A Picture Perfect Raft Up


A Picture Perfect Raft Up
Mission Bay Yacht Club
May 2015
A Picture Perfect Raft Up
Mission Bay Yacht Club
2013 Flag Officers
Lori Longstreet
Vice Commodore:
James Perry
Rear Commodore:
Van Barr
Secretary/Treasurer Jenee’ Gillam-Ray
Fleets Captain:
Bill Kenney
Port Captain:
David White
Jr. Staff Commodore: Brian Anderson
Board of Directors Meetings:
Held the second Wednesday of each
month, 7PM, Main Clubhouse.
By Lori Longstreet
I hope that everyone enjoyed all of the fun activities that our club hosted in
April. Perhaps my favorite was the Easter Egg Hunt which was organized by two of
our teen members, Cassandra Shand and Emily Warren. These young ladies arranged
for a fun day of crafts, pony rides, a petting zoo, an Easter egg hunt and an opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny. It was so much fun watching the little ones enjoy a
great day at MBYC. Nicely done ladies and thanks so much for taking on a leadership
role at MBYC.
Easter Brunch was attended by nearly 400 people this year. Chef Javier outdid
himself with a beautifully arranged, delicious buffet. Many thanks to Chef Javier, Alex
Club Manager: Jason Proctor
Fortner, Jason Proctor and our staff for making Easter Sunday special. I also want to
Office Manager: Meagan Brown
thank our board of directors. Every single board member came to the club on Easter
Membership Secretaty: Keela Brigante Sunday to do a shift greeting members and pouring champagne. I really appreciate
Accountant: Mike Curtin
the level of dedication that every member of the 2015 board has demonstrated–thank
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9a-6p, you!
Opening Day is a few days away as I write this article. I am predicting beautiful
Friday: 8a-9p, Sat & Sunday 8a-5p
weather (safe bet) and a great day celebrating the “opening” of our club for another
Office Phone: (858)488-0501
season. Of course, MBYC never really closes, but what a fun way to mark yet another
year enjoying our amazing club.
On April 13th, we hosted Vladimir Balotsky from the City of San Diego Real Estate Assets Department for a site visit. Vladimir seemed impressed with the work that
Editor: Lorraine Peck
we have done as required by our lease as well as the general upkeep (ala work party)
Calendar and Staff Photographer:
tasks that have been performed. I noted that toward the end of his visit he used the
Edna Johnson
word “great” when describing our upkeep of the property.
Support Staff: Doug Swenson, Greg
Next up on our lease improvement schedule includes creating a plan for the
Brown, Bill Kenney
Bordrero Building. An architect and a structural engineer have completed an evalu(Deadline for articles/ads: 15th of each ation and we will be receiving their report April 18th. More to come on that. We are
month. Email articles, photos and ads also working on an approach for replacing our existing lockers. A couple of options
separately as attachments. JPEG or PDF are being considered and the plan is to actually perform the work in the October/
November timeframe.
files with minimum 300dpi)
We have a couple of non-lease related projects in work as well. The board has
Send to:
funds to upgrade our wireless network serving the back dock and the beach
[email protected]
area near the main clubhouse. Additionally, Van Barr has been diligently working on
Mainstay Questions, call: (619)992-4199 getting the failing Trex replaced (at no cost) by the manufacturer.
May marks the start of TNTs. Come on down on Thursday and either get out on
the water or enjoy the races from our front deck. Either option provides a great way to
spend Thursday evenings during the summer.
Executive Chef: Javier Rubio
I hope to see you at the club in May–we are entering my favorite season of the
Friday: Full Service Dinner 6 to 8:30 year at the best club around.
Clubhouse Information
Saturday: Breakfast, Lunch, and
Bayside Grill Dinner
Sunday: Breakfast and Lunch
Bar Hours
Friday: Five to Ten p.m.
Saturday: Noon to Ten p.m.
Sunday: One to Eight p.m.
Music in the Bar most Saturdays
Our Mission:
MBYC Exists to Perpetuate
Corinthian Yachting and the
Sportsmanship and Fellowship Incident Thereto.
Our Website: www.mbyc.org
Mainstay / May 2015
By Van Barr
By James Perry
Only one thing to say = TNT’s baby! All off season I long for
Thursday Night Things. It’s an incredible offering of fun sailing,
and good times! I missed you darling; glad to have you back!
April really revs up the new sailing season. We start with the
Easter Brunch (a local tradition of extended family members),
move to the Club Birthday Party and make the official ‘closing of
the club’ until the next day. Saturday after the birthday party is
the official ‘opening of the club’ and is a microcosm of our club.
The day is always filled with pomp and circumstance, bringing together of our family, significant sailing (including Bristol boats),
and an incredible raft up on our front porch. Every year I ask
myself why we don’t do opening day more often during the year.
At least more raft ups will be in our picture!
