Revelations of Awareness 2016-1 Issue No. 717


Revelations of Awareness 2016-1 Issue No. 717
2016-1 Issue No 717
Getting History Straight: Revolutionary War &
Civil War Instigated By Rothschild Illuminati—2
Magic Is Afoot As The Cosmic Wave
Comes To A Crescendo—12
Czar Of Russia Prevented France And England
From Invading US During The Civil War—2
Experiencing Anger Upon Awakening—13
Rockefeller And Others Set Up Illuminati-Planned
Federal Reserve Banking System —2
UFO Light Beam
Over The Golden Gate Bridge—13
Nelson Rockefeller Sets Stage
For World War II With Japan—3
Harald Kautz-Vella And
The Mysterious Black Goo—14
Rockefellers & Rothschilds Sold War Machinery
To Russia Then Put Relatives In
High Government Positions—3
A Shift In The Energetic Signature
Of The Human Race On Earth—3
Long-Time CAC Member Robert Hanzel
Leaves The Planet—15
The Nature Of The Soul:
Awareness Explains Some New Terminology—3
Acknowledging The Spirit Of Sentience
In All Things—16
The Fogs Of The Controllers Are Lifting, But
They Still Try To Keep Humanity's Heart Suppressed—5
Toenail FungusWhy Is It So Prevalent?—16
Concerning The Terrorist Attacks In Paris And Mali—5
Removing BPA From Our Bodies—17
Humanity Is Waking Up!—6
The Importance Of A Healthy
Inner Dialogue—17
The House Bill 2232: The Plan To Vaccinate
All Children After 2015—7
Ed Strachar Has Come To Earth
To Generate An Awakening—18
How The Controllers Cloud The Truth—7
Fish Is No Longer
A Healthy Food Choice—18
Concerning The Roseburg, Oregon Shooting—8
Free Energy Machine Prototype To Be
Thwarted By The Powers That Be—19
The Drug Synapsyl, Known As The 'Limitless Drug'—9
When Cosmic Bodies Collide—20
Earth Is A Giant Farm For Extraterrerstrials—10
Concerning Lucifer And
The Fall Of The Universes—21
Was Lincoln's Wife The One That Assassinated Him?—11
A Time Traveling Gun Runner Fighting
The New World Order?—22
Robert's 144 Lessons Are
An Important Legacy—15
A Meditation For The Heart—12
© Cosmic Awareness Communications. You may share with family and friends,
but no alterations or public dissemination of the material is permitted without permission from CAC.
CAC Revelation 79-18, Paul Shockley Interpreter; Avaton & Vikki
T. Questioners & Energizers
Getting History Straight
The newspapers, being controlled by these entities,
began to build up the background and the attitude
among the northerners to set the stage for that Civil
War. The entity Abraham Lincoln, attempting to
finance his troops, sought money from the banks, and
was told that it would cost 26% interest. This entity
then turned to the Constitution and printed the 'Lincoln
Greenbacks’ that were used for financing his armies.
*Please refer to 'Revelations of Awareness' No. 77-28 (The
Lincoln conspiracy).
Czar of Russia Prevented France and England
From Invading United States During the Civil War
This Awareness indicates that when this nation was
founded, prior to the Declaration of Independence,
(this as a colony of England) there were many entities
that arrived on this continent with hopes of beginning
a new life. Many of these entities were fleeing Europe
from debts or from crimes, that many of these entities
were considered criminal.
The entity Benjamin Franklin, in moving to England
for a visit, remarked that the colonies were profiting
because they only minted as much money as they
needed, and because they minted their own money. An
entity working with the Rothschilds overheard this
remark, and conveyed the message to the Rothschilds.
These entities then directed King George not to allow
any colonies to mint their own money; all colonies
were to use British script.
This then led to the Revolutionary War. The country
of England had been taken over through its
indebtedness due to the war with Spain—the
indebtedness being to the Rothschild banking system,
which was in collaboration with the Illuminati. This
has remained so since that time.
There were certain elements relating to the entity
Madison and also to Thomas Jefferson; that these
entities and Lafayette and George Washington and
Benjamin Franklin—these entities in particular were
aware of the banking controls and the manipulations of
nations. For this reason, the Constitution, in attempting
to guarantee freedoms for individuals, was put
together with three branches—the executive,
legislative and judicial branch—in order to divide the
power among these three branches.
These entities should have also created a financial
branch, which would also be controlled by the people,
but failed to do so; rather, they had the Constitution so
written that Congress would control the money.
Congress not only had the right to mint and coin
money but also had the right to legislate and make
laws. This allowed Congress to be manipulated at a
future time into giving away or voting away its right to
mint and coin money, by turning this over to the
Federal Reserve Bank.
It has been given previously, that the entity
Abraham Lincoln was faced with a need to finance his
troops for the Civil War. The Civil War itself was
staged and set up by the Illuminati, whereby they
brought the slaves from Africa to the southern
plantations in order to create an atmosphere that would
lead to an issue that could be used for setting up a war
that would divide the nation.
This Awareness indicates that during this time, the
British and French, both being controlled by the
Illuminati, prepared to invade the United States. The
Czar of Russia, who was a good friend of Abraham
Lincoln, warned these two nations that they would be
forced to fight Russia if they invaded the United
States. This prevented that from occurring, and the
Union armies won the Civil War. This then led the
Illuminati to its prepared efforts to take over this
country through the banking process of the Federal
Reserve System, and to take over the Russian empire
through its planned Revolutionary War.
Rockefeller and Others Set Up IlluminatiPlanned Federal Reserve Banking System
This Awareness suggests that in 1905 the entities
Henry Morgan, Paul Warburg, Nelson Aldrich (a
Senator from New York)—these three along with
Jacob Schiff, John D. Rockefeller and several others,
the names not seen clearly; these entities went secretly
by train, then by boat, to Jekyll Island where they met
for some time, discussing a plan for an economic
system that would allow the banking establishment to
control the money of this nation.
These entities developed a program that was already
written by the Illuminati, and presented by the entity
Paul Warburg, and adapted to the needs of their
purposes—this being presented as the 'Aldrich Plan'.
The majority of members of the press and of Congress
objected, knowing that Aldrich worked for the Wall
Street bankers; therefore, these entities objected to this
plan, feeling that it would not be to the benefit of the
The entities then returned and worked on an
alternative plan, presenting this as the 'People's Plan'.
Both plans were essentially the same plan, one billed
as the 'Banker's Plan', the other billed as the 'People's
Plan'. This became the Federal Reserve System. These
entities then had this Federal Reserve System passed
in Congress on Christmas Eve, when most of the
Congress had already left to go home, except for those
few working with them, who passed this Federal
Reserve Plan. This was intended to prevent any further
run on the banks, or any form of crisis in the
economics of this country.
Nelson Rockefeller Sets Stage for
World War II with Japan
This Awareness indicates that in 1929, the crash
came, and the banks collected nine-tenths of all
personal property on default of mortgages. The entities
Nelson Rockefeller (named after the Senator Nelson
Aldrich), and his brother David, during the 40's served
as assistants to the Chase Manhattan Bank and its
various interests. These entities assisted in setting up
what was known as the Pacific Institute of Research,
this in Japan.
This Pacific Institute was used to create certain
political influences in Japan, which helped to polarize
the Japanese interests against the interests of the
United States, and therefore set the stage for World
War II in the Pacific. This was with the assistance of
President Roosevelt. The entity Franklin Roosevelt not
being fully aware of what was occurring behind the
scenes, but being used as a puppet for the energies.
Essentially, John D. Rockefeller and the empire built
by him were financed after the Civil War by the
European powers of the Rothschilds, and these forces
were allowed to grow and build during World War II
into that which became the most powerful banking and
financial interest in the entire world.
Rockefellers & Rothschilds
Sold War Machinery To Russia
Then Put Relatives in High Government Positions
This Awareness indicates after World War II had
been completed, the Rockefellers assisted in selling
all of the war machinery to Russia and China, this
allowing these nations to build up their industrial war
machines and to industrialize to a high capacity in
order that they might become greater powers.
The previous statement is slightly in error. The
Rockefellers arranged the sale of this to the
Rothschilds, who were in control of Russia and China
and the Communist forces, and therefore in turn, the
Rothschilds assisted in moving the war machinery and
industries into these countries. Following this action,
the Rockefellers began to gain greater and greater
control over this present United States government.
The entity Allan Dulles, being Rockefeller's cousin,
was put in charge of the CIA. This Awareness
indicates that the entity John Foster Dulles, another
cousin, was made the Secretary of State.
Reading Extract: Michelle, Interpreter; Energizer/Questioner:
Kathy 2015
The nature of one’s health in any given lifetime is
the result of several factors interacting on a balanced
axis. The axis is reflected in the physical body as the
spine and vagus nerve and within the energy bodies it
is the central channel through which the life force,
earth and soul energies move as they charge the
biophoton body.
Since the last reading Awareness observes there
has been a decided shift in the energetic signature of
the human race on Earth. This shift has caused the
frequency of the Earth to increase, thus the cells of
the body and the structures of the energetic bodies are
also recalibrating to remain in balance with the Earth.
