January 2016 - California Yacht Club


January 2016 - California Yacht Club
From the
rom a greeting card: “Life
grandson. Can you imagine
on earth is expensive, but
the drafting problem? “I
it does include a free trip
leave the rest of my estate
around the sun every year.” If my
to my son”... who just
Richard Hamlin
math is right, we’ll be traveling
happens to be my father.
nearly 600,000,000 miles together over the
Can you imagine trying to make sense of
next year. Let’s make it the best year ever.
that mess?
Tense? Who’s Tense? For years, I did
There are plenty of physicians in the
not know the deadline for articles in the
Club. What we need now is a grammarian.
Breeze. It’s about a month before
Otherwise, we are likely to have, or to have
publication. The deadline for this January
had, a failure to communicate.
issue was November 30. As I write this in
Calendar or Issues? A staff
November, December (and the deadline) are
commodore (past commodore) suggested
in my future — and in your past. So, what
that I write about current issues, instead of
tense do I use when I speak of Santa arriving,
summarizing the month’s activities. What
of the Club’s New Year’s Eve party, or even
would you like to read about? Would you
what teams will go to the Rose Bowl? I
prefer to see a summary of the month’s
mean, went to the Rose Bowl. Do you see
calendar, or my thoughts on a possibly
the problem? It reminds me of an estate
controversial topic? Let me know by email:
planning issue I once had.
[email protected]. Just keep in
My client was a very successful young
mind: By the time you read (will have
man who fell in love and wanted to marry a
read?) this article, I will already have
young woman, but she turned him down. My
written the February column, which is due
client married the woman’s mother, and his
on December 31. The earliest that any
father married the young woman. Go figure.
issue will be able to reflect your comments
Think about the implications of this.
will be March.
When my client married the woman’s mother,
Happy New Year: You and your
the woman became his daughter. When his
family have my best wishes for a healthy,
father married his daughter, his father became
happy, and prosperous trip around the sun.
his daughter’s husband, and therefore my
I also hope your holidays were (will be?)
client’s son. Therefore, my client was his
full of warmth and joy.
father’s father, and his own grandfather, but
wait; there is more, and it gets worse. As the
Richard F. Hamlin
son of his son, my client became his own
California Yacht Club
4469 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Fax: 310-822-3658
Volume 52 • Number 1
General Manager
Michele Underwood
John W Nelson
Managing Editor
Vince Mattera
- S/C Martin McCarthy photo
Editorial Assistants
Steve Edwards
Nancy Lepe
Claudia Moore
Richard Hamlin
Vice Commodore
Kellie Fennessy
Rear Commodore
Mike Blecher
Commodores Ball
Fleet Captain
Debbie Feinerman
The Breeze is published to provide
members with announcements of,
and information about, Club
activities. Deadline for articles is the
first day of the previous month of the
publication date.
Contact Breeze Editor John W Nelson
at [email protected] for
information on submitting articles.
- Vivian Huff photo
Port Captain
Stephanie Weston
Wine Makers Party
Breeze (USPS #016-319)
is published monthly by California
Yacht Club, Inc. d.b.a. California
Yacht Club, 4469 Admiralty Way,
Marina del Rey, CA 90292.
Subscription price of $12 annually
is included in member dues.
Periodicals postage paid at Venice,
CA and at additional mailing office.
Send address changes to: Breeze
California Yacht Club
4469 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Copyright © 2016
California Yacht Club, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
- John Nelson photo
To place an ad, please contact
Claudia Moore at
310-823-4567 x2765 or
[email protected]
Toys For Tots
From the Commodore
Yachting Luncheon
Commodores Ball
Gingerbread Houses
Wine Makers
Epicurean Dinner
Toys for Tots
Tree Trimming Party
Book Mates
Walk/Run for Epilepsy
Sunset Series 2016
Yacht Racing Challenge
Racing Through 2016
Keelboat Program Update
Join Race Committee
Exciting Plans for 2016
Goblin Regatta
On The Horizon
CYC Burgee
New Members
From the Manager
January/February Events
Front Cover: Vice Commodore Kellie Fennessy, Fleet Captain Debbie Feinerman,
Commodore Richard Hamlin, Port Captain Stephanie Weston, and Rear Commodore
Mike Blecher
Back Cover: 2016 CYCWA Officers – First Officer Dawn Sprout, Secretary Pam
Spriggs, Executive Officer Carol Watkins, Jr. SEO Sharon Stewart and Second Officer
- S/C Martin McCarthy photos
Diane Howard.
Sunset Series
in 2016
Sunset Series Co-chairs
lanning is already underway for the 2016 Sunset Series,
promising a new season of exciting Wednesday evening
races. Look for our traditional Racing and Cruising Division
classes on the race course, welcoming hospitality at the after-race
patio party, and a renewed focus on family-friendly fun.
The season kicks off March 30 with the Cruising Class
Seminar. This is the venue for cruising racers to brush up on the
rules, collect tips and tricks for successful racing, and participate in
a meet and greet to find crew or find a ride.
The Sunset Seminar takes place on April 6 and is our traditional
grand opening for the season. Racing Division class splits will be
announced and experts will be on hand with presentations to help
skippers and crew get the most out of the season.
Racing begins April 13 with 22 races scheduled through
September 7. Top performers will be issued invitations to compete
in the King of the Hill race September 14.
