Bullfrog Motor Repair Brochure
Bullfrog Motor Repair Brochure
Performance You Can Count On! BullFrog Motor Repair BullFrog Motor Repair Division 441 - A 19th Street SE Hickory, NC 28602 Tel: (800) 345-3745 / (828) 624-3330 Fax: (800) 573-9392 / (828) 624-3342 Email: [email protected] www.hagerworldwide.com Bull Frog Motor Repair Repair Quotations in 24 Hours --- Repairs Turned Around in 5 Days --- One Year Full Warranty Basic Motor Repair: Single and 3 Phase Up To 40 HP All shelf stock, repairs, rebuilds include new shaft seals, vacuum breaker kits, seals, bearings, gaskets, waste collectors, vacuum gauge and pump refinish. Rebuilts in Stock One Year Full Warranty Same as New --- Ship in 24 Hours --Oil-Less Compressor Heads Air Techniques Apollo DentalEZ Gast Jun-Air Matrx Mid Mark Tech West Oil Compressor Heads Copeland Jun-Air Pelton & Crane Vacuuum Pumps & Cartridges Air Techniques Apollo Cam-Vac Coastal Custom Vac DentalEZ Dentsply MVS Matrx Mid Mark Ohmeda PVS Tech West Turbine Industries Compressor Units Air Techniques Apollo DentalEZ DCI Gehlen Matrx Mid Mark Pelton & Crane Smart+Air Tech West Turbine Industries Dentsply Parts We now stock the Dentsply line of parts for MVS 1.5, 4.0 and Junior Models. Parts from hoses to relays to new vacuum pumps are available. We now offer new ¾ HP and 2 HP Vacuum Pump Cartridges assembled with New Dentsply parts. These ¾ HP and 2 HP Pump Cartridges come with an unmatched 1½ Year Warranty Call Bull Frog for your New Dentsply Pump Cartridge or Parts Listing 1 (800) 345-3745 New - Dentsply - ¾ HP Pump Cartridge New – Dentsply - 2 HP Pump Cartridge # BDS130 # BDS111 Turbines & Blowers Apollo DentalEZ Matrx Tech West Others Lathes & Lab Engines All Bull Frog repairs must be installed by an authorized Hager Worldwide dealer. Bull Frog Motor Repair Division Email: [email protected] 2 441-A 19th Street SE Hickory, NC 28602 Call Toll Free: (800) 345-3745 Or Fax: (800) 573-9392 Bull Frog Motor Repair All Bull Frog Motor Repairs and Returns, along with APT III Burners needing repair, need to be shipped directly to the Bull Frog Motor Repair Division at: Rebuilt Stock: Estimate Procedures........................... 4 Repair Procedure .............................. 4 Bull Frog Motor Repair 441-A 19th Street SE Hickory, NC 28602 Email: [email protected] Additionally, all orders for Motors, Pumps, Cartridges, Parts, etc., need to be faxed directly to the Bull Frog Motor Repair Division at: (800) 573-9392 / (828) 624-3342 Returns will not be accepted without the authorized R/A number. If you have any questions or need any other information please call: (800) 345-3745 Vacuum Pumps & Cartridges ............. 5 Oil-Less Compressor Heads .............. 9 Oil Type Compressor Heads............. 10 Full Compressor Units...................... 11 Electric Motors................................. 11 Oil ................................................... 11 Dual Vacuum Units .......................... 12 Motor Repair Services...................... 12 Turbines .......................................... 13 Parts ............................................... 