Dreams Can Come True


Dreams Can Come True
Fall 2006
Dreams Can
Come True
New Athletic Center Complex
marks a realization of
decades of dreams.
Annual Roll of Donors
Houston, Texas
A group of Jesuit students and faculty spent over a week working and making new friends in Nicaragua
this summer. Read a personal account inside on page 10.
Table of Contents
A Dream Comes True
New Athletic Center
p. 4
Katrina: A Year Later
p. 9
Annual Roll of Donors
p. 23
President’s Message 3
School News 10 - 11
Development 12
Principal's Perspective 13
Spirituality 15
Alumni News 16 - 18
Class Notes 19 - 21
In Memoriam 21
Births 21
By George 66
THE COVER: The new Athletic Center
Complex opened late this past summer to
rave reviews. See more inside on page 4.
Fall 2006
Rick Rivers, Director of Communications
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Mr. Richard Nevle
Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ
Henry Roth '07
The Chronicle is published four times a year by
the Development Office of Strake Jesuit
College Preparatory, Houston, Texas
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Richard Nevle
Director of Development
N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67
When you
Sponsor a
your gift
comes with
a face
a name.
Whether you have been a longtime
contributor to Strake Jesuit, or you have just been
waiting for the right opportunity to get involved,
consider sponsoring a financial aid student.
As a Sponsor, you will be able to meet the student and
watch him grow throughout his Jesuit experience.
It is a very personal and rewarding way to reach out to
a deserving young man and impact his life
in a meaningful way.
For more information, contact NJ Santarcangelo '67 in
the Development Office at 713.490.8152.
President’s Message
Dear Friends,
I always enjoy writing this letter for The Chronicle at the beginning of the year. This
first edition celebrates the achievements of the last year and thanks those who play
such important roles in our successes. This year we have even more reasons than
usual to celebrate.
As the cover of this issue illustrates so beautifully, our dream of a new athletic facility has come true. The buildings and resources are phenomenal and will greatly
improve the quality of life for each person on our campus. The opening of these
buildings has been a wonderful way to begin the year.
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Students, parents and alumni have all been awed as they have walked through the
buildings, around the pool and the tennis courts, as they have seen how the whole
complex now fits perfectly together.
This accomplishment is the result of The Greater Glory Capital Campaign, and I am
very grateful to the hundreds of people who have helped us bring our dreams to
fruition. Everything we have done and all will do begins in Vision 2008, our blueprint
for the future. With Phases I and II complete, we turn our attention to Phase III: the
new dining hall, student activity center and chapel (see page 8). This will be the most
important complex built on campus in our history. You will hear more about it in the
months to come.
As excited as I am about our new facilities, I know that buildings are only important
insofar as they help us further our mission of training boys to become Men for Others.
Our students, alumni, and families are the heart of this community. And it is this community which stands out in these pages of the Honor Roll.
At this point last year we were in the midst of hosting over 400 young men and 35
faculty members from Jesuit High School in New Orleans. In fifty years from now as
the history of Strake Jesuit's first century is being prepared, the 2005-2006 school
year will remain one of our most spectacular moments. We each can be proud of
what this community did to assist others in need.
The hundreds of names that begin on page 54 reflect those individuals, other Jesuit
schools, and various companies who donated to our Brother's Keepers fund to allow
us to respond generously and rapidly to those in need last fall. I know my thanks are
joined by those of New Orleans. It was an astounding accomplishment, and it was
a community effort. Thank you.
The list is nearly as long for those contributing to the JB Leininger Scholarship
Endowment. We ended the year with a wonderful gala celebration of five decades
of service to education by Father Leininger. There was not a dry eye in the house
as Father Leininger bestowed his blessing on all present as his gift and his thank
you. As many of you know, Father Leininger suffered a heart attack over the summer while he was making his retreat in Louisiana. He has now moved to the Jesuit
retirement house in New Orleans. I know his memories of his years in the classroom,
along with memories of his gala dinner, keep him smiling in his new environment. He
joins me in thanking you for your support of his scholarship fund which helps young
men attend Strake Jesuit when their financial situation might otherwise prevent them.
As exciting as this year will be as we welcome our students back to campus, as we
celebrate our new athletic complex, and as we plan for the next project, we take this
opportunity to say "Thank You" to all those list in these pages. Your support has
touched the lives of thousands. The impact of a Strake Jesuit education goes far
beyond the students in any given year. Our alumni and our families continue to touch
their communities across the globe.
For your support of our mission, for your confidence in the work that we do, for your
joining us in our ministry, I am deeply grateful. No matter what challenge this year
may provide, we embrace it with faith, confidence and joy. May the Lord continue to
bless us all abundantly.
The Chronicle 3
For decades of Jesuit athletes, a facility like the new Athletic Center Complex, which was completed
late this summer, was something they could only dream about. With that dream now a reality, the
school has the kind of athletic facilities that every alumni, parent and student can look to with pride. If
ever there was a evidence that a school was vibrant and growing, it is now and it is at Strake Jesuit.
If you listen closely - if you listen very closely - you can
In their place are state-of-the-art stadiums and buildings
that give the school a package of athletic facilities that are sec-
hear them.
The echoes.
ond-to-none to anything that can be found on a high school
They are the echoes of 30 years of past Jesuit athletes.
They are the echoes of the banging of locker doors and the
The latest addition to this trio of new projects, the Athletic
clanking of weights amid the blare of a boom box coming from
Center Complex, began in July of 2005 when the Johnny
a weight room disguised as an un-air-conditioned garage. They
Keane Fieldhouse was torn down. The facility, which had
are the echoes of the Johnny Keane Fieldhouse, home to
served as the home of Jesuit athletics for more than 30 years,
Jesuit athletics from 1973 until, well, until now.
was gone in what seemed like a flash. And the dust from the
The completion of the magnificent new Athletic Center
Complex this summer, as a part of The Greater Glory Capital
Campaign, marked a special moment in time at Jesuit. It also
marked the completion of a transformation of Jesuit athletics.
From the spring of 2004 to the summer of 2006, a span of less
than three years, the school has replaced the baseball field,
destruction had hardly settled before the orchestrated construction of the new facility had begun.
In its place is a facility decades of past Jesuit athletes
could only dream about.
The following pages provide a closer look at this magnificent new facility and its many features.
the original Crusader stadium, the competition gym, the weight
room and Fieldhouse.
4 Fall 2006
Competition Gymnasium
Greeting visitors as they approach the new Athletic
Center Complex is the new competition gymnasium. The
exterior of the facility (pictured on the cover), which mirrors the design of other recent Jesuit additions - namely
the 800 Building and the Parsley Center, offers an attractive reception, especially at night. The building, located
on the same site as the school’s old
Fieldhouse, includes 35,500 square
feet of space.
Once inside a wonderful lobby
area, also similar to the lobby of the
Parsley Center, provides the perfect
gathering area before a game or for
special receptions. To serve as a
reminder of where everyone is, the
Fighting Crusaders logo is prominently
displayed in the Terrazzo tile floor. The
lobby area also features a spacious
concession stand that can easily handle
event crowds.
Two sets of double doors lead from
the lobby to the signature feature of this
part of the facility, the new competition
gym, which is the new home to the
Main Gym
Jesuit basketball team. With seating for
2,500, the gym includes 15,000 square
feet of wood flooring and six retractable
basketball goals. A strong Jesuit presence is created by
the inclusion of the school name and logos prominently
displayed on the walls, court and facing of the retractable
seats. It is anticipated that the new gym will be the future
of home of commencement for years to come, beginning
this spring with the Class of 2007.
Other features of this part of the facility include two
Smartboard equipped classrooms, an office suite area
for the athletic department staff as well as the basketball
coaches, and basketball and officials locker rooms.
The Chronicle 5
Located immediately west of the competition
gym building and connected by a covered walkway
Weight Room
is the new Fieldhouse. The facility, which measures
43,500 square feet, contains some of the most
exciting features of the entire new complex.
Upon entering the building, one of the most
dramatic (and popular among the Jesuit athletes)
features is immediately visible through glass walls.
The new weight room (pictured top left), which
measures 4,400 square feet and includes state-ofthe-art equipment, may very well represent the
most dramatic improvement within the complex
when compared to its predecessor - the old garage.
Immediately across the hallway
Fieldhouse gym. Featuring three full
Fieldhouse Gym
size basketball courts side-by-side,
this one room measures 21,000
square feet, includes 14 basketball
goals (8 retractable and 6 permanent) and provides a number of flexible features. Each of the three courts
can be separated by dropdown partitions. In addition, there are two batting cage nets that can be lowered to
allow batting practice for the baseball
team during inclement weather. The
western most of the three courts will
serve as the main wrestling practice
and competition area.
Back across the hallway are
located a suite of coaches offices and
team locker rooms, which total some
4,000 square feet. Each sport has its own locker
room facility. Also, amid the various locker rooms
are the common shower facilities.
Past the locker rooms and at the west end of
Locker Room
the building is the new Training Room.
Training Room
6 Fall 2006
Pool / Tennis
Upon exiting the Fieldhouse to the west,
visitors come to two of the most welcome features as far as Jesuit swim-
Competition Pool
ming, water polo, and tennis athletes
are concerned.
The first is a 114’ x 75’ competition pool which, at the deep end,
measures 14’. This 500,000 gallon
facility includes 8 competition lanes for
swimming practices and meets as well
as two individual 1-meter diving
Longtime Jesuit swimming/water
polo coach Bob Horn observed “It is
by far the best multi-use high school
pool in the area. After having spent 24
years chasing all over the city to find
water to get kids into, this pool is
beyond my wildest dreams.”
Just west of the pool are four
lighted tennis courts which have been met
with equal excitement among Jesuit netters.
The courts feature an advanced polymer
Laykold surface and feature U.S. Open color
scheme of blue and green for high visibility.
The courts also feature covered canopied
seating for fan comfort.
“These courts mean our athletes will be
able to showcase their talents on campus in
front of fellow students,” observed head tennis
coach Chuck Kenny. “These courts will greatly impact our practices and matches in a positive way and will increase the growth and
interest in our program.”
Tennis Courts
Both of these features of the new complex will mean, for the first time, Jesuit swimming, water polo, and tennis teams will be able
to compete on campus. Thus allowing for a
greater following of these sports among the
students, making it much easier for them to
attend and support these sports and their fellow students and athletes.
With the completion of The Athletic Center Complex,
The Greater Glory Capital Campaign can
turn the page to....
The Chronicle 7
The Greater Glory Capital Campaign
...the Heart of the Plan
By every measure, The Greater Glory Capital Campaign
The importance of this structure and ‘getting it right’ cannot
has been a huge success. In a relatively short period of time, the
be under-estimated. Again, as Fr. Lahart commented, “this proj-
school’s Athletic facilities have been completely rebuilt. As
ect will, in bricks and mortar, need to reflect who we are as the
impressive as the Markle Steel baseball field, Crusader Stadium,
Strake Jesuit community, and in physical space and layout, fos-
and new Athletic Center Complex are, the next project under-
ter our goals of student to student, student to faculty, and facul-
taken by the campaign may well be the most important.
ty to faculty interaction.”
The new Student Activity Center, the ‘heart’ of The Greater
Among the features envisioned in this new Student Activity
Glory campaign, will serve as the center of the Strake Jesuit
Center will be housing for all student-related offices such as the
campus and its impact on the school should be unmatched.
Yearbook, Magis - the student newspaper - and the Spirit Store.
Jesuit President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ said as much recent-
In addition to the Pastoral Ministry Office, other key student
ly in an address to the school faculty when he commented, “I
related offices such as SJET, Student Council, Speech and
believe that the addition of this new structure will be the most
Debate will also be located in the complex.
important construction project in the history of the school.”
A major component of the building will be a new Chapel.
Constructed in two phases, the first step of the project will
This new, larger Chapel will be able to host daily masses, indi-
be to convert the Smith Gymnasium into a new dining hall. With
vidual prayer and small group services. The Chapel will also fea-
a current enrollment pushing 900 and the original Alumni
ture exterior doors that face the campus and interior doors to the
Cafeteria have a capacity of 299, this conversion will give the
Student Activity Center. This access will allow students, faculty
school a facility large enough to handle the entire student body
and visitors to drop in for a quick moment of prayer, an extend-
at lunch for the first time in decades
ed period of reflection, or daily Mass.
Completion of this initial phase will allow the existing cafe-
Planning and programming for this next phase will begin
teria and foyer area to be torn down to make way for the con-
this fall. The start of construction will begin contingent upon con-
struction of the Student Activity Center.
tinued success in the campaign’s fund-rasining.
8 Fall 2006
Katrina: a year later
The relatively calm start to the 2006-07 school year seemed eerily familiar. It was just a year ago that the same smooth, routine
start to another year was turned upside down in early September by the events of Hurricane Katrina. In what seemed like an
instant, hundreds of Jesuit High School New Orleans students and families found themselves in Houston. Many were not just without a school, they were also without a home, clothes, school supplies, even hope. However, Strake Jesuit and its entire community
stepped forward, welcomed all into their midst and truly became a Community for Others. Now, a year removed, it all seems a blur.
Virtually all of the New Orleans students and families have long since returned home. They are rebuilding their school, their
homes, and their lives. The following article of thanks to those who stepped up to help those families appeared in the fall issue of
JayNotes, the Jesuit High School New Orleans newsletter, and is reprinted here with their blessing.
We preach the importance of being
in general, helped with the recovery of the
Christ-like, of being men for others, of
school. Mike Rodrigue '73 provided
When Fr. McGinn put out the word
being agents of change for the better.
Jesuit's administration with working space
that teachers were needed in Houston, 35
Perhaps no time in the school's history
in the headquarters of his Fore!Kids
responded, though many of them had suf-
have we been more in need of and the
Foundation. And when the city was
fered serious losses themselves. Other
recipients of man's love than during
reopened and families returned, St.
faculty made significant sacrifices to
the past year.
Martin's Episcopal School made its facili-
teach Jesuit's students at St. Martin's
when it opened in October.
And when the word got out that
Jesuit High School, those men and
Contractors had the school and the phys-
Jesuit's financial burden to make the
women who gave of themselves to soothe
school whole again would require $5 mil-
our wounds and make our lives better, we
cleaned, sanitized, and ready for student
lion in donations, the community of alum-
clearly see Christ.
life on November 28, just three months
ni, parents, Jesuit institutions, friends, and
after Katrina hit.
foundations responded, giving the school
In the faces of those who helped
The Jesuit order, the Southern
just over half the needed amount as of
Province, and the U.S. Jesuit high
Many of Jesuit's students took refuge
schools themselves all quickly came to
in Houston and Dallas, and the Jesuit
the school's aid. Every U.S. Jesuit high
schools there responded with open arms.
The anchor is rebuilding. Jesuit will
school opened its doors to Jesuit's dis-
Seventy Blue Jays attended Jesuit
be whole again, perhaps even better than
placed students to offer schooling and
College Prep in Dallas. Strake Jesuit's
before. And it will be because of the gen-
comfort-at no charge. The financial sup-
president, Fr. Dan Lahart, quickly mar-
erosity of so many who gave of them-
port of the Jesuit order, the Southern
shaled his troops of students, faculty,
selves to help "the other," in this case,
Province, and the Jesuit schools provided
staff, and parents to provide school facili-
Jesuit High School.
for the replacement of lost supplies and,
ties, support, and housing for 310 stu-
Thank you.
June 30, 2006.
The Chronicle 9
school news
Jesuit Students, Faculty Experience
Men for Others Moments in Nicaragua
This past July a group of Jesuit students and faculty members traveled to Nicaragua on a mission trip. Working with the
organization Amigos in Christ, the group spent ten days in Villa Catalina where they visited orphanages and dug ditches and latrines. In this personal account, Jesuit senior Henry Roth provides reflects on the experience.
For the last three years, I have been
with the children and watched a movie in
Seeing them having fun using a deflated
told to be a Man for Others. At times I
Spanish. It was good to see that these
basketball on a trash-filled dirt field really
thought I knew what that meant, but I
kids, even without families, were just as
opened my eyes to the fact that posses-
have never felt it more profoundly than
happy as the children in Villa Catalina. On
sions don't mean happiness.
Sunday, we walked to church and cele-
The final days there were work days.
brated a service in Spanish. Later that
It wasn't as hard because we had gotten
With some of my classmates and
day, we drove to the Pacific coast and
used to working hard in the Nicaraguan
teachers, I helped to build a community
enjoyed a good meal on the beach and
heat. We also had built strong relation-
called Villa Catalina. This area was hit
swam until the sun went down that
ships with most of the workers and fami-
hard by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and is
lies. By this time, it didn't feel like I was
still recovering. Our first day there we took
I learned much more from this trip
helping some random families that I
a hike to the Hurricane Mitch Memorial. It
than how to dig a latrine or a trench.
would never see again, just earning my
consisted of a monument and thousands
Living in the retreat house made me real-
service hours. After working side-by-side
of trees surrounding it. Each tree repre-
ize how many things we take granted, like
with these people, I felt that I was helping
sented one casualty of the hurricane. Our
hot running water or an abundance of
guide had lost over twenty family mem-
food and drinking water. During the ten
I remembered on the ride to the air-
bers in the tragedy.
day stay, I realized that those are com-
port, there was a sense of nervousness
Everyday, we would travel twenty
modities, not necessities. After seeing the
in the air. Everyone was wondering,
kilometers to a small community called
problems the people in Villa Catalina face
"What are we going to eat?" or "Is my
Villa Catalina. The community already
every day, I realized that my problems are
Spanish good enough?" But on the trip
had a water tower, library, school, and a
miniscule. Their problems are almost
home there was a sense of accomplish-
few houses. The houses are vacant
always about surviving. We played soccer
ment. If we weren't when we left, we defi-
because there weren't enough for every-
with the children in the village daily.
nitely came back Men for Others.
one, and they decided it would only be fair
to wait until everyone had a house
before anyone moved in. We
dug latrines and trenches for
the new houses' indoor plumbing system and hauled rocks
and sand back from quarries.
Nicaraguans of all ages, from little children to elderly men and
women. During lunch and our
breaks, we got a chance to bond
with them and other people in
the town.
On the morning of our fifth
day, we visited an orphanage for
handicapped children. At first most of us
were shy. But soon we all loosened up
and were on the floor playing with the
kids. Later, we visited another boys
orphanage in Leon. We played soccer
10 Fall 2006
Jesuit senior Henry Roth with one of his new friends (left) and other Strake Jesuit
faculty and students spent over a week in Nicaragua where they interacted with the
locals and also spent time digging latrines (right) and doing other service projects.
school news
Jesuit Senior's Summer Spent
Getting Elected
When anyone asks Jesuit senior
Danny Kisch what he did
1935 by the American Legion, the Boys
elected and was subsequently elected as
State program brings selected high
a U. S. Senator from Texas. With that
over the summer, his
honor, in July he traveled to Washington,
answer may surprise
D.C. for Boys Nation. This national pro-
them. His response
Austin for a week
gram combines lectures, forums and field
could be, "I was elect-
in June. During
trips to federal agencies, institutions,
that time they are
memorials and historical sites in and
exposed to the
around the nation's capital. Danny was
Senator for Texas,
functioning of the
government with
Security and also was Assistant Clerk for
students elected
the Senate and Chairman/Secretary of
Homeland Security."
to various offices
the Rules Committee.
It was possible
of city, county and
On July 28, all the Boys Nation par-
as a result of his
ticipants had the opportunity to go to the
being selected to
ments. Danny had
White House for a photo with President
the honor of being
Legion Boys State
Jesuit Senior Danny Kisch, pictured at left outside the U.S.
Capitol in Washington D.C., had en eventful summer.
P r o g r a m .
New Sculptures Added to
Strake Jesuit Art Museum Display
Over the summer, two new additions were made
to the Strake Jesuit Art Museum. Both are sculptures, which are on loan from the Museum of Fine
Arts, Houston, and both are by Alexander
Around is made of bent steel and is painted
black. It resides just outside the west entrance to
the 300 building. Arc is a cast and welded bronze
piece which resides just outside the south
entrance to the Commons, between the 200 and
300 buildings. Mr. Liberman was a pioneer in the
construction of large scale abstract sculpture. His
works are in collections of the Metropolitan Museum, the
Museum of Modern Art, the Corcoran, the Tate Gallery in
London as well as many others.
Two new pieces were added to the Strake Jesuit Art Museum this summer,
Around (left) and Arc (right) are both by pioneering artist Alexander
The Chronicle 11
Bright Lights Big Cities
Planning Begins for 2007 Fantasy Auction
One of the first entries in your new 2007 calendar should be
involved, even now. Besides donating items or services, you can
the 27th Annual Strake Jesuit Fantasy Auction. Bright Lights, Big
purchase advertising space in the auction booklet, become an
Cities, will be held on Saturday, April 21,
auction sponsor or get a group of
again at the Marriott Town Square in
friends together and buy a table for
Sugar Land. This event benefits both
the evening.
the school's operating budget and the
the many volunteers needed to
assure the success of this great
financial aid to Jesuit students.
Just as important are
undertaking. With all the areas needAuction
ing to be covered, there's sure to be
Chairperson, and an army of helpers
something that will fit your schedule.
have already gotten things underway
There are even opportunities for
with the September 13 kick-off lunch-
alumni parents to join the fun.
eon, at the beautiful home of Giorgio
For more information or to help in any
and Cathy Borlenghi.
Gift Gathering Parties, held during
Dearborn, at 713-464-6565, e-mail
the fall for each grade level, are a won-
[email protected],
derful way to participate, but that's just
Sharon Venables at 713-490-8107, e-
the start.
mail [email protected].
Although April seems far
away, there are many ways to get
New Staffers Join Development Team
Among the newest members of the Strake Jesuit
Development staff that came on board during the summer are a new face and a familiar one.
Michael Crowley, a longtime member of the school
staff, was named Associate Director of Development. A
member of the Jesuit staff since 1989, Michael served as
Head Cross Country & Track Coach from 1989 - 1998
during which time he also taught American History and
Health & Physical Education. Then, from 1997 - 2006, he
served as Dean of Students. Michael holds B.S. and M.S
degrees from Lamar University and M.Ed. from St.
Thomas University.
In his new position he will assist in The Greater Glory
capital campaign as well as the annual drives. In addition he Michael Crowley (left) moved from his position as Dean of Students to
the Development Office and Lindsay Byerly (right) joined the
will support all functions of the Development Office.
Development staff this summer, moving from Dallas.
Joining the staff this summer as Director of Annual
Funds is Lindsay Byerly. Lindsay comes to Jesuit after serving as
University of Texas with a B.S in Communication Studies.
Assistant Volunteer Coordinator for The Salvation Army in Dallas
In her new position, Lindsay will direct the Annual Alumni
and then as Development Project Coordinator at Methodist Health
and Parent Drives at Jesuit. She will also be active with other
System Foundation in Dallas. She is a 2003 graduate of the
school constituents in a variety of efforts.
12 Fall 2006
Just a few days into the first semester I watched an anxious
dad has met someone he knows is just not a good person and if
father with his equally anxious son in the hallway just before
they see their sons drifting in the slightest way in that direction,
homeroom. The father was an accomplished alumnus and by the
they have visions that a momentary lapse is indicative of their
time of his junior year here he was known as a good student, an
sons' becoming that kind of man.
athlete and a student leader. I saw a lot of resemblance between
A father doesn't have to become an adolescent to understand
the father then and the son now. The father handed his son some
his son, but it helps for a father to revisit his own adolescence and
cash (spending money for lunch I suspect) and said, "Now, at the
remember it as honestly as he can. To recall his fears, mistakes,
end of the day I expect to see some change." The father noticed
successes and failures, and also how he was misunderstood. To
me watching and nodded. I let them be and moved on, but I am
remember how he was taken seriously when he shouldn't have
still thinking of that often repeated scene and the father's remark.
been, and, conversely, not taken seriously when he really needed
It is an anxious time for fathers, not just this moment in their
someone to listen. It's not easy for a lot of us. Most of us have
lives when their sons are beginning high school, but an anxious
buried those memories as deeply into our subconscience as we
time more generally speaking in what's left of the first decade of
can. After all, if adolescence was really so great we would choose
the 21st century. Fathers always have dreams for their sons,
not to grow up. If a dad is one of those men who had a great time
hopes that they will be happy, now and for the rest of their lives.
all of his time as a teenager, then he should put himself in the
Dreams that they will be successful in these few remaining years
shoes of a classmate whose high school years were miserable.
at home and build successful lives for themselves later on.
If a father can give this visit to the past some serious reflec-
But there is always the fear that the nightmares that make up
tion, it will provide a perspective for seeing the present world of his
this era will also come true for their sons. The three "D's" of
son a little more clearly. It will empower him to be a listener and,
drugs, drinking and driving. At some point they are all going to
when the time comes, a better adviser. It doesn't hurt for a father
drive and the streets can be very dangerous. We speak of a
to share his fears, worries, and dreams with his son, his spouse
youth culture that is plagued by substance abuse, but this gener-
and with trusted friends; just being heard out makes is easier to
ation of fathers also grew up with this problem and they know full
understand oneself.
well that the abuse of alcohol and drugs was a part of their gen-
A dad needs to share what he can with his son, his time and
eration when they were in high school and it continues to be a
attention are worth more than his wealth. If a father develops a
problem now. There is always the problem of violence; some-
habit of listening to his son, the chances are that his son will devel-
times young men are the victims of willful, criminal acts; some-
op a habit of listening to his father. As hard as it may be to believe,
times negligence, sometimes freak acci-
sons actually see their fathers as great
dents, but kids do get hurt. Dads worry
men; they may not want to copy their
about their sons' success in school, both
dad's career, but they do want to emu-
in academics and in their social life.
late his character. The time to begin
They worry about their loneliness in a
these listening sessions is early. High
world that seems to be filled with so
school goes all too quickly to wait to
many exciting things to do and with so
start. Once begun a dad can bet that
many people to know.
like that father in the hallway, at the end
of the day, he's going to see some
Then there are the worries about
the seemingly more distant future, college admissions. Will my son get into a
good college, into any college and will
he succeed there? And then what kind
of life will he have, will he lead? Every
The Chronicle 13
The Loyola Society at Strake Jesuit
ift of a
The Loyola Society at Strake
Jesuit includes those individuals
who have made Strake Jesuit
College Preparatory a beneficiary
through a will, a charitable trust
agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life
“Time is
the school
in which
we learn.”
insurance policy. These gifts
are considered part of
Planned Giving.
Such gifts, truly the Gift
of a Lifetime, ensure that the
mission of Strake Jesuit - to
train young boys to become
Men for Others - continues
for generations into the
If you would like more
information on Planned Giving at
Strake Jesuit, visit our web site at
www.strakejesuit.org and click on
‘Giving to Strake Jesuit’ and then
‘Planned Giving’. Or contact NJ
Santarcangelo '67 in the Office of
Development at 713.490.8152.
Finding God in All Things
by. Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ
"Nothing here below is profane for those who know how to see."
