I I 11. NEW BUSINESS I A. Request Permission for an Elevated Walkway Over Public Alley Presented by: Jim McDonald - AES I B. Report on Aviation Task Force Presented by: Hal Adkins, Director of Public Works I C. Discussion of Legislative Initiatives for the Maryland Municipal League I 12. I 13. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS, COMMISSION AND OTHER CITY ORGANIZATIONS I 14. ITEMS REFERRED TO AND PRESENTATIONS FROM THE CITY SOLICITOR REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Second Reading - Ordinance 2000- 17 Amends Definition of Family) I I Amending Chapter 110 Entitled B. Second Reading - Ordinance 2000- 18 - C. Second Reading - Ordinance 2000- 19 - Amending Ordinance Completion Date for Stowaway Motel) FY 2001 Zoning Operating Budget 1998- 21, Conditions 3 and 12 ( Changing I D. First Reading - Ordinance Altering Parking Meter Locations Within The City, Maryland ( S. Division St. Between Baltimore and Philadelphia Avenues) Town of Ocean I I 15. ITEMS REFERRED TO AND PRESENTATIONS FROM THE CITY MANAGER A. I I Upcoming Bid Opening for Golf Course Equipment B. Recommendation of Bid Awards for handguns, holsters and ammunition for the Police Department 16. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS J 7. COMMENTS FROM THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 18. UPCOMING CLOSED SESSION SCHEDULE I I I Tuesday, June 27, 2000 - 12 noon Legal and Contractual Matters I I 3 h~tI I I WORK SESSION YOR & CITY COUNCIL OF THE i\L-\ TOWN OF OCEAN CITY APRIL 25, 2000 I I I PRESENT: Fitzsimmons, Gisriel, Mayor Mathias, President Meehan, Council Members Duggan, to the City Manager Assistant Hall, Howard, and Steckman; City Manager Dennis Dare, Jesse Houston, Kathy Mathias, City Solicitor Guy Ayres ill, Hal Adkins, Terry McGean, Interested and Press, Kurt Klima, Martha Bennett, Ginny d' Eustachio, Members of the I I Parties. meeting to 1. President Meehan called the 2. Bids for installation of a 10- foot stake order at Northside Park body on a one- ton I at 1: 1 5 p. m. Chevrolet Cab/ Chassis were as follows: Hydraulics Sales & J& J Truck Equipment Co., Meadows Service, Fruitland, MD - $ 10, 998. 73 Somerset, PA - 10, 880. 00 J& J Truck and remand Councilman Steckman moved to acknowled~ e the apparent low bid from unanimous. vote was to stafffor review: seconded bv Councilman Hall. The 3. another bid was to have been on today's agenda to replace the HV AC Plant. However, some errors had been found in the bid system at the Wastewater Treatment be rejected and rebid. Councilman Duggan moved to reiect the specs and he requested the bids Council Member Howard. The vote was unanimous. bids: seconded City Manager Dare s~ated by 4. 1917 of the AARP, requested Mayor and Council permisPark in September. This sion to waive the usage fee for their annual picnic held at Northside moved to waive the fee: waiver has traditionally been done in the past. Councilman Steckman seconded by Councilman Hall. The vote was unanimous. Paul Stewart, representing Chapter Mike Kane primary points of Working Paper # 2 had been presented by was made that day and representatives, of Talbert & Bright regarding the airport. No decision to this meeting. Mr. Kane again highlighted the including FAA and MAA,were invited back four options had been weighed but two were disqualiprimary points of that paper pointing out the western end of 14- 32 by 150 feet or fied because of prohibitive costs leaving A) relocating to extend 14- 32 in a westerly B) relocating MD 611 and additional property acquisition to be posed on the October direction including Option A. Referencing the referendum question Mathias suggested a blue- ribbori 2000 ballot regarding land acquisition for the airport, Mayor s interests to study the airport issues. committee be formed comprising all aspects of the Town' I I I I I I I On March 14, 2000, the I"~ I I I I 08- U9 ~~ 10: 53 I I I S9 ; C':! 