PC/104 and Small Form Factors
PC/104 and Small Form Factors
RSC# @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc RSC# @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc w w w. s m a l l f o r m f a c t o r s . c o m w w w. p c10 4 o n l i n e . c o m Volume 10 • Number 5 COLUMNS FEATURES 8 PC/104 Embedded Consortium H ARDWARE: Storage and networking 16 Net-centric military operations connect with PC/104, 10 Fundamentals 101 14 European Technology Runaway technology threatens our future By Jonathan Miller Choices, choices, choices By Joel Huebner Mobile IP 20 Surviving oil pipeline pigging operations with E-Disk SSDs Speeders busted on film By Hermann Strass By Mike Southworth, Parvus By Jun Alejo, BiTMICRO 54 Editor’s Insight 24 What’s big in small storage By Don Dingee Rugged SFFs ... Windows ate my homework ... and why I won’t buy another iPod By Chris A. Ciufo DEPARTMENTS 13,36,50 Editor’s Choice Products T ECHNOLOGY: Taking the heat 26 Micro thermofluidic technology cools rising heat By George Meyer, Celsia Technologies By Don Dingee 53 Advertiser Index E-CASTS MicroTCA – A Powerful New Standard for Cost Effective Carrier Grade Equipment November 16, 2 p.m. EST www.opensystems-publishing.com/ecast EVENTS S PECIAL: Small form factors in outer space 32 SPACE-104: A stackable solution for space electronics By Dr. Robert Hodson, NASA B UYER’S GUIDE 38 2007 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Buyer’s Guide E-LETTER Winter: www.smallformfactors.com/eletter electronica XTX versus COM Express – the gloves come off By Colin McCracken, Ampro Computers November 14-17 New Munich Trade Fair Centre Munich, Germany www.global-electronics.net/id/20308 On the cover: The Gecko EPIC-format SBC from VersaLogic Corp. coordinates communication with the central server and GPS system inside a futuristic media display module that changes advertising messages to correspond with the location of the taxi it’s mounted on. Pictured: Vert Intelligent Display courtesy of Vert Inc. Cooling takes on smaller forms By Martin Mayer, Advanced Digital Logic WEB RESOURCES Published by: OpenSystems Publishing™ © 2006 OpenSystems Publishing © 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors All registered brands and trademarks in PC/104 and Small Form Factors are property of their respective owners. / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Subscribe to the magazine or E-letter at: www.opensystems-publishing.com/subscriptions Industry news: Read: www.smallformfactors.com/news Submit: www.opensystems-publishing.com/news/submit Submit new products at: www.opensystems-publishing.com/vendors/submissions/np A O n p e n S y s t e m s P u b l i c a t i o n Military & Aerospace Group RSC# 01 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc n n n n n n n n n n DSP-FPGA Product Resource Guide DSP-FPGA.com DSP-FPGA.com E-letter Military Embedded Systems Military Embedded Systems E-letter PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104 and Small Form Factors E-letter PC/104 and Small Form Factors Resource Guide VMEbus Systems VMEbus Systems E-letter Group Editorial Director Contributing Editor Associate Editor Senior Editor (columns) Assistant Editor European Representative Art Director Senior Web Developer Graphic Specialist Circulation/Office Manager Chris Ciufo [email protected] Don Dingee [email protected] Jennifer Hesse [email protected] Terri Thorson [email protected] Sharon Schnakenburg Hermann Strass [email protected] Steph Sweet Konrad Witte David Diomede Phyllis Thompson [email protected] OpenSystems Publishing OpenSystems Publishing™ Editorial/Production office: 16872 E. Ave. of the Fountains, Ste 203 Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Tel: 480-967-5581 n Fax: 480-837-6466 Website: www.opensystems-publishing.com Publishers John Black, Michael Hopper, Wayne Kristoff Vice President Editorial Rosemary Kristoff Communications Group Editorial Director Assistant Managing Editor Senior Editor (columns) Technology Editor European Representative Joe Pavlat Anne Fisher Terri Thorson Curt Schwaderer Hermann Strass Embedded and Test & Analysis Group Editorial Director Editorial Director Technical Editor Associate Editor Special Projects Editor European Representative Jerry Gipper Don Dingee Chad Lumsden Jennifer Hesse Bob Stasonis Hermann Strass ISSN Print 1096-9764, ISSN Online 1550-0373 Publication Agreement Number: 40048627 Canada return address: WDS, Station A, PO Box 54, Windsor, ON N9A 615 PC/104 and Small Form Factors is published five times a year by OpenSystems Publishing LLC, 30233 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores, MI 48082. Subscriptions are free upon request to persons interested in PC/104 and other small form factor single board computer technology. For others inside the US and Canada, subscriptions are $35/year. For 1st class delivery outside the US and Canada, subscriptions are $50/year (advance payment in US funds required). RSC# 02 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors POSTMASTER: Send address changes to PC104 and Small Form Factors 16872 E. Ave. of the Fountains, Ste 203, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 RSC# @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc RSC# @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Runaway technology threatens our future Praise the good old days of PC/104! The ISA bus was the expansion method of choice, processors consumed modest power levels, and chips boasted long life cycles. Board developers and their customers could count on a stable technology base, so they designed products with the confidence that they could recoup the cost of their investment and not spend too much time in redesign or requalification. Then a certain pair of companies had a big idea: Advance technology as fast as possible to outrun the competition and keep customers coming back every two years when their current products become obsolete. In the consumer and office market, this concept caused enough headaches, with nonhomogeneous in- stalled bases making it difficult to keep track of who had what, who needed to upgrade, and how to make everything work together. In the embedded market where longevity was critical to companies’ product life cycles and regulatory requirements such as FDA, this runaway technology philosophy spelled disaster. Board developers have done a good job of keeping up by providing reasonable migration paths from old products to new. And to be fair the core technology suppliers (processors and operating systems) have done their share to make their new products largely backwards compatible with the old ones, minimizing upgrade difficulties. But today the situation is getting out of hand. By the time a CPU company comes to market with the latest Intel chipset, they are two generations behind. Core Duo, and now Core Quattro (what’s next: Core Centennial?) chips are already on the market, while many (if not most) PC/104 and PC/104-expandable CPU suppliers are still in the early stages of introducing their Pentium M/945 products. How can board suppliers keep up? And should they even try? The beauty of PC/104 was that it isolated the system designer, and to a great extent / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors the board designer as well, from changes in the underlying CPU technology. By designing to a common bus interface (ISA), I/O board makers could avoid worrying about what CPU would drive the system, and system designers could rely on the fact that virtually all I/O boards would work on virtually all CPUs. ISA was easy and cheap. A simple $1 PAL device was enough to implement a basic register-map interface for many I/O boards. Then came PCI with its higher bandwidth and corresponding complexity. PC/104 responded by adding a new connector for the new bus. But the interface required a larger and significantly more costly logic device. Now board vendors and customers had to choose between two buses, and the situation started to get more complex: My PC/104-Plus Ethernet card won’t work with your PC/104 CPU. This two-bus complexity could be managed, but it was only a sign of things to come. Now, as technology vendors con- tinue their push into the stratosphere, ISA and PCI are disappearing and a third bus, PCI Express, is taking their place. But the extremely high-frequency signaling of PCI Express places serious constraints on connector choices and board layout and interface logic design. Furthermore, with two connectors on the PC/104 board already, there isn’t room to add a third connector. In any case, why should we? Since when must PC/104 serve all customers in all applications and be compatible with all existing products? And who needs PCI Express anyway, with its added cost in complex board design and layout as well as powerhungry processors that prevent I/O boards from being stacked on top due to the need for larger heat sinks and fans? Yes, many applications can use the higher bandwidth and processing power, but a huge market still exists of down-to-earth applications where an 8 MHz bus clock is more than enough still. (I know what you’re thinking: Didn’t someone once say, “Who could ever need more than 640K?”) Yes, but even on today’s latest processors we see the LPC bus, a de facto admission that PCI and PCI Express are not one size fits all. A low-cost, low-speed, simple address/data bus is still optimal for many functions on a CPU board. A new approach is needed to incorporate the latest bus technology into a common platform for the future that can match PC/104 in its simplicity, reliability, and proliferation of vendors and products. So where does this line of inquiry lead us? Two conclusions: First of all, as ISA disappears from almost all new processors, the very existence of PC/104 is threatened. A long-term solution is needed now to maintain the viability of this hugely successful market and integrate products that we have developed for the past 15 years. The PC/104 industry must consider how to address this threat head on to ensure the survival of PC/104, or we risk losing the momentum and spotlight we have justifiably earned. Secondly, a new approach is needed to incorporate the latest bus technology into a common platform for the future that can match PC/104 in its simplicity, reliability, and proliferation of vendors and products. These two goals do not necessarily coincide. The best response to the current situation may be to split the market into two segments: Legacy and New Technology. The various proposals to combine ISA, PCI, and/or PCI Express on to a PC/104-like form factor all come with their own ideologies and corresponding trade-offs. We can argue day and night about which features are more important than others, and which compatibility must be maintained and which can be sacrificed. However the key issues to focus on are reliability (so that customers will accept the new technology), availability (multiple vendors designing to the same standard so that customers have a wide enough choice of products to attract them to the technology), and affordability (so that the concept of a mix-and-match multiboard solution is economically competitive). That reminds me of another famous saying: “United we stand, divided we fall.” In reality the number one benefit of PC/104 was the fact that it was universal. All vendors designed to the same standard. The resulting selection of compatible products was so large that it provided a compelling reason to select PC/104 in spite of its many drawbacks. We will never have the perfect solution. But in order for any solution to succeed, we need unity. Some people argue for evolution: Let the various solutions enter the market, and may the best one win. But evolution takes too long. I prefer intelligent design – vendors actively work together to create the best approach from day one, avoiding the cost and time that evolution exacts on us all. Isn’t that, after all, the true meaning of that term? And isn’t that one of the core purposes of the PC/104 Consortium? For more information, contact the consortium: PC/104 Embedded Consortium 505 Beach Street, Suite 130 San Francisco, CA 94133 Tel: 415-674-4504 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pc104.org RSC# @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / Internal system cabling 101 By Joel Huebner Choices, choices, choices Today’s embedded design engineers face a multitude of decisions during the design of an embedded system that determines the final success or failure of a project. But it is the initial selection of the processor type to be utilized that will have the most dramatic impact on the overall system design. All embedded system designs require some type of central processor to control the inputs, outputs, and internal com- putation of the entire system. Some embedded systems may only require a signal internal processor or potentially multiple processors. An embedded design engineer can choose a microprocessor (CPU), microcontroller, DSP, or FPGA as the processor for an embedded system. Table 1 compares the pros and cons of each processor. The first step The absolute first decision that must be made at the beginning of a system design is what type of processing unit will be employed. The system design team’s familiarity and background experience heavily influences this decision. Certain performance or systems requirements will automatically dictate which type of processor must be utilized. But in many embedded designs, the decision of which type of processor is the best choice is not that obvious. The risk of the embedded design team selecting the wrong processor for a particular application can be detrimental to the project. Typically, when this realization occurs during design it cannot be corrected and can jeopardize the overall success of the project. Microprocessor or CPU The microprocessor is by far the most popular variant of the processor choices. The system design requirements for an embedded operating systems such as Windows, Linux, DOS, and VxWorks (just a name a few) will automatically require a microprocessor. The micro- processor also is the most versatile for the amount of programming languages available to the software engineer. All of today’s high-level computer languages can be compiled to just about any variation of microprocessor. This software selection capability and the fact that the microprocessor is the most familiar of the processor choices makes it the most popular choice for embedded systems. Microcontroller The microcontroller is a basic version of the microprocessor. As the clock speeds and internal capabilities of the microprocessor became more advanced over time, a market demand for the simplistic, straightforward processor capabilities of the original 4- and 8-bit microprocessors remained. The microcontroller meets this need. The master clock speed, processing capabilities, and maximum internal/ external memory access typically limits the type of embedded systems that microcontrollers are ideally suited for. Processor type Pros Cons Microprocessor • The most popular, most understood type of processor • Multiple types of OSs are available • Can be programmed from a multitude of high-level languages • Generational advancements in OSs and updated drivers can lead to difficulty supporting legacy products • Microprocessor families can be the most prone to obsolescence • OS typically prevents signals from being processed in real time Microcontroller • The most simplistic type of processor • The most cost-effective type of processor • Typically has the most abundant online programming hardware support information • The clock and memory access limitations target this processor for only low-end embedded system usage • Very minimal, if any, OSs available • Programming languages are custom to each microcontroller manufacturer DSP • Extremely efficient in processing math-intensive