Agenda - Chippewa Valley Technical College
Agenda - Chippewa Valley Technical College
Public comments or dialogue from the audience are not allowed regarding specific agenda topics unless requested by the Board Chairperson; however, an opportunity for public input is available at the beginning of each meeting during Delegations and Petitions. REVISED AGENDA CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD REGULAR BOARD MEETING DATE: Thursday, February 19, 2015 TIME: 5:30 p.m. Adjourn into Executive Session immediately after the regular meeting LOCATION: Chippewa Valley Technical College – RCU Community Center 620 West Clairemont Avenue Eau Claire WI 54701 Call to Order The following statement will be read: “I wish to call the regular meeting of the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board to order. This is an open meeting with notices mailed to the news media and other interested parties and posted at the Chippewa Valley Technical College campuses/centers in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Menomonie, River Falls, and Neillsville on February 13, 2015.” 1. Roll Call: Ron Bartels, Colleen Bates, Dawn Garcia, Ramona Mathews, Daniel Ostermann, Russell Ratsch, Gwen Southard, Jennifer Vogler, and John Walton. 2. Review and Approval of Agenda 3. Reports/Forums Student Government Report Program Presentation: Electrical Apprenticeship River Falls Update: Scot Simpson, River Falls City Manager 4. Delegations and Petitions SUGGESTED RESOLUTIONS 5. page(s) 4 Consent Agenda - The following matters may be acted upon by the Board utilizing a single vote. Individual items, which any Board member wishes to address in greater detail or as a separate item on the regular agenda, may be removed from the Consent Agenda upon request. A. Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 20, 2014 B. Personnel Matters page(s) 5-8 page(s) 9-10 1 1) Employment Adjunct Instructors as listed Mitchell Baroni, Spanish Instructor, 1/2/15 Lisa Colombo, Organizational Developer/Trainer, 1/5/15 Jenna Danzinger, Nursing Instructor, 1/2/15 Susan Johnson, Nursing Instructor, 1/2/15 Rachel Landherr, Information and Service Center Representative, March 2, 2015 Joan Lesik, PT Administrative Assistant – Grants, 1/6/15 Lexis Michels, Institutional Research & Evaluation Specialist, 1/29/15 Sara Pertz, Web Developer, 3/3/15 Shana Schmidt, Grants & Accreditation Manager, 1/12/15 Sara Scovil, Career Pathways Coordinator, 1/5/15 2) Resignations Matthew Bloss, Developmental Math Instructor, 6/30/15 Randee Carney, Information and Service Center Representative, 1/30/15 Laura Greenfield, Nursing Instructor-River Falls, 5/8/15 Becky Jahnke, Human Resources Assistant, 2/18/15 Andrew Liedl, Marketing Coordinator, 1/23/15 Dennis McSorley, Jr., Electromechanical Partsroom Assistant, 1/2/15 Benjamin Melland, Digital Marketing Specialist, 1/7/15 3) Retirement Kenneth Johnson, Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor, 7/31/15 C. Financial Reports page(s) 11-21 D. Contracts for Services page(s) 22-30 6. Action Items 7. Board Chairperson’s Report A. Progress Report: Board Ad Hoc Committee on President’s/Board Evaluation B. Report Out: Boards Association Winter Legislative Conference, January 14-16, 2015, Madison C. Report Out: ACCT National Legislative Seminar, February 9-12, 2015, Washington, DC D. Report Out: Foundation Board Meeting, January 22, 2015 E. Boards Association Spring Conference, April 16-18, 2015, Stevens Point 2 F. 8. Board Appointment Update President’s Report A. Budget Timeline Preview B. PACE Survey Results C. Legislative/Community Update 9. Plus/Delta Evaluation 10. Announcements and/or Requests 11. Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(g) – Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. (discrimination lawsuits). 12. Adjournment c: Steve Weld, Paul Gabriel, News Media CVTC District Posted: 2/13/15: Chippewa Valley Technical College-Chippewa Falls Campus, Eau Claire Campus, Menomonie Campus, Neillsville Center, and River Falls Campus. Special accommodations for people with disabilities will be made for the public board meetings. Please call Candy Johnson, 715-833-6500, to request accommodations 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Chippewa Valley Technical College, 620 West Clairemont Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701, 715-833-6500 President: Bruce A. Barker 3 SUGGESTED RESOLUTIONS – REGULAR MEETING – February 19, 2015 Item 5 – Consent Agenda Motion by __________, seconded