Optimum DC-Link Solution in HVDC Wind Park Actively
Optimum DC-Link Solution in HVDC Wind Park Actively
Optimum DC-Link Solution in HVDC Wind Park Actively Interfaced to the Grid Elforsk report 08:45 Mikael Wämundson and Fainan Hassan January 2009 Optimum DC-Link Solution in HVDC Wind Park Actively Interfaced to the Grid Elforsk report 08:45 Mikael Wämundson and Fainan Hassan January 2009 ELFORSK ELFORSK Preface Active operation of generation units can be used to benefit the local grid. With such controllability, the investment in the grid (required to connect more generation units) could be reduced and the amount of the installed capacity could increase. However, such controllability requires more focus and studies on the installed generation unit technology. In order to investigate such capabilities, the active power control for an HVDC wind park installation was studied in this project. The work was carried out by Mikael Wämundson and Fainan Hassan, STRI as a part of the Swedish wind energy research programme “Vindforsk - II" as project V-157. The research programme was funded by ABB, the Norwegian based EBLKompetense, E.ON Sverige AB, Falkenberg Energi AB, Göteborg Energi, Jämtkraft AB, Karlstad Energi AB, Luleå Energi AB, Lunds Energi AB, Skellefteå Kraft AB, Svenska Kraftnät, Swedish Energy Agency, Tekniska Verken i Linköping AB, Umeå Energi AB, Varberg Energi, Vattenfall AB and Öresundskraft AB. Comments on the work and on the final report have been given by a reference group with the following members: Johan Lilliecrona, Svenska Kraftnät, Preben Jorgensen, Vattenfall Denmark, and Zhe Chen, Aalborg University Denmark. Stockholm January 2009 Anders Björck Electricity and Power Production ELFORSK Acknowledgment This study has been carried out under the Swedish wind energy research programme “Vindforsk - II", which the authors are obliged to express their sincere regard to. The authors would also like to acknowledge the reference group members; namely Johan Lilliecrona from SvK, Preben Jorgensen from Vattenfall Denmark and, Zhe Chen from Aalborg University, for their active involvement in the project and the precious feedback and discussions. Special thanks go to Zhe Chen for hosting the second reference group meeting. Sincere appreciation goes also to the contributions provided by Math Bollen from STRI AB, and many thanks for his support, fruitful discussions and proof reading. Gothenburg June, 2008 Mikael Wämundson and Fainan Hassan STRI AB ELFORSK Sammanfattning Fokus i det här projektet har legat på möjligheterna att kontrollera den aktiva effekten för en vindkraftspark ansluten till elnätet med HVDC länk. Genom att kontrollera både aktiv och reaktiv effekt ges möjligheten att öka tillförlitligheten och stabiliteten i elnätet samtidigt som den lokala elkvaliteten höjs. De här möjligheterna har studerats med hjälp av analyser och simuleringar. De huvudsakliga begränsningarna i att kontrollera effekten från vindkraftsparken är nätets impedans, sett från anslutningspunkten, samt strömbegränsningen i omriktaren vid nätet. Genom att, under en kort tid, minska den aktiva effekten som överförs kan dock mer reaktiv effekt användas för att kompensera för transienter vid anslutningspunkten. Detta har visats i en fallstudie där antalet frånkopplingar på grund av dippar har halverats för utrustning med en spänningskänslighet av 0,8 p.u. Även förbättringar i att kompensera förändringar i spänningens magnitud erhålls genom att kontrollera den aktiva effekten. En inspelning av spänningen vid anslutningspunkten för ett smältverk användes för att simulera spänningsvariationer som kan ge upphov till flimmer. Genom att kontrollera den reaktiva effekten från vindkraftsparken kunde PST-värdet (short-term flicker severity) minskas med 13 % och genom att kontrollera både den aktiva och reaktiva effekten minskade PST-värdet med 27 %. För att implementera den aktiva effekt-kontrollen föreslås en DC-chopper som en optimum lösning vilken kan arbeta med en liten tidskonstant för att kompensera transienter på elnätet. Som komplement till denna kan någon form av energilagring användas då ett större energibehov uppstår. Konstruktionen av DC-choppern beskrivs i detalj tillsammans med simuleringar, vilka påvisade bättre reglering av både PCC- och DC-spänningen vid spänningsvariationer i elnätet. Olika typer av energilagring diskuterades också. SMES (Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Storage) verkar mest lovande för aktiv effektreglering, förutsatt en prisminskning och en höjning av kapaciteten. En SMES tillhandahåller både en DC-chopper samt energilagring. ELFORSK Summary The active control capability of an HVDC wind-park installation has been the main focus in this study. Through controlling both the active and reactive power, the wind park has the potential to contribute to power system security measures and stabilization and in the same time improve the local power quality. This capability has been studied here through analytical discussions and simulation. The impedance of the grid as seen by the wind-park installation and the current limit of the front-end converter of the HVDC link are highlighted as main factors to put limitations over the active operation of the wind-park. However, reducing the active power, for short time duration, relieves the active interface limitation and serves for better transients’ compensation. This has been shown through a case study, where a reduction of the number of trips, due to voltage dips, with a factor of 2 has been found for nearby equipment with voltage sensitivity of 0.8 p.u. Moreover, an improvement of the compensation of grid voltage-amplitude variation has been found when assuming a controllable active power. Using a three-phase voltage data-measurement at the terminals of an arc furnace and using the PST (short term flicker severity) as a comparison value, it has been found that applying only reactive power control has reduced the PST value by 13 % while controlling both the active and reactive power has reduced the PST value by 27 %. To realize the active power control, a DC chopper has been proposed as an optimum front-end controller, to respond fast against the transient phenomena at the grid, which could be followed by a storage control that is activated in case of a further need of its storage energy. A detailed design and simulation for the current chopper has been carried out, showing that in case of voltage amplitude variation the chopper has provided better regulation for both the grid and the DC-link voltages. A discussion of different energy storage controls has been also carried out. It has been shown that if less costly and available with higher ratings, the superconducting magnetic energy storage is a promising candidate in order to provide better interface capability, where it could easily stand for both the chopper and the storage performance requirements. ELFORSK Contents List of Symbols and Acronyms 1 1 2 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 HVDC front-end converter—controller description 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.3 3.4 4.6 5 5.4 5.5 6 6.5 45 Task definition .............................................................................. 45 Chopper control ............................................................................ 47 Storage Control ............................................................................. 49 5.3.1 SMES—Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage .................. 49 5.3.2 Capacitors ......................................................................... 50 5.3.3 BES—Battery Energy Storage ............................................... 50 Wind park control .......................................................................... 51 Conclusions .................................................................................. 51 Evaluation of combined active-and-reactive power control using DC-link solutions 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 22 Benefit of controlling the reactive power ........................................... 22 Compensation of load changes ........................................................ 23 Compensation of voltage dips in the grid........................................... 28 Voltage fluctuations causing flicker .................................................. 31 Impact of harmonics ...................................................................... 35 4.5.1 Local harmonics-generating load .......................................... 36 4.5.2 Upstream harmonics-generating load .................................... 40 Conclusions .................................................................................. 44 Active power control of HVDC wind park — DC-link solutions 5.1 5.2 5.3 12 Operational limitations—network viewpoint ....................................... 12 Operational limitations—VSC viewpoint ............................................. 15 3.2.1 Injected current limitation ................................................... 15 3.2.2 WP controller time constant ................................................. 18 3.2.3 Synchronization with the grid ............................................... 19 Need for control communication signals ............................................ 19 Conclusions .................................................................................. 20 Reactive power control using front-end converter 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 8 Controller Layout ............................................................................. 8 Vector control ................................................................................. 9 The controller signal flow ................................................................ 10 PCC voltage regulator .................................................................... 11 Active interface possibility 3.1 3.2 4 Background .................................................................................... 2 VSC-HVDC wind park layout .............................................................. 4 Study under focus ........................................................................... 5 Used tools and system modelling ....................................................... 6 Report outline and contributions ........................................................ 7 52 Compensation of load changes ........................................................ 52 Compensation of voltage dips in the grid........................................... 54 Compensation of voltage fluctuations causing flicker ........................... 54 Impact of harmonics ...................................................................... 58 6.4.1 Local harmonics-generating load .......................................... 58 6.4.2 Upstream harmonics-generating load .................................... 61 Conclusions .................................................................................. 65 ELFORSK 7 Discussion 7.1 7.2 8 66 Conclusions .................................................................................. 66 Future work .................................................................................. 68 References Appendix—System description and per-unit calculations 70 74 ELFORSK List of Symbols and Acronyms HVAC High voltage alternating current HVDC High voltage direct current LCC Line commutated converter LCL Inductance-capacitance-inductance PCC Point of common coupling PLL Phase-locked-loop Pst Short term flicker severity PWM Pulse width modulation SVC Static var compensator TSO Transmission system operator VCC Vector current controller VSC Voltage source converter WP Wind park 1 ELFORSK 1 Introduction 1.1 Background More and more interest is put into renewable energy sources and wind power has seen a considerable growth during recent years. According to the goals set up by the Swedish Energy Administration, the installed wind power should generate 30 TWh by year 2020. The figure has been 1 TWh in 2006, which represents about 0.7 % of a total electric energy production of 146 TWh [8]. Depending on the individual power ratings of the generators, this means a growth from under 900 to 3000−6000 installed wind power generators during the next twelve years. Of these 30 TWh, 20 TWh are to be generated by land based installations (onshore) and 10 TWh by generators at sea (offshore). The Energy Administration is pointing out that the expansion of wind power at sea is urgent since there are great potentials there [7]. Offshore wind turbines have longer life expectancy, due to low turbulence at sea, than onshore [2]. Moreover, they can produce more energy due to greater wind resources at sea compared to the nearby land, and they have less visual impact and land usage, so that building concession is expected to be easier to obtain. Since a considerable part of the installations will be offshore, special interest must be given to the means of transmission of the generated power. These wind parks can be built at long distances from the existing grid and therefore require a power transmission with low losses. This transmission is mainly done using HVAC cables. The main drawback with this method is the significant losses in the cables due to their high capacitance, limiting the transmission distances. Studies have shown critical cable lengths of 202 km for a 400 kV cable and 370 km for a 132 kV cable with power ratings of 500−1000 MW, where the transmission capacities are significantly reduced [9]. Theoretically, the HVAC transmission distance can be increased if compensation is introduced along the cable by e.g. thyristor controlled reactors (TCR), but in practice this is difficult since the cable is at the bottom of the sea [10]. Due to these limitations there are clear advantages to transmit the power using HVDC cables. There will be no limit in cable length due to the cable capacitance. Moreover, if the mono-pole configuration is used, the number of wires will be reduced from three to two compared to HVAC transmission. Two different alternatives of HVDC are possible: classical HVDC using line commutated thyristors (LCC-HVDC) and VSC-HVDC using self commutated IGBT:s or GTO:s. ABB is offering classical HVDC solutions for up to 3000 MW transmitted power and VSC-HVDC (HVDC Light) solutions for up to 550 MW [11]. Siemens is offering classical HVDC solutions for up to 3000 MW and VSC-HVDC (HVDC PLUS) solutions for up to 250 MW [13]. These maximum ratings are likely to grow in the near future. The first installation of VSC-HVDC by ABB was in 1999 using the HVDC Light technique. Two 70 km, 80 kV, and 50 MW HVDC underground cables were 2 ELFORSK ploughed