First Baptist Church Sulligent, Alabama
First Baptist Church Sulligent, Alabama
REACHING SULLIGENT - TOUCHING THE WORLD JANUARY 1, 2015 WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES SUNDAY 8:30 AM - EARLY WORSHIP 9:45 AM -SUNDAY SCHOOL A 11:00 AM - LATE WORSHIP P U B L I C A T I O N O F F B C S U L L I G E N T 5:00 PM - KINGS KIDS CHOIR 5:00 PM - YOUTH CHOIR 6:00 PM - WORSHIP CELEBRATION 6:30 PM - SMALL GROUP STUDIES WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM - BIBLE STUDY/PRAYER 6:30 PM - MISSIONS GROUPS 7:25 PM - CHURCH CHOIR REHEARSAL INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 125th Anniversary 1 Pastor’s Corner 2 Notes from Bro. Jeff 3 1890 First Baptist Church Sulligent 2015 In Our Prayers Notes From the Church 4 Office, Teams & Committees Calendar 5 Women’s Ministry YAH News 6 Mission & Ministry 7 Opportunities Youth Ministry Youth Column Our Record Speaks 8 First Baptist Church Sulligent PO Box 217, Sulligent AL 35586 PHONE: 205-698-9610 FAX: 205-698-8037 Email: [email protected] Website: It is the mission of First Baptist Church to worship and honor GOD with all our being and equip ourselves with the word of GOD, not only to better serve our church, but to reach out to our community, state, nation, and throughout the world with the message of CHRIST. PAGE 2 Pastor’s Corner Wonderful Church Family, It has been said that confession is good for the soul. One meaning of confess is to admit to something. Here goes. I want you to know that I did try. It started back at Thanksgiving. I didn’t intend for it to get this far. It was like I was being called further into this savory moment of life. I admit in one sitting I devoured a sizable portion—I better not reveal just how much- of the sweet potato casserole! I wish this was a single offense. It is not! Obviously I really like sweet potato casserole. Those creamy potatoes and that wonderful butter, brown sugar, and pecan topping. I don’t even have to warm it up. I take my knife and begin to sliver away at the cold casserole. Before you know it the damage is done. Before you get all judgmental let us remember that sweet potatoes are healthy for you. I should know. I am from Mississippi. My dad grew up in Derma just miles from Vardaman and my aunt lives close to Vardaman in Calhoun City. So, there are some sweet potato roots in my family lineage! I know a thing or two about sweet potatoes. They are high in Vitamin A, B5, B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, carotenoids, and fiber. Being low in sodium and fat free is an extra bonus! Please notice that I am an honest pastor—I did not try and convince you that everything about a sweet potato casserole is good for you. I admit it—so much brown sugar and butter are not good for you—but they sure are good. At this very moment we have a large box of Vardaman sweet potatoes just waiting to be made into nutritious and delicious casseroles, etc. Did you know that George Washington Carver developed 118 products from sweet potatoes! In the coming year I have many more things to try. Uh oh, that also means more potential temptation and failure! I admit it—over the last 6 weeks I have been a sweet potato glutton! Please pray for me to be able to better resist the temptation to devour anything sweet potato in my sight! On to my second confession. Many years ago I found that I was taking sports too seriously. If my team didn’t win I was downright depressed. God said to me, “Byron, is your life really impacted by the win or loss of your team? The only people directly affected are the players, the coaches, the owner / university, and perhaps businesses in the city. Yes, a win or loss affects those and in some situations others, but the lives of most fans are not directly affected at all. The win or loss has no real bearing on my life. Therefore, years ago I started holding on more loosely to wins or losses of my teams. I thought I was doing pretty good. In 2013 I watched the Bulldogs make it to the College World Series Championship only to lose to UCLA. I got down and God reminded me, “It is a game, Byron.” I also reminded myself that State has a history of good baseball and one of these years we are going to win it! As you can see I am a great rationalizer. Do you also see how I was soothing my sorrow with the hope of a future championship? Was I really