About CEADIR - Crown Agents
About CEADIR - Crown Agents
About CEADIR Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience T he USAID Climate Economic Analysis for Development, Investment, and Resilience (CEADIR) project helps governments, the private sector, and civil society make the business and economic case for investing in climate change mitigation and adaptation. With CEADIR assistance, developing countries can assess, implement and scale up low-carbon, climate-resilient development. CEADIR clients have access to global best practices and innovative tools for sound analysis of and investment in adaptation (AD), clean energy (CE), and sustainable landscapes (SL). CEADIR also supports Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) and helps mobilize financing (FI) from private and public sources. CEADIR Supports Adaptation (AD) Climate change is global, but its impacts are local. Communities worldwide need greater resilience to adapt to changing temperatures, rainfall, storms and sea level rise. CEADIR helps countries identify, plan for and implement highimpact, cost-effective climate-resilient actions. Assessments and Tools • Economic and impact • Environmental valuation • Options analysis • Co-benefit estimation • Payments for environmental services • Sector modeling and action plan development • Multi-criteria decision making • Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) • Vulnerability analysis • Gender and marginalized populations • Poverty, growth and equity Climate Financing • Readiness • Inclusion • Access • Mobilization • Toolkits (Clean Energy, Finance) Clean Energy (CE) Institutional Capacity Development With CEADIR assistance, clients can better identify, assess and prioritize opportunities for renewable energy and energy efficiency, and build viable financing instruments to increase capital flows for low emission development. • Policy, governance and planning • Performance tracking and reporting • Private-public partnerships • Innovation challenges and local grants Sustainable Landscapes (SL) For sustainable land use in forestry and agriculture, CEADIR assists governments, planners, financiers and local communities, including those working on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), in creating sustainable, scalable investments. The CEADIR Team Finance (FI) Dr. Eric Hyman Substantial public and private sector funding is needed for climate change mitigation and adaptation. CEADIR helps countries access new funding sources by supporting readiness for climate financing, providing new inclusive financial instruments, and strengthening local capacity to plan, implement and monitor projects. CEADIR connects key climate financiers—international and regional banks, national development banks, and local financial institutions— with project developers, governments and civil society, and facilitates partnerships for climate-resilient development. Economic Policy [email protected] Collaboration and Focus [email protected] CEADIR is a USAID global climate change program. CEADIR’s funding ceiling from USAID’s Bureau for Economic Growth, Education, and Environment (E3) is $19.3 million through September 2018, including buy-ins from missions and offices to be matched with USAID/Washington funding. Focus countries and regions include: • • • • • • • • • • • Albania Bangladesh Cambodia Caribbean Colombia Costa Rica El Salvador Central America and Mexico Regional Mission (ECAM) El Salvador Ethiopia Gabon Georgia • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ghana Guatemala Honduras India Indonesia Jamaica Kazakhstan Kenya Liberia Pacific Islands Peru Philippines Macedonia Malawi Mexico • • • • • • • • • • • Moldova Mozambique Regional Development Mission Asia (RDMA) Serbia South Africa Tanzania Uganda Ukraine Vietnam West Africa Zambia USAID Dr. Yoon Lee Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) [email protected] Zephyr Taylor Finance [email protected] Matthew Ogonowski Clean Energy/Sustainable Landscapes/ Low Emission Development Strategies [email protected] Jonathan Cook Adaptation Evan Notman Sustainable Landscapes [email protected] Project Management Team Dr. Robert Voetsch Project Manager +1.202.650.6118 [email protected] Dr. Marcia Trump Chief of Party (COP) +1.301.347.5731 [email protected] The CEADIR Consortium Crown Agents (prime) Abt Associates Bloomberg New Energy Finance Connexus Enclude Solutions Ltd. Engility/IRG Stockholm Environment Institute William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan