Lashing strap - SAFETEX Hebe
Lashing strap - SAFETEX Hebe
Lashing strap ISH E N G L ION S R VE MADE IN GER by SAF Pricelist 2013 MANY ETEX MADE SAFETEX lashing technology IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X SAFETEX´s range of lashing straps offers tailor-made solutions for securing every cargo. We make the lashing strap from polyester (PES) with an average extension of max.5 %. Tensioners (SE) and connectors (VE) are coordinated with the respective lashing systems. SAFETEX´s lashing straps are produced at both of our locations in Stuttgart and Erfurt in Germany according to EN 12195-2. Identification Label Traceability code (to be sewn) Fixed end (FE) and loose end (LE) as well as one-part polyester lashing straps must be identified with a blue label according to EN 12195-2. SAFETEX lashing straps also have their instructions for use sewn to their loose and fixed ends. Information on the label LC =Lashing Capacity (permissible tension force) Maximum force for straight-line use and for which a lashing strap has been designed for use. SHF = Standard Hand Force (normal hand force) Manual tension force of 50 daN applied on the tensioning element. STF = Standard Tension Force (normal tension force) Remaining force after the grip of a ratchet has been released = pre-tension force. Basics of lashing strap systems Two-part lashing straps A 2-part lashing strap consists of two components: The fixed end with ratchet and connecting element (hook) and the loose end with hook as connecting element. Use: Strapping down and direct strapping in straight line. Loose end length Fixed end length Total length One-part lashing straps A 1-part lashing strap consists of one strap band with a ratchet as tensioning element. Use: Bundling or strapping. Total length Lashing straps in tandem technique A 1-part lashing strap with double strap position. A double pulling force is achieved with it during strapping. A lashing strap system that shows its advantages especially in heavy-duty strapping. Total length 2 MADE SAFETEX lashing technology IN G ER MANY Pre-tensioning tester for ascertaining the optimum pre-tensioning force The correct pre-tensioning force is an absolutely essential pre-requisite for securing the cargo according to the regulations and to avoid the risk of it possibly sliding during transport. The actual pre-tensioning forces of 50 mm or 35 mm wide lashing straps can be ascertained exactly with this tester, which is easy to use. It fulfills the requirements of: VDI Guideline 2700 Securing cargo on road vehicles Product No. STF-Test DIN EN 12195-1 Calculating the lashing forces for bandwidth 35 and 50 mm DIN EN 12195-2 Lashing straps made from synthetic fibres Certified by TUL-LOG 01-2012 The actual pre-tensioning can be read off the scale easily. The pre-tensioning tester is supplied with a practical carrying case, in which it can be stowed protected and compactly. 3 MADE SAFETEX lashing technology IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X Cargo Securing Methods There are two kinds of securing a cargo: friction-fitted and form-fitted. Friction-fitted securing is achieved by lashing straps that press the cargo onto the loading surface. This leads to a higher frictional force, giving the part to be secured a better hold. Form-fitted cargo securing is achieved by supports such as front or side wall supports that hold the cargo in place. securing = Optimal cargo raps rough lashing st friction fit ted th rough suppor t + form-fit ted th ip mats + use of anti sl Lashing down When lashing down, the cargo is not secured by the lashing straps but by the clamping and frictional forces. The pre-tension force is essential here. be applied Ratchets must es can be rc of fset so the fo buted! ri st uniformly di Diagonal strapping Prerequisite: Four lashing straps. From the corners, they are clamped diagonally onto the loading surface. In this case, each one of the four corners is secured by one lashing strap. When strapping diagonally, both lashing angles a and b must be measured for determining the course of the lashing strap. a β 4 MADE SAFETEX lashing technology IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X Oblique lashing Prerequisite: Eight lashing straps. The tension of the lashing straps from the cargo to the loading surface takes place in a way that they are perpendicular to all four edges of the loading surface. Sling lashes The sling lash is a type of direct lash. The lashing devices are located in front, behind or on the side of the cargo and then fixed to the anchoring points on the vehicle. This type of securing the cargo originated in marine transport, where it is also described as head lashing or bight lashing. Sling lashes with head slings The head slings serve as a 'substitute for bulkheads' if the cargo cannot not be loaded longitudinally because of the distributed load. A head sling can secure the cargo in the direction of travel or in the opposite direction. The lashing devices must be positioned in front of the cargo or behind it and fixed to the anchoring points on the vehicle in the case of head slings. With a lifting strap Direction of travel With an edge protector Direction of travel With a pallet Direction of travel The head sling serves to secure the cargo in the direction of travel in this case. The cargo must be secured separately on the side and back. Sling lashes with lateral slings View from above The lateral slings are intended for securing the cargo on the side. The cargo has to be secured separately in the direction of travel and in the opposite direction. Sling lashes serve as a 'substitute for bulkheads' if the