Tanzima Shahreen
Ms Tanzima Shahreen, a resident from Bangladesh is working in
Unnayan Onneshan as Junior Research Assistant, on “Climate Change,
Biodiversity and DRR Unit”. She is also working as Communication and
Out Reach Expert in Boishakhi Television. She is currently working on a
documentary on “Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction” for IFRC.
She is doing her MS in Disaster Management in Dhaka University.
Before joining Unnayan Onneshan, she has worked in several research
projects with Flood, Hazard and Research Centre (FHRC). She has
completed short training courses on Climate Change Adaptation and
Mitigation, Flood Plain Management and Advance Professional course
on ArcGIS 9.2. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Jigme Choki
Ms Jigme Choki, a Bhutanese National, has been working with the
Royal Government of Bhutan for the past four and half years in the
capacity of District Environment Officer in one of the twenty districts
of the country. She serves as Secretary to the District Environment
Committee (DEC) which was established in 2005 and looks after
tasks like environmental protection, environmental impact assessment,
environmental awareness, other environmental and disaster issues in
the district. She is also responsible for reviewing and assessing
project proposals for Environmental Clearances; conducting site visits
for field verification of project proposals; conducting compliance
monitoring in development projects under the Environment Assessment
Act 2000 and associated guidelines. She is also the Disaster focal point of the district. She has
attended environment management and disaster related training courses in Thailand, Philippines,
Bangladesh and India. She has a certificate degree in Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) from the
Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Deventer, The Netherlands. She also has a Post Graduate
Diploma in Public Administration (PGDPA) from the Royal Institute of Management, Semtokha,
Bhutan. She completed her graduation in December 2004 from Sherubtse College, Bhutan with
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry-Biology. Her areas of interests in the field of environmental
management are issues of global sustainable development, environmental economics, and
conservation of biodiversity, environmental assessment, environmental management systems, and
sustainable tourism. Her extracurricular activity interest includes plantations, cleaning campaigns,
community services and voluntary activities with keen interest in reading, listening to music,
trekking/hiking, travelling and photography. She can be reached at [email protected].
Dorji Dema
Ms Dorji Dema is a journalist in Bhutan. She started her career in
2006. She also worked as a bureau correspondent for three years in
one of the largest district in eastern Bhutan. During that time she has
travelled to remote and far flung areas of the country to cover stories
from the grassroots and the rural heartland of Bhutan. From natural
disasters to damage in livelihood caused by climate change, she
covered a wide array of subjects. Listening to music, flower
gardening and travelling is her passion. She is also an avid reader.
She has a Bachelor’s degree in economics. She can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Netra Mani Gurung
Mr Netra Mani Gurung, a Bhutanese national, completed his
Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management from IIAS School of
Hospitality and Tourism Management, India with Food Production as
his specialization. During his studies he did 22 weeks internship at
one of the finest hotel in Rajasthan, Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace. It was
a very enriching experience and after completion he has been
working at one of the oldest established Hotel, “Hotel Druk” in the
kingdom of Bhutan. He is passionate about his job and loves to try
his hands on cooking new things every day. Besides his work he
loves to play basketball, listening to music and to make new friends.
He is also very interested in Youth related activities and wants to be
involved and help in his own small way. He can be reached at [email protected].
