

2011 | Volume 15
Friends for Life
A publication of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles
Prot ec t i n g si n ce 1877
On the Cover »
2011 Friends for Life
Volume 15
Con ten t s
Denise Jakcsy, Senior Operations Manager, Pet
Adoption Centers & Level II Humane Officer
Cover photography by Chris Massa Photography
R egu lar s
4 President’s Message
5 Letters
Donor Recognition
A rt ic les
06Year in Review
Highlights of our past fiscal year.
08Cover Story:
Protection & Compassion
26 Memorial & Tribute Gifts
spcaLA Humane Officers Rescue the Voiceless
How to H el p
10spcaLA Around Town
33 spcaLA Locations
Catch your spcaLA out and about!
35 Donor Tiles
37 Naming Opportunities
39 Donate Needed Items to spcaLA
Art direction, design, & edits by Ana Bustilloz, Shelby Moulden & Taylor Benton, spcaLA Communications
& Marketing Department, with special assistance by Jennifer Kaye of Silver Skye Design.
spcaLA does not necessarily advocate or promote the use of
products/services featured in Friends for Life.
2011 vol 15
People always ask – “why spend your time
on kindness to animals and animal cruelty?
Shouldn’t you be concerned with cruelty towards
The answer is – because we are working with the
root of the problem.
Acts of violence against animals typically
precede such acts against humans. Hurting a pet
» Madeline Bernstein
allows the offender to “warm up” and eliminate
Stay in step with Madeline. Go to
if not eradicate feelings of empathy towards any
www.spcaLA.com to check out her blog,
living victim. Hence, animal cruelty is often
Twitter feed, & more!
present in conjunction with or antecedent to a
violent crime, an act of domestic violence or a random desire to cause pain.
We know that children will turn to harming an animal in response to witnessing
violence in the home, experiencing it themselves, peer pressure, coercion, and a desire
to shock and offend. This behavior allows a child to desensitize his/her feelings, avoid
attachments, and identify with the role of aggressor.
Website: www.spcaLA.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (888) 772-2521
Report Animal Cruelty: (800) 540-SPCA
E x ec u t i v e T e a m
Madeline Bernstein
Diane Eyler
Executive Vice President
Liz Visco
Vice President
Cor e Ma nage m e n t
Ana Bustilloz
Director of Communications &
Miriam Davenport
Senior Director of Development
Dr. Karen Halligan, DVM
Director of Veterinary Services
Essentially, animal cruelty is often the strongest root for growing a bully.
Denise Jakcsy
Senior Operations Manager,
Pet Adoption Centers
spcaLA intervenes at the beginning of this progression with the hope that we can
change the end.
J.R. Sitman, MCP
Director of IT
Though we daily confront this cycle of violence and face unspeakable acts of cruelty
against both animals and humans in our work at spcaLA – we take pride in the fact
that we continually see progress through our efforts in education, enforcement,
legislation and mentoring. We instill empathy (the cure for violence) in at risk teens
while also teaching them the art of civil discourse and peaceful conflict resolution.
We provide a safety net for pets of victims of domestic violence who are willing to
be physically battered rather than leave a pet behind. We criminally prosecute those
who cannot be taught, and teach our youth so there will be no one to prosecute. We
legislate where there are gaps and do our best to model best practices. We speak for the
vulnerable and to those who would offend.
Debra Sutton
Senior Director of Programs
Melanie Wagner, M.S. Ed
Director of Humane Education
Board of Di r ec tor s
Rollin Ransom, Esq.
Chairman of the Board
Robert S. Span
Vice Chair
Bart Zitnitsky
Together we can make a difference.
Mariann N. Ettorre
Yours truly,
Madeline Bernstein, spcaLA President
Todd Brewer
Harold F. Pine
Craig de Recat
George G. Strong
Honorary Board
Peter A. Cheney
Cathy Guisewite
Matt Knabe
Kristopher Van Over
Friends for Life
Heather A. Mahood, Esq.
Philip D. Pitchford
Cini & Ira Robb
Dayl Salamanca
Dori Slater Vance, DVM
Resa Trent
Betty White
E n t e rta i n m e n t
Com m i t t e e
Dr. Buzz Aldrin
Ed Asner
Candice Bergen
Jacqueline Bisset
Amy Boatwright
Dyan Cannon
Nancy Carr
Keith Hamilton Cobb
Phil Davis, Esq.
Ellen DeGeneres
Barbara Eden
Blake Edwards
Jim Ervin
Dann Florek
Daniel A. Fiore
Dennis Franz
Annabeth Gish
Lee Grant
Tommy Habeeb
Jeff Hall
Daryl Hannah
Patricia Heaton
Danielle Hunt
William Immerman
Ashley Keegan
Curt King
B. Susan Kirch
Patrick Labyorteaux
Cloris Leachman
Joe Mantegna
Constance Marie
Roxanne Motamedi
Craig T. Nelson
Ginger Perkins
Ellen Pittleman
LeAnn Rimes
Akiko Rogers
Dale Rosenbloom
Jodi Roth
Gena Rowlands
Jenni Runyan
Theresa Russell
Molly Sims
Cynthia Snyder
Ben Stein
Bill Todman, Jr.
Bonnie Todman
John Travolta
Jennifer Weingroff
Kim Wilder-Lee
Matt Winston
Let ters
« Rally is a natural model!
We are so happy we found our cat Rally!
That’s the name you gave him, and we
liked it so it stuck. He has fit into our
home so perfectly. He snoozes next to
me when we watch TV and rolls on his
back on the floor when he wants to be
petted. He also loves watching our bird
feeder out the window. We’re so glad that he’s happy in his new home with us. We
took him for his free vet exam and he got a perfect report.
Kelly and Brad Fitzgerald
We adopted our boy, Buster, just before Christmas. We have
loved all the dogs that we have owned over the years, but
our Buster is SPECIAL!!! What a loving little guy. It’s as if he
knows that we rescued him and he is grateful. I’m not sure
that he knows what he’s done for us.
We have a very happy home that is full of love. We did not
think for a second that Buster would bring even more love
into our home, but he has. We are taking obedience classes
and he is coming along just fine. In fact, he is set to graduate
on Thursday.
» Joe and Matthew
with Buster
Pr e s i de n t ’ s M e ssage
Buster loves to ride in the car. We have been flagged down on the street by people
who want to know where we got him and we are so happy to tell them that we got
him from the spcaLA in Long Beach. In fact, one family said that he was their “dream
dog.” We replied that he is definitely our dream dog and that he is not available :)
Thank God you are there doing what you do. If you weren’t there, we would never
have gotten our dream dog, Buster Graham.
Joe, Marie, Matthew and Buster
My name is Elise. I just turned six years old. I celebrated my birthday by having a party
at Kidnastiks with all my friends and family.
Kids from my class at school, my Daisy Girl Scouts, family friends, neighbors, and my
soccer friends all came to play at my party. We did gymnastics, ran around, played Hide
and Go Seek, and climbed up into a castle. Afterwards we ate pizza. Everyone sang
Happy Birthday to me. I blew out the candles and made a wish for a real puppy. We ate
yummy cupcakes. I got lots of presents. Some were toys and gifts for me, but I asked for
donations for my puppy friends at the shelter instead of presents for myself. I got lots of
dog toys, doggy food and snacks, collars, a dog sweater, and
cards with money to donate to the animals at the shelter. I
hope they like all these special gifts. Thank you to all my
friends for helping me celebrate my 6th birthday.
« Elise’s Birthday Party
2011 vol 15
Year in Re view
This year, we increased the number of
“Project Dogs” by 64%.
By Miriam Davenport
And, thanks to the HEAL program, all
spcaLA shelter pets receive a special
plan of care – one that is reinforced by
spcaLA staff, volunteers and even the
public. As a result of their efforts, our
shelter pets have a better quality of life,
making them less stressed and more
quickly adopted.
September 1st, 2010 through August 31st, 2011
Still in the pilot stage, participants
are court-ordered to complete the
intensive two-day jTLC program as
a condition of their probation. Many
offenders were arrested for violence
or bullying, and all need to rekindle
their ability to feel for the suffering
of others: empathy.
» These two kittens found their new families at the Village.
It took a village:
ten y ears of
The spcaLA Village is a model
program of public and private
collaboration between spcaLA and
the City of Long Beach and fully
integrates spcaLA, Long Beach
Animal Care Services staff, and all
major program functions in one
The Village revolutionized the way
shelters are designed and managed,
Friends for Life
spcaLA Expenses1
The end of violence:
a pilot for juvenile
spcaLA educators collaborated
with Los Angeles County District
Attorneys and launched a publicprivate collaboration with no
precedent : jTLC. Based on the
award-winning, at-risk youth
violence-prevention program,
“Teaching Love and Compassion”
(TLC) program, jTLC was created
as a rehabilitation program for
juvenile offenders.
Project: HEAL
Often victims of animal abuse
or neglect, and exhibiting signs
of depression, anxiety or severe
stress, spcaLA “Project Dogs” are
in need of a little bit of extra help.
And, thanks to a generous grant
from the PEDIGREE Foundation,
we were able to give these dogs the
help they deserve through
HEAL Project Dog, Popeye, and TLC
student, Bryan.
spcaLA staffer, Matthew Weins,
socializes a kitten.
our Helping Enhance Animals’
Lives (HEAL) program.
We work with “Project Dogs”
on dog-to-dog manners and
other common behavior issues.
“Project Dogs” receive a special
training plan, which can include
foster care, one-on-one training,
obedience classes and specialized
behavior enrichment.
spcaLA relies 100% on donations – we
do not receive a penny of government
funding, and there is no national
spca or humane society that provides
support. Programs and services for
the public – spcaLA Marketplaces,
Grooming Salon, Pet Hotel, Dog
Training, Spring & Summer
Children’s Camps and Specialty
Spay/Neuter Center – help to make
spcaLA more self-sufficient while
strengthening the human-animal
bond and reinforcing the importance
of being kind to animals.
Percentages are based on unaudited financial statements. At the time of this publication, audited financial statements were not yet available
for the 9/1/10-8/31/11 fiscal year. To view audited statements when they become available, please visit our profile at www.guidestar.org
(Tax ID 95-1738153) or call (323) 730-5300, ext 233.
jTLC is unique to YOUR spcaLA,
and is already being sought out in
other areas of the country.
In 2001, a group of visionary donors
and animal welfare experts came
together to build a model program
of public and private collaboration
between spcaLA and the City
of Long Beach: the spcaLA P.D.
Pitchford Companion Animal
Village & Education Center.
setting a replicable new benchmark
in cost-efficient, life-preserving
care for rescued animals. The
Village is the first of its kind in this
hemisphere and emphasizes that
animals must be respected and
cared for properly. In the past ten
years, over 22,000 pets found their
new families at the Village.
During jTLC, kids are paired
with shelter dogs and offered
intensive sessions designed to help
at-risk youth identify and break the
cycle of violence.
After one of the first pilot jTLC
sessions, one of the graduates called
spcaLA in panic. She had found
some stray kittens near her home.
She wanted to know what to do and
we helped her. She said: “Before
jTLC, I would have walked by these
kittens, not caring. But now, I know I
can’t do that.”
How do w e do it?
1,033 animals were spayed or
neutered at the spcaLA Specialty
Spay/Neuter Center.
605 animals were fostered by
dedicated volunteers, many of the
pets were the motherless “bottle
babies” we see each spring, while
others were adult dogs and cats
in protective custody or in need of
some additional TLC.
15 families were able to put their
lives back together, thanks to ASN.
spcaLA cared for their animals (at no
charge) while they fled a domestic
violence situation.
400 volunteers donated 42,268 hours
of their time: training, socializing &
providing other enrichment activities
to animals; visiting residents of
assisted living and special-care
facilities through Animal Assisted
Therapy and so much more!
Over 10,000 people were reached
by humane education programs
– TLC; spring & summer camps;
Girl Scout workshops & classroom
3,482 animals were adopted,
reunited with their families or
transported to an area of demand
from the South Bay Pet Adoption
Center and the P.D. Pitchford
Companion Animal Village &
Education Center.
40,000 animals were protected by
spcaLA’s Law Enforcement Division,
as they investigated cruelty
complaints at residences, pet shops,
swap meets, ranches, petting zoos,
pony rides and other locations.
727 dogs & 154 cats worked directly
with spcaLA’s Animal Behavior &
Training staff, who, in turn, enabled
volunteers to work with our entire
population by providing 93 HEAL
training classes.
2011 vol 15
Cov e r St ory
Cov e r St ory
Protection and
equine veterinarian, one horse was in such poor health he
was deemed unsuitable to be ridden again in his lifetime.
Thanks to our intervention, both will live their lives with
peace and dignity. These are but two of thousands of horses
that spcaLA has rescued, after they were ridden, beaten or
worked to the brink of death.
Cats, dogs & ot h e r p e ts
spcaLA Humane Officers
Wilson, Jakcsy, and Lopez.
By Miriam Davenport
Immobile, unresponsive and lying in her
own feces, a young Chihuahua in an area
pet shop watched life slip by until spcaLA
Humane Officers came to her rescue this
past July. Seizing seven dogs in total, spcaLA
Humane Officers rushed “Millie” (short for the
Spanish Milagras, or miracle) to an emergency
veterinarian just in the nick of time.
Fortunately for Millie, there is a force in Los
Angeles that cares for the safety and well-being
of all animals, holding accountable those who
would abuse or neglect them: spcaLA. In
1877, spcaLA was formed to prevent cruelty to
animals and children – both of whom were
considered property in the eyes of the law. Without the
intervention of your spcaLA, Millie would not have survived.
Millie is now safe and sound in a new, loving home.
spcaLA employs an elite corps of Humane Officers who may
exercise the powers of a peace officer anywhere in the State
of California while investigating animal cruelty. These
dedicated men and women are dispatched to thousands of
cruelty calls annually. Most cases can be resolved through
mentoring, education and corrective action.
When not investigating animal cruelty, spcaLA Humane
Officers work with spcaLA’s Humane Education Department
to educate children and adults about the importance of
kindness to animals. spcaLA Humane Officers are also a
critical component to the spcaLA Disaster Animal Response
Team (DART). Responding to disasters in California
and across the nation—like wildfires, earthquakes and
hurricanes—DART provides front-line veterinary care, food
and temporary shelter to animals in crisis.
Hor ses
Milagras with Officer Wilson
Friends for Life
In a residential area of Los Angeles this past June, two horses
were in desperate need of rescue. Both showed signs of
neglect: one lame and both underweight. Both were saved
by spcaLA Humane Officers. Immediately taken to an
Armed with masks and flashlights, wearing special
protective gear, spcaLA Humane Officers removed 17
dogs in a hoarder’s home. The dogs were dehydrated,
underweight and suffering from mange and other
skin conditions.
They were living in filth – debris and
feces made locating and removing all
of the dogs nearly impossible.
during a cruelty investigation. Seized while allegedly on
their way to market for food consumption, over 700 of the
turtles died – from drowning, being crushed by the weight
of other turtles, dehydration, starving or other ailments
– the remaining turtles were released into their natural
habitat. Their owner was prosecuted and convicted of
animal cruelty and possession of a prohibited species.
spcaLA comes to the aid of all animals who are victims
of cruelty. Since 1877, we have rescued all manner of pets,
exotic animals, livestock and equines.
Before »
The dogs went under veterinary
care and some were placed in foster
homes during the ensuing court case.
In our care, they transformed – from
nearly unrecognizable victims to proud,
healthy family pets. Their abuser was
convicted of four counts of animal cruelty
in a plea agreement.
Hoarders, dog fighters, unscrupulous breeders,
puppy smugglers, neglectful pet shop owners,
and individuals who abuse or neglect pets have
been subject to investigation and arrest by
spcaLA Humane Officers.
T u rt les, e xot ics & ot h e r s
For several weeks in the summer of 1993,
spcaLA was home to nearly 2,000 snapping
turtles saved by spcaLA Humane Officers
Two of 2,000 rescued turtles.
Bullet, a horse rescued in Los Angeles.
2011 vol 15
spca L A Around Town
By Ana Bustilloz
2011 was a banner year for spcaLA! We hosted more mobile adoptions, Low Cost Vaccine
Clinics, and special events than ever before. Through these and other community outreach
efforts, spcaLA is an ever-present resource for our community. spcaLA’s upcoming events
listings are available at www.spcaLA.com.
Dr. Karen Halligan & RVT Monique Matuska with friends in Sri Lanka
Mark & Brian Pet Adoption Day.
spcaL A’ s
Ot h e r
Hero Dog
spcaLA’s 29th Annual National
Hero Dog is Diamond, a Pitbull
• Halloween Pet Parade
spcaLA Pet
Adoption Day
Presented By
Mark & Brian And
95.5 KLOS
• Diamonds Not Fur
The 6th Annual spcaLA Mark &
Brian Pet Adoption Day was a
huge success! During the event,
and the weeks leading up to it,
spcaLA found homes for about
320 animals, including 76 the
day of the event! There were a
• Hollywood Christmas Parade
• Low Cost Vaccine Clinics
• Night with the LA Kings
• Junior Girl Scout Pet Care
Badge Workshops
• PAWS to Read
• and much, much more!
Friends for Life
from Hayward, CA. Not only
did Diamond alert her family
to a house fire, but she shielded
one of her family members from
the flames, sustaining burns
herself. Though her family lost
all of their possessions in the
fire, thanks to Diamond’s heroic
behavior, they survived. Diamond
is a testament to her breed
proving that Pitbulls treated with
affection and compassion can be
loving, protective companions.
spcaLA presented Diamond
the National Hero Dog award
in May at a ceremony at Nokia
Plaza in downtown Los Angeles.
Diamond’s story was covered by all
of the major L.A. news outlets, the
Associated Press, and MSNBC.
dozen vendors on hand giving
away advice, information and
free pet food samples; agility
demonstrations by spcaLA’s
Animal Behavior & Training
Department; Los Angeles Dodger
legend, Steve Garvey signed
baseballs; and of course, KLOS’
Mark & Brian! Mark & Brian Pet
Adoption Day is a favorite event
of the spcaLA staff and volunteers.
Everyone is really looking forward
to next year’s event to be held
at the P.D. Pitchford Animal
Companion Village & Education
Center in Long Beach.
spcaLA’s 3rd annual Kittenpalooza
at the South Bay Pet Adoption
Center in Hawthorne was the best
one to date! The cat and kitten
adoption event held in July found
homes for 27 felines. Folks came
from all over Los Angeles to adopt
cats and kittens, and to receive
product samples and information
from VCA Animal Hospitals, VPI
Pet Insurance, Natura Pet Products,
Stella & Chewy’s®, and Swheat
Scoop. Kittenpaloozers also enjoyed
Traveling Treats Shaved Ice and had
the chance to meet, Animal Planet’s
cat expert, Jackson Galaxy.
Diamond, 2010’s Hero Dog
Bark in the Park
at dodger stadium
In its second year, Bark in the Park
at Dodger Stadium is becoming one
of spcaLA’s most popular events!
