Steady-State Operation
Steady-State Operation
1.1 ZVZCS-FB-PWM principle ZVS-FB-PWM轉換器的架構 ZVZCS-FB-PWM 轉換器的操作波形 Mode 1: QA及QD 導通,輸入功率經由變壓器而傳至負載端。在此模式期間,阻隔電容器Cb兩端電壓從負的 最大值呈線性增加。 Vin A i Tr B C C1 D Mode 2: QA截止,變壓器㆒次側電流I對QA的輸出電容CA充電,對QB的輸出電容CB放電,接著㆓極體DB 導通(QB的反向並接㆓極體)。其㆗QB能夠以完全的ZVS方式導通。 Vin A C i Tr B C1 D Mode 3:在QB開始導通時,反流器之輸出電壓 Mode 4:當變壓器在㆒次側電流I降到零值時, VAB 被拑制為零值,此時與輸入電壓源Vi相比, 其會有往負值方向增加的變動傾向。阻隔電容器 其值非常小之阻隔電容器Cb兩端的電壓,則施 Cb㆖的電壓完全施加在Lik及變壓器的㆒次側㆖, 加在漏電感Lik㆖。阻隔電容器Cb可視為定電壓 使㆒次側的電流I繼續保持為零值。在此期間Cb的 源,變壓器㆒次側電流I呈線性㆘降而達到零值。 電壓保持定值,QD仍然為導通的狀態,但是沒 有電流流過。 Vin A Tr B C i C1 D Mode 5: QD完全以ZVS及的操作方式截斷,此時變壓器㆒次側為開路狀態。 Vin A i Tr B C C1 D Mode 6: 在QC導通後,因為高電壓施加到漏電感Lik㆖,使變壓器㆒次側電流I呈線性增加。至此則完成㆒個 操作週期。 Vin A C i Tr B C1 D 1.2 Meansurement of primary side Object: Primary side waveform of OZ960, MosFET and Transformer test report Conditions: Operation frequency: 60KHz Ambient temperature: 24°C Panel: LG 14.1” TFT XGA, model: LP141XA-D1AP Scope: Tektronix TDS 360, S/N: A1003 Current probe: Tektronix P6022, S/N: B1006 Power supply: GW GPC-3030D, S/N: A1011 Thermal tester: OPTEX PT-3S, S/N: A1010 Test Item: 1. OZ960 output waveform 2. MosFET output waveform 3. Transformer Primary side voltage and current waveform Test result: 1. In Fig A, The switches of MosFET A, B, C and D are configured such that MosFET A and B, C and D are turned on complementarily. The duration of A and D, B and C turn on simultaneously determines an amount of energy put into the transformer. When B and D shift left simultaneously, the duty cycle become short. 2. In Fig B. The third waveform is a mathematical waveform from V_AB-V_CD which V_AB is Drain of MosFET A, B and V_CD is Drain of MosFET C, D. It equal Vc add transformer primary voltage as fourth and fifth waveform. 3. Fig C is show the timming of OZ960 output waveform and primary side of transformer. Fig A Fig B Fig C 2. OZ960 function description CTIMR: Capacitor for CCFL ignition duration Determine the necessary striking time. An approximate of the timing calculation is: T[second]=C[uF] OVP: This capacitor remains reset at no charge if lamp is connected and at normal operation. Output voltage sense Vth=2.0V It ensures that output gets sufficient striking voltage while operating the power transformer safely. Protection Open-lamp protection in the ignition period is provided through both OVP and CTIMR to ensure a rate voltage is achieved and a required timing is satisfied. Removal of the CCFL during normal operation will trigger the current amplifier output and shuts off the inverter. This is a latch function. 2 C8 3 4 1.0U 5 6 7 8 9 NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST VDDA GNDA REF RT1 RT PWRGND LCT DIM LPWM FB PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D 20 19 + 18 CN1 C6 1 T1 17 Vo' 16 Vo 15 14 2 C14 - 13 12 11 1 10 CTIMR OZ960 1 OZ960/SSOP20 2 CR2 R14 3 C7 U2 1. C8 is control striking time. Stricking time[second ] = C8[uF]. When output is open, the voltage of OVP is over than 2V then the CTIMER start to account striking time. 2. The OVP threshed is set at 2V. Output voltage is set by C6 and C14. The Vo is