This year CYC and our many Race Committee volunteers
welcome the Charles Hathaway as our new signal boat, which will
be stationed at the SS mark for the start of each race. Racing
Division boats should not delay in obtaining their 2016 PHRF
rating, which will be required to properly score each boat.
Cruising Seminar
Sunset Seminar
First Sunset Race
March 30
April 6
April 13
… for a total of 22 races through …
Final Sunset Race
King of the Hill
September 7
September 14
Yachting Luncheon
Thursday, January 28
“Local Sailing Program
Benefiting Wounded Veterans”
Presented by
Alec Milstein, President of the Challenges Foundation,
and Vice President David Scheinfarb
he wounded veteran population is growing, and
the public and private sectors are working
diligently to find ways to help our brave, returning
soldiers. Challenges Foundation, a non-profit organization
based in Marina del Rey,
has been actively helping
our local veterans for
nearly 20 years. In the
last few years, under new
leadership, Challenges
Foundation, an allvolunteer organization,
has worked diligently to
provide therapeutic sailing
excursions for our
veterans. The Foundation
works with Veterans
Administration staff to
bring blind veterans from
the Long Beach VA, wounded veterans from the West LA
VA facility, and residents from the Veterans Home of
West Los Angeles – many of whom are suffering from
PTSD – out for a day of sailing on Santa Monica Bay.
Attend this very special Yachting Luncheon on
January 28 at CYC to learn about the Challenges
Foundation’s wonderful history, see video footage of
these veterans sailing on the open ocean, hear first-hand
their thoughts of what Challenges’ sailing program has
provided them, and learn of the “challenges” this local
charity has endured over the last few years.
Don’t miss this exceptional program to gain firsthand
information and say “Thanks” for this special yachting
community outreach program benefiting our wounded
veterans. Come early to get a good seat!
Happy Half Hour – Noon
Bountiful Buffet Luncheon - 12:20 p.m.
Presentation 12:40 p.m.
$20 includes luncheon, tax, service and parking
Reservations appreciated:
[email protected]
S/C Martin McCarthy,
Yachting Programs Chair
Open to all who enjoy yachting and adventure,
as a public service of CYC.
Yacht Racing
By S/C
uring the past 10 years,
Tom Ehman has been a
regular speaker at the
California Yacht Club, keeping
us informed about the latest
America’s Cup activities. But
Ehman is on a new mission now
and on February 3 at 7:30 p.m.
he will return to our Club to
describe how he is going to
bring classic, high-level 12
Meter racing featuring
international teams to the San
Francisco Bay.
His vision is called the San Francisco Yacht Racing
Challenge, an annual championship that will bring together
the world’s best yachtsmen and yachtswomen who will race
for their own countries – and for a half million dollars of
prize money.
This regatta has been structured to bring style, stability,
and dignity back to international racing. The boats will be all
new “Super 12s” – classic 12 Meter yachts above the
waterline but modern race boats below. They will retain all
of the classic grace and elegance of the original 12s, but their
design advances will make them significantly faster than the
classic yachts that raced in the America’s Cup regattas during
the glory years of yachting. The Super 12s will be identical,
brand-new 65-footers designed by Farr Yacht Design.
Each year, beginning in July 2017, the Super 12s will
race for two weeks on San Francisco Bay, which has been
described as the “world’s best natural sailing amphitheater.”
Each Super 12 will have a national crew of just 12 people
that will include at least two women, two men, two crew
members age 22 or under, plus one senior citizen age 62 or
older. Additionally each boat will also carry a nonparticipating VIP passenger plus a photographer.
Although the first regatta is still a year and a half
away, the event’s Notice of Race has been posted, Farr
Yacht Design has completed the initial drawings, and a
plethora of syndicates are being formed around the world.
The project is definitely moving full speed ahead and CYC
members and their guests are invited to hear Ehman
explain how this annual regatta is about to become the
“Wimbledon of yacht racing.”
Presented by Tom Ehman
Wednesday, February 3
7:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room
Free – the public is invited
Racing Through 2016 with CYC
By SUE SERVICE, Sail Committee Chair
e have a full schedule of challenging and fun races
lined up at CYC in 2016. They run the gamut from
buoy racing to random leg races and from fleet races
to match racing. Here is an overview and, as always, more
information can be found at CYC's website.
Buoy Racing
We start the year off hosting five one-design classes for
SCYA's Midwinter Regatta on February 20-21. Midwinters is
always an exciting event as weather conditions can be quite
unpredictable. Two months later, the J/70 class will have its
own Midwinters on April 2-3 and we expect tight racing in this
up-and-coming class. The Harris Spring Regatta is April 9 and
is a terrific warm-up to Sunset Series, which begins April 13.
The West Coast 70 Sled Class returns to CYC for the California
Cup on May 21-22. June 4-5 is Cal Race Week, our premier
buoy regatta, and we expect upwards of 70 boats to race on two
courses in the bay. The Star class boats will be out in force
July 9-10 for the King of Spain Regatta. We wind up the buoy
racing season with the Summer One Design Regatta on August
20-21, when we usually enjoy the best sailing conditions of the
Random Leg Racing
The Pacific Cup Deepwater Series continues to be a very
popular Regatta. Plan to join us for three hours of random leg
racing on three Sundays, beginning with the Malibu Zig Zag on
April 17 – spring sailing at its finest with a romp up the coast.
