Wyke College Prospectus 2016-17
Wyke College Prospectus 2016-17
WYKE 6th FORM COLLEGE PROSPECTUS 20 16\ 17 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Contents CON T E N T S Welcome To Wyke 2 German47 Wyke Flyers 8 Geography48 Social Wall 10 Government & Politics 50 Travelling to and from Wyke 12 Graphic Design 51 Team Wyke 14 Health & Social Care 52 Learn, Gain, Develop and Achieve 16 History54 Experience Learning Through Our Trips 17 IT & Computing Dedicated Support 18 Law58 Senior Management Team 20 Applied Law Beyond Wyke 22 Mathematics60 Applying to Wyke 24 Mathematical Studies 60 Study Programmes at Wyke 26 Further Mathematics 61 Accounting27 Media Studies 62 Fine Art Creative Digital Media Production 63 28 56 59 Biology29 Music64 Business Studies 30 Music Technology 65 Business Studies BTEC 31 Physical Education 66 Chemistry32 Performing Arts 67 Creative Writing 34 Photography68 Dance36 Physics69 Drama & Theatre Studies Psychology70 37 Economics38 Religious Studies 71 English Language 40 Applied Science 72 English Language & Literature 40 Sociology73 English Literature 41 Spanish74 Fast Track - Anthropology, Critical Thinking & Science in Society 42 Sport75 Film Studies 44 Bridge to Level 3 76 Open Events 77 French46 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk W E LCOM E TO W Y K E “ We believe that our College will provide you with all that you need to be successful in the next stage of your education. ” We believe that our College will provide you with all that you need to be successful for the next stage in your education. As the largest A Level provider in Hull and the East Riding, the statistics are straightforward; students do very well at Wyke Sixth Form College. In 2015 the College celebrated our best ever set of results. The percentage pass rate at A Level in 2014-15 was 99.8%, our A* - B rate increased to just below 50% and the much coveted A* grade doubled, with 108 students gaining this top mark. Our progression data for entry to University and to the Russell Group is outstanding. Five students recently gained places at Oxbridge and 75% of our Flyer cohort took up offers from Russell Group institutions. Wyke is the perfect place for meeting new people and learning to handle and enjoy new situations; the atmosphere here is a friendly one and expectations are high. There is little need for rules because we expect students to be self-disciplined. You will be taught and supported by outstanding staff in a superb learning environment. The quality of relationships within the College will ensure that you work to your full potential and achieve at the highest level. You will be joining students from all over Hull, the East Riding and North Lincolnshire. Please visit the College and see for yourself. Talk to our students and staff to find out about the range of experiences on offer. In short, come and find out how you can maximise your achievement and have fun at the same time. Jay Trivedy, Principal Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk W E LCOM E TO W Y K E To be able to achieve outstanding success, we believe that you need to be in outstanding surroundings and this is what we offer here at Wyke Sixth Form College. The campus boasts four separate buildings, each housing different subjects and amenities that are linked together by the external landscaped area which provides an extensive social space. W E HAVE A 10 0% L E A RN , GAIN , PA S S RATE IN OVER 35 S UB JE C TS There is an enormous Learning Resource Centre, allowing more students than ever to access both reading materials and online resources. We provide excellent sporting facilities, with a four badminton court sports hall, a dance and fitness suite and an all-weather outdoor pitch. The contemporary theatre space accommodates Dance, Drama and Music performances. The Music department has a multi-track recording studio and Media and Film have video editing facilities , an Apple Mac suite and a visual effects green room. Students can also enjoy the Refectory, which serves breakfast and lunch and the Coffee Bar which is available for drinks and snacks throughout the day. The aim was to provide a ‘university campus’ feel to the College, which certainly has been achieved and which is being utilised and enjoyed by all of our students. “ 2 A N D A CHIE VE I chose to study at Wyke as I saw going to college as a step closer to higher education ” and the campus environment and the facilities on offer are excellent. TOM GARDINER Watch some of the Wyke Highlights of 2014-15 DE VE LOP FORMER BEVERLEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL STUDENT 5 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk 99.8% PA SS R AT E AT A LE VEL 2014/15 6 7 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk WYKE F LY E RS TOM G AR DIN E R OUR WYKE FLYERS PROGRAMME IS DESIGNED TO SUPPORT OUR MOST ACADEMICALLY ABLE STUDENTS REACH THEIR POTENTIAL. THE Tom is a former Beverley Grammar School student studying for A Levels in Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. When asked why he chose to study at Wyke, Tom said: “I saw going to college as a step closer to higher education. The campus environment as well as the facilities on offer at the College are excellent.” After Wyke, Tom has decided that he would like to study Chemistry at 2014/15 YEAR WAS A FANTASTIC YEAR FOR OUR WYKE FLYERS, WITH FIVE STUDENTS university : “While being at Wyke I have learnt how to study independently. I also have had the help of the Wyke Flyers programme which does a lot to encourage and support people who want to aim high.” THE FUTURE: AS RESULTS Chemistry A Biology A Extended Project Qualification A* Mathematics A Physics A Tom is currently applying to university to study Chemistry and would like to study at the University of Oxford or York. GAINING OFFERS FROM OXBRIDGE. Wyke Flyers is a programme of additional events and activities that we offer to our students who are academic highflyers achieving mainly As and above in their GCSEs. The aim of the programme is to support and provide academic challenge to students as well as pathways to access top performing institutions in the UK and beyond. JOSH L E E M AN Josh enjoys the support that he gets from the Flyers programme: “As a Flyer, I have seen how the teaching staff and mentors involved are very supportive. They have given me lots of advice about my future and the opportunity to explore my options by running open day trips to universities across the country.” THERE ARE THREE KEY STRANDS TO THE WYKE FLYERS PROGRAMME: 1. All Flyers will be assigned a senior staff mentor. 2. F lyers get the opportunity to complete an extended project qualification in their first year. 3. T he programme offers residential and day trips to a selection of Russell Group universities as well as Oxford and Cambridge. FLYERS DESTINATIONS 2015 A, A*, A , A* A, A, A, B, B JOSH L ANGC A S T ER Former Malet Lambert student, studying Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge. MOLLY H AR DY Former Malet Lambert student, studying Law with European Law at the University of Oxford. A, B, A, A, A* A, A*, A , A COUR TN E Y INC H Former South Hunsley student, studying Geography at the University of Oxford. J O S H NOR M AN Former Beverley Longcroft student, studying Mathematics at the University of Warwick. A*, A*, A*, A*, A* A*, A, A*, A* HE ATHER S MI T H Former Beverley High School student, studying Geography at the University of Cambridge. L U C IE H ALL Former Beverley Longcroft student, studying Medicine at the University of Newcastle. 8 Former Andrew Marvell High School student Josh studies Biology, Chemistry, English Language and Mathematics at Wyke. Following his time at Wyke, Josh has decided to apply to study Chemistry FA IT H S OL A NKE Former Sydney Smith High School student Faith studies Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Psychology. Faith chose to study at Wyke following a trip she attended in Year 11. “After expressing an interest in a medical career at school, Wyke invited me to a medical conference where I learnt how to apply for a degree in Medicine and about medical careers. It showed me how much the College were willing to invest in my future before I started to study here.” Being part of the Flyers programme has given Faith access to a number of university open days: “I have been to Durham University, the University of Cambridge and on a residential trip to visit universities in London. Being a Wyke Flyer has given me the opportunity to see so many universities I wouldn’t have been able to without the programme.” THE FUTURE: Faith is currently completing her A Levels and decided apply to the University Faithhas is currently completing her of Cambridge, Cardiff and Sheffield to A Levels and has decided to apply to study Medicine.of Cambridge, Cardiff and the University Sheffield to study Medicine. at the University of Cambridge and Durham. When asked why he picked those universities he said, “I decided that I wanted to apply to Cambridge and Durham as they are two of the most highly commended universities in the country for my subject. I believe this will help me to establish a successful career.” AS RESULTS Chemistry A Biology A English Language A Extended Project Qualification A* General Studies A Mathematics A THE FUTURE: Josh is currently completing his A Levels and would like to study at the University of Cambridge. AS RESULTS Biology A Chemistry A Extended Project Qualification A* General Studies A Mathematics B Psychology A Science in Society A C H LOE ALL E N B Y Chloe is a former Cottingham High School student who chose to study at Wyke following an open day: “I had a really good feeling about Wyke when I visited the campus for the first time and I knew it had an excellent academic and sporting reputation.” Chloe’s involvement with Flyers has helped her choose where she wants to go to university. “I have been on a number of university trips with the Flyers programme. After attending an open day at Newcastle University I decided that I would like to apply and study there.” When asked what she enjoyed about her courses, Chloe said “I am really passionate about all of my courses. My teachers are all really enthusiastic and make learning my subjects really interesting. Last year, I really enjoyed the coursework for Media Studies, I made a magazine and it gave me a chance to practice and gain some practical media skills.” THE FUTURE: Chloe is applying to study English Language and Linguistics at Newcastle University. AS RESULTS English Language & Literature A Biology A Extended Project Qualification A* History A Media Studies A Physical Education A 9 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk #S O C I A L WA L L Wyke College @WykeCollege You’ve watched the video, now see the photos. Congratulations to Wyke art & design student Courtney Randall on winning the Rotary Club “Young Artist of the... http://t.co/8QlEsTmXjW https://www.flickr.com/photos/44105515@ N05/sets/72157651561137754 Wyke Sixth Form College Sports Presentation 2015. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF WAYS TO FIND OUR WHAT IS GOING ON AT THE COLLEGE THROUGH ALL OF OUR DIFFERENT SOCIAL MEDIA SITES. It’s the first day of college for all our new students. We find that these outlets are an excellent way for our students to keep in touch with what is going on at the College; be it a performance, a College trip, a sporting event or an awards ceremony, we are there to capture it all. Students like to see videos and pictures of themselves and their friends, and social media is a great way for everyone to see the fantastic things we have going on here at Wyke Sixth Form College. Visit the “Social Wall” page on our website. It’s a great way of seeing what’s happening across all our social media outlets. Welcome to Wyke, enjoy your time with us. wyke-results-2015 (98) wyke.ac.uk/news-events/social-wall/ Wyke College @WykeCollege Enrolment for 2015 is now closed. Congratulations to all those who have successfully gained a place at Wyke. GO AN D FIND U S AT: www.facebook.com/WykeSixthFormCollege @wykeSFC 10 A 4 minute review of Wyke Results Day 2015. Watch to the end to see Jessica Kelly’s reaction to her well deserved Law grade. Results Day 2015 Wyke Sixth Form College Wyke College @WykeCollege IF YOU HAV EN ’T A LR E A DY, @WykeCollege Results Day - The Video! Wyke College @WykeCollege RT @CourtM__: Had so much fun tonight! so much love for the film and media staff, a brill way to end 2 years at wyke @wykefilmgeek http://t… RT @DKLAGB: I’m so excited to start wyke tomorrow See you on Wednesday. Wyke Students Celebrate Biology Success wyke-results-2015 (123) http://wyke.ac.uk/about-wyke/in-the-spotlight/ wyke-students-celebrate-biology-success/ properties/page-1 WykeTV Wyke College Flickr 11 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk M7 am y er gh le n o rt Co tt B in ev u B y rr e h el s sw at e un dg D oa Br N l C n ew No ba rth ld B 12 30 o ct n a S am by Co tt in Sk gh id W ei L g h it t to l e n B Bu ish r t op on W al ki ng to n W M ei a gh rk to et n ld H o in lm g e M o o n o r a p a S Sq ill N er ew by po rt ke dy er W Gi Ea e se ur st lb ri ow ng de to n n e ol o H is u Ce R Sq n er M el by to to W el ou n gh n ht o ill W El So lo Br h ut ug Ca ve e av C h rt by ill K er ir an Sq l la la ke nd y ib rr W N nl Av e en to ab n y ur lb y P Rd a r k N Rd Ln t A Tr rs Fi Ti n ey r (H rib e y ss R le d ) H es sl e Sq to n l at Fe li ro n y rb on le to El st ds ea k A (S nla a b n y e R r d st St ) Ge or H g es es sl Rd e Rd (A sd H a) e Pi ss l c Rd k e S o e r i Rd / u ng Fi th ve w ay A s nl ab H (B y ig e R gi ll d n & C (T al s) S B ve B rt an R k) d Pi ic nl A Re y ab ab d Li Ro y rr fe B A nl th oo y P Rd a r k N on ad n to ar B Pa A rk nl Rd a b y N ol y w to ks or H A ll B Sa on by in ts M B ar H ew N Sa la by xb n k on W or by w M7 o ra M6 k la nd ro w ar H ke u Up t m o Pl be n ac r e B oo th fe rr A y nl Ro ab ad y Re d Li on l il h ox G ic g M5 et ic gt W tw ig M4 e W w in Br M3 a o n St U at p o W he n r in te rt W on in te ri ng ha So m ut h Fe rr ib y rt se rs l Rd el W k rn u se M5 tr Pa oo e m B on ul ed Pa H n ou to sh on es i lt Pr B lt Br h m ha 933 Sa w it ly M2 W ol ng m ld k ba k oc um ha ng D an Rd B a ng ri yi tt H O Ke or ri on to ed Th H ic ng u on nw V ri B os rt ro M1 934 Sp to WYKE M I N I BU S S E RV IC E S ll e sw im R d En m st ha Ea als H Ro Bu st y by h F Sp ar ld M O ni El l le aw g Sw u o ro Fe b k y 939 94 1 M4 Le Sc 937 938 ld ic h A n se to h w rn ug he e it is W R la is an rt d ir d R ol ng rn Sk A Lo dm Co ad by 933 R N ge e Av Ln t Rd oo W l te ds 932 e n Ln o r nt d ra t s it n el ns al 931 94 0 M3 Ga ib m Le G ha e o G ee te oa ck ai sw aw en al sh Rd e fl hc Re rl un H el rd lt / d b R Pu e n w lo awa l ay Ww e/ l W S Av i l n H g i le i g d ve B d o N re A e e m Av id M Ch ne a ag ar ut es be D n se e En S le ill M So m am Sc rn rn n da V Rd Rd Ja Ch h to o ho to ow on ry h at er Rd bw ef g H n st ur H tt gs Su In m on La St u Rd o at le k sb 930 936 M2 9 25 WANT MORE INFORMATION? 92 9 935 931 ALL SERVICES RUN MONDAY TO FRIDAY DURING TERM TIME ONLY. ro an Se gg ic de n n 92 8 934 939 TRANSPORT CHECKER B e at G on n t o ng rt i a dl M r i Rd B ns oh .J ig Si ve an tw Ca Br Le to am y gh le in er ck ev Ti B tt ) e d n R y / aw r r ay W Fe W y ( an a pi W n a mh ia ay Gr t W Lo en ev ay st t h W Ke o r e N ed ym nn ay Ru W d on hm ic R d / nt b lR a u al p P H am rse R o H 92 7 932 9 29 926 92 5 92 6 92 7 930 Our transport services are for the exclusive use of Wyke students. Travel passes are paid for in advance and can be purchased on a Half Term, Term or Annual basis. Income related transport bursaries are available. For further details visit www.wyke.ac.uk/student- M 6 life/travelling-to-wyke 937 938 9 40 If you’re finding it difficult to find the nearest and best bus service, try our “Bus Route Search” on the College homepage. Just type in your postcode and it will provide a bus service and timetable near where you live. EYMS COL L E G E S E RV IC E S 92 8 935 There are a number of dedicated bus services operated by East Yorkshire Motor Services (EYMS) on behalf of the College, and additional minibus services serving a large number of villages. Our transport maps and routes are regularly updated on our website and we offer a transport helpdesk at all of our open events. 