Email module Phoenix


Email module Phoenix
Email module Phoenix
OTYS Recruiting Technology
Version 1.0
OTYS Recruiting Technology
OTYS Academy
E: [email protected]
Address- en contactdetails
OTYS Nederland
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You can reach us on working days from
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OTYS France
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OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016
Version management
Here you can find an overview of the different versions of this document.
Marieke Cozijnsen
First version of the manual drawn up in three
chapters (‘About this instruction,’ ‘Introduction’ and
‘Using the Email module’.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: About this instruction ............................................................................................... 6
1.1 Aim ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Basic knowledge .................................................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2: Introduction .............................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Why the email functionality? ............................................................................................................... 7
2.2 New Layout........................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Using the Email module ........................................................................................... 8
3.1 Overview Email module ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Sender categorisation ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Creating emails.................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.1 Creating a new email ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.2 Addressbook suggestions ........................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.3 Automatic salutation .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Using automatic signature .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.5 Using standard message ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.6 Links ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.7 Add attachments .......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.8 Add images ................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.9 Adding linked documents ............................................................................................................................ 21
3.4 Email send options ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.4.1 Sending emails straight away ..................................................................................................................... 22
3.4.2 Sending delayed email................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4.3 Group selection for sending ........................................................................................................................ 23
3.4.4 Sending profiles ........................................................................................................................................... 24
3.4.5 Sending Emails as private ........................................................................................................................... 25
3.5 Searching an email ............................................................................................................................ 26
3.5.1 Search filter ................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.5.2 Saving a filter view ....................................................................................................................................... 27
3.6 Email portlets dashboard .................................................................................................................. 29
3.6.1 Inbox portlet ................................................................................................................................................. 30
3.6.2 Last emails portlet....................................................................................................................................... 30
3.7 Managing emails and folders ............................................................................................................ 31
3.7.1 Answer or forward email ............................................................................................................................. 31
3.7.2 Deleting an email message ......................................................................................................................... 31
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3.7.3 Create and edit folders ................................................................................................................................ 32
3.7.4 Move email(s) to a specific folder................................................................................................................ 33
3.7.5 Mark email ................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.7.7 Other options................................................................................................................................................ 35
3.8 Spam ................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.8.1 White list ...................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.8.2 Black list....................................................................................................................................................... 37
3.8.3 Move in batch ............................................................................................................................................... 38
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Chapter 1: About this instruction
1.1 Aim
This guide is written for anyone using or wanting to use the Email module in Phoenix. The
manual can help you to quickly and easily work with the module and set it to your own needs
and preferences.
1.2 Layout
This guide starts in the introductory chapter explaining the added value of the Email module
in Phoenix. Also will be explained what has changed in terms of the layout with respect to the
previous version of this module. Thereafter, the functionality of the module will be discussed
in detail. The chapter 'Using the Email module’ is the core of this document. To use this
module you need the understanding of a set number of basic functions. These basic functions
are explained in this manual through clear instructions, illustrated with screenshots. This
involves actions such as composing and sending an email, filters and searching for an email,
the dashboard portlets and general management of the email.
In the last chapter it is discussed what options the Email module has to deal with spam.
1.3 Basic knowledge
Certain functions are not explained in this instruction because they generally belong to the
basic knowledge of the computer user, or are outside the scope of this inquiry. This mainly
involves the following tasks:
The use of Windows;
Basic use of OTYS;
Functions that are explained in other available manuals.
For the basic knowledge and use of OTYS Phoenix we recommend attending the user training
and / or key user training OTYS Phoenix. We also refer to the basic OTYS Phoenix manual, the
OTYS Advices and OTYS Academy.
Comments and reactions regarding this manual and OTYS are welcome. You can submit an
email to OTYS Recruiting Technology:[email protected].
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Chapter 2: Introduction
Before we get started with the Email module in Phoenix, we believe it to be important that
you get a good idea of what is exactly possible with this feature.
2.1 Why the email functionality?
Email is a basic module of OTYS Phoenix. This has been chosen because the basic process
takes place in this module. In the Email module you can send receive and manage email
messages. It can replace your current email program (eg Microsoft Outlook).
The great advantage of the Email module is that emails from colleagues, associates, and
candidates are automatically saved in the appropriate dossier. You can easily find your email
and do not have to work with different folders.