It’s no wonder since it’s the one
time a year you can attend a Dodger
game with your canine buddy. Fans
and players alike really enjoyed
the Pup Parade wherein 500 dogs,
most in costume, paraded around
the warning track of the field at
Dodger Stadium. The event was a
huge success! Bark in the Park was
a sell-out and Los Angeles Dodgers
donated over $5,000 from event
ticket sales to spcaLA.
Dressed for Bark in the Park at Dodger Stadium
In March of 2011, spcaLA’s Disaster
Animal Response Team went
international. Two members of
spcaLA’s elite veterinary staff,
Director of Veterinary Medicine,
Dr. Karen “Doc” Halligan,
DVM and Registered Veterinary
Technician, Monique Matuska, were
invited to Sri Lanka by Tsunami
Animal-People Alliance (TAPA) to
provide TAPA’s veterinarians with
guidance on spay/neuter surgical
techniques. spcaLA also provided
vaccines and medications not
readily available in the tsunami
zone of Sri Lanka. Though the
2004 Sri Lankan tsunami is no
longer headline news, recovery
in the hardest-hit areas is slow
as people work to stabilize
themselves, pets, community
animals and strays. spcaLA is
proud to have extended a hand to
people and animals in need.
The 14th Annual Appreciation
Dinner held in April recognized
the outstanding work of spcaLA’s
staff, volunteers, and community
supporters whose contributions
enable spcaLA to help the
Southland’s animals and people.
spcaLA’s Volunteer of the Year was
Kristopher Van Over and spcaLA’s
Employee of the Year was Maria
Guizar. spcaLA also presented
Newco, Funnel Mill, Chris Massa
Photography and i Love Dogs Inc.
with inaugural William S. Hart
Awards (named for the silent
film star, spcaLA Board Member,
and animal welfare advocate)
for their support of spcaLA’s
programs and services.
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($1,000 and above)
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($999–$500)
Don or s September 1st, 2010 through August 31st, 2011
spcaLA thanks all of our generous donors. All donors who gave $150 or more during the past fiscal year are listed in this edition of Friends for Life. A complete
donor listing can be found in the online edition at www.spcaLA.com. Donors are listed by donation level, then alphabetically by last or organization name.
$10,000 and above
The 1992 Soper Family
Jacki Ciscernos
Shawn Dreffein
Employees Community
Fund of Boeing California
The Ray & Wyn Ritchie
Evans Foundation
Holly Lynn Fader
David Hockney
Betty Ludden
Pedigree Foundation
Philip D. Pitchford
Robert & Crystal Span
The Stringer Foundation
Frances Starr Toll
VCA Animal Hospitals
AT&T Foundation/
United Way Campaign
Ms. Lois Clark Curren
Crimi-Roser Foundation
The Erteszek
Family Foundation
Mariann N. Ettorre, CPA
Fidelity Investments
Charitable Fund
Dann & Karen Florek
The Frankel Foundation
Ethel Frends Foundation
The Thornton S. Glide &
Katrina D. Glide
Dr. Richard H. Gold, MD
Ms. Marie James
Mr. Jeffrey W. Kellogg
Ms. Patricia Kulha
John and Maria Laffin Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Lewis
Dr. N Jeanine J.
Mc Mahon, MD
Mr. Mark Milner
Northrop Grumann
Employees Charity
Olde Thompson
Pet Shelters Across America
Cini & Ira Robb
Sanford Anderson
Charitable Foundation
United Way of Greater
Los Angeles
Ms. Victoria Ward
David & Sylvia Weisz
Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Ms. Pam Adams
Agron, Inc.
Julia C. Allen
Ms. Shirley Amdisen
Amgen Foundation
Mrs. Grace R. Anderson
Ms. Marilyn Aninger
Mr. & Mrs. Marlow S. Baar
Mr. & Mrs. Barad
Mr. Michael Barrett
Mr. Bud Bednarski
Mr. Mayo K. Berman
Ms. Helene Bernstein
Madeline Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Berry
Mr. Jeff Bianco
Ms. Marion Biggs
Jacqueline Bisset
Mr. James S. Blackburn
Ms. Nina Blanchard
Ms. Amy Boatwright
Leslie A. Bosson
Marla Bradley &
Michael Lambert
Anny Brann
Ms. Anita J. Brodecky
Jerry Bruckheimer
Ms. Karen A. Burrows
Ms. Shannon Campain
Ms. Gloria Cannon
Caplin Foundation
Causecast Foundation
Mr. Rick Chamberlain
Chevron Products Company
Jiyon A. Cho
Pamela Taylor Clyne
Ms. Lynne M. Coakley-Steele
Mr. Adam Collier
Ms. Shelley Conger
Bernice Conn
Ms. Amy S. Cooper
Robin Cowan
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Ms. Susan Z. Dales
Diane Damianakes
Jez Davidson-Guito
Friends for Life
Ms. Andrea E. Delott
Mr. Colin Digiaro
DJ & T Foundation
Murel Docimo
Ms. Jamie L. Dubinsky
Mr. Joseph Duke, Jr.
Kristine Dunn, Esq.
Edison International
The Philip Lee Ellis &
Elizabeth B. Ellis
James Ellroy
Dr. Teri E. Engelberg
Ms. Kim Ertelt
Ms. Denise F. Estrada
Ms. Nancy Fader
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Casey T. Fleck, Esq.
Pamela & Gavin Fleminger
Mr. Jayson B. Flowers
Ms. Virginia Fout
Myrna & Curtis Frame
Valerie Franklin
Ms. Amy Friend
Funnel Mill
Mr. & Mrs. David C.
Ms. Margaret Halvorson
Mr. Dean Hampton
Ginger Hansen
William D. Hardie
June Irene Chiltern
Healey Foundation
The Jason Debus Heigl
Peter Hohenbrink
Mr. Todd Holland
Steve N. Horak
Ms. Yoko Horimoto
Ms. Darlene Hudson
Marva Hutchison
i Love Dogs, Inc.
Mr. Rigoberto Ibarra
Idea Resource Systems
David Izzard
Ms. Christine Johnston
The Carl Jud Foundation
Ms. Grace S. Kadoya
Chiyon Kang
Kenlor Management Co.
Mr. Joe Kiernicki
Candace M. Kilbane
Kings Care Foundation
Ms. Denise Kopeland
Neda Kordich
Ms. Linda D. Kornfeld
David Krasne, MD
Moshe Kushman, Esq.
Mr. Eugene L. La Pietra
Bruce Lafferman
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A.
Mr. Stephen Larrabee
Ms. Mary Lou Leo
Mr. Evan Levy
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
Mr. John Long
Simon C. Longson
Los Angeles Dodgers
Ms. Linda Luthro
Anne L. Lynch
Mr. Danny Mahon
Timothy Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
Scott & Lauralee Martin
MAS Family Foundation
Trust Philanthropy
Mr. Andrew Mc Afee
Brian J. McCarthy, Esq.
Ms. Louise H. McGregor
Dorothy Metros
Edward H. Michalski
Walter D. Miller
Lucy C. Mireles
Margaux Mirkin
Morgan Stanley Annual
Appeal Campaign
Edward & Kelly Moyzes
John & Linda Muckel
Network for Good
Margie A Newell
Newport Creative
Mr. John S. Niendorff
Night Vision
Entertainment Inc.
Ms. Mary A. Noriega
Nurtur Los Angeles, LLC
P.K. Foundation
Mr. David H. Parker
Mr. Paul Parks
Rock S. Peterson
Brita Petersons-Wald
Ms. Lorraine G. Pinedo
Ms. Alice Pinkoski
Purina Pets for People
Mr. & Mrs. Rafferty
Rand Rusher, Inc.
Gary & Matha Ratzke
Ms. Maja D. Reid
Ms. Jennifer Resnik
Maura & Harold Richardson
John Rogers & Beth
Ms. Carol Romero
Mark S. Rosenberg
Patricia Roth
Ms. Jeannie Rozzi
Mr. Scott Ryan
Ms. Samantha Sadinsky
Fred & Mary Sanchez
Mr. Nate Sanders
Mr. Nathaniel Sanders
Bertha L. Santos
Mr. Sanford Schenbart
Brett W. Schindler
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. David S. Sennett
Ms. Betty J. Shea
Mr. Mohammad Shokraei
Sandra Silverstone
Jan Singh
Dolores J. Sirott
Smith-Welsh Foundation
Archie D. Soden
Jane O. Solomon
Lola D. Sorrells
Stephan Spears
Christian Spenker
Ms. Lori Steuer
Marilyn E. Stevens
Terri L. Straub
The Simon Strauss
Mr. Daniel Strelitz
The Symonds Foundation
Ms. Jessie Tait
Ms. Jill K. Tanaka
Brian Tanouye
Ms. Joy Teske
The Susanne & Gary Tobey
Family Foundation
Mrs. Ethel S. Trabue
Mrs. Charlotte Ukra
Mr. Michael Valerio
Paul & Lois Vaughan
Veterinary Pet Insurance Co.
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Ms. Tina Weyand
Ms. Trina White
Ms. Judith B. Whitsit
Alan M. & Nancy S. Wiener
Suzanne V. Wilson
Ms. Georgetta Wolff
World Society for the
Protection of Animals
Ms. Effie C. Yamano
Mr. Eric Akaba
Allstate Giving Campaign
America’s Charities
Mary C. Bambrick
Kenneth J. Betts, Esq.
Mr. & Ms. Michael Bruhns
Mr. Richard Buchholz
Keets Cassar
Mr. Chiung-Fong Chang
ChevronTexaco Employee
“People Making a
Difference” Campaign
Ms. Jennifer Del Castillo
Matthew S. Dixon
Ms. Kathleen Dragovich
Nicole Dunn &
Chris Wolski
Mark & Christine Fowler
Mrs. Josan Galletti
Ms. Nadia Gilmore
Carolyn Griffiths
Rodrigo Guerra, Jr., Esq.
Jeanne Hanahan
Ms. Geri F. Herrera
Joan E. Hirsch
Anita Hirsh
Jewish Community
Ms. Betsy Johnson
Mr. Jeffrey Joseph
Harold H. & Maryln L.
Dr. Christopher Lockhart
Ms. Maria LoVerme
Paul J. Martin
Mrs. Margaret A. Maw
Ms. June N. Mayeda
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McLaren
Caroline M. Miller
Mr. Clint Mitch
Ms. Gail Nelson
Orange County’s United Way
Ms. Eileen Peterson
Ms. Cynthia Pett-Dante
Harriet M. Pope
L. Pullen Buehl
Ralphs Grocery Company
Candy L. Reese
Ms. Betty J. Rickles
Gregory Robins, Esq.
Cathleen O. Rozadilla
Ms. Yoriko Saneyoshi
Janet Schultz
Sempra Energy Employee
Giving Program
Naomi C. Smith
Roy & Jennifer Smith
Ralph Staunton
Dr. Kirk Steinam
Jacquette S. Theis
Alex E. Tribe
Lisa J. Ulmer
Mrs. Valerie Urquhart
Priscilla L. Wagner
Mr. Charly Wang
Ms. Monique Winter
Eric Y. Young
Mrs. Kathy Abrams
Ms. Felisa Acevedo
Anna M. Aguilera
Carmen Aguirre
Ms. Patricia Alexander
Mr. Fred Ancora
Irving H. Anderson
Meghan L. Archdeacon
Ms. Karen Arnold
Ms. Georgene K. Aster
Mr. James Avedikian
Ayeshire Farm
Ms. Sumithra Barry
Mrs. Mary Basile
Robert L. Beckstrom
Daniel & Diane Benjamin
Joann Berry
Mr. John L. Biard
Mr. Ramsey Bieber
Ms. Glenna J. Blake
Mr. Jack Bleck
Ms. Allyson W. Bolton
Helen Boutrous
Mr. Bill Braden
Jennifer Bresnan
Mr. Jerry Brewster
Mr. James R. Brown
Ms. Kathleen C. Brown
Mr. Tom Burke
Ms. Carleen Cappelletti
Mrs. Leslie Carlson
Mr. Dennis Casciato
Ms. Cecilia Clem
Ms. Linda Cobarrubias
Mrs. Roberta S. Cohen
Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage Community
Core Medstaff
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Crose
Ms. Erin Culley
Nabil R. Dajani
Dakota Blue, Inc.
Lynne Davidson
Susan Davis
Ms. Eileen Dennis
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford R.
Ms. Alma Desowitz
Mr. Arthur Detman, Jr.
Sandy Dilores
Mr. Fred Dominski
Mr. & Mrs. Downer
Meloney Downing
EAD Foundation
Louis S. Eberhardt
R. Edwards
Karen Eldridge
Ms. Nancy E. Elliott
Mr. Mark Emerson
Ms. Donna E. Erb
Mr. Dennis Ertsman
Mr. & Mrs. Luciano Fabbio
Mary Farley
Ellen L. Farrell
Patricia A. Fasani
Ms. Susan Faucheux
Ms. Barbara Finch
Mr. Edward Fitz
Mrs. Georgie S. Ford
Mr. Frank Fountain
Mr. Michael J. Fourticq
Mr. & Mrs. Scott &
Jennifer Frank
Sheril D. Freedman
Fusion Fitness
G.E. Dean & Associates
Ruann Gelb
Ms. Carol A. George
Joan Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Barry W.
Girl Scouts of Greater Los
Angeles Troop #3615
Mr. & Mrs. Tullio A. Giudici
Mr. William G. Glass
Barry Goldbaum
Sue Good
Carter Goodrich
Laura Gowing
Ms. Sandra Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Norin T. Grancell
Mr. & Mrs. Brad &
Kate Greenberg
Ms. Barbara Greenberg
Thomas F. Grose
James & Maureen Gross
Sunny & Alvin Grossblatt
Gina A. Gualtiere
Marilyn & Larry Guidi
Eleanor & John Guldimann
Mr. Mark Gunzelman
Ms. Elyse V. Gura
Patricia E. Guttormsen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Hall
Mrs. & Mr. Barbara L. Hall
Ms. Pamela Hamanaka
Mr. Kenneth F. Hansen
Mr. Robert Hansen
Ms. Carolyn Hansen
Ms. Julia Harris
Ms. Lindsay Harrison
Edward H. Hartz
Ms. Anita Hedlund
Ms. Deborah
Ms. Mayra Hernandez
Lee Herschler &
Mark Gilbert
Ms. Nancy R. Hinkel
Fred & Iris Hoblit
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W.
Mrs. Inger S. Hogan
Mr. Thomas Holliday
Charles R. Holmes
Ms. Joan Hornig
Teena Hostovich
Ms. Karon Hudson
Charlotte F. Hughes
Ms. Monica Hui
Steven L. Isaacman
Ms. Alexandra Ito
J.U. Travel, Inc.
Mr. Keith Jackson
Mr. Anders Johnson
Ms. Ann Johnson
Mr. Walter Jones
Ms. Valerie Juarez
Ms. Laura Jukes
Usama Kahf
Stuart Kaplan
Mr. David Katz
Mr. Edgar Khalatian
Jay T. Kinn
Mr. David Kirby
Ms. Elizabeth Kitchen
K-Jam Productions, Inc.
Mr. John Klein
Stephen Kolodny
Ms. Lila Kommerstad
Mr. Roger Koodish
Ms. Anne-Marie Kraus
Ms. Diane Kucenski
Bud Lackie
Ms. Carolyne Lacy
Lynette Lalonde
James P. Lane
Ms. Valerie I. Lang
Mr. David L. Lann
The Banky Larocque
Ms. Brooke Lauter
Mary Lawler
Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Lawton
Ms. Adrien S. Lazarus
Ms. Corinne Lee
Dr. Lynn S. Lermann
Ms. Debra L. Lesnick
Mr. Patrick Levrat
Mr. Richard Lewis
Kim M. Lewis &
Michael Narigon
Ms. Janice Lim
Rochelle Lindsey
Jonathan Littman
Michael A. Logan
Ms. Diane E. Lord
Brian Lowell
Mr. William Luehm
Mr. Terrence P. Lynch
Ms. Michelle Lynxwiler
Ms. Jeanne G. Lytton
Ms. Justine Madero
Ms. Joan Maguire
Nancy M. Manby
Ms. Sherrie Mancera
Gary M. Mandinach
Mr. John F. Mangus
Mrs. Glory C. Maples-Horn
John & Bridget Martens
Jean Masse
Mr. David Mazewski
Larry B. McClung
Mrs. Jean McOsker
Insurance Group
Roy A. Meals
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Mellan
Ms. Nancy Mitchell
Ms. Margaret Andrade
Ms. Pamela Molina
Mr. Jason Monkarsh
Ms. Teri Montgomery
Mrs. Natalie C. Moore
Ms. Jeri Moore
Ms. Alexandra More
Marion E. Morehouse
Peter B. Morrison, Esq.
Mr. James Mulholland
Allan Mutchnik, Esq.
Ms. Maureen Myers
Susan S. Nagata
Ms. Patricia Nakano
Robin C. Nakazaki
Natura Pet Products
Nemours Children’s Clinic
Ms. Christina Neville
Dr. Margery A. Nicolson
Daryl Nishimiya
Ms. Paula Ochoa
Georgia A. O’Connor
Ms. Kim-Marie O’Hara
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($250–$749)
Mr. Brian L. Olson
Ms. Eunice B. Pahl
Mr. & Mrs. Peitrini
Mr. David Pennington
Pepsi-Cola Company
Perennials Outdoor Fabrics
Ms. Phebbie Pesquera
Ms. Audrey V. Peterson
Anhtuan Pham
Pierre Productions, INC
Ms. Lucille D. Pohley
Kathryn R. Polster
Allen & Ruth Potts
Mr. & Mrs. Richard &
Linda Powell
John S. Provatas
Mrs. & Mr. Maria &
Richard Quint
Ms. Lynn A. Rabin
Mr. Leonard R. Rangel
Mr. Jeremy Rawitch
Ms. Ashley K. Reeves
Thomas Reichert &
Andrew Halladay
Ms. Christine Rhoads
Mr. Jeffrey Rhodes
Ms. Donna Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C.
Ms. Tara Riddle
Ms. Gail D. Ritchey
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C.
Janis L. Romero
Mr. & Ms. Rosenberg
Ms. Shani Rosenzweig
Ms. Teresa Rostovski
Ms. Erika H.
Ms. J. Allison Routt
Jeffrey & Whitney Roy
Ms. Mara Royce
Shirley Russell
Mrs. Stephanie Sanders
Peter Schick
Richard Sciarrilli
Mr. & Mrs. Ben J. Scotti
Leanne L. Seeger
Ed Servaites
Ms. Deborah A. Shands
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K.
The Sikand Foundation Inc.
Matthew E. Sloan, Esq.