13 Return Policy: On all returned items please first call Bull Frog Motor Repair at (800) 345-3745 for “Return Authorization Number.” (All items after 30 days subject to 25 percent restock fee) (All electrical items subject to return at Bullfrog discretion) All returned items must be sent to Bull Frog Motor Division at 441-A 19th Street SE Hickory, NC 28602 On Warranty Items: Bull Frog pays freight charge for shipping warranty unit to dealer. Dealer pays for freight charge on warranty for shipping unit back to Bull Frog. Dealer is billed for complete warranty unit. Dealer is credited back for warranty unit when warranty unit is received at Bull Frog Motor Division. All Bull Frog warranty shipments are UPS Ground only. 3 Sales Rep Info.................................. 15 Bull Frog Motor Repair Estimate Procedure Repair Procedure 1. Bench Test Unit 1. Motor (Replace or repair) a. Replace all bearings 2. Disassemble Motor, Pump or Turbine b. Replace all bad switches a. Check all wiring from motor and switching c.Replace capacitors if needed devices. d.Locktite or replace any bad bearing surfaces b. Surge windings (test for) - End bells and rotor surfaces - Ground short e.Replace any bad or marginal wiring - Bad wiring f. Rewind or replace as necessary - Coil to coil short g.Re-insulate motor windings - Breakdown in insulation h.All parts are thoroughly cleaned c. Check switches and capacitors d. Check bearing surfaces and bell surfaces 2. Pump & Vacuum Stack. for wear a.Clean or replace vacuum adjuster components b.Resurface or replace impellors 3. Pump and Vacuum Stack c.Resurface and clean pump faces a. Disassemble and check vacuum adjuster d.Clean all foreign material from pump and stack and components e.Replace gaskets b. Check pump surfaces for wear and build-up. f. Replace all water seals c. Check impellor for wear 3. Control Box (24 Volt). 4. Control Box. a. Replace bad control boards, bad transformers a. Check transformers and contactors or contactors b. Check wiring b.Replace or repair bad wiring c. Check cord and cord end c.Tighten all wire connecting points (motor and box) 5. Water System. a. Disassemble water solenoid and check 4. Water System. components a.Disassemble all components from filter to pump b. Disassemble vacuum breaker b.Clean or replace water filter c. Check piping for corrosion, wear, clogging c.Clean or replace water solenoid and foreign material d.Clean or replace water restrictors e.Repair vacuum breakers (new seating kits) f. Replace bad water hoses and fittings 5. Reassemble Entire Unit a.Shim for maximum vacuum 6. Test Run a.Check for any leaks b.Check for proper vacuum 7. Clean and Refinish 8. BULL FROG MOTOR DIVISION 441-A 19th Street SE Hickory, NC 28602 Tel: (800) 345-3745 / (828) 624-3330 Fax: (800) 573-9392 / (828) 624-3342 Email: [email protected] 4 Final Bench Check a.Test for short to ground b.Test motor amperage c.Make final check of components 9. Solids Waste Collector - Replace with New 10.Vacuum Gauge - Replace with New 11.Power Cord - Replace with New if Needed Vacuum Pumps & Cartridges Item # BAP120 Item # BAP121 Item # BAP131 Item # BAP141 APOLLO APOLLO APOLLO APOLLO 1 HP Stand Alone 115v 1.5 HP Stand Alone 230v 2 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BAT107 Item # BAT108 Item # BAT111 Item # BAT160 VAC STAR VAC STAR VAC STAR VAC STAR 1 HP Cartridge (VAC STAR 5) 230v 2 HP Cartridge (VAC STAR 8) 230v 1 HP Cartridge (VAC STAR 50) 230v Item # BAT120 Item # BAT121 Item # BAT170 VAC STAR VAC STAR VAC STAR 1 HP Stand Alone 115v 5 1 HP Stand Alone 230v 1 HP Stand Alone 230v 2 HP Stand Alone 230v 2 HP Cartridge (VAC STAR 80) 230v Bull Frog Motor Repair Services Call (800) 345-3745 for Repair Estimate (24 