Winter 2016 - London Public Library


Winter 2016 - London Public Library
WINTER 2015/16
programs • news • services
London’s First Branch Library
Page 6
Page 42
What’s in a Storytime?
Page 8
DVD Borrowing News
Page 4
| sp otlight
different films each night
Doors Open: 6:30 pm
Show: 7 pm
Wolf Performance Hall
Call 519-661-5120
Presenting Partners
NG and TNF
for tickets or information.
Purchase tickets in person
at Central Library or
MEC London.
brought to you by
e Dec.
on sal 15
Winter Session: January 12 to March 30
Tanis Rideout is our Writer-in-Residence, in partnersip
with Western University. Tanis is
available to read your work and
meet with you to provide feedback.
To Book an Appointment: contact
the Library by email or phone: info@ or 519-661-4600.
Watch for an upcoming four-part workshop series and special
readings with Tanis. Check our website to keep up with the
most current Writer-in-Residence news.
Office Hours at Central Library
4–7 pm
3–6 pm
No Office Hours in December
PAGE 2 • • winter 2015/16
FUN- tastic
10 AM – 2 PM
251 Dundas St.
Family Literacy
DuffleBag Theatre presents
11 AM
for the show starting at 10 AM.
Tickets are first come, first served.
A Family Literacy Day Event!
Beacock Branch Library
is closing for a Facelift in January
4–7 pm
Adults: $12
Material Return Chute will remain open at Beacock.
You may also return borrowed items
at any London Public Library branch.
Children: 2–12:
Tickets available in person at
the library, online or by phone
Wheelchair seating is available.
London Public Library is proud
to host London’s Annual Black
History Month Closing Gala
Presented in partnership
with the
London Black History
Coordinating Committee.
You can renew online or by phone 519-661-4600.
Fair 2016
4th Annual
London: Snapshots In Time
e t
re n
F ve
open 3 pm
Feb 13
Central Library
251 Dundas St.
Presented by:
London Heritage Council
& London Public Library • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 3
| news
Call for Applications:
Historic Sites Committee
of the London Public Library Board
Do you have an interest in researching and sharing the story of
London’s heritage? The London Public Library Board has several
vacancies on its volunteer Historic Sites Committee and is inviting
applications from the community.
The Historic Sites Committee researches historic buildings, places
and people of local significance, and shares this research with
the community through on-site commemorative plaques, the
London Public Library website (
research/local-history/local-historic-sites) and research archives
held in the Ivey Family London Room at Central Library.
Chair, London Public Library Board
• email: [email protected]
ommitte es
• fax: 519-663-5396
• mail: 251 Dundas Street, London, Libraroyn Public
ON N6A 6H9
DECEMBER 30, 2015.
For more information, email or call Jan White at
[email protected] or 519-661-5145.
We’ve made changes to DVD borrowing
times – thanks to your feedback! We
heard from you that 7 days didn’t give
you enough time to get through an
entire season of a TV series.
Now you can borrow TV series DVDs
for 21 days, giving you the time to
watch the whole season of Game
of Thrones or Mad Men or Downton
Abbey during one borrowing period.
Other DVDs that can now be borrowed
for 21 days are children’s and Non-Fiction. Feature Film and Quick
Pick DVDs still have a seven day loan period.
We have also increased the number of items that can be borrowed
per library card, including the number of DVDs. The maximum
number of DVDs per card has increased to 20 and the maximum
number of all items per card is now 60.
Overdue fines for DVDs remain the same at $1.00 per day.
We’ve made these changes to better meet your needs. Your
feedback lets us know what you are looking for from your library.
We are working hard to put our Users First!
Message from your Library Board Chair, Gloria Leckie
This is my last column in Access as
Chair of the Library Board. My term is
over – it’s hard to believe that I have
been on the Board for 8 years! Lots
of exciting things have happened in
that time and I am proud to have been
part of this amazing organization that
serves the community so well.
While we are on the topic of community, I thought I’d take a few
moments to emphasize just what the library does in the community.
The library recognizes that staff need to be out in the community,
to be part of local initiatives and to help out where there is need.
Over the past decade, library staff have been increasingly active out
in the communities that we serve. Community involvements include
more formal committee work with city-wide initiatives such as the
Child and Youth Network, sub-councils of the London Middlesex
Local Immigration Partnership and the Age Friendly Network, as
well as supporting smaller groups and organizations.
What do librarians do as part of these committees and groups?
The answer is simple – whatever is needed for the library to be
visible and contributing to community needs. Library staff work
with other committee members to plan programs and events such
PAGE 4 • • winter 2015/16
as the Creative Age Festival, to develop initiatives that will have
significant impact on families in London such as the Babies’ Book
Bag, to assist in planning city-wide promotional campaigns such as
In Motion and 2000 Words to Grow, and to contribute to planning
city-wide training opportunities and conferences.
The library is also active in schools and Family Centres, in
neighbourhoods and at community-based events. The library
promotes literacy, particularly for children and youth, and lifelong
learning for everyone. In the summer, our Libro Library Road Show
brings activities to housing complexes, communities and local
Why is it important for library staff to be working in the community?
The prime reason is that to be part of the solution to problems or
issues in London, the library has to be at the table. We have skills
and resources that can help to build a better London, to make the
city more liveable, more friendly and more supportive of the needs
of all citizens. We want to have the best library system possible and
that means we have to be out in the community, listening to our
users and helping them wherever we can contribute.
Many thanks to Arlene Thompson, Manager, Customer Services &
Branch Operations for her assistance with this column.
central library revitalization |
Central Renew
Information Open House
Learn more about the revitalization of your Central Library
• Drop by to talk with the project architects and Library staff
• See a display of project floor plans and draft concepts
Plans and information will remain on display at Central Library and
you can follow the project on our website.
6 — 8 pm
Central Library
Main Floor
London’s new Central Library opens in 2002.
Central Library and Rotary Reading Garden today, more than 13.5 million visitors later. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 5
| celebrating history
100 Anniversary
London’s First Branch Library
The first branch library of the London
Public Library system opened 100 years
ago on December 23, 1915 in the former
East London Town Hall at Dundas and
Rectory Streets. The East Branch Library
was initially housed in the storefront now
occupied by the Aeolian Hall box office,
and on the second floor.
The new library branch was an instant
success, used by the community, as well
as being a popular destination for soldiers
stationed in Queens Park during World
War I. In 1917, the branch had to expand
into the west storefront of the building.
Use of the branch continued to grow,
leading to a need for more space. In July
1926, the East Branch Library moved
into the vacant two-room Quebec Street
School building at 465 Quebec Street. In
September 1961, the branch was renamed
in honour of William O. Carson, London’s
Librarian from 1906 to 1916, a man who
introduced a number of revolutionary
practices to London’s library system.
overpass encouraged fast-paced traffic
on Quebec Street, the Library Board
considered moving the Carson Branch to
the plaza and replacing the library in Old
East with Bookmobile service. Opposition
from the neighbourhood saved the Carson
Branch then, but a decline in the area’s
population and a decrease in use of the
facility led the Board to consider closure
again in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Again, the community spoke out to keep
their branch library in the community.
In the 1970s, the Lorne Avenue Citizens
Advisory Group pressed for a larger,
fully accessible branch and the present
building was constructed, opening in
August 1977.
In 2008, a Carson Action Group,
composed of community members and
Library staff, was formed and a number of
improvements to the branch were carried
Over the years, the community has
actively supported the continuing
presence of a library in the Old East
Village. There have been some brushes
with closure over the years. In 1966, when
the Northland Shopping Plaza opened at
Huron and Highbury and the newly-built
Today, the Carson Branch is still a central
point for the neighbourhood, offering a
community place for all ages. We look
forward to working with the community
to develop and deliver library service in
this community for the next 100 years!
Sharing Memories of Carson
Here are some of the memories you’ve been sharing with us on our Centennial Wall at Carson.
“those ays
ovie d
m an y m e on P.A.
they h r m y fi rst
days, o ars of
3 ye
u ght
Get Ca
g ”
kin ges
“ movi
out th m y
w i m”
“m y doin g
is rench
the ework
hom ub”
“I re me mber
goin g to the
library in the
evenin gs an d
volu nteering
as a page when
I was in
high school
– 1983.”
ta r y
elem en at
stu den
school Public Scho
er e
L or n e y e ve n i n g s w g
here d din g.
r ea
rk an d
ho m ewo nice to hav u r
ar y
a libr eighbou rhoo
really a the
m ovie pa wesom e
PAGE 6 • • winter 2015/16
book clu thly
b me
Great pe etin gs.
con necti le &
on s.
My favou
so far: rite book
by Erin ight Circu s
Morgen st
er n.”
“This was t
y I
fi rst librar in
ever visited 1949.
approxim ate ks I
The fi
e about
took out
stars an d a y”
ancient hi
community place |
December 14
Monday, 4
pm l
ian H) al
dio 3
ites Commit te
The Historic S e
of th
Library Board
London Public an Hall
& the Aeoli
munit y
invite the com g
to the unve in
of the
t Historic Pl aq
Library’s 71s the establishment
in recognition rst branch library
of London’
the community
Reception for
to follow unve
December 19
1:30 – 4:30 pm
Join us for music,
crafts, games,
displays &
Carson Branch Library
465 Quebec St.
~ everyone welcome ~
W.O. Carson: Visionary in Library Service
William O.
Carson was
as London
P u b l i c
Library’s third
chief librarian
on December
14th, 1906.
During his ten years at the Library,
he was responsible for a number of
revolutionary changes to library service
for the public. In 1908 he introduced the
practice of allowing the public to access
the bookshelves on their own, a new
concept in library service at the time.
Prior to this, patrons made their request
for books to the Librarian who would then
retrieve them from the Library’s holdings.
feature of the year’s work was the
introduction of open access to all
departments of books and separate stack
rooms for fiction and general works. This
has proven an unqualified success. The
change in the location of the reference
department has given an immeasurable
stimulus to the use of the reference books.
Use has increased over one hundred
From the London Public Library’s 1908
Annual Report: “The most outstanding
In 1913, W.O. Carson introduced another
revolutionary new practice to the London
To facilitate this public access to books, a
“dictionary catalogue” was published. In
December, 1910, the Library committee
recommended that a card catalogue
cabinet, 50,000 index cards and a
typewriter be purchased at a cost of $300.
Modern library service then began with
the opening of the Reference Room.
Public Library by opening the first
Children’s Room. Following that came the
appointment, in 1915, of the first trained
staff, a children’s librarian, Miss Flanders.
In April 1914, W.O. Carson was elected
president of the Ontario Library
Association for one year. As a strong
believer in libraries, Carson supported
a county library system in Ontario. He
became the Provincial Inspector of
Public Libraries in 1916 and, as inspector,
organized the Library Training School
which made librarianship a profession in
Ontario. He was also editor of the Ontario
Library Review in his lifetime.
We have W.O. Carson to thank for bringing
modern concepts like public access to
the bookshelves, a designated children’s
area and trained library staff to London
Ontario. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 7
| children
What’s In A
The Library’s Books for Babies and
Storytime programs are one more
way to introduce children to words
and start them on the path to literacy.
Our programs include stories, songs
and rhymes that stimulate a child’s
mind and make learning fun! They
are also a relaxing and fun way to
spend time together with your child.
Children and their caregivers
participate together in our storytime
programs. Some programs require
registration. Find the one that works
best for you, on our website or in
Access magazine program listing
pages starting on page 9.
Books for Babies
Enjoying stories, songs, and bouncing and tickle rhymes with your baby
develops early language skills and encourages a lifelong love of reading. It’s
never too early to start sharing stories with your baby. Join us for Books for
Babies and discover how easy and fun it is to read, sing and play today to
prepare for a tomorrow that’s full of possibilities.
Books for Babies is best for babies who enjoy laptime.
Develop your child’s literacy skills while talking, singing, reading, writing
and playing! Stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities help your child
improve motor, sensory and social skills, and learn sounds, letters and new
words. Join us for fun and learning in a group setting that helps prepare your
child for school and build a foundation for future success.
FUN- tastic
2015 CAMPAIGN NOV 7 – DEC 19
Donations, of new books or a financial
contribution, can be brought to any
library location. Or purchase a book
at a participating book store for a
discount and leave the book there to
be delivered to the Library. See page
43 for details on participating stores.
10 AM – 2 PM
251 Dundas St.
PAGE 8 • • winter 2015/16
DuffleBag Theatre presents
11 AM
Get your free tickets for the show starting
at 10 AM. Tickets are first come, first served.
A Family Literacy Day Event!
WINTER 2015/16
- in person, by phone or online:
- programs are free unless a fee is listed
- no registration is required unless noted
We want to be accessible to you. Accommodations for our
programs and services are available. Two weeks notice
helps us to confirm your requested accommodations.
Contact us for details.
Service dogs are welcome in the Library and at programs.
No program fee charge for anyone accompanying a
person who requires assistance. - in person, online,
or by phone with a
credit card number
- prices for programs
include any taxes
that may apply
- no refunds are given
on program fees
| computer classes
Computer Classes
Registration is required for each class. All classes are two hours in length with a 10 minute break at the half-way point. Courses
are offered at locations throughout the London Public Library system on an ongoing basis. You may register for each class up to
two weeks in advance. You may take any class more than once. Free.
Personal laptops and devices will not be used in these classes. They are taught on the Library’s Windows based computers. Please
do not bring your own portable computer or device to these classes.
How to Use a Mouse: This course helps participants learn how to use a mouse, with plenty of time to practice.
Using the Keyboard: This course is for those new to using a keyboard or for those wanting to practice their keyboard skills.
Computers: Learn the basic functions of the computer, review using a mouse and find out about computers at your library.
Internet I: Learn about the Internet and how to find and use websites.
Internet II: This course will introduce search engines and demonstrate more advanced techniques for searching the Internet.
Email: Learn how to create, send and receive messages. Gmail will be demonstrated.
Social Media: Learn to make Facebook and Twitter accounts, set your privacy settings and connect with family and friends.
Tue, Jan 12
2:30-4:30 pm
Tue Dec 29
Wed Jan, 13
10 am-Noon
Wed Dec 30
Wed, Jan 13
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed Dec 30
Tue Jan 19
2:30-4:30 pm
Tue Jan 5
Wed, Jan 13
2:00-4:00 pm
Wed Dec 30
Wed Jan 20
2:00-4:00 pm
Wed Jan 6
Thur, Jan 14
1:30-3:30 pm
Sat Jan 2
Wed Jan 20
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed Jan 6
Thur, Jan 14
2:30-4:30 pm
Thur Dec 31
Thur Jan 21
1:30-3:30 pm
Thur Jan 7
Sat, Jan 16
10 am-Noon
Sat Jan 2
Thur Jan 21
2:30-4:30 pm
Thur Jan 7
Sat Jan 23
10 am-Noon
Sat Jan 9
Thur Dec 3
6:30-8:30 pm
Thur Nov 19
East London
Thur Dec 10
6:00-8:00 pm
Thur Nov 26
Wed Dec 9
6-8 pm
Sat Nov 28
Fri Jan 22
2:30-4:30 pm
Fri Jan 8
Stoney Creek
Wed Jan 20
10 am-Noon
Wed Jan 6
Wed Jan, 27
10 am-Noon
Wed Jan 13
Tue Jan 26
2:30-4:30 pm
Tue Jan 12
Tue Feb 2
2:30-4:30 pm
Tue Jan 19
Wed Jan 27
2-4 pm
Wed Jan 13
Wed Feb 3
2:00-4:00 pm
Wed Jan 20
Wed Jan 27
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed Jan 13
Wed Feb 3
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed Jan 20
Thur Jan 28
1:30-3:30 pm
Thur Jan 14
Thur Feb 4
1:30-3:30 pm
Thur Jan 21
Thur Jan 28
2:30-4:30 pm
Thur Jan 14
Thur Feb 4
2:30-4:30 pm
Thur Jan 21
Sat Jan 30
10 am-Noon
Sat Jan 16
Sat Feb 6
10 am-Noon
Sat Jan 23
Wed Feb 10
2-4 pm
Wed Jan 27
Tue Feb 16
6:00-8:00 pm
Tue Feb 2
Fri Feb 19
2:30-4:30 pm
Fri Feb 5
Stoney Creek
PAGE 10 • • winter 2015/16
computer classes, computers & technology |
10 am-Noon
2:30-4:30 pm
10 am-Noon
2:00-4:00 pm
Sat, Nov 21
Tue, Jan 26
Wed, Jan 27
Wed, Jan 27
Sat. Dec. 12
10 am-Noon
Sat Nov. 28
Sat. Jan. 16
10 am-Noon
Sat. Jan.2
East London
Fri. Feb. 5
2:30-4:30 pm
Fri. Jan. 22
Stoney Creek
Wed, Feb 10
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed, Jan 27
Tue. Feb. 16
2:30-4:30 pm
Tue. Feb. 2
Thur, Feb 11
Thur, Feb 11
Sat, Feb 13
1:30-3:30 pm
2:30-4:30 pm
10 am-Noon
Thur, Jan 28
Thur, Jan 28
Sat, Jan 30
Wed. Feb. 17
10 am-Noon
Feb. 3
Wed, Feb 17
2:00-4:00 pm
Wed, Feb 3
Wed, Feb 17
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed, Feb 3
Thur, Feb 18
1:30-3:30 pm
Thur, Feb 4
Thur. Feb. 18
2:30-4:30 pm
Thur Feb 4
Sat, Feb 20
10 am-Noon
Sat, Feb 6
Sat, Dec 5
Tue, Feb 9
Wed Feb, 10
Wed, Feb 10
Sat, Dec 5
10 am-Noon
Sat, Nov 21
Sat, Dec 19
10 am-Noon
Sat, Dec 5
Fri, Jan 29
2:30-4:30 pm
Fri, Jan 15
Stoney Creek
Sat, Feb 20
10 am-Noon
Sat, Feb 6
East London
Tue, Feb 23
6:00-8:00 pm
Tue, Feb 9
Wed Feb, 24
10 am-Noon
Wed, Feb 10
Wed, Feb 24
2:00-4:00 pm
Wed, Feb 10
Wed, Feb 24
2:30-4:30 pm
Wed, Feb 10
Thur, Feb 25
1:30-3:30 pm
Thur, Feb 11
Thur, Feb 25
2:30-4:30 pm
Thur, Feb 11
Sat, Feb 27
10 am-Noon
Sat, Feb 13
Computers @ Your Library
Book a training time with our technology volunteers. Get
help with your questions about using a computer, email and
more. Contact the library location to book an appointment
up to one week in advance.
