Monday, 21st September 2015 - International Numismatic Congress
Monday, 21st September 2015 - International Numismatic Congress
Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Theatre (Room 1) Mon. 9.00/R1 9.30 9.40 9.45 9.50 10.00 10.15 10.30 Mon./ R1 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 1.10 Mon./ R1 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R1 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.20 6.30 PLENARY SESSION Welcoming addresses C. ARNOLD BIUCCHI, President of the International Numismatic Congress, Harvard University P. NAVARRA, Rector of the University of Messina M. BOLOGNARI, Director of the DiCAM (Dipartimento di Civilità Antiche e Moderne) of the University of Messina G. VOLPE, President of the Consiglio Superiore dei Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici L. TRAVAINI, University of Milan: Lectio Inauguralis “Mints as Volcanoes: Fire and Technology” M. CACCAMO CALTABIANO, President of the XV International Numismatic Congress, University of Messina: Opening of the Sessions Coffee Break Section One: GENERAL Session 1: History of Numismatics 1 Chairperson: Caltabiano, Maria de Callataÿ, François Fontes Inediti Numismaticae Antiquae (FINA): A new international collaborative project to publish numismatic correspondences exchanged prior 1800 Woytek, Bernhard Joseph Eckhel (1737-1798) and his numismatic network: FINA Vienna Discussion Bateson, Donal Dr. Hunter and the Prince of Torremuzza’s Sicilian Coins Williams, Daniela Joseph Eckhel and the coinages of Magna Graecia and Sicily: the correspondence with Michele Vargas Macciucca and the prince of Torremuzza Final Discussion Lunch Break Section One: GENERAL Session 2: History of Numismatics 2 Chairperson: Bateson, Donal Lombardi, Luca Memmo Cagiati e l'opera "Le monete del Reame delle Due Sicilie" Krasnobaeva, Julia Some new documents and periodization of history of Brenner-Demidov Collection Frey-Kupper, Suzanne; Historia Numorum, Sicily and Adjacent Islands Rutter, N. Keith; Morcom, John Hoge, Robert The Dispersion and Denouement of the Archer Milton Huntington Collection Final Discussion Tea Break Section One: GENERAL Session 3: Coins and archaeological contexts 1 Chairperson: Horsnæs, Helle W. Marchesi, Enrico; Rinvenimenti numismatici basso-medievali nel contesto archeologico di Monte Lucio Baldi, Elena (Re) Pardini, Giacomo; Tra Repubblica e Impero. Stratigrafie, contesti e moneta a Roma: materiali editi e Ferrandes, Antonio F. nuove acquisizioni Conejo Delgado, Noé Villae Romanas y Vía de la Plata: Aproximación a la economía rural romana de la parte occidental de la Península Ibérica a través del registro monetario Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO CORVAJA (Room 2) Mon./ R2 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R2 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R2 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Corsi, Jacopo; Barello, Federico; Re, Alessandro; Lo Giudice, Alessandro Hiriart, Eneko Geiser, Anne Gruel, Katherine; Nieto-Pelletier, Silvia Koczwara, Paulina Section One: GENERAL Schinzel, Christian Ackermann, Rahel C. Van der Kam, Erik Gusar, Karla; Šudur, Jure Section One: GENERAL Pellé, Richard; Frangin, Elsa; Chapon, Philippe Geneviève, Vincent; Sarah, Guillaume Burrell, Barbara Stiti, Kemal; Pellé, Richard Session 1: Celtic 1 Chairperson: Ziegaus, Bernward New data for a compositional and metrological study of the Cisalpine Gaul’s coinage Pour une classification raisonnée des monnaies à la croix Courants monétaires celtes entre Alpes et Jura Existe-t-il un système monétaire armoricain basé sur le billon à la fin de l’indépendance gauloise? Finds of the cisalpine drachms and other Celtic coins in the Central and South Italy Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 4: Coins and archaeological contexts 2 Chairperson: Dahmen, Karsten Coin Finds in the Swiss Canton of Solothurn and Roman Hoards The Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds Private notes in the Netherlands Numismatic finds from archaeological site Pakoštane – Crkvina, Croatia Final Discussion Tea Break Session 5: Coins and archaeological contexts 3 Chairperson: Perassi, Claudia I piccoli bronzi tardivi di Massalia: un uso estremo o delle coniazioni recenti; l’esempio di due lotti trovati in scavo Une production inédite de monnaies coulées de Nîmes datée des années 70/90-110 ap. J.-C. sur le site de Barzan (Charente-Maritime, France) Coins from a Well at Caesarea Maritima and the Currency of Fifth Century Palaestina Il deposito monetario dello scavo archeologico della Place des Martyrs ad Alger Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Green (Room 3) Mon./ R3 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R3 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R3 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Picard, Olivier Weisser, Bernhard Bubelis, William Gerothanasis, Dimitrios Raccuia, Carmela Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Marchand, Sylvain Coupar, Sally-Anne Kroll, John Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Cantilena, Renata Prokopov, Ilya; Grigorova-Gencheva, Valentina Chillè, Maria Hoff, Corinna Session 1: Archaic 1 & Other (Thrace & Greece) Chairperson: Nollé, Johannes Les monnayages de Thasos: émissions monétaires et politique Die archaischen Münzen in Thrakien. Strukturen und Ikonographie A Survey of Eion’s Archaic Civic Coinage The Early Coinage of Kapsa Reconsidered Dal “bue” alla civetta: riverberi di un percorso politico e culturale Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 2: Archaic 2 & Other (Greece & Asia Minor) Chairperson: Picard, Olivier Electrum Coinage of the Ionian Revolt: The Complete Series of Abydos The Early Coinage of Corinth Striking and restriking on folded flans: evidence from Athens, Elis, Thebes, and Aegina Final Discussion Tea Break Session 3: Classical 1 & Other (Greece & Asia Minor) Chairperson: de Callataÿ, François Una moneta d'oro di Lampsaco a Poseidonia New Hoards with Small Denomination Coins of the Island of Thasos (6th-5th century B.C.): Context, Interpretation and Dating La moneta dei mercenari nell'Anabasi di Senofonte Lycian Tiarate Heads Reconsidered Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Orange (Room 4) Mon./ R4 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R4 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R4 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Stefanaki, Vassiliki; Carrier, Caroline Vilcu, Aurel Traeger, Burkhard Bessa Puccini, Daniela Wolf Daniel Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Flament, Christophe Gitler, Haim; Tal, Oren Corfù, Nicolas Assur Destrooper, Anne Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Russo, Natalia Sisalli, Barbara Kousoulas, Dimitrios Moreno Pulido, Elena Session 4: Hellenistic 1 & Other Chairperson: Meadows, Andrew Analyse du système monétaire crétois de l’époque hellénistique: le cas des monnaies de bronze Sur les statères en or de type Alexandre le Grand frappés à Callatis Die Münzprägung und Geschichte von Phliasia (Peloponnesus) bis zum Ende der hellenistischen Zeitepoche Monetary liturgy at Cyrene in the IV cent. BC The Bronze Coinage reform of Ptolemy II Philadelphus Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 5: Classical 2 (Greece & East) Chairperson: Markou, Evangeline Le Corpus monétaire argien: les monnaies du IVe s. av. J.