The Best Door System Just Got Better!
The Best Door System Just Got Better!
Special GREEN Issue Quality product news Energy Efficiency Therma-Tru’s fiberglass entry door systems are ENERGY STAR compliant and NFRC3 Certified helping homeowners save money on energy costs and protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. Filled with CFC4-free polyurethane foam, Therma-Tru fiberglass doors offer five times more insulation than a wood door. In fact, the average R-value (measure of thermal resistance) of a Therma-Tru fiberglass door is almost as insulating as the wall of an average home. Recycling Therma-Tru takes measures at all of our facilities to ensure our associates and processes recycle waste products. The company works with several waste management organizations to recycle products such as paper, plastic, cardboard, steel, propane canisters, wood, cut-outs and scrap doors. In fact, we recycled over 12,000 tons of materials at our Indiana and Oklahoma facilities over the past two years. Almost 100 percent of the steel scrap from Therma-Tru manufacturing facilities goes to recycling centers. The Best Door System Just Got Better! Your front door is the first impression that the world has of your home. In fact, having an enhanced entryway can have the single greatest impact on your home’s curb appeal, increasing it’s perceived value by as much as five times your original investment. Our fiberglass doors feature all the benefits of a wood door, without any of the drawbacks. Built with a solid polyurethane core, our doors offer five times the insulation value of wood and won’t rot, crack, or split like real wood. Every home, whether it is newly built or being remodeled deserves the best protection against nature’s elements. Homeowners, builders and remodeling contractors want peace of mind from the entry door systems installed in their homes. We have developed a new line of entry door systems to meet these expectations. This is Tru-Defense® by Therma-Tru®, a distinctive line of products offering a new level of performance in weather resistance. n T ru-Defense components are engineered to perform better in severe weather conditions like strong winds, hard driving rains and seasonal blizzards. nB uilt to withstand nature’s worst, Tru-Defense means assured performance while providing enduring beauty in any climate. n T ru-Defense Door Systems use all our new Tru-Defense components. When assembled together, these components form the system that is engineered to better withstand harsh rains, snow and damaging winds. For greater protection, adding a multi-point lock secures the door in three places. Earth Friendly Cabinetry Furniture Quality Hardwoods When you’re looking for a kitchen like no one else’s, our Dynasty semicustom and Omega Custom lines give you that stunning kitchen without breaking the bank. Because we offer matching door styles and finishes in both lines, your designer can integrate a few custom pieces without having to pay for full custom throughout. With Dynasty and Omega you can have it all. Fashionable selections for the outside, intelligent storage solutions for the inside; all within exceptionally-built, all-wood cabinetry that lasts a lifetime. Take organizing and styling in a new direction with Omega and Dynasty’s endless design possibilities. Our innovative organizing elements make it easy to keep cookware and supplies neat and orderly. Our furniture-like finishes let the beauty of the natural wood shine through. It’s a value that you can’t find with any other brand. Beautiful Granite Countertops Granite is one of the hardest natural materials. Its beauty and longevity make it an elegant choice. Hot pots and pans will not mar the surface. Granite is available in many different colors and varieties to complement any decor. Natural stone countertops will enhance your kitchen and add value to your home. On your next visit to the Jilco Showroom, stop by and view our new granite countertop display area. Beautiful wood cabinetry does so much. Besides its immense usefulness, it allows us to enjoy the inimitable qualities of genuine hardwood every day. As a precious, renewable resource, wood deserves conservation at every stage and that is why Omega long ago developed unique solutions for reuse and recycling. When the Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturer’s Association initiated an Environmental Stewardship Program, we were among a small number of companies that qualified immediately. In recent years, nearly 98% of the materials coming into our plants was used as finished product or recycled. Our recycling efforts go beyond wood scrap to include cardboard, paint, metal and every other material used for cabinetry. We even collect and recycle wood dust. When we consider our responsibility as stewards of the Earth, we could do no less. Valuable Resources. Valuable Performance. The environment is everyone’s home. Andersen® windows — in winter and summer they are 35–41% more efficient than ordinary double pane windows. As an environmentally responsible citizen of the global community, Andersen® Corporation