February - Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
February - Northern Berkshire Community Coalition
Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Inside the February Issue Organizational Collaboration....................................2 nb21 Plans for 2014.................................................2 UNITY/nBn News...................................................4 The Family Place/Mass in Motion.............................5 Community News.....................................................6 Coalition Calendar...................................................7 Coalition Musings.....................................................8 Coalition news An update from February 2014, Volume XXVIII, Number 6 Community Participates in MLK Day of Service, Peacemaker Award Presented to Paul Austin January 20th marked the 21st Annual Northern Berkshire Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration and the 5th Annual MLK Jr. Day of Service, a day to reflect on the timeless question Dr. King asked, “What are you doing for others?” Thanks to a grant from the Massachusetts Service Alliance, the MLK Jr. Day Committee joined with nbCC to host this great event. The day’s theme was “A Day On, Not a Day Off”, transforming the holiday into an opportunity for volunteers to come together to make a positive impact on our community. There were tasks for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to celebrate the legacy of Dr. King through service. Over 375 volunteers gathered at the MCLA Church Street Center for a kick-off and service placements. Inspiring words were offered during both kick-off and lunch by MCLA President, Dr. Mary Grant, Mayor Richard Alcombright, State Senator Ben Downing and State Representative Gailanne Cariddi. Volunteers visited sites which included the Louison House, First Baptist Church of Williamstown and the Salvation Army, nbCC thanks our February newsletter sponsor: where they sorted and cleaned items. Food and cash donations were collected at Stop and Shop to benefit our local food pantry, The Friendship Center. Several local homes were weatherized and spaces in the Northern Berkshire YMCA and North Adams Armory were painted. Other volunteers pitched in at the local Habitat for Humanity House, the skating rink and The Adams Youth Center where fun games were set up and manned for local children. For those not wanting to venture out, there was plenty to do on-site at the MCLA Church Street Center. Warm mittens were sewn and hand made cards and personal items were packed into boxes to be shipped to local servicemen. Volunteers met back at the MCLA Church Street Center to end the day by sharing a community luncheon prepared and served by the Berkshire Food Project and MCLA Aramark. During lunch, we were awed by the talents of the MCLA Alegrettos, NeXXus, the MCLA Step Dance Group, and touched by the music by Jake Daugherty and Michael Mazzu. Everyone then participated in an Berkshire Medical Center www.berkshirehealthsystems.org inspiring exercise by Otha Day, local drummer and teacher, who made us believe we are all musicians. Following the inspiring entertainment, the MLK Day Committee presented the annual Peacemaker Award to Paul Austin of Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity, for giving selflessly of his time, talents, and service to our local Habitat for Humanity Chapter. While this was a wonderful day of active service it also serves symbolically as a day of coming together to make a positive impact and to inspire a culture of service. Special thanks to the members of the MLK Jr. Day Committee for organizing this wonderful event: Alex Daugherty, chair, Kathy Keeser, Liz Boland, Annie Rodgers, Sue Walker, Tom Alexander, Steve Green, Darlene Ellis, Lois Daunis, Carolyn Leab and Jill and Wendy Daugherty. Thanks also go to MCLA, Paul Marino and NBCTC, Berkshire Food Project, Aramark, Williams College, Cariddi Sales, Stop and Shop, Leon Peters, Annie Rodgers, the Massachusetts Service Alliance, and ALL the volunteers who participated! See more photos on page 6! -Bert Lamb Nationally recognized care provided by an award winning team of healthcare professionals…right here in the Berkshires. Coalition News February 2014 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Our Mission “Dedicated to improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community.” In pursuit of this mission, we place particular emphasis on the following: • Strengthening neighborhoods and community life • Preventing alcohol/substance abuse • Fostering economic development • Mitigating poverty • Supporting positive youth development • Building bridges between residents and service agencies Coalition Supporters Public Sources •MA Dept. of Children & Families •MA Cultural Council •MA Department of Public Health •MA Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services Foundation Supporters •Fund for North Adams Local Support •Contributions from our many individual supporters The Coalition is a member agency of the Northern Berkshire United Way and the Williamstown Community Chest. To submit announcements to the Coalition E-zine: The Coalition E-zine is a weekly e-blast published every Thursday and contains announcements from Northern Berkshire agencies and organizations. Submissions must be received by 9:00 a.m. Tuesday morning to be considered for inclusion in that week’s issue. All submissions are subject to editing and should be 50 words or less. All events related to Northern Berkshire community public health will be considered for publication. Banner ads are available for your fundraising events. For more information, please call 663-7588, or to submit an announcement, please email [email protected]. 2 February Forum: “A Forum on Organizational Collaboration” The Northern Berkshire community will once again gather together to discuss important issues facing its residents for our monthly Forum on Friday, February 14th. The topic, Organizational Collaboration, will look at the barriers for us as organizations to work together and how “business collaborations” might be developed to encourage efficiencies and cost savings. NOTE: We are asking everyone to bring their business card for a special exercise we will be doing. If you do not have a business card, we will have post-it-notes available for you. Things we’ll cover: •Define the various levels of connection between entities, including networking, collaboration, partnership, and integration •Learn what makes existing partnerships effective •Share and explore areas in which our local organizations are looking to collaborate/ partner with others •Identify new structures and strategies that can help us all become better at collaborating We’d like this forum to be a real community conversation, so please join us for this important community meeting. Be a part of the solution! The forum will be held from 10 am to 12 pm on Friday, February 14th at the First Baptist Church in North Adams (please use Eagle Street entrance). The first portion of the meeting will be dedicated to introductions and event sharing; please bring canned good items to support the Friendship Center Food Pantry. For more information on the forum topic, please contact Al Bashevkin at 663-7588 x11. nb21 Plans For the Upcoming Year nb21 Seeks to Change Community Alcohol/Drug Policies and Practices nb21 is a community-organizing program of nbCC, designed to reduce teen access to alcohol and other drugs by changing community policies and practices. The goals of our organizing efforts are to eliminate illegal alcohol sales to minors, obstruct the provision of alcohol to youth, and ultimately reduce alcohol and other drug use by teens and the harm associated with early use. Since 2004, nbCC has had strategy teams in the Mount Greylock and Adams-Cheshire regions. Thanks to funding from the City of North Adams Community Development Block Grant, a team to serve North Adams is emerging onto the scene. After an exciting kick-off dinner in August, nb21 North Adams has met monthly to begin to address youth substance use as a community. Mayor Alcombright, Tina Tartaglia (Brien Center), Josh Meczywor (McCann), Stephanie Burdick (Drury), Mick Boland (Mass Rehab), Mike Vogt (MCLA student) are the core members of this group led by Jess Dennis of nbCC. Community education has been a common theme of the meetings with a focus on providing more prevention education to parents and youth through the schools and local athletic organizations. Josh Meczywor will be working with students at McCann to develop a substance use education presentation for upper elementary students. The Mayor, and others on the team, are looking at ways to enhance health education K-12 to include a more comprehensive substance use prevention element. Stay tuned for more updates from our latest strategy team – nb21 North Adams. -Lois Daunis Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • www.nbccoalition.org Coalition News February 2014 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. NBYC to Focus on Medical Marijuana Addictiveness and Affects on the Adolescent Brain to be Discussed The Northern Berkshire Youth Collaborative, a monthly gathering of professionals whose work concerns young people, will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 5, focusing on medical marijuana in MA and its significance for youth workers. At this meeting, Dr. Jenny Michaels, Medical Director of the Brien Center will share her expertise on how marijuana affects the adolescent brain, including