Post Work Party
The club REALLY is looking great! As I keep reminding you,
our theme this year continues to drive and strive to maintain and
improve club member experience. Again to each of you who help
so dearly–THANK YOU! You inspire, you support, you are one
family. Here are the highlights of our April to date activities and
May plans
Board Investments Into Your Club
Now that the popcorn ceiling is finally, gone, we are sprucing
up the wood paneling and painting our new stucco ceiling. After all the burgees are back in place we will monitor sound levels
and address any adjustments as needed. Back dock and Jr Building wireless improvements were voted on and approved by the
board. Thank you, Jim Day, for assisting in working with our IT
provider in getting this done asap. I’m hopeful this will allow us
all to use our electronics while staying on our boats. This should
give us commercial grade wireless capabilities covering the entire
The Galley
I know you will agree, Javier and Alex are starting to consistently crank out outstanding product. Building this world-class
team is providing a product and quality that has been very good.
There will be occasional misses, but we are way ahead of the game
and making strong strides. Our prices will remain very reasonable, as well as the selections, and the food is hot. Again, we will
continue improvements, not having reached perfection just yet.
Much much more on its way along these lines of galley updates.
I am very proud of this team and their desires, drive and motivations to make this a destination hot spot.
Site Planning Committee Updates
Have you seen the new trash receptacles lately? Superstar
Nick has been cranking out a phenomenal design that is architecturally pleasing, clean and available. As he is building, we are
placing them throughout the club. We will have one at each end
of the patio, one single at the front. One on each end of the beach,
and a version as lost and found. We will see how this works and
address any shortfalls as needed. This is a huge improvement to
the club instead of the blue/grey versions that littered the club
(pun intended).
At this current point we have 3 active projects underway. As
of early April, the site survey, and Brodrero structurally survey
has been completed. The good news (with a lot of fingers crossed
and prayers answered) the firm which ran the building structural
survey did not find any glaring/unknown issues with building
soundness. More details will be available after a detailed debrief
WATER!! That is the key word for the month. Our City and
our State are in serious drought conditions as you all know.
Our Governor has announced restrictions across the board
to cut usage. How those restrictions settle out are yet to be determined. I suggest that MBYC act now TODAY-EVERY DAY to do
our part in conserving WATER!
I have been monitoring the water meter on a daily basis
since mid March. Nick has been able to locate 4 leaks and I had
found an electric pedestal on the docks that was leaking. Leaks
add up to big losses but did not substantially affect the daily water usage rate. Turning off the landscape watering for four days
reduced the use rate some but not dramatically.
Nick has ordered auto off water valves for the outside showers. We are looking at other measures-including reducing landscape time runs. The future may lead to timers on the showers.
Sensor on/off hand washing. Salt water flushing?
Salt water boat cleaning with a fresh water rinse? We have
asked staff to be mindful of water waste also.
What all of us can do now is what we have done at home-be
water wise! There is no one thing that is consuming these large
quantities of water-it is all of us doing all the things we do at the
club without thinking about the water bill. The best approach is
to avoid finger pointing and blaming the other functions/groups/
areas or them. What we as individuals do to clean our boat,
kayak, paddle board, our feet, our children, our beach toys, our
showers, our dining plates, utensils can make the difference with
out drastic measures. It is far better to get on the right tract early
before someone comes to TELL us the what, where, and how to
cut usage.
Trex has offered a settlement to replace existing Trex decking with the newer improved product. Trex no longer makes what
we have. The offer is being considered in light of the installation
costs to remove, dispose and replace. The first estimate for the
work is far short of the Trex offer of compensation. The second
quote is expected any day now. With two quotes for the work, we
will be better able to determine the counter offer to Trex. Our
history with failed Trex goes back to 2005-2006 when the issue
came up.
The Butler Sailboat Race to Oceanside is May 23rd. Sign up
is an online option this year. Go to mbyc.org and click on the Butler Invitational to go to the Regatta information and registration.
Any MBYC boats brave enough to sail to Oceanside?
Last Call
March 16,2015
Flag # 5082
Continued on page 4
Mainstay / May 2015
Vice Commodore’s Comments
Continued from page 3
from our firm (late April at time of article). Stay tuned on the
details of the full report. This will inform us the work required
structurally on the Bodrero building and will feed into the design plans over the course of this year. Junior Staff Commodore
Anderson and Charlie Hochart updated the board on our locker
updates required as part of our lease (thank you to both on all
your efforts). Cost bids were nearly triple the lease estimated
costs (ouch)! We tabled a vote on how to proceed as we discuss
options. This puts a big impact on our budget, but fortunately we
have savings and funds to support this overage. We are reaching
out to the city on our lease as well as reviewing our options. I am
expecting a post summer construction of the new lockers, and
will communicate more as we have information.
Stay tuned for more updates next month!