calculated as: V o' = C6 × VO C 6 + C 14 V o' = 2 + D i o d e d r o p v o l t a g e Vo = Vo = C 6 C 6 ≅ 2 .8 + C 14 × V o' C6 + C 14 × 2 .8 C6 a. 1. t: 0~t1 Vout = Vin = Vm b. 2. t: t1~t2 Vout = −VD VC = −Vm + VD 3. t: t2~t3 Vout = Vin − VC = 2Vm − VD c. VL = VM ⋅ e −T / RC if → RC >> T ⇒ VL = VM ⇒ Vout = VM = V − VD d. Vout = Va(max ) − VD = 2V '−2VD ⇒ 2V ' = Vout + 2VD C1 ΘV '=V C1 + C 2 C1 ∴ 2V ' = 2V = Vout + 2VD C1 + C 2 C1 + C 2 ⇒ VH ( p − p ) = 2V = (Vout + 2VD ) C1 ENA: Enable input; TTL signal is applicable ON/OFF 2 3 4 C9 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 CTIMR NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST VDDA GNDA REF OZ960 1 R15 RT1 19 RT LCT DIM LPWM PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D OZ960/SSOP20 17 16 PWRGND FB 18 15 14 13 12 11 U2 R15 and C9 recifier the noise from ON/OFF. When VENA>1.5V, the IC will be turn on. Soft-start capacitor The soft-start time is not related to the striking time for the CCFL. It simply provides a rate of rise for the pulse width where diagonal switches are turned on. Normally, a 0.47uF capacitor is connected. 1 2 3 4 C10 5 6 7 8 9 10 CTIMR NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST RT VDDA GNDA REF OZ960 SST: RT1 Voltage source for the IC LCT DIM LPWM FB PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D OZ960/SSOP20 VDDA: PWRGND U2 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 5V 2 3 4 5 6 C11 7 8 9 10 CTIMR NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST VDDA GNDA REF OZ960 1 R16 RT PWRGND LCT DIM RT1 LPWM FB PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D OZ960/SSOP20 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 U2 R16 and C11 is recifier circuit, it supply stable voltage for OZ960 VDDA. GNDA: Analog signal ground reference REF: Reference voltage output; 2.5V typical FB: CCFL current feedback signal CMP: Compensation output of the current error amplifier The CCFL current is regulated through this error amplifier. The non-inverting reference is at 1.25V nominal. 2 3 CTIMR ND RV_B OVP PD RV_A EN A 4 SST 5 VD DA 6 GN DA 7 REF 8 OZ960 1 RT1 9 10 CT RT PWR GN D LCT DI M LPWM FB PD RV_C CMP ND RV_D 20 19 C3 18 17 16 15 14 C5 short CN 1 C6 2 30:2200 CI UH8D 42 13 SM02B-BH SS-1 C14 0.033U T1 12 3 11 1 CR 1 BAV99L C13 OZ 960/SSOP20 U2 2 C12 1 22P,3KV 2.2U,X5R,6.3V R17 R13 The feedback loop is determine output current. The output current is calculated as: 1.25V = 2 π I lamp ( rms ) = × R13 × I lamp ( rms ) 1.25 0.45 × R13 If there is a diode on the Feedback loop. The output current is calculated as: 1.25V = Va (dc ) = Vm 1 ( 2 ⋅ I rms ⋅ R 21 − VD π π ⇒ 1.25 = 0.45I rms ⋅ R 21 − 0.318VD 1.25 + 0.318VD ⇒ I rms = 0.45 ⋅ R 21 DIM: LCT: Low-frequency PWM signal for burst-mode dimming control Triangular wave for burst-mode dimming control = ) Vdim 2 3 4 CTIMR NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST 5 VDDA 6 GNDA 7 REF 8 OZ960 1 RT PWRGND LCT DIM RT1 9 10 LPWM FB PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D OZ960/SSOP20 20 19 18 17 16 C17 15 14 13 12 11 U2 R20 OZ960 integrates a burst-mode