information on addictiveness. Additionally, Nial DeMena, the Director of Operations for Manna Wellness, will join us to share Manna’s perspective and experience regarding medical use of marijuana. Manna is a non-profit effort which recently sought a license to operate a medical marijuana dispensary in Pittsfield. This meeting will be held 11am-12:30pm in the nbCC conference room at 61 Main Street, North Adams. For more info, contact Kate Merrigan at [email protected]. -Kate Merrigan 411 in the 413 is Approaching! Youth-Led Conference Empowers Youth to Take Initiative in Their Lives The eighth annual 411 in the 413, the only youth-led conference in the county, will take place on Wednesday April 16th, 2014. The mission of the “411 in the 413” Conference is to empower youth to take initiative in their lives and in the future. The event has been coordinated by a group of youth and their supervisors from the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, Railroad Street Youth Project of Great Barrington, and Pittsfield Prevention Partnership. This year’s theme is #GetConnected. The day will provide participants an opportunity to discover new things about themselves, others, new activities, and the outdoors. The conference takes place at the Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA in Becket, MA and offers youth a chance to share their ideas and make their voices heard! STEVE GREEN, President Community Resident COURTNEY SHAPIRO, Vice-President Adams Community Bank AL NELSON, Treasurer Community Resident SUZY HELME, Clerk Business Owner, Shima CRAIG BARD, Executive Committee Community Resident DEB ROSSELLI, Executive Committee Director of Special Education North Berkshire School Union In preparation for the event, we are seeking creative, dynamic speakers and interactive workshop facilitators. The focus of this year’s conference is to make connections with other teens, with new interests, and with nature. For more info, contact Stephanie Bosley at (413) 663-7588 or [email protected]. To submit a proposal online, visit http://bit.ly/411inthe413 or nbccoalition.org/forms for hard copy. -Stephanie Bosley Interfaith Group to Host Habitat for Humanity The Northern Berkshire Interfaith Action Initiative (NBIAI) will welcome representatives from Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity at the Friday, February 21, meeting at the First Baptist Church of North Adams, starting at 10 a.m. All are welcome. The beginning of 2014 has been eventful for the NBIAI. For one thing, we are now incorporated as a non-profit organization in Massachusetts, and seeking tax-exempt status is next on our agenda. The Friendship Center Food Pantry keeps going strong, with 652 household visits in January. February 23 will mark the third anniversary of NBIAI opening the pantry. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Board of Directors 2013-2014 We continue to expand our partnerships with community organizations. Recent visitors conducting outreach during pantry hours include the Family Life Support Cener/Louison House, Goodwill of the Berkshires and Southern Vermont, and Community Legal Aid. The Northern Berkshire Interfaith Action Initative is a group of people of different faiths and denominations working together with others of goodwill to serve our community. For more info, call Mark at 664-0130; see http://northernberkshireinterfaith.blogspot. com or visit our page on Facebook. - Mark Rondeau TOM BERNARD, Finance Committee Director of Business Affairs CHRIS MEEHAN, Finance Committee Director, Berkshire County DTA PAUL HOPKINS, Finance Committee Community Relations, NBH Deb Kushnet, Finance Committee Greylock Federal Credit Union Sara LaLumia, Finance Committee Professor of Economics, Williams College ED LaCOSSE Community Resident GAIL OBERST Social Worker, BFAIR GREG ROACH Wild Oats Market ERICA GIRGENTI Adams Council on Aging RICH TASKIN Attorney at Law Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • www.nbccoalition.org 3 YLP Members Practice Speaking up for What They Need (More Sleep!) Our Youth Leaders are working away on their service projects for this year, with a little bit of a different focus from past projects. Our group is very concerned with the low quality of sleep amongst their peers and its relationship to their physical and mental health. We’re working on finding strategies and information that can help lead to better and more sleep for adolescents; once we have our content solidified, we’ll share it with others via posters, brochures, a workshop, and possibly a facebook campaign. Stay tuned for details! In the meantime, YLP members have also been spending sessions learning about how to be more assertive and practicing asserting themselves in challenging situations