KCIrtlYn 0liir[ APPET{DIXcr Parental Formulas c-7 ENTERALFORMULAS The large number of enteral formulas available allows health care professionals to neet a variety of their patients, medicai needs, but also complicates the process of selecting an appropriate formula. The first step in narrowing the choice offor_ mulas is to determine the patient's ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Table I-1 on pp, ]-2 through J-3 lists examples of standard formulas for patients who can adequately digest and absorb rrutrients, and Table l-2 onp.]-4 provides examples of hydrolyzed formulas for patients with limit€d ability to digest or absorb nutrients. Products promoted to the generat pubtic and intended primarily as oral supplements, such as C"rnr_ tion Instant Breakfasto (Nestl...), . Mead Iohnson Nutritionals:a Kindercalo TF Boost@ (Mead |ohnson), . Nestl€ Nutrition:b and Ensure (Ross), are not included as examples. Each for_ mula is listed only once, although a formula may h"ve more than^one use. A high-protein formula, for example, may also be a fiber-conraining formula. Thbles |-3 through I_5 on p. f-5 list modular formulas. The information listed in this appendix reflects the liter_ ature provided by manufacturers and does not .Novartis Medical Nutrition:c Casec@ Glytrolo Advera@ Choice DM@ TF Alitraqo Nutren@ 2.0 Nutren@ Fiber Nutren@ Junior NutriHepo Compleat@ Pediatric Glucerna@ Cornplp Criticare HNo IevitYo Optimentalo Impact@ Osmolite@ NutriRenal@ NutriVent@ Impact@ 1.5 hnpact@ Glutamine PediaSure@ Isocal@ Peptamen@ Perative@ Isocal@ HN Peptamen IuniortD Isocal@ HN PIus Oxepa@ Polycose Liquido Polycose Powder@ Probalance@ Isosource@ Standard Repleteo ProModo Magnacal@ Promote@ Promote@ with Fiber Pulmocare@ Renal@ Microlipido Novasource@ pulmonary Novasource@ Renal Protain XLo Diabetic Resource@ Ultracal@ HN plus Vivonex@ Pediatric Vivonexrd PIus Vivonexo T.E.N. " Mead ]ohnson Nutritionals,, visitert Marcl"g2005. I'Nestld Nutrition,, visited tvtarch s,il05'Novartis lr,ledical Nutrition, ryww.novartis.conr, visited March 9, 2005. Ross Medical NePro@ Delivero 2.0 MCTOiI@ d . Ross Medical Nutritionals:d Crucial@ Nutren@ 1.0 Nutren@ 1.5 suggest endorsement by the authors. Manufacture.s fr.q,r.rrtlildd new formulas, discontinue old ones, and change formula composition. Consult the manufacturers, literature and websites for updates and additional examples of enteral formulas. The following products are listed in this appendix: Nutritionals,, visited March 9,2005. C-8 AppENDtxc Parenteral and Enteral Formulas TABLE C2.1 Standard Formulas lo0K Volume to Meet 100% RDlb(mt) Produrf / Eneryy Protein 0r Amino Acids (kol/mt) Ca6ohydrah Fat (stLl (e/t) (s/U A, l{ d)atrnta-t 0rttrcf gqt Osmolalityr (mOsm/kg) Notes lactose-Frce, Standard Fomulas lsoca16 1890 1.06 34 r35 44 270 20%fatfrom M(T lsosourceo Standard 1165 1.20 43 170 39 490 50% fatfrom MG Nutrenol.0 1500 1.00 40 127 38 315 25%fatfromMG 0smoliteo 2000 1.06 3t 151 l5 300 20% fatfrom MCI lactosc-Free, tiber-(ontainin g tormulas Jevityo 1321 1.06 44 155 l5 300 14 g fiber/L Nutreno Fiber 1500 1.00 40 127 38 130 14 g fiber/L PmBalanceo 1000 1.20 54 156 41 350 10 g fiber/L Promoteowith Fiber 1000 1.00 63 28 380 14 g fiber/L 20%fatfrom MO (omplyo 'I38 830 1.50 60 180 61 460 Delivero 2.0 1000 2.00 75 200 101 640 30%fatfromMC Nutreno 1.5 1000 1.50 60 169 68 430 50%fatfom MCI Nutreno 2.0 750 2.00 80 196 104 745 75%fatfrom MO [actoseFree, High-Protein tormulas lsocalo HN I 180 1.06 44 124 45 270 Low residue lsocalo HN Plus 1000 r.20 54 156 40 400 Low residue Promote@ 1000 1.00 63 130 26 340 20%fatfrom MO 1000 1.20 54 156 40 370 30%fatfrom MO low residue ultncalo HN Plus 10 g fiber/L Formulas: Pediatd< (t to 1 0 yean) (ompleato Pediauic Variesd 1.00 130 380 Blenderized formuii 6,8 q fiber/L KindercaloTF Varied 1.06 30 13s 44 345 Nutren JunioP 12%fatfrom MO Variesd 1.00 30 110 50 350 21%fatfrom MO PediaSureo Variesd 1.00 l0 110 50 430 Formulas: Glurose lntolerance --$-' (hoice DMoTF 1 120 1.06 45 119 51 300 14 g Glucerna@ 1420 1.00 42 96 54 355 14 g fiber/l 6lytrolo 1400 1.00 45 100 48 180 15 g fiber/L; 180 1.06 6l '100 47 100 fiberA 20%fatfrom MCi Resource@ Diabetic 1 13 g fiberiL Enriched with N arginine, nudeic acids, and omega-3 lmpacto 1.5 1250 lmpacto Glutamine 1000 '1.50 1.30 84 78 140 150 69 43 fatty acids 550 630 Same as above Same as above and enriched with glutamine;10 NOIE: a g fiberlL MO Medium-chain triglycerides. Formulas come in ready-to-use (liquid) form unless specified under,,Notes.,, the product. 