Hour Turnaround) Vacuum Pumps & Cartridges Item # BDE100 Item # BDE101 Item # BDE102 Item # BDE103 DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ (Model MC-201) 1 HP Cartridge w/o Control Box 230v (Model MC-201) 1 HP Cartridge w/Control Box (Bib Fit) 115v (Model MC-201) 1HP Cartridge w/Control Box (Bib Fit) 230v Item # BDE104 Item # BDE105 Item # BDE110 Item # BDE111 DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ (Model MC-201) 1 HP Cartridge w/Control Box (3/4” Slip Fit) 230v (Model MC-201) 1 HP Cartridge w/Control Box (1” Slip Fit) 230v (Model MC-201) 1 HP Stand Alone 115v (Model MC-201) 1 HP Cartridge w/o Control Box 115v 6 DentalEZ 1 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BDE130 Item # BDE131 Item # BDE132 Item # BDE133 DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ (Model MC-202) 2 HP Cartridge w/o Control Box 230v (Model MC-202) 2HP Cartridge w/Control Box (Bib Fit) 230v (Model MC-202) 2 HP Cartridge w/Control Box (3/4” Slip Fit) 230v (Model MC-202) 2 HP Cartridge w/Control Box (1” Slip Fit) 230v Item # BDE140 DentalEZ 2 HP Stand Alone 230v Vacuum Pumps & Cartridges Item # BOH110 OHMEDA PVS OHMEDA PVS SP 1500 1.5 HP Stand Alone 230v SP 2000 2 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BMA101 Item # BMA102 Item # BMA103 MDS/MATRX MDS/MATRX MDS/MATRX Item # BOH101 OHMEDA PVS OHMEDA PVS SP 1000 1 HP Stand Alone 115v SP 1000 1 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BMA100 MDS/MATRX 1 HP Stand Alone 115v 7 Item # BOH120 Item # BOH100 1 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BDS100 Item # BDS110 DENTSPLY DENTSPLY (Model MVS 1.5) 3/4 HP Cartridge 230v (Model MVS 4.0) 2 HP Cartridge 230v 1 HP Cartridge w.Elbows 230v 2 HP Cartridge w.Elbows 230v Item # BDS140 Item # BDS160 Item # BDS161 DENTSPLY DENTSPLY DENTSPLY ¾ hp Junior Cartridge only 230 volt 3/4 HP Stand Alone 115v 2 HP Stand Alone 230v Vacuum Pumps & Cartridges Item # BDS130 “New” Bull Frog ¾ hp cartridge Assembled with new Dentsply parts 230 volts Item # BDS111 “New” Bull Frog 2hp cartridge Assembled with new Dentsply parts 230 volts Item # BTE130 Item # BTE131 TECH WEST TECH WEST 1.5 HP Stand Alone 115v 1.5 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BTE110 Item # BTE111 TECH WEST TECH WEST 1 HP Stand Alone 115v 1 HP Stand Alone 230v Item # BTE150 Item # BTU110 TURBINE INDUSTRIES TECH WEST 2 HP Stand Alone 230v 1 HP Stand Alone 115v Bull Frog Motor Repair Services Item # BTU111 TURBINE INDUSTRIES 1 HP Stand Alone 230v 8 Item # BTU100 TURBINE INDUSTRIES 1.5 HP Stand Alone 115v Item # BTU120 TURBINE INDUSTRIES 2 HP Stand Alone 230v Call (800) 345-3745 for Repair Estimate (24 Hour Turnaround) Oil-Less Compressor Heads Item # BAT190 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT191 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT131 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT100 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT104 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT132 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT133 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAS110 Item # BAS130 Item # BAS120 Item # BAS121 Item # BAS141 AIR STAR AIR STAR AIR STAR .6KW Single Cylinder (Model 3) 230v 1.1KW 2 Cylinder (Model 2-2 / 5 / 7) 230v 1.5 HP 2 Cylinder (Model 21) 115v 1.5 HP 2 Cylinder (Model 22 / 50 / 70) 230v Item # B50045 Jun-Air Oil-Less Item # BJU100 Jun-Air Oil-Less