2016 Morinville Chamber of Commerce Directory
2016 Morinville Chamber of Commerce Directory
Business & Community Morinville & District Directory 2016 MORINVILLE • STURGEON COUNTY • BON ACCORD • LEGAL MORINVILLE & DISTRICT Chamber of Commerce 1 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce E Services Conferences Financial Services offers online services: Seminars Meetings » Ability to view and pay your tax and utility acounts » Ability to receive your utility bill by email » Immediate tax certificates » Online property searches » Pet searches » Business directory Signing up is Safe, Easy & Secure visit www.morinville.ca to create your online account today Private Parties Award Nights Fundraising Events Community Groups Weddings Contact us for all your E-Services Support The Morinville Community Cultural Centre is a first class facility that offers a variety of spaces and amenities to meet your needs. Whether you are planning a small meeting for twenty people or a largescale banquet, we have what you need for a successful event. Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 780.939.4361 Contact us today to find out all we have to offer. 780.939.7888 or www.morinville.ca [email protected] www.morinville.ca facebook.com/ TownofMorinville 2 Morinville Means Business twitter.com/ TownMorinville 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce youtube.com Town of Morinville Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce President & Manager The Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to our new 2016 Business directory. The board of directors and its staff want to assure that the Town of Morinville, Sturgeon County, and all of its regional communities are great places for our businesses to thrive. Our office staff and directors are local community minded people throughout the region ready to meet your needs.The Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce works with its regional partners to improve the economic viability of its community as well as developing more awareness of all that the Morinville and area has to offer to both to residents and visitors. When walking through our community you will realize its friendliness, strong sense of history and its culture, be it in the form of murals or local architecture. Our wish is that you will make our community a place where you can shop, play and stay. We encourage our residents, business owners and employees to use our directory to discover the local services and products each members have to offer. As a local resident, consider where you spend your dollars each day. Shopping local doesn’t just keep hard earned dollars in Morinville and area but it is also a way of giving back to those that support our communities. The Chamber Board of Directors and I would like to thank each of the businesses who participated in this year’s directory and wish you a successful 2016. Simon Boersma President 2015/16 Please be reminded that this directory will be uploaded to our website early March. www.morinvillechamber.com. We are often asked what does the Chamber do? What do you do as a Manager of the Chamber of Commerce? The answer, "Lots". We are a non-profit organization that is committed to the business connection, growth and well-being of the business community. This mission is accomplished through a volunteer board and countless volunteer hours from the Morinville business community as we engage in community events, networking, advocacy and developing business resources. As the manager I carry out the board's wishes and ensure that our events are professional and profitable. As a non-profit organization we work hard to provide a great Trade show, Small Business Gala, Business Directory and a fun Golf Tournament. Our newest fundraising ventures are business trade missions to other countries. In 2015 we headed to China, in 2016 we are planning a trip to China and Iceland in October, 2016. Please call me to discuss our trade missions - the planes leave in October. This Business Directory is one of our largest fundraising endeavors. It is not a small undertaking and we have spent many hours preparing it for you. I hope it becomes a useful resource for your business and your family. We encourage you to use it to discover our many businesses within Morinville, Sturgeon County, Legal and Bon Accord. Please shop local. Diane Mineault Manager 3 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 3 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Meet Your Board of Directors Simon Boersma Pleasant Homes President Keith Norris Celtic Resources Treasurer Steve Hammond Morinville Auto Body Director Phil Hughes Premium Foods Director Kym Moore Servus Credit Union Director Penny Modien Scotiabank Director Matt Meunier Morinville Shell Director Samantha Olson Putnam & Lawson Director Grant Cree Photojournalist, Event Coverage - Director Jeff Lamarche Sarbecnat Plumbing & Heating - Director Leigh Newton Champion Pet Foods Director Nicole Boutestein Council Representative Diane Mineault Manager 4 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Brieanna Wilding Admin Assistant Monique Van Rooyen Accounting Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Upcoming Events FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 780-939-9462 • NETWORKING LUNCHEONS FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH EXCEPT JULY AND AUGUST • TRADE SHOW APRIL 22ND – 23RD, 2016 • ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JUNE 1ST, 2016 • CHAMBER GOLF TOURNAMENT JULY 11TH, 2016 • CHINA TRIP • ICELAND TRIP OCT 5-15. 2016 (BOOK BEFORE JULY 11TH) OCT 12-19TH, 2016 (BOOK BEFORE JUNE 30TH) • BUSINESS AWARDS GALA • LITE UP THE NIGHT OCTOBER 27TH, 2016 NOVEMBER 26TH, 2016 Morinville Chamber ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT JULY 11TH, 2016 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 5 Message from Town of Morinville Mayor Message from the Mayor It is my pleasure to bring greetings on behalf of Morinville Town Council for the 2016 Morinville & t is my pleasure bring greetings on&behalf of Morinville Town Council for the 2016 Morinville & District Chamber ofto Commerce Business Community Directory. Local businesses play a significant role District Chamber Commerce & Community businesses play a significant in our community andoflocal economyBusiness and we are pleased thatDirectory. you haveLocal chosen to call Morinville role in our community and local economy and we are pleased that you have chosen to call Morinville “home”. I “home”. Morinville’s Town Council knows the importance of a strong business community. We appreciate the Morinville’s Town Council knows the importance of a strong business work of the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce, along with othercommunity. local groupsWe andappreciate the work of the & strengthen District Chamber of Commerce, along with other local groups and organizations, to Morinville develop and this community. organizations, to develop and strengthen this community. Morinville’s 2015-17 Strategic Plan outlines Council’s desire to continue to develop Morinville’s Morinville’s 2015-17 outlines Council’s desire to continue to develop Morinville’s economic strength andStrategic diversity Plan by encouraging the development of non-residential land, fostering economic strength and diversity by encouraging the development of non-residential land, retention and growth of existing businesses, seeking out and attracting new and diverse businessfostering retention and of existing businesses, seekingthe outTown and attracting new and diverse business investment and growth continuing to engage with and support business community. investment and continuing to engage with and support the Town business community. Morinvilleoffers offersmany manyadvantages advantages both businesses residents the lowest non-residential Morinville forfor both businesses andand residents fromfrom the lowest non-residential tax tax in rate in Alberta’s Capital at 6.69%, to its proximity to the of St.and Albert and Edmonton. rate Alberta’s Capital RegionRegion at 6.69%, to its proximity to the cities of cities St. Albert Edmonton. Thank businesses andand groups whowho continue to support Morinville, and on Thankyou youtotoallallofofthe thegenerous generous businesses groups continue to support Morinville, and on behalf wewe wish youyou a successful yearyear in 2016. behalfofofTown TownCouncil, Council, wish a successful in 2016. Sincerely, Sincerely, MayorLisa Lisa Holmes Mayor Holmes “MORINVILLE’S TOWN COUNCIL KNOWS THE IMPORTANCE OF A STRONG BUSINESS COMMUNITY.” 6 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Meet the Council Behind Our Town F rom its early beginnings as a small settlement begun by Father Morin, an Oblate missionary in the 1800’s, to a town of more than 8500 people and growing. Looking after a town of this size is no easy task. Long hours, countless meetings, forward thinking, and a lot of tenacity are required. Let us introduce you to the fine folk of our Morinville Town Council, responsible for keeping our town running smoothly and efficiently. LISA HOLMES NICOLE BOUTESTEIN STEPHEN DAFOE BRENNAN FITZGERALD GORD PUTNAM BARRY TURNER LONG HOURS, COUNTLESS MEETINGS, FORWARD THINKING, AND A LOT OF TENACITY ROB LADOUCEUR 7 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 7 Your Municipality Office of the CAO » » » » » » » Community Services Mayor and Council Corporate Legislation Services Human Resources Strategic & Business Planning Community & Stakeholder Collaboration Corporate Recognition / Sponsorship Marketing & Communications Financial Services » » » » » » » » » » Financial Reporting and Budgeting » Taxation Billing and Assessment » Utility Billing (Water, Sewer, Garbage, Recycling, Landfill Passes) » E-Services » Information and Technology Services » Freedom of Information and Privacy Administration Protective Services » Enforcement Services » RCMP 780.939.4550 » Community Peace Officers 780.939.7831 » Emergency & Disaster Services Management » Fire Services 780.939.4162 780.939.4361 » Dog Licences Municipal Office 10125 - 100 Ave. Morinville, AB Ph: 780.939.4361 Fax: 780.939.5633 Community Services & Cultural Centre 9502 - 100 Ave. Morinville, AB Ph: 780.939.7839 | 780.939.7888 www.morinville.ca facebook.com/ TownofMorinville 8 twitter.com/ TownMorinville 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Special Events / Festival Support Recreation & Wellness Family Community Support Services Community Bus Social & Community Development Community Grants Volunteer Opportunities Community Cultural Centre Facility & Event Bookings Planning & Economic Development 780.939.7855 » Business Licences » Permits & Inspections » Development & Construction » Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Gas, Water/ Sewer, Underground Electrical and Demolition » Letters of compliance » Land Use Bylaw: Redistricting / Zoning » Subdivision Applications » Land Use Planning & Future Development » Economic Development Public Works On call after hours 780.965.0997 » Maintenance » Roads, Sidewalks, Trails, Parks » Snow Removal » Waste Management » Garbage Collection, Recycling » Utilities: Water & Sewer » Infrastructure Projects youtube.com Town of Morinville Nisku Nisku Edmonton the Edmonton rnment government thatgovernment supports thatthe supports business the businessthat supports business Business Park Business Park International International 2 Airport Airport2 munity with community community professional withORE professional staff ORE andin staff and with staff andin ere’s There’s There’s in professional ORE There’s ORE in 3.5 3.5 hours hours d planning sound that sound planning fostersthateconomic fosters planning economic that fosters economic To Calgary To Calgary lopment.development. Experience development. Experience Morinville’s Morinville’s Experience Morinville’s ider Morinville Consider Consider ifMorinville you are iflooking you areMorinville to looking to if you are looking to 5 5 5 5 Consider Morinville if youhotel, are looking to restaurant, To Fort To McMurray Fort McMurray To To Fort Fort McMurray McMurray a hotel, open restaurant, open a hotel, restaurant, boutique a boutique store, store, boutique 5 5 store rated approach integrated integrated toapproach businessto where business where approach to business where hours hours hours hours hours hours To Fort McMurray To Fort McMurray open a hotel, restaurant, boutique store, rvice business. or service or Let’s business. service growLet’s together. grow business. together. Let’s grow together 28 28 Approximate Approximate ght people right the workbusiness. people to provide right work toyou provide people with you with work to provide you wit orthe service Let’s grow together. repreneurs Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs driving time driving from time from Morinville Morinville Approximate 25 min 28 driving time from Morinville 25 usiness & owners business & business find... owners find... owners find... 25 ertaintyEntrepreneurs the and certainty the confidence and certainty confidence for your for your and confidence for 10 10 & business owners find... min 28 2 2 Villeneuve Airport Villeneuve Airport min min min St. Albert St. Albert 2 Villeneuve Airport min tment decisions. investment investment decisions. decisions. 16 28 37 37 28 10 min min Fort FortSaskatchewan Saskatchewan (Alberta (Alberta Industrial Industrial min Heartland) Heartland) 216 216 37 31 St. Albert Fort Saskatchewan (Alberta 16 16 Industrial Heartland) 216 16 your 31 31 16 39 39 minmin 16 39 MORINVILLE INiOur IN MORINVILLE deal geographical Our dealMORINVILLE geographi location, ideal calskilled locatiolabour geographical n, skil ed labour location, skilled labou 216 216 City Cityof ofEdmonton Edmonton INFORMATION INFORMATION and theforce lowest force and non-residential the lowestand non-residential taxthetax lowest non-residential tax IN MORINVILLE WW 216 2 2 min City of Edmonton N N 2 define “open e define for business” “open e define for business” as a localas a“open local for business” as a loca 5151 52 52 min min W minmin N Nisku Nisku Edmonton Edmonton rnment government that government supports thatthe supports the business that supports the business Business Business Park Park e define “open for business business” as a local International International 52 Airport Airport2 2 51 min in the Alberta ratesrates in the Capital AlbertaRegion in Capitalthe has Region Alberta has Capital 3.5 3.5 Region has min Nisku munity government with community community professional with supports professional staff and and with professional staff and Edmonton that thestaff business Business Park International 2 Airport d planning sound that sound planning fosters that economic fosters planning economic that fosters economic To Calgary To Calgary community with professional staff and 3.5 lopment. development. 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[email protected] [email protected] 780.922.7680 [email protected] 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 9 Sturgeon County Sturgeon County Centre 9613 100 Street Morinville, AB T8R 1L9 Ph: 780-939-4321 Fax: 780-939-3003 Toll Free: 1-866-939-9303 @SturgeonFYI Community Services 9610 100 Street Morinville, AB (Closed from noon - 1 p.m.) Infrastructure Services Building 9902 90 Avenue Morinville, AB (Closed from noon - 1 p.m.) Protective Services Building 54509 Range Road 252 South of Hwy. 37 on Rge. Rd. 252 (Closed from noon - 1 p.m.) Sturgeon South 25228 Carbondale Road East of Hwy. 2 on Twp. Rd. 552 (Closed from noon - 1 p.m.) 10 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Quick Reference Numbers Dog License: 780-939-8400 Emergency after hours: 780-939-4321 Current Planning & Development: 780-939-8275 Utility Emergency after hours: 780-939-4321 Redwater Waste Transfer Station 780-939-8325 Transportation/Road Concerns: 780-939-8252 Roseridge Landfill: 780-939-5678 www.roseridge.ab.ca Mayor and Council Mayor Tom Flynn cell 780-718-1411 email [email protected] Twitter @TFlynn_County Ferd Caron Jerry Kaup Division 1 Councillor cell 587-873-4671 email [email protected] Division 4 Councillor cell 780-914-1795 email [email protected] Susan Evans Division 2 Councillor cell 587-879-0208 email [email protected] twitter @sevans_County Wayne Bokenfohr Division 3 Councillor cell 587-879-5787 email [email protected] 11 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce www.sturgeoncounty.ca Patrick D. Tighe Division 5 Councillor cell 587-879-5797 email [email protected] Karen Shaw Division 6 Councillor cell 780-999-2381 email [email protected] twitter @KShaw_County Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Visitor Information HOURS OF OPERATION: Regular Hours Tuesday to Thursday 9am - 4 pm (September through May) Summer Hours Monday through Saturday 9am to 5 pm. (June, July & August) • Travel brochures • Local Events • Local Brochures • Travel Alberta Maps • Travel Guides for Vacation Planning throughout Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan • On-duty Travel counsellor • Town of Morinville Souvenirs • Bon Jour Bags for new Morinville residents • Washrooms • Wheel Chair ramp • Extra parking behind building Accredited AVIP Centre STOP BY AND PICK YOURSELF A ZUCCHINI THIS SUMMER FROM OUR SMALL LOCALLY TENDED GARDEN OUTSIDE THE OFFICE. 10113 100 Avenue, Morinville 780-939-9462 MORINVILLE & DISTRICT Chamber of Commerce 12 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce [email protected] www.morinvillechamber.com Own a Business in Sturgeon County? We want to promote it! Register for FREE today and add your listing into our online directory. There are hundreds of people each month searching for businesses in Sturgeon County! www.startinsturgeon.ca Questions? Contact Leanne at 780.939.8296 or [email protected] Add your list ing today! 13 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 13 MESSAGE FROM BON ACCORD MAYOR AND COUNCIL Welcome to Bon Accord! On behalf of Council and our residents, we are pleased to invite you to spend time exploring and enjoying Bon Accord and the many businesses which call Bon Accord home. We are pleased to recognize the fantastic local businesses who make Bon Accord a destination for those looking for something off the beaten path, seeking unique experiences and products. Having become Canada’s 1st International DarkSky Community in 2015, a long term goal of Bon Accord was accomplished. We are excited to work with our business community to build on this achievement and 14 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce continue to execute our vision of Bon Accord being a sustainable community where families prosper and businesses thrive. We hope that the roots created by the work of local businesses will be allow greater prosperity, a stable business environment, and a growing and vibrant business community. For those of you who call Bon Accord home, take some time browse this guide, and then stop in to visit our local artisans, farmers, and businesses. Explore Bon Accord! FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE VISITING, OR CONSIDERING A VISIT, YOU’LL FIND BON ACCORD TO BE A WELCOMING COMMUNITY If you are looking to relocate or expand your business in Bon Accord, we’re more than happy to help you out. The staff in the Town Office will work with you to find answers to questions you have about living and working in Bon Accord. For those of you who are visiting, or considering a visit, you’ll find Bon Accord to be a welcoming community and you may find that you just don’t want to leave. We look forward to seeing you at the many events and festivals which take place in Bon Accord, especially our Equinox Event, which takes place annually on the third weekend in September, September 17th this year. Alex MacKenzie Dave Hutton Greg Mosychuk Lorna Pocock Randy Boyd Mayor 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 15 Bon Accord THE 5TH ANNUAL EQUINOX IS HAPPENING IN BON ACCORD SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2016 FROM 5:00 PM – 11:00 PM In 2015 Bon Accord received an International Dark Sky Community designation from the International Dark Sky Association. Bon Accord is the first community in Canada to receive this designation. The Equinox is a way to celebrate the night sky in Bon Accord. Come and take part in some of the longstanding activities that have been part of Equinox since the beginning, such as, the Twilight Tea, the Art Marathon, or Sidewalk Astronomy. There are also new activities to enjoy this year. We are bringing out the Mobile Planetarium from the Telus World of Science Edmonton. We are very excited to have the Remi Nöel Little Big Band joining the festivities this year. As well we have Orbis Sports coming out to teach Bubble Sports. 16 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce In 2015 we launched the Night Sky Story Walk and it will be back in 2016! Don’t forget the fireworks display to end the evening. Bring your family and friends out to Bon Accord to enjoy this fun festival and learn about the night sky. Bon Accord - Listings ACCOMMODATIONS Lily Lake Village Resort 780-921-3441 PLUMBING AND HEATING All Alberta Plumbing & Gasfitting ARTISTIC CREATIVE SERVICES Pottery By Heather 780-921-3480 AUTO SALES & SERVICES Badger Truck Parts RESTAURANTS AND LOUNGES Bon Accord Hotel and Mcrays Road House Grill 780-804-3999 780-961-2528 Chelsea’s Pub BANKS ATB Financial Agency 780-921-3762 CLEANING Sparkling Clean Costless by Kostas 780-565-3349 780-921-2559 FOOD BANK Bon Accord Gibbons Food Bank 780-923-2344 FLORISTS Petals n’ Possibilities 780-565-2458 Liquid Therapy Café GAS STATIONS/ GROCERY AND CONVENIENCE STORES Macs Convenience Store / Husky Gas Station 780-921-2280 Bon Accord Foods 780-921-2511 HEALTH AND WELLNESS Symmetry Massage and Wellness 780-221-1071 HOME DÉCOR R & R Delights 780-921-3103 HOUSEHOLD SERVICES AND REPAIRS S and D Exteriors Ltd. 780-203-3684 LIBRARY Bon Accord Public Library 780-921-2540 LIQUOR STORES Liquor Cabinet 780-921-3139 MARKET GARDEN Prairie Gardens & Adventure Farm 780-921-2272 MEMORIAL AND FUNERAL HOME Sturgeon Memorial 780-921-3900 PET SERVICES Pup-A-Do’s Dog Grooming780-565-0016 POST OFFICE Canada Post 780-921-2224 17 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-983-0658 780-921-2233 [email protected] SALONS, BARBERS AND ESTHETICS SERVICES SUblimE780-921-2552 SPECIALTY SERVICES A K Restorations Ltd.780-984-6036 Kelly’s Attic Treasures & Consignment 780-224-8706 Labour of Love Birth Doula 780-921-3387 Videos and More Inc. 780-921-3871 TOURISM Prairie Gardens & Adventure Farm 780-921-2272 Jurassic Forest 780-939-2446 visit Group Benefits with a Difference. Simple. Stable. Smart. Watching the costs... Nurture your employee’s with budget friendly benefits! Marian Mocanu 780-222-6116 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 17 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce President’s Diamond Circle Your Morinville and District Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following business for their support as members of our President’s Diamond Circle: CUSTOM MANUFACTURED MODULAR HOMES Proudly serving Northern Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan Many families have commented on how quickly and helpful our knowledgeable Service Consultants react to their requests. “Service is the foundation of our success.” If you are looking for FLEXIBILITY in design, ALBERTA QUALITY construction and to get the BEST VALUE for your investment in a relaxed friendly environment, please call Pleasant Homes today at 780-939-3584. “To my way of thinking, in order to do well in business, one must get to know the business community. There is no better way to accomplish that than becoming an active member of the Chamber of Commerce” Gary Hauk, Pleasant Homes Ltd. Active Member since 2007 FAMILY OWNED AND FAMILY FOCUSED FOR OVER 50 YEARS. "PLEASED TO BE AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY" 18 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce GROCERY - Dan and his team will help you ill help er team w he many h d n a n a t g CE - Me our produce and help PR O D U o of ls y a n n a a r c e e v you disco e and prepare. Sh . s ways to u ll your floral needs a h it w you u ill help yo er team w s well as h d n a a - Jeric eds. A BAKERY your baker y ne ake for any f c o y g n with a ith personalizin a w u o y help occasion. find anything you need within our grocery department. We have many great items to choose from. DELI - Amanda and her team will help you with your lunch, dinner and entertaining needs. Call any time to order you entertianing trays for any occasion F R O NT E help you w ND - Stephanie an dh ith all you customer er team will ser vice ne ed. MEAT- D on help you o na and her team o u like, as we t with any cus f cutters will gla tom ll w dly you some e have marinades th cut meat you would flavour. A a t a re grea ll o aged 21 d ays for th ur sterling silver be t to give e e most fla vor and te f is now nderness Wendy has 35 yrs of grocery experience, She can help you with any thing you need. Please don’t hesitate to call! 10003 100 STREET, MORINVILLE, AB T8R 1R5 780-939-4418 19 Owner/Manager - Shaun & Susie Morinville Thompson 2016 - Morinville & District ChamberStore of Commerce & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 19 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Gala Event Large Business of the Year presented to Home Hardware. Accepting on their behalf Manager Mike Porlier. Medium Business of the Year presented to Morinville Autobody, accepting was owner Steve Hammond and Josh Buttree. Small Business of the Year presented to Morinville News. New Business of the Year presented to Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd, Shane and Estela Oates, owner. Home Based Business of the Year Heirloom Woodworking owners Joe and Kim Gosselin. 20 2016 2016 - Morinville - Morinville & District Chamber Chamber of Commerce of Commerce HONORING OUR BUSINESS MEMBERS FOR ALL THEIR HARD WORK AND DEDICATION TO BOTH THEIR BUSINESS AND OUR COMMUNITY. Integrity in Business Award presented to Gordon Putnam and Andrew Lawson. Community Spirit Award presented to Higher Grounds Espresso Bar, accepting on behalf Crystal Terhorst. Youth Service and Entrepreneurial Award presented to Brennan FitzGerald Legacy Award presented to Morinville Lions Club. Accepting on their behalf was Deborah Robillard. 21 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville Chamber of Commerce - 2016 21 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Gala Event Morinville & District 5 year Award recipients included Highstreet Interiors (Christine Chubak, Chamber President Simon Boersma presenting, Smith Music (Paul Smith), Total RV Servicing Ltd, Roadrunners/Tirecraft (Scott Thresher) and Mayor Lisa Holmes presenting. 10 Year Service Award presented to Morinville Community Library (Isabelle Cramp), Municipal Seed Cleaning Co-op- Ltd (Jerry Kaup), presented by Chamber President Simon Boersma and Ross Hodgins. 15 Year Service Award presenters Chamber President Simon Boersma, Free Press Becky Gerrie, Servus Credit Union Marie Poburn, recipient JM Turner Goldsmith accepting on their behalf Selena Turner and presenter Servus Credit Union Lorraine Blackburn. 22 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 20 Year Service Award presented by Ross Hodgins, Chamber President Simon Boersma to Midstream Support Society with Elsie Stang and Rob D’Aoust accepting on behalf and presenter Mayor Lisa Holmes. The 25 Year Service Awards recipients and presenters, Chamber of Commerce Admin Assistant Brieanna Wilding, accepting for Re/ Max Real Estate Brent Melville, Accepting for Morinville Veterinary Clinic Practice Manager Elyse Prince, presenter Chamber President Simon Boersma, accepting on behalf of Putnam and Lawson, Samantha Olson, Andrew Lawson and Gordon Putnam and presenter Mayor Lisa Holmes. 