~Teilhard de Chardin, SJ
As I began preparing for our first "huddle up" prayer service on the first day of the
school year, I felt God's gentle nudge asking me to be present to my surroundings. The
first thing that came to mind was our physical address: 8900 Bellaire Boulevard,
Houston, Texas 77036.
Getting in touch with my immediate surroundings became my prayer this morning.
I walk outside the Jesuit Residence and find the Strake Jesuit campus buzzing with life
and beauty: the warmth of the sun, the fresh dew on the grass, a procession of staggering ants carrying their food, the undulating sounds of the band and orchestra
rehearsing in the Parsley Center. Each step I take is a blessing, unearthing a glorious
spectacle of God's life for us!
Seeing and experiencing our campus this morning leads me to greater faith and
deeper longing for God. I come away knowing that God's holy presence is indeed plastered on every sidewalk, on every wall of our campus.
What a marvelous way to announce his presence among us!
God is lively and evergreen in the bushes surrounding the library. I find God freshly budding in wild flowers. His voice sounds gentle like the morning bird singing its song
on top of the oak trees. In my heart, the mystery of God's presence takes hold of me
and invites me to dwell and in his presence. The squirrels climb the trees as fast as they
can. However, this morning, all I want to do is to absorb God's presence in my surroundings.
doesn't God just appear, physically, beyond doubt, and then we wouldn't have to
have faith; we would know God with certainty?'...'To see certain things is to have seen
the Father!' To ask a question like this is tantamount to looking at the most beautiful
day in June, seeing all the trees and the flowers in full blossom, and asking a friend,
'Where is summer?' To see certain things is to see summer. To see certain things is to
see God."
~Ronald Rolheiser, Against an Infinite Horizon
The Chronicle 15
lumni news
Alumni Return Home for Reunion Weekend 2006
16 Fall 2006
Strake Jesuit Alumni from a total of eight
classes - from 1966 through 2001 - returned
home for Reunion Weekend 2006 held on
Friday and Saturday, August 25-26. The Class
of 1966 was celebrating their 40th Reunion,
the second in school history.
The weekend began with a golf outing at
Wildcat Golf Course on Friday afternoon (next
page, bottom). Some 30 alums from a range
of classes enjoyed a great day of golf and fun.
That evening, school president Fr. Daniel
Lahart, SJ hosted a reception for all Reunion
alumni in the Parsley Center on campus. As
the photos on these pages attest, a great time
was had by all as alumni had the chance to
reminisce with classmates as well as faculty
including Fr. Billac, Brother Casey, John
Hosty, Jim Gilbert, and more. Many also got a
sneek preview of the new construction on
campus, specifically the exciting new Athletic
From top to bottom and pictured left to
right are:
- Fr. Ballinger, Frank '66 & Lana Mauro,
Larry Mason '66, Michael Donohue '66,
and Fritz '66 & Alice Reuter.
- John Hosty, Robert Vinson '81, Sarah
Duckers & Mark Davison '71, Fr.
Daniel Lahart, Joe Govreau '81
- Tom '76 & Maria Troegel, Fr. Chris
Billac, and George '76 & Maria DiazArrastia
- Robert Vinson '81, David Berardi '81,
and Rick Couvillon '81
lumni news
On Saturday, everyone returned to campus, this time with their families. More formal
tours of the campus were provided and everyone got a chance to see how the trees have
grown while the campus has also grown
around them. The day concluded with a Mass
celebrated by Fr. Billac.
On Saturday night, the alumni ended their
weekend with individual class parties held at
some of Houston's most popular restaurants
and night spots.
Next year, Reunion Weekend will celerbate the classes of 1967, '72, '77, '82, '87, '92,
'97, and '02. So mark your calendars now for
August, 2007.
If you you are in one of those
Reunion 2007 Classes and would like
to help with the planning, contact Tim
Scalzitti '90, Director of Alumni
Relations at 713.490.8153 or by email at [email protected].
From top to bottom and pictured left to
right are:
- Greg '86 & Martha Clay and Michael
McConnell '86
- Class of '91 with Br. Casey, Alex
Montoya, Simon Ogier, Tony
Zubizarreta, Billy Haardt, Ken Lojo,
Shane Walsh, Mark Montalbamo, Jeff
Girotto, and Matt Clinton
- Brittney Hicks and Hunter Jaggard
'96, Brooks Walters '96, and Khris
McGrown '96
- Reunion golfers
The Chronicle 17
lumni news
New Alumni Service Corps Members
Feeling Right at Home
degrees this past spring
For the past four years,
the start of a new school year
Paul Carty ‘02 earned a
also means new members of
B.A. in English and B.A. in
the Alumni Service Corps
(ASC) have moved onto
College and will be teaching
English while also coaching
2003-04 school year, the
football and wrestling. Chris
ASC allows recent Jesuit
Hagale ‘02 earned a B.A. in
alumni college graduates to
History from Yale University.
return to school for
This year he will teaching
a year
of service to the school while
Government and Economics
making their career plans.
and will also serve on the
football coaching staff this fall.
The ASC members occupy
Community, teach classes
and also are involved in
The 2006-07 members of the Alumni Service Corps, all 2002 graduates of Jesuit, are (left to right) Armando Huaringa, Paul Carty,
and Chris Hagale
Armando Huaringa ‘02 earned
a B.S. in Biology and Religion
from Duke University with a
extracurricular activities. The 2006-07 ASC features three members
minor in Chemistry. This year he will be teaching Biology,
of the Jesuit class of 2002 who have recently earned their college
coaching tennis and working with the yearbook.
Phoenix Area
Alums Gather
A group of Jesuit alums and friends recently gathered for a
luncheon to celebrate Gray Miller '67 and his appointment to
the Federal Bench. Those gathered at the office of Pat Moran '66
were: standing left to right are James Plummer '65, Richard
Sindelar '67, Tom Standish '67, Jim Booth '67, Jim Glenney '67,
NJ Santarcangelo '67, Jesuit Director of Development (far
right) recently met up with a group of Jesuit alums and family
members in the Phoenix area. Included were (left to right) Rod
Graves '77 and wife, Alesia, Angelo Mattalino, MD '69 and his
son, Ben, and Jennifer and Jake Voskuhl '96.
18 Fall 2006
Larry Mason '66, Pat Moran, '66, Jim West '67, John Courtade
'67, Jeff Woodruff '67, and Johnny Webre '67. Seated left to right
are John Glover '65, Michael Guarino '67, the Honorable Gray
Miller '67, former Jesuit faculty and staff member Dan O'Shea,
and Robert Morrison '67.
Jim Howard '66 lives in the San
Francisco bay area with his wife
Anne Cardiff, a '66 St. Agnes graduate. They have 2 kids, Ryan, who
has a Masters from Yale in Music
composition and is looking to get
into Princeton for his PHD and
Lauren, majoring in fashion design
at Canada College.
Bob Parke '66 has spent his entire
career as an Otolaryngologist/Head
& Neck surgeon at Baylor in
Houston and has also been teaching in the business school at Rice
for the MBA students in health care.
Eddie Stuart '66 earned his PH.D.
at the University of Oklahoma in
1979 and is a full professor and
chair of the Economics department
at Northeastern Illinois University in
Glen Boudreaux '67 and his wife,
Honi, attended the Jesuit Jubilee in
New Orleans this summer for Fr.
Don Bahlinger's 60th celebration.
Eddie Murr '67 continues a successful optometry practice and saw
his last daughter, Alice Ann, get
married this summer.
John Gardner '69 launched a
redesign of his website urbanworms.com which markets his allnatural lawn and garden service,
Urban Worms Organics.
Dave Johnson '71 graduated from
Texas Tech University in 1975. He
and his wife, Christi, have two children, son Chris and daughter Katy.
He was ordained to the Permanent
Diaconate in 2001 and witnessed
the wedding of his daughter in 2003
and his son in 2006. He will
become a grandfather twice in
2006! Since 1994 he has worked
with Bank of Oklahoma in Tulsa as
a Vice President and Trust Officer.
class notes
Unocal, Price Waterhouse, KPMG,
SalvageSale, Jefferson Wells, and
now his own firm - the Corporate
Accounting Group. He has traveled extensively both domestically
and internationally; and in 1995
met Mother Theresa in Calcutta.
Ashwin and Ariana welcome the newest member,
Amanda, to the Richard Morales '79 family.
Bob Alban '76 has owned his own
Ad agency with his father, Alban
Group, Inc, for over 20 years doing
award winning graphic design.
Rodney Pinina '76 earned his BBA
from St. Mary's University and has
two daughters, Lisa, 23 a graduate
St. Agnes and St. Mary's
University and Theresa, 19 attending Houston Community College
after attaining cosmotology licensure. He is Director, Business
Development with DaVita Inc.
Dan West '76 attended Texas A&M
for four years then University of
Texas Dental Branch for four years.
Became a dentist in 1984 and has
been practicing for 22 years. He
married Angela Howard in 1985
and they have three children and
he recently built a new dental office
in Dumas, Texas.
Jan Almond in 1986. He switched
to law school at Georgetown and
graduated in 1993. Then moved
back to Houston to work for Baker
Botts, where he is now a partner in
the Energy Regulatory Group. He
and Jan have two children, Drew
and Kate
Frank Brown '81 earned a degree
from the University of Texas. He
married his wife, Lori, in 1986 and
started work for Headline News in
Atlanta. In 1992 he moved to
Vancouver, Washington and held
several part-time jobs, including
snowboarding instructor and video
production with the Blazers. He
worked for the CBS affiliate in
Portland, Oregon in 1993. His
daughter Erin was born in 1995.
Currently he is a broadcast designer for KOIN-TV in Portland.
Jim LePage '80 is Regional Sales
Manager with Airgas in the Mid
South Region and is still based in
Springfield, Missouri.
Dan Crowley '81 spent 11 years
living in Austin where he met his
wife Suzanne and obtained his
Engineering from The University of
Texas. They had two daughters,
Cailtin and Lauren in Austin, and
then transferred with his company
Lockheed Martin to Los Angeles,
then Washington DC, then San
Diego, then San Jose (with one
year at Stanford and the addition of
son Cameron) , then Orlando, and
in June, 2005 to Fort Worth where
he manages the Joint Strike
Fighter program.
Jim Barkley '81 graduated from
Baylor in 1985 and moved to DC
for graduate school. He married
Roy Duff '81 and his wife, Kellie,
have two children Ryan (8), and
Kelsie (5). He has worked with
Richard Morales '79 and his wife
Amanda welcomed their third child,
Anand, into the world on July 16,
2006. He joins sister, Ashwin, and
brother, Ariana.
Andrew Hill '81 has been married
to Mary Lynne Gasaway since
1988 and they have one son,
Andrew James Hill. They live in
San Antonio and both work at St.
Mary's University.
Ken Horton '81 completed his
BBA and BS at the University of
Oklahoma and then studied and
worked in Paris, France for eight
years for Ernst & Young and
Vogue magazine. He returned to
the States to obtain his MBA from
The Wharton School at The
University of Pennsylvania.
Bobby Park '81 earned his PhD
degree in Mathematics from LSU
in 1994 and taught at Southern
University where he earned
tenure. He has 4 children, ages 19
to 9.
Glenn Standish '81 married Kelly
Fleck and they have 4 children,
Maddie 18, Patrick 14, Kate 9 and
Abbey 5. He has worked for SBC
for 18 years and holds a B.S.
degree from Notre Dame and an
M.B.A. degree from Texas Tech.
Sam Wilson '81 and his wife
Desiree, welcomed the birth of
their son Daniel in July of 2003
and the birth of our second son
Michael in February of 2006. He
has worked for the Department of
Transportation for 19 years as the
Right of Way Administrator in the
Bryan, Texas District.
Tony Alvarez '86 graduated from
the University of Texas at Austin
and then from South Texas
College of Law. He has ben married for eight years to Vicky and
they have three children, Alejandro
''Alex'', Joelle, and Amber. Fr.
Doyle, SJ, married them in
Acapulco, Mexico and they were
The Chronicle 19
class notes
Charles Chopin '89 and his daughter, Maile.
fortunate enough to have various
friends join them for the celebration.
They currently live in
GaddisAlvarez, P.C. in 2003.
John Forney '86 graduated from
Notre Dame and became a Naval
officer for 4 years. He then went to
medical school at the University of
Texas in Houston and is now in
practice in family medicine in
Charleston, South Carolina.
Philip Hurlston '86 graduated with
an Electrical Engineering degree
Institute in Massachusetts in 1990.
He then worked for Schlumberger
Oilfield Services for 10 years and
lived and worked in Texas,
Louisiana, Scotland, Nigeria, and
Hong Kong. After Schlumberger,
he went to work for BMC Software,
and now he is CEO of Altiva
Software here in Houston. He lives
in Sugar Land with his wife,
Victoria, with this daughter Claudia.
Alex Lupo '86 attended Vanderbilt
University where he earned a B.S.
in Psychology. He then earned his
Masters of Divinity from Emory
University and is working on a
Doctor of Ministry from Asbury
Seminary. He was ordained an
elder in the United Methodist
Church in 1995 and is the Pastor of
First United Methodist Church in
Sweeny, Texas. The real highlights
of his life are his wife Kelly, his
daughters Camryn & Cassidy, and
his one month old son Connor.
20 Fall 2006
Matt Lyons '86 since graduating
from the University of Texas as an
undergraduate and law school, he
has practiced corporate and securities law. He has lived in Austin
since 1996 and is currently a partner with Andrews Kurth, where his
practice focuses on emerging
growth technology companies and
venture capital. His wife, Julianne,
and he have a son, Matthew.
John Meyer '86 ran track and
cross country at TCU and lived in
Switzerland and Montana. He and
his wife, Beth, have four kids, Ian,
Haynes, Annika and Greta.
Jose Referente '86 attended
University of Texas and graduated
from University of Houston. He
earned his CPA in 1994 and
worked in sales for Hyperion
Solutions, a financial software
company. He and his wife, Gwen,
decided to become small business
owners and opened 3 Cold Stone
Creamery franchises. He also took
up distance running 10 years ago
and has been running since.
Charles Chopin '89 recently completed the 1.7 mile Save The Bay
swim across Naragansett Bay from
Newport to Jamestown, Rhode
Island to raise money in support of
conservation and education efforts
to improve water quality in
Narragansett Bay.
Eric Hopkins '91 graduated from
Loyola University, New Orleans
1995 and then went to Medical
School at UT Health Science
Center in San Antonio . He completed a Pediatric Residency at
Cook County Hospital in Chicago
in 2002 and returned to Texas and
Pediatrics in Grapevine, Texas. He
is on the Board of Directors at
Cook Children's Hospital in Fort
Worth. He and his wife Christine,
have a daughter, Kathleen, and
they are expecting a second child
in September.
Brad Kerwin '91 after 4 years in
the navy following Jesuit, became
dually certified as a physical therapist and athletic trainer. He works
Affiliate's in PT and Braunreiter's
Family Sport's Medicine. He is married and he and his wife,
Stephanie, have a son, Andrew
who is a freshman at Jesuit this
Jon LaRue '91 served in U.S.
Navy for 5 years as a Corpsman
with the 1st Marine Division at
Camp Pendleton, California. He
graduated from the University of
Houston with a B.S. degree
Building Technology, B.S. in
John Millin '91 graduated from
Princeton University and South
Texas College of Law. He and his
wife, Gina, are practicing law
together as partners in their firm.
They have a son, Jack and were
anticipating the birth of their daughter in August 2006.
Colin Smith '91 obtained a degree
in computer sciences from the
University of Texas in Austin and
moved to Dallas in 1997. He married his wife, Angela Lenart, in
2001 and celebrated the arrival of
their first son, Brendan, in 2005.
He has worked for the same
employer for 10 years, 9 of them as
a consultant and one as a software
developer in R&D.
Mike Boudreaux '92 and his wife,
Ivy, welcomed the birth of their
daughter Sydney and shortly after
he graduated from the MBA program at the Kellogg School of
Management at Northwestern
University in Chicago. After 10
years at Akzo Novel, he left this
past summer to become the
Marketing Manager for Alcoa's
Specialty Metals Division in
Rockdale, Texas.
Pablo Cabrera '95 has been working for for a management consulting firm. He was scheduled to
move to Germany this past August
to pursue an International MBA
form GISMA/Purdue University.
Ryan McConnell '95 has accepted
an appointment as an Assistant
United States Attorney in the
Middle District of Louisiana where
he will prosecute federal crimes
ranging from narcotics violations to
white collar matters. Ryan, and his
wife Alyson and daughter Caitlyn
will move from Houston to Baton
Rouge, Louisiana this fall.
Frank Baumgartner '96 graduated from the University of Texas Austin and moved to Atlanta,
Georgia, where he works for
Cognex. He and his wife, Marcille,
will soon be moving back to
David Clifford '96 graduated from
University of Texas at Austin in
2000 and he completed the MBA
program at Helsinki School of
Economics. He then worked as a
Company in Helsinki through 2004.
Since then he has worked at
Salient Partners in Houston. He
and his wife have two children.
Andy Dougherty '96 graduated in
2000 from SMU with degrees in
Spanish, Latin American Studies
and Print Journalism. He worked
Ryan McConnell '95
with this wife, Alsyon
and daughter, Caitlyn.
DynCorp International in the formation of a new military in Liberia. His
special area is helping to keep
human rights violators out of the
new military.
Paul J. Siwek '99 and his wife,
Georgianna, had their first child,
Juliana, on July 3, 2006.
for 4 years in Dallas at Texas Cable
News, producing and anchoring
various sports programming. He is
currently a sports anchor at the
Fox/Telemundo affiliate in Lubbock
and is also the host of the Mike
Leach coach's show for Texas
Thomas Hardin '96 has been married for 4 years to his wife, Autumn,
and they are expecting a little girl in
December. After college at Auburn
University he went to work for the
Houston Police Department and for
5 years he has been assigned to
Westside Command and the
S.W.A.T. team.
Colin Lathrop '96 graduated with
honors as a double major in biochemistry/molecular biology and
biology from Houston Baptist
University. He spent a year working
for the National Institutes of Health
outside of Washington D.C. and is
currently attending dental school in
Jason McCardle '96 graduated
from St. Louis University and is
working for a company that helps
people with limited mobility.
Matt Paxson '96 received a B.A. in
Geology in 2000. He then received
a M.S. in Environmental Science in
2004. He is currently working as an
environmental consultant.
Daniel Roschke ’96 graduated
from the Lutheran School of
Theology in Chicago last May. He
was ordained at Salem Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Houston in July.
In August he began serving on the
pastoral staff at Messiah Lutheran
Church in Yorba Linda, California
as the Pastor of Emerging
Generations. He and his wife,
Heather, have a child, Micah John.
Gerardo Interiano '99 received his
Doctor of Jurisprudence from the
University of Texas School of Law
in May. He is currently serving as
Congressman Lamar Smith.
Timothy Roschke ’99 graduated
from Loyola Marymount in Los
Angeles with a degree in math. He
went on to a masters program in
International Peace Studies at
Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). For
the past year, as part of his peace
studies program, he has been in
Liberia where he is working with
Kyle Burks '01 worked for 6
months in the derivative accounting
group at Deloitte before leaving to
do his own thing. He currently
owns two companies. The first is
The TicketWire, which is a clientservice ticket brokerage with
access to event tickets across the
SeasonTicketRights.com, which is
a secure online marketplace for
seat licenses.
Jessie Collins '01 graduated with
a BS in Mechanical Engineering is
working in oilfield equipment.
Patrick Durham '01 is currently
enrolled at UH - Victoria through
Sugar Land for computer science.
Rose Virginia Keesey Fontana
Mother of John, Jr. '72
Grandmother of Roddy Grant '90
Charles Foerster
Father of William '74
James Leonard '95
Craig Wilson McGarrah, Jr.
Father of Craig '79 and Kirk '84
Joseph George Polito, Sr.
Father of Nick '68
Grandfather of Christopher '96
Martin Daniel Ryan, Jr.
Father of Pat ‘75
class notes
He and his wife were married this
past July.
Blake Marvin '01 graduated from
the University of Virginia in 2006
with a BA in Chemistry and
Religious Studies.
Joseph Polichino III '01 graduated
with an AS in Culinary Arts, a BS in
Foodservice Entreprenuership, and
a double Minor in Psychology and
Leadership from Johnson & Wales
University in Providence Rhode
Island. He is now working for Royal
Carribean International on the
Vision of the Seas touring Seattle,
Canada and Alaska.
Jonathan Roschke ‘02 graduated
in May from Loyola Marymount with
a degree in Psychology. He plans
to do graduate work but is taking a
summer off and working in Healy,
Alaska, near Denali National Park.
Bennett Connelly on December 1, 2005
Mark ‘69 and Nancy
Micah John Roschke on
December 23, 2005
Daniel '96 and Heather
Isabella Petra Rowe on June 20, 2006
Joe '00 and Stefanie
Anand Morales on July 16, 2006
Richard '79 and Amanda
Willard Vezey
Father of Bryan ‘85
The Chronicle 21
All Reunion years are special.
This one could be historic.
Reunion years are always a special time for great
memories and reconnecting with old friends.
For the Strake Jesuit Reunion Classes of 2006,
their Reunion year could help make history.
Strake Jesuit is on the verge of a
threshold moment in school history.
Next year, the school’s Financial Aid
Program expects, for the first time in
one year, to surpass the $1,000,000
mark in aid to deserving young men
so that they can benefit from the Strake Jesuit experience.
This year’s Reunion classes have a rare opportunity to play an important role in
making this goal a reality through a Matching Gift Challenge from the Scanlan
Foundation. This year, the Scanlan Foundation will match each dollar contributed
to the Annual Alumni Drive from all Reunion Class up to a total of $100,000. With
that match, a total donation of $100,000 collectively from all Reunion Classes will
actually represent a gift of $200,000 to the school.
That total will go a long way toward making the school’s “Drive for $1 Million in
Financial Aid” a reality.
If you are a member of a 2006 Reunion Class (‘66, '71, '76, '81, '86, '91, '96, or
'01), remember this important opportunity when you are contacted about this
year’s Alumni Drive. If you have
given in the past, we thank you
and ask you to consider
increasing your gift in this
important year. If you have not
been active in the Alumni Drive,
this will be a great year to start.
2005 - 2006 ROLL OF DONORS
What a year for Strake Jesuit College Preparatory!
This is my last letter to you as Chairman of the Board as it is time for me to pass the
responsibility to John Niemann for the new school year. Words can't express how grateful I am for the work and generosity of fellow board members, school administrators, parents, alumni and friends of the school for furthering the mission of the school over the past
As the school year started, so many of you gave of your time and financial resources to
welcome over 440 students from Jesuit High School New Orleans who had been displaced by Hurricane Katrina. Never in my life have I seen such an outpouring of love and
concern to make our guests feel welcome, not only in their educational pursuits, but in
their personal lives as well. We continue to receive expressions of extreme gratitude from
our Jesuit friends in Louisiana.
Through your financial support, we have continued the implementation of the results from
our Vision 2008 strategic planning process. We have been focused on academics, faculty and student life, athletics, buildings and grounds, student aid, information resources,
financial management and spiritual life. Recently, with great pride, Father Lahart, John
Niemann and I had the opportunity to tour the newly completed athletic complex - it is
absolutely stunning! As you know, this follows the completion of our new baseball and
football stadiums as well as a myriad of other infrastructure improvements. All of these
components of Vision 2008 could not have happened without you.
Now your further support is needed for The Greater Glory Capital Campaign as we go to
the next phase of the implementation of the Vision 2008 objectives. With the athletic complex complete, we will now pursue remodeling the old gymnasium as a dining hall and
construct a new student activity center with an adjoining chapel. We will certainly live up
to our goal of having our campus match our high quality educational `program, thereby,
delivering the absolute best student experience.
We finished the year with 868 students and had one of our largest graduating classes in
our history. We did this while continuing our tradition of having a superior academic environment. It was a year of which we can all be very proud.
Again, I want to personally thank each of you for the time and financial resources that you
share with the school. The excellence of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory is realized
because of your continued participation. Together we can look forward to the continued
development of Men for Others.
Allen Brown
The Chronicle 23
Publishing this Roll of Donors is a small way in which Strake Jesuit College Preparatory can publicly recognize those who have
made cash gifts and gifts-in-kind to the School. Gifts included in this Roll of Donors are those made from July 1, 2005 to June 30,
2006. Every year the list grows with new friends who join the dedicated and consistent donors who have supported the School for
many years. This year's list includes many new donors who made generous gifts to the Brother's Keepers Katrina Relief Fund to
support the school's efforts on behalf of displaced studnets from Jesuit High School New Orleans. Each gift is appreciated and
every gift is put to good use, whether it be to provide financial aid, renovate or maintain facilities, develop new academic programs or enhance technology across campus.
Please take a few minutes to read the names of alumni, current and past parents, faculty and staff, as well as friends of the
School who have made a gift this year. Because of their support, Strake Jesuit can continue to challenge young men to learn, lead,
serve and grow to become Men for Others.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
^ Deceased / + 5 or more Years Consecutive Giving
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock +
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee +
Mr. & Mrs. Brock Akers +
M. D. Anderson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Arbogast Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston +
Mr. & Mrs. B. Robert Baker +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bandy +
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard '77+
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Bridgeway Funds
Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Brown +
The Brown Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. '73 +
Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks The Gordon & Mary Cain Foundation Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charley Casserly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa Dr. Joseph J. Chen & Dr. Regina Lewis Mrs. Vivian M. Clark
The College of St. Francis Xavier
The Coca-Cola Company Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman +
Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill Conoco Phillips, Inc. Terry Crane Foundation The Cullen Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche +
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty +
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger ExxonMobil Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk Mr. George M. Fleming Fordham Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi +
GE Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Goldman Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III '83+
Gonzaga College High School
Mr. & Mrs. George Goolsby +
Mary Gracely Footprints Foundation
Mr. Richard A. Hanus +
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. '72 +
24 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel +
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. William B. Houston +
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias+
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy
Memorial Foundation
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart +
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger +
Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light '75+
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. '74 +
Loyola Blakefield
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch +
The Lynett & Haggerty Families Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. +
Marquette University High School
McDermott International, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph McIngvale The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran '66 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris +
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson +
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli '83 +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. O'Shea Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley '72 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Peterson Mr. Peter Plaut
Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal Rockhurst High School
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose Sage Dining Services, Inc.