Treasurer Report
By Jenee´Gillam-Ray
The Board of Directors met on April 8th. The topics of discussion included a new On-Line Member Request form that
was created with the help of Selby Winkler. We will be trialing
this form for the next month to work out any kinks. The on-line
form will make it easier for MBYC members to make requests for
events and will provide us with easily accessed data and tracking
ability. We discussed and approved increases to the non-member
club rental fees. These increases will align our charges with other
venues in our area. Van Barr brought forward a discussion regarding our MBYC water usage and the latest information regarding our Trex® issue resolution with the company. Please read
Van’s article for further details of these discussions. We continue
to have challenges with our front and back dock Wi-Fi. The BoD
approved money to repair and update our system. Sonnenberg
& Company, CPAs, performed our financial audit for 2013 and
2014. We will review their report and discuss at the next BoD
meeting. The March financial summary was reviewed and we
are tracking fairly close to budget. Five new applicants were approved at the meeting and with the new members we added a
Sabot and Laser to our MBYC fleets.
I am happy to report that we are making strides with delinquent accounts. For the first time, in a long time, we did not
send out 90-Day Notices. However, we did send out six 60-day
over-due notices. Thanks to our members who pay their bills in
a timely manner.
By the time this article is published we will have celebrated
the MBYC Birthday and Opening Day. This means that we are
now gearing up for the start of TNTs and summer is just around
the corner. Upcoming events include Mother’s Day, Memorial
Day and Father’s day. Look forward to seeing you all at the club!
Look for Mission Bay Yacht Club and “Like” us for
access to club news and current photos.
Mainstay / May 2015
By Andrea Caroe
The club is official open and the sailing season is in full
swing! There is a flurry of activity with members shining their
boat hulls to glass and tweaking the rigging.
May 7th is the start our summer TNT series. If you haven't
had the opportunity to participate in TNTs in the past, you are
missing out on a great time on the bay. Casual racing with fun
people followed by friendly conversation and good food and
drink. For those of you that are veterans to TNTs, we can't wait to
see you out there once again.
And don't forget about Mom. What better way to show Mom
you care, than to bring her to a extravagant brunch prepared by
Chef Javier. Keep the champagne flowing and thank Mom for all
the time she let you skip the yard work so that you could sail
your boat and hang out with your friends. May 10th is her day, so
remember to sign up for the brunch. This popular event sells out,
so book early.
We have quite a few invitationals this month starting with
Cat Fight II on the 2nd and 3rd of May in the ocean. Our senior
sabots are racing in the Senior Sabot Invitational on the 2nd of
May in the bay. Snipes are racing the following weekend in the
ocean with the Snipe Invitational on the 16th and 17th of May. The
big boats of San Diego are racing to Oceanside from our beach in
the Butler on May 23rd. And lastly, the Lightnings are competing
in the Lightning Districts on the 30th and 31st of the month.
Club racing will be held on May 3rd with Bay Races and May
31 with Short Courses.
Military Appreciation Day is on May 30th. It is a good time
to take and minute and contemplate the price of freedom. As a
former military wife, I can attest to the duty of the military family.
Let's chip in and show them that we are thankful for what they do
everyday. Freedom doesn't come cheap.
There are a couple of new things that we are working on in
the race committee operations. One thing that you will see the
next time you participate in race committee is our new atomic
clock. This clock has big bold numbers to help when recording
the start and finish times for those handicapped fleets. Right now
we have one clock for the Barca to try. If it is helpful, we will order
several more for the tower and ocean committee boat.
The other new item on the horizon is an event we are developing in cooperation with the San Diego Association of Yacht
Clubs. The new regatta, which has not yet been named, is eligible
for all SDAYC club champions. This one-design race will be much
like our club championship with all competitors racing in a single
fleet round robin style. The inaugural race is set to be hosted by
MBYC on June 28th. The winning club will take the trophy home
and host the event next year. This is a great way to build some
camaraderie within the San Diego sailing community. I hope that
you come out and greet our guests during the social activities.
More to come as this event develops.
So get ready for an exciting season of sailing. This could be
your year.
Mainstay / May 2015
Port Captain
Fleets Captain
Open Day was so beautiful. I want to congratulate all of you
for such a beautiful line up. Thank you all for the time and effort
you made to make your yachts “Dress Ship” ready. Also, wow!
What a great raft up! Thank you so much to Mike Pasterkiewicz
(Mike P) for his organizing the line. Also to Fleet Captains Katie Ham and Mark Haigler who really went out of their way to
“encourage” their fleets (Racing Cruising [R/C] Fleet and Power
Fleet respectively). Most of all, thank you boat skippers for participating and making it a postcard day at MBYC.
While I have had great feedback for the job I have done as
Port Captain, receiving favorable comments about the docks being kept relatively bird dropping free, there has been rumbling
as there always will be. My intention is to try to keep it peaceful
and enjoyable on the back dock but sometimes the Port Captain
needs to be the Sheriff. As the enforcer of club rules on the back
dock, I will always try to be low key and fair, but please take what
I tell you for action. I am not one to make a request and then not
follow up to see that it was carried out.
“Stiring up a Hornets Nest” is what someone wiser than myself termed it when it comes to moving/re-assigning slips on the
back dock. I hope that no one is extremely unhappy with their
new assignments. There really are no bad slip assignments here. If
there were, we would not be at full occupancy. I decided to make
some changes on April 18th to better accommodate our skippers
and I promise I did it with the best interest of the back dockers in
mind when making the moves. Next month, I will be addressing
“seaworthiness” as it relates to the requirement to maintaining
your boat here at MBYC.