through roleplays. We’re looking at scenarios that adolescents often encounter, such as a friend asking them to do something they’re not comfortable with or a misunderstanding with a teacher, and practicing addressing these conflicts in a way that respects yourself as well as the other person. It’s exciting to watch our UNITY teens work on these skills! Community Outreach Trainings On Thursday, January 18th, Northern Berkshire Neighbors began the 5th annual Community Outreach Training, with 12 Northern Berkshire community residents participating. Our 2014 cohort come from diverse backgrounds; however, each participant is enthusiastic about their community and ready to be a resource among their neighbors, friends and family members. The first few sessions have had some interesting and informative presentations by The Family Place, The Brien Center, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and site visits to Berkshire Community Action Council, the Friendship Center Food Pantry and the Berkshire Food Project. Moving forward they will have the opportunity to learn about educational resources for children and adults, accessing municipal services, housing, health care and councils on aging (just to name a few!). Northern Berkshire Neighbors is looking forward to continuing to get to know each of the Outreach Volunteers during the next few months of training and supporting their efforts as they become critical resources throughout the Northern Berkshire community. Creating a Lovable North Adams: A Citywide Lip Dub! TWW’s Jeannette and Skye will be performing at the National Summit for Creative Youth Development! The wheels are in motion to develop a citywide lip dub for North Adams. Keep your eyes peeled for fundraising efforts to get underway by the end of February and the beginning of March for our Kickstarter Campaign. Once we raise the funds necessary to support this project, we will be actively seeking participation from anyone that would like to be a part of creating pride in North Adams! Our goal is to fundraise at least $8,250. We need your support to make this happen! There is no contribution to small to aid in this effort. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground for information about how to donate. Together we can be a part of making history in North Adams! We are excited to announce that two of our Teen Writing Workshop members have been selected to perform at the National Summit for Creative Youth Development! Jeannette Lambert and Skye Sweeney will travel to Boston for the March 28-29 conference and perform their outstanding slam poetry for hundreds of leaders in the field of creative youth development. Congrats to Jeannette and Skye! United Neighborhood Organization “UNO” held an After the Holiday’s Party at Valley Park Lanes on Curran Highway in North Adams. In light of the bad weather some children didn’t attend. However, the ones who did, had a wonderful time, bowling, playing games, and going in the Bouncy Bounce. The children and adults all enjoyed pizza, soda, cookies, and each received a Christmas bag of goodies and gifts, all made possible by a “Secret Santa.” “UNO” Steering committee members present were. Gail Nelson, Amanda Davis and yours truly, Shirley Davis. For more info about “UNO” please call Shirley at 663-5516. -Shirley Davis TWW Members to Perform at National Conference 4 UNO Continues Fun for Neighborhood Children Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • www.nbccoalition.org North Berkshire Mass in Motion What’s Up at The Family Place? Here is a question that we have been asked a lot lately by different parents and community members. I think now is a great time to give this question an answer. As always, we continue to keep our ear to the ground and ask parents what things we can be helpful with in their lives. Recently, a small group of parents spent time with our staff at a community location and shared challenges they were having with their kids. What challenges you ask…the main focus was on how to talk to their kids about topics like drugs and alcohol, puberty and sexual development, as well as sex and healthy relationships. These parents were very honest with us about their worries and fears associated with talking to their kids about these topics. Some of these fears were; what if I don’t have all the information, what if I make a mistake, if I talk to my kid about this stuff will they think I am giving them permission to do things I don’t want them to do, how do I tell my kid to not do something that I did when I was a teenager? And many more…. So, we at The Family Place decided that we wanted to help them in the most direct way we could. We developed the “Time to Talk” workshop series for parents, where they can attend one or all of