Tith Chandara
Mr Tith Chandara works as an assistant lecturer at the Department of
Media and Communication in Cambodia where he was pursuing his
Bachelor’s degree under a scholarship programme. He works in
collaboration with media and is responsible for public relation and
outreach. This young Cambodian media practitioner has been
working as a freelance reporter for a local English newspaper, the
Phnom Penh Post. In 2010, he got a grant to intern in the press office
of Care Germany. Since then, he has produced an environmental film
about the impacts of plastic bags which was selected for the
Southeast Asian Student Documentary Award in Thailand. He has
been producing several films in different topics, but more on
environment and education. He is now organizing a webzine for his department in print articles and
broadcast pieces from students within the department the hunt for improving students’ capacity and
media development in the society as a whole. He can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Rongkun Liu
Mr Rongkun Liu currently works as Program Manager at The
Pendeba Society of the Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) National Nature
Preserve in south Tibet where he is in charge of projects that promote
community development and environmental conservation in the
region. Previously, Rongkun worked as Project Analyst with the
Yunnan Environmental Protection Department where he assisted in
various environmental projects in Yunnan Province, China funded by
bilateral government agreements and multinational development
banks. Rongkun holds a degree in international relations from Peking
University in China and graduated from American University in
Washington, D.C. with a Master’s Degree in Global Environmental Policy concentrating on
environmental economic policies and international environmental cooperation. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Tian Wang
Ms Tian Wang recently graduated from Yale School of Forestry &
Environmental Studies with a degree in Master of Environmental
Management, where she was actively engaged in climate related
courses and research. At Yale, she has conducted an institutional
analysis for adaptation governance in Ningxia Province,
Northwestern China to examine good governance principles for
adaptation and assess the effectiveness of current practices in
She also has working experience with the World
Resources Institute (WRI) on vulnerability and adaptation project and
the Open Space Institute researching climate change impacts on
drinking water quality in the US. Tian is originally from Beijing, China and has an environmental
sciences background from Peking University with numerous research experiences, including urban air
quality monitoring for the 2008 Olympic Games, an environmental impact assessment of airport
planning in Zhengzhou and independent research on watershed management for Dianchi Lake. Tian
is currently seeking opportunities in non-profit organization based in Beijing where she can facilitate
international collaboration on climate change program. She can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Gautier Fabert
Mr Gautier Fabert, a French national, is an engineering student in his third year of his Master’s
degree at ISTOM University, France. Mr Fabert is currently a student intern at the Nepal Development
Research Institute in Nepal researching on community forest and resources management. ISTOM
trains specialist in international agro-development. He can be reached at [email protected].
Bibhuti Bista
Mr Bibhuti Bista, a a PhD student in Finland is experienced in
community related development programmes, alternative energy field
and involved in research works related to social and environmental
aspects. He is also a trainer and has conducted over dozens of
trainings in his area of expertise. His keen interest is in the field of
Environmental sociology and Sustainable development. Mr. Bista
obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in environmental science (Honours)
from Kathmandu University and Master’s Degree in Sociology from
Sagarmatha Multiple College. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Vaidehi Deosthali
Ms Vaidehi Deosthali was born in India and was brought up in
Thailand where she has completed her schooling. Currently, she is
doing her MBA (Energy and Environment) from Symbiosis
International University, Pune, India. She completed her
undergraduate degree in June 2009 in BSc Biotechnology from
Monash University, Malaysia. She has previously worked at Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT) in the Biotechnology Department and
helped a PhD student in his experiment in extracting DNA from
different varieties of rice and also worked at Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay (IIT-B), worked on a Talk to a Teacher Project of
the National Mission on Education through ICT, an MHRD initiative.
<>. Recently, she was an intern at the AITUNEP Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, working on
the Asia Pacific Adaptation Network. Being new in this field of energy and environment, she is
excited and ready to learn anything and everything. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Sonia Grover
Ms Sonia Grover has done Masters of Science in Water Resources
Management from TERI University and a zoology graduate from Delhi
University. She has been involved in various issues related to water and
climate change. Her key qualifications include water budgeting using
SWAT model with emphasis on various climate scenarios to estimate
present and future water availability. She also has experience of
working with GIS software (ERDAS, Arcinfo) and basic knowledge of
remote sensing. She is the key member of TERI’s regional knowledge
hub for water and climate change adaptation in South Asia and
National Key Resource Center for Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation.
The basic responsibilities are to update and maintain the database of
the institutes working on water and climate change sector in South Asia, to develop and maintain the
knowledge hub website and to develop strategies for efficient networking of knowledge on various
platforms, to develop training modules for water and climate change adaptation practices and
organize various training programmes. She has been involved in projects like Conducting a GIS
based diagnostic study for assessing availability and quality of water resources to address watershed
wide concerns using a watershed approach, Impacts of climate change and watershed development
on whole-of-basin agricultural water security in the Krishna Basin, India and Murray-Darling Basin,
Australia, Economics of Sanitation Initiative for India, drafting Sustainable Environmental Mission for
the Rajasthan state, future impacts of agricultural contaminants on ecosystem services, developing
Environment and Social Management Framework for Ganga Basin and carrying out EIA and SIA for
sub-projects. She has actively participated in many national and international deliberations on related
subjects. She can be reached at [email protected].
Priyanka Kohli
Ms Priyanka Kohli, an Indian National is enrolled in the Ph.D.
Programme of TERI University in Department of Natural Resources
Management since July 2010 under HSBC Climate Scholarship
programme. She has completed her coursework with SGPA of 8.6.