Note: The Email module is not intended to send newsletters. This can be done best using the
Newsletter module.
2.2 New Layout
Since December 2015, an updated version of the Email module is available. This greatly
improved the overview of your e- mail and has many added features, including batch
operations, advanced search and sending profiles. This guide also discusses the new format
and functionality that was released with the new version.
In case you previously worked with the Email module of Phoenix, it may be that Phoenix still
shows the old version of the Email module. If this is the case you can try to clear your
browser's cache and then start the Email module once again.
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Chapter 3: Using the Email module
In this chapter we explain all of the options you have with this module. This chapter will go
deeper into the opening of the module and the manner in which the various types of senders
are shown. It also discusses how emails can be prepared and sent. The final sections of the
chapter go into further detail about sending groups, sending profiles and the advanced
search via the search filter. Finally, the email portlets are also discussed in the Phoenix
3.1 Overview Email module
You can find the module in the menu on the left side:
Image 3.1.1: Dashboard overview
By clicking on the icon in the left menu bar (envelope), it opens the Email module. An
alternative way to open this module is using one of the two email portlets on the dashboard.
See: 3.6 Email dashboard portlets.
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After opening you will see the overview of your Email module.
The email window is divided into several parts:
On the left you see a list of all your available folders. Some folders are pre-set for
each user. These are Inbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Drafts, Spam, Delayed and
Undelivered. Also the folders you added yourself can be found here;
In the upper window you can see a list of the overview of the emails that are in the
selected folder. At the bottom left is the total number of emails for the selected
folder. If there are more emails in this folder than can be displayed in the list, you can
switch between pages on the right side at the bottom of this window by clicking on the
At the top right you will see a blue filter icon. Clicking on it will open the search
criteria and it moves the other windows a little to the left. For more information on
the search criteria, refer to 3.7 Search filter.
The window at the bottom of the page gives a preview of the selected email message
in the list. Upon opening of a folder, this will be the upper message.
You yourself may alter the proportions of the components of the email module. To do this,
move your mouse above the edges between the components. When your cursor changes you
know you can change the ratio. Drag the window to the desired location. Repeat this process
if you also want to change the ratios of other components. The Email module automatically
stores the changes you've made.
Image 3.1.2: Email module overview
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Image 3.1.3: Changing proportions
3.2 Sender categorisation
You can see whether the sender of a message is already in the system, and thus is known.
Known senders are displayed by an icon highlighted in color right next to the time of when
the email was received. Unknown senders have no icons.
Image 3.2.1: Categorising senders
The green icons indicate business contacts who are known in the CRM. Colleagues are
shown with a red icon. In the case of email traffic to or from a candidate, an orange icon is
For candidates and business interests whose address is known, the mail is automatically
stored in the corresponding dossier. Email from senders who are not in the system, is not
stored in the dossier, unless you do it manually. Please refer to 3.3.9 Linking documents.
Emails to colleagues are not saved in a dossier.
When a sender exists in the system, but no icons are shown in the column, the sender is
likely using an alternative email address.
When the candidate of a message is not known, you can create it as a new candidate using
the Email module. Just click on the button ‘new candidate’ in the menu of the bottom
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Private email
Another type of tag is ‘Private’. When you mark a received message as private, you are the
only one who can see this message. Even if the message is stored in the dossier, your
colleagues do not see it. How to mark a message as 'private', is described in 3.3. You can
recognise a private email with the icon of an eye:
Image 3.2.2: Private email
3.3 Creating emails
This chapter discusses all of the options for creating an email. We will focus on the act of
creating a new email message. This means that in this section it also describes the manner
in which receivers can be added, and how the preamble signature may be arranged, how
attachments can be added and how documents can be attached to an email message.
3.3.1 Creating a new email
To compose a new message, open the Email module. On the overview page at the top of the
screen, you will see a green ‘+’ - icon. Clicking on it opens a new window where the email can
be written. Depending on the user setting this window will open in the current or in a new
When composing an email, there are three cases of particular importance. These are the
recipient, subject and content of the email. These cases are not only relevant for sending the
email correctly, but also for the correct storage in the dossier.
