administrative report
administrative report
KALADAR/BARRIE JOINT FIRE COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 5, 2016 – 2:00 P.M. AGENDA NORTHBROOK FIRE HALL – 11905 HIGHWAY 41 NORTHBROOK, ONTARIO 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. DELEGATIONS None. 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES a) Minutes of a Regular Meeting dated January 22, 2016. 6. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES a) Resolution #12-16 – Amended Policy #001 – Wages; i. Appointing By-law – Deputy Fire Chief/Training Officer per Member Wayne Goods Request. 7. MEMBER REPORTS AND STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS a) Fire Chief – Monthly Reports – August – December 2015; b) 2016 Budget: i. Fire Chief – 2016 Budget Revised; ii. North Frontenac Treasurer – Summary of 2015 Budget versus Proposed Budget Draft #2 for 2016 and Reserve Fund Balance Analysis 20152017. 8. FINANCIAL REPORTS a) Former Treasurer – Asset Management Plan. 9. COMMUNICATIONS 10. PUBLIC FORUM Items on Today’s Agenda Only (time permitting) 11. CLOSED SESSION 12. NEXT MEETING DATE a) Meeting Dates for 2016 – Request to Change Date. Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee February 5, 2016 Agenda Page 1 of 2 13. ADJOURNMENT Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee February 5, 2016 Agenda Page 2 of 2 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE KALADAR/BARRIE JOINT FIRE COMMITTEE HELD ON JANUARY 22, 2016 AT THE NORTHBROOK FIRE HALL, 11905 HIGHWAY 41, NORTHBROOK, ONTARIO. PRESENT: Addington Highlands Members: Bill Cox (Chair); Henry Hogg; and Kirby Thompson; North Frontenac Members: Denis Bedard; and Fred Perry. ABSENT WITH REGRETS: North Frontenac Member: Wayne Good. ALSO PRESENT: Casey Cuddy, Fire Chief; Christine Reed, Treasurer; and Tara Mieske, Secretary. ra ft 1. CALL TO ORDER The current Chair called the Meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. a) Appointment of the Chair for 2016 Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg #01-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT per Section 7 of the Joint Fire Committee Agreement the Committee appoints Bill Cox (Addington Highlands Member) to sit as the Chair of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee for the 2016 meetings. Carried b) Introduction to Eric Korhonen, North Frontenac’s Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief D 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The Secretary asked to have North Frontenac Council’s Resolution re: Fire Prevention Seminars for Cottage Associations added to Communications. Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg #02-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee approves the Agenda for the Joint Fire Committee Meeting dated January 22, 2016, as amended, to include North Frontenac’s Resolution regarding Fire Prevention Seminars at Cottage Association Meetings under Communications. Carried 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None declared. 4. DELEGATIONS None. 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg #03-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee approves the Minutes of a Regular Meeting of the Joint Fire Committee dated September 21, 2015, as circulated. Carried Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee January 22, 2016 Page 1 of 6 6. BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF THE MINUTES a) Appointment of the Fire Chief Administrator Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry #04-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT per Section 10 of the Joint Fire Committee Agreement, the Committee appoints Bill Cox as the Fire Chief Administrator for 2016. Carried b) Resolution #58-15 – Administrative Assistant – Addington Highlands Council’s Response Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #05-16 WHEREAS the Committee passed Resolution #58-15, approving the position of an Administrative Assistant for the Fire Chief up to seven hours per week, subject to the approval of both Councils; ft AND WHEREAS the Committee received the response from the Council of the Township of North Frontenac approving this position at their September 21, 2016 Meeting; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the email dated December 9, 2015 from the Clerk/Treasurer advising Council of the Township of Addington Highlands approved the position. Carried ra c) Resolution #59-15 – Marine Response Agreement with the Stone Mills Fire Department – Verbal Update from Fire Chief Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #06-16 WHEREAS the Committee passed Resolution #59-15, instructing the Fire Chief to draft a Marine Response Agreement in Consultation with the Stone Mills Fire Department’s Fire Chief to be provided to the Committee for consideration; D THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives the verbal update from the Fire Chief advising Stone Mills is purchasing their own boat; therefore an Agreement won’t be necessary. Carried d) Resolution #68-15 – Update on North Frontenac’s Master Fire Plan Task – North Frontenac Council’s Resolution #645-15 Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg #07-16 WHEREAS the Committee passed Resolution #68-15, approving the Master Fire Plan Task Force visiting the Northbrook and Cloyne Fire Stations; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information Council of the Township of North Frontenac’s Resolution #645-15 advising the Master Fire Plan Task Force has been dissolved. Carried 7. MEMBER REPORTS AND STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS a) Fire Chief – Administrative Assistant Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee January 22, 2016 Page 2 of 6 #08-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report entitled “Administrative Assistant; AND THAT Morgan Alcock shall be appointed as the Fire Chief’s Administrative Assistant, up to seven hours per week as per Resolution #58-15; AND THAT the Committee requests the Council of the Township of Addington Highland’s to consider adding him to the employee list as per the Addington Highlands’ Employee Policy. Carried ft b) Fire Chief – Roster for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department – December 2015 Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #09-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Roster for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department dated December 2015. Carried ra c) Fire Chief – Health and Safety Committee Minutes dated September 16, 2015 Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #10-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information the Health and Safety Committee Minutes dated September 16, 2015. Carried d) Fire Chief – Fire Department Training Records Annual Report Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #11-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information the Fire Department Training Records Annual Report. Carried D e) Fire Chief – Policy #001 re: Fire Fighter Wages Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report entitled “Policy #001 – Wages”; #12-16 AND THAT the Committee approves option A as the new policy #001; AND THAT the Committee directs the Fire Chief to put the new policy into effect for 2016. Carried f) Fire Chief – Tanker 3 Disposal Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report entitled “Tanker 3 Disposal”; #13-16 AND THAT the Fire Chief is directed to provide the vehicle details to the Broker to sell the tanker as is, whereas, and to ask the Broker bout receiving a minimum bid. Carried Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee January 22, 2016 Page 3 of 6 g) Secretary – Regular and Budget Meeting Dates for 2016 Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg BE IT RESOLVED THAT Committee receives for information the Secretary’s Administrative Report entitled “Regular and Budget Meeting Dates for 2016”; #14-16 AND THAT the following dates and times be set for Meetings of the Joint Fire Committee for 2016: February 5, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. (Budget and Regular) February 12, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. (Budget) May 13, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. (Regular) August 26, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. (Regular) September 9, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. (Regular) March 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. (Long Service Awards Presentation). ft AND THAT the Meetings shall be held at the Northbrook Fire Hall. Carried ra h) Secretary – Proposed Amendment to the Volunteer Recognition Policy Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry #15-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Secretary’s Administrative Report entitled “Proposed Amendment to the Volunteer Recognition Policy”; AND THAT the Committee approves of adding the 40 Years of Service Level to the Policy at the amount of $225.00 and recognizing the Volunteer who has achieved this level in 2015, subject to approval of North Frontenac’s Council (as the expenses of the Volunteer Recognition Policy are the responsibility of the Township of North Frontenac); AND THAT upon approval of North Frontenac’s Council the Secretary is instructed to amend Policy #2-14, being the Volunteer Recognition Policy for the Committee’s consideration. Carried North Frontenac’s Clerk – North Frontenac Council’s Request for Addington Highlands’ Council to Consider an Amendment to the Joint Fire Committee Agreement Regarding the Dates the Kaladar/Barrie Draft Budget must be provided by the Committee to the Councils Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #16-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Clerk of the Township of North Frontenac’s Administrative Report entitled “North Frontenac Council’s Request for Addington Highlands’ Council to Consider an Amendment to the Joint Fire Committee Agreement regarding the Date the Kaladar/Barrie Draft Budget must be provided by the Committee to Councils”; D