12 Co Our transport routes mean that students from all areas of Hull, the East Riding and North Lincolnshire can take advantage of our convenient transport services. rd M1 n o rt fe af N ld ie ff ri D k n ic to w ut n s H ra C ld ie nf co Rd Le t of cr es ol M e Rd v y dA rle el ve nfi Be ow D T R AV E L L I NG TO A N D F ROM W Y K E Ca 94 1 St 936 13 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk TEAM WYKE SPORT HAS ALWAYS PLAYED AN IMPORTANT ROLE HERE AT WYKE SIXTH FORM COLLEGE. FROM COMPETING IN NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS TO COMPETING AGAINST FELLOW STUDENTS IN AN INTER-TUTOR LEAGUE, WHATEVER THE LEVEL AND CAPABILITY, THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. Wyke has an outstanding reputation for sport, twice winning the ‘BCS Sports College of the Year’. That success has continued with our various teams collectively winning seven league championships and a place in the National Cup final during the 2014/15 season. Due to the success of our ‘Football Academy’, we have now introduced Basketball, Netball, Referee, Cricket and Golf Academies here at Wyke. Members of these academies will benefit from expert coaching and advice including technical, tactical, strength and conditioning coaching. At Wyke we have one Women’s and five Men’s Football Teams, two Mixed and one Women’s Basketball Team, three Netball Teams, a Rugby League and Rugby Union team as well as offering a Badminton, Skiing, Golf, Darts, Volleyball and a Cricket team too. Not only do we offer such a high level of competitive sports teams, we also have a number of Sports Clubs including Cheerleading, Boxing, American Football and Table Tennis. The Sports Department also arrange some fantastic trips including an outdoor adventure trip to Wales, a trip to St George’s Park to train and utilise all the facilities, a two day visit to London to sample Wimbledon and Wembley and the annual sports tour to Dublin. Classes such as Pilates and Body Pump are offered over lunchtime and are open to everyone as well as the inter-tutor leagues, which encourage students to get involved with activities and sports that are not typically played at college like Dodgeball and Darts. 14 At the end of each academic year, the department hosts its infamous ‘Sports Presentation Evening’ where staff and students vote for all their ‘Players of the Year’, ‘Team of the Year’ and Wyke’s ‘Sports Personality of the Year’. The event is always a sell out and has grown year on year. It is a fantastic way to get everyone who has played or supported our teams together and celebrate the success that Team Wyke have had year on year. 15 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk E X PE R I E NC E L E A R N I NG T H ROUG H OU R T R I P S THROUGHOUT YOUR TIME AT WYKE SIX TH FORM COLLEGE, YOU WILL BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNIT Y Media and Film students travel to New York every year taking in the New York Film Academy, Ground Zero and photographing the city’s iconic skyline from the top of the Empire State Building. In 2015, Film and Media students went to the Berlin Film Festival where they attended world premieres and visited film facilities in the city. Our Geography students have been to Italy and Iceland in the past few years and Government and Politics students have flown to Washington DC, touring the US Senate and the Supreme Court. There is also the College’s trip to South Africa, where a group of students fly out to South Africa to undertake volunteer work. All of these visits add a richness and depth to learning a subject. They all form part of Wyke’s enrichment programme, which also incorporates many other vocational, academic and sporting activities. As you can imagine, every trip is highly sought after and our students always have a fantastic experience, creating memories and making friends. You can view photographs and videos from our latest trips by visiting : wyke.ac.uk/student-life/enrichment/ trips-and-visits/ TO EXPERIENCE ONE OF OUR MANY FIELD TRIPS SPANNING ACROSS THE GLOBE. LEARN, DE V E LOP, GAIN & AC H I E V E “ ENRICHMENT COURSES TAKE PLACE FOR ONE OR T WO HOURS EACH WEEK. Many of the courses provide certificates and others allow you to gain extra UCAS tariff points required for university entrance e.g. Extended Project Qualification. Enrichment courses develop important life skills which have a use beyond college (e.g. First Aid), others develop This year, we are introducing the Duke of Edinburgh gold award and are the only college in Hull to offer this. You can become more involved in the life of Wyke by participating in the College Production and the Student Crew. You will make new friends and also develop new skills. LONDON 2015 SOUTH AFRICA My involvement with sports enrichment ” at Wyke helped me decide my future career as a Physiotherapist. BETHAN DAY FORMER WITHERNSEA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT. 16 vocational skills and experience (e.g. Work Experience, Community Sports Leader Award, Law Society and Music Ensembles). SPAIN 2015 NEW YORK 2015 17 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk “ INS PIR E A N D S U PP ORT A LL ST U DE N T S TO DE DIC AT E D S U PP ORT STUDENTS AT WYKE ARE PROVIDED WITH A HIGH LEVEL OF DEDICATED SUPPORT. WHATEVER THE PROBLEM, THERE WILL BE SOMEONE HERE TO HELP. GUIDANCE LEARNING SUPPORT Office, Mentors, MIS and Exams Staff all work closely together to provide the guidance service which is available to our students during College timetable hours. Guidance staff can offer help with timetable queries, transport information, exam questions and much more. The Learning Support team provides extra study support to students who need it or who want to improve their study skills. They support students with dyslexia, dyslexic tendencies, Asperger’s Syndrome and other disabilities. They can lend out equipment such as laptops and lift keys to students who need them. The department supports students either on a one to one or an occasional basis. The department is located in the Library. The College also has first class careers provision; there are regular careers talks and in depth help with university applications and life after college. 18 AC HIE V E E X C E P TIONAL LEARNING MENTORS TUTOR TEAM The Learning Mentor team provides a friendly area for students who need any kind of support on the following: The Tutor Team here at Wyke consists of specialist progress tutors whose aim is to deliver a high level of support to our students. Each member of the team offers skills and specialisms that contribute to enriching the time our students are with us. - Personal issues - Homework and coursework - Revision - Other issues (these can be a whole range of things from attendance to living independently). S UCC E S S.” W Y K E S I X T H F OR M COL L E G E M I S S ION STAT E M E N T FINANCIAL SUPPORT STUDENT EXECUTIVE The Student Executive organises a number of events during the year including charity fundraising events and parties. Wyke offers a variety of financial support to students, including the college bursary, college award and transport support. 19 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk 75 % OF W Y K E FLY E R S PRO GR E S S ED S E N IOR M A NAG E M E N T TEAM ON TO RUS S E LL GROU P “ My role, as Principal, is to ensure that the quality of everything that our College offers is outstanding: teaching and learning; pastoral care; the support that we offer MARK ROTHERY JENNY ANDER S ON ANN A L AMPLOUGH Assistant Principal Personnel Manager Director of Finance JAY TRI VEDY JULIE PE AK S IAN TAYLOR Principal Assistant Principal Deputy Principal outside of lessons and the resources to help you succeed. I am able to do this through the leadership of the Senior Team, the managers and staff at our College. Through the team of staff at our College, our focus is on enabling U NI V E R SITIE S OR OXBRIDGE 2014/15 you to settle in, be inspired by your learning ” experience and to achieve exceptional success for the next stage in your development. JAY TRIVEDY, PRINCIPAL 20 21 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk BE YON D WYKE LUCIE R IAZ JOSH H A LL C HO U DH U R Y NOR M AN JEMMA P U R FIELD Jemma previously studied at Cottingham High School before coming to Wyke. During her time at the College, Jemma excelled at Physical Education and was part of Wyke’s Women’s Football team and captained the team in the National Cup final during the 2014/15 season. Jemma’s talents at sport were awarded by the college during its annual ‘Sports Presentation Evening’ where she won ‘Wyke Sports Personality of the Year’ and the Women’s Football Team won ‘Wyke Team of the Year’. THE FUTURE: Jemma is now at the University of South Alabama and hopes to pursue a career as a professional footballer. 22 Lucie is a former Beverley Longcroft School student who studied Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and is now at Newcastle University studying Medicine. When asked why she chose to study at Wyke, Lucie said “I wanted a high quality learning experience and knew about Wyke’s excellent academic record.” RESULTS Physical Education A English Language B Applied Science C A fantastic sporting year for Jemma Purfield Lucie was part of the Wyke Flyers programme and talked about how much she had enjoyed the higher education trips: “I really liked being able to visit a lot of universities as it helped me finalise my choice. As a Flyer I was able to complete an Extended Project Qualification about stem cell research in my first year, this showed that I was serious about choosing medicine as a career.” When asked her top tips for success, Lucie said “Make sure that you are organised and that you do everything that you can from day one.” RESULTS Biology A* Chemistry A Extended Project Qualification A* Mathematics A* Former Kelvin Hall student Riaz Choudhury came to Wyke to study Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. On results day, Riaz achieved grades higher than he had expected: “I’m over the moon; the work I have put in over the past two years has really paid off.” He has now gone to study Civil and Structural Engineering at the University of Leeds. For Riaz, going to university was a clear choice: “I have always wanted to go university as being in education is something that I enjoy and I also believe that this is the right choice for my career.” Riaz gave some advice on how he achieved his success. “I made sure that I started my revision for my exams early so I could balance my work and free time. When it came to the exams I made sure that I believed in myself, I knew I had worked really hard and was well prepared.” THE FUTURE: THE FUTURE: Lucie is now at Newcastle University studying for a degree in Medicine. Riaz is hoping to become a structural engineer after completing his degree at the University of Leeds. RESULTS Chemistry A* Mathematics A Physics A Watch Riaz opening his A Level results Josh is a former Beverley Longcroft School student who studied Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics at Wyke. Josh recieved an offer from Girton College at the University of Cambridge to study Mathematics but chose to complete a degree in the same subject at the University of Warwick. RESULTS Mathematics A* Further Mathematics A Chemistry A Physics A When asked why he chose to study Mathematics for his degree, Josh said “I chose to study Mathematics as it is something I have enjoyed studying at Wyke and I wanted to study a subject that I will continue to enjoy learning about at university. Although I am unsure what I want to do once completing university, I believe that a degree in Mathematics will open up a lot of career options to me.” Josh chose to study at Wyke for a number of reasons. “I chose to study at Wyke because of its excellent academic reputation across the region. I also liked the university campus feel of the college and I believe Wyke has prepared me well for higher education.” THE FUTURE: Josh turned down an offer from the University of Cambridge and is studying Mathematics at the University of Warwick. 23 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus www.wyke.ac.uk A PPLY I NG TO W Y K E October November V I S I T OU R COL L E G E OPEN EVENING OPEN EVENING 22nd October 6pm-8:30pm 11th November 6pm-8:30pm December INFORMATION MORNING 5th December 9:30am-12:30pm A PPL IC AT ION I N T E RV I E W APPL PPLYIC I NG A AT ION K EI E W ITO N TW EY RV WAYS TO A PPLY Wyke applications are open from October and continue until August Enrolment. Most students complete their application before May as this allows them a broad choice of subject combinations. January OPEN EVENING 14th January 6pm-8:30pm February March April May June July August R E S U LT S DAY INFORMATION MORNING September STA RT OF T E R M 5th March 9:30am-12:30 WYKE STA RT 3 DAY TAST E R Attend your application interview – This may be during school hours, scheduled on a weekday evening or occasionally weekends. 4th - 6th July YEAR 11 APPLICATION EVENINGS YEAR 11 APPLICATION EVENINGS YEAR 11 APPLICATION EVENINGS This three day induction aims to show applicants what they can expect by coming to Wyke. E N ROL M E N T I N T E RV I E W Everyone who has applied to Wyke will receive an enrolment interview which they must attend. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES OF LEVEL 3 STUDENTS AND THE CHOICES THEY MADE: CAP APPLICATION (common application process) ONLINE APPLICATION visit www.wyke.ac.uk You can make an online application quickly and easily by visiting www.logonmoveon.co.uk for Hull based schools and www.lincs4u.co.uk for Southbank schools. To make a CAP application, you will need a username and password and these are available through your school. Here you can find further information about the wide range of courses, dates for open events and an online form to apply directly to the College. If you are a student at one of our partner schools, please use the Common Application Process recommended by your school (refer to option 1). 24 KEANE PARSONS is a former Kingswood School student who gained C grades at GCSE and is studying the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport. JANA NEMKOVICA is a former Sirius Academy student who achieved mainly B grades at GCSE and studies Media Studies, Photography and Psychology. ASHLEY HARROWER is a former Market Weighton School student who gained A* and A grades at GCSE. She now studies English Language, Film Studies, Music Technology and Psychology. 25 A LEVEL ACCOUNTING ACCOU N T I NG WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Anybody who is interested in the financial side of running a business. Accounting provides an excellent foundation for those wishing to pursue a career in the financial sector and for those considering starting their own business. There are four broad areas of study which include the preparation and interpretation of accounts for many businesses, including sole traders, manufacturing companies and larger limited companies. It also develops valuable skills that have direct relevance to everyday life. Accounting is well regarded by universities and employers as a means of preparing for a number of higher education courses and areas of work. ST U DY PRO G R A M M E S AT W Y K E Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus LEVEL 3 STUDY PROGRAMMES Students applying to join the College in September 2016 start during the middle year of a national three-year cycle of A Level changes. The main changes the Government are making to A Levels is to reshape them into two year linear courses. This means all the examinations that count to the final qualification will be at the end of the two year course. In order to ensure at Wyke all our students benefit from the change in structure, we have decided to teach all our A Levels as two-year linear courses with the external examinations at the end of the course. This will enable us to teach 26 all A Levels in a linear way covering topics where they fit best rather than being required to teach specific content in the first year. At Wyke students will choose the three or four A Levels that they will study over two years. Alongside with these students will study at least one Elective, one year course This pattern of study allows students to maintain a good breadth of study in their first year and be well placed to focus on their linear exams in their second year. WHAT ARE THE ELECTIVE COURSES? Wyke offer a range of one year courses that all lead to a qualification that can be taken as your elective. The purpose of the elective is to maintain breadth of study alongside linear A Levels and successful completion of your elective at the end of your first year also demonstrates you are prepared to progress to the second year of study at Wyke. Many elective courses are timetabled for half the time of an A Level. PLEASE NOTE: All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. 