This alters the energy signature of the human form and
alters the ‘on’ strands of DNA.
It is as a result of this shift that what once worked
for many, is no longer working. Likewise, many areas
of healing that were once reserved for the most elite
have become available for all of life on the planet, so
that it will become common knowledge to access
Divine High Frequency Love or Universal Life Force
Energy, and to heal one’s self. The progression being
illustrated here is of the heart awakening to a higher
level of standard operation that triggers the soul
energy to engage in the body more fully.
The Nature of the Soul
Awareness Explains Some New Terminology
It has been brought to Awareness’s attention that
there is confusion about what It means when referring
to the soul energy entering ‘more fully’ into the body.
It wishes to clarify this now.
This Awareness is using terminology familiar to this
Interpreter, thus the words can be considered loosefitting but the underlying images are the key to
understanding the process described. This Awareness
observes there are truly no words in the English
language to accurately describe this process.
The soul is a vast energetic body. It contains as
many complexities as the human body and all the
energetic bodies combined. The process of ‘feeding’
the soul is often met through incarnate journeys in
dense dimensional states of reality. These dense states
of reality, like Earth, allow for the energy of the soul
to become highly focused, much like a very highpowered laser beam. This ‘laser’ of soul energy
generates an immense amount of force to arrive in a
dense reality, as it must navigate the force fields of
time, space, duality, and dark energy blockades around
the earth.
Each soul calls forward specific frequencies to allow
for experiences to transpire and the allowances
provided by free will are taken into consideration at
this time as well.
There are many stories surfacing about souls
choosing their parents and maintaining cognition of
this selection process long after birth and becoming
established in a body has occurred. This cognition is
an indicator of the individual’s soul maturity. ‘Mature
souls’ is a loose term to define a process and not a
specific age. The ‘age’ of a soul cannot truly be
understood with any language currently spoken.
The phrase ‘soul energy entering into the body’
refers specifically to the flow of very high frequency
energy moving through dense reality states into the
‘safe’ or ‘home zone’ generated by the energetic ties
of karmic agreements and the soul’s engagement with
the earth’s energy field and the energetic structures
created by the genetic materials’ interaction with the
Life Force and Soul Energy. Through this channel
Soul Energy moves into each and every atom, even the
very smallest spaces of the domain held by the soul are
entered into.
This Awareness acknowledges a paradox exists as
well. The soul is sentient. Each soul has an energy
signature, and is thus a consciousness unique with
certain ‘traits’ or ‘personality characteristics.’ Again,
Awareness is using these terms loosely. As with any
state of sentience the smallest particle contains the
It is often asked throughout history; “Where does
the soul reside?” It is both within and without. It is an
echo as well. It is the light through a prism. If one
were to take the smallest grain of sand and magnify it
until its shape is readily seen, one could observe a
complex gem exists there. Even though it requires
great magnification to ‘see,’ it inherently maintains the
same structural integrity, visual and chemical
signatures of its much larger scale aspect. So, too, is
the soul.
This Awareness is attempting to communicate a
progression has transpired wherein enough ‘mature’
souls are choosing a path on earth, and are now
responsible for acquiring the skill-set necessary to
keep the central channel fully open and the trillions
of nexus points where the soul and Life Force Energies
enter into the human form, remain open and free of
Within dense reality states there is often a large
amount of flotsam floating about the astral and
energetic realms. The earth however, in addition to
having the flotsam, has become a highly prized farm
for an astral product known as Loosh, which is derived
from the sufferings of earth and those living on her.
This adds an entirely different type of resistance,
debris, and increases the level of effort necessary to
maintain the channels in an open state.
This Awareness wishes to confirm that at this time
there is a wave of cosmic energy moving through the
galaxy. This energy is increasing and magnifying the
higher frequency of earth. It also observes the
astrological impacts on the nodes relevant to the sun;
the moon and earth are intensified as well. These
impacts affect the biophoton bodies of all living within
the galaxy, and this includes the Controllers and their
This Awareness will return now to the elaboration at
hand—the Soul Energy entering the body through
open channels.
The excessive efforts of the Controllers to generate
refined levels of suffering within higher consciousness
beings, (as this creates a highly valued ‘flavor’ of
Loosh energy) translates to a myriad of ways to
control humans and all living beings’ ability to retain
the innate and intrinsic state of health and balanced
whole self and well-being. Thus, when this Awareness
refers to health issues: physical, emotional, and
spiritual, arising as the result of blocked soul energy,
these are the concepts to which this Awareness is
The Controllers are taking a risk and a gamble by
continuing to ramp up their attacks and methods of
inducing suffering, because the critical mass of souls
arriving at a state of cognitive maturity has been
reached on the planet and the genetic codex has begun
to expand and the knowledge of how to purposefully
activate and engage the central channel to allow the
Heart Mind to completely bypass the manipulations of
the Controllers is rapidly reaching the point of
existential knowledge.
This Awareness suggests you refer to the work of
Ed Strachar, as this individual has achieved the
breakthrough to the higher levels of consciousness and
has done so while maintaining his daily life and
karmic engagements. He is one example of those
capable and able to fully affront the efforts of the
Controllers and their minions.
This Opening Message is complete. This Awareness
requests for this message to be provided to the general
membership to allow for a deeper understanding of
both the terms used by this Interpreter and of the
progression currently underway on the planet. This
Awareness offers gratitude for the energizing provided
by Kathy, such that this message could be provided at
this time.
CAC General Reading 11-27, 2015, Michelle, Interpreter; V. Sharp,
Questioner & Energizer
There are many souls that have recently left the
planet as a result of what is termed ‘terrorism’, but in
truth this is nothing different than public lynching by
the Controllers, an effort to make a public display of
death, instead of keeping it a secret. The Controllers
often massacre many humans on a daily basis, but it is
not reported or given the propaganda effect, as the
current attacks are receiving.
The Terrorist attacks in Paris and in Mali, and other
ones recently; what is the purpose of making these
Does Awareness have an opening message?
This Awareness observes a great deal of turmoil on
the earth at this time. This Awareness presents an
image of a consciousness bubble that is quickly
taking place over the entire planet. This bubble is the
impact or the effect of many minds choosing to
perceive through their heart, as opposed to through
their mind. This is upsetting the Powers That Be, and
it is forcing their hand.
The bubble effect is generated in response to the
thick veils of fog used by the Controllers to keep
humanity’s heart suppressed. Despite the heavy fog,
hearts are seeking out other hearts. Love is seeking
love. Even in the face of great opportunity for hate and
revenge and bitterness, love is being chosen. This
interconnectedness causes a vibratory shift and the
increase in vibration causes a shift in barometric
pressure, to use an analogy.
The fog is lifted; it is forced up. Within the bubble
exists clarity. The impact on the humanity within these
bubbles that are arising all over the planet at this time
creates an experience of intense chaos, as the weight
that has been present for a very long time suddenly
dissipates. It suddenly becomes apparent that the
impact of the fog on one’s body (even if one is not
conscious that the fog has been present) is removed as
it lifts and the release occurs, and one innately realigns
oneself with one’s Soul Energy and the earth.
One may experience a sudden onset of pain in one’s
body where one did not recognize there was pain
before, or a sense of confusion or distractedness. This
is the result of the weight lifting. That fog has held
one’s thinking in a specific structure, and when the fog
lifts, the structures that are innately designed for health
within the body and mind and spirit return and they are
in opposition to the current structures presented by the
This Awareness would suggest allowing oneself to
simply be during this process, maintaining oneself in a
state of love and compassion for oneself, for as this
fog lifts one will become heightened, one will develop
a heightened awareness of how one has harmed one’s
self, one’s planet, and humanity. These sensations are
always present, but have been numbed and suppressed
by the fog, the controls exerted by the media, and
through psychic attack by the Controllers.
The impact is much like the public beheadings or
lynchings that would occur. It is to incite fear, and it is
also to create a desensitization to the impact of
becoming deeply wounded within one’s heart and
soul. It is a last ditch effort by the Controllers.
Awareness has said that 2016 would be a time when
things would be changing, and the Powers That Be
will be making last desperate measures to try to win in
the end. Will we be expecting more of these attacks?
They seem to be coming every day now. I read this
morning that Brussels is under high security.
This Awareness observes there will be many efforts
to create a destabilization of the planet’s sense of
interconnectedness by creating a public spectacle of
death and harm to children and humanity. This
Awareness wishes to remind you at this time that all
things are energy.
The Controllers are fixated upon the concept that by
destroying what is in the third dimension they are
forever destroying hope for the future, as this is the
programming they have supplied humanity. This is not
in alignment with Universal Law. Anything that exists
within the third dimension can be instantly recreated if
one chooses to apply Universal Law and create those
energy structures again. This includes the human body.
Very few individuals upon the earth understand this,
thus it is not reasonable to think that all of those that
will be murdered for the sake of public display will be
able to reconstruct their bodies. Nevertheless, the
Universal Truth applies. As awareness and cognition
of this truth spreads through the bubbles of AwakenedState Individuals, their programming will begin to
falter and there will be an increase of miracles, of
those who should be dead somehow living without a
This will be the time of the Messiah, the time when
the ancient ways come to the surface once again, as
humanity begins to realign itself with its true nature
and with Universal Law, as opposed to the laws
presented by the Controllers.
