Here - Left Forum
Here - Left Forum
Full Name Rasheed Abdul-Wahaab Mitch Abidor Younes Abouyoub Bio Rasheed Abdul-Wahaab, President of Roots Community Films is a community activist that has worked with youth communities for over 30 years. His mission is to empower youth to use their talents and abilities to contribute positively to society. He is the producer of the 8 year running show on BCAT that has been a platform to address community issues. Mitch Abidor is a writer and translator living in Brooklyn. He is the author of two books, "The Great Anger, UltraRevolutionary Writing in France from the Atheist Priest to the Bonnot Gang," and "Communards; the Paris Commune of 1871 as Told by Those Who Fought for It." Mumia Abu-Jamal Mumia Abu-Jamal is a political prisoner who spent 30 years on death row and is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole; he has published seven books and sends columns and messages on a weekly basis from prison. Benjamin Eleanor Adam Benjamin Eleanor Adam is a Phd student in Sociology at the Graduate Center. Suzanne Adely Co-Chair, National Lawyers Guild International Committee, Suzanne Adely is a graduate of City University of New York School of Law. She currently works with the International United Auto Workers, Global Law & Organizing Institute, as their India program coordinator. She is also a founder of the Middle East, North Africa Labor Solidarity Network in the U.S. Konrad Aderer Konrad Aderer is a documentary director and television news producer. Through his nonprofit multimedia project Life or Liberty (, Konrad produces documentaries on communities targeted by deportation and detention. His feature documentary Enemy Alien was recently honored with a Courage in Media Award from Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Konrad holds an MA in Sociology from Brooklyn College. Moshe Adler Ramona Africa Moshe Adler teaches economics at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies at SUNY Empire State College and Columbia University. He is the author of Economics for the Rest of Us: Debunking the Science That Makes Life Dismal (The New Press). [email protected] Sole Survivor of the MOVE Bombing in Philadelphia in 1985 PAM Africa has been the Minister of Defense for the Free Mumia Coalition ever since his incarceration. She has travelled all over the globe establishing and maintaining the Movement to Free Mumia Abu Jamal. She is a tireless fighter for all human rights movements including animal rights, save the ecology and the struggle for human economic rights all over the world. She is an active member of the M.O.V. E. Organization. Pam Africa Stefan Agapie Héctor Agredano Shahzad Ahmad Fahd Ahmed Zohra Ahmed Héctor Agredano Rivera is a PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center in Geography. His dissertation research explores transportation networks during the Mexican Revolution. He is from Jalisco and California. Shahzad Ahmad is the Country Director of Bytes for All, an acclaimed human rights organization and technologists network in Pakistan most recently recognized for its "Take Back the Tech" campaign around women's rights and access to the Internet. Shahzad is a development communications expert, a Diplo Fellow, an executive board member of the Association for Progressive Communications, and a member of the International Advisory Board of Privacy International, UK. Zohra Ahmed is a student at Fordham University School of Law and a member of the Pakistan Solidarity Network. Bengi Akbulut Bengi Akbulut is an independent researcher. She completed her PhD in Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Manchester, School of Environment and Development, and a Consultant at the Regional Environmental Center (REC) Turkey. She works on the political economy of development, currently focusing on political ecology, state theory and social movements. Alan Akrivos is a Greek American socialist and activist involved in building solidarity with the struggles in Greece and internationally. He is a member of Aristeri Kinisi NY Greek Solidarity Movement, Occupy Astoria LIC and Queens Socialist Alternative. He serves on the executive boards of Justice Newspaper. He speaks and writes on labor and international issues and is involved in the struggle against the rise of neo-fascism in Greece. Alan Akrivos Frango Akrivos Kali Akuno Greek-American activist involved in socialist and labor causes. Member of SYRIZA-EKM/NY and AKNY Greece Solidarity Movement and active in Socialist Alternative and Occupy Astoria/LIC. Member of GCC/IBT Local 1L. Kali Akuno is an organizer with the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, educator, and writer. Heather Alaniz Heather Alaniz is a PhD Candidate in the Administration of Justice at Texas Southern University. Heather has engaged in several policy panels concerning international crimes, juvenile justice, and gun violence. Also, Ms. Alaniz served as an editor for the Asian Journal of Criminology. Claudio Albertani Claudio Albertani is Research Professor of History at the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM), co-Editor of Victor Serge: Carnets 1936-1947,(Agone 2012), and is writing a book on Victor Serge in Mexico. He is the founder of the Centro Vlady at UACM. Samar Al-Bulushi Nicos Alexiou Samar Al-Bulushi is a doctoral student in the Anthropology Department at Yale University with research interests in transnational governance, Islam, and the ‘war on terror’ in the East and Horn of Africa. Prior to her graduate work, Samar worked with a number of international human rights organizations. As an independent journalist from 2010-2011, Samar co-produced and co-hosted AfrobeatRadio and Global Movements, Urban Struggles on Pacifica’s WBAI in New York city. Nicos Alexiou teaches sociology at Queens College, CUNY. He is also a poet and the director of the Oral History Project on Greek Americans. Kelsey Alford-Jones William Allen Milton Allimadi Kelsey Alford-Jones is the Director of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission in Washington, D.C., a solidarity organization founded in 1983. Kelsey monitors human rights violations in Guatemala, raises awareness in the international community and advocates for policies in Guatemala and the U,S. that promote peace and justice. Bill Allen has been a board member of the Community Land Trust of the Southern Berkshires (CLTSB) for more than 20 years, which is an organization that maintains both working agricultural landscapes as well as affordable housing. He is also a resident of the Forest Row community, which is located on a 21-acre parcel owned by CLTSB, and has a deep multi-faceted perspective on the inner workings of community land trusts, including the human element. Milton Allimadi is an investigate reporter and the Founding Publisher & Editor-inChief of The Black Star News and, an Investigative weekly newspaper and website with predominantly African American, African, Caribbean and other Diaspora Africa readership. Allimadi is also founder of Guerrilla Journalism, a free weekly journalism workshop focusing on community-based reporting and writing. Matthew C. Ally Matthew Ally has published articles on Sartre's ethics and dialectical method. Forthcoming will be his book on the theme of putting Sartre's method to work in understanding ecology and the current environmental crisis. He is Associate Professor of Humanities at Borough of Manhattan Community College. Matthew Ally After nearly becoming a temperate ecosystems ecologist, Matthew Ally earned an interdisciplinary bachelors degree in the humanities, a Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in philosophies and theologies of liberation, and a Ph.D. with a concentration in moral, social, and political philosophy. Sammy Almashat Sammy Almashat is a preventive medicine physician and advocate, currently working as a researcher at Public Citizen's Health Research Group, a non-profit group of physicians and scientists that work to protect and improve the public health over corporate interests. His research and writings focus on pharmaceutical policy, worker health, and the human consequences of U.S. foreign policy. Distinguished historian and political economist Gar Alperovitz is co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative, a research institute developing strategies to build community wealth, including a groundbreaking network of worker cooperatives in Cleveland. He is an acclaimed historian of the decision to drop the atomic bomb and has published numerous books, including most recently, "What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution." Gar Alperovitz Aaron Amaral Sally M. Alvarez is a labor educator at Cornell University's School of Industrial and Labor Relations. She is codirector/producer of "Red November, Black November" about the 1979 Greensboro, NC Massacre. Aaron Amaral is a veteran activist and writer in New York City. Aaron has been active in many campaigns including immigrant rights. He is an activist supporter of the who are working to keep NYC a Golden Dawn freecity. Mikal Amin A Hip Hop/Spoken Word artist, performer, and educator extraordinaire. He is the founder of Fresh Roots Music, Co-founder of Say Word entertainment, an education facilitator for the International Hip Hop media company; Nomadic Wax, and Program Director for Urban Word. As an artist he has a specific focus: Roots, Truth, and Culture. Sally M. Alvarez Judy Ancel Kevin Anderson Matt Anderson Judy Ancel's international solidarity work has included interchanges between union members and maquiladora workers in Mexico, building solidarity for labor struggles in Mexico, investigation of labor and human rights issues in Mexico and in Honduras and workshops on the necessity to organize internationally. She is a founder and board member of the Cross Border Network based in Kansas City which works for solidarity with workers across borders and workers who cross borders. Kevin Anderson teaches Sociology, Political Science, and Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He has written on Marx, Hegel, the Frankfurt School, Foucault, the Orientalism debate, and revolution in the Middle East. His most recent books are Foucault and the Iranian Revolution (with Janet Afary, 2005) and Marx at the Margins (2010). He is a member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization. Dr. Matthew Anderson, MD, MSc Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Social Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center (Bronx, New York) and family medicine practitioner; editor, Social Medicine Journal (online: Tom Angotti Donald Anthonyson Rania Antonopoulos John Antush Sofya Aptekar Tom Angotti is Professor of Urban Affairs & Planning at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York, and author of New York For Sale: Community Planning Confronts Global Real Estate. Donald Anthonyson is an organizer with Families For Freedom (FFF), a New Yorkbased multi-ethnic defense network by and for immigrants facing and fighting deportation. FFF seeks to repeal the laws that are tearing apart our homes and neighborhoods and to build the power of immigrant communities as communities of color, to provide a guiding voice in the growing movement for immigrant rights as human rights. John Antush teaches at City-As-School High School. He is a delegate of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) and a member of the Movement of Rank and file Educators (MORE), the social justice caucus of the UFT. Sofya Aptekar is a sociologist at Max Planck Institute and a visiting researcher at CUNY Graduate Center. She is a member of Occupy Astoria LIC and Occupy Kensington. John Arena Fenix Nikaurys Arias Kate Aronoff Stanley Aronowitz Alicia Arrington Jay is an assistant professor of sociology at the City University of New York’s College of Staten Island. He lived and worked in New Orleans for over 20 years and continues to be involved in various community and labor organizing initiatives there. Also a member of Ce3, Jay is the author of a 2012 book on his experiences defending public housing, entitled Driven form New Orleans: How Nonprofits Betray Public Housing and Promote Privatization, University of Minnesota Press. Fenix N. Arias holds a Doctoral degree from the CUNY-Graduate Center, a Masters degree in Higher Education Administration, with a concentration in Public Policy, from the School of Public Affairs at Baruch College, and a Bachelor degree in Sociology from Columbia University. Currently, she is the Director of Assessment/Testing at York College/CUNY, and adjunct faculty at John Jay College. She sits at two community boards, and volunteers at an Immigration Center. Stanley Aronowitz is a distinguished professor in sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center. His latest book is "Taking it Big; C. Wright Mills and the Making of Political Intellectuals", and his most recent project is a forth coming book on labor from Verso Books. He is also a veteran political activist and cultural critic, and advocate for organized Labor. Alicia Arrington is a St. John's student majoring in Public Relations John Atlas Nicole Aschoff is a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Sociology at Boston University. She is a contributor to Jacobin magazine. Lawyer, writer, activist, founder Shelterforce Mag Arnold August Arnold August is a Montreal- based writer, journalist and lecturer is the author of Democracy in Cuba and the 1997–98 Elections (Editorial José Martí). His latest book (2013) is entitled Cuba and Its Neighbours: Democracy in Motion (Fernwood Publishing/ZED books, distributed in the U.S. by Palgrave Macmillan) For full information on this publication including the complete Table of Contents and Reviews, visit Rishi Awatramani Rishi is the Organizing Director for Virginia New Majority, and has previously organized with Just Cause Oakland, the Youth Media Council, and SEIU 715 and 1199. He co-founded the Beyond Capitalism project, tasked with developing a vision of 21st Century Socialism in the US. He’s been a member of the US Social Forum’s national planning committee, a coordinator of Leftist Lounge, an editor of, and has participated in several other activist organizations. Nicole Aschoff Miriam Axel-Lute Axel-Lute is editor of Shelterforce, a national magazine on community development and neighborhood revitalization. Based in Albany, N.Y., she is a board member of the Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region and the Community Development Alliance of the Capital District, and an award-winning columnist for the alt-weekly Metroland. Abayomi Azikiwe is the editor of the PanAfrican News Wire, an electronic press agency founded in 1998. , He is cofounder of several Detroit-area organizations, including Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice, and Moratorium NOW!, Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions and Utility Shut-offs. Azikiwe has hosted and co-hosted programs on WHPR Radio in Highland Park, Michigan, WCHB, WDTR and WDTW in Detroit, Michigan, and CKLN in Toronto. Abayomi Azikiwe Barbara Nimri Aziz Barbara Nimri Aziz: PhD in Social Anthropology, U. London; author of "Swimming Up The Tigris: Real Life Encounters with Iraq"; WBAI Radio Producer (NY); see also regular blogs on; resident media instructor in Damascus, Syria 2010-2012. Dario Azzellini is a political scientist and lecturer at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, writer and filmmaker based in Berlin and Caracas. He holds a PhD in political science from the Goethe University in Frankfurt (Germany). His research and writing focuses on social and revolutionary militancy, migration and racism, people’s power and selfadministration, workers control and extensive case studies in Latin America. Dario Azzellini Nellie Bailey Geoff Bailey Nellie Hester Bailey, correspondent with Black Agenda Report, is a founder of Occupy Harlem and Inside Housing and Communities. Geoff Bailey is a contributor to the International Socialist Review (ISR). He is a filmmaker, writer, and activist based in Brooklyn, NY. Kazembe Balagun is a writer/cultural organizer and communist who live in the Bronx. He currently serves as director of education and outreach at the Brecht Forum in New York City and has been featured in The New York Times, Time Out New York, L Magazine, and the UK Guardian. He is also a member of the Ground Floor Collective, a revolutionary Black Arts groups. Kazembe Balagun Fabian Balardini Fabian Balardini is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Borough of Manhattan Community College. His research interests include the economics and geopolitics of the global oil industry and the role played by energy in the historical development of capitalism. Tarun Banerjee Tarun Banerjee is a sociologist who works on social movements and corporate power. His focus is on demonstrating how large corporations work together in the political process in a number of ways, from forging strategies in response to social movements to spending large sums of money in voter referendums. Ms. Banks has been working in the nonprofit social service industry for over 15 years. She has directed program various programs including those focused on chemical dependency, homelessness, maternal health, youth development, and older adults among others. Ms. Banks is the Founder and Executive Director of, which is a grassroots organization that focuses on providing resources, advocacy, and nutrition education about healthy eating to people that live in food deserts. Eboni Banks Ras Baraka J Bardia Ellen Barfield The National Vice President of Veterans for Peace and a full-time peace and justice activist, Ellen served in the U.S. Army from 1977-1981. She is also a member of the national boards of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), the War Resister's League, and the School of the Americas Watch. Riham Barghouti Riham Barghouti is a founding member of the Palestinian Campaign for an Academic and Cultural boycott of Israel, as well as a founding member of Adalah – NY, the New York campaign for the boycott of Israel. David Barkin David Barkin is Distinguished Professor of Economics at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Xochimilco Campus, Mexico City where he has been since 1975. He works with students and communities in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America to strengthen projects designed to promote sustainable regional resource management. Lorraine Barlett Joseph Barrera Ret. Lt. Col. Lorraine Barlett served 27 years in the Army and until recently worked as a defense attorney for the Office Defense Counsel, U.S Military Commissions, in which she served as an ethics advisor and represented a detainee at the Guantanamo Bay prison. She has been an outspoken critic of the U.S military tribunal system there and is now a peace activist and private civil rights attorney in Atlanta, Ga. Liam Barrington-Bush Pat Barry Ben Barson Liam is an activist, facilitator and social media consultant. He has just finished writing and crowd-funding 'Anarchists in the Boardroom: How social media and social movements can help your organisation to be more like people.’ Due out in July, the book aims to help NGOs and unions move away from the rigid hierarchies of Industrialism, towards new forms of horizontal organizing that are both better equipped for our emerging realities and which reflect the values these organizations espouse. Pat has a degree in Finance, has worked as a Financial Analyst for the Blackstone group, as a Financial consultant for a brokerage firm, co-founded a family owned and operated Independent Advisory Firm (RIA). The BSAS recognized him for predicting the market drop of 2008. He is affiliated with American Benjamin Barson is a baritone saxophonist, producer and event organizer. He is a founding member for Scientific Soul Sessions, and has been working with Ecosocialist Horizons since its founding. Andi Weiss Bartczak Benjamin Barson is a baritone saxophonist, writer, producer, and activist. He has played with diverse crosssection of leading New York City jazz musicians, such as Fred Ho, Arturo O’Farrill, and Frank Lacy, and has performed at New York's premiere musical institutions, including the Guggenheim Museum, the Brooklyn Academy of Music, and Lincoln Center. He regularly performs at and curates the music program for the iconic Red Rooster and Ginny's Supper Club in Harlem. Independent science consultant and activist. Environmental toxicologist. Tracy Basile Tracy Basile is an Adjunct Professor for Environmental Studies and English at Pace University in Pleasantville, NY. Tracy has been actively involved with WESPAC Foundation, as a member, Advisory Board member, and Committee Chair. Tracy has more than 12 years' experience as a journalist and animal welfare consultant for organizations such as the American Society for the Prevention of Animal Cruelty and Animal Welfare Institute. Benjamin Barson Stephen Baskerville Freddy Bastone Alyssa Battistoni Josef Baum Rosalyn Baxandall Moustafa Bayoumi He began as a scholar of political theory. More recently, he has turned his full attention to the politics of the family in global perspective, and his most recently book is Taken Into Custody: The War against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family (Cumberland House, 2007). He has served as president of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children (20052007) and serves as managing editor for the International Journal for Religious Freedom. He is currently at work on a book on sexual politics. Alyssa Battistoni is an assistant editor at Jacobin. Her work has appeared in Salon and Mother Jones, among other venues. Josef Baum is an industrial economist and geographer. In addition to working for the European Network "transform!" he is senior researcher and lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies and the Institute of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Vienna. For many years he was also municipal councilor. Special interests: Sustainable development, energy, climate change and distribution, distribution of resources; China, Balkans, Professor emeritus of American Studies, SUNY-Old Westbury Moustafa Bayoumi is an award-winning writer, and associate professor of English at Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Brenden Beck vagabond is an artist, writer and filmmaker. He worked closely with NYC based Puerto Rican punk band RICANSTRUCTION and has produced agtiprop for a myriad of progressive movements. His first feature film MACHETERO about the violent aspects of the Puerto Rican independence movement won awards in South Africa, Wales, England, Thailand, Ireland and New York. MACHETERO will be selfreleased theatrically at Clemente Soto Velez, Kabayito’s Theater in NYC’s Lower East Side for one week June 12 - 19. Brenden Beck is an organizer with Milk Not Jails, a grassroots campaign working to build a new urban-rural alliance in New York State. He lives in Brooklyn and drinks 2%. Jérémie Bédard-Wien Jérémie Bédard-Wien has served as spokesperson and finance secretary for ASSÉ, also known as CLASSE. During last year's Quebec student strike, he served on CLASSE’s mobilization committee, boosting momentum across the province and traveling abroad to raise awareness of the movement’s radical analysis, direct democracy principles and combative tactics. He is now working to create a panCanadian coalition of community groups and unions against Stephen Harper's government’s neoliberal policies. vagabond Beaumont Megan Behrent Megan Behrent is a public school teacher and activist in Brooklyn, NY. She is a contributor to Education and Capitalism: Struggles for Learning and Liberation, published by Haymarket Books. Christine Bell Christine V. Bell is engaged in community empowerment. Christine works in the non-profit sector within Hudson County and is engaged in prison reentry work. She is currently pursuing her second Masters in Social Work. Charles Bell Chuck Bell is a consumer advocate active in campaigns for economic justice, financial services reform and affordable housing. He is Vice-Chair and legislative coordinator for the National Jobs for All Coalition, and co-author of Shared Prosperity: The Drive for Decent Work (2006). He has worked with grassroots organizations to build support for national job creation legislation, including HR 1000, the HumphreyHawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act. Medea Benjamin Medea Benjamin is a cofounder of both CODEPINK and the international human rights organization Global Exchange. She is the author/editor of eight books. Her latest book is called Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control, and she has been campaigning to get lethal drones out of the hands of the CIA. Her articles appear regularly in outlets such as The Huffington Post, CommonDreams, Alternet and OpEd News. Jani Benjamins Jani Benjamins is an artist, environmentalist, and a rights advocate. He is interested in sustainability, permaculture, and empowering local communities. His work has been shown nationally and internationally. Chip Berlet Activist and author. His articles have documented political repression, police abuse, surveillance and disruption of dissident groups, authoritarian and totalitarian ideology, right wing spy operations, subversion panics, and countersubversive movements. He has served as VP of the NLG and co–chair of the NLG’s Civil Liberties Committee. Berlet was a co–founder of Police Misconduct and Civil Rights Law Report; and worked as an investigator on several lawsuits against illegal government spying. Andy Bichlbaum Andy Bichlbaum (AKA Jacques Servin) got his start as an activist when, as a computer programmer, he inserted a swarm of kissing boys in a shoot-'em-up video game just before it shipped to store shelves, and found himself fired, famous, and hugely amused. Now, Andy helps run the Yes Lab for Creative Activism as part of his job as professor of subversion at New York University. James Birmingham Eirik Bjorkman Laura Blackwood Chris Blankenhorn Gary Blick, MD James Birmingham is a grad student in STS at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a four-field anthropologist and a cofounder of the All Power to the Imagination! Conference held at New College of Florida - James' research interests are primarily in the field of material culture studies. James enjoys cooking, collecting books and dancing the night away. Laura Blackwood is a first generation Caribbean-American Student. She is a Junior and Economics major with a concentration in Economic Analysis at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Laura is a research assistant to Professor Gordon-Nembhard whose upcoming book focuses on establishing wealth and revitalizing African-American communities through use of cooperatives. Ms. Blackwood was recognized on the Dean's List for the 2010-2011 academic year. Chris Blanekenhorn is the founder of the Radical Student Union housed at the University of Illinois at Springfield. As an experience activist and community organizer has led him to fight on issues regarding social and economic justice, plus government reform. His leadership has be viewed highly by many community leaders in both Springfield and in the state of Illinois. Dr. Blick is the Founder and Executive Director of World Health Clinicians and Circle CARE Medical Center. Nadine Bloch Nadine Bloch has walked hundreds of miles, trained volunteers, built giant puppets, climbed skyscrapers, juggled media, developed curricula, and sailed oceans, all in support of social and economic justice. Her affiliations include work with Bread & Puppet Theater, Greenpeace, Labor Heritage Foundation, Nonviolence International, Ruckus Society, HealthGAP and Housing Works. Nadine’s work explores the potent intersection of art and politics. Keith Bolender Keith Bolender is a freelance journalist living in Toronto and has written extensively on Cuban matters for a variety of North American publications. Lecturer on the Cuban Revolution at the University of Toronto School of Continuing Education. He has written two books on Cuba: Voices From the Other Side, An Oral History of Terrorism Against Cuba (Pluto Press 2010). Cuba Under Siege (Palgrave 2012) Matthew Bolton Dr. Bolton is assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at Pace University in NYC. He researches the political economy of conflict, humanitarianism, and technologies of violence and teaches on international relations, political economy, and the United Nations. He has written Foreign Aid and Landmine Clearance (I.B. Tauris) and Apostle of the Poor: The Life and Works of Missionary and Humanitarian Charles D. Neff (John Whitmer Books). Patrick Bond Mathieu Bonzom Patrick Bond is a political economist at the University Of KwaZulu-Natal School Of Development Studies in Durban, South Africa, where since 2004 he directs the Centre for Civil Society ( Working closely with advocacy organizations, Patrick’s research presently covers political ecology (especially climate, energy and water), economic crisis, social mobilization, public policy and geopolitics. Amongst his books are Politics of Climate Justice (2012); Durban’s Climate Gamble (2011), Zuma’s Own Goal (2010), Looting Africa (2006); Talk Left, Walk Right (2006); Elite Transition (2005); and Unsustainable South Africa (2002). He was a co-host of the 'BRICs-from-below' counter-summit at the March 2013 Brazil-Russia-IndiaChina-SA summit in Durban, and edited a booklet, "BRICs in Africa: Anti-imperialist, sub-imperialist or in between?" His research interests include political economy, environment, social policy, and geopolitics. Mathieu Bonzom teaches American Studies at Paris-Est Créteil University. He is an author, a trade unionist and a veteran left activist in France. Becca Bor Thabiti Boone is a strong supporter for President Obama White House Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative. He is the International Representative for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative. He is a Fatherhood Adviser to NBA Legend Allan Houston/Allan Houston Foundation. He is an adviser to Fathers and Men of Professional Basketball Players, Inc. Becca is a teacher in the Chicago Public School system. Glenn Borchardt Glenn Borchardt has 40 years of practical and theoretical experience in earth science. He has produced over two hundred scientific reports, including journal articles, book material, and computer programs. He is the Author of "The Scientific Worldview" and "The Ten Assumptions of Science". Thabiti Boone Dan Boscov-Ellen Jonah Bossewitch Dan Boscov-Ellen is a PhD student in Philosophy at the New School for Social Research. In his work, he argues for the continued relevance of Marx to contemporary political ecology, as well as the importance of recovering the ecological strands in Marx’s writings for understanding his thought as a whole. Elizabeth Bowman Bruno Bosteels, Professor of Romance Studies at Cornell University, is the author of Badiou and Politics, Marx and Freud in Latin America, and The Actuality of Communism. He is also the translator of several books by Alain Badiou: Theory of the Subject, Can Politics Be Thought? and What Is Antiphilosophy? Essays on Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Lacan. He currently serves as the General Editor of Diacritics. Bowman has taught French literature at University of Memphis, Middlebury College and Hartford University. She has published several articles on Sartre's ethics. She is finishing work on an introduction to Sartre's partly unpublished "second ethics" titled "Morality and History" with co-author Bob Stone. She is Research Associate at the Center for Global Justice. Herb Boyd Herbert Boyd has written or edited 22 books. Among these are Race and Resistance of African Americans in the Twenty-First Century and Baldwin's Harlem: A biography of James Baldwin. His most recent book is editorship By Any Means Necessary: Malcolm Real, Not Reinvented. Boyd is a frequent contributor to The New Amsterdam News and has written for numerous popular and scholarly publications. Boyd was born in Detroit and active in the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. Bruno Bosteels Andrew Boyd Sandy Boyer Yeashea Braddock William Bradley Jack Bratich Andrew Boyd is an author, humorist and veteran of creative campaigns for social change. He led the decade-long satirical media campaign “Billionaires for Bush.” He co-founded Agit-Pop Communications, an award-winning “subvertising” agency, as well as the netroots social justice movement The Other 98%. He’s the Editor and Wranglerin-Chief of Beautiful Trouble, and the author of Daily Afflictions and Life’s Little Deconstruction Book. You can find him at Sandy Boyer is the co-host of Radio Free Eireann on WBAI 99.5 FM. He was the Coordinator of the NY H-Block Committee during the campaign for political status and led campaigns to free Irish political prisoners including Marian Price, the Guildford 4, Birmingham 6 and Roisin McAliskey. He has taught Irish history at the Irish Arts Center and contributed articles on Ireland to publications including Socialist Worker, The Pensive Quill. New Politics, Fortnight, Fourthwrite, and The Blanket. William Bradley is St. John's Alumni Jack Bratich is Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers School of Communication and Information. He is the author of "Conspiracy Panics: Popular Culture and Political Rationality." Peter Bratsis is Assistant Professor of political science at CUNY, BMCC since 2012. Previously he has taught at the University of Salford and has also held positions at the London School of Economics, Brooklyn College and Queens College. His publications include the books "Everyday Life and the State" and, with Stanley Aronowitz, "Paradigm Lost: State Theory Reconsidered." Bratsis is also an editor of the journal Situations. Peter Bratsis Ellen Bravo Rae Breaux Ellen Bravo is a long-time activist for working women. She began working for 9to5, National Association of Working Women in 1982, when she helped found the Milwaukee chapter, and served until 2004 as its national director. Now Ellen directs Family Values @ Work Consortium, a network of state coalitions working for paid sick days and paid family leave. Robert Brenner Robert Brenner is distinguished Professor of History and Director of the Center for Social Theory and Comparative History at UCLA. He is an editor of Against the Current and New Left Review. His books include "The Economics of Global Turbulence," and "The Boom and the Bubble." Lenni Brenner Lenni Brenner is the author of Zionism In The Age Of The Dictators and The Iron Wall: Zionist Revisionism From Jabotinsky To Shamir. Rose Brewer Bob Broadhurst Peter Brogan Rose M. Brewer is Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of African American & African Studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She worked as a core organizer for the United States Social Forums in Atlanta and Detroit, and is a co-editor of The United States Social Forum: Perspectives of a Movement, Chicago: Change Maker Publications, 2010. A 4th generation IBEW electrician in Boston LU 103, My great Grandfather was a charter member in the 1890s.The 5th just graduated last July. We all have been rank and file workers from the start. Also I created and maintained the Union Labor table, at OWS in Zuccotti park. I camped 24/7 for 6 weeks until the eviction on 11/15/11,I had met with Ricard Trumka there and have been interviewed by Democracy Now, RT, Peter Brogan is a PhD candidate and Teaching Assistant in Geography and Labour Studies at York University, Toronto. His research explores contemporary capitalism through an examination of the nexus between urbanization, education policy, and teachers' unions in Chicago and New York City. In the past decade he has been involved in a range of urban struggles in New York City and Toronto and has worked as an organizer, researcher and representative in three different unions in the United States. Stephen Bronner Prominent political theorist and activist; author of many books and articles about critical theory, Marxism, aesthetics, contemporary political issues, socialism, the Holocaust and other subjects; lifetime activist in a number of areas; active in the Caucus for a New Political Science; Stephen Eric Bronner Stephen Eric Bronner is currently Distinguished Professor (II) of Political Science at Rutgers University and Director of Civic Diplomacy and Human Rights at the Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights. His books include "Modernism at the Barricades" (Columbia University Press), "Socialism Unbound" (Columbia University Press), "Camus: Portrait of a Moralist" (University of Chicago Press), and "Critical Theory: A Very Short Introduction" (Oxford University Press). David Brotherton KB Brower David C. Brotherton, PhD is the Chair of the Sociology Department at John Jay College, CUNY. He was named Critical Criminologist of the Year in 2011. His most recent books are: Banished to the Homeland: Dominican Deportees and Their Stories of Exile (2011); Keeping Out The Other (2009); and The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang, with Luis Barrios (2004). KB Brower is a former member and current staff organizer for United Students Against Sweatshops. Jenny Brown staff writer, Labor Notes Bob Brown Lead member and organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the Black Panther Party (BPP), and a host of other movements and organizations throughout Africa, the African Diaspora and the world, Brown has spent his entire adult life working for the liberation of his people. A close life-long associate of Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael), Brown was also a Vietnam-era draft resister and an anti-war activist on the national staff of the Mobilization for Survival. Linda Brown Linda Brown taught in Uganda, the Bronx House of Detention, CUNY's Continuing Education Adult Literacy Program, and New York City public schools. Her labor involvement includes full-time work with the United Farm Workers, helping to start the United Literacy Workers Organizing Committee, and serving as UFT Chapter Chair in two high schools. She graduated from Cornell University. Timothy Ray Brown Timothy is the first person to have been cured of HIV and Founder of the Timothy Ray Brown Foundation for HIV research. Dana Brown Leigh Brownhill Tom Buechele Brown is the Executive Director of the US Office on Colombia, a progressive advocacy organization promoting human rights, an end to impunity and a sustainable peace in Colombia. She 10 years' experience with US policy towards Latin America and is a former Coordinator of the Committee on US/Latin American Relations. She has also worked with Amnesty International and Peace Brigades International in Colombia and beyond. Leigh Brownhill is a Research Associate at the Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, where she works on a food security project in Kenya. She is also the author of Land, Food, Freedom: Struggles for the Gendered Commons in Kenya, 1870-2007 (African World Press, 2009). She is on the editorial board of the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism. Tom Buechele is PhD candidate in Sociology and Research Fellow at the Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work, CUNY Grad Center and Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at CUNY John Jay. Pamela Brown Roger Burbach Peter Burgess Pamela Brown is a member of the national leadership team of Move to Amend, a columnist for Tidal Magazine, and an organizer with the People’s Investigation of Wall Street. She was a founding member of Strike Debt and the Rolling Jubilee. She holds her undergraduate degree in Philosophy from Dartmouth College, a Master of Arts in Media Studies from The New School, and is currently a doctoral student in Sociology at The New School for Social Research. Roger Burbach is Director of the Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA) based in Berkeley, CA. He has written extensively on Latin America and US foreign policy for over four decades. He co-authored with Orlando Núñez Fire in the Americas (1987) an informal manifesto of the Nicaraguan revolution. With the collapse of twentieth-century socialism he began to write on globalization, the Latin American social movements and the renewed quest for socialism in thehas twenty-first Peter Burgess a degree incentury. engineering and economics from Cambridge University, and qualified as a UK Chartered Accountant in London with PwC. He has experience in the accounting profession and in corporate management and was CFO of a US based international company. He has also been an Robb was founding editor of the HealthPAC Bulletin (archives, 1968-93: and professor and founding director of the Joint Graduate Degree Program in Public Health and Urban Planning at Columbia University. He is currently coordinator and convener of the Community & Labor Health Study Group Robb Burlage Casey Butcher is a freelance writer, photographer, archivist, and curator. He co-organized a daily lecture series at Zuccotti Park as part of the Open Forum Committee of OWS, was a founding member of Red Channels (an itinerant band of cultural insurgents), and is a student-organizer at the New York Marxist School, the educational arm of the Brecht Forum, NYC. Casey Butcher Shahid Buttar Evangeline Byars Shahid Buttar leads the Bill of Rights Defense Committee in defending civil liberties, constitutional rights, and rule of law threatened by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. He is a constitutional lawyer, grassroots organizer, independent columnist, musician, and poet. Shahid also serves on the advisory bodies of the Rights Working Group, the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms, the National Campaign to Restore Civil Rights, and South Asian Americans Leading Together. Chris Byron James Cairns Leslie Cagan Anna Calcutt Charles Callaway Sam Calvin William Camacaro Chris Byron earned B.A. degrees in Political Science/International Studies and Philosophy from the University of Central Florida, where he wrote an honors thesis on Marx's theory of human nature. An active participant in Occupy Orlando, he is now a Philosophy graduate teaching assistant at the University of North Florida. James teaches in the Contemporary Studies program at Laurier Brantford. His research focuses on ideology and the state ( /). He is active in Faculty 4 Palestine and the Toronto New Socialists. University homepage: d=10153&f_id=37 Anna Calcutt is a founding member of New Yorkers Against the CornellTechnion Partnership (NYACT), a NYbased academic boycott campaign, as well as a member of Adalah-NY. Charles Callaway is Community Organizing and Outreach Coordinator for WE ACT New York. He has played a key role in organizing residents around significant issues in the Harlem community. Sam Calvin is a food service worker and wannabe unionist. He dreams of a strong union of all foodservice workers in Greater New York. William Camacaro is the Coordinator of the Venezuelan Group Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of New York. Victoria Campbell Al Campbell is an Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Utah. His research is concerned with the evolution and dynamics of capitalism including its nature today as an unnecessary block to our development of our human potential, and with alternatives (“postcapitalist") to capitalism, both theoretical possibilities and the strengths and weaknesses of real-world experiments. Victoria Campbell is a member of Platypus. Ben Campbell Ben Campbell is an editor of The North Star, a web journal for radical left analysis and discourse. Al Campbell Horace Campbell is a noted Peace and Justice activist who teaches in AfricanAmerican Studies and Political Science at Syracuse University in New York. He is on the Board of the Syracuse Peace council, the oldest Peace Organization in the USA. He has just published his latest book, Global NATO and the Catastrophic failure in Libya (Monthly Review Press 2013). His previous book was Barack Obama and 21st Century Politics: A Revolutionary Moment in the USA. (Pluto Press, London 2010) He has written extensively on question of the Unification of the peoples of Africa and the African Revolutionary process. He writes a regular column for Pambazuka News. Horace Campbell Folasade Campbell Felix Leo Campos Dario Cankovic Folasade Campbell is the Executive Director of Staten Island Council on Child Abuse and Neglect (SICCAN) and the former Executive Director of Concerned Citizens for Family Preservation. Felix Leo Campos is a media professional and parent. He graduated from CUNY and attended Columbia University as a Charles Revson Fellow. He is a member of the Real Dads Network and Co-chair of the Bronx Fathers Taking Action. Dario Cankovic is a Marxist, writer, and doctoral student in philosophy. Jennifer Candipan Jennifer Candipan received her BA in Literature from the University of Southern California and her MA in Sociology from Brooklyn College. Professionally, she has worked as a writer, researcher, union organizer and communications consultant for Los Angeles-based labor associations and advocacy groups. She is currently a doctoral student in Sociology at USC where she is studying urban sociology, globalization, political economy and neighborhood change. Timothy Canova His work crosses the disciplines of law, public finance, and economic history and has been published in numerous articles and book chapters, including journals from Harvard, Georgetown, Minnesota and University of California. In 2011, he was appointed by U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders to serve on a blue-ribbon advisory panel on reforming the Federal Reserve. Prior to teaching, he served as a legislative assistant to the late U.S. Senator Paul E. Tsongas and practiced law in New York City. Christine Capetola David Caprio Fernando Carlo Toby Carroll a Brooklyn-based queer and feminist writer, cyclist, and activist entering a master’s program in Performance Studies at NYU this summer. Working with Queers for Economic Justice, she has collaborated with homeless people to increase their participation in decisionmaking. Capetola researches the interaction of performers and audiences, and considers the band Sleater-Kinney an ideal model for expansive queer and feminist identity, as well as engaged citizenship. National Education and Training Coordinator Jean Casella Bill (William R.) Caspary. Gallatin School at NYU. Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Washington U. Teaches social and political theory at the Gallatin School with a focus on participatory democracy. Author of Dewey and Democracy, Cornel University Press, 2000. Founding member of the Student Peace Union, an early New Left activist group. William R. Caspary Esther Hio-Tong Castillo Joseph Catalano Julie Cavanagh Members, Central Park 5 Jermaine Chambers Harold Channer Dr. Robert Chapman Esther Hio-Tong Castillo is a PhD student in sociology at Temple University in Philadelphia. Her research explores and analyzes actually existing social practices in relation to the discursive context of urbanization of capital. She is interested in studying everyday life as the site of resistances and opportunities for alternatives to epistemological and geopolitical mapping produced by global capitalism. Most recent book is "Reading Sartre." His commentaries on Jean-Paul Sartre's "Being and Nothingness" and "Critique of Dialectical Reason" are major reference works and introductions to Sartre's philosophy. He is professor emeritus of philosophy at Kean College of New Jersey. Julie Cavanagh is a UFT chapter leader who has been teaching in Red Hook, Brooklyn since 2001. Jermaine Chambers is a former member of APOC (Anarchist People of Color). He has organized in New York with “The Harm Free Zone”, and was a 2003 graduate of the Z Media Institute. He was an observer of the founding meetings of the Zapatista “Other Campaign”, and also participated with the Western Cape Antieviction Campaign in Cape Town South Africa. He is a veteran of the Afghanistan war. Karen Charman Pratap Chatterjee Sutapa Chattopadhyay Karen Charman is an independent investigative environmental journalist and editor whose writing currently focuses on energy issues. She writes for, and her work has appeared in World Watch, Sierra, The Nation, In These Times, Extra!, On the Issues, On Earth, among many other outlets. For the last nine years, she was the managing editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism. Pratap Chatterjee is the executive director of CorpWatch in Berkeley, CA. He is the author of "Halliburton's Army" (Nation Books, 2009) "Iraq Inc.: A Profitable Occupation" (Seven Stories Press, 2004) and "The Earth Brokers" (Routledge Press, 1994). Pratap is an investigative reporter specializing in environmental and human rights issues. Sutapa currently works on clandestine immigrants, illegality, legality, precarity, autonomy and bordering mechanisms and India's environmental, forestry policies, violent appropriation of indigenous lands, & gendered-classethicized struggles for autonomy on food production & reclaiming commons. She simultaneously writes on corporatization of academy and social movements. Tapoja is an environmental anthropologist with a focus on South Asia. Her research intersects the fields of political ecology, critical development studies, gender studies, anthropology of place, politics of biodiversity conservation and community-based ecotourism. She has taught at University of Washington, City University of New York, & Haverford College. Tapoja attempts to bridge her intellectual endeavors with grassroots-level struggles for social justice and equity in India and USA. Tapoja Chaudhuri Gabriel Chaves Gabriel is an activist in New York City in the Movement For Peace in Colombia (MPC). The MPC in Colombia is an organization that aims to inform the American public about the situation of human rights in Colombia. MPC believes that the only permanent solution to the armed conflict is a political dialogue. Deedra Cheatham Deedra Cheatham is a member of Families United for Racial and Economic Equality (FUREE) and a resident of Brooklyn's Gowanus Houses. Joyce Chediac Presenter Joyce Chediac, is an author and lecturer. She is co-editor of the book "Gaza, Symbol of Resistance", author of US/NATO Wars in the Middle East and Africa, detailing Washington’s strategy towards Libya, Syria and Iran, and, also Grace Cheng Grace Cheng is Associate Professor of Political Science. Her specialization is in comparative politics and international politics and theory. She is editor and contributing author of Nationalism and Human Rights: In Theory and Practice in the Middle East, Central Europe, and AsiaPacific (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). She Robert Chernomas is Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He has been a visiting professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and is on the editorial board of International Journal of Health Services. This presentation is based on his book (with co-author Ian Hudson) To Live and Die in America: Class, Power, Health and Health Care (2013). Robert Chernomas Vivek Chibber Sonia Cheruvillil Vivek Chibber is a professor of sociology at New York University. He is author of the newly published Postcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital (Verso: 2013) and Locked in Place: State-Building and Late Industrialization in India (Princeton: 2003). He is co-editor of the Socialist Register, and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Agrarian Change, Politics and Society, and other journals. Staceyann Chin Matthis is a founding member of the DISOBEDIENT, a national network of radical activists FOR direct action within military communities to inhibit troop movement to combat theaters. He is a former Sergeant of the U.S. Army & known for refusing activation & deployment to Iraq in 2008, citing the war as illegal & immoral. He opposed U.S. global violations of human rights & advocates a 'people's resistance' to US crimes & the unmaking of its structures of violence & oppression. Matthis Chiroux Dan Chodorkoff Dan Chodorkoff is cofounder, former executive director, and board chair of the Institute for Social Ecology. He is an urban anthropologist and activist with special interests in community development and utopian studies, and has authored numerous articles on both subjects. Dan has been active in the Green movement and was a longtime faculty member at Goddard College. Kanishka Chowdhury Daisy Chung George Cicariello-Maher Colia Clark John Clark Kanishka Chowdhury is Professor of English and Director of the American Culture and Difference program at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in globalization and cultural theory. He is the author of The New India: Citizenship, Subjectivity, and Economic Liberalization (2011), as well as pieces in journals such as College Literature, Cultural Critique, Mediations, Modern Fiction Studies, and Science & Society. George Ciccariello-Maher teaches political theory at Drexel University in Philadelphia. He is the author of We Created Chávez: A People's History of the Venezuelan Revolution. Colia Clark is a longtime civil rights organizer. Clark was a 2010 and 2012 Green Party candidate for Senate from NY. She is working on projects for reclaiming, reconstructing and restoring health, land, political and social institutions around the world. Colia John Clark is a certain convergence of elements, the results of causes and conditions, and which has resulted in a theoretical production labeled "dialectical social ecology", exemplified by the recent work "The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism(Bloomsbury, 2013)". Colia L.Clark, Producer MNN public TV, NY Green Party, Pan Africanist has years working in civil rights, human rights, women’s rights, workers’ rights, peace and rights for the homeless and youth. Co-Coordinator Guadeloupe Haiti Tour. Worked with Medgar W Evers, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Notes on Colia’s life appear in histories etc. Colia Lafayette Clark Jonathan Cloud is a longtime leader in sustainability and related issues. He has pioneered energy efficient building in Canada and the USA and a range of community initiatives to address waste and economic dysfunction. He has long experience working with various community initiatives including complementary currencies. At Fairleigh Dickinson University, he is Senior Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Enterprise and Founding Director, Sustainable Business Incubator. Jonathan Cloud Patricia Ticineto Clough is professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies at the Graduate Center and Queens College of the City University of New York. Clough’s work has drawn on theoretical traditions concerned with technology, affect, unconscious processes, timespace and political economy. Currently she has been working on a book project about Corona where she grew up in Queens New York. It will be an ethnographic historically researched experimentalwriting book. Patricia Clough David Cobb Jeremy Cohan David Cobb graduated from University of Houston Law School in 1993 and maintained a successful private law practice for several years. Today he serves as a principal with the Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy (POCLAD), on the National Planning Committee of the US Social Forum, and on the national leadership team of Move To Amend (MTA). David is currently on staff at Democracy Unlimited and Move To Amend, a national coalition calling for a constitutional amendment to abolish “Corporate Personhood,” that allows corporations to overturn democratically enacted laws. He ran for President on the Green Party ticket in 2004 and successfully campaigned for the Ohio recount. David has sued corporate polluters, lobbied elected officials, run for political office, and has been arrested for non-violent civil disobedience. He ran for Attorney General in Texas in 2002 pledging to revoke the charters of corporations that violate health, safety, environmental protection, and worker safety laws. Jeremy Cohan is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at New York University studying politics and class consciousness and the American scene. He directs the analytic social psychology study group of SPI, is a member of the Platypus Affiliated Society, teaches sociology at NYU, and directs the Serious Times Lecture Series in the program on Critical Theory and the Arts at the School of Visual Arts. Beatty Cohan Beatty Cohan, MSW, LCSW is a nationally recognized psychotherapist, sex therapist, co-author of For Better, For Worse, Forever: Discover the Path To Lasting Love, columnist, speaker and national radio and television expert guest. She hosts a live ASK BEATTY radio show on the Progressive Radio Network, has a private practice in New York City and Sarasota, Florida and is always prepared to confront and debate conventional political and mental health dogma. Sky Cohen Sky Cohen is a collective member at Bluestockings Radical Bookstore in Manhattan and an organizer with the Rebel Diaz Arts Collective in the Bronx. Gabriella Coleman Marsha Coleman-Adebayo Gabriella (Biella) Coleman is the Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy in the Art History and Communication Studies Department at McGill University. Trained as an anthropologist, she researches, writes, and teaches on hackers and digital activism. Her first book on Free Software, “Coding Freedom: The Aesthetics and the Ethics of Hacking” has been published with Princeton University Press. Sheila Collins She has written and taught in the areas of American politics, environmental politics and policy, poverty, globalization, social movements and religion. Author or co-author of six books and numerous articles, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries. She co-chairs the Columbia University seminars on Full Employment, Social Welfare and Equity and Globalization, Labor & Popular Struggles and is a member of the Global Ecological Integrity Group and the Board of the National Jobs for All Coalition. Kalilah Collins A mother of two, Khalilah Collins has served as Executive Director of Women In Transition in Louisville, KY, working for economic human rights. She is also a leader in the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign. She is the Public Intervenor for Social Justice in the Green Shadow Cabinet. Sigma Colon Sigma Colón is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Yale University. Her dissertation, Rivers Seen and Unseen, examines how and when North American rivers become visible and invisible—focusing on the impact that knowing rivers in physical, ecological, and symbolic ways has on human culture and politics. Her recent publication, “Environment in Debt,” considers environmental reparations in the financial language of debt. Clifford D. Conner Prof. George Comninel was Chair of the Department of Political Science at York University. He published articles on the French Revolution Prof. Comninel enjoys international recognition and was invited to lecture at conferences in Japan, China, and Brazil. Leader of Students for a Democratic Society at Montclair State University, cofounder of "Red Youth." On faculty of the School of Professional Studies at the City University of New York Graduate Center, where he teaches history. He is the author of A People’s History of Science (Nation Books, 2005) and has written biographies of two 18thcentury Irish revolutionaries, Colonel Despard and Arthur O’Connor. His most recent book, also a biography, is Jean Paul Marat (Pluto Press, 2012). He is also on the editorial board of The Brendan Cooney Brendan Cooney shares his ongoing exploration of Marx's value theory at his blog His writing and videos are meant to be an aide to fellow autodidacts in their struggle to better understand Marx, capitalism, and the current crisis. He is also a composer and musician. George Comninel Thea Connelly Distinguished Professor of history and women’s studies at John Jay College, CUNY. Books: Crystal Eastman on Women and Revolution (1978); The Declassified Eisenhower: A Divided Legacy of Peace and Political Warfare (1981); Eleanor Roosevelt, biography (vol. III, forthcoming). American Historical Association’s vice-president for research; Board of The Feminist Press and Science and Society. Cofounded the Peace History Society and the Fund for Open Information and Accountability, life member of WILPF. Blanche Wiesen Cook Tess Cooper Andrea Costello Frank Coughlin Eve-Lyne Couturier Don Courter Andrea Costello was co-counsel for the plaintiffs in the landmark Tummino v. Hamburg court case. The 2013 decision ruled for the plaintiffs that the morningafter pill should be available over the counter to ensure the right to birth control as guaranteed by U.S. law. Costello is Senior Staff Attorney at the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, Washington, D.C. She is a long-time organizer for the National Lawyers Guild and a past staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights. Frank is an activist, organizer, and speaker who has worked for DGR throughout the Northeast. Don is a high school student at East Brunswick High and found of the Young Communist League at his school. Randy Credico Randy Credico is a national renowned activist, political satirist/impressionist and the director of the William Moses Kunstler Fund for Racial Justice. He is presently running for Mayor on the Democratic ticket and has been active in various Occupy movements, protesting NYPD stop and frisk policies and the draconian Rockefeller Drug Laws. Braden Crooks Braden Crooks is a graduate student in Design and Urban Ecologies at Parsons, The New School for Design. He is the founder of Groundswell PA: a citizen's organization that banned fracking by popular vote in two municipalities in Pennsylvania. Braden's initiatives have focused on rights-based organizing, challenging the corporate dominance of our democracy, and laying the foundation for a sustainable future. John Cronan, Jr. Jeff Crosby Chris Cutrone John Cronan, Jr. is the workplace justice organizer at the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York (ROCNY), a membership-based workers' center dedicated to improving working conditions and raising standards in the restaurant industry. He is also a founding member of the Organization for a Free Society (OFS), a revolutionary organization dedicated to building participatory socialism. Jeff has been a long time labor leader and activist. Brian D’Agostino Brian D’Agostino teaches history and political economy at the Harry Van Arsdale Center for Labor Studies, Empire State College SUNY. He is the author of The Middle Class Fights Back: How Progressive Movements Can Restore Democracy in America (Praeger 2012), available at Kate D'Adamo Kate D’Adamo is Community Organizer with the Sex Workers Outreach Project – NYC and Sex Workers Action New York (SWOP-NYC & SWANK). Prior to this, Kate has worked on issues of labor and migration at the Global Workers Justice Alliance and the Open Society Foundation. She has a Bachelors in Political Science from California Polytechnic State University and a Masters in International Affairs from The New School University. Brian D'Agostino Brian D’Agostino, author of The Middle Class Fights Back: How Progressive Movements Can Restore Democracy in America (Praeger 2012). Currently an Adjunct Instructor at the Harry Van Arsdale Center for Labor Studies (Empire State College, SUNY), his articles and book reviews have appeared in Political Science Quarterly, Review of Political Economy, Journal of Psychohistory, and Z Magazine. Co-organizer of The Global Teach In (New York). website: Russell Eliot Dale Russell Dale is an activist and a philosopher who is currently teaching in the CUNY system and at the Brecht Forum. He is on the Manuscript Collective and Editorial Board of Science & Society, and he sits on the Local Station Board of radio station WBAI, 99.5 FM ( Kanya D'Almeida Kanya D'Almeida is an editor for the Inter Press Service (IPS) News Agency, has been corresponding with Russell Maroon Shoatz for years, has published articles on his case, and is currently working on editing his forthcoming autobiography: "The Making of a Political Prisoner". Omar Dahi Lichi D'Amelio Antonino D'Ambrosio Angelo d'Angelo Omar S. Dahi teaches economics at Hampshire College. He is also an editor at The Middle East Report and co-edits the Syria Page for e-zine Jadaliyya. Lichi D'Amelio is a longtime activist against criminal injustice, and a current member of the Ramarley's Call committee in support of justice for Ramarley Graham. She is the author of “Who Do You Protect, Who Do You Serve?,” “The Struggle Against Police Brutality in New York," an analysis of Chair of US Friends of the Soviet People; Retiree Chapter of UFT; Board of Director Arrow Park Lake Resort, NY State; Secretariat of National Council of Communists, USA; Editorial Board of magazines "Ideological Fightback" and "North Star Compass". Jonah Daniel Jonah Aline Daniel is a nation organizer with the Stop the JNF Campaign. Jonah is a member of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN), with the Bay Area Chapter and with national Spiritual and Cultural Organizing. They also do Healing Justice and Disability Justice organizing and are an herbalist and bodyworker. They live and work in Berkeley, CA. Harris Daniels Harris Daniels is the NE Regional Rep of the African People's Solidarity Committee (APSC), an organization of white people & other allies formed by the African People's Socialist Party in 1976 to stand in principled solidarity with African liberation under the leadership of the African-led Party. He is also National Membership Chair of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement, APSC’s international mass activist org. that builds solidarity and "reparations in action" in white communities throughout the US & Europe. Ellen David Friedman Ellen David Friedman is a union organizer, a founder of the Vermont Progressive Party and Vermont Workers Center. She is on the Policy Committee of Labor Notes and for nearly 10 years taught labor studies at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, helping to establish the International Center for Joint Labor Research there, and involved in various levels of the Chinese labor movement. She is a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Labor Education and Research at University of CaliforniaBerkeley. Liliana Davalos Liliana Davalos is an evolutionary biologist interested in the ancient history of biodiversity and its conservation. Her work has been the first to systematically and independently examine environmental impacts of illicit crop production and anti-drug policy, documenting threats to biodiversity, and quantifying indirect deforestation from coca production. Joe Davidow Joe Davidow is an American composer/film director living in Finland since 1978. His Documentaries deal with social issues of poverty, discrimination, HIV and Aids. His latest film Dreams Deferred deals with the US Criminal Justice System and Mass Incarceration and its effects on the African American community. His films and compositions have been represented at numerous international festivals, and have won many national and international awards, including the prestigious PRIX ITALIA. Carl Davidson is a veteran peace and justice organizer. He was a leader of the 1960s new left. Today, he is a national cochair of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism and a national board member of the Solidarity Economy Network. He studied philosophy at Penn State and the University of Nebraska. He now lives in Beaver County, Western Pennsylvania, and a member of Pittsburgh Fightback, Local 3657of the United Steelworkers, which is the USW's community action project. He attended a seminar in Mondragon in 2010, and that trip along with many years of other work and research are reflected in his book, New Paths to Socialism. Carl Davidson Grace Davie Davie teaches history at CUNY-Queens College and has been working with the Occupy Faith network. Karen Davis James Davis Kahleek Davis Natasha Davis Crystal Davis Moe Davis Karen Davis, Ph.D., is founder and president of United Poultry Concerns, a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of domestic fowl and includes a sanctuary for chickens and turkeys in Virginia. Her articles appear in numerous collections. Her many books include Prisoned Chickens, Poisoned Eggs: An Inside Look at the Modern Poultry Industry. Karen Davis is in the U. S. Animal Rights Hall of Fame. James Davis is an Irish documentary filmmaker based in the San Francisco Bay Area. His works include "Safety Orange" and "Meeting Room." Brownsville Brooklyn resident food justice youth advocate, member of the Brownsville Community Justice Center, and vegetarian. Sister of 23 year old Shantel Davis, killed by NYPD in East Flatbush, Brooklyn on June 14, 2012. Sister of 23 year old Shantel Davis, killed by NYPD in East Flatbush, Brooklyn on June 14, 2012. Betty is a Warrior in the struggle for community control of education. She worked with Lynne Stewart, the Peoples’ Attorney, and Ralph Poynter, Union Organizer and co-founder of the UFT, to form the New Abolitionist Movement.“ I may still be addicted to potato chips and chocolate but I am not addicted to a 2 party mythology or the Dixiecrat Democrats." Betty davis Ben Davis Ben Davis currently lives and works in New York City where he is executive editor at Artinfo. He is the author of the forthcoming book: 9.5 Theses on Art and Class (Haymarket Books). Benjamin Day Benjamin Day is the Director of Organizing of Healthcare-NOW! He was previously the Executive Director of MassCare: the Massachusetts Campaign for Single Payer Health Care, for seven years. Under his leadership, Mass-Care grew into a coalition of over 100 member organizations and five local chapters. Mass-Care also led successful 2008 and 2010 single-payer ballot campaigns that passed in every one of the 24 districts they were organized in. Jodi Dean Damian DeCaires Louis A. DeCaro Lamis Deek Jodi Dean teaches political and media theory in Geneva, New York. She has written or edited eleven books, including The Communist Horizon and Democracy and Other Neoliberal Fantasies. Attorney and human rights advocate; NLG-NYC vice president; board member of the Council on American Islamic Relations New York; co-founder of AlAwda, NY and US Palestine Community Network. Michael DeDora At rationalist thinktank Center for Inquiry (CFI) as director of Office of Public Policy and its representative to the United Nations. Maintains blog "The Moral Perspective" and contributes to "Rationally Speaking." Master’s in political theory (Brooklyn College) and degree in rhetoric and communication (SUNY-Albany). Patrick Deer Patrick Deer is an Associate Professor of English at New York University, where he focuses on war culture, modernism, contemporary British literature and culture, the novel and film. He is the author of Culture in Camouflage: War, Empire, and Modern British Literature (2009) and Guest Editor of The Ends of War, Social Text 91 (Summer 2007). He is currently completing Deep England: Forging British Culture After Empire, and working on a book project on understanding America’s cultures of war. Emelyn Dela Pena Emelyn Dela Peña was born in Los Angeles, CA, and currently resides in Cambridge, MA. She is the Assistant Dean of Harvard College for Student Life, Harvard University and Adjunct Professor in the Higher Education Program, Merrimack College. Emelyn is currently with the Boston Chapter of AF3IRM. Carol Delgado Carol Delgado has been Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in New York since 2008. Before that she worked in the international relations department of Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA and as international relations director of Venezuela's National Council for the Protection of the Rights of the Child. She is a long-time activist in leftist causes in Venezuela and has an M.A. in non-profit management from the New School. Carol Delgado Arria Carol Delgado has been the Venezuelan Consulate General since 2008. Before she worked in the international relations department of Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA and as international relations director of Venezuela's National Council for the Protection of the Rights of the Child. She is a long-time activist in leftist causes in Venezuela and has an M.A. in non-profit management from the New School. Tahir Della Tahir Della lives as a photographer in Munich and has worked at building a strong Black community and building an understanding of racism in Germany. He has been politically active for the past 25 years through events such as the Black Film Festivals and the Black Heritage Days. A member of the organizing team of the annual Bundestreffen, a meeting of Black People in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries, he is also on the board of the Initiative of Black People in Germany (ISD). Michael Denning Radhika Desai Michael Denning teaches is American Studies at Yale, and the author of The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century (1997), and Culture in the Age of Three Worlds (2004). He is currently working on two books: The Accumulation of Labor, a section of which was published in New Left Review as "Wageless Life," and a book on vernacular phonograph music, Decolonizing the Ear. Radhika Desai is Professor at the Department of Political Studies, University of Manitoba, at Winnipeg, Canada. She is the author of Geopolitical Economy: After US Hegemony, Globalization and Empire (2013), Slouching Towards Ayodhya: From Congress to Hindutva in Indian Politics (2nd rev ed, 2004) and Intellectuals and Socialism: 'Social Democrats' and the Labour Party (1994), and editor of Revitalizing Marxist Theory for Today's Capitalism (2010) and Developmental and Cultural Nationalisms (2009). Amanda Devecka-Ranier Bill Di Paolo Dylana Dillon Amanda is the Lead Organizer of the Make Wall Street Pay Campaign for National People's Action. National People's Action (NPA) is a network of grassroots organizations with a fierce reputation for direct action from across the country that work to advance a national economic and racial justice agenda. NPA has over 200 organizers working to unite everyday people in cities, towns, and rural communities throughout the United States through direct-action, house meetings and community organizing. Bill Di Paola is the Director of Operations at MORUS. He has 25 years of experience as the founder and director of Time’s Up! Environmental organization. Dylana Dillion is an activist, educator, and photographer who is currently one fourteenth of an organizers' cooperative working full time with Occupy Sandy New Jersey. Dylana's work can be viewed primarily through the lens of environmental justice and she has spent the past three years working on various conservation, food sovereignty, and ecoliteracy projects in Central America, Argentina, and Spain. Peter Dimock Eric Dirnbach Jacqueline DiSalvo Peter Dimock is a novelist and freelance editor. He is former Senior Executive Editor for history and political science, Columbia University Press; and former Senior Editor at Random House. He is the author of two novels published by Dalkey Archive Press: A Short Rhetoric for Leaving the Family (1998) and George Anderson: A Love Song in Imperial Time (2013). Authors with whom he has worked include Toni Morrison, Amartya Sen, Angela Davis, and Eric Hobsbawm. Eric has worked in the labor movement for a number of unions for over a decade as a researcher, campaigner and policy analyst, working on organizing and collective bargaining campaigns as well as international trade, government procurement, and green jobs projects. He has also been involved in numerous antisweatshop, international solidarity, and local worker and community organizing initiatives. He can be reached at [email protected]. Associate Professor, Sep 1984 to present at Baruch College CUNY NYC, works at CUNY Graduate Center, NYC Professional Staff Congress, Delegate NYC Central Labor Council. Is currently active at the Occupy Wall Street Labor Outreach Committee. Bruce Dixon Ex-Black Panther Bruce Dixon is a longtime electoral and community organizer from Chicago. He worked with public housing residents & public school parents in the 70s and 80s, & was responsible for registering hundreds of thousands of voters. In 2000 he moved to Georgia, where he now serves on the GA Green Party state committee. He's cofounder & managing editor at Black Agenda Report dot com. Franklin Dmitryev Franklin Dmitryev has been active in environmental struggles since Prairie Alliance in central Illinois in 1979 and Citizens Against Nuclear Power in Chicago in the 1980s; has been writing on environmental and other topics for News & Letters since the 1980s; has been active in environmental justice struggles including with Defense Depot of Memphis Tennessee Concerned Citizens Committee and with the community around the Velsicol plant in Memphis. Carl Dix Mike Dola Ted Dobson Jaire Donald Someone from Domestic Workers Union Mignon Donald Longtime revolutionary, founding member of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. In 2011 co-founder of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network. One of the Fort Lewis 6, six GIs who refused orders to go to Vietnam in 1970; and then served 2 years in Leavenworth Military Penitentiary for this stand. Cofounded the October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality in 1996. Since 2009: a series of Dialogues with Cornel West on the theme of the conditions facing Black people, “In the Age of Obama …” Mike Dola is an office worker and member of Marxist-Humanist Initiative ( Ted Dobson graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz Farm and Garden Project in 1981, where he studied under master gardener Alan Chadwick. in 1983, he and his then-wife, Anne Banks, began organic market farming in Hillsdale, NY, growing baby vegetables and greens, blazing a trail to Boston and Manhattan. Dobson introduced mesclun and arugula to some of the region's most innovative chefs, with whom he continues to work today, growing on his 15-acre Equinox Farm, in Sheffield, MA. tk Mignon Donald is an independent scholar, specializing in indigenous and non-dualist spirituality. Martin Donohoe David Doonan Bill Dores Joanne Doroshow Andrew Dowe Martin Donohoe is Adjunct Associate Professor in Community Health at Portland State University, practices internal medicine, and is on the Social Justice Committee of (National) Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Board of Advisors of Oregon PSR. His book, Public Health and Social Justice (Jossey-Bass/Wiley) was published this year; His slide shows, articles, and syllabi can be found at http://www.publichealthandsocialjustice. org Andrew E. Dowe is a graduate student in the Department of African American Studies and Programs in American Studies and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. His current research focuses on the relationship between racialized discourses of sexuality and homophobia and the makings of empire in the Anglophone Caribbean, South Africa and the United Kingdom. LGBTQ activist and a managing editor of Workers World newspaper. This year she delivered an address at a conference in India to discuss the situation for women, shortly after the internationally publicized gang rape and murder of an Indian woman. She has made solidarity trips to Cuba, Venezuela and Lebanon. In 2004 she ran for Congress on the Peace and Freedom slot in the district in California represented by Nancy Pelosi. She is a co-author of "What Is Marxism All About?" LeiLani Dowell Stephen Downs For over a quarter century he investigated corrupt judges as the Chief Attorney in Albany for the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct between 1975 and 2003. He is a cofounder of Project Salam and has written extensively on the case of Yasin Aref and Muhammad Husain in Albany, NY. Steve served as Policy Committee Director on the Steering Committee of NCPCF in the 2010-2011 term, and has been serving as the NCPCF Executive Director since January 2012. Thomas Drake Steve Downs Ian Dreiblatt Drake is a former senior executive with the National Security Agency who blew the whistle on massive multi-billion dollar fraud and violations of the 4th Amendment and the Constitution. The Justice Dept. subsequently targeted, prosecuted & indicted Mr. Drake in 2010 for espionage - extraordinary charges symptomatic of the rising power of the national security & surveillance state since 9/11 & its direct assault on freedom of speech, thought, civil liberties, human rights, innovation & privacy. Ian Dreiblatt is a poet, musician, activist, and translator based in Brooklyn. His work has appeared in a wide range of publications including Lungfull!, Harp & Altar, Joyland Poetry, and the Agriculture Reader. His translations of The Death of Ivan Illych and The Enchanted Wanderer are both available from Melville House Publishing, and The Nose is on its way. He holds a JD from CUNY and is the New York Manager for Dalkey Archive Press. Mark Dudzic Mathieu Dufour Mark Dudzic is the National Coordinator of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer Health Care, based in Washington, D.C., and has been a labor activist for over 30 years. In 1979 he joined Rahway, NJ Local 149 of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers (now part of the United Steelworkers) after helping to organize his precious metals refinery. He served as full-time president of his local union and as president of the largest district council in the OCAW. John Duda John Duda is the communications coordinator at the Democracy Collaborative, a research institute dedicated to the development of new strategies for the democratization of wealth based in worker and community ownership. david duncan Former director of a community not-forprofit organization that focused resources on community organizing. Formerly associated with over 70 local low/moderate income groups that were in struggles for community resources. I have also been a forty-five participant in groups that produce a community newspaper. Also I was the co-director of a community-labor coalition for 14 years. Stephen Duncombe Stephen Duncombe teaches the history and politics of media at New York University. He is the author or editor of six books, including Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy and the Cultural Resistance Reader. Duncombe co-founded a community based advocacy group in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, Reclaim the Streets. He co-created the School for Creative Activism in 2011 and is presently codirector of the Center for Artistic Activism. Mark Dunlea Mark Dunlea is a co-Founder of Green Party of NYS, former national Executive Committee of Citizens Party and National Organizer of 1984 Sonia Johnson for President, former New York State Head Organizer of ACORN, co-founder of NYPIRG, former Town Board member of Poestenkill, author of Madame President: The Unauthorized Biography of the First Green Party President, and Secretary of Agriculture in the Green Shadow Cabinet. Mark Dworkin Dworkin has produced award winning documentary films on social justice and the environment in North and South America and Europe for over 25 years. The films are used by activists and academics, screened in theaters and community settings, and on PBS. Most recent films: SHIFT CHANGE, WE ARE NOT GHOSTS, GOOD FOOD. Stephan Edel Stephan currently works at the Center for Working Families on developing & implementing policy on sustainability & green jobs balancing politics & grassroots concerns. Previously he worked as a union & community organizer & as a producer of video and multimedia content. He attended law school to better understand the mechanisms that impact & often marginalize working class communities & small businesses. He has a JD from CUNY Law & a Master’s in Global Politics from the University of London. Ethan Earle Ethan Earle is a project manager at the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s New York office, where he works on issues related to the North American Left and the United Nations. He formerly served as U.S. program director of The Working World, a loan fund for worker-owned cooperatives, which he continues to support in an advisory role. Ethan is also a contributing member of the editorial board of WorkingUSA: The Journal of Labor and Society. He holds an MA in International Relations from FLACSOArgentina. Ana Edwards Ana Edwards is the host of DefendersLIVE a radio show in Richmond Virginia. She is also a founding member of the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality and the chair of the Sacred Ground Historical Reclamation Project. Ana recently returned from a trip to Mali Stefanie Ehmsen John Ehrenberg Syed Ehtisham Haidar Eid Josh Eidelson Stefanie Ehmsen is Co-Director of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York office. She has taught Political Science at the Free University Berlin and was from 2009-2011 Visiting Professor for Gender and Diversity at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin. Her latest book compares the institutionalization of the women’s movement in Germany and the United States. Author of many books and articles on Marxist theory and American politics; chair of the Political Science Department at Long Island University's Brooklyn Campus; active for many years in the Caucus for a New Political Science; long Dr. Ehitsham is a retired orthopedic surgeon. He has been involved in the left politics in Pakistan since his student day. He is an author, a freelance writer and a public speaker. His areas of interest are history, political economy and human rights. (Via Skype): Dr. Haidar Eid is a refugee whose parents were expelled from the Zarnouqa village in 1948. Dr. Eid is a member of the PACBI Steering Committee and a co-founder of the One Democratic State Group. He currently lives in Gaza, where he is an Associate Professor of Cultural Studies at Al-Aqsa University. Josh Eidelson is a free-lance journalist who has covered the struggle of WalMart and other low-wage workers. His articles have appeared in The Nation, The American Prospect, Salon, and In These Times among others. Hester Eisenstein Professor of Sociology and Women's Studies, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY; most recent book is Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women's Labor and Ideas to Exploit the World (Paradigm, 2009) Marwa Elbially While in law school she had the opportunity to work in Cairo, Egypt, with Human Rights Associations on issues affecting prisoners and assisted with the Taxpayer Clinic for low income individuals. She is currently serving on the Board of Directors of the local chapter of the NYCLU. As Secretary of the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms (NCPCF), she has worked on the development of an extensive NCPCF database of pre-emptively prosecuted defendants. Rosa Miriam Elizalde Rosa Miriam Elizalde is a Cuban journalist, writer and editor based in Havana, Cuba. She currently manages the website Cubadebate (, an independent on-line journal of news and analysis that represents one of the first attempts in Cuba at Internet-based journalism and remains among the country's most popular news websites. She has written several books about Cuba and Latin America specifically. She's also a contributor to the Nation magazine. Luke Elliott Luke has been involved in the labor movement and independent left politics ever since he read Antonio Gramsci while living on $10 an hour. He will begin the Ph.D. program in Sociology at the CUNY Graduate Center in the fall of this year. Steve Ellner has been teaching economic history in Venezuela at the Universidad de Oriente since 1977 and the universitybased Misión Sucre since 2008. He is coordinator of the May 2013 issue of Latin American Perspectives titled “Latin America’s Radical Left in Power: Complexities and Challenges in the Twenty-First Century.” Steve Ellner Ashley Emerson Gilbert Ashley Emerson Gilbert is the Director of Seven Hills Global Outreach, she holds an MA from Clark University in International Development, Community and Environment. She specializes in 'community-driven' development, and manages a variety of international public health, education, and economic initiatives. She works extensively throughout the globe to further sustainable local initiatives with SHGO partners in Ghana, Haiti, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Bangladesh, Guatemala, and elsewhere. Gerry Emmett Gerry Emmett is a long-time revolutionary activist in Chicago. He writes the World In View column for News & Letters and, most recently, edited the collection Crossroads of History: Marxist-Humanist writings on the Middle East by Raya Dunayevskaya. He has written extensively on the Arab Spring revolts and revolutions, particularly in Egypt and Syria. He supports the Syrian Revolution and has been honored to represent that struggle before numerous audiences. Barbara Epstein is chair and teaches in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. One of the leading analysts of US social movements since the 1960s, her essay 'Occupy Oakland: the question of violence is featured in the 2013 Socialist Register. She is a leading theorist and historian of social movements. Barbara Epstein Mark Engler Itzhak Epstein Megan Erickson Mark Engler is an editorial board member at Dissent, a senior analyst with Foreign Policy In Focus, and author of How to Rule the World: The Coming Battle Over the Global Economy (Nation Books). Martin Espada Sergio Espana Anriette Esterhuysen David Ewing Author of more than 15 books. His latest collection of poems, The Trouble Ball (Norton, 2011), received the Milt Kessler Award and an International Latino Book Award. His previous collection, The Republic of Poetry (Norton, 2006), was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. The recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, Espada teaches at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Sergio Espana is the Lead Organizer of the Healthcare Is a Human Right Campaign in Maryland, a grassroots movement-building initiative by the United Workers, PNHP-Maryland and Healthcare Now-Maryland. Based in South Africa, Anriette is APC's Executive Director. As such she leads the world's largest technology coalition, comprised of leading progressive technology organizations from over 35 countries and holding UN consultative status, in a wide variety of campaigns, research projects, support efforts and organizing projects. Immigration lawyer chair, San Francisco CA USCPFA Zeinab Eyega Ms. Eyega is the Executive Director and Founder of Sauti Yetu, an advocacy organization seeking to empower women to exercise, advocate and protect their rights. Eyega facilitates cross-cultural competency workshops for health care providers and reproductive health promotion seminars for African immigrant and refugee communities throughout the United States. She also works