385 o. C. I I I I CHAIRMAN John I I I I 157 Old Wharf Road Ocean City, MarYland Home 723- 3438 21842 William E. Esham, Jr. P. O. Box 77 Berlin, Maryland 21811 Business 641- 1SS4( Ask for Sharon Chandler if he' s out) FAX 641- 3815 F. Wilde, Sr. 30th Street and Baltimore Avenue Ocean City, Maryland 2184f Business 289- 4600 FAX I I Hal Glick _ Moore, WarfIeld & Glick 12003 Coastal Highway Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Business 524- 1200 FAX 524- 4507 Terry Hough Marlin Drive 1925 Oce~ n City, Maryland 289- 3039 21842 Business 524- 6111 FAX 723- 5121 Dr. Leonard c/ o Sheraton 10100 Berger Coastal Highway Ci~ y, Maryland Business 524- 3535 FAX 524- 4907 Susan Cropper Post Office Box Ocean City, Jim Whittemore 704 Edgewater Avenue 21842 Ocean Home Maryland 289- 7284 Call for number 21842 Business FAX - John Fager Fager' s Island 60th Street Bayside Ocean City, Maryland Business 524- 5500 before faxing 21842 100 South Boardwalk Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Business 289- 4133 FAX Call before faxing 289- 7667 Granville Trimper 1530 Teal Drive Ocean City~_M~ ryland 21842 Business -FAX 289- 2779 723- 2055 Bill Gibbs Post Office Madlyn Box 419 Ocean City, Maryland Business 289- 9106 FAX 289- 3590 21842 289- 7686 r~ L{ Carder Post Office Bo~ 751 Ocean City, Maryland Business 289- 7555 FAX John Harrison Harrison Group 2nd St. & Baltimore Avenue Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Business 289- 444 FAX City, Maryland 21842 289- 0944 Jerry Greenspan 99 I I 141001 Hugh FAX I,~ TE:\" TIO~ C~"TER VICE- CHAIRMAN Adam Showell Castle in the Sand 37th Street, Ocean Front Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Business 289- 6846 FAX 289- 9446 Staley Ocean I CO~ CONVENTION CENTBR FEASIBILITY COMMITTBE I I C In" H.-\ LL --- 21842 524- 7624 W. Moore, Jr. Seacrets 49th Street and Bay Ocean City, Maryland 21842 Business 524- 4900 FAX ; 23- 4347 Leighton c/ o I I fCr. .. John I 146 Clam Shell Ocean City 250- 4836 I Buddy Damiano Olive Tree Restaurants / Ocean Pines Berlin, MD 21811 r 289- 4557 Mr. or F= V 250- 8008 Art Davis / Bank of Ocean 59th St. Ocean City V Branch Colt, J ( A- City 524- 6144 I I V Mr. I I Currmi.ngs Mr. r Rudolph " Bunky" Dolle 205 Somerset St. Ocean City J' 289- 1000 Mr. I John Fager' s Fager Island v/' 60th St. & Bay City I 524- 5500 Paul Faulstitch Leland Realty - 8902 Coastal Mr. I 1- Ocean 524- 8609 I I Hwy. City or 289-6198 or 289- 9405 - Donald Fisher / Fisher Popcorn / v' 12912 Lake Place Bus. Mr. F Ocean City 289- 7733 or 289- 5638 Bill Gibbs Dough Feller I Mr. I Ocean ll1e I I C ~:-;'{ ~';- 3rd St. City 289- 2599 Mrs. f Iarlse Gulyas / 205 St. Louis Ave. ' ~ Ocean City 289- 9915 I Mr. or 641- 3637 Henry " Buddy" V or 641- 4534 Halma 1931 Marlin Drive I I Ocean City 289- 1598 or 289- 4411 v" 50~ 524-0900 I I Dan Harris Mr. Delmarva Power / f- L/ 8403 Coastal Hwy. Ocean I City 524- 9521 . . Alfred Harrison 1914 Marlin Drive I Mr. Ocean V/ ,./;' .' l' . J.