3-5 pm
60 minutes
10:30 am-12:30
60 minutes
6-8 pm
60 minutes
10 am-12 pm
60 minutes
1:30-3:30 pm
30 or 60
• Log On with your Library Card & PIN
• Search the Internet
• Check Email
• Use Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint
• Print for a small fee
Help With Your Mobile Device
on your laptop or mobile device
with your Log On information**
London Public Library is here to help you access library
services with your mobile device. If we are not familiar enough
with your specific device or issues, library staff will be happy
to refer you to resources and information that may help you
better understand your device. London Public Library cannot
be held responsible for any physical damage or lost data that
may occur while assisting you with your device.
Ask Library Staff for more information about using the Library’s
computers and wireless service, setting up a PIN and ensuring
your Library Card is valid and up to date.
*Wireless not available at Glanworth.
**Library Card number and PIN. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 11
| english as a second language
English Conversational Circles
For Newcomers to Canada
English Pronunciation & Conversation Group
Celebrate diversity through friendship and cultural exchange.
All newcomers are welcome! Co-sponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre ( Funded by Citizenship
and Immigration Canada. Call 519-432-1133 x224 to register,
or for information about volunteering for this program.
Sept. 8 – Dec. 19, 2015; Jan. 12 – June 19, 2016
Mondays, ongoing, 7-8:30 pm
Tuesdays, ongoing, 6:30-8 pm
Tuesdays, ongoing, 6:30-8 pm
Wednesdays, ongoing, 6:30-8 pm
Crouch, Jalna, Beacock
Thursdays, ongoing, 6:30-8 pm
ESL Reading Groups
Practice reading and speaking English in a group. We provide
books and other interesting things to read. No meetings on long
weekends. Drop in.
Tuesdays, ongoing, 6:30-7:30 pm
Thursdays, ongoing, 3:30-5 pm
Saturdays, ongoing, 10:30 am-12:30 pm
Saturdays, ongoing, 10:15-11:45 am
Saturdays, ongoing, 11 am-12 noon
Stoney Creek
Preparing for the Canadian Citizenship Test
Help is available from our LSP staff:
Do you want to speak English clearly and with confidence?
Join our group to practice your English language skills, meet
new friends and have fun. Registration required.
Thursdays, ongoing, 3:30-5 pm
English Language Skills Improvement
For intermediate to advanced English language learners
(CLB score 6 & over). Improve your English skills through
conversation, reading and activities. Contact the Library to
Mondays to Dec 21, 5-6:30 pm
Work and Study Permit Forms Workshop
Get help filling out your Work and Study Permit forms. Be
informed about what you need, how to get your documents and
how to fill in your forms correctly. Contact the Library to register.
Ongoing, 1st two Saturdays of the month
9 am-12 noon
ESL for Children – Wacky Word Fun
Improve your English the fun way! Drop in, meet new friends
and play games and activities designed to help your language
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6-8 pm
Saturdays, 11 am-1 pm
2nd & 4th Saturday of the month, ongoing,
2-3:30 pm
Stoney Creek
Contact the branch locations
for more information on the
program dates, including dates
the sessions may be cancelled.
Find more programs for newcomers
under the branch listings.
PAGE 12 • • winter 2015/16
english as a second language |
These classes are offered by the Thames Valley District
School Board, G.A. Wheable Centre for Adult Education.
They are free to citizens, landed immigrants and refugees.
Non-permanent residents may attend for a fee. To register,
participants must provide recent Canadian Language
Benchmark (CLB) scores. For more information about
these classes, and to register call 519-452-2000 x69674.
ESL Class for Adult Newcomers
These classes focus on learning English for day-to-day use.
Emphasis is on Canadian culture, customs and communities.
There will be lots of opportunity to talk with English speakers.
ESL for Seniors
These classes are specially designed for the older immigrant,
with emphasis on the language of everyday living and Canadian
customs and culture. There will be lots of opportunity to talk
with English speakers. Sept. 15, 2015 – June 23, 2016
Tuesdays, ongoing,
9:15-11:45 am
Stoney Creek
Tuesdays & Thursdays, ongoing
9:15 –11:45 am
Wednesdays, ongoing,
9:15-11:45 am
Wednesdays, ongoing,
6-8:30 pm
Listening and Speaking for ESL Learners
Citizenship Prep Course
This citizenship preparation course is offered by TVDSB.
Sept. 15, 2015 – June 21, 2016
Improve your English without pressure or tests. Learn listening,
speaking, pronunciation and grammar without memorizing
rules. Suitable for intermediate to advanced ESL learners.
Tuesdays, ongoing,
6:00-8:30 pm
Wednesdays, ongoing,
6:30-8:30 pm
Check the program listings under branch locations for additional programs for newcomers. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 13
| storytimes
Register Starting
Books For Babies (from birth with a caregiver)
Stories, songs, tickles and bouncing rhymes especially for baby and you! Best for babies who still enjoy laptime.
2:30-3 pm
Thursdays, Dec 3-17, Feb 4-25
Drop in
10:45-11:15 am
Thursdays, Jan 14-Feb 25 (except Jan 28)
Nov 26
10:45-11:15 am
Fridays, Jan 15-Feb 26 (except Jan 29)
Nov 27
10:30-11 am
Fridays, Ongoing (except Dec 25, Jan 1, Mar 25)
Drop in
10:30-11:15 am
Wednesdays, Jan 13-Feb 24 (except Feb 17)
Drop in
10-10:30 am
Thursdays, Jan 14-Feb 25 (except Jan 28)
Jan 5
Wednesdays, Ongoing
(except Dec 9-30, Jan 27, Feb 24)
Drop in
10:45-11:15 am
Thursdays, Jan 14-Mar 3
Jan 7
11:15-11:45 am
Fridays, Jan 15-Mar 4
Jan 8
Pond Mills
2-2:30 pm
Wednesdays, Jan 6-Apr 20
Drop in
Pond Mills
10:30-11 am
Fridays, Jan 8-Apr 22 (except Mar 25)
Drop in
Pond Mills
9:30-10 am
Saturdays, Dec 12, Jan 9, Feb 13
(2nd Sat/month)
Drop in
10:45-11:15 am
Wednesdays, Jan 13-Mar 2 (except Jan 27)
Drop in
Stoney Creek
10-10:30 am
Wednesdays, Ongoing (except Dec 30)
Drop in
Stoney Creek
2-2:30 pm
Thursdays, Ongoing
Drop in
10-10:30 am
Tuesdays, Jan 5 - Feb 23
Drop in
Storytimes encourage a life-long love of books and reading, promote early literacy and introduce young children
and their parents or caregivers to age-appropriate books, rhymes and songs in a fun and interactive setting.
Find the one that works best for you and join the fun!
PAGE 14 • • winter 2015/16
storytimes |
Register Starting
Storytime! (1 year and up with a caregiver)
Stories, rhymes, songs and more.
11-11:30 am
Wednesdays, Dec 2 - 16, Feb 3 - 24
Drop in
9:30-10:15 am
Thursdays, Jan 14 - Feb 25 (except Jan 28)
Nov 26
9:30-10:15 am
Fridays, Jan 15 - Feb 26 (except Jan 29)
Nov 27
10-10:30 am
Wednesdays, Dec 2 - Feb 24 (except Dec 23, 30)
Drop in
10:30-11:15 am
Mondays, Ongoing (except Feb 15, Mar 28)
Drop in
11-11:45 am
Saturdays, Ongoing (except Jan 30)
Drop in
9:30-10:15 am
Wednesdays, Jan 13 - Feb 24 (except Feb 17)
Drop in
10:30-11:15 am
Fridays, Ongoing (except Dec 25, Jan 1, Mar 25)
Drop in
East London
10:30-11:15 am
Thursdays, Jan 7 - Feb 25
Drop in
10-10:45 am
Tuesdays, Jan 5 - Feb 23
Drop in
10-10:45 am
Wednesdays, Jan 6 - Feb 24
Drop in
10-10:30 am
Saturday, Dec 19
Drop in
10:30-11:15 am
Wednesdays, Ongoing
(except Dec 9-30, Jan 27, Feb 24)
Drop in
9:30-10:15 am
Thursdays, Jan 14 - Mar 3
Jan 7
10-10:45 am
Fridays, Jan 15 - Mar 4
Jan 8
10-11 am
Saturdays, Feb 6 - 27
Drop in
Pond Mills
10:30-11:15 am
Thursdays, Jan 7 - Feb 25 (except Jan 21, 28)
Drop in
9:30-10:15 am
Wednesdays, Jan 13 - Mar 2 (except Jan 27)
Drop in
10-10:45 am
Thursdays, Jan 14 - Mar 3
Drop in
Stoney Creek
11-11:45 am
Wednesdays, Ongoing (except Dec 30)
Drop in
11-11:45 am
Tuesdays, Jan 5 - Feb 23
Drop in
For additional Storytimes based on holidays or special themes, check your branch listings or the Storytime flyer.
Please help us keep our storytimes and all programs fragrance free. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 15
| beacock
| Beacock
1280 Huron St.
There will be no programs
at Beacock Branch from
Jan. 2 to Feb. 2 due to
the branch closure for a
Beginning with Baby & Books for Babies
(birth – 12 months)
Ongoing, Thursdays, 1:30-3pm
Program is not available in January.
Time for you and your baby to learn, play
and grow together. A partnership between
Childreach and the Library. For information
call 519-434-3644.
| Children
Korean Language Fun
Ongoing, Saturdays, 10-11:30 am.
Program is not available in January.
Meet other families interested in exploring
the world of Korea! We will learn a basic level
of Korean and have fun singing and telling
stories. All families are welcome!
Beacock Community Playgroup
(birth-6 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing, Thursdays,
9:30 am-3 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Parents, caregivers and children participate
in interactive early learning activities.
Program is closed noon to 1 pm for lunch.
Presented by Ontario Early Years Centre,
London North-Centre (519-434-3644).
Dry Ice Capades with
Mad Science (5-12 yrs)
Dec. 22, Tuesday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Dec. 1.
Explore the three states of matter. Watch
as the Mad Scientist builds a giant bubbling
potion, carbonates plain drinking water and
creates the awesome smoke illusions used
in the movies. Test your own Thermocolour
Cup that changes colour when cold.
Beginning with Toddler and Storytime
(12–30 months)
Ongoing, Wednesdays,
10-11:30 am.
Program is not available in January.
For you and your toddler to learn, play and
grow together. Includes parent-child circle
time and discussion on topics like your
toddler’s growth and development, feeding,
sleep and tantrums. Presented by Ontario
Early Years Centre, London North-Centre
Beacock Homework Club (8-12 yrs)
Feb 2-Apr 12, Tuesdays, 3:30-5:45 pm
Homework help is here! If you are having
any trouble with your homework, drop in and
get some help from volunteers from Frontier
College. Cosponsored by the Library and
Frontier College.
Shared Beginnings (LUSO) - Where
Adults & Children Learn Together
(birth–6 years with caregiver)
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 9:30-11:00 am.
Program is not available in January.
Enjoy crafts, play games, sing songs, hear
stories and much more. Contact LUSO
Community Services, 519-452-1466, for
more information.
I’m Home (10-12 yrs)
Feb. 27, Saturday,
9:30 am-2:30 pm. Cost: $35.
Register starting Jan. 16.
Parent must attend 11:30 am - 2:30 pm. A
program designed to support parents in
preparing their 10 to 12 year old child to
move successfully to safe, home-based self
care. Parent attendance is required for part
of the program. Lunch break for Saturday
session is: 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Financial
assistance may be available, please
inquire at registration. Co-sponsor: London
Children’s Connection.
You’ll find Books for Babies and
Storytimes listed on pages 14 and 15.
PAGE 16 • • winter 2015/16
| General
Beacock Coffee and Games Fun!
Ongoing, Fridays, 10-11:30 am.
Program is not available in January.
Beginner to intermediate Scrabble and
euchre players needed! Non-competitive
cards and games held in a friendly, social
environment. Lots of board games available,
or bring your own. Everyone welcome!
Literacy and Basic Skills Program
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 5:30-9 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Register with Irene at Literacy London, 519452-2660 x69712.
A part-time, one-to-one, small group adult
literacy program offered by Literacy London.
Seniors Group in French (50+ yrs)
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Feel like you haven’t spoken French in a
long time? Join this group focussed on
educational and health information sessions,
sharing experiences, making friends and
having fun in French! For more information,
contact Isabelle, 519-660-0875 ext.312.
Beacock Book Club
Ongoing-Dec, 1st Wed/month, 7-9 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Book Discussion. Call the branch for book
Beacock Knitters
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 1-4 pm.
Program is not available in January.
For those who want to learn how to knit or
who are experienced knitters. Join this group
to meet new people and be creative.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Ongoing-Dec 16, Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
beacock, byron |
Canadian Citizenship Preparation
Ongoing, Thursdays, 6-8 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Families and individuals can receive
assistance to prepare for their Canadian
Citizenship Test. Learn about subjects on
the test: Canadian history, government,
rights and responsibilities, geography, the
economy, elections, etc. Some materials
are provided. Check with Library Settlement
Partnership staff for future dates.
Housing Stability Bank
Ongoing, Thursdays, 9-3:30 pm
Program is not available in January.
Contact 519-964-3663 x300 or housing@ to make an appointment or
find out more.
The Housing Stability Bank provides small
grants and interest free loans to help lowincome Londoners with obtaining or retaining
their housing. Those at risk of homelessness
can be helped in remaining housed. Housing
Stability Bank workers are available to
complete applications for assistance
and provide information and referrals to
community services. The Housing Stability
Bank is offered by The Salvation Army
Centre of Hope in cooperation with the City
of London, London Hydro and Union Gas.
Applications are completed by appointment
Mystery Book Club
Ongoing, 2nd Wed/month, 7-8:45 pm.
Program is not available in January.
Add a little mystery to your life! Join us as we
discuss great mystery novels.
Holiday Smart Shopping
Dec. 16, Wednesday, 6:30-8 pm
Register starting Dec. 2.
With the holidays approaching, learn to be
a smart shopper by creating and following a
budget. Returns, exchanges, product safety
and charitable giving will also be discussed.
Presented in partnership with the Better
Business Bureau.
Learn about Mortgages
Feb. 9, Tuesday, 6:30-8 pm
Register starting Jan. 14.
Join us for a general presentation on
mortgages with Q & A afterwards. Presented
in partnership with OMAC.
Investing for Beginners
Feb. 25, Thursday, 6:30-8 pm
Register starting Jan. 7.
Discussion will cover basic investment
principles (compound interest, returns, risk
etc), categories of investments (bonds,
mutual funds, stocks, real estate), online
investment tools and tips on how to select
an investor. Investment advice will not be
provided. Presented in partnership with the
Better Business Bureau.
Sing Read Play Love (birth-1 yr)
Jan. 21, Thursday, 2-3 pm
Register by calling OEYC, London West at
Bring your baby in to enjoy an hour of
language-based play with you. We will explore
early language development and early literacy
through adult discussion - looking at easy
ways to bring singing, talking and reading into
day-to-day play. Cosponsored with Ontario
Early Years Centre, London West.
| Byron
Valentine’s Day Craft (Family)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 10 am-4 pm
Show someone you care by making a
Valentine’s craft for someone special!
1295 Commissioners Rd. W.
| General
| Children
Byron Community Playgroup
(birth -6 years with caregiver)
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30 am
No program Dec. 23 and 30.
Parents, caregivers and children participate
in interactive early learning activities. Offered
with Ontario Early Years Centre, London
West. For information call 519-473-2825.
PA Day Movie
Jan. 15, Friday, 2-3:30 pm
Come in and watch a recently released or
classic movie on our big screen! Call the
branch to find out what’s playing.
Let’s Play Minecraft! (7+ yrs)
Jan. 15, Friday, 2-3 pm
Register starting Jan. 2.
Share strategies, explore new terrain and
create amazing structures together at the
library! Play on our computers or bring your
own laptop, iPad or tablet.
Crafty Creations (Family)
Jan. 16-Feb. 27, Saturdays, 12 noon-2 pm
Join us to make a craft to take home. We
supply materials, you supply the imagination!
Winter Afternoon Movie
Jan. 16-Feb. 27, Saturdays, 2-3:30 pm
Come in out of the cold and cozy up with a
movie on our big screen! Feel free to bring
your own munchies. Call the branch a week
ahead to find out what’s playing.
Drop-in Computer Help at Byron
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 10 am-12 noon,
Wednesdays, 3-5 pm, and
Saturdays, 10 am-12 noon.
Volunteer Technology Tutors are available to
help you with using your computer. Contact
the branch to ensure the tech tutor has
Byron Book Club
Ongoing, last Thurs/month, 7-8 pm
No meeting in December.
An informal book discussion led by staff
and open to all. New members welcome!
A different book is discussed each month.
Contact the branch for the upcoming title.
La Leche League
Ongoing, 1st Tues/month, 2:30-3:30 pm.
The January meeting will be the first
Wednesday of the month. We offer motherto-mother discussion and encouragement
in a welcoming environment. An accredited
volunteer La Leche League Leader is
available to answer your questions!
Holiday Open House @ Byron
Dec. 17, Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm
Come and join us as we welcome the holiday
season with warm cider and a seasonal craft.
Make a lovely ornament to take home! • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 17
| byron general, carson, central children
Tai Chi for Beginners
Jan. 12-Mar. 1, Tuesdays, 1-2 pm.
Register starting Dec. 16. Cost: $45.
An instructor from the Phoenix Tai Chi Centre
leads this class suitable for beginners.
