January-February - Duluth Vineyard
January-February - Duluth Vineyard
C O N N E C T, G R O W, & S E R V E AT T H E V I N E YA R D JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2016 | D U L U T H V I N E YA R D . O R G Cover by Natalie Salminen-Rude - nataliesalminen.com Vineyard Core Membership We are a community. We live out our faith in deep relationships with our church family. Maturity We Are Disciples of Jesus. We are life-long learners growing to be more like Jesus. Meeting God A set of classes to help you take the next step in following Jesus Sunday, January 10 & March 13 at 2pm We love & experience God. We expect real encounters with God who intervenes in our lives. Ministry We love one another. We love one another by sacrificially giving of our time, talents, and treasures. Vineyard Kids (K-5) Vineyard Core for kids! In January, our kids will learn about the Holy Spirit. Childcare provided and appetizer reception to follow. Register on your Connect Form. A 13-week course for anyone desiring freedom from addictions, beginning February 25 K IN G DO M N I G HT A night of engaging worship, hands on learning, and activities the whole family will enjoy. Friday, February 5 at 6pm the Vineyard church Love God. Love people. Period. Contact Us Duluth Vineyard Pastors Michael Gatlin - Senior Pastor - [email protected] Brenda Gatlin - Senior Pastor - [email protected] Asa Harting - Associate Pastor - [email protected] John Kliewer - Associate Pastor - [email protected] Casey LaCore - Associate Pastor - [email protected] Charlie Plys - Executive Pastor - [email protected] Mike Munson - Assistant Pastor - [email protected] Clint Considine - Pastoral Assistant - [email protected] Lynn Grandson - Pastoral Assistant - [email protected] Iron Range Vineyard Pastor Becky Pechek - [email protected] Cloquet Vineyard Pastors Kris Sauter - [email protected] Nikki Sauter - [email protected] Ministry Areas Church Planting - Michael Gatlin - [email protected] Campus Ministry -Skylar Turek - [email protected] Compassion Ministries Ways to Connect WIRED - Friday, January 8 at 7pm through January 9 at 7am Club45 Sledding Party - Sunday, January 17, 2015 2-4pm at the Proctor Golf Course Unchained -Sunday, January 17 at 6pm, February 21 at 6pm Parents Night - Thursday, January 28 at 6pm Connect Tours - January 30/31 after each service Artist Reception- Friday, January 29 at 7pm Kingdom Family Night - Friday, February 5 at 6pm Vineyard Vision - February 13 & 14 for all services Learn What God's Doing in Ethiopia - Sunday, March 1 at 6pm Worship Night at UMD - Sunday, February 28 at 6pm Worship & Arts Gathering - Friday, March 11 at 7pm Ways to Grow Vineyard Core January 10 at 2pm & March 13 at 2pm Membership - If you would like to know who we are as the Vineyard church and why we do what we do, this class is right for you! Maturity - Learn how to read the bible more purposefully, Fruit of the Vine - Jericho Gatlin - [email protected] pray more powerfully and become a mature disciple of Christ. Prison Ministry - [email protected] Meeting God - Get to know and experience the Holy Spirit Street Teams - Clint Considine - [email protected] Healing Teams - Lynn Grandson - [email protected] Heroic Leadership Institute - Jess Munson - [email protected] Marriages & Families - Casey LaCore - [email protected] Men’s Ministry - Mike Munson - [email protected] Small Groups - [email protected] Student Ministries Sr. High - Stephaine Bremer - [email protected] Jr. High - Jill Peterson - [email protected] Vineyard Institute - John Kliewer - [email protected] Vineyard Kids - Casey LaCore - [email protected] Women’s Ministry - Brenda Gatlin - [email protected] Worship Ministry - Asa Harting - [email protected] Worship Gatherings Cloquet Vineyard - Sundays 10am Duluth Vineyard - Saturdays at 6pm and Sundays at 9 & 11am Iron Range Vineyard - Sundays 10am Cloquet Vineyard and learn to pray for healing in people's lives. Ministry - Let us help you find where God's created you to serve. Vineyard Core for Kids: Discipleship - What does it mean to be a life long learner? How can I grow to be more like Jesus? What can I learn from the Bible? How do I pray for people? Small Group Leader Training - Thursday, January 14 at 6:30pm Baptism Celebrations - February 20/21 Baptism Interest Meetings after each service: January 30/31, February 5/6 & 13/14 Learning to Pray Like Jesus – Saturday, January 30 at 9am Fiancial Peace University - Starts Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30pm Men's Worship Night - Friday, February 19 at 7pm Student Ministries Winter Retreat - Friday March 4 - Sunday March 6 Freedom For Life - Starts February 25 at 6:30pm Ways to Serve Meets at: Cloquet High School 1000 18th St. Cloquet, MN 55741 218-248-6188 • www.cloquetvineyard.org • [email protected] facebook.com/thevineyardchurchcloquet Prayer Send off for Mexico Team - Sunday, January 3 at Duluth Vineyard January 12 at 6pm 12:30pm Young Adult and College Ministries Interest Meeting - Tuesday, Street Teams - Mondays at 8pm & Wednesdays at 7pm Street Teams Interest Meetings - January 2/3 & 30/31, 1533 W. Arrowhead Rd, Duluth, MN 55811 218-525-3462 • www.duluthvineyard.org • [email