here (48 pages, 3.4MB) - Investigating the Terror
here (48 pages, 3.4MB) - Investigating the Terror
- .MORI DocID: 1451843 I J' .... l' .... SUBJECT: Johnny Roselli ' 1. In Augus t 1960, Mr. Richard M.. Bissell approached Colonel Sheffield Edwards to determine if the Office of Security had assets that may as~ist in a sensitive mission requiring gangster-type action. The mission target was Fidel Castro. 2. Because o~ its extreme sensitivity, only a small group' was made privy to the project. The DCI was briefed and gave his approval. Colonel J. C. Kin~, Chief, WH Division, was briefed, but all details were deliberately concealed from any of the JMWAVE officials. Certain TSD and Communications personnel participated in the initial planning stages, but were not witting of the purpose of the mission. 3. Robert A. Maheu, a cleared source of the Office of Sec~rity, ,was contacted, briefed generally on the project, and requested to ascert~in i£be could develop an entree into the gangster elements as the first step toward accomplishing the desired goal. 4. Mr. Maheu advised that he had met one Johnny Roselli on several,oc~asions while visiting Las Vegas. He only knew him casually through clients, but was given to understand that he was a high-ranking member of the "syndicat:e" and controlled all of the ice-making machines on the Strip. Maheu reasoned that, if Roselli was in fact a member of the clan, he undoubtedly had connections leading into the Cuban gambling interests. 5., Maheu was asked to approach Roselli, who knew Maheu as a personal relations executive handling domestic and foreign accounts, and tell him that he had recently been retained by a client who represented several international business £irms which were suffering heavy financial losses in Cuba as a result of Castro's action. They were convinced that Castro's removal was the answer to their l , . MORl DocID: 1451843 problem and were willing to pay a price of $150,000 for its successful accomplishment. It was to be made clear to Roselli that the United States Government was not, and should not, become aware of this operation. 6. The pitch was made to Roselli on 14 September 1960 at the Hilton Plaza Hotel, New York City. Mr. James O'Connell, Office of Security, was present during this. meeting and was identified to Roselli as an employee of Maheu. O'Connell actively served as Roselli's contact until May ~962 at which time he phased out due to an ov e r se as assignment. His ini tia1 reaction was to avoid getting involved, but through Maheu's persuasion, he agreed to introduce him to a friend, Sam Gold, who knew the "Cuban crowd." Roselli made it clear he did not want any money for his part and believed Sam would feel the same way. Neither of these individuals were ever paid out of Agency funds. 7. During the week of, 25 September, Maheu was introduced to Sam who was staying at the Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach. It was several weeks 'after h:i;s meeting with Sam and Joe"who was identified to him as a courier operating between Havana and Miami, that he saw photographs of both of these individuals in the Sunday .supplemental, "Parade." They were identified as Mama Salvatore~Giancani and Santos Trafficant, respectively. Both were on the list'of the Attorney General's ten mostwanted men. The former was described as the Chicago chieftain of the Cosa Nostra and successor to Al Capone, and the latter,' the Ces a Nostra boss of Cuban op e i-a.t i ons . Maheu called this office immediately upon ascertaining this information. . . 8. In discussing the possible methods of accomplishing this mission, Sam suggested that they not resort to firearms but, if he could be furnished some type of potent pill, that could be placed in Castro's food or drink, it would be a much more effective operation. Sam indicated that he had a prospective nominee in the person of Juan Ort a , a Cuban official who had been receiving kick-back payments from the gambling interests, who still had access to Castro, and was in a financial bind. 000:1.3 2 SEGI..: T Eyr , ONLY - -------------------MORl DoclD: 1451843 9. TSD was requested to produce six pills of high lethal content. 10. Joe delivered the pills to Orta. After several weeks of reported attempts, OJ;ta·appar~l.1tly got cold feet and asked out of the assignment. He suggested another candidate who made several attempts without success. 11. Joe then indicated that Dr. Anthony Verona, one o f the pr Lnc Lpa L officers in the Cuban Exile Junta, had become disaffected with the apparent ineffectual progress of the Junta and was willing to handle the mission through his own resources. 12. He asked, asa prirequisite·to.the deal, that he be given $10,000 for organizational expenses and requested $1,000 worth of communications equipment. 13. Dr. Verona's potential was never fUlly exploited, as the project was canceled shortly after the Bay of Pigs episode. Verona was advised that the offer was 'vi thdrawn, and the p Ll l s were. retrieved. 14. Of significant interest was an incident which involved a request levied by Sam upon Maheu. -:' . . - ,. At t he height of the proj ect negotiations, Sam expressed concern about his girl£riend, Phyllis McGuire, who he learned was getting much attention from Dan Rowan while both were booked at a Las Vegas night club. Sam asked Maheur t;o put a bug in Rowan t s : rbomto determine the extent of his intimacy with Miss McGuire •. The technician involved in the assignment was discovered in the process, arrested, and taken to the Sheriff's office for questioning. He called Maheu and informed him that he had been detained by the police. This call was made in the'presence of the Sheriff's personnel .. Subsequently, the Department of Justice announced its intention to prosecute Maheu along 3 s£cJ16 }YES ONLY . 00014 MORl DoclD: 1451843 with the technician. On 7 February 1962~. the Director of Security briefed the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy, on the circumstances leading up to Maheu's involvement in the lviretap. At our request, prosecution was dropped. . 15. In May 1962, Mr. William Harvey took over as Case Officer, and it is not known by this office whether Roselli was used operationally from that point on. 16. It was subsequently learned from the FBI that Roselli had been convicted on six counts involving illegal entry into t.he United States. Our records do not reflect the date of conviction, but it is believed to have been s9metime during November 1967. 17. On'2 December i968, Roselli, along with four other individuals, was convicted of conspiracy to cheat members of the Friars Club of $400,~OO in· a.rigged gin rl!-mmy g<; 18. Mr. Harvey reported to t.he Office of Security of his contacts with Roselli during November and December 1967 and January 1968. It was his belief that Johnny would not seek out the Agency for assistance in the deporta": tion proceedings unless he actually faced deportation. Roselli expressed confidence that he would win an appeal. 19. On 17 November 1970, Maheu called James O'Connell, Roselli's first Case Officer, to advise that Maheu's attorney, Ed Morgan, had received a call from a Thomas Waddin, Roselli's lawyer, who stated that all. avenues of appeal had been exhausted, and his client now faces deportation. Waddin indicated ~hat, if someone did not intercede on Roselli's behalf, he would make a cOmplete expose of his activities with the Agency. 20. On 18 November 1970, Mr. Helms was briefed on the latest development in this case, and it was decided that the Agency would not in any way assist Roselli. Maheu was sp a?vised of the Agency's position, and he was in 4 00015 -------------MORl DoclD: 1451843 ' . ' ,. complete agreement with our stand. He further adVised that he was not concerned about any publicity as it affected him personally should Roselli decide to tell all. 21. Subsequently, Roselli or someone on his behalf furnished Jack Anderson details of the operation. Attached are two Anderson columns dealing with" this matter. 22. The last known residence of Roselli was the Federal Penitentiary in Seattle, Washington. Attachments 00016 5 SE T i·f.rS ONLY LA 93-113 TABLE OF CQ§TENI§ {92I 4 t92_92. :.¢__ Pgge -; Bqc» 51 11 0 D ;- Ev 0 INFQRMATI LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISES, INC. §! RESIDENCE . . .. .... ... . TELEPHONE SERVIFE ~WK 1,vnj._ . CONTACTS ANDASSOCIATES . .. . .2 . . .4 . ll » 12 -3 12 13 13 - 13 11 - _! 12 - 1n 111 K 1% 15 5 ~13- -16 LA 92-113 RESIDENCE ,'H. ,.., RCSSELLI maintains a. residence at Apartment Cat 1251 North Crescent Heights Boulevard, Los Angeles,,California, and at the Diplomat Apartment in Lae Vegas, Nevada.92w, I1 On June Federal Bureau hie apartment g 22, 1961, of Investigation house at Special Agents FBI! observed 1251 North SAB! of the ROSSELLI leave Crescent Heights Boulevard, at apprcximately10:41 a.min his 1961 Cadillac biaria n..1.z41_.._...|_ 1a.b.§...=_= ...1....|--~ tr-r-<1 QIIK -.._A ____ - A -I--. I 0 Lf L.l.J. "'"u.Lel .L.