92-03-006_G4 AndThenItHappened_VC_WN.indd
92-03-006_G4 AndThenItHappened_VC_WN.indd
GRADE 4 And Then It Happened Using the children’s series “And then It Happened” by Canadian author Michael Wade, this lesson offers teachers ideas on how to incorporate financial literacy learning into a novel study. This lesson can be adapted to any literature that has a similar theme. After reading a section from “And Then It Happened” students are asked to calculate how much it would cost to fix one of the items that Gordon breaks in the short stories assigned. Students will compare their findings to determine which item is the most expensive to fix and then advise Gordon on ways he can earn the money he needs to get the item repaired. Curriculum Expectations Subject Mathematics / Language Suggested Timing 40 minutes Financial Literacy Objectives At the end of this lesson, students will: • use financial symbols and terminology; • calculate cost of purchases. Language, Grades 1-8 (2006) Language Reading 1.1 Read a variety of texts from diverse cultures, including literary texts and informational texts. 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts by summarizing important ideas and citing supporting details. Writing 1.3 Gather information to support ideas for writing using a variety of strategies and oral, print, and electronic sources. 2.1 Write more complex texts using a variety of forms. PAGE 1 And Then It Happened Curriculum Expectations (continued) GRADE 4 Mathematics, Grades 1-8 (2005) Mathematics Number Sense and Numeration • Represent, compare, and order whole numbers to 10 000, using a variety of tools read and print in words whole numbers to one thousand, using meaningful contexts. • Add and subtract two-digit numbers, using a variety of mental strategies. • Add and subtract money amounts by making simulated purchases and providing change for amounts up to $100, using a variety of tools. Assessment Use: Gordon’s Expensive Mistakes Teacher Record Sheet (Appendix E) What You Need • • • • • • Minds On Ask students “Who in the class has ever made a mistake that cost money to fix?” “What was that mistake?” “And then it Happened” series of books Computer lab OR catalogues to research how much specific items cost Things That Get Broken, Reading Notes (Appendix A) Sales receipt exemplar (Appendix B) Template to make a sales receipt (Appendix C) “And then it Happened” chart (Teacher resources showing what gets destroyed in which book and chapter) (Appendix D) • Gordon’s Expensive Mistakes Teacher Record Sheet (Appendix E) Students share their answers and explain what happened. PAGE 2 And Then It Happened Action GRADE 4 Reading Create cooperative groups. Hand out copies of “And Then It Happened”, and assign one story segment per group. Assign individuals within the group to read sections of their assigned story to their group aloud. (Note: for a list of stories that have items that are broken see Appendix D.) As students read the story ask them to identify any items that get broken and need repair. Assign a recorder in the group to write down these items and describe what needs to be fixed (Appendix A). Group Work Using computers or catalogues/flyers, students will research how much it would cost to repair Gordon’s mistakes. If in a lab, a list of appropriate websites should be provided to direct children where they can find the price of items that need to be replaced. Using the template provided (Appendix B), each student will then create a sales receipt by recording how much Gordon’s mistake cost to fix. An exemplar can be shown in advance of this activity (see Appendix B) and the teacher should explain what a receipt is, identify its features and explain why and how it is used during a purchase. Explain to students that while tax would normally be charged on a receipt, today they will just be recording the price on their template. The individuals in the group compare their findings to see how their research on prices may have differed. Note: The teacher can take observation notes of student work habits using Appendix E, as they are completing each activity. Consolidation/ Debrief Class presentation A volunteer speaker from each group explains to the class what Gordon broke and gives examples of amounts the item(s) would cost to fix. After each group presents, the class as a whole should decide which of the character’s mistakes were the most expensive. As a class the students and teacher discuss the critical thinking questions below: • Who do you think should pay for things when they get broken? • What advice would you give Gordon and his friends to avoid making such costly mistakes? • If you broke something in a store by accident, what would you do? • When you did your research, why do you think some websites or catalogues/ stores had higher prices than others for the same item? PAGE 3 APPENDIX A And Then It Happened GRADE 4 Things That Get Broken - Reading Notes Who broke it? What item(s) were broken? PAGE 4 APPENDIX B And Then It Happened GRADE 4 Sales Receipt Example Canadian Wheels #140 VALU FOR PETS #1126 120 STEELES AVE E. 890 MAIN STREET E. MILTON, ON MILTON, ON 905-878-2349 11/05/2011 11:05 AM CARD 99999************** CARD TYPE 043-0248-0 B&D 7L SS Kettle $34.99 13% HST $ 4.55 T O T A L $39.54 CASH $40.00 INTERAC ACCOUNT TYPE DATE CHEQUING 2011/11/22 TIME 16:12 RECEIPT NUMBER C30851350-002-083-098-0 APPROVAL TASTE OF THE WILD CANNED 3 @ $2.89 PURCHASE TOTAL $39.54 CHANGE $ 0.46 SUB TOTAL $8.67 BONE-A-MINTS, 6 PK $8.99 SAM COCO WNTR DOG COAT, LG $36.99 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PURCHASE TOTAL $54.65 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– PAGE 5 APPENDIX C And Then It Happened GRADE 4 Sales Receipt Template Total Total PAGE 6 APPENDIX D And Then It Happened GRADE 4 Chapters where Gordon breaks/ destroys something (Teacher Resource) Book # Chapter What was destroyed Websites to research amounts of each of Gordon’s mistakes Book 1 • bicycle built for 3 NOTE: listing of websites for teacher only Ch. 6 A bicycle built for 3 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Kent-DualdriveTandem-Bicycle/3663045 Ch. 10 Christmas Disaster Book 2 Ch. 9 The Camping Trip Ch. 11 The Big Fish Book 3 Ch. 9 Night Visitor • sleigh http://buggy.com/sssleigh.html • 3 sets of boys clothing http://thechildrensplace.ca/ • wetsuit http://www.scuba.com/shop/ppc/ ppcParentCategoryCustom2.asp?category=WetSuits&rf=9&ppcurl=wetsuits2.asp&PKeyword=wets uit&gclid=COb7raaKtK0CFUHRKgodI025mQ • 1 small pup tent http://thechildrensplace.ca/ • 3 sleeping bags http://www.walmart.ca/ • 3 pillows • 3 pairs of boys pajamas Book 4 Ch. 7 Lover’s Leap • soft top for convertible http://www.convertibletop.com/?gclid=CK_ Bv7KLtK0CFSwBQAodhxezkw Book 5 Ch. 4 The Giant Cupcakes • Chopper eats 3 giant cupcakes http://www.flourgirls.com/cupcakes.aspx Book 7 Ch. 3 Halloween • 2 wooden wagons http://www.tscstores.com/Search.aspx?k=wagon Ch. 5 Dashing Through the • costumes for 3 wise men Snow (longer chapter) Book 8 Ch. 4 The Snake Ch. 8 The Talent Show Disaster http://www.buycostumes.com/browse/_/N-/Nttthree+wisemen/results1.aspx • deep sea fishing rod http://www.alltackle.com/crowder_bluewater_ rods.htm • gold pocket watch http://www.pocketwatchsite.com/ PAGE 7 APPENDIX E And Then It Happened GRADE 4 Gordon’s Expensive Mistakes Teacher Record Sheet Student Name Cooperation in Group Participation Research Sales Receipt PAGE 8