The second installment in the series is Baywatch on August 7,
featuring a downwind start to a leeward mark. The series
finishes on September 11 with an inverted start pursuit race
called "Catch Me if You Can."
Match Racing
Try your hand at Match Racing a Club-owned Martin 242.
We'll have informal Friday night match racing starting May 13,
continuing through the summer on alternate Fridays (see the
Club calendar for specifics). This year we plan to get the
juniors in on the action match racing in CFJ's. We'll cap the
season off with a one-day full round-robin on September 10.
Junior Regattas
We have four junior regattas in 2016. We start with the
Opti Spring Harken #1 on February 27-28, with both
Championship and Green fleets racing. Then team racing
returns to CYC on May 14-15 during the Sanguinetti Dinghy
regatta, again held in the Optimist Class dinghy. Our biggest
regatta of the year will be when the Club hosts the Junior
Olympics on July 15-17. There will be three race courses: two
on the Bay for Optimist Championship fleet, CFJs, 420's, 29ers,
and Lasers, and an inside course for the Optimist Green Fleet.
Our final junior regatta of the year is the Shadden Series on
October 2, featuring the CFJ Class dinghy.
Weeknight Racing
What would summer be without our Sunset Series? This
incredibly popular series, averaging 75 boats a night, begins
April 13 and runs through September 7 -- great racing, great
party – the perfect mid-week break. On Thursday evenings, the
smaller Starlight Series, featuring the Star Class boat, has
arguably some of the finest racing on Santa Monica Bay with
Olympic and World Champions competing. The Starlight Series
begins on May 12 and runs through August 25.
Several seminars and clinics are on the calendar for 2016.
Have you been considering getting involved in race committee
work? Come to the RC appreciation party on January 24, and
then attend RC training on February 6. Want to learn about race
management? Bill Stump will conduct his always-popular PRO
seminar on January 27.
If you're going to race, you need to know the rules, and Art
Engel reviews the Racing Rules of Sailing on February 18, and
on March 2 we have a seminar on Protests and Protest
Committees. There will be two Sunset Series seminars this year:
one specifically for the Cruising Class on March 30, and one for
all racers on April 6. Finishing up our education program, we
have a full-day Match Racing Clinic on April 24. There are a
number of ways that you can participate, on the water or off, so
take advantage of our education and introductions sessions. For
more information, feel free to contact me at
[email protected].
[email protected].
A New Year, a New Challenge!
Update from the Keelboat Program
By TIM CLARKE, Keelboat Program Chair
new year always
brings the
opportunity to try
new things, whether it’s
skippering your own boat,
learning to sail, fleet
racing, or match racing ...
and CYC’s Keelboat
Program has it all!
Marina del Rey’s
racing highlight is the
Wednesday Night Sunset
Series and now, through
the Keelboat Program,
you can charter a Martin
242 for the entire 22 race
series. Interest is sure to
be high, so please contact
me for more information.
Want to enjoy some
of the best one-design
weekend racing in Santa
Monica Bay? As a
member of the Keelboat Program you can charter a Martin 242
for the new reduced rate of $250 for an entire weekend regatta.
How about learning to sail? We will be offering courses
throughout the summer months starting in April. The $475
course, which includes four consecutive Saturday afternoons of
instruction, will give you all the necessary skills to skipper a
Martin 242 or similar small keelboat.
Want the challenge of a new type of racing, why not try
match racing? Our first
season of Friday Night
Match Racing was a great
success, so under the
guidance of S/C David
Collins, we will be
running an expanded
Match Racing Program
this year. Friday Nights
will start May 13 and will
continue every other
week. Additionally, there
will be a Match Racing
Clinic on April 24, and
the season finale One Day
Match Racing
Championship on
September 10.
Membership in the
Keelboat Program is
perfectly priced at $50 a
month for 12 months and
gives you access to 15
day sails and also the ability to charter the boats for the Sunset
Series and weekend regattas (charter fee depends on the
regatta). The Adult Learn to Sail Program and match racing are
available to all CYC members and membership in the Keelboat
Program isn’t necessary.
As we head into the new season more details will follow on
all these exciting activities, in the meantime don’t hesitate to
contact me for further details at [email protected]
Join the Race Committee Team
and Enjoy a Day on the Water
articipating on a race committee (or two) at CYC is a
great way to meet new people and experience a fun day
on the water, even if you are not a sailor. Every regatta
requires a race committee made up of enthusiastic volunteers
who want to share in the excitement of racing. For the more
daring of the group, that could mean volunteering on one of the
committee’s inflatable boats, setting marks on the course. For
those of us who like a little less adventure, positions are
available on the Club’s beautiful new committee boat, the
Charles Hathaway. If being on the water is not for you, our
“inside” race committee volunteers support the regatta from the
comfort of the Clubhouse, providing registration and results
Whatever your interest, please consider attending the
orientation/training session for 2016 Race Committee volunteers
scheduled for Saturday, February 6. There you can learn about
the role of race committee and review the various procedures on
the actual committee boats. Check out the 2016 regatta calendar
to see the many opportunities throughout the year to participate
and join us on February 6.
Please contact Lori Haythorn at [email protected]
for information and to sign up for this fun Club activity.
Each table was beautifully laid out.
Commodore Rick Turner and Ann welcome guests to the Ball.