Image New email
Image Drafting an email
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3.3.2 Addressbook suggestions
Create a new message;
Click on the field ‘Recipients’;
Fill (a part of) the name of the addressee into the field;
When the entered name or part of it is detected by the system as a contact person, it will
then display suggestions based on this. You will need to enter at least three characters. Click
on the appropriate suggestion to accept them. This process can be repeated if you want to
add more than one recipient.
Email addresses are clickable on most locations in Phoenix. This allows you to create a new
emails with that email address as the recipient.
Image 3.3.2: Recipient Email Module
3.3.3 Automatic salutation
Note: You can use the automatic salutation when the full name of the recipient is correctly in
the system.
When creating a new email, click on the button ‘More’ underneath the subject;
The send menu is expanded by this and shows multiple options. We will discuss this
later in this manual with other functionalities as well; Click in the category
‘Salutation’ on 'formal' or 'Informal';
Click on ‘Less’ to minimise this menu back to how it was.
Check whether the generated salutation is correct.
If the salutation is incorrect readjust it manually or click 'Don’t use'. You can then manually
add a salutation.
You can also add a new automatic salutation. To do this, go to the overview in the Email
module. Then at the top of the window, click the Settings icon. In the ‘Salutation’ tab you can
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change the salutation or create a new ‘custom’ salutation and save it.
When you save this salutation it will be available in the drafting of new mail messages.
Image ‘More’
Image Expanded sending menu
Image Email settings icon
Image Setting auto salutation
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3.3.4 Using automatic signature
When an automatic signature is set for you, it automatically appears when composing an
email. If not, you can define your own signature.
Open the Email module;
Click on the ‘Setting’ icon at the top of the overview. A new window will be opened.
Go to the tab ‘Basic’. Here you can find the settings of your signature.
Select the desired signature in the list ‘Signatures’
Below the preview of your signature appears. If desired, adjust the signature. You can save
this signature after adjustment. If you do not want to change the existing standard signature,
but you want to create a new signature, you can enter a name in the field next to ‘Create
another signature’ and then click on the’ + ‘icon. Do not forget to click 'Save' when you have
finished editing.
Image Settings
Image Adjusting Signature
3.3.5 Using standard message
Create a new email;
Click on the button ‘More’ underneath the subject;
Click on the menu to the right of ‘Standard message’ and choose a standard message
from the list;
Click on ‘Less’
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Check the message. In case this message is not the right one, choose another one
from the list.
Change the standard message when necessary. This will only be adjusted in the email
you are creating.
Image 3.3.5: Selecting standard message
3.3.6 Links
It is possible to add links to your mail message. You will need to follow these steps:
Create a new email by clicking on the ‘+’ icon at the top of the Email module;
Create the email;
If you would like to add a link to a word or a sentence, select this. In case you want to
add a link separately, skip this step;
Go to the editing field of your mail message;
Click on ‘Add/Change link’ icon in the editing field;
A new window will be opened.
In the tab link description you can use the following types of links with which you want to
indicate your selection: you have several choices. A URL can link to an external website or
protocol (see below). By inserting an internal link to a page you can let readers of the email
quickly navigate within the email. A reference to an email enables people to quickly create an
email with the inserted link as receiver.
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In case you want to add a URL you can choose the protocol that you need. You have a choice
http:// : Hypertext Transfer Protocol
https:// : http on a secure line
ftp:// : File Transfer Protocol
news:// : News protocol
Remember to fill in the URL itself. This is the only type of link where the tab ‘target window’
appears. On that tab you can specify how such a link should be displayed when it is opened.
You can choose from the following target windows: <iframe> <popup window>, New Window
(_blank), Full Window (_top), Same Window (_self) or Original Window (_parent). After the
choice is made, select ‘OK’ to insert the URL.
If you want to send a file from an external source, you may use the protocol ftp: //. If you want
to include a file in the email itself, you can do this through 'Attachment'. See: 3.3.7. If you
want to add an internal link to a page, an overview will show of the internal links contained in
the email message. You choose the appropriate link from the list and click OK.
If you choose the link type Email you will need to include the desired (target) email address
and optionally also include the subject and content. Then click OK to insert the link.
