PATIENT REGISTRATION F'ORM MED EDGE "MRN'NO: PATIENT INFORMATION: {Please use full legal name, no nicknames) *Last Name: *First Name: Middle Initial: *Address: City: Zlpz State: L_J Home Phone #: *Social Security #: _______-. *Date of Birth: *Sex: Age: _ Marihl Status: _ Drivers Lic#: *Employer Name and Address: Work Phone #: E mail Address: Cell Phone #: Emergencv Contect Name: Pleusetellus howyou (___-J L___) , . : Phone #: heardaboutas: Refenedbv GUARANTOR-tr\IFOR{l{A:EION*{,ist-person-orinsuredJrameresponsible{or-biH--use{ull{egalTame-no-nicknames}---' *Relationshlp ofGurrantor to Paticnh Self_ *Lrst Name: Spouse_ Other Parcnt -- *First Name: . Middle Initirl: *Address: City: zip: State: Home Phone #: *Social Security #: L_-) *Drte of Birth: *Sex: Female Age: Male *Employor Name and Address: Work Phone #: INSURANCE INFORMATION: @lease allow receptionist to photocopy your insurance ID cards) IF SOMEONE OTHER THAN PANENT IS THE INSARED PARTY. PLEASE INCLADE DATE OF BIRIII FOR CI.AIMS PRIMARY INSI]RANCE: Plan Name : *Insuredts Name: fnsured's Social Security #: *Insured's Date of Birth: *Policy I ID #: *Group #: Eff Date: Claims Address & Phone: SECONDARY INSURANCE: Plan Name: *Insuredts Name: *Insured's Social Security #: *Insured's Date of Birth: *Policy / ID #: Claims Address & Phone: *REOUIRED FIELDS-PLEASE COMPLETE FOR Confi dcntial MEHG hopriclary Infomation *Group #: BILLING. * Eff Date: *ATTACH COPY OF INSURANCE CARDS. New Pt Reg Fom Dc 2004 t1 tl Fcrtlenl Adutt Medlcal Hlstory AOe _ llorne Todo/s Dcle _ Hlstoryhfonnollon $Jppll€d bV: tr Bkth Dote tr Other Sef \ryhy is pollenl here todoy? b polient cf,erdc lo or hod qt odvene reocllon lo orry nredcofbns. h potient tokhg my gescdptlon rnoclicotlrns? DYos fl llo f 1,ras, lst Doleof lostprcsloteexcrn-- Fomaler A€p of lsl menstuol l- Hos pollenl I $€l fi$ or 6res? O \bs D l,lo f Wc tst, tr poll€nt tddng orry nonfiescdtctlon rnedcqfions (foroxornple, osffi or vilorrlns)? D \bs D No lf yes, lsL lbs pollent hod anyrnolor srrgerbs? DYesDNo fyos,lsL EverlpclosorudVtonsrnlttedcllseose? fl\bs p€dod Ff$ dcry of losl rnenslrud perlod DNo tbecondorrs? DYes ONo tength of menslruol pedod dlseose? nEs-n Ho l.lomol? D\bs trl,lo Doleof lostrnonynogrom? Nonrun O\|as trt'lo esnodl senffinsrrneo Doleolloslbsn€cr I lbods. Health Hirtory gm@cr€nts. $IngF, or ctilklren hocl o( hore orry of the fidbwlncf Check ol thot oppV. Mloril Fqrfv Follert FfffV l{os potl€nt porents, Cstcer D Stoke D Arltull's tr D Slclrle Cel Ttlcerculods D A$rrno tr Hepolills D Diobetes D Heodoches D l-IghChdested Dseose Dlseose Ifryrold Dlseose Elood Dlseose tvl€ntol Disodets Selztre tlsoder hluscle RoUerns Erqchysemo D D Skh Fleod tr tr D D D D tr E O CI O D tr D X CI Ch€ck lhe fdlovthg cHklhood llnesses the pollenl hos trod. D Meosbs D Munps D CNcken n Wfrooplng bx Does pollent we lobocco? tr Yes Type: DClgotetle fuc*sperdoy Slornrch U D Bone/Joht l&ft€,V/Blockler tr O tr tl tr tr O tr U D O tr D D O tr O tr tl D D O CID Cotrgh D Tondlilis D Eq lnfeclions D atit !€(rs ogp E Olher for Flospollenteverus€dstreetdrugs? DYes Foblerrs Fobbms Foblems GlorcomdCoicrocts llgh Bloocl fisssure Bleectng ProUerns Itpurnollc Fevq Olher _ n DNo lf yegtlpe: DCocohe DlUoriJuono Elnhokrnls DOfher llpe: O Eeer D Doespolientdrhkolcotro0 OYes BNo trQrlit_!