Kori A. Smith
Mrs. Winifred Smith
Ruth V. Sobeck, DVM
Ms. Kathleen Soltwedell
Mrs. Jennifer N. Spicijaric
Ms. Sandra Stark
Ms. Sherrill Stein
Stella and Chewy’s
Mr. Edward S. Stephenson
Mr. Ronald Striker
Mrs. Vivian A. Strong
Ms. Annette N. Sutera
Swheat Scoop
Mr. Adam Tarshis
Ms. Michelle
The Termino Company
Ms. Persis Tiner
Mr. Sam Tobey
Mr. Joe Toppe
Toyota Tsusho America, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen and
Lydia Turanchik
United Way California
Capital Region
Universal Network
Television LLC #11
Mr. Axel Van Liempt
Ms. Mary Vassilakis
Mr. Dale Vaughan
Mr. Gerald E. Voelker
Roger F. Vorce
Brenda Wade
Mary L. Walsh
Ricki D. Weinberger
Venus Williams
Mr. Warren D. Williamson
Anne Winner
Mr. Rodney Wirtz
Agnes Yamada
Mrs. Christy M. Yaussi
Ms. Chris Yochum
Ms. Patrice J. Zamenhof
Donna J. Zenor
Mr. Yu Zhu
Irv & Chris Zuckerman
Abbott Laboratories
Mr. & Mrs. David Abrams
Mrs. Nancy Acheson-Smith
Ms. Rosine Ackerman
Mr. Tim Adams
Ms. Nancy M. Adams
Mr. Michael Aday
Mr. Jim Agronick
Armida J. Aguilar
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin &
Anh Akins
Ms. Andy Alferovs
Ms. Millie Allinson
Ms. Kathleen J. Amezcua
Ms. Flor Anaya
Mr. Henry C. Anchondo
Ms. Ann Anderson
Ms. Martha L. Andreani
Ms. Elyse Arbour
Jodi Arneson
Cheyanne Arnold
Sandi J. Arthur
Friends for Life
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($250–$499)
Mrs. Dawn Artman
George E. Auge
Cecilia L. Austin
Alan Austin
Tracy H. Autio-Platt
Ms. Margaret L.
Neil Babitch
Ms. K.J. Baggs
Mr. Jeff Bailey
Ms. Christine Bailey
Ms. Judith Bakenhus
Dr. Dixie Baker
George E. Balian
Mr. Michael Ball
Sue S. Barham
Mrs. Cynthia J. Barkdull
Ms. Kathy S. Barker
Ms. Marisa Barnes
Ms. Doreen E. Barrett
Ms. Darcy Bass
Ms. P. Bates
Ms. Patricia Bates
William J. Bates
Ms. Carole Battisti
Mrs. Marlene Baumgartner
Ms. Denise L. Bayly
Adam I. Beatty
Ms. Stacia Beaumont
Ms. Jeane S. Becker
Ms. Ruthlee Becker
Anna A. Behlmer
Donna S. Belisle
Ms. Kelly Bennett
Mr. Steven B. Bergjans
Sharon Berman
Mr. John Beye
Leslie L. Bibb
Ms. Karen Bickerton
Ms. Bettina Bieri
Irene Bierman
Ms. Marielyn Bixby
Steven L. Bjerke
Margaret A. Blackwell
Ms. Ellen Blattel
Ms. Marilyn Bloom
Ms. Linda Bluel
The Boeing Company
Gary & Jol Bolotin
Ms. Edith Borck
Ms. Annette Borzakian
Ms. Julie Boston
Mr. Donald Boucher
Ms. Renee Boudreau
Ms. Sandy Boyer
Ms. Ginger Boyle
Frank & Shana Boynton
BP Fabric of America Fund
Blenda Brandt
Rosemary Brantley
Mr. Lawrence Braun
Michael Bray
Ms. Cecily L. Bray
Karen R. Brennan
Ms. Jacqueline C. Briles
Mrs. Edith Brimble
Ms. Beverly A. Brindley
Elliot Broidy
Ms. Susan L. Brooks
Sheridan Brooks
Ms. Catherine Brown
Nancy L. Brown
Ms. Karen S. Bryan
Mrs. & Mr. Kathleen A.
Ms. Lisa Buono
Stephanie Buonopane
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Burgess
Ms. Sharon Burgess
Dr. Stephen Burns
Ms. Jennifer A. Burroughs
Mr. Steven Butensky
Ms. Joan Butts
Ms. Sherra Buzzell
Ms. Channa Cajero
Sara Calkins &
Sybil DeCenzo
Arlene Cameron
Ms. Kristy L. Campbell
Richard F. Campbell
Ms. Vickie L. Camper
Ms. Aileen M. Cantwell
Dr. Alan R. Cantwell, Jr.
Ms. Gayle Carpenter
Ms. Kathryn Carrico
Ms. Susana Casillas
Ms. L. Chane
Pauline Chang
Leonard & Nancy Chattle
Dorothy R. Cherryholmes
Chico’s Retail Services, Inc.
Ms. Karen A. Chiella
Ms. Jiye Choi
Ms. Inger Christiansen
Cindy Chu
Jim & Erica Cirigliano
Mrs. Barbara Cisternino
Susan E. Clair
Shannon L. Clairmont
Ms. V. M. Clanton
Mr. Samuel Clayberger
Mr. Malcolm Cleaver
Barbara A. Clifford
Coast Career Institute, Inc.
Ms. Yvette
Ms. Janice Cohen
Ms. Leslie Cohen
Laurie C. Collins
Mr. William Condon
Miss Ruth Conley
Ms. Patricia Connolly
Mr. Robert H. Content
Liz Cook
Mrs. Michelle A. Cooke
Ms. Lucy Cooney
Gail J. Cooper
Ms. Judith Cooper
Ms. Julianne Cordell
Ms. Cecilia Corral
Andy Corrigan
Corymore Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Coulson
Ms. Beverly J. Crase
Olivia A. Crookes
Ms. Joann Cross
Ms. Peggi A. Cummings
Ms. Sylvia Curry
Ms. Nancy Cypert
Ms. Zoe Dales
Ms. Sonia C. Daniel
Joan Z. Danko
Ms. Sandra Dannenbaum
Ms. Kathy J. Daruty
Valdis Dauksts
Robin Davi
Catherine Davidson
Mrs. & Mr. Dana C.
Katherine Davidson
Ms. Laura Davis
Ray Dawson
Anke L. De Thiel
Mr. & Ms. Robert
De Witt Mann
Donna DeBona
Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Deeds
Mrs. Beverly Delott
Margaret J. DeMers
Ms. Deborah A. Denise
Janice E. DeRouen
V. Deutsch
Sonja A. Devin
Gladys M. DeWolf
Mr. Mitchell Dial
Ms. Carole J. Dick
Charles & Sylvia Dickman
Ms. Blarney D. Dinsmore
Ms. Ruby Y. Dixon
Paul D. Dixon
Mr. Brian Donnelly
Nora J. Donnelly
Sally Douglas
Susan B. Downey
Michael M. Duarte
Mrs. Jeanette Dunn
Caroline & Richard East
Dianna K. Eaton
Christine Eberhard
Mr. M. Max Eckert
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred A.
Mr. & Mrs. James Edwards
Laura Edwards
Laurie Z. Ekstein
Michael Eliasberg
Ms. Kathleen A. Engberg
Entertainment Lighting
Andrew A. Erian
Rich Erickson
Ms. Gloria Ericson
Maureen Errico
Ms. Linda S. Esquivel
Carol Estle
Laverene Eveland
Ms. Bernuss Ezralow
Mrs. Anne Faass
Mr. & Mrs. Chris &
Georgia Farinella
Ms. Elizabeth A. Fellows
Ms. Kyle Ferstead
Ms. Robyn Field
Ms. Teresa Fisher
Kathleen Flanagan
Peter M. Fleming
Polly Fleming
Miss Marie K. Fletcher
Ms. Diana Florentin
Ms. Kelly Flowers
Dr. Marilyn Flynn
Thomas D. Fogelsanger
Ms. Cathy Follmer
Michelle Forman
Deborah J. Fox
Mr. Daniel Fraker
Ms. Catherine France
Ken Franke
Mrs. Laurie Frasco
Amber Fredman Tarshis &
Adam Tarshis
Theresa Freije
Bill C. Frey
Mr. Ray J. Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Barry H. Friesen
Ms. Marsha Fronterhouse
Mr. Byron H. Fujikawa
Mr. Richard Fuoco
Valerie Gabelich
Madonna L. Gage
Rossano Galante
Ms. Helen M. Galasso
Mr. Reggie J. Galloway
Ms. & Mr. Carla D.
Phyllis Gargano
Mr. & Mrs. Ben & Miriam
Mr. David Geere
Mrs. Laura Geery-Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Ole Georg
Ms. & Mr. Julie Gerhardt
Ms. Barbara Gerl
Ms. Michelle Gerner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Geyer
Ms. Sherrye Gibbs
Ms. Shirley Gipson
Girl Scout of Greater Los
Angeles Troop 388-6
Patricia S. Gjerde
Patty & Chuck Goble
Mr. Paul Goehner
Melvin S. Goldsman
Elizabeth M. Gonia
Ms. Celia Gonzalez
Mr. Arnie Good
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Harvey J. Gosch
Mrs. Ray F. Gosnell
Mrs. Suzanne Gottlieb
Dianne Gourdal
Grancell, Lebovitz, Stander,
Barnes & Reubens
Debra Gray
Sharon A. Green
Eric B. Greenfield
Ms. Pamela Gregg
Ms. & Mr. Kim E. Greiner
Mr. Robert O. Greubel
Ms. Roxane Griffin
Mr. David Griffith
Ms. Marla Griffith
Ms. Adele Gronbach
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Grossman
Ms. Tamara Grouse
Ms. Laura Guilfoyle
Robby Gussman
Mary M. Gutierrez
Mr. Gabriel Gutierrez
Kathy L. Guttormson
Ms. Nancy Guzman
Mr. Ted Haard
Ms. Nicola Hahn
Ms. Robin Haig
Mrs. Brooke Halsband
Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Hamm
Ms. Linda Hammer
Sherry R. Hammonds
Rose M. Harley
Mieko Harrington
Selma Felix Hatch
Herbert J. Hauser
Ms. Christine B. Hayes
Ms. Lisa Heidelberger
Carol Wells Henderson
Ms. Dora B. Herbert
Mr. Joe Hernandez, Jr.
Mr. Randy Herschler
Mr. Arthur Hershey
Dr. Danice Hertz
Hertz & Associates in
Ms. Valerie Hervey
Susan B. Hickman
Janine L. Hicks
Darrel Hieber, Esq.
Mr. & Ms. Mark Hierbaum
Malina M. Hills
Ms. Evelyn D. Hilpert
Ms. Jenna Hinrichsen
Mr. Kenneth Hix
Ms. Miriam Hoff-Meeker
Mr. Eddie Holland
Georgia Hollison
The Hollywood Church
of Religious Science
Ms. Marjorie Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel &
Christina Hom
Ms. Jean Hopper
David and Susan Horn
Ms. Eydie Hoss
Ara & Sandra Hovanesian
Howard & Helen House
Family Foundation
Ms. Martha A. Howlett
Bobby C. Hoyt
William H. Huber
John R. Hunsaker
Ms. Joan Hyra
Mr. Stanley K. Ings
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Innes
Mr. Douglas M. Inouye
Peggy Insley
Ms. Marjorie Jackson
Betty J. Jacobs
Judy A. Jacobson
Mrs. Barbara Jaffe
Edward & Aya Jakobovits
Ms. Olivia Jasper
Darlene Jay
Mr. Ivor Jeskowiak
Mr. Paul Johansen
Ms. Donna Johnson
David N. Jones
Ms. Laura Jones
Ms. Wendy Kadin
Mr. Alan Kalman
Ms. Anupama Kalsi
Ms. Paige Kamin
Mr. David S. Kaplan
Stephanie Kaplan
Tobe Karns
Mr. Ken Katona
Stephen J. Kaufman
Mrs. & Mr. Ruth Kawamoto
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Keim
Ms. Michelle R. Kellner
Mr. William Kelly
Ms. Robyn Kelly
Gerald B. Kenney
Curtis Kerbow
Sandra L. Kessinger
Wendy Kheel
Mr. Stanley J. Kiel
Ms. Alice P. Kimmel
Mrs. Alicia L. Kipust
Ms. Judy Kirk
Launa & Tommy Kirkland
Richard F. Kiss
Mrs. Margarita Kitzes
Ms. Carol Klauschie
Ms. Pamela S. Kleyman
Mr. April Klimek
Lorraine Knight
Ms. Sachie Kobayashi
Mr. Jim M. Koehler
Ms. Joy Kong-Dyal
Ken & Susan Korman
Judy Kosakowski
Paul & Ida Kosty
Mr. David A. Kourlas
Ms. Judy Kovach
Ms. Linda Kovar
Yvonne S. Krause
Mrs. Ellen Kravitz
Ellen & Scott Kreamer
Mark B. Kristof
Ms. Kimberly Krivis
Mr. Lynn M. Krogh
Mr. David Krouse
Stuart Kugelstadt
Ms. Christine Kulangara
Ms. Christa Kupferschmidt
Ms. Julie Kurland
Ms. Deborah Lacusta
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C.
Mr. Robert E. Lambert
Ms. Laura Landau
Mr. Chad Landers
Deborah & Tom Lane
Christiana F. Lassen
William C. Lawrence
Lesli Lawrence
Dr. & Mrs. Howard
Learning Tree Int.
Diane Leckner
Soon Lee
Mr. Martin Leona
Ms. Beatrix Leonard
Mrs. Joan Lescoulie
Corri Levelle
Mrs. Loren Levine
Toti Levine
Diane E. Levy
Sue Levy
Mr. Victor Lewin
Ms. Karen Lewis
Ms. Judy R. Leytus
Ms. Anne J. Licht
Jane E. Liszewski
Ms. Susan L. Lloyd
Debra Lockwood
Ms. Araceli Lonergan
Ms. Barbara Long
Ms. Sueann Lopez
Ms. Dolores Lopo
Ms. Daniela Love
Mrs. Patricia A. Lowe
Laura Lubin
Judd E. Lundt
Terry Mac Adam
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick N.
Kathy MacGregor
Mrs. Trudy Mackel
Robin D. Mackenroth
Ms. Sally Macksoud
Mailers Engineering, Inc.
Ms. Venla Makela
Ms. Wendy Mantikas
Ms. Renee Maple
Ms. Sherri Markwardt
Nicole Marquis
Ms. Genette Marshall
Tanna Marshall
Gary J. Martin
Doris W. Masterani
Ms. Michele Mastro
Ms. Kathy Matherson
Mr. Ray L. Mathiasen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert I.
Mr. Edd Matteson
Ms. Joyce Mavar
Ms. Cheryl Mawdsley
Ms. Cyndi Mayeda
Ms. Eileen McAndrews
Ms. Christine McCaffrey
Eugene L. McCarthy, Jr.
Ms. Dianna M. McClure
Ms. Donna McCollum
Dian McComb
Mr. Scot McCullough
Ms. Carol A. McDonald
Ms. Heather McDougal
Mr. Daniel McElvany
Maxine W. McFarland
Ms. Nancy McGillivray
Andrea J. McGruder
Ms. Caitlin McKenna
Marilynn E. McLaughlin
Ms. Cori McLuckey
Don & Marsha McManus
Ms. Claudette McNair
Ms. Adrienne Meadow
Iris Medrano
Annie Melikian
Laura J. Meltzer
Ms. Carolyn K. Metcalf
Alesandra J. Meyers
Mr. Adin Miller
Mr. David Miller
Mr. Steven Mills
Ms. Maryann J. Mills
Ms. Helene A. Mirich-Spear
Mission Fish
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($250–$499)
Ms. & Mr. Patrice G.
April H. Mizuki
Ms. June Mizuki-Kingdon
Mobile Giving Foundation
Mr. Mitchell Mochizuki
Ms. Irina Moises
Mr. Kelvin K. Mok
Mr. Armando Morales
Ms. Diana L. Moreno
Ms. Nicole Moriarty
Ms. Mary M. Morley
Ms. P. L. Morris
Andrea L. Mosmann
Ms. Carolyn Moss
Jillian K. Moul
Mr. & Mrs. Scott &
Darlene Mowrey
Ms. Maria Muir
The Munguia’s
Mr. & Mrs. James
David M. Murphy
Mr. Austin Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murtha
Dennis W. Myerson
Alan C. Naeole
Pamela Najar
Caroline Nash
Kevin & Linda Nealon
Dr. David D. Neer
Ms. Sheila Nelson
Thomas Neuberger
Ms. Ursula Neusom
Mr. & Mrs. William &
Janet Nevin
Mr. William Nevin
Elise C. Nguyen
Peter Nichol
Mr. Skip Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M.
Mr. Michael Nile
Ms. Linda Nino
Mrs. Michiko Nishida
Wendy E. Nitz
Ms. Diana F. Nourse
Dominic Nuciforo
Mr. Michael Oberding
Susan Ochsner
Jose & Laurel Ojeda
Mr. Reid Olson
Ms. Ynez V. O’Neill
Mr. Arthur Ortiz
Ms. Catharine Oshita
Ms. Felicia O’Sullivan
Colleen Oswald
Otis & Lucy Photography
Mr. Michael Paczkowski
Ms. Mary Pat Palmer
Palos Verdes
Intermediate School
Ms. Lilliam Pando
Virginia C. Panossian
Ms. Georgia M. Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. Gene T. Parana
Nami Park
Daniel Parkinson
Dian Parkinson
Helene Paros
Ms. Karen Paschall
Albert A. Passaretti, Jr.
Ms. Roxanne Patmore
Ms. Roseann Patrissi
Marlene C. Patton
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Payne, Jr.
Mrs. Dina Payne
Ms. Cathy Pearl
Candace Pearson
Ms. Leslie Peauroi
Mr. Matthew Peck
Mr. & Ms. Michael Pelatt
Ms. Adele W. Pendexter
Ms. Lauren Penney
Ms. Barbara A. Perez
Joyce & Edwin Perlstein
Albert Perri
Helene Perry
Jacquelin Perry, MD
The Perzik Family
Mr. & Mrs. Brad E. Peters
Donna J. Piazza
Ms. Karen K. Pickering
Jill Pietrini
Mrs. Kristie B. Pillow
Belinda Pineda
Ms. Gayle E. Plecha
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Pooler
Mrs. Brenda R. Potter
Ms. Rikki Poulos
Ms. Sheryl Pressberg
Ms. Ruth Price
Becky Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Prince
Ms. Carole Rackerby
Ralphs Grocery Co./
Food 4 Less
Erika & Roberto Ramirez
Mr. Richard J. Ramirez, Jr.