-C. A Preliminary Report on the Nablus 1968 Hoard of the 4th century BC The Tetartemorion – The smallest pre-hellenistic silver coin Monnaies des fouilles du Departement des Antiquités de Chypre à Kourion; les monnaies datant de la fin des cités-royaumes Final Discussion Tea Break Session 6: Iconography & Iconology 1 Chairperson: Găzdac Alföldy, Ágnes Una lettura non tradizionale del ruolo del Sileno: i documenti monetali Incontri di ninfe con centauri e satiri: “riti sociali” sulle monete tracomacedoni Unbearded Hercules on the coins of the Sicilian cities in the late 5th c. BC: some thoughts on the origins of the iconographical type and its spreading in the sculpture Influencias sículo púnicas en la amonedación del Fretum Gaditanum Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Auditorium (Room 5) Mon./ R5 11.00 11.20 11.40 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN McCabe, Andrew Martins Magalhães, Marici Barbato, Marta 12.00 12.20 Bransbourg, Gilles Ripollès, Pere Pau; Gozalbes, Manuel 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R5 3.00 3.20 3.40 Final Discussion Lunch Break Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Martin, Katharina D’Angelo, Giulia; Martin Esquivel, Alberto Stelluti, Napoleone 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R5 5.00 5.20 5.40 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Katz, Rebecca Hollstein, Wilhelm Laignoux, Raphaëlle 6.00 Assenmaker, Pierre 6.20 6.30 Session 1: Republic 1 Chairperson: Chaves Tristán, Francisca The Roman Struck Bronze Coinage in South East Italy during the Second Punic War Le Monete Romane Repubblicane del Museo Storico Nazionale - Rio de Janeiro The assemblage of Roman Republican coins from the 20th cent. excavations of the Sacred area of Largo Argentina (Rome): revision and new data in the light of a recent research The Currency Rates of the Roman Republic The unofficial Roman Republican asses struck in Spain Šemrov, Andrej Session 2: Republic 2 Chairperson: Morelli, Anna Lina Strangers in Rome? ›Foreign‹ deities and the numismatic evidence Un lingotto con il segno del “ramo secco” dalla Pinacoteca Civica di Ascoli Piceno Monete della zecca di Aesernia, Venafrum, Bovianum e Aquilonia, revisioni e aggiornamenti The pseudo-monetary means found in the territory of Slovenia Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 3: Republic 3 (Civil Wars) Chairperson: Woytek, Bernhard Muttonis Mutunus: Q. Titius and the Case of the Obverse Head (RRC 341/1) Zum Prägeort des Sicinius/Coponius-Denars (RRC 444) Se distinguer en disant la même chose? Les discours monétaires rivaux mais similaires des prétendants au pouvoir à la fin de la République romaine (44-30 av. J.-C.) Il significato del titolo 'imperator' nelle legende monetarie d’età repubblicana: valore istituzionale e auto rappresentativo Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Blue (Room 6) Mon./ R6 11.00 11.20 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Staffieri, Giovanni Maria Ziegert, Martin 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R6 3.00 3.20 Popescu, Adrian Schwei, David Elkins, Nathan Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Kopij, Kamil Mora-Serrano, Bartolomé 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R6 5.00 Nollé, Johannes Pizzilli, Emanuele Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Kueter, Alexa 5.20 Dowling, Melissa Barden 5.40 Claes, Liesbeth 6.00 6.20 6.30 Iaculli, Ughetta Session 4: Iconography & Iconology 1 Chairperson: Găzdac, Cristian I ritratti senza corona sui bronzi imperiali alessandrini Aus alt mach neu. Nachahmungen und Legitimationsstrategien in der Münzprägung Vespasians The Eagle and the Lion. Medallions of Trajan Decius struck for Dacia Forgers’ Misunderstanding of Roman Coin Types The Communication of Power in the Reign of Nerva Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 5: Iconography & Iconology 2 Chairperson: Burnett, Andrew Coin Propaganda and Communication – a Case of Roman Coinage Literatura numismática en el sur de la Península Ibérica: mitos regionales e historias locales Founded by Zeus – often overlooked local lore on coin images Il caso dei Bacchanalia nel documento monetale Final Discussion Tea Break Session 6: Iconography & Iconology 3 (Empire) Chairperson: Spoerri Butcher, Marguerite Iulisch-claudischer Prinz (Drusus minor?) auf einer Tessera des Münzkabinetts der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin The Letter E at Delphi: a reconsideration of Plutarch, Faustina and the appearance of the mystery on Roman coinage Eastern usurpers or loyal vassals? Coins about the regional and imperial ambitions of the third-century eastern pretenders Aspetti della monetazione provinciale: atletismo e identità civica Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Visconti (Room 7) Mon./ R7 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R7 3.00 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Belien, Paul Castrizio, Daniele Totev, Boyan; Dobrev, Dobri; Lavysh, Krystsina Gandila, Andrei Gkantzios Drapelova, Pavla Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Marani, Flavia 3.20 Campagnolo, Matteo 3.40 4.00 Šeparovid, Tomislav Jarret, Jonathan 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R7 5.00 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Gullbekk, Svein 5.20 5.40 6.00 Raemy Tournelle, Carine Clua Mercadal, Maria Emmerig, Hubert 6.20 6.30 Session 1: Byzantine ante 1204 & Other 1 Chairperson: Morrisson, Cécile A new sixth century solidi hoard from The Netherlands Le emissioni "bizantine" della zecca di Alessandria: una revisione cronologica The Hoards of Early Byzantine Coins from the Monastery in Slavnata Kanara Byzantium and Lazica in the sixth century: the numismatic evidence Eastern mints in the early Byzantine period (6th century AD) Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 2: Byzantine ante 1204 & Other 2 Chairperson: Castrizio, Daniele Il cosiddetto “Tesoretto di Sessa Aurunca” e la tesaurizzazione in Italia centrale alla metà del VI secolo Les poids byzantins à figures impériales des collections du Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève Some Notes on Byzantine Coins from the 7th – 9th century found in Croatia A Problem of Concavity: the original purpose of the so-called 'scyphate' Byzantine coinage Final Discussion Tea Break Session 6: Medieval Europe 2 Chairperson: Bompaire, Marc Religion and Money – Where archaeology meets Salvation: Medieval Moneyofferings Trouvailles monétaires d'églises en Pays de Vaud Alternativas monetarias adoptadas en Catalunya durante la baja edad media Der Beitrag der schriftlichen Quellen zur Frage der Monetarisierung des frühen Österreichs im 11. und 12. Jahrhundert Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Rossellini (Room 8) Mon./ R8 11.00 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Piercy, Jeremy 11.20 11.40 Screen, Elina Rossini, Fabrizio; Gianazza, Luca 12.00 Locatelli, Stefano 12.20 Andrews, Murray 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R8 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R8 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Elfver, Frédéric Kiudsoo, Mauri; Leimus, Ivar Jonsson, Kenneth Märcher, Michael Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Leonard, Robert Hristovska, Katerina Squires, Donald Baker, Julian Session 4: Medieval England Chairperson: Spufford, Peter Hammered Lives: Studies from a New Database of the Late Anglo-Saxon Moneyers Anglo-Saxon coin imports to late Viking-age Norway: the die-linking evidence Renaissance portrait coins: the innovation, and its spreading throughout Italy and Europe Aspetti della monetazione dei Regni di Napoli e Sicilia nel Cinquecento: due tesori inediti dall'isola di Lipari ‘Noble, fair and fine’: Single finds of English gold coins from later medieval England and Wales Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 5: Medieval Europe 1 Chairperson: Risvaag, Jon Anders Die export between Denmark and the Slavonic area during the 11th century Topography of Viking Age coin hoards in Estonia, reconsidered The earliest coinage on Gotland and in the Baltic countries The monetary development in Bornholm in the 12th-13th centuries Final Discussion Tea Break Session 3: Byzantine ante & post 1204 Chairperson: Guruleva, Vera Andronicus Comnenus’s Invasion Money of 1181-82 On a Rare Billon Trachy of Theodore II Ducas-Laskaris of Nicaea An Unpublished Transitional Hyperpyron of John III Vatatzes The height of deniers tournois minting in Greece, 1290-1310, according to new archaeometric data Final Discussion End of the Sessions Monday, 21st September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Monicelli (Room 9) Mon./ R9 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Mon./ R9 3.00 3.20 Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Mon./ R9 5.00 5.20 Karlsson, Yngve Sancinito, Jane 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Schindel, Nikolaus Shavarebi, Ehsan Smagur, Emilia