€orsogo How ollen dct or does poflent ddnk? tr SeHorn O Sornethnes tr Weekty D Do[y Wine D Uquor l-low oflen? E SelJorn D Sornelirnes D We€kV D DoiV No Whot fpe? tr 15-30 rr{rutes tr 30 or rtore l-bwrrnnycofleinedinksdotonddnkperdof tl I -2 El3 -4 D 5orrnote Do you exercise? E Yes D How long? D 0 -15 rnlnutes Wlll)? Do you have an Advanced Directive (Livlng Do you wish to discuss an Advanced Directive (Living CL-006 (5-13-96) Rev. t0-00 Yes --No Yes Wlll)? Form; Signalure of Person Gompleting - -No 63 Western Center Family Medicine PatientName: DATABASE TOOL Date: Sex: M/F. Race: For what reason are you here today? Please check conditions you have experienced recently or that concern you: GENEML E good general health I always tlred I always feel ill I chronic htigue E loss of appetite fl wt loss > l0 lbs E wtgain > l0 lbs E :bT'J:"lrever>r00o E chilts HEENT pain drainage "y" l--_EI :v*ry eyes I eye E iI f,:l?l]** H E double vision light flashes fl=91":I"':l:" D lossofvision E ear pain E eardrainage _E ;:il'ff'[:, f] runny nose E nasaicongestion E nose bleeds [1 hay fever fl sinus pain fl frequent sinus infections fl freguent colds E recent change in voice I freguentso.lthro.,r E ho".r"no, fl laryrgitis E swd[wing pain HEARTAND CIRCUIATION I chest pain E palpitations tr shpped hean beats E extra heart beats E fast heart beats tr high blood pressure I calf pain / calf cramps I ankle swelling E blood clot in veins I cord, purprefeet RESPIMTORY I shonness of breath E *h"*ri E cough I coughing blood I snoring I sleep apnea E fluid in lungs BREAST rash I tr change in skin color tr dry skin I itching B .unusual or changed moles E boils I skin growths SKIN / unexplained g il"il3,:'lrl|;1t ;;.o*.rrl'.rer' nausea fl persistent unexplained vomiting I fl frequentheartburn fl abdominal bloating tr swallowing difficulties u abdominal cramps H ;i:l;il:,. g::Y1l*lfi-. fl consant constiPation E change in bowel habits I bleedingfrombowels E anal / rectal pain E hemorrhoid E [',,'J"1il:l'"",'*t ,aENrr,-\r rr GENIToURINARY painful urination E controlling urine H urinate > 2 times at night I :::_t: ! blood. in urine. E testicle lump / swelling E penile discharSe / sores ! irregularperiods tr heavy periods E noperiods. I vaginal discharge / itching ! possibly pregnant Epain"rittrser , fl lack of sex drive fl no erection / orgasm MUSCULoSKELETAL/ n*:"'t'lt , .,. paln / strnness lJ g"ner"i EJ 'olnt: #;ff"t E pain: ""tn i;:"tl'""" f1 pain' r'ip I t"l"Jlr""t ! pain: tnt''i"t l'"'il* rD p"in,,".i,t7-t,*i'--" |' NEUROLOGIC I frequentheadaches E Ur"Jt "" /r"r"u"e fr aizy or light headed E poo,. ua"i." Ef E E fi'',1',1*%?!",. I E ft E I'y.: Ef hayfever infections E ;il;;inu, tr frequent foreign ravel seizures numbn"r, E::m*;ii|"ol,oo,,o, Erecurrentskininrections MlscEu-ANEous E chemicalexposures E ffi:.iJig:::," fl I I f] fl Emostalwayscold most always hot oven'rreight abnormal hairgrowth h"i. occupation"i oporu.", shk pets drink well water drink unpasteurized milk process own meats OTHER ENDOCRINE to* !.l change in skin color excess thirst E excess urination H changes in ring' hat' shoe size H E irregular menstrual cycles H to medicines to cosmetics allergiestofood allergies allergies problems loss of strength speech H'"'J,'flo' E easy bi"uising tr lymph node swelling tr swollen e)dremit], lf;:I*"'n'* I depressed I hyperactive E attention deficit E excess: fear / worry I bss of interest in life tr suicidal thoughts E unusual visions I difliculty concenrating I difflcultygeaingtosleep E difticulty iayin! asleep tr impulsive I I E / HEMATOLOGIC blood ransfusion , E free bleeder rNg=crrous ose,qsE E Ememorvtos. I E E LYMPHATIC il:;t;{il**t'* -
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