The Advanced tab is a tab that is displayed for each link type. In case you wish to adjust the
following which are then applied to the selected link type: Id, Write direction, Access key, Tab
order, Advisory title, Recommended content type, Stylesheet Classes, Character set of linked
source, Relation, Style. Remember, after the changes, to click on 'OK'.
Note: Remember, after making changes, to go to the top of the page, click the 'Save' icon to
save the page if you choose not to send the email but to only save as a draft.
Image Editing field in email
Image Adding link to email
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3.3.7 Add attachments
Create ‘New message’;
Click on the paperclip icon at the top of the screen. The files folder will be opened;
Select the right file;
Click on ‘Open’;
Now the file is displayed in a list with attachments. In the file list next to the name it also
displays the size. If you want to delete the file, press the dustbin.
Repeat the above process if you want to add more files.
Note: The name of the file you insert may not be longer than 64 characters, including the
extension (such as .doc).
Image Adding attachments
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Image Choosing file as attachment
3.3.8 Add images
Images can be added in two ways: as a file in the attachment, and by inserting a link that
points to the image.
Add image attachment
The instructions for adding an image as an attachment are the same as the instructions for
the other annexes. That is why we refer to '3.3.7: Attach'
Create ‘New message’;
Click on the paperclip icon at the top of the screen. The files folder will be opened;
Select the right image;
Click on ‘Open’;
Now the image is shown in the list ‘Attachments’.
Image Add image
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Image Choosing image as attachment
Add image via a URL
It is possible to add an image from a URL when preparing your email. To insert an image
from a URL you can, when you are editing the email, click on the ‘Pictures’ icon in the editing
A new screen is displayed. The default tab is opened ‘Information image’. In this tab, you
cannot just enter a URL referring to the image but you also get to see a preview if the correct
URL is entered. It is possible to display an alternative text and change the following options:
Width and height. This will be shown visually when adjusted;
The border size;
The horizontal and vertical space that needs to be kept free;
The alignment (not filled in, left or right).
The second tab ‘Link’ allows you to add a URL which will be opened by clicking on the image.
Also, you can specify whether it should be opened in the same window, new window (_blank),
Full Window (_top), Same Window (_self) or Original Window (_parent).
On the tab ‘Advanced’ you can apply the following adjustments to the tab: Id, Writing
Direction, Language Code, Long URL description, Advisory title, StyleSheet class and style.
Remember, after the changes, to click on 'OK'.
Image Adding external image
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Image Adding external image menu
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3.3.9 Adding linked documents
One of the advantages of the coupling of the Email module to the other modules in OTYS is
that documents can be found in the dossier of the coupled candidates and relationships. This
may be useful when setting up an email with the resume of a candidate, directly from the
candidate file.
To include linked files, follow these steps:
Click on the icon of a folder with a ‘+’ in it, next to the attachment icon, at the top of
the screen;
A pop up screen will be shown in which you can add a file from other dossiers.
In the window shown in, you can search for users, candidates, relationships, contacts,
calendar items, vacancies, tasks and documents. You have the option to insert documents of
several of the contacts referred to above. You can then link it to this email.
Image Adding linked files
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Image Link files to relations and candidates
3.4 Email send options
This section focuses on the delivery options which the Email module of Phoenix offers. So it
not only discusses the direct way to send an email but also how to send a delayed email.
Lastly, the chapter also shows how you can select groups and how to set sending profiles.
3.4.1 Sending emails straight away
Once you have created an email and prepared it in accordance with the previously discussed
options, you probably want to send the email.
After setting up the email and entering the recipient you can click on the 'Send' icon at the
top of the screen and this sends the email.
Image 3.4: Sending email
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3.4.2 Sending delayed email
You can also choose to send the email at a specific date and / or time. After setting up the
email and entering the recipient you can click on the ‘Postponed’ icon at the top of the
Clicking on this icon opens a pop-up window. Specify the date and time for when the email
must be sent. Be careful: the email is immediately placed in the ‘Postponed’ folder after you
click 'Send'.