I still need your current vessel registration, and insurance
documents (as they are renewed) to be sent to the office.
If you have any concerns feel free to reach out to me at any
time, call, text or email me. (619) 313-1423 / [email protected].
Opening Day has come and our "official" yachting season
has begun. Living in beautiful San Diego allows us the luxury of
enjoying our boating and racing activities throughout the year.
Still, we use Opening Day as the ceremonial beginning of our
season, and I am excited as ever for what the remainder of this
year has to offer.
I want to extend a big thanks of appreciation to all of the
Fleet representatives who volunteered to participate in the
Opening Day Sail-by Parade. We had a lot of last minute changes
for many reasons, so for those of you who contributed, we owe
lots of gratitude. More thanks goes to the Junior participants as
well. Kudos to Chris and Jimmer for getting them all together
to represent the best Junior program on the west coast. Special
thanks goes out to all of our Fleet Captains for helping to gather
together everyone and helping to organize the event.
May is host to Memorial Day, a time to honor those who
died while serving in our armed forces, and a great weekend to
spend at MBYC. However, on the following weekend, Saturday,
May 30th, we host our annual Military Appreciation Day. Come
on down to the Club and give a little back to those who give their
all to make this country great. You can offer boat rides, contribute a bit of funds for the event, or just help with directing and
welcoming those service members who are coming down for the
day. There are many and more opportunities to help, and this is a
great way to give back to those who give so much.
As we come into the busy time of the year at our yacht club,
I would like to remind everyone that the Club is shared by all
of us, and we should be respective of that fact. Every member
deserves the best experience at MBYC; a privilege we all pay to
enjoy. Parking will always be a premium, so make sure to tag
your boat trailer if you leave it in the parking lot, and try to find
an out of the way space. I've even shared a space with another
boat or two when necessary. Try to carpool when you can with
your family and friends. Using less fuel is good for the environment, and using one or two less parking spaces is good for the
membership. Also, if you are sponsoring a regatta or having an
event that will have many invitees, be sure to make them aware of
the parking accommodations and restrictions. Utilize the guest
parking passes when you can, but don't shy away from telling
folks they must park outside. When arriving early, grabbing a
spot outside close to the gate leaves a spot open inside for your
family and guests.
Looking forward to a summer full of fun sailing and Club
activities, I'm expecting many new memories to be made at the
happiest place in San Diego: Mission Bay Yacht Club! See you
By Dave White
Mainstay / May 2015
By Bill Kenney
Mainstay / May 2015
Ladies Group
By Lori Coooper
Spring has certainly arrived in San Diego. Our weather
is beautiful and the water is calling. There is not much I enjoy
more than sitting on the deck of our club and watching all the
boats and other watercraft out on our beautiful bay. April started off with the club Easter celebrations. From the photos I saw,
the egg hunt and all the fun was a huge success. The brunch on
Easter Sunday looked yummy and I’m sorry I missed it. Next we
celebrated our club’s birthday and Opening Day the next day.
Watching the official ceremony, the parade of boats, the raft up,
and our Commodore sail in the Asher Pier race is always fun.
Mother’s Day is fast approaching and on May 9th we will celebrate MOM with an afternoon Tea and presentation by Marijo
Lurnac from Skincare Extraordinaire. “First, last and only class
to practice sun protection,” something we all should be aware
of. I promise a lovely afternoon celebrating our Moms and our
children, with delicious food and maybe even a surprise or two.
Please call the office and make your reservation, space may be
limited. Our next lunch will be on July 18th, and I’m thinking a
kayak tour around the bay and maybe even a Duffy or two, then
come back for a picnic lunch on the deck.
On November 21st the Ladies Group will host an Arts &
Crafts Fair. If you would like to be a part of this fun event, start
getting your items ready now. All items must be homemade, no
store bought items please. This will be a fundraiser for the Ladies Group so there will be a charge to display your items. Look
for more information soon.
One more thing. Club members have an opportunity to
cruise the Caribbean in late April 2016 onboard Royal Caribbean’s Adventure of the Seas. If you haven’t checked it out, please
see the poster in the entry, go onto the club website or Facebook
page and do so. It’s a great cruise at a great price. Come and enjoy the fun with other club members, their friends and family.
I look forward to seeing you on the deck and around the
club as we enjoy spring and look forward to summer.
Lido Lines
By Jenn Rohr
You can tell everyone is gearing up for summer because
lots of boats have been out on the water. The Lido Fleet has been
enjoying Sunday sailing. We had four boats out for racing on
April 12th and it proved to be an exciting afternoon. The bay
was really crowded so we faced some hair-raising moments of
trying to start our race while multi-hulls were finishing theirs
(at essentially the same place)! Needless to say, we are all still
here to tell the tale so things worked out ok. But it was a fun
afternoon for all.