remembering it is just a game??? Hmm. When State lost in football to Alabama the loss didn't affect me too badly. We could have played a better first half and we only lost by a respectable 5 points. The final game of the regular season proved to be too much for me. State played their worst game of the year (in my opinion) against Ole Miss. We are a better team than that. In the end we had to walk out of that stadium in our gold shoes (which I do not like) - like whipped pups. I admit it—I was not happy on that night. I was down. I was frustrated. It had been the greatest regular season in State’s history—ended on a bad note. In the midst of my pity party God had to take me out to the dog house and give me a good talking to. “It is a game, Byron!!!” Don’t you hate it when you think you have got a sin licked in your life only for it to come back and bite you when you least expect it? Pray for me to remember—it is just a game. The outcome of my life and the quality of my life are not directly impacted. There are so many more important things that really do matter in life! What do you think? Is it okay for me to still dream about ringing my cowbell for you when the Bulldogs do finally win a national championship?! Okay, okay I hear you. I admit it— I have still got a ways to go. To confess also means to declare and to agree with. I want to declare some things to you as we begin a new year together: I will, by God’s grace, continue to seek God, love Him, and obey Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. I will continue to study, trust in, and obey God’s word— which is His absolute inspired inerrant truth. I will preach and teach God’s word as He teaches me. I will continue to stand on God’s word and what I believe God reveals as His heart, values, and purposes. I will be on mission with God that others may confess their sins and confess with their mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe/trust in their hearts that God raised Him from the dead—that they may be saved (Rom. 10:9-10)! I will continue to encourage and challenge you to be on mission with God. I will continue to ask God to pastor His people through me for His glory and the strengthening, maturity, and growth of this local body of Christ. I will continue to serve my Lord Jesus Christ and to serve you as led by His Spirit. I will continue to love each of you as God has loved me. Looking forward to another great year with each of you! Byron PAGE PRAY FOR OUR... 3 Church Family: Marcelle Gilmer, Sue Brown, Macie Chaffin, Frank Rhudy Christian Sympathy goes out to: Philip Brown and family in the loss of his step dad, Mike Gunter. Mrs. Ora Mae Woods and family in the loss of her father, Mr. Lyndon Tooke. Paul Chaffin and Hattie Mixon in the loss of their brother, Banks Chaffin. Homebound: Jake & LaGeita Gothard, Frank Buckley, Ted Boyett Nursing Home Patients: Ola Mae Edwards, Irene Box, Bernice Karr, Bobby Joe Irvin, Robbie Knight, Joan Crump, Hattie Mixon, Shirley Weeks Our Military: Praise! Luke, Wade &Hunter are all back home. Please continue to pray for them as they readjust to being back home. Notes from Bro. Jeff 2014 was quite a year. As a family we walked through some difficult things this year, as many of you did. You know what I found? That God is there in the midst of every circumstance and that He is always faithful. No matter what, no matter how things turn out, He is faithful. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:2324 And you know what? I imagine that I will find that to be true in 2015 too. Happy, God-filled New Year!! A few Christmas thank yous…… Special thanks to our Decoration Committee for organizing our Hanging of the Green Service. Can’t tell you how much I love that service and this years was no different. The sanctuary was beautiful during the holiday season and I believe that beauty around us actually helps us to worship. Thanks ladies! And thanks to Jim Rogers for playing and Janet for singing, what a talented couple. Thanks to Anna Sandlin and Autumn Buckley for leading during our offertory times in December. It’s always good to hear from our piano students. Great job! Thank you for every card, gift, visit to our home and item of food you gave to our family this Christmas. You always make our holiday so meaningful and so much fun. We count all of you when we count our blessings. You