So the Parisians’ reaction in the few days after the
attack was to say, “I’m not going to be afraid!” and
people got out and went to the theater and went to
restaurants and tried to make their world seem normal
again. In the long run, this is a good reaction, is that
Will the Powers That Be soon be exposed?
They will continue to be exposed, as they are
already on that track.
Humanity Is Waking Up!
It does seem that more and more people are
recognizing the patterns in all of these false flag
events. They are all the same. There was actually a
picture of the same actress in all of these events in the
last few years. I don’t remember them all, but it looked
like the same person.
This is correct. The underlying experience is of
courage; courage in the face of what should be an
ending, forcing one’s mind to step outside of its
confines of limitation, to recognize that life goes on.
There are cycles in life, even though this is a forced
cycle that has been perpetrated upon a community of
people, it is a community wherein the hearts are
connected, so that even though there was a great loss
and great trauma, the souls that departed are
encouraging and supporting those who are still
incarnate beings.
The love has maintained. The structure of love, the
structure of connection between the souls that have
passed, and those that remain here, has maintained. It
is sustained. This is the power of community.
One of the reactions within the United States, and
I’m thinking that this is probably what the Powers
That Be wanted, is to send US troops back, “boots on
the ground”…is this what the Powers That Be are
trying to achieve?
It is all a play. It is all an effort to create a show at
this point. This Awareness observes there are very
small purposes for relocation of troops. It is in part an
effort to disenfranchise the sense of community within
the United States. This is what could be deemed a halfhearted attempt, because as the community of the
Parisians has proven, that even in death, their sense of
love maintained.
This indicates to the Controllers that humanity has
reached an exponential point of expansion. They had
not anticipated this being a success by humanity. This
has truly been a ground roots movement. Much like
the forest communicates, the souls of humanity have
been communicating with each other, sending signals,
very small and quiet, about the power of love and
Indeed it is. This Awareness observes this as a prime
example of how humanity is waking up. As a result of
humanity seeking more of its heart and its connection
to the earth, the seeking of truth becomes more
intense, and as this seeking intensifies, the Universal
Laws that have been corrupted by the Controllers
become corrected, and the natural flow of energy that
allows for the truth by Universal Law to be exposed
when it is called forth is becoming realized.
The Controllers have manipulated the Universal
Laws in their impact on the earth through very careful
misconstructions of truth fed to humanity over a great
span of time, slowly shifting what is perceived of as
truth until it is at an 180-degree difference. Such
suppression of the Universal Law creates a severe
conflict within the human soul’s experience of life on
earth. It results in many anger issues: paranoia and
deep-seated fear are the natural responses when one is
completely out of alignment with truth.
As individuals begin to use their heart and connect
to the earth, even if for no other purpose than to
simply pay it forward with kindness, which does not
involve an understanding of Universal Law, it still is
energy that is utilized by the soul to realign itself with
the natural progression of truth, and slowly, that 180degree difference lessens and lessens and lessens until
the soul becomes enlivened again within the
structures of the body.
Some will experience this as a sudden awakening, or
a spiritual experience. This can be observed occurring
at this time within certain celebrities, and certain
individuals of great wealth as well.
Do you have an example?
There is an individual, a man who had acquired a
great wealth. He applied this wealth to the upliftment
of an entire community in Florida. This community
was experiencing the high school graduation rate of 10
percent. After he came in and encouraged and
provided funding for food and clothing and daycare
and college education funds for every child, the
graduation rate went to 100 percent.
The sense of community within this space was
heightened incredibly, and many souls, all at once
were allowed to experience the giving and receiving.
This Universal Law allows for grace and gratitude
and love to enter into the cellular structures of one’s
body, allowing an upliftment, and a dissolving of hate,
and a dissolving of trauma, and a dissolving of fear, so
that an entire grouping of souls is able to experience
alignment with their true source.
Yes. It states in the paper that the Bill is going
nowhere, and on the Internet there are petitions people
are signing, and the petition is saying to kill the Bill
2232, to vaccinate all the children after 2015. It seems
like by what you just said in the Opening Message,
that there really should be no concern because the
Powers That Be are losing. Could Awareness please
give an update on this House Bill 2232?
This Awareness observes this to be a test by the big
pharmaceutical companies to observe where they
stand within the communities regarding vaccinations.
If the Bill were to pass, they would begin dumping
funds into the next step, which would be to microchip
If the Bill fails, they will begin to fund other areas,
which would include an expansion of their food
poisoning and of creating and/or deepening their reach
into drugging the infant and child populations.
That’s very hopeful. Does Awareness have some
advice for the members as to how to get through these
coming trying times and be able to feel those changes
that Awareness just described, and find what we are
striving for?
Because this Bill is not moving anywhere in
Congress right now, is it most likely that it will fail
and other means will be used?
This Awareness would suggest finding any and all
ways within one’s daily life, and this is the key, for it
is within the moment-to-moment attention to one’s
heart that one is able to fully awaken into one’s heart,
choosing love over fear in every moment, choosing
love over hate, choosing love over fear or anxiety or
Thank you Awareness. Regarding another topic that
has been in the news lately, the House Bill 2232,
which is to vaccinate all children after 2015, there has
been a lot of chat on the Internet about that. I read in
the paper today that it is really going nowhere as a
Bill. Is this something that we, the people should
worry about?
This Awareness questions whether this is about the
need for fear and worry or about the nature of the Bill
itself and its progression through the government. Are
you asking to know if this is an issue to be concerned
This Awareness observes this to be correct, yes.
How the Controllers Cloud the Truth
Thank you. Is there anything else regarding current
events that Awareness would like to speak of?
This Awareness would offer one other element of
protection against the Controllers, and that is the act of
detachment. The Controllers are preying on
humanity’s desire to feel included, and to feel part of a
bigger picture. This includes the pain and the suffering
of others, as though it was occurring to themselves.
This Awareness suggests that in the act of
detachment—that state of removing oneself, removing
one’s energy from engaging in the suffering of another
—is different from the state of understanding and
compassion for another that is suffering. This is an
area wherein the Controllers have deeply clouded the
So humans have a need to be included. Is this
because of the lack of community through the way
things have moved away from a feeling of
Yes, this is another area in which the Controllers
have manipulated Universal Law. For in truth,
according to Universal Law, all are connected. This
does not imply, as the Controllers have made it seem,
that when the neighbor suffers with cancer that you
yourself should suffer with cancer. This is the
application currently employed by the Controllers. It
prevents one from maintaining one’s sacred
Was he programmed to do this?
This bleeding-through of sharing suffering to such
an extent that one’s own soul takes on the suffering
lesson of that other individual; the entanglement and
enmeshment that results causes the loss of two lives,
of two anchor points of Light.
The natural state of compassion allows one to sit
with another that is suffering deeply, either from
disease or grief or loss or trauma, and to offer concern
and care and compassion and love without becoming
So in a sense, the true way is sharing of your Light
with the person who is hurting, and the way the
Controllers have changed it a bit, is that the darkness
that someone is feeling is shared with the person of
Light and it brings them both down, rather than
bringing them both up?
If one remains in an unawake state and simply takes
in the media and the conditioning provided by the
Controllers through the food, through TV, magazines,
radio and the social media outlets; if one perceives it
this way, then yes, he was programmed.
This Awareness observes there was the presence of
mind-altering drugs. It is not clear at this time if they
were of a pharmaceutical grade, but they allowed
darker forces, energies—astral parasites to gain
entrance to his spinal cord. This is very common
within humanity at this time. These parasites create a
clouding effect of one’s conscience, one’s ability to
connect to their heart and to their source.
Did he take these mind-altering pharmaceuticals of
his own free will?
They were prescribed by the authorities in his life.
Ultimately, this is again, a reflection of one who lives
within a controlled environment, an environment that
is controlled and programmed to create hate and fear,
resulting in a trauma.
This is exactly correct. Yes.
This question is from M, of East Hampton,
Connecticut, who is originally from Roseburg, Oregon
and she has some questions regarding the Oregon
UCC shooting. This was her hometown and she is very
saddened to see this. “Regarding the Roseburg,
Oregon UCC shooting, was the shooter under the
influence by another person, or group, or was he
programmed to do this? What was his reason for doing
He was under the influence of the Controllers, a
product of the media, a product of religion, and a
product of the food he consumed. This Awareness
observes that in a society in which every aspect of
one’s surrounding, including the food and the water
one consumes, the bed upon which one sleeps, is
contaminated with the impact of the Controllers, and
one exists in a state of complacency to this reality, one
becomes easily affected and moved to act in ways that
are counterintuitive to one’s soul, and counterintuitive
to the benefit of humanity.
He simply followed what was in his surroundings.
He adhered to the crooked version of Universal Law
that had been provided to him. It was a choice made
by his soul to enter into a lifetime in which he would
have to fight very hard to wake up. It is evident from
his actions that he was unsuccessful in his endeavor.