Taasob, Razieh Tandon, Pankaj Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Baseri, Zohreh Bhatia, Pratipal Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Naymark, Aleksandr Dutta, Debajit Magub, Alexandra; Sarkhosh Curtis, Vesta; Alram, MIchael Wang, Helen Session 4: Iran & Central Asian 1 Chairperson: Bracey, Robert The Coinage of Khusro I and Ohrmazd IV The So-called “Thronfolgerprägung” of Ardashir I reconsidered So similar and yet so different. The iconography of Kushan pantheon. An analytical study of the Heraios coinage The Identity of Prakāśāditya Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 5: Iran & Central Asian 2 Chairperson: Curtis Sarkhosh, Vesta New excavation Achaemenid coin Kushano-Sasanian, Nezak Huna, Sasanian, Arab-Hephthalite and Arab-Sasanian coins, currently deposited in the Antiquity section of the Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi, India Sasanian Silver Coins Parthian Circulation: a Study of the Wilson Hoard (IGCH 1816) Final Discussion Tea Break Session 6: Miscellanea 1 Chairperson: Bhandare, Shailendra International silver and local copper in Sogdian numismatics Minting Technology of the Medieval North-East Indian States: Focus on the Koch Coin Mints and their Technology Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum: Coins of Mithradates II New York in East Asian Numismatics Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Theatre (Room 1) Tue./ R1 9.00 Section One: GENERAL 9.20 9.40 Cavallaro, Emilia Napolitano, Maria Luisa 10.00 Alteri, Giancarlo 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R1 11.00 Section One: GENERAL Ruotolo, Giuseppe 11.20 11.40 12.00 Savio, Adriano; Lucchelli, Tommaso; Cavagna, Alessandro Faucher, Thomas Cox, Sarah Chiappini, Alessia 12.20 Rinaldi, Gerarluigi 12.40 1.00 Tue./ R1 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 Section One: GENERAL Stahl, Alan Zapolska, Anna Audy, Florent Geneviève, Vincent 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R1 5.00 Section One: GENERAL 5.20 5.40 6.00 Thompson, Robert Schubert, Helmut Martín Esquivel, Alberto 6.20 6.30 Brzic, Aleksandar Session 6: History of Numismatics 3 Chairperson: Carroccio, Benedetto Attualità dell'opera di Filippo Paruta "Della Sicilia descritta con medaglie" edita in prima edizione a Palermo nel 1612 Sulle vie di una nuova scienza: la trattatistica numismatica tra Cinque e Seicento Hubertus Goltzius, totius antiquitatis restaurator: numismatica e storia in Sicilia et Magna Graecia (1576) Un piccolo-grande Medagliere: le collezioni numismatiche della Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 7: History of Numismatics 4 Chairperson: Duyrat, Frédérique Giovanni Dattari, an Italian numismatist in Cairo Archive épistolaire inédite de G. Dattari Observations on Pirro Ligorio’s Numismatic Manuscripts Virtù e personificazioni nel Libro delle medaglie da Cesare a Commodo di Pirro Ligorio La collezione numismatica di Eugenio Scacchi (Società Napoletana di Storia Patria) Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 8: Coins and archaeological contexts 4 Chairperson: Howgego, Chris The Antioch Excavation Coins Re-excavated Late Roman Deposits as a Perceptible Sign of Elusive Goldsmiths Roman Coins in Viking Contexts Nouvelle proposition de datation pour les premières émissions de bronze à légende latine de l’atelier d’Emporiae (Espagne). Final Discussion Tea Break Session 9: General Numismatics (Miscellanea) Chairperson: Alram, Michael Against the History? Vienna Mint and its coinages for Serbia and Yugoslavia 1868-1938 Petty's Quantulumcunque concerning Money Johann Gottfried Seume (1763-1810) e il Kurantgeld a Siracusa nel 1801-1802 La moneta nel contesto archeologico. Scavi al santuario e al vicus di Villa San Silvestro (Cascia, Italia) Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 PALAZZO CORVAJA (Room 2) Tue./ R2 9.00 9.20 Section One: GENERAL 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R2 11.00 11.20 Flynn, Henry Woods, Andrew 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Tue./ R2 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R2 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Volkova, Uliana Markou, Evangeline Section One: GENERAL Feingold, Ellen Codine, Florence Ruske, Alexander Konuk, Koray Pelsdonk, Jan Section One: GENERAL Hourmouziadis, Jean Lehmann, Robert; Vogt, Carla Constantinescu, Bogdan Oberlaender Tarnoveanu, Ernest; Cristea-Stan, Daniela Cristea-Stan, Daniela; Oberlaender Tarnoveanu, Ernest; Constantinescu, Bogdan Section One: GENERAL Wellhöfer, Herbert Van Schaik, Katherine Bonous-Smit, Barbara; Hahn-Benge, Elizabeth Ciołek, Renata Session 10: General Numismatics & General Communicating Numismatics 1 Chairperson: Dowler, Amelia The collection of the Museum of Russian History in Berlin (1897–1914) From SilCoinCy to Kyprios Character. Concept and realization of a numismatic web-based project The Museums, Money and Medals Network Twenty-first century Numismatics: Google and the Digital Exhibition Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 11: General Communicating Numismatics 2 Chairperson: Weisser, Bernhard Curating the Smithsonian’s New Gallery of Numismatics Coin cataloguing in an existing format: adapting INTERMARC for the Bibliothèquenationale de France's collections The new Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank Historia Numorum Online: Caria Building for whom? Numismatic databases as a link between numismatists and the rest of the World Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 12: Metallurgy & Scientific Analyses 1 Chairperson: Peter, Markus Non-Destructive Assessment of Material Content of Bronze Coins Possibilities and limitations of modern coin metal analysis – examples and innovations Information on silver and gold Dacian “Koson” coins based on alloys composition analyzed by X-Ray Fluorescence and their possible emissions chronology New information on Geto-Dacian silver coinage based on XRF analysis of coins’ alloy Final Discussion Tea Break Session 13: Coin iconographies & Other Chairperson: Moustaka, Aliki Die Nymphen von Thessalien The Currency of Medicine: healing imagery on the coins of Kos, Epidauros, and Pergamon, from the 4th century BCE to the 4th century CE International Numismatic Libraries Römische Münzen in dem Legionslager an der Donau. Casus von Novae (Bulgarien) Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Green (Room 3) Tue./ R3 9.00 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 9.20 9.40 Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen; Van Schaik, Katherine Berthold, Angela Tekin, Oğuz 10.00 Wolf, Ulrike 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R3 11.00 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Tue./ R3 3.00 Wahl, Marc Philipp Stoyas, Yannis Arena, Emiliano De Lisle, Chris Carroccio, Benedetto Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Panagopoulou, Katarina 3.20 Papaefthymiou, Eleni 3.40 Petac, Emanuel 4.00 Sinisi, Fabrizio 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R3 5.00 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Kemmers, Fleur Sole, Lavinia Pafford, Isabelle Ilkid, Mato; Čelhar, Martina Session 7: Iconography & Iconology 2 Chairperson: Puglisi, Mariangela The meaning of the crab on ancient Greek coins and its relation to ancient medicine: a new approach Considerations on the Horses of Maroneia Pegasus or Hippalectryon: Identification of a creature on the coins of Mysia and Troas Communicating and expressing power relations in the Western Mediterranean 5th to the 1st centuries BCE: an iconographic and spatial analysis of coin iconography Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 8: Classical 3 & Hellenistic 2 (Sicily) Chairperson: Cantilena, Renata Bildkontakte revisited. About the adoption of coin-types in Sicily and Italy in the 5th Century Gorgoneion shield and athlete: A gold issue of Syracuse reconsidered L’emissione a leggenda ΝΕΟΠΟΛΙ(ΤΩΝ) e la fondazione di Tauromenion Halting the Despot’s Progress: continuity in Agathoklean Coinage Tesoretti, corrosione, coniazioni parallele, cronologia: I "tridenti" di Ierone II Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 9: Hellenistic 3 (Greece & Asia