will see elsewhere in the Hi-Lites a Invitation for a Retirement Celebration for Mary Alice Maddox. Mary Alice has had such an impactful ministry through the years here at FBC. She has decided the time has come for her to step down from that ministry (even though we disagree!!) and we want to show her how much we appreciate what she has given to her church and the music ministry here. Watch for details in the coming weeks. Church Choir…I don’t think I have ever had as much fun directing a Christmas musical as I did last month. What a joyous time of reflection and worship. It was nice to have a full house and to hear everyone singing on the congregational songs. Thank you to Mary Alice, Dawn and Carol for helping us to learn our parts. Soloists, you all shared beautifully which added so much! Thanks to Karen Thomas for doing so much more than just reading a narration, you really made it come alive Karen! Thanks to Billy Maddox and John David Egger for taking care of the technical end of things. Choir, what a tremendous journey it has been preparing this music with you. To be honest, I am going to miss singing these songs on Wednesday nights with you. Please do not ever underestimate the power of your surrendered talents when you sing! For me it was one of the best parts of Christmas 2014. Can’t wait to head into 2015 worshipping alongside you all. Youth Choir...You were a wonderful part of our Hanging of the Green service. You sang beautifully on both pieces and they added so much. I’ve had many folks who have said how great it was to see you all up there singing. Be ready to begin again in January!! Kings Kids...I don’t really know what to say about your sharing “Back to the Manger” this year. It was absolutely incredible! And another over packed crowd, we had around 250 here. You led us back to the real meaning of Christmas and you did it beautifully. The choir, soloists, actors, choreography; everything was great. Leigh, Molly, Amy; and all other who assisted, we can’t thank you enough for teaching and leading our children. You are having an eternal impact. Thanks Kings Kids for helping to make this Christmas so special! Get ready for next year. PAGE 4 Notes From the Church Office, Teams & Committees DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING WATCH FOR CLOSED NEW CLASSES THAT WILL BE OFFERED EARLY LEARNING CENTER WILL BE CLOSED THRU JANUARY 1ST. IN JANUARY 2015. CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED JANUARY 1ST. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE SUNDAY, JANUARY 25TH AT 6 PM CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 22ND AT 7 PM MEET IN THE CLC Proposal of an amendment to our Bylaws concerning Administrative Committees and the ELC Advisory Board. DEACONS MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 18TH AT 4:30 PM Please join us as we honor and thank MEET IN THE CLC (WALKING WITH GOD CLASSROOM) Mrs. Mary Alice Maddox for her many years of service in our Music Ministry. PLEASE TAKE NOTE To insure the deductibility of your church contribution, DO NOT file your 2014 income tax return until you have received your contribution statement from the church. Some of your contributions may not be tax deductible if you file before receiving a written acknowledgement from the church. In order for your contribution to count for 2014, they must be received in the office by December 31st or be postmarked by December 31st. RETIREMENT CELEBRATION Sunday, January 25th Christian Life Center Be sure and check in your Sunday School room for your 2015 offering envelopes or come by the Church Office. Frances Harrison ............ 1 Cindy Kerr ....................... 2 Cindy Otts ....................... 2 Laketa Mosley ................. 3 Frances Turman.............. 7 Blake Gilstrap.................. 8 Emmett Nolen ................. 8 Colin Williams ................. 9 Madalyn Moore ............ 10 John Knox Crawford ..... 14 Dean Wilson.................. 15 Johnny Rogers .............. 16 Laura Ashley Dean ....... 17 Nathan Kerr................... 17 Tommy Price ................. 17 Sylvia Eastman ............ 19 Ted Boyett .................... 20 Wanda Hughes ............. 21 Traci Austin ................... 22 Janet Rogers................. 23 Brylee Nolen ................. 26 Derek Burnett ................ 27 Charlotee Hattaway ...... 