Her last part of the question was: “What was his
reason for doing this?”
He assimilated the programming provided to him by
the media, by the Controllers. He believed he was
acting in a righteous manner to save his soul. Upon
crossing over he was given the opportunity to return to
his native state of clarity and wholeness. This process
of cleansing is still underway.
She adds, “Also, Roseburg, Oregon had a dynamite
truck blow up at midnight and destroy 13 city blocks,
making the national news in 1959. What is the karma
of Roseburg? What is going on there?”
The area of Roseburg, along with other cities in that
area, was a critical nexus point for the Klu Klux Klan.
That would provide some karma!
It allowed for the anchoring of many demonic
beings on the astral field of those cities.
It could be that it was that kind of being that went
into the killer of the college students.
Indeed. This Awareness observes that there are
many areas, many cities within the United States that
have been anchored by the Klu Klux Klan, and these
areas are now cluster points used by the Controllers.
What are some of the other cities?
This Awareness observes that the majority of the
Oregon Coast, the corridor currently maintained by
Interstate 5; there is a preponderance of anchor points
throughout this pathway. It is for this reason that it is
also a highly prized pathway for human trafficking.
These energy points, the anchors; do they go back in
past history, to the Indians, or way before them? Have
these been used previously for other things?
This Awareness observes that in the founding of the
United States, the intention behind the location of
many cities on the sacred grounds of Native
Americans, thus creating intentional and purposeful
destruction of what was sacred, what was of a high
frequency, and lowering the frequency by creating
trauma and fear and pain and suffering in these areas,
thus stifling the earth’s ability to clean itself…
Are these like veins for Mother Earth? Like the
veins that we have in our bodies?
This is correct. They are equal to the meridian lines
on the human body, thus the Controllers have
intentionally created energetic congestion at these
What is being done now to change the energies
There are specific groups within humanity that have
been called upon to outreach to the earth to clear these
areas of the trapped emotions, the trapped suffering,
for part of the Controllers’ impact is that they have
created encapsulated traumas, in the way that they
killed the life that lived there, encapsulating the trauma
so that the souls cannot leave.
For those who are interested, those who feel called
to do so, it is available to learn the processes of
releasing souls without encumbering themselves
with such darkness and trauma as they carry. It is a
process in action that allows for the alignment of one’s
soul to the true Universal Law. It is an area of great
disturbance for the earth itself.
Is this available on the Internet, how to find the
information you were just talking about, how to clear
these energies?
This Awareness will provide this within a separate
The next question is from NK of South Africa. “I
wish Awareness could share some insight into a legal
drug called Synapsyl which is also known as the
"limitless drug" after the movie 'Limitless' because it
is said to boost the brain, make one super focused and
calm, retain memory, make people excel in whatever
they are doing (sports, school, quiz games, etc). Could
you please make this inquiry about this drug in your
regular channelings? Thank you again.”
This is a drug that forces the synapses of the brain
into a state that corresponds with a heightened
awareness. It also releases a derivative drug within the
brain that spurs hyper-connection, artificially. When
this drug has been taken over a period of time and the
rest of the body is not also operating at this frequency,
it causes the endocrine and adrenal system within the
body to collapse.
When one arrives at this state of heightened
awareness through the natural process of personal
choice and awakening, these structures of the adrenals
and the endocrine system—their atomic structures also
change to support this higher frequency. This is a new
type of manipulation used by the Controllers in an
effort to show people that they do not need to actually
awaken to receive the benefits of being awakened.
But the short cut doesn’t work, and having this drug
is a trick by the Controllers to make people think that
if they do this and they love it, their body will fail
anyway, so we can look forward to this heightened
feeling if we do it the correct way?
Yes. The experience that the drug provides is the
equivalent to one’s soul being in alignment and the
veils and the fog provided by the Controllers is
Would it be helpful to try this once, to see what you
are striving for?
This Awareness does not perceive this as being
effective, because the experience that one would
engage in is only partial. It is only the brain, the
nervous system, while the rest of the body remains in a
state of panic, as the vibratory frequency of the entire
structure is not available for that frequency.
That makes sense. It’s nice to know that this is what
it feels like when we awaken all the way. This next
question is from ED in Denmark. “Denmark is
affected by geo-engineering with excessive rain, less
sunshine. As an organic farmer I see the result as
lower yields in fruits and vegetables, and more fungus
We know that governments around the world are
engaged in this weather warfare, and behind them are
secret Illuminati societies. I get the thought that they
are under influence of aliens, probably the reptiles
from Orion. Do they want a climate change of this
earth so they get a more comfortable place to live?”
Would Awareness please comment?
That’s horrid! So if we can indeed change the
energies so that we aren’t suffering and we do move
ourselves into the Awareness Beings that we should
be, they will starve, is that correct?
They will simply move on to another planet.
This Awareness observes that those who are in
possession of the planet at this time are using it
primarily for the purpose of farming. They are not
intending to live upon the planet itself. It is not
hospitable to their needs in any way, but they are
content with their current living situation.
They generate suffering on this planet, which creates
an astral product called ‘Loosh’ that is harvested, and
is a product that they consume themselves as well as
being a product that they sell to other races that
consume dark energy, or suffering energy, as a means
of supporting themselves.
This planet is a farm planet.
Very interesting. One question concerning the
original question: “The excessive rain causing more
fungus. Is the reason for that to cause more suffering
in that part of the world? And what can be done to
Indeed. It allows for a shift in the frequency of that
community. This Awareness would suggest deepening
one’s communication with the earth as well as the
crops that are being grown. Through this
communication, through the heart, with love, one
allows for a conversation to take place.
This would be a conversation most likely to occur
without words, but with images and feelings,
emotions, colors, sensations; this communication will
allow a deepening of understanding of what is needed
by the plants within the soil to strengthen themselves
and prevent the fungus from being able to make a
home upon the plant.
Everything is energy, and as everything is energy,
therefore, with the correct amount of power, love and
Universal Life Force, one is able to transform the
current structure into one that is more in alignment
with its true nature, which is health and wholeness.
This is the Divine State, the natural state of all life
upon the planet.
Vikki’s Reminder: Michael Roads' “Talking with Nature; Journey
into Nature”. We have this book available through the following link:
and I highly recommend it for your reading pleasure and
Correlations between the Lincolns and Kennedys
Thank you Awareness. This next question is from
TH of Fond du Lac, WI. “This a far out story but no
more so than others that CA said are true. The claim is
that Lincoln had a lover who bore two children by
him. Lincoln's wife found out about this and plotted
his death for revenge. There have always been stories
of Lincoln's wife having mental problems and/or drug
use but maybe, just as today, those were cover stories
to keep her out of sight so that the truth would not
come out.
The strange thing is that there is a site that claims
that Jackie Kennedy was the one who fired the fatal
head shot at JFK from a derringer she had in her purse.
There is even a video that purports to show this
through detailed examination of the Zapruder film.
The charge is also made that Jackie was actually
Jewish and also an early victim of mind control and
was used by the Israeli Zionists to help in the murder
of JFK because of his opposition to Israel obtaining
nuclear weapons. I watched the video and found it
inconclusive, although I could see what the guy who
made it thought he saw.
The reason I mention all of this is because of all of
the well-known correlations between Kennedy and
Lincoln and wonder if Lincoln's wife really did shoot
him, could JFK's wife doing the same thing be yet
another similarity between the two?”
I guess the first question would be: “Did Lincoln’s
wife actually shoot him because of jealousy, because
he had two children by a lover?”
This Awareness observes that the Kennedys and the
Lincolns possessed souls that struck forward with the
intention of awakening in their respective lifetimes.
So the Controllers made sure that the women they
ended up with were controlled by them, the
The Controllers think of everything don’t they!
This Awareness observes that she was indeed
manipulated, and she was indeed under the influence
of an opiate that was prescribed for anxiety. This
Awareness wishes to note that the impact of the
Controller’s efforts is truly what is behind these
women behaving and making the choices that they
made. It is for this reason that the energies around the
understanding of these murders are so complicated.
There were a great deal of forces and energies which
wished to see these individuals, Kennedy and Lincoln
So the Controllers controlled the wives of both
Kennedy and Lincoln?
This is correct. Jackie Kennedy is seen as being
manipulated from a very young age, so that she had
very little free will in the end.
I can see this, so the fact that there have been many
similarities and correlations between the Kennedys
and the Lincolns, too many to name, was that an
intentional thing, one of the tricks the Controllers do
for their entertainment?
Not everything. As this Awareness has suggested
previously, the controllers are unaware of the grass
root movement of connectivity that is occurring among
humanity. They are unprepared for the bubbles of
connected awareness that are occurring at this time on
the planet. There are specific Universal Laws, which
they do not comprehend the impact of when applied to
They have focused all of their attention on the
manipulation of the population to create suffering, and
in like-mindedness, they have convinced themselves
that the human population will maintain its dumbed
down state, its numbed state, and will continue to
comply with their farming processes.