100% Examination. H A MILTON RESULTS Accounting A* Extended Project Qualification B General Studies B History A Mathematics A* Further Mathematics A A growing number of students are viewing Wyke as a route to gain an advanced apprenticeship. This allows students to gain a degree whilst working for their employer and is a good way to minimise the cost of higher education. Former Malet Lambert High School student Bessie Hamilton is one of our students who gained a sponsored degree in Accounting. She will be studying at Durham University whilst working for KPMG who have sponsored her. ADVANCED APPRENTICE SHIP Former Wyke Accounting students talk about the benefits of an advanced apprenticeship They include: - Extended Project Qualification - Level 3 Mathematical Studies Certificate - BTEC Certificate Courses - Fast Track AS Courses - (if required) GCSE Mathematics / Science ASSESSMENT: BE S S IE LINK S WITH E Y AND P WC FURTHER DETAILS ON PROGRAMME COMBINATION AND STRUCTURE CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE. WWW.WYKE.AC.UK/COURSES BTEC courses can be combined with A Level courses to form a composite study programme where appropriate. 27 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus LEVEL 3 COURSES A LEVEL A LEVEL A LEVEL F I N E A RT BIOLO G Y WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Fine Art is an excellent choice for anyone with a vivid interest in observed drawing, painting and printmaking. Considerable opportunities exist for media exploration and creative design work, working with a variety of materials, techniques and processes. This course demands a strong work ethic and independent commitment. If you achieved well and enjoyed Art & Design at school this could be for you. Students will produce practical and critical/contextual work that could include one or more areas including painting, drawing, mixed-media, sculpture, land art, installation, printmaking, film, animation, television, video and photography: lens-based and/ or light-based media. Fine Art is often studied alongside related courses such as Graphic Design and Photography, but can also serve as a complementary study route, offering an element of variety to an intense academic programme. Students with a grade B or higher in GCSE Art or similar, can automatically enrol onto a visual art A Level. Otherwise students will have successfully completed practical work at Wyke Start for the department. The course is rooted in direct creative activity supported by individual tutorial discussion and reference to exemplar material created by teaching staff, students and established historical significant Fine Art practitioners. Careful guidance is given with regard to the construction and presentation of individual outcomes, sketchbooks and portfolios, supported by visual example and written and verbal instruction. There is a purchase of an art pack required costing £30 per year. ASSESSMENT Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Biology is a great choice of subject for people who want a career in health and clinical professions, such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, physiotherapy, pharmacy, optometry, medical research, nursing, zoology, microbiology or genetics, as well as a wide range of science careers. An A Level in Biology is also a great choice for anyone with an interest in the subject or anyone who wishes to study it alongside a set of complementary or contrasting subjects. Students will have a minimum of BBBBCC from their top six GCSEs, including at least Bs in Science and Mathematics, with a C or above in GCSE English Language. COURSE CONTENT 60% Coursework, 40% Examination. W IN N E R OF TH E Year 12 Biological molecules - Biochemistry: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins and DNA Cells - Cell structure, Cell Division Processes, the Immune System Y O U NG AR TIS T OF THE Organisms exchange substances with their environment - Gas Exchange in a Variety of Organisms, the Circulatory System T H E Y E A R AWAR D Digestion - Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms. Genes - Protein Synthesis - Taxonomy and Diversity Year 13 Energy transfers in and between organisms - Photosynthesis, Respiration Ecosystems and Nutrient Cycles rganisms respond to changes O in their internal and external environments. - Nerves, Muscles and Homeostasis Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems - Inheritance, Populations and Evolution The control of gene expression - Mutations, Gene Technology and Control of Gene Expression. ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. STUDEN TS RAN KE D IN THE TOP 18% IN TH E BRITISH BIOLOGY OLY M PIAD Hull Rotary Club Award 2015 28 A LEVEL BIOLOGY ALYSHA OADES, former Sir John Nelthorpe School student. COURTNEY RANDALL, former Cottingham High School student. 29 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL FINE ART CALUM GAW, former Malet Lambert High School student. A Level Business Studies is for anyone with an interest in how businesses operate. As consumers we should all know the way businesses produce and supply goods and services that we all use. You may be interested in running your own business in the future and this course provides a solid foundation for such a venture. You may wish to pursue a career in business management and there are many well-known organisations in retail and manufacturing which offer training programmes leading to recognised qualifications. You may wish to study a business-related course at university and A Level business studies would be a valuable entry qualification. Students aiming to start A Level Business Studies will have achieved a grade C in GCSE English Language within a profile of at least BBCCCC from their top six GCSEs. COURSE CONTENT Topics covered in A Level Business Studies include: - What is business? - Managers, leadership and decision making - Decision making to improve marketing performance - Decision making to improve operational performance 30 BTEC LEVEL 3 BUSINESS STUDIES BU S I N E S S ST U DI E S WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE/EXTENDED CERTIFICATE - Decision making to improve financial performance - Decision making to improve human resource performance - Analysing the strategic position of a business - Choosing strategic direction - Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies - Managing strategic change BU S I N E S S ST U DI E S BUSINE S S STUDENTS RECOGNISED FOR TH EIR ENTREP RENEURIAL WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? TALENTS Students who wish to follow a career in Business and are looking for a vocational course of study. This will prepare students for a direct route to employment or will provide a progression opportunity to higher education. Both the Certificate and Extended Certificate are available to school leavers with 5 or more GCSEs at grade C or above. Level 2 qualifications such as BTEC First Diploma in Business will also be considered. ASSESSMENT Assessed by three written exam papers: Paper 1: 2 hours 33.3% of A Level weighting Three compulsory sections: Section A has 15 multiple choice questions (MCQs) worth 15 marks. Section B has short answer questions worth 35 marks. Section C has two essay questions (choice of one from two and one from two) each worth 25 marks. Paper 2: 2 hours 33.3% of A Level weighting Three data response compulsory questions worth approximately 33 marks each and made up of three or four part questions COURSE CONTENT WYKE COLL EGE S T U DEN T LO U I FO WL ER Paper 3: 2 hours 33.3% of A Level weighting One compulsory case study followed with approximately six questions The BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Business consists of two units: - Unit 1 (Exploring Business): The programme team creates assignment brief and students carry out set tasks, creating evidence to support a workrelated scenario. This unit is assessed by an assignment which is set and marked by Wyke Sixth Form College staff and verified by BTEC. - Unit 2 (Developing a Marketing Campaign): Pre-released material includes information about a business for research. Learners will need to apply their knowledge, ideas and skills to plan a marketing campaign, linking its success to the impact on the business. This unit is assessed by an assignment which is set and marked directly by BTEC. The BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Business The Certificate qualification is topped up to Extended Certificate in the Year 13 by completing a further unit that is a written exam set and marked by BTEC. - Unit 3 (Personal and Business Finance): The written test will cover the purpose and importance of personal and business finance, including the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information. ASSESSMENT The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC grade is to be confirmed. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. WA S N AMED H U LL’S T EEN EN T R EPR EN EU R OF 2014 LOUI FOWLER, former Malet Lambert High School student. 31 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL BUSINESS STUDEIS A LEVEL A LEVEL CHEMISTRY A LEVEL CHEMISTRY . A LEVEL C H E M I ST RY Chemistry offers excellent preparation for students looking to extend their understanding of a key physical science. It is a central science which opens up the possibility of a huge range of science related university courses and jobs. These include medicine and health related professions such as dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary sciences, as well as chemical engineering and optometry. Chemistry requires a broad range of skills, so before starting the course you will need to have done well in your GCSE. Students will have a minimum of BBBBCC from their top six GCSEs, including at least grade Bs in Science and Mathematics and a C or above in GCSE English Language. COURSE CONTENT Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus The following topics will be examined in Paper 1 (Physical and Inorganic Chemistry) Year 12 Physical Chemistry - Atomic structure: Fundamental particles, isotopes, mass spectroscopy, electron arrangements. - Amount of substance: The mole concept, calculations about gases, solutions and solids. - Bonding: Ionic, covalent, metallic. Polar bonds, Van der Waals forces, Shapes of molecules. - Energetics: Enthalpy changes, Hess’s law, Bond enthalpies. - Chemical equilibria: Qualitative equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle, finding the Equilibrium constant, Kc, and related calculations. - Oxidation, reduction and redox equations: Oxidation and reduction. Inorganic Chemistry - Periodicity: The blocks in the Periodic table, the trends in properties of the elements across Period 3. - Group 2, the alkaline earth metals: Their properties and reactions. - Group 7(17), the halogens: Their properties and reactions. Year 13 Physical Chemistry - Thermodynamics: Enthalpy change, Free-energy change and entropy change. - Equilibrium constant Kp for homogeneous systems: Kp, and related calculations. - Electrode potentials and electrochemical cells: Electrode potentials, Electrochemical series, Electrochemical cells. - Acids and bases: Strong and weak acids, calculation of pH, the theory and use of buffers. Inorganic Chemistry - Properties of Period 3 elements and their oxides: Study of the reactions of Period 3 elements Na – Ar to illustrate periodic trends. - Transition metals: Complex formation, Variable oxidation states, Catalysis - Reactions of ions in aqueous solution: Colour change, ligand substitution, chelation. The following topics will be examined in Paper 2 (Physical and Organic Chemistry) Year 12 Physical chemistry - Amount of substance, Bonding, Energetics and Chemical equilibria: As paper 1 - Kinetics: collision theory and rate of reaction. Organic chemistry - Introduction to organic chemistry: Organic formulae & nomenclature, homologous series, structural isomerism. - Alkanes: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Halogenoalkanes: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Alkenes: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Alcohols: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Organic analysis: Mass spectrometry and IR spectroscopy. - Amino acids, proteins and DNA: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: Structure identification. - Chromatography: Techniques and uses. Investigative and Practical Skills These are assessed throughout the year. Here are some examples; - Titration based practical skills: Making up a standard solution, Acid – base and redox titrations - Wet analysis: Tests for alcohols, ketones and aldehydes. Testing for anions and metal cations. - Organic Synthesis: Synthesising and testing purity of an organic product ASSESSMENT 70% Examination, 30% Investigative and Practical Skills. R O YA L S O CIE T Y OF CH E MIS TR Y REGION AL COMP E TITION W INNE R S 2015 “ In 2015, Wyke student Josh Langcaster addressed the Royal Society in London after winning the Roentgenium Award for Chemistry. He now studies Year 13 Physical chemistry - Rate equations: Simple rate equations Determination of rate equation. Natural Sciences at ” the University of Cambridge. Organic chemistry - Optical isomerism: Chirality and polarisation. - Aldehydes and ketones: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Carboxylic acids and derivatives: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Aromatic chemistry: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Amines: Structure, synthesis and reactions. - Polymers: Structure and synthesis. CHARLOTTE PATERSON, former Wolfreton School student. 32 33 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? ALEVEL CREATIVE WRITING A LEVEL C R E AT I V E W R I T I NG WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? This course is ideal for students who enjoyed GCSE English and are keen to develop their writing skills. It appeals to aspiring writers; students who are chiefly creative in their thinking and writing. A Level Creative Writing builds upon many skills acquired at GCSE. The subject is quite different, however, in that students will be expected to not only produce but also analyse their own creative writing as well as offering constructive criticism of other students’ work. The course will build upon prior learning, but it will not be assumed that students are experts. Creative Writing links naturally with all A Level English specialisms but in addition complements the arts, such as Art & Design, Dance and Theatre Studies. PE RFEC T FOR T H E BU DDING P OE T, PL AY WRIGH T, NO V E LIST COURSE CONTENT Year 12 For coursework, students will submit two creative pieces of work and a reflective commentary. Pieces may be prose fiction (short stories, novels) or non-fiction (articles, travel writing, essays), poetry or even script (radio/ screen plays). The written examination for Year 12 topics focuses on writing on demand to a set brief, whether fiction or non-fiction. Students will answer two questions from a choice of four. Both will involve the production of texts based on practical writing scenarios. Year 13 For coursework, students will produce a portfolio of creative work and a full reflective commentary. Work will include a bibliography and evidence of redrafting. The portfolio itself may be one single piece of work or a number of shorter pieces, and allows the student to develop hitherto unexplored aspects of their imaginative writing. In the written examination for Year 13 topics, students write a creative response to two stimulus texts covering a variety of forms (prose, poetry and drama). ASSESSMENT Coursework 60%, Examination 40%. 