Her research work is on the REDD plus approach to mitigate climate
change. She has also worked as a Junior Research Fellow in 2010,
at the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)
Dehradun on India's National Communication to Climate Change
(NATCOM II) Project. The activities included in this project were
assessing forests as carbon sinks and promoting capacity building
programmes to combat climate change among the most vulnerable
communities of Himalayas. Priyanka received Masters Degree in
2009 in Environmental Science from G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar.
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
In addition she was engaged in a research assistantship at the University to carry out monitoring and
analysis of ecosystem. In 2008, she was part of a TV Show on Doordarshan - "Role of women in
protecting the environment" on 12th June 2008. She completed her graduation in 2007 in Applied
Sciences from H. N. B. Garhwal University, Uttarakhand. She can be reached at [email protected].
Parth Sarathi Mahapatra
Mr Parth Sarathi Mahapatra holds a B.Sc. Honours in Zoology from
Ravenshaw University, Odisha and has completed his M.Sc. in
Environmental Management from Forest Research Institute (Deemed)
University, Uttarakhand, India. Presently he works as a research
scholar at Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (CSIR)
Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. Here, he is responsible for data collection
and analysis pertaining to trace gases in atmosphere and mapping
aerosol radiative forcing at Odisha. His recent work focus and
research interest comprises socio-economic understanding of climate
risk and resilience, ecotourism and society along with study of trace
gases and particulate matter in troposphere. He has been promoting
environmental awareness through means of campaigns and speeches
and community service in form of cancer patient counselling. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Zulfadhli Nasution
Mr Zulfadhli Nasution graduated with a Bachelor in Public Health
from University of Indonesia. Currently, his main activity is working
for UNAIDS Country Office Indonesia as a programme assistant. His
interests include advocating for the environment, particularly through
prose and design. His designs have attracted accolades in various
fora and competitions He has worked with various NGO working in
environment and climate change issues, also was invited as a
speaker at the “Asia–Pacific Forum: Youth Action on Climate
Change” in Bangkok in January this year. His artwork in that forum
was also published in Asia–Pacific Mountain Courier−“Special issue
on youth action for climate change through art” this year. Realizing
still a little contribution that he could give now, hopefully he can learn
more and practice better in environmental concerns. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Davaajargal Batdorj
Ms Davaajargal Batdorj, a freshman at Nagoya University majoring
in Environmental Economics is a Mongolian citizen who has been
volunteering for environmental awareness campaigns since 2008. She
is a youth club leader of TUNZA-Mongolia youth environmental club,
which is a member of North East Asian Youth environmental club. She
has been a very active member and also serves as secretary at the
United Nations Youth Advisory Panel in Mongolia since 2009. She
has been trained as a youth peer educator and has organized many
peer education campaigns dedicated to the 350 international
movement, global climate week, world water day etc. In future, she
wants to learn more about sustainable development and its implementation in a developing country.
She attended the Asian and international youth biodiversity conference held in Nagoya city, Japan
delegating Mongolia. She is looking forward to this forum as a great experience. She can be
reached at [email protected].
Serik Dossayev
Mr Serik Dossayev, a Kazakh national, joined Executive Consulting
in 2008 as a Consultant for Strategic and Service Management. In
2010 Serik became a Deputy Director and he is responsible now for
Company’s new business directions’ development including
establishment of partnerships with local universities for doing
collaborative research in Strategic Management, Service
Management, Organizational Change and Sustainable Development
as well as creation of national internet platform for implementing
online market researches. Serik completed his Master’s degree in
Economics and Social Studies as a scholar of DAAD at Trier
University, Germany. Serik has received his first diploma in agroindustrial economy of T. Ryskulow Kazakh Economic University, Kazakhstan. During his Bachelor’s
degree, Serik spent a year as an exchange student in University of Applied Science Osnabrueck in
Germany, where he studied intensive Marketing courses. Serik is a member of YES Alumni
Association which aims to connect new generation of leaders for sustainable world. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
May Zin Thaw
Ms May Zin Thaw is a post graduate student at the Yangon
Institute of Economics, Myanmar specializing in Development
Studies, and Sanitation & Hygiene Specialist at World Vision
Myanmar. She has been volunteering for environmental
conservation awareness activities with Yangon University Hiking
& Mountaineering Association and is also an independent
environmental activist. She has been sharing knowledge with
the new generation and across peer groups her age for
environmental awareness since 2006. She is also a trainee in
Training of Climate Change and Education Awareness in
(ECODEV) which is associated with National Action Plan for
Adaptation (NAPA) and is interested in learning new things, concepts every day. She has
been advocating reducing the carbon footprint in urban folks and tries to share her
knowledge on environmental conservation during her travel in Myanmar. She can be reached
at [email protected].