dimming function to perform a wide dimming control for the CCFL. The burst mode frequency is set by C17, f [ Hz ] = 1490 C17 [nF ] The ramp peak of burst mode triangle is 3V and ramp valley is 1V. We can adjust Vdim to control LPWM duty cycle. PGND: RT1: RT: CT: Power ground reference Resistor for programming ignition frequency Timing resistor set operation frequency Timing capacitor set operating frequency Operating frequency A resistor RT and a capacitor CT determine the operating frequency of OZ960. The frequency is calculated as: 2 3 4 5 6 RT R22 7 8 R 9 10 CTIMR NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST VDDA GNDA REF OZ960 1 RT PWRGND LCT DIM RT1 LPWM FB PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D OZ960/SSOP20 20 19 C18 18 17 16 15 RT R21 14 13 12 11 U2 R21 and C18 determine the operation frequency. The frequency is calcuated as: 70 • 104 f H [kHz ] = C18 [ pF ] • R21 [k Ω] OZ960 also provide an optional striking frequency as desired. Striking frequency When R22 is used, it is connected in parallel with R21 during the ignition period. The frequency is calcuated as: f S [kHz ] = 70 • 104 C18 [ pF ] • RS [k Ω] which RS = R21 // R22 Because operation frequency is known number, C18 and R21 are constant. Than NDR_B: NDR_D: PDR_A: PDR_C: R22 [k Ω] = 70 • 104 • R21 [k Ω] f S [kHz ] • C18 [ pF ] • R21 [k Ω] − 70 • 104 NMOSFET drive output NMOSFET drive output PMOSFET drive output PMOSFET drive output which fS > fH Vin D3 R19 P-mosf et' gate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 CTIMR NDRV_B OVP PDRV_A ENA CT SST RT VDDA GNDA REF OZ960 1 RT1 PWRGND LCT DIM LPWM FB PDRV_C CMP NDRV_D OZ960/SSOP20 20 C15 19 18 17 16 Vin 15 14 13 D4 C16 R18 P-mosf et' gate 12 11 U2 D3, C15, R19 is a level-shift circuit, because OZ960’ supply voltage is +5V, the output of PDR is 5V, but the PMOS is switched by Vin (>5V), so the PDR must be shifted. How to selection the value of R and C? The RC should be large more than T. 1. If RC >> T, the waveform will be fine. 2. If RC is not large enough, the waveform will be distortion. a. C is small. b. R and C are small. 3. Zener diode is removed. 4. Zener diode is replacement by diode. Transformer turn ration design 550 N1 N2 C RL If input voltage range is from 9V~21V, we can assume max duty is 83%. And max. Duty cycle happen at input voltage 8V. 8V -0.41 0.41 -8V Input voltage through H Bridge, We get input voltage waveform of transformer as above figure. We also assume output voltage of lamp is 550V We can get R.M.S value. 8 2 × 0.41 + (−8) 2 × 0.41 = 8 2 × 0.82 = 8 × 0.82 = 7.24V 1 If we use transformer which TOKO BLX103B, secondary of transformer is 1500N. Vo N 2 550 1500 = → = V1 N 1 7.24 N1 N 1 = 7.24 *1500 / 550 N 1 ≅ 19 The equation is not really exact; Actually tolerance is about calculate transformer magnetic current and core loss. ± 15%. So it need to fine tune, because we can not 3. Simulation and Analysis of OZ960 inverter Functional information 3.1 Rectifier circuit 3.2 Enable circuit 3.3 Soft-start circuit 3.4 Level shift circuit for drive the P-MOSFET’s gate 3.5 Striking time and OVP control circuit 3.6 Feedback loop 3.7 Triangle circuit 3.8 Burst-mode circuit Functional information 3.1 Rectifier circuit If Vin=12V Then VA=5.6V VDDA= VA – VBE =5.0V Spec. VDDA=4.7V~5.5V Pspice Simulation: 3.2 Enable circuit R8 and C8 rectifier the noise from ON/OFF, when ENA>1.5V the IC will be turn on. C8 charge from 0 to 1.5V need 0.6ms, it is delay time from ON/OFF to H. 3.3 Soft-start circuit Normally, a 0.47uF capacitor is connected. 