Just a reminder that Fleet 7 is hosting the Lido Nationals
this July. Juniors and Women will race on July 19th, and the rest
of the racing will take place July 20-22. The Fleet is planning a
welcome party on Sunday evening, and numerous events during
the week (including a Mexican buffet, BBQ and trophy dinner).
The Fleet will also be providing children’s activities during Nationals. It’s shaping up to be quite a week…so start practicing
now so you can bring home a trophy! Get all the details and
register at www.2015lidonationals.com
We are looking forward to TNT, and all the other great
Club events that take place over the summer months.
Mainstay / May 2015
Art Athans donated to MBYC the talents of the I.B. Posse Sand Carvers. As
always, this year’s carvers Mark Durazo and Leonard Gonzales did a FABULOUS
job for us. See the finished product on the Commodore’s page.
Mainstay / May 2015
M-Main Room;B-Bar;P-Picnic area; D-Deck; F-Fleet Room; L-Lawn
For an up to date view, visit www.mbyc.org/calendar
M-Main Room;B-Bar;P-Picnic area; D-Deck; F-Fleet Room; L-Lawn
Mainstay / May 2015
M-Main Room;B-Bar;P-Picnic area; D-Deck; F-Fleet Room; L-Lawn
Mainstay / May 2015
Power Fleet
By Eileen Peternouschek
April was a busy month at the club and for the Power Fleet.
There was a lot going on with Opening Day raft up, pot luck
party on the back dock and Suddenly in Command presentation. We all enjoyed the great weather while participating in all
these events.
May brings more opportunities to enjoy the club and our
boats. We will continue to work on our boats and begin preparation for the annual Catalina Trip. The Power Fleet will also
be helping out with Military Family Appreciation Day as well
as offering boat rides to the families. As always, we are looking
forward to more raft ups and back dock parties.
June brings another month of great boating adventures and
opportunities for the Power Fleet members. Watch your emails
and announcements regarding upcoming dock parties and raft
ups. Remember if you would like to find out more about this
great group, then come by one of the numerous events and we
will tell you all about the Power Fleet’s future plans. The next
Power Fleet meeting will be Friday, May 8th at 7:00 PM in the
club house.
Scow Scuttle
By Nils Andersson
MC Scow Midwinters were sailed on March 12th-14th, 2015.
Traditionally, Lake Eustis Sailing Club, FL hosts the regatta. Sixty
one MC Scows sailed in the event. Robert Seidelmann of Collingswood, NJ won the regatta. Our friend Bob Cole, who has won
our MC Scow PCC two times, ended up 19th. No one from MBYC
As I was out traveling for three weeks, I missed last month
deadline for the Mainstay. There were not a lot of activities to
write about anyway. On March 22nd we sailed the short courses.
The weather was beautiful but the wind was challenging with unpredictable shifts. Keith Sternal mastered the wind best and won
the day followed by Howard Macken 2nd and the old guy 3rd..
We are looking forward to summer sailing and the TNTs.
Finn Frenzy
By Richard Hoffmann
I'm pleased to report that the Finn Fleet continues to grow
here at Mission Bay Yacht Club as more sailors discover there is
now a very active group. We just welcomed another Finnster with
long time club member Mark Baker joining in on the fun. Mark
is a great guy and we've already found out here can be fast sailing
his boat out on the water.
As we draw nearer to summer conditions and some good local Finn Championship events, I think we'll see other solo sailors
joining us for the competition and the fun to be had in the fleet.
Since the Finn is still an Olympic boat, we are looking for local
junior sailors that fit the mold for the prototypical Finn sailor.
Feel free to say hi and ask more about the Finn. sandiegofinn@
Mainstay /May 2015
Multihull Musings
By Steve Cooper
The excitement continues in the multihull group. All year
long we’ve had strong turnouts with new sailors and new boats
joining in. The MBYC multihull fleet is now the largest and most
active of any club on the West coast.
In March we completed our Cat Fight I open ocean regatta.
Twenty three multihulls participated, including six different types
of multihulls. We all started together in a single group, making the
starts really interesting! Thanks to a great effort by Doc and the
race committee (herding cats?) we were able to complete seven
races over the weekend. Kevin Olenick and Marc Umemoto were
the overall winners, capturing an impressive 6 out of 7 bullets.
Roger Floyd and Rick Day finished second overall followed by
Steve Stroebel and Matt Morris in third. In addition to the racing,
this year’s regatta featured a club-provided sit down dinner with
live music from Subsurfers. Eighty people attended the dinner
where we exchanged stories of our grand adventures. A special
thanks to the volunteers who made the regatta such a fun event.
Our Cat Fight II regatta occurs in early May. Our plan is to
repeat many of the things that worked so well in Cat Fight I, and
we hope all the competitors have a great time.
Back in the bay, twenty six different multihulls have participated in the bay races–averaging thirteen boats in each bay race.
Jason Moore and Alberto Serrano are atop the club high-point
leaderboard, with Bob Sherman in second and Scott Miller third.
In June we have the Lynch regatta distance race to La Jolla
and back. This is our only distance race of the year, and is always
a fun departure from the normal around the buoy races.
