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BLUE BOOK DALLAS TV & Entertainment Guide Content Healthy Living by Janis & Victor Winfrey................p. 9 Relationships by Mrs. Kesha Love...............................p. 18 Business Advice Donavon Van Buffett................p. 20 AskTone & Gossip/News...............................................p. 24 Horoscopes & Black History.........................................p. 25 Classified Ads...............................................................p. 27 No portion of this publication maybe reproduced or reprinted without written consent of Blue Book TV Guide Management, Copyright ‘14. Blue Book TV Guide is a Black Owned & Operated business serving the Dallas Metro Community. For Advertising information call 469-877-4385; Sole-owners & operators: Larry Williams & Family Contact Wen West at Suite 180 Dallas, TX 75215 214.421.0355 214.421.0355 [email protected] SUNDAY OCTOBER 19, 2014 MORNING 7:00 A.M. Be’s Professional Services BASIC TAX CLASS $99 Class Starts November 16 - December 16, 2014 Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 6:30pm - 7:30pm CALL NOW! 972-296-4237 (Be’s Professional Services) India Roberts, Consultant/ERO [email protected] Ph: 888-707-9915 ext #101 besprofessionalservices.blogspot.com Fx: 469-454-2575 www.besprofessionalservices.com ^ Jack Graham % Today ( Good Morning America ` Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 3 CBS 11 News Sunday 5 Aqua Kids 7 Para Volver a Amar ; In Search of the Lord’s Way With Phil Sanders = T Programa Pagado A WGN-A Key of David G Raggs N FLC - Keith Moore Q Pelicula “Home Alone 4” El pequeño Kevin McCallister está decidido a reunir a sus padres, quienes están separados y a punto del divorcio, durante la época navideña. Z Live With Passion! ¥ In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley BET Rev. Peter Popoff CNBC Extract Hidden Nutrition -Ninja Blender Duo CNN New Day Sunday E! Sex and the City ESPN SportsCenter FX How I Met Your Mother LIFE Amazing Facts Presents MSNBC Up W/Steve Kornacki OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE Body Beast SYFY TRUTV Paid Program TBS Friends TNT Law & Order USA Atmosphere for Miracles With Pastor Chris 7:30 A.M. XcluXive Salon (Located Inside Salons Of Dallas @ The Centru) 3102 OAK LAWN AVE, DALLAS TX 75219 214-270-9884 Styles By Diona Fowlks www.styleseat.com/dionafowlks 10% Off Tues Spot Relaxer............$20 All Naturals..............$75 Scalp Treatment......$25 Brazilian Blowout Call for Details.... ^ Jentezen Franklin ` Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 5 WHADDYADO ; Truth in Love = T Programa Pagado A Jack Van Impe Presents G Noodle and Doodle N Let the Bible Speak Z Touching Lives BET Atmosphere for Miracles With Pastor Chris CNBC Best Pressure Cooker! CNN Inside Politics E! Sex and the City FX How I Met Your Mother LIFE David Jeremiah OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE Rocket-Fueled and Ready to Clean Your Carpets! SYFY Rocket May Be Light & Compact, But It’s Not Just for Quick Clean-ups! TBS Friends TRUTV Shaun T’s Focus T25 USA Joel Osteen WGN-A Tomorrow’s World 8:00 A.M. ^ John Hagee $ FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace % NBC5 Sunday 8am ( News 8 Daybreak Sunday ` Curious George 3 CBS News Sunday Morning 5 Real Life 101 7 Hotel Todo Incluido ; LIFE Joel Osteen = ÁLa respuesta al dolor en un suplemento delicioso! 2 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 Blu Studio 6.0 $319.99 Blu Studio 5.5 HD $249.99 Blu Studio 4.5 $149.99 Indie Connections 4614 Malcolm X Blvd Suite 180 Dallas, TX 75215 214.421.0355 T-Mobile Pre-Paid Wireless INSIDE Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 3 ISIS CERTIFIED (214) 994-5722 HOUSE OF BEAUTY 435 E. Danieldale, Duncanville CURINDA HOUSE OF BEAUTY Wednesday Special $25 Off Any Individuals Lock Braids... Twist...and More Specializing in NATURAL HAIR KINKY TWIST Looking for SPECIAL.....$125 LICENSED STYLIST KIDS...$40 & UP BOOK ONLINE @ https://www.styleseat.com/newsom INGRAM’S CARPET CLEANING The Best Quality Discount Carpet Cleaning In The DFW Metroplex SPECIALS: 3 Rooms = $45 5 Rooms = $80 7 Rooms = $100 Contact Shawn Ingram (469) 336-7279 Cell: [email protected] A Animal Atlas G El Show de Chica N Tomorrow’s World T Paid Program Z Kingdom Connection Jentezen Franklin ¥ New Birth Baptist Church BET Bobby Jones Gospel CNBC Experience Pays: Drivers 50 and Over Win CNN State of the Union With Candy Crowley E! E! News Weekend ESPN SportsCenter FAM Movie “The Addams Family” Gomez, Morticia and their ghoulish household are prey to a scam involving longlost Uncle Fester. FX Movie “Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance” Johnny Blaze gets a chance to rid himself of the Ghost Rider curse forever when members of a secret church hire him to save a boy from Satan. OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE PowerNation: Xtreme Off Road SYFY Scare Tactics TBS Friends TNT Law & Order TRUTV 5 Star Cleaning Power and Performance - Shark Powered Lift-Away USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Walker, Texas Ranger 8:30 A.M. ` Curious George 5 Inside the Huddle ; Elevate Life with Keith Craft = ÁObtenga su dosis diaria de nutrición en segundos con el NutriBullet! A On the Spot G LazyTown N Manna-Fest With Perry Stone T CNBC Paid Program Z Turning Point ¥ Getting More Out Of Medicare LIFE Cindy Crawford Reveals Secret to Ageless Beauty OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE PowerNation: Engine Power SYFY Scare Tactics TBS Movie “Journey to the Center of the Earth” A science professor and his nephew encounter strange creatures and stranger lands as they travel beneath the Earth’s surface. TRUTV Extract Hidden Nutrition -Ninja Blender Duo 8:40 A.M. % Lone Star Politics 9:00 A.M. ^ Denny Davis $ Joel Osteen % Meet the Press ` Arthur 5 Best Blower Ever! 7 Al Punto ; Getting More Out Of Medicare = G Programa Pagado Services: Routine Deep Dry Cleaning $20 per room Spot Remover Treatment $8 per room Order Treatment $8 per room Dry Clean Curtains, Rugs, Chairs, Etc. $15 each Refinishing Hardwood Floors $25 Dual Processing $8 A State to State N Full Gospel Holy Temple Q Pelicula “Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams” Dos niños enfrentan a criaturas mutantes y a un científico mientras buscan un artefacto que puede destruir la Tierra. T Under Pressure Cooking Z Walk in the Word ¥ CNBC Paid Program BET Lift Every Voice CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS E! Beyond Candid with Giuliana ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown FNC Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo LIFE To Be Announced MSNBC Melissa Harris-Perry OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE PowerNation: Truck Tech SYFY Scare Tactics TNT Law & Order TRUTV Top 20 Most Shocking USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Walker, Texas Ranger 9:30 A.M. ^ The Blessed Life $ Elevate Life Church ( This Week With George Stephanopoulos ` Arthur 3 Face the Nation 5 Cowboys Weekend ; Derm Exclusive! = G Programa Pagado A The Coolest Places on Earth N Abundant Life T ¥ Paid Program Z Winning Walk BET Movie “He’s Mine Not Yours” A woman’s plan to test her lover’s fidelity backfires when the seductress she hired to tempt him actually falls in love. CNBC Shark Steam and Spray, the Recognized World Leader in Steam Cleaning! SPIKE PowerNation: Detroit Muscle SYFY Movie “The Uninvited” A ghost prompts a lethal battle of wills between a man’s new fiancee and his two daughters, one of whom has just returned from a mental ward. 10:00 A.M. ^ In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley $ End of the Age % Astroblast ` Wishbone 5 DFW Outdoors 7 República Deportiva ; Paid Program = G Programa Pagado A Best Docs Network N Larry & Tiz Hutch T Cooking Made Easy Z Joseph Prince ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Can’t Sleep? CNN Reliable Sources E! The Soup FAM Movie “Addams Family Values” Upon arrival of their mustachioed baby, Morticia and Gomez hire a greedy nanny who targets Uncle Fester. FNC MediaBuzz FX Movie “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” A scientist’s quest to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease unintentionally results in a highly intelligent chimpanzee, which may signal the end of man’s dominion over Earth. LIFE Movie “The Notebook” Twin brothers, who were sent to live with their abusive grandmother during World War II, learn how to manipulate people. OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Movie “The Fast and the Furious” An undercover police officer investigates a gang leader suspected of stealing electronic equipment. TNT Movie “The Box” A husband and wife receive a simple wooden box which will grant them $1 million, but simultaneously, it will cause the death of someone elsewhere in the world. TRUTV Top 20 Most Shocking USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 10:30 A.M. ^ Your Move With Andy Stanley $ Football Sunday Morning % The Chica Show ( Hot On! Homes ` McLaughlin Group 3 Cowboys Game Day 5 RaceWeek ; A CNBC Paid Program = Programa Pagado G Videos Asombrosos N Through the Bible With Les Feldick T Como se Hacen las Cosas Z Redemption E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians TBS Movie “The Time Machine” A scientist travels into the future and meets a race of people who fear hideous monsters living under the ground. 11:00 A.M. ^ Winning Walk $ FOX NFL Sunday % Open House ( Trick To a Wrinkle-Free Face! ` Charlie Rose — The Week 3 The NFL Today 5 Special Edition With Jerry Jones ; CNBC Paid Program = Patty Show A SAF3 G Enfoque N Intelligence for Your Life Q Pelicula “The Spirit” El fantasma de un policía novato se enfrenta a un villano conocido como El Pulpo, quien está decidido a destruir Ciudad Central mientras busca el secreto de la inmortalidad. T Transformers Prime Z Liberate ¥ Criminal Minds CNN State of the Union With Candy Crowley FNC America’s News Headquarters MSNBC Weekends With Alex Witt OXY Snapped: Killer Couples TRUTV Top 20 Most Shocking USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 11:30 A.M. ^ Larry and Tiz Huch % Hispanic College Quiz ( Knock It Off ` America by the Numbers With Maria Hinojosa 5 The Jason Garrett Show 7 Fútbol Central ; CNBC Paid Program G Pelicula “Amores Perros” En la Ciudad de México, se entrelazan las vidas de dos amantes desesperados, un joven emprendedor que organiza peleas de perros y un vagabundo. N DFW Sports Beat T Transformers Prime Z In Touch E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians FNC Sunday Housecall SYFY Movie “The Reaping” A former Christian missionary who now debunks religious phenomena encounters biblical plagues in a small town. 11:50 A.M. 7 Fútbol Mexicano Primera División AFTERNOON 12:00 P.M. ^ Abba’s House $ NFL Football Carolina Panthers at Green Bay Packers. Cam Newton and Greg Olsen lead the offense of the Panthers when Carolina visits the Packers. (Live) ’ (N) % Hispanic College Quiz ( Paid Program ` Overheard With Evan Smith 4 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 3 NFL Football Cincinnati Bengals at Indianapolis Colts. Andy Dalton and the Bengals battle Andrew Luck and the Colts in a crucial AFC contest. (Live) (N) 5 Storm Stories ; Best Blower Ever! = Los Chuperamigos A The Pinkertons N Take Charge Parenting T Movie “White Lion” A tracker tries to protect a rare lion from a trophy hunter. (2010, Drama) Jamie Bartlett, John Kani. Z PowerPoint ¥ Criminal Minds BET Movie “Madea’s Family Reunion” A matriarch must keep the peace through family strife. (2006, Comedy) Tyler Perry, Blair Underwood. CNBC Extract Hidden Nutrition -Ninja Blender Duo CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS ESPN NASCAR Countdown FAM Movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” Harry sets out to destroy the secrets to Voldemort’s power. (2010, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. FNC America’s News Headquarters OXY Snapped: Killer Couples TRUTV Top 20 Most Shocking USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 12:30 P.M. ^ The Jewish Jesus % Meet the Press Remembers: The First Ladies ( Best Pressure Cooker! ` McCuistion 5 Builders Homesite ; Derm Exclusive! = Los Chuperamigos N Hank Parker’s Flesh & Blood Z It Is Written CNBC Paid Program E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians TBS Movie “Total Recall” Strange dreams lead an earthling to intergalactic intrigue. (1990, Science Fiction) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin. TNT Movie “Lakeview Terrace” A police officer harasses the interracial couple next door. (2008, Suspense) Samuel L. Jackson, Patrick Wilson. $4.95 T-Shirt s Already Gear 1:00 P.M. ^ Kerry Shook % ; CNBC Paid Program ( Sexy Face at Any Age ` Masterpiece Classic 5 White Collar = Pelicula “Pasión Oculta” Un hombre deja la marina y regresa a su ciudad natal. (1967, Drama) Manuel López Ochoa, Emily Cranz. A Movie “Around the World in 80 Days” An inventor and two sidekicks circle the globe. (2004, Adventure) Jackie Chan, Steve Coogan. N The K.T. Diaries Q Rompiendo los Límites Z Answers With Bayless Conley ¥ Criminal Minds CNN CNN Newsroom ESPN NASCAR Racing FNC FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace FX Movie “Battleship” Earth comes under attack from a superior alien force. (2012, Science Fiction) Taylor Kitsch, Alexander Skarsgerd. LIFE Movie “The Green Mile” A guard thinks an inmate has a supernatural power to heal. (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, David Morse. MSNBC Meet the Press OXY Snapped: Killer Couples TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 1:30 P.M. ^ Robert Jeffress % Action Sports ( ; Paid Program N The Outdoorsman With Buck McNeely Z The Supernatural Now CNBC America loves Shark! Next Generation Technology for less! E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians SYFY Movie “Let Me In” A misfit boy befriends the strange new girl who lives next door. (2010, Horror) Kodi SmitMcPhee, Chloe Grace Moretz. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 2:00 P.M. ^ Love Worth Finding ( Larry King Special Report 5 Movie “Saving Silverman” Two buddies conspire to prevent another friend’s marriage. (2001, Comedy) Jason Biggs, Steve Zahn. 7 Tras la Verdad ; CNBC Paid Program G Pelicula “El Traspatio” Una policía investiga asesinatos en Ciudad Juárez, México. (2009, Drama de Crimen) Ana de la Reguera, Marco Pérez. N Taste Texas Teresa 214-537-4551 www.alreadygear.com “ Y O U R I M A G E M AT T E R S ” Beautiful Hair Salon “Specializing in the Maintenance of Healthy Hair” 12:32 P.M. SPIKE Movie “Twister” Storm chasers race to test a new tornado-monitoring device. (1996, Action) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton. Your Logo Here WE ACCEPT ALLMAJOR CREDIT CARDS 1120 S. Main St Duncanville, TX 75137 ShaKonda L. Avery “Universal Stylist” Ask For ShaKonda CALL 469-671-4048 APPOINTMENTS ONLY |Natural Styles |Quick Weaves |Sew Ins |Short Styles |Chemical Services |Hair Rejuvenation 2 for $65 Shampoo & Style All Natural Clients Welcomed Relaxer Special Tue-Wed Only Q Fútbol MLS Columbus Crew SC en New York Red Bulls. Desde Red Bull Arena en Harrison, NJ, USA. (En Vivo) (N) T Pelicula “3 Times a Charm” Un collar mágico influye las decisiones de una mujer joven. (2011, Comedia Romántica) Lexi Giovagnoli, Carlo Marks. Z Christ for All Nations ¥ Criminal Minds CNN CNN Newsroom E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians FNC The Journal Editorial Report MSNBC MSNBC Live OXY Snapped: Killer Couples TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 2:30 P.M. ^ Kennedy Classics ( ; CNBC Paid Program N Bronco Roads Z Jesse Duplantis Ministries BET Movie “Tyler Perry’s Madea’s Big Happy Family” Madea takes charge when her niece receives a distressing diagnosis. (2011, Comedy-Drama) Tyler Perry, Shad “Bow Wow” Moss. FNC America’s News Headquarters TBS Movie “Terminator Salvation” Humanity fights back against Skynet’s machine army. (2009, Science Fiction) Christian Bale, Sam Worthington. TNT Movie “Along Came a Spider” A detective and a Secret Service agent investigate an abduction. (2001, Mystery) Morgan Freeman, Monica Potter. 