i) AND THAT the Committee instructs the Secretary to forward a request to the Clerks of both Townships for their Council’s consideration to amend Section 30 of the Joint Fire Committee Agreement to state, “By the 15th of February in each year the Joint Fire Committee shall submit in writing to the Councils a draft budget for the operation of the Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee January 22, 2016 Page 4 of 6 Fire Department for that year together with an apportionment of the costs to each of the parties herein using the formula of 50% for The Corporation of the Township of Addington Highlands and 50% for The Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac. Each party hereto shall approve such draft budget or any amendments thereto as agreed to by both Councils, on or before the 15th day of March of each year.”; AND THAT Councils’ responses shall be provided to the Secretary for inclusion in an upcoming Committee Agenda. Carried 2016 Draft Budget i) Fire Chief – 2006 Draft Budget Moved by Kirby Thompson, Seconded by Fred Perry #17-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Fire Chief’s Administrative Report entitled “2016 Budget”; ft j) AND THAT the Fire Chief shall revisit the draft Budget and bring it back to the Committee with an approximate 2.5% levy increase. Carried North Frontenac Treasurer – Summary of 2015 Budget versus Proposed Budget Draft #1 for 2016 and Reserve Fund Balance Analysis 2015-2017 Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Kirby Thompson #18-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information North Frontenac Treasurer’s “Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Budget 2015 vs. Proposed Budget Draft #1 2016 prepared for the January 22, 2016 Joint Fire Committee Meeting. Carried ra ii) D 8. FINANCIAL REPORTS a) Treasurer - January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 Financial Reports Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry #19-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Treasurer’s Financial Report for the period dated January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Carried b) Treasurer – Independent Auditors’ Report – Summary of Expenses for Year Ended December 31, 2014 Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry #20-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the “Joint Fire Committee of the Townships of North Frontenac and Addington Highlands, Financial Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2014, Independent Auditors’ Report Summary Expenses”. Carried c) Treasurer – Fire Reserve Balance – Accident Call Revenue Reserve and Vehicle/Equipment Reserve Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry #21-16 Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee January 22, 2016 Page 5 of 6 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Reserve Balances for the Fire Reserve W2 – Accident Call Revenue Reserve and the Fire Reserve W2 Vehicle/Equipment Reserve dated December 2015 as provided by the Treasurer. Carried 9. COMMUNICATIONS a) Fire Marshal’s Communique re: Helping Ontario Municipalities Educate (HOME) Fund) Moved by Henry Hogg, Seconded by Fred Perry #22-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Fire Marshal’s Communique dated January 14, 2016 entitled “Helping Ontario Municipalities Educate (H.O.M.E.) Fund. Carried ra 10. PUBLIC FORUM None. ft b) North Frontenac Council’s Resolution re: Fire Prevention Seminars for Cottage Associations Moved by Denis Bedard, Seconded by Henry Hogg #23-16 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information North Frontenac Council’s Resolution regarding the Fire Chief offering Fire Prevention Seminars at their individual association meetings. Carried 11. CLOSED SESSION None. D 12. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Fred Perry, Seconded by Henry Hogg #24-16 BE IT RESOVED THAT the Committee moves to adjourn at 11:07 a.m. until February 5, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. or at the call of the Chair. Carried __________________________ Chair _________________________ Secretary Minutes of a Meeting of the Kaladar/Barrie Joint Fire Committee January 22, 2016 Page 6 of 6 KALADAR/BARRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAGES FOR FIREFIGHTERS POLICY Training $20.00 per regular training session attended $150.00 per day for full day training if lost wages from work. Meetings $20.00 per meeting Call Outs $25.00 per Fire Call, up to 3 hours ft Overtime Any Fire Fighter who is required to stay longer (over 3 hours) at a call will be paid $20.00 per hour after the first 3 hours. Other $150.00 per day for loss of wages for other required fire department activities (such as court, meetings, etc.) ra Wild Fires (i.e., bush, grass etc.) $20.00 per hour Annual Honorariums Captains - $455.00 per year Acting Fire Chief $425 per week D Hall Duties and Fire Prevention Same as a Call Out Recruit Training Course $700 upon successful completion of full course Mileage The mileage rate shall be at the