Kapiti College


Kapiti College
Kapiti College
Newsletter February 26 2015
A very warm welcome to all of our Year 9s
to the Kapiti College community. With the
zone in place, we have reached our maximum of 286 Year 9 students and the school
roll is 1440. Welcome also to all of those
who have joined us from other schools as
well as to our 30 new International Students.
This newsletter reports on the achievement
of our Senior students in NCEA last year.
NCEA Level 1
2014 Academic Report
The graphs opposite show roll-based results. This means they include everyone
who started the year, regardless of whether they completed it. The results that the
newspapers tend to publish are participation results, which do not give as honest a
look at how groups of students have really
performed. As you can see, we were far
above the national average at all levels in
2014 We were also well above the decile
8-10 average.
This is particularly so for Years 11 and 12
with over 88% of Year 11s passing Level 1
and 97% of Year 12s passing Level 2 (fig
1). In the second graph, the key reason
for the difference in Kapiti results against
National results becomes obvious. There
is a significant gap between results for
girls and boys nationally, but very little
difference between overall achievement at
Kapiti, apart from at Level 3. However,
where boys have completed Year 13, their
pass rate catches up with the girls.
NCEA Level 2
NCEA Level 3
fig. 1 Overall Achievement
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13
Kapiti Girls
Kapiti Boys
National Girls
National Boys
Achievement of Endorsements (fig. 3) is 0
Level 1 Y 12 Male
NCEA Level
Y11 2Female NCEA
Y 12 Level
once again very good. Having said that,
fig. 3 Merit and Excellence Endorsements
girls are doing far better than girls nataionally and this is reflected at Kapiti. In a very sobering Well done to all of our students and teachers who
statistic, the rate that girls are completing Bachelor worked hard last year to reach this level of success.
degrees is twice that of boys.
Year 13 Results
Level 3 Achieved
Johnson Halihannah
Anderson Mitchell
Andrews-Graham Nicki
Annandale Te Wai
Apperley Thomas
Arnold Amy
Asbery Nicholas
Berry Emily
Bess Annika
Bly Ryan
Brown Tayla
Burge Daniel
Canham Adrian
Cooper Erin
Coulton Mollie
Cowell Raeanne
Crawford Johnson
Crocker Faye
Daube Elizabeth
Davenport Robert
Deadman Matthew
Duffy Dylan
Evans-Karipa Bodie
Fell Michael
Ferris Lachlan
Fogarty Ethan
Gawtrey Harry
Gounder Katharine
Haenga Fabian
Halliday Ryan
Hamilton Jaden
Harris Joshua
Hindes Hannah
Hunter Ruth
Jamieson Moana
Jones Rebecca
Joseph Travis
Keane Rongo
Kilkolly Ryan
Knight-Densem Ryland
Lake-Perez Te Rehia
Lambregts Jonathan
Lau Hari
Leach Harrison
Mackle Blair
Mageean Daniel
McDonald Craig
