Semi-Automatic Rifle m42
Semi-Automatic Rifle m42
T1 1 ' I SHORT DESCRIPTION Back piece Hand guard Lower ring with sling swivel General features. ~ e recoil brake Safety lever Principle of design. Sa fely st ick Recoil spring Sem i-automatic, gas operated rifle, tilt-locked bo lt, pr iming by hammer, firing safety, muzzle recoil brake, and bayonet fastening . Upper ring Gas pipe ~ Bo lt and receiver completely covered and protected against dirt. t sight wi th guard Rifle and component parts are shown in fig. 1-2. ~~ , Pis tol grip Cartridge feed . M agazine holding 10 rounds, to be inserted in the weapon. I Cleaning rod in two piecrs Fig . 2. Ballistics. Weight of bullet Calibre Calibre 7,9 m 6,5 mm 12,8 grs 9,0 grs M uzzle velocity 740 m/sec. 760 m/sec. M uzzle energy 360 kgm 265 kgm Impact energy ot 700 m 100 kgm 60 kgm Range, height of bullet path not exceeding 1,5 m Fig. 1. Ammunition . Range. Calibre The weapon is manufactured for two types of ammunition: 600 m M aximum range 7,9 3500 6,5 mm 3300 Practicable range 7,9 mm rifle ammunit ion, and against shooters in firing position 300-400 m 6,5 against shooters moving forward 600-700 m. » m Handling. Sights. General note. Rear sight and front sight, open type. The weapon works with gas-operated mechanism. A long with Re ar sight : Excenter flap sight, a d justable by means of special discharging the empty cartridge case is automatically ejected and drum for every 100m from 100 to 700 m. the wea po n reloaded . Front sight: Post sight, protected by front sight guard ring . Manner of car ry ing. Front sight adjustable laterally by means of f ront sight adjusting Under movements the weapon is carried on the bock or with the screw. sling over the shoulder, when combat is ex pected, in the hand . Safety . The weapon con be adjusted to safety by means of a safety lever Rate of fi re. on the bock piece Ifig. 3). When ad jus ing to safety, the safety Practicable range of fire: 30--40 well-aimed rounds per min. lever is put to the right, when releasing safety, to the lef . Automatic safety. On account of its design the weapon is automatical ly safe in Dimensions a nd w eights. Len gth Ca libre 7,9 mm 6,5 mm 1215 mm Height Width Calibre 170 ........ . Weight except sling ...... . .. . » following respects: a) Sa fety against premo ure firing b) c) 64 4400 grs Accesso ries . Wiper !inserted in the weapon) Sling Cleaning and spore ports set in cloth case, weight about 300 grs, dimensions 10 X 6 X 4 em, containing : Oi l box with brush, oil con, wiper for chamber, combination tool, extractor for crocked cartridge cases, sheet box, containing: 1 firing pin with spr ing, 2 extractors, 1 extractor pi n with spring, l firing pin peg, 1 tool for removing extractor. fi g. 3. » blind firing unintentional unloading. loading . Release safety. When the been fired, locking Move cover forward as long as possible and pull subseq uently lost cartridge has the bolt and the piece are cocked in rear position by the bolt catch {safety against blind firing). bock to rear position {fig. 4 and 5). Put a before cartridge clip from in the recess for the The magazine is then filled as described above. Fig . 8. cartridge clip frame, introd ucing the upper knobs of the frame in the grooves on the inside of the projecting ears of the cover Removing cartridge from chambe r. {fig. 6). Make sure the weapon is adjust - Push cartridges down in maga- ed to safety. zine with the right hand in the Push cover forward with the same way as on mouser rifles right hand as long as possible, {fig . 7). and Take away cartridge frame. {fig. 9). Load with another cartridge clip. Move cover backwards but not Push cover forward with the right hand as long as possible {3-4 mm) and pull subsequently bock, at which locking piece and bolt are thrown forward, Fig . 6. fetch ing the uppermost cart- subsequently so long that the base of the cartridge touches upon the ejector. At this the fingers of the left hand prevent the cartridge from being thrown out from the Fig. 10. receiver {fig. l 0). ridge from the magazine lfig. 8). Repeat the movement until the Adj ust to safety . magazine is empty. The weapon is now loaded and The cartridges are gathered in put The right hand on put down in to safety. release safety. Before firing Fig . 9. backwards the ammunition girdle {fig. ll). Press down feeder (Note : The leasing weapon (f~g . 16). must be adjusted to it from locking piece safety, compare fig. 12 and 13} a nd push cover forward as long as possible . Press in clasp of cover with thumb of right hand. fig . 12. Release cover slowly in backward direction (fig. 14 A}. At this ho ld the cover and release it slow ly, al lowing it to move backwards . Take f ig . 15. away cov er and recoil spring. Take Release safety, fire and put to away locking piece and bolt safety again. (fig. 17). fig. 16. Dismounting and assembling. Ho ld locking down , in the piece, left upside hand, the foremost part directed forward. D i s m o u n t i n g: Move cover Catch bo lt with thumb and forefully to foremost position (fig . finger of right hand (fig. 181 14 Bi. and raise its back part so that fig . 