You Are Here - Christ Community Church


You Are Here - Christ Community Church
Relies on God - for forgiveness and new life / for growth
and identity / for healing and wholeness
Initiates interest in the Gospel - through praying for
opportunities / through building relationships / through
inviting people to respond to Jesus
Serves people - in the neighborhood / in the city / in the world
Kingdom investor - invests time / invests treasure /
invests talent
Shaped into Christ likeness - by living in the Spirit / by loving
without exception / by leaning on community
Exploring Christ - basic belief in God
Is not sure of Christ’s role in daily life / is curious about the Bible,
but is intimidated by it and not motivated to read it
Growing in Christ - has a personal relationship with Christ
Has made a commitment to trust Jesus for salvation / is
motivated to learn the message of the Bible / serving and
volunteering are more of a value / is starting to give financially /
desires to share faith with others but lacks confidence
Renewal - groups that target the removal of barriers that
limit one’s ability to connect with God and others
Men’s - classes designed specifically for men
Women’s - classes designed specifically for women
Centered in Christ - depends on Christ daily for guidance
Prays regularly / acts on sense of direction from God / gives
Jesus the place of authority in all of life / reads God’s word
daily / is skilled in hearing Gods voice in scripture / knows self,
gifts and calling / is able to say no to things that don’t fit
You Are Here
Navigating the Journey
Sarpy Campus / January - May 2011
DivorceCare / Tuesdays / 7 PM / * / Old Mill Campus / ongoing /
Separation and divorce can be the most painful and stressful
experiences you’ll face. DivorceCare groups meet weekly to
help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding.
Childcare is available.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality / Sundays / 9 AM / Sarpy
Campus / 6 weeks / begins April 3 / Led by Wendell Nelson /
Identify the things that limit your ability to produce spiritual
fruit and develop a greater awareness of God’s presence in
your life.
Intersections / Tuesdays / 7 PM / * / Old Mill Campus /
6 weeks / begins April 12 / led by Tim Perry / Explore each and
every aspect of connecting with others and helping them to
faith in Christ. Practical steps suggested at the end of each
chapter can be tried out in the laboratory of real life.
Materials: $5
Jesus Class / Tuesdays / 7 PM / 8 weeks / * / Old Mill Campus
begins February 1/ led by Tim Perry / Study the life and
teachings of Jesus through the Gospel of Mark. Materials: $10
* check Hub and for up-to-date room assignments
MOPS / Old Mill Campus / A group designed for mothers of
preschoolers, centering on various topics relating to women
taught from a biblical perspective. Next session of MOPS starts
in August.
Quest for Authentic Manhood / Fridays / 6:15 – 7:30 AM /
FLC 145 / Old Mill Campus / 10 weeks / begins January 14 /
led by Doug Pedersen / Focus on the primary issues that
shape a man’s life. Explore the biblical concept of manhood
and provide building blocks for any man to construct for
himself a nobler, more fulfilling manhood.
Restarting / Tuesdays / 7 PM / * / ongoing / Old Mill Campus
This group will help you grow emotionally and spiritually,
establish secure relationships and expand your capacity to
experience joy. Materials: $20
Spiritual Parenting / Sundays / 9 AM / Sarpy Campus /
4 weeks / begins March 6 / It’s not about perfect behavior; it’s
about passionate hearts. God wants hearts and souls that are
shaped in vibrant faith and love toward Himself and others.
As parents you want to pass on a vibrant faith to the next
generation. This study will explore home environments God
can use to call kids to Him.
Women’s Bible Studies / Old Mill Campus / These studies
offer truth, support, encouragement and laughter to women
of all ages and stages. The next session of Women’s Bible
Studies starts in June.
RISKS / Sundays / 9 AM / 6 weeks / Sarpy Campus / begins
January 23 / led by Tom Moates / Learn about CCC’s history,
values and the characteristics of a growing disciple. This
elective is also a prerequisite for membership.