3:00 P.M. ^ Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! ( The ABC’s of Schoolhouse Rock ` Masterpiece Classic 3 NFL Postgame 7 El Chavo Animado ; Movie “Wrong Turn” Inbred cannibals terrorize six stranded motorists. (2003, Horror) Desmond Harrington, Eliza Dushku. = Pelicula “El Ocaso de un Gatillero” Un gatillero se convierte en asesino despiadado de región. (2010, Acción) Fernando Sáenz, Julio Aldama. A The Middle N Expedition Texas Z John Hagee Today ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC America loves Shark! Next Generation Technology for less! CNN CNN Newsroom E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians FNC A Healthy You & Carol Alt MSNBC Born in the Wrong Body OXY Snapped: Killer Couples TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Law & Order: Criminal Intent SPIKE Bar Rescue 3:05 P.M. 3:25 P.M. $ NFL Football New York Giants at Dallas Cowboys. The Giants’ defense will have its sights set on Cowboys’ QB Tony Romo in this NFC East clash. (Live) ’ (N) 3:30 P.M. ^ FLC - Keith Moore % Red Bull Signature Series 3 NFL Postgame 7 Cita con Tu Salud A The Middle N The Texas Bucket List Z MarriageToday With Jimmy & Karen CNBC Paid Program E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 5 RALLY KUTZ Barber & Beauty Shop WALK-INS WELCOMED BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL $10 Monday 900 N. Polk St., Suite 116 TIM - POST - PRYME Desoto, TX 75115 214-552-5645 (Northeast corner of Polk & Pleasant Run) TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Bones 5:30 P.M. % NBC Nightly News ( News 8 at 5:30 3 CBS 11 News at 5:30PM 7 Noticiero Univisión: Fin de Semana N The Game Plane Z Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life BET Movie “Why Did I Get Married Too?” Four couples struggle with the challenges of married life. (2010, Comedy-Drama) Tyler Perry, Sharon Leal. CNBC Paid Program EVENING 6:00 P.M. RALLY KUTZ DOWNTS N PAYMENG AT I T STAR DDA Auto Finders Barber & Beauty Shop 00 5 $ TIM 214-552-5645 3838 OAKLAWN AVE DALLAS TX 75215 SUITE 1000 (10TH FLOOR) | Email: [email protected] EVERYONE’S APPROVED ALL MAKES AND MODELS AVAILABLE üNO LICENSE üNO CREDIT üBAD CREDIT Montrece 6:30 P.M. 214-200-1317 CELL 469-317-6235 OFFICE CALL TODAY DRIVE TODAY LOW END TO HIGH END CARS FAM Movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” Harry may have to make the ultimate sacrifice. (2011, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. FNC Sunday Housecall 4:00 P.M. ^ David Jeremiah ( World of X Games ` Great Estates Scotland 3 Bull Riding 5 Movie “Prom Night” A madman terrorizes prom-going teenagers. (2008, Horror) Brittany Snow, Scott Porter. 7 Como Dice el Dicho A The Simpsons G Noticiero Telemundo Fin de Semana N Troubadour, TX Q Pelicula “Get Carter” Asesino profesional desea vengar la muerte de su hermano. (2000, Suspenso) Sylvester Stallone, Miranda Richardson. T Movie “Black Knight” A theme-park employee is transported to medieval England. (2001, Comedy) Martin Lawrence, Marsha Thomason. Z Balanced Living With Dr. Jim Reeve ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Perricone MD Cold Plasma Sub-D CNN CNN Newsroom FNC MediaBuzz FX Movie “The Amazing Spider-Man” Peter Parker investigates his parents’ disappearance. (2012, Action) Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone. LIFE Movie MSNBC Born in the Wrong Body: Girls Will Be Boys OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Bar Rescue SYFY Movie “Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant” A sideshow vampire turns a teenager into one of the undead. (2009, Fantasy) John C. Reilly, Ken Watanabe. TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Law & Order: Criminal Intent ^ T.D. Jakes % Football Night in America ( America’s Funniest Home Videos ` Moyers & Company 3 60 Minutes 5 How I Met Your Mother 7 Aquí y Ahora ; Burn Notice = Pelicula “Mas Allá del Vicio” A The Pinkertons N Community Q Pelicula “Open Water” Unos buzos están atrapados en unas aguas llenas de tiburones. (2003, Suspenso) Blanchard Ryan, Daniel Travis. T José de Egipto Z Leading the Way ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC American Greed CNN CNN Special Report ESPN SportsCenter FNC FOX Report LIFE Movie “The Stepfather” A young man suspects that his mother’s new lover is up to no good. (2009, Suspense) Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward. MSNBC The Runaways OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Bar Rescue SYFY Movie “Birth” A 10-year-old boy claims to be a woman’s dead husband. (2004, Drama) Nicole Kidman, Cameron Bright. TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Blue Bloods 4:30 P.M. ^ John Ankerberg A The Simpsons G Noticiero Telemundo 39 N Lonestar Roads Z Gregory Dickow CNBC Extract Hidden Nutrition -Ninja Blender Duo E! Movie “Ocean’s Eleven” A suave ex-con assembles a team to rob a casino vault. (2001, Comedy-Drama) George Clooney, Matt Damon. TBS Movie “Battle: Los Angeles” U.S. Marine troops fight off alien invaders. (2011, Science Fiction) Aaron Eckhart, Michelle Rodriguez. TNT Movie “The Lincoln Lawyer” A lawyer defends a playboy accused of attempted murder. (2011, Suspense) Matthew McConaughey, Marisa Tomei. 5:00 P.M. ^ Ever Increasing Faith % NBC5 Weekend Report ( ABC World News Tonight ` Nature 3 CBS Evening News 7 Noticias 23 Fin de Semana ; Burn Notice = Esto Es Guerra A NewsFix G Pelicula “Push” Psíquicos picaros se enfrentan a una agencia del gobierno. (2009, Suspenso) Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning. N The Game Plane Z T.D. Jakes ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Paid Program CNN CNN Newsroom ESPN SportsCenter FNC FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace MSNBC Born in the Wrong Body: On the Edge OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Bar Rescue ^ Power for Living $ The OT ` PBS NewsHour Weekend 5 How I Met Your Mother N Community Z The Blessed Life CNBC On the Money FAM Toy Story OF TERROR! 7:00 P.M. ^ Rejoice in the Lord $ The Simpsons ( Once Upon a Time ` Masterpiece Classic 5 Leverage 7 Va Por Tí ; The Big Bang Theory A Castle G Yo Soy El Artista N Murdoch Mysteries Z Joel Osteen ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown E! Total Divas FAM Movie “Monsters, Inc.” Animated. A blue behemoth and his one-eyed pal scare children. (2001, Comedy) Voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal. FNC Huckabee FX Movie “Men in Black 3” Agent J must go back to the past to save mankind’s future. (2012, Action) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones. MSNBC The Runaways OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Bar Rescue TBS Movie “Transformers” Two races of robots wage war on Earth. (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. TNT Movie “Angels & Demons” Robert Langdon confronts an ancient brotherhood. (2009, Suspense) Tom Hanks, Ewan McGregor. TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Blue Bloods 7:01 P.M. 3 Madam Secretary 7:20 P.M. % NFL Football San Francisco 49ers at Denver Broncos. The 49ers, led by Colin Kaepernick, visit Peyton Manning and the high-powered Broncos offense. (Live) ’ (N) 7:30 P.M. $ Brooklyn Nine-Nine ; The Big Bang Theory 6 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 Bud Ice 25oz QUALITY PRODUCTS AT THE RIGHT PRICE 2 for $3 Bud Lime 25oz Beer & Wine Available! Apple Strawberry $2.99 CIGARETTES PIPES ACCESSORIES MUSIC & MORE! Bud Light Platinum 25oz $2.99 Natural Light 25oz 2 for $3 9147 SKILLMAN, STE. 300, DALLAS, TX 75243 214-221-1062 (Next to Kinkos, Title Loan & Beauty Supply) New Location to Serve You! Email: [email protected] OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! Se Habla Español! Q Pelicula “Warrior” Hermanos alejados se enfrentan en pelea de artes marciales. (2011, Acción) Joel Edgerton, Tom Hardy. Z Kerry Shook Ministries ESPN Championship Drive: Who’s In? TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect 8:00 P.M. ^ John Ankerberg $ Family Guy ( Resurrection ` Masterpiece Mystery! 3 The Good Wife 5 Rules of Engagement ; The Big Bang Theory = Pelicula “El Barón de la Mafia” Dos grandes amigos se enfrentan por la misma mujer. (1997, Acción) Roxana Chávez, Luis Alberto Estrada. A Castle N Just Shoot Me T Familia en Venta Z Kenneth Copeland ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown E! Total Divas ESPN 2014 World Series of Poker FNC FOX News Special LIFE Movie “Big Driver” A novelist seeks revenge on the man who brutally assaulted her. (2014, Suspense) Maria Bello, Olympia Dukakis. MSNBC Lockup OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Bar Rescue SYFY Movie “Lost Souls” A writer learns he will be transformed into the Antichrist. (2000, Suspense) Winona Ryder, Ben Chaplin. TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Blue Bloods 8:30 P.M. ^ Michael Youssef $ Mulaney 5 Rules of Engagement ; The Big Bang Theory N Just Shoot Me Z Creflo Dollar BET Movie “Meet the Browns” A woman meets her late father’s uproarious family for the first time. (2008, ComedyDrama) Tyler Perry, Angela Bassett. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 9:00 P.M. ^ Rod Parsley $ FOX 4 News 3 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 5 The Texas Music Scene 7 Sal y Pimienta ; Modern Family A NewsFix G Suelta La Sopa Extra N Cougar Town T Central Fox en MundoFox Z St. Paul of Tarsus ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Coca-Cola: The Real Story Behind the Real Thing CNN This Is Life With Lisa Ling E! Total Divas ESPN 2014 World Series of Poker FAM Toy Story OF TERROR! FNC Stossel MSNBC Lockup: Raw OXY Snapped: Killer Couples SPIKE Catch a Contractor TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Manhattan CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown E! Total Divas ESPN SportsCenter FNC Huckabee MSNBC Lockup: Raw OXY Snapped SPIKE Bar Rescue SYFY Movie “The Revenant” A conscious corpse needs blood to prevent his decay. (2009, Comedy) David Anders, Chris Wylde. TBS Movie “Transformers” Two races of robots wage war on Earth. (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. USA Modern Family WGN-A Manhattan 9:01 P.M. LIFE Movie “The Stepfather” A young man suspects that his mother’s new lover is up to no good. (2009, Suspense) Dylan Walsh, Sela Ward. ( Revenge 9:30 P.M. ^ New Level with Hank and Brenda ` The Daytripper 5 Texas Country Reporter ; Modern Family N Cougar Town FAM Movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas” Animated. Halloweentown’s leader aims to kidnap Santa. (1993, Fantasy) Voices of Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon. FX Movie “Men in Black 3” Agent J must go back to the past to save mankind’s future. (2012, Action) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 10:00 P.M. ^ The Hal Lindsey Report $ Sports Sunday with Mike Doocy ( News 8 Update ` As Time Goes By 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 5 Mike & Molly 7 Noticias 23: Edición Nocturna ; Laughs = Central Deportiva A Two and a Half Men G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Forensic Files Q Contacto Deportivo T Pelicula “Dos Pesos Dejada” Una vendedora de frutas es muy estricta con los novios de su hija. (1949, ComediaDrama) Joaquín Pardavé, Sara García. ¥ Cold Case CNBC Hotel: Behind Closed Doors at Marriott 10:01 P.M. TNT Movie “The Ides of March” A campaign press secretary becomes involved in a scandal. (2011, Drama) Ryan Gosling, George Clooney. TRUTV Top 20 Most Shocking 10:02 P.M. 10:15 P.M. 7 Acción Deportiva Extra 10:30 P.M. ^ End of the Age With Rev. Irvin Baxter $ TMZ % NBC5 News at 10PM Sunday ` Miranda 5 Mike & Molly ; Anger Management A Two and a Half Men G Titulares Telemundo N Forensic Files USA Modern Family 10:35 P.M. ( Dale Hansen’s Sports Special 7 Noticiero Univisión: Fin de Semana 11:00 P.M. ^ Jentezen Franklin % Big Game Sunday ( High School Sports Special ` Moone Boy 3 Cowboys Postgame Show 5 The King of Queens 7 Tras la Verdad ; Anger Management = Programa Pagado A Friends G Pelicula “El Miedo no Anda en Burro” Una anciana es envenenada por sus ambiciosos parientes. (1976, Comedia) María Elena Velasco, Eleazar García. Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 7 $ Access Hollywood % In Depth With Graham Bensinger ( Scandal ` Are You Being Served? 3 The Good Wife 5 The King of Queens ; The Office = Programa Pagado A Friends N Elevate Life BET BET’s Weekend Inspiration ESPN SportsCenter FAM Dr. David Jeremiah USA Modern Family Relationships Email Questions to: [email protected] Download a copy of Mrs. Kesha Love’s Ebook Love & Relationships at www.bluebookmilwaukee.com 11:32 P.M. TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect Mrs. Kesha Love Lack of Trust In A Relationship Your Relationship and Lack of Trust Love can't exist without trust. If one person within the relationship constantly feels as though the other is sneaking around or hiding secrets, or perhaps has even been caught being unfaithful, this can damage the trust in a relationship. Mutual trust can be a strong basis for a healthy relationship. When that trust is breached, not only does one partner feel betrayed, disappointed and cheated, but the other partner can often feel enormous guilt. \ These negative emotions can lead to other problems within the relationship, including communication problems and insecurity. Building and earning another person's trust and respect takes time, especially after catching your partner out on something major, like an affair or a significant lie. Only you can know whether you're prepared to forgive a major breach in trust. If you do decide to work on mending the relationship you should also be prepared not to throw the indiscretion back in the other person's face at every opportunity. When you've told your partner you're willing to forgive what's happened, but then immediately make them feel bad for it all over again at every opportunity, you're holding a grudge, which can break down any work you've done towards trying to fix your relationship. Mending the Rift If the trust in your relationship has been destroyed, trying to cling to your partner or not let them out of your sight is not going to make things better. You'll end up smothering the other person and making them feel suffocated. Your own fears about them repeating the problem are creating even less trust, which can spiral into a vicious cycle. Holding a grudge and reminding your partner about their behavior regularly is also a sign that you're not willing to forgive and move on. Your partner may begin to feel as though it's all too hard if you're not willing to work on more positive ways to get through a bad patch. Communication and understanding are vital when you're trying to mend a breach in trust. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt. If he or she is truly sorry for the behavior and seems honestly regretful about it, then there's a chance that it was a mistake and won't be repeated. However, there are some occasions where it may be possible to consider if you want to remain in the relationship at all. Only you can know if you're willing to forgive a breach of trust. N FAM Joel Osteen Q Pelicula “The Spirit” Un policía novato revive para pelear contra el crimen. (2008, Acción) Gabriel Macht, Samuel L. Jackson. ¥ Cold Case BET Rev. Peter Popoff CNBC Supermarkets Inc: Inside a $500 Billion Money Machine CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown E! Total Divas FNC FOX News Special MSNBC Lockup: Raw OXY Snapped SPIKE Bar Rescue USA Modern Family WGN-A Manhattan 11:02 P.M. TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect 11:30 P.M. ^ The Blessed Life DAYTIME LISTINGS REFER HERE EACH MORNING FOR DAYTIME LISTINGS 7:00 A.M. ^ Life Today $ Good Day at 7AM % Today ( Good Morning America ` Cyberchase 3 CBS This Morning 5 Supreme Justice With Judge Karen Mills ; T SPIKE TRUTV Paid Program = Safari Tracks A Eye Opener DFW N The Mark Davis Morning Show Q Rebelde Z Walk in the Word ¥ Through the Bible With Les Feldick (Mon-Thu) Dragon (Fri) BET Real Husbands of Hollywood E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) E! News Special (Wed) The Soup (Thu) ESPN SportsCenter (Tue-Fri) FAM That ’70s Show FX Movie (Fri) “Mimic 2” LIFE Unsolved Mysteries (Mon-Wed, Fri) Project Runway (Thu) SYFY Scare Tactics (Mon, Thu-Fri) Carvers (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) TBS The King of Queens TNT Charmed USA Movie (Mon) “Robin Hood” USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A Life Today With James Robison 7:30 A.M. ^ The Gospel Truth With Andrew Wommack ` WordGirl 5 Supreme Justice With Judge Karen Mills ; TRUTV Paid Program = Noticiero Con Enrique Gratas T Mamá Mirabelle (Mon-Tue) Toot y Puddle (Wed-Thu) Como se Hacen las Cosas (Fri) Z Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life ¥ International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (Mon, Wed) Paid Program (Tue) Through the Bible With Les Feldick (Thu) Guess With Jess (Fri) BET Real Husbands of Hollywood E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) E! Entertainment Specials (Thu) FAM That ’70s Show OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE Shaun T’s Focus T25 (Mon) Paid Program (TueFri) SYFY Movie (Mon) “Ghouls” (Fri) “Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines” SYFY Scare Tactics (Thu) TBS The King of Queens WGN-A Paid Program (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Getting More Out Of Medicare (Wed) 8:00 A.M. ^ Larry and Tiz Huch (Mon) Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! (Tue) Time of Grace (Wed) The Jewish Jesus (Thu) Jonathan Bernis: Jewish Voice (Fri) ` Wild Kratts 5 The