McGarvey Noah
McPhee Cameron
Meadow Samuel
Medhurst Shelley
Moger Peter
Moody Holly
Moseley Harry
Neilson Haley
Newland Connor
Pearce Michael
Peat Kaitlyn
Pickersgill Sean
Pomare Kahe
Reid Michaela
Reid Paiaka
Sage Emma
Schaare Dunyell
Shaw Elizabeth
Smith Sapphire
Stephenson Sean
Taikato Alexander
Te Huki Hawaiki
Te Maipi Bailey
Thomas Hayley
Turney William
Vestal Isabel
Wallace Andre
Ward Chantelle
Ward-Johnston Brodie
White Holly
Wyman Gemma
Xu Alice
Yuan Jiahui
Zheng Ying
Merit Endorsement
Allan Angus
Armstrong Jessica
Barry Sarah
Baxter Samuel
Bell Ariana
Borthwick Georgia
Bridger Tomika
Brown Kaylah
Clarke Emma
Clarke Nathan
Cosgrove Cassidy
Drake Katreena
Duffy Olivia
Dyhrberg Sophie
Farron Mark
Fields Josie
Frazer Louise
Gifford Jade
Glasgow-Keene Kara
Gurinov Maksim
Johnsen Edward
Johnson Brittany
Jones Alice
Koffman Kristina
Langenhoven Philip
Leah Caspian
MacDuff Genevieve
Malifa Tafaeafe
McCullough Justin
McGee Brianna
Pinkas Matyas
Pratt Leigh
Prow Autumn
Rodgers Gina
Sherrington Aidan
Suen Hiu Ching
Taylor Bradley
Te’o Leilani
Tracy Luke
Trotter Oliver
Excellence Endorsement
Arron Melanie
Barclay Shannon
Batten Madison
Blythen Christey
Geraghty Jessica
Gregory Hanna
Hayvice Bonnie
Jeffries Annalisa
King Jessie
Mead Lisa
Park Brittany
Reedy Francesca
Sykes Megan
Timoteo Eleni
Tissink Kelly
Turner Lorraine
Wallace Georgia
Sports Person
of the Year:
Sam Baxter
2014 Dux
and Arts
Person of the
Jessie King
Winners of Scholarship to University 2015
Year 12 results
Laubscher James
Lawn Jonathon
Leah Mystery
Level 2 Achieved
Little Adam
Andrews Logan
Llewellyn Callum
Ashley Jasmin
Mallon Oscar
Bargh Briana
Marlow-Jones Taylor
Batten Jack
Matthews Iliam
Bloodworth Brandon
Mattila Jasper
Bond Sharmane
McAllister Niamh
Boonen Leonard
McLaughlin Daniel
Brice Nicholas
McLean Rose
Brough Matthew
McNaught Deishaan
Bulliff Gareth
Meres Shannon
Cameron-Harper Elliot
Moki-Young Herewini
Carroll Liam
Morgon Benjamin
Chapman Morgan
Mulholland Sean
Chapman Santana
Neumann-Cornwell Nikolas
Clements Sophie
Ngatai Josiah
Collison Chad
O'Donnell Eli
Cuttance Nathan
Pakome Ronise
Davie Samantha
Parata Tonisha
Davis Teina
Parsons Carina
De Martin Olivia
Penny Sarah
Devakul Na Ayudhaya Kodchakorn Pfeiler Coady
Devakul Na Ayudhaya Suphoppath Phillips Glyn
Duggan Fergus
Prankerd Yjose
Duncan Adam
Ransfield Keagan
Ellis Mitchell
Reynolds Luke
Ellis Taylor
Riepen Brendan
Eltherington Elizabeth
Rollander Alex
Ferreira Amy
Ropata Tuteremoana
Forster Raana
Ryan Chevrone
Fortune Kacy
Seabright Riley
Fuggle Brea
Seddon Bryan
Furfie Hannah
Sellars Billy-Jack
Futter-Sanders Billy
Shanks Declan
Garnham Abigail
Sheehy Sophie
Goile-McEvoy Hannah
Sigley Crystal
Goodall Alexander
Smith Jayden
Goodwin Mikayla
Smith Mae
Grady Jesse
Smith Ohaora
Gurunathan Ari