10 8 A * GR A DE S W E R E AWA R DE D TO A LE V E L ST U DE NT S IN 2015 34 HEATHER PROCTOR, former Newland School for Girls student and DECLAN O’NEILL, former Malet Lambert High School student. 35 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus OR JOURN A LIS T DA NC E DR A M A A N D T H E AT R E ST U DI E S WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Anyone who is interested in studying dance in depth through the creation of choreography, the performance of set works and the analysis of dance repertoire. Year 12 Component One: Performance and Choreography Students are required to devise independent choreographic work in response to specific questions set by the exam board and to perform as part of a duo/trio group. They must also maintain an on-going choreographic log and supporting course notes. All applicants should attend Wyke Start and satisfactorily complete the set activities exploring the subject outline. Students are required to perform in public and to attend live dance performances. Component Two: Critical engagement Students are required to study two contextual areas. This will include the historical development of Rambert Dance Company and S T UDENTS GAIN PL AC E S another dance period and its associated choreographers and professional works. Students must also demonstrate reflection and understanding of their own choreographic and performance practice. Component Two: Critical engagement Students are required to develop knowledge, understanding and critical appreciation of one compulsory set work and one additional set work with regards to its contextual framework within a corresponding area of study. Year 13 Component One: Performance and Choreography Students are required to devise a solo performance linked to a specific dance practitioner within an area, perform in a quartet and independently choreograph a group dance in response to specific questions set by the exam board. ASSESSMENT Component 1 for Year 12 and 13 is written examination based, Component 2 for Year 12 and 13 is practical assessment based. The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall A Level is to be confirmed. *2014/2015- 3 students were offered places at Trinity Laban, the UK’s number 1 specialist drama and dance organisation Anyone who is interested in making and understanding drama, and recognising it as a practical art form in which ideas and meaning are communicated to an audience through choices of form, style and convention. All applicants should attend Wyke Start and satisfactorily complete the set activities exploring the subject outline. Students are required to perform in public and to attend live theatre performances. Students are required to participate in a minimum of one performance from a text studied during the course. Year 13 Students are expected to demonstrate a practical understanding of a minimum of two complete and substantial performance texts and at least three key extracts from three different texts placed in the context of the whole text. Students must study the work and methodologies of two theatre practitioners. Students are required to participate in a minimum of two performances, one devised and one from a performance text studied during the course. COURSE OUTLINE ASSESSMENT AT R ENO WN ED DANCE Year 12 Students are expected to demonstrate a practical understanding of a minimum of one complete and substantial performance text and a minimum of two key extracts from two different texts, placed in the context of the whole text. Students must study the work and methodologies of one influential theatre practitioner (individual or companies). CONSER VATORIE S* Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Wyke students performed “The Tempest” at Hull Truck Theatre as part of Shakespeare Week. 40% Written Examination, 60% Non-Examined Assessment (NEA). MAN Y FOR MER S T U DEN T S H AVE H AVE E S TABLIS H ED ACT ING C AR EER S 36 A LEVEL DRAMA AND THEATRE STUDIES A LEVEL An extract of Emma Holt performing at Wyke Dance Showcase 37 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL DANCE A LEVEL A LEVEL ECONOMICS A LEVEL ECONOMICS A LEVEL E CONOM IC S WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Economics is a great choice for students who have an active interest in how we, as individuals and as a society, make choices. Economics at its most fundamental is how individuals and society solve the problem of resources that are limited and an unlimited demand for them. Most students have not studied Economics before and we do not expect previous knowledge of the subject. Economics is about choice and the impact of our choices on each other. It relates to every aspect of our lives, from the decisions we make as individuals or families to the structures created by governments and firms. An economic way of thinking can help you make better choices. Year 13 In Theme 3 and Theme 4 you will explore how businesses grow and compete, the labour market and how the government intervenes to make markets work better. You will also explore international trade, inequality within and between countries, emerging and developing economies, and the public finances. You will also have an opportunity to consider the role and impact of the financial sector. “ Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. flawless and when grilled by the judges the team consulted and provided accurate, ” insightful and detailed responses. FIN ALIS TS IN JO MORGAN ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. The presentation was TH E “ TAR GE T 2 .0 B ANK HEAD OF ECONOMICS FOLLOWING THE TARGET 2.0 BANK OF ENGLAND COMPETITION 2015. OF ENGL AN D ” C OM P E TITION 2015 FIRMSIK BILBAS, former Newland School for Girls student. 38 39 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus You should have a genuine interest in current affairs and be confident in your numerical skills and written ability for essays. Economics is a challenging subject which is highly regarded by universities and employers. Students who are planning to study A Level Economics should, as a minimum, have achieved a grade C in English Language and a grade B in Mathematics with at least BBBCCC from their top six GCSEs. A grade C or above in subjects such as History or Geography would be an advantage. Year 12 In Theme 1 and Theme 2 you will be introduced to the nature of economics, how markets work and why they fail. You will also consider the role of government and the UK economy. This very popular course is ideal for those students who enjoyed GCSE English Language and want to find out more about how language works. It appeals to students who are both analytical and creative in their own thinking and writing. Although A Level English Language builds upon those skills already acquired, this subject is quite different from GCSE and is more of an introductory course to the university academic discipline called ‘linguistics’ (the science of language). The course will build upon GCSE success, but it will not be assumed that students are experts. English Language links well with many other A Level courses, for example, Psychology, Sociology, History, Media Studies, Creative Writing and Law. COURSE CONTENT The following linguistic skills and knowledge will be covered for the A Level units: Analysis of written and spoken texts, including multi-modal texts Students will be learning how to study language systematically using different keys to language: lexis, semantics, grammar, phonology, morphology and pragmatics. These keys of language will be used to unlock the door to meaning. A variety of texts will be studied including the following: - Spoken language transcripts from spontaneous, semi-scripted and scripted speech in a range of media, social, formal and domestic settings/contexts; 40 A LEVEL ENGLISH E NG L I S H L A NG UAG E WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A F L E X IBL E Q U A LIF IC AT ION T H AT W ILL S U P P OR T -W ritten texts covering a period of 500 years (1500-present day) with a particular focus on how language has changed. Language issues There will be an opportunity to engage with a variety of language issues which may include the following: - Child Language Acquisition; - Language and Diversity (regional accents and dialects, etc); - Language and Power; - Language and Gender. Creative Writing There will be an opportunity to develop creative writing skills in both literary and non-literary contexts. Students will develop confidence and skill in writing for different audiences, purposes and contexts. Students will also have to make conscious linguistic decisions and these will be accounted for within an analytical commentary. Investigating Language The one coursework component for A Level English Language will require you to collect spoken or written data which will be systematically analysed and interrogated in respect of what we can learn about language and society. The research based skills (primary and secondary) are excellent in preparing students for any undergraduate course. ASSESSMENT 20% Coursework, 80% Examination. DIF F E R E NT C A R E E R A LEVEL PAT H S E NG L I S H L A NG UAG E & L I T E R AT U R E WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? English Langauge and Literature is for students who want to become adventurous and critical readers and at the same time develop as writers and users of language in a variety of contexts. If you have studied both English Language and English Literature at GCSE level, you will have begun to appreciate the ways in which writers use language to create literature. This course provides a fully integrated study of literature and language and builds on the analytical skills you will have begun to develop at GCSE. COURSE CONTENT In both Year 12 and 13, students learn a range of analytical approaches to enrich their appreciation of, and ability to write confidently about, the styles and techniques used by the writers of their set texts. Students are introduced to the study of speech through analysis of transcripts of spontaneous speech as well as a variety of other written forms of speech. The texts you study and the skills you develop in Year 12 will also be essential for the second year of the course. The novels, poems and plays that you study in Year 12 will be examined at the end of Year 13. At A Level you will study a range of texts, including novels, plays, poetry and non-fiction writing. You will also analyse transcripts of spontaneous conversations and explore how speech is represented in literature. Enrichment activities offered to students of English Language and Literature in the past have included theatre trips, visits to the Brontë Parsonage Museum at Haworth and the chance to participate in a residential creative writing trip to Whitby. ASSESSMENT 20% Coursework, 80% Examination. A LEVEL E NG L I S H L I T E R AT U R E WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This course is for students who thoroughly enjoy reading and want to broaden their knowledge of English Literature (prose, poetry and drama) from a range of different historical periods. There is a high level of demand in terms of both the level and the amount of reading involved: students will be expected to read on their own outside lesson time. Students thinking of taking English Literature should be open-minded and keen to explore a range of writing and authors, as well as a range of literary approaches and concepts, and should be ready to be challenged by what they read. The focus of the course is on learning to recognise, interrogate and analyse the many and varied ways in which authors create meaning. Students are encouraged to develop a holistic understanding of texts in all their complexity. A willingness to take part in lively discussion and debate is also an asset on the course. Students should have a minimum of a grade B in GCSE English Language and a profile of BBCCCC from their top six GCSEs. COURSE CONTENT We follow the OCR English Literature syllabus. Year 12 contains two units: 1. Shakespeare and Poetry pre-1900 2. Drama and Prose post-1900 Both of these units are assessed through examination. Year 13 contains three units, two of which are assessed through examination, and one of which is assessed through coursework (worth 20% of the A Level). Lessons involve a great deal of discussion and collaborative activity – though reading alone outside lesson time forms a key part of the course. Discussion and debate are a key part of the way that English Literature is taught: the ideas of all students are important and student input very much shapes the ways in which the texts are read and presented. Students will also be expected to learn a vocabulary of literary terminology that they can employ when writing about and analysing texts. Students are encouraged to read two magazines designed to support A Level English studies - The English Review and e-magazine - both of which are available in the College library. ASSESSMENT 20% Coursework, 80% Examination. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. 41 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL ENGLISH A LEVEL AS LEVEL FAST TRACK FAST T R AC K IF YOU ACHIEVE A GCSE AVERAGE ABOVE 6.5 (MAINLY As & Bs) YOU ALSO HAVE ACCESS TO A RANGE OF ADDITIONAL FAST TRACK AS COURSES. ONE OF THESE COURSES COULD BE TAKEN AS YOUR ELECTIVE. Students will need a profile of at least AAABBB from their top six GCSEs including at least a minimum of grade C in GCSE English Language. A N T H ROP OLO G Y Anthropology is the study of humans. During this course you will soon realise that the question of what it means to be human is one of the most difficult and important ones we can ask ourselves. This subject aims to give you a fully global perspective and it looks at how the world is changing so rapidly that our lives will be transformed beyond recognition in a few decades. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus You will study two units in the AS – each unit has a separate exam with short and longer answer questions. Unit 1 –Being Human: Unity and Diversity Unit 2 – Becoming a Person: Processes, Practices and Consequences Typical exam questions: - Discuss the relationship between biological kinship and the ways in which kinship works in human societies. - Examine the different ways in which humans explain misfortune. C R I T IC A L T H I N K I NG S C I E NC E IN SOCIETY Nationally Critical Thinking is a very popular subject and because it combines with any subject choices it will be the first choice of fast track for many Wyke students. Students following any science A Level can take this fast track. Critical Thinking is not like most other A Level subjects. As the title suggests it is a skills-based course about the process of learning, how to think and reason, as well as how to write in a coherent and logical way. By providing you with the necessary structures, you will be able to apply your skills to topical areas of interest such as environmental, technological, legal and moral issues. It shows that you have attained a national standard in relevant skills that is prized by the highest universities. You will study two units – each unit is assessed by an exam with short and longer answer questions. Students have to present their own reasoning and arguments in the examination. Unit 1 –Critical Thinking Foundation Unit Unit 2 – Information, Inference and Explanation The course covers a range of major issues and for each one the links between the science and the societal implications are investigated. The assessment of this course is divided into two units, one of which is assessed by examination and the other is assessed through the production of a project. The main issues studied are: - Infectious diseases - Evolution - The universe - Are we alone - Lifestyle and health - Transport issues - Reproductive choices - Medicine - Radiation Unit 1: Exploring key scientific issues (2 hour written exam worth 60%) Unit 2: Reading and writing about science Two pieces of writing: a critical account of scientific readings and a study of a topical scientific issue. (Internal assessed worth 40%) Recommended reading: The specification can be found at: http://store.aqa.org.uk/qual/gce/ pdf/AQA-2400-W-SP.PDF All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. 