on women's protection and rights in conflict, post conflict regions of Africa. Nicole Fabricant Nicole Fabricant teaches anthropology at Towson University in Maryland. She is the author of Mobilizing Bolivia's Displaced: Indigenous Politics and the Struggle over Land. Gil Fagiani Gil was a founder of the political organization White Lightning (1971-75). A social worker and addiction specialist, he directed Renewal House, a residential program for recovering alcoholics and drug addicts in Downtown Brooklyn for 21 years. A translator and writer, he has published six collections of his own poetry. His latest book, Serfs of Psychiatry, was inspired by the 12 years he worked at a state psychiatric hospital in the Bronx. Dalia Fahmy Golnaz Fakhimi Expert on the Politics of the Middle East, Islam and Democracy, the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Politics, and the Arab Spring. At work on a book about Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Arab Spring. A new faculty member at LIU's Brooklyn Golnaz FakhimiCampus. is a staff attorney with the International Justice Network (IJN), a human rights organization that has been advocating since 2006 on behalf of individuals held without charge or trial by the U.S. military at Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. Dr. Cathey Falvo is a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility and President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment. Dr. Falvo has been working on issues of nuclear prevention, safety from harmful chemicals and other environmental issues for many years. Dr. Cathey Falvo Samuel Farber Jason Farbman Anthony Farley Born and raised in Cuba, he has written numerous books and articles on that country including his most recent "Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment" (Haymarket, 2011). He also wrote "Before Stalinism: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Democracy" (Verso, 1990). Jason Farbman is a writer and activist based in New York and a contributor to "101 Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals Who Changed U.S. History" Arnold Farr Arnold L. Farr teaches philosophy and social theory at the University of Kentucky. His research interests are German idealism, critical theory, Marxism, Africana philosophy, psychoanalysis, postmodernism, and liberation philosophy. He is coeditor and coauthor of Marginal Groups and Mainstream American Culture, and author of Critical Theory and Democratic Vision: Herbert Marcuse and Recent Liberation Philosophies (Lexington, 2009). He is founder of the International Herbert Marcuse Society. Walter Farrell Professional interests include: Social Welfare and Health Policy; Hispanic Immigration Issues; Management and Community Practice; Nonprofit Leadership; Community and Economic Development and Employment; Discrimination and Inequality Issues Sara Farris Sara R. Farris is Member Scholar in the School of Social Science, at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Cambridge. She is the author of Max Weber's Theory of Personality. Individuation, Politics and Orientalism in the Sociology of Religion (Brill, 2013) and of numerous articles on social and political theory, international migration and gender. Liza Featherstone Dianne Feeley Andrew Ferguson Sujatha Fernandes Liza Featherstone is a journalist writing a book exploring the history of focus groups, including their origins in the militarized university. She is a contributing writer to the Nation and a columnist for amNY. She teaches journalism at Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Dianne Feeley is active in Occupy Detroit’s eviction defense committee. A retired autoworker, she is a member of Autoworker Caravan, a group of rank-andfile autoworkers who oppose concessions and urge that idle factories be converted to produce mass transit and non-fossil energy. She is an editor of Against the Current, a bimonthly socialist magazine. Sujatha Fernandes is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Queens College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. She is the author of Who Can Stop the Drums? Urban Social Movements in Chávez’s Venezuela (Duke University Press, 2010) and Cuba Represent! Cuban Arts, State Power, and the Making of New Revolutionary Cultures (Duke University Press, 2006). Her most recent book is Close to the Edge: In Search of the Global Hip Hop Generation (Verso, 2011). Johanna Fernandez Danny Ferreyra Rachel Field Johanna Fernandez holds a Ph.D. in History from Columbia University. She teaches 20th Century US History and African American History at Baruch College (CUNY). Prof. Fernandez is the writer and producer of Justice on Trial: The Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. She is cocoordinator of Educators for Mumia AbuJamal. Danny Ferreyra is the President of the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies Chapter of the Student Alumni Association Empire State College and a 3rd Year Electrician Apprentice pursuing his Associates and Bachelor’s Degrees at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies. Danny was part of the Rapid Repairs program fixing boilers and electrical services in the hard hit communities of Rockaway and Coney Island post Hurricane Sandy. [email protected] I am a community organizing and civil rights activist. I am a member of the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition which is an organization that seeks to stop war and end racism. I am also a member of Anakbayan, a organization that seeks to bring justice to the Philippines as well as justice to Filipino youth and workers here in the United States. I am a hip-hop activist and artist. I have been an organizer since I was 16 years old, and I was inspired by the conditions of the community I am from. Ray Figueroa Janice Fine Norman Finkelstein Eleanor Finley Ray is a food-environment activist and youth-development strategist. His experience creating high-impact foodsystem-development models in the field dates back to the early 1990′s, when, as founder of the SIEMBRA PROJECT, he was awarded the NEIGHBORHOOD ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION AWARD from the CITIZENS COMMITTEE for NEW YORK CITY for his work organizing the first Harlem Youth-based organic farming project. Janice Fine is associate professor of labor studies and employment relations at the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University. She is the author of Worker Centers: Organizing Communities at the Edge of the Dream (2006) published by Cornell University Press and the Economic Policy Institute. Before becoming a professor, Fine worked as a community, labor, coalition and electoral organizer for more than twenty-five years. Eleanor Finley has been working with the Institute for Social Ecology as a student and an organizer for nearly two years. She has been an engaged member of the Occupy Movement as well as an activist for queer liberation and reproductive justice in the Southern US. Eleanor was recently accepted as a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Brendan Fischer Brendan Fischer is General Counsel with the Center for Media and Democracy. He has worked extensively on the ALECexposed project, documenting ALEC agenda items like voter suppression, prison privatization, union-busting, and gun legislation. He has filed legal challenges against ALEC's efforts to disguise their activities from public view and to facilitate special interest influence over state legislators. He additionally works on issues related to campaign finance and election administration. Ariane Fischer Ariane Fischer has been teaching in Intellectual Heritage at Temple University since 2008. She holds a Ph.D. in Human Sciences from the George Washington University and M.A. degrees in American Studies and Comparative Studies. Ariane has published articles in various journals, including the Marx-Engels-Jahrbuch and the South Atlantic Quarterly. Jordan Flaherty Jordan Flaherty is a journalist based in New Orleans, a producer on the Al Jazeera news program EMPIRE, and author of the book Floodlines: Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six ( He was the first writer to bring the story of the Jena Six to a national audience, and his award-winning reporting from the Gulf Coast has been featured in a range of outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post, Mother Jones, and Argentina’s Clarin newspaper. Pojanee Fleury Pojanee is one of the most progressive community health- conscious advocates of today. A dedicated to educator, PJ is the Founder and CEO of Brown Eyez Company, parent company of Brown Eyez Publishing Group, which was established when Brown Eyez Magazine was published in 2007. Brown Eyez Publishing Group has grown since to publish two other magazines Behind The Scenes Magazine and 4Haiti Magazine. P.J. Fleury Pojanee. J. Fleury is a young Haitian woman publisher and community organizer. She is the director of Brown Eyez 2007 to help children in community through promotion of positive culture and health awareness. P.J. is Vice President of Haitian American Care, Inc. Sara Flounders Presenter Sara Flounders, authority on international sanctions, is author of “War Without Victory: The Pentagon’s Achilles Heel”, co-editor of several volumes, organizer of national anti-sanctions campaigns, co-director of the International Action Center, NY (, three-time recipient of The Project Censored Award. Margaret Flowers Margaret Flowers is a Maryland pediatrician from Baltimore. She left practice in 2007 to advocate full-time for a single payer health care system. She served as Congressional Fellow for Physicians for a National Health Program from 2009-2010 and is on the board of Healthcare-Now. She also serves as codirector of, co-host of Clearing the FOG (, and Secretary of Health in the Green Shadow Cabinet. Reg Flowers Reg Flowers, artist, community organizer, involved with numerous groups in Red Hook. Works with Communities United for Police Reform & Occupy Wall Street. Post-Hurricane Sandy, worked with community leaders, residents, & city officials on recovery efforts. Was key facilitator for meetings of community members and allies. Graduate (BFA), University of the Arts, and Yale School of Drama (MFA). He resides in Brooklyn with his husband, Chris Hammett. Dr. Margaret Flowers A Maryland pediatrician who left private practice in 2007 to advocate full-time for a single payer health care system at both the state and national levels. She is on the board of Healthcare-Now and is on the coordinating committee of the Md. Health Care is a Human Right campaign. Flowers has testified before the state legislature and in Congress has appeared on Bill Moyers' Journal, Democracy Now and Fox Business News. Her writing is regularly published in TruthOut and AlJazeera English. Harrison Fluss Harrison Fluss is a PhD student in philosophy at Stony Brook University. His research mostly focuses on issues in metaphysics and political philosophy. Currently, he is working on the relationship between Spinoza, German Idealism, and Marxism. He has been a past presenter and panel chair the Left Forum. This was most recently in 2011, where he gave a talk on Slavoj Zizek, at the Marxism, Psychoanalysis, and Human Nature panel. Jennifer Flynn Jennifer was the co-founder and Executive Director of NYC AIDS Housing Network (now VOCAL-NY) for 9 years prior to joining Health GAP as the Managing Director in September, 2007. Jennifer holds a Masters Degree from the New School for Social Research and was the first US based and focused human rights activist selected for Columbia University's Human Rights Advocates Training Fellowship. Glen Ford, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report currently produces Black Agenda television and co-host Black Agenda Radio and co-founded (BC) in 2002. The weekly journal quickly became the most influential Black political site on the Net. In October, 2006, Ford and the entire writing team left BC to launch (BAR). Ford is the executive editor of BAR. A long time radio host and commentator, Ford in 1977 launched, produced and hosted America's Black Forum, the first nationally syndicated Black News. Ford is author of "The Big Lie: An Analysis of U.S. Media Coverage of the Grenada Invasion." Glen Ford is also the vice-chair of the Black is Back Coalition, an antiwar and social justice coalition Glen Ford Julianna Forlano Erik Forman Julianna Forlano is the creator, host, and producer of the acclaimed news parody series, ABSURDITY TODAY! on Free Speech TV, The Young Turks Online Network, WBAI radio in NYC, and The Progressive Voices Radio Network. (Archives: A contributing writer for, and, Ms. Forlano teaches Media Ethics, Writing For New Media, and Comedy Scriptwriting at Brooklyn College and Hofstra University. She currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. Hannah Forrester Michael Fox Columbia student, ISO - Columbia branch, Columbia Michael and Fox Barnardis a former editor ofDivest NACLA Report on the Americas and a member of the NACLA Multimedia Team. He has worked for many years as a freelance journalist, radio reporter, and documentary filmmaker covering Latin America. He is, most recently, co-author of Latin America’s Turbulent Transitions: The Future of 21st Century Socialism (Zed Frances Fox Piven is on the faculty of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Together with Richard Cloward, she is the author of Regulating the Poor, Poor People’s Movements, and Why Americans Still Don’t Vote. She is also the author of Challenging Authority and Who’s Afraid of Frances Fox Piven? She is also long-time activist in movements for social justice. Frances Fox Piven Harriet Fraad is a hypnotherapist & psychotherapist in Manhattan. She writes regularly for Truthout, Tikkun and The Journal of Psychohistory. Her blog with Richard D. Wolff, Economy and Psychology appears at and Her latest book is Bringing It All Back Home ed. Graham Cussano. Her article on Emotional and Sexual Life in a Socialist America written with Tess Fraad Wolff will appear in the book Imagine A Socialist America(Harper Collins 2013). Harriet Fraad Tess Fraad Wolff Tess Fraad Wolff, LMSW, CAT is a psychotherapist at the Center for Psychological Well-Being in NYC, her specializations include Hypnotherapy and Art Therapy. Tess’ latest article will appear in the forthcoming book Imagine A Socialist America- (Harper Collins 2013 Carlos Frade is Senior Lecturer in sociology at the University of Salford, Manchester, UK, where he teaches Weberian and Marxian thought and social and political theory. His research is focused on political subjectivities and rationalities. His most recent publications include a paper on Machiavelli’s Prince in our times; he is currently preparing a book on Weber for students and militants. Carlos Frade Tess Fraad-Wolff Tess Fraad Wolff, LMSW, CAT, is a psychotherapist at the Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Center in New York City. She is also a mental-health counselor in Manhattan. Her latest work, “Capitalist Profit and Intimate Life,” appeared in The Journal of Psychohistory, Winter 2013, V. 40, N.1. Alejandra Franco Alex Franco conducted a fact-finding mission and co-authored a U.N. shadow report on sexual exchange in postEarthquake Haiti in 2012. She worked with Tequio Jurídico, an indigenous legal collective in Oaxaca, MX, on land rights and indigenous women’s international human rights. She was an immigrant rights and drug policy organizer in San Francisco and a graduate of UC Berkeley. She received a Juris Doctorate from CUNY School of Law, where she was the president of the student government. Joshua B. Freeman is a professor of history at Queens College, City University of New York and the CUNY Graduate Center. He is the former executive officer of the Graduate Center's history department. Teaches history at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and is affiliated with its Joseph S. Murphy Labor Institute. His forthcoming book, "American Empire," will be the final volume of the Penguin History of the United States. Joshua Freeman Alan Freeman Alan Freeman is co-editor, with Radhika Desai, of the "Future of World Capitalism" book series and, with Andrew Kliman, of a new journal "Critique of Political Economy." He is currently a visiting professor at London Metropolitan University. He has written or edited four books and numerous articles on economics, politics and culture. TJ Frawley Mjiba Frehiwot TJ Frawley is a founding member of the OWS Political and Electoral Reform working group. Mjiba Frehiwot is the current Director of Education and Training for the NAACP. She completed her PhD in African Studies at Howard University. She is a human right activist, member of All-African People Revolutionary Party and the Revival of Pan Africanism Forum George Friday Doris Friedensohn George Friday holds degrees in political science, economics, and African American studies from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, where she graduated in 1982. Friday is a co-founder of Wholeworks, which provides grassroots community organizations with leadership and skills training. She worked with National Peace Action and the Piedmont Peace Project in North Carolina. She is a board member of the Grassroots Policy Project, the Center for Voting and Democracy and the New World Foundation, among other groups, and has been part of the US Social Forum process since its beginnings. Her work particularly focuses on communication, oppression, change, and the role of privilege in transforming power dynamics, fostering broad, deep economic and social justice change. She brings more than three decades of experience to her position as national field organizer for the Bill of Rights Defense Committee. She is national field organizer for Bill of Rights Defense Committee. Since 1995 George has been Doris Friedensohn is the author of Eating as I Go: Scenes from America and Abroad, University Press of Kentucky, 2006, and Cooking for Change: Tales From a Food Service Training Academy, with photos by Steve Riskind, Full Court Press, 2011. Riskind and Friedensohn's traveling exhibit, "Cooking for Change" is currently being shown at the Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University. Jovonna Frieson Jovonna Frieson has been personally affected by the child welfare system and has since been professionally organizing around creating change within it since March 2010. She is currently employed as a Parent Advocate for the agency New Alternatives for Children. Robert Frith Robert Frith is a board member of African Friends of the United States and producer of a prominent BronxNet TV show. He has contributed to social movements for over 20 years, documenting the experiences. Dominic Frongillo Grover Furr Cecelia Frontero HG Greg Gabrellas Estelle Gadbois-Bernard Dominic Frongillo is a community energy educator who in 2006, at age 26, became the youngest person ever to serve as a member of the town council of Caroline, New York. He is now deputy supervisor of the Town of Caroline, which in 2011 became the second NYS county to become completely powered by renewable energy. Frongillo spearheads the group Elected Official to Protect New York. Grover Furr teaches in the English Department at Montclair State University. He has been researching the history of the Soviet Union during the Stalin period for many years. His research can be found on his Home Page, Sofía Gallisá Martin Garbus Elizabeth Garcia Sofía Gallisá Muriente is an artist turned relief worker, an active participant in the Occupy Wall Street movement and a founding editor of IndigNación, Occupy's only Spanish language publication. She is deeply engaged with Occupy Sandy relief operations in the Rockaway peninsula and is focused on rebuilding YANA (You Are Never Alone) a community center dedicated to job training in green technologies that was devastated in the flood and re-emerged as an important relief Martinhub. Garbus is one of the country’s top trial lawyers, as well as an author. He has joined the team of lawyers appealing the convictions of the Cuban Five, filing a motion in U.S. Southern District Court, seeking an evidentiary hearing and the right to discovery on behalf of Gerardo Hernández. This motion relates specifically to the issue of U.S. government payments to members of the Miami media during the trial of the BA in Sociology. Grew up in Corona where attended school until undergraduate career. Worked in an after school program where the curiosity corona as a neighborhood emerged. Danced since junior high school and have used it as a way to express myself when struggled with using words. Took dance classes while pursuing undergrad. Still take classes occasionally. Have been part of St Leo's youth group since ages of 12, currently attend and as a leader. Pursuing MA in international Relations fall 2013. Lee Gargagliano Lee is an international organizwer with IJAN whojust returned from presenting this workshop at the World Social Forum Free Palestine in Porto Alegre, Brazil and at the World Social Forum in Tunis, Tunisia. Barbara Garson Barbara Garson's most recent book is "Down the Up Escalator: How the 99% Live in the Great Recession," (Doubleday, 2013.) It is the fourth in a series of books about American workers at historic turning points. The others are "All the Livelong Day: The Meaning and Demeaning of Routine Work" "The Electronic Sweatshop" and "Money Makes the World Go Around." She is also the playwright of the 1960s satire "MacBird!" and the OBIE winning children's play "The Dinosaur Door." Bernard Gassaway former DoE English Teacher at Boys and Girls High School, Principal at Beach Channel High School and Senior Superintendent for the Office of Alternative Schools and Programs. Gassaway, a Revson Fellow and Doctoral Candidate at Columbia University in Administration of School and Community Partnerships, returned to Boys and Girls in 2009 as Principal with commitment to build a 21st Century School/Community Partnership in service of the needs and dreams of his young adult students. Timothy Geller Emmaia Gelman Dan Georgakas Nicholas Georgantzas Tim Geller is Exec. Director of the Community Development Corp. of South Berkshire, building affordable housing and economic opportunity throughout the rural southern Berkshires. With experience in community development financing, a love of farming and the outdoors, and a background in the arts, his passion for community building is uniquely at home in the Berkshires. He is President of the Board of BerkShares, Inc., and President/founder of the Berkshire Interfaith Community Investment Corp. Emmaia is an urban planner for energy democracy, and Policy Coordinator at the Alliance for a Just Rebuilding. Prior, she was Policy Director at the Center for Working Families, where she built "Green Jobs-Green NY.” GJGNY has united 200 Coauthor: Detroit: I Do Mind Dying Author: My Detroit: Growing Up Greek and American in Motor City Coeditor: The Encyclopedia of the American Left Coeditor: Solidarity Forever, An Oral History of the IWWedi Consulting editor: Cineaste film quarterly Janet Gerson, member of TOPLAB since 1996. Studied with Augusto Boal & MarieClaire Picher. As Education Director, International Institute on Peace Education, has worked in Colombia, El Salvador, India, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Greece, Hungary, & Spain; was Co-Director, Peace Education Center, and Teachers College-10. Director, Dance Stream, community-based organization in Upper Manhattan, 1988-98. Current writing on public deliberation on global (in)justice and the World Tribunal on Iraq. Janet Gerson Tiokasin Ghosthorse (Hwokoju Lakota Nation) First Voices Indigenous Radio ( New York, NY - Host and Executive Producer of FVIR which broadcasts on 44 radio stations in North America. (Moderator) G.Reza Ghorashi Hamideh Sedghi, Ph.D. is a Visiting Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Brooklyn College, CUNY. Author of Women and Politics in Iran: Veiling, Unveiling and Reveiling. Cambridge University Press Reza Ghorashi, PhD.:Professor of Economics and Coordinator of International Studies Minor at Stockton College of NJ. Hamid Zangeneh, Ph.D. Professor of Economics , Widener University and editor of Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis. Terran Giacomini is writer, dancer, and community organizer. She has a Master of Arts in sociology from the University of Guelph, and is working on her PhD in sociology at the University of Toronto. Her work addresses food sovereignty in the context of the global movement of movements. Her latest work analyzes the link between corporate concentration and global gendered, ethnicized class convergence to defend the commons. Terran Giacomini Connor Gibson Connor Gibson does research as part of Greenpeace's Investigations team. He focuses on polluting industries and their front groups, PR firms and political operatives, particularly the role of the American Legislative Exchange Council. Michael Gilbert Gilbert became a revolutionary at 14 after the 1968 Democratic Convention, and joined the Student for a Democratic Society at 15. After it fell apart he was involved in various revolutionary organizations, including the Weathermen, the Yippies and the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters. In the 1990s he did political work in Hispanic communities. He joined News and Letters Committee after reading Hegel's Logic, articles and books by Raya Dunayevskaya and Erich Fromm's "Marx's Concept of Man." Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, New York University. Author, Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic; Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous to Your Health Than Others. Former head, Institute of Law and Psychiatry (Harvard Med School), and director mental health services for the Massachusetts prisons. Expert witness in Plata V. Brown, ordering reduction of overcrowding in California prisons and the provision of mental health services. James Gilligan Mike Gimbel Sam Gindin A retired member of the Executive Board of Local 375, AFSCME. The union represents almost 7,000 professional and technical workers in New York City government. He was the president of the 2nd largest chapter in the union. Mike is a co-coordinator of the May 1st Coalition for Worker & Immigrant Rights, which annually organizes the huge May Day marches in new York City. Sam Gindin, the former Research Director of the Canadian Autoworkers Union and Packer Chair in Social Justice at York University, Toronto. He is the coauthor with Leo Panitch of The Making of Global Capitalism; The Political Economy of American Empire (Verso 2013). His essay 'Renewing Unions, Registering Socialism' appears in the 2013 Socialist Register. Jeremy Glick Paula Gloria Jeremy Matthew Glick is an Assistant Professor of African Diasporic Literature and Modern Drama in the English Department of Hunter College. He recently completed a manuscript on C.L.R. James and Brecht entitled: 'Imitations I Can Use': Haitian Revolutionary Tragedy as History. His latest essay, "Aphoristic Lines of Flight in The Coming Insurrection: Ironies of Forgetting Yet Forging the Past: An Anamnesis for George Jackson" was published in Situations. Dr. Gnaka Lagoke, a specialist in African political affairs, development, and PanAfricanism is a professor of Spanish at UDC & African History at Montgomery College. As a political analyst, he has appeared on Australian Broadcast Corporation, Voice of America, Russia Today, HispannTV, & Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. He founded “The Revival of Panafricanism Forum” ( a public forum which engages a permanent conversation on Africa from a panafrican perspective. Gervais Gnaka Lagoke Zoltán Glück Tao Leigh Goffe Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg Frances Goldin Amy Goldsmith Tao Leigh Goffe is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies at Yale University. Her dissertation looks at Afro-Asian intimacies in the Americas through photography and literature. From Islamic hip-hop to yellowface and postcolonial theory, her research explores the intersections between black and Asian subcultures in Britain, the Caribbean, and the US. Her areas of study are full employment, public assistance, the feminization of poverty and comparative social welfare systems. She has authored or coauthored/edited six books and numerous articles and book chapters. She is coChair of the Columbia Seminar on Full Employment, Social Welfare & Equity and Chair of the National Jobs for All Coalition. Amy Goldsmith is State Director of the New Jersey Environmental Federation and Chair of the NY/NJ Coalition for Healthy Ports. She serves on the Board of the NJ Work Environment Council (WEC), Earthshare New Jersey, the Coalition for Affordable Housing and the Environment, and the NJ Working Families Alliance. From 1994 to 1997, she was National Coordinator for the Public Health Institute's Jobs and Environment Training Consortium. Fred Goldstein Author of a pamphlet on the struggle within the Communist Party of China, also of the books, "Capitalism at a Dead End" and "Low Wage Capitalism -- a Colossus with Feet of Clay." Writes for Workers World newspaper, with many articles on the economic crisis and on developments in China. Tarin Gonzalez Jesse Goldstein is working on his PhD in Sociology at CUNY’s Graduate Center. His project is titled “Planetary Improvement: Discourses and practices of green capitalism in the cleantech space." He received an MA in Politics at York University (Toronto), and was an artistmember of Space 1026 in Philadelphia. Kuba is a high school activist and socialist at John Jay High School (Cross River, Westchester County). A long-time community organizer from Westchester County, Gonzalez is a representative of WESPAC, a 30+ year old grassroots coalition of peace and justice groups. Anand Gopal Linda Gordon Anand Gopal is a journalist who recently reported from Syria for Harper's Magazine. His writing has also appeared in the Nation, Foreign Policy, the New Republic, and elsewhere. He is a fellow at the New America Foundation and the author of a forthcoming book on the Afghanistan war. Professor of history, NYU Jesse Goldstein Kuba Goldstein Jeff Goodwin Jeff Goodwin is a professor of sociology at New York University. He has written and edited several books on social movements and revolutions, including The Social Movements Reader, Contention in Context, and Strategies for Social Change. H. Candace Gorman H. Candace Gorman is a civil rights/human rights lawyer in Chicago who represents one Guantánamo detainee pro bono, Saeed Bakhouche. Her second client Abdul Hamid alGhizzawi was finally released in 2010. Having represented these two men with no end in sight, she shut down her civil rights practice for many years to focus solely on getting her clients out of Guantanamo, closing Guantanamo and bringing those responsible for and assisting with these particular war crimes to justice. Eliza Goroya Panayota Gounari Matt Graber Jenny Greeman Eliza Goroya is a Greek anti-fascist organizer, artist and blogger. She blogs at Professor of Applied Linguistics at U Mass Boston Activist Scholar, Host of Radio Against Apartheid, WPEB 88.1 FM Jenny Greeman is a member of the Brecht Forum Victor Serge Study group, is an actor, director and arts administrator in New York Theater. Jenny Greeman has been attending Left Forum events since she was 10 and cheerfully keeps speakers within time limits and moderates polemics. Marcus Grätsch Richard Greeman James Green Marcus Grätsch is a Political Scientist and activist. He is member of the large postautonomous group "Interventionist Left" in Germany and "FelS - For a left current" in Berlin. Recently he took part in initiating the "Blockupy Frankfurt" Protest Campaign as part of the European resistance against austerity. He has also been directly involved with the Party Die Linke and many other organizations in Germany. He currently works for Left Forum in New York. Longtime socialist and international activist Richard Greeman is best known for his translations and studies of the Franco-Russian revolutionary and novelist Victor Serge. He has taught at Columbia, Wesleyan, the Univ. of Hartford and currently the Brecht Forum. He is also the author of ‘Is there life after capitalism?’ His ecosocialist essay ‘Ecotopia: A Bet You Can’t Refuse’ is available at State of Nature and included in his recent anthology Beware of Vegetarian Sharks: Radical Rants and Internationalist Essays (Illustrated). Doug Enaa Greene Doug Enaa Greene is a revolutionary communist historian living in Massachusetts. Doug Enaa cut his teeth as an activist at Occupy Boston where he worked as the event coordinator and the cinematographer of the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series. Doug Enaa has been published in Counterpunch, MRZine, Socialism and Democracy, Socialist Viewpoint, Links The International Journal for Socialist Renewal, and Greenleft Weekly. Karen Gregory Karen Gregory is PhD candidate in Sociology at CUNY Grad Center, Instructional Technology Fellow at Hunter College, and Adjunct Lecturer in Labor Studies at Queens College. Her dissertation is entitled “Enchanted Entrepreneurs: The Labor of Psychics in New York City” and her research looks to the intersection of labor, spirituality, and social media. Deirdre Griswold Editor in chief of Workers World newspaper. Worked on the London Secretariat of the 1967 Bertrand Russell International War Crimes Tribunal. Her many works include Indonesia 1965: The Second Greatest Crime of the Century (World View Publishers, 1970); and “How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan,” Workers World, Sept. 27, 2001. She has visited both north and south Korea and writes extensively of U.S. relations with the two parts of the Korean peninsula. Bret Grote is an organizer with the Human Rights Coalition, the Executive Director of the newly founded Abolitionist Law Center, and a member of the legal team for Russell Maroon Shoatz. He was the 2012 Isabel and Alger Hiss Government Misconduct Fellow at the Center for Constitutional Rights, and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in May 2013. Bret Grote New York City native, Anthony Gronowicz, authored of “Race and Class Politics in New York City Before the Civil War” [1998],edited “Oswald Garrison Villard: The Dilemmas of the Absolute Pacifist in Two World Wars” [1983], and written a 348,000 word U.S. history. Anthony Gronowicz George Gruenthal Hébert Guillaume Assistant chair of U.S. Friends of the Soviet People. He is currently working on reprinting Marxist work that are not available in the U.S. at” Sonia Guinansaca an undocumented poet from New York. She was born in Ecuador and raised in Harlem since the age of 5. Since her involvement in 2008, Sonia has served as a core member, coordinator of media & outreach, and coordinator of the NY END ( Education Not Deportation) Campaign. In 2011 she helped launch Dreaming in Ink, a creative writing workshop that helps undocumented youth cultivate their voice and reclaim their stories. Sonia Guinansaca Matthew Guldin Matthew Guldin taught history in junior high and high school in Brooklyn and Manhattan from the late 1960’s until 2000. This past decade he was Dean of Students at East Side Community High. He presently consults at NYC schools on disciplinary and school climate issues. He is part of Teachers Unite, a member group of Dignity in Schools, working to eliminate suspensions and detentions and introduce Restorative Justice practices. Matthew is also a member of the Campaign to Endinthe Jim Crow.of Bruno Gullì teaches theNew Department Bruno Gulli History, Philosophy and Political Science at CUNY-Kingsborough. Among his publications are Labor of Fire: the Ontology of Labor between Economy and Culture (Temple University Press, 2005) and Earthly Plenitudes: a Study on Sovereignty and Labor (Temple University Press, 2010). He is now working on a third volume focusing on the notions of disobedience and care: The Earth on Fire: Essays on Life, Labor, Cofounder of The Indypendent and The Occupied Wall Street Journal. Contributor to The Guardian, Salon, The Progressive, Truthout, and Alternet. Profiled by Business Week, PBS, Wired, and The New York Times. He has received a Wallace Global Fund grant for his work with the Occupy movement, and is a Lannan writing fellow. Regular commentator on Democracy Now!, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, AlJazeera, and Russian Television. He is writing a book on the decline of American empire for Haymarket Books. Arun Gupta Elia Gurna Elia Gurna is an artist who uses Theater of the Oppressed in her work as a teaching artist and youth worker and is a facilitator with the Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB). In July she will take on the position of Executive Director at New Urban Arts, a nationallyrecognized community arts studio for high school students and emerging artists in Providence, Rhode Island. Jane Guskin Jane Guskin is co-author with David Wilson of The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers, published in July 2007 by Monthly Review Press. She is a former co-editor of Weekly News Update on the Americas, a summary of Latin American news; former editor of Immigration News Briefs; and a founder of the Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants, an all-volunteer NYC group which mobilized against workplace raids and for immigrant rights from 1997 to 2004. Teresa Gutierrez Allison Guttu Natacha Gwet Teresa Gutierrez grew up in a Chicano family in Texas and currently lives in Queens, New York, the part of the city with the highest concentration of new immigrants from all parts of the world. She is currently a leader of the May 1 Coalition for Worker and Immigrant Rights in New York. Guttu was one of the nine women arrested for participating in a sit-in in front of the FDA in 2005, where the protesters refused to leave until the Morning-After Pill was put over the counter. She has been organizing for women's liberation for over a decade and co-chairs the Women of Color Caucus of NWL. Guttu practices as a public interest lawyer in New York City and is a board member of the Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund for social justice activists. Natacha is one of the pioneers of the USAfrica Ambassadorship Program The USAfrica Ambassadorship is a Leadership Program that deals with youth empowerment. Natacha is dedicated to community service and has won numerous awards as a result of her activism. Chief amongst them is the City Council Citation for Being A Rising Star by Bronx Council Member Helen Diane Foster. Natacha hails from Cameroon. Mark Hage Larry Hales Alterique Hall Mark Hage is a BDS activist with Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel ( For the past 10 years, he has also produced an hour-long news program, "Salaam/Shalom: Report on Palestine/Israel," for public access television in Vermont. Mark works as a union advocate for Vermont-NEA. He has traveled around the U.S. in the last year to promote the idea and support the actions of the People's Power Assembly, which brings people involved in different areas of struggle together to form their popular organizations to fight for them on all the issues. Hales has been an organizer with New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts and Defend Education and a leader of the Bail Out the People Movement. He has made solidarity trips to Palestine, Cuba and the Philippines. Mike Hamlin was cofounder of the Dodge Revolutionary Movement and the League of Revolutionary Black Workers. He later served as president of the Black Workers Congress. He has taught at Wayne State University and served as conflict resolution mediator in conflicts involving trade unionists. He recently published A Black Revolutionary's Life in Labor: Black Workers Power in Detroit. Mike Hamlin Sasha Hammad Suheir Hammad John L. Hammond Sharon Hand Sasha Hammad is an organizer with the Retail Action Project, a membership based organization of retail and fashion workers improving opportunities and standards. She works with members to take action in stores for more stable, predictable and livable schedules. Before RAP, Sasha co-directed Young Workers United, working to improve jobs for low wage young and immigrant workers in San Francisco. She received her BA from NYU, and will graduate Baruch College's MBA program in Dec 2013. John L. Hammond is a longtime social movement activist. He is also active in his union, the Professional Staff Congress. He has studied social movements in the United States, Europe, and Latin America, and is the author of Fighting to Learn: Popular Education and Guerrilla War in El Salvador and Building Popular Power: Workers' and Neighborhood Movements in the Portuguese Revolution. He teaches sociology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Fashion industry worker, distressed homeowner; member, People's Organization for Progress. Christina Hanhardt Christina B. Hanhardt is an assistant professor of American Studies and LGBT Studies at the University of Maryland, College Park. She is the author of the book Safe Space: Gay Neighborhood History and the Politics of Violence, forthcoming from Duke University Press in fall 2013. Andrew Hannon Andrew Hannon received his BA in History in 2003 from Drew University and his MA American Studies from University of Massachusetts Boston in 2007. While at UMB he was co-chair of the United Auto Workers unit representing graduate students and a member of the contract negotiating team. His interests are in the relation between cultural products, producers and consumers and political action. His currently working on a project about the New Left and the Counterculture. Noelle Hanrahan Noelle Hanrahan of Prison Radio, started recording Mumia from death row at Huntingdon State Prison in 1992. These tapes inspired the controversial censored series on NPR and the best seller “Live From Death Row.” She has amplified his voice for more than 20yrs. Noelle has edited Abu-Jamal’s books and produced 3 audio CDs, as well as weekly radio commentaries and speeches to a worldwide audience. She is a graduate of Stanford University (B.A.) and Boston University (M.A). She is also a licensed P.I. James Hare Shaun Harkin James P. Hare is a project manager at the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung’s New York office, where he works on issues related to the United Nations and the North American left. He was on the organizing committee of Graduate Student Employees United, UAW 2110, which sought to establish a union of teaching and research assistants at Columbia University, and subsequently became a member of ACT-UAW (Local 7902) while teaching at the New School and New York University. Shaun Harkin is an activist and writer based in Chicago. He has been active in the labor, anti-war, and immigrant rights movement. He has organized with the March 10 Committee, the Moratorium Against Deportations Campaign and the Chicago May Day Organizing Committee. He is a frequent contributor to Socialist Worker, the International Socialist Review and his articles have appeared in other publications including Truth-Out, The Bullet, Z magazine, Counterpunch and Green Left Weekly. He recently contributed a series of articles in Socialist Worker crisis in Greece and the rise of Golden Dawn. He joined the RI Labor Party Advocates in 1996 and was a Ralph Nader campaign supporter in 2000 and 2004. Ronald Harpelle Roger Harris Joan Harrison Ron Harpelle is the Director/producer of Hard Time and In Security. He is an academic who has published several books and articles and is the producer and co-director of "Banana Split," which won "Best Feature Length Documentary" at the Latin America Environmental Media Festival in New Orleans, The Deborah Fletcher Award of Excellence in Filmmaking on International Development. Roger D. Harris is a recovering political scientist who taught at a historically black college in the ‘60s. In a mid-career shift, he became a conservation biologist and is active in environmental issues. He is president of the Task Force on the Americas (,on the state central committee of the Peace and Freedom Party ( e/), and is involved in the Marxist Library (, an aspiring leftist think tank. Joan Harrison taught philosophy and classics for several years, and published a collection of poems, a chapbook, and numerous individual poems, under various pen-names. Currently homeless, she advocates for New York City's more than 100,000 homeless people, and for animals, especially farm animals. More than a decade ago she made some startling textual discoveries regarding the 9/11 attacks that led to high-level whistle blowing. Scott Harris Betsy Hartmann Shafeka Hashash Co-founder and executive producer of Between The Lines Radio Newsmagazine, a 23-year-old syndicated weekly public affairs program broadcast on 50+ stations across the U.S. Host of a weekly political talk show on WPKN Radio, Bridgeport, CT. Founder of the Norwalk, CT - Nagarote, Nicaragua Sister City Project which celebrated its 27th anniversary in 2013. Former program director of three mens and women's community corrections halfway houses. Betsy Hartmann ( is the director of the Population and Development Program ( and professor of Development Studies at Hampshire College. An activist in the international women’s health movement, she writes and speaks frequently on the intersections between reproductive rights, population, immigration, environment and security concerns. She is currently working on a book about apocalyptic thinking in the U.S. Shafeka Hashash is a Palestinian American activist in NYU's Students for Justice in Palestine organization. She has been active in their campaign to get university professors and staff invested in pension giant TIAA-CREF to divest from companies doing business in apartheid Israel. Philip Harvey James Haslam Professor of Law and Economics at Rutgers School of Law in Camden, New Jersey, Philip Harvey is a labor lawyer and human rights economist who have written extensively on policy options for securing the right to work recognized in international human rights law. He was a founding member of the National Jobs for All Coalition and currently serves as Counsel to its Board of Directors. He is the author of Securing the Right to Employment (1989), co-author of America’s Misunderstood Welfare State (1990), and has published over three dozen scholarly articles and book chapters on the subject of economic and social human rights, with a particular focus on policy options for securing the right to work. Copies of his work can be accessed at He received his Ph.D. in economics from the New School for Social Research and his J.D. from Yale Law School. A labor lawyer and human rights economist, he has published extensively on the subject of economic and social human rights, with a particular focus on policy options for James Haslam is the Executive Director of the Vermont Workers’ Center, which was founded in 1998 and has grown into a statewide community-based workers organization with thousands of members committed to standing for justice and organizing for human rights. Abi Hassen Abi is Mass Defense Coordinator with the National Lawyers Guild's (NLG). He is a former computer programmer and has a J.D. from NYU as well as an extensive background in labor, political, and community organizing. He helped start the NLG NYC's Muslim Defense Project as well as the NLG's hactivist legal support network, anonlg. Abi currently works on enhancing the NLG's efforts to provide legal support for activists, and other subjects of politically motivated repression. Michael Hattem Michael D. Hattem is a doctoral student in American history at Yale University. He is a contributing editor at The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History and also writes on intersections between American history and contemporary political culture. Eljeer Hawkins Eljeer Hawkins, community and anti-war activist, born and raised in Harlem, New York, member of Socialist Alternative/CWI for 18 years. Eljeer is a former shop steward with Teamsters local 851 and former member of SEIU 1199, currently is a non-union healthcare worker in New York City. He contributes regularly to Justice Newspaper, Socialist Alternative and Howie Hawkins is an American politician and activist with the Green Party of the United States and Socialist Party USA and an organizer in movements for peace, justice, labor, the environment, and independent politics since the late 1960s. He co-founded the anti-nuclear Clamshell Alliance in 1976 and the Green Party in the United States in 1984. He recently ran as the Green Party's candidate for 2010 Governor of New York and restored ballot status for the party by receiving more than the necessary 50,000 votes and received enough votes for the Greens to be the only third party in New York to secure ballot access without crossendorsing the Democratic or Republican candidates.. He is a member of the Full Employment Council of the Green Shadow Cabinet. Howie Hawkins Richard Hayes Richard N. Hayes, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Management, Entrepreneurship, and General Business: Hofstra School of Business and Ghana, West Africa. Ph.D.: Kellogg at Northwestern Univ. BA with honors: Morehouse. MBA: Emory. M.Div.: Duke. Research: entrepreneurial activity both in the United States and in emerging economies, management of innovation and the management of family-owned enterprises. Work experience: Pricewaterhouse Coopers, BofA, Northern Trust, intern for Congressman Mel Watt. Joshua Headley Curtis Haynes, Jr. Joshua Headley is a writer and activist with Deep Green Resistance New York. He has written a number of papers and articles including ‘Breakdown: A Convalescent Collapse’ and recently spoke on the history of the environmental movement at the Eco Socialist Convergence. He is also active with the International Socialist Organization and the DIVEST movement at University. Dr.Columbia Curtis Haynes Jr. is an Associate Professor of Economics at Buffalo State College, a former City of Buffalo Council Member, and president and founder of the Conscious Investment Group (CIG), a finance and education company dedicated to the vision of a Buffalo Teresa Healy is the author of Gendered Struggles against Globalisation in Mexico; She is presently doing research on North American integration, health care privatization, and Canadian Communities in Crisis. She has taught at various universities and is a recording singersongwriter. Teresa Healy Chris Hebdon Chris Hebdon is a doctoral student in environmental anthropology at Yale University. He has previously worked with Chris Hedges at the Nation Institute writing about the corporatization of higher education. Cay Hehner Stan Heller Chaia Heller Henry Heller Dir. of Education, Henry George School of Social Science, NYC, 2004-Spring 2011; Board Member, Robert Schalkenbach Foundation 2009, Aug 7-Address, "The End of Capitalism as We Know It" Council of Georgist Organizations Conference, Cleveland, OH. 2006, 21 July-Address: "Henry George and Karl Marx" Council of Georgist Orgs Conference, Evanston, IL 2005-Article: "Monopoly Globalization," Henry George News, Jan.