'Osmolality may vary depending on the flavorings added to a product. d Depends on age ofchild. (entinued on the following pogi c2 APPENDTx TABLE C2.1 Enteral Formulas c-9 (continued) Standard Formulas Volume to Meet 100% ProducF Rotb (mt) Energy (kcal/mL) Protein or Amino Acids Carbohydrate (sA) tat (sA) 0smolalityc (g/L) (m0sm/kg) 75 200 '101 s70 Notes SperiaFUse Formulas: Renal tailure Ma!nacalo Renal 1000 2.00 20% fatfrom Mfi; intended for use once hemodialysis has been instituted NeProo 947 2.00 70 222 96 665 High-calcium,lowphosphorus; intended for use once dialysis has been instituted Novasource@ Renal 1000 2.00 74 200 100 700 Low in electrolytes; intended for use once dialysis has been instituted NutriRenalo 750 2.00 70 205 104 50%fatfromMO 650 enrirhed with vitamins C and 86, olate,zinc,and selenium; intended for use onre dialysis instituted as been SpeciaFUse Formulas: Respiratory lnsufficiency Novasource@ Pulmonary NutriVent@ 933 't000 1.50 75 150 68 6s0 8 g fiber/L 1.50 68 100 94 330 55% kcal from fat, 1.50 63 106 94 493 40% fat from MCI 0xepa 1420 55% kcal from fat, enriched with Pulmocare@ antioxidant nufiients 1420 1.50 63 106 93 475 55% kcatfrom fat, 20%fatfromM(I, enriched with antioxidant nutrients Protain XLo 9 g fiberll,20% fat from MCI, enriched with vitamins A and C Repleteo 1000 i.00 62 113 14 300 and zinc Enriched with vitamins A and and zinc;25% from MO ( fat C-l0 AppENDtxc Parenteral and Enteral Formulas TABLE C2.2 Hydrolyzed Protein tormulas Product' Volume to Meet 100% RDlb (mL) Energy Proteln or (kcal/ Amino Acids (arbohydrate Fat 0smolalltyc (m0sm/ mL) (q/r) (s/t) (s/L) ks) Notes NutriHepo Free amino acids, h:;- in branched chain amino acids,low in aromati( amino a(i,:i formulas: HIV lnfection or Al05 1184 78% hydrolyzed an: 22% intact protein. low fat, fiber adde: enriched with vitamins E,(,86,8:and folate Powder form;47 i: free amino acids, j.:. small peptides, enriched with glutamine and arginine Crucialo 1000 1.s0 94 r35 68 490 Enriched with argining glutamin:. antioxidant nutrlents, and zin( Perative@ 1500 1.30 67 180 37 460 Enrirhed with arginine and beta-carotene Vivonexo PIus 1800 1.00 45 190 550 Powder form; 1OC:r free amino acids, enriched with glutamine, arginiri and branched-ch; amino acids Special-Use Hydrolyzed Formulas: Malabsorption Criticare HNo 1890 1.06 38 220 650 Mix of free aminc acids and small peptides 0ptimentalo 1D) 1.00 139 28 540 (ontains Mff and arginine; enricheti with yitamins ( ar: E Peptameno i500 1.00 40 127 39 270 VivonexoT.E.N. 2000 1.00 38 210 3 630 and beta-carote:: 70%fatfrom MO Powder form; 10C:: free amino acids, enriched with glutamine 5pecial-Use Hydrolyzed FormulaslPediatric(1 to I0 years) Peptamen Junioro Varies' 1.0 30 138 39 164 60%fatfrom Mft contains glutamif: Vivonexo Pediatric Varies' 0.8 24 130 24 160 Powder form; 1 0i:: free amino acids using the produrt. b0smolallty may vary depending on the flavorings added to a product. ( Depends on age of child. APPET{DIX TABLE C2.3 Protein Modules Major Protein Energy Protein Source (kcal/g) (g/1 00 s) Casec@ Powder (alcium caseinate 1.8 90 ProMod@ Powder Whey protein 4.7 75 TABLE C2.4 (arbohydrate Modules Polycose Liquido Polycose Powder@ Major (arhohydrate Energy 5ource (kol/mI or9) Liquid Hydrolyzed cornstarch 2.0 kcaliml Powder Hydrolyzed (ornstarch 3.8 ktal/g TABLE C2.5 Fat Modules Energy Major Fat Source (kcal/mL) Protein (g/100 mt) MtT oil@ Liquid Medium-chain triglyceildes 7.7 86 MicroliPido Liquid 5afflower oil 4.5 5l c-r 1
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