35 year service award presented to RV City/ Frontier Honda, Mayor Lisa Holmes, Ross Hodgins accepting on behalf and Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce President Simon Boersma. WE’D LIKE TO EXTEND A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR MORINVILLE AND DISTRICT BUSINESSES FOR ALL OF THEIR COMMUNITY SUPPORT, AND TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THIS EVENING POSSIBLE 23 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 23 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Gala Event Sponsors 24 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Breaching the Divide, CHAMBER MEMBERS CROSS THE OCEAN TO LEARN ABOUT CHINA A group of Morinville residents and their friends returned from a 10-day visit to China where they toured a variety of sites and factories. The trip took place October, 2015. The expedition with 43 visitors was organized by the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce as a way to provide networking opportunities while enjoying cultural experiences. “I find it very amazing how China is so advanced in their commerce, it’s a lot more modern than we thought back home,” said Guy Meunier, owner of the Morinville Shell station. “Their history and culture is very well preserved, and the Great Wall was awesome. I climbed it and it was very difficult,” he laughed. “As for the nightlife in Shanghai, Las Vegas has some catching up to do.” LOCAL RESIDENTS DISCOVER CHINA WITH THE CHAMBER The local Chamber partnered with a tour company called Citslinc International Inc. to provide a memorable experience for everyone. Participants stayed in five-star hotels, dined on Chinese food and saw glimpses of everyday life. Friendly and knowledgeable English speaking guides were available from dawn until dusk to provide fascinating insights for the visitors. The adventure began on Oct. 10 when the travellers met at Vancouver International Airport for a 12-hour flight on China Eastern Airlines to Shanghai. After another flight north to Beijing, the fun began a few hours later when everybody rode on two highway cruisers to a series of planned destinations. They included places like the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square and factories that produce jade, silk, tea and embroidery. Michael Verheul and his wife Ina own and operate High Q Greenhouses located 8 km west of Morinville. When asked to describe a highlight of the trip, Michael said: “The cultural diversity between Beijing and Shanghai. There’s a huge cultural difference between how they present themselves and how they preserve culture,” said Michael. “Beijing wants to remain the cultural hub of China. Shanghai does a lot more like building modern buildings and attracting very different industries than you would expect from the Chinese culture.” When asked what prompted them to go on the tour, Michael said: “The fact that it was an organized trip with a group made it very attractive. It’s not a country that you might want to visit on your own. We thought this would be a fantastic opportunity to go see a country we might not otherwise see.” Despite the sightseeing, bargaining with assertive street vendors and enjoying fun activities, ultimately the reason for the trip was about doing business. The Chambers of Commerce want to help Canadian businesses develop trade links with China, and cultural tours are one way to achieve that goal. The intent is to foster personal relationships that local business people can continue after they return home. “Over the past few years you could see that China was on the fast track. You hear about it on the news all the time,” said another happy traveller. She was impressed with what the visitors witnessed in terms of business and development. “They’re trying to develop their own manufacturing so it’s not cheap, they want their standards higher for exports.” Be sure to book your trip for our next trip which takes place October 5-15, 2016. An extra day and an extra city has been added while keep the price at $2499!! (all inclusive from Vancouver airport) Article by Grant Cree 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 25 MORINVILLE & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENTS Journey to the Orient BEIJING • XI’AN • SHANGHAI • SUZHOU JOIN US FOR THE TRIP OF A LIFETIME Visit the Tian An Men Square, and the Temple of Heaven, built in 1420 A.D., for emperors to pray for a good harvest. Tour the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, home of 24 emperors with a total space of 9,999 rooms, and the Summer Palace. Cast your eyes on the Great Wall, 4,000 mile long and 2,000 years old. Visit the Ming Tombs. One of the 13 Ming Emperors’ Tombs is fully excavated and open for exploration. Journey to Xi’an, the Chinese ancient capital with 14 dynasties. See its ancient City Wall and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, to Terra-Cotta Warriors, considered as the 8th Wonder of the World. Visit Huaqing Spa Garden and the Banpo Museum, featuring a pre-historical caveman site. Wander the Suzhou Lingering Garden, Tiger Hill, Hanshan Temple and the National Embroidery Institute to see silk embroidery, a local craft with thousands of years of history, Bund, Shanghai’s famous waterfront park and the Pudong Economic Development Zone, seeing the fast speed of the Chinese developing economy. Come, join us for the trip of a lifetime. $2499 11 DAYS ALL INCLUSIVE (ALL MEALS PLUS STAY IN 5 STAR HOTELS). FLY DIRECT FROM VANCOUVER OCT 5 -15, 2016. BOOKING DEADLINE JULY 1ST 26 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE MORINVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 780-939-9462 Musée Morinville Museum Visit the Musée Morinville Museum located in the “old convent,” declared a Provincial Historic Site, to experience the heritage, culture, and arts in the community. Learn about the founding of Morinville and get a dose of local history by browsing the rotating bilingual exhibits. View the Pioneer Women’s display featuring Prominent Women of Morinville. Explore the History of Morinville - A community history rich in French & German culture. Explore our local artifacts, the Morinville Art Club, and Aboriginal Art displays. The Musée Morinville Museum offers guided tours, school programs, and group tours. Alberta Art Gallery – We will receive their travelling art exhibit “Dreaming with my Great Mother” on November 6th 2016 for 4 weeks. Featuring the work of three contemporary First Nation artists (Carla Rae Taylor, Camille Louis and Heather Shillinglaw), the works in this exhibition will share journeys and narratives activated by animal spirits, symbols, and nature-based inspirations. “located in the old convent, declared a Street, Morinville, Provincial Historic Site” Located at 10010-101 AB Phone: 780-572-5585 Fax: 780-572-5586 Email: [email protected] 10010 – 101 Street Plan your visit during these new Travelling Exhibitions: Bank of Canada Exhibit (Voices from the Engraver) –We are hosting this exhibit from June 6 to August 22, 2016. Experience the creative process, the technical Open Year round, skill and the sheer artistry that underlies every series of Canadian stamps and bank notes from concept to final Wednesday to Saturday product. Reproductions of original printing plates, Located atart, 10010-101 Street, 12 Morinville, to 5pm.AB tools, rare stamps, and money—lots of money—are 780-572-5585 Fax: 780-572-5586 waiting for you in thisPhone: fun, informative and enriching look into the beauty and intricacy of Canadian stamps and Email: [email protected] bank notes. Website: http://www.museemorinvillemuseum.com www.museemorinvillemuseum.com Website: http://www.museemorinvillemuseum.com 780 572-5585 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 27 15 REASONS TO JOIN MORINVILLE & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1) NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK 2) Attend monthly networking lunches where special guest speakers will talk about our economy, business ideas, growth and marketing. 3) Group Insurance Plan - whether you’re a one person business or have many employees, the Chamber Plan can help you (more information page 19). 4) Special discounts on advertising in this directory, participating in our annual Trade show and competing in our Annual Golf Tournament. 5) Attend special events such as our Annual Gala where you could be nominated for our Business Awards. These awards recognize businesses who offer service beyond what is expected. 6) Join us in our Annual Trade Show - Explore the Wonders... April 22/23. An opportunity to display your business or service, participate in a career fair or simply enjoy family entertainment. 7) Bon Jour Bags- as a member of Chamber of Commerce you can help fill our specially designed bags with promotional items to welcome every new resident into Morinville and District. 8) Join us for a Chamber Sponsored trip to the Far East, Iceland and other places where we can mix business with pleasure. 9) Shop Local - Our Chamber has special events to promote shopping local. 10) Market your business in our Christmas booklet - colouring pages, recipes and special Christmas projects. A fun and economical way to advertise while helping families. Get your name in the public eye! 11) Membership Referrals - Have your business cards on our business Showcase wall and when people are looking for business we can give them your card. 12) Members are welcome to attend special seminars and workshops 13) Internet Listings - all members and their information will be listed on our website 14) Bi-weekly fan-outs - What is happening in our Chamber world? An email will be sent out regularly to all our members bringing you up-to-date. We will also include any special announcements you may wish to pass along to all of our members. One free announcement per month. 15) An exclusive membership to Alberta Chamber of Commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce is included when you join Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce. With this membership you have access to Value Added Benefits such as: EXCLUSIVE CREDIT & DEBIT RATES FOR MEMBERS It’s Easy with VersaPay. VersaPay is pleased to offer all Alberta Chamber members preferential rates on Visa, MasterCard, and Interac merchant processing. Combined with 24/7 support and training, no hidden fees or surcharges, VersaPay solutions are tailored to any size of business. Chamber Merchants receive; Visa 1.49%, MasterCard 1.49%, Interac $0.04/ transaction. Contact Derek Nyen @ 866-489-6607 or Visit www.versaPay.com or call 866-489-6607 JOHNSON INC HOME & AUTO INSURANCE Johnson Inc offers Chamber members discounted Home and Auto insurance. In addition to exceptional coverage and premiums, Johnson Inc. also offers 1 Air Mile for every $20 in premium. Quotes available by telephone 1-800-563-0677, or visit www.Johnson.ca/acc to access rate information. CHAMBERS GROUP INSURANCE PLAN The Chamber Group Insurance Plan covers businesses with up to 50 employees, is open to all industries, and offers a full range of benefits, including coverage normally reserved for ‘big business’. With outstanding service and assistance, Chamber Group Insurance will tailor a benefit program to suit your needs. Gain employee satisfaction and increase retention by becoming part of the Number 1 Plan in Canada! 28 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville Chamber Member Benefits ESSO DISCOUNT PROGRAM Member businesses and their employees can save even more with Esso! You can receive a 3.5¢/ litre discount off retail posted pump price for gas and diesel purchased in Canada at any of their 1800 Esso stations. The Esso Business/Fleet Card program is a convenient and secure way for business to control and manage fuel expenses. FIRST DATA PREFFERED MERCHANT PROCESSING SERVICES The Alberta Chambers of Commerce and First Data, a leader in the electronic payment processing industry, have partnered to bring you exclusive benefits to help you grow your business and save money. Together we are ready to help you with preferred pricing and products tailored to suit your business needs. Chamber merchants can enjoy discount rates of 1.49% on Visa, 1.49% on MasterCard and only $0.05 for Interac Debit. Visit www.chambermerchantservices.ca CONSTANT CONTACT CHAMBER PROGRAM Four Powerful tools for Small Business Success; E-Mail Marketing, Event Marketing, Social Campaigns and Online Surveys Constant Contact helps small business and not for profits connect with their customers. As a leader in the industry they boast one of the highest e-mail delivery rates available. Get Stronger Promotional Power for your business from Constant Contact. Members receive 20-25% off regular rates. Just click on the logo to learn more. ATB FINANCIAL MERCHANT DISCOUNTS A membership opportunity! In addition to dedicated customer support, a one bank – one account solution, and competitive discount rates, ATB Merchant Payment Program is making a membership exclusive offer. Rates of 1.47% for Visa and 1.54%, for MasterCard qualified brands, $0.05 per debit transaction or credit transaction under $20, low terminal rentals and monthly fees and free activation. Plus, when you sign up for ATB Merchant Services, you’ll receive a free Full Service 40 deposit account ($24/month service fee waived). For more information about this offer—as well as our other business banking solutions—visit atb.com/business,email [email protected] or call us at1-855-941-4912. ADTEL ON HOLD INFO-PACS Opportunity Rings! Chamber members receive a 12% discount off regular Adtel rate subscriptions and will now receive an additional 3% discount if they include a Chamber message on their telephone hold program. Adtel is North America’s foremost production company specializing in music and messages for telephone hold. The Adtel sales force, creative copywriters, voice talents & production engineers work together to ensure a quality product and quick professional service. HUSKY/MOHAWK DISCOUNT PROGRAM Husky is very pleased to present a Group Plan commercial credit card program to all Chamber of Commerce members. Receive a $0.02/litre discount with no minimum volume requirements at any Husky/Mohawk location. Other benefits include saving time, getting great service, and enjoying quality products while working with a great business partner. Canadian owned! PUROLATOR SHIPPING DISCOUNTS Delivering to more people, more places and more postal codes in Canada, from 10 to 20 markets in the United States and growing globally, Purolator provides customers with the services and customized solutions required to get their parcel and freight shipments across town or around the world. The Purolator volume discount program can save you up to 30% every time you use their services. www.purolator.com/acc FARMERS & RANCHERS INSURANCE Your Farm is growing. Its time to reap the rewards! The Chambers Plan can provide affordable, comprehensive heath and dental coverage for you and your eligible workers. No Farm or Ranch is too small. Benefit packages are available to your Farm or Ranch from 1-50 workers. Home based business qualify for coverage, and your coverage is guaranteed when 3 or more workers qualify. EVOLVE COLLABORATION The Alberta Chambers of Commerce has created an Audio Conferencing, Web Conferencing, and Web-casting Affinity Program for its valued members. This includes: 4.5¢/min Audio Conferencing Rate: 45% below commercial industry average for rates! unlimited access to Adobe Web collaboration for $50/month free virtual collaboration assessment To receive the ACC members’ discount, please identify your organization as an active and registered ACC member.For more information contact Laura Hagen @ 1-855-253-4780 x 9720 or [email protected] 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 29 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Chamber Plan Chamber members have access to Canada’s largest employee benefits plan targeted to small- to medium-sized business. Introduced over 35 years ago Chambers Plan now provides coverage to over 27,000 firms like yours. Regardless of the size of your organization Chambers Plan can be customized to meet your needs. Request a quote today and let us show you how we can customize a plan for you. ESTABLISHED Chambers Plan Group Health Insurance has operated continuously for over thirty-five years. Your firm’s rates will remain stable regardless of claims history. Additionally, Chambers Plan Group Health Insurance is non-cancellable due to any claims experienced by your firm. Your company will never be singled out for a rate increase, ever. visit Group Benefits with a Difference. COVERAGE CAN BE TAILORED TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS. CUSTOMIZE YOUR PLAN < Friends with Benefits tal Health & Den LOCAL Your business is unique so your business needs unique coverage. That is why a local Chambers Plan Advisor administers your employee health benefits plan. A Chamber Plan Advisor is a member of your community. Whether you want to add dental coverage, change or update, or simply ask a question your Advisor is there for you. CUSTOMIZABLE Coverage can be tailored to suit your needs. Customize your plan selecting from a wide range of coverage – life, health, dental, disability, critical illness and much more! As well, Chambers plan members have access to my-benefits® – an online management tool. This tool allows you to administer your plan anywhere, anytime. COMPREHENSIVE Chambers Plan offers traditional coverage such as life, health, dental and disability, critical illness and so much more. No matter the size of your business we have a comprehensive group health insurance package for you. Enjoy guaranteed renewal coverage and outstanding service through your local advisor. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Every program comes with access to the Best Doctors® program, a truly valuable resource. The Best Doctors® program helps members get a second opinion and advice from some of the world’s leading medical experts in a wide range of medical fields. The Chambers Plan is proud to deliver these services available to every one of your employees. It is just one more example of the value Chambers Plan can provide Canada’s #1 Plan for Small Business Contact your local advisor: Marian Mocanu(780)222-6116 visit Group Benefits with a Difference. 30 Simple. Stable. Smart. 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce We can find a plan that is right for you! Visit our website today at www.chamberplan.ca to find out why Chambers Plan is Canada’s #1 group health insurance plan for small firms. Marian Mocanu, Chamber Plan representative. BABAF, CFP, EPC, Private Wealth and Risk Planner Shelemey Financial 80, 143 Liberton Drive St. Albert, AB T8N 6A7 (780) 222-6116 DR.ROMANOWSKI FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY “COMMITTED TO YOUR ORAL HEALTH AND DENTAL CARE.” Dr. Darren Romanowski’s dental office has proudly been open for 17 years. He would personally like to thank the community for their continued support. Dr. Romanowski was raised in the Morinville area and is very passionate about dentistry. When not in the office, he enjoys working on the family farm and spending time with his wife Christina and their three children Annabelle, Kalyna, and Charley. Dr. Witting was raised in a small town in southern Alberta and is happy to be part of the community with her fiancé. FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY Dr. Romanowski, Dr. Witting, and their dental team pride themselves with providing dental care in a professional, relaxed and comfortable environment. Their office has the latest technology and the entire team is continually educated on this technology and techniques. They provide all aspects of family and cosmetic dentistry. Their office would like to welcome all new patients, emergencies, and referrals. DR. DARREN ROMANOWSKI & DR. KATIE WITTING General Dentists New Patients, Emergencies and Referrals Welcome Veneers Crowns Bridges Braces White fillings Tooth whitening Cleanings Cerec restorations Single visit crowns, veneers, etc. 10407 - 100 Ave. Morinville, AB Located next to the Flower Stop 780.939.1288 Extended Hours Available 31 OFFICE HOURS Mon & Thurs 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues & Wed 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat by appointment 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce “We look forward to seeing you.” Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 31 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL A COMPANY OVERVIEW P #4 Heritage in 1983 and, for manyIndustrial years, operated Park leasant Homes was initially established Simon Boersma, a successful retail business delivering Operations manufactured homes to many families around Manager, is Alberta. The mission was to build a reputation responsible as a trusted and caring company and proving for the that “Service” was indeed the foundation of its construction success. and warranty end of the In the spring of 2006, owner Vern Kuehn, company also •toSingleSection-MultiSectionProductsAvailable decided restructure the company and took had his start on two partners. The idea was to grow the on the floor of • and SolutionsForEveryBudget company to diversify into what the modular/ the SRI Homes factory in Lethbridge, AB. Simon worked his way up to the position Foreman manufactured industry was starting to offer an • Residential,CommercialandIndustrialDesigns ever changing market place. before he too decided to set up his own business and eventually contracting to do set up, service • CustomizeYourOwnHomeToMeetYourNeeds Vern Kuehn, and warranty work for Pleasant Homes. Over the now President years, Simon has developed the reputation for • FactoryTrainedTechnicians of the new being the “go to guy” expert for problem solving • AwardWinningServiceDepartment Pleasant when it comes to construction of both modular Homes Ltd, and manufactured products in residential or • AlbertaNewHomeWarrantyCoverage had his start commercial applications. Simon has served on the floor of multiple terms as President of the Morinville • SRI,Canada’sFinestFactoryBuiltProducts the Fleetwood Chamber of Commerce as well as the local manufacturing Rotary Club. facility working his way up the ladder to Sales and Marketing Manager for the facility ALTHOUGH PLEASANT HOMES LTD. before deciding to go into business for himself. CONTINUES TO GROW AND DIVERSIFY TO He has since held the position of President of the KEEP UP WITH THE MARKET DEMANDS, IT Modular Housing Association numerous times, CONTINUES TO MAINTAIN ITS ORIGINAL sits on the Board of Directors for the national organization Canadian Manufactured Housing VALUES. A SALE IS ONLY THE BEGINNING Institute, and has participated in many other OF THE RELATIONSHIP AND A BUSINESS industry related activities. TRULY IS BUILT ON SERVICE. 780.939.3584 1.866.962.0238 1.866.962.0238 pleasanthomes.ca 32 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce THE MISSION IS TO BUILD A REPUTATION AS A TRUSTED AND CARING COMPANY AND PROVING THAT “SERVICE” WAS INDEED THE FOUNDATION OF ITS SUCCESS. Gary Hauk, Managing Partner, Sales rounds out the trio of owners. His residential construction beginnings lead to spending 25 years working for the Saskatchewan Provincial Government. Gary’s career included managing various Social, Affordable and Rural and Native Housing programs in both northern and southern parts of the Province and culminated in managing the Housing Authority Network in the Province. Gary also has spent several terms as a Director on both Provincial and National Housing Association Boards. Since 2006, Pleasant Homes Ltd. has indeed diversified its activity. As well as maintaining a sales staff of three dedicated to serving the market with traditional family housing, it has also branched out to specialize in the delivery of commercial and industrial buildings. Its clients include Municipal Districts, First Nation Bands, Metis Communities, various Provincial Departments and Crown Corporations, Oil Servicing companies, Land Developers, various for profit and non-profit organizations and registered Societies. Included in the list of particular buildings designed, delivered and set up are large residential developments, daycare facilities, seniors facilities, youth activity centers, 100 person commercial camp kitchen, office facilities, motel, medical center and other non-traditional projects. Pleasant Homes has always operated, for the most part, with well-trained in-house service technicians. The company runs three fully equipped service vehicles and does all of its own set up, service and warranty work. This side of the operation works out of a 6,000 square foot shop and, like the factory, all materials necessary to perform service and warranty work are stored indoors in a controlled environment. Museum, Ft. McMurray Single-section Manufactured Home West of Morinville Overpass on #642 780.939.3584 1.866.962.0238 1.866.962.0238 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 33 Morinville & District Trade Show Explore the Wonders... APRIL 22/23, 2016 *New Exhibits • New Dates • New Times • New Entertainment • New Floor Plan • Door Prizes Galore A Whole New Experience! Admission by Donation Only. Times: April 22 12 pm to 8 pm;, April 23 9 am to 5 pm. We will be featuring an Auto Row, a separate Area for Home Based Business and a Career Fair. Call: 780-939-9462 today to book your space before April 1st, 34 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce It’s Coming to the Trade Show! Are you ready!? Proud Supporter of the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce IT IS TIME! Nominate your favourite Business for the 2016 BUSINESS AWARDS Presented by Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Watch our website for the deadline and nomination forms. See page 20 and 21 for the list of categories 2016 BUSINESS AWARDS GALA OCTOBER 27, 2016 MORINVILLE CULTURAL CENTRE Theme: Canada, Our True North Strong and Free! Special menu and entertainment from across Canada. Dance a jig, share our diverse cultures and celebrate our business people Book a seat or a table of 8. Or Become a sponsor to help us make this one of our biggest events. CALL THE CHAMBER 780-939-9462 Morinville Fish & Game Association 10710-107 Street North of Skyline Diamonds General Meetings 2nd Thursday of the Month Starting at 7:30 p.m. Membership, Club Info & Clubhouse Rentals Contact: Joe Sinclair; Phone: 780.939.6444 [email protected] 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 35 107s t Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Town of Morinville Map 105st 97st 106ave 2 Skyline Ball Diamonds Dr 103st 101st 102st 103st 104st 105st 106st 107st 97st 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 100st 96ave 95 st Morinville 96ave Gr a av e 96 95av e 102st 103st 95ave 104st 105st 106st 97A ave 98A st 108st 98st 101st 102st 98A st MacDonald Sport Complex 99ave 104st 107st 103st 99A ave 98ave 36 96st 642 99ave 2 102ave 101ave 2 2 103ave 102ave 101ave ave 104 99st 100st Ho 107st ule st 104ave 2 642 97 105ave 95 ST. 98 ST. 100 ST. 95 87 AVE. st 89 106a ve 87 AVE. 87 st st st 86 st 95 le da st 90 st 84 AVE. AV 84 st st 99 E. 83 AVE. 83 AVE. 88 av e st 81 96 ST. 97 ST. r D ST . E AV . . ST 97 r 96 ST. 80 AVE. din D 96ave 79 AVE. 94 ST. st 95A ST. n di 10 0 97ave Gran 95 82 AVE. 97 Morinville n ra 94st 95st Dr G 97A ave an av e Dr 98 94 ST. av e st 95st 98ave din 93 ve 99a E. AV 84A 87 92 99 97 ST. st . 95 ST 86 94 ST . 642 ve Aa 85 AVE . 85 AVE. 96 ST. 90 st st 2a ve nn 86 st 88 Su 10 87 93st MORINVILLE RD. in Dr 0 ve 102a Rd Grand st 94 CARDIFF RD. SOUTH GLENS - MORINVILLE 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 37 Departin DESTINY TRAVEL & MORINVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PRESENT Iceland’s Magical Northern Lights ENJOY THE RARE OPPORTUNITY TO SEE THE AURORA BOREALIS ONE OF NATURE’S MOST DAZZLING LIGHT DISPLAYS. Book Now D & Save $ iscover Iceland, a land and culture forged by fire and ice. Steaming lava fields and massive glaciers sculpt mountains and valleys, leaving thundering waterfalls and plunging fjords. In this land of many natural wonders, enjoy the rare opportunity to see the Aurora Borealis — one of nature’s most dazzling light displays, also known as the northern lights. Get acquainted with old town Reykjavik on a walking tour featuring Hallgrimskirkja church, City Hall, the harbour and Reykjavik’s oldest building, now home to the Kraum Icelandic design centre. 