Pages 1-23 Pages 24-35


Pages 1-23 Pages 24-35
AWARD for 2004
Nomination forms in this
issue. Winner will receive a
cash award from the Barney
Mark Family Trust.
Looking for a part-time companion for
yourself or your loved one?
Contact Sharon at Telfed for information.
(09)744 6110 ext. 201
TELFED Magazine is celebrating its
30th anniversary!
Please help us celebrate this special milestone - your
contribution will help the magazine to maintain its
high standard and hopefully expand its horizons.
Flyer for donations contained in this issue.
Telfed’s own on-line magazine
For topical, up-to-date information on aliyah, klitah,
special projects, the community and much more.
Pop in and see for yourself!
Olim Mentoring
The Jewish Agency has asked the olim
associations to participate in their
Babait Beyachad (At HomeTogether) olim-mentoring project.
TELFED is already actively engaged
in the project, but wants to increase
its participation. If you are involved
in mentoring, adopting or assisting
immigrant families or individuals, or
wish to become involved in some way,
please touch base with our office.
Contact Debbie Chitiz: [email protected]
or Naomi Heim: [email protected]
Beautiful hand-painted cushions, table runners, cloths,
Forms now available for the
towels and bag-bags made to order; exquisite cards and
2005/6 academic year.
framed photographs; gorgeous stained glass items for any
Contact Susan (09)744 6110
home; clocks in hand-carved containers; table mats and
ext. 204 or Robyn ext. 207.
magnets, hand-decorated garden pottery; and
wooden boxes to delight any child….Contact CALLING ALL EX- MUIZENBERGERS
Naomi or Sharon 09-744-6110 (x 219/201)
The Chairman of the Muizenberg Historical Society,
and see our website
Hill, is interested in receiving family stories
Would you like to host a “party” at your
and anecdotes from ex-Muizenbergers. Write yours
home, so that you and your friends can see
now and send it to George Hill, 6 Sea View Road,
our special products for yourselves? Let us
Muizenberg or email to [email protected] .
know and we’ll arrange it!
For futher information you can call
Ruth Bordelay at 09-882-7613.
•Telfed Trusts
•Aliyah Increases
•Community Activities
•CAZO News
•Seniors’ Corner
•New Arrivals
this dropped to 400 in 2004, reflecting a
While aliyah statistics would hardly indicate
dramatic increase in the percentage opting
a bull market, it’s a far cry from the bear market
to come to Israel out of the total of Jewish
of previous years. So what has changed?
Dorron Kline, Director of South Africa’s
In 2003 only 25 matric graduates came
Israel Centre, a structure conceived by Telfed
to Israel on the youth movement gap year
in 1999, recently presented the following report
programmes (MTA, Tafnit & Shnat). In 2005
to the Telfed executive:
this number has more than doubled to 52
Aliyah figures for 2005 are encouragparticipants.
ing. From January - March, 47 Southern
In January nine young South African Olim,
Africans made aliyah, more than double the
including two qualified doctors, joined the
2003 figure of
prestigious post-gradu22 olim, and
ate “Ulpan Etzion”
almost double
programme in Jerusathe 2004
lem. This is the largest
figure of 25
group of South Africans
olim, for the
at “Ulpan Etzion” in
same period.
over 20 years.
Even more
Kibbutz Ulpan comencouraging
bines a high level of
is that these
Hebrew study together
with a full Kibbutz expeare taking
rience, over a period
place during
Above: New immigrant Dr. Sean Wasserman (l)
of five months. Every
a period of a marked decline from Cape Town is attending the Etzion Ulpan.
approximately four
in emigration of Jews from Seen here at a recent meeting with MK Isaac
both religious and
South Africa. While 1000 Herzog and Wayne Sussman, the Mazkir Klali
of Habonim Dror, South Africa. Below: Coffee non-religious, open their doors
Jews emigrated in 2002,
Evening for new immigrants in Ra’anana.
to young adults aged 18-28
from throughout the Western
World. In January 2005, South Africa sent
15 Jewish youth (13 tourists and 2 Olim) to
the ulpan at Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael, near
Netanya. This is the largest group to go Kibbutz Ulpan since the 1970’s!