|..:_L;._-_ .925vrn1--L ueru v fb u..n.u p.L'uur.:-cu uu ' Les Angeles-, he where parked the car in the garage? K _ _1 ;a " . ..-3 5 i'=_-,.-_ I | 1 L . _On At about 12:55 p.n ROSSELLI alone in his Cadillac and proceeded to where he parked in the parking lot of left this apartment Beverly Hills, Califomia, Romanoffs Restaurant, 1110 SouthRod-ec» Driveand entered the restaurant.',92 At approximate lnav-Ina "une 26 H --. 'Ro..m:an~'92f"Psn DA9292/nun-u¢a92.!-A-4-1..» 1961 197/97% ROSSELLI was r eaiding his at II .1 hed information Diplomat Apartment in ms Vegaa, 1 The same informant advised that N?92 8' e$13?-.4. .Q a ia .105 on June t th 26, 1961, that .1? LA 92-113 51¢. '_ 1, 1,10 " lb informa to vised June on1961, 20,on he that had no ROSSELLI's whereabouts that date. 92-~92 0:1 J 6, -Illy 196 furnished information that leave ..-ae- Iegas for Lee Angelee RSSSELLI was plannirg to on the evening of July 6, 196l.92,92 aqrised that 2on 3 1 _. 70 D - July lQ6l.92,92 vicini another b1Qadvised as of Jul ,, that RGSSELLI was in Las Vegas D11 44. in the On July coffee shop .92J92 28, 1961, Saks of of the Desert Inn On Jul conversing with casino of ..__._. -3 1 Sits of the FBIQadillac observed a woman believed to be i s in the There was ROSSELLI was in Les Vegas the Star-East 11 the FBI observed ROSSELI.-I Hotel during the evening. 61, SAs of the FBI at approximately Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. - observed RQSSELLI 9:15 a.n_1 in the 92; 4-150 Rev. 12-14-as! XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION '"D'92"r ' *'"""" -'2"-* :7 "-DELETED '*'*-"cm-*'.** ---"--FOIPA PAGE --7: INFORMATION ; to Paaefql withheld entirely at this location in the file. statements, where indicated, explain SHEET One or more Qf the fgllgwing this deletion. Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 &ction El b! l! II] ITF Q rbvgi 92 l92 I U [:1 b} ! lllil 552a b! ! A! all D .u b! ! C! _ [:1 El U Cl ii _ b! ! Cl b! ! III b! ! D! B b! ! E! El b! ! F! El d! ! U El l<! ! El <! ! El l<! ! lnformatio request. U l<! ! b! 9! U E] !<! ! El k! ! :1 pertained only to athird party with no reference to you or the subject of your J? Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documents were referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pagescontain information furnished by another Government agency ies!. You will be XXX!GD'{ advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. XXXXXX YQGOOCK Page s! withheld for the following reason s!: LA 92-113 Information _..T ' .-I; Yli_ _'. Concerning the Case Entitled ARTHUR JAMES BALLETTI; UNSUB aka J -_!v¬-__H1'iE1il5Q* l3__TZ1fUQ_'l. , 7 J,, iniormation concerning because 1!-" I... " 11 Y? 9 _-qu-_- ROSSELLE was this involved On October 31, matter is being set out it.92A _ in 1960, ARTHURJAMES BALLETTI was arrested at the Rivera Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, at which time he admitted that he had received instructions from Investigations, Inc., Miami, Florida, to surveil and record telephone conversations of DAN ROWAN,who was then staying at the Rivera revealed that an unknown individual participated in the placing of the using the name J. II. HARRISCN telephone surveillance in DANROWAN's room.92k It with is noted PHYLLIS MC GUIRE that at thistime Hotel. Investigatic ROWANwas keeping of the MC GUIRE Sister singing company act and ROWAN later advised that he intended to marry PHILLIS MC GUIRE. PHYLLIS MC GUIRE had reportedly been the girl friend of SAMUEL GIAI3AN92 of Chicago. Information received during July, 1960, in Las from an informant Vegas, indicates that GIANCAHAis again keeping companywith PHILLIS MC UUIRE. I} EDWARD L. that in October, DUBOIS of Investigations, Inc. 1960, he received MAHEU,a private investigator, advised call frdm a telephone ROBERT WashingtonD.C., reguesting that DUBOIS send two men to Las Vegas on October 26, l9ol, for physical surveillance work. Subsequently, according to DUBOIS, MAHEU told him only to send one man as he, MAHEU, was going one man. Thereafter, DBOIS sent BALLETTI and the unknown individual who BALLETTI.92J92 - to send used the name J. W..HARRISON accompanied During the period from October ll 29, 1961, to October ROBERT A. MAHEU and a J. A. ROLLINS were registered at the Kenilwcrth Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, and ROLLERS accompanied MAHEU. MAHEU informed SAs of the FBI that J. A. JOHNA. ROLLINSbut refused to further identify Investigation Hotel, 1>"° number NH. 3-115 number of ROSSELLI disclosed ROLLINS was charged inves in Chic o, _ igatran as with that while at ROLLINS was him. 92g92 the Kenilworth two telephone calls to telephone Illinois, which is the telephone who has been identified in the a close friend and associate of ROSSELLI. 9292 F. -5- IIIE 92 cu-unin- r / .,. LA 92-113 !¢ -92 th atelephone California, which WES 92~.....~ also been call to is the telephone number number of identified as aclose of ROSSELLI.92 A92 § 0- ROLLIHS was telephone number of the Desert Inn also charged DU. 2-6000 Hotel, Las with atelephone call to which is the telephone number Vegas, Nevada, where ROSSELLI had received many telephonecallsin the past 92% ,1 advised that -up-1,-»- ' atelephone Cantillon and JAMES FOLEY, an attorney in Las in the'1atter part of call from JAMES P. Cantillon, Beverly Vegas, Nevada, October, 1960, he received CANTIIIQN of the law Hills, California, firm of requesting that FQLEY represent BALLETTI and arrange for his bond, CANTILLDN personally guaranteed FOLEY'sfee. It is noted that JAMESIZ CANTILLON is JOHN ROSSELLI's attorney and aclose associate of Upon interview by SAs of the FBI, JANES ?. CANTILLON said thazhe first heard of the microphone incident when he received acall from aman in custody in Las Vegas whose name he did not recall. He said that the name BALLETTI was probably jc correct= He addsed that an attorney Agency CIA! FIDEL CASTRO in contacts his gambling might still - RDSSELLI's L92 in Lao he referred this nan to THQMAS FQLEY Vegas.92_92 Further investigation in Cuba that Central revealed in connection with their Intelligence operations concerning contacted ROBERT MAHEU to act as92"cutout with SAM GIANCAIA on the theory that GIANCAIA through activities in Cuba under the Batista Government have sources of value to ClA= that the orignal contact and contacts According to in Cuba oificials oi who could CIA, this be organization did not authorize microphone the surveillance on DON ROWKN. l; / On May 25, 1961, MAHEU advised SAs of the FBI with GIANCANA after MAHEU had been requested by CIA tomake contact with GIANCAEA was idEg%t made by "JOHNNY" who he declinedto further identify. 1 A On e329,1961, mast advised S1 would verify "JUlINNY's ,en gr ancicnat he if the IEenE§'named the man. when furnished to MAHEU he admitted that -6- ' *§; JOHN ROSSELLI's name was ROSSELJI was the "JOHNNY" he LA 92-113 referred to -ulna-.-rwy who registered Florida, in and that ROSSELLI was with him October, 1960. at the also identical Kenilworth Hotel 92_;92 D 8* < -7- to J in Miami AROLLINS Beach, =~ 1 we --» EDERAL suaswu or |NVESTlGAT"' d Date__ RQEEHE MAHEU Canon Drive, MAHEU was informed of ;'§.'.= was interviewed Beverly Hills, he did not have did say could be MAHEU stated his right to answer to an Nerth July 13, him in the confidential Agency CIA! been in contact with SAMUEL GIANCANA and had valuable assistance from GIANCANA, which, in furnished tc CIA. MAHEU had reason to believe information regarding project and, sensitive MAHEU,decided to He said that if 3 to PHYLLIS in the fall of involved disclosed or not persons. in aromantic Sisters Trio. this informatiai to a1yone,he'would have disclosed MG GUIRE. and GIANCANA the pro- determine whether GIANCANA had regarding project the nature of GIANCANA had actually talked to unauthorized He was aware that GIANCANA was very close way with PHYLLIS MC GUIRE of the Mc Guire he had received turn, was that GIANCANA may have disclosed ject, he, I .1 He said 1960 the with DAN that he was also rela ons between were strained and that he of law. connection with of the that' that anything acourt Central Intelligence in view 1961. attorney and questions and used against that in assignment for at 190 California, on _Y/1'1/61 _ it aware that PHYLLIS MC GUIRE PHYLLIS was ROWAN, who was appearing romantically at the,Ridera Hotel in Las Vegas. He considered it very vital to determine whether or not GIANCANA was reliable anddecided to order an installation on DAN ROWANfs room in an effort to mation regarding the project to PHYLLIS MC GUIRE. _ determine whether or not GIANOANA had disclosed an infor- . MAHEU stated that this decicion was /""d 92§._~,-...-/ ROSSELLI, since he felt obligated to discuss it with ROSSELLI, as HOSSELLI had been instrumental in putting contact with lation was made at no knowledge that the he did discuss this GIANCANA. MAHEU denied the request installation with JOHN that the of ROSSELLI {J; his own and that was made him in GIANCANA had He said that ~- instal- or GIANCANA or for the benefit of either ROSSELLIor GIANCANA.92J92 -8- I on T/13/61 !9 ! _u, Beverly Hills, California F",#_ LA 92-113, ,_ _ Date This neither your agency; it and us cements recommendrnlons nor cencluslons of the FBI. are 1101to be disirlbuted ourllde your uqency _ dictated ___1,L1l,L6l_-, It lsthe property Bf the FBI 11" ! 