There are several multihulls for sale by club members, including Nacra 20s, F-18s and A-cats. For anyone interested, check
out the MBYC web site or contact me and I can put you in touch
with the ones I know about.
By Jon Mendham
The Solings raced again on March 15th in the March series
bay race's.We had a five boat turn-out for that day. Mike Minton took 1st, John Walton 2nd and myself 3rd. We did not race the
next weekend the 22nd, John was doing race committee for the
Cat Fight that weekend and Ryan was doing the Cabo race on
Badpak. The next racing we did was the April bay series. Those
races turned out to be three windward/leeward races in the north
bay because of the other regattas
at the club that day.We’re planning
on doing more windward/leeward
racing on April 19th. On June 26-28
were taking the boats north to Long
Beach for our PCCs at Long Beach
Race Week. We’re expecting a great
turn-out for that event with racers
coming in from all around the country.There's also a Olympic regatta in
May in Alamitos Bay we’re hoping
to do as a practice for the PCCs in
Long Beach.
Mainstay /May 2015
SDCC – MBYC Update
It takes a village, literally and figuratively; so Thank You again
for all your hard work and dedication. We successfully concluded
the 42nd annual SD Crew Classic on March 28-29th with over 400
volunteers and nearly a quarter of them coming from the Mission
Bay Yacht Club. We moved a lot of cheese this year and made
some significant changes in race operations. It was our 2nd largest regatta ever in terms of entries and was also the first time in
quite a while that we actually shortened the race day by condensing the race centers to eight minutes, which came with its own set
of challenges. And through it all, MBYC just rolled with the waves
and performed like the well-oiled machine that makes the Crew
Classic the best run regatta in the country in my humble opinion.
We were fortunate to have our US National team in town
while on their road to Rio and were treated to some great racing against the Canadians and then later in the day when the US
4-squared off against the Czech world champion K4 in our 2nd
annual Rowak Classic. After 10 years of trying, we also featured
our first Wounded Warrior Freedom Rows event with promise of
significantly more participation next year. It was a special event in
that one of our Vets remarked to our ED, Darlene and Tom Darling from US Rowing that it was the first time in 40 years that he
had been thanked for his service to his country.
I am now in my 25th year of participation with the Crew Classic, which makes me a newbie by most measures as many of our
volunteers and patrons have been around since the beginning. Every year I am amazed at the flawless execution and dedication of
the volunteers who make this happen. The praise we receive from
Coaches, Athletes, and Spectators is testament to the hard work
and preparation that goes into the event and it could not happen
without MBYC’s support. So, on behalf of the Crew Classic, we
thank you for another successful year and look forward to building bridges that support both organizations in the years to come.
With Warmest Regards,
Chris Swan; aka Swanny
President, Crew Classic
Sabot Scene
By Rod Innes
Frostbite racing is over for this season but our sailors continue to be active. Saboteers sailed in the Bay Races on March
15th on a beautiful San Diego day. Chris Fuller took first place
followed by Serena Hanby and Anne Hinton.
The Southern California Women's Sailing Association starts
their series in April with a regatta at Newport Yacht Club. By the
time you read this, it will be history and I am sure some of our
intrepid sailors will have returned with trophies.
The SCWSA Sabot group runs a series of events throughout
Southern California and everyone is welcome. Even though it is
a womens group, there is a mens division and a special race for
novices who are especially encouraged to attend. This is a great
opportunity to visit other clubs and sail against some great racers
from around California.
The next regatta is right here at MBYC on May 2nd so polish up that little used sabot and race in this fun event. After a
summer recess, regattas will continue at Balboa Yacht Club on
September 12th, Alamitos Bay on October 3rd and conclude at San
Diego Yacht Club on Nov 14th.
More racing opportunities are in store for you as the XXTNT
series gets under way in May. This is a great opportunity to learn
or tune your racing skills on Tuesday evenings in chicken cove.
Up to five short course races result in many close mark roundings and close finishes. Come on out and join the fun.
Happy 88th Birthday, MBYC
Mainstay / May 2015
Laser Beam
By Doug Seeman
Thistle Patch
By Karin and Jon Lucas
Early April didn’t offer much sailing for the
Thistle fleet but we had a great time running Race
Committee on April 12th. A big thank you to Mike
Poltorak for being our PRO. It was a beautiful day on the water
with a good breeze, lots of boats and plenty of sunshine. Due to
the Junior Regatta, club racing was held in the northern part of
the bay which allowed for sausage courses rather than the tour of
the bay that is more traditional for a 3-race day.
The multi-hulls showed up in force and although we thought
the start line was long enough to accommodate all of them, one
of the competitors adjusted the start pin for us at the beginning
of the first race. The thistle is a fast boat but not nearly as fast as
the cats and we quickly learned they needed several more trips to
the windward mark to give us enough time to get through all of
the start sequences.
The Barca was employed for the Junior Regatta but the alternate RC boat was well outfitted with poles to fly the class flags
from and a boxing-champion-style number shield from which
to display the race course. Jon, Jane and Dave did an excellent
job channeling Vanna White to help the competitors see the displayed course number.
