Kyosho Blizzard EV Manual
Kyosho Blizzard EV Manual
̪ߏ↪೨ߦߎߩ⺑ᦠࠍ⦟ߊ߅⺒ߺߦߥࠅలಽߦℂ⸃ߒߡߊߛߐޕ Before commencing assembly, please read these instructions thoroughly. ELECTRIC POWERED R THE FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS ⚵┙㧛ขᛒ⺑ᦠ INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1/12 SCALE RADIO CONTROLLED ELECTRIC POWERED BELT VEHICLE ࡉࠩ࠼'8 BLIZZARD EV ⋡ᰴ˴Index ٨ࠠ࠶࠻ߩઁߦߘࠈ߃ࠆ‛˴Required for operation˴ 2~3 ٨ࡊࡠࡐߩḰRadio preparation˴ 3 ٨⚵┙ߡ೨ߩᵈᗧ˴Before you begin˴ 4 ٨ᧄߩ⚵┙ߡ˴Assembly˴ 5 ~ 11 ٨ࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬ˴Maintenance 11 ~ 12 ٨ขᛒߩᵈᗧ˴Operating your model safely 13 ٨ࡄ࠷ࠬ࠻˴Spare parts & optional parts 14 ~ 16 ోߩߚߩᵈᗧ㗄 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ߎߩή✢ᠲ❑ᮨဳߪౕߢߪࠅ߹ߖࠎ ٨ߎߩຠߪ㜞ᕈ⢻ࠍ⊒ើߔࠆࠃ߁ߦ⸳⸘ߐࠇߡ߹ߔߦߡ┙⚵ޕ ਇᘠࠇߥᣇߪޔᮨဳࠍ⦟ߊ⍮ߞߡࠆੱߦࠕ࠼ࡃࠗࠬࠍฃߌ⏕ታߦ ⚵┙ߡߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ዊߐㇱຠ߇ࠆߩߢߡ┙⚵ޔᬺߪᐜఽߩᚻ߇ߣߤ߆ߥᚲߢᔅ ߕ߅ߎߥߞߡߊߛߐޕ ٨േ߆ߒߡᭉߒ႐ᚲߪߩ৻ਁޔࠍ⠨߃ߡోࠍ⏕ߒߡ߆ࠄޔ ⽿છࠍ߽ߞߡ߅ᭉߒߺߊߛߐޕ ٨⚵┙ߡߚᓟ߽⺑ޔᦠ߇ߟߢ߽ࠄࠇࠆࠃ߁ߦᄢಾߦ▤ߒߡߊ ߛߐޕ Ni-Cd This radio control model is not a toy! ٨First-time builders should seek the advice of experienced modellers before commencing assembly and if they do not fully understand any part of the construction. ٨Assemble this kit only in places out of childrenÕs reach! ٨Take enough safety precautions prior to operating this model. You are responsible for this modelÕs assembly and safe operation! ٨Always keep this instruction manual ready at hand for quick reference, even after completing the assembly. ਇⷐߦߥߞߚ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߪ⾆ޔ㊀ߥ⾗Ḯࠍࠆߚߦᑄ᫈ߒߥߢࠨࠗࠢ࡞දജᐫ߳߅ᜬߜਅߐޕ The product you have purchased is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery is recyclable. At the end of its useful life, under various national / state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this battery into the municipal waste stream. Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling options or proper disposal. ̪ຠᡷ⦟ߩߚ੍ޔ๔ߥߊ᭽ࠍᄌᦝߔࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔ ޕSpecifications are subject to change without prior notice! © 1999 KYOSHO No. 30981 ࠠ࠶࠻ߩઁߦߘࠈ߃ࠆ‛ / REQUIRED FOR OPERATION / DAS NOTWENDIGE ZUBEH…R / MATƒRIEL NƒCESSAIRE 1 $'%᭽㧞࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞㧞ࠨࡏή✢ᠲ❑ᯏ㧔ࡊࡠࡐ㧕 ↪㧔⥄േゞ↪㧕ߩࡊࡠࡐ㧔࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞ࠨࡏ᭽㧕࠶࠻ࠍ ᔅߕ↪ߒߡߊߛߐޕ㧔↪એᄖ↪ᱛ㧕 Minimum 2 channel radio with 2 servos. ᵈᗧ CAUTION: Only use a surface radio with 2 channels and 2 servos! ࡊࠗ࠲ࠢ࠶ࠖ࠹ࠬع ˴Stick-type ↪ߢ߈ࠆࠨࡏࠨࠗ࠭ Suitable servos 31~36mm 31~41mm 16~20mm عන㧟ੇ㔚ᳰ AA-size Batteries ࡊࠗ࠲࡞࠼ࡦࡂع ˴Wheel-type AA AA ٨ࡊࡠࡐߩขᛒߪߦࡐࡠࡊޔઃዻߩ⺑ᦠࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ For more information on the radio, refer to its instruction manual. 2 ⴕ㧗ฃାᯏ↪࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ޔల㔚ེ Operation and receiver Ni-Cd batteries, chargers &ع%ࠢࠗ࠶ࠢ࠴ࡖࠫࡖ+++ DC QUICK CHARGER III 7.2V ع#%ࠢࠗ࠶ࠢ࠴ࡖࠫࡖ++ AC QUICK CHARGER II 7.5 FUSE 7.5A AC WARNING HOT WARNING HOT ع8࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ 7.2V Ni-Cd Battery QU IC K CH AR GE R NiCd BATTERY DELTA PEAK AUTO-CUTOFF CH AR GE Ni-Cd BATTERY S 3 T TAR Ⴃᢱ㧔ࡏ࠺ࠖႣⵝ↪㧕 Paints (for painting the body shell) ᵈᗧ No.2230 ࡐࠞࠞ 㧔╩ߧࠅႣᢱ㧕 POLYCA COLOR (Brush paints) ࠬࡊࠞࠍ↪ߔࠆ႐ว⺑ߩ➧ޔࠍ⦟ߊ⺒ࠎߢߊߛߐޕ CAUTION: Before using Kyosho Spray Colors, always read the explanations! No.76301 ~ 76711 ੩ࠬࡊࠞ KYOSHO SPRAY COLOR (7'.241((2#+06 K Y O SH O S PR AY CO LO R R No.1754 ࠞ࠺ࠞ࡞ COLOR DECAL િ❗⥄ߩ․ᱶ⚛᧚ߢ㧟ᰴᦛ㕙 ߦ߽߈ࠇߦ⾍ࠇࠆ☼⌕ࠪ࠻ߢߔޕ Self-adhesive super-flexible sheets that bond to polycarbonate 㧙 even when applied to curved surfaces. 