cargo cannot be loaded on the side in an interlocking manner. A lateral sling can only secure the cargo on the side. The lashing devices are positioned around the cargo and fixed to the anchoring points on the vehicle. Direction of travel Combination of head slings and lateral slings View from above A combination of head slings (green) and lateral slings (lilac) offers the possibility of securing the cargo by lashing it directly if it does not have any anchoring points for the lashing devices. Direction of travel 5 75 Lashing strap with heavy-load ratchets mm For lashing down items with according to EN 12195-2 PES MADE IN G ER by S A FE a straight, direct connection LC 10.000 daN LC 10.000 daN LC 5.000 daN 10-tonne lashing strap with pressure ratchet, tandem design TKK Product No. 75H-T-DR-TKK- bandwidth 75 mm e 2m 297,30 4m 319,10 Triangle/Forged hook combination 6m 340,90 8m 362,70 10 m 384,50 ±1 m 10,90 10 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece Product No. 75H-1-DR- bandwidth 75 mm e 2m 65,10 4m 76,00 6m 86,90 8m 97,80 10 m 108,70 ±1 m 5,50 5 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 3 TKK Triangle/Forged hook combination Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Product No. 75H-2-DR-TKK75H-2-DR-KHT75H-2-DR-KLH75H-2-DR-SPH75H-2-DR-TRS- KHT Forged hook with triangle bandwidth 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm E E E E E 2m 184,50 114,40 88,80 88,80 110,80 4 5 KLH SPH Claw hook 4m 195,50 125,30 99,70 99,70 121,70 J Hook, double 6m 206,50 136,30 110,60 110,60 132,70 8m 217,40 147,20 121,50 121,50 143,60 10 m 228,30 158,10 132,40 132,40 154,50 TRS Screw-fit triangle ±1 m 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. MANY TE X 50 Lashing strap with long-handle ratchet according to EN 12195-2 PES mm MADE IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X 5 t lashing strap, one-piece with pressure ratchet with tension ratchet LC 5.000 daN STF Druckratsche Zugratsche Product No. 50H-1-DL- Product No. 50H-1-ZL- bandwidth 50 mm e 2m 18,70 4m 21,60 6m 24,50 8m 27,40 10 m 30,30 450 daN ±1 m 1,50 2,5 t lashing strap, two-piece with pressure ratchet LC 2.500 daN STF 450 daN with tension ratchet 1 2 SPH J Hook, double 3 KLH Claw hook pressure ratchet Fig. Product No. 1 50H-2-DL-SPH2 50H-2-DL-KLH3 50H-2-DL-KHT4 50H-2-DL-KHG5 50H-2-DL-KHF6 50H-2-DL-FLH7 50H-2-DL-SPS8 50H-2-DL-SPE9 50H-2-DL-TRI- 4 KHT Forged hook with triangle 5 KHG Twisted snap hook 6 KHF Flat snap hook 7 FLH Flat hook 8 SPS J Hook, double with keeper 9 SPE J Hook, single TRI Triangle tension ratchet Product No. 50H-2-ZL-SPH50H-2-ZL-KLH50H-2-ZL-KHT50H-2-ZL-KHG50H-2-ZL-KHF50H-2-ZL-FLH50H-2-ZL-SPS50H-2-ZL-SPE50H-2-ZL-TRI- bandwidth 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm E E E E E E E E E 2m 22,50 22,50 30,60 29,20 29,20 30,60 26,40 26,40 23,20 4m 25,40 25,40 33,50 32,10 32,10 33,50 29,30 29,30 26,10 6m 28,30 28,30 36,40 35,00 35,00 36,40 32,20 32,20 29,00 8m 31,20 31,20 39,30 37,90 37,90 39,30 35,10 35,10 31,90 10 m 34,10 34,10 42,20 40,80 40,80 42,20 38,00 38,00 34,80 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 7 50 Lashing strap with pressure ratchet according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 5 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 50 mm e 2m 11,60 4m 14,50 6m 17,30 8m 20,20 10 m 23,10 IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X 5.000 daN STF Product No. 50H-1-DR- MADE 300 daN ±1 m 1,50 2,5 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 SPH J Hook, double 3 KLH Claw hook Fig. Product No. 1 50H-2-DR-SPH2 50H-2-DR-KLH3 50H-2-DR-KHT4 50H-2-DR-KHG5 50H-2-DR-KHF6 50H-2-DR-FLH7 50H-2-DR-SPS8 50H-2-DR-SPE9 50H-2-DR-TRI- 4 KHT Forged hook with triangle bandwidth 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm Luwithane® edge-protection plate 8 KHG Twisted snap hook E E E E E E E E E 2m 14,70 14,70 22,70 21,30 21,30 22,70 18,50 18,50 15,40 6 7 KHF Flat snap hook 4m 17,60 17,60 25,60 24,20 24,20 25,60 21,40 21,40 18,30 FLH Flat hook 6m 20,50 20,50 28,50 27,10 27,10 28,50 24,30 24,30 21,20 8m 23,40 23,40 31,40 30,00 30,00 31,40 27,20 27,20 24,10 8 SPS J Hook, double with keeper 10 m 26,30 26,30 34,40 32,90 32,90 34,40 30,10 30,10 27,00 SPE ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 E/pc 6,30 Prevents damage when lashing sharp-edge loads Product No. KSW 050 material PE 9 J Hook, single Edge protection bracket Polyurethane elastomer ca. 5 mm, transparent with extremely high cutting resistance Product No. outer size LKP-055 300 x 100 mm 5 E/pc 2,50 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. LC TRI Triangle 2.500 daN STF 300 daN 50 Lashing strap with pressure ratchet according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 4 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 50 mm 2m 10,90 e 4m 13,10 6m 15,40 8m 17,60 10 m 19,90 IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X 4.000 daN STF Product No. 50E-1-DR- MADE 300 daN ±1 m 1,20 2 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 3 SPH J Hook, double 4 KLH Claw hook Fig. Product No. 1 50E-2-DR-SPH2 50E-2-DR-KLH3 50E-2-DR-KHT4 50E-2-DR-KHG5 50E-2-DR-KHF6 50E-2-DR-FLH7 50E-2-DR-SPS8 50E-2-DR-SPE9 50E-2-DR-TRI- KHT KHG Forged hook with Twisted snap triangle hook bandwidth 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm Luwithane® edge-protection plate E E E E E E E E E outer size 300 x 100 mm 2m 13,90 13,90 21,90 20,50 20,50 21,90 17,70 17,70 14,60 6 7 KHF Flat snap hook 4m 16,10 16,10 24,20 22,80 22,80 24,20 20,00 20,00 16,80 6m 18,40 18,40 26,40 25,00 25,00 26,40 22,20 22,20 19,10 FLH Flat hook 8m 20,70 20,70 28,70 27,30 27,30 28,70 24,50 24,50 21,40 8 SPS J Hook, double