functions • Is ideally suited for performing digital signal processing in real time • Versatility and capabilities are continuing to advance • Embedded applications that truly benefit from a DSP can be limited • OS utilization within a DSP is custom and limited • An in-depth knowledge of digital signal processing is required to get the full potential of DSP ICs FPGA • Multiple instances of all other types of processors can be replicated within the FPGA • The individual signal and processor routing within the FPGA is completely user configurable and reprogrammable • Can be programmed with a graphical schematic representation, state-machine diagram, and/or a text-based programming language • FPGA text-based programming languages are limited to VHDL or Verilog • Power-supply requirements for embedded applications can be steep • The choice of OS for virtual microprocessors programmed within an FPGA is limited Table 1 10 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors RSC# 11 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 11 RSC# 12 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc fa c ¸ tors Digital media processing is now critical to many applications beyond entertainment, including medical, simulation, security, and others. Compression rates in standards such as MPEG-4 and H.264 call for processing suited for the task. But assembling the hardware and software necessary to get started can be a complicated task. Combining a Texas Instruments TMS320DM642 DSP-based digital media processor at 720 MHz and a Xilinx Virtex-4 FX-60 FPGA, the SMT339 packs huge compute power into a small development board. Software support includes TI’s Code Composer Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and 3L’s Diamond FPGA. Interfaces include serial ports or the nd m sm a l l f o r Rocket Serial Link. Used with a TIM carrier such as the SMT130 for PCI-104 or stand-alone, EDITOR’S CHOICE designers can be up and running quickly. Sundance Multiprocessor Technology Ltd. www.sundance.com RSC# 32034 a fa c ¸ a nd tors PRODUCT pc /104 FPGA The FPGA is the most versatile of all processor types. Single or multiple instances of all the previously defined processor types can be replicated within an FPGA. The reconfigurability of the FPGA allows it to be utilized in the most diverse of embedded applications. The FPGA allows for customized parallel digital signal processing and can be adapted to almost any digital application. Today’s FPGA can be configured with advanced DSP functions or programmed with 4, 8, 16, or 32-bit virtual microprocessors. The advantage of the FPGA is the capability of being a user-configurable digital system on chip. For example, a single FPGA can be programmed with multiple 32-bit microprocessors performing parallel processing and separate DSP signal manipulation in addition to custom digital signal manipulation. Digital media: It’s all in the image pc/104 DSP The DSP is a variation of the microprocessor developed specifically for digital signal processing applications. DSP’s true strength is processing math-intensive applications in real time. Processing video signals, audio signals, signal filtering, data compression, and artificial neural networks in real time are all prime examples of the types of digital signals and signal processing optimally suited for a DSP. sm a l l f o r m EDITOR’S CHOICE PRODUCTS Ensuring success In today’s embedded market, having design experience with all processor variations and knowing their individual strengths and weaknesses based on previous successful embedded system designs is crucial. Customers rely on the embedded design team’s expertise to select a processor that provides the most efficient signal processing and ensures success in a system design. Joel Huebner is president of Jacyl Technology, Inc. and can be reached at [email protected]. Visit the Jacyl website at www.jacyltechnology.com. RSC# 13 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 13 Speeders busted on film ESM drives vehicle-monitoring camera Drivers do not always obey speed limits. This is not just a peccadillo, especially near schools and dangerous crossings or under bad road conditions. Obeying the speed limit helps utilize available road space more efficiently if every car travels at the same speed. Authorities are using permanently installed and mobile speed camera systems to catch offenders and warn other drivers to heed traffic signs and general speed limits. Today, if a driver gets caught violating the speed limit, it may be due to a sophisticated speed control digital camera operated by an Embedded System Module (ESM) made by MEN, Germany (MEN Micro in the United States). sophisticated algorithms. Data about offenders are compressed, encrypted to become tamperproof, and then automatically downloaded to the office of the law-enforcing authority. Violators are sent an appropriate letter and invoice for a fine. In Europe, the face of the driver must be identified in addition to the In this system, the first camera controlled by an EM4N takes time-stamped pictures of passing cars at a point on the road, while the second camera takes time-stamped pictures at another point about 500 m (1,600 feet) to 100 km (60 miles) farther down the same road. Figure 1, courtesy of MEN, Germany, shows a speed control camera taking pictures of oncoming traffic. to a sophisticated Today, if a driver gets caught violating the speed limit, it may be due speed control digital camera operated by an Embedded System Module ... license plate number on the car because it is not legally possible to fine a car or its owner without facial and license plate identification. The driver at that point in time must be identified. The EM4N uses an MPC8245 PowerPC microprocessor because it must operate reliably under adverse environmental conditions. Conformal coating and extended temperature versions (between -40 °C and +85 °C) can be supplied if required by the application. The CPU includes a floating-point unit and a memory management unit. Two Fast Ethernet and two COM ports standard on this ESM board communicate with the outside world. IP loaded into an FPGA generates other I/O and specific functions (for example, camera control, separate watchdog, and interrupt controller). The FPGA on the EM4N implements the camera interface, frame grabbing, compression, and encryption without loading the processor. The EM4N complies with a long list of environmental standards (EN, IEC, CE, UL, and so on). ESM boards are very small 149 mm x 71 mm (5.8" x 2.8") to fit inside the camera housing. ESMs are complete computers based on PCI A driver may have slowed down when seeing the first camera and accelerated again after passing it. Even if drivers slowed down again after seeing the second camera, they may have been driving too fast between these two points. The vehicle arrived too early at the second camera, considering the specific speed limit in place between the two points. This type of monitoring has been used for many years in Australia, where traffic officials observe trucks driving to and from major cities or towns with hundreds of miles of flat, desert-like countryside in between without ever leaving their air-conditioned office. The cameras can monitor several lanes in parallel day and night. Control software in the back office automatically compares pictures of the two cameras using 14 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Figure 1 that operate stand-alone (busless) or as processor modules on popular platforms like CompactPCI or VME. ESM spe- cifications are available for download at the MEN websites www.men.de and www.menmicro.com. Other European small form factor news Kontron has received UL 60950 certification from the United States and CSA C22.2 No. 60950 certification from Canada for their COM board families, which include boards for the ETX, ETX 3.0, ETXexpress/COM Express, DIMM-PC, microETXexpress, and X-board platforms. Kontron believes itself to be the first company to receive UL certification for COM-type module products. Listings are available at www.ul.com. The company achieved European certification under EN 60950 some time ago. Digital-Logic, Switzerland has developed a waterproof mini PC for outdoor usage available in IP54 or IP65 protection versions. A Pentium M 738 powered CPU with all the typical PC I/O interfaces and additional galvanically isolated digital and analog I/O is inside the waterproof enclosure. Either a 2.5" hard disk or two CompactFlash memory cards can be installed. Expansion is available via a PC/104-Plus socket. The computer works within a temperature range between 0 °C and +50 °C. With an optional preheat function, the unit can start working at temperatures of -40 °C and higher. For more information, contact Hermann at [email protected]. RSC# 1501 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc RSC# 1502 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 15 Hardware Storage and networking Net-centric military operations connect with PC/104, Mobile IP By Mike Southworth The Mobile IP specification allows IP networks to be much more flexible, not only wireless, but also roaming – a key requirement of the networkcentric operations environment. Combined with commercial PC/104 networking equipment and transformed into rugged equipment able to survive transportation, easier IP communications has become a reality. Mike explains the background of the rugged Mobile IP system. The military’s trend toward net-centric operations – linking field resources to- gether using Internet Protocol (IP) based networking – requires that ruggedized IP nodes and routers be available for constructing the network. Further, these units must be portable and capable of utilizing many different communications channels. Fortunately, a Commercial OffThe-Shelf (COTS) solution to mobile networking that provides rugged IP networking elements for mobile applications has arisen. The U.S. military services see net-centric operations as a compelling mechanism for coordinating diverse resources in field operations. Using IP-based communications, virtually every vehicle, plane, and soldier becomes a node in the network and can share data. This massive data sharing could allow field and strategic commanders to obtain real-time situation awareness for tactical planning, give deployed units immediate access to intelligence information, and allow the tracking of both troop and enemy movement across an entire battlefield. It would also allow for direct, secure Voice over IP (VoIP) between any two members of the network despite differences in the communications platforms being utilized. wire-line, spread-spectrum Radio Frequency (RF), optical, and satellite links n Be based on COTS technology to meet budget constraints of the modern military As a result, the distinctive advantages of PC/104 – its compact size, PC compatibility, strong vendor support, stackable design, low-power requirements, environmental durability, and simple main- tenance – make it an ideal foundation for Mobile IP networking. Untethering with Mobile IP The beginnings of the COTS solution to net-centric applications arose with the 2002 introduction of the Mobile IP specification (RFC 2002) by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Prior to the introduction of RFC 2002, when a mobile node moved from one local network into another, the node’s IP communications channel with the wide area network terminated. The new network’s router then had to establish its own communications channel and assign a new IP address to the node. This not only interrupted the mobile node’s communications through the network, it changed the return path address so that other nodes on the wide network could no longer find the mobile node. All such links had to be reestablished each time the mobile node changed local networks. Mobile IP allows for a mobile node to roam across multiple local networks while maintaining continual communications with and a consistent IP address for the wide network (see Figure 1). This attribute greatly facilitates communications among nodes by giving each node a unique address that does not change with movement. It prevents the continual breaking of and need to reconnect links between nodes. The mobile node thus can roam seamlessly across networks, effectively behaving as though stationary. Not an easy task Networking equipment that can meet the demands of battlefield deployment must satisfy several criteria: n Ruggedness; able to handle temperature extremes as well as severe mechanical shock and vibration n Portability; both space and weight are significant concerns in military equipment n Compatibility with a wide range of communications platforms, including 16 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Figure 1 Hardware Storage and networking Packing it into PC/104 The creation of the Mobile IP specification allowed Cisco Systems to develop the Cisco 3200 Series Wireless and Mobile Router for mobile applications. Collaborating with NASA, Cisco originally invented this mobile router platform using VME hardware in 2000. They then pursued a redesign to the PC/104-Plus form factor to provide a rugged, more compact, and lower-cost version of this miniature router launched in late 2002. Cisco 3200 Series routers (Figure 2) run Cisco IOS Software and allow the networking of multiple wireless devices running any variety of communications links. The routers, for instance, can tie nodes using cellular telephony, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 wireless Ethernet), and satellite communications into a single network. The nodes are free to roam anywhere these links provide coverage, switching links as needed without losing their unique IP addresses. Figure 2 These PC/104 components from Cisco are well suited to the unique requirements of Mobile IP networking where shock, vibration, and other environmental extremes would otherwise destroy a system based on open desktop technology. Its PC/104-Plus form factor easily accommodates specialty add-on modules to enable customizable functionality such as the stringent military communications standards imposed by the National Security Agency. “We wanted a product that met our requirements for power, volume, and mass while maintaining full compliance with open standards to ensure interoperability with existing network devices,” says Phillip E. Paulsen, project manager in the Space Communications Office at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio. “The value of this technology is that it can be deployed wherever there is a need for mobile data communications. That could include commercial and military aircraft, ground vehicles such as tanks, ambulances, and police cars, and of course spacecraft. This software-based technology also addresses the need for flexibility. Network-centric operations must allow diverse elements to tie in and exchange data. These elements could include sensors, video, VoIP devices, and computers – anything that’s input or output.” Rugged, outdoors types The next stage in enabling ruggedized IP communications came when Parvus took Cisco’s PC/104 modules and packaged them in an enclosure designed for the hostile environment that equipment faces in public transportation installations. This ruggedized Mobile IP access router, known as the DuraMAR (Figure 3), is based on PC/104 stacking architecture and includes an internal 150 W power supply that accepts a wide range of input DC and provides isolation against voltage spikes and transients. While created for use in transportation equipment such as metro commuter trains, it is equally applicable to use in military transport. Because a router by itself is not enough to provide a network link, the ruggedized system features a distributed architecture that enables the connection of peripheral devices to provide the radio and other communications links as well as end