And now for the grand finale - MASA - initiated and funded by the Prime Minister’s office,
the Jewish Agency and South Africa’s Israel
United Appeal (IUA). This new programme
is a huge multi-million dollar operation,
Compiled by Sharon Bernstein
whereby all Jewish youth aged 18 – 30 are
entitled to receive up to a 90% scholarship,
(including the air ticket!), on selected tourist
programmes, that run for five months or more.
Touring, Israel advocacy, Kibbutz, Hebrew
Study, University, Yeshiva - the growing list
already includes over 80 programmes!
The past two years have seen some thirty men and women qualify as Companions
to the Elderly, a Telfed initiated project in
association with the professional staff from
Beth Protea.
“Having learned the necessary skills
they have also proven to be wonderful friends to the older memMAZEL TOVS
bers of our community,” says
Telfed Director Sidney Shapiro.
To Hertzel Katz, Chairman of Telfed’s Board Of
The feedback from everyone
Governors (BOG), on becoming Chairman of ESRA.
associated with this project, has
To Telfed staffers
been very encouraging.
Martin Lewak and
Should you, or a member
Susan Sharon who
of your family, need someone
as active Zionists,
to visit, to read the papers if
have been busy
you are sight-impaired, take
in the Internal
you on an outing, assist you to
Aliya Department
get to the doctor or dentist, or
Norman Spiro on
welcoming new
his 80th birthday.
simply spend quality time on
a regular basis, please contact
Sharon Bernstein, coordinator
To Norman Spiro, a former manager of Telfed’s
of the Companions project (09property company ‘Isrentco’, on his 80th.
7446110 ext. 201).
To Jackie Rabin, a former Vice Chair of Telfed as well
as a former chairman of Isrentco, on his 70th birthday.
To Sam (former Telfed director) and Harriet Levin
on the arrival of a third greatgrandchild.
To Barry Kornel, Chairman of
Telfed’s Ra’anana Regional committee
on receiving a volunteer award from
the Ra’anana municipality. Other
Southern Africans who received
similar awards for volunteerism
were, Bryan & Ruth Slater, Cecile
Rechtman, Yehuda Kaye and Zellick
Telfed administers a
number of trusts whereby the
income accrued is earmarked
for distribution to many
worthwhile institutions in
Israel. Over the years, Telfed
Trusts have supported numerous research projects, such as
in cancer at the Weizmann
Institute and in heart disease
at The Hebrew University.
”We have been able to assist
in establishing libraries, pet corners at retirement villages, accommodation for children
with special needs as well as assistance for
these children in furthering their education,”
says Susan Sharon, Telfed Administrator of
the Department.
In addition, Telfed has supported
the training of guide dogs for the blind
(previously reported), therapeutic horse
riding for handicapped children and war
veterans as well as assisting students at
the Ort Schools and the Maritime League
School in Acre. A special Annual Award
is given to scholars at the Ironi Aleph
School in Tel Aviv.
In other areas, Telfed has provided hot
lines for cancer patients, sexually abused
children and the sponsoring of special
kits in English for sufferers of Alzheimer’s
Disease. (See Telfed March 2005).
These are but a few examples of the nature
of the assistance provided by Telfed’s Endowments & Scholarships Department. The list of
applications is understandably long.
While the primary task of Telfed has always
been to assist the Southern African community
in Israel, “we have been able to broaden our
participation in many areas of Israeli society
with the aid from various trusts,” says Susan
Office liaison Susan Sharon ext.204
One of the most popular local TV programmes ever-produced in Israel, HaShagrir
(The Ambassador), had most of Israel’s TV
audience glued to their seats on Wednesday
evenings for weeks. Who could blame them? A
group of bright and attractive young men and
women competed for the coveted PR position
based in New York. One of the participants
was Rona Davis, who had spent a few years
of her youth in Cape Town during the 1980’s
as the daughter of Jewish Agency emissary
Jonathan Davis and wife Iris.
Telfed’s Coffee and Chat Club (l-r):
Toni Milliner, Rona Davis and Michelle Wolff (r)
Rona recently addressed Telfed’s C & C
club at Beth Protea about her experiences in
promoting Israel to young audiences in Europe
and the USA. Although she did not make it to
the finals on the programme, Rona received
a resounding thumbs up from her Southern
African audience who were all ready to pack
her ambassadorial bag and send her off to the
‘front line’ in Israel’s Info War.