with keeper 10 m 22,90 22,90 31,00 29,60 29,60 31,00 26,80 26,80 23,60 9 SPE J Hook, single ±1 m 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 LC TRI Triangle 2.000 daN STF 300 daN Edge protection bracket Polyurethane elastomer ca. 5 mm, transparentwith extremely high cutting resistance Product No. LKP-055 5 E/pc 6,30 Prevents damage when lashing sharp-edge loads Product No. KSW 050 material E/pc PE 2,50 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 9 MADE Loose end and fixed end as individual components 75 Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 10 t mm Product No. 75H-LE-TKK75H-LE-KHT75H-LE-KLH75H-LE-SPH75H-LE-TRS- 1 Loose end 2 ±1 m 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 3 MANY TE X according to EN 12195-2 PES Fixed end with heavy-load ratchet 7,30 m 100,20 65,10 52,30 52,30 63,30 E E E E E IN G ER by S A FE Product No. 75H-FE-DR-TKK75H-FE-DR-KHT75H-FE-DR-KLH75H-FE-DR-SPH75H-FE-DR-TRS- 4 0,70 m 117,10 82,00 69,20 69,20 80,20 E E E E E ±1 m 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 5,50 LC 5.000 daN Luwithane® edge-protection plate 5 Polyurethane elastomer ca. 5 mm, transparent with extremely high cutting resistance TKK 50 Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KHT 5t mm Product No. 50H-LE-SPH50H-LE-KLH50H-LE-KHT50H-LE-KHG50H-LE-KHF50H-LE-FLH50H-LE-SPS50H-LE-SPE50H-LE-TRI- 1 2 KLH SPH 7,50 m 13,50 13,50 17,50 16,80 16,80 17,50 15,40 15,40 13,80 3 TRS outer size 400 x 110 mm Fixed end with long-handle pressure ratchet Loose end E E E E E E E E E Product No. LKP-080 ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 Product No. 50H-FE-DL-SPH50H-FE-DL-KLH50H-FE-DL-KHT50H-FE-DL-KHG50H-FE-DL-KHF50H-FE-DL-FLH50H-FE-DL-SPS50H-FE-DL-SPE50H-FE-DL-TRI- 4 5 E E E E E E E E E 0,50 m 18,10 18,10 22,20 21,50 21,50 22,20 20,10 20,10 18,50 6 Fixed end with long-handle tension ratchet ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 7 E/pc 11,20 Product No. 50H-FE-ZL-SPH50H-FE-ZL-KLH50H-FE-ZL-KHT50H-FE-ZL-KHG50H-FE-ZL-KHF50H-FE-ZL-FLH50H-FE-ZL-SPS50H-FE-ZL-SPE50H-FE-ZL-TRI8 0,50 m 18,10 18,10 22,20 21,50 21,50 22,20 20,10 20,10 18,50 E E E E E E E E E 9 LC 2.500 daN STF SPH KLH KHT Luwithane® edge-protection plate 10 outer size 300 x 100 mm KHF FLH SPS SPE TRI Edge protection bracket Polyurethane elastomer ca. 5 mm, transparent with extremely high cutting resistance Product No. LKP-055 KHG Prevents damage when lashing sharp-edge loads Product No. material KSW 050 PE E/pc 2,50 E/pc 6,30 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 450 daN ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 MADE Loose end and fixed end as individual components 50 Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5t mm Loose end Product No. 50H-LE-SPH50H-LE-KLH50H-LE-KHT50H-LE-KHG50H-LE-KHF50H-LE-FLH50H-LE-SPS50H-LE-SPE50H-LE-TRI- 1 2 E E E E E E E E E according to EN 12195-2 PES ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 4 Product No. 50H-FE-DR-SPH50H-FE-DR-KLH50H-FE-DR-KHT50H-FE-DR-KHG50H-FE-DR-KHF50H-FE-DR-FLH50H-FE-DR-SPS50H-FE-DR-SPE50H-FE-DR-TRI5 6 7 E E E E E E E E E 0,50 m 11,00 11,00 15,00 14,30 14,30 15,00 12,90 12,90 11,30 8 ±1 m 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50 9 LC 2.500 daN STF SPH 50 Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 KLH 4t mm KHT 1 2 KHG KHF FLH Loose end Product No. 50E-LE-SPH50E-LE-KLH50E-LE-KHT50E-LE-KHG50E-LE-KHF50E-LE-FLH50E-LE-SPS50E-LE-SPE50E-LE-TRI- E E E E E E E E E 3 SPS SPE KLH Fixed end with pressure ratchet 7,50 m 11,20 11,20 15,20 14,50 14,50 15,20 13,10 13,10 11,50 ±1 m 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 4 KHT 300 daN TRI Product No. 50E-FE-DR-SPH50E-FE-DR-KLH50E-FE-DR-KHT50E-FE-DR-KHG50E-FE-DR-KHF50E-FE-DR-FLH50E-FE-DR-SPS50E-FE-DR-SPE50E-FE-DR-TRI5 6 7 E E E E E E E E E 0,50 m 10,70 10,70 14,70 14,00 14,00 14,70 12,60 12,60 11,00 8 ±1 m 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20 9 LC 2.000 daN STF SPH MANY TE X Fixed end with pressure ratchet 7,50 m 13,50 13,50 17,50 16,80 16,80 17,50 15,40 15,40 13,80 3 IN G ER by S A FE KHG KHF FLH SPS SPE 300 daN TRI 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 11 45 Lashing strap for internal lashing according to EN 12195-2 PES mm lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 45 mm e 2m 10,30 4m 12,40 6m 14,50 8m 16,60 10 m 18,60 LC with overcenter buckle 1.000 daN with cam buckle STF Product No. 45I-1-OB45I-1-KL- bandwidth 45 mm 45 mm e e 200 daN ±1 m 1,10 lashing strap, one-piece 2m 13,40 8,90 4m 15,50 11,00 6m 17,60 13,10 8m 19,70 15,20 10 m 21,80 17,30 30 daN ±1 m 1,10 1,10 lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 SLE Rail anchor for longitudinal hole, 1-piece Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 12 Product No. 45I-2-DR-SLE45I-2-DR-SLD45I-2-DR-SRZ45I-2-DR-FLH45I-2-DR-AGR- 3 SLD SRZ Rail anchor for longitudinal hole, 3-piece bandwidth 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 4 2-piece rail anchor for longitudinal hole E E E E E 2m 17,70 16,80 15,90 16,80 25,10 4m 19,80 18,90 18,00 18,90 27,20 5 FLH AGR Flat hook for rod rail 6m 21,90 21,00 20,10 21,00 29,30 8m 24,00 23,10 22,20 23,10 31,30 Lacing hook for forming loops 10 m 26,10 25,20 24,30 25,20 33,40 ±1 m 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. LC 1.000 daN STF IN G ER by S A FE 2.000 daN STF Product No. 45I-1-DR- MADE 200 daN MANY TE X Accessories for internal lashing Anchor rails, -systems Anchor rails are screwed along the sideboard of vehicles to provide a variable and safe lashing point (DIN 75 410-1). Accessories with a length exceeding 2m are supplied ex-works. Anchor rail longitudinal hole combination, galvanized