Participants will be required to sign a waiver
to hand in to the instructor at the first class.
Fee is non-refundable unless course is
Prenatal Classes
Feb. 16-Mar. 8, Tuesdays, 6-9 pm
Register online with Middlesex-London
Health Unit. Cost: $10.
Meet other families and learn about
pregnancy, coping through labour and birth,
physical and emotional changes after birth,
infant feeding, infant safety, and how to care
for your new baby. Register early in your
pregnancy, classes fill quickly. More class
times and locations are listed on the MLHU
website. Fee can be waived. Co-sponsor:
Middlesex-London Health Unit.
| Carson
465 Quebec St.
| Children
French Homework Club (JK-grade 8)
Dec 1-Dec 15, Jan 12-Mar 1, Tuesdays, 6-7 pm
Do you have a child in French first language
or French Immersion school? Community
volunteers are available at Carson Library to
provide homework help and support.
| General
Carson Centennial Memory Card
Ongoing, Library hours
Carson Branch is turning 100 this year! We
are looking for your memories to post on
Carson’s Centennial Memory Wall. Pick up a
card during your next visit and write or draw
some of your favourite Library memories.
Board Games at Carson!
Ongoing, Library hours
Come in and enjoy one of our board games.
We have old favourites and brand new ones.
My Library ~ the Next 100 years
Carson Branch Library is celebrating 100
years in the community in 2015. We are
excited about the possibilities ahead and
invite you to share your ideas about the
next 100 years of Library service! Watch
for the travelling “My Library ~ the Next 100
Years” project at events in the community.
Express your ideas in words or pictures
on sections of canvas, and the completed
collaborative piece will be displayed as a
travelling installation in the neighbourhood
later this year. Cosponsored with London
InterCommunity Health Centre
Tatting, anyone?
Ongoing, 3rd Sat/month, 1:30-4:30 pm
Learn the art of tatting. Members of the
London Fringe Element Tatters demonstrate
and teach those interested in keeping this
art form alive. Tatting is a technique for
handcrafting a particularly durable lace
constructed through a series of knots and
loops. Make lace edging, jewelry, doilies,
collars and other decorative pieces. Please
bring your tatting supplies if you already have
some. Basic supplies provided for beginners.
Carson Community Book Club
Dec 11, Jan 8 and Feb 12, Thursdays, 7 pm
Join us for lively discussions about great
books. New members always welcome.
Books will be available at Carson one month
prior to each meeting. Dec 10: Too Much
Happiness by Alice Munro. Jan 14; My Life in
France by Julia Child; Feb 11: Silver Linings
Playbook by Matthew Quick; Mar 10: The
Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins.
Carson Centennial Celebration
Dec. 19, Saturday, 1:30-4:30 pm
Help us celebrate 100 years in the
community! Make a cut-out version of the
Quebec Street school building, play Family
Feud-OEV edition, see displays of photos
and other items from back in the day, learn
more about the history of the Library and
the community, find out the winners of the
Scavenger Hunt and enjoy refreshments.
You’ll find Books for Babies and
Storytimes listed on pages 14 and 15.
PAGE 18 • • winter 2015/16
Clearing Clutter Support Group
Jan 15-Mar 4, Fridays, 9:30-11:30 am
To register contact Kim Tremblay at CMHA
Middlesex- My Sister’s Place, 519-679-9570
x27, or Kara Kelly from CMHA Middlesex Queens Ave Site, 519-668-0624 x350.
A support group for individuals who struggle
with the distress of having too much stuff and
no space to store it.
Fun for Families
Jan. 15, Friday, 2-4 pm
Come out of the cold and join us for board
games, computer games and card games.
Everyone welcome.
| Central
251 Dundas St.
| Spriet Family Children’s Library
Tune Time!
Ongoing, starting Jan 12, Tuesdays,
10:30-11 am
This caregiver and child program supports
early literacy through rhyme, rhythm and
repetition – the language of music.
Christmas Card Buffet
Dec. 12 & 19, Saturdays, 10 am-4 pm
Use our supplies to create beautiful handmade cards and gift tags that your family and
friends will love.
Doodley-Doo Doodle Club
Dec 21-30, Mondays & Wednesdays,
10 am-4 pm
This is a drop-in, do-it-yourself doodle club.
We give you the ideas and you do the
Blow The House Down Puppet Show
Dec. 22, Tuesday, Dec. 23, Wednesday,
Dec. 29, Tuesday, 3-3:30 pm
The Children’s Library Staff bring puppets
to life as we present classic fairy tales - but
with our own Blow The House Down Puppet
Theatre twist, of course.
central children, central teens, |
Holiday Tune Time!
(5 & under with caregiver)
Dec. 22, Tuesday, 10:30-11 am
This is a special edition of our caregiver and
child music program. Celebrate the season
with songs, dancing and musical instruments.
LOVE Reading
Feb. 1-29, Daily, Library hours
During the month of February, read some
“love” books, collect heart stickers and
earn a prize. Pick up your bookmark in the
Children’s Library.
Happy Noon Year’s Eve! (Family)
Dec. 31, Thursday, 11 am-12:15 pm
Join us for a family friendly version of New
Year’s Eve filled with party hats & noise
makers, games and bubble wrap “fireworks”
as we count down to noon.
Paper Heart Cards (6+ yrs)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 10 am-4 pm
Create an alphabetical Valentine’s Day card
for the one you love (while supplies last).
Paper Art Club (5+ yrs)
Jan. 9,16 & 30, Feb. 6 & 27, Mar. 5 to 19,
Saturdays, 1-3 pm
Join the Paper Art Club from Western
University for origami instruction. Learn
some great techniques and create awesome
PA Day: It’s All About Words
Jan. 15, Friday, Library hours
Explore a variety of stations for book and
word fun.
FUN-tastic Community Celebration of
Family Literacy Day 2016
Jan. 30, Saturday, 10 am-2 pm
Bring the whole family to this fun-filled
community celebration of Family Literacy
Day. Crafts and activities, games, stories
and music, face painting, pizza (low-cost),
draw prizes and more! There will be a special
theatrical presentation of Rumpelstiltskin
by DuffleBag Theatre at 11 am in the
Wolf Performance Hall. Free tickets for
Rumpelstiltskin are available starting at
10 am. DuffleBag Theatre is presented by
Prologue to the Performing Arts.
DuffleBag Theatre presents
Jan. 30, Saturday, 11-11:50 am
The ever popular DuffleBag Theatre brings
the classic story of Rumpelstiltskin to life
in their fun-filled and humourous fashion
using audience members as the stars. This
special presentation is part of our FUN-tastic
Community Celebration of Family Literacy
Day. DuffleBag Theatre is presented by
Prologue to the Performing Arts. Free tickets
for the play are available starting at 10 am.
| Teens
Trans Youth London (12-20 yrs)
Ongoing, Thursdays, 6-8 pm
Do you feel like you don’t fit into your body?
Have you been hiding who you are? Does
your gender not match your felt gender? If
you are looking for a safe place to explore
your gender identity, then come in to meet
with other Trans Youth just like yourself.
The Art of Mixing Music (18-30 yrs)
Dec. 1 and 8, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Register starting Nov. 10.
Advanced Mixing Techniques. Learn how to
mix music using computer software during
two demonstrations with multiple Juno and
Grammy Award winning sound engineer
Kevin Doyle.
YOUth Movie Night at the Central Library!
(13-24 yrs)
Dec. 16, Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Wednesdays,
6-8:30 pm
Bring your friends, your pillows and your
blankets and catch a recently released
movie or documentary. Light snacks will be
provided and some great prizes will be won!
Call 519-661-4600 to find out what’s playing.
In partnership with Youth Opportunities
Social and Civic Issues and YOU
(12-25 yrs)
Jan. 12, Feb. 9,Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
Join us for documentaries, guest speakers
and discussions as we examine social issues.
MAKE Your Own Music (13-18 yrs)
Jan. 20, Wednesday, 5:30-8:30 pm
Pop in and learn more about the maker
movement. Explore some basic maker music
tools with a keyboard, kazoos, ukulele, egg
shakers, wave drum percussion synthesizer,
pocket piano, microphone, portable recorder
and a laptop with music.
Teen Photo Contest: Ice Wonders!
(11-18 yrs)
Feb. 1-29, Daily
Teens and Tweens! During the month of
February we challenge you to capture your
best photos of winter. Get outside and snap
pictures of ice, snow, wildlife, or even sunny
skies. We want to see all your great wintry
photos: ice not required! Submit your best
wintry photo to our Teen Annex Facebook
page as a private message. We will create
a photo album with all the entries and the
three photos that generate the most likes will
win a $10 gift card and gift basket of books.
Contest runs February 1-29, 2016.
D.I.Y. LED Valentine Cards (11+ yrs)
Feb. 3, Wednesday, 6-7 pm
Register starting January 18.
Get a lesson in wiring LEDs and make a
Valentine’s Day card at the same time!
Using LEDs, batteries and a conductive
electric paint pen, we will make very unique
Valentine’s Day cards. Teens and tweens
You never know what you'll
find in an Awesome Box!
Teens–drop in any time the library is
open and ask for an Awesome Box!
Whether you're on your own, or with friends, you can play a game,
create or build something. Jenga, Tool Box Jewelry, Magnetic Poetry,
Mad Libs, Origami or Make-a-Mini-Zine -- create for as long as you like,
whenever you like. Ask your library staff for more information.
There's always something to do in the Teen Annex at your neighbourhood
London Public Library! • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 19
| central teens, central general
MAKE Your Own Movie (13-18 yrs)
Feb. 17, Wednesday, 5:30-8:30 pm
Come in and learn more about the maker
movement. Explore some basic maker
movie tools with video cameras, microphone,
tripods, modelling clay, stop animation studio
and green screen. Drop in and make your
very own movie.
| General
Forest City GO Club
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 6-9 pm
Come on out to the 1st floor of the Central
Library‘s to play the ancient strategy board
game, GO. Easy to learn! Fun for all
ages! Contact Andy Begbie for details at
[email protected].
Community Justice Centre Services at
the Central Library
Jan. 25-Mar. 28, Mondays, 5-7 pm and
Jan. 13-Mar. 30, Wednesdays, 5-8:45 pm
No sessions in December. Community Legal
Services provides free legal advice and
representation to members of the community
who qualify for their services. Western Law
students advocate for clients under the
supervision of experienced lawyers in the
areas of: criminal, landlord and tenant, small
claims, and consumer protection law. The
Small Claims Court Project helps people
with drafting small claims court forms.
Law students and pro bono lawyers will be
available by appointment to help with legal
issues and court procedures. The Dispute
Resolution Centre offers free mediation
services to help parties resolve conflicts
using a process that is fast, convenient
and confidential. Help is provided in finding
solutions in disputes about small claims, coop housing, car repair, noise and more. For
more information or to book an appointment
call 519-661-3352.
Literacy and Basic Skills Program
Ongoing, Thursdays, 5:30-9 pm
Register with Irene at Literacy London 519452-2660 x69712.
A part-time, one-to-one, small group adult
literacy program offered by Literacy London.
Backgammon for Everyone
Ongoing, Thursdays, 3-9 pm
The Forest City Backgammon Club invites
players of all ages, whether you’re a rank
beginner or current champion, to enjoy
backgammon on the 3rd floor of the Central
Library. Contact Derek Orton for details at
[email protected].
Noon Meditation - weekly
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 12-1 pm
Recharge your batteries in the middle of the
day with this essential practice for mental
hygiene. Research shows that it can improve
the immune system, increase energy levels
and help to gain greater emotional stability.
No experience necessary.
ESL Reading Groups
Ongoing, Saturdays, 10:30 am-12:30 pm
No meetings on holiday weekends.
Practice your English by reading with others
and sharing your ideas. This is a great
way to increase your vocabulary, improve
comprehension and practice pronunciation.
We provide books and interesting things to
read. Groups are led by volunteers.
Science Fiction London Book Club
Ongoing, first Sat/month, 1:30-4:30 pm
December: Peace by Gene Wolfe; January:
The Implications of Self Driving Cars,Theme
Meeting; February: Divergent by Veronica
Roth and a film screening. Discuss books
and films with other sci-fi enthusiasts. Book
lists and information about past topics also
available online at
Listening and Speaking for ESL Learners
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
To register, or for more information, call
TVDSB at 519-452-2000 x69715.
Improve your English without pressure or
tests! Naturally learn listening, speaking,
pronunciation and grammar without
memorizing rules. Suitable for intermediate
to advanced ESL learners. Participants
will receive an ESL Certificate, useful
when applying for citizenship. Participants
must provide recent Canadian Language
Benchmark (CLB) scores in order to register.
For an initial language assessment, call
the Cross Cultural Learner Centre. Nonpermanent residents may attend for a fee
and do not require an assessment.
So you want to Write a Novel?
Workshop Series with Writer-inResidence Tanis Rideout
Jan 19, Feb 2, Feb 23, Mar 8, Tuesdays,
7-8 pm
Register starting Dec. 14.
This series of four workshops will build on
each preceding one, focussing on different
areas that a first-time novelist may find
themselves facing. Jan. 19: So You Want
to Write a Novel?; Feb. 2: The Parts of
a Novel; Feb. 23: The Halftime Show;
Mar. 8: So You’ve Written a Novel. Tanis
Rideout’s residency is cosponsored by
the James A. Marjorie Spenceley Fund,
Western University’s Faculty of Arts and
Humanities, the Department of English and
Writing Studies, the Department of Women’s
Studies and Feminist Research and London
Public Library donors. This program is made
possible with funding support from the
Canada Council for the Arts.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Ongoing, Mondays, 7-8:30 pm
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Knitters Helping Knitters
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30am
Get together with other knitters to share
knitting interests.
PAGE 20 • • winter 2015/16
Socrates Cafe
Ongoing, last Mon/month, 7-9 pm
Socrates Cafe is an open forum in the informal
environment of the Library’s cafe for everyone
who enjoys listening, thinking and talking
about life’s big questions. Topics: December:
Should we colonize other planets?; January:
Are science and religion reaching a common
understanding or reality?; February: What
is our purpose in life? An open forum in the
informal environment of the Library’s cafe for
everyone who enjoys listening, thinking and
talking about life’s big questions.
central general |
English Language Skills Improvement
Ongoing, Mondays, 5-6:30 pm
For intermediate to advanced English
language learners. For Canadian Language
Benchmark (CLB) scores 6 and up. Improve
your English skills through conversation,
reading and activities. Registration required.
English Pronunciation and Conversation
Ongoing, Thursday, 3:30-5pm
Do you want to speak English clearly and
with confidence? Join our group to practice
your English language skills, meet new
friends and have fun! Registration required.
Computer Help - Central Library
Ongoing, Mondays 3-5pm Wednesdays
10:30am-12:30pm. Call Central Library or
ask staff to make an appointment.
Arrange a 30-minute tutorial session with a
computer volunteer. Get help with Windows,
Internet, email, Facebook and more. Book
an appointment up to one week in advance.
This program runs all year with breaks in
March, August and December. (No computer
skills at all? Try one of our 2-hour beginner
Computer Classes on page 10.)
Classes Without Quizzes: Music and the
Brain: Why We Move to Music
Dec. 2, Wednesday, 6:30-9 pm
To register or learn more, visit, call 519-6612111 x88254 or email [email protected].
How and why does music make us move?
How does music influence different types
of movement and how could we optimize
this effect to help patients with neurological
disorders? A musician herself, psychology
professor Jessica Grahn of Western’s Brain
and Mind Institute explains why music affects
our brains so profoundly and how we can
channel that power for treating diseases
such as Parkinson’s.
Work and Study Permit Forms Workshop
Dec. 5, Saturday, 9 am-12 pm
Register starting Nov. 16.
Dec. 12, Saturday, 9 am-12 pm
Register starting Nov. 16.
Jan. 5, Saturday, 9 am-12 pm
Register starting Dec. 12.
Jan. 12, Saturday, 9 am-12 pm
Register starting Dec. 12.
Feb. 6, Saturday, 9 am-12 pm
Register starting Jan. 12.
Feb. 13, Saturday, 9 am-12 pm
Register starting Jan. 12.
Help is available to assist persons with
completing work permit and study permit
application forms. Ask about what documents
you need, how to get them and get help filling
in your application forms correctly. Get all
your questions answered.
Learning and Support Group for Adult
Survivors of Child Abuse
Dec. 5 & 19, Jan. 9 & 23, Feb. 6 & 20,
Saturdays, 10 am-12 pm
You are not alone! Child abuse thrives on
fear, secrecy and shame. Come and learn
that the secrecy and shame belong to the
perpetrators and that by talking we can help
each other heal. ADULT SURVIVORS OF
CHILD ABUSE are welcome to attend this
free learning and support group, hosted by a
survivor. Please note: these are not therapy
Preventing, Managing and Living with
Dec. 9, Wednesday, 6:30-8 pm
An information session for the public that
will provide an overview of osteoporosis and
general bone health, including risk factors
that can lead to osteoporosis, nutrition and
lifestyle measures to help build or maintain
healthy bones. This also includes a review
of common osteoporosis medications and a
discussion on how to minimize risks of falls
and fractures and maximize quality of life.
Get Together with Technology
Dec 10, Jan 14, Feb 11, Thursdays, 6-8 pm
Group discussion about ways that technology
can be used to improve accessibility for
vision-impaired persons.
London Jazz Orchestra
Dec. 10, Feb. 11, Thursdays, 7:30-9 pm
The London Jazz Orchestra performs popular
selections of big band, swing and jazz music.
Enjoy their stylings of favourite standards
as well as new and exciting arrangements.
Ralph de Luca directs the 18 piece stage
band in its 28th anniversary season!
Exploring Within: Mind, Body and
Dec. 12, Saturday, 2 pm
Neuroplasticity gives empowerment back to
the individual through the remarkable ability
of the human brain to recalibrate itself. Come
and learn about a method of awakening
awareness of the body in movement to
increase resiliency and create lasting
How to Use a Scanner
Dec. 14, Monday, 10-11 am
Register starting Nov. 27.
Jan. 9, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Dec. 21.