Ms. Mary E. Ramos
Ms. Jennifer Ramser
Charles A. Ranberg
Mr. Steve Rand
Mr. Eric Raschka
Robert & Linda Raznick
Ms. Barbara L. Reardon
Mrs. & Mrs. Robert Recht
Ms. Sue Rechtwig
Mrs. June H. Reed
Virginia K. Reeves
Ms. & Mr. Cathleen Reiher
Ms. Diane E. Reilly
Friends for Life
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Ms. Frances Rice
Ms. Deborah Ricketts
Mr. Pete S. Rico
Ms. Susan Ridgeway
Ms. Dean Ritchey
Ms. Monika Ritter
Ms. Jackie Robbins Smith
Gary Roberts
Mrs. Barbara R. Roberts
Mrs. Meredith Roberts
Jay Robinson
Jim Robinson
Ms. Susie Robles
Mr. Thomas Rogan
Harlan & Patricia Rogers
Ms. Katherine K. Rohrbacher
Ms. Teri Rohrer
Bianca L. Rolon
Anthony Romano &
Leah Romano
Daren Romey
Mr. Richard Rose
Carol Rosenberg
Mr. Paul Rosenfield
RPM Designs
Ms. Michelle Ruben
Jill K. Ruble
Mrs. Mary Rudolph
Ms. Beverley J. Rudolph
Mr. James Ruelas
Ms. Melissa Ruelas
Ms. Marlena Ruiz
Mr. Keith Russell
Ms. Cynthia L. Rustanius
Mr. Edward C. Rybka
Ms. Anna Ryndak
Frances B. Sakata
Daryoush Sameyah
Susan K. Sanders
Ms. Sara K. Sanders
Mr. Christopher
Claudia Santos
Donato & Heather Sardella
Ms. Kathy Sather
Ms. Richelle Savage
Ms. Linda Savell
Sheila Sawin
Ms. Beya N. Schaeffer
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Schapira
Mrs. Lois E. Schlegel
Ms. Marion Schmidt
Lisa E. Schmitt
Laverne Schnare
Ms. Sharon Schneider
Eugene Schrier
Mrs. Maves A. Schuett
Marcia Schwartz
Cindy C. Schwarz
Felecia Scott
Ms. Linda J. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf L. Seibert
Patricia H. Sells
Peter Semmelmeier
Jerry Shanks
Mrs. Colleen Shea-Joers
Carole Sheehan
Ms. Terry Shenkman
Mrs. Sandra Shereman
Ms. Camille A. Sherman
Mrs. Kate Shirley
Ms. Ellen S. Shore
Mr. George Shrader
Mr. Scott Shulman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman F.
Mr. Donald Simons
Mr. Robert Simonsen
Annelies Simpson
Mr. John C. Sindlinger
Mr. Anthony J. Smeltz
Jessica C. Smith
Dawn M. Smithfield &
Frederick G. Lipking
Mr. Charles F. Smurr
Gay Smythe
John Sola
Mr. Daniel E. Solis
Ms. Wendy M. Solis
Ms. Doreen Solomon
Ms. Caron Soltis
Young Son
Mr. Robert Sorensen
South Bay Association
of Realtors
Mr. Randy Sowell
Ms. Janet L. Spangler
Arthur G. Spence
Mrs. Maxine Spencer
Ms. Betsy Spigner
Mrs. Barbara W. Sportelli
Mr. Carl C. Spring, Jr.
Mrs. Mary C. Springsted
Bret R. Stagg
Raul Staggs
Mr. William L. Stanley
Ms. Lisa M. Steele
Mrs. Jane Stein
Mrs. Charlotte Stephens
Rachel & Eric Stern
Kenneth M. Stevens
Ms. Pamela C. Stevens
Ms. Stacy Stevens
Mr. David M. Stewart
Toni Stone
Ms. Jane Strate
Ms. Susan L. Strickland
Ms. Cassandra Suarez
Mr. C. W. Sundblad
Ms. Monica Suryapranata
Mr. Howard A. Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R.
Ms. Kathleen Taira
Ms. Nancy Tanaka
Mrs. Carol I. Taylor
Ms. Linda B. Terito
Mr. David Thornton
Carole L. Thorsell
Estrella Tietz
Ms. Mary K. Timmerman
Ms. Carla Tomaso
Ms. Helen Tomita
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Kerry A. Toolan
Mr. David Topper
Ms. Lisa Torneden
Mr. Jay Tremblay
Ms. Carla M. Trent
Mike & Diane Trottochau
Dr. Joanne Trutanich
Mr. Robert M. Tsuji
Ms. Charlene Tuch
Ms. Pamela Tuli
Ms. Carolyn Tung
Ms. Pia Z. Turchyn
Ms. Gillian K. Turner
Mrs. Nancy Turner-Smith
Ms. Linda Turshman
Ms. Margaret Tyndall
U.S.T.E. Inc.
Union Bank Employee
Workplace Campaign
Lorraine S. Uritz
Ms. Janet V. Vailokaitis
Ms. Barbara Van Wormer
Marc S. Vann
Ms. Hermelinda Vazquez
Maria I. Vazquez
Patricia Vega
Verde Concepts, Inc.
RJ Verstegen
Ms. Lenda Vettese
Victoria Stilwell Positively
Dog Training
Ms. Maryamber Villa
Ms. Rosalie Villapando
Dr. Roopa Viraraghavean
Ms. Catherine Virtue
Mark & Emily Volman
Ms. Carol A. Wada
Mr. Douglas Wagner
Ruth J. Wagner
Ms. Patricia S. Waldeck
Ms. Elizabeth Walker
Ms. Patricia A. Walker
Mr. Ronald W. Wall
Edward & Carol Wallen
Ms. Anne Walthall
Michael Walton
Ms. Pamela D. Walton
Ms. Mary J. Warner Hein
Ms. Carol L. Weaver
Mr. Ron Weber
Ms. Irene Wechselberg
Ms. Palomba Weingarten
Tara Weingarten
Dennis Weinschenker
Ms. Mary Welch
Mr. Howard Welinsky
Ms. Margaret Welsh May
Dr. Suzanne L. Wenzel
Ms. Marion Westen
Ms. Diane Weston-Sulka
Carol J. Whitaker
Patricia Wile
Ms. Carol Wilkening
E.S. Wilkinson, Jr.
Jamie L. Williams
Ms. Dixie Williams
Ms. Mary Ann Williams
Ms. & Mr. Karen A. Willis
Mrs. Barbara L. Withrow
Ms. Donna Witte
Ms. Eileen Wizman
Ms. Karen Wolley
Salina Wong
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Woodruff
Henry F. Wooten
Ms. Georgeann C. Wyatt
Mr. Jose Wyszogrod
Ms. Toni Yager
Ms. Frances S. Yamada
Ms. Luzminia C. Yango
Ms. Marie Yee Fong
Ms. Susette S. Yi
Jocelyn Yonemoto
Ms. Barbara York
Mr. William Younis
Mrs. Nora Yusa
Janet R. Zadeh
Ms. Darlene Zager
Janis Zaharis
Mr. Donald Zamost
Gloria A. Zank
Ms. Deborah Zepnick
Ms. Stephanie Zi
Robert Zmarziak, Jr.
186th St. School
Ms. Rita Abraham
Ms. Barbara T. Ackard
Gloria Adair
Jennifer C. Adams
Mr. Robert B. Adams
Ms. Barbara A. Adams
Genie Addleman
S. Adler
Mr. Joseph A. Aguilar
Ms. Maria Aguilar
Yakoob Ahmad
Dennis C. Aimino
Ms. Linda F. Ainsworth
Bob & David Aitchison
Ms. M.J. Akstinas
Ms. Annette Alender
Mr. James Allen
Dorothy L. Allen
Ms. Samantha Allen
Kenneth & Cecilia Alpern
Ms. Valerie Alter
Dr. Karen Altman, MD
Pat Altman
Ms. Beverly Alvarez
Mr. Allan Amato
Mr. Alan Amos
Thomas J. Anderer
Barbara B. Anders
Diane P. Anderson
Ms. Beth Anderson
Ms. Phyllis A. Anderson
Ms. Linda Ange
Animal Consultants
International Inc.
Milton O. Anskin
Mr. Samuel B. Appel
Mr. & Mrs. Noel H.
Jennifer Aragon
Mr. Gary Archer
Mrs. Neiset Arechiga
Mr. Fidel Argomaniz
Ms. Karina Arias
Ms. Jean L. Aroeste
Ms. Dawn Arthur
Ms. Lori S. Arthur
Ms. Bonnie Ash
Mr. Jeff W. Asher
Bruce Ashmun
Neil Atkins
Automatic Data
Processing, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Ayala
Barbara & Consuelo Ayon
Mrs. Diana K. Ayres
J. Ayvazi
David Azulay
Ms. Michal Babay
Mr. Gary Baddin
Sara Baird, Esq.
Ms. Jasmina Bajrami
Bob M. Baker
Mr. John Balestracci
Ms. Sharon Balian
Ms. Joan Ballon
Mr. David Bancroft
Jane E. Barnett
Ms. Evelyn Baron
Bette Barraclough
Michael Barrett
The Cecile & Fred Bartman
Masako Batjer
Jackie Battin
Ms. Martine Bauwens
Ms. Judy Bay
Arthur Bayrd
Mr. Harry E. Beasor
Pat Beaudette
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Beavis
Terry & Carol Becker
Ms. Jacqueline Beesley
Ms. Pamilla Beeson
Mr. Marc F. Beguelin
Mr. Jeff Behlendorf
Marie Behm
Ms. Ann Bein
Ms. Liubov Bek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bell
Roy Bell
Ms. Martha E. Bellinger
Mr. Trevor Belton
Mrs. Anna B. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard
Ms. Barbara Berkowitz
Susan & Jeffrey Berman
Dale Bernet
C. Bernhagen
Benjamin K. Berry
Mr. Clayton W. Berry
Marilyn M. Bersch
Mr. Rudy A. Berti
Ms. Melinda D. Beswick
Keith Bewick
E. Bienenfeld
Ms. Samir Bijlani
Ms. June B. Bilson
Mary T. Binns
Mrs. Diana Birker
Ms. Katrina Bitner
Mr. Vance Blaisdell
Jonilyn M. Blandy
Dr. & Mrs. J. A. Bloore
Ms. Lisa Blum
Ms. Cheryl A. Bobletz
Ms. Betty Bock
Ms. Susan A. Bofenkamp
Mr. Robert F. Boggs
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bolsky
Ms. Alina Bond
Ms. Jean Bonini
Mr. Charlie Bonomo
Kimberly V. Born
Michael B. Bossard
Mr. Michael Bossoletti
Edward Boswell
Ronald & Paige Bottano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Ms. Gail Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Marc H. Bozeman
Ms. Gayle Braddock
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bradley
Thomas & Susan Bradshaw
Ms. Jennifer Branch
Ms. Holly L. Brand
Nancy R. Brandstetter
Ms. Alissa Branham
Ms. Rebecca Brantley
Arlene M. Braun
Mr. Paul Brauneck
Mr. James A. Braxton
Ms. Kathryn Breen
Jim Brent
Ms. Barbara Brewer
Ms. Bette Brightman
Ms. Helen Brinkman
Mr. Ralph E. Bristow
Kilbee C. Brittain
Ms. Robin Brogdon
John Brosnihan
Deborah E. Brown
Ms. Stephanie Brown
Mr. Robert Bruhanski
Ms. Karen Brzoska
Ms. Lillian Buchhammer
Mr. Bill Buffalo
Jolene Burk
Mr. Kevin Burke
Tracy L. Burke
Elsie Burkett
Michael P. Burkholder
Ms. Diane Burkholder
Tal Burshtein
Jo Burtnett
Serrano Burton
Mr. Joseph Busch
Gerald T. Butler
Ms. Frances Butler
Hasmik Byers
Jeraldine Byrne
Mr. David Cahn
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T.
Stanford Cameron
Renay Campbell-Labriola
Ms. Pamela Campisciano
Ms. Kay Canale
Ms. Brenda Caninson
Mr. James Cannella
Mr. James L. Caplan
Lucille M. Cappas
Ms. Patricia G. Capps
Mrs. Cynthia A. Cardarelli
Ms. Tracy Caris
Richard Carlson
Mrs. Amber Carlton
Ms. Krysti Carrelli
Mr. Manuel C. Carrillo
Mr. Juan Carrizales
Harlean M. Carroll
Lynne Carroll
Patrick & Monica Carroll
Mr. Steven Carter
Ruby Carter
Tracy L. Carter
Mr. Ricardo Casanova
Eldita Case
Ms. Sarah J. Casey
Michelle Castanon
Dale G. Casterline
Ms. Lyudmila Castroll
Ms. Camille Catalogne
Ms. & Mr. Martha Catlin
Ms. Sara Cattivera
Ms. Lucille Cayton
Mr. Michael Chambers
Ms. Sharon Champion
Ms. Nancy Chan
Fiona A. Chaney
Mr. Duke Chenoweth
Huey Jia Cherng
Bei-Ji Chien
Vivian Chien
Mrs. Grace Chop
Ms. Arlene Church
Mr. Stanley Cias
Ms. Pamela L. Citron
James & Christine Clark
Mrs. Gloria M. Clark
Ms. Michele M. Clark
Ms. Julia S. Claxton
Priscilla Clipsham
Ms. Melissa C. Cocek
Mr. Frank Coffey
Jill R. Cohen &
Norman Siderow
Ms. Kathy Cohen
Ms. Nicki Cohen
Renee R. Cohen
Ms. Vivian Cole
Ms. Margaret M. Coleman
Ms. Renata E. Coleman
Roxanne & Bill Comrie
Mr. Tom Connery
Mr. Victor Constantino
Mrs. Gerie Coombs
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cooper
Stephen Cooper
Christine & Jim Copp
Ms. Lubia Cota
Ms. Debra Couch
Ms. Ashley Crary
Ms. Sharon Creeden
Ms. Berenice Cristerna
Ms. Tina R. Crowe
Kathryn Crown
Ms. Karen Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Dahl
Norma C. Dalinoc
Mr. Didier Dall’Orso
Christopher D. Dalston
Mr. Ted Dane
The Davidow
Charitable Fund
Lois A. Davidson
Mr. John T. Davis
Ms. Betsy Davis
Jean R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Jon F. Davison
Elice Dawes
Ms. Mandy T. Day
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Ms. Susan Day
Ms. Kathleen M. De Avila
Ms. Vanessa De Jongh
Ms. Seira De La Croix
Ms. Roselia De La Torre
Ms. Gladys M. De Wolf
Ms. Laurie Deatrick
Antoinette Decker
Ms. Leslie Dederer
Mr. Steven Deitsch
Ms. Patricia J. Delepine
Mr. Marco A. Delgado, Jr.
Mr. Robert DeLorenzo
Ms. Barbara A. Delvac
Ms. Renae DeMent
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson R.
Mariko Denda
Mary L. Denner
Ms. Daphne C. Dennis
Ms. Therese J. Dernir
Marguerite Derricks
Mr. Howard C. Deshong
Patricia D. Diamond
Ms. Victoria Diaz
Ms. Ruth E. Dick
Ms. Denise A. Dietz
Mr. Robert DiMeo
David J. Diner
Mr. & Mrs. Frank X.
Mr. Bob Dirks
Debbie Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Gloria Dolence
Ms. Karen Dolton
Ms. & Mr. Particia A.
Ms. Margarita Donato
Ms. Stella Dorian
Ms. Laurie Double
Ms. Cyrille Doutherd
Lauretta Downey
Ms. Amy M. Downing
Mr. John Downs
Ms. Sharon A. Dralle
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory &
Jeanette Driskill
Ms. Kristina M. Dubin
Ms. Pamela S. Dubin
Ms. Stacie Dullmeyer
Eileen M. Dunne
Mr. Wallace Dyer
Mrs. Claire Ealy
Mr. Richard K. Eamer
Ms. Donna Ebbs
Ms. Kelly Eck
Mr. Dana G. Eddy
Anne Ego
Ms. Mary Ann Eissa
Ms. Linda C. Ellington
Karen C. Elliot-Crawford
Ms. Kenya N. Ellis
Mr. Earle B. Emery
Timothy P. Enright
Mr. Tom Epperson
Mr. Randy Epstein
Erewhon Natural Foods
Mrs. J. Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie &
Louise Escoffery
Ms. Beverley Evanson
Teri Eve
Ms. Andrea Evers
William R. Fado
Ms. Charlotte Fairchild
P. Farber
Pamela Farley
Ms. Niloofar Fassih
Ms. Phoebe Faulkner
Constance Fawley
Mr. Steven Fazzio
Julie A. Featherstone
Allan S. Feinberg
Cinthia C. Felix Ibanez
Renee Feliz-King
Mrs. Lisa Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ferrara
Mr. Jerry Fialkowski
Ms. Judy Fickling
Patricia Fierro
Jon S. Finck
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Finn
Thelma First
Mr. Gerald Fletcher
Marie Z. Flynn
Catherine Fogg
Hayward Fong
Ms. Edna Fontaine
Ms. Elizabeth Foote
Sinclaire Fornasir
Mr. David Forster
Kimbra L. Fossen
Ms. Janine Fowler
Mrs. Mary Lou Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Franson
Ms. Liz Fredrickson
Mrs. Jolane M. Free
Louise French
Samuel W. French
Ms. Cheryl Frick
Ms. Tiffany Frickert
Martin J. Friedman
Ms. Julie Friedman
Janis M. Frisch
Carol Fritz
Ms. Jennifer Funk
Ms. Natalie Furlong
Dr. Arlene Green Furst
Ms. Ruby Gale
Heidi Galke
Ms. Deanna Galkin-Doran
Mr. Dennis Gallagher
Friends for Life
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Mr. Stephen Gangi
Mr. Anthony Garcia
Mr. Mauricio Garcia
Mr. Victor M. Garcia, Jr.
Ms. Sonia E. Garcia
Mr. James S. Garren
Judith M. Garrett
Ms. Elizabeth Garrison
Ms. Gina Garza
Ms. Erika Gasztonyi
Mrs. Marguerite J. Gates
Candace Gates
John F. Gebhard
J.P. & Ziggy Genta
Suzanne George
S.L. George
Radu Georgescu
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R.
Mrs. Jacklyn Gettleman
Ms. Carlise Gibbs
Lena Ann Gilker
Bobby C. Gilmore
Melissa Gima
Ms. Shirley A. Gipson
Girl Scout Troop #4213
Girl Scouts of Greater LA
Troop #4173
Girl Scouts of Greater LA
Troop #6505
Mr. Michael Gisser, Esq.