Souster Jeffery
Hannaway Callum
Srirak Adam
Harper Seth
Stainton Charlie
Harrison Liam
Stapleton Dannielle
Hawkins Rewa
Stevens Kaleb
Hazel Tuscany
Stewart Seth
Hickey Ryan
Stokes Hannah
Holmes Kiri
Suntornjarayakul Thananya
Howell Dyllan
Taylor Ian
Hunt John
Hutson Hayley
Jackson Libby
Jackson Oscar
Jacobs Penny
Johnson Catherine
Johnston Amber
Jones Zakh
Kaye Douglas
Kearney-Parata Ruben
Kelly Jessica
Kirifi Honu
Kneebone Danielle
Kraus Bianca
Kuklinski Stefan
Lake Tegan
Latief Sophia
Te Rangiita Briar
Templeton Ian
Tobin Max
Toon Joshua
Van Zeyl-Dawson Jaden
Watson Liam
Wickert Paige
Wilkinson Billie
Williams-Brown Shanelle
Wilson Sean
Wittmann Jacob
Youdvald Kasey
Zammit Karlos
Merit Endorsement
Balmforth Victoria
Bonnett Arnold
Borgstede Mieke
Brown Jemma
Butler Logan
Chivers Timothy
Coupland Orion
Crimp Jessica
Dacombe-Bird Pelham
Diamantis Neko
Enoka Paige
Erasmus Hilldene
Fitzmaurice Ruby
Goh Zi Yin
Gutry Josephine
Hampton Troy
Harford Silas Theresa
Hollywood Kaia
Leonard Riley
Mason Benjamin
Maud Georgina
Maynard Natalya
McDonald Daniel
Mears Lachlan
Moseley Finn
Neil Cameron
Noble Jennifer
Norris Samuel
O’Donoghue Gerard
O’Leary Callum
O’Neill Madison
O’Shanassy Liam
Packman Mya
Packman Tess
Parker Ruby
Ramsay Awatea
Rangihuna Benjamin
Reid Rebecca
Salisbury Emma
Scotcher Katherine
Shalders-Taylor Jack
Singleton Jessica
Excellence Endorsement
(pictured below)
Black Te Aniwaniwa
Bowman Daniel
Chung Sarah
Craigen Tamara
Cribb Charquera
Dean Ruby
Drury Chelsea
Fields Nicholas
Fisher Sian
Foster Rebecca
Galloway Meg
Hall Sara
Hunter Melissa
Karauti-Lute Tui
Kaveney-Gibb Benjamin
Kenny Ariana
Macdonald Connor
MacKenzie Sarah
MacLean Maya
Marshall-Kelsey Jesse
Maxon Mila
McKay Emme
McPhee Tessa
Mullaghan Roisin
Proctor Emma
Redstall Caleb
Smith Cyan
Smith Jennifer
Taggart Sam
Tandy Erin
Tapa Maggie
Thompson Lisa
White Lucy
Year 11 Results
Level 1 Achieved
Amey Kaitlyn
Ashman Jonathan
Barlow Corey
Baxter Andrew
Benefield Luka
Berben Gerard
Blackman Zane
Bolland Scott
Braithwaite Shania
Bramley-Davis Ihaia
Bray Shane
Brown Kyata
Brown Kyrin
Brown Sara
Castle Jed
Cathro Samuel
Chapman Luke
Cleavely Ngaire
Clifton Harley
Collins Campbell
Cooksley Dylan
Cooper Henry
Coulter Grace
Coventry Jordan
Cowell Jayden
Crocker Sasha
Daly Ruby
Denton James Francis
Donaghy Teraiti
Edwards Bevan
Ennis Taylor
Evans-Karipa Laci
Farron Liam
Feng Katherine
Fulton Jacob
George Mia
Gilchrist Kagan
Gillespie Nicholas
Gramberg Brooke
Halliday Amy
Hargreaves Dylan
Harris Janita
Harrison-Connell Tairawhiti
Harvey Jarod
Hawkins Rihare
Healy Emerson
Huang Lukun
Hughes Katrina
Karaitiana Ruma
Keenan Christian
Kendall Georgia
Kennedy Liam
Kingi Aniwaniwa
Kirkwood-Pou Tresyn
Kneebone Jessica
Koop Thorwald
Lavington Connor
Loahaboonyanukul Yanisa
Lowe Harry
