Our Lady of Lourdes † Saint Anne
Our Lady of Lourdes † Saint Anne
Our Lady of Lourdes † Saint Anne A CLUSTER OF ROMAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES People of God, united in Christ, serving others, welcoming all to the Table of Life Week of November 10-17, 2012 From the astor of Our Lady Saint Anne Dear Friends, Thank you very much to the 17 members of the Senior High Youth Group who spent last Saturday morning raking and doing yard work for a St. Anne parishioner, an OLoL parishioner and at St. Anne rectory. This is good stewardship—using the time and energy God gave you for the good of others. Together you accomplished a great deal of work quickly. Thank you for your example to us all. As Hurricane Sandy was blowing through, Fr. Plominski noticed water dripping from the ceiling of the common room on the second floor of St. Anne rectory. I checked in the attic and found water coming in from multiple places in the roof. We have had the roof patched to get us through the winter, but in the Spring we will have to seriously consider replacing the thirty-tothirty-five year old rectory roof. I am in the process of getting an estimate of how much that will cost. If you have made your pledge to the Catholic Ministries Appeal, thank you very much. If you had not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so as soon as you can. At the same time last year, we were a bit closer to our goals than we are this year. This is the last weekend for ordering pies for Thanksgiving as part of our support of Habitat for Humanity. My family looks forward to the ones I bring to our Thanksgiving dinner. Contrary to what Nancy has been saying, I did not bake them. Grace and peace, Fr. Gary Tyman UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES! WE THANK GOD FOR OUR LOVED ONES WHO HAVE DIED.... Not only today, but all during the month of November, please check out the Table of Remembrance (OLOL: near the Tabernacle; St. Anne, near Mary's Statue). Not only is there a Book of names of those who have died during this past year, but you can also write the names of ANY deceased loved ones (no matter when they have died) in that book, and/or bring a PHOTO to display on the table during the month of November (be sure you put their name on it (your name on the back, so we can return it to you at November's end.) PREGNANT?...WAITING FOR ADOPTION?... Next weekend, after all Masses, we will be blessing all expectant Parents after Mass. Simple come to the Altar after the final hymn for a simple blessing. We want to support you in any way possible! GOING INTO THE HOSPITAL or ANTICIPATING SURGERY? Please let us know as soon as possible (or ask a family member to tell us) so that we may anoint you ahead of time or pray with you or visit you. With the "Hippa" Laws, we don't always know who is in the Hospital unless you tell us. CHRISTMAS SENIOR LUNCHEON! Joint luncheon with Queen of Peace, Thurs, Dec 13:11:30-1:30 Stay Tuned! WELCOME TO OUR LITURGIES at LOURDES* with ANOINTING of the SICK TODAY! We welcome & pray for all who are here today at Our Lady of Lourdes Church (*or next weekend at St. Anne Church) to be anointed and celebrate the Sacrament of God's Healing and Comfort. We have a wonderful Gift in this Sacrament. People are anointed for all different and personal reasons (healing of body, mind or spirit...dealing with disease, accident challenges, recovering from or anticipating surgeries, ongoing afflictions and pain, addictions, depression, stress, unfortunate relationships problems--anything that seriously threatens our well-being and health). If you are anointed, please let us know if there is anything you need from your parish for support. If you are not being anointed, thank you for praying for all who are anointed--you are part of a community of support, lifting them and their needs up to God. "We are many parts...we are all one body... When one part of the body suffers, we all suffer..." Notes from Nancy... Our Lady of Lourdes † Saint Anne Today's gospel used to be called "the widow’s mite," named for the widow and the small amount she contributed to the temple treasury--"all she had, her