by __________, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board that the following consent agenda items are approved as presented and recommended: Minutes of the December 18, 2014, Regular meeting. Personnel Matters: Employment: Adjunct Instructors as listed; Mitchell Baroni, Spanish Instructor, 1/2/15; Lisa Colombo, Organizational Developer/Trainer, 1/5/15; Jenna Danzinger, Nursing Instructor, 1/2/15; Susan Johnson, Nursing Instructor, 1/2/15; Rachel Landherr, Information and Service Center Representative, March 2, 2015; Joan Lesik, PT Administrative Assistant – Grants, 1/6/15; Lexis Michels, Institutional Research & Evaluation Specialist, 1/29/15; Sara Pertz, Web Developer, 3/3/15; Shana Schmidt, Grants & Accreditation Manager, 1/12/15; and Sara Scovil, Career Pathways Coordinator, 1/5/15. Resignations: Matthew Bloss, Developmental Math Instructor, 6/30/15; Randee Carney, Information and Service Center Representative, 1/30/15; Laura Greenfield, Nursing Instructor-River Falls, 5/8/15; Becky Jahnke, Human Resources Assistant, 2/18/15; Andrew Liedl, Marketing Coordinator, 1/23/15; Dennis McSorley, Jr., Electromechanical Partsroom Assistant, 1/2/15; and Benjamin Melland, Digital Marketing Specialist, 1/7/15. Retirement: Kenneth Johnson, Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor, 7/31/15. Financial Reports – January 2015: Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $1,837,785.08; Accounts Payable Checks in the amount of $2,388,092.49; Refunds in the amount of $180,770.25; Bank Transfers in the amount of $1,837,785.08; and Direct Deposit Travel in the amount of $52,809.42 drawn on the Chippewa Valley Technical College District for the various amounts, and the Financial Reports for December 2014 as presented. Financial Reports – February 2015: Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $1,574,793.71; Accounts Payable Checks in the amount of $2,074,496.69; Refunds in the amount of $4,516,807.84; Bank Transfers in the amount of $3,487,195.17; and Direct Deposit Travel in the amount of $19.706.69 drawn on the Chippewa Valley Technical College District for the various amounts, and the Financial Reports for January 2015 as presented. One hundred and one (101) contracts for services are approved as recommended and presented on the attached list. 4 ITEM 5A – MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD CVTC Business Education Center, Room 100A December 18, 2014 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Board Chair Ramona Mathews. She indicated this was an open meeting with notices mailed to the news media and other interested parties and posted at the Chippewa Valley Technical College campuses/centers in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Menomonie, River Falls, and Neillsville on December 15, 2014. 1. Roll Call: Present: Ron Bartels, Colleen Bates, Dawn Garcia, Ramona Mathews, Daniel Ostermann, Russell Ratsch, Gwen Southard, Jennifer Vogler, and John Walton. Also present: Bruce Barker, Tom Huffcutt, Margo Keys, Roger Stanford, Candy Johnson, Tom Lange, Terry Nichols, Jon Brutlag, Beth Hein, Margaret Dickens, Brenda Scheurer, Jeff Sullivan, Kirk Moist, and Tam Burgau. 2. Ms. Mathews announced that Item 8A – Bridges to Healthcare Project Closure would be moved forward on the agenda and would occur after Item 5 – Consent Agenda. Motion by Ms. Bates, seconded by Ms. Vogler, to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. 3. There were no reports or forums. 4. Terry Nichols expressed concern that the new program Organizational Leadership be different from current programs offered at CVTC like Human Resources or Business Management and that it should stand out. Jon Brutlag, President of the Faculty Union, wished the Board members Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. He also indicated that the faculty wanted him to thank Roger Stanford for his leadership at the college and wished him good luck in his new job. 5. Motion by Ms. Southard, seconded by Ms. Bates, that Roger Stanford’s resignation be removed from the consent agenda and acted upon separately. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Mr. Walton, seconded by Ms. Vogler, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board that the following consent agenda items are approved as presented and recommended: Minutes of the November 20, 2014, Regular meeting. Personnel Matters: Employment: Adjunct Instructors as listed; Patricia Campbell, Grant Project Lead, 12/29/14; Cindy Meyer, PT Office Assistant-Academic Support, 1/5/15; Kimberly Pick, Financial Aid Assistant, 12/8/14; Brenda Scheurer, Consortium Project 5 Director, 12/1/15; Rebecca Shannon, Grants Accounting Specialist, 12/29/14; and Mai Bao Vang, Financial Aid Assistant, 1/5/15. Financial Report: Payroll Direct Deposit in the amount of $1,767,211.29; Accounts Payable Checks in the amount of $2,849,002.13; Refunds in the amount of $281,807.20; Bank Transfers in the amount of $1,807,822.05; and Direct Deposit Travel in the amount of $57,539.99 drawn on the Chippewa Valley Technical College District for the various amounts, and the Financial Reports for November 2014 as presented. Eighteen (18) contracts for services are approved as recommended and presented on the attached list. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Barker thanked Dr. Stanford his work at the college. He indicated that Dr. Stanford is a CVTC alumnus, he taught at the college, he was the director of the professional development department, and is the Vice President of Instruction. Dr. Barker wished Dr. Stanford the best in his new job. Dr. Stanford thanked the Board, Vice Presidents, and Dr. Barker for taking a chance on him. He explained that he is getting married in May and looking forward to a new life in LaCrosse. Ms. Mathews thanked Dr. Stanford for taking academics to a new level. Motion by Ms. Bates, seconded by Mr. Ratsch, to accept the resignation of Dr. Roger Stanford, effective 1/9/15. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. (Item 8A – Bridges to Healthcare Project Closure was moved to this point in the agenda.) 8A. Brenda Scheurer, Career Pathways Coordinator for the Bridges to Healthcare grant, reported that the grant helped over 400 students over three years. She showed a video highlighting several students who participated in the project. 6. Action Items A. Beth Hein, River Falls Campus Manager/Dean, explained that the Organizational Leadership program is a two-year associate degree program, but would have a one-year technical diploma embedded within the two year degree. The program is designed to meet the increasing demand for trained supervisors/leaders and is designed for working adults. All the core courses will be broken into one-credit modules of learning to create opportunities for more customized training and shorter courses to meet the needs of the working adult. CVTC will be applying for a GPR grant to fund the launch of the program. Multiple needs assessment methods were conducted, such as an employer survey, ad hoc advisory committee, and employer interviews. Motion by Mr. Bartels, seconded by Ms. Southard, that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board approves the submission of the concept review for the two-year associate degree program Supervisory Management: Organizational Leadership to the Wisconsin Technical College System Board. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. 7. Board Chairperson’s Report 6 8. A. Ms. Mathews asked if any Board members were interested in attending the 2015 ACCT National Legislative Summit. No other Board members expressed an interest, so Ms. Mathews indicated she would attend. B. It was recommended by the Board that CVTC submit the TV 13 news story by Jenny You on the Fire Safety Center for the Boards Association’s 2015 Media Award. President’s Report A. The Bridges to Healthcare Project Closure report was presented earlier in the meeting. B. Kirk Moist, Director of Finance and Budgeting, presented a report on the college’s enterprise funds. He explained that enterprise funds are business-type activities where costs are covered by user fees, donations, or grants—no tax levy funds are used. Some of the enterprises have an external focus (Job Center, Applied Technology Center, Medical Clinic); some are connected to a program (Bridgeport, Shear Inspiration, Girls on Fire); some have an internal focus (parking, stores, cafeteria); and some have a dual focus (dental clinic, regional data center, and fire safety center). Mr. Moist focused on the Applied Technology Center (ATC) as an example of a successful enterprise fund. It’s purpose is to create a place for innovation, research, and economic development centered around manufacturing. The occupancy level is currently at 95 percent and the ATC offers a successful equipment access program. Current tenants include Super Vitamin D, Fiberstar Bio, Heartland Business Systems, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, Sconnie