the workshops, to get the skills and information to help with these difficult conversations. The Family Place will host 3 separate workshops. On Wednesday, January 29th at the nbCC conference room we will host Rachelle Smith who will facilitate a workshop on How to Talk to Your Kids about Drugs and Alcohol. On Thursday, February 20th same location Rachelle will facilitate a workshop on How to Talk to Your Kids about Puberty and Sexual Development. Ending with a workshop on Friday, February 21st to help parents with the skills and information to talk to their kids about sex and healthy relationships. All workshops will present information and skills that parents can use to initiate conversations and help build positive relationships with their kids. If you would like more information or are interested in attending, please call us at 413-663-7588. This is a great opportunity and we would love to have you join us! Calling all Northern Berkshire DADS!! The 24-7 Dad’s group starts on February 27th at The Family Place from 6:30 to 8:00pm for 12 weeks. Call (413) 663-7588 for more information and to register. Join Us for Café Time. The Family Place invites you to join us for an hour, to meet us, ask questions, and come see our space at 61 Main Street in North Adams. Relax, laugh, learn and share parenting ideas as you enjoy a craft activity. Refreshments will be served. Call (413) 663-7588 for more info. Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20, 27 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Let’s Work Together to Reduce Heart Disease! February is American Heart Month, a month to focus on taking care of your heart, one of the most vital organs of the human body that pumps blood carrying all necessary materials that enable the body to function. Knowing the job of the heart, it is of extreme importance you need to do your part in keeping the heart healthy, taking preventative measures against various types of heart disease, America’s leading cause of death. Heart disease is preventable and controllable. It is taking charge of your own journey, and following the path that continues to lead you to a healthy heart. Mass in Motion is working with the community to create an environment that promotes the prevention of heart disease and lowering rates of obesity and overweight, both being leading causes of heart disease. Along with a healthy environment there are also behavior changes that individuals can make, as well as providing a voice and support to encourage policy makers of the importance of a healthy environment. Below is a list of healthy lifestyle choices to reduce your risk of heart disease along with local opportunities to take part in that Mass in Motion and community leaders are working on implementing to make the healthy choice the simple choice towards long term benefits for your heart and your overall health: If you are interested in joining and supporting any of the healthy lifestyle choices or initiatives listed to increase your health and the health of the community please contact: Amanda Chilson at (413) 663-7588 or [email protected]. Healthy Lifestyle Choices Y ou Ca n Make! 1) Eat more fruits and vegetables. 2) Consider replacing pasta & rice with whole grains such as quinoa, millet, or barley. 3) Eat less processed foods. 4) Take foods with partially hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup out of your food choices. 5) Rethink your drink: Drink more water and less soda, juice and other sugar sweetened beverages. 6) Use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, molasses and honey. 7) 30 minutes a day of physical activity. 8) Take a brisk, moderate-intense walk with friends. 9) Walk for transportation. Park the car and walk your errands or walk to work and/or school. 10) Bike for transportation. Bike to work, to school and other destinations. 11) Try a fitness or yoga class with a local instructor. Healthy Initiatives Mass in Motion is Working On 1) Healthy Market Initiative- working with local Cumberland Farms to encourage and promote healthy food choices through Healthy Bites Campaign and Adams Dollar General to become a WIC approved store. Continued on Page 7 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • www.nbccoalition.org 5 Coalition News February 2014 2014 Northern Berkshire MLK, Jr. Day of Service Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Northern Berkshire A Day On, Not A Day Off JANUARY 20 Sponsored by the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition and the Massachusetts Service Alliance 6 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • www.nbccoalition.org Coalition Calendar February 2014 Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Monday, Feb. 3, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7, 