Week of July 17, 2016
Week of July 17, 2016
CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION 360 BRAY STATION ROAD • COLLIERVILLE, TN 38017 OFFICE: (901) 853-7468 Fax (901) 854-0536 AFTER HOURS EMERGENCY ONLY (901) 861-0842 www.incarnationchurch.com July 17, 2016 16 Sunday in Ordinary Time th REV.ERNIE DEBLASIO, PASTOR [email protected] MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Vigil:……5:00 PM Saturday, Main Sanctuary Sundays: ……….. 8:00 AM, 10:30AM, 12:15 PM Main Sanctuary Weekdays:……….8:15 AM - St. Therese of Lisieux Chapel NURSERY AVAILABLE: Sat., 5:00 PM Mass and Sun., 10:30 AM Mass PARISH OFFICE: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM INCARNATION MISSION STATEMENT “To bring Christ, The Eucharist, and the Sacraments to every parishioner so that they may become Disciples to the Collierville community” FOSTERING STEWARDSHIP AS A WAY OF LIFE PRAYERS NEEDED PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE IN THE HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME OR RECUPERATING AT HOME: Joe & Helen Behan, Mariah Bordelon, Richard Bork, Janet Bowens, Joann Buie, Terri Burton, Mike Carrasco, Tom Cassidy, Helen Connors, Mary Couture, Joyce Crockett, Martha Ewing, Edward Farrell, Beverlee Feder, Joan Ford, Tom Gagliano, Stephen Grgas, Carolyn Harbert, Diana Keeven, Chris Kennedy, Noel & Yvonne Kiefer, Newman Kimbrough, Betty Kimbrough, Judee King, Angela Koenig, Helen Mariano, Christopher Lester, Bettye Lucchesi, Henry McCrary, Dee Maxted, Charles Mitchell, George Newhart, Jane Quesnel, Lisa Rolin, Viola Rossetti, Susie Russell, Barbara Santi, Cynthia & Ron Scharf, Karen Seelig, Ellie Seng, Mil Shirley, Rose Silvestri, Dorothy Sitton, Billy Sparrenberger, Hal Stansbury, Jean Straub, Frank Tarena, Ellen Tedford, Sandra Tice, Connie Umstad, Yvette Wakefield, Alice Wallace, Cecilia Washatka, Mary West, Marge White, Alice Wood, Nellie Yarbrough, and Rita Zerbe. Please pray for the repose of the souls of Johann DePriore and Marvin Jones, father of Gayla Strafuss. MASS SCHEDULE July 16 - July 24, 2016 SAT. 7/16 Our lady of Mt. Carmel SUN. 7/17 8:15 AM EDWARD & MARIE TURK - Requested by E. J. Turk, Jr. 5:00 PM CALEB SHAFFER Huelsing 8:00 AM PARISHIONERS OF INCARNATION 10:30 AM ANGIE GAGLIANO Requested by T & T. Gagliano 12:15 PM THOMAS & CHRISTINA JACK - Requested by Robilio & Jack Families MON. 7/18 8:15 AM St. Camillus de Lillis, Priest GERALD C. KING Requested by G. Jasina TUES. GREG DELIRA Requested by L. Delira 7/19 8:15 AM WED. 7/20 8:15 AM St. Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr MILTON MORTON Requested by M. Morton THUR. 7/21 8:15 AM St. lawrence of Brindisi< APriest PAT BOYER— Requested by S. Walters FRI. 7/22 St. Mary Magdalene, BVM 8:15 AM EDWARD & MARIE TURK Requested by E. Turk, JR. SAT. 7/23 St. Bridget, Religious 8:15 AM INTENTIONS OF HELEN CONNORS -Requested by M. Wilson 5:00 PM KINNA/DOHERTY FAMILY - Requested by A. Doherty 8:00 AM JANET MARGLE Requested by M. & K. Rybczyk 10:30 AM PARISHIONERS OF INCARNATION 12:15 PM JAMES BOWENS Requested by J. Bowens SUN. 7/24 THIS WEEK AT INCARNATION July 17 - July 24, 2016 SUNDAY, JULY 17 2:00 - 7:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL PRACTICE - GYM 7:00 - 9:00 PM - ADULT VOLLEYBALL - GYM MONDAY, JULY 18 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - ANGEL KNITTERS - MH 6:00 - 7:30 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL PRACTICE - GYM 7:00 - 8:30 PM - BOY SCOUT TROOP #331 - FH, LIBRARY 7:30 - 9:00 PM - MEN’S BASKETBALL - GYM TUESDAY, JULY 19 6:00 - 9:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL PRACTICE - GYM 6:30 - 7:30 PM - CUB SCOUT PACK #331 - EB 200 - 205 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 9:00 - 10:00 AM - WED MORNING PRAYER GRP - CHAP 6:30 - 9:00 PM - SHINE GROUP - MEETING ROOM THURSDAY, JULY 21 6:00 - 9:00 PM - YOUTH BASKETBALL PRACTICE - GYM FRIDAY, JULY 22 6:45 - 7:45 AM - FISHERS OF MEN - MH, KITCHEN SATURDAY, JULY 23 6:45 - 8:00 AM - MEN’S CURSILLO - MH, KITCHEN 9:30 - 10:00 AM - BAPTISM: RENA DEARBORN Welcome To Our Parish Jerry & Mary Lou Ables; Diane Allen; Mary Dwyer; Jason & Tina Ennocenti and sons, Joel & James; Salvador & Karen Herrera and daughter, Eva; Tim & Anna O’Hare and sons, Timothy & Braden; Raul & Otilia Rodriguez; Justin & Brenda Smith and son, Matthew; and Johnny Thompson INCARNATION CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 4K - 8th (901) 853-7804; Michael Zientek, Principal Monday - Friday; 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM PRESCHOOL: (901) 861-5414; Mrs. Malerie Young Director/Asst. Prin. Monday through Friday, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: (901) 853-0135; Mrs. Lea Weaver, DRE (901) 850-2696; Mrs. Rebecca Talarico, DYM Monday - Friday; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 PM or by appointment BAPTISMS: Baptismal Preparation Class required for parents and godparents. Call Parish Office to arrange a date and time for baptism and for the date and time of the next Baptismal Class. WEDDINGS: Pre-Cana required. Contact Parish Office four to six months prior to planned date. FUNERALS: Arranged at the convenience of the family. NEW PARISHIONERS: Registration forms are available in both narthexes. Please fill out and drop in the collection basket. Welcome! Pastor PARISH STAFF Rev. Ernie DeBlasio Deacons: Miles Merwin 596-1791 Robert Walker 229-1218 Parish Admin. Steve Signaigo 853-7468x301 Admin. Asst. Geralyn Jasina 853-7468x303 Accountant Suzi Luciano 853-7468x312 Acct. Asst. Tara Walter 853-7468x304 Webmaster Dani Shirley 853-7468x300 853-7468x305 Facilities Mgr. Vince Brocato 412-4277 Maint. Asst. 828-7731 Grant Pauly Sound Engineer Matt Signaigo 598-1474 Security Bobby Oelke 218-9933 Music Kevin & Bethany Paige 615-336-0686 It is Christ whom we proclaim, admonishing everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. - Colossians 1:28b PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION: Register now for the 2016-17 year. Classes are available for 3yr- 8th grade, RCIC, High School Confirmation Prep, and Special Needs. Registration forms are on the Church website or may be picked up in the PRE office. We will be assigning classes and getting supplies over the next few months so register now! There is a $25 late fee if you register after July 31. PRE Start DATES: SUNDAY, AUGUST 21 AND WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24. FAITH: the Next Generation...PASS IT ON! Boldly go where many have gone before and help pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith! This fall, over 450 children, preschool through grade 12, will sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. YOU can help by becoming a catechist or assistant catechist. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! We provide you with training, materials and support. Contact the PRE office to find out more! ADULT FAITH FORMATION Have you been coming to Mass and have questions about the Catholic Faith? Join us on Thursday evenings and learn what it means to be a Catholic. You will get to know people just like you who are exploring their faith and on the path to becoming fully initiated. The meetings offer insight into Bible teachings, what Mass is all about, the Eucharist, the Virgin Mary and much more. RCIA gives you the opportunity to ask all of your questions about the church in an open and honest environment. A new group is about to begin. Text or call Andy McNutt at (901) 486-5199 or email [email protected] for more information. Do You Know About Social Ministry? SOCIAL MINISTRY OFFICE: Located in the Ministry House, call 850-7374; or e-mail: [email protected]. Open Mon-Fri., 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM. After hour calls will be returned the next work day. Care Ministers are available to work with those persons/families, parishioners and residents of the Collierville community to help identify and coordinate parish and community resources. PARISH HEALTH MINISTRY: Can supply answers to your medical and health care concerns and loan out medical items (wheelchair, crutches, etc.). Contact the Social Ministry Office at 850-7374. HELPING HANDS: Is an emergency help group who provide meals for families dealing with a crisis situation. Contact the Social Ministry Office at 850-7374. MINISTRY TO THE SICK: “Is there anyone among you sick?” Please call the Social Ministry Office 8507374 to inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, or ill and is not able to attend Mass. Ministry to the Sick Ministers will visit on a regular basis and provide the Sacrament of Communion at home. Notify the Parish Office or Social Ministry Office when someone is hospitalized or residing in a Health Care Facility. Due to federal laws, this is the only way we are aware of a need for a visit by a priest or a lay minister. TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: For those in need of transportation to church services, doctor appointments, grocery stores, etc. To request this service or to volunteer contact the Social Ministry Office at 850-7374. SPECIAL NEEDS COMMITTEE: Is in the process of forming programs and activities to meet the needs of persons with disabilities in our parish. If you are a parent, guardian or loved one; or just desire to be involved with this ministry, contact Social Ministry at 850-7374 or email to [email protected]. MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH GIRLS VOLLEYBALL: Its time to register for girls volleyball. Parishioners and students at ICS in grades 5-8 only may participate. Every year Incarnation has one of the top programs in the league. Come join and see what the fun is about. The season starts in early August. Go to the Incarnation website and find Parish Athletics in the Community Life section to find out more info or to register. You can also register by going to http:// sports.bluesombrero.com/incarnation. For information contact Athletic Director Ted Bacon at 901-246-7205 or [email protected]. Prayer, Ministry, and Finance Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life Sacrificial Giving Summary 2016-2017 "Give and it shall be given to you. Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over, will they pour into the fold of your garment. For the measure you measure with will be measured back to you" (Luke 6:38) July 2 & 3,2016 Offertory Maintenance Total Operations Weekly Goal $27,000 $2,000 $29,000 Contributed $29,492 $403 $29,895 $6,923 $12,631 $19,554 $7,734 $5,496 $13,230 Debt Retirement Funding Our Faith Total Debt Service Offertory Maintenance Total Operations Debt Retirement Funding Our Faith Total Debt Service YTD ConYTD Goal tributions $27,000 $29,492 $2,000 $403 $29,000 $29,895 $6,923 $12,631 $19,554 Total Parish Debt Balance as of 06/2016 $7,734 $5,496 $13,230 $2,928,30 0.45 Thank you for your giving. You are helping us to carry out Christ's mission and ministry. Jubilee Year of Mercy Sunday, July 17, 2016 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Last Sunday’s “Good Samaritan” parable concluded with Jesus’ command: Go provide hands-on mercy to the next person you meet, no conditions, no limits, no exceptions. But today, Jesus seems to criticize Martha’s hands-on mercy of hospitality, while praising Mary’s “hands -off” as “choosing the better part” (Luke 10:42). Mary sat listening (10:39), leaving Martha “burdened with much serving by herself” (10:40). So, is the contemplative life of prayerful silence “superior,” but the active life of earning a living, raising a family, running parishes, schools, hospitals, and social service ministries “second-class” discipleship? No; Jesus’ example is not either/or but both/and: silent communion with God, boundless compassion for people. If we do not seek Jesus in silent prayer, how will we find Jesus in all others? If we do not serve Jesus in others, will our worship, despite its beauty, be anything but empty ritual? This Jubilee Year of Mercy offers us Jesus’ two-fold challenge: both “go and do” and “sit and listen INCARNATION PRESCHOOL Malerie Young, Assistant Principal/ Director of Preschool 901-861-5414, office [email protected] www.goics.org/preschool/ The 2016-2017 school year is coming soon. Visit the Preschool website or office for more information about the upcoming year or to schedule a tour. Act quickly because classes are filling. CAN CATHOLICS BE CREMATED? In 1963 the Vatican lifted the ban on cremation. It is now an acceptable practice for Catholics. In 1997, the Vatican approved new liturgical norms allowing for the cremated remains to be present at a funeral Mass and the remains are to be treated with the same reverence as a whole body in a casket. Spreading the cremated ashes is still forbidden. “ROSARY for HEALING”: Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in St. Therese Chapel 6:30 - 7:00 PM. All are welcome. SCRIPTURE STUDY: The Holy Spirit is one of the main actors in the Gospel of Luke. He is active in the Incarnation of the Son of God and he is with Jesus throughout his public life. TRAVELING VIRGIN OF FATIMA STATUES The small statue is at the home of Andrea McKee this week. If you would like to have a Traveling Virgin Statue at your home for a week please contact Lois Crosby at 221-8679. RENT-A-TEEN FUNDRAISER Does your yard need to be raked? Does your house need to be cleaned? Incarnation Teens are here to help! Call the Office of Youth Ministry at (901)850-2696 to schedule a teen to help you. Donations accepted for jobs. No job too big or small. (No power tools or ladders, please.) PARISH TREE OF LIFE: Keep our tree growing! The brochure by the tree tells how you can participate. Incarnation Athletics is on Twitter! Follow us @ COTI_Athletics for the latest information on sports activities. What makes us smile at Incarnation Catholic School? CATHOLIC EDUCATION! Join Us It’s not too late! Please contact Stacy Pepper at 853.7804 or [email protected] to schedule a tour. CHILDREN’S CORNER Ministries and Contacts Altar Servers Fr. Ernie 853-7468 Altar Society Mary Lou Reed 854-5539 Angel Knitters Audrey Bradham 853-9825 Angel Quilters Susan Brack 853-2125 Athletics Ted Bacon 850-9242 Boy Scouts Chuck Martin 497-0108 Breast Cancer Support Cecilia Melancon 854-4985 Career Support Bob Reilly 378-1818 Children of Mary Sara Dockstader 512-348-9442 Co-Directors of Music Kevin & Bethany Paige 615-336-0686 Church Nursery