Shreejana Bhattarai
Ms Shreejana Bhattarai, a Nepalese national, is final year student of
Master’s degree of Environmental Science at Tribhuvan University. She
is undertaking her dissertation on “Assessment of the Impacts of
Climate Change on Water Resources and Local Coping Mechanisms
Adopted by the Community: A study of Mohana River, Kailali” with
grant support from New Era Institution under the Harka Gurung
Fellowship. She has worked as Information Management at Nepal
River Conservation Trust. She has also worked as a City Volunteer for
Kathmandu Metropolitan City and Clean Energy Nepal where she
was involved in forming eco-clubs and co-ordinating and mobilising students in various environmental
awareness campaigns in different schools. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Sikshhya Bhattarai
Ms Sikshhya Bhattarai is a young career journalist and also a news
anchor at the State Broadcasting Media of Nepal. Sikshhya started
her professional career as an intern with the United Nations
Development Fund for Women and then subsequently worked as a
project assistant in an EU Funded project Fair Trade in Nepal. As an
anchor, editor and news reporter for the past three years, her job
requires news reporting on various topics. But climate change and
environment change issues are of particular interest. She also
believes that this Youth Forum on Climate Actions and Mountain
Issues will give her ample opportunities to further augment her
knowledge on the mountain agenda and climate change adaptation.
She can be reached at [email protected].
Ranjana Budhathoki
Ranjana Budhathoki is currently a M.Sc. second year student of
Environmental Science in Central Department of Environmental
Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has a special interest in
mountain issues, livelihoods and specificities and that is why she has
chosen ‘The Mountain Environment’ as a special paper. She has
worked as a volunteer for various programmes organised by Wildlife
Conservation Nepal (WCN). She has been involved in conducting
awareness raising programmes about alternative energy, water,
sanitation and hygiene as well as community forestry in
Sindhupalchowk district, Nepal. She has been involved in various
researches including water quality analysis, EIA, biodiversity
assessment, carbon stock etc. during her academic session. She is currently preparing her dissertation
on flood risk assessment and disaster management. She can be reached at
[email protected].
Dipesh Chapagain
Mr. Dipesh Chapagain has been involved in research, advocacy and
awareness on climate change and other environmental issues since
2007. Currently, he is Climate Change and Energy Program
Coordinator at Clean Energy Nepal (CEN). He is one of the founder
members of Nepalese Youth for Climate Action (NYCA); a pioneer
youth based organization in Nepal on climate change and serving as
a Policy Coordinator. He attended the UNFCC 15th Conference of
the Party (COP 15) in Copenhagen, 2009 as a part of the Nepali
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
youth delegation. Dipesh was awarded with “applied research grant on climate change adaptation
in Nepal” by NAPA Project – Ministry of Environment, “NDRI Research Paper Award” by Nepal
Development Research Institute and “Youth Corner on Climate Change Adaptation” top entry by
ICIMOD. He is currently undertaking his Masters degree in Environmental Science from Central
Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Piyush Dahal
26 years old youth from Nepal, Piyush is currently working as
communication officer at The Small Earth, a non-governmental
organization in Kathmandu. Now he is a final year student of
Environmental Science in Central Department of Environmental
Science, Tribhuvan University with major in Mountain Environment.
He is doing his master thesis on Community Vulnerability due to
Climate Change and Existing Adaptation Practice in mid hills of
Nepal. He has some experience in research and campaign on
climate change vulnerability on mountain areas of Nepal. He can be
reached at [email protected].