Minor) Chairperson: Popescu, Adrian Hellenistic Macedonia revisited: redating the ‘Later Macedonian’ Alexander tetradrachm issues Une mise à jour du monnayage d’Édessa de Macédoine (quelques vingt ans plus tard) Coin-dies, countermarks and chronology of IIIrd century BC Alexander type tetradrachms from Odessos Typological formulae and royal effigies in Arsacid numismatics: the case of Phraates IV and Tiridates Final Discussion Tea Break Session 10: Circulation & Hoards 1 Chairperson: Van Alfen, Peter Contact, connectivity and conflict: Coin production and use in the Hellenistic West Mediterranean Il ripostiglio IGCH 2132 da Gibil Gabib: proposte per una rilettura Coins from the Morgantina Thesauros – Reconsidered South-Liburnian pre-imperial numismatic finds from southern Italy and Sicily Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Orange (Room 4) Tue./ R4 9.00 9.20 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R4 11.00 Bodzek, Jarosław Dowler, Amelia 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Tue./ R4 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R4 5.00 Apostolou, Εva Aumaître, Héloïse Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Evans, Jane De Rose Kourempanas, Theodoros Lannin, Mary N. Marest-Caffey, Laure Marinescu, Constantin Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Sidiropoulos, Kleanthis Salamone, Grazia Spinelli, Marianna Trifirò, M. Daniela Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Sapienza, Anna 5.20 5.40 Brousseau, Louis Zawadzka, Anna 6.00 6.20 6.30 Puebla Morón, José Miguel Session 11: Hellenistic 4 (Asia & Cyprus) Chairperson: Metcalf, William Les plinthophores rhodiennes et la fin de ce monnayage Akè Ptolémaïs sous les Lagides: un atelier au cœur des problématiques syrophéniciennes New finds of moulds for casting coin flans at the Paphos agora Bithynian Bronze Coinage under Prousia Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 12: Hellenistic 5 (Greece and Asia Minor) Chairperson: Petac, Emanuel What Archaeology Can Tell Us About the Date of the Opening of the Civic Mint in Sardis The bronze coinage of the Roman quaestors of Macedonia Transitional Obverse Die Linkages in Seleucid Coinages Images of Power in Seleucid Persis: A New Study of the Victory Coinage from Susa Paying the barbarian: Byzantium’s late Lysimachi and their role as mercenary money Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 13:: Iconography & Iconology 2 Chairperson: Arnold-Biucchi, Carmen Messenian cults: the numismatic data and the archaeological evidence The “female head” type on Greek coins: her juridical function and the identity of polis La dea “regale” di Locri Epizefiri I gesti della divinità: il multiforme Apollo Final Discussion Tea Break Session 14:: Iconography & Iconology 3 Chairperson: Borba Florenzano, Maria Beatriz La triskeles e le sue varianti iconografiche: analisi diatopica e diacronica dei documenti monetali Agathocle, la Grande Grèce et le triskèle Some Gallic attributes on Roman Republican coins in the light of recent archaeological findings El astrágalos de hermes en la moneda de Himera (483 a.C. – 472 a.C.) Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Auditorium (Room 5) Tue./ R5 9.00 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Carbone, Lucia Francesca 9.20 9.40 10.00 Schauer, Yaniv Breitsprecher, Victoria Johanna Lach, Katarzyna 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R5 11.00 11.20 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Woytek, Bernhard Amandry, Michel 11.40 12.00 12.20 Burnett, Andrew Stroobants, Fran Dharmadhikari, Jay 12.40 1.00 Tue. 3.00/ R5 4.30 5.00 6.30 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Session 7: Roman Provincial 1 (Eastern) Chairperson: Savio, Adriano Globalization and local monetary systems: the denarius and its epigraphic attestations in the province of Asia (2nd century BC – 2nd century AD) Several Observations on the Coinage of Agrippa II Is it safe there? Asylum coinage and their typology The evidence of use and loss of money in Roman Alexandria. The case of Early Roman structures from Kom el Dikka Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 8: Roman Provincial 2 (Eastern) Chairperson: Ripollès, Pere Pau Framed Roman Provincial Bronze Coins Césarée a-t-il été le seul atelier de Cappadoce à frapper un monnayage d'argent sous Hadrien? Victorious Emperors and a Happy World: a new coin of Zela The civic coin production at Sagalassos (SW Turkey) Le monnayage tétrarchique d'Alexandrie de 303/304 à 307: découvertes récentes et nouvelles hypothèses Final Discussion Lunch Break Round Table: Networking Roman Coin Data Repositories Convener: Wigg Wolf, David Tea Break Round Table: Networking Roman Coin Data Repositories Convener: Wigg Wolf, David End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Blue (Room 6) Tue./ R6 9.00 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Blázquez Cerrato, Maria Cruces 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R6 11.00 11.20 Bruni, Valerio García-Bellido, Maria-Paz Campo, Marta 11.40 12.00 12.20 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Casoli, Andrea Bursche, Aleksander; Myzgin, Kyrylo Degler, Adam Berger, Frank Pilon, Fabien 12.40 1.00 Tue./ R6 3.00 Section One: GENERAL 3.20 3.40 Ehrnsten, Frida Jankowski, Lyce 4.00 Von Heijne, Cecilia 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R6 5.00 Section One: GENERAL 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.30 Gil Curado, Tiago Parisot-Sillon, Charles; Corsi, Jacopo; Suspène, Arnaud; Sarah, Guillame Ponting, Matthew; Butcher, Kevin Bude, Ronald Garcia Sinner, Alejandro; Pardini, Giacomo Session 9: Roman Provincial 3 (Spain) Chairperson: Gozalbes, Manuel Circulación monetaria en el territorium de Regina Turdulorum (Casas de la Reina, Badajoz, España) La moneta provinciale in Spagna durante la guerra sertoriana (82 - 72 a.C.) The legend Permissu Augusti in the provincial Augustan and Tiberian coinage La moneda en las necrópolis del arco mediterráneo de Hispania (siglos I-II d.C.) Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 10: Roman Provincial 4 & Other (Gallia & Germania) Chairperson: Bodzek, Jarosław Roma o Lugdunum? L'inizio della monetazione romana imperiale di Nerone The origin of early Germanic coinage Aureus of Postumus with owner's graffito (Gounthios) Maximinus Thrax und die Münzen der Schlacht am Harzhorn (AD 235) Les monnayages d’imitation de la seconde moitié du IIIe siècle après J.-C. dans les provinces nord-occidentales de l’Empire romain Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 14: Coins and archaeological contexts 5 & Other Chairperson: Peter, Ulrike Contact and Commerce between Portugal and United Kingdom during Medieval and Post-Medieval Period: Numismatic perspective Thank You for Not Breaking the Law! Metal detectors and coin finds in Finland Para-numismatics - Do all the coin related items deserve to be kept in a coin room? Spatial analysis as method for studying anonymous medieval coins – problems and possibilities Final Discussion Tea Break Session 15: Metallurgy & Scientific Analyses 2 Chairperson: Campo, Marta Ancient silver coinages between the Rhone and Po rivers: new data from elemental analyses The metallurgy of Roman silver coinage: Augustus to Commodus Introducing micro-ct scanning as a tool to identify completely corroded coins Analyzing the composition of blanks in northeastern Spain and the Balearic Islands during the 2nd C. BC Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Visconti (Room 7) Tue. 9.00/ R7 10.30 11.00 1.30 Tue./ R7 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Pliego Vázquez, Ruth Hahn, Wolfgang Hürlimann, Florian Woloszyn, Marcin; Bochnak, Anna 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R7 5.00 5.20 5.40 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Aricò, Rocco Weiss, Christian Baldassarri, Monica 6.00 Valci, Mariele 6.20 6.30 Round Table: Divina Moneta: coin finds in religious contexts Conveners: Burström, Nanouschka M.; Gullbekk, Svein H.; Ingvardson, Gitte Coffee Break Round Table: Divina Moneta: coin finds in religious contexts Conveners: Burström Nanouschka M.; Gullbekk, Svein H.; Ingvardson, Gitte Lunch Break