MOUNT ST. MARY’S SEMINARY of the WEST T H E AT H ENA EU M of OH IO 2 015 -16 Jason M. Bertke Diocese of Covington Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington IV Theology Scott M. Kopp Diocese of Youngstown St. Patrick Kent III Theology Mark C. Bredestege Timothy G. Fahey Archdiocese of Cincinnati Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Thomas More Cincinnati IV Theology Peter A. Langenkamp Duy V. Nguyen Archdiocese of Cincinnati Holy Trinity Coldwater III Theology Diocese of Tulsa St. Joseph Vietnamese Church, Tulsa III Theology Zachary W. Cecil Christian A. Cone-Lombarte Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Joseph North Bend II Theology Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Mary Piqua II Theology Matthew L. Zwilling David Carvajal Casal Diocese of Youngstown Immaculate Conception Ravenna II Theology Matthew S. Feist Archdiocese of Cincinnati Our Lady of Good Hope Miamisburg IV Theology Diocese of Tulsa St. Francis Xavier Tulsa I Theology Archdiocese of Cincinnati Emmanuel Dayton II Theology Timothy D. Fernandez, Jr. Diocese of Tulsa St. Cecilia, Claremore I Theology Christopher M. Geiger Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Susanna Mason IV Theology David M. Webb Diocese of Tulsa St. Benedict Broken Arrow III Theology Ambrose T. Dobrozsi Alexander C. McCullough Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sacred Heart Camp Washington IV Theology Alexander T. Witt St. Maximilian Kolbe Liberty Township IV Theology Craig E. Best Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. John the Baptist Harrison III Theology Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Margaret of Cortona and St. John Vianney Cincinnati Pastoral Internship Andrew J. Hess Matthew A. Humerickhouse Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Gertrude Madeira II Theology Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sacred Heart St. Paris II Theology Ryan A. Furlong Robert M. Healey Diocese of Youngstown St. Dominic Youngstown I Theology Br. Thomas A. Reagan, C.P.M. Fathers of Mercy Diocese of Tulsa Holy Family Cathedral Tulsa I Theology Diocese of Youngstown St. Michael the Archangel Canton II Theology Eric P. Roush Jeffery J. Smith Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Monica/St. George Clifton IV Theology Diocese of Toledo St. Mary Tiffin IV Theology Kyle T. Gase Jarred L. Kohn Diocese of Toledo St. Wendelin Fostoria Pastoral Internship Michael N. Mazzei Archdiocese of Cincinnati Our Lady of Lourdes Westwood II Theology Archdiocese of Cincinnati St Mary Philothea Pastoral Internship Simon Mino Diocese of Youngstown St. Christine Youngstown II Theology Most Reverend Daniel E. Pilarczyk, ’59 Most Reverend Joseph R. Binzer, ’94 Archbishop of Cincinnati Emeritus Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati Kevin D. Moebius Diocese of Toledo Most Blessed Sacrament Toledo II Theology Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr Archbishop of Cincinnati Br. Victor-Antonio Moratin, C.P.M. Fathers of Mercy St. Catherine Laboure’ Washington, DC II Theology Jason A. Williams Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. William Price Hill IV Theology Scott J. Perry Sean M. Wilson Anthony J. Coci Andrew J. Smith Andrew J. Wellmann Archdiocese of Cincinnati Emmanuel Dayton IV Theology Diocese of Toledo St. Joseph Tiffin Pastoral Internship Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Luke the Evangelist Beavercreek Pastoral Internship Elias Mwesigye James S. Porter III Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. John Neumann Springfield Township II Theology Reverend Benedict D. O’Cinnsealaigh Reverend Daniel Schmitmeyer ’06 Rector Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West Vocation Director Archdiocese of Cincinnati Diocese of Tulsa St. Patrick Sand Springs II Theology Christopher M. Komoroski Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Cecilia, Oakley 1 Theology Diocese of Toledo Christ the King Toledo III Theology Zachary J. Coulter Diocese of Youngstown Immaculate Conception Ravenna III Theology Jacob E. Willig Diocese of Toledo St. John the Evangelist Delphos Pastoral