Treasurer Municipality’s current rate per kilometer for Fire Fighters who are required to drive their own vehicle outside of the Fire Department’s coverage area for training, meetings or equipment service etc. The mileage must be submitted on the proper form and approved by the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief. POLICY NUMBER: DATE OF APPROVAL: PAGE: 1-16 February 5, 2016 1 OF 2 KALADAR/BARRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAGES FOR FIREFIGHTERS POLICY Other Expenses Meals will be paid for if required to a maximum of $70.00 per day for training courses pre-approved by the Fire Chief. Accommodations for Training or other events where it is advantageous to stay in area of event must be pre-approved by the Fire Chief. A meal allowance for an event or fire call lasting 4 hours or more is at the discretion of the Fire Chief. D ra ft Notes: • For training, call outs, overtime and wild fires; Fire Fighters will be paid once a year (December). • Mileage and other expenses will be paid approximately one month after submission and approval. • Wages are paid by direct deposit to Fire Fighter’s account. If account information changes please notify the Chief ASAP. POLICY NUMBER: DATE OF APPROVAL: PAGE: 1-16 February 5, 2016 2 OF 2 Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 Aug Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments 01-Aug call Norway Lake Medical Assist 02-Aug call hwy 41 MVC 03-Aug training fire halls monthly insp, EFR, T3, T2 06-Aug Fire prevention PineMeadow lock box 10-Aug pumper inspections maz dam annual testing 10-Aug call Kash lake structure fire 11-Aug meeting plevna NF taskforce 13-Aug investigation Kash lake fire investigation 16-Aug call kaladar burn comp 16-Aug call Mazanaw Medical Assist 17-Aug meeting stonemills ESAC 17-Aug training fire halls pump ops & PPE Aug-33 call bonecho Medical Assist 24-Aug call Vealy rd Medical Assist 24-Aug training fire halls EFR 25-Aug equipment testing fire halls SCBA flow testing To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda 27-Aug call hwy 7 MVC 28-Aug call head rd smoke report 29-Aug call bonecho Medical Assist 21-Aug meeting NFH JFC 21-Aug training NFH EFR To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 SEPT Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments sept 1 meeting denbigh AVL presentation sept5 call northbrook medical assist sept 7 training fire halls trucks & station sept 10 court napanee canceled guy pled out sept 10 call Hwy 7 MVC sept 11 call harlowe medical assist sept 12 call 41 hwy MVC sept 14 emergency exerise flinton Addington highlands emerg exerise sept 14 follow up to burn complaint northbrook make sure they are not set to burn again sept 14 training area auto ex, tanker ops, water relay sept 15 call cloyne medical assist sept 15 call denbigh tanker assist stood down sept 16 fire extinguisher inspections fire halls annual inspections sept 16 call flinton false alarm sept 16 meeting NFH JHSC sept 19 call Kaladar medical assist To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda sept 21 meeting NFH JFC sept 24 meeting phone Eric NF's acting chief sept 24 training NFH online training sept 28 call cloyne MVC 28-Sep training NFH note taking 29-Sep meeting snow road NF master fire plan 30-Sep private lane viewing forest lane NF requirement To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 OCT Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments oct 5 call 506 medical assist oct 5 training area mock fire - tanker shuttle, hose handling,pump oct 5 hydrant mazinaw install dry hydrant oct 7 call 41 hwy burn complaint oct 8 call 41 hwy MVC oct 9 call skoot medical assist oct 10 call skoot bush fire oct 11 call myers cave burn complaint oct 12 call kash medical assist oct 12 training fire halls oct 14 meeting stonemills ESAC oct 19 training area hose handling, shuttle, pump ops oct 21 training newburg teach SP103 for recruits oct 22 training Newburg teach SP103 for recruits oct 23 call hwy 41 tractor trailer mvc -extrication oct 24 training newburg teach SP103 for recuits To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda oct 26 meeting flinton fire prevention planning oct 26 training NFH incident debrief, pump ops, winterise equip oct 27 prevention pine meadow staff training, volunerable occupancy requirem To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training 2015 Nov Location (Village or Highway/Road) Comments Nov 2 training fire halls hose packs, SCBA, inspections nov 3 investigation stoll road hunt cam fire investigation with OPP nov 5 call 506 CO alarm nov 6 call 506 truck fire nov 9 training fire halls gear assements, equipment checks nov 12 prevention northbrook fire inspectin mc nov 14 prevention cloyne FSP draft review nov 16 training nov 16 truck repairs NFH new tanker repairs - warrenty nov 16 call northbrook medical assist nov 17 meeting niagra OAFC round table nov 17 call northbrook medical assist nov 17 gear sizing NFH bunker gear sizeing nov 18 meeting niagra OAFC meting & training nov 19 meeting