IDEIA and the Behavior Analyst - Applied Behavioral Strategies
IDEIA and the Behavior Analyst - Applied Behavioral Strategies
Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 •Follow the blog: •Follow onTwitter: @melissaolive •Like us on Facebook: •Join the Mailing List: •Follow us on LinkedIN • Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 3 Effective July 1, 2008 3 Type 2 hours required in Ethics Letter from BACB describing ethics requirements February 2013 Newsletter describing changes to continuing education Who knows what it said? Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 4 Ethical issues related to Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) Strategies for preventing ethical issues related to FBAs and BIPs Methods for resolving ethical issues related to FBAs and BIPs Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) Guidelines for Responsible Conduct Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 5 1 Ethics and BIP Development 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Mass ABA April 4, 2014 What must you know? FBA quick review (do not want to duplicate SPED Law Course) BACB Guidelines and BIPs BIP Ingredients SPED Law and BIPs Colleagues Questions and Discussion Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 6 BACB Guidelines for Responsible Conduct BACB Professional and Disciplinary Standards BACB Certificant Federal Laws State Laws Behavior analysts' assessments, recommendations, reports, and evaluative statements are based on information and techniques sufficient to provide appropriate substantiation for their findings Behavior analysts refrain from misuse of assessment techniques, interventions, results, and interpretations and take reasonable steps to prevent others from misusing the information these techniques provide Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 8 2 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 Behavior analysts recognize limits to the certainty with which judgments or predictions can be made about individuals Behavior analysts do not promote the use of behavioral assessment techniques by unqualified persons (i.e., those who are unsupervised by experienced professionals and have not demonstrated valid and reliable assessment skills) 9 Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 3.01 Behavioral Assessment Approval The behavior analyst must obtain the client’s or client-surrogate’s approval in writing of the behavior assessment procedures before implementing them Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 3.02 Functional Assessment (a) The behavior analyst conducts a functional assessment, as defined below, to provide the necessary data to develop an effective behavior change program (b) Functional assessment includes a variety of systematic information-gathering activities regarding factors influencing the occurrence of a behavior (e.g., antecedents, consequences, setting events, or motivating operations) including interview, direct observation, and experimental analysis Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 10 11 3 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 3.03 Explaining Assessment Results Unless the nature of the relationship is clearly explained to the person being assessed in advance and precludes provision of an explanation of results (such as in some organizational consultation, some screenings, and forensic evaluations), behavior analysts ensure that an explanation of the results is provided using language that is reasonably understandable to the person assessed or to another legally authorized person on behalf of the client Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 3.04 Consent-Client Records. The behavior analyst obtains the written consent of the client or client-surrogate before obtaining or disclosing client records from or to other sources, including clinical supervisor Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 12 13 3.05 Describing Program Objectives. The behavior analyst describes, in writing, the objectives of the behavior change program to the client or client-surrogate (see below) before attempting to implement the program. And to the extent possible, a riskbenefit analysis should be conducted on the procedures to be implemented to reach the objective. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 14 4 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 BCBA Betty, wants to stay on top of her clients. At the first sign of trouble, her staff begin collecting the ABC data. BCBA Betty, analyzes those data so she knows the function of her clients’ behavior and can readily direct staff about how to respond to behavior. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 15 Team decision Written consent When 1. 2. 3. Emergency change of placement/manifestation As part of initial and full evaluation (implied) Special considerations (implied) Placement decisions (implied) IEE (implied) Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 17 5 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 Harry Potter attended a public school. He began misbehaving in his special education classroom. Because a BCBA was assigned to him, she quickly developed a simple BIP and coached the team to implement. She was most interested in preventing the behavior from becoming a more serious problem. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 1.01 Reliance on Scientific Knowledge. Behavior analysts rely on scientifically and professionally derived knowledge when making scientific or professional judgments in human service provision, or when engaging in scholarly or professional endeavors. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 18 19 Missy’s 34-year-old brother Mac engages in hand mouthing. His group home retained a BCBA to assist with the problem. This BCBA was also an OT. She prescribed a program utilizing a chew toy. She wanted to tie the chew toy on to Mac’s belt buckle so that he wouldn’t throw it. She also wanted to use pudding or similar in order to teach Mac to put the inedible item in his mouth. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 20 6 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 (a) Behavior analysts provide services, teach, and conduct research only within the boundaries of their competence, based on their education, training, supervised experience, or appropriate professional experience. (b) Behavior analysts provide services, teach, or conduct research in new areas or involving new techniques only after first undertaking appropriate study, training, supervision, and/or consultation from persons who are competent in those areas or techniques. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC Kala, Missy’s supervisee, has decided that when she finishes her program and passes her BACB test she wants to start working in the early intervention B23 program because she thinks that little kids don’t engage in aggressive behavior. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 21 22 2.02 Accepting Clients. The behavior analyst accepts as clients only those individuals or entities (agencies, firms, etc.) whose behavior problems or requested service are commensurate with the behavior analyst’s education, training, and experience. In lieu of these conditions, the behavior analyst must function under the supervision of or in consultation with a behavior analyst whose credentials permit working with such behavior problems or services. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 23 7 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 Dr. Tom called Missy (because of her wonderful reputation with feeding therapy) and asked if she wanted to consult on a case in Boston. The girl was 16, diagnosed with anorexia, and hospitalized because of her extremely low weight. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC The behavior analyst’s responsibility is to all parties affected by behavioral services. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 24 25 (a) Behavior analysts arrange for appropriate consultations and referrals based principally on the best interests of their clients, with appropriate consent, and subject to other relevant considerations, including applicable law and contractual obligations. (b) When indicated and professionally appropriate, behavior analysts cooperate with other professionals in order to serve their clients effectively and appropriately. Behavior analysts recognize that other professions have ethical codes that may differ in their specific requirements from these Guidelines. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 26 8 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 (a) When a behavior analyst agrees to provide services to a person or entity at the request of a third party, the behavior analyst clarifies to the extent feasible, at the outset of the service, the nature of the relationship with each party. This clarification includes the role of the behavior analyst (such as therapist, organizational consultant, or expert witness), the probable uses of the services provided or the information obtained, and the fact that there may be limits to confidentiality. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 27 (b) If there is a foreseeable risk of the behavior analyst being called upon to perform conflicting roles because of the involvement of a third party, the behavior analyst clarifies the nature and direction of his or her responsibilities, keeps all parties appropriately informed as matters develop, and resolves the situation in accordance with these Guidelines. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 28 29 9 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 (a) The behavior analyst supports individual rights under the law. Hence, the SPED Law presentation at MASS ABA in 2012 Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 30 Behavior analysts maintain appropriate confidentiality in creating, storing, accessing, transferring, and disposing of records under their control, whether these are written, automated, or in any other medium. Behavior analysts maintain and dispose of records in accordance with applicable law or regulation, and corporate policy, and in a manner that permits compliance with the requirements of these Guidelines. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 31 Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 32 [email protected] 10 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 (a) The behavior analyst always has the responsibility to recommend scientifically supported most effective treatment procedures. Effective treatment procedures have been validated as having both longterm and short-term benefits to clients and society. (b) Clients have a right to effective treatment (i.e., based on the research literature and adapted to the individual client). Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 33 (c) Behavior analysts are responsible for review and appraisal of likely effects of all alternative treatments, including those provided by other disciplines and no intervention. (d) In those instances where more than one scientifically supported treatment has been established, additional factors may be considered in selecting interventions, including, but not limited to, efficiency and costeffectiveness, risks and side-effects of the interventions, client preference, and practitioner experience and training. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 35 Behavior analysts create, maintain, disseminate, store, retain, and dispose of records and data relating to their research, practice, and other work in accordance with applicable laws or regulations and corporate policy and in a manner that permits compliance with the requirements of these Guidelines. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 37 11 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 In their reports to those who pay for services or sources of research, project, or program funding, behavior analysts accurately state the nature of the research or service provided, the fees or charges, and where applicable, the identity of the provider, the findings, and other required descriptive data. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 38 (a) ……death, illness, absence (b)……ending contracts (c) Behavior analysts do not abandon clients. Behavior analysts terminate a professional relationship when it becomes reasonably clear that the client no longer needs the service, is not benefiting, or is being harmed by continued service. (d) Prior to termination for whatever reason, except where precluded by the client’s conduct, the behavior analyst discusses the client’s views and needs, provides appropriate pre-termination services, suggests alternative service providers as appropriate, and takes other reasonable steps to facilitate transfer of responsibility to another provider if the client needs one immediately. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 39 12 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 The behavior analyst (a) designs programs that are based on behavior analytic principles, including assessments of effects of other intervention methods, (b) involves the client or the client-surrogate in the planning of such programs, (c) obtains the consent of the client, and (d) respects the right of the client to terminate services at any time. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC The behavior analyst describes to the client or client-surrogate the environmental conditions that are necessary for the program to be effective. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 41 42 If environmental conditions preclude implementation of a behavior analytic program, the behavior analyst recommends that other professional assistance (i.e., assessment, consultation or therapeutic intervention by other professionals) be sought. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 43 13 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 If environmental conditions hamper implementation of the behavior analytic program, the behavior analyst seeks to eliminate the environmental constraints, or identifies in writing the obstacles to doing so Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 44 The behavior analyst must obtain the client’s or client-surrogate’s approval in writing of the behavior intervention procedures before implementing them. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 46 The behavior analyst recommends reinforcement rather than punishment whenever possible. If punishment procedures are necessary, the behavior analyst always includes reinforcement procedures for alternative behavior in the program. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 48 14 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 The behavior analyst minimizes the use of items as potential reinforcers that maybe harmful to the long-term health of the client or participant (e.g., cigarettes, sugar or fatladen food), or that may require undesirably marked deprivation procedures as motivating operations. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC The behavior analyst collects data, or asks the client, client-surrogate, or designated others to collect data needed to assess progress within the program Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 49 51 The behavior analyst modifies the program on the basis of data Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 52 15 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 The behavior analyst explains program modifications and the reasons for the modifications to the client or client-surrogate and obtains consent to implement the modification Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 53 The behavior analyst reviews and appraises the restrictiveness of alternative interventions and always recommends the least restrictive procedures likely to be effective in dealing with a behavior problem Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 55 Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 56 [email protected] 16 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 The behavior analyst establishes understandable and objective (i.e., measurable) criteria for the termination of the program and describes them to the client or client-surrogate Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 57 The behavior analyst terminates the relationship with the client when the established criteria for termination are attained, as in when a series of planned or revised intervention goals has been completed Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 58 17 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 For a child whose behavior impedes the child's learning or that of others: consider the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and other strategies, to address that behavior Consider the communication needs of the child Consider whether the child needs assistive technology devices and services Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 60 §300.324 (a) (2) Consideration of special factors. The IEP Team must--(i) In the case of a child whose behavior impedes the child’s learning or that of others, consider the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and other strategies, to address that behavior Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 61 Professional development for teachers and other school staff to enable such personnel to deliver scientifically based academic and behavioral interventions, including scientifically based literacy instruction, and, where appropriate, instruction on the use of adaptive and instructional software; and (2) Providing educational and behavioral evaluations, services, and supports, including scientifically based literacy instruction. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 62 18 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 IEP process Family consent (or due process) Special considerations Behavior Communication AT Early Intervening services Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 63 Varies from state to state Know your state law! Texas Side by Side Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 64 aints-and-seclusion-resources.pdf [email protected] 19 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 66 BIPs for children rather than adults BIPs without consent Punishment Restraint Procedures used without examining data Edibles Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 67 Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 68 Training Supervision Training Supervision Training Supervision Training Supervision [email protected] 20 Ethics and BIP Development Mass ABA April 4, 2014 Behavior analysts have an obligation to bring attention to and resolve ethical violations by colleagues. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC 69 When behavior analysts believe that there may have been an ethical violation by another behavior analyst, or non behavioral colleague, they attempt to resolve the issue by bringing it to the attention of that individual if an informal resolution appears appropriate and the intervention does not violate any confidentiality rights that may be involved. If resolution is not obtained, and the behavior analyst believes a client’s rights are being violated, the behavior analyst may take additional steps as necessary for the protection of the client. Applied Behavioral Strategies LLC [email protected] 70 21