steel Adapter for longitudinal-hole rail with triangle and rail anchor SLE, with round hole Ø 25 mm, length 3.05 m strap width 45 mm, fits ALK 305 Product No. ALK 305 Product No. VE45-A-SLE-TRI e/pc 70,40 e/pc 12,80 Clamping beam shoe 110 x 49 x 86 mm, fits ALK 305 Product No. SBS-ALK e/pc 12,50 Rod rail, aluminium with PVC profile Airline rail, aluminium, semi-circular profile Airline rail, aluminium, square profile mounted horizontally, length 6.0 m 20 mm hole, length 3.0 m 20 mm hole, length 3.0 m Product No. ASP 600 Product No. ALS-R-300 e/pc 162,60 e/pc 80,90 Product No. ALS-V-300 e/pc 89,10 Aluminium clamping beam Ratchet adjustment, aluminium cast with clamping handle. Movable rubber feet on both sides. Simple and safe to use with low weight. Adjustable from 2350 – 2750 mm. Robust with outer diameter of 42 mm. Product No. KA2-GF-2350-2750 e/pc 72,60 Intermediate wall lock Made of steel/aluminium, adjustable from 2400 – 2700 mm with plastic-covered clamp handle Clamping surface 21 – 36 mm. Load capacity 400 daN. Product No. ZWV-2400-2700 e/pc 118,80 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 13 35 Lashing strap with pressure ratchet according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 3 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 35 mm e 2m 13,70 4m 17,10 6m 20,50 8m 23,80 10 m 27,20 IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X 3.000 daN STF Product No. 35S-1-DR- MADE 250 daN ±1 m 1,70 1,5 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 SPH J Hook, double Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 KLH Claw hook Product No. 35S-2-DR-SPH35S-2-DR-KLH35S-2-DR-KHF35S-2-DR-SPE35S-2-DR-KHG35S-2-DR-TRI35S-2-DR-AGR- 4 5 KHF Flat snap hook bandwidth 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm E E E E E E E SPE J Hook, single 2m 18,80 18,80 23,30 24,20 23,30 17,90 24,20 6 KHG Twisted snap hook 4m 22,10 22,10 26,60 27,50 26,60 21,20 27,50 6m 25,50 25,50 30,00 30,90 30,00 24,60 30,90 Suitcase strap 14 bandwidth 38 mm 38 mm TRI Triangle 8m 28,90 28,90 33,40 34,30 33,40 28,00 34,30 AGR Lacing hook for forming loops 10 m 32,20 32,20 36,70 37,60 36,70 31,30 37,60 ±1 m 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 1,70 LC 1.500 daN STF 250 daN Luwithane® ratchet underlay belt strap true coloured in red with pin buckle and sliding clasp of plastic with address label sewed in place Product No. KGE-038-0.90-1.80 KGE-038-0.90-5.00 7 for lashing strap 35 mm length Adjustable 90 – 180 cm Adjustable 90 – 500 cm e/pc 5,60 7,50 Product No. LKP-040 outer size 250 x 85 mm slot dimensions e/pc 35 x 10 mm 5,30 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 35 Lashing strap with pressure ratchet, clamp lock according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 2 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 35 mm e 2m 9,30 4m 11,10 6m 13,00 8m 14,80 10 m 16,60 LC e 2m 7,50 4m 9,30 6m 11,20 8m 13,00 10 m 14,80 200 daN 900 daN STF bandwidth 35 mm MANY TE X ±1 m 0,90 900 kg lashing strap with clamp lock, one-piece Product No. 35A-1-KL- IN G ER by S A FE 2.000 daN STF Product No. 35A-1-DR- MADE 30 daN ±1 m 0,90 1 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 SPH J Hook, double Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 KLH Claw hook Product No. 35A-2-DR-SPH35A-2-DR-KLH35A-2-DR-KHF35A-2-DR-SPE35A-2-DR-KHG35A-2-DR-TRI35A-2-DR-AGR- 4 5 KHF Flat snap hook bandwidth 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm 35 mm E E E E E E E SPE J Hook, single 2m 14,10 14,10 15,50 19,50 18,60 13,20 22,90 6 7 KHG Twisted snap hook 4m 16,00 16,00 17,30 21,40 20,50 15,10 24,70 6m 17,80 17,80 19,10 23,20 22,30 16,90 26,50 TRI Triangle 8m 19,60 19,60 21,00 25,00 24,10 18,70 28,30 AGR Lacing hook for forming loops 10 m 21,40 21,40 22,80 26,80 25,90 20,50 30,10 ±1 m 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. LC 1.000 daN STF 200 daN 15 25 Lashing strap with pressure ratchet according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 1,5 t lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 25 mm e 2m 7,30 4m 9,10 6m 10,90 8m 12,70 10 m 14,50 150 daN ±1 m 0,90 750 kg lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 3 SPH J Hook, double Abb. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 KHT Forged hook with triangle Product No. 25S-2-DR-SPH25S-2-DR-KHT25S-2-DR-KHF25S-2-DR-TRI25S-2-DR-FHS25S-2-DR-BSA- 5 KHF Flat snap hook bandwidth 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm E E E E E E TRI Triangle 2m 11,00 14,20 13,30 10,50 11,10 13,30 16 Slot size 25 x 10 mm 6m 14,70 17,80 16,90 14,10 14,70 16,90 BSA Floor rail anchor 8m 16,50 19,60 18,70 16,00 16,50 18,70 10 m 18,30 21,50 20,60 17,80 18,30 20,50 ±1 m 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 0,90 SB Packaging Lashing strap 25 and 35 mm can be delivered in blister pack if requested for lashing strap 25 mm outer size 250 x 80 mm FHS 4m 12,90 16,00 15,10 12,30 12,90 15,10 Luwithane® edge-protection plate Product No. LKP-030 6 Flat hook with keeper e/pc 4,90 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. LC 750 daN STF IN G ER by S A FE 1.500 daN STF Product No. 25S-1-DR- MADE 150 daN MANY TE X 25 Lashing strap with pressure ratchet, clamp lock according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 800 kg lashing strap with pressure ratchet, one-piece LC bandwidth 25 mm e 2m 4,10 4m 5,00 6m 5,90 8m 6,80 10 m 7,70 LC e e 2m 2,10 4,60 4m 4,00 6,00 6m 4,90 7,30 8m 5,80 8,70 10 m 6,70 10,10 80 daN 450 daN STF bandwidth 25 mm 25 mm MANY TE X ±1 m 0,50 450 kg lashing strap with clamp lock, one-piece Product No. 25B-1-KL4525B-1-KL75- IN G ER by S A FE 800 daN STF Product No. 25A-1-DR- MADE 