protected] facebook.com/theduluthvineyardchurch February 6/7 & 13/14, and March 5/6. Iron Range Vineyard Isn't She Lovely - Saturday, March 19 Meets at:17 Broadway Gilbert, MN 55741 218-248-6188 • www.ironrangevineyard.org • [email protected] facebook.com/thevineyardchurchironrange Here are three ideas that can help us along the way... How Healthy Do You Want To Be? This is one of the questions I’ve asked myself many times over the years. And to be honest, I’ve never really asked the question when everything is going well; when life is the way I want it to be and everyone is happy with me. Rather, the question usually comes up whenever I’m struggling, or facing a behavior that needs to be adjusted, or changed, or I’m being confronted about something I’ve said or done. At those moments, and this applies to all of us, we are faced with a choice. Are we willing to change? Are we willing to adjust our behavior or attitudes? Are we willing to adopt a more healthy lifestyle? Or, are we just going to keep doing what we’ve been doing while secretly wishing for a different outcome. It’s in these moments that this question echoes through my head... “How healthy do you want to be?” Perhaps you’ve heard the same question. It may have come from a doctor or a family member or a friend, or maybe even from the Holy Spirit in one of your more reflective times. Regardless where you first heard it from, I’m willing to bet you’ve heard the same question a time or two, just as I have. Over the next year, as a Vineyard community, we are going to be asking and answering this question quite a bit, because I believe that leaning into this question, and its possible answers could have a very positive impact on each of our lives. We are going to address different areas of healthy living, healthy spirituality and healthy relationships and community in our weekend messages, in our small groups and throughout many of our regular activities. And we’re going to address all of this from the point of view of our relationship with God. Healthy change happens best as an inside-out process of committing to obey Christ. Real, deep, lasting and healthy change in our lives takes place deep inside of us and is then expressed in how we live. It’s an inside-out process. And for me, this kind of change has mostly begun as I’ve made a commitment to obey Christ. Listen to Jesus’ words... “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built (Luke 6:46-48). I’m sure you feel the same: this is the kind of life we're after, a well-built, solid life that can withstand any storm. Healthy change happens best in the context of a community that extends grace and truth. There has only ever been one person who has been able to perfectly balance grace and truth. The rest of us continually fall on one side or the other. We are either too hard or we are too soft. We either enable, or accommodate addiction, selfishness and self-indulgence, or we set such firm boundaries that people don't experience mercy when they are in our presence. Listen to what the Apostle John wrote in his gospel... The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14). God is full of grace and he is full of truth. The picture we see in the scriptures is that he is always going to tell is the truth, even and especially when it hurts. And at the very same time, he extends grace upon grace to us every step of the way. Here’s a great quote from a book our staff is reading called, The Leader’s Journey: “Judgment, criticism, guilt, or shame can produce short-term change, but meaningful, long-term, inside-out chance is nurtured by grace."As a community, we want to continue to learn from Christ how to walk this tightrope with one another. We want to be a community of grace and truth where each of us can experience acceptance in spite of failures so that lasting personal transformation can result. Healthy change happens best as we develop a reflective lifestyle. And then lastly, we want to encourage one another this year in some of the classic disciplines of the Christian faith. And rather than just trying to cram in a bit of prayer and bible reading into an already over-full life, what if we experienced this differently? Our relationship with God was never meant to be relegated to some extra “spiritual activities” that we struggle to fit in. Rather healthy spirituality is the result of Christ becoming a dynamic, ongoing presence in every part of our life. So here’s that annoying question again, how healthy do you want to be? I want to invite you into a journey over the next year of learning to follow Christ’s leadership with us in such a way that each of us will continue to become the people he’s created us to be. Peace to you, Michael Gatlin Connect - with God and with people WIRED (Grades 6-12) - Friday, January 8 at 7pm - $45 - There is no time for sleep in this epic night of adventure! We start the fun at the YMCA where students can go swimming, play racquetball, or take on the leaders in an intense game of dodgeball! After, the party gets moved to the movies! A balanced meal of popcorn, soda and pizza will be enjoyed as well as an upcoming feature. The next stop is World of Wheels for rollerskating fun. Then finally, Adventure