EO Judy Levi transformed the California Yacht Club into
Washington, D.C., for the Commodores Ball honoring
Commodore Rick Turner and Ann and all Staff
Commodores. If you did not know, Judy and the Commodore
are avid duplicate bridge players. Hence the theme “House of
New members Laura and
Dr. Jonathan Greenburg
2015 Commodores Ball
Cards,” a double entendre linking the popular Netflix television
show and their common game. As the 100 guests entered the
“White House,” they were greeted by a truly elegant foyer with a
backdrop of columns flanked by red and white fabric.
The guests entering the Fireside Room were amazed to see
the balloon artwork depicting the United States flag. An amazing
SEO Judy Levi receiving thank you flowers from
Commodore Turner and Ann
S/C Anne Sacks, Kathy Patterson, Christina Tarantola, Bob Congdon and
S/C Alice Leahey
The remarkable ice sculpture
reflecting the evening's theme.
New members Beverly Rush and Karl
Berry Wilkinson, P/C Debbie Feinerman, Connie Hyman,
V/C Rich Hamlin, S/C Anne Sacks
S/C Cheryl Mahaffey and Ray
S/C David Collins and Penny
Guido and S/C and SEO Betta Mortarotti Lori and S/C Denny Haythorn
S/C Bill Stump and P/C Debbie
S/C Doug Levi and SEO Judy
S/C Richard Mainland and Janice 2016 Cmmd. Richard Hamlin
ice sculpture of the U.S. Capitol Building set the stage for shrimp
and oysters as an eye-catching focal point. During the cocktail
hour, there was a magician doing card tricks for everyone.
Chef Marco prepared a wonderful meal. The live band,
“City Connection,” provided an opportunity for dancing fun for
all. As the pictures show, desserts and dancing kept the party
goers engaged well into the night.
The components for a magical evening are a great theme,
music, and delicious cuisine. The evening was an over-the-top
ball that will not be forgotten. Kudos to Judy Levi and her
volunteers for a fun tribute to Commodore Turner and all past
On the red carpet, CYC members are ready for fun!
CYC President Steve Hathaway and Stephanie
with Cecilia Samartin and Steven Myles
R/C Kellie Fennessy and
her husband Mike Priest
CYC ladies enjoying the music
- S/C Martin McCarthy photos
Lola and John Haag
Ray Fisher and Michelle
Michelle and Michael Ondrey
Fred Zepeda and his wife LACCO President Karen Hathaway
Commodore Rick Turner and Ann
2015 Commodores Ball
- S/C Martin McCarthy photos
Fleet Surgeon Dick Hyman, and Connie
Krisianna Bock and Karry Seldin
Fleet Judge Advocate Laura Zeigler and Robert
Power Fleet Plans
for 2016
Power Fleet Chair
appy 2016 and a warm welcome to all CYC members
from the Power Fleet. If you boat, paddle, party, or
just love to play in the water - come join us. Our
group hosts year-round activities and is open to all CYC
members. The Power Fleet emphasis is on fun activities and
events. So, whether you have a powerboat, sailboat,
paddleboard, kayak, dinghy, rowboat, or nothing but your
water wings, we encourage you to join in!
It has been the Fleet’s pleasure to host many of CYC’s
dances, dock parties, fishing events, Mariners Education, and
day cruises this past year. Again, thanks to the many chairs
for all your hard work and the fun you created.
Looking forward … Save the Dates for 2016!
Saturday, January 30 Mariners Education
Friday, February 5 Karaoke Party
Saturday, February 27 Mariners Education
On January 31, be sure to stop by the Power Fleet table
at the CYC Activities Showcase to meet the 2016 Event
Chairs, and see what creative activities and parties are
planned the year. Also, watch for our news and updates in the
Breeze, the Zephyr, on the bulletin board, and the Power Fleet
website. Happy New Year and my family and I look forward
to seeing you at the Club.
Santa Barbara
Goblin Regatta
October 23 - 25
Juniors Optimist sailor
he Goblin Regatta was our team’s
first travel regatta of the season
and it was also the one year
anniversary of my very first regatta. I
started sailing at CYC when I was seven
and a half. Now I am nine and I have
been competing in the Green fleet, sailing
an Optimist for just over one year!
On Saturday, I was racing well and I
had some good starts and good mark
roundings. I also had some strong
finishes and I got good places in the first
few races. Things were going really well until one race when I
was pushed up against the coach boat at the start line and I got
stuck on it. I then had a horrible start and out of 58 sailors, I
was now in 52nd place.
I saw my best friend racing toward the leeward mark in
about 15th place. She waved to me but I couldn’t even look at
her, I was too embarrassed and upset to wave back at my friend
who’s been racing side by side with me ever since we both
started sailing. Here I was 37 places behind her now! I felt
really bad. I felt like I wanted to quit. I just sat there in my
boat, my sail was flapping, and I was going nowhere. I started
crying and sailed slowly toward the windward mark looking for
my coach, Nina. I was going to ask her if I could just go back
to the docks to where my parents were waiting.
I was nearing the windward mark when I heard: “Come on,
Oona! You can do it, round that mark!” It was my Coach Nina
and clearly she wanted me to continue racing. But, I didn’t feel
like I could- I was feeling too bad. I heard Nina trying to
encourage me more and more and so I kept going toward the
mark; slowly though. After all I was in last place!