People’s Court ; The Dr. Oz Show = Película A Jerry Springer Q Laura T Minuto Para Ganar Z Creflo Dollar ¥ Paid Program (Mon-Thu) Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs (Fri) BET Family Feud CNBC Squawk on the Street CNN CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) ESPN SportsCenter FAM The Middle FNC America’s Newsroom FX Movie (Mon) “The Animal” (Wed) “Cold Creek Manor” LIFE Frasier (Mon-Wed, Fri) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC The Daily Rundown OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE Movie (Mon) “Twister” SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Bar Rescue (Thu) Gangland (Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) SYFY Movie (Thu) “Pulse” TBS Movie (Mon) “Eurotrip” (Tue) “Head of State” (Wed) “Just Married” (Thu) “Land of the Lost” (Fri) “I Love You, Man” TNT Supernatural TRUTV Disorder in the Court (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue-Fri) USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A Walker, Texas Ranger 8:30 A.M. ^ Today With Marilyn and Sarah ` Wild Kratts Z John Hagee Today ¥ Paid Program (Mon-Thu) Timothy Goes to School (Fri) BET Family Feud E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) E! Movie (Thu) “Get Him to the Greek” FAM 700 Club Interactive FX Movie (Tue) “Anger Management” LIFE Frasier (Mon-Wed, Fri) OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Bar Rescue (Thu) 9:00 A.M. ^ Jerry Savelle (Mon) Jack Van Impe Presents (Tue) Larry and Tiz Huch (Wed) BGEA Always Good News (Thu) The Jewish Jesus (Fri) $ Live! With Kelly and Michael ( Good Morning Texas ` Curious George 3 Let’s Make a Deal 5 Dr. Phil ; FAM The 700 Club A The Bill Cunningham Show G Acceso Total N Flip My Food With Chef Jeff Q Casos de Familia T Actitud Femenina Z Joseph Prince ¥ Getting More Out Of Medicare (Mon) Paid Program (Tue-Thu) My Friend Rabbit (Fri) BET The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air CNN CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) ESPN SportsCenter FX Movie (Thu) “Mimic 2” (Fri) “Darkness Falls” LIFE Frasier (Mon-Wed, Fri) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC José Díaz-Balart OXY My Wife and Kids SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Gangland (Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) TNT Supernatural TRUTV Disorder in the Court (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue-Fri) USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) NCIS (Wed) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A Walker, Texas Ranger 9:30 A.M. ^ Joseph Prince ` Curious George G Flor Salvaje N Intelligence for Your Life T Hágalo Simple Z This Is Your Day ¥ Paid Program (Mon-Tue, Thu) Getting More Out Of Medicare (Wed) Babar (Fri) BET The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) LIFE Frasier (Mon-Wed, Fri) OXY My Wife and Kids (Mon-Thu) America’s Next Top Model (Fri) SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Bar Rescue (Thu) SYFY Movie (Mon) “Boogeyman” (Fri) “The Dead” 8 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 Courses Offered: ü Nurse Aide Training Referral Fee $25 or $100 ALPHA ü Medication Aide Training ü Medical Assistant Training ü CPR Training ü First Aide Training Medical Institute Training Experts for the Future FREE TRAINING! FREE TRAINING! Accounting Programs* ü Prevention & Management of Aggressive Behavior ü Computer and Information System Management Program ü Computer Networking and *for those who qualify 7441 Marvin D. Love Freeway Suite 309, Dallas, TX 75237 Phone: 214-676-5154 or Email: [email protected] Dr. Susan Daniels, President Engineering Administration ü Accounting Programs 972-283-6702 CALL US NOW! Please visit our website www.alphamedicalinstitutetx.com 10:00 A.M. ^ Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! (Mon) Jonathan Bernis: Jewish Voice (Tue-Wed) Charles Capps (Thu) Barry Segal: Vision for Israel (Fri) $ The Wendy Williams Show ( The View ` Dinosaur Train 3 The Price Is Right 5 Rachael Ray 7 Como Dice el Dicho ; RightThisMinute = Don Cheto A The Steve Wilkos Show N The Broadcast Q Tu Día Alegre T A Corazón Abierto Z Kenneth Copeland ¥ Movie (Mon) “Akeelah and the Bee” (Tue) “Dead Calm” (Wed) “10,000 B.C.” (Thu) “Risky Business” ¥ Rookie Blue (Fri) BET Movie (Mon) “I Will Follow” (Tue) “The Janky Promoters” (Wed) “Held Up” (Thu) “Carmen: A Hip Hopera” (Fri) “The Little Richard Story” CNBC Squawk Alley CNN At This Hour With Berman and Michaela E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) E! Entertainment Specials (Wed) ESPN SportsCenter FAM Gilmore Girls FNC Happening Now FX Movie (Mon) “The Amazing Spider-Man” LIFE Frasier (Mon-Wed, Fri) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC NewsNation OXY Movie (Mon) “Sleepless in Seattle” OXY Nail’d It (Tue) My Wife and Kids (Wed) Snapped (Thu) SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Gangland (Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) SYFY Movie (Thu) “The Haunting in Connecticut” TBS America’s Funniest Home Videos TNT Supernatural TRUTV Black Gold (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue) Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) Container Wars (Fri) USA NCIS: Los Angeles (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) NCIS (Wed) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 10:30 A.M. ^ Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life ` Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood ; RightThisMinute Z Drive Through History (Mon) It’s Supernatural With Sid Roth (Tue) The Word in the World (Wed) Unfolding Majesty With Dean & Mary Brown (Thu) Best of Praise the Lord (Fri) E! Saved by the Bell (Mon, Fri) FX Movie (Tue) “Click” FX How I Met Your Mother (Wed) LIFE Frasier (Mon-Wed, Fri) OXY Snapped (Wed) America’s Next Top Model (Fri) SPIKE Movie (Mon) “The Fast and the Furious” SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Bar Rescue (Thu) TRUTV Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Container Wars (Fri) 11:00 A.M. ^ Marcus and Joni $ The Real % NBC 5 Today at 11:00am ( The Chew ` Sesame Street 3 CBS11 at 11 5 The Doctors 7 Cosita Linda ; Divorce Court = A Que No Puedes VIP A Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court G India, Una Historia de Amor N Fix It & Finish It (Mon, Thu-Fri) Take Charge Parenting (Tue) Taste Texas (Wed) Q Laura T Las Santísimas Z Always Good News (Mon) Billy Graham Classic Crusades (Tue) Creation in the 21st Century (Wed) Education: A Higher Calling (Thu) ¥ Rookie Blue (Fri) CNBC Fast Money Halftime Report CNN Legal View With Ashleigh Banfield E! E! News Weekend (Mon) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) E! News (Wed-Fri) ESPN SportsCenter FAM Gilmore Girls FNC Outnumbered FX How I Met Your Mother (Wed) FX Movie (Thu) “Darkness Falls” (Fri) “The Strangers” LIFE How I Met Your Mother (Mon-Wed, Fri) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports OXY Bad Girls Club: Chicago (Tue) Snapped (Thu) SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Gangland (Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) TBS American Dad (Mon) The Cleveland Show (Tue-Fri) TNT Castle (Mon) Bones (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Black Gold (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue) Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) Container Wars (Fri) USA NCIS: Los Angeles (Mon) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) NCIS (Wed) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A In the Heat of the Night 11:30 A.M. 3 The Young and the Restless ; Divorce Court A Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Lake’s Paternity Court (Wed) N Bewitched Z Bill & Gloria Gaither: Precious Memories (Mon) ProClaim (Wed) Building a Difference (Thu) FX How I Met Your Mother (Wed) LIFE How I Met Your Mother (Mon-Wed, Fri) OXY Snapped (Wed) America’s Next Top Model (Fri) SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Bar Rescue (Thu) SYFY Movie (Mon) “Birth” TBS American Dad (Mon) The Cleveland Show (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Container Wars (Fri) AFTERNOON 12:00 P.M. ^ Reflections (Mon) John Paul Jackson (Tue) The Jim Bakker Show (Wed) Sam Adeyemi (Thu) Larry and Tiz Huch (Fri) $ Fox 4 News at Noon % Days of our Lives ( Midday News ` Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood 5 America’s Court With Judge Ross 7 Hoy ; Judge Judy = Película A Family Feud N I Dream of Jeannie Q Casos de Familia T La Vida Sigue Z Dr. Caroline Leaf (Tue) Inside the Trinity Family of Networks (Wed-Fri) Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 9 FX How I Met Your Mother (Mon-Tue, Thu) Anger Management (Wed) Two and a Half Men (Fri) LIFE Grey’s Anatomy (Mon, Wed, Fri) True Tori (Tue) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC The Reid Report OXY Bad Girls Club: Chicago (Tue) Preachers of L.A. (Thu) SPIKE Movie (Mon) “2 Fast 2 Furious” SPIKE Ink Master (Tue) Cops (Wed, Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) TBS Family Guy TNT Castle (Mon) Bones (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Black Gold (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue) Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) Container Wars (Fri) USA NCIS (Mon, Wed) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A Law & Order 1:30 P.M. Maranatha Hair Braiding and Dreadlock 9550 Forest Lane, Located Inside Building 7, Suite 722 Dallas, TX 75243 “OPEN DOORS AND COME IN” $20 OFF 469-579-9988 Ask for Beauty Mon-Tues-Wed Open 7 Days: 8am-8pm Sunday by Appointment FREE HAIR $10 OFF Thurs-Fri-Sat Specializing In All Kind of Braids - Dreadlocks & Weaving - Men - Women - Children ¥ Flashpoint (Mon) Criminal Minds (Tue) Rookie Blue (Wed-Fri) BET Movie (Mon) “Why Did I Get Married Too?” (Fri) “Sparkle” CNBC Power Lunch CNN Wolf E! Sex and the City (Mon, Wed-Thu) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue, Fri) ESPN SportsCenter FAM The Middle FNC Happening Now FX How I Met Your Mother (Wed) LIFE Grey’s Anatomy (Mon, Wed, Fri) How I Met Your Mother (Tue) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC Ronan Farrow Daily OXY Bad Girls Club: Chicago (Tue) Snapped (Thu) SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) Gangland (Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) Stephen King’s Rose Red (Thu) SYFY Movie (Fri) “Zombie Night” TBS Family Guy (Mon) American Dad (Tue-Fri) TNT Castle (Mon) Bones (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Black Gold (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue) Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) Container Wars (Fri) USA NCIS (Mon, Wed) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A WGN Midday News 12:30 P.M. ^ Jesus Calls (Mon) Larry and Tiz Huch (Tue) Jonathan Bernis: Jewish Voice (Thu) Reflections (Fri) $ TMZ ` Caillou 3 The Bold and the Beautiful 5 Justice With Judge Mablean ; Judge Judy A Family Feud N Designing Women Z Jewish Voice (Mon) Turning Point (Tue) Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life (Wed) Lifestyle Magazine (Thu) I Will Bless the Lord at All Times (Fri) BET Movie (Tue) “Johnson Family Vacation” (Wed) “Friday After Next” (Thu) “Beauty Shop” E! Sex and the City (Mon, Wed-Thu) FAM The Middle FX Anger Management (Wed) LIFE How I Met Your Mother (Tue) OXY Movie (Mon) “When Harry Met Sally...” (Fri) “A Raisin in the Sun” OXY Snapped (Wed) SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares (Tue) Cops (Wed) SPIKE Movie (Thu) “The Bourne Identity” TBS Family Guy (Mon) American Dad (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Container Wars (Fri) 1:00 P.M. ^ BGEA Always Good News (Mon) Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! (Tue-Wed, Fri) Larry and Tiz Huch (Thu) $ Dish Nation % The Meredith Vieira Show ( General Hospital ` Thomas & Friends 3 The Talk 5 Judge Mathis 7 La Rosa de Guadalupe ; Divorce Court A Maury G Lo Mejor de Caso Cerrado N Mad About You Q Pelicula (Mon) “Never Back Down” (Tue) “The Fighter” (Wed) “Romeo Must Die” (Thu) “6 Bullets” (Fri) “Base 2” T El Día de la Suerte Z Life Today With James Robison ¥ Flashpoint (Mon) Criminal Minds (Tue) Rookie Blue (Wed-Fri) CNBC Street Signs CNN CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin E! Sex and the City (Mon, Wed-Thu) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue, Fri) ESPN NFL PrimeTime (Mon) SportsCenter (Tue-Fri) FAM Reba FNC The Real Story With Gretchen Carlson ^ Today With Marilyn and Sarah $ Access Hollywood ` Sesame Street ; Divorce Court N Just Shoot Me Z Live From Holy Land (Mon) Max Lucado (Tue) Call2All (Wed) Max Lucado: You’ll Get Through This (Thu) AHA - Awakening, Honesty, Action (Fri) E! Sex and the City (Mon, Wed-Thu) ESPN College Football Live (Tue-Fri) FAM Reba FX How I Met Your Mother (Mon-Tue, Thu) Two and a Half Men (Wed, Fri) OXY Nail’d It (Wed) SPIKE Cops (Wed, Fri) SYFY Movie (Mon) “The Revenant” TBS Family Guy TRUTV Lizard Lick Towing (Wed) Container Wars (Fri) 2:00 P.M. ^ Joseph Prince $ The Dr. Oz Show % Steve Harvey ( The Insider ` Peg Plus Cat 3 The Queen Latifah Show 5 The People’s Court 7 Quiero Amarte ; Dish Nation = El Show de Lagrimita y Costel A The Steve Wilkos Show G Suelta la Sopa N The Steve Harvey Show T Corazones Blindados Z The 700 Club ¥ Flashpoint (Mon) Criminal Minds (Tue) Rookie Blue (Wed-Fri) CNBC Closing Bell CNN CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin E! Sex and the City (Mon, Wed-Thu) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) ESPN NFL Insiders FAM Reba FNC Shepard Smith Reporting FX How I Met Your Mother (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Two and a Half Men (Wed) LIFE Grey’s Anatomy (Mon, Wed, Fri) True Tori (Tue) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC The Cycle OXY Nail’d It (Tue) OXY Movie (Thu) “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” SPIKE Ink Master (Tue) Cops (Wed, Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) Stephen King’s Rose Red (Thu) SYFY Movie (Fri) “Rise of the Zombies” TBS Robot Chicken TNT Castle (Mon) Bones (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Storage Hunters (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue, Fri) South Beach Tow (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) USA NCIS (Mon, Wed) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A Law & Order TBS Robot Chicken 2:15 P.M. 2:30 P.M. ^ Gary Keesee - Fixing the Money Thing ( Inside Edition ` Sid the Science Kid ; TMZ N Judge Faith BET Real Husbands of Hollywood (Wed) E! Sex and the City (Mon, Thu) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Fri) E! Movie (Wed) “Ocean’s Eleven” ESPN Mike and Mike’s NFL Rank (Tue) FAM Reba FX How I Met Your Mother (Mon, Thu-Fri) Anger Management (Tue) Mike & Molly (Wed) OXY Movie (Mon) “The Fugitive” OXY Preachers of L.A. (Wed) SPIKE Cops (Wed, Fri) TBS Childrens Hospital TRUTV Storage Hunters (Mon) South Beach Tow (Wed) 2:45 P.M. TBS Childrens Hospital 10 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 Big Boys Big Boys Beer & Wine & Grocery Beer & Wine & Grocery 3500 E Illinois Ave Dallas TX 75216 | 214-254-8394 Kids Special 8pc Pizza Rolls w/ fries $2.99 2 Corn Dogs w/ fries $1.35 After School Special All Chips Big Boyz Special 3 for $1 2 Hamburgers, 1 Large Fries, 2 Sodas $6.75 Big Boyz Vapors, Goodtimes HD, Cigs, Juice Detox, 2 pc Dark Chicken $1.89 Frito Pie $2.00 Vapor Cigs, E-Cigs 3:00 P.M. ^ Mission Feeding (Mon) Reflections (Tue) John Paul Jackson (Wed) Stella’s Voice (Thu) Sam Adeyemi (Fri) $ TMZ Live % The Ellen DeGeneres Show ( Family Feud ` Curious George 3 Dr. Phil 5 Hot Bench 7 El Gordo y la Flaca ; RightThisMinute = Estrellas Hoy A The Bill Cunningham Show G Caso Cerrado N Judge Faith Q Las Muñecas de la Mafia T El Último Matrimonio Feliz Z John Hagee Today ¥ Flashpoint (Mon) Criminal Minds (Tue) Rookie Blue (Wed-Fri) BET The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper E! Sex and the City (Mon, Thu) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) ESPN NFL Live FAM Boy Meets World FNC Your World With Neil Cavuto FX How I Met Your Mother (Mon, Fri) Anger Management (Tue, Thu) Mike & Molly (Wed) LIFE Charmed (Mon, Wed, Fri) True Tori (Tue) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC NOW With Alex Wagner OXY Bad Girls Club: Chicago (Tue) SPIKE Ink Master (Tue) Cops (Wed, Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) TBS American Dad (Mon) Friends (Tue-Fri) TNT Castle TRUTV Storage Hunters (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue, Fri) South Beach Tow (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) USA NCIS (Mon, Wed) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Fri) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Thu) WGN-A Blue Bloods 3:30 P.M. ^ Bill Winston ( Family Feud ` Curious George 5 Hot Bench ; RightThisMinute N Intelligence for Your Life Z The Jewish Jesus (Mon) Education: A Higher Calling (Tue) Keith Craft (Wed) Redemption (Thu) The Higher Level - Dr. Chris Hill (Fri) BET The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air E! Sex and the City (Mon, Thu) E! Movie (Fri) “Ocean’s Eleven” FAM Boy Meets World FX How I Met Your Mother (Mon) Two and a Half Men (Tue, Fri) Mike & Molly (Wed) Anger Management (Thu) OXY Preachers of L.A. (Wed) SPIKE Movie (Mon) “A Man Apart” (Thu) “The Bourne Supremacy” SPIKE Cops (Wed, Fri) TBS American Dad (Mon) Friends (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Storage Hunters (Mon) South Beach Tow (Wed) 3:40 P.M. OXY Movie (Fri) “Baby Boy” 4:00 P.M. ^ Love a Child (Mon-Tue, Fri) Time for Hope (Wed) Mission Feeding (Thu) $ Judge Judy % NBC5 First at Four ( News 8 at 4 ` Arthur 3 CBS 11 News at 4PM 5 Judge Mathis 7 Primer Impacto ; The Real = Noticiero Estrella TV con Myrka Dellanos A Maury G Al Rojo Vivo con María Celeste N The Broadcast Q El Palenque T Noticias MundoFox Z Movie (Mon) “Jeremiah” (Tue) “Love’s Unfolding Dream” Z Best of Praise (Wed) Praise the Lord (Thu-Fri) ¥ Flashpoint (Mon) Criminal Minds (Tue) Rookie Blue (Wed-Fri) BET 106 & Park CNBC Fast Money CNN The Situation Room E! Total Divas (Mon) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) Sex and the City (Thu) ESPN Around the Horn FAM Boy Meets World (Mon, Wed-Thu) FAM Movie (Tue) “The Hunger Games” (Fri) “Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride” FNC The Five FX Two and a Half Men (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) Mike & Molly (Wed) LIFE Charmed (Mon, Wed, Fri) True Tori (Tue) Project Runway (Thu) MSNBC The Ed Show OXY Bad Girls Club: Redemption (Tue) SPIKE Ink Master (Tue) Cops (Wed, Fri) SYFY Movie (Mon) “Hostel Part II” (Fri) “Zombie Apocalypse” SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) Stephen King’s Rose Red (Thu) TBS American Dad (Mon) Friends (Tue-Fri) TNT Castle TRUTV Storage Hunters (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue, Fri) South Beach Tow (Wed) Top 20 Most Shocking (Thu) USA NCIS (Mon, Wed) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Thu-Fri) WGN-A Blue Bloods 4:30 P.M. ^ Benny Hinn $ Judge Judy ` Arthur T Noticias MundoFox con Rolando Nichols CNBC Options Action (Fri) E! Sex and the City (Thu) ESPN Pardon the Interruption FAM Boy Meets World (Mon, Wed-Thu) FX Two and a Half Men (Mon, Thu) Mike & Molly (Tue) FX Movie (Wed) “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” (Fri) “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” OXY Preachers of L.A. (Wed) SPIKE Cops (Wed, Fri) TBS American Dad (Mon) Friends (Tue-Fri) TRUTV Storage Hunters (Mon) South Beach Tow (Wed) 4:35 P.M. OXY Movie (Thu) “What a Girl Wants” 5:00 P.M. ^ Hour of Salvation (Mon) Guillermo Maldonado (Tue, Thu) Silas Malafaia (Wed) Zola Levitt Presents (Fri) $ Fox 4 News at 5 % NBC5 News at 5pm ( News 8 at 5 ` Wild Kratts 3 CBS 11 News at 5PM 5 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 7 Noticias 23 ; Are We There Yet? = Retofamosos A NewsFix G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 5pm N Access Hollywood Live (Mon, Thu-Fri) Q El Chavo T Allá te Espero Z Main Stage (Wed) ¥ Criminal Minds (Mon-Tue) Cold Case (Wed) Blue Bloods (Thu) Rookie Blue (Fri) BET The Real CNBC Mad Money E! Total Divas (Mon, Wed) Keeping Up With the Kardashians (Tue) Sex and the City (Thu) ESPN Monday Night Countdown (Mon) SportsCenter (Tue-Fri) FAM Boy Meets World (Mon, Thu) FAM Movie (Wed) “Beetlejuice” Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 11 NFL PICKS Games Steve 58-32-1 NY Jets vs Patriots Atlanta vs Ravens Vikings vs Buffalo Miami vs Chicago Saints vs Detroit Carolina vs Packers Bengals vs Indy Browns vs Jacksonville Seattle vs St. Louis Tennessee vs Washington Chiefs vs San Diego NY Giants vs Dallas Arizona vs Oakland 49ers vs Denver Houston vs Steelers Joe 59-32-1 Patriots Ravens Buffalo Chicago Detroit Carolina Indy Browns Seattle Washington San Diego Dallas Oakland Denver Steelers MR. THOM’S CLEANERS 4614 Malcolm X Blvd. ste 110 Dallas, TX 75215 (Next to Little World) Ph (972) 677-7694 or (214) 924-5826 Dan 51-39-1 Patriots Ravens Buffalo Chicago Detroit Packers Indy Browns Seattle Washington San Diego Dallas Arizona Denver Steelers Tone 52-38-1 Patriots Ravens Buffalo Chicago Detroit Packers Indy Browns Seattle Tennessee San Diego Dallas Arizona Denver Houston WHY USE MR. THOM’S? 1. Great management with great customer services. 2. We care about your clothing as a great value. 3. We do alterations, repairs, and leather cleaning. 4. Unlike some competitors, we have low prices. 5. We want to satisfy you with our services. 6. SAME DAY SERVICE. In by 9am, Out by 5:30pm. LET MR. 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FNC Special Report With Bret Baier FX Movie (Mon) “Kung Fu Panda” FX Mike & Molly (Tue, Thu) LIFE Movie (Mon) “Killers” (Wed) “Murder on the 13th Floor” LIFE True Tori (Tue) Project Runway (Thu) Wife Swap (Fri) MSNBC PoliticsNation OXY Movie (Mon) “The Premonition” OXY Bad Girls Club: Redemption (Tue) SPIKE Ink Master (Tue) Cops (Wed, Fri) SYFY Face Off (Tue) Ghost Hunters (Wed) TBS American Dad (Mon) Seinfeld (Tue-Fri) TNT Castle (Mon-Tue, Thu-Fri) TNT Movie (Wed) “Tower Heist” TRUTV Funniest Commercials of the Year: 2012 (Mon) World’s Dumbest... (Tue, Fri) South Beach Tow (Wed) truTV Top Funniest (Thu) USA NCIS (Mon, Wed) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (Tue, Thu-Fri) WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 5:30 P.M. ^ Creflo Dollar $ Fox 4 News at 5:30 % NBC Nightly News ( ABC World News Tonight With David Muir ` Wild Kratts 3 CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 5 Daytime Jeopardy 7 Noticiero Univisión ; Are We There Yet? A The Simpsons G Noticiero Telemundo N Take Charge Parenting (Tue) Taste Texas (Wed) Z Best of Praise (Mon-Tue) IBA News (Wed) CNN Crossfire E! Sex and the City (Thu) FAM Movie (Mon) “The Nightmare Before Christmas” FAM Melissa & Joey (Thu) FX Mike & Molly (Tue, Thu) OXY Movie (Wed) “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” SPIKE Cops (Wed, Fri) TBS American Dad (Mon) Seinfeld (Tue-Fri) TRUTV South Beach Tow (Wed) MONDAY OCTOBER 20, 2014 EVENING 6:00 P.M. Larry 51-39-1 Patriots Atlanta Vikings Chicago Detroit Packers Indy Browns Seattle Tennessee Chiefs Dallas Arizona Denver Houston NY JETS ATLANTA BUFFALO MIAMI SAINTS PACKERS INDY BROWNS SEATTLE WASHINGTON CHIEFS DALLAS ARIZONA 49ERS HOUSTON ^ Manna-Fest With Perry Stone $ Fox 4 News at 6 % NBC5 News at 6pm ( News 8 at 6 ` PBS NewsHour 3 CBS 11 News at 6PM 5 Jeopardy! 7 La Gata ; The Big Bang Theory = Rica Famosa Latina A Two and a Half Men G Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar N Designing Women Q Pelicula “The Fighter” La historia del boxeador “Irish” Micky Ward. (2010, Drama) Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale. T 100 Latinos Dijeron Z Rev. Samuel Rodriguez ¥ Criminal Minds BET Movie “Meet the Browns” A woman meets her late father’s uproarious family for the first time. (2008, ComedyDrama) Tyler Perry, Angela Bassett. CNBC The Profit CNN Erin Burnett OutFront E! E! News FNC On the Record With Greta Van Susteren MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews SPIKE Movie “The Fast and the Furious” An undercover cop infiltrates the world of street racing. (2001, Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. SYFY Movie “Saw: The Final Chapter” A Jigsaw survivor unleashes a new wave of terror. (2010, Horror) Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor. TBS American Dad TNT Castle TRUTV The Funniest Commercials of The Year: 2013 USA NCIS WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 6:30 P.M. ^ John Hagee Today $ Access Hollywood % Extra ( Entertainment Tonight 3 Wheel of Fortune 5 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ; Modern Family A Celebrity Name Game N Designing Women Z The Potter’s Touch TBS American Dad 7:00 P.M. ^ Rod Parsley $ Gotham % The Voice ( Dancing With the Stars ` Antiques Roadshow 3 The Big Bang Theory 5 ; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 7 Mi Corazón Es Tuyo = Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento A The Originals G Reina de Corazones N Cougar Town T Suleiman Z I Will Bless the Lord at All Times ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! Live from E! FAM Movie “The Hunger Games” In a dystopian society, teens fight to the death on live TV. (2012, Science Fiction) Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. FNC The O’Reilly Factor FX Movie “How to Train Your Dragon” Animated. A teenage Viking befriends an injured dragon. (2010, Fantasy) Voices of Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler. LIFE Movie “27 Dresses” A young woman is always a bridesmaid and never a bride. (2008, Romance-Comedy) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes OXY Snapped TBS American Dad TNT Castle TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA WWE Monday Night RAW WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 7:15 P.M. ESPN NFL Football Houston Texans at Pittsburgh Steelers. DE J.J. Watt tries to create havoc for Ben Roethlisberger when the Texans take on the Steelers. (Live) (N Subject to Blackout) 7:30 P.M. ^ Gateway Conference N Cougar Town Z On The Living Edge E! Movie “The Women” Betrayal strains the bond between two high-powered women. (2008, Comedy-Drama) Meg Ryan, Annette Bening. TBS American Dad 3 The Millers 7:31 P.M. 8:00 P.M. $ Sleepy Hollow ` Antiques Roadshow 3 Scorpion 12 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 Indie Connections NEW OFFICIAL ALBUMS AND MIXTAPES Throwbacks! Mixtape Wholesale Shop 4614 Malcolm X Blvd SUITE 180 DALLAS, TX *On The Hatcher Side Across From Lincoln High* WWW.BIGWEN.COM Specials Radio & Televisions Ads Contact Wen West at 214.421.0355 [email protected] Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 13 63<&(ª',9$ª6 63<&(ª',9$ ( ª6 SK_QG$YH SK_QG$YYH 63(&,$/78(:(' 78(:((' %$&.726&+22/63(&,$/6 %$&.726&+22/6 63(&,$/6 63(&,$/ 2)) 1 )(66,2 $/6(59,&(6 352 $1<33$,'6(5 $ 9,,&( $1<3$,'6(59,&( %($87<6+23 %($ $87<6+23 8 6W\OHV&XWV :DONLQ :DONLQV (\HODVKHV :HOFRPH &87$1'67<</( &87$1'67</( :$6+$1'6(7 :$6+$1'6(7 $ 48,&.:($9(XS 48,&.:($9(XS &/,33(56&87 &/,33(56 &87 +DLUFXWV XWV $FFHVVRULHV $FFHVVR RULHV &$//259,6,7285 :(%6,7()25 &855(173/$1 63(&,$/6 ; TBS The Big Bang Theory = Alarma TV A NewsFix G Señora de Acero N Married... With Children T Noticias MundoFox Z Movie “Love’s Unfolding Dream” A woman touches the lives of a matron and an attorney. (2007, Drama) Erin Cottrell, Dale Midkiff. ¥ Blue Bloods BET Movie “Johnson Family Vacation” A man takes his family on a disastrous road trip. (2004, Comedy) Cedric the Entertainer, Vanessa L. Williams. CNBC The Profit FNC Hannity FX Movie “How to Train Your Dragon” Animated. A teenage Viking befriends an injured dragon. (2010, Fantasy) Voices of Jay Baruchel, Gerard Butler. LIFE Movie “13 Going on 30” An uncool girl magically becomes a successful adult. (2004, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo. MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell OXY Snapped TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 9:01 P.M. ( Castle 9:02 P.M. TNT Major Crimes 9:30 P.M. ^ Joni Lamb Table Talk 5 How I Met Your Mother ; That ’70s Show = Noticiero Con Enrique Gratas N All in the Family T Noticias MundoFox con Rolando Nichols TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers 10:00 P.M. :($5(7+(+20(:$55$17<(;3(576 $+RPH:DUUDQW\ SURYLGHV\RXZLWKDQ HDV\FRQYHQLHQWDQG DIIRUGDEOHZD\WR UHVROYHPDQ\RIWKH FRPPRQUHSDLULVVXHV LQ\RXUKRPH:LWK \RXUKRPHZDUUDQW\ \RXRQO\QHHGWR FRQWDFWRQHFRPSDQ\ WRUHFHLYHPDQ\ GLIIHUHQWVHUYLFHV VDYLQJ\RXWLPHDQG IUXVWUDWLRQ$KRPH ZDUUDQW\FDQUHGXFH WKHRXWRISRFNHW H[SHQVHVIURP DSSOLDQFHRUV\VWHP EUHDNGRZQVWKDWZRXOG QRWRWKHUZLVHEH FRYHUHGE\\RXUKRPH RZQHU¶VLQVXUDQFH SROLF\VXFKDVIRU QRUPDOZHDUWHDU 0$1<3/$163$<0(17237,216$9$,/$%/( ^ Kenneth W. Hagin $ Fox 4 News at 10 % NBC5 News at 10PM ( News 8 Update ` Independent Lens 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 5 Mike & Molly 7 Noticias 23: Edición Nocturna ; That ’70s Show = Que Jalada A Celebrity Name Game G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Mad About You Q Contacto Deportivo T Asi es la Vida ¥ Blue Bloods CNBC The Profit CNN CNN Tonight E! E! News FAM The 700 Club FNC The O’Reilly Factor MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes OXY Snapped TBS Conan WGN-A Parks and Recreation 10:01 P.M. TRUTV World’s Funniest Animal Commercials TNT Law & Order 10:03 P.M. 10:05 P.M. USA Chrisley Knows Best 10:20 P.M. ESPN SportsCenter 5 Rules of Engagement 7 Hasta el Fin del Mundo ; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit = Noches con Platanito A Jane the Virgin G Los Miserables N Community Q Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal T Rastros de Mentiras Z Kingdom Connection Jentezen Franklin ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Shark Tank CNN Roots: Our Journeys Home FNC The Kelly File MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OXY Snapped SYFY Movie “Starve” Trapped pals fight for their lives in an abandoned school. (2014, Horror) Bobby Campo, Mariah Bonner. TBS American Dad TNT Castle TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 8:30 P.M. 5 Rules of Engagement N Community Z Jesse Duplantis BET Real Husbands of Hollywood SPIKE Movie “2 Fast 2 Furious” Two friends and a U.S. customs agent try to nail a criminal. (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese. TBS American Dad TRUTV Impractical Jokers 8:59 P.M. 3 NCIS: Los Angeles 9:00 P.M. ^ Jesse Duplantis $ Fox 4 News at 9 % The Blacklist ` Great Estates Scotland 5 How I Met Your Mother 7 La Malquerida 10:30 P.M. ^ Kenneth Copeland $ Modern Family 5 Mike & Molly ; Anger Management = Secretos A Two and a Half Men N Just Shoot Me Z Best of Praise SYFY Movie “Hellboy” The son of the devil fights paranormal creatures. (2004, Fantasy) Ron Perlman, John Hurt. WGN-A Parks and Recreation 10:34 P.M. % The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. ( Jimmy Kimmel Live 3 Late Show With David Letterman 7 Noticiero Univisión: Edición Nocturna G Titulares y Más USA Chrisley Knows Best 11:00 P.M. ^ Life Today $ TMZ ` Nature 5 The King of Queens 7 La Que No Podía Amar ; Anger Management 14 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 6RXWK'DOODV&DIp 6R RXWK'DOOD ODV&DIp ³35(0,(5+20(67</(&22.,1*´ ³3 35(0,(5+20(6 67</(&22.,1*´ &$7(5,1*$9$,/$%/( &$ $7 7(5,1* $9$,/$%/( $ D\ :HHNG O 6SHFLD + /81& 5 ( ',11 12:6(59,1*%5($.)$67$0$0 12: : 6(5 59,1* 9 *%5($.) )$ $67$0$0 0$5 0$59,1'/29():< 59,1'/ 9 29():< < &RUQHURI&DPS:LVGRP & &RUQHURI&DP PS :LVGRP '$//$67; '$ $//$6 7; 6287+' 6287+'$//$6&$)(&20 '$//$6&$)(&20 0216$ $7$030 0681$030 0216$7$030681$030 681'$< 681 1'$ $< 021'$< 021'$ $< 78(6'$< 78(6'$ $< :('1(6'$< :('1(6' '$ $< 7+856'$< 7+856'$ $< )5,'$< )5,' '$ $< 6$785'$< 6$ $7 785'$ $< 3RW5R 3RW5RDVW RDVW Z9HJHWDEOHV Z9HJHWDEOHV %DNHG7XUNH\:LQJV %DNHG G 7XUNH\:LQJV %DNHG&KLFNHQ %DNHG 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Camp Wisdom I-20 LONE STAR TIRES & WHEELS S. Cockrell Hill Rd. W. Red Bird 4354 W. Camp Wisdom Dallas, TX 75237 Ph. 972-780-5555 FREE TIRE ROTATION WITH OIL CHANGE OIL CHANGE $25 A/C Service synthetic blend (most cars) Starting at USED TIRES $40 $20 & Up 20" Rims & Tires $850 Alignments $50 (most cars) & Up ALIGNMENT OIL CHANGE BRAKES STATE INSPECTIONS AND MINOR REPAIRS LAY-A-WAY AVAILABLE = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond G Los Miserables N Forensic Files Q El Chivo T El Albergue Z Joel Osteen ¥ Blue Bloods BET The Wendy Williams Show CNBC Restaurant Startup CNN Roots: Our Journeys Home E! Live from E! FAM Movie “The Haunted Mansion” A man and his family encounter ghosts in an old house. (2003, Comedy) Eddie Murphy, Terence Stamp. FNC The Kelly File FX Movie “Click” An architect’s new remote controls his universe. (2006, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale. MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OXY Movie “The Premonition” An imprisoned killer foretells a bomber’s acts. (1999, Suspense) Burt Reynolds, Bruce Dern. SPIKE Movie “A Man Apart” A DEA agent searches for his wife’s murderer. (2003, Crime Drama) Vin Diesel, Larenz Tate. TBS Cougar Town WGN-A Parks and Recreation 11:02 P.M. LIFE Movie “27 Dresses” A young woman is always a bridesmaid and never a bride. (2008, Romance-Comedy) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. TRUTV truTV Top Funniest 11:03 P.M. TUESDAY OCTOBER 21, 2014 EVENING 6:00 P.M. ^ Reflections $ Fox 4 News at 6 % NBC5 News at 6pm ( News 8 at 6 ` PBS NewsHour 3 CBS 11 News at 6PM 5 Jeopardy! 