whole livelihood." But both stories of Elijah being fed by a widow and the widow giving all she could is in a larger context... We can reflect on our Veterans who "gave all they could" to stem oppression so that all people may be free, to be a positive force for good in our world. I hope we will take a moment to reflect on all the hard-won freedoms we enjoy as American citizens. And much of this we owe to our Veterans. And as Christians, we are part of a bigger picture. In the world, we are not of the world. We are citizens of a great country, but that greatness is temporal. We are part of something much bigger than ourselves, bigger and more permanent than even our country. Our true citizenship is that of the Kingdom of God! May we never lose sight of to Whom our real allegiance belongs, even as we give thanks for these dedicated men and women who have worked hard for the blessings we enjoy as citizens of the United States of America. As a tribute to our beloved veterans, wouldn't it be great to end all the negativity that we have been barraged with during the elections campaign? Perhaps to commit ourselves to being a positive influence in our world, our church, our family--capitalizing on the good things we and others do, and forgiving and minimizing the imperfections? Although I write this before we know the results of the elections, as we move forward from the elections, let's commit ourselves to working for ALL people, especially the poor, as our Veterans have showed us...as Jesus shows us in today's Gospel.... Let's get behind our leaders and encourage them to remember WHO we are and what we are about--making our country and our world better for ALL together: "Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply, Speak Kindly, Leave the Rest to GOD...." Happy Veterans' Day, and thank God for all those (both living and dead) who have generously shared their life with us to make the world better! Praying for peace in our world, in our country.... THANK YOU! --to our OLOL 10:30 Children's choir and many folks for making the banners for families of those who have died during this past year! We saw them last week at all the OLOL Bereavement Masses. --to our Lourdes Resurrection Choir & Children's Choir, St. Anne Choir, & directors, Kathy Weider and Teresa Ringholz, for such wonderful moving music during our Bereavement Masses last weekend! --to generous happy folks who staffed the Bereavement Receptions and Coffees Hours last weekend (and to those who make Coffee Hours happen all year!) --to our terrific Senior High Youth & leaders Mike Vernarelli & Gail Dowd who raked leaves for the Cluster and parishioners last weekend, despite the cold damp weather! What a crew of 17 folks! --to the Cub Scouts who worked hard around Lourdes last Sunday to help prepare the grounds for the cold season--what troopers they are!! Thanks for supporting our Catholic Ministries Appeal! As of 11/6/12: Lourdes Saint Anne Households 116(20%) Pledged (63%) Households 101(19%) Pledged(42%) SAINT ANNE Dr. John F. McCabe Mr. & Mrs. Albert Cornelio Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mathew Mr.& Mrs. Thomas Zarzycki Mr. Dion L. Doucet & Ms. Kathleen Green Mr. Edward J. Cloos Jr. Mr. Francis P. Verstraete Mr. John E. Kramer Mrs. Elizabeth Breiner Mrs. June D. Klimm Mrs. Kenneth J. Roth Mrs. Teresa C. Cox Mrs. Tonka Skrtic Ms. Carol Wischmeyer Ms. Patricia A. Stone OUR LADY OF LOURDES Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Giuliano Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Bayer, III Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bertucci Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cicero Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeMaria Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Layer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Ruhlmann, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maier Mr. & Mrs. William Dalton Mrs. Ellen N. Zimmer Mrs. Katherine D. Schmitz Ms. Christina Kersavage Ms. Judith J. Wegman Reverend Gary L. Tyman Help in the Cluster Office We depend on a few wonderful volunteers to answer phones & do easy tasks during the day. Volunteers