I looked around and it looked like the only other person
who didn’t finish yet was still way ahead of me. She was
heading toward the finish line. I noticed how slow her boat
was moving. She was just barely inching her way up to the
finish line. Then, suddenly, something snapped in me. I
wanted to go faster. I didn’t want to give up!
I pretended like I was actually in second place, trying to be
in first when in reality I was in last place and just trying to be
second from last. I zoomed to the leeward mark and ‘rounded
it, nice and tight! Forgetting how upset I was, I focused and
sailed as fast as lightning up to the girl who was ahead of me. I
heard Nina yelling out to the other girl as well, even though she
wasn’t on our team; “C’mon, Elle, sheet-in, you can do it!”
(Nina was encouraging her to finish, too.) I sailed up alongside
her, at that point we were both about 1-2 boat lengths from the
finish line. I don’t know how but I was able to zoom past her.
After the finish, I sailed past my friends and they shouted
encouragement to me. I looked back at them with a big happy
smile and sailed over to thank my coach.
This regatta in Santa Barbara taught me that even when
the odds are against you, there is still always a chance- but
only if you don’t give up. I didn’t win that race but I didn’t
quit either. Maybe that’s what sailing an Optimist is all about!
- S/C Martin McCarthy photo
Junior Bridge – Harrison Zeigler, Bill Line, Gavin Abraham, Alexis Westland and Bastien Rasse
Linda Fuller and her granddaughter, Stella
- CYCWA First Officer Carol Watkins photos
Chloe Georgiev, Guinevere Hesse, Jennifer Hesse, Jack Hesse, George Hesse, Joshua
Hesse, and Chase Georgiev
Honorary SEO Patty Hathaway had as much fun as the children.
California Yacht Club
cordially invites you to attend the
Installation of Officers
Awards Dinner
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Reception 1830 hours Dinner 1930 hours Dancing to follow
Cocktail Attire Club Blazer
Reservations 310-823-4567
$73.86++ / $95 Inclusive
3 1 0 . 2 7 9 . 5 0 2 4 • A R C A N A A C A D E M Y. C O M
[email protected]
Patz & Hall
Wine Makers
Freddie Lanes, Darleen and Dick Kleinert, and Cole and Kristi Stanfill
EO Sharon Stewart, Darleene Kleinert, Vivian Huff,
and Leslie McNelley
Anthony Agoglia, Stephanie Hathaway, Leslie McNelley, and Sandy Allbright
- Vivian Huff photos
he Patz & Hall Wine Makers event
was a huge success, with many
thanks going to Gus Marks, Chef
Marco, and the entire CYC staff. Heather
Patz, the owner of Patz & Hall in Sonoma,
was very entertaining and spoke briefly
about Patz & Hall's Pinot Noirs and
Chardonnay wines. The menu pairings with
the wines were also superb and the event
sold out a few weeks prior to the party. As
you can see from the photos, a good time
was had by one and all. The next Wine
Makers dinner is also sure to sell out, so
contact CYC Assistant Manager Gus Marks
for information about future events.
Ken Huff, Steve “Bernzie” Berns, Jonathan
Greenberg, Stephanie Hathaway, Steven Myles,
and Gary McNelley
Festive Epicurean Dinner
Celebrates the Holidays
in Style
General Chair of the Epicurean Society
- Pam Spriggs photo
Natalya Wheatman, Katerina Bakhta, Connie Hyman, and
Alexandra Koretoff
- Rich Hamlin photo
ore than 60 CYC members and guests gathered
December 8 for the Epicurean Society’s elegant
holiday feast, “Around the World for the Holidays.”
We also gave a warm welcome to three new members: Pamela
Abraham, Nicole Hartnett, and Pamelyn Spriggs.
The menu, selected and presented by dinner chair Katerina
Bakhta, featured some of her favorite dishes from her extensive
travels around the world. Appetizers of Chinese duck and
hoisin crepes from China, potato galettes with dill crema and
smoked osetra caviar from Russia, and jade dumplings from
Hong Kong were passed during the reception, accompanied by
Joseph Helfrich Crémant d’Alsace Brut. At the table, the salad
course was Ceviche de Callao (scallops) from Colombia with
2014 Morgadío Albariño, Rias Biaxas, Spain, followed by an
intermezzo of gazpacho sorbet.
Then came a wild mushroom-stuffed, fire-roasted quail
with lotus root and kambot dipping sauce from Cambodia, with
the 2013 Consilience Chardonnay, Santa Ynez Valley, followed
by a chimichurri filet mignon with sweet breads, humita, and
pickled vegetables from Argentina, accompanied by the 2010
- Pam Spriggs photo
New Epicurean Members – FBO Pamelyn Spriggs, Pamela
Abraham, Nicole Harnett
Vicki Koplow,
Nicole Harnett
and Kimberly
- Connie Hyman photo
Tim Phillips, Patty
Hathaway, Bas Van
de Ree, Sevan and
Kevork Kalenderian
Chateau Mangot Saint Emilion Grand Cru. For dessert, there
was flourless chocolate cake with a ginger-tangerine panna
cotta, with Tobin James “Liquid Love,” a late-harvest zinfandel.
After dinner, Cecilia Riddell played the piano for a lively
group that gathered to sing Christmas carols and enjoy cognac
and wines remaining from the dinner service. A great time was
had by all.