The library’s scanners can help you make
backups of legal documents, digitize family
memories or create electronic versions of
travel documents and passports. Learn how
to scan and create files of your documents,
and how to scan documents to edit. Bring
items to scan if you would like to practice in
the session.
Jazz for the People
Dec. 16, Jan. 27, Feb 24, Wednesdays,
7:15-8:45 pm
A free concert series featuring local and
regional jazz musicians. Supported by
Friends of the London Public Library.
Financial Literacy: Learning the Basics
Jan. 11-Feb. 2, Mondays, 2-3.30 pm
Looking for a financial lift? Join Christopher
Meyler of Lifetime Financial Services to
learn how to make the most of your money.
January 11: Estate Planning; January 18:
Retirement Planning; January 25: What is a
TFSA?; February 1: Investment Essentials. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 21
| central general
Writer-in-Residence Tanis Rideout
Office Hours
Jan. 12-Mar. 30, Tuesdays, 4-7 pm and
Wednesdays, 3-6 pm
Register by email, [email protected] or
by phone, 519-661-4600.
Poet and novelist Tanis Rideout is available
to meet with writers at all levels to provide
individual consultation and feedback.
Submissions must be a maximum length of
5 pages for poetry and 10 pages for prose.
Please submit work to Tanis in advance
of your appointment by emailing her at
[email protected]. Tanis Rideout’s
residency is cosponsored by the James
A. Marjorie Spenceley Fund, Western
University’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
the Department of English and Writing
Studies, the Department of Women’s
Studies and Feminist Research and
London Public Library donors. This program
is made possible with funding support from
the Canada Council for the Arts.
Nature in the City
Jan. 12-Feb. 16, Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm
A six-part series of illustrated talks on nature
within the City of London. Topics: Jan. 12:
Will Songbirds Fall Silent? with Jody Allair;
Jan. 19: The Secret Lives of Plants with
Jennifer McDonald; Jan. 26: Birds of a
Feather Respond to the Weather with Scott
MacDougall-Shackleton; Feb. 2: Get StarryEyed on a Winter’s Night with Ryan Fraser;
Feb. 9: The Slandered Serpent! with Scott
Gillingwater; Feb. 16: Warbler Woods: Much
More Than Warblers with Winifred Wake.
Classes Without Quizzes: Teams in the
Workplace: Are Two Heads Really Better
Than One?
Jan. 13, Wednesday, 6:30-9 pm
To register or learn more, visit, call 519-6612111 x88254 or email [email protected].
Doors open @ 6:30 pm.
Teams are widely used in the workplace and
are described as ‘high performance’ work
designs. However, the scientific evidence
regarding teams is not as impressive as one
might think. Join psychology professor Natalie
Allen as she discusses the psychological
explanation for why we romanticize teams
and how this impacts employees and the
organizations they work for.
Grit Uplifted Creative Writing Group
Jan. 16-Apr. 16, Saturdays, 2-4 pm
The London InterCommunity Health Centre,
in partnership with London Public Library,
offers an open forum for learning, selfexpression, and the building of trust and
community for people who are homeless, at
risk of being homeless or have experienced
homelessness. In weekly group sessions,
participants will be provided with organized
support for creative expression and skill
development, a welcoming and respectful
environment for positive social engagement
and fellowship, as well as opportunities for
self-reflection and the enhancement of one’s
sense of self-worth.
The Gay Guys’ Book Club
Jan.18, Feb. 29, Mondays, 7-9 pm
We are a book club that meets about every
six weeks to talk about a diverse range
of books, from classics to new releases.
Our meetups will include some book talk
and some socializing. Bring along a title or
two that you think the group would enjoy
reading so we can plan our future picks.
For more information, contact the library
or Blair at bhenry@hivaidsconnection.
ca. Cosponsored with Regional HIV/AIDS
Jane Austen Day
Jan. 23, Saturday, 1:30-4:30 pm
An afternoon of love, laughter and lively wit
from the pen of Jane Austen! Guest speaker
Elaine Bander, President of JASNA Canada,
will present ‘Doubting Mr. Darcy: why
Elizabeth takes three volumes to fall in love.’
PLUS there will be dramatized scenes and a
film excerpt from Pride & Prejudice, Austen
displays, period music and a refreshing cup
of tea! Presented by the Jane Austen Society
of North America, London Ontario Chapter
and the London Public Library.
Language of Deception: Looking at TellTale Signs of Lying
Jan. 27, Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
This talk is a brief overview of what is known
in interpersonal psychology about deception
and the field of deception detection with
an emphasis on the analysis of written
or transcribed statements. How often do
we lie? How well can people tell a lie? If
computers were to spot a lie, what should
they be looking for? Are there any tools
available to date, and how successful are
the machines as compared to human lie
detectors? Presented by Dr. Victoria Rubin
of Western University as part of the series
#PublicInterest: Faculty of Information and
Media Studies (FIMS) Talks.
Don’t Panic: How Stress Changes the
Body and Mind – Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 3, Wednesday, 6:30 pm
Repeated or long-term stress can profoundly
alter brain structure and function. Join us for a
discussion of the effects of chronic stress on
your mood, memory and attention, and some
everyday strategies for stress reduction.
Healthy Aging: Cognitive and Emotional
Considerations – Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 3, Wednesday, 7:30 pm
As the Canadian population continues
to age, researchers are learning more
about the protective factors that promote
psychologically healthy aging. Learn about
everyday practices and lifestyle choices that
contribute to cognitive and emotional wellbeing in aging.
Assertiveness Skills for Healthy
Relationships – Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 6, Saturday, 3:30 pm
Assertive communication is key for healthy
relationships. Learn about cognitive and
behavioural strategies for overcoming
obstacles to being assertive and for
developing more effective communication
skills that don’t rely on passive or aggressive
take care of business
Reference Canada Business Directory lists 1.5 million Canadian companies.
Target your products, services or skills to just the right companies.
Search by industry, location, business size and sales volume.
Free access with your library card from our website.
PAGE 22 • • winter 2015/16
central general |
Close Relationships and Mental Health
Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 6, Saturday, 1:30 pm
This session will provide an informative look
at ways in which common components of
your relationship influence the present and
future mental health of you and your partner.
Dodging Depression: Early Detection and
Prevention – Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 6, Saturday, 9:30 am
Join us for a discussion on strategies for
preventing the onset and maintenance of
Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 6, Saturday, 10:30 am
Mindfulness strategies help to ground us
in the present moment and have been
associated with a number of psychological
benefits. This talk will provide an overview
of mindfulness, individuals will have the
opportunity to learn about and practice
mindfulness skills.
Strength in Numbers: Your Role
in Supporting Friends, Family and
Colleagues Living With Mental Illness
Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 6, Saturday, 11:30 am
With 1 in 5 personally experiencing a mental
illness during their lifetime, everyone will
be indirectly affected by the mental health
challenges of a family member, friend or
colleague. We will discuss the ways that
you can effectively support those in your life
experiencing mental illness and the benefits
your support can confer.
Smartphone Apps for Mental Health
Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 6, Saturday, 2:30 pm
Learn about the current trends and research
on smartphone apps for mental health
assessment, education and intervention.
Every Single One is My Favourite:
Children’s Experiences and Perceptions
of eBook Reading
Feb. 8, Monday, 7-8:30 pm
Children are tech savvy: they watch videos,
play games and read eBooks. Many studies
have examined children reading eBooks, but
most are from the point of view of adults. Our
study, supported by an OCLC/ALISE Library
& Information Science Research Grant,
explores what children themselves think
about eBooks. The findings will be shared
in this presentation along with implications
and advice for parents, librarians and others
who work with children. Presented by Dr.
Lynne McKechnie, Kathleen Schreurs of
Western University as part of the series
#PublicInterest: Faculty of Information and
Media Studies (FIMS) Talks.
Black History Documentary & Discussion
Feb. 9, Tuesday, 7 pm
Film screening of two documentaries for
Black History Month. There will be a panel
discussion with a Q&A session afterwards,
including filmmakers and others.
Access to Mental Health Services in
London – Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 10, Wednesday, 7:30 pm
What can you expect from London Mental
Health Services? Learn where and when
to find help, what services our city has to
offer, and how you can get involved in and
navigate the mental health system, for both
adults and children.
Crime and Punishment: A Journey
through the Criminal Justice System in
Ontario – Finding Your Way 2016
Feb. 10, Wednesday, 6:30 pm
Interested in taking a tour of our correctional
and forensic mental health systems? Want to
know the differences between jails, prisons,
and forensic psychiatric hospitals? We will
discuss how these systems work, how we
rehabilitate individuals within the criminal
justice system, and what misconceptions
surround this population.
Heritage Fair 2016: Snapshots In Time
Feb. 13, Saturday, 10 am-3 pm
London’s past comes into focus at the 2016
Heritage Fair. Join a conversation with
our panel of local history experts: Herman
Goodden, Sandra Miller, Hilary Neary, Dan
Brock, Mike Dove and Yvonne Drebert,
moderated by Greg Van Moorsel of the
London Free Press (11 am-12.30 pm). Get
hands-on interactive experience at 45 minute
pop-up workshops presented by Royal
Canadian Regiment Museum, The Museum
of Ontario Archaeology, Fugitive Slave
Chapel Restoration Project and The Secrets
of Radar Museum (10 am-3 pm). Learn how
Western archivists Tom Belton and Anne
Daniel preserve and promote the university’s
photograph collections (1:30-3 pm). Over
twenty heritage associations will have staffed
exhibits. Cosponsored by London Public
Library and London Heritage Council.
Black History Month Movie Night
(128 min)
Feb. 17, Wednesday, 6:30 pm
This historical drama chronicles Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.’s campaign to secure voting
rights for all people. That dangerous and
terrifying action culminated with an epic
march from Selma to Montgomery and
in President Lyndon Johnson signing the
Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Gardening in the City
with London Middlesex Master
Feb. 22-Mar. 3, Mondays, 7-8:30 pm
This series covers a variety of earthy topics
that will grow on you. Feb. 22: Gardening
Under a Black Walnut Tree with Master
Gardener Rhonda Persichilli; Feb. 22: Best
Vegetable and Herb Garden Ever with
Master Gardener Ron Rossini; Mar. 7:
Edible Landscaping with Master Gardener
Curtis Peterson.
Moms meet Moms at the Library
Mardi Gras Night featuring Uptown
Dixieland Jazz Band
Feb. 10, Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
Doors open at 6:40 pm.
Join us and celebrate Mardi Gras New
Orleans style with the jazz music of Uptown
Dixieland Jazz Band. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 23
| central general, cherryhill
Classes Without Quizzes: Killing Fields:
Genocide in Modern History
Feb. 23, Tuesday, 7-9 pm
To register or learn more, visit, call 519-6612111 x88254 or email [email protected].
Doors open at 6:30 pm.
What are the causes and consequences
of genocide in modern history? History
professor Frank Schumacher looks at the
victims and perpetrators of genocides and
analyzes the driving forces, forms and legal,
political and cultural aftermath of mass
violence. Schumacher is the author and
editor of five books on topics ranging from
cold war propaganda to colonial war and has
written articles and chapters on the history
of the American empire, globalization,
colonialism and the history of emotions.
Food in 2050: The Challenge of Feeding
Nine Billion
Feb. 25, Thursday, 7 pm
Creating food systems capable of feeding
nine billion people while dealing with climate
change is one of the 21st century’s biggest
challenges. To feed the future we must both
produce the right kinds of food, and innovate.
This talk explores the factors driving changes
and trends in our food systems. Evan Fraser
is a Canada Research Chair in Global Food
Security, University of Guelph, who studies
food, food systems and food security. He
is the author of 70 papers, two non-fiction
books and a graphic novel (Food Crisis)
about food and food security. He is a fellow
of the Royal Canadian Geographic Society.
14th Annual Black History Month Closing
Gala and Reception
Feb. 27, Saturday, 4-7 pm
Join us for an entertaining afternoon of
dance, song, spoken word, history and more.
Reception to follow. Presented by the London
Black History Coordinating Committee in
partnership with London Public Library.
Tickets: $12 for adults, $6 for children (2-12
years). Registration and payment may be
made online, by phone (with a credit card)
or in person at any library location starting
December 1. Limited wheelchair seating is
available please call 519-661-5122 directly
between 9-5, Monday to Friday, to reserve.
Doors open at 3 pm.
| Cherryhill
301 Oxford St. W.
| Children
Cherryhill Beginning with Baby
(birth to 12 months)
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 10-11:30 am
A program for you and your baby to learn, play
and grow together. Offered in partnership
with Childreach. For more information call
Cherryhill Community Playgroup
(birth to 6 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing, Fridays, 9:30-11:30 am
Parents, caregivers and children participate
in interactive early learning activities. Offered
in partnership with Childreach. For more
information call 519-434-3644.
Lego Creation Station
(4-12 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing, last Sat/month, 2:30-3:30 pm
We provide the LEGO bricks. You provide
the imagination.
Jedi Magic and Mind Tricks (5+ yrs)
Dec. 19, Saturday, 3-4 pm
Free tickets available for pick up at the
branch starting Dec. 12.
Join Jedi master Corbin for an incredible
show filled with star wars themed magic and
Jedi mind tricks! Children are encouraged
to come dressed up as their favourite star
wars character and many will take part in the
show! Learn of R2D2’s challenging escape,
see the great clone machine and watch as
the audience uses the force to levitate a
Cherryhill Homework Club (8-12 yrs)
Jan. 11-Apr. 5, Tuesdays, 3:45-5:45 pm
No program Feb. 16 or March 15.
Homework help is here! If you are having
any trouble with your homework, drop in to
get some help from volunteers from Frontier
You’ll find Books for Babies and
Storytimes listed on pages 14 and 15.
PAGE 24 • • winter 2015/16
PA Day Drop In Craft (Family)
Jan. 15, Friday, 1-4 pm
Make a fun craft to take home.
Valentine’s Day Craft (Family)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 1:30-4 pm
Show someone you care by making a
Valentine’s Day craft for someone special!
| General
Volunteer Tech Tutor @ the Cherryhill
Ongoing, call the branch ahead to find out
when the Tech Tutor will be at the library.
A Volunteer Tech Tutor is available to assist
library users with questions about Word,
Excel, Powerpoint, email or computer basics.
Please call ahead to ensure the Tech Tutor
has arrived.
Cherryhill Book Club in the Afternoon
Ongoing, last Wed/month, 2-3:30 pm
Read each book in advance and join a
lively, informal discussion. The book for the
next month will be available at the meeting.
Phone the branch to find out what we are
reading. New members welcome.
ESL Reading Groups
Ongoing, Thursdays, 3:30-5 pm
Practice your English by reading with others
and sharing your ideas. This is a great
way to increase your vocabulary, improve
comprehension and practice pronunciation.
We provide books and interesting things to
read. Groups are led by volunteers.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Ongoing-June 14, Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm
No sessions Dec. 22 & 29 or Jan. 5.
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
cherryhill |
Information Series for the
60+ Crowd
Join us for a monthly information
series on a variety of topics on
the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Presented in partnership with
Hutton House Learning Centre.
Funded by Employment Ontario.
Register for each session online,
in person or by calling the branch
starting one month before program.
December 8, 1-2 pm
Holiday Online Shopping Tips
with Shakii Popatiya
January 12, 1-2 pm
Creative Age Workshop
with Kathy Smith
February 9, 1-2 pm
How to Navigate
the Healthcare System
with Michelle Gatt,
VP, Seniors Access
Francophone Seniors’ Group
Ongoing-June 17, Fridays, 1-3 pm
Feel like you haven’t spoken French in a
long time? You’re not the only one! Do you
miss your Francophone senior counterparts?
Join our group! We focus on educational
and health information sessions, sharing
experiences, making new friends, and having
fun in French! For more information, contact
Rae at 519-660-0874 x288. Cosponsored
with London InterCommunity Health Centre.
Laughter Yoga
Ongoing, 3rd Thurs/month, 11 am-12 pm
Laughter yoga is a way we can connect with
our inner child. Not yoga as you know it: no
different clothing are worn, no difficult poses.
We laugh and enjoy the release laughter
brings. You’ll clap, stretch, either standing or
sitting, and laugh. This is a program created
by a doctor in India who knows the many
benefits of laughter. Yes, we are healthier
when we do the exercise of laughing!
ESL for Seniors
Ongoing-June 23, Tuesdays & Thursdays,
9:15-11:45 am
Register with the instructor or by calling 519452-2000, x69674. Join anytime.
No classes Dec. 22, 24, 29, 31
or Feb. 2, Mar. 15 & 17.
These classes focus on the language
necessary for use in everyday living with an
emphasis on Canadian customs and culture.
There is lots of opportunity to talk with English
speakers. Classes are especially designed
for the older adult immigrant. Participants
will receive an ESL Certificate. Bring PR
card, citizenship card, passport. Participants
must provide recent Canadian Language
Benchmark (CLB) scores in order to register.
For an initial language assessment, call
the CLARS Centre, 519-432-1133. Nonpermanent residents may attend for a fee
and do not require an assessment.
Exercise with Style (55+ yrs)
Ongoing, Fridays, 10-11 am
Creative flair in movement for older adults!
End your week on a natural high by joining
the VON for these classes. Presented in
partnership with Cherryhill Healthy Aging.
Mixed Media Painters
Ongoing, 1st & 3rd Tues/month,
1:30-4:30 pm
Painters of any media and experience come
together for an afternoon of painting twice a
month. Bring your own materials. All ages
Stitch ‘n Time
Ongoing, 1st & 3rd Wed/month,
9:30-11:30 am
Bring your needlework, knitting, crocheting
or other handwork for a morning of sharing.
Learn tips, patterns and skills from each
other. Bring your own materials.
Holiday Open House at Cherryhill
Dec. 12, Saturday, 2-4 pm
Come and join us as we welcome the holiday
season with warm cider, treats and live music
featuring the group Celtic Knot and Friends.
Problem Solving Group for Caregivers
who Care for Seniors (65+ yrs) with
Mental Health Challenges
Jan. 6-May 18, Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Oct. 28.