200 Per Person Travel the incredible Golden Circle, a route that encompasses many of Iceland’s most renowned natural wonders. Journey to Thingvellir National Park, the nation’s most historic area. Icelanders gathered here in A.D. 930 and established what is considered one of the world’s first parliaments. Find yourself standing upon one of the globe’s most geologically significant landscapes, Thingvellir’s rugged rift valley, a UNESCO World Heritage site that marks the point where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. Experience the energy of Icelandic culture with a stop at the geothermal fields of Geysir and Strokkur that erupt every few minutes. Marvel at the beauty of the Gullfoss (Golden Falls) waterfall, a stunning 100-foot double cascade. Next, see the beautiful Seljalandsfoss, one of Iceland’s most famous and picturesque waterfalls with a walkway behind it. 8 Days ● 1 BOOK NOW: Doubl See Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon, filled with floating icebergs. Explore this extraordinary landscape and perhaps see some seals swimming in Arctic waters. Travel to Skaftafell, gateway to Vatnajökull National Park, the largest national park in Europe. Regular rates: Double FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE MORINVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE * All Rates 780-939-9462 38 Included in Price: Round Trip Air from Ed 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville- Listings File for the Future To place your advertising in the 2017 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Business and Community Directory please call: 780-939-9462 EMERGENCY SERVICES Ambulance911 Call Before You Dig 1-800-242-3447 Fire Alarm Onl 911 Fire Department Administration 780-939-4162 Fire Department Business Office 780-939-6153 Poison Centre 1-800 332-1414 RCMP Administration 780-939-4550 Royal Canadian Mounted Police 780-939-4520 ACCOUNTING/TAX SERVICE Christy Chubaty Fair Accounting & Tax Services - see ad pg. 47 H&R Block Morinville Business Centre - see ad pg. 47 Office Genie PAGE 47 780-939-3939 780-939-4674 780-939-5543 780-939-5050 780-720-7581 AGRICULTURAL SERVICES PAGE 47 Canadian Agri-Blend Inc. 780-939-3800 Morinville Municipal Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd. - see ad pg. 47 780-939-4021 Riviere Qui Barre Agricultural Society 780-939-2422 UFA Petroleum Sales Agency 780-939-4073 Westmor Grain Terminal 780-939-3216 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION Dog Star Mechanical Inc. - see ad pg. 47 PAGE 47 780-887-4497 AUTO PARTS & HARDWARE Morinville Bumper to Bumper Tirecraft Auto Center 780-939-2100 780-939-4250 AUTO SALES St Albert Honda - see ad pg. 49 Ron Hodgson Chevrolet Buick-GMC see ad pg. 48 39 PAGE 48 780-458-0800 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce AUTOMOTIVE – RECREATION Tirecraft Auto Center RV City -see ad pg. 60 PAGE 60 780-939-4250 780-939-2900 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES AB’L Auto Electric Ltd. - see ad pg. 49 Big City Auto N Truck Wash Bumper To Bumper Caudron Performance Jiffy Lube - see ad pg. 49 Lonely Cars Vehicle Storage Morinville Auto Body Ltd. St Albert Honda - see ad pg. 49 Technical Automotives Inc. Tirecraft Auto Center Vintage Ford Parts/J. Mac Storage PAGE 48, 49 780-939-4656 780-939-5552 780-939-2100 780-239-3648 780-939-1034 780-665-1813 780-939-2224 780-458-0800 780-939-3976 780-939-4250 780-939-3247 BANKING & FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS PAGE 50 ATB Financial - see ad pg. 50 780-939-2821 ATB Financial St. Albert North 780-460-4960 RBC Royal Bank 780-939-4331 Scotiabank780-939-2611 Servus Credit Union 780-939-4120 BED & BREAKFAST Sunset Bed & Breakfast WolfChild Bed & Breakfast BOBCAT & TRUCKING A&A Bobcat Services Ltd. Abacus Enterprises Inc. BD Girard’s Trucking & Bobcat Ltd. - see ad pg. 50 Den’s Contracting - see ad pg. 50 Hebear Trucking & Bobcat Service Peddy’s Bobcat Services Ltd. Roadrunners Tirecraft Auto Center Commercial Truck Center Roadrunners Towing 780-939-3658 780-939-3866 PAGE 50 780-939-3863 780-939-5395 780-818-7247 780-916-4251 780- 939-6212 780-240-5322 780-939-4250 780-939-3188 780-939-3355 BUILDING SUPPLIES Tricon Design Inc & Castle Building Centre 780-939-2440 BUSINESS SERVICES Office Genie Morinville Business Centre - see ad pg. 47 PAGE 47 780-720-7581 780-939-5050 780-458-7100 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 39 BUTCHERS Calahoo Meats Cardiff Meat & Sausage CAMPGROUNDS Centennial RV Park Longriders RV Park and Horseback Morinville RV Park & Campground Toll Free: CATERING Belanger Catering Kelly’s Catering Premium Food Services 40 1-800-567-8371 780-973-5998 780-961-3773 780-923-3300 780-939-6040 780-418-3000 780-459-3248 780-801-0887 CHILDCARE SERVICES Kanga and Roo’s Child Care Centre Nana’s Dayhome Sarah Iverson 780-939-7500 780-939-5857 780-939-3617 CHURCHES Bon Accord Community Church Bon Accord United Calahoo Chapel of Spruce Grove Alliance Church Christ Community Church Coronado United church Emmanuel Anglican Church Emmaus Lutheran Church Gibbons United Holy Trinity Anglican Kingdom Hall Moore Memorial United Church Morinville Alliance Church Morinville Baptist Church Morinville Catholic Church, St Jean Baptiste Parish Morinville United Church Namao United Church Our Lady of Lourdes Redwater Alliance Redwater Pentecostal Church Sacred Heart Parrish St. Albert Alliance Church St Andrews Anglican Church St. Charles Parish St. Clare's Roman Catholic St. Emerence Catholic Church St Emerence Parish St. Emile Roman Catholic Church Sts. BORYS and HLIB Parish Sturgeon Alliance Church Sturgeon Memorial Chapel and Crematorium The Father’s House Ukrainian Catholic Parrish 780-921-3100 780-921-3330 780-967-3030 780-459-8012 780-923-3355 780-756-1954 780-459-2621 780-923-3355 780-921-3680 780-973-3964 780-942-3674 780-939-5957 780-939-2538 780-939-4412 780-939-5888 780-973-6708 780-998-3288 780-942-3013 780-942-2715 780-998-3288 780-458-5335 780-939-5210 780-458-0722 780-942-3541 780-458-0722 780-939-6325 780-961-3613 780-452-8055 780-923-2727 780-915-1860 780-939-2992 780-961-2434 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce CLEANING SERVICES/SUPPLIES Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd. -see ad pg. 50 Norwax Independent Sales SEE Clean Janitorial Services PAGE 50 780-572-2461 587-985-6162 780-267-1617 COMMUNICATIONS Keys Communication Morinville Free Press Morinville News St Albert Gazette -see ad pg. 51 PAGE 51 780-265-4603 780-939-3309 780-800-3619 780-460-5500 COMMUNITY RESOURCES/ASSOCIATIONS PAGE 51 ACFA RÉGIONALE DE CENTRALTA 780-961-3665 Al-Anon780-721-0436 Alcoholics Anonymous 780-424-5900 Alberta Health Services 780-342-2600 Alberta Health Services 780-939-3388 Or 780-939-3346 If busy call 780-939-2836 Alberta One -Call 1-800-242-3447 Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring 780-987-1005 Block Parents 587-589-0860 Catholic Women's League 780-939-4412 Citizens On Patrol 780-939-4550 Community Futures Tawatinaw Region 780-349-2903 Toll Free 1-888-349-2903 Crime Stoppers Tips Line 1-800-222-8477 ECES Immigration Services -see ad pg. 51 780-667-8786 Family & Community Support Services 780-939-7833 Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation 587-879-6125 Knights of Columbus 780-939-4412 Lions Club [email protected] Literacy Help Line 1-800-767-3231 MFRC/CRFM Edmonton 780-973-4011 Midstream Support Society 780-939-3953 Morinville Bottle Depot 780-939-4505 Morinville Community Gardens morinvillegardens@ gmail.com Morinville Fish & Game Club 780 939-2587 Morinville Food Bank 780-939-2636 Morinville Visitor Information Center 780-939-9462 Rotary Club [email protected] Royal Canadian Legion NO. 176 780-939-4464 Senior Errand Services 587-337-6883 Standstone Waste Services Ltd. 780-962-4406 Sturgeon Foundation -see ad pg. 51 780-939-5116 Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch (local call) 780-939-4550 Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch (toll free) 780-459-7689 Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch (toll free Crime Stoppers) 1-800-222-8477 Sunflower Community Resource Program -see ad pg. 51 780-923-2374 Victim Services 780-939-4590 Volume 4 History Committee Young Naturalists Club [email protected] [email protected] COMPUTERS Nu Way Electronic Services Ltd. 780-939-5758 CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTORS AND DRAFTING PAGE 51, 52 Accra Mechanical Ltd. 780-939-5398 Andrew Webb Carpentry 780-966-2311 Eng.Con Holdings Ltd. 780-465-9321 Flynn Bros. -see ad pg. 51 780-939-3000 Igloo Building Supplies 780-451-0600 LaPlante Skidsteer & Construction Ltd. [email protected] Landrex Inc. -see ad pg. 52 780-459-5263 Manoir Savenay Ltd. 780-572-2473 Morinville Notre Dame Dev. Ltd. 780-572-2473 Pyro Productions Testing 780-995-5121 Ruetz Construction Ltd. 780-458-8243 Savenay Builders Ltd. 780-572-2473 Spiker Equipment 780-939-4100 Starling Contracting International Inc. 780-668-2905 Thorian Construction Services Ltd. 780-718-1538 DANCE STUDIO Dance Connection DENTISTS/DENTURISTS Bachand Denture Centre Dr. Darren Romanowski -see ad pg. 31 Dr Horricks Family Dentistry -see ad pg. 52 Morinville Dental Clinic -see ad pg. 52 Periosmart Ltd. 41 780-939-5414 PAGE 31, 52 780-939-3190 780-939-1288 780-939-5224 780-939-2500 855-324-3837 PAGE 53 ELECTRICITY SERVICE PROVIDERS Direct Energy 1-866-374-6299 Enmax780-310-2010 Epcor1-800-667-2345 Epcor Customer Service 780-310-4300 Fortis Alberta 780-310-9473 Fortis Albert Inc (power outage service) 780-310-9473 Just Energy 1-885-387-6071 North Parkland Power Rural Electrification 780-398-2000 Or 1-866-398-2001 Northern Lights Energy & Power 780-398-2115 Park Power 780-640-2128 EMBROIDERY Cindy’s Threads EVENT PLANNING AND PARTY RENTALS E.I.S. Exhibit Installation Service Infinite Event Services Inc. River City Events 780-939-3747 780-922-4966 780-975-6152 Flaman Rentals -see ad pg. 53 780-996-4400 PAGE 47, 53 780-939-3141 780-8874497 780-265-2437 EXCAVATION/SEWER/GRADING A&A Trenching All Complete Excavating Corp. Extreme Excavating & Backhoe Services 780-471-3853 780-271-0922 780-960-5033 EQUIPMENT RENTALS Artic Therm International Ltd. Dog Star Mechanical Inc. -see ad pg. 47 FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS/INVESTMENTS PAGE 53 Gaudry Financial Services Ltd/The Co-operators -see ad pg. 53 780-939-6111 Investors Group -see ad pg. 53 780-939-3994 Shelmey Financial 780-572-1844 DOG GROOMING Wagging Tails Pet Resort & RV Storage -see ad pg. 53 Noah’s Ark Pets & Supplies 780-939-6977 780-939-2528 DRAFTING/PROJECT MANAGEMENT Flynn Bros -see ad pg. 51 PAGE 51 780-939-3000 DRIVERS TRAINING proDrive School of Professional Driving 780-934-2834 ELECTRICIANS Delray Electric Ltd. G Lighting Ltd. Jet Electric Ltd. Kondro Electric Outland Electric & Controls Ltd. Rev’s Electrical Contracting (2011) Ltd. FLORISTS/GIFTS Flower Stop & Gift Shop The Olive Tree -see ad pg. 54 780-939-7186 780-399-4644 780-939-3933 780-460-1199 780-461-0113 780-455-9913 GAS/FUELS McEwens Fuels & Fertilizers Morinville Husky If busy call Morinville Petro Canada Morinville Shell/White Rose Diner 780-939-4110 780-939-4848 780-939-4870 780-939-6079 780-939-6011 GLASS REPAIR & INSTALLATION Advanced Glass 780-961-2276 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce FITNESS/GYMS Body Shop Fitness Facility Fit Girl Athletics 780-939-0220 780-918-4973 PAGE 54 780-939-3440 780-939-4292 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 41 Tirecraft Auto Center Biddiscombe Glass 780-939-4250 780-939-3455 GOLDSMITHS JM Turner Goldsmith 780-939-3920 GOLF COURSES Calahoo Hills Golf Course Cardiff Golf & Country Club Fort-in-View Golf Course & Driving Goose Hummock Golf Resort Or Hunters Green Golf Course JR Golf Course Lancaster Park Golf Club Lone Spruce Driving Range Redwater Community Golf Course Sandpiper Golf & Country Club Spring Creek Golf Course Sturgeon Valley Golf & Country Club Terrae Pines Golf & Country Club 780-459-9081 780-939-6666 780-998-1234 780-921-2444 421-7222 780-973-6686 780-459-8735 780-973-3033 780-458-0565 780-942-3993 780-408-8687 780-921-3121 780-973-6705 780-458-1122 GOVERNMENTS/MUNICIPALITIES/RESERVES PAGE 54 Alexander Band 780-939-5887 Or 780-939-6412 Alexander Band Public Works 780-939-6102 Alexander Boy’s Home 780-939-7544 Alexander Community Hall 780-939-0157 Alexander Day Care Centre 780-939-4226 Alexander Elder’s Home 780-939-5573 Alexander First Nation 780-939-3179 Alexander First Nation Economic Development 780-939-4757 Alexander First Nation Head Start 780-939-5597 Alexander First Nation Medicentre 780-939-2718 Alexander Resource Centre 780-939-5270 Barrhead-Westlock Constituency Glenn Van Dijken, MLA -see ad pg. 54 780-674-3225 Bon Accord 780 921 3550 Legal 780-961-3773 Sturgeon County 780-939-4321 Town of Morinville 780-939-4361 Town Of Morinville Services Bylaw Enforcement 780-939-4361 Economic Development 780-939-4361 Community Services 780-939-7839 Community Cultural Centre 780-939-7888 Planning & Development 780-939-4361 Public Works Dept. 780-939-2590 GRAPHIC DESIGN Tim Richer Graphic Design - Edmonton The Shepherd’s Guide - Edmonton 42 587-926-6159 780-463-4506 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce GREENHOUSE Fred's Flower's Greenhouses Ltd. High Q Greenhouses Morinville Greenhouses 780-914-9887 780-939-7490 780-939-3391 GROCERY STORES Chris & Tracey's no-frills Morinville Sobeys -see ad pg. 19 PAGE 19 780-939-4437 780-939-4418 HAIR/NAILS/SALONS/ESTHETICSPAGE A Touch of Honey 780-690-1435 Carrie’s Hair Design 780-939-3300 Chatters Salons – St. Albert 780-959-9024 Daisy Nails 780-572-2498 GV Hair Studio 780-939-5255 Hair Rev Too 780-939-5833 J’Lynn Esthetics 780-939-7166 Meranda’s780-920-4331 Morinville Barbershop 780-572-3355 Onyx & Agate Esthetics and Jewelry 780-920-4610 Ooh La La Nails by Megan 780-265-3768 Paul’s Barbershop 780-939-3245 Pro Level Looks Hair Studio 780-939-0707 Skinsationals780-619-3043 HALL RENTALS Alcomdale Hall Bon Accord Jewel Box Calahoo Arena Camilla School Cardiff Hall Centralta Community Centre (Legal) Coronado Hall Fedora Hall Fort-in-View Golf Course Gibbons Cultural Centre Gibbons Legion Goose Hummock Golf Resort Legal Club 60 Roses Legal School (Gymnasium) Morinville Cultural Centre Morinville Fish and Wildlife Hall Morinville Parish Hall Namao Community Hall Namao School Gymnasium Rendez-Vous Centre Riviere Qui Barre Arena Sturgeon Agricultural Centre (Barn) Sturgeon Valley Golf & Country Club Sunnyside Hall Villeneuve Hall Waugh Polish Hall 780-939-2291 780-921-3921 780-967-5080 780-939-3303 780-966-9943 780-961-3665 780-942-2123 780-921-3487 780-998-1234 780-923-3331 780-923-2814 780-921-2444 780-961-3041 780-961-2223 780-939-7888 780 939-2587 780-939-6457 780-973-6899 780-973-6899 780-619-4668 780-939-2906 780-939-6591 780-973-6705 780-973-5629 780-459-3231 780-961-3217 HARDWARE STORES Home Hardware 780-939-2100 HEALTH & WELLNESS PAGE 52, 54 Alexander First Nation Medicenter 780-939-2718 Capital Health - Alberta Health Services 24hr Answering Service 780-939-3388 Associate Medical Clinic 780-939-4536 Connie Popowich-Core Discovery 780-721-2019 Effervescent Nutrition Counseling 780-668-7012 Grandin Medical Clinic 780-939-4311 Morinville Chiropractic Clinic -see ad pg. 52 780-939-3399 Morinville Physical Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic -see ad pg. 54 780-939-5150 Placenta Pure 780-953-2000 System Health Centre 780-920-3357 HOME BUILDING PAGE 32-33, 52, 55 Abiel Homes Ltd. 780- 497-1326 After Eight Flooring Inc. 780-454-2481 Alquinn Homes 780-962-1046 Atlas Premium Home Development Ltd. -see ad pg. 55 780-719-3757 Blind Designs 780-722-9982 Blue Meadow Homes Ltd. 780-701-3999 Brilliant Homes Ltd. 780-709-4567 Cam-Trac Inspection Services Ltd. 780-460-5440 CIA Building Ltd. 780-939-3328 CIA Buildings Ltd FAX 780-939-3319 Colt Homes Inc. 780-705-2500 Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson Ltd. 780-439-2876 Friesen’s Climate Control Ltd. 780-486-2787 Heirloom Woodworking 780-699-7970 Jandel Homes 780-960-4232 Landrex -see ad pg. 52 780-459-5263 Maxxwood Homes 780-203-0302 Morinville Blind Designs 780-722-9992 Morinville Flooring 780-939-7212 Parkland Homes 780-940-8054 Parkland Homes Ltd. Fax 780-939-6327 Pleasant Homes -see ad pg. 32-33 780-939-3584 Prominent Homes Edmonton Ltd. 780-761-0790 Red Willow Homes Inc. 780-695-0322 Trust Interiors 780-690-6894 HOTELS & MOTELS Best Western - St Albert Plus The Inn at St Albert Legal Hotel & Café Moonlight Hotel Morinville Plaza & Suites 780-470-3800 780-470-3800 780-961-3117 780-921-3988 780-939-3111 INSURANCE BROKERS/AGENT PAGE 30, 53, 55 Allstate780-460-7546 Chambers Group Insurance Plan -see ad pg. 30 780-222-6116 Drayden Insurance Ltd. -see ad pg. 55 780-939-3600 Gaudry Financial Services Ltd . 43 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce /The Cooperstors -see ad pg. 53 JDR Insurance -see ad pg. 55 Sunlife Financial 780-939-6111 780-939-6638 587-785-4589 INTERNET PROVIDERS Alberta Communications Alberta SuperNet TZ Wireless Inc. 780-496-7658 1-866-773-3348 780-409-5201 KENNELS Koloa’s Pet and House Sitting Morinville Veterinary Clinic Wagging Tails Pet Resort & RV Storage -see ad pg. 53 PAGE 53 780-984-3219 780-939-3133 780-939-6977 LANDSCAPING All-Star Landscaping Services Ltd. D&K Earthworks Inc. -see ad pg. 56 HML Contracting Ltd. Lionel’s Gradall Service Mason Landscaping & Supplies Sam’s Excavation & Landscaping Ltd. Sunshine Garden Centre The Wheelbarrow Gardener Wild Rose Landscaping & Snow Services Wood’s Landscaping Yard & Lawn Maintenance Ltd. PAGE 56 780-987-8099 780-777-4610 780-460-2088 780-939-2178 780- 868-1961 780-267-6700 780-939-2004 780-668-3892 780-267-6700 780-939-2552 780-886-0866 LAWYERS Peterson Krochak -see ad pg. 56 Putnam & Lawson -see ad pg. 56 PAGE 56 780-939-2048 780-939-2001 LIBRARIES Bon Accord Public Library 780-921-2540 Edmonton Garrison Community Library 780-973-4011 Ext. 6345 Gibbons Public Library 780-923-2004 Morinville Public Library 780-939-3292 Redwater Public Library 780-942-3464 LIQUOR STORES Liquor on Main Liquor Planet Liquor Stop N Shop Morinville Liquor Store Spirits in Morinville 780-939-6016 780-939-2380 780-939-4203 780-939-4743 780-939-6550 LOCKSMITH Pete’s Lock & Key Ltd. 780-459-8247 MANUFACTURING Garneau Manufacturing Inc. Laminator Coating Ltd. Target Products Ltd. 780-939-2129 780-939-0519 780-939-3033 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 43 MASSAGE/HOLISTIC THERAPY/CHIROPRACTIC PAGE 54, 56 A Touch of Honey 780-690-1435 A Touch of Paradise Massage Therapy 780-939-3399 Dynamic Balance Massage Therapy 780-915-0776 Froment Chiropractic Center 780-939-3885 Morinville Chiropractic Clinic -see ad pg. 52 780-939-3399 Morinville Massage Therapy Inc. -see ad pg. 56 780-903-5429 Morinville Physical Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic -see ad pg. 54 780-939-5150 Rejuvenate Within 780-919-7823 Relax & Rejuvenate Massage 780-906-1200 MEDICAL PRODUCTS & EQUIPMENT Medicine Chest Guardian Drugs MENTAL HEALTH Mental Health Clinic Mental Health Helpline Psychsupport Services MULCHING GRD Mulching Ltd MUSEUM/HERITAGE/HISTORICAL Father Lacombe Chapel Gibbons Museum Legal Bread Oven Michif Cultural & Resource Institute Morinville Historic Centre Morinville Historical Society Murals of Legal Musée Heritage Museum Musée Morinville Museum-see ad pg. 27 Museum 'Le Petit Musee de Legal’ Namao Museum Redwater and District Museum Redwater Discovery Oil Derrick St. Albert Grain Elevator Park & Train Station St. Jean-Baptiste Church (Stations of the Cross) NEWSPAPERS Farm ‘N’ Friends Newspaper Morinville Free Press Newspaper Morinville News St. Albert Gazette-see ad pg. 51 44 780-939-2898 780-939-3388 1-877-303-2642 780-237-6283 780-818-7247 PAGE 27 780-459-7663 780-923-2140 780-961-3665 780-458-9176 780-939-7702 780-572-5585 780-961-3665 780-459-1528 780-572-5585 780-961-4059 780-973-3811 780-942-2512 780-942-3492 780-942-3519 780-459-4404 780-939-4412 PAGE 51 780-421-9715 780-939-3309 780-800-3619 780-460-5500 PAINTING CONTRACTOR Viscount Painting -see ad pg. 57 PET & HOUSE SITTING Koloa’s Pet & House Sitting PET SUPPLIES & HEALTH Bag’n Block Agri Centres Champion Pet Foods Ltd. -see ad pg. 34 Morinville Animal Wellness Centre Morinville Veterinary Clinic -see ad pg. 57 Noah’s Ark Pets & Supplies PAGE 57 780-939-4307 780-939-2661 PAGE 34, 57 780-939-4600 780-939-6888 780-939-4419 780-939-3133 780-939-2528 PHARMACIES Champlain Pharmacy IDA Medicine Chest Guardian Drugs No Frills Pharmacy 780-939-2438 780-939-2898 780-939-2915 PHOTOGRAPHY Grant Cree Photography Lighthouse Photography Veritas Studio Inc. Whitewall Photography 780-940-3228 780-939-2445 780-940-3228 780-619-5058 PIPELINE COMPANIES Alliance Pipeline -see ad pg. 57 PLUMBING, HEATING & GASFITTING A-1 Heating Ltd. Access Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Action Furnace Artic Therm International Ltd. Or Or Dechamplain Heating & Ventilation LTD Heating Inc. Nortec Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Quinn’s Plumbing & Heating -see ad pg. 58 Sarbecnat Plumbing & Heating -see ad pg. 57 True North Heating & Cooling Inc. PAGE 57 780-939-6533 PAGE 57, 58 780-572-5726 780-459-5999 780-970-2777 780-939-3141 780-939-7740 780-939-7744 780-459-2849 780-961-2588 780-448-9336 780-939-4217 780-918-6033 780-569-4100 PRINTING Hunter’s Print & Copy -see ad back cover 780-939-8882 OFFICE SUPPLIES PAGE 88 Hunters Print & Copy Shop-see ad back cover 780-939-8882 Staples780-709-2258 PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Sunshine Promotions The Trophy Wife 780-458-3588 780-939-2400 OILFIELD SERVICES Cal-Scan Services Ltd. Kerr Technical Services Inc. PROPANE Canwest Propane Partnership 780-465-7820 780-944-1377 780-924-3125 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PAGE 88 Notre Dame Apartments Professional Realty Group Trade Development 100 Block 780-572-3268 780-939-2772 780-238-7663 PSYCHOLOGY Psychsupport Services 780-237-6283 PUMPS — WATER & SEWER Jaguar Water & Sewer Services Ltd. Redlac Pump Service Ltd. 780-470-0541 780-939-4944 REAL ESTATE Professional Realty Group Re/MAX Real Estate -see ad pg. 59 Royal LePage Premier Realty PAGE 58 780-939-2772 780-939-1111 780-939-3616 RECREATIONAL Dance Connection 780-939-5414 Rooke School of Karate Fish & Game Association and add see ad pg 35 780 939-2587 RESORTS & RETREATS Lily Lake Village Resort 1-800-921-3441 RESTAURANTS/FAST FOOD PAGE 86 A&W780-939-4785 Amanda’s Pizza 780-939-4445 Chef’s Pizza & Pasta 780-939-3907 Or 780-572-2433 Coach’s Corner Sports Bar 780-939-2205 Dominos Pizza 780-939-7714 Friends & Neighbours Family Restaurant 780-939-3255 Golden Szechuan 780-939-2650 Green Bean Coffee House & Bistro 780-939-6564 Higher Grounds Espresso Bar 780-939-5154 Kelly’s Deli and Bakery 780-939-6618 KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken 780-939-7189 Morinville Subway 780-939-4455 Pizza Hut 780-572-4900 Rednex Bar & Grill Ltd. 780-939-6955 Sal’s Famous Donairs & Pizza 780-939-5666 Smokehouse and Bar BQ 780-572-1800 Tasty Vending 780-951-2950 Tim Horton’s -see ad pg. 86 780-939-4452 White Rose Diner 780-939-6011 RETAIL/SHOPPING CX Shooters Supply Hunter’s Print & Copy -see ad back cover Mac’s Convenience Store Morinville Sports Neighbors Vitamin Shop Pleather to Leather Sacred Stones Jewellery Sacred 45 PAGE 88 780- 939-5593 780-939-8882 780-939-3377 780-572-3456 780-572-1011 780-572-2431 [email protected] 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce RV PARTS, SALES & SERVICE RV City -see ad pg. 60 Total RV Servicing Ltd.-see ad pg. 60 PAGE 60 780-939-2900 780-939-3998 RV STORAGE Morinville RV Park & Campground Toll Free: Wagging Tails Pet Resort & RV Storage -see ad pg. 58 PAGE 58 780-939-6040 780-418-3000 780-939-6977 SCHOOLS Bon Accord Community 780-921-3559 Camilla780-939-2074 Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School 780-939-4020 Georges H Primeau School 780-939-3593 Georges P. Vanier 780-942-2901 Gibbons School 780-923-2240 Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division 780-459-7711 Guthrie780-973-3111 Landing Trail School 780-923-2898 Legal School 780-923-2898 Lillian Schick School 780-921-2200 Morinville Community High School 780-939-6891 Morinville Learning Centre 780-921-2200 Morinville Public School 780-939-3445 Namao School 780-973-9191 Notre Dame Elementary School 780-939-4020 Ochre Park School 780-942-2901 Redwater780-942-3625 Sturgeon Composite High 780-973-3230 Sturgeon Heights 780-459-3990 Sturgeon Learning Centre 780-923-2443 SECONDHAND STORES Midstream Support Society & Thrift Store 780-939-3953 SECURITY Bolen's Survival Inc. 780-572-2603 SENIORS HOUSING/SERVICES PAGE 51 Aspen House 780-939-7482 Heritage Place Seniors Lodge 780-939-3212 Meals on Wheels 780-939-3212 Senior Errand Services 587-337-6883 Senior Snow Removal 780-939-7833 Seniors' Rendez-Vous Centre 780-939-2727 Sturgeon Foundation Senior’s Supportive Housing -see ad pg. 51 780-939-5116 Volunteer Income Tax Program 780-939-7833 SIGNS/DECALS Abcor Signs & Graphics Hunter’s Print & Copy -see ad back cover PAGE 88 780-939-2891 780-939-8882 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 45 STATIONARY SUPPLIES PAGE 88 Hunter’s Print & Copy -see ad back cover 780-939-8882 Staples780-709-2258 VETERINARY SERVICES Animal Wellness Veterinary Clinic Morinville Veterinary Clinic -see ad pg. 57 Sturgeon River Veterinary Group PAGE 57 780-939-4419 780-939-3133 780-939-3133 VISION CARE Capital Vision Care Morinville -see ad pg. 58 PAGE 58 780-939-4720 WASTE DISPOSAL Calahoo Waste Disposal Roseridge Landfill Roseridge Waste Management Services Stand-Stone Waste Disposal 780-915-7814 780-939-5678 780-939-5678 780-967-4450 WELDING Craig's Welding Ltd. Wildcat Welding and Repair 780-939-4584 780-293-5671 780-939-3355 WOODWORKERS Guenther's Fine Woodwork Heirloom Woodworking Ltd. 780-939-5634 780-699-7970 PAGE 50 780-460-4444 FAVORITE NUMBERS STORAGE Morinville Self Storage -see ad pg. 61 Picadili Storage PAGE 61 780-939-6262 780-554-0020 TAXI Aaron Taxi Service 780-460-4444 TAXIDERMY Droptine Taxidermy 780-939-6894 TIRE CENTRES – AGRICULTURAL & COMMERCIAL Kenny’s Mobile Tire Services Inc. 780-975-5189 Roadrunners Tirecraft Commercial 780-939-3188 Tirecraft Auto Center 780-939-4250 TOWING Roadrunners Towing & Transportation TRANSPORT Aaron Taxi BD Girard’s Trucking & Bobcat Ltd. -see ad pg. 50 780-818-7247 TRAVEL AGENT Destiny Travel -see ad pg. 61 Escape TravelPlus PAGE 61 780-939-5737 780-939-5865 TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIRS Roadrunners Tirecraft Commercial 46 780-939-3188 UTILITIES Altagas Utilities Altagas Utilities Inc. 24 Hr. Emer Serv Altagas Utilities Inc. Gas line Location Altagas Utilities Inc General Inquiry 780-939-2430 1-866-222-2068 1-800-242-3447 1-866-222-2067 VACUUM SERVICES Rene’s Vacuum Service Inc. -see ad pg. 61 Or PAGE 61 780-349-2711 780-961-3064 VEGETABLE/FRUIT U-PICK Berry Ridge Farm Tours Coronado Saskatoon E.L.K.S. Vegetable & Berry Farm Larkspur Gardens Legal Agricultural Tours Morinville Hutterite Colony Prairie Gardens & Greenhouses T & D's Organic Saskatoon Berries 780-467-6992 780-942-4146 780-460-2499 780-942-2553 780-961-3665 780-939-2118 780-921-2272 780-939-7161 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce We Care About Your Future! Compliments of Fair Accounting & Tax Services Locally Owned and Operated With Pride Since 2008 • Personal & Corporate Bookkeeping • Accounting and Tax • Simply Accounting & QuickBooks Consultants (780) 939-4674 10006 - 103rd Street Morinville, AB T8R 1R7 Ph. 780.939.5050 Fax 780.939.6779 OFFICE HOURS Monday & Friday 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Extended hours available by appointment 9815 - 100 St, Morinville, AB COME TO MORINVILLE & DISTRICT TRADE SHOW APRIL 22/23 CALL THE CHAMBER OFFICE 780-939-9462 FOR MORE INFORMATION MORINVILLE MUNICIPAL JOANNE DUNBAR MANAGER SEED CLEANING CO-OP LTD ph. 780.939.4021 fax. 780.939.2605 www.seed.ab.ca/plants/Morinville 9407 - 100 Street [email protected] Morinville, AB 47 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 47 RON HODGSON "For your next Brand New or Certified Pre-owned car, truck or SUV, visit Ron Hodgson Chevrolet Buick GMC," Serving the surrounding area since 1978 Quick Oil changes on most makes and models. Over 400 vehicles in stock! 780-458-7100 www.ronhodgson.com Do you have Credit Challenges? Call our Speciality Finance Department Apply 2 Drive 1-888-934-3434 48 48 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR RV SALES, SERVICE, PARTS & CAMPING ACCESSORIES! Located in the Morinville Business Park. NEW OWNERS - LOCALLY Across from Tim Hortons. 