This Awareness would use the example of the
farmer in Denmark. By his choice to deepen his
connection to the earth and communicate with the
plants themselves, seeking to assist in aligning their
structures with their true state, he reverses the impact
of the Controllers in that area and upon himself.
This trickles out to the community in which he
lives, and others will begin to awaken as well. It is this
ability to connect that the Controllers do not
understand, nor have they taken it into account, nor is
there any move from the Controllers to prevent such a
connection from taking place. The Controllers are
flawed as well.
Would Awareness like another question or would
Awareness like to give a closing message?
This Awareness would like to present a closing
message at this time. This Awareness wishes to
present an image to assist in the detachment process.
This Awareness would suggest that you make yourself
comfortable, either in a reclining position or a sitting
position, allowing yourself to take deep breaths. At the
end of each inhale, hold the breath for the count of
three, and then five, and then nine, and release.
Repeat for another three breaths, holding at the top
of each inhalation. At the first inhalation is a hold of
three, at the second a hold of five, and at the third a
hold of nine. Allow your breathing to continue in long
and deep and slow breaths, allowing oneself to become
aware and present with one’s own heartbeat.
Allow any thoughts that arise to simply flow past
you, as though the thoughts were simply drifting down
a river before you. Recognize that one’s heartbeat,
one’s heart is your center. It is the point of one’s
awareness. Allow yourself to experience the mind as
being above, and you are resting gently within the
heart, quietly, peacefully resting.
Become aware that while you sit within the heart
there is also a channel of energy that runs up and down
through the heart. It is breathing in and out, up and
down, and the energy moves. Follow the energy up to
the center of the brain to the pineal gland, like a
periscope. From your heart, send love and thanks to
the center of the brain.
This Awareness suggests witnessing this
progression, observing the emotions and the feelings
that occur—the physical sensations. Next, allow
yourself to travel through the root chakra and through
the bottom of your feet, even if inclined, into the earth
itself, deep into the earth. You will perceive her
heartbeat as well. Just as her heart beats, so does
Witness this until your heartbeat and the earth’s
heartbeat become the same beat. Offer your gratitude
to the earth for anchoring you to her, so that you can
walk upon the earth in a functional form. Allow
yourself to receive her love, her support, her guidance,
and her assurance. Allow it to well up through your
feet into your knees and hips and intestines, rising up
into your heart, moving up to the pineal gland, and up
through the crown chakra, up and up to your soul.
This allows the formation of the axis upon which
one operates to be formed consciously. This axis is a
breathing living structure whose ability to function in a
whole state is dependent upon one’s consciousness of
it, and one’s willingness to maintain its structure and
If and when society/humanity lives without the veils
and the heavy fog of the Controllers’ influence, these
structures will maintain themselves easily, with very
little effort. Until that time, maintaining these
structures will require a great deal of effort, yet the
maintaining of them is necessary in order for one to
fully align oneself with the earth and with one’s ability
to fully awaken.
This Awareness observes there will be many
experiences of tingling sensations, or colors floating in
front of one’s face as one experiences this opening and
alignment. It is common when this alignment takes
place to begin to feel like giggling, spontaneous
emotions of laughter and joy taking place. This is all
normal and to be expected.
This Awareness would encourage practicing this
often, as it will allow oneself to begin the process of
creating and maintaining the bubble effect. This
Awareness would encourage maintaining an open
mind through the communication with the heart, as the
heart has a language all of its own that is separate and
unique from that of the mind.
All of life is seeking communication and connection.
It is an innate and intrinsic state that is in adherence to
Universal Law. This is a first step in understanding
CAC General Reading 10-28, 2015, Michelle, Interpreter; V. Sharp,
Questioner & Energizer
Does Awareness have an opening message?
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge V. Sharp
taking on the role of energizer at this time.
This Awareness wishes to again confirm the
presence of the cosmic wave as it continues to move
through the universe at this time. The expansion
experienced by humanity at this time is still
happening, and as the wave continues to move
through, the unfolding of its energy impact will
This Awareness indicates the initial crescendo has
been reached. This is not to say there will not be
crescendos yet to come, but the first crescendo is
important to acknowledge, as it is a gateway for many
souls to awaken.
Does Awareness have advice for folks to be able to
see through the artificial and use this as a positive
thing, as a way to elevate their soul growth?
This Awareness observes the veil between the
animal kingdom and the human kingdom will continue
to become thin. There will be more instances of
animals coming forward to assist humans in need,
creating the opportunity for the Laws of Gratitude and
Grace and Mercy to become activated at a very
conscious and present level for many people.
This Awareness also observes a boiling anger
present within many humans at this time and as this
wave has reached its crescendo and its impact begins
to spread, this anger begins a process of
metamorphosis. Those forces in position of control do
not understand how or why this metamorphosis can
take place, as it is counter-intuitive to their
Experiencing Anger Upon Awakening
This Awareness would advise that in the instance
where anger arises, as one reads the news or observes
the news or perceives controls, to relocate one’s
awareness into one’s heart, to review those same facts
a second time, but through the lens of an open heart,
commanding to see the truth.
This process activates within one’s intrinsic
knowing the Universal Laws so that what is hidden
becomes exposed. Within this process of viewing
through the lens of the heart, one is sending love to
that which it sees, to that which it hears, to that which
it touches. There is a breathing that occurs between
what is seen and one’s heart.
In this way, if there is truly the requirement for
anger to exist, it will come to the surface, along with a
Awareness is this anger for this metamorphosis, or is
this a result of the energies that just recently peaked?
This anger is a result of the conditioning and
programming by those powers in control. The
controllers have sought to generate a constant presence
of anger within certain soul-type individuals.
Is the anger a reaction to understanding how they are
trying to control us, and a way for more people to
understand what is actually going on?
It appears to be two-fold. There are those who are
awake, and their anger is also a result of their
awakened state and the state of being controlled, and
there are those who are not yet awake, but who have
become ensnared in the anger projections provided
to them by the media.
For example, the media presents an image of
specific religious individuals as being a source of
impending harm, and thus to protect themselves and
their family they must attack and hold anger toward
those individuals. This observation is of the presence
of artificially catalyzed anger, and this is
predominantly found within individuals in the United
The wave of energy that is moving through is
superseding the controls executed by the Controllers,
and is encouraging a metamorphosis of that anger to
transpire. As this becomes indicated on their
observation tools, they will intensify their efforts to
stimulate the artificial catalyzation of anger within
these individuals.
That sounds positive. Thank you Awareness. The
second question is from VT in Olympia, WA. There
was a video on line where a UFO light beam
appeared for one full minute over the Golden Gate
Bridge, in San Francisco, in August 2015. In the
video, in addition to the light beam, which was very
obvious, there was also electrical-like activity between
the bottom of the beam and the water.
Would Awareness please explain what was actually
This Awareness observes this was a probe. The
probe was seeking to identify the status of a chemical
filled container located some feet beneath the surface
at the bottom of the channel. This Awareness observes
the container is buried quite deep and contains a
chemical substance that is both radioactive in nature
and possesses a virus as well. This container appears
to have been placed there through an interdimensional
shift, as part of an experiment by the US government.
Does this complete the question?
Were the entities using the beam trying to locate it
so that it could be destroyed? Who was using the
The craft was operated by scientists from the United
States government.
Wow, I have no further questions on this. Perhaps
others can come up with follow-up questions. Our
third question is from LH in San Francisco, CA. “On
YouTube, there is a video by a German scientist
named Harald Kautz-Vella, and in it he discusses
two distinct types of black goo. At one point he talks
about this liquid crystal black goo as being conscious.
It is thought to be the seed of civilization, as well as
the holder of our human collective subconscious,
AKA, the Akashic Records.
He continues to distinguish the black goo found in
the center of our earth acting as a crystalline
consciousness or computer, versus the meteorite black
goo that first came to our earth roughly 80,000 years
ago. He further stipulates that the foreign black goo
has been infiltrating our holographic matrix, which
causes the negative and subversive energies
originating from our universe.
As coincidence would have it, earlier in the week, I
was directed to an interesting blog site where the
writer says that the Shiva lingam is actually a
meteorite stone from a binary star named
Marthanda, which contains DNA.
Question #1) As far as I am concerned, this is not
coincidental that I discovered this in just the last four
days while searching randomly on the Internet. What
exactly are these two types of black goo?”
This Awareness observes a quasi-physical substance
present within the structure of the earth’s core. This
substance is not uncommon within the core of a planet.
The words to understand such a concept as presented
by this ‘goo’ make it very vague in definition.
Scientists do not yet understand the processes involved
in dense matter existing within a multiverse.
The goo is predominantly black in nature as a result
of the carbon-based life forms on this planet.
So in a basic way, it does contain DNA.
Correct, but it is a DNA signature of all the life
forms of this planet, throughout all of time. This
includes future times, because it is a substance
generated by the collapse and regeneration of the
multiverse. It is a byproduct of the Pranic Breath of the
planet itself.
So it wouldn’t be right to call it a seed, because it is
everything that has been on this planet, up until this
No, it also contains future material. It stands beyond
this time. It is a substance, which exists within a dense
state, yet what it contains is not held by time and
Wow. So it is what life is made of!