The next Epicurean event will be the Sweethearts Dinner
on February 9, 2016, chaired by Commodore Richard Hamlin,
which will feature a Northern Italian menu. Informal events in
2016, open to Epicurean Society members and prospective
members only, are scheduled for March 4, October 5, and
November 2. To join the Epicurean Society, contact Office
Administrator Gloria Crawley.
Dinner Chair, Katerina Bakhta,
CYC Chef Marco Cavuoto,
Epicurean Chair Susan French
Sommelier, Dick Hyman
- Pam Spriggs photos
Jolene Negre, Linda Fuller,
and Sheldon Fuller
S/C Alice Leahey, Tom Rowe
Cmmd. Rick Turner and Ann
The Marines
Have Landed
(and Navy, too!)
- Pam Spriggs photo
The CYC Bridge and members of the Toys for Tots USMC and
USN volunteers.
- Pam Spriggs photo
iving Tuesday became Giving Wednesday at CYC on
December 9 as the CYCWA hosted the annual United
States Marine Corps “Toys for Tots” dinner. During a
lovely rib-eye steak dinner and a special melted snowman
dessert, over 120 CYC members were entertained by the El
Segundo High School Chorus singing holiday songs and
leading everyone in Christmas carols.
Four Marines and two Navy Corpsmen honored us with
their presence: Captain Alexander Godbey, First Sergeant
Delwin Ellington (soon to be Sergeant-Major Ellington at
Camp Pendleton), Gunnery Sergeant Antonio Dominguez,
Gunnery Sergeant Juan Comacho, and Corpsmen, Chief Eric
Ancheta, and Chief Lorenzo Pereyra. These servicemen, all
volunteers, were extremely pleased by the generous donations
of toys by CYC members. In addition to the toys, over
$1,000 was spontaneously donated by members.
The festive evening of giving was graced by table
centerpieces designed by Michele Fisher and Setsuko
Anthony and our own Club staff folding green napkins into
Christmas trees. CYC was honored to support our Marines in
providing needy children in the greater Los Angeles area with
toys at this holiday season.
- John Nelson photo
Commodore Rick Turner, Vice Commodore Richard Hamlin,
and Staff Commodore Bill Watkins
Sail Committee Chair Susan Service, Heinz Dallman, and new
member Marilyn Cassedy
- Pam Spriggs photo
- John Nelson photos
El Segundo High School Choir
- Pam Spriggs photo
CYC Enjoys the Holiday Season
ne of the Club’s treasured traditions is the annual tree
trimming holiday party and Santa’s visit. The event
also included the lighting of the menorah on
December 6, the first day of Hanukkah. Over 90 youngsters
attend with their parents and friends. The decorating of the
holiday cookies were a hit with all the children (and a few
adults!). They also enjoyed coloring stickers and beads to
create Christmas tree ornaments and Hanukkah decorations
for the holidays.
Santa arrived aboard CYC’s inflatable RIB to bring all
the good boys and girls a holiday gift. The children enjoyed
getting their picture taken with Santa and CYC provided
delicious holiday snacks of carved tri-tip, turkey, potato
latkes, and eggnog (for the adults). There was also a beautiful
table of holiday desserts. Thanks to everyone who helped in
making this a wonderful holiday party. We hope that you
enjoyed some special holiday memories at your California
Yacht Club.
- Pam Spriggs photos
- John Fracisco photo
Before thrilling the children, Santa made a stop to see if these paddle tennis “kids” – Steve Heller, Dolly Bretter, Setsuko Anthony,
S/C Tom O’Conor, and S/C Bill Watkins – were being naughty or nice.
“West With The Night”
A Life So Amazing, True or Not, Who Cares?
s a child, she faced down lions and wild boars. As a
young adult, she became the first licensed female horse
trainer in Kenya, a trade she mastered to perfection,
then learning to fly airplanes and becoming a bush pilot. She
was the first woman to fly solo, crossing the Atlantic Ocean
from Europe to North America. Beryl Markham was an
extraordinary lady, both fearless and brave. Her life was filled
with fascinating people, including Bror Blixen and Denys
Finch Hatton, who appeared as characters in the movie “Out Of
Africa” with Robert Redford as Denys and Meryl Streep as
Markham. But, according to the 1993 biography, “The Lives
of Beryl Markham,” journalist Errol Trzebinksi claims that
“West With The Night” was actually written by her third
Real, invented, or even embellished, you are still
captivated. Experiencing Africa through her beautiful writing
is magical. Ernest Hemingway, who met Markham during his
safari days, dubbed the book "bloody wonderful."
Moderators Susan B. Allan and SEO Mary Jane
McClintock led the lively discussion, with SEO Norma Pratt
moderating. Many thanks to Susan Allan for sharing her
beautiful safari friends as table decorations, perfect setting.
Everyone marveled at the spirit, determination, and courage, cast
of characters and realistic, “you are there” depictions of so many
amazing adventures. You can imagine the controversy her story
must have created among men of her time. National Geographic
called the book a classic of outdoor literature, ranking it 8th in a
list of the 100 best adventure books. Today, 70 plus years later,
Beryl Markham remains a striking role model for young women
We begin 2016 on January 7 with “Stoner” by the late John
Williams. The novel, written and dismissed 50 years ago, has
recently become a sensation in the publishing world with critics
calling it “great” in the way that “Gatsby “and John Updike's
Rabbit series are considered great. Our resident educator S/C
Bill Watkins will moderate.