Kabita Gautam
Kabita Gautam, an Environmental Science graduate from Tribhuvan
University, is a Nepalese citizen and has been volunteering several
Environmental conservation awareness programmes. She has been
working as a secretary at Society of Environment, Agriculture and
Technology (SEAT) since 2010. She likes sharing knowledge among
new generation and has been teaching school kids. She is also a
trainee in Training Association for Reinforcement of Aid-FacilityWorkers (TᾹRᾹ-Initiatives, Holland-Nepal) and Early Childhood
Education Centre Pvt. Ltd (ECEC). Environmental Conservation
Activities, Earth Issues and Changes, Arctic and Antarctic, Glaciers
and Himalayas are her field of interest whereas she aspires to learn
new things everyday with different visions towards sustainability and tentative youth leading
innovative ideas. She always tries to bring some innovation in her works focusing on environmental
conservation. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Sujata Mahat
Ms Sujata Mahat is a Nepalese national interested in environment
and community development issues. Coming from Parbat district in
the western Nepal, she is currently completing her Bachelor’s degree
in Environmental Science course from Amrit Science Campus,
Tribhuvan University. During free time she is volunteering for few
national organisations based in Kathmandu. She wants to develop
her career as an environmental campaigner and educator. She can
be reached at [email protected].
Sakunda Ojha
Sakunda Ojha works with Sanima Hydro and Engineering Pvt. Ltd
(SHE) as an Environmentalist where he is involved in ensuring the
development of hydroelectric projects in an environmentally
sustainable manner. He is responsible for conducting Environment
Impact Assessments (EIA), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for hydropower projects, transmission
line and access road of different projects at Sanima Hydro and
Engineering Pvt. Ltd. He is efficient in using GIS software to prepare
various maps and analyze geomorphic features as well as works as a
part time instructor in various training institutes. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Jeeban Panthi
Jeeban Panthi, a youth motivator with The Small Earth Nepal (SEN),
is an Environmental science graduate from Tribhuvan University,
Nepal. He has been working for capacitating youth in research for
three years in climate change, wetlands and water. Mr Panthi started
his journey with conservation issues from a school level voluntary
programme in High Altitude Wetlands Awareness Campaign in
Kathmandu, Nepal in 2008. He has completed several projects in
climate change among youth, mainly among school and university
students. In recent days, Mr Panthi has actively been working for
Rio+20 Issues in Nepal and the Asia-Pacific. He participated as a
youth delegate at the World Leadership Conference, Singapore and
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
youth panellist in the 5th World Youth Congress, Turkey. He always encourages youth for research
activities. His works and ideas can be viewed at and can be
reached at [email protected].
Achut Parajuli
Achut Parajuli is a M.Sc. II year student of Environmental Science at
Central Department of Environmental Science, Tribhuvan University
with Mountain Environment as special paper. He studied four weeks
postgraduate course “Building Resilience to Climate Change”
organized by United Nations University- Institute of Sustainability and
Peace (UNU-ISP), Japan. He had worked as Secretary of Society of
Environmental Science Students (SESS) a student group at Central
Department of Environmental Science. He has also worked as an
intern at National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) and is
currently affiliated to Environment Service Provider as a consultant. He
can be reached at [email protected].
Barsha Parajuli
Barsha Parajuli holds dual post graduate degrees in Environmental
Science and Socio-Anthropology from Tribhuvan University. She is the
founder member (Vice President) of Safe Environment Nepal; a
woman led non-profit environmental youth organization, and is
currently involved in its activities concerning raising awareness of
wildlife conservation in Chitwan National Park mobilizing national
and international volunteers. Prior to this, she worked at
Environmental Graduates in Himalaya (a sister organization of
Resources Himalaya Foundation) as coordinator and editor of its
flagship e-newsletter ‘Headlines Himalaya’. She also underwent an
internship at Winrock International/RPI Nepal where she monitored
the functioning of MUS (multiple use water systems) and prepared a
report on the impact of MUS installation at different sites. Barsha can
be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Sasmita Poudel
Ms Sasmita Poudel, a Nepali citizen is a graduate in Public Health.
She is doing post graduate in Psychological Counselling from
Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has two years of working
experience on environmental health with water, sanitation and
hygiene (WASH) issues and disasters/epidemics as social concern
on “paschim paaila” - an informal youth network since July 17,
2009. She works as the Social Development Coordinator in paschim
paaila and is responsible for planning and implementing different
youth led campaigns. She is Vice-President of Rural community Health
Organization Nepal (RCHON) established on her initiation which
aims at uplifting the health conditions of people in rural areas of Nepal and co-ordinates programmes
on different parts of the country engaging the energetic and interested youth. She can be reached at
[email protected].