Kimberly McNutt 850-1277 Coffee Bar Ministry Cheryl Carroll 262-0625 Columbian Squires Michael Pratt 854-0004 Cub Scouts John Dockstader 512-592-1123 ESL Wilson Parma 786-3220 Eucharistic Ministers Fr. Ernie 853-7468 Fishers of Men Peter Daunais 861-7349 Food Angels Social Ministry 850-7374 Food Pantry Social Ministry 850-7375 Grief Ministry Betty Llewellyn 854-2739 Mary Beth Trouy 853-1819 Greeters Deb Connors 461-3117 Cathi Mueller 221-8326 Health Ministry Missy Feyerherm 485-5122 Hospitality Chair Elena Ross 850-9677 Host Family Lois Crosby 221-8679 Incarnation Girl Scouts Maggie Myers 861-2285 LAY MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR JULY 23 & 24, 2016 MINISTRY TO THE SICK: B. & M.B. TROUY; B. SPEROFF, D. & G. STRAFUSS; D. WALKER. ALTAR SERVERS: 5:00 PM B. & P. DLABAJ, Z. DAVENPORT 8:00 AM O. BRODEUR, M. BERSOZA, 1 CASWELL E. COVEY, C. POSEY, P. PFEIFFER, A. RUSSELL 10:30 AM 12:15 PM D. ROGERS, A. CERVANTES, J. MICHELETTI 5:00 PM T. & K. DLABAJ LECTORS: 8:00 AM J. & A. WINTERRROWD 10:30 AM S. VILLANE; L. COVEY 12:15 PM M. WAUGESPACK, M. KIEHN, L. SCULLY USHERS: 5:00 PM T. MARTIN, H. BRAUNINGER, M. ZWIRLEIN, L. ROSSI 8:00 AM K. BOWEN, B. MURPHY, O. AMANN, L. CABE 10:30 AM M. LINDSEY, J. VAN DU VUURST, S. SCHUBERT, J. TARSI 12:15 PM M. WAGUESPACK, M. KIEHN, L. SCULLY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION: 5:00 PM 8:00 AM B C. SAENGER, D. YOUNG, G. JASINA BL. M. DLABAJ, R. PARR, VOLUNTEER, L. SAENGER; J. & R. NOESEN B D. LLEWELLYN, A. REVES, K. LENZ BL 10:30 AM B BL. 12:15 PM B. BL. K. SHARP, R. BERSOZA, G. AMANN, G & D. GOODIN, B. LLEWELLYN A. RYAN, B. REED, K. BRYSON, C. HURDLE, L. SILIGATO, R. TALARICO K. MAY, J. REVES, R. TALARICO, C. & C. TIEGELMANN, M.B. TOWNSEND, B. BERNARD , K. BAIONI G. MAIDEN, VOLUNTEER, C. NEWBERN J. SCULLY, S. SWAIN REMINDERS: • All Lay Ministers and Altar Servers must sign-in 15 minutes before mass! Sacristans are to fill all empty spaces at that time. If you are unable to serve, it is your responsibility to get a sub. • When a Deacon (or Seminarian) is present, he replaces #1 Body. Ministries and Contacts ICS Home & School Sherrie Goodwin 292-2634 Allison Waggoner 870-6835 In Mary’s Arms Kimberly McNutt 850-1277 Knights of Columbus Robbie Atkins 517-0024 Ladies Cursillo Noreen Ford 853-3501 Lectors Fr. Ernie 853-7468 Men’s Cursillo Steve Signaigo 598-7739 Ministry to the Sick Vicky Goodin 853-9107 Lee Handwerker 854-8502 Moms & Tots Kimberly McNutt 850-1277 Parish Religious Education Lea Weaver 853-0135 Perpetual Adoration John & Mia Leoni 861-7189 Project Outreach Delana Lynch 861-6358 Respect Life Catherine Pfeifer - 268-4761 Rosary for Healing Butch & Kathy Ryan 854-6609 Sacristans Kimberly Mac Feggan 494-6810 Barbara Cornwell 853-6241 Scripture Study Barbara Cornwell 853-6241 Senior Citizens (55+ Young at Heart) Lee Handwerker 854-8502 Small Faith Community Marsha Keller 230-0654 Social Ministry Jenny Fehrenbacher, Director 850-7374 Spring Festival, Chair Elizabeth Romagni 954-629-2806 Stewardship Commission Charles Sevier 850-5089 Traveling Virgin of Fatima Lois Crosby 221-8679 Ushers Scott Rozanski 854-9500 Wed. Morn. Prayer Group Mary Lee Morton 853-6908 Welcome Bread Lois Crosby 221-8679 Youth (BASIC & Teens) Ministry Rebecca Talarico 850-2696 FLOCKNOTES Did you miss out on our Flocknote Network? Just Text-toJoin! • Text: INCARNATION • To: 84576 • Hit Send • Follow Prompts 84576 INCARNATION RESPECT LIFE: This weeks rose is in honor of Steven & Rachel Williams wedding. If you would like to sponsor a rose, please contact: Catherine Pfeifer at 268-4761. PERPETUAL ADORATION: All