niagra OAFC meting & training nov 21 open house NFH fire hall grand opening To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda nov22 call 22-Nov training arden extrication - stand down area & fire halls hydrants, pumps, PPE, search & rescue nov25 call northbrook medical assist nov 30 training fire halls mayday & coms To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Fire Chief's Monthly Report 2015 Date and Time Type of Fire/Incident/Activities/Training Location (Village or Highway/Road) 01-Dec comunications area DEC Comments radio issues dec 2 call cty rd 41 MVC dec 3 call hwy 41 medical assist dec 7 call kakadar medical assist dec 8 call mazanaw medical assist dec 7 training fire halls monthly inspections dec 12 training NFH EFR Recert dec 13 training NFH EFR Recert dec 14 training NFH CPR AED, chimney fires, ladders dec 18 call northbrook medical assist dec 19 call dec 21 call flinton house fire dec 22 investigation flinton house fire investigation dec 23 investigation flinton house fire investigation dec 28 training NFH incident debrief & PPE inspection 506 medical assist To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda dec 30 call northbrook medical assist To Be Provided to the Board Secretary for Inclusion in the Joint Board of Management for the Kaladar/Barrie Fire Department Agenda JOINT FIRE COMMITTEE FOR THE KALADAR/BARRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT TO: Members of the Joint Fire Committee FROM: Fire Chief Casey Cuddy DATE OF MEETING: February 5, 2016 Re: 2016 Budget revised BACKGROUND at the January 22, 2016 meeting the first draft budget was reviewed by the JFC. The committee directed me to work on the budget with a target of 2% increase without touching the amount budgeted for reserves. COMMENT over the past number of years we have held the budget to small increases without allowance for new legislation requirements or improvements. We have maintained and been able to keep most equipment up to date however with the cuts on funds going into reserves over past few years, we are fast running out of reserve funds. I have cut away at the budget and managed to bring the operating portion down to 4.1% before reserves and capital. In order to do this Items such as pump heater for pumper 1, one OHSA book, recruitment & retention items, some rescue & safety equipment, wild fire equipment, adaptors, some PPE and training materials, station wear, uniforms, training, and fire prevention were either cut or taken out completely. With SCBA planned to be replaced this year it permitted us to cut testing, repairs and parts for our old SCBAs and air bottle hydrostatic testing. With the increase emphases on respiratory protection and cancer in the fire service replacement of SCBAs is still a priority. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Operating has an increase of 4% or about $10,000. The major contributors to this are wages, dispatching, fire hose, fire inspections, and training. Most of these are a result of uncontrollable changes such as vulnerable legislation, change in training requirements, the need for hose, OFM down loading and township policies. The major increase, $20,000 is going toward reserves. This is necessary and should consider increasing even more as next year reserves will be in a deficit. Divided between the two townships this comes down to $15,085 each RECOMMENDATION BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Committee receives for information the Administrative Report entitled “2016 Budget revised”; AND THAT The committee 2nd revision volunteer Honorariums 16-2110-2 Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2016 2015 2015 2016 PROPOSED not actual PROPOSED 60,800.00 60,909.06 62,000.00 don’t have year end fire wages 16-2115-2 benefits 16-2116-2 50,000.00 4,200.00 52,587.42 3,087.11 56,000.00 3,600.00 Utilities & Communications 16-2120-2 38,000.00 40,561.13 38,000.00 cut 400 cut 600 Maintenance, vehicles & Equipment 16-2130-2 9,700.00 K/B FD Depends on # of , type of & duration of calls & mandatory training. includes employer expenses WSIB $8,160 + honorariums captains 6x $455 + admin assistant $12,000 + acting fire chief 5 weeks x $420 to fill in during holidays recruit training $700 if completed, fire fighters doing pub ed for fire prevention (est $1,000) paid as call out hall duties callout per ff per time (est 2,000) + meetings ie H&S etc. @callout rate. (910) outside training 150 per day regular & outside training est $13,800 + calls $16,000 Training officer 15hr. week chief 20 hr. week inc. employer expenses + JFC adjustments as per policy 4.3 standard as per AH policy cut 600 Hydro - hydro keeps increasing 6,400 ? Propane - heat for both fire halls 9,000 ? internet service for Cloyne (800) and Northbrook station est (800) phones - Emerge. Forwarded line, 2 fire halls, cell + chiefs fax line 3,600) dispatch 8,000 up from 7,500 in 2015 as per agreement will be 8,500 in 2017 Edispatch - dispatch back up system 1,300 annual CRTC license for base radio only (600) pager & radio repairs, & batteries (1,800) portable radios 4,800 radios take a lot of abuse on calls as well as are ever changing technology 5 \ 10 chargers 900 10,050.00 15,627.49 out Trucks - safeties, maintenance & repairs 6,200 Break down emergency repairs 1,000 Rust proofing 1,300 vehicle registrations, parts, etc. 300 Pumper inspections / certification 1,250 pump heater for P1 to prevent freezing and damage 1,200 Page 1 of 9 2nd revision Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2016 2015 proposed 39,565.00 Materials & Supplies 16-2140-2 2016 proposed 28,250.70 44,405.00 cut 1500 cut 500 cut 600 Fuel for trucks, pumps, generator, jaws etc. (7,500) washer fluid, grease, fuel treatment,antifreeze, oil, etc. 500 cut 2000 cut 400 out 1000 cut 500 cut 600 cut 50 out 250 out 500 * * out 2100 cut 500 out * * out out out 1200 out 1100 out 2600 snow removal at fire halls & water sources 2,000 dress shirts - part of pride in ownership and recruit & retention 600 renewal of certification for air filling (75) Equipment Testing / Servicing (ba's, jaws of life, ladders 2,000, air filling system, 1,900 etc) BA & HUD straps (spiders) & cleaner, bags, etc 200 cal gas for testing unit (sniffer 4 gas detector, HCN) & 4x unit 800 or sensors 770 + shipping Fire Extinguishers -refills, inspection, service and replacement as needed (halls & trucks) 1,000 Air Bottle Hydrostat tests 13 to do this year 1,000 (note over last couple years we have 4 bottles expire & not replaced) Bunker suits cleaned & tested - NFPA requirement 500 batteries for pass alarms, BA's, heat gun, etc. 200 Occupational Health & Safety books must be available at fire halls 100 Fit Testing for ba masks. OHSA requirement -our share of keeping Napanee's system. 250 accountability (ohsa requirement) 500 Refreshments & Food on long calls we must provide potable water and refreshments 1,000 hose - replacement of older hose that is warn out and fails testing 6,000 recruitment & retention 1,000 & JFC years of service awards Hosting expenses 300 rescue & safety tools & equipment 1,000 Office & Building supplies 1,000 Travel Expenses - equipment, meetings, competitions, etc. 500 Medical Supplies /replacement of equipment that cannot be reused 1,000 SCBA & masks require annual testing - if we get new ones this could come out for this year. 2,100 wild fire fittings, nozzles, pack cans etc. depends on fire season , havn't bought anything in a couple years 1,000 Miscellaneous -hosting of mutual aid & other meetings 500 Photo Identification as Fire Fighter for fire prevention, inspections, security, etc. Out this year hydrant adaptors 1,500 porta tank brakets - 2x 2.5" & 1x 4" for filling porta tank (frees up a ff) 2,300 flash lights, batteries & bulbs 800 garbage disposal for fire halls memberships - OAFC 280 dry hydrants at water sources make loading quicker and safer. Have parts for 1 hydrant & should budget for more 5,500 spill containment -absorbent used in halls and on highway incidents - as needed 500 adaptors so we can connect to neighbouring FDs 1200 shore base rescue tool $1,100 Fire house software - time saver for SIRs and better record keeping - 2,600 to set up Page 2 of 9 2nd revision Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2016 Materials & Supplies cont. out 7000 out 5200 PPE 16-2145-2 12,000.00 11,050.00 10,838.94 out cut out out out 1200 cut 2 suits out 1000 Insurance 16-2150-2 14,000.00 12,538.46 software can be used to track training levels of all fd members and when due for refresher as well as call records computer for in station reports, inspection reports, online training, etc * traffic cones - New highway safety rules 1,000 full dress for officers 7,000 station wear for fire fighters 5,200 part of due diligence OHSA says employer must provide appropriate ppe according to standards * Bush Fire Boot Allowance have 26 ff's who qualify for $150 boot allowance every 2 years Gloves (structure & extrication) ongoing - wear out quickly due to type of use + 10 year rule Bunker Boots ongoing as we replace damaged or warn out boots $240ea. NFPA 10 year rule Fire Helmets to meet reg 714/94.(4) - $240 ea. 10 year NFPA regulations Coveralls for wild fires -OHSA says that we cannot use bunker gear $250 ea. * PASS alarms are starting to fail due to age and wear - new ba's will fix this safety vests Balaclavas - part of ppe for fighting fires - 10 year rule safety glasses Hearing protection - for pumps, saws etc Bunker suits must be sized for person wearing it and meet standard. $10,000 reg714/94 part 5(1,2) BS require annual inspections and must be replaced every 10 years > stronger US dollar = higher cost to us * HUD spare heads up display - requirement under NFPA - new ba's will be covered under warrenty us dollar exchange is going to make our costs go up 13,000.00 * NF rates Barrie 1 (now truck 6) & Cloyne Station AH rates trucks 1-5 & Northbrook Station - new station increase Training 16-2160-2 8,000.00 6,675.62 9,000.00 * training = safer & more efficient operations cut form proposed 12,000 cut 3,000 new manditory training requirements are