55317 Rge Rd 254 Sturgeon County, AB OWNED AND OPERATED 8805 100 ST, 8704 - 100th St., Morinville, ABMorinville 780-939-1034 • 780-939-2900 •(Drop 1-888-438-8588 • 780-939-4656 in for an oil change and head next door for a coffee while we work) One mile west on RQB Road from Hwy 2 and 1/2 mile south NEW & USED VEHICLE SALES, PARTS & SERVICE DEPT stalberthonda.ca 780-458-0800 875 St. Albert Trail, 2 blocks South of Costco 49 MORINVILLE DENS CONTRACTING [email protected] Dennis Anselmo Dennis Anselmo Owner 10006-103 Street, Morinville, Alberta T8R 1R7 780-939-2821 CELL (780) (780) DEN (780) PH FAX (780) FAX (780) Here to meet all your banking needs! We are pleased to provide you with the following services: · Business Account and Personal Account set-up · · Access to Mortgage Specialists · · Same day deposits, withdrawals, and transfers · · CAD and USD Bank Drafts · · Bill Payments · · Cheque Orders · · Debit Card set-up and replacements · · MasterCard Applications · · USD Currency · · Cheque Certification · · Referrals for Loans and Investor Services · · All new customers and ATB inter-branch customers are welcome · New hours as of February 1st, 2016 will be: Monday................................ 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM Tuesday................................ 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM Thursday........ AM – 5:00 PM 2016 -Wednesday Morinville & &District Chamber of9:30 Commerce Friday................................... 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM 50 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Owner 916 916 939 939 939 4251 4251 3565 2730 2730 BOBCAT BOBCATSERVICE SERVICE POST HOLES GENERAL SNOWFCLEARING POST HOLES GENERAL SERVICESERVICE SNOW CLEARING ENCES/DECKS www.grdmulching.ca www.sturgeonfoundation.ca ox #3096, 9922-103 Street, Morinville AB T8R 1R7 780-939-5116 Vision: Phone: 780-939-5116 Sturgeon Foundation is a provincially recognized leader in the provision of supportive living for seniors and others in need. Progressive, innovative and customer-focused, the Foundation provides quality facilities, programs and services. Website: www.sturgeonfoundation.ca Mission Statement Mission: To provide affordable, supportive living for seniors and other clients within a respectful and secure social environment. fordable, supportive living for seniors and other clients Independent & supportive living is a in awonderful respectful and secure social alternative, providing theenvironment. privacy of your own residence without living alone. 50 Years of Serving Our Communities! Serving Communities: Bon Accord, Gibbons, Legal, Morinville, Redwater, St. Albert & Sturgeon County Proud to be a partner of the Morinville Business Community • Grain Lodge Systems • Pre-engineered ateau Sturgeon for four years. This family,•very clean,Builders great meals, and Metal we Design Buildings mecare. The Program Coordinator keeps e is nowhere else I would rather live! Ph. 780.939.3000 Fx. 780.939.3241 ard - Chateau Sturgeon - Legal E. [email protected] & 8902 - 95 St. Morinville,AB T8R 1K7 Circulating over 4,000 copies in Morinville every Wednesday The food is tasty, the staff are pleasant and families are respected and welcome at the lodge. I have lived here for five years and I enjoy it very much. ECES PLACEMENT AGENCY IMMIGRATION SERVICES Marlene Curry - Spruce View Manor Gibbons For -advertising We specialize in placing nannies, caregivers and temporary foreign workers and all immigration services available in Canada. Cell:780-667-8786 y where I was lonesome or didn’t like it. o be. Just perfect.www.ecesplacement.com Tell everyone I like it dn’t move in sooner. 51e-mail: 2016 [email protected] Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce information please call 780.460.5502 Discover The Lakes in Morinville Family Dentistry Morinville Dental Clinic Family Family Dentistry Dentistry Dr. Ross Horricks Dr. Ross Ross Horricks Dr. Horricks Dr. Tamara Brown Dr. Tamara Brennan Lafleur Dr. Brown Dr. Alex Brown Dr. Tim Barter Dr. Alex Brown 780-939-5224 Phone780-939-5224 780-939-5224 Phone - 100 Street Street Morinville AB AB 9701A-100 Morinville 9701A - 100 Street Morinville AB Hours: : Hours: Monday & Wednesday ay &Monday Wednesday Wednesday 8 a.m. - 8&p.m. - 8 8p.m. a.m. - 8 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday 8Thursday a.m. - 4&p.m. Thursday ay &Tuesday a.m. - 4 p.m. - 4 8p.m. Friday 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Friday 52 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Dr. Percy Tomita Dr. E.J. Ha 780-939-2500 Welcome New Patients We are a family friendly, patient oriented dental office offering a wide range of dental services. We continually update our skills and technology to provide all of our clients with the best possible care. We strive to make your dental appointment a positive and enjoyable experience. And, yes, we do cater to cowards. Restorative & Cosmetic • Dentures • Emergency Appointments • Mouth Guards • Checkup & Cleanings Root Canals • Extractions • Specialist Referrals • TMJ & Sleep Apnea Screening • Vector III Orthodontics MORINVILLE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Chiropractic care for the whole family 9707 100 Street Morinville, AB T8R1R3 Phone: (780) 939-3399 Fax: (780) 939-2540 RENTALS FARM EQUPMENT Braking Dik (10’ & 26’) Moer ACREAGE EQUIPMENT Hay Rake Trencher Grain Vac Aerator Tiller FOR EVERYONE Auger All kind of Trailer Tractor aachent Pot Pounder Call us today 780-265-2437 est 1995 Kenneling dogs & cats Breeder of Quality Labradors Kenneling Since 1995 Vaccination Certificate Required Year Round Boarding All Breed Grooming Owned & Operated By Retired Military Heated Indoor Runs Large Outside Exercise Runs Tel: (780) 939-6977 RR1 Morinville, AB T8R 1P4 www.waggingtails.ca Located 8km West of Morinville on Hwy 642 & South 1.5 km on RR262 South of Cardiff Golf Course (Range Road 251) DELIVERY AVAILABLE Investors Group Financial Services Inc. 780-939-3994 Give yourself peace of mind with the right coverage for you. Whether your goal is to protect your home, your vehicle or your family’s financial future, you can count on us for the coverage that fits your needs. Call us today! Gaudry Financial Services Ltd. Michael Gaudry CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional Certified Professional Consultant on Aging® email: [email protected] 10308 - 100 Ave. Morinville 780-939-6111 9703A - 100 Street Morinville, AB T8R 1R3 Joel Chevalier, B.A., B.Ed. Financial Consultant [email protected] INVESTORS GROUP OFFERS: • INVESTMENT PLANNING • RETIREMENT PLANNING • TAX PLANNING • INSURANCE • MORTGAGE PLANNING • CASH MANAGEMENT • ESTATE PLANNING • BROKERAGE SERVICES (Brokerage services offered through Investors Group Securities Inc.) Home 2016 Auto- Morinville Life Investments Group Business Farm Travel & District Chamber of Commerce Insurance products and services distributed through I.G. Insurance Services Inc. Insurance license sponsored by The Great-West Life Assurance Company. 53 53 The Olive Tree floral & decor W or ks ho ps t ris o Fl 780-939-4292 We d morinvilleflowers.ca 100-9921 - 101 Street Morinville, AB din gs • Monday 12-5 • Tuesday - Friday 10-5 • Saturday 10-4 • Sunday Closed • New Owner: Carla Lamontagne (Formerly The Yorkshire Rose) • Delivery within Morinville and district [email protected] BE SURE TO NOMINATE YOUR FAVOURITE BUSINESS FOR THE MORINVILLE & DISTRICT BUSINESS AWARDS. NOMINATIONS DUE OCTOBER 1ST CALL THE CHAMBER OFFICE 780-939-9462 FOR MORE INFORMATION MLA BARRHEAD-MORINVILLE-WESTLOCK GLENN VAN DIJKEN Constituency Offices – Barrhead (main) 5106 - 50 Street, Barrhead, AB Phone: 780-674-3225 Fax: (780) 674-6183 [email protected] Mailing Address Box 4250, Barrhead, AB, Canada T7N 1A4 Follow us on We treat all injuries, accidents and everyday aches & pains... We’re here for when it won’t go away on its own! At Morinville Physical Therapy we are dedicated and excited to become an integral part of your health and community. We are proud to be located in the town of Morinville and look forward to the opportunity to serve the community and surrounding neighborhoods. We look forward to working with you to achieve your personal health and rehabilitative goals. as P h y s i ca l T h e ra p y • M I n t r a m u s cu la r St sa ge ! ( I M S) py io n era at Th ul py e re 54 ra n ur o T ct and m is e he A cu p u im E x e rc We support our troops 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Tel. 780•939•5150 Fax. 888•509•6711 www.morinvillephysio.com Unit 17, 8807-100st, Morinville, AB, T8R1V5 ATLAS PREMIUM HOME DEVELOPMENT ‘‘Quality built homes that include all the little things’’ ATLAS PHD Showroom located at: #113, 9918-100 Street Morinville (780) 719-3757 www.atlaspremiumhomes.ca FREE 3D Design Consultation Canadian Home builder’s Association Here. For you. Business ASSURED™ ASSURED™ Count on Drayden to tailor risk reducing services to suit your needs. DR J Insurance HOME – AUTO – COMMERCIAL – FARM – ACREAGE A Customized approach offering solutions that work for your business. • • • • • • • Building Owners Oil & Gas Services Transportation Contractors Agriculture Manufacturing & Processing Retail/Wholesale Morinville * 9612 – 100 St (780) 939.3600 (800) 463.2300 toll free 780-939-6638 St. Albert * (780) 459.7700 1-866-939-6638 Edmonton (780) 482.6300 Fort Saskatchewan (780) 998.2277 www.jdrins.com Spruce Grove * 962.5900 5900 (780) 962. Stony Plain (780) 963.2000 Leduc (780) 986.1230 Westlock * (866) 349.5700 * Registry Services offered Over 45 years of serving Edmonton and Area drayden.com 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 9805 - 100 St. Morinville, Alberta 55 55 EDMONTON 200 West Tower Coronation Plaza 14310 - 111 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3Z7 Phone: 780.452.6300 Fax: 780.452.4351 MORINVILLE 10201 - 100 Ave. Morinville, AB T8R 1P9 Phone: 780.939.2048 Fax: 780.939.2098 Toll free: 1.800.610.5850 Email: [email protected] Website: www.pkfirm.ca REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Residential, Commercial and Farm Sales, Purchases, Leases, Mortgages Rent-to-Own Agreements CORPORATE/COMMERCIAL Incorporation/Shareholder and Partnership Agreements and Dispute Resolution/Purchase and Sale of Business/Secured Transactions FAMILY LAW Matrimonial Property Litigation Divorce/Separation/Custody Support/Access/Adoption COME TO THE MORINVILLE & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOLF TOURNAMENT JULY 11TH AT CARDIFF GOLF COURSE. CALL THE CHAMBER OFFICE 780-939-9462 FOR MORE INFORMATION WILLS, ESTATES AND ELDER LAW Wills/Estates Administration and Litigation/Trusts/Dependent Adult Act Applications/Power of Attorney Personal Directives Estate and Succession Planning CIVIL LITIGATION Fatality and Personal Injury Claims Construction Litigation Bankruptcy Wrongful Dismissal Occupier’s Liability/Debt Collection Life and Disability Insurance Claims Property Loss Insurance Claims CRIMINAL LAW Youth Charges Impaired Driving Traffic Safety Act Charges Serving Edmonton, Morinville and Area since 1987 Morinville Massage Therapy Inc. PH: 780-939-2001 Claudia Ricard R.M.T Owned/Operated Since 1996 FAX: 780-939-6105 Registered Massage Therapist Master 9702 – 100Reiki Street, CertifiedAB FootT8R Reflexologist Morinville, 1G3 Registered with N.H.P.C Approved by all Insurances Real Estate Wills & Estates Massage Family Law Reflexology Corporate Reiki Colour Energy® Colour Therapy www.putnamlawson.com CALL 780-939-2001 Phone: 780.903.5429 Proudly Serving Morinville, Gibbons, Sturgeon County, and Area 56 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Web site: www.morinvillemassagetherapyinc.ca P.O. Box 3019, Morinville, AB, T8R 1R9 - Ich spreche auch Deutsch - PROVIDING COMPASSIONATE PROFESSIONAL CARE FOR YOUR DOGS, CATS AND OTHER SMALL COMPANION ANIMALS Specializing in: Preventative and Medical Care Spay and Neuter, Vaccines and Microchips Laboratory and X-Ray Services Surgical Services Pet Dentistry Boarding Lodge for Dogs and Cats Grooming (walk-in Nail Trims) Dog/Cat Adoptions Pet Nutrition and Supplies House calls available by appointment Open 7 days a week with evening and holiday appointments available MORINVILLE VETERINARY CLINIC 9804-90 Avenue, Morinville AB (780) 939-3133 Toll Free 1-877-939-3133 www.Morinvillevet.com JOIN US OCTOBER 27TH, FOR OUR GALA AND AWARDS NIGHT. THEME “CANADA – OUR TRUE NORTH – STRONG AND FREE” CALL THE CHAMBER OFFICE 780-939-9462 FOR MORE INFORMATION Viscount Painting and Decorating • Commercial • Residential • Industrial • Texturing FREE ESTIMATES! Frank Preeper [email protected] Ph: 780-939-4307 Cell: 780-983-9285 If it’s important to you ... it’s important to us! rt of the Morinville Community... Part of of the the Morinville Community... Part Morinville Community... nce Pipeline operates a 3,700 kilometre natural gas pipeline Alliance Pipeline operates kilometre natural pipeline market. m from northeast Britisha 3,700 Columbia into thegas Chicago system from northeast British Columbia into the Chicago market.natural gas pipeline Alliance Pipeline operatesstations a 3,700 kilometre of the mainline compressor is located near Morinville, One14 of the 14 mainline compressor stations is located near Morinville, system from northeast British Columbia into the Chicago market. s theandbase employees. is thefor basetwelve for twelve employees. Morinville Community... One of the 14 mainline compressor stations is located near Morinville, We live and work natural in this community. a 3,700 gas pipeline ive and kilometre work in this community. and is the base for twelve employees. tish Columbia into the Chicago market. www.alliancepipeline.com mpressor stations located We live andiswork innear thisMorinville, community. .alliancepipeline.com employees. s community. www.alliancepipeline.com 57 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 57 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE PLUMBING HEATING • • • • • • DrainCleaning&VideoInspection RootTreatment&DrainMaintenance SumpPumps&Alarms WaterSofteners&Filters HotWaterTanks Repairs&Renos • • • • FurnaceRepairs&Replacements BoilerRepairs&Replacements Humidifiers&Filters IndoorAirQualitySpecialists 780.939.4217 For 40 years! years! For over over 35 Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 9923 - 101 Street quinnsplumbing.com YOUR RESIDENTIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE EXPERTS. WAGGING TAILS RV STORAGE LTD. est 1995 Top 10 Reasons to Choose Us 1 - owner lives on property 2 - 24 hr full surveillance system 3 - full 6ft high fenced yard 4 - keypad entry system (your personal access) 5 - individual stalls (so nobody backs into your unit) 6 - owner pride in facility 7 - owned by retired military 8 - store units up to 34 ft long 9 - store trailers , boats ,and whatever you consider your RV. 10 - call for very competitive pricing (we don’t nickle & dime) Now offering in and out access and year round storage 58 Tel: 780•939•6977 RR1 Morinville, AB, T8R1P4 www.waggingtails.ca 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce A Personalized Eye Care Experience For Your Entire Family. Dr. Kim Bugera | Dr. Amy McLeod | Dr. Christine Russo Dr. Femida Visnani | Dr. Alison Weisbeck 780.939.4720 9803 100 Street | www.capitalvisioncare.ca REAL ESTATE Choose R REAL ESTATE MORINVILLE www.remax-realestate-morinville.ca 780-939-1111 LIST and SELL more than ALL of our We 55.7% 56.5% 0.8 0.4 0.2 R REAL ESTATE 0.6 ® R Morinville / Cardiff Market Share for January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 based in whole or in part on information supplied by the Realtors Association of Edmonton 0.0 59 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce REAL ESTATE 1.0 COMPETITORS COMBINED Each office is independently owned and operated. Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 59 YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR RV SALES, SERVICE, PARTS & CAMPING ACCESSORIES! Located in the Morinville Business Park. Across from Tim Hortons. 8704 - 100th St., Morinville, AB • 780-939-2900 • 1-888-438-8588 • All your RV & Trailer ~ Service & Repairs ~ Hitches~ ~ Enclosed & Horse Trailer ~ ~ Customizing & Servicing ~ ~Flat Deck Trailer Service ~ NEW & USED VEHICLE SALES, PARTS & SERVICE DEPT 56103 Rge Rd 253, Sturgeon780-458-0800 County, AB stalberthonda.ca Just north of Morinville on 100 Street 60 ph.875 780-939-3998 780-939-5421 ~ [email protected] St. Albert fax Trail, 2 blocks South of Costco Electronic Gate 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. All fenced and secured (Resident lives on property) Office Hours: Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Emergency 9803 - 90 Ave. Morinville, AB 780-939-6262 [email protected] / [email protected] alberta-ministorage.ca Please call Jenna at 780-218-5362 Also offering RV Storage RENE’S VACUUM SERVICE INC For All Your Vacuum Truck Needs • Vacuum Trucks/Combo Unit • Oilfield Turnarounds • Septic Tank Cleaning • Industrial Steamer • Sumps/Pits/Car Washes • Hydro Excavating • Portable Toilet Rentals Edmonton Direct 780-460-8200 • Legal 780-961-3064 • Westlock 780-349-2711 www.renesvacuum.com Serving Your Community for Over 40 Years 61 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 61 Legal- Listings ACCOUNTING Abacon Accounting Ltd. Trem Wheat Accounting Services 780-961-3508 780-236-4466 AGRICULTURE/FARMS/FLORISTS Haystack Farm Legal Alfalfa Products Ltd. Petals n’ Possiblities Sturgeon Valley Fertilizers Ltd. 780-961-3276 780-961-3958 780-565-2458 780-961-3088 ARTS Jak Jak Art Services Missanabie Fine Art 780-499-0421 780-961-7638 AUTOMOTIVE & SMALL ENGINE SERVICES Cyr’s Small Engine G & J Mechanics Hachey Auto Salvage & Repair Legal Motors LTD. Legal Small Engine Phil’s Custom Paint & Body Vimy Diesel Injection Inc. 780-961-3041 780-961-3800 780-921-2397 780-961-3600 780-961-3681 780-721-0779 780-961-2199 BANKING/FINANCES Investors Group - Dianna Stang Servus Credit Union 780-915-0122 780-961-3951 BEAUTY & WELL-BEING Hair by Terri L.A. Looks Spark Cosmetics 587-987-8902 780-961-3899 780-267-3042 BOTTLE DEPOT Legal Bottle Depot 780-961-3003 BUILDERS Maison Thibault Ltd. 780-961-3156 CAR SALES Legal Motors LTD. 780-961-3600 CAR WASHES C&L Car & Truck Wash 780-961-3256 (cell) 780-686-1848 CATERERS Premium Food Services 780-801-0887 CLEANERS ABC Cleaning 780-995-2366 COMPUTER & IT PROFESSIONALS Syzygy Research and Technology 780-961-2213 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS Laforce Construction (1984) LTD. Maison Thibault Ltd. M Plant Masonry 780-467-7189 780-961-3156 780-965-5787 EDUCATION École Citadelle 780-961-3557 Legal School 780-961-3791 Ecole Alexandre-Tache780-458-4878 Morinville Community High School780-939-6891 62 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Legal Preschool Association Prematernelle la Petite Ecole Sturgeon School Division 780-961-3325 780-961-3557 780-939-4341 ELECTRICIANS Legal Electric (1986) Ltd. 780-961-2403 EXCAVATING & LANDSCAPING Jencourt Bobcat Service 780-961-4055 FUEL & OIL SALES Legal Co-op Petroleum Div. 780-961-3766 FUNERAL HOMES Remco Memorials780-961-3850 Sturgeon Memorial Funeral Chapel780-921-3900 FURNACE REPAIRS & REPLACEMENT A-1 Heating Ltd780-572-5726 LTD Heating780-961-2588 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Laurier Charrois 780-961-3286 GIFTS GROCERIES Legal Super Mart 780-961-3332 GLASS REPAIR Advanced Glass Inc 780-961-2276 HALL RENTALS Club 60 Roses Centralta Community Centre 780-961-3877 780-961-3665 HEALTH CARE Associate Medical Clinic - Morinville Isagenix - Health & Wellness Sturgeon Hospital, St. Albert 780-939-4536 780-719-0146 780-460-6200 HOME INSPECTIONS IKA Home Inspection 780-999-2857 HOME REPAIR AND RENOVATION Sun Insulators & Roofing Transition Roofing Ltd. Yellowhead Painting & Decorating Plant Masonry Surface Revival 780-961-2581 780-238-2308 780-961-2457 780-965-5787 780-246-7729 HOTELS Legal Hotel 780-961-3117 INSURANCE AND REGISTRIES Legal Insurance Registries 780-961-3137 INTERNET Clearwave MCS Net - High Speed Internet 1-866-342-3537 1-866-390-3928 LANDFILL Roseridge Landfill 780-939-5678 LAWN CARE Busy Kids Yard Care 780-884-6701 LIQUOR STORES Legal Liquor Store LTD. Legal Liquor Warehouse Big Mouth McGee’s Legal Hotel Slamming Door Cafe 780-961-2491 780-961-3117 780-961-3667 780-961-3163 780-961-2515 SATELLITE Star Alliance/Shaw Direct 780-961-3006 MANUFACTURING AND MACHINE SHOPS ARD Precision Mechanical Ltd. DRP Industries Ltd. Forquith Holdings Ltd. Legal Machine & Welding R&D Machine Works 780-819-3876 780-961-2221 780-961-3994 780-961-3444 780-265-1487 SENIOR CITIZEN’S HOUSING Chateau Sturgeon Senior Citizen’s Home Sunset & Sunrise Villas - Self Contained Units 780-961-3972 780-961-3972 MASSAGE THERAPY Carmen Jubinville Reiki Practitioner Spirit Harbour Massage 780-289-9296 780-961-241 SHOPPING/ STORES Avon - Tamara George Drap Sante - Sweet Sleep Health Sheets Legal Super Mart Mary Kay Simply Sewing by Ciynthia Mann Sunnyside Fruit and Vegetables Tanita’s 1 Stop Convenience Store Watkins by Pauline West Legal Upholstery 780-961-3882 780-457-0291 780-961-3332 780-721-1388 780-961-3121 780-961-2171 780-961-3001 780-961-3923 780-961-2494 SNOW REMOVAL JenCourt Bobcat Services Wally Hartfelder Trucking 780-961-4055 780-961-2412 SPECIALTY FOODS Mizalee’s Old-Tyme Dairy Saloon Neighbors Vitamin Shop The Honey Pot Farm 780-903-3050 780-572-1011 780-702-0947 ORGANIZATIONS ACFA Centralta 780-961-3665 Catholic Woman’s League 780-961-2194 Community Music Initiatives 1-877-413-4810 Conseil de Developpement Economique de L’Alberta 1-877-413-4810 Legal Lions Club 780-961-3223 Legal Minor Ball Association 780-405-0482 Legal Soccer Club 780-965-2396 Morinvillenews.com780-800-3619 Sturgeon Foundation 780-939-5116 Town of Legal 780-961-3773 Volunteer Resource Association of Legal 780-961-3041 PHOTOGRAPHERS Red Daisy - Mobile Photography 780-554-3122 PLUMBERS GM Sebastian - Nationwide Home Service Corp. Quinns Plumbing & Heating 780-966-3773 780-939-4217 POST OFFICE Canada Post 780-961-4111 PRINTING/OFFICE SERVICES Cybernetic Innovations Hunters Print & Copy 780-701-5234 780-939-8882 REAL ESTATE Canadian Real Estate Remax - Darren Stang 780-961-3500 780-203-9999 RECREATION FACILITIES Legal Arena Legal Arena Concession Legal Curling Club 780-961-3063 780-961-3063 780-961-3767 RECYCLING Ever Green Ecological Services Legal Bottle Depot 780-242-7227 780-961-3003 REFRIGERATION CIMCO Refrigeration 780-468-1490 RESTAURANTS New Diamond Restaurant Bon Appetit Restaurant 780-961-4035 780-961-3334 STORAGE Legal Self Storage Inc. Toll Free: 780-961-4050 1-866-963-2468 TOURISM/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Growth Alberta 780-674-3140 TRUCKING Badger Truck Parts Ltd. Cen-Alta Oilfield Trucking Darcy Brisson Trucking Ltd. D&K Earthworks Inc. Don Witter Trucking Hebear Trucking Proveneal Trucking Ltd. Wally Hartfelder Trucking 780-961-3334 780-961-4148 780-961-4196 780-777-4610 780-961-3230 780-939-6212 780-961-2070 780-961-2412 VACUUM TRUCK SERVICE Rene’s Vacuum Services Inc. 780-961-3064 WELDING SERVICE C. Hennessy Maintenance Service Legal Machine & Welding 780-961-4153 780-961-3444 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 63 “The Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce works with a dedicated committee of volunteers to edit your Telus listings. However, should you find any errors with your listing, please let us know. Morinville & District Chamber Members are printed in red as of Feb 1st, 2016.” A-1 Heating 780-572-5726 A Touch of Honey 780-690-1435 A Touch of Paradise Massage Therapy 780-939-3399 A&A Bobcat Services Ltd. 780-939-3863 A&A Trenching 780-471-3853 A&S Sim Interiors 780-939-2723 A&W 780-939-4785 Aardvark Tub & Shower 780-571-0361 Aaron Taxi 780-460-4444 AB Design Inc. 780-939-3714 AB’L Auto Electric Ltd. 780-939-4656 Abaco Plastering & Stucco Ltd 780-939-5715 Abacus Concrete 780-915-8964 Abacus Enterprises Inc. 780-939-5395 Abbott J&L 780-572-2276 Abbott M & R 780-939-3777 Abcor Signs & Graphics Inc. 780-939-2891 Abiel Homes Ltd. 780-497-1326 Aboriginal mall 780-517-1101 About Kids Daycare 780-939-7500 Abraham M 780-939-7506 Abundant Living 780-939-6332 Access Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 780-459-5999 Accra Mechanical Ltd. 780-939-5398 Acfa Régionale de Centralta 780-961-3665 Achtymichuk Robert & Lena 780-939-6246 Acres C 780-939-0459 Action Furnace 780-970-2777 Action Moving 780-939-5930 Adam Jacques 780-939-7373 Adams Al 780-939-2813 Adams Cassandra 780-939-6223 Adamthwaite K 780-939-2087 Adler Neal 780-939-3356 Adler Neal 780-939-3980 Adsit Douglas 780-939-7461 Advance Glass Inc. 780-961-2276 Advanced Glass 780-961-2276 After Eight Flooring Inc. 780-454-2481 Agnew J. 780-939-5386 Agterbos C. 780-939-0425 Aitkin G. 780-939-2604 Akle G. 780-939-6440 Akle M. 780-939-4268 Al-Anon780-721-0436 Alberta Communications 780-496-7658 Alberta Health Services 780-342-2600 Alberta Health Services 780-939-3388 Or 780-939-3346 If busy call 780-939-2836 Alberta One -Call 1-800-242-3447 Alberta SuperNet 1-866-773-3348 Albert’s Albert’s Family Restaurant 780-939-7272 Alcoholics Anonymous 780-424-5900 Alcomdale Hall 780-939-2291 Alderman D. 780-939-5005 Alderman L. 780-939-4104 Aldous C&M 780-939-3999 Aldous Keane 780-939-4297 Alexander Band 780-939-5887 OR 780-939-6412 64 Alexander Band Public Works 780-939-6102 Alexander Boy’s Home 780-939-7544 Alexander Community Hall 780-939-0157 Alexander Day Care Centre 780-939-4226 Alexander Elder’s Home 780-939-5573 Alexander First Nation 780-939-3179 Alexander First Nation Economic Developement 780-939-4757 Alexander First Nation Head Start 780-939-5597 Alexander First Nation Medicentre 780-939-2718 Alexander J. 780-939-2923 Alexander J. 780-939-3602 Alexander Resource Centre 780-939-5270 Alexis Steak & Pizza 780-939-5668 Alexis Steak & Pizza Ltd. 780-939-5668 Alfonso-Keiser Sandy 780-939-5583 All Complete Excavating Corp. 780-271-0922 Allain Nicholas 780-572-3334 Allan Alex H. 780-939-2137 Allan Lillian 780-572-3114 Allan Miles 780-939-4856 Allard E. 780-939-9938 Allen C V 780-939-5695 Allen C V 780-939-5692 Allen K 780-939-6473 Allen Patricia 780-939-4626 Allen R & K 780-939-6460 Allen R. 780-939-2883 Alley Robin 780-939-5776 Alliance Pipeline Limited 780-939-6533 All-Star Landscaping Services Ltd. 780-987-8099 Allstate780-460-7546 Allstate Insurance 780-460-7546 Alquinn Homes 780-962-1046 Altagas Utilities 780-939-2430 Altagas Utilities Inc. 24 Hr. Emer Serv 1-866-222-2068 Altagas Utilities Inc. Gas line Location 1-800-242-3447 Altagas Utilities Inc. General Inquiry 1-866-222-2067 Altmiks R 780-939-2292 Altrac Equipment Services 780-939-3582 Amanada’s Pizza 780-939-4445 Amanda’s Pizza 780-939-4445 Ambulance911 Ammar J&E 780-572-4036 Ammerschruber J. 780-939-3235 Amos J. 780-939-3518 Amoyotte R & J 780-939-3967 Anderson A. 780-939-6062 Anderson B. 780-939-5932 Anderson C. 780-939-6565 Anderson K & L 780-939-3017 Anderson M. 780-939-2119 Anderson M. 780-939-3985 Anderson S. 780-939-5232 Anderson Vicki 780-572-4048 Andrew Webb Carpentry 780-966-2311 Andrews N & M 780-939-2269 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Anfield B R Angus Guy P. Anhel D W Anhel T&J Animal Wellness Veterinary Clinic Anselmo Dennis Anselmo Micheal Anslow D & R Anthony S. Antonsen J. Arbour Guy Arbour Leo Arcand Al Arcand Anita Arcand Anita Arcand Annette Arcand Arin Arcand Audra Arcand B. Arcand B. Arcand C. Arcand C. Arcand C. Arcand C. Arcand Carmen Arcand Clarence Arcand Cory Arcand D. Arcand Darcy Arcand Diamond Arcand Donald Arcand Doris Arcand E. Arcand Edward J. Arcand Ernest Arcand Ernie Arcand F. Arcand George G Jr. Arcand George. Arcand Gilbert Arcand Herman Arcand J. Arcand J. Arcand Jennifer Arcand John Arcand K. Arcand Ken Arcand Kenneth R. Arcand Kenneth R. Arcand Kevin M. Arcand Kyle Arcand L. Arcand Leslie Arcand M Hazel Arcand Marlene Arcand Martin Arcand R. Arcand S. Arcand T. Arcand V B Arcand V. Arcard V B 780-939-5701 780-939-5632 780-939-4051 780-939-7550 780-939-4419 780-939-3565 780-939-3704 780-939-4577 780-939-2948 780-939-3257 780-939-6310 780-939-3529 780-939-4703 780-939-3883 780-939-5762 780-939-3883 780-939-6198 780-939-4200 780-939-2623 780-939-6407 780-939-3922 780-939-3395 780-939-6069 780-939-6753 780-939-7118 780-939-7556 780-939-4735 780-939-0158 780-939-5447 780-939-0540 780-572-2853 780-939-0463 780-939-5581 780-939-4485 780-939-1064 780-939-5335 780-939-5403 780-939-4763 780-939-0396 780-939-5745 780-939-4017 780-939-4462 780-939-4771 780-939-5839 780-939-6505 780-939-3753 780-939-5174 780-939-7102 780-939-7112 780-939-2656 780-939-5631 780-939-2039 780-939-3239 780-939-5246 780-939-3545 780-939-2734 780-939-2410 780-939-7790 780-939-7465 780-939-5293 780-939-5863 780-939-5307 Archaic Arcane Ardiel K. Arena Arlow John Armand A. Armand A. Armstrong K. Armstrong Keith Armstrong Vaughn Arndt Emil Arndt M&S Arnfinson G Arnold Ken & Carol Artic Therm International Ltd. Or Or Arychuk L. Ashley E. Ashton Warren Aslin Jen Aspen House Associate