2 No.1947 ࡑࠬࠠࡦࠣࠞࡃࠪ࠻ MASKING SHEET ࡑࠬࠠࡦࠣ࠹ࡊߣࡆ࠾࡞ ࠪ࠻߇৻ߦߥߞߚᐢ▸࿐ ࡑࠬࠢ↪࠹ࡊߢߔޕ For safe masking jobs, use this plastic masking sheet featuring one self-adhesive edge. No.1841 1842 1843 1859 1860 (1mm x 5m) (1.5mm x 5m) (2.5mm x 5m) (0.4mm x 8m) (0.7mm x 8m) n Line Micro Tape KYOSHO ࡒࠢࡠࡦࠗࡦ࠹ࡊ MICRON LINE TAPE ࡑࠬࠠࡦࠣ⚦ޔㇱ࠺ࠩࠗ Super-flexible tape for ࡦ↪િ❗⥄࠹ࡊߢߔ ޕmasking and detail designing jobs. 4 ⚵┙ߡߦᔅⷐߥᎿౕ Tools required ᵈᗧ ↪ߔࠆᎿౕߩขᛒߦߪޔలಽᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐޕ CAUTION: Handle tools carefully! ࡈࠗ࠽࠲࠶ࠞع ع㧗࠼ࠗࡃ㧔ᄢޔਛޔዊ㧕 ࠠ࠶࠻ߦߞߡࠆᎿౕ Phillips Screwdriver (L, M, S) Hobby Knife TOOLS INCLUDED ࠠع Awl ࠴ࡦⷺع㧔1.5mm, 2mm㧕 ࠴ࡦࡍࠝࠫع ˴Hex Wrench (1.5mm, 2mm) Needle Nose Pliers ع⍍㑆ធ⌕ Instant Glue ࡄ࠶࠾ع Wire Cutters عචሼࡦ࠴ ♽ࡓࠧعធ⌕ ˴Cross Wrench Rubber Cement ࠧࡓ♽ធ⌕ ࠬࠣع ˴Grease GREASE ࠙ࡦ࠼ࠞ࠶࠲㧒ࠨࡦ࠳ ROUND CUTTER & SANDER LEXANSCHERE CISEAUX A LEXAN ࠬࡍࠪࡖ࡞࠹ࡄࡑ SPECIAL TAPER REAMER REIBAHLE ALESOIR SPECIAL No.1829 ࡏ࠺ࠖߩࠞ࠶࠻ޔߍ↪✢ᦛޕㇱಽ߽ᭉߦᬺ߇ߢ߈߹ߔޕ For trimming bodies. Cutting along curved lines never was so easy! No.80311 ਅⓣടᎿ߇ਇⷐߢ⋥ޔធ1 ~ 15mmߩⓣߌ߇ߢ߈ࠆᎿౕߢߔޕ No need to pre-drill! Drills neat 1 ~ 15mm holes directly! ࡊࡠࡐߩḰ / RADIO PREPARATION ٨ࡊࡠࡐࠍਅߩ㗅⇟ߦߒߚ߇ߞߡ࠶࠻ߒ߹ߔޕ 3 Set up the radio as explained below. 11 2 ً࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ Ni-Cd battery 8 ًࠬࡇ࠼ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ Rotary Speed Controller 7 ON 9 OFF 3 ًࠬࠗ࠶࠴ Switch 6 ON 10 OFF 1 4 ًㅍାᯏ Transmitter 5 ̪ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ߩࡃࠬࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࡃࠬߦߒߡߊߛߐޕ Switch the reverse switch for the throttle servo. ̪ࠬ࠹ࠕࡦࠣߩࡃࠬࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࡃࠬߦߒߡߊߛߐޕ Switch the reverse switch for the steering throttle. ًฃାᯏ Receiver ًࠨࡏ Servo ٨ᆎࠆᤨ ٨START 1 ㅍାᯏߦන3ੇ㔚ᳰࠍ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ 2 ㅍାᯏߩࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠍߩ߫ߔޕ 3 ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ࠍߟߥߋޕ 4 ฃାᯏߩࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠍߩ߫ߔޕ 5 ࠻ࡓࠍਛᄩߦ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ 6 ㅍାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆޕ 7 ฃାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍࠇࠆޕ 1 Insert the AA-size dry batteries into the transmitter. 2 Extend the transmitter antenna. 3 Plug in the Ni-Cd battery. 8 ࠬ࠹ࠖ࠶ࠢࠍേ߆ߒߡࠨࡏ߇േ ߡࠆ߆⏕ޕ Unwind the receiver antenna. Center the trims. Switch on the transmitter. Switch on the receiver. 8 Make sure the servos move according to your transmitter inputs. 4 5 6 7 ٨⚳ࠊࠆᤨ ٨FINISH 9 ฃାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆޕ 10 ㅍାᯏߩࠬࠗ࠶࠴ࠍಾࠆޕ 11 ㅍାᯏߩࠕࡦ࠹࠽ࠍ❗ࠆޕ 9 Switch off the receiver. 10 Switch off the transmitter. 11 Retract the transmitter antenna. 3 ⚵┙ߡ೨ߩᵈᗧBEFORE YOU BEGIN / 1 ⚵┙ߡߩ೨ߦਅ⸥ߩߎߣߦᵈᗧߒߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ߎߩ⺑ᦠࠍ⦟ߊ⺒ߺޔ᭴ㅧࠍℂ⸃ߔࠆޕ ٨ࠠ࠶࠻ߩౝኈࠍ⏕߆ࠆޕ ̪ਁ৻ਇ⦟ޔਇ⿷߇ࠅ߹ߒߚࠄ⾈߅ޔ᳞ߩ⽼ᄁᐫ߆ޔᒰ␠࡙ࠩޟ ⋧⺣ቶߏߢ߹ޠㅪ⛊ߊߛߐޕ ٨ዊߐߥㇱຠߩᒻ߿ࠨࠗ࠭ࠍ㑆㆑߃ߥࠃ߁ߦߔࠆޕ࿑ࠍෳ⠨ߦߒߡ ⏕ߒߥ߇ࠄ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ ٨TPࡆࠬ✦ࠆߣ߈ߪ ✦ߎߺ߇࿕ߊߡ߽ㇱຠ߇࿕ቯߐࠇࠆ߹ߢ✦ߡߊߛߐޕ ߚߛߒޔㇱຠ߇ᄌᒻߔࠆ߹ߢ✦ࠆߣࡆࠬ߇߈߆ߥߊߥࠅ߹ߔޕ Before assembling, please read the following carefully: ٨First, read this instruction manual and understand the modelÕs con-struction. ٨Check the contents of this kit. Correct Should parts be missing, immediately contact the retail shop or your nearest Kyosho distributor. ٨Do not take the wrong screw or small part. Compare it to the true-toscale dia-gram in each assembly step, then install it. ٨When tightening a self-tapping (TP) screw: Even if feeling hard, tighten a TP screw until the part will be securely attached. However, do not overtighten it as the plastic thread inside the part may strip! 2 Wrong ࠠ࠶࠻ߦߪޔᒻ߿㐳ߐ߇㆑߁ࡆࠬ߿ዊ‛ㇱຠ߇ᄙߊߞߡ߹ߔ⺑ޕᦠߦߪේኸ࿑߇ࠅ߹ߔߩߢ⏕ߒߡ߆ࠄ⚵┙ߡߡߊߛߐޕ ߹ߚࠬࡆޔ㘃ߪᄙߦߞߡࠆ߽ߩ߽ࠅ߹ߔߩߢ੍ޔߣߒߡ߅ߊߛߐޕ This kit contains screws and hardware in different metric sizes and shapes. Before using them, check the screws on the true-to-scale diagrams on the left side in each assembly step. Some screws are extras. ٨ࡆࠬߩ⒳㘃 SCREWS ٨ዊ‛ㇱຠߩࠨࠗ࠭ OTHER HARDWARE ࡆࠬ Screw 62ࡆࠬ Self-tapping (TP) Screw ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 62ࠨࡆࠬ TP F/H Screw OOࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ࠽࠶࠻ WasherNut ZOOࡆࠬ Screw 3mm 3mm 3mm 12mm ZOOࡔ࠲࡞ࡌࠕࡦࠣ Metal BushingBearing 5mm ZOOࠨࡆࠬ F/H Screw ࠨࡆࠬ Flat Head (F/H) Screw '㧱ࡦࠣ E-ring ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw OOࡇࡠࡏ࡞ Pillow Ball 3mm 12mm 6.8mm 10mm 3 ⺑ᦠߩ߆ߚ How to read the instruction manual: ާ⺑ Exampleި 1 ࡈࡠࡦ࠻ࠨࠬࡍࡦ࡚ࠪࡦ Front Suspension A: ߎߩ㗄⋡ߢ⚵┙ߡࠆ߅߅ࠃߘߩ႐ᚲޕ B: ዊ‛ㇱຠߩฬ೨ޔේኸ࿑↪ޔᢙޕ C: ࠠ࠶࠻ౝߩㇱຠߪࠬࡆޔ㘃ࠍ㒰ߡࠠ No.4, No.5, No.6 D A 4 5 x 10mm ࡔ࠲࡞ Metal Bushing No.߇ઃߌࠄࠇߡ߹ߔࠍ࠷ࡄࠕࡍࠬޕ ⾼ߔࠆᤨߪࠠNo.