Session: 7: Early Medieval & Seals Chairperson: Talvio, Tuukka The Pseudo-Imperial Visigoth Coinage: A Preliminary Study The sequence of issues struck by the mint of Rome from emperor Leo III to Pope Hadrian I Fundmünzen aus Ingelheim am Rhein The Sphinx of Slav Sigillography - Dorogichin Seals in their East European Context Final Discussion Tea Break Session 8: Later Medieval 1 Chairperson: Saccocci, Andrea Le kharrūbe dei due Ruggeri: un tentativo di classificazione The Sicilian Coinage of Henry VI (1194-1197): mint attributions reconsidered Miliarenses and silver grossi in the western Mediterranean: some new documents and perspective Un ripostiglio di denari anconetani e ravennati proveniente dai Fori Imperiali (Roma) e conservato nei Musei Capitolini (Roma) Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Rossellini (Room 8) Tue./ R8 3.00 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Ünal Ceren 3.20 Lianta, Eleni 3.40 4.00 Morrisson, Cécile Papadopoulou, Pagona Achache, Steve 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R8 5.00 5.20 5.40 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Ünal, Ceren; Ersoy, Akın Bompaire, Marc Kool, Robert 6.20 6.30 Session 9: Circulation & Hoards 1 Chairperson: Emmerig, Hubert Kavakli Hoard from Aydin Museum/Turkey - A Group of Gold Coins from the Reign of Constans II The second 'Thessalonica/2007' hoard of Byzantine thirteenth-century billon trachea. Matériaux pour servir à la numismatique byzantine tardive: analyse du "CNG hoard" (DOC 5/1, 15, 147, 149) Liaisons de coins entre ateliers monétaires et typologie des séries d'Orléans, de Château-Landon et de "Blois-Vendôme": le cas du Trésor du "Loiret" Final Discussion Tea Break Session 10: Miscellanea 1 Chairperson: Burström, Nanouschka A lead seal of Alexius I Comnenus from agora sector, excavations of Smyrna Piéforts médiévaux. Origines et fonctions d'un objet monétaire Money and Coinage at Arsur a Rural Township and Castle, 11th-13th centuries in the Latin East Final Discussion End of the Sessions Tuesday, 22nd September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Monicelli (Room 9) Tue./ R9 9.00 9.20 Section Eight: OCEANIA & NEW WORLD COINAGES Wittmann, Matthew Kleeberg, John 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Tue./ R9 11.00 Estrada-Rius, Albert Gianazza, Luca Section Eight: OCEANIA & NEW WORLD COINAGES Hockenhull, Thomas 11.20 Santiago, Javier 11.40 Śnieżko, Grzegorz 12.00 12.20 Ulonska, Hans-Jürgen Vogt, Simone 12.40 1.00 Tue./ R9 3.00 3.20 Section Six: WESTERN MODERN COINAGES Vanhoudt, Hugo Jambu, Jérôme 3.40 Francisco de Olmos, Josè Maria 4.00 4.20 4.30 Tue./ R9 5.00 5.20 Poddi, Stefano 6.20 6.30 Section Six: WESTERN MODERN COINAGES Cook, Barrie Zilch, Reinhold Session 1: New World & Western Modern Coinages Chairperson: Brzic, Aleksandar Empire of Coins: US Trade Dollars in the Late Nineteenth-Century Pacific The Forgeries of Western and Mexican Gold Bars by John J. Ford and Paul G. Franklin Fabricar moneda en la Barcelona del ochocientos, la ceca de Barcelona revisitada Coin clipping and monetary crises: the case of the Italian "ducatone" Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 2: Western Modern Coinages Chairperson: Cook, Barrie Stamped all over the king’s head’: defaced British pennies and the campaign for women’s suffrage Acuñación de moneda en la España de los Austrias. Asientos para la fabricación del vellón de Carlos II The plague of forged coins – counterfeits of the copper shillings of Polish– Lithuanian Commonwealth in the second half of 17th century Neues zu den schwedischen Interimsprägungen in Deutschland 1631 bis 1649 To whom belong the coins? Jewish coin collections, the Third Reich and museums of today Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 1: Paper Money & Other 1 Chairperson: Coupar, Sally-Anne The coinage of Philip V of Spain in the Low Countries (1702-1710) Évaluer la circulation monétaire en Flandres ou comment justifier l’ouverture de la Monnaie de Lille (1685) La influencia de la iconografía de la moneda castellana de los Reyes Católicos en sus descendientes (siglos XVI-XVII). Distintas lecturas para realidades políticas diferentes I buoni dei prigionieri di guerra della IIa Guerra Mondiale Final Discussion Tea Break Session 2: Paper Money & Other 2 Chairperson: Coupar, Sally-Anne The King's Bezant: offering pieces in early modern England The numismatic iconography of successor state banknotes in Central- and Eastern Europe, 1918-1939 Final Discussion End of the Sessions Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Theatre (Room 1) Wed./ R1 9.00 Section One: GENERAL 9.20 Amato, Rosalba; Ciurcina, Concetta Angeli Bufalini, Gabriella 9.40 10.00 Grimaldi, Jonathan Morelli, Anna Lina 10.20 10.30 Wed. 11.00/ R1 1.00 Section One: GENERAL Session 16: General Numismatics & General Communicating Numismatics 2 Chairperson: Alteri, Giancarlo Segnalazione di rinvenimenti monetali in indagini di archeologia urbana a Siracusa Il Medagliere MNR, la Banca dati Iuno Moneta e il Bollettino di Numismatica del MiBACT: un trinomio per la tutela, valorizzazione e fruizione del bene numismatico. Bilanci e prospettive Il Medagliere del Museo Archeologico Comunale di Frosinone Monete di epoca romana repubblicana nella collezione numismatica del Museo Nazionale di Ravenna Final Discussion Coffee Break Round Table: Numismatics in the 21st century: Jobs, careers, professions for the young generation of coin enthusiasts Conveners: Arnold Biucchi, Carmen; Kirsch, Arne End of the Sessions Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 PALAZZO CORVAJA (Room 2) Wed./ R2 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Wed./ R2 11.00 Wed./ R2 11.20 Section One: GENERAL Mueseler, Wilhelm Travaglini, Adriana Yalçın, Duygu Özlem; Çizmeli Öğün, Zeynep Tek, Ahmet Tolga Section One: GENERAL Köker, Hüseyin Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Militký, Jiří 11.40 Paris, Elodie 12.00 Rudnicki, Marcin 12.40 1.00 Session 17: Coins and archaeological contexts 6 (Asia Minor) Chairperson: Konuk, Koray Lycian coinage during the fifth and fourth century BC Monete e riti a Hierapolis di Frigia Ancient coin finds from Samosata (Commagene) Recent Coin finds from Side in Pamphylia Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 17: Coins and archaeological contexts 6 (Asia Minor) Coin finds from Aizanoi Session 2: Celtic 2 Chairperson: Nieto-Pelletier, Silvia Das keltische Münzwesen des Horizonts LT C1 und C2 in Böhmen (Tschechische Republik) Circulation monétaire en Languedoc central au Deuxième Âge du Fer (VIe - Ier siècles av. J.-C.): comparaisons diachroniques des agglomérations de Béziers, Magalas et Agde Minting period “E” – the final chapter in the history of the gold coinage of the Boii (after 41/40 BC) Final Discussion End of the Sessions Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Green (Room 3) Wed./ R3 9.00 9.20 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 9.40 10.00 Taliercio Mensitieri, Marina Zinnà, Manuel 10.20 10.30 Wed./ R3 11.00 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Montanaro, Stefania Manenti, Angela Maria Grandjean, Catherine; Moustaka, Aliki Pavlovska, Eftimija Stolyarik, Elena Zakharov, Evgeny Lazzarini, Lorenzo Session 15: Magna Graecia & Sicily Chairperson: Salamone, Grazia La monetazione dei centri peuceti Dee, ninfe, donne: oggetti di ornamento nell’iconografia delle monete greche e in vari altri reperti nel Museo Archeologico Paolo Orsi di Siracusa Divisionali di argento in Magna Grecia tra VI e V secolo a.C. Nuove considerazioni e note storiche sulla monetazione di Hipponion e la dea Pandina Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 16: Circulation & Hoards 2 & Other Chairperson: Wartenberg, Ute The Olympia Hoard (IGCH 270) A Part of a Rare 'Paeonian' Hoard from Macedonia The Coinage of the Scythian Kingdom in the Dobrudja: The Evidence of Coin Finds and Monetary Circulation On the chronology of the last group of electrum coins of Cyzicus Assus Troadis: the beginning of coinage and new silver coins in the V c. B.C. Final Discussion End of the Sessions Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Orange (Room 4) Wed./ R4 9.00 Section One: GENERAL 9.20 