Medical Clinic St Albert Office ATB Financial ATB financial St. Albert North Atkinson Barb Atkinson Craig Atkinson Rick & Jeannette Atlas Premium Home Development Ltd. Atmiks Jordan Attfield D. Auger Josie Auger MP Auigbelle Grace Mrs. Ausmus H. Austin A. Austin P. Avagianos Steve Aylward M. Babey Chris Babin Daniel Babin G. Babin K & C Bachand Denture Centre Bachand Eddie Badry D. Badry Howard M. Badry R. Badura R. Bag’n Block Agri Centres Bailey Penny Bairnes Barbara Baker Amy & Mike Baker B. Baker L. Baker Sabrina Ballachay Alvin Balsillie John A. Baly Shawna Bamford Stephen & Dawn Banks B. Banks K. Baran W. Barclay Kelly 780-504-5352 780-939-7433 780-939-3339 780-939-2102 780-939-5748 780-939-6439 780-939-5787 780-939-0190 780-939-7242 780-939-7216 780-572-2278 780-572-0407 780-939-5943 780-939-3141 780-939-7740 780-939-7744 780-939-7706 780-939-2755 780-572-1191 780-572-4405 780-939-7482 780-939-4536 780-458-1234 780-939-2821 780-460-4962 780-939-2603 780-939-2759 780-939-2401 780-719-3757 780-939-0238 780-939-0149 780-939-2374 780-939-5194 780-939-5706 780-939-7169 780-939-3900 780-939-3604 780-939-5347 780-572-2724 780-572-1505 780-939-4670 780-939-5501 780-939-4189 780-939-3190 780-939-4497 780-939-3153 780-939-3558 780-939-6256 780-939-1053 780-939-4600 780-939-6044 780-939-2159 780-572-2828 780-939-3075 780-939-4664 780-572-4949 780-939-2699 780-939-4634 780-939-4429 780-939-4245 780-939-3863 780-939-2933 780-939-2210 780-572-4402 Barila Rita F. Barilla Murray Barnes Lee Barnes Nelson & Kimberley Barnstable William Baron E. Barore Jesse Barore M J Barore M J Fax Line Barrett D. Barrett Garth Barrett Russell Barrett Russell Barrett S. Barrett V. Barrhead-Westlock Constituency Glenn Van Dijken, MLA Barsness M. Barstad M. Bartel G. Bartel G. Barter Phillip Barton Harold Barton Harold Barton-Cottle Z. Bates Brock Bates E A Bauder L. Bauer Ross Baumgartner D. Bauwens Ray Bayers R & F Bayley Naomi Bazinett R & N BD Girard’s Trucking & Bobcat Ltd. Beach B. Beakhouse Ed Beaudette L Beaudoin Blair & Tracy Beaudoin Jonathan Beaudry B. Beaupre Jackie Beck Patrick Beck Patrick Becker Donna Beckman C. Beckstead C. Beer Lauri Belanger Alphonse Belanger Raymond Belanger T. Beldam Christine Beliski J. Bell Joe Bell Tom Bellamy S & F Belland Y. Belliveau Pennie Bell-Landon T & S Belziuk J R Beniston Roy Bennett Jade Benson A. Benson Blake Benson Blake 780-939-4745 780-939-4621 780-939-7316 780-939-5680 780-939-2575 780-939-4304 780-572-4410 780-572-1210 780-572-1050 780-939-2365 780-939-5156 780-939-7531 780-939-7576 780-939-4274 780-572-4052 780-674-3225 780-939-2953 780-939-5822 780-939-1005 780-939-5584 780-939-7477 780-939-3854 780-939-6931 780-939-0305 780-572-2700 780-939-7101 780-939-4755 780-939-3349 780-939-6197 780-939-3256 780-939-3772 780-939-6549 780-939-6733 780-818-7247 780-939-5603 780-939-5130 780-939-5171 780-572-2224 780-939-4108 780-572-1764 780-939-6563 780-939-4981 780-939-5086 780-939-2216 780-572-0804 780-939-4895 780-939-4993 780-939-3382 780-939-6491 780-572-4018 780-939-2502 780-939-0468 780-939-2476 780-939-6204 780-939-6974 780-939-0152 780-939-6863 780-939-6977 780-939-2393 780-939-2559 780-572-4790 780-939-1044 780-939-4957 780-939-5192 Benson Derek Benson J&M Bentz Raymond L. Berard Wendy & Gary Bererton James R. Bergen A. Bergley Becky Bernier B. Bernier Fernand Bernier Roger Berry Ridge Farm Tours Berry S. Bertschi Loyd Best A. Best Jordon Biddiscombe Auto Glass Ltd. Biddiscombe B. Biddiscombe Dorsey Biddiscombe Kelvin Biddiscome Sandy Big Al’s Custom Hauling & Landscaping Supplies Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentoring Program Big City Auto N Truck Wash Bijou Robert Bilawchuk K Billington Dai Bills David Birch S & J Bishop J. Bishop Michael Bissonnette S. Bissonnette T. Bissonnette William Bissonnette William Bjarnason S R Black Bear Service Black R. Black Robert J. Black Wes Blackburn Dan Blackburn John Blackburn R. Blackburn Roland Blackmore Stacey & Cynthia Blaise Fred Bland T & L Blashill K. Blazeiko B & L Blencowe Mark Blind Designs Blind S. Blinston M. Blinston M. Block Parents Bloom Ken & Judy Blouin J. Blouin John Blouin K & B Blowers D. Blue Meadow Homes Blue Meadows Blue Meadows Boates H. 780-939-2706 780-939-5778 780-939-3779 780-939-4164 780-939-2141 780-939-2644 780-572-2246 780-939-3559 780-939-6304 780-939-6303 780-467-6992 780-939-4535 780-939-4213 780-939-0443 780-939-3819 780-939-3455 780-939-5594 780-939-6615 780-939-2223 780-572-1041 780-818-1133 780-987-1005 780-939-5552 780-939-2368 780-939-1015 780-939-4390 780-939-3539 780-939-6783 780-939-5053 780-939-7411 780-939-8008 780-939-7376 780-939-0212 780-939-4705 780-939-2183 780-939-7133 780-939-6968 780-939-3519 780-939-7278 780-939-5199 780-939-6677 780-939-4146 780-939-2454 780-939-6414 780-939-4219 780-939-5814 780-939-6136 780-939-7386 780-939-3043 780-722-9982 780-939-6637 780-939-5189 780-939-5363 587-589-0860 780-939-6752 780-939-3237 780-939-0553 780-939-5783 780-939-4566 780-913-2406 780-572-2470 780-572-4408 780-939-5971 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 65 Bochar Quentin & Karen Bochar Quentin & Karen Fax Boddez C. Boddez Dale Boddez E. Boddez Gerard Boddez Gilbert Boddez Gordon Boddez J. Boddez Marcel Boddez Rene Boddez S & B Boddez V. Bodnar J. Body Shop Fitness Facility Boekenfoehr Leonard Boersma Simon Boissonnault A A Boissonnault D. Boissonnault Mark Boissonnault Mark Boissonnault Norman Boissonnault R. Boissonnault Roland Boissonneault C & R Boissonneault C. Boisvert Gary Boisvert Mark Boisvert Raymond Bokenfohr Jim Bokenfohr R. Bokenfohr S. Bokenfohr T. Bokenfohr Vince Bokenfohr Wayne Boland M. Bolduc Aubrey Bolduc J. Bolen D W Bolen’s Survival Inc. Bolivar Dick Bond B&W Boomsma T. Boorse Art Booth Darrell & Sherrill Bootsman Allan Borgen D. Borle A. Borle Emile G. Borle Firmen Borle Gerard Borle Harold Borle Ken Borle L. Borle L. Borle N & S Borle Rene Borle Richard Borowiecki J. Borris Lynn Bosse R. Bossert Doug Bottomley N. Bouchard Eric Boucher Sandi C. Boujouis Shari 66 780-939-3914 780-939-4142 780-939-6525 780-939-2028 780-939-2027 780-939-3463 780-939-3259 780-939-5415 780-939-6088 780-939-2976 780-939-2426 780-939-6693 780-939-2147 780-939-7153 780-939-0220 780-939-2113 780-572-2852 780-939-4849 780-939-4074 780-939-2542 780-939-5684 780-939-2246 780-939-0447 780-939-4123 780-939-7439 780-939-7420 780-939-6492 780-939-4225 780-939-5891 780-939-2373 780-939-3329 780-939-5308 780-939-3364 780-939-6997 780-939-5032 780-939-5251 780-572-3233 780-939-2968 780-572-2603 780-572-2603 780-572-2272 780-939-0105 780-939-5747 780-939-6884 780-939-5921 780-939-2038 780-939-5157 780-939-5952 780-939-4151 780-939-4960 780-939-4496 780-939-2281 780-939-2236 780-939-5289 780-939-5264 780-939-1026 780-939-3079 780-572-2003 780-939-3316 780-939-3046 780-939-3491 780-939-6602 780-939-5533 780-939-5727 780-939-4182 780-939-4089 Boulanger N. Bouley D. Bouley Jeff Bourdages H&D Bourgeois Andre & Amber Bourgeois G & L Bourque D. Bourque DM Bourque E & S Bourque G. Bourque M. Bourque M. Boutestein G. Boutin Barry Bouvier Bernard Bouvier C. Bouvier Lyle Bouzane A. Bowden A. Boyes J & T Boyko Z. Boyson C. Brabant P. Bradburn B. Bradburn C J Bradley A. Bradley Barry Bradley Jeffrey Brailey Charles Brandenburg Stanley H. Brandon Ida Branston Robert Brassor C. Brault Jason Breadner Brian Brenneis Debbie Gil Brenneis Alex Brenneis Brian Brenneis Dale Brenneis Darrell Brenneis Darrell Brenneis David Brenneis Don Brenneis Don Children’s Phone Brenneis Eric Brenneis Gilbert Brenneis Glenn Brenneis J. Brenneis K. Brenneis M. Brenneis Marvin Brenneis Michael Brenneis Neal Brenneis Oliver Brenneis Roy Brenneis Serena Brettnell C. Brewer C & M Briggs S. Brilliant Homes Ltd. Brink T & M Brinks D & K Brinsky R. Brisson Connie Brisson Connie Brisson Trevor 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-2857 780-939-2972 780-939-2750 780-572-4011 780-939-3776 780-939-4050 780-939-3661 780-939-7721 780-939-4637 780-939-7822 780-939-3370 780-939-6994 780-939-0515 780-939-2601 780-939-7447 780-939-6683 780-939-3250 780-939-4122 780-939-6342 780-939-4513 780-939-3468 780-939-5779 780-939-5081 780-572-0424 780-939-2431 780-939-6777 780-939-4606 780-572-4709 780-939-6956 780-939-6355 780-572-3436 780-939-4373 780-939-7270 780-939-0325 780-939-2234 780-939-3164 780-939-2121 780-939-4426 780-939-0313 780-939-3687 780-939-3689 780-939-5621 780-939-2954 780-939-6070 780-939-6867 780-939-3164 780-939-2721 780-939-5333 780-939-6115 780-939-6539 780-939-4635 780-939-5625 780-939-3930 780-939-2122 780-939-7400 780-939-4605 780-939-5433 780-939-6939 780-939-3144 780-709-4567 780-939-5310 780-939-2842 780-939-4887 780-939-4477 780-939-0588 780-939-1013 Briton R & E Brochu C & T & S Brochu David Brochu John Brochu L. Brochu M. Brochu P E Brochu Richard Brodniansky Delton Broesky A. Brookhaven Developements Brooks T. Brooks Tara Brookwell William Brost B. Brost D. Brown A. Brown C&A Brown C. Brown Glenn Brown Greg & Sylvie Brown K. Brown Ken Brown Matthew Brown R. Brown Roger Brown T. Brownlee J & A Brownlee J & A Brownlie L. Bruens M & T Bruinooge H. Brumwell M. Brunelle L. Brunk D. Bruno Doreen Bruno E. Bruno F. Bruno G. Bruno Wendy Bryant A. Buchanan Jim Buchanan M. Bucher Johnathan Fax Bucher Jonathan Buckle A. Bucknell Karen Budd Irene Budget Blinds Buga S. Buga S. Buhler John & Sheila Bulger D. Bulger D. Bulger Ed Bulger George. Bulger I. Bulger T & L Bullinger Matt Bullock D. Bullock J & D Bumper to Bumper Bunt A. Burke John Burnstick Gordon Burnstick Jaryn 780-939-5131 780-939-6466 780-939-4438 780-939-7296 780-939-3454 780-939-4558 780-939-4969 780-939-5424 780-572-2248 780-939-5009 780-939-0377 780-939-3462 780-572-3462 780-939-2664 780-939-3366 780-939-6347 780-939-2449 780-939-2613 780-572-0013 780-939-7421 780-939-2931 780-939-4286 780-939-6634 780-939-6200 780-939-6504 780-939-6530 780-572-3374 780-939-3606 780-939-3658 780-939-5855 780-939-2924 780-939-5711 780-939-1048 780-939-0549 780-939-5600 780-939-0231 780-939-3829 780-939-5469 780-939-6922 780-939-6267 780-939-6067 780-939-4178 780-939-4657 780-939-4472 780-939-2450 780-939-0494 780-939-2941 780-939-5547 780-939-6673 780-939-5119 780-939-5988 780-939-3834 780-939-2239 780-939-4333 780-939-5795 780-939-4449 780-939-4128 780-939-3832 780-939-3461 780-939-4914 780-939-5792 780-939-2100 780-939-2515 780-939-4116 780-939-3344 780-939-5077 Burnstick Joe Burnstick L. Burnstick M. Burnstick M. Burnstick Robert Burnstick S. Burnstick SA Burnstick Wayne Burrill A. Burry Jessie Burry R. Burt P. Busko B. Buttree M & A Butz Lilliane Buyse B Buzila E Byfield L. Byfiled A & S Bykowski Sharon Byron G. C I A Buildings Ltd FAX C2OLINE Calahoo Arena Calahoo Chapel of Spruce Grove Alliance Church Calahoo Hills Golf Course Calahoo Randy Calahoo Waste Disposal Caldera Adrianna Caldwell K. Calhoun Keith Call Before You Dig Callander K. Callioux L. Cal-Scan Services Ltd. Calverley D. Calverley D. Camarta Ronald Cameron A. Cameron D. Cameron Gerry Cameron N & C Camilla School If Busy Call Campbell Carie Campbell Carol Campbell Colin Campbell Colin Fax Campbell D B Campbell G & T Campbell Leonard Campbell N. Campbell S & L Campbell S. Campbell W. Cam-Trac Inspection Services Ltd. Can West Hockey Canada Post Postal General & Delivery Canada Post Postal Outlet Canada Post Postal Priority Courier Canadian Agri-Blend Inc. Canadian Red Cross 780-939-4041 780-939-7337 780-939-3790 780-939-7181 780-939-4628 780-939-5311 780-572-4412 780-939-7712 780-939-7295 780-939-5195 780-939-6784 780-939-3632 780-939-6121 780-939-7798 780-939-5654 780-572-2288 780-939-4450 780-939-5904 780-939-3992 780-939-3818 780-939-0218 780-939-3319 780-939-5028 780-967-5080 780-967-3030 780- 459-9081 780-939-4503 780-915-7814 780-572-3345 780-572-1640 780-939-3260 1-800-242-3447 780-939-7398 780-939-6228 780-944-1377 780-939-3691 780-939-3634 780-939-3598 780-572-2339 780-939-1063 780-939-2117 780-939-4707 780-939-2074 780-939-3303 780-939-0373 780-572-3354 780-939-7362 780-939-0009 780-939-2046 780-939-6456 780-939-3566 780-939-7702 780-939-3369 780-939-3513 780-939-4948 780-460-5440 780-939-2749 1-800-565-2633 1-800-267-1177 780-939-3554 1-888-550-6333 780- 939-3800 780-423-2680 Canadian Resource Valuation Group 780-939-6778 Can-Dale Vacuum Service 780-398-3519 Cannady Bob 780-939-3464 Canning Kelly 780-572-0501 Cantrell Dallas 780-939-4962 Canwest Propane Partnership 780- 465-7820 Caouette Edward 780-939-4836 Capital Health - Alberta Health Services 24hr Answering Service 780-939-3388 Capital Vision Care Morinville 780-939-4720 Cardiff Community Club 780-939-5733 Cardiff Echos Anita 780-939-3756 Cardiff Golf & Country Club 780-939-6666 Cardiff Hall 780-966-9943 Cardiff Meat & Sausage 780-973-5998 Cardinal Conor 780-572-2212 Carey E. 780-939-6368 Carlisle Alita 780-939-3076 Carlson Fred 780-939-0198 Carlson N. 780-939-4690 Carnegie Neil 780-939-6302 Caron David and Sheila 780-939-6514 Caron David M. Fax 780-939-3679 Caron Maurice 780-939-4313 Carpenter D & W 780-939-6029 Carrie’s Hair Design 780-939-3300 Carriere Eric 780-939-0141 Carrie’s Hair Design 780-939-3300 Carroll M. 780-939-5350 Casavant A. 780-939-2518 Casavant Paul Henri 780-939-4246 Case Donald 780-939-2859 Case Donald & Faith Fax 780-939-3059 Casswell Thomas 780-939-6145 Castle Building Centers – Morinville 780-939-2440 Cater A. 780-939-5295 Cater A. Fax 780-572-1796 Cater Robert 780-939-2629 Catholic Women’s League 780-939-4412 Caudron Performance 780-239-3648 Cave J. 780-939-3919 Celtic Lockworks 780-761-0340 Centennial RV Park 780-961-3773 Centralta Community Centre (Legal) 780-961-3665 Cervantes B. 780-939-3757 Chabot M & C 780-939-0407 Chalifoux A. 780-939-6663 Chalifoux Henry 780-939-4191 Chalifoux Norman 780-939-4562 Chalifoux Ronald A. 780-939-5013 Chamberlain K. 780-939-2336 Chambers Group Insurance Plan 780-458-8165 Champagne August 780-939-3354 Champagne D. 780-939-3421 Champagne Edition 780-961-3229 Champagne Roger 780-939-4081 Champion Pet Foods Ltd. 780-939-6888 Champlain Pharmacy 780-939-2438 or 780-939-5510 Chamzuk Kevin Mr. 780-939-3276 Chan D. 780-939-9059 Chan George 780-939-4886 Chandler W F 780-939-7532 Chanski Don Chapotelle Randy Charbonneau Maurice & Sheila Charles Florence Chartrand R. Chasles Stephane Chateau-Lascelle D. Chatry Jaaki Chatters Salons Chauvet J M & C Chauvet J P & M Chauvet Robert Chauvet S. Chef’s Pizza & Pasta or Chenard Irene Chenier M & E Chepluk L. Cheradarchuk Ron Cheryl Arcand-Kootnay Barrister & Solicitor Chevalier C R Chevalier Elizabeth Chevalier O’Neil Chicoine R. Chisholm S Fax Chisholm S. Chorney D. Chorney Max Christ Community Church Christen Harold Christen R. Christensen G & S Christensen K & T Christie A. Christie S. Christopher Matthew Christopherson J. Christy Chubaty Chrobak J. Chubak Edward Chubaty Christy Chubb C. Chudley E. Churchill Bridget Churchill L. Chvojka Darren CIA Building Ltd. Cimon Y. Cindy’s Threads Citizens On Patrol Clark D & L Clark K & M Clark Kevin and Christie Clark L. Clark Peter Clark Robert C. Clark Robert J. Clark Russell Clarke A. Clarke Daniel Clarke M & L Clarke M P Clarke Ron Clarkson Laureen Clarkson Ryan 780-939-2256 780-939-6602 780-939-7559 780-939-3084 780-572-0412 780-939-0344 780-939-5248 780-939-0205 780-484-0348 780-939-0568 780-939-0005 780-939-5085 780-939-6820 780-939-3907 780-572-2433 780-939-3101 780-939-6856 780-939-6445 780-939-4448 780-939-7393 780-939-5143 780-939-4356 780-939-4512 780-939-4388 780-939-4934 780-939-4974 780-572-4041 780-939-3511 780-459-8012 780-939-3497 780-572-4564 780-939-3038 780-939-6687 780-572-4042 780-939-0433 780-939-2975 780-939-7307 780-939-3939 780-572-1700 780-939-2389 780-939-3939 780-939-1096 780-939-4069 780-939-2947 780-939-3200 780-939-5959 780-939-3328 780-939-4038 780-939-3747 780-939-4550 780-939-2055 780-939-6049 780-939-5512 780-939-4990 780-939-3105 780-939-2009 780-939-3909 780-939-6169 780-939-5996 780-939-7303 780-939-1049 780-939-4454 780-939-3166 780-939-3477 780-572-0012 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 67 Clarkson S. 780-939-3196 Clayton Ron 780-939-3458 Cleland J. 780-939-5242 Clendennin Wayne 780-939-1045 Clewes E. 780-939-1065 Clewes E. 780-939-1068 Coach’s Corner Sports Bar 780-939-2205 Cockle S. 780-939-0135 Cody Energy Canada Ltd. 780-939-2044 Coey P. 780-939-5313 Coglon Jacqueline 780-939-2572 Cogswell Wade & Angela 780-939-0234 Cole J. 780-939-5215 Cole S. 780-939-3662 Colemqan Harley 780-939-2651 Collier T. 780-572-4322 Collins A & W 780-939-4815 Collins W & A 780-939-3760 Colnuk Ltd. 780-939-4314 Colt Homes Inc. 780-705-2500 Colville Tom 780-939-5897 Comeau D. 780-939-2662 Comeau Ernest 780-939-2471 Comeau Frank 780-939-4196 Comeau G. 780-939-2979 Comeau N. 780-939-6552 Comeau Neal Dr. Chiropractor 780-939-3399 Comeau S. 780-939-5299 Comeau T. 780-939-6463 Commet T. 780-939-6739 Community Futures Tawatinaw Region 780-349-2903 Toll Free 1-888-349-2903 Company Quartermaster Services Ltd. 780-939-3026 Connell S. 780-939-0120 Conners E & L 780-939-6027 Connery Gordon 780-939-3383 Connery M. 780-939-2841 Connery Wayne 780-939-6747 Connie Popowich-Core Discovery 780-721-2019 Conrad K. 780-572-1049 Constantin Edmond 780-939-3633 Constantin Electric 780-939-4589 Constantin Oscar 780-939-4589 Constantin P Family Phone 780-939-7285 Constantin P. 780-939-5563 Contrac Equipement Ltd. 780-939-0222 Cook Dennis 780-939-3641 Cool Lloyd 780-939-2622 Coombs J Fax 780-939-5458 Coombs J. 780-939-7454 Cooper Benjamin 780-939-6394 Cooper Kara 780-939-3627 Cooper L & T 780-939-6999 Co-Operators, The Gaudry Agencies Ltd. 780-939-6111 Coppin M & A 780-572-1788 Corbett W & V 780-572-1042 Corbett W&V Fax. 780-572-4463 Corbiere Henri 780-939-6633 Corcoran M M 780-939-7551 Cordeiro A. 780-939-6704 Corderio S. 780-939-6312 Cormier L. 780-939-4516 Cormier Real 780-939-4294 68 Cornwell C. Coronado Hall Coronado Saskatoon Coronado United church Corrigal K & G Cote A. Cote B. Cote D K Coughlan Chris Coughlin Nicky Coughlin Nicky Fax Coulombe A. Coulumbe E. County Towing Westlock Cournoyer P & K Cournoyer P & K Courtepatte Richard Courtney Heather Courtreille A. Coutts Tina Coverdale J. Cowan Teena Cowley Adam Cox L. Cox S. Coxen Kerry Coyes C & J Cragg William Craib Richard Craig Danny Craig P. Craig R. Craig Robert Craig Robert Fax Craig’s Welding Ltd. Cramp I. Crane Cathy Crane Edward Crane M. Crane W Fax Crawley E & R Creative Design Framing Creedon C. Crevier Roger Crews R Crime Stoppers Tips Line Critch J & S Critchley M. Cross D. Croswell Neville Crowley Bill Crowley Murdock Crump T & A Crush D. Crush MD Csizmadia J. Culp Harley Culver F. Cunningham C Fax Cunningham C. Cunningham C. Cunningham D & D Cunningham M Ms. Cunningham M. Cunningham M. Curry Wayne & Kendra 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-6159 780-942-2123 780-942-4146 780-923-3355 780-939-5989 780-939-3466 780-939-5781 780-939-6397 780-939-4936 780-939-4661 780-939-6182 780-939-2232 780-939-7155 780-349-3982 780-572-2281 780-939-5965 780-939-0337 780-939-0298 780-939-5470 780-939-4946 780-939-0119 780-939-2260 780-572-2730 780-572-2270 780-939-2708 780-939-7173 780-939-1006 780-939-5322 780-939-6254 780-939-5346 780-939-4221 780-939-7184 780-939-7537 780-939-6086 780-939-4584 780-572-3868 780-939-7115 780-939-0142 780-939-2531 780-939-6451 780-939-4575 780-939-3230 780-939-7200 780-572-3332 780-939-3151 1-800-222-8477 780-939-3812 780-939-3685 780-939-0321 780-939-3371 780-939-2576 780-939-2418 780-939-6452 780-939-3177 780-939-4860 780-939-6678 780-939-6176 780-939-3719 780-939-3867 780-572-3866 780-939-3866 780-939-3761 780-939-6032 780-939-5589 780-939-5590 780-939-7594 Curtis C W Curtis Garrick Curves For Women Morinville Cust Jonathan Cust Walter Cuthbertson Pat CX Shooters Supplies Cylwa P & R Czotter M. D&K Earthworks Inc. D’Amour R. D’Aousg Cindy D’Aoust R & A Dacor Electric Dagg P. Dalton J. Daly Kerrie Daly S & V Danall Contracting Dance Connection Danis J. Danyluk Elma Darthelette Andre Data Audit Industries Inc. Daubert D & S Dave’s Auto Centre Davidson A. Davidson Bernice Davidson Bernice Davidson D. Davidson Kim Davidson Mark Davies A G Davis A. Davis Courtney & Scott Davis Peter L. Dawes C. Daylight Energy Ltd. DC Transmissions De Rudder D W. De Rudder D. De Rudder D. De Ruiter RJ Dean Bradley Dean J. Debow B. Debrecen S. Debrule Clem DeChamplain George Dechamplain Heating & Ventilation DeChamplain Kurtis Decicco Tony Deeves R. DeGeer Don Delaney K & R Delawski L. Delisle C. Dell Mark Delray Electric Ltd. Delray Electric Ltd. Demchuk J. Demers Cecile Dempsey J & M Den’s Contracting Dencer S. 780-939-7595 780-939-6873 780-939-6161 780-939-7718 780-939-4136 780-939-5001 780-939-5593 780-939-0155 780-939-7282 780-777-4610 780-939-7355 780-572-4440 780-939-4903 780-939-4075 780-939-5505 780-939-2278 780-939-6626 780-939-9464 780-572-4566 780-939-5414 780-939-3958 780-939-0125 780-939-5837 780-939-2745 780-939-6964 780-939-5620 780-939-2089 780-939-7152 780-939-6904 780-939-2091 780-939-6542 780-939-5271 780-939-2427 780-939-6540 780-939-0006 780-939-5282 780-939-7666 780-939-6232 780-939-6741 780-939-0530 780-939-5093 780-939-7891 780-939-4169 780-939-3368 780-939-0260 780-939-3599 780-572-1104 780-939-6250 780-939-4748 780-459-2849 780-939-3173 780-939-5818 780-939-6329 780-939-6612 780-939-6699 780-939-4034 780-939-0003 780-939-5337 780-939-7186 780-939-7186 780-939-0214 780-939-4527 780-572-1107 780-916-4251 780-939-3182 Denise G. Denny S. Denomme Donald Denomme G. Denslow K. Depatie Jackielyn Deren R. DeRudder M. DeRudder Walter Desmaglio A. Desmaris Lucille Desmond D. Desmond K & C Desrosiers C. Destiny Travel DeTonnancour J. Detonnancour Leo Detonnancour Maurice Detonnancour Randy Dettling Ed Deveau Joann Devolder J. Dewald Laverne Dewald Laverne Dewar D & B Dewitt Gary Dewitz Don Diberardino J. Diberardino J. Dick K. Dielman G. Digitype Computer Graphic Dinelle B. Dingman Susan & Don Direct Energy Dixon Julie Dixon Lauraine Dmytrow Denise Dodsworth M & L Dog Star Mechanical Inc. Domino’s N.A.R. Pizza Ltd Dominos Pizza Domoslai Paul Doonanco J. Dorosh Z. Dosser M. Dostie E. Dostie M & J Dostie Y. Dottin K & T Doucet Alain Doucet W. Doucette Denyse Doucette T. Douglas Kirk Douglas Kirk Doyle Margaret Dozois M. Dr. Darren Romanowski Drachman Susanne Dragon H. Drayden Insurance Ltd. Drescoll Norman Droptine Taxidermy Drugett G & S Drugett Shelly 780-939-0225 780-939-2252 780-939-2937 780-939-4392 780-939-3396 780-939-0587 780-939-0590 780-939-5204 780-939-5565 780-939-2878 780-939-4593 780-939-5502 780-939-3289 780-939-5805 780-939-5737 780-939-5737 780-939-2179 780-939-7328 780-939-6137 780-939-6728 780-939-0166 780-939-3323 780-939-3569 780-939-3638 780-939-2781 780-939-7230 780-939-7523 780-939-4610 780-939-0541 780-939-6628 780-939-2495 780-939-3100 780-939-1016 780-939-2697 1-866-374-6299 780-939-7501 780-939-3211 780-572-2206 780-939-3436 780-887-4497 780-939-2205 780-939-7714 780-939-5291 780-572-2283 780-939-2952 780-939-6045 780-939-4386 780-939-6043 780-939-6224 780-939-0484 780-939-4869 780-939-2875 780-939-4107 780-572-3372 780-939-6840 780-939-7392 780-939-2523 780-939-7243 780-939-1288 780-939-7224 780-939-6767 780-939-3600 780-572-3223 780-939-6894 780-939-0510 780-572-2236 Dryden J. Dryden J. Dube M. Dubois Bonnie Dubois N. Dubois Rick Dubord R. Ducharme D. Duchesne Darlene Duchscher L & I Duchscher Mervin Duckering R. Dudar Jolene Duffy P. Duk Katherine & Laurie Dumaine D. Duncalfe David Duncan C & V Dunfield Dianne Dunlop Richard Dunmore Laura Dunn Blake Dunn S. Duperron Al Duperron Jules Dupuis Diane Dupuis Jacques Dupuis K & B Duquette Cory & Jennifer Durand Don Durand J. Durand Raymond Durgan E. Durling J. Durocher C. Durocher Marc Duvall Eli Dvernychuk Danual Dwernychuk L Fax Dwernychuk Lee & Dionne Dwernychuk Randy Dwyer Myra Dycke L. Dyer Dwight Dykstra Leah Dynamic Balance Massage Therapy Dynasty Builders Ltd. Dziwenka Craig E & C Oilfield Services Ltd. E.I.S. Exhibit Installation Service E.L.K.S. Vegetable & Berry Farm Earles Patrick Easson Kevin East Jordan ECES Immigration Services Eckersley Rob & Sarah Eco-Flex Champagne Edition Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School Eddy Lynn Edgar Bruce Edinger Dan Edinger John Edmonds B. Edmonton Garrison 780-939-6362 780-939-6457 780-939-5626 780-939-6063 780-939-6567 780-939-3343 780-939-6750 780-939-0154 780-939-4976 780-939-6026 780-939-5359 780-939-5586 780-572-2237 780-939-4295 780-939-7323 780-939-4649 780-939-0327 780-939-4283 780-939-4534 780-939-2934 780-572-1053 780-572-2203 780-939-6487 780-939-3573 780-939-3321 780-939-2107 780-939-6199 780-939-3425 780-939-2088 780-939-7163 780-939-7785 780-939-2408 780-939-5524 780-939-6595 780-939-5757 780-939-5151 780-939-6606 780-939-2831 780-939-4424 780-939-2285 780-939-3341 780-939-6261 780-572-4436 780-939-4602 780-572-0534 780-915-0776 780-459-8666 780-939-3556 780-939-2508 780-922-4966 780-460-2499 780-939-6253 780-939-2361 780-572-3244 780-667-8786 780-572-2241 780-961-3229 780-939-4020 780-939-5496 780-939-5785 780-939-4541 780-572-1055 780-939-6499 Community Library Edmonton Garrison MFRC 780-973-4011 Ext. 6345 780-973-4 011 EXT.6300 780-939-3204 780-939-4821 780-939-7354 780-939-3642 780-939-3642 Edmunds Andre Edwards Barry Edwards Daniel Edworthy Barry Edworthy Kurt Effervescent Nutrition Counseling 780-668-7012 Egert Jeff 780-572-1101 Eggertson Robb 780-939-3717 Elder Donovan 780-939-7403 Elliott L. 780-939-7258 Elliott S & M 780-939-0266 Elliott T. 780-939-3996 Elliott T. 780-939-4517 Ellison Sylvia 780-939-0559 Elluk Brent & Tamy 780-939-5800 Elysha’s Cleaning Services Ltd. 780-572-2461 Emmanuel Anglican Church 780-756-1954 Emmaus Lutheran Church 780-459-2621 Enberg M. 780-939-5905 Eng.Con Holdings Ltd. 780-465-9321 Enmax780-310-2010 Enns D & C 780-939-4545 Enright Jay 780-939-5455 Epcor1-800-667-2345 Epcor Customer Service 780-310-4300 Epp C. 780-939-4968 Erickson N C M 780-939-6434 Ermantrout I. 780-939-5889 Ermantrout L. 780-939-6765 Ermantrout Pat 780-939-4944 Escape Travel Plus 780-939-5865 Esch J & M 780-939-2752 Espetveldt T. 780-939-2996 Etheridge Keith 780-939-2253 Ethier Romeo 780-939-6591 Ethier S. 780-939-4750 Ettel K N 780-939-0293 Ettel Raymond. 780-939-3802 Eugene’s Plumbing & Heating 780-939-4983 Euler Dan 780-939-2586 Evans C & K 780-939-2593 Evans David 780-939-2208 Evans S. 780-939-4052 Evans S. 780-939-5587 Ewenishan S & K 780-939-0535 Exelby & Partners Ltd. 780-939-4291 Extreme Excavating & Backhoe Services Ltd 780-960-5033 Fair Accounting & Tax Services 780-939-4674 Fallowfield Karen 780-939-3636 Falls David M. 780-939-2195 Falls Diane 780-939-2291 Falls Fertilizers 780-939-2247 Falls Leo 780-939-2130 Family & Community Support Services 780-939-7833 Fanning Donald R. 780-939-3282 Fappas Demetrios 780-939-7570 Fard Violet 780-572-2242 Farkas A J 780-939-2470 Farm ‘N’ Friends Newspaper 780-421-9715 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 69 Farmer B. 780-939-2470 Farmer S & W 780-939-6280 Father Lacombe Chapel 780-459-7663 Father’s House Christian Fellowship 780-939-2992 Faulkner D. 780-939-2221 Fediuk K. 780-939-6757 Fedora Hall 780-921-3487 Fedorak Kevin 780-939-6157 Fedorus S. 780-939-7781 Fedusenko A & G 780-939-6987 Fehr A & S 780-939-5285 Feltham Tony 780-939-5529 Fenelon Debbie & Bert 780-939-5340 Fequet D. 780-939-2878 Ferchoff Larry 780-939-3680 Ferguson A C 780-939-5526 Ferguson Bob 780-939-0441 Ferguson David 780-939-7371 Ferguson Ray B. 780-939-6506 Ferri M. 780-939-6194 Ferrier A & J 780-572-4033 Ferrier P. 780-939-6057 Fiddler D. 780-939-6588 Fiddler D. 780-939-2646 Fiddler S. 780-939-2646 Filipchuck Devon 780-939-0345 Filipchuk Barry 780-939-3363 Fill C & M 780-939-6010 Fillier F. 780-939-6548 Fingler George 780-939-4431 Fingler Sheldon & Andrea 780-939-7494 Finlaison J. 780-939-4609 Fire Alarm Only 911 Fire Department Administration 780-939-4162 Fire Department Business Office 780-939-6153 Fireplaces by Weiss-Johnson Ltd. 780-439-2876 Firmaniuk Adolph 780-939-3718 First Choice Tree Nursery 780-939-4448 Fisher M & C 780-572-2228 Fiszer J. 780-939-4143 Fit Girl Athletics 780-918-4973 Fitzgerald D P 780-939-2423 Fitzgerald R. 780-939-0187 Flaman Rentals 780-265-2437 Fleck E & M 780-939-7122 Fleck Lorne 780-939-3808 Fleming Doug 780-939-0170 Flickinger K & D 780-939-6523 Flickinger K Fax 780-939-3410 Flickinger Ken 780-939-3510 Flickinger M. 780-939-7331 Florkowski J. 780-939-3232 Flower Stop & Gift Shop 780-939-3440 Flynn Bros Projects Inc. 780-939-3000 Flynn Bros Systems Inc. 780-939-3000 or 780-939-3241 Fax Line 780-939-3241 Flynn J&S 780-939-6064 Flynn Linda 780-572-4994 Flynn S. 780-939-2830 Foddrill A. 780-939-5103 Foisy Leslie 780-939-6020 Folkers Fred 780-939-4012 Food Bank 780-939-2632 Footprints Alternative Healing 780-939-3544 Ford L. 780-939-8003 70 Foreman D. Foreman D. Foremsky J & T Forrest J. Forsyth I. Fort-in-View Golf Course Fort-in-View Golf Course & Driving Range Fortis Alberta Fortis Albert Inc (power outage service) Fortune Family Restaurant Foss AM Foster Gerald Foster Mona Foucault K. Found D. Found D. Found S. Fournier Roger Franchuk B. Franklin Keith Fraser Colin Fraser D & K Fraser Greg & Betty Fraser J & S Fraser Wesley & Joanne Fred’s Flower’s Greenhouses Ltd. Free Press, The Freeman Paul & Doris Freethy H & R Freidrich Richard Fax French D. Friedich Leanne Friedrich Richard Friemann Roofing Friends & Neighbours Family Restaurant Fries Claude Friesen B. Friesen’s Climate Control Ltd. Frieze Tammy Frizzell G. Froment Chiropractic Center Froment Colin & Kory Froment M & L Froment Paul Froment Serge R Dr. Fryters Francis Fryters Francis Fax Fuchs W. Fudge Jody Fuhr Gordon Fuhr S & L Fuler David Fulton Byron Fulton Byron Fulton L. Fulton T. Fulton Trevor Fulton W Ryan Furry K. Fylytshan Ron G B Business Enterprise Ltd. G Lighting Ltd. Gabert G. 