8 p.m. Northern Berkshire Tonite The talk show of the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition hosted by Al Bashevkin and Scott Nichols and seen on local Channel 15. Each month it takes a look at key issues of concern to the residents of Northern Berkshire County. This month, Kate Merrigan hosts Spencer Moser, from MCLA and Anne Singleton from the Williamstown Community Chest to talk about the benefits and challenges of collaborations. Wed., Feb. 5, 11:00 a.m. N. Berkshire Youth Collaborative This monthly meeting is held the first Wednesday of each month at the Coalition, 61 Main St., Suite 218, North Adams. To get on the group’s e-mail list, contact Kate Merrigan at [email protected]. (attendees are encouraged to bring a bag lunch). Friday, Feb. 14 10:00 a.m. Monthly Forum This month’s forum will explore how local organizations can collaborate together. See page 2 for more details. The meeting will be held at the 1st Baptist Church in N. Adams (Eagle Street entrance. Please bring a non-perishable food to benefit The Friendship Center Food Pantry. Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:30p.m. nbCC Conference Room Teen Writing Workshop For those who would like to join the workshop or know teens ages 14-19 who could benefit from participating in a creative writing workshop, please contact Kate at kmerrigan@ nbccoalition.org or at 663-7588. No. Berk. Interfaith Action Initiative The Northern Berkshire Interfaith Action Initiative (NBIAI) meets the third Friday of each month at 10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church of N. Adams. All people of goodwill are welcome to participate. NBIAI is a group of people of faith working together with others of goodwill to find ways to serve our community. For more info, contact Mark Rondeau at [email protected]. Fri., Feb. 21, 1:00 p.m. CCB 3rd Fl. Conference Room No. Berk. Systems of Care Committee The NBSOCC consists of families, providers, and community members who live and cope with children with emotional ups and downs every day, who are the true experts qualified to adequately define, prioritize, and seek to address the needs of these children. For more information, contact Annie Rodgers at (413) 6637588. Pot luck item encouraged. Find us, then like us! Find us, then like us! Go to www.facebook.com and search for Go to www.facebook.com and search for Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Healthy Initiatives Mass in Motion is Working On (Continued from Page 5) Friday, Feb. 21, 10:00 a.m. or enter http://on.fb.me/nBnbVo in your browser. 2) Working closely with Clarksburg Elementary School’s Wellness See what we’re up to! Committee to draft a wellness policy that promotes nutrition education and the use of local foods in school meals. 3) Continuing to build and promote Adams Farmers Market and increasing the awareness of theNorthern Berkshire Community Coalition 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams, MA 01247 accepted benefits that can be used at the North (413) 663-7588 Adams Farmers Market, both providing healthy produce to all. Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. Thursdays, 10:30 - noon Cafe Time The Family Place invites you to join their weekly conversation about parenting. Enjoy a craft and refreshments as you discuss the joy and stress of being a parent in a friendly, supportive environment. Transportation and childcare provided upon request. Call (413) 663-7588 for more information. Tuesday, Feb. 18 NA Team, 4:00 p.m. @ nbCC Adams/Cheshire Team, 5:30 @ Adams Visitor’s Center nb21 Strategy Team Meetings nb21 is a grass-roots initiative to reduce teenagers’ access to alcohol. Strategy teams made up of local citizens meet monthly to guide project priorities and actions. For Adams, contact Corinne Case at 743-7455 or [email protected]. For Mt. Greylock, contact Ed Sedarbaum at [email protected]. For North Adams, contact Jessica Dennis at [email protected]. For more information about the nb21 program, contact Lois Daunis, nb21 Prevention Coordinator at (413) 663-7588. How Y ou a nd the Commu nity Ca n Force a Cha nge! or enter http://on.fb.me/nBnbVo 1) Increase indemand at grocery stores and convenient stores by purchasing your browser. healthy and local when you can- Vote with your dollar! See what we’re up to! 2) Shop at the North Adams and Adams Farmers Markets during the season. 3) Volunteer on a school wellness committee, meet with school administration and local leaders to help increase healthy options for school food. 4) Help toBerkshire improve the healthy options at your place of work and the foods Northern Community Coalition 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams, MA 01247 brought in for special events. (413) 663-7588 5) Rethink Your Drink and talk with store managers about decreasing soda and sugary drinks advertisements that entice our youth. Improving the quality of life for people in Northern Berkshire by organizing, supporting, and empowering the community. 