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Pagelof I ."-,.. ,5^v\ {Lkr M b{. *.t t 'cvf U'/ <[email protected]> karthik" <[email protected]> . November 08. 2005 2:01 PM - Journal.doc Journal Material - G.l Application No.22 - regarding Chenai Sir, Corrected Drafr of Journal Material br G.l Application no.22, Orissa lkat is enclosed here with for your kind ac{ion. Ygurs faithtully,. .- 6u#"h*sff,<l" Manager Genercl Bovanika ulss" cene?l l,,lahaoer stal'o H6idloon ,; o ,i. ltd.. |:'nubanaswar .GOvT. oF INEiA ('eotr.phlcal lFdicrtlon Rejisrry |, t{ov .1 , ?005 0v re.,-,....1.!1.9.,.......... ets€r{fiAJ, -- 11/81O5 GI.APPLICATION NUMBER. 22 ./)7n\r\t r+. is made by The Orissa Stab Handloom Weavers Co-oP. Society Ltd., JZ-^""ffi ) for the registration in Part A of the regisEr of Orissa lkat under No.22 in respect of Yam & Threads Tied and Dyed for Textile Use falling in extile & Textile Goods falling in Class.24 and Clothing falling in Class. 25 is advertised as accepted under subsection (1) of Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act,199 Applicant : section 13 of Ccographical - The Orissa State Handloom Weavers Co-op. Society Ltd., GOYANIKA) BOYANABHAWAN Address Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg Bhubaneswar - 751001, Orissa. Geographical Indication Class :'23,24&'25 Goods : : ORISSA II(AT Class.23 - Yam & Threads Tied and Dyed for Textile Use Class.24 - Textile & Textile Goods Class.25 - Clothing k4sf,r General Manager I Orissa Stata Handlo4m W.C.S. 1t4.. Bhubaneswar I. (a) Name of the {'t"' Handloom Weavers Co-op. Society t' ' : The Orissa State Applicant Ltd., (BOYANIKA) : Boyan Bhawan Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg Bhubaneswar - 75101, Orissa. (c ) List of association of personsl Producers/ organizatiory'authority: To be provided on request. (d)Type of goods : Textiles (e) Specification Sl. No Deecription of Variety of Products Typeof Count of Yarn Raw materials/Y Deaigne Type of Dye ffie Remar ks arn used i. Single Ikat Satee with or without dobby and butta silk body with bandha plain/ buq/ zlrw,2/7w, Vat, 2/80s, 60s, 40s. Napthal 3 Ply organgine x 4 ply charkha body bandha anchal. ii. Combined 2/12G,2/rffi, & Double Ikat Saree with or without 2/ plain/buty (b) 2 (") 8Os, @s, 4Os. Vat Napthal 3 Ply dobby and butta body with bandha organzine x 4 ply charkha body bandha anchal. 1 Khandua Single Ikat Saree bandha/ plain body with bandha anchal Dress Material Acid & Metal Complex 2pty body i. Singb Ikat 48 inch width x rfiming & Metal Complex Acid Cotton length organzine 4 ply Malda Acid & Metal Complex 2/72V,2/lG, Vat Napthal 2/80s, 60s, 3 4Os. ply organgine x 4 ply charkha. ii. Combined & Doutrle Ikat (warp sitk Corea/China & weft lkat) Cotton x Tassar/Native Tassar Tassar (2/'L2c- & 2/ 1C{Fcotton . Cotton x silk Acid silk for bandha. Metal Complex 7&24 dr tu22 dr Single & double Ikat Cotton & combined Ikat ip-ffi\x ;i/:" *id\o* "-'$' 2/ 3 8Os, 60s, 4$s. ply organgine x 4 ply charkha, . a\a 2/rw,2/rw, J{E Vat,Napthal /uq \)*#"#l Acid silk Corea/China Cotton x silk Tassar Tassar/ Native Tassar Cotton x Silk (2/1*& Metal Complex 2/l0Gcotton for bandha. 2 G) Three Dress piece Set Single & double Ikat Cotton & combined Ikat 2/'t2U,2/-tfi}, ValNapthal 2/ 8Os, 6Os, $s. 3 Ply organgine x 4 ply charkha Acid silk Corea/China Cotton x silk Tassar Tassar/ Native Tassar (2/1!j 4. Cotton x silk Metal Complex 2/ l00cotton for bandha. 3 Home Single/Double Cotton 2/20s,2/40s, ValNapthal Furnishings Ikat/ Association of 2/ @s,2/&s, both. 20s 26s (double), & 2/17NF,106 Napthol Covers (double), & combined Ikat NF, 2/rl0s, 48" x9)" 60" " 72" x(fi" 90" x 108" 20s double, 26s double, x 2/6Os,2/ffis, 4Os double. (f) Name of the geographical indication (and particulars) Orissa Ikat : is being produced in the Westem Region covering Baragarh, Sambalpur, Jharsuguda, Sonepur, Bolangir, Boudtr, Nuapada and Kalahandi District and Coastal region covering Cuttack Dstrict. g) Description of the goods: (t Handloom Sarees having body as plain/buty /bandha (single & double lkat) border as badi border with or without temple with dobby design/bandha (single & double Ikat) and anchal as bandha (single & double lkat a comtined lkat). (ii) Handloom dress rraterials with single & double Ikat & combined Ikat with or without buty. (iii)Handloom ftrafs/dupattas/stoles with body and anchal having single & double Ikat combined Ikat On Cottoo Silk and Tassar with or without border. Sl3le tlandio'lm lV C Bhubaneswat S Ltd" l{4 fumishings with single //t.