Interested in meeting new people who are
also caring for a loved one with mental health
challenges, learning about the resources in
your community and enhancing your coping
skills? Join our group as we learn to solve
everyday life problems such a taking time
to care for yourself. A new topic will be
discussed at each meeting. Co-sponsored
with London Health Sciences Centre.
Thursday Movies
Jan. 7-Feb. 25, Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
A selection of movies shown at Cherryhill
Branch Library. For a list of titles please
phone the branch. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 25
| cherryhill general, crouch
Watercolour Painting:
Jan. 8-Feb. 26, Fridays, 1-3:30 pm.
Cost: $60, due at registration.
Register starting Dec. 18.
Helen Bruzas will be sharing her enthusiasm
and knowledge in this class for intermediate
to advanced painters. Participants bring their
own supplies. Fee is non-refundable unless
course is cancelled. Cost of materials are not
included in course fee.
Prenatal Classes
Jan. 14-Feb. 4, Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Register online with Middlesex-London
Health Unit. Cost: $10.
Meet other families and learn about
pregnancy, coping through labour and birth,
physical and emotional changes after birth,
infant feeding, infant safety, and how to care
for your new baby. Register early in your
pregnancy, classes fill quickly. More class
times and locations are listed on the MLHU
website. Fee can be waived. Cosponsor:
Middlesex-London Health Unit.
Beginner & Intermediate Drawing Course
at the Cherryhill Library
Jan. 19-Mar. 8, Tuesdays, 1-2:30 pm
Register starting Jan. 2.
Cost: $45, due at registration.
Join us for this beginner and intermediate
drawing course where you will learn about
materials such as powdered graphite, waterbase pencils, vine charcoal and more! We will
not be drawing landscapes but you will learn
enough drawing skills to draw landscapes
on your own. Participants do not need to
bring supplies to first class as they will be
provided. Fee is non-refundable unless the
course is cancelled.
Tai Chi for Beginners/Intermediates
Jan. 20-Mar. 9, Wednesdays 1-2 pm
Cost: $45, due at registration.
Register starting Dec. 19.
An instructor from the Phoenix Tai Chi
Centre leads the class suitable for both
beginners and intermediates. Participants
will be required to sign a waiver to hand in
to instructors at the first class. Fee is nonrefundable unless the course is cancelled.
| Crouch
550 Hamilton Rd.
| Children
Saturday Cinema (Family)
Ongoing-June 4, 1st Sat/month, 2:30 pm
Held on Dec. 12 and Jan. 9 due to holidays)
Comedy, action and adventure, we have
it all! Bring your friends and family for tasty
treats and enjoy a fun feature film on our BIG
Tinker Table
Dec. 1-Feb. 27, Daily, Library hours
Play with old gadgets, create with recycled
goods or build a surprise. Use your
imagination to make something new each
Winter Woolen Bowls (5+ yrs)
Dec. 2, Wednesday, 4-5 pm
Come dressed for a mess and create your
own unique yarn bowl to hold some special
treasures, or make a gift for a loved one.
Crouch Homework Club (8-12 yrs)
Dec 3, Jan 14-Mar 3, Thursdays,
3:45-5:45 pm
Homework help is here! If you are having
any trouble with your homework, drop in to
get some help from volunteers from Frontier
College. Cosponsored by the Library and
Frontier College.
O’ Christmas Tree, O’ Christmas Tree!
(5-12 yrs)
Dec. 5, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
It’s a Tree-rific event! Craft beautiful
ornaments, help decorate our tree and enjoy
some holiday music and treats.
A Winter Wonderful Holiday Hunt
(5-12 yrs)
Dec. 19, Saturday, Library hours
It’s the search of the season! Find all the
items, unscramble the hidden word and win
a wintery treat!
It’s Snowing Men! Winter Drop-by Craft
(5-12 yrs)
Dec. 19-Jan. 30, Daily, Library Hours
Join in the wintery fun! Come by and create
some snazzy snowmen.
PAGE 26 • • winter 2015/16
Cute Christmas Mice! (5-12 yrs)
Dec. 23, Wednesday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Craft felt mice as cute as can be, then take
them home to hang on your tree!
Giant Games! (Family)
Dec. 29, Tuesday, 2-4 pm
We’re playing giant-sized games for giantsized fun! If you enjoy games like Tic Tac
Toe, Dominoes, Snakes and Ladders,
Checkers and more, when they are the
normal size, come try them out on a larger
scale. Sometimes bigger is better!
New Year’s Noisemakers! (5-12 yrs)
Dec. 30, Wednesday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Are you ready to ring in the New Year? Come
create fun items that will make your New
Year’s Party perfect!!
Bubble Bath Storytime
(all ages with caregiver)
Jan. 8, Friday, 10:30-11:15 am
It’s National Bubble Bath Day! Join us for
stories, songs, rhymes and activities with
bubbles and bathtime!
PA Day Enormous Games and Gaming
Experience! (7+ yrs)
Jan. 15, Friday, 2-5 pm
Drop by to play a game or three, like Yahtzee
or Trouble, or Just Dance on Wii! Video or
board games, whichever is your style. Come
by and play for a short time or a while.
Soft Snow Buddies (5-12 yrs)
Jan. 23, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
It’s chilly outside. Come in out of the cold and
create a cute fuzzy snowman that will warm
your heart.
I Heart Valentines! (5-12 yrs)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Give everyone you admire a little love! Create
some beautiful heartfelt valentines to share.
Fairy Tale Storytime!
(all ages with caregiver)
Feb. 26, Friday, 10:30-11:15 am
Wizards and princes and stepmothers, oh
my! Join us for songs, stories and activities
based on your favourite fairy tales.
| Teens
Musical Mayhem! (10+ yrs)
Ongoing, 1st & 3rd Wed/month, 6:30-8 pm
Music! Videos! Karaoke! Come out and
make mayhem!
crouch, east london |
Teen Tuesdays! (10+ yrs)
Ongoing, 2nd & 4th Tues/month, 6:30 pm
Take a break from school work and chores to
hang out with us! Enjoy a variety of activities
from movies with munchies to gaming
greatness and awesome art projects.
Teen Tuesday: Christmas Special
(10+ yrs)
Dec. 22, Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 pm
Get in the Christmas spirit! Our Christmas
special will include a movie, cookies and a
creative craft.
| General
Crouch Library Artists
Ongoing-June 24, Fridays, 1-4 pm
Join our group of independent artists. Bring
your own paint and supplies. All levels
Hamilton Road Gaming Group
Ongoing, Saturdays, 10 am-5 pm
A free open group promoting tabletop games.
Historical, fantasy and sci-fi miniatures,
board games and card games.
Focus on Art at Crouch
Ongoing-June 4, Thursdays, 1-4 pm
Join a group of established artists of mixed
media and teacher Jacqueline Wojtowich.
Everyone welcome. Free introductory
session. Contact [email protected] for
more information.
Mystery Book Club
Ongoing, 1st Thurs/month, 7-8:30 pm
Add a little mystery to your life! Join us as we
discuss great mystery novels.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Dec. 2 & 9 and Jan. 6-Mar. 25,
Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Crouch Cards, Coffee and Conversation
presents a Christmas Classic!
Dec. 16, Wednesday, 3:30 pm
Join us for a classic Christmas film and
festive treats!
The Colouring Corner
Dec 16, Jan. 28, Feb. 25, Wednesdays, 2-4 pm
Have you rediscovered the simple joy of
colouring, the way it allows everyone to
participate regardless of artistic talent? Have
you seen all the adult colouring books being
displayed at local book stores? Come out
and enjoy some colouring and make some
new friends as we enjoy this relaxing hobby!
Please bring your own supplies.
Crouch’s Annual Holiday Open House
Dec. 17, Thursday, 6-8 pm
Celebrate the Holiday with those in our
Neighbourhood. Join us for an evening of
music, munchies and merriment!
Hidden History of Hamilton Road:
Billy White
Feb. 18, Thursday, 7 pm
Join Billy White for a nostalgia night about
growing up on Hamilton Road.
| East London
2016 Dundas St. E.
| Children
Winter Afternoon Movie
Dec. 30, Wednesday, 2:30-4 pm
Come in out of the cold and cozy up with a
movie on our big screen! Feel free to bring
your own munchies. Call the branch a week
ahead to find out what’s playing.
Let’s Play Minecraft! (7+ yrs)
Jan. 15, Friday, 10:30-11:30 am
Register starting Jan. 8.
Share strategies, explore new terrain and
create amazing structures together at the
library! Play on our computers or bring your
own laptop, iPad or tablet.
| General
Computer Help @ East London
Ongoing, Tuesdays 6-8 pm and
Wednesdays, 10 am-12 pm
Book a training time with our technology
volunteers. Get help with your questions
about using a computer, the Internet, email
and more. Contact the library location to book
an appointment up to one week in advance.
East London Evening Book Club
Ongoing, 1st Wed/month, 7-8 pm
Join us for good books and conversation with
other book lovers. New members are always
welcome. Books are available at each
meeting for the next month’s discussion.
Additional copies are available at the branch
following the book club meeting.
East London Morning Book Club
Ongoing, 2nd Wed/month, 10-11 am
Join us for good books and conversation
with other book lovers. New members are
always welcome. Books are available at
each meeting for next month’s discussion.
Additional copies are available at the branch
following the book club meeting.
Housing Stability Bank
Ongoing, 2nd Sat/month, 9 am-1 pm and
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 1-5 pm
The Housing Stability Bank provides small
grants and interest free loans to assist
Londoners with low income to obtain and
retain their housing and for those at risk of
homelessness to remain housed. Housing
Stability Bank workers will be available
to complete applications for assistance
and provide information and referrals to
community resources. The Housing Stability
Bank is offered by The Salvation Army
Centre of Hope in cooperation with the City of
London, London Hydro and Union Gas. For
more information or to make an appointment
please contact 519-964-3663 x300 or email
[email protected]. All applications
are completed by appointment only.
Prenatal Classes
Feb. 11-Mar. 3, Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Register online with Middlesex-London
Health Unit. Cost: $10.
Meet other families and learn about
pregnancy, coping through labour and birth,
physical and emotional changes after birth,
infant feeding, infant safety and how to care
for your new baby. Register early in your
pregnancy, classes fill quickly. More class
times and locations are listed on the MLHU
website. Fee can be waived. Co-sponsor:
Middlesex-London Health Unit. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 27
| jalna, lambeth
| Jalna
1119 Jalna Blvd.
| Children
Lego Creation Station
(4-12 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing-May 21, 3rd Sat/month, 2:30-4 pm
We provide the LEGO bricks. You provide
the imagination.
Christmas Tree Ornaments (5+ yrs)
Dec. 12, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Drop in to make a Christmas tree ornament.
Christmas Storytime
Dec. 16, Wednesday, 10-10:45 am
Join us for some stories, songs, rhymes and
activities to help celebrate the Christmas
Maker Fair (Family)
Jan. 15, Friday, 2-4 pm
Join us for Maker Fair fun – Squishy circuits,
MaKey MaKey, Squigz, Osmo, Drawdio,
Etch a Sketch, Spirograph, Korg Clip Hit and
World Read Aloud Day
Feb. 24, Wednesday, 9 am-9 pm
Drop in to the library and read aloud to your
kids, your friends or even a stuffed animal!
You’ll find a cozy corner to snuggle together
and read -- and library staff are always happy
to make read aloud recommendations!
| General
Books for All
Ongoing-Feb.25, Wednesdays,
2:30-3:30 pm
Register in person, online or by phone and
you will be contacted with a start date which
will be determined when there are enough
participants to begin. Adults with special
needs meet each week with their caregiver
for an hour of reading, discussion and a craft
or other activity. Contact the branch for more
Coffee and a Card
Ongoing-Feb. 18, 1st & 3rd Thurs/month,
2:30-3:30 pm
Come and enjoy an afternoon out and make
a simple card that your family and friends will
Canadian Citizenship Preparation
Ongoing-Feb. 25, Saturdays, 11-1 pm
Register by calling 519-615-7335 OR 519686-8600 x7032
No sessions in December.
Families and individuals can receive
assistance to prepare for their Canadian
Citizenship Test. Learn about subjects on
the test: Canadian history, government,
rights and responsibilities, geography, the
economy, elections, etc. Some materials
are provided. Check with Library Settlement
Partnership staff for future dates.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Ongoing-Feb. 17, Wednesdays, 6:30-8 pm
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Housing Stability Bank
Ongoing-Feb. 23, Tuesdays, 9 am-12 pm
Ongoing-Feb. 26, Fridays, 1-5 pm
The Housing Stability Bank provides small
grants and interest free loans to assist
Londoners with low income to obtain and
retain their housing and for those at risk of
homelessness to remain housed. Housing
Stability Bank workers will be available
to complete applications for assistance
and provide information and referrals to
community resources. The Housing Stability
Bank is offered by The Salvation Army
Centre of Hope in cooperation with the City of
London, London Hydro and Union Gas. For
more information or to make an appointment
contact 519-964-3663 x300 or email
[email protected]. All applications
are completed by appointment only.
PAGE 28 • • winter 2015/16
Jalna Book Club
Ongoing-Feb. 17, 3rd Wed/month, 7-8 pm
Read each book in advance and join a lively,
informal discussion. Book titles are available
one month in advance of meeting.
Prenatal Classes
Feb. 4-Feb. 25, Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Register online with Middlesex-London
Health Unit. Cost: $10.
Meet other families and learn about
pregnancy, coping through labour and birth,
physical and emotional changes after birth,
infant feeding, infant safety and how to care
for your new baby. Register early in your
pregnancy, classes fill quickly. More class
times and locations are listed on the MLHU
website. Fee can be waived. Co-sponsor:
Middlesex-London Health Unit.
| Lambeth
7112 Beattie St.
| Children
Storytime with Karen and Her Puppet
Friends (3+ yrs with caregiver)
Jan.16-Feb.6, 10-10:30 am
This four week program is designed for the
older preschooler to attend with caregiver or
parent. Enjoy exciting and funny stories with
Karen and her puppets friends. Audience
participation is expected. Everyone welcome.
Ontario Early Years Family Math
(3-6 yrs)
Jan. 29-Feb 26, Fridays, 10-11 am,
Register starting Nov. 20.
A five week fun and interactive math program
for parents and children. Maximum 2 children
per adult. No childcare provided. Spaces are
limited. Offered with Elgin-Middlesex Ontario
Early Years Centre.
Valentine’s Day Craft (Family)
Feb.6-13, Library hours
Show someone you care by making a
Valentine’s craft for someone special!
lambeth, landon children |
Storytime with Santa (Family)
Dec 5, 12 & 19, Saturdays, 10:30-11 am
Santa is reading stories at Lambeth Branch!
Pick a Saturday in December that works for
your family. For young children and their
caregivers. Sponsored by the Lambeth
Optimist Club.
Baby Mother Goose
Feb. 9- Mar.1, Tuesdays, 2-2:45 pm
Join Marilyn for a class of singing, dancing
and rhyming. Props are used as you and
your baby or toddler sing, dance and play
together. Take this opportunity to chat with
other parents and let baby sleep if needed.
Offered with Elgin-Middlesex Ontario Early
Years Centre.
Be My Valentine (7-12 yrs)
Feb.14, Saturday, 1:30-4 pm
Material fee of $2 required at registration.
Contact the branch to register.
Create unique Valentine cards using paper
crafting. This program is sponsored by
Lambeth Optimist Club.
| Teens
Be A Fashion Illustrator (teens)
Jan.16-Jan.30, Saturdays, 2-3:30 pm
Register starting Dec. 8.
Cost: $5, due at time of registration.
Join Fashion Instructor Sally Glanville and
give fashion illustration a try. The process will
involve looking through fashion magazines
and getting ideas for your own creations.
Then you will create your design on an
existing fashion figure. You will illustrate
your piece using colored pencils, paint and
markers. This three week program will give
you the experience of designing fashion
pieces and you will go home with a portfolio
of ideas. Class size is limited. This program
is sponsored by Lambeth Optimist Club
| General
Computer Help
Ongoing-Nov 26, Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm
Book a training time with our technology
volunteers. Get help with your questions
about using a computer, the Internet, email
and more. Contact the library location to book
an appointment up to one week in advance.
Wii for All! (Family)
Ongoing, branch hours.
Drop in to play some games on our Nintendo
Wii system! Everyone welcome!
Inspirational Book Club
Ongoing, 4th Fri/month, 1:30-2:30 pm
Contact the branch to register.
Do you want to read and discuss books that
INSPIRE you? Our reading choices have
included contemporary, historical, realistic,
suspenseful, romantic and faith-based
fiction. Whether based on true or fictional
stories, memoirs or biographies, our books
are chosen to INSPIRE and to encourage
group discussion. Spaces are limited.
Lambeth Thursday Afternoon Book Club
Ongoing, 3rd Thurs/month, 2-3pm,
Contact the branch to register.
Join us for an informal book discussion each
month. Spaces are limited.
Lambeth Thursday Nite Book Club
Ongoing, 2nd Thurs/month, 7-8 pm,
Contact the branch to register.
Join us for an informal book discussion each
month. Spaces are limited.
Lambeth Village Crafters (Seniors)
Ongoing-June 15, 2nd & 4th Wed/month,
9:30-11 am
Bring your craft work to show and share.
Join this informal craft group of Lambeth
seniors who gather bi-weekly to stitch, visit
and share a light snack. Call the branch for
more details.
Lambeth Wednesday Afternoon
Book Club
Ongoing, 2nd Wed/month, 1:30-2:30 pm
Contact the branch to register.
Join us for an informal book discussion each
month. Spaces are limited.
Lambeth Wednesday Morning Book Club
Ongoing, 3rd Wed/month, 10-11 am.
Contact the branch to register.
Join us for an informal book discussion each
month. Spaces are limited.
Beginner & Intermediate Drawing
Classes for Adults at Lambeth
Jan.26-Mar.1, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Cost: $45, due at registration
Register starting Oct 1.
Join us for a beginner/ intermediate course
where you will learn about materials such as
powdered graphite, water-base pencils, vine
charcoal and more! We will not be drawing
landscapes but you will learn enough drawing
skills to draw landscapes on your own.