going to cost. \ontario gov. has said the fire collage / training will no longer be subisidised Driver training Z course, and DCP fees etc. Other / outside training OHSA sec25(2)(a) Depends on # of ff's that are available to take when courses offered Mutual Aid dues Medical EFR & CPR etc. Have an EFR course planed for this spring medical exams for D licenses Training materials & supplies bringing in instructors * new NFPA curriculum is going to require more training JHSC certified member cources Page 3 of 9 2nd revision Fire Prevention 16-2170-2 Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2016 1000 Fire prevention contract 16-2170-2 legal& administration fees 16-2175-2 Sub Total before capital -operating 2015 proposed 3,000.00 6,000.00 2016 proposed 658.48 1,000.00 cut 7,000.00 * contract for fire prevention inspections and code enforcement cut $2,000 in hopes we don’t get many complaints, or requests. 7,350.00 cut 900.00 246,165.00 864.96 239,949.37 FP program including signs, smoke alarm program, public presentations, membership PFSC, advertising, etc. this is a very important part of the fire service and a requirement of compliance under the FPPA used to offset other expences such as inspections in 2015 cut $2,000 in hopes of free FP suplies, cut back on public events "if we know about an infraction and don’t do anything about it we are guilty" provencial downloading & new regulations such as "volunerable occupancys" are going to increase work load 1,230.00 ** JFC admin. Costs, auditing 870, legal ?, payroll admin fees 360 256,335.00 Operating costs before capital. 4.131375297 Capital & Reserves 20-1200-2 SCBA mini pumper / rapid attack 6 tanker equipment replacement reserve 16-2185-2 2015 proposed proposed 2016 208,000.00 276,000.00 279,485.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 75,000.00 Replace existing SCBA and acessorys note gone up $10,000 since started budget back in Dec. due to US exchange replace old Barrie one which is a 1991 truck put off till 2017 replace Tanker 3 - deliveried in 2015 Joint fire agreement states that moneys will be put into a funded reserve and managed by the treasurer if we add up the expected replacement cost of each truck and other equipment below over 25 year period = 1,948,000 36.36 divided by 25 years comes out to $77,992 per year...assuming we see an average revenue of 7,992 per year to go into accident call reserve from collectible / billable calls we should have been putting at least $70,000 into reserve annually over the past few years we have not been putting enough into reserves leading to a short fall in 2017 of $84,284 recommend this be increased to $120,000 this year Section total 331,000.00 20,216.62 354,701.62 revinue from invoicing - MTO, investigation reports, charges 20,216.62 283,000.00 As of end of 2015 we have approx.. $38,318 in capital replacement reserve & $160,398 in accident call reserve totaling $198,716 198,716 + 75,000 - SCBSs @ 208,000 = 65,716 at end of 2016 start 2017 with reserve of 65,716 - mini pumper 6 @ 225,000 = negitave 159,284 + 75,000 into reserves = negitave $84,284 therefore in 2017 we will need to raise the amount budgeted for reserves to $160,000 Page 4 of 9 2nd revision Kaladar / Barrie Fire Dept. Proposed budget for 2016 2015 proposed 2016 proposed percent increase total budgeted expense 577,165.00 594,650.99 539,335.00 -6.55 from reserve for capital at 276,000.00 276,000.00 208,000.00 Total revenue 276,000.00 276,000.00 208,000.00 Grand total for joint cost sharing 301,165.00 318,650.99 331,335.00 each township share 150,582.50 159,325.50 165,667.50 from reserves for tanker from reserves for SCBA 10.02 long term capital items estimated replacement costs WISH LIST Awning for R5 storage building / container training building / grounds Mini pumper 6 - forecasted replacement 2017 est cost $225,000 (Barrie 1) TIC forecast replacement 2018 est cost $18,000 Rescue 5 - forecasted replacement 2020 est cost $270,000 (concerns on if it will last till then) Jaws of Life - forecasted replacement 2020 est cost $70,000 Truck 7 - forecasted replacement 2021 est cost $60,000 Tanker 8 - forecasted purchase 2023 est cost $295,000 Pumper 1 - forecasted replacement 2029 est cost $245,000 Wild Fire 4 - forecasted replacement 2031 est cost $75,000 Tanker 2 - forecasted replacement 2033 est cost $270,000 UTV & trailer - forecasted replacement 2030 est cost $25,000 Tanker 3 - forecasted replacement 2040 est cost $310,000 Boat forecasted replacement 2040 est cost $30,000 SCBA - forecast replacement 2017 est cost $214,000 first draft Dec 2015 revised officers meeting Jan 7, 2016 revised after 1st JFC meeting jan 22 msexelbudget2016draft jfc 1 Page 5 of 9 KALADAR / BARRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT BUDGET FOR 2015 vs. PROPOSED BUDGET DRAFT #2 FOR 2016 PREPARED FOR THE FEBRUARY 5th, 2016 JOINT FIRE COMMITTEE MEETING DESCRIPTION 2016 Proposed Budget Draft #2 February 5th, 2016 2015 Approved Budget Differences vs. 2015 Approved Budget Overall Percentage Increase OPERATING $246,165 $256,335 $10,170 4.13% CAPITAL $331,000 $283,000 -$48,000 -14.50% ($276,000) ($208,000) $68,000 -24.64% $301,165 $331,335 LESS Contributions from Reserve Funds JOINT TOTALS: Expense Summary: Volunteer Honorariums Fire Wages & Benefits Utilities & Communiciations Maintenance, Vehicles & Equipment Materials & Supplies PPE Insurance Training Fire Prevention Fire Prevention Officer - Contract with Napanee Legal & Administration Capital Equipment Replacement Reserve Revenue Summary: Revenue from JEPP Revenue - loan from Reserve From Reserve Total Budget 2015 Approved Budget $60,800 $54,200 $38,000 $9,700 $39,565 $12,000 $14,000 $8,000 $3,000 $6,000 $900 $276,000 $55,000 $577,165 2015 Year To Date Actuals - as included in Draft #2 February 5th, 2015 NOT COMPLETED $60,909 $52,587 $40,561 $15,627 $28,251 $10,839 $12,538 $6,676 $658 $7,350 $865 $279,485 $55,000 $571,347 2016 Proposed Budget Draft #2 February 5th, 2016 $62,000 $59,600 $38,000 $10,050 $44,405 $11,050 $13,000 $9,000 $1,000 $7,000 $1,230 $208,000 $75,000 $539,335 $30,170 Differences vs. 2015 Approved Budget $1,200 $5,400 $0 $350 $4,840 ($950) ($1,000) $1,000 ($2,000) $1,000 $330 ($68,000) $20,000 ($37,830) $0 $0 ($276,000) ($276,000) $0 $0 ($24,834) ($24,834) $0 $0 ($208,000) ($208,000) $0 $0 $68,000 $68,000 $301,165 $546,513 $331,335 $30,170 *** 2015 Invoices O/S *** 10.02% Overall Percentage Increase -6.55% 10.02% KALADAR / BARRIE FIRE DEPARTMENT RESERVE FUND BALANCE ANALYSIS 2015-2017 2015 2014 Year End 2014 Year End Balances - Reserves / Reserve Funds Unaudited Year End 2015 Budget Contributions TO 2015 Budget Contributions FROM Reserve Funds 2015 Year End Balances Reserve Funds Reserve Funds Based on 2015 Draft Budget RESERVE FUND: Vehicle/Equipment Reserve W2 Accident Call Revenue Reserve $249,318.00 $138,982.54 TOTAL $65,000 $21,416 -$276,000 $0 $388,300.54 $38,318.35 $160,398.17 $198,716.52 *Replacement of Tanker 3 2016 2015 Year End 2015 Year End Balances - Reserves / Reserve Funds Unaudited Year End 2016 Budget Contributions TO 2016 Budget Contributions FROM Reserve Funds 2016 Year End Balances Reserve Funds Reserve Funds Based on 2016 Draft Budget RESERVE FUND: Vehicle/Equipment Reserve W2 Accident Call Revenue Reserve $38,318.35 $160,398.17 TOTAL $75,000 $7,992 -$208,000 $0 $198,716.52 -$94,681.65 $168,390.17 $73,708.52 *SCBA Purchase 2017 2016 Year End 2016 Year End Balances - Reserves / Reserve Funds Unaudited Year End 2017 Budget Contributions TO 2017 Budget Contributions FROM Balances Reserve Funds Reserve Funds 2017 Year End Reserve Funds Based on 2017 Draft Budget RESERVE FUND: Vehicle/Equipment Reserve W2 Accident Call Revenue Reserve -$94,681.65 $168,390.17 TOTAL $75,000 $7,992 -$225,000 $0 $73,708.52 -$68,299.48 *Replacement of Mini pumper 6 NOTES: 1) The balances do not take into consideration any interest that may be applied each year 2) Contributions to Accident Call Reserve is based on budget estimate of $7,992 per year -$244,681.65 $176,382.17 From: Jack Pauhl [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May-06-14 4:06 PM To: Jenny Duhamel Cc: Tara Mieske; Casey Cuddy; [email protected] Subject: RE: Asset Management Plan I attach Appendix A from the asset management plan prepared for Addington Highlands by Hemson Consultants. There are five fire vehicles marked with small asterisks which represent fire vehicles owned 50/50. For these vehicles the 2013 replacement cost shown is actually 50% of the true replacement cost. This holds true for the purchase price column also. Therefore these values can be used by NF Twp. for its share of the vehicles. I just realized in looking at this document that the 1995 GMC rescue van is not shown as 50/50 owned (should be) and therefore its 2013 replacement cost should be ½ of the amount listed or $36,250 and not $72,500. It is the Fire Chief’s understanding that in spite of the new agreement it is understood that since the mini pumper is to be replaced in 2 years that it would not make much sense to go through the process of transferring it to Addington Highlands at this time. I hope this information is helpful. Any questions contact me. Jack From: Jenny Duhamel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: May-06-14 3:14 PM To: Jack Pauhl ([email protected]) Cc: Tara Mieske Subject: Asset Management Plan Hi Jack. You had made a comment that the firm that did ADHL’s Asset Management Plan also did 50% of the K/B Fire Departments assets. Could I possibly get the copy of the portion for the K/B Fire Department so we can look at what we need to add to ours for our share. You had mentioned on the phone that the Mini Pumper is to be replaced in 2 years so there is no point in transferring ownership at this point. Thanks for anything you can provide on this Jack. Have a great day! Jenny Duhamel Clerk / Planning Manager From: Henry Hogg [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: January-22-16 12:56 PM To: Tara Mieske Subject: Fire Committee Tara: I realized when I got home that the Rural Mayors Forum is meeting on Feb 12. Is ther any chance of a change? Henry