Foods, Innovative Machining Solutions, and Coating Tech Slot Dies. C. Mr. Barker reported on the following items: Graduations were held at River Falls and Eau Claire earlier in the week. The WTCS presidents met on December 11th, and it is looking like the Governor will be announcing a tuition freeze for the technical college system. Met with Gregg Moore, Chair of the CVTC Board Appointment Committee, to talk about revising the plan of representation to change the term limit for the school district administrator from one term to two. He was supportive and asked Ms. Johnson to schedule a meeting for the committee to discuss it. The Respiratory Therapy program received reaccreditation status. The program is limited to 18 students per the accreditation agency. Chippewa County EDC held a skills gap event on December 17th for service providers and businesses. The WTCS/UW Colleges Collaboration Committee met earlier today in Waunakee. They are working on a 30-credit Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences degree collaboration between the two systems. 9. Ms. Mathews reminded the Board members to submit any plus/delta comments. 10. There were no announcements or requests. 7 11. Motion by Ms. Southard, seconded by Ms. Vogler, to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(g) – Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. (discrimination lawsuit). Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. The Board adjourned to closed session at 7:04 p.m. 12. The Board returned to open session at 7:16 p.m. Motion by Mr. Bartels, seconded by Mr. Ratsch, to adjourn. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Recorded by: Submitted by: Candace S. Johnson Executive Assistant to the President Gwen Southard, Secretary Chippewa Valley Technical College District Board _______________________________ Date _______________________________ Chairperson ______________________________ Secretary 8 ITEM 5B – PERSONNEL MATTERS Chippewa Valley Technical College Adjunct Instructors to be Employed for Classes that Begin 08/01/2014 through 12/31/2014 DeNucci, Ryan Count = 1 Chippewa Valley Technical College Adjunct Instructors to be Employed for Classes that Begin 01/01/2015 through 05/31/2015 Bruns, Troy Dykes, Jeffrey Gunderson, Shari Gustafson, Pauline Hoban, David Jacobson, Robert Kruckman, Kris Nickels, Michael Stokes, Christopher Stone, Timothy Swoboda, Erin Count = 11 9 Chippewa Valley Technical College Adjunct Instructors to be Employed for Classes that Begin 01/01/2015 through 05/31/2015 Balsiger, LeAnn Bast, Amy Berger, Rosemary Carr, Robert Christophersen, John Collis, Ruth Crank, Randall DeNucci, Ryan Devine, Thomas Dwyer, James Ebben, Ronald Fleming, Cynthia Flynn, Molly Frederick, Jeffrey Gundry, Kristen Harmon, Cynthia Henderson, Melissa Hollister, Timothy Karr, Keith Klumb, Samuel Koerner, Nicholas Kohnke, Brett Kuhn, Jesse Lane, Larry Levra, Mark Mahaffy, Ellen Massey, Robert Modahl, Stacey Neidermire, Rachel Olson, Joshua Parker, Kerry Paulson, James Peterson, Chad Quaschnick, Walter Reichenberger, Richard Romens, Jeffrey Scharn, Kay Shilts, Donald Thole, Julie Tietz, Michael Trubshaw, T. Steven Turner, Chris Warner, Cole Watkins, Sarah Wesley, Karen Wilterdink, Jeremy Count = 46 10 ITEM 5C – FINANCIAL REPORTS CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 12/31/14 PAYROLL Electronic Payments Electronic Payments Pay Date 12/12/2014 12/26/2014 Payroll Number 25 26 Total Net Pay $ Net Pay 904,391.09 933,393.99 $ 1,837,785.08 BANK TRANSFERS IRS - 941 Deposit WDR - Withholdings Special Pay Plan Retirement Trust (Pelion) Delta Dental Claims & Admin Fees EBC Reimbursements & Admin Fees for Flex IRS - 941 Deposit WDR - Withholdings WDR-Wage Attachment Payment US Bank Health Care Spending Contributions Great-West Financial Mid-America Special Pay Plan Retirement Trust (Pelion) DWD Unemployment Insurance WI DOR Minnesota Life Insurance Company Madison National Life IRS - 941 Deposit WDR-Wage Attachment Payment US Bank Health Care Spending Contributions Great-West Financial Mid-America Special Pay Plan Retirement Trust (Pelion) Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Date 12/1/2014 12/15/2014 12/1/2014 12/4/2014 12/4/2014 12/15/2014 12/31/2014 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 12/12/2014 12/15/2014 12/23/2014 12/20/2014 12/20/2014 12/23/2014 12/29/2014 12/26/2014 12/26/2014 12/26/2014 12/26/2014 12/29/2014 12/31/2014 Transfer Number 3366 3367 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 