7 La Gata ; The Big Bang Theory = Rica Famosa Latina A Two and a Half Men G Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar N Designing Women Q Pelicula “Romeo Must Die” Un gángster asiático y uno de color riñen por un territorio. (2000, Acción) Jet Li, Aaliyah. T 100 Latinos Dijeron Z The Supernatural Now: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado ¥ Criminal Minds BET Real Husbands of Hollywood CNBC The Profit CNN America’s Choice 2014 E! E! News FNC On the Record With Greta Van Susteren FX Mike & Molly LIFE True Tori MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews OXY Bad Girls Club: Redemption SPIKE Ink Master SYFY Face Off TBS Seinfeld TNT Castle TRUTV World’s Dumbest... USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos N Designing Women Z The Potter’s Touch BET Real Husbands of Hollywood ESPN College Football Playoff: Top 25 FX Movie “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” Abraham Lincoln wages a secret battle against the undead. (2012, Action) Benjamin Walker, Dominic Cooper. TBS Seinfeld 7:00 P.M. ^ Rod Parsley $ 2014 World Series Game One: Teams TBA. (Live) ’ (N) % The Voice ( Selfie ` Finding Your Roots With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. 3 NCIS 5 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 7 Mi Corazón Es Tuyo ; Law & Order: Criminal Intent = Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento A The Flash G Reina de Corazones N Cougar Town T Suleiman Z Inside the Trinity Family of Networks ¥ Criminal Minds BET Movie “Friday After Next” Two cousins land jobs as security guards at a shopping mall. (2002, Comedy) Ice Cube, Mike Epps. CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! Live from E! ESPN E:60 FAM Pretty Little Liars FNC The O’Reilly Factor LIFE To Be Announced MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes OXY Bad Girls Club: Redemption SPIKE Ink Master SYFY Face Off TBS The Big Bang Theory TNT NBA Preseason Basketball Houston Rockets at Miami Heat. From the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (Live) (N) TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos TIRES & WHEELS FREE TIRE ROTATION WITH OIL CHANGE TNT Law & Order 11:05 P.M. USA NCIS: Los Angeles 11:30 P.M. ^ Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life $ Dish Nation 5 The King of Queens ; The Office = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond N Forensic Files Z Manna-Fest With Perry Stone E! E! News TBS Conan WGN-A Parks and Recreation 11:36 P.M. % Late Night With Seth Meyers 11:37 P.M. ( Nightline 3 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson 6:30 P.M. ^ John Hagee Today $ World Series Pregame % Extra ( Entertainment Tonight 3 Wheel of Fortune 5 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ; Modern Family A Celebrity Name Game 7:30 P.M. ^ Gateway Conference ( Manhattan Love Story N Cougar Town Z Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life E! Movie “Ocean’s Eleven” A suave ex-con assembles a team to rob a casino vault. (2001, Comedy-Drama) George Clooney, Matt Damon. TBS The Big Bang Theory 16 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family 8:00 P.M. ( Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. ` Makers 3 NCIS: New Orleans 5 Rules of Engagement 7 Hasta el Fin del Mundo ; Law & Order: Criminal Intent = Noches con Platanito A Supernatural G Los Miserables N Community Q Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal T Rastros de Mentiras Z Joseph Prince ¥ Criminal Minds CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN Special Report ESPN 30 for 30 FAM Freak Out Special 1 FNC The Kelly File LIFE True Tori MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OXY Nail’d It SPIKE Ink Master SYFY Face Off TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family WGN-A Movie “The Mexican” A mob lackey goes to Mexico to retrieve a priceless antique. (2001, ComedyDrama) Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts. % Marry Me HELP WANTED! SALES ASSOCIATE EARN TOP $$$ CALL 469-877-4385 PART-TIME HRS, FULL-TIME PAY WORK FROM HOME, EARN TOP $$$ WILL TRAIN, MUST HAVE VEHICLE Looking For A Dentist? We Can Help... Family & Cosmetic Denstistry 8:01 P.M. Dental Surgery Cosmetic Dentistry Veneers Extraction Root Canals Wisdom Teeth 8:30 P.M. % About a Boy 5 Rules of Engagement N Community Z Steven Furtick TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family 9:00 P.M. ^ Joel Osteen ( Forever ` Frontline 5 How I Met Your Mother 7 La Malquerida ; TBS The Big Bang Theory = Alarma TV A NewsFix G Señora de Acero N Married... With Children T Noticias MundoFox Z Praise the Lord ¥ Criminal Minds BET Real Husbands of Hollywood CNBC The Profit FAM Pretty Little Liars FNC Hannity FX Sons of Anarchy LIFE Kim of Queens MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell OXY Bad Girls Club: Redemption SPIKE Ink Master SYFY Town of the Living Dead TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect USA Chrisley Knows Best 9:01 P.M. % Chicago Fire 3 Person of Interest 9:30 P.M. 5 How I Met Your Mother ; That ’70s Show = Noticiero Con Enrique Gratas N All in the Family T Noticias MundoFox con Rolando Nichols BET Real Husbands of Hollywood ESPN SportsCenter SYFY Town of the Living Dead TBS The Big Bang Theory TNT NBA Preseason Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Golden State Warriors. From Oracle Arena in Oakland, Calif. (Live) (N) TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect 9:31 P.M. USA Chrisley Knows Best 10:00 P.M. ^ John Hagee Today $ Fox 4 News at 10 % NBC5 News at 10PM ( News 8 Update ` Prohibition 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 5 Mike & Molly 7 Noticias 23: Edición Nocturna ; That ’70s Show = Que Jalada A Celebrity Name Game G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Mad About You www.smithfamilydentistrypa.com Q Contacto Deportivo T Asi es la Vida ¥ The Listener BET Real Husbands of Hollywood CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! E! News ESPN SportsCenter FAM The 700 Club FNC The O’Reilly Factor MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes OXY Bad Girls Club: Redemption SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares: Miami SYFY Face Off TBS Conan WGN-A Manhattan 10:01 P.M. LIFE True Tori TRUTV South Beach Tow USA Chrisley Knows Best 10:30 P.M. ^ Kenneth Copeland $ Modern Family 5 Mike & Molly ; Anger Management = Secretos A Two and a Half Men N Just Shoot Me BET Real Husbands of Hollywood FX Sons of Anarchy SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares: Miami 10:31 P.M. TRUTV South Beach Tow 10:32 P.M. USA Chrisley Knows Best 10:34 P.M. % The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. ( Jimmy Kimmel Live 3 Late Show With David Letterman 7 Noticiero Univisión: Edición Nocturna G Titulares y Más 11:00 P.M. Smith Family Dentistry 11910 Greenville Ave, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75243 (214) 503-6776 Preferred Provider for Most Insurance Companies = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond G Los Miserables N Forensic Files Q El Chivo T El Albergue Z Kim Clement ¥ The Listener BET The Wendy Williams Show CNBC Shark Tank CNN CNN Special Report E! Live from E! FAM Pretty Little Liars FNC The Kelly File MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OXY Nail’d It SPIKE Ink Master SYFY Town of the Living Dead TBS Cougar Town WGN-A Manhattan 11:02 P.M. LIFE To Be Announced TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 11:30 P.M. ^ Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life $ Dish Nation 5 The King of Queens ; The Office = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond N Forensic Files Z The Blessed Life E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians SYFY Town of the Living Dead TBS Conan 11:32 P.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 11:36 P.M. % Late Night With Seth Meyers 11:37 P.M. ( Nightline 3 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson ^ Life Today $ TMZ 5 The King of Queens 7 La Que No Podía Amar ; Anger Management Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 17 Healthy Living Email Questions to: [email protected] Download a copy of Janis & Victor’s Ebook - Ultimate Body Transformation at www.bluebookmilwaukee.com Janis & Victor Winfrey Nutrition Everyone Should Follow Nutrition is the latest buzzword, but what does it really entail? There are many websites dedicated to nutrition, some with completely contradicting information. How do you know what to do? The fact is that small changes often turn into surprising and delightful rewards that last, and this article is going to outline a few simple changes you can make. Bananas are a wonderful, natural energy bar. They contain a great deal of natural sugars to give you an immediate pick me up, but also have potassium for stamina and recovery after a workout. Replace your high sugar, meal replacements bars or energy bars with a banana. Instead of using additives that are very high in sugar, turn to honey. Honey is one of the best ingredients to use and is rich in minerals that support your body. Also, honey is low in fat and provides you with natural sugar, which is much better for success in your diet regime. Balance your daily diet against your body's composition. If you use a body fat scale, you can see what percentage of your weight is fat, muscle, and water. For optimum health, you want to keep a low body fat percentage. If yours is high, reduce the amount of fat in your diet. If your muscle mass percentage is high, consider increasing the amount of protein in your diet, to feed that muscle. Dairy products give us calcium and protein. But some people find cow's milk indigestible. For them there are alternatives: lactaid milk, goat's milk, and soy or rice 'milk.' Cultured dairy products such as buttermilk, sour cream and yogurt are especially high in nutrients and more digestible than milk. When it comes to nutrition, you want to make sure you are constantly keeping an eye on the latest information available to you. With science always learning new things about what is healthy and unhealthy for you, you want to try your best to always, be informed. You never know, something that you think could be helping you today could actually end up harming you in the future, so try your best to stay informed. Take some ideas from other countries when evaluating your nutrition. For centuries, other cultures have incorporated unusual and inventive ingredients that can be very good for you. Taking the time to research some of these ideas and finding the ingredients, can definitely add some spice to a potentially boring menu. Grow your own produce. You don't need much space to begin with, just a couple of pots on a deck, or a small area of your garden. This will provide you with fresh, flavorful additions to your meals. Beginners should start with peppers, tomatoes and herbs. Not only will you be eating the freshest produce possible, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you grew it yourself. Nutrition is a way of exploring a new and fascinating world of food. Eating well doesn't need to be bland, so try these simple ideas to propel your efforts further. Eating a balanced diet has many benefits, so it is the best way to approach a healthier lifestyle every day. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22, 2014 EVENING 6:00 P.M. ^ David Reagan $ Fox 4 News at 6 % NBC5 News at 6pm ( News 8 at 6 ` PBS NewsHour 3 CBS 11 News at 6PM 5 Jeopardy! 7 La Gata ; The Big Bang Theory = Rica Famosa Latina A Two and a Half Men G Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar N Designing Women Q Pelicula “6 Bullets” Mercenario debe rescatar a hija secuestrada de un luchador. (2012, Acción) Jean-Claude Van Damme, Joe Flanigan. T 100 Latinos Dijeron Z Billy Graham Classic Crusades ¥ Cold Case BET Movie “Beauty Shop” A determined hairstylist competes with her former boss. (2005, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Alicia Silverstone. CNBC The Profit CNN Erin Burnett OutFront E! E! News FNC On the Record With Greta Van Susteren MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews SPIKE Cops SYFY Ghost Hunters TBS Seinfeld TRUTV South Beach Tow USA NCIS WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 6:30 P.M. ^ John Hagee Today $ World Series Pregame % Extra ( Entertainment Tonight 3 Wheel of Fortune 5 Who Wants to Be Millionaire ; Modern Family A Celebrity Name Game N Designing Women ESPN NBA Countdown SPIKE Cops TBS Seinfeld TRUTV South Beach Tow a 7:00 P.M. Hayes SPIKE Cops SYFY Ghost Hunters TBS The Big Bang Theory TNT Movie “Law Abiding Citizen” A prosecutor gets caught up in a vengeful prisoner’s twisted scheme. (2009, Suspense) Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler. TRUTV South Beach Tow USA NCIS WGN-A Raising Hope 7:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M. ^ Marcus and Joni % Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ( Modern Family ` NOVA 3 Criminal Minds 5 Rules of Engagement 7 Hasta el Fin del Mundo ; The Walking Dead = Noches con Platanito A The 100 G Los Miserables N Community Q Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal T Rastros de Mentiras Z Joseph Prince ¥ Cold Case BET Real Husbands of Hollywood CNBC Shark Tank CNN Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It E! Total Divas FAM Freak Out Special 2 FNC The Kelly File MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OXY Preachers of L.A. SPIKE iMPACT Wrestling SYFY Ghost Hunters TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV South Beach Tow USA NCIS WGN-A Raising Hope 8:30 P.M. ^ Rod Parsley $ 2014 World Series Game Two: Teams TBA. (Live) ’ (N) % The Mysteries of Laura ( The Middle ` Texas Perspective: Water 3 Survivor 5 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 7 Mi Corazón Es Tuyo ; The Walking Dead = Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento A Arrow G Reina de Corazones N Cougar Town T Suleiman Z Inside the Trinity Family of Networks ¥ Cold Case CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! Live from E! ESPN NBA Preseason Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Memphis Grizzlies. From the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (Live) (N) FAM Melissa & Joey FNC The O’Reilly Factor FX Movie “Paranormal Activity 3” A haunting’s terrifying origin comes to light. (2011, Horror) Katie Featherston, Sprague Grayden. LIFE Movie “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself” A boozy singer finds a way to change her life. (2009, Comedy-Drama) Tyler Perry, Taraji P. Henson. MSNBC All In With Chris ^ Joni Lamb Table Talk ( The Goldbergs N Cougar Town Z Turning Point with David Jeremiah E! The Soup FAM Baby Daddy SPIKE Cops TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV South Beach Tow WGN-A Raising Hope 5 Rules of Engagement N Community Z Living By Faith BET BET Hip Hop Awards 2014 TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV South Beach Tow WGN-A Raising Hope ( blackish 8:31 P.M. 9:00 P.M. ^ Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! % Chicago PD ( Nashville ` How We Got to Now With Steven Johnson 3 Stalker 5 How I Met Your Mother 7 La Malquerida ; TBS The Big Bang Theory = Alarma TV A NewsFix G Señora de Acero N Married... With Children T Noticias MundoFox Z Praise the Lord ¥ Cold Case CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide CNN CNN Tonight E! The Soup FAM Melissa & Joey FNC Hannity FX American Horror Story: Freak Show MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell OXY Preachers of L.A. TNT Franklin & Bash TRUTV South Beach Tow USA NCIS WGN-A Raising Hope 9:30 P.M. ^ Dr Mike Murdock 5 How I Met Your Mother ; That ’70s Show = Noticiero Con Enrique Gratas N All in the Family T Noticias MundoFox con Rolando Nichols CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide E! The Soup ESPN NBA Preseason Basketball Phoenix Suns at Los Angeles Clippers. From Staples Center in Los Angeles. (Live) (N) FAM Baby Daddy TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV South Beach Tow WGN-A Raising Hope 10:00 P.M. ^ Zola Levitt Presents $ Fox 4 News at 10 % NBC5 News at 10PM ( News 8 Update ` Ultimate Restorations 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 5 Mike & Molly 7 Noticias 23: Edición Nocturna ; That ’70s Show = Que Jalada A Celebrity Name Game G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Mad About You Q Contacto Deportivo T Asi es la Vida ¥ Cold Case CNBC Shark Tank 18 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 Computer Repair The Kempkompany 3407 S. Lancaster Rd. Dallas Texas 75216 214-371-0266 or 469-556-7393 We Buy Pre-Owned Cellular Phones Computer Laptop Clean Up - Speed Up $39.95 Special Optimize & Improve your Computer Performance Virus Removal Junk Files Removed Disk Clean Up Temporary Files Removed Hard Drive Wipe Registry Cleaned Defragment Spyware Removed Antivirus Installation Available Recovery-Factory Restoration New Operating Systems Hardware Replacements Internet Problems T-Mobile Sprint Galaxy AT&T Verizon Blackberrys Iphones Smartphones Androids BLU Clean imei only* We Check All Cell Phones* FLASH CDMA UNLOCK GSM UNLOCK - JAILBREAK - FLASH - RESTORE - ROOT We Buy Pre-Owned Cellular Phones Pre-Paid Cellphone Cards “Pay Your Cell Phone Bill” T-Mobile AT&T Verizon