Saint Ignatius High School
Scanlan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom +
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger '72 Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. H. John Springer+
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish '67 +
Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien Strake Foundation Strake Jesuit Community +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Torras
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde Mr. Richard S. Walker '76 & Ms. Shana Sloas +
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner +
Estate of John Brooks Williams Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. '68 STANISLAUS CLUB
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron '77 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth '67 +
Boston College High School
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun The Butcher Fund +
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. '79 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang +
Clark Condon Associates Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty +
Mr. Anthony J. Domino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle '83 +
Mr. Stephen Ewbank Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman '69+
Mr. Bryce E. Gama '97+
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Garcia General Mills Mr. C. A. Gillan & Mrs. Cathy S. Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto +
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez '71 +
Mr. Anthony Hagale Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale +
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hebert
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou
The Captain Andrew R. Houghton Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein +
Jesuit High School New Orleans
Mr. David R. Juist & Ms. Annie Fabio +
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel '74 +
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui Mr. & Mrs. Enrico A. Mango R O L L
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta +
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Hunter L. Martin, III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Masera Dr. & Mrs. William D. McChesney Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden Mr. & Mrs. Michael Medrano '88
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Miller +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller '83 The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Miraglia Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka +
The O'Neill Foundation Dr. Brian S. Parsley '74 +
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Perkins Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters '71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pipitone Dr. Richard A. Plumb & Mrs. Nancy G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Pollan '76+
Mr. & Mrs. G. M. Reinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach +
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Roach +
Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Roberts Mr. Bill Robins '83
Mr. Mark Sacaris '82
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra '74 +
Saint Joseph's Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel +
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club+
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. +
Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh '91
Wapiti Energy, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York O F
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Falsone
Finkelstein Partners
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming '69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw '82 Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher '76 Dr. & Mrs. A. Tomas Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley '79
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour+
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez '87 D. E. Harvey Builders Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Heinrichs Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort Hitech Polymers, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger +
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias '91
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson +
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. Jungeblut +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg '75+
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg '82+
Kirksey Architecture
Knights of Columbus Council 11343
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch '73
Mrs. Nancy Koch +
Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta
Dr. Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lazzeri Mr. Richard Leonardon '79 Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Long, TTEE Loyola School New York City
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Marion, Jr.
Ms. Ann-Lindsay S. Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Maurice Pichoffs Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride Mr. Duncan McLean '85
Mr. Troy McNabb '82+
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara+
Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt T. Methvin +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims +
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins '80
Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus
Dr. Son K. Nguyen & Dr. Anh Nguyen +
Mrs. Frank B. Padon Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Proffit
Dr. G. S. & Dr. Rekha C. Ramesh CRUSADERS CLUB
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous +
Academia San Ignacio de Loyola
Mr. Robert A. Adolph '73 & Ms. Kathy J.
Jackson +
Mrs. Irene Adolph
The Andrews Foundation Apache Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Bassett+
Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar+
Bellarmine Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux '67+
BP Amoco Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Brann Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan '82+
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Calva +
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman ChevronTexaco Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Colley '76
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. '76 +
Creighton Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Rod L. Desroches
Feast of St. Stanilaus Kostka Mass
The Chronicle 25
Regis High School
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd '70 Dr. & Mrs. John Schiro '80
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt '86
Mr. & Mrs. Darby Sere +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets Shell Oil Company Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III
St Louis University High School
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell Sterling Bank
Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart Mr. Thomas F. Taylor '66 +
Mr. & Mrs. Maher R. Touma Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak '84+
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall Walsh Jesuit High School
Mr. J. Edward Wheeler, III '79+
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison
Bill Williams Annual Capon Charity Dinner Fund, Inc.
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Song Ahn
AIG Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth+
Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes S. Arbuckle '77
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Ashcraft
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Atwood
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios '76 Mr. & Mrs. James Barkley '81
Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beck '83
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Belanger
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto '78+
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boone, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen Booth
Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brandau
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brann
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caine Mr. Arden D. Callender Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo
Mr. & Mrs. Herve F. Chain
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark +
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole
Mr. Edward C. Colman
Colvill Office Properties
Mr. William S. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Cox+
Cmdr. Robert E. Crane, II '78
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Mr. & Mrs. George Z. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Robin A. Dawson '65 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds '76
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler +
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine '75 +
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt +
Mr. Renaud J. d'Herbes
Mr. & Mrs. Camilo E. Diaz
Mr. Patrick C. Dickson '95+
Mr. & Mrs. Peter U. Diebold
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Donato '74
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel
26 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque '90 +
Mr. Robert Elliott & Dr. Kathleen McDermott
Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan
The Marjorie E. Evans Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix +
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey '74 +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friedmann
Dr. Robert E. & Dr. Geri-Lynn Fromm
Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Gary, III
Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear +
Mr. Theodore J. Gorman '93 Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Grealish
Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Grehn
Grey Wolf Drilling Company, L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. rwood W. Hackemack
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Halliburton Political Action Committee
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty '81
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harry +
The Hartford Insurance Company - Group
Benefits Division
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler '72
Mr. & Mrs. David Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners +
Houston-Sigma Technologies
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe '76 +
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Juilo
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Keel Mr. & Mrs. William K. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh +
Mr. Jeffrey F. Kindschuh
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kingerski Mr. Dale Kinney
Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch '76
Dr. & Mrs. Harmohinder S. Kochar +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman Mr. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. '98
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Kradzinski +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart +
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Levinson
Dr. M. Jerome Lewis, D.C.
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Liipfert
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Livesay
Loyola Blakefield Alumni Association
Loyola Blakefield High School
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben E. Lugo
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos
Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth +
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner +
Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton J. McAdams '79
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee '71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. McCann Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt Mrs. Thomas McErlean+
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath
Ms. Dolores Medina
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Melson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis
Mr. Leslie P. Metzgar & Ms. Shirley W. Siu
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer +
Millennium Midstream
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Moffatt
Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore
Ms. Cynthia Moriarty
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy '76 +
Mr. Archie Nahigian Mr. & Mrs. Rajesh Naran
Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo M. Narvacan
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle +
Mr. & Mrs. Hung V. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Nielsen Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble Northstar Interests, L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Burke O'Malley '84 Mr. Sean O'Neill '85
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn Mr. Douglas E. Osterhus
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley '81
Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery '80
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper
Mr. Alfredo M. & Dr. Mabel Perez +
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Peterson '80
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Price
Mr. Gerald T. Price '67 +
Production Access, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano
Dr. Martin H. Reddy '73 & Mrs. Manuela Schroeter
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Rogers Ryan Commercial Real Estate Services
Mr. David M. Sabonghy '97
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Schiro '82
Mr. William J. Schneidau '80 +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau '82 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz +
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel +
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott
Governor & Mrs. William Scranton
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Senosiain
Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting +
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler +
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith '82 +
Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook Ms. M. Anthony Startz Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Steininger Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Stewart
Strake Jesuit Guidance Office Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Strausser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Taetz
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton +
Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette
Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Thompson, III R O L L
Mr. & Mrs. Quoc V. Tran
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Triplett University of Scranton
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon J. Vallejo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables +
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie R. Villalva
Dr. & Mrs. Nghia Q. Vuong
Wachovia Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters
Mr. Tucker T. Watkins & Mrs. Margaret
Mr. Mark E. Watson, III '82
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilkirson Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman
Ms. Wanda Woodlock
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young MAGIS CLUB
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Adorno
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Agosto
Ms. Sherra L. Aguirre
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht '72
Ms. Kimberly A. Amador +
Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador '80 Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Armand +
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Badgett +
Capt. & Mrs. J. A. Badgett '97
Mr. Bradley S. Bailey '71
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Baird
Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III '75 +
Mr. Roger G. Baker & Mrs. Sarah J. Colletti-Baker
Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bardwil '73
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Barone
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw '80 Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Dr. Nilesh & Dr. Dipti Bavishi
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bean '81 +
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean '78 +
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Bellis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren '81
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. '80
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, S.J.
Mr. James V. Bordoni
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Boyer
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden '67
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda '71 +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer Mr. W. R. Brice & Mrs. Leslie B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill Brophy College Preparatory
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brune
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. '69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Burke
Mr. Chris Burke '86 +
Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Calvo +
Mr. Edward Campana '81
Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon '69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas +
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche '87 +
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Carr, Jr. '84 +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. +
Orientation Dance
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cascarano
Mr. & Mrs. Dan K. Casper
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Castillo
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Caulfield
Mr. Tom Causey '87 +
Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh
Central Market
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cesare
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman '94
Ms. Beverly A. Chermak
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Hung Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III '87 +
Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Clark, Sr. '84
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Clement
Dr. & Mrs. Guy L. Clifton +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton '93 +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck
Mr. & Mrs. Sal Cognetti, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Colca, Ph.D. '68
Community Coffee Company, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. +
Mr. Patrick T. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cortelyou
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. '81
Ms. Angela B. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. James Cristiano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin '72 +
Ms. Sharon F. Crook
Dr. Craig Curd & Dr. Deborah Gennero
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Curlee
Mr. & Mrs. John Currie
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry '69
Mr. Joe A. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Danklef
Mr. & Mrs. John D'Antoni
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson '71 &
Ms. Sarah Duckers +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson
Mr. Corey B. Davis '90 +
Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa '91
Mr. Harry Dean '78
Mr. & Mrs. John Dearborn
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Debarbrie
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Delclos +
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Delclos '78
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Diaz
Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia '75
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dini Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Dinnell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolan +
Dr. Ira Doneson
Dr. James E. Dowd '80 & Dr. Susan Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dragoset
Mr. John K. Dubiel '86 & Dr. Randi Dubiel
Ms. Elaine H. Duble
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy +
Duke Energy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Durkin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Byron F. Dyer
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick '67+
El Paso Energy Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Rolly C. Erice
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart '70 +
Mr. Michael F. Fafaul
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. James B. Fijan
Fleck Machine Company, Inc.
Flournoy Davis Manzo
Child Development Foundation
Mr. Ryan V. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Foster '69
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Foy '92
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Gaenslen '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gannon '69
Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres Mrs. Jean F. Garwood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garza, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Gidley '82
Mrs. Meg Goetz
Gonzaga Preparatory School, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Graham
Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham +
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves '77
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray '84
Greater Houston Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James J. Haggerty, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan N. Hannon Mr. Thomas P. Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Harrell
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hathorn '85
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Hegarty '87 +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mathew E. Hennessy '84
Mr. Michael C. Henry '67 & Mrs. Trudy Hansen
The Chronicle 27
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III '78
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hilbe Mr. Michael Hillebrand
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hines '84
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. '77 +
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Holden, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn
Houston Chinese Women's Assoc.
Houston Endowment, Inc.
Mr. Herschel L. Howard & Ms. Jeanne M. Higbee
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman +
Inman Texas Company
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Interiano
Ms. Mary C. Jackson Mr. Theodore Jadick
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Janda
Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston '84
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Howard Jones
Mr. Christopher Jordan '85 +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kaley
Mr. Arthur J. Kania
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. Mike Kerley+
Ms. Caroline O. Kermath Mr. Addison H. Kermath
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kilgard '87
Mr. Charles R. Kimmel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein '79
Mr. & Mrs. Stanard T. Klinefelter
Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Koch '84 +
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch '82 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski '71
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Lane '80
Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica Mr. David J. Leal
Mr. Marcus P. LeBlanc
Mr. Gary M. Lefebvre
Mr. & Mrs. Clay J. Legros
Rev. Joseph B. Leininger, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lin
Ms. Nancy E. Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Loeffler '65 Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Loudin, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. W. Lovell +
Loyola High School Detroit
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna '86 +
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Lusk '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Lynett
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mahoney
Ms. Mary E. Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam
Marathon Oil Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marco
Dr. John Mariotti
Mr. & Mrs. James Martingano '86
Mr. James E. Marvin
Ms. Marie B. Maser
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker '75 +
Mrs. Lois Mathews +
Mr. Jason P. Mauk '00
Mr. & Mrs. Juan F. Mayorga
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McConnell '86
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald
Rev. William J. McGrath, S.J.
Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. '67 +
28 Fall 2006
Mr. & Ms. Thomas H. McNeely '86 +
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland '76 McQuaid Jesuit High School
Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. '77 +
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Mealey '74
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Merkel '86
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt '86 &
Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt +
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II '77
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Morgan
Motiva Enterprises LLC Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton '70
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard '80 +
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia '67 +
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
Mr. Christopher J. Napoli '87 +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Nasser '69
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish '80
Mr. & Mrs. Ray P. Nix Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra +
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks
Mr. Patrick T. O'Donnell & Dr. Elizabeth O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Oertling
Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ormand
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon '68 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Padon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Palmer
Mr. Philip F. Panzarella & Mrs. Barbara J. Carroll
Paparazzo Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Peddicord, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek '80
Mr. Drew Peslar
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov '79
Mr. Pascal P. Piazza '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaud G. Pichon
Ms. Kathryn A. Pidgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Pietranton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Pruden
Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini +
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Ramirez +
Mr. Sanford J. Reel
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Regan
Dr. David W. Reininger '69 +
Dr. Robert H. Reuter '85 +
Ms. Ann M. Rey
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Rhem '83
Dr. Mike L. '72 & Dr. Peggy Rice +
Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards +
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Richards '75
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robishaw '94
Mr. John T. Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Roby
Mr. Richard J. Roby
Dr. Robert E. Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rosson
The Roth Family Foundation
Mr. Charles H. Rousseau
Mr. & Mrs. Florentino A. Roxas Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Rundle Mr. Charles R. Rutherford
Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan
Mr. Daniel M. Saldana '76
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Salmon
Mr. Peter Sanguesa '85
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo '67 +
Mr. Frank J. Santos '97
Santos Appraisals
Mr. Harold Scheffler '83
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Schiro Mr. Richard J. Schmitt
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau '69 +
Mr. Steven D. Schuster
Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Sr.
Mr. Philip B. Scott & Ms. Linda S. Cook
Scranton Preparatory School
Scranton Preparatory School Parents' Club
Scranton Preparatory School Student Council
Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Singley '87
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Skonberg
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt
Mr. Stephen Solcher '79 +
Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher '80
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Squyres '74 Mrs. Elizabeth Standish +
Stewart Title Company
Mr. & Ms. William N. Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake '78
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain '72 +
Mr. William J. Sweeney
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Talley
Target +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Tarver
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Tavakoli-Sabour
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina Mr. & Mrs. William W. Terry
Texas Industries
Thomas Energy Services
Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer '75
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth Mr. & Mrs. Enrique F. Tiangco
Mr. J. G. Trabanino '96
Mr. Jude H. Trahant, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski '95
Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer '68 & Ms. Jewel Arrington +
Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. '82 +
Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro Dr. & Mrs. Michael Vennix '80
Mrs. Constance M. Vickery Villa Javier
Vintage Underwriters
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Waits
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Walters
Mr. Michael H. Weatherl & Ms. Renay A. Arton
Mr. Moseley H. Webb, III
Dr. & Mrs. James C. West '67
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty
Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam '86 +
Mr. Canice Wu '82 & Ms. Anita Cole Xnet, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Yahn
Ms. Pat Yankow
Nancy M. and Douglas M. Yeager Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William H. York
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
Ens. David F. Zerda '98
Mr. Owen Zidar
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zientek
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta '91 +
Gifts to the Parent Drive are used to bridge the gap between tuition and the actual operating costs at Strake Jesuit. Total Gifts
include donations to the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Campaign Payments, other Annual Giving
Campaigns, as well as Honors and Memorials.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
^ Deceased / + 5 or more Years Consecutive Giving
Class of 2006
Parent Drive 2005: $131,352
Total Gifts: $601,368
Members: 202
Participation: 61%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bandy +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman +
Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien STANISLAUS CLUB
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. '79 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Daboval Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Hunter L. Martin, III Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pipitone Mr. & Mrs. G. M. Reinhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra '74 +
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York CRUSADERS CLUB
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Calva +
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Falsone
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III Mr. & Mrs. David J. Lazzeri
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Maher R. Touma PRESIDENT'S CLUB
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boone, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brandau
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Brann
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caine Mr. Arden D. Callender Mr. Edward C. Colman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Cox +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Craven Mr. & Mrs. Camilo E. Diaz
Mr. Robert Elliott & Dr. Kathleen McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harry +
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Keel Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Kradzinski +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ruben E. Lugo
Mr. & Mrs. Victor N. Makris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee '71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Moffatt
Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Peterson '80
Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Thompson, III Mr. & Mrs. Ramon J. Vallejo
Dr. & Mrs. Nghia Q. Vuong
Ms. Wanda Woodlock
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Armand +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven V. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill Mr. & Mrs. Dan K. Casper
Mr. & Mrs. Vance Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cortelyou
Dr. Craig Curd & Dr. Deborah Gennero
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dragoset
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hilbe Mr. & Mrs. John W. Holden, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Interiano
Ms. Caroline O. Kermath Mr. & Mrs. John R. Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland '76 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ray P. Nix
Mr. & Mrs. Arnaud G. Pichon
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. Florentino A. Roxas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Squyres '74 Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Wilson GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS
gifts to $499
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Mohammad S. Anwar
Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Ashe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Bischoff
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Desiderio
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo F. Dumantay Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hollkamp
Ms. Rosemary A. Jablonowski
Mr. & Mrs. Waverly L. Johnson, III
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Kirkpatrick, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin B. Lockard
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Lubrano
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Lumpkin
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Maly
Ms. Patricia L. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey E. McBee Mr. James E. '74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Morales
Ms. Anne Mrok-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Tai T. Pham
The success of our Annual Parent Drive relies greatly on the dedication of volunteers. The following individuals helped the 2005 Parent Drive reach record levels.
George Crawford - Chair
Cynthia Conrad-Bayer - Co-Chair
Maria Argao
Michael Benigno
Carolyn Campbell
David Chambers
Mary Cook
Beverly Davis
Terry & Marion Devine
Barbara DeWitt
Susan d'Herbes
Stephanie Dodd
Melanie Frank
John Furnace
Marty Gibula
Timothy Henken
Liz Hochstein
Edith Horrell
David & Pam Johnson
Caroline Kermath
Jerome Lewis
Elsie Logo
Brian and Jackie MacBeth
Linda Makris
Rick Mango
Hunter Martin
Dick McCann
Wilburn McDonald
Kay Moore
Harsha Naran
David Peters
Clarence Rife
Jose Rodriguez
Bill Rose
Pilar Schneider
Susan Smith
Stephen Snider
Scott Spencer
Austin Tenette
Trish Terry
Pat Zarembo
The Chronicle 29
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Pondell
Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Portocarrero
Mr. & Mrs. Edilberto Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Ross W. Shaw
Mr. Ronald H. Stroup Mr. & Mrs. Terry G. Tate, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Phil A. Tschoepe Ms. Juanita Unate
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Van Tassel
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus T. White
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Wiser
Class of 2007
Parent Drive 2005: $190,608
Total Gifts: $1,156,054
Members: 215
Participation: 74%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. '73 +
Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso +
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. George Goolsby +
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Konopka Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris +
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Nawrocki Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger '72 STANISLAUS CLUB
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang +
Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly +
Mr. & Mrs. David Dacus Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Frank Mr. C. A. Gillan & Mrs. Cathy S. Nunnally Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein +
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui Mr. & Mrs. David M. Marks Mr. & Mrs. Hunter L. Martin, III Dr. & Mrs. William D. McChesney Mr. & Mrs. William D. Miller +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Miraglia Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka +
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters '71 +
Dr. Richard A. Plumb & Mrs. Nancy G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Glynn Roberts Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer D O N O R S
Dr. G. S. & Dr. Rekha C. Ramesh Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Wall PRESIDENT'S CLUB
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth +
Mr. & Mrs. Herve F. Chain
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. George Z. Crawford
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter U. Diebold
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Gary, III
Mr. & Mrs. Norwood W. Hackemack
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien M. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh +
Mr. Jeffrey F. Kindschuh
Mr. Jason L. & Dr. Agnes I. Kisch Dr. & Mrs. Harmohinder S. Kochar +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kwik Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart +
Dr. M. Jerome Lewis, D.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Livesay
Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth +
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. McCann Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt Ms. Dolores Medina
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Mengis
Ms. Cynthia Moriarty
Mr. & Mrs. Rajesh Naran
Mr. & Mrs. Eric D. Nielsen Dr. & Mrs. Philip C. Noble Mr. & Mrs. George S. Ontko
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting +
Ms. M. Anthony Startz Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Taetz
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Triplett Mr. & Mrs. Eddie R. Villalva
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Agosto
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Bellis
Mr. & Mrs. Walt Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Curt M. Cavanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garza, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Huston
Mr. & Mrs. Juan J. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Kainer
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks
Mr. Patrick T. O'Donnell & Dr. Elizabeth O'Donnell Mr. Philip B. Scott & Ms. Linda S. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Smidt
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Tarver
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Terry
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic F. Affonso
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Albrecht '78 +
Mr. & Mrs. Jackie Q. Bass
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Beneke
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Beverick
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Buechele
Mr. & Mrs. Hector E. Buelna
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Calvo
Mr. & Mrs. Alvaro G. Chaveste
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cornett Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak +
Ms. Beverly Park-Davis Dr. & Mrs. George L. Delclos '74
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence G. Devine
Mr. & Mrs. Lorenzo F. Dumantay Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fox, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Fuess, Jr. '76
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Gibula
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Hovsepian
Ms. Josephine Huang
Mr. & Mrs. Zygmont L. Jankowski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nasrullah Khan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp
Father-Son Fun Day
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Bassett +
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Heinrichs Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger +
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson +
Dr. Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Proffit
30 Fall 2006
Mr. Quang V. Le & Mrs. Xuan T. Nguyen
Mr. Thanh T. Le & Mrs. Huong T. Pham
Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton H. Luquetta
Mr. & Mrs. Garry W. Macejewski
Mr. & Mrs. Larry M. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. McColloch
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Tom D. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Penn
Ms. Santosh K. Post
Mr. & Mrs. Edilberto Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence W. Rife
Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Roth
Mrs. Rosa Sokulski
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. St. Aubin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Wippold
Mr. & Mrs. Erich W. Wolz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David J. Young
Ms. Patricia M. Zarembo Class of 2008
Parents Drive 2005 $139,563
Total Gifts $745,914
Members 220
Participation 63%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Colvill Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dearborn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. John E. O'Shea Dr. & Mrs. Lindy T. Rachal Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom +
Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Torras
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch STANISLAUS CLUB
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Enrico A. Mango Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bob Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach +
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence H. Armour, III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Brann
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mr. & Mrs. James A. Claunch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher '76 S T R A K E
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome E. Glass Dr. Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Lattanzi
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara +
Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Stell
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Song Ahn
Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Ayers
Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. ConradBayer
Mr. & Mrs. Juan A. Carrillo
Mr. & Mrs. Tracey E. Coats
Mr. William S. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler +
Mr. & Mrs. Camilo E. Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Grehn
Mr. & Mrs. David Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo A. Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kingerski Mr. & Mrs. Myles J. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Liipfert
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Martin
Mr. Leslie P. Metzgar & Ms. Shirley W. Siu
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Osborn Mr. Douglas E. Osterhus
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Price
Mr. & Mrs. William V. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Senosiain
Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Skelton
Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Steininger Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Barone
Dr. Nilesh & Dr. Dipti Bavishi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Ms. Angela B. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. John D'Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Rolly C. Erice
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Garza, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan N. Hannon Mr. & Mrs. John A. Harrell
Mr. Herschel L. Howard & Ms. Jeanne M. Higbee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Janda
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Jones Ms. Caroline O. Kermath Mr. & Mrs. Jim Mahoney
Mr. & Mrs. Juan F. Mayorga
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Pruden
Dr. Mike L. '72 & Dr. Peggy Rice +
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Tavakoli-Sabour
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth Mr. & Mrs. Enrique F. Tiangco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. William H. York
gifts to $499
Ms. Maria E. Alvarez
Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara L. Bone
Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Aranovich
Mr. & Mrs. Algerico C. Balingit
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Baratta
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Basarabescu
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley F. Blankenship +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Brezger
Mr. & Mrs. Hector E. Buelna
Mr. & Mrs. Eliseo C. Bunag
Mr. David R. Byrnes '80
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Castenell
Mr. & Mrs. Russell T. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. John M. De Franco Mr. & Mrs. Terrence G. Devine
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto E. Garcia, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Herrington
Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Knizner
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Landeta & Mr. Dante Crosa
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Landry
Mr. Paul Marrack & Ms. Katherine B. Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Milazzo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Minda
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Novick
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard P. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Padon '71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Pigneri
Mr. & Mrs. James Redman
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. '76 +
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rice
Mr. Eric R. Romero
Ms. Diann D. Romero
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Schramm
Ms. Walee Schwing
Mr. & Mrs. Romeo V. Sequitin
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Terry G. Tate, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Taylor
Dr. Gregory N. Uche & Mrs. Stella N. Obi-Uche
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Vu
Mr. & Mrs. Yu-Tung Wu
Dr. & Mrs. Jim S. Yeung
Class of 2009
Parents Drive 2005 $148,070
Total Gifts $647,043
Members 230
Participation 61%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. B. Robert Baker +
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell P. Eichelberger M U S E U M
The gifts of the contributors listed below were designated for the Strake Jesuit Art Museum and its mission to
provide to educate by gathering, preserving, and presenting a collection of artworks on the Strake Jesuit campus.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Colley
Mr. Edward C. Colman
Cultural Arts Council of Houston/Harris County
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken
Mr. Michael E. Lacey '92
Laureate Beta Lambda
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Loudin, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. McCann
Mr. Richard J. Schmitt
The Marjorie E. Evans Foundation
The Chronicle 31
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson +
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger '72 Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde STANISLAUS CLUB
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta +
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters '71 +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rhyne Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith CRUSADERS CLUB
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Dr. & Mrs. Herbert J. Ashe Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley R. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Henning Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Herfort
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger, III Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Staudt Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Stewart
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison
gifts of $1,250to $2,499
Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Ashcraft
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Atwood
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Belanger
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto '78 +
Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark +
Mr. Edward C. Colman
Mr. Renaud J. d'Herbes
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy T. Dismuke
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Espenan
2 0 0 6
Dr. Robert E. & Dr. Geri-Lynn Fromm
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto A. Garcia
Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty '81
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler '72
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor R. Jefferies
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Lykos
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Melson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo L. Nazario
Mr. & Mrs. Hung V. Nguyen
Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Pepper
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Peterman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Peterson '80
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Provenzano
Dr. Miguel A. & Dr. Maritza Rodriguez-Homs
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey N. Schiller
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz +
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scott
Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman
Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Quoc V. Tran
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice
Mr. Mark E. Wilson & Mrs. Sheila M. Condon
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Yates
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. Adebayo J. Adesomo
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mr. Roger G. Baker & Mrs. Sarah J. CollettiBaker
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno Mr. & Mrs. Orion H. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Chang
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Diaz
Ms. Elaine H. Duble
Ms. Mary C. Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Laucirica Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Malsam
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov '79
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Sisak
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Terracina Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer '75
Mr. & Mrs. Enrique F. Tiangco
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Vennix '80
Mr. Michael H. Weatherl & Ms. Renay A. Arton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell S. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Williams
gifts to $499
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor C. Bello
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Biba
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Blackwell
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Buechele
Mr. & Mrs. Graydon K. Cayce Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Y. Chee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Connolly
Ms. Uyen K. Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak +
Mr. Steven M. Duble '82 +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. Allen J. Feinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Haesly
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt
Mr. & Mrs. Hamlet Hovsepian
Ms. Martha H. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Yi Li
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCullagh
Ms. Sarah A. Mercier-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo A. Mira
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Oladosu
Ms. Kay Paschall
Mr. & Mrs. Humberto Porras
Mr. & Mrs. Rene E. Rizzo-Carrasco
Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde Ms. Marie-Pierre M. Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed K. Sultan
Dr. Ronald Taylor & Dr. Marilyn Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ung
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Vela
Mr. Ricardo R. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Webb
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Work
The gifts of the contributors below helped to defray the cost of the 2006 Fantasy Auction
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Giorgio Borlenghi
Mr. Peter Boudreaux & Ms. Susan D. Fernbach
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden '67
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Branca
Mr. Arden D. Callender
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Chapa
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Conlin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Delclos '78
Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Donato '74
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Belton Flournoy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Frazier
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Gibula
Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour
32 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Goodnight '71
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Haren
Mrs. Marian Y. Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hawkins '86
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera
Houston Chinese Women's Assoc.