Not exactly, because it is a byproduct of the Pranic
Breath of the planet. It is not the breath itself, which is
life itself. It is the byproduct produced as the result of
the earth breathing within a multiverse reality. So if
the earth is a drop of water suspended on the tip of a
blade of grass, and around that droplet of water the
seasons pass, very, very fast, it generates a
kaleidoscope, a prism of light.
Then add into this that there are many versions of
earth simultaneously existing and breathing and those
seasons are also passing, and that light is also passing
through the droplet of water, and a record is kept of
every particle of light that moves through the water
droplet that is the earth. Does this provide a better
Yes. My question is, does the consistency of that
goo change with the planet’s karma, with the way
people evolve, with the way the earth elevates? Does
that change, and become less carbon-based?
The planet itself will always contain a carbon
signature. Even when it has shifted its structure, it will
retain the markers of a carbon-based form. As the
water droplet experiences heat, it will release a vapor,
so in this sense, yes. But the goo itself is a byproduct
of the planet breathing. The goo substance may
become more fluid, but its density and its static nature
is not defined by its existence within the multiverse.
That’s very interesting. There is a second part of this
question. “There is much phenomena on this earth and
in this universe that is most likely beyond our human
comprehension. For individuals on the spiritual path
and seeking liberation in this incarnation, are we to
give much time and attention to these stories of form?”
This Awareness observes there is an infinite number
of potentials, experiences, reflections, and refractions,
that allow for a limitless experience of miracles, of
intricate bizarre presentations of density and transition
on the planet. This Awareness indicates that none of
these, specifically, further one’s ability to become
liberated in this lifetime.
They are present for their own experience, for these
structures as they exist; they experience themselves,
which is the gift of density. Cosmic Energy entering in
to density maintains a sentience, a spirit that allows It
to experience Itself. The laws of the universe allow a
shared experience, so that in experiencing beauty, laws
of reciprocation come into play and a deepening of
Spirit is available.
This is to say, that if one is called to observe such
things as volcanoes or black goo or lightning or the
transition of seasons, or gems or the ocean, or children
growing, or animals; this is the intuitive nature of
one’s heart seeking to deepen its sentience, through a
shared reciprocation of joy in the beauty of transition.
That, in and of itself fuels the process of liberation. It
is not in itself liberating. There is a difference.
The honoring of the reciprocation elicits the
deepening. The allowance of the deepening is the seed
of liberation.
That’s very beautiful! So there is no difference. To
give time and attention to the things that are in life,
and enjoy beauty and love and children and animals
and everything that the world brings is all part of
enlightenment in this lifetime.
Thank you Awareness. This question is about Robert
Hanzel. This is a salute and a question about and for
Robert Hanzel, a long-time CAC member who
passed on October 5th, 2015. The question is from MT,
in Holyoke, Massachusetts. She says, “My heart
weighs heavy with deep sadness that someone so near
and dear to so many for so long has left us.
I noticed right away that since Robert took one and
a half years to finish his greatest work to date: his
velvety voice completing all 144 lessons on CD, based
upon each of the 12 signs of the zodiac—another of
his loves, as he headed the Tucson Astrological
Society. This reveals to us who in fact, we really are
by way of instructions on how to become more than
we knew we could ever be, as eternal souls encased in
a physical body, that have the ability to become
anything that we want in this life, by cosmic design,
by way of Cosmic Awareness.
Then he slipped away, right after the completion of
one of the most important lessons ever given to
mankind, and that tells us that his soul had a definite
plan to leave, and October 5th was his completion here.
I’ve known Robert for decades now and even did
some work for him by transcribing tapes he sent to me
of copies of questions from Creston (Paul Shockley’s
son in law), the very information that cost Ron
Rummel, (Creston) his life: the undercover historical
work entitled 'The Alien Digest' was put in volume
three of 'The Universal Seduction', by Angelico
I also knew that he was far more than most of us
could ever imagine as well. He sent me paperwork that
mentioned how he was also a 999 Sach Khan Earth
Warrior (Sach Khan is a planet that Awareness has
told us is one of the highest dimensional places in the
universe where one is always in a state of pure bliss)
and he came here to do The Great Work for mankind.
Without any warning he would be called to duty
when something big was going down and our precious
lives needed protecting. One time he said his people—
one of which was an old time CAC member, Jack
Katchmar who also hailed from Vega 22 and when he
passed he went straight back home to that planet
joining Creston, and the two of them were part of a
team that once had to do battle with the Powers That
Be underneath Wall Street—he told me the team burst
right through the wall in his home to get him when he
was needed.
Robert sent me his personal reading from Awareness
and in it he was referred to as a Cosmic Wanderer who
also had a lifetime in Atlantis in a high position that
was similar to being a High Priest at that time. We
both felt that we knew each other 'back in the day' as
my personal reading from Awareness placed me there
along with Vikki T herself and another longtime
member, Leonard Donsbach.
Robert was the most humble human being I have
ever known, a true Light Worker, and I feel that upon
his passing that he was met with a resounding thunder
of applause for his last lifetime serving mankind on
this planet. CAC has lost a great soul, a true family
member and Freedom Fighter. He told me around the
time of 12/21/12 that he was hoping he would be able
to ascend to Planet A.
I want to ask at this time would Awareness through
our new Interpreter give It's own salute to Mr. Robert
Hanzel and let all of us who remain behind for now
know what exactly happened to him upon his passing
over—particularly if his people came and got him...
but most of all to give word to Bob that we are all lost
without him and will look forward to when we can
again meet.
I can almost visualize him greeting us when we go
through our upcoming shift and him showing us all the
work he did after his departure in preparation of his
cosmic family in order to start our new beginnings on
yet another planet...this one where we can finally live
in peace.” That’s the end of the letter.
Robert’s 144 Lessons Are
An Important Legacy
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge that his
soul is present. This Awareness acknowledges the
final transmission of the final 144 lessons is the
culmination of a great awakening of this one’s soul. It
allowed the final vestiges of karmic attachment to be
released, so that in his passing, he was able to deeply
engage his soul energy into the words and the spirit
structures of his work.
This is to say that those who read his works or listen
to his works will receive a small part of his soul. This
is a highest honor, a gift from the mature soul to those
who are journeying the path of awakening. He wishes
to communicate his deep love and appreciation for all
the souls that held him close and that honored his
journey, his path to immortality, for in truth, the
Universal Laws that allow for the transference of soul
energy into one’s work, is indeed a form of
It is a transmission practiced by the great yogis and
now, by this divine soul.
Thank you Awareness, that was quite an honor. And
I'm sure he is not finished with his work.
He was received in a very humble and honoring
way, and his soul has transitioned into its next stage of
CAC General Reading 11-7, 2015, Michelle, Interpreter; V. Sharp,
Questioner & Energizer
The first question is from JK, in San Francisco, CA.
“Many of us have toenail fungus. Can Awareness
recommend a natural remedy that will work? Why is
this toenail fungus so prevalent?”
Thank you Awareness. Is there a closing message?
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge a further
transition within the structure of CAC. It will come to
pass within three months. This Awareness encourages
an opening in allowing a seeking to review events
through the heart. As the wave of Cosmic Energy
continues its unfoldment, there will be many souls that
will experience release of their form, of their beliefs,
of structures that they have held very tightly to.
This Awareness advises the importance of charging
and clearing one’s water, acknowledging the Spirit of
Sentience in all things as this transition begins. The
Karmic and Universal Laws that apply when one
communicates through emotive thought, language
without words, innately requires the activation of such
Universal and Karmic Laws in their higher form.
There is great support present for this transition.
This Awareness observes a speeding up effect that can
make it easy to lose sight of activating the highest
level of communication, yet it is at this heightened and
increased pace that such communication is most
important, for it reveals the deeper truths, and truth at
this time, is freedom.
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge the use of
turmeric for this energizer on a daily level would be
advised, to assist in healing, bringing awareness to the
sentient spirit of one’s lungs, nurturing and
encouraging their life force imbibement, allowing the
release of that which causes pain, and calling forth in
its place that state of forgiveness and grace.
There is deep healing available at this time.
That was beautiful, thank you Awareness.
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge that when
the body is out of alignment with the energies of the
earth, the places where one touches the earth can
become weakened in their immunity. Fungus is a life
form that seeks a willing host and it finds a perfect
home in the toenails of humans who are out of
alignment with the earth’s energies.
The first thing this Awareness would suggest is to
tell the fungus to leave. As all life forms are sentient, it
will hear your declaration. To prevent the fungus from
returning, one needs to generally make an aligned
connection to the earth’s energies. This Awareness
would suggest taking time to center into the earth, by
placing one’s feet directly upon the earth.
For those in areas that are very cold, this can be
problematic, but there are ways to resolve it. One can
also meditate, focusing on the vibration, the frequency
of the earth. In developing a conversation or
communication, or communing with that energy, as
one engages in this communication, there will likely
arise a realization, an awareness of how one’s daily
actions impact and affect the earth, as this is the area
where many are out of alignment.