27 Dorothy Alexander ........ 28 Jaxon Bradford.............. 28 Cole Merchant............... 29 Joey Sandlin ................. 30 Payton Frye................... 31 5 12 19 26 11 18 Sanctity of Human Life 10:30 am - 1 pm Youth Soup & Spud Fundraiser 4:30 pm Deacons Meeting 25 Retirement Celebration honoring Mrs. Mary Alice Maddox 6 pm Quarterly Conference Building Responsibility Ralph Harrison Adam Heath Mon 4 Deacon of the Week 4th- Ralph Harrison 11th- Blake Gilstrap 18th- Adam Heath 25th- Glenn Noe Sun 6:30 pm Reg Sched 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal 28 6:30 pm Reg Sched 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal 11 am Morning Glory Widows Support Meeting (CLC) 27 21 14 9:30 am YAH Generations Trip 6:30 pm Reg Sched 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal 7 11:30 am YAH SOUPer Bowl Lunch (CLC) 6:30 pm Reg Sched 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal Resume Wed 20 9 am Soul Care Group Meeting (Office Classroom) 13 6:30 pm Women On Mission Meeting (at Janet Roger’s Home) 6 Tue 29 7 pm Church Council Meeting 22 15 8 Church Office and ELC Closed 1 Thu 30 23 16 9 2 Fri 31 24 17 10 Prison Ministry 8 am Food Prep 10:15 am Depart for Jail 3 Sat PAGE FBC Women’s Ministry 6 FBC Women’s Ministry Team Leaders: Touching the heart of the home, by reaching the hearts of women, through missions, spiritual growth, and fellowship, while reflecting on the heart of Christ. Emily Crawford 712-9507 WOMEN ON MISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 6TH AT 6:30 PM MEET AT JANET ROGERS HOME Sylvia Rhudy 712-4201 Kim Weeks 712-5253 MORNING GLORY WIDOW SUPPORT GROUP MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 20TH AT 11 AM MEET AT CLC BRING A SACK LUNCH SOUL CARE GROUP MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 13TH 9 AM MEET IN OFFICE CLASSROOM Ladies please join us in ministering to the women within our church family and our community. Meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday. WOMENS BETH MOORE BIBLE STUDY LADIES IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN US! Video Sessions will resume on Wednesday, January 7th at 6:30 pm WOMENS DAY OUT WATCH FOR DETAILS! YAH News All adults 50+ and your spouse are welcome to join us… YOUNG S RT A HEA FBC Young At Heart Ministry Team Leaders: Linda Batchelor Beverly Waller SOUPER BOWL LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7TH AT 11:30 AM IN THE CLC If you did not sign up to bring soup, please bring something to go with soup (toppings, sandwiches, crackers, bread , dessert, etc.) We will remind those who signed up for soup just in case you forgot! GENERATIONS NURSING HOME MINISTRY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14TH AT 9:30 AM MEET IN OFFICE PARKING LOT FOLLOWED WITH LUNCH Each month we go to Generations Nursing Home in Vernon. We sing and visit with the residents there. Then we choose a restaurant and eat together. PAGE Mission & Ministry Opportunities LOTTIE MOON OFFERING GOAL $8,500 RECEIVED TO DATE: $5,529 Our RA’s have raised $955.25 thru RA Mail. Our GA’s raised $200 at the GA Cookie Tasting. Women on Mission raised $135 by RA Mail Labels. Thank you for your generosity! We are only $2,971 away from our goal. We’re praying that our cookie jar will be overflowing! Designate your offerings to “Lottie Moon”. HOW DOES OUR GIVING MAKE AN IMPACT? When our church partners with IMB and gives to the Lottie Moon Offering, missionaries are able to share the gospel with unreached people groups, train believers to start new churches, assist in the planting of new churches, show Christ’s love to those in distress, and, most importantly, work to spread the kingdom of God. According to IMB’s 2013 Annual Statistical Report, our missionaries shared the gospel with 1.7 million people, trained 23,000 nationals to start new churches and helped plant 6,200 churches. While those statistics are exciting, there are still 4 billion people who remain lost. More giving will allow IMB to send more missionaries so that more people are reached for Christ! Youth Ministry SOUP & SPUD FUNDRAISER LUNCHEON SUNDAY, JANUARY 18TH 10:30 AM UNTIL 1 PM IN THE CLC $8 PER PLATE (SOUP, POTATO, BREAD AND DESSERT. DRINKS FOR DINE IN ONLY) SEE ANY YOUTH TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION BY JANUARY 15TH! PROCEEDS WILL HELP