close to each other to connect the wind power plants in southern Gotland and the power station in Visby [1][11][12]. During the evaluation of the project, the SVC-HVAC alternative was considered. It has been found that the HVDC light solution was more economical, in addition to a more significant power quality improvement that it was going to introduce over the entire Gotland AC network [12]. The first offshore version of VSC-HVDC went into operation in the North Sea in 2005 connecting Statoil’s gas platform to the grid [26]. Moreover, Svenska Kraftnät is now planning a reinforcement of the Swedish transmission grid in the southern part of Sweden. This will include VSC-HVDC installations for transmission over long distances [17]. A comparison between the different transmission systems applicable for offshore wind parks is reported in Table 1-1, highlighting the advantages that could be gained by implementing VSC-HVDC transmission. Table 1-1. General comparison between different transmission systems for off-shore wind parks. Requirement System simplicity [11] Voltage control at the connection bus [22] Independent control of active and reactive power [11][22] Dependence on AC system [11] Black start capability [9][22] Multiterminal DC grid [3][10][25] Cable length for the same transmission capacity [19] Reactive power demand [3] Connection to a weak or isolated system [13] [24] Investment costs with same voltage level, same capacity and rather long distance [19][21][23] Contribution to short circuit power [3] Critical fault clearing time [20] Post-fault performance [20] Transmission losses [20] SVC-HVAC LCC-HVDC Complicated Advantageous hardware design Limited Limited VSC-HVDC Simple Advantageous Only reactive 2-quadrant power control Dependent Dependent Yes No Advantageous (4-quadrant) Independent Advantageous Not possible Possible Advantageous Limited Unlimited Unlimited Reactive losses Commutation Advantageous No No Advantageous More investment costs Less investment costs Advantageous Yes No No Shorter Longer Shorter Long recovery recovery Advantageous Low losses Longer Best High losses The use of a VSC-HVDC connection of the wind park to the AC grid results in a flexible installation with the possibility to mitigate a number of power quality problems. This is introduced due to the capability to control the reactive 3 ELFORSK power in a wide range with a very fast response. An even wider control range can also be achieved by controlling the active power input to the grid. The use of distributed generation and HVDC to control the voltage magnitude and reactive power flow has been studied extensively (e.g. [14], [15], [16]). By controlling the reactive power at the connection point it is possible to regulate the voltage level, given that the reactive part of the source impedance is big enough. For grid connections with lower reactance of the source impedance, as is often the case in distribution cables, the voltage level is not sensitive to changes in reactive power, but more depending on the active power flow [18]. If actively controlled, HVDC wind parks will be promoted due to the better functionality that they could provide compared to the other types of transmission. In [6] it has been proven that an HVDC link connecting two power systems’ areas and having both active and reactive power control provides damping of the inter area oscillations. This is because, from the system point of view, the four-quadrant controllability of VSC-HVDC corresponds to an electrical machine without an inertia, which results in improved system dynamics. Moreover, by reducing the active power, more reactive power can be supplied without reaching the current limits of the inverter, as will be explained in more details later. 1.2 VSC-HVDC wind park layout Several layouts are possible for an HVDC wind park (WP). The main requirement is to connect the medium variable-frequency AC-voltage produced by the WP turbines to the 50 Hz HVAC utility grid. Using HVDC technology, at least one rectifier and one inverter are required as shown by the layout in Fig. 1.1. Generally each wind turbine is connected through a small transformer to a common AC bus where the rectifier is connected. DC smoothing filters are utilized at the DC-link in order to filter out the power oscillations coming from the WP and provide smooth DC-link voltage, which is important for a proper operation of the inverter. Moreover, an AC filter on the utility grid side is also implemented in order to filter out the injected current harmonics due to the switching operation of the VSC-inverter. Off-shore wind park VSC rectifier filter and transformer DC transmission cable DC smoothing filters VSC inverter Utility grid Filter and transformer Fig. 1.1. VSC-HVDC wind park layout. Another layout is also possible while utilizing the HVDC link. Each individual wind power generator output could be rectified and connected to a DC grid, as shown in Fig. 1.2. The voltage level is then increased to high voltage levels 4 ELFORSK using DC/DC converters and connected to a single DC transmission cable. By utilizing this layout, it is possible for each wind turbine to operate at its individual optimal speed [31]. DC/DC converter DCtransmission cable VSC inverter Utility Filter and grid transformer DC smoothing filters Fig. 1.2 DC-grid HVDC wind park. 1.3 Study under focus An outline of the study under focus is depicted in Fig. 1.3 by the shadowed blocks. Connection of the wind park to the utility grid is considered using a VSC-HVDC link. Much consideration is given to the construction of the controller and its ability to control active and reactive power flow from the HVDC link to the utility grid. Mitigation of several power quality problems is possible using the HVDC link, such as voltage dips and over- and undervoltages. In this study the ability to mitigate active power oscillations and voltage fluctuations is in focus, however the compensation of voltage dips and load changes is also considered. Off-shore wind park Communication signal Grid interface requirement HVDC LCC HVDC VSC HVDC Communication signal Power transmission to the grid HVAC Utility grid Reactive power control Active and Reactive power control Active power control controller Fig. 1.3. Outline of different transmission and control methods. 5 ELFORSK The active interface capability of VSC-HVDC wind park is studied by using two different control strategies: firstly by only controlling the reactive power and secondly by controlling both active and reactive power. Active power injection can be controlled either at the WP, according to a command transmitted through communication signals either from the grid operator or from the front-end controller, or in the DC link, by using energy storage or dump load. A combination of the two methods is also possible, as discussed later. 1.4 Used tools and system modelling The modelling of the system, simplifications and different assumptions are explained in the following. Assumptions regarding the VSC-HVDC system: • Only the DC-link and inverter are modelled. As input from the wind park a constant current source is considered. A change in the input active power can be modelled as a change in the amplitude of the input current from the current source. The IGBT switch model provided in PSCAD is used to construct the physical model of the front-end inverter (the converter on the utility grid side). • It is assumed that the wind park is able to reduce its power production from 100 % to 20 % of the maximum value in 5 s [34][35]. A detailed model of the wind turbines and their control is not incorporated. Assumptions regarding the power system: • A simple network is defined for the development and the study of the performance of the HVDC, as described in the appendix. • Since the local voltage quality at the PCC is of interest, the grid is modelled using a Thévenin equivalent. Different voltage quality phenomena that are transmitted from the upstream of the PCC are modelled by the Thévenin equivalent voltage source. Downstream transient phenomena are modelled using a local load. Study tools: • PSCAD/EMTDC1 is used in the dynamic simulations, with embedded Fortran codes for the controller. • Octave2 is used for mathematical analysis and data post processing. • Actual measurement data of the terminal voltage at an arc furnace has been used for the study of the mitigation of the voltage amplitude variation. 1 2 Copyright © 2008, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre. Freely redistributable software; http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/ 6 ELFORSK 1.5 Report outline and contributions As it has been introduced in this chapter, the motivation and the study outline have been presented where the main focus has been set on the control of the power flow through the front end converter of a VSC HVDC wind park to the grid. A brief description of the basic inner current controller of the front-end converter has been given in Chapter 2, which refers to [28] for a detailed description. The design of the current controller is not the focus in this report since it does not directly contribute to the required active operation of the VSC HVDC towards the grid. In order to achieve such an active operation, outer voltage controllers are implemented to control the power flow from the HVDC wind park (WP) to the grid. The potential of controlling both the active and reactive powers of the WP to the grid has been analytically explored in Chapter 3 in order to introduce the active operation capability. Simulation results when controlling the reactive power at the connection point of the WP has been shown in Chapter 4, where it has been assumed that the active power is constant, for different operational cases. In order to also control the active power, different DC solutions have been introduced in Chapter 5. Simulation results when controlling both active and reactive power have been shown in Chapter 6, where the comparison with the case when controlling only the reactive power has been carried out. Conclusions have been given in Chapter 7. The main contributions of this report are given in Chapter 3 and chapter 6, where the benefits of controlling both the reactive and active powers of the WP have been studied both analytically and through simulation in the two chapters respectively. The theoretical analysis in Chapter 3 was initiated in [28] but significantly worked out further as part of this project. 7 ELFORSK 2 HVDC front-end converter— controller description In this chapter the main controller of the HVDC front-end converter is described. That is the VSC inverter as designated in Fig. 1.1. The controller has been originally developed as a part of a PhD work [28] with focus on distributed generation in the distribution grid. The design of this controller is not the focus in this report since it does not directly contribute to the required active operation of the VSC HVDC towards the grid. However, it has been introduced here in order to provide a general understanding of the overall system. 2.1 Controller Layout A detailed layout of the VSC controller is shown in Fig. 2.1 along with the power circuit. The main power circuit consists of a DC-link, where the rest of the HVDC system has been decoupled by using a DC current source, a VSC and a line filter. The line filter is modelled as an inductance-capacitanceinductance (LCL) filter, where the inductance to the grid side represents the leakage inductance of the connection transformer. The use of an LCL-filter has been promoted in, among others, [28] because of its good capability of attenuating the injected current harmonics. The main component of the controller is the vector current controller (VCC), which from a reference current generates a control voltage that serves as an input to the pulse width modulation (PWM) that generates the switching pattern of the VSC. 8 ELFORSK VSC idc(t) + udc(t) iin ua(t) ub(t) C Line filter uc(t) sw(t) + ea(t) ib(t) eb(t) ic(t) Utility Grid ec(t) Sample and hold PWM u* Sample and hold udc(k) OPT i ab ( k ) u* (abc ) DC regulator PLL ab/dq q Dq * (k) uab Reference currents generation e ab ( k) ab/dq 2/3 i*dc(k) 3/2 3/2 opt (abc) * udc ia(t) dq/ ab idq(k) + edq(k) u* dq VCC * id OVM ed(k) PCC regulator i*q Current limit Demux Fig. 2.1. Detailed layout of the controller. 2.2 Vector control By transforming voltages and currents to a rotating dq-frame the controller is able to control the active and reactive currents independently. The transformation is done as follows. The three-phase components xa(t), xb(t) and xc(t) are first represented as two rotating vectors in the αβ-frame as ⎡ 2 ⎡ xα (t ) ⎤ ⎢ 3 ⎢ x (t )⎥ = ⎢ ⎣ β ⎦ ⎢ 0 ⎢⎣ − 1 6 1 2 1 ⎤ ⎡ x (t )⎤ ⎥ a 6 ⎥ ⎢ x (t ) ⎥ . 1 ⎥⎢ b ⎥ − ⎢ x (t ) ⎥ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎣ c ⎦ − (2-1) The vectors xα(t) and xβ(t) are rotating with the angular frequency ω(t), which represents the angular frequency of the grid voltage. Let θ(t) be the angle defined by integrating ω(t), and the dq-frame rotates with ω(t) with respect to the αβ-frame. Then the representation of the vectors xa(t), xb(t) and xc(t) in the dq-frame is ⎡ xd (t )⎤ ⎡ cos(θ (t )) sin(θ (t )) ⎤ ⎡ xα (t ) ⎤ ⎢ x (t ) ⎥ = ⎢ ⎥. ⎥⎢ ⎣ q ⎦ ⎣− sin(θ (t )) cos(θ (t ))⎦ ⎣ xβ (t )⎦ (2-2) For vectors xd(t) and xq(t) representing currents, xd(t) will represent the active current and xq(t) will represent the reactive current. The d-component of the 9 ELFORSK voltage vector represents the amplitude of the three-phase line voltage. The transformation therefore theoretically gives excellent controlling possibilities. A correct transformation requires an exact value of the angle θ(t) to decouple the components. However, if the PCC voltage regulation is out of concern, the error in θ(t) does not impact the operation of the VSC, since the same angle is used again in transforming back the dq-components of the reference voltage signals into three-phase quantities. If voltage regulation at the connection point is of interest, as the case here, minimization of the error in θ(t) is required in order to produce the proper corrective command. 