So going barefoot is a very good thing!
Indeed. Yes.
You would think that from the regular population,
that might be how you would catch the fungus!
Yes. If one is walking barefoot on the earth while
throwing trash and detergent and cutting down all the
trees, and polluting all the waters, then walking
barefoot will not be generating alignment with the
earth. Going barefoot is a way of creating a natural
bridge between the earth’s consciousness and the
individual’s consciousness. It allows the imbalances
that are present to arise to the surface for resolution.
This is not to say that one should expect oneself to
suddenly have no imprint, no negative impact upon the
earth. This Awareness is attempting to describe the
experience of accountability to the earth for what one
has allowed to happen, or what one has done to the
earth as a sentient being.
The presence of the fungus can be assisted in
leaving through the use of apple cider vinegar. Tea
tree oil will also assist in the process, but it will return
if the toenail remains a happy host. A healthy toenail
of a body that is in alignment with the earth’s energies
and frequencies is not going to become a host for the
fungus. Does this make sense?
Somewhat. I myself had two toenails taken off, but
it was not from fungus, it was from mold. That was
what the doctors said. I am a barefoot person, all
summer I’m pretty much barefoot. Would that be the
same with mold or anything that grows on your
Yes. This Awareness observes that anything that
would grow within the toenail itself is there as a result
of the toenail being an open host.
To be an unwelcome host, you need to align yourself
more closely with the earth, taking care of Mother
Earth, and understand your connection to it?
This Awareness would suggest a development of a
relationship, a communication between oneself and the
earth, just as you would with your pet, your animal or
your dog or your bird. They do not necessarily speak
your language, yet there is a communication that
transpires between you. Likewise, acknowledging the
transference of energy between the earth and one’s
body allows for that deepening of connection to
This Awareness is indicating there are multiple parts
to this process. One is to acknowledge that one has
allowed a welcome environment for the fungus to
grow in. The second, is to acknowledge one’s
connection to the earth as a sentient being, and the
third, is to generate a rapport with the earth that is
intimate and allows for acknowledging of the harm
that has been perpetrated upon her, as well as one’s
gratitude and appreciation for her.
So that is why it is so prevalent now, because so
many people have gotten away from recognizing
themselves as part of Mother Earth, or forgetting their
connection to Mother Earth?
This Awareness observes this indeed has a great deal
to do with it. Yes.
Thank you. Her second question concerns BPA from
plastic. “Most have BPA from plastic in our bodies. Is
there a way of removing this? Does Awareness
recommend avoiding eating fish, which are
increasingly becoming contaminated with plastic?”
This Awareness perceives two questions involved in
this statement. There is a great deal of BPA toxins in
most humans, especially those who are experiencing
poverty. There are several methods to remove or
reduce the amount of BPA held in the body. This
Awareness will first describe the method of consuming
nutrients that allow toxins to be flushed from the body
Most dark leafy green vegetables, micro-greens,
though this Awareness must note that the greens, if
grown in an environment where they are saturated
with chemicals and toxins and then consumed by the
human in large quantities, will only deposit a different
toxin into the body. Thus, it is advised that if one is
going to attempt to create a cleansing of toxins from
one’s body, that one use organic vegetables.
This Awareness also wishes to acknowledge that the
effort of cleansing toxins from one’s body requires a
multiple front approach. One must consume the
nutrients necessary to flush the body system, and
consume enough purified water, water that does not
contain fluoride or heavy metals, to allow the flushing
to transpire in a way that is beneficial and not harmful
to the brain tissue.
The Importance of a Healthy Inner Dialogue
Thirdly, this process may be hampered or rendered
ineffective if one does not engage in healthy inner
dialogue. The influx of toxins through one’s
environment is aided into a position of anchoring itself
into the body when there is negative inner dialogue
present, when one is constantly or often in a state of
fear or anger or depression or resentment or jealousy
or bitterness.
These toxins then find the body receptive to the
toxins becoming anchored into the body very deeply.
So those emotions create a toxic environment.
Like attracts like.
Yes. So to remove such toxins from the body one
must do more than eat dark leafy greens and drink
I have one more question. It is sad that much of the
purified water that you find is sold in the plastic
containers that contain the BPA.
Yes. The controllers have done an amazing job!
Yes. They don’t forget anything!
The second method requires for many, a drastic life
change. This Awareness would suggest it is for the
better. This Awareness also acknowledges that such a
life change would be very dramatic and radical for
many. This method would involve raising one’s
vibration through anchoring it to the earth and to one’s
soul, and aligning oneself to the True Divinity of one’s
nature, detaching from any and everything that would
control one within the third dimensional reality.
This does not mean or indicate that one ceases to
love one’s loved ones, or care for one’s animals, nor
does it indicate that one ceases to experience emotion.
It simply indicates that one is not controlled from the
outside. Through the process of aligning to one’s true
nature and becoming detached, one arrives at a
frequency, a vibrational state wherein one is able to
transmute all toxins into light, and the third
dimensional structures, according to Universal Law,
adhere to the reality of the higher frequency, thus the
toxins cease to exist in the body.
In this manner, one can eliminate the toxins from
one’s food and in the water that one consumes,
allowing the water to return to its natural state as a
magnifying frequency.
And this is possible in the third density?
Is this what the yogi’s were able to achieve?
Yes indeed.
Ed Strachar Has Come to Earth
to Generate an Awakening
Is it easier for a regular person now with the higher
energy that is flowing onto the earth?
Yes. This Awareness observes the gentleman Ed
Strachar has achieved this step. The soul known as Ed
Strachar has come to earth to generate an awakening.
His process is that of a warrior nature, and it has
allowed him to confront the Controllers and their
processes and to relieve himself of their influence.
His life experience is not unlike the generation
population’s life experience, yet as a result of his
soul’s willingness in this lifetime to become fully
accountable and to fully detach, he has made use of the
Universal Laws that allow an individual to fully
embrace one’s power, as the human form was
originally designed to do.
This Awareness wishes to make a point of
clarification; that even though this individual is
capable of replicating the miracles that were
performed by Jesus and Buddha, this individual
understands they were not miracles. They were simply
following the natural order of Universal Law and
applying it to third dimensional reality.
To bring it back to the original question about how
to get rid of toxins in the body. By following the
teachings of this individual, we see how someone is
utilizing this method?
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge that his
teaching is not his. It does not belong to him. He has
simply become aware of the means of applying
Universal Law to third dimensional reality. This is
available to all of humanity.
Fish is No Longer a Healthy Food Choice
Does Awareness recommend avoiding eating fish,
which are increasingly becoming contaminated with
This Awareness wishes to acknowledge that most
fish on this planet have been contaminated with
mercury and BPA, along with an assortment of other
chemicals that are detrimental to the human form, as
they are detrimental to the fish as well.
It used to be healthy to eat fish, but that is no longer
really the case, is that correct?
This next question is from PN of London, Ontario,
Canada. She’s very excited about a disclosure that has
recently come through. “Mr. Keshe (Keshe Foundation
Spaceship Institute) has just released a plasma power
unit prototype (weighing less than 1 kg) that can
deliver free energy to create whatever we need:
electricity, water, food (delivered as energy), oxygen
or whatever material we need.
Because of the huge impact on the economy and
collapse of revenue to governments, he has invited
world ambassadors to a World Peace Conference in
Rome on October 16th, to ask for their co-operation.
However he feels that no matter what governments
will decide, this unit will be released, and the course of
humanity will change forever within the next 12
This is the link to the video:
She would appreciate Awareness’s comments on
This Awareness indicates this unit is indeed
functioning and does indeed provide free energy. This
Awareness observes that although there is the potential
for it to have a global impact, that there are forces at
work that would prevent this from occurring. This
individual is not observed by this Awareness to be
fully cognizant of those forces that are working to
detain his product from becoming available.
It is perhaps easier to say that he is blind to specific
areas of opposition. This Awareness observes that
there will be those close to him that are positively
impacted by the use of this product.
This being the exact type of product that the Powers
That Be would do anything to keep from getting into
the mainstream population. Will it be a success despite
the efforts of the Powers That Be to detour it?
It will be successful, but in a limited capacity. This
Awareness observes him becoming thwarted in areas
that he did not anticipate, and in ways that he is unable
to understand why it is happening.
This Awareness observes that the presence of social
media allows for a specific type of opening to occur,
for such thought to spread.
So the more people that are aware of this product,
the more attention will be given to it, and there will be
more of a possibility of it at least becoming known.
This Awareness observes this to be correct. Yes.
This Awareness observes there are many opportunities
for free energy devices to arrive upon the mainstream,
but the mainstream is divided. It is divided by a
portion of the population wishing things to remain as
they are, and even among those who desire a shift in
consciousness, there is an equally powerful desire for
specific aspects of the current scope of one’s truth to
remain the same.
This Awareness acknowledges that the presence of a
free energy device requires the individual within that
experience to become aware of a greater reality,
become awake to the Controllers’ efforts to keep the
masses controlled. It is for this reason that it has been
very easy for the Powers That Be to keep these devices
from becoming available.