-aD .r\7.. & double Ikat & combined Ikat covering items like screen, sofa and table cover, cushion cover, table mats, kitchen linens i) m handkerchiefs, bed covers, lungis and napkins with single & double Ikat & combined lkat. (h) Geographical area of production and Map Orissa Ikat as shown in the page No. is being produced in the Westem Region covering Baragar[ Sambalpur, Jharsuguda, Sonepur, Bolangir, Boudh, Nuapada and Kalahandi District and Coastal region covering Cuttack Disffict. Ikat Area : Latitude -19 il' min North to 22 0d min North Longitude - 82 30' min (i) East to 85 54' min East Proof of origin [Historical records] : The Ikat is a Malayalam word introduced into Europian language by Rouffair which is derived kom the word "Mangikat'' meaning to bind, knoot or wind round. In India it is known in the name of "Bandhini" in Malayan Peninsula Tjindai, Tjinde or Chindi and in Indonesia "Hol". In Indi4 the Ikat fabrics are produced in different names at different places. It is known as " Potala" in Gujurat, " Bandhini" in Rajstaq "Pagudubandhu", "Budhabus" and "Chitki" in Andlua Pradesh and "Bandha" in Orissa. Bandha fabrics of Orissa are done by Bhulia Meher Kustha, Ganda, Salvl, Gaudia-Patra, Asani-Patra, Padmasali and Devanga Weavers. The list of fabrics in "Jyotiris vara's Vama Ratrakar written in Eastem India in the early 14ft century A.D in Maithili gives a list of "Bandha" fabrics namely surya Vandha and Gaja Vandha. The names Vichitra and Vichitangada appearing in the same list have been lhked with the Vichitrapuri (also known as Vichitrapar) Saree available in old undivided Sambalpur and Bolangir District of Orissa. While Gaja (Elephant) is a poprrlar motif used in Ikat Technique (bandha) of Nuapatna and its surrounding areas in coastal Cuttack District / <./1 II ' ^t oYwisl..adlrrnu Ganeal Manaroi ,| orissa Stat€ Hardlrom U;.C.S Lrd,, ghubanoswar The very existence of Calligraphy Ikat is closely associated with tord ^;, ,Sn Jagannath- documents in this context belongs to Ramachandradev, the second who d<, .r. /, _! f-fiItr; Puri, which dates back to 1641 Sakabda i.e 1719 A.D. This document is a part Panjil', the daily diary of activities in the emple of Lord Jagannath. Jaydev \r\ \r-/o oet (12th Century A.D.) had offured fabrics with lyrics of the Gita Govinda in Ikat Technique to the deities, Lord Jagarmath, Balavadra and Devi Subhadra. Since then" it is in tradition and prevailing till date. One more illustrative historical evidence of Ikat Technique in Orissa prevailing in Nuapatna area of Cuttack District is "the Kotual families preserve a small piece of fabric woven by each member of the fore fathers up to last 7 generations. When the death occurs to the head of the family, his successor adds his fabric removing the fabric woven by the earliest fore father and immerse it in holy rivers". The following supportive documents have been submitted along with the application: 1. Study of Contemporary Textile Crafts of India - Ikat Fabrics of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh by Dr. Moti Chandra, 194. 2. 3. Orissa District Gazetteers of Sambalpur, Balangir and Cuttack. The Orissan Art of Weaving by Dr. Keshab Chandra Meher (j) Method of Production : The echniques, by which the Ikat fabrics in Orissa are produced, are described below :(1) Grouping of Threads, which are to be used as tied and dyed warp or weft. For production of a design of 10 (ten) repeats warp wise, we have to group ten t}treads, each one of which is meant for one repeat. This group of ten threads is taken and warped maintaining uniform tensiorL so that the figure should not be distorEd during weaving. Secondly, the length and width of yam displaying in warp is so