2.3 The controller signal flow The signal flow through the controller to the VSC is as follows. The threephase currents (ia(t), ib(t) and ic(t)) and voltages (ea(t), eb(t) and ec(t)) are sampled and transformed into the dq-frame. A sample rate of 5 kHz is used in this study. Values obtained after sampling are no longer seen as functions of t but rather of the sample event, k. To obtain the angle θ(k) needed for the transformation, a phase locked loop (PLL) is used. The obtained voltage vector edq and current vector idq are used together with the reference current i*dq to generate the reference voltage vector u*dq that is needed to control the VSC by using the VCC, which is generally a PI-controller, as shown in Fig. 2.2. The reference currents are limited due to the physical limitations of the VSC. Since the reference currents are given in the dq-frame various limitation algorithms can be used, giving priority to either the active (d-component) or reactive (q-component) current, as will be discussed in the next chapter. Also the reference voltage is submitted to limitations to comply with the DC side voltage (if the reference voltage is set higher than the available voltage the VSC will be driven into overmodulation). The active reference-current component is generated in such a way to inject maximum power available from the DC-link, and in the same time to regulate the DC voltage. The PCC voltage is, on the other hand, regulated by using the reactive referencecurrent component. A delay predictor is incorporated within the VCC in order to compensate for the inherited one sample time delay of the digital controller and in the same time maintain high bandwidth. VCC edq(k) Feed-forward vector calculation * i dq(k) Current limit + idq(k-1) _ ^i (k-1) dq ^i (k) + dq _ FFdq(k) + + kp + * u dq Limitation of reference voltage Delay + - DuIdq(k) Integrator edq(k) Delay predictor Fig. 2.2. Layout of the VCC is depicted inside the dashed frame. 10 Plant idq ELFORSK The produced reference voltage is transformed back into three-phase components, using the inverse of the matrices in (2-1) and (2-2), which are optimized (in “OPT” as designated in Fig. 2.1) to increase the maximum output voltage of the converter without increasing the DC-link voltage. Switching patterns to the individual IGBTs are produced in the block “PWM” and used as inputs to the VSC. More details about the controller can be found in [28]. 2.4 PCC voltage regulator The q-component of the PCC voltage is set to zero by the coordinate transformation, while the d-component (ed) represents the voltage amplitude. Regarding the instantaneous injected reactive power (2-3), the reactive current iq should be changed in a way to keep the voltage amplitude ed constant. By changing iq, the instantaneous reactive power q, injected or consumed by the WP, is also changed. q (k ) = eq (k )id (k ) − ed (k )iq (k ) (2-3) To change iq in such a way to regulate ed, the reference reactive current command iq* is generated from a PI-controller that has the difference between the measured ed and its reference value as an input. 11 ELFORSK 3 Active interface possibility In this chapter the theoretical operational limits of the VSC-HVDC front-end converter are studied. The model depicted in Fig. 3.1 is used. The WP is connected to the grid at the PCC through the VSC-HVDC. At the PCC are also some local loads supplied by both the grid and the WP. This simple network represents the Thévenin equivalent of the grid as seen by the PCC, where Rs+jXs represents the Thévenin impedance and E the Thévinin voltage source. Utility grid UPCC PF, QF PL, QL d E Rs+jXs local loads Bus R Grid loads Pin, Qin VSC-HVDC WP Fig. 3.1. Study system for the active interface possibilities. 3.1 Operational limitations—network viewpoint To simplify the analysis assume a purely reactive feeder (Rs = 0). The power flow through the feeder (PF and QF) represents the power mismatch between the WP injected power (Pin and Qin) and the consumed load power (PL and QL). The power mismatch can then be written as PF = U PCC E sin δ Xs (3-1) and QF = 2 U PCC U E − PCC cos δ . Xs Xs (3-2) The grid voltage angle, δ, can be eliminated by squaring and adding (3-1) and (3-2). Using the trigonometric identity the following expression is obtained: PF2 ⎛ U2 + ⎜ QF − PCC ⎜ Xs ⎝ 2 2 ⎞ ⎟ = ⎛⎜ U PCC E ⎞⎟ . ⎜ X ⎟ ⎟ s ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ (3-3) Equation (3-3) represents the equation of a circle with a radius of UPCCE/Xs and centred at (0,U2PCC/Xs). Different circles, referred to as power circles, can be obtained for different parameters. The power circles are used here to define the operational limits for the VSC-HVDC at the PCC [28]. Two main cases can be further considered. In the first case, the change in the remote bus voltage 12 ELFORSK (e.g. due to voltage dips or switching grid loads) is considered, while the PCC voltage is kept regulated. The power circles represented by the injected WP power with constant local loads (i.e. constant PL and QL) are shown in Fig. 3.2. In this case, the WP’s injected active power should be kept within the following limits (assuming UPCC = 1 p.u.), in order to have a real solution for the reactive power: Reactive power (Qin) PL − E E < Pin < PL + XS XS EUPCC XS (3-4) E<1 E=1 UPCC XS QL PL Active power (Pin) Fig. 3.2. Injected WP power for different remote bus voltage. In the second case, the remote bus voltage is assumed constant (e.g. by adjusting the tap-changer of the transformer) while the PCC voltage is not regulated and is directly affected by the change of the local loads. To simplify the analysis in this case, the local loads are assumed to be initially not connected. Then at the connection of these loads, the PCC voltage will instantly drop. This case is visualized in Fig. 3.3 (using E = 1 p.u. and Xs = 0.84 p.u.). In the figure, the only parameter that changes the radius and centre of the power circles is UPCC. Only the possible operational area has been depicted in the figure, where the active power from the WP is only injected and the injected reactive power is not to exceed 1 p.u. in order to respect the physical limitations of the WP. Equation (3-3) can be rewritten as (PL and QL are both equal to zero) 2 ⎛U E ⎞ U2 Qin = PCC − ⎜⎜ PCC ⎟⎟ − Pin2 , Xs ⎝ Xs ⎠ (3-5) an expression that can be interpreted as follows: for a given grid voltage, E, feeder impedance, Xs, and active power input, Pin, the reactive power input, Qin, can be varied in order to obtain a regulated voltage at the PCC. Assume that the WP is injecting 0.5 p.u. active power into the PCC and the voltage at the PCC drops to 0.9 p.u. (due to switching on in the local load). It is then found from Fig. 3.3 that approximately 0.1 p.u. more reactive power needs to be injected to bring the voltage back to 1 p.u. (this is the vertical 13 ELFORSK distance between the circles for UPCC = 0.9 p.u. and UPCC = 1 p.u. at Pin = 0.5 p.u.). 0.6 0.5 Reactive power import/export (p.u.) 0.4 0.3 . .5 =0 0.2 p.u U PCC . .7 =0 0.1 p.u U PCC U =1p.u. PCC 0 =0.9 U PCC −0.1 p.u. . . .8 p.u U PCC=0 −0.2 .6 =0 p.u U PCC −0.3 −0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Active power export (p.u.) Fig. 3.3. Operational region of the VSC regarding various voltage values at the PCC. The operational limit, from the utility grid viewpoint, of a possible voltage regulator at the PCC is related to the local injected active power. With the assumption of constant active power generation at the PCC, this limit is represented by the intersection point between any power circle and the 1 p.u. power circle (regarding Fig. 3.3). The different intersection points related to different voltages and active power values have been illustrated in Fig. 3.4, where the active power at the intersection between the circle related to 1 p.u. and the circles between 0 and 0.9 p.u. is plotted as a function of the voltage drop (1–UPCC). The value of Xs that is used is 0.84 p.u. The size of the fullregulation area (dashed area) is decided by Xs as shown in the figure. For operation in the full regulation area, there is a theoretical possibility to regain the 1 p.u. voltage at the PCC. For a voltage drop of 0.5 p.u. and a local active power generation of 0.7 p.u., the operation of a possible voltage regulator will retain a voltage drop value due to the line limitation. If a full regulation operation is needed in this condition, one possible way is to reduce the generated active power (to 0.55 p.u. in this example). It is worth to note here that Fig. 3.4 represents also the active injected power limit for the case when E drops, where the curve in the figure represents the upper limit of (3-4) when PL is equal to zero. 14 ELFORSK 1.1 1 0.9 Active power [p.u.] 0.8 Increased Xs 0.7 ← → Decreased Xs 0.6 0.5 0.4 Full regulation area 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Voltage drop [p.u.] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Fig. 3.4. Full regulation area regarding the injected active power and the voltage drop at the PCC. 3.2 Operational limitations—VSC viewpoint The operational limitations mentioned above are due to the network parameters and they give the theoretical boundaries of local voltage regulation at the PCC for an ideal generation plant. There are also operational limitations due to the physical configuration of the WP itself and its control arrangements. 3.2.1 Injected current limitation Regarding the front-end converter, the semiconductors in the VSC do not have an overcurrent capability. That means they can only handle a limited current and thus the controller must include a current limiting algorithm in order to avoid tripping of the unit due to the overcurrent protection. This limitation will highly impact the compensation of the PCC voltage by using the injected reactive power of the WP. Since the maximum available active power from the WP is usually injected into the grid, a smaller amount of reactive power is available without violating the current limit. This eventually means that certain voltage quality phenomena at the PCC are not compensated for because of the lack of the reactive power. The current limitation is implemented here in the dq-frame, where the active and reactive currents can be treated independently, by limiting the reference currents. Two limitation algorithms, referred to hereafter as L1 and L2, are considered and depicted in Fig. 3.5. With L1, the reactive current reference is limited in such a way to reduce the injected current amplitude and maintain the current-vector angle. Using L2, both of the dq-components of the 15 ELFORSK Reactive current reference current are reduced in such a way to inject as much reactive current as possible into the grid. The limitation over the maximum allowed reduction in the active current (ξ) will affect, in this case, the amount of the injected reactive current. Referring to Fig. 3.5, if the current vector originally lies at “a” and in case of a grid disturbance moves to “b”, using L1 it will be limited to “c” while using L2 it will be limited to “e” (instead of “d”). Generally, any limited current vector that lies between “a” and “e” could be possible. Maximum current amplitude L2 d b e L1 c x a Active current Fig. 3.5. Reference current limitation. The performance of the above-mentioned two current reference limitation methods is evaluated with regards to the transient operation in case of voltage dips at the grid. Implementing the PCC controller that has been described in chapter 2, which produces a reactive current reference that is proportional to the drop of the voltage at the grid in a way to regulate it, and applying voltage dips with different amplitudes, the regulation capability curve is shown in Fig. 3.6. The figure has been developed analytically using Xs = 0.84 p.u. and Pin = 0.8 p.u. In the figure, the solid line is related to the case when using the current limitation method referred to as L1, while the dashed line is related to the case when using the current limitation referred to as L2. For a voltage dip of 0.4 p.u. at the grid (without compensation), the voltage at the PCC will be compensated to about 0.7 p.u. using L1 and about 0.9 p.u. using L2. Considering a sensitive load that is connected at the same connection point or in a close proximity to the WP, it might be beneficial to apply L2 to ride through the dip period. That would also depend on the dip duration and statistics (how frequent it is) as compared to the extra cost related to the reduction of the active injected power. Since the number of dips varies strongly between different locations in the power system, it is not possible to give general information on the number of dips that can be expected without having details on the network supplying that location and the number of faults in that network. However, a simple radial approximation of the network 16 ELFORSK results in the following expression for the number of voltage dips, due to faults, with residual voltage V (in per-unit) less than the nominal voltage (1 p.u.) [37] N dips (V ) = k x × V 1−V (3-6) where kx is a location dependent factor. Comparison in [37][38] with both measurements and simulations has shown that this expression is an acceptable first approximation, where no other information is available, even for strongly-meshed networks. Fig. 3.6. PCC-voltage regulation capability with two current limitation methods; L1 (black solid) and L2 (blue dashed). Equation (3-6) can also be used to evaluate the impact of mitigation measures in the network on the number of equipment trips due to voltage dips. Consider as an example that equipment trips when the voltage drops below 70% of the nominal voltage. Using (3-6), the number of equipment trips per year will be equal to, using V = 0.7, 2.33kx. Using the current limitation algorithm L1 (solid line in Fig. 3.6) will make that the voltage at the equipment terminals drops below 70% only when the noncontrolled voltage (E) drops below 40%. The number of equipment trips can again be calculated from (3-6), using V = 0.4, resulting in 0.67kx. The number of equipment trips is thus reduced by a factor 3.5. Using the current limitation algorithm L2 (dashed line in Fig. 3.6) will make that the voltage at the equipment terminals drops below 70% only when the non-controlled voltage (E) drops below 25%. Using V = 0.25 in (3-6) gives 0.33kx, an improvement by an additional factor 2. 17 ELFORSK The improvement depends on the immunity of the equipment. The more sensitive the equipment is (i.e. tripping at a higher voltage) the more the improvement is. This is shown in Fig. 3.7 for typical equipment trips when the voltage drops below 40% to 85% of nominal. Fig. 3.7. Number of trips (divided by kx) for different equipment immunity using PCCvoltage regulation and current limitation L1 (black solid) and L2 (blue dashed). 3.2.2 WP controller time constant The active power produced by the WP cannot be reduced instantaneously. For some steady state operational requirements, e.g. a system security measure, a slow change might not be critical. However, for transient operation, the response time should be comparatively fast. A reduction of the input active power is beneficial for achieving a better transient performance, as implicitly mentioned above. It is how an operational point is moved into the fullregulation area in Fig. 3.4 (regarding a certain voltage drop), and it is how the current limit L2 is implemented. Moreover, the regulation of the active power could be important in compensating possible power oscillations at the grid, as is discussed later. It is assumed here that the WP is able to reduce the active power from 100 % to 20 % of the maximum value in 5 s. To achieve a faster response, a current chopper is implemented at the DC-link as explained in Chapter 5. 