The Umbrella Winter 2009


The Umbrella Winter 2009
Human Service Agency
P.O. Box 1030
Watertown, SD 57201-6030
Watertown, SD 57201
Permit #688
HSA Behavioral Health
Helping People Achieve
Published by Human Service Agency
P.O. Box 1030, Watertown, SD
Winter 2009
National Employment Disability Awareness
The Human Service Agency Foundation An Investment In The Future
Helping People Achieve
The Human Service Agency is a
The Human Service Agency Foundation was established
to promote the long-term financial strength of the Human
served by a Board of Directors
Service Agency. Charitable contributions and bequests
to the Foundation are administered by recognized
served by the Agency. The Board of
financial experts for the benefit of the Agency’s programs.
Directors meets at 5:30 p.m. on the
last Monday of each month.
HSA Behavioral Health
The Foundation provides, at no cost to the individual,
giving as a part of their long range financial planning.
For More Information, Call or Write:
Dr. Charles Sherman
Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to
P.O. Box 1030
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Watertown, SD 57201-6030
dependency emergencies is available
at all times by calling 886-5841 or
Darwin Lentz receiving the Outstanding Employee
with a Disability Award from Mayor Gary Williams.
Jamie Norvell receiving the Outstanding Citizen
with a Disability Award from Mayor Gary Williams.
confidential assistance for those considering charitable
Human Service Agency
Help for mental health or chemical
October has been a very exciting month. There were awards
given out at the Chamber After-Five event on October 6th to
recognize those individuals who went above and beyond in our
community. Individuals we support received awards as well
as staff who support these individuals. We strive to achieve
community inclusion whether it’s through employment or
volunteering. Some employers were also recognized for
helping support the individuals who we serve.
Darwin Lentz has worked at County Fair Foods since
2002. His duties include greeting customers, bagging groceries
and carrying them out to the customer’s cars. Darwin
participated in the Disabilities Awareness Day presentations
at two elementary schools this past year where he assisted
children with learning what it would be like to be blind. He
had each of them prepare a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Jamison Norvell currently works for the Human Service
Agency doing janitorial services. He also actively participates
in the life of the Watertown Community. Jamie has volunteered
to assist with Disability Days in the local elementary schools.
He advocates for people with disabilities on the board of
People First. Jamie is truly an outstanding citizen of this
(605) 886-0123
HSA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
Accredited by
The Council on Quality
and Leadership
from the desk of the CEO
Mayor’s award
Chuck Sherman, PhD President/CEO
As I write this column today, the
sun is shining and the forecast is for
several days of clear weather, finally!
Last week I had the opportunity
to talk about stress and stress
management on the KWAT Ag Hour
program. I spoke about how we need
to hang in there and stay connected
with family and friends, take care of
ourselves and we would get through
this period of very wet weather and
get those beans out. It looks like this
week may be the beginning of getting
this done.
I was stopped on the street last
week by a person who has a son in
agriculture. The person heard me
on the radio and commented that he
hoped his son heard the program as
he knows that his son is very stressed
by the weather conditions delaying the
As we go through this harvest
season, we want and need people to
know that our services are available
to anyone who is really stressed. We
encourage everyone to support our
farmers and ranchers during this
As we move into the winter
months, I am reminded of the
holiday seasons soon upon us. As
you consider any year-end gift giving,
please consider a charitable gift to
the HSA Foundation. Enclosed in this
newsletter is information about how to
use various gifting strategies to support
HSA through a gift to the Foundation.
The Foundation provides financial
support to HSA primarily for the
purpose of large capitol expenditures
or purchases. Last year we received
$1750 in donations for the purchase of
physical therapy equipment. We thank
all of you who donated. Currently, we
are in need of replacing some of our
vehicles so the amount needed is quite
a bit higher.
The Foundation also created a
scholarship fund at Lake Area Technical
Institute for students enrolled in the
Human Services program. I had the
privilege of attending the luncheon
recently and meeting Jody Shepherd,
this year’s recipient of the HSA
Foundation scholarship.
We hope everyone has a safe and
peaceful holiday season. However, if
help is needed, that’s what we’re here
for. Don’t hesitate to call us.
Behavioral Health
The Hidden Gift
Much of the time when we are
describing Serenity Hills as a facility
designed to treat individuals with cooccurring disorders, our conversation
is about groups, medication, individual
therapy, and treatment approaches.
While these elements are all important
to Serenity Hills, one of our best kept
secrets to our success is Jeannie
Hanson. Jeanne is employed as our
Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist.