Simple H2O Air Voice Tracphone Pageplus T-Mobile Activation $50.00 Unlimited Talk, Text & Web NO CONTRACT NO CREDIT CHECK EVERYONE APPROVED PagePlus Only $39.95 Unlimited Talk, Text, 2gb Web NO CONTRACT NO CREDIT CHECK EVERYONE APPROVED African Black Ant Super Hard Better than Viagra “All Natural” Cost Less than Cialis The Herbal Aphrodisiac for Men Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 19 10:30 P.M. ^ Kenneth Copeland $ Modern Family 5 Mike & Molly ; Anger Management = Secretos A Two and a Half Men N Just Shoot Me SYFY Town of the Living Dead WGN-A Raising Hope Business Email Questions to: [email protected] Download a copy of Mr. Donavan Van-Buffet’s Ebook - More Time More Money 100 Ways To Make More Money at www.bluebookmilwaukee.com 10:31 P.M. TRUTV South Beach Tow USA Partners in Crime 10:34 P.M. % The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. ( Jimmy Kimmel Live 3 Late Show With David Letterman 7 Noticiero Univisión: Edición Nocturna G Titulares y Más Mr. Donavan Van-Buffet Helpful Tips For Successfully Navigating Bankruptcy Are you way over your head in debt? Do you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place regarding your finances? The following article was written with you in mind, since it is filled with some good advice about bankruptcy. Take the time to read it and see if bankruptcy could be your way out. You should understand all that filing for personal bankruptcy implies before you consider this option. You should consider the type of debt that has caused you to consider filing. There are many debts that filing for bankruptcy will help eliminate, but there others that will remain such as student loans and funds that are owed to the IRS. If you have had to file for bankruptcy, you should assess the reasons why to make sure that you do not end up in that situation again. For example, if it was for paying too many bills late, you can set up automatic payments so you will not have that problem in the future. If you are being threatened by creditors you may avoid personal bankruptcy by working with a financial repair expert. Many times unpaid debts are paid upfront by these organizations, and the debt is then owed to the debt repair company. There is a fee for this, but this plan has less expense than going through bankruptcy. Take advantage of any opportunity you can to consult with a lawyer for free before considering filing for personal bankruptcy. Even if all the firms in your area want to charge you for an initial consultation with their lawyers, calling their receptionists and assistants is usually free. Even doing a minimal search like this can give you an intuitive indication on which firms are serious possibilities for your potential business, just based on your initial treatment. Many people do not know that student loans are not dischargeable debt under bankruptcy laws. Do not go into your bankruptcy thinking that your student loans will be discharged, because only in cases of extreme hardship are they considered. If the job you received from pursuing your degree will never allow you to pay off your debt, you may have a chance, but it is highly unlikely. Visit your primary care doctor for a complete physical prior to filing for bankruptcy. If you wait until after you begin the process, you will not be able to claim your medical bills on your bankruptcy. This is especially helpful if you do not have any kind of health insurance. Don't let bill collectors mislead you. When you discuss bankruptcy with some bill collectors, they may tell you that bankruptcy will not affect them, and you will still have to pay them. They are not being honest, all of your bills can be covered depending on the bankruptcy option that you fiel. After the completion of filing for bankruptcy, get to work reestablishing your credit score. Keep in mind that thirty-five percent of the credit score is calculated using payment history. Keep your payments on time, because you will have to battle the bankruptcy on your report for the next ten years. Continue to pay certain bills. Once you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you won't receive any more collection calls, and you may cease to receive certain bills. Remember that you are still under obligation to pay for your 'secured possessions', such as your home or vehicle, or you may lose them. Hopefully, this article has provided you with some answers to your questions. Most importantly, this article has shown you that you do have some options available. Now it is time for you to get up and get control of your finances. Keep this information in mind as you plan your next steps. CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! E! News FAM The 700 Club FNC The O’Reilly Factor FX American Horror Story: Freak Show MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes OXY Preachers of L.A. SPIKE Movie “The Bourne Identity” An amnesiac agent is marked for death after a botched hit. (2002, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente. SYFY Town of the Living Dead TBS Conan USA Partners in Crime WGN-A Raising Hope 10:01 P.M. TNT Franklin & Bash TRUTV South Beach Tow 10:02 P.M. LIFE To Be Announced 11:00 P.M. ^ Life Today $ TMZ ` Globe Trekker 5 The King of Queens 7 La Que No Podía Amar ; Anger Management = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond G Los Miserables N Forensic Files Q El Chivo T El Albergue Z Always Good News ¥ Cold Case BET The Wendy Williams Show CNBC Shark Tank CNN Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It E! Live from E! FAM Melissa & Joey FNC The Kelly File FX American Horror Story: Freak Show MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show OXY Preachers of L.A. SYFY Ghost Hunters TBS Cougar Town WGN-A Raising Hope 11:01 P.M. USA Movie “Faster” An ex-con begins a race against time to avenge his brother’s murder. (2010, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Billy Bob Thornton. 11:02 P.M. LIFE Movie TNT Law & Order TRUTV South Beach Tow 11:30 P.M. ^ Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life $ Dish Nation 5 The King of Queens ; The Office = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond N Forensic Files Z Jesse Duplantis E! Worst Thing I Ever Bought FAM Baby Daddy TBS Conan WGN-A Raising Hope 11:32 P.M. TRUTV South Beach Tow % Meyers 11:36 P.M. Late Night With 11:37 P.M. ( Nightline 3 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson THURSDAY OCTOBER 23, 2014 EVENING 6:00 P.M. ^ The Jewish Jesus $ Fox 4 News at 6 % NBC5 News at 6pm ( News 8 at 6 ` PBS NewsHour 3 CBS 11 News at 6PM 5 Jeopardy! 7 La Gata ; The Big Bang Theory = Rica Famosa Latina A Two and a Half Men G Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar N Designing Women Q Pelicula “Fire With Fire” Un bombero hace algo inesperado después de que un hombre lo amenaza. (2012, Acción) Josh Duhamel, Rosario Dawson. T 100 Latinos Dijeron Z Always Good News ¥ Blue Bloods BET Movie “Sparkle” A musical prodigy and her sisters reach for stardom. (2012, Drama) Jordin Sparks, Whitney Houston. CNBC American Greed CNN America’s Choice 2014 E! E! News ESPN Grantland Basketball Show FAM Baby Daddy FNC On the Record With Greta Van Susteren FX Mike & Molly LIFE Project Runway MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews SPIKE Movie “Casino Royale” James Bond plays poker with a man who finances terrorists. (2006, Action) Daniel Craig, Eva Green. SYFY Spartacus: Vengeance TBS Seinfeld TRUTV truTV Top Funniest USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos TNT Castle 6:30 P.M. ^ John Hagee Today $ Access Hollywood % Extra ( Entertainment Tonight 3 NFL Thursday Night Kickoff 5 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ; Modern Family A Celebrity Name Game N Designing Women Z The Potter’s Touch FAM Movie “Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride” Animated. A man weds a dead woman and sees the underworld. (2005, Fantasy) Voices of Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter. FX Mike & Molly TBS Seinfeld 7:00 P.M. ^ Rod Parsley $ Bones % The Biggest Loser ( Grey’s Anatomy ` Doc Martin 3 NFL Thursday Night Kickoff 5 USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 7 Mi Corazón Es Tuyo ; The Mentalist = Tengo Talento, Mucho Talento A The Vampire Diaries G Reina de Corazones N Cougar Town T Suleiman Z Inside the Trinity Family of Networks ¥ Blue Bloods CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! The E! True Hollywood Story ESPN College Football Miami at Virginia Tech. From Lane Stadium in Blacksburg, Va. (Live) (N) FNC The O’Reilly Factor FX Mike & Molly LIFE Project Runway MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A How I Met Your Mother TNT Castle Seth 6:01 P.M. 7:02 P.M. 7:05 P.M. SYFY Spartacus: Vengeance 7:10 P.M. OXY Movie “Freaky Friday” A woman and her daughter magically exchange bodies. (2003, Comedy) Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan. 7:25 P.M. 3 NFL Football San Diego Chargers at Denver Broncos. Philip Rivers and the Chargers visit Peyton Manning’s Broncos in a crucial AFC West matchup. (Live) (N) 7:30 P.M. ^ Joni Lamb Table Talk N Cougar Town Z Joel Osteen FX Mike & Molly TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 20 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY LAW <RXJHW SLOOV IRURQO\ Win...No Award / No Fee All Cases Considered Applications/Hearings/Appeals Immediate Access to Experienced Personnel We Strive For Quick Claim Approval Free Consultation CALL TODAY FOR IMMEDIATE HELP! (800) 901-4064 Bill Gordon & Associates is a nationwide practice limited to representing clients before the Social Security Administration. Bill Gordon is a member of the Texas & New Mexico Bar Associations. The attorneys at Bill Gordon & Associates work for quick approval of every case. Results in your case will depend on the unique facts and circumstances of your claim. 8:00 P.M. ^ Marcus and Joni $ Gracepoint % Bad Judge ( Scandal ` Midsomer Murders 5 Rules of Engagement 7 Hasta el Fin del Mundo ; The Mentalist = Noches con Platanito A Reign G Los Miserables N Community Q Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal T Rastros de Mentiras Z Joseph Prince ¥ Blue Bloods CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown E! The E! True Hollywood Story FNC The Kelly File FX Mike & Molly LIFE Project Runway MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A How I Met Your Mother TNT Castle 8:01 P.M. 8:10 P.M. SYFY Movie “Lost Souls” A writer learns he will be transformed into the Antichrist. (2000, Suspense) Winona Ryder, Ben Chaplin. 8:30 P.M. % A to Z 5 Rules of Engagement N Community Z Brian Houston at Hillsong TV FAM Movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas” Animated. Halloweentown’s leader aims to kidnap Santa. (1993, Fantasy) Voices of Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon. FX Mike & Molly TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 9:00 P.M. ^ The Blessed Life $ Fox 4 News at 9 % Parenthood ( How to Get Away With Murder ` Foyle’s War 5 WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 7 La Malquerida ; TBS The Big Bang Theory = Alarma TV A NewsFix G Señora de Acero N Married... With Children T Noticias MundoFox Z Praise the Lord ¥ Blue Bloods BET Real Husbands of Hollywood CNBC American Greed CNN CNN Tonight E! The E! True Hollywood Story FNC Hannity FX Movie “Super 8” Kids witness a train crash while making a home movie. (2011, Science Fiction) Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning. MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family TNT Castle A Celebrity Name Game G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Mad About You Q Contacto Deportivo T Asi es la Vida ¥ Blue Bloods CNBC American Greed CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! E! News ESPN SportsCenter FAM The 700 Club FNC The O’Reilly Factor MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes TBS Conan USA Modern Family WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 10:01 P.M. TRUTV truTV Top Funniest 10:03 P.M. 9:02 P.M. TNT On the Menu 9:15 P.M. SYFY Stephen King’s Rose Red OXY Movie “What a Girl Wants” A plucky teenager goes to London to meet her father. (2003, Comedy-Drama) Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth. 9:30 P.M. ^ John Paul Jackson 5 WGN-A How I Met Your Mother ; That ’70s Show = Noticiero Con Enrique Gratas N All in the Family T Noticias MundoFox con Rolando Nichols BET Bill Bellamy’s Ladies Night Out Comedy Tour SPIKE Movie “Goldfinger” Agent 007 fights Oddjob and a madman’s Fort Knox scheme. (1964, Action) Sean Connery, Gert Frobe. TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Deal With It USA Modern Family 9:31 P.M. LIFE Project Runway: Threads 10:00 P.M. ^ The Green Room $ Fox 4 News at 10 % NBC5 News at 10PM ( News 8 Update ` Frame of Mind 5 Mike & Molly 7 Noticias 23: Edición Nocturna ; That ’70s Show = Que Jalada 10:10 P.M. 10:15 P.M. 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 10:30 P.M. ^ Kenneth Copeland $ USA Modern Family ` Film School Shorts 5 Mike & Molly ; Anger Management = Secretos A Two and a Half Men N Just Shoot Me WGN-A How I Met Your Mother LIFE Raising Asia 10:32 P.M. 10:34 P.M. % The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. ( Jimmy Kimmel Live 7 Noticiero Univisión: Edición Nocturna G Titulares y Más 10:50 P.M. 3 Late Show With David Letterman 11:00 P.M. ^ Life Today $ TMZ ` Makers 5 The King of Queens Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 21 Keep it Real hot talk, local singles FREE TRIAL 800.481.1705 18+ 7 La Que No Podía Amar ; Anger Management = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond G Los Miserables N Forensic Files Q El Chivo T El Albergue Z Live From Holy Land ¥ Blue Bloods BET The Wendy Williams Show CNBC American Greed CNN Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown E! E! News ESPN SportsCenter FAM Movie “Teen Wolf” A family curse turns a high-school student into a werewolf. (1985, Comedy) Michael J. Fox, James Hampton. FNC The Kelly File MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show TBS Cougar Town USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 11:02 P.M. LIFE Project Runway TRUTV Impractical Jokers TNT CSI: NY 11:03 P.M. 11:30 P.M. ^ Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life $ Dish Nation 5 The King of Queens ; The Office = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond N Forensic Files Z Marriage Today FX Movie “Super 8” Kids witness a train crash while making a home movie. (2011, Science Fiction) Kyle Chandler, Elle Fanning. TBS Conan WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 11:32 P.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 11:36 P.M. % Late Night With Seth Meyers ( Nightline 11:37 P.M. 11:52 P.M. 3 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson 11:55 P.M. OXY Movie “Freaky Friday” A woman and her daughter magically exchange bodies. (2003, Comedy) Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan. FRIDAY OCTOBER 24, 2014 EVENING 6:00 P.M. ^ Jonathan Bernis: Jewish Voice $ Fox 4 News at 6 % NBC5 News at 6pm ( News 8 at 6 ` PBS NewsHour 3 CBS 11 News at 6PM 5 Jeopardy! 