42 43 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus AS LEVEL FAST TRACK AS LEVEL A LEVEL KE LLY FILM ST U DI E S WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Film Studies is a great choice for anyone looking to improve their skills in essay writing, research and film production in a subject that’s constantly pushing boundaries through its creative use of technology. A Level Film Studies prepares you for further academic study, whilst enabling you to build a filmmaking portfolio – essential for entry into employment within the creative industries. There are four units in A Level Film Studies, two coursework units and two examination units. Year 12 Unit 1 (the exam unit) is to encourage you to: develop an appreciation of how meaning is communicated in films; develop a broader understanding of how cinema works as an industry; understand how film works as a medium of communication. A N NU A L V I S I T TO T H E R E NO W NE D Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BE R LIN F ILM FE SI T VA L 44 RESULTS Film Studies A Law A* English Literature B Jessica is a former Beverley Longcroft School student who studied Film Studies, Law and English Literature at Wyke College. Following her academic success at Wyke, Jessica is going to study Film Studies at King’s College, London, ranked as one of the top five universities for Film Studies across the country.* *Information from The Guardian’s University guide for Media and Film Studies, 2016. nit 2 ‘ Foundation Portfolio in Film’ U (the coursework unit) also seeks to develop your knowledge and understanding of how film language is used to create meaning, by requiring you to plan and construct your own short film, and critically evaluate your own work. Year 13 Unit 3 ‘Global Cinema & Critical Perspectives’ (the exam unit) presents an opportunity to extend your knowledge and experience of film beyond English language texts and develop a broader knowledge and critical appreciation of film. Unit 4 ‘Creative Investigation in Film’ (the coursework unit) requires you to develop and apply independent research skills by investigating and analysing a film-based topic of your choice. You will then use your research to inform the planning, construction and critical evaluation of your own short film. ASSESSMENT: 50% Coursework, 50% Examination. OU T STA N DING IN S CIE NC E, MAT H E MATI C S L A NGUAGE S A N D LIT E R AT U R E OF ST E D 2013 Antonnio Embalsado’s award winning film, “Dear Lola” 45 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL FILM STUDIES J E S SIC A “OUT STANDING” F R E NC H B Y OF STED 2013 M AR Y A LEVEL R ICHAR D S ON GERMAN RESULTS WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Students with a keen interest in the language, who have obtained a grade B or above in French at GCSE and who wish to communicate in French at a higher level. The course will give students excellent career opportunities and life-long skills in today’s international market. Knowledge of another language makes students more employable and stands out in job applications as employers value the transferable skills that linguists demonstrate. At university it is often possible to study languages in conjunction with Management, Law, Business, Engineering and Sciences. COURSE CONTENT - Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends and issues - Artistic culture in the French-speaking world - Aspects of political life in the Frenchspeaking world - Individual research project (based on a sub-topic of one of the above topics) - One text and one film or two texts - Grammar ASSESSMENT 100% Examination, Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing Paper. A LEVEL GERMAN A LEVEL WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Students with a keen interest in the language, who have obtained a grade B or above in German at GCSE and who wish to communicate in German at a higher level. The course will give students excellent career opportunities and life-long skills in today’s international market. Knowledge of another language makes students more employable and stands out in job applications as employers value the transferable skills that linguists demonstrate. At university it is often possible to study languages in conjunction with Management, Law, Business, Engineering and Sciences. COURSE CONTENT - Aspects of German-speaking society - Artistic culture in the German-speaking world - Multiculturalism in German-speaking society - Aspects of political life in Germanspeaking society - Individual research project (based on a sub-topic of one of the above topics) - One text and one film or two texts - Grammar ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing Paper. French A German A English Literature A* Mary Richardson opens her A Level results Mary is a former St Mary’s College student who studied German, French and English Literature and is now going to work in Austria as a ski instructor before starting a French and German degree at Bristol University in 2016. Since completing her A Levels, Mary has decided to work abroad to help her with her degree and future career. “I wanted to go and work in Austria as a ski instructor as it is a good environment to practise my German and also to meet new people. My career goal after university is to work as a translator abroad and I believe this opportunity I have now will help me achieve this.” When asked about the secret to her success in languages, Mary talked about how taking two languages has benefitted her. “I know that a lot of students worry about taking more than one language but they shouldn’t be. I’ve found it really helpful and knew that I had the resources at Wyke to support all of my A Level choices.” 88% A *-B GRADE S 2014 / 15 46 BELGIAN EXCHANGE TRIP 2015 47 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL FRENCH RATED A S A LEVEL GEOGRAPHY H E ATHE R G E O G R A PH Y WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? This is a great choice for anyone interested in people and places. The qualification combines well with other subjects and is well recognised as a preparation for study at higher education. Students are expected to have a good range of GCSEs along with a Geography or Humanities qualification and a good level of English. The ability to ‘think like a geographer’ is promoted throughout the course where students will learn to develop and apply their critical thinking skills. Students will be able to develop their skills with fieldwork opportunities. COURSE CONTENT The department will study the new AQA Geography specification from September 2016. Component 1 – Physical Geography - Water and carbon cycles - Coastal systems and landscapes - Hazards S MI TH Heather is a former Beverley High School student who was part of the Wyke Flyers programme. Heather chose to study at Wyke for its excellent student support which helped her gain a place at Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge to study Geography. “The staff involved with the Flyers programme were really helpful. When I applied for Oxbridge, they checked my personal statement and gave feedback from some mock interviews we did together, this really helped me gain my place.” This component of the course is assessed by an examination worth 40% of the A Level. Component 2 – Human Geography - Global systems and global governance - Changing places - Population and the environment This component of the course is assessed by an examination worth 40% of the A Level. Component 3 – Geographical Investigation You will complete an individual investigation which must include data collected in the field. The individual investigation will be based on a question defined and developed relating to part of the specification content. The student will produce a 3,000 - 4,000 word report. This component is assessed by a report worth 20% of the A Level. Before going to university, Heather is taking a gap year to travel the world. Whilst in New Zealand she is planning to work on an ‘eco-project’. To help support her expenses, Heather has been awarded a Gateway Scholarship by Cambridge, established to assist students from state funded schools to travel and gain work experiences abroad. When asked for her top tips on success, Heather said: “Make sure you take advantage of all of the opportunities that Wyke provides you with and make sure that that you ask your teachers for help because they are always willing to help you.” ASSESSMENT 20% Coursework, 80% Examination. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. RESULTS Geography A* Biology A* Chemistry A* Extended Project Qualification A* General Studies A* E XCELLENT PROGRE S SION TO RUS SELL GROUP UNI VER SITIE S 48 GEOGRAPHY FIELD TRIP TO MOUNT VESUVIUS, ITALY 2014 49 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL GEOGRAPHY A LEVEL A LEVEL G OV E R N M E N T & P OL I T IC S G R A PH IC DE S IG N WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Graphic Design is an excellent choice for anyone with a vivid interest in visual communication, the art of conveying an idea with word and imagery for a commercial purpose. The course enables students to explore aspects of graphic design such as illustration, typography and advertising through a varied approach of media. Students will produce practical and critical/contextual work that could include one or more areas including illustration, advertising, packaging design, design for print, communication graphics, computer graphics, multimedia, animation, web design, film, television and/or video. Government and Politics offers a fascinating insight into the way a complex society is governed. Year 13 Modules 3 & 4 - United States politics. This part of the course examines the election and power of the United States President, US political parties and pressure groups. In addition students analyse the power of some of the key institutions of the USA including the Congress and the Supreme Court. COURSE CONTENT ASSESSMENT Anyone interested in current affairs and what is happening in the world around them. Year 12 Modules 1 & 2 - Understanding of key concepts such as power, democracy and representation. An examination of the main institutions: including Cabinet, Parliament, Prime Minister and pressure groups. 100% Examination. DE V E LOP YOUR U NDE R STANDING OF U S P OLI T ICS WITH A The A Level Government & Politics visit to Washington DC Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL GRAPHIC DESIGN A LEVEL V I SI T TO WA SHINGTON DC Students are encouraged to combine traditional hand rendered methods painting and printmaking with digital methods such as Photoshop. We offer an imaginative course with considerable opportunities to experiment with media and creative design work, where you will work with a variety of materials, techniques and processes in order to express and answer a visual problem with imagination. The course demands a strong work ethic and independent commitment. If you achieved well and enjoyed Art & Design at school this could be the course for you. Graphic Design is often studied alongside related courses such as Fine Art and Photography, but can also serve as a complementary study route, offering an element of variety to an intense academic programme. CON N ECTION S W ITH LOC AL GRAPHIC DE SIGN COM PANIE S The course is rooted in direct creative activity supported by individual tutorial discussion and reference to exemplar material created by teaching staff, students and established historical significant artists, designers and illustrators — a wide range of practitioners. Careful guidance is given with regard to the construction and presentation of individual, outcomes, sketchbooks and portfolios, supported by visual example and written and verbal instruction. There is a purchase of an art pack required costing £30 per year. ASSESSMENT 60% Coursework, 40% Examination. Students with a grade B or higher in GCSE Art or similar can automatically enrol onto a visual art A Level. Alternatively, students will have successfully completed practical work at Wyke Start for the department. WASHINGTON DC TRIP 2015 50 EMILY BOGG, former Wolfreton School student. 51 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL GOVERNMENT & POLITICS STRONG EM PLOYABILIT Y WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Whether it’s going into a job or onto a university course, the broad nature of BTEC Health and Social Care studies at advanced level will not lock you into any particular direction and will give you the background knowledge for a variety of career pathways. The BTEC Level 3 in Health and Social Care is available in four forms: There are many opportunities for suitably qualified students to enter training to become nurses, midwives, social workers, physiotherapists, residential care and child care professionals as well as the allied technical specialists supporting these professions. Some jobs will accept students with Health and Social Care qualifications direct from college. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BTEC LEVEL 3 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE H E A LT H & SOCIAL CARE Former students have progressed from the advanced level in Health and Social Care to employment and to higher education. Recent degree courses taken by former students include: Adult Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Midwifery, Children’s Nursing, Learning Disability Nursing, Children’s InterProfessional Studies, Primary Teaching, Childhood/Child Studies, Health Studies, Social Science Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Care and Education Guidance and Counselling, Paramedic Science and Occupational Therapy, Health and Social Care and Operating Department Practitioner. 52 1. Level 3 National Certificate (1/2 A Level equivalent) 2. Level 3 National Extended Certificate (1 A Level equivalent) 3. Level 3 National Diploma (2 A Level equivalent) 4. Level 3 National Extended Diploma (3 A Level equivalent) Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care All the content of the Certificate qualification is mandatory and is based on the person-centred approach and values needed to work in the health and social care sector. The mandatory units focus on: - Human Lifespan Development (Examination) - Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. The Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care includes the Certificate units plus: - Working in Health and Social Care (Examination) - Physiological Disorders and their Care. The Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care includes the Extended Certificate units plus: - Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care - Enquiries into Current Research in Health and Social Care - Promoting Public Health. - Work Experience in Health and Social Care.* The Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care includes the Diploma units plus: - Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care (Examination) - Nutritional Health - Sociological Perspectives - Assessing Children’s Development Support Needs - Caring for Individuals with Dementia *Work experience in Health and Social Care requires 100 hours of vocationally relevant work experience to be completed over the duration of the course. This is achieved through two work experience placements, of two weeks duration in each academic year. ASSESSMENT The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC grade is to be confirmed. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. IDE A L PREPARATION FOR A C AREER IN T H E H E ALTH AN D S OC IAL C ARE SEC TOR SHAAN KAUR, former Hessle High School student, NAOMI BUCKLEY, former Kelvin Hall student and ELLIE PURLING, former Newland School for Girls student. 