SUPPORT OUR YOUTH 2015 MISSION TRIPS. PRISON MINISTRY SATURDAY, JANUARY 10TH 8 AM FOOD PREPARATION 10:30 AM DEPART FOR JAIL MEET AT CLC PRISON MINISTRY Our greatest need for our Prison Ministry is funds to prepare and take them a meal each month. SANCTITY OF HUMAN LIFE SUNDAY IS JANUARY 18TH National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an observance declared by several U.S. Presidents who opposed abortion. President Ronald Reagan designated January 22, 1984 as the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day. The date was chosen to coincide with the 11th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case that first recognized the constitutionallyprotected status of abortion in the United States. Reagan issued the proclamation annually thereafter, designating Sanctity of Human Life Day to be the third Sunday in January, which represents the closest Sunday to the original January 22 date. His successor, George H. W. Bush, continued the annual proclamation throughout his presidency. Bush's successor, Bill Clinton, discontinued the practice throughout his eight years in office, but Bush's son and Clinton's successor, George W. Bush, resumed the proclamation, and did so every year of his presidency. 7 FBC SULLIGENT STAFF FBC SULLIGENT PASTOR: BYRON A. PICKERING MINISTER OF YOUTH & MUSIC: JEFF CHAFFIN MINISTRY ASSISTANTS: CAROLYN TRENTELMAN & SYLVIA RHUDY NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID VERNON AL PERMIT NO. 22 P.O. BOX 217 SULLIGENT, AL 35586 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FBCELC INTERIM DIRECTOR: LINDA RYE NURSERY COORDINATOR: CINDY KERR OUR RECORD SPEAKS SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE DECEMBER 7TH - 172 DECEMBER 14TH - 180 DECEMBER 21ST - 167 DECEMBER 28TH - NA WORSHIP ATTENDANCE TOTALS DECEMBER 7TH - 184 DECEMBER 14TH - 188 DECEMBER 21ST - 176 DECEMBER 28TH - NA BUILDING FUND OFFERING NOVEMBER 30TH - $7,387 BUDGET NEEDED TO DATE $ 319,863 BUDGET RECEIPTS TO DATE $ 333,166 FINISHING IN FAITH PLEDGE RECEIPTS TO DATE (5 YEAR CAMPAIGN BEGAN ON APRIL 1, 2012) PLEDGED GOAL - $ 494,840 RECEIVED TO DATE - $ 311,552 PRISION MINISTRY BALANCE $ 702 YOUTH MINISTRY STUFF “Always keep on praying” Ephesians 6:18 Absolutely love going caroling at the Care Center with you guys each year! Thank you for giving that little bit of time. Surely you were able to see how much it meant to those residents. They would come to their door, sing with us, even follow us down the hall! Know that God uses every little thing we do in His name. Thanks also for giving to sponsor one of the children from our elementary school for Christmas. You helped to supply a young man with clothes and gifts for the holiday. I know you will never miss the money but it was used to bless on of your schoolmates. If you haven’t given yours yet get it to me as soon as possible. Our Shop Til U Drop was insane! Too bad there weren’t more people shopping that day. Yow! Loved just hanging around with you guys and how cool that God opened the door for us to carol at the apartments in Hamilton. Another opportunity to give back at Christmas. Thanks to PGosa for going to help drive. We just haven’t been able to get together again for our Discipleship University. We have the test results for your Spiritual Gifts and we will share those at our next meeting. Then we will take a couple of weeks to talk about how you can use your individual gifts in our fellowship and our community. We will be unveiling the destination for this years summer mission experience this month. Watch for details and then make sure that you get your reservation in quickly. We will be limited in the number of reservations that we will have to be ready to reserve your place. And begin praying now for what God will do in and through you. Our first fundraiser of the new year will be on Sunday, January 18th. We will be sponsoring our “Soup & Spud” Luncheon. Your sign up sheets are available now so get one and get to selling! Gotta have the sheets back by Thursday, January 15th. Sign up for parts for Valentine Dessert Theatre is on the YBB so get your name up soon. We will be assigning parts by late January. Working on a little fun trip for later this month too, so watch your txt and youth bulletin board for details. Love you guys! ~Jeff
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