usually come once a week for about 3 hours. Currently, Lourdes needs Mon., Tues., or Wed. afternoons from 12-3pm. Or you could sign up to be an occasional sub for either parish. Please contact Jennifer at Lourdes 473-9656, or Susan at Saint Anne 271-3260 if you are interested. Thanks! to Joan Cornell who won the “Kickoff Drawing” of 4 Buffalo Bills Tickets!! -2- Junior High Youth Group JHG meets Sundays from 6:30-8:00PM in the Lower Level at Lourdes. All JH Youth (grades 6-8) are welcome. Bring a friend too! 11/11: NO GROUP—Happy Veterans’ Day 11/18: (10:30 AM) Hosting Youth Mass at Lourdes 11/18: Topic: Our Many Gifts If you are interested in more information about any of the Youth Ministry activities for Junior High youth, please contact the JH Youth Ministry Coordinator, Gail Layer, phone: 414-6504 or e-mail: [email protected] Advent Faith Fair-Coming Soon! This year’s Advent Faith Fair will be on Sunday, November 18th at Saint Anne in the Social Hall from 11:30AM-1:00PM. Children of all ages (5-95) are invited. This has become an annual event for parishioners to take some time and prepare for the upcoming Advent Season. There will be activities, games and information to help you and family prepare to travel the Advent journey to Jerusalem with Mary & Joseph. Cost of the Advent Faith Fair is $2/person or $5/family to help defray costs of supplies. In order to help make this year’s Faith Fair a success, we are looking for people to help set-up on Sunday morning, November 18th (8:30-11:00 AM), help with tables during the Faith Fair and also for teardown helpers. This is also a good opportunity for those needing service hours to get some. If you are able to help in anyway, please contact Rob Layer in the Faith Formation Office at your earliest convenience. Rob may be reached at 473-9656 or by e-mail at [email protected]. We thank you in advance for the generous donation of your time and talents. Senior High Youth Group SHG meets Sundays from 6:30-8:30PM in the Lower Level at Lourdes. All SH Youth (grades 9-12) are welcome. Bring a friend too! 11/11: Topic: Questions of Faith-Part 2 and games 11/18: Giving Thanks Potluck Dinner If you are interested in more information about any of the Youth Ministry activities for Senior High youth, please contact our Co-Youth Ministers either Mike Vernarelli, 244-4307or e-mail: [email protected] or Gail Dowd, 473-3553 or e-mail: [email protected] FOR ALL ALTAR SERVERS, Young Hospitality . Ministers--and those who want to be NEW ONES!! Please sign up now to let us know you can come to a PARTY (including training and updating, as well as good food and fun!) on SAT, DEC. 1, 6-8pm at Lourdes. We want to show our thanks to so many of our young people who are doing such a great job and willing to learn. There are a few changes to institute, so we hope ALL CURRENT and NEW Ministers will be on hand that evening!!!!(Gr 3 and above) RSVP-Mary Kase at 473-9656 or [email protected] . St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry Come learn more about our Catholic Faith Church and Sacraments – This St. Bernard’s School certificate course will focus on the nature of the Church and the theology of sacramental life that flows from Jesus’ command to “Go make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19). Join us for three Wednesday afternoons beginning November 28th. At St. Bernard’s -120 French Road. Cost is $100. Register on-line at www.stbernards.edu or contact us for more information at (585) 271-3657 x 289. This week our parishes salutes our newest sponsor High Falls Tree Service Please support our bulletin sponsors Put the FUN into FUNDRAISING 5th Annual ULTIMATE FOOTBALL RAFFLE 4 Grand Prizes to Choose From: TV Package- Rowe Photo, Video & Audio Group wine Tour – Diamonds Limo 5 Day Carnival Cruise for Two $1000.00 CASH Pick Up Your Ticket Packet Next Weekend After All Masses -3- ur DAY Sunday, Nov 11 Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: 1 Kgs 17:10-16/ Heb 9:24-28 Mk 12:38-44 Monday, Nov 12 St. Josaphat. Bishop Tuesday, Nov 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin Wed, Nov 14 Weekday Thursday, Nov 15 St. Albert the Great