ࠍෳᾖߒߡਅߐޕ 5 D: ⺑ᦠౝߢߪᄙߊߩࡑࠢ߇↪ߐࠇߡ 6 7 C B 4 5 ࠠࡦࠣࡇࡦ D ߹ߔߦࠢࡑޕᵈᗧߒߡ⚵┙ߡࠍㅴ ߡߊߛߐ⺑ߩࠢࡑޕߪޔฦࡍࠫ ߩਅߦࠅ߹ߔޕ A: Indicates the number of the assembly step and the part that will be assembled. B: Key Number, Part Name, True-to-scale King Pin Diagram, Quantity Used. 4 C 5 C: All parts except screws are identified by key numbers. For purchasing spare parts, find the key number of the part needed in the spare parts list and refer to the left column to look up the corresponding order number. D: This instruction manual uses several symbols. Please note them during the entire assembly at the bottom of each page. 4 1 ࡠ࡞ࡃ Roll Bar BL-EV 52 3 x 3mm ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw 2 3x3mm 3x3mm 2 3x10mm ࡊࡠࡐ Radio 3x10mm BL-EV 3 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 4 ࠬ࠹ࠕࡦࠣࠨࡏ Steering Servo 75 3 ࡊࡠࡐ Radio BL-EV 3 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 3x10mm 4 3x10mm 75 ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ Part bags used. ࠬࡠ࠶࠻࡞ࠨࡏ Throttle Servo 75 ⾼ຠ Must be purchased separately! 5 4 ࡊࡠࡐ Radio BL-EV 89 30mm 88 ਔ㕙࠹ࡊ Double-sided Tape 88 5 ࡊࡠࡐ Radio ࡊࡠࡐߩ⺑ᦠࠍෳ⠨ߦࠍ࠲ࠢࡀࠦޔធ⛯ߔࠆޕ Connect as per radio equipment instruction manual. BL-EV 87 ࠦ࠼ࠍࠬ࠻࠶ࡊߢ᧤ߨࠆޕ ࠬ࠻࠶ࡊߩಽߥㇱಽࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Bind the wires with strap. Cut the extra part of the strap, if any. 6 ࠬ࠹ࠕࡦࠣ Steering 82 ޔ78 ߢࡉࠠߩ߈߈ౕว㧔ゞߩᦛ߇ࠅౕว㧕ࠍ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Adjust the strength of brake (in other words, equalize the brake strength of both right and left) with 82 and 78 . BL-EV 82 ࡉࠠߩ߈߈ߔ߉ߦᵈᗧޕ Do not brake too hard. 3 x 3mm ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw 79 ⚂140mm approx. 140mm 78 4 2 x 8mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw ะ߈ߦᵈᗧޕ Note the direction. 2 65 65 ࡊ࠹ࡄࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Plastic Tapered Washer 2 81 78 80 2 78 4.8mm ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼ Ball End 2 79 ࡠ࠶࠼ (C) Rod (C) 77 65 80 81 3x3mm 82 82 2x6x5mm ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄ Stopper 2 3x3mm 82 80 81 65 ะ߈ߦᵈᗧޕ Note the direction. 2 ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ Part bags used. 6 8~10mm 8~10mm 3x3mm 3x3mm 77 4.8mm ࡏ࡞ Ball ᐔⴕ Parallel 2x8mm 79 ⾼ຠ Must be purchased separately! ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. ᵈᗧߒߡ⚵┙ߡࠆᚲޕ Pay close attention here! 39mm ࠬࡇ࠼ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ Speed Controller 7 BL-EV 83 32mm ᦛߍࠆޕ Bend. ߎߩⓣࠍ↪ߔࠆޕ Use this hole. 85 2 1N R 3 ࡀࠫㄟߺ߇߈ߟ႐ว ޔ83 ࠍࡍࡦ࠴ߢߟ߆ࠎߢࡀࠫㄟޕ In case of having too much tightnees in screwing, use a plier. 2x10mm 83 3 2 1N 85 R ᐔⴕ Parallel 84 2 x 10mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 13 ~ 16mm 1 84 4.5mm ࠷ࡃઃࡏ࡞ Ball 1 85 4.5mm ࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼ Ball End 1 83 2 x 46mm ࠕࠫࡖࠬ࠲ࡠ࠶࠼ Adjuster Rod 1 ࠬࡇ࠼ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ Speed Controller ਛㅦ Medium Speed 㜞ㅦ High Speed 2 3 2 ૐㅦ Low Speed 1N 1N 3 85 3 8 1N 2 R R 2 R 1N R 1N R 3 R R 3 2 3 3 2 1N 2 R ࡃ࠶ࠢ Reverse 9 2 3 1N R 3 1N 2 1N 1N 3 2 R ਛ┙ Neutral ࠨࡏࡎࡦ Servo Horn ࿑ߩࠃ߁ߦߥࠄߥ႐วߪ 85 ߩߨߓߎߺ㊂߿ࡦࡎࡏࠨޔ ߩ↪ߔࠆⓣࠍᄌ߃ߡ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Should the rotary speed controller not operate as shown here, adjust the length of 85 or hook 85 into a different hole on the servo horn. ࡕ࠲ࠦ࠼ Motor Cord ⏕ታߦធ⛯ߔࠆޕ Securely glue together. 49 ࡕ࠲ࠦ࠼㧔⿒㧕 Motor Cord (Red) ࡠ࠲ࠬࡇ࠼ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠࠦ࠼㧔⿒㧕 Rotary Speed Controller Cord (Red) 44 ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ Part bags used. ⾼ຠ Must be purchased separately! ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. ේኸ࿑ True-to-scale diagram. 7 10 10 ࠺ࠞ࡞ ࠕࡦ࠳ࠞࡃ Under Cover Decal Decal ⁜ Narrow 11 ࠺ࠞ࡞ Decal ᐢ Wide 94 10 ࠺ࠞ࡞ Decal 11 ࠕࡦ࠳ࠞࡃ Under Cover 3x8mm BL-EV, Decal 3x8mm 3 x 8mm TPࡆࠬ TP Screw 6 3x8mm 12 ࠺ࠞ࡞ Decal 12 ࠪࡖࠪ Chassis 90 15mm 90 15mm x24 x4 BL-EV 8mm 90 15mm 90 8mm 90 8mm x2 8 ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ ⍍㑆ធ⌕ߢធ⌕ߔࠆޕ Part bags used. Cut off shaded portion. Apply instant glue (CA glue, super glue). 