18 ELFORSK 3.2.3 Synchronization with the grid A phase locked loop (PLL) is implemented in order to estimate the grid voltage angle θ. For a correct operation of the PCC-voltage regulator, a minimum angle error is required [32]. However, if the PCC-voltage regulation is out of concern, the error in θ does not impact the operation of the VSC, since the same angle is used for the transformation from and to the threephase domain. If voltage regulation at the connection point is of interest, as the case here, minimization of the error in θ is required in order to produce the proper corrective command. This is investigated more in Chapter 4. 3.3 Need for control communication signals The operational security of the transmission grid is guaranteed by the socalled “N–1 criterion”. This criterion states that the operation of the transmission system shall be such that the loss of any single component does not result in loss-of-load. The large power stations play an important role in maintaining the stability of the transmission system. The dispatch of these large power stations is therefore an important tool for the transmission system operator (TSO) in fulfilling the N–1 criterion. Dispatcheable generation refers to the units that are under control of the TSO, on contrary to the nondispatcheable ones. As an example, which is visualized in Fig. 3.8, after the loss of a large generation unit at t1, the N–1 criterion may no longer be fulfilled (due to the margin violation). In that case the system operator intervenes within a predefined time to ensure that the criterion is fulfilled again. The system operator may increase the generation capacity at t2 by starting new generation, reducing the load through voluntary or enforced load shedding, or both. In the example, both measures were taken at t2. It should be noted here that load shedding is very uncommon and that in all cases voluntary load shedding (typically through deals made beforehand with large industrial customers) will take place first. Rescheduling of generation units or switching actions in the transmission system (e.g. capacitor banks) are the typical measures taken. For a large WP, it is required by the system operator that their active power production should be adjustable by remote signals in order to contribute in system security and protection measures [34][35]. These measures could require either an increase or decrease in the WP production. The WP could be accessible to the TSO (i.e. dispatcheable) through communication signals that are used to set the active power reference for the plant, as shown in Fig. 3.9. The communication signal line in the figure is double arrowed, since the current information of the WP production should also be sent to the TSO. 19 Generation Margin Generation loss Margin Load and generation capacity ELFORSK Load Load shedding Predefined time t2 t1 Time Fig. 3.8. Loss-of-generation measure by the TSO, the input power of the WP might increase at t2. Local loads Control signals VSC-HVDC WP WP controller Utility grid (TSO) Transients Local measurements Communication signals Fig. 3.9. Controlled WP; dispatcheable through communication signals. 3.4 Conclusions In this chapter the limitations of the VSC-HVDC connected WP to control the voltage at the PCC has been described. These limitations are both due to the network parameters and due to the physical limitations of the WP, VSC and controller. In the network, the main limitation to control the voltage is the impedance seen from the WP. As the reactance is changed, so is the ability to regulate the voltage using reactive power. In the VSC, the main limitations are due to dimensioning of current handling capabilities and controller bandwidth. Regarding current limiting, two different algorithms are proposed, L1 and L2, where L2 shows a larger operational range of the voltage. This is achieved by limiting the active power injected from the WP. Using reduction for a longer time, consideration must be taken 20 ELFORSK for extra investment in equipment and loss of profit (since the energy input is decreased). An extra limitation to the control capabilities is due to the regulations put on the WP from the TSO. 21 ELFORSK 4 Reactive power control using frontend converter The VSC-HVDC has the ability to both inject and consume reactive power and can therefore be used to compensate for variations in the voltage level at its connection point to the grid. In the previous chapter the theoretical limitations of the active operation of the WP has been discussed. The range of voltage compensation at the PCC is mainly decided by the current capability of the VSC in the front-end of the HVDC WP. In general, the control system should give priority to the active power delivery from the wind park, and the range of reactive power available will therefore be affected by the wind situation. The ability to control the voltage level is not limited only by the WP but also by the network characteristics. This has been discussed in the previous chapter, and is more explored in this chapter through simulation of different operational cases. 4.1 Benefit of controlling the reactive power Equation (3-5) can be simplified to see how the voltage at the PCC is affected by the reactive power from the WP. First, assume that the active power input is zero. Then 2 U PCC − U PCC E Qin = . Xs (4-1) Now, assume that the voltage at the PCC is to be kept at 1 p.u. This results in a reactive power input that is dependent on the grid voltage and the feeder impedance as Qin = 1− E . Xs (4-2) It is seen from the equation that a longer or more reactive feeder allows for a lower grid voltage to be compensated, given a certain limit for the available reactive power. In the discussion above the voltage at the PCC is kept at 1 p.u. A more interesting value, from the network operator’s viewpoint, is the ability to keep the voltage at the PCC above 0.9 p.u. The minimum reactive power input needed to fulfil this requirement is then Qin = 0.92 − 0.9 E . Xs (4-3) From (4-3) it can be seen that the possibility to keep the voltage at 0.9 p.u. is easier, not only since the voltage level demand is lower, but also because the needed input reactive power is relatively lower. 22 ELFORSK A VSC has limited capacity of injecting reactive power into the grid. The basic limitation is the current limit of the convertor. As a result, the reactive-power capacity decreases with increasing active-power injection. 4.2 Compensation of load changes A direct benefit of the utilization of a VSC-HVDC WP actively interfaced to the grid is the compensation of local load changes, which offers improved grid dynamics. An increase in the load will cause a high current flow, resulting in a drop of the voltage along the line or cable connecting the load. The decrease in voltage amplitude due to the load change is affected by several factors, such as the size of the load, the length and impedance of the feeder and the stiffness of the grid. The capabilities of the front-end VSC, of the WP, to compensate for the load changes are studied. In Fig. 3.1 a layout of the system model used in the study is shown. The load connected at the PCC is increased in a step from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. (cos φ = 0.97 lagging) at t = 0.6 s (the base values for the per-unit calculations are given in Appendix). The voltage at the PCC is studied for some different configurations of the feeder. First an overhead line feeder is considered with an X/R ratio of 5 and a feeder reactance of 0.1 p.u. The WP is injecting 0.5 p.u. of active power into the PCC. The voltage amplitude at the PCC is shown in Fig. 4.1 and the power flow from the WP is plotted in Fig. 4.2. In Fig. 4.3 and Fig. 4.4, the voltage is plotted for Xs = 0.2 p.u. Compared to the situation in Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4.2, the feeder resistance is now higher, thus the same load results in a higher voltage drop over the feeder, but the voltage drop can be compensated with the same amount of reactive power. In both situations the WP is able to retain the voltage at 1 p.u. The ability to control the voltage is different for a feeder with lower X/R ratio, e.g. a cable. A simulation is carried out for a feeder with an X/R ratio of 1. Without voltage regulation, the higher resistance of the cable results in an increased voltage at the PCC (1.02 p.u.) during light load operation due to the active power injected from the WP. The X/R ratio is lower than that in the previous simulations, thus the voltage drop over the feeder is higher for the same loadings. Also more reactive power is needed to compensate for the voltage drop. In Fig. 4.5 and Fig. 4.6 the feeder reactance is 0.1 p.u. and in Fig. 4.7 and Fig. 4.8 the reactance is 0.2 p.u. Still, the WP is able to retain the voltage at the PCC at 1 p.u., but with the lower X/R ratio the amount of reactive power needed is bigger. 23 ELFORSK Voltage at PCC when local load change. 1.04 Voltage regulation 1.03 No voltage regulation 1.02 1.01 Line voltage [p.u.] 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.1. Voltage amplitude at the PCC for overhead line feeder with X/R ratio 5 and Xs = 0.1 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. Power flow from WP when local load change. 1 P, voltage regulation 0.9 Q, voltage regulation 0.8 P, no voltage regulation 0.7 Q, no voltage regulation 0.6 Power [p.u.] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.2. Power flow from the WP for overhead line feeder with X/R ratio 5 and Xs = 0.1 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. 24 ELFORSK Voltage at PCC when local load change. 1.04 Voltage regulation 1.03 No voltage regulation 1.02 1.01 Line voltage [p.u.] 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.3. Voltage amplitude at the PCC for overhead line feeder with X/R ratio 5 and Xs = 0.2 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. Power flow from WP when local load change. 1 P, voltage regulation 0.9 Q, voltage regulation 0.8 P, no voltage regulation 0.7 Q, no voltage regulation 0.6 Power [p.u.] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.4. Power flow from the WP for overhead line feeder with X/R ratio 5 and Xs = 0.2 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. 25 ELFORSK Voltage at PCC when local load change. 1.04 Voltage regulation 1.03 No voltage regulation 1.02 1.01 Line voltage [p.u.] 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.5. Voltage at the PCC for cable feeder with X/R ratio 1 and Xs = 0.1 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. Power flow from WP when local load change. 1 P, voltage regulation 0.9 Q, voltage regulation 0.8 P, no voltage regulation 0.7 Q, no voltage regulation 0.6 Power [p.u.] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.6. Power flow from the WP for cable feeder with X/R ratio 1 and Xs = 0.1 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. 26 ELFORSK Voltage at PCC when local load change. 1.06 Voltage regulation 1.04 No voltage regulation Line voltage [p.u.] 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.7. Voltage at the PCC for cable feeder with X/R ratio 1 and Xs = 0.2 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. Power flow from WP when local load change. 1 P, voltage regulation 0.9 Q, voltage regulation 0.8 P, no voltage regulation 0.7 Q, no voltage regulation 0.6 Power [p.u.] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 4.8. Power flow from the WP for cable feeder with X/R ratio 1 and Xs = 0.2 p.u. with and without voltage regulation from the VSC. At t=0.6 s: a step in the load from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. 27 ELFORSK 4.3 Compensation of voltage dips in the grid A fault somewhere in the transmission network will cause a large current to flow into the fault until it is cleared (typically in the range of 50–500 ms). The fault current will result in a decrease in the voltage magnitude in a large area of the network. This temporary decrease in the voltage is called a voltage dip or sag. For locations close to the fault the voltage dip can be very large, resulting in tripping of safety systems and production stops. The VSC-HVDC WP can, by injecting reactive current, minimize the voltage drops due to the dips, and some production stops could be avoided. Single wind power generators or WP installations are set to trip if the voltage at the connection point is too low due to their own operational and security demands. A VSC-HVDC WP installation that is able to keep up the voltage at the PCC will therefore contribute to an uninterrupted operation of other WP installations in the local area. The voltage dips can be of different types, three-phase, two-phase, twophase-to-ground or single-phase-to-ground, where all but three-phase faults will result in unbalanced dips. Mitigation of these unbalanced dips is possible through the implementation of the VSC controller in both the positive and the negative sequence frames. More details can be found in [28]. The main difference between the phenomena of the voltage dips and switching on of the local loads, from the voltage regulator point of view, is the time duration and the amplitude of the voltage decrease. Voltage dips could last for shorter duration, which might be shorter than the time constant of the voltage regulator resulting in uncompensated dips. This is, however, a design issue regarding the sensitivity of the WP and local grid loads as related to the dip duration. More intriguing is that voltage dips could have small amplitude (or remaining voltage), which might require a high current to compensate for the dip, resulting in hitting the current limit of the VSC controller. This means that a decreased remaining voltage at the PCC will last for, possibly, long duration and might lead to tripping of the generating units or local loads. The voltage control operation of the VSC, using the two current limitation methods depicted in Fig. 3.5, is then evaluated. The simplified system that is shown in Fig. 3.1 is considered. A voltage dip of 0.5 p.u. remaining magnitude is applied at the remote bus R from 0.5 s to 0.7 s. The feeder has an X/R ratio of 10, with Xs = 0.84 p.u., the local loads are 0.3 p.u. with 0.9 power factor lagging voltage-independent loads, and the active power production of the WP is 0.6 p.u. Note that a decreased value of active power generation is assumed here in order to allow the injection of reactive power into the grid and emphasize the need for active power control even in this case. Updating Fig. 3.5 to Fig. 4.9, the injected active power results in an active current component “a” that allows for a maximum reactive current injection of “af”, according to the operational requirement, without reaching the current limit. 