Nistha Rayamajhi
Ms Nistha Rayamajhi is a recent graduate in English literature and
Journalism. She has been working as a correspondent for Republica,
English daily based in Kathmandu, Nepal for the past year. She
covers different events relevant to youth and society and writes
feature stories on emerging issues of the same. Nistha is
knowledgeable about print journalism and is also fluent in feature
writing, editing and production. She recently travelled to Solukhumbu
to cover a story on a renovation project of a school. She also
participated on a workshop on creating mutual understanding
between media and politics in Kathmandu which was organized by
Demo Finland, a co-operative organisation for Finnish parliamentary
parties. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Aastha Shrestha
Ms Aastha Shrestha, a Nepalese citizen, is currently an
undergraduate student in Environmental Science at College of
Applied Sciences, affiliated to Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has
been leading various extracurricular awareness activities at her
college and has been publishing a green magazine “Flourish”, a
college level magazine focusing on youth and environment issues,
and also serves as editor of magazine focusing on environment
awareness and sustainable consumption. She is determined to pursue
her career in environmental sector in the future. She also seeks to
involve and co-relate her ideas indifferent environmental issues over
[email protected].
Suchita Shrestha
Suchita Shrestha recently completed her Master’s degree in
Environmental Science from Tribhuvan University. She has been
involved in counselling about the sustainable environment to school
children thorough Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness
(ECCA) from 2006 to 2009. She was involved in Small Mammals
Conservation and Research Foundation (SMCRF) in 2009 as
conservation awareness and outreach officer which works on
research and conservation of small mammals of Nepal. She currently
works with The Small Earth Nepal (SEN) that promotes sustainable
lifestyle and youth capacity development. She strongly believes in
research based knowledge; her research interest being climate
change adaptation, alternative energy and indigenous knowledge.
She sees herself as a green entrepreneur involving in organic farming and waste recycling small scale
industry in the future. She can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Hamera Aisha
Hamera Aisha holds a Masters Degree in Environmental Sciences and
also holds a professional diploma in graphic design and occasionally
volunteers her services for designing conservation related education
material. She has been working with World Wide Fund for Nature
(WWF–Pakistan) and manages the Small Grant Programme of WWF.
One of her major responsibilities is to help communities in
development and effective implementation of small projects and their
monitoring and evaluation. She is also involved in environmental
education and gets several chances to interact with local school
students and tries to make them aware about their role towards safe
and healthy environments. She wants to explore the role of indigenous
communities towards conservation and sustainable utilisation of
natural resources and also wants to understand the community’s resilience and adaptation to climate
change. She is a technology lover and also wants to learn new software and gadgets. She looks
forward to this forum as a wonderful experience of sharing ideas and learning through other’s
experiences. She can be reached at [email protected].
Rabia Faridi
Ms Rabia Faridi (Pakistan) has completed her Doctor of Pharmacy
degree and currently doing Masters of Philosophy in Molecular
Biology. She was awarded a prize by University of the Punjab for
her doctorate in Pharmacy. She is also an active environmentalist
and has participated in several trainings and workshops pertaining
to environment management, conservation and awareness activities.
She also has experience in mountaineering expedition in Gilgit,
Passu Glacier and reached the Khunjrab Top in 2007. She has given
a number of lectures on sustainable exploitation of natural resources
at the Centre for Integrated Mountain Research on aromatic,
medicinal and herbal plants and their economic utilization. She has
been involved in various community awareness related programmes
viz. hepatitis awareness. Her research primarily focuses on exploring
potent Medicinal plants of Northern areas like Gilgit, Upper Hunza, Muzafarabad, Mansehra etc.
Her academic research has been published in Journal of Virology. She can be reached at
[email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Kamran Hussain
Mr Kamran Hussain completed his graduation in forestry from
Pakistan Forest Institute (PFI) under a scholarship programme from
IUCN-Pakistan in 2005. He joined the State Forestry Department in
2006 as a forest officer and served for two years and was
subsequently nominated by the Forestry Department for post
graduation in Mountain Conservation and Watershed Management
at the University of Punjab Lahore which was completed in 2009. He
has been awarded with University Gold Medal in 2011 for securing
first position in Mountain Research. He has been teaching as a
lecturer in Centre for Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR),
University of Punjab Lahore on deputation basis for six month on
graduation. His main areas of interest are capacity building and
training of youth, communities and government officials on issues related to Environment specifically
NRM, REDD/REDD+, Wetlands Management and Watershed Management. He has conducted three
bureaucratic training courses and trained over 250 Government/NGO officials, youth and
community representatives on different environmental issues. He has also represented his country at
different international forums like Youth Encounter on Sustainability – Switzerland, International Youth
Forum on Benefiting Youth from Earth Observation Information for Climate Action in Nepal in 2010,
IPROMO Course on Natural Hazards on Disaster Risk Management in Mountains in Ormea Italy in
July 2011. Recently he has been awarded Scholarship by Pakistan Wetland’s Program for MS in
Environmental Management in Malaysia starting from September 2011. He can be reached at
[email protected].