For example, an individual may want a free energy
device so as not to pay their power bill or buy
gasoline, but they would also like to experience
drinking large volumes of soda, or consuming large
quantities of sugar or Cheetos, or engaging in fearbased thinking and “othering” of different people, of
different color and different religions. These two
cannot coexist.
If one engages in the experience of a Free Energy
Device, with that device, comes an awakening
experience. Does this make sense?
Yes. You can’t have both. Which is why the
population is divided. It’s kind of like if we have free
health care and no middle men with insurance
companies; that gets rid of many, many jobs, and so in
that thinking, certain people who would want free
health care are against it. Is that similar? That’s just
what came to my mind.
Is there anything that can be done to help this
become more mainstream, or help him understand
what he needs to do?
This Awareness would offer another analogy. An
individual wishing to have unlimited energy to run and
play and feel free, yet at the same time they wish to
consume large quantities of sugar, toxins, and expose
themselves and fill themselves with negativity and
images of self-harm. These two energies cancel each
other out.
This Awareness observes it will require this
individual awakening to greater truths around himself,
and within the society and the fabric that he is
interacting with.
So, does this open a door for these things like this to
be more considered?
I see what you are saying now. Would it be helpful
for this device, for CAC to put a link to this invention
on their website?
This Awareness observes that making it available is
a positive step.
“Please elaborate when this happens.”
This next question is from MB in East Hampton,
Connecticut. “I've been watching the Science channel
and they say that the following crashes into each other
and one devours the other. They are: planets, stars,
galaxies and even black holes. They say further that
they also go on to create new life.
My question for Awareness is: When the crashing is
going on, do the beings feel tragedy, pain or something
else negative or does it not bother them?"
This Awareness observes it is much like eating a
salad. As one consumes the plants, which are sentient,
they do experience a sense of loss of form. This is an
example of an area in which the individual can deepen
their experience of connection to all things.
By thanking the plants for their life?
Yes indeed. In acknowledging the emotional
experience of being consumed, for the sake of
becoming nourishment for another. It is a very sacred
The Indians used to believe that.
Indeed, they were aligned to the earth. They
experienced a deep alignment to the energies and the
Natural Laws.
The second part of this question is, "Do the beings
become part of the new system either now or later?”
Indeed. This Awareness observes this to be correct.
This Awareness wishes to present an image. This
Awareness has engaged in describing the spirit
structures on both energetic and physical levels. There
is a deeper dynamic as well, and that is the free will
experienced by the sentience possessed by the atomic
structures, for just as the human, the animal, the
planet, the solar system, the universe breathes, so too
do the structures and energies of the atom.
The atoms have an energetic based on Universal
Law, with the energy present in the host for which its
structure is used as a building block to create a form.
Thus, when one consumes a leaf of lettuce, the atoms
that have agreed with the Life Force of that plant to
hold its structure together are called upon to release, to
return to Source, to return to the All That Is. Even
when doing so they retain the energetic signature of
the plant whose structure the atom held.
It is this finite progression wherein the nutrients are
released into the body. This is why it is possible to
shift water into wine. Likewise, when a galaxy
collides, all of the life that is within that experiences a
similar progression, and just as one when it passes
from its body experiences great joy in being able to
return home to that place of All Knowing, so too does
the atom experience such release when it is allowed in
its progression between structures, to return home.
The planet itself will experience a moment of loss,
but it is unlike what is generally defined within society
at this time, as this society’s current experience of loss
is greatly impacted by the effects of the Controllers
and is not a true representation of what is experienced
when Universal Law is applied. Are you able to
perceive this image?
That is fascinating! We all work on that same level.
Every living thing works through that same system!
Yes, as this is Universal Law in effect.
That makes so much sense to me! Okay, the last part
of the question, although I feel you have answered it,
is, “Also, is this one of the ways the Source plans to
keep our Universe going?"
Yes. This is the transformative process that has been
engaged in for longer than time standards will allow to
Is this the way the Controllers have made it so that
we perceive things totally opposite from this whole
This Awareness would acknowledge that they have
attempted to mimic very closely the laws of the
universe, making slight changes where it generates
loops of suffering instead of transformation. This
Awareness acknowledges that as an individual accepts
responsibility for their Divine Alignment and commits
to the experience and the truth gained, in creating
these intimate relationships with all sentient life, one’s
energy and one’s soul completely bypasses the impact
and the effectiveness of the Controllers’ efforts.
And there is our way to be released from their
Very helpful. The next question is along the same
lines. It is from JL. The question is, “If there are many
universes, is there a Fall in each Universe, or did the
Fall of Lucifer affect all universes?
This Awareness acknowledges there are many
universes. One could perceive it as a kaleidoscope that
spins around. For the sake of understanding, let us
apply the 12 O’clock position as the universes’—not
one, but many, wherein Lucifer falls. This aspect of
the kaleidoscope then has a representation of shifts and
changes that echo out in that specific region of the
Now, looking into the 6 o’clock position of the
kaleidoscope where one will find universes—more
than one, wherein Lucifer does not fall. In fact there is
no Lucifer at all, and as such, that ripples out as well.
But this kaleidoscope is going to maintain its spin on
this present sphere.
So all this goes out from the one reality in which
Lucifer fell and it will always have that effect on their
resulting self, but the one that revolves from the 6
o’clock where he didn’t fall, will reflect that he wasn’t
there. I don’t know if this makes any sense, what I
Correct. This Awareness observes that is an accurate
description of what was stated. There is available, to
remove the sphere of contemplation, 360 degrees, but
this is beyond the scope of understanding of humanity
at this time.
I’ll continue reading the question: “And if Creation
is not something that just happens just once but
happens repeatedly each time there is an out-breath of
the Godhead, then does such a Fall happen each time,
and if it does, how can we be responsible for this?”
This Awareness observes the correlation between
the answer previously given and this one, for when the
atom structures release to obtain a new form, yet carry
their signature of that which they assisted in
maintaining a state of wholeness—that being in this
instance the leaf of lettuce, they maintain a state of
accountability to the form which they participated in
holding a structure for.
Likewise, souls hold a signature for their entire soul
family, for soul families represent a structure much
like the atoms in the previous image represent the leaf
of lettuce.
So we indeed are part of everything in the universe.
Does the part keep an imprint of what it was at one
And so as more and more things become more and
more things, eventually all of those markers are in
everything. How in the world can we be fighting and
killing? That’s amazing! I understood that. Thank you.
CAC General Reading – Will Berlinghof Interpreter
Thank you Awareness. The next question is from
ML, a CAC subscriber from New Hampshire. “I have
a question about an interesting story that was in the
news lately. Last week, August 2nd, the police found
the decomposing body of a man in a car. What was
more shocking however was that inside of the man’s
apartment they found 1,200 guns, seven tons of live
ammunition and $230,000 in cash.
The story is very bizarre and we obviously are not
going to get the real story from the news. The rumor
from his wife was that he was “half alien”, on a
“mission.” However, I have heard an even more
interesting rumor: that he was a time traveler trying to
arm the upcoming citizen militia resistance against the
NWO global government. Time travel guardians found
out about it, and he was “dealt with.”
Awareness, what is the deal with this guy? Who or
what was he, and how did he die?
This Awareness does not see that he was either an
alien half-breed nor that he was a time traveler. It is
seen that this one had dealings with certain agencies
and had a mission to supply arms to certain groups to
resist the government, and to resist the ones that are
oppressors on the planet.
It is seen that he was an arms dealer to such ones. It
is not at all seen that he was a time traveler come from
the future to arm the militants on the planet or at least
in that area of the country, but many would love this to
be so. It is much more mundane an explanation that
this Awareness has to offer. This one was what could
be called an arm’s dealer, a mercenary, who was
seeking to profit from the selling of arms to bring
about insurrection.
It is seen that he was somehow involved with certain
government agencies that have a plan to create
insurrection, which is then to be squashed, to create a
situation where martial law could be declared and
radical actions could be taken against such ones.
This man, as seen by this Awareness, was not a true
patriot, nor was he necessarily one who wanted to
serve his government and do this for them. He was an
opportunist. He was one who was simply trying to
prosper from being in a position where he could sell
arms, where he could create havoc and profit by it.
This is not the grand story that was presented by his
wife and others, but it is how it is seen by this
COSMIC AWARENESS is the Force that expressed Itself through
Jesus of Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar
Cayce and other great avatars who served as 'Channels' for the
'Heavenly Father' and who speaks again today as the world
begins to enter the 'New Age' of spiritual consciousness and
awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been
communicating through carefully trained channels. This
information is for those who desire to help in bringing in the
New Age. Throughout the thousands of 'Readings' given
through these various channels, Cosmic Awareness tells us not
to believe anything, but to question, explore, doubt, and
discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the
Truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'.
Neither C.A.C. or any of the Interpreters is responsible for
anything Cosmic Awareness states in any of these readings, nor
does C.A.C. or the Interpreters necessarily agree with the
statements of Cosmic Awareness. The Interpreters interpret the
energies as they see them in trance levels and are not
personally responsible for what is said. The Interpreters
published herein have no connection with, nor control over the
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