28 Reactive current ELFORSK Maximum current amplitude L2 d b e L1 c f a x Active current Fig. 4.9 Active and reactive currents with reduced active power injection from the WP. The amplitude of the voltages at the remote bus (R) and the local bus (PCC) are shown in Fig. 4.10. The PCC voltage during the dip is not fully regulated since the injected WP current has hit the limit due to the increased injected reactive current. As shown in Fig. 4.11, the reactive current is limited, according to the current limit algorithm L1, at about 0.6 s, at which the PCC voltage starts attaining a constant value that is lower than 0.9 p.u. The injected active current is kept constant, before and after the dip, apart from the transients due to the coupling between the d- and q-components of the current vector. Fig. 4.10. Voltage at the connection point PCC (solid), and the remote bus (dashed); with the current limitation L1. 29 ELFORSK Fig. 4.11. Injected VSC currents; active current (black solid) and reactive current (red dashed); with current limitation L1. Using the second current limitation algorithm L2, the voltage at the PCC during the dip period reaches a higher value, as shown in Fig. 4.12. This is because the injected active current is decreased, when the current limit is hit, allowing more reactive current to be injected, as shown in Fig. 4.13. Fig. 4.12. Voltage at the connection point PCC (solid), and the remote bus (dashed); with current limitation L2. 30 ELFORSK Fig. 4.13. Injected VSC currents; active current (black solid) and reactive current (red dashed); with current limitation L2. 4.4 Voltage fluctuations causing flicker Certain fluctuations in the voltage can cause light flicker, light intensity fluctuations that are observable and/or irritable to a human observer. Possible sources of such voltage fluctuations are [29] • Rolling mills • Large industrial motors with variable loads • Arc furnaces • Saw mills • Switching of power-factor correction capacitors • Start-up of drives and step load changes of drives • Connection and disconnection of lines Loads causing flicker can do this by either provoking separate voltage changes (flicker due to repetitive events) or by provoking voltage fluctuations (flicker due to fast current variations). An important load of the latter type is the arc furnace in which metal is melted using a high electric current. The furnace takes large amounts of power and causes flicker over a large area since it is often connected to the transmission grid. A way to measure the level of flicker from a voltage measurement is explained in the flickermeter standard, IEC 61000-4-15, for which the 31 ELFORSK different steps are presented in Fig. 4.14. As input is used a voltage waveform (with a sample rate of at least 400 Hz over 10 minutes). For an instantaneous flicker sensation (e) that exceeds one, more than half of the observers will notice a flickering of the light. To characterize the severity of the voltage fluctuation the statistical analysis in block 5 is done. The outputs are values for the short- and long-term flicker severity, PST and PLT. The short-term flicker severity is calculated from the probability distribution function of the instantaneous flicker sensation over a 10-minute interval. The long-term flicker severity is calculated from 12 consecutive values of the short-term flicker severity. A PST value higher than one indicates that more than 95 % of the observers will consider the flicker as disturbing. Fig. 4.14. Standard flickermeter according to IEC 61000-4-15 [29]. In this study the PST is chosen as a measure for the voltage fluctuations at the PCC and the ability of the VSC-HVDC WP to mitigate or lower the voltage fluctuations by controlling the reactive power input from the WP. A recorded three-phase waveform at an arc furnace connection point is used and imposed as the voltage source at bus R, as designated in Fig. 3.1. A snapshot of the remote voltage is shown in Fig. 4.15. 32 ELFORSK 1 Remote bus voltage [p.u.] 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time [s] 0.7 0.8 Fig. 4.15. Measured data of the voltage at an arc furnace connection point. In Fig. 4.16, the rms PCC-voltage at 230 V level is shown for the noncontrolled situation. The simulation is done using a recording with a length of 6 seconds. According to the flickermeter standard the PST should be calculated over a measurement period of 10 minutes. The use of a shorter recording may affect the contribution of lower frequencies, but since the absolute value is of less interest and only used here for the comparison, this is seen as a valid approach. The uncontrolled voltage results in a PST of 3.2. When controlling the voltage at the PCC by injecting reactive power some of the voltage fluctuations can be damped. The result is seen in Fig. 4.16. Mainly fluctuations of lower frequencies are affected since the voltage control is relatively slow. The obtained PST value is 2.8, which indicates an improvement of about 13 % of the flicker severity. It can be concluded also that for voltage fluctuations that are mainly low in frequency the reactive power control could show a better result. 33 ELFORSK Voltage during flicker. 250 245 Phase voltage [V] 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [s] 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Fig. 4.16. Scaled PCC voltage with fluctuating grid loads; no reactive-power control. (PST value is 3.2.) Voltage during flicker. 250 245 Phase voltage [V] 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [s] 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Fig. 4.17. Scaled PCC voltage with fluctuating grid loads; with reactive-power control. (PST value is 2.8.) 34 ELFORSK 4.5 Impact of harmonics Electric loads with nonlinear voltage/current behaviour cause voltage harmonics at its connection point to the grid. Such loads can be diode rectifiers, which are common in electronic equipment. The VSC-HVDC WP ability to suppress voltage harmonics at the PCC is investigated with simulations. The simulation model is shown in Fig. 3.1. A three-phase full-bridge rectifier is connected to the PCC with three different resistive load sizes, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 p.u. This kind of load will mainly cause current harmonics of order 5, 7, 11, 13, … with descending amplitudes (even and triplet harmonics are small) and thus the voltage at the PCC will contain harmonics of the same orders. The level of distortion of the voltage is dependent on the relation between the load size and the source impedance. Since different harmonics will affect both the negative and positive sequence differently, an error could appear in the estimated grid voltage angle [32] causing degraded voltage regulation. By decomposing the voltage into positive and negative sequence components (in the αβ-frame), a better estimation, using the PLL as shown in Fig. 4.18, is achieved. This decomposition is done using a delayed signal cancellation algorithm (DSC) [33], where the positive sequence component of the voltage is calculated as 1⎛ ⎛ T ⎞⎞ uαβp (t ) = ⎜⎜ uαβ (t ) + uαβ ⎜ t − ⎟ ⎟⎟ , 2⎝ 4 ⎠⎠ ⎝ (4-4) where T is period at the fundamental frequency, and used as an input to the PLL. uabc abc uabp uab ab DSC Q-PLL ^ w ^ f Fig. 4.18 Operation of the PLL using positive sequence voltage. It can be analyzed how a harmonic content in the voltage will appear in the vector uαβp as done in [28]. A voltage with harmonic content can be described in the αβ-frame as uαβ (t ) = U1e jωt + U h e( hs ) jhωt , (4-5) with the first term describing the fundamental component and the second term the harmonic content, h indicates the harmonic order and hs indicates the sequence of the harmonic as ⎧+ 1 ⎪ hs = ⎨− 1 ⎪0 ⎩ h = 3n + 1 h = 3n + 2, n = 0, 1, 2,K h = 3n 35 (4-6) ELFORSK By substituting (4-5) into (4-4) to achieve the positive sequence component of the voltage the following expression for the harmonic content in the voltage is found: Uh (cos(hωt ) + j (hs ) sin(hωt )) 2 . Uh ⎛ ⎛ π⎞ π ⎞⎞ ⎛ + j ⎜⎜ cos⎜ hωt − h ⎟ − (hs ) sin ⎜ hωt − h ⎟ ⎟⎟ 2 ⎝ ⎝ 2⎠ 2 ⎠⎠ ⎝ h uαβ p (t ) = (4-7) It is shown that harmonics of order 5 and 7 will be cancelled out and not appear in uαβp (this also holds for the 17th and 19th harmonic). The amplitude of the 11th and 13th harmonic is not affected and will appear with the same amplitude. Triplet harmonics appear with their amplitudes decreased by a factor of 2. Since the three-phase bridge rectifier will inject harmonics of order 5, 7, 11 and 13 (plus higher orders) it can be expected that a controller equipped with this PLL will give a much improved estimation of the voltage angle θ compared to a PLL without the DSC (an input to the PLL that only contains the fundamental component would of course be ideal). An accurate estimation of θ is important to achieve a good control of the voltage and also mitigating harmonic distortion in the voltage. In IEC 61000-3-6 indicative values for planning levels are given considering the harmonic voltage [30]. Values are given for both MV (medium voltage) and HV-EHV (high voltage, extra high voltage). These are only indicative values but can be used in comparison to the obtained values from the simulations. Table 4-1. Indicative planning levels for harmonic voltages (in percent of the fundamental voltage) [30]. Harmonic order [h] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 15 THD Harmonic voltage at MV [%] 1.8 4 1 5 0.5 4 0.5 1.2 3 2.5 0.3 6.5% Harmonic voltage at HV-EHV [%] 1.4 2 0.8 2 0.4 2 0.4 1 1.5 1.5 0.3 3% 4.5.1 Local harmonics-generating load In this subsection simulations are presented with the load connected at the PCC. 36 ELFORSK In Fig. 4.19, Fig. 4.21 and Fig. 4.23 the voltage waveform at the PCC is shown for loads of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 p.u. respectively, with and without voltage regulator. In Fig. 4.20, Fig. 4.22 and Fig. 4.24 are shown the corresponding voltage harmonics spectrum at the PCC. The unregulated voltage contains harmonics of order 5, 7, 11, 13 and higher as noted earlier. With voltage regulation the 5th harmonic is suppressed (more for a lower load) but the ability to suppress the 7th harmonic is poor, for a low load the content is even increased. Harmonics of order 11, 13 and higher are difficult to suppress due to limitations of the regulator. The total harmonic distortion values (THD) for the above various cases are reported in Table 4-2. It should be noted that the settings and bandwidth of the voltage regulator are critical to the ability to suppress the harmonic content. The setting used is optimized for a load of 0.75 p.u. Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Without voltage regulator 1.0 With voltage regulator 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 4.19. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. 37 ELFORSK Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 4.20. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. Without voltage regulator to the left (blue) and with voltage regulator to the right (red). Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Without voltage regulator 1.0 With voltage regulator 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 4.21. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. 38 ELFORSK Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 4.22. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. Without voltage regulator to the left (blue) and with voltage regulator to the right (red). Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Without voltage regulator 1.0 With voltage regulator 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 4.23. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. 39 ELFORSK Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 4.24. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. Without voltage regulator to the left (blue) and with voltage regulator to the right (red). Table 4-2 Total harmonic distortion (THD) with various local load levels. Local load [p.u.] 0.25 0.5 0.75 THD with no-regulation [%] 6.1 9.1 11.7 THD with voltage regulation [%] 5.9 5.4 6.4 4.5.2 Upstream harmonics-generating load In this subsection simulations are presented with the load connected at the grid. The ability of the WP to compensate for the resulting voltage harmonics at the PCC is studied. In Fig. 4.25, Fig. 4.27 and Fig. 4.29 the voltage waveform at the PCC is shown for loads, placed at the grid connection, of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 p.u. respectively. In Fig. 4.26, Fig. 4.28 and Fig. 4.30 are shown the corresponding voltage harmonics spectrum at the PCC. The unregulated voltage contains harmonics mainly of order 5 and 7. With voltage regulation the 5th harmonic is marginally affected and the 7th harmonic is even increased (up to 450 % for the 0.75 p.u. load). The total harmonic distortion values (THD) for the above various cases are reported in Table 4-3. 40 ELFORSK Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Without voltage regulator 1.0 With voltage regulator 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 4.25. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 4.26. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. Without voltage regulator to the left (blue) and with voltage regulator to the right (red). 41 ELFORSK Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Without voltage regulator 1.0 With voltage regulator 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 4.27. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 4.28. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. Without voltage regulator to the left (blue) and with voltage regulator to the right (red). 42 ELFORSK Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Without voltage regulator 1.0 With voltage regulator 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 4.29. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 4.30. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. Without voltage regulator to the left (blue) and with voltage regulator to the right (red). 