Tt{€ IN COOPERATION WITH THE Hsrth Buhuts lfilnttrirul Surirtg sf Grrililuns ilI PRESENT fiirhrr utrn SUNG IN GERM AN TIBOR BROTHERS _ - LYRI GERARD, FRANCIS, HARVEY. LARRY I& K[,'RT IN COOPERATION WITH THE tu fi$trtrriral $rrirlg $ 6prffisnr frsxx iJ,asnis &#l :S SUNG IN GERM AN TNBCIF BROTHERS _ - LYRICS ENCLOSED GERARD. FRANCIS, HARVEY, LARBY & KURT TIRO,R (6rrmuns frsur t+ tl ti t ft a t+ *i s fs*f*fs*ffi*€ €i fi a *r a €r €i tr ti €t fi ti f+ €i tl ti f& €i rBoR BRoTHERS Mar. Hecker number 14, names from A in the alphabet. Only the "E" is to N missing (Ernest died in 1950), but that "E" has been aptly f illed with the word ENTERTAI NMENT! The musical family goes back to grandfather, Leonard Hecker, who was born in Russia and migrated to the U.S. with his parents. He started a band in the .1920's in the Dickin5on, ND area and daughter Margaret played piano. For fMargaret, the years brought marriage to Joseph Tibor, children, and hard times, but always enough money to buy musical instruments for the children. To supplement the family income, Margaret took the five oldest children and played for church socials. They called themselves the Rhythm Cowboys year, 1947. - the Since that time they have also been the Country Cousins and Mavericks now, tt. the Tibor Brothers. Albert, -Bernie, ti ti t+ t+ ti {} Charlie, and Jerome have gone on to other professions. However, all nine brothers still perform together for special shows and Bernie played accordian for several numbers on this album. For Francis, Gerard, Harvey, Kurt, and Larry, entertainment is their livelihood. ln 1976 a new dimension was added to their music business with the creation of Jol\4ar Recording Studio at Hebron, ND. Their first album at JoMar was "A Special Old Time Tribute to our Grand- father", featuring all nine Childhood memories of namesdays. weddings. and Gra^:-a s -l music and songs. We hope these old familiar melodies ,,,i :- -: generations before you. f;* !Frp+,tFrp++$4s,{s,rF,{s+.:F,rprls4s,tF,rFrF{FrF+ The children of Joseph Tibor and garet Over the years some of the songs ha,,,e cra-gec ::-=.s -:-. z-. also changed. Some words have changed so :la: -i-=_, z-.- -. -.:. are still sung in the original German dialect as ;.rit:e^ -_^:-3ls :- brothers. rF ++ + jf + + Jr + t Since then, numerous groups have recorded albums, including the Tibor Brothers latest, "Land of Broken ROSE & JULIUS The Millers are n-e-::.s:. Folk Singers from lra l Their expertise has made this album possible and perhaps others can be done in the future. As a member of the Germans from Russia Society, I would like to make this album a "Tribute to to bring joy to the nea.:s in the nursing ceniers a^: Dreams". area. Their group has cc^e that area. Mom and Dad Tibor" "super" family, tage' raised a - you've a credit to their heri- phyllis Hertz Feser ! Coord inator JOEY SCH M IDT At the age of five, with a new accordian and lessons from Mother, Joey began his musical career. Now at the age of 19, the lessons from Mother and Emil Dockter are behind him, and Joey,s future does indeed look bright! Already to his credit are several appearances on the Lawrence Welk Show and his first record album, "Joey Schmidt lt - Does All". Plans are being made with JoMar Records to cut a second album this fall. Rose Boespflug and J- -s'", married ,n 19d] a: - .::-, i =.,'...