user nodes. This architecture uses Power Over Ethernet (POE) and Power with Serial (PwS) to supply power to these peripherals, otherwise known as nodes, simplifying their installation and use in a RSC# 17 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Figure 3 Hardware variety of configurations. A node can be a long-range communications channel to the main network, a LAN controller for creating a local wireless network, or a piece of peripheral equipment that needs a network connection. This ruggedized Mobile IP networking is a proven concept. These systems have seen field trials with a major metropolitan transit authority for linking trains into a network. The systems replace a modem connection on the train and provide connections to sensors and monitoring systems in the train. This allows central dispatch to monitor the trains’ conditions in real time as they move through the rail network, helping ensure passenger safety and providing early warning of maintenance requirements. Industry-standard environmental tests have been conducted, including temperature, shock, and vibration, as well as shallow immersion. Through conductive cooling and the elimination of all moving parts, not only will the system withstand these harsh environments, but also the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) will be considerably higher than previous solutions. Ready for military service The availability of COTS-based rugged- ized Mobile IP networking opens a wide range of possibilities for military applications. For example, the DuraMAR is being deployed aboard U.S. Army helicopters for equipment monitoring and secure communications using IPSEC and other encryption modes. Shipboard applications are also under evaluation. Other potential applications include: n A vehicle such as a Humvee can be outfitted to provide a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot for field communications, giving human-transported field equipment the opportunity to use Wi-Fi as its basic link and connect to the network through satellite or other long-range links the vehicle may be offering. This eliminates the need for equipment to be retrofitted as longrange links change and prevents the field equipment from being burdened with multiple communications choices. n Aircraft can use VoIP for voice communications with central command, utilizing whatever radio 18 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Storage and networking links it currently has available. The need to break communications to switch channels or to another type of equipment is eliminated. n Central facilities can use the network to monitor the status of field equipment in order to provide just-in-time support as needed, such as scheduling refueling for vehicles and aircraft. n Remotely piloted and autonomous surveillance vehicles can broadcast their data to the network, allowing field troops to access real-time intelligence about battlefield conditions, including live video, as they need it. With its modular architecture, PC/104 enables the use of application-specific functionality such as a wireless modem, Ethernet switch, Wi-Fi interface, or MIL-STD-1553 interface card to create a distributed architecture for mobile networking that supports a wide variety of applications. “PC/104 enables the use of applicationspecific functionality … to create a distributed architecture for mobile networking that supports a wide variety of applications.” All about the IP network Because all equipment connects together over the IP network, it does not have to be directly compatible. Thus, a Wi-Fi laptop can serve as the communications instrument connecting command to field troops, regardless of the type of radio being used in the field as long as each can connect to the network in its own way. provide the nucleus of systems that can then link that equipment to the network through any of the multiple communications channels and maintain that connection while moving. Both field and base units remain connected in a network that can flex and range across the battlefield, but structurally remains intact and unchanged. ➤ Eliminating the need for direct compatibility also allows ruggedized Mobile IP networking to support legacy systems by creating a bridge device. Systems using buses such as CAN, MIL-STD-1553, and LonWorks can then connect through the IP network, reducing the need for cabling and extending the useful system lifetime. Connection through the Mobile IP network also extends the legacy system’s flexibility by providing data and being controlled by remote operators and other, previously incompatible information systems. Mike Southworth serves as director of marketing for Parvus Corporation, where he oversees the company’s product management and marketing communications programs. He holds a BA in Public Relations from Brigham Young University. To learn more, contact Mike at: With IP-based equipment offering seamless roaming across networks, Mobile IP sets the stage for net-centric operations in military applications. Using IP as the base protocol, any equipment that can connect to the network can then connect with any other equipment on the network. Rugged- ized mobile routers, such as DuraMAR, Parvus Corporation 3222 South Washington Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Tel: 801-483-1533 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.parvus.com RSC# 19 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Hardware Storage and networking Surviving oil pipeline pigging operations with E-Disk SSDs By Jun Alejo Industrial applications often put disk drives in harm’s way, but with flash Solid-State Disks (SSDs) data can be kept safe. Jun shares some examples of flash SSDs at work in oil pipeline operations and discusses where technology for flash SSDs is heading in the near term. With no moving parts that can lessen a device’s reliability and durability, nonvolatile flash SSDs are by far the best storage solution for industrial applications. This case study shows a messy application where SSDs excel – pigging an oil pipeline – and offers a peek into the future of solid-state storage. Electromechanical pigs at work Pipeline inspection equipment, known as pigs, is subjected to some of the most extreme operating environments on land. In gas pipelines, pigging operations have been performed under high-pressure (up to 1,000 psi) and high-temperature conditions. In addition, data recorders inside pigs are subjected to severe shock and vibration. Pigging equipment uses an onboard power supply and data acquisition system to record hours’ worth of data while being transported throughout the pipeline using the moving product (gas or oil) for propulsion. In-line inspection tools, or smart pigs, are essential in ensuring the integrity and safety of pipelines against mechanical damage and corrosion (see Figure 1, courtesy of the National Grid Transco). Figure 1 Established in 1991, Spetsneftegaz Scien- tific & Production Association (NPO) Joint Stock Company is one of the leading in-line inspection service companies in Russia. The company develops and produces high-resolution magnetic flux leakage and transverse flux inspection 20 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors intelligent pigs, electronic caliper logging tools, and cleaning pigs (bidirectional pigs, caliper cleaning pigs, magnetic preparation pigs, magnetic cleaning pigs, and universal pigs) for the inspection of oil and gas pipelines up to 56 inches in diameter. Spetsneftegaz performs defect assessment, repair prioritization, and overall pipeline fitness evaluation according to international standards. The company executes up to 16,000 km of magnetic in-line inspection per year. Spetsneftegaz claims that its proprietary inspection technology makes it possible to detect and locate all types of defects in main oil and gas pipelines. After evaluating various storage options, Spetsneftegaz identified SSDs as the best storage solution for these applications because the ruggedness of SSDs eliminates the need to conduct second or third runs through the pipe, thereby minimizing operating costs. Spetsneftegaz relies on BiTMICRO’s E-Disk flash SSDs (see Figure 2) to store information gathered by its pig units. Two incidents validate the E-Disk SSD’s reputation for dura- bility and reliability. SSDs survive squeezing, smashing In one instance, the airtight seal of the instrumentation compartment in one of the pig units was damaged. At that time, company engineers estimated the gas pressure inside the compartment at about 60 atmospheres. After recovering the pig, engineers discovered the battery was completely squeezed, and the power supply module and other com- ponents were crushed. Moreover, the pig’s central computer failed to boot after the accident. However, the engineers were amazed to discover that the installed E-Disk SSD (a 2.5-inch ATA model with 17.4 GB capacity) remained operational. Although Figure 2 the drive booted normally after it was connected to a desktop PC, two bad sectors were found. Upon performing a low-level format operation using the BiTMICRO Specific Erase Command and restoring the data, the drive was recommissioned and has worked flawlessly ever since. In a separate incident, one of Spetsneftegaz’s experimental pigs featuring an active moving control function got stuck in the pipeline and was struck by another piston pig. The force of impact was so strong that all of the mechanical parts were broken despite the presence of shock absorbers. A 3.5-inch single board computer was dislodged from its mounting after all of its corners broke off. Engineers found that the installed E-Disk flash drive (a 2.5-inch ATA model with 9 GB capacity) also tore off its fastenings, broke out of the surrounding aluminum frame and electronic assembly, slamming directly into the pig’s explosion-proof external steel casing. The E-Disk drive survived the incident with just minor dents and scratches. All of the data stored in the drive remained completely intact, and not a single bad sector was found. “In both instances, the E-Disk drives that survived the accidents have been installed in other equipment and continue to remain in operation,” says Sergey Yartsev, a Spetsneftegaz executive. Revolutionizing industrial storage Data recorders are not the only industrial application that would benefit from the rugged capabilities of flash SSDs. Like a proverbial last piece in a jigsaw puzzle, rugged mobile computers need flash SSDs to create a robust, 100 percent solid-state computing solution for RSC# 21 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc RSC# 22 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Hardware industrial users. This fact is bolstered by a recent In-Stat study that reveals the high level of value mobile computer users assign to SSDs. When respondents were asked to rate improved durability, battery life extension, and faster boot times with SSD, at least 60 percent rated SSDs’ differentiating factors a 4 or 5, with 5 being the highest/most important. By 2010, In-Stat forecasts SSDs to be deployed as main storage devices in about 14 percent (24.3 million units) of mobile computers. By 2014, the market research firm expects market share to gobble up half of the market. This is considered very strong industry performance for a four-year period, though Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) will still control half of the market thanks to users who require high-capacity storage. Though industrial-grade storage leans more toward ruggedized features, high storage capacity brings a host of benefits to data recorders and rugged computers. High capacity means fewer reconnaissance flights for unmanned aerial vehicles and longer runs for pipeline inspection pigs. Hard drives seem to have an advantage in this aspect, especially following the release of perpendicular recording drives from Toshiba and Seagate, which further increased storage capacity in magnetic disks. SSDs getting denser, faster BiTMICRO Networks, a major SSD player since the 1990s, is pioneering Research and Development (R&D) efforts that seek to meet cost and capacity issues head on. The company is in the process of developing a major enhancement to its current-generation products, in particular the fabrication of the EDSA DMC ASIC, a chip that will allow BiTMICRO’s current-generation E-Disk architecture to support highdensity semiconductor memory and faster sustained transfer rates. EDSApowered drives are projected to carry about a terabyte of capacity in a standard low-profile 3.5-inch drive, much bigger than the current record holder in the HDD segment, Seagate’s 750 GB Barracuda 7200.10. In addition, increased bandwidth in EDSA may even lead to further improvements in sustained transfer rates. HDD R&D may have already reached its pinnacle with perpendicular recording technology, while SSDs are expected to get even denser (and better) as memory wafer fabs implement finer manufacturing technologies. With higher capacity, better transfer speeds, affordable cost, and rugged features expected to be implemented in the near future, SSD makers such as BiTMICRO seem to have the bases covered with regard to the needs of industrial storage. ➤ Jun Alejo is marketing communications officer for BiTMICRO Networks, Inc. Prior to joining BiTMICRO, he was news editor for Electronic Engineering Times-Asia and Global Sources Electronic Components. He received his MBA from De La Salle University. To learn more, contact Jun at: BiTMICRO Networks 47929 Fremont Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 Tel: 510-623-2341 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bitmicro.com Editor’s note: This article was originally published in the October edition of our sister magazine electronic newsletter, Industrial Embedded Systems E-letter. Deployed in gas pipeline pigs, nonvolatile flash SSDs demonstrate the resilience of small storage devices in extreme operating environments. RSC# 23 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 23 Storage What’s BIG in Small Storage? By Don Dingee, Contributing Editor Electronic media storage can be added to a small form factor board or system, or even yourself – without having to sacrifice size for performance. In devices ranging from chip-level to personal data storage products, technologies such as Perpendicular Magnetic Recording (PMR) and package-on-package are allowing more and more data to be stored in smaller sizes. This is just a sample of a few devices we found. Spansion flash mobiBlu Q-Bling Package-on-package stacks flash on other devices www.spansion.com Uniquely styled Cube MP3 player is both storage and jewelry www.mobiblu.com Seagate ST1.3 A 1" hard drive with big 12 GB capacity via PMR www.seagate.com Sony Compact Vault 8 GB of capacity on a CompactFlash Type II hard drive www.sony.net SanDisk mini SD HC SimpleTech Bonzai Upgradeable USB 2.0 storage using SD flash cards www.simpletech.com Breaking the limits, SD 2.0 highcapacity devices are now at 4 MB www.sandisk.com Micron Managed NAND Flash with MultiMediaCard controller integrated for simpler interfacing www.micron.com Microsoft Zune The long-awaited Microsoft entry into portable media devices www.microsoft.com Toshiba 0.85" HDD Smallest commercial hard disk drive yet at 0.85" diameter using PMR www.toshiba.com 24 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors MemTech AT1830 Mustang Solid-state flash drive in a very small 1.8” IDE form factor www.memtech.com Storage iRiver H10 MP3 player using the Seagate ST1 hard drive www.iriver.com Swissbit s.valigetta classic 8 GB of portable hard disk with a USB interface www.swissbit.com msystems mDOC G3 512 MB embedded flash drive mounts directly to boards www.msystems.com Hitachi 3K8 An 8 GB, 1" hard drive with ZIF connector for direct board mounting www.hgst.com Adtron I25FB Flashpak 2.5" IDE solid-state flash drive