30 daN ±1 m 0,50 0,70 25B-1-KL75 with galvanized steel clamp lock, weld-able 400 kg lashing strap with pressure ratchet, two-piece 1 2 SPH J Hook, double Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 KLH Claw hook Product No. 25A-2-DR-SPH25A-2-DR-KLH25A-2-DR-SHG25A-2-DR-KHF25A-2-DR-FHS25A-2-DR-TRI25A-2-DR-AGR25A-2-DR-TRS- 4 5 SHG S-hook closed, PVC coated bandwidth 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm E E E E E E E E KHF Snap hook, flat 2m 7,00 7,10 7,60 9,80 8,00 7,00 15,30 9,40 6 7 FHS Flat hook with catch 4m 8,00 8,00 8,50 10,70 8,90 8,00 16,20 10,30 6m 8,90 9,00 9,40 11,70 9,90 8,90 17,10 11,20 TRI Triangle 8m 9,80 9,90 10,30 12,60 10,80 9,80 18,10 12,10 8 AGR Lacing hook for forming loops 10 m 10,70 10,80 11,20 13,50 11,70 10,70 19,00 13,00 TRS Screw-fit triangle ±1 m 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. LC 400 daN STF 80 daN 17 25 Lashing strap clamp lock according to EN 12195-2 PES mm 250 kg lashing strap with clamp lock, one-piece LC bandwidth 25 mm e 2m 2,80 4m 3,70 6m 4,70 8m 5,60 10 m 6,50 IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X 250 daN STF Product No. 25B-1-KL- MADE 30 daN ±1 m 0,50 125 kg lashing strap with clamp lock, two-piece 1 2 3 SHG S-hook closed, PVC coated Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 KLH FHS J Hook, double Product No. 25B-2-KL-SHG25B-2-KL-SPH25B-2-KL-FHS25B-2-KL-KLH25B-2-KL-TRI25B-2-KL-TRS- 5 Flat hook with catch bandwidth 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 18 Lashing strap KLH Claw hook E E E E E E 2m 6,40 5,90 6,90 6,00 5,90 8,20 6 TRI Triangle 4m 7,30 6,80 7,80 6,90 6,80 9,10 TRS Screw-fit triangle 6m 8,20 7,70 8,70 7,80 7,70 10,00 8m 9,10 8,60 9,60 8,70 8,60 10,90 10 m 10,10 9,50 10,50 9,60 9,50 11,90 ±1 m 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 clamp lock mm LC 125 daN STF nach EN 12195-2 90 kg lashing strap with clamp lock, one-piece LC 90 daN STF Product No. 18B-1-KL- 18 bandwidth 18 mm e 2m 2,90 4m 3,80 6m 4,70 30 daN 8m 5,70 10 m 6,60 ±1 m 0,50 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 30 daN Strap for bulk stock Safetex polyester (PES) strap is fixated, stretched and impregnated with polyurethane with an average extension of < 5% and meet EN 12195-2 standards. Blackline straps are produced from true black died fabric. Product No. 75H-15000 50H-07500 50E-06000 50 I-04500 48A-02500 45 I-03000 35S-04500 35A-03000 25S-02250 25A-01500 25B-01200 18B-00600 020PES-00550 023PES-00500 bandwidth 75 mm ± 1,0 50 mm ± 1,0 50 mm ± 1,0 50 mm ± 1,0 50 mm ± 1,0 45 mm ± 1,0 35 mm ± 0,7 35 mm ± 0,7 25 mm ± 0,5 25 mm ± 0,5 25 mm ± 0,5 18 mm ± 0,5 25 mm ± 0,5 25 mm ± 0,5 thickness 4,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 3,0 mm 2,0 mm 2,2 mm 2,2 mm 2,2 mm 1,5 mm 1,0 mm 1,5 mm 1,5 mm 1,0 mm coloring breaking strength yellow + olive 15.000 daN blue + orange 7.500 daN blue + orange 6.000 daN blue + green 4.500 daN black 2.500 daN orange 3.000 daN orange + black 4.500 daN blue + orange 3.000 daN red + blue 2.250 daN blue + orange 1.500 daN blue + orange 1.200 daN black + white 600 daN black 550 daN white 530 daN Individual strap printing All Safetex straps can be individually printed according to your needs. Printing per letter with a maximum length of 25 letters or per print plate. Print plates are created using your print-ready masters or from digitalized data. The imprint then follows in black starting at 500 meters of strap. Additional charges for printing: 5% plus label costs. Print plates for imprint Product No. KLI-NAME-75 KLI-NAME-50 KLI-NAME-35 KLI-NAME-25 width 75 mm 50 mm 35 mm 25 mm Aufdruck per Buchstaben Printing per print plate 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 19 Tensioning elements The peformance of a tensioner is called the pretensioning force and it depends on the type of ratchet that is used. SAFETEX´s long-lever ratchets with a stepping function are suitable for 50 mm wide lashing straps. These ratchets can apply a higher pre-tensioning force. Fewer lashing devices are required for securing the cargo because of that. A long-lever ratchet has a lifting length of 300 mm. Its performance is roughly equivalent to two shortlever ratchets in practice. Tensioning elements for 75 mm strap width Pressure ratchet for lashing-down heavy loads Tensioning elements for Product No. SE75-DR-10000 50 mm strap width 2 Pressure ratchet 3 Long-handle pressure ratchet Long-handle tension ratchet 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Short pressure ratchet Pressure ratchet for inside lashing Overcenter buckle Painted black Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Product No. SE50-DR-05000 SE50-DL-05000 SE50-ZL-05000 SE50-DK-05000 SE50-DR-02000 SE50-OB-02000 Pressure ratchet Fig. 1 2 3 Product No. SE35-DR-03000 SE35-DR-02000 SE35-KL -00900 Overcenter buckle Cam buckle LC / daN 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 1.000 1.000 Tensioning elements for 20 Fig. 1 Overcenter-Bügelschloss NIRO stainless steel Loop buckle Fig. 7 8 9 10 11 Product No. SE50-OB-NI-01300 SE50-OB-SW-01000 SE50-KL-01000 SE50-SS-02000 SE50-GS-00800 Slide buckle LC / daN 650 500 500 1.000 400 35 mm strap width 2 3 Pressure ratchet LC / daN 1.500 1.000 450 Cam buckle Fig. 4 5 Product No. SE35-GS-00600 SE35-SS-02000 4 Slide buckle LC / daN 300 1.000 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 5 Loop buckle LC / daN 5.000 Tensioning elements Tensioning elements for 25 mm strap width 2 Pressure ratchet Cam buckle Fig. 1 2 3 4 Product No. SE25-DR-01500 SE25-DR-00800 SE25-DR-00800-B SE25-KL-00750 Pressure ratchet Tensioning clip LC / daN 750 400 400 375 Tensioning elements for Cam buckle