7 La Gata ; The Big Bang Theory = Rica Famosa Latina A Two and a Half Men G Caso Cerrado: Edición Estelar N Designing Women Q El Palenque T 100 Latinos Dijeron Z It’s Supernatural With Sid Roth ¥ Rookie Blue BET Movie “Jumping the Broom” A bride and groom’s parents clash at the wedding. (2011, Comedy) Angela Bassett, Paula Patton. CNBC The Coffee Addiction CNN Erin Burnett OutFront E! E! News FAM Movie “The Nightmare Before Christmas” Animated. Halloweentown’s leader aims to kidnap Santa. (1993, Fantasy) Voices of Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon. FNC On the Record With Greta Van Susteren LIFE Wife Swap MSNBC Hardball With Chris Matthews SPIKE Cops SYFY Haven TBS Seinfeld TNT Castle TRUTV World’s Dumbest... USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A America’s Funniest Home Videos 6:15 P.M. OXY Movie “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” Madea raises hell behind bars. (2009, Comedy) Tyler Perry, Derek Luke. 6:30 P.M. ^ John Hagee Today $ World Series Pregame % Extra ( Entertainment Tonight 3 Wheel of Fortune 5 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ; Modern Family A Celebrity Name Game N Designing Women Z The Potter’s Touch SPIKE Cops TBS Seinfeld 7:00 P.M. ^ Rod Parsley $ 2014 World Series Game Three: Teams TBA. (Live) ’ (N) % Dateline NBC ( Last Man Standing ` Washington Week With Gwen Ifill 3 The Amazing Race 5 USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 7 Mi Corazón Es Tuyo ; Bones = Locos y Contentos A Jane the Virgin G Reina de Corazones N Cougar Town Q Narco-Tec T Suleiman Z Inside the Trinity Family of Networks ¥ Rookie Blue CNBC Shark Tank CNN Anderson Cooper 360 E! Sex and the City ESPN College Football Countdown FNC The O’Reilly Factor FX Movie “X-Men: First Class” The early years of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr. (2011, Action) James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender. LIFE Movie “Big Driver” A novelist seeks revenge on the man who brutally assaulted her. (2014, Suspense) Maria Bello, Olympia Dukakis. MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes SPIKE Cops SYFY WWE Friday Night SmackDown! TBS The Big Bang Theory TNT On the Menu TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 7:30 P.M. ^ Joni Lamb Table Talk ` BBC Newsnight N Cougar Town Z Hal Lindsey 22 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 make a real connection Is Credit Card Debt driving you batty? Call Livelinks. The hottest place to meet the coolest people. Let Consolidated Credit Help You: Lower your monthly payments Reduce or eliminate interest rates WĂLJŽīLJŽƵƌĚĞďƚĨĂƐƚĞƌ FREEŽŶĮĚĞŶƟĂůŽƵŶƐĞůŝŶŐ Try it Free! 214.900.1958 Take the first easy step: Call:(800)290-7962 Ahora en Español 18+ E! Sex and the City FAM Movie “Dark Shadows” Vampire Barnabas Collins emerges in 1972 Maine. (2012, Comedy) Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer. SPIKE Cops TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A How I Met Your Mother ( Cristela 7:31 P.M. 8:00 P.M. ^ Marcus and Joni % Grimm ( Shark Tank ` Great Performances 3 Hawaii Five-0 5 Rules of Engagement 7 Hasta el Fin del Mundo ; Bones = Noches con Platanito A America’s Next Top Model G Los Miserables N Community Q Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal T Rastros de Mentiras Z Harvest ¥ Rookie Blue CNBC Marijuana Inc.: Inside America’s Pot Industry CNN This Is Life With Lisa Ling E! Sex and the City ESPN College Football Teams TBA. (Live) (N) FNC The Kelly File MSNBC The Rachel Maddow Show SPIKE Bellator MMA Live TBS Deal With It TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 8:01 P.M. TNT Movie “Gran Torino” A veteran faces his longtime prejudices. (2008, Drama) Clint Eastwood, Christopher Carley. 8:30 P.M. 5 Texas Rangers Baseball Pregame N Community Z Manna-Fest With Perry Stone E! Sex and the City TBS Movie “Yes Man” A man tries to change his life by saying yes to everything. (2008, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel. TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Modern Family WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 8:35 P.M. OXY Movie “Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail” Madea raises hell behind bars. (2009, Comedy) Tyler Perry, Derek Luke. 9:00 P.M. ^ Jack Van Impe Presents % Constantine ` Movie “Growing Cities” The role of urban farming in America. (2013, Documentary) 3 Blue Bloods 5 MLB Baseball 7 La Malquerida ; The Big Bang Theory = Alarma TV A NewsFix G Señora de Acero N Married... With Children T Noticias MundoFox Z Movie “Megiddo” A satanic world leader prepares his army for Armageddon. (2001, Suspense) Michael York, Michael Biehn. ¥ Rookie Blue BET Scandal CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide CNN CNN Special Report E! Sex and the City FNC Hannity LIFE Movie “The Assault” Teenage football players sexually assault a cheerleader. (2014, Drama) Makenzie Vega, Khandi Alexander. MSNBC Lockup SYFY Z Nation TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect USA Modern Family WGN-A How I Met Your Mother ( 20/20 9:01 P.M. 9:30 P.M. ^ The Jewish Jesus ; That ’70s Show = Noticiero Con Enrique Gratas N All in the Family T Noticias MundoFox con Rolando Nichols CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide E! Sex and the City TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect USA Modern Family WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 10:00 P.M. ^ Hour of Salvation $ Fox 4 News at 10 % NBC5 News at 10PM ( News 8 Update ` Austin City Limits 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 7 Noticias 23: Edición Nocturna ; That ’70s Show = Que Jalada A Celebrity Name Game G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Mad About You Q Contacto Deportivo T Asi es la Vida ¥ Rookie Blue BET Scandal CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide E! E! News FAM The 700 Club FNC The O’Reilly Factor MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Top 20 Knockouts: Glory Kickboxing SYFY Town of the Living Dead USA Modern Family WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 10:01 P.M. TRUTV World’s Dumbest... 10:30 P.M. ^ Kenneth Copeland $ USA Modern Family ; Anger Management = Secretos A Two and a Half Men N Just Shoot Me CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide FX Movie “Hancock” A scruffy superhero carelessly wreaks havoc in Los Angeles. (2008, Action) Will Smith, Charlize Theron. SYFY Town of the Living Dead TBS Deal With It WGN-A How I Met Your Mother TNT On the Menu 10:32 P.M. 10:34 P.M. % The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 10:35 P.M. ( Jimmy Kimmel Live 3 Late Show With David Letterman 7 Noticiero Univisión: Edición Nocturna G Boxeo Telemundo 10:55 P.M. OXY Movie “A Raisin in the Sun” Members of a black family differ on how to spend insurance money. (2008, Drama) Sean Combs, Phylicia Rashad. ^ Life Today 11:00 P.M. Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 23 NATIONAL NEWS LOCAL NEWS Unprecedented: U.S. troops assisting in Ebola mission may be quarantined New Dallas Ebola Case Was Isolated 'Within 90 Minutes': Officials by CNN WIRE SERVICE WASHINGTON (CNN) — In an unprecedented move to protect U.S. troops that might be exposed to Ebola, U.S. military commanders are being given the authority to quarantine troops for 21 days at a Defense Department facility where they will be monitored for signs of the disease and treated if they do contract the virus, a BLUEBOOKDALLAS.COM Defense Department memo explained. The memo, which was obtained by CNN, spells out the details of the military’s plan for the first time. It does not reveal the location of the facility, but one U.S. official said it may be a site in the Washington, D.C. area. The quarantine will apply to troops evacuated from West Africa, if it is determined they have an elevated risk of exposure to Ebola. There are more than 500 troops in the region currently, and the Pentagon has authorized the deployment of up to 4,000 to assist in fighting the virus. Troops are not expected to treat Ebola patients, but there is an acknowledgment by the Pentagon that some could be at risk of coming into contact with the virus. A second health care worker at a Dallas hospital who tested positive for Ebola was isolated within "90 minutes" of her temperature being taken, officials said Wednesday. The new case suggests measures at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas were unable to prevent the virus from spreading beyond a very sick Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian who died there last week. The worker developed a fever on Tuesday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins told a news conference. “Within 90 minutes of taking her temperature she was isolated in the hospital,” Jenkins said early Wednesday. “And we hope and pray that, like Nina, she will get on a good track.” Over the weekend 26-year-old nurse Nina Pham was diagnosed with the virus. The October 10 memo spells out precise procedures for monitoring troops’ exposure and how any problems will be dealt with. During the entire time troops are in West Africa, they may be monitored for fever or any symptoms of Ebola. If a service member comes into contact with blood or body fluids from an Ebola patient, or a dead body, while not wearing protective gear, or if the gear is compromised, they will be evacuated from the region and quarantined. Commanders also will be given the authority to isolate their entire unit in the region for the final 10 days of a deployment if necessary. All troops will be monitored for 21 days after returning from the mission, the memo says. Need Good Advice On Life, Relationships, Children, etc. Ask Tone Email: [email protected] Q. TONE WILL SCOTT WALKER BEAT MARY IN THE GOVERNOR'S RACE? A. SCOTT WILL WIN BECAUSE THE YOUNG BLACK VOTERS WILL NOT VOTE. Q. TONE MY BOYFRIEND WANTS ME TO DANCE UP NORTH, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT? A. TELL HIM IF HE IS GOING TO DANCE ON STAGE, THEN HE WILL KEEP IT 100. Q. TONE WOULD YOU DATE YOUR FRIEND'S EX? A. NO I WOULD NOT, TRUST ME, IT WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS. Q. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HALLOWEEN? A. IT IS A DEVIL'S HOLIDAY AND I DO NOT SUPPORT SATAN WORSHIPERS, BUT I LOVE CANDY. Q. TONE WHAT DO YOU DO FOR A LIVING? A. I HAVE A PHD IN MAKING ENDS MEET. Q. TONE I HEARD THAT YOU DO NOT SUPPORT MAKING MARIJUANA LEGAL, CAN I ASK WHY? A. YOU HEARD RIGHT. TOO MANY PROBLEMS ALREADY, MAKING IT LEGAL, NO THANKS. DVD Releases •Canopy •A Coffee in Berlin •Earth to Echo •The Fluffy Movie •Life After Beth •Mad Men: The Final Season, Part 1 •The Purge: Anarchy •The Scribbler •See No Evil 2 •Sex Tape •Snowpiercer •Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort NEW MOVIES at Theaters starting Oct. 24th •Ouija •Laggies •John Wick •White Bird in a Blizzard •Low Down •Viktor •Force Majeure •Exists •Glen Campbell: I'll Be Me •1,000 Times Good Night •Citizenfour •Dug Up REMEMBER THAT TONE SAYS THAT A CHILD BROUGHT UP IN CHURCH, IS SELDOM BROUGHT UP IN COURT “ASK TONE". Email: [email protected] Views and opinions are of AskTone Not Blue Book TV Guide. $ TMZ ` Live From the Artists Den 7 La Que No Podía Amar ; Anger Management = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond N High School Football Highland Park vs. Mesquite. (Live) (N) Q El Chivo T El Albergue Z Ever Increasing Faith ¥ Rookie Blue BET The Wendy Williams Show CNBC Money Talks CNN This Is Life With Lisa Ling E! The E! True Hollywood Story ESPN SportsCenter FAM Movie “Beetlejuice” Two ghosts try to scare away their home’s new tenants. (1988, Comedy) Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin. FNC The Kelly File MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Cops SYFY Z Nation TBS Cougar Town USA Chrisley Knows Best WGN-A How I Met Your Mother SATURDAY OCTOBER 25, 2014 EVENING by Maggie Fox and Jason Cumming The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Frontier Airlines have confirmed the new patient took a flight from Dallas-Fort Worth to Cleveland on Oct. 10 and returned to Dallas-Fort Worth on Monday evening — the day before she reported symptoms. Because of the proximity in time between the evening flight and first report of illness the following morning, CDC is reaching out to passengers who flew on Frontier Airlines flight 1143. The health-care worker exhibited no signs or symptoms of illness while on the flight, according to the Frontier Airlines crew. Jenkins described the woman as "a heroic person, a person who is dedicating her life to serving others." BlueBookDallas.com Local & National News/Gossip Like Us on /BlueBookDallas EXCLUSIVE DETAILS: SNOOP DOGG BLASTS IGGY ON VIDEO... YO’ N**GA BETTER SHUT YOU UP, OR I WILL’ Snoop Dogg chose the nuclear option in his war with Iggy Azalea ... calling her a "c**t" and warning her "n**ga" to put her in check! Snoop BLUEBOOKDALLAS.COM posted the video late Tuesday night ... staring into the camera as he said, "You're f**king with the wrong n**ga! And your n**ga betta check you before I do." TWITTER There's more, and the tone of this is definitely not playful anymore. Snoop may have escalated things because Iggy finally shot back on Tuesday by posting a pic of snoop with the caption ... "When your drug addict aunt gets clean." Snoop captioned his post ... "Last one until she speak now shut da F** up ubitchu." We doubt it. Comment on our Facebook/bluebookdallas 11:02 P.M. LIFE Movie “Big Driver” A novelist seeks revenge on the man who brutally assaulted her. (2014, Suspense) Maria Bello, Olympia Dukakis. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 11:30 P.M. ^ Joyce Meyer: Enjoying Everyday Life $ Dish Nation ; The Office = Programa Pagado A Everybody Loves Raymond Z Spirit Contemporary SPIKE Cops TBS Cougar Town USA Chrisley Knows Best WGN-A How I Met Your Mother 11:32 P.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers TNT Hawaii Five-0 11:33 P.M. 11:36 P.M. % Late Night With Seth Meyers 11:37 P.M. ( Nightline 3 The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson 6:00 P.M. ^ Movie “Left Behind” A global phenomenon leads to the disappearance of millions. (2000, Suspense) Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson. $ FOX College Football Extra % NBC5 News at 6pm ( News 8 at 6 ` The Mind of a Chef 3 CBS 11 News at 6 5 Jeopardy! 7 Especial Gilberto Gless ; Anger Management = Sábados de Concierto A Celebrity Name Game G Yo Soy El Artista N DFW Sports Beat Q Pelicula “Caballero a la Medida” Un sastre pretende ser parte de la alta sociedad. (1953, Comedia) Cantinflas, Domingo Soler. Z Bill & Gloria Gaither: Precious Memories ¥ Law & Order: Criminal Intent CNBC Secret Lives of the Super Rich CNN CNN Special Report E! E! News Weekend ESPN College Football Teams TBA. (Live) (N) FNC FOX Report FX Mike & Molly MSNBC Caught on Camera SPIKE Cops SYFY Movie “Battle of the Damned” Max Gatling leads survivors and robots against zombies. (2013, Action) Dolph Lundgren, Matt Doran. TBS Everybody Loves Raymond TNT Movie “The Expendables” Mercenaries embark on a mission to overthrow a dictator. (2010, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham. TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Blue Bloods 6:30 P.M. $ World Series Pregame % NBC5 Inside High School Sports ( 5 Inside Edition Weekend ` PBS NewsHour Weekend 3 Wheel of Fortune ; Anger Management A Celebrity Name Game N The Outdoorsman With Buck McNeely CNBC Secret Lives of the Super Rich FX Mike & Molly SPIKE Cops TBS Everybody Loves Raymond TRUTV Impractical Jokers 7:00 P.M. $ 2014 World Series Game Four: Teams TBA. (Live) ’ (N) % The Mysteries of Laura ( College Football Teams TBA. (Live) (N) ` Death in Paradise 3 Elementary 5 Movie 7 Sábado Gigante ; The Closer A Family Guy N Taste Texas T Movie “Rosario Tijeras” A sexy assassin seeks revenge on the Medellin drug cartel. (2005, Crime Drama) Flora Martínez, Unax Ugalde. Z In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley ¥ Law & Order: Criminal Intent BET Movie “Little Man” Nicole Conn struggles to keep her premature son alive. (2005, Documentary) CNBC Secret Lives of the Super Rich CNN Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It E! Movie “Maid in Manhattan” A politician mistakes a hotel maid for a wealthy woman. (2002, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes. FAM Movie “Addams Family Values” A greedy nanny plots to marry and murder Uncle Fester. (1993, Comedy) Anjelica Huston, Raul Julia. FNC Huckabee FX Mike & Molly LIFE Movie “High School Possession” A teen must save her best friend from an exorcism. (2014, Suspense) Jennifer Stone, Janel Parrish. MSNBC Caught on Camera OXY Movie “Magic Mike” A male stripper takes a young upstart under his wing. (2012, Comedy-Drama) Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer. SPIKE Cops TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit WGN-A Blue Bloods A Family Guy N Bronco Roads 7:30 P.M. 24 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 CNBC Secret Lives of the Super Rich FX Mike & Molly SPIKE Cops TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers 8:00 P.M. ^ Kenneth W. Hagin % USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ` New Tricks 3 48 Hours ; The Closer = Historias Delirantes A Two and a Half Men G Fútbol Mexicano Primera División CF Pachuca vs Club Deportivo Universidad de Guadalajara. Desde el Estadio Nuevo Hidalgo en Pachuca, Hidalgo, México. (S En Vivo) (N) N Expedition Texas Q Pelicula “The Kick” Familia corana de expertos en tae kwon do se va a Tailandia. (2011, Acción) Ji-won Ye, JeeJa Yanin. Z Hour Of Power with Bobby Schuller ¥ Law & Order: Criminal Intent CNBC The Suze Orman Show CNN Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It FNC Justice With Judge Jeanine FX Mike & Molly MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Auction Hunters SYFY Movie “Resident Evil: Extinction” Alice and her cohorts seek to eliminate an undead virus. (2007, Horror) Milla Jovovich, Oded Fehr. TBS The Big Bang Theory TNT Transporter: The Series TRUTV Impractical Jokers WGN-A Blue Bloods 8:30 P.M. ^ Jay Sekulow A Two and a Half Men N The Texas Bucket List FX Mike & Molly SPIKE Thrift Hunters TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV Impractical Jokers 9:00 P.M. ^ In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley % Saturday Night Live ` Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries 3 48 Hours 5 Storm Stories ; Bones = Película A NewsFix N Troubadour, TX T Dr. Mata Z Billy Graham Classic Crusades ¥ Law & Order: Criminal Intent CNBC The Profit CNN This Is Life With Lisa Ling E! Movie “The Lake House” A doctor and a frustrated architect fall in love across