18 101515 '9 6 LA 92-113 He said that he some time not recall /-- the matter 92~aw did discu ss his not recall whether or 1960, when they were Hotel in not 7 aMiami of within DAN DAN ROWAN's room at ROWAN s room one and a microph He said,h not he the Rioera said ROWAN.. th not reques at he ta does recall not up con- mind the not that he physical surveillance a recall i of Egaua, ya MAHEU stated of the unkncwn subject, said that he definitely DUBOIS that he would DUBCIS furnished Las Vegas and time and had in transmitter and owever, that he does not ed not to bake atelephone specifi installation. He definitely did recall decisia1.924 the requested EDWARDI¢ DUBOIS, e investigator, to institute a tha Beach privat technical surveillance not of his Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. He said that he does recall what his specific requests were regarding the type of installation to b e used, but had left this to DUBOIS. He said that he was interested only in whether or Hu- and, there- whidlhe He does . RESSELLJ made when informed installation of telephone tap. 92. of occasions wi t hROSSEIIJ decision versation //K -.7 It? during October, specific occasion'in MAHEU said F anumber on recall the discussed his what comment does discussed does registered at the Kenilworth pointed out that he Flo rida. He with ROSSELLI fore, does Jr , with ROSSELLI ns occurred not both Miami Beach, had met decision prior to ordering the installation but the specific date or place where he with ROSSELLI. He pointed out that he that he does not know the identity also known as J. W. Harrison. He did not contact DUBOIS and tell send both men and that DUBOIS for two one of his men. He insisted that to handle this assignnent in had charged him for transportation nen.92U92 that he would take full responsiMAHEU repeated the installation bility for ordering the i nstalition, that was made for the reasons he had given above and in a not made at the previous interview, and d efinitely was JOHN ROSSELLI OSAMUEL GIANCANA 92 request or for the benefi t of -9- , ~ -~ ~~1 rtUERALBURtAUUr|NVESHGAT " 0..., JOHN RQSSELLI was contacted dressers for Men, 97h0 Wilshire at a 7/13/51 Drucker B Hair- Boulevard, Beverly Hills, California. ROSSELLI was informed of his right to have an attorney and that he did not have to say anything and that anything he did say could be used against him in a g-in :- _O ~-- court of law. 92V92 RGSSELLI -.. V.-Y, . _.E§:';-13! 1,;-,_,-~.-,,<.-,-1 - admitted that he has for approximately five years. when asked GIANCANA, ROS3ELL1 stated, "Let's discuss do not care to answer any more questions." that he knew of nothing illegal that MAHEU known ROBERT MAHEU if he knew SAM the weather. I ROSSELLE stated had done, but for any additional information regarding his association with MAHEY, the Agents should talk with MAHEUhimself. 92A L rt ? 92a ./ e ._._-.-~ F 92 -10- * * tr * * t t * m *¬'_ 3 On at Filn# _ Date dictofed C 61 Thls document comums neither rrcummendallons nor conclusions of the FBI. It ll the properw Of the FBI Y9 -37 Gqar1t';';Hm"-d Ha comer"-isare not is be distributed ouiside your Gqenty. ""5 ll I94 - "94 '° age 1 LA 92-113 R<3SS EIJ,I telgohonically was contacted by SALea Angeiea apartment, 1251 Greecent Height! at hie evard, La-s Angelee, on July 19, 1961, in arrange an interview. ROSSELLI advised that to diecuea his Fb1,92 9292 A §-_ _-1* ..3V .1 :, -- *1 we C0 1put T of duly h ' n an individlal any time with the I b 3:lieved I rmantII toA +;.=EL1'» re residence ted oa n921','f _, ...,_ -'J.~.. .I.GU L. DELI. GIANTANA in touch with U-.l.H.!.92~..l'L.92!J'92. C.LJ.r:U W1 , offered ta an unl-cnovm individual in lacs regarding same business venture in which ROS;3ELLI , would y to at Qfurniehed information during thatevening the 10-11, ,.l, ,.la ah . /Angeles aascciation with 1 an effort to he did not care possibly also have an have reaxar-Iced that it slot machined and that make money. 92>92 ' int-exie-at ROSSELLI is rqt orted was agood location and would have there was no reason why they could not ,1_~,,._l: ! / ' {'11 July 6,"1951,madvieed 1c>oz1tac+.+;ed anindividual by t. 1efquhc that wasR=-C:-S-SEI from *-, Angelea W and .-"1a believed is informan by b into and RCESELH and-diaausaed agzieture whic I 1later had a five percent pictures he 92 92 On believed /-' K b" aim bY on July , SELLI terest. R=;S1SE=;LIJ remarked that would want or a"reahuff1e." L>92 July 10, 1961wdvieed that a person to be , T6?-"NT H3 - -a-_ * » at the reaidence l..! s re .. According to the informant, ROSSELLI ymentioned a picture, -~cppa1'-"ently beingmade, which would feature nudes in fereign cmmtriea, tut would be covered » this this residence. country. in connectic-:1 with the by an independent producer The.-"rye was also mention on the Strip and "strip" in 51:-eke of an individual picture which he said would and releaaed through a. that there :~r-euld be eh:-t the dmmtom-m area apparently I.a2 Vegas; and the named- in be filmed najer company. cf each place referring ta dosvnt-cam shopping; area!. 92.»- the so Rev. 12-14-as! " 1199599 ! XXXXXX IODQDOK FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET / .5 Page s! withheld entirely at this location inthe statements, where indicated, explain file. One or more of the following this deletion. El Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated available for release to below with no segregable material you. Section 552 gction §52a El b! ! El _B b! ! J2? Bi :1 E] b! ! A! II] D D E] d! ! BU b! ! C! b! ! D! b! ! E! [:1 b! ! F! U b! ! E] RX!! U l<! ! U b! ! El l<! ! :1 [:1 l<! ! b! 9! U Q3 Cl k! ! C1 kw! XXXXXX Information pertained .............. only to athird party with no request. JQDDOOI Information pertained onl a ' reference to you or the subject of your I1-23 Flew ll-29-61! 1 UNITED STATES FEDERAL DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF JuSTICE OFINVESTIGATION ifornia Los In Repiy, Please Refer :0 MP Angeles, Tch 5, R J File Na. .;_.T 1 ,,. 11t1e JOHN ROSELLI £1 Character ANTI RACKTEERING L Reference Repsrtof Sign ..;_ dated Q: 3; -i-._; ii-92;...._. and captioned as above. All sources except any listed below! whoseidentities are concealed information in in referenced communication have furnished reliable the past. -¬---- it r._ E -r - I; -3' "_.,_ T!h::d|;r:Btt]mert1 contains netther recommendations nor conclusions oitheFBI.Histhepmperly °e and $109595 1° 7°? 92'I<lBl'1¢Y: 1! nd its contents are not your uqency. to be distributed outside 3:'::'::; " ;:,1:.1°- USZIZATES GOVERNME Memorandum Collar or_i__ s. 311% Mr. DeI:.fo_acHh /s£1/C1 hmm.May1966 23, g§u..|n§:JLFIE9BYg%"92%@ f,' TO I £»A Inqo éfiawd per w,g,,_ Gale J. H. _§p_;>.'_;. __ FROM_ .,-.-, ,__ / Lt? "J:-=E..;5.c:»»v SUBJECT: The Central ¢'_z acontact , _, as ' "3 of . _" i/2.7/a0 ;92?=$"" - /'7 L ii- _J"' "I 'I'::!'r:: _ _ - @==.-'i- 92@:9¬!i;~/. <*;Rk<1!/an/7 g I-use &_/'iZ Intelligence Agency Roselli made /iejel ~m_Fuss? ' Key- ".LA recently advised with Colonel Sheffield Edwards, former Director of Security, now retired. Roselli, a member of the Chicago "family" of La Cosa Nostra who represents their interests in Las Vegas and on the west coast, was contacted by shortly before this and Agents of the Los they apparently Angeles Division touched asensitive spot. Colonel Edwards, who obviously contacted Roselli in the past, thought he looked worried and distraught. The :§ve>-#-u~'; ----_-1-n-_-L-1 contact by our Los Angeles Agents flushed Roselli out and he went to the Central Intelligence Agency for protection. Central Intelligence Agency, in the past, compromised themselves by dealing with Roselli when they had him contact Sam Giancana, .-_,,-q--_- head of the Chicago "family of La Cosa to getsomeone assassinate to Castro:!?§i/LA! Los Angeles target to and in 'the hi develop Agents recently him as alternative selected Roselli atop echelon criminal to put informationlleading to pressure on his possible ' '92 .7! 4 v as a- informant m o t d eve op 1 de ortation s An eles information through e. that Rosellis_%r%g_g3ma_ eVpqhvacco, e. / _ 1,19 ped te tatesasachild and'his mother Wdg was rought teoth Ui n , is T7 _ 1;. . InF J Nostra,. ' a an alien, still resides in Boston, Massachusetts. In Roselli's youth, he assumed the name John Roselli, using ur = id ,_tit tn . is en Y0ttn epresen me REC 70 02___67- I:--On May 6, _Pcontacted Roselli __/I @»&92 - 1966, Agents in Beverly in the s Angeles Hills, Cali ornia, and Division confronted ' him with compromising information concerning his true identity. The Agents suggested that Roselli secretly meet them to discuss this matter. About one hour after Roselli was James.Cantillon, Rose11i's attorney, called 0ffice_and told - the contacting 1 Mr. DeLoacb 1 r "Mr. Sam Papich -» '/Pi Mr. Gale Agent that the Les contacted, Angeles if the-EB1~das1:ad I MAY 251955 *- -,,. Mr. l!cAndrews cowrruunn oven 7,; 1 -Hr. P.