-Apr. Master's degree in Economics & a PhD. in Philosophy, Free University, Berlin Stan Heller is the chair-person of the Middle East Crisis Committee and he hosts The Struggle TV news magazine and website, Chaia Heller is a feminist/anarchist writer, activist, and teacher, and is the author of Food, Farms and Solidarity and the Ecology of Everyday Life. She has been on the core faculty at the Institute for Social Ecology For over thirty years and has been on the faculty of Mount Holyoke College for nearly a decade. Heller holds a PhD in anthropology and is currently writing about the politics of cultural stigma associated with chronic illness and disability. Henry Heller is the author of 'The Birth of Capitalism' in the Future of World Capitalism Book Series Anne Hendrixson Anne Hendrixson is Assistant Director of the Population and Development Program at Hampshire College. She is a reproductive health advocate, writer, and speaker focused on the politics of global health and population. Ms. Hendrixson is an alumna of Hampshire College and has a Masters from the International Development and Social Change Master’s Program at Clark University. Among her publication is “The ‘Youth Bulge’ “Defining the Next Generation of Young Men as a Threat to the Future.” Doug Henwood is an American journalist who writes frequently about economic affairs. He is publisher and editor of Left Business Observer, which analyzes economics and politics from a left-wing perspective, and is a contributing editor at The Nation. Among other books, he is the author of After the New Economy and Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom. Doug Henwood Denise Hernandez Elizabeth Hernandez Denise Hernandez is director of operations of Cooperative Home Care Associates in the Bronx, an SEIU-affiliated worker coop of home health aides. CHCA is the largest worker owned coop in the country. Venceremos Brigade member. Nellie Hester Bailey Charles Herr Alan Hewson Gary Hicks Bailey host and produce Inside Housing and Communities that airs on WHCR 90.3 Radio in Harlem. She also co-host with Glen Ford Black Agenda Radio. In 2011 she co-founded Occupy Harlem. Bailey is the recipient of a 2011 Union Square Award and a 2005 Proclamation from NY City Council for aiding indigent tenants in Harlem. Since 1995 she has headed up the radical grassroots Harlem Tenants Council. Her writings have appeared in the Amsterdam News, The Black Star News and the People's Voice. Charles F. Herr, Ph.D. is currently Director of Psychological Services & Director of the Psychology Internship at Gouverneur and has a private practice as well. His PhD is in clinical psychology from Columbia University and he has a certificate in psychoanalysis from the William Alanson White Institute (which Erich Fromm co-founded). He has had intensive training in Nonviolent Communication. He is a member of the Socialist Party-USA. Research Associate, Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library. Focus on Afro-Asian international politics Richard Hill Richard Hill is a producer with Between the Lines Radio Newsmagazine and a radio host of three programs on WPKN (89.5 FM): Youth Radio CT, The Organic Farm Stand and First Tuesday Magazine. He teaches Media Arts at an arts magnet high school in New Haven, CT where he produces youth radio shows for broadcast and posting on line ( He chaired the Lyna has been a major organizer for nearly since its inception. She resides and works in New York City. Lyna organizes events for such as busses to Washington DC, planning sessions, talks and panels at Cooper Union, small group discussion and brainstorming sessions. Lyna is an excellent organizer who pays attention to people and to details in a laid-back manner that facilitates effective communication and promotes results. Lyna Hinkel Michael Hirsch Michael Hirsch is a veteran labor journalist, editorial board member of New Politics and Democratic Left, and contributor to the Encyclopedia of American Strikes. A former sociology professor and steelworker, his writing has appeared in the Village Voice, Crain's New York Business, The New Statesman, The New York Observer, and other venues. He formerly worked as a staff writer for a public sector union and currently blogs for Talking Union and New Politics. Stan Hister John Hlinko Joan Hoffman Sarah Hogarth Stan Hister has been a writer and radical activist for many years. He has written extensively on subjects ranging from contemporary Marxism to art, happiness, gender and psychoanalysis. His work has appeared in both mainstream and radical publications such as Znet. John Hlinko is the founder of Left Action, a network of over 1,000,000 activists, built primarily through viral marketing. A frequent pundit, Hlinko is the author of the recently released book, Share, Retweet, Repeat: Get Your Message Read and Spread, ranked by as the # 1 "hot new release" in both the "web marketing" and "retail" categories. John holds a BA from Wesleyan University and an MA in public policy from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government. A human rights strategist/ advocate specializing in helping community groups and attorneys protect the rights of political activists, women, low-income people, and racial and ethnic minorities, with a background in combating police misconduct, organizing squatters and tenants, environmental defense, and providing legal support to immigrants and social movements. Sarah is author of numerous human rights reports and is coauthor of Leading Today’s Volunteers: Motivate and Manage Your Team. Marvin Holland Larry Holmes Marvin is the political action director of Transport Workers Union Local 100 and a longtime community activist. Leading spokesperson of the Bail Out the People Movement, co-coordinator of the International Action Center, organizer of the All-People's Congress in the 1980s. Has run for vice president and president of the United States for Workers World Party and is currently WWP's first secretary. Professor Emeritus and former Chair of the Philosophy Department at Rutgers University, Nancy Holmstrom has long been a socialist and feminist activist and is a member of the boards of the Left Forum and the Daniel Singer Millennium Prize Foundation. With Joanna Brenner, she most recently co-authored "Socialist Feminist Strategy Today" in the "Socialist Register 2013", published by Monthly Review Press. Nancy Holmstrom Justin Holt Keith Honeywell Justin Holt teaches political philosophy at The Gallatin School of New York University. He has written articles on Rawls and G.A. Cohen. His next book, The Social Thought of Karl Marx, will be published in 2014. An on-screen father participating in the making of the documentary "Real Dads Black Men on Fatherhood". Addressing the call from many other fathers to change the image of fatherhood in this country. Keith has had previous leadership successes in building organizations and programs in the fields of public education, social services and for-profit supplemental educational services. Cheri Honkala is an anti-poverty advocate and co-founder of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign and Kensington Welfare Rights Union (KWRU). She was the Green Party's nominee for vice-president in the 2012 U.S. presidential election. In 2011, Honkala was the Green Party candidate for Sheriff of Philadelphia, running on the promise of refusing to evict families from their homes. She was featured in the 1997 book Myth of the Welfare Queen. She is the proud mother of actor Mark Webber. Cheri Honkala Steve Horn Tim Horras Sylvia Hooper Ryan Howard Steve Horn is a Madison, Wisconsinbased research fellow at DeSmogBlog and contributing editor at CounterPunch; he previously worked for the Center for Media and Democracy, which published ALEC Exposed. Tim Horras is the Chair of Philly Socialists, an independent, Philadelphia-based grassroots political organization founded in 2011. Ms. Hooper is an adoptive child who went back into the system after her adoptive parents passed away at age 15. She was then placed in kinship foster care, where she did not have a good experience. She has made it her personal mission to advocate for children, individuals and groups who are unable or incapable of doing so. M.A. Student in Sociology at St. John's University Tiffany Caudill, Howard Waitzkin Michael Howells Michael Hudson The Civilian Medical Resources Network responds to requests by active-duty military personnel for medical and mental health services in the civilian sector. Our team of physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers provides diagnoses, second opinions, treatment, and letters of recommendation. These services can help GIs get the treatment they need, assist them in medical discharge and disciplinary hearings, and help end harassment by their chain of command and peers. Mike has a doctorate in political science, and has been active in many New Orleans progressive grassroots campaigns since the mid-1980s, including the defense of public housing in New Orleans against its privatization. Mike is a founding member of C3. Mike is currently employed in the entertainment industry. Michael Hudson ( is a former Wall Street economist and has advised the US, Canadian, Mexican and Latvian governments, as well as the UN Institute of training and Research (UNITAR). President of the Institute for the Study of Long-term Economic Trends John Hudson has presented at previous Left Forums on cultural paradigm shifts. He is a strategic advisor to MORUS. He previously worked for BT, AOL, the UK Department of Environment, the Open Society Initiative and the Center for an Urban Future. He has degrees in sociology, in organization change and in theater. John Hudson Nancy Hudson-Rodd Dr. Nancy Hudson-Rodd is Senior Honorary Research Fellow at the School of Psychology and Social Science at Edith Cowan University. Among her areas of research are Development Studies, Human Geography, International Development, Political Science & International Relations, Gender and Development, Eco-imperialism, Labour Markets. She has worked on the largescale economic displacement and dispossession of farmers in Burma over the past 10-15 years. Carmen Huertas-Noble Prof. Huertas-Noble is founding director of CUNY Law's Community & Economic Development Clinic. She has played a leading role in providing legal support and shaping democratic governance structures with worker-owned cooperatives in New York. A former staff lawyer with Urban Justice Center, she worked with ROC-NY in creating COLORS, a worker-owned restaurant in Manhattan, and with other immigrantled coops. David Hungerford Michelle Hughes is the Commons Program Director at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, where she is working to strengthen our agricultural commons in order to preserve land access, affordability and equity for future farmers. Previously she was the Director of the New Farmer Development Project in NYC, where she helped to establish 19 new farms on 400 acres. She has a B.S. in Conservation Ecology, is a Spanish interpreter, and a board member of the National Young Farmer Coalition. Involved in struggles for human and civil rights, against aggressive U.S. wars; Marxist political economy is a particular interest. Retired school teacher, taught in Newark NJ schools. Monica Hunken Monica Hunken is writer, performer, educator and activist. She has organized with Time's-Up! Direct Action Environmental Group, with Reverend Billy and The Church of Stop Shopping in chain stores and banks throughout the world, with the Occupy Wall Street movement as a trainer in non-violent creative tactics, and with Occupy the Pipeline targeting the Spectra pipeline. She writes and performs solo plays that she tours globally on bicycle while also teaching storytelling. Michelle Hughes Leah Hunt-Hendrix Chioke I'Anson Diego Ibanez Rachel Ibrahim Pete Ikeler Nick Iuviene Alicia Ivory Leah Hunt-Hendrix is a doctoral candidate at Princeton University in the Religion, Ethics, and Politics program. She is an advisor to the Sister Fund, and is on the board of Free Speech for People, an organization dedicated to restraining the overextension of corporate power and the role of money in politics, and the EDGE Funders Alliance, a funder affinity group committed to supporting translocal and global social movements. Chioke I'Anson is a PhD candidate in philosophy at the University of South Florida. Through reflections derived from German idealism and Africana philosophy, he aims to lay bare and topple the corrosive ideologies that govern western humanitarian action. Venceremos Brigade Member Assistant Professor of Sociology at SUNY Old Westbury. Nick Iuviene is Program Director of Just Urban Economies at the Community Innovators Lab at MIT, where he works on urban economic democracy projects like the Bronx Cooperative Development Initiative, based on his graduate thesis, which is developing cooperative networks in the Bronx for socially equitable and environmentally sustainable economic development. Previously Nick worked as a community organizer in the Bronx and co-founded BlackLeaf Studios, a technology development firm. Rank and File Member, 1199 SEIU Khon Ja Khon Ja is Coordinator of Kachin Peace Network (KPN), a voluntary network, which consists of about 200 members, established in June 2011 in response to the conflict in Kachin. She holds a M.A in Development Studies from KDSC, Dublin, Ireland, and has almost 20 years of experience in social work with churchbased organisations, local NGOs as well as with INGOs in various positions in Myanmar. Isaac Jabola-Carolus Project Assistant with the Participatory Budgeting Project (PBP), a non-profit organization that works with cities, organizations, and public institutions to develop participatory budgeting processes. Isaac works with the participatory budgeting initiative in New York City, through which thousands of ordinary New Yorkers are controlling the allocation of their tax dollars. Guio Jacinto Guio Jacinto is a PhD candidate at York University, Toronto Ontario in the Department of Political Science. His dissertation The Bitter Necessity of Organization: Working Class Struggle and Political Organization in Post-Fordism, explores the transformations to working class composition and forms of struggle since the 1970`s and the possibilities of political recomposition and class organization under contemporary capitalism. Alex Jackimovicz Lynne Jackson Daphne Jackson Eric Jackson Alex Jackimovicz is a co-founder of and organizer with the Alliance for Economic Democracy (AED), as well as a volunteer organizer with the Maine People's Alliance (MPA). With the AED, Alex focuses on generating a critical mass of connections among those engaged in the various spheres of economic democracy movement building. With MPA, Alex focuses on development of regional food Lynne Jackson graduated from the University at Albany in 1977 with a bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies and a minor in psychology. After college, she worked in public health for 17 years as an administrator and educator. In 2007, horrified at the sentencing of Yassin Aref and Mohammed Hossain, Lynne began to correspond with Yassin in prison, eventually meeting his family and becoming part of the Muslim Solidarity Committee. Daphne Jackson is a member of the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) and the African People's Socialist Party. In addition to her role on the Executive Committee of InPDUM as International Director of Information and Education, she also serves as Secretary for the Chicago Local Branch, Producer of the African Resistance Now Broadcast Team , InPDUM Media Coordinator and Managing Editor of the InPDUM Blog. Anne Jaclard is Organizational Secretary of Marxist-Humanist Initiative ( She is a long-time activist in and writer on the U.S. women’s movement and international solidarity movements, including, most recently, support of women in Iraq, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Kenya. Her current work concentrates on the theoretical and practical relationship of philosophy to revolution. Anne Jaclard Wuyi Jacobs Aaron Jaffe Aaron Jaffe is a PhD student at the New School for Social Research in the Philosophy Department and is currently working on a dissertation on Marx's theory of alienation. Sarah Jaffe Sarah Jaffe is an independent journalist, a rabblerouser and frequent Twitterer. She is the former Labor editor at AlterNet, and has written about work, the economy, organizing and social movements for The Nation, Dissent, The American Prospect, Truthout, Jacobin, and many other publications. Mazibuko Jara Mazibuko is Editor of Amandla, a Capebased political journal. He has a long history of grassroots activism with the HIV/AIDS and cooperative movements and several community-based development organizations. He was media officer of the South African Communist Party but has fallen out of favor with SACP leadership. He has extensive global experience working with alliances that articulate alternatives to corporate-led globalization, and are rooted in principles of social justice and sustainability. Member of New York Chapter, Ernest Becker Foundation. Executive producer at Creative Media Productions, a business communications company .Producer of communications media in the New York area; 30 years in corporate communications for private and nonprofit enterprises. Former manager, major telecommunications corporation and a leading streaming media application service provider. He has won 26 national and international awards for his productions. Steve James Valery Jean Valery Jean is the executive director of FUREE, Families United for Racial and Economic Equality. Valery serves on the steering committee of Living Wage NYC, a labor, clergy and community coalition. She is also a coordinating committee member of Right to the City New York. Valery is a life-long Brooklyn resident and a child of Haitian and Dominican immigrants. Biola Jeje Biola Jeje currently serves as the Regional Organizer for New York Students Rising (NYSR), a statewide network of students dedicated to defending public higher eduction. She is a Political Science major at Brooklyn College graduating this spring where she has been a student organizer for the past 4 years. She has been published in Alternet, Salon, and the Nation, in addition to blogging regularly for NYSR. You can find Biola on twitter @biolajeje Eli Jelly-Schapiro Eli Jelly-Schapiro is a doctoral candidate in American Studies at Yale University. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in a variety of publications, including the Los Angeles Review of Books, Social Text online, Transition, the Journal of American Studies, and The Nation. His commentary has been featured on the BBC World Service, amongst other places. Jason Jenkins Jason Jenkins is a political science and legal studies student at the University of Illinois at Springfield. His role on the Radical Student Union has been proven by university faculty, students, and community leaders in Springfield. Jenkins has led many initiatives both in the community of Springfield and at the University of Illinois at Springfield that raises concerns regarding privatization of higher education as well as reforming government's role in society. Pamela Jennings Pam coordinates PBP's work in New York and Vallejo (CA). She holds a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Rhode Island, where she began her study of PB in 2009. During that time, she served on a research team at Brown University that traced the trajectory of PB around the world. Since joining PBP in 2011, she has also served as a facilitator and organizer with the PB District Committee in New York's 39th Council District, where she lives. Sandy Jimenez comic book artist, writer and director and has been a contributing editor to WW3. His Shit House Poet autobiographical series has been a staple of the magazine since the 1990's. Sandy Jimenez Geoff Johnson Geoff Johnson is a teacher and activist. He is an ally member of Havaar. Pattrice Jones Pattrice Jones is an eco-feminist writer, teacher, scholar, and activist, and author of Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and their Allies (Lantern, 2007). Her activism over several years includes tenant organizing, anti-racist education, and varied sorts of direct action. She is a cofounder of VINE Sanctuary, a Vermont LGBT-run organization for farm animals which offered refuge to Bill and Lou, the famous embattled oxen of Green Mountain College. Christian Jones Sabrina Jones Brownville Brooklyn resident, tenth grader, food justice youth advocate, and member of the Brownsville Community Justice Center A contributing editor to WW3 since 1983, Sabrina has been one of the vital forces in the magazines history. She has done books on Isadora Duncan, Studs Terkel, FDR and the New Deal, Yiddishkeit, Bohemians, and Radical Jesus. Her most recent book, Race To Incarcerate, with Marc Mauer was just published Brian Jones is a teacher, actor and activist in New York City. He has taught elementary grades for almost a decade in NYC public schools and is pursuing a PhD in Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center. Brian co-narrated the film, The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman, and has contributed to the book Education and Capitalism. He is currently writing a book about the radical legacy of the Civil Rights Movement. Brian Jones Iyanna Jones Kaylie Jones Author of five novels, including A SOLDIER'S DAUGHTER NEVER CRIES, and the memoir LIES MY MOTHER NEVER TOLD ME. She also edited LONG ISLAND NOIR. She teaches in the MFA program at Stony Brook Southampton and in the Wilkes University low-residency MFA program in professional writing. Tobin Jordan Phil Josselyn Tim Judson Shayana Kadidal Andreas Kalyvas Nabil Kamel John Kane-Karhiio Ghassan Karam Tobin Jordan has been working with the Occupy movement and Street School collective throughout the US since January 2012. She has studied extensively in theater and popular education and aims to provide teach ins on theater and revolutionary movements with Street School Collective in 2013. Tobin was also an intern at Bread and Puppet theater company. Phil is a long-time activist with the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES). President-Citizens Awareness Network. Co-founder-Alliance for a Green Economy. Analyst/organizer in labor, energy & environmental issues. Policy Specialist at Progressive States Network. Provides technical analysis for Central New York Public Power Coalition. Provides comment on nuclear licensing, waste & safety issues, and analysis of energy markets and power plant operations. Publishing analysis of costs of nuclear vs. renewable generation in NY State. Nabil Kamel is an assistant professor at Arizona State University. He has a PhD in urban and regional planning from UCLA and his work deals with the reproduction of uneven development in post-disaster recovery, spaces of resistance in the city, and insurgent planning practices. Host and producer of Lets Talk Native at WWKB 1520 AM - Buffalo, NY Kathe Karlson Andreas Karras Venceremos Brigade member. Andreas Karras teaches political science at John Jay College. His work is mainly on the politics of labor. A sociologist, translator and activist participating in social movements that promotes self-management, solidarity economy and defense of the commons. A member of the Initiative of Solidarity of Vio.Me, a Self-managed Factory ( and the Initiative 136 for social control of Thessaloniki’s water services ( He helps organise the annual Direct Democracy Festival, an international event that brings together collectives, activists and academics from around the world. Theodoros Karyotis George Karyotis Ramzi Kassem Associate Professor of Law at the City University of New York where he directs the Immigrant & Non-Citizen Rights Clinic, attorney for Shaker Amer. Danny Katch Danny Katch is an activist and writer whose articles have appeared in Socialist Worker, Truth-Out, ZNet, and the International Socialist Review. He is the author of America's Got Democracy! The Making of the World's Longest Running Reality Show. Walda Katz-Fishman is a scholar activist, popular educator and author, professor of sociology at Howard University, and was a founding member and former board chair of Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide. She serves on the National Planning Committee of the U.S. Social Forum, the Advisory Board of Wayside Center for Popular Education and other social justice movement organizations. She is author/co-author of numerous chapters and articles on the global capitalist crisis, race, class and gender, and transformative social movements. Walda Katz-Fishman Mario Kawonabo Mario Kawonabo is a long-time labor solidarity activist, with Batay Ouvriye (Workers Fight, Haiti) Solidarity Network. He is also an organizer for the Brooklyn, NY chapter of the anti-capitalist/antiimperialist group One Struggle. J. Kehaulani Kauanui The sole producer and host of the public affairs radio program, "Indigenous Politics: From Native New England and Beyond." On air for over six years, the show is produced in the studios of WESU in Middletown, CT, and is syndicated on eleven stations across the country through the Pacifica radio network. David Kelley Brian Kelly Christine Kelly David I. Kelley is one of the country's leading authorities on pension present value issues. Mr. Kelley received his M.A. from the University of Connecticut. He is a registered representative and a registered principal with the National Assoc. of Security Dealers, as well as a Certified Financial Planner. He is a frequent lecturer on pensions and present values for family law bar associations, Judicial Colleges, and companies across the U.S. Brian is a longtime activist in the labor, anti-racist and Irish solidarity movements in Boston before moving to Belfast in 1999. His book, Race, Class and Power in the Alabama Coalfields, 1908-1921 won the 2002 Isaac Deutscher Prize. He is coeditor of the forthcoming After Slavery: Race, Labor and Citizenship in the Reconstruction South. A member of the Irish Socialist Worker's Party, his article "Neoliberal Belfast: Disaster Ahead?" was published in Irish Marxist Review. Christine Kelly is a professor, author and activist. Her research focuses on US social movements, social movement theory, and youth protest and engagement. She has published her work with Rowman and Littlefield and University Press of Kentucky. Articles and review articles have appeared in journals such as New Political Science, Logos, New Politics and Peace Studies among others. She is also a published poet and singer-songwriter. Esteban Kelly Esteban Kelly has been an important leader in food justice and co-op movements, and he was inducted into a Cooperative Hall of Fame. Esteban volunteers with Philly Stands Up, applying transformative justice to sexual assault situations. He is a founding member of AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource and Training Alliance), a worker co-op of consultants serving social justice organizations. Esteban is a facilitator, queer rad dad, nerd, and blogger, who is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology at CUNY. Robert Kemp Health services research consultant in outcomes research & the econ of the pharmaceutical industry. Former Director of Pricing and Reimbursement for global pharmaceutical firms (Pfizer,Sanofi). Grad faculty member of the U of Newcastle Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Former member of Health Economics sub-group of the International Clinical Epidemiology Network. PhD with emphasis on an Institutionalist approach to Public Finance, Economic History & Regulation of Industry. Leslie Kern Emma Ketteringham Razmig Keucheyan Shyam Khanna Yeong Ran Kim Leslie Kern is Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography & Environment at Mount Allison University. Her research deals with gentrification in Canadian cities, and looks specifically at the ways in which changing sets of discourse shape material inequalities. Recent publications include “All aboard? Women working the spaces of gentrification in Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood” (Gender, Place and Culture). Razmig Keucheyan is an assistant professor in sociology at the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He is the author of Le constructivisme. Des origines à nos jours and has recently edited a selection from Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks in French. Yeong Ran Kim is a researcher and a media artist based in New York City. Her research interests center on analyzing normalized violence under the neoliberal governance that affects the construction of the urban everyday life. She explore a new terrain of knowledge production through an engagement with new media technology that offers a ground for multiple voices, murmurs, movements, and rhythmicity to be alive and to exist together, generating new forms of scholarly arguments. Stephen Kimber Margaret Kimberley Ed Kinane Edward King Stephen Kimber is an award-winning Canadian author, journalist and journalism professor. He is the author of one novel and eight books of nonfiction. His latest book—What Lies Across the Water: The Real Story of the Cuban Five—will be published by Fernwood in August 2013. Margaret Kimberley, Editor & Senior Columnist at Black Agenda Report since 2006 writes her own blog, Freedom Rider. Her work has been featured in Alternet, Counterpunch and in other media outlets including The Dallas Morning News and The Chicago Defender. She has appeared on Al Jazeera English, Russia Today, the Real News and“out" GRITtv. Ed hasNetwork worked to the Reaper drone at NY’s Hancock airbase & is one of the "Hancock 38." Ed has been arrested for protests against Guantanamo & in support of Bradley Manning & served 2 federal prison terms for direct actions Edward King is a doctoral candidate in the English program at Yale University. His research interests are Anglophone modernism, post colonialism and media, in particular the history of literary and cultural programming on the BBC World Service. Gary Kinsman is the author of The Regulation of Desire: Homo and Hetero Sexualities, co-author (with Patrizia Gentile) of The Canadian War on Queers: National Security as Sexual Regulation, and editor of Whose National Security? and of Sociology for Changing the World. He is working on a new book project called The Making of the Neo-Liberal Queer. A long-time queer liberation, antipoverty and anticapitalist activist, he teaches sociology at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada on the historic territories of the Atikameksheng Anishnawbek nation. Gary Kinsman Nate Kleinman Andrew Kliman, professor of economics at Pace University, Pleasantville, is author of The Failure of Capitalist Production: Underlying Causes of the Great Recession and Reclaiming Marx’s “Capital”: A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency. He and Alan Freeman edit Critique of Political Economy, a new scholarly online journal. Many of his writings are at and With Sober Senses, publication of MarxistHumanist Initiative, at Andrew Kliman Jennifer Klein Jennifer Klein is a Professor in the field of 20th Century US history at Yale University. Charles Komanoff Charles Komanoff - Director of the Carbon Tax Center and co-founder of NYC's bike-advocacy group Transportation Alternatives and the pedestrian-rights group, Right Of Way. Charles Komanoff is the Director of the Carbon Tax Center, re-founder of the bike-advocacy group Transportation Alternatives, and the pedestrian-rights group, Right Of Way. He is a long-time activist and policy analyst. Dan Kovalik Originally trained as a physician and psychoanalyst, has played a leading role in the emerging ecosocialist movement through The Enemy of Nature (2002, 2007), editing the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism (2003-2011); cofounding organizations such as Ecosocialist Horizons. His other books include History and Spirit (1991) and Overcoming Zionism (2007). In the 1980s he began working with radical priests in Nicaragua, in 2012 he formally converted to Christianity, joining the Episcopal Church. Joel Kovel Shane Knight Shane Knight, MAS, was raised in rural Mississippi. He holds a Master’s degree in Mass Communication from Virginia Commonwealth University. Shane currently works in New York City serving duel creative roles as a writer and an art director. His prior experience includes serving for four years in the United States Marine Corps as an infantryman and an instructor. His service record with the Marines includes tour in Afghanistan. Michael Kraetke Toby Kramer Michael Kramer Jacob Kramer Professor and Chair of Political Economy, and member and past-Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, at Lancaster University. Collaborator and coeditor of the Marx-EngelsGesamtausgabe, the historical-critical edition of the Complete Works of Marx and Engels. Author of numerous books and other publications in political economy, political ecology and Marxist studies. Toby Kramer is an organizer with the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network and a member of the international campaign to Stop the Jewish National Fund JNF. Jacob Kramer is an Assistant Professor of History at the Borough of Manhattan Community College (CUNY). He received his MA from Columbia University and his PhD from the City University of New York. His work focuses on the history of American radicalism. Michael Krätke Michael Krätke, Professor/Chair of Political Economy, University of Lancaster, Fellow International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, collaborator of MEGA (Marx Engels complete works edition). He has published widely on the theory and history of modern capitalism and the state, on public finance and financial markets, and has edited unpublished work by Marxist economists (Luxemburg, Bauer, Moskowska, Rubin). As a journalist he has regularly commented on the present crisis since 2007. Vitali Kremez Vitali Kremez is a student of John Jay College of Criminal Justice, majoring in Economics: Forensic Financial Analysis. He is a member of international economics honor society, Omicron Delta Epsilon. Currently, he is also serving as Senior Representative of John Jay College and President of Pre-Law Society. In addition, he is working as an accountant assistant and a part-time paralegal. Lefteris Kretsos Lefteris Kretsos is a Senior Lecturer of Industrial Relations at the University of Greenwich. His research is focused on the rising trends and patterns of precarious employment and radical unionism, especially among young workers in the context of economic crisis in Southern Europe. He is currently coediting a book on radical unionism in Europe. Elijah Kuan Wong Elijah Kuan Wong is a hip-hop singersongwriter and poet born and raised in Queens, NY. He holds a B.A. in Political Economy from Sarah Lawrence College. His work, and forthcoming debut album, AK47RU486, focuses on autobiographical themes of ghetto ontology, spirituality, compassion fatigue, and the psychophysiology of trauma and violence. He currently teaches emotional literacy to young incarcerated men at Rikers Island. Deepa Kumar Deepa Kumar is an Associate Professor of Media Studies and Middle Eastern Studies at the Rutgers University. She is the author of Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire and Outside the Box: Corporate Media, Globalization, and the UPS Strike. Arun Kundnani Arun Kundnani teaches at New York University and John Jay College. His book The Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, extremism, and the domestic War on Terror is forthcoming from Verso. He is also the author of The End of Tolerance: racism in 21st century Britain (Pluto, 2007) and Spooked: how not to prevent violent extremism (Institute of Race Relations, 2009), and a former editor of the journal Race & Class. Benjamin Kunkel Cathy Kunkel is an independent consultant on energy efficiency and utility regulation, working with Energy Efficient West Virginia, a coalition focused on improving state policy on energy efficiency in West Virginia. She has testified multiple times before the West Virginia Public Service Commission. Earlier, she was a research associate at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a graduate student at UC Berkeley. She has bachelor's and master's degrees in physics. Benjamin Kunkel is a founding editor of n+1. Peter Kuper Peter Kuper is co-founder of the political graphics magazine, World War 3 Illustrated. Since 1997, he has written and drawn Spy vs Spy for Mad Magazine every issue. Kuper has produced over twenty books including The System and an adaptation of Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Kuper has been teaching comics courses for 25 years in New York and is a visiting professor at Harvard University. Hari Kunzru Hari Kunzru is the author of the novels The Impressionist, Transmission, My Revolutions, and most recently Gods Without Men (Vintage paperback, 2013). Granta has named him one of its twenty best young British novelists. His short stories and journalism have appeared in the NYT, the Guardian, the New Yorker, Wired, etc. He has written about Vaneigem's book in BookForum. Cathy Kunkel Yetta Kurland Leigh Claire La Berge Dan La Botz Yetta Kurland is a civil rights attorney, educator, radio host, small business owner and community activist. She was at the center of the campaign for Marriage Equality and virtually every other fight for LGBTQ equality over the past two decades. More than that, Yetta has been a key figure in building bridges between the LGBTQ community, communities of color, low-income communities and other underrepresented communities on a wide range of social justice issues. Leigh Claire La Berge is assistant professor of English at Saint Mary’s University. She is currently completing a manuscript entitled “Scandals and Abstraction: Financial Form in Contemporary American Literary Cultures,” and she has published essays on American Psycho, Slavoj Zizek, The Financier, and The Wire; she recently cocurated an arts installation, “To Have and To Owe” which examined the relationship between aesthetics and debt Dan is the editor of the most important source on Mexican labor and the author of many articles and books on US and Mexican labor. Gary Labao Gloria La Riva Alnoor Ladhar Gary Labao is a founding member of the rural and environmental info desk of BAYAN USA, the US chapter of BAYAN Philippines and an alliance of 18 Filipino social justice organizations in the US. He was a student activist with the League of Filipino Students and youth arm of Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP), the largest peasant and farm worker organization in the Philippines in the 1980's before migrating to the US. Coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five, formed in 2001. She has traveled extensively to Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, and other Latin American countries and written about U.S.