Arnold Schilder Appointed Chair of IAASB Compliance Programme
Arnold Schilder Appointed Chair of IAASB Compliance Programme
IFAC NEWS Arnold Schilder Appointed Chair of IAASB The IFAC Board has named Prof. Dr. Arnold Schilder Chair of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) for a three-year term beginning 1 January, 2009. The Public Interest Oversight Board, which oversees the IAASB’s activities, approved the appointment at its meeting in Madrid , Spain in early July. Prof. Schilder currently serves as Executive Director of De Nederlandsche Bank NV. He is also a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and a parttime professor of auditing at the University of Amsterdam. AT Compliance Programme Launches Part 3; Member Bodies Release First Action Plans The IFAC Member Body Compliance Programme reached a milestone in July with the release of the first six member body action plans. Developed as part of the third phase of the Compliance Programme, the action plans identify tools, resources and regulatory changes needed to address areas identified through the self-assessment of compliance with IFAC’s membership requirements. The six members that have completed their action plans are: 䡲 Federación Argentina de Consejos Profesionales de Ciencias Económicas; 䡲 Botswana Institute of Accountants; 䡲 Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants; 䡲 Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic; 䡲 Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya ; and 䡲 Corpul Exper tilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din Romania. To view member body action plans, as well as the responses to Parts 1 and 2 of the Compliance Programme, visit published.php. AT veloping its 2008 Global Leadership Survey on issues impacting the global accountancy profession. We would like to thank those member bodies that have suggested topics for the sur vey and we are in the process of considering these ideas. If you have not yet suggested a topic, but would like to do so, please email [email protected] by 18 July. Our goal is to finalise the focus of the survey in early August and to notify member bodies shortly thereafter. AT Education Board Issues Information Paper on CPD Measurement A new information paper issued by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB), Approaches to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Measurement, assists IFAC member bodies and others in developing effective CPD programmes for professional accountants. The information paper explains the elements of an effective CPD programme, examines current practices by accountancy and other professional associations and discusses approaches to measure a programme’s effectiveness. The information paper may be downloaded free-ofcharge from the IFAC online bookstore at AT PAIB Committee Proposes Guidance on Governance and Costing As part of IFAC’s ongoing commitment to support professional accountants in business in helping to strengthen governance and enhance organisational performance, its Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) Committee has released two proposed International Good Practice Guidance documents for public comment. 2008 IFAC Global Leadership Survey 䡲 Evaluating and Improving Governance in Organisations sets out a framework and provides guidance for evaluating and improving an organisation’s governance structures. IFAC is currently in the process of de- 䡲 Costing to Drive Organisational Perfor- 56 mance establishes a benchmark for good practice guidance to assist accountants in business in providing useful cost information to support effective decision making in organisations. Comments on the exposure drafts, which can be viewed at are requested by 23 September 2008. Comments may be emailed to [email protected]. AT 2008 SMP Forum to be held in Nigeria on 13 October IFAC members, associates, regional accountancy organisations and other groups are invited to par ticipate in the 2008 IFAC Small and Medium Practices (SMP) Forum in Abuja , Nigeria on 13 October. The one-day forum will seek to identify and address issues facing SMPs and small and medium-sized entities (SMEs), particularly those in Africa . Forum par ticipants will be provided with an update on progress made in achieving the recommendations from the 2007 SMP Forum and will have an oppor tunity to provide input on the SMP Committee’s strategy and work program. Fur ther information about the forum, including the forum brochure, will be available on the SMP Committee’s webpage, smp, in the coming weeks. AT IFAC Appoints Alta Prinsloo Director of Operations Alta Prinsloo, CA (SA), has been appointed IFAC Director of Operations effective 1 January 2009. Prinsloo is currently Deputy Director of the IAASB. As Director of Operations, Prinsloo will be responsible for, among other things, IFAC’s planning, budgeting and financial management; human resources and information technology and managing preparations for IFAC Council and Board meetings. She will take over from Stephen Walker, who has served as Director of Operations since September 2002 and who is leaving at the end of the year to return to his home country of New Zealand. AT ACCOUNTANTS TODAY • August 2008
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