This can also be interpreted as our
transportation provider, case manager
and humor specialist. Jeannie received
the Distinguished Service Award at
the 2009 Mayor’s Award Banquet on
October 6, 2009. She was nominated
by the Department of Rehabilitative
Services office in Watertown. Jeannie
is much deserving of this award and
we are blessed to have her as a Human
Service Agency employee.
Thanks Jeannie.
Heroes in fight
Heroes in the Fight, is a recognition
partnership program established by Eli
Lilly and Company and implemented
by Lilly USA.
The program celebrates dignity,
courage, hope, and recovery in the
ongoing treatment of persons with
serious and persistent mental illness
(SPMI) by recognizing “heroes” who
provide care and support for persons
with SPMI and their families.
Heroes in the Fight provide
recognition for those who help
consumers with SPMI and their
families fight for better mental health
and better lives. Recognition categories
include psychiatrists, allied health
professionals, community supporters,
media professionals and treatment
Christine Ronke received the
2009 Individual Allied Healthcare
Professional Heroes in the Fight
Christine works as part of the
C.A.R.E. team and has been with the
Human Service Agency for 15 years.
“Christine is very knowledgeable
regarding mental illness and is always
willing to share her knowledge with
staff and consumers. Consumers
at C.A.R.E. have become more at
ease with their diagnosis due to the
education Christine provides. She
works with consumers to help them
identify what recovery means to them.
She takes interested consumers on
the yearly NAMI walk and also helps to
organize it. Christine makes everyone
at C.A.R.E. feel special.” (Taken
from the nomination statement for
Congratulations Christine!
Watertown Mayor’s Awards are
given out annually in recognition
of outstanding work in the area of
employment of individuals
with a disability.
Lori Enstad received
the 2009 Distinguished
Service Award. This award
is given to an individual
in public recognition
contributions to advancing
empowerment of people
with disabilities.
Lori has worked for the Human
Service Agency for 19 years. She
started working in medical records,
moved to working with clients in
vocational training and is now with the
C.A.R.E. Program as the Vocational
“Lori is very dedicated to finding
employment for a person that will
best suit their individual preference.
She also runs a job class
weekly and is in charge of a
volunteer group. Lori has
a BS degree in Business
Administration. She has
had many connections
in the community with
employers and is a huge
advocate for people with
disabilities.” (Taken from
the nomination statement
for Lori).
Congratulations Lori!
What’s going on in the ATCO Day Services?
It is the fall season and here in
northeastern South Dakota we get
to enjoy the many beautiful colors of
the changing scenery outdoors. Well,
here in Day Services we are enjoying
the changing colors inside. We have
been in this building for 18 years
and for most of those our walls have
been Dover white. Not now. We now
have many different shades of color
throughout. Just about every wall has
a fresh coat of paint or soon will have.
We also have newly polished concrete
People asked how we are doing
in Production during this economic
recession. Overall we are doing okay.
We have some slow days but it could
be worse. We have had one or two
businesses that have had to withdraw
jobs due to the slowdown in attempt
to keep their own employees working.
We have experienced a 13% decrease
in sales comparing the first 9 months
of 2008 with the first 9 months of
What a success
conference was a success. Ninety-four
people with developmental disabilities
from across the state attended the
conference in Pierre September 10
and 11. Mike Grengs did a great job
with his Road to Self advocacy speech.
Jamie Norvell participated with other
self advocacy leaders in a presentation
at the luncheon.
Friday was spent in a variety of
workshops that people could choose
from including self employment,
rule changes in the developmental
disabilities service system. Everyone
learned a lot and had the opportunity
to meet new friends.
Starting next June, there will be a
strand for self-advocates at the DARE TO DREAM CONFERENCE that is held
biannually. Next year’s dates are June
13 through the 15th at the Ramkota
in Sioux Falls. Already, people are
looking forward to this event.
Additionally, Mike Grengs as well
as Darwin Lentz and Ashley Lemke,
all people supported by ATCO, were
chosen to participate in this year’s
Partners in Policymaking training. All
three had to send in an application as
well as reference letters supporting
“Partners in Policymaking is an
innovative leadership and advocacy
training opportunity designed to
involve and empower people with
developmental disabilities, parents of
children with disabilities and other
family members. The expectation
is that each Partner will commit
to actively use the skills learned to
encourage positive changes in the areas
of community awareness, sensitivity,
accessibility and inclusion for people
with disabilities.” (from SD Advocacy
Mike, Ashley and Darwin will
start attending training in November. Krystle Bailey, a residential supervisor/
case manager, will be attending with
them as a support partner. They will
attend training a weekend a month
for six months with the culmination
in a graduation ceremony in April. Previous graduates of PIP will also be
in attendance for continuing education
and will celebrate the graduation of
their new classmates at that time. All
are excited about what they will be
learning and experiencing in the next
from the desk of the CEO
Mayor’s award
Chuck Sherman, PhD President/CEO
As I write this column today, the
sun is shining and the forecast is for
several days of clear weather, finally!