Sameera Zaib
contributes to sustainable
[email protected]
Sameera Zaib, a Pakistani national, holds Masters Degree in
Environmental Sciences from Peshawar University, and is currently
enrolled in MS Environmental Sciences degree at the International
Islamic University, Islamabad. She also holds Post Graduate Diploma
in GIS/Remote Sensing from Peshawar University and another Post
Graduate Diploma in Protecting Mountain Biodiversity from
University of Torino. She has over three years of working experience
with different organizations, including WWF Pakistan and
International Islamic University, in the field of community
development, environmental education. She is now working with
Project Procurement International, is responsible for environmental
impact assessment and natural resource management, and
development of the country. She can be reached at
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Edgar Geguiento
“Edge” as he fondly called by his friends and colleagues finished his
Bachelor degree in Broadcasting at West Visayas State University in
2007. He completed his second course in Bachelors in
Supplementary Education at the University of Perpetual Help DaltaSystem in 2008. He was the former station manager and radio
announcer of a school based radio station. He also worked for 3
years in Bayer Philippines, Inc. as Corporate Communication Staff.
In 2009, he was elected as TUNZA Youth Advisor for Asia and the
Pacific region under the United Nations Environmental Program
(UNEP). Edge is an active member of Bayer Young Environmental
Envoy Club (BYEE), Broadcast Guild, Philippine Youth Climate Movement, South East Asia Youth
Environmental Network (SEAYEN) and UNEP-TUNZA Youth Advisory Council, where he helps to
implement environmental projects and programmes in partnership with local government units, school
organizations and NGO’s. He also attended the TUNZA International Conference for Children and
Youth held at Daejon, South Korea in 2009 and the Global Youth Gathering at UNEP Headquarters
in Nairobi, Kenya in 2011. Edge has pioneered various environmental projects and activities which
include school based environmental radio program, tree planting activity, education drives and youth
forum in his school and community. At present, he is working in a contracting company based in
Doha, Qatar. He can be reached at [email protected].
Wilson Ang
Wilson is the founder and President of the Environmental Challenge
Organisation (Singapore), also known as ECO Singapore
(Operational since 2006). It has since expanded with an outreach of
empowering more than 2,000 youths and educating up to 60,000
members of the public annually, all geared to doing their part to
protecting the environment as responsible consumers. The
organisation is growing and currently has offices in other parts of
Asia through empowering the local community. Wilson was a full
time air traffic controller in the Republic of Singapore Air Force from
2002 to 2006 while he pursued his passion. Despite the job intensity
during his working days, he was still involved in various
environmental movements, activities, and projects. This includes the formation ECO Singapore and
used it as a platform to reach out to more youth as drivers to educate the general public. He left on
30th April 2006 to pursue his passionate full time. He serves internationally such as the maiden focal
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
point for the UNFCCC Youth Constituency, consultant to the British Council Global Climate Champion
Programme and also as advisory board member of the Commonwealth Foundation. His other goal as
well is to create 10,000 green jobs by the age of 35. He can be reached at [email protected].
Watkana Thongrueng
Ms Watkana Thongrueng is a Thai Citizen who graduated in Marine
Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University in Thailand. She
used to work in Tsunami areas as a Coastal Resources Researcher for
Ranong Coastal Resources Research Station for about two years. She
is currently working for a multidisciplinary sustainability consulting
firm in Bangkok for the past five years. Her primary responsibilities
are teaching and training for education programme including
curriculum and materials development.
She is interested in
sustainable living lifestyle. She attended various courses around this
topic such as Eco-village design education and sustainability living
and farming. She is looking forwards to attending this course for
learning and sharing with everyone. She can be reached at [email protected].