Item # BTE155 Item # BTE156 TECH WEST TECH WEST 1.8 KW - 3 Cylinder Round Head Non-Vented 230v 1.1 KW - 3 Cylinder Round Head Non-Vented 9 Post - 230v (Model OF 302) 6.6 Amps 120v 9 1.8 KW - 3 Cylinder Round Head Vented 230v .85 KW - 2 Cylinder Round Head Vented 9 Post - 230v (Model OF 302) 3.8 Amps 240v Item # BAT102 AIR TECHNIQUES .85 KW - 2 Cylinder Round Head Non-Vented 6 Post - 230v .85 KW - 2 Cylinder Round Head Vented 6 Post - 230v (Model ACO2S1) (Vortex) 1 HP 2 Cylinder 115v Item # BAT103 AIR TECHNIQUES .85 KW - 2 Cylinder Round Head Non-Vented 9 Post - 230v 1.1 KW - 3 Cylinder Round Head Vented 6 Post - 230v AIR STAR (Model ACO2S2) ACO4D2 ACO6T2 (Vortex) 230v Item # BAT130 AIR TECHNIQUES 1.1 KW - 3 Cylinder Round Head Non-Vented 6 Post - 230v 1.1 KW - 3 Cylinder Round Head Vented 9 Post - 230v AIR STAR .6KW Single Cylinder (Model 30) 230v Bull Frog Motor Repair Services Call (800) 345-3745 for Repair Estimate (24 Hour Turnaround) Oil Type Compressor Heads Item # BCO100 Item # BCO102 Item # BCO122 COPELAND COPELAND COPELAND 1 HP Standard Repair 3/4 HP w/o Rings 230v (Subject to Availibility) (Subject to Availibility) Item # BCO126 Item # BCO127 COPELAND 1 HP COPELAND 1 HP Compressor Head w/ 20/20 Conversion and Control Box 230v, 7.2 amp Compressor Head w/ 20/20 Conversion and Control Box 115v Item # BHU110 Item # BHU111 PELTON & CRANE PELTON & CRANE Model Hustler Compressor Head 10 Standard Repair 3/4 HP w/o Rings 115v Model Hustler Compressor w/Motor 230v Compressor Head w/ 20/20 Conversion and Control Box 230v, 5 amp Item # BCO124 COPELAND 1 HP Compressor Head w/ 20/20 Conversion and Control Box 230v, 6.4 amp Item # BPE100 Item # BPE101 PELTON & CRANE PELTON & CRANE Model 420c (840c) Compressor Head 115v Model 420c (840c) Compressor Head 230v Item # BJU102 Jun-Air Item # BJU101 Jun-Air 115v 230v (Model 6) .54 HP (Model 6) .46 HP Full Compressor Units (Please call for availability—photos may vary) Item # BAS101 Item # BAS150 Item # BAS160 AIR STAR AIR STAR AIR STAR (Please call for availability) (Please call for availability) (Please call for availability) Item # BMI100 Item # BMI101 Item # BMI102 DentalEZ DentalEZ Compressor 2 HP 230v DentalEZ Compressor 1 HP 230v (Please call for availability) (Please call for availability) (Please call for availability) Air Star 2-2 Compressor Unit 230v Electric Motor Air Star 3 Compressor Unit 230v Air Star 5 Compressor Unit 230v Compressor 3 HP 230v Compressor Oils Com-Vac Oil Com-Vac is recommended for service in reciprocating (piston) and rotary (screw) type compressors and vacuum pumps. Com-Vac Qt./ 950 ml # B12117 TechVac Oil Item # BHU120 PELTON & CRANE Model Hustler Electric Motor 230v 11 TechVac is a superior performance synthetic lubricating oil where normal-to-severe conditions of load and temperature are present. 100% biocompatible, reduces sound. TechVac Qt./950ml # B12120 Dual Vacuum Units - Please Call for Availability Item # BDE190 Item # BAT122 AIR TECHNIQUES Item # BAT123 AIR TECHNIQUES Vac Star 5 Dual 1 HP 230v (Call for Availability) Vac Star 8 Dual 2 HP 230v (Call for Availability) Item # BDE201 Item # BDE202 Item # BDE200 DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ MC 202 2 HP Dual Unit 230v (Call for Availability) MC 201 Dual 1 HP 230v (Call for Availability) DentalEZ MC 201 1 HP Dual Unit 230v (Call for Availability) MC 202 Dual 2 HP 230v (Call for Availability) One-year warranty on all