-Cuba and Latin American relations for various publications. La Riva and the National Committee have spearheaded the investigation into the U.S. government's massive misconduct during the Cuban Five's trial, currently under federal appeals. La Riva is a union president for over 30 years in San Francisco. Alnoor Ladha is an activist and social entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of /The Rules, a global citizens movement to address the root causes of inequality. He is also a board member for Greenpeace USA, and a partner at Purpose, an incubator for new types of social movements. Corbin Laedlein Corbin Laedlein organized the Occupy Food Justice working group and coordinated demonstrations to support ongoing lawsuits filed by organic farmers against Monsanto. He also coordinates youth development, organizing, and urban agriculture projects in Brooklyn. He is originally from Red Hook, Brooklyn. Rachel LaForest Executive Director of Right to the City Alliance (RTTC). RTTC emerged in 2007 as a unified response to gentrification and a call to halt the displacement of lowincome people, people of color, marginalized LGBTQ communities, and youths of color from their historic urban neighborhoods. Rachel has worked with progressive labor, directing the Organizing and Public Policy departments of the Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100 and Actors Equity Association (AEA). Ray LaForest Ray LaForest, Union Activist and organizer was born into a respected Port Au Prince Family. He was forced to flee Haiti in early 1960's because of his involvement in the development of the Haiti Youth liberation movement. His challenge of the authority of Haitian dictator, Papa Doc Duvalier resulted in a serious threat to his life. David Laibman David Laibman is Professor Emeritus, Brooklyn College and Graduate Faculty, City University of New York, and Editor of Science & Society. His latest book is Political Economy After Economics: Scientific Method and Radical Imagination (Routledge, 2012). Despina Lalaki Despina Lalaki is a Sociologist and a Lecturer at the A.S. Onassis Program in Hellenic Studies, NYU. She has published with the International Journal of Politics, Culture and Sociology, the Journal of Historical Sociology and Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies. She currently works on a co-edited volume tentatively titled "The Greek Culture in Crisis and the Culture of Crisis in Greece. Exploring Ambiguities and the Political in Representation." Andrew Lamas Andrew T. Lamas teaches critical theory (radical political economy, alternative economic development, critical pedagogy) at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a board member of the Bread & Roses Community Fund (Philadelphia), and he is on the editorial board of the Radical Philosophy Review. He also founded and directs Penn’s Social Justice Research Academy. He is the general editor of “Critical Refusals,” the 2013 double special issue (vol. 16, nos. 1 and 2) of the Radical Philosophy Review. Anne Lamb Anne is an activist with the NYC Chptr of the Jericho Movement for Recognition & Amnesty for U.S. Pol. Pris. & Pris. Of War. She has been doing political pris. work since 1970 & is totally committed to the liberation of all Freedom Fighers being held illegally by the U.S.A.. Her work includes visiting the pol. prisoners especially in NYS. Beth Lamont is an Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Representative to the United Nations for The American Humanist Association. Along with Mary Beaty, the AHA's other NGO Representative, she is one of the founding members of a newly formed alliance of NGOs at the UN called CEBO, or the Council of Ethics Based Organizations, which issues joint recommendations and statements. She is also the president of her late Husband, Corliss Lamont's, Half Moon Foundation. Beth K. Lamont Ishay Landa Ben Landau-Beispiel Ishay Landa is a senior lecturer in the Dept. of History, Philosophy and Judaic Studies at The Open University of Israel. He has published on Nietzscheanism, Marxism, political theory and popular culture, including two books: “The Overman in the Marketplace: Nietzschean Heroism in Popular Culture,” and “The Apprentice's Sorcerer: Fascism and Liberal Tradition.” Ben Landau-Beispiel received his B.A. in history and African American studies from Harvard University in 2010, and is a director of the Society for Psychoanalytic Inquiry. Joanne Landy Elena Landriscina Joanne Landy is Co-Director of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy (, and an editorial board member of New Politics ( magazine. She visited Greece in the summer of 2012 and since that time has been active in solidarity work with radical democratic Greek initiatives. Enrique Lanz Oca Enrique Lanz Oca holds a Ph.D. in Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) from the Graduate Center (CUNY). The main topic of his doctoral dissertation was the current transformations of the "energy landscape" especially in the hydroelectric sector. Currently Enrique Lanz is analyzing the largest dam removal project in history, the Elwha River Restoration Project in Washington State. Don Lash Don Lash has been a lawyer specializing in education law for 20 years, and has been employed within the foster care system since 2006. He has written on a variety of issues, including education and child welfare, for Sophie Lasoff Sophie Lasoff has been very active in the NYU divest campaign, heading up weekly meetings, planning and participating in meetings with administration and speaking on panels, such as at the New School for the follow-up panel after the screening of the "Do the Math" documentary and is included in this film. Eric Laursen Eric Laursen is an independent financial and political journalist, activist, and commentator. He is co-author of Understanding the Crash (2010). and his work has appeared in a wide variety of publications, including The Nation, The Village Voice, Z Magazine, The Indypendent, and the Huffington Post. He lives in Buckland, Massachusetts. Peter LaVenia Dr. Peter A. LaVenia is currently the Secretary of the NY State Green Party, and a lecturer in Political Science at Union College in Schenectady, NY. He was co-chair of the NY State Green Party for 6 years, and has worked on nearly a dozen independent political campaigns in the last decade, and run for office twice including a run for State Senate in NY that garnered 10% of the vote against a long-time Democratic incumbent. Lena Lavinas Lena Lavinas teaches in the Institute of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. She is a visiting fellow at the Princeton Program in Latin American Studies. Cecile Lawrence Holds a Ph.D. and J.D. and is a health care and anti-fracking activist testifying at hearings of the SRBC, DEC, and State Energy Plan. Originally from Jamaica, her mother took the family from the island in haste shortly after the Rodney Riots. She has worked as an administrator in higher education and mental health and taught at the college level. Her articles on philosophy of medicine have been published in journals and she has presented at many conferences on health related topics. She co-edited a book on revolution titled Movements in Time. She was a Green Party NY candidate in 2010 and 2011. Cecile Lawrence Larry Lawrence Dan Lazare Dan Lazare is a journalist and author of books about the US Constitution and American urban/energy policy, most recently The Velvet Coup: the Constitution, the Supreme Court and the Decline of American Democracy (Verso). He's written for a wide variety of publications, including the Nation, Harper's and The London Review of Books. He's presently completing a volume about religion for Pantheon. Alexandra Leader Alexandra Leader first became active in the fight for the morning-after pill when, as a leader in her Campus National Organization for Women chapter, she organized a campaign to get a Right-toLife pharmacist fired at the University of Florida Infirmary who refused to dispense it. Leader is a past Executive Director of the National Organization for Women-NYC chapter. She recruited the nine plaintiffs in the Tummino case. Okenfe Lebarty Formerly a candidate for the New York State Assembly is the co-founder and Vice President of Council of Young African Leaders, president of AfriMETRO Inc.He previously worked as Govt Relations Manager at New Yorkers for Parks. Okenfe worked on the Obama’s campaign as a regional field organizer in Minnesota, and was elected an Obama delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Kent Lebsock (Lower Brule Lakota Nation) Owe Aku International Project ( a Lakota activist for more than 20 years, is the Director of Owe Aku International Justice Project which serves the traditional governing council of the Lakota Oyate, the Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council. His particular contribution lies in international human rights forums ensuring international law and standards are applied to Indigenous peoples, treaties, lands and territories. Eric Leenson Eric Leenson is President of Sol Economics, a company that promotes responsible enterprise Solution and Solidarity in the Americas. Currently he leads a multinational initiative supporting socially responsible enterprise and local development in Cuba. He is also actively researching the role of social and solidarity economics in Brazil and Ecuador and is an Associate of the Center for the Study of the Americas (CENSA). Olivia Leirer A proud alumna of Antioch College, Olivia was among the first to join the staff of New York Communities for Change when the organization was founded in 2010. Responsible for integrating new technologies into NYCC’s on-the-ground organizing, Olivia has made instrumental contributions to the growing body of knowledge around the intersection of new media and organizing. Charles Lenchner Charles Lenchner is executive director of Organizing 2.0, a New York City based group of trainers in digital strategy and online organizing. Lenchner has been working for political and advocacy organizations for 25 years in Israel, Palestine and the United States in the fields of human rights, environmental, social justice, labor and peace. You can find him @clenchner on twitter and Jesse Lessinger Solome Lemma is currently a grantmaking program advisor at The Global Fund for Children (GFC). Solome is also cofounder and coordinator of HornLight, an online platform that promotes diverse, nuanced, and dignified narratives on the Horn of Africa. She currently spends most of her time working to establish Africans Sarah Leonard is an Associate editor of Dissent Magazine and a frequent contributes articles on feminism and economic justice issues to left publications. She was an active participant in Occupy Wall Street. She was co-editor of the OWS Gazette. She is also a co-editor of Occupy!: Scenes from Occupied America (Verso, 2011). She writes about politics, technology, and feminism. Spencer Leonard is a Collegiate Assistant Professor in the Social Sciences at the University of Chicago. Jesse is a writer for Justice newspaper and New York regional organizer for Socialist Alternative. He has been a socialist activist for 8 years. Michael Letwin Former President, Association of Legal Aid Attorneys/UAW Local 2325; Cofounder, New York City Labor Against the War, Labor for Palestine and Jews for Palestinian Right of Return. David Letwin Teacher, artist, writer. Co-founder, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return and member of Al Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition. Participant in the 2009/2010 Gaza Freedom March. Solome Lemma Sarah Leonard Spencer Leonard Les Levidow Les Levidow is a Senior Research Fellow in the Development Policy and Practice (DPP) unit at the Open University, UK. His research has included joint projects with civil society organisations on the EU's bioeconomy agenda and on food relocalisation. He is Editor of the journal Science as Culture. Norman Levine Prof. Levine is the author of seven books and 37 articles. His most recent book MARX'S DISCOURSE WITH HEGEL was published in 2012 and he signed another contract with Macmillan/Palgrave for an eighth book which is entitled MARX'S REBELLION AGAINST LENIN. For one month each year Prof. Levine is a Visiting Professor at Beijing Normal University and Fudan University in Shanghai. Kenneth Levin Kenneth Levin is Assistant Professor of Economics for Borough of Manhattan Community College. He has lectured in several countries and around the United States. His most important work involves class structural issues of start-up firms in high-tech industry. Levin is known for developing a theory of both "enterprise hybrids" and "alternative growth dynamics. Nicholas Levis is a writer and a translator of many works from the German. Author of Working for The Enemy: Ford, General Motors and Forced Labor in Germany during the Second World War (New York, 2000). Active with AKNY-Greece Solidarity Movement, Occupy Astoria LIC, and Occupy Wall Street Alternative Banking. Born and currently living in Astoria, Queens; lived fifteen years in Cologne and Berlin, Germany. Nicholas Levis Bertha Lewis, former CEO of ACORN and current president of The Black Institute, is an activist and community organizer who for decades has been on the front lines of the struggle for civil rights and economic justice. Bertha Lewis Peter Lew Anne Lewis Jessica Lewis Toni Lewis Peter Lew is an instructor of Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Gong, Certified Practitioner of Access Consciousness, Coauthor of Raw Extreme Manifesto, and a live food coach and caterer. He has worked as an activist with food sovereignty movements in developing communities focused on urban gardening.Peter blogs at Anne Lewis is an independent filmmaker, a member of TSEU-CWA Local 6186 and a senior lecturer at the University of Texas at Austin. She is co-director of the just completed documentary, Anne Braden: Southern Patriot. Shirley Leyro Jeffrey Lichtenstein Sabine Lilly Eugene Lim Shirley P. Leyro is a doctoral student at the Graduate Center in the Criminal Justice Department at John Jay College, and is the Immigration Policy & Practice Fellow. Ms. Leyro is an adjunct instructor for CUNY in John Jay’s Sociology and Political Science Departments and Hunter College’s Sociology Department. Her present research interests include the effects of deportation on the social organization of immigrant communities, immigration and crime, social disorganization and the Latino Paradox. Jeffrey is a student activist at the University of Memphis. Eugene Lim is founder and managing editor of Ellipsis Press. His fiction has appeared in Fence, The Denver Quarterly, EXPLORINGfictions, The Brooklyn Rail and elsewhere. He is the author of the novels Fog & Car (2008, Ellipsis Press) and The Strangers (forthcoming, Black Square Editions). He works as a librarian in a high school and lives in Queens, NY. Martha Livingston Martha Livingston, Ph.D., is Professor and Chair of the Public Health department at SUNY College at Old Westbury. She is Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors of the New York Metro chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program, a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Health Policy, and member of the Steering Committee of the Labor Campaign for Single Payer Health Care. Francesca Lo Basso Currently a political organizer and legislative advocate for National Nurses United, the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in US history, and the former Director of Organizing for HealthcareNOW! (a national grassroots organization advocating for single-payer healthcare). Other organizing experience includes work with Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), Casino-Free Philadelphia, and Protecting Our Waters. Francesca LoBasso Francesca is the coordinator of the U.S. Robin Hood Tax campaign and an organizer with National Nurses United. Kimberly Lok Joe Lombardo Anne Looser Professor Ana M Lopez Clarissa Lopez Kimberly Lok currently interns with the Food Chain Workers Alliance, a coalition of worker-based organizations focused on improving the working conditions for all workers in the food chain, and Brandworkers International, a non-profit focused on advancing the rights of food employees. She is a PhD student in sociology at Temple University. Her research interests focus on labor and social movements and food justice. Kim lives in NYC and firmly believes in the “right to food production” for all. Joe Lombardo is the co-coordinator of UNAC. He is a longtime labor and antiwar activist and recently returned from an anti-drone trip to Pakistan with Code Pink. He is a former staff person for the National Peace Action Coalition, one of the anti-Vietnam war coalitions. Anne Looser is a high school special education teacher in the Bronx. She is the recipient of a 2011 Blackboard Award. Professor Ana M. Lopez has been an Assistant Professor of the Humanities Department/Latin American and Caribbean Studies Unit at Hostos Community College. She has been a long term community and human rights activist. Clarissa is a human rights activist in Puerto Rico and is the daughter of political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera. Alfredo Lopez Judith Lorber Dana Louis Philip Louro Fran Luck Orie Lumumba Rukia Lumumba Nurit Mablu Richie Machado Veteran activist Alfredo Lopez is Co-Chair of the Leadership Committee of May First/People Link. His column on technology is published at This Can't Be Happening ( M.A. Public Policy and International Affairs. Fran Luck is a long-time housing and feminist activist in New York City. She founded the Street Harassment Project in 2000 and is Executive Producer of Joy of Resistance: Multicultural Feminist Radio @ WBAI. In 2010 she led the first feminist demonstration against the Obama Administration to protest the Stupak Amendment. Director of Youth Services for The Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) is a leader in the field of community-based alternatives to incarceration. Our mission is to promote reintegrative justice and a reduced reliance on incarceration through advocacy, services and public policy development in pursuit of civil and human rights. Nurit is studying mathematics at CCNY. Richie Machado has been organizing with the Occupy movement since the inception. Chase Madar Victor Madeson John Maerhofer Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu Chase Madar is a NY-based civil rights attorney who writes about constitutional liberties and war, and is the author of The Passion of Bradley Manning: The Story behind the Wikileaks Whistleblower (Verso, 2013). He is a former staff attorney at Make the Road New York where he specialized in youth law, disability law, housing law and LGBT rights. He is also a member of Brooklyn for Peace. Author: MBA (Corporatism) @ Lehigh University '84; MA Soc (+ Economics & Psychology) @ NCSU '77; BS @ USMA '70. Former Foreign Area Officer & linguist for Europe w/TS clearance. Books/articles on Military & Political Sociology (list on website). John Maerhofer teaches Global and Postcolonial Studies at Roger Williams University. He is the author of Rethinking the Vanguard, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2009. A community activist, organizer and scholar, Molefi Mafereka Ndlovu is a leading figure in the use of technology and communications by people in struggle. Fred Magdoff is professor emeritus of plant and soil science at the University of Vermont and a director of the Monthly Review Foundation. His outreach activities are oriented to explaining how to apply ecological principles to agricultural production. His book What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know About Capitalism is co-authored with John Bellamy Foster, and he is senior editor of Hungry for Profit: The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food, and the Environment. Fred Magdoff Alice Maggio Upon graduating Wesleyan University, Alice Maggio’s culinary interest in authentic and regional tastes led her to work in New York and the French Alps. Drawn back to her home region in the Berkshires, her interest in creating healthy community around sustainable local food systems introduced her to the transformative economic work of the Schumacher Center for New Economics (SCNE). She is now the Local Currencies Program Director for SCNE and the Coordinator of the local currency BerkShares. Manissa Maharawal Manissa Maharawal is writer, Occupy Wall Street activist and doctoral student in the Anthropology department at the CUNY Graduate Center. Erin Mahoney has been fighting for the morning-after pill to go over the counter for over a decade, with the goal of allowing birth control, and the autonomy for women that comes with it, "to be at our fingertips." She is a co-founder of the Women's Liberation Birth Control Project, of Redstockings Allies and Veterans, in 2003. She led the charge for a sit-in, resulting in arrest, of nine women at the FDA in 2005. Erin Mahoney Nathaniel Mahlberg Chris Maisano Alex Main Kiki Makandal Nathaniel Mahlberg has been involved in Occupy Faith and the Protest Chaplains in New York City. He does anti-war and housing defense work. Chris Maisano is a Brooklyn-based union researcher and writer for AFSCME District Council 37. He is a contributing editor of Jacobin magazine and co-editor of Democratic Left, the quarterly publication of Democratic Socialists of America. Pramilla Malick Imran Malik Christopher Malone Pramilla Malick is a journalist, blogger, community organizer, and a mother of 4 children. She studied anthropology at the New School for Social Research. She founded two grass-roots organizations in upstate New York to fight frackingrelated gas infrastructure: StopMCS (opposing a compressor station) and ProtectOrangeCounty (natural-gas-fired power plant). She is also a petitioner in a federal case against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the U.S. District Court of Appeals. Dr. Malone is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Political Science at Pace University's New York City campus. He teaches courses in American politics and political theory. His academic research focuses primarily on race and American political development and democracy and citizenship. He is the author of Between Freedom and Bondage: Race and Voting Rights in the Antebellum North (Routledge 2008) and serves as Policy Director for Bronx State Senator Gustavo Rivera. Timothy Maloney Retired professor of Electronics Technology, Monroe County Community College. Author of several books and publications, including "Modern Industrial Electronics", eds 1-5. Inventor of "Digital Method for DC Motor Speed Control", IEEE Transactions on Control Instrumentation, Feb 1976, Vol 23, No. 1. BS, Engineering; MS Electrical Engineering; PhD, Educational Psychology. Chair for panel "ThoriumFueled Nuclear Energy" at 2012 Left Forum. Author of 19 plays produced in this country and Europe on topics of war and peace and social justice. Most recent: "Prophecy" (London 2008, New York 2010) "Another Life" (three New York productions, 2011-2013, London upcoming); "Extreme Whether" (in-process, three public readings). Editor: Acts of War: Iraq & Afghanistan in Seven Plays. Co-founder Theater Three Collaborative, adjunct professor of theater, John Jay College. Karen Malpede Cam Mancini Cam has been a part of anarchist projects in Providence, Rhode Island for the past three years. He is a member of the Industrial Workers of the World and has organized in the food service industries. Kathy Manley Geoff Mann Patricia S. Mann A passionate advocate for peace and justice, Kathy is one of the attorneys for Yassin Aref in Albany, NY. She has been involved in a number of community groups, including the Muslim Solidarity Committee and Project SALAM, as well as the Capital Region chapter of the NY Civil Liberties Union, where she serves on the Board and as a volunteer attorney on the Legal Committee. Geoff Mann lives in Vancouver BC. He teaches political economy and economic geography at Simon Fraser University, where he directs the Centre for Global political economy. His book Our Daily Bread: Wages, Workers and the Political Economy of the American West (UNC, 2007) won the Paul Sweezy prize from the American sociological association and the Michael S. Harrington award from the American political science association. Ben Manski is a scholar, lawyer and prodemocracy advocate. He is the executive director of the Liberty Tree Foundation, a strategy center he founded in 2004, a cofounder of Move to Amend, and an Associate Fellow with the Institute for Policy Studies. Manski was one of the leaders of the Wisconsin uprising of 2011 and continues that struggle through the Wisconsin Wave. In 2012, He was the campaign manager for Jill Stein for President and is a former co-chair of the Green Party of the U.S. Ben Manski Eric Mann Sarah Manski Akuba Manu Chris Mansour Peter Marcuse Sarah Manski is a teacher, union member, progressive businesswoman, and advocate. She has taught courses as a college instructor, worked for AFSCME as its International Campaign Coordinator, as well as for the National Labor Committee, and Worker Independent News. In 2009, Manski founded the online green marketplace, and in 2011 she organized the Wisconsin Positive Business Alliance to unite business owners against Scott Walker’s attacks on the public sector. Chris Mansour is an independent curator and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. He received his MFA from Parsons, and currently is a member of the Platypus Affiliated Society. Peter Marcuse is Professor Emeritus of Urban Planning at Columbia University. He is past President of the Los Angeles City Planning Commission, former chair of Community Bd. 9’s Housing Committee in Manhattan, and long active in Planners Network. He was active as a lawyer in the labor movement and the civil rights movements. He is now much into the Occupy Wall Street and right to the City Movements. His most recent book is Cities for People, not for Profit. His blog is at Robyn Marasco Robyn Marasco is an assistant professor of political science at Hunter College, CUNY. She recently completed her first manuscript, The Highway of Despair: Critical Theory after Hegel. She is currently working on the ideas of passion and play in Machiavelli and the Left Machiavellian tradition. Jackelyn Mariano Irene Marcuse received an MSW degree from Columbia University's Graduate School of Social Work, and was Assistant Director of a community-based organization serving the elderly. The granddaughter of philosopher Herbert Marcuse, she was nominated for an Agatha Award for her first mystery novel about social worker Anita Servi, The Death of an Amiable Child. Jackelyn Mariano is the Deputy Secretary General of BAYAN USA, an alliance of 18 Filipino social justice organizations in the US and overseas chapter of BAYAN Philippines. Carlos Marentes Carlos Marentes is a PhD candidate in the Economics Department of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He also forms part of La Via Campesina technical team in the North American Region. Irene Marcuse Erminia Maricato Norman Markowitz Yolanda Martin Brendan Martin Erminia Maricato is Professor of Urban Planning at the University of São Paolo. She was part of the transition team in the first Lula government and formulated the proposal for a Ministry of Cities, where she served as deputy minister. She is the author of several books on cities. Professor of History Yolanda C. Martín has a PhD in Sociology from the Graduate Center, CUNY; Her research explores the collateral damage of mass deportations of Dominicans in the United States. Yolanda is currently Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at BMCC, CUNY. She also taught at John Jay College, and has held international affiliation to the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD). Her teaching experience includes courses in Criminology; Social Deviance; Urban Sociology; and Drugs and Society. Brendan Martin, President and Founder; International Director of the Working World, which finances businesses that are owned and run by their workers, extending democracy to the workplace. Having worked on Wall Street for ten years, Brendan spent much of the past seven years establishing cooperatives in Argentina and Nicaragua and now works in New York City. Carl Martin Logan Martinez Angel Martinez Paul Martorana Josh Mason John Mason Thaddeus Matney Carl Grey Martin is a scholar of medieval literature and culture, as well as of contemporary marxist theory, with a particular interest on ecological issues. Logan Martinez is Outreach Coordinator for the National Jobs for All Coalition and co-convener of the ad hoc coalition of progressive organizations and individual activists that has formed to build political support for HR 1000. He lives in Dayton Ohio where he was a Green Party candidate for Congress in 2006. Angel Martinez is a poet and professor who teaches about the Puerto Rican presence in New York. Paul V. Martorana, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Wagner College. Ph.D.: Kellogg at Northwestern Univ. BA Univ. of California, Berkeley. Research: effects of social and personal power on actiontaking, creativity, team performance, and altruism; highlighted in the Economist, Tavis Smiley, Forbes and Wall Street Journal. Teaching: Wagner, Kellogg at Northwestern, UT Austin, UC Berkeley, Fordham, Baruch, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor of Political Science, William Paterson University. Moved to the city about a year ago and has steadily become more involved in activism ever since. He is an active member of Deep Green Resistance New York as well as the ISO. Hany Massoud Hany Massoud is a producer for the independent radio & tv news program Democracy Now! Hany has traveled extensively covering international breaking stories throughout the world. He currently focuses most of his time working to raise youth's passion Jalen Matney is a New York City activist and member of Deep Green Resistance NYC. He got his start in activism after moving to New York City from Orlando for the Occupy Wall Street movement. He studies Marxism and the environmental crisis independently. He is active in the International Socialist Organization as well as Columbia DIVEST. Jalen Matney Graciano Matos Mr. Matos will speak about the campaign in New York City for Oscar Lopez Rivera freedom. Gloria Mattera is co-chair of the Green Party of New York State. Has been active in independent politics for 15 years, first with the Labor Party and then with the Green Party. A longtime advocate for single payer health care, Gloria is on the Executive Board of Physicians for a National Health Program Metro Chapter. Gloria is currently co-chair of the Green Party of New York State and is part of the growing movement of eco-socialism. Gloria Mattera Caleb Maupin Political Analyst for PressTV, Workers World Party youth organizer, and A coauthor of "What Is Marxism All About?” He was Marxist-Leninist Youth leader in New York City. Jesse Mattleman Jesse Mattleman earned her BA in International Development and Social Change from Clark University, specializing in Global Health, Ethics, and Public Policy. She has extensive field experience in community-driven international development and public health practices in Latin America and Africa, with a focus on sustainable project development and cross-cultural partnership-building. Claudia Mausner Claudia Mausner, Ph.D. Environmental Psychology Consultant Adjunct Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, Pace University Andy Mazzone Andrew Mazzone Bernie McAleer Justine McCabe Instructor & Board member of the Henry George School of Social Science (2009present); Chairman/President of Xiom Corp from inception (1998-Oct. 30, 2009); Chairman of the Board (Jul. 1, 2003-Jan. 2004), Steam Clean USA, Inc.; Worked at Metco (1970-Feb. 15, 1995), a subsidiary of the Perkin Elmer Corp (A Fortune 500 company), ending as President; Degrees from Babson College, Babson Park, Massachusetts, in Finance & an advanced degree in Economics, with a specialty in economic history. Bernie is a NYC SOA Watch Activist. Justine McCabe is a member of the International Committee, Green Party of the US. She is it's point person for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Michael P McCabe Manissa McCleave Maharawal James McCormick Shepard P. McDaniel Co-author of "Manifesto for Economic Democracy and Ecological Sanity," and Director of Civic Education, Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture. Manissa McCleave Maharawal is a writer, activist and doctoral student in the Anthropology department at the CUNY Graduate Center. She is a founding member of the editorial collective In Front and Center and has been involved with various working groups of Occupy Wall Street since September 2011. Megan McGee is a mental health clinician and advocate as well as an active member of Deep Green Resistance New York Kim McGill In 2002 Kim helped co-found the grassroots movement Youth Justice Coalition based in Los Angeles. Kim also serves on the Advisory Committee of "the Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth" and the Coordinating Committee for the Dignity in Schools Campaign. Kim is a strong and persistence voice in the struggle for justice for young people of color. Michael McGrath, PhD Cyrus is the Director of Development and Outreach for NCPCF. Previously, he served as the Advocacy Director for the New York chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations, where he fought against the warrantless surveillance and infiltration of Muslim communities by local and federal agencies, worked to resolve hundreds of cases of religious and racial discrimination, and built interfaith and intercultural partnerships. Dr. McGrath is the Founder and CEO of Pathologica and Professor of Medicine at the University of California- San Francisco. Basir Mchawi Basir Mchawi has woven a distinguished career as an educator, activist and communicator. He is currently a professor of English at Queens College and teaches in a special program designed for police officers at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Mchawi has served as the chair of the International African Arts Festival, Brooklyn NYC for the last twelve years, and is producer and host of the award winning Education at the Crossroads heard on WBAI. Cyrus McGoldrick Ray McKay Richard McIntyre Andrew McKinney Stephanie McMillan Ray McKay of Marxist-Humanist Initiative ( has a long history in the Black Liberation and Marxist movements. From his start in as a young worker in the Maryland Freedom Union, he went on became a colleague of the late Raya Dunayevskaya, a tenant organizer in Detroit, an activist in New York, and a theorist and writer. Richard McIntyrer is Professor of Economics, University of Rhode Island, and author of Are Workers Rights Human Rights? Andrew McKinney is a Doctoral Candidate in Sociology and Digital Fellow at the CUNY Grad Center. His research is concerned with the collapse of the differences between labor and play, work and leisure, production and consumption, and the role technology has played in this process. His dissertation studies the role of that fan Stephanie McMillan has a new graphic novel coming out this fall: "Resistance to Ecocide" (Seven Stories Press). She is a cartoonist ("Code Green" and "Minimum Security") and writer ("The Beginning of the American Fall," "As the World Burns," "The Knitting Circle Rapist Annihilation Squad,"), as well as an organizer for the anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist collective One Struggle (Fort Lauderdale, FL chapter). David McNally David McNally is an activist, teacher, and author of many books, including Monsters of the Market: Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism, which won the 2012 Deutscher Memorial Award. Cecily McMillan Cecily McMillan is a graduate student at the New School for Social Research studying social movement theory. She is a representative on the Graduate Faculty Student Senate working towards greater administrative openness and accountability, as well as working with New School Student Workers to support student worker campaigns, develop fairer labor practices, and form a student union. David McReynolds An American democratic socialist and pacifist activist who described himself as "a peace movement bureaucrat" during his 40-year career with Liberation magazine and the War Resisters League, David was the first openly gay man to run for President of the United States. His many inspiring writings include the book "We Have Been Invaded By the 21st Century." Robert Melamede, PhD Educator, artist and activist who teaches first-year composition and literature surveys at CUNY. Also taught English in Chile. Notable projects include fighting for same-sex marriage in California; counseling survivors of GLBT-related violence in New York; and chairing the Sustainability Committee at First Unitarian Universalist Society in Brooklyn. He has played snare drum in the Rude Mechanical Orchestra and is currently working on a queer reading of the Robin Hood legend for the stage. Dr. Melamede is the Founder and CEO of Cannabis Science and Professor of Biology at the University of ColoradoColorado Springs. Cynthia Mellon Cynthia Mellon is the Community and Environmental Justice Organizer for the Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC),a community organization in Newark, New Jersey. Cynthia works with residents, scientists, and health workers to expose and transform conditions that are impacting residents' health and wellbeing. In 2010, she was named a Heningburg Civic Fellow, an award given to people who use innovative means to improve the lives Newark residents. David Meadow spiritchild mental notes spiritchild, as he is known, is a freedom singer from the south Bronx by way of Brooklyn, who uses the arts to cultivate a cultural revolution. He integrates activism and hip hop music production as the founder of the Movement In Motion Artist & Activist Collective, member of the Universal Zulu Nation and leader of Mental Notes hip hop band. Michael Merrill Michael Merrill is the Dean of the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies at SUNY Empire State College. He has a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in economic history from Columbia University and is currently engaged in an intellectual and political history of the slogan “a fair day’s wages for a fair day’s work.” [email protected] Matt Meyer, a native New York Citybased educator, activist, and author, is the War Resister League (WRL), International Africa Support Network Coordinator, and a United Nations/ECOSOC representative of the International Peace Research Association. The founding chair of the Peace and Justice Studies Association and former Chair of the Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development (COPRED), Meyer has long worked to bring together academics and activists for lasting social change. Matt is the cochair of the International Campaign to Free Russell Maroon Shoatz, a specialist in contemporary African affairs, he also authored & edited several books. Matt Meyer Gerald Meyer Gerald Meyer: Author of Vito Marcantonio: Radical Politician, 19021954 and many articles on Marcantonio and related subjects. Meyer is a founding member of the faculty of Hostos Community College. Jacob Meyer Jacob Meyer brings a background in law and policy to the challenge of identifying and encouraging investment that honors sustainable agriculture as the root of social and economic health. He was a staff attorney with the National State Attorneys General Program at Columbia, a legal research and policy center, where he worked on the Labor and Charities Oversight Projects. He was a legal fellow at the National Center for Law and Economic Justice in NYC, and is a graduate of Columbia Law School. Eli is a political theorist who writes on, and participates in, struggles around higher education. He has co-authored some articles. His theoretical engagements are rooted in movements within and against higher education (graduate student& contingent faculty unions), and for abolishing the existing education system& creating noncapitalist, decolonial alternative infrastructures for study (with a free, anarchistic university called Experimental Community Education of the Twin Cities). Eli Meyerhoff Sylvain Miaka Oureto Myriam Miedzian Victoria Miller Emmanuelle Mimieux President of the Ivorian Popular Front, Associate Professor of Economics at University of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Victoria is a co-secretary of the New York City Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World. She has worked on and been a part of a variety of workplace organizing campaigns. She is excited to be a part of the dynamic group of participants in Occupy Your Workplace all of whom share her belief that worker-led direct action is the most powerful force for social change. Emmanuelle Mimieux is an anarchist and anti-fascist. Jamel Mims Sahar Mirza Siddhartha Mitra Laurie Mittelmann Wazir Mohammed Nastaran Mohit Artist and educator. 2008, awarded a Fulbright to study hip-hop in China. His research resulted in The Misadventures of MC Tingbudong, a participantobservant study and multimedia ethnography, exhibited in New York and Beijing. Work from visual arts to political expression, with themes of youth culture, social transformation, and the urban environment. In NYC, he works with Fresh Prep, an educational program that uses hip hop music to help students review for the New York State Regents Exams. Sahar Ahmed is the wife of Political Prisoner Farooque Ahmed. She was born and raised in the UK, and has recently started to speak out about her husband's conditions of incarceration. Siddhartha Mitra is a regular contributor to Sanhati. He currently lives in New York City. Laurie Mittelmann is director of administration at MORUS. She graduated from Sarah Lawrence College and Oxford University, and worked as an ethnographic researcher in Christiania, the largest squat in Europe, and as a reporter for The Villager, a local downtown New York City newspaper. Nastaran Mohit is the Community Outreach Organizer for New York State Nurses Association Omar Montana Omar Montana is a doctoral candidate in Sociology at The Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is interested in US-Colombian relations and is currently in the early stages of a multisited project that entails urban biking visà-vis the production of space, urban transportation, and climate change. Anthony Monteiro Anthony Monteiro is a Distinguished Lecturer in African-American Studies and Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought at Temple University, where he teaches courses on African-American social and political thought. He is well known for his work on W.E.B. Du Bois.His many publications include two forthcoming books—one on analytical Marxism and another on the importance of W.E.B. Du Bois’s thought for a philosophy of human science. Terry Moon Activist and writer in the women’s liberation movement since 1967; member of the first NOW chapter in Detroit, founder of the Women’s Liberation Coalition of Michigan; cofounded the Detroit Women’s Press, activist with ADAPT and Women’s Action Coalition in Memphis, TN for 13 years, currently managing editor of News & Letters and its “Woman as Reason columnist,” writing often on women and environmental issues. Roscoe M. Moore. Jr., DVM, PhD, MPH Christina Montorio is an International Representative of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Port Division. She is a 3rd generation Teamster who works to bring justice to truck drivers. Dr. Moore is the Assistant U.S. Surgeon General (Retired) and one of the architects of PEPFAR. Monica Moorehead As a leader of the New York chapter of the Women’s Fightback Network, Moorehead attended the International Women’s Assembly's First General Assembly in July 2011 in Quezon City, Philippines. Moorehead is the African American editor of "Marxism, Reparations & the Black Freedom Struggle." Coordinator of Millions for Mumia, an anti–death penalty project of the International Action Center. She was a Workers World Party candidate for U.S. president in 1996 and 2000. Frank Morales Frank Morales is an American writer, squatter activist, ordained Episcopal priest (1977) and author of Police State America (Arm the Spirit, 2002) and numerous published articles on housing and social justice matters. Frank worked with the homeless population of NYC back in the late 70s and early 80s, while living in the South Bronx, first as a legal “urban homesteader” and then as a squatter. His experience and work have made him a legend of housing activism in NYC. Christina Montorio Ted Morgan Joaquin Morante Ted Morgan is professor of Political Science at Lehigh University where he teaches classes on Propaganda, Media & American Politics; Social Movements and Legacies of the 1960s; and Organizing for Democracy. He has long been an activist in environmental, social justice, and peace movements. His current writing reflects on lessons from his recent book for left organizing today. Frank Morris Bio. Chef. Teacher. Investment Advisor. Founder of the Global Ecological Mutual Fund EPENX. Dedicated to the Common Good. William Morrish William Morrish is a nationally recognized urban designer whose practice encompasses inter-disciplinary research on urban housing and infrastructure, collaborative publications on human settlement and community design, and educational programs exploring integrated design, which are applied to a wide range of innovative community-based city projects. Janks Morton He's a groundbreaking international and award winning documentary film maker and Social-Political Activist. As founder of iYAGO ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC, he states "the company came into existence to reflect both the conscious and the unconscious soul of Black America. His production credits include "Daddy Dearest" and "Guilty Until Proven Innocent" both dealing with the issue of fatherhood. McDonald Morris Mac Morris is a B'klyn native, black queer artist, educator and movement enthusiast. With a degree in creative writing and philosophy, his disciplinary focus and writings have been on psychosocial traveling, trauma and recovery with Race, Gender and Sexuality as a locus. He is the recipient of the 2010 Wells College William Nicholas Liberi '05 Memorial Prize for T.L.G.B.Q. Activism and Scholarship and is currently engaged in youth development work emphasizing critical social justice education. Bitta Mostofi Bitta Mostofi is currently a nonprofit, immigrant rights attorney. She has also worked as a civil rights attorney and served on the board of directors of the Council on American Islamic Relations. Bitta has participated in anti-war and antisanctions campaigns, and was a cocoordinator for the Voices in the Wilderness; Iraq Peace Team from 20022003. In recent years Bitta has cofounded and worked with Where is My Vote, New York, which formed after the 2009 Iranian presidential elections. Nick Mottern Ghias Moussa Five Mualimm-ak In Viet Nam in the Navy 1962-63, Mottern graduated from Columbia’s School of Journalism in 1966, reported for the Prov. Journal & Evening Bulletin, researched/wrote for the US Sen. Select Committee on Nutrition & Human Needs, lobbied for Bread for the World & wrote/organized speaking tours on US involvement in Africa for Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers. Author of Suffering Strong, his experiences in Africa, he manages & His articles appear in Truthout. Medical doctor, trained in Syria; speaker/writer with Syrian American Forum. Contact is Khalil Matar of Syrian American Forum Tadzio Mueller Tadzio Mueller is a political scientist, climate justice activist and translator living in Berlin, where he works as a research fellow for the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. He has coedited Contours of Climate Justice, is a founding member of Turbulence: Ideas for Movement, and has published widely on green capitalism and the German 'Energiewende'. His current research focuses on strategies of social transformation in social movements working on questions of climate justice and energy democracy. Bill Mugford Pastor Mugford is the Pastor for Saddleback Church's HIV/AIDS Initiative. Catherine Mulder Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad Amy Muldoon Catherine Mulder is an assistant professor of economics at John Jay College of Criminal Justice-CUNY, also teachers in the Masters of Labor Studies program at CUNY's Murphy Institute. She specializes in labor economics and political economy. A former cable splicer for the telephone company, Cathy has been a worker advocate and labor activist for over 30 years. Her upcoming book "Transcending Capitalism Through Cooperative Practices" is under contract with Palgrave. Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. His 1st book, Condemnation of Blackness, discusses the role of the social sciences in shaping and sanctifying racial "data," with terrible consequences for African Americans. Working on his second book, Disappearing Acts: The End of White Criminality in the Age of Jim Crow, which traces the historical roots of the changing demographics of crime and punishment so evident today. Associate Editor of The Journal of American History Amy Muldoon is a member of Communications Workers of America, and an activist in Queens. In 2011-12 she was the CWA District 1 Liaison to Occupy Wall Street. Layne Mullett Soniya Munshi Divine Muragijimana Member of Decarcerate PA, a grassroots campaign working to end mass incarceration in Pennsylvania. Decarcerate PA demands that PA stop building prisons, reduce the prison population, and reinvest money in our communities. Deirdre Murphy Deirdre Murphy is a professor of Liberal Studies at the Culinary Institute of America. She is the guest editor for the forthcoming issue of Transformations on teaching food. Karen Murray Karen Murray is Associate Professor of Political Science at York University. Her current research examines the governmental interplay of race, space and gender relations in urban contexts. Emblematic of this work are two recent publications: “Making Space in Vancouver’s East End: from Leonard Marsh to the Vancouver Agreement” (BC Studies, 169), and "The Silence of Urban Aboriginal Policy" (Urban Aboriginal Policy Making, Evelyn Peters, ed. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press). Caroline Murray Caroline Murray was Executive Director of the Alliance to Develop Power (ADP) from 1993 to 2011. Based in Springfield, Massachusetts, ADP has generated $65 million in community-owned enterprises, and has converted 1,400 units of at-risk housing into tenant-owned, permanently affordable co-op housing units. The group also operates United for Hire, a worker-controlled cooperative business. Caroline recently left ADP to become Organizing Director of Rebuild the Dream. Abraham Mwaura Abraham Mwaura has been a grassroots movement organizer for decades, working on the front lines of struggles for social and environmental justice, from the movement to end mountaintop removal in Appalachia, to the movement to organize immigrant workers in the logistics industry in the midwest. For the last year he has been working with Ecosocialist Horizons to organize convergences. Travis Mushett Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois Travis Mushett is an editor of Blunderbuss Magazine, a writer of fiction and non-fiction, a student of social movements, and a PhD candidate in communications at the Columbia University School of Journalism. He currently feels the wind in his hair as he hurtles toward 30, and has decided that he’s pretty all right with the breeze. You can find his tweets at @CurriculumVeto. Suresh Naidu Premilla Nadasen Suresh Naidu is an assistant professor of economics and public affairs at Columbia University and has been active in Occupy Wall Street. Associate Professor of History, Queens College Devaki Naik is an international student from India and a graduating senior at John Jay College with a specialization in ‘Investigation of Economic Crimes’. She is the current President of the Economics Club and also serves on the Student Government at John Jay. Her research on ‘Medical Tourism in India’ was published in John Jay’s Finest (2013). Devaki Naik Manijeh Nasrabadi Manijeh Nasrabadi is a member of Raha Iranian Feminist Collective and Havaar. She is a Ph.D. candidate in American Studies in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Her essays and articles have appeared in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Social Text online,, About Face (Seal Press), Hyphen Magazine, Tehran Bureau, Callaloo and She is the former co-director of the Association of Iranian American Writers. Katherine Nastovski Katherine Nastovski is a PhD Candidate at York University in Toronto. Her doctoral research explores the history of labour internationalism in the Canadian trade union movement since the early 1940s. She has also been active as an organizer, educator, executive officer, and international solidarity activist in the Canadian trade union movement and is a member of Labour for Palestine. Meghana Nayak Dr. Nayak is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and teaches in the Women's and Gender Studies Department at Pace University in New York. She has published on the politics of gender violence and critical analysis of U.S. policy in International Feminist Journal of Politics, International Studies Review, and Politics and Gender, has written a chapter in Theorizing Sexual Violence, and is coauthor with Eric Selbin of Decentering International Relations. Okey Ndibe Novelist, political columnist, published poet and essayist. Of Igbo ethnicity, Ndibe is the author of Arrows of Rain, a critically acclaimed novel published in 2000. He teaches fiction and African literature at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. Ndibe is co-editor of a collection of essays titled Writers, Writing on Conflicts and Wars in Africa. Immanuel Ness Alondra Nelson Bruce Neuburger Monica Perez Nevarez Sara Niccoli Immanuel Ness’ research focuses on the political economy of labor. He is author of Guest Workers and U.S. Corporate Despotism and Immigrants, Unions, and the New U.S. Labor Market, and, as editor, Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration and International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, and the quarterly journal: Working USA: The Journal of Labor and Society and author of New Forms of Worker Organization and Migration in a World of Inequality (forthcoming, PM Press). Bruce Neuburger is the author of 'Lettuce Wars: Ten Years of Work and Struggle in the Fields of California,' about his experiences as a farmworker and radical organizer in the 1970s. Sara Niccoli is Director of the LaborReligion Coalition and has worked for numerous social justice groups nationally. She holds an M.P.A. from the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service at New York University and a B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany. She is a member of Brooklyn Meeting of the Society of Friends, and lives on a small farm in New York state. John Nichols Donald Nicholson-Smith Pam C. Nogales John Nichols writes about politics for The Nation magazine as its Washington correspondent. He is a contributing writer for The Progressive and In These Times and the associate editor of the Capital Times, the daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin. He is a frequent media commentator and has authored several books, most recently (with Robert McChesney) "Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America." Donald Nicholson-Smith is a translator from French and Spanish and a New Yorker by adoption. A Situationist in his now distant youth (1965-67), he has translated a good deal of French critical thought as well as many literary works. Pam Nogales is a founding member of the Platypus Affiliated Society and coordinator for Platypus chapters in Europe. She is currently a first year PhD student in the history program at NYU, and is working on nineteenth century American Reconstruction and comparative research on the transition from slavery to free labor. Chris Norwood Chrisitine Noschese Dr. Scott Noren is an Oral Surgeon, environmental and political activist, and former U.S. Senator candidate. He has been outspoken against fracking, repealing Citizen's United, overhauling of campaign financing, stiffer regulations against Congressional insider information, and capping student loan interest. Dr. Noren concentrates on providing a pathway for non Wall Street backed Congressional seats, as well as fighting against corporate democracy as a whole. Ms. Norwood is the Founder and Executive Director of Health People in the Bronx and was a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Filmmaker: Metropolitan Avenue - Gary Null Gary Null, Ph.D is the host of the longestrunning, nationally syndicated daily health radio program, "Natural Living with Gary Null." A lecturer, educator, environmentalist, and manufacturer of his own bestselling line of vitamins and supplements, he is the author of over 75 books and the winner of dozens of awards for his penetrating documentary films on a variety of political, health and environmental issues. He is the founder of the Progressive Radio Network Dr. Scott Noren Ismael Nunez efia nwangaza Alexa O'Brian Member of the Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5, the July 26th Coalition and other Cuba and Puerto Rico related organizations and projects. Michelle O'Brien Denis O'Hearn Denis O'Hearn is an activist on isolated imprisonment in the US and elsewhere and a former activist in Belfast concerning community development. He is also Professor of Sociology at the University of Binghamton-SUNY. His many publications include Nothing But an Unfinished Song: Bobby Sands, the Irish Hunger Striker Who Ignited a Generation (Nation Books), The Atlantic Economy: Britain, the US, and Ireland and Il Diario di Bobby Sands: Storia di un Ragazzo Irlandese. Ebiere Okah is a first-year medical student at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She is the co-president of Mt. Sinai's student chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program. Prior to attending Mt. Sinai, she was a volunteer with Healthcare-NOW! NYC, a single payer advocacy group. Ebiere Okah Marcela Olivera is the Latin American coordinator for the Water for All campaign at Food and Water Watch. After graduating from the Catholic University in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Marcela worked for four years in Cochabamba as the key international liaison for the Coalition for the Defense of Water and Life. She was active in the water wars of 2000 that took place in Cochabamba. Since 2004 she has been developing and consolidating an interAmerican citizens’ network on water justice named “Red VIDA.” Marcela Olivera Susan O'Malley Susan O'Malley is on the editorial board of the Radical Teacher and is one of its founding members. She recently retired from CUNY (Kingsborough, GC, Liberal Studies) where she was on the executive committee of the PSC and the chair of the University Faculty Senate. Currently she is vice-chair of the NGO CSW/NY (United Nations). She has published on higher education, early modern women's studies, Shakespeare, and women's studies. Sowore Omoyele University activist in Nigeria, Sowore Omoyele if the founder of Sahara Reporters, an interactive website featuring the contributions of citizen journalists, of SaharaTVonline and SaharaFM Radio to provide a platform for new voices from Africa and the Diaspora. A teacher of African history in local area colleges, he speaks on the role of social media and new media technologies at conferences in the U.S. and abroad. Catherine ONeil Cathy O'Neil was a quant for the hedge fund D.E. Shaw in the middle of the credit crisis, and then for RiskMetrics, a risk software company that assesses risk for the holdings of hedge funds and banks. More recently she’s been working as a data scientist in the New York startup scene. She writes a blog at and is involved with the #Occupy Wall Street Alternative Banking Working Group. Cathy O'Neil Various Occupy Sandy Organizers Cathy O'Neil is a data scientist, Occupy Wall Street activist, and ex-finance quantitative analyst. She runs the blog. Grainne O'Neill Gráinne O'Neill is an attorney on the defense team for accused hacktivist Jeremy Hammond. She received her JD from Columbia Law and her BA in Mathematics and Computer Science from Cornell. Prior to her joining the Hammond team, Gráinne worked in New Orleans as a Public Defender then as a staff attorney at the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute at Harvard Law School where she creating computer resources for indigent defense attorneys nationwide. Kathy Orlando Kathy is the Executive Director of Land Protection for the Sheffield Land Trust, an organization dedicated to the preservation of working agricultural landscapes as well as wildlife habitat. She is currently working to preserve Bow Wow Farm, a 400 acre parcel that is strategically important for the long term resilience of the local food system. Kathy is also a board member of the Community Land Trust of the Southern Berkshires, and holds a JD from Pace University. Pilar Ortiz Pilar Ortiz is a Phd student in the Department of Sociology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Irene Ortiz Rosen Feminist activist since 1975; Organizer of Domestic Workers in Cuernavaca & Mexico City (1979-2002). Author of "Asi es, pues" about the socio-economic situation of the domestic worker. Author of various articles (for NACLA, etc). Lectured in Latin American Departments in Columbia, Berkley (1994) & UNM (2008). Currently living in New York & involved with Domestic Workers United. Organizes workshops using Popular Education methodology to help women develop the knowledge & capacity for empowerment. Alyssia Osorio Alyssia Osorio is the lead organizer at City College of New York with Students for Educational Rights (SER). She has led numerous campus campaigns and direct actions regarding tuition affordability and accessibility, gender-based violence, queer visibility and resources, access to educational resources, and administrative transparency. Katy Otto Katy has over a decade of experience in violence prevention, women’s issues, youth development, and the arts. Three years ago she moved to Philadelphia. She runs her own independent record label Exotic Fever Records and has toured internationally with her band, Trophy Wife. She co-founded the national Visions in Feminism conference. She has done sexual assault prevention workshops and survivor solidarity work. Kathy Ozer Franc Palaia Julian Palmer Kathy Ozer is the Executive Director of the National Family Farm Coalition. Kathy Ozer has worked on farm, rural, and fair trade policy for over 20 years at the National Family Farm Coalition. In the mid-1980's she worked for the United States Student Association (USSA) on education access issues. Executive Director, New York Common Cause; Communications Director, Columbia University's National Center for Children in Poverty; Strategic Communications and Advocacy Consultant Costas Panayotakis teaches Sociology at New York City College of Technology. He has published on political economy, ecology and social movements and has been interviewed by numerous radio and TV programs in the United States and abroad. He is the Book Review editor of the international journal Capitalism Nature Socialism. Costas Panayotakis Scott Paltrowitz Leo Panitch, editor of the Socialist Register since 1985. He is Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy and Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science, at York University, Toronto. His books include Renewing Socialism: Transforming Democracy, Strategy and Imagination (Merlin 2008) and (with Sam Gindin) The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of American Empire (Verso 2012). Leo Panitch Neni Panourgia Neni Panourgia is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at The New School for Social Research and Fellow at the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society at Columbia University. She is the author of Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity. An Athenian Anthropography (1995) and Dangerous Citizens. The Greek Left and the Terror of the State (2009). Fernanda Pardo Herrera Fernanda Pardo Herrera is the Deputy Chair of the Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee. She is a CUNY student majoring in International Criminal Justice with a concentration on Economic Development. Scott Parkin Adam Parsons Susan Pashkoff Scott Parkin, an experienced organizer with anti-war, environmental and labor movements will be speaking about his experiences on direct action organizing in the North American climate movements. He is a core organizer with Rising Tide North America. Adam Parsons is a PhD candidate at Syracuse University. He studies modern American cultural history. MA (1990) and PhD (1992) in Economics, New School for Social Research, Graduate Faculty. Former senior lecturer in Economics, life-long political activist and blogger on several sites in the US and UK. Jacqui Patterson Justin Paulson Currently the Director of Environmental and Climate Justice at the NAACP, Jacqui Patterson has worked on issues including women’s rights, HIV-AIDS, violence against women, racial and economic justice, and environmental and climate justice with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Baltimore City Healthy Start, IMA World Health, and ActionAid. She serves on the US Climate Action Network Board of Directors and the Steering Committee of Interfaith Moral Action on Climate Change. Justin Paulson is an assistant professor with the Department of Sociology and the Institute of Political Economy at Carleton University in Ottawa. He writes on social movements and social theory, and co-edited a recent collection of essays on social movement responses to the financial crisis (Capitalism and Confrontation). He is an editor of Mediations and Studies in Political Economy. Aidge Patterson Aidge Patterson has been a part of the struggle against police brutality in LA, the Bay Area and New York for 15 years. He is currently Coalition Coordinator for the police watchdog and community empowerment coalition Peoples' Justice. Michael Pelias Michael Pelias teaches philosophy at LIU Brooklyn and is currently working on a book on the history of Materialism. He is the managing editor of "Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination". Michael Peck Themis Pellas Michael Peck founded MAPA Group ( in 1994 as a “doing well by doing good” business development company. Michael has served since 2000 as the North American delegate for Mondragon, the world’s largest industrial worker cooperative. In October 2009, Michael participated in forming the Mondragon and United Steelworkers Union (USW) partnership to create union-coop hybrids with the goal of revamping U.S. manufacturing through worker cultural empowerment and equal share ownership. Holladay Penick Holladay Penick is the Creative Director of GiantChair, Inc., a company that specializes in innovative technology solutions for the publishing industry. She has worked with the Institute for the Future of the Book and led workshops on open source technology at USC, Columbia, and Georgetown. Michael Perelman Michael Perelman is a professor of economics who has working on his 21st book. In 2011, the World Association for Political Economy gave one of his books, Manufacturing Discontent, and award as Outstanding Contribution in Political Economy. Chuck Pennacchio Chuck Pennacchio, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History and Politics, The University of the Arts in Philadelphia; Executive Director, Healthcare for All Pennsylvania,; author 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007 PA Senate Bill 400: “Family and Business Health Security Act,” Legislative Printing Office, Harrisburg, PA. Michael Perino Pérez-Rocha helps to coordinate the Networking for Justice on Global Investment project, as part of the IPS Global Economy Project. He works together with allies at the Democracy Center in Bolivia and others. Previously, he directed "The NAFTA Plus and the SPP Advocacy Project,". He is a Mexican national who has led tri-national efforts to promote just and sustainable alternative approaches to North American economic integration for more than a decade. Rutgers University senior; student activist, political science major. Jenny Perrino A graduate of Suffolk University School of Law, Jenny Perrino is the member of Rep. Conyers' legislative staff charged with principal responsibility for HR 1000. Prior to joining Rep. Conyers' staff she was a member of the staff of the House Judiciary Committee. Manuel Perez-Rocha Sue Peters Sue Peters has been a student of monetary history for the last 6 years, and has spoken publicly on the topic at colleges and civic groups. She graduated from NYU with a degree in history and from Bank Street College with a degree in education, worked for 32 years on Wall Street as a systems analyst, and has been applying her expertise as a systems analyst to the money system. She is a member of the American Monetary Institute. Anthony Persaud Anthony studied political science as an undergraduate. He became interested in economics and attended the Henry George School for the past 4 years where he is now teaching an introductory course. Anthony spends his free time exploring economics and social issues and their root causes. He earns a living working as an IT professional. Leia Petty Geoffrey Pfeifer Leia Petty is a member of the United Federation of Teachers. Her work has been published in The Indypendent, Socialist Worker, and Rethinking Schools. Geoff Pfeifer is Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He specializes in Social and Political Philosophy, Global Justice, and Development Ethics. His work has appeared in The Journal of Global Ethics, Current Perspectives in Social Theory, and Human Studies. Marie-Claire Picher Betsey Piette Charles Pinderhughes Eric Pineault Marie-Claire Picher is a co-founder (1990) of the Theater of the Oppressed Laboratory (TOPLAB) and has worked and collaborated closely with Augusto Boal until his death in 2009. One of the most experienced Theater of the Oppressed practitioners in North America, she has presented thousands of hours of TO facilitation training in New York and throughout the United States, as well as in Chiapas, Tabasco, Mexico City, Guatemala and Cuba. Received first prize at Havana Book Fair for her essay on "Drilling into the abyss: Why hydraulic fracturing is not a solution for global energy needs or global warming." She covers the anti-fracking work in Pennsylvania for WW, along with the ongoing work to free Mumia abuJamal. Professor of Sociology at Essex County College in New Jersey, former member of the Black Panther Party. Currently finishing book on Internal Colonialism. Carmen Pineiro An activist for over 11 years and more recently an organizer, Carmen works as CVH’s Sustainable Communities Organizer. She is pursuing an MPA at John Jay College and has participated in the Minority Worker Environmental program and the Non-traditional Employment for Women program. Her current work and passion, focused on low- and moderate-income communities, stem from her experiences growing up in the Morrisania Air Rights Projects in the South Bronx and navigating the shelter system. Lou Pingeot Lou Pingeot is an independent researcher interested in the privatization of security, corporate influence on global policymaking and the United Nations. Born and raised in Paris, she earned her M.A. in international relations from Sciences Po. From 2010 to early 2013, she was Program Coordinator at Global Policy Forum, where she published an investigative report on UN use of private military and security companies (“Dangerous Partnership”) in conjunction with the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-NYC. Angelo Pinto Jennie Pirkl Dick Platkin Angelo is leading the Correctional Associations Raise The Age Campaign which seeks to increase the age of criminal responsibility in NYS, ensure that children are not housed in adult jails, and advocate for alternative programming for youth charged with juvenile offenses. Angelo was born and raised in New York. He received a J.D. from the City University of New York Law School and a B.A. in Criminal Justice and Sociology from Clark Atlanta University. Jennie Pirkl is the statewide health care organizer for Maine People's Alliance, which was founded in 1982 and now is the state’s largest grassroots organization with more than 32,000 members. MPA has joined forces with the Maine AFL-CIO and the Maine State Nurses Association, with support from the South Maine Worker’s Center and Maine AllCare to form the Maine Health Care is a Human Rights Campaign. Richard Platkin is an advocacy planner on land use and public policy issues and adjunct instructor at the USC Price School of Social Policy. He has three decades of professional experience in urban planning, applied social research, and college teaching. Executive Director of Causa Justa: Just Cause, Maria Poblet has worked more than a decade in community organizing for racial and economic justice in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is passionate about building an internationalist social movement, and does that work through the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, and various independent left projects. Her blog, “Todo El Pueblo Al Sueño!” is on Maria Poblet Asher Platts Mike Podhorzer Asher Platts is an activist in Portland, Maine where he hosted his own online site called The Punk Patriot. Platts founded the University Student Activists (U.S.A.). He also consulted for many third party campaigns, which led him to run for State Senate in Maine during the 2012 election. His current work is within the Occupy movement in Maine and at the University of Southern Maine. National Political Director Jerry Policoff Research Director, Healthcare for All Pennsylvania Organizer; Lancaster County Peace and Justice Coalition Organizer; Lancaster-based Progressives for Pennsylvania Board member and Chair of Research Committee; Op Ed News Editorial Board Thomas Ponniah Andrew Pollack Gareth Porter Julia Posca Charles Post Dr. Thomas Ponniah is an Affiliate of the David Rockefeller Centre for Latin American Studies and an Associate of the Department of African and AfricanAmerican Studies at Harvard University. He is the co-editor of "Another World is Possible: popular alternatives to globalization at the World Social Forum"(Zed books 2003) and The Revolution in Venezuela"(Harvard University Press 2011). Gareth Porter is an independent investigative journalist and historian specializing on U.S. foreign and military policy. He has been a regular contributor to Inter Press Service since 2004. He was Co-Director of the Indochina Resource Center during the Vietnam War and later taught at American University and City College of New York. He is the author of three books on Vietnam, including Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam. Charles Post is professor of sociology at CUNY's Borough of Manhattan Community College. He is the author of The American Road to Capitalism, Haymarket, 2012) as well as the essay 'What is left of Leninism? New European left parties in historical perspective' in the 2103 Socialist Register. He is the producer of Whispers of Revolution and an earlier documentary film Dystopia: What is to be done? As well as an author of the boo by the same name. He is also author of TheBet: truth, In Science, Literature and Everyday Knowledges, The Philosophy of Social Science: New Perspectives. He is also coeditor of After Postmodernism. He is an Associate Professor oif the Sociology Department of Wilfrid Laurier University. Garry Potter Will Potter Will Potter is an award-winning journalist, author, and public speaker who has become a leading authority on the animal rights and environmental movements, and civil liberties post-9/11. His reporting and commentary have appeared in media outlets including Rolling Stone, Mother Jones, The Los Angeles Times, The Vermont Law Review, and The Washington Post. He frequently is a guest on television and radio programs, including NPR, Pacifica Radio, RT, ArteTV, and Democracy Now. Ralph Poynter Born in Western Pennsylvania, the son of a union organizer. I remained true to the principles of unionism as founding member of the UFT. I continued supporting true union principles when the UFT joined management by supporting the racist Central Board of Education in NYC against the community. After leaving jail, I supported Lynne Stewart in her lifelong struggle against the double standard so often practiced in the U.S. injustice system pasts and present. Nick Potts Nick Potts is Professor of Economics in the Faculty of Business, Sport and Enterprise of Southampton Solent University, England. He is interested in how to apply Marx’s analysis of the inner workings of capitalism to the economic issues of today, including globalisation, the environment, the Euro, knowledgebased production and understanding the current credit crunch/recession/crisis. Andrew Pragacz Wayne Price SUNY Binghamton Sociology Department PhD student with research interests including the language(s) of neoliberalism, and the political economy of fracking. Writer for The People's Press newspaper in Binghamton NY Long time activist and writer from the 60s to today, in labor, human rights, and antiwar movements, involved in a series of revolutionary libertarian socialist organizations. Most recently, author of 'The Value of Radical Theory: An Anarchist Introduction to Marx's Critique of Political Economy.' Catarina Príncipe Catarina Príncipe has followed a very eclectic path over the last years: from the student movements in Portugal, passing through the LGBT-Feminist scene, and dedicating herself since 2007 to the struggle against precarity. She took part in the organization of mass mobilizations against austerity. She is a member of the anti-precarity organization "Precários Inflexíveis" and of the left party in Portugal "Bloco de Esquerda." She currently lives in Berlin. Kevin Prosen is a chapter leader in the UFT and an organizer in the Movement if Rank-and-File Educators. He was a candidate for the UFT executive board on the MORE slate in the 2013 elections. Kevin Prosen Laurel Ptak Laurel Ptak is curator at Tensta Konsthall and teaches in the Art, Media and Technology department at The New School. Recent projects include: To Have and To Owe, an exhibition and lecture series realized with artists, theorists and activists that considers debt’s aesthetic and affective dimensions as part of its economic register. Ptak is co-editor of the book Undoing Property (Sternberg Press) which explores artistic practices in relationship to immaterial production and political economy. Dave Publow Dave Publow is an experienced antifracking activist and organizer with Occupy the Pipeline in NYC. He previously served as an organizer and board member with United for Action. David Pugh Eugene Puryear Tahir Qazi David Pugh is a distinguished graduate fellow in the sociology department at the University of California, Riverside. His research interests include globalization, postmodernity, the rise of authoritarian regimes, transnational social movements, global warming, climate justice, and the collapse of complex societies. As a resident of New York City from 2007 to 2012, David was an active participant in numerous street demonstrations including the Occupy Wall Street encampment at Zuccotti Park. Eugene Puryear is a Howard University graduate, human rights activist, member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) and Answer Coalition. He was the vice-presidential nominee for the Party for Socialism and Liberation in 2008 Dr. Tahir Qazi was born and raised in Pakistan currently living in the US. He is a Neurophysiologist and Neuromuscular Disease specialist. He is a freelance writer and a public speaker. His areas of interest range from fundamentalism, political economy and human rights. Autumn Quezada-Grant Autumn Quezada-Grant is an Assistant Professor of History. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi in 2010, in Latin American History. Among her other projects, Professor QuezadaGrant is currently working on a book project entitled Seasons of Discontent: Life, Labor and Litigation amongst Indians and Ladinos in Chiapas, Mexico, 18321911. She loves to teach and travel and has a study abroad course in El Salvador. Tristan facilitates the Land and Resource Reform team of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance. He has an M.A. in Political Philosophy, The New School for Social Research and a B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science, University of Maine. He has written on numerous issues related to land and food sovereignty. Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau Radack is a former ethics adviser to the US Dept. of Justice who came to prominence as a whistleblower after she disclosed that the (FBI) committed an ethics violation in their interrogation of John Walker Lindh (the "American Taliban" captured during the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan) without an attorney present, and that the Dept.of Justice attempted to suppress that information. The Lindh case was the first major terrorism prosecution after 9/11. Jesselyn Radack Adam Quinn Adam Quinn has been involved in anarchist projects for several years and studies anarchist history and theory at Hampshire College. Adam is currently writing on the history of immigrant anarchism in the United States and on the relationship between police and austerity. Roberto Ragone has over twenty-five years’ experience in government and nonprofits. Roberto worked for the NYC Council and the NYC Mayor's Office. Roberto served as publicist for FIERI, an organization of young professionals promoting Italian culture. Roberto Ragone Ted Rall M V Ramana Ted Rall is the author of more than 15 books, including "To Afghanistan and Back," "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East," and the "AntiAmerican Manifesto." He produces editorial cartoons and writes a column for syndication. He is also a war correspondent, and was an organizer for Occupy the East End. M. V. Ramana is with the Program on Science and Global Security at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University and the author of The Power of Promise: Examining Nuclear Energy in India (Penguin 2012). Family of Ramarley Graham Max Rameau is a Haitian born PanAfrican theorist, campaign strategist, organizer, author, and co-founder of the organization Take Back the Land (TBTL). In October 2007, TBTL initiated a bold campaign that sparked a national movement: "liberating" vacant government owned and foreclosed homes and moving homeless families into them. Rameau is currently working on his second book, to be published by AK Press. Family of Ramarley Graham, killed in his home in the Bronx on February 2, 2012, by the NYPD. Benjamin Ramos Benjamin Ramos Rosado is a coordinator of The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign (a campaign dedicated to the release of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners), The Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5 (a campaign dedicated to the release of the Cuban 5), a radio journalist with WBAI, and a blogger. Benjamin is also a member of the Venceremos Brigade and has traveled with them and participated in the Travel challenge for times. Max Rameau Yasmin Ramirez Yasmin Ramirez Ph.D. is an art historian and independent curator. Growing up during heyday of the Alternative Art Space Movement in New York, Yasmin Ramirez has worked at Taller Boricua, El Museo Del Barrio, The Studio Museum, The New Museum, Art in General, and Alternative Museum, Franklin Furnance and the East Village Eye. She is currently writing a book based on her dissertation: Nuyorican Vanguards: The Puerto Rican Art Movement in New York. Katt Ramos Joe Ramsey is an educator, activist, writer, and editor residing in the Boston area. He is co-editor of Cultural Logic: an electronic journal of marxist theory and practice, , and has been a contributor to The Boston Occupier newspaper, to journals such as Radical Teacher, Socialism and Democracy, and newsletters and Dissident Voice. He is currently at work on a volume on "Social Movements and Scholasticism." He can be reached at [email protected]. Joe Ramsey Sheldon Ranz is a software consultant, free-lance writer and activist with the Sex Workers Outreach Project - NYC. His writings for Jewish Currents, Shmate and New Politics and his WBAI radio programs have explored the connections between the sex industry and prophetic Jewish dissent. He was a film critic for Adult Video News (1990-1997) and sponsored porn star Nina Hartley's appearances at the Socialist Scholars Conference (1991, 1994). Sheldon Ranz M.A. in Class and Gender/Economic Development, New School Graduate Faculty,1990.Taught labor studies at Empire State College, NY, and U.of W,Seattle. Developed women’s, minority and labor studies curriculum for NYC Public Schools. Cited in Feminists Who Changed America:1963-1975;co-founded women’s centers in Seattle and Denver, produced Pacifica lesbian feminist radio show; organizer for the J P Stevens Boycott. Currently works on GI Rights Hotline, counter recruitment, Dailykos Peg Rapp Norma Rantisi Norma Rantisi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. Her research centres on local economic development and the restructuring of mature industries, such as apparel. Virginia Rasmussen Michael Ratner Virginia Rasmussen is a principal with POCLAD, the Program on Corporations, Law and Democracy and cofounded the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom’s Corporations v. Democracy campaign. She directed the Education Program at the New Alchemy Institute on Cape Cod and the Environmental Studies Program at Alfred University. She serves as a trustee on the Village Board of Trustees, Alfred, NY. Rajeev Ravisankar Rajeev Ravisankar is a writer and activist based in Ohio. Partho Sarathi Ray Partho Sarathi Ray is one of the cofounders of Sanhati. Sanhati was created in 2006 to resist neoliberalization in the Indian state of West Bengal and to provide a voice for the spirit of dissent that had been sparked by the anti-land acquisition struggles in Singur and Nandigarm. Struggle against corporate capital and upholding democratic rights of people are the primary objectives of Sanhati, along with our participation in the search for alternatives. Laura Raymond Janet Razbadouski Helen Redmond Betsy Reed Laura Raymond is the Advocacy Program Manager for CCR’s International Human Rights docket. Since 2008 she has coordinated CCR's advocacy work on a broad range of international human rights issues. Her work mostly focuses on the international impact of U.S. policies, corporations and individuals and on building strategies for change in solidarity with impacted communities. Laura holds an MA in Service, Leadership, and Management, with a focus on Policy Advocacy, from SIT Graduate Institute. Janet Razbadouski is an energy engineer and environmental activist in Iowa City, IA. Helen Redmond has written extensively on the war on drugs from Afghanistan to Mexico to the United States. She is a drug policy reporter for and writes frequently on the war on drugs for She recently returned from Afghanistan. Author and Executive Editor of The Nation. Dr. J. Ward Regan Dr. J. Ward Regan teaches history and philosophy at NYU. He has a chapter “Thomas Paine: life during wartime” in the upcoming anthology Experiencing the French Revolution, (SVEC, Oxford Univ.2013) and an article on Transportation in the forthcoming Encyclopedia of the Civil War (ABC-CLIO 2014) and his next book, as editor and contributor, Great Books Written in Prison will be published by McFarland Press. He was the first president of UAW 7902 the adjunct faculty union at NYU and the New School. Jan Rehmann Jan Rehmann, Dr. phil. habil, Visiting Professor for Critical Theory and Social Analysis at Union Theological Seminary in New York, lecturer at the Free University in Berlin; co-editor of the HistoricalCritical Dictionary of Marxism (HKWM); books on theories of ideology, postmodernist Neo-Nietzscheanism, Max Weber's theory of modernization, Pedagogy of the Poor, the Churches in Nazi Germany. Fitz Reid Fitz Reid is president of the Health Services Employees Local 768 in AFSCME District Council 37. Born in Jamaica, he worked at the local fire department and became a shop steward and national organizer for the Jamaica Association of Local Government Officers. Emigrating to the United States in 1983, Reid has a bachelor's from the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies at SUNY Empire State College, where he is an adjunct instructor, and a masters from Hunter College. Gabriela Rendon Gerardo Renique Gabriela Rendon is a Mexican-Dutch architect, urban planner and co-founder of Cohabitation Strategies, an international non-profit cooperative for socio-spatial research, design and development based in Rotterdam and New York City. Gabriela’s work combines research and practice at different scales focusing on urban design, strategies and processes counteracting conditions produced by market driven urbanization. Gerardo Renique is Associate Professor of HIstory at CCNY, CUNY. Born 1938 in Detroit. His Italian parents imparted to him a working-class identity, a sense of social justice, a belief in the possibility of social change, a commitment to democracy, and a hatred of the undemocratic ruling class. He embraced socialism in his early teens, during the McCarthy era, and has remained committed to that vision. He practices law and is part of the radical community in Detroit. Ron Reosti Jean-Guy Rens TBD Representative Jen Guy Rens, Canadian historian and writer, author of "Vlady: de Revolucion al Renacimiento, la vida y la obra de Vlady, pintor mexicano" (Mexico, Siglo XXI, 2005), is Vice President of the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) and an independent research and management consultant in the information and communications technology domain. Emily Reynolds Emily Reynolds is an organizer with the Occupy movement and Street School Collective. Throughout 2012 she studies the impacts and uses of social media in revolutionary movements with Street School Collective and plans to provide free training in community organizing and direct action throughout 2013. John Reynolds John Reynolds has been a peace, social justice, and social ecology activist for over four decades. He has been a Green Party activist and organizer since 2001, and is active in several local community organizations, especially the South Bronx Community Congress. John Reynolds was and remains an Occupy Wall Street participant. Florence M. Rice Ms. Rice has spent 7 decades in struggle against violent USA racist oppressions.She is a Jamaican immigrant.She was blacklisted and forced out of the workforce when she bulked against an order by her employer not to testify on behalf of Cong. Adam Clayton Powell.Since 1980's she has worked against racist practices in housing and in the food industry. Keith Richards Keith J. Richards is a multi-facetted artist and a graduate of The University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. His works include, “The Exclusive Preview,” “Katharsis”, “WKJR FM V1,” and a book “Animated Poems Volume 1.” His music can be heard at and his book can be ordered at He is the founder and owner of Animated Life, LLC and a member of the O-Team, the East Brooklyn Poets, and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. Deborah Richter Dr. Deborah Richter practices primary care and addiction medicine in Vermont. She is a past president of Physicians for a National Health Program, and currently serves as president of Vermont Health Care for All. Cecilia