time. (2006, Romance) Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock. ESPN College Football Scoreboard FAM Movie “Hocus Pocus” Youths conjure up three childhungry witches on Halloween. (1993, Comedy) Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker. FNC Geraldo at Large FX Mike & Molly LIFE Movie “The Girl He Met Online” A man’s relationship with a bipolar woman becomes dangerous. (2014, Suspense) Yvonne Zima, Mary-Margaret Humes. MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Cops TBS The Big Bang Theory TNT Transporter: The Series TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect USA Chrisley Knows Best WGN-A Blue Bloods 9:30 P.M. 5 Storm Stories N Lonestar Roads BET Movie “Are We There Yet?” A divorcee’s two children torment a man on a road trip. (2005, Comedy) Ice Cube, Nia Long. ESPN College Football Teams TBA. (Live) (N) FX Mike & Molly OXY Movie “Magic Mike” A male stripper takes a young upstart under his wing. (2012, Comedy-Drama) Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer. SPIKE Cops TBS The Big Bang Theory TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect USA Chrisley Knows Best HOROSCOPES Capricorn The planetary energy might find you responding to a sudden sense of inspiration that arouses your creativity. You may feel an unexpected urge to write, paint, draw, or compose some music. You may want to sequester yourself, which could cause some problems with friends and family members who want to be with you. Don't ignore this impetus, Capricorn. As you know, inspiration can vanish as quickly as it comes. Aquarius You've been very busy, professionally and socially, and now you're probably longing for a romantic encounter. If you're currently involved, you should schedule some time alone with the special person in your life. If you aren't involved, don't be surprised if someone new appears on the scene. You could fall in love at first sight or an old friend could suddenly look different to you. Make sure you look your best! Pisces You're likely to want to spend some time alone with your partner today, Pisces, but with the current planetary influences at play, either you or your honey's career concerns could get in the way. An unexpected opportunity needs to be explored right away, so you might not be able to spend any time together now. Contact with friends could also prove frustrating since everyone is busy. Aries A co-worker might be away, and this could increase the amount of work that you have to do, causing strain and upset, especially if you aren't familiar with the work. Don't try to do it all at once. A distant family member you haven't heard from for a while could phone out of the blue, and you could spend a happy half hour catching up. Taurus Warm and sensitive by nature, Taurus, today you could feel especially sensual. Sex and romance are likely to be on your mind. Romantic novels and movies may seem especially appealing now, as could cozy beds and warm baths. Plan a romantic evening with the special person in your life, perhaps a special candlelit dinner at home. Gemini A minor accident might take place at home today, Gemini, but don't worry. It will ultimately provoke more laughter than harm. You will want the place to look great, Gemini, because a close friend or lover could come to visit. An intimate conversation or passionate encounter is indicated. Curb the temptation to indulge in too much food or drink. Cancer An unexpected package could arrive, possibly shipped from far away. The circumstances could be rather strange. Friends or relatives that you might not expect could suddenly show up, and you could spend a frantic hour or two organizing an impromptu party. This can be very gratifying, Cancer, but don't wear yourself out. Everyone should have a good time no matter what. Leo Today you might strategize ways to make a little extra money to prepare to move ahead with your life and ambitions. This might be in conjunction with your significant other or some close friends. Trips to the mall might result in impulse purchases, as gifts or perhaps for yourself. In the evening, plan some time alone with your partner or get out and look for one if you're single. Virgo Your naturally passionate nature should be more aroused than usual today. The festive atmosphere around you gives rise to warm, intimate feelings that bring friends and couples closer together, Virgo, so prepare for some good times out and excitement in the home tonight. Optimism and enthusiasm should fill the air. You will feel secure and comfortable yet crackling with ardor. Go for it! Libra An intense card, email, or phone call could come from a sibling or other relative today. Perhaps this is a good chance to patch up an old quarrel with this person, but don't be tempted to start another! Emotions are running high now, Libra, and it wouldn't take much to set someone off. You might want to go out and do a little shopping, but be careful. Traffic could be bad. Scorpio A proposed visit to a friend's may have to be delayed, and this might worry you. It will be necessary to make a special effort to get almost anything done today, Scorpio. You could have some urgent chores to complete, but the streets and stores may be full of impatient people. Relax, breathe deeply, and summon every bit of energy you have. You don't want to put anything off now. Sagittarius A love relationship could take on a higher and more spiritual aspect during this period, creating a desire for your souls to bond. The planetary atmosphere brings you closer together, and you may experience a closer sense of intimacy. You two might spend time with mutual friends today, enjoying yourselves, but at the same time anxious to be alone. Bask in the glow. 10:00 P.M. ^ Manna-Fest With Perry Stone $ Fox 4 News at 10 % NBC5 News at 10PM ` The Café 3 CBS 11 News at 10PM 5 DFW Outdoors 7 Destino 2014 Senate Debate Texas ; Bones A Undercard Reality G Noticiero Telemundo 39 at 10pm N Halloween Harvey’s Festival of Fear Q Sólo Boxeo T El Fantasma del Gran Hotel Z Movie “Healed by Grace” During darkest times, powerful elements come together. (2012, Drama) Tommy Beardmore, Natalie Weese. ¥ Law & Order: Criminal Intent CNBC The Profit CNN Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It FNC Red Eye Black History Lesson African American The Congo Company BY JEFFREY C. STEWART New York: Published by Doubleday in 1996 and reprinted by Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc., in arrangement with Doubleday. The Congo Company, as it was commonly known, was founded in 1886 in Washington, D.C., by three white men from Baltimore who believed it might be profitable to transport Blacks back to Africa. The Congo Free State had been recently established, and these enterprising men hit upon the idea of colonizing the state with African Americans. Its founder, Martin H.K. Paulsen, developed enough interest that the company was incorporated with a Black man from the District of Columbia as president and white men as secretary and treasurer. In a manner that foreshadowed Marcus Gravey’s Black Star Line, Paulsen sold stock in the company to raise revenue; but when an attempt to exploit a neglected 1862 federal law granting proceeds from the sale of abandoned southern lands failed to net the company an immediate $500,000, the white shareholders abandoned the company to the Blacks. Once a Baptist preacher from Georgia got behind the project, interest among Georgia Blacks ran high. When the company sold tickets from one dollar plus postage to become “preferred passengers,” thousands rushed forward to buy what they believed was passage to Africa when, in fact, it only allowed them to buy a passage once a ship was secured. Although the company never transported anyone to Africa, the interest generated by the company proved how serious emigration fever was in the South of the 1880s. FX Married MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Cops SYFY Movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” Teenagers meet a family of cannibals in 1973. (2003, Horror) Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker. TBS Deal With It TNT Transporter: The Series USA Modern Family WGN-A Blue Bloods Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 25 Food of the Town BARBECUE | BURGERS | CHINESE | MEXICAN | ITALIAN TIME SAVER FOOD MART J VO’S KITCHEN DONALD BROWN CHICKEN EAT ZONE 3003 E. Illinois Ave. Dallas, TX 75216 4418 S. Marsalis Ave 214-900-9440 829 S. Corinth St Dallas TX 75203 972-916-8688 RAYS SOUL GROOVE CAFE BROTHERMANS BAR-B-QUE T.D.’s BARBECUE SOUTH LAMAR TACO'S & MORE Inside Food Mart/Texaco 3103 E. Ledbetter Dr. 214-854-9296 3121 S. Loop 12 Ste 101 Dallas TX 75216 214-426-1101 3043 S. Lancaster Rd Dallas TX 75213 214-372-9840 4606 S. Lamar St. Suite B Dallas, TX 75215 214-421-3545 EVA'S HOUSE OF BBQ VERMONT FOOD MARKET BEAMERS FAMOUS WINGS CATFISH SMITH 819 Vermont Ave Dallas TX 214-946-3299 1001 I-35E, Suite 324-B Desoto, TX 75115 972-228-2250 JOHNSON’S FOOD 4 THE SOUL WBS CATFISH & HAMBURGERS 4715 S. Malcolm X Dallas, TX 75215 214-421-7700 910 S. Corinth St. Dallas TX 75203 469-254-7692 “You’ve Tried The Rest Now Try WBS” SNAPPY CATFISH 8102 S. Polk St. Dallas TX 75232 912-224-6995 4121 N. Westmoreland Rd. Dallas, TX 75212 214-819-3862 WINGS & MORE LISA'S FINE FOOD & CATERING 2320 MLK Blvd 214-663-6971 RUMIS PIZZA 843 N. Duncanville Rd. Duncanville, TX 75116 972-709-4444 STOP N SAVE FOOD MART 3033 S Westmoreland Rd Dallas, TX 75233 (214) 331-5942 STANLEY'S CAT FISH 3146 Cedar Crest Dallas, TX 75203 CT'S REAL DEAL GRILL 2901 Lancaster Rd Dallas, TX 75216 214-302-3000 BLACK JACK PIZZA 2536 MLK Jr. Blvd Dallas, TX 214-565-1025 2120 N. St. Augustine Dallas, TX 972-329-1414 HI MART CHICKEN AND WINGS 3502 Simpson Stuart Rd. Dallas TX 972-225-0002 115 W. Illinois Ave Dallas TX 75224 214-943-4900 214-376-9663 7455 S. Westmoreland Rd 972-293-0404 4620 S. Lamar St. Dallas, TX 75215 214-428-4407 WALKER BARBECUE JJ FISH & CHICKEN 2550 W. Redbird Ln #404 Redbird Ln @ HWY 67 Dallas, TX 75232 214-372-3309 3250 W. Pleasant run #220 Lancaster, TX 75143 DEE DEES PLACE DAVE'S BAR-B-QUE 4353 Gannon Ln Dallas, TX 75224 972-709-7223 3200 Lancaster Rd #800 (INSIDE MO-TOWN) Dallas, TX 75216 Z Movie “A Vow to Cherish” A serious illness tests a family’s commitment to each other. (1999, Drama) Barbara Babcock, Ken Howard. FX You’re the Worst SPIKE Thrift Hunters USA Modern Family WGN-A Raising Hope 11:32 P.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers LATE NIGHT 12:00 A.M. ^ Check the Sound $ Laughs ` To Play the King 7 Desmadrugados ; Glee = Programa Pagado A Dog the Bounty Hunter G Operación Repo N Troubadour, TX T Paid Program ¥ Flashpoint BET Scandal CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide CNN This Is Life With Lisa Ling E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians FNC Geraldo at Large FX Two and a Half Men MSNBC Lockup OXY Movie “The Accidental Husband” A man plots revenge after a radio host advises his lover to end their relationship. SPIKE Cops SYFY Movie “The Texas Chain Saw Massacre” Young adults encounter a houseful of demented butchers who chase them with chain saws and other deadly tools. TNT Movie “Whiteout” The only U.S. Marshal assigned to Antarctica has just three days to solve the continent’s first murder before six months of darkness strand her with the killer. USA CSI: Crime Scene Investigation WGN-A Raising Hope 12:02 A.M. % 1st Look TRUTV Impractical Jokers ( Scandal 12:05 A.M. 12:30 A.M. ^ The Ramp $ Whacked Out Sports 3 Blue Bloods 5 T Paid Program = G Programa Pagado A Dog the Bounty Hunter N Nite Time with Kenny CNBC The Filthy Rich Guide ESPN SportsCenter FX Two and a Half Men SPIKE Cops TBS Movie “American Wedding” A young couple prepares to marry, while an obnoxious friend plans to throw a bachelor party. WGN-A Raising Hope 12:31 A.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers % Comedy.TV 10:01 P.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 10:29 P.M. % Saturday Night Live 10:30 P.M. ^ Barry Segal: Vision for Israel ( News 8 Update ` Waiting for God 3 Special Edition With Jerry Jones 5 Mike & Molly A What Went Down G Titulares Telemundo FX Married SPIKE Cops TBS Movie “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” A 1970s newsman feels threatened by a female employee. (2004, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate. USA Modern Family 10:31 P.M. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 11:00 P.M. ^ Brian Houston at Hillsong TV $ Animation Domination High-Def ` Yes, Minister 3 The Jason Garrett Show 5 Mike & Molly 7 Estrellados ; Glee = Programa Pagado A Cheaters G 12 Corazones T La Playita ¥ Law & Order: Criminal Intent CNBC The Suze Orman Show CNN Mike Rowe’s Somebody’s Gotta Do It E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians FAM Movie “Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride” Animated. A man weds a dead woman and sees the underworld. (2005, Fantasy) Voices of Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter. FNC Justice With Judge Jeanine FX You’re the Worst MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Auction Hunters TNT Transporter: The Series USA Modern Family WGN-A Raising Hope 11:02 P.M. LIFE Movie “High School Possession” A teen must save her best friend from an exorcism. (2014, Suspense) Jennifer Stone, Janel Parrish. TRUTV Impractical Jokers 11:05 P.M. ( Entertainment Tonight 11:30 P.M. ^ Life Today ` Blackadder II 3 Blue Bloods 5 Republic of Doyle = Programa Pagado Q Pelicula “Jackie Chan’s Project A 2” Un honesto policía enfrenta piratas y corrupción policiaca. (1987, Acción) Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung. 12:32 A.M. 1:00 A.M. ^ MX TV $ Whacked Out Videos ` Masterpiece Mystery! 5 Forest Park Medical Center of Tarrant County 7 Hotel Todo Incluido ; LatiNation = G T Programa Pagado A Unsealed: Alien Files N CNBC FAM Paid Program Z I Will Bless the Lord at All Times ¥ Flashpoint BET Scandal CNN This Is Life With Lisa Ling E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians FNC Red Eye FX Married MSNBC Lockup SPIKE Jail USA Partners in Crime WGN-A Rules of Engagement 1:01 A.M. TRUTV The Carbonaro Effect 1:02 A.M. LIFE Movie “The Girl He Met Online” A man’s relationship with a bipolar woman becomes dangerous. ( News 8 Update 1:05 A.M. 1:30 A.M. ^ Acquire the Fire with Ron Luce 26 Blue Book TV Guide, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 To Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385 Fax 262-364-3445 RENTAL - MOVERS - HANDYMAN - REAL ESTATE INVESTING & SALES! Call 469-877-4385 or online at www.bluebookdallas.com CANADA DRUG CENTER NOW HIRING Licensed Stylist 214-994-5722 435 E. Danieldale Rd 1-800-404-4728 KINGZ BARBER & BEAUTY SHOP CUTZ CUT YOUR STUDENT LOAN Now Hiring Payments in HALF or BARBERS more. Call Student & STYLIST HOTLINE!!! 1-888-475-0191 214-421-0020 For $10.00 OFF your first Prescription & FREE Shipping! OF GARAGE & STORAGE DIRECT TV MCA INDEPENDANT AGENT Quinten Robinson Unlimited Roadside Assistance $9.95 monthly 14 benefits, 24hrs 214-415-0107 Office# website to join: www.tvcmatrix.com/mcaagentid#12480544 ¶ Hiring Associates and Commission Sales Agents µ REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!!! Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. 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Desoto, TX 75115 Call 214-375-7237 214-283-7460 214-552-5645 1-800-716-7984 NOW HIRING TO PLACE YOUR BLUE BOOK CLASSIFIED Call 469-877-4385 or online at www.bluebookdallas.com Call or Mail In Your Ad Today See Form Below. Your ChoIce: $10.00 Buy it... Sell it... Trade it... Classifieds Work!!! *ACTUAL SIZE OF BOXES $6.OO per wk. BOX Per wk. BOX Please type or print your ad on plain paper. Must be in office by Tuesday,. 5pm. Date to be printed in Blue Book_________________ NAME:_________________________ ADDRESS:_____________________ CITY________STATE____ZIP______ Day Phone_____Night Phone_______ $15.OO Per wk. BOX Credit & Debit Cards Accepted Call 469-877-4385 Phone Orders or Mail To: PLACE YOUR ADS ONLINE AT: www.bluebookdallas.com Blue Book Dallas P.O. Box 515442 Dallas, Tx 75115 Place Your Ad Call 469-877-4385, Fax 262-364-3445, Issue 28, Oct. 19 - Nov. 1, 2014 Blue Book TV Guide 27 6HFRQG &KDQFH /HDVLQJ %URRNODZQ6SULQJV &KDXFHU3O'DOODV7;SK $IW 6FK HU 3UR RRO JUD P 6SULQJ,QWR%DFNWR6FKRRO 0RYH,Q6SHFLDO x$OO%LOOV3DLG x1HZO\5HQRYDWHG x%XV5RXWH x)UHH%UHDNIDVW /XQFK3URJUDP x*DWHG&RPPXQLW\ x$FFHVVLEOHWR0DOOV 6KRSSLQJ x)UHH$ODUPV 6RPH5HVWULFWLRQV$SSO\ 6RXWK'DOODV&DIp ³35(0,(5+20(67</(&22.,1*´ &$7(5,1*$9$,/$%/( 12:6(59,1*%5($.)$67$0$0 /81&+63(&,$/ 7D[$GG )RU7R*R2UGHUV 021'$<)5,'$<$03021/< :LWK9HJHWDEOHV%UHDG 6HOHFWHG0HDWV2QO\3RUN&KRSVy&DWÀVK)LOOHWy0HDWORDI y&KLFNHQ)ULHG6WHDNy%DNHG&KLFNHQy6DOLVEXU\6WHDN ',11(563(&,$/ 7D[$GG )RU7R*R2UGHUV 021'$<)5,'$<303021/< :LWK9HJHWDEOHV%UHDG 6HOHFWHG0HDWV2QO\ )ULHGRU%DNHG&KLFNHQy0HDWORDIy3RUN&KRSVy&KLFNHQ)ULHG6WHDN 0$59,1'/29():<&RUQHURI&DPS:LVGRP'$//$67; 6287+'$//$6&$)(&20 0216$7$030681$030