MASS INTENTION EVENTS 8:30am (OLOL) Alex Distich, by family 9:00am (SA) Joseph Giardina & Angela Mullikin, by Neil Duffy 10:30am (OLOL) Deina Crane, by the Crane & McDonald families 11:00am (SA) Rose and Wynne Jones and family, by son Bill 10:00am & 12:00pm (SA) Coffee Hour - Atrium 10:00am (SA) Prayer Shawl Ministry -ML 1&2 12:30pm (OLOL) Lithuanian Coffee Hour 6:00pm (OLOL) Sr. High Youth Group –Matthew NO Jr. High Youth Group—Happy Veterans’ Day 8:00 am (SA) The People of Saint Anne 8:30 am (OLOL) 7:30pm (SA) Musica Spei –Choir Room 8:00 am (SA) Marietta Lombardo, by Friend 8:30 am (OLOL) 9:00am (SA) Bible Study Prayer Group –Library 12:30pm (SA) Faith & Hope/Alanon Mtg—LL#1 5:00pm (OLOL) Scripture Sharing –Upper Room 6:00pm (OLOL) Dinner & Conversation—Rectory Dining Rm 6:00pm (SA) Celiac Support Group -LL#1 6:30pm (SA) Faith Formation, First Penance—SH & Chapel 7:00pm (OLOL) RCIA–Upper Room: Morality 7:00pm (SA) St. Ann Usher Meeting –Library 8:00am (SA) John Kita, by family 8:30am (OLOL) Raymond Stavish, by Kathleen Stavish 12:00pm (SA) Surrender/AA Meeting - LL #1 6:00pm (OLOL) Children’s Choir—Church 7:00pm (SA) Saint Anne Choir –Choir Room 7:30pm (OLOL) Adult Choir—Church 8:00 am (SA) Lebert De Pasquale, by Matt & Trish Russo 8:30am (OLOL) 3:30pm (SA) Mercy Jail Choir –ML#2 7:00pm (SA) Ciudad Hermana—LL#3 8:00am (SA) Ann Paduchowski, by Bea Ferris Friday, Nov 16 St. Margaret of Scotland, 8:30am (OLOL) The people of Our Lady of Lourdes Saturday, Nov 17 Weekday St. Elizabeth Sunday, Nov 18 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time: Dn 12:1-3 Heb 10:11-14,18 Mk 13:24-32 8:00pm (SA) BLD—Prayer in the Spirit 4:00 (SA) Jack Fagan, mary Bean 5:00pm (OLOL) 9:00am (OLOL) Gervickas School—Whole Downstairs 12:00pm (SA) Cluster Lay Committee Meeting -ML#1&2 3:00pm (SA) Sacrament of Reconciliation –Church 4:00pm (OLOL) Sacrament of Reconciliation-Church 5:00pm (SA) Blood Pressure Screening –ML –1&2 6:00pm (SA) K of C Fun Night –SH 8:30am (OLOL) The people of Our Lady of Lurdes 9:00am (SA) Paula Carroll, by Bea Ferris 10:30am (OLOL) Renata Masi, by Seton Parent’s Assoc. 11:00am (SA) Emilio Tortora, by Thomas Tortora 10:00am & 12:00pm (SA) Coffee Hour - Atrium 10:00am (SA) Prayer Shawl Ministry -ML 1&2 11:30am –1pm (SA) Family Faith Fair Social Hall 12:30pm (OLOL) Lithuanian Coffee Hour 6:00pm (OLOL) Sr. High Youth Group –Matthew PLEASE HELP THE VICTIMS OF HURRICANE SANDY! Hurricane Sandy was a devastating event causing tragic loss of life and widespread damage. Bishop Robert Cunningham, apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Rochester, has approved a second collection in our faith communities to help the many victims of Hurricane Sandy. A Second Collection will be conducted at all weekend Masses November 17/18 to provide assistance to those affected. Please be as generous as you can. IMPORTANT: If you donate by check, please make out the check to either Our Lady of Lourdes Church or to St. Anne Church with “Hurricane Sandy Relief” in the memo field. 100% of the funds collected will be sent to Catholic Charities to assist those affected by Sandy. If you wish to donate online, you can visit www.catholiccharitiesusa.org to do so. Fr. Gary Tyman Please Remember in Prayer: (Names are kept on the prayer list for a few weeks and then discontinued, unless you tell us otherwise. If we missed any that should still be here, please call Jennifer at the cluster office.) In the Cluster: Muriel Trumfio, Pauline Vang, Casey McClusky, Elizabeth Patrick, Doris Crowley, Fr. John O’Connor, Grace Guarino, Anita Herlehy, Sr. Sheila Sentiff, RSM, Richard Gaenzler, Don Woodward, Dee Kehoe, Eleanor Bellanco, Kay Kanka, Paul O’Malley, Ann & Vincent Mazza, Carl Conde, Patti Pofi, Danielle Sanchez, Anna Falcon, Katie Walker, Anne Mowrer, David Barry, Albert Krenitsky, Jed Hanna, Ron Hermance, Norma Ferris, Kathy Doody, Jill Docharty, Fr. MacAlear, John Gillis, Peter George, Laurel Clements, Howie Meath, Paul O'Malley, Marcia Lyons, John Larish, Mason Stavalonē, Mark Crough, Bob Wickstrom, Rori Murrell, John Larish and all in the Military, especially Diane Zuniga (OLOL) -4- For those in Assisted Care in