weldable Blackline pressure ratchet Cam buckle Loop buckle Fig. 5 6 7 8 Product No. SE25-KL-00450 SE25-KL-00250 SE25-SB-00200 SE25-SS-02000 LC / daN 225 125 100 1.000 18 mm strap width Cam buckle Fig. 1 Product No. SE18-KL-00180 LC / daN 90 Presure ratchet in NIRO stainless steel for 50 mm strap width Fig. 1 2 Product No. SE50-DR-NI-03000 SE35-DR-NI-01800 2 3 for 35 mm strap width LC / daN 1.500 900 for 25 mm strap width Fig. 3 4 Product No. SE25-DR-NI-01500 SE25-DR-NI-00800 4 for 25 mm strap width LC / daN 750 400 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 21 Connecting elements Connecting elements for 1 2 5 6 J Hook, double Screw-fit triangle Screw-fit triangle Claw hook Fig. 1 2 3 4 Product No. VE 75-TRS-20000 VE 75-TRS-12000 VE 75-TKK-20000 VE 75-TKK-12000 3 Triangle/Forged hook combination 4 Triangle/Forged hook combination 7 Forged hook with triangle LC / daN 10,0 t 6,0 t 10,0 t 6,0 t Connection elements for Fig. 5 6 7 Product No. VE 75-KLH-10000 VE 75-SPH-10000 VE 75-KHT-10000 LC / daN 5,0 t 5,0 t 5,0 t 50 mm strap width 2 J Hook, double 3 Forged hook with triangle 4 J Hook, single 5 J Hook, single with welded tube 6 7 8 9 10 Claw hook J Hook, double with keeper 11 Triangle Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 75 mm strap width Forged hook 12 13 Oval ring link Product No. VE 50-KLH-05000 VE 50-SPH-05000 VE 50-KHT-05000 VE 50-SPE-05000 VE 50-SEA-05000 VE 50-SPS-05000 VE 50-FLH-05000 VE 50-KFH-05000 Snap hook, flat 14 Lacing hook for forming loops LC / daN 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t Flat hook for rod rail Fig. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Product No. VE 50-KHF-02000 VE 50-KHG-05000 VE 50- TRI -05000 VE 50-ORG-03000 VE 50-AGR-02000 VE 50-FLH-02700 VE 50-KLG-01800 VE 50-CLH-03000 Snap hook, flat 15 Claw hook, closed Twisted snap hook 16 Car-lashing hook LC / daN 1,0 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 1,5 t 1,0 t 1,35 t 0,9 t 1,5 t 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. Connecting elements Connecting elements for 50 mm strap width 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 Screw-fit triangle Pivoting Ackermann-Fruehauf adapter hook Claw hook special version Fig. 17 18 19 20 21 50 mm lash hook Product No. VE 50-TRS-05000 VE 50-AFD-05000 VE 50-AFS-05000 VE 50-ASH-05000 VE 50-DEL-05000 Claw hook 7 Lacing hook for forming loops Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 50 mm delta ring galvanized LC / daN 5,0 t 2,0 t 1,5 t 1,25 t 1-piece rail anchor for longitudinal hole Fig. 4 5 4 3-piece rail anchor for longitudinal hole Product No. VE 45-SLD-01000 VE 45-SRZ-00600 5 2-piece rail anchor for round hole LC / daN 0,5 t 0,3 t 35 mm strap width 2 J Hook, double 8 Screw-fit triangle Product No. VE 35-KLH-03000 VE 35 SPH-03000 VE 35-SPE-03000 VE 35-SEA-03000 VE 35-KHG-03000 VE 35-TRI-03000 21 Floor rail anchor Product No. VE 50-KLH-10000 VE 50-ZUH-04000 VE 50-FLH-03000B8.5 VE 50-BSA-02200 3 LC / daN 1,0 t 0,5 t 0,5 t Connecting elements for Adapter for J-hook VE50SPH-05000 45 mm strap width Omega rail anchor Product No. VE 45-ASV-02000 VE 45-OSA-01000 VE 45-SLE-01000 1 Fig. 22 23 24 25 2 Car safety lash anchor Fig. 1 2 3 Flat hook with hole diameter of 8.5 mm LC / daN 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t 2,5 t Connecting elements for 1 Fixed Ackermann-Fruehauf adapter hook LC / daN 1,5 t 1,5 t 1,5 t 1,5 t 1,5 t 1,5 t 3 4 5 6 J Hook, single J Hook, single with welded tube Twisted snap hook Triangle 9 10 11 12 Forged hook with trianglel Forged hook, flat Fig. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Product No. VE 35-AGR-01000 VE 35-TRS-02750 VE 35/25-KHF-02500 VE 35-KHT-02000 VE 35-ASV-02000 VE 35-CLH-03000 Car safety lash anchor Car-Lashing-Haken LC / daN 0,5 t 1,35 t 1,25 t 1,0 t 1,0 t 1,5 t 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 23 Connecting elements Connecting elements for 25 mm strap width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 J Hook, double Car safety lash anchor 13 Wire hook, closed Fig. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Triangle Lacing hook for forming loops Flat hook with catch 14 Pallet hook Product No. VE 25-SPH-01500 VE 25-TRI-01500 VE 25-AGR-00500 VE 25-TRS-00500 VE 35/25-KHF-02500 VE 25-KHT-02500 VE 25-ASV-02000 VE 25-FHS-01500 VE 25-KLH-01000 Screw-fit triangle Forged hook, flat 10 J Hook, double 11 Claw hook 15 16 17 Car safety lash anchor LC / daN 0,75 t 0,75 t 0,25 t 0,25 t 1,25 t 1,0 t 1,0 t 0,75 t 0,5 t Fig. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Connecting elements in NIRO stainless steel Floor rail anchor Product No. VE 25-SPH-01000 VE 25-SHG-01000-PVC VE 25-SHG-00500-PVC VE 25-DHG-00250 VE 25-PAH-01500 VE 25-ASV-01000 VE 25-BSA-01500 VE 25-CLH-03000 S-hook closed, PVC coated Forged hook with triangle S-hook closed, PVC coated Car-Lashing-hook LC / daN 0,5 t 0,5 t 0,25 t 0,12 t 0,75 t 0,5 t 0,75 t 1,5 t Anchoring point for the floor-mounted rail anchor Diameter 45 mm J Hook, double for weidth 50 mm 35 mm 25 mm 25 mm 24 Product No. VE 50-SPH-NI-04500 VE 35-SPH-NI-03000 VE 25-SPH-NI-01500 VE 25-SPH-NI-00550 LC / daN 2,25 t 1,50 t 0,75 t 0,27 t Product No. VE-25-ZP-BSA e/pc 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. Anti-slip equipment Anti-slip mats Using anti-slip mats increases the abrasion resistance between the load surface and the load itself; or for instance with steel plates between the loaded goods. The material is made of natural rubber and polyurethane and has a sliding friction coefficient value of 0.6 μ when used as an underlay on dry or wet surfaces. Greasy or oily surfaces should be avoided in general. An