adjusted that the figure can be brought as required by tying them properly and then by dyeing. The most essential thing during warping is leasing of threads, the objetives of which is described below :- (0 (i0 (iii) To separate each thrcad, To separate group of threads of one repeat to another repeat. To separate the threads of two groups on subgroups for purpose of tying and dyeing and (iv) To separate the sub.groups. *-*rkffi*.t6 Bhubaneswar (2) Tyrng of Threads :- The main craftsmanship lies in the tyrng the threads {' Jgo in proler,-'-' meant for designing every time follows by a dyeing. The no. of tying depends Zj$AIvaa\ uP9lJ j 'do -r. colours i.e dyeing to be used for the yam. Suppose we want to produce a 't"$ui'S" a group of threads is to be in three colours like greeo red and blue, then "i result for figuring the tying and dyeing are carried out basing upon lighter shades. The lighter shades are to be dyed first, so all the portions arc tied excluding the places for lightest shade. Tying is done by rubber or leaf of Kewda so tightly and properly that no colour solutions can penetrate into the tied portion by any means. The dyeing is effected as usual in the case of yam dyeing. In the figure, all the porflons are tied excluding 1 and KL. After tying the yam is dyed to obtain green shade (lightest among the three) at the portion CD and KL. Similar operations are carried out to obtain red and blue subsequmtly at their respective places. Hence, it is obvious the increased no. of colours used in bringing out wi[ increase the operations of tying and dyeing. (3) Weaving i In single Ikat, the tied and dyed yam is utilized in warp or weft. ln weaving of weft tie and dye fabrics, it is necessary to place each successive pick on exact position in succession in relation to the previous one. A lateral shift will distort the figure. Therefore weft tie and dye fabric production is a slow process, but owing to exact observations of pick insertions, it gives more prominent figures. In warp tie and dye the process of weaving is easier and fast as it rcquires no adjustment. So production is more. It does not give prominent figures, because the figurcs are distorted due to lack of uniform tension upon warp ends during weaving. In double Ikat & combined Ikat or in fabrics in which designs are all over, both the warp and weft threads are essential to be tied and dyed. The double lkat & combined Ikat fabric are produced by utilizing both the principles of weft and warp tie and dye, so it requires much more time than the single ikat fabric. (k) Uniqueness : 1. Orissa Ikat is not confined to geometrical design, rather fine, sharp artistic curvilinear designs (temple) et. in the form of l,aha4 Lata (creeper), Ghagara, Deuli are its special characteristic. ,/^ar KVt otufuyl iiereral Mana${L ' I l( arrssa Siale Handloon W.C.S. Shubanes,rvaf L '' ffi ,"i3 *"ro with full prominence and accuracy. Grouping of threads for tying \,1'. dyrng in Orissa Ikat is carried out in minimum two and maximum four le fi"utllr which technique is not prevailing in any other ikat producing state in Et;# H, country. the harmonious blending of colours giving out a rainbow brilliance make Orissa Ikat unique. Shaded effect in floral motifs is a peculiarity. 5. Calligraphy on Tie and Dye Fabrics/ Wall Hangings is produced only on Orissa lkat. 6. Use of Ikat in Tassar Fabric. 7. Use of Ikat in Jute fabric. 8. Effect of combined ikat (warp ikag weft ikat and double ikat in a single fabric) is its exclusiveness. (l) Inspection Body : The applicants have informed that they are towards the establishment of an Inspection Structure in consultation with the following (i) (il) : Technical guidance from Weavers Service Centre, Bhubaneswar TextileCommittee,Bhubaneswar The Exbmal Members hom the following organizations 1. 2. will also be included : District Rural Development Agmcy (DRDA) National Handloom Development Corporation (NHDC) (m) Other: Informed that steps have been taken for ISO Certification. Recommendations have been made for obtaining the Certificate to maintain Quality parameters. *{.*:f,:f :F t Bhubaneswar