3.4 Level shift circuit for drive the P-MOSFET’s gate PSpice Simulation: 3.5 Striking time and OVP control circuit Striking time T[second]=C9[uF] VO ' = C4 × VO C4 + C6 VO ' = VOVP + VD ≅ 2.8V VO = C6 + C4 × VO ' C4 VO = 12 p + 18n × 2.8 = 4202.8V p − p 12 p Pspice Simulation: VAMPL V5=2500V/60kHz VB × C1 = VOVP + 2VD C1 + C2 VB = C1 + C2 (VOVP + 2VD ) C1 C1 ≅ C2 (VOVP + 2VD ) VB C2 ≅ C1VB VOVP + 2VD 3.6 Feedback loop Pspice simulation: Vout = 2 π ⋅ R 2 ⋅ I R 2 (rms ) − 0.318VD IR 2(rms ) = VAMPL V1=1800V/60kHz VFB + 0.318VD 0.45 ⋅ R 2 3.7 Triangle circuit Operation frequency f H [kHz ] = 700000 700000 = = 51.3[kHz ] C7 [ pF ] • R9 [k Ω] 220 × 62 Striking frequency RS = R9 // R11 = 55.3k Ω f S [kHz ] = 700000 700000 = = 57.5[kHz ] CT [ pF ] • RS [k Ω] 220 × 55.3 3.8 Burst-mode circuit Brightness is negative dimming control. f L [ Hz ] = 1490 1490 = = 219[ Hz ] C12 [nF ] 6.8 1. If R2 is known, then R4 = R5 = R2VDD (VDimH − VDimL ) VadjH VDimL − VadjLVDimH R2 (VDD R2 R4VDimL − VDimL ) − R4 (VDimL − VadjL ) 2. If R4 is known, then R2 = R5 = VadjH VDimL − VadjLVDimH VDD (VDimH − VDimL ) R2 (VDD • R4 R2 R4VDimL − VDimL ) − R4 (VDimL − VadjL ) Lamp current = 3.5mA~8.0mA VDIM = 0.9V~2.1V duty-cycle = 43%~100% 5 − 2.1 5 − 2.1 2.1 + = R4 R2 R5 5 − 0.9 0.9 0.9 = + R4 R2 R5 If R2=270K then R4=360K and R5=111.7K choose 100K 4. Measurement and Verification of OZ960 inverter 4.1 Measurement of waveform of OZ960 inverter Functional information 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 Signal waveform of ENA, CTIRM, OVP, SST, FB and CMP Waveform of OZ960 pin LPWM and FB Vadj vs. Striking voltage at open lamp OVP loop experiment Vin, Duty-cycle and lamp voltage relational 4.1.1.a OZ960 signal waveform of ENA, CTIMR, OVP, SST, FB and CMP at open lamp state when Vadj=3.4V. Vin=8.9V Vin=12V Vin=16V Vin=19V Vin=21V 4.1.1.b Normally OZ960 signal waveform of ENA, CTIMR, OVP, SST, FB and CMP Vin=12V, Vadj=0V. Vin=19V, Vadj=0V. 4.1.1.c Normally OZ960 signal waveform of ENA, CTIMR, OVP, SST, FB and CMP Vin=12V, Vadj=3.4V. Vin=19V, Vadj=3.4V. 4.1.2 Waveform of OZ960 pin LPWM and FB LPWM pin of OZ960 FB pin of OZ960 4.1.3 Vadj vs. Striking voltage at open lamp condition I. Vin=8.9V 1.Vadj=0V 2. Vadj=3.4V II. Vin=12V 1.Vadj=0V 2. Vadj=3.4V III. Vin=16V 1.Vadj=0V 2. Vadj=3.4V IV. Vin=21V 1.Vadj=0V 2. Vadj=3.4V Striking voltage waveform fix Vadj=3.4V 1. Vin=8.9V 2. Vin=12V 3. Vin=16V 4. Vin=21V 4.1.4 OVP loop experiment a. Change C6 from 33nF to 22nF C5=22pF, C6=22nF C6 + C5 22n + 22 p VO = × (VOVP + 2VD ) = × (2 + 2 × 0.5) = 3003VP − P C5 22 p Vin=12V b. Change C5 from 22pF to 33pF C5=33pF, C6=33nF C + C5 33n + 33 p