We meet on the first Thursday of every month, 11:45 a.m. to
2 p.m., for lunch and a stimulating environment of discussion
that has made Book Mates such a popular book club. Pick up a
copy of “Stoner” and join us on January 7.
Luncheon: $12.47++. Reservations are strongly
recommended. Call 310-823-4567
- Christina Tarantola photo
CYC Burgee
Koaziro Yacht Club Cruising Director Rio Ujiie exchanges burgees with 2015 CYC
Commodore Rick Turner, observed by Captain Masamichi Kawashima. Koaziro YC is
located on the Miura Peninsula in Japan's Kanagawa Prefecture.
CYC member Scott Meyer brought the
distinctive 2015 Commodore's Cruise
scarf and its Club burgee to London.
on the Horizon
Installation Luncheon for 2016
CYCWA Board Officers & SEOs
Saturday, January 16
11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room
Join us for the annual luncheon
and introduction of our new Officers
for 2016 with Executive Officer Carol
Watkins and her Executive Officer
Board being honored and installed.
Club members are all welcome to
attend. Reception begins at 11:30,
luncheon and Installation to follow.
$45.00 inclusive (with wine). Club
Blazer attire. Reservations required 310-823-4567.
Book Mates
Thursday, January 7
11:45 a.m. in the Fireside Room
“Stoner” by John Williams. A
deceptively simple story of an
academic man set in the early 20th
century, this beautiful and affecting
novel takes place at the University of
Missouri. William Stoner endures a
warring marriage and personal failure
but thrives as a teacher and becomes
an unlikely hero-survivor of life.
Riveting and tender honesty have
earned this quiet masterpiece rave
reviews. Moderator is S/C Bill
Watkins. Chairs are Virginia and Ira
Teller. Call the Club for reservation
and lunch information.
Sunset Book Club
Wednesday, January 20
6:30 p.m. in the Fireside Room
“Big Magic” by Elizabeth
Gilbert. The mystery and magic of
creativity are at the center of Gilbert’s
guide to living. The author of “Eat,
Pray, Love” expands on her hard won
lessons on how to live without fear
and with daring. She offers a
passionate challenge to our excuses
for not doing what we really want.
Funny and thought-provoking.
Moderator is SEO Norma Pratt. $10
inclusive for dessert and coffee/tea.
Chair is Peggy Mitchell.
Friday, February 19
Visit Griffith Park Observatory
and take a delightful walk in Fern
Dell Park with lunch. Bus from CYC
to Park.
Tuesday and Thursday
10 a.m. to noon
Join us on the courts for funfilled round-robin matches. All skill
levels are welcome. Following play
on Thursdays, there is a no-host
lunch in the dining room. Contact
Co-chairs Paula Watson and Setsuko
Anthony for more information.
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Dining Room
We welcome all bridge players
to come every Wednesday, however,
to clarify the arrangement, it is
necessary to form a foursome as
each group now playing is selfcontained. Thank you for your
interest and if you would like to
substitute, contact Chair Joan Silver
at 310-858-8080.
Wednesdays in the Members Lounge
10:30 a.m. to noon
Interested in knitting, crochet,
and needlework? Beginners and new
members are welcome. A no-host
lunch follows the activities. Contact
Chair Sevan Kalenderian for more
Thursdays in the bar area
1 p.m.
Join us for this fascinating and
strategic tile game. All skill levels
welcome. For more information,
drop by or contact Chair Susan
Every second and fourth Wednesday
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
If you enjoy drawing or
painting, then Painting Aficionados
is for you. All skill levels are
welcome. For details, contact Nancy
Fellows or Michele Segina.
2015 Walk/Run to End Epilepsy
YC members came out in droves for the 2015
Walk/Run to End Epilepsy that was held
November 22 at the Rose Bowl. For the fifth
year in a row, “Josie’s Wolf Pack,” led by CYC
member and Junior sailor Josie Hamilton, walked the
Rose Bowl to raise money for a cure to end Epilepsy.
Epilepsy is the world’s most common brain disorder,
affects 65 million people worldwide, and causes
more fatalities annually than breast cancer. There is
no known cure.
This year’s walk was the most successful, with
over 6,000 participants who raised over $600,000 for
research to find a cure, as well as for care and
advocacy for people with epilepsy. Owing in large
part to the generous contributions of many CYC
members, “Josie’s Wolf Pack” raised over $25,000
this year and has raised over $100,000 to End
Epilepsy over the past few years. The entire Hamilton
Family is so grateful for the generous support of their
friends at CYC. Together, we will find a cure.
ith every passing year, I see
the Club evolve and adapt to
its membership. Five years
ago, the Family Activities Committee
was formed to meet the needs of families
with young children. It started with a
very small budget of $500 and the idea
that children who were too young for the
Junior Sailing program could have
activities at the same time the parents
were attending a Club function. Over the
years this committee has put on ice
cream socials, movie nights, game
nights, and other activities providing an
opportunity for parents to have a night
out at the Club and for their children to
make lifelong friends. Due in part to this
active committee, the number of young
families who have joined the Club has
grown and the first group of kids has
graduated into the junior sailing
This year a new group has formed
called “Young Professionals,” which will
be led by Samantha (Pinky) Caldwell
and Jes Bickhart. This group will be
adding new activities to our Club
calendar for 2016 such as a Mixology
101 class, a “CYC Ninja” sports event,
From the
and a cocktail contest. Broadening the
base of this core group will attract other
young adult members to join our ranks and
ensure Club leadership in years to come.