is committed to environmental stewardship in both its products and manufacturing methods. Andersen uses quality materials that lend themselves to sustainability, reuse and recycling. These materials are efficiently made into long-lasting, energy-efficient products that reduce replacement demands, maintenance and heating/cooling costs. Every part of the cycle contributes to lowering embodied energy and lessening the overall environmental impact. Our overriding goal is to help make the homes we live in beautiful and enduring, especially the one we all share. Jilco is proud to feature energy efficient Andersen® Window and Patio Doors. “Andersen” is a registered trademark of Andersen Corporation. All other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. A Green Record Product Performance Meets Environmental Performance !NDERSENWASONEOFTHElRSTWINDOWCOMPANIESTOMEET%.%2'934!2®PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSINALLGEOGRAPHICREGIONSWITHSTANDARDPRODUCTS!NDERSENWONTHElRST %.%2'934!2®.ATIONAL7INDOW0ARTNEROFTHE9EARAWARDANDWASTHElRSTWINDOW MANUFACTURERAWARDED-ANUFACTURER!LLYOFTHE9EAR!NDERSENHASALSOBEENAWARDED THE3TAROF%NERGY%FlCIENCY!WARDFROMTHE!LLIANCETO3AVE%NERGY %NERGYEFlCIENT!NDERSENPRODUCTSARETESTEDANDLABELEDUNDERTHE.ATIONAL &ENESTRATION2ATING#OUNCILS.&2#RIGOROUSTHIRDPARTYCERTIlCATIONANDENERGYRATING PROGRAM4OENSURETHEBESTPERFORMANCE!NDERSENPRODUCTSARETESTEDINTEMPERATURE EXTREMESFROMª&TOªANDWINDSPEEDSUPTOMPHTOSIMULATECOASTAL ENVIRONMENTSDESERTSANDHIGHALTITUDES 0ERMA3HIELD®EXTERIORSCREATEATOUGHPROTECTIVESHELLTHATNEVERNEEDSPAINTING $URABILITYLOWMAINTENANCEANDLONGEVITYAREHALLMARKSOF!NDERSENPRODUCTS Long-term Environmental Efforts s4HE!NDERSEN#ORPORATIONENVIRONMENTALAND ENERGYEFlCIENCYTRACKRECORDDEMONSTRATES THECOMPANYSCOMMITMENTTOGREENBUILDING !NDERSENISA53'"#CHARTERMEMBER s#OMMISSIONEDINTHE3TEAM'ENERATING &ACILITYATTHE!NDERSENPLANTUSESWOOD BYPRODUCTSFROMMANUFACTURINGARENEWABLE RESOURCEASTHEPLANTSPRIMARYENERGYSOURCE s4HE!NDERSEN%NVIRONMENTAL-ANAGEMENT 3YSTEM%-3CONFORMSTO)3/ s&IBREX®MATERIALISACOMPOSITEBLEND INCLUDINGWASTEWOODFROM!NDERSEN MANUFACTURINGTHATISUSEDINCREASINGLYIN !NDERSEN®PRODUCTSMAXIMIZINGWOODUSE ANDREDUCINGEMBODIEDENERGY s4HE%0!S0ROJECT8,HASENABLED!NDERSENTO EARNAN8,0ERMITFORITSUNIQUEENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCETHEONLY8,PROJECTIN-INNESOTA ANDTHETHNATIONALLY sOFALLMANUFACTURINGMATERIALSARE USEDINABENElCIALWAY * See the Andersen Owner-2-Owner® warranty for details. s/VEROFWOODPURCHASEDBY!NDERSEN ISFROMCERTIlEDSOURCES&3#3&) s!NDERSENISTHElRSTANDONLYWINDOWCOMPANY TOBE'REEN3EALCERTIlEDDEMONSTRATINGA COMMITMENTTOENVIRONMENTALLYRESPONSIBLE MANUFACTURING LEED Credits Andersen Supports LEED Credits Efficiency Energy Efficiency 4HEDESIGNANDPERFORMANCEOFEVERY!NDERSEN®PRODUCTWITHITSHIGHENERGY Recycle Content recycle Certified wood Wood Certified Indoor Air Quality EFlCIENCYANDDURABILITYCARRYOUTTHESPIRITANDINTENTOFTHE53'"#ANDTHE,%%$ SYSTEM!NDERSENSUPPORTSTHEESTABLISHEDANDEMERGINGRATINGPROGRAMSOF ,%%$AS53'"#STATEShTHEINDUSTRYRECOGNIZEDVOLUNTARYSTANDARDTHATDElNES HIGHPERFORMANCEGREENBUILDINGSWHICHAREHEALTHIERMOREENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLEANDMOREPROlTABLESTRUCTURESv!NDERSENPRODUCTSCANHELPEARN Environmental Management System management ,%%$CREDITSINTHECATEGORIESBELOW ISO 14001 ISo E N E R G Y & ATM O S PH ERE 5PTO,%%$0OINTS Project XL Waste reduction Reduction waste E A PR E R E Q U ISIT E 2 - 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From intricate details to innovative finishing touches, our PVC millwork is created using advanced CAD design technologies, stateof-the-art fabrication equipment and hand-crafted techniques once reserved only for wood. n Available in standard sizes to compliment Andersen® Windows and Patio Doors Pre-assembled surround with optional nailing flange. n ustom sizes available to meet historic renovation C requirements n Fully assembled or as a kit for assembly on-site n With n or without a head and sill 3/4", 1", 1-3/16" thicknesses n With or without siding J channel The Versatile, Durable, Alternative to Wood Exposure is wood trim’s worst enemy. Moisture, changing temperatures, UV light and insects attack exterior trim and cut short its useful life. But KOMA® Trimboards are another story. New technology has created a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material that won’t swell, rot, split, delaminate, cup or craze under harsh conditions. Yet it’s as workable as wood. You can nail, glue, drill, rout and cut KOMA Trimboards using the same tools you would use with wood. KOMA Trimboards match wood’s ability to adapt to varying needs, but when it comes to durability, there’s no comparison. Wood just doesn’t stand up. Fascias • Flat Panels • Custom Millwork Decorative Columns • Soffits • Mouldings Rake, Corner & Frieze Boards • Gingerbread Flutes & Flat Casings Supplying Quality Building Materials to the Tri-State Market Area for over 26 Years. Showroom Hours Mon. 8am–5pm Tues., Weds, Fri. 8am–6pm Thurs. 8am–8pm Sat. By Appointment SHOWROOM ADDRESS 135 Mahopac Avenue Granite Springs NY 914-248-6100