N.F. Giz
Ms. Brandy Glad
Ms. Stephanie Glick
Mr. Steven J. Glodney
Patricia Gobler
Ms. Carol Y. Godin
Ms. Taryn Goff
Ms. Victoria J. Goggins
David & Donna Gold
Millee Goldberg
Ms. Cara Goldberg
Shirley Goldenberg
Ms. Nancy Goldman
Victoria Gomez-Garcia
Mr. David Gonzalez
Mr. Robert Goodin
Ms. Cary Gordon
Ms. Susan Gordon
Barrie Goshko
Mr. Daniel Gossin
Ms. Marian Gould
Ms. Jade Graham
Ms. Maria Granados
Lindsay Grant
Mr. David R. Graves
Ms. Kathleen Greco
Mr. Gary Greener
Mr. Steve Greenough
Michael Greer
Mr. John Gregory
Ms. Phyllis Grierson
Mr. Nicholas Griffin
Orchid Griffin
Ralph & Susan Grimmer
Hans Groenewold
Laurie Groh
Kathleen M. Grooms
Ms. Susan G. Groshen
Ms. Gina Groth
Mr. Michael Guenther
Mrs. Helene S. Guerrero
Ms. Martha Guerrero
Mr. Barry Guterman
Mr. John Gutting
Ms. Salinda Haber
Zarik Hacopian
Harald R. Hahn
Ms. Jodi Halbreich
Ms. Wendy R. Hale
Marilyn J. Ham
Mrs. S. Hammarlund
Mr. Sean Hanagan
Mr. David Hancock
Mr. Christopher Hand
Susan Hanger
Ms. Debbi Hankey
Mr. Curtis Hankins
Mr. Peter Hansen
Mrs. Rosemary Hansen
Ms. Elizabeth Hanson
Mr. Sean Hardman
Mr. H. J. Hardy
Ms. Kathleen Hardy
Ms. Lorelei Harges
Mr. Greg Hargrove
Delores J. Harralson
Morna L. Harris
Ms. Helga C. Harris
Nancy S. Harris
Ms. Marion L. Hastings
Ms. Diane Hattori
Ms. Diane Havenner
Mr. Richard Hay
Ms. Caroline Hay
Mrs. Barbara L Hayden
Jay Hayes
Karen Hazak
Steven E. Heap
Ms. Hilary Hearty
Ms. Cheryl Hebestreit
Ms. Tiffany Hecht
Mr. Denise Heesy
Ms. Debra L. Heintz
Scott & Patricia Hemphill
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Kathleen A. Henkel
Mr. Robert C. Henning
Ms. Nancy Herbert
Ms. Gwen Hering
Ms. Mary A. Herman
Maria E. Hermann
Ms. Lillian J. Hernandez
Bob & Cheryl Herrera
Mr. Michael Hertzberg
Andrea & Matthew Heyn
Gene P. Hidalgo
Kathleen A. Hiebsch
Ms. Linda Hilden
Calvin T. Hirasuna
Ms. & Mr. Phyllis Hirshleifer
Ms. Eleanor Hobbs
Jack Hobbs Price
Mr. Alan Hobelman
Ms. Liz Hoecker
David Hoffberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoffman
Ms. Sally Hoffman
Sharon L. Holladay
S. Hollander
Sidney Hollander
Ms. Loyce C. Holt Dravigne
Mrs. & Mr. Stacy S. Holtz
Ms. Marsha Hood
Ms. Sandy Hood
Ms. Donna S. Hoppes
Robert D. Hornbaker
Ms. Sylvia Hornsby
Ms. Adrienne I. House
Ms. Shelby S. Houston
Esme Howard
Steven Howard
George E. Howard, IV
Ms. Anna M. Howell
Ms. Judith C. Hoyt
Ms. Kim Hritz
Lisu Hsi
Mr. Henry Hsu
Ms. Helen Huang
Ms. Michelle Huang
Ms. Pat Hudson
Ms. Dani Hughes
Ms. Richetta Humphries
James Huntington
Barbara N. Hyland
Joan A. Hyra
Asako U. Igawa
Diana L. Iglesias
Ms. Lygia Ionnitiu
Ms. Michele Irving
Tracy N. Isenberg
Ms. Jonnie Iwata
Ms. Sabine Jackson
Antoinette Jacobs
Japan International
Tours, Inc.
Ms. Edith Jarnagin
Ms. Akiko Jenewein
Valerie E. Jenkins
Michelle Jensen
Mrs. & Mr. Pat B. Jilg
J. Stacie Johnson
Ms. Dolly C. Johnson
Susan M. Johnson
Ms. Diana L. Johnson-Gunn
Dr. Adam Jonas
Martha Jones & Paul J.
Mr. Lawrence Jones
Ms. Dana Jones
Ms. Dorothy Jones
Kathy J. Jones
Ms. Marjorie Jones
Sheree Jones-Pistol
Ms. Sharon H. Jorban
Cathy Jordan
Ms. Janine Jordan
Emily Kaddo
Keiko Kadota
Ms. Theodora Kalthoff
Stanley & Charlotte Kandel
G.A. Kane
Victoria Kardon
Mr. Tim Karp
Ms. Irina Karpachinski
Ms. Linda Kasai
Ms. Claudia E. Katz
Mike J. Kaufman
Ms. Adele Kaufman
Manjit Kaur
Sandra L. Kaveney
Ms. Kathleen Kawamoto
Ms. Kathy Kayiran
Ms. Patricia Kelley
Ms. Catherine Kelly
Helen M. Kelso
Mr. Greg Kendrick
Ms. Patricia Kermode
Ms. Estreya Kesler
Michael R. Ketcham
Ms. Shari Kiefer
Sylvia M. Kiertscher
Ms. Jennifer Killam
Jasmine Kim
Ms. Kathleen J. Kim
Linda King
Mr. & Mrs. Charles King
Ms. Jean King
Mr. Stan M. Kirkham
Yuriy P. Kizimovich
Mr. Bob Klein
Mr. Arnold J. Kleiner
Ms. Margit Kleinman
Michael R. Kliszewski
KLK Plumbing, Inc.
Ruth H. Knapp
Kenneth J. Knebel
Ms. Tawny Kneifl
Mr. Donald G. Koch
Mr. Julian Kocsis
Ryan S. Kodama
Ms. Carol R. Koelle
Mrs. Abigail Koerkenmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Bach K.
Marion Kopecky
Ms. Toni Kopek
Ms. Andrea K. Kosta
KPMG Community
Giving Campaign
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kramer
Ms. Gail K. Kramer
Rosalinda & Stuart B.
Kramer, MD
Oded Krashinsky
Mr. Jeff Krausman
Deborah S. Kravitz
Ms. Kari Kroll
Mr. Heather Krug
Ms. Laura Kruper
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Kuhn
Mr. Gilberto Kuhn
Nancy E. Kupka
Laura Kurinij
Ms. Anne Kurosumi
Ms. Wendy S. Kuwata
Mr. Richard Kuznetsky
Mr. Bernard J. La Fianza
Yvette M. La Vigne
Ms. Margaret LaBuda
Chi Lai
Sasha Laing
Ms. Noushin Lajevardi
Ms. Rosemary Lalonde
Mr. Wesley M.
Lambertson, Jr.
Gloria Lane
Ms. Sharon L. Langenbeck
Ms. & Mr. Carole H. Lapp
Robert R. Larson
Rachel Lathy
Frances H. Lauerhass
Dr. Lee Lawson
Ms. Jacqueline Lawson
Mrs. Carol Lazar
Ms. Holly J. Lebed
Jeewon Lee
Linda Lee
Joan M. Leeds
Ms. Anne Leeds
Mr. & Mrs. John &
Debbie Lee-Eaglesham
Ms. Cynthia D. Legardye
Chris Lemire
Barbara J. Lenburg
Billie Leone
Ms. Joan E. Leopold
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lessel
Ms. & Mr. Lisa A. Levenstein
Leonard Levine &
Mateo Ledezma
Norvel F. Lewis
Mr. Jerry L’Hommedieu
Karen A. Lichtenberg
Ms. Jennifer Liddell
Tom Liebengood
Tom K. Lieser
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Light
Mr. James Liles
Ms. Nancy Lippman
Ms. Karen Lisson
Wilbur Littlefield
Michael Littleford
Mr. Richard J. Locklin
Mrs. Hildegard Lockner
Mrs. Jean Loew
Mr. Hector Lohaiza
Gina Lombardi
Mr. Ernest Long
Cheryl Looney
Ms. Lisa Lopez
Ms. Monica Lopez
Ms. R. M. Lopez
Ms. Susan Lopez
Sheryl Lorence
Ms. Dina Lorentzo
Mr. Bill Love
Ms. Kathleen Love
Ms. Mary C. Lovett
Mrs. Lynette Lowe
Ms. Anna Lowi
Ms. Judith A. Luby
Jacqueline Luciano
Mr. Gerald Ludwig
Ping Luh
Mrs. Maryl H. Lum
Ms. Gayle Lund
Mrs. Carina Luwisch
Ms. Marian Lyons
M. W. Dobbs & Assoc.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce
Mr. Allan Macdonell
Harry A. Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. David &
Nicole Madison
Mr. Philip Mahaffey
Bill Majeski
Ms. Jane W. Mallary
Ms. Susan Mallory
The Management
Mr. Fred Mandell
Ronald B. Mandell
Connie Mandles
Ms. Elizabeth Marcellino
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G.
Mr. Joseph Marino
Mrs. Rosa M. Marino
Ms. Linda Markstrom
Charles & Diane
Ms. Janet Marott
Ms. Patricia V. Marsh
Ms. Diane Marshall
Ms. Victoria Martin
Robert E. Martin
Ruth Martineau
Emma M. Martinez
Ms. Alicia Martinez
Ms. Susan D. Martynec
Ms. Linda Masada
Ms. Lori Mason
Donna R. Massetti
Mr. Thomas Matsunaga
Ms. Gloria Maxson
Ms. Fiona May
Mr. Stewart K. Mayeda
Ms. Jocelyn Mayer
Ms. Carol M. E. Mayhall
Charles Mc Dougal
Mr. Artie Mc Ewon
Ms. Ellen A. McAfee
Ms. Maggie McBennett
Ms. Lois McCauley
Rosalina B. McCoy
Mrs. Phyllis M. McCreary
Ms. Jo Anne McGettrick
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T.
Ms. Marta McKay
Mr. Byron J. McLain &
Mrs. Asia McLain
Mr. Michael J. McManus
Kitman McNeel
James McPartlan
Ms. Eileen McQueeney
Nancy Meade
Ms. Holly Medbery
Ms. Ruth Mehringer
Mr. Charles Melnick
Maya Mendez
Merck Partnership
for Giving
Ms. Carolyn Merkel
Joanne C. Metcalf
Hiroko Meyer
Ms. Barbara Meyer
Ms. Linda Meyer
Valerie & Medhat Michael
Ms. Joan Michelson
Diane L. Middleton
Mrs. Murry Mieszala
Cesar Millan
Allan Miller
Mrs. Ellen P. Miller
Ms. Donna Miller
Ms. Lois Miller
Ms. Robin P. Miller
Ms. Melanie Milligan
Nancy Milliren
Mr. Robert Mills
Ms. Sharon Mills
Ms. Molly Milner
Ms. Michelle Milosh
Ms. Briar L. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Mittermeier
Rose C. Miyasaki
Mrs. Marlene M. Miyoshi
Ms. Michelle Modugno
Bevann Moisi
Ms. Carla Molino
Mr. Ron Mollis
Ms. Cynthia S. Monaco
Ms. Diana Moncada
Ms. Maria E. Montalvo
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C.
Karen J. Mora
Ms. Rhoda Moramarco
Ms. Laura Mordaunt
Ms. G. Diana Moreno
Mr. Douglas Morgan
Mr. Jeffrey Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Fariborz &
Rose Morovati
Ms. Lorraine Morrell
Trang Mui
Mr. James Mulkeen
Ms. Patricia A. Mundy
Ms. Sheri Mundy
Virginia Munoz
Ms. & Mr. Janet S. Murillo
Mr. Thomas Murray
Ms. Pam Myers
Ms. Helen J. Myerson
Mr. Verne M. Nagayama
Ms. Patricia Nakamara
Doris S. Nakamura
Lisa Nakamura
Ms. Joyce E. Nakasaki
Sophia Nardin &
Luke Wood
Katherine Narr
Ms. Laura Neal
Ms. Sharon Neff
Betty J. Nelson
Mr. Lloyd Nesbitt
Ms. Randi Newbill
Dr. Helen Newcastle
Ms. Gail G. Newhall
Everett R. Newman
Adell Nguyen
Van B. Nguyen
Ms. Karen A. Nicholson
Ms. Marco Nieraeth
Kathleen Nieser
Mrs. Brenda Nishinaka
Mr. Michael Nissman
Mrs. Karen D. Nono
Ms. Carol G. Norman
Ms. Leslie North
Ms. Lynne Novak
Ms. Nancy Nyman
Ms. Vicki Oates
R. H. Oberwager
Ms. Eleanor O’Brien
Mr. Michael Odishoo
Mr. Tom Odom
Mr. James P. O’Donnell
Ms. Elizabeth O’Donnell
Ms. & Mr. Jeanne Ogaz
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Ms. Marla Oken-Turner
Mr. Michael Olecki
Ms. Marilyn K. Olson
Ms. Joan O’Neil
Mrs. W. Oosterbeek
Mr. & Mrs. David K.
Mr. Ralph E. Orahood
Mr. John E. Orcutt
Ms. Jessica Orenstein
Ms. Judy N. Orich
Ms. Denise Orzel
Mr. Bruce Osler
Ms. Vicky Ostrow
Lyla Oyakawa
Althea Pachulski
Ms. Jo Padden
Juan C. Padilla
Patrick H. Palmer
Ms. Daphne Panagotacos
Mrs. Aarti Pani
Cindy Parent
The Park Savoy
Mary Parker
Ms. Joy C. Parker
Ms. Andrea Parr
Mr. Ronald Parras
Ms. Leslie Paszterko
Nirav Patel
Jan I. Patnoi
Ms. Janelle Pauer
Ms. Margaret H. Paul
George & Joan Paulikas
Denise Paully
Ms. Carolyn Pearson
Ms. Mary Pearson
Ms. Barbara Peck
Ms. Vicki A. Pedone
Mr. Stephen Peel
Mr. Jorge L. Pelaez
Mr. Peter & Beryl
Ms. Jennifer T. Pepito
Mr. Michael Pepper
Estevan R. Perez
Ms. Annabell Perez
Jeanne B. Perkins
Ms. Maria Perri
Ms. Donna Perris
Ms. Harriet A. Perry
Jori Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Peterson
Ms. Paula A. Pfleuger
Patricia H. Phelps
Ms. Jeannie Phemister
Ms. Debora A. Phillips
Tammie B. Phillips
Ms. Tracey Pierantoni
Ms. Hailee Pike
Ms. Donna B. Pikulsky
Ms. Brenda Pineda
Patricia Pingree
Eliana Pinto
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Piraino
Ms. Jean E. Plante
Maria D. Plaza
John H. Plimpton
Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Ploen
Ms. Ellen Plummer
Pamela J. Plummer
Ms. & Mr. Linda L. Poepoe
Ms. Laura Pogoler
Mr. John E. Pogue
Mr. & Mrs. Ray R. Poitevint
Nancy Polimer
Hilary B. Poochigian
Ms. Letizia Portante
Mr. Victor Post
Ms. Monica Post
Ms. Darla Postil
Connie Potter
Mr. Joe Poublon
Ms. Doris Powers
Ms. Beatrice Pride
Ms. Marguerite Probasco
Ms. Rebecca Pulido
Gerald Purer
Ms. Marilyn Purnell
Jing Qin & Crystal Cung
Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Radell
Alvina V. Raffanti
Mrs. Katrin Rafiedana
Arash Raminfar
Ms. Margaret Ramos
Van B. Ramsey
Ms. Darlette Ratschan
Mike J. Rauch
Kenneth B. Ray
Mr. Richard Razor
The Recchuites
Ms. Christine Rector
Ms. Sharon K. Redd
Ann Reed
Ms. Barbara Rees
Oreet Rees
Mrs. Gloria R. Reese
Ms. Gisela Reincke
Ms. Leonarda Reinert
Mr. Warren Reingold
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.
Pam P. Reis
Mr. & Mrs. Ellis D. Reiter, Jr.
Nancy M. Rendon
Andrea Repass
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Reuter
Ms. Carmen Reynosa
Ms. Pat J. Ricciardelli
Ms. Katie Rice
Mr. Devon Richter
Ms. Francine Ricks
Ms. Margaret E. Ridge
Dominique Ridley
Ms. Paula Riggs
Friends for Life
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249, Estates, In-Kind, Matching Gifts, Vehicles)
Ms. Richard Rionda
Ramona Ripston
Ms. & Mr. Elba M. Robbins
Ms. Shirlee A. Roberts
Claire & Carmie P. Robinson
James D. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D.
Ms. Betty H. Robinson
Reynaldo & Donna J.
Miss Hilary Robman
Eudice J. Rockoff
Brian D. Rodeck
Ana Rofe
Ms. Brenda J. Rogers
Thomas Rogers
Shelley Rohr
Peggy L. Romano
June H. Romine
R.A. Rondell
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas
Ms. Laura Ross
Carol L. Rostadli
Ms. Amy Roth
Ms. Sara C. Rothenhausler
Mr. John Rouen
Lee & Catherine Rouman
Ms. Marcein F. Rounsavell
Ms. Kathryn Rowley & Mr.