Internship Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Antoninus Western Hills Pastoral Internship Joseph T. Scott Jeffrey M. Stegbauer Archdiocese of Cincinnati Archdiocese of Cincinnati Immaculate Heart of Mary St. Susanna Anderson Township Mason II Theology II Theology Benson L. Lotiang’a Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton, Milford I Theology Andrew M. Reckers Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Jude Bridgetown I Theology David A. Doseck Archdiocese of Cincinnati Immaculate Conception Botkins III Theology Robert D. Barnell Archdiocese of Louisville St. Margaret Mary Louisville II Theology Jedidiah Tritle Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Raphael Springfield II Theology Jeremy S. Stubbs Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Philip the Apostle, Morrow I Theology Juan Angel Grajeda Diocese of Tulsa St. Bernard Tulsa III Theology Alex Biryomumeisho Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. John Neumann Springfield Township II Theology Nicholas J. White Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Mary, Greenville Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Eaton, OH II Theology Scott J. Brand Diocese of Youngstown Regina Coeli Alliance Pre-Theology II THE COLLEGE SE MINA R IA NS Henry O. Hoffmann Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Philomena Batavia Pre-Theology II Aaron C. Hess St. Mary Philothea Bishop Bruté Fourth College Jared G. Horstman Diocese of Toledo St. Barbara Cloverdale Pre-Theology II Louis P. Jacquemin St. Ann Hamilton Josephinum Fourth College Michael A. Kapolka Andrew P. Lesko Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Mary Franklin Pre-Theology II Diocese of St. Thomas Sts. Peter & Paul Cathedral, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Pre-Theology II K. Scott Morgan Elijah R. Puthoff Immaculate Heart of Mary Cincinnati Josephinum Fourth College St. Remy Russia Josephinum Fourth College Patrick J. Lorenz Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sacred Heart Parish, Camp Washington Pre-Theology II Johnathan A. Eichhold St. Ann Hamilton Josephinum Third College For information about the priesthood, contact Rev. Dan Schmitmeyer at 513-421-3131 or visit | Br. Joseph M. Morgan, C.P.M. Fathers of Mercy St. Margaret,San Diego Pre-Theology II Ethan M. Hoying St. Remy Russia Josephinum Third College Br. Nathanael L. Mudd, C.P.M. Martin J. Arlinghaus Fathers of Mercy Queen of Peace Jefferson City Pre-Theology II Archdiocese of Cincinnati Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cincinnati Pre-Theology I J. Tyler Marsh Patrick D. Ramsey Immaculate Heart of Mary Cincinnati Josephinum Third College AT H E N A E U M . E D U 513 . 2 31. 2 2 2 3 | Queen of Peace Millville Josephinum Third College Alexander O. Elfreich Robert Hale Kevin A. LeMelle Steven M. Schreck Diocese of Toledo St Joan of Arc Toledo Pre-Theology I Archdiocese of Louisville St. Bernadette Prospect Pre-Theology I Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Bernard Springfield Pre-Theology I Archdiocese of Cincinnati Sacred Heart Camp Washington Pre-Theology I Broderick M. Witt Adam C. Berning Patrick H. Blenman Stephen J. Blenman St. John the Baptist Harrison Josephinum Third College Sacred Heart McCartyville Bishop Bruté Second, College Holy Angels Sidney Bishop Bruté Second College Holy Angels Sidney Bishop Bruté Second College Br. Brent L. Stull Community-in-Formation of the Oratory Old Saint Mary Cincinnati Pre-Theology I Connor J. Zink St. Maximilian Kolbe Cincinnati Bishop Bruté Second College Michael A. Willig JohnPaul Hennessey Archdiocese of Cincinnati St. Antoninus Cincinnati Pre-Theology I Loren J. Hein Marion Cluster Josephinum First College St. Theresa of Avila and Our Lady of the Visitation Cincinnati Bishop Bruté, Fourth College Adam M. Hoying This poster was made possible by the generous support of a Dayton resident committed to furthering the Catholic Church by supporting vocational awareness and development within the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. St. Remy Russia Josephinum First College | Benjamin T. Stegbauer St. Susanna Mason Bishop Bruté First College P H OTO G R A P H Y BY E . L . H U B B A R D