43 ELFORSK Table 4-3 Total harmonic distortion (THD) with various grid load levels. Grid load [p.u.] 0.25 0.5 0.75 4.6 THD with no-regulation [%] 1.8 2.8 3.8 THD with voltage regulation [%] 6 9 11.3 Conclusions In this chapter the ability to mitigate some power quality problems using reactive power control was described. It was first shown that control of the voltage at the PCC requires an inductive network, as seen from the WP. The situation with a drop in the voltage at the PCC due to a step change in the local load was first considered. Simulations on some different feeder parameters were performed to study the ability of the WP to retain the voltage at the PCC at 1 p.u. Given a network with a big enough reactance this is possible. When the current limit is hit, the mitigation is slowed down. The ability to keep the voltage at 1 p.u. during a voltage dip was studied using the two different current limiting algorithms, L1 and L2. L2 showed an improved ability compared to L1. By decreasing the active power input a wider control range using reactive power was achieved. A recording of the voltage at the connection point of an arc furnace was used to study the ability to mitigate voltage fluctuations leading to flicker. The fluctuations occur in a wide frequency range and the ability to mitigate fast fluctuations with reactive power control is poor. Slower fluctuations, on the other hand, can be damped to some extent. The PST value at the PCC was reduced by 13 %. The final power quality issue that was simulated was harmonics, both generated at the PCC and from an upstream grid load. Harmonics occur at a timescale smaller than the fundamental period, hence requiring a very fast control system. The reactive power control is too slow to mitigate the harmonics, but for both the local and grid load the 5th harmonic is decreased. For a grid load the 7th harmonic is increased considerably for a high load. We can thus conclude that reactive power control is effective for an inductive network. The current handling capability of the VSC limits the control range and by decreasing the active power input a larger control range is obtained. The reactive power control has the ability to mitigate power quality problems that are not to fast, i.e. load changes and dips. For faster phenomena it shows a limited effect. This is because the bandwidth of the controller must be limited to avoid an unstable system. 44 ELFORSK 5 Active power control of HVDC wind park — DC-link solutions In the previous chapter the ability to mitigate the power quality problems by using only reactive power control has been investigated. In this chapter, the control of the active power will also be considered. In order to provide this capability, the power flow from the DC-link is to be controlled. The various techniques that could be implemented in order to accomplish this controllability are studied here. The ability to control the active power flow increases the voltage dips ride through capability of the VSC-HVDC WP in case of an upstream fault [36], and could also contribute to the mitigation of various power quality problems at the local grid, as it will be investigated in the next chapter. 5.1 Task definition Since wind power and grid loads are uncorrelated in time, this requires large amounts of balancing power basically for frequency control and stabilization. The front-end VSC of HVDC-WP is able to both consume and produce reactive power but not active power. The DC power flowing into the VSC will also flow into the grid as active power (with exception of some losses). By controlling this power flow to the grid, the following tasks are possible: • Contributing to system protection/security Generally the production of active power from the WP is kept as high as possible. On most wind turbines the pitch angle of the blades are controllable and thereby the amount of wind power that is converted to active electric power at a certain wind speed can be adjusted. The time response for the pitch angle is not very fast (a few seconds) but the method offers a way of varying the active power input. Due to the slow response of the pitch angle control it cannot be used to mitigate phenomena within a time-scale less than a few seconds occurring at the PCC. However, it can contribute to system security/protection measures, which are usually required within a predefined time that complies with the time response of the WP. For large-scale wind parks, it is required by the grid operator that the active power injection to the grid be controllable by remote signals [34][35]. It is also required that the WP production can be reduced to 20 % of rated power in less than 5 s without the disconnection of the individual wind turbines. The details of the WP controller will not be studied here, however, it will be assumed that the WP has the ability to comply with the grid codes in this regard. • Coping with grid codes Besides the above-mentioned operational requirements there are a number of power quality immunity requirements that the WP should comply with. Generally, the WP must be able to continue in operation during and after disturbances in the transmission network. The ride-through capability in case 45 ELFORSK PCC voltage [p.u.] of a fault at the transmission grid is described by Fig. 5.1 (according to [34][35]), where the slope of the recovery line (after 0.25 s) depends on the characteristics of the WP. 1.0 0.9 0.25 0.0 0.25 Time [s.] Fig. 5.1. SvK and Nordel grid code for large-scale WP ride-through requirement. Such a dip at the PCC will cause increased currents to be injected by the WP. Regarding the VSC-HVDC WP configuration, the VSC should be oversized in order to withstand such a condition [36]. Another way is to instantly reduce the injected active power, which will require a fast control over the power flow from the WP. For this purpose, a DC current chopper is introduced in the following section. • Providing ancillary services This is investigated in this work (next chapter) using the voltage regulation capability of the VSC along with a DC link configuration that provides the capability to control both the active and reactive power. It has been shown before, referring to Fig. 3.6 and Fig. 4.12, that the ability to reduce the active injected current of the WP results in providing better voltage-dips compensation capability. It is to be more investigated if other voltage quality phenomena, such as voltage amplitude variation and voltage harmonics, could be better mitigated with the implementation of active power control along with the reactive power controller. To use the active power control to mitigate fast transient problems at the PCC, there is a need for faster system. A solution could be to use an energy storage device or dump load with a fast time response. An energy storage device could be used to both inject and consume active power and thus contribute to a temporary higher demand from the grid or compensate for a temporary decrease in production as well as store excessive power. A load dump can only consume excessive power. 46 ELFORSK The control of active power can also be accomplished by combining two or three different methods with different time constants, as shown by Fig. 5.2. The first step could be to control the active power flow by using a fast dump load (using a DC current chopper as proposed here), then by using a slower storage device and finally by changing the control commands at the WP (through torque control or pitch angle control). Thus, a fast response can be achieved but mitigation is not limited to transient problems. Grid voltagequality phenomena Transients corrective measures Reactive power controller Grid security measures Active power controller time/ energy limit Chopper control Storage control time/ energy limit WP control Fig. 5.2. Combined Active/reactive power control chart. 5.2 Chopper control A simple way to consume excessive active power is to shunt it into a resistive element that is implemented in the DC-link. The energy is dissipated as heat, and this puts limits on both instantaneous power and the energy capability. The resistance can be connected and disconnected using power transistors or thyristors. Using a resistance, however, does not provide the capability of injecting oscillating active power that can be advantageous in mitigating any oscillations of the active power at the utility grid. In order to provide such a capability, an inductor should be implemented instead of the resistance in order to utilize an LC oscillating circuit. We will refer to such a circuit as “DC current chopper”. The exact design of this circuit, however, is not detailed here rather the control and the energy requirements of it which could be met through various designs. The DC current chopper is shown in Fig. 5.3. It is connected in parallel with the DC-link capacitor Cdc. The chopper is used to regulate the DC-voltage by 47 ELFORSK holding the current difference (ΔI) between the primary source current Iin and the current to be injected into the grid idc using the open loop controller shown in Fig. 5.4. The chopper introduces an additional control variable, which provides more flexibility and control opportunities. DC-link Chopper Iin DI udc idc PCC AC-filter TR vsc Cdc inverter Utility Grid Fig. 5.3. DC-link with a current chopper. udc + Dudc - * PI-controller chopper switch Comparator control signal iL iL * u dc Fig. 5.4. DC-chopper control. * that is The chopper controller produces a chopper current reference iL proportional to the difference between the DC-link voltage and its reference. The chopper current reference is then compared with the actual current to either switch on or off the chopper. The difference between the input current and the average value of the output current, which represents the average value of the chopper current (∆I), should be small, since the amplitude of the chopper current oscillations depends on it in the way that less ∆I results in lower oscillations in the chopper current and hence in the DC-link voltage. Moreover, the maximum of the output current (idc) should be less than (or equal to) the input current. Accordingly, ∆I is set here to 20 % of the input current (∆I = 0.2Iin). This value of ∆I allows 20 % peak value of injected current oscillations into the grid. The injected DC current (hence the active current reference) is: idc = 0.8I in + ir . (5-1) where ir is the ripple current (in per unit) that depends on the oscillations at the PCC voltage and is calculated in the controller as: u ir = 1 − d* . ud (5-2) The size of the capacitor is determined from the constraints on the maximum allowable DC voltage ripple Δudc . A design expression of the capacitor size, which is based on a simplified analysis of the instantaneous power flow, has been used here [46]: Cdc = Sn * u dc Δu dc ⋅ 1 2ω n (5-3) where Sn is the rated power of the VSC, and ωn is the fundamental angular frequency at the grid. 48 ELFORSK The operation of the DC-current chopper is tested in the next chapter when operating towards a grid with loads that are causing voltage amplitude variation at the PCC. If the limit set in (5-1) is violated due to increased oscillations at the grid voltage, increased oscillations will also appear at the DC-link. In this situation a further control (e.g. storage control) will be activated in order to stabilize the system (e.g. by further lowering the input power and hence Iin). The idea behind using the chopper is the fast time response. However, for better utilization of the power the storage control could also be considered. 5.3 Storage Control In this section different means of storage control are described. The emphasis is on the amount of stored energy and the power capabilities. The ability to store energy in the DC-link would provide an even greater control range than using the chopper alone, which has been introduced above. The produced energy generated by the WP, in general, can be stored electromagnetically, electrochemically, electromechanically, or as potential energy. Each energy storage device usually needs one or more power conversion units in order to adjust the energy to match its storage requirements. Using VSC-HVDC WP installation, such units already exist and it could be more economical to make use of them to reduce the total cost of the storage. Moreover, utilizing the storage at the DC-link is more feasible if it is installed at the inverter on-shore station. The main focus here is on energy storage facilities at the DC-link, where the main requirements are fast response, storage of fluctuating energy, adequate size compared to the investment, and environmentally friendly technology. 5.3.1 SMES—Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage An SMES is a device that stores energy in the magnetic field generated by the DC current flowing through a superconducting coil in solenoid or toroid configuration. Since the energy is stored through circulating currents, energy can be drawn or injected from an SMES with almost instantaneous response and high efficiency. The energy can be stored or delivered over periods ranging from milliseconds to several hours [39]. Hence an SMES is appropriate for use for power system conditioning applications [40]. Due to high costs, commercially available SMES systems generally only provide a few seconds of stored energy. SMES for use in power systems consists of both the inductor and a converter to serve as an interface between the AC grid and the DC coil. Since the SMES in this study would be placed in the HVDC-link, conversion between AC and DC is unnecessary and thus the cost can significantly be reduced. However, the SMES operates at a low voltage so some DC/DC converter is probably necessary [27]. The use of high temperature superconductors should also make SMES cost effective due to reduction in refrigeration needs [39]. It has been shown before that micro (<0.1 MWh) and midsize (0.1-200 MWh) SMES with energy range 50-500 MJ could potentially be more economical for 49 ELFORSK power transmission and distribution applications [39][42]. In [40], a SMES, connected to the distribution network through a two-quadrant DC chopper and an inverter, has been proposed to compensate for non-linear and pulsating loads due to its fast time response. In [43], a benefit-by-cost comparison between different storage systems for different cases has been carried out. It has been found that SMES has the highest benefit-by-cost ratio when connected near an industrial plant and used to improve the power quality. A SMES could be simply applied here by replacing the current chopper inductor with a superconductor. However, SMES devices with such high ratings are not yet commercially available. 