Kevin and Cesar piloted the second chase boat which was
apparently haunted by a Scottish spirit that manifested itself
through Cesar speaking in brogue. While Cesar wrestled the
specter, Kevin encouraged paddle boarders to steer clear of the
race course.
Our wonderful day on the water concluded with a late lunch
on the deck and terrific conversation. As we drove home, we remarked on the fact that while we first joined MBYC for the racing, it is the comradery as much as the competition that keeps
us coming back. As summer approaches we’ll have many more
opportunities for fun together on the water and off. As you plan
the next few months, please mark your calendars for the following upcoming events:
May 7th – First TNT! Let the summer begin! May 30th and
31 – Race Committee for Lightning Districts on the ocean
June 27th – Race Committee for Lynch Invitational on the
August 2nd – Race Committee
September 3rd – Race Committee
Looking forward to seeing you on the line!
*The April 12th Race Committee was sponsored by Mrs. AnReady, set, start your engines. OK, no engines, but you get derson who provided delicious, home-made cookies. Said cookwhat I mean. The TNT’s are upon us. Believe it or not, Race ies in no way influenced individual recall notices given to Brian
Committee seems to know how to handicap our fleet. The days Anderson, of which there were many.
are getting longer and the weather milder. The company is as
good as ever. Let’s get out on the water. I just had the second of
the two best days of a boat owner’s life, so I’m between girls right
now. I hope to crew for some of you. As I write this, Opening
Day is about to unfold. May our fleet members not be among
those who fall in the water.
Handicap fleet membership is open to anyone and everyone. That’s not what I thought going in to this. I am told that
anyone can join any fleet. Regardless. So, rather than hound all
you who seem to not be in a recognized One Design fleet, I will
now follow Kyle Henehan’s lead and target only those who have
a history of racing – in water storage or out. If you want to stay
connected, just let me know.
And on a personal note, does a love interest increase one’s
competitive nature or does it just insure a lack of focus? I’m
thinking both, but I wouldn’t trust my judgment right now.
Let’s get out there and race!
Sailors, Spring is a wonderful time to sail in San Diego; temperatures are warm and the breeze is usually dependable. We had
an enjoyable Laser fleet race on April 4th. Six races and fourteen
sailors led to exciting racing. Although the wind was wanting at
times, the competion was alive and well. Doug Hart took home
the honors with second and third going to Doug Seeman and
Tom Laube respectively. The lasers meet monthly for competitive
racing with little idle time. Come join us.
Laser sailors, we have 3 opportunities for racing in May; two
club race days and a Laser fleet race day. Check these out on the
MBYC calendar. Hope to see you at these events. We are also sailing on Thursday afternoons after enjoying lunch on the club patio. Many thanks to Ken Wild for coordinating this fun sail with
a chance to work on your skills in a non racing atmosphere with
other like sailors.
Racing a laser is a skill with no ceiling. These are some of the
things I have learned over the last couple of months. There are
different ways to be quicker to the mark in a weather leg. Broader
angles with more speed is often just as fast as higher and slower.
In a light and variable breeze, which are often our conditions, falling off for speed is often faster. A good rule of thumb for outhaul
adjustment is to look at the sail shape halfway up the mast and
mimic this shape at the boom via adjusting the outhaul setting.
This is for flat water and a little fuller setting should be used for
rough water (eg: ocean). The Laser hull is very effective in turning the boat. Lean the hull one way and the boat turns the other
and the Laser rudder can be a solid braking force. The fast Laser
sailor will only use the rudder to aid the hull turning force, that
is, don't put yourself in a position where the rudder works contrary to the hull steering. The Laser has a great propensity for
capsizing downwind [death roll]. This can be largely alleviated by
never allowing the upper batten to get ahead of the mast and is
accomplished by combination of main sheet and kicker settings.
Handicap Keel Fleet
By Will Blozan
Mainstay / May 2015
Mainstay / May 2015
Junior Secretary
By Sam Merson
This month was once again a busy, jam-packed month for
the Juniors with regattas, clinics and lots of after school sailing as
well as the second work party. First, there was the spring gold cup
for the Sabots at Newport Harbour Yacht Club. Diego Escobar
was 6th in A-Fleet, Mariana Shand was 12th in C1, James Ozaki
14th, and Cole Tilson 19th. In C2, Garret Bedford placed 7th, Treat
Bedford was 13th, and Nick Shand was 17th. Sarah Ozaki was 22nd
in C3. Congratulations to Diego Escobar placing 4th in the Sabot North Series. There was 29er Midwinters West at Coronado
Yacht Club, which had a great turn out of thirty two boats. It was
generally light, with a little more breeze on the first day. Max
Brill and Andrew Person (NHYC) placed 6th, Sam Merson and
Michael Sabourin (NHYC) placed 8th, Ian Brill and Wells Drayton (NHYC) placed 10th, Ryan Ratliffe and Abe Dearden placed
13th and Max Karmel and Nick Aline placed 28th. At Cal Yacht
Club, there was Laser Midwinters West. Steven Leuck placed 8th
in full rigs, Cole Baker placed 18th in Radials, and James Ozaki
place 40th in Radials also.