George Palmer
Ms. Phyllis Rubenstein
Heather J. Rudin
Tony & Sandi Ruiz
Mr. Shev Rush
Mrs. Donna Rushton-Fitch
David M. Russo
Mrs. Suzanne N. Ryan
Joe M. Ryan III
Dianne M. Ryder-Rennolds
Mr. David Saadeh
Mr. Peter Sadowski
Ms. Gayle Sadowski
David & Rowena Saenz
Dayl & Miguel Salamanca
Ms. Debra Salcido
Mary Salica & Walter Bacall
Ms. Diane Saltzburg
Ms. Jill Samuels
Ms. Helen Sanborn
Ms. Laurie Sandlin
Lynda Sands
Ms. Asha Saraf
Dr. & Ms. H.G. &
Barbara Sawyer
Ms. Eliane Sawyer
Dr. Azita Sayan
Mr. Mark Schafer
Mr. Bruce Schaffer
Marlene Schaffner
Mr. Ernie Schatz
Ms. Kari Schavezz
Ms. Kathleen F. Schick
Mr. Patricia Schleker
Ms. Sally Schliesmayer
Mr. Bert J. Schloss
Mrs. Sonya Schnyder
Ms. Sherry M. Scholl
Ms. Jennifer Scholnick
Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Schor
Ms. Janice M. Schrufer
Ms. Stephanie Schulman
Lucia S. Schultz
Ms. Margaret Z. Schwartz
David J. Scott
Ms. Jennifer Scully
Mrs. Linda Seip
Ms. Nicole Alexandra Selna
Raul Serrato
Mrs. Beatrice Shapiro
Steven Shapiro
Mrs. Tammy Sherer
Susan Sheridan
Stefani Sherwin
Melissa Shields
Mr. Neal Shluker
Ms. Jocelyn M. Shore
Ms. Ann C. Shubnell
Mr. Joel Shukovsky
F. & N. Sidaoui
Ms. Nancy L. Signer
Ms. Wendy R. Silna
Mr. Bruce Simmons
Mr. Wilber Simmons
Mrs. Kelly Simon
Mr. Robert Simpson
Ms. Barbara L. Simpson
Ms. Sarah Sinclair
Ms. Narina Sippy
Benita M. Sito
Mr. Tyler V. Smith
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Mrs. Susan Smith
Ms. Carol Smith
Ms. Cinde Smith
Ms. Dinah Smith
Ms. Joan Smith
Ms. Marion Smith
Patricia L. Smith
Sandra Smith
Mr. Don Snyder
Will & Karen Somers
Deborah Sorensen
Mr. Daniel Soroky
Ms. Kay Soule
Shawn Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Elisebeth Spencer
Ms. Jeanine R. Sperber
Ms. Irene Sperling
Mr. Mike Spitt
Stephanie A. Spoerl
Mr. Irwin H. Spolter
Ms. Barbara Spranza
Michelle L. St. John
Stephanie A. St. Pierre
Alice K. Stanfill
Ms. Nancy Stanislawski
Ms. Loretta M. Stanley
Mr. Paul R. Stapp
Patricia Starr
Jan Stefan
Carolynn Steinberg
Janet Stern
Mr. Kyle Steven
Ms. Mary Clare Stevens
Ruth F. Stevens
Tom L. Stewart
Ms. Kathy Stimson
Ms. Doris Stokes
Mr. Robert Stoneman
Eric L. Stough
Ms. Sheri Stover
Ms. Susan Strauss
Ms. Jean Strickler
Mrs. Catherine A. Strohmaier
Ms. Theresa E. Strombom
Ms. Bianca A. Strong
Ms. Stephanie Strong
Ms. & Mr. Lucinda Strub
Ms. Gladys Struman
Ms. Pat Studstill
Kathy M. Styer
Ms. Sharon Suarez
Ms. Kristine Sullivan
Phyllis Summers
Mr. Michael Swift
Ms. Rita P. Swift
Ms. Jill Switzer
Ms. Curran Sympson
Margaret A. Tally
Julia Tapia
Ms. Sharhen Teo
Glenn Teshirogi
Lisa M. Tessandori
Ms. Linda Tesso
Ms. Loretta A. Thaler
Ms. Robin Thaler
Mr. Duane Thaxton
Ms. Rhoda Thibault
Jill A. Thomas
Ms. Catherine Thomas
Ms. Katherine M. Thomas
Ms. Phyllis G. Thomas
Mr. John Thomasson
E. B. Thompson
Vicki M. Thompson
Jill Thorndike
Ms. Marta M. Timar
Beverly D. Tinnin
TLMD Collective
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Tobin
Ms. Sunny Tomblin
Robert Tompkins
Torrance Elementary School
Ms. Linda L. Torres
Ms. Margaret Tovar
Ms. Carol A. Towne
Janice K. Towner
Jackie Tracy
Richard & June Trader
Mr. Sam Trammell
Robert Trevathan
Ms. Pamela Trickett
Mrs. Eileen Troutt
Ms. Melissa Trueblood
Mr. Leonard Trujillo
Ms. Chrisula Tseliki
Ms. Caryle Tullos
Ms. Linda K. Tully
Ms. Rachelle Turner
Ms. Karen Turpin
UBS Employee Giving
Universal Seafood, Inc.
Ms. Joyce Urode
Ms. Debbie J. Uyetani
Mr. Ray Valencia
Debra L. Valenzuela
Mr. Douglas Van Doren
Ms. Kathryn Van Laanen
Mrs. Victoria Van Veghel
Ms. Jenise Vanandel
Denise M. VanZago
Mr. Douglas W. Vaughan
Bjan Veljkovich
Ms. Theresa A. Veselosky
Ms. Elizabeth Vides
Ms. Winsome Villiers
Ms. Majorie Volk
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew
Mr. John Wade
Ms. Donna J. Waite
Ms. Dana Walden
Mr. & Mrs. Newton I.
Mr. James Waldorf
William A. Walker
Mr. Christopher Wall
Mr. Bud Wallace
Mr. Charles Walter
Ms. Autumn C. Walters
Ms. Maria Wandzura
Debra Ward
Isela E. Ward
Ms. Myrna J. Ward
Ms. Susan L. Ware
Mr. Herb Warme
Ms. Audrey Wasilewski
Fay Webb
Mr. Edwin Webb
Mary Webb
Mr. Steven Wecker
Ms. Margaret Wehling
James L. Weidman
Mrs. Gloria Weinberger
Ms. Kathy Weisshaar
Mr. Alex Wells
Ms. Melinda Wells
Ms. Beverly R. Wendel
Ms. Susan Werner
Mr. & Mrs. H.J. Wertz
Ms. Julie West
Ms. Sherry Whitehead
Ed Wiegand
Mr. Edward Wiilen
Mrs. Carol A. Wilkins
Mr. Paul Wilkinson
Ms. Sandra G. Willard
Ms. Kathy Williams
Linda M. Williams
Denise Williamson, MD
Ms. Sharon Willingham
Mr. Ken Willner
Linda Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson
Mr. William R. Wilson
Ms. Janis Wilson-Morris
Ms. Danielle Winchell
Anne C. Windsor
Roberta E. Winn
Ms. Rita Winston
Ms. Frances Winter
WinWin Living
Mrs. Charlene Wisdom
Mrs. & Mr. Cathy J. Wise
Ms. Linda S. Wohl
Ms. Suzanne Wong
Ms. Karen Woo
Ms. Maxine N. Wood
Mr. Robert Woodbury
Ms. Debbie Woodward
Mr. James N. Woodyard
Alissa & David Wyffels
Monica Wynveldt
Mr. Kenneth Yaeger
Ms. Glenn Yamashita
Ms. Jeannie Young
Ronald W. Young
Whitney Younger
Ms. Ernestine Youtsler
Mike Zarneke
Mr. Richard W. Zatarain, Jr.
Mr. Kenneth Zaucha
Mrs. Jill A. Zeugin
Arlene C. Zimmer
Ms. Barbara J. Zipperman
Julian C. Zolkin
Zurich Insurance
Estate of Esther Allen
Estate of Mary E. Anderson
Estate of Reese L. Anderson
Estate of Ted Ashton
Estate of Elvera D. Atherton
Estate of Sonia Badia
Estate of Deborah Berlin
Estate of Louise Ann Black
Estate of Alyce Block
Estate of Candyce Colvin
Estate of Jack A. Crozier
Estate of Bonnie Sue Dexter
The Dutton Testamentary
Estate of Charline B. Elfeldt
Estates of Guy Greengard
Estate of Grace Cooper
Estate of Elinor M. Hass
Estate of Chalmer D. Hill &
Luz Hidalgo Hill
Estate of James &
Margaret Howard
Estate of Dorothy C. Howe
Estate of Rebecca J. Kollmer
Estate of Patricia M. Ladd
Estate of Jean Lane
Estate of Joyce Elrad Long
Estate of Carol McKenzie
Estate of Bernice Malone
Estate of Ann Miller
Estate of Stella Mrstik
Estate of William Murphy
The Murphy Family Trust
Estate of Evelyn Phillips
Estate of Geraldine M.
Estate of Margaret Saks
Estate of Connie Hines
Estate of Charlotte Schartz
Estate of Varta Schartz
Estate of Bessie Secor
Estate of Eva M. Sewall
Estate of Beverley A. Smith
Estate of Gordon Snider
Estate of Doris &
Thomas Tobin
Estate of Winifred W.
Estate of Emily Van Nuys
Estate of Mildred Wegner
Estate of Martha J. Workman
The McGraw-Hill
Nestle Foundation
Matching Gift Center
Northrop Grumann
Employees Charity
Payden & Rygel
Pitney Bowes Employee
Involvement Fund
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Dependable Highway
Mr. William D. Hardie
Lee Herschler &
Mark Gilbert
The Honest Kitchen.com
Manhattan Beach
Animal Hospital
Mars Petcare
Pizza Hut
Ralphs Grocery Company
Mr. Jose Rosas
Sam’s Club
Taft Production Company
Trader Joe’s
Virgin America Airline
John Acuña & Dale
Jennifer Arbuckle
Suzette Ashley
Blanca Cantero
Alexander Conserva
Vicely Cordero
Vanessa De Jongh
Maria De La Rosa
Frank Demarco
Donn L. Dennis
Monique Drotar
Roya Eliafan
Richard Fearn
Patricia Folgar
Jorge Galvez
Donnilee Herrmann
Shing Hwong
Cindy Jaine
Kristine Karnaky
Mark Liu
Sharon Lopez
Edilwyn Mangahas
Benjamin Marcus
Karen Messer
Freddy Pang
Brita Petersons-Wald
Angelica Samayoa
Larry Sheetz
Laura Shotzbarger
Hillary Sklar
Jan Sooter
Alex Stemkovsky
David Topper
Jorge Valle
Edna Wan
Greg J. Whiffen
Penny Winchester
Matching Gifts
Aetna Foundation
AIG Matching Grants
American Express Employee
Gift Matching Program
Automatic Data
Processing, Inc.
AZPAC-Match Program
BP Matching Fund
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
California Community
The Capital Group
Companies, Inc.
GE Foundation
ITG, Inc.
The J. Paul Getty Trust
Jones Lang LaSalle
spcaLA is deeply appreciative of all those who have generously donated. We strive to acknowledge each donor properly.
If you were listed incorrectly, or you feel your gift was omitted in error, please contact us at (323) 730-5300, ext 232 or
at [email protected]. Only large-ticket in-kind gifts of food or needed items are printed. A complete donor list is available online.
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion
D onor R e co gn i t ion
M em or i al & T r i b u t e G i f t s September 1st, 2010 through August 31st, 2011
All memorial and tribute gifts of $50 or more are acknowledged with a special card and listed in the print edition of Friends
for Life. Gifts appear by tribute type, and then alphabetically based on the first or organization name of the honoree. Pets
whose names appear in quotation marks always appear first.
Honor eeDonor
In Bat Mitzvah Congratulations To
Sonia R. Berman
Bruce & Lori Riduch
Honor eeDonor
Suzanne Levanas
Swoosie Kurtz
Trey Parker
Yu Kito
Crystal & Robert
Konrad Leh
Jon Oneill
In Anniversary Recognition Of
Eleanor & Elliot Lawrence
Ron & Judy Jacobson
Cassandra Ando
Danny Mayer
Dorothy Ebert
Elise Poetsch
Ginger Corsino
Hailee Pike
Ilda Z. Napolitano
Irwin Thaler
Jessica Rodgers
Kathleen Sawyer
Leonard Williams
Liam Noonan
Lindsay Grant
Naomi Rubin
Rhonda Wapnick
Stanley K. Sheinbaum
Friends for Life
Honor eeDonor
Mr. Rick & Little Kunkler
Norma & John Landau
Pat & Dick Goldberg
Raj Chandhok
Rebecca Baehler
Roland & Izzy & Family
Sean & Jenny Brenner
Stanton Young
Steve Nicastro
Tom Mote
Tower General Contractors
Cathy Des Lauries
Christa Campbell
Christine & Matt
Cirilo Reyes
Claire Andriacchi
Cory L. Gray
Daniel Bethencourt
David Shaw
Mom & Dad
Carol & Howard Rosenberg
Carol & Howard Rosenberg
Linda Castillo
Kymm Swank
Andy & Family
David & Sue & Sammy
Roy & Susan Rosenbluth
Bonnie Macker
In Honor Of
Diane & Ray Elias
Adam & Rachel
In Birthday Recognition Of
Abbe Wood
Alexandra & Marley
Anna Fishko
Audrey Bauman
Aunt Cindy
Aviva Kraus
Honor eeDonor
Claire Barberi
J. Lebbin
Lori Medicus
Niccolo Brooker
Susan A. Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Diana
Janelle & Andrew
Carol & Howard Rosenberg
Ed & Yvonne Saxton
John Gallegos & Palma K.
Christina Sokol
Wesley & Jewel Loh
Louise Wu
Susan M. Close
Jennifer Seidel
Maria Barcena
Irma L. Garcia-Romo
Silvia Kloc
Alcira Peralta
Ilda Vaja
Gerard & Toni Wolff
Crystal & Robert
Jane Dawson
H. G. & Barbara Sawyer
Laura, Ruben, Daniela, Sean
Philip Davidson
Barry A. Greenfield
Bintu Y. Guy
Terri Marsh
Yanny Yeonhee Pyo
Raymond Quon
Gregory & Patrice Ryan
Alyssa Berman
Sharon & Mike
Jay & Debbie Walch
In Holiday Recognition Of
A.D. Soden
Alan Warshaw
Arik Martin
Benita Tapia
Boryana Zeitz
Charles Rashall
Chris, Mike and Katie Cross
Colin Mochrie & Famiy
Cynthia Blatt
David Burkhardt
David Graves
Deborah Brown
Deby Salcido
Elizabeth Berbos
Ellie & Fred Rosen
Evelyn Conley
George & Canoe
George Chatigny
Geri Siener
J. Michael Henderson
Jack Kehoe
Janice Cohen
Jason Meadows
Jim & Jill Clemence
John Mote
Jon Georges
Jula Bell
June Mizuki-Kingdon
Karen Mendenhall-Bartizal
Linda Powell
Mary & Eli Dubrow
Melissa Freidenreich
Melody Thomas Scott, Lola, Luke & Family
Michael Farrell
MJ Mulholland/Dennis Brush
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Henry
and Mr. & Mrs. E.W. Free
Esther Rose
AS Design
Scot Shaw
Pamela A. Powell
Linda Yee
Callie D. Becker
Keith Naughton
Andi Schechter & Family
Melissa, Barton, Jamie &
Environmental Technologies
Group, Inc.
Christina Din
Carla Sisler
Carol & Howard Rosenberg
Amy & David Silveira
Uncle Andy
Gina Groth
The Shibata Family, Zacky &
Charlie Girl
Katie Henderson
Ron Levitsky
Tanya Nonakdar Gallery
Rod Stephens
Roy & Susan Rosenbluth
Lisa Sun
Rezzie & The Marks Family
Kristin Carmody
Jeff, Lauren, Matt and all the
loved ones
Pamela A. Powell
Carol & Howard Rosenberg
Brian McAllister
Andi Schechter & Family
Kymm Swank
The Tolers
Holly Henry
“Akillah” & “River”
“Miss Lollie Chiangwood”
“Pogo The Precious”
“Sluggo & Penelope”
“Smokey & “Rascal”
“Spencer” & “Katie”
Birgitta Sjostrand
The Yamashita Family
Roberta Winn
Gary, Mom & Brian
Susan Martinez
Alma Desowitz
Jen, Dan, Oliver & Cassidy
Gina Growth
Mike & Suzette Curby
Mauryne & Nicholas Politis
Michael Santell
Rocky & Maryl Lum
Carol Rosenberg
Fiona Chaney
Mr. & Mrs. Allen &
Vera Greenland
Karen & Walter Schauben
“Xuxo Domingo”
Deborah J. Bishop
Albert Bobel
Rosie, Stephen & Steven
Alexandra Bedingfield
Debra Kazamek
Amy & Colin Digiaro
Julien & Jennifer
Amy McMillan
Grace Tsung Whitcomb
Andrea Gullo
Laurie C. Collins
Andrew Ezersky
Laurie Collins
Angela M. Downer
Madeline Field
Anne Wallace
Anthony George
Evelyn Baron
Audrey Capin
Pam, Bobby & Cocomo
the rescue dog
Barbara Perlin
Michelle Milosh
Bart, Athena, Sarah, Buddy, Lucy Alex, Mary, Bruce and Anne
Beloved Family and Friends
Bruce and Donna
Bennett & Lise Spiegel
Johnathan and Laurie
Bill Hynes
Jay Lorenston
Blythe Berk
Brandon F. Bevans
R. Scott Bevans
Brenda Bernard & Toby
Marcelo Rodriguez
Carol Brasfield
Your 6th graders and
their families
Cary T. Epstein
Nate Hamlin
Catherine Hardwicke
Viggs and Justine
Shaun & Taffy
Lati Grobman
Matt & Lisa Cordero
Belinda & George Hwang
Auntie Monica & Uncle Bill
Lois & Jason Frand
Dena Sokolow
Trudy Mackel
Sandra J. Nolind &
Stanley D. Nolind
Dena Hollingsworth
Paggy Hayner
Don & Andrea Friese
Helen Jane Myerson
Dori Kelsey
GFWC Long Beach
Women’s Club
Eliane Jordan
Else Blangsted
Tony, Sherrye and Toby
Esther Bubis
Hannah R. Bubis
Evelina Serafini
Sherry D. Kaye
Faith Halverson and
Leonard Cerulle
her cat Baby Girl Insurance Service
Fern U. Marks
Diane & Ray Elias
Fran & Rosanna
Millie Rivero
Frederick Huntsberry
Sucherman Consulting
Group Inc.