Image Postponed sending
Image Postponed sending menu
3.4.3 Group selection for sending
You may want to send emails to a particular user group. Of course, you can always manually
add users, as discussed earlier. However, if you want to send regular emails to a group or
category of recipients, it is more convenient to assign these to a group of recipients. This is
possible in the Email module from Phoenix. For example, you can include add an
organisational unit so you can send an email to all the people from this part of the
organisation in one act. Follow these steps:
Open the Email module and create a new email by clicking on the green ‘plus’ icon at
the top of the page; A page with the ability to create a new email will be opened;
Write the email as desired;
At the top, in the ‘To’ field, you will find an icon with a group of people;
Click on the icon as shown below to add groups as the recipients. A pop-up screen
will be shown;
Select the desired group of recipients. These will be shown on the right. This can be
more than one group at the same time.
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If you want to remove a selection, click on it and it will go to the left list. When you have made
the proper selection, click 'Add' and then the selection is placed to the recipients.
You can edit the group list and compose the groups via the Newsletters module.
Image 3.5.1: Adding groups as recipients
Image 3.5.2: Select groups
3.4.4 Sending profiles
It is possible to set multiple profiles for the transmission of emails. In this way you will be
able to quickly modify your details sender by sender to whom you send the email. You can
adjust the settings of the Sending Profiles in the Email module in Phoenix.
Click on the ‘Settings’ icon in het module overview;
Go to the tab ‘Sending Profiles’;
Edit an existing profile or create a new profile by clicking on the ‘+’ icon on the right;
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Edit the profile name, the email address of the sender, which template (website) and
which signature to use.
From now on, when creating a new email, this created transmission profile can be selected
when composing an email, by clicking on the ‘settings’ icon, a drop-down menu is displayed.
One of the created profiles can be selected here.
Image Create sending profiles
Image Choosing sending profile
3.4.5 Sending Emails as private
All emails from senders who are in the system are stored in the dossier. In some cases it
may be desirable that not everyone can see a particular message. You can make messages
private so you are the only one who can see them and so they are not kept in the general
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Setting an email as private is relatively simple.
Create and write a new email;
Click on the button ‘More’ under the subject field. The send menu will be expanded
and provide several options, of which ‘Private’ is one of them;
Select ‘Yes’ next to Private.
Click on ‘Less’ for the menu to collapse;
Check the content, layout and recipient(s).
Click on send. The email is sent privately.
Image Sending email privately
3.5 Searching an email
3.5.1 Search filter
The filter can search by keyword and can specify whether you want to search with specific
search criteria (this folder, all folders, specific folder (s), read / unread, flag). The email
module will open the filter module as how it was last used.
A basic search is viewed as an 'OR' search. This means that if you search for 'OTYS Academy'
you will find all the emails containing the word 'OTYS' and / or the word ' Academy '. The
reason behind this is that you can search, for example, an OR search on 'custom' and this
will then also provide all emails containing the word 'customization' in it as well.
If you want to search with an 'AND' search, i.e. a search in which the combination of two or
more terms occur, you can do this by entering 'AND' between the terms on which you want to
search. So you can search for example 'OTYS' AND 'Academy' to search all emails containing
the combination of the two terms.
The search filter in the Email module can also be elaborated by searching on specific key
Open the search filter by clicking on the blue filter icon in the right top corner;
Click on the blue icon next to ‘Keyword’ to show the elaborate options;
Fill in the variables with which you want to search elaborately:
o ‘From’,
o ‘To’,
o ‘Subject’,
o ‘Has the words …’ and
o ‘Does not have..’.
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Then click ‘Search’ to search the selected folders based on your search criteria. To remove
search criteria, click at the bottom on the red 'x' icon.
Image 3.5.1: Advanced search filter
3.5.2 Saving a filter view
If you want to save some filters for future searches, you can add a filter view:
Open the search filter by clicking on the blue filter icon in the right top corner;
Click on the blue icon next to ‘Keyword’ to show the elaborate options;
Fill in the desired variables;
Click on the ‘+’icon in the right top corner of the filter to save the new filter view;
Fill in the desired name of the new filterview;
Click on the ‘+’ to ‘Add’.
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Now the search filter criteria is saved. You can find these in the left column in the folder
‘Filter views’ (underneath your personal folders). You can now also see this filter display in
the email portlet on the dashboard of Phoenix if you have activated it. More on this can be
found in section 3.6.
If you then want to edit or delete the search criteria, click on it in the left column. When you
do this, you will see on the right side the set values as well as some new menu options
shown as icons: add, save and delete. If you want to change the search criteria, you can
adjust the values and click on the save icon. If you want to remove the search criteria then
click the delete icon.