Hoang Duc Minh
Mr Hoang Duc Minh, a Vietnamese citizen, is a student in Water
Resources University, Vietnam. Since 2008, he is the founder and
Program Director of RAECP (Rising Awareness on Environment and
Climate Change Program). This is the first youth organization
working on climate change in Vietnam. Minh is one of three
International Climate Champions of British Council in Vietnam. Since
2009, he represented Vietnamese youth in many international events
like: World Leadership Conference 2009 in Singapore, Asia Youth
Climate Workshop in Bangkok, Youth Engagement Summit in
Malaysia and especially COP 15 in Copenhagen. He is the founder
and chair organizer of Vietnamese Youth and Sustainable
Development Forum annually since 2009. He is now working as a
trainer and facilitator of Vietnam Green Generation Network,
travelling around the country training youth and youth organizations
in Vietnam. He is also a familiar face on television. He can be reached at [email protected].
Asia-Pacific Youth forum on Climate Actions and Mountain Issues,
8-12, August 2011
ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal
Info Brief
General information for participants
In Kathmandu, it is monsoon in August and is rainy weather with occasional heavy showers
and hazy skies. The temperature in the month of August varies from 23-25 °Celsius. A light
warm clothing and jacket is recommended. A rain coat/umbrella is also recommended. Dress
code for all events and social events are smart casual. For more on Kathmandu, please do
visit notable travel portals like or
Workshop venue
8-12 August 2011
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
General Line: +977 1 5003222
Fax : +977 1 -5003277
Ground transportation (IMPORTANT)
For international participants, transport from the airport to ICIMOD will be provided by
ICIMOD. Nepalese participants need to make their own arrangements to ICIMOD for the
A short reception dinner/ice breaking session will be held at Utsav Restaurant
<> on the evening of 8th August 2011.
Registration: Registration will take place on 8th August 2011 at the workshop venue. Please
do bring along printed copies of your prepared poster to the youth forum and submit them at
the registration desk.
For international participants
Hotel Address
Hotel Goodwill Pvt. Ltd.
Kanibahal, Lalitpur,
POB: 8975 EPC 292,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone : 977-1- 5544520, 5522406
Fax No : 977-1- 5522406
Email: [email protected]
Accommodation will be arranged by ICIMOD according to your travel itinerary. All meals will
be provided during the period of 8-12 August 2011.
The meals are provided in your respective Hotels B/B arrangement including dinner during
your stay at Kathmandu.
For your return journey transport from hotel to the airport will also be provided. You are
requested to be ready in the hotel lobby 3 hours before your departure time.
Flight arrangements
A ticket has been issued in your name and sent to your specified email address. Alternatively,
where this was not possible, participants have been requested to purchase a ticket and share
their updated travel itinerary. Please do update us on any changes in your travel itinerary
ICIMOD shall bear en route costs, where necessary as per ICIMOD norms, upon
presentation of original bills on the basis of actual hotel costs, airport tax and visa
A travel expense form is enclosed in the folder which needs to be signed and
submitted to Utsav Maden/Sudas Sharma for reimbursement on the first day of the
For participants, purchasing their own tickets to the venue, the costs of the tickets will
be reimbursed upon producing the tickets, boarding pass/es and receipt.
Invitation Letter and Visa arrangement
Official invitation letters have been sent for travel and visa purpose. Please use a printed copy
of the letter sent earlier for Visa purposes.
Visa Information
For those of you requiring a visa upon arrival at the airport, please bring with you two
passport-sized photographs and US$30 cash for the visa fee. Gratis Visa is available for
SAARC nationals visiting Nepal for the first time in Nepal in 2011. We request you to claim
Gratis Visa if it is applicable to you.
Facilities for currency exchange are available at the hotel and at banks. Several money
exchange centres also exist at various places in Kathmandu. All convertible currencies are
accepted. The conversion rate for US$ 1.00 is around NRs 70.00.
Mobile Coverage
Prepaid SIMs from leading GSM mobile service providers - NCELL and Nepal Telecom, are
available for sale at the airport. A quad band compatible GSM mobile should work fine.
Electricity: 220 volts AC, 50Hz. There are very frequent extended periods of power cuts.
Contact Information
For any assistance during your stay in Nepal, you are welcome to contact the following
contact numbers:
Name/Email/Contact Numbers
General Line: +977 1 5003222
Tek Jung Mahat [email protected]
Utsav Maden [email protected] 9841447398
Sudas Sharma [email protected] 9841347496
Sanam Aksha [email protected] 9841340899
Basudev Upadhyay [email protected] 9841149258
Wish you a fruitful and enjoyable stay in Kathmandu!