Last week I had the opportunity
to talk about stress and stress
management on the KWAT Ag Hour
program. I spoke about how we need
to hang in there and stay connected
with family and friends, take care of
ourselves and we would get through
this period of very wet weather and
get those beans out. It looks like this
week may be the beginning of getting
this done.
I was stopped on the street last
week by a person who has a son in
agriculture. The person heard me
on the radio and commented that he
hoped his son heard the program as
he knows that his son is very stressed
by the weather conditions delaying the
As we go through this harvest
season, we want and need people to
know that our services are available
to anyone who is really stressed. We
encourage everyone to support our
farmers and ranchers during this
As we move into the winter
months, I am reminded of the
holiday seasons soon upon us. As
you consider any year-end gift giving,
please consider a charitable gift to
the HSA Foundation. Enclosed in this
newsletter is information about how to
use various gifting strategies to support
HSA through a gift to the Foundation.
The Foundation provides financial
support to HSA primarily for the
purpose of large capitol expenditures
or purchases. Last year we received
$1750 in donations for the purchase of
physical therapy equipment. We thank
all of you who donated. Currently, we
are in need of replacing some of our
vehicles so the amount needed is quite
a bit higher.
The Foundation also created a
scholarship fund at Lake Area Technical
Institute for students enrolled in the
Human Services program. I had the
privilege of attending the luncheon
recently and meeting Jody Shepherd,
this year’s recipient of the HSA
Foundation scholarship.
We hope everyone has a safe and
peaceful holiday season. However, if
help is needed, that’s what we’re here
for. Don’t hesitate to call us.
Behavioral Health
The Hidden Gift
Much of the time when we are
describing Serenity Hills as a facility
designed to treat individuals with cooccurring disorders, our conversation
is about groups, medication, individual
therapy, and treatment approaches.
While these elements are all important
to Serenity Hills, one of our best kept
secrets to our success is Jeannie
Hanson. Jeanne is employed as our
Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist.
This can also be interpreted as our
transportation provider, case manager
and humor specialist. Jeannie received
the Distinguished Service Award at
the 2009 Mayor’s Award Banquet on
October 6, 2009. She was nominated
by the Department of Rehabilitative
Services office in Watertown. Jeannie
is much deserving of this award and
we are blessed to have her as a Human
Service Agency employee.
Thanks Jeannie.
Heroes in fight
Heroes in the Fight, is a recognition
partnership program established by Eli
Lilly and Company and implemented
by Lilly USA.
The program celebrates dignity,
courage, hope, and recovery in the
ongoing treatment of persons with
serious and persistent mental illness
(SPMI) by recognizing “heroes” who
provide care and support for persons
with SPMI and their families.
Heroes in the Fight provide
recognition for those who help
consumers with SPMI and their
families fight for better mental health
and better lives. Recognition categories
include psychiatrists, allied health
professionals, community supporters,
media professionals and treatment
Christine Ronke received the
2009 Individual Allied Healthcare
Professional Heroes in the Fight
Christine works as part of the
C.A.R.E. team and has been with the
Human Service Agency for 15 years.
“Christine is very knowledgeable
regarding mental illness and is always
willing to share her knowledge with
staff and consumers. Consumers
at C.A.R.E. have become more at
ease with their diagnosis due to the
education Christine provides. She
works with consumers to help them
identify what recovery means to them.
She takes interested consumers on
the yearly NAMI walk and also helps to
organize it. Christine makes everyone
at C.A.R.E. feel special.” (Taken
from the nomination statement for
Congratulations Christine!
Watertown Mayor’s Awards are
given out annually in recognition
of outstanding work in the area of
employment of individuals
with a disability.
Lori Enstad received
the 2009 Distinguished
Service Award. This award
is given to an individual
in public recognition
contributions to advancing
empowerment of people
with disabilities.
Lori has worked for the Human
Service Agency for 19 years. She
started working in medical records,
moved to working with clients in
vocational training and is now with the
C.A.R.E. Program as the Vocational
“Lori is very dedicated to finding
employment for a person that will
best suit their individual preference.
She also runs a job class
weekly and is in charge of a
volunteer group. Lori has
a BS degree in Business
Administration. She has
had many connections
in the community with
employers and is a huge
advocate for people with
disabilities.” (Taken from
the nomination statement
for Lori).
Congratulations Lori!
What’s going on in the ATCO Day Services?