Rio Andrea Ritchie Karl Riukas Cecilia Rio, an associate professor of women’s and gender studies at Towson University in Maryland, is an interdisciplinary scholar who received her doctorate in economics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in May 2001. Her academic work focuses on the intersection of race, gender, class and domestic labor. Her publications have appeared in Rethinking Marxism and Critical Sociology. Eloy Rivas Sánchez Eloy Sánchez is a PhD student in Sociology and Political Economy at Carleton University. He also works with Mexican and Canadian organizations that are engaged in the struggles against privatization and commodification of the commons in Mexico, such as Red de Solidaridad Zapatista-Canada, Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra, and Mexican Migrant Workers against Deportations (MUR). Martin RIvlin Specialist in Maoist theory and politics Patrick Robbins Patrick Robbins is a Brooklyn based educator and activist. He's worked with Occupy the Pipeline, the Sustainability Working Group,, Sane Energy Project and others. He received his MA in Climate and Society from Columbia University and works at the Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design. He has performed his workshop "The Climate Apocalypse, with Booze and Cookies" at several venues around NYC, and is keenly interested in the intersection of capitalist culture and climate change. Hiram Rivera Hiram Rivera is the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Student Union. Hiram Rivera is a native of New Haven, CT, a father, an activist, and an organizer. He most recently served as Youth Organizing Coordinator at the Urban Youth Collaborative in New York City. He is on the board of Teachers Unite. Pascal Robert Michael Roberto Kirstin Roberts Diana Robinson Annie Robinson With a J.D. from Boston University, Pascal Robert is a blogger and online activist whose parents fled Haiti in the mid 1960's from the oppression of Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier. Born and raised in NYC, he has been on online radio discussing Haitian history and issues facing Haitian people. Michael Joseph Roberto teaches contemporary world history and the history of socialism at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Recent publications include “Crisis, Revolution, and the Meaning of Progress: The Poverty of Philosophy and its Contemporary Relevance” (Cultural Logic, 2009) and “Moment of Transition: Structural Crisis and the Case for a Democratic Socialist Party” (with G. Meyerson, J. Essex and J. Noonan in Cultural Logic, 2010). Kirstin Roberts, early childhood teacher, Chicago Public Schools Jeffrey Robinson Robert Robinson Miguel Robles-Duran Leonard Rodberg Jeffrey A. Robinson, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Management and Global Business: Rutgers. Founder Center for Urban Entrepreneurship & Economic Development interdisciplinary venue for innovative thinking and research on entrepreneurial activity and economic development in urban environments. Research: impact of practices and entrepreneurship on societal issues; community and economic development issues for urban areas globally. Recipient: Aspen Institute’s Social Impact Faculty Pioneer Award. Leonard Rodberg, Ph.D., is Professor and Chair of Urban Studies at Queens College/CUNY. Along with his late wife, Joanne Lukomnik, he was one of the founders of Physicians for a National Health Program. He has been involved in the struggle for health care reform since 1974, when he led the development of the Dellums Health Service Act. He is Treasurer and Research Director of PNHPNY Metro. He also created and directs the Inforshare Community Data website ( Russell Rockwell Russell Rockwell has taught sociology at Fordham and St. John’s Universities. He has published articles on Critical Theory and Marxist-Humanism. He is the coeditor (with Kevin Anderson) of the volume published last year of the correspondence between Raya Dunayevskaya and Herbert Marcuse and Erich Fromm during the years 1954-1978. Julio Rodriguez Julio César Rodríguez is a community journalist with 15 years of experience working in community media and giving political workshops for young people. He lives in the city of Maturín in the state of Monagas in Venezuela, and holds workshops on political affairs, communications and public speaking in his community. He is a member of Radio El Comunitario FM, a community radio station in his city. Eleanor Rodgers Eleanor Rodgers is a founding member of Occupy Kensington and a long-time Socialist Alternative activist. Hernan Rodriguez Hernán Rodríguez-Burgos has been a graduate student and laborer within the state of NY for the past nine years. During this period, he has been involved in various educational activities which led him to the topic of "economic development policies". His aim is to try to present a portrait of the mechanisms through which governments justify "job creation activities" by way of neoliberalinfluenced economic development policies which typically seem to come at the cost/expense of taxpayers. Belinda Rodriguez Jairo Rodriguez Hernandez Belinda Rodriguez graduated from New York University in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies. She became engaged in climate justice activism after participating in the 2011 White House sit-ins against the Keystone XL pipeline. Belinda currently works to support campus fossil fuel divestment campaigns in NYC as an organizing fellow for Heather Rogers Heather Rogers is a journalist and author. She has written for the New York Times Magazine, Mother Jones, and The Nation. Her first book, Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage, traces the history and politics of household rubbish in the United States. Green Gone Wrong: How Our Economy Is Undermining the Environmental Revolution, her latest book, takes a critical, on-the-ground look at popular market-based solutions to ecological destruction. Roy Rogers Roy Rogers is a PhD candidate at the CUNY Graduate Center. He studies religion in the early American republic. Peter Roman Extensive research and written about Cuban Government. I am currently analyzing the case of Gerardo Hernandez, one of the Cuban Five. I am a member of the editorial board of Socialism and Democracy, where I coedited two volumes on Cuba with articles by Cuban authors. I teach political science at Hostos Community College of the City University of New York Natassa Romanou Richard Roman Natassa Romanou is research faculty in Global Climate Change, Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography at Columbia University. She has authored more than 20 scientific papers in peerreviewed journals and co-authored a book. She has served as a reviewer of European Union Projects FP-7 as well as U.S. projects and is a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change Assessment Report (to be published later in 2013). She is an active member of SYRIZA-New York. left activist in the US in the '60s and Canada since then. Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto and Fellow of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean at York University Nancy Romer is co-founder and Chair of the Governance Board of the Brooklyn Food Coalition. She is a professor of Psychology at Brooklyn College. Nancy Romer René Ropac René Ropac is a PhD student in Sociology at Temple University. His main focus revolves around urbanization, globalization, and political sociology. Born and raised in Austria, he is interested in political and social movements in Austria and other “core” countries. He is currently researching a newly emerging political party/movement in Austria, the economic and political causes for its success, the social composition of its supporters, and its social and political implications. Ovidio Roque Ninotchka Rosca Fred Rosen First Secretary, Cuban Mission to the United Nations Ninotchka Rosca is AF3IRM's national adviser. She's been a lifelong activist for human and women's rights, for national liberation and independence. She is a novelist, a journalist and a political analyst. She has 7 books published. Fred Rosen is the editor of NACLA Report on the Americas. He has been associated with NACLA, as editor, director and/or board member since 1992. Between stints at NACLA, he has worked as a journalist in Mexico. Henry D. Rose is currently the statewide coordinator for the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance. Mr. Rose was lead organizer for SEIU 1199 New Jersey. He is chair and founder of Blacks for Social Justice, the publisher of Chin Check newsletter, and a member of People’s Organization for Progress. He is a regular contributor to “The Black Agenda Report.” Henry Rose Corinne Rosen has been a community organizer in several different capacities for 10 years. She has worked on political campaigns - both large and small - as organizer and manager. For about the last 2-3 years, Corinne has been with Food and Water Watch, organizing to keep fracking out of New York State, amongst other environmental efforts, such as the preservation and availability of local, healthful food. Corinne Rosen David Rosen David Rosen writes the blog column, “Media Current,” for Filmmaker magazine and regularly contributes articles to AlterNet, CounterPunch, Huffington Post and The Brooklyn Rail. He is the author Sex Scandal America: Politics & the Ritual of Public Shaming (Key Publishing) and contributed the chapter, “Sexual Politics in the Age of Obama: Assessing Obama’s First Term,” for Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion, ed. Jeffrey St. Clair, AK Press. Martha Rosler works in video, photography, text, installation, and performance. Her work deals with the separation of the public and private sphere, exploring issues from everyday life and the media to architecture and the built environment. Rosler has exhibited and published widely on an international scale. Rosler lives and works in Brooklyn. Martha Rosler Andrew Ross Andrew Ross is a professor of social and cultural analysis at New York University. His latest book is Bird on Fire: Lessons from the World’s Least Sustainable City (Oxford University Press, 2011). He is also a member of the OWS Strike Debt Assembly. Dr. Suzanne Ross International spokesperson for International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal; longtime international solidarity activist. Carne Ross Sal Rosselli Kate Rossiter Carne Ross is a former British diplomat who resigned in 2004 over the Iraq War. He founded the world's first non-profit diplomatic advisory group, Independent Diplomat, which advises marginalized countries and groups around the world. He is heavily involved in Occupy Wall Street, and writes about world affairs and alternate systems of organizing. His new book is called, "The Leaderless Revolution: how ordinary people will take power and change politics in the 21st century.” Sal Rosselli is the President of the National Union of Healthcare Workers, which is affiliated with the California Nurses Association. Before co-founding NUHW, for decades, he led SEIU United Healthcare Workers West and helped build it into the second largest healthcare workers' union in the country. He is now leading NUHW-CNA to build a democratic, member-led union that puts members first. Sal has been active in Kate Rossiter received her MA in Performance Studies (NYU) and her PhD from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (University of Toronto). Her research explores the intersection of health research and theatre, creative approaches to teaching the social determinants of health, and the impact of neoliberalism and the knowledge economy on daily and bodily practices. Methodologically, Kate’s work moves between practical and critical explorations of performance and health research. David Rouge MA, Urban Affairs, director of rental assistance for homeless adults at New York City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Member, New York chapter of the Ernest Becker Foundation. He has organized symposiums on the topics of violence, psychology and religion for the Foundation. Has expertise in the fields of housing development, energy conservation, and in supportive housing for homeless disabled individuals. Christina Rousseau Christina Rousseau is a PhD candidate based at York University in Toronto, Canada. Her dissertation looks at the Wages for Housework campaigns in Italy and Canada, investigating the debates about housework in these campaigns against the backdrop of the broader social, political, economic and cultural climate of the 1960s and 1970s. Connected to the issue of housework, she explores the way in which this feminist movement was central to fights for access to abortion, welfare, and child care. Marty Rowland Linda Rousseau Ursula Rozum Patrick Roxberry Ron Rubin Jarvis Rucker Along with Messrs Arena and Howells, Dr. Rowland is a founding member of the public housing grassroots support organization known as C3, in New Orleans, Louisiana. For over nine years, C3 members challenged, served time in jail for protesting, and delayed the privatization of public housing in this southern US city. Marty is of the school of common property resource management advanced by the late Nobel Economics Laureate Elinor Ostrom. Dr. Rowland is adjunct professor at Pace University. Ursula Rozum was the 28 year old Green Party candidate for Congress in New York's 24th District in 2012. She won 8% of the vote in a close race where both the Democrat and the Republican spent over $5 million. The Democrat won with 49%. Rozum works at the Syracuse Peace Council. She has a BA in Political Science and Latin American Literature from McGill University in Montreal, Canada, speaks English, Polish, Spanish and French, and can fix a flat bike tire in under 5 minutes. Long time peace activist, helpful to veterans in Lehigh Valley, including Veterans Sanctuary project. Ron has a B.A. in Philosophy from Brooklyn College and is the owner of a small business in Manhattan for about 40 years. He has studied economics for the last forty years. Anja Rudiger Anja Rudiger, Ph.D., is Director of Programs at the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI), based in New York City. Anja works with grassroots groups across the United States to develop human rights strategies and tools to advance social and economic justice, particularly in the areas of health care and budget/revenue policies. Her previous experience includes roles at the British Refugee Council and the UK Secretariat of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. Catherine Ruetschlin Catherine Ruetschlin is a policy analyst at DEMOS and the author of the November, 2012 report: Retail's Hidden Potential -How Raising Wages Would Benefit Workers, the Industry and the Overall Economy -- among many other studies. Allen Ruff Allen Ruff is a US historian and an independent writer on foreign policy issues. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin. Peter Rugh Peter Rugh is an independent reporter based in Brooklyn, New York. He has covered the environmental movement for Free Speech Radio News and Pete has also contributed to other outlets, include Vice, Alternet, Truthout and CounterPunch. Jon Rynn Bryan Sacks Malcolm Sacks Sharmin Sadequee Karly Safar Jon Rynn is author of the book, "Manufacturing Green Prosperity: The power to rebuild the American middle class", and has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the CUNY Graduate Center. He worked for many years with the late Professor Seymour Melman, and has blogged for the Roosevelt Institute, Grist, and Alternet. His website is Bryan Sacks is an instructor of Philosophy at Drexel University and a Doctoral Student in the Journalisma and Media Studies department at the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University. Venceremos Brigade member. Sharmin Sadequee is the Director of Prison and Family Committee for NCPCF. She is the sister of Ehsanul “Shifa” Sadequee, who was unjustly targeted by the US government and persecuted for his religious beliefs and is currently held in the Communication Management Unit in Marion, Illinois. She has been speaking out against the injustices that her brother and family and other Muslim families have experienced at the hands of the US government. Karly Safar is a member of United Campus Workers-CWA, Local 3865, employed at the University of TennesseeKnoxville. Maliha Safri is an assistant professor in the economics department at Drew University, and has taught and published on political economy and migration, with articles in Signs, the Middle East Journal, and most recently a piece in Economist's Voice "The Economics of Occupation." She has been involved with popular education seminars & activist courses for twelve years with the Center For Popular Economics, based at the UMass in Amherst, & has been active with worker cooperatives in New Jersey & New York. Maliha Safri Yusef Salaam Alex is a core organizer for the international campaign to Stop the JNF, as well as film documentarian of Palestinian testimony against the JNF. Wrongfully convicted in the so-called "Central Park jogger case," Yusef sits on the board of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty, the advisory board for the Learn My History Foundation, and is the inspiration for People United for Children. Maria (Josie) Saldana-Portillo Director of the Gender and Sexuality Studies at NYU, Josie Saldana has written extensively on the Nicaraguan revolution. Her scholarship focuses on Latina/o cultural studies, development and globalization studies, comparative race in the Americas, and 20th century revolutionary thought and literature of the Americas. Josie is the author of "The Revolutionary Imagination in the Americas and the Age of Development", published by Duke University Press. Alex Safron Fabiola Salek Josefa Salmon Preeti Sampat Jose Sanchez Joseph Sanchez Lynn Sanchez Chair - Department of Foreign Languages, Humanities & ESL Associate Professor and Coordinator of Women's Studies Research Fellow at John Jay College Vicepresident, CUNY Council on World Language Study School of Arts and Sciences York College, CUNY Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Loyola University New Orleans, 1986-present. My research interests are Indigenous texts, Bolivian film and Marxism and Indian movements. I have published most recently: DECIR NOSOTROS en la encrucijada del pensamiento indianista", and many articles on Bolivia, indigeneity, and film. Author of several books and articles; active in Latino politics for decades; member of the board of several prominent Latino organizations; wellknown scholar-activist in urban affairs, housing policy, Latino politics and American politics. Lisa Sánchez González Lisa Sánchez González is a professor and scholar. She received her PhD from UCLA in 1995 and is the author of Boricua Literature (NYU Press, 2001) and The Stories I Read to the Children: The Life and Writing of Pura Belpré (Centro Press, 2013). She also has over a decade of production credits in news and public affairs community-based radio stations in the US. Among her awards and nominations she was honored with an international appointment as a Fulbright Scholar in American Studies in 2000. Joan Sangster Joan Sangster is professor of Gender and Women's Studies at Trent University. One of the North America's leading feminist labor historians, she is the coauthor (with Meg Luxton) of 'Feminism, co-optation and the problems of amnesia: a response to Nancy Fraser' is the 2013 Socialist Register. Kimberly Sarabia Kim Sarabia is a Filipina American feminist and organizer. She has held support and leadership roles in various social justice organizations for over six years. She has been devoted to transnational women’s issues, weaving together the intersections of migration, gender, and labor. Stephen Sarma-Weierman Gina Sartori Stephen Sarma-Weierman is an M. Div. student at Union Theological Seminary, pursuing ordination in the United Church of Christ. He is passionate about queer rights, human and non-human animal rights, education reform, and overcoming capitalism. Quincy Saul is a writer, organizer and musician. He is a columnist for Capitalism Nature Socialism and a co-founder, writer and organizer for Ecosocialist Horizons. He is the co-editor of Maroon the Implacable: The Collected Writings of Russell Maroon Shoatz, co-published by PM Press. He is the author of Reflections of Crisis: The Great Depression and the 21st Century (2010), and the co-producer of The Music of Cal Massey. He is a columnist for The Africa Report and his articles have been published by numerous online outlets including Narco News and Area Chicago. He is a member of Scientific Soul Sessions. Quincy Saul Alain Savard Alain Savard is a post-graduate student in political science at University of Quebec in Montreal. He's been involved in the student movement since the 2005 student strike. During the 2012 student strike, he was on the executive council of a local student union and on the executive of CLASSE from May to September. Jeremy Sawyer Kelly Saxberg Jeremy Scahill Josh Scannell Albert Scharenberg Danny Schechter Jeremy Sawyer is a school psychologist, an activist, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Developmental Psychology at the CUNY Graduate Center. Kelly Saxberg is a film producer, director and editor who has worked on over 80 films. She was the writer, director of Under The Red Star, a docu-drama about the left in Canada. She was producer, camera and editor for Hard Time and In Security. She is the director of Letters from Karelia and Rosies of the North produced by the NFB. Albert Scharenberg is Co-Director of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung—New York office. He has taught Political Science and History at the Free University Berlin and worked as a staff journalist at the German monthly “Blaetter fuer deutsche und internationale Politik”. His latest book publication is a biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. His most recent Englishlanguage publication is The Sound of Berlin: Subculture and the Global Music Industry, in: IJURR 34 (1). Rebecca Schein completed a Ph.D. from the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and now teaches in the Human Rights Program at Carleton University’s Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies. Her research examines the normative dimensions of “citizenship,” “community membership” and “publics,” with particular focus on the political and pedagogical work these concepts support in social movement contexts. She has a recent piece in Social Movement Studies and is an editor of Studies in Political Economy. Rebecca Schein Tim Schermerhorn is a rank-and-file train operator and organizer in Transport Workers Union Local 100 for more than 30 years. He is a former vice president of the local and former vice chairman of train operators, Labor Notes Policy Committee, Working USA Board. He is also a founding member of Black Workers Rank and File Network. Tim Schermerhorn Abby Scher Abby Scher is a sociologist and journalist who writes frequently about economic justice issues. She is a former coeditor of Dollars and Sense magazine. Elias Schewel Elias Schewel is a geographer, environmental planner and activist from Philadelphia. His work experience has ranged from urban forestry and green infrastructure planning in New York City, to mapping land ownership in Detroit's neighborhoods and West Virginia's counties. He has a undergraduate degree in urban studies from the Gallatin School of Individualized Study and a Masters in Urban Planning from the University of Michigan. Naomi Schiller Naomi Schiller is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Temple University. She has been doing research on Venezuelan media production and reception since 1999. Her research and teaching focus on the anthropology of media, ethnographic film, the state, and social movements in Latin America. Dr. Schiller is completing a manuscript entitled Televising the Revolution: Community Media, Liberalism, and the State in Venezuela. Jeff Schlesinger Jeff Schlesinger is a student of the monetary system. He has worked on Wall Street as a computer programmer for several financial institutions. He currently works as a social worker. Jeff got his B.S. from Long Island University and his MSW from Adelphi University. Sarah Schulman Luz Schreiber is an organizer with SEIU and Civic Education Coordinator for the Right to the City Alliance. She formerly worked with North West Bronx Clergy Coalition, and on SLAM’s open admissions campaign and other projects between 1998 and 2000. Co-founder of Ollin Imagination (a cultural circle of resistance of parents, artists, students, and educators of colour), Luz is a creative writing major and Hunter Student Union organizer. Sarah Schulman is the author of 16 books, most recently Israel/Palestine and the Queer International, The Gentrification of The Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination and Ties That Bind: Familial Homophobia and Its Consequences. Jason Schulman Jason Schulman is Adjunct Assistant Professor of political science at Lehman College in the Bronx. He is on the editorial boards of "Democratic Left" and "New Politics" and is a member of Democratic Socialists of America. He is the editor of the forthcoming book from Palgrave Macmillan, "Rosa Luxemburg: Her Life and Legacy." Luz Schreiber Alan Schulman retired after 35 years inside public education as English/Humanities Teacher; Founding Academic Administrator, Umoja Unity HS, The Door; Special Projects, Office of Teaching and Learning, DoE at Tweed. Schulman has been an Activist with People Against Racism in Education, Directed The International Bridges Project; and, in 2012, coordinated The Student Rights Handbook Project. Schulman has consulted on Alternative Ed Models with Ministries of Education in Santo Domingo, Zimbabwe, Cuba and Europe Michael Schwartz is professor and chair of sociology at Stony Brook University. His scholarship focuses on social movements, political processes and economic dynamics. His most recent book, War Without End, analyzed the impact of the 10-year U.S. occupation of Iraq on political, economic, and social processes in Iraqi society, and on the changing dynamics of the indigenous resistance. He has been an active participant in various social movements starting in the 1960s. Michael Schwartz Professor Emeritus, Howard University (biogeochemistry, environmental scientist, PhD, Brown University). He is an active member of the DC Statehood Green Party/Green Party of the United States. His website with his older son is Publications include: Life, Temperature and the Earth (2002, Columbia Univ. Press) and several recent papers in CNS. David Schwartzman Katherine Sciacchitano Joseph M. Schwartz is the author of The Permanence of the Political and The Future of Democratic Equality (which won the 2011 American Political Science Association award for the best book in political theory). Schwartz is a leader of his AFT local and a National Vice-Chair of Democratic Socialists of America. He frequently spoke at Occupy Philly teachins. Sophie Schwoerer is the Vice Chair Person of MEDHIN, Ethiopian Democratic Party and a member of the Communications Committee of the NJ BlueWave. Sophie Schwoerer is a Budget and Political Analyst, and an advocate for women rights and a Human rights activist. Katherine Sciacchitano is a former labor lawyer and organizer and presently a professor at the National Labor College, Washington, D.C. Kim Scipes Kim Scipes is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Purdue University North Central in Westville, Indiana, USA. A longtime labor activist in the US, Scipes has been challenging AFL-CIO foreign policy since 1986, and his book, AFL-CIO's Secret War against Developing Country Workers: Solidarity or Sabotage? was published by Lexington Books in 2010, with a paperback edition issued in 2011. Joseph M. Schwartz Sophie Schwoerer Greg Scott Greg Scott is a sociologist, holding the position of associate professor at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. There he teaches ethnographic documentary film production, photographic/visual sociology, drug use and abuse, and public health and high risk behavior. He is executive director at Sawbuck Productions inspiring social change through film, photography, and sound. Jerome Scott was a labor organizer in Detroit auto plants in the 1960s-70s, and a community organizer, popular educator and author in the South since the 1970s. He is a founding member and former director of Project South: Institute for the Elimination of Poverty & Genocide in Atlanta, GA. He serves on the National Planning Committee of the U.S. Social Forum, is active in Grassroots Global Justice and other social justice movement organizations, including the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Jerome Scott T.M. Scruggs Until recently T.M. Scruggs was the token ethnomusicology professor at the University of Iowa. His primary research focus is on the use of music to construct social identity in the Americas. From 2005 to 2007 he lived in Venezuela, where he taught at the Universidad de los Andes in Mérida, and researched music, cultural politics and community media. Hamideh Sedghi, Ph.D. is a Visiting Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, Brooklyn College, CUNY. Author of Women and Politics in Iran: Veiling, Unveiling and Reveiling. Cambridge University Press Reza Ghorashi, PhD. Professor of Economics and Coordinator of International Studies Minor at Stockton College of NJ. Hamid Zangeneh, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Widener University and editor of Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis. Hamideh Sedghi Joel Segal Until recently a Senior Legislative Assistant to Rep. John Conyers and Chair of the Congressional Universal Health Care Task Force, Joel Segal has played a prominent role in building support for HR 676, the single payer "Medicare for All" health care reform bill that Rep. Conyers has promoted as an alternative to Obama Care. He has played a similar role in the development of the Humphrey Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act., which was first introduced in Congress two years ago. Nick Serpe In the last 14 years A.J. Segneri has been an activist, community organizer, political campaigner, and social entrepreneur. His work in the civic and social engagement arena he has worked on on many fronts of struggle as well as help build coalitions and movements. Segneri is the Executive Director for the Foundation for a United Front that is based in both Springfield and Chicago, Illinois. He is also the CoChair for the Green Party of the United States. Ms. Selbovitz is Chair of the Cornell ACTG CAB. She is a member of the AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition (ATAC) and the Campaign to End AIDS (C2EA). She holds a Master’s in Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. Nick Serpe is the web editor at Dissent magazine. Leo Seserko I am professor at the Environmental Protection College at Velenje, Slovenia. As Member of Parliament in Slovenia, I made a proposal to shut down the Krsko nuclear power plant in that country. I participated in the Paris meeting of the Ecosocialist International Network. Javier Sethness Castro Javier Sethness is a libertarian socialist and rights-advocate. He is author of Imperiled Life: Revolution against Climate Catastrophe (AK Press, 2012), and he blogs on various aspects of the crises of capital at Notes Toward an International Libertarian Eco-Socialism ( A.J. Segneri Mariel Selbovitz, MPH Jackie Sewell Al-Tariq Shabazz Stephen Shalom Alex Shams Tamara Shapiro Jackie Sewell is the National Organizer for the Young Democratic Socialists, the youth section of Democratic Socialists of America. In her work, she focuses on building YDS chapters, continuing campaigns for Affordable and Accessible Higher Education, and strengthening relationships with partners and student groups. Since 2008, she has been organizing with YDS on campuses in Kansas and nationally by serving on the Coordinating Committee as a Great Plains Regional Organizer and female Co-Chair. Alex Shams is an Iranian-American graduate student of Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University. His academic research focuses on gender and feminism in Islamist political movements in Iran and the Arab World, and he most recently returned from research in Tehran on women's experiences of increased access to higher education in the 1980s and 90s. He has been involved in anti-war and Palestine solidarity activism for years, including a year working on refugee rights issues in Beirut. Nicky Sheats Kira Shepherd Nicky Sheats, Esq., Ph.D, is Director of the Center for the Urban Environment at the John S. Watson Institute for Public Policy of Thomas Edison State College. He is a founding member of the New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, the only statewide environmental organization that focuses solely on environmental justice issues. Stuart Shields Stuart Shields teaches International Political Economy at the University of Manchester. His research is concerned with critical approaches to international political economy and post-communist transition. He was the convenor of the BISA International Political Economy working group 2008-2011. Together with Werner Bonefeld, Hugo Radice, and Greig Charnock set up the CSE Trans-Pennine Working Group. Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, ER nurse for 30 years, is president of her 2800 member bargaining unit at Montefiore in the Bronx. A long time activist in social justice movements, she’s a founding member of NYSNA’s progressive caucus: "Staffing, Security & Strength" (S-3), that slammed the opposition in the 2012 elections. Judy, with NYSNA leaders and members, is engaged in the bold task of rebuilding the 38,000 member union into an entity capable of challenging the neo-liberal employer agenda. Josh Shmizer Josh is a former student activist at University of Tennessee, where he is now a worker. Joe Shortsleeve Theresa Shoatz is the daughter of Russell Maroon Shoatz and has been a community organizer for over 20 years. Donating her time to the Human Rights Coalition of Philadelphia (HRC FED UP!), Decarcerate Pennsylvania and Scientific Soul Sessions, she has fought tirelessly for her father’s freedom during his two decades in solitary confinement. Student at Columbia, Barnard Columbia Divest member, and member of the National Fossil Fuel Divestment Committee Syeda Nuzhat Siddiqui Syeda Siddiqui is a renowned peace poet in Urdu language. She was born and raised in Pakistan. Currently, she lives in Toronto, Canada. Her area of research is global peace and human rights. Theresa Shoatz Cleo Silvers Darryl Siemer Cleo Silvers – Harlem Community Activist Cleo Silvers began serving the community in New York City – Harlem and the South Bronx in 1967. She continues today with a focus on healthcare, housing and peace and justice as well as preservation of the arts in the Harlem community. Tom Siracuse Charlene Sinclair is the Program Director for Engaging the Powers at Union Theological Seminary and a member of the Poverty Initiative. In addition, she is the lead consultant for InSinc Consulting, LLC, a consulting firm that provides comprehensive grassroots organizing and political strategy. She is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary in New York. Tom Siracuse was born in NYC. After graduating from U. of Conn, he served in the Peace Corps 1963-65 in community development and at Ministry of Education. Taught ESL at George Washington HS for 29 years. Adjunct professor of ESL at Hostos Community College and at BMCC, 1996-2000. Chair of Shut Down Indian Point Now, VP of Committee For Environmentally Sound Development and chair of Manhattan Local of Green Party, running for 6th District of NYC Council on Green Party line. Sunit Singh Sunit Singh is the Editor-in-Chief of the Platypus Review and PhD student in Divinity at the University of Chicago. Charlene Sinclair Marina Sitrin is a sociologist, lawyer and is a postdoctoral fellow with the Committee on Globalization and Social Change at the CUNY Graduate Center. She has both participated in, as well as has been writing about, the new global movements. She is the author of Everyday Revolutions: Horizontalism and Autonomy in Argentina and the coauthor, with Dario Azzellini, of Occupying Language and the forthcoming They Can’t Represent Us! Reinventing Democracy from Greece to Occupy. Marina Sitrin Lara Skinner Catherine Skopic Lara Skinner is Associate Director of Research at Cornell's Global Labor Institute and Co-Chair of the Labor, the Environment and Sustainable Development Working Group of the Worker Institute at Cornell. She received her PhD from the University of Oregon in 2010; her dissertation was entitled Is it Just Sustainability? The Politics of Urban Sustainability, Labor Unions and Social Justice. She has worked for unions doing campaign research and policy development since 1999. Catherine Skopic has been worked on environmental issues for 3 decades. She taught at L.I.U. C.W. Post Campus and in public school. She is Chair of the Environmental Task Force of The Congregation of Saint Saviour; member of, UCS, PSR, IMAC and AAUW. She has been a rep to the UN- CSD - the Commission on Sustainable Development and attended Rio+20. She is a founding member of RenewNEWYORK. Allen Smith Allen Smith has a B.A. in mathematics from Oberlin College. From a young age he was interested in a more just way of holding land. He now teaches at the Henry George School of Social Science in New York. Alice Slater Director, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation NY, is on the International Coordinating Committee of Abolition 2000 and directs its Energy Working Group. She’s on the Board of the Lawyers Committee for Nuclear Policy, the NYC Bar’s Energy Committee, the Steering Committee of Shut Down Indian Point, and the Advisory Board of the Global Network Against Weapons in Space. She is a UN NGO Representative, has written numerous articles and op-eds, with frequent media appearances Stan Smith Jackie Smith represents the International Network of Scholar Activists on the US Social Forum's National Planning Committee. She co-chairs the USSF Communications and Technology working group and teaches sociology at the University of Pittsburgh. She also edits the Journal of World-Systems Research ( Jackie Smith Debby Smith Michael Smith Dr. Richard Smith has been a mechanic, trans-African eco-tour leader, carpenterbuilder, and university lecturer at Rutgers. He has written extensively on capitalism and China’s environment, and on ecology and capitalism for New Left Review, Monthly Review, the Ecologist and other magazines and academic journals. He is completing a book on capitalism, global ecological collapse, and the eco-socialist alternative. Richard Smith Ashley Smith is on the editorial board of the International Socialist Review. He writes for the ISR and other publications focusing on US imperial policy and Haiti. Ashley Smith Desiray Smith Harold Smith, PhD Rachel Smolker Dr. Smith of the Founder and CEO of OyaGen and Professor of Biophysics at the University of Rochester Rachel Smolker is co-director of Biofuelwatch and an organizer with the Energy Justice Network. She has worked to reveal impacts of biofuels and bioenergy on land use, forests, biodiversity, food, people and the climate. Rachel works with national and international climate justice coalitions such as Climate Justice Now to oppose market-based false solutions to climate change. She has worked as a field biologist, is the author of "To Touch A Wild Dolphin," and lives in Vermont. Blain Snipstal Blain is the Agroecology Field Organizer for the Rural Coalition/Coalicion Rural, he farms in rural Maryland. Blain is a youth leader of La Via Campesina, the global peasant movement, and has traveled and studied agroecology, organizing, and political and social change extensively with campesinos in Latin America. te-young-farmers-series-blain-snipstal-laminga-cooperative. Mohammad Soleymani is a faculty member in Department Social Science and Human Services at BMCC. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from the New School. He has been teaching Economics classes BMCC since September 1987. He published an article entitled: “Heavy Price of Globalization”. Currently he is working on the negative consequences of globalization on sustainable development, global warming and worldwide inequality. Mohammad Soleymani Sheldon Solomon Professor of Psychology and Ross Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at Skidmore College. As an experimental social psychologist, his interests include the nature of self, consciousness, and social behavior. Author, with Jeff Greenberg and Tom Pyszczynski of In the Wake of 9/11: The Psychology of Terror (2003, American Psychological Association Book) exploring the effects of Rachael Sotos Rachael Sotos is an adjunct professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Pace University, a graduate student in Classics at Fordham University. Her philosophical work is centered in political theory, the dismantling of the history of metaphysics, environmental ethics and Hobart Spalding Hobart Spalding is Professor Emeritus of Latin American and Caribbean history at CUNY Graduate School and Brooklyn College. He has visited Cuba several times and, among other things, helped put together two special issues on Cuba for Socialism and Democracy. He is a Board Member of the Left Forum. Katherine Spaulding Irwin Sperber Megan Sperry Kate Spaulding teaches economics at the Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies at SUNY Empire State College and works for Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer. She has a M.S. in City and Regional Planning from Pratt Institute and is a 2012 Fellow of the New Leader’s Council Institute. [email protected] Teaches in Sociology Department, SUNY New Paltz; special interest in environmental policy and public health; Executive Committee, Mid-Hudson Group/Sierra Club; Associate Editor, Capitalism Nature Socialism; active in antiwar movement in Berkeley during the 1960s. Filmmaker: The Domino Effect Michalis Spourdalakis Stephen Squibb Fignole St. Cyr Jill Stein Michael Spourdalakis, Professor of Political Science at Athens University is also a founding member of Syriza. One of leading authors on Greek party politics over the past three decades, he is the author of "Left Strategy in the Greek Cauldron" in the Socialist Register 2013. Fignole St. Cyr is the General Secretary of the Autonomous Confederation of Haitian Workers and a member of the International Commission of Inquiry on the UN Occupation of Haiti. Dr. Jill Stein is a mother, physician, longtime teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate. She was the nominee of the Green Party for President of the United States in the 2012 election. Dr. Stein was a candidate for Governor of Massachusetts in the 2002 and the 2010 gubernatorial elections. She is a graduate of Harvard College and the Harvard Medical School. As a physician and environmental health advocate, she has helped fight for campaign finance reform, green jobs, and a ban of selected toxic pesticides. She was an instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School for over 20 years, and co-authored In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development (2000) and Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging (2009). Alex Steinberg has been a socialist and independent Marxist scholar for many years. He has taught Hegel and Marx in alternative education institutions. He is a member of alternative radio WBAI and formerly the Pacifica National Board. He has written on Marxism and the philosophy of science and other topics bearing on philosophy and revolution. He was a past presenter and panel organizer at the Left Forum, most recently in 2011 when he gave a talk on Marxism, psychoanalysis and human nature. Alex Steinberg Susan Stellar Maura Stephens Susan Stellar is a resident of the city of Detroit and a decades-long environmental and community gardening educator-activist. A member of News and Letters Committees, she writes for News & Letters and supports all genuine freedom struggles. Maura Stephens is an independent journalist and contributor to Common Dreams, CounterPunch, Truthout, and other independent works. She is cofounder of Coalition to Protect New York, Frackbusters, and other grassroots antifracking and peace/justice/human rights groups. She works as associate director of the Park Center for Independent Media and teaches journalism and community journalism in Ithaca, New York. She lives in a so-called "sacrifice zone" county in the NYS Southern Tier. She is associate director of Park Center for Independent Media and teaches journalism in Ithaca. Sabrina Stevens Leutisha Stills Bob Stone Dr. Vincent Stravino Sabrina Joy Stevens is a teacher-turnedwriter/activist driven from the classroom by the injustices of the school privatization movement. She is dedicated to ensuring that 1st-person perspectives on what public school stakeholders experience and need, rather than private interests and elitist ideology, prevail in the public conversation about education. She currently works at the American Federation of Teachers and runs an advocacy-driven communications project called Voices from the Classroom. Leutisha Stills is a political blogger and activist. She wrote for Black Agenda Report, Jack and Jill Politics and 3 CHICS POLITICO on legislative policy and political issues. She is pursuing a doctorate in Public Policy focusing on the effects of long-term unemployment and the policy developments that continue to compound and exacerbate the issue. She is currently employed with the District of Columbia Government and resides in Metro Washington, DC. Emeritus professor of Philosophy at Long Island University, C.W.Post Center. He is finishing work on an introduction to Sartre's partly unpublished "second ethics" titled "Morality and History" with co-author Elizabeth Bowman. He is Research Associate at the Center for Retired Medical Doctor and prominent member of Lehigh Valley Social Justice community (LEPOCO). Three trips to Israel as fact finder. Paul Street, journalist, historian, political commentator and author of five books including The Empire's New Clothes: Barack Obama in the Real World of Power and They Rule: The 1% v. Democracy (Fall 2013). He is a member of the International Organization for a Participatory Society. His writings and commentaries have been featured in The New York Times, CNN, The Huffington Post, Al Jazeera, Al-Alkhbar and Black Agenda Report among many other media outlets. Street is a regular contributor to the ZNet website. Paul Street Charles Stroman Father, Brownsville Brooklyn resident, food justice youth advocate, Medgar Evers College student, and member of the Brownsville Community Justice Center. Charles Strozier Chuck Strozier is a Professor of History and Director of the Center on Terrorism at John Jay College, CUNY, as well as a practicing psychoanalyst in New York City. He is the author of Apocalypse: On the Psychology of Fundamentalism in America, among several volumes on related issues. In 2011 he published his study, Until the Fires Stopped Burning: 9/11 and New York City in the Words and Experiences of Survivors and Witnesses. Karsten J. Struhl teaches political and cross-cultural philosophy at John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) and the New School for Public Engagement. He has co-edited Philosophy Now (Random House), Ethics in Perspective (Random House), and The Philosophical Quest: A Cross-Cultural Reader (McGrawHill). He writes about human nature, just war theory, global ethics, visions of communism, ecology, ideology, Marxism, and Buddhist philosophy. Karsten J. Struhl Nicole Stubbs Jonathon Kyle Sturgeon Stephanie Sucasaca Nicole Stubbs is the Co-founder and CEO of First Access, a social enterprise dedicated to reducing the cost of lending and borrowing in informal markets using mobile technology. She has lived and worked in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and the US. Nicole holds an MPA in Development Economics from Columbia University and a BA from Kenyon College. She is a bridge between modern high tech possibilities and real world issues at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP). Stephanie is a student activist and president of the Socialist Alternative Club at Queens College. Jess Sundin Jess Sundin is a founding member of the Twin Cities-based Anti-war Committee. Most of her activism has been in opposition to wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan but she also worked to oppose US military aid of the repressive governments of Colombia & Israel. A proud member of AFSCME Local 3800,she is also a member of Freedom Road Socialist Org. Bhaskar Sunkara Bhaskar Sunkura is a contributing writer for In These Times magazine and the founding editor of Jacobin Magazine. Marvin Surkin Jan Susler, Esq. Ida Susser He is co-author of Detroit: I Do Mind Dying and An End to Political Science. He had a long academic career teaching graduate students at Union Institute and currenlty teaches at Ramapo College. Jan Susler is a reknown lawyer who has represented Puerto Rican political prisoners for the last 40 years. She will speak about Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera who has been in US prisons Lee Sustar is a labor editor for His writing on economics, politics, and international affairs has appeared on Znet, in New Labor Forum, and in the International Socialist Review. He is a contributor to Wisconsin Uprising: Labor Fights Back (Monthly Review Press, 2012) and author of the upcoming Striking Back: How Chicago Teachers Took on City Hall and Pushed Back Corporate Education "Reform" (Haymarket Books). Lee Sustar Matt Swagler Sean Sweeney Sean Sweeney is the director and founder of the Cornell Global Labor Institute, a program of the Cornell School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Sean has worked with unions in many countries on issues of climate change, energy and transport policy, sustainable food and water systems, and economic democracy. Presently the Cornell Global Labor Institute team is working on an initiative called Trade Unions for Wait, Energy Debra is Director of World Can’t initiated in 2005 to drive out the Bush regime and reverse the direction it launched. WCW continues efforts to stop the crimes of our government. Debra worked with abortion providers for 25 years, organizing community support and helping withstand anti-abortion violence. Since the age of 19, when she confronted Nixon in a face-to-face event & told him to stop the war in Vietnam, she has been a leader in the opposition to US wars and invasions. Debra Sweet Larry Swetman Robert Taetsch Vannina Sztainbok is a Lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on the gendered and racial politics of urban development, displacement, and resistance. Currently, she is exploring the ways that Afro-Latin Americans make claims to urban citizenship. Her publications include “Exposing her Body, Revealing the Nation: The Carnival Vedette and the Symbolic Order” (forthcoming in Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture). Marzena Szulikowski is a PhD student in Sociology at the Graduate Center. Progressive peace and environmental activist. Active in real estate development with son Madiha Tahir Madiha R. Tahir is co-founder of Tanqeed (, a magazine of politics and culture covering Pakistan and the South Asian diaspora. Her work has appeared in a host of outlets including BBC's "The World", Foreign Affairs, Democracy Now!, The Wall Street Journal, Caravan, The National, Global Post, The New Inquiry and The Columbia Journalism Review, among others. She is co-editor of a collection of essays, Dispatches from Pakistan, with Vijay Prashad and Qalandar Bux Memon. Vannina Sztainbok Marzena Szulikowski Oronde Takuma Oronde Takuma is a member of the NYC International Peoples' Democratic Uhuru Movement (INPDUM) Local Organizing Committee (LOC) tasked with building this revolutionary African working class anti-colonial pro-independence organization in NYC. Oronde serves as the Political Education Director for the organization tasked with propagating the Revolutionary African working class theory of African Internationalism among the INPDUM membership and the African community. Astra Taylor Astra Taylor is a writer and documentarian born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and raised in Athens, Georgia. She is the director of the acclaimed films “Zizek!” and “Examined Life,” a series of excursions with contemporary thinkers. Astra has contributed to Monthly Review, Adbusters, Salon, Alternet, The Nation, Bomb Magazine and other outlets. She is active in Occupy Wall Street's Strike Debt group and its Rolling Jubilee program. Walter Teague Christy Tennery Gregory Tewksbury John Tharakan Luna Theekat A progressive activist since 1960's, living in the Washington DC area since 1977. Walter is a practicing social worker and psychotherapist since 1981, using the Robin Hood Principle. Walter’s recent work has focused on preventing US attacks on Cuba and supporting the effort to prevent catastrophic climate change and on the world-wide, mostly invisible and seldom treated epidemic of millions of children traumatized by war, extreme suffering. Professor, Howard University, College of Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, directs the Graduate Studies program in Department of Chemical Engineering. His research interests include: environmental engineering & biotechnology, appropriate technology, sustainable development, focusing on water treatment, renewable energy, waste management, ethics/philosophy of technology. Chair/Co-Chair of International Conferences on Appropriate Technology (2004-12): MJ Thompson She holds an M.A. in Sociology and Anthropology. Past Adjunct Professor of Sociology at Southern CT StateU. She is the Co-Chair of the Green Party of CT. and founder of the Ecological Health Organization CT (ECHO). She is a member of Solidarity and writes for Against the Current. She has been an AFSCME state and local officer and is a member of AFSCME Retirees Council 4 in Connecticut. She is a feminist, artist and speaks on workmen’s compensation and labor/environmental health issues. Assoc. Prof. Political Science, William Paterson University and Founding Editor, Logos: A Journal of Modern Society & Culture. Elise Thorburn Elise Thorburn is an activist and researcher based in Toronto. She is active in assembly projects in Canada and internationally, including the Greater Toronto Workers' Assembly and the EduFactory Collective. She is also an Editor with Upping the Anti, a journal of radical theory and action. Her research focuses on theories and histories of assembly style political movements, feminist political configurations, and current efforts to build non-hierarchical, antiauthoritarian political projects. Linda Thompson Cassie Thornton Hillel Ticktin Linda Tigani Seth Tobocman Cassie Thornton is an artist who has completed many projects involving experimental forms of pedagogy. The Feminist Economics Department, which she founded in 2011, undertakes projects that investigate the impact of governmental and economic systems on public behavior and the unconscious. In 2013 she will bring the FED to the Labor Archives at San Francisco State, Provisions Library, Headlands Center for the Arts, and Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts thanks to A Blade of Grass Foundation. Hillel Ticktin is Editor of the journal Critique and Emeritus Professor of Marxist Studies at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. He is the author of articles on Marxist Political Economy, particularly on the USSR, FSU, South Africa, Finance Capital and the nature of capitalist decline. In 1980 Seth Tobocman was one of the founding editors of World War 3 Illustrated. His illustrations have appeared in the New York Times and many other magazines. Tobocman is the Author/Illustrator of five graphic books: YOU DON’T HAVE TO FUCK PEOPLE OVER TO SURVIVE, WAR IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD PORTRAITS OF ISRAELIS AND PALESTINIANS DISASTER AND RESISTANCE and UNDERSTANDING THE CRASH He currently teaches at School of Visual Arts in the department of cartooning and Illustration. Brian Tokar Brian Tokar is an activist and author, director of the Institute for Social Ecology, and a lecturer in Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. He is the author of The Green Alternative, Earth for Sale, and Toward Climate Justice, edited two books on the politics of biotechnology, Redesigning Life? and Gene Traders, and co-edited the recent collection, Agriculture and Food in Crisis: Conflict, Resistance and Renewal (Monthly Review Press, with Fred Magdoff). Alex Tom In 2012, Alex, along with other Asian activists and organizers, formed the China Education and Exposure Program (CEEP) to build a deeper analysis of China for US progressives and leftists and to build relationships with the grassroots movement in China. Conor Tomás Reed Saadia Toor Conor Tomás Reed has been an activist, student, and educator in the City University of New York since 2006. Conor is involved with the Free University and the Graduate Center general assembly. Saadia Toor is Associate Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work at the College of Staten Island. She is author of The State of Islam: Culture and Cold War Politics in Pakistan. She speaks and writes frequently US imperial policy toward Pakistan and South and Central Asia. Opal Tometi Opal Tometi is the New York based National Organizer for Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), where she helps to educate and advocate for immigrant rights and racial justice with AfricanAmericans, Afro-Latinos, African and Caribbean immigrant communities. She is also the Coordinator for Black Immigration Network (BIN), a national network of organizations and individuals uniting for racial justice and migrant rights. Opal is an advocate to end violence against women. Marissa Torres is a public school teacher and activist in New York City. She is an active member of her union and has organized around school closures and colocations. She is a member of MORE (Movement of Rank and File Educators) the social justice caucus of the United Federation of Teachers, the International Socialist Organization, NYCoRE (New York Collective of Radical Educators), and Teachers Unite. She currently teaches 5th grade in Brooklyn and is involved in organizing to fight the criminalization of youth. Marissa Torres Dao Tran Dao X. Tran coedited 101 Changemakers: Rebels and Radicals Who Changed US History (2012) and is working on a collection of oral histories of domestic workers. Sanho Tree Christopher Towne learned about 'preemptive prosecution' and political prisoners from his involvement in the Anti- War Movement. He has been working on a series of comic books to tell the stories of the people imprisoned under the auspices of the 'war on terror' and general attacks on civil liberties. His recent graphic illustrated comic on Aafia Siddiqui is a remarkable example of the success he has achieved. Sanho Tree is a Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and has directed its Drug Policy Project since 1998. Prior to that, he was a former diplomatic and military historian and was also an editor of CovertAction Quarterly. Walter Tsou Walter Tsou, MD, MPH is a nationally known consultant on public health and health care reform. He is Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Pennsylvania. He was President of the American Public Health Association in 2005. He served as Health Commissioner of Philadelphia from 2000 to 2002. He was the founding Deputy Director for Personal Health Services and Medical Director of the Montgomery County (PA) Health Department from 1991-2000. Walter Tsou, MD, MPH Officer, Healthcare for All Pennsylvania; Former Health Commissioner, City of Philadelphia; Adjunct Professor of Health Policy: University of Pennsylvania, Jefferson University Christopher Towne Annie Tummino Terisa Turner Annie Tummino has been active in the feminist movement since 2000, when she became Administrative Director for the National Organization for Women-New York city chapter. In 2003, she cofounded the Women's Liberation Birth Control Project, of Redstockings Allies and Veterans, NYC. She was the lead plaintiff in the landmark Tummino v. Hamburg federal court case, filed in 2005 and decided April 2013, wherein the U.S. constitutionally-guaranteed right to birth control was re-affirmed. Ecofeminist Terisa Turner focuses on direct, cross-border actions by womenled social forces to keep fossil fuels in the ground and to build global alternatives that point to a post-late-fossil-fuelcapitalist transition to a new (and ancient) solar commoning civilization. Turner studied at the Univ. of York (U.K.), Oberlin (U.S.A.), and received her Ph.D. from the London School of Economics. Terisa Turner has worked in Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East. As a founding member of the International Oil Working Group, she worked to implement the United Nations oil embargo against apartheid South Africa. Since 2006 she has focused on ‘commoners against climate change.’ She has been working with Ecosocialist Horizons since its founding. Lynne Turner Lynne is a member of the New Jersey Industrial Union Council, an adjunct instructor of Labor Studies for the Murphy Institute/CUNY and a veteran labor organizer and strategic campaigner with numerous innovative initiatives to organize low-wage workers and build labor-community alliances for social justice. She holds a M.A. in Labor Studies from the Murphy Institute/CUNY. Physicist/Philosopher/Economist/Educat or/Media Critic/Political Activist. He analyzes complex systems, consults for the Space Environment Modeling project, and develops models of opinion formation. He studies metrics of the NYC Education system & develops courseware for NanoHUB, University of Illinois, and Mechanics Institute. He has taught Economics at the Henry George School and S.T.E.M courses for the Society of Tradesmen and Mechanics. He covers Global Economic Issues for various media outlets. Yannis Tziligakis Juliet Ucelli Juliet Ucelli was one of the founders of the NY Marxist School/Brecht Forum. She is an activist and educator, and a member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Sue Udry is the Executive Director for the Defending Dissent Foundation. She has served as the executive director of the Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of Rights and organizer for the Coalition for New Priorities. Sue is on the board of the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms and the National Coalition to Protect Student Privacy (challenging military recruiter’s access to public high school students) and is a co-founder of the Montgomery County Civil Rights Coalition. Sue Udry Jonathan Uss Jonathan Uss is a co-director of the documentary “Shutdown: the Rise and Fall of Direct Action to Stop the War” distributed by AK press and facilitator of Challenging White Supremacy Workshops in the Bay Area. He was an NLG legal observer with Occupy Wall Street and a board member of CASA Chapulín in Oaxaca, Mexico. He is a member of the Civilian-Soldier Alliance and is currently an organizer with the Bradley Manning Support Network. Zoltan Vaci Zoltan Vaci was educated at McGill University and Rutgers University and holds a B.A. in History and Philosophy and a B.Sc. in Geological Sciences. He has extensive geological knowledge and working knowledge of soil classification schemes, sediment core analysis, and sampling techniques. He is an Injection Specialist at GeoCleanse International which focuses remediation on sites whose groundwater has been polluted by Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC which adversely impact human health. Kara Van Cleaf Kara Van Cleaf is a PhD candidate in Sociology at the CUNY Grad Center. Her academic interests include feminist and social theory, the family, cultural studies of technology, and the economies of motherhood. Her dissertation research examines how motherhood and blogging inform each other. She is an Instructional Technology Fellow at Macaulay Honors College, CUNY and an adjunct at The Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY. Juliana Vanderlee Juliana Vanderlee is a graduate of SUNY Purchase with a degree in environmental studies. She lives in Orange County, NY where she is a farmer and an activist. She has worked with Pete Seager's Hudson River Sloop, Clearwater and Earthfirst. Jeremy Varon Khalil Vasquez Ramaa Vasudevan Alejandro Velasco Edur Velasco Arregui Jeremy Varon is a Professor of History at the New School for Social Research, who teaches and writes about social movements and political protest. He is a long time organizer with Witness Against Torture. Khalil Vasquez is the Secretary-General of the Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee. Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee (RSCC) was founded in February 2012 as an organization uniting revolutionaryminded youth and students throughout the CUNY system in NYC. It is politically united based on its Points of Unity, works for the attainment in CUNY of its Platform, and operates according to its Constitution. Contact us at: [email protected]. Ramaa Vasudevan is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Colorado State University. Former Secretary-General of SITUAM (Sindicato Independiente de Trabajadores de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Independent Union of Workers of the Metropolitan Autonomous University], and a Professor of Law and Labor Economics at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City. He is an activist in his union and in various other movements for democratic social change in Mexico. Frank Velgara Coordinator of the Popular Education Project to Free the Cuban 5, the July 26th Coalition and other Cuba and Puerto Rico related organizations and projects. Vincent Villano Vincent Villano is the Participatory Budgeting & Policy Research Coordinator at Community Voices Heard. He currently acts as the Co-Chair of the PBNYC Steering Committee, a group of over 40 organizations and 8 Council Member offices that guides the process. He also serves on the PBNYC Research & Evaluation Team and spearheads the advocacy efforts to expand PB into more Council Districts and new areas of the city budget and beyond. Joshua Vincent An advocate for an innovative system of land taxation. 50 impact studies in the USA since 2000 have shown that the Land Value Taxation System typically lowers property taxes on homeowners, vastly increases new construction in urban areas and discourages disinvestment.He has consulted more than 75 municipalities, countries, NGOs and national governments. He works with tax departments and elected officials, restructuring their taxation to a land-based system. Arturo Viscarra Arturo is the School of Americas Watch Advocacy Coordinator. He is also an immigration attorney in the Washington, D.C. area. He can be reached at: [email protected], or: (202) 234-3440. Richard Vital Stephen Vittoria Richard Vital is an independent scholar will contribute information regarding ecological degradation under capitalist states. Kelley B. Vlahos Kelley B. Vlahos is a Washington D.Cbased freelance journalist. She is regular columnist for, a daily online news and opinion network founded in 1995 in opposition to the Bosnian War. She is also a contributing editor to The American Conservative Magazine, which was founded in 2002 in opposition to the Iraq War, and a founding member of the new Institute for the Study of American Militarism (ISAM). Personal website: Jim Vrettos Jim Vrettos has taught sociology, criminology and criminal justice at John Jay College -- CUNY for the past 20 years. He co-authored the critically acclaimed --The Elementary Forms of Statistical Reason and has written numerous articles on crime and criminal in professional and popular journals. He has been a prominent organizer and speaker at various occupy events at Riverside Church and at John Jay on stop and frisk and activism toward ending mass incarceration. Harry Waisbren Harry Waisbren is co-founder of, which is a progressive video network as well as a platform to organize video campaigns. He is also an organizer with Occupy Wall Street, where he is a member of the 'Your Inbox: Occupied' team that manages the OWS email list. Quentin Walcott Immanuel Wallerstein is Senior Research Scholar at Yale University. He is the author of The Modern World-System, and most recently, European Universalism: The Rhetoric of Power. He was the director of the Fernand Braudel Center (1976-2005), president of the International Sociological Association (1994-1998), and chair of the international Gulben¬kian Commission for the Restructuring of the Social Sciences, whose report is Open the Social Sciences. Immanuel Wallerstein John Walsh John V. Walsh is a Professor of Microbiology and Physiological Systems. He is a frequent contributor to, and where he writes on issues of empire, war, civil liberties, economics and the state of political activism in the U.S. He is also a founding member of ComeHomeAmerica ( Assistant professor in Africana and Latino Studies and Women's and Gender Studies, Ph.D. in Philosophy and M.A. from the University of Nairobi. Specializes in African philosophies, feminist philosophies, critical race theories and critical legal studies, social contract theory, and discrimination and morality. Her most recent publication is "Testing Conversations: Women, children, goats and land" in Listening to Ourselves: A Multilingual Anthology of African Philosophy Betty Wambui Esther Wang Esther is a Texas-born writer and organizer based in New York City, currently living on the opposite side of the world in Beijing. Most recently, she was a community organizer with CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities, working with Chinese immigrants around issues of housing justice, displacement, and accountable development. Her writing has been published in Left Turn magazine,, and the Austin American-Statesman. Patricia Ware McKenzie Wark Paul Warren Tylon Washington Lewis Webb Jerry Weinstein Ms. Ware is the Former Executive Director of PACHA and one of the architects of PEPFAR. McKenzie Wark is the author of The Spectacle of Disintegration, The Beach Beneath the Street, A Hacker Manifesto, and Gamer Theory, among other books. He teaches at the New School for Social Research and Eugene Lang College in New York City. Lewis Webb is Program Coordinator, Healing and Transformative Justice, at the American Friends Service Committee, and the Facilitator of the Campaign to End the New Jim Crow Writer-works to create paradigm shifts in education, social justice, media, technology, and health. He is as apt at shaping strategy with grassroots activists as drafting speeches for policy makers. Work on the reality series All-American Muslim led him to co-found BIG, a national anti-bigotry campaign, & cofounded Occupy Money Cooperative to help the “underbanked” reach financial security. Now with Nat. Constitution Center, promotes civic literacy & engagement. Past clients: the MIT Press & GLAAD Suzi Weissman Mark Weisbrot Charles Wells Suzi Weissman is Professor of Politics at Saint Mary's College of CA, sits on the editorial boards of Critique and Against the Current, and hosts a weekly drive time radio program (Beneath the Surface) on KPFK in Los Angeles. She is the author of Victor Serge: A Political Biography (Verso, 2013). Mark Weisbrot is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, in Washington, D.C. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan. He has written numerous research papers on economic policy, especially on Latin America and international economic policy. His opinion pieces have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, and the Los Angeles Times. He is also president of Just Foreign Policy. Charles Wells is an Assistant Professor of Contemporary Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University's Brantford campus. He received his MA and PhD from York University’s interdisciplinary Social and Political Thought program after completing an accredited Bachelor of Architecture degree at the University of Toronto. His research interests include philosophy, sociology, political science, Dr. Welty is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science of Pace University. She is the director of the Pace and Justice Studies program on the NYC campus. Her research interests include faith-based approaches to peace building and development work, humanitarianism, nonviolence, reconciliation, transitional justice, and interfaith dialogue. She is coauthor of Unity in Diversity: Interfaith Dialogue in the Middle East. Emily Welty Patricia Welty Lee Wengraf Lee Wengraf is a regular contributor to International Socialist Review on African politics. Laurie Wen Laurie Wen joined the health justice movement through ACT UP, and currently serves as Executive Director of Physicians for a National Health ProgramNY Metro. She is a steering committee member of Healthcare-NOW! Since the Fall of 2011, she has also been active with Healthcare for the 99%, an official working group of Occupy Wall Street. Nicole Whalen Seamus Whelan Nicole Whalen is a recent graduate from The Graduate Center of the City University of New York with a Master's in Philosophy. She has longstanding interests in feminist theory and activism. Seamus Whelan is a registered nurse, active union member, and activist in Socialist Alternative who is currently running for Boston City Council. Debra White Plume Debra White Plume – (Oglala Lakota Nation) works with Moccasins on the Ground ( and the frontline experience of bringing awareness about the ongoing devastation to Mother Earth such as the Keystone XL Pipeline to many Indigenous nations; and creating a new paradigm for themselves through creating solidarity and resistance to the destruction of Mother Earth and sacred water. Julia Willebrand, NY Green Party candidate 2006 and 2010 for NYS Comptroller has chaired the NYC Sierra Club Solid Waste Committee and the Manhattan Citizens' Solid Waste Advisory Board. She was a Fulbright professor to Hungary, director of college ESL programs. As a teacher/ UFT delegate, her caucus succeeded in withdrawing support for the Vietnam War. Julia has a Doctorate in Education from Columbia University Julia Willebrand Ron Whyte Ron Whyte is an activist and organizer with Food Not Bombs, Fire Next Time, and Free the Street. He participated in Occupy Philadelphia. He is also the administrator of Deep Green Philly, a news/audio project inspired by the Deep Green Resistance movement. Chris Williams Chris Williams is a long-time environmental activist and author of Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis (Haymarket Press, 2010). He is Vice President of the Union of Adjunct Faculty at Pace University, where he teaches course in energy and the environment, physics, and chemistry. He is also the chair of the science dept. at Packer Collegiate Institute. His writings have appeared in Z Magazine, Green Left Weekly,, Counterpunch, The Indypendent, Dissident Voice, International Socialist Review, and other outlets. Jason Williams Jason M. Williams is an Adjunct Prof at New Jersey City University in the Criminal Justice Dept. He is a PhD Candidate in the Administration of Justice at Texas Southern University. Jason has engaged in several panels concerning social control, critical victimology and race and crime. Scott Williams After 5 years of organizing in Durham, North Carolina, Williams moved to Philadelphia where he is active in the movement to build people's assemblies to unite struggles against police brutality, school closings, and racism. A frequent contributor to the Can't Jail the Revolution youth blog as well as Workers World Newspaper, Scott has been active in developing and leading workshops in the Workers World Party Marxist School of Theory and Practice. Steve Williams Stan WIlliams Steve Williams is co-founder and formerExecutive Director of People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER), a Bay Area community-based membership organization of low-income and working class African Americans and Latinas. In 2005, Steve co-authored Towards Land, Work and Power, a political economy and strategy primer for organizers. He is currently conducting an assessment of social justice movements in the U.S. through a series of interviews with more than 150 organizers and activists. L. Joy Williams L. Joy Williams is a political strategist and founder of LJW Community Strategies. She serves as a strategic adviser to elected leaders and organizations across the country and has been featured as a commentator on BET, Pacifica Radio in New York and Los Angeles, MSNBC, Current TV and NY1’s Inside City Hall. She is also host of TWiB in The Morning! on the award winning online radio station TWiB FM which airs live Monday – Thursday at 9AM eastern. Gregory Wilpert Gregory Wilpert is the author of Changing Venezuela by Taking Power (Verso, 2007) and the founder of the website Also, he is a freelance writer on Latin American issues and an adjunct professor in sociology and in political science. Annie Wilson Annie Wilson is a legal worker and advocate for environmental and social justice with a focus on energy policy. Sean Wilson Sean K. Wilson is currently a Masters student and graduate assistant in the Criminal Justice Dept at New Jersey City University. His interests are race and crime, reentry, and critical criminology. Diane Wilson Diane Wilson is an environmental activist, anti-war activist, and author. In 1989 she was a shrimp boat captain and she began a campaign against Formosa Plastics, a chemical company building a PVC facility near her town, with tactics including several hunger strikes and sinking her own boat to draw attention to the matter. In 1994 she won "zero discharge" agreements from Formosa and Alcoa. She is co-founder of CODEPINK. In 2005 a documentary was made about her, titled Texas Gold. Chris Winks Christopher Winks teaches Comparative Literature at Queens College/CUNY. He is the author of Symbolic Cities in Caribbean Literature (PalgraveMacmillan, 2009) and his articles and translations from French and Spanish have appeared in numerous journals and edited collections. Jonathan Wilson Kenneth Wishnia Sherry Wolf Jonathan W. Wilson is a PhD candidate at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University where he studies articulations of national identity in early-republican and antebellum New York City. He is also regular contributor to The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History. Thomas Adcock, Edgar Allan Poe Awardwinning author and political commentator. S.J. Rozan, multiple awardwinning author of many works of politically engaged crime fiction. Kenneth Wishnia (chair), Edgar Allan Poe Awardnominated author of 23 Shades of Black and other novels. Steven Wishnia, journalist for The Indypendent and other progressive publications. Donald Nicholson-Smith, translator of Manchette into English, among many other accomplishments. American socialist, Jewish anti-Zionist, independent journalist and author. Openly lesbian, she was on the Executive Committee for the LGBT National Equality March for full civil rights in October 2009 and served as Press Officer for the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in October 2012. Wolf is a member of the International Socialist Organization and an editor of the International Socialist Review. f_(activist) Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst and co-founder of Democracy at Work, a social movement project for a new economy. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the New School University. Wolff is the author of many books, including Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism and Capitalism Hits the Fan. He hosts the weekly radio program Economic Update and appears in The Guardian and and on shows such as Bill Moyers and Democracy Now! Richard D. Wolff Steven Wishnia Max F Wolff Journalist, novelist, and bass player, and author of When the Drumming Stops, a novel, and The Cannabis Companion. He has won two New York City Independent Press Association awards for his coverage of housing issues in The Indypendent. Max Fraad Wolff teaches economics in the Graduate Program in International Affairs at The New School University. Max's work can be read at the Huffington Post, Truthout and seen at Al Jazeera English, Russia Today, The BBC and other outlets. Brittany Wollman Love Richard Wolff Helena Wong Tim Woodcock Brittany Wollman Love is a writer and activist who has campaigned both in the US and abroad for sex worker's rights. As a graduate of the London School of Economics she wrote her dissertation on middle class call girls in the UK. She is now based in NYC where she writes a blog on sex, drugs and consciousness ( and advocates with the Sex Worker's Outreach Project. As an Energy Consultant for SolarCity, Tim Woodcock promotes energy efficiency, affordable conversion to solar power, and reduction of carbon emissions. Previously, as a Program Director at Water Defense, Tim directed field canvassing, organized strategy development and coordinated events and fundraisers. Tim has amassed a wealth of knowledge about energy efficiency policy and solutions, government programs, incentives and policies, and energy and environmental economics. Owen Worth Jeannie Wraight Owen Worth works at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Limerick. He writes in the areas of hegemony and resistance and his recent book 'Resistance in the Age of Austerity' was published by Zed (US Macmillan/Canada Fernwood) and is an active member of the Conference of Socialist Economists (CSE). He is also the Managing Editor of the CSE journal, Capital and Class. Wei Xiaoping is the Director of the History of Marxist Philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Science. She is the author of numerous books and articles, including RETHINKING THE CHINESE HISTORICAL TRADITION (2009), ON THE TRACKS OF KARL MARX (2005), and the article "From Principle to Context: Marx and Rawls on Distributive Justice," RETHINKING MARXISM, (2008). Also she is a researcher on Marxist theory, translation project works of Marx and Engels into Chinese language[s] Wei Xiaoping Tyrene Wright Tyrene Wright PhD is a Booker T. Washington scholar, human rights activist, poet and founder of African Women for Africa whose mission is to provide free health literacy programs to African women. Wright's work focuses on the advancement of African women and the social and political dynamics involved in harnessing the world's resources, which are concentrated in Africa. She is the author of the forthcoming "Booker T. Washington and Africa." Laila Yaghi Laila Yaghi is the mother of Ziyad Yaghi. Both Laila and Ziyad are American citizens. Two years after returning from a trip to Jordan to visit his grandfather, Ziyad was arrested, charged and convicted of conspiring to maim and murder people overseas. Laila graduated from Campbell University in Raleigh, NC in Applied Science and a concentration in Business and Information Systems. Thanu Yakupitiyage is an activist, media professional, and immigrant rights advocate, living in New York City. With a bachelor's degree from Hampshire College and a Master's degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, her research has focused on racial discourse and media messaging in U.S immigration narratives and she has tracked the pro and anti-immigrant movement and their organizing strategies since 9/11. Thanu Yakupitiyage Janene Yazzie – (Dine Nation (Navajo), Sixth World Consultants ( she works on the front lines of community development, empowerment and liberation on the Navajo Nation in Arizona. The goal of Sixth World is to nurture communityowned programs, projects, and methodologies to promote economic, social and environmental justice that restore Hozho (balance), or community and individual prosperity as defined by Dine epistemology. Janene Yazzie Yvonne Yen Liu Yvonne Yen Liu is the research director for the Restaurant Opportunities Center United, a worker center fighting for better wages and working conditions for restaurant workers. Formerly, she was the senior researcher at the Applied Research Center/ Yvonne serves on the board of the Center for Story-based Strategy and is a member of the Research Justice Collective. She is based in Oakland, CA. Yasemin Yilmaz Yasemin Yilmaz is a master's student in NYU's Department of Politics. Originally from Istanbul, Turkey, she is now working on her thesis project on the political economy of media repression. Kevin Young Kevin Young is a doctoral candidate in Latin American history at Stony Brook University. His dissertation analyzes economic nationalism, urban social movements, and U.S. intervention in midtwentieth-century Bolivia. He has worked as an organizer in the labor, antiwar, and housing rights movements and is a member of the participatory socialist group the Organization for a Free Society (OFS). Melissa Young Eddie Yuen Barbara Young Hamid Zangeneh Young has produced award winning documentary films on social justice and the environment in North and South America and Europe for over 25 years. The films are used by activists and academics, screened in theaters and community settings, and on PBS. Most recent films: SHIFT CHANGE, WE ARE NOT GHOSTS, GOOD FOOD. Eddi Yuen teaches urban studies at the San Francisco Art Institute. He is a coauthor of Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth (PM Press, 2012) and a co-editor of Confronting Capitalism: Dispatches from a Global Movement. Barbara Young was a domestic worker for seventeen years. She is an active member of Domestic Workers United (DWU) and the national organizer for the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA). Hamid Zangeneh, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, Widener University and editor of Journal of Iranian Research and Analysis. Jane Zara Scientist, lawyer and activist in Washington, DC. Ph.D. in biochemistry/molecular biology. Employed as a patent examiner. Activism in: civil rights of the homeless in DC; Board member of WPFW-89.3 FM. Research: licensing of pharmaceuticals; legal and political history of oral contraceptives; the prosecution of Bradley Manning; equal protection; science research involved basic and applied research in the role of glycosylation (carbohydrates) in various aspects of cellular regulation. Stephen Zarlenga Stephen Zarlenga is the Director of the American Monetary Institute and author of The Lost Science of Money. He wrote the American Monetary Act for monetary reform, which became the basis for Rep. Dennis Kucinich's introduction into the 112th Congress of the National Emergency Employment Act (the NEED Act, HR2990). Maung Zarni Maung Zarni is currently a visiting fellow (2011-13) with Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit at the London School of Economics and Political Science. As a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, he co-founded the Free Burma Coalition, one of the Internet's first and largest human rights movements, in 1995. He is a democracy activist and author of numerous essays on Burma. Diana Zavala Diana Zavala is a single mother who came to this country with her mother from Honduras when she was young. She is a grassroots activist and has written for the AntiCapitalist blog on Dailykos. She is a member of CISPES and recently visited El Salvador on a literacy delegation. As a parent of children in the public schools, she is also active in the struggle to keep public schools and is a leading organizer in Change the Stakes. Rachel Zazlow Rachel Zaslow is Executive Director of Mother Health International, an NGO that supports high volume midwifery model of care centers in Uganda and Haiti. Rachel holds a masters in Performance Studies and is a candidate for a PhD in Women’s and Gender Studies. She teaches courses in Women’s Health and International Development, War and Trauma, as well as the intersections between Narrative and Medicine. Lina Zeldovich Lina Zeldovich graduated from the Columbia University School of Journalism with honors in science reporting. She won a John Horgan science writing award, and three Writer's Digest Awards. In addition to crime stories, her work has appeared in, Huffington Post,, and Manhattan Media publications. She hopes that one day scientists will find a way to squeeze more hours in a day, because there is so much to write about and so little time. Almaz Zelleke Vanessa Zettler Xinruo Zhang Almaz Zelleke is a political scientist who is writing a book about basic income in the United States. She is a member of the executive committee of BIEN (the Basic Income Earth Network) and an Associate Editor of Basic Income Studies: The International Journal of Basic Income Research Vanessa is a Student recently finished her Bachelor in Liberal Arts with emphasis in Sociology and Media at The New School for Public Engagement. Born and raised in Brazil, she moved to NY a few years ago to complete her studies. As an activist she have participated in the antiimperialist work in her city, São Paulo, and have participated in Occupy Wall Street since its early stages and was invited to go participate in the WSF in Tunisia. Xinruo Zhang is a Ph.D. candidate from Peking University, China. She was a visiting scholar at NYU this past year, studying under Bertell Ollman and interning at the Brecht Forum. Her main research interests are Marxist philosophy, Western Marxism, and dialectics. Lu Zhang Lu Zhang is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Temple University. Her research and teaching focus on globalization, labor and labor movements, and the political economy of development in China. Zhang is the author of From Detroit to Shanghai? Globalization, Market Reform, and The Politics of Labor in the Chinese Automobile Industry (Cambridge, forthcoming). She is currently researching capital relocation strategy and labor politics in the high-tech electronics industry in China and Vietnam. Yulan Zhao Yulan Zhao received a scholarship from the Chinese Government in 2008 and spent 24 months at Freie Universitaet Berlin to make research on David Ryazanov and MEGA(1). She received her PH.D.from Beijing University in Jul. 2011 and is now an Assistant Professor in the School of Marxism Studies at Remnin University of China, Beijing.Her first work From MEGA(1) to MEGA(2) - The History of Marx/Engels Gesamtausgabe is just published in Feb. 2013. Michael Zweig is a professor of economics and director of the Center for Study of Working Class Life at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He represents his union, United University Professions (AFT Local 2190) on the national steering committee of US Labor Against the War and is a USLAW national co-convener. He is the author of The Working Class Majority (Cornell) among many other books and articles. Michael Zweig