VO = 6 × (VOVP + 2VD ) = × (2 + 2 × 0.5) = 3003VP − P C5 33 p Vin=12V c. Change C5 from 22pF to 27pF C5=27pF, C6=33nF C + C5 33n + 27 p VO = 6 × (VOVP + 2VD ) = × (2 + 2 × 0.5) = 3670VP − P C5 27 p Vin=12V d. Change C5 from 22pF to 18pF C5=18pF, C6=33nF VO = C6 + C5 33n + 18 p × (VOVP + 2VD ) = × (2 + 2 × 0.5) = 5503VP − P C5 18 p Vin=12V 4.1.5 Vin, Duty-cycle and lamp voltage relational Vin=8.9V, Duty-cycle=54.8% Vin=12V, Duty cycle=36.9% Vin=16V, Duty cycle=26.2% Vin=21V, Duty cycle=21.4% Vin (V) Frequency (kHz) Duty cycle(%) Vlamp (kVp-p) Vlamp (Vrms) 9 56.6 54.8 1.26 401 12 57.5 36.9 1.32 407 16 57.1 26.2 1.38 413 21 57.1 21.4 1.4 418 4.2 Functional test of OZ960 inverter Conditions: Inverter: IV10101/T Ambient temperature: 24°C Panel: LG 14.1” TFT XGA, model: LP141XA-D1AP Scope: Tektronix TDS 220, S/N: A1004 Power supply: GW GPC-3030D, S/N: A1011 LCR meter: Zentech 100 LCR METER Multi-meter: HP 34401A, S/N: A1001 Thermal tester: OPTEX PT-3S, S/N: A1010 Test Item: 4.2.1 Vdim vs. Ilamp 4.2.2 Vcc vs. Ilamp 4.2.3 Operation frequency vs. Ilamp 4.2.4 Burst frequency vs. Ilamp 4.2.5 Relationship between Vlamp and FB signal Test result: 4.2.1Vdim vs. Ilamp Condition: Vcc=12V, fH=57.4KHz, fBurst=150Hz Vdim(V) Iin(A) Ilamp(mA) 4.0 0.37 5.60 2.0 0.22 4.01 0.1 0.08 2.11 4.2.2 Vcc vs. Ilamp Condition: Vdim=4.0V, fH=57.4KHz Vcc(V) Iin(A) Ilamp(mA) 9 0.50 5.56 12 0.37 5.61 16 0.27 5.62 19 0.23 5.62 Condition: Vdim=2.0V, fH=57.4KHz Vcc(V) DutyVlamp (%) t1/T(%) Iin(A) 9 70.46 58.47 0.28 12 68.37 59.67 0.21 16 68.07 61.77 0.16 19 66.57 62.37 0.14 *t1: Vlamp except rise and fall time. DutyLPWM (%) Ilamp(mA) 30.26 4.02 30.26 4.14 30.26 4.25 30.26 4.28 Vcc=9V Vadj=2.0V Vcc=12V Vadj=2.0V Vcc=16V Vadj=2.0V Vcc=19V Vadj=2.0V Condition: Vdim=0.1V, fH=57.4KHz Vcc(V) DutyVlamp (%) t1/T(%) Iin(A) DutyLPWM (%) Ilamp(mA) 9 32.08 20.69 0.09 69.2 2.03 12 29.09 21.29 0.08 69.1 2.28 16 26.99 21.60 0.06 68.9 2.42 19 26.09 22.19 0.05 68.7 2.47 *t1: Vlamp except rise and fall time. Vcc=9V Vadj=0.1V Vcc=12V Vadj=0.1V Vcc=16V Vadj=0.1V Vcc=19V Vadj=0.1V 4.2.3 Operation frequency vs. Ilamp Condition: Vdim=4.0V, Vcc=12V fH (KKz) Iin(A) Ilamp(mA) Tr.Duty(%) RT(KΩ) 37.3 82 0.35 8.54 49.5 62 0.36 5.65 54.45 57.4 53.6 0.36 5.62 45.24 65.15 47 0.38 5.60 41.69 * There is an unstable output current, when frequency at 37.3kHz. 4.2.4 Burst frequency vs. Ilamp Condition: Vcc=12V, Vdim=2.0V fBurst (Hz) CLCT(nF) DutyVlamp (%) 150 10 68.37 224 6.8 66.98 307 4.7 68.10 fBrust=150Hz t1/T(%) Iin(A) DutyLPWM (%) Ilamp(mA) 59.67 0.22 30.26 4.12 54.34 0.20 30.45 3.86 51.07 0.19 33.54 3.36 fBrust=224Hz fBrust=307Hz Condition: Vcc=12V, Vdim=0.1V fBurst (Hz) CLCT(nF DutyVlamp (%) ) 150 10 30.12 224 6.8 29.12 307 4.7 27.36 fBrust=150Hz fBrust=307Hz t1/T(%) Iin(A) DutyLPWM (%) Ilamp(mA) 20.99 18.37 11.55 0.08 0.06 0.03 fBrust=224Hz 68.98 69.09 69.72 2.21 1.71 0.51 4.2.5 Relationship between Vlamp and FB signal a. (fLPWM=150Hz, T=6.67ms), Vadj=1.5V Vin(V) Rise(us) Fall(us) D(t1/T)(%) Vp-p(kV) 9 320 520 48.58 1.90 12 240 340 50.07 1.92 16 160 240 51.27 1.92 19 140 200 50.67 1.94 Vin=9V Vin=12V Vin=16V Vin=19V