Participants do not need to bring supplies
to first class as they will be provided. Fee is
non-refundable unless course is cancelled.
| Landon
167 Wortley Rd.
| Children
Lego Creation Station
(4-12 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing, 3rd Sat/month, 2:30-4 pm
We provide the LEGO bricks. You provide
the imagination.
Family Music Circle with Leah Salomaa
(Infants to 3 yrs)
Jan. 7-28, Thursdays, 9:30-10:15 am
Register starting Dec. 1.
Join us for a weekly song circle designed
for infants-3 year olds and their caregiver(s).
This music class is as much for the adults as
the young ones! Sing popular folk songs and
do some circle dancing. Rock to soothing
lullabies and participate with childhood
favourite action songs and finger plays.
Leah is an experienced circle teacher and
children’s singer. Her albums I Like to Rise,
Father Sun Mother Moon and Under a Winter
Star are library favourites.
Let’s Play Minecraft! (7+ yrs)
Jan. 9, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Dec. 29. Children bringing
their own devices do not need to register.
Share strategies, explore new terrain and
create amazing structures together at the
library! Play on our computers or bring your
own laptop, iPad or tablet.
Wii Saturdays
Jan. 30, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Feb. 27, Saturday, 2:30-4 pm
Come out and play on our Wii!
Let’s Play Minecraft! (7+ yrs)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Jan. 30. Children bringing
their own device do not need to register.
Share strategies, explore new terrain and
create amazing structures together at the
library! Play on our computers or bring your
own laptop, iPad or tablet.
You’ll find Books for Babies and
Storytimes listed on pages 14 and 15. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 29
| landon general
| General
Landon Book Discussion Group
Ongoing, 2nd Tues/month, 7-8:30 pm
Local writer Jean McKay leads an informative
and lively discussion of literature. Titles for
discussion to be determined
Landon Knitting Circle
Ongoing, Thursdays, 1:30-3 pm
Learn to knit, improve your skills, complete a
project, help someone else. Share patterns,
ideas and stories.
In Concert : Celtic Shift
Dec. 12, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Drop in for an hour of holiday music with
Celtic Shift, featuring: Amy Lewis (fiddle)
Dave Nuttall (whistle) Stephen Holowitz
(piano). Irish and Scottish traditional tunes
with modern twists into jazz, rock and pop
styles. Everyone welcome!
Boost Your Self-Esteem
Jan. 7-Feb. 18, Thursdays, 2pm
To register, contact Crystal McKellar at 519432-1607 x419.
This seven week program works towards
self acceptance and increased positivity, and
will assist in re-evaluating your beliefs and
feelings about yourself. Topics discussed:
self-defeating beliefs and behaviours,
distorted thinking, how to untwist your
thinking, tips for raising self-esteem, thinking
about how resilient you are, and taking action.
Program is in partnership with Canadian
Mental Health Association Middlesex.
Mindfulness Practice Group
Jan. 12-Feb. 23, Tuesdays, 2-4 pm
To register, contact Holly at 519-432-1607
x290 or [email protected]
The skill of mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist
practice that has profound relevance for our
present-day lives. Mindfulness practice is
about more than meditation. This skill can
be done in many different ways by anyone.
Program is in partnership with Canadian
Mental Health Association-London.
Downloadable eBooks Tutorial
Jan. 16, Saturday, 10:30-11:30 am
Register starting Jan. 4.
Feb. 16, Tuesday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Feb. 1.
Learn how to download and transfer eBooks
from London Public Library’s website onto
your eReader. Bring your eReader or device
(as well as your cord!) along to practice. Make
sure to bring your up-to-date library card and
PIN (Personal Identification Number). Please
note: most Kindle eReaders do not support
Canadian library eBooks, with the exception
of the Kindle Fire.
PAGE 30 • • winter 2015/16
Poetry London Workshop
Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 16, Apr 20,
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
The Poetry London Workshops are open
to anyone who enjoys discussing poetry.
The workshops provide an opportunity for
participants to take a closer look at the work
of that evening’s featured poets, and to share
their own poetry in a mutually supportive
Poetry London Readings
Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 16, Apr 20,
Wednesdays, 7:30-9 pm
Poetry London hosts and celebrates
nationally acclaimed and local poets. This
season we are proud to host: Nov. 18: Karen
Enns and Nick Thran; Jan. 20: Erin Mouré
and Robyn Sarah; Feb. 17: Cara-Lyn Morgan
and Andy McGuire; Mar. 16: Rita Wong and
Larissa Lai; Wed. Apr. 20: Jordan Abel and
Sadiqa De Meijer. Check the Poetry London
website ( for more
Books on Tap
Jan. 26, Tuesday, 7:30-9 pm, Location TBA
Feb. 16, Tuesday, 7:30-9 pm, Location TBA.
Love to talk about books? Do you also like
to enjoy a pint or two? Join us for Books
on Tap, where we will discuss what we’ve
been reading over some adult beverages. In
a book rut or haven’t read anything lately?
Come out, join the conversation and find
your next great read!
masonville children |
| Masonville
30 North Centre Rd.
| Children
Chess in the Library (7+ yrs)
Ongoing-June 10, Fridays, 4-5:30 pm
Do you enjoy playing chess but have no one
to play against? Members gather weekly
to play casual and blitz chess games and
provide tips and strategies. Players of all
strengths are welcome to come and play
with volunteers from Chess in the Library,
London Chapter.
Lego Creation Station
(4-12 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing-June 25, Saturdays, 2-3:30 pm
We provide the LEGO bricks. You provide
the imagination.
I’m Home (10-12 yrs)
Dec. 1-15, Tuesdays, 7-8:30 pm
Register starting Nov. 3. Cost: $35.
Parent must attend the first session from
8-8:30 pm and the last session from 7-8:30
pm. A program designed to support parents
in preparing their 10 to 12 year old child to
move successfully to safe, home-based
self care. Parent attendance is required for
part of the program. Financial assistance
may be available, please ask at registration.
Cosponsor: London Children’s Connection.
Winter Wonderland Craft (family)
Dec. 19, Saturday, 10 am-4 pm
Join us at the library to create a wonderful,
wintry craft!
Winter Afternoon Movie
Dec. 19 and Jan. 2, Saturdays, and
Dec. 23, Wednesday, 2-3:30 pm
Come in out of the cold and cozy up with a
movie on our big screen! Feel free to bring
your own munchies. Call the branch a week
ahead to find out what’s playing.
Imagémots / French Storytime
(2-6 yrs with caregiver)
Jan. 5, 12, 19 & 26, Tuesdays, 10-11 am
Come immerse yourself in an environment
where the French language and culture will
be highlighted in stories and songs. Cet
atelier est destiné aux enfants âgés entre 2
et 6 ans accompagnés de leur parent. Venez
vous immerger dans un environment où la
langue française et sa culture seront mises
en valeur par des histoires et des chansons
animées en français. Cosponsored with La
Ribambelle, Ontario Early Years Centre.
Make in 3D! (Family)
Jan. 15, Friday, 2-4 pm
Join us for 3D Maker fun – Squigz, Lego,
Makedo, K’nex, modeling clay and more!
Let’s Play Minecraft! (7+ yrs)
Feb.20, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Feb. 6.
Share strategies, explore new terrain and
create amazing structures together at the
library! Play on our computers or bring your
own laptop, iPad or tablet.
A World
for Babies
Space to play
at the Library
519-661-4600 • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 31
| masonville children, teens, general
World Read Aloud Day
Feb. 24, Wednesday, 9 am-9 pm
Drop in to the library and read aloud to your
kids, your friends or even a stuffed animal!
You’ll find a cozy corner to snuggle together
and read – library staff are always happy to
make read aloud recommendations!
| Teens
Mother/Daughter Teen Book Club
(12+ yrs)
Ongoing, 3rd Wed/month, 7-8:30 pm
Register both Mother and Daughter. Space
is available for Jan-May 2016 sessions.
Join us once a month (excluding December
and summer holidays) as we read and share
our favourite books. Snacks are provided!
Call the branch to find out upcoming book
titles. Check out our blog to see past titles
we’ve read: http://masonvilleteenbookclub.
T1 Empowerment (12-18 yrs)
Dec. 3-Feb. 25, Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
No sessions Dec. 17, 24, 31 and Jan. 7.
A safe place for teen girls with type 1
diabetes. Allowing teens to create lasting
friendships with peers alike, while discussing
issues, concerns and successes about life
with type 1 diabetes. Sessions are free and
the focus is on positivity and mentorship.
Facilitated by Kayla Brown, creator of T1
Diabetes Memes and former president of the
Western University Diabetes Association.
Rubik’s Cube Unplugged Club (9-15 yrs)
Dec. 4-June 24, Fridays, 4-5 pm
No sessions Dec.18,25 and Jan 1.
Discover your inner Rubik’s cube skills. Local
teen Ryan, who has competed in Rubik’s
Cube Championships, will be on hand to help
you get started and share some of his secrets
with you that you can try hands-on. Ryan will
have some of his Rubik’s cube collection with
him, but please bring your own cube.
| General
Volunteer Tech Tutor
Ongoing, Tuesdays,
Thursdays & Saturdays, 10 am-noon
Call the branch to ensure the tutor is on site.
A volunteer Tech Tutor is available to assist
library users with questions about Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, email or computer basics.
Call the branch ahead of time to check that
the Tech Tutor has arrived.
Paper Folding (all ages)
Ongoing, 2nd Sat/month, 2-4 pm
Exception: December and April sessions are
the 1st Sat of the month, Dec 5 and Apr 2.
Drop in to learn the art of paper folding!
Origami paper will be provided.
Neighbourhood Drop In:
Games, Cards and Knitting
Dec. 1-June 23, Tuesdays, 2-3:45 pm
No sessions Dec 22, 29 and Jan. 5.
Looking for a challenging game of Scrabble
or to play euchre? Maybe you’d just like to do
a puzzle or knit with companions and share
patterns, ideas and stories. Drop in and join
in an activity of your interest.
masonville general |
ESL Class for Adult Newcomers
Dec. 2-June 22, Wednesdays, 9:15-11:45 am
No classes Dec. 23, 30, Feb. 3 and Mar. 16.
Register with the class instructor or by calling
519-452-2000 x69715.
These classes focus on learning and using
the type of English necessary for everyday
living in Canada. Emphasis is on Canadian
culture, customs and communities.
Participants will receive an ESL Certificate,
useful when applying for citizenship. Join
anytime. Bring PR card, citizenship card,
passport. Participants must provide recent
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)
scores in order to register. For an initial
language assessment, call the CLARS
Centre, 519-432-1133. Non-permanent
residents may attend for a fee of $14 per
class and do not require an assessment. For
more information call the TVDSB, ESL office
519-452-2000 x69715.
The Colouring Corner
Dec. 2 & 16, Jan. 6 & 20, Feb. 3 & 17,
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Have you rediscovered the simple joy of
colouring, the way it allows everyone to
participate, regardless of artistic talent?
Have you seen all the adult colouring books
displayed at local book stores? Come out
and enjoy some colouring and make some
new friends as we enjoy this relaxing hobby!
Please bring your own supplies.
Ageless Grace (55+ yrs)
Dec. 3-Feb. 25, Thursdays, 3:45-4:30 pm
No classes Dec 24 and 31.
Register at the program or by calling 519661-2500, x5769.
This fun and trendy seated fitness program,
performed in a chair, focuses on the healthy
longevity of the body, mind, emotions and
spirit. This program is beneficial for any
fitness level. Free for up to 6 months. Offered
in partnership with the City of London and
3rd Age Outreach, St. Joseph’s Health Care
London. For more information visit www.
Current Events Discussion Group
Dec. 3 & 17, Jan. 7 & 21, Feb. 4 & 18,
Thursdays, 1:30-3:30 pm
Are you retired and interested in current
events and politics? Come meet people and
discuss the latest events every first and third
Thursday of the month.
Groupe de Discussion pour la
Communauté Francophone
Dec. 4-Feb. 26, Fridays, 10 am-12 pm
No session Dec. 18.
Si vous êtes né dans un pays francophone
ou êtes Francophile et aimerais parler en
Français au sujet d’évènements actuels,
culturels ou autres, vous êtes tous invites à
participer à ce groupe de conversation offert
à tous ceux et celles qui peuvent s’exprimer
couramment en Français et veulent partager
leurs experiences tant professionnelle que
personnelle, aussi que passe-temps et
découvertes dans un échange détendu et
amical. For Francophones and people who
can speak conversational French well.
Winter Open House
Dec. 5, Saturday, 2-4 pm
Join us as we open our doors to celebrate
the season! We’ll have activity centres for
children and teens and Celtic Knot will be
providing live music.
ESL Reading Groups
Dec. 5-June 18, Saturdays, 10:15-11:45 am
No classes Dec 19, 29 and Jan. 2.
Practice your English by reading with others
and sharing your ideas. This is a great
way to increase your vocabulary, improve
comprehension and practice pronunciation.
We provide books and interesting things to
read. Groups are led by volunteers.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Dec 8, Jan 12-June 14, Tuesdays, 6:30-8 pm
No classes Dec 15, 22 and 29.
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Problem Solving Group for Seniors (65+)
Jan. 6-Apr. 20, 1st & 3rd Wed/month,
1:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Dec. 9.
Interested in meeting new people, learning
about the resources in your community
and enhancing your coping skills? Join our
problem solving group as we discuss relevant
and timely topics such as living on a budget
and more! A new topic will be discussed at
each meeting. Cosponsored with London
Health Sciences Centre.
Tai Chi Qi Gong: 18 Movements
Jan. 6-Feb 10, Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
Register starting Dec. 9.
Cost: $30, due at registration.
Tai Chi Qi Gong is an effective exercise
for health, improving flexibility and posture,
strength and balance and the integration
of body and mind. For beginners (except
pregnant women). Fee is non-refundable
unless course is cancelled.
Tai Chi Qi Gong: 18 Movements
Jan. 6-Feb. 10, Wednesdays, 7:45-8:45 pm
Register starting Dec. 9.
Cost: $30, due at registration.
Tai Chi Qi Gong is an effective exercise
for health, improving flexibility and posture,
strength and balance and the integration of
body and mind. For people who have taken
the Introductory course (except pregnant
women). Fee is non-refundable unless
course is cancelled.
Masonville Book Circle
Jan 14 & Feb 11, Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 am
Join our discussion of contemporary works
and ones from past years, now renowned.
Upcoming Titles: Nov. 12: The Massey
Murder by Charlotte Grey; Jan. 14: A God
in Ruins by Kate Atkinson; Feb. 11: Getting
Over Edgar by Joan Barfoot; Mar. 10:
Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier;
Apr. 14: Quiet: the power of introverts in a
world that can’t stop talking by Susan Cain;
May 12: From the Fifteenth District by Mavis
Painting with Peter Lam
Jan. 14-Mar. 3, Thursdays, 10 am-12 pm
Register starting January 2.
Cost: $70, due at registraton.
London artist Peter Lam provides guidance
for artists of all levels. A list of painting
materials will be provided. Fee is nonrefundable unless course is cancelled.
Masonville Book Club:
Prize Books: Which and Why?
Jan. 19 & Feb. 16, Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm
Join our monthly book club for stimulating
discussions about interesting books. Jan.
19: The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by
Rachel Joyce; Feb. 16: Half-Broken Things
by Morag Joss. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 33
| masonville general, pond mills
Investing for Beginners
Jan. 21, Thursday, 6:30-8 pm
Register starting Jan. 7.
Discussion will cover basic investment
principles (compound interest, returns, risk
etc), categories of investments (bonds,
mutual funds, stocks, real estate), online
investment tools and tips on how to select
an investor. Investment advice will not be
provided. Presented in partnership with the
Better Business Bureau.
Savvy Seniors: Consumer Safety
Jan. 28, Thursday, 1-2:30 pm
Register starting Jan. 7.
Get tips on how to avoid scammers and
fraudsters. Learn how to identify signals that
a senior has been targeted. For seniors and
their caregivers. Presented in partnership
with the Better Business Bureau.
Educational Opportunities
for Seniors, 2015-2016
Topic: Identity Theft
Feb. 24, Wednesday, 1:30-2:30 pm
Free presentations from community experts
for Seniors. Pick up a free copy of the booklet
at your local Library. For more information,
call Third Age Outreach, St. Joseph’s Health
Care, 519-661-1621 or 519-661-1620.
Tai Chi Qi Gong: 18 Movements
Feb 24-Mar 30, Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 pm
Register starting Jan. 27.
Cost: $30, due at registration.
Tai Chi Qi Gong is an effective exercise
for health, improving flexibility and posture,
strength and balance and the integration
of body and mind. For beginners (except
pregnant women). Fee is non-refundable
unless course is cancelled.
Tai Chi Qi Gong: 18 Movements
Feb 24-Mar 30, Wednesdays, 7:45-8:45 pm
Register starting Jan. 27.
Cost: $30, due at registration.
Tai Chi Qi Gong is an effective exercise
for health, improving flexibility and posture,
strength and balance and the integration of
body and mind. For people who have taken
the Introductory course (except pregnant
women). Fee is non-refundable unless
course is cancelled.
| Pond Mills
1166 Commissioners Rd. E.
| Children
Lego Creation Station
(4-12 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing-Feb 13, 2nd Sat/month, 2:30-4 pm
We provide the LEGO bricks. You provide
the imagination.
Board Game Extravaganza (7-12 yrs)
Dec. 19, Saturday, 2:30-4 pm
Drop in to have some fun playing a variety of
board games.
PA Day Movie
Jan. 15, Friday, 2 30-4 pm
Come in and watch a recently released or
classic movie on our big screen! Call the
branch to find out what’s playing.
| General
Housing Stability Bank
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 1- 5 pm
The Housing Stability Bank provides small
grants and interest free loans to assist
Londoners with low income to obtain and
retain their housing and for those at risk of
homelessness to remain housed. Housing
Stability Bank workers will be available
to complete applications for assistance
and provide information and referrals to
community resources. The Housing Stability
Bank is offered by The Salvation Army
Centre of Hope in cooperation with the
City of London, London Hydro and Union
Gas. For more information or to make an
appointment, contact 519-964-3663 x300
or email [email protected]. All
applications are completed by appointment
PAGE 34 • • winter 2015/16
sherwood |
| Sherwood
1225 Wonderland Rd. N.
| Children
After-School Tutoring
(Students Grades 1-12)
Ongoing-June 16, Thursdays, 5-7 pm
No sessions Dec. 24, Dec. 31 and Mar. 17.