anti-slip mat greatly reduces the number of lashing straps needed to secure a load safely. For heavy loads, a mat thickness of 8 mm and 10 mm is recommended. Mats in all widths and lengths can be cut if customer requests it. Prices are calculated to full m³ Master roll Product No. ARM 03-1250-20000 ARM 06-1250-10000 ARM 08-1250-8000 ARM 10-1250-6000 thickness 3 mm 6 mm 8 mm 10 mm wxl weight 1,25 x 20 m 78 kg 1,25 x 10 m 68 kg 1,25 x 8 m 80 kg 1,25 x 6 m 69 kg m² / roll 25,0 m² 12,5 m² 10,0 m² 7,5 m² E E E E roll 258,00 263,00 259,00 252,00 Anti-slip mat for cutting Product No. size ARM-03 3 mm x 1 m² ARM-06 6 mm x 1 m² ARM-08 8 mm x 1 m² ARM-10 10 mm x 1 m² weight 3,12 kg 5,44 kg 8,00 kg 9,10 kg E E E E m² 18,30 27,40 33,80 43,70 Anti-slip pads as underlays for Euro pallets, drop-side mesh pallets, steel plates Product No. ARM-03-0100-0100 ARM-08-0100-0200 Bases for euro pallets mesh boxes and steel plates thickness wxl weight piece E 3 mm 10 x 10 cm 0,03 kg 0,60 8 mm 10 x 20 cm 0,14 kg E 1,70 Abrasion protection hose PVC abrasion protection hose Abrasion protection hose made of textile wire braid With inner rubber. Rolls of up to 50 m. Product No. ARS-PVC-FLB-045 ARS-PVC-FLB-055 ARS-PVC-FLB-075 for lashing strap 25/35 mm 50 mm 75 mm With excellent abrasion and cut protection properties thanks to the extremely strong interwoven textile wire fabric. The premium product among abrasion protection hoses. e/meter 5,30 6,00 8,20 Product No. ARS-TECH-038 ARS-TECH-060 ARS-TECH-105 for lashing strap 35 mm 50 mm 75 mm e/ 50 cm 11,65 15,60 26,90 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 25 Lashing points Lashing anchor tie downs (DIN 75 410-1) are screwed or welded to the vehicle to provide fastening options. These positive anchors allow economic lashing methods to be used. Recessed anchor with binder and ring galvanized Product No. LC / daN ZBR 08 400 ZBR 16 800 binder and ring galvanized (without screws) e/pc 4,10 6,75 Product No. LC / daN ZBR 08-BR 400 ZBR 16-Bügel 800 ZBR 16-Ring 800 Recessed anchor with ring galvanized (without screws) Product No. ZVR 22 e/pc 2,40 1,70 0,90 LC / daN 1.100 e/pc 6,75 Lashing points for welding 4 times the safety against break in all loading directions Product No. ZOS 06-8 ZOS 08-8 ZOS 10-8 ZOS 13-8 ZOS 16-8 ZOS 22-8 WLL size 1,12 t 13 x 40 x 35 mm 2,00 t 13 x 41 x 36 mm 3,15 t 18 x 53 x 50 mm 5,30 t 22 x 63 x 60 mm 8,00 t 26 x 68 x 70 mm 15,00 t 30 x 120 x 100 mm weight 0,35 kg 0,40 kg 0,70 kg 1,60 kg 2,40 kg 5,80 kg LC / daN 2.250 4.000 6.300 10.600 16.000 30.000 e/pc 17,50 18,40 20,20 33,40 50,30 100,00 Lashing winches Lashing winches are screwed to the vehicle to prevent theft. System-50E is used as the strap. ZWS 40 can also be fitted with wire cable up to 9 mm ø. Lashing winch ZWS 40 For use on conveyors or wire rope operations, recoilless with robust worm-gear operation according to UVV VBG 8 standards. Fig. 1 1 2 o. Abb. 3 4 26 Product No. ZWS 40 ZWS 40-K ZWS40-2012 ZWS40-K-V ZWE 40 (Export) ZWE 40-K 2 Lashing winch ZWS40-2012 For use on conveyors, recoilless with robust wormgear operation according to UVV VBG 8 standards. description Takes up to 10 m strap, removable hand crank is the strengthened hand crank ratchet for ZWE 40 weight 10,5 kg LC / daN 2.000 Fv/ daN 500 10,0 kg 2.000 500 3 Lashing winch ZW 40 (Export) For use on conveyors, simple version, not recoilless. e/pc 350,10 44,40 335,50 46,00 36,10 144,00 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 4 ZWE 40-K Ratchet Special Equipment Drum hanger 3-point drum hanger for drum diameters up to 700 mm, with Luwithane® ratchet underlay Product No. FGH3-50E-02.50 barrel Ø up to 700 mm bandwidth 50 mm length 2,50 m load capacity 500 kg e/pc 138,50 Gas bottle transporter Transport set with loops at both sides for carrying by hand, and Luwithane® ratchet underlay Product No. TFG-50I-01.50 bandwidth 50 mm length 1,50 m load capacity 100 kg e/pc 55,20 Furniture carrying strap Infinitely adjustable using strap buckle with knurled roller Product No. MTG 300-03.00 MTG 300-04.00 MTG 300-05.00 length 3m 4m 5m load strap width 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm shoulder strap width 75 mm 75 mm 75 mm load capacity 300 kg 300 kg 300 kg e/pc 46,00 48,00 50,00 Furniture carrying strap with adjusting holes and wrought pin buckle, furniture carrying hook with felt lining Product No. MTG 302-03.00 length 3m bandwidth 85 mm waistbelt thickness 3 mm e/pc 62,00 Lashing for Awnings Overcenter buckle 2 NIRO stainless steel Fig. 1 2 3 Overcenter buckle painted black Product No. SE 50-OB-NI-01000 SE50-OB-SW-01000 Loose end Belt 48 mm, Black, fast dyed, Closed with claw hook (KLG) Length 0.80 m Fig. 3 4 5 e/pc 9,20 4,80 Product No. PVZ-LE-KLG-0.80 PVZ-2-OB-NI-KLG-0.80 PVZ-2-OB-SW-KLG-0.80 4 / 5 Lashing strap, complete: Loose end threaded through overcenter buckle and finished with a stop seam Length 0.80 m versions loose end NIRO stainless steel painted black e/pc 4,80 16,90 10,70 Lashing for Pallets 750 kg-capacity lashing strap with pressure ratchet and pallet hooks, 2-part, lash width 25 mm according to EN 12195-2 standards. Product No. 25S-2-DR-PAH- length 3m e/pc 15,50 e/± 1 m 0,90 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 27 MADE Car-Lashing IN G ER by S A FE MANY TE X according to EN 12195-2 PES Safe vehicle transport by lashing-down all wheels. Equipment with wheel-protection belt prevents damage to the wheel carcass. Short and direct connection between vehicle and whatever is transporting it. Variable, can be used for different wheel sizes. Technical applications to meet special requirements upon request. In our own production, we process belt straps