㧞࠶࠻⚵┙ߡࠆ㧔㧕ޕ Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble as many times as specified. Assemble left and right sides the same way. ࠧࡓ♽ធ⌕ߢធ⌕ߔࠆޕ Apply rubber type glue. 15mm 90 13 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 95 14 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 6mm 6mm 4mm 4mm 4mm 96 15 Ⴃⵝ Painting Ⴃⵝ೨ߦޔᵞߢᴤ߿ࠃߏࠇࠍᵞ߁ޕ Before painting, use a neutral detergent to remove any oil residues and dirt. ࠙ࠗࡦ࠼࠙ㇱಽߦޔౝ߆ࠄࡑࠬࠠࡦࠣ ࠪ࠻ࠍ⾍ࠆޕ Mask the windows from the inside. ੩ࠬࡊࠞߢࡏ࠺ࠖౝࠍ Ⴃⵝߔࠆޕ Paint the body shell from the inside using KyoshoÕs spray colors. Ⴃಽߌߪࡄ࠶ࠤࠫ౮⌀߽ෳ⠨ߦ ߒߡߊߛߐޕ Refer to the pictures on the box for the color scheme. Ⴃⵝᓟࠖ࠺ࡏޔ㕙ߩ⼔ࡆ࠾࡞ ࠪ࠻ࠍߪ߇ߒߡ߅ߊޕ After painting, remove the protective film from the body shell. ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. 4mmߩⓣࠍߌࠆ㧔㧕ޕ 4mm Drill holes with the specified diameter. 9 16 ࠺ࠞ࡞ Decals ࿑ߩ⟎ߦ 1 ߆ࠄ㗅ߦ࠺ࠞ࡞ࠍߪࠆޕ Apply the decals to the spots indicated in numerical order. Decal 6 7 5 3 1 8 2 4 9 ࠽ࡦࡃߩߟߡߥ࠺ࠞ࡞ߪᅢ߈ߥ⟎ߦ⾍ࠆޕ Decals with no number apply any place. 17 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 91 92 BL-EV ធ⌕೨ߦޔᵞߢᴤ߿ ࠃߏࠇࠍᵞ߁ޕ Clean-up surface before applying. 50mm 92 91 18 ࡏ࠺ࠖ Body Shell 4 93 BL-EV 92 ⟎ࠍวࠊߖߡ⾍ࠆޕ Check the position before applying. 91 4 93 ࡈ࠶ࠢࡇࡦ Hook Pin 2 2 2 93 1 3 3 ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ Part bags used. 10 Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. ⇟ภߩ㗅ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble in the specified order. ᵈᗧߒߡ⚵┙ߡࠆᚲޕ Pay close attention here! 19 ࡃ࠶࠹ Body Shell ⴕߐߖࠆᤨએᄖߪ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ࠍធ⛯ߒߥޕ Disconnect Ni-Cd battery when it is not in use. BL-EV 86 x2 180mm ࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬ㧔࠳࠴ࠚࡦ㧕 Maintenance (Ladder Chain) ↪ߒߪߓߩᤨޔ㐳ᦼ㑆↪ߒߚᤨߦ࠴ࠚࡦ ߇ߚࠆߺ߹ߔߪᤨߛࠎࠆߚ߇ࡦࠚ࠴ޕ The new chain get loose after several runs. ࠴ࠚࡦᒛࠅ⺞ᢛࠍ߅ߎߥ߁ޕ When the chain get loose, adjust again. 3x10mm ࠴ࠚࡦ߇ਅߦᄢ߈ߊᝄࠇߕࠬࡓ ࠭ߦ㚟േߔࠆࠃ߁ᒛࠅ⺞ᢛߔࠆޕ Adjust the chain to move smoothly. ࠴ࠚࡦߩะ߈ᵈᗧޕ Note the direction. ࠴ࠚࡦߩᒛࠅ⺞ᢛߢ⺞ᢛߒ߈ࠇߥᤨߪޔ ࿑ߩᣇᴺߢ࠴ࠚࡦߩࠦࡑࠍߟࠆޕ When it is too much loose to adjust, take off the one piece of chain as drawing. ߟߥߢరߦ߽ߤߔޕ Connect together and back to the original shape. ࡔࡦ࠹࠽ࡦࠬ㧔ࡌ࡞࠻㧕 Maintenance (Belt) 3mm ࠽࠶࠻ Nut 3x10mm 94 ࠕࡦ࠳ࠞࡃࠍߪߕߒ⺞ޔᢛࠍߔࠆޕ Make an adjusttment, after removing the Under Cover 94 . 3x10mmࡆࠬ, 3mm࠽࠶࠻ߢࡌ࡞࠻ߩᒛࠅ⺞ᢛࠍߔࠆޕ Adjust belts by 3x10 mm size screws. ਅߦᄢ߈ߊᝄࠇߥ⒟ᐲߦᒛࠆޕ Check the tension of belts. ৻ᐲߪߕߒߩ࠻࡞ࡌޔᒛࠅ⺞ᢛᓟߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble this tire after checking tension of belts. ⺞ᢛᓟ ޔ94 ࠕࡦ࠳ࠞࡃࠍขࠅઃߌࠆޕ After adjustment, install the Under Cover 94 again. ↪ߔࠆⴼޕ Part bags used. ࠍࠞ࠶࠻ߔࠆޕ Cut off shaded portion. Ꮐฝหߓࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Assemble left and right sides the same way. 㧞࠶࠻⚵┙ߡࠆ㧔㧕ޕ x2 Assemble as many times as specified. นേߔࠆࠃ߁ߦ⚵┙ߡࠆޕ Ensure smooth non-binding movement while assembling. 11 ⴕߩᵈᗧ Safety Precautions ٨ⴕᤨߪޔᔅߕࡏ࠺ࠖࠍⵝ⌕ߒߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ᔅⷐએߦ೨㧛ᓟㅴߩᠲࠍ➅ࠅߔߎߣߪޕߐߛߊ߿߅ޔ ٨ਅ⸥ߩ႐ᚲߢߩⴕߪޔ㓚ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢޕߐߛߊ߿߅ޔ ᲑᏅߥߤߢ೨㧛ᓟㅴ᧪ߥ⁁ᘒߢߩⴕޕ ㊀㊂‛ࠍタߖߚࠅ‧ᒁߒߡߩⴕޕ ࡕ࠲ࠍㅪ⛯㜞࿁ォߦߒߡߩⴕޕ ᕆߥဈߩ⊓ဈޔ㒠ဈࠍ㗫❥ߦⴕߥ߁ⴕޕ ᵆᳰޔ᳓ߚ߹ࠅⴕޕ ٨㔐ߢߩ↪ᤨߪޔฃାᯏ╬ߦ㒐᳓ኻ╷ࠍలಽⴕߞߡߊߛߐޕ ٨Ფⴕᓟᳪࠇ߿㔐ޔ᳓ಽࠍขࠅ㒰ߡߊߛߐޕ ٨ቯᦼ⊛ߦޔฦㇱߩࡆࠬ㘃߇✭ࠎߢߥ߆ޔ ˴ㇱຠߦ⇣Ᏹ߇ߥ߆⏕ߒߡߊߛߐޕޕ ٨ࠡࡗߦߟߚߏߺ߿ዊ⍹ߪޔ⎕៊ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠆߩߢᏱߦ߈ࠇߦ ˴ߒߡ߅߈߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ ٨ዊᨑ߿⨲ߩ㚟േㇱ߳ߩᏎ߈ઃ߈ᒁߞ߆߆ࠅߪࡇࠬ߿࠲ࡕޔ ˴࠼ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠߥߤߩ⎕៊ߩේ࿃ߥࠅ߹ߔⴕޕਛ⇣Ᏹࠍᗵ ˴ߓߚࠄࠍⴕߦߜߛߚޔਛᱛߒޔὐᬌ⏕ࠍߒߡߊߛߐޕ ٨㐳ᤨ㑆ߩ1ㅦ2ㅦᓟㅴߩㅪ⛯↪ߪࡠ࠻ࡦࠦ࠼ࡇࠬޔ ˴ߦ⽶ᜂ߇߆߆ࠅޔኼ߇⍴߆ߊߥࠆ႐ว߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ٨ⴕᓟ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߪࠍ࠲ࠢࡀࠦޔᛮ߈ᧄޔࠃࠅᄖߒ߅ߊޕ 45 ٨ㅦޔㅦޔᓟㅴߢ߈ߥߊߥߞߚ႐วߪ˴ޔWᛶ᛫ౝㇱߩᢿ✢߇ ˴⠨߃ࠄࠇ߹ߔޕ࿑ߩࠃ߁ߦ㈩✢ߦᵈᗧߒߡ឵ߒߡߊߛߐޕ In case the 1st, 2nd gear and the backward gear don't work, it can be expected that 15W Resistor 45 is broken. Change it as shown on the drawing, paying a close attention to the wiring. MEMO 12 ٨Always run your car with the body shell mounted! ٨Avoid changing the running direction too often and too abruptly. ٨Do not run your car on ground: ¥Can not run front and reverse between too big gap. ¥Load heavy weigh. ¥Run the Motor high revolution. ¥Climb and down sharp slope too may offen. ¥Muddy and pudle