The After-School Tutoring program is
designed to provide homework help for
students. Students can get help with their
homework in all of their subjects in English
and/or French. Spaces are limited (maximum
of 3 students per volunteer). Children 7 years
and under must have a parent or caregiver
present in the Library. Cosponsored with
Lego Creation Station
(4-12 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing, 1st Sat/month, 2:30-3:30 pm
We provide the LEGO bricks. You provide
the imagination.
Homemade Holiday Gift (7-13 yrs)
Dec. 12, Saturday, 2:15-3:30 pm
Register starting Nov. 28.
Use your own creativity to make a unique
holiday gift for yourself as well as one for
someone special to you.
Dog Tales: One-on-One! (7-13 yrs)
Dec. 19, Jan. 23, Feb. 27,
Saturdays, 11 am-noon
A great way for shy or reluctant readers to
practice reading skills and build confidence.
Register for a 15 minute one-on-one session
and read to a St. John Ambulance Therapy
Dog in the library. St. John Therapy Dogs
have been assessed to read with children.
Call the library for more information and to
register for a session.
Star Wars: The Library Strikes Back!
(7-12 yrs)
Dec. 19, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Is the force with you? Find out at our Star
Wars celebration with crafts, activities and
Lego Star Wars video games.
Circuitry Maker Fair (Family)
Jan. 15, Friday, 2:30-4 pm
Join us to try Squishy circuits, MaKey MaKey,
Little Bits, Drawdio and more!
Valentines for the Birds (7-13 yrs)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Register starting Jan. 30.
Make a special treat for the birds and a
special craft for yourself! We will be working
with a mixed birdseed that may contain nuts.
| General
Citizenship Prep Course
Ongoing-June 21, Tuesdays, 6-8:30 pm
No classes Dec. 22, 29, Feb. 2, Mar. 15.
Learn everything you need to know to be
successful on the Canadian Citizenship
Test, including Canadian history, geography,
government, judicial system, your rights and
responsibilities as a citizen. For information
about the class, call the Thames Valley DSB
Adult ESL office 519-452-2000 x69715.
Bring PR card. Participants must prove
recent Canadian Language Benchmark
(CLB) scores in order to register. For an
initial language assessment, call the CLARS
Centre at 519-432-1133.
ESL Class for Adult Newcomers
Ongoing-June 22, Wednesdays, 6-8:30 pm
No classes Dec. 23, 30, Feb. 3, Mar. 16.
These classes focus on learning and using
the type of English necessary for everyday
living in Canada. The emphasis will be on
Canadian culture, customs and communities.
Participants will receive an ESL Certificate,
useful when applying for citizenship. Join
anytime. Register with the class instructor.
Bring PR card, citizenship card, passport.
Participants must provide recent Canadian
Language Benchmark (CLB) scores in
order to register. For an initial language
assessment, call the CLARS Centre at 519432-1133. Non-permanent residents may
attend for a fee of $14 per class and do not
require an assessment. For more information
about the class, call the Thames Valley DSB
Adult ESL office, 519-452-2000 x69715.
English Conversational Circles for
Newcomers to Canada
Ongoing-Jun. 16, Thursdays, 6:30-8 pm
Register by calling LCCLC, 519-432-1133.
Celebrate diversity through friendship and
cultural exchange. All newcomers are
welcome. Cosponsored with London Cross
Cultural Learner Centre and funded by
Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Celebrating Seniors Series
Ongoing-Feb. 10, 2nd Wed/month, 2-3 pm
Join us monthly for an activity or speaker.
Bring a friend! Planned with the Medway
Seniors Group. November 11: Children’s
Books with Linda Ludke. December to
February topics to be announced.
Itch to Stitch Club
Ongoing-June 30, Thursdays, 1-3 pm
Bring your current project – knitting,
crocheting, looming, rug hooking. Get help
from other stitchers or learn how to stitch. No
experience necessary. $2 weekly donation
goes towards our supply of needles,
yarns and looms. Cosponsor: Alice Saddy
Sherwood Book Club
Ongoing, 1st Tues/month, 2:15-3:15 pm
Read each book in advance and join a lively,
informal discussion each month. Phone the
branch for more information.
Prenatal Classes
Jan. 27-Feb. 24, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30
pm No class Feb. 10.
Register online with Middlesex-London
Health Unit. Cost: $10.
Meet other families and learn about
pregnancy, coping through labour and birth,
physical and emotional changes after birth,
infant feeding, infant safety, and how to care
for your new baby. Register early in your
pregnancy, classes fill quickly. More class
times and locations are listed on the MLHU
website. Fee can be waived. Co-sponsor:
Middlesex-London Health Unit.
You’ll find Books for Babies and
Storytimes listed on pages 14 and 15. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 35
| stoney creek children & teens
| Stoney Creek
920 Sunningdale Rd. E.
| Children
Wacky Word Fun! (7-12 yrs)
Ongoing, 2nd Sat/month, 2-3:30 pm
Drop in, meet new friends and play a variety
of fun games and activities designed to help
improve your English language skills.
Winter Wonderland Craft (family)
Dec. 12, Saturday, 10am-4 pm
Join us to create a wonderful, wintry craft!
Stoney Creek Games, Big and Small!
Dec. 19, Saturday, 10am-12 pm, and
January 30, Saturday, 2:30-4pm
Come enjoy our games set up in the meeting
room. Enjoy many big and small games,
including Giant Checkers, Rubik’s Cubes,
Giant Snakes and Ladders, bowling, hoola
hoops, Spot It, Reading Cave and more!
Holiday Movie!
Dec. 22, Tuesday, and
Dec. 29, Tuesday, 2:30-4 pm
Celebrate the season with a classic holiday
movie at the library.
New Years Eve Celebration Craft!
Dec. 30, Wednesday, 2-4 pm
Celebrate the eve of a new year with a craft!
Story & Gym
Jan. 8-Feb. 12, Fridays, 9:30-10:30 am
In partnership with the Stoney Creek YMCA,
this parent and child program focuses on
sharing literature and exploring imagination
in a fun environment. Join us for a 30 minute
storytime in the Stoney Creek Branch
Library, followed by 30 minutes in the YMCA
gym for playtime with your child.
PA Day Movie
Jan. 15, Friday, 2:30-4 pm
Come in and watch a recently released or
classic movie on our big screen! Call the
branch to find out what’s playing.
Water Babies: Story & Song
(birth-12 months)
Jan. 19-Feb. 23, Tuesdays, 1:30-2 pm
Register starting Friday, Jan. 12.
In partnership with the Stoney Creek YMCA,
this parent and baby program focuses on
sharing baby books, songs, rhymes, and
baby toys in a safe and soothing warmpool environment. This program is modelled
after Books For Babies and adapted for the
water. The entire program takes place in the
pool. Afterwards, parents and babies are
welcome to gather for social/play time in our
Stoney Creek meeting room. Parents MUST
accompany their babies in the pool, with
a maximum of one parent with one baby.
Space is limited. If you are using life jackets
for your baby, we recommend that you bring
your own, if possible.
Stoney Creek Origami Fun! (Family)
Feb. 20, Saturday, 2:30-4 pm
Join us for some easy and fun origami
projects where we will create with paper
and learn some new folding designs. Bring
siblings and parents along and we can all
learn together! Paper provided.
‘Leggo My Lego’ Family Fun! (Family)
Jan. 23, Saturday, 2:30-4 pm
Come as a family and have fun together with
your community designing and creating all
kinds of colourful Lego structures.
Stoney Creek Tween Book Club
(Grades 6-8)
Jan. 16, Feb. 27, Mar. 26, Apr. 16, May 28,
June 18, Saturdays, 2-3:30
Register starting Dec. 19.
Join our book club to share a love of reading,
crafts and snacks with other members.
Valentine’s Day Craft (Family)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 10am-4 pm
We are making “Whoo Loves You?” owl
cards. Show someone you care by making a
Valentine’s craft for someone special!
Stoney Creek Tummy Time For Babies
(0-6 months)
Feb. 19-April 1, Fridays, 10-10:30 am
No session Good Friday,
Register starting Friday, Feb. 5.
Tummy Time is a valuable part of your baby’s
daily routine and promotes healthy growth
and development. Come join us for songs,
rhymes, books and play where time on baby’s
tummy is the focus. In cosponsorship with
the Middlesex-London Health Unit, we will
enjoy 30 minutes of fun together each week
where babies and parents will find new ways
for babies to spend time comfortably on their
tummies. Toys, mirrors and other engaging
activities will make this time special. Week
1 will be an education/information session.
In the remaining 5 weeks, we will enjoy
story/tummy time activities together. There
will also be a one-session visit from the
Middlesex London Health Unit.
PAGE 36 • • winter 2015/16
| Teens
Teen Workshops at Stoney Creek
Dec. 17 and Jan. 24, Thursdays, and
Feb. 24, Wednesday, 7-8:30 pm
Register at the branch.
Ages 14-18 years are invited to explore
interactive and engaging activities in these
fun and crafty workshops. Register for one or
all sessions. Ask staff for details!
stoney creek general |
| General
Volunteer Tech Tutor
Ongoing, Thursdays, 10 am-noon
Register for a 30-minute session by calling
the branch.
A volunteer Tech Tutor is available to assist
library users with questions about Word,
Excel, PowerPoint, email or computer basics.
Please call the location ahead of time to
check that the Tech Tutor has arrived.
ESL Class for Adult Newcomers
Ongoing, Tuesdays, 9:15-11:45 am
Register with class instructor.
For information call 519-452-2000 x69715.
These classes focus on learning and using
the type of English necessary for everyday
living in Canada. The emphasis will be on
Canadian culture, customs and communities.
Participants will receive an ESL Certificate,
useful when applying for citizenship. Join
anytime. Bring PR card, citizenship card,
passport. Participants must provide recent
Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)
scores in order to register. For an initial
language assessment, call the CLARS
Centre 519-432-1133. Non-permanent
residents may attend for a fee of $14 per
class and do not require an assessment. For
more information about the class, call the
Thames Valley DSB, Adult ESL office 519452-2000 ext 69715.
ESL Reading Groups
Ongoing, Saturdays 11-noon
No sessions on holiday weekends.
Practice your English by reading with others
and sharing your ideas. This is a great
way to increase your vocabulary, improve
comprehension and practice pronunciation.
We provide books and interesting things to
read. Groups are led by volunteers.
Stoney Creek Adult Book Club
Ongoing, 3rd Wed/month 7:30-8:30 pm
Contact Elizabeth or Jacqui at the branch for
details. New members are welcome. Join our
monthly book discussion group.
Stoney Creek Knitting Circle
Ongoing, Thursdays, 10-11:30 am
Learn to knit, improve your skills, complete a
project, help someone else. Share patterns,
ideas and stories.
Check Out the Ukulele (Adult)
Dec. 3, 10, Thursdays, or
Feb. 3, 10,Wednesdays, 7-8 pm
Register in person or by phone at the branch.
Sign up for this 2-session, beginners-only
program to get to know this fun and popular
instrument. Learn some basic chords and
strumming patterns, play some easy songs
and get tips on how to progress. If you don’t
already have a uke of your own, you can sign
out one of ours!
Prenatal Classes
Jan. 19-Feb 9, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm
Register online with Middlesex-London
Health Unit. Cost: $10.
Meet other families and learn about
pregnancy, coping through labour and birth,
physical and emotional changes after birth,
infant feeding, infant safety, and how to care
for your new baby. Register early in your
pregnancy, classes fill quickly. More class
times and locations are listed on the MLHU
website. Fee can be waived. Cosponsor:
Middlesex-London Health Unit.
Investing for Beginners
Jan. 27, Wednesday, 6:30-8 pm
Register starting Jan. 7.
Discussion will cover basic investment
principles (compound interest, returns, risk
etc), categories of investments (bonds,
mutual funds, stocks, real estate), online
investment tools and tips on how to select
an investor. Investment advice will not be
provided. Presented in partnership with the
Better Business Bureau.
Learn Technology, creative and business skills you can use today. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 37
| westmount
| Westmount
3200 Wonderland Rd. S.
| Children
Westmount Community Playgroup
(birth-6 yrs with caregiver)
Ongoing, Thursdays, 9:45-10:45 am, or
11 am-12 pm.
For more information call OEYC at
Parents, caregivers and children participate
in interactive early learning activities. Offered
with Ontario Early Years Centre London
Christmas Handprint/Footprint in Wet
Clay Impression
(3 mos to 5 yrs with caregiver)
Dec 5, Saturday, 9:30-10:30 am,
or 10:30-11:30 am
Register starting Nov 3.
Cost: $13, due at registration.
Christmas is just around the corner! Cast
your little one’s hand or foot impression
into wet clay to keep a childhood memory
alive. Press, decorate and design with
stamps, adding your own twist, and paint
with underglaze. Each impression is kiln
fired, clear glazed and complete with festive
ribbon, ready for gift giving! Hand any age,
foot up to age 2 years only, please. Fee is
non-refundable unless class is cancelled.
Christmas Tree Ornaments (5+ yrs)
Dec. 12, Saturday, 2:30-3:30 pm
Come in to make a Christmas tree ornament.
Happy Holidays Storytime (Family)
Dec. 15, Tuesday, 11-11:45 am
Join us for holiday stories and festive fun!
Jedi Magic and Mind Tricks (5+ yrs)
Dec. 19, Saturday, 11 am - 12 pm
Tickets available for pickup starting Dec 12.
Join Jedi master Corbin for an incredible
show filled with star wars themed magic and
Jedi mind tricks! Children are encouraged
to come dressed up as their favourite star
wars character and many will take part in the
show! Learn of R2D2’s challenging escape,
see the great clone machine and watch as
the audience uses the force to levitate a
PA Day Movie
Jan. 15, Friday, 2:30-4:30 pm
Come in and watch a recently released or
classic movie on our big screen! Call the
branch to find out what’s playing.
I’m Home (10-12 yrs)
Feb. 13, Saturday, 9:30-2:30 pm
Register starting Jan. 16. Cost: $35.
Parent must attend 11:30 am-2:30 pm.
A program designed to support parents in
preparing their 10 to 12 year old child to
move successfully to safe, home-based self
care. Parent attendance is required for part
of the program. Lunch break for Saturday
session is: 11:30 am-12:30 pm. Financial
assistance may be available, please
inquire at registration. Cosponsor: London
Children’s Connection.
Family Game Day
Feb. 20, Saturday, 12-4 pm
Come in out of the cold to play a variety of
fun games with the whole family! Play our
games or bring your own favourite game to
| General
1:1 eBook Help
Ongoing, Saturdays, 10-11 am
Register by calling the branch.
Would you like to download eBooks or
audiobooks to your tablet, eReader or mobile
device? Book a one-on-one appointment
with library staff for personalized assistance
learning to use the downloadable catalogue.
You will need to ensure your device is fully
charged and your library card is active and
up to date before the appointment.
Arabic/English Conversation Circle
Ongoing, 2rd & 4th Thurs/ month, 7-8 pm
Whether you speak Arabic or English, or
wish to speak both, join our conversation
circle every other week to learn new words,
phrases and conversation skills. Everyone is
PAGE 38 • • winter 2015/16
Women of the World
Ongoing, 2rd & 4th Thurs/ month,
5:30-7:30 pm
Women of the World is a program where you
can meet and connect with other women,
share and learn from the experiences of
other immigrant women, learn about issues
that are important to your health and the
health of your family, get information about
services in the city, make friends and have
fun! Daycare is provided. Cosponsored with
London InterCommunity Health Centre.
Joy of Reading Book Club
Ongoing, 3rd Thurs/month, 7-8 pm
Pick up the current book selection at the
meeting or at Westmount’s circulation desk.
Knit n’ Stitch
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 7-9 pm
Looking for time to knit, crochet or stitch?
Need some help on your project? Come join
the Knit n’ Stitch group. New members are
Quick Pick Flicks
Ongoing, 4th Sat/month, 2-4 pm
Rather than waiting months to see that
newly released DVD, come and view a newly
released quick pick on our big screen. Call
the branch one week ahead to find out what’s
Westmount Friday Morning Book Club
Ongoing, 3rd Fri/month, 10-11 am
Join us for a lively discussion of current and
classic fiction, and non-fiction titles. Pick up
the current book selection at the meeting or
at Westmount’s circulation desk.
Westmount Tuesday Evening Book Club
Ongoing, 2nd Tues/month, 7-8 pm
Love to read? Want to chat with other book
lovers? Join us for an evening of great
book discussion. Pick up the current book
selection at the meeting or at Westmount’s
circulation desk.
When We Were Young Book Club
Ongoing, 4th Thurs/month, 7-8 pm
This is a book club for adults who enjoy
revisiting favourite books from their youth,
as well as reading new titles. Pick up the
current book selection at the meeting or at
Westmount’s circulation desk.
westmount |
Housing Stability Bank
Ongoing, Wednesdays, 9 am-12 pm
The Housing Stability Bank provides small
grants and interest free loans to assist
Londoners with low income to obtain and
retain their housing, and for those at risk of
homelessness to remain housed. Housing
Stability Bank workers will be available
to complete applications for assistance
and provide information and referrals to
community resources. The Housing Stability
Bank is offered by The Salvation Army
Centre of Hope in cooperation with the City of
London, London Hydro and Union Gas. For
more information or to make an appointment
please contact 519-964-3663 x300 or email
[email protected]. All applications
are completed by appointment only.
Holiday Open House at Westmount
Dec. 19, Saturday, 2-4pm
Come and join us as we welcome the holiday
season with warm cider, treats, seasonal
crafts and live music!