Kirksey Architecture
Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Maarraoui
Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland '76
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. McStravick
Ms. Sarah A. Mercier-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland '76
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli '75
Mr. Stephen P. Pate & Ms. Jean T. Janssen
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Pedigo
Mr. Peter Plaut
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Drew E. Rohde
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider
Ms. Walee Schwing
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith
Mr. John W. Stevenson & Ms. Robyn S. Rothman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Stoia
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
Mr. Richard F. Teichgraeber
Mr. & Mrs. Austin L. Tenette
Mr. & Mrs. Phil A. Tschoepe
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanderslice
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel D. Vela
Wapiti Energy, LLC
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford E. York
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
Gifts from the Past Parents and Friends are directed to operating costs, the Alumni Drive, General and Endowed Scholarships,
Capital Gifts, or the Annual Giving campaigns, as well as Honors and Memorials.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
^ Deceased / + 5 or more Years Consecutive Giving
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock +
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee +
Mr. & Mrs. Brock Akers +
Apache Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Arbogast Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bandy +
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. +
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Bridgeway Funds
Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Brown +
The Brown Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks The Gordon & Mary Cain Foundation Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charley Casserly Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Chambers Dr. Joseph J. Chen & Dr. Regina Lewis Mrs. Vivian M. Clark
The Coca-Cola Company +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman +
Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Colley +
Conoco Phillips, Inc. +
The Terry Crane Foundation The Cullen Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche +
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty +
ExxonMobil Mr. George M. Fleming Fordham Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi +
GE Foundation Gonzaga College High School
Mr. & Mrs. George Goolsby +
Mary Gracely Footprints Foundation
The Lynett & Haggerty Families Mr. Richard A. Hanus +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. '72 +
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel +
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hogan +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. William B. Houston +
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias +
The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart +
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger +
Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming +
Loyola Blakefield
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch +
The Lynett & Haggerty Families M. D. Anderson Foundation Mr. & Mrs. R. Stan Marek, Jr. +
Marquette University High School
McDermott International, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph McIngvale The Medallion Foundation, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris +
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Nelson +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley '72 +
Mr. Peter Plaut
Rockhurst High School
Sage Dining Services, Inc.
Saint Ignatius High School
Scanlan Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom +
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sellinger
Shell Oil Company +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. H. John Springer +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish '67 +
Strake Foundation Strake Jesuit Community +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner +
Estate of John Brooks Williams The College of St. Francis Xavier
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth '67 +
Boston College High School
BP Amoco +
The Butcher Fund +
CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC
ChevronTexaco +
Dr. & Mrs. Chen-Yu Chiang +
Clark Condon Associates Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly +
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Casey W. Doherty +
Mr. Anthony J. Domino, Jr.
Mr. Stephen Ewbank Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman '69 +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff General Mills Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale +
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hou
The Captain Andrew R. Houghton '97
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein +
Jesuit High School of New Orleans
Mr. David R. Juist & Ms. Annie Fabio +
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel '74 +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. Dale Marietta +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Masera Dr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden Mr. & Mrs. William D. Miller +
The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller '67 +
Motiva Enterprises LLC Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka +
The O'Neill Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Pogo Producing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach +
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Roach +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra '74 +
Saint Joseph's Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club +
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 +
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. +
Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling Inc. Wapiti Energy, LLC
Wells Fargo +
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous +
Academia San Ignacio de Loyola
Mr. Robert A. Adolph '73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson +
Mrs. Irene Adolph
The Andrews Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum +
Mr. & Mrs. Tuck Bassett +
Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Bednar +
Bellarmine Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Calva +
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Creighton Preparatory School
D. E. Harvey Builders Mr. & Mrs. Rod L. Desroches
Duke Energy El Paso Energy Finkelstein Partners
Dr. & Mrs. A. Tomas Garcia
Global Santa Fe
Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Gochnour +
Halliburton, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Henken
Hitech Polymers, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Hornberger +
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart Jacobson +
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. Jungeblut +
Kirksey Architecture
Knights of Columbus Council 11343
Mrs. Nancy Koch +
Mr. & Mrs. Umberto La Matta
Dr. Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Long, TTEE Loyola School - New York
Fr. Michael J. Marco, S.J. Mr. & Mrs. John L. Marion, Jr.
Ms. Ann-Lindsay S. Marsh
Maurice Pincoffs Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara +
Mr. & Mrs. DeWitt T. Methvin +
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims +
New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus
Dr. Son K. Nguyen & Dr. Anh Nguyen +
Northwestern Mutual Life
Mrs. Frank B. Padon Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Price +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Proffit
Regis High School
The Chronicle 33
Resources Global Professionals, LP
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck
Mr. & Mrs. Darby Sere +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sheets St Louis University High School
Sterling Bank
Bill Williams Annual Capon
Charity Dinner Fund, Inc.
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
AIG Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ainsworth +
American Express
Baker Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Boone, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen Booth
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark +
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole
Mr. Edward C. Colman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Cox +
Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler +
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt +
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Dubiel
Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
The Marjorie E. Evans Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Fix +
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey '74 +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friedmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gaston Gaal
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats +
Dr. Sergio A. & Dr. Gabriela Giralt
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Goodyear +
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Grealish
Mr. Paul J. Gregor & Mrs. Barbara Divine +
Grey Wolf Drilling Company, L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Halliburton Political Action Committee
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Harry +
The Hartford Insurance Company - Group
Benefits Division
Mr. & Mrs. K. D. Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. David Hinners +
Houston-Sigma Technologies
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Juilo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh +
Mr. Dale Kinney
Dr. & Mrs. Harmohinder S. Kochar +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Kradzinski +
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart +
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Lighting, Inc.
Loyola Blakefield Alumni Association
Loyola Blakefield High School
Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth +
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner +
Marsh, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy +
Mrs. Thomas McErlean +
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath
Merrill Lynch & Co. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meyer +
Rev. & Mrs. David E. Moore +
Mr. Archie Nahigian Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo M. Narvacan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle +
Mr. Alfredo M. & Dr. Mabel Perez +
Production Access
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo
34 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez Ryan Commercial Real Estate Services
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel +
Governor & Mrs. William Scranton
Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Stewart
Strake Jesuit Guidance Office Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Strausser
Mr. & Mrs. Keith R. Taunton +
University of Scranton
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Waters
Mr. Tucker T. Watkins & Mrs. Margaret
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilkirson MAGIS CLUB
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Abbott Laboratories
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Adorno
Ms. Sherra L. Aguirre
Albemarle Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht '72
Ms. Kimberly A. Amador +
Argonaut Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Armand +
Mr. & Mrs. J. Greg Badgett +
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Baird
Mr. Thomas E. Baker, Sr. +
Bank of America +
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Blackstone Insurance Services, L.L.C.
Mr. James V. Bordoni
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brennan
Mr. W. R. Brice & Mrs. Leslie B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill Brophy College Preparatory
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brune
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Calvo +
Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carty, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cascarano
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Castillo
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Caulfield
Central Market
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cesare
Ms. Beverly A. Chermak
Mr. & Mrs. Hung Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Clement
Dr. & Mrs. Guy L. Clifton +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Clutterbuck
Mr. & Mrs. Sal Cognetti, Jr.
Community Coffee Company, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Connell, Jr. +
Mr. Patrick T. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Conway Mr. & Mrs. James Cristiano
Ms. Sharon F. Crook
Dr. Craig Curd & Dr. Deborah Gennero
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Curlee
Mr. & Mrs. John Currie
Mr. Joe A. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Danklef
Mr. & Mrs. John D'Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. John Dearborn
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Debarbrie
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Delclos +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dini Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Dinnell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolan +
Dr. Ira Doneson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dragoset
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Duffy +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Durkin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Byron F. Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Rolly C. Erice
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Evans
Mr. Michael F. Fafaul
Mr. James B. Fijan
Fleck Machine Company, Inc.
Flournoy Davis Manzo
Child Development Foundation
Mr. Ryan V. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Lupe Fraga +
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Freeman
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres Mrs. Jean F. Garwood
Mrs. Meg Goetz
Gonzaga Preparatory School, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Graham
Dr. & Mrs. David Y. Graham +
Greater Houston Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James J. Haggerty, Sr.
Mr. Thomas P. Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hasenpflug, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hilbe Mr. Michael Hillebrand
Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn
Houston Chinese Women's Assoc.
Houston Endowment, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman +
Inman Texas Company
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Interiano
Mr. Theodore Jadick
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Jordan
JP Morgan Chase +
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kafka
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kaley
Mr. Arthur J. Kania
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. Addison H. Kermath
Mr. Charles R. Kimmel
Mr. & Mrs. Stanard T. Klinefelter
Mr. David J. Leal
Mr. Marcus P. LeBlanc
Mr. Gary M. Lefebvre
Mr. & Mrs. Clay J. Legros
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lin
Ms. Nancy E. Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lloyd
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Loudin, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. W. Lovell +
Loyola High School - Detroit
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Lynett
Ms. Mary E. Malone
Marathon Oil Company
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Marco
Dr. John Mariotti
Ms. Marie B. Maser
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr. +
Mrs. Lois Mathews +
Rev. William J. McGrath, S.J.
McQuaid Jesuit High School
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
Mr. & Mrs. Earl A. Norra +
Grandparents Day
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent +
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Oertling
Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ormand
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Othon +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Padon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Palmer
Mr. Philip F. Panzarella & Mrs. Barbara J. Carroll
Paparazzo Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Peddicord, Jr.
Peoples Energy
Mr. Drew Peslar
Ms. Kathryn A. Pidgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Pietranton, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini +
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Ramirez +
RBC Dain-Rauscher
Mr. Sanford J. Reel
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Regan
Dr. David W. Reininger '69 +
Ms. Ann M. Rey
Dr. Mike L. '72 & Dr. Peggy Rice +
Dr. & Mrs. Harry F. Richards +
Mr. John T. Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Roby
Mr. Richard J. Roby
Dr. Robert E. Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rosson
The Roth Family Foundation
Mr. Charles H. Rousseau
Mr. & Mrs. Florentino A. Roxas Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Rundle Mr. Charles R. Rutherford
Dr. Robert C. & Dr. Kathleen Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Schiro Mr. Richard J. Schmitt
Mr. Steven D. Schuster
Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Sr.
Scranton Preparatory School
Scranton Preparatory School Parents' Club
Scranton Preparatory School Student Council
Capt. Samuel M. Shelton, USN +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Skonberg
Mrs. Elizabeth Standish +
Stewart Title Company
Mr. & Ms. William N. Stokes
Sun Microsystems
Mr. William J. Sweeney
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Talley
Target +
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Tavakoli-Sabour
Texas Industries
Thomas Energy Services
Mr. Jude H. Trahant, Jr.
Unocal Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro Mr. Bill Vick
Mrs. Constance M. Vickery Villa Javier
Vintage Underwriters
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Waits
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Walters
The Watson Foundation
Mr. Michael H. Weatherl & Ms. Renay A. Arton
Mr. Moseley H. Webb, III
Dr. & Mrs. James C. West '67
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty
Williams Community Relations +
Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams
Xnet, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Yahn
Ms. Pat Yankow
Nancy M. and Douglas M. Yeager Family
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Young
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zientek
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Abrahamsen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Armando A. Aguirre
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Aikman
AIM Foundation
Air Liquide USA LLC
Rev. & Mrs. Anthony G. Aiuvalasit
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Albornoz
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Alcorn
Ms. Judith B. Alessandri
Mr. Raphael Altmann
Alumni Class of 1967
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation +
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Apollo +
Mr. & Mrs. C. A. Ashe
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Askew
The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph Augello
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Avery
Mr. John F. Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog
Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Bailey
Mr. Stephen Bain
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Algerico C. Balingit
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bannon
Dr. & Mrs. J. P. Bannon
Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Banse
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Dom Bausano, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Beadell
Ms. Melissa C. Beaudet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bednar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Benear
Mr. & Mrs. Joel H. Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. '71 +
Ms. Irene H. Binash
Mr. Edward J. Blackburn
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley F. Blankenship +
BLS Secretarial Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Blumenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll A. Bodie
The Boeing Company
Mr. William P. Bolton
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bondor +
Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Boyd
Mr. Philip W. Boyko
Jamie Braswell
Ms. Alisa Broussard
Mr. Drew C. Brown
Mr. Henry H. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buck +
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Buechele
Mr. & Mrs. Hector E. Buelna
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bull
Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Burpeau, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Burton
Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler '68 +
Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens & Cannada, PLLC
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Byrnes
Mr. Brian F. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Cahill
Ms. Janet E. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Calvo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Capitano, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Cobby S. Caputo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carmouche
Mr. John Carroll
The Chronicle 35
Ms. Ramona A. Carter
Ms. Hazel Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cashiola +
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh '68
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cavey
Mr. Patrick S. Chalmers
Mr. Yeeming Chan
Mr. Joe Chapman
Charity Guild of Catholic Women
Charter Drywall Houston, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Hector R. Chavez
Mr. & Mrs. Russell T. Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Boon C. Chew +
Ms. Elsie A. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Clinton +
Mr. Aisling J. Clohessy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Colley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Collins, III
Computer Associates International, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Condron
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Conlin
Mr. William V. Conover, II
Mr. & Mrs. David Conroy
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy G. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Juan M. Correa
Mr. Thomas M. Costello
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crosson
Cultural Arts Council of Houston/Harris County
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis W. Cutrer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jabib Dacak +
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Dalfrey
Mrs. Dorothy Daly +
Ms. Francis R. Daly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Dampf
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Daniels
Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante +
Mr. & Mrs. John DeFilippo
Mrs. Sheri DeGrace
Dr. & Mrs. George L. Delclos '74
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Deming
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Denton
Mr. David J. Devine
Mr. Thom Devlin
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst +
Mrs. Ramon Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Sam W. Dick
Mr. Gillian T. DiFilippo
Mr. Marc R. Dillon
Ms. Mary C. Dobrowolski
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Doetzer
Dominion Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue '66
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Dosher +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Douglass
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Driver, III
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Dunbar
Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Dunbar
Mrs. Rose M. Durden +
Mr. Jay H. Dushkin
Dynegy, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Desmond Early +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Earthman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle
Mr. & Mrs. David Ecklund +
Mr. G. I. Edmonds
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Eisenshtat
Mrs. Kathy Elder De La Torre
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Elvey +
Ms. Kristen Eshak
Dr. & Mrs. Garret J. Etgen +
Mr. & Mrs. Thayer W. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg
Mrs. Jane Falk +
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Falkner, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Farah
Ms. Mary Beth Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fetzer
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Field
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Fitzpatrick, III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flaxbeard
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Flaxbeard
Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Flechsig +
Mr. & Mrs. Belton Flournoy, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty '70
Mrs. Catherine Fogarty
Dr. & Mrs. Marc F. Fontaine
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Formica
Ms. Dorothy A. Fraquelli
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freed
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fried
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Furey
Mr. Thomas G. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. David Galvin
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Galvin, III
Spring Fling
36 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gammage +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ganucheau
Dr. & Mrs. Efrain Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos H. Garcia
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Gidley +
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert +
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly
Mrs. Maureen Gilroy
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser
Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert +
Dr. Timothy C. Gogan, D.D.S.
Mr. John A. Granahan
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray
Mr. David M. Gray & Ms. Mary A. Pearce
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Lauren Grenier
Ms. Berta M. Guiral +
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Gunawan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Gunther, III
Mr. Daniel P. Haggerty
Mr. James J. Haggerty, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Haggerty
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hajtman
Mr. & Mrs. Victor M. Hamilton +
Dr. & Mrs. Kye J. Han
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Hanley, Jr. +
Ms. Ann P. Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Hanson +
Mr. & Mrs. A. D. Hardee
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Haren
Mrs. Marian Y. Harper +
Mrs. Elizabeth Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. A. Judd Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice I. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville
Ms. Kathleen Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Haynes
Ms. Amy A. Healey
Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Heberling
Mr. & Mrs. James Heid
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Helton
Ms. Nancy L. Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Wayne V. Herbert +
Hewlitt Packard
Dr. & Mrs. Richard G. Hibbs, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Highberger +
Blood Drive
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hilton
Mrs. Anne Hindmarch
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hittler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoffman
Home Depot
Dr. Frank X. J. Homer
Mr. & Mrs. Wai-Leung Hon
Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Horner +
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Horrell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty +
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck
Mr. & Mrs. Dione Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Hubbell +
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley J. Hudson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Huebel
Mr. Joseph I. Huesman
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Huete +
Mr. & Mrs. Branson O. Hunter '68 +
Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Hutchens
Mr. Brett G. Hyatt
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland
Ms. Elizabeth M. Isensee
Mr. Paul T. Isley, III
Mr. & Mrs. H. James Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian James
Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik
Mr. Donald O. Jansen
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jarrett
Mr. Brian M. Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. W. Jessett
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jetter
Mrs. Joann T. Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Johnson, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson
Ms. Rosemarie M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Waverly L. Johnson, III
Mr. Edward F. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe H. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. John Kane
Kansas City Southern
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Karam
Mr. & Mrs. James Katchko
Ms. Deborah A. Kauffman
Mr. & Mrs. John Kearney
Mr. Don F. Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Keeney
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell +
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Kelly
Mr. Jeffrey Kelly
Mr. John L. Kenneally & Mrs. Barbara L. Shifflett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kerai
Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Kercheval +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian
Kinder Morgan, Inc.
Mr. Paul A. King
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kingswell-Smith
Mr. Ryan F. V. Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kostelnik
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski +
Dr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew N. Kreft
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Kruger
Mrs. Harriet Kuykendall
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Neal F. Lane +
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph S. Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus
Laureate Beta Lambda
Mrs. Dorothea Lea
Mr. Patrick F. Leahy
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Joe LeBlanc
Ms. Yvonne Leininger
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos '73
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Lewis
Mr. Simon Li
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Lindsay
Mr. & Mrs. Pablo Liska
Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Littwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Jose E. Llana +
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens
Mr. Brett A. Loney
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin H. Lorenz +
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Lovoi
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Lubrano
Mr. & Mrs. John Lutostanski
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Lutz +
Mrs. Sarah H. Lynch
Mrs. Linda L. Lynett
Mr. George V. Lynett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lynett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynett
Ms. Sharon Lynett
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn T. Lynn
Mrs. Ann Mabry
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Maggio
Mrs. Virginia Mahoney +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Malek, Jr. +
Mr. Shawnie Malone '66 +
Mr. & Mrs. Julius Maresh
Dr. Sylvia Marotta +
Mr. Peter Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Marx
Mr. Stephen Masoomian & Mrs. Katharine Breaux
Ms. Nancy M. Mathews +
Mr. John M. Mattingly & Mrs. Barbara M. Kneip
Mr. Andrew G. Mc Cue & Mrs. Mary C. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. William H. McArdle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell '68
Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. McCorkle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCreight
Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. '67 +
Mr. Frank J. McDonnell
Mr. Ken McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McEvily, III
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. McGinn
Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher O. McGrath
Ms. Janet S. McGrath
Mr. James E. '74 & Dr. Theresa K. McLean +
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLean, Jr. '71
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. McLean +
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McManus
Mr. Thomas P. McMenamin & Dr. Catherine S. Walshe
MDU Resources Foundation
Ms. Patricia Mead
Mrs. Jeanne Mealey
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon
Mr. & Mrs. Le Melcher
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hank L. Merry
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Metzbower
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil R. Middleton +
Dr. & Mrs. Luka Milas
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Miller
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Miller
Mr. Emelie B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Roland M. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Mino, Jr. '68
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Minyard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Monroe +
Mrs. Christina K. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Billy L. Moore
Mrs. Inge Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James Moran Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Morrow +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Moser
Ms. Isabelle R. Moses
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci '75 +
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Mueller
Mr. Sean Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Tom W. Murphy
Mr. Frank C. Nagle
Dr. & Mrs. David Nagurney
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Neel, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Neslage, Sr.
Ms. Kathryn Neuhaus
Mr. John P. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. David Nissman +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Sr.
Ms. Carmen V. Noto
Mrs. Leona L. Novak
Mrs. Carolyn Novelli +
The Chronicle 37
Mrs. Violet Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. John F. O'Connell +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Connor
Ms. Kristin O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O'Hearn
Mrs. Joan O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Ty Ong
Mr. & Mrs. James O'Rourke
Dr. & Mrs. Joaquin Oses
Mr. Charles T. Osten
Othon, Inc., Consulting Engineers
Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Pace
Mrs. Jo-Ann Padula
Mrs. Roylyn Parke
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Paulin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton G. Pearce
Mr. Patrick L. Peavy
Mr. & Mrs. James Penland
Mr. & Mrs. Hector Penoucos
Ms. Barbara E. Perez
Mr. Manuel Perez, III
Mrs. Joella Perkins
Rev. Thomas A. Pesci, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Beldon A. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Petitjean
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Petrosewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. '72 +
Mr. & Mrs. Tai T. Pham
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Pigneri
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pigneri
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pilegge
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Porter
Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Portocarrero
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Power
Ms. Alexandra V. Preate
Ms. Mildred Price
Ms. Danielle Pung +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Purello
Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Raffaelli
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia +
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Raineri, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph
Ralph T. Veasey Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Rampino
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Raycraft
Ms. Linda Ream
Ms. Karen L. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Redford
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Regan
Ms. Leanna L. Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Renaud
Ms. Adria E. Renke
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter '66 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Riccetti
Mrs. Jane C. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Richards
Mr. Spencer W. Riddle
Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Ries
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Riffe
Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Rigamonti
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rinando
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberts
Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Roberts
Mr. Dominique E. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Roeder
Mrs. Marguerite Rogan +
Mr. Harold T. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rose Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rowley
Mr. John A. Ruddy
Mr. William T. Russell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sachnik
Dr. Lonnie Sadberry +
Ms. Kay Sallee
Mr. Patrick Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. Don Sample
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Saucier
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Schertle
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Schertle
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci '74
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schmidt
Mrs. Calista Schneidau
Mr. James R. Schufreider
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Schwarzbach '75
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Schwarzbach
Mr. Steven Scoville
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Simpson +
Ms. Victoria T. Singley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. Slania
Mr. Joseph B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear +
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Sporar
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. St. Aubin
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie S. Stallman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stanford
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stapleton
Ms. Kelly K. Stark
Mr. Hansen H. Steele ^
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Stine
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, Jr.
Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club Mr. & Mrs. John A. Streb
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Suhor
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Suhor +
Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan
Mrs. Fred J. Tarcza +
Mr. Richard F. Teichgraeber
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Tenley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Tennant +
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Tennant
Mr. & Mrs. Craig H. Terrell
Dr. Francis Z. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson
Mrs. Jackie Tower
Mr. Bryan Tracy
Mr. & Mrs. Elton Troegel
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Twardowski
Ms. Ellen Tyrrell
Mrs. Patricia Vanderslice
Mr. Laszlo F. Veres
Mrs. Alice N. Vick +
Mr. Sergio Vitale
Mr. & Mrs. Norbert B. Wagner
The Honorable & Mrs. James J. Walsh
Mr. Seamus Walsh
Mr. Francis X. Warther
Washington Mutual +
Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Jack F. Webre +
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Weingartner +
Mr. Charles F. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wetterauer
Mrs. Walter Whipple
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Wieckowski
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wildman
Ms. Judith A. Wiles
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Williams +
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson '74 +
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Willis +
Dr. & Mrs. Duane Windsor
Mrs. Shirley C. Winn-Bannerot
Ms. Sheila M. Withus
Mr. James E. Wourms
Ms. Billie M. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Zambito
Mr. David Zeiler
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo P. Zubizarreta +
The Loyola Society at Strake Jesuit
ift of a
The Loyola Societty includes those individuals who have made Strake Jesuit College Preparatory a beneficiary through a will, a charitable trust agreement, a gift annuity agreement, a retirement fund, or a life insurance policy.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Chapman
38 Fall 2006
Mr. James Crehan ^
Mr. James Doyle ^
Ms. Helen Grivich
Ms. Juliana Hirn Lindsay ^
Mrs. Louise J. Moran ^
Mr. Charles Schwalbe ‘89
Mrs. Lorraine Stenger ^
Gifts to the Alumni Drive were directed to a variety of endowed scholarships. Total gifts include donations to the Alumni Drive,
General and Endowed Scholarships, Capital Gifts, and other Annual Giving campaigns.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
^ Deceased / + 5 or more Years Consecutive Giving
Class of 1965
Class of 1967
Alumni Drive 2005: $2,940
Total Giving: $3,940
Members: 75
Participation: 16%
Alumni Drive 2005: $16,285
Total Giving: $37,612
Members: 89
Participation: 38%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Colca, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon +
Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer & Ms. Jewel Arrington +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Robin A. Dawson +
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Standish +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Loeffler gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth +
The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Akeroyd
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi
Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Armando P. Chaumont
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay +
Mr. Robert A. Doyle +
Mr. & Mrs. Branson O. Hunter +
Mr. J. G. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Klecka
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Mino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Motard
Dr. & Mrs. Guy A. Parker, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Regan
Mr. Michael J. Steiner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Stolpman +
Lt. Col. & Mrs. David J. Svajda
gifts to $499
Mr. & John H. Glover +
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cain +
Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Conner, Jr.
Mr. Jeffrey W. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sumicek
Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Quinn, Jr.
Class of 1966
Alumni Drive 2005: $3,590
Total Giving: $181,315
Members: 90
Participation: 23%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran +
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. Gerald T. Price +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. & Mrs. Albert H. Braden
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick +
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Gaenslen +
Mr. Michael C. Henry & Mrs. Trudy Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. +
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Lusk +
Mr. John W. McKirahan, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia +
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo +
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III +
Dr. & Mrs. James C. West
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Zimmerman +
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Thomas F. Taylor +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard +
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Cadena, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Falgout +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gurasich +
Mr. Stephen W. Hohlt +
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Howard
Mr. Joseph A. Kral
Dr. Louis A. & Dr. Cheryl Leblanc +
Mr. Shawnie Malone +
Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell +
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Reuter +
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Senac +
Mr. Richard C. Squyres
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Walz +
Mr. & Mrs. R. Jeffery West
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Adamcik +
Mr. Paul B. Barron
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Buffington
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Caradonio
Mr. John Courtade
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Doyle, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Gullo
Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Morrison
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr +
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles +
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace B. Schneidau, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Stalinsky
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Woodruff
Class of 1968
Alumni Drive 2005: $4,720
Total Giving: 16,070
Members: 81
Participation: 30%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. www.strakejesuit.org
Class of 1969
Alumni Drive 2005: $12,450
Total Giving: $25,803
Members: 89
Participation: 33%
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Dr. Michael & Dr. Nancy Connelly +
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. & Mrs. Louis J. Bujnoch, M.D. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gannon
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Nasser
Dr. David W. Reininger +
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Blair +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day +
Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Delflache
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn
Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa +
Mr. Randy Hodnett +
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Keister
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Kelleher
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Padon +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Schuler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Smith
Mr. David R. Stewart +
The Chronicle 39
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Washburn +
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley M. Winn
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson &
Ms. Sarah Duckers +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kowalski
Class of 1970
Alumni Drive 2005: $3,510
Total Giving: $7,460
Members: 81
Participation: 25%
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bilnoski, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Costello +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen S. Curran +
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Goodnight
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Johnson
Mr. Stephen Keyser
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLean, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Padon +
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Hugo G. Posey, USAF
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Santoro, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger +
Dr. & Mrs. R. M. Wiseman, M.D.