Zone to play some head to head laser tag, batting cages and mini golf action. Bring some friends and make some new ones as we get WIRED! Students can bring: warm clothes, suit and towel (if swimming), spending money is optional. Roller blade upgrade $2. WIRED goes from January 8 at 7pm until January 9 at 7am. Club45 Sledding Party - Sunday, January 17, 2015 2-4pm at the Proctor Golf Course - A sledding we will go! This party is for all 4th & 5th graders! We’ll meet at the Proctor Area Community Center at the bottom of the Proctor Golf Course sledding hill to drop off snacks and to put on our snow gear. Then we’ll hike up the hill for some hard core sledding action. The room will be stocked with our snacks and some toasty hot cocoa for after we’ve tackled the hill. Bring a friend or two, your sled, and a treat to share! If the boys bring a salty snack and girls bring something sweet, we’ll have plenty of snacks for refueling, See you there! Contact Bree if you have questions, 218-525-3462 or [email protected]. Unchained - Sunday, January 17, February 21, & March 20 at 6pm - When we come face to face with Jesus we get changed. We look a little bit less like our broken selves and a bit more like our redeemed and free selves. We become unchained. Unchained is a casual atmosphere with the specific purpose to worship God for an extended chunk of time, take a look at what the Bible says about the healing ministry of Jesus, and then leave a lot of room to let God come and heal us as we pray for one another. Childcare is provided. Parents Night - Thursday, January 28 at 6pm - Calling all parents of Junior and Senior High students!! You are a chauffeur, a chef, a counselor, a schedule manager, and a coach to name a few of the many roles that you play, doing the toughest job this world offers... parenting. We want to take a night and celebrate you! Come and enjoy an evening with our student ministry teams and other parents as we share a meal together and champion one another towards the same goal, seeing your student become a student of Jesus. Find out what that will look like in the 2016 calendar year. For this potluck evening Jr. high parents please bring an appetizer or dessert and Sr. high parents a main dish. We will also be raffling off a chance to win free admission to one of our student ministry events as a way to bless your family. Childcare is provided. Artist Reception - Friday, January 29 from 7-8pm - Join us for an evening of art and inspiration as we celebrate the opening of artist LeAnn Oman's solo show "Overflowing" in the Vineyard Gallery. LeAnn creates vibrant portrait and landscape paintings using wool and finds the unique movement and color of wool fascinating to work with. This is your chance to hear the heart behind the art as shares about what inspires her and how faith in God informs her work. You will also have an opportunity to purchase some of her original artwork. Connect Tours - January 30/31 & February 27/28 after each service We have been blessed with an amazing facility here at the Duluth Vineyard. Everyday of the week we have different events happening here at our building. Everything from Small Groups, to our Food Shelf. If you've never taken a tour of the building, please join us on a guided Connect Tour. We will show you every inch of the building, from the Children's classrooms downstairs, to our industrial kitchen, and even Michael's library, and talk to you about everything that happens at the Vineyard on a weekly basis and how you can be a part of what God is doing our the community. Kingdom Family Night - Friday, February 5 at 6pm - There are so many unique ways to worship God! And though our community reflects many different ages, we can all learn to worship together! Join us for a night of worshipping our creator while expressing our own creativity. We’ll spend the night worshipping with our families through music, art, song writing, and more. Your whole family is sure to find new ways to worship our great big God! Vineyard Vision 2016 Febuary 13 & 14 for all services - We think celebrating is a big deal and we have a lot to celebrate when we reflect on all the amazing things God has done in 2015! Vineyard Vision will give us the opportunity to hear some of the stories of what God has done in our family this year and worship God in response to what he's done. We'll also share some thoughts about where God is leading us in 2016. Learn What God's Doing in Ethiopia - Tuesday, March 1 at 6pm - Come hear about what God is doing in Ethiopia through Kristi and Matt Florek, friends of the Duluth Vineyard and doctors in Ethiopia. They moved to Langano, Ethiopia in 2013 to work in a rural clinic. The past 2 years have been filled with both challenges and joy as they have shared Jesus with those they work and live with. Childcare provided. Worship Night at UMD - Sunday, February 28 at 6pm - We know college students are busy, but we also know how important it is to spend time with Jesus. So we want to make it really easy for students to experience the love of God right where they are in the midst of their busy lives. We want to provide a space for students to meet Jesus face to face and experience the power of