the Cluster: Betty Scheid, Terry Rizzo, Molly Pink, Mary Ann Palace, Mary Jane Marton, Rosemary Newman, Teresa Leene, Dorothy & Bob Howe, Florence Agnese, Joyce Lodar, Rocky Palermo, Leonard and Dorothy Concessi, Mike & Mary Vadala, Philomena Colucci, Marian Murrer. Deceased: John Giglia The Light is in all that is good and true. This week’s Tabernacle Candle at Our Lady of Lourdes :The deceased members of our Cluster Saint Anne: Edward A. Heagney Jr., by the Edward A. Heagney, Jr. family—Oct. 16 intentions AND Ross Virgo, by family Stewardship of time and treasure Our Lady of Lourdes Saint Anne Sacrificial giving doesn’t reflect EFT which totals $9050/month Nov 3/4 Sacrificial Giving….….$6164 Children’s/teen’s…...…$4.00 Attendance………...…..553 Thanks to: Collection Counters: Nov. 11:Dom Pullano & Dana Consler Church Cleaners: Nov.12: Rene Pappalardo, Patty Honch, & Steve Witkowicz Nursing Home Communion Ministers: Brightonian: Nov.11: Steve Witkowicz Sacrificial giving doesn’t reflect EFT which totals $4683/month. Nov 3/4 Sacrificial Giving………$6086 Children’s/teen’s…….....$10.25 Attendance………….…..477 Thanks to: Sanctuary Care: Nov10: Deidra C. & Sue F. Nov17: Perry N. & Carole D. Altar Linens: Nov. 11: Jane Cantin Nov 18: Virginia Berg Woodside: Nov. 13: MASS Nov 18: Bea Ferris Hurlbut: Nov. 11: Gerry Kloc Nov. 18: Pat C. & Chris C. Nov. 18: Carol DeFilippo Presiders for Liturgies, November 17/18 4:00 PM (SA) 5:00 PM (OLOL) 8:30AM (OLOL) 9:00AM (SA) 10:30 AM (OLOL) 11:00 AM (SA) Fr. Jim Lawlor Fr. Brian Frain Fr. Walt Plominski Fr. Jim Lawlor Fr. Walt Plominski Fr. Gary Tyman SETON BOOK FAIR Nov 8-16th, come see our new Science Center while browsing through the many books available at the Scholastic Book Fair! Hours are 11/8 -9am-3pm 11/9 -9am-2pm 11/13 & 11/14 –8am-4pm 11/15 & 11/16 –8am-5pm COLLECTING GENTLY USED BOOKS In conjunction with our Book Fair, we will be collecting used children’s books to donate to a City School. We will have collection boxes placed at both churches, and would welcome any children’s books you no longer need. Last year, this collection was a GREAT success, and we were able to donate 3,300 books! We’re hoping to top that this year! Christmas is Coming Our Fourth Tuesday Book Discussion Group will gather on November 27th to Retail stores, and now the weather, have told us Christmas is view the movie A Man for All Seasons. coming. Help our cluster announce that Christmas is coming by Discussion This is the story of St. Thomas More who sharing your nativity or other Christmas decorations, particuresigned as Chancellor of England because larly if they are from another country. Items will be on display he did not agree with King Henry VIII’s divorce and his break in the Saint Anne Atrium from Advent through Epiphany (December 2 - January 6). We are also looking for photographs with the Roman Catholic Church. The King was not content to allow him to resign but sought to force More to assent to the of diverse Christmas celebrations. Please contact Sonia Pospichal at King’s actions. The movie examines the consequences of (585) 359-3494 standing up for one’s beliefs. We will meet at 7PM at St. Anne. or TRAVLBUG@ We will not meet in December (the 4th Tuesday is the 25th). We rochester.rr.com will meet on January 8th to discuss Msgr. William Shannon’s by November 28 last book, How to Become a Christian -Even if You Already if you would like Are One. All are welcome to join us. There is no commitment. to contribute to Come once or as often as you like. our multicultural Fr. Gary Tyman Christmas display. 4th Tuesday -5- Saint Anne Church Founded in 1930 Our Lady of Lourdes Church Founded in 1928 1600 Mt. Hope Avenue Rochester, NY 14620 150 Varinna Drive Rochester, NY 14618 Parish Office: 585-271-3260 Cluster Office: 585-473-9656 Fax ………………………… 271-7160 E-mail ……………[email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-12 and 1 to 4:00 pm. Saturday Mass 4:00 pm Sunday Masses 9:00 and 11:00 am Weekday Mass: M-F 8:00 am Fax ………………………… 271-6472 E-mail …………… [email protected] Parish Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Offices are located at Our Lady of Lourdes site. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-12 and 1 to 4:00 pm. Saturday Mass 5:00 pm Seton Catholic School Principal: Anthony Cook Sunday Masses 8:30 and 10:30 am (Grades Pre K-6) ……………… 473-6604 Weekday Mass: M-F 8:30 am Cluster Web-Site: http://www.ourladyoflourdessaintanne.org School Web-Site: http://seton.dorschools.org Cluster Facebook Page: Like us at “Our Lady of Lourdes/St. Anne Cluster Community” New To The Parish? Welcome! If you are new to our parish, please introduce yourself after Mass, or call our Parish Offices to register. We want to know and serve you. We hope you will favor our Cluster with your prayers, your weekly presence, your talents, and your financial assistance according to your means. In each church, upon request, gluten-free hosts are available. Also available in both churches are Shared Cluster Staff Pastor: Pastoral Associate: Parochial Vicar: Assisting Priests: Rev. Gary Tyman ([email protected]) Nancy DeRycke ([email protected]) Rev. Walter Plominski Rev. James Lawlor ([email protected]) Rev. Brian Frain, sj Deacon: David Hudzinski ([email protected]) Faith Formation Dir: Robert Layer ([email protected]) Cluster Systems Coord: Cluster Finance Mgr: Pastoral Minister: Co-Youth Minister: Co-Youth Minister: Jr. High Youth Coord: Webmaster: Administrative Asst: Site Staff for Our Lady of Lourdes Liturgy Coordinator: Mary Kase ([email protected]) Director of Music: Kathryn Weider ([email protected]) Organists: Donna Cucci, ssj; Jean Thibodeau Coord. for Families with Young Children: Shan Donoghue ([email protected]) Facilities: Santos Rodriguez ([email protected]) St. George Lithuanian Community: Ray Liutkus 319-5689 Jennifer Cummings ([email protected]) Patrizia Macera ([email protected]) Jeriann McEvoy ([email protected]) Mike Vernarelli ([email protected]) Gail Dowd ([email protected]) Gail Layer ([email protected]) Jim Whitcomb ([email protected]) Jack Lynch ([email protected]) Site Staff for Saint Anne Liturgy Coord: Anne-Marie Woloszyn ([email protected]) Director of Music: Teresa Ringholz ([email protected]) Organist: Tom Woolard Harris ([email protected]) International Ministry: Sonia Pospichal ([email protected]) Office Manager: Susan Kath ([email protected]) Facilities Supervisor: Steven Seely ([email protected]) St. Andrew Kim Korean Community: Yong Soon Eun (Raphael) Sacramental Life Sacrament of Baptism for little ones: Please call the Cluster Office to schedule a Baptism. We look forward to working with you to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. Usually celebrated: 1st Weekend of the month: 4pm Saint Anne 5 pm Lourdes 2nd Weekend of the month: 9am Saint Anne 8:30 am Lourdes 3rd Weekend of the month: 11am Saint Anne 10:30 am Lourdes 4th Weekend of the month at Saint Anne, after 4 or 11:00 Mass at Lourdes, after 5:00pm Mass or Sunday afternoon after 1:15 pm. Christian Initiation (RCIA): A process of discernment for adults wishing to learn more about the Catholic Faith, with weekly sessions. Contact Nancy DeRycke for further information. At Our Lady of Lourdes Lithuanian Mass: Sunday at Noon or 4pm For information, call Ray Liutkus 319-5689 Matrimony: Arrangements should begin at least 6 months in advance. Please call the cluster office. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays 3-3:30 pm at Saint Anne and 4:00-4:30 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes or by appointment with any priest. Anointing: Annual communal services and by appointment with any priest. Eucharistic Adoration: Monday & First Friday (except holidays) 9:15 am—7 pm at Lourdes, First Friday Holy Hour at 9 am at Saint Anne At Saint Anne Korean Mass: Generally 1st and 3rd Sunday at 5:00 pm For information call Gabriel Choi (585) 694-6373 END OF BULLETIN ANY TEXT OR GRAPHICS ENTERED ON THIS PAGE WILL NOT APPEAR IN THE PRINTED BULLETIN Church Name: Our Lady of Lourdes & Saint Anne City, State Rochester, NY File Name: 06-0132 Phone: 585-473-9656 Contact Editor: Jennifer Cummings *** Insert Page 8 Copy AFTER 2nd Page of Ads *** Ads should be pages 6 & 7 of bulletin _________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS: Please use this version