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd MAGIS CLUB
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Everhart +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton
gifts to $499
Mr. Stephen W. Burke +
Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dunn +
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Illian
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney +
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lebeau, III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Ledet
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gregory Letsos
Mr. Joseph P. Light +
Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick +
Dr. & Mrs. Randall V. Sellers +
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith +
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Windlinger, Jr. +
Mr. Edmund F. Wirfel, Jr. +
Class of 1972
Alumni Drive 2005: $3,720
Total Giving: $94,400
Members: 80
Participation: 29%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley +
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Seger PRESIDENT'S CLUB
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Heisler
Class of 1971
Alumni Drive 2005: $7,455
Total Giving: 17,155
Members: 77
Participation: 27%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Cronin +
Dr. Mike L. & Dr. Peggy Rice +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain +
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez +
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McAfee +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. Bradley S. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda +
gifts to $499
Dr. Claude S. Frey +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guari +
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Guthrie
Mr. James V. Hewitt +
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Maher +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Montes
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence A. O'Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pawelek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. +
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wark +
Class of 1973
Alumni Drive 2005: $5,705
Total Giving: $32,052
Members: 88
Participation: 30%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. +
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Robert A. Adolph & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Dr. Martin H. Reddy & Mrs. Manuela Schroeter
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Bardwil
gifts to $499
Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille
Mr. Robert E. Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dirosa +
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Dodd
Mr. & Mrs. William K. Downey
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Genitempo
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell +
Dr. Gary A. Hilsher, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hinson
Dr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hoyt +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Keating +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Letsos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mahoney
Mr. Mark S. New +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. O'Donnell
Mr. Michael W. Rabalais
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Walker C. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II +
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst
Class of 1974
Alumni Drive 2005: $3,893
Total Giving: $130,716
Members: 91
Participation: 31%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. +
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel +
Dr. Brian S. Parsley +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Sacra +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Donato
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Mealey
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Squyres Class of '71
40 Fall 2006
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Aiuvalasit +
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Breed
Dr. & Mrs. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dady
Mr. Benny DeGeorge, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. George L. Delclos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons +
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Inman
Mr. Dion J. McInnis
Mr. James E. & Dr. Theresa K. McLean +
Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Munson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Schillaci
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt E. Schoelman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Williamson +
Class of 1976
Alumni Drive 2005: $12,613
Total Giving: $57, 426
Members: 109
Participation: 34%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. Richard S. Walker & Ms. Shana Sloas +
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Pollan +
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Colley
Dr. & Mrs. Harold A. Condara, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Gallagher PRESIDENT'S CLUB
Alumni Drive 2005: $17,581
Total Giving: $106,497
Members: 114
Participation: 26%
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Howe +
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy +
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch +
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Diaz-Arrastia +
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Inman +
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck +
Mr. Daniel M. Saldana
Class of 1975
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Devine +
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick +
Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker +
Mr. Pascal P. Piazza +
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Bart V. Thomeer
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Berno +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Braden +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Isensee +
Mr. & Douglas B. Johnson +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Lidiak +
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Ryan +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Schwarzbach
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Slatton, D.D.S.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Stunz +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Till
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Alcorn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Almaguer +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Berno +
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Fuess, Jr.
Mr. Timothy E. Halbleib +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. J. Reid McTaggart
Mr. J. D. Medina, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Miller +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nicknish +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti +
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina +
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Polansky
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Reed, Jr. +
Mr. Thomas J. Stommel +
Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Troegel
Mr. & Mrs. Byron W. Whetstone
Class of 1977
Alumni Drive 2005: $18,484
Total Giving: $25,934
Members: 125
Participation: 20%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. +
Col. & Mrs. Brian L. Mealey, D.D.S. +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Almaguer +
Mr. & Mrs. E. Victor Bailey +
Mr. Reginald E. Bednar
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Burton
Mr. Michael A. Caplinger
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Cogan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Day
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light +
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Lindberg
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis
Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy +
Mr. Michael T. Parker
Dr. John W. Riordan
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle E. Teas
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Webre
Class of 1978
Alumni Drive 2005: $4,232
Total Giving: $16,452
Members: 122
Participation: 18%
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto +
Cmdr. Robert E. Crane, II
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean +
Mr. Harry Dean
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Delclos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Albrecht +
Mr. Gabriel Amador
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Coquyt
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Devine
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dutton
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Leeds
Mr. Bryant P. Newbill & Ms. Sharna Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pape
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ruth
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Solcher
Dr. & Mrs. George Zenner, III
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard +
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Bergeron PRESIDENT'S CLUB
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes S. Arbuckle
Class of 1979
Alumni Drive 2005: $7,405
Total Giving: $27,435
Members: 134
Participation: 24%
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. The Chronicle 41
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley
Mr. Richard Leonardon Mr. J. Edward Wheeler, III +
Class of '81
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton J. McAdams
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov
Mr. Stephen Solcher +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bartle
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Biondi
Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Court, III +
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Crider
Mr. Tony Dworaczyk
Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fontenot
Mr. Carl Freis
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. John Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Crespin M. Linton
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Machalec
Mr. & Mrs. Keith McCarthy
Mr. Richard J. Morales & Mrs. Amanda Vavilala
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pack
Mr. Nestor D. Phillips
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Piazza
Mr. William C. Reuter +
Mr. Richard Rodney
Mr. & Mrs. Marco J. Rubin +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneidau
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg
Mr. Bruce Wiltshire
Class of 1980
Alumni Drive 2005: $11,805
Total Giving: $22,973
Members: 129
Participation: 30%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bashaw CRUSADERS CLUB
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins
Dr. & Mrs. John Schiro
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Peterson
Mr. William J. Schneidau +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr.
Dr. James E. Dowd & Dr. Susan Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Nicknish
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek
Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Solcher
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Vennix
Mr. John W. Berardi
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Berry
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown
Mr. David R. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Choyce
Mr. & Mrs. James Docherty
The Honorable & Mrs. Mark A. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Fouke
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia +
Mr. Anthony Haley
Mr. Christopher Jennings
Dr. & Mrs. John Killian
Mr. & Mrs. James LePage
Mr. Robert C. Livingston
Mr. Brian D. Pape +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parke
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Reat
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Viancos
Dr. Ronald Walls
Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Walter
Class of 1981
Alumni Drive 2005: $5,207
Total Giving: $11,210
Members: 131
Participation: 28%
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. James Barkley
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bean +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren
Mr. Edward Campana
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr.
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Collazo
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Corona, III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley +
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Cuadra +
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff +
Mr. Steve R. DuFrane
Mr. Jack Farah +
Mr. Roger L. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Gaines
Mr. Scott Gilcrease
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Granberry
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gruber +
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Hill, J.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Huckaby
Mr. Scott M. Lester
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCabe
Mr. Jeffrey W. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Redmon
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik +
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Standish
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Stump
Mr. & Mrs. Terrell O. Taylor, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Trahan
Mr. Robert P. Vinson
Mr. Ray A. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Wilson
Class of 1982
Alumni Drive 2005: $12,175
Total Giving: $41,260
Members: 133
Participation: 21%
gifts of $10,000 or more
gifts to $499
Mr. John Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Batsche +
42 Fall 2006
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Mark Sacaris
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan +
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg +
Mr. Troy McNabb +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Schiro
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith +
Mr. Mark E. Watson, III
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Gidley
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch +
Dr. & Mrs. John Vanderzyl, M.D. +
Mr. Canice Wu & Ms. Anita Cole GENERAL CONTRIBUTORS
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. David Altemus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Brister
Lt. & Mrs. John Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy +
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Conde +
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor +
Mr. Steven M. Duble +
Mr. Michael Gawronski
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. Hughes +
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Iglesia
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Inman +
Mr. Mark Kubicek
Mr. & Mrs. David O'Brien
Class of 1983
Alumni Drive 2005: $9,895
Total Giving: $58,556
Members: 126
Participation: 14%
gifts of $10,000 or more
Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III +
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli +
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller Mr. Bill Robins
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beck
Class of 1984
Alumni Drive 2005: $9,409
Total Giving: $13,684
Members: 155
Participation: 25%
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Burke O'Malley MAGIS CLUB
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard L. Carr, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Clark, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew E. Hennessy
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hines
Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Koch +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berggren +
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Burpeau
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clutterbuck
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony M. Dina
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini
Mr. Thomas Ehrig
Mr. & Mrs. Judd S. Fruia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III +
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Hearon +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Herrin +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Johnston, III
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew P. Lasater
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mouton, Jr.
Mr. Robert J. Nagle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Nevle +
Mr. Randolph Newcomer
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn +
Mr. Robert J. Reilly
Mr. Michael J. Riccetti
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller +
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stefani +
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sutter
Mr. Hugh I. Vrsalovic
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wallis
Mr. Michael T. Wells
Mr. Wray Widner
Mr. Scott M. Zaleski
Class of 1985
Alumni Drive 2005: $7,660
Total Giving: $10,560
Members: 161
Participation: 20%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Rhem
Mr. Harold Scheffler
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Brooks
Mr. John D. Dulworth
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fletcher
Mr. Michael Gruber
Mr. Michael Hanley
Mr. & Mrs. John Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Junghans
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Sirgo +
Dr. & Mrs. Mario J. Villafani
Dr. Alexander S. Vitale
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Duncan McLean
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. Sean O'Neill
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hathorn
Mr. Christopher Jordan +
Dr. Robert H. Reuter +
Mr. Peter Sanguesa
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Anders
Mr. Brian P. Breen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cannistra +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connell +
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Day
Dr. Chris Derbes
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Dillawn
Capt. & Mrs. Zeb Ducre
Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen +
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hilberth
Mr. Robbie Laux
Mr. Thomas Londrigan +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Maddock
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McErlean +
Mr. Charles Othon
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Palasota +
Mr. Troy Porter
Mr. Chris Reinecker
Capt. & Mrs. Mario Smith
Mr. Chris Solcher
Mr. & Mrs. Davis Thames
Dr. & Mrs. John Uecker
Mr. Daniel Weber +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. White +
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Mark A. Zimmerhanzel, USAF
Class of 1986
Alumni Drive 2005: $12,388
Total Giving: $14,238
Members: 153
Participation: 27%
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Schmidt
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. Chris Burke +
Mr. John K. Dubiel & Dr. Randi Dubiel
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Luna +
Mr. & Mrs. James Martinga
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McConnell
Mr. & Ms. Thomas H. McNeely +
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Merkel
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt &
Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt +
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam +
General Contributors
Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Alvarez
Mr. & Mrs. James Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Claude
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn +
Major Ossen D'Haiti, USMC
Mr. Julien G. DuPont
Dr. John Forney, M.D. +
Mr. & Mrs. Carter L. Franklin, III
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory George
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hawkins
Dr. David A. Herrin +
Mr. & Mrs. R. Russell Hollenbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan +
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Knipe
Mr. Robert C. Lilienstern
Rev. Alexander D. Lupo
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. McAdams
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ogle
Mr. Alan C. Quaintance, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Riccetti
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Schrier +
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick V. Solcher +
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings +
The Chronicle 43
Mr. Rodrigo Tovar
Mr. & Mrs. Poonsak Tran
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew von Eschenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Yates
Class of '86
Class of 1987
Alumni Drive 2005: $9,320
Total Giving: $14,158
Members: 156
Participation: 26%
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez MAGIS CLUB
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche +
Mr. Tom Causey +
Mr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III +
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Hegarty +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kilgard
Mr. Christopher J. Napoli +
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Singley
gifts to $499
Mr. Anil Adyanthaya
Mr. Jack An
Mr. Scott Bayens
Mr. Michael Boudreau
Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu
Mr. Henry Delgado
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Dessens
Mr. Clay Duarte
Dr. James L. Ebaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Rauli E. Garcia
Mr. David Gessler
Mr. Andrew Gorman
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorman +
Mr. Ken Gray
Mr. Gene Hahn
Mr. Mark Harris
Mr. Chris Horton
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lesniak
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Matcha +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell +
Mr. Anthony Muniz
Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash +
Mr. John E. Neslage
Mr. & Mrs. Jack O'Connell
Mr. Steve Oggero
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paul
Dr. John F. Schultz, M.D.
Mr. Rob Simon
Mr. Tim Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Stevens +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Tolenti
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Traynor
Class of 1988
Alumni Drive 2005: $1,950
Total Giving: $7,725
Members: 166
Participation: 11%
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Medrano
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Begnaud
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Broeckelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Byrne
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Etgen
44 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Garvis
Mr. David M. Hahn
Mr. Paul Hammer
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz +
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon
Mr. Michael C. Newhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O'Connell
Mr. Richard J. Plessala
Mr. Chris Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Somoza
Mr. David Zaozirny
Class of 1990
Class of 1989
Alumni Drive 2005: $1,465
Total Giving: $1,815
Members: 127
Participation: 14%
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Abel
Mr. Bryan Brandow
Dr. & Mrs. Claytie Davis, III
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fletcher
Dr. Carl Frank, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Frias
Mr. Serge Hudson
Mr. Stephen Huh
Mr. & Mrs. Justin McMorrow
Mr. Brian Merchant
Mr. Steven T. Mitchell
Mr. Edward F. Moeller +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montoya
Mr. Dax Philbin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Riccetti
Mr. & Ms. Thomas Rodriguez +
Mr. Kristopher L. Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach
Alumni Drive 2005: $4,021
Total Giving: $4,794
Members: 118
Participation: 14%
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque +
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. Corey B. Davis +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Matias J. Adrogue
Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Dampf +
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Giesler, Jr.
Mr. Gregory A. Graml
Mr. Kevin A. Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton M. Holy +
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio LaMatta
Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut
Mr. Shane P. O'Neal
Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti &
Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Souto
Mr. Scott E. Stewart
Mr. Edward K. Zablocki
Class of 1991
Alumni Drive 2005: $10,426
Total Giving: $16,676
Members: 105
Participation: 17%
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. Carlos De Aldecoa
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta +
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Brett T. Agee
Mr. Christopher W. Bishop +
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton +
Mr. Ruben F. Davalos
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo
Mr. Paul R. Fiore
Mr. William Haardt +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo
Mr. Christopher P. McConn
Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya
Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Alan N. Tennille
Mr. & Mrs. Randall A. Westbrook
Class of 1992
Alumni Drive 2005: $2,535
Total Giving: $2,685
Members: 122
Participation: 12%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Foy
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Jason W. Bliss
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Gassett
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Giorda
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Han
Mr. Brendan J. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn S. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay
Mr. Michael E. Lacey +
LCDR & Mrs. Richard T. McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Nelson
Mr. James E. Pawlikowski +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler +
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski +
Mr. Edward D. Korompai
Mr. Kevin A. Mineo
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Moser
Mr. Patrick R. Nixon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nugent
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Peissel
Mr. Richard A. Ramirez
Mr. Steven W. Roberts
Mr. Philip A. Rusche
Mr. Marcus W. Sharp
Mr. Thomas J. Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ulrich, III
Class of 1994
Alumni Drive 2005: $3,130
Total Giving: $3,380
Members: 122
Participation: 13%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Robishaw
gifts to $499
Mr. William J. Brown
Mr. Robert T. Chisholm
Mr. Matthew Chiste
Mr. Christopher Chung
Mr. & Mrs. John Cook
Mr. Robert M. Dunn, Jr.
Dr. Anthony Garcia-Prats
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch
Mr. Jeffrey Mari
Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel +
Mr. John B. Sebastian
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Chad A. Webre
Mr. & Ms. Zachery L. Yeglin
Class of 1995
Alumni Drive 2005: $3,460
Total Giving: $3,615
Members: 145
Participation: 10%
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. Patrick C. Dickson +
Class of 1993
Alumni Drive 2005: $2,518
Total Giving: $4,550
Members: 125
Participation: 20%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. Theodore J. Gorman MAGIS CLUB
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton +
gifts to $499
Capt. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Blanchard
Mr. Timothy R. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Doyle
Mr. Carey T. Ford
Mr. Robert B. Freele
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Horn
Mr. Shane W. Hudson
Mr. James F. Hyland
Mr. M. Scott Kerr
Mr. Brian E. Kerwin
gifts to $499
Mr. Michael A. Ackal, III
Mr. Jeffrey Davies
Mr. Edgar D. Haren
Mr. Rajiv R. Mashruwala
Mr. Lawrence J. McCarty
Mr. John J. Norkus & Mrs. Elizabeth A. McStayNorkus
Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski
Mr. Patrick Pyle
Mr. Carlo E. Romero
Mr. Anthony O. Sexton
Mr. Frank A. Simcik
Mr. Matthew S. Wong +
Class of 1996
Alumni Drive 2005: $1,055
Total Giving: $1,105
Members: 154
Participation: 5%
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. J. G. Trabani
gifts to $499
Mr. Chris J. Calato
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Chiste
Mr. Ryan J. Eberle +
Mr. Andrew B. Frew
Mr. Guillermo A. Garcia
Mr. Mukul C. Kanabar
Class of 1997
Alumni Drive 2005: $8,275
Total Giving: $12,225
Members: 140
Participation: 15%
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. Bryce E. Gama +
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. David M. Sabonghy
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Capt. & Mrs. J. A. Badgett
Mr. Frank J. Santos
gifts to $499
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer
Mr. Robert J. Bruce
Dr. Beau K. Greer
Mr. Ernest C. Jones
Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian +
Mr. John A. Kyle
Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp +
Mr. Ryan E. LaRue
Mr. Alesandro R. Massa
Mr. Matthew Osten
Mr. Jeffrey L. Petersen
Mr. John Pham
Mr. W. R. Renfro
Mr. Jonathan R. Spring
Mr. Paul E. Suarez
Mr. Shaun A. Vernon
Mr. Joshua R. Wallis
Class of 1998
Alumni Drive 2005: $1,775
Total Giving: $2,625
Members: 151
Participation: 7%
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. Robert W. Kochman, Jr.
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Ens. David F. Zerda
gifts to $499
Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre +
Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III
Dr. & Mrs. G. Travis Clifton
Mr. Erwin M. Hengst, III
The Chronicle 45
Mr. Alejandro L. Padua
Mr. Chanan Pinyopusarerk
Mr. Andrew C. Pruett
Mr. Scott A. Rose
Mr. Ian S. Shelton
President's Young Associates Club members are alumni who, in the period of one to four
years after they graduate from Strake Jesuit, make leading gifts of $50 or more.
Class of 2002
Class of 2004
Alumni Drive 2005: $806
Total Giving: $996
Members: 144
Participation: 5%
Alumni Drive 2005: $$1,275
Total Giving: $1,300
Members: 162
Participation: 10%
Alumni Drive 2005: $2,533
Total Giving: $3,513
Members: 183
Participation: 14%
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Paul A. Albrecht
Mr. Paul J. Carty, Jr.
Mr. Cullen S. Fan
Mr. Zachary C. Flechsig
Mr. Eric Garza
Mr. Christopher J. Glaser
Mr. Jonas J. Gunawan
Mr. Brian U. Nwokedi
Mr. Andres E. Quesada
Mr. William C. Shumate, Jr.
Mr. Laymond P. Wilburn
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Luke C. Aguilar
Mr. Bryce Barcelo
Mr. Casey Bassett
Mr. Niel Curley
Mr. Sahib Dhindsa
Mr. Clark Doherty
Mr. Alfredo Echeverria
Mr. Ryan Fitzgerald
Mr. Julian Habib
Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe
Mr. Zane Keller
Mr. Jonathan Kruckemeyer
Mr. Steven Leung
Mr. Carlos Lopez-Roman
Mr. Matthew Marietta
Mr. Alexandre R. Marte
Mr. Josef E. McLean Mr. Joseph Mims
Mr. Carlos Morin
Mr. Mark Navo
Mr. Christopher Ogbonnaya
Mr. Alexander Rutledge
Mr. Bryan Solar
Mr. Mark Yap
Mr. Owen Zidar
Class of 1999
gifts to $499
Mr. Gregory P. Barra
Mr. John W. Bates, V
Mr. Paul W. Bilnoski
1st Lt. Adam T. Ciarella
Mr. Franco G. Perone
Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix +
Mr. Russell T. Vanelli
Class of 2000
Alumni Drive 2005: $2,295
Total Giving: $3,095
Members: 168
Participation: 7%
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Mr. Jason P. Mauk
gifts to $499
Mr. John C. Adolph +
Mr. J. Neal Badgett
Mr. Robert T. Caughlin
Mr. Lawrence G. Dunbar, Jr.
Mr. Daniel J. Fernandez
Mr. Matthew K. Johnson +
Mr. Olle L. Lorehn
Mr. Harry T. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas J. Perone
Mr. John O. Phillips
Class of 2001
Alumni Drive 2005: $1,385
Total Giving: $1,695
Members: 183
Participation: 8%
gifts up to $50
Mr. Andrew Ashpole
Mr. Thomas J. Edwards
Mr. Jahan D. Jafarpour
Mr. Jonathan K. Kwan
Mr. Milton R. Moore
Class of 2003
Alumni Drive 2005: $905
Total Giving: $1,230
Members: 189
Participation: 5%
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Charles R. Adcock
Mr. Stephen Chen
Mr. Andrew T. Dunbar
Mr. Matthew P. Galvin
Mr. Richard Giraldi
Mr. Frederick Hansen
Mr. Steven Hogan
Mr. William McDonald
Mr. John McLean, III
Mr. William N. Padond
Mr. Mark Standish
Mr. Alexander M. Steffler
gifts up to $50
Mr. Kyle P. Armand
Mr. Kyle Gilroy
Mr. Miguel A. Gonzalez
Mr. Jeffrey Lindsay
Mr. Varun Mehta
Mr. Robert Steen
Class of 2005
gifts to $499
Mr. Kyle R. Burks
2nd Lt. Christopher F. Coffman
Mr. Arturo Gomez
Mr. Alec G. Graham
Mr. Carl T. Hennagir
Mr. Blake A. Marvin
Mr. Jefferson T. Michael
Mr. Matthew J. Mi
Mr. Brint M. O'Hearn
Mr. Daniel J. Phalen
Mr. Anthony A. Pham
Mr. Christopher A. Portales
Mr. Aaron C. Sokolik
Mr. Timothy W. Szafran
Mr. David E. Uzquia
46 Fall 2006
gifts up to $50
Mr. Linh Ong
Alumni Drive 2005: $4,150
Total Giving: $4,200
Members: 216
Participation: 29%
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Andrew Ackerley
Mr. Gregory Arbogast
Mr. Alex Brown
Mr. Jonathan Chang
Mr. Miles Colley
Mr. Ryan Gammage
Mr. Justin Gimotea
Mr. Cesar Giralt
Mr. Nathaniel R. Greeley
Mr. Mel Hainey
Mr. John Henrikson
Mr. Andrew Kerai
Mr. Michael Krejci
Mr. Matthew Lahart
Mr. Nicholas Lovell
Mr. Hunter D. Lowe
Mr. Alexander Masoomian
Mr. Matthew McGeehan
Mr. Robert Meara
Mr. DeWitt Methvin
Mr. Justin Moore
Mr. Tom Nguyen
Mr. Christopher Nissman
Mr. Dominic Pigneri
Mr. Paolo Puccini
Mr. John A. Reece
Mr. Alex Roessler
Mr. William Schrom
Mr. Charles Schwartzel
Mr. Daniel J. Sheets
Mr. Guy M. Sullaway
Mr. Colin M. Taylor
Mr. Joe Thottupram
Mr. Matthew Vecchio
Mr. Christopher Weber
Mr. Michael Wegenka, n.S.J.
Mr. Paul S. Wozniak
gifts up to $50
Mr. Ugochukwu Alaribe
Mr. Anthony J. Brill
Mr. Daniel Calvo
Mr. Ivan Chew
Mr. Nathan Chiang
Mr. Oliver Collado
Mr. Clayton Dalton
Mr. Umang J. Desai
Mr. James DeVera
Mr. John DeWitt
Mr. Antonio Felguerez
Mr. Wesley Graham
Mr. Joseph Hernandez
Mr. Harry Hinners
Mr. Kevin Horrell
Mr. Sean Hoskins
Mr. Christopher Layne
Scott Macbeth
Mr. Ryan Mathews
Mr. Kevin McCarthy
Mr. Giang Ong
Mr. Jason Peters
Mr. Alexander J. Radcliffe
Mr. Carlos Ramirez
Mr. Robert Roach
Mr. Ryan Sermas
Mr. Matthew Strausser
2 0 0 6
In its fifth year the Senior Class Gift presents an opportunity for the students to make the transformation to alumni and to leave a parting gift to the school. The Class raised a total of $16,300 and had a participation level of 70% toward their elected gift of banners recognizing past district and state championships (TCIL & UIL) for both sports and academic competition teams to be placed in the new
Athletic Center.
gifts $50 or more
Mr. Christopher M. Adcock
Mr. Richard F. Ardila, II
Mr. Robert K. Blue
Mr. William A. Callegari, III
Mr. Samuel M. Craven
Mr. Andrew L. Falsone
Mr. Rodrigo Gonzalez
Mr. Philip C. Lauinger, IV
Mr. Ruben J. Lugo
Mr. Matthew R. Maly
Mr. Ryan C. Moore
Mr. Adam Perkins
Mr. Kyle S. Price
Mr. Andrew M. Reinhardt
Mr. Adam P. White
gifts up to $50
Mr. Daniel C. Abrahams
Mr. Timothy W. Anderson
Mr. Dane C. Armand
Mr. Kevin R. Baker
Mr. Benjamin D. Baker
Mr. Mark A. Balhoff
Mr. Timothy J. Bandy
Mr. Charles D. Becker
Mr. Kyle M. Benson
Mr. Joseph G. Bernica
Mr. Thomas R. Blizzard
Mr. John A. Boone
Mr. Robert V. Brady
Mr. Christopher P. Branca
Mr. Stephen M. Brandau
Mr. James Brann, II
Mr. Matthew A. Braun
Mr. Jack Brewer
Mr. Alex C. Brown
Mr. John P. Byers
Mr. Sean P. Caine
Mr. Curtis D. Calva
Mr. John-Paul Cashiola
Mr. John C. Casper
Mr. Michael Chen
Mr. Jeffrey V. Christopher
Mr. Patrick J. Clayton
Mr. Scott C. Coffman
Mr. Mark R. Cohen
Mr. Brian J. Colman
Mr. Alexander J. Cortelyou
Mr. Dwight L. Daboval
Mr. Taylor W. Dacus
Mr. John P. DeBroeck
Mr. Tomas E. Diaz
Mr. Erik E. Dumantay
Mr. Colin M. Elliott
Mr. Michael C. Elmer
Mr. Timothy L. Garibaldi
Mr. Kelly B. Halaszyn
Mr. Lauren C. Hamor
Mr. Michael D. Hebert
Mr. William C. Henderson
Mr. Parker C. Holcomb
Mr. John W. Holden, Jr.