His great love. That's why we are hosting a worship night at UMD to sing, pray, and usher in the Kingdom of God. Everyone is welcome to join us in Kirby Ballroom for an extended time of worship, a short message, and plenty of time for prayer to invite Jesus into our lives for healing and transformation. Worship & Arts Gathering - Friday, March 11 at 7pm - $2 - We are called as a community to nourish and feed the creative spark that is in us all. As we focus our attention on the creator, our interaction with him inspires and invites us into even more artistic expression. We would love for you to join us for an evening of worship and artistic expression as we seek God's heart for people creating in the kingdom. Some supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own instruments and art supplies too. This gathering is for artists, musicians, knitters, scrapbookers, dancers, writers, bakers, and creators. So in other words, everyone! Want to get more connected? Try a small group. duluthvineyard.org/get-connected/small-groups Connect Grow Serve 5 Grow - deeper into the life Jesus offers Sundays, January 10 & March 13 at 2pm Small Group Leader Training - Thursday, January 14 at 6:30pm - This is our basic training that will provide the foundational information, philosophy, tools and vision for leading a group at the Vineyard. There's time to ask questions, get prayer, and become well-equipped. Email Mike Munson at [email protected] if you are interested in becoming a small group leader. Childcare is available. Please register on your Connect form or online. Learning to Pray like Jesus - Saturday, January 30 at 9am & Tuesday, March 15 at 6pm - Do you see God come powerfully when you pray for people? Would you like to pray more effectively for others? We will give you practical steps to enable you to participate in what God is doing to bring healing to people's lives. Join us for an in-depth look at how to bring God's heart to others through prayer. Please register on your Connect form or online. Financial Peace University - Tuesdays, February 9-April 5 at 6:30pm - How would your life change if you were debt free? Taught by Dave Ramsey via DVD, this is a life-changing program that will give you the tools needed to manage your money. Cost is $93 plus shipping per person or couple (married or engaged). To register for the class and get materials, you can do so at daveramsey.com, click "Find A Class" and select "The Vineyard Church." If you need childcare, register for it online. Childcare for ages 1-11 years is available for $5 per child. Men's Worship Night - Friday, February 19 at 7pm - What happens when a group of men lose sight of themselves and get their eyes radically focused on Jesus? Join us and find out. We want to respond to God and enjoy being in his presence together. We’ll have an extended time of singing, some words of encouragement specifically for us guys, and finish up with some Holy Spirit-powered ministry time. Baptism Celebrations - February 20 & 21 Baptism Interest Meetings - January 30/31, February 5/6 & 13/14 Have you discovered a new life in Christ? Why not be baptized to celebrate and let everyone know. Please join us for an informational meeting prior to getting baptized. You can register online or at the Welcome Center. Student Ministries Winter Retreat (Grades 6-12) - Friday, March 4 through Sunday, March 6 - $115 - Have you ever wondered where your story is headed? God has an incredible journey for you, full of good and beautiful things. Discover your epic story, as we retreat away, to allow God to speak to us and transform us. We are meeting at the Vineyard at 5:30pm on March 4 and then heading to Camp Miller for a weekend full of worship, snow shoeing, and connecting with Gods story for our lives. Come and see where this adventure leads! Freedom For Life - Thursday evenings beginning February 25 at 6:30pm- $40 - This is a 13-week course at the Vineyard Church, to help you abandon all other substances and teach you how to have a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus. We welcome participation from people desiring recovery from all types of addictions and realize that there are many kinds of unhealthy addictions that bear bad fruit in our lives. You will learn how to depend on him to get all your needs met so you no longer have to use a false substitute to feel okay or as an escape from what life has dealt you. Committing to it will be the best decision you’ve ever made when it comes to your addictions and it will bring you Freedom for Life. The class is limited to the first 50 people that sign up. Your $40 payment guarantees your place in the class. To register, please complete a brief application and submit your credit/ debit card payment of $40. You can also find and submit applications and payment at our main office or the Welcome Center to register for this course. Checks can be made to DuluthVineyard Church with “Freedom for Life” in the memo. 6 Connect Grow Serve Membership - If you would like to know who we are as the Vineyard church and why we do what we do, this class is right for you! We welcome you and your family for discussion and reception to follow (Childcare is provided). During