Gail Tenn
Joyce, Stu, Sylvia, Paris &
Gayle Makasian
Mrs. Elizabeth Lieberman
George & Sandi
Kathy Bruton
George Shea
Anise, Biff & Cyan
Gil & Dona Grosslight
Joan Schiewe
Gloria Zusman’s Special Day
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Wiener
Greg & Dawn Pittenger
Hilary Pittenger
Greta Wanyik
Naomi R. Vanley
Gwenn, Snoopy, Dakota, Sierra, Kevin Quinn
Nevada―Happy Thanksgiving
Hanna O’Connor Rigby
Timothy Rigby
James Hadaway
Maryal and Charlie Barnett
Jane Hardiman
Mary Farley
Jane, Gracie and Dhaba
Lisa & cats
Jean & Ingrid Garcia-Gomez
Jean Loew
Lisa & Stacy Shartin
Jennifer Kulik-Perez
Lauren, Bob and the boys
Jennifer Saltzman
Love, Mom
Jenny Wei
Rob, Leon, Miette and Baxter
Jeremy Ireland
The David & Sylvia Weisz
Family Foundation
Jerry L’Hommedieu
Jill Switzer
Joe & Dolly Weiss
Roz and Michael Salzman
Joe Disbennett
From Your Recruitment
Leadership Team
John & Nancy Sanders
Adrienne Rivera
John and Shannon
Cynthia Winston
Joyce & Cali
Eileen, Lynn & Caboodle
Judi Powell
Ms. Toni Moran
Judith, Jonathan Zimbert, Terrie, Karen, & Pam
& Dolly
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Judy Sims
Julie Wolfe
Karen Meena
Kathleen Anne Newton
Kathy & Jim Thurow
Kelsie & Dave Barron
Kevin, Carol & Donald Brenner
Lala Zadourian
Leon Nachenberg
Leonard & Maureen Williams
Lily Perry
Linda J. Luna
Linda Klein
Linda Williams
Lisa Baragosh
Lois & Gary Ingham
Paula S. Darakjy
Lola McKnight
Lou & Chuck LaGrave
Lucia Lambros
Lynn & Ken Miles
Lynn Ballew
Madeline Bailey
Margaret Villano
Margie Malig
Marie Behm
Marjorie “Sunshine” Rheuban
Mary Tochner
Maryann Sylvester
Megan Bamford
Melinda Maxwell-Smith
Meredyth Clarke & Shelly Wile
& cats Lucy & Cassie
Michael Kilroy
Michael Vasquez
Michelle Vick & Scott Greenberg
Mick M. Schnauzer
Miriam Shenkman
Mitch O’Farrell
Molly Khoury
Molly Perkins-Haberman
Monika Wiercioch
Mr. Stephen & Penny Ringer
Nancy K. Dess
Neal Acree
Norman Barron
Olivia Amann’s 6th birthday
Pat Miller
Paul & Chery Rasmussen
D onor R e co gn i t ion
Friends for Life
The Canadian Goehner
Arnie Good
Jenn G and Bondi
Carol Huebner
Victoria A. Winer
Bonnie Barron
Eric & Melissa
Arin Janjik
S & S Roofing
Marie L. Rourke
Nina R. Stone
Sharon & Levi
Anders Johnson
Ted and Eleanor
Sean Martin
Melissa, Eric, Nick,
Mia & Ryan
The Bills Family and Julie Lu
Rochelle Siegel
Cate, Declan &
Amy Childress
TAS Family
Jill, Vickie, Karen, Monique,
Viet, Delphine
Robin St. & Gang
Trudy Mackel
Paul Goldstein
Lauren, Austin and Kendall
Holly Horn
Anne and Scribble
Barbara Hyland
Randy Jacobs
Randy Sexton
Raymond & Dorothy Barkes
Family Grandchildren
Reem Al Faisal
Rex & Alex Munros
Richard & Carol Eberhard
Richard Liddy
Rita Vennari
Ronald Feingold
Roxanne Coscia
Ruby Lester
Ruth Kowitz
Sara Oldberg
Scott Siegfreid
Seth Cooley
Shidan Taslimi
Shirley Goldenberg
Shirley Hallstein
Sit Pet Sitting
Sonia R. Berman
Sophie Shapiro
Sophie Tucker
Steve & Karen Lakie
Susan L. Chevalier
Tarzana Pet Clinic
The Alexander Family
Jill Switzer
Rey, Javi, Mona, Sparkles
Yukon Chow
Terry Shenkman
Catherine Doswell
Carlota Henderson
Charlie, M.E. and Arthur
Mary Morley
Mom & Dad
Occidental College Psi Chi
Sue & Possum
Janice Ruck
Schwab Charitable Fund
Robin Marcus
Dave W
Bev & Cathie
The Hathaway Family
The O’Connor Family
The Service Days of 9-11
Tina Hirt
Tracey Robinson
Travis Ginsberg
Walter Edwards
Wesley & Stephanie Smith
Wesley M. Sherman
Will Kirby
Yana Schenker
Yona Kayland
HOUSE Location Dept.Season 8 NBC/ Universal
Network Television
David M. Shacter
Shannon Cathcart
Amy Downing
Diane Damianakes
Elizabeth & Carl
Rebecca Curry
Kathy Nagler
from the other Chihuahuas
Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Wiener
Sheree O’Bryant
Mary Sanchez
Pauline Kowitz
David Oldberg
Patricia Alexander
Mom & Dad
The Boysens
John, Hemant &
Euro Pacific Team
Jewish Community
Foundation Los Angeles
The Maclean Family
Rezzie and The Marks
Linda & Ted Cressner
Lynn Berger
The Berlas Family
Melissa Bovill
John & Renee Remeny
The Jim Henson Company
Finance Group
Jane Palhman
John F. Havens, Jr.
Nancy & Alan Wiener, Abby,
& Patches
The President’s Office Staff &
Student Assistants
Shannon Samson
The Kid Robotz
Nancy Senter
Yaffa Weisman
Toni Yager
Elaine & Dale
Stephen, Steven and Rosie
Agla Fox
Charlei, Stephanie, Phillip
and Catherine
Margie Sherman
Barbara & Dad
Bill Schenker
Gloria and Marvin
Honor eeDonor
In Memory Of
“Augie” & “Piper”
“Azuki”, “Kuma”, & “Boe”
“Beloved Greyhounds”
“Brutus Davidson”
“Buster Brown”
“Cadbury” & “Nutmeg”
“Chiqui” & “Trav”
“Cinder” & “Casey”
Aral & David Manson
Herb, Arlene & Tripod
Edith Borck
Chistine, Phoebes & Ziggy
JoAnne, Butch, Kelsie and
Paul D. Dixon
Hilary Rogers
Marion Hastings
Carl T. Miura
Jan & Steve Kelley
Tio Alan Weiss
Scott Goodman
Jerry & Lisa
Patricia Lynch &
Ronald Stolte
Carol Tennyson
The Sullivan Family
Cooper Abrams & Family
The Landrys
Love, Mom & Dad
Joann Cross
Keith & Kathy
Carol Rosenberg
Chip, Otto, Wilshire &
Jerry & Marian
Marilyn T. Oliver
Patricia J. Swartz
Ron & Gayle
Jerrilyn Hebert
Kori Smith
Cheryl Davidson
The Taulli Family
Lisa J. Ulmer
Wanda & Dick
Bret Williams
Leah, Merrilee, Pogo and
Joyce & Harry Peterzell
Martha A. Howlett
Pat & Rod
Pamela Sasada
Raymond & Shirley
DoJ and mom
Krikor Dolian
Petey & Jenny
The Miyagawa’s
Larry Fulton
Honor eeDonor
“Dennis Marie”
“Elvis” Wentworth
“Foxy Lady”
“Hannah Friedman”
“Hannah More”
“Heidi” & “Bandit”
“Java Athey”
“Junior” & “Candy”
Bernard Cohen
Jane Dawson
Jill Switzer
Carl Spring
Lillian Schwartzberg
Brant Wiley
Wendy & Tess
Jane Dawson
Mary Jo Markey
Diane Firestine
Susan & Barrie Kimberley
Mitch Singerman
Eric B. Wentworth
Carol L. Well & Dick Gunn
Sue S. Barham
Irene B. Wechselberg
Dean, Sweeney & Tristan
Jane “Button” Dawson
Elizabeth Hanson
Gina Groth
Kori Smith
Carla M. Trent
Leija and DangerMouse
Robert & Suzanne Bell
Adele Pendexter
Kathey Haas
Selma & Robin
Susan Purcell
Harold & Toby
Alicia & Raymond Kipust
Kathy Kikkert
Demery, Dave, Mirabelle &
Karen Brookings
Charlie & Michael
Thompson Books
Laurie Anderson
Janice Cohen
The Landrys—Mark, Judy,
Kit, Noah, Newman &
especially Ollie
Judy L. Boster-Mark
Madeleine & Chas
Robin Lane-Goldberg
The Huntley Family
Randy Epstein
Alan Jacobson
Kori Smith
Elizabeth C. Kramer
Kelly, Gary and the kids
Donn Dennis
Paula Riggs
Harold & Toby
Jane Dawson
2011 vol 15
D onor R e co gn i t ion
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
“Kermit” Wences
“Pedee” Pitchford
“Pee Wee”
“Plume”, “Gigi”, & “Twenkie”
Candy Kurz Kelley
Carl Johnson
Carolyn G. Grieve
Charles Gullihur
“Kike Groves”
“Liberty” Donahue
“Lieka Shefter”
“Lincoln” and “Sedona”
“London”, “Ginger”, “Princess”, & “Sampson”
“Lucy” Frey
“Mark” & “Cleo”
“Moe” & “Steve”
“Mr. Jughead”
“Natasha Matilla”
“Nauti” & “Marlowe”
D onor R e co gn i t ion
Friends for Life
Elmo, Grover, Gonzo, LuLu
& Fozzie
Emmanuelle, Tom, Cooper,
Charlotte & Boomer
Lindsey & Cathy Groves
Joan & Robert Cohen
Candace Pearson
Lynne & Mark Karbon
Cheryl Ceretti
Terese Donahue
Nancy Barth
Michael Thompson
Arla and David Manson
Wendy R. Hale
Carl F. Watson
Amy, Doug, Ana,
Carlos & Mayra
Adele Pendexter
Cathye Bremner
The Donahue Family
Kori Smith
Patricia, Gary, Sophie and
Leticia Garcia-Rojas
Mara Royce
The Zarnekes
Larry Wheeler
Jose H. Ortez
Marianne Borselle
Kyle Ferstead
Mary Noriega
Jeffrey V. Sowards
Gina Groth &
Charles Kishaba
Anne and H.J. Brown
Debra Lesnick
Larry & Max
Richard E. Tuttle
Susan E. Clair
Liddy, Gerry, Tommy,
Grandman and
Mia Morrin
Shirley Matilla
Linda Kachel & David Katz
Kristie Pillow
Kathy Lydon
Denice & Jake
Gina Dorfman
Lois Slavkin
JDV Cares
Beth & Paul
“Purrs” & “Blue”
“Rags”, “Pepe”, “Taffy”, “Skippy”, and “Rusty (2)”
“Riley” Davenport
“Rosita de Menorca”
“Rugby” Anderson
“Sheba” & “Oliver”
“Sophie” & “Mazel”
“Stripie” Beaudette
Mari & Leif
Maria & Barbara
William D. Hardie
Alice P. Kimmel
Madeleine & Chas
Phyllis Roberts
R.E. Rasenberg
Simone Witaker
Laura Waag
Teri Eve
Tony, Shannon, Ava,
Anthony & Fozzy Bear
Kori Smith
Will & Kathey Haas
Carl F. Watson
Donna J. Miles
Joan Maguire
Caron Soltis
Thomas Davenport
George & Walt
Scott, Caryn, Abby and
Anne Katata &
Eric Randolph
Carol Arutian
Joan Ellen Smith
Lori, Garrett, Ilana and
Austin Brooks
Kori Smith
George E. Johnson
Kori Smith
Kevin & Erin Hasen
Barbara Resnick
Kori Smith
Raechel and Marci
Diane & Alan Blank
Kori Smith
Harry Zinn
Susan H. Thiel
Thom and Sarah Cagle
The Firestines
Ron & Gayle
The Wetzstein and Longs
Janet McDoandl
Your Cruz
Louise Ower
Mark & Siobhan
Ed, Carol, Joey, Zach and
Your GRI friends
Dad & Eileen
Marjory A. Newell
Pat Beaudette
“Tigger” and “Simba”
“Tigger” Ramos
“Toby” & “Alice” & “Tommy Boy”
“Topsy Ramnath”
“Wednesday” & “Yasmin”
Ali, Zeke and Fazool
all of our adopted dogs
Amelia Abraham
Andre Stelzner
Andrea Jacobs
Anna L. Graf
Anne Brownstone
Barbara Lee Brown
Barbara Murphy
Barbara Vane
Beau Marc
Betty Bothne
Bill Gray
Bill Hynes
Brian McNeil
Bunny Reynolds
Burbank & Cole
Calamity & Little B
Campbell Sherman
Candy Kelley
Jodi Dalyai
Christine A. Qua
Joan & Bob Cohen
Jerry & Marian
Suzanne, Kevin & Hugo
Heather Powell
Judy Rifkin
Dale Kaplan
Jen, Mike and Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Henry &
Kerri Van Pelt
Mary E. Ramos
Randy Epstein
Nina F. Newman
Marilyn Ibsen
Suresh & Marna Ramnath
Beverly J. Stunden
Janice S. Miya
Susan Brown
Kori Smith
Sophia and Zvonko
Cindy & Don
Nancy and Joe Mandelbaum
& Family
Shirley F. Meech
Joan Tessenholtz
Sid Gruber
Bob & Christina
The Guterman Family
Ron Di Costanzo
Marcee & Mauro
Linda Joy Ebacher
Elizabeth M. Cantine
Sylvia Stelzner
Lynne Schroeder
Beverly J. Graf
Meredith Hasson
Leshy Treuer
Connie & Judy
Barbara Murphy
Joseph Lecca
Gina Groth &
Charles Kishaba
Bonnie & Jenny
Dawn Smithfield
Mary Richardson
Mike, Monika & Stef Allmon
James D. Krause
James Reynolds
Madeleine & Chas
Pete Sarantopoulos
Barbara Reardon
Your Friends at CT Boston
Nancy J. Furr
H. Jeff Hardy
Gina Groth &
Charles Kishaba
Christopher Laing
Sasha Laing
Claire Bataille Newbree
Claire White
Melba K. Jewell
Clara Wilkins Crawford
Ms. Evelyn (Pat) Tranfield
Cleo Cooper
Cause Insurance
Services, LLC
Michael Halverson
Cynthia Geller
Laura & Harold
Dandy Price
Daniel R. Boyle
Nora & Douglas
Daniel R. Mandel
James C. Arthur, D.D.S.
Daniel Read
Kathleen Henkel
Daniel Tesla
Enrique & Georgia
Danny Mandel
Robert Farina
Dean Caldwell Ferris
Helen McDevitt
Staci Roark
Diane Garnick
Jeannette & Bill Averill
Don Hannefield
Carole Battisti
Donald Kennedy
Mary & Shep Reid
Dortha Knejo
Deborah Fox
Douglas Goldstein
Terry Shenkman
Eileen Troutt
Uncle Bob, Bobby &
Connie Troutt and
Kaye & Tommy Chiles
Eugene Rourke
Marie L. Rourke
Evelyn Shadid
Judy Eiswerth
Elizabeth Griffin
Everett Hibbs
Brandy Armstrong
Farely & Kike
Lindsey & Cathy
Fern Pearl
Cathy Pearl
Frances Baffoni
Frances Schecter
Jeff and Jen Bianco
Frank Tarasko
R. H. Oberwager
Fritz Mikolan
Jackie George, Max & Paige
Heidi Behm
Gail Navarrete
Jay, Eric, Tom, Aurora &
Stacey Levy
Gary J. Martin
Jo Ann Wood
Gary Martin
Eric & Janis Christensen
Mike, Stacy and
Saxon Fischer
Mr. Rob Kramer
Bickmore Risk Services
George R. Hartmann
Gladys Domke
Paul, Liz, James &
Lauren Brensic
Glen W. Micek
Michele M. Clark
Hanna Jackson
Betty Mott
Honnie Shapiro
Harvey Greenberg
Nancy & Alan Wiener
2011 vol 15
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
honor eeDonor
Helen C. Bonney
Helen Gordan
Helen House
Laurice Weichel
Leonard Rosen
Leonard Rosen
Lily Ruff
Lindsey Rickles
Lisa Berns
Lisa M. Johnstone
Lisa Young
Little Bear
Maryann S. Tremblay
Mason Matthews Raczka
Matthew Drew Kerr
Maximilian Forester
Maxine & Igor
Maxine Truelove Miller
Mel Bryant
Michael Rehm
PJ Patten
Rachel Keilholz
Rebeca Jasso
Herbert Gore
Ida B. Dell
Ilene Burman & “Brianna”
Ilene Dice
Jack & Joanne Woodie
Jack Romey
James Bridges
James F. Caul
Jane Piraino
Jay Eric Simon
Jean Carpenter
Jean Zuppardo
Jerry Hoppes
Jimmy Wood
Joe & Mary Baker
John F. Viljoen, MD
Judith Brina Kristal
Judy Kristal
Karen Hernandez
Kay Nakagiri
Keiko Goto
Kermit Wences
Khan Yim
Kristine Keppel
Kyla Peters
Lainie Gad
Larry Berry
Laura Shafer
Friends for Life
Paul H. Weisman
The Kassan Family
Howard & Helen House
Family Foundation
Rick, Pearl, Adam, Danielle,
Pat & Meredith
Mary Oda
Barbara, Daughter’s Cecilia,
Jenni, & Heidi
Barbara Schwarz
Chris Vaughan
Jerrilyn Hebert
Lesley & John (Dad)
Miss Michelle Higgins
Daren Romey
The Bridges Larson
Foundation & Jack Larson
Maureen & Jim Gross
Polly Piraino
Adrien S. Lazarus
Greg and Gail Hargrove
Alma Sohl
Ani & Janine
Betty Wentz
Michael Warren
SHS Class of 1963
Above Par Golf Club
Faith & Cliff
Dennis & Jeanie Harvey
Donna S. Hoppes
Anna Maier
Michael & Mary Savidan
your friends at Johnson &
Johnson Microbiology
Marsha, Rich & “Molly”
Ashley & Natalie
Mrs. J. Singleton on behalf of
our Birthday Group
Francine “Cookie” Routman
Russell Brynes
John R. Coleman, M.D.