Mr. Isaac A. Hollkamp
Mr. Matthew D. Hull
Mr. Matthew T. Hutson
Mr. Grant W. Jefferson
Mr. Michael P. Johnson
Mr. Peyton L. Johnson
Mr. Ryan A. Keel
Mr. Samuel S. Kelder
Mr. Umar Khan
Mr. Neil D. Kirkpatrick, Jr.
Mr. John K. Knauss
Mr. Stephen M. Kradzinski
Mr. David J. Lazzeri
Mr. Jason A. Levinson
Mr. Austin B. Lockard
Mr. Mark S. Lofranco
Mr. David A. Lubrano
Mr. Elliot F. Luckett
Mr. Ryan J. Lumpkin
Mr. Jonathan R. Madsen
Mr. Albert L. Mancillas
Mr. Michael G. Martin
Mr. Alexander P. Marucci
Mr. Michael J. McAfee, Jr.
Mr. Harvey E. McBee, III
Mr. James E. McLean, Jr. Mr. John M. Merle-Bijitch
Mr. Blaine N. Moffatt
Mr. Jonathan D. Moore
Mr. Mark A. Morales
Mr. William M. Moran
Mr. Jesse D. Mosqueda
Mr. Sergio R. Munoz
Mr. Fernando E. Murillo
Mr. Kevin K. Nguyen
Mr. Stewart A. Nixon
Mr. Fergus J. O'Leary
Mr. Patrick M. Owens
Mr. John R. Passmore
Mr. Nicholas R. Peterson
Mr. John J. Phillips, IV
Mr. Alexander P. Pichon
Mr. Chanson J. Pipitone
Mr. Robert S. Pondell
Mr. Taylor C. Rhyne
Mr. Blake A. Richardson
Mr. Matthew H. Riggs
Mr. Eduardo A. Roman
Mr. Andrew T. Roth
Mr. Michael C. Roxas
Mr. Stephen J. Sacra
Mr. Sebastian F. Sarmiento
Mr. Samuel A. Shaikh
Mr. Nicholas L. Shaw
Mr. John-Alexander C. Smith
Mr. Trey D. Smith
Mr. Monte A. Sneed
Mr. Zachary D. Snider
Mr. Gregory R. Stenoien
Mr. Phillip J. Sterbenz
Mr. Joseph A. Strawder
Mr. Micah W. Stroup
Mr. John D. Styers
Mr. Ricardo I. Sutherland
Mr. Amir Tavoli
Mr. Austin L. Tenette, II
Mr. Hugh M. Thompson, IV
Mr. William J. Todd
Mr. Guillermo Torre
Mr. Andrew G. Tritter
Mr. David P. Tschoepe
Mr. Stephen A. Tyree
Mr. Daniel Unate
Mr. Jesse N. Valdez
Mr. Luis J. Vallejo
Mr. Andrew Werner
Mr. Robert L. Wiser
Mr. Michael B. Woodlock
Mr. Nathaniel J. Wooten
Mr. Parth Worah
Mr. Daniel J. York
The following alumni donated their gifts of time and talent to the various events and programs of the Strake Jesuit Alumni Association
including assiting in planning Reunion Weekend 2005, President’s Alumni Receptions around the country, making calls during the
annual Alumni Drive Phone-A-Thon, and participating in the Brother Casey Saturday PH Community Service Project. Many of alumni
listed below lent their support to multiple events and/or programs. We thank them for their generous donations of time and talent to
the Alumni Association, and to the school. Thank you for Honoring Your Commitment to Service.
Bill Schneidau '80 - Drive Chairperson
Larry Mason '66
Jim Booth '67
Johnny Webre '67
Gray Miller '67
Frank Stolpman '68
Mike Regan '68
Pat Padon '68
Mike McConnell '68
Marty Klecka '68
Robert Zimmerman '68
Scott Fleming '69
Jim Dunn '70
Marcel Frey '74
Steve Kamel '74
Mark Isensee '75
Tony Inman '76
Ted Reed '76
David Beathard '77
Chris Webre '77
Crespin Linton '79
Paul Schneidau '79
Roy Duff '81
Sean Hanratty '81
Robert Smith '82
Stephen Schneidau '82
Eric Hathorn '85
Tom Stallings '86
Tony Alvarez '86
Alex Gomez '87
Todd Lorenz '88
Trey Moeller '89
Robert Montoya '89
Ted Gorman '93
Shane Hudson '93
Howard Chapman '94
Richard Zientek '95
Michael Sieger '95
David Sabonghy '97
Chris Dewhurst '97
TJ Chambers '98
Kelly Layne '01
Daniel Abrahams '06
Tim Bandy '06
Charlie Becker '06
Joey Bernica '06
Robert Blue '06
Johnny Boone '06
Sean Caine '06
Will Callegari '06
John-Paul Cashiola '06
Taylor Dacus '06
Kelly Halaszyn '06
Jason Levinson '06
Fergus O'Leary '06
Patrick Owens '06
John Passmore '06
Andrew Reinhardt '06
Stephen Sacra '06
Kevin Squyres '06
Ricardo Sutherland '06
Austin Tenette '06
Memo Torre '06
Andrew Tritter '06
Stephen Tyree '06
The Chronicle 47
Gifts to Endowments and Scholarships contribute to the Endowment Fund, the interest on which supports the Financial Aid
Program or other specified areas.
Legend: Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / * New Endowment or Scholarship
Michael Alchediak, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick '75
Dr. & Mrs. Luis Delclos
Mr. Stephen Keyser '71
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Lindberg '77
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle
Dr. Martin H. Reddy '73 & Mrs. Manuela Schroeter
Alumni Financial Aid Endowment
previously Strake Jesuit Scholarship Endowment
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Abel '89
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph '78
Mr. & Mrs. Matias J. Adrogue '90
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Akeroyd '68
Albemarle Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Albrecht '71
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Alcorn, Jr. '76
Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Almaguer '76
Mr. & Mrs. David Altemus '82
Alumni Class of 1967
Mr. & Mrs. J. Anthony Alvarez '86
Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Amador '80 Mr. Gabriel Amador '78
American Express
Mr. & Mrs. Barnes S. Arbuckle '77
Argonaut Insurance Company
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo E. Artaza '74
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Avery
Mr. & Mrs. E. Victor Bailey '77
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, III '75
Bank of America
Mr. Paul B. Barron '67
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bartle '79
Mr. & Mrs. James Bartlett '86
Mr. Scott Bayens '87
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Bean '78
Mr. Reginald E. Bednar '77
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Begnaud '88
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Bentz '74
Mr. John W. Berardi '80
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Berry '80
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Bertini, Jr. '74
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bevans, Jr. '80
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Biondi '79
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Blair '69
Capt. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Blanchard '93
The Boeing Company
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Bothe, Jr. '88
Mr. Michael Boudreau '87
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux '67
BP Amoco Mr. Bryan Brandow '89
Jamie Braswell
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Breed '74
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Brister '82
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Broeckelmann '88
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Brown '81
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Brown '80
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Buck
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Buffington '67
Mr. Stephen W. Burke '70
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Burpeau '84
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Burton '78
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Burton '77
Mr. & Mrs. L. Christopher Butler '68
Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Cahill '75
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Cain '65
Mr. Chris J. Calato '96
Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Campo '70
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Cannon '69
48 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Manny Cantu '87
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Caradonio '67
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Carlson '77
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Carpenter '80
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cassidy '82
Dr. & Mrs. M. G. Castille '73
Mr. Tom Causey '87
Mr. & Mrs. Armando P. Chaumont '68
ChevronTexaco Mr. Robert T. Chisholm '94
Mr. & Mrs. Lamy Chopin, III '87
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Choyce '80
1st Lt. Adam T. Ciarella '99
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Clark, Sr. '84
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Claude '74
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce N. Clay '68
Mr. G. Travis Clifton '98
Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Clifton '93
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cole '76
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph C. Collazo '81
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Colley '76
Mr. Timothy R. Collins '93
Computer Associates International, Inc
Mr. Robert E. Connell '73
Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Mr. & Mrs. George E. Conner, Jr. '65
Mr. & Mrs. John Cook '94
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Corona, III '81
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Corredor '82
Mr. John Courtade '67
Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. '81
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Crowley '81
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Cuadra '81
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry '69
Mr. & Mrs. Robin A. Dawson '65
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Day '85
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Day '77
Mr. & Mrs. Mark P. Day '69
Mr. Benny DeGeorge, Jr. '74
Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Delflache '69
Mr. Henry Delgado '87
Major Ossen D'Haiti, USMC '86
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini '84
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dirosa '73
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Dodd '73
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Doerfler '70
Mr. & Mrs. Randy G. Donato '74
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Donohue '66
Dr. James E. Dowd '80 & Dr. Susan Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Doyle '66
Mr. Robert A. Doyle '68
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Doyle, Jr. '67
Mr. Clay Duarte '87
Capt. & Mrs. Zeb Ducre '85
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Duff '81
Mr. Steve R. DuFrane '81
Mr. John D. Dulworth '83
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Dunn '69
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Dunn '70
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Duque '90
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dutton '78
Mr. Tony Dworaczyk '79
Mr. & Mrs. David Dybell '79
Dr. James L. Ebaugh '87
The Honorable & Mrs. Mark A. Ellis '80
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Erbs '75
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Etgen '88
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Feehan '67
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming '69
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fletcher '89
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Fogarty '70
Dr. John Forney, M.D. '86
Dr. Carl Frank, M.D. '89
Mr. & Mrs. Carter L. Franklin, III '86
Mr. Robert B. Freele '93
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Freeman '76
Mr. Carl Freis '79
Dr. Claude S. Frey '72
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey '74
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gannon '69
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Garcia '80
Mr. Guillermo A. Garcia '96
Dr. Anthony Garcia-Prats '94
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Genitempo '73
Mr. David Gessler '87
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gibbons '74
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley '79
Mr. Scott Gilcrease '81
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Gimenez, III '84
Mr. Justin Gimotea '05
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto '93
Global Santa Fe
Mr. & John H. Glover '65
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Goodnight '71
Mr. Andrew Gorman '87
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Gorman '87
Mr. Gregory A. Graml '90
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Granberry '81
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick L. Graves '77
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Greenwell '73
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gregory '81
Mr. Kevin A. Grimes '90
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Guarino '72
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Guarino '67
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Gullo '67
Mr. Timothy E. Halbleib '76
Mr. Anthony Haley '80
Halliburton, Inc.
Mr. Paul Hammer '88
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Han '92
Mr. Michael Hanley '83
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hardin '86
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Heard '75
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew E. Hennessy '84
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Herrin, Jr. '76
Mr. James V. Hewitt '72
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hilberth '85
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Hill, J.D. '81
Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Hill '84
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher G. Hines '84
Mr. Virgil R. Hinojosa '69
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hinson '73
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr. '77
Mr. Stephen W. Hohlt '66
Home Depot
Mr. & Mrs. Louis C. Houck '69
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Huckaby '81
Mr. Serge Hudson '89
Mr. Shane W. Hudson '93
Mr. Stephen Huh '89
Mr. James F. Hyland '93
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Illian '70
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Jackson '69
Mr. Christopher Jennings '80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Johnston, III '84
Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston '84
Mr. Ernest C. Jones '97
Mr. Jonathan F. Kalian '97
Mr. & Mrs. John Keating '79
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Keeney '70
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Kegg '82
Mr. J. G. Kelley '68
Mr. M. Scott Kerr '93
Mr. Brian E. Kerwin '93
Dr. & Mrs. John Killian '80
Mr. & Mrs. Martin C. Klecka '68
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein '79
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Knipe '86
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch '76
Mr. Robert W. Kochman, Jr. '98
Mr. Robbie Laux '85
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lebeau, III '70
Dr. Louis A. '66 & Dr. Cheryl Leblanc
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Leeds '78
Mr. & Mrs. James LePage '80
Mr. & Mrs. J. Gregory Letsos '70
Mr. Joseph P. Light '70
Mr. & Mrs. Crespin M. Linton '79
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip R. Livingston '77
Mr. Robert C. Livingston '80
Mr. & Mrs. Olle L. Lorehn, Jr. '67
Mr. Olle L. Lorehn '00
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Lynch '94
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Machalec '79
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Mahoney '73
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Manis '77
Mr. R. J. Marshall, Jr. '65
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Marshall '68
Mr. & Mrs. James Martingano '86
Mr. Blake A. Marvin '01
Mr. Alesandro R. Massa '97
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. McCabe '81
Mr. & Mrs. Keith McCarthy '79
Mr. Christopher P. McConn '91
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. McConnell '68
Mr. & Mrs. S. W. McDonald, Sr. '67
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. McGrath '72
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. McGrath
Mr. Duncan McLean '85
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McMahon '88
Mr. & Mrs. Justin McMorrow '89
Mr. & Mrs. J. Reid McTaggart '76
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Mealey '74
Mr. & Mrs. David Merkel '94
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Mino, Jr. '68
Mr. Matthew J. Mino '01
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mitchell '87
Mr. Steven T. Mitchell '89
Mr. Thomas W. Mitchell '66
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mobley, II '77
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montoya '89
Mr. Milton R. Moore '02
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Morrison '67
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Mouton '70
Dr. & Mrs. Clifford K. Moy '77
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci '75 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Muchard '80
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins '80
Hon. & Dr. James R. Murphy '76
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin V. Murr '67
Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Mustachia '67
Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Nash '87
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory V. Nelson '92
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Nettles '67
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Nevle '84
Mr. Bryant P. Newbill '78 & Ms. Sharna Kahn
Mr. Randolph Newcomer '84
Mr. Patrick R. Nixon '93
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli '75 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Novelli '74
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli '75 Mr. & Mrs. Jack O'Connell '87
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick O'Connell '88
Mr. & Mrs. Burke O'Malley '84 The O'Neill Foundation Mr. Linh Ong '03
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Osborn '84
Mr. Matthew Osten '97
Mr. Charles Othon '85
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck '76
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pack '79
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Padon '69
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon '68
Mr. Alejandro L. Padua '98
Mr. Brian D. Pape '80
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pape '78
Mr. Brian D. Pape '80
Dr. & Mrs. Guy A. Parker, D.D.S. '68
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley '72 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley '81
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paul '87
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Paulin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Peissel '93
Peoples Energy
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Permetti '76
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pesek '80
Mr. Daniel J. Phalen '01
Mr. Anthony A. Pham '01
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Piazza '79
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Pinina '76
Mr. Chanan Pinyopusarerk '98
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Polansky '76
Mr. Troy Porter '85
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Hugo G. Posey, USAF '71
Mr. Jeffrey W. Powers '81
Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Quinn, Jr. '65
Mr. Michael W. Rabalais '73
RBC Dain-Rauscher
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Reilly '81
Mr. Michael J. Riccetti '84
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Riccetti '89
Dr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Richards '75
Mr. Chris Roberts '88
Mr. Bill Robins '83
Mr. Richard Rodney '79
Mr. & Ms. Thomas Rodriguez '89
Mr. Scott A. Rose '98
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ruth '78
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd '70 Mr. David M. Sabonghy '97
Mr. Kristopher L. Sanders '89
Mr. Harold Scheffler '83
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schneider '73
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Schneider '72
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Schrier '86
Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Scott '71
Mr. Marcus W. Sharp '93
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Simpson '69
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III '67
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Singley '87
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith '70
Dr. & Mrs. Zachary J. Smith, M.D. '91
Mr. Chris Solcher '85
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco J. Souto '90
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spiller '84
Mr. Jonathan R. Spring '97
Mr. Thomas J. Springer '93
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Stalinsky '67
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stallings '86
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Standish '81
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stefani '84
Mr. Alexander M. Steffler '03
Mr. Michael J. Steiner '68
Mr. David R. Stewart '69
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Stewart '68
Mr. Scott E. Stewart '90
Mr. Thomas J. Stommel '76
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake '78
Mr. Paul E. Suarez '97
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sumicek '65
Mr. & Mrs. Terrell O. Taylor, Jr. '81
Mr. & Mrs. Walker C. Taylor '73
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle E. Teas '77
Texas Industries
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Till '75
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Tilton '75
Mr. Rodrigo Tovar '86
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Trahan '81
Mr. & Mrs. Poonsak Tran '86
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Traynor '87
Dr. & Mrs. John Uecker '85
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ulrich, III '93
Mr. Paul J. Van Osselaer '68 & Ms. Jewel Arrington
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Villarreal '72
Dr. Alexander S. Vitale '83
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Vlasak '84
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Walker, Jr. '65
Mr. Ray A. Walker '81
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Walker '79
Dr. Ronald Walls '80
Mr. & Mrs. Shane E. Walsh '91
Mr. & Mrs. Ben B. Walter '80
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Walz '66
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wark '72
Mr. Mark E. Watson, III '82
The Watson Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Webre '67 Mr. & Mrs. Chad A. Webre '94
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Webre '77
Wells Fargo
Mr. & Mrs. Randall A. Westbrook '91
Mr. J. Edward Wheeler, III '79
Mr. & Mrs. Byron W. Whetstone '76
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. White '85
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Whitenburg '79
Mr. Wray Widner '84
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Windlinger '71
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley M. Winn '69
Mr. Edward K. Zablocki '90
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Zagst '73
Dr. & Mrs. George Zenner, III '78
Ens. David F. Zerda '98
Joanie Alvarez Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Merritt, Sr.
Dr. Daniel B. Merritt '86 & Dr. Christine Moulds-Merritt
Barco Resources Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III '98
William A. Bernrieder Estate Scholarship
Ruth R. Bettes Charitable
Foundation Scholarship
Christopher Billac, SJ Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75 Mrs. Irene Adolph
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda '71
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick '75
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Callaghan '82
Mr. Edward Campana '81
Ms. Hazel Casey
Charity Guild of Catholic Women
Mr. Stephen Chen '03
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton '91
The Honorable Mark D. Davidson '71 &
Ms. Sarah Duckers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle '83 Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming '69
Mrs. Catherine Fogarty
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Fouke '80
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Friedman '69
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley '79
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon K. Gomez '71
Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Guthrie '72
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hamlin '70
Mrs. Marian Y. Harper
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug '75
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp
Mr. Troy McNabb '82
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Piazza, D.D.S. '72
The Chronicle 49
Mr. & Mrs. Monty G. Redick '70
Mr. Mark Sacaris '82
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Sun Microsystems
Mrs. Fred J. Tarcza
Mr. Thomas F. Taylor '66 Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Virginia Craig Scholarship
Jack Binion Scholarship
James A. Crehan Endowed Scholarship
Terrence J. Crane ‘90
Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke
Mr. Edward F. Moeller '89
Terry Crane Foundation Scott Fleming '69 Faculty Endowment
Mr. John W. Bates, V '99
Mr. Joe Cordella
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo '91
Mr. Andrew Groeschel
Ms. Sujey A. Romero
Mr. Jeff P. Tesone
Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio E. Venza
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry
Etienne L. Fletcher Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Briggs, Ph.D. '66
Edward A Cremer Scholarship
Matt Fuess ‘79 Scholarship
Brother's Keepers Endowment *
John Curtis ‘73 Scholarship
Hillary Grivich Scholarship
Walter J. Briggs Scholarship *
Mr. & Mrs. James Badum Mr. & Mrs. R. Gregory Bernica Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Blizzard Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cole
Community Coffee Company, L.L.C.
Mr. & Mrs. John Dearborn
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Denkler Mr. & Mrs. Paul Espenan
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. Jim Hill & Mrs. Deborah Schindler
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Ibstein
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Kaley
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Martin Mr. &Mrs. Michael P. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ormand
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. James Redman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Sacra ‘74 Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stoia
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Terracina Fr. Edward Brueggeman, SJ Scholarship
Lorain S. Butcher Endowed Scholarship
The Butcher Fund
Harry S. & Isabel Cameron
Foundation Scholarship
Christmas Eve Mass Scholarship
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
Class of '95 Scholarship *
Mr. Jeffrey Davies '95
Mr. Patrick C. Dickson '95
Mr. Edgar D. Haren '95
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski '95
Mr. Patrick Pyle '95
Mr. Anthony O. Sexton '95
Mr. Frank A. Simcik '95
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Twardowski '95
Fr. Edward T. Coles, SJ Scholarship
Mr. Jack Farah '81
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn S. Jones '92
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Woodruff '67
50 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Tower, II '73
Mark & Tom ‘80 Dante Scholarship
Luis Hagner Scholarship
Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante
John F. Hairston, III ‘75 Scholarship
Claudia Darkins Scholarship
Corey Hayden & Lena Falcorneri
Brother Casey Ferlita, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Ms. Janet E. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. '79 Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Capitano, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist
Mr. Harry Dean '78
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug '75
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Mrs. Joann T. Johns
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp
Mrs. Nancy Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons '86
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell
Ms. Carmen V. Noto
Mrs. Joan O'Malley
Mrs. Frank B. Padon Dr. Richard A. Plumb & Mrs. Nancy G. Porter Mrs. Jane C. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rinando
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rodriguez
Mrs. Marguerite Rogan
Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon J. Vallejo
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Wollam '86
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Zambito
Archbishop Joseph Fiorenza Scholarship
Strake Jesuit Community www.strakejesuit.org
Thomas & Lucille Hensley Scholarship
Mr. Andrew B. Frew '96
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. '72 Captain Andrew R. Houghton
Endowed Scholarship
Capt. & Mrs. J. A. Badgett '97
Lt. & Mrs. John Carpenter '82
Mr. Bryce E. Gama '97
Halliburton, Inc.
Mr. Matthew K. Johnson '00
Mr. Zachary S. Langenkamp '97
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens
Mr. John Pham '97
Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan
Houston Endowment Scholarship
Robert Iglesias ‘84 Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Dini '84
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dini Ms. Berta M. Guiral
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Iglesias '91
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Jackson
Monsignor James A. Jamail
Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ganucheau
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Thomas J. Jenniskens, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Giesler, Jr. '90
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. von Eschenbach '89
Jesuit Community Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Mr. Philip W. Boyko
Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens & Cannada, PLLC
Mr. William V. Conover, II
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Duke Energy Mr. Jay H. Dushkin
Mrs. Kathy Elder De La Torre
Mr. Carey T. Ford '93
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hilton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg E. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. McCorkle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom W. Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey
Jean Jordan Scholarship
Eileen R. & F. Vern Lahart
Retreat Endowment
Johnny Keane Scholarship
Mr. John C. Adolph '00
2nd Lt. Christopher F. Coffman '01
Mr. Christopher J. Glaser '02
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados
Mr. William Haardt '91
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Hegarty '87
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Horn '93
Mr. Jahan D. Jafarpour '02
Mr. Mike Kerley
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart Mr. & Mrs. Jared M. Montegut '90
Mr. Carlo E. Romero '95
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Travis Twardowski '92
Mr. Hugh I. Vrsalovic '84
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. '68 David C. Kegg Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug '75
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kegg '75
Andrew R. Kell ‘98 Scholarship
Mr. Andrew J. Aguirre '98
Mr. & Mrs. Tommy G. Cooper
Mr. Erwin M. Hengst, III '98
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Kell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick
Ms. Patricia Mead
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peri
Jack Koch Endowed Scholarship
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75 Mr. Raphael Altmann
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Askew
Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Brueggeman, Jr. '73 Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Burdick '75
Mr. Patrick S. Chalmers
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clutterbuck '84
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Dalfrey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Deming
Mr. G. I. Edmonds
Mr. Thomas Ehrig '84
Mr. & Mrs. Thayer W. Evans
Mr. Michael Gawronski '82
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harville
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Herrin '84
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Heyburn '84
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hittler
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Hyland
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Jetter
Mr. & Mrs. Henry O. Johnson, Sr.
Ms. Rosemarie M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe H. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Ms. Caroline O. Kermath Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch '75 Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Koch '84
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch '73
Mrs. Nancy Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch '76
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Koch '82
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Koch '75 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koch '73
Mrs. Nancy Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Kruger
Mrs. Dorothea Lea
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light '75
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker '75
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. McAuliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Don McGinn
Othon, Inc., Consulting Engineers
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse J. Radvansky
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Raineri, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. T. H. Stine
Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Weaver
Mr. Michael T. Wells '84
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Wildman
Ms. Billie M. Wright
Helen Ledet Scholarship
J.B. Leininger, SJ Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. Robert A. Adolph '73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75 Mr. Anil Adyanthaya '87
Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Armand
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Badum Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Bandy Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Dom Bausano, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin R. Bay Mr. Cletus B. Bayer & Mrs. Cynthia K. Conrad-Bayer
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Bean '81
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard '77
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berggren '81
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick
Mr. Christopher W. Bishop '91
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard '66 Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth '67 Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Braun Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Breen
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck Mr. & Mrs. Luis J. Cardenas
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Carmouche '87
Ms. Ramona A. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Hector R. Chavez
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Mr. Frederick D. Couvillon, Jr. '81
Cmdr. Robert E. Crane, II '78
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Crosson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Crowley
Mrs. Dorothy Daly
Mrs. Beatrice T. Dante
Mr. & Mrs. Emlyn B. Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deeds '76
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Delouche Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Dewhurst
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Dr. & Mrs. Ramon R. Diaz-Arrastia '75
Mr. & Mrs. Sam W. Dick
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Douglass
Mr. Lawrence G. Dunbar, Jr. '00
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Dutton '78
Dr. James L. Ebaugh '87
Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Eberle
Mr. Ryan J. Eberle '96
Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Ebner '85
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Elmer Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Fenelon
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke
Finkelstein Partners
Mr. Carey T. Ford '93
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip L. Franshaw '82 Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Frey
Mr. Roger L. Frey '81
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey '77
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel R. Frey '74
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fried
Fr. J.B. Leininger Gala
Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Bambace Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Keister '69
Mrs. & Mr. Catherine Miller
Mr. Archie Nahigian Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Reat '80
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 www.strakejesuit.org
The Chronicle 51
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos H. Garcia
Dr. & Mrs. Efrain Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Rauli E. Garcia '87
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Martin A. Gibula
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gidley '79
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew T. Girotto '93
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Glaser
Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez '87 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III '83
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Gomez '87 Dr. & Mrs. Miguel A. Gomez, III '83
Mr. Ken Gray '87
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hagale Mr. David M. Hahn '88
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Hahn
Mr. Gene Hahn '87
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Sean Hanratty '81
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Hansen '85
Mr. Mark Harris '87
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Herrin, III '78
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. Steven Hogan '03
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn
Mr. Chris Horton '87
Mr. Brian D. Hoskins '07
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty
Mr. Shane W. Hudson '93
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler
Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Hutchens
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Mr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Iglesias
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman
Dr. & Mrs. Mark S. Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Janik
Jesuit High School New Orleans
Dr. & Mrs. W. Stuart Johnston '84
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley B. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Joyce '79
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel '74 Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Keogh Dr. & Mrs. James M. Killian
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klein '79
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Koch '76
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick
Mr. John A. Kyle '97
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Lahart Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph S. Lange
Rev. Joseph B. Leininger, S.J.