Image Adding new filter
Image Adding new filter view
Image Editing filter view
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3.6 Email portlets dashboard
With the arrival of Phoenix the dashboard has also been introduced. The dashboard allows
you to quickly show the most relevant information quickly through portlets when logging in
Phoenix. Through the 'Portlet' button in the top bar of the Phoenix overview you can easily
add portlet buttons, including the ‘Inbox’ portlet and ‘Last emails’ portlet.
Image 3.6.1: Portlet menu on the Phoenix dashboard.
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3.6.1 Inbox portlet
The inbox portlet shows an overview of all email folders that are present in the Email
module. the number of new messages is shown on the right side of the portlet. By clicking on
one of the folders displayed, the Email module opens and displays the clicked folder.
Image 3.6.2: inbox portlet
3.6.2 Last emails portlet
The 'Last emails’ portlet provides an overview of the most recently received emails. The
number of new messages is shown on the right side of the portlet. By clicking on the '+' icon
you can instantly create a new email. By clicking ‘Last Emails’ you will go directly to the
inbox of the Email module. By clicking on any of the displayed emails Email module opens
and displays the clicked email. Also in this portlet, you can select a search filter if you have
set it in the Email module. See 3.5.
Image 3.6.3: Last emails portlet
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3.7 Managing emails and folders
This section focuses on the management of received emails and emails to be received. Thus
explains how to delete, move and mark emails. It also explains how you can edit folders.
3.7.1 Answer or forward email
When you receive an email, you can answer it simply by selecting it. Then click in the preview
window on ‘Reply’. You will then see a new window containing the sender of the email as a
recipient. Next, create the email and send it as previously defined in 3.3.
If you want to reply to an email to all recipients, first click on ‘More’ in the preview window
and then subsequently ‘Reply All’ option.
If you would like to forward the email you can do that by selecting a received email. Then
click in the preview window, click More. In the drop down menu, then click Forward. You will
then see a new window containing the contents of the received email. Then, add the person
to whom you wish to send the email and send it as previously defined in 3.3.
Image 3.7.1: Reply or forward emails
3.7.2 Deleting an email message
To remove a specific email, click on it in the list. This will let the preview appear in the
window below. At the top of this preview you have some choice options such as ‘Delete’.
Clicking on it will move the email to the trash.
It is also possible to select several already received and to remove future emails from a
specific sender. For this you can use the appropriate batch action. See 3.7.6 Batch actions.
Image 3.7.2: Delete email
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3.7.3 Create and edit folders
Your own folders are listed in the left column under ‘Personal Folders’. In addition to the
default folders Inbox, sent, trash, drafts, spam, postponed and not delivered, you also have
the possibility to add folders.
Go to the overview of the Email module
Click left on the settings icon next to the ‘Personal Folder’.
Edit folders by clicking on the edit icon. Delete existing folders by clicking on the red ‘Trash’
icon. Add a new folder by clicking on the '+' icon. Remember after this operation to click
below on 'Done' to save the changes.
Image Persoonlijke map toevoegen of bewerken
Image Manage folders
OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016
3.7.4 Move email(s) to a specific folder
Moving emails can be done in two ways.
First, there is the possibility of placing mails directly into the desired folder. This is simply
done by dragging the desired mail from the list to the desired (personal) folder in the left
column. This you can also be done with more than one email at the same time by selecting
the appropriate emails and then dragging one of the selected emails to the desired folder. All
the selected emails are now moved to this folder.
Besides you have the option to move all already received (and still to receive) emails from a
particular sender to a desired folder. You can do this through a batch action. We refer to the
appropriate section: ‘3.7.5 Batch actions’.
3.7.5 Mark email
One way to mark your emails as read/unread: You do this by clicking in the list, right-click
the email. Then in the shortcut menu, select ‘Mark as read’ or ‘Mark as unread’.
You can mark the emails with coloured flags to divide them in a more convenient way on the
basis of priority. This can be done in two ways.
One way is through the overview. After you select a folder (e.g. Inbox) a list is shown with all
the emails in this folder. In the upper field you see a grey flag icon behind the subject field.
By clicking on it you will see a menu where you can select the priority with a corresponding
flag in colour. This mail is now marked.