= J -:= '1948 they have been 'ar- ' 1 ': - :: west of New England.\1.-^i.. .-?-^. parents of eleven chIa.a^ z'.- :.a-..parents o' 'ou'teer g.a-::- :':- --:. retire from farm ng. ( TONY SCHAAF Tony has been enterta I rJ :::: : s -:: the age o1 1a. play .I ::. :: _ - : : barn dances. etc. ,r/ith ^ s :.::-:- _:= Tony's singing is done ;- .:e :._: s:-, of German singing . _s:: ,,, gusto! His d,a ect anc rre _:_. :. : -: - : are a true preservattol o. :-: :: . : :his German-Russian ances:3.s ^: ::: tled at St. Joe near Glen U -. ..1 ,} ,,, Joey was born and raised at Napoleon, ND his ancestors are German-Rus- sian.- He graduated from high school and works for his Dad part-time. With his parents and two sisters, he is a member of the Ray Schmidt Family Band of Napoleon, ND slDE 0NE ; ,,, ***s*s******++*frff 1. SIOE TWt) DER FRiiHLrcH wANDEBER 2:04 (Friedrich Mo'Ier) ;---:\i-: \:: (The Tibor Br0thers on vocals with Gerard Tibor on accordi0n) 2. rN M[iNcHEN STEHT EtN H0FBRAuHAUs z:27 (withetm Gebauer (Tony Schaal 0n vocals, Gerard & Bernie Tibor on accordions) - 1g36) 3. ICH BIN EIN ABMEH EHEMANN 1:41 (Folksonq) (Julius & Rose Miller 0n vocals, Joey Schmidt & Gerard Tibor on accordionst 4. ZU LAUTEBBACH 1:45 {Bavarian Folks0n0 - 1820t (Tony Schaal on vocals, Gerard & Bernie Tibor on accordions) 5. TREUE LIEBE (STEH ICH IN FINSTRER MITTERNACHT) 2:52 (Julius & Rose Miller on vocals, Joey Schmidt on accordion) 6. F! IW Hauff.I82:, MtB StTzEN S0 FRiiHLtCH D0'SAMMEN 1:b4 (Himmet & Kotzebue-1802 (Tony Schaaf 0n vocals, Gerard Tibor on accordion) (Harvey Tibor on vocals, Gerard Tibor on accordion) THE TIBOR BB()THERS - Francis on drums, Gerard JoMAR RECoBDS - P.0. Box 188 - 5 tur:r--ci*r-: !-tr l- - - s c---.[ a u_s: :E\\::r -!fr S:-;:-:'r'Irr;i: -i-r?r on -o,n :!':- tIUEift * t-rTN ; *:r Photos by Bernie Tibor Jacket Design by Phyllis Herlz Feser AA4A444!J. r!-i-; - 'i!l Hebron, ND 58638 -- * i,i t+ i+ i+ i+ rr 8, r+ :--:: ^=-'. .tarEec cthers, not at all. A ong wlth changes n lyrics, the dialects have a a -'-': :-3:geC so that-they aren t recognizable anymore. But again - some of the songs 8. G:'.rar c a ect as wrltten hundreds of years ago, a a a a qs,rF + + rF rF {F 4s rlg 4c * 4s 4s,'p.rp.f 4s rls 4s lF ctc .:F,'F 4s qs 4s 4s $ rls qs rF +& &.:F db !F e + S fr :':-:s -a"3 a"3 -:-:s j952 :s.a:''s. and Grandma singing "Die Lorelei" prompted this effort to preserve our :'ese cl ""e0dings. familiar melodies will bring joy and pleasant memories, as they have done for the : t;.,t -. t ^= MILLER : -n: -"-=.--::: i . :: -:: _1_: _: 1:__ .'.','-"_-..:1 ,i; f'--. -.. :--.=:__i. .,,rur ."; - : 1--- . -':-:. :3 l,: - : -' - .: - .: -a s:: a - a. . r:::. 