5.3.2 Capacitors Capacitors store energy by accumulating positive and negative charges on plates separated by an insulating dielectric. They are often used for very short-term storage in power converters. In dynamic voltage restorers (DVR), capacitors with energy ratings of 1 MJ and power ratings of 2 MVA are used. Additional capacitors can be added to the dc bus of motor drives and consumer electronics in order to provide a capability to ride through voltage dips [39]. Electric double layer capacitors, known as ultracapacitors or supercapacitors, are emerging as energy storage devices capable of delivering large amount of power over relatively short time. However, their low energy density makes them unsuitable for use as primary energy storage in most systems. 5.3.3 BES—Battery Energy Storage In BES the energy is stored in electrochemical form. Batteries are available in several different types such as lead-acid, Nickel-Cadmium, Nickel-Metal Hybrid, Lithium ion and Lithium polymer batteries. The available energy for discharge and the charging energy both are limited by the chemical reaction rate of the BES [43]. BES differ in energy density, lifetime, durability, cost, etc. They are typically composed of smaller cells (each a few volts), and several batteries form larger units by serial and parallel configurations. BES exists with power ratings of a few MW and a storage capacity of some tens of MWh. To connect a battery to the HVDC-link some DC/DC conversion is probably needed [27]. Moreover, batteries provide a nearly constant voltage source, which make them adequate for use as a source for a power conditioning system. In other words, they are not adequate for use as power conditioning systems themselves. There are also environmental concerns related to BES due to toxic gas generation during charge and discharge. Moreover, the recycling/disposal of some kinds of BES is not yet very well established [39]. 50 ELFORSK 5.4 Wind park control As has been mentioned before the wind park controller is neither simulated nor studied in details since it is not the focus in this work. 5.5 Conclusions In this chapter the possibilities to control the active power injected from the WP were discussed. The possible outcome of such an action has been also described. With the active power control, large WPs would contribute to system security, protection, and stabilization. They also not only comply with the grid codes but also improve the local power quality and system dynamics. A control hierarchy with different individual time-scales has been proposed in Fig. 5.2 in order to achieve an active power control interface. Using a current chopper at the inverter station of the HVDC WP will provide a fast control response to counteract fast transient active power phenomena at the grid. However, due to the physical limitation of the chopper, a storage device with a slower time response could also be beneficial to activate if the problem at the grid persists. A slower WP controller is considered essential to comply with the grid codes, though it is not discussed here in details. Instead it has been assumed that the input power from the WP can be reduced to 20% of its maximum value in 5 s. A design criterion for the current chopper has been also presented. A current limit has been set in order to reduce the size of the chopper conductor. However, if this current limit is violated then the storage control should be activated in order to reduce further the input power. A comparison between different storage devices that can be installed in the DC-link has been carried out. It seems that the SMES (superconducting magnetic energy systems) is a promising technology, though still expensive and not available in the market for high ratings. The same applies also for supercapacitors. On the other hand batteries are well established and can be connected together to serve for high power ratings, though there are some environmental concerns due to toxic gas generation during charge and discharge and also due to its recycling/disposal techniques. 51 ELFORSK 6 Evaluation of combined active-andreactive power control using DClink solutions The main aim of this chapter is to compare between the two cases of using only reactive power control and combined active-reactive-power control. The latter control requires extra investment in the system and hence it is important to evaluate the benefits that could be eventually gained. The benefits of adding the active power control capability, using the DC current chopper or storage control that have been described in the previous chapter, are examined through simulation using the same cases that have been studied in Chapter 4. 6.1 Compensation of load changes The ability to mitigate the voltage drop due to an increase in the local load is examined when using only reactive power control and combined active-andreactive power control. The load instantaneously increases from 0.25 p.u. to 0.75 p.u. at t = 0.6 s. A cable feeder with X/R ratio of 1 and Xs of 0.2 p.u. has been assumed. In Fig. 6.1 and Fig. 6.2, the voltage at the PCC and the power flow from the VSC-HVDC front-end is plotted respectively. The WP is injecting a constant value of 0.5 p.u. active power and during the load change the storage device is injecting extra power to the VSC-HVDC front-end. The maximum voltage drop is reduced but the settling time is a bit longer. As more active power is injected during the voltage drop less reactive power is required to keep up the voltage, as shown by the lower trace in Fig. 6.2. As seen from Fig. 6.2 active power is injected, which implies that there must be some storage available. Some demands on this storage can be seen from the figure, where the needed energy can be estimated to be 0.3 p.u. with a maximum power of 0.15 p.u. For a per unit base of 100 MW this would result in 30 MJ/15 MW storage. Regarding the current chopper that has been described in the previous chapter, the chopper is capable of injecting energy of 0.03 p.u. with a maximum power of 0.2 p.u. Regarding the above energy need, extra battery storage might also be necessary if such an operation (shown in Fig. 6.1) is required. 52 ELFORSK Voltage at PCC when local load change. 1.04 Reactive and active regulation 1.03 Reactive regulation 1.02 1.01 Line voltage [p.u.] 1 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 6.1. Voltage at PCC for cable feeder with X/R ratio 1 and Xs = 0.2 p.u., with reactive power control (dashed red line) and active/reactive power control (solid blue line). Compare also to Fig. 4.7. Power flow from WP when local load change. 1 P, reactive and active regulation 0.9 Q, reactive and active regulation 0.8 P, reactive regulation 0.7 Q, reactive regulation 0.6 Power [p.u.] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time [s] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Fig. 6.2. Power flow from WP for cable feeder with X/R ratio 1 and Xs = 0.2 p.u., with reactive power control (dashed lines) and active/reactive power control (solid lines). Compare also to Fig. 4.8. 53 ELFORSK 6.2 Compensation of voltage dips in the grid Voltage dips penetrating to the PCC are compensated mainly using the reactive power control. However, as mentioned before, lower dips can lead to a condition where the current limit is hit and so an attained decreased voltage at the PCC may occur. It has been shown before, in Chapter 3, that using a current limitation algorithm that allows the active current (and hence active power) to decrease in order to maintain more reactive current (and hence reactive power) results in better voltage dips compensation capability. Referring to Fig. 3.6, Fig. 4.12, and Fig. 4.13, the use of the DC current chopper is promoted in order to comply with the required fast response. 6.3 Compensation of voltage fluctuations causing flicker The ability to mitigate voltage fluctuations is done by simulating a VSC-HVDC with only reactive power control and comparing to one with both active and reactive power control. In Section 4.4 it was shown that only reactive control could lead to some improvements of the power quality at the PCC, but mainly the slower fluctuations were mitigated. In Fig. 6.3 the voltage amplitude for a customer connected to the PCC is shown when using only reactive power control. The obtained PST value was 2.8 (for the uncontrolled situation, the PST value was 3.2). In Fig. 6.4 both active and reactive power control is used. The active power control is able to mitigate some of the faster fluctuations and the PST value is reduced to 2.3, an improvement of 16 % compared to only using reactive power control and 27 % compared to the uncontrolled situation. In Fig. 6.5 the injected active power from the VSC-HVDC WP is plotted. The power from the WP is held at a constant value of 0.5 p.u. and the fluctuations around this value are due to the injection/consumption of the storage device between the WP and the front-end. From this figure the demands on the storage device can be estimated. An energy storage of 0.01 p.u. and a power rating of 0.15 p.u. would suffice. For a per unit base of 100 MW this would result in a 1 MJ/15 MW storage. Regarding the current chopper that has been considered here using (5-1) and (5-3), the chopper is capable of injecting energy of 0.03 p.u. with a maximum power of 0.2 p.u. Hence, the use of the DC current chopper is promoted here in order to comply with both the energy and the fast time response requirements. 54 ELFORSK Voltage during flicker. 250 245 Phase voltage [V] 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [s] 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Fig. 6.3. Voltage fluctuations at PCC using only reactive power control. (PST value is 2.8.) Voltage during flicker. 250 245 Phase voltage [V] 240 235 230 225 220 215 210 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [s] 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Fig. 6.4. Voltage fluctuations at PCC using combined active and reactive power control. (PST value is 2.3) 55 ELFORSK Injected active power during flicker. 0.7 0.65 Active power [p.u.] 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Time [s] 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Fig. 6.5. Injected active power from VSC-HVDC front-end using combined active and reactive power control. The active power control using the DC current chopper is then tested. A closer snapshot of the voltage at PCC and the DC-link voltage is shown in Fig. 6.6 with only reactive power control. Both voltages are oscillating, where the amplitude of the oscillation at the PCC is affected by both the oscillations at the remote bus R, as designated in Fig. 3.1, where the voltage distortion load is connected, and the feeder parameters (here X/R = 10 and Xs = 0.84 p.u.). Since the DC input current in this case is not allowed to oscillate, the oscillations of the PCC voltage penetrate to the DC-link as oscillations imposed on its nominal voltage. Regarding a 0.05 p.u. allowed oscillation in the design of the DC-link capacitance, the DC-link overvoltage protection might trip in this case. In the case of both the active power control (using the chopper) and the reactive power control being implemented, better regulation of both the PCCvoltage and DC-link voltage is achieved as shown in Fig. 6.7. 56 ELFORSK Fig. 6.6. Voltage amplitude at PCC (upper) and DC-link (lower) during a connection of a load at the remote bus generating voltage amplitude variation; reactive power control. Fig. 6.7. Voltage amplitude at PCC (upper) and DC-link (lower) during a connection of a load at the remote bus generating voltage amplitude variation; active/reactive power control. 57 ELFORSK 6.4 Impact of harmonics In Section 4.5 the ability of the WP to mitigate voltage harmonics at the PCC, using reactive power control, was studied. For a local harmonics-generating load some improvements were shown, whereas for the grid connected load a considerable increase in the 7th harmonic was seen. In this section the situation with reactive power control is compared to the situation when using combined active and reactive power control. 6.4.1 Local harmonics-generating load In Fig. 6.8, Fig. 6.10 and Fig. 6.12 the voltage waveform at the PCC is shown for local loads of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 p.u. In Fig. 6.9, Fig. 6.11 and Fig. 6.13 the corresponding harmonic content is shown. The difference is marginal but there is a tendency towards worsening the voltage quality when using both active and reactive power control. The corresponding THD values are reported in Table 6-1 for the two cases of only reactive power control and combined active and reactive power control. Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Rective power control 1.0 Reactive and active power control 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6.8. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. 58 ELFORSK Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 6.9. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. With reactive power control to the left (blue) and with both reactive and active power control to the right (red). Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Rective power control 1.0 Reactive and active power control 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6.10. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. 59 ELFORSK Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 6.11. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. With reactive power control to the left (blue) and with both reactive and active power control to the right (red). Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Rective power control 1.0 Reactive and active power control 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6.12. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. 60 ELFORSK Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 6.13. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. With reactive power control to the left (blue) and with both reactive and active power control to the right (red). Table 6-1 Total harmonic distortion (THD) for local loads. Local load [p.u.] THD with reactive power control [%] 0.25 0.5 0.75 5.9 5.4 6.4 THD with combined active and reactive power control [%] 7 6.3 6.5 6.4.2 Upstream harmonics-generating load In Fig. 6.14, Fig. 6.16 and Fig. 6.18 the voltage waveform at the PCC is shown for grid connected loads of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 p.u. In Fig. 6.15, Fig. 6.17 and Fig. 6.19 the corresponding harmonic content is shown. The use of both active and reactive power control results in a considerable improvement compared to using only reactive power control. Compared to the nonregulated situation the 5th order harmonic is lowered, whereas the 7th is increased. The corresponding THD values are reported in Table 6-2 for the two cases of only reactive power control and combined active and reactive power control. 