A response to family tragedy was the theme
of the second C & C meeting held in the Telfed
Boardroom. Marlyn Butchins, who lost
both her mother and sister in the Dizengoff
Centre suicide bombing on Purim 1996 has
created, with contributing quilters, a tribute
to the 13 victims in the attack, three of whom
were former Southern Africans. (See Telfed
Magazine April 2005)
Marlyn presented the quilt to her Telfed
Jack Rabin (Dip. Law UCT)
√ Painting
• Property Consultants
• Property Portfolio Management
Toyota Towers, Yigal Alon St. Tel Aviv
POB 20395, Tel Aviv 61203
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audience, with a very moving account of its
creation and its message.
She spoke on how the project has helped
not only herself, but also many of the other
families involved, start on a path of personal
Office liaison: Sharon Bernstein
During April, Telfed organised two Arts
& Crafts fairs. The first, on 8th April, took
place in the Margalit shopping center in Hod
Hasharon. Telfed’s Hod Hasharon Regional
Committee Chairman, Kevin Kenigsberg
and members of his committee helped with
the distribution of flyers and encouraged
people to attend.
A much larger fair took place the following
week at Mazkeret Batya. “Most of the twentythree vendors had a bumper sales day,” says
Sharon Bernstein, Telfed’s Home Industries
coordinator. “We held it in a leafy courtyard
adjoining the newly renovated Museum, and
had the support of Mayor Meir Dahan and
his team, led by Dafna Shimshoni.. One of
our artists, Debbie Aharonov,, a resident of
Mazkeret Batya, was instrumental in setting
up this fair.”
Reliable • Efficient • Clean
Amishav 27/7
Tel Aviv
√ Complete Interiors and Exteriors
√ Carpet and Furniture Cleaning
√ Floor Polishing
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E-mail: [email protected]
Members of the Southern African
community from Rehovot, Ashkelon and surrounding areas came out in full force to support
Telfed’s vendors, enjoying their Pesach gift
shopping in beautiful surroundings.
Several of our artists have now opened a
studio in central Ra’anana. You will find
unique gifts for every occasion. Call Michelle
(050-5544498) or Martine (09 - 740 9873),
who will be happy to show you around.
Office liaison: Sharon Bernstein
The Kfar Sava Telfed Regional Committee’s
trust fund “Keren Aliza” helps young people in
the area with their special educational needs.
The Keren recently received this letter from
an appreciative recipient, a student at Bar-Lev
Junior High
Telfed recipient Nir Britstein and his
English teacher, Sue Klineberg at BarLev School, Kfar Sava
Dear Sirs,
I am grateful
for the scholarship that you
gave me in order
to participate
in the English
Speakers’ pro-
gramme. It will give me the opportunity to continue
with this enriching programme thus further extending
my knowledge and skill in English.
I will always remember your kindness & generosity.
Yours sincerely,
Nir Britstein
sador. We had always hoped that Israel would
beat South Africa to the post in resolving its
problems first. That was not to be and you can
take pride in having shown the way.”
The Zimbabwe Jewish Community website
Nir is one of four children. His father died
launched last July is helping
of complications following a heart transplant
to bring together this widely dispersed comwhen Nir was two. His mother left her job and
munity and re-connect them with their roots.
became a self-employed architect, working
The site includes images of all the tombstones
from home to be near her young children.
of the Jewish Community cemeteries in Harare,
Her two eldest children are today graduates
Bulawayo, Kwe Kwe and
of the Technion, while
Gatooma, many hundreds of
the third is studying
marriage certificates, nearly
industrial engineering
80 family biographies, video
at Ben Gurion Uniclips and much more. There
have been many thousands
No doubt Nir will
of visitors to the site includfollow in his siblings’
ing descendants tracing
footsteps. Said Nir’s
their families back to
mother “My prioriRhodesia/Zimbabwe or
ties are education and
those who enjoy the trip
putting food on the table.”
down memory lane.
To donate, contact Sharon
An email newsletter
Bernstein ext 201
goes out monthly to
over 700 people around
Telfed at the Embassy’s Freedom Day Celebration.
the world who want
top (l-r): Janine Gelley, Ambassador Major General
Amongst the many Fumanekile Gquiba with his daughter Nangamso, Hilary to keep up-to-date
guests of the South Afri- Kaplan. below (l-r): Telfed Chairman Itz Kalmanowitz, with changes to the
website. Many have
Marge Kalmanowitz, Maish and Jocelyn Isaacson.
can Embassy enjoying their
been inspired to write
former country’s Freedom
or send in photos or
Day, were members of the Telfed executive.