4) Encouraging residents to drink water through tracking intake during North Adams Mayor’s Fitness Challenge. 6) Work to remove soda and sugary beverages from vending machines in the places you frequent, i.e. worksite, schools, etc. 5) Implementing and kicking off the North Adams Walking loops during a week of walking in the late spring, encouraging community members to utilize loops for recreation and transportation. 7) Pick a set time each day to walk the North Adams walking loops with friends and wear bright colors for safety. Bring awareness to the increased number of walkers in the community. 6) Organizing a Mayor’s Fitness Challenge offering a variety of free physically active opportunities. 8) Organize a team to register for the Mayor’s Fitness Challenge in late spring. Watch for details here soon! 7) Working with Bike North Berkshire to create bike maps for designated routes in north Berkshire. 9) Join Bike North Berkshire to advocate for bikability along with increasing the amount people ride. 10) Volunteer as a Safe Routes to School Champion creating safe routes and organizing walking school buses so more children can walk/bike to school safely. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams MA 01247 • (413) 663-7588 • www.nbccoalition.org 7 Coalition Staff Executive Director Al Bashevkin: [email protected] Business & Administrative Staff Liz Boland: [email protected] Northern Berkshire Neighbors Annie Rodgers: [email protected] UNITY Kate Merrigan: [email protected] UNITY/nBn Program Associate Stephanie Bosley: [email protected] Grants Manager, nb21/CMCA Lois Daunis: [email protected] The Family Place Amber Besaw: [email protected] The Family Place Administrative Asst. Laura Tatro: [email protected] Mass In Motion Project Coordinator Amanda Chilson: [email protected] Communications Coordinator Bert Lamb: [email protected] nbCC is supported by: Coalition Musings. . . “Music can change the world because it can change people” – Bono I just heard on the news of the passing of Pete Seeger, and it got me thinking about the life he lived and the influence he had on me and so many other people. Seeger was the father of the modern American folk-music movement, co-writing some of the country’s most enduring classics, like “If I Had a Hammer,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone?” and “Turn! Turn! Turn!”. Considering his prominence, Pete lived a somewhat simple life in a very complicated time. He really did have a profound affect on me, and I would bet many others of my generation. Through his music, his message flowed. Ninety-four years is a long life, and fortunately for all of us, we will always have his music, his tremendous respect for human-kind, and the environment we live in. Rest in peace, Pete…I’ll miss you. This past Sunday, prior to the telecast of the Grammy Music Awards, a local group from Williams College, Roomful of Teeth, conducted by Director of Choral and Vocal Activities at Williams College, Brad Wells, won the award for the best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance. Wow…winning a Grammy is quite a feat for a group that performs in our area and is led by a faculty person living in Williamstown. Check them out at roomfulofteeth.org Music has a lesson for all of us to live by. When it is performed well, listening to others enhances our own music making. It is a democratic process. If you have a voice, you can sing. If you have a heartbeat, you have rhythm. Sound and a beat together make music happen. For the magic of beautiful music to happen, we have to work with our fellow music makers. We all can make and appreciate music and by doing this, we are building the community we want to live in. It’s a lesson for us as we work together, and we saw this in action during the afternoon of the MLK Day Celebrations in North Adams. Thanks, Pete, Brad, and everyone else who puts beautiful music in front of us, as well as all of us who make music a part of our everyday life. Sure helps make our world a better place. -- Al Bashevkin s, 2 for date See page s. d location times, an r ry 14th fo n Februa um: Join us o for ly h our mont aboration” tional Coll “Organiza Find this newsletter online at www.nbccoalition.org 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams, MA 01247 Northern Berkshire Community Coalition U.S. Postage Paid Non-Profit Org. Permit #35 North Adams, MA 01247
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In pursuit of this mission, we place
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