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-5142 780-939-3677 780-939-2654 780-939-2415 780-939-3932 780-998-1234 780-998-1234 780-310-9473 780-310-9473 780-939-2650 780-939-2080 780-939-2070 780-939-3186 780-572-1105 780-939-2657 780-939-4581 780-939-7234 780-939-3227 780-939-7135 780-939-6727 780-939-2254 780-939-6299 780-939-5223 780-939-5935 780-939-5775 780-914-9887 780-939-3309 780-939-3874 780-939-4648 780-939-2818 780-939-2580 780-939-4659 780-939-2116 780-939-3711 780-939-3255 780-939-4441 780-939-7178 780-486-2787 780-572-3257 780-939-6665 780-939-3885 780-939-3564 780-939-4460 780-572-2287 780-939-3885 780-939-3741 780-939-3727 780-939-7525 780-939-6989 780-939-2177 780-939-5021 780-939-2592 780-939-6387 780-939-5328 780-939-4939 780-939-5128 780-939-4475 780-939-4551 780-572-4248 780-939-5580 780-939-5065 780-399-4644 780-572-4107 Gadoury Richard Gaetz Gerry Gagne L. Gagne M. Gagne P. Gagnon G. Gagnon G. Gagnon Johnathan Gale L Fax Gale S & J Galenza L. Gamache Andy Gammell G Fax Gammell G. Gannaw C. Gardener Richelle Gardner C. Gardner J. Gardner Marcia Garneau E L Garneau Manufacturing Inc. Garneau MFG Inc. Garner O. Garry’s Heating Services Gasse A. Gates I. Gates Paul B. Gatt L. Gatt L. Gaudry Financial Services Ltd. /The Cooperators Gauld Chris Gauthier L. Geisler S & A Gendarmerie Royal Du Canada Admin Gennaro Angela Geo Climate Plumbing Ltd. George Cecil George R. Georges H Primeau School Georges P. Vanier School Gerhadt P. Germain M. Gerrie B. Gervais David Gervais Ray Gervais Ray Gervais S. Gerwing A. Gessner D. Getzlaf Danny Gibbon Robert R Fax Gibbon Robert R. Gibbons Cultural Centre Gibbons Legion Gibbons Museum Gibbons Public Library Gibbs C. Gibeau Harris Gibeau O. Gibeau Richard Gibeault A M Gibeault M. Gibson Energy Ltd. Gierulski J. 780-939-5108 780-939-7320 780-939-6744 780-572-4443 780-939-6114 780-939-2985 780-939-3437 780-939-5976 780-939-3120 780-939-5670 780-939-1050 780-939-6713 780-939-5726 780-939-5712 780-939-2738 780-939-2025 780-939-2006 780-939-6871 780-939-4111 780-939-6901 780-939-2129 780-939-2129 780-939-2181 780-939-6776 780-939-5175 780-939-2602 780-939-5882 780-939-5365 780-939-5385 780-939-6111 780-939-3934 780-572-4019 780-939-0586 780-939-4520 780-939-4550 780-572-0650 780-235-3658 780-939-6658 780-939-4465 780-939-3593 780-942-2901 780-939-0434 780-572-2626 780-939-4430 780-939-2938 780-939-5132 780-572-4028 780-939-4249 780-939-9460 780-939-6018 780-939-3171 780-939-2728 780-939-4986 780-923-3331 780-923-2814 780-923-2140 780-923-2004 780-939-6177 780-939-3964 780-939-6493 780-939-6051 780-939-4167 780-939-6865 780-939-2553 780-939-6453 Giesbrecht Peter Giffin Helen Giffin L & D Giguere K. Gill R W Gill Richard Gillam C. Gillam Charlane Gillard Darren Gillespie Michelle Gillette Roland Gilley T. Gilmour D. Gilpin Danielle Girard, Bernie Girard J. Girard Joseph Girard N. Girard Victor Gladue Jason Glawson E. Glendening E. Glendenning Cliff & Mary Glendenning Cliff & Mary Fax Glendenning Darryl Glor P. Goertzen L. Goerz Gilbert Golden Palace Restaurant Golden Ray Golden Szechuan Good Glen & Ralayne Good Glen & Ralayne Goodwin J. Goodwin Kevin Goose Hummock Golf Resort Gordon M. Gosselin Joe & Kim Goudreau M L Goulding D. Goulet P. Graham Bill Graham Charles Graham David Graham Kevin Graham T. Gramlich E N Dr. Grams Shane Grandin Medical Clinic St Albert Office Grandysh E Fax Grandysh Ernie J. Granger D R Granger J. Granger Oscar Granger Peiro Grant Cree Photography Grant DE Grant Lisa Grant Philip Grant Richard A D Grant Sherri Grant Simon & Apryl Gratton R & K Gravell P & C Gravelle Madeleine L. 780-939-4192 780-939-6616 780-939-0470 780-939-4548 780-939-5364 780-939-7510 780-939-6694 780-572-2010 780-939-4018 780-939-3023 780-939-2261 780-939-6098 780-939-6980 780-939-5281 780-939-6277 780-572-2421 780-939-5527 780-939-6285 780-939-2362 780-572-2251 780-939-6869 780-572-2722 780-939-3915 780-939-6645 780-939-2567 780-939-7486 780-939-0525 780-939-3103 780-939-8889 780-939-4714 780-939-2650 780-939-5537 780-939-5598 780-939-7533 780-939-1054 780-921-2444 780-939-0232 780-939-3411 780-939-7252 780-572-2513 780-939-0408 780-939-6326 780-939-9932 780-939-7322 780-939-3520 780-939-0502 780-939-3199 780-572-2466 780-939-4311 780-459-5581 780-939-7123 780-939-4675 780-939-3160 780-939-3574 780-939-4159 780-939-5615 780-940-3228 780-939-5992 780-939-2198 780-939-3389 780-939-6559 780-939-5652 780-572-4815 780-939-6833 780-939-5718 780-939-4170 Gray Dave Gray Jamie & Shelley Gray Lindsey. GRD Mulching Ltd Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division Gredainus G. Green Bean Coffee House & Bistro Green Darren Green Ollie Green W. Greening David Greening-Boddez Laura Greenwood Katherine Gregory G. Greidanus H. Greidanus H. Greidanus Henry Greidanus Paul Grenier Dennis Grondin Michael & Pierrette Groner Joe Grossenbacher Paul Guardian Drugs Guasins Josaphine Guenette A. Guenette G. Guenther W C Guenther’s Fine Woodwork Guerette J & A Guerette Mark Guerette Ray Guimaraes P. Gunn Dwayne Gunn T. Gurba R & C Gusto Doris Guthrie School GV Hair Studio GVH Electrical Contracting & Inspecting Ltd. Gwin Lloyd H&R Block Haasz Glen Haberer W & A Habitat, The Hackett K. Hackett P. Hage Wayne Hagel Dwayne Hagen L. Hagen R. Haggerty Wanda Hair Rev Too Hair Rev Too Inc. Hajkowicz Mike Hall D. Hall Sarah Halliday P & L Halonen N. Halvorsen A. Hamer V. Hamilton C. Hamilton J E Hamilton SL 780-572-2259 780-939-2837 780-939-0422 780-818-7247 780-459-7711 780-939-5663 780-939-6564 780-939-3764 780-939-4466 780-939-4270 780-939-3191 780-939-5413 780-939-2671 780-939-6428 780-939-5663 780-939-7325 780-939-5490 780-939-6712 780-939-8884 780-939-7703 780-939-4175 780-939-6458 780-939-2898 780-939-3963 780-939-6183 780-939-7220 780-939-5634 780-939-5634 780-939-3526 780-939-6008 780-939-3587 780-939-5079 780-939-6959 780-939-0297 780-939-4681 780-939-5602 780-973-3111 780-939-5255 780-504-0286 780-939-2290 780-939-5543 780-939-7190 780-939-1055 780-983-7103 780-939-0328 780-939-6082 780-939-3938 780-939-4090 780-939-2751 780-939-5304 780-939-5504 780-939-5833 780-939-5833 780-939-2628 780-939-3029 780-572-1793 780-939-5815 780-939-5828 780-939-3979 780-939-2041 780-939-7788 780-939-5089 780-939-2379 Hammett B & K Hammond S. Hammond Tom Hancock C. Hancock JS Hancott Derrick Hann Karen Hanna K. Hansen J. Hansen J. Hansen Kerri Hansen L. Hansen Walter Hanson C. Hanson Paul & Alice Hanson Vernon Hanssen N & D Harding Chris Hardman D. Hardy B. Harkin Don Harold’s Bus Lines Ltd. Harris Brian Harrison G D Harrison Greg & Tess Harrison Jim Harrison Steve Harrop Christopher Hart F. Hartling S. Hartman B & A Hartman D. Hartmann E & L Hartt C. Harvey Dennis & Michelle Harvey K. Harvey Pierre Hashey K. Hatch D L Hatter Gaynor Hatton J. Hauer Lewis & Kari Haun D & L Haun Joelle Haun Korey Hauptman C. Havens Hayley Havens Ian Hawkins H. Hawkins Paul Hawley C & M Hay J. Hayduk Barry Hayes David Hayward A. Hazelaar Adrienne Heale Doug Healthy Families Healthy Futures Society Heard B & J Heath I. Hebear Trucking & Bobcat Service Hebear Trucking & Bobcat Service Cell Heber Collette 780-939-3888 780-939-6431 780-572-4945 780-939-2333 780-572-1724 780-939-0539 780-939-5709 780-939-5709 780-939-4965 780-939-6290 780-939-5868 780-939-5937 780-572-1763 780-939-3090 780-572-4039 780-939-2439 780-939-3185 780-939-5378 780-939-2530 780-939-5931 780-939-7129 780-939-2067 780-939-4053 780-939-0174 780-939-7530 780-939-7464 780-939-3597 780-939-6621 780-939-6743 780-572-3167 780-939-7716 780-939-6330 780-939-5798 780-939-2090 780-939-6801 780-939-6459 780-939-3097 780-939-4890 780-939-0320 780-939-3968 780-939-6365 780-939-3630 780-939-3069 780-939-7299 780-939-4918 780-939-7495 780-939-3927 780-939-5755 780-939-2991 780-572-2036 780-939-4510 780-939-7261 780-939-6649 780-939-7343 780-939-4007 780-939-6649 780-939-2073 780-307-2444 780-939-4425 780-939-6217 780- 939-6212 780-910-8228 780-939-7377 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 71 Hebert Henry Hebert R. Hedstrom Shelby Heemeryck J. Hefford B. Heidinger I. Heidinger Tom Heinrichs Dan Heintz Cathy Heirloom Woodworking Ltd. Heitmann W. Henebury L. Henery H. Hengen Lee Hennessey N. Hennie Heather Hennie Laura Henry K. Henry R & J Henson Clifford Hepfner C. Heppleston J. Herbal Magic Morinville Herceg B & J Heritage Place Seniors Lodge Herrick K & T Hershey MT Hesse C. Hesse J. Hesse Larry Hesse Oliver Hesse Oliver Hesse Richard Hesse Sandra Hessell J. Heuvelink Henry T. Heuvelink Ray Hewitt Bill Heyden D. Hiatt Kelly Hibbert International Inc. Hick-Ewing Angela Hickey Adam Hickey Joseph Hicks J T Hicks J T Fax Higgins Joanne High Q Greenhouses Higher Grounds Espresso Bar Hill B. Hill Doug Hill James Hill James Hill Peter Hill Ronni Hills Candice Hills Jerry Hills Stan Himschoot B. Himschoot O T Himschoot O. Himschoot R. Himschoot R. Hinecker C. Hines P. Hinton D. 72 780-939-3334 780-939-4480 780-939-3581 780-939-2823 780-939-0397 780-939-4837 780-939-5457 780-939-3095 780-939-5290 780-699-7970 780-939-3731 780-939-7383 780-939-6811 780-939-5558 780-939-5928 780-572-2464 780-572-2551 780-572-3420 780-939-6685 780-939-5500 780-939-6196 780-939-3114 780-939-4841 780-939-0208 780-939-3212 780-939-7470 780-572-2132 780-939-4731 780-939-3315 780-939-7575 780-939-2404 780-939-5288 780-939-4985 780-939-4777 780-939-2127 780-939-4611 780-939-3759 780-939-6461 780-939-4724 780-939-0416 780-939-5451 780-939-6690 780-572-1059 780-939-0404 780-939-5485 780-939-4528 780-939-4727 780-939-7490 780-939-5154 780-939-0202 780-939-4689 780-939-4622 780-939-4623 780-939-4683 780-572-2209 780-939-2905 780-939-6768 780-939-6034 780-939-7453 780-939-4569 780-939-4078 780-939-5315 780-939-6906 780-939-4215 780-572-1106 780-939-0126 Hinton D. Hintz Crystal Hittinger Andrew Hittinger Andrew Fax Hittinger B & D Hittinger Brent Hittinger Donald Hittinger Donald Hittinger G. Hittinger M. Hittinger Raymond Hittinger Raymond Hjelsvold C & D Hjesvold D. Hladik DM HML Contracting Ltd. Hoberg T. Hochheimer C. Hodder Matt & Ellen Hodder R. Hodgins Garry J. Hodgins Ross Hodgins Tracey Hoeber Fred Hoetmer Chris Hoffman N. Hoffman N. Hoffman R J Hofman R. Hogg L. Hoggarth C. Hogue D. Hokkinen Erik Holden Roberta Holland Scott Hollands SJ Holliday Dan Holm Charlene Holmberg T. Holmes P. Holmes P. Holmes T. Holowaychuk Wayne Holt Peter A. Holterhus Arnold Holterhus Michelle & Jeff Holterhus N. Holterhus Vern Holterhus W Fax Holterhus W. Holubowich T & L Holy Trinity Anglican Home Hardware Home Hardware Stores Home Upholstery Ltd. Homeniuk P. Homes By 2 Bros Honey Robert Honish Bernard Hooks Wayne Hooper Jordan Hopkins Dale Hopkins Ernie Hopkins Matt Hopkins-Mullen P. Horchuk D. 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-5579 780-572-2232 780-939-3351 780-939-5516 780-939-3063 780-939-3657 780-939-5393 780-939-6032 780-939-4473 780-939-2367 780-939-3601 780-939-5374 780-939-5648 780-939-4578 780-939-3336 780-460-2088 780-939-0115 780-939-7247 780-939-5190 780-939-1078 780-939-3157 780-939-4408 780-572-3117 780-939-2000 780-939-3553 780-939-0399 780939-3988 780-939-3193 780-939-7290 780-939-3924 780-939-5945 780-572-4453 780-939-2392 780-939-7520 780-939-2588 780-572-1932 780-939-0199 780-939-6242 780-939-3015 780-939-4864 780-939-5398 780-572-4445 780-939-2856 780-939-2428 780-939-3472 780-939-3528 780-939-4613 780-939-2268 780-939-6845 780-939-2230 780-939-6521 780-921-3680 780-939-2100 780-939-2100 780-939-7167 780-939-4084 780-939-9000 780-939-4013 780-939-4132 780-939-2639 780-572-2260 780-939-4874 780-939-2667 780-572-1981 780-939-5158 780-939-5158 Horner Mike 780-939-3838 Horovath W. 780-939-3720 Horricks R D DR Family Dentistry 780-939-5224 Horstman Louise 780-939-5858 Horton Don 780-939-1059 Horyn Marian 780-939-6877 Hoscak S. 780-572-1067 Hoshowski Adam 780-939-4839 Hoshowski C. 780-572-2605 Hospital St. Albert 780-418-8200 Emergency Dept. 780-418-8228 Houe M A 780-939-4115 Houle Adrian & Andy 780-939-2391 Houle Bernard 780-939-4773 Houle C. 780-939-4144 Houle Leon 780-939-5901 Houle Lucien 780-939-4244 Houle Norman 780-939-4157 Houle Paul E. 780-939-4884 Houle R & R 780-939-5187 Houle Ray 780-939-6388 Houle Richard 780-939-2641 Houle T. 780-939-4231 Houle Vincent 780-939-7558 Houle-Lewoniuk Doris 780-939-4553 Hounsell Pat 780-572-2255 Hoy C & S 780-939-5195 Hrabanek E & G 780-939-0478 Hubbard Bill 780-939-2348 Hubley D & S 780-939-4024 Hudson J & R 780-572-1790 Hudson J. 780-939-6075 Hughes J. 780-939-5316 Hughes Richard M. 780-939-7561 Hughes Shawn & Joan 780-939-1024 Hull Stephen 780-936-3918 Humen B & T 780-939-3726 Huner Anna 780-939-3495 Hunking H. 780-939-3424 Hunt Carol-Ann 780-939-0389 Hunter R. 780-939-6331 Hunter S. 780-939-4563 Hunter T. 780-939-5869 Hunters Green Golf Course 780-973-6686 Hunters Print & Copy Shop 780-939-8882 Hunwick J. 780-939-4840 Huot A & R 780-939-2967 Huot C. 780-939-6297 Huot C. 780-939-2753 Huot M. 780-939-5676 Huppie Lorrie 780-939-4150 Hurkens D. 780-939-2692 Hurl Paul 780-939-3039 Hurtubise Dave 780-939-6356 Hurtubise Hubert 780-939-5721 Hurtubise Troy 780-939-3244 Husky780-939-6618 Hussey W. 780-939-0293 Hutchings Jean 780-939-4306 Hutchings M. 780-939-2974 Hutterite Brethren Morinville Colony780-939-2118 Hutterite School 780-939-2012 Hutton John 780-939-5926 Igloo Building Supplies 780-451-0600 Ihle G&H 780-939-7164 Imbery J. 780-939-6413 Imbery Joe iImmons S. Imough D. Imough Darlene Inberg Randy Inconditi C. Infinite Event Services Inc. Ingram R. Innovations Contracting Investors Group Irving A. Iseke S. Iverson D & S Iverson Frank Ives C. J M Turner Goldsmith Inc. J’Lynn Esthetics Jackman Robin Jackson B. Jackson Kyle Jackson Reid Jackson Reid Jacob Z. Jacobs Kevin Jager John Jaguar Water & Sewer Services Ltd. Jahn D. Jalbert Albert Jamieson J. Jamison L D Jandel Homes Jansen P. Jantz Helmut W Fax Jantz Helmut W. Jantz J & Y Jaques Keith Jardine S. JD Auto JDR Insurance Jean I. Jenkins M. Jennings R. Jensen Iven Jenson S & L Jepson S. Jeske K. Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation Jestin J. Jestin Wayne A. Jet Electric Ltd. Jewer P. Jiffy Lube Johns William Johnson B & H Johnson B. Johnson Bob & Peg Johnson Greg Johnson M W Johnson M. Johnson M. Johnson Mark Johnson N & B Johnson Patricia Johnson S. 780-939-2640 780-939-5147 780-939-4236 780-939-4223 780-939-5713 780-939-7754 780-975-6152 780-939-5807 780-977-2700 780-939-3994 780-939-5990 780-939-6328 780-939-3617 780-939-3297 780-939-6755 780-939-3920 780-939-7166 780-939-4310 780-939-3267 780-939-2812 780-939-5736 780-939-3575 780-572-4944 780-939-1098 780-939-6350 780-470-0541 780-939-2984 780-939-2774 780-572-3441 780-939-3961 780-960-4232 780-939-3555 780-939-2524 780-939-5235 780-939-4387 780-939-4996 780-939-2920 780-939-2453 780-939-6638 780-939-2170 780-572-4992 780-939-5714 780-939-6889 780-939-4747 780-939-2388 780-939-4902 587-879-6125 780-939-3651 780-939-3935 780-939-3933 780-939-7317 780-939-1034 780-939-3132 780-939-3733 780-939-6291 780-939-2904 780-939-5072 780-939-3272 780-939-6221 780-939-6486 780-939-2822 780-939-3817 780-939-5371 780-572-3337 Johnson S. Johnson T. Johnston Arie Johnston B. Johnston Brenda Johnston Brenda Fax Johnston D. Johnston Stephen RE Jokismovic Raquel Jones Brian Albert Jones Chester & Janet Jones Chris Jones L. Jones Lorraine Jones R. Jonk L. Jordan R. Jorgenson E & M Joudrey M E J JR Golf Course Juice Plus + Canada June Til’ Spring Salon June Til’ Spring Tanning Junkin Derek Jurasek Olga Juric Alysha Juric Justin Juric P. Just Energy K & T Metal Industries Ltd. Kachman Janice Kachman L. Kading D. Kaiser CT Kaliel J. Kalinowski D. Kalinowski D. Kalmbach L. Kalmbach Lorraine Kaminiski Stan Kanga and Roos Childcare Center Kantor G & D Karch L. Kary W. Kasha C. Kasha R. Kauenhofen F. Kaup Donald & Barb Kaup Henry Jr. Kaup Jerry Kaup Troy Kavanagh E. Kawyuk William J. Keast Thomas Keay Dave Keehn Arnold Keehn Michele Keen Christophe Keenleyside L. Kegler Dave Kehoe William Keir A. Keiser Donald Keleman Brendan Kelly M. 780-939-6047 780-939-7390 780-939-2245 780-939-7521 780-939-3710 780-939-4419 780-939-3400 780-939-3747 780-572-2226 780-939-3586 780-939-5047 780-939-5697 780-939-7238 780-939-6689 780-939-3499 780-939-0403 780-939-2738 780-939-3637 780-939-6265 780-459-8735 780-974-8803 780-939-3929 780-939-2544 780-572-2423 780-939-5829 780-572-0016 780-939-6247 780-939-5870 1-885-387-6071 780-939-4486 780-939-5826 780-939-4066 780-939-3937 780-572-1761 780-939-2334 780-939-3557 780-939-5186 780-572-2210 780-572-2211 780-939-5536 780-939-7500 780-939-2207 780-939-3743 780-939-6995 780-939-6030 780-939-7484 780-939-3770 780-939-3443 780-939-2132 780-939-2795 780-939-7312 780-939-6483 780-939-3648 780-939-3375 780-939-6025 780-939-6236 780-939-6471 780-572-4027 780-939-5287 780-939-4684 780-939-5109 780-939-6081 780-939-7450 780-939-6300 780-939-4046 Kelly Michael Kelly’s Deli & Bakery Kelsch Annette Kenakin Lawrence Kennedy K & M Kennedy Mark R. Kennedy Martin Kennedy P. Kennedy Paul Kennett Norman Kennett Rodney Kenney NA Kenney R & E Kenny’s Mobile Tire Services Inc. Kent K M. Keonig Frank Keough Maureen Kernahan Tom Kerr Technical Services Inc. Kesh Downhole Measurements Keys Communication Keystone Mortgage Corp. Keytech Water Management KFC Kentucky Fried Chicken KGC Contracting Kidd AM Kidd D J Kieftenbeld Ed Kieftenbeld G. Kieftenbeld Gary Kieftenbeld H. Kieftenbeld Harvey Kieftenbeld R & C Kieser A. Kieser August Kieser D & T Kieser Donald Kieser G. Kieser Gordon Kieser Kevin Kieser Laura Kieser M. Kieser R. Kieser Terry Kilbourn Jackie Kinahan Robert Kincade A & S King Kevin & Seema King Lorne King M. King Natalie Kingdom Hall Kinjerski D. Kinsella Doug & Julia Kinsella J. Kinsella S. Kipohtakaw Education Centre Kiriak Walter Kirk-Gallatin M. Kirsop M & T Kitzan B & B Klapstein Irvin Klassen J. Kleemola Diane Kleemola Diane Klein Fred 780-939-4922 780-939-6618 780-939-6756 780-939-5731 780-939-6701 780-939-5852 780-939-2862 780-939-3223 780-572-3118 780-939-2276 780-939-6295 780-939-7405 780-572-4054 780-975-5189 780-939-6641 780-939-6131 780-939-3550 780-939-5008 780-924-3125 587-989-6055 780-265-4603 780-939-2024 780-939-5545 780-939-7189 780-718-9616 780-572-1795 780-939-7321 780-939-2845 780-939-2065 780-939-7367 780-939-2906 780-939-5356 780-939-5606 780-939-3456 780-939-3330 780-939-7161 780-939-7327 780-939-4710 780-939-3543 780-939-2983 780-939-2284 780-939-5427 780-939-2378 780-939-2345 780-939-2572 780-939-3011 780-939-3507 780-939-0550 780-939-5166 780-939-7534 780-939-5880 780-973-3964 780-939-3478 780-939-3905 780-939-2136 780-939-3794 780-939-3868 780-939-5780 780-939-7708 780-939-6507 780-939-6831 780-939-2002 780-939-3337 780-939-3380 780-939-7774 780-939-2443 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 73 Klein L & K Klotz Keith Kluth Y M Kluthe B Fax Kluthe Brad Kluthe Brian Kluthe D. Kluthe David Kluthe David M. Kluthe George & Marjorie Kluthe Gordon Kluthe Kevin Kluthe Lawrence Kluthe Lyle Kluthe Ryan Kluthe Steven Kluthe T. Kluthe Todd Kluthe Travis Kluthe W J Kluytmans Gus Kmita Audrey Knapp Darrell Knievel Lewis Knight K & J Knight Murray Knight Ruth Knight Shawn Knights of Columbus Knowledge First Financial Kobar H. Kobylka John Kobylka Nestor Kobylka Nestor Fax Kochling August Kodiak Wireline Services Koenig Margaret Fax Kokoski Mary Kolanchey John Kolesar Ron Koloa’s Pet & House Sitting Kolotylo A. Kondics S. Kondro Electric Konzuk W Shane Kootenay A & T Kootenay F. Kootenay Jody Kootenay N. Kootenay N. Kootenay Rema Kootenay T Senior Kordos A. Koretz D. Kostner Richard Kowalchuk S. Kowalchuk T. Kowalski Edith Kozachuk Larry Kozak Ken Kozicki Marshall Kraft Frank Kratky Lloyd Krause AJ & Wendy Krauskopf Art Krauskopf M. 74 780-939-6632 780-939-2825 780-939-3312 780-939-2825 780-939-6654 780-939-4446 780-939-3483 780-939-5344 780-939-6052 780-939-2040 780-939-3700 780-939-3643 780-939-2097 780-939-4346 780-939-6601 780-572-4174 780-939-0259 780-939-5155 780-939-4248 780-939-2293 780-939-5486 780-939-7128 780-939-2455 780-939-4656 780-939-5503 780-939-3925 780-939-4906 780-939-5309 780-939-4412 780-415-8030 780-939-7310 780-572-3433 780-939-4043 780-939-5326 780-939-2022 780-939-5554 780-939-6315 780-572-2600 780-939-3317 780-939-0385 780-939-2661 780-572-1112 780-939-2407 780-460-1199 780-939-5910 780-939-5647 780-939-2344 780-939-4037 780-572-4441 780-939-7326 780-939-3715 780-939-6188 780-939-4855 780-939-2238 780-572-3340 780-939-2120 780-939-2957 780-939-2591 780-939-2794 780-939-5114 780-939-7305 780-939-2354 780-572-0014 780-939-5560 780-939-5744 780-939-3331 Krauskopf P. Krauskopf Paul Krauskopf Ralph Krauskopf Wayne Kremer C. Kremer Jeff & Sherry Krikken J. Kropp Erin Kruger Bob & Dep Kruger M A Kryger Kim Kryskow Edward Krywko Brian Krywko Brian & Cora Krywko C. Krywko E W Krywko John & Chris Krywko John & Chris Fax Krywko K Krywko K. Krywko Louis KT Admin Kubica E Kubinec Maureen Kucher S. Kuchera D & S Kuchta Orest Kuchta Orest Kuhn D & C Kuiper T & A KU-KU Farms if busy call Kupchanko Walter Kurash Orest Kuschnereit K. Kuzio Joe Kuzio Joe Fax Kuzio W J Kuzio Wes & Connie Kyle G & S Kyle Greg & Sue Kyle Greg & Sue Fax Kyle J. Kyle Rod L’Heureux Dale Labbe Leonie Labbe N. Labby Mike Labby Mike Labby Mike Fax Labby Mike Shop Laberge J. Laberge Lori Labonte D. Labonte Darlene Labonte H G Labonte H. Labonte M. Labonte Roger Labonte V. Lacroix Gerry Lacroix Violet Ladao M. Lafferty John L. Lafleche Chantelle Lafleche M. 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-4439 780-939-5035 780-939-2341 780-939-6283 780-572-4465 780-939-7399 780-939-4064 780-939-4891 780-939-5448 780-939-1018 780-939-6092 780-939-4243 780-939-7462 780-939-7463 780-939-0431 780-939-2166 780-939-2501 780-939-5105 780-939-6825 780-939-5759 780-939-3678 780-691-2501 780-939-4697 780-674-6205 780-939-4288 780-939-6205 780-939-3404 780-939-4716 780-939-3692 780-939-1028 780-939-2112 780-939-6908 780-572-3381 780-939-0215 780-939-5052 780-939-4384 780-939-2023 780-939-3409 780-939-6697 780-939-5909 780-939-5994 780-939-6900 780-939-2111 780-939-5838 780-939-3207 780-939-5275 780-939-7431 780-939-5982 780-939-5951 780-939-4862 780-939-5522 780-939-7437 780-939-2736 780-939-6930 780-939-9937 780-939-7466 780-939-4241 780-939-4414 780-939-7346 780-939-7890 780-939-7134 780-572-4454 780-572-4788 780-939-5493 780-939-5445 780-939-5372 Lafleche P & T 780-939-3816 Lafleche S. 780-939-0423 Lafleche V. 780-939-5278 Lafond Harvey 780-939-3672 Lafond Harvey 780-939-3673 Laidlaw John 780-939-1012 Lakeman Melba 780-939-6972 Laker Chris 780-939-5480 Laliberte M. 780-939-6106 Laliberte S. 780-939-2456 Lamanator Coating Ltd. 780-939-0579 Lamanna Fiore 780-939-1001 Lambert Lawrence 780-939-2680 Lambert M. 780-939-7511 Laminator Coating Ltd. 780-939-0519 Lammeren Cliff & Trina 780-939-2219 Lamontagne M & B 780-939-5521 Lamontagne Rick 780-939-4403 Lamoureux Henry 780-939-4729 Lancaster Park Golf Club 780-973-3033 Landing Trail School 780-923-2898 Landrex Inc. 780-459-5263 Landry D & L 780-939-6313 Landry John & Alma 780-939-2494 Lane Leeann 780-572-4393 Lane Sharon 780-939-2665 Lane T. 780-939-7279 Langley Joel 780-939-7363 Langley Marilyn 780-939-3890 Langley MH 780-939-3899 Langston Steve 780-939-5441 Lanouette Robert J. 780-939-6078 LaPerle KW 780-939-2577 LaPlante Skidsteer & Construction Ltd. [email protected] Lapointe Barbara 780-939-7574 Large W. 780-939-2655 Larkspur Gardens 780-942-2553 Larocque Daryl 780-939-2778 LaRocque Keith 780-939-7132 Larsen Peter 780-939-3739 Lasleshe S. 780-939-6485 Laton Joseph A. 780-939-3725 Laubman B. 780-939-3828 Lauinger D. 780-939-6580 Lauinger Karen 780-939-4282 Laurence K. 780-572-2294 Lavallee Charles 780-939-5012 Lavallee Gary 780-939-3908 Lavallee Paul 780-939-4816 Lavers Angelene 780-939-2969 Lavoie C & N 780-939-1009 Lavoie Noel 780-939-6509 Lavoie R. 780-939-5657 Lavoie Raymond 780-939-7142 Lavoie Raymond Fax 780-939-6028 Law Bryan & Sharon 780-939-6664 Law Jon 780-939-7580 Lawson Andrew, Lawyer 780-939-2001 LDL Services 780-939-3057 LeBlanc Debra 780-939-5703 LeBlanc Gary 780-939-1077 LeBlanc L & N 780-939-6110 LeBlanc Robert 780-939-4039 LeBlanc Y F 780-939-7554 Lebouthillier Christianne 780-939-4409 Leduc G. 780-939-4881 Leduc Y. 780-939-4693 Leeman Bill 780-939-3086 Lefebvre C. 780-939-7745 Lefebvre D 780-939-2981 Lefebvre G & R 780-939-2275 Legal School 780-923-2898 Legal Agricultural Tours 780-961-3665 Legal Bread Oven 780-961-3665 Legal Club 60 Roses 780-961-3041 Legal School (Gymnasium) 780-961-2223 Legere Donna 780-939-6742 Legge A. 780-939-6218 Legge Dora 780-939-6220 Legresley A. 780-939-0415 Legue Jasmin 780-939-5699 Leiman L. 780-939-2675 Lemay Roland 780-939-3636 Lemoine D. 780-939-3858 Lepine R. 780-939-4385 LePretre E. 780-939-4712 Lesage R. 780-939-6488 Lesberg Catrina 780-939-7255 Lesberg Ken Fax 780-939-6019 Lesburg Ken 780-939-2982 Lessard K G 780-939-2895 Lester Cliff B. 780-939-3061 Letourneau Andre & Kristin 780-939-7174 Letourneau Leonard 780-939-5489 Letros M. 780-572-1108 Letto A & G 780-939-2299 Letto J. 780-939-4901 Letwin Chris & Eileen 780-939-6416 Letwin R. 780-939-5523 Leung Johnny 780-939-7288 Levesque Steve 780-939-0474 Levine S & N 780-572-0996 Lidal Loretta 780-939-8006 Lien Don 780-939-6955 Lienau Debbie 780-939-4265 Lietz B. 780-939-2482 Lightheart William J. 780-939-7332 Lighthouse Photography 780-939-2445 Lighting Colton 780-939-2062 Lillian Schick School 780-921-2200 Lincez K & M 780-939-3563 Lindbeck Shauna 780-939-0370 Lindbeck Sheldon 780-939-6271 Lindbeck Sheldon Fax 780-939-7198 Linklater J. 780-939-0156 Lint J Brock 780-939-7139 Lionel’s Gradall Service 780-939-2178 Lions Club [email protected] Liquor on Main 780-939-6016 Liquor Planet 780-939-2380 Liquor Stop N Shop 780-939-4203 Lirondelle L & M 780-939-6135 Lirondelle L Denis 780-939-4027 Lirondelle L. 780-939-4813 Lirondelle Lawrence 780-939-3298 Lister Denni 780-939-6091 Literacy Help Line 1-800-767-3231 Litwin LA 780-939-6376 Lloyd Kevin 780-939-2598 Lloyd T & S 780-939-6625 Locke B. 780-939-9935 Loehde D. Loehde Richard Loewen David Logan M. Logan W A Logie Judy Loiselle Laurel Lomibao-Kirk M. London Peter London Ralph Lone Spruce Driving Range Lonely Cars Vehicle Storage Loney J F Loney K. Long Al & Lianne Longman Christine Longpre Roseanne Longriders RV Park and Horseback Longson Dennis Lopaschuk Tracey Lorenz B. Loseth Kevin Love T & J Lovell B. Lowe J. Lowe P. Lowther R. LTD Heating Inc.7 Lubbers A. Lubex Service Centers Lueng Lam Luh-Foley L. Lukawesky H. Luker J. Lumsden Ken Luomala Allan Lush M & T Lussier H. Lussier M. Lutgen D. Lutgen Gary. Lutgen Sarah Lutgen Wayne Lutz Andrew Lutz B & J Lutz Danny Lutz David Lutz Joe Lutz Joe Fax Lutz John Lutz Ken Lutz Richard Lutz Thomas Lutz Tony Lutz Wayne Lyne Dale Lyons L. M & M Hair Team Beauty Salon M & M Livestock Inc. Maass H & F Mabbitt Stan Mabbutt R. Mac’s Convenience Store MacArthur C. MacArthur P Fax 780-939-4708 780-939-4601 780-939-5298 780-572-2973 780-939-2763 780-939-5980 780-939-2185 780-939-6396 780-939-5866 780-939-2930 780-458-0565 780-665-1813 780-939-5004 780-939-7707 780-939-7757 780-939-0500 780-939-5201 780-923-3300 780-939-4599 780-572-3384 780-939-7395 780-939-3892 780-939-3940 780-939-5097 780-939-8007 780-939-0593 780-939-6210 80-961-2588 780-939-5494 780-939-1034 780-939-2963 780-939-7507 780-939-4709 780-939-3064 780-939-5770 780-572-2855 780-939-0295 780-939-2175 780-939-5276 780-939-2064 780-572-4173 780-939-5330 780-939-3152 780-939-2357 780-939-5998 780-939-4471 780-939-6378 