directly replaces hard disks www.adtron.com Imation Micro Hard Drive 4GB Wearable USB hard drive based on Toshiba 0.85" disk www.imation.com SiliconSystems SiliconDrive Module Up to 4 GB of storage on a vertical 40-pin module www.siliconsystems.com Cornice Dragon Series Thin 1" hard drive with 10 GB capacity and Crash Guard features www.corniceco.com Lexar LDP-200 Economical MP3 player uses SD card storage www.lexar.com PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 25 Technology Taking the heat Micro thermofluidic technology cools rising heat By George Meyer Small form factor designs don’t leave much room for cooling, but it’s an essential element to get the most performance. A cooling solution that helps minimize size and weight would be welcome. Enter new technology: nano and microscale thermofluidic heat spreaders that transfer heat more efficiently while reducing size and weight. Here’s a question: How much design energy do most engineering teams put into cooling their product? Thermal management is one of the most pressing problems in small form factor designs, yet the average cooling solution accounts for just 2 percent of the product cost. And the problems designers face are getting more complex; for instance, many graphics processors now have greater thermal output than the microprocessor driving the system. Cooling solutions require much more attention, but until now the technology has not kept pace with the scope of the problem. Conventional cooling designs for small form factors often fall short. Active cooling devices such as fan sinks add size and weight, and the required airflow may not be available in the system. Exotic spray-cooling and liquidcooling techniques also tend to run large and heavy. With continuing increases in thermal power density and decreases in the size of electronics, a new breed of technology is needed to tackle the cooling essential for delivering fast, reliable systems. More than just a phase Thermofluidic technology puts liquid phase-change properties to work in nano or microscale structures. With no moving parts, a thermofluidic heat-spreader design sandwiches alternating liquid and vapor channels together to form a three-dimensional heat transfer structure, shown in Figure 1. “... a thermofluidic heat-spreader design sandwiches alternating liquid and vapor channels together to form a three-dimensional heat transfer structure ...” With no mechanical parts, thermofluidic heat spreaders are noise and vibration free, eliminating the need to reconfigure product design to accommodate the cooling device. Within the plate or tube is an extensive network of micro channels through which pure water moves rapidly, changing from water to vapor and back to water, removing excess heat. The spreaders can be attached directly to the heat source to enhance cooling capability. RSC# 26 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 26 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors A heat spreader built using a thermofluidic sandwich approach can be constructed very thin and very light. The scale of the sandwich shown in Figure 1 starts at just over a millimeter of thickness. Thermofluidic structures can be adapted to the size and shape of the area to be cooled, as the razor thin plates or tubes can be fabricated to fit a variety of small and large devices. They can also be shaped to work with other cooling solutions such as fans and fins. The structures can bend with a minimum radius on the order of 10 mm. The construction of the thin slices of material with capillary structures in the sandwich substantially reduces the weight of a heat spreader made with this approach. Compared to a solid copper structure at 8.9 g/cm3, these heat spreaders average 3.6 g/cm3 but deliver better thermal performance than higher mass solid structures. Cooling results With this clear size and weight advantage, designers may wonder about cooling effectiveness. Thermofluidic heat spreaders are very efficient conductors of heat. Demonstrations have shown thermal conductivity of more than 5,000 watt per meter Kelvin (W/mK). This gives them a heat transfer capacity 25 times greater than aluminum and 13 times greater than copper, the two most commonly used metal heat conductors, as illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 1 RSC# 27 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Figure 2 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 27 RSC# 28 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Technology Taking the heat With this type of efficiency, thermofluidic heat spreaders in a given application can increase the cooling system’s performance by 25 to 60 percent over other industry solutions. Putting it to work The electronics industry needs effective, compact, and inexpensive cooling solutions to keep pace with increasingly small and mobile electronic devices. Celsia’s patented micro thermofluidic design (Figure 3) shows potential for increasing a computer’s processor speed and cutting lighting energy costs by an order of magnitude. Initial products measure as small as 1.4 mm thick and weigh only 25 g, creating a heat spreader with a 28 percent reduction in thickness and 33 percent reduction in weight over conventional heat-sink solutions for a comparable application. Besides the obvious application of cooling CPUs, thermofluidic heat spreaders also can apply to graphics processors and DLP projection devices, reducing or eliminating the need for bulky and noisy fans by improving cooling efficiency. An Figure 3 example of coupling with fan technology to provide powerful cooling solutions, the new Iceon1000C (Figure 4) is one of the first high-volume commercial applications for thermofluidic heat-spreader technology. LEDs are now commonly used in areas such as architectural lighting and large- RSC# 30 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 30 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Figure 4 Technology format signage, reducing energy usage by 80 percent compared to incandescent and 50 percent compared to fluorescent bulbs. These savings can add up quickly. Beginning in 2001, the California Department of Transportation installed more than 160,000 LED modules, creating 8 MW of energy savings and reducing energy costs by more than $5 million. When cooled with thermofluidic heat spreaders, LED device life can be improved by 10 to 15 times. Figure 5 shows an LED utilizing a thermofluidic heat spreader. George Meyer is Celsia Technologies’ chief marketing officer for the Americas and Europe and development director. He is a proven thermal management industry veteran with nearly three decades of experience driving global growth at Thermacore International, Inc. He has extensive in-depth market and technical knowledge and holds eight patents in the field of electronics thermal management. George graduated from Penn State University with a degree in Communications and holds an International Business Certificate from Franklin and Marshall College. To learn more, contact George at: Celsia Technologies 1395 Brickell Avenue, Suite 800 Miami, Florida 33131 Tel: 305-529-6290 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.celsiatechnologies.com Figure 5 The future is cool In the near term, Celsia is focused on applications in the PC, graphics, and lighting markets. But the potential for thermofluidic heat spreaders extends into a number of markets, such as telecommunications, defense, home appliance, and automotive markets. The thermofluidic heat spreader represents new cooling technology that is compact, inexpensive, efficient, silent, and vibration free. These heat spreaders not only improve cooling efficiency and reduce weight and complexity compared to conventional cooling solutions, but also improve system costs and extend system life. As designers continue to innovate with these structures, more advanced applications will continue to emerge. ➤ RSC# 31 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 31 Special Small form factors in outer space SPACE-104: A stackable solution for space electronics By Dr. Robert Hodson Space may be the final frontier for stackable electronic modules, but no industry standards support challenges of the environment. Dr. Hodson describes an effort at NASA that looked at current stackable technologies and made some unique choices to extend capability, making stacks suitable for space electronics. Based on PCI-104, the proposed SPACE-104 form factor is a noteworthy solution. The launch and space environments present unique challenges for avionics. Many existing avionics designs are modified 3U or 6U CompactPCI systems. Stackable technologies are rare for space systems, in part due to the lack of a standard that sufficiently addresses space environment issues. This is strange given the acceptance of stackable systems in the embedded computing community. Stackable systems have demonstrated ruggedness in harsh terrestrial environments but have not been extended for space applications. To address the technology gap between terrestrial and space stackable avionics systems, a team at NASA’s Langley Research Center has extended the PCI-104 standard to meet the needs of the space community. This new stackable form factor, internally dubbed SPACE-104, adds structural support, conduction cooling, venting, and other features to help overcome the challenges for NASA’s future missions. Obstacles for avionics in space The first order of business for space avionics is to arrive in orbit or on some celestial body in one piece. Avionics are subjected to acoustic shock, pyrotechnic shock (due to rocket stage separation), and vibration. These loads are significant; for example, an average random vibration load in excess of 10 g is not uncommon. Circuit boards can flex and sometimes oscillate, causing cracked traces or devices to lift pads. Additionally, as a rocket leaves the atmosphere and moves from the pressurized surface atmosphere of the Earth to the vacuum of space, undesirable pressure can build up in a sealed enclosure. This can cause an oil canning effect if not properly addressed through avionics packaging. If the avionics system makes it to space in one piece, it won’t run for long in the vacuum of space without proper cooling. The typical finned heat sink or processor fan does no good without air to carry the heat away. A thermally conductive path must exist from power dissipating ICs on the circuit board to somewhere outside of the avionics. Excess heat is then typically radiated away from the spacecraft into deep space. Space radiation due to galactic cosmic rays, solar flares, or trapped particles in the Earth’s magnetic field can cause a variety of undesirable effects on avionics. These effects range from transient functional failures to permanent device failure. Adding shielding to an enclosure design can reduce the Total Ionizing 32 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Dose (TID) that changes the transistor threshold voltage in semiconductor devices. This same shielding, which is often aluminum, can also be used as an EMI shield if designed properly. Other considerations when designing and choosing materials for space include effects such as: n Material out-gassing. In a vacuum, materials can outgas and leave residue on surrounding objects. Consider the effect of residue on a neighboring object, such as the lens of a $100 million telescope. n Tin whiskers. These electrically conductive crystalline structures grow from surfaces where tin is used as a final finish. Whiskers can cause shorts, arcing, and/or debris contamination. For more information, visit http://nepp.nasa.gov/whisker. “This new stackable form factor ... adds structural support, conduction cooling, venting, and other features to help overcome the challenges for NASA’s future missions.” Meeting the challenges of space Engineers at NASA wanted to leverage terrestrial stackable technologies to address these challenges while targeting the shortcomings of existing solutions for space systems. They deemed backwards compatibility with existing standards such as PCI-104 desirable. This would reduce the cost of ground support equipment that could be used for space system test and development. Choosing PCI as the interconnect lets engineers implement PCI interfaces with existing radiation-hardened FPGAs that tend to run slower than commercial parts but still meet performance requirements. The SPACE-104 form factor, like the EPIC and EBX form factors, is larger than PC/104. This choice was made to accommodate larger devices and additional I/O. It is not uncommon for space-qualified parts to be in relatively large packages such as ceramic quad flat packs or ceramic column grid arrays. Additional board area is also required to remove heat from the system, as discussed later in the thermal de- sign section. For these reasons a form factor of 112 mm x 156 mm was selected with support for PCI-104 compatibility (see Figure 1). Figure 1 RSC# 33 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Special Mechanical design The mechanical design for SPACE-104 consists of several elements to make up a rugged stack, seen in Figure 2. The circuit boards are supported by aluminum frames that provide structural support, a conductive path for removing heat, and a shield for both electromagnetic radiation and TID from the space environment. Small form factors in outer space sectional area should be used throughout the thermal path. Copper, used in the circuit board, and aluminum, used in the frame, retainer, and end caps, are both excellent thermal conductors. To further reduce the thermal resistance between electronic devices and the stack’s base plate, unused areas in the circuit board’s copper layers are flooded. Also on the top and bottom layers of the board, a copper band is laid out under the frame edge and the retainer, serving as both a thermal connection for heat transfer and an electrical connection to ground the board frames. Figure 2 Circuit boards with their associated frames stack together as shown in Figure 3. The boards are held to the frames by a retainer (shown in red). The edges of the aluminum frames are stepped to provide an interlock be- tween neighboring frames that serves as an EMI gasket. The frames have vent holes, which are also stepped for EMI protection. The venting holes serve two purposes: Figure 3 A worst-case steady-state thermal analysis was performed on an 18 W board and an integrated SPACE-104 stack (see Figure 4). Devices with significant power dissipation were modeled directly, and the power of other components was accounted for through even distribution across the board. Assumptions central to the analysis were that conduction was the only form of heat transfer in the system and that the base plate would be held to 40 °C. Taking a conservative approach, NASA engineers modeled the system with relatively low contact pressures at the frame/board, frame/frame, and frame/end cap connections. The results of this analysis show that even in the case of maximum power output, none of the components exceed their maximum operating temperature of 125 °C. n To vent pressure on the ascent phase of space missions n To serve as an attachment point for a disassembly tool The circuit board frames and end caps form an enclosure for the stack. Bolts pass through the stack and are threaded into the end caps, holding the assembled stack together. The end caps have tabbed feet for mounting the assembled stack to a base plate. One end cap also serves as a mounting surface for power converters. To ensure rigidity of the stack, NASA engineers performed finite element analysis at both the board and stack levels. Loads that envelope the Delta II and Delta IV launch environment with margins for safety were applied to the model. Engineers modeled loads of 45 g on all axes to determine maximum deflections and Von Mises stress. In