Biltong, boerewors, samoesas and baboetie
“There are less than 300 Jewish souls left
were just some of the gastronomic delights that
in the country from a peak of over 7,500 in
added nostalgia. The revitalized relationship
the mid-1970s,” said CAZO Chairman Dave
between South Africa and Israel was clearly
Bloom who was born in Harare.
evident by the presence of Deputy Prime
Minster Shimon Peres who expressed that
Dave, who is also a Vice-Chair of Telfed,
“We in Israel are jealous of you Mr. Ambasinitiated the project and is its editor and web30
master. “In the not
to London, Paris and Rome finally
too distant future
arriving in Tel Aviv answering quesit is likely that
tions on movies, literature, food, art
the community
and Zionism.
will all but dis“It was both cerebral and entertaining,
appear. The site
while at the same time we raised a tidy
aims to record
sum for our community causes,” said
and preserve
Hilary Kaplan Chairperson of Telfed’s
this once vibrant
Events Committee, referring to the highly
c o m m u n i t y ’s
successful Telfed & ESRA quiz evening
story which spans
held in Kfar Saba. “It was wonderful
over 110 years
to join forces,” said Kfar Saba ESRA
and make it easily Easy clue! Lynette Sacks, Zinky Agulnik &
chairlady, former Capetonian Shirley
available via the Hilary Kaplan as the «Sharks» in West Side Kessel. Local talented actors provided
Story at the BrainTeaser.
Internet,” he said.
clues with clev“It is amazing that
erly performed
with conditions in the country getting so bad,
acts on stage.
Special Fund
the community is still managing to run the
For the less fortuAnne Bloch
Jewish day schools in Harare and Bulawayo,
nate in our commuGlen & Lucille Eilon
as well as CAZO and WIZO,” added Dave.
nity, it is fundraising
“The abode could do with a coat of paint.”
A clue to which Victorian novel? Charles
Dickens’ ‘Bleak House’ of course!
Some twenty teams raced from Hollywood
events like these that
help to try make the
situation a little less
Office liaison Sharon
Bernstein ext. 201
Jeffrey & Devora Geffen
Ruth Greenman
Leon & Shirley Kaplan
Leah & Chaim Lacob
Miriam Levin
Wolfie Traub
Tefillin Rosenzweig
Is happy to announce the special Bar Mitzvah
Program. Dad, you and your Bar Mitzvah boy
are invited to discover the inside story. See your
Tefillin assembled before your eyes. An
experience you will never forget!
Recommendations available upon request.
Call to Order:
Over the past six months Telfed has been
holding parlour meetings bringing to the
attention of the Southern African community
the vital work of the organisation.
A recent meeting held in Ashkelon attracted
42 former Southern Africans to the home of
Shmuel & Leah Pivo. Shmuel was Telfed’s
2003 volunteer of the year award winner.
Chairman of the Fundraising Committee,
Hertzel Katz, addressed the group on the
scope of Telfed’s work from past to present.
The Telfed office was represented by the
Director Sidney Shapiro as well as Naomi
Heim and Debbie Chitiz. Sidney gave a fact
& figure presentation of the financial situation
of the community necessitating “continual
fundraising”, while Naomi spoke of Telfed’s
innovative programmes and activities, such
as the Arts & Crafts industry.
The meeting was chaired by
long-time Telfed anchorman
for the Ashkelon region, Bobby
Similar meetings have been
held in Netanya, Protea Village,
Ra’anana and Ramat Hasharon.
Office liaison Debbie Chitiz ext.205
The Southern African community of Eilat and the southern
Arava gathered on Electricity
beach for a late afternoon – early
evening braai. Marine biologist Colin Porter
played the guitar as everyone joined in a singa-long of all the old familiar favourites.