9.40 Zverev, Sergey Sanahuja, Xavier 10.00 10.20 10.30 Wed./ R4 11.00 11.20 Schollaardt, Christel 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Perfetto, Simonluca Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Carvalheiro Porto, Vagner Keleş, Vedat; Oyarçin, Kasım; Yilmaz, Michael Deniz Balbi De Caro, Silvana Carbone, Federico Calabria, Patrizia Session 18: General Numismatics & General Communicating Numismatics 3 Chairperson: t.b.d. Il circuito della 'moneta franca' e la funzione pubblicistica della fiera: il caso di Lanciano The monetary reforms in Russia in the mid 17th century Catalonia, Barcelona and Aragon: Historical Titles and Styles Shown in their Coins (878-1846) ICOMON: purposes and goals Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 11: Roman Provincial 5 Chairperson: Heuchert, Volker Western and Eastern Provincial Roman coins: a view from the margins Roman Colonisation of Parion in light of coins Semissi pestani a Pompei: dati sulla circolazione di età giulio-claudia Roma e le province Final Discussion End of the Sessions Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Auditorium (Room 5) Wed./ R5 9.00 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Di Jorio, Francesco 9.20 Fenn, Nina 9.40 10.00 Peter, Ulrike Tsagkalia, Christina 10.20 10.30 Wed./ R5 11.00 11.20 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Wigg-Wolf, David Deloum, Said 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Baldi, Elena Naylor, John Yoon, David Session 15: Roman Provincial 8 (Iconography) Chairperson: Grigorova-Gencheva, Valentina Il culto di Cibele in Gallia: preesistenza di un culto o diffusione di tipologie da Roma verso la “periferia” dell'impero? L'evidenza numismatica di Avennio The Roman Provincial Coinage of Achaea with representations of temples and their cult statues Die pseudoautonomen Münzen von Philippopolis Thraciae The iconographical type of Dionysus Lyceus/Aesymnetes on the provincial coinage of Patrae: An interpretative approach Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 13: Roman Provincial 7 and Post-Roman Chairperson: Ackermann, Rahel C. The origins of the COM mint in Late Antiquity Le tresor monétaire de Guernine (Djendel-Algérie): étude historique et monétaire Online catalogue of the Ostrogothic coins at the British Museum The use of gold coinage in 6th and 7th-century burials in England Evolution of Stylistic Patterns in Pre-Visigothic Tremisses Final Discussion End of the Sessions Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Blue (Room 6) Wed./ R6 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Wed./ R6 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Hostein, Antony; Mairat, Jérôme Watson, George Calomino, Dario Awianowicz, Bartosz Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Girod, Virginie Bocciarelli, Dorian; Blet-Lemarquand, Maryse; Suspène, Arnaud Bardin, Thomas; Blet-Lemarquand, Maryse Lempereur, Olivier; Blet-Lemarquand, Maryse Mairat, Jérôme Session 12: Roman Provincial 6 Chairperson: Amandry, Michel Some New Lights on the 3rd c. Crisis in the Propontis: the Coins of Parium, from Gallus to Gallienus The system of coin production in Roman Asia Minor: new light on an old problem The Coinage of Diva Paulina in the Roman Provinces Peculiarities in the legends of Syrian Denarii from the Flavians to the Severans Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 14: Empire 1 (Italy & Gallia) Chairperson: Estiot, Sylviane Mammae gratias ago: mères et fils dans le monnayage impérial des JulioClaudiens Les monnaies d’or des années 68-69 apr. J.-C.: l’apport des analyses élémentaires Le monnayage impérial (238-253 ap. J.-C.): nouvelles analyses Les frappes de deniers impériaux à Alexandrie à la fin du IIe siècle ap. J.-C. Tetricus and his son: coinage and chronology Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Theatre (Room 1) Thu./ R1 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R1 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R1 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R1 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.10 6.30 7.30 Section One: GENERAL Romano, F.P.; Manenti, A.M.; Amato R.; Caliri, C.; Catalano, R.; Pappalardo, L.; Rizzo, F. Amato, Rosalba; Manenti, Angela Maria Chowaniec, Roksana; Wiecek, Tomasz Gargano, Giorgia Section One: GENERAL Birch, Thomas Constantinescu, Bogdan; Talmatchi, Gabriel Mircea; Cristea-Stan, Daniela Darley, Rebecca Fikrle, Marek Risvaag, Jon Anders Section One: GENERAL Perassi, Claudia Abdy, Richard Campanelli, Adele; Fariello, Maria; De Rosa, Saverio Vitale, Rosa Section One: GENERAL Tonisch, Mareike Mäkeler, Hendrik Chimienti, Michele Session 19: Coins and archaeological contexts 7 (Magna Graecia & Sicilia) Chairperson: Rutter, N. Keith I pegasi di Siracusa a confronto con quelli di altre zecche circolanti in Sicilia nella seconda metà del IV secolo a.C.: considerazioni storico-archeologiche ottenute attraverso lo studio composizionale delle monete mediante tecniche nondistruttive Comunicare le monete. Didattica e divulgazione al Museo Archeologico Paolo Orsi di Siracusa The history of ancient town Akrai/Acrae, south-eastern Sicily, in the light of new numismatic finds Problemi e spunti dai rinvenimenti di monete negli scavi archeologici a Vibo Valentia Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 20: Metallurgy & Scientific Analyses 3 Chairperson: Allen, Martin The character of coinage and development of bullion sources across the Western Mediterranean from the 5th to the 1st centuries BCE: the summary results from two years analytical research New information on monetary arrowheads found in Dobroudja based on X-rays analysis of their alloy composition All that glitters: the Byzantine solidus 307-1092 Czech early medieval dinars from the perspective of XRF analysis Investigations of bone-ash cupels from the Archbishop’s mint in Trondheim, Norway Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 21: Coins and archaeological contexts 8 (Italy) Chairperson: Pennestrì, Serafina Monete dal suburbio di Mediolanum. La documentazione dalla grande fossa di asportazione 10114 The last coin in Pompeii? The coin hoard from the house of the golden bracelet Tesoretto monetale da Lacedonia (AV), loc. Pauroso Some unpublished numismatic evidence from the northern Campania Final Discussion Tea Break Session 22: History of Numismatics 3 & Other Chairperson: Svensson, Roger Lite, es dupundi. Lite, immo es aeris assis. - Prices, wages and values in the Roman Empire Money production as a lifestyle Archive of the mint of Bologna Final Discussion End of the Sessions PLENARY SESSION: Closing Ceremony End of the XV CIN Thursday, 24th September 2015 PALAZZO CORVAJA (Room 2) Thu./ R2 9.00 9.20 Section One: GENERAL 9.40 Trommenschlager, Ludovic 10.00 Vorel, Petr 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R2 11.00 11.20 Bracey, Robert Guney, Hale Section One: GENERAL Rambach, Hadrien Crisà, Antonino 11.40 Santangelo, Stefania 12.00 Muñoz-Pando, Roberto Gerardo 12.20 Ujes Morgan, Dubravka 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R2 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R2 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.10 Section One: GENERAL Guruleva, Vera Apolito, Pasquale Cardon, Thibault Eikje, Linn Section One: GENERAL Hedlund, Ragnar Magub, Alexandra; Curtis Sarkhosh, Vesta; Alram, Michael Börner, Susanne Session 23: Die Production & Statistics Chairperson: Bransbourg, Gilles How rapid was ancient coin production? The contribution of die studies The Roman Monetary Economy in Bithynia during the second half of the first century BC: the case of Nicomedia Un atelier de faux monnayage magnencien dans les Vosges (France): des nummi lourds surfrappés à l'effigie de Magnence The activities of the Roman Mint at the end of the pontificate of Urban VIII and rolling of the papal gold, silver and copper coins during the years 1634-1644 Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 24: History of Numismatics 5 Chairperson: Frey-Kupper, Suzanne The coins - and gems - collector Don Carlo Trivulzio (1715-1789) Collecting coins and connecting collectors: government and social networks