Ms. Yvonne Leininger
Mr. James A. & Dr. Sandi Lemming Mr. & Mrs. Ken Lesniak '87
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light '75
Mr. & Mrs. Christian E. Liipfert
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo '91
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent S. Lovoi
Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons '86
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner
Mr. & Mrs. Blair H. Margot Mr. James E. Marvin
Mr. Blake A. Marvin '01
Mr. Stephen Masoomian & Mrs. Katharine Breaux
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Matcha '87
Dr. & Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker '75
Mr. Jason P. Mauk '00
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton J. McAdams '79
Mr. & Mrs. William H. McArdle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. McBee
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Mr. Christopher P. McConn '91
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCreight
52 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. John E. McLean, Jr. '71
Mr. Troy McNabb '82
Mrs. Jeanne Mealey
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Meara
Mr. Brian Merchant '89
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Merkel '86
Dr. & Mrs. Luka Milas
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. Joseph Mims '04
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Minyard
Dr. & Mrs. Victor M. Miranda Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Mucci '75 Mr. Sean Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Mullins '80
Mr. Anthony Muniz '87
Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
Mr. John E. Neslage '87
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Neslage, Sr.
New Orleans Province of the Society of Jesus
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Niemann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mrs. Leona L. Novak
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Novelli '83 Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Novelli '75 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence P. Oertling
Mr. Steve Oggero '87
Mrs. Joan O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. William C. O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Burke O'Malley '84 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Orseck
Mr. William N. Padon '03
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick B. Padon '68
Dr. Brian S. Parsley '74 Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley '72 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parsley '81
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Peery '80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Penn
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters '71 Mr. & Mrs. Dean Petrosewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Petrov '79
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Phalen, Jr. '72
Mr. John O. Phillips '00
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Pollan '76
Mr. Christopher A. Portales '01
Mr. & Mrs. George D. Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia
Ms. Linda Ream
Dr. Mike L. '72 & Dr. Peggy Rice
Dr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Ried
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roach Dr. & Mrs. Scott C. Roberts
Mr. Carlos E. Roman
Mr. Thomas G. Romano
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rosson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rowley
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd '70 Mr. Daniel M. Saldana '76
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo '67 Dr. & Mrs. John Schiro '80
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt E. Schoelman '74
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel Dr. Angelo Sermas & Dr. Marsha Soechting Mr. Jeffrey C. Shaddix '99
Mr. Rob Simon '87
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Singley '87
Mr. & Mrs. N. Pharr Smith Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider Mr. & Mrs. Greg Solcher '78
Mr. Stephen Solcher '79
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Spradlin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Steffler '92
Sterling Bank
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Strake, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Strake '78
Strake Jesuit Community Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Swain '72
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Tanner, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Thiele Mr. & Mrs. Tom F. Troegel '76
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Twardowski
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Joshua R. Wallis '97
Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wallis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Wetterauer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wolterman
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer J.B. Leininger Faculty Endowed Chair
Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy
Mr. Richard Giraldi '03
Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn
Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan
Rev. Joseph B. Leininger, S.J.
Mr. John McLean, III '03
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon
Mr. Thomas G. Romano
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah
Mr. Mark Standish '03
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wallis '84
George E. Light Endowed Scholarship
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Light '77
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Light '75
Julianna Hirn Lindsay Scholarship
James J. Loughlin, Sr.
Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Loughlin, Jr. '74 Lawrence G. Lowman Scholarship
Chris Mathews Endowed Scholarship
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Ms. Nancy M. Mathews
John McCabe Scholarship
Steve McConnell ‘78 Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton J. McAdams '79
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Petrizzo '78
Kenneth McGregor ‘04 Scholarship
Mr. Luke C. Aguilar '04
Mr. Kyle P. Armand '04
Mr. Stephen Bain
Mr. Bryce Barcelo '04
Mr. Casey Bassett '04
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick
Mr. William A. Callegari, III '06
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh '68
Mr. Niel Curley '04
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Mr. Sahib Dhindsa '04
Mr. Clark Doherty '04
Mr. Alfredo Echeverria '04
Mr. Ryan Fitzgerald '04
Mr. Kyle Gilroy '04
Mr. Miguel A. Gonzalez '04
Mr. Joshua R. Hilbe '04
Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler
Kansas City Southern
Kansas City Southern
Mr. Zane Keller '04
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny
Mr. Steven Leung '04
Mr. Jeffrey Lindsay '04
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens
Mr. Carlos Lopez-Roman '04
Mr. Hunter D. Lowe '05
Mr. & Mrs. John Lutostanski
Mr. Matthew Marietta '04
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall
Mr. Alexandre R. Marte '04
Mr. Varun Mehta '04
Mr. Carlos Morin '04
Mr. Mark Navo '04
Mr. Christopher Ogbonnaya '04
Mr. Alexander Rutledge '04
Mr. William Schrom '05
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan '87
Mr. James E. Wourms
Mr. Mark Yap '04
Mr. Owen Zidar '04
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Parke '80
Mrs. Roylyn Parke
Ms. Mildred Price
D. Richard Toye, SJ Endowed Scholarship
Robert & Gana Parsley
Endowed Scholarship
Joseph Warner Scholarship
Dick Peebles Scholarship
William & Madeline Welder
Smith Scholarship
Walter Rainey Scholarship
George Wells Scholarship
Chase Rasch ‘93 Scholarship
Daniel P. Whitty Scholarship
Charles McGuinness ‘83 Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Frey '77
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne V. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Miller '83 Mr. & Mrs. Hector Penoucos
Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti '90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schneidau '82 Mrs. Calista Schneidau
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schneidau '79
Mr. Philip M. Schneidau '69
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace B. Schneidau, Jr. '67
Mr. William J. Schneidau '80
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Smith '82
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Maddock '85
Emmet Walter Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Nugent '93
Mark Reuter ‘73 Endowed Scholarship
Eva Williams & Annie Rimes
Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Robert H. Reuter '85
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler
Rhea Robinson Scholarship
Henry Wiseman Scholarship
Harold & Johanna Ruby Scholarship
Pat Yankow Endowed Scholarship
Wallace Schneidau Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Geoffrey Miller ‘70 Scholarship
The Honorable & Mrs. Gray H. Miller '67
Anna Ottley Moran Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran '66 W.T. & Louise Moran
Endowed Scholarship
The W. T. & Louise J. Moran Foundation
Merline Mulvihill, SJ Scholarship
Richard C. Nevle Endowed Scholarship *
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Fleming '69
Seven Men, One Mission
Endowed Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McConnell '86
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cremins
El Paso Energy
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hainey, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Lane '80
Al C. Novelli Scholarship
Christopher Smith ‘81 Scholarship
Dr. R.V. Nicosia Scholarship
Mrs. Carolyn Novelli
Steve Smith Scholarship
Robert O'Neill Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 James Spring Scholarship
Charlies Overbeck Scholarship
Janet & John Springer Endowment Fund
Mr. & Mrs. H. John Springer
Frank Padon Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Padon
Duane C. Stone ‘72 Scholarship
Robert B. Parke, Sr. Scholarship
George W. & Susan Strake Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Flaxbeard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flaxbeard
Mr. Simon Li
Strake Jesuit Alumni Mothers
Endowed Scholarship
Ms. Pat Yankow
Brian F. Zinnamon, SJ Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh '68
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman Charity Guild of Catholic Women
Mr. & Mrs. John Currie
D. E. Harvey Builders Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Earthman
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jarrett
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn S. Jones '92
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar A. Martinez '88
Mr. Rajiv R. Mashruwala '95
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Hank L. Merry
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Ms. Leanna L. Reidy
Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Darby Sere Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear
Strake Jesuit Community Mrs. Jackie Tower
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Wieckowski
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio P. Zubizarreta '91
Strake Jesuit Foundation
Board Scholarship
2 0 0 6
The gifts of the contributors below helped to defray the cost of the 2006 Strake Jeuit Scramble.
Resources Global Professionals, LP
Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
Grey Wolf Drilling Company, L.P.
Millennium Midstream
Northstar Interests, L.C.
Production Access
The Hartford Insurance Company
Group Benefits Division
Wapiti Energy, LLC
Blackstone Insurance Services L.L.C.
Colvill Office Properties
D. E. Harvey Builders
Houston-Sigma Technologies
Inman Texas Company
Lighting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Sneed
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Steve A. Kamel '74
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr. '72
Santos Appraisals
Sterling Bank
Thomas Energy Services
Wachovia Corporation
The Chronicle 53
The Strake Jesuit Community experienced one of its brightest moments last Fall in its response to Jesuit High School
New Orleans students and families displaced by Hurricane Katrina. From opening their homes to families in need of housing to
donations of clothing and school supplies to supporting a special Brother’s Keepers Hurricane Katrina Fund, as listed here,
the extended Strake Jesuit family proved it really is a Community for Others.
gifts up $10,000 or more
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Beathard '77
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Mrs. Vivian M. Clark
The College of St. Francis Xavier
Fordham Preparatory School
Gonzaga College High School
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. F. Vern Lahart
Loyola Blakefield
The Lynett & Haggerty Families
Marquette University High School
McDermott International, Inc.
The Medallion Foundation, Inc.
Rockhurst High School
Sage Dining Services, Inc.
Saint Ignatius High School
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Sellinger
gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Academia San Ignacio de Loyola
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75
Bellarmine Preparatory School
Creighton Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins
Jackson Walker L.L.P.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Knauss
Loyola School - New York
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Marion, Jr.
Ms. Ann-Lindsay S. Marsh
Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Peterson
Regis High School
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Sommer, III
St. Louis University High School
Mr. & Mrs. Randal E. Velarde
Walsh Jesuit High School
gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock
Boston College High School
Mr. Anthony J. Domino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Goldman
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Medrano '88
Paul E. Kelly Foundation
Pogo Producing Company
Saint Joseph's Preparatory School
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sheehy
Strake Foundation
gifts of $1,250 to $2,499
Mr. Robert A. Adolph '73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Barron Bogatto '78
Mrs. Kathleen Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friedmann
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Gangelhoff
Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hildreth
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Juilo
Mr. Dale Kinney
Kirksey Architecture
Loyola Blakefield Alumni Association
Loyola Blakefield
Mr. & Mrs. John C. McFadden
Jesuit ‘brothers’ buddy-up
54 Fall 2006
Mr. Sean O'Neill '85
Ryan Commercial Real Estate Services
Governor & Mrs. William Scranton
University of Scranton
Mr. Tucker T. Watkins &
Mrs. Margaret Masterson-Watkins
gifts of $500 to $1,249
Abbott Laboratories
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Agee
Ms. Sherra L. Aguirre
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Balhoff
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Booth '67
Mr. James V. Bordoni
Mr. & Mrs. Glen M. Boudreaux '67
Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Branda '71
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Brentin
Brophy College Preparatory
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Brune
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Calvo
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Cascarano
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Caulfield
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Cesare
Ms. Beverly A. Chermak
Mr. & Mrs. Hung Cheung
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Clement
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman
Mr. & Mrs. Sal Cognetti, Jr.
Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly
Mr. Patrick T. Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Conroy
Cmdr. Robert E. Crane, II '78
Mr. & Mrs. James Cristiano
Ms. Sharon F. Crook
Dr. Craig Curd & Dr. Deborah Gennero
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Curlee
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Curry '69
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Danklef
Mr. & Mrs. John Dearborn
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Debarbrie
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Durkin, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Eick '67
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Evans
Mr. Michael F. Fafaul
Mr. James B. Fijan
Fleck Machine Company, Inc.
Flournoy Davis Manzo Child Development Foundation
Mr. Ryan V. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Freeman
Mr. Bryce E. Gama '97
Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres
Mrs. Jean F. Garwood
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto
Global Santa Fe
B R O T H E R ’ S
Mrs. Meg Goetz
Gonzaga Preparatory School, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Haggerty, Sr.
Mr. Thomas P. Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hasenpflug '75
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera
Mr. Michael Hillebrand
Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin Interiano
Mr. Theodore Jadick
Mr. Arthur J. Kania
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. Addison H. Kermath
Mr. Charles R. Kimmel
Mr. & Mrs. Stanard T. Klinefelter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman
Mr. David J. Leal
Mr. Gary M. Lefebvre
Ms. Nancy E. Lindsay
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Loeffler '65
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Long, TTEE
Loyola High School - Detroit
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lynett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George V. Lynett, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Lynett
Ms. Mary E. Malone
Dr. John Mariotti
Ms. Marie B. Maser
Mr. & Mrs. Wilburn McDonald
Rev. William J. McGrath, S.J.
Mr. Duncan McLean '85
Mr. & Ms. Thomas H. McNeely '86
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland '76
McQuaid Jesuit High School
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Mehrinfar
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Murphy
Mr. Archie Nahigian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neyland '76
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Nijoka
Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Nugent
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. O'Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Palmer
Mr. Philip F. Panzarella & Mrs. Barbara J. Carroll
Paparazzo Photography
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Parsley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parsley '72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Peddicord, Jr.
Mr. Drew Peslar
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Peters '71
Ms. Kathryn A. Pidgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Pietranton, Jr.
Mr. Sanford J. Reel
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Regan
Ms. Ann M. Rey
Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Rhem '83
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo
Mr. John T. Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Roby
Mr. Richard J. Roby
Dr. Robert E. Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Rodriguez
Mr. Charles H. Rousseau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Ruck
Mr. Charles R. Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schneider
Mr. Steven D. Schuster
Second Session night classes
Scranton Preparatory School
Scranton Preparatory School Parents' Club
Scranton Preparatory School Student Council
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Sindelar, III '67
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Skonberg
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider
Stewart Title Company
Mr. & Ms. William N. Stokes
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Strausser
Mr. William J. Sweeney
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Tavakoli-Sabour
Villa Javier
Vintage Underwriters
Mr. Richard S. Walker '76 & Ms. Shana Sloas
Mr. Moseley H. Webb, III
Wells Fargo
Dr. Simon N. Whitney & Dr. Judy Levison
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Wurzer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Yahn
Nancy M. and Douglas M. Yeager Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Young
Ens. David F. Zerda '98
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Zientek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zimmerman, Jr. '68
gifts to $500
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Abrahamsen
Mr. & Mrs. Jose M. Albornoz
Ms. Judith B. Alessandri
Mr. & Mrs. Munir M. Asfar
The Honorable & Mrs. Joseph Augello
Mr. John F. Baesch & Mrs. Evelyn A. Herzog
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Bannon
Dr. & Mrs. J. P. Bannon
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Beadell
Ms. Melissa C. Beaudet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bednar, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Bisesi '68
BLS Secretarial Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll A. Bodie
Mr. William P. Bolton
Mr. & Mrs. D. M. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brewer '97
Mr. Drew C. Brown
Mr. Chris Burke '86
Mr. Brian F. Byrnes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Cahill
Mr. Edward Campana '81
Lt. & Mrs. John Carpenter '82
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cavey
Mr. Yeeming Chan
Mr. & Mrs. Yimkei G. Cheung
Mr. Christopher Chung '94
Ms. Elsie A. Clifton
Mr. Aisling J. Clohessy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coffield
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Cohn '86
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Collins, III
Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Condron
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Cornett
Mr. Thomas M. Costello
Ms. Uyen K. Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. John D'Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. John M. De Franco
Dr. Chris Derbes '85
Mr. Thom Devlin
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Mr. Gillian T. DiFilippo
Mr. Marc R. Dillon
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Doetzer
Dominion Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Driver, III
Mr. & Mrs. W. S. Dunbar
Ms. Kristen Eshak
Mrs. Jane Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Falkner, Jr.
Ms. Mary Beth Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Field
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Fitzpatrick, III
Mr. & Mrs. Carter L. Franklin, III '86
Ms. Dorothy A. Fraquelli
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Gaines '81
Mr. Thomas G. Gallagher, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Galvin, III
Mr. Matthew P. Galvin '03
Mrs. Maureen Gilroy
Dr. Timothy C. Gogan, D.D.S.
Mr. John A. Granahan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Gray '84
Mr. David M. Gray & Ms. Mary A. Pearce
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Gunther, III
Mr. Daniel P. Haggerty
Mr. James J. Haggerty, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Haggerty
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hajtman
The Chronicle 55
B R O T H E R ’ S
Ms. Ann P. Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice I. Hart
Ms. Kathleen Hayes
Ms. Amy A. Healey
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt
Dr. & Mrs. L. Russell Hollenbeck, D.D.S.
Dr. Frank X. J. Homer
Mr. Joseph I. Huesman
Mr. Stephen Huh '89
Mr. Brett G. Hyatt
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander E. Inman '82
Mr. Paul T. Isley, III
Mr. & Mrs. Brian James
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch
Mr. Brian M. Jarvis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. W. Jessett
Mr. Edward F. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan '86
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. John Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Karam
Mr. & Mrs. James Katchko
Ms. Deborah A. Kauffman
Mr. & Mrs. John Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Keeney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Kelly
Mr. Jeffrey Kelly
Mr. John L. Kenneally & Mrs. Barbara L. Shifflett
Mr. Paul A. King
Mr. Ryan F. V. Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew N. Kreft
Mr. Jonathan Kruckemeyer '04
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph S. Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Lassus
Mr. Patrick F. Leahy
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Joe LeBlanc
Mr. Brett A. Loney
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Lorenz '88
Mrs. Linda L. Lynett
Mr. George V. Lynett, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lynett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lynett
Ms. Sharon Lynett
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn T. Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Maggio
Mr. Jeffrey Marino '94
Mr. James E. Marvin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Marx
Mrs. Lois Mathews ^
Mr. John M. Mattingly & Mrs. Barbara M. Kneip
Mr. Andrew G. Mc Cue & Mrs. Mary C. Kenney
Mr. Frank J. McDonnell
Mr. Ken McDowell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McEvily, III
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. McGinn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher O. McGrath
Ms. Janet S. McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McManus
Mr. Thomas P. McMenamin & Dr. Catherine S. Walshe
Ms. Dolores Medina
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Melson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Metzbower
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. Emelie B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Minello
Mr. & Mrs. Alex G. Montoya '91
Mrs. Christina K. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Billy L. Moore
56 Fall 2006
Jesuit Brothers T-Shirt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Moser
Ms. Isabelle R. Moses
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy
Mr. Frank C. Nagle
Dr. & Mrs. David Nagurney
Mr. John P. Newman
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Frank O'Connor
Ms. Kristin O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence A. O'Leary '72
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Overbeck '76
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pawelek '72
Ms. Barbara E. Perez
Rev. Thomas A. Pesci, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Petitjean
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Power
Ms. Alexandra V. Preate
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Purello
Rev. Msgr. Joseph G. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Raffaelli
Mr. & Mrs. Henry D. Ralph
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Rampino
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Raycraft
Ms. Karen L. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Redford
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Reilly
Mr. W. R. Renfro '97
Ms. Adria E. Renke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Richards
Mr. Spencer W. Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Riffe
Mr. Dominique E. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Roeder
Mr. Harold T. Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Rose
Mr. Scott A. Rose '98
Mr. John A. Ruddy
Mr. William T. Russell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Sachnik '81
Mr. Patrick Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Schertle
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Schertle
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Schmidt
Mr. James R. Schufreider
Shell Oil Company
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Sherman
Mr. Joseph B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gerardo A. Smith '70
Capt. & Mrs. Mario Smith '85
Mr. Bryan Solar '04
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Somoza '88
Mr. Scott R. Spencer & Mrs. Mary H. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie S. Stallman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Stanford
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stapleton
Ms. Kelly K. Stark
Ms. M. Anthony Startz
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stefani '84
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stewart
Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Streb
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Stump '81
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Tenley
Dr. Francis Z. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Till '75
Mr. Bryan Tracy
Ms. Ellen Tyrrell
Mrs. Patricia Vanderslice
Mr. Russell T. Vanelli '99
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables
Mr. Laszlo F. Veres
Mr. Shaun A. Vernon '97
Mr. Sergio Vitale
Mr. & Mrs.rbert B. Wagner
The Honorable & Mrs. James J. Walsh
Mr. Seamus Walsh
Mr. Francis X. Warther
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Weber
Mr. Charles F. Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Ms. Sheila M. Withus
Mr. & Mrs. Yu-Tung Wu
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Wyrsch
Mr. David Zeiler
Gifts made in the honor or memory of a friend or relative directly supports the Financial Aid Program or project designated by
the contributor.
Legend: Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
In Memory of Robert H. Adolph
In Memory of Wayne Duff '79
In Memory of Trent Fucich '03
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Adams
Mr. Thomas H. Adolph '75 Mrs. Irene Adolph
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Adolph '78
Mrs. Irene Adolph
Mr. Robert A. Adolph '73 & Ms. Kathy J. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Aikman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Banse
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Benear
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Brill Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Heberling
Dr. & Mrs. Richard G. Hibbs, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan '86
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Keating '73
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Lidiak '75
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker '75
Ms. Kay Sallee
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Saucier
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Young Mr. & Mrs. Don Sample
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. D.A. Falcone
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 In Honor of Br. Casey's Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Monroe In Honor of Fr. Chris Billac, SJ
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freed
In Memory of Wayne C. Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Blair '69
In Memory of Mr. Farrell Bolz
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Mr. Philip W. Boyko
Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens & Cannada, PLLC
Mr. William V. Conover, II
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Mr. Jay H. Dushkin
Mrs. Kathy Elder De La Torre
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hilton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Macbeth
Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. McCorkle
Mr. & Mrs. Tom W. Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Naples
In Honor of Gail Branca
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
In Honor of George '73 & Jo Brueggeman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Rundle In Memory of Eva Bueso
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
In Memory of Christie Callender
Mr. Arden D. Callender In Memory of Peter Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Burton
In Memory of Daniel Compton ‘02
Strake Jesuit Community In Memory of Jon Michael Curtis '73
Baker Hughes
Mr. Joe A. Curtis
In Memroy of Paula DeAvies
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel In Memory of Lillian Braun Derden
Ms. Nancy L. Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessey, Jr. Mrs. Shirley C. Winn-Bannerot
Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Falcone Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats In Memory of Mrs. Rose Ferlita
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bates
Mrs. Susan F. Bolz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Ms. Janet E. Cain
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Callegari, Jr. '79 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Capitano, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton '91
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Coffman Dr. Michael '69 & Dr. Nancy Connelly Mr. Harry Dean '78
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hanratty
Mr. & Mrs. David Hessel Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hohlt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hoskins Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Idstein Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inman
Mrs. Joann T. Johns
Mrs. Nancy Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Layne Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Lyons '86
Mrs. Elizabeth K. Magner
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle
Ms. Carmen V. Noto
Mrs. Joan O'Malley
Mrs. Frank B. Padon Dr. Richard A. Plumb & Mrs. Nancy G. Porter Mrs. Jane C. Richard
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rinando
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Rodriguez
Mrs. Marguerite Rogan
Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rowe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 Mr. & Mrs. Ramon J. Vallejo
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson P. Zambito
In Memory of Helen Graham Garvey
In Memory of Katie Genitempo
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis W. Cutrer, Jr.
In Memory of William D. Gray '98
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Alcorn
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Baker
Ms. Irene H. Binash
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Blumenthal
Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III '98
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. Mr. W. R. Brice & Mrs. Leslie B. Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bull
Charter Drywall Houston, Inc
Ms. Mary C. Dobrowolski
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Eisenshtat
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fetzer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Graves
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald O. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kingswell-Smith
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell D. Littwitz
Mrs. Ann Mabry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Raia
Ralph T. Veasey Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rizzo
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Rose Mr. & Mrs. John J. Sisler
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. Allen R. Thomas
Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey
Ms. Judith A. Wiles
In Memory of Bill Hannon
Mr. & Mrs. Don Sample
In Memory of David E. Harvey, Sr.
In Memory of Leo L. Hebert &
Effie B. Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hebert
In Honor of Robert Horn
Mr. Stephen Masoomian & Mrs. Katharine Breaux
In Memory of Capt. Andrew R.
Houghton '97
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Brown
In Memory of William Kuessow
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
In Honor of Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
In Honor of Mary and John Francese's
60th Wedding Anniversary
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
In Memory of Mr. Alfred Lea
In Honor of Alex Frank '07 earning
his rank of Eagle Scout
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly
Mr. Edward J. Blackburn
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin A. Castille
Mr. Joe Chapman
Mrs. Nancy Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Le Melcher
Mr. & Mrs. James O'Rourke
The Chronicle 57
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Howard C.
In Memory of James R. Zerda '99
Mr. & Mrs. Cobby S. Caputo
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel Mr. Thomas F. Taylor '66 Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Zerda
In Memory of George E. Light
In Memory of Pope John Paul II
In Memory of Fr. Brian Zinnamon, SJ
In Memory of Mr. James Lemming, Sr.
Mrs. Eileen M. Light
Mr. & Mrs. Jay C. Thorseth In Memory of Todd J. Maddox
In Memory of John Schrom
Mr. & Mrs. Craig H. Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. C. Boone Schwartzel In Memory of Mrs. Olive Knight
In Memory of Carlos Senosiain '08
Mrs. Barbara L. DeWitt
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ
Strake Jesuit Community Mr. & Mrs. John B. Sporar
In Memory of Noreen Mineo
In Honor of Ellen & Roland Squyres
Mr.Kevin A. Mineo '93
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Squyres '74 In Memory of Tom Mulvaney
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. In Memory of Lucy Mae Styers
Ms. Rosemary A. Jablonowski
In Memory of Mrs. Mickey Napolitano
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Scalzitti
In Honor of Paulette Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Freed
In Honor of Mr. Richard Nevle
In Honor of Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, SJ
Strake Jesuit Mothers' Club
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler S. Hahn
Mr. Stephen Masoomian & Mrs. Katharine Breaux
Mr. & Mrs. Piero M. Puccini Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel In Memory of Joseph E. Parke '75
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carlson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flaxbeard
Mr. Simon Li
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Miller
Mrs. Roylyn Parke
Ms. Mildred Price
In Memory of Frank Vatalaro
Ms. Dorothy M. Vatalaro In Honor of John F. Webre '67
Maurice Pincoffs Company, Inc. In Memory of Mr. Andre Piazza
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Adcock Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Cavanaugh '68
Charity Guild of Catholic Women
Mr. & Mrs. John Currie
D. E. Harvey Builders Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Earthman
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Girotto Dr. & Mrs. Helmuth Goepfert
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jarrett
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Mary Gracely Footprints Foundation
Mrs. Lois Mathews
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Dr. & Mrs. John C. McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. Hank L. Merry
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Norkus, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Powell
Ms. Leanna L. Reidy
Mr. Sylvan Schwartz, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Darby Sere Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Spear
Mrs. Jackie Tower
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry E. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Wieckowski
Mrs. Irene Adolph
Gifts to the General Scholarship Fund go directly to assist students through the Financial Aid Program.