'z-al --:: C Ey SCHM I DT ROSE & JULIUS MILLER HOSE {+ Tony and Leona were married in 1952 flf The Mirers o arY are members rrrtsrrruers ot ur tne uerman cerman il*i{"*^?',t^":*:,:i,:I^:ll;]:-1" for the first l0 years after ll:l their !t Folk Singers f rom the Dickinson, ND farmed * ,"iilg". past r;i" tne years, i5 Tony area. Their group has done a great deal n".0"1. eriproyeo by the Maintenance A ro bring joy to the hearts of the elder,ly Diui.;"' o"t' in"" St"i" Highway Dept. {i. centers and hospitars in ilrln:,,J:'''"s i::l;;:;"1:: im:_,s:i;,';;;i'q;;i"; ---- -";i"a^r* Fose and Julius were born and raised near Hirschville, ND. Their parents were Germans born in Russia Iater to becone some of the early- setilers Nortl F rF eF {' ftf* i6 A ta, in Dakota. "'esiern Rose Boespf tug and Jutius Miiler were marrted in 1941 at Hirschville. Since 1948 they have been farming 16 miles -. :- :-: : r3a:t, ivest of New England. ND. They are the parents of eleven children and grandparents of fourteen grandchildren. They are now in the process of ,,trying,, to retire f rom farming :-- :: - l:3s t TONY SCHAAF . = .,_ :- s .ail Tony has been entertaining people srnce tle age of l4, playing for weddings. oa'1 0ances. etc. with his brother Joe. Tony-s singing is done in the true spirit ,,lustig,,with German singing gustol His dialect and the joy oisinging are a true preservation of the spirii oi of .: ^3 s a l: i:._t ,y ' -. r h s German.Russian ancestors who iled at St. Joe near Glen Ullin, ND. GERARD & BERNIE TIB()R set_ t * * f f *********t***s*s***** SIDE TWO -i;::--- -* rr'{\DERER 2:04 (Friedrich Mir'ller) -:r' !'::-:': :n ,.:E s with Gerard Tibor on accordion) \ ,.'_..'--., s-:-- : \ -0FBBAUHAUS 2:27 tWilhelm Gebauer _ 1936) -:r, i:-::' :- ,:t! s Gerar: & Bernre Tibor on accordions) _- :,, :,, ::','c: :-Ei,i\l'\ 1.4.1 {FOlks0n0l -- -s ! r:: f,r E .- ,0.:a s Joey Schmidt & Gerard Tibor on accordions) :_ -t_-:: jr:- - r: g., Folksono _ 1g20t -:rr !:':: : - ,::: s E:r:': & Bernte Tib0r on accordions) -::-: -::: :-:- :- .' F',STBEF NIITTERNACHT) Z:bZ Haull-1g24) tW. .- -: i. ::_; 'J . :- ,:::: _:ey Schmidt or accordion) t' : : -::' :- :::-- -- -- :ll'trrEr'i 1 54 lH'nmel E Kctzebue - 1802) il'r ::-::. :- ,::: ! 3e'a,: - !c. c. accordion) :: t,r: ," ::-,'r E:,r,x-l J:i Scl-idt & Bichetl - 1g93-96) --E 'l!'rir -:: :-,:'.t: :r':': -:C'Or:l:c'CtOn :':': s :t :'-rs Geraro 0n accordion 1. LIECHTENSTEINER P0LKA 2:32 (Ed Korscher & R. Lindr) (Tibor Brothers on vocals with Gerard on accordion) 2. A LIEDEL 1:51 {comooser unknown) (Tony Schaaf on vocals, Gerard Tibor on accordion) 3. WENN DIE S0LDATEN 1:35 (Fotksong) (Julius & Rose Miller 0n vocals, Joey Schmidt & Gerard Tibor on accordions) 4. DU. DU LIEGST MIR IM HERZEN & STIEFEL MUsS STEBBEN 1:47 MedIev (Folksong - 1820)(Tony schaaf on vocals, Joey schmidt & Gerard Tibor on accordions 5, tM GB(jNEWALD tST H0LzAUKTt0N 1:23 (schotrische) (Joey Schmidt on accordion) {& 6. MUSS I DENN 2:00 tHeinrich Waoner - 1824) (T0ny Schaaf on vocals, Gerard Tibor on accordion) DIE L0RELEI 2:55 (Friedrich Silcher - 1837) (Harvey Tibor on vocals, Joey Schmidl on accordi0n) Harvey on banjo Recorded & & guitar, Kurt 0n bass. Larry 0n !utar IVlixed at J0MAB BEC0BDS STUDI0 Hecron JR-1087-7-0 (D r979 JotltAB REcoBDS a a *+ a a a r+ 7. & synthesizer ''strings", a ){+ ti D ti a