~J. Bohr I, H PJH =tjm to F??? .i 1-' tea! Memorandum Re: John to Mr. Roselli interview Roselli, DeL0ach it would have to be done in Canti11on's presence. Cantillon was told we desired to interview Roselli, but not in the presence of an attorney. Shortly after the contact was made with Roselli, he suddenly departed Los Angeles, as now determined from Central Intelli en e Agency, tosecretly make contact with thatagency{%%§6Bg ACTION: 4;._.,'l ee This Intelligence Los Angeles with Central F *5- on his criminal matter will be Agency through followed the Office will Intelligence Liaison with the Central Section. The be advised of Rosellis contact Agency so they can capitalize inner turnmoil to develop informant regardin his him as a top echelon vast knowledge of the Chicago La CosaNostra.2E5!¬tt! .-_-.-.-_- I '-*/ g I /*' Q5] !¢92'_9292i~-J %?" i%>*51' 92 92i 92: 92.. L » , Y @~*i5|;,9 '9 4 _. . I ' _ 2 _ fv 92_'-5 _ .» I ,, . ._.,,... e ~.E ._o A .l ~!Ir; Dehoach ._... 1-an-,o=1»' . R6} U f1 . 0 tier l- -- Benin! Ir. lick "45 larch e, new , Papich ' "i _;_ _ __ 5 :-, -K J; akF .1: Uhs92Q4QA@92 _. ' ;_ IvLb1 . __ --_-' ."#- _fv?-IT -IZ -§§==~_",--' ? _' _' ' ' '_ * ' cmrrau.nrrnmmcs inner! §~,,,u *ee /E Iannsll rm-armorsro sum soonwasso -- u w,,.@.»w§-E,.,,,.m ---=n¢.¢-ow. -P ' so 1881881818 memo ~ - .*-'52: ..~...= ' "M.u-'. "' '.: *{T"' y' 92 *-" Z7 "Hi .n '2}» '3 ':' D, -'¢._ I 92' e ; '1" 1.ilf 492 =_ . _v -. _ _ . *' Our tiles eontaia the tollosing intonation concerni the captioned natter, such ct shich has been tarnished by the entril Intelliienoe iienoy ion! on i strictly "need-to-know" . 2:, -Vii ii _ 1.5 V 1; . n " - Ibis letter first of 1961 in connection Iith basis; - , In vies J local charge. authorities Balletti as ct this, -it 1 is ,i_ - _ eels to our -jrdttentionin the ,,nrin__g =3 emf investigation B 1,4». ---_-q iiihly requestedethst ithe handled on a__sost restrictive basing theUnauthorized whims or soo R o:l' on the part oiArthur Jane: letji, Iho had been ested b_ coniidential egas, and another ' oi a violation 1 communications Statute arr y ocsl evada nnidenti - _ _sire tapping . IYICIUIJ - III October, 1960, had reportedly placed a sire tap on the telephone or Dan Rowan, a senher or the eonedy teas or Bonn and Ila:-tin. Y Rowanat the tine reportedly eas engaged to Phyllis Ic uire t the sell-knosn lcliuire Jisters singing trio _A, sho ens else noonto he a girl triend oi ea Giancana,a top hoodlum! - I mu-lug the course oi the Ialletti investigation ascertained that Robert 1. Iaheu, a private detective, it sas _ [ - nvolrod. n.-ring interview claised heordered coverage I Iosan in behalf oi ClA's eitorts to obtain intelligence iniornation in Cuba through the noodles element, including Ban iianoana, ihich hsd lntereststhere. Iahsu said he-sas put in contact Iith einnonne infeonneotion Qith these intelligence * ie£i§ii1S§':mG ' gh Iohn ioselli, a ma lngeles hoodlum.Iahen stated also ma he authorised the warm had discussed the setter sith loselli e'£"l'oiiH"a and _ 5-£1 s i m 196 --/.2o/-_lg '5' the essence of the ahose saeefurnished hm! " "- u' Attorney General Robert I Kennedy . hy"Ieftel' l, mm which "enclosed s-seeorasdg 1'; ~ 1 _ecg ng i the sass t n aiai da a :§~'__._;1til'ization of lahenin connection sith_anti-caetro activities - gZ1', '"' ;i,°" our **3ince tiles Felt - -of Gale-,;_._ our letter shoe that llr. Kennedy returned the original snd ite enclosed aenorandua dated lay 82, 1961 Fiosen Jllsvlfl 92-P vol --Z. Inlllf ---- i A Ia-le.Room Holmes G lldy nor autennt ,mca-1 -mn~ end UNIT G ._ ._. _ __ _ _, . ,.'.._. .....- ie _ _ -. 7 __ _ __ 5. __ _ ___:__ _.,__.,..__.,_,_______..i,__,_.._.- V' _ 0 1 I The attorney General ._ _ .. randun isattached hergitotcr your information_____ .-%p to us tor v V W J Robert ueing Iaheu connection coop; or the lag 22, 1061, neao- Li»4%_ g-I ,- . '=V;V .._.~P fr», xi_.$.._.i Q Q, ,_-_. Iou will contacted oi purposes, a tiling _§V4_,-;_ or I _G..,_ notethe? Dolonel Bdwards advi edhepersonally Iaheu during as a "cutout" of 1060 tho Fall in contacts with ClA's clandestine tor with eiiorts Inn actions and by Iaheu, who would irequently into:-nation to ldwarde. Io were coapletely report details ~7 is Castro. - against Ooloncl Edwards stated that 6iancana's activities "bnckstopped" the purpose dianeana or aethods used by Ilahsu or Ginncana in accoaplishins their niseions were reported to hin, accordingto Edwards, as such involved "dirty business," or which Golonel Idvards could not a ord to have knowledge. accordingly, he said he had no priorhcfwledge oi the above--mentioned wire tappingby Ialletti. E the Iurther with respect to on a following General Kennedy during a - VA "this latter, I was interned confidential basis highly 92 Giaucana's by toraer Attorney on lay 0, conference in ay ciiice ct __ 1962: ' Be indicated that a iew days prior thereto he had been advised by CIA that Robert A. laheu had been hired by CIA to approach lam Giancana with a proposition or paying $150,000 to hire some gunnen to go into Cuba and kill Castro. ole rurther stated CIA adaitted having assisted Iaheu in asking the "hugging" installation in Lao Vegas referred to above! which uncovered this clandestine afford I1 . and tor this operation reason Ola could not to have an; action taken againat_l_li_ancana_or_Iaheu. __ Kennedy stated that upon learning GIL llad not cleared _ its action in hiring Iaheu and diancana with the bepartnent oi Justice he issued orders that CIA should never again take such steps without lirst checkilg with the Department oi Justice. . Ir. Kennedyturther advised that because ofthis setter it would be very diiiicult to initiate any prosecution against llianeana,, as diancana could inaediately bring out the tact the United States Government had approached hin to arrange ior the assassination any action oi daetro. we night ii etated be sight heccae iavolved;' On June I0, the tebe"~_a_gainst Iaheu i003, Ir. Iilliaa Ille tor rae true concerning any violation . Barvey, an _ oiiicial in which 92 . oi CIA, advised that he had held a seeting with John Boeelli reierred to above as laheu'e link with diancana! tor the purnoll oi closing out the entire nnttor with which loeelli had been - involved. In this connection, Server stated that ll had . t_._.-_-.7 ~7 __ .¢-in... .- '.. . . _'_- e>»m J __ -e The lttorney General established in _ contact with Boielli e sensitive operation intents and purposes in "early 1961" eith respect to against ilaetro. -In-rvey said the operation eae discontinued after the ill-tated Bay of I-'18! invaeion Iloselli had not been completely out oti, that tor all ' and canceled in April, 1961, but ae he periodically _,. _ indicated heeaeina1: _-position to he or eeeietnnse:/-r' tiit _ ~.-IF -_ .-. ~- It appeare Ioeelli hee einoe that tine, nevertheless, need hie prior connections Iith CIA to hie beet advantage. for example, in lay, -1966, ehen contacted by Agente oi this Bureau in connection with our current investigation oi hie activities he refused to talk and immediately ee to Iaehington, D. 0., and consulted eith Bolonel Bheiiield ldearde, who ie nce retired iron CIA. Golonel Idearde in turn advised CIA, which told ue. _, Q, 7--q-'_'. Llosnrd -J. Qshorn, trcoly hae admitted vulnerable position embarrassing CIA it the present tirontor to he that Iloeelli and that he would it eorved his on oi Qennrity, tin, ~ has CIA in an unusually have no eualee about intereete. in tarnishing thisiniormation, Ir. Osborn eeked thatisbekzeld Iithinthis Bureau on e strictly need-to-knee belie. in light oi the above iniormation tarnished us by CIA and torner Attorney General Kennedy, it appears that data ehich nae to one nttention in entoter, 291:9, wnsihly pi-tnine w the captioned eatter. as that tine a eouroe close to Gianoana advised that during a oonvereation eith several iriends Giansana stated that Iidel Castro eae "to he done any eith very enortly. Gisncsna reportedly assassination eould already net Iith the meeting having taken Hotel, lieni Beach, everything ntd been had arranged eith e assured thoee in ¢eetro'e drink or ieod. e.i ' 1 _ Aloe oi possible intereet the August 16, 1983, ieeue oi the article earried the headline, "*OlA tluba lpyin:," and it one reported contacted liens Hort to _CI-Anne R-aQbQ_e92 §lUU§' §_§UlU O Inoloeure _ preeent that 0aetro'e occur in Iovenher, 1960, and that he had aneaeein-to-he on three occasions, the laet plaoe on e boat docked at the Iontlziaeblelu Florida. Reportedly, Giencene claimed that nerieots-'..1. tor the killing nnn the_":.:sasin" girl, not further described, to drop a "pill" G, . . _ h; v _ r . iee neee article carried in "Chicago Inn Iiaee." this looght Gianoena'e Ielp for therein that CIA egente had obtain when intelligence _ l - TheDeputyAttorneyGeneralEnclosure! -r if ___$_____,.i1-- -' __ _-_ __ *i,____ i __ _7_ Onyx ' __ ' L2 . Q!