Legend: Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor / ^ Deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Aikman
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Mr. Nick Arguello, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne
Mr. & Mrs. B. Robert Baker Mr. & Mrs. Joe R. Banse
Bridgeway Funds
Ms. Alisa Broussard
Mr. Henry H. Brown
Dr. & Mrs. Gerardo Bueso Mr. John Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Cashiola
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton '91
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan
Mr. James P. Clooney
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cremins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Crowley
Mr. & Mrs. David Daily
Mr. & Mrs. Rod L. Desroches
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Donnelly
Dr. Robert H. and Joanne M. Williams Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D'Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Duhon
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Eyberg
58 Fall 2006
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Gillogly
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Grealish
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich
Mr. & Mrs. John Helton
Mrs. Anne Hindmarch
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty
The Captain Andrew R. Houghton Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel
Mr. & Mrs. H. James Jackson
Mr. Justin K. Jefferson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Jordan '86
The John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Memorial Foundation
William & Linda Kirvan Family Foundation
Knights of Columbus Council 11343
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Kopka Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay '92
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd J. Kowalski
Mrs. Johnetta Lallinger
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Lidiak '75
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo '91
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Lopez
Mr. Tatum O. Lynn
Mrs. Natasha Mandigo-Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Mateker '75
Dr. & Mrs. John J. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McCourt Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil
Ms. Kathryn Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle
Mr. John J. Norkus '95 & Mrs. Elizabeth A. McStay-Norkus
Mrs. Violet Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Ty Ong
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Orseck
Mr. Favian Ovando
Mr. Michael J. Pawlikowski '95
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Petrosewicz
Ms. Eva Riojas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers
Mr. Carlos E. Roman
The Roth Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. George V. Sherman, Jr.
The William A. & Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. Hansen H. Steele ^
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson
Mr. Paul J. Washington
Washington Mutual
Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Whitty
Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith
Under the leadership of Michael Kerley, the Faculty and Staff reached historic donation and participation levels in gifts and
pledges made to Financial Aid Endowments, Scholarships, and the Annial Drive.
Legend: Bold Increased gift from previous year / Greater Glory Capital Campaign Donor
^ Deceased / + 5 or more Years Consecutive Giving
Mr. Nick Arguello, Jr. +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Autry
Mr. & Mrs. Murvin R. Auzenne
Mr. John W. Bates, V '99
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bick +
Rev. Christopher A. Billac, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack G. Bonner, Jr. +
Mr. Jack G. Bonner, III '98
Ms. Alisa Broussard
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Catanese +
Mr. & Mrs. Jamy Champenoy
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Clemons
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Clinton '91 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clogan
Mr. James P. Clooney
Mr. Joe Cordella
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Counter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Cremins
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crist
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Crowley +
Mr. & Mrs. David Daily
Mr. & Mrs. Henri M. de Ybarrondo '91
Mr. & Mrs. Reynold D'Souza
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Duhon
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Finke
Mr. & Mrs. Jose O. Fuentes
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Garcia-Rameau
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gilbert +
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar J. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Granados
Mr. Andrew Groeschel
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Haich
Mrs. Marian Y. Harper +
Mr. Guillermo Hernandez-Ching
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Horn
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hosty +
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Howard Mr. James Hull & Mrs. Deborah Schindler +
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hymel
Mr. & Mrs. John Jamerlan
Mr. Justin K. Jefferson
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Kenny +
Mr. Mike Kerley +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Klumpp
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle W. Kornegay '92
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kulick +
Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, S.J.
Rev. Joseph B. Leininger, S.J.
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius C. Llorens
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lojo '91
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Lopez
Mr. Tatum O. Lynn
Mrs. Natasha Mandigo-Harris
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Marlatt
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ray Marshall
Mr. James E. Marvin
Mr. & Mrs. William J. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McNeil
Mr. & Mrs. A. M. Melancon
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Miller
Mr. Robert Morey & Dr. Andrea Lynn Spiering
Mr. Anthony Muniz '87
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muras
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Nevle +
Mr. John J. Norkus '95 & Mrs. Elizabeth A. McStay-Norkus
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Orseck
Mr. Favian Ovando
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Penny +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Peri
Mr. Andrew C. Pruett '98
Ms. Linda Ream
Ms. Eva Riojas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rivers
Mr. Carlos E. Roman +
Mr. Thomas G. Romano +
Ms. Sujey A. Romero
Mr. Patrick Saccomanno '80 Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo '67 +
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Savanah
Mr. Timothy A. Scalzitti '90 & Ms. Lynn Wilgenbusch
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz +
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Schwarzbach
Strake Jesuit Community +
Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Sullaway, III '78 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sullivan '87
Mr. & Mrs. Garry J. Sullivan
Mr. Timothy W. Szafran '01
Mr. Jeff P. Tesone
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Tomlinson
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Venables +
Mr. & Mrs. Nunzio E. Venza
Mr. Willard Volding & Ms. Mary Tarpey +
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff M. Wallis '84
Mr. Paul J. Washington
Mr. & Mrs. Willie E. Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitlow
Mr. Kevin Wilson-Smith
Ms. Pat Yankow
The companies listed here contributed to Strake Jesuit or the Strake Jesuit Art Museum through their Matching Gift programs. Their
incusion of Jesuit among the organizations that qualify for their programs allows their employees who are listed on these pages to
increase the impact of their gift.
Abbott Laboratories
AIM Foundation
Albemarle Corporation
American Express
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Apache Corporation
Argonaut Insurance Company
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Baker Hughes
Bank of America
BP Amoco
CITGO Petroleum Corporation
Computer Associates International, Inc
Conoco Phillips, Inc.
Dominion Foundation
Duke Energy
Dynegy, Inc.
El Paso Energy
Global Santa Fe
Halliburton, Inc.
Hewlitt Packard
Home Depot
JP Morgan Chase
Kansas City Southern
Kinder Morgan, Inc.
Marsh, Inc.
MDU Resources Foundation
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
Motiva Enterprises LLC
Northwestern Mutual Life
Occidental Petroleum Corp.
Peoples Energy
Pogo Producing Company
RBC Dain-Rauscher
Shell Oil Company
Sun Microsystems
The Boeing Company
The Coca-Cola Company
The Watson Foundation
Wells Fargo
Williams Community Relations
The Chronicle 59
The Greater Glory Capital Campaign has been met with great success. The momentum generated by pledges and gifts from the
contributors listed here has allowed many projects included in the campaign to be completed. These projects, as well as those
still planned, will lead to a bright future for Strake Jesuit for many, many years to come.
Diamond Society
Bronze Society
gifts of $1,000,000 and up
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
gifts of $25,000 to $99,999
Tom Adolph '75 in Memory of Robert H. Adolph
Brock & Colleen Akers
Apache Corporation
Stephen & Debbie Arbogast
James & Lee Ann Badum
Robert & Bunny Bambace
Bob & Carmody Baker
The Family of Alan D. Bergeron
Tom & Toni Blizzard
James M. & Emilie D. Booth
Charlie & Lou Braun
Allen D. & Patti M. Brown
George & Jo Ann Brueggeman
Mr. & Mrs. H. Mark Burck
Charley, Bev, & Shannon Casserly
in Memory of Kelly Patricia Casserly
The Thomas P. Chambers Family
Gerardo & Gelines Chapa
Richard & Karen Coffman
David & Bobbie Colley
Chip & Vivian Colvill
James A. Crehan Estate Yes
D. E. Harvey Builders
The Dacus Family
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dalton
John & Michele Dearborn
The Delouche Family
Vincent & Francine DiCosimo and Family
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Doherty
Mitch and Jamie Eichelberger
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Gangelhoff
Mr. & Mrs. John Garibaldi
Lex Gillan and Cathy Nunnally
Ron & Judy Girotto
Bob & Elena Goldman
Catherine D. & George F. Goolsby and Family
The Family of Marianne Hanus
Frank & Sharon Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert A. Herrera
David & Lori Hessel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hmaidan
Mark & Yvonne Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Jannasch
Steve & Jackie Kamel
The Family of Ryan A. Keel '06
Doug & April Konopka
Platinum Society
gifts of $500,000 to $999,999
Strake Foundation
Strake Jesuit Community
Estate of John Brooks Williams
Gold Society
gifts of $250,000 to $499,999
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Ackerley
The Gordon & Mary Cain Foundation
Harry S. & Isabel C. Cameron Foundation
Vincent D. & Margaret L. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Moran
John and Marian Seger
Silver Society
gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
Sue & Charlie Adcock
Richard E. & Judith T. Agee
The Bandy Family
Jack & Barbara Bonner
Cathy and Giorgio Borlenghi
Gerardo & Loretta Bueso
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Clay '85
Michael & Lucia Cordua
The Terry Crane Foundation
The Cullen Foundation
In Honor of Scott Fleming '69
The Hagale Family
The Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation
William B. and Janet J. Houston
Don & Ellie Knauss
Sandi & Jim Lemming
The Family of James J. Loughlin, Jr. '74
John & Sharon Lynch
The Lyons Foundation
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Mosbacher, Sr.
Mr. Ronald E. & Dr. Mary Neal
NFL Grass Roots Program
John J. & Betty H. Norkus, Jr.
John & Charlene O'Shea
Robert S. & Louise B. Parsley
Scanlan Foundation
Michael L. & Elaine D. Thiele
New Baseball Field - completed Spring 2004
60 Fall 2006
Christopher J. & Irene Y. Lahart
Mr. & Mrs. F. V. Lahart
Joseph & Betty Lahart
The Lynett & Haggerty Family
M. D. Anderson Foundation
Antonio & Carla Maarraoui
Enrico A. & Lucille A. Mango
The Marek Family
Bill & Mary McDonald
The Medallion Foundation, Inc.
Chris Miller Family
Victor & Lisa Miranda
Mike & Lynne Morris
Ron & Susan Mucci
Mr. & Mrs. Emil A. Nakfoor
Hunter and Betsy Nelson
The Neyland Family in Memory of
Herb & Barbara Neyland
The Niemann Family
David '83 & Amy Novelli
Mike & Brook Novelli
Brian S. Parsley, M.D. '74
Dr. Lindy & Mrs. Karen Rachal
Edward & Julie Rhyne
The Family of Bill Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Schiro
Mr. Stephen Schneidau '82
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Schrom
Boone & Rose Schwartzel
Judy & Darby Sere
Monte & Dana Sneed
Joyce and Tom Standish
Dr. & Mrs. Randall A. Stenoien
Strake Jesuit Athletic Booster Club
Guy '78 and Ginny Sullaway
Larry & Kay Tanner
Kerry & Linda Walsh
The West Endowment
Gerry & Martha Wyrsch
Founders Society
gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Randy & Barbara Ayers
Dr. & Mrs. H. S. Bedi
Cindy & Scott Brann
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Burks
Denise & Butch Callegari
David & Cindy Chambers Family
Stephen Chen '03 & The Joseph Chen Family
Sheila Condon / Clark Condon Associates
New All-Purpose Stadium - completed Fall 2004
Dr. & Mrs. Guy L. Clifton
The Michael Connelly '69 Family
Conoco Phillips, Inc.
Tom & Way Denkler
James T. Doyle Estate Yes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Faulk
William and Maureen Fisher
Greg & Melanie Frank
The Franshaw Family
Charlie & Joyce Frazier
Mike & Mary Jane Gallagher
Juan & Peggy Garcia
The Parents of Steven Glass
James L. & Mary K. Goodyear
John & Sarah Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Hennessy, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hensley, Jr.
Ruthie & Mark Herfort
The Hildreth Family
David & Janet Hinners
The Family of Steven Hogan
The Family of Stephen & Karen Hornberger
Bo & Pam Howard
Hugh & Peggy Idstein in Honor
of Benjamin '04 & Timothy '07
David R. Juist and Annie O. Fabio
Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. Jungeblut
Micahel & Julie Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Lauinger III
Paul & Penny Layne Family
Victor T. & Karen S. Linck
Dale B. & M. Kathryn Marietta
David Marks & Mary Grimord
Ron & Susan Martin
The Family of Hunter & Colleen Martin
Gregg & Jackie McBride
Richard G. McCann & Bonnie M. McCann
W. David & Anne E. McChesney
Lisa & Peter McStravick
Dee and Stacy Methvin
Robert J. & Kathryn A. Meyer
Bill & Cathy Miller
Joseph & Anne Miraglia
Rev. David & Kay Moore
Kathy & Phil Noble
Joe Bob & Jeanne Perkins
Pat & David Peters
Richard T. & Dana M. Peterson
Dan and Patricia Pipitone
Gregory S. & Suzanne D. Price
G. Michael & Phyllis Reinhardt
The Roach Family
Glynn & Jean Roberts
William V. & Gail B. Rogers
Mark '74 & Melissa Sacra
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Seckel
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Snider
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Sobiesk
Tom & Bridget Staudt
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stewart
Richard Walker & Shana Sloas
The Matthew Wall Family
Robert W. & Cynthia Y. Wilson
Marvin A. & Lynn N. Wurzer
General Contributors
gifts to $10,000
Tom Adolph '75 in Honor of Bob & Beanie Adolph
Gonzalo & Ellyn Amador
The Family of Aaron Amador
Andrews Foundation
Mr. Paul A. Antolik & Ms. Barbara Bone
Herb & Robin Ashe
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold D. Azios '76
Frank & Nicole Bay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Benigno
Liz & Greg Bernica
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton C. Blanchard '66
John & Sheryl Boone
Steve & Julie Brewer
Tim & Mikki Burns
J. Phillip & Elizabeth P. Butler
Tom & Kris Caine
In Memory of Christie Callender
Daniel & Joan Calva
Stephen & DeLess Carroll
Sam & Alejandra Cashiola
Graydon & Marilyn Cayce
Mr. & Mrs. Bennie J. Cernoch
Mr. & Mrs. Howard B. Chapman
Dr. & Mrs. Chen Y. Chiang
Tracy & Vance Christopher
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Clark
Harold A. Condara, Jr., M.D. and Sally P. Condara
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Conway
John & Nan Cornett in Honor
of our son James
Angela Birch Cox
The Craven Family
Daniel & Wendy Daboval
Beverly Park
John & Agnes De Franco
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Dini
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Doyle '83
Lorenzo & Maria T. Dumantay
Dan & Debbie Elmer
In Honor of Mr.. & Mrs. D. A. Falcone
Jane M. Falk
Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Fernandez
Brent & Sandra Flechsig
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Fredette
Mr. Andrew O. Gaal '92
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Garcia-Prats
Dr. Francisco & Dr. Magda Garcia-Torres
Alex '97 & Carmen Gomez
Charles W. & Elizabeth D. Goodyear Foundation
In Honor of John L. & Mary L. Gorman
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hackett
Mr. & Mrs. Mel F. Hainey
Dan & Laura Hannon
Jeffrey P. & Patricia C. Heinrichs
Ms. Nancy L. Hennessey in Memory
of Lillian Braun Derden
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hennessey, Jr. in Memory
of Lillian Braun Derden
The James Henrikson Family
Hidalgo, Banfill, Zlotnik & Kermali, P.C.
Tom & Rosanne Hoskins
International Paint, LLC in Honor
of Don & Ellie Knauss
New Maintenance Building & HVAC Unit - completed Fall 2004
The Chronicle 61
New Athletic Center - completed Summer 2006
Mary C. Jackson
Sharon & Stewart Jacobson
Juan & Jeanie Jones
Kevin L. & Monica L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy W. Kelley
Dirk & Sharon Kemnitz
Richard & Monica Keogh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Kingerski
The Kisch Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Kochman
Kenneth & Cynthia Kwik
Dr Javier A. & Dr. Priscilla Lafuente
Myles J. & Debra L. Lambert
Michael Lange '81
Rodolfo & Irma Laucirica
David & Susan Lazzeri
Richard E. Leonardon '79
Mrs. Antoinette M. Letsos
Debbie Lewis & Austin '07
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Loeffler '65
Julie & Todd Lorenz
Richard & Joan Lovell
John & Lydia Madsen
Walsh Jesuit High School
Blair & Margo Margot
Stephen & Linda Masera
Mr. Larry A. Mason '66
Maurice Pincoffs Company, Inc. in Honor
of John F. Webre '67
Harvey & Mitzi McBee
Mr. & Mrs. Joe McCourt
Joe &rma McFadden
James & Theresa McLean
James E. McLean, Jr.
Josef E. McLean
Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. McPartland
Jim & Pat Milazzo
Gerald W. & Thomasine B. Miller
Michael & Kathleen Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Mims
In Memory of Helen Graham Garvey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Montegut
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Moran, Sr.
Anne Mrok-Smith
Mr. Archie Nahigian
Kenneth & Heather Naumann
Dr. Son Nguyen & Dr. Anh Dang
Eric & Sandra Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. R. M. Nugent
Mr. Patrick T. O'Donnell & Dr. Elizabeth O'Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Burke O'Malley '84
Mr. John A. O'Neal
The O'Neill Foundation
Sean O'Neill '85
Scott & Juli Osborn
Liz Padon
John & Jill Parsley
Richard A. Plumb & Nancy G. Porter
Piero & Mary Puccini
Drs. Rekha & G.S. Ramesh
Carlos Rafael Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Rene A. Richard
The Family of Nicholas Rodriguez
Drew & Kathy Rohde
Mr. Thomas Romine
In Memory of William F. Gray '98
Roxas Family
Phil & Pam Rundle in Honor
of George & Jo Brueggeman
The Honorable Frank B. Rynd '70
Mr. Patrick Saccomanno '80
Mr. & Mrs. N. J. Santarcangelo '67
S C H O L A R / S P O N S O R
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schulz
Angelo Sermas & Marsha Soechting
Gary & Pam Smith
The Souls
Scott Spencer & Mary Cook
In Honor of Ellen & Roland Squyres
Anthony Long Startz
Michael & Carole Stell
The Lorraine Stenger Estate Yes
Guidance Office
Karl R. & Melanie L. Strickland
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Plummer
Ronald & Marilyn Taylor
Joesph & Sarita Tennant
Michael & Kathleen Terracina
Hugh & Judy Thompson
In Memory of Pope John Paul II
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Timme
Maher & Sherry Touma
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Triplett
In memory of Frank Vatalaro
Vicki & Randy Velarde
Clarence & Sharon Venables
Constance M. Vickery
John & Debbie Webre
Wells Fargo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Werner in Honor
of James P. Grizzard and grandsons Matthew '02,
Daniel '05, and Benjamin '08 Werner
Stacy & John Wilkirson
Mr. Charles S. Williams
Erich W. & Karen S. Wolz
Canice P. & Anita Wu
Clifford E. and Margaret B. York
James W. Young and Denise D. Doctor
Patricia M. Zarembo
Those listed here have chosen to Sponsor a Strake Jesuit student through the Scholar/Student Partnership. By doing so they have
chosen to reach out to a deserving Financial Aid student in a very personal way. As a Sponsor they have the opportunity to meet
the student and watch him grow throughout his time at Jesuit.
Bridgeway Charitable Foundation
Mr. Dick Cancelmo
Terrance Crane Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Desroches
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
62 Fall 2006
Captain Andrew Houghton Foundation
The William and Linda Kirvan
Family Foundation
Jack Koch Memorial Foundation
The Lallinger Family
The James J. and Mary E. Loughlin Scholarship
Dr. Robert Parke, Jr.
Mr. Michael Rome
The Roth Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Sisler
The William A. and
Madeline Welder Smith Foundation
Mr. Rick Walker and Ms. Shana Sloas
JULY 1, 2005 - JUNE 30, 2006
SJCP Expenses
SJCP Income
Utilities & Telephone - 6%
Other Income - 18%
Maintenance & Repairs - 6%
Annual Drive - 6%
Supplies - 5%
Assistance - 4%
Student Activites &
Athletics - 5%
Student Activites
& Athletics - 1%
Other - 6%
Tuition - 71%
Salaries & Benefits - 72%
Strake Jesuit
College Preparatory
Financial Report
Strake Jesuit
Financial Report
Earned Income
Tuition, Fees
and Other Income.................... $8,832,039
Beginning Fund Balance.................... $6,710,323
Operating Expenses............................ $9,748,833
Investment Income............................... $ 177,528
Total Income (Loss) from Operations ($ 916,794)
Realized/Unrealized Gains.................. $1,419,883
Fundraising Appeals
Annual Giving, Auction, Spring Fling,
Bequests, Strake Jesuit Foundation
and Others.............................. $2,457,709
Total Foundation Income..................... $2,714,083
Contributions & Gifts........................... $1,116,672
Operating Expenses............................. $
Net Foundation Income (Loss)............ $2,641,897
Endowment Payout............................. $ 222,751
Financial Aid Contribution to SJCP... ($ 159,307)
Total Net Income*................................. $1,763,665
Ending Fund Balance........................... $9,192,913
*Excess used towards Capital Expenses.
Depreciation and Contributions to Endowments
*The Strake Jesuit Foundation is the financial aid endowment fund for
the school.
Although names on the preceeding donor lists have been reviewed carefully for accuracy, errors may occur in a document of this length. If your name was listed incorrectly, misspelled, or omitted, please accept our apologies and
bring the error to our attention.
The Chronicle 63
Annual Giving and Events $1,459,960
General Scholarships
$ 120,688
Endowed Scholarships* $ 877,061
*Gifts to Endowed Scholarships fund the Strake Jesuit Foundation.
Does not include Greater Glory contributions.
of Gifts
Endowed Scholarships - 36%
Annual Giving - 59%
General Scholarships - 5%
Dollars Given
to Strake Jesuit
by Giving Level
General - 8%
Magis - 12%
Ignatius - 36%
President - 16%
Crusader - 15%
64 Fall 2006
Stanislaus - 12%
Cash and Pledges as of June 30, 2006.
Other Restricted
$ 2,873,683
Other Restricted - 3%
of Gifts
Endowments - 18%
Unrestricted - 79%
Dollars Given
to The Greater
Glory Campaign
by Giving Level
General - 3%
Founders Society - 7%
Diamond Society - 11%
Society - 14%
Bronze Society - 23%
Gold Society - 13%
Silver Society - 29%
The Chronicle 65
To our New Orleans Friends: Where y'at?
Well, it has been about
a year since that wicked
storm Katrina struck the
Louisiana coast bringing
with it a force so devastating as to drive you from
your homes. The impact on
your lives must have been
profound. I can only imagine. The situation must have seemed overwhelming as you were
forced to flee your beloved New Orleans and head west. Words
cannot express my sympathy. But to be honest, I know that sympathy is not enough. Still, I remain proud of Houston. We tried
our best to lend a helping hand. My hope is that despite the devastation, you will remember that Houston and Strake Jesuit welcomed you as friends and neighbors.
However, the purpose of this writing is not to dwell on past
miseries. Instead, let's talk about your time in Texas and in particular the days that we all shared at Strake Jesuit. Dire circumstances may have sent you our way, but together we made the
best of it.
I shall never forget the first day of orientation. The Jesuit
campus took on a new look. Suddenly, the parking lot was
jammed packed with cars bearing Louisiana license plates and
adorned with LSU, Tulane and Saints bumper stickers. Jay blue
was the color of the hour. We were charmed by your distinctive
"Nawlins" accents, but worried with you as you voiced your
concerns. And the boys! All at once there were so many boys. At
Strake Jesuit we think of our school as our "community." I am
quite sure that in New Orleans you feel the same way. We love
our boys, their families, our Jesuits and our faculty. And so,
what a day it was indeed, that day when our two communities
became one and our ranks swelled.
"Swell," that's an old fashioned adjective and for The Olde
Crusader it was a swell time! Quicker than you could say the
word "Jason," all of the boys were sporting blue & green T shirts
bearing the likeness of the feisty Jay himself. Things got off to
a great start as together we cheered the Crusader football team
as they crushed the Eagles at Rice Stadium. Such fun we had!
And how proud a day it was when, at last, the Jays finally took
to the football field. Do you remember? It was against the
Worthing High School Bears. The New Orleans team looked
66 Fall 2006
great in Strake Jesuit
green and white. It was
proud moment for This
Olde Crusader. And yes, I
do remember the blue arm
bands. When the Jays
took to the field, we all
stood and cheered. At that
moment I believe that
everyone sensed the common bond; our Jesuit community.
Be assured that I remember all of you and all that you
brought to the Strake Jesuit experience. On game nights, the Jay
band played with enthusiasm. And it was wonderful to see the
Blue Jay Cheerleaders on the sidelines. How smart they looked
in their uniforms. I got a chance to see Blue Jay Basketball, too.
They quickly made a name for themselves and played very well
against Houston opponents. The Blue Jay color guard was
another welcome addition. Seeing them reminded me that our
community was bigger than just New Orleans and Houston.
When our New Orleans color guard presented the stars and
stripes, I was reminded that we were all part of an even greater
community; our nation. I knew that as a nation, our fellow
Americans would never let you down. I was confident that you
would soon be able to begin to put your lives back on track once
again. Of course, that meant that you would have to leave us and
return home to rebuild. Knowing that our time together must
inevitably come to an end, I made sure to enjoy every moment
that I could with you.
And so, in a way, I was somewhat sad when our time
together ended and you headed home for the last time.
Home! I hope is that's "where y 'at" right now; Home,
working hard to put your lives back on track once again. On
behalf of everyone at Strake Jesuit, I would like you to know
that we think of you often and wish you God speed. You are
truly missed. Remember, if you will, that you were once Strake
Jesuit Crusaders, too! We shall always share that unique BlueGreen bond.
To the memory of the wonderful time that we spent together, I pledge my shield and my sword.
The Remaining 1%
Parent Technology Night
Homecoming vs. Cy Falls
Homecoming Dance
SAT Exam
Graduation Ring Presentation
Mother-Son Luncheon
Grandparents Day
Father-Son Funday
Carpe Diem
ACT Exam
All Saints Liturgy
SAT Exam
7-10 Kairos XXIII
Father-Son Golf Tournament
Ignatian Award Dinner
Feast of St. Stanislaus Kostka Liturgy
Parent-Teacher Meeting
18-20 Freshman Retreat
Thanksgiving Day
Band & Orchestra Performance
SAT Exam
Feast of Immaculate Conception
ACT Exam
Alumni Soccer and Lacrosse Games
For up
up to
to date
date event
event information,
go to
to www.strakejesuit.org
Fiesta Dancers, 1992-93 by Luis Jimenez, measures 114' x
99' x 64 1/2' and is composed of polychrome Fiberglass. It is
on loan from Frank Ribelin and is located outside the north
entrance to the Parsley Center.
Wherever you are, you can still get
the latest is official Jesuit gear. The
Strake Jesuit Spirit Store is online at
www.strakejesuit.org. Browse for caps,
shirts, gifts, and more then and buy
securely online. Your purchases will be
shipped right to your door.
Now, there's no reason not be be seen
wearing the Greeen!
PARENTS, if you are still receiving your
son’s Chronicle although he no longer
lives with you, let us know so we can
change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading
the publication but do not receive a copy
of your own, let us know that too. We
would be glad to send a copy to your
son’s new address and continue to send
you one.
Contact the Alumni Office at
[email protected] or at
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
8900 Bellaire Blvd.
Houston, TX 77036
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Houston, TX
Permit No. 11441