the discussion, we will take an in-depth look together at the Vineyard’s history, statement of faith, vision, values, and all the areas of ministry. You'll be invited to ask any questions you may have. And at the end of the class, you will have the opportunity to become a member. We'd be happy to have you join the family! Register online or at the Welcome Center. Maturity - Learn how to read the bible more purposefully, pray more powerfully and become a mature disciple of Christ. We will discuss practical ways to read and understand the Bible, to learn to pray more effectively, and clear direction to help you become a mature disciple of Jesus. Meeting God - Get to know and experience the Holy Spirit and learn to pray for healing in people's lives. In Revelations 1:4, God is called the "One who was, and is, and who is to come." Many people believe in "the God who was," the One who created the heavens and the earth, sent his Son Jesus, who was crucified and rose again. Many also believe in "the God who is to come," in whom we have the hope of eternal life with Jesus when we die. Unfortunately, too many don't know "the God who is." In this class, you'll meet and encounter the God "who is"; you'll get to know and experience the Holy Spirit, sent by God to bring the Kingdom of God and his presence into our lives and the world. You'll also learn how to follow His leading in praying for healing in people's lives. Ministry - Let us help you find where God's created you to serve. As followers of Jesus, we are all called to serve, and we want to help you discover what kind of serving would be best for you. From behind-the-scenes opportunities at our campuses, to supporting our international teams, to getting involved in opportunities around our city, we know God has a place for you to serve and to grow. Vineyard Core for Kids - Our mission in VineyardKids is to love children and to teach them to experience and participate in the Kingdom of God. One of the ways we want to do this is by offering opportunities for them to connect with God and people in ways that apply to their lives really well. Each time the core classes are offered we will offer a core class for kids in Kindergarten through fifth grade as well. In January we will learn about the Holy Spirit and in March we will learn about Spiritual Gifts. Serve - in the kingdom of God The Poor Box - Everyone is encouraged to participate in the ministry to the poor, through a one dollar weekly contribution, to one of the poor boxes located at each of the auditorium entrances. Each dollar buys ten dollars worth of food through our local food bank! Contributions support Fruit of the Vine food shelf. Street Teams - Mondays at 7:30pm & Wednesdays at 7pm - Do you want to serve in a way that is outside the church building and will make a big impact on people’s lives? We value God’s generous love and want to invite our neighbors to experience the impact of his love too. Meet us at the church as we bless our neighbors downtown with a free coffee as a practical expression of God’s love. Curious? Check out this informational meeting in the Welcome Lounge. You will be able to find out what we do, ask questions about this ministry, learn why it's so important to us, and sign up to serve. Contact Clint Considine, [email protected]. Street Teams Interest Meetings - January 2/3 & 30/31, February 6/7 & 13/14, and March 5/6. Prayer Send Off for Mexico Team - January 3 at 12:30pm - Join us to pray for our Mazatlan Mission Team as they prepare a 10 day mission trip. We will spend a little time explaining what the team will be doing on the trip, then have you join us as we pray over the team as a group, and conclude with a time for each team member to receive prayer. This will happen following the 11am service in the auditorium. Jr. and Sr. High Student Ministries -We are looking for people who want to make the Vineyard a place where students experience a radical welcome...a place where they are loved, valued, and accepted for who they are. Join us in helping students become students of Jesus. Ways to Volunteer: - Burn team member (Wednesday nights with Sr. Highers) -Well team member (One service a weekend with Jr. Highers) -Security -Worship team member -Communion Set up -Set up/ Clean up crew -Special events volunteer (Registration, greeting, security, host home, Set up/ Clean up, cooking) -Office volunteer -Student Small group host home Contact: Steph Bremer, Senior High, sbremer@duluthvineyard. org or 218-525-3462 or Jill Peterson, Junior High, jpeterson@ duluthvineyard.org or 218-525-3462 Young Adult and College Ministries Interest Meeting - Tuesday, January 12 at 6pm - Join us around the dinner table as we discuss all the ways we plan to love and serve the young adults in our community in 2016. Are you a young adult? Great! A not-so-young adult? Awesome! We're seeking out anyone who has a heart for college-aged folks and is interested in helping create a culture at the Vineyard where young people can engage in authentic relationships and plug into Christ-centered community. Everyone is welcome to come for a free spaghetti dinner and explore how Jesus might be inviting you to serve in this ministry. Please