In this Breeze you will find the pullout calendar of events for 2016. You can
also see the full calendar on our web-site
and this is updated throughout the year. On
January 31, we have our annual Activities
Day. I encourage all members to attend
this event as this is the one opportunity to
learn about all the Club activities that our
planned for the year. Whether it’s Scuba,
Cruising, Dock Parties, or Educational
seminars, you can sign up to attend,
volunteer, or just learn the details of the
upcoming Club events. It’s a lot of fun
and you’ll meet members who have the
same interests as you.
Those coming to the Members bar
will miss seeing Marcos Moran. Marcos
worked behind the bar for 39 years and
not only knew everyone’s name but knew
what they drank, too. His retirement is
well deserved and we know his years of
service will not be forgotten. Cheers, my
Besides making my personal
resolutions I enjoy making new plans for
CYC. This year I am looking forward to
making some changes to the Foyer and
Members Lounge in décor and function. I
plan on adding an outdoor dining option
on the patio this summer including an
“early bird” dinner menu for families.
Last year our pool service was a hit, so
this year we will be extending the hours
of service at the pool to 7 p.m. Overall,
the staff and I have made a commitment
to find ways to improve our services to
make your experience at the Club the
best ever. I look forward to another
wonderful year at CYC.
Happy New Year
Dear CYC Members,
Thank You,
CYC Membership Department
2015 Holiday Boat Parade
- Travis Pratt photo
We hope that our CYC Kids have
been enjoying the Club’s Childrens'
Library. All books have been kindly
donated by Club members with the
intention of promoting reading,
entertainment, and, of course, fun.
Recently, we noticed that some
books from the library have been
“over-borrowed,” namely books
belonging to the Pokémon Collection.
We ask that they be returned as soon
as possible so that other children may
share and enjoy them, and that going
forward all books are read and
enjoyed on Club’s premises. We
appreciate your assisting us in the
care and preservation of the CYC
Children’s Library.
Berry Wilkenson, Marie Hedlund, Joanna Brody, SEO Norma Pratt, Peggy Mitchell,
and Judy Trester enjoying the 2015 Holiday Boat parade.
Club closed
9 Bridge Installation Dinner
16 CYCWA Installation Dinner
22 CYC Young Professionals
Mixology 101
Fleet Chairmen’s
Breakfast Mtg.
Family Game Night
23-24 Ham Radio Class
4 Club closed
3 Club closed
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Dinner for Two
Seafood Buffet
6 Women’s
Paddle Tennis
Knit or Knot
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis Book Mates
Painting Aficionados
Fleet Council Mtg.
10 Club closed 11 Club closed 12 Bridge Club 13 Women’s
Paddle Tennis
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Jr. Comm Mtg.
Sail Comm. Mtg.
Paddle Tennis
Knit or Knot
Sunset Book Club
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
24 Club closed
HAM Radio Class
Sail Comm. Party
Paddle Tennis
Activities Day
Paddle Tennis
25 Club closed 26
Paddle Tennis
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Bridge Installation
(no a la carte
15 Mxd. Doubles 16
Knit or Knot
17 Club closed 18 Club closed 19 Bridge Club 20 Women’s
Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day
Seafood Buffet
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
New Year’s Day
28 Yachting Luncheon
28 Kids Movie Night
31 Activities Day
5 Bridge Club
Women’s Paddle
Paddle Tennis
Seafood Buffet
CYC Young
Mixology 101
Dinner for Two
Mxd Doubles 23
Paddle Tennis
Fleet Chairman’s
Breakfast Mtg.
HAM Radio Class
Family Game Night
Dinner for Two
Mxd. Doubles 30
Paddle Tennis
Painting Aficionados Family Committee
Mixed Doubles
Seafood Buffet
Paddle Tennis
Bridge Club 27 Bridge Mtg. 28
New Member Mtg.
PRO Seminar
Knit or Knot
Paddle Tennis
Painting Aficionados
Yachting Lunch.
Mixed Doubles
Dinner for Two
Seafood Buffet
Kids Movie
Paddle Tennis
1 Club closed
Club closed
2 Bridge Club
Knit or Knot
Super Bowl
Tailgate Party
Mixed Doubles
Paddle Tennis
7 Club closed
8 Club closed
Women’s Paddle
3 Women’s
Doubles 6
5 Mxd.
Paddle Tennis
Paddle Tennis
Power Fleet
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis Book Mates
Karaoke Party
Painting Aficionados
Fleet Council Mtg.
America’s Cup
Seafood Buffet
Bridge Club 10 Women’s
Knit or Knot
Parents Night Out
Mx Dbl Paddle Tennis
Drop and Dine
Painting Aficionados Mtg.
Seafood Buffet
Family Pancake
Race Committee
Dinner for Two
Mxd. Doubles
Paddle Tennis
Valentine’s Day
Dinner for Two
4469 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 • 310-823-4567 • Fax: 310-822-3658
Always check www.calyachtclub.com for the most current event information.