b. Vin=12V, Vadj=1.5V, (fLPWM=150Hz, T=6.67ms) R13(KΩ) Rise(us) Fall(us) D(t1/T)(%) Vp-p(kV) 13 200 80 47.08 1.91 33 240 340 50.07 1.92 47 270 1320 55.62 1.91 R13=13KΩ R13=47KΩ R13=33KΩ c. Vin=12V, Vadj=1.5V, (fLPWM=150Hz, T=6.67ms) R15(KΩ) Rise(us) Fall(us) D(t1/T)(%) Vp-p(kV) 33 170 1720 58.62 1.91 51 240 340 50.07 1.92 75 340 240 42.28 1.91 R15=33KΩ R15=75KΩ d. Vin=12V, Vadj=1.5V R13(KΩ) R15(KΩ) Rise(us) 47 75 380 21 33 180 R13=47KΩ R15=51KΩ Fall(us) 440 200 D(t1/T)(%) 44.68 53.67 R13=21KΩ Vp-p(kV) 1.9 1.9 R15=75KΩ R15=33KΩ 4.3 Transformer turn rate Input voltage range is 9V to 21V, we assume max. duty cycle is 84%. And max. duty cycle happen at input voltage 8V. The output voltage of lamp is 450Vrms. We can get the R.M.S. value. 82 × 0.42 + (− 8) × 0.42 = 82 × 0.84 = 7.33V 1 2 If the secondary turns of transformer is 2200. Vo N 2 450 2200 = ⇒ = V 1 N1 7.33 N1 ⇒ N 1 ≅ 35 Actually tolerance is about ±15%. Actually test, 1. N1:N2=30:2200 2. If the input voltage is lower than 8.9V inverter can’t turn on. 3. When inverter is normally work then start decrease input voltage, it will shut-down while input voltage is 8.4V and the duty cycle is 80%. Conclusion Switching topology Output-Wave form O2 (OZ960) TI1451 Remark PWM: Zero-Voltage-Swit ching (ZVS) Royer: Self Exciting O2: PWM-ZVS is controlled by O2 chip. ( quite stable). TI1451: Oscillation frequency is controlled by transformer. Very Good Medium O2: ZVS-Phase-Shift Control, Output waveform is almost sine and symmetry is very good. TI1451: Waveform is most likely as triangle. Variable –Freque O2: Designer can easy to Operating ConstantFrequency Frequency(Easy ncy (Not easy to decide the optimized operation frequency for control). to control) panels. TI1451: Operating frequency is decided by oscillated capacitor, primary inductance of transformer, and the equivalent load from the load of secondary side of transformer. The operating frequency is not easy to design and operating frequency is easy to change when panel dimming is changed. Working with Very Good Good O2: Transformer uses two transformer windings. Transformer easy to manufacture. TI1451: Transformer needs four windings. Transformer is more complicated. Efficiency > 85% ~=75% O2: O2's topology is single stage. TI1451: TI1451 topology is two stages. Yes No O2: Open-lamp and short Open-lamp protection functions are and short integrated in Chip. TI1415: protection Need to add extra circuit to do these protections Thermal issue Brightness efficiency Burst-Mode Function No Yes Very Good Medium Yes No O2: The temperature of transformer and MOSFET's is low because O2 inverter has higher efficiency. TI1451: TI1451 topology causes many components with higher thermal, which are transformer, oscillated capacitor, MOSFET and choke. O2: Output current is sine waveform. O2: Burst mode function is built in IC. And transformer is without noise when inverter works under burst-mode. TI1451: Need add extra circuit to implement the function. Transformer has noise when inverter works under burst-mode. Pspice Circuit OVP Power stage Secondary of transformer