- M o~. %.> ~:< -,___ 335' 3=t..92-=.;¢"§~.1§,P? -Qwg; J? Ht ' ét 9t i ' W, I ._' __l___ ___ mi; V;,;__ __¢_ M L' _,.-. __.4 _: _ _ .... ..N_!_ The AttorneyGelrnl . __,;:7_' ._T _ _ .,-_ J: _ __ V ;. - ~- _-. W ' . i ; _ _ _A ~_'_ '7~ ~$~,.- 92-1 urwiI . - ' I ~_ _' _ _ . cut ~. - _¢§,§92,. . _If-riff: _ ; -.__.1' ___.5,'pi-3-»_ 3:;._-yf - =92»:<_ ._. .5 1. _~II: ran _ -K, _ . 92.,~ I J =_ '7 Beecover nndmn Iannnll to Sullivan, use caption, 7 qcjllu-oh I. 1901,6033-a»' ha.f.'_ n_ .. t Classi ed"TopSecret"lnannchan intonationcontained hereinin so olnnnitiod byCIA. - V . _ ! . V ,1 __ 1I 5 ? _G A . . k .'92 I -... _7_ V' . 1 v I J -4 __ .- -_ _.,_ --1,,_ L; n, ,.- -4- m%zr _ - . , _. ___. ____ 1*i,_'f*_92__? _,. , W.___. __,,'_ , ' . 4 ._, __ I Q- -SCI @'NOllAl|Oll@.'lI 1I ~ _, ,.1 3 .-._ ., - __ _ _ ss -.. 1. ..<»r_ -.5" _._ _ ' - - -n I * :3». h _ I. ' -"mm» STA . as IN ENVQUOPEF Memoranum C 1' ° *° ° '" - *-' ' " no . Ir. c. Sulli MI . ' u-1...r1 J"z3.13a i""". ' ",,,+; 1,=;,,;§<<-" 111'. '1Ck E " t-===== n2* *f*°". 1-, 1 - Cllldadn_...__ Geared---_-.-- , .. 8. f'¥' -i"- "* C n. 1' - 1 reue:__._._.- 1f £I" ¬".$3§ ;%t§. Q T14¢'>1,'@"5i°»;: 1'§'_Tf'fcENTB1L .»i "14"'11 v*'* 5UgJp,g-';-,* IFIELLI "1;" "Mgin pacf ' '*. w. 1 *7:-' *3/xi as mzmrrxons notramnoonwus_ ro ,' v .92 _,, Q J-L __r , é -__ - f-'., __; _ q- ,. ;_ :1I ;;';¢;j - H - -._,U.1.. ' P W.2.-.'4'92 _!_ _. .-, -W lI"'"" _ _ W4 up - .7 .I-I _.. V, I J'7 7 -iin nccordance withinstructions,attachedletter been prepared tor Attorney General <g " '....'-K =-~1>-"3-°'Y 51__ ' .. xi és ff... -- "setting forth , 'o data?-n all concerningcaptioned, :|a_atter." ;Brie!ly, _ informationbeing 7*:tiles furnished is as iollois: -35 'l 3* ' 1"i".-Iv ' i" _,.-at " 7 / ,1 ' latter tirst came to our attention in Spring o£ 196l in connection with our investigation oi violation oi Unauthoriz a se of Publication Arthur Jane Communications singing trio. _ _ . . v Robert 11__e_'_tii, arrested in Las Vegas, Jievada, by-Q aocal 92_92 ' . Through our investigation A. sllaheu, private detective, - to | Giancana through services authorized tiring oi . -, ___;L_ ~.._,_q,,,;_ v .-,¢,,, _ ' Ie checked utter - _._.. , r-. _ with CIA on 5/3/61 and learned Ola '5 ' Les.____9211=_1_lizi1.1gJLv-h_ou as 1n1=_ermed_1,!g-t.v..!_1!!1_ 8m..Q1,e!L<z.&!1e, .! ._°I"=1" - K " obtain Cubanintelligence data throughhoodlum element,including§! Sam Giancana. llaheu was in contact with or John Roselli, another hoodlum, and Iaheu Rowan s room. __» Ie determined involvement of who stated coverage on Ioian instituted -in behalt.oi CentralIntelligenceAgencyCIA! ettorts L k A pf'H author es on vire tapping charge. Wire tap involved was on- telephone oi Dan Rowan, member oi Rowan and Martin comedy teen Rowan at the time reportedly was engaged to Phyllis llc uire, gir friend of top hoodlum Sam Giancana and member of llcGuire Sisters i . 8 on the part Statute ' to CIA'B "d1r1;!__!>_921BiheB=_ _ T-111f?l::I3!l~8J=_1?o..act1z11=ioB.C1A';1.ii;!£=;§=d If, Hid _;1o_t _,givg_ _ll_a_heu .any__instt_r.92_,1ot ions -_relative. ._nse,_oi_ t_echn_ica_l_ installations. -By letter 6/22/61 we furnished torner Attorjiey General Kennedye pemorandum containing a ' ~*CIA's involvement - in this. rundownon 92 p .92 originals -oftheletterand $3 or that -nemorandun etteohed to~.inetant letter being eent t. nenorandun werereturnedto _ toriilihg -purposes.-.1 copy "1' . -- to Attorney-General. On 5/9/62 _@_._,&;_».._*1f1., 3,51, _<_¢..; .i.': 3 Kennedy discussed with the Director a number of matters, including admission by CIA that Robert Haheu had been A- M&n 7 .____._h .. ______ " ""-' 3-A-<7comxnusn .92/- ovnmm'W"" A9 ? " .55 *°F° Jc%éL¢R;1-,_ m] mumnswss $5? PI ~ ---~-A_ -W __ -~ J _-~ <4----.._ A -e-n-rue-----=---.-...<--..._¢--p -'"' ---P -- --- - 0. Memorandum Be: tor CENTRAL Hr. -,1 .' ' - _- 4 0 Sullivan INTELLIGENCE INTENTIONS T0 E .»._ ' 1|.. 1 ____,_. . T12... L AGENCY 8 H _ SEND HOODLUMSTO ~'CUBL -To ASSASBIHATE '1! , . »e v '~. .2"W7-"'*.--'-§§¥ ~*-w;1' _ !=rI_ ,"§."fF#F > "."'-» .' -*t'*., .' ?l'~92~I-"5, . " .~ '-i-_,*"' .*- 1 Y" _.-..._?.-=..;G,;,%1 -"'3". -. -. {- hired bythatAgency"tif a1>;>1-oactx BanGianoana to haveCastro =' '=&# assassinated at a cost of $150,000. Ienn dI_ £§iad;he_had_issued °= 4<-=='= "Hi 2.1.!-_.eIh.eu1_oc ....nev.e.l§..!!.1!¢!.er.tals§e.. .I1lQl1_-B.'' iirst cEeEking matter it with Department or Justice and stated because or this would be ditticult to prosecute Giancana or laheu thene -}>;:; - °1 -in *h° 1 F 1'°_l P->. 92. e learned on 6f26/63 4- from Eli that its - -he-;n .1 - --e contacts with JohnRoselli {llaheu's 11:11: with Giancana! hadcontinued upuntil 1 that I _ *1-ms, 92'___.__l1e=1 *h..e¥..!.e1'e_£.eP2!.§a¢1l.a.s.1.1i.9J1 0.0 - a# ~ It appears Roselli is using his prior connections with CIA to his best advantage. In Hay, 1966, Ihen Bureau Agents endeavored to interview him he immediately tlew to Washington and informed his former CIA intermediary.The current Director of Security, CIA, has advised through liaison channels that Roselli has CIA in an unusually vulnerable position and oselli would have no qualms about embarrassing CIA to serve his own interests. _Jn n$&# Z.9211 .AiS11i11g-11115-5__.1I1I5Qrma._t _i_9Q__ge___wer.e . asked__toh&I._it..he..hel_d____qitn1n thi&'t_B_11.1LZ=_§1-1.2!l...§...¬121 .1.§=..'l3lY.__13g§£1;,§9;kI1.QR.hB.5i=s. we have, mew. included it in the attached proposed let er to the Attorney General i P°..17_1§_"5_1¥.1..5:_§.1§!_92..§.@¢i:Ei£ above We have intormation which relates we to a statement met with 1960. tao other an individual The other is by Giancana who was to an article Sun Times" reporting that obtain Cuban intelligence. acrxom references have included __ in in our tiles to in the letter. otobcr, assassinate in the 8/16/63 CIA agents . 1966, in issue over-all One that Castro had contacted the he had November, of the "Chicago - _- it approved, attachedletter will be sentto the attorney with General, I -n. - a copy e.-a"' for the eputy p General. " :4? '?% C w/-=.=r y / -aulq 0 1 >""3 In -.. * _ ; __,___.,__w-.-. _,_-,- " Y -- ::=u---1»...-.a--*------92=--sex-w--»-~»¢4-.92~--_-v-> .-. »v-~_.'-..-i-'-Ma; 2n ~£aE$§§§h§7§g§%§ae§¥I?££i§;é#§§¥?>¢' 92_J- __..- - _:;,,_,; Q.-H; --a-.,,.~.-1;., ; 14 -__ __,'4-_ --we e ~ *$1;-_-*:--;~.-.'.:' _- s;----:-<_=-:-¥-:--=:rsrfz *' '..:-_:* 1*" . ¬, :_.-r .>,g§ ;_;;;.§: 1j.,_¢;_ _-;=g "a .-»<r-¢_. 1' s= __ .4:; 1 ggmx -y - ,'.---1- -¢_. e-"5-u;J¥- .=»~-J ., ._"? ."'"" _.f__, ' ~-- 5.-1;; ' -*4 . t i.--;-;:f._:__92__. _.' .'1' - ='=-*"" ._; - 3 _.- _ -.;: e M ;'*--.- -~-4 - a . -~ -ifnclin Inmsrrcurrxvz iuvrsxou 7/1247 jkttlched airtel advise. hat ;* » - .0 92 Los Angeles and John District J __ 74" V7 777 hoodluns, Roselli ,ore appe udge Illiam iG argue notions for reduc lli K2 United Btai e r ay to aore argument on Judge Gray notions previously reduction of sentence alleged participation assassinate Fidel filed to health and is broke. for filed for based on Roselli s with CIA in Castro. Other reduce sentence aplot because of to modify his fine Judge Gray indicated to notions were poor because Roselli to Rose11i's attorney that Roselli's story conoernigg CIA no weight in his court and hat su would hold an event would have been catastrophic; Roselli s attorney then turned his attention his argument based on Roselli's financial 92 .1 dition. Judge Gray delayed limited investigation F of SAC, Los Angeles, condition based on information already developed concerning Roselli's ability I-* Los Angeles, that into Rose1li's financia fine be conducted with furnished to United States -Ir 1: his matter until 10/18/71 to allow Governent to look into Rose11i's ability to pay ine of $55,000. Special Investigative Division concurs with recommendation ,5 .-.' cor final decision for transmittal the results Attorney, to pay being to Judgea ray. . nif ------------------MORI DocID: 1451843 , " .. ( j . '. 15 FEB ';:372 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller SUBJECT 1. ROSELLI, John This memorandum is for your inforU1ation only. 2. Reference is made to our recent conver s ati on regarding the Agency's participation in political as sassinations. Attached hereto is a memorandum dated 19 November 1970 which was furnished to Mr. Helms setting forth the circumstances of the Subject's activities behalf of the Agency. Initially Roselli was unwitting of Government interest, but as time went on, he suspected that the U. S. Government was involved and specifically the CIA. on 3. Roselli is presently serving a prison sentence for conspiracy in a Federal penitentiary in Seattle, Washington and awaits deportation upon completion of his current sentence • . 