repairs Quick turnaround (5 Business Days) After Approval Safe and sure container shipping Item # BDS150 DENTSPLY MVS Dual 1.5 HP 230v (Call for Availability) 12 Bull Frog Motor Repair Services Quality work at a reasonable price Compressors Vacuum pumps Chair motors Exchange units Special shipping containers available Call (800) 345-3745 for Repair Estimate (24 Hour Turnaround) Turbines & Blowers - Please Call for Availability Item # BDE150 Item # BDE160 Item # BDE170 Item # BDE180 Item # BDE120 DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ DentalEZ (Subject to availability) (Subject to availability) (Model CD-202) 2 HP Turbine 230v Single Phase (Model CD-203) 3 HP Turbine 230v Single Phase (Model CD-205) 5 HP Turbine 230v 3 Phase (Model CD-207) 7.5 HP Turbine 230v 3 Phase (Model CD-210) 10 HP Turbine 230v 3 Phase (Subject to availability) (Subject to availability) Item # BMA115 Item # BTE157 Item # BTE158 Item # BTE159 Item # BTE160 Matrx TECH WEST TECH WEST TECH WEST TECH WEST (Dry Max) (Model 4000/8000) 1.75 HP 240v (Whisper Air) (Model VPD2S2) 1 HP 230v (Whisper Air) (Model VPD4D2) 1 HP 230v (Whisper Air) (Model VPD4S2) 1.75 HP 230v Item # BTE161 Item # BTE162 Item # BTE163 Item # BTE164 TECH WEST TECH WEST TECH WEST TECH WEST (Model CVP-3) 3 HP 230v Single Phase (Model CVP-5) 5 HP 230/460v 3 Phase (Model CVP-75) 7.5 HP 230/460v 3 Phase (Model CVP-10) 10 HP 230/460v 3 Phase (Subject to availability) (Model CVP-2) 2 HP 230v Single Phase Bull Frog Motor Repair Services Call (800) 345-3745 for Repair Estimate (24 Hour Turnaround) 13 Parts Item # B60022 Item # B60041 3/4 & 1HP Model- KAK4 and KAT4 Valve Plate Gasket Copeland Head Gasket Pelton & Crane Hustler Gasket Item # B60144 Pump Housing Gasket Dental-EZ 2 HP Gasket Item # B60024 Copeland Valve Plate Gasket 3/4 & 1HP Model-KAK4 and KAT4 Item # B60044 Pelton & Crane 420C Gasket Head Gasket Item # B60171 Pump Housing Gasket Dental-EZ 1 HP Item # B60025 Copeland Large End Bell Gasket 3/4 & 1HP Model -KAK4 and KAT4 Item # B60046 Pelton & Crane 420C Gasket Valve Plate Gasket Item # B60104 Vacuum Breaker 1/4” (Anti Siphon) Item # B60145 -3/8” (Anti Siphon) Item # B60027 Copeland Gasket Service Flange Gasket Item # B60116 Item # B60039 Pelton & Crane Hustler Gasket Head Gasket 14 Pump Housing Gasket MDX Matrx - 1HP Gasket Item # B60204 MDS Matrx - 2HP Gasket Item # B60155 Water Regulator 1/8” Female Inlet & Outlet Parts Water Solenoid Start Capacitor Item # B60365 1/8” Inlet & Outlet, 24v Item # B60056 1/8” Inlet & Outlet, 120v Item # B60375 1/8” Inlet & Outlet, 240v Item # B60219 Exhaust Muffler 3/4” Female Inlet & Outlet # B60190, 36-43 MFD (250v) # B60191, 53-64 MFD (250v) # B60106, 64-67 MFD (250v) # B60193, 72-88 MFD (250v) # B60194, 88-108 MFD(250v) # B60195, 108-130 MFD (250v) # B60196, 124-149 MFD (250v) # B60197, 130-156 MFD (250v) # B60198, 145-175 MFD (250v) # B60199, 161-193 MFD (250v) # B60661, 130-156 MFD (125v) # B60662, 145-175 MFD (125v) # B60660, 106-130 MFD (125v) Item #B60100 Solids Collector Item # B60118 3/4” Female Inlet & Outlet Item # B60366 1” Female Inlet & Outlet Item # B60367 1-1/4” Female Inlet & Outlet Vacuum Gauge Bottom Mount 1/4” with 2” Dial Item #B60102 # B60663, 161-193 MFD (125v) Vacuum Gauge # B60664, 189-227 MFD (125v) Rear Mount 1/8”with 1 1/2” Dial # B60665, 216-259 MFD (125v) # B60666, 243-292 MFD (125v) # B60667, 300-360 MFD (125v) # B60668, 400-480 MFD (125v) # B60669, 