61 ELFORSK Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Reactive power control 1.0 Reactive and active power control 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6.14. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 6.15. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.25 p.u. With reactive power control to the left (blue) and with both reactive and active power control to the right (red). 62 ELFORSK Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Reactive power control 1.0 Reactive and active power control 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6.16. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 6.17. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.5 p.u. With reactive power control to the left (blue) and with both reactive and active power control to the right (red). 63 ELFORSK Voltage waveform at PCC 1.2 Reactive power control 1.0 Reactive and active power control 0.8 Phase voltage at PCC [p.u.] 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Time [ms] 12 14 16 18 20 Fig. 6.18. Voltage waveform at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. Voltage harmonics at PCC 12 11 10 Percentage of fundamental 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 5 7 9 Harmonic order 11 13 15 Fig. 6.19. Voltage harmonics at the PCC for a load of 0.75 p.u. With reactive power control to the left (blue) and with both reactive and active power control to the right (red). 64 ELFORSK Table 6-2 Total harmonic distortion (THD) for grid loads. 6.5 Grid load [p.u.] THD with reactive power control [%] 0.25 0.5 0.75 6 9 11.3 THD with combined active and reactive power control [%] 2.7 3.5 3.8 Conclusions The four different power quality issues studied in Chapter 4 using reactive power control have been revised, now using combined active and reactive power control. They mainly put different demands on the required active control in terms of energy and power capability. In mitigating voltage drop due to load changes the use of active power control showed some improvement, but the need for energy storage could be significant. When mitigating voltage dips at the PCC the use of current limiting algorithm L2 (see Section 3.2.1), that allows for the active power to be decreased in order to allow for more reactive power without hitting the current limit, showed good potential in minimizing the dip severity by just lowering the active power injected. The use of the DC current chopper has been presented here as a feasible solution in order to provide such a capability. As voltage dips are of limited duration, the need for energy storage is limited. Compared to the reactive power control, the use of both active and reactive power control resulted in better mitigation of voltage fluctuations leading to flicker. Fluctuations with higher frequencies could now be damped by using a current chopper. The use of a DC current chopper has not only resulted in regulated grid voltage at the connection point but also in better regulated DClink voltage. The latter results in less harmonic emission and reduced risk for tripping of the dc link due to dc overvoltage or undervoltage. For a harmonics-generating load at the PCC there is not much improvement compared to using only reactive power control. For the upstream grid load the use of only reactive power control resulted in a large increase of the 7th harmonic. This effect is clearly damped when also controlling the active power but the 7th harmonic is still somewhat larger than for the non-controlled situation. As a general rule, mitigation of slow phenomena requires larger amounts of storage. Mitigation of (slow) voltage magnitude variations due to load switching requires much more storage than mitigation of fast voltage fluctuations and voltage dips. However, the mitigation of fast phenomena requires a fast controller. The speed of the controller is however limited as a too fast controller could result in instable behavior of the system. Therefore, the ability of the controller to mitigate very fast voltage fluctuations and voltage harmonics is limited. 65 ELFORSK 7 Discussion In this chapter, the main conclusions concerning the active control interface capability of a VSC-HVDC wind-park are summarized and discussed. Moreover, possible future work is suggested. 7.1 Conclusions The control of both active and reactive power introduces more flexibility of a VSC-HVDC wind park (WP) installation. However, there are some limitations over the amount of the active and reactive power to be injected. From the grid viewpoint, the main limitation is its impedance as seen from the point of common coupling where the WP is installed. This impedance is generally different for different voltage levels. It has been shown in this study that with high grid impedance less full-regulation area of the voltage is feasible. From the WP installation viewpoint, it has been demonstrated that the current limitation of the front-end converter sets a limit to the reactive power that can be injected. The higher the amount of injected active power is, the lower the reactive-power limit. This reactive-power limit sets in turn a limit to the voltage-control capabilities of the controller. A comparison has been made between two current limitation algorithms: the first (referred to as L1) limits only the injected reactive current while the second (referred to as L2) allows for the active current to be decreased in order to increase the injected reactive current without the violation of the limit. By using L2, the number of trips of a nearby sensitive load can be significantly decreased compared to using L1. In the study case considered here, an improvement by a factor of 2 (half the number of trips) has been found for equipment voltage sensitivity of 0.8 p.u. Applying L2 requires however extra investment in the system in order to regulate the active power with a fast response. The controller can also be used to improved the voltage-dip immunity (often referred to as “fault-ridethrough”) of the wind-power installation itself or of nearby wind-power installations. The simulations with reactive-power control only have been performed for X/R ratios of 1 and 5. The simulations with combined active and reactive-power control have been performed for X/R ratio equal to 10. The latter is representative for the higher voltage levels at which wind parks will be connected. The basic voltage controller depends on controlling the reactive power injected into the grid, which is carried out using the front-end converter. The use of a DC current chopper has been introduced here in order to control the active power. A comparison between using reactive power control and using combined active and reactive power control has been carried out for different phenomena in the grid. The comparison results are summarized in Table 7-1. For combined active and reactive power control a distinction is made between three types of controllers: the chopper control discussed in Chapter 5, battery 66 ELFORSK storage control, and a controller that aims at changing (typically reducing) the power production by the wind turbines themselves. With the reactive power control, it is possible to regain the voltage amplitude in case of a drop (e.g. due to switching of local loads or voltage dips) as long as the current limit of the converter is not reached. For low wind-power production the mitigation capabilities are less than for high wind-power production. Also slow voltage variations can be compensated for. However, harmonic distortion in the grid voltage cannot be attenuated in this way due to the limited bandwidth of the controller. However, adding the active power control capability results in better regulation for both the voltage at the PCC and the DC voltage. Moreover, with the active power control more regulation capability is achieved when the current limit is reached, since in that case the active power could be temporarily lowered in order to allow for more reactive power to be injected into the grid. The contribution of the wind-power installation to operational security of the grid takes place at longer time scales than the ones considered in this study. Reduction or increase (where possible) of the wind-power production by the turbines is the most appropriate for this. Obviously, as long as the current limit is not reached, the reactive-power controller can contribute to operational security by injecting reactive power on request from the network operator. Table 7-1 Comparison of reactive and active/reactive power control, shadowed blocks are not considered adequate application. Combined active and reactive power control Response time to grid dynamics Only reactive power control Chopper control Battery storage control WP control Milliseconds Milliseconds Seconds Seconds Compensation Switching with limited of local Compensation energy depending loads on the chopper design Voltage dips at the grid Compensation of shallow dips Compensation of higher dips Grid Compensation Compensation not voltage not significant significant harmonics 67 Compensation with better transients ELFORSK Better Voltage compensation for amplitude Compensation both AC and DC variation voltage System security measures Contribution Contribution Using a DC current chopper has been proposed here in order to achieve fast control over the active power and has been proved to be effective in case of the compensation for voltage amplitude variation and low voltage dips (less than 0.6 p.u. in the case study here). Battery storage devices, in spite of some environmental concerns, are the most economical technique. If their cost is reduced and higher ratings are commercially available, SMES (superconducting magnetic energy storage) would be the more effective solution for active power control through storage. This is due to their very fast time response, ability to compensate for oscillating power, unlimited operational time, long lifetime, and almost no environmental impact. 7.2 Future work With the vision of the future power grid in mind [45], envisaging the grid to be more flexible, reliable, accessible, economic and environmentally friendly, it seems quiet natural continuing the research and development on the active interface possibilities of wind parks. Some of the ideas that mainly came out of this work are briefly stated: • Study the speed limitations of the controller. There appear to be some stability concerns when the controller speed becomes too high. This should be further investigated as the speed limitation makes the controller less suitable for mitigating flicker, voltage dips and harmonics. • The study of the propagation of different voltage quality phenomena to the VSC-HVDC WP installation, and how they can impact each part of the installation. This also could be interesting in the case of forming a DC grid. The study of the impact of the AC grid on the DC grid could result in raising requirement of the quality of the AC grid that the WP could connect to. • The compensation of voltage harmonics has appeared to be a hard job for the WP to compensate for. It could be interesting to put this phenomenon in focus and develop the control system in order to compensate for it. • Apply the combined active-reactive-power control for fault-ride through and other requirements set by the network operator. • Apply the control concepts to DFIG generators and to small installations like microturbines. Moreover, studying the requirements for the plug-andplay concept for such installations. 68 ELFORSK • Dimensioning of the dc link capacitor and the chopper reactance. The size of these will likely be determined by the requirements placed on the performance of the installation. 69 ELFORSK 8 References [1] V. K. Sood, HVDC and FACTS Controllers Application of Static Converters in Power Systems, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2004. [2] J. M. Carrasco, E. Galvan, R. Portillo, L.G. Franquela, and J.T. Bialasiewicz, “Power Electronics Systems for the Grid Integration of Wind Turbines,” in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, June 2006, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1002–1016. [3] C. Du, VSC-HVDC for Industrial Power Systems, PhD thesis, ISSN 0346718X, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. [4] E. F. Mogos and X Guillad, “A Voltage Regulation System for Distributed Generation,” at IEEE Power System Conference and exhibition, October 2004, vol. 2, pp. 787–794. [5] R. K. 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Fig. A.1 Overview of the system used in PSCAD for simulations. i) Grid equivalent The grid is modeled as an ideal 40 kV voltage source behind a transformer. The transformer ratings are 25 MVA, 40/10 kV, Y/Δ and X = 10 %. ii) Feeder The feeder that connects the WP to the grid is modeled as a resistance and inductance in series. Different values are used for the individual simulations. These values are given in the text. iii) Loads The grid and local loads are modeled as PQ-loads for AC with values given in the text. When simulating a harmonics-generating load a pure resistance is used behind a three-phase full-bridge diode rectifier. The different values are given in the text. iv) Wind-power installation (“Distributed generation”) The wind-power installation can be further divided into three separate units: the energy source, the VSC and the LCL-filter. v) Energy source In the simulations of the converter with reactive-power control only the energy source is modeled as an ideal DC voltage source with a voltage U dc = 2 2 2 uac, rms = 2 10 = 16.33 kV . 3 3 74 (A-1) ELFORSK In the simulations of the converter with active and reactive-power control the energy source is modeled as an ideal current source. vi) VSC The VSC is built up with PSCAD standard components (IGBTs and diodes). The construction is shown in Fig. A.2. The VSC rating is 10 kV and 2 MVA. Fig. A.2. The voltage source converter used in PSCAD. vii) LCL-filter In Fig. A.3 the LCL-filter used in the simulations is shown. The values are calculated to fulfill the demands in [28]. Fig. A.3. LCL-filter used in the simulations in PSCAD. The line-side inductance is modeled as 4.963 mH inductance in series with a 159.9 mΩ resistance. This inductance represents the leakage inductance of a connection transformer. The converter-side inductance is modeled as a 13.05 mH inductance in series with a 410 mΩ resistance. Between the inductors is placed a Y-connected capacitor bank modeled as a 5.512 μF capacitance. viii) Per-unit base values The following values are used as base values for the per-unit calculations. 75 ELFORSK U b = 10 kV S b = 2 MVA Ib = Zb = Sb = 115 A 3U b U b2 = 50 Ω Sb 76