in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies (1816-1860) Monete e ripostigli della Sicilia araba e normanna nel Medagliere del Museo “Paolo Orsi” di Siracusa Contramarcas en contradas en monedas de cuatro maravedíes de los depósitos de National Parks Service y Casa Margarida en San Juan, Puerto Rico Unpublished Greek Coin Finds from Rhizon in Sir Arthur Evans’ Collection, Ashmolean Museum Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 25: Coins and archaeological contexts 9 (Medieval) Chairperson: Gullbekk, Svein H. Syracuse follis of Leo V in Cherson Medieval coins from Italian excavations at Kyme Aeolis: a preliminary report Les monnaies et méreaux en context archéologique comme source pour l'étude du salariat (XIe-XVe siècle) Economic change in middle age Norway 1103-1263 Final Discussion Tea Break Session 26: Specific Projects 1 Chairperson: Bhandare, Shailendra The return of the Art Cabinet: The ancient coins at Uppsala University and the Alvin-database Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum: Coins of Mithradates II The Centre of Excellence for Ancient Numismatics, Heidelberg Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Green (Room 3) Thu./ R3 9.00 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Găzdac, Cristian 9.20 9.40 Dima, Mihai Estiot, Sylviane 10.00 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R3 11.00 Zanchi, Pierre Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Ellithorpe, Corey 11.20 Grozdanova, Lily 11.40 12.00 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R3 3.00 Găzdac Alföldy, Ágnes Çizmeli Öğün, Zeynep Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Gandolfo 3.20 3.40 4.00 de Callataÿ, François Chevillon, Jean-Albert Martino, Amos 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R3 5.00 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 5.20 6.00 6.10 Session 16: Empire 2 ( Europe) Chairperson: Van Heesch, Johan War and Peace! Patterns of hoarding in the Roman provinces from the Middle and Lower Danube Coin circulation in the Lower Danube area during Trajan’s reign Gold and celebrations: the festive emissions of Carus, Carinus and Numerianus at the mint of Siscia The coinage of Diocletian sole emperor in Siscia (summer 285 -March 286) Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 17: Miscellanea 2 (Eastern Europe) Chairperson: T.b.d. Striking a Dissonant Chord: The Geographical Targeting of Trajan’s Debellator Coinage in Dacia The development of Pautalia (province of Thracia) during the 2nd – 3rd century AD viewed through the city coinage Coins in particular funerary contexts – case studies from Roman Dacia Hadrianopolis (Edirne) Macedonian Tower Excavation Coins Finds (2002-2003) Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 17: Miscellanea 2 Chairperson: Kroll, John Doyen, Charles Santagati, Elena A collaborative database for Greek overstrikes Le monnayage archaïque de la Théliné grecque (Arles) Lyre's representation on ancient Greek coins: a musical and political path between symbol and Realien Final Discussion Tea Break Session 18: Miscellanea 3 Pondera online: A digital database of the commercial weights found in mainland and insular Greece, and dated from the Classical and Hellenistic periods Identità federale sulle emissioni monetali Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Orange (Room 4) Thu./ R4 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R4 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R4 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R4 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.10 Section One: GENERAL Murgan, Andreas Spagnoli, Emanuela Smely, Tomas Svensson, Roger Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Bilid, Tomislav; Nađ, Miroslav Dahmen, Karsten Dymowski, Arkadiusz Munteanu, Lucian Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Chaves Tristán, Francisca; Pliego Vázquez, Ruth Arévalo González, Alicia; Blànquez Pérez, Juan; Roldán Gómez, Lourdes Rodrìguez Casanova, Isabel Nicolau Kormikiari, Maria Cristina Section Four: ANTIQUITY, OTHER Barkay, Rachel Wyssmann, Patrick Friedman, Daniel Session 27: General Numismatics (Miscellanea) 2 Chairperson: Tekin, Oğuz Pre(?)monetary objects in ancient Italy and Sicily: Lumps and bars in context Piombi monetiformi da Ostia e Porto: problematiche interpretative Foreign Influences on Boian Coins Iconography Periodic Re-Coinage as a Monetary Tax: Conditions, Consequences and Comparison with Debasement Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 18: Circulation & Hoards 1 Chairperson: Von Heijne, Cecilia Coin circulation 3rd c. B.C. – 31 B.C. in North-Western Croatia The 1740 hoard of Roman denarii from Preussisch-Görlitz near Osterode in Eastern Prussia (Gierłoż/Ostróda in Poland). A find’s history and coin catalogue based on a manuscript by Friedrich Wilhelm Stosch The inflow of Roman Republican coins to the territory of present-day Poland Roman coin finds in the hinterland of Dacia and Moesia Inferior provinces Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 3: Punic 1 Chairperson: García-Bellido, Maria-Paz Nuevos testimonios monetales de emisiones hispano-cartaginesas en la Península Ibérica Evidencias materiales de la fabricación de moneda en Carteia (San Roque, Cádiz) Dos nuevos tesorillos de divisores hispànicos How monetarized was Berber society in antiquity? Final Discussion Tea Break Session 7: Near East & China Chairperson: Gitler, Haim Changing Depictions of the Nabataean Kings' Portraits The Earliest Coins from Samaria – New Vistas on the Chronology of a Late Persian-period Provincial Coinage in Palestine Free Coinage in Early Imperial China Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Auditorium (Room 5) Thu. 9.00/ R5 10.30 11.00 Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK Section Two: ANTIQUITY, GREEK 1.30 Thu./ R5 3.00 3.20 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Ghey, Eleanor Bland, Roger 3.40 Van Heesch, Johan 4.00 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R5 5.00 5.20 5.40 Drost, Vincent 6.00 6.10 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Moorhead, Sam Walton, Philippa Flueck, Jonas Emmanuel Round Table: The new LANDscape of Greek Numismatics. Unifying a discipline through Linked Data Conveners: Meadows, Andrew; Duyrat, Frédérique Coffee Break Round Table: The new LANDscape of Greek Numismatics. Unifying a discipline through Linked Data Conveners: Meadows, Andrew; Duyrat, Frédérique Lunch Break Session 19: Circulation & Hoards 2 Chairperson: Bursche, Aleksander Coin hoarding in Iron Age and Roman Britain Too much information? Making sense of hoards from Britain and the Continent in the later 3rd century AD The end of the Monetary Economy in Northern Gaul: the examples of Tongeren & Tournai The Seaton Down Hoard (UK, Devon): c. 22,000 nummi to AD 348 Final Discussion Tea Break Session 20: Circulation & Hoards 3 Chairperson: Kemmers, Fleur The Frome Hoard of 52,502 coins - why was it buried? The Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire Project The augustean monetary circulation at Lugdunum on the basis of stratigraphical and statistical analyses Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI, Blue (Room 6) Thu./ R6 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R6 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R6 3.00 3.20 Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Matthies, Sandra Beckmann, Martin Dell'Oro D'Amico, Federica Guzzetta, Giuseppe; Vicari Sottosanti, Maria Agata Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Upchurch, Brent Ramskold, Lars Hobbs, Richard Mondello, Cristian Bruni, Stefano Section Three: ANTIQUITY, ROMAN Miškec, Alenka Pavlovic, Ana 3.40 Peitler Karl 4.00 4.20 4.30 6.10 Hadji-Maneva, Maja Session 21: Empire 3 Chairperson: Assenmaker, Pierre Selected aspects on Roman successors on Alexandrian coins The Chronology and Iconography of Hadrian's Coinage, AD 134-138 II sec. Le Puellae Faustinianae nella monetazione di età antonina Osservazioni sulle monete di imitazione del "tesoro dei sei imperatori" dalla baia di Camarina Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 22: Empire 4 Chairperson: Bland, Roger Constantinian AVGGG coinage from Rome and