condition. ٨Receiver need water proof when drive on the snow. ٨Clean-up model every time after running . ٨Check screws and parts constantly. ٨Keep the gears clean from dirt and sand to prevent damage. ٨Any twig or weed intruding into driving unit may cause serious failure or burnout to the motor, controller and the parts related. In case of feeling anything wrong during running, stop your car immediately and check it well enough. ٨It burdens the controller to keep using the 1st, 2nd gear and the backward gear continuously in the long time. It may shorten the lifetime of the controller. ٨After running, be sure to disconnect Ni-Cad battery and remove it from your car. ⿒ Red 㤛 Yellow 45 ⿒ Red ขᛒߩᵈᗧ / Operating your model safely / Zu Ihrer Sicherheit / Consignes de sŽcuritŽ ᰴߩࠃ߁ߥᤨޔ႐ᚲߢߪࠄߖߥޕᕁࠊߧߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ WARNING: Do NOT operate the model in the following places and situations: (Non-observance may lead to accidents!) ⼊๔ VORSICHT: Bedienen Sie Ihr Modell niemals an folgenden Orten und unter folgenden UmstŠnden! ATTENTION: NÕutilisez pas votre mod le dans les endroits suivants! ٨ⴕߐߖߡߪߌߥ႐ᚲޕ ⥄േゞ〝ޕ ዊߐߥሶଏߩߘ߫ߩੱޔᄙߣߎࠈޕ ᳃ኅߩㄭߊޔߥߤޕ ቶౝޕࠈߎߣ߹ߖޔ ̪ੱߦࠤࠟࠍߐߖࠆේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ߔߎࠍ‛ޔߚ߹ޕ ࠊߒߚࠅߩੱઁޔㅅᖺߦߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ٨ࡊࡠࡐ㑐ଥߩ㔚ᳰᱷ㊂߇ዋߥᤨޕ 01 㔚ᳰ߇ᷫߞߡߊࠆߣࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ࡞߇ߢ߈ߥߊߥࠅޔ ߿ⴣ⓭ߩේ࿃ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ ٨ㄭߊߢή✢ᠲ❑ᮨဳࠍᭉߒࠎߢࠆੱ߇ࠆޕ หߓࡃࡦ࠼ߢߩหᤨⴕߪߢ߈߹ߖࠎࡠ࠻ࡦࠦޕ ࡞߇ߢ߈ߥߊߥࠅߩ⓭ⴣ߿ޔේ࿃ߥࠅ߹ߔޕ 05 ٨ゞߩേ߈߇߅߆ߒ㧫㧫ߣ߈ ߔߋߦⴕࠍਛᱛߒߡේ࿃ࠍ⺞ߴߡߊߛߐޕේ࿃ਇ ߩ߹߹ⴕߐߖࠆߣޔᕁࠊߧ㓚߿ߩේ࿃ߦߥࠅ߹ Operate your model ONLY in spacious areas with no people around! Do NOT operate it: Bedienen Sie Ihr Modell nur an sicheren und gerŠumigen Orten. Bedienen Sie es niemals: Pour Žviter tout accident, nÕutilisez jamais votre mod le : 1. on roads! 2. in places where children and many people gather! 3. in residential districts and parks! 4. indoors and in limited space! * Non-observance may account for personal injury and property damage! 1. auf šffentlichen Stra§en! 2. dort, wo sich Leute und Kleinkinder aufhalten! 3. in Wohngebieten und Parks! 4. in engen, begrenzten Orten oder in RŠumen! * Nichtbeachtung kann Verlet-zung von Personen sowie SachschŠden zur Folge haben! 1. ˆ proximitŽde routes! 2. dans un endroit avec des enfants et promeneurs! 3. ˆ proximitŽde rŽsidences, dÕŽcoles et dÕh™piteux! 4. ˆ lÕintŽrieur ou dans un endroit Žtroit! * Ne pas respecter ces consignes peut entra”ner la perte de votre mod le et avoir des consŽquences fatales. Always check the radio batteries! †berprŸfen Sie die Batterien der RC-Anlage! Quand les piles de la radio sont dŽchargŽes: With weak dry batteries, transmission and reception of the radio fall off. You may lose control of your model when operating it under such condition. This may also lead to serious accidents! Sobald die Batterien nachlassen, lassen auch das Sende- und Empfangvermšgen nach. Die Bedienung Ihres Modelles mit schwachen Batterien kann zum Ver-lust Ihres Modelles und schweren UnfŠllen Keep in mind that people around you may also operate a radio control model! Bedenken Sie, da§ auch andere in Ihrer Umgebung ein ferngesteuertes Modell bedienen kšnnten! Si les piles sont insuffisamment chargŽes, lÕŽmission et la rŽception de la radio deviennent faibles. LÕutilisation de votre mod le avec des piles insuffisamment chargŽes peut entra”ner la perte de votre mod le ainsi que des accidents graves! NEVER share the same frequency with somebody else at the same time! Signals will be mixed and you will lose control of your model. This may lead to accidents! Stellen Sie sicher, da§ niemand zur selben Zeit die-selbe Frequenz in Ihrer Umgebung benutzt! Das kann zum Ver-lust Ihres Model-les sowie zu schweren UnfŠllen fŸhren. When the model is behaving strangely . .! Wenn Ihr Modell nicht normal funktioniert, . . . : Immediately stop the model and check the reason. As long as the problem is not cleared, do NOT operate it! This may lead to further trouble and unforeseen acci-dents! Unterbrechen Sie die Bedienung augenblicklich und