all cases, deflections were small enough to eliminate risk of any problematic contact. Calculated stresses were consistently well within the tensile strength of the material. Modal analyses performed on a board and stack revealed the first mode for the board was 140 Hz, while the stack level analysis calculated a first mode of 194 Hz. Typically in space systems, a fundamental frequency above 100 Hz will not affect surrounding systems. Thermal design In the vacuum of space, heat energy generated by avionics can be removed through conductive and/or radiant transfer. Within a SPACE-104 stack the primary method of thermal management is conductive cooling. The power dissipated by electronics will generate excessive temperatures that may damage electronics or reduce device life if not conducted away. Devices mounted to circuit boards are the heat sources in the stack. A thermally conductive circuit is created from device die to package, circuit board, board frame, and eventually the base plate, which must be maintained at a temperature low enough to ensure device temperatures do not exceed manufacturer ratings. To improve the heat flow within the stack, materials with high thermal conductivity and preferably a large thermal cross- 34 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Figure 4 Electrical and power design The electrical standard for SPACE-104 is the same as PCI-104 with only minor modifications. The 32-bit PCI bus running at 33 MHz is supported. An optional second 120-pin connector can be added to support 64-bit bus transfers if desirable. The second connector can also provide additional interstack user-defined I/O. A serial I2C bus is also defined for low rate system health and status. The power module converts an external supply voltage, typically 28 Vdc for spacecraft, to PCI-supported levels (3.3 V, 5 V, ±12 V). Space for power conversion and conditioning is provided by an end cap, where converters are mounted, and the adjacent circuit board. A power connector is used to bring down-converted voltages into the conditioning board, and then the standard PCI connector is used to drive the power rails for the PCI bus. Figure 5 shows the end cap of a power module design. The adjacent power conditioning board is not pictured. Figure 5 Next steps in development Initial SPACE-104 hardware has been developed at NASA and continues to mature as additional analysis and testing proceed. Figure 6 shows a completed SPACE-104 stack. Mechanical designs, structural models, and thermal models have validated a stackable solution for space systems. The next step is disseminating information about SPACE-104 to a broader community for feedback and then formally documenting this approach through a public standard. It is also envisioned that the avionics community can share the engineering effort, designs, and models used to develop SPACE-104 to reduce nonrecurring engineering costs on future government and commercial projects. Finally, a standard for space avionics will facilitate interoperability among vendors, allowing system designers more flexibility in the design of future space systems. ➤ Acknowledgements The ongoing SPACE-104 development has been successful through the efforts of Kevin Laferriere, Kevin Somervill, Charles Boyer, Kevin Kempton, Kaitlin Keim, Benjamin Nesmith, and others at the NASA Langley Research Center. NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) provided the initial funding for this effort through the Reconfigurable Scalable Computing (RSC) project. Dr. Robert F. Hodson is the chief engineer of the Electronic Systems Branch at NASA Langley Research Center. He is the principal investigator on the Reconfigurable Scalable Computing project, which developed the SPACE-104 form factor. Robert’s expertise is in computer architecture and avionics. He holds a dual BS degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Connecticut, an MS in Computer Engineering from the University of Central Florida, and a PhD in Computer and Information Science from Florida State University. To learn more, contact Robert at: Figure 6 RSC# 3501 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc NASA Langley Research Center M/S 488 Hampton, VA 23681 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.larc.nasa.gov RSC# 3502 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 35 tors fa c pc /104 ¸ nd MEMS accelerometers get smaller and smaller, targeting devices such as microdrives and handheld consumer electronics. Predictions indicate more than 1.5 billion devices will ship by 2010. A new generation of devices is combining small size, light weight, and low power with better programmability. The LIS302 sensors provide three axis motion sensing in a tiny 3 mm x 5 mm x 0.9 mm plastic package. With power consumption around 1 mW, these devices measure acceleration of ± 8 g, and feature an SPI/I2C digital interface and two independent programmable nd sm a l l f o r m interrupt signals. With these interrupts, either two different EDITOR’S CHOICE states or two different thresholds PRODUCTS can be monitored, giving the device more flexibility for designers to distinguish between states such as free fall and rolling. STMicroelectronics www.st.com RSC# 32036 fa c tors a sm a l l f o r m EDITOR’S CHOICE PRODUCTS RSC# 3601 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 36 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors RSC# 3602 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc tors fa c ¸ fa c pc /104 ¸ nd a PRODUCT sm a l l f o r m EDITOR’S CHOICE PRODUCT pc /104 a ¸ tors Packing more processing in a smaller space is vital to success for many applications. Mini-ITX motherboards continue to increase in density and processing power, while still offering a small footprint for embedded designs. The G5C100-N-G Mini-ITX motherboard utilizes the Mobile Intel 945GM Express chipset supported under Intel’s Embedded Architecture program. It accepts a wide performance range of Intel mPGA 479 packaged processors including the Intel Core Duo processor, giving it dual core processing power without an increase in footprint. With other onboard features including dual GbE ports, eight USB 2.0 ports, two SATA ports, and graphics and audio, it nd packs the right performance punch for many embedded m sm a l l f o r applications. EDITOR’S CHOICE ITOX www.itox.com RSC# 31471 a Falling or rolling? Here’s how to tell pc/104 Dual core packs Mini-ITX with punch RSC# 37 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE BitsyX Applied Data Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 COM Express Congatec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 EEPD North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Development Environment Freescale Semiconductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 EPIC Arcom Control Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Diamond Systems Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Kontron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Lanner Electronics Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Micro/sys, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 WinSystems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ETX General Standards Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Mesa Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Micro Technic A-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Micro/sys, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 MOXA Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Octagon Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 PEAK-System Technik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 45 RAF Electronic Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45, 46 SCIDYNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 SECO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Signal Forge, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Signalogic, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Technologic Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 WinSystems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Woodhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Zendex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 PC/104-Plus ACCES I/O Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Aaeon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Asine Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Axiomtek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 DIGITAL-LOGIC AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 EMAC, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 VersaLogic Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Western DataCom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Zendex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 ETX/XTX PCI-104 ADLINK Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 AEWIN Technologies Co., Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Congatec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Kontron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ETX-PC/104 Ampro Computers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Mini PCI Evalue Technologies Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Mini-ITX ITOX Applied Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 PC/104 ACCES I/O Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Advanced Digital Logic, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Aprotek, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Arcom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Diamond Systems Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 38 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Acrosser Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 RTOS Ardence, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 SoC iWave Systems Technologies Pvt Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Testing Agilent Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 XTX Congatec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE BitsyX PC/104 and Small Form Factors Development Environment Applied Data Systems Freescale Semiconductor Model: BitsyXb RSC No: 31775 Model: DEMO9S08QD4 32-bit, 520 MHz Intel PXA270 RISC processor • Graphics: video interface up to XGA (1024 x 768) color LCD interface (driven by the PXA270) • Backlight connector with PWM + ON/OFF controlled by software • 4- or 5- wire resistive touch screen interface (Burr Brown chip, 10 bits) • BitsyXb with Intel PXA270, power-stingy product provides dynamic (variable) speed and voltage regulation, five low-power modes, and is ideal for handheld, wearable, and unmanned apps • Five low-power modes • Intel PXA270 processor • Dynamic speed • Power-stingy • Windows CE or Linux, software up to API • Quick capture vision sensor interface COM Express Congatec Model: conga-B945 RSC No: 32045 Dual Core COM Express module with dual-channel memory support • The conga-B945 features the latest Intel Core Duo processors up to 2x 1.66 GHz with 2 MB shared cache • It offers a rich feature set including 3x1 PCI Express and 1x16 PCI Express graphic lanes • Dual-channel memory support provides top of the line DRAM performance • The “basic” version, based on the COM Express type 2, measures only 95 mm x 125 mm • Pins and mechanics are defined at the PICMG COM Express specification • The conga-B945 features Gigabit Ethernet via the COM Express connectors to enable fast communication links • RoHS • Two serial ATA drives can be connected as fast mass storage devices • 8x USB 2.0, 2x SATA, 3x PCI Express lanes, PCI Express graphic, PCI, I2C www.congatec.us www.freescale.com EPIC EPIC Arcom Control Systems, Inc. Diamond Systems Corporation Model: Zeus-PXA270 SBC RSC No: 30044 Model: Poseidon EPIC SBC RSC No: 31795 An ultra-low-power, EPIC-size single board computer based on the Intel 520 MHz PXA270 XScale RISC processor • Is an implementation of the ARM-compliant, Intel XScale microarchitecture combined with a comprehensive set of integrated peripherals, including a flat-panel graphics controller, multiple highspeed serial ports, USB controller, interrupt controller, and real-time clock • Up to 128 MB of soldered SDRAM • 64 MB of flash • 256 kB of battery-backed SRAM • Display controller: TFT/STN/LVDS flat-panel support up to 800 x 600 in 24-bit color • Network: Dual 10/100BASE-TX Ethernet controller (Davicom DM9000A) • USB: Dual USB host ports – v1.1 and USB v1.1 client port • Serial ports: seven serial ports – three RS-232 (one RS-485), one RS-422/485 port for wireless modem, port for GPS and IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee • Expansion: PC/104, SDIO, and CF+ (CompactFlash) • I/O: Eight buffered digital inputs/eight buffered digital outputs (+5 V tolerant), CANbus, and I2C • PSU: Wide-input DC power supply (10-30 V) • Industry-standard EPIC form factor with easy-to-use connectors Poseidon is a highperformance EPIC single board computer combining a state-of-theart CPU and peripheral technology with high accuracy data acquisition on a single board • Low-power PC/104-Plus expandable SBC with choice of 1.0 GHz VIA Eden ULV or 2.0 GHz VIA C7 CPUs • 400 MHz FSB with up to 512 MB DDR2 DRAM • Fully featured, including Gigabit Ethernet, CRT, and LVDS support, USB 2.0, 4 serial ports, and SATA/IDE • Data acquisition features include 32 16-bit A/D with autocalibration, 4 12-bit D/A, 24 DIO and two counter/timers • Extremely rugged, with soldered RAM and fanless -40 °C to +85 °C operating temperature at 1.0 GHz www.arcom.com EEPD North America, Inc. Model: P45 COM Express RSC No: 30231 A COM Express module • Intel Core Duo processor T2500 and the Mobile Intel 945GM Express chipset • Integrates graphic functions to support TV, analog VGA, serial DVO interfaces, and LVDS display interfaces • Ethernet connectivity options • Six x1 PCI Express lanes • Up to 4 GB memory • High-definition AC’97 audio with S/PDIF output, line in, line out, mic in, CD in, and headphone out • Two serial ATA interfaces, one parallel ATA interface, and eight USB 2.0 ports • Customized and OEM versions available upon request • Lead-free design www.diamondsystems.com Lanner Electronics Inc. Model: EM-9761 RSC No: 31779 EPIC Via Luke single board computer with VGA, LCD, Audio, Mini PCI, USB, COM, Ethernet, and CompactFlash • Onboard VIA Luke/Luke-lite processor with integrated graphics controller • Supports 2-channel 24-bit LVDS LCD • 10/100M BASE-T Ethernet and AC’97 Audio • Type I/II CompactFlash socket • 4 COMs/1 parallel / 4 USBs/1 IrDA • PC/104-Plus and Mini PCI expansion slot www.lannerinc.com www.eepd.com PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 39 BitsyX • COM Express • Development Environment • EPIC www.applieddata.net RSC No: 32005 The DEMO9S08QD4 is a demo board for the MC9S08QD4 8-bit MCU featuring a high level of integration and 5 V support within a compact, 8-pin package for a variety of small appliances • Application development is quick and easy with the integrated programmer/debugger tools (USB-BDM) and software (CodeWarrior) included • A 32-pin connector allows connecting the DEMO9S08QD4 board to an expanded evaluation environment • MC9S08QD4 MCU, 8 PDIP Socketed • 4 kB flash • 256 bytes RAM • 4 kB inputs • 4 GPIO, 1 input only, 1 output only • Internal Oscillator Trimmable to 0.2 percent • 1-channel, 16-bit, timer/pulse width modulator • 2-channel, 16-bit, timer/pulse width modulator • 4-channel, 10-bit analog to digital converter • 32 kHz, internal clock source • Low-voltage detect with reset or interrupt • Integrated USB-BDM • BDM_PORT header for BMD cable support (not installed) • 5 V or +3.3 V operation 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE EPIC PC/104 and Small Form Factors EPIC EPIC Kontron WinSystems, Inc. Micro/sys, Inc. Model: EPIC/PM RSC No: 30248 Model: Low Power EPIC SBC RSC No: 25683 Model: SBC4685 RSC No: 30134 A member of the Kontron EPIC SBC family • Intel Pentium M 745 1.8 GHz, 2 MB L2 (Dothan) • Intel ULV Celeron M 373 1.0 GHz, 512 kB L2 (Dothan) • Intel Mobile Celeron processor 600 MHz, 0 kB L2 • Intel 855GME/ICH4 chipset with integrated Intel Extreme Graphics 2 engine 2 x 32 MB VRAM UMA – driving independent panel • 2 x DDR RAM SODIMM for up to 2 GB • 4 x COM (1 x RS-232/DSUB and 3 x RS-232 interface with 1 x RS-422/485) • 6 x USB 2.0 (4 x external, 2 x internal) • Dual 10/100BASE-T Ethernet and 9 x GPIO • CRT and LCD/LVDS and DVO interfaces • Motherboard-type front with 5.1 sound, keyboard, mouse, LPT, 4 x USB, 2 x LAN, COM, VGA • PC/104 (ISA) and PC/104-Plus (PCI) expansion • Long-life availability The EPX-C3 single board computer provides a processorand I/O-intensive solution for demanding applications in robotics, COTS/military, transportation, pipeline, and machine control • AMD Geode GX500 @ 1.0 W processor • x86-compatible, EPIC-compliant (4.5" x 6.5") SBC • 32 to 512 MB of system PC2700DDR SDRAM supported in a 200-pin SODIMM socket • 10/100 Mbps Ethernet and two USB 2.0 ports • 4X AGP, video controller with CRT and LVDS flat-panel support • 48 bidirectional TTL digital I/O lines • Four RS-232 serial ports with FIFO, COM1, and COM2 with optional RS-422/485/J1708 support • Two dual Ultra DMA/100 EIDE hard drive connectors • Bidirectional LPT port supports EPP/ECP • Supports Windows CE, Windows XP embedded, Linux, and other x86-compatible operating systems such as VxWorks and QNX • -40 °C to +85 °C operating temperature range A Celeron EPIC computer for GUI applications • Ready-to-run Celeron/Pentium III multimedia computer • 400, 650, or 700 MHz • Color flatpanel support; AC’97 audio interface • Quad serial ports • Dual 10/100BASE-T Ethernet • Dual USB • CAN bus interface • CompactFlash connector • EPIC form factor • PC/104 and PC/104-Plus expansion • Boots DOS, Windows XP/CE, VxWorks, and Linux www.kontron.com www.winsystems.com www.embeddedsys.com ETX ADLINK Technology, Inc. Model: ETXexpress-IA533 RSC No: 25297 A Pentium or Celeron M ETX module • Intel 915GM chipset • PCI Express/PCI/LPC • Gigabit LAN, SATA, USB2.0 • LVDS/SDVO/ TV-out • Dual-channel DDR2-533 EPIC • ETX www.adlinktech.com RSC# 40 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 40 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors ETX-PC/104 ETX AEWIN Technologies Co., Ltd. Model: CM-6120 RSC No: 31613 An AMD Geode-based module with SOM-ETX form factor • Contains an AMD Geode LX800 500 MHz processor and AMD Geode CS5536 companion device • One 200-pin DDR SODIMM socket supports up to 1 GB • 10/100 Mbps Ethernet interface • Supports CRT, TTL TFT/LVDS LCD, and TV-out interface • AC’97 audio • 2x SATA, 1x Ultra ATA-133, 1x CompactFlash www.aewin.com.tw ACCES I/O Products, Inc. Model: NANO I/O ServerRSC No: 30354 A small embedded motherboard for industrial I/O using both ETX CPUs and PC/104 modules • Wide range of CPUs up to 1.8 GHz Pentium M • Small size – 120 mm x 125 mm (4.72" x 4.92") • Full PC/104-Plus I/O expansion • Four rear-mounted USB 2.0 ports • VGA, PS/2 mouse and keyboard • One RS-232 and one RS-232/422/485-selectable COM ports • 10/100 Ethernet LAN • Flat-panel, IDE, and CompactFlash support www.accesio.com ETX/XTX Ampro Computers, Inc. Model: XTX and ETX COMs Congatec Model: conga-E855 RSC No: 32038 www.congatec.us www.ampro.com Mini PCI Evalue Technologies Inc. Model: ECM-3711 RSC No: 31778 3.5" VIA CN700 Eden V4 1 GHz micro module • Onboard VIA Eden V4 1 GHz CPU • VIA CN700 VT8251 chipset • One SODIMM up to 1 GB DDR2 SDRAM • 2-channel LVDS, dual view • 5.1 channel audio • Dual Realtek RTL8111B PCIe Gigabit LAN • 1 Mini PCI, type I/II CF • 2 SATA, 2 COM, 4 USB 2.0, 16-bit GPIO • Single power input • Fanless operation Kontron Model: ETXexpress-CD RSC No: 30225 ETXexpress is the module concept of the new open standard COM Express by PICMG • With Intel Core Duo processor and Intel Core Solo processor • Two serial ATA for high-speed drives, eight USB 2.0 for fast peripherals • Up to five PCI Express x1 lanes and PCI Express graphic x16 lanes • GbE for high connectivity www.kontron.com www.evalue-tech.com Mini-ITX ITOX Applied Computing Model: G5C100-N-GRSC No: 31797 G5C100-N-G Mini-ITX motherboard with Mobile Intel 945GM Express chipset supporting the Intel Core Duo and Solo processors, as well as the Intel Celeron M processor in PGA479 • Optimized for the Intel Core Duo processor featuring dual core architecture • Up to 4 GB of DDR2 533 MHz or 667 MHz dual-channel memory in two 200-pin SODIMM sockets • Dual onboard PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller • VGA (2048 x 1536) and LVDS digital flat-panel (1600 x 1200) interfaces featuring Intel GMA 950 graphics • Two serial ATA interfaces and one Ultra ATA 100 interface • CompactFlash Type II socket www.itox.com PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 41 ETX • ETX-PC/104 • ETX/XTX • Mini PCI • Mini-ITX The conga-E855 is based on ETX spec 2.7 and can be easily integrated into any existing ETX design • Intel Celeron M 600 MHz up to Intel Pentium M 745 1.8 GHz, 2 GB memory • Intel Celeron M 600 MHz up to Intel Pentium M 745 1.8 GHz • Max 2 GB DDR333 • 2x EIDE • PCI, ISA, I2C • 10/100BASE-T • 4x USB 2.0 • Floppy/LPT • 2x COM (TTL) • Keyboard/mouse • Integrated graphics, EPI support • CRT/LVDS 1x18/TTL/TV-out • Max 1024x768 • AC’97 Rev. • Line in, line out, mic • ACPI 2.0 • Board controller • TPM 1.1 option RSC No: 30219 Rugged and nonrugged ETX and XTX modules • ETX 802 is for rugged, high-performance applications that require full notebook-style power management • ETX 700 is a rugged, mid-performance processor module with networking and high-performance graphics in a modular format • ETX 610 is a low-cost, low-power Geode LX 800 module with ACPI support for nonrugged applications • XTX 800, a new form factor, is a modular, ultra-high-performance COM that plugs into the existing ETX baseboard • XTX 820 is a small, ultra-high-performance product for applications requiring full notebook-style power management • XTX 830 is a small, ultra-highperformance dual core processor module • A choice of CPUs ranging from 1.8 GHz Pentium M 745 to 500 MHz Geode LX 800 to CoreDuo T2500 2.0 GHz • Either ISA and PCI or PCI Express 4 x 1, PCI and LPC (XTX 820, XTX 830) • Choice of four USB 1.1 (ETX 700), four USB 2.0 (ETX 610, ETX 802), or six USB 2.0 (XTX 800, XTX 820, XTX 830) • 10/100BASE-T Ethernet; excellent OS support • Both rugged and nonrugged modules available 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104 ACCES I/O Products, Inc. Model: USB-CTR-15 Diamond Systems Corporation RSC No: 31344 USB/104 digital module provides 15 independent counter/timers • High-speed USB 2.0 device, USB 1.1 compatible • 15 independent 16-bit counter/timers (5 x 82C54-10) • Clock, gate, and output signals from all 15 channels buffered and accessed via one connector • PC/104 module size (3.550" x 3.775") and mounting compatibility • Standard configuration adapter preconfigured for event counting, frequency measurement, pulse width measurement, or frequency generation • Removable screw terminal board for easy wiring • User wiring adapter card provided for flexible yet easy counter concatenation/configuration • Rugged, small-sized (4" x 4" x 1.25") steel industrial enclosure • OEM (board only) version available www.accesio.com Aprotek, Inc. Model: #8XX0 Series Modems RSC No: 30221 Data/fax modems deliver performance and quality for applications that require dial-up modem functions • Conexant chip technology assures the highest connect speeds over varying line conditions • 8-bit PC/104 bus • Full AT command set/S registers • Caller ID • +5 V-only operation • Four industry-standard COM ports, jumper-selectable, with IRQ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 9 • Two-year warranty • Lifetime customer support www.aprotek.com General Standards Corporation Model: PC104P-24DSI12 A highly flexible and reconfigurable PC/104 digital I/O module based on a Xilinx Spartan II FPGA • Provides 64 digital I/O signals, 10 16-bit counter/ timers, and the ability to reconfigure in the field • Uses onboard flash memory to store FPGA code • Memory may be reprogrammed using a JTAG interface • Initial release of the module includes FPGA code to configure GPIO-MM with 48 programmable-direction digital I/O pins based on 8255 cores, eight fixed-input signals, eight fixed-output signals, and 10 16-bit counter/timers based on 9513 cores, supported by a 40 MHz clock • Three pin headers provide a total of 100 I/O pins • Onboard EEPROM provides 256 bytes of user-accessible storage, typically used for configuration information • Extended operating temperature range of -40 °C to +85 °C www.diamondsystems.com Diamond Systems Corporation RSC No: 32074 12-channel 24-bit delta-sigma PC104P analog input board • 12 differential 24-bit analog input channels • Delta-sigma converter per channel, with linear phase digital antialias filtering • Sample rates from 2 kSps to 200 kSps per channel • 100 dB dynamic range to 100 kSps • 93 dB SINAD • Low power consumption – 6 W typical • Only +5 Vdc required from PCI bus • Also available on PMC, PCI, and CompactPCI www.generalstandards.com Arcom Model: Viper PXA255 SBC Model: GPIO-MM RSC No: 30419 RSC No: 31783 The VIPER is an ultra-low-power PC/104-compatible SBC based on the Intel 400 MHz PXA255 XScale RISC processor • Low-profile, industry-standard PC/104 form factor • All soldered memory for improved reliability • Battery-backed SRAM for high-speed nonvolatile storage • Available in standard and wide operating temperature versions • Available with ready-to-run operating system development kits • Ultra-low-power for battery operation www.arcom.com Model: Janus MM RSC No: 30420 An expansion module that incorporates dual CAN bus interfaces and optional GPS and/or wireless modem capability on a single board • Utilizes only a single slot in a PC/104 stack • Enables the creation of compact, vehicle-based applications that can communicate on the vehicle network, determine the vehicle’s location, and exchange information with a central location • Applications can be found in trucks, buses, trains, delivery vehicles, police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks • Can be used with a Diamond Systems Prometheus, Athena, Hercules, Morpheus, or Poseidon CPU card or any of the dozens of PC/104-expandable single board computers available today in PC/104, EBX, EPIC, or other form factors PC/104 www.diamondsystems.com Advanced Digital Logic, Inc. Model: MSM800SEV RSC No: 25331 An embedded computer board based on the new AMD processor Geode LX800 on a PC/104 board size • Runs with a fanless AMD Geode-LX800 CPU • 500 MHz • 256 MB DDR RAM, max. 1 GB • Incorporates USB V2.0, graphic, LAN, and the possibility of expandable functions via PC/104-Plus (ISA and PCI) • Up to three parallel displays (VGA, DVI, LVDS) may show three similar or two different pictures • Two serial interfaces available as V24/RS-232C • Video controller supports 240 x 320 quarter-TFT-VGA up to high-definition resolution 1080i • Maximal 16 MB video memory is UMA shared with DDR-RAM • 10/100BASE-T LAN-Ethernet • COM1, COM2, LPT1 • RTC and watchdog timer • AC’97 sound interface (in and out) • Single 5 Vdc power supply • PC/104-Plus bus connector www.adlogic-pc104.com 42 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors RSC# 43 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104 Mesa Electronics Octagon Systems Model: 4C81 PC104-PCI CPU RSC No: 31108 A low-cost, low-power ARM-based PC104-PCI CPU • Designed for networked applications, features two 10/100base-T Ethernet interfaces and a slot for a Wi-Fi card or other Mini PCI device • Type 3 Mini PCI for wireless/modem • Optional Spartan 3 FPGA for custom I/O • 32 MB RAM, 32 MB flash, Linux, or NetBSD www.mesanet.com Micro Technic A-S Model: Blackbird RTU RSC No: 30228 A unique combination of GSM/GPRS modem and I/O signals in one basic low-power PC (386 to Pentium) system • RTU/data-logger with GSM/GPRS modem • SMS messages, alarms, and inquiries • TCP/IP over GPRS – always online • Control via AT commands • Free data-logger software, EagleLog • One RS-232 port (standard COM port) • CPU available from 386 to Pentium class • DIN rail mountable sheet metal chassis • Integrated I/O: Eight digital inputs, opto-isolated; seven digital outputs, opto-isolated; eight isolated analog inputs, 12-bit • Wide temperature range: -20 °C to +70 °C • PC/104 architecture system • Low power consumption, low cost www.micro-technic.com Micro/sys, Inc. Model: SBC1491ET RSC No: 30722 Model: SBC1586 RSC No: 15979 Ready-to-run 486/586 computer • Small PC/104 format • DiskOnChip, 64 MB RAM • Onboard accelerated VGA • COM1, COM2, KBD, mouse • 10BASE-T Ethernet port • PC/104 expansion • -40 °C to +85 °C operation available Compact PC/104 footprint • Low-Power Pentium, 166 or 266 MHz • Up to 256 MB SDRAM • CompactFlash connector • Four serial ports • One USB port • 10/100BASE-T Ethernet • PC/104 expansion PC/104 www.embeddedsys.com MOXA Technologies, Inc. MOXA Technologies, Inc. Model: CA-104 RSC No: 31784 Model: CA-132/132I RSC No: 31785 CA-104 is a 4-port RS-232 PC/104 multiport serial board that meets the embedded PC standard • Works with PC/104 CPU boards that accept the PC/104 expansion interface • Four RJ-45 ports and optional DB9 or DB25 connection cables • Built-in 15 kV ESD surge protection • Jumper and DIP switch selectable IRQ, I/O settings • Onboard Tx, Rx LED indicators for each port • Works perfectly with all major operating systems • Drivers provided for all major operating systems PC/104, 2-port RS-422/485 multiport serial boards • Works with PC/104 CPU boards that accept the PC/104 expansion interface • Two RJ-45 ports and optional DB9 or DB25 connection cables • On-chip hardware flow control • Built-in 15 kV ESD surge protection • Jumper and DIP switch selectable IRQ, I/O settings • Onboard Tx, Rx LED indicators for each port • Supports RS-485 ADDC (Automatic Data Direction Control) intelligence • Built-in termination resistors enabled by DIP switch www.moxa.com 44 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Rugged computer with expandable I/O and fanless operation • CPU: VIA Eden ESP • COM 1: RS-232, 8-wire • Processor speed: 733 MHz or 1.0 GHz • COM 2: RS-232 8-wire, RS-422/485 4-wire • BIOS: General software, AT compatible • LPT1: no • Watchdog timer: 10, 60 sec • USB ports: 4, rev. 2.0 compliant; 2 internal rev. 1.1 • Boot flash (BIOS): 512 kB • Digital I/O: 24 lines, bit programmable • SDRAM supplied: 128, 256, or 512 MB • Ethernet: Two 10/100BASE-T • PCI bus: 33 MHz • PC/104 • ISA bus: 8.33 MHz • PC/104-Plus • Front side bus: 133 MHz • Power: 8-36 Vdc input, 2.5 A max. @ 24 V • OS included: no • Temp. range: -40 °C to 85° C • Embedder kits: Linus and XPe • Shock: 40 g, 3 axis • EIDE hard drive: 2 • Vibration 5 g, 3 axis • CompactFlash: 1 or 2 GB option • Size (inches): 6" (W) x 4.2" (H) x 10.8" (D) • CRT: 1920 x 1440 • Size (mm): 152.4 x 106.68 x 274.32 • Flat-panel: LVDS • Mini PCI: 1 • Keyboard/ mouse • PS/2 www.octagonsystems.com Micro/sys, Inc. www.embeddedsys.com Model: XMB-1 RSC No: 31692 www.moxa.com PEAK-System Technik GmbH Model: PCAN-ISA-PC/104 RSC No: 30247 An adapter that makes it possible to use and operate PC/104 cards in PCs with an ISA slot • Can be used to operate multiple PC/104 cards by plugging them in one above the other • Screw terminals can be used to tap into the various voltage supplies on the card (±5 V, ±12 V, and GND), while four control LEDs display the status • Contacts for the multipoint connector on the PC/104 bus are also fed out on the underside of the motherboard • A PCI to PC/104-Plus version available • Two-layer motherboard with gold-plated ISA contacts • PC voltages may be tapped via screw terminals • LED status display • PC/104 contacts fed out on motherboard backplane www.peak-system.com 