780-939-2125 780-939-6378 780-939-4872 780-939-2037 780-939-5379 780-572-3869 780-939-2355 780-939-0177 780-939-0315 780-939-6885 780-572-0414 780-939-3446 780-939-5326 780-939-6383 780-939-3467 780-939-3377 780-939-6354 780-939-7244 MacArthur Peter & Barb MacAulay Joseph & Alberta MacDonald Buda J. MacDonald David MacDonald Diane MacDonald J. MacDonald J. MacDonald L. MacDonald M. Macdonald Robin MacDonald Steven MacDonald Tim MacDonald Valorie MacDonnell J & L MacDougall K. Macinnes Fred MacKay John MacKinnon R. MacKinnon Robert MacLaurin B. MacLean J. MacLean R. MacLean R. MacLean T. Macmillan Insurance MacMillan J. Macrae Gary Madu S. Maenhout F. Mageau M. Mahan D & C Mahe Daniel Mahe Daniel Mahe Jason & Sherry Mahe Jason & Sherry Fax Mahe Todd Mahonen B J Maiko’s Trucking Mailloux C. Majeau Daniel Majeau Daniel Fax Majeau Don Majeau O. Majeau Victor Majestic Electrical Installations Major Michelle Makohonyk E. Malaka P. Malanchen D & C Malenfant M. Malic Tylar Malik H. Maltais Guy Maltais Guy Maltais J. Maltais P & D Malysh B. Manastyrski Karen Manastyrskl Karen Fax Mannett M. Manning Chad Manning J. Manning W. Manoir Savenay Manoir Savenay Ltd. Mansbridge C. 780-939-7213 780-939-3898 780-572-3103 780-939-5498 780-939-2872 780-939-2432 780-939-3434 780-939-0439 780-939-5955 780-939-3019 780-939-5261 780-939-4686 780-939-5843 780-939-2631 780-939-7334 780-939-7233 780-939-7254 780-939-6402 780-939-2190 780-939-7799 780-939-6009 780-939-1000 780-939-5459 780-939-4717 780-939-0250 780-939-2609 780-939-7446 780-939-6651 780-939-2504 780-939-3697 780-939-4263 780-939-3501 780-939-4329 780-939-6241 780-939-6240 780-939-6066 780-939-7199 780-939-7203 780-939-0007 780-939-7387 780-939-1080 780-939-7359 780-939-2049 780-939-4247 780-939-2850 780-939-4095 780-939-2241 780-939-5266 780-939-6978 780-939-6536 780-572-1983 780-939-7210 780-939-6363 780-939-6380 780-939-4177 780-939-7177 780-939-0160 780-939-3176 780-939-3843 780-939-0545 780-939-6875 780-939-4080 780-939-7281 780-939-3686 780-572-2473 780-939-5229 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 75 Mantie Grant Maple Brooke Villa Inc. or Marak E. Marchand E. Marchand Ed Marchesi Joe D. Marchesi L & J Marchinko J. Marcomm Works Marcoux B. Marczak M & N Margehella K & A Marko Jane Markovich Sebastian Marler Keith Marshall Deborah Alyce Marshall R. Marshall Roofing Ltd. Martel C & R Martel J. Martens M. Marthaller Randy Martin Isaac Martin J. Martin John & Peggy Martin Ken G. Martin T. Martiniuk G. Maruschak S. Maskoske W & J Maslyk Dave Maslyk Jan Mason A. Mason C & S Mason H & J Mason Landscaping & Supplies Mason M. Mason Tom & Helen Massey J. Massey K. Massie R J Massop D. Mathias Mark Mathieson I. Matras YT Matson M. Mattice Mike Matyjanka C. Maxxwood Homes May H. May S. Maye C & J Maynard Corey Mayr M. McAllister J. McAllister R. McArthur G. McArthur H A McBain N. McBride E. McCallum Donna McCallum Jaye McCann G. McCann J C McCarthy B. 76 780-939-6039 780-939-7150 780-939-7782 780-939-6996 780-939-2442 780-939-7340 780-939-0122 780-939-0133 780-939-6421 780-984-6616 780-939-3024 780-939-1030 780-939-5867 780-572-0421 780-939-1033 780-939-2479 780-939-5331 780-939-3825 780-939-5231 780-939-4799 780-572-4398 780-939-4140 780-939-9188 780-939-6866 780-939-3646 780-939-6823 780-939-6349 780-939-6287 780-939-0173 780-939-4905 780-939-4423 780-939-4808 780-939-5321 780-939-7277 780-939-2419 780-939-7742 780- 868-1961 780-939-2288 780-939-6949 780-939-7136 780-939-6482 780-939-2358 780-939-5997 780-939-4746 780-939-6208 780-939-7223 780-939-5234 780-939-3830 780-939-5055 780-203-0302 780-939-3398 780-939-6168 780-939-2615 780-939-4359 780-939-4909 780-572-3241 780-939-7309 780-939-1082 780-939-5534 780-572-3876 780-939-2109 780-939-6350 780-939-4991 780-939-3837 780-939-6829 780-939-4199 McClinton Richard McConaghie J. McCubbin B. McCullough Len McDonald Alysha McDonald D. McDonald Gary McDonald K & C McDonald P & C McDonald R. McDonald Ron McEwens Fuels & Fertilizers McGillis B. McGowan C. McGrath B. McGrath D & G McGuire J. McGuire L. McGuire Robert McInnis Bill McIntyre Pat & Debbie McIntyre R. McIsaac Barbara McKale Elmer McKay Keith McKay Patricia McKenzie M. McKenzie Randy McKenzie Terrie McKillop K. McKinnon J. McKirdy J. McKirdy T Sr. McKirdy Thomas I. McLachlan Don McLaggan Bruce McLaren T. McLauchlin Leonard McLaughlin Helen McLaughlin JC McLaughlin L. McLaughlin Lori McLaughlin Lori McLaughlin Wendy McLennan Gerry McLimoyle J. McLinton J & E McMartin R W McMillan Lorraine McMillan R. McMow Donald McNalley John E. McNamara Don McNeil Jeff McNeil Mark & Pat McNeilly J. McPherson Donna McPherson J & P McRae A. McRae B. McRae Don McRae Ron & Cathy Mead M. Mead R & M Meade N. Meade Steve 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-3457 780-939-6037 780-939-6370 780-939-4574 780-939-5740 780-939-4817 780-939-5419 780-572-4555 780-939-3277 780-939-2263 780-939-5688 780-939-4110 780-939-2079 780-939-6969 780-939-3248 780-939-6838 780-939-2633 780-939-0319 780-939-3022 780-939-7472 780-939-6761 780-939-0280 780-939-0102 780-939-2517 780-939-3387 780-572-3757 780-939-4106 780-939-6834 780-939-7276 780-939-6449 780-939-4272 780-939-5513 780-939-3335 780-939-3824 780-939-2399 780-939-5478 780-939-3293 780-939-3694 780-939-4642 780-939-0272 780-939-6711 780-939-6494 780-939-6279 780-939-6711 780-939-5370 780-939-6696 780-939-0309 780-939-3246 780-939-6815 780-939-6951 780-939-3806 780-939-6793 780-572-4171 780-572-2604 780-939-6338 780-939-5708 780-939-2716 780-939-4732 780-939-2032 780-939-6909 780-939-7311 780-939-7436 780-939-0245 780-939-0245 780-939-4561 780-572-3351 Meakin D. 780-939-6568 Meakin K. 780-939-3080 Meakin Kevin 780-939-3014 Meakin Linda & Wayne Fax 780-939-4493 Meakin W S 780-939-2086 Meakin W. 780-939-2492 Meakin WS Fax 780-939-2144 Meals on Wheels 780-939-3212 Measner Glen 780-939-3745 Medication & Herbal Advice 1-888-944-1012 Medicine Chest Guardian Drugs 780-939-2898 Meetsma Henry 780-939-5979 Megyesi L. 780-939-4470 Meier Arthur 780-939-4758 Meister Trevor & Kathryn 780-939-5417 Melchert CV 780-939-6468 Mellor Doug 780-939-5088 Melnyk D. 780-939-5920 Melnyk R. 780-939-3515 Melville Brent 780-939-6562 Melvin R & E 780-939-0454 Menard Chris 780-939-3853 Menard Joe 780-939-3983 Mendoza RC 780-939-2940 Mensink J & J 780-939-3413 Mental Health Clinic 780-939-3388 Mental Health Helpline 1-877-303-2642 Meranda’s780-920-4331 Mercer F. 780-939-2854 Mercier D & K 780-939-4514 Merrell J & K 780-939-7149 Metcalfe D. 780-939-6258 Methewson Donna 780-939-4608 Metivier Christian & Roberta 780-939-8886 Metivier Susan 780-939-4259 Meunier Denis 780-939-3156 Meunier Guy 780-939-7114 Meunier Norman R. 780-939-4572 Meunier R R 780-939-7141 Meunier R. 780-939-6433 Meyer K. 780-939-4469 Meyer L & D 780-939-2747 Meyer Ryan 780-939-3629 MFRC/CRFM Edmonton 780-973-4011 Michael Margaret 780-939-4876 Michael T. 780-939-7358 Michael W. 780-572-0917 Michaud D. 780-939-5488 Michelson M & L 780-939-2801 Michif Cultural & Resource Institute 780-458-9176 Mick Steve 780-939-6773 Middleton C. 780-939-5693 Middleton Don 780-939-3532 Middleton W. 780-939-7549 Midstream Support Society 780-939-3953 Miller George P Fax 780-939-2733 Miller George P. 780-939-4375 Miller Kevin 780-939-6058 Miller R & J 780-939-2005 Miller Scott 780-939-3676 Milliare E. 780-939-6520 Millions Neil 780-939-7104 Mills C & H 780-939-3122 Mirus Tracey 780-939-3614 Mirus Wendy and Mark 780-939-0107 Misiuk M. 780-939-6519 Mitchell Johann & David 780-939-2971 Mitchell R E 780-939-4552 Mitchell T L 780-939-4118 Mobatta Water 780-349-2503 Mochid C. 780-939-0265 Mochnach Dianne 780-572-2464 Mochnach Garry 780-939-2696 Modien Derek 780-939-3134 Moerike Bonnie 780-939-2815 Moerike Garth 780-939-2661 Moffat C & N 780-939-6512 Moffat L. 780-939-4555 Moffatt B. 780-939-6598 Moher Ray 780-939-5000 Molella C. 780-939-6440 Molnar Steve & Shelly 780-939-2550 Momentus Investments Ltd. 780-939-5845 Moncrieff Cindy 780-939-3536 Moncrieff E. 780-939-2493 Mondor L. 780-572-2216 Monger Mark 780-939-6508 Monteiro N. 780-572-0103 Monti L. 780-939-2909 Montina J & M 780-939-7292 Montpellier A. 780-939-4174 Montpetit Armand 780-939-6746 Montpetit Mike 780-939-0547 Moon Finishing 780-349-2833 Moore Chantal 780-939-4975 Moore Dale 780-939-6876 Moore J. 780-939-6762 Moore K. 780-939-6225 Moore Lorraine 780-939-0188 Moore Memorial United Church 780-942-3674 Moore S. 780-939-6976 Moore Tammy 780-939-3217 Moquin Bob 780-939-7241 Morgan N. 780-939-5832 Morill Rocky 780-939-0565 Morin C. 780-939-6576 Morin D & F 780-939-3127 Morin Don 780-939-6524 Morin Eldon 780-939-7280 Morin J. 780-939-5104 Morin L. 780-939-0401 Morin M. 780-939-0224 Morin R & K 780-939-3184 Morin R. 780-939-6789 Morin Richard 780-939-4556 Morin Thomas A. 780-939-3788 Morins Towing & Transport 780-939-4251 Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-9462 Morinville After School Care 780-572-1045 Morinville Agriplex 780-939-3339 Morinville Alliance Church 780-939-5957 or780-939-5970 Morinville Animal Wellness Centre 780-939-4419 Morinville Auto Body Ltd. 780-939-2224 Morinville Auto Parts Ltd/ Bumper To Bumper 780-939-2100 Morinville Baptist Church 780-939-7545 Morinville Barbershop 780-572-3355 Morinville Blind Designs 780-939-3258 Morinville Bottle Depot 780-939-4505 Morinville Bumper to Bumper 780-939-2100 Morinville Business Centre 780-939-5050 Morinville Catholic Church, St Jean Baptiste Parish 780-939-4412 Morinville Chiropractic Clinic 780-939-3399 Morinville Christian School 780-939-2987 Morinville Clinic Fax 780-939-7710 Morinville Colony 780-939-2118 Morinville Community Gardens [email protected] Morinville Community High School780-939-6891 Morinville Community Library 780-939-3292 Morinville Cultural Centre 780-939-7888 Morinville Curling Club 780-939-4393 Morinville D & J Equipment Ltd. 780-939-4232 Morinville Dental Clinic 780-939-2500 Morinville Estates Manufactured Home Community 780-939-4256 Morinville Fish & Game Association 780 939-2587 Morinville Flooring 780-939-7212 Morinville Food Bank 780-939-2636 Morinville Free Press Newspaper 780-939-3309 Morinville Greenhouses 780-939-3391 Morinville Historic Centre 780-939-7702 Morinville Historical Society 780-572-5585 Morinville Hotel 780-939-4077 Morinville Husky 780-939-4848 if busy call 780-939-4870 Morinville Learning Centre 780-939-4033 Morinville Liquor Store 780-939-4743 Morinville Massage Therapy Inc. 780-903-5429 Morinville Municipal Seed Cleaning Co-op Ltd. 780-939-4021 Morinville News, The 780-800-3619 Morinville Notre Dame Devt. Ltd. 780-572-2473 Morinville Out Of School Care 780-939-4457 Morinville Parish Hall 780-939-6457 Morinville Parish Hall Centre 780-939-4410 Morinville Petro Canada 780-939-6079 Morinville Physical Therapy & Sports Injury Clinic 780-939-5150 Morinville Place 780-939-7737 Morinville Plaza and Suites 780-939-3111 Morinville Public School 780-939-3445 Morinville Public Library 780-939-3292 Morinville Pump Station 780-939-5660 Morinville Rendez Vous Centre 780-939-2727 Morinville RV Park 780-939-6040 Toll Free: 780-418-3000 Morinville RV Park & Campground 780-939-6040 Morinville Self Storage 780-939-6262 Morinville Shell/ White Rose Diner 780-939-6011 Morinville Sobeys 780-939-4418 Morinville Sports 780-572-3456 Morinville Storage & Mobile Home Sales 780-939-2442 Morinville Subway 780-939-4455 Morinville Taxi & Courier 780-939-2729 Morinville Tiny Tots 780-939-5353 Morinville Towing 780-939-3355 Morinville United Church 780-939-5888 Morinville Veterinary Clinic 780-939-3133 Morinville Visitor Information Center 780-939-9462 Morisseau Dean 780-939-4212 Morln Eldon 780-939-7467 Morquest Electric Ltd. 780-939-7585 Morrill L. 780-939-2695 Morris Donna 780-939-7188 Morris G. 780-939-4149 Morrison Darwin 780-939-3268 Morrison J & A 780-939-3145 Morrison L & D 780-572-0011 Morrison Sherri & Kelly 780-939-6557 Morrow G D 780-939-7201 Morrow G D Fax 780-939-4398 Moskalyk Colleen 780-939-5480 Mountenay D. 780-939-5774 MP Stables 780-939-4655 Mrochuk J. 780-939-2356 Mudalige A . 780-939-5635 Mueller H. 780-572-4969 Mueller Manfred 780-939-7227 Muise K. 780-939-6355 Mulbery John 780-939-6484 Mullen Brian 780-939-2995 Muller Keith 780-939-3098 Municipal Assessment Services Group Inc. 780-939-3310 Municipal Information Systems Inc. 780-939-4000 Municipal Information Systems Inc. Fax 780-939-3228 Munroe Kevin E. 780-939-6231 Munroe Roy 780-939-2843 Murals of Legal 780-961-3665 Muran Garth 780-939-2457 Muran Garth 780-939-2858 Murdock J. 780-572-4448 Murphy B & N 780-939-5121 Murphy Don 780-939-1061 Murphy Michael 780-939-3611 Murray S. 780-572-1054 Murrin F. 780-939-3091 Musée Héritage Museum 780-459-1528 Musée Morinville Museum 780-572-5585 Museum ‘Le Petit Musee de Legal’ 780-961-4059 Muth L. 780-939-3717 Nahernik E. 780-939-3701 Nahirnick L. 780-939-5596 Nalesnik K. 780-939-0512 Nalesnik M. 780-939-4972 Namao Community Hall 780-973-6899 Namao Museum 780-973-3811 Namao School 780-973-9191 Namao School Gymnasium 780-973-6899 Namao United Church 780- 973-6708 Namchuk M L 780-939-6812 Namchuk Mitchell 780-572-3231 Nana’s Dayhome 780-939-5857 Napora M & T 780-939-4700 Nattrass Ed 780-939-3427 Nay T. 780-939-4941 Neal R. 780-939-6991 Neighbors Vitamin Shop 780-572-1011 Neill D. 780-939-5319 Neis Chelsey 780-572-4998 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 77 Nelson D. 780-939-4994 Nelson David 780-939-4261 Nelson E. 780-939-2298 Nelson R & L 780-939-4619 Nerling C & D 780-939-4298 Nesbit M. 780-572-3301 Neufeld Doug 780-939-3379 Neufeld O. 780-939-3438 Neufeld Stan 780-939-2880 Neuman V. 780-939-4627 Neumann B. 780-939-6722 Neumann Gary & Kathy 780-939-7121 Neumann K. 780-939-0330 Neveu Fred 780-939-2669 Newcap Radio Stations 780-349-3321 Newcombe S. 780-939-3681 Newell L. 780-939-3311 Newell T. 780-939-3904 Newman L. 780-939-2627 Newton M. 780-939-5366 Nichol K 780-939-2279 Nicholas Tony 780-572-1057 Nichols K. 780-939-4883 Nielsen Brian & Tiphany 780-939-7207 Nielsen Douglas 780-939-2610 Nielsen Douglas 780-939-1047 Nielsen Eric 780-572-1802 Nilson V & T 780-939-7430 No Frills 1-866-987-6453 No Frills Pharmacy 780-939-2915 Noah’s Ark Pets And Supplies 780-939-2528 Nobert B. 780-939-6890 Nobert B. 780-939-6973 Nobert Len Farm 780-939-2110 Nobert Richard 780-939-2659 Noel A. 780-939-7471 Nolin K. 780-939-3560 Nolin Shawn 780-939-4776 Nolte Joe P. 780-939-3402 Noonan Valerie 780-939-4211 Nordlund B D 780-939-4851 Nortec Plumbing & Heating Ltd. 780-448-9336 North 49 Builders & Development 780-939-3820 North Parkland Power Rural Electrification Assoc. Ltd. 780-398-2000 North Parkland Power Rural Electrification Assoc. Ltd. 1-866-398-2001 Northcott Malinda 780-939-6648 Northern Gateway Pipelines 604-694-7740 Northern Lights Energy & Power 780-398-2115 Norton M 780-939-7352 Norwax Independent Sales 587-985-6162 Notre Dame Apartments 780-572-2473 Notre Dame Development Ltd. 780-913-2406 Notre Dame Elementary School 780-939-4020 Notre Dame Pre School 780-939-4285 Nowaselski O. 780-939-9936 Nu Way Electronic Services Ltd. 780-939-5758 Nyal A. 780-939-2021 Nykipilo J. 780-939-6139 Nykolaychuk A. 780-939-5252 Nysetvold D. 780-939-2740 O’Brien JG 780-939-6376 O’Connell Patrick 780-939-5700 O’Connor Jennifer 780-939-3966 78 O’Dea Paul G O’Gorman R & R O’Hara C & L O’Neill Peggy O’Quinn Philip O’Quinn Raymond O’Quinn V. O’Regan J. O’Riordan T. Oatway Phil Oatway T. Ochre Park Odenbach Bertha Odowichuk Jeff H. Office Genie Old Wood Factory Oleksiuk P & L Oleksiuk Terry Olesen Amanda Oleski Darryl Oleski Mike Olive Tree, The Oliver Andrea Olsen B & J Olsen K & S Olson J. Olson J. Olthuis Carolyn Oltsher M. Onischuk Dan On-Track Railway Operations Ltd Onyx & Agate Esthetics and Jewelry Ooh La La Nails by Megan Oranchuk D. Osadchuk A. Osborne D. Osborne J. Osetsky G & L Osland L & G Otto William Ouderkirk JK Ouellette Guy Ouimet Joe Our Lady of Lourdes Outhouse Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting Ltd. Outland Electric & Controls Ltd. Owchar Edward Owen R. Owens Philip Oystryk Orest P&D Petroleum’s Ltd Page D & K Page D & K Fax Palma Mike & Angel Palma Mike & Angel Palmer Barry Palmer J. Pandachuk J. Pangburn A. Paquette Omer Parchwesky R & T Parent Melanie Parenteau Harvey Park Power 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-5820 780-939-7743 780-939-2211 780-939-6657 780-939-4979 780-939-3521 780-939-5969 780-939-5410 780-939-5411 780-939-7578 780-939-2436 780-942-2901 780-939-2731 780-939-7566 780-720-7581 780-939-3376 780-939-7766 780-939-3912 780-939-0100 780-939-7314 780-939-3488 780-939-4292 780-939-3496 780-939-3051 780-939-3959 780-939-4673 780-939-3729 780-939-3975 780-939-6679 780-939-4428 780-973-6003 780-920-4610 780-265-3768 780-939-5773 780-939-4262 780-939-3210 780-572-1048 780-939-7158 780-939-3489 780-939-5118 780-572-4461 780-939-5138 780-939-5305 780-998-3288 780-699-1552 780-461-0113 780-939-2512 780-939-6608 780-939-4302 780-939-2737 780-939-4073 780-939-2944 780-939-2945 780-939-0300 780-939-2222 780-939-3159 780-939-6946 780-939-4950 780-939-3762 780-939-6672 780-939-3273 780-939-4977 780-939-5723 780-640-2128 Parker P. Parker S & C Parkinson Laura Parkland Homes Ltd. Parkland Homes Ltd. Fax Parlee Aaron Parnmukh Sam Parr Stacy Parrent Matthew Parrill J & S Parsley J & G Parsons David Pasay D S Pasechnik E. Paterson Ernie Patrick James Patron-Kesenheimer Colleen & Gary Pattel Bhagyesh Pattenden T & S Patterson Everett Patterson Everett Patterson F. Patterson Kelly & Rob Paul A. Paul Allan Paul Amanda Paul D. Paul E. Paul L. Paul Lester Paul W. Paul’s Barbershop Paul’s Family Hair Care Paul’s Water Services Pautonnier Leonard Pawelka Eugene Pawelka Gerry Pawlick Ted & Jen Pawlik Ken Pawluk Roberta Payne J. Paziuk D. Peacock Ted & Angelle Pearce Bruce Pearce C. Pearce Herb Pearce K & S Pearce Keith Pearsen E. Pearson Barry Pearson Patrick M. Pedde K. Peddy’s Bobcat Services Ltd. Peden Bernard Peek T. Peet Greg Pellerito Phil Pelletier G. Pelletier L & M Pelletier Tony Pelly K. Pendrak George Pennock Jodi Pennock R & D Penserum M. 780-939-0209 780-939-6930 780-939-2519 780-940-8054 780-939-6327 780-572-3272 780-939-2988 780-939-0518 780-939-3085 780-572-3259 780-572-2753 780-939-3624 780-939-2472 780-939-5860 780-939-6108 780-939-4275 780-939-5871 780-939-0203 780-939-2803 780-939-6630 780-939-6688 780-939-7179 780-939-0416 780-939-4718 780-939-7370 780-572-3439 780-939-3483 780-939-0340 780-939-5250 780-939-0194 780-939-2475 780-939-3245 780-939-3245 780-939-2694 780-939-4529 780-939-2433 780-939-2149 780-939-2331 780-939-2240 780-939-5247 780-939-1079 780-939-0291 780-939-6229 780-939-4368 780-939-4925 780-939-4663 780-939-5449 780-939-5786 780-939-5051 780-939-6087 780-939-3577 780-939-5355 780-240-5322 780-939-7542 780-572-2270 780-939-6911 780-939-6818 780-939-3723 780-939-3728 780-939-4907 780-939-5922 780-939-4417 780-939-6924 780-939-2424 780-939-3155 Percheson Gary Percy J L Pereria Adrian Periosmart Ltd. Perkins S. Perlinski Mike & Debbie Perpar Diana Perrins J. Perrott G. Perrott G. Perrott Gordon Perrott Raymond Perrott S. Perrott S. Perrotta L. Pesheau G. Pete’s Lock & Key Ltd. Peter Willi Peter Z Enterprises Peterkin Keith Peters Allan Peters B. Petersen C & A Petersen L. Peterson A & R Peterson Krochak - Lawyers Petterson W. Petterson Wes Pettitt Kevin Phaneuf M. Phelan Kelly Phillips D. Phillips John Picadili Storage & Moving Piche L. Piche V. Piehl Norman Piercey Art Pinault J & R Pinceman Tyler Pinette Ernest Pipe Alignment Tool Piper F. Pirtle Rodney Pisek T & B Pitre Rick Pizza Hut Placenta Pure Plamondon C. Plamondon J J Plamondon Roger J. Plamondon Tina Planet Liquor Pleasant Homes Pleather to Leather Plumb Craig Poirier L. Poirier Lauralee Poison Centre Polakovits John Poliakiwski B. Police RCMP Poltorak G. Pombert Dennis Pomerleau B. Pomerleau D. 780-939-4443 780-939-2608 780-939-6113 855-324-3837 780-939-0350 780-939-5412 780-939-0269 780-939-7760 780-939-2047 780-939-2255 780-939-2045 780-939-2272 780-939-3640 780-939-3847 780-939-5191 780-939-5984 780-459-8247 780-939-5885 780-572-4995 780-939-4647 780-939-7435 780-939-6096 780-939-3006 780-939-3936 780-939-3060 780-939-2048 780-939-5808 780-939-5876 780-939-6857 780-939-2053 780-939-6340 780-939-3963 780-939-7365 780-554-0020 780-939-4810 780-939-6636 780-939-4713 780-939-5049 780-939-6998 780-939-5978 780-939-5188 780-939-4665 780-939-6152 780-939-3099 780-572-0708 780-939-2861 780-572-4900 780-953-2000 780-939-5140 780-939-3736 780-939-2108 780-572-2256 780-939-2380 780-939-3584 780-572-2431 780-939-7336 780-939-7283 780-939-0489 1-800 332-1414 780-939-2390 780-939-3763 780-939-4520 780-939-2189 780-939-4994 780-939-3266 780-939-6357 Pomerleau D. Pomerleau E. Pomerleau Rene Pon Fred Pool A. Pool A. Pool Gary Popovich Sandie Popowich Richard Popular Pooch Daycare & Fitness Inc. Porisky D. Porlier Corey Porlier Michel Porter Geraldine Porter J Office Porter James & Shelley Post John A. Potiuk D & T Potskin Karen Pouilot Rick Poulin J & N Poulin Roger F. Powell E A Powell E A Power T & L Poworoznik Mike Poworoznik Mike Fax Poxon Leigh Prairie Gardens & Greenhouses Precision Home Inspection Services Preeper Frank Preeper Frank Preeper Frank Premium Food Services Price Richard Price Virgil Primeau B. Primeau M & L Prive Virgil Fax Pro Level Looks Hair Studio Proctor David & Peggy proDrive School of Professional Driving Professional Financial Advisors Prokopchuk B. Prominent Homes Edmonton Ltd. Proulx B. Provost B. Provost B. Pruden Robert Prusko H Psychsupport Services Puchala Julie Pudloeski Kim & Corey Pugh L. Pugliese Marie Pulleybank M. Purves Jim Putnam & Lawson Barristers & Solicitors Putnam Gordon Pyesmany Joe Pyro Productions Testing 780-939-6717 780-939-3275 780-939-3535 780-939-6627 780-939-6125 780-939-6545 780-939-4842 780-939-2186 780-939-7489 780-939-2273 780-572-3380 780-939-3367 780-939-5857 780-939-6975 780-939-2959 780-939-3730 780-939-6489 780-939-1019 780-939-6769 780-939-6462 780-572-2727 780-939-4490 780-939-6151 780-939-6573 780-939-4413 780-939-4299 780-939-4287 780-939-2161 780-921-2272 780-267-8169 780-939-6134 780-939-4307 780-939-4308 780-801-0887 780-939-6186 780-939-4539 780-939-5548 780-572-2009 780-939-7351 780-939-0707 780-939-6781 780-934-2834 780-458-8398 780-939-2914 780-761-0790 780-939-5756 780-939-5159 780-939-2425 780-939-4811 780-939-6629 780-237-6283 780-939-3018 780-939-3494 780-939-7382 780-939-5655 780-572-2263 780-939-7140 780-939-2001 780-939-2001 780-939-7369 780-995-5121 Pywell T. 780-572-1051 QSP Fundraising 780-572-4172 Quick Julia 780-939-4919 Quinn Ross 780-939-4091 Quinn Tim 780-939-5804 Quinn’s Plumbing & Heating 780-939-4217 R C Electric 780-939-5862 R C M P Morinville 780-939-4520 Racine E & M 780-939-7791 Racine L. 780-939-5443 Racine R. 780-939-3831 Raczynski Andrew 780-939-7522 Radford Garry 780-939-3613 Raine G. 780-939-7789 Rakowski Dwayne 780-939-5205 Ralph Alex & Doris 780-939-6017 Ralph BV 780-572-2225 Randell Michelle 780-939-5777 Randell Mona 780-939-6614 Rankin Pat 780-939-7508 Rapati Rick 780-939-6957 Rasmussen Donald 780-939-2218 Rasmussen Jordan 780-939-1008 Raubenheimer L. 780-939-6650 Ravanal Jorge 780-939-5423 RBC Royal Bank 780-939-4331 RCMP Administration 780-939-4550 RD Horricks Professional Corporation 780-939-5224 Re/Max – Anna Ehli 780-939-1111 Re/MAX Real Estate 780-939-1111 Rea Jennifer 780-939-2351 Read D. 780-939-6410 Reader J S 780-939-2587 Reader J S Fax 780-939-2581 Reash D. 780-939-2599 Reaume B & T 780-939-0165 Recon Till Inc 780-349-6569 Red Willow Homes Inc. 780-695-0322 Redfern Warren 780-939-6963 Redlac Pump Service Ltd. 780-939-4944 Rednex Bar & Grill Ltd. 780-939-6955 Redwater School 780-942-3625 Redwater Alliance 780-942-3013 Redwater and District Museum 780-942-2512 Or 780-942-3492 Redwater Community Golf Course780-942-3993 Redwater Discovery Oil Derrick 780-942-3519 Redwater Pentacostal Church 780-942-2715 Redwater Public Library 780-942-3464 Regimbald D. 780-939-6954 Registries By Drayden 780-939-3600 Reid C. 780-939-7527 Reid Harry 780-939-3798 Reid Leanne 780-939-3775 Reid Russell 780-939-0349 Reid Tamara 780-939-4943 Reimer Allan 780-939-5317 Reimer W. 780-939-5561 Reinbold Hank 780-939-6943 Reinhart G. 780-939-7417 Reisinger Cathy 780-572-4460 Reiter B. 780-939-0353 Rejuvenate Within 780-919-7823 Relax & Rejuvenate Massage 780-906-1200 Remote Wireline Services Ltd. 780-939-6655 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 79 Rendez-Vous Centre Rene’s Vacuum Service Inc. Legal Rene’s Vacuum Service Inc. Westlock Rennie J. Rentz Graham Rentz Lionel Rev’s Electrical Contracting (2011) Ltd. Rewniak Darryl Reynolds B. Reynolds Wade Ricard Dan Ricard David Ricard George Ricard Jim Ricard Jim Ricard Leo Ricard Roland Rice D. Rice K & D Richard Heather Richards R J Richards T. Richardson John & Lindsay Richardson Kelly Richardson Scott Rideout D. Ried R. Riemer Delacey Rieter Adjusting Services Inc. Riley Paul Rimes Amanda Rimes R. Ringuette Paul & Crystal Riopel Claude Riopel Claude & Simone Fax Riopel Napoleon Riopel Raymonde G. Riopel Robert E. Risser A. Ritter Greg River A & D River City Events Rivet L & J Rivet Laurent Rivet R. Rivet Roger Riviere Qui Barre Agricultural Society Riviere Qui Barre Arena Roadrunners Equipment Sales & Services Roadrunners Tirecraft Commercial Roadrunners Towing Roadrunners Towing & Transportation Robar T. Roberts Darlene Roberts Darlene Roberts S. Roberts Shane Roberts Todd & Bonnie Roberts Todd & Bonnie 80 780-619-4668 780-349-2711 780-961-3064 780-939-0206 780-572-1001 780-939-6881 780-455-9913 780-939-5435 780-939-6798 780-939-4723 780-939-7250 780-939-0457 780-939-5694 780-939-3234 780-939-7779 780-939-3047 780-939-4854 780-939-2191 780-939-0343 780-939-7119 780-939-3028 780-939-4481 780-939-7333 780-939-5092 780-939-0302 780-939-3703 780-939-7232 780-939-6464 780-939-5646 780-939-2558 780-939-5559 780-939-6639 780-939-1011 780-939-2444 780-939-2402 780-939-2343 780-939-4058 780-939-2578 780-939-4088 780-939-2585 780-939-7375 780-996-4400 780-939-3942 780-939-4072 780-939-4330 780-939-7330 780-939-2422 780-939-2906 780-939-3188 780-939-3188 780-939-4251 780-939-4251 780-939-3188 780-939-5844 780-939-3484 780-939-6346 780-939-6623 780-572-4414 780-939-2925 780-939-3183 Roberts W. Robertson P. Robertson Trevor Robichaud Don Robillard A J Robillard Ocean Robinson Darrell Robinson Jim Robinson John Robinson N. Robinson T. Rocco K. Rochard Alorah Rockin’ Rovers Rockwell Dave Roddis Adam Roeske M H Roeske W. Rogers Nicole Rogoschewsky M & H Roh David Rohr B. Rolleston E. Rolling R. Romanowski Darren, Dr Dentist Romansky W. Romijn Brian Romijn Construction Ronalds A & A Rondeau C. Rooke Steven Room By Room Roscoe Brian F. Rose S & J Roseridge Landfill Roseridge Waste Management Services Commission Ross BG Ross Brett Ross Douglas Ross S. Rostecki Charity Rosychuk L. Rosychuk T M Rosychuk T. Rotary Club Roth Doug Rothlisberger Fritz Rouault Lionel Rouault Ron Rouault Tony Rouault Tony Fax Roulston A J Rousseau H L Rousseau Kevin Rousseau M. Rousseau Paula & Dean Rousseau Robert Rousseau V. Routhier G. Rouzes J & A Rowe Collin Roy Brandy Roy L. Roy Lesley Roy Lesley 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-7434 780-939-9930 780-939-6992 780-939-6610 780-939-4025 780-939-1083 780-939-2162 780-939-3324 780-939-2907 780-939-4399 780-939-6127 780-939-5509 780-939-3901 780-939-2273 780-939-2150 780-939-0511 780-939-4938 780-939-3537 780-939-4885 780-939-7183 780-939-6071 780-939-7267 780-939-0526 780-939-4304 780-939-1288 780-939-6068 780-939-6928 780-939-3158 780-939-3068 780-939-2946 780-939-6255 780-217-2748 780-939-2199 780-939-6546 780-939-5678 780-939-5678 780-939-3990 780-572-3243 780-939-7257 780-939-3180 780-939-7504 780-939-2966 780-939-3301 780-939-2908 780-939-4908 780-939-7249 780-939-4989 780-939-7588 780-939-5687 780-939-2020 780-939-6920 780-939-6518 780-939-2394 780-939-6305 780-939-4186 780-939-3206 780-939-2437 780-939-2282 780-939-4806 780-939-5466 780-939-4389 780-939-4711 780-939-0564 780-939-5753 780-939-2416 Royal Canadian Legion NO. 176 780-939-4464 Royal Canadian Mounted Police 780-939-4520 Administration Info 780-939-4550 Royan Carl 780-939-4296 Royce P. 780-939-2782 Royer S. 780-939-4640 Rozak R. 780-572-2293 Ruetz Construction Ltd. 780-458-8243 Ruppensteil Lil 780-939-2092 Rusk Mathew 780-939-5468 Russell Daniel 780-939-6036 Russell Denise 780-939-3492 Russell Thomas 780-939-2797 Rustemeier Anton J X 780-973-5998 Rustemeier Ferdinand 780-939-6592 Rustemeier R. 780-939-2249 Rutkowski A. 780-939-3308 RV Carpentry 780-918-4308 RV City 780-939-2900 Ryan Adrian C. 780-939-3036 Ryan C. 780-939-3231 Ryan D. 780-939-4768 Ryan T. 780-939-7366 Ryvers N. 780-939-6195 Sabourin Norman 780-939-5428 Sabourin Raymond 780-939-4479 Sacher John 780-939-2180 Sacred Heart Parrish 780-998-3288 Sacred Stones Jewelry [email protected] Sadoway C. 780-939-3663 Saffin Gordon 780-939-5030 Saffin Gordon 780-939-7546 Sailer Y. 780-939-2050 Saint Charles 780-939-6006 Sal’s Famous Donairs & Pizza 780-939-5666 Salardeau G & T 780-572-4043 Sales Larry 780-939-5023 Sales Larry 780-939-4924 Sam’s Excavation & Landscaping Ltd. 780-267-6700 Samborski D & S 780-939-2986 Samborski R. 780-939-4573 Samchuk Brad 780-939-5367 Samchuk T. 780-939-6095 Sampson Andrea 780-572-1240 Sampson K. 780-939-4005 Sampson S. 780-572-3442 Sanborn M. 780-939-4741 Sandberg J. 780-572-3234 Sandercock Vera 780-939-2536 Sandmaier Jim 780-939-6369 Sandpiper Golf & Country Club 780-408-8687 Sansterre R & L 780-572-1110 Santrock Bill 780-939-2011 Santrock H. 780-939-2867 Sarah Iverson 780-939-3617 Sarbecnat Plumbing & Heating 780-918-6033 Sarrasin Ray & Brenda 780-939-0150 Sasseville A & J 780-939-4742 Sasseville Bert 780-939-2870 Sasseville Gilbert 780-939-2583 Sasseville Lucien 780-939-5162 Sasseville R & A 780-939-6424 Saunders Ken 780-939-2206 Saunders Robert J. 780-939-6809 Sauve Floyd 780-572-3321 Savage B & D 780-939-7372 Savard E. 780-939-4372 Savard S. 780-939-4152 Savard S. 780-939-4208 Savenay Builders 780-718-6944 Savenay Builders Ltd. 780-572-2473 Savinkoff Fred 780-939-5369 Savoie C. 780-939-0113 Savoie Theresa 780-939-6222 Sawchuk J. 780-939-8880 Sawyer D. 780-939-0184 Scantland Ed 780-939-3050 Scantland Eugene 780-939-2131 Schacker Kathleen 780-939-6035 Schaeffer Derek 780-572-4919 Schaeffer T 780-939-0424 Schafers Alois 780-939-2370 Schafers B. 780-939-6565 Schafers Bill Shop 780-939-6585 Schafers George 780-939-3070 Schamehorn Lyle 780-939-6609 Schapansky M G 780-939-6870 Schapansky M G Fax 780-939-6830 Scharmann A 780-939-4774 Scharmann Fred 780-939-2816 Schaub R. 780-939-5653 Schaufele D 780-939-6276 Schaufele Hilbert 780-939-0235 Schayes Leon 780-939-3327 Schayes M. 780-939-4632 Schayes M. 780-939-4652 Schedlosky Mike 780-939-2964 Schiller Arlene 780-939-0341 Schlachter Frank 780-939-7406 Schlikosky Brendan 780-572-1789 Schmidt V . 