untersuchen Sie die Ursache. Solange sie nicht geklŠrt ist, bedienen Sie niemals Ihr Modell! Das kšnn-te schwere UnfŠlle zur Folge haben! Assurez-vous que personne nÕutilise votre frŽquence au m me instant! NÕutilisez jamais la m me frŽquence que quelquÕun dÕautre. Cela pourrait entra”ner la perte de votre mod le ainsi que des accidents graves! Quand le fonctionnement de votre mod le est Žtrange: Arr tez immŽdiatement votre mod le et trouvez la cause. Sinon, vous risquez la perte de votre mod le ainsi que des accidents graves! ߿ࠤࠟ╬ߩෂ㒾㒐ᱛߩߚޔᰴߩߎߣࠍᔅߕ߅ࠅߊߛߐޕ WARNING: In order to avoid accidents and personal injury, be sure to observe the following: ⼊๔ VORSICHT: Zur Unfall- und Sachschadenvermeidung, beachten Sie bitte auch folgendes: ATTENTION: Respectez les consignes suivantes afin de faire Žvoluer votre mod le en toute sŽcuritŽ: ٨࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߩขᛒߩᵈᗧޕ 1. ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹߅ࠃ߮ల㔚ེߩ⺑ᦠࠍࠃߊ ⺒ޕ ᱛ PROHIBITED VERBOTEN DEFENDU ᱛ PROHIBITED VERBOTEN DEFENDU 2. ల㔚ਛߪޔ࠹࠶ࡃ࠼ࠞ࠾ޔల㔚ེ߇⊒ᾲߔ ࠆߩߢޔΆ߃߿ߔ‛ߩߢߪల㔚ߒߥޕ 3. ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߩಽ⸃ޔᡷㅧߪ⛘ኻߦߒߥޕ 4. ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߩࠦ࠼߇ޔ࿁ォㇱಽߦធ⸅ ߒߥࠃ߁ߦߔࠆޕ 5. ਇⷐߦߥߞߚ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߪޔᝥߡߕߦ⽼ ᄁᐫߦළߔࠆޕ ٨࿁ォߒߡࠆㇱಽߦޔᜰ߿‛ߥߤࠍࠇߥޕ ٨ⴕ⋥ᓟߪ࠹࠶ࡃ࠼ࠞ࠾ޔ࠲ࡕޔㄝ ߪ㜞᷷ߦߥߞߡࠆߩߢޕߥࠄࠊߐߪߦߋߔޔ Battery ᱛ PROHIBITED VERBOTEN DEFENDU ᱛ PROHIBITED VERBOTEN DEFENDU ᱛ PROHIBITED VERBOTEN DEFENDU ٨Zum sicheren Gebrauch von Akkus: ٨Consignes de sŽcuritŽ: 1. Carefully read the instructions on the Ni-Cd battery and charger before use! 2. Never charge near inflammable material as the NiCd battery and charger get hot! 3. Never disassemble or modify a Ni-Cd battery! 4. Ensure the cord of a Ni-Cd battery never trails into rotating or moving parts! 5. Always return a disused Ni-Cd battery to the shop! Do not dispose of it into the usual waste stream! 1. Bedienungsanleitungen von Akkus und LadegerŠten sorgfŠltig vor Gebrauch durchlesen. 2. Akkus niemals in der NŠhe von leichtentzŸnd-lichem Material aufladen! Akkus und Lade-gerŠte werden beim Aufladen hei§. 3. Akkus niemals auseinandernehmen oder um-bauen! 4. Akkukabel dŸrfen nicht in bewegende oder sich drehende Teile kommen! 5. Verbrauchte Akkus fachgerecht an entsprechen-der Stelle entsorgen oder an den Kyosho FachhŠndler 1. Lisez la notice de lÕaccu et du chargeur avant leur utilisation ! 2. Ne rechargez jamais lÕaccu ˆ proximitŽde matŽ-riaux inflammables; lÕaoou et le ohargeur chauffent ! 3. Ne dŽcomposez ou modifiez jamais un accu Ni-Cd ! 4. Assurez-vous que le c‰ble de lÕaccu ne soit pas en contact avec des pi ces en mouvement ! 5. Ne jetez jamais un accu devenu inutile ! Rendez-le au magasin o vous lÕavez achetŽqui sÕoccupera du recyclage. ٨Do not put fingers or any objects inside rotating and moving parts! ٨Right after use, do not touch the electric motor and Ni-Cd battery! Danger of burning yourself! ٨Stecken Sie niemals Ihre Finger in bewegende oder sich drehende Teile. ٨Fassen Sie den Elektromotor und den Akku nach dem Fahren niemals an! Verbrennungsgefahr! ٨Ne jamais mettre vos doigts dans les pi ces en mouvement! ٨Apr s utilisatlon, ne pas toucher le moteur ou lÕaccu ! Danger de bržlures ! ٨Handling Ni-Cd batteries safely: 13 ࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ ຠ⇟ No. BL-1 BL-2 BL-4 BL-5 BL-6 BL-7 BL-8 BL-9 BL-10 BL-11 BL-13 BL-14 BL-15 BL-17 BL-19 BL-20 BL-31 BL-32 BL-33 BL-34 BL-35 EP-22 ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names ࡏ࠺ࠖ࠶࠻ Body Set ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ڎቯଔ ڎㅍᢱ Quantity 91 92 95 96 x 1 EP/GPㅢ࠺ࠞ࡞ x1 2800 ৻ᓞ Common Decal (for Both EP & GP) ࡑࠬࠠࡦࠣ࠺ࠞ࡞ 200 x1 Masking Decal ࠨࠗ࠼ࡊ࠻ 1 Side Plate 56 ࠞࡃ&ࠢࡠࠬࡃ࠶࠻ Cover & Cross-bar Set 54 ࠕࡦ࠳ࠞࡃ 94 Under Cover ࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢࡄ࠷A 3 Plastic Parts A ࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢࡄ࠷B 12 Plastic Parts B 20 ࠬࡊࡠࠤ࠶࠻㧔ࠪ࡞ࡃࡔ࠶ࠠ㧕 17 Sprocket (Silver) ࡎࠗ࡞㧔ࠪ࡞ࡃࡔ࠶ࠠ㧕 72 Wheel (Silver) 73 70 ࡌ࡞࠻࠶࠻ Belt Set 71 ࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢࡄ࠷C 58 Plastic Parts C 24 69 