are welcome to adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for as long (or short time) as they like. The Blessed Sacrament Chapel is off of the old Narthex and the door is marked and closed to help keep the noise out. Just come in! In order to ensure that Jesus is attended 24/7 we have weekly scheduled adorers who attend to our Lord. If you would like to become a weekly adorer or a substitute please call us. There are plenty of daytime hours as well as late night hours where we could use a second weekly adorer. There are 4 hours in need of a scheduled weekly adorer: Sun at 3:00 PM, Fri. 7:00 PM, Sat. at 3:00 AM (1x/mo.) & 9:00 AM; Would you consider keeping the Birthright Needs: girls onesies & sleepers size Lord company for one of the holy hours? …even if you can commit short term, that’s okay. Please contact John or Mia Leoni at 861-7189. DIOCESAN NEWS NOTRE DAME 5TH ANNUAL SPEAKER SERIES MARRIAGE & FAMILY: All sessions: 7:00 - 9:00 PM including Q. & A. at. St. Francis Hosp. Auditorium: • Mon., July 18 - “Holy Matrimony: Why the Sacramentality of Marriage Matters”, Dr. Michael Pahls. • Mon., July 25 - “Communion in Marriage” - Fr. Ben Bradshaw. ST. ANN CATHOLIC SCHOOL BARTLETT: has an opening for a Part-time Music/Choir Teacher. Must be professionally trained in teaching music to students in grades PK-8 with a Bachelor’s degree in Music preferred, five ye ars te aching e xpe r ie nce (elementary school preferred) and current TN teaching credentials/ license. An application from www.cdom.org and click on department, human resources, resources, Send to Director of Human Resources, 5825 Shelby Oaks. 38134 CBHS FOOTBALL SUMMER CAMPOFFENSIVE LINE SPECIALTY CAMP: For boys entering grades 5-8. 3 Sessions: July 17 5-7 PM; July 24 5-7 PM; July 31 5-7 PM. Cost $30/session For more info contact Coach Brandon Pearce at [email protected] or Coach Dale Dunlap at [email protected] Catholic Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee encourages all victims or parents of minors who are victims of sexual abuse by a priest, deacon, diocesan employee or agent to report such abuse by phoning any of the following: TN Child Abuse Hot Line 1-877-237-0004 Memphis Victim Assistance Coordinator Shari Lee - 652-4066 ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: is celebrating 60 years of serving the people of God. We invite all former parishioners, former students and current parishioners to join us Mon., July 25, 2016, at 4:00 PM for Mass followed by a reception. Contact St. James parish office 767-8672. Office of Child & Youth Protection Dr. Jim Latta - 359-2027 MINISTRY TO THE SICK TRAINING: Sat., August 6, Catholic Center, 5825 Shelby Oaks Drive, Memphis. Please send a competed registration form signed by the pastor by August 1, 2016. Forms are available at the Parish Office. You will be trained on how to bring compassion, communion and become sacramental presence of Christ for those sick and home bound. Networking assistance, emphasizing effective tools and techniques for a job search, led by Bob Reilly of our parish. Weekly roundtable meets every Diocesan H.R. Director Sandra Goldstein, 373-1257 All reports will be treated confidentially. CAREER SUPPORT MINISTRY Wednesday morning, 6:30-8:30 AM at Holy Spirit Church. Contact Bob at 3781818. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE WITH YOUR PARISH FAMILY & OUR VISITORS IN THIS BULLETIN. Michael Paulson, 351-9638 Bulletin # 012008 Catholic Church of the Incarnation 360 Bray Station Road Collierville, TN 38017 10 regular pages
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