780-939-4645 Schmutz T. 780-939-5054 Schneider Axel & Victoria 780-939-5574 Schneider Hal 780-939-2929 Schneider Sheldon 780-572-4423 Schnell K. 780-939-3534 Schnelle U. 780-939-3568 Schoenberger J. 780-939-5015 Schoenberger J. 780-939-4101 Schra Eric 780-939-4044 Schrijvers Mike 780-939-3175 Schultz Craig & Wendy 780-939-4327 Schuman Matthew 780-939-3352 Schurman B. 780-939-0101 Schutz S. 780-939-3592 Schwabenbauer K. 780-939-0294 Schwabenbauer M. 780-939-0294 Schwartz D & A 780-939-2817 Scotiabank780-939-2611 Scott Diane & Bill 780-939-2556 Scott George 780-939-6126 Scovoranski B. 780-939-4014 Scrub & Shine Cleaning Ltd. 780-717-4975 Seal Syona 780-939-3375 Sears Canada Inc. 780-939-2911 Sedgwick K. 780-939-4206 Seguin J. 780-572-2663 Seguin P. 780-939-4900 Seib Gerald 780-939-2228 Seib M. 780-939-0554 Seibel Darrell 780-939-5070 Select Equipment Rentals Selesky Mike Semeniuk Ihor Semenuik J. Semple A & J Senior Errand Services Senior Snow Removal Seniors’ Rendez-Vous Centre Serafinchon D. Servus Credit Union Severson Danny Seymour Robert Shades Of Sound/Infinite Event Services Shaeffer T. Shaffer A. Shahaj Satmir Shandro T J Shannon Scott Sharko P. Sharpe John Sharrun Ken Shaw Cable Customer Service Shaw J. Shea Mitchell Shea Steven Sheehan D. Sheehan Donna Sheehan J P Sheehan Jim Sheehan Michael Sheen Ken Shell Canada Service Station Shelmey Financial Shen Kenneth Shen Kenneth Fax Shen M L Shennan T. Sheppard Lila Sheppard T & C Sheremeta W. Sherwin J R Shewfelt J Shield C & M Shinke O S Shmyr T Fax Shmyr T. Short D. Short Kelly & Scott Shrum Leo Shuman J. Shymka R. Sicoli J. Sieben K. Silvercrest Contracting Inc. Sim Arnie Simmoneau R & J Simmons C & H Simms Shannon Simon C. Simonet T. Simons Tracy Simpson Bruce Simpson Bruce Simpson Byron Simpson S. 780-939-3040 780-939-5823 780-939-3376 780-939-5139 780-939-6282 587-337-6883 780-939-7833 780-939-2727 780-939-1046 780-939-4120 780-572-4037 780-572-1061 780-975-6152 780-939-0424 780-939-2865 780-939-4309 780-939-5031 780-572-2265 780-939-2414 780-939-4461 780-939-5011 780-490-3555 780-939-3236 780-572-2854 780-572-4943 780-939-3281 780-939-2477 780-939-2155 780-939-4181 780-939-5260 780-939-6780 780-939-6011 780-572-1844 780-939-3696 780-939-5679 780-939-5075 780-939-0283 780-939-2805 780-939-4770 780-939-5809 780-939-0544 780-939-3077 780-572--2629 780-939-5434 780-939-4911 780-939-7319 780-939-4447 780-939-0303 780-939-4468 780-939-3845 780-939-4845 780-939-5738 780-939-4188 780-686-1997 780-939-2723 780-939-0519 780-939-6443 780-572-4392 780-939-6786 780-939-5197 780-939-7724 780-939-5752 780-939-2007 780-939-6160 780-939-5145 Sims S. 780-939-3324 Sinclair Joe & Maureen 780-939-6444 Sinclair M. 780-939-1002 Sinclair Robert 780-939-6619 Sinner-Daub D. 780-939-2057 Sinnet Jackson & Jen 780-939-3688 Sitek Larry 780-939-2652 Skaret Martin 780-939-3248 Skene D. 780-939-5900 Sketchly L. 780-939-6085 Skinsationals780-619-3043 Skjersven Brent & Wendy 780-939-4951 Skjersven Ken & Isabel 780-939-6435 Skoreyko Ken 780-939-7195 Skousbol P. 780-939-2881 Skyrpan L & S 780-939-3665 Slater J. 780-939-3856 Sloan Denise 780-572-0017 Sloan Milt 780-939-5950 Sloan T. 780-939-0400 Sloboda RG 780-939-2487 Smartland Capital 780-939-2001 Smiley Kevin & Jackie 780-572-1062 Smith A. 780-572-2732 Smith Brad 780-939-6385 Smith Brian 780-939-3969 Smith D & L 780-939-4820 Smith D. 780-939-5124 Smith D. 780-939-6479 Smith Darcy 780-939-4139 Smith Earl D. 780-939-2413 Smith G. 780-939-6611 Smith Grant 780-939-5734 Smith J. 780-939-3002 Smith Jarrod 780-939-5418 Smith L & E 780-939-2459 Smith L & T 780-939-3928 Smith M & K 780-939-7147 Smith Music 780-862-0340 Smith P & H 780-939-3644 Smith Peter 780-939-7259 Smith W. 780-939-4060 Smok Gary 780-939-4920 Smokehouse and Bar BQ 780-572-1800 Snook R. 780-939-4879 Soaring Hawk Contracting 780-288-8644 Sobey R Fax 780-939-4999 Sobey R. 780-939-5812 Sobeys Ready To Serve 780-939-4418 Socholotuik A. 780-939-6935 Social Development 780-939-2700 Soetaert C & J Fax 780-939-6760 Soetaert C. 780-939-6700 Soetaert David 780-939-4878 Soetaert David 780-939-5312 Soetaert Philip A Fax 780-939-6584 Soetaert Phillip A. 780-939-2237 Soetaert Ron 780-939-2231 Soetaert Tom 780-939-2214 Soosay Kimberly 780-939-3302 Sopiwnyk D. 780-939-3620 Sorochan I. 780-939-6033 Souliere R J 780-939-5729 Spak D. 780-939-5953 Spargo Ivan 780-939-3189 Spiker Equipment 780-939-4100 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 81 Spila Q. Spila Victoria Spilak Eugene Spin City Xpress Inc. or Spirits in Morinville Spring Creek Golf Course St Albert Gazette St Albert Greenhouses Ltd. St Albert Honda St Andrews Anglican Church St Denis B. St Denis Leo-Paul St Emerence Parish St Jean Larry St John J. St Laurent George St Laurent J Thomas St Laurent L. St Laurent Maurice St Laurent Roger St Laurent Wayne St Louis L. St Onge J & L St Onge Roni St. Albert & Sturgeon Primary Care Morinville St. Albert Alliance Church St. Albert Gazette St. Albert Grain Elevator Park & Train Station St. Charles Parish St. Clare’s Roman Catholic St. Dennis Monique St. Emerence Catholic Church St. Emile Roman Catholic Church St. Jean-Baptiste Church (Stations of the Cross) St.Albert Direct St.Pierre B. Stacey Dale Stach W. Stadnyk S. Stallknecht S. Stalzer A . Stalzer Frank Stamper F. Stand-Stone Waste Disposal Standstone Waste Services Ltd. Stang E. Stanisky S. Stanton B. Starcheski A. Starcheski L. Starchuk W. Starling Contracting International Inc. Starling Ronald Starman C. Stauffer Alvin Stauffer Danny Staver D & L Steele K & M Steer David Steffler Frank Stein Jim 82 780-939-4828 780-572-2217 780-939-4570 780-939-3030 780-939-5776 780-939-6550 780-921-3121 780-460-5500 780-939-3110 780-458-0800 780-939-5210 780-939-5057 780-939-6022 780-939-6325 780-939-0178 780-939-5083 780-939-4252 780-939-5454 780-939-4127 780-939-7555 780-939-7598 780-939-6293 780-572-0409 780-939-5185 780-939-1081 780-939-5233 780-458-5335 780-460-5500 780-459-4404 780- 458 -0722 780-942-3541 780-572-3239 780-458-0722 780-961-3613 780-939-4412 780-460-8200 780-572-0010 780-939-5149 780-939-3345 780-939-7746 780-939-4641 780-939-3251 780-939-4218 780-939-3058 780-967-4450 780-962-4406 780-939-4937 780-939-5707 780-939-6426 780-939-4616 780-939-5027 780-939-3124 780-668-2905 780-939-4210 780-939-5440 780-939-2364 780-939-3782 780-939-5148 780-939-4740 780-939-1010 780-939-6296 780-939-5294 Stein Karl 780-572-2011 Steinke Bonnie 780-939-0411 Stempnick H. 780-939-3268 Stenvold M. 780-939-0375 Stephen Bert 780-939-7765 Sterr Leigh 780-572-3371 Stevenson Craig 780-939-4155 Stevenson Wayne & Christine 780-939-6455 Stevenson William 780-939-2018 Stevenson William Fax 780-939-5226 Stewart Brian & Brenda 780-939-3609 Stewart David 780-939-7344 Stewart J & L 780-939-3448 Stewart Raymond 780-939-7113 Stickland Clayton 780-572-4000 Stickland E. 780-572-4035 Stimson Darrel 780-939-4395 Stimson Darren 780-939-6953 Stirling Brent 780-939-5769 Stirling Brent 780-939-6714 Stirling D Ms. 780-939-6001 Stitsen Anthony C. 780-939-2215 Stitsen J. 780-939-6170 Stitsen Jody 780-939-3805 Stockl William 780-572-4812 Stokes J. 780-939-4767 Stolson Jeff 780-939-2710 Stone A. 780-939-6116 Stone L. 780-939-7499 Stonnell D. 780-939-3062 Stordy S. 780-939-6741 Stoten A. 780-939-0427 Strach D. 780-939-7826 Strand K & T 780-939-6771 Strang S. 780-939-0109 Stratton M. 780-939-4271 Straube A. 780-939-7474 Streeder Murray 780-939-5136 Streeter D. 780-939-2168 Streeter D. 780-939-8004 Streeter K & N 780-939-5507 Streeter K & N Fax 780-939-5506 Strong K. 780-939-3358 Sts. BORYS and HLIB Parish 780-452-8055 Stuart Colin 780-572-2848 Stuart Robin 780-939-4775 Stuart Robin 780-939-5343 Stubbs C. 780-939-5179 Stubbs D & L 780-939-7324 Stuebing Gerald 780-939-3479 Stump S. 780-939-2568 Sturgeon Agricultural Centre (Barn)780-939-6591 Sturgeon Alliance Church 780-923-2727 Sturgeon Composite High 780-973-3230 Sturgeon County 780-939-4321 Sturgeon Foundation Senior’s Supportive Housing 780-939-5116 Sturgeon Heights School 780-459-3990 Sturgeon Learning Centre 780-923-2443 Sturgeon Memorial Chapel 780-915-1860 Sturgeon River Veterinary Group 780-939-3133 Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch 780-939-4550 (local call) Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch 780-459-7689 (toll free) Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch 1-800-222-8477 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce (toll free Crime Stoppers) Sturgeon School Division No 24 780-939-4341 Sturgeon School Division Substitute Service 780-939-2961 Sturgeon Valley Golf & Country Club 780-973-6705 Sturgeon Valley Sod 780-939-2226 Sturm Gerry 780-939-5696 Subway780-939-4455 Suchy Ed 780-939-4890 Suchy Ed & G 780-939-4942 Suer E & T 780-939-3415 Sullivan D. 780-939-5357 Summers K. 780-939-0492 Sun-Aalta Drilling Ltd. 780-939-7176 Sundquist Wes 780-939-4010 Sundquist Wes 780-939-4049 Sunflower Community Resource Program 780-923-2374 Sunlife Financial 587-785-4589 Sunnyside Hall 780-973-5629 Sunset Bed & Breakfast 780-939-3658 Sunshine Garden Centre 780-939-2004 Sunshine Promotions 780-458-3588 Suranyi Mike 780-939-3799 Suranyi Roger 780-939-5221 Surette Bruce 780-572-1064 Sverdahl Keith 780-939-6156 Swanson S & K 780-939-2990 Sweeney A. 780-939-0114 Sweet Harvey 780-939-5269 Swerda R E 780-939-4726 Swinton Building SVCS 780-939-2799 Switzer Stacey 780-939-5069 Switzer T & A 780-572-1044 Sye G. 780-939-6007 Sylvestre M. 780-939-4411 System Health Centre 780-920-3357 Syzygy Research & Technology 780-961-2213 T & D’s Organic Saskatoon Berries 780-939-7161 Tailleur M. 780-939-2359 Tailleur Normand & Lori 780-939-5908 Tailleur S. 780-939-6522 Tan D’EM Tanning 780-939-9939 Tanton Harvey & Lorraine 780-939-3233 Tappauf T. 780-939-7794 Tapper Jamie 780-939-2892 Target Products Ltd. 780-939-3033 Tarzwell M & B 780-939-3405 Tarzwell M & B Fax 780-939-3406 Tasty Vending 780-951-2950 Tataryn S. 780-939-2069 Taylor B. 780-939-4847 Taylor B. 780-939-2562 Taylor Craig 780-939-0284 Taylor E & K 780-939-2868 Taylor LB 780-939-3109 Taylor Michelle 780-939-6832 Taylor S. 780-939-2366 Taylor Therapy Centre 780-919-3444 Tchir Darren 780-939-0333 Technical Automotives Inc. 780-939-3976 Teiwes Reiner 780-939-2093 Telford E & L 780-939-2083 Telford Ed 780-939-3984 Telford Ed Tellier Michele Terrae Pines Golf & Country Club Tessari Richard Fax Thaler Ralph Thamer J & S The Father’s House The Shepherd’s Guide Edmonton The Trophy Wife The Wheelbarrow Gardener Thera D & J Thera Kuhberg C. Theriault Eli Theroux Roger Theroux Roger Therres Bob Therres L. Therres Lenard Thiemann Ken Thiessen L. Thimer D & J Think Easy This & That Store Thivierge D & N Thomas Dan Thomas Dan Fax Thomas Megan Thompson Anthony Thompson C. Thompson D. Thompson Gene Thompson J. Thompson Megan Thompson P & W Thompson Ross Thompson Tom Thomson V. Thorburn Jack Thorburn K. Thorian Construction Services Ltd. Threfell Jamie Thurston Hilton Tieulie Paul Tieulie Paul Tim Horton’s Tim Horton’s Store Tinsley B Tiny Totz Cafe or Tirecraft Auto Center Tirecraft Commercial Center Tod Brad Toelle Al Toker George Tolsma Amy & Dave Tolsma Dan Tomashiro Phil Tombs Alastair Tomlinson John T. Tomlinson Ron Toms Mark Tonks John Toole Lawrence Topilko C. Topilko Gordon 780-939-5390 780-939-7341 780-458-1122 780-939-2474 780-939-3744 780-939-4677 780-939-2992 780-463-4506 780-939-2400 780-668-3892 780-572-2274 780-939-4202 780-939-7282 780-939-3362 780-939-3748 780-939-2838 780-939-3943 780-939-2693 780-939-3538 780-939-6547 780-939-0227 780-887-7231 780-939-2250 780-939-0258 780-939-5915 780-939-5918 780-572-4401 780-572-1212 780-572-4260 780-939-4779 780-939-5768 780-572-4888 780-572-2467 780-939-5810 780-939-2204 780-939-5827 780-572-2245 780-939-4012 780-939-2653 780-718-1538 780-939-4348 780-939-3322 780-939-6574 780-939-6790 780-939-4452 780-939-6751 780-939-7722 780-939-2287 780-939-3299 780-939-4250 780-939-3188 780-572-1058 780-939-7589 780-939-2235 780-939-2807 780-939-5717 780-939-5639 780-939-6788 780-939-6605 780-939-4904 780-939-5899 780-939-3864 780-939-7456 780-572-3638 780-939-3738 Torrens M & L Total RV Servicing Ltd. Touchette M H Touchette T. Tourangeau Marcel Town Of Morinville Town Of Morinville Services Bylaw Enforcement Economic Development Community Services Community Cultural Centre Planning & Development Public Works Dept. Ambulance (Emergency) Fire Alarm Only Fire Department Business Office Towpich S D Trachsel P. Tracz Joseph Trade Developements Trahan C. Trahan Lynne & Pierre Trapani J. Trapp Darrell Trapp Darrell Trautman H. Tremblay CD Trenchard S. Trepanier I. Trickett Trina Tricon Design Inc & Castle Building Centre or Trithart Jackie Tronnes Carol Anne Trotman JG Trottier M. True Homes True North Heating & Cooling Inc. Truhn Gerald Trust Interiors7 Tucci Robert & Kareen Tucker M & M Tucker R. Tulloch Greg Tupperware K.Foreman Turcott Bob Turcotte Mike Turgeon D. Turgeon Denis R. Turgeon Emil Turgeon Julia Turgeon Paul Turgeon Paul Turgeon Phil Turgeon Phil Fax Turnbull L & D Turner James M. Turner R. Turner S. Turner Steve Turnner Gavin Twin s B. TZ Wireless Inc. Uchacz V. 780-939-5416 780-939-3998 780-939-4401 780-939-0236 780-939-2701 780-939-4361 780-939-4361 780-939-4361 780-939-7839 780-939-7888 780-939-4361 780-939-2590 911 911 780-939-6153 780-939-6527 780-939-2153 780-939-3088 780-761-6454 780-939-5518 780-939-2178 780-939-6311 780-939-6903 780-939-7294 780-939-2123 780-572-4466 780-939-3903 780-939-6398 780-939-4070 780-939-2042 780-939-1036 780-939-5993 780-572-4170 780-939-2435 780-939-3320 780-777-3761 780-569-4100 780-939-3262 80-690-6894 780-939-3449 780-939-2295 780-939-6474 780-939-5656 780-939-5622 780-939-3474 780-939-5940 780-572-0999 780-939-7209 780-939-2146 780-939-6950 780-939-6084 780-939-6467 780-939-4451 780-939-7579 780-939-4660 780-939-3359 780-939-7162 780-939-4240 780-939-4844 780-572-2428 780-572-2254 780-409-5201 780-939-3031 UFA Petroleum Sales Agency Uhryn L. Ukrainian Catholic Parrish Ultrapower Construction Umpherville D. Umpherville D. Unger B & B Unger D. United Church Of Canada United Farmers of Alberta United Farmers of Alberta Cooperative Urquhart Lawrence Urquhart Ralph E. Ursuliak W. USC Education V’S Vacations Vachon Eric Vachon M. Valcourt C. Valji S. Valji Sadru Van Beunignen A & B Van Brabant B. Van Brabant Dwight Van Brabant Gary Van Brabant June Van Brabant K. Van Brabant M L Van Brabant M. Van Brabant M. Van Brabant Maury Van Brabant Norman Van Brabant Oil Ltd. Van Brabant Services Van De Vliert Ben Van Essen R & J Van Genne D. Van Hecke Annette Van Herk C. Van Hove George Van Hove Moses Van Kanel E Van Koughnett Jason Van Lersberghe C & L Van Lersberghe R. Van Lersberghe R. Van Paridon J. Van Rooyen Scott VanBrabant W Vanclieaf Terry Vandam Will VanDerGulik Adam VanDerHorden P. Vanderwilp N. Vanity Hair & Tanning Vansevenandt George Vansevenandt James Vansevenandt Keith Vansevenandt Mark Vansevenandt Noel Vansevenandt Roger Vansevenandt Sandy Vansevenandt T. Vanwagoner P. Vardy J. 780-939-4073 780-572-2000 780-961-2434 780-939-3941 780-939-5801 780-939-6046 780-939-4789 780-939-4769 780-939-5888 780-939-4073 780-939-4073 780-939-5178 780-939-7590 780-939-6386 780-415-8030 780-571-1000 780-572-4500 780-939-6792 780-939-4547 780-939-2112 780-939-2683 780-939-6403 780-939-3408 780-939-6129 780-939-5508 780-939-2267 780-939-2762 780-939-2061 780-939-2350 780-939-3612 780-939-4047 780-939-5614 780-939-5073 780-939-3034 780-939-0296 780-939-1037 780-572-0021 780-939-6442 780-939-2926 780-939-2265 780-939-4158 780-939-4819 780-939-3865 780-939-7552 780-939-4156 780-939-3536 780-939-2406 780-939-5279 780-939-3115 780-939-2630 780-939-5036 780-572-4451 780-572-4449 780-939-5203 780-939-4353 780-939-6913 780-939-6392 780-939-5473 780-939-3902 780-939-4734 780-939-2776 780-939-0151 780-939-4734 780-939-6988 780-939-0382 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 83 Vaughan C. Vaughan C. Vaughan Shane VBO Waste Logistics Ltd. Vector Petroleum Service Ltd. Veilleux Alain Velsink Craig Verbeek Dennis Verbeek E. Verbeek Gordon Verbeek Raymond A. Vereshagin M. Verheul M Fax Verheul M. Verheul Michiel Verheul Michiel & Ina Verhulst Dennis Verhulst M. Verhulst S. Veritas Studio Inc. Verreau R. Vervynck Jim Vervynck L. Vervynck T. Vest Clayton Vest J. Vezina Cyril Vickers Ron & Kelly Victim Services Victoor Jamie Viens M. Vigar R. Vilcsak P & F Vilemsons Aivars Vileneuv S. Villeneuve Hall Vingar A. Vinje K. Vintage Ford Parts Vintage Ford Parts/J. Mac Storag Vion Ed Viravongsa Khamsy Viscount Painting Visitor Information Center Visscher B. Visscher Bill Visscher D. Vista Homes Ltd. Vollmer E. Vollmer S. Vollrath Drew & Janice Volume 4 History Committee Volunteer Income Tax Program Von Kaitz M. Vranas F. Vranas H. Vranas Ryan Vranas Wayne Vreugdenhil J. Waddell J & M Wagging Tails Pet Resort & RV Storage Waight Kenneth Wakeham S. Walberg D S Walker D. 84 780-939-2534 780-939-3117 780-939-4056 780-939-3444 780-939-3363 780-939-1035 780-939-5262 780-939-5349 780-939-5682 780-939-4966 780-939-2173 780-939-0462 780-939-2010 780-939-4030 780-939-7490 780-939-6360 780-939-7479 780-939-6149 780-939-4280 780-940-3228 780-939-1093 780-939-2363 780-939-2913 780-939-3430 780-939-2584 780-939-6980 780-939-5836 780-939-5061 780-939-4590 780-939-7764 780-939-3125 780-572-3873 780-939-5245 780-939-2029 780-939-3962 780-459-3231 780-939-2264 780-939-2621 780-939-3247 780-939-3247 780-939-2248 780-939-6577 780-939-4307 780-939-9462 780-939-5259 780-939-5659 780-939-5161 780-939-2197 780-939-4166 780-939-7301 780-939-0414 [email protected] 780-939-7833 780-939-5850 780-939-2063 780-939-2375 780-939-6089 780-939-4998 780-939-4620 780-939-5612 780-939-6977 780-939-5408 780-939-5566 780-939-6103 780-939-5934 Walker T. Wall Velda Wallace D & S Wallace P. Walliser Dave Walper Jack Walsh Ralph Walsh Ralph Walt B. Wandler G & C Wanotch G. Waples J. Ward B. Warnecke C. Warnecke Ingo Warren Dale Warren Tracey Wasmuth J & A Wasmuth John Wasmuth John Wasylien K. Waterhouse Brian Waterhouse C. Waterhouse Mechanical Waters Colleen Waters Wyatt D. Watson Erynn Watson I & S Watson Murray Watson Tasha Watt Richard Watt Richard Watts B. Watts C & D Waugh Polish Hall Way Judy Webb A & T Webb Andrew Webster A. Webster David Wedick Johnathan Wedman Karen Wegrich Geoff Wegrich Miranda Wehrhahn B. Weight Watchers Weinemeier J & M Weins Will Weir P. Weir Todd Weiss Brandy Weiss M. Welch G. Welsby GK Welschman Eileen Welwood R. Wenger L. Wenger Robert Weppler M & T Werrell Mike West Coast Scaffolding Inc. West Willow Court Westlock Child Care Society Westmor Grain Terminal Westover Bernarr Whiston Stephanie 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 780-939-3590 780-939-4008 780-939-6782 780-939-2787 780-939-6971 780-939-4560 780-939-3944 780-939-4501 780-939-6314 780-572-2877 780-939-4940 780-939-6675 780-939-2448 780-939-5771 780-939-3465 780-939-4310 780-939-5022 780-572-4455 780-939-2503 780-939-5819 780-939-5060 780-939-6454 780-939-9461 780-939-2296 780-939-2770 780-939-6155 780-939-5903 780-939-4511 780-939-3722 780-939-6374 780-939-2775 780-939-5439 780-939-4114 780-939-6409 780-961-3217 780-939-4933 780-939-6599 780-939-4997 780-939-2928 780-939-3738 780-572-4442 780-939-0336 780-939-2160 780-572-2723 780-939-2464 1-800-651-6000 780-939-0123 780-939-5662 780-939-1099 780-939-7756 780-939-6558 780-939-6772 780-939-5749 780-939-6193 780-939-6090 780-939-5588 780-939-5101 780-939-2597 780-939-0383 780-939-6945 780-939-5595 780-939-5029 780-349-4999 780-939-3216 780-939-4349 780-939-6797 White Audrey White G. White Jenney White L. White L. White M. White R & Y White Rose Diner White Trish White’s Roofing Ltd. Whitenect Greg Whitewall Photography Whitfield C. Whitfield Charlene Whitford F &S Whiting Brandi Whiting C. Whiting G. Whitson C & J Whitson Contracting Ltd. Whitson L. Whitson Philip Whitson Terry Whitson Tim Whittal-Williams Cathy Whitten D. Whymark Steve Wichowski K & J Wicks Bill T. Wiens Donald Wiens Gordon Wiens Will & Dorothy Wigmore C & S Wild Rose Landscaping & Snow Service Wildcat Welding and Repair Wiley David Wiley David Wiley George Wiley S. Wilkinson Tony Williams A & J Williams Adam Williams Jayson Williams John Williams P & A Williamson Howard Willis R W Willman M & B Wills John Wills John Fax Wilson Bob Wilson Hugh Wilson R & D Wilson S. Wilson T. Winder B. Winder D & J Winfield Jeff Winsor Graham Winsor Lori Winsor S. Winsor Shari Winsor Steedman Winsor T. Wirblich Chris & Linda 780-939-4671 780-939-6965 780-572-1209 780-939-2677 780-939-4833 780-939-4500 780-572-3383 780-939-6011 780-939-7206 780-939-2217 780-939-4222 780-619-5058 780-939-3850 780-939-3258 780-572-4446 780-939-3807 780-939-7723 780-939-7287 780-939-0211 780-939-8881 780-939-5963 780-939-2769 780-939-3129 780-939-0402 780-939-4825 780-939-5986 780-572-2754 780-939-3836 780-939-7545 780-939-2259 780-939-7339 780-939-3347 780-939-0312 780-267-6700 780-293-5671 780-939-3102 780-939-5377 780-939-4112 780-939-2066 780-939-6004 780-939-6737 780-939-2499 780-939-3353 780-939-6967 780-572-4791 780-939-3622 780-939-4370 780-939-4124 780-939-4239 780-939-5856 780-939-2486 780-939-4521 780-939-8888 780-939-5452 780-939-3618 780-939-3414 780-939-7291 780-939-5848 780-939-0464 780-939-4554 780-939-6979 780-939-7565 780-939-2163 780-939-5772 780-939-6400 Wirblich D. Wirblich E. Wirblich R. Wiseman S. Wispinski K & T Witter Gary Witwchar Shane Wojcichowsky Ron Wojtiw Rick Wojtkiw G. Wojtkiw Jerry Wojtkiw N. Wolbeck Larry WolfChild Bed & Breakfast Wood Alice Wood Bernie Wood D & J Wood D. Wood J. Wood Jeff & Lorna Wood Jeff & Lorna Wood M. Wood Rachelle Wood Rachelle Wood’s Landscaping Woodman I. Wooldridge Tim 780-939-0144 780-939-3110 780-939-4932 780-572-2290 780-939-6813 780-939-6269 780-939-5797 780-939-5352 780-939-6749 780-939-2395 780-939-3432 780-939-4427 780-939-2676 780-939-3866 780-939-6448 780-939-4679 780-939-3506 780-939-2552 780-939-5045 780-939-6554 780-939-6583 780-939-2142 780-572-3335 780-939-4838 780-939-2552 780-939-4113 780-939-5425 Workman Stan Woroniuk J. Wotherspoon K. Wozniak Jerry Wrangler West Energy Corp. Wright J. Wright Ken Wright R & B Wudkevich Cliff Wulff Ernest Wurz Jacob Rev. Wurz John M. Wyatt D R Wyatt J. Wygle B & T Wynnychuk W & M Wynnychuk W & M Fax Yack B. Yakubowich T. Yakymchuk Steve & Irene Yanosik B. Yanosik T. Yard & Lawn Maintenance Ltd. Yaremko Kelly Yarmuch A & M Yarmuch B & T Yellowbird J. 780-939-6516 780-939-4238 780-939-3450 780-939-2403 780-939-4798 780-939-3178 780-939-4751 780-939-2832 780-939-5651 780-939-3333 780-939-2521 780-939-7414 780-939-3053 780-939-3054 780-939-7266 780-939-7271 780-939-7274 780-572-0018 780-939-8348 780-939-6570 780-939-5539 780-939-6785 780-886-0866 780-939-3392 780-572-2240 780-939-4276 780-939-5400 Yellowdirt Dolphus Yeo S. Yeomans Alice Yeudall Dave Young Bradley Young Guy Young Naturalists Young V. Yurko Don Zacharias Dwayne Zacharias L. Zacharias Roland Zapalski H. Zawaduk C. Zelinsky Alex Zelkovich A. Zerbin Jenny Zidar Doug Zielinski Cara Ziemmer Paul Zilinski V & S Zinger Robert Zinnick Ted Zubiak Marla Zubkowski CP Zurch L. Zyha C 780-939-4830 780-939-4117 780-939-2506 780-939-6359 780-572-0411 780-939-5877 [email protected] 780-939-2383 780-939-5813 780-939-2335 780-939-6318 780-939-7491 780-939-2804 780-939-6060 780-939-3005 780-939-0223 780-939-6659 780-939-2330 780-939-6864 780-939-7797 780-939-2452 780-939-7438 780-572-0020 780-939-5122 780-939-2885 780-939-3811 780-939-7298 2016 Business & Community Directory Published by Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Editor: Diane Mineault, Manager Designer: Tim Richer Special Thanks to Brieanna Wilding, Simon Boersma, Grant Cree, Lucie Roy, Susan Swanson & Claudia Ricard Printed by: StarPress 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 85 •8809 100 Street, Morinville •470 St. Albert Road (with Wendy’s), St. Albert •375 Carnegie Drive (at ESSO), St. Albert •800-2 Hebert Road, St. Albert •400-700 St. Albert Road (at Wal-Mart), St. Albert *Owned by Chad Jenkins, Steven Crumb and Stephen Lowry 86 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce 87 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce - 2016 87 10107 - 100th Ave, Downtown Morinville • Tel: 780-939-8882 [email protected] • hunterscopy.com • Fax: 780-939-8002 INK & TONER STATIONARY STORE HP | Brother | Canon | Epson | Samsung PLUS - we recycle! Bring in your old cartridges & receive money off your next ink or toner purchase. Pens | Post Its | Binders | Labels | Filing Boxes Calculators | Tape | Keyboards | Mice | Markers Paper Clips | Envelopes | Back to School Supplies Selfinking & Wood Stamps and More! PRINT SIGNS Business Cards | Letterhead | Envelopes Brochures | Banners | Invoices | Posters | Postcards Printing up to 42’’ Wide | Blueprints | Photo Copying Email & Faxing | Binding | Laminating Banners | Name Plates | Roll Up Displays Vehicle Decals | A-Frame Signs | Directional Signs Rural Address | Stencils | Magnets | Window Art Aluminum Signs | Wall Art | Custom Decals HOME OF THE MORINVILLE COUPON BOOK 2016 - Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce MORINVILLE MORINVILLE ORINVIL COUPON M BOOK COUPON BOOK E 2014 ILLJanuary A New Year – A New Beginning MORINV OOK UPON B CO SEPTEMBER 2014 MORINV COUPON ILLE BOOK photo by Xposures By Melony To advertise in this book, call 780-939-8882 • [email protected] 88 April 20 Produced & published by Hunters Print & Copy Shop Ltd. To advert 10107 - 100 Avenue, Morinville, Alberta ise inPost Distributed by Canada approx. 6000 homes thistobook, call 780-93 To 14 9-8882 Produce rint.com • info@hu d & publishe untersp and signs too! nterspri d by Hunters • info@h 10107 nt.com Shop Ltd. 9-8882 - 100 Avenue, Distribut Print & ed by Canada Print & Copy call 780-93 Morinvil Copy Shop Ltd. le, Post to d by Hunters lle, Alberta in this book, approx. Alberta , Morinvi . 6000 homes ed & Publishe 6000 advertise - 100 Avenue to approx 10107 Canada Post ted by Distribu Produc too! and signs COUPON LE august 2014 JULY 20 BOOK 14 ILLE MORINNVBOOK 2014 COUDecPO ember tmas To advertise in thisris • [email protected] Ch book, call To780-939-8882 ! - adver tise in this LOCAL Ideas10107 100 Avenue, Morinville, book,Alberta Great call 780-93 g 9-8882 • info@h Shoppin untersp rint.com rint.com 10107 Produced & Published by Hunters Print & Copy Shop Ltd. and signs tise To adver too! 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