Ostia, 312-313 Constantine the Great’s pagan Festival of Isis tesserae reconsidered Silver plate as elite currency in the late Roman Empire Nuove osservazioni sui contorniati: la serie dei Literaten-Büsten. Un AE3 ibrido di Attalo: nuova luce sulla datazione della serie Urbs Roma Felix Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 23: Circulation & Hoards 4 Chairperson: Chowaniec, Roksana Roman coin hoards from 3rd century in the territory of present day Slovenia The hoards from Trijebanj and Bjelovar and analogous numismatic finds from the western Balkan region The coin hoard from the Poetschenwand. A new third century coin hoard from the Roman province of Noricum Coin Circulation in the Province Macedonia Salutaris and the neighboring areas Final Discussion Tea Break End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Visconti (Room 7) Thu./ R7 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 Section Seven: ISLAMIC, ASIAN & AFRICAN COINAGES Goncharov, Eugeny Canto García, Alberto; Martín Escudero, Fatima; Domenech Belda, Carolina Malarczyk, Dorota Novak, Vlastimil 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R7 11.00 Section Seven: ISLAMIC, ASIAN & AFRICAN COINAGES Nicolae, Eugen 11.20 Akopyan, Alexander 11.40 D'Ottone, Arianna 12.00 12.20 Paghava, Irakly; Turkia, Severiane Tawfiq, Ibrahim 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R7 3.00 3.20 Section Seven: ISLAMIC, ASIAN & AFRICAN COINAGES Garg, Sanjay; Garg, Nurussaba Darvishi, Farangis 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R7 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.10 Joyaux, François Wang, Helen Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Allen, Martin Spufford, Peter Kelleher, Richard Session 1: Islamic coinages. Circulation & Hoards Chairperson: D'Ottone, Arianna XII-XIII cc. Asia Minor's coins in Eastern Europe Monedas fatimíes en el hallazgo de dinares de la calle Santa Elena (Valencia, España) The Early-Medieval Silver Hoard from Dębicz, Greater Poland Islamic silver in the newly discovered hoard dated back to the 10th century from central Moravia, the Czech Republic Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 2: Islamic coinages & Other Chairperson: Novak, Vlastimil L’atelier monétaire de l’époque de la Horde d'Or de la Ville Neuve (Yangi-Şehr / Şehr al-cedid) Dvin in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. City history in the light of new numismatic materials Arabic Coins from the Italian Royal Collection. Addenda to the Corpus Nummorum Italicorum Between Ja‘farids and Bagratids: the last monetary issues of Muslim Tiflis in the name of al-Mustazhir (1094-1118) The use of the generic “Abd Allah” on the coinage of Al-Andalus and Al-Maghrib al Aqsa during 11th-13th centuries Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 3: Islamic Asian coinage & Other 2 Chairperson: Paghava, Irakly Counterfeiting of Coins in Medieval India: A Survey of Contemporary Literature A study of the Names of Mints Found on Sasanian and Arab-Sasanian Dirhams in Bishapur Museum La fin du monnayage annamite sous le règne de Bao Dai (1926-1945) New Work in East Asian Numismatics Final Discussion Tea Break Session 15: Medieval Europe 5 Chairperson: Stahl, Alan Coins and Churches in Medieval England Economic Effects of Debasements The Monetisation of Medieval England (c1150-1400): New Interpretations from Single Finds Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Rossellini (Room 8) Thu./ R8 9.00 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Matzke, Michael 9.20 9.40 10.00 Day, William De Benetti, Massimo Zaoral, Roman 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R8 11.00 11.20 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Polanský, Luboš Garbaczewski, Witold 11.40 Todesca, James 12.00 Becker, Jan-Erik 12.20 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R8 3.00 Paszkiewicz, Borys Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Sarcinelli, Giuseppe 3.20 Grossmannová Dagmar 3.40 Dergaciova, Lilia 4.00 Burström, Nanouschka 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R8 5.00 5.20 Section Five: MEDIEVAL EUROPE & BYZANTIUM Nassar, Magdi Ali Mohamed Benders, Jos 5.40 6.00 6.10 Bonanno, Maurizio Session 12: Later Medieval and Circulation & Hoards Chairperson: Travaini, Lucia Back to Gold – the beginning of western medieval gold coinage in the light of new classification The Roman Senatorial Gold Ducat The Alberese hoard: seventy-six gold florins of the second half of 13th century The circulation of gold in late medieval Italy in the light of coin hoards and written sources Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 13: Medieval Europe 3 Chairperson: Zäch, Benedikt Marginal legends and images on Bohemian deniers of the 10th century Die sog.„Krönungs-”und „Inaugurationsmünzen” im mittelalterlichen Polen und Böhmen (bis zum Ende des 12. Jahrhunderts) Selling Castile: The gold morabetino alfonsin in Mediterranean trade, c.11721252 Die Rekonstruktion des Brakteatenfundes bei Leipzig. Ein Beitrag zur Münzgeschichte des Osterlandes am Übergang vom 13. zum 14. Jahrhundert Lusatian seigniorial coinage of Żary and Przewóz Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 14: Medieval Europe 4 Chairperson: Matzke, Michael Coin finds in Puglia between Byzantium and Normans: notes on the updating of "La monetazione dell'Italia normanna" by L. Travaini Der Schatzfund von Zlechau /Zlechov/ (Tschechische Republik) und dessen Bedeutung für das Münzwesen im 13. Jahrhundert The new coin hoards’ discoveries in the Republic of Moldova. Local money circulation & regional trade pattern Sharing values: creative links and hybridity in an Anglo-Scandinavian technoweb Final Discussion Tea Break Session 11: Later Medieval 2 Chairperson: Castrizio, Daniele Il ritratto fisionomico realistico sulla monetazione medievale Who were they? A prosopographic study of medieval mint masters in the Duchy of Gelre (1367-ca 1460) La monetazione "locale" di Messina Final Discussion End of the Sessions Thursday, 24th September 2015 HOTEL NH COLLECTION Taormina, Monicelli (Room 9) Thu./ R9 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.20 10.30 Thu./ R9 11.00 11.20 Section Nine: MEDALS Attwood, Philip Gimeno, Javier Sanders, George Section Nine: MEDALS Jouvet, Ludovic Villela-Petit, Ines 11.40 Dobrovolskaya, Lidia 12.00 12.20 Turricchia, Arnaldo Günther, Sven 12.40 1.00 Thu./ R9 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.30 Thu./ R9 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.10 Section Nine: MEDALS Haidenthaller, Ylva Järvinen, Outi Krejčík, Tomáš Simmons, Frances Section Nine: MEDALS Specht, Edith Schaal, Katia Fulinska, Agnieszka Session 1: Miscellanea Chairperson: Talvio, Tuukka Living without the reducing machine: the case of Frank Bowcher Vt quiescat Atlas: un estado de la cuestión The Triumphal Medals of the Republic of the United Netherlands: an instrument of politics and propaganda, 1580-1620 Final Discussion Coffee Break Session 2: Post 17th century 1 Chairperson: Attwood, Philip Les médailles des vice-rois de Naples au XVIIe siècle Illustres d’Italie: Les médailles italiennes de Louis XIV d’après l’inventaire de 1685 Russian-French International Contacts in the late 19 th cent (based on the Hermitage collection) Five Centuries of Italian Medals: a Preliminary Statistical Overview Authority or just Reference? Approachings of Classical Antiquity in Russian Medals of the 18th Century Final Discussion Lunch Break Session 3: Post 17th century 2 Chairperson: Dobrovolskaya, Lidia Producing the Pole Star – Early modern Swedish medals Medallic art of Emil Wikström. A source study Die Medaillen von Österreichischen Schlesien im 19. Jahrhundert Commissioning success - commerce and the art medal Final Discussion Tea Break Session 4: Post 17th century 3 Chairperson: Sanders, George A Medal for Books Il faut pour le bon renom de l’Art Français que la médaille et la plaquette de 1900 soient des modèles sortant des mains de nos maîtres les plus renommés. Genèse et réalisation des œuvres de Jules-Clément Chaplain et d’Oscar Roty. Napoleonic medals - in need of a modern publication (project presentation) Final Discussion End of the Sessions