M Manickam Navesh
MacLeod Behn
Maeda Ryo
Malaulau Emily
Matthews Waiora
Maynard Matthew
McFarlane Joshua
Meier Jack
Mitchell Annika
Mollison Trey
Mooney Angus
Morgan Luke
Murrow-Wise Xander
Namroud Mikhaeil Ornina
Neilson Jessica
Northcott Stanley
O'Donnell Orla
O'Grady Jack
Pakome Isitolo
Pawson Brodey
Peake Isaiah
Pearn Dominic
Perez Justine
Pittman Luke
Player Matthew
Quin Jake
Quinn Joshua
Rangi Tamyka
Rankin Morgan
Rauhihi Bryah-Rose
Reeve Nathan
Reid Ella
Roberts Fox
Ronberg Conor
Ryan Stephen
Sage Katy
Scott Joel
Scott-McCleary Sam
Sermsuk Na
Sievers Josiah
Simpson Elizabeth
Simpson-Greenwood Rowan
Smith Harley-David
Stella Michaella
Stevenson Cameron
Stewart David
Stratford Jayden
Taylor Will
Teono Emily
Thomas Dylan
Thompson Phil
Thomson Nicholas
Tissink Robert
Todd Abigail
Townsend Joseph
Trott Antoinette
Turner Tyler
Watt Emily
Whitinui Jacob
Willsher Harry
Wilson-Glen Taylor
Wilson-Tasi Tamara
Witham Dion
Merit Endorsement
Anderson Aston
Barrett Hannah
Biddiscombe Rose
Blackford Jordan
Blair Rebekah
Bloxham Morgan
Bolsover Sophie
Brabham Luke
Bradley Paris
Brinck Laura
Budd Samuel
Burton-Wood Elizabeth
Cairns Cameron
Challies Louis
Chandler Callis Sean
Dawson Emily
Delaney Declan
Dolman Aimee
Dyer Naomi
Evans Phoebe
Fisher Tehya
Fugaz Eesha
Garraway Gabrielle
Gifford Georgia
Gittins Abigail
Goile-Mcevoy Nikita
Gorte Rachael
Green Cameron
Gregory William
Griggs Georgia
Halliday Sarah
Heustice Megan
Hughes-Richards Jack
Jones Emma
Keim James
Kelly Jordan
Kelly Tyler
Kerr Codey
Kerr Nicole
Knight-Densem Libby
Lambert Robert
Leitch Brooklyn
Lucas Georgia
MacDermaid Aimee
Maginness Te
Mathom Anande
McArthur Megan
McEwen Anthony
Miller Jessica
Moody Charlotte
Morton Angus
Ngwele Alysha
O'Connell-Milne Austin
Parker Amy
Patel Kieran
Prosser-Wright Daniel
Provan-Monk Billy
Pryor Rodgers Brydie
Robinson Melissa
Ruiterman Jordan
Sharpe Timothy
Simcock Aperahama
Simmonds Christopher
Simpson Cameron
Sloane Kody
Smith Daniel
Stant Jarrod
Swift Hannah
Te Huia Korowai
Thevenon Romain
Timblick Lachlan
Tracy Michael
Trudgeon-Collins Drew
Voyle Caitlin
Wagg Kate
White Erica
Wilson Ambionne
Woodley-Hanan Ballad
Worsley Lara
Xu Maggie
Excellence Endorsement
(pictured below)
Allen Tess
Apperley Sarah
Brannigan Natalie
Busby Isobel
Bush Tarquin
Cowle Aimee
Doyle Rosemary
Duffy Hannah
Eland Kate
English Liam
Fallon Jessica
Finderup Taylor
Frazer Fiona
Gannon Meghan
Gould James
Gulley Sarah
Jones Maddie
Keane Mahinaarangi
MacDonell Kathryn
MacLean Cameron
McDougall Phoebe
McIndoe Jayda
Penny Kate
Pinguet Sabine
Polglase Natasha
Prendeville Anneliesa
Robinson Demelza
Stroes Isabella
Taylor Jordan
Tesoriero Devon
Thomson Adam
van den Oever Billie
Woodham Julia
Wright Krystal
Wynne-Ewens Grace

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