4. This Agency was aware that Roselli intended to exp9se" his participation in the plot should we not intervene on his behalf. The DCI decided to ignore his threats and take a calculated risk as to the consequences that may occur with the disclosure of his:" story. This was subsequently done by Roselli or someone on his behalf furnishing Jack Anderson details of the incident. Attached hereto are two of Anderson' s az-ti cl e s dealing with "Roselli. Anderson is also Editor of the Washington Bureau of the Washington Post, Sunday supplemental "Parade. " 5. Individuals who were aware of this project were: Messrs. Dulles, Bissell, Colonel J. C. King, Colonel Sheffield Edwards, 00039 --------------MORl DoclD: 1451843 .... ,": "" . William Harvey, and James P. O'Connell. Also include'd were Robert A. Maheu and'his attorneys Edward P. Morgan and Edward Bennett William s. 6. On 26 February 1971 arrangements were rna da with Immigration and Naturalization Service Comrl1issioner Raymond Farrell to flag any action that may be taken hy his o,rganization regarding deportation proceedings against Roselli. On26 January 1972 James F. Green, ASSociate Commissioner for I&NS, advised that they were deferring' any deportation action for another year and would again call it to Our attention upon expiration of the deferral. Atts SEC ET ES OttlY 00040 ----------------MORl DoclD: 1451843 .' ! MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Con,ptroHer SUBJECT ROSELLI, John .. 1. ·i I This rnernoz-andurn is for your only. z. Reference is made to our recent conversation regarding the .Agency's participation in politic;!.l assassinations. Attached he r-e to is a rn errro r-a.ndtrm dated 19 November 1970 which was furnished to Mr. Helms setting forth the circumstances of the Subject's activities on behalf of the Agency. Initially Roselli was unwitting of Government interest, but as time went on, he suspected that the U. S. Gove r nrne nt was involved and specifically the CIA. , 3. Roselli is presently serving a prison sentence for conspiracy in a Federal penitentiary in Seattle, \\Tashington and awaits deportation upon completion of his current sentence. I . 4. This Agency was aware that Roselli intended to expose hiB participation in the plot should we not. intervene on his behalf. The DCI decided to ignore his threa.ts and take a calcuiated risk as to the consequences that may occur with the disclosure of his story. This wall subsequently done by Roselli or someone on his behalf furnishing Jack Anderson details of the incident. Attached hereto are two of Anderson's articles dealing with Roselli. Anderson is also Editor of the Vlashington Bureau of the Washington Post, Sunday supplemental "Parade. It 5. Individuals who were aware of this project were: Messrs. Dulles, Bissell. Colonel J. C. King. Colonel Sheffield Edwards. l '00041 MORl DoclD: 1451843 ..... WilliDm Harvey, and J'arne s P. O'Connell. Also included were Robert A. l..,.~C'\.heu and his attorneys Edward P. Morgan and Ed-ward Bennett Williams. 6. On·26 February 1971 arrangernents were made with I:mn:.igr~tion and N<:ituralization Service Commissioner Ra ymo nd Farrell to flag any action that may be taken b}r his o r ga ni aa tf on regarding deportation proceedings egainst Roselli.. On 26 .January 1972 James F. Creon, .A ssociate Commissioner for I&NS, advised that they were deferring any deportation action for another yea r and would again call it to -ouz- attention upon expfr atl on of the deferral. nOWa ro J lXJsborn Director of Security Atta 00042 MORl DoclD: l45l843 -. -.- - ..- .. - Atts ... ~. -. I' i I '. ' .. 00043 \. , r -------------MORl DoclD: 1451843 e ° Co. MI:n'fORANDUM FOR: Director of Centz-a l Il1i;elligence E-:UBJ.ECT ROSFLLI, Johnny 1. This memorandum is for inf'onuation only. 2. In August 1960, Mr. Richard 1v'!:. ,Bissell approached Colonel Sheffield Edwards to determine if the Office of Security had assets that may assist in a sensitive mission requiring gangster-type action. The mission target was Fidel Castro. 3. Because of its extreme sensitivity, only a small group was made privy to the project. The ncr was briefed and gave his approval. Colonel J. C. King, Chief, \YH roivision, was briefed, but all details were de lfbez-at.el.y concealed from any of the JM\VAVEofficials. Certain TSD and Cornrno personnel participated in the initial planning stages, but were not witting of the purpose of the mission. , 4. Robert A. Maheu was contacted, briefed generally on the project. and requested to ascertain if he could develop an entree into the gangster elements as the first step toward accomplishing. the d~sired goal. 5. Mr. Maheu advised that he had met one Johnny Roselli on several occasions while visiting Las Vegas. He only knew him casually through clients, but was given to understand that he was a high-ranking member of the "syndicate" and controlled all of the ice-m.aking m.achines on the Strip. Maheu reasoned that, if Roselli was in fact a member of the clan, he undoubtedly had connections leading into the Cuban gambling interests. 00044 MORl DoclD: 1451843 6. Maheu wa s asked to approach Roselli, who knew MahC'u as a personal relations executive handling domestic and foreign' a.ccounts, and tell him that he had recently been retained by a client: who z-epr e s entcd several international busines s firms which were suffering heavy financial losses in Cuba as a result I I I I I i I, of Castro's action. They were convinced that Castro's rernoval wa s the answer to their problern and w e r e willing to pay a price of $150,000 for its successful a c cornpIi shrn errt, It was to be made clear to ,Roselli that the U. S. Gove rnrrrent was not, and should not, become aware of this operation. ' 7. The ,pitch' wa s made to Roselli on 14 Septernber 1960 at the Hilton Plaza Hotel, New York City. His initial reaction was to avoid getting involved but, through Maheu's persuasion, he agreed to introduce him to a friend, Sam Gold, who knew the "Cuban crowd. II Roselli made it clear he did not want any money for his part and believed Sam' would feel the same way. Neither of these individuals was ever paid out of Agency funds. 8. During the week of 25 ,September, Maheu was in~roduced to Sam who was staying at the Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach. It was several weeks· after his meeting with Sam arid Joe, who was, identified to hiIn as a courier operating between Havana and Miami, that he saw photographs of both of these individuals in the Sunday supplemental "Parade.' 1 They were identified as Momo Salvatore Giancana and Santos Trafficant, respectively. Both were on the . list of the Attorney General's ten most-wanted men. The former was described as the Chicago chieftain of the Cos a Nostra and successor to Al Capone, and the latter, the Cosa Nostra boss of Cuban operations. Maheu called this .office-immediately,upon ascertai:ling this information. 9. In discussing the possible methods of accomplishing this mission, Sam suggested that they not resort to firearms but, if he could be furnished some type of potent pill, that could be placed in Castro's food or drink, it would be a much more effective operatton, Sam indicated that he had a prospective nominee in the person of Juan Orta, a Cuban official who had been receiving kickback payments from the gambling interests, who still had access, to Castro, and was in a financial bind. 00045 - MORl DoclD: 1451843 '/····;·~ l.. JO. content. ~ TSD was z cque ate dt o produce six pills of high lethal 11. Joe delivered the pills to Orta. Af'te r several w e elcs of reported attempts, Orta apparently got cold feet and asked out of the a s s i gnrn errt, He suggested ariothe r- candidate who made ' several attempts wi thout suc ce s s s 12. Joe then indicated that Dr. Anthony Verona, one of the principal officers in the Cuban Exile Junta, had becorne disaffected with the apparent ineffectual progress of the Junta and was \viIling to handle the rrri s s'io n through his own r e sou r ce a, 13. He asked, as a prerequisite to the deal, that he be given $10,000 for organizational expenses and requested $1, 000 worth of cornrnuni ca.tions equipment. 14. Dr. Verona's potential was never fully exploited, as the project was canceled shortly after the Bay of Pigs episode. Verona was advised 'that the offer was withdrawn, and the pills were retrieved. 15. Of significant interest was an incident which involved a request levied by Sam. upon Mabeu. 1. I i At the height of the project negotiations, Sam expz-e s s ed concern about his girlfriend, Phyllis McGuire, who he learned was .getting much attention from Dan Rowan while both we~e booked at a Las Vegas night club. Sam asked Maheu to put a bug in Rowan' 8 room to determine the extent of his intimacy with Miss McGuire. The technician involved in the assignment was discovered in 'the process, arrested, and taken to the Sheriff's office for questioning. He called Maheu and inform.ed him that he had been detained by the police. This call was rna de in the presence of the Sheriff's personnel. Subsequently, the Department of Justice announced its intention to prosecute Maheu along with the technician. On 7 February 1962, the Director of 3 ~:: •• ! ~ ~ '{.: :.t' 00046' MORl DoclD: 1451843 ( .' i" i . / Security briefed the Attorney Gene r a l , Robert Kennedy, on the ci r cum stancc s leading up to 'Maheu's involvement in the wir etap, At our request, p r oa e cutdon wa s ch"oJ?ped. 16. In May 1962, Mr.