It is the fall season and here in
northeastern South Dakota we get
to enjoy the many beautiful colors of
the changing scenery outdoors. Well,
here in Day Services we are enjoying
the changing colors inside. We have
been in this building for 18 years
and for most of those our walls have
been Dover white. Not now. We now
have many different shades of color
throughout. Just about every wall has
a fresh coat of paint or soon will have.
We also have newly polished concrete
People asked how we are doing
in Production during this economic
recession. Overall we are doing okay.
We have some slow days but it could
be worse. We have had one or two
businesses that have had to withdraw
jobs due to the slowdown in attempt
to keep their own employees working.
We have experienced a 13% decrease
in sales comparing the first 9 months
of 2008 with the first 9 months of
What a success
conference was a success. Ninety-four
people with developmental disabilities
from across the state attended the
conference in Pierre September 10
and 11. Mike Grengs did a great job
with his Road to Self advocacy speech.
Jamie Norvell participated with other
self advocacy leaders in a presentation
at the luncheon.
Friday was spent in a variety of
workshops that people could choose
from including self employment,
rule changes in the developmental
disabilities service system. Everyone
learned a lot and had the opportunity
to meet new friends.
Starting next June, there will be a
strand for self-advocates at the DARE TO DREAM CONFERENCE that is held
biannually. Next year’s dates are June
13 through the 15th at the Ramkota
in Sioux Falls. Already, people are
looking forward to this event.
Additionally, Mike Grengs as well
as Darwin Lentz and Ashley Lemke,
all people supported by ATCO, were
chosen to participate in this year’s
Partners in Policymaking training. All
three had to send in an application as
well as reference letters supporting
“Partners in Policymaking is an
innovative leadership and advocacy
training opportunity designed to
involve and empower people with
developmental disabilities, parents of
children with disabilities and other
family members. The expectation
is that each Partner will commit
to actively use the skills learned to
encourage positive changes in the areas
of community awareness, sensitivity,
accessibility and inclusion for people
with disabilities.” (from SD Advocacy
Mike, Ashley and Darwin will
start attending training in November. Krystle Bailey, a residential supervisor/
case manager, will be attending with
them as a support partner. They will
attend training a weekend a month
for six months with the culmination
in a graduation ceremony in April. Previous graduates of PIP will also be
in attendance for continuing education
and will celebrate the graduation of
their new classmates at that time. All
are excited about what they will be
learning and experiencing in the next
Human Service Agency
P.O. Box 1030
Watertown, SD 57201-6030
Watertown, SD 57201
Permit #688
HSA Behavioral Health
Helping People Achieve
Published by Human Service Agency
P.O. Box 1030, Watertown, SD
Winter 2009
National Employment Disability Awareness
The Human Service Agency Foundation An Investment In The Future
Helping People Achieve
The Human Service Agency is a
The Human Service Agency Foundation was established
to promote the long-term financial strength of the Human
served by a Board of Directors
Service Agency. Charitable contributions and bequests
to the Foundation are administered by recognized
served by the Agency. The Board of
financial experts for the benefit of the Agency’s programs.
Directors meets at 5:30 p.m. on the
last Monday of each month.
HSA Behavioral Health
The Foundation provides, at no cost to the individual,
giving as a part of their long range financial planning.
For More Information, Call or Write:
Dr. Charles Sherman
Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to
P.O. Box 1030
5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Watertown, SD 57201-6030
dependency emergencies is available
at all times by calling 886-5841 or
Darwin Lentz receiving the Outstanding Employee
with a Disability Award from Mayor Gary Williams.
Jamie Norvell receiving the Outstanding Citizen
with a Disability Award from Mayor Gary Williams.
confidential assistance for those considering charitable
Human Service Agency
Help for mental health or chemical
October has been a very exciting month. There were awards
given out at the Chamber After-Five event on October 6th to
recognize those individuals who went above and beyond in our
community. Individuals we support received awards as well
as staff who support these individuals. We strive to achieve
community inclusion whether it’s through employment or
volunteering. Some employers were also recognized for
helping support the individuals who we serve.
Darwin Lentz has worked at County Fair Foods since
2002. His duties include greeting customers, bagging groceries
and carrying them out to the customer’s cars. Darwin
participated in the Disabilities Awareness Day presentations
at two elementary schools this past year where he assisted
children with learning what it would be like to be blind. He
had each of them prepare a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Jamison Norvell currently works for the Human Service
Agency doing janitorial services. He also actively participates
in the life of the Watertown Community. Jamie has volunteered
to assist with Disability Days in the local elementary schools.
He advocates for people with disabilities on the board of
People First. Jamie is truly an outstanding citizen of this
(605) 886-0123
HSA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
Accredited by
The Council on Quality
and Leadership