contact [email protected] for directions and more information. Isn't She Lovely Saturday, March 19 Light Breakfast & Registration - 9:30am Appointments at 10am-12:30pm Almost everyone enjoys a little pampering from time to time, however, not everyone has the advantage of enjoying a day at the spa. What if we had the opportunity to really love women from all backgrounds in our community who may have never enjoyed a manicure or foot soak? What if we offered free hair cuts and styles, nail painting, massages and skin care and makeup application, and when they walked away they felt incredibly loved and blessed? Come and help us serve women as we extravagantly bless the hearts and lives of many women throughout our community. Our day will begin with serving our guests a light breakfast and then the spa-fun begins! We believe God has something special for us to do together as Vineyard women, in serving others, we can already feel his smile. There's nothing more satisfying than doing something that comes naturally to us, even if it might be a little bit of work. At times it's like we're playing. At the Vineyard, we want to help you do the things you have a passion for, to serve our community. There are many ways to volunteer and serve in our community, and we’ve collected them all in one place. Check out a Volunteer Guide today. Office Administration - The administrative ministry at the Vineyard serves a critical role in supporting the pastoral staff and providing the very best customer service in Duluth to every person who calls or walks through our doors. This team greets visitors during the day, answers telephone calls, ensures the lobby area is welcoming, and performs various office tasks as needed. Contact Charlie Plys, Executive Pastor at [email protected] or 218-525-3462 for more information. Register for events & get more info online at www.duluthvineyard.org Connect Grow Serve 7 Sunday 12:30pm - Prayer Send Off for Mexico Team Monday Tuesday 7:30pm - Street Teams 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 2pm - Vineyard Core - Membership Class - Discovering Your Ministry - Maturing as Disciples - Meeting God: Exp. the HS 10 2pm - Sledding Party (4th & 5th Grades) 6pm - Unchained 17 Thursday 7pm - Street Teams 4 7:30pm - Street Teams 7pm - Wired (Grades 6-12) 5 6 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 7pm - Street Teams 6pm - Young Adult & College Ministries Intrest Meeting 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 7 7:30pm - Street Teams 12 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 10:30am & 12:30pm Baptism Meeting 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 8 13 9 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 14 15 7pm - Street Teams 16 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 18 19 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 25 7:30pm - Street Teams 26 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 20 7pm - Street Teams 21 6pm - Parents Night 27 22 7pm - Artist Reception for LeAnn Oman 28 7pm - Street Teams 29 6pm - Kingdom Family Night 1 7:30pm - Street Teams 10:15am & 12:30pm Street Team Interest Meeting 2 3 23 9am - Learning to Pray Like Jesus 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 7:30pm - Connect Tours 30 7:30pm - Baptsim Meeting 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 7:30pm - Street Team Interest Meeting 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 10:15am & 12:30pm Connect Tours 31 Vineyard Student Ministries 6:30pm - Small Group Leader Training 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 10:30am & 12:30pm Baptism Meeting Saturday January 11 7:30pm - Street Teams 24 Friday 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 10:15am & 12:30pm Street Team Interest Meeting 3 Wednesday 4 KIN GD OM N IG HT 5 7:30pm - Baptsim Meeting 6 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 7pm - Street Teams Vineyard Vision 6:30pm - Financial Peace University 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 7:30pm - Baptsim Meeting February 7 Vineyard Vision 8 7:30pm - Street Teams 10:30am & 12:30pm Baptism Meeting 14 Baptism Celebrations 10:30am & 12:30pm Baptism Meeting 6pm - Unchained 21 10:15am & 12:30pm Connect Tours 15 7:30pm - Street Teams 22 7:30pm - Street Teams 6pm - Worship Night at UMD 28 29 9 10 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 7pm - Street Teams 6:30pm - Financial Peace University 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 16 17 7pm - Street Teams 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) Baptism Celebrations 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 18 19 6:30pm - Freedom For Life 24 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 7pm - Street Teams 6pm - Learn What God's Doing in Ethiopia 7pm - The Burn (Sr. High) 1 13 7:30pm - Baptsim Meeting 6:30pm - Financial Peace University 6:30pm - Financial Peace University 12 7pm - Men's Worship Night 6pm - Fruit of the Vine 23 11 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 7:30pm - Connect Tours 25 6:30pm - Freedom For Life 2 20 3 26 Student Ministries Winter Retreat (Grades 6-12) 4 27 9:30am - Fruit of the Vine 7:30pm - Street Team Interest Meeting 5