· W·illiam Harvey took over' as Case Officer', and it is not known by this Office whether Roselli wa s used operationally £1'011.'1 that point on. 17. It was subsequently learned f'r orn the FBI that Roselli had been con.victed on six counts involving illegal en.try into the United States. Our records do not reflect the date of conviction, but it is believed to have been sornetfrne during November 1967. 18. On 2 December 1968, Roselli, along with four other individuals, was convicted of conspiracy to cheat members of the Friars Club of $400,000 in a rigged gin gummy game. 19. Mr. Harvey reported to the Office of Security of his contacts with 'Roselli durfng November and De'cernbe r 1967 and January 1968. It was his belief that Johnny would not seek out the Agency for assistance in the deportation proceedings unless he actually faced deportation. Roselli expressed confidence that he would win an appeal. ~ 20. On 17 November 1970, Maheu called James OIConnell, Roselli's first Case Officer. to advise that Maheu's att.orriey, Ed Morgan, had received a call from a Thomas Waddin, Roselli's Iawyer , who stated that .alLav:eriues of appeal had been exhausted, and his client now faces deportation. Waddin indicated that, if someone did not intercede on Roselli's behalf, he would make a complete expo s e of his activities with the Agency. 21. On 18 Novernbe r 1970, you were briefed on the latest development in this ca ae, and it was decided that the Agency would not in any way assist Roselli. Maheu was so advised of the Agency's position. and he was in complete agreement with our stand. He further advised that he was not concerned about 4 v- t ~-': ~f •• _ - t '. ~'!"'r: \ . ~: L : .. ..,' _ ~_., ~ , _~ _.' ~ 00047 • ----------------MORl DoclD: 1451843 ~ , ..... , ." . any publicity as it affected him personally s hou'ld Roselli decide to tell all. He stated he would advise us promptly of any developrnerrts that Ire may become aware of in this rnatte r , Howard J. Osborn Director of Security ~ . 5 ... ...., r' ~":'. '.. . "";'.... .. __1." .. ;.,.,..,.- .:...-. ~.. .. J .... ~ 00048 92 ! F5 9! W ROSELLI-CIA CUBAN ASSOCIATION AND FIDBL CASTRQ AS§ASSIN§IIQ§mgEQTS_ ' 92 According to press items appearing in the "Los Angeles Times and the "New York Times", JOHN ROSELLI on June 2A, 1975, appeared before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington, D.C., which was chaired by Senator FRANK CHURCH. At the time, according to the press items, ROSELLI testified that he had been contacted by the Central Intelligence _,/ Agency CIA! through ROBERTHAHEU in i attempt assassinate Premier /' t ""--. ,1 According to to Cuba. the "Los Angeles Times", on July 30, 1975, RICHARD M. BISSELL, a former Chief of Clandestine Services for the CIA, testified before the CHURCH committee that he personally had approved the i CIA cooperation I I Cuban Premier by reporters, handled by the LT g; E CASTRO of with "mafia" figures to assassinate CASTRO in 1960. BISSELL, when questioned said arrangements with the mafia had been office of the late Colonel SHEFFIELD EDWARDS through ROBERT A. MAHEU. Colonel EDWARDS was the CIA's Director of SHEFFIELD Security. BISSELL told reporters that Colonel EDQARDS had arranged the highly secret cooperation with underworld figures SAM CIANCANA and JOH ROSELLI, but that he, BISSELL, had approved it. ' BISSELL said mafia began "in the been suggested to the that the last half arrangements with of 1960" CIA by GIANCANA and might the have or other mafia figures because "they did have very large interests Cuba that were totally eclipsed or Z35" destroyed in by CASTRO 1 xr 1 -w F we 01I I BISSELL also speculated that underworld figures were seeking to build up credit with the U.S. Governent against possible Federal prosecution in the future. According to Angeles Herald t. .._-A the "Les Examiner" MAHEU testified before the 1975. Following his two doors, he told reporters to poison develop plans involved in a just war". Angeles Times" on July 31, 1975, CHURCH committee on July suggestion of the CASTRO matter in approached on 1960 at said he 1960 by the was also JAMS J. O'CONNELL, aCIA supervisor who had previously as his contact. MAHEU asked him to told reporters for removing was reluctant that O'CONNELL "when I explained this would be on behalf ment, unpleasant as it may sound". HAHEU that the E1 value of Hotel in *4 ROSELLI and GIANCANA was of his governtold reporters their contacts and sources of information in Havana where they previously had interests in lucrative gambling casinos closed down by CASTRO. HAHEU said the assassination plan he knew about was a scheme to poison CASTRO that 0'CONNELL discussed at ,/ served contact JOHN ROSELLI in Los Angeles and ifhe would assist the CIA in a program CASTRO. HAHEU told reporters that ROSELLI to p3It1C1p8t8 but later agreed to help asked ROSELLI I. 30, days of testimony behind closed that he once helped the CIA CASTRO because Ifelt we were MAHEU told reporters that he ROSELLI and GIANCANA in two CIA officials. MAHEU had recruited and "Los ROBERTA. a series early 1961. capsules to one of would be a in of meetings at Miami's Fontainebleau ROSELLI was to deliver poison CASTRO's cooks or domestics, position to administer them ifthe who CIA gave us the 'go' signal". MAHEU said that 0'CONNELL showed him the capsule in awhite envelope and stated that as far as he knew, the CIA never gave the "go" signal. MAHEU said that after the CIA sponsored Bay of Pigs Invasion in April of 1961, he phased cooperation with the CIA. 3%- the out his 5&7 l 9| F5 av-Q ,9 92-S17 6 ' ROSELLI-CIA CUBAN ASSOCIATION AND _1=-Ijqnz. gismoASSASSINATION pio'r_§_ An Interim Report of the Select Study Governmental Operations with gence Activities, P --mu Coumittee to respect to United States Senate, Intelli- together with additional supplemental and separate views, report number 94-l+65, stated, in part, with reference to JOHN ROSELLI, in August, 1970, the Central Intelligence Agency CIA! took steps to enlist members of the criminal underworld with gambling syndicate contacts to aid in assassinating CASTRO. Colonel SHEFFIELD EDWARDS, CIA Director of the Office of Securitg,and the CIA Suport Chief decided to rely on RCBERT A. HAHEU to recruit someone "tough enough to handle the job". The CIA operation Support Chief had served as HAHEU@s case ! officer since the agent; first began using HAHEU's services and by 1960, t ey had become close personal friends. Sometime in late August or early September, 1960, the Support Chief approached HAHEU about the proposed operation. HAHEU recalled that the Support Chief asked him to contact Ir ¢ --a. with possible determine if of CASTRO. that it JOHN ROSELLI, an uderworld gambling connections he would participate in The Support Chief on the was HAHEUwho raised . HAHEU had known He claimed LE. not to the idea of using ROSELLI since have been aware of figure in Las Vegas, to aplan to dispose other hand said ROSELLI. the late the extent I 1950's. of ROS£LLI's uderworld connections and activities, but he recalled thatit iii certainli evident to iiY that he was able to accomplish things in Lea Vegas and nobody else seemed to get the sane kind of Lib- attention". lnitiall Y '--. »! 1 '37? 4 C, w 92-517 b*--:-. 1 I MAHEUwas reluctant to become involved in the operation since he thought it night interfere with hia ralation= ship with his new client, HOHARD HUGHES. He agreed to participate because he felt that he owed the agency a commitment. _.-._92 According ____Z to ROSELLI, he and HAHBUmet at the Brown Derby Restaurant in Beverly Hills 1960. ROSELLI testified that in September, HAHEU had told him that "high government officials" needed his cooperation in getting rid of CASTROand that he asked him to help recruit r '_" Hn__.. Cubans to do the job. HAHEUstated that ROSELLIwas very hesitant about participating in the project and finally said that he felt he had an obligation to his goverment and finally agreed to participate. A eeeting see arranged tor BABEUend tester; -with the Support Chief at the Plaza Hotel in New York in September, 1960. The Support Chief said he was introduced to ROSELLI as a business associate of HAHEU. He said HAHEU told IGSELLJ that HAHEU represented international business interests which were pooling money to pay for the assassination of CASTRO. It was arranged that ROSELLIwould go to Florida Cubans for and recruit the operation. During the week of September 2h, 1960, Support Chief, out the details the HAHEUand ROSELLI met in Miami to work of the operation. 'ROSELLI used the cover nene "JOHN LAHLSIO8" and represented himself to the Cuban contacts as an agent of some business interests of Wall Street that had properties . 