Southern correspondent Fonda Dubb
moseyed up to Meyer Wisnovitz, standing
with the boys around the fire. Endeavouring
to redirect Meyer’s attention from braaifork
to stethoscope, Fonda enquired, “What’s Up
Doc?” and sent us this report:
Meyer is the only South African doctor
today in Eilat. Offered a plum job in north
Tel Aviv some fourteen years ago when the
Wisnovitz family decided to leave Ariel, Meyer
and wife Rina, opted instead to relocate to
Eilat. “I wanted to be part of a younger and
growing community and be able to practice the
medicine I most enjoy,” says Meyer, who has
converted a townhouse into his clinic. In these
respects Eilat absolutely fitted the bill. “Being
a growing seaside resort, the population here
tends to be younger than most other centres
top: The Wisnovitz clan
- Telfed’s Eilat regional
Meyer, with his wife
Rina and three
children. South
Africans enjoy a
community braai on
Eilat’s beach.
in Israel. I also
enjoy the pace of
life here. No traffic jams and only ten minutes
max to the furthest restaurant. We swim and
boat a lot.” Rina works as a midwife at Yoseftal
Hospital. Meyer is on the Eilat Telfed Regional
Committee. Any doctors contemplating aliyah
and/or looking for opportunities in Eilat can
make contact with Meir at [email protected]
Other members on the committee include
- Claude Levinski (Secretary), Linda Dreiblatt, Fonda Dubb, Lindsay Blumenblat,
Colin Porter, Michelle Raymond, Shirley
Howard and Michelle Kibel. They are
already planning their next function - which
will include South African food and gumboot
Regional Committee liaison: Debbie Chitiz
Recent olim to Ra’anana took part in the
annual Yom Haatzmaut parade. They marched
carrying both Israeli and South African flags
to the sounds of traditional Israeli music.
Dominique Strachan and her daughter Sara had
arrived from South Africa only that week and
already were marching to a different tune.
The Hod Hasharon Regional Committee has
adopted the English Library as its project while
the Ra’anana committee continues
to assist with the
delivery of food to
families in need.
An enjoyable
coffee evening
was held in May
at the home of
Barry & Marcelle Kornel for
recent olim living
in Kfar Sava, Hod
Hasharon and
“Experience our
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Our Menu offers tastes from many
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We provide a
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Pastas, Cheeses & Fish Dishes,
& many more original delights.
Our Customers enjoy Quality Service
which is Friendly, Fast & Reliable.
We Look Forward to Serving you!
Ra’anana. Sitting in the Kornels’
picturesque garden “people related
their reasons for making
aliyah. We all had a good
laugh at the mistakes we
make whilst learning Hebrew,” says Barry. Naomi
Heim gave a brief report
on Telfed’s latest projects
and the Chairman of each
area also addressed the
crowd. •
South Africans on Parade (l-r): Sharon Butlion, Yaron Chitiz,
Vivienne Maron and Debbie Chitiz.
Compiled by
Sharon Bernstein
Dgrassi, Asaf (student)
Pieterse, Yael (secretary)
Apter, Shawn
Cramer, Meiron
Dallas, Allen Lee
Morris, Alan
Sidi, Roy
Sohn, Howard (technician)
Stern, Reuben (care-giver)
Weinstein, Shani (reflexologist)
Leibowitz, Maurice (office manager),
Sydelle (bookkeeper) and 3 children
Reuveni, Lilach (biochemist)
Fleischer, Ivor (director), and
Debbie nee Samuel (housewife)
Moffson, Chaia
Ramage, Gina (academic)
Livni, Tali (electronics)
Strachan, Dominique (secretary) and
daughter Sara
Toscana, Brurya
beth protea
Channi Hurwitz
A Tribute to Our Volunteers
June 7th. A very special evening was organized at Beth Protea to honour our
volunteers. Volunteering is a gift where everyone benefits - the giver and the
recipient. Could it be possible that giving and caring could be a compulsion
where that very special person that lives deep inside of us is given the
opportunity to emerge?
The lives of both the residents and staff are greatly enriched by the wealth of wonderful
volunteers to grace our doorstep. Many of our volunteers live here at Beth Protea, going
about their business, giving, contributing to the community sharing their time and
expertise for the benefit of all. The band of volunteers from the outside flit in and out
like a band of angels, bringing with them a ray of sunshine, a variety of much needed
skills, time, energy, love and compassion. Then there
is our volunteer management team. Men and women
with both insight and care without whom Beth Protea
wouldn’t be standing today.
Without mentioning any volunteer by name, I would
like to tell you all, WE LOVE YOU!! Volunteering is
a spiritual journey – a
pilgrimage where we
have the possibility
of finding our sacred
A barrel of fun
home. Care is the
at Beth Protea
heart, respect and
Laughter, music
and dance.
graciousness the
“We don’t always
remember what
people gave us or
where they took us, but we always remember
how they made us feel”
Thank you to TNUVA and NORKET caterers
for making this wonderful evening possible