A second way to mark an email is in the preview pane of the selected email that you wish to
mark. When you click 'Tag' in the menu bar of the preview window you will see the menu
where you can make a selection.
You can also highlight received emails as private. This are the same rules apply as with 'Send
mail as private ‘in section 3.4.5. To do this, select the email. When you click on ‘More’ and
then ‘Mark as Private’ then the email is only visible to you in the menu bar of the preview
OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016
Image Mark emails as read/unread
Image Mark email in overview
Image Mark email in an opened email
OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016
3.7.6 Batch actions
One of the biggest innovations in the Email module in Phoenix are the so-called batch
actions. This makes it possible to carry out some of the most frequently used operations
even faster.
Batch actions to emails and email folders:
Go to the folder in which you want to carry out a batch action;
Select the relevant email or emails;
Click on it with your right mouse button. The batch action menu will be opened.
The standard operations are mark as read or unread, add to mailing list, adding mails to
SPAM black or white list. Also, moving or deleting email (s) for specific senders is possible.
3.7.7 Other options
There are some more options added in the Email module to make it even easier to manage
incoming email. This is, for example, directly adding contacts or candidates in the system
from the email. Also, you can link incoming emails to other users, candidates, relationships,
contacts, vacancies, calendar entries, tasks or documents to make them visible in the
The contact details of the sender can easily be added from the email list to the address book.
You do this simply by clicking in the list, right-click the relevant email and then click "Add to
Address Book." In the pop up menu you will then need to reconfirm after which the contact
has been added.
Another option is to add a candidate from the incoming email into the system. This can be
useful if you receive an unsolicited application by email. You can do this by selecting the
email and clicking ‘new candidate’ in the Preview Pane menu. In the pop up menu that
appears, check the data and edit or add where necessary. When you click on "Add candidate"
the contact has been added as a candidate.
You can link emails to contacts and candidates when you want them to be visible in their
dossier. You do this by selecting the email and clicking ‘More’ in the Preview Pane menu. In
the drop down menu, then choose ‘Link to’. Then you can search on consultant, candidate,
customer, contact person, calender item, job, task and document.
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26 februari 2016
Image Other options
Image Link email to related items
OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016
3.8 Spam
The Email module has a built-in spam filter. Emails from spammers are automatically
recognised and moved to the spam folder. Sometimes also an email from 'desirable' senders
go to this folder it meets certain characteristics of spam. To optimise the spam filter, the
Email Manager has two lists for addresses and domains.
You can add senders of junk email to the Black list. Emails from addresses and domains in
this list always ends up in the spam folder.
Senders of desired emails can be added to the White list. Email from domains and addresses
in this list never end up in the spam folder.
Note: The emails in the spam folder are automatically deleted on a regular basis. It is
therefore important to check the spam folder weekly for emails that have been incorrectly
marked as spam. Because email is automatically deleted in the spam folder, you do not need
to remove it yourself. When you do remove it yourself, the spam in the folder ends up in
‘Deleted Items’, where it remains for three months and takes up disk space unnecessarily.
3.8.1 White list
Sometimes it is desired that emails from a specific sender do not end up in the spam folder.
You can take the following steps:
Go to the email of the sender which should not be placed in the spam folder;
Click with the right mouse button on the email in the list;
Click on ‘Add to SPAM white list’.
3.8.2 Black list
Sometimes it is desired that emails from a specific sender do end up in the spam folder.
You can take the following steps:
Go to the email of the sender which should not be placed in the spam folder;
Click with the right mouse button on the email in the list;
Click on ‘Add to SPAM black list’.
OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016
3.8.3 Move in batch
If all emails from a sender need to move to ‘spam’ or another folder, follow these steps:
Go to the folder in which the email is located from the sender which needs to be
moved to the ‘spam’ folder;
Click with the right mouse button on the email in the list;
Click on ‘Move all emails from…’
Select if this concerns the already existing emails or the already existing emails and
future messages from this sender;
Select the right folder in the drop down-menu to which it needs to be moved;
(For example: Spam).
Here you can choose whether anything needs to be moved to the spam folder. But you can of
course also choose to use a different folder for a particular sender.
Image Right mouse selection batch actions
OTYS Recruiting Technology
26 februari 2016