made of polyester (PES) according to VDI 2700 sheet 8.1/8.2 with an average extension of ≤ 4%. LC 1.500 daN For 35 mm strap width LC 2.000 daN Car-Lashing System CL1 Lashing straps 2.5 m long, 35 mm or 50 mm wide. Pressure ratchet with integrated J-hook or car-lashing hook. Belt strap with 1 J-hook sewn in place and 1 loose J-hook, including 75 cm long wheel-protection strap. For 50 mm strap width ARB Wheel-protection belt, through which the lashing strap smoothly glides SPE Belt strap with 1 J-hook sewn in place, and 1 loose J-hook SEA CLH J-hook or car-lashing hook with a direct connection to pressure ratchet 35 mm bandwidth Product No. CL1-35-1SEA-2SPE-ARB-02.50 CL1-35-1CLH-2SPE-ARB-02.50 CL1-35-3CLH-ARB-02.50 50 mm bandwidth hook SEA/SPE CLH/SPE CLH Product No. CL1-50-1SEA-2SPE-ARB-02.50 CL1-50-1CLH-2SPE-ARB-02.50 CL1-50-3CLH-ARB-02.50 e/Stück 33,50 33,00 46,90 hook SEA/SPE CLH/SPE CLH Wheel-protection Belt With nub structure that “grips” the wheel which fixes the protection belt in place. The lashing strap can glide through it smoothly and the wheel lashed down low. Wheel carcass is not damaged. Product No. ARB-035-00.75 ARB-050-00.75 28 for lashing strap 35 mm 50 mm length 75 cm 75 cm e/pc 7,40 9,10 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. e/Stück 40,40 38,80 51,40 MADE Car-Lashing System CL3 Pressure ratchet with car-lashing hook and loop with integrated J-hook simple. Product No. CL2-35-1CLH-1SPE-S-01.50 CL2-50-1CLH-1SPE-S-01.50 e/pc 27,00 31,60 Loose with triangle sewn in place. Solid end with pressure ratchet and J-hook simple. bandwidth 35 mm 50 mm Product No. CL3-35 CL3-50 System CL4 System CL5 Lashing strap with ratchet and car-lashing hook. bandwidth 35 mm 50 mm MANY TE X according to EN 12195-2 PES System CL2 bandwidth 35 mm 50 mm IN G ER by S A FE Product No. CL4-35 CL4-50 Pressure ratchet with car-lashing hook and belt loop sewn in place. bandwidth 35 mm 50 mm Product No. CL5-35 CL5-50 Tensioning Elements with Car-Lashing Hooks Pressure ratchets with direct connection for strap widths 35 and 50 mm. Pressure ratchet with car-lashing hook CLH Fig. Product No. for lashing strap LC / daN e/pc 1 CL50-DR-CLH-03000 50 mm 1.500 20,10 1 CL35-DR-CLH-03000 35 mm 1.500 17,70 2 Pressure ratchet with J-hook simple SEA Fig. Product No. for lashing strap LC / daN e/pc 2 CL50-DR-SEA-04000 50 mm 2.000 21,70 2 CL35-DR-SEA-03000 35 mm 1.500 18,20 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 29 Single-use lashing-down elements Complete set Comprising a dispenser, tensioner, clamps and spare rollers. Product No. ST-EVS-13 ST-EVS-16 ST-EVS-19 ST-EVS-25 ST-EVS-35 bandwidth mm 13 16 19 25 35 number of clamps 1.000 1.000 500 250 250 e/set 749,10 769,20 728,90 1.543,90 1.885,80 Roller Tensioner A portable, very robust and stable dispenser with a dispensing box for clamps. Available in two sizes. Tensioner for tensioning strip in SwissmadeQuality. Made from steel. With an integrated cutter. for bandProduct No. width mm ST-A-09-19 9 – 19 ST-A-25-35 25 – 35 Original for bandProduct No. width mm ST-S-09-19 9 – 19 ST-S-25-35 25 – 35 e/pc 149,70 194,40 e/pc 242,70 658,00 Single-use tensioning strip Clamps Made from high-strength polyester yarn. Packaging unit = 2 pieces. Galvanized, suitable for different widths of band. Product No. ST-B-13-1100 ST-B-16-0850 ST-B-19-0600 ST-B-25-0500 ST-B-35-0150 30 band´s length m 2 x 1.100 2 x 850 2 x 600 2 x 500 7 x 150 bandLC/ width length m daN mm 13 1.100 610 16 850 790 19 600 880 25 500 1.350 35 150 2.000 for bandProduct No. width mm e/pc 133,50 133,50 133,50 179,70 84,00 ST-K-13-1000 ST-K-16-1000 ST-K-19-0500 ST-K-25-0250 ST-K-35-0250 13 16 19 25 35 pc/ PU 1.000 1.000 500 250 250 e/Pk 89,70 109,80 69,50 132,10 245,40 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. swissmade Single-use lashing-down elements Tension ratchet Loop buckle Single-use buckle For bands of 50 mm width. Made from galvanized steel. Suitable for joining belt bands of 50 mm width. Arched clasp made from galvanized steel. For joining belt bands of 50 mm width. Product No. ST-R-50 e/pc 89,40 Product No. SE 50-SS-05000 Breaking strength e/pc 5.000 daN 7,10 Breaking strength Product No. SE 50-EWS-01600 1.800 daN e/pc 2,50 Belt band Edge-protection bracket Made from polyester. Band´s width: 50 mm. Length: 100 m per roll or endlessly in the carton. Also available with an overprint. 40 mm sq., black. Useable as an edgeslider. With a fixing pin. Product No. 50I 48A Breaking strength Color e/100 m 4.500 daN 2.500 daN Raw white yarn Black yarn 150,00 160,00 Product No. ST-KSW pc/PU 2.000 e/carton 50,40 Application examples 04/2013 · All prices including VAT where required. Our Terms + Conditions as published at our internet website apply. 31 Hoisting gear products Event equipment Lifting straps and roundslings Ropes and equipment Protective equipment Headquarters SAFETEX® Hebe- und Transporttechnik GmbH Hafenbahnstraße 10A D - 70329 Stuttgart Phone +49 (0)7 11 / 32 20 39 Fax +49 (0)7 11 / 32 92 97 · [email protected] Luwithane® protective equipment Heavy duty lashing Chain slings Branch SAFETEX® Hebe- und Verzurrtechnik GmbH Alte Mittelhäuser Straße 5 D - 99091 Erfurt Phone +49 (0)3 61 / 5 54 66-60 Fax +49 (0)3 61 / 5 54 66-70 · [email protected] Subject to changes and errors. No liability for errors or omissions No reproduction without written approval. Registered trademark of SAFETEX Hebe- und Transporttechnik GmbH Stuttgart . 04/2013 Lashings
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Luwithane is a transparent polyurethane elastomer, wich is poured around a textile web inlay as a tube.
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