~': Cf. City I 289- 8041 Hale Harrison Harrison Group / . Mr. f 2nd St. Ocean and Baltim:Jre vi' ccJLI' j cz Ave. 289- 4444 I John Harrison / Mr. Harrison Group Ocean I City 289- 4444 Tan Heiderman Ihe Bobbitt / 101 81st St. Mr. r I Clc:e:City an I 524- 8100 Mr. Art Hitch 207 N. Ocean I City .- 8th St. ; /'V City I ". '- ;'. i... , 289- 4595 Mr. 220 I Phil Houck Bull on the Beach / Layton Plaza City V I Ocean 289- 2555 Mr. Terry Hough , Ocean I V/ 1925 Marlin Drive City 289- 1070 Mr. Olarles R. Bayshore Developtelt y P. -., O. Box 572 Ocean City I Jenkins / I , J., .. ..... I 289- 9100 Mr. i" P. Buddy Jenkins, O. Ocean Box 572 \../ I Jr. .. . i City I 289- 9100 51, I I Mr. J. D. I Quillen SUrf and Sands Motel f 23rd St. & I Boardwalk O:::: ean City 289- 7161 I Mike Quillen Surf and Sands Motel 289- 7161 Mr. F f Dr. Georffrey 214 16th St. Ocean I Robbins P. o. Box 577 City 289- 0500 or J;' c- i. I 289- 8585 Mam Sl'lowell ./ Castle in the Sand 37th St. and Beach Mr. Ocean I City I 289- 6846 It r. lhanas ' Singman 303 140th St. Ocean I v City 250- 1625 Mr. I 723- 3438 I JoIm Staley 157 Old Wharf Road Ocean City Walter " Mackie" Tio Gringos Rest. \.' 5309 Coastal F! wy. Mr. f.. Ocean Stansell I City 524-6244 Mr. F WIn. I Sturgess Peninsula Bank 3409 Coastal Hwy. I I.' Ocean City 289- 3444 I Mr. Jay Taustin 9306 Rusty Anchor Rd. . Ocean City 524- 8333 Sam Taustin Old Ocean City Rd. f'The Embers Rest. 24th St. I Mr. Ocean I or City 289- 3322 or I 289- 7634 I C:;:~ I f '.~; ~ j ;" t~. li'- ,.PI- : I J;'/~ Irv Kurzbard Mr. Little I Mr. I J I . F Salisbury Civic Assoc. Lloyd Lewis Talbot Street pier and Inn V C1/. ~[ City . Ocean 7/ I ~./ .' . 289- 9125 I Mr. r Hwy. City Ocean I J 524- 8700 Mr. I William Mariner 87th St. & Coastal Bruce Jre M:: x: Mc:x: lre, 45th f... warfield and Glick st. Ocean City 289- 1221 I Mr. 289- 3111 or Leighton Moore 49th st. I Ocean I Mr. . Dermis Parker City 524- 4900 Bane Bank F I 8700 Coastal Hwy. Ocean City 524- 5151 and. Mrs. Brice Phillips Phillips Restaurants Ocean City Mr. I f 289- 6821 I I Mrs. f Ocean Bill Purnell Ihe Atlantic Hotel Sanerset St. Ocean V. City 289- 9114 Mr. I City Mr. f I' V White Marlin Mall Branch 289- 2551 I I Dawn Pruitt Hare Bank / George Pw:nell Purnell - Jarvis 109 77th St. r:-Ocean 1./ City 524- 0001 I 1/ tr JUN- 16- 2000 I I' First Reading ( SecondReading ( I P. 02/ 02 1 410 723 1861 I NS JEN< FtYRES, GORDY & 10: 08 P It, jJ() p r9LfiJ ( ORDINANCE 2000- 02 0 I I I, LOCATIONS AN ORDINANCE ALTElUNG PARKING METER WITHIN THE TOWN OF OCEAN CITY I 45) OF THE CHARTER OF NOW, TIIEREFORE, PURSUANT TO SECTION C-414( BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF OCEAN CITY, CITY THAT PARKING METER THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF OCEAN LOCATIONS BE ALTERED, AS FOLLOWS: I I Baltimore Avenue and parking meters from South Division Street between as Ocean City Employee Parking Only. Philadelphia Ave., and designate said parking spaces 1. I Remove 10 INTRODUCED at a held meeting of the City Council of Ocean City, Maryland on June 19, I 2000. I vote of the elected ADOPTED AND PASSED, as an emergency ordinance by the required the Mayor at its meeting held on June 19, 2000. membership of the City Council and approved by I ATTEST: I CAROL JACOBS, Clerk I Approved as to JAMES N. MATHIAS, JR., Mayor Form.: RICHARD W. MEEHAN, President I GUY R AYRES, ill, City Solicitor I LEROY E. DUGGAN, Secretary I Iv. W OFFICES YRES. JENKINS. GORDY & ALMAND. P. A. COASTAL HIGHWAY 2 N CITY. MO. 2' 80& I TOTFtL P. 02 S