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Poor performance... Reasons and remedies Sarcoids - a review of current trcatments € Straishtenins fron behifi'd " [/i. FREE POWDTR 8 SHAMPOO SAMPIES: mffi il Feeding and manasement ot the cri'moetition horse ( Dealins with Bogey'fences 6 The imoortance ol transitibns Globall Herbs NLP-Tack&Turnout You get what you focus oo isthal il Daniereording had successfully jumped overthe years have more confidence, maybe some ollen plays lricks 0n us and can build as this fact did not support his new on negative thoughls or memories beliel that these fences are monsters. Jhus a bogeylence was created out ol thin air! focus and excitement, sense of ease or s0me other resource you think would The thinU aboul our mind unlil lhey become an'issue' {an issue lhal doesn'l really erisl, ercept in 0ur minds!). So horv do we dealwith them? Case Study Mark had never liked jumpins Trakehners. As he came into the lence There are a range oftechniques we can use to dealwith this type of issue. Here are a few for you to do. he would feel himselftense up and stop riding forwards. His legs would go t0jelly and Technique 1 - orange circleThinking he would have a feeling ol dread and negative anticipation ofwhat was to come. This would inevitably result in either a stop 0r at best, an uncomlortable 'scrape' over the fence thus reinlorcing his beliefthat trakehners were padicularly horrid, and successfully convincinq his horse of 1. Take asheetot blank A4 paper and cut out a circle (12cm diameter) and square (1ocm). Colour the circle orange and the square blue. 2. Place the blue square on the fl00r and stand just behind it. the same. The lact remains thatour impressions ol certain scenarios are not lhe same as reality. They are merely our interpretation of a situalion that we then lookto.einforce thr0ugh subsequent events or thought processes i,e. we actually look tor ways to prove ourcelves right by focusing only on those aspects that are consistent wjth our beliefs. Although Mark had never had an accident atthis type 0flence before, he had conveniently disresarded allthe hundreds of trakehners that he 3, Recall a real situation when you lelt you lacked confidence at a particular type 0f lence, Bemember how unpieasant itfelt as you visualise a picture otyourself in that situation. Notice any feelings and in which direction they are moving. 4. Project your feelings down and 0n to the blue square and then step 1 rn away to the right. Ask yourselt how you would like to feel next tirne you arejumping this type of fence. (For example, presumably you would like to KM Elite Products support Breast Cancer Campaign be useful next time). 5. Now think back to atime 'alhen you had these particular resources - perhaps atime when you were jumping your lavourite fence, when you were feeling conlidenl and had allthe resources you needed to deal with the situation you were engaged with atthe time. Take afew minutes t0 recall a really good experience where you were feeling very confident. The strength ofyourleeling in this situation will be used to 'collapse' the leeling ol low confidence you have been experiencing with the 'bogey fence'. 6. Place the orange circle on the floor at least 3 m to the right 0tthe blue square and, with your eyes looking upwards, recallthe positive situation of jumping yourtavourite fence. Create a bright and colourful picture ofyourself. Make the picture big, turn up the volume 0l any sounds you can hear, make them sharp and clear. Notice any leelings you have and makethem stronger, Now, if you have not already done s0, bring the picture towards you, so close lhatyou become part of it (associated). 7. Notice how your posture has changed. Enjoythis moment and teel good about it. lntensifythe leeling by imagining sending it around your body - allthe way to your fingertips and toes, and upwards t0 lill your chest - making Karl Middleton, lvanaging Director of towards the blue square {bogey fence) have changed. You have now permanently collapsed the bad feelings. leader in the liqht against breast Gancer. visit The Cashel Fly Mask isthe ultimate in fly protection. Each mask has the unique three-hole cap for ears and forelock that pr0vides great stability and fit. The unique design ofthe eye darts keeps the mesh wellawaylrom the ears making the mask safer and more comfortable forthe horse. The plastic coated mesh is durable, blocks 7070 of damaging IJV rays and reduces symptoms ol Head Shaking Syndrome. Also available in the Cashel range isthe quiet ride bug armour rug, leg guards 38 - Equi'Ads'July 2010 2- Peripheral Vision By going into peripheral vision, belore 0r during a competiti0n, you can calm your nerves and remain focussed on the task in hand without distraction. When in peripheral vision it is almost impossible to feel negative emotions like fear or anxiety, or to perceive something as a'real' problem. It is importantto teach yourselfthe technique so you can d0 it quickly and effectively before trying this out on the course! 1. Pick a spot 0n the wali a little above eye levelto focus on. Belax the iaw muscle. campaign which raises vilal lunds torvards lindiIq lie cur€ l0r breasl cancer. The best selling Cashel Fly Masks erclusively diskibuled in the UK hy XM Elile Products has launchcd a linited editlon mask with pink ears t0 sup00rlthe campaiqn. For every lly mask purclased with lhe pinl ears, Kftl Elite willbe d0nating 5% 0l the RBP lolhe Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundali0n r'rh0 are a global For ludher informalion 0n the pinklly mask or any other ol the other Cashel products please Tel 01 403 759659 ot Technique 8. When yourfeelings are strong, and quiet ride lly mask. to be supporting such a tantaslic charitythrough the sale ol the Cashel fly masks. The range has been voted number 1 in the USAforthe last 5 years and in my opinion lhey really are the bestfly mask products on the market." contident state. Here's how to. . ., KM Elile Products are e*emely proud to be supporting the 'PlllK' "l am delighted 10. Place the orange circle over the blue square and imagine yourself jumping your bogey fence with this new you smile in a confident way. turn your head and look back to the blue square. Notice how yourfeelings KM Elite Products says "ffi:::;* 2. Focus 0n that spot. Allow yourself to notice that even though you are focussing your eyes on that spot, you 9. lMaintain this positive state, pick up yourorange circle and walk back t0 the can see eitherside of it. So even though you're looking at that spot you can see blue square. the whole ol the front wall, both 0fthe corners of the front wallahead 0fyou.