53 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BTEC LEVEL 3 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE/EXTENDED CERTIFICATE/DIPLOMA/ EXTENDED DIPLOMA A LEVEL HISTORY A LEVEL H I STORY WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? This is for anyone who has a keen interest in History and wants to understand some of the major events and developments which have dominated the world. It will be of interest to anyone who likes to think for themselves, put forward their own views, and argue in favour of their own interpretation of events. It will also be of interest to anyone who wants to develop their skills of analysis and learn to think critically. History is a subject intended for those who like to become involved and learn through active participation. History complements a range of other subjects very well and is a recognised facilitating subject for a range of undergraduate courses. Students who have not studied GCSE History, but who have clearly demonstrated their ability in English Language by gaining a B grade, will be accepted. For this unit, students complete an independently researched enquiry about historical interpretations e.g. the origins of the First World War Over the years the History Department has taken History students to various places of national historical importance, including the Houses of Parliament and the Imperial War Museum. It has also taken students to various History conferences in Manchester and London, as well as the University of Hull. SK ILL S DE VELOP ED IN HISTORY ARE RE ADILY ASSESSMENT TRANSFERABLE TO MANY 20% Coursework, 80% Examination OCC UPATIONS AND C AREE R S IN 2015 F I V E ST U DE N T S W E R E S UCC E S S F U L IN GAINING OX BRIDGE OF FE R S A Level History is taught as a ‘linear’ course, which means that the course runs for two years with the final assessment/exams at the end of the two years. The topics for A Level History are: - In Search of the American Dream: The USA 1917-96 - India, c1914-48: The Road to Independence - The British Experience of Warfare, c1790-1918 54 DOBROSLAW LISIEWICZ, Former Sir John Nelthorpe student and KENNY METHAM, former Baysgarth School Student 55 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus COURSE CONTENT IT & COM PU T I NG WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? The Extended Certificate in IT and Computing is for students who are interested in learning about Information Technology and how it is applied in business. Students will complete the half A Level equivalent Certificate in Year 12 and progress to the full A Level equivalent Extended Certificate in Year 13. This Extended Certificate in Computing is a two year course for students who have a keen desire to develop high-level technical skills and progress to university or into a career requiring computing skills. The main focus of this course is computer programming (coding). The course is equivalent to one A Level. The Extended Diploma in IT and Computing is a two year course combining technical academic content with advanced work-related computing skills. The main focus of the Extended Diploma is computer programming (coding). The Extended Diploma is equivalent to three A Levels and is a proven progression route to university with many of our past students achieving high grade (2.1/1st) degrees in Computer Science. COURSE CONTENT The Certificate in IT and Computing includes the following units: - Information Technology Systems (Examination) - Creating Systems to Manage Information - Using Social Media in Business - Website Development The Extended Certificate in IT and Computing includes the Certificate units plus: - Principles of Computer Science (Examination) - Fundamentals of Computer Systems (Examination) - IT Systems Security and Encryption - Computer Games Development MORRI S Joseph is a former Hessle High School student who chose to study at Wyke “Because of the high quality of teaching on offer as well as all of the excellent facilities on offer to students.” The Extended Diploma in Computing includes the following units: - Principles of Computer Science (Examination) - Fundamentals of Computer Systems (Examination) - Planning and Management of Computing Projects - Software Design and Development Project - IT Systems Security and Encryption - Business Applications of Social Media - The Impact of Computing - Digital Graphics and Animation - Computer Games Development - Website Development - Mobile Apps Development - Computer Networking - Systems Analysis and Design ASSESSMENT The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC grade is to be confirmed. While at Wyke, Joseph successfully gained a place on an advanced apprenticeship at BAE Systems in Brough. “I applied for the apprenticeship at BAE in November last year. To apply I had to write a personal statement and when I got to the final stage I had to complete a test, a group and solo presentation as well as an interview which took 4 hours. When I found out I had got the apprenticeship I was over the moon. I originally wanted to go to university but once I got the offer of the apprenticeship I took that instead, doing this means I can earn money, gain practical skills and also get a degree.” Joseph decided to study a BTEC Level 3 during his time at Wyke. “I chose to study IT and Computing with the help of my tutor at Wyke. The BTEC format suited me as it allowed me to improve my practical skills in computing.” T H E R E I S A LWAYS A DE M A N D F OR I T PROF E S S IONA L S W I T H H IG H - L E V E L COM PU T I NG S K I L L S A N D T H I S DE M A N D I S PR E DIC T E D TO G ROW I N T H E F U T U R E . AT W Y K E W E DE L I V E R COU R S E S DE S IG N E D TO PROV I DE ST U DE N T S W I T H T H E COM PU T I NG S K I L L S R E QU I R E D TO TA K E A DVA N TAG E OF T H I S DE M A N D. CHARLIE WITTY, former Pocklington High School student. RESULTS BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Computing D* D* D* General Studies B ALICE CROSS, former Market Weighton School student. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BTEC LEVEL 3 IT & COMPUTING J OSE P H Joseph Norris talks about his route to an advanced apprenticeship PAT H WAY TO A DEGR EE OR ADVANC ED APPR EN T IC E SHIP 56 IN C OMP U T ER S C IENC E 57 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BTEC LEVEL 3 IT & COMPUTING BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE/EXTENDED CERTIFICATE/ EXTENDED DIPLOMA MOLLY L AW H A RDY WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT This is for students who have a strong interest in the subject. Law involves analysing a wide range of issues and problems. In the first year of the course, students will be introduced to two areas of liability – criminal and tort - and study important aspects of the English legal system – e.g. the legislative process, the structure of the courts, and the legal profession. As well as studying specific areas of English Law in detail, you will develop excellent analytical skills in answering legal problems. Such skills are essential, not only for a career in Law, but also in many other occupations. Our A Level results are excellent and over a hundred students have moved on to study Law at university in the last six years. Whatever your career plans, this course will both challenge and stimulate you. The A Level combines well with Accounting, Business and Government and Politics. In the second year of the course, students will build on this knowledge by studying criminal and tort liability in more depth. Students will also relate the knowledge gained in other parts of the course to the study of conceptual ideas such as the relationship between law and morality and how far law achieves justice. ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus L AW AT W Y K E I S RESULTS Law A Extended Project Qualification A Mathematics A Further Mathematics B Spanish B Former Malet Lambert High School student Molly Hardy studied Law alongside Spanish, Mathematics and Further Mathematics at Wyke. As part of the Flyers programme, Molly was guided through a successful application to Oxbridge, receiving an offer from Lincoln College at the University of Oxford to study Law with European Law. On results day Molly got A/A/A/B/B, confirming her place at university. Whilst at Wyke Molly attended a residential law trip at the University of Oxford. “I found the course so interesting, especially studying the theory of law. The atmosphere was also really friendly; I knew it was the place I wanted to study at.” Molly found Wyke to be “an excellent stepping stone to university as the College allows you to develop your independence, helped by really supportive teachers.” For all those students wishing to follow in Molly’s footsteps, she recommends revising for exams as early as possible, a strategy that certainly worked for her. A 2 L AW - A LP S DATA 58 WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? This is for students who prefer a more practical assignment based way of studying Law. It is ideal for those who prefer to take a direct vocational route into the legal profession or as part of your entry qualifications to higher education study of the subject. Applied Law offers progression to Higher Education and is a practical qualification which will help you gain employment in a legal environment. Of course, you may wish to study Law in our very successful department as part of your qualification route to a different profession and career. Both the Certificate and Subsidiary Diploma are available to school leavers with 5 or more GCSEs at grade C or above. Level 2 qualifications such as BTEC Level 2 Diplomas in subjects such as Business or Law will also be considered. We require a grade C or above in English language. COURSE CONTENT RAT ED IN T H E TOP 1 % N AT ION A LLY A PPL I E D L AW The Wyke Law Society prepare for the Bar Mock Trial competition The BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Applied Law covers three core units over 1 year [equivalent to half an A Level]. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. The Certificate includes the following units: - Dispute Solving in the Legal System: examining the way the courts and legal system operate. - Understanding Law Making explores and evaluates how law is made, both by Parliament and the judges. - In Aspects of Legal Liability you will have an introduction to the study of crime [non fatal offences] and tort [negligence]. F IN ALI S T S IN T H E BTEC LEVEL 3 APPLIED LAW BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE / SUBSIDIARY DIPLOMA R EGION AL B A R MO C K T R IAL C OM P E T I T ION You can choose to gain the Certificate in Year 12 or carry on to complete the Subsidiary Diploma in Year 13. The BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Applied Law covers six units over two years. Year 12 consists of the Certificate units outlined above. The BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Law includes the Certificate units plus three specialist units: - Unlawful Homicide and Police Powers considers the law of murder and manslaughter and police powers in the investigation of crime. - Aspects of Tort Law explores negligence and other torts in depth. - Aspects of Family Law considers a wide range of family law issues such as the rights of children. ASSESSMENT 100% Coursework. 59 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL LAW A LEVEL WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Students who have obtained the necessary GCSE grade and enjoy Mathematics, particularly the algebra elements. Mathematics combines well with all the sciences, as well as Social Science, Business and IT based courses. A Level Mathematics is highly regarded by employers and Higher Education facilities. You will undertake an algebra screening test at Wyke Start. Students with grade B must show sufficient understanding of algebraic methods at the screening to progress onto the course. COURSE CONTENT Year 12 You will study two compulsory Pure Mathematics units and one Applied Mathematics unit. The Pure Mathematics units build on the Algebra and Trigonometry from GCSE, and introduce new topics such as Calculus. While many of the ideas you will meet in pure maths are interesting in their own right, they also serve as an important foundation for other branches of Mathematics, and Applied Mathematics. Applied Mathematics In Year 12 students taking Physics alongside their Mathematics will take Mechanics as their applied unit. Other students will take the decision for statistics as the applied unit. Mechanics includes work on forces and Newton’s laws of motion and applies Mathematical modelling to simple problems. In decision mathematics you learn how to solve problems involving networks, systems, planning and resource allocation. You will study a range of methods, or algorithms, which enable such problems to be tackled. The ideas have many important applications in such different problems as the design of circuits on microchips to the scheduling of tasks required to build a new supermarket. Statistics builds on work on averages and probabilities from GCSE and introduces topics such as probability distributions and correlation. Year 13 You will study two more compulsory Pure Mathematics units and a second applied unit. The units we offer are reviewed regularly to meet the needs of our students. ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. 60 A LEVEL FURTHER MATHEMATICS GR ADE S 2014/15 LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE JESSICA RAMSAY, former Sydney Smith school student. M AT H E M AT IC A L ST U DI E S WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Mathematics is for everyone. It is essential that students are equipped with the right skills to reach their future destination, whatever that may be. This course is for you if you want to continue your Mathematics beyond GCSE level, and are keen to develop your skills in context, not wanting to take a course which requires the deep understanding of algebra required for A Level Mathematics. This course is designed for students who enjoy applying Mathematics and are comfortable with number work and basic algebra. It is designed to broaden your Mathematical knowledge, developing skills which support across a range of other courses and devising strategies to solve problems where the method is not obvious. Communication skills are important to evaluate the reasonableness of solutions, identifying assumptions and explaining results. In particular, the course is highly suitable for students who are taking A Levels which rely on an understanding of mathematical techniques (Geography, Science, Economics, Accounting), and who wish to go on to study courses at university which require a level of Mathematics beyond GCSE grade C (Economics, Psychology, etc). You need to have at least a grade C in Mathematics at GCSE and a mean GCSE score of 5.5. COURSE CONTENT The Level 3 course is equivalent to half an A Level and lasts for one year. This will run as an elective course. The course develops understanding of: - The Mathematics covered at GCSE Higher level - The practical applications of Mathematics to other areas - Logical problem solving This course covers Maths for personal finance (taxation, interest, cost of credit, financial problems), representation and analysis of data, and modelling and estimation (including Fermi estimation which allows questions like “how many shoes are there in the world?” to be answered.) ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. A LEVEL F U RT H E R M AT H E M AT IC S WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT This course is for you if you are confident of achieving very well at GCSE Mathematics, gaining a grade A or A*. Further Mathematics is designed for students who really enjoy Mathematics and want to widen their experience and to both deepen and broaden their Mathematical knowledge. The course develops understanding of: - The fundamental theories and concepts of Mathematics - The practical applications of Mathematics to other areas - Logical problem solving In particular, this course is highly suitable for students who wish to study Mathematics or Engineering at a Russell Group University. You need to have at least a grade A in Mathematics and C in English at GCSE with a profile of BBBBCC from your top six GCSEs. You have to also be enrolled onto A Level Mathematics. The A Level course is split into six units. All units are assessed by examinations that are taken in the summer of your second year. This course explores a wider range of mathematical topics, some of which will be completely different to what you have covered before, and it demands a robust approach to mathematical techniques and notation. Six units are completed over the two years; at least three Pure Mathematics units and two Applied Mathematics units. The Pure Mathematics units introduce ideas such as complex numbers and ALFIE HAYLOCK , former Baysgarth School student and RYAN HINCH, former Sirius Academy student matrices, building on the Algebra and Trigonometry from GCSE, and A Level Maths. While many of the ideas you will meet in pure maths are interesting in their own right, they also serve as an important foundation for other branches of maths, especially mechanics and statistics. The units we offer are reviewed regularly to meet the needs of our students. Currently in the first year students take two Mechanics units and the first pure unit. Mechanics includes work on forces and Newton’s laws of motion and applies Mathematical modelling to simple problems. There is a degree of overlap with Physics A Level and introduces ideas such as differential equations. It also expands the algebraic and calculus work of A Level Mathematics. Statistics builds on work on averages and probabilities from GCSE and introduces topics such as probability distributions and correlation. Decision covers the different types of algorithm computers use for problem solving, and also touches on ideas such as game theory. ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. Three units are studied in the second year. These are selected from three more Pure Maths units, and two applied units – either Decision or Statistics. Further Pure Maths takes further ideas such as complex numbers and matrices introduced in the first year, Support outside lessons is available, both informally and formally. Regular “maths clinic” sessions are run during the college week and all of the department are available for support at lunchtime and at the end of the day. 61 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL MATHEMATICS/LEVEL 3 MATHEMATICS CERTIFICATE M AT H E M AT IC S You need to have at least a grade B in Mathematics and C in English at GCSE with a profile of BBBBCC from your top six GCSEs. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus 83% A* - B A LEVEL M E DI A ST U DI E S C R E AT I V E DIG I TA L M E DI A PRODUC T ION WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Any student with an interest in the Media and/or thoughts of following a Higher Education course in Media / Film / Communications / Journalism / Cultural Studies. Any student with an interest in the Media and/or thoughts of following a Higher Education course in Media / Film / Communications / Journalism / Cultural Studies. The course works well with many subjects but especially English Language, English Literature, Graphics, Photography, Film Studies and Sociology. COURSE CONTENT Both Year 12 and 13 of the Media Studies A Level offer a combination of practical and theoretical units. The media production element of the course is supported by a dedicated Apple Mac suite, industrial standard media software and an independent workroom equipped with non-linear video editing and a chroma key room. Video and still cameras are also freely available to students. WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Year 12 has a Key Media Concepts exam featuring a textual analysis of a TV Drama and an Audiences and Institutions case study from the Music Industry. The Foundation Practical Portfolio deals with producing an original music magazine. Year 13 has a Critical Perspectives exam, dealing with productions skill development and contemporary media issues, such as media and collective identity and post-modern media. The Advanced Practical Portfolio offers a variety of briefs that encompass video, print and e-media production. COURSE CONTENT The mandatory units focused on within this qualification are as follows: - Media Representations - Pre-Production Portfolio - Responding to a commission Alongside mandatory units will be an additional unit to support these areas. These modules are assessed in a variety of ways to ensure learners can demonstrate their knowledge of the sector in a range of scenarios. ASSESSMENT 50% Coursework, 50% Examination. FOR ME R STU DE N TS The Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production is an exciting and practical course which offers a number of transferable skills in preparation for employment or further educational study in areas such as; Television and Film, Radio, Sound Recording, Print-Based Media, Interactive Media and Games Development. This course is aimed provide learners with the strongest opportunity for employment and provide skills that can be transferable in all areas of media including film photography and sound. ASSESSMENT Assessment methods used are: - Assignment - Task - Onscreen examination The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC grade is to be confirmed. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. W OR K FOR LO C AL , New York Visit by Film & Media Students Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus This course will initially be running as a one year elective course. BTEC LEVEL 3 MEDIA STUDIES BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE / EXTENDED CERTIFICATE N ATION AL AN D GLOBA L ME DIA C OMPANIE S BROOKE ENGLAND , former Sydney Smith High School student, HOLLY ACKROYD, former Kingswood School student and SAM KENNEDY, former Cottingham High School student. 62 63 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL MEDIA STUDIES A LEVEL M U S IC M U S IC T E C H NOLO G Y WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT If you have a passion for music, this course is for you. There are various areas of study: historical perspectives on music; in-depth analysis of particular set works; individual and ensemble performance; aural awareness and appreciation of different styles and genres of music; music theory and compositional techniques. - History and analysis: Western Classical tradition (the Baroque solo concerto; the operas of Mozart; Romantic piano music); Music for Theatre; Art Music since 1910 - Harmony and composition - Performance recital - Listening and aural perception WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT ASSESSMENT The BTEC Level 3 in Music Technology Certificate/Extended Certificate will teach the technology of computer and studio music, including sequencing, audio manipulation, synthesis, recording and mixing technique, electronic and acoustic principles. The Certificate includes the following modules: - Acoustics for Musicians (unit 1) - Music Production Techniques (unit 25) - Sequencing Systems and Techniques (unit 32) Year 12: 40% written examination, 30% externally assessed composition coursework, 30% externally assessed performance The BTEC is aimed at students who are less familiar with sheet music, and incorporates elements to teach this, as well as challenging the aural skills that are likely to be present. The Extended Certificate includes the Certificate modules plus: - Music and Sound for the Moving Image - Sound Creation and Manipulation - Delivering a Music Product GCSE Music is not an essential requirement for entry onto this course. You will need: - ABRSM Grade 5 theory, or a commitment to take it during the first term; - At least Grade 5 in any practical musical exam (instrument, voice, Practical Musicianship); - The ability to read and write traditional musical notation. If you are Grade 5 standard in your playing/singing but have not taken an exam, there is an opportunity to audition for a place on the course either at Wyke Start or during enrolment. ALL students will have to audition and take a theory test at Wyke Start. Year 13: 40% written examination, 25% externally assessed composition coursework, 35% externally assessed performance. Please be aware that the written examination element in Year 12 will be completed at the end of Year 13. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus R E NO W NE D FOR I TS ASSESSMENT The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC grade is to be confirmed. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. L E A RN T H E P R A C T IC A L M U S IC A L OP P OR TU NI TIE S S K ILL S OF S E Q U E NC ING, A N D HIGH M U S IC A L RE CORDING, A R R A NGING S TA N D A R D S 64 Admission to the course is by audition, but indicators are likely to be: - GCSE Music grade B or above - Grade 3 or above equivalent on an instrument - Able to read traditional sheet music to some extent – e.g. treble or bass clef. Some knowledge of basic key signatures - A portfolio of compositions BTEC LEVEL 3 MUSIC TECHNOLOGY BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE/ EXTENDED CERTIFICATE A N D C OMP O S ING 65 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL MUSIC A LEVEL BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE/EXTENDED CERTIFICATE PH YS IC A L E DUC AT ION WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? This course will be useful for students with a genuine interest in Sport who wish to study the theory behind the practical side of PE and the fitness industry. It is particularly useful for those who are thinking of a career in PE teaching, physiotherapy, Sports Science, personal trainer or being involved in the Leisure and Recreation industry. GCSE PE is desirable but not essential. It should be stressed that this is essentially an academic subject and not purely a practical one. BTEC LEVEL 3 PERFORMING ARTS A LEVEL PHYSICAL EDUCATION A LEVEL - Socio-cultural and Contemporary Issues: This component includes the emergence and evolution of modern sport, the modern Olympic Games, the ever-evolving modern technology and its influence on sports performance. PE R F OR M I NG A RT S GAIN PRE ST IGIOUS SP OR T S S C HOL AR SHIP S TO T HE US A* ASSESSMENT 70% theoretical Examination, 30% NonExam Assessment (NEA). (NEA includes one practical assessment and verbal assessment analysing a sporting performance.) WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT This is a vocational course for students interested in pursuing a career in the Performing Arts or for students that are interested in and enjoy performing and who wish to continue to develop their skills. The course emphasises all the performance skills of acting, dance and musical theatre performance, and can be taken in conjunction with A Level subjects or GCSE re-sits. The Certificate has a total of two mandatory units: Investigating Practitioners’ Work Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance The course involves detailed study of every aspect of performing. Students must demonstrate a high standard of academic, practical performance and theoretical skills. *Jemma Purfield (2015) and Sophie Haywood (2014) both gained sports scholarships at the University of South Alabama. The Extended Certificate has a total of three mandatory units plus one other unit: Investigating Practitioners’ Work Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance Group Performance Workshop An additional unit selected from the exam boards list of units - Physiological Factors Affecting Performance: This focuses on the key systems of the human body involved in movement and physical activity. - Psychological Factors Affecting Performance: This component focuses on the psychological factors affecting physical activity and sports performance. We will look at models and theories that affect learning, how different methods of training and feedback work. Students are required to perform in public and attend live performances and previous performance experience is an advantage. All applicants should attend Wyke Start and satisfactorily complete the set activities exploring the subject outline. ACTING, DANCE AN D M USIC AL THE ATRE PERFORM ANCE ASSESSMENT: Investigating Practitioners’ Work is a task or performance set and marked by the exam board. Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance is an assignment set and marked internally. Group Performance Workshop is a task or performance set and marked by the exam board. The additional unit is an assignment set and marked internally. The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC is to be confirmed. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. 66 ELISE JOHNSON, former Malet Lambert High School student. 67 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus COURSE CONTENT IDE AL PR EPARATION FOR A LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHY A LEVEL PHYSICS A LEVEL PHOTOGRAPHY A LEVEL PH YS IC S F U R T H ER S T U DY IN T H E PH YS IC AL S C IENC E S OR ENGIN EER ING JACK JOHNSON, former South Holderness School student. WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Photography at Wyke is aimed at anyone with a keen interest in photography and lens based media. A wide range of facilities exist that will allow an in depth exploration of processes and techniques. Students can produce practical and critical/contextual work in one or more areas including portraiture, landscape photography, still-life photography, documentary photography, photojournalism, experimental imagery, photographic installation, video, television and film. A Level Physics provides ideal preparation for further study in the Physical Sciences or in any kind of Engineering. If you are interested in applying for a degree course in these areas of study, you will find most Universities also require Mathematics at A Level. There is a purchase of an art pack required costing £30 per year. Apart from Mathematics, other subjects that would complement Physics include Chemistry, Biology, IT and Computing, Music Technology, Graphic Design and Geography. You could consider Physics alongside contrasting subjects (e.g. Music, Art, History), but if you are only studying one science subject, we would recommend that it should be Applied Science. Photography is often studied alongside courses such as Media Studies and Graphic Design, but can also serve as a complementary study route, offering an element of variety to an intense academic programme. Students with a grade B or higher in GCSE Art or similar can automatically enrol onto a visual art A Level. Alternatively students will have successfully completed practical work at Wyke Start for the department. ASSESSMENT 60% Coursework, 40% Examination. Students will have a minimum of BBBBBC from their top six GCSEs, including at least Bs in Science and Mathematics, with a C or above in GCSE English Language. COURSE CONTENT Year 12 - Section 1: Measurements and their errors Students learn that all measurements they take have errors. - Section 2: Particles and Radiation This involves particles that make up atoms and how light interacts with electrons. - Section 3: Waves This includes the properties of waves and how waves interfere with matter and each other. - Section 4: Mechanics and Materials This section includes forces, motion and elastic materials. - Section 5: Electricity The final section further develops fundamentals principles developed at GCSE level. Year 13 - Section 6: Further Mechanics and Thermal Physics This includes thermal physics, circular motion and oscillations. - Section 7: Fields and their consequences Topics include gravitational and electric fields and electromagnetism. - Section 8: Nuclear Physics Here we study how unstable nuclei can break down to produce nuclear radiation. - Students will also study one of the following optional modules: - Astrophysics - Medical Physics - Engineering Physics - Turning Points in Physics - Electronics ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. An interest in photography is absolutely essential and prior creative study is considered an advantage. S T ILL- LIFE , DO C U MENTARY, P HOTO -J OU R N ALISM, E X P E R IME NTAL IMAGERY 68 MICK POTTER, former Baysgarth School student. 69 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus P OR T R A I TU R E , L ANDS C APE , P SYC HOLO G Y WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Psychology is a great choice if you have a genuine interest in learning a scientific approach to understanding human behaviour. Although Psychology is a fascinating subject it demands a thorough, logical and rigorous understanding of methodology which can be used to evaluate human behaviour. Year 12 Social and Cognitive Psychology This unit is designed to introduce the social approach and cognitive approach to Psychology through the development of key content areas. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Most of our students have not studied GCSE Psychology at school but many of our students do go on to study Psychology at University. A Level Psychology offers a great combination for studying many other A Levels. Some of our students are studying mainly science courses and many others take a more social science route. Students are required to have a top six GCSE profile of BBBCCC including a minimum of a B grade in GCSE Science, a C in GCSE Mathematics and a C in GCSE English Language. 70 The unit is divided into two parts: 1. Social Psychology: Obedience and prejudice 2. Cognitive Psychology: Memory Biological Psychology and Learning Theories This unit is designed to introduce two areas in psychology: the biological approach and learning theories. It also aims to develop understanding of psychological issues of individual differences and biology through the study of these approaches. Foundations in Psychology This unit is designed to develop understanding of four areas in psychology: social, cognitive and biological approaches plus learning theories. S U B JE C T S TU DIE D AT WY K E Year 13 Applications of Psychology The aim of this unit is to investigate how psychology can be applied to the real world. You will study two applications within this unit; both are related to vocational contexts in which a psychology graduate (with the appropriate training) may operate. We will study clinical psychology and either health or criminological psychology. This unit is intended to further contextualise and make real the understanding of approaches. There is a focus on evaluation, assessment, application and comment as well as on knowledge. Psychological Skills This unit focuses on methods used in psychological research, a synoptic review of studies and an issues and debates section. ASSESSMENT 100% Examination. All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. AND COMPL E X A LEVEL R E L IG IOU S ST U DI E S WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT Religious Studies is a course designed to stimulate your intellect and broaden your horizons. During your studies, you will develop your ability to produce coherent academic essays, as well as to articulate logical and convincing arguments of your own. Religious Studies, aims to teach you essential academic skills such as analysis, evaluation and critical thinking. The subject is based on investigating morality and ethics from a philosophical and religious perspective. We will explore and investigate ideas about the difference between right and wrong, sources of morality and try to answer some of the ‘Big Questions’ surrounding human existence. There will be a focus on ethical theories such as Utilitarianism and Natural Moral Law, as well as applying these theories to ethical dilemmas such as IVF and Genetic Engineering. Good reading and writing skills are essential ingredients for succeeding on the Religious Studies A Level. A LEVEL RELIGIOUS STUDIES MO S T P OP U L A R A LEVEL INVE STIG ATE N E W E THIC AL DIL E MMA S In Year13 units will build on the topics introduced at Year12, allowing you to develop your skills in preparation for university and beyond. ASSESSMENT: 100% Examination. Religious Studies opens up several opportunities for studying a variety of subjects at university, including Theology, Philosophy, History, Classics and English. Universities and employers are keen on people who can act independently, ask critical questions and articulate their ideas coherently, all of which are core skills you will learn in Religious Studies. ABIGAIL BAYS, former Market Weighton School student and EMILY OLDROYD, former Malet Lambert school student. STEFFAN WILKINSON, former Trinity House School student and HARRIET RUTHERFORTH-SNOWDEN, former Hymers School student. 71 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus A LEVEL PSYCHOLOGY C ONS IS TE NTLY THE A PPL I E D S C I E NC E WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Applied Science is an ideal A Level for those students who are aiming to work within a broad range of science related careers, such as nursing, laboratory work, forensic analysis or primary teaching or simply wish to study science to complement their other A Level studies. The Applied Science course will allow you to explore how science is applied in many different types of professions and industries. The focus of the course is scientific usage, concentrating on how scientists and others use science in their work. WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? You will also learn how science contributes to our lifestyle and the environment in which we live. You will be able to follow a way of learning which is practical-based which improves your practical skills; follow a varied science course covering Biology, Chemistry and Physics; work independently on a number of projects; learn about the work of different types of people using science and the scientific skills that they use. You will be able to keep track of your progress and achievement throughout the course by a programme of continuous assessment. COURSE CONTENT The Double Award consists of the following units: The A Level in Applied Science available in two forms: Year 12 - Science at work - Analysis at work - Monitoring the activity of the human body. - Cells and Molecules - Forensic Science - Physics of Sport 1. Single Award (1 A Level Equivalent) 2. Double Award ( 2 A Level Equivalent) The Single Award consists of the following units: Year 12 - Science at work - Analysis at work - Monitoring the activity of the human body. Year 13 - Investigating the scientist’s work - Sampling, testing and processing - Synthesis of organic chemicals N U R S ING, L ABOR ATOR Y W OR K , FOR E N S ICS Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus C OU R TN E Y AN D S O C IOLO G Y S U PP OR T ING C AR E E R S IN A N D S P OR T 72 A LEVEL SOCIOLOGY A LEVEL Year 13 - Investigating the scientist’s work - Working waves - Synthesis of organic chemicals - Sampling testing and processing - Biotechnology - The mind and the brain ASSESSMENT 66% Coursework Portfolio, 34% Examination. Sociology is a great choice for people who want a career in local government, Law, the Public Services and Caring Professions, such as Nursing, Social Work, the Police and Civil Service. It has also become a popular choice for those seeking careers in personnel management, written and broadcast media. It is seen as a great subject to combine with other social science / humanities subjects such as Psychology, Politics, History and Philosophy. An A Level in Sociology is also a great choice for anyone with an interest in what lies behind how the various institutions of society operate; including the family, education, the media and law enforcement agencies. It is also great for developing a wider understanding of how cultural beliefs around the world operate to influence social policy. Good English skills are required in order to write good analytical and evaluative Sociology essays. COURSE CONTENT Families and Households with Research Methods You will examine the role of the family, changing family patterns, family diversity and the life course, families and social policy, childhood and relationships within the family and sociological theories of the family. Education with Research Methods You will study sociological theories of education, the role and purpose of education, processes within school, differential educational achievement, class, gender, ethnicity, educational policy and research methods in the context of education. Beliefs in Society You will investigate theories of religion, ideologies of science, religion and social change, whether or not there has been a decline of religion, postmodernity and beliefs, religion in a global context, religious organisations, movements and members and social patterns of belief and participation. Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods You will analyse functionalist, strain and subcultural theories of crime and deviance, Labelling theory, Marxist theories of crime and deviance, Realist theories of crime and deviance, class, gender and ethnicity, the media and crime, globalisation, green crime, human rights and state crimes, control, punishment and victims, suicide, research methods and theory in context and how sociologists investigate and explain crime. ASSESSMENT DA R C Y INCH RESULTS COURTNEY Geography A Sociology A* Biology B Classical Civilisation A Extended Project Qualification A DARCY English Literature A Sociology A* Classical Civilisation B Extended Project Qualification B German B Courtney & Darcy Inch open their A Level results Courtney and Darcy are former South Hunsley High School students and sisters who both achieved A* grades at Sociology A Level. When asked why they chose Wyke Courtney said: “I loved it the first time I visited the campus and knew Wyke could provide the assistance I wanted to get into Oxbridge.” Darcy said that she loved the atmosphere of the college. “I saw Wyke as place where I could be more of an individual.” Courtney believes that being part of the Flyers programme was key in helping her gain a place on the Geography degree at Oxford. “The Flyers programme really helped me because the teachers involved were very supportive and helped me with my personal statement and mock interviews. I’ve got to thank my teachers and the Flyers programme for supporting me and I believe that I wouldn’t have got to Oxford without their support.” Darcy is also going onto university and will be studying English Literature degree at the University of York. Darcy discussed her plans after university and would like to pursue a career in publishing. E XCELLEN T FOR C A REER S IN N UR S ING, S OCIA L 100% Examination. WORK , THE P OLICE , CI V IL S ER VICE AN D M EDIA 73 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus APPLIED A LEVEL SINGLE AND DOUBLE AWARD APPLIED A LEVEL SINGLE AND DOUBLE AWARD BTEC LEVEL 3 EXTENDED CERTIFICATE/EXTENDED DIPLOMA S PA N I S H S P ORT WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? COURSE CONTENT WHO IS THE COURSE FOR? Students with a keen interest in the language, who have obtained a grade B or above in Spanish at GCSE and who wish to communicate in Spanish at a higher level. The course will give students excellent career opportunities and life-long skills in today’s international market. Knowledge of another language makes students more employable and stands out in job applications as employers value the transferable skills that linguists demonstrate. At university it is often possible to study languages in conjunction with Management, Law, Business, Engineering and Sciences. - Aspects of Hispanic society - Artistic culture in the Hispanic world - Multiculturalism in Hispanic society - Aspects of political life in Hispanic society - Individual research project (based on a sub-topic of one of the above topics) - One text and one film or two texts - Grammar ASSESSMENT ANN UA L FIELD TRIP TO S E VILLE , S PAIN 100% Examination. Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing Paper. This course specialises in coaching, sports development, fitness and health. It is suitable for students who are aiming to go on to university and study a sports related degree or progress onto higher training apprenticeships; those looking to get into PE teaching, to gain employment within the Leisure and Recreation Industry including Leisure Centre Management, Sports Coaching, Fitness Instructor, Physiotherapy, Sports Science and Sports Retail; or those looking to enter the Uniformed Services. GCSE PE or BTEC Level 2 is desirable but not essential. BTEC LEVEL 3 SPORT A LEVEL SPANISH A LEVEL The BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sport includes the above units and: - Sports Psychology - Technical and Tactical Skills in Sport - The athlete’s Lifestyle - Sports Injuries - Analysis of Sports Performance - Sport and Exercise Massage - Practical Team Sports - Development and Provision of Sport and Physical Activity (External assessment) - Rules, Regulations and Officiating in Sport - Organising Sports Events - Sport as a Business ASSESSMENT COURSE CONTENT The BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate in Sport has four units: - Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport (External assessment) - Fitness training and programming for Health, Sport and well-being (External assessment) - Professional development in the Sports Industry - Application of Fitness Testing 74 JOE MANKEL, former Beverley Longcroft School student and ALESSANDRA GARCIA, former St. Mary’s College student. AIMEE MATTHEWS, former Newland School for Girls student All course information is correct at time of going to print but could be subject to change. IDE AL FOR STUDEN TS W HO WAN T TO P UR S UE A C AREER IN SP OR T AN D FITN E S S 75 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BTEC Level 3 in Sport is available in two forms: 1. BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate (A Level Equivalent) 2. BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma (3 A Level Equivalent) The overall percentage of how much each component is worth for the overall BTEC grade is to be confirmed. OPE N EVENTS WYKE COLLEGE HOLDS OPEN EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR AND THEY ARE A FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY TO MEET SUBJECT TEACHERS, EXPLORE THE UNIVERSITY STYLE CAMPUS AND CHAT TO SOME OF OUR CURRENT STUDENTS. Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus 76 OPEN EVENINGS INFORMATION MORNINGS Thursday 22nd October 6.00-8.30pm Saturday 5th December 9.30am-12.30pm Wednesday 11th November 6.00-8.30pm Saturday 5th March 9.30am-12.30pm T hursday 14th January 6.00-8.30pm This programme is open to students that have already achieved three C grades or above in GCSE subjects (with at least two of these Cs in core subjects), and at least a grade D in English. This programme has four key elements: 1. Tutorial You will have a personal tutor who monitors your progress and oversees your progression from the bridge course to advanced courses in your second and third year at Wyke. 2. Core GCSEs You will take any core GCSEs for further study that you have not already obtained grade Cs in. The core GCSEs are: - English - Mathematics - Science (Core) 3. Specialist GCSEs You can add the specialist GCSEs that best support your plans for advanced study until you have a total of five GCSE courses. You will select your specialist GCSEs from a small selection at enrolment. Information Mornings combine college interviews with an opportunity to tour the college campus. Wyke students will also be available to provide an insight on college life from a student’s perspective. The event provides a perfect opportunity for students to gain advice about their application, to confirm subject choice and entry requirements. 4. Level 3 course For students with four Cs at GCSE we allow one of your GCSE choices to be replaced with a Level 3 course. 77 Wyke Sixth Form College 2016/17 Prospectus BR I D G E TO LEVEL 3 This is for students who intend to study a variety of A Levels but that don’t quite achieve the grades required at the end of Year 11 we offer a one year GCSE bridging course. This course gives students the success required at GCSE to enable them to successfully progress to Level 3. DATES TO REMEMBER All academic areas are represented at our Open Evenings and they are excellent for gaining an insight to all the subjects offered at the college. LEVEL 2 COURSES THE GCSE BRIDGE PROGRAMME WYKE COLLEGE OPEN EVENTS BRIDGE TO LEVEL 3 VISIT OUR COLLEGE FOR MORE IN FORM ATION C ONTACT US ON: 01482 346347 www.wyke.ac.uk Wyke 6th Form College, Bricknell Avenue, Hull, HU5 4NT Wyke Sixth Form College @WykeCollege WykeTV A P P E ARING LY DI A COX ROB JOH N S ON ON THE COVE R Lydia is a former Newland School for Girls student who is studying English Language, Psychology and Sociology. Rob is a former South Hunsley High School student who is studying Business Studies, French and Psychology. All details are correct at the time of going to press. The college reserves the right to modify their programme provision as necessary.