4* around Cuba. .0 up I '-92-1 if $7 57¢, 9! p {ii '5. Thereafter, ROSELLI individuals on introduced HAHEU whom ROSELLI intended to to two rely; "SAM GOLD" subsequently identified as SAM CIAHCAHA, aChicago gangster and one 'JOE", later identified CARTE, an organized crime In February, 1961, the the Techical figure in Support Chief Services Division assuranees that they were ._..i ROSELLI. ta! The pills were delivery to the island Invasion inmid-April, ROSELLI and official who the Cuban ae SAETOS IRA!!! Cuba and Miami. received pills of the from CIA.with the lethal. Heathen then given to a sometime prior to 1961. gave the to Cuban for the Bay of Pigs the Support Chief testified that was to have made the attempt on CASTRO got "cold feet". ROSELLI was certain that only one attempt to assassinate CASTRO was made prior to the Bay of Pigs. It was possible that only one prsehay of Pigs attempt was made against CASTRO and that a Cuban exile leader wee the arranged for a Cuban close to contact in the United State; the CASTRO to administer the poison. ROSELLI told the support Chief that TRAF?ICANTE believed acertain leading figure in the Cuban exile movement might he able to accolplish the assassination. Asubsequent report from the Inspector General suggested that the Cuban may have been receiving fus from TRAFFICAHTE and other racteteers interested securing a monopoly on criminal activities the overthrow of CASTRO. That report the Cuban was interested in the it A in Cuba after speculated that assassination scheme ' *3 ...! -9! F wh 13' as'a means of financing a -_-pl-I-a.» BGBLUILE --eel-.qu-b Ilkl-l.PD-I-sll-s purchase of eras and Ileana-up flint, anneal In-ha; Q1111 Beau bu PLLLI -.-QQIQ wins Ag new oununiInge s.I92l at a meeting between HAHEU. ROSELLI, TRAFFICAHTE,and the Cuban at the Fentaineblaau Hotel ROSELLI recalled that HAHEU came up and explained how they were going pills A different version to the Cuban was offered by JOSEPHSHIHON, a testified According friend in Miami Beach. with the capsules to be used. of the delivery of the to the Senate Committee of ROSELLI and GIANCAHAwho that he was present when the passage occurred. to SHIMON, he, GIANCANA, ROSELLI and MAHBU shared a suite in the Fontainebleau MAHEU stated he had "contracted" Hotel. At assassinate to that time CASTRO and had been preeidee with a'liqnid" by the CIA tn l 4 accomplish the task. tacted outside Hotel and that the SHIHDN said the Cuban was con- Boom Boom Room of when IOSELLI left with the Fontainebleau the Cuban, HAHEU said "JO!NNY's going to handle everything; this JOHNNY's contract". w subsequently asking SHITHON testified told we for him "I am not in it, ./ and they are the hell out of the CIA". A In late 1961, the operation was transferred to WILLIAM HARVEY of the CIA who was assigned the responsi bility for establishing a general capability within the CIA for disabling foreign leaders. The Support Chief introduced ._.__ is GIANCANA the names of some guys who used to work in casinos . .. HAHEUconing The attempt wet with failure. '92 that HARVEY to ROSELLI in Miami, told ROSELLI deal with to maintain his HAHEU or GIANCANA. where HARVEY Cuban contacts At a meeting but not to in New York in April, 1962, four poison pills were given to the Support Chief to pass them on to HARVEY. HARVEYarrived L13 »C 1 ,1 .619 in Miami on or about April 21, 1962, and gave the pills to ROSELLI. ROSELLI kept HARVEY informed of the tion's progressand notified him sometime in 1962 the pills in June, teem to Cuba. had arrived the Cuban inCuba. He told HARVEY had dispatched athree-man HARVEY then met ROSELLI in Miami in Septemher, 1962, where EARYEY was told that the pill: were lg. and gus 1962, that operathat still safe in Cuba. HARVEY testified that he had doubts that the operation would ever take place and so informed ROSELLI. Thereafter, HARVEY terminated the operation in mid-Pebruary, 1963. At ameeting with ROSELLI in Loo Angelee it was agreed IOSELLI would taper off his communication with fied that he simply broke off Agency personnel uted his wee not {- r. K 1 44- who dealt testi- Cuban. with ROSELLI The CIA'sinvolvement with ROSELLI caused some difficulty prosecution for % with the testified that the agency . ROSELLI contact motivation to patriotism and paid for his services. in in the the Cuban. he during ROSELLI'ssubsequent fraudulent gambling country uder attrib- an assumed activity and name. living 4-150 Rev. 12-14-as! 1 ,XXXXXX 92~ "' XXXXXX XXXXXX ii er FEDERAL BUREAU FOIPA DELETED OF INVESTIGATION PAGE INFORMATION Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the file. One statements, where indicated, explain SHEET or more of the following this deletion. Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. ction Q52 Section 552a El b!! U b!o> A> U d!! E] b!! E1 u>>cv><B> U j!! 1:1 b!! [E/ b>o> c> I]/ b!! D! E1 <!! _1:5 Cl U -0! El <!! b!! E! U b!! F! E] k!! Ub!! U b! 8! U k!! E} b!! ET b! 9! U k!! r El b!! U l<!! Information pertained only to athird party withno reference to you or the subjectof your request. [Ii Information pertained only to athird party. Your name is listed in the title only. [II Documents originated with another Government agency ies!. These documentswere referred to that agency ies! for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency/ ies!. You will be -ii advised bythe FBI as to the releasabilityof this information following our consultation with the other agency ies!. Pagels! withheldfor the following reason s!:_ _i..-1 [Ii For your information: _ _ _ __H _ _ _ éhe following number tobe used is for reference regarding pages: these Z3 e?.t9~ "/0'7/,_,23@7 __ &£f-réa or % ,U . -'5/vs ' 1- 1"_ GENERAL bx-.1.£4r1cA'r1vs DIVISION 4 -:mr!?F7 Ipunnl!!F7'F13L i~* I .-'__'.' .-:1" Reference U ,e.-v-F": is received from concerning testified Senator - 1 a possible appearance!. there Daigle! Q0 the Howard Baker on 8/3/76, ' of John Roselli, who last riginal Senate Select Committee Obstruction to assassinate Fidel Castro AAG Thor plots the Daigle / '92 / Q! Senate Committee on Intelligence requested to from Miami and he concerning Florida! notified be a Federal violation Da oselli'sbrother when Roselli Plantation, awe nator inter arance and felt there was R est in Roselli of Justice because of his disbe interviewed nburgh was briefedcar and advised and his location of Roselli's on 7/30/76.92$ but Attached Roselli the Director 0 regarding interviewed 7/28/76, memo to Mr. Se does not appear Roselli Gallagher the disappe Baker felt volved J. reported a call S. has a continuing ' ! . U. before on 4/23/76, Am ' 1 1. t o R. Adams dated 8/4/76, which .» . $1 made Office attorn igle} left in deportation his advises in- inlaw Joseph knowledge Daigle, of - supra, last heard from Roselli Daigles residence was advised by Walters wherein Roselli also resides. the airport. Walters who represents Broward County, Florid ey David Walters had said in jest that proceedings! on 7/30/76. Daigle morgues, and the parking lot of the to check hospitals, Roselli's car at Miami then offered attorney a. to contact Sheriff,' Roselli then notified if he was ever missing to check generally stayed close airport. Daigle located no reason for his disappearance. Airport 7: p.m., 7/30/76, and The Department is b Daigle Walters. recalled Daigle that states Roselli to his residence andcouldoffer If Held - -: . v r-_ _; O. Mr. -MI. Mr. - Mr. Mr. JBL:pdh ,/¢L/ :92/ Adams Fehl Mintz Moore eing advised.92!. APPROVED: """" Ass-:.c.UIr._.. £1:.¢:!in=l.l.a. L>bw'a*wr9 oer». no :.m., ...... Co". r.-. 92 . Dgp fD!:192.'. _ A331. D:r.: Mm. Ecrv.....--..._.. T5'92-3 F ;-.-5 5.., 2 __;_ L-*-7:?Cn1."1._______.._.... V. . - Ens1_ .t.o:92 7 .. . Iuisii ............ _..._._ - - * ~--------- %---- 11*"=?'-.I----------- 4 w n Assistant Attorney Crininai Division Roselli testified General -on the Hinority before Stat! that Director, committee BBCII, has evised on June I4, 1915, September 22, 1975, and April 23, 1976, in Esecntive Session. 5%; on the first two occasions Rosa11i's testimony regarded plots to assassinate tidal Castro. on the last occasion Roselii testifieé regarding pursuant to an investigation being oon ' ntte the assassination of tresident John I. Kennedy. - the SSCIA recommended that not issued investigation assassination - '.:_ft:;-Zi »-e,.-.-.,. -.-__.;-, . 1»-1 into plot a subsequent 59615 continue t its the Gastno assaishmtion plots and the of President Kennedy. This committee has subpoenas or nude any agreements prospective witnesses to date. 92J92 , _, with any - that Isee11i's ,- " | __ Eff *1 .-_-a.. . q. . 1 -1%; ~.._. - .3-~' 4, ."J< .-I 'v'_-=_ ~ "H.-as i- i - Io 5» . inforastion has been developed disappearance is due to his testitying has been thit heiii and as I-storntion fO t_I=i 11i' i % u ii== 1'ii6. are conducting no active investigation: tourever; are loilesing closely with local authorities. senator lake: is being so e 92 " V ' ' __ NO'I'E:. See_ to Gallagher dated B/6/ 76-captioned; V - "JoHn Roselli, Anti-Racketeering, Missing Person."_92.r~ - _- -~. g fr __________ Laboratory APPR092lI3E_D. Lega, cm, 4.5, Ape C. if-""" .»_|O -------------- ' ' pI8 55 Dip. FE .- 2 .-, Adm. Serv.............. 9,-1. Inv£.....Fl92a_' VET '" --..».1