Total Transfer Totals $ 324,517.93 62,503.88 7,006.55 37,240.84 7,604.97 344,829.98 66,307.77 43.46 5,294.42 8,657.60 27,819.29 4,592.56 5,347.17 3,614.46 18,586.82 12,748.39 349,412.34 51.30 5,294.42 8,657.60 25,818.29 5,796.69 354,879.26 $ 1,686,625.99 REFUNDS Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Date 12/1/2014 12/8/2014 12/15/2014 Check Numbers 80017128-80017157 80017158-80017171 80017172-80017194 $ Check Totals 25,277.85 15,486.19 25,817.50 11 Computer Listing Electronic Payments 12/22/2014 12/31/2014 80017195-80017213 2217-2233 21,708.48 92,480.23 Total $ 180,770.25 Check Numbers 30038261-30038312 30038313-30038381 30038382-30038440 30038441-30038512 30038513-30038589 30038590-30038645 30038646-30038744 Check Totals $ 143,166.19 105,358.26 308,564.37 257,108.16 1,122,058.41 103,776.62 348,060.48 Total $ 2,388,092.49 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Date 12/2/2014 12/4/2014 12/9/2014 12/11/2014 12/16/2014 12/18/2014 12/23/2014 TRAVEL Computer Listing Computer Listing Date 12/12/2014 12/26/2014 Advice Numbers 12830-12901 12902-12968 Total Grand Total Check Totals $ 29,662.76 23,146.66 $ 52,809.42 $ 6,146,083.23 12 CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 01/31/15 PAYROLL Electronic Payments Electronic Payments Pay Date 1/9/2015 1/23/2015 Payroll Number 1 2 Total Net Pay $ Net Pay 771,928.91 802,864.80 $ 1,574,793.71 BANK TRANSFERS Delta Dental Claims & Admin Fees EBC Reimbursements & Admin Fees for Flex IRS - 941 Deposit WDR-Wage Attachment Payment US Bank Health Care Spending Contributions Great-West Financial Mid-America Special Pay Plan Retirement Trust (Pelion) Minnesota Life Insurance Company WI DOR WDR-Wage Attachment Payment US Bank Health Care Spending Contributions Great-West Financial Mid-America Security Health Plan DWD Unemployment Insurance IRS - 941 Deposit Special Pay Plan Retirement Trust (Pelion) US Bank Health Care Spending Contributions WDR - Withholdings Date 1/8/2015 1/8/2015 1/9/2015 1/9/2015 1/9/2015 1/9/2015 1/9/2015 1/12/2015 1/20/2015 1/20/2015 1/23/2015 1/23/2015 1/23/2015 1/23/2015 1/23/2015 1/26/2015 1/26/2015 1/26/2015 1/28/2015 1/31/2015 Transfer Number 3401 3402 3394 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3403 3405 3408 3409 3410 3411 3413 3404 3406 3412 3414 3395 Transfer Totals 47,218.36 26,880.68 $ 295,518.85 49.16 6,223.64 9,699.90 28,478.29 2,401.71 18,529.70 3,046.64 84.79 1,063,848.64 9,699.90 209,966.78 1,395,335.72 2,674.67 305,396.38 2,424.67 3,400.00 56,316.69 Total $ 3,487,195.17 Check Numbers 80017214-80017242 80017243-80017783 80017784-80017877 80017878-80017933 2248-2274 Check Totals $ 32,237.92 839,331.31 104,533.61 71,587.88 3,469,117.12 REFUNDS Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Electronic Payments Date 1/5/2015 1/9/2015 1/19/2015 1/26/2015 1/31/2015 13 Total $ 4,516,807.84 Check Numbers 30038745-30038802 30038803-30038861 30038862-30038907 30038908-30038969 30038970-30039034 30039035-30039084 30039085-30039117 30039118-30039145 Check Totals $ 98,626.73 79,345.98 78,811.77 267,774.54 1,191,732.18 81,654.67 242,081.48 34,469.34 Total $ 2,074,496.69 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Computer Listing Date 1/6/2015 1/8/2015 1/13/2015 1/15/2015 1/20/2015 1/22/2015 1/27/2015 1/29/2015 TRAVEL Computer Listing Computer Listing Date 1/9/2015 1/23/2015 Advice Numbers 12969-12989 12990-13022 Total Grand Total Check Totals $ 5,978.38 13,728.31 $ 19,706.69 $ 11,673,000.10 14 CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING 12/31/14 REGULAR INVESTMENTS Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) US Bank Operating Annual Rate INVESTMENT AMOUNTS 0.09% - $ $ TOTALS 4,929,422 695,924 TOTAL REGULAR INVESTMENTS $ 5,625,346 $ 9,353,448 CAPITAL PROJECTS & EQUIPMENT LGIP-Capital Projects & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS TOTAL INVESTMENTS 0.09% $ 9,353,448 $ 14,978,794 15 CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE INVESTMENTS OUTSTANDING 1/31/15 REGULAR INVESTMENTS Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP) US Bank Operating Annual Rate INVESTMENT AMOUNTS 0.10% - $ 4,930,142 $ 2,913,406 TOTALS $ 7,843,548 TOTAL REGULAR INVESTMENTS CAPITAL PROJECTS & EQUIPMENT LGIP-Capital Projects & Equipment TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDS TOTAL INVESTMENTS 0.10% $ 7,854,990 $ 7,854,990 $ 15,698,538 16 17 18 19 20 21 ITEM 5D – CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
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