Dona L. Warner
The Stantons
Roberta Haber
Michael & Susan Lopez
The Shibata Family
Chip, Dayna and Dave
Yoko Horimoto
Grove, Elmo, Fozzie,
Gonzo, Lulu
Charlotte & Jo
Julia Lanigan
Susan & Stan
Janis, Jesse, Leah & Lucy
Shannon McCafferty
Lucille Schwartz
Lucy Marie
M.L. “Gus” Gustaveson
Maggie Gilday-Herbert
Mamye Botner
Manfred Stauber
Marcia Edgington
Margaret Littel
Marianne Wishner
Marilyn Baker
Marilyn Coffin Schenck
Marlene Gamer
Marvin Bernstein
Sam & John
Sam Cesar
Eric Albert
Richard & June Trader
Angelo, Miguel and the BW
Barbara S. Howell
Yukari Matsuyama
Tony, Vivette & Wayne Lewis
William Whipple
Kenneth J. Betts
Michael Gisser
Sara Baird
Nandi Berglund
Holly Carpenter
Kristine Dunn
Casey Fleck
Rod Guerra
Darrel Hieber
Dwight Hutchinson
Rebecca Isomoto
Gila Jones
Moshe Kushman
Emily Ma
Brian McCarthy
Byron J. McLain
Peter Morrison
Allan Mutchnik
Nicole Ostrowski
Gregory Robins
Patrica “Sue” Shelton
Matthew Sloan
Kristin Tahler
Camilla Williamson
Elyse & Ben Eisner
Ted, Steven, Dexter and
Margie Markus and Scott
Friedman & Family
Audrey, Seth, Rebecca &
Stephen Rosen
Diane Kucenski
Allison Velkes
Miko & Rod Simpson and
Ogawa Product
Pat Feiler
Shirley & Hal Engel
George L. Edgington
Richard Buchholz
Beverly Turner
Marilyn & Ron Robbbins
Lynn, Bill, Will & Megan
Helen Woodcock
Ric & Kathy Mahnerd
Devon, David & Ben
The Friends of the Kaufman
Michele Munsey
Mickie Nakama
Mildred M. Michlin
Milly Simpson
Milo Harris
Miss Autumn Juniper
Miss Scarlet
Moose Rossy Donovan
Morgan “Push” Hehir
Mr. “Bo”
Mr. Charles Jenks & Zoe
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Frosty
Mr. Kitty Pants
Mr. Riley Davenport
Mr. Travis
Mrs. My Beloved Maman; I Love and Miss You
Ms. Lilie
Ms. Raisin
Nancy Malvin
Nancy Malvin Hotta
Nash Norton
Nettie Stewart Davis
Nikie Williams
Nixon Tomich
Norman Floyd Thomas
Patricia Joe’s cat
Patricia Wells
Paul Carey
Paul Stanley
Paula Karttunen
Pee Wee
Pam Blair
Jennifer, Bryan and Talya
Jack & Maryanne Guinan
Jay Tremblay
Jennifer Raczka
Yvonne Crandell
Marty & Phil
Jessica Baang
Alita Larkin
Lancaster Road Runner
RV Club
Carla J. Kabaniec
John Dobbs
Lorraine Gaudi
Richard & Nancy Lyons
Brion Munsey
Carol & Rafael Buitrago
Samuel Alaimo
Barby & Hal
Mike, May and Margot
Nicole Shweiri
Dave, Demery, Mirabelle and
Gwenn’s pack
Steven Murphy
(Foundry Lighting)
Jolie Ancel
Cindy & Stella
Emmanuelle, Tom, Cooper,
Charlotte & Boomer
Nate, Dana, Ozzy and Piper
Kate & Kevin
Catherine Sophie Reese
Karen & Rose
Dennis, Pat and the Girls
Ina and Stephen
Judith Albert
Carol Rosenberg
Bob & BJ Holmes
Mom & Dad
Veronica & Chris
Frances A. Flynn
Judy & Arny Task
Ralph Staunton
Jerry& Marian
Norbert Buss
Ben Ferreira
Judith Nickerson
Donald Pedneault
The Termino Company
Alice P. Kimmel
Kori Smith
Trent Teti
Renee Roberts
Richard Evans Cash
Robert Foster
Robert Kazahaya
Robert Lee White
Roberta Somerville
Rod Miller
Romero Stearn
Ron Aguirre
Ronald Ansorge
Ronald R. Hull
Saki Sheu-Colker
Sam Lorenz
Sandra Trevizo
Sara Olivas
Scott P. Stanton
Sean Corrigan
Sean Drozd
Sharon Deline
Sheri King
JCV Cares
Diane & Ray Elias
Maggie & Tom
Andrea & Arnold, Sonya &
Joel, and Nancy
Rick Dressell
The Kelman Family/
Lighting Artistry
Paul H. Weisman
Brad, Dalem Casey, Joe,
Carlie, Phil, Austin &
Bruce & Carolyn Altrock
Dorothy & Bryan Bach
Smoother Smyth
Dennis Tsuyuki
The O’Kellys
Michael Peratis
Phil & Betty Peck
Scott & Tina Haller
Larry and Char
Dennis & Jeanie Harvey
Howard Lam
Randy & Bobbie Benson
Chris Dixon
Bonnie Mitchell
Jerry & Chester Birks
Paula G. Morton
Lindsay Ouellette
John Guarino
Pamela Chapin
Terry Hull
Craig Smith
Grandma Ann &
Grandma Margaret
Randy, Jeff, Erica, Emerita,
Grace & Edna
Katey Frere and The Puggins
Roselyn E. Colombo
Kay & Terry Dolton, Melissa
& Jon Dolton & Alexia &
Michael Swanepoel
Nemours Children’s Clinic
Medical Staff of Nemours/
Alfred I. Dupont Hospital
for Children
Mariane & John Stefano
Sacred Heart Hospital Pensacola & The Medical/
Dental staff
Greg & Loanna Kendrick
Karl & Gerrie Dassoff
Mark, Kris and Kathy Vetter
William W. Anderson &
Ernest W. Thacker
With deepest sympathy, Bill
and Donna Bayless
Fannie Billings
June Blake
Linda Castle
2011 vol 15
Honor eeDonor
Sheri King
Sherman Love
Solomon Levy
Sophie Shapiro
Steven Simmons
Sweet Zoe
Ted Carenbauer
Thomas Haller
Tom Haller
Tori Rocco
Tuco T. Cat
Uncle Mick Galloway
Valerie Evans
Wesley The Boog
William Bruce Smith (Liam)
Willie Carrott
Your Dog
Zoey Ginter
Barbara Egyud
John & Joan Hamar
Larry & Linda Humphreys
Louise Hutcherson
Larry & Linda Latshaw
Jeffrey Schad
Pat Schleker, Joanne Spencer,
Pat Cain, Carol Bellmaine,
Jan Young, Marilynn
Harvey & Donna Gregg
Lois, Sarah & Erin
Susan St. Pierre
Mike & Dana Glantz
Warren Anapolsky
Frances Arnold
Wendy Bauer
Rosanne Charms
Joan, Anthony, Lauren &
Michelle Chidoni
Mary Curtin
Tina & Nick
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Franson
Bert & Benita Ginsberg
Gary & Linda Goldfein
Carolyn & Ron Greitzer &
Tina & Jay Lamb
Bonnie Nash
Fran and Maury
Jean, Linda, Jan and Dave
Rich & Fran
Patti & David Sones
Wendy, Harlan, Ben & Julie
Irv & Chris Zuckerman
Deborah Fox
Lisa & Shelby
William & Phyllis McCreary
Janice Mancuso & John and
Reg Haller
Nancy Theveny
Josephine Chatwin
Dirk & Stephanie
Gloria Jean Wells
Norman Smith
Winifred Winkie Smith
Orchid & Dick
Gary & Dietra Ward
Skip Pohl
Friends for Life
Mother’s Day gift for
Anne Cahn
Dorothy Ebert
Kathy Swaine Pinsky
Scott, Janice, Nicole and
Ed & Yvonne Saxton
Recovery of
Sandy Carroll
Nancy & Alan Wiener
with a professional
grooming appointment
Valentine’s Day gift for
Kim Denkhaus
Robert Ebba
The Downing Family
Todd Howk
Phamfi, Deeds and
Beast Face
Snuffy & JoAnne
Amy, Edan, Puck and Finn
Charlee, Lappy and Jackson
Wedding recognition of
Fernando Moreyra
Jeremy Matz
Linzie & Skip Boise
Manny & Ines Lorenzo
Tiffany & Matt Willard
The Park Savoy
Gary, Danielle and
Lara Casselman
Mallory Hartt
Sandra Rivers
Teresa Sandoval
Mary Lou Viloria
Mr. & Mrs. Sam &
Marcy Marks
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rice
excellent care for your pet.
Enter coupon code FREESHIP12
*Limit one per person. Offer can be
changed or revoked at any time and
may not be combined with any
other offer. Expires: 12/31/12
Call (562) 570-3079 or email
[email protected]
to make an appointment.
*Offer can be changed or
revoked at any time and may
not be combined with any
other offer. Expires: 12/31/12
preferred lodging for pets
spcaLA’s Peace of Mind Pet
Re-Homing program allows you
to provide for the welfare of your
pet in the event of your passing.
South Bay, Long Beach, or your Living Room!*
For more information, call
(323) 730-5300, ext 233
or email [email protected]
Call (562) 570-3079 or email
[email protected]
to make an appointment.
spcaLA is deeply appreciative of all those who have generously donated. We strive to acknowledge each donor
properly. If you were listed incorrectly, or you feel your gift was omitted in error, please contact us at
(323) 730-5300, ext. 232 or at [email protected].
Honor eeDonor
*One free blueberry clove aromatherapy session
per visit. spcaLA Pet Hotel is a donor-exclusive
resort for pets, available only to donors who
have given $75 or more in the past 12 months –
adoption fees do not count toward the
mandatory $75 donation. Offer can be changed
or revoked at any time and not be combined
with any other offer. Exp: 12/31/12.
Visit www.spcaLA.com for
Marketplace locations & hours.
* Discount does not apply to food, flea treatment, WOOF hats, event tickets, holiday
cards, PawTrax software, Teaching Love and Compassion manual, donations, prize
drawings, or gift certificates & may not be combined with any other offer. To
redeem online, enter code HANGTEN at checkout on www.spcaLA.com. Limit one
per person. Offer can be changed or revoked at any time. Exp: 12/31/12
at one of our locations
We love to pamper your pets!
We are proud
to support the
Exam *
Complete Wellness Care
7700 East Spring Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
Diagnostic & Medical Care
Highly Skilled & Caring Professionals
Dentistry & Surgery
Evening & Weekend Hours
Boarding at Select Locations
*For new clients only. Not to be combined with any other
offer. Up to 2 pets per household. Expires 12-31-12.
Community-focused care backed by the nation’s leading pet healthcare network
VCA Lakewood
Animal Hospital
VCA La Mirada
Animal Hospital
10701 South St.
Cerritos, CA 90703
13914 E. Rosecrans Ave.
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
20805 Hawthorne Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90503
(562) 219-4052
(562) 239-3878
(310) 715-8541
VCA Rossmoor-El Dorado
Animal Hospital
VCA College Park - Ana Brook
Animal Hospital
10832 Los Alamitos Blvd
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
5839 Ball Rd.
Cypress, CA 90630
(562) 314-3932
(714) 699-3000
VCA Los Altos
Animal Hospital
VCA Coast
Animal Hospital
3080 Woodruff Ave., Suite B
Long Beach, CA 90808
1560 Pacific Coast Hwy.
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
(562) 353-4202
(310) 715-8511
5026 West Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90016
Phone: (562) 570-7722
Fax: (562) 570-4931
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 10am–5:30pm Wednesday to Friday
10am–4pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (310) 676-1149
Fax: (310) 676-4784
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 11am–6pm Wednesday to Friday
10am–5pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (323) 730-5303
Fax: (323) 735-7083
Email: [email protected]
Hours: By appointment only
Phone: (562) 570-4926
Fax: (562) 570-4901
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 9am–5:30pm Wednesday to Friday
9am–4:30pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (310) 676-1149
Fax: (310) 676-4784
Hours: 11am–6pm Wednesday to Friday
10am–5pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (888) 772-2521
Fax: (323) 730-5333
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 8am–5pm Monday to Friday
Phone: (562) 570-3079
Fax: (562) 570-3083
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 9am–5:30pm Wednesday to Friday
9am–4:30pm Saturday & Sunday
8:30am–10:30am Monday (hotel only)
closed Tuesday
VCA Clarmar
Animal Hospital
12910 Yukon Avenue
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Donations are accepted at all locations during business
hours. For large donations, please contact our Fund
Development Department at (323) 730-5300, ext 233.
Join your Friends for Life ONLINE
Always know what your spcaLA is doing by following us on one of our many social media
sites. Be our friend on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, watch us on YouTube, friend us on
Myspace, support us on Social Vibe, or read our e-newsletter. www.spcaLA.com
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2011 vol 15
Donor Tiles
Give the gift that gives back! spcaLA Donor Tiles are great ways to show your commitment to animal
welfare while honoring loved ones or special occasions. All donor tiles come with a commemorative
certificate, suitable for framing. Certificates are mailed to you upon receipt of your donation, so they
are a wonderful addition to holiday and birthday presents!
 Preferred $250: Fountain Wall
 Premium $500: Village Entry ways, the façade
of one of the most visible pillars
 Select $150: Back Walkway
 General $50: Campus Grounds—2 lines of text
 Preferred $250: Village Pathways, on façade of
a highly visible pillar
 Select $150: Village Grounds, on façade of a
 Reserve $75: Village Grounds, on façade of one
of the most visible buildings
Be a Part of
Buy a Tile
The Birenas
Christine 1998
Christopher 2003
 General $50: Village Grounds, on façade of a
building—2 lines of text only
 For an additional $30, you may order a replica tile to keep as a memento. Please note you may not
purchase a replica tile without purchasing a donor tile.
Space is limited, and donor tile requests will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Requests for specific placement of tiles cannot be
accommodated. Tiles will be located at various locations per spcaLA’s discretion. Please note, installation of donor tiles can take up to three
months, or until the minimum order has been filled.
Fill in your inscription below: (Tiles are limited to 18 characters, including spaces and punctuation, per line. You may inscribe up to
3 lines of text, unless otherwise noted.)
 Enclosed is a check or money order for $ ______________________ . (Please make check payable to spcaLA)
 Please charge my:
Card Number
Exp. Date
Donor’s Name (if different)
This gift is in Honor
Memory of ____________________________________________________ who is a
Pet Person.
Please send a tribute certificate (suitable for framing) to ______________________________________ at the following address:
2011 vol 15
Introducing the South Bay’s newest pet
boutique, located inside the spcaLA South Bay
Pet Adoption Center. Pick up premium pet food,
treats, toys, flea control products and more!
Naming Opportunities
Be a part of their story.
Your commemoration will help thousands of homeless and abused animals!
Lost, abandoned or abused
Friend for Life™
Foster a Pet Like Tin Tin
Open your home and your heart to motherless kittens or puppies,
or an adult cat, dog or other pet who needs a little extra care.
For more information, please call 888-772-2521, ext 300
or email volunteer @spcaLA.com.
Located in the city of Long Beach, the P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal
Village and Education Center is a one-of-a-kind facility in Southern
California situated on picturesque grounds within El Dorado Park.
Choose a naming opportunity from the following donation levels:
Located in the city of Hawthorne, the South Bay PAC is spcaLA’s oldest
operating shelter. It has been an invaluable resource to the South Bay
community for more than 70 years. Choose a naming opportunity from
the following donation levels:
Village Plaza
Village Drive
Grooming Salon
Dog Den
Adoption Center
Outside Training Area
Medical Suite
Pick a Plank (Backyard
Donor Tiles
Main Lobby
Exercise Yard
Recovery Room
Tech Room
Resource Room
Retail Area
Dog Den
Pet Hotel
Dog Adoption Area
Virtual tour:
Head start class for puppies 8 weeks to 4.5 months.
Basic obedience and good manners for dogs
4.5 months and older.
Continuing education and refresher class
covering many exercises for AKC’s Canine
Good Citizen program.
Donor Tiles
Entry Way
spcaLA president, Madeline Bernstein, invites you to show your support of homeless & abused animals.
100% of proceeds help people & animals in need!
For more information about naming opportunities, please call Madeline Bernstein at (323) 730-5300, ext 222.
A variety of classes offered such
as Fun Nose Work, Come When Called,
and Click-A-Trick.
Agility is a fast paced, fun, and interactive sport great
for building a better relationship for you and your dog
while enjoying the outdoors. Various
levels and classes offered.
For locations, class schedules, and fees or to register, visit spcaLA’s Dog Training page
at www.spcaLA.com. Call (323) 730-5300, ext 260 or email [email protected].
Text TRAINMYDOG to 27138 to receive class updates on all our dog training classes
2011 vol 15
Donate Needed Items to
Many of spcaLA’s needed items can be purchased at the spcaLA Marketplace in Long Beach, where 100% of our profits go right back into helping our shelter pets.
spcaLA’s P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village & Education Center
 Breakaway collars
 Cat Trees with cubby holes for the cats to
 Clay (non-scoopable) kitty litter
 Cardboard cat scratchers
 Cardboard serving trays for use as litter
 Leftover cardboard trays from cases of dog
& cat food for use as litter boxes
 Cat scratching posts (new)
 Durable, washable cat/kitten toys
 DVDs of birds, fish & other animals
 Floor cages
 Hanging bird toys for cat/kitten kennels
 Kitten and cat food, both dry and canned
 KMR® (Kitten Milk Replacer)
 Newspaper
 Pooper scoopers
 Washable beds
Amplifying system for dog training classes
Baby bottles/slow flowing nipple
 Collars
 Dog beds
 Dog carriers suitable for airline travel
(various sizes)
 Esbilac milk replacer for puppies
 Gentle Leaders©, various sizes
 Dog leashes
 Grooming supplies—brushes, combs, etc.
 Hoola Hoops
 New (or gently used) Kong® toys, and other
durable puppy/dog toys (please, no tennis
 Medium & large dog sweaters/coats
 Puppy and dog food, both dry and canned
 Spray Febreeze® for enrichment program
(various scents)
 SOFT dog treats
Pet Hotel
Grooming SAlon
Select from a variety of premium
pet foods & supplies.
(562) 570-4926
[email protected]
Open-air cat atriums, indoor/
outdoor dog dens & plenty of TLC!
(562) 570-3079
[email protected]
Offering self-service &
professional grooming.
(562) 570-3079
[email protected]
spcaLA’s Village: Your all-in-one place for your pet needs!
7700 East Spring Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
(Inside El Dorado Park)
* Pet Hotel is open Mondays between 8:30am & 10:30am
Wednesday–Friday: 9:00am–5:30pm
Saturday–Sunday: 9:00am–5:30pm
Monday–Tuesday: Closed*
for drop-offs and pick-ups.
Virtual tour:
Poop bags (biodegradable if possible)
Dog crates
 Ramps—for vehicle transport, folding with
carrying case (optional)
 Wee wee pads
 X-pens
 Rabbit pellets
 Timothy hay
 Alfalfa hay
 Rabbit or small animal chew sticks
 Corner litter boxes
 Rabbit or small animal water bottles
 Toys designed for rabbits
 Fresh vegetables and fruits
Industrial, commercial washing machine
(gas powered, front loader with base &
 2-Pocket folders with fasteners
 Batteries (AA, AAA, C & 9V)
 Bottle cleaners
 Digital camera (purchased in the last three
 Durable storage bins
 Dust-off can duster
 Economy size bubble wrap
 French fry cardboard trays
 Generator
 Grooming clippers
 Halloween costumes for children
 HD video cameras (durable, compact)
 Heater
 Heating pads
 Horse trailer
 Ice cube trays
 Incense
 Industrial steam cleaner
 Label maker
 Magnetic dry erase board, 5' x 3'
Donations are the means by which we are able to continue our programs and
services. We appreciate donated items in good working condition. If you would
like to donate any of these items, or the funds with which to purchase them,
please call the spcaLA Fund Development Department at (323) 730-5300, ext 233
or email [email protected] with “Fund Development” in the subject line. Your
donations are greatly appreciated!
Manual can openers
 Note pads/note books
 One-subject notebooks
 Outdoor stand up lights
 Peanut Butter
 Automatic pencil sharpener
 People counter clickers
 Pop-ups, like EZ-UPS
 Portable air conditioner or stand-alone fans
 Portable CD players
 PowerPoint projector
 Pressure washer
 Radios
 Rolling pet crates
 Scales
 Stainless steel bowls, large and small
 Standing propane patio heater
 Staples
 Staples gift cards
 Staplers
 Stuffed animals with beating heartbeat
 Tape (clear/scotch)
 Three-ring folders or binders
 TVs with built-in DVD players
 Video editing software (PC version)
 White out
 Wind chimes
 Xerox® Business 4200 copier/laser/printer
paper—8∞" x 11"
Retail Space for new Pet Adoption Center
& Supply Store
 Space in east or mid San Fernando Valley
for dog training classes
 10,000+ square feet of warehouse space for
storage (LA County preferred)
You can help make a difference!
Organize a drive for any of the items listed
above. And remember, drives are excellent
corporate donation initiatives!
2011 vol 15
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit #30259
Los Angeles, CA
5026 West Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(888) 772-2521
Help us save money for the animals.
If you are receiving more than one copy of
our magazine, please let us know.
Change Service Requested
FREE spay & neuter for dogs 40lbs and over!
For qualified applicants, while funding lasts.
Financial assistance
is available for
other pets too!
5026 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016
www.spcaLA.com • (323) 730-5303