14A. Turn safety lever straight backwards and lift back piece out (fig. 15). the locking shoulders come above the grooves in the locking piece. Move bo lt forward twisting it slight ly and lift it out of Press down clasp of cover re0 locking piece. f ig . 17. Remove magazine !fig. 19). Assembling: Insert bolt in lo.cking piece in reversed order If the magazine catch spring should be sa hard, that auxiliary --- as compared with dismounting !fig. 23). tools may be needed, the point Introduce of a bullet can be employed. bolt Fig. 19. in locking receiver. piece At with this the Fig. 23. hammer must be pressed down The magazine is dissossembled !fig . 24) . il l by inserted pressing in the magazine bottom catch with the point of feeder a bullet or a suitable wooden down peg !fig. 20). in the must also to let C over with fore the end magazine weapon be the recoil of which bolt the pressed pass). spring, is is to the When necessary remove fir ing introduced in the locking piece, pin is moved and firing pin spring by o its foremost posi- pressing out firing pin peg with tion so it will hook on to the a metal punch or other metal locking piece with the clasp. At subject !fig . 21). this see the pin for the recoil spring When necessary remove extrac- Fig . 24. be enters the connecting socket !fig. 25). tor by pressing back extractor Place back piece in position and pin with tool lor removing ex- turn safety lever to the left !fig . tractor !fig . 22). 26). Fig . 25. Release cover by pressing clasp When firing blank ommuni ion down and let cover go slowly a ~pecial mouthpiece for blank to reor position (fig. 27). shooting is screwed on instead Fire and put to safety. of the muzzle ring. To remove the mouthpiece the combination When necessary assemble matool is applied (fig. 30/. gazine and insert the some (fig. The combination tool contains 28) . Fig . 31. a hollow mill for cleaning the opening of the gas pipe (fig. Cleaning. 31) . Common princip les for cleaning The wiper for the chamber is and oi li ng ore to be applied. applied for cleaning the chamFor this dismount as obove ber. For handling the lower hole described, when necessary. in the combination tool is used, Fig . 32. by introducing the hook of the Use of certain tools . wi p er !fig . 32). When d ue to defective om munition a cartridge accidenta lly broken case is crosswise Faulty handling of the weapon. a ) Never press feeder down , app ly the extractor for crocked when safety lever is turned cartridge cases by introducing to the left it in the magazine like a com- !fig. 33). mon cartridge and plunder !fig. If the cover is then moved 29) cartridge backwards, the bolt and the chamber). The extractor locking piece are thrown for- con be adjusted by turning in the wards so the finger wi ll be screw more or less in the stud. jammed (fig. 34) . from /see Removing Fig. 33. b) When firing never hold the The influence on the dispe rsion of the heating· of the ba rrel during weapon with the fingers of con tinuous firi ng is thus conta ined in the ob oined figures. the left hand touching upon Following res ul s were ob tained: the locking piece (fig . 35). The fingers wi ll then be iommed between the Best val ue receiver ..... Poorest value and the movi ng ports . There- • • • • • • • • 0 •• .. . . . ....... Average vcl ue H10o B10o 4,0 3,0 21,5 13,8 10,5 7,6 H10o+ B1oo 8,3 em 35,6 » 18,1 » fore ho ld the left hand fu rth er ahead. Contents. Outcomes of the weapon. Pa ge Principle of desig n 2 At de liveries of the automatic rifle m/42 to the Swedish army the Cartridge feed . .. 2 following control of delivery is performed, which guarantees, tha t Ammunition 2 the weapons ore first class: Bollis ics 3 o) ocu lar inspection of finished ports Range 3 b) Sights 4 Rote of fire 4 Di mensions and we ights 4 Accessories 4 » » weapons c) interchange test on ports d) control of action e) contro l of sight odiustment f) material test control and record of shop control of dimensions and heat treating is to be presented to the inspector on demand . H andling 5 M anner of carrying 5 Safety 5 . . .. A utomatic safety At the inspection it has been stated that the automatic rifle m/42 is distinguished by on extraordinary reliability of functioning and that the interchangeability of the ports is 100 p.c. Below ore presented dispersion figures for about 500 series of 10 rounds each. Range 100 m. 10 series were fired immediately one after another during o total time of about 10 minutes . !T ime interval between the shots in each series about 4 sec. ) 5 Loading .. 6 Removing cartridge from chamber 7 Dismounting and assembling . 8 Cleaning 12 Use of certain tools 12 Faulty handling of the weapon 13 O utcomes of the weapon 14 I . r ) I