460-552 MFD (125v) # B60670, 590-708 MFD (125v) # B60671, 708-849 MFD (125v) Pressure Switch Air Water Separator Single Pump. Item # B60340 Standard 1/4” Female Item # B60344 High Amp 1/4”Female Item # B60218 Vacuum Relief Valve Item #B60129 1/2” Item # B60217 Run Capacitor # B60206, 10 UF (370v) # B60207, 20 UF (370v) # B60208, 40 UF (370v) # B60209, 45 UF (370v) 15 Air Water Separator Dual Pump. Item #B60373 Item #B60202 3/4” 1” Sales Representatives Territory Contact Kentucky Ohio New York (Western) Pennsylvania (Western) West Virginia Joe Boris Alaska Idaho Oregon Washington Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Oklahoma Texas Cell: Fax: Email: Phone: (503) 524-6902 Cell: (503) 579-0589 Fax: (503) 709-2604 Email:[email protected] Tracy Broders Cell: (503) 332-3106 Fax: (503) 579-0589 Email:[email protected] Bob Burke Cell: (972) 342-8146 Email:[email protected] Aaron Srader Phone: (409) 201-3707 Email:[email protected] Dick Christensen Cell: (916) 718-1300 Fax: (916) 933-6703 Email:[email protected] Illinois Wisconsin Gordon Jennings Delaware Maryland New Jersey (Southern) Pennsylvania (Eastern) Virginia Washington DC Steve Marshall Cell: Fax: Email: (410) 459-1240 (240) 209-1099 [email protected] South Atlantic Southeast Arkansas Georgia North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Patrick Rouillard California (Southern) Neal Schiff Ph./Fax: (818) 360-7645 Cell: (818) 371-9563 Email:[email protected] Kansas Missouri Nebraska Doug Schroeder Phone: (636) 561-7776 Cell: (314) 422-0061 Fax: (978) 774-0759 Email:[email protected] Iowa Minnesota North Dakota South Dakota Les Humes Northern Plains Phone: (800) 345-3745 Fax: (360) 546-3854 Email: [email protected] Florida Chris Collins Cell: (407) 435-5150 Email:[email protected] Alabama Mississippi Les Humes Cell: Email: (978) 317-2002 [email protected] Southern California Southern Plains Mid-West Phone: (248) 258-5896 Cell: (586) 980-1852 Fax: (480) 924-0264 Email:[email protected] Phone: (800) 537-3848 Cell: (847) 337-9054 Fax: (847) 540-6019 Email:[email protected] Paul Rouillard Florida Rocky Mountains Phone: (303) 325-5014 Cell: (602) 451-6864 Fax: (720) 306-4432 Email:[email protected] Jeff Knudson Contact Northern California Ben Daniels Indiana Michigan Conneticut Massachusetts New Hamphire New Jersey (Northern) New York (Eastern) Rhode Island Vermont Southwest Tina Wright Cell: (903) 450-5139 Email:[email protected] Arizona Colorado Montana New Mexico Utah Wyoming Northwest Dan Broders California (Northern) Hawaii Nevada (Northern) Mid-Atlantic (330) 881-9181 (330) 266-7991 [email protected] Territory Mid-West Canada Ontario New Foundland New Brunswick Prince Edwards Island Nova Scotia Alberta British Columbia Manitoba N.W. Territory Saskatchewan Yukon Territory Phone: (800) 345-3745 Fax: (360) 546-3854 Email:[email protected] Deep South Michel Casault Eastern Canada Roger Beaulieu Western Canada Ph./Fax: (613) 830-5375 Cell: (613) 769-5415 Email: [email protected] Phone: (604) 421-7323 Fax: (604) 421-7340 Email: [email protected] New England Phone: (978) 774-6338 Cell: (978) 852-5226 Email: [email protected] BullFrog Motor Repair Division 441 - A 19th Street SE Hickory, NC 28602 Tel: (800) 345-3745 / (828) 624-3330 Fax: (800) 573-9392 / (828) 624-3342 Email: [email protected] Performance You Can Count On! www.hagerworldwide.com
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