Mission Bay hosted their own new regatta in replacement
of the Spring Sabot Showdown called the Earl Elms Memorial
Regatta. Diego Escobar placed 1st in A Fleet. James Ozaki placed
6th in C1, Cole Tilson placed 9th and in C2, Garret Tilson placed
5th, Treat 6th and Sean Ross 8th. In C3, Marleigh Henehan 7th, and
Garret Jocis placed 8th and Sarah Ozaki placed 10th followed by
Seth Rafee. Rowan Hanehan placed 12th and Kaden Miller 13th
followed by Devin McClure in 15th and Shane Tilson 16th. It was
a great turnout from our C3 fleet. There was also the Snipe fleet
racing were Willem Perry crewed for Mr. Bedford and placed 6th.
Meanwhile several of our juniors went up to Long Beach
to take part in the CISA clinic. An advanced clinic that is recognized by sailors and coaches across the country. At the clinic we
had talks every evening from some of the greatest sailors, and
each day we focused on a specific element that plays a part in
sailing. In the Laser Full Rigs, Steven Leuck placed 1st, in Laser
Radials Cole Baker placed 7th. In the 29er fleet, Sam Merson and
Michael Sabourin placed 2nd, Max Brill and Andrew Person 4th,
Ian Brill and Wells Drayton 5th, Ryan Ratliffe and Abe Dearden
8th. At the clinic, the 29er fleet was given trackers by the Olympic
Development Program, which allowed them to see their speeds,
where they went and what angles they would come out of after
tacks and gybes. Sailing is starting to get more and more scientific.
Hope everyone has their Sabots polished for the boat inspection at Opening Day and best of luck to Burgee racers. Unfortunately, some of us will miss the fun as we head to San Francisco for the High School Gold PCC's.
By Matt Hopps
March and April sure are busy at our club. Work Parties, Easter, Opening Day right around the corner. Something for everyone. Yet with all of these distractions, the kids still found time for
This month saw the inaugural Earl Elms Memorial Regatta.
As many of you know Earl was a big fan of, and very successful
in, the hard chined Snipes and Sabots. This regatta is intended to
honor a great MBYC Sailor. The event was hosted on May 12th. On
the big bay were Snipe, Sabot A, Sabot B, Sabot C1. Tower hosted
Sabot C2 and Sabot C3 in Chicken Cove. In that one day we managed to run EIGHT races per fleet across these two courses. We
ran a combined Sabot A/B fleet, meaning race committee fired off
forty starts in a day! Let me tell you, I heard about it the emails
following the event. Without exception competitors raved about
the flawless execution of our Bay PRO Grant Williams and Tower
PRO James Perry.
Before going any further I want thank Brian Williams, Mike
Polterak, and the entire Thistle Fleet who had RC duty for Bay
Races that same day. They very graciously made sure that the Earl
Elms Memorial Regatta had all of the assets needed to run our
event. The Barca was allocated to the Earl Elms Memorial Regatta
and the bay races were run from one of the ocean boats. Certainly
not as comfortable and ideal for the Thistle Fleet, however that
cooperation does not go unnoticed by the Juniors. Next time you
see these fine people, thank them for what they do. It’s amazing
what this club can accomplish (by the way, we counted over eighty
boats racing on our bay that day!).
Congratulations to Diego Escobar for a 1st in Sabot A and
our newest Junior Doug Hart for a 1st in Snipes. A beautiful trophy
was designed by David Tillson and Eric Krebs which will be engraved with the names of the fleet winners. Finally, thank you Susan Elms for supporting this event and being there for the awards
Other notables this month were the five boat 29er contingent
that sailed the 29er Midwinters West. This is a terrific showing
from MBYC in this thirty one boat event. MBYC had three boats
in the top ten lead by Max Brill in 6th.
Reminder, there are still opportunities to enroll in the MBYC
Summer Program. Contact Chris for more information.
Now onto preparations for Opening Day! Hope you were
able to get one of the very cool t-shirts being offered!
Calling all Scrappers and Crafters!
Did you celebrate the club’s birthday with family and friends?
Did you get any funny photos of the antics of Opening Day?
If you’re the creative type, consider coming down and joining the ladies who scrap at MBYC. Come down for Scrapbooking in April on the following dates: Wednesdays the 1st
and 15th and Sunday the 12th. Did you know we have a Cricut machine with a great assortment of cartridges to use?
Come down and check it out, it’s a lot of fun. You won’t find
a friendlier bunch of ladies, more room to spread out nor
a better view to enjoy while you work on all your projects.
Junior Sabot sailors start the inaugual Earl Elms Regatta.
What an exciting day of sailing for everyone out on the bay.
Photo Courtesy Judy Tilson
Mainstay / May 2015
Andrew LaGrega
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Mainstay / May 2015
Mainstay / May 2015
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US Sailing Team; Skud 18 Ryan Porteous & Maureen McKinnon
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