Sign up for classes at
Exploring Christ
Initiates interest
Serves people
Kingdom investor
Shaped into Christ likeness
Jesus Class
God Space: Where Spiritual
Conversations Happen Naturally
– Doug Pollack
Treasure Principle: Unlocking
the Secret of Joyful Giving
– Randy Alcorn
Spiritual Parenting
Spiritual practices
Simplicity: have an
uncomplicated and untangled life
focusing on what really matters
Spiritual practices
Fasting: let go of an appetite
in order to seek God on matters
of deep concern for yourself and
the world
TrueFaced: Trust God and
Others with Who You Really Are
– Thrall, McNicol, Lynch
Spiritual practices
Self-examination and confession:
surrender you weaknesses and
faults to the forgiving love of God
Growing in Christ
Quest for Authentic Manhood
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Waking the Dead: The
Glory of a Heart Fully Alive
– John Eldredge
Spiritual practices
Memorization: be able to recall
the life-shaping words of God
at all times and in all places
Pivotal Praying: Connecting with
God in Times of Great Need
– John Hull & Tim Elmore
Centered in Christ
Sign up for clases at
Relies on God
Spiritual practices
Contemplative prayer:
develop an open, restful
receptivity to the Trinity that
enables you to always be with
God just as you are
Jesus with Dirty Feet
- Don Everts
Spiritual practices
Gratitude: pay attention to God’s
work in your life and in the world
around you
Basic Christianity – John Stott
Spiritual practices
Bible Study: learn what the Bible
says and how it affects your life
Everyone, every week
These three mile markers are essential for every traveler on a
spiritual journey: celebrate, connect and contribute.
Attend Sunday worship services every week.
Just Walk Across the Room
– Bill Hybels
Spiritual practices
Spiritual friendships: develop
friendships that encourage and
challenge you to love others as
God does
Case for Faith – Lee Strobel
Spiritual practices
Hospitality: be someone who
offers authentic grace and hope
to others
Beyond your Backyard:
Stepping out to help Others
– Tom Ellsworth
Spiritual practices
Service: reflect the helping,
caring and sharing love of God
in the world
When Helping Hurts: How to
Alleviate Poverty without Hurting
the Poor and Yourself
– Corbert and Fikkert
Spiritual practices
Intercessory prayer: see the world
as God does and pray that His
Kingdom would come on earth
as in heaven
Living your Strengths: Discover
your God-given Talents & Inspire
your Community
- Winseman, Clifton, Liesveld
Spiritual practices
Worship: honor and adore
the Trinity as the supreme
treasure of life
Living A Life on Loan
– Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson
Spiritual practices
Submission: have Jesus as
the master of your life in
absolutely every way
Pursuit of God: You can Become
the Person You Were Meant to Be
- A W Tozer
Spiritual practices
Meditation: gaze deeply on
God in His works and words
Traditions / 9 AM / Worship Center
Connections / 10:45 AM / Worship Center
Access / 9 & 10:45 AM / Gym
Sarpy Campus / 9 & 10:45 AM
Participate in community for healthy spiritual growth.
RISKS / The best starting point is RISKS, a six-week class
focusing on the values and characteristics of a growing
Join a Journey Group / Journey Groups meet regularly
to study, pray and grow with others on the journey. Attend
Group Link / January 21 / 7 PM / Register at
Sacred Rhythms: Arranging our
Lives for Spiritual Transformation
– Ruth Haley Barton
Spiritual practices
Journaling: reflectively write
about God’s presence and
activity in, around and
through you
Or, talk with the Discipleship Team on Sunday mornings
to explore options for connecting in community at CCC.
For information, contact Julie Moessner / 938.1538 /
[email protected].
Become involved in the mission and ministries of CCC
through the investment of your time, talent and treasure.
Serving opportunities and short term mission trips / are
listed weekly in the HUB and online at
Followers of Christ acknowledge their resources as a
provision from God. Contributing financially is an investment
in the Kingdom and the work God has for CCC to accomplish.