Valentines for Veterans
Jan. 21, 22 & 23, all day
Come in and create a special valentine for
veterans living in long-term care facilities
across Canada. We will collect handcrafted
valentines and mail them to Veteran’s
Affairs Canada so they can be distributed by
Valentine’s Day.
Investing for Beginners
Feb. 2, Tuesday, 6:30-8 pm
Register starting Jan 7.
Discussion will cover basic investment
principles (compound interest, returns, risk
etc), categories of investments (bonds,
mutual funds, stocks, real estate), online
investment tools and tips on how to select
an investment investor. Investment advice
will not be provided. Presented in partnership
with the Better Business Bureau.
Black History Films
Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25, Thursdays, 6:30 pm
Join us as we celebrate Black History
Month by showing films exploring the Black
experience in North America.
Book Club Special Event with
Writer in Residence Tanis Rideout
Feb. 9, Tuesday, 7-8 pm
Join the Tuesday evening book club for
a reading and conversation with Writerin-Residence Tanis Rideout. Everyone is
welcome. Refreshments provided. Tanis
Rideout’s residency is co-sponsored by
the James A. Marjorie Spenceley Fund,
Western University’s Faculty of Arts and
Humanities, the Department of English and
Writing Studies, the Department of Women’s
Studies and Feminist Research and London
Public Library donors. This program is made
possible with funding support from the
Canada Council for the Arts.
Savvy Seniors: Consumer Safety
Feb. 12, Friday, 10-11:30 am
Register starting Jan. 7.
Get tips on how to avoid scammers and
fraudsters. Learn how to identify signals that
a senior has been targeted. For seniors and
their caregivers. Presented in partnership
with the Better Business Bureau.
The Most Romantic Film of All Time
Feb. 13, Saturday, 10 am-12 pm
Join us to watch a popular romantic film just
in time for Valentine’s Day! • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 40
teens |
Learn How to Mix Music
This is your chance to learn about mixing music with an expert in
the field. Juno and Emmy award winning sound engineer Kevin
Doyle will be here to show teens how to mix a song, demonstrating
how it’s done on his digital audio workstation. You can watch and
see how he does it on the the large screen.
He will also talk about the music industry as it is today.
Here’s an opportunity to find out if this might be the
career for you!
Find Out About:
• the industry-standard software
• basic operation of the software
• how to mix on a digital audio workstation
• techniques for mixing songs
• what you would need at home to mix your own music
• networking in the sound business
• setting up a small business
Registration starts November 9.
Register online, by phone, 519-661-4600, or in person at any
library branch. FREE. This is the same program each night. • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 41
| digit al resources
F ith your
ca r d
Hoopla digital is the newest addition to the our ever-growing selection of digital collections,
all available with your library card.
With Hoopla, you can access or download popular movies, TV shows, music and audiobooks
from the convenience of your laptop or PC, smartphone or digital device. An added bonus
with digital collections is that they’re available 24/7. With Hoopla, there are also no hold
lists, and there’s no wait time to borrow the movie, music or TV show you want.
And Hoopla is lots of fun! You can enjoy popular movies, documentary features, classic TV
shows and music in practically any genre you can think of. It’s also a gold mine of classic,
lesser-known content.
“I found
The Best of Leonard Nimoy.
What a gem! You haven’t lived until
you’ve heard Leonard Nimoy sing his
own rendition of Johnny Cash’s
I Walk the Line, or his 1970’s classic
spoken word performance,
Spock Thoughts.”
“I’ve watched some
great classic films:
Double Endemnity,
The Sting,
For Whom The Bell Tolls
and Anything Goes.”
“I like Ken Burns
documentaries. Hoopla
has lots of his films and,
in the music section, his
music compilations of
great jazz artists.”
PAGE 42 • • winter 2015/16
“Laughed my head off
with all the George Carlin
movies (18) and audiobooks (9). There’s lots of
other comedy too.”
“Hoopla is a great app!
I enjoy their movie
catalogue, and the video
quality is excellent.
This service is truly a
wonderful supplement to
the Library services that
I access often.”
Hoopla is made possible through a
generous donation from Friends of the
London Public Library, who for more
than 20 years have brought exciting
new collections, programs and initiatives
to the library community. Hoopla is a
natural fit with the Library’s role as a
community leader in digital literacy and
21st century skills.
friends |
Friends Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, January 27 – 6:30 pm
Stevenson & Hunt Room B, Central Library
At 7:15, enjoy a Jazz for the People concert featuring the Sandy MacKay Trio in the Wolf
Performance Hall. Jazz for the People is a library program supported by Friends of the
London Public Library. Join Friends for a reception following the performance.
251 Dundas St. London, ON N6A 6H9
Registered Charitable #:
89347 2886 RR0001
10 am–5:30 pmMonday–Thursday
10 am–5 pmFriday
10 am–4 pmSaturday
Closed Sundays & Holidays
The store is operated by Friends of the
London Public Library and run entirely by
volunteers. Located at the Central Library.
Friend of the Year:
Call for Nominations
Every year Friends of the London Public Library choose someone as Friend of the Year.
The Friend of the Year Award is given to an individual or a group that demonstrates:
A gift of vision or ideas that enhance the Library’s role in London, or
An extraordinary contribution of personal or collective time, energy or
resources to the Library, or
Community leadership in support of Library services,
programs or facilities
Who do you believe deserves to be the 2015 Friend of the Year?
Write a letter (two pages maximum), giving the name and address
of your nominee, an explanation of how that person or group fulfils
the criteria, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and
signatures of three nominators.
Mail your letter to:
President, Friends of the London Public Library,
251 Dundas Street, London N6A 6H9.
NOV 7 – DEC 19
Give the gift of reading to a child who
might not be able to have a book of his or
her own by donating new books or making
a financial contribution to the campaign.
These local book stores are generously
offering a discount on books purchased
and donated at the store during the
1037 Wellington Rd. S.
Coles Bookstore
Masonville Place
86 Fanshawe Park Rd. E.
Oxford Book Shop
262 Piccadilly St.
Submit nominations by
November 30, 2015.
have a new
them out
Friends of the London Public Library Membership Form
AddressPostal Code
E-mail addressTelephone
May we save postage by e-mailing the Among Friends newsletter to you? r Yes r No
Membership category Senior
r $ 5
Membership fee
Student r $ 5
Individual r $ 10
Add a donation!
Family r $ 20
Corporate r $250
Total enclosed
The Book Store at Western
Please make cheques payable to Friends of the London Public Library
Your book donations purchased at these
stores are picked up and delivered to us by
Friends of the Library volunteers.
Mail to: Friends of the London Public Library,
OR: Drop off at any 251 Dundas St.,
Library location.
London, ON N6A 6H9 • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 43
University Community Centre
| winter reading suggestions
picture books
The Whisper
Pamela Zagarenski
Step inside the pages of a
little girl’s magical book.
kid’s books
Sara Pennypacker
An utterly compelling novel
about the powerful relationship
between a boy and his fox.
Use Your Imagination
Nicola O’Byrne
Rabbit is bored. What shall
he do? Luckily, Wolf has the
perfect solution. “Why not
write a story?”
The Marvels
Brian Selznick
Two seemingly unrelated stories
—the first in pictures, the second
in words—together create a
beguiling narrative puzzle.
The Tea Party in the Woods
Akiko Miyakoshi
Kikko sets out after her
father with a forgotten pie for
Kevin Sylvester
A twelve-year-old boy and his
friends must find a way to survive
in the mining tunnels after their
new space colony is attacked
in this gritty action-adventure
Mr. Postmouse’s Rounds
Marianne Dubuc
From the lofty heights of
the Birds’ tree house to
the inky depths of Mrs.
Octopus’s ship, the
intrepid letter carrier lets
nothing stand in the way
of his deliveries.
Ingrid Law
This companion to the
Newbery Honor winning book
Savvy is a heartwarming story
about the magic of friendship
and the power of family.
The Good Little Book
Kyo Maclear
This enchanting tale of
literary love and loss will
win the heart of even the
most reluctant reader.
Katherine Applegate
An unforgettable story about
family, friendship, and resilience.
Carry On
Rainbow Rowell
The Game of Lives
James Dashner
Dangerous Lies
Becca Fitzpatrick
The Rest of Us Just
Live Here
Patrick Ness
Richelle Mead
A Thousand Nights
E. K. Johnston
Veronica Rossi
Sky Key (Endgame #2)
James Frey
Mercedes Lackey
Manners and Mutiny
Gail Carriger
Lady Midnight
Cassandra Clare
PAGE 44 • • winter 2015/16
winter reading suggestions |
After She’s Gone
Lisa Jackson
The Land Mine
Eric Wright
The Piano Maker
Kurt Palka
Avenue of Mysteries
John Irving
The Magic Strings of
Frankie Presto
Mitch Albom
The Princeling of Nanjing
Ian Hamilton
The Japanese Lover
Isabel Allende
The Night Bell
Inger Ash Wolfe
Recipes for Love
and Murder
Sally Andrew
The Swans of Fifth Avenue
Melanie Benjamin
Tom Clancy
Mark Greaney
Untimely Death
Elizabeth J.
- FI C
Fresh Start:
Welcome to Your New Life!
Joel Osteen
How Not To Die: Discover
the Foods Scientifically
Proven to Prevent and
Reverse Disease
& Gene
The Lucky Years: How to
Thrive in the Brave
New World of Health
David B. Agus
A Mother’s Reckoning:
Living in the Aftermath
of Tragedy
Sue Klebold
Originals: How
Move the World
Adam Grant
The Princess Diarist
Carrie Fisher
Leonard: My FiftyYear Friendship with
a Remarkable Man
William Shatner &
David Fisher
The New Nice:
Values in a Big
City Boardroom
Leeza Gibbons
Spark Joy: An Illustrated
Master Class on the Art of
Organizing and Tidying Up
Marie Kondo • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 45
Rita’s Story
I’ve been coming to Carson Library since 1972, that’s over 40
years. That’s when we bought the house in this neighbourhood.
I saw the library right away when we were moving to our house.
So I came here as soon as I could to get a card and get books
and I’ve been a member of this library ever since.
I’ve been coming here for that same amount of time, with my
children and then my grandchildren and my great grandson.
When I was babysitting my grandkids, the library was a good
place to take them. They wanted to come. In fact, they never
wanted to leave. They loved coming here – kids, grandchildren,
they all loved it. I wanted to bring them. I wanted to get them
interested in reading and I wanted them to learn what the library
has. I taught them to take care of the books and never to bend
the pages, and to always, always bring the books back on time.
I instilled that in them.
This library’s a great thing for this neighbourhood because there
are so many children and they need something like this. It’s good
for the families. I see the mothers bring their kids in and they
read to them. I see lots of families in here that live in the area.
There’s the older people too, like me. I need this library too.
Since I retired, I like to read. I’m not a TV watcher. I play the
odd game on Facebook, but I just like my books.
I come to the library about once a week. I pick up my books.
The librarian orders them in for me, she knows what I like. She
knows everyone here. She’s so good with the kids, doing the
storytimes and the reading game in the summer, the one with
the prizes for the kids. She’s always helping people find what
they need.
This place is really important to me. It’s close to home, so it’s
easy for me to get here. When they tried to close this library,
I went with my friend, up one side of the street and down the
other with a paper for people to sign saying we didn’t want the
library to close. And I’ll tell you, if they try closing it again, I’ll
do the same thing. I’m 83 – too old to be flitting around town
looking for a library. This library’s good for everyone. I don’t
know what we’d do without it.
PAGE 46 • • winter 2015/16
“I need this library too. Since
I retired, I like to read. I’m not
a TV watcher. I play the odd
game on Facebook, but I just
like my books.”
Get a Card!
Library cards are free to residents of
London, and to members of county libraries
in Elgin, Middlesex & Oxford, except the
town of Woodstock. Cards are issued on
presentation of personal identification and
proof of London or eligible county residency.
Non-residents may obtain a Library card for
a fee of $10 a month, to a maximum of
$50 a year.
Report loss of a library card immediately,
just as you would a credit card.
The replacement card fee is $2.
Borrowing Periods
Limit of 20 DVDs per card.
Maximum of 60 items per card.
Books & CDs
21 days
Quick Picks & Magazines
7 days
High demand material
7 days
Feature Film DVDs
7 days
All other DVDs
21 days
eBooks & eAudio
up to 21 days
up to 5 days
London Public Library has a policy of
collecting late charges on overdue materials
to encourage prompt return. Overdue
materials are charged on a calendar day
basis, including Sunday, at all locations.
An electronic or phone message will be left
about overdue items 6 days after the due
date. Give us your email address and we’ll
send you an email reminder.
You can pay fines online!
DVDs, Quick Picks &
Book Club in a Bag
All other materials
per item max.
per day per item
DVDs & Quick Picks
All other materials
$ 10
DVDs, Quick Picks &
Book Club in a Bag
All other materials
Limit of 3 renewals.
You cannot renew Quick Picks, high
demand materials or items with holds.
Renew items
•in person at any library
•online – use My Account tab
• by phone – 519-661-4600
Check to make sure your renewals were
successful and check the due date!
Outstanding late charges can affect your
ability to renew.
You may return materials to any London
Public Library. When we’re closed, return
chutes are open for your use.
Make sure DVD or CD cases are not empty!
InterLibrary Loan
You can borrow materials from many
other library systems through our library’s
Interlibrary Loan service.
Visiting Library
Late Charges
and Internet
All locations have computers you can use
for free with your valid, up-to-date library
card. Ask staff about setting up a PIN to log
in to our computers or wireless network.
Public internet computers are installed with
software programs for you to use. You can
print for a small fee.
Connect to our wireless network on your
laptop or mobile device at all branches
except Glanworth.
To get started using a computer or internet,
check our program listings for sessions
designed to help you get going.
Art Exhibits
We have space for art exhibits at many of
our library locations. To exhibit your art:
email [email protected] or
call 519-661-5120.
Posters and Flyers
Anyone unable to use standard library
facilities may request home delivery by
calling 519-661-6444. Visiting Library
Service also oversees the distribution of
CNIB Talking Books.
We have community bulletin board space
in our libraries. Bring posters to the Central
Library Welcome Desk and fill out a request
form. Bulletin board space is limited and
demand is high. Priority is given to nonprofit events and organizations.
Settlement Services
for Newcomers
London Public Library is
proud to be a member of
the Child & Youth Network.
Library Settlement Workers are on hand at
Beacock Branch and Jalna Branch to help
newcomers with information and referral
services about employment, volunteer
opportunities, language learning and
assessment, and other issues related to
settling in London.
We want to be accessible
to you. Ask about our
resources and
services if you’d
like to know more.
London Public
Library Board
Meets monthly on a Thursday at 5:30 pm in
the Board Room at Central Library. All are
welcome. Agendas, Minutes and Reports
are available online.
Gloria Leckie (Chair)
Stuart Clark
Scott Courtice
Vicki Douvalis
Mariam Hamou
Bassam Lazar
Councillor Tanya Park
Hannah Rasmussen
Councillor Phil Squire • winter 2015/16 • PAGE 47
1280 Huron St. STONEY CREEK
N5Y 4M2
1295 Commissioners Rd. W. N6K 1C9
Windermere Rd.
465 Quebec St. SHERWOOD
N5W 3Y4
251 Dundas St.
N6A 6H9
General info:
Program registration: 519-661-5122
CHERRYHILL 519-439-6456
301 Oxford St. W. N6H 1S6
N5V 1R1
2950 Glanworth Dr. JALNA CARSON
N5Z 1S4
2016 Dundas St. E. LANDON
N6N 1N6
1119 Jalna Blvd.
7112 Beattie St. LANDON N6P 1A2
Beacock, Byron,
Cherryhill, Crouch, East
London, Jalna, Landon,
Masonville, Pond Mills,
Sherwood, Stoney Creek,
9 am–9 pm
Wednesday 9 am–9 pm
Thursday 9 am–9 pm
Friday 9 am–6 pm
Saturday 9 am–5 pm
Tuesday Saturday
7–9 pm
10 am–noon
Carson & Lambeth
Tues. 1–5 pm & 6–9 pm
Wed. 9-noon & 1–5 pm
Thurs. 1–5 pm & 6–9 pm
Fri. 9–noon & 1–5 pm
Sat. 9–noon & 1–5 pm
167 Wortley Rd.
N6C 3P6
MASONVILLE 519-660-4646
30 North Centre Rd.
All locations
except Glanworth
December 24
1166 Commissioners Rd. E. SHERWOOD
Central & Children’s
9 am–9 pm
Tuesday 9 am–9 pm
Wednesday 9 am–9 pm
Thursday 9 am–9 pm
9 am–6 pm
Saturday 9 am–5 pm
N5Z 4W8
1225 Wonderland Rd. N.
Unit #32
9 am – 12:30 pm
December 31
N6G 2V9
9 am – 12:30 pm
= Plaza or Community Centre
Not to scale
STONEY CREEK519-930-2065
920 Sunningdale Rd. E.
N5X 0H5
3200 Wonderland Rd. S. N6L 1A6
WESTMOUNT 519-473-4708
Ramped, level or elevator access to Library
materials is available at all locations.
Get in Touch!
Book Your Event!
• Phone: 519-661-4600
Wolf Performance Hall
& Meeting Space Rentals
• Central Library & Branch Locations
• Rooms for groups of 3 to 369
• Space available in 14 locations
• AV equipment and free Wi-Fi service
• T TY: 519-432-8835
• Fax: 519-663-9013
• Mail: 251 Dundas St.
London, ON N6A 6H9
Share your feedback, suggestions & stories:
Let us help you plan your next event:
• 519-661-5120 (Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm)
• [email protected]
PAGE 48 • • winter 2015/16
All Locatons Closed
December 25
December 26
January 1
Central Library
1 – 4 pm
January 3 – March 20
Sundays in December
Sunday, February 14
Access is produced by the Library’s
Marketing and Communications Department
• Ellen Hobin, Manager
• Rita Verhulst, Editor, 519-661-5121
[email protected]
• Betty Lueddeke, Graphic Design
ISSN 0710-0132 Vol. 25, # 4