ࠪࡖࡈ࠻࠶࠻ Shaft Set 9 ࠳࠴ࠚࡦ 16 Ladder Chain 18 ࠬࡊࡦࠣ࠶࠻ Spring Set 19 52 ࡠ࡞ࡃ Roll Bar 53 ࡃ㧛ࡄࠗࡊ࠶࠻ 90 Ruber & Pip Set ࡚ࠫࠗࡦ࠻ 33 Joint ࡦ࠲ࡊ࠻㧔ࡉࠩ࠼EV㧕 Center Plate (BLIZZARD EV) 50 ࡕ࠲ࡊ࠻ 42 Motor Plate ዊ‛ࡊࠬ࠴࠶ࠢࡄ࠷㧔ࡉࠩ࠼EV㧕 39 Small Parts ¥ Plastic Parts (BLIZZARD EV) 41 ࡉࠠࡄ࠷㧔ࡉࠩ࠼EV㧕 Brake Parts (BLIZZARD EV) 4 ࡔࠗࡦࠡࡗࠪࡖࡈ࠻㧔ࡉࠩ࠼EV㧕 Main Gear Shaft (BLIZZARD EV) 38 ࡈ࠶ࠢࡇࡦ 93 Hook Pin x1 700 57 x 1 x2 650 x1 450 13 61 62 x 1 300 15 x 1 21 22 x 3 300 x2 400 74 x 2 x4 x1 x4 59 x 1 36 60 x 2 x1 11 14 68 x 2 x2 x2 x4 x1 x2 14 1200 350 700 450 350 500 x3 700 x3 200 x1 800 x1 250 40 x 1 48 51 55 x 2 500 7 8 80 81 x 1 400 x1 200 x5 100 76 x 1 GP↪ࡦࠤࠫ࠶࠻ FD-65 Linkage Set(for GP cars) 77 78 79 82 x 2 23 65 75 x 4 ࠡࡗࡏ࠶ࠢࠬ FZ-10 Gearbox ࡈࠔࠗ࠽࡞࠺ࡈࠤࠬ FZ-13 Final Differential Case 3.1ࠬ࠻࠶ࡄ KC-18 3.1Stopper 5.8mmࡏ࡞ࠛࡦ࠼ LA-43 5.8mm Ballend EP↪ࡠ࠶࠼࠶࠻ MI-21 Rod Set for EP ࠺ࡈࠡࡗ࠶࠻ OT-28 Differential Gear Set Oࡦࠣ OT-29 O-Ring ࠬ࠹ࡦࠬ࠺ࠖࠬࠢࡠ࠲ SPW-51 Stainless Disk Rotor ࠬࡄࠡࡗ㧔86T㧕 SST-4 Spur Gear (86T) 450 1100 34 35 x 1 300 28 29 32 x 1 900 63 x 10 650 66 x 12 300 83 84 85 x 1 400 25 x 2 26 27 x 4 750 64 x 10 200 6 x1 5 x2 1000 37 x 1 250 SPARE PARTS ຠ⇟ No. ࡄ࠷ฬ Part Names 5.8mmࡇࡠࡏ࡞ 1284 5.8mm Pillow Ball Eࡦࠣ㧔E3㧕 1383 E-Ring (E3) Eࡦࠣ㧔E4㧕 1384 E-Ring (E4) ࠾ࠞ࠼ࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ 1704 Ni-Cd Strap ࠞࠕࡦ࠹࠽㧔⊕㧕 1705 Color Antenna (White) 15Wᛶ᛫࠶࠻ 1819 15W Resistor 5x10mmࡔ࠲࡞ 1916 5x10mm Metal 8x14mmࡔ࠲࡞ 1918 8x14mm Metal ࡑࠫ࠶ࠢ࠹ࡊ 90497 Magic Tape ࡠ࠲ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ㧔T࠲ࠗࡊ㧕 96435 Rotary Controller (T type) ࠬࡐࡦࠫ࠹ࡊ㧔1mm㧕 96441 Sponge Tape (1mm) ڎFOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ڎቯଔ ڎㅍᢱ Quantity 67 x 8 200 97 x 10 150 10 x 10 150 86 x 6 400 89 x 6 500 45 46 47 x 1 400 2 x 10 400 30 31 x 10 600 91 92 x2 400 49 84 85 x 1 88 x 12 ৻ᓞ 200 1600 300 ࠠ࠶࠻ߩㇱຠߩ৻ㇱߦߪࠬࡍࠕࡄ࠷ߣߒߡ⽼ᄁߒߡߥ‛߇ࠅ߹ߔޕ ੩ߢߪࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࡄ࠷ࠍ⽼ᄁߒߡ߹ߔߩߢ߅⾈᳞ߊߛߐޕ Some of the parts included are not available as spare parts. Purchase optional parts instead. ࠝࡊ࡚ࠪࡦࡄ࠷ ຠ⇟ No. FZW-18 W-0117 W-0118 W-0119 W-0120 W-0141 1700 KP/KY 1704 KP/KY 1706 /1707 1829 1879 1901 1903 1911 2233 OPTIONAL PARTS ࡄ࠷ฬ ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ڎቯଔ ڎㅍᢱ Part Names Quantity ࠬ࠴࡞࠺ࡈࠡࡗ࠶࠻ 25 26 27 32 ߣ឵ Steel Differential Gear Set instead of 25 26 27 32 6800 ৻ᓞ 200 ࡂ࠼ࡇ࠾ࠝࡦ㧔17T-48P㧕 43 ߣ឵㧔 43 ߣหߓᱤᢙ㧕 500 Hard Pinion (17T-48P) instead of 43 ࡂ࠼ࡇ࠾ࠝࡦ㧔18T-48P㧕 43 ߣ឵ 500 Hard Pinion (18T-48P) instead of 43 ࡂ࠼ࡇ࠾ࠝࡦ㧔19T-48P㧕 43 ߣ឵ 500 Hard Pinion (19T-48P) instead of 43 ࡂ࠼ࡇ࠾ࠝࡦ㧔20T-48P㧕 43 ߣ឵ 500 Hard Pinion (20T-48P) instead of 43 M3࠹ࡄࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ 65 ߣ឵ 450 Tapered Washer instead of 65 ࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ㧔S㧕ࡇࡦࠢ/ࠗࠛࡠ 87 ߣ឵ 㧔ฦ㧕180 Strap (S) Pink/Yellow instead of 87 Ⱟశ࠾ࠞ࠼ࠬ࠻࠶ࡊ㧔ࡇࡦࠢ/ࠗࠛࡠ㧕 86 ߣ឵ 㧔ฦ㧕400 Fluorescent Ni-Cd Strap (Pink/Yellow) instead of 86 89 ߣ឵ 1706㧦ࡇࡦࠢ 1707㧦ࠗࠛࡠ㧔ฦ㧕 ࠞࠕࡦ࠹࠽ 500 Color Antenna instead of 89 1706㧦Pink 1707㧦Yellow ࠙ࡦ࠼ࠞ࠶࠲&ࠨࡦ࠳ ࡏ࠺ࠖߩࠞ࠶࠻ 1000 Round Cutter & Sander ࠣࠬ 150 Grease 2 ߣ឵ 5x10mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 700 5x10mm Bearing instead of 2 73 ߣ឵ 4x8mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 700 4x8mm Bearing instead of 73 30 31 ߣ឵ 8x14mmࡌࠕࡦࠣ 700 8x14mm Bearing instead of 30 31 ACࠢࠗ࠶ࠢ࠴ࡖࠫࡖII ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߩల㔚ེ AC Quick Charger II 㧔ኅᐸ↪AC100v߆ࠄߩల㔚㧕 6500 ຠ⇟ No. 70558 72501 72506 72727 80311 80312 92302 KP/KY 1241 ڎFOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ࡄ࠷ฬ ౝኈ㧔ࠠNo.ߣᢙ㧕 ڎቯଔ ڎㅍᢱ Part Names Quantity Kࠬࡇ࠼ࠬ࠻࠶ࠢ 23࠲ࡦ 44 ߣ឵ 1800 ৻ᓞ K Speed Stock 23 Turn instead of 44 200 DCࠢࠗ࠶ࠢ࠴ࡖࠫࡖIII ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߩల㔚ེ 3400 DC Quick Charger II 㧔DC12v߆ࠄߩల㔚㧕 ࡑ࡞࠴࠴ࡖࠫࡖIII ࠾ࠞ࠼ࡃ࠶࠹ߩల㔚ེ 4800 㧔DC12v߆ࠄߩల㔚㧕 Multi Charger III ࠛ࠽ࠫ10 ኅᐸ↪AC100v߆ࠄߩల㔚ེ㔚Ḯଏ⛎ེ 11800 Energy 10 ࠬࡍࠪࡖ࡞࠹ࡄࡑ ࡏ࠺ࠖⓣߌ↪ 1800 Special Taper Reamer ࡠ࠶ࠠࡦࠣࠫࠣ&ࡦ࠴ චሼࡦ࠴+ࠢࡦࠢࡠ࠶ࠢ 800 Locking Jig & Wrench Cross wrench + Plug locker ࠪࡃࡊࡠ࠹ࠢ࠲㧔ࡇࡦࠢ/ࠗࠛࡠ㧕 ฃାᯏ⼔ 㧔ฦ㧕450 Receiver Protector (Pink/Yellow) Protects receiver ࡕ࠲ࠦ࠼ 200 Motor Cord ࡄ㧙࠷ߪࡄࠆߡߒ↪ߦ࠻࠶ࠠޔ㧙࠷ࠍ࠶࠻ߒߡޔຠ⇟නߢ⊒ᄁߒߡ߅ࠅ߹ߔ߅ޣ ޕᕆ߉ߩᣇߪ⺣⋧࡙ࠩޡޤቶޢተߦ㊄ᦠ⇐ߢ߅↳ߒㄟߺߊߛߐޕ ᔅⷐߥࡄ㧙࠷ࠍ⏕ߒߡࠠߩߘޔ0Q߇߹ࠇߡࠆ࠶࠻ຠ⇟ࡄ࠻࠶ޔ㧙࠷ฬ ̪㔚ߢߩߏᵈᢥߪ߅ޔฃߌߢ߈߹ߖࠎߩߢߏੌᛚߊߛߐޕ ߮ᢙ㊂ࠍߏ⸥ߩޔㇷଢᝄㄟ ㅍ㊄ᚻᢙᢱ߇ߊߡߔߦߡ߅↳ߒㄟߺߊߛߐޕ ޝᵈᢥᣇᴺޞ (2) (5) ᛄㄟੱᚲ᳁ฬ ̪ 00210 4 ᝄㄟㅪ⛊߹ߢ ⚂ᣣ㑆 ฝߦߏ⸥ߊߛߐ ̪ 47271 ̪ ੩ᩣᑼળ␠ ߈ߚ㧍 ජ ⊖ ච ਁ ජ ⊖ ච ̪ 1565 ̪ (3) ᢱ˴˴㊄ 㧔㔚⇟ภ˴˴˴˴˴˴˴˴˴㧕 㧔ᶖ⾌⒢ㄟߺ㧕 ․ᱶขᛒ ⵣ㕙ߩᵈᗧ㗄ࠍ߅⺒ߺߊߛߐޕ㧔ㇷ⋭㧕 ฃઃዪᣣ㒝ශ (3) ⸥タ㗄ࠍ⸓ᱜߒߚ႐วߪ˴ߘߩ▎ᚲߦ⸓ᱜශࠍߒߡߊߛߐ 㧔㧕 ᛄㄟੱᚲ᳁ฬ ᛄㄟੱߦ߅ߡ⸥タߒߡߊߛߐ 1,400 ㅍᢱ 90 ᶖ⾌⒢㧔ㇱຠ㧗ㅍᢱว⸘㊄㗵Z㧕 75 ว⸘ 1,565 ಾࠅขࠄߥߢㇷଢዪߦ߅ߒߊߛߐ ຠ⇟˴˴˴˴ㇱຠฬ˴˴˴˴ᢙ㊂ ̪ (4) ˴˴˴ࡌࠕࡦࠣ˴˴˴˴ 㧔ㇷଢ⇟ภ˴˴˴˴˴˴㧕 ญ ᐳ ⇟ ภ ട⠪ฬ ㊄˴㗵 ੩ᩣᑼળ␠ 1565 ᱶ˴ᛒ ․˴ข 47271 ජ ⊖ ච ਁ ජ ⊖ ච ̪ ̪ ㅢ˴˴ା˴˴ᰣ ฦߩ̪ශᰣߪ 00210 4 ̪ ᛄㄟฃ㗔⸽ (2) ᛄ˴˴ㄟ˴˴ข˴˴ᛒ˴˴ ญᐳ⇟ภ˴˴㧔ฝߦߏ⸥ߊߛߐ㧕 ㊄˴㗵 ᢱ˴㊄ 00 ̪ ട⠪ฬ 㧔㧕ㇷଢዪ߳ⴕ߈ߩߌߟ߃ߥߘޔᛄㄟ↪⚕ߦ ᰴߩ㧔㧕㨪㧔㧕ࠍ⸥ߒߡߊߛߐޕ 㧔㧕ญᐳ⇟ภ㧛˴ട⠪ฬ㧛੩ ᩣᑼળ␠ߣ⸥ߒ߹ߔޕ 㧔㧕ߥߚߩ ㇷଢ⇟ภ ᚲ ᳁ฬ 㔚⇟ภࠍᔅߕ⸥ߒߡߊߛߐޕ㧔ᚲ ᳁ฬߦߪᔅߕࡈࠟ࠽ࠍ߰ߞߡߊߛߐޕ㧕 㧔㧕ᵈᢥߒߚޔຠ⇟ ࡄ㧙࠷ฬ ᵈᢥ ᢙࠍᔅߕ⸥ߒߡߊߛߐޕ 㧔㧕ઍ㊄ߪࡄޔ㧙࠷ଔᩰᢙ㊂ ㅍᢱ㧔 એ߅᳞ߩ႐วߪޔಽߩㅍᢱߢ৻ ⇟㜞ㅍᢱߛߌߢ⚿᭴ߢߔ㧕㧗ߩว⸘ ㊄㗵ߦᶖ⾌⒢ࠍࡊࠬߒߡߊߛߐޕ 㧔㧝ᧂḩߪ྾ᝥ㧕 㧔㧕ㇷଢዪߩ⓹ญ߳ᚻᢙᢱ㧔㨪㧕ࠍߘ ߃ߡ߅↳ߒㄟߺߊߛߐޕ 㨪ᣣ㑆 ฃઃዪᣣ㒝ශ ࡄ㧙࠷ߩଔᩰߦߪޔᶖ⾌⒢ߪ߹ࠇߡ߅ࠅ߹ߖࠎޕ ߹ߚޔቯଔޔㅍᢱޔᶖ⾌⒢ߪᐔᚑ ᐕ ᣣߩ߽ߩߢޔᴺⷙᡷᱜޔㆇ⾓ᡷቯ⻉ޔᖱߥ ߤߦߣ߽ߥᄌᦝߦߥࠅ߹ߔߩߢߏੌᛚߊߛߐޕ 15 ࡆࠬ࠽࠶࠻㘃 SCREWNUT etc. ٨ FOR JAPANESE MARKET ONLY. ຠ⇟ No. 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 ࠨࠗ࠭㧔mm㧕 Size (mm) ࠽ࡌࡆࠬ Round Head Screw ᢙ㧔ฦ㧕 QUANTITY 2x62x82x102x15 2.6x82.6x102.6x122.6x14 3x43x63x83x103 x12 3x143x163x183x20 4x64x84x104x12 3x223x243x263x28 2.6x42.6x62.6x82.6x12 3x43x63x83x103x12 3x143x163x183x20 4x64x84x104x12 3x223x253x283x30 4x154x184x204x22 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each ٨200 2.6x82.6x102.6x122.6x14 3x63x83x103x12 3x143x163x183x20 4x84x104x154x20 3x223x243x263x28 3x303x323x343x35 ࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Cap Screw 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 ࡔࠞᜰቯߩ⚐ᱜㇱຠࠍ↪ߒߡ ˴ ోߦ4%ࠍᭉߒߺ߹ߒࠂ߁ޕ 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2x42x62x82x10 2.6x62.6x82.6x102.6x12 3x63x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 3x253x303x35 2.6x142.6x152.6x162.6x18 ࡃࠗࡦ࠼࠲࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡆࠬ Bind Self-Tapping Screw 1140 1141 1142 1143 ᢙ㧔ฦ㧕 QUANTITY 2.6x62.6x82.6x102.6x12 3x63x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 4x104x154x18 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each ຠ⇟ No. ᓘ ¯ ࠽࠶࠻ Nut 1171 1172 2mm2.6mm 3mm4mm 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 1147 1148 1149 1150 2.6x62.6x82.6x102.6x12 3x63x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 4x154x204x25 ࡈࡦࠫઃࠠࡖ࠶ࡊࡆࠬ Flanged Cap Screw 1153 1154 3x63x83x10 4x84x104x12 ࠨዊਣࡆࠬ Screw 1157 2x82x10 ࠶࠻ࡆࠬ Set Screw 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 3x63x123x143x16 3x33x43x53x10 4x44x54x84x12 5x45x55x6 5x305x40 3x203x25 ࠷ࡄعᚻߦߟߡ ࡄ࠷ߩᚻ㔍ࠍ⸃ߔࠆߩ߇⋥࠷ࡄޟㅍଢޠ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓߢߔޕᔅⷐߥࡄ࠷߇߅ᐫߢຠಾࠇߩᤨ ߪࠍࡓ࠹ࠬࠪߩߘޔᛒߞߡࠆ⽼ᄁᐫߦᵈᢥߚ ߛߊߣޔ੩ࠃࠅ⋥ធࡄ࠷߇ᚻߢ߈߹ߔޕઍ ㊄ߪ߅ᐫߢ⋥ߪ࠷ࡄޔធ੩߆ࠄ߅ዯߌߒ߹ ߔߪߡߞࠃߦ࠷ࡄޕขࠅᛒߐࠇߡߥ‛߽ ࠅ߹ߔߩߢߪߊߒޔᏀ⸥ߩ⋴᧼ߩࠆ⽼ᄁᐫ ߦ߅วࠊߖߊߛߐޕ 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 1174 1175 ٨200 10 each ٨200 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each 3 each ٨200 10 each 10 each 10 pcs 10 pcs 3mm 4mm ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ Nylon Nut 1177 1178 1179 2.6mm 3mm 4mm ٨200 5 pcs 5 pcs 5 pcs ࡈࡦࠫઃ࠽ࠗࡠࡦ࠽࠶࠻ ٨200 Flanged Nylon Nut 1180 4mm 5 pcs ࡢ࠶ࠪࡖ Washer 1185 1186 Eࡦࠣ E-Clips 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1390 ٨200 2mm2.6mm3mm 4mm5mm ٨200 2 each 2 each ᢙ㧔ฦ㧕 QUANTITY ࡈࡦࠫઃ࠽࠶࠻ ٨200 Flanged Nut ٨200 ࠨ࠲࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡆࠬ Flat Head Self-Tapping Screw ٨200 ٨200 2x82x102x122x14 2.6x82.6x102.6x122.6x14 3x83x103x123x14 3x153x163x183x20 3x253x303x353x40 4x104x154x20 4x254x284x30 4x354x404x45 ੩ߩࡄ࠷ߥࠄ ߔߋឥ߁ 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 ٨200 ࠨࡆࠬ Flat Head Screw 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each 5 each ࠨࠗ࠭㧔mm㧕 Size (mm) ࠽ࡌ࠲࠶ࡇࡦࠣࡆࠬ Round Head Self-Tapping Screw ٨200 ٨200 ࡃࠗࡦ࠼ࡆࠬ Bind Screw 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 ຠ⇟ No. E1.5 E2.0 E2.5 E3.0 E4.0 E5.0 E6.0 E7.0 E10.0 10 each 10 each ٨150 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 10 pcs 6 pcs 6 pcs ̪ߎߎߦ⸥ߐࠇߚએᄖߩࡆࠬߪ╬࠻࠶࠽ޔ ⺣⋧࡙ࠩޡቶ߅ߦޢวࠊߖߊߛߐޕ R THE FINEST RADIO CONTROL MODELS ੩ᩣᑼળ␠ ޥ243-0034 ᄹᎹ⋵ෘᧁᏒ⦁ሶ153 ٨࡙㧙ࠩ㧙⋧⺣ቶ⋥ㅢ TEL.046(229)4115 ߅วࠊߖߪ㧦ᦐ㨪㊄ᦐ(⑂ᣣࠍ㒰ߊ) 10㧦00㨪18㧦00 61929904-1 PRINTED IN JAPAN
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