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104 PEAK-System Technik GmbH RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: PCAN-PC/104 CAN RSC No: 24818 Model: Autonomous SmartCal and Analog I/ORSC No: 30242 PC/104 CAN card • 1 or 2 channel including drivers for Win98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP/ LINUX • LabVIEW driver, QNX optional • Baud rate settings up to 1 Mbaud • Two can be configured totally independently SJA1000 CAN controller with 16 MHz clock frequency • 82C251 CAN transceiver • CAN bus connection via Sub-D, 9-pin (to CiA DS102-1) • Hardware can be reset via software • Multiple PC/104 cards can be operated in parallel (interrupt sharing) • Choice of 14 different port addresses and eight different interrupt addresses • Optional: electrical isolation to 500 V • The card package includes software and sources for in-house programming • Samples in VB, C, C++, C#, VB.NET, DELPHI www.peak-system.com SmartCal dataModules and analog I/O • 12-bit or 16-bit resolution A/D and D/A converters • Fast operating system and driver-independent, multirange autocalibration by onboard DSP (< 300 bms) • 1 k/8 k FIFOs for data buffers and channel-gain table • 16/32 single-ended or 8/16 differential inputs with programmable gains of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 • Versatile triggering for advanced sampling, including SyncBus for multiboard simultaneous sampling • Analog input ranges: ±5, ±10, +10 V; analog output ranges: ±5, +5, ±10, +10 V • High-speed McBSP serial port interface to dspModules • aDIO with event and match interrupts and three 16-bit user timer/counters • Critical analog layout and precision low-drift parts yield excellent low-noise characteristics • Windows, Windows CE, DOS, Linux, and various RTOSs • Architecture: PC/104, PC/104-Plus, and PCI-104 • Operating temperature: -40 °C to +85 °C www.rtdusa.com RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: Communications Modules RSC No: 19361 10 Mbps and 10/100Base-T Ethernet adapters • Single- and dual-channel boards available • Supported connections: RJ-45 twisted pair, MT-RJ fiber, 10Base-2, and AUI • Most Ethernet utility modules also support network booting for diskless environments www.rtdusa.com PEAK-System Technik GmbH Model: PCAN-PC/104 Power RSC No: 24819 PC/104-compatible power packs • PC/104 switch-mode power pack with max. 5 A output current at an output voltage of 5 V • Input voltage range: 9 - 35 V (9 - 55 V for the PC/104 Power II versions) • Integrated protective circuit in the event of defective output voltage • Integrated, temperature-dependent PWM output for ventilator fan hookup • Choice of two different startup modes • Digital versions only: software-driven power-down available, temperature monitor and six digital inputs available www.peak-system.com RAF Electronic Hardware Model: Male-Female Stacking RSC No: 30218 PC/104 Male-female stacking spacers that help overcome space limitations that may occur when PC/104 or PC/104-Plus bus drives are installed • Nylon or aluminum (mating screw and hex nut available for either material) • Length: 0.600"; diameter 3/16"; round and hexagon profiles • 3/16" long, 4-40 male thread on one end • 1/4" deep, 4-40 internal thread depth • Precision manufactured for perfect fit www.rafhdwe.com RSC# 45 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 45 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: cpuModules Model: Frame Grabbers and Video Controllers and Video Input/Output RSC No: 30241 RSC No: 19384 Intel Celeron, VIA Eden, AMD Geode, and Intel 486DX processors operating from 66 MHz to 1.0 GHz • Up to 512 MB onboard, surface-mount SDRAM, real-time clock, and watchdog timer • Power consumption as low as 4.5 W • RTD Enhanced AMI BIOS with Fail Safe Boot, USB boot, quick boot, ACPI 1.0, APIC, and nonvolatile CMOS settings without battery • MultiPort – BIOS selectable parallel port, floppy, 18-bit aDIO with match/event/ strobe interrupts and bit masking • SVGA display controller supporting TTL or LVDS flat panel • BIOS-selectable USB 2.0, 10/100BASE-T Ethernet, RS-232/422/485 serial, AC’97 audio, keyboard/ mouse, EIDE controller supporting UltraDMA 100 • Two-pin socket for DiskOnChip, SRAM, flash, EPROM, or ATA/IDE Flash Disk Chip • Advanced thermal management with thermal throttling, auto fan control, and temperature monitor for CPU and board temperature • Windows, Windows CE, DOS, Linux, and various RTOSs • Architecture: PC/104 and PC/104-Plus • Operating temperatures: • -40 °C to +85 °C – IDAN, HiDAN, HiDANplus • -40 °C to +85 °C – 400, 733, 1,000 MHz • -40 °C to +80 °C – 650 MHz www.rtdusa.com RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: Digital I/O Controllers RSC No: 30238 Bit or byte programmable advanced digital I/O • Digital I/O with advanced interrupts • Pattern match interrupt and bit change interrupt • 16-bit counter/timers • Pulse width modulator • Incremental encoder • MOSFET, opto-isolated, and relay I/O • High-voltage/ high-current I/O • Drivers and example programs • Windows, Windows CE, DOS, Linux, and various RTOSs • Architecture: PC/104 and PC/104-Plus • Operating temperature : -40 °C to +85 °C www.rtdusa.com RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: dspModules DSP accelerators/coprocessors with RTD dspFramework SDK • 500 MHz /1 GHz TMS320C6416 at 4000/8000 MIPS • 250/300 MHz TMS320C6202 at 2000/2400 MIPS • 200 MHz TMS320C6713 at 1600 MIPS/1200 MFLOPS • JTAG emulator connector • All DSP resources accessible from PCI bus • Watchdog timer • Boot from PCI or onboard flash • 32, 128, or 256 MB SDRAM • 2 MB flash • PCI-104 or PC/104-Plus compliant form factor • Rugged passive heat sink • Operating temperature -40 °C to +85 °C www.rtdusa.com PC/104 www.rtdusa.com RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. RSC No: 20930 RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: Power Supply and UPS Modules RSC No: 20984 Model: Wireless Telematics RSC No: 20933 High power capacity of 30 W to 100 W • Wide input voltage range • Reverse polarity, transient, short circuit, and overload protection • High efficiency at full load with models that exceed 90 percent • Low input ripple current for enhanced reliability • Filtered avionics power supplies • Remote ON/OFF operation • Low output ripple voltage • Input ranges: 8-32, 18-36, 33-72, and 16-50 Vdc • Available output voltages are +5, -5, +12, -12, and +3.3 Vdc • Available output power is 30 W, 50 W, 75 W, 83 W, and 100 W • Operating temperature -40 °C to +85 °C Siemens MC35 dual-band 900/1800 MHz GSM engine • Siemens MC45 tri-band 900/ 1800/1900 MHz GSM engine • Triorail TRM:1 tri-band GSM-R/900/ 1800 MHz engine for railway systems • GPRS multislot class 8/class 10, mobile station class B • 12-channel Fastrax iTrax02 GPS receiver • SMS and SMS cell broadcast • NMEA and binary protocols • 4G Atherus AR5004 WLAN chipset • 3.3 V and +5 V antenna support • Up to 85.6 kbps downlink speed • 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 14.4 kbps data rate • Output power class 4 (2 W) GSM900, class 1 (1 W) GSM 1800 www.rtdusa.com www.rtdusa.com 46 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Frame grabbers and video controllers • Philips SAA7133HL video decoder with Philips SAA6752HS MPEG encoder • Philips SAA7146A multimedia bridge with Samsung S5D0127 video decoder • 30 FPS video capture with NTSC input and 25 fps with PAL/SECAM inputs • Fully licensed hardware MPEG-2 compression • Stereo audio input and output channels • Dual independent channels support capture of simultaneous A/V input streams with opto-isolated digital I/O for camera control • PCI video controller with 4 MB integrated video memory and ISA video controller with 1.5 MB integrated video memory • TTL digital flat panel, DVI, or analog VGA interfaces with 1600 x 1200 maximum output resolution • BIOS support for broad range of flat-panel types • Windows, Windows CE, DOS, Linux, and various RTOSs • Architecture: PC/104 and PC/104-Plus • Operating temperature: -40 °C to +85 °C video controllers; 0 °C to +70 °C frame grabbers Model: Rugged Systems RSC No: 30240 IDAN, HiDAN, HiDANplus, and FieldPad systems and computers with standard PC or user-defined MIL-C-38999 I/O connectors • Structural heat sinks and heat pipes for fanless operation • High impactresistant milled aluminum construction using 6061 Temper-T6 alloy with clear chromate coating • Integrated tongue and groove ORing for environmental sealing and EMI suppression • Breather valve to equalize internal and external pressure • 100-pin stackable board-to-board I/O signal raceway • Quick interchangeability using any combination of RTD PC/104, PC/104-Plus, and PCI-104 modules • Custom wire harnesses and customerdefined I/O connectors • Many mounting options for customized integration • Optional MIL-SPEC paint, shock-mount, and cooling fins • Windows, Windows CE, DOS, Linux, and various RTOSs • Operating temperatures: -40 °C to +85 °C IDAN, HiDAN, and HiDANplus systems; -20 °C to +70 °C industrial and tactical FieldPad with panel www.rtdusa.com RSC# 47 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104 SCIDYNE Signalogic, Inc. Model: GPIO-104 RSC No: 23534 Model: SigC641x-PTMC Analog I/O and digital I/O in a single low-cost module • Eight 12-bit multirange analog inputs (±10 V, ±5 V, +5 V, +10 V) • Up to 100 kSps throughput • Self-timed or usercontrolled acquisition • Four 12-bit multirange analog outputs (±5 V, +5 V, +10 V) • 24 digital I/O channels using familiar 82C55 chip • Interrupts fully support sharing and access to all PC/104 bus IRQs • Single +5 V power requirement www.scidyne.com SECO Model: M685R CM&PM-ATI M9 RSC No: 31776 ETX Celeron M and Pentium M with ATI M9 graphic controller for high graphic performances • Chipset: Intel 855GME • DRAM: up to 1 GB DDR RAM on SODIMM modules supporting 200, 266, 333 MHz • Graphic controller and video: ATI M9 controller with 64 MB integrated video DDR memory • VGA video output • LVDS double-channel video output • USB: 4 x USB 2.0 serial ports: 2 x RS-232 full modem (TTL signals) • Parallel: LPT bidirectional EPP or ECP • Ethernet: Fast Ethernet 10/100BASE-T • IDE interface: ATA-133 channels www.seco.it RSC No: 31493 PMC form factor • Adds modular functionality to PCI, CompactPCI, or VME boards • 4" x 6" • PICMG 2.15 compatible, including GbE port on PN4 • 10/100 front-panel interface • PCI 32/33 interface directly to processors • Support for PTMC configurations 2, 3, and 5 • Scalable, including processors and power consumption • Stand-alone capability, including boot flash EEPROM • Flexible reprogrammable logic options www.signalogic.com Technologic Systems Model: TS-7300 RSC No: 31792 TS-7300 high-security Linux FPGA SBC with 1.69 seconds fast bootup to Linux • 200 MHz ARM9 CPU with 32-128 MB SDRAM • User-programmable Altera 2C8 Cyclone II FPGA with reprogram Linux utility • 10 RS-232 serial ports (more possible if TTL only) • 55 DIO ports (up to 35 TS-XDIO capable on FPGA) • Two 10/100 Ethernet ports, 2 USB 2.0 compatible OHCI ports (12 Mbps max) • TS-VIDCORE VGA video-out wit 8 MB dedicated video RAM • Matrix keypad and text mode LCD support • Two SD card flash sockets • Optional Linux-supported USB 802.11g Wi-Fi transceiver, optional battery-backed real-time clock • 1.8 W power (CPU/SDRAM full speed, Ethernet on but unplugged, all serial ports on, and with default FPGA bitstream) • OS bootloader starts in under half a second, 1.69 seconds boot time (to Linux shell prompt) www.embeddedarm.com WinSystems, Inc. Model: PCM-MIO RSC No: 30336 A high-density analog and digital PC/104 I/O card that operates from -40 °C to +85 °C • Two standard configurations available: 16-bit A/D, 12-bit D/A, 48 DIO or 12-bit A/D, 12-bit D/A, 48 DIO • No adjustment potentiometers or calibration needed • Softwareprogrammable interrupt configuration • Free software drivers in C, Windows, and Linux • Conversion speed: up to 100 kSps, throughput about 85 kSps (processor dependent) • Analog input ranges: 0-5 V, 0-10 V, ±5 V, and ±10 V • 48 bidirectional TTL-compatible DIO lines with 24 capable of event-sense interrupt generation www.winsystems.com Signal Forge, LLC PC/104 Model: Signal Forge 1000 RSC No: 31492 A signal generator that provides the capabilities of a sweep generator and a function generator • 1 GHz Frequency Range • AC-coupled output for RF testing • Differential and digital outputs for testing clock-based systems such as serial interface ICs • Sine and square wave generation • Waveform modulations include: FM, AM, frequency sweep, FSK, ASK, OOK, arbitrary • Small form factor (8.5" x 5.6" x 1.5") www.signalforge.com Woodhead Model: SST Profibus PC/104 RSC No: 31782 Brad Communications SST PC/104 card connects a PC/104-based application (PC control, HMI/OI/SCADA) to PROFIBUS DP • OPC Server, DLL driver, and diagnostic software • Supports PROFIBUS master DP-V1 class 1 and 2, PROFIBUS master DP-V0 class 1 and 2, PROFIBUS slave DP-V0 and FDL Layer 2 protocols • Connect a PC/104-based application to PROFIBUS DP • 9.6 kbps to 12 Mbps supported • PC/104 cards available for other industrial networks including DeviceNet, Control, and DH+/RIO • Other bus formats supported including PCI, CompactPCI, PCMCIA, USB, and VME www.woodhead.com Zendex Model: ZXE-855 RSC No: 31986 The ZXE-855 is a multipurpose full-function single board computer aimed at the high-performance embedded market, designed to deliver the rich visual multimedia experience • Intel P4 M or Celeron M up to 2 GHz with the Intel 855 chipset • 6x USB 2.0 USB ports, 10/100 Ethernet • 2 XGA video ports • Full passive I/O backplane • Supports Windows XP, 2000, XP Embedded, and Linux • Low profile, low noise, low power, and a fully passive backplane zendex.com 48 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PC/104-Plus DIGITAL-LOGIC AG Aaeon Model: PFM-550s RSC No: 32076 Model: MPCX47 Onboard VIA Mark processor • Supports 18-bit TTL and 18/36-bit LVDS TFT LCD • 2 COM/ 4 USB ports • 10/100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet • Supports Type I CompactFlash • PC/104-Plus expansion bus • +5 V only operation www.aaeon.com RSC No: 25105 Waterproof Mini PC suitable for applications in vehicles, ships, trains, and airplanes, in the outdoor area (sports, military, construction, tunneling, surveying, and alignment) for multimedia PCs and multidisplay systems (vending desks, advertising panels, checkout systems, POS, and POI) • 1.4 GHz Intel Pentium M 738 processor • i855GME chipset • 2,045K L2 cache • 512 MB DDR RAM (optional 1 GB) • Two PS/2 ports for keyboard and mouse, and interfaces for printer, COM1, and COM2 • Stereo line in/outputs • Microphone and headphone connector • 20 GB 2.5-inch hard disk • 10/100BASE-T (RJ-45) or WLAN 802.11b/g • PC/104-Plus extension socket • CompactFlash Type II slot • Offers a series of opto-isolated input/output ports • Available with GPS and GSM option • Windows XP, QNX, and Linux • 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc • 0 °C to +50 °C standard operating temperature, -40 °C to +50 °C extended • 300 mm x 160 mm x 66 mm www.digitallogic.com Asine Ltd. Model: ASR3104 RSC No: 31786 Rugged PC/104-Plus system • Pentium M • Full MIL-STD airborne and automotive • USB 2.0, RS-232/422/485, 1553, ARINC 429, CAN • Fibre Channel, 1 GbE, FireWire 1394 • Windows 2000/XP/9X/CE, Linux/RT/ Embedded, VxWorks, RT kernels • Up to 180 GB removable flash disk www.asinegroup.com EMAC, Inc. Zendex Model: PCM-3116 Dual Slot MiniPCI Module RSC No: 22976 Model: ZXE-UFE/104P RSC No: 31985 www.emacinc.com Axiomtek Model: AX12270 RSC No: 32017 zendex.com A PC/104-Plus form factor CPU module with low power and fanless VIA V4 Eden CPU • PC/104-Plus form factor • Low power and fanless VIA V4 Eden CPU • 256 MB of onboard DDR2 memory • USB Disk on Module • +5 V only power input www.axiomtek.com A high-performance PC/104-Plus SBC featuring the 1.6 GHz Pentium M • Extreme Graphics 2 video: high-speed rendering and MPEG-2 support • SODIMM Memory Socket accommodates up to 1 GB of DDR RAM • Onboard sound, two USB 2.0 ports, two COM ports (one 422/485/232 configurable), IDE interface • TVS protection, which provides enhanced ESD resistance • CompactFlash socket • Embedded BIOS • 400 MHz processor-side bus provides improved system throughput www.versalogic.com VersaLogic Corp. Model: Puma RSC No: 30337 PCI-104 New low-power draw, RoHS-compliant PC/104-Plus single board computer featuring the AMD GX500 • High-performance video: analog and LVDS flat-panel outputs for 18- and 24-bit displays • Network support: 10/100 Ethernet • Four USB 2.0 ports • CompactFlash socket • Fanless operation: no moving parts required for CPU cooling • Watchdog timer provides hardware-level safety control for application runaway conditions • Three COM ports (1-RS-232, two RS-422/485) and one LPT port with SPP and enhanced modes Acrosser Technology Model: AR-B1622 RSC No: 31787 Low-power PCI-104 AMD LX800 CPU with CRT/LCD, LAN, PCI-104, 4 x COM, 4 x USB (2.0) • Low-power PCI-104 500 MHz CPU • Supports 24-bit and 18-bit LVDS LCD • LCD inverter power connector • Supports 3.3 V and 5 V LCD • 4x RS-232, 4x USB 2.0, PCI-104 expansion www.acrosser.com www.versalogic.com Western DataCom Model: MobileCom XE RSC No: 31777 EVDO CDMA cellular modem • PC/104-Plus design operates on Sprint, Verizon, or any cellular carriers supporting speeds of 3.1 Mbps down and 1.8 Mbps speeds up • Cisco 3200 compatible • CDMA WVDO Rev. A data throughput 1.8 Mbps to 3.1 Mbps • Power requirements 4 Vdc to 40 Vdc • Environmental operating temperature -40 °C to 85 °C www.western-data.com PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 49 PC/104-Plus • PCI-104 VersaLogic Corp. Model: Cheetah RSC No: 30338 The Zendex ZXE-UFE/104P is a PC/104-Plus add-on card that provides high-speed USB 2.0, IEEE 1394 FireWire, and 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connections for any PC/104-Plus application • Four USB 2.0 ports • Two IEEE 1394 FireWire ports • One 10/100 Ethernet port • PCI interface (master) for fast connectivity • Standard 0.1" headers optional for all ports • Fully PC/104-Plus compliant Supports two Mini PCI devices • High-performance PC/104-Plus • Compliant with PCI version 2.1 • Ideal for wireless and wired network expansion • For use with Linux, Window 98, XP, 2000, and CE operating systems 2007 BUYER’S GUIDE PC/104 and Small Form Factors PCI-104 SoC RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Model: RTD Pentium M iWave Systems Technologies Pvt Ltd RSC No: 32009 Pentium M and 1.0 GHz Celeron M processors – Pentium M internal L2 cache: 2 MB – Celeron M internal L2 cache: 512 kB • 256 or 512 MB 333 MHz surface-mount DDR SDRAM with single-bit error correction and double bit error detection (ECC) • RTD enhanced AMI BIOS with USB boot, quick boot, APIC, and nonvolatile storage of CMOS settings without battery • MultiPort – BIOS selectable parallel port, floppy, 18-bit a DIO with match/event/strobe interrupts and bit masking • BIOS-selectable USB 2.0, 10/100BASE-T Ethernet, RS-232/422/485 serial, AC’97 audio, keyboard/mouse, EIDE controller supporting UltraDMA 100 • LVDS flat-panel and analog SVGA controller with 3D accelerator and 64-bit AGP graphics accelerator • 32-pin socket for onboard ATA/IDE flash drive • Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology reduces CPU speed and core voltage when idle • ACPI 2.0 power suspend modes featuring wake from aDIO, Ethernet, power button, USB, or RTC • Advanced thermal management enabling thermal throttling, auto fan control, and temperature monitor for CPU and board • Windows, Windows CE, DOS, Linux, and various RTOSs • Operating temperatures: -40 °C to +85 °C IDAN, HiDAN, HiDANplus; -40 °C to +85 °C, 1 GHz; -40 °C to +75 °C, 1.4/1.0 GHz www.rtdusa.com RTOS Model: iW-86SOC RSC No: 31796 iW-86 SoC design provides instruction set compatibility to 80186 type design with multiple peripherals fit in to a single Spartan-3 series FPGA • Multiprotocol serial controller equivalent to Z8530 • 8254 programmable timer • PCI Host/Master/Target controller with on-chip memory • Peripheral/Memory bus interface • iW-86 CPU core with bus interface unit, bus arbitration unit, wait control unit, refresh control unit • CPU on-chip peripherals • Programmable 16-bit timer similar to 8254 • Serial controller unit similar to 8251 • Interrupt controller unit similar to 8259 • DMA controller unit similar to 8237 www.iwavesystems.com Ardence, Inc. RSC No: 24196 The Phar Lap ETS real-time operating system provides system designers with the most reliable, highest performing, and easy to deploy hard real-time development environment • Based on x86 architectures, ETS offers a comprehensive suite of tools that smoothly integrate into the well-known Microsoft Visual Studio IDE – minimizing development and debugging time • With support for all standard BIOS implementations and the industry’s smallest operational footprint, the Win32 API compliant Phar Lap ETS RTOS enables developers to install, configure, and start developing within 2-4 hours • ETS has proven itself in thousands of demanding environments, such as: multimedia streaming solutions, ocean vessel location systems, submicron scanning systems, and RFID products • Real-time File System: high-speed media access with FAT16 and FAT32 support • Fully Win32 compliant: no need to use code wrappers for API mapping • Complete IA32 x86 support: 386, 486, Pentium I, II, III, 4, 4 Multicore, M, Xenon, as well as AMD CPUs • Smallest operational footprint: < 500 kB with I/O graphics and TCP/IP • Support for all standard BIOS implementations: including ACPI compliant PIC and uniprocessor APIC • Integrated WinSock compliant real time TCP/IP stack: fully Windows independent www.Ardence.com/Embedded/RTX.htm Testing Agilent Technologies Model: N4903A RSC No: 30432 A serial bit error ratio tester • Performs jitter-tolerance testing, J-BERT, at rates up to 12.5 Gbps • Provides built-in and calibrated jitter composition for stressed eye testing of receivers with sources for PJ, RJ, BUJ, ISI, and sinusoidal interference • Complex serial patterns can be analyzed, and multiple line training sequences can be simulated • Built-in clock data recovery • Spread-spectrum clocking • Accurate characterization evidenced by supporting and displaying the cleanest eye diagrams, with 20 ps transition times and 50 mV analyzer sensitivity • Supports PCI Express, SATA, Fibre Channel, FB-DIMM, CEI, GbE, and XFP www.agilent.com Saving power with suspend-to-RAM a ¸ tors pc/104 Designers are being pressed more and more to find and implement energy-saving solutions. Too many embedded systems spend time idling when they should be saving power by sleeping. While some boards implement power-saving functions, without the right software, they can be difficult to access and manage. VersaLogic’s Puma PC/104-Plus platform with the AMD GX 500 has recently been enhanced with the addition of General Software’s Embedded BIOS2000. Features include a very fast 85 ms POST, which minimizes boot time, and suspend-to-RAM (ACPI S3), which manages creation of a RAM image allowing the system to sleep, wake up, restore power to all onboard components, and resume exactly where it left off. The Puma consumes less then 1 W of power in Suspend-to-RAM mode nd – fantastic news for battery-operated and low-power applications. sm a l l f o r m Software, Inc. EDITOR’S CHOICE General www.gensw.com PRODUCT RSC# 32035 fa c PCI-104 • RTOS • SoC • Testing • XTX Model: Phar Lap ETS 50 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors XTX Congatec Model: conga-X945 RSC No: 32043 Dual Core XTX embedded CPU module with four PCI Express lanes and SATA – XTX module with Intel Core Duo processor • The conga-X945 features the latest Intel Core Duo processors up to 2x 1.83 GHz with 2 MB shared cache • It offers all XTX features including 4x x1 PCI Express lanes www.congatec.us RSC# 51 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc PC/104 and Small Form Factors Winter 2006 / 51 RSC# 52 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc OpenSystems OpenSystems Publishing Publishing™ Advertising/Business Office 30233 Jefferson Avenue St. Clair Shores, MI 48082 Tel: 586-415-6500 n Fax: 586-415-4882 A D V E R T I S E R Page/RSC# I N F O R M AT I O N Advertiser/Product Description 30Acces I/O Products, Inc. – Analog, Digital, Relay and Serial I/O Products Vice President Marketing & Sales Patrick Hopper [email protected] Business Manager Karen Layman Sales Group 22 Advantech Corporation – SOM Modules 56 Ampro Computers, Inc. – Embedded Solutions 3501 Aprotek, Inc. – PC/104 Modems 7 Arcom Control Systems, Inc. – ZEUS 31 Axiomtek – Embedded Small Form Factors 2 Diamond Systems Corporation – Poseidon EPIC SBC 43 DIGITAL-LOGIC AG – Microspace PC/104-Plus Family 13 Embedded Planet – AMCC PowerPC 405 Processor 19 Excalibur Systems, Inc. – Avionics Communications 21 GE Fanuc Automation Americas, Inc. – Embedded Systems 3601 ICP America, Inc. – GoPC-Mobile 55 Jacyl Technology Inc. – PC/104 FPGA Circuit Boards 33 Kontron – ETXexpress Modules 47 LiPPERT Automationstechnik GmbH – Embedded PC’s 5 Micro/sys, Inc. – CPU Boards 37 Microbus Inc. – Elcard Wireless LAN Modules Regional Sales 3502 MPL AG – MIP470 PowerPC Board 601 MPL AG – MIP405T PowerPC Board Jane Hayward Regional Manager – California [email protected] 45 Radian Heatsinks – EZ Snap Mounting Clips 3602 Radicom Research, Inc. – PC/104 Modem 1501 RAF Electronic Hardware – Electronic Hardware 28RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. – HighRel PC/PCI-104 Modules and Systems Dennis Doyle Senior Account Manager [email protected] Tom Varcie Account Manager [email protected] Doug Cordier Account Manager [email protected] Barbara Quinlan Account Manager [email protected] Andrea Stabile Advertising/Marketing Coordinator [email protected] Christine Long E-marketing Manager [email protected] Phil Arndt Regional Manager – East Coast [email protected] Richard Ayer Regional Manager – West Coast [email protected] 602 SCIDYNE – PC/104 Peripherals 26 Sealevel Systems, Inc. – PCI and PC/104 Serial Solutions 40 Sensoray Co., Inc. – PC/104, PC/104-Plus Solutions 51 Servo Halbeck GmbH – POSYS Motion Controllers 17 Technologic Systems – Tiny WiFi Controller 52 Toronto MicroElectronics, Inc. – Embedded Computer Solutions 9 Toronto MicroElectronics, Inc. – Peripherals/5831 1502 Toronto MicroElectronics, Inc. – DVR301 Reprints and PDFs 23 Tri-M Systems Inc. – PC/104 Multitech Socket Module Carrier Board Call the sales office: 586-415-6500 27 Tri-M Systems Inc. – Two-channel, Multi-protocol Adapter 12 VersaLogic Corp. – Embedded Applications 11 WDL Systems – Embedded Products Source 3 WinSystems, Inc. – Fanless EBX 733 MHz P3 International Sales Stefan Baginski European Bureau Chief [email protected] Dan Aronovic Account Manager – Israel [email protected] www.smallformfactors.com/rsc Rugged SFFs ... Windows ate my homework ... and why I won’t buy another iPod I hate seeing good technology tossed out, so four years ago I purchased a used IBM 233 MHz Pentium 2 MMX PC for use as a home music server. At the time, the machine was already surplus, so this tower is now about 8 years old – an eternity in PC years. In fact, the machine originally shipped with a unique-to-IBM version of Windows 98, but I had upgraded it to a bare-bones version of Windows XP and while it was sluggish, it still ran well enough for remote desktop to manage the disks. It’s a tank-like machine, with a key locking case, and PCI slots and bays aplenty. Of course, the stable XP Pro on this machine was way before Windows XP SP2, widespread malware, zombie computers, Windows Genuine Advantage, and monthly OS updates. Unused for a while, I recently decided to boot it to see if it even worked anymore. After scrounging around for peripherals (who uses PS/2 keyboards and mice these days?) it booted “headless” and I could navigate across the LAN to the 200 GB worth of four shared drives via Network Neighborhood. I was so excited at the prospect of bringing these disks back online and hearing some forgotten tunes that I decided to play it safe and update XP to SP2 et al before I connected it to the Internet for good. Bad decision. After downloading some 56 Microsoft updates since 2004 it was clear that my then-massive 4 GB “C” drive could no longer hold the OS. Think about it: the upgrade from Win98 to XP (SP1) had run fine within some 2 GB, but the upgrades, patches, and fixes to obtain XP SP2 – and all the other patchware for things like Outlook Express and Windows Media Audio – exceeded the original OS plus all of the applications on the disk. 54 / Winter 2006 PC/104 and Small Form Factors Rugged SFFs: an iPod’s not a good choice On pages 24 and 25 you’ll note our snapshot of Small Form Factor (SFF) storage doodads. Of course, an iPod can also store stuff – in either flash (Shuffle, Nano) or disk (Mini, G4 Photo, G5 Video) versions. And according to the commercials, they’re pretty rugged. All offer a disk mode so you can save regular files on the device plus music. But my year-old, just-out-of-warranty $400 G4 Photo iPod recently died at my desk, taking all my files with it. I used it as a backup device, taking home critical files just in case the office PC erupted in flames some day. But an iPod is not a “regular” disk. It has an OS, firmware, a boatload of Apple proprietary code, and an impenetrable plastic case – so nix the idea of yanking the hard disk and using SpinRite or other recovery software. Worse, I had failed to encrypt the files so sending the unit out for repair would expose all our corporate files to the repair shop. Sadly, my iPod is a write-off. Word to the wise: don’t use an iPod as a rugged SFF disk. I didn’t find it very rugged, nor recoverable when something went terribly wrong. Madly trying to delete unnecessary programs during the install like a brush firefighter with too small a shovel, I could tell it was a losing battle. The updates would soon exceed the disk size (couldn’t Microsoft have figured that out before it started downloading?). I was forced to abort the process mid-install, for fear I would trash the OS entirely and lose access to the shared disks. So much for winning the battle; clearly I was losing the war. Of course, this isn’t Microsoft’s fault, though some readers would rush to blame the good folks from Redmond. In the two and a half years since I last updated this machine the Internet has moved – as a recent Consumer Reports article stated – from the Old West to more like gangland Chicago in the Al Capone era. All these updates and patches are required and part of doing business on the Internet with a PC. Even Apple has released an unprecedented number of updates to OS X this year, so evidently the Mac isn’t a much safer option either. (But just in case, I have a Mac server, too.) As I write this, I’m frantically moving files across the LAN from the old IBM to one of my other machines for fear the Windows Update process will soon cripple the machine. Sure, I could remove the disks or even reinstall Windows XP on a bigger disk, but I’d still have a slow CPU trying to cope with an OS in an era it wasn’t designed for. I think this is finally the excuse I need to give Linux a try. I’ve been studying SUSE and Ubuntu Linux distributions for months and know how efficiently Linux runs on an older, low-resource machine. As soon as I finish emptying those disks across the LAN, I’ll feel comfortable saying